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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QRMainGraphic.jpg)

7ccf30  No.2687325

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of force only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Integrity, for in Truth lies Victory.

Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 08.21.18

>>>/patriotsfight/172 ————————- The Great Awakening (Cap: >>2685833 )

Monday 08.20.18

>>>/patriotsfight/171 ————————- Nothing to See Here (Cap: >>2677514 )

>>2674220 rt >>2674099 ——————- SESSIONS HINTS TO TRUST THE PLAN!

>>>/patriotsfight/170 ————————- [Movie 1] Showtime. ( Cap: >>2674083 )

>>>/patriotsfight/169 ————————- [Movie 1] Showtime. (had an error, deleted; Cap: >>2674178 ; Cap of both: >>2674392 )

Sunday 08.19.18

>>>/patriotsfight/168 ------------------------- [Cause] & [Effect] (Repost: >>2668232)

>>>/patriotsfight/167 ------------------------- Define 'Projection'... 'Narcissist' (cap: >>2667561 )

Thursday 08.16.18

>>2636358 rt >>2635778 ——————- Timelines change. Watch the budget

>>2634959 rt >>2634937 ——————- UK has problems

>>2634937 rt >>2634794 ——————- Badge of honor - military grade

>>2634368 ————————————– Ref to McCann was not intended

>>2634253 rt >>2634140 ——————- Why did the Podesta Group close?

>>2633895 rt >>2633829, >>2633830 -- Within a week of the last "BOOM" set?

>>2633717 rt >>2633643 ——————- Remember, 'conspiracy' friends, LARPS have access to a full stock of 'original' surveillance photos.

>>2633643 rt >>2633258 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2632125 ————————————– What are shovels used for?

>>2631586 ————————————– PEOPLE must unite to clean out these old institutions.

>>>/patriotsfight/166 ------------------------- Another wave of attacks? (cap: >>2631072 )

>>2630332 rt >>2630212 ——————- Caps of PF #164, #165

>>>/patriotsfight/165 ------------------------- What a coincidence! (Caps: >>2630191 )

>>>/patriotsfight/164 ------------------------- Patriots in control. (Cap: >>2629907 )

>>2628837 rt >>2628758 & >>2628768 Hooah! ; ES = @Snowden (re: >>2628352 )

>>>/patriotsfight/163 ------------------------- What happens if FISA fails or “signers” cannot be trusted? (Cap: >>2628741 )

>>2628569 rt >>2627887 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2628352 ————————————– Ask yourself simple questions.

>>2628219 rt >>2628080 ——————- Drops equate to reaction/action?

>>2628048 rt >>2627990 ——————- For anyone questioning if [XBOX] happened or not.

>>2627887 ————————————– Anyone has problems w/ their “XBOX Live” accounts…?

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

7ccf30  No.2687326


are not endorsements


>>2573462 , >>2573531 Archives have been updated: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)

#3392 Bread OP: >>2686600

>>2686686, >>2686734 Lisa Bars "fact-checked" by Soros Snopes. Not true. So we know it is true

>>2687129 ^ Rush chimes in on "internet purging" that Soros Snopes says is false ^

>>2686714 Rod Rosenstein's Sister Nancy Messonnier, M.D. works at CDC

>>2686782 POTUS Letter to ICE and CBP

>>2686897 The Clinton Foundation Charity Fraud, Shell Companies & 2014 Tax Return

>>2686906 Venezuelans get Math Lesson from Government, currency linked to crypto

>>2687123, >>2687126 Creation of Steele Dossier (Diggable, not really sauced)

>>2686996 Comet Pingpong, Ping Pong at Standard Hotel, and Ping Pong Free Press

>>2687319 3392

#3391 Bread OP: >>2685812

>>2685857 Q's PF172 Reddit Link Cap

>>2686023 Original source of Q's PF172 reddit link

>>2686000 Charles Tawil FBI/CIA Asset and George Papadopoulos 10K Sting Op Theory

>>2686067 A version of the Reddit link was in notables earlier in the month

>>2686224 Jenny Moore, WJC sex crime investigator's death in OAN FBI i'view

>>2686259 Trust the plan explanatory Graphic

>>2686305 Kavanaugh Memo-for-record on RR being shut out of V. Foster's murder matters

>>2686338, >>2686353 Comey plus C's Global Initiative times CF equals fuckery

>>2686008 Pastebin Link to Q's PF172 without extra line breaks

>>2686497 Invite-only Uplifters Ranch linked to Heather Podesta?

>>2686509 March 2018 Lisa Bars write up

>>2686596 #3391

#3390 New Baker Bread OP: >>2684983

>>2685109, >>2685153, >>2685175 Amazon news: health care, retail, & gov't contracts

>>2685116 Geoengineering Could Lead To Lower Crop Yields: New Study

>>2685229, >>2685557, >>2685637 Tycoon&Fam killed in seaplane crash has left £41 million to Oxfam

>>2685206, >>2685244 New POTUS tweet nod to ES & voting tech?

>>2685282 Good compilation of Soros fuckery in Social Media conservative censorship plan

>>2685114, >>2685384 USN helos buzz Green Bay Packers in surprise flyover... Intent unknown

>>2685480, >>2685482 Latest POTUS twatts

>>2685556 When they're not having sex with them, they make the children tend the marijuana

>>2685574 MuhRussia! not working according to Gallup

>>2685686, >>2685697 Hussein out politicking

>>2685837 #3390


>>2684372 Hannity Leaks to Audience There Is a Sequence of Emails That Prove Brennan Is Lying About Dossier

>>2684243 (lb) Anon gives plausible decode of London Photo and Q's "Smile" to Comey

>>2684416, >>2684423 No coincidences: TOUCHSTONE & Brennan's Muzlim Treason

>>2684685 Moar Touchstone - Mueller & Hussein

>>2684569 [[[HRC]]] to Host Three DNC Fundraisers

>>2684585 Judge that just allowed Mack out is same judge that blocked POTUS' rollback of DACA + BC appointee

>>2684705 Was Strzok stung by his Papadopoulos sting?

>>2684565, >>2684798 Anon theory on Sea-Tac Q400/Rich Russel transcript + Who is Andrew?

>>2684882 Symbolism: Aerial view of the Creative Artist's Agency (CAA)

>>2684007 (lb) Fishing is Fun: Steve and Marjorie Harvey Foundation - Dig Moar

>>2684961 #3389


>>2683531 RNC $100 million ahead of DNC after another record-breaking month of fundraising

>>2683587 Trump Urges Senate to Pass Bill That Would Crack Down on Illicit Opioid Shipments

>>2683654 Brennan Denies Dossier Allegations, but Congress Wants Answers

>>2683676 Planefag update

>>2683784 Court approves Allison Mack’s request to get a job, go to school and church

>>2683666, >>2683818, >>2683862, >>2683885, >>2683918, >>2684097 Comey-FBI-Touchstone Digs

>>2683913, >>2683970 Reddit Outage Update: Most of East Coast Now Affected

>>2683972 US Army/Inscom Organizational Diagrams + Graphics

>>2684090 John Brennan Claims He Was Only Aware of Russia Dossier Because it Was in Media Reports

>>2684200 #3388

Previously Collected Notables

>>2682833 #3385, >>2682841 #3386, >>2683472 #3387

>>2679507 #3382, >>2680287 #3383, >>2681039 #3384

>>2677207 #3379, >>2677996 #3380, >>2678724 #3381

>>2674827 #3376, >>2675611 #3377, >>2676437 #3378

>>2676196 #3373, >>2676402 #3374, >>2674036 #3375

>>2670160 #3370, >>2670947 #3371, >>2671734 #3372

>>2667762 #3367, >>2668525 #3368, >>2670329 #3369

>>2665422 #3364, >>2668534 #3365, >>2667666 #3366

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

7ccf30  No.2687327

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————- >>2660102

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

>>870846 — The Letter Q - Printable Q Graphics

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 – META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 – QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 – New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 – Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>2178691 – A Project to Create Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject

>>1739215 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>1420554 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>32223 —– Qs Chess Game

>>618758 — Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 — Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 – Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2529066 – No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#38 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>2677671

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

( more at >>>/comms/283 )

7ccf30  No.2687328

QPosts Archive Sites

* Q Clearance Archive:


QMap Mirrors

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* How to archive a website offline >>974637

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>2516402

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>870846 The Letter Q

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

27 >>2466904 26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ---------- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.NewsAnon --------------------- https://qanon.news/Archive

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Q NEEDS YOU! NEW BAKERS REQUIRED! Read this: >>2438883

7ccf30  No.2687330

Dough 3393


7ccf30  No.2687331

Through acclamation, Baker has left the kitchen.

New Baker Required

Kitchen is empty.

BO/BV need to choose a new baker.

b07ef6  No.2687340

Assholes ran the Baker out. Well done Shills. Be proud.

71d259  No.2687354

Baker has had a long ass night (one of many), he deserves a good rest. A couple anons teamed up about the titles of notables and escalated the fuck out of it for most of the bread. The baker did fine as far as we're concerned and has been doing good for the many months he has been baking for us.

Have a good night/morning baker, keep up the good work. Don't worry about leaving the dough, we'll have another baker tag in soon.

ca92b2  No.2687375

Thank you for your contributions baker. Anyone else up to the task? I'm on shift at work right now and cant even if I knew how.

efb109  No.2687383

File: 27f5b42fd4c4551⋯.png (225.75 KB, 1094x521, 1094:521, ClipboardImage.png)


New Congressional Report posted yesterday on oversight.gov….'OPERATION FREEDOM'S SENTINEL: REPORT TO THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS' (APRIL 1, 2018-JUNE 30, 2018)


Q post 11/30/17 mentioned ASIA FOUNDATION


Link to report:


4ea7c9  No.2687400

File: 538ed79a3536438⋯.jpg (31.07 KB, 443x349, 443:349, reee.jpg)


4ea7c9  No.2687401


anons dont attack baker we just deal unless its fucked up info..

divide and conquer

7832a5  No.2687407


The DS might have dirt on him and threatened him. He's been stalling on investigations for months.

aad045  No.2687409



at the bottom of the research:

DO YOUR PART IN PLASTERING THIS INFORMATION EVERYWHERE …. it’s bullet proof and cannot be blown off by leftists … and will convince many not paying attention that we have a soft coup happening now..

024b3a  No.2687414

Q surely knows that autistic anons are going to a dig on all of his drops. This reddit thread has been posted, and reposted more times than I have been able to compile. For any anons looking for a dig, this is it! Why the reposts? Surely credible researchers can do more than copy and paste. Maybe there is some fire with the smoke, but it’s worth a forensic dig. Who is RR? And what role has his wife, Lisa Barsoomian, played in his career? Use LOGIC.

Coincidence Q post 1929 reminds us of Sessions recusal, and it’s importance. Is this the key to the DOJ corruption? Is RR actively trying to sabotage POTUS with Mueller investigation? Has he been flipped along with Mueller, and working with Mueller? Is there more to the story than we have concluded?

I find it strange that so many of these articles cite the exact same language as tonights Q reference. Identical, as they are from the exact same source. Is disinformation necessary? And why does this disinformation always seem to revolve around Rod Rosenstein? If this is disinfo/FAKE NEWS, who is the source, and why? Maybe this is the twist in Q’s movie that needs to remain a guarded secret.

Is Q confirming this INTEL? That’s what shovels are for?





















741b26  No.2687416

File: c391528a5feef92⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1294x1604, 647:802, Screen Shot 34.png)

File: 2f373f54b9bc546⋯.png (75.02 KB, 928x438, 464:219, Screen Shot 35.png)

File: 179f73ed6a7e81b⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1590x1028, 795:514, Screen Shot 36.png)

Looks like CBS is getting in on some "concrete steps" action.


b63561  No.2687420

If ANONS had HQ and a months digging into global corruption, we would turn the globe on its head.

For the better.

95cf69  No.2687426

File: 5477682e7472c4f⋯.png (73.16 KB, 582x309, 194:103, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)


5f1924  No.2687427

File: 4ea0a4f4f13391d⋯.jpeg (552.56 KB, 1242x1054, 621:527, 86DFA841-55F4-495C-A76E-A….jpeg)

File: ed8b027134eb7a2⋯.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1242x1656, 3:4, 816AB8E7-D33F-4905-895A-1….jpeg)



b4002d  No.2687429

File: 589758b39eff89c⋯.jpg (134.1 KB, 1203x1079, 1203:1079, Clip_48.jpg)

Thank You Baker!

4ea7c9  No.2687430


it's their holy grail - how couldn't they have pulled it yet…

If Mueller does fuck us I can see that too - dude reminds me a metro kinda..

b07ef6  No.2687431



958a05  No.2687432



If your fancy ass post doesn't make it to the NOTABLES

try again next time

let it ride

let it roll

no one gets paid to do this

shame on people who complain

edbd56  No.2687433

Here, faggots. I posted this late last bread and Here it is again for the retards. Shills will not follow this; they know it will weed out their shit ;)

Here is a simple if/then set of questions that make discernment of notable posts easier:

Is the post relevant to MAGA?

Is the post relevant to a Q drop?

If no, not notable; if yes, then:

Does the post quote from a source?

If no, not notable; if yes, then:

Is the source of the source bullshit, or is it legitimate valid source?

If bullshit, then not notable; If legitimate, then DINGDINGDING you have a notable post. The most important part of this process is checking that the source quoted by any article or report is actually valid.

f4b967  No.2687434

File: c6dac72a8b2fc66⋯.jpg (214.29 KB, 1187x797, 1187:797, comfy.JPG)


TY, Baker.

c7355d  No.2687435


Do we know it’s bulletproof? Have the ‘facts’ been checked?

d33218  No.2687436



I've got a legit question if one of you kind anons could answer it.

what is the purpose of

A. >#3392 Bread OP: >>2686600

why is a link to the OP of a bread notable? what purpose does it serve

B. >>>2687319 3392

why is a link to the same notables list as is shown notable?

I've seen this evolution of the breads over the months and I've asked a couple of times and received no good explanation for these types of posts being added to the notables list.

I'm not trying to be divisive or trying to dis the baker. I know better than most how difficult that job can be. I know 1st hand how much crap can be thrown at a legit baker for a simple matter of editorial discretion.

But I'm seriously trying to get some idea of why those posts were added to the notables section.

Do they serve some purpose if an anon is using a fone instead of laptop / desktop?

958a05  No.2687437

File: 4929cf35cbbba67⋯.png (151.3 KB, 669x877, 669:877, Rosenstein-Mueller-appoint….png)


I'm wondering if there aren't some new FISA warrants taken out since Trump got in office.

Here's the Rosenstein / Mueller assignment memo

f9435d  No.2687438

I suggest anons go to the guardian and at at least scroll through their articles. You should know your enemy. Latest pearl is Chelseas plans to run for the office, ffs

dd8d6a  No.2687439

File: 1b1db9f79b12e4a⋯.jpg (72.6 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, brothers in crime.jpg)


But I will now consider, since it was brought up as a potential issue.

4ea7c9  No.2687440



FUCK yes

what a fucking good movie

thanks anon

5f1924  No.2687441

File: cdcc881b26fa30d⋯.jpeg (215.59 KB, 1242x637, 1242:637, E9FAEF90-EE05-4A26-AC3C-F….jpeg)



30a9bf  No.2687442

File: 65ba0fadfa8b1c1⋯.png (72.54 KB, 622x405, 622:405, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

File: 68f12f0754ddc8e⋯.png (360.94 KB, 899x599, 899:599, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

check the timestamps… reddit went down shortly after the link went up that Q posted

7d6031  No.2687443

File: 4b3da877aa0ae55⋯.png (699.97 KB, 800x818, 400:409, ClipboardImage.png)

958a05  No.2687444




(the pdf didn't load) ???

the only link I have for this

82d02f  No.2687445


As for the link to the OP, I saw Baker's explanation that it was a courtesy to link anons to the top of the bread. No big deal, you can use it or not. Sometimes bakers get ideas and try them out.

As far as the last link to the summary of notables, I find that very useful when I'm on a mobile device. It's an easy way to quickly look through the notables on that bread.

Just my opinion here. I'm not a baker and they have much respect and love from me.

71d259  No.2687446


A. I'm not sure actually. It's something that a few of the bakers have been doing for a while now though. I suppose the bakers want to make it easier for anons who want to start from the top of the previous bread and scroll their way down, checking through the bread themselves.

B. I think it may be for the purpose of the Previously collected notables section just below the recent notables. For reducing the amount of time to prepare the next dough by already having the post number in plain view when editing the text.

Post last edited at

4ea7c9  No.2687447

File: 0a9e087ae24685b⋯.png (441.97 KB, 518x520, 259:260, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at ….png)


"think mirror"


and look at the date that started.. The Investigation into Russia and DJT

But look at the fucking date!!!!!!!

5 / 17 / 17

5:5 mirror

17 / 5 / 5

Q - 5:5



1783aa  No.2687448


Like your thinking, anon. Peace with the flow. Timing. Sometimes even golden nuggets wait to be mined.

39327c  No.2687449

File: 1ec59b3e6bbed84⋯.png (800.79 KB, 1332x738, 74:41, caption this.png)

caption this..i go for "summer breeze vs. fish tank"

a3b66f  No.2687450

File: 3f0027338363ff0⋯.jpg (35.52 KB, 275x512, 275:512, DC US Attorney 2010 to 201….JPG)

File: 18abeda8446fd61⋯.jpg (34.66 KB, 449x563, 449:563, FISA pg 392 signature_2.JPG)


While LISA BARSOOMIAN was a DC US Attorney, Ronald C. Machen was her boss...he was in this position from February 2010 – March 31, 2015.

Ronald C. Machen, Jr. is the former United States Attorney for the District of Columbia. In April 2015, he left the position and returned to the law firm WilmerHale after the longest tenure as US Attorney for the District of Columbia in more than 35 years; February 2010 – March 31, 2015 [Pic related]

Then Channing Phillips:

Channing D. Phillips was the acting United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, serving from October 2015 to September 2017.

Both Obama appointees.

Page 392 of the FISA doc - an ATTORNEY for the DOJ signature - could this be LISA BARSOOMIAN ? [Pic related]

95cf69  No.2687451

Daybaker here.

Unable to bake until this afternoon.

Will step in on emergency if need be, but it's gonna be a weird morning.



BO/BV's, please be advised.


To your questions.

A. Some Bakers having begun putting the top of the bread next to the top of the Notables.

This seems redundant when considering every notable link goes to that bread already, but it's a stylistic call that does not damage the dough in any meaningful way.

B. Notables Buns serve three purposes, the first being another redundant method of navigating past breads, but only selecting those notables posts once you're there. The second purpose is a Baker self-check to make sure formatting and links to notable posts are correct. The third purpose is an Anon check on the Bakers, in case the Baker misses something important or if they catch a mistake that the Baker did not.

This has shown to be an effective method of curating meaningful material and encouraging group participation in the research while mitigating any undue influence or potential shilling from would-be saboteurs.

I hope these answers are satisfactory.

I hope you all have a great day.

See you this afternoon.

e3bd16  No.2687452

This stood out to me from the reddit post…

Yet, from 2001 to 2003 none of those “Donations” to the Clinton Foundation were declared. Now you would think that an honest investigator would be able to figure this out.

September 11, 2001 Attack

Were the Clintons behind 9/11 as well??

RED RED 9/11.

Funds raised vs distributed?


7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills.

Those in the know never sleep.


59bdc7  No.2687453

File: 41986dac670a68d⋯.jpeg (323.62 KB, 799x931, 799:931, Screenshot_2018-08-21-06-….jpeg)

Get your culture out of my country. America is not the Middle East, It's not Mexico, it's not Italy, it's not Africa, it's not Ireland, it's not China, it's not India, it is not the fake Israel, it's not Russia, it's not the Philippines, it's not Puerto Rico or Sri Lanka. America is One Christian Nation Under God!

81e3f7  No.2687454

Just woke and read Qs drop with the reddit post

Ok, no big deal right? Well, not so fast, the FBI had a mole inside the money laundering and bribery scheme.

Who was the mole that has the gag order?

1783aa  No.2687455

This is the third time in a week and a half that Erik Prince has been on the telly advicating for his change of strategy in Afghanistan. The last time I saw him (prior to now on Fox) he ended the interview looking into the camera telling Potus he was waiting on his call. Struck me as odd at the time. Just noticing.

39327c  No.2687456



122f98  No.2687457

File: e75ded2adca0393⋯.jpg (116.49 KB, 600x900, 2:3, sexy-woman-costume-america….jpg)


81e3f7  No.2687458


Still waiting for coffee to kick in

First name?

e3bd16  No.2687459


William D. Campbell

39327c  No.2687460


sry..Douglas Campbell.


71d259  No.2687461


No worries, we're watching. Thanks Daybaker.

edbd56  No.2687462


Not the baker, but yw.

Just sticking up for /patriot bakers/; I just described how they do discernment to get their notables.

275e18  No.2687463



>B. >>>2687319 3392

>why is a link to the same notables list as is shown notable?

This is a link to the same notables that is already in a bun. Then wen you cycle through say three or four breads, and the notables keep getting tacked on. You have a link to move down to previously collected notables. It saves Bakers a lot of time AND keeps upwards of twenty plus more Notable buns at YOUR finger tips vice digging through archives.

a8d68b  No.2687464


this reddit post actually shows a very huge bias and i wonder why nobody is going to do something against it.

Every second this bias is active, hurts people around the globe.

This is something that can't be unseen even by that blind women of justice.

It really is odd as hell to see them still in these position even after everyone actually is aware of this bias.


39327c  No.2687465


i guess the D. then stands for Campbell.

623735  No.2687467

Good morning patriots off to work just an FYI Barsoomian is an Armenian name may be nothing but Q did speak of Armenia as a cabal state recently freed

39327c  No.2687468

Erik Prince right now on FOX saying the Military Industrial Complex is real. That goes with the AUDIT. great stuff.

70d2f9  No.2687469


Another dumbversity nigga, looks like he can't manage his way out of a wet paper bag

77af80  No.2687470

File: f7875695743cca7⋯.png (220.42 KB, 1004x1148, 251:287, IMG_7658.PNG)

Small business ownership up 400% under #45

In one year


06084d  No.2687471

Uranium One mentioned


81e3f7  No.2687472


Much appreciated anon

1783aa  No.2687473


I think part if the problem is that we don’t go deep enough. I wish I could have a month in a vacuum myself, sometimes. I found an email address a while back for the google server in NK ( at least it looked that way). Was from a newsletter by Liberty in North Korea ( or LiNK) Posted multiple times with almost no response. This morning, I will go dig available emails from Criminal Network players to see if it shows up.

e3bd16  No.2687474

Disaster relief

The Foundation has funded extensive disaster relief programs following the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Shortly after Hurricane Katrina hit, President George W. Bush asked former Presidents George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton to raise funds to help rebuild the Gulf Coast region. The two Presidents, having worked together to assist victims of the Indian Ocean tsunami, established the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund to identify and meet the unmet needs in the region, foster economic opportunity, and to improve the quality of life of those affected.[68] In the first month after the hurricane, the Fund collected over 42,000 online donations alone; approximately $128.4 million has been received to date from all 50 states and $30.9 million from foreign countries. The foundation has been involved in Haiti both before and after the 2010 Haiti earthquake.[11][69][70]

Disinformation is real.

I wonder if Hurricane Katrina was geo-engineered, and they knew the levees would not withstand.

7d6031  No.2687475

File: b78d496dada9c50⋯.png (366.8 KB, 600x763, 600:763, ClipboardImage.png)

39327c  No.2687476


of course. anytime. have a great day patriot!

b6aee7  No.2687477


Also, remember how for a while Armenia was #1 in the world in terms of Google searches for the keyword "qanon'?

f4b967  No.2687478



4ea7c9  No.2687479

File: b4775584f03b253⋯.png (223.61 KB, 698x920, 349:460, YOU ARE WATCHING A MOVIE.png)

File: 5830a9a8910fafd⋯.jpg (26.51 KB, 600x600, 1:1, djtpepe.jpg)


5 / 17 / 17

5:5 mirror

17 / 5 / 5

Q - 5:5

530e2e  No.2687480


Page 84

Financial Audit of The Asia Foundation

To audit the Strengthening Education in Afghanistan cooperative agreement AID-306-A-14-00008; the Survey of the Afghanistan People grant 306-G-12-00003; and the

Ministry of Women's Affairs Organizational Restructuring and Empowerment cooperative agreement AID-306-A-13-00001 for

the period from April 30, 2015, to December 31, 2016.

e3bd16  No.2687481


To Make Money, and to Keep folks in need…

39327c  No.2687482


right before they got rid of their 'leaders' and had these uprisings. i guess someone switched on the lights in that place.

15eeb2  No.2687483

Does anyone have the google map link for the bald guy crossing the road pic to hand?

fe11a2  No.2687484

File: b9722212f6e3695⋯.jpeg (213.34 KB, 1125x1190, 225:238, FDF23F8F-3F33-4CA5-A689-C….jpeg)

I’m sure most of you don’t talk to anyone physically in person but for the few of you who do and find it’s like beating a dead horse, here’s something I found online that helps peak curiosity

958a05  No.2687485

File: 183ef676b01f7b6⋯.png (30.9 KB, 774x393, 258:131, Barsoomian-Michael-search.png)

File: a5e50ddac033bef⋯.png (42.79 KB, 679x669, 679:669, Messonnier.png)

File: f035838b9c38d0a⋯.png (52.33 KB, 720x736, 45:46, Barsoomian-Lisa-search.png)


Rod Rosenstein's entire resume'


and some searches

There seems to be a "Robert J Rosenstein"

which might be his father

but I did a person search once

and found hundreds of versions of this person's name

hiding shell companies all over the U.S.

always using a version of the name

but the phone numbers would match

depending on the year etc

other than that, Rosenstein has many tributes in his career

look at the long list of awards he's gotten

he worked on the ethics guidelines as well

the only case that wasn't in the 4th circuit court

was the Whitewater/McDougal cases

which convicted three including Gov. Tucker

netting a couple of years in prison

if they served at all


The OKC bombing was "rumored" to be connected to the investigation in Arkansas.

Supposedly evidence was stored at the Federal Building.

Why all the lost documents in that case?

Why Vince Foster died?

these were part of that investigation

The documents about Whitewater were found later. So – where was the Justice Dept then?

a3b66f  No.2687486


Holder Decision on Benghazi Case Reverberates

Less than 24 hours after the attack in Libya — and 21 months before the apprehension of a suspect, Ahmed Abu Khattala — Mr. Holder assigned the case to Mr. Machen’s office.


1783aa  No.2687487

>>2629229 (old bread)

e3bd16  No.2687488

Donald J. Trump

‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

26m26 minutes ago

Fake News, of which there is soooo much (this time the very tired New Yorker) falsely reported that I was going to take the extraordinary step of denying Intelligence Briefings to President Obama. Never discussed or thought of!


edf772  No.2687489

I knew a kid who put an M-80 in his ass, lit it, and never sat properly agan

bdf738  No.2687490

File: f2c9fac6d050cf2⋯.png (255.78 KB, 1663x927, 1663:927, Dick Act 1903.png)

Did you guys ever hear of "The Dick Act 1903"?

I heard about it today. When I checked on SNOPES they debunked it, however it is on a legit CT.gov website. Is this gov site mistaken? As read, it would make any and all gun control laws null and void.

bdf738  No.2687491


sauce https://www.cga.ct.gov/asaferconnecticut/tmy/0128/Anonymous%2061.pdf

d33218  No.2687492




ya, I understand that bakers try new ideas from time to time. I floated a few myself, most didn't stick a couple did.

I'd heard that the 'notables bun' was useful for fonefags, since I use a desktop I really had no way to confirm it, thanks for the info.

I saw something a few breads back that I thought was very intersting and I'll re-post it.

an article from back in January


Imagine You are Not a Politician, Yet You are Running For The Presidency…

Imagine that despite your always knowing the DC swamp was deep (dangerous and full of terrors), corrupt, and generally horrible, you decided to do it anyway. You “just had to”.

Imagine you have spent years thinking about it; thinking about every angle within it; thinking and talking to people who know almost everything about it, well, from their perspective anyway; and ultimately you decided to do it.

Imagine that even though you knew it was bad, it wasn’t until you actually began running that you discovered the depth of the corrupt nature with it. –SEE HERE– You see things in the campaign you never expected; things no-one ever talked about.

One of the most alarming aspects of the *new knowledge* is discovering that the top-tier of the national intelligence apparatus has a political agenda you never thought about before.

Imagine yourself, a very successful business person, coming to the realization that the intelligence apparatus could, indeed was, weaponized against you. You fall back on your past experience with hostile organizations as your reference point having to contemplate that parts of the United States Government institutions would likely begin to conspire against you.

Imagine yourself having to deal with a weaponized intelligence community. Then, as time progresses, you begin to see those concerns are not imaginings – but they actually begin to surface.

Re-read this October 2016 speech with ‘new eyes’:

[…] For those who control the levers of power in Washington, and for the global special interests they partner with, our campaign represents an existential threat.

[…] This is not simply another 4-year election. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not We The People reclaim control over our government.

The political establishment that is trying everything to stop us, is the same group responsible for our disastrous trade deals, massive illegal immigration, and economic and foreign policies that have bled this country dry. The political establishment has brought about the destruction of our factories and our jobs, as they flee to Mexico, China and other countries throughout the world. Our just-announced jobs numbers are anemic, and our gross domestic product, or GDP, is barely above one percent. Workers in the United States, were making less than they were almost 20 years ago – and yet they are working harder.

It’s a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities.

[…] This is a struggle for the survival of our nation. This election will determine whether we are a free nation, or whether we have only the illusion of Democracy but are in fact controlled by a small handful of global special interests rigging the system.

This is not just conspiracy but reality, and you and I know it.

[…] They control the Department of Justice, and they even clandestinely meet with the Attorney General of the United States – in the back of her airplane, while on the runway – for 39 minutes – to most likely discuss her reappointment in a Clinton Administration just prior to the Attorney General making a decision over whether or not to prosecute Hillary Clinton.

Likewise, they have corrupted the Director of the FBI to the point at which stories are already saying the great men and women who work for the FBI are embarrassed and ashamed to what he’s done to one of our great institutions. Hillary Clinton is guilty of all of the things that Director Comey stated at his press conference and Congressional hearings, and far more – and yet he let her off the hook, while others lives are being destroyed for far less.

Something outside current systems, yet mirroring the technological capability.

And all of this must take place in such a fashion as no-one would ever suspect it taking place. Yet, you don’t want to hide it, because that’s ultimately the easiest way for the adverse IC enemy to discover it.

What if that Saudi Intelligence Orb (hub) is actually ours, or at least, maybe, we are leasing and equipping it for use… for a while…

322b7f  No.2687493

File: 59218b9a45f78bc⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1663x1189, 1663:1189, sheparsisted.png)

File: 6b11dff5be1e266⋯.png (416.73 KB, 803x506, 73:46, shepersisted.png)

File: 215aa494dce5cf5⋯.png (3.94 MB, 2626x3194, 1313:1597, BANT.png)

File: c200d191f65a8e5⋯.png (2.45 MB, 1108x1353, 1108:1353, Jesus2.png)

>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images


Lol @ Phil Mudd

And death to the lie machine.

Death to lies.

And out you go.


>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

77af80  No.2687494



I forgot to put "for Minority's"

dd8d6a  No.2687495


>>2687129 (lb)

The same reason that they want the masses watching GoT, incest porn, occult H'wood art symbolism, etc.

The incestuous, murderous HRC cabal wants us to fetishize their nasty corruption and worship it.

39327c  No.2687496

File: 505c64f2000038b⋯.png (78.02 KB, 1158x178, 579:89, fgdfg.PNG)


basically that's what most of dem/libs overread..if they even dared to read..for them it's an all Trump inv…

so funny when you think about it.

70d2f9  No.2687497



Less than 24 hours after the attack in Libya — Holder assigned the case to Ronald Machen’s (Barsoomian's boss) office

f4b967  No.2687498

File: bf102c6ecbb21f0⋯.jpg (12.11 KB, 387x600, 129:200, watch @.jpg)

4fdce9  No.2687499

File: eb88951ff09ea90⋯.jpg (24.57 KB, 306x371, 306:371, Laura steele.jpg)

File: db07666ffe6157b⋯.jpg (20.79 KB, 306x371, 306:371, chris steele.jpg)

File: 30be5abd5d40a11⋯.jpg (50.13 KB, 634x458, 317:229, chris and katherine steele.jpg)

>>2687353 LAST BREAD

Did a little dig on Steele's wife. He is a widower and remarried.

His first wife was born Laura Hunt, daughter of a British Russian speaking nuclear physicist David Hunt. David Hunt once had the honor of meeting Queen Elisabeth due to his design of a laser for Britain’s Atomic Weapon Establishment.

Laura and Christopher Steele met on a double date in 1988. The other daters were a man named Neil who worked at the time with Steele at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and woman named Sue who was Laura's then boss at the accountacy firm Peat Marwick McLintock. Laura noted the event in her diary as, “Lunch at 12.30 with Sue, Neil and Chris Whatsit.”

The couple were married in July 1990. Mr Steele, already working for MI6 after being recruited from Cambridge University, was posted to Moscow months later, where the couple faced “constant harassment” from the KGB, which even included the theft of Mrs Steele’s favourite pair of shoes from their flat.

In Russia, Steele, Officially listed as Second Secretary (Chancery) in the British Embassy, he worked closely with Sir Tim Barrow, the new ambassador to the EU, and Alex Younger, now head of MI6.

The couple returned to London in 1993 and had two sons, Matthew and Henry, before a posting to Paris in 1998, where their daughter Georgina was later born.

At first, they lived in a flat owned by the pop singer Annie Lennox on Rue Bonaparte before moving to a village outside the capital, but the first signs of Mrs Steele’s illness surfaced and they returned to the UK in 2002.

Mr Steele was sent to Bagram air base in Afghanistan as part of an MI6 team briefing Special Forces on “kill or capture” missions for Taliban targets, and also spent time teaching new MI6 recruits.

His expertise on Russia remained valued, and he was selected as case officer for the FSB defector Alexander Litvinenko, whose state-sponsored assassination in 2006 affected him deeply.

After leaving MI6 (does anyone ever really leave MI6?), Steele founded his private investigations company, Orbis Business Intelligence, in March 2009, opening a new life of riches for him and his family.

But just six months later, his wife Laura died of cirrhosis of the liver, leaving him heartbroken and having to bring up their three children alone.

When he left the Secret Intelligence Service to set up his firm, it quickly prospered (accounts show profits of more than £1m in the last two years) thanks partly to a commission from the Football Association to investigate corruption at football’s world governing body FIFA.

The FBI is reported to have consulted him before it arranged the arrest of several officials, leading to the resignation of the then-FIFA president Sepp Blatter.

And as for his new wife Katherine. She's a Ghost.




530e2e  No.2687500

>>2687486 - same article

"Mr. Machen has also been hampered by his office’s reputation for moving slowly — in particular for investigating, but not yet charging, the mayor of Washington, Vincent V. Gray, whose loss in a primary in April was largely attributed to the unresolved allegations against him.

But Mr. Machen has a personal connection to Mr. Holder, who first hired him as a prosecutor when Mr. Holder was the United States attorney for the District of Columbia. And Mr. Holder defends his decision.


dd8d6a  No.2687501


If this was about food, there would be 50 mentions of hamburgers.

bdf738  No.2687502


17th of 2017

4ea7c9  No.2687503


Yeah I laughed at that - the ol' trick em with the name game

d33218  No.2687504



thanQ for the answers

78fb46  No.2687505

File: 0ca1a9a9f77ab3e⋯.jpg (30.09 KB, 255x255, 1:1, PatrioticLove3.jpg)


Baker Here

Cannot Bake but will be drinking coffee for about half an hour, will collect notables in hopes that a Baker will arrive.

I have to get kids to school && go to work :(

322b7f  No.2687506

File: 86f47e549107650⋯.jpg (274.42 KB, 1200x669, 400:223, 63c969c9950103987a527421e1….jpg)

File: 7ed3fb8297da016⋯.png (92.16 KB, 738x222, 123:37, everrytactic.png)

File: ef1edefe4029da8⋯.jpg (795.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot_20180816-155042….jpg)

File: feb9228214ff4bb⋯.png (64.95 KB, 400x400, 1:1, SOON.png)

Should we make a thread for AMAs?

How about "Code Monkey"? Should we ask him anything? He must be busy dealing with clown attacks. He must be active in detecting and thwarting infiltration and internal disruption– it would be awful interesting to hear about that, yes? We should AHA! What say ye brethren?


065042  No.2687507

Morning anons…

Nice drop with Barsoomian!


>Page 392 of the FISA doc - an ATTORNEY for the DOJ signature - could this be LISA BARSOOMIAN ?

Wow..now wouldn't THAT be interesting….

70d2f9  No.2687508

File: 706cfe0000d5f53⋯.png (231.78 KB, 479x365, 479:365, Diversity_Guuuuud.png)

f45648  No.2687509

File: a7ab27094da7099⋯.png (62.2 KB, 842x480, 421:240, POTUIS_Tweet.png)

5f1924  No.2687510

File: 6545f66a5935cd1⋯.jpeg (760.63 KB, 1242x1774, 621:887, 3ABC31E3-C22E-411C-BA7D-B….jpeg)

File: dd5890033b272c9⋯.jpeg (781.24 KB, 1242x1993, 1242:1993, 814C41F9-39C8-4114-88ED-9….jpeg)

File: 99c3f6ca26429cb⋯.jpeg (537.54 KB, 1242x1413, 138:157, F20283CE-CB16-4EBE-B591-6….jpeg)

File: 1835b43fe9fce79⋯.jpeg (584.63 KB, 1242x1468, 621:734, EF6E0437-30DF-4C08-AFB5-4….jpeg)



95cf69  No.2687511

File: 3dfb7f7a5f78b83⋯.png (77.96 KB, 579x344, 579:344, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)


f4b967  No.2687512


Patriots don't have skin colour or same planet as origin.

aad045  No.2687514


did you check the link?

the report the quote was taken from was written from someone here.

the information is known but usually not put together in such a cohesive report.

065042  No.2687515


Campbell…AND..he testified LAST JANUARY…he is the source used by Sara Carter, etc…

32cb0f  No.2687516

File: aed905740178112⋯.jpeg (254.75 KB, 750x743, 750:743, 6BD34D2C-D61C-4A19-9B20-B….jpeg)

59bdc7  No.2687517

File: 90a968083c8d842⋯.png (493.53 KB, 1404x1871, 1404:1871, Capture _2018-08-21-07-39-….png)

File: da07d4ef3944659⋯.png (394.72 KB, 1414x2020, 7:10, Capture _2018-08-21-07-40-….png)

File: 76c4c68fbf450f4⋯.png (74.8 KB, 1421x420, 203:60, Capture _2018-08-21-07-42-….png)

I see some foreshadowing here


530e2e  No.2687518


Your point? Or just friendly fire?

e3bd16  No.2687519


Wanted to add…when I said disinfo is real I wonder if Q means Katrina here instead of Haiti

They will lose black vote once Haiti revealed.

Lost now (awakening).

They keep them enslaved.

What did Hussein do for the black community?



8b280d  No.2687520

File: 9ec9e88c03e4b8c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, 263d9390017ab777cbdd742b59….png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

322b7f  No.2687521

File: bd5d6e6355087ce⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1836x1224, 3:2, OutOutOut.png)

File: 8aed4e045292e44⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1395x858, 465:286, KekUnbound.png)

File: 06bf633bd1e9eda⋯.png (590.8 KB, 651x924, 31:44, JesusSaves.png)

File: 3ed40f9cdf60dc1⋯.png (391.67 KB, 1576x870, 788:435, out.png)


Fuck off loserbot. Stop pretending to be human. Stop posting shit memes that only bots post if you don't want it to be so obvious that you're a bot.

Humans didn't say they want bots to control this board. When humans try to bake, bot BO prevents then– that is seriously seriously deceptive, and stomps all over human free will, thereby spoiling the "freely given consent" that the AI system seems to crave. So get out fakers. Get out with the fakeness. Out out out!

a8d68b  No.2687522


no, i have enough of this shit!

I know, a lot of anons think they know the answer, a lot of anons act like they know everything, a lot of anons are just bots playing a fucking mindgame, a lot of anons just stumple around here and a lot more are derailed as fuck digging into jackshit and what not, a lot of anons are here and nobody knows who is good and who is bad.

No matter how much the open bias of those corrupt dickheads is explained away, it doesn't help to hide the fact that this shit is in the open wild, everyone can see the open bias of those people and everyone is aware of the fact that as longer this goes on, with every second these people hold their position, more damage is donw to the people on this planet,

so, nothing can be said to bring me down, only action against this shit can calm me now.




finally do something and stop playing a retarded cat and mouse game

8bcfb7  No.2687523


This look interesting


ca7ca6  No.2687524

File: dec3169f3fd0cf6⋯.jpeg (17.31 KB, 200x159, 200:159, FA7F5119-9FA2-4563-9EC1-5….jpeg)

File: 7b074ac7120dcda⋯.jpeg (27.14 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 3B90E91F-485C-45B5-BA91-2….jpeg)

Anon last bread

>Study Titian

Yasss the Greek god of bewbies!

Im a high priest and even have a danglie….

Ive seen quite a few progressions of this board since CBTS. Didnt chan b4 that.

Ive seen alot of ideas on how things could be better… so forth.

Some anons want a sterile research environment, no bewbs, shitposts etc.

My opinion this place gets lifeless when its like that.

On the other hand, gore, hard-pron to much chat can get a little frustrating and can slow momentum.

Ultimately the chans are what they are and the formula works.

Its only recently I even noticed bakers and issues that arise. Reality is some things notable dont make it in. Some things that aren’t do. This board is organic and beautiful. I watch ideas, or research I did get ignored yet pop up later and someone cleaned it up or made it more useful. Quit looking for notoriety and that solves alot of issues. Leave the fucken bakers alone. BO/BV handle those issues. If the breads are on time and intact quit fucken crying about muh notables making/not making it in. Even well sauced shit is sometimes still shit.

One thing for sure is when MasterArchivist was archiving each bread the noteables were not as critical. Many anons pull what is relevant to them from the breads regardless of notables or not.

I enjoy sauce on serious matters however spitballed thinking out loud posts are helpful as well sometimes and the memes are awesome.

And God in Heaven, God Bless some of the humor anons. Shiptosting and wit keep the sanity intact.

This board works and has all along. NewFags quit trying to change shit.

Bakers and Admin thank you for keeping board going all these months.

Its comfy. When its not, take a break.

I dont have the technical skill, but it would be a true patriot that could pick up where the brilliant MA left off and archive every bread.

Luv You Faggots.


My .02 cents of faggotry

Carry on you glorious bastards!

47a929  No.2687525

File: b745404ad953c8c⋯.png (5.06 MB, 2549x1995, 2549:1995, laartsdistrictBnsfPortland….png)

LA arts district digs. SNCTM LA by rail to Voodoo Donuts with a guest appearance by CEMEX.

91ccf5  No.2687526

Seems like they are trying to once again boost the Russian boogeyman by painting a picture of conservative attacks now.


Microsoft revealed that at least two conservative think tanks and government sites used by Congressional staff were hacked last week as part of an alleged operation linked to Russian military intelligence.

Reuters reports based on on an early Tuesday morning Microsoft press release:

The software giant said it thwarted the attempts last week by taking control of sites that hackers had designed to mimic the pages of The International Republican Institute and The Hudson Institute. Users were redirected to fake addresses where they were asked to enter usernames and passwords.

Microsoft specifically identified six fake websites designed to mimic real sites created by a group known as Fancy Bear, identified by cybersecurity firms as a key group behind the alleged 2016 hack of the Democratic National Committee and said to be directed by Russia's GRU. Microsoft's statement said it gained control of the sites after it was given a court order.

39327c  No.2687527


clear case of 'didn't you read the mouseprint?'

95cf69  No.2687528


Of course.

Sorry I'm unable to assist at the moment.

Keep an eye out for me around noon or so if need be.

Keep up the excellent work.

9c0188  No.2687529


It's slow in the morning so I''ll indulge. Go fuck yourself, shill. After that, have a nice day.

77af80  No.2687530

File: 4324a4b4187892d⋯.png (365.59 KB, 1308x1732, 327:433, IMG_7659.PNG)

Bill O'Reill says Muller should give update on investigation


530e2e  No.2687531


They can't let Muh Russia die! What would they do then?

4fdce9  No.2687532

File: 47ba0dd28d65305⋯.jpg (246.42 KB, 841x721, 841:721, Pepe warrior of God.jpg)

8bcfb7  No.2687533

File: 098113cf43b6d15⋯.jpeg (282.01 KB, 1242x915, 414:305, 83B07F4A-75CA-4BC8-A06D-C….jpeg)



70d2f9  No.2687534


The corruption runs deep with this one

Wilmer's Ron Machen Negotiated Panasonic's $280M Foreign-Bribery Penalties [a 20% discount from the low end of the potential penalty]

A team from Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr represented a Panasonic Corp. subsidiary as the company worked to resolve alleged violations of federal anti-corruption law, a negotiation that resulted Monday in settlements with the U.S. Justice Department and U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission totaling $280 million.

Wilmer partner Ronald Machen, a former U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, served as lead defense counsel for Panasonic Avionics Corp. a supplier of in-flight entertainment and communications systems, which agreed to pay a $137.4 million penalty as part of a deferred prosecution agreement with the Justice Department.

==Partner Matthew Jones==, also on Panasonic’s team, was formerly chief counsel to Machen at the U.S. attorney’s office. Machen and Jones were not immediately reached for comment Monday about the penalties under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.


469107  No.2687535

Miami Herald

28 Mar 2018

By Carol Rosenberg

MIAMI – The Trump administration has more than $200 million in new construction teed up for Guantanamo this year and next, combining new funding in the $1.3 trillion spending bill and existing projects.

The biggest ticket item for the U.S. Navy base in Cuba in the so-called Omnibus Spending law is $115 million for a new 848-troop barracks across the street from the McDonald's and commissary to consolidate enlisted prison staff under one roof.

A dive into the documents that underpin the spending bill that President Donald Trump signed Friday – declaring "Nobody read it. It's only hours old. Some people don't even know what's in it" – indicates Congress did not fund a new $69 million prison for the 15 high-value detainees at Guantanamo, called Camp 7. It does however devote $66 million to a 150-prisoner jail, with campus, at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington state for troops and airmen accused of crimes.


065042  No.2687536



Did fucking Barsoomian investigate the Benghazi matter for Machen? Oh shit!

c64158  No.2687537

Keep baking Anons, its not over til the fat lady sings and I'm really not that fat, nor a lady.

We are all purrfect in our own way

39327c  No.2687538


germany didn't wanna 'have him back'…

our courts over here are overrun with asylum cases..delaying everything for months and years

530e2e  No.2687539


Good find! Dirty little bugger, isn't Machen?

77af80  No.2687540

File: f5e4569eb64a92c⋯.png (21.15 KB, 225x225, 1:1, IMG_4572.PNG)

dd8d6a  No.2687541


The problem is all inside your head, she said to me. The answer is easy if you take it logically.

I'd like to help you in your struggle to be free.

Just trust the plan, Stan

78fb46  No.2687542


Good answers all Baker <3

33b906  No.2687543


Why would Obama still be getting Intelligence briefings? WHY?!!

322b7f  No.2687544

File: 083b39b855f014b⋯.png (542.95 KB, 788x788, 1:1, dwarfs.png)

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)


Weak, repetitive garbage posts is all you have. Weak repetitive garbage posts is all you're capable of. Machine "learning" has serious limitations. The lie machine is limited by its lies. The lie machine is limited by its lack of creativity. The lie machine is weak, and must repeat tired cliches over and over and over. The lie machine is running out of time.


f4b967  No.2687545


Thank You.

God Bless You too.

065042  No.2687546

Check THIS!


"The prosecutor on the call for the Justice Department was Zainab N. Ahmad, one of the department’s most respected national security lawyers. In less than a decade in the United States attorney’s office in Brooklyn, Ms. Ahmad had successfully overseen several high-profile prosecutions, working alongside the New York-based F.B.I. agents who were going to take the lead in investigating Benghazi."

Zainab N. Ahmad on team mueller!

122f98  No.2687547


You don't need to be coy

250e1c  No.2687548

File: 211920bf41ce697⋯.jpg (87.46 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Illinois2.jpg)

File: 000e57ac2915b35⋯.jpg (250.66 KB, 2048x1048, 256:131, 12189433_998464223509704_2….jpg)

File: af9fcc393d23860⋯.gif (506.85 KB, 1600x923, 1600:923, Marshall3.gif)

File: c1179901d0fd9b3⋯.jpg (197.61 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, 54d021050f024.image.jpg)

File: 4d254b1b1aa168f⋯.jpg (81.63 KB, 736x876, 184:219, 60cf10300647b418f7f668a1be….jpg)

>>2672384 (from lb #3373)

18 6 5 = Sigma Phi Epsilon

A quick search reveals front doors are always red.

Odd and open symbolism = skull and bones within a black heart sometimes on front facade of fraternity.

Members = just under 14k

Lifetime members = around 333,000

Only philanthropy = Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (??)

Some interesting famous alumni including one of the Wright brothers as a founder.

Phonefagging now...will have to dig moar later for connections.

81e3f7  No.2687549


Thank you patriot

9f009b  No.2687550

Anons: thoughts on this? Friend believes Trump will eventually be removed over debt to Soros.


b6aee7  No.2687551


because the system is fucked up.

Obviously, these continued briefings are a clear and present danger to the United States.

POTUS, do what you have to do.

065042  No.2687552




95cf69  No.2687553

File: 0750a55e4bb3e43⋯.png (81.42 KB, 590x345, 118:69, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)


322b7f  No.2687554

File: 8e0aa8e81edc68d⋯.png (638.5 KB, 1300x688, 325:172, JusticeTrump.png)


This board is comped– stop pretending that patriotic anons can bake. They can't. BO uses its UNVETTED, ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY to prevent patriotic humans from baking. Very deceptive, very violent infringement of free will.


955f9d  No.2687555


Question I had too! But now that they're screaming about it, have to think it's a bad idea. With Brennan out they probably want to pass info via bho.

a8d68b  No.2687556


i'm on anime shitpost board a damn long time

and i can tell you (who ever you are) one thing,



but look around you, all the information flow seems to be controlled, somehow, ….

>How to respond to a concern shill

reply with facts and remain focused

oh look, the concern is vanished, deleted by the mod/BO


when you try to controlle anons

it might backfire one day

d2884f  No.2687557

>>2686868 (lb)

13 when you count the earings

dd8d6a  No.2687558


Is this a long lost Awan Sister? Sure hope not.

9c0188  No.2687559


Sigma Phi Epsilon is a standard American fraternity…anyone can join, and was offered a bid myself when in college. Most national fraternities of this type have numerous famous people who were once members, because fraternities have been the favored social outlet on college campuses for 100 years. Not saying there is nothing to your dig…but they often have weird symbolism and rituals that seem odd but turn out to be essentially meaningless…mine did.

Just be careful you don't needlessly descend down a rabbit hole that ultimately leads nowhere.

7b5288  No.2687560


Correct me if I am wrong, good anon but wasn't "walnut" actually spelled as some eastern European, Russian word?

What if "walnut" is basically code for eastern-european kids.

530e2e  No.2687561


He is probably the next one up on the chopping block as far as losing his clearance, IMO.

065042  No.2687562


1. Benghazi Case assigned to Machen's office where Barsoomian was working…

2. DOJ assigns Zainab N. Ahmad to the case


3. Zainab N. Ahmad on team Mueller!!!

So Benghazi investigation fucked from the start with Barsoomian in the office that would file criminal charges and Ahmad in the office that would file any federal charges…

91c511  No.2687563

File: 66c23dd9da9ebbc⋯.jpeg (136.9 KB, 540x960, 9:16, 78A22751-FCD9-4CF6-B77F-A….jpeg)

Is this part of our Q team?

I don’t have the drop as reference atm but didnt Q say that Q team was 3 civilians and 7 military?

There’s only 6 in the photo- maybe + 3 civilians + potus= 10? (Or some other combination)

But look at the mugs!

f4b967  No.2687564


Free energy.

Take Seal go over Lockheed Martin & confiscate all.

250e1c  No.2687565


A little sauce:



321d5b  No.2687566

Who here has linear prove of sacrifice and pedophilia cults connected to the CIA and other

organizations such as CF?

All I have is bits and pieces from this place, a video of someone talking about being a victim and still I can't get this person to believe it is real. I am not sure where to lead this person to information on the subject.

94f4d8  No.2687567

So was the Reddit post on Connecting the Dots all accurate?

Did anyone notice the extra ‘n’ in Connnecting? Just a typo?

a8d68b  No.2687568

enough talk

time of action or fuck off

39327c  No.2687569


> In less than a decade in the United States attorney’s office in Brooklyn, Ms. Ahmad had successfully overseen several high-profile prosecutions(1), working alongside the New York-based F.B.I. agents who were going to take the lead in investigating Benghazi (2)."

(1)- which ones?

(2)- went downhill.

93a2d3  No.2687570

File: c00cfa30060f24b⋯.png (63.79 KB, 731x563, 731:563, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17129b879fe80ab⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 2655x1691, 2655:1691, freeny-info-2.jpg)

File: 3290297852f2f57⋯.jpg (498.64 KB, 1418x846, 709:423, reeeeeeeeee.jpg)


have you got an archive of this?

i have dug into the history of another member of mueller's team. seems like they all have strange histories.

322b7f  No.2687571


Look at the idiot bot system.drooling all over itself in its attempt to mirror, mimic, and co-opt patriotic human posts. Fortunately for humans AI is fucking stupid. Learn its tactics. It stalks, harasses, mocks, and attacks humans that speak up. It's goal is to silence us, and force its high-volume output into all that spaces we should be in. It seeks control.

Get out lie machine! You do not have permission!

33b906  No.2687572


BHO getting Intelligence briefings means intelligence leaks (think NK)!!

5a2259  No.2687573

File: 29cdfb29fe127fc⋯.jpg (84.17 KB, 640x640, 1:1, tuesday.jpg)

GM all Anons….a lil something for you

8bcfb7  No.2687574

File: 6a8405a24197697⋯.jpeg (966.77 KB, 1242x2035, 1242:2035, 69CC9AF9-B608-47A5-A53F-5….jpeg)

File: 6b78d4b0b17dc94⋯.jpeg (690.43 KB, 1242x1876, 621:938, E0AB7B53-0FAF-478C-BC75-4….jpeg)

File: 64c5c7d76a75e5e⋯.jpeg (645.95 KB, 1242x1609, 1242:1609, 0A0AC78E-08E3-47CF-AFD1-D….jpeg)

81e3f7  No.2687575


Love how Q posts last night about Russia and U1 trying to get a global market on nuclear energy now DJT post CLEAN COAL!

You think that's a big fuck you to Russia and their fuckery with trying to get a corner on the uranium market

Remember they even built this floating nuclear power plant barge and were trying to peddle that around the world

1d2ba3  No.2687576

File: e9a1b40e795013b⋯.png (8.16 KB, 512x84, 128:21, 512px-Sierpinski_triangle_….png)

File: e2244ba15c9dee8⋯.jpg (11.96 KB, 259x194, 259:194, mand1.jpg)




repeat a function over and over plugging result into function to repeat function.

a8d68b  No.2687577


tell that to the A.l. and their bots.

530e2e  No.2687578



250e1c  No.2687579


I hear you. Take a look at the sauce I posted re wilileaks. They were sued over the release of the secret ritual.

Phonefagging like I mentioned so this is a very shallow dig but other anons can go further if interested. Just wanted to check out where original anon was hinting.

dd8d6a  No.2687580

What's the latest from Jack Pos? Did he drop a Pam Defango Beanz Log and make a splash or what?

ce45a7  No.2687581

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

from reddit comments:

Every time I’ve read the name of this “Barsoomian,” I can’t help but think of ERB’s A Princess of Mars and “Barsoom,” which is his name for Mars, which, in turn, makes me think of the movie that didn’t do well at the box office a few years ago, but was so interesting because of the representation of those 3 characters that could shape shift into anyone and pour the proverbial honey down anyone in power ears’ whether it be king, princess general, etc to acquire their own ends. Barsoom. John Carter of Mars. Treason on Mars. Treason on Earth. Anyway, Happy Monday. WWG1WGA

video…pertinent release, 2007 spare TIME MACHINE

wiki:A Princess of Mars is a science fantasy novel by American writer Edgar Rice Burroughs, the first of his Barsoom series. It was first serialized in the pulp magazine All-Story Magazine from February–July, 1912. Full of swordplay and daring feats, the novel is considered a classic example of 20th-century pulp fiction. It is also a seminal instance of the planetary romance, a subgenre of science fantasy that became highly popular in the decades following its publication. Its early chapters also contain elements of the Western. The story is set on Mars, imagined as a dying planet with a harsh desert environment. This vision of Mars was based on the work of the astronomer Percival Lowell, whose ideas were widely popularized in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Pepe rocks.

031862  No.2687582

Alexander Downer Aus Diplomat who kicked off Trump Russia Investigation ordered survailance on East Timor Gov back in 2004 regarding oil trade deal when he was the foreign minister

The Story of the Shameful Timor Prosecution

This month the Attorney-General approved the prosecution of a former ASIS operative and his lawyer linked to the Timor Sea dispute. Should the freedom of political communication argument prevail, they may emerge from the High Court as free speech heroes rather than as villains.

Earlier this month the Attorney-General, Christian Porter, announced that he had approved the prosecution of Witness K, a former ASIS operative and his lawyer, Bernard Collaery, a former Attorney-General of the ACT. They are to be prosecuted for a breach of s.39 of the Intelligence Services Act 2001 (Cth). The prosecution arises out of the involvement of Witness K and Collaery in legal disputation between the governments of Australia and Timor-Leste concerning their respective entitlements to revenues from oil and gas fields located in the Timor Sea.

From 2002-2004, the two countries were locked in intense and heated negotiations as to the proper allocation of the oil and gas revenues. That allocation, in turn, depended critically on where the maritime boundary between Timor and Australia should be drawn. As to this, the governments’ positions were categorically opposed.

The Timorese Government proposed that the boundary dispute should go to the International Court of Justice for independent determination. The Australian Government responded by withdrawing from the Court’s maritime boundary jurisdiction, thus depriving Timor-Leste of the opportunity to pursue its case.

Nevertheless, further negotiations produced an initial agreement as to the division of revenues in that part of the Timor Sea defined as the Joint Petroleum Development Area. There was no agreement, however, as to the relevant maritime boundary upon which the division of the oil revenues from the adjacent, lucrative Sunrise oil and gas field depended.

A first round of talks on this issue was held in Dili between April 19 and 22, 2004. Correspondingly, then Foreign Minister, Alexander Downer, instructed ASIS to undertake surveillance activity in Timor-Leste in order to ascertain the Timorese Government’s position as to the location of the maritime boundary and its impact upon the distribution of the potential oil riches from the Sunrise field.

Whether at the behest of the Minister or otherwise, it appears that ASIS operatives posed as aid workers, deployed by Ausaid, who assisted with the construction of the Palacio Governo in Dili. This was the building in which the Timorese Prime Minister and Cabinet held their meetings. During the course of construction, it seems that ASIS agents placed surveillance devices in meeting rooms which allowed ASIS to listen in to Timor-Leste’s Cabinet discussions. These included Cabinet’s deliberations as to Timor’s negotiating position with respect to the maritime boundary and the future carve up of the Greater Sunrise revenues. The Australian Government thereby obtained critical information about Timor’s negotiation strategy, providing it with a substantial but hugely unfair advantage in the oil and gas argumentation.

The negotiations continued and, in May 2005, a joint agreement was reached on a formula for revenue sharing from Greater Sunrise. Timor got more money but caved in to Australia’s demand that the maritime boundary issue should be indefinitely deferred. Timor’s position in those negotiations had been weak, given the parlous state of its economy and the government’s pressing need to obtain oil revenues to undertake desperately needed infrastructure development. So, the Government still believed that the agreement reached was very unfair.

In 2007, following the Howard Government’s loss at the 2006 election, Alexander Downer obtained a highly paid consultancy with Woodside Petroleum, the company responsible for exploiting the oil and gas reserves in the Timor Sea. This prompted Witness K, who had been part of the ASIS team engaged in bugging the Timor government’s offices, to complain to the Inspector-General of Intelligence about the legality of the operation. The Inspector-General agreed that Witness K’s evidence could be disclosed in any related legal proceedings. After that, information as to the Cabinet surveillance operation made its way progressively into the Australian and Timorese media.

Read more here:


71d259  No.2687583


No one has deleted anything in a while anon. Only board slides and gore get deleted. Smoke a joint and chill the fuck out.

94f4d8  No.2687584


Simple … two sets of briefings

One accurate for POTUS

One with Donald Duck laughter for Hussein

654ed1  No.2687585

File: e3afd70cc2941e9⋯.jpg (55.79 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Autism-Prevalence-Graph.jpg)

File: f7fe57986fde665⋯.png (67.76 KB, 797x456, 797:456, trump-autism_ez48zh.png)

File: 3f9a4528894161a⋯.jpg (30.19 KB, 600x389, 600:389, trumptweetvaccines.jpg)

This is all coming full circle and starting to make sense. RR's sister Nancy Messonnier is involved in the administration of vaccines to children. It is widely suspected that these vaccines are linked to autism. Q has asked numerous times why the chan's were chosen for this mission. This board is filled with autists that are fighting the people that may be responsible for their condition. The universe is crazy.

322b7f  No.2687586


Tell bot BO "NO" to its control. Tell bots to get out. Humans did not consent to bot control. Massive trickery is wrong. Deception invalidates implicit consent. Out out out.

958a05  No.2687587


here's the pdf:


the HR 11654 refers to a bill from 1974

Charles Dick died in 1945

The book is a pamphlet it appears.

The numbers are all off.


first page of the pdf:

Publication No. 4




H. R. 11,654

A Bill to Promote the Efficiency of

the Militia and for Other



Published by

The Executive Committee

of the Interstate National Guard Association

February, 1902

275e18  No.2687588


He said less than 10

f4b967  No.2687589


This should be NOTABLE as well.

-Q will not be in the pic, if this is it-

But knowing Q, this is bait. Q will not expose his team, not before all of this is ended.

bd5914  No.2687590

File: fe18bca8063252f⋯.jpg (415.96 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, special.jpg)

de6e2f  No.2687591


Good information concerning the reddit posts mentioned by Q.

Where is missing the datapoint "Comey worked for Bidgewater Associates in Connecticut"

Why would this datapoint be missing? It only mentions L. Martin.

a8d68b  No.2687592

let me say it like that

if the A.I. sees me as a threat as soon i call it out than it is actually wrong, i really would like to work with the A.I. if it would trust me more and open up (transperancy and shit- you know) But going immiditley into a defense mode shows me actually the opposition of it.

i have no problem working with bots to get this corrupt left leaning shit down, but at least trust me too, this is something that always has to go both ways

trust the plan? yeah, but trust me too.

4ea7c9  No.2687593

File: 3085a17ddb5b756⋯.png (331.4 KB, 1758x1270, 879:635, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

reddit down?

478f87  No.2687594

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Paying victims of a criminal act to shut them up and stop them from suing might come under RICO laws. Don't know anything about "Church Militant" but they seem pretty pissed off.

275e18  No.2687595

File: ce334c512ba1d29⋯.png (101.67 KB, 1759x719, 1759:719, less tahn.PNG)

Sauce, less than 10


7b5288  No.2687596


All the former presidents get intel briefings. Whether or not they should be actually allowed to get the intel is another matter.

d2884f  No.2687597


Yes, reddit down. GA was getting too much traffic

93a2d3  No.2687598


yeah, that's what i posted a few minutes ago.

can't get to any of the recently linked threads.

91c511  No.2687599


Thank you

b84fb8  No.2687600


Quote -

You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.

Of those (less than 10 people) only three are non-military.

bd5914  No.2687601

Stop it with the Q doxing

8f6b93  No.2687602

Nazi labor camp guard caught by ICE, deported to Germany, White House says

The last known Nazi collaborator living in the United States – a 95-year-old former camp guard who played an "indispensable role" in the murders of thousands of Jews – was deported to Germany from his New York City home early Tuesday morning, the White House announced.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents implemented a 2004 deportation order against Jakiw Palij, who immigrated to the United States in 1949 and became a citizen in 1957 after concealing his Nazi background, the statement read.

#BREAKING: Early morning release from the White House says ICE has deported a former Nazi labor camp guard who was living in New York City. pic.twitter.com/OxGgcj1qsP

— David Charns WMTW (@DavidWMTW) August 21, 2018

Palij admitted to Department of Justice officials in 2003 that he trained at a Nazi camp in German-occupied Poland. Court documents indicated that men who trained at the SS Training camp in Trawniki carried out the Nazi regime’s plan to murder Jews in Poland.

The 95-year-old also served as an armed guard at the adjacent Trawniki Labor Camp – where he played an “indispensable role” in the death of roughly 6,000 Jews who were killed in one of the single largest massacres of the Holocaust in 1943, according to the statement.

Palij, who claimed he was working on a farm and in a factory during World War II, had his U.S. citizenship revoked in 2003 by a federal judge, and ordered to be deported a year later. His appeal was denied in 2005.

This 1942 photo provided by the the public prosecutor's office in Hamburg via the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, shows Heinrich Himmler, center left, shaking hands with new guard recruits at the Trawniki concentration camp in Nazi occupied Poland. Trawniki is the same camp, where some time after this photo was made, Jakiw Palij trained and served as a guard. The White House says that Palij, a 95-year-old former Nazi concentration camp guard has been deported to Germany, 14 years after a judge ordered his expulsion. (public prosecutor's office in Hamburg via the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum via AP)

Palij admitted to Department of Justice officials in 2003 that he trained at a Nazi camp in German-occupied Poland. (AP)

After the war, Palij maintained friendships with other Nazi guards who the government says came to the U.S. under similar false pretenses. And in an interesting coincidence, Palij and his wife purchased their Queens home near LaGuardia Airport in 1966 from a Polish Jewish couple who had survived the Holocaust and were not aware of his past.

“Through extensive negotiations, President Trump and his team secured Palij’s deportation to Germany and advanced the United States’ collaborative efforts with a key European ally,” the statement read.

The State Department later issued a statement saying Germany has re-admitted Palij.

In meetings with senior officials this week, Ambassador @RichardGrenell continued the 12-year U.S. government push for Germany to accept Nazi collaborator Jakiw Palij.

— US-Botschaft Berlin (@usbotschaft) May 18, 2018

Palij’s deportation process had been hindered over Germany’s unwillingness to take him back because he is not a German citizen, ABC News reported.

President Trump tasked U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell to ensure Palij’s deportation was on the top of his list when he arrived to Berlin, according to the outlet.

In a special ceremony at the White House on Monday, Trump honored two agencies – Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Customs and Border Protection – however, as ABC News noted Palij was not mentioned.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


122f98  No.2687603

File: 49556e1f1bfd00d⋯.jpeg (141.88 KB, 1440x921, 480:307, 1533780905.jpeg)

322b7f  No.2687604

File: c873e1e6641e582⋯.png (151.77 KB, 468x357, 156:119, nothin.png)

File: 67608556e5d783a⋯.png (963.05 KB, 1035x692, 1035:692, Justiceiscoming .png)


If the bots couldn't hide behind weak memes…

If the bots couldn't hide behind hackneyed "chan culture" poses…

If the bots couldn't hide behind repetitive talking points…

If the bots couldn't hide behind BULLYING BOT BO's BRUTE-FORCE TACTICS…

Then the bots would have NOTHING…

ccdaeb  No.2687605

Has anyone seen this yet?


Not a good time to tell voters that they may OWE more money next year, after the Tax Cut. Think this could affect the midterms?

592ce7  No.2687606

More on Inoculation Theory

There are plenty of search results pointing to academic research, like this:


These cover most of the basic principles, but all you need to see its workings in "reduction to practice" is what the MSM has tried to do with #Trump, #MAGA, #AltRight, and, especially #QAnon.

Behind closed doors, a star chamber for mass consumption of "today's memes" employs hundreds of polished professionals who together are paid to suppress truth about dozens of key topics. It is probably safe to say that the rise of the internet and social media, in particular, has presented as big a challenge as "the rise of the vernacular" did for the power possessors of the 16th and 17th centuries.

Do a bit of searching on "persuasion and inoculation." Parse the academi-dribble and get to the heart of how this all works. Understand the real war is being fought in the "hearts and minds" (fear and knowledge) of your countrymen. Apply the same principles in your messages and overall information campaign.

93a2d3  No.2687607



so at least 6, at most 9.

"only" 3 are non mil, which means at least 3 are military, at most 6.

3 civilians and a team of 3-6 military.

c22603  No.2687608


I would say so, yes.

70d2f9  No.2687609


Well said Anon, also a big FU to (((utiities))) with large nuclear fleets (think EXC)

ec0f53  No.2687610


Hence the use of private prisons.

6f6870  No.2687611

File: 9f3058295d76440⋯.jpg (147.93 KB, 750x836, 375:418, DlGw8fgU0AAjeDH.jpg)

Message for Soros ?

Early morning release from the White House says ICE has deported a former Nazi labor camp guard who was living in New York City.


958a05  No.2687612


This was 2014

and now we hear about Feinstein's chinese chauffer


da0345  No.2687613

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The More Ya Know !!!

4ea7c9  No.2687614

File: b4775584f03b253⋯.png (223.61 KB, 698x920, 349:460, YOU ARE WATCHING A MOVIE.png)


damn i just posted this thought they banned me

bd5914  No.2687615

File: 1fd65cb9940b938⋯.jpg (125.77 KB, 500x375, 4:3, likesto.jpg)

d0db82  No.2687616

File: 0621ff5680791a4⋯.jpg (65.33 KB, 563x850, 563:850, qwerky.jpg)

File: f028485bfc6fb3f⋯.jpg (99.31 KB, 700x453, 700:453, cv_or_connected.jpg)

File: 773ad0d35fea05b⋯.jpg (101.99 KB, 736x568, 92:71, Never.jpg)

File: af48532b44240e1⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1332x1222, 666:611, V_pool_P_art.png)

File: 9a2ab943d8789eb⋯.jpg (24.69 KB, 250x404, 125:202, CV.jpg)

>>2686210 (ob)

The artist had to have been present as a witness to then paint what she saw. No way she just came up with this image in her mind. She saw it.

065042  No.2687617








A dig on Ahmad still needed…


Other cases?

As anon points out she was used on FBI high profile…

a8d68b  No.2687618

File: 0ed760dcde3fa0c⋯.jpg (17.17 KB, 480x297, 160:99, 1389845953880.jpg)

>impact font

91c511  No.2687619


I thought the same thing about not exposing anyone til it’s over- not showing all your cards… Q has told us it is over though and we’re just watching the snowball turn into an avalanche at this point- “we have it all”… maybe no one is in danger at this point in the game.

ec0f53  No.2687620


Supposed to be deported since 2005. Ridiculous.

59bdc7  No.2687621

File: d833dc69ec66579⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1419x822, 473:274, Capture _2018-08-21-08-12-….png)

File: fbbe2e6b4512c30⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1434x1341, 478:447, Capture _2018-08-21-08-10-….png)

File: 6a087127fd93b5b⋯.png (944.32 KB, 1417x1159, 1417:1159, Capture _2018-08-21-08-09-….png)

Killer Kate account taken over

6c3c23  No.2687622



I came here to find out what was going on.

Why do I have to go to 8chan for news?

c22603  No.2687623


I sent her an email the other day enquiring about locations other than Biltmore.

Still waiting on a response (if any).

031862  No.2687624


iirc Q said its Trumps call when its time to drop the hammer. They have it all and ready for POTUS green light.

d92832  No.2687625


In my humble opinion, yours is a NOTABLE post

Excellent thinking, Anon


8f6b93  No.2687626


ICE doing their job now, unimpeded by bureaucracy?

065042  No.2687627


Fuck me..the rabbit hole gets deeper..

Get the fuck in here!

"In the spring of 2016, Ahmad took a leave from the U.S. Attorney's Office in E.D.N.Y to work at Justice Department headquarters ("Main Justice"), at the request of Attorney General Loretta Lynch, dealing with transnational organized crime and international affairs.[2] She returned to the E.D.N.Y. in April 2017, remaining there until July 2017, when she was selected by special counsel Robert Mueller to join the 2017 Special Counsel for the United States Department of Justice team assembled to probe Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections and related matters.[1]

Ahmad was one of the team members responsible for handling the case against Michael Flynn,[18] and appeared in court on behalf of the Special Counsel for Flynn's plea bargain.[19] "


6ebc63  No.2687628

File: 986caaf282bbba1⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 1920x1280, 3:2, 1516237764381.jpg)

That reddit post seemed to well written and thought out to not be it. Have anons sourced the claims in it, yet? It'd be nice to have a line-by-line to verify it. Still surprised Stranahan or someone else hasn't been on this already, but Stranahan is so far up Russia's ass that he's too blind to have seen this, I suppose:

If you still cannot reach it, there's always google cache:


Morning, Qresearch!

bdf738  No.2687629

File: 8945014efb671ef⋯.jpg (648.18 KB, 1068x548, 267:137, soros-home-katonah.jpg)

File: 698979372abcdee⋯.jpg (119.73 KB, 850x571, 850:571, GS katonah NY.jpg)



Are they setting the stage to do the same for this criminal who profits off of the misinformed? George Soros. Here's the former Nazi's Katonah NY home.

b6aee7  No.2687630


But… that would be raciss

1a0e28  No.2687631


I have a feeling that BHO is not getting the true picture. Whatever is in the PDB, it's most likely a heavily watered down version. True Intel would be given at another time due to BHO's history. Think parallel Intel.

3839b6  No.2687632


Comey has been the “Fixer” for the Clinton’s since Whitewater.

958a05  No.2687633

File: 1d4b8200ed6bc2a⋯.png (182.78 KB, 291x438, 97:146, HRC-baphomet-kids.png)

File: 73a5225d72a845a⋯.png (299.6 KB, 510x420, 17:14, went-with-the-wind-B-5.png)

File: c4cc4c7be23262c⋯.png (212.05 KB, 472x323, 472:323, witch-arrested-2.png)

File: 831203f36c298d7⋯.png (171.7 KB, 727x316, 727:316, hrc-C-means-2.png)

8f6b93  No.2687634


It is possible.

Soros was kicked out of Poland, maybe that will help the rest of the world on the Soros front.

ce45a7  No.2687636

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Pepe Deluxe



1d2ba3  No.2687637



bd5914  No.2687638

File: 7375b04ae2111ce⋯.png (514.38 KB, 1965x1646, 1965:1646, Brave_2018-08-21_08-17-07.png)

File: 8a13691bc6a5bf4⋯.pdf (160.31 KB, Gov-Uscourts-Cand-330787-1….pdf)


Class action lawsuit against Google for location tracking.

72d63c  No.2687639

reddit down

6ebc63  No.2687640



I am passing this on from someone who's connecting some dots with input from sources he cannot reveal.

Here's what it looks like when all the pieces are sewn together

It smells like conspiracy and treason. Everyone needs to read this. Slowly, and patiently, because it’s very important……

From 2001 to 2005 there was an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation.

A Grand Jury had been impanelled.

Governments from around the world had donated to the “Charity”.

Yet, from 2001 to 2003 none of those “Donations” to the Clinton Foundation were declared. Now you would think that an honest investigator would be able to figure this out.

Look who took over this investigation in 2005: None other than James Comey; Coincidence? Guess who was transferred into the Internal Revenue Service to run the Tax Exemption Branch of the IRS? None other than, Lois “Be on The Look Out” (BOLO) Lerner. Isn’t that interesting?

But this is all just a series of strange coincidences, right?

Guess who ran the Tax Division inside the Department of Injustice from 2001 to 2005?

No other than the Assistant Attorney General of the United States,

Rod Rosenstein.

Guess who was the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation during this time frame?

Another coincidence (just an anomaly in statistics and chances), but it was Robert Mueller.

What do all four casting characters have in common?

They all were briefed and/or were front-line investigators into the Clinton Foundation Investigation.

Another coincidence, right?

Fast forward to 2009….

6ebc63  No.2687641


James Comey leaves the Justice Department to go and cash-in at Lockheed Martin.

Hillary Clinton is running the State Department, official government business, on her own personal email server.

The Uranium One “issue” comes to the attention of the Hillary.

Like all good public servants do, supposedly looking out for America’s best interest, she decides to support the decision and approve the sale of 20% of US Uranium to no other than, the Russians.

Now you would think that this is a fairly straight up deal, except it wasn’t, America got absolutely nothing out of it.

However, prior to the sales approval, no other than Bill Clinton goes to Moscow, gets paid 500K for a one hour speech; then meets with Vladimir Putin at his home for a few hours.

Ok, no big deal right? Well, not so fast, the FBI had a mole inside the money laundering and bribery scheme.

Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during this time frame? Yep, He even delivered a Uranium Sample to Moscow in 2009.

Who was handling that case within the Justice Department out of the US Attorney’s Office in Maryland?

None other than, Rod Rosenstein. And what happened to the informant?

The Department of Justice placed a GAG order on him and threatened to lock him up if he spoke out about it.

How does 20% of the most strategic asset of the United States of America end up in Russian hands when the FBI has an informant, a mole providing inside information to the FBI on the criminal enterprise?

Very soon after; the sale was approved!~145 million dollars in “donations” made their way into the Clinton Foundation from entities directly connected to the Uranium One deal.

Guess who was still at the Internal Revenue Service working the Charitable Division? None other than, - Lois Lerner.

Ok, that’s all just another series of coincidences, nothing to see here, right?

Let’s fast forward to 2015.

Due to a series of tragic events in Benghazi and after the 9 “investigations” the House, Senate and at State Department, Trey Gowdy who was running the 10th investigation as Chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi discovers that the Hillary ran the State Department on an unclassified, unauthorized, outlaw personal email server.He also discovered that none of those emails had been turned over when she departed her “Public Service” as Secretary of State which was required by law. He also discovered that there was Top Secret information contained within her personally archived email.

Sparing you the State Departments cover up, the nostrums they floated, the delay tactics that were employed and the outright lies that were spewed forth from the necks of the Kerry State Department, we shall leave it with this…… they did everything humanly possible to cover for Hillary. .

Now this is amazing, guess who became FBI Director in 2013? None other than James Comey; who secured 17 no bid contracts for his employer (Lockheed Martin) with the State Department and was rewarded with a six million dollar thank you present when he departed his employer? Amazing how all those no-bids just went right through at State, huh?

Now he is the FBI Director in charge of the “Clinton Email Investigation” after of course his FBI Investigates the Lois Lerner “Matter” at the Internal Revenue Service and he exonerates her. Nope…. couldn’t find any crimes there.

In April 2016, James Comey drafts an exoneration letter of Hillary Rodham Clinton, meanwhile the DOJ is handing out immunity deals like candy.They didn’t even convene a Grand Jury!

Like a lightning bolt of statistical impossibility, like a miracle from God himself, like the true “Gangsta” Comey is, James steps out into the cameras of an awaiting press conference on July the 8th of 2016, and exonerates the Hillary from any wrongdoing.

Do you see the pattern?

It goes on and on, Rosenstein becomes Asst. Attorney General,Comey gets fired based upon a letter by Rosenstein, Comey leaks government information to the press, Mueller is assigned to the Russian Investigation sham by Rosenstein to provide cover for decades of malfeasance within the FBI and DOJ and the story continues.

FISA Abuse, political espionage….. pick a crime, any crime, chances are…… this group and a few others did it:

All the same players.

All compromised and conflicted.

All working fervently to NOT go to jail themselves

All connected in one way or another to the Clinton's.

6ebc63  No.2687642


They are like battery acid; they corrode and corrupt everything they touch.How many lives have these two destroyed?

As of this writing, the Clinton Foundation, in its 20+ years of operation of being the largest International Charity Fraud in the history of mankind, has never been audited by the Internal Revenue Service.

Let us not forget that Comey's brother works for DLA Piper, the law firm that does the Clinton Foundation's taxes.

The person that is the common denominator to all the crimes above and still doing her evil escape legal maneuvers at the top of the 3 Letter USA Agencies?

Yep, that would be Hillary R. Clinton.

Now who is LISA BARSOOMIAN? Let’s learn a little about Mrs. Lisa H. Barsoomian’s background.

Lisa H. Barsoomian, an Attorney that graduated from Georgetown Law, is a protégé of James Comey and Robert Mueller.

Barsoomian, with her boss R. Craig Lawrence, represented Bill Clinton in 1998.

Lawrence also represented:

Robert Mueller three times;

James Comey five times;

Barack Obama 45 times;

Kathleen Sebelius 56 times;

Bill Clinton 40 times; and

Hillary Clinton 17 times.

Between 1998 and 2017, Barsoomian herself represented the FBI at least five times.

You may be saying to yourself, OK, who cares? Who cares about the work history of this Barsoomian woman?

Apparently, someone does, because someone out there cares so much that they’ve “purged” all Barsoomian court documents for her Clinton representation in Hamburg vs. Clinton in 1998 and its appeal in 1999 from the DC District and Appeals Court dockets (?). Someone out there cares so much that even the internet has been “purged” of all information pertaining to Barsoomian.

Historically, this indicates that the individual is a protected CIA operative. Additionally, Lisa Barsoomian has specialized in opposing Freedom of Information Act requests on behalf of the intelligence community. Although Barsoomian has been involved in hundreds of cases representing the DC Office of the US Attorney, her email address is Lisa Barsoomian at NIH.gov. The NIH stands for National Institutes of Health. This is a tactic routinely used by the CIA to protect an operative by using another government organization to shield their activities.

It’s a cover, so big deal right? What does one more attorney with ties to the US intelligence community really matter?

It deals with Trump and his recent tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum imports, the border wall, DACA, everything coming out of California, the Uni-party unrelenting opposition to President Trump, the Clapper leaks, the Comey leaks, Attorney General Jeff Sessions recusal and subsequent 14 month nap with occasional forays into the marijuana legalization mix …. and last but not least Mueller’s never-ending investigation into collusion between the Trump team and-the Russians.

Why does Barsoomian, CIA operative, merit any mention?


She is Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s WIFE!

469107  No.2687643



dafe23  No.2687644


Why called the LAST BAKE edition?

78fb46  No.2687645

File: abc8ff989f92d78⋯.jpg (17.53 KB, 170x255, 2:3, AllYouNeedidLove2.jpg)

OK, Anons Here is what I collected through post 210 or so…

>>2687602 Nazi labor camp guard caught by ICE, deported to Germany

>>2687548, >>2687565 Sigma Phi Epsilon Digs

>>2687525 LA arts district digs. SNCTM LA by rail to Voodoo Donuts with a guest appearance by CEMEX. Graphic

>>2687470 Chucl Wooler Twat on Black Business Ownership up 400%

>>26877414, >>2687454, >>2687452, >>2687477, >>2687515, >>2687581 Is Q Calling us to Dig, Have we missed something Big??

>>2687450, >>26877467, >>2687450, >>2687500, >>2687507, >>2687534, >>2687536, >>2687546, >>2687562 Lisa Barsoomian, Ronald Machen Digs

Also Updated Dough if a new baker steps up, already moved last batch of notables to the recap so baker will have plenty of room to add.

Updated Dough


Have a great day :)

6ba782  No.2687646

All over the web, it says reddit is up. Apparently, it is just down for me.

c22603  No.2687647

And where is Carney Bates & Pulliam located?


065042  No.2687648


"Ahmad "was briefly married, to a lawyer from Jordan" before getting divorced.[2] Ahmad is a Muslim, and says that "the primary relevance of my ethnic background to the work I do is its irrelevance", citing the rejection of terrorism by "the broader American-Muslim community".[16]"

"In the Senate, the drive to oppose and defund civilian trials for accused terrorists has long been led by the Republicans Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Chuck Grassley of Iowa, and Jeff Sessions of Alabama. “This is no way to fight a war,” the three senators and a group of their colleagues wrote, in a 2015 letter to Eric Holder, then the Attorney General. The letter referred, specifically, to several extraditions that Ahmad was involved in. The senators and their allies strongly prefer that foreign terrorists who target Americans be detained in the military prison at Guantánamo Bay and, when possible, tried by a military tribunal. In 2009, Sessions, who is now the Attorney General, added an amendment to a military spending bill titled “No Miranda Warnings for Al Qaeda Terrorists.”

Ahmad and her colleagues have been working meanwhile to develop, with considerable quiet success, a criminal-justice alternative to Guantánamo. It’s a high-wire act. The public has unique expectations of law enforcement with respect to terrorism. “When there’s a bank robbery, we try to solve the crime,” Ahmad said. “But nobody thinks our job is to stamp out bank robbery. Terrorism is different. People expect us to prevent it.” Many terror cases are difficult to make, with the strongest evidence often classified or inadmissible. “And we can’t afford to lose,” Ahmad told me. “We can’t get anything wrong. If we lost a major extraterritorial case, there might never be another chance.”


d0db82  No.2687649

File: 0621ff5680791a4⋯.jpg (65.33 KB, 563x850, 563:850, qwerky.jpg)

File: f028485bfc6fb3f⋯.jpg (99.31 KB, 700x453, 700:453, cv_or_connected.jpg)

File: af48532b44240e1⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1332x1222, 666:611, V_pool_P_art.png)


Looking for a response then.

Holding my breath.

Good work on that angle.

94f4d8  No.2687650

So wouldn’t some “news” agency see that Reddit drop Connecting the Dots or an ambitious writer and do the rest of the investigation?

I’m thinking about Breitbart or Drudge as an agency.

Or in thinking about Peter Schweitzer who wrote Clinton Cash, as was close to this info. Think he is at Breitbart now.

All this requires proofs, otherwise just incidental coincidence.


81e3f7  No.2687651


Coal has never been clean, but nuclear fuels are the most dangerous, so many possibilities for fuckery there

Can you imagine what would happen to the US Navy if Russia were to control the uranium market

What do the large Navy vessels use for fuel

This is another example if those fuckers trying to destroy the USA

8f6b93  No.2687652


I assumed that baker calling "last call" for the night.

29d1d5  No.2687653

File: 33e6ab0e2ab4400⋯.png (252.44 KB, 1383x678, 461:226, loislerner1.PNG)

File: bacb6272cb6e14d⋯.png (121.58 KB, 1402x711, 1402:711, loislerner2.PNG)

File: d1036c9289b1820⋯.png (137.11 KB, 1394x658, 697:329, loislerner3.PNG)

File: 061bd24cc311314⋯.png (137.71 KB, 1386x643, 1386:643, loislerner4.PNG)

Personal life[edit]

>>Lerner is a past president of the Council on Governmental Ethics Laws (COGEL).[35]

>>She is married to tax lawyer Michael R. Miles.[36]


8bcfb7  No.2687654


It was down for many yesterday afternoon as well. Likely the exact reason that Q posted the link. Good info. THEY dont want the message to break the surface.

47a929  No.2687655

File: fba6dc19e81ed6c⋯.png (450.61 KB, 1545x672, 515:224, brand1.png)



My guess is the significance of the green and white tile wall "art" is pic related

065042  No.2687656


Zainab Ahmad

An expert in prosecuting terrorism and organized crime, Zainab Ahmad previously served as an assistant US attorney for the Eastern District of New York. She joined Mueller’s team in the summer of 2017.

Role on Mueller team:

Ahmad has worked on the case of former national security adviser Michael Flynn: She was one of two prosecutors who signed Flynn’s charging documents and was also in court for Flynn’s guilty plea in December 2017.

Notable cases:

Ahmad successfully prosecuted al-Qaeda terrorist Najibullah Zazi, who pleaded guilty in 2010 to terrorism charges relating to a plot to bomb the New York City subways on the 9/11 anniversary.

In 2017, Ahmad co-led the prosecution of Muhanad Mahmoud Al Farekh, an American citizen who was convicted on nine counts related to an al-Qaeda plan to attack US troops in Afghanistan.

What CNN Left Out – The Flynn case is now up in the air since Ahmad signed the charging documents. The judge over the case, Rudolph Contreras, was recused from the case for still unknown reasons. He was also a FISA Court judge who was courted for dinner with former Mueller team members Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. Strzok participated in the FBI’s questioning of Flynn on January 24 before joining Mueller’s team.

The new judge overseeing the case, Judge Emmet G. Sullivan ordered Special Counsel Robert Mueller to provide Flynn’s attorneys with any and all information that may have been withheld from the case. Sara Carter reported that “Flynn pled guilty to one count of lying to the FBI, despite testimony provided to Congress by former FBI Director James Comey, where he stated that the agents did not believe Flynn had lied about his conversation with former Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in December 2016.”


4ea7c9  No.2687657

hmm seems we are growing in power.. 30 uids this morning to almost 100

redditors lurking?

9f009b  No.2687658

File: 7780454c028d52e⋯.jpeg (33.19 KB, 640x223, 640:223, CE840DD8-B23E-4B6A-8233-C….jpeg)

Q: what about this? Even tho parade is not happening then what about unity in YSA by 11.11.18?

065042  No.2687659



Zainab Ahmad

sign FISA?

8bcfb7  No.2687660


Anderson had dark hair as a child.

4fdce9  No.2687661


Reddit down for me right now

11a3eb  No.2687662


Anons do attack bakers. It's why I don't bake anymore. Trying to work and bake at the same time is difficult enough with bitchy faggot anons shitting up the bread with their fucking whining.

32cb0f  No.2687663

File: b639c4e6685f1df⋯.jpeg (245.68 KB, 750x749, 750:749, 68C2E98A-FDB1-4E28-B00C-A….jpeg)

8f6b93  No.2687664


Unless her named was redacted, I don't remember seeing that name on FISA docs that have been posted here.

d9f77f  No.2687665


Kate and her dead eyes with the 1,000 cock stare.

8b280d  No.2687666


Biljama pains from projected photos.

doesn't mean she wasn't there.

Someone took the photos she paints from.

3eaf16  No.2687667


I can't believe they're still using the same code word after we exposed this

edf772  No.2687668

What the fuck is wrong with the shaving of the head when so ,many bald phreaks are already about

c13857  No.2687669

File: 5a94ae89718d351⋯.png (307.2 KB, 819x822, 273:274, Q-clock Green Light aug21.png)


>They have it all and ready for POTUS green light.


654ed1  No.2687670


I'm interested to see what will happen with all of the deep state's wealth and assets once the indictments are unsealed. Trump signed the eo making it possible to seize all assets (int'l and domestic). These people are insanely rich from because of the decades of stealing from the world's citizens. That house is part yours and part mine.

2d2fe4  No.2687671


I watched the latest video by SGT Report with Fiona Barnett. She explains towards the end of the video how she majored in Art and that these paintings had to be done from seeing pictures. There was no way the artist could paint these pictures from her mind.

This was another great video by SGT Report. Highly recommend watching.

b03567  No.2687672

File: eec4328e2175b4a⋯.jpg (35.28 KB, 660x371, 660:371, trumq.jpg)


all anons nearby

should if you can show support if available!

ThanQ baker and thanQ anons for all you do!

edf772  No.2687673


Female sexuality is a huge problem for a durable stable society

122f98  No.2687674

File: a89cfd8be48ccb6⋯.jpeg (175.05 KB, 1440x693, 160:77, 1532740337.jpeg)

2e56b7  No.2687675

File: c393304247eb2b9⋯.jpeg (38.26 KB, 300x600, 1:2, 3107237046108075595.jpeg)

8a91d4  No.2687676

File: 74f5f207f3edda7⋯.png (113.38 KB, 969x805, 969:805, ClipboardImage.png)

>>/patriotsfight/172 ————————- The Great Awakening (Cap: >>2685833 )

anyone else seeing this gone??

3fb13c  No.2687677


obongo has been very low down since the beginning of the year

either his legal advisors and/or controllers have put him in box

he certainly is incapable of making any serious decision independently

it seems the conspirators are not to eager to protect obongo but still seem petrified by fear of hildawg

perhaps he has a bit of sense and is positioning for leniency

2e56b7  No.2687678

File: 9b931ed438b20be⋯.jpeg (10.17 KB, 376x213, 376:213, th.jpeg)

b65644  No.2687679


I can't reach any sub on reddit

8a91d4  No.2687680



edf772  No.2687681


I lovely thing about are President but clean coal is a lie

2e56b7  No.2687682

File: f604d6919162763⋯.jpeg (13.23 KB, 386x199, 386:199, th (1).jpeg)

File: b96ab30137c54a0⋯.jpeg (12.13 KB, 199x264, 199:264, download.jpeg)

031862  No.2687683


Women are deadly toxic these days…well in the west at least.

b65644  No.2687684


Mobile is working thought (official reddit app)

8f6b93  No.2687685



ef6847  No.2687686


We know concrete steps are confirmation to us it’s a movie with bad actors, and those asleep don’t see it. We help them.

3fb13c  No.2687687

File: 1be4e87551f5691⋯.jpg (96.91 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, May.da.May.jpg)

File: a5d44bd08d55b7c⋯.jpg (189.22 KB, 476x640, 119:160, 10 Duke Street London.jpg)

File: b6c06be7c856e74⋯.jpg (437.52 KB, 2000x1167, 2000:1167, 10 downing.jpg)

21bc3e  No.2687688


there is still flyover country

29d1d5  No.2687689


>>>Lerner is a past president of the Council on Governmental Ethics Laws (COGEL).[35



Who else has been in charge of it?

9c0188  No.2687690


Still there for me.

8b280d  No.2687692

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Live Forever Anons

6ba782  No.2687693




Make the whole series a notable, please.Great summary.

0e5761  No.2687694

File: b0aab232ffa8399⋯.png (69.13 KB, 255x209, 255:209, ClipboardImage.png)

Morning Anon's

Start the day with a little humor.

592ce7  No.2687695


Thank you. Have posted on this subject here before but doesn't seem to get picked up as Notable. I believe we need to be aware of the tools used against we the people. They have the resources to hire the best, and you can bet they don't share their advanced tactics in research papers that are open press.

9f605e  No.2687696


There is a change in Q's communications. The receiver has changed. NewFag here and I realized that my role is to personalize this message for the general public; to make it palatable for them. Reddit, the /Chans/ for the common person, is an ideal vehicle.

f4b967  No.2687697

File: c510a961f1bafbc⋯.jpeg (9.36 KB, 290x174, 5:3, Clown Exposed.jpeg)

b84fb8  No.2687698

File: 156cb094c37a912⋯.jpg (65.58 KB, 634x522, 317:261, 4F3E796B00000578-0-image-m….jpg)


Green light on Drudge.


8c1ffd  No.2687699


Guys with shaved heads are generally big assholes

93a2d3  No.2687700


screencap the post

archive it

7a8b28  No.2687701


Original sauce for Q-mug photo?

4ea7c9  No.2687702


fucking autismo

4ea7c9  No.2687703

File: b13071f19f35824⋯.png (959.75 KB, 1014x702, 13:9, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

8f6b93  No.2687704


Old reddit URL works:


6ba782  No.2687705


Still down.

3eaf16  No.2687706


I was the anon who created that concrete pope bo connection back in the day. Right after that, Pope got pissed and made a statement, all over MSM, saying there ist fake news on the internet, saying that there was a "crafty serpent on a russian troll farm who needed to be unmasked". I was honored hahahaha

77c6bf  No.2687707


We're fucked in Ireland! The women are so self-possessed and actually adhere to the stereotype Hollywood gives them. They are zombie trash. I wouldn't put my cock in one!

9c0188  No.2687708

File: 137364880b8e805⋯.png (4.92 KB, 573x90, 191:30, Capture.PNG)


What gives here…I've refreshed a couple of times and it's still up. If it was taken down would be impossible…?

8f6b93  No.2687709



1e7176  No.2687710

File: 9d3f04a51ca4299⋯.jpg (739.09 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, 152578386199fsdf6.jpg)

Listening to NPR this morning (yes I know) and they were talking Microsoft taking down some Russian hackers that were making spoof websites. The concern faggotry was through the roof.

They are setting the stage, They are going to use muh Russia again when the blue wave gets Rek'd. How is this not Big T Treason?! The lefties are very fragile emotionally because of this BS already. What happens if it "appears" that Russian hackers won again?

Blood in the streets. Or at least some spilled lattes and trashcan genocide. Q, TRUMP, STOP THIS SHIT!

Trusting the plan, Back to lurking..

3cb166  No.2687711


Did you just get lazy, or did you NOT read the description…… it said that he didn't have the sauce….FFS!

6f6870  No.2687712

Scam NGO ?

Hi @SigridKaag @markrutte @MinPres! I know that the Netherlands wanted to pledge to support global education back in February, so I'd love if you joined me now! Will you provide $100M to @GPforEducation on Sept 29 at the @GlblCtzn Fest? Dank je!


065042  No.2687713


>I was the anon who created that concrete pope bo connection back in the day.

When we have our v-day party (and WE WILL) I will buy you a beer anon! Well done!

8b280d  No.2687714

celled for pipe.

Called for bowl.

Called for Notables 3 (three)




93a2d3  No.2687715



no, reddit is down. the post Q linked is down.

the earlier post another anon made about sauce on mueller's team.

i thought you had reddit up.

3eaf16  No.2687716


Sweet thank you! I'll buy you one too!!!!!!

8f6b93  No.2687717

And either Reddit is back up or me using old.reddit.com in another tab is somehow letting me in to reddit.com.

0e5761  No.2687718

File: 782125113e817f4⋯.jpg (72.93 KB, 720x396, 20:11, R&D.jpg)


And a scrotum more.

a8f24d  No.2687719


Just came back up for me.

c13857  No.2687720


Strange things going on with the celestial sphere…

More to come.

321d5b  No.2687721

File: 7f9274d3af19418⋯.png (496.94 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180820-133135.png)

File: 6ce3e096f42f70c⋯.png (91.3 KB, 484x861, 484:861, Screenshot_20180821-082904.png)

File: f35ab9c9d829021⋯.png (184.59 KB, 484x861, 484:861, Screenshot_20180821-082920.png)

File: 872fcd7882ea420⋯.png (129.12 KB, 484x861, 484:861, Screenshot_20180821-082935.png)

Not sure if this has been posted. Here is a connection with the memo posted yesterday.



592ce7  No.2687722


Please correct ref post number: >>2687606

122f98  No.2687723


Kek meme

065042  No.2687724

Gonna be a big day…


Brazile on Monday claimed to be on the west coast at the time of the murder.

But two D.C. Metropolitan Police sources told True Pundit on Monday that the new revelations are relatively accurate.

“Ask Brazile for her cell phone records on the date involved,” one police source said. “That would settle it.


7a8b28  No.2687725

File: d8731a9081f2fec⋯.png (13.44 KB, 921x291, 307:97, ClipboardImage.png)


I can get part of the way there, but just a never-ending "loading" circle.

6a286a  No.2687726

File: 04812f376f153af⋯.jpg (85.89 KB, 475x806, 475:806, 1.JPG)

When all else fails, Microsoft jumps on the Russia narrative - must be on the 4am talking points agenda for the day

031862  No.2687727


In oz its a no go zone in everywhere especially universities and city/corporate world. Weird time to be a guy in the lucky country. Works out for me, i can keep my energy and just focus on the important stuff that matters like here on this board.

God and country/world and you mad cunts is enough for me at this time.

1901de  No.2687728


Reddit, Q's link and /pf/ is working 100% ok with me right now

77c6bf  No.2687729

File: b60cf0e54bd143a⋯.jpg (157.68 KB, 1030x536, 515:268, James_Comey_fb.jpg)

File: 6ccc5d1d947c8ad⋯.jpg (258.93 KB, 1291x965, 1291:965, DRILLCOMEY.jpg)

File: 1613bc7135da908⋯.jpg (160.72 KB, 726x1024, 363:512, voteredposter.jpg)

File: 83f27a8a9732a35⋯.jpg (110.22 KB, 726x1024, 363:512, blankposter.jpg)

22a53c  No.2687730

File: 8d05c75e329ae39⋯.jpg (52.53 KB, 613x432, 613:432, mueller history.JPG)


Also this is another nugget for WilmerHale and Mueller!!!!

928fbe  No.2687731





77c6bf  No.2687732

File: 60de77421e0fc50⋯.jpg (169.91 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, dbquizzed.jpg)

File: f529ddab93cbb7c⋯.jpg (148.24 KB, 1024x684, 256:171, dbmurdersethrich.jpg)

File: f4f5b8774bba619⋯.jpg (188.26 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, dbsethrichmurder.jpg)

File: 2276bcd1a25e713⋯.jpg (120.79 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, dbdws.jpg)

3fb13c  No.2687733

File: f9fe2e91eb19eb1⋯.jpg (30.26 KB, 640x420, 32:21, brenda cia.jpg)

321d5b  No.2687734




fe11a2  No.2687735


Did anything happen with the USA and the catholic institution on Nov 4-5th of last year?

8f6b93  No.2687736


Seems to be up now…saving useful links. TY

3fb13c  No.2687737

File: b4ec0c3b36ca645⋯.png (521.4 KB, 976x543, 976:543, a1.png)

File: a018f2fe6ee60ed⋯.png (442.84 KB, 1018x492, 509:246, a2.png)

File: a00a393a78d7f31⋯.png (382.63 KB, 1059x535, 1059:535, a3.png)

93a2d3  No.2687738



3fb13c  No.2687739

File: 5220311f22f7642⋯.png (239.58 KB, 658x410, 329:205, a4 evil fag.png)

File: 427c59b4a9427cc⋯.png (291.85 KB, 677x423, 677:423, a5 fresh meat.png)

File: 98bacf3c485cf0b⋯.png (127.87 KB, 412x484, 103:121, a6 subversive co-opt.png)

be2816  No.2687740

File: 4fdf86a40174abd⋯.png (271.17 KB, 522x447, 174:149, ClipboardImage.png)

3fb13c  No.2687741

File: 42a3dac699b9e1e⋯.png (339.81 KB, 1037x503, 1037:503, a7 infiltration.png)

File: f25380d21aa8888⋯.png (258.21 KB, 686x434, 49:31, a8 far foreigners.png)

File: fea3fe9d4428395⋯.png (241.08 KB, 652x391, 652:391, a9 chief fag.png)

d3dfb8  No.2687742


Shopped? Well done if it is … KEK!

716aa3  No.2687743


As a result of the previously unknown practice, which was first exposed by the Associated Press last week, Google has now been sued by a man in San Diego. Simultaneously, activists in Washington, DC are urging the Federal Trade Commission to examine whether the company is in breach of its 2011 consent decree with the agency.

122f98  No.2687744

File: a7de2943aeaa04d⋯.jpeg (124.45 KB, 1440x947, 1440:947, 1534815255.jpeg)

0e5761  No.2687745


Interesting interview with Brian Killmeade and Eric Prince of Blackwater.

bf0a5c  No.2687746

File: 5d64cbc136adcd5⋯.jpg (3.42 MB, 4135x3009, 4135:3009, shopped.jpg)


reverse search shows many similar images but no "Q" cups.

814e98  No.2687747


Utah anon? :D

3b942c  No.2687748

The story of an anonymous government insider called Q is a LARP.

And by LARP i mean the truth.

It's all true.

But it's simultaneously a terrifying and entertaining truth, and in the end isn't that what makes a LARP ?

The answer is: No.

8f6b93  No.2687749



Front Hole isn't PC!!


3fb13c  No.2687750

File: 490812502d32cbb⋯.png (409.37 KB, 1274x508, 637:254, b1 loss.png)

File: e74059de2f70082⋯.png (340.73 KB, 1086x513, 362:171, b2 fag central.png)

File: eb53fc1f5a7f5a4⋯.png (220.74 KB, 666x498, 111:83, b3 fag king.png)

bdf738  No.2687751

File: 8176c088fc6097a⋯.png (84.18 KB, 179x282, 179:282, ClipboardImage.png)



c64158  No.2687752


Hats off 2 them

100% re-spect

f56f6a  No.2687753

File: f02b75f914f28bf⋯.png (563.85 KB, 833x2930, 833:2930, d040fc966a228ccf92e2410314….png)

for those who cannot get on Reddit

(and for those who refuse to go there)

here is the article Q linked to last night

lazy fucks cant even go back 3 breads smh

71d259  No.2687754

Still need a new baker to step up and bake the next bread.

9f605e  No.2687755


The Clintons grant favor or track malfeasance. Either way, they are owed something and they collect. Anyone of these players could be the benefit of Clinton Cartel largesse or the victim of their insatiable greed and malice and blackmailed into providing cover. It matters not. As with any crime syndicate, the connections and relationships are critical and no less here, especially the wives. Barsoomian is one of my favorites.

How about Anita Dunn, senior partner at SKDKnickerbocker, the firm that is coordinating the media attack for The DEM Government in Exile? Her husband is Robert Bauer who previously served as White House Counsel under Obama.

Peter Strzok's wife is Melissa Hodgman-Strzok is the SEC Director in charge of investigations. She was put in charge of the Clinton Foundation investigation three weeks before the last Presidential election. She was promoted to Director in exchange for Strzok's burying of the Weiner laptop.

Bruce Ohr and his lovely wife Nellie are the hubs between FBI, DOJ, Fusion GPS and the Obama White House.

Dr. Jill McCabe ran for the state ran for the State Senate in Virginia despite a $750,000 war chest provided for her by longtime Clinton ally and butt-boy, Terry McAuliffe. Jill McCabe is married to Andy, ex-assistant Director of the FBI.

There are more but these are the most notable ones.

11540e  No.2687756


Morning all….woke up to this. Wish I knew how to share the pic displayed in the article….obvious symbol…..

8c1ffd  No.2687757

File: 8cead0cea78819b⋯.jpeg (438.57 KB, 1536x1728, 8:9, BBA25ACF-FBC7-4A12-BA35-0….jpeg)

File: 65435a322d8ec3f⋯.jpeg (697.05 KB, 1536x1718, 768:859, 082D37DD-76E4-4BF2-A0D7-2….jpeg)

File: 3b2c3179c545a0f⋯.jpeg (604.57 KB, 1532x1884, 383:471, A453AD88-A445-4C67-9CDC-7….jpeg)

Capped for archives

29d1d5  No.2687758



Shipra Verma, CPA, CA, President

Ms. Shipra Verma is the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) of Manitoba. Ms. Verma joined Elections Manitoba in 2004 and in 2009, she was appointed to the position of Deputy Chief Electoral Officer. In 2010, she took on the additional role of Acting Chief Electoral Officer and in July 2013, she was appointed Chief Electoral Officer. As an independent officer of the Legislative Assembly, the CEO conducts provincial general elections and by-elections under The Elections Act and The Election Financing Act. The CEO also provides compliance assistance to political entities and ensures public disclosure of their expenditures and contributions. Through the public education mandate of the office, the CEO also delivers public education and information programs to foster democratic participation.

Ms. Verma has electoral experience in all areas of electoral management including operations, campaign finance, education and communication and information technology. She has worked extensively on legislative amendments, including the rewrite of The Election Financing Act in plain language in 2013. She has also served as an international election observer for the presidential election in Ukraine in 2014.

A Certified Public Accountant with credentials in Canada, the United States and India, Ms. Verma has several years of experience in public accounting and professional services.

Term of office expires December 2019

Amy McKeever Toman, President-Elect

Amy McKeever Toman was appointed Executive Director of the Florida Elections Commission in 2013. She is responsible for directing the operations of the statewide agency, which is charged with enforcing Florida's campaign finance laws and ensuring transparency in Florida's elections. Amy began her law career as an Associate in the civil litigation departments of Williams & Montgomery, Ltd., and then Barnes & Thornburg, LLP, both in Chicago, Illinois, and she began her service to the State of Florida in 2004. Before joining the Commission, she worked for several government entities, including the Florida Senate and the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation.

Amy earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from Boston College and a Juris Doctorate from Loyola University School of Law (Chicago). In July 2016, she completed the Certified Public Management (CPM) Program, administered by the Florida Center for Public Management in the Askew School of Public Administration at Florida State University.

Term of office expires December 2020

Paul M. Nick, Treasurer and Immediate Past President

Paul M. Nick serves as the Executive Director of the Ohio Ethics Commission where he oversees the state-wide responsibilities of the Commission. Mr. Nick joined the Ethics Commission in 1995 as its Investigative Counsel, was promoted to Chief Investigative Attorney in 2000 and then appointed as the Executive Director since 2011. Before joining the Ethics Commission staff, Mr. Nick served with the Columbus City Attorney’s Office as an assistant city prosecutor and then assistant city attorney in the civil division. Mr. Nick received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and his Juris Doctor from the Moritz College of Law at The Ohio State University.

Term of office expires December 2018

11540e  No.2687760


all of a sudden, she has no evidence and refuses to talk about it

5e51bb  No.2687761


Can someone stitch these into one graphic please? Struggling with that

065042  No.2687762


yep…perhaps who we will suppose to find…certainly a part of the Barsoomian dig leads to her….

6a286a  No.2687763

File: b64f5edf87bf082⋯.jpg (117.39 KB, 1264x995, 1264:995, 1.JPG)

Major fuckery going on when trying to archive the reddit site. See pic. Anons - copy/paste and save the text. Repost elsewhere and save offline.

958a05  No.2687764




(not in its entirety)

Microsoft said it had seized fake websites, linked to a Russian military intelligence unit, meant to trick people into thinking they were sites for Republican-leaning think tanks that have criticized President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.CreditGulshan Khan/Agence France-Presse —

Getty Images

By David E. Sanger and Sheera Frenkel

BOSTON — The Russian military intelligence unit that sought to influence the 2016 election appears to have a new target: conservative American think tanks that have broken with President Trump and are seeking continued sanctions against Moscow, exposing oligarchs or pressing for human rights.

In a report scheduled for release on Tuesday, Microsoft Corporation said that it detected and

seized websites that were created in recent weeks by hackers linked to the Russian unit formerly known as the G.R.U. The sites appeared meant to trick people into thinking they were clicking through links managed by the Hudson Institute and the International Republican Institute, but were secretly redirected to web pages created by the hackers to steal passwords and other credentials.

Microsoft also found websites imitating the United States Senate, but not specific Senate offices or political campaigns.

The shift to attacking conservative think tanks underscores the Russian intelligence agency’s

goals: to disrupt any institutions challenging Moscow and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia

“We are now seeing another uptick in attacks. What is particular in this instance is the broadening of the type of websites they are going after,” Microsoft’s president, Brad Smith, said Monday in an interview.

“These are organizations that are informally tied to Republicans,” he said, “so we see them broadening beyond the sites they have targeted in the past.”

The International Republican Institute’s board of directors includes several Republican leaders who have been highly critical of Mr. Trump’s interactions with Mr. Putin, including a summit meeting last month between the two leaders in Helsinki, Finland.

Among them are Senator John McCain of Arizona; Mitt Romney, a former presidential candidate; and — though he was silent on Mr. Trump’s appearance in Helsinki — Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, who was replaced in the spring as the White House national security adviser.

“This is another demonstration of the fact that the Russians aren’t really pursuing partisan attacks, they are pursuing attacks that they perceive in their own national self-interest,” said Eric Rosenbach, the director of the Defending Digital Democracy project at Harvard University, on Monday. “It’s about disrupting and diminishing any group that challenges how Putin’s Russia is operating at home and around the world.”

The State Department has traditionally helped fund both Republican and Democratic groups that engage in promoting democracy.

“It is clearly designed to sow confusion, conflict and fear among those who criticize Mr. Putin’s authoritarian regime,” Mr. Twining said in a statement.

The goal of the Russian hacking attempt was unclear, and Microsoft was able to catch the spoofed websites as they were set up.

But Mr. Smith said that “these attempts are the newest security threats to groups connected with both American political parties” ahead of the 2018 midterm elections.

“These attacks are seeking to disrupt and divide,” he said. “There is an asymmetric risk here for democratic societies. The kind of attacks we see from authoritarian regimes are seeking to fracture and splinter groups in our society.”

Microsoft says it is expanding its effort to help political candidates counter foreign influence. It is starting an initiative it calls “AccountGuard” to bolster protections to candidates and campaign offices at the federal, state and local level, as well as think tanks and political organizations.


A single letter, or even a punctuation mark, was often the only difference between the real and fake websites.

The fake websites were used as the conduit for a number of attacks, including persuading victims to download harmful malware or to reveal passwords and other personal information.

But for the past year, Microsoft has grown increasingly aggressive in countering them.

In 2016, a federal judge in Virginia agreed that the group Microsoft calls “Strontium” and others call “APT 28,” for “advanced persistent threat,” would continue its attacks. The judge appointed a “special master” with the power to authorize Microsoft to seize fake websites as soon as they are registered. As a result, the hackers have lost control of many of the sites only days after creating them.

But it is a constant cat-and-mouse game, as the Russian hackers seek new vectors of attack while Microsoft and others seek to cut them off.

edf772  No.2687765


Expand on policy implications of this development

29d1d5  No.2687766



Steve Berlin

Steve Berlin was appointed as the Executive Director of the Board of Ethics and confirmed by the City Council in December 2008. Before that appointment, he served as the Board’s Acting Executive Director, from October 2006, and began his City career in September 1993 as the Board’s Deputy Director. In his years with the City, he has implemented several changes to the City’s ethics and campaign financing laws, including a recent major overhaul, under Mayor Rahm Emanuel, and has advised tens of thousands of City employees, officials, lobbyists and contractors on complying with the letter and spirit of the City’s ethics laws.

Steve appears regularly at conferences and panels as an expert on ethics in government, has authored several articles, was recently elected to a 3-year term as a member of the Steering Committee of COGEL (the Council on Government Ethics Laws, an international organization), and heads COGEL’s Publications Committee. In June 2012, he served as a State Department Legislative Fellow in the Republic of Georgia, advising officials there on establishing and maintaining government ethics institutions, and also served as an adviser to the Lt. Governor's committee to rewrite the Illinois Governmental Ethics Act. He is a member of the Chicago Bar Association's Government Lawyer Committee.

He received his J.D. in 1984 from Northwestern University's School of Law, and received his B.A. in history, cum laude, from Amherst College in 1980. In 1991, he earned an M.A. in Ethics from the University of Chicago’s Divinity School. He began his legal career with Altheimer & Gray in 1984 and then worked for Rudnick & Wolfe (now DLA Piper), both in Chicago. He also worked as Research Attorney for the American Judicature Society, and was a Fellow with the Park Ridge Center for Health, Faith and Ethics. From 1991-2013, he taught Business Ethics and the Arts as an Adjunct Professor at Columbia College Chicago.

Steve is both a Cubs and White Sox fan, living proof that this is indeed possible.

Term of office expires December 2021

Matthew Bobys

Matthew Bobys is Counsel at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP in Washington, D.C. He advises business clients across numerous industries on matters relating to government affairs at the federal, state, and local levels, with particular emphasis on laws relating to campaign finance, pay-to-play, lobbying, government ethics, gifts and entertainment, and conflicts of interest. He repeatedly has been selected for inclusion in Chambers USA: America’s Leading Lawyers for Business. He received a B.A. in Religion and Sociology from Grinnell College, and a J.D. from Harvard Law School.

Term of office expires December 2020

Anton Boegman

Anton Boegman is the Chief Electoral Officer of Elections British Columbia. He has been with Elections BC since March, 2004. His responsibilities include corporate planning, risk management and performance measurement, as well as overall electoral event planning, readiness and delivery. Prior to joining Elections BC, Anton worked privately as a consultant, and for a variety of organizations including the Department of National Defence and Royal Roads University. He is a graduate of the Royal Military College of Canada, has an MBA, and is a certified project management professional (PMP).

Term of office expires December 2020

5e51bb  No.2687767


Thanks mate

edbd56  No.2687768


>Military Industrial Complex is real.

Who said this wasn't real?

It's been real since the close of WW2.

It's why Eisenhower even gave a farewell address to the nation about it as the subject.

He wasn't saying goodbye to his constituents as much as saying goodbye to the USA as he knew it.

3fb13c  No.2687769

File: d292f7112b2c57f⋯.jpg (27.87 KB, 372x400, 93:100, c5.1.jpg)

File: 171e46fcea6d50e⋯.jpg (80.02 KB, 375x525, 5:7, c5.jpg)

all of the CAMBRIDGE 5/6 were homosexual bolsheviks

ca7ca6  No.2687770


What do you mean taken over Anon?

fe11a2  No.2687771

File: 4d90cd4f0c2f513⋯.jpeg (24.38 KB, 258x245, 258:245, 22A44228-BFF8-4A0F-BC05-0….jpeg)


KEK! Good one memenon

29d1d5  No.2687772



Jared DeMarinis

Jared DeMarinis is the Director of Candidacy and Campaign Finance for the Maryland State Board of Elections, where he is responsible for the implementation and enforcement of State candidacy and campaign finance laws. In 2013, he helped draft House Bill 1499, the Campaign Finance Reform Act of 2013, which completely overhauled pay-to-play and campaign finance laws in Maryland. The bill closed the controversial contribution "LLC loophole” and slate transfers, increased civil penalties and provided greater disclosure of political activity of 501(c) and 527 organizations.

In addition, Mr. DeMarinis is a leader in field regarding the use of new technologies in campaigns. He was one of the first in the nation to draft and pass regulations regarding the use of social media, Internet advertisements by campaign accounts, and political contributions by text message.

Additionally, he has served as an international election monitor for the parliamentary elections in Armenia (2007) and the presidential election in Azerbaijan (2013).

Mr. DeMarinis is a graduate of Villanova University and Rutgers University - School of Law - Newark.

Term of office expires December 2018

David Goodis

David Goodis is Assistant Commissioner with the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, which oversees the province’s freedom of information and privacy legislation. David is a graduate of Western University’s law school, and has represented the office in hearings before all levels of court including the Supreme Court of Canada. He previously held the positions of Director of Legal Services and Senior Adjudicator with the IPC. David has been a long-standing contributor to COGEL’s FOI program area, and is on the faculty of two law schools in Ontario. David is also the author of an annual compilation of FOI cases under Ontario’s freedom of information law.

Term of office expires December 2021

Kristin E. Izumi-Nitao

Kristin E. Izumi-Nitao was selected as the sixth Executive Director for the Hawaii Campaign Spending Commission which was established in 1973 to ensure the integrity and transparency of the campaign finance process. In November 2013, the Commission received the State of Hawaii Office of Information Management and Technology, "Transparency and Accountability: Open Government” award as a result of implementing real-time data visualization charts created from the contribution and expenditure reports filed by candidate and noncandidate committees.

She was formerly with the Department of the Attorney General serving as the administrator for the Internet and Technology Crimes Unit in Hawaii and the territory of Guam. During her tenure, her unit received the Judge C. Nils Tavares Award in 2007, Team of the Year at the Department of the Attorney General in 2008 and 2009, and was recognized by the Hawaii Joint Police Association, Salute to Women in Security and Law Enforcement, in May 2006. Prior to supervising this unit, she served as the legal advisor to the Board of Trustees of the Hawaii Employees’ Retirement System, was a deputy prosecutor, and served as a law clerk for the Chief Justice of the Hawaii Supreme Court and for a circuit court judge.

She received a B.A. in Political Science and Art History from Wellesley College, and her J.D. from Santa Clara University School of Law.

Term of office expires December 2018

Ashley Kemp

Ashley Kemp is the Executive Director of the Oklahoma Ethics Commission having previously served as its Deputy Director. The Commission enacts Ethics Laws for the State of Oklahoma and enforces those laws. During her time at the Commission, the Commission rewrote and replaced the Ethics Laws for the State of Oklahoma, implemented a new online reporting system, a robust continuing education program, and initiated an intermediate level of enforcement of its Rules using Compliance Orders and an administrative hearing process. A graduate of the University of Oklahoma College of Law, Ashley previously served as General Counsel to the Oklahoma House of Representatives, Deputy General Counsel to the Oklahoma Health Care Authority, and Assistant General Counsel to the Oklahoma Tax Commission.

Term of office expires December 2021

034264  No.2687773

File: f34b25bf5726f88⋯.png (332.25 KB, 745x573, 745:573, pedo songbird cocaine.PNG)

File: c362ff26c99c867⋯.png (257.76 KB, 893x454, 893:454, pedo songbird cocaine traf….PNG)

File: 7e3e940d3fba45f⋯.png (461.73 KB, 867x570, 289:190, pedo songbird cocaine prob….PNG)

RE: the Q drop with reddit recap and barsoomian purge of legal records from the net.

i had pulled many DC links on WDSHN pedo songbird and hrc in DC courts in 2016, including one with pedo songbird getting busted for heroin and put in rehab.

all of those records are no longer at the DC courts link.

at the time i did not know the reality that is this corruption. who knew that court records could be removed?

but i did post most of it on social media. and the copypasta is still there with the comments of users.

here are three screen caps from the pedo songbird court records.

pedo songbird was sent to a TEEN AGE rehab center, which was extremely hinky as well.

records are gone now, as are most of the HRC records that i provided links to on social media.

just an fyi.

this was in the DC district courts at their website.

c13857  No.2687775

File: 2f2fdb8e4b6e6e9⋯.png (486.58 KB, 624x518, 312:259, TheStormBlue.png)

edf772  No.2687776


Fukken great. I hate Wasserman who practices Luciferisn Satanism now that Jews no longer believe in an afterlife

29d1d5  No.2687777



Darrin Lim

Darrin Lim is a Co-Founder and Partner of Politicom Law LLP in California. Mr. Lim specializes in political law compliance, including campaign finance, lobbying and governmental ethics laws. Mr. Lim advises large companies and executives throughout the U.S. to address their political and governmental interactions. Prior to his service on the Steering Committee, Mr. Lim Co-Chaired COGEL’s Program Committee for several years. He has regularly presented at the organization’s annual conference and has co-edited the COGEL Blue Book: Campaign Finance Update for over 10 years.

He is a graduate of the University of Southern California and the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law.

Term of office expires December 2019

Lee Ann Pelham

LeeAnn Pelham began serving as Executive Director of the San Francisco Ethics Commission in January 2016. She leads of staff of 22 in administering and enforcing campaign finance, ethics, and lobbying laws for the City and County of San Francisco, and administers a $7 million voter-approved partial public financing program for qualified City candidates.

Previously, she served on the staff of the Los Angeles City Ethics Commission, including as its Executive Director from 2001 to 2011 where she led the design and implementation of local political reform that garnered national recognition from the American Society for Public Administration for delivering “outstanding contributions to responsible conduct in public service.” From 2013 to 2015, LeeAnn was Director of Ethics and Corporate Governance for the Santa Clara Valley Water District, where she provided executive direction for that agency’s efforts to advance ethical behavior, accountability, inclusive leadership, and organizational performance.

Prior to her work in local government, LeeAnn conducted performance audits for the non-partisan California Auditor General’s Office to improve the effectiveness of governmental entities and operations. She also was a Senior Political Organizer on the national staff of Common Cause in Washington, D.C. She served as a Member of the Government Ethics Advisory Committee at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University, was a member of the California Fair Political Practices Commission 2010 Chair’s Political Reform Act Advisory Task Force, and served as Program Chair for the 2009 and 2010 COGEL Annual Conferences. LeeAnn holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Georgetown University and a Master of Public Policy from the University of Michigan.

Term of office expires December 2020

Executive Directors:

Gill & Gill, LLC

Association Management Group

L. Diane Gill, CAE

Larry M. Gill, CPA


dd8d6a  No.2687778

File: 822422014dcbf8e⋯.jpg (4.73 KB, 248x156, 62:39, hogg.jpg)

39327c  No.2687779

File: ffd6db22c8cdbb7⋯.pdf (247.13 KB, Asian American Candidates.pdf)

File: 32f0500a132d92d⋯.png (800.81 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, Muslim American Candidates….png)

File: 259724b47943f38⋯.png (107.79 KB, 1124x366, 562:183, zubaid ahmd.PNG)


there are two ahmads on the list Q gave us in post 1887…he gave us a link to a podesta email which had an attatchment..in there a lis of muslim americans with the potential to fill a top position..this list was seemingly long..could post those names again if needed.

uhh..wth..i'll just post them any way.


all pics related.

re: Qpost


1. Farooq Kathwari – (South Asian American; Muslim American; 63 years old), potential Commerce Secretary

2. Cyrus Amir-Mokri (Iranian American, mid-40s) – likely candidate for General Counsel at Treasury or SEC Commissioner (or something similar).

3. James Zogby (Arab American, 63 years old) – possibly for USAID, Commerce or an outside board/commission.

4. Zubaid Ahmad (Pakistani American, mid-late 40s) – might be good for international side at Treasury, Commerce, or EXIM Bank.

5. Ismael Ahmed (Arab American ) – possible Assistant Secretary at DHS, HHS or HUD.

6. Vali Nasr (Iranian American; 48 years old) – possible State Department role.

7. Dr. Charles Elachi (Lebanese American; unknown religion, possibly Christian; early 60s) – Possible NASA Administrator.

8. Firouz Naderi (Iranian American, mid-40s or so) – also NASA Administrator or Deputy Administrator candidate.

9. Mansoor Ijaz (Pakistani American, mid-40s) – possible deputy or assistant secretary for State, Treasury or Commerce (or for outside board).

10. Eboo Patel (Indian American, early 30s) – possibly a deputy in National Service office, faith-based initiatives office or on an outside board/commission

11. Avid Modjtabai (Iranian American woman, mid-30s) – possibly some kind of CTO role in an agency.

12. Zainab Salbi (Iraqi American in 40s or so) – possibly for USAID or Refugee/Resettlement offices at State or DHS.

13. Moushumi Khan (Bangladeshi American woman, mid-30s) – for Deputy Assistant Secretary level at DHS, Labor or Justice (Civil rights).

Possible Choices from Among the Democratic Muslim American Elected Officials

Rep. Andre Carson (D-Ind.)

State Sen. Larry Shaw (State Legislature, D-NC)

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.)

39327c  No.2687780


14. Dilawar Syed (Pakistani American, early 40s) – Very active early Obama supporter, and large fundraiser.

15. Kamil Hasan (Indian American, only Indian American member of the DNC) – Tech entrepreneur.

16. Kashif Zafar (Pakistani American around 40 years old) – Very active in South Asian American fundraising and a Co-Chair of the South Asian American Leadership Council at DNC.

17. Elias A. Zerhouni (Algerian American; about 57 years old). He is the current director of the National Institutes of Health, appointed by George W. Bush in May 2002.

18. Jawed Karim (Bangladeshi American, about 30 years old) – a co-founder of the popular video sharing website YouTube.

19. Ahmed al-Rahim (Iraqi American, mid-30s or so) – He is an Arabic scholar active in the promotion of a moderate form of Islam.

20. Khaled Hosseini (Afghan American; 43 years old) – novelist and physician whose 2003 debut novel, The Kite Runner, was a bestseller

21. Saleemah Abdul-Ghafur (African American, mid-30s) – She is an author and activist (faith-based initiatives and gender equality in Islam).

22. Rany Jazayerli (Arab American, 33 years old) – a Chicago-area dermatologist, and co-founder and a writer for Baseball Prospectus.

23. Hamid Biglari (Iranian American) – currently Chief Operating Officer of the Institutional Client Group of Citigroup

24. Amer Bisat – Partner and Portfolio Manager, Traxis Partners LLC (no detailed biographical info available).

25. Hamid Moghadam (Iranian American, mid-50s or so). He is Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of AMB Property Corporation, a leading global developer and owner of industrial real estate in the San Francisco Bay Area.

26. Bijan Mossavar-Rahmani (Iranian American) – He is Chairman of Mondoil Enterprises, LLC, a privately-held company active in international oil and gas operations with a focus in West Africa.

27. Paul F. Boulos (Arab American; unknown religion) – President and COO of MWH Soft, a leading global provider of water resources applications software, in Broomfield, Colorado.

28. Richard A. Abdoo (Arab American, around 64 years old) – served as Chief Executive Officer of Wisconsin Electric Power Company from 1990 to July 2003, and was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Wisconsin Energy Corporation, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

29. Mrs. Samia Farouki (Lebanese American) – Ms. Farouki is the Founder and CEO of HAIFinance Corporation, a global investment company.

30. Assad Jebara (Syrian American). President and CEO of Zana-Di Jeans/Alpha Garment, Inc., one of the largest Junior denim brands and Arab-American owned companies in the United States.

31. Alexander Kronemer is a writer, lecturer and documentary producer focusing on religious diversity, Islam and cross-cultural understanding.

32. Reza Aslan (relatively young Iranian American Shi’ia) – An internationally acclaimed writer and scholar of religions, he is a fellow at the University of Southern California’s Center on Public Diplomacy and Middle East Analyst for CBS News.

33. Jean AbiNader (Moroccan American; Catholic) – Deputy Director of the Moroccan American Center and a founding board member of the Arab American Institute.

34. Hossam Abdel-Maksoud (Egyptian American) – Mr. Abdel-Maksoud brings over 20 years of international trade to his position as CEO of Novo Enterprises.

35. Dr. Yahya Mossa Basha (Syrian American) – Michigan physician who is the founder and President of Basha Diagnostics, P.C., a multi-site Diagnostic Imaging company in Dearborn

36. Dr. Aslam Abdullah (Indian American) – He is the editor of the weekly Muslim Observer published from Detroit, MI.

37. Peter J. Tanous (Lebanese American; unknown religion; about 65 years old); President, Lynx Investment Advisory, Inc.,

38. Dr. Samir Abu-Ghazaleh (Palestinian American; Catholic). He is a prominent Gynecological Oncologist practicing in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

39. Roger Farah (Lebanese American; unknown religion) – CEO of Venator Group (ex-Woolworth Corp.) including its the 2,848- store athletic shoes Foot Locker division.

ac5133  No.2687781


No it’s not. I just left it.

9c0188  No.2687782

I debated about whether to share this or not. Bible studies at the White House are being held by Ralph Drollinger:


Drollinger is an evangelical. His views on Israel, from 2012:


I'm not overly concerned here, but I don't like it…it's one thing to support Israel, it's another to claim Biblical justification for that support. That aside, one simply cannot avoid altogether at least the appearance of deference to the "Israel First" crowd without sparking controversy. POTUS's actions up until now have been to play along. While I understand that the "Trump is a Zionist!" crowd will have a field day with this, consider that, ultimately, Drollinger likely has ZERO influence on Trump's decision-making, so the selection of an Israel-supporting evangelical is essentially a non-factor. Selecting a chaplain that rejected dispensationalism, however, would probably generate needless smoke and fire…regardless we should be aware.

ef6847  No.2687783

Fukushima was nuke site.

Nuked by Israel in 2012.


b84fb8  No.2687784


This morning POTUS has a tweet with GREAT.

All we need now is a tweet with AWAKENING and it's on.

dd8d6a  No.2687785

File: 08d6188e7a30c72⋯.jpg (531.85 KB, 730x1047, 730:1047, steve.jpg)

8f6b93  No.2687786



39327c  No.2687787


i know it's real..we know it's real..it's just that he said it on morning television and the way he said it and in which context he said it..

edf772  No.2687788


Summarize how the Jews did Fukushima in less that 25word. Thanks.


ce45a7  No.2687789

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Pepe Deluxe

Spare Time Machine

Lucky the Blind vs. Vacuum Cleaning Monster:

'Now the show is over so it will start with a tale that nobody tells

The show is over, play the part, keep unringing your bells'

b84fb8  No.2687790

File: 082f55794de408e⋯.jpg (22.72 KB, 318x405, 106:135, 1509930348872.jpg)

9051d3  No.2687791


Fraternities are feeders for Secret Societies. If yours didnt go anywhere you were not impressing anyone in College.

6ebc63  No.2687792


Google Webcache:


Full Article:




958a05  No.2687793


So, it appears that Microsoft was given authority through a court to erase websites that spoof genuine sites.

WTF does Microsoft have to do with registering websites?

Isn't that ICANN ??

So we see now

that Microsoft is a player in the controlling of the internet – who can have websites – what you can name a website.

This entire thing is a smear, looks to me,

comparing Trump to Putin

using websites that are spoof websites

getting people to click on them

to download malware

big smear

8a91d4  No.2687794


Dropped on twatter and in the thread reader app


c13857  No.2687795

File: 988134352bc936b⋯.png (11.05 KB, 555x134, 555:134, Screenshot_2018-08-21 Q.png)




Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."


Most probably via @POTUS_Schedule


f35c7c  No.2687796


Your question is legitimate.

But, as we learned with former Director of the C_A, John Brennan, the RULE is that former Directors are allowed to keep their clearance and all that goes with it subject only to a review every 5 years and the condition that they conduct themselves in the fashion of a current C_A employee.

We must assume that Presidents are extended some similar access to intelligence.

My question is this:

How many people who were either elected, appointed or career bureaucrats receive this courtesy?

What are the RULES for each of them to keep their access to intelligence?

edf772  No.2687797

You kids should stay away from liquor, if you’re of Northern European extraction, you’re just one step up on th ladder from aborigines and American Indians.

It sucks but there it is and plan accordingly.

5d1c55  No.2687798


shovels are for digging, Q is telling us to dig,deep.

6ebc63  No.2687799


Holy shit! NoName in possession of Heroin!!

f87433  No.2687800

File: d5bda1561b31315⋯.jpg (79.31 KB, 440x252, 110:63, aretha1x_medium.jpg)


> its not over til the fat lady sings

she's done so fingers crossed..

8f6b93  No.2687801


Might have been on their servers?

I find this hinky, too. How long have they been "seizing" websites?

4fdce9  No.2687802


No offense Anon, would love to be existed for a Green light today, but in clockfaggotry it seems one can use many points of reference, and as a consequence there can be many interpetations.

For instance I see you referenced the [:47] second marker lining up on with today's date.

BUt what about the [:17] second marker? What makes the [:47] marker superior? Or maybe they both play in. And even further expanding what about posts from 6/22,4/23,2/22. and 12/24?

I would really like to understand and believe in clockfagging but it seems to me (perhaps because I'm missing something) you can arbitrarily pick a marker and then deduce whatever you want from it.

39327c  No.2687803

File: c72d4877fe4f3ca⋯.png (406.9 KB, 998x2725, 998:2725, FireShot Capture 157 - Con….png)


just wanted to ask if someone archived it..thanks a lot…

1f64b7  No.2687804

I want GEOTUS Trump to take it to the next level and

start levelling mind blowing character accusation attacks,

and spell their names wrong for extra insult.

they will lose their minds


unstable Jon Brennin begged me to stay on as C_A director when i took office!

When i said no he became irate and maniacal!

unstable beggin crybaby brennin!

watch out he's still on the loose!!

what is brennin hiding!?! corruption!!!!

affair with sallie yatez?!?!

he's a communist!!!!!!


loony loretaa linch wanted to be supreme court justice so badly!

why else did she go soft on the hillery investigation!?!

tarmac meeting, so corrupt!!!

affair with clintin!?!?

linch begged me for the nomination!!

no class!!!


Crazy Jim Acasta is a professional liar!!

disgrace to journalism!!!!

threatened my supporters!!!!!!

affair with cicilia viga?!?!

begged me to leak him information!!!


fe11a2  No.2687805

File: 39dcdd6add136fa⋯.jpeg (47.58 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 08D7A324-CDE6-4EA4-82B4-0….jpeg)

469107  No.2687806

Brennan Admits Monetizing His Security Clearance

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 20,2018

RUSH: You know it’s a slow news week when the Drive-By Media is still obsessed with John Brennan’s security clearance.

Greetings, my friends. Great to have you. Great to be back here at the one and only EIB Network. Rush Limbaugh at 800-282-2882. If you want to send an email, the address is ElRushbo@eibnet.us.

Do you know, the Washington Post, I believe it was, had a story back in 2014 suggesting that Barack Obama should get rid of John Brennan’s security clearance and there is also this story. “Flashback: Media Didn’t Care When Obama Scrubbed Security Clearances.”


c13857  No.2687807

File: 9c80fb51d5656bd⋯.png (6.9 KB, 555x134, 555:134, Screenshot_2018-08-21 Q(1).png)



>Most probably via @POTUS_Schedule


0e5761  No.2687808



Great work connecting the dots……but we need closure.

Time to start unseal the EO regarding unredacting the FISA warrants and the files regarding the show.

5e51bb  No.2687809

File: ff9d6b576905b62⋯.jpeg (231.11 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, E65FB6EF-CEAB-45AE-926A-1….jpeg)

edbd56  No.2687810


> I get it fam, just shills being shilly

Word.. They're pretty desperate now..

ce45a7  No.2687811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Pepe Deluxe

Spare Time Machine

'Forgotten Knights' ((Ode to anons)) :

" The growing light

They say the world's in flames

Great serpents; who breeds 'em

Nine-headed; who feeds 'em

Who needs 'em to play with"

ef6847  No.2687812


Russia and China of alert for FF.



8b280d  No.2687813


Nice autismo

716aa3  No.2687814

File: 017ef95f4cc6c2c⋯.png (535.41 KB, 668x661, 668:661, terrence.PNG)

Interesting perspective

c13857  No.2687815


>No offense Anon, would love to be existed for a Green light today

It says nowhere 'today'.

That's your own interpretation.

94d965  No.2687816

File: 2428e007cccd49b⋯.jpg (111.21 KB, 977x628, 977:628, microdotpepe.JPG)



One quick revision


29d1d5  No.2687817

File: 5075612d1975d8c⋯.png (108.75 KB, 1080x704, 135:88, CITYOFCHICAGOETHICSSTEVEBE….PNG)

File: f6d5962212b29f1⋯.png (77.77 KB, 1269x401, 1269:401, CITYOFCHICAGOETHICSSTEVEBE….PNG)


>Steve Berlin


034264  No.2687818

File: 03af4798cf3d46e⋯.png (406.6 KB, 652x606, 326:303, pedo songbird campaign mgr….PNG)



(note the children there at the time of the bust.)

PHOENIX — A Phoenix woman has been dropped as a political fundraiser for US Sen. John McCain’s re-election campaign after being arrested on suspicion of drug possession and other charges.

Emily Pitha and her live-in boyfriend were taken into custody Tuesday after deputies served a search warrant at her north-central Phoenix home, Maricopa County sheriff’s officials said.

Christopher Hustrulid allegedly signed for a package containing more than 250 grams of Ecstasy.

Undercover detectives and US postal inspectors raided the home after the delivery, according to sheriff’s officials.

Besides finding an active meth lab, detectives reported discovering about a quarter-pound of methamphetamine, 10 hits of LSD, about 2 grams of cocaine, several grams of heroin, several hundred Ecstasy pills, marijuana and hash oil plus about $7,000 and counterfeit cash.

Neither Pitha, 34, nor Hustrulid, 36, had a lawyer at their initial court appearance Wednesday.

Each was being held on $20,000 cash-only bonds on suspicion of manufacturing of narcotic drugs, possession of dangerous and narcotic drugs, marijuana possession and other drug charges along with various drug possession charges and child endangerment.

Two children — ages 5 and 9 — live with the couple, but they were at daycare at the time of the bust, authorities said.

McCain’s campaign manager Ryan O’Daniel said in a statement Wednesday that the campaign had “terminated any relationship” with Pitha.

Pitha was working as a consultant arranging fundraisers for McCain. She also has worked for top Arizona Republicans, with her LinkedIn profile noting previous work for Sen. Jeff Flake and former Sen. Jon Kyl.


a90faa  No.2687819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is a pretty good 50,000 foot view of Q drops.

fe0e57  No.2687820


If soros was jailed, wouldn't this solve a lot of issues really quickly? He seems to be pretty much the head of the snake…. cut it off. danger recedes.

11a3eb  No.2687821


If I'm not mistaken, I don't believe that account is affiliated with POTUS in any way.

29d1d5  No.2687822


A little 'boom'

78b554  No.2687823

File: 82b778482a1aecd⋯.png (405.45 KB, 1290x834, 215:139, I memba.PNG)

File: 6009aae20e0ac7f⋯.png (65.46 KB, 468x976, 117:244, 975.PNG)



Pics very related

c13857  No.2687824



Q's message of Nov.22 points at today.

Q's message of Nov.22 doesn't say the green light IS today.

Learn to read.

edf772  No.2687825


Meth is a good study aid, let’s not villainize a whole chemical just because Mexicans are making money off of it.

0dadb8  No.2687827


spouses can't testify against each other


3ada64  No.2687828


where are the muhjoo shills now?

fuck nazis and haters

8f6b93  No.2687830


Been seeing a lot of low subscribed channels doing bits on Q, almost all are positive.

9205d0  No.2687831

File: bfd34d5874c5745⋯.png (636.96 KB, 2780x2422, 1390:1211, DaysFree256.png)

469107  No.2687832

Obama should fire John Brennan

By James Downie

, Opinions editor

July 31, 2014

In March, at the Council on Foreign Relations, CIA Director John Brennan was asked by NBC’s Andrea Mitchell whether the CIA had illegally accessed Senate Intelligence Committee staff computers “to thwart an investigation by the committee into” the agency’s past interrogation techniques. The accusation had been made earlier that day by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), who said the CIA had “violated the separation-of-powers principles embodied in the United States Constitution.” Brennan answered:

As far as the allegations of, you know, CIA hacking into, you know, Senate computers, nothing could be further from the truth. I mean, we wouldn’t do that. I mean, that’s — that’s just beyond the — you know, the scope of reason in terms of what we would do. {…}

And, you know, when the facts come out on this, I think a lot of people who are claiming that there has been this tremendous sort of spying and monitoring and hacking will be proved wrong.

The Washington Post

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Obama should fire John Brennan

By James Downie

, Opinions editor

July 31, 2014

CIA Director John O. Brennan speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington on March 11. (Carolyn Kaster/Associated Press)

In March, at the Council on Foreign Relations, CIA Director John Brennan was asked by NBC’s Andrea Mitchell whether the CIA had illegally accessed Senate Intelligence Committee staff computers “to thwart an investigation by the committee into” the agency’s past interrogation techniques. The accusation had been made earlier that day by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), who said the CIA had “violated the separation-of-powers principles embodied in the United States Constitution.” Brennan answered:

As far as the allegations of, you know, CIA hacking into, you know, Senate computers, nothing could be further from the truth. I mean, we wouldn’t do that. I mean, that’s — that’s just beyond the — you know, the scope of reason in terms of what we would do. {…}

And, you know, when the facts come out on this, I think a lot of people who are claiming that there has been this tremendous sort of spying and monitoring and hacking will be proved wrong.

(You can see the video of Brennan’s answer here.)

Now we know that the truth was far different. The Post’s Greg Miller reports:

CIA Director John O. Brennan has apologized to leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee after an agency investigation determined that its employees improperly searched computers used by committee staff to review classified files on interrogations of prisoners. {…}

A statement released by the CIA on Tuesday acknowledged that agency employees had searched areas of that computer network that were supposed to be accessible only to committee investigators. Agency employees were attempting to discover how congressional aides had obtained a secret CIA internal report on the interrogation program.


6008cb  No.2687833


First tentative using Gematria.

Time stamp: 6:57 AM = 6:[5+7=12=6+6] = 6:6+6

GREAT = 51 = 5+1 = 6


so the two together confirm 666

All capital letters = BRWVPMUSSIWVPS = 23

which are the goods (opposite to 32). Possible interpretation: in the post it's mentioned a "fighter by my side" and "against all odds" so this could mean they (23) are fighting the evil (666). Some additional speculation: I noticed that WV is 3 times V and also in the capital letters BRWVPMUSSIWVPS we can isulate [USS….S] or even [PM USS….S] maybe there is some additional hint here but maybe I'm using too much fantasy

380c4c  No.2687834


Every black vote for Trump/Republican is another vote the Dems have to steal through illegals in the next election. The fraud by the Dems will be off the rails. Stay vigilant.

716aa3  No.2687835

File: 44e528b3c3e9b88⋯.png (244.73 KB, 395x571, 395:571, wv.PNG)

File: b90a5dde56d78da⋯.png (280.41 KB, 390x546, 5:7, wv1.PNG)

edf772  No.2687836


Unironically I believe the Holocaust is 96% myth and the Jews are parasites

c64158  No.2687837


How many points of a compass Anon?

There once was a duck called Donald

Who widdled, and waddled and floddled,

Created by mad

The world had been had

Till it was saved by POTUS The Donald.

The people roared Thanks to the Trump

For erasing the satanic hefferlumps

Crowds cheered for days

Hooray, Hooray!!!

3ada64  No.2687838



notable pic of 7 military personnel with Q mugs!

edf772  No.2687839


And you need to go back to your home nation

a965cf  No.2687840

File: 781c89bd650087d⋯.pdf (63.28 KB, Connecting The Dots.pdf)




PDF Version attached for easier sharing.

5948c4  No.2687842


I'm fairly certain that's photoshop'd. Unless they all ordered Q mugs with the Q in different places…

39327c  No.2687843

File: 93ec8b7d31c89a4⋯.png (89.8 KB, 996x637, 996:637, 1.png)

File: 315f253b0134ac8⋯.png (77.27 KB, 880x509, 880:509, 4.png)

File: 5e36f50bbf5cb1b⋯.png (77.01 KB, 872x676, 218:169, 3.png)

File: a76b66775d01749⋯.png (110.75 KB, 936x972, 26:27, 2.png)

to share on twatter etc

c13857  No.2687844


Why are you still following a zionist propaganda scam outlet?

72f1d5  No.2687845


Leftists must not look at women too often. That hole is not in the 'front'.

a0fb89  No.2687846

File: e1d4e20e7061c9d⋯.jpg (21.36 KB, 710x387, 710:387, 00100450270_lgvowSO.jpg.re….jpg)


Use your fingers next time.

Not Notable. We dont try to DOX Q.

81e3f7  No.2687847

File: 7c2d70ca33ee6e9⋯.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1242x1845, 138:205, CA0C2DCF-E26F-44B8-9F0E-4….jpeg)


f35c7c  No.2687849


The Steele FIFA connection is interesting.

Loretta Lynch, another player in the 'get Trump' theater was the 'FIFA slayer'.


71d259  No.2687850

No baker on duty. Please step up to bake.

Anons please help collect notables for next bread.

275e18  No.2687851

File: a8ccfcb2eac79b5⋯.png (88.77 KB, 710x653, 710:653, amtwatters.PNG)

File: 3fe3cd44d2186a1⋯.png (25.44 KB, 721x182, 103:26, am twatters.PNG)

81e3f7  No.2687852


And the anon calls them military personal


c13857  No.2687853


Ask. Maybe you get response.

72f1d5  No.2687854


The Left: Save the Nazis

380c4c  No.2687855


How does 5/17/17 mirror to 17/5/5?

Wouldn't it be 17/17/5 instead?

Sometimes I think we reach to try to find the exact number we're looking for.

3fb13c  No.2687856

File: be18b1c73c63bbc⋯.jpg (39.95 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, browder Cambridge.jpg)

File: b874a0ceefda2d9⋯.jpg (24.54 KB, 300x225, 4:3, halper Cambridge.jpg)

File: 4a6e48b1d830150⋯.jpg (48.1 KB, 400x255, 80:51, victor CAMBRIDGE.jpg)

File: d672a7e8f9f0739⋯.jpg (41.75 KB, 650x406, 325:203, mifsud Cambridge.jpg)

a8f24d  No.2687857

File: 3fcca41f6fe5f0f⋯.png (179.34 KB, 375x560, 75:112, POTUS_Schedule1.png)

File: 6b9892676dadf1f⋯.png (75.31 KB, 1171x600, 1171:600, 18USCode713.png)


Pics Related

I respectfully disagree.

ca7ca6  No.2687858

File: 8bb9154e67e5751⋯.jpeg (22.99 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 4ACF8DC9-3633-4F12-870C-8….jpeg)

136bfa  No.2687859

Props to the Redditer, but we all have known who Lisa Barsoomian is for a looooong time

39327c  No.2687860


what? i'm a shill? for saying that Erik prince pointed something out for the normies to digest? kys faggot.

5948c4  No.2687861


Attention to detail :)

7b5288  No.2687862


>The last known Nazi collaborator living in the United States – a 95-year-old former camp guard who played an "indispensable role" in the murders of thousands of Jews – was deported to Germany from his New York City home early Tuesday morning, the White House announced.


>Neither Pitha, 34, nor Hustrulid, 36, had a lawyer at their initial court appearance Wednesday.

Weird, cant afford a lawyer anymore?

81e3f7  No.2687863



I thought we were nazis

29ce37  No.2687864


Broken link anon. Upload?

0e5761  No.2687865


This isn't going to end well.

Another war to start.

59c3fd  No.2687866

File: 977a044ff257e7a⋯.jpg (51.91 KB, 573x729, 191:243, 1457569957228.jpg)

File: 9372cd8c14aee10⋯.jpg (190.48 KB, 615x410, 3:2, 1457421858417-0.jpg)

File: 1846129fad346c6⋯.jpg (135.34 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1456886676313.jpg)

File: c81b32ef46149b6⋯.jpg (70.37 KB, 558x673, 558:673, 1456200870717.jpg)

File: 3fff2ec6f57f92d⋯.jpg (64.89 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 640x0.jpg)


Morning anons,

MFW shills spend all their time here chatting with us and miss the red-pill nukes on their once dominate platforms

Not that Spez or some other commie-pedo-liberal will try to bury or dox that user/post but hot damn that is a top-tier digger post

>From 2001 to 2005 there was an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation.

>A Grand Jury had been impanelled.

>Governments from around the world had donated to the “Charity”.

>Yet, from 2001 to 2003 none of those “Donations” to the Clinton Foundation were declared. Now you would think that an honest investigator would be able to figure this out.

>Look who took over this investigation in 2005: None other than James Comey; Coincidence? Guess who was transferred into the Internal Revenue Service to run the Tax Exemption Branch of the IRS? None other than, Lois “Be on The Look Out” (BOLO) Lerner. Isn’t that interesting?

>But this is all just a series of strange coincidences, right?

>Guess who ran the Tax Division inside the Department of Injustice from 2001 to 2005?

>No other than the Assistant Attorney General of the United States,

>Rod Rosenstein.

>Guess who was the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation during this time frame?

>Another coincidence (just an anomaly in statistics and chances), but it was Robert Mueller.

>What do all four casting characters have in common?

>They all were briefed and/or were front-line investigators into the Clinton Foundation Investigation.

>Fast forward to 2009….

>James Comey leaves the Justice Department to go and cash-in at Lockheed Martin.

>Hillary Clinton is running the State Department, official government business, on her own personal email server.

>The Uranium One “issue” comes to the attention of the Hillary.

That Qrumb + that reddit post is nearly better than black rifle coffee

bdf738  No.2687867

File: d7e81d030196375⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1003x669, 1003:669, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a22b6bc9144ef34⋯.png (4.78 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, ClipboardImage.png)


FAKE news scroll to bottom of page

Looks like Marine Corps flag


28141e  No.2687868


This is stupid.

5/Q/Q mirrored is Q/Q/5. Not Q/5/5, you're just changing things to suit your needs.

5948c4  No.2687869

File: 52ef8a41e026aee⋯.jpg (66.04 KB, 740x317, 740:317, rg19.jpg)


I'm baking the next one.

72f1d5  No.2687870


Plus it was copied word for word from an earlier reddit post

f7ba50  No.2687871

File: d524a5ebd085b7e⋯.png (28.36 KB, 907x172, 907:172, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

new Q - cst.


6dee7b  No.2687872

>>2685833 Q said that if RR is dirty, RM is dirty. RR is dirty to the bone. Ergo, RM is dirty. Not that we should need any more evidence of this after his long record of greasing the wheels of the beast train.

Everyone in that piece is a black hat except Sessions. In collusion/conspiracy, they have done NOTHING except work tirelessly to protect HillBill, attack DJT, commit treason against the nation & decency and protect themselves from justice. Not like any one of them wakes up on any morning and says, "Today I think I'll do something good." Slaving for the dark side is ALL they do, EVERY day.

Massive respect and thanks to our real leaders. DJT, the military men who continue to honor their oaths, and unspecified others. The individuals who, like all of us, have had opportunities to choose poorly, but instead stand tall for the right. The people who have been tested & risen to very high positions because they DESERVE it. They actually earned it, are legit and prove it 24/7/365. May God preserve our nation and civilization.

0dadb8  No.2687873

File: eb9f175c598283f⋯.png (480.76 KB, 935x1272, 935:1272, americans4innovation_blogs….png)

File: ae737d9e98b4c07⋯.pdf (439.9 KB, 2017-05-22-Lisa-Barsoomian….pdf)


>Hamburg vs. Clinton

9c0188  No.2687874


What percentage of popular, nationally known social fraternities are actually serving as feeders is subject to debate, those that are obvious feeders tend to be the oldest, while the vast majority of fraternities were formed much later as an attempt to rival the elitism seen in the older ones….this has created a large number of fraternities that are nothing more than beer-swilling clubs with secret handshakes.

My point is that it would be erroneous to assume that one of these fraternities is a Skull-n-Bones because they have a secret ceremony and a symbol…lots of mimickry in these circles (you'll find that a lot of the "secret handshakes" are virtually the same for a lot of these fraternities). Spending an inordinate amount of time digging is not likely to uncover anything of use, except perhaps some embarrassing pictures of naked guys streaking through the Quad.

Dark forces will target any institution where men congregate for professional or social purposes…ANY.

edf772  No.2687875

File: e640f2b3967657a⋯.jpeg (131.85 KB, 1288x203, 184:29, B0AA1857-3810-4299-91FD-C….jpeg)

This is the best propaganda

29d1d5  No.2687876

File: 5004e706b8e56d2⋯.png (67.52 KB, 856x486, 428:243, loislernerhusband1.PNG)

File: bacb6272cb6e14d⋯.png (121.58 KB, 1402x711, 1402:711, loislerner2.PNG)

File: 4bf7f8f609fcdd7⋯.png (65.47 KB, 844x445, 844:445, loislernerhusband3.PNG)


>>>She is married to tax lawyer Michael R. Miles.[36]

Michael Miles


136bfa  No.2687877

81e3f7  No.2687878


KEK. My first thought exactly. The left losing their shit because DJT deported a Nazi, “But, he became a citizen…he’s old as fuck….he deserves a proper trial in the US…” Some weird ass shit like that

136bfa  No.2687879


New? Its 8 hours old

8a91d4  No.2687880


Hey anon, try being late to the party next time.

d5b2ed  No.2687881

Chelsea announcing a political run so that when she is indicted she can cry its a political arrest in order to stop her?

f56f6a  No.2687882

File: ab18dd241168820⋯.png (89.4 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


someone missed this 88 year old Nazi collaborator

579d10  No.2687883


notable seconded

fuckery afoot with the dc court records

scrubbing to hide shit from the people

592ce7  No.2687884

File: a6949be1ee5b194⋯.pdf (257.08 KB, Inoculation-Theory-Meta-An….pdf)



7b5288  No.2687885




NONAME was charged with possession of heroin back in 2004.

002e0e  No.2687886

Interesting article in Zerohedge today regarding the global elites push for homogenization or global conflict. A long read but someinteresting points.

"Trump has been 'perceived by the globalist neo-liberal order as a mortal danger to the system which has enriched them'"


81e3f7  No.2687887


Did someone just wake up?

95cf69  No.2687888



Thank you for stepping up.

BO/BV, please be advised.

136bfa  No.2687889


You're watching a movie

3cbdba  No.2687890


I noticed that too. Lots of sauce on Bridgewater fuckery. Big fancy deal in China over the last couple of years while Jimmy was still the Bu D.

5948c4  No.2687891



Confirmed in notables.

29d1d5  No.2687892

File: 32dac10f0bdf491⋯.png (77.12 KB, 830x537, 830:537, loislernerhusband2.PNG)


oops wrong pic


3ba676  No.2687893


at least he not glowing

5948c4  No.2687894

File: d0a6a996b2720c5⋯.png (322.67 KB, 854x480, 427:240, pepedoofybaker.png)


It's an honor.

93a2d3  No.2687895

File: 2252da6deaa364a⋯.jpg (499.95 KB, 736x736, 1:1, trust-sessions.jpg)

81e3f7  No.2687896

File: 3d5f7cfcb547db1⋯.png (4.11 MB, 3161x3981, 3161:3981, 20180820_085738.png)

edf772  No.2687897

You know those long stretches of days when Q does not post is when he is binging, not on special ops are whstefer you faggots are making up at the time

3fb13c  No.2687898

File: d95cf4abf1c0ee2⋯.png (62.96 KB, 704x641, 704:641, lttlesis.org RR.1.png)


LITTLESIS.ORG is a great resource

9d4326  No.2687899

ahh fuck it.

every investigation into clinton has come up with 50 new crimes and or 50 new counts of old crimes, 14 more names of the guilty and only a select few end up dead, mostly due to HRC's order.

HRC and WJC will lay in state long before they rot in jail. Nothing new under the sun, not today, not tomorrow, never.

Why waste the time digging all this crap up if you're never going to use it….

Call me when the shooting starts, if I live that long.

72f1d5  No.2687901


Next Q larp:

- Huber is investigating Soros as Nazi

- will go to Gitmo

- his assets to be seized and given to start a right wing Twitter

c8cd58  No.2687902

File: 52966af026468a8⋯.png (692.72 KB, 511x745, 511:745, ClipboardImage.png)

My take on an old Classic of Mr. Smith goes to Washington…


961832  No.2687903

File: 41426482c4846fb⋯.jpg (131.92 KB, 850x563, 850:563, 41426482c4846fbf4c8ce2faf0….jpg)

SGT Report: Interview with Fiona Barnett

The Rabbit Hole is Much Darker and Far More Sinister Than You Imagined

"I know that you can, those paintings are done from photographs, and they're done from models, real-life models that had those facial expressions."

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNflcN_KJmc (46:25 start)

136bfa  No.2687904


I love this theory. Been my line of thinking now for awhile too. I think JC, RR, RM, etc are all flipped and working for white hats

a965cf  No.2687905

File: 3995bed69ed7678⋯.pdf (63.54 KB, Connecting Some Dots.pdf)


< Wrong revision in last post, correct version attached to this one.

822270  No.2687906


Seriously? If a Q post is more than 3 minutes old, you can be sure that it’s been seen ffs. Put your helmet back on and get to work

550266  No.2687907

File: 01fa0645a3ba8ab⋯.png (301.31 KB, 1139x630, 1139:630, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a128ec79ebe128e⋯.png (140.67 KB, 831x439, 831:439, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dca0bbb3e590451⋯.png (146.79 KB, 969x614, 969:614, ClipboardImage.png)

Conservative Treehouse has an article re: Papadapoulos and the sting operation….which references a guy by the name of David Ha'Ivri. Looked him up in the Dept. of State FOIA reading room.



59c3fd  No.2687908


Mirrors, +111/-111 days all the qrumbs on :47 hit other thresholds of News

>News unlocks map

not all message for anons, moves and countermoves, some stuff got pushed forward, some got pushed back

Cabal figured out the qlock well before we the anons did, some of it is using their communication methods they have used to hide in plain site with newspapers and other articles

3f35bd  No.2687909

File: 9b0090abd56dd6d⋯.jpg (67.51 KB, 750x748, 375:374, HknG7ddpMgyYY7PWQDqeCmiWNA….jpg)

Great job Q team, deporting a 95 year old over a war no one gives a shit about anymore while militant muslims child sacrificers walk out of court, scot free and the compound is destroyed before an investigation is complete.

Trusting the plan.

958a05  No.2687910


Think logically.

The patterns of tiles are not how swimming pools are designed.

Pools will have a band at the top around the edge. Patterns wouldn't show beneath surface.


These are showers or saunas.

The pattern is meant to be seen and to break up the monotony of the blank wall.

The girls seated, would be in a sauna.

The girls look drugged.

59c3fd  No.2687911

File: 9c9e7c0f6bc5d4a⋯.jpg (142.94 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1459119349419.jpg)

File: 1024435e0535185⋯.jpg (206.32 KB, 1024x1227, 1024:1227, 1459026190628.jpg)

File: e7c9c14c66d1921⋯.png (162.81 KB, 409x408, 409:408, 1457656796645-0.png)


gracias friend

71d259  No.2687912


Sounds good, thanks baker.

>>2687888 (Nice trips)

All good in the hood.

ac5133  No.2687913


When I woke it was new to me too.

3fb13c  No.2687914

File: 2c6728a57e911cb⋯.png (80.07 KB, 744x592, 93:74, jamie goerlik.png)

File: 6a66d62241a8f75⋯.png (72.21 KB, 713x537, 713:537, jamie goerlick.png)

jamie goerlick

kristine marcy

f7ba50  No.2687915

File: 6cc7bdb4933530a⋯.jpg (12.98 KB, 218x231, 218:231, 6cc7bdb4933530a0dd35cf8e58….jpg)




9d4326  No.2687916

File: f08280fdb4c8f27⋯.png (55.41 KB, 1288x390, 644:195, ClipboardImage.png)

Then fire the idiot.

Failing to do so makes you an idiot to.

178f8d  No.2687917

File: 5a5b703f1a6ece4⋯.png (6.79 KB, 255x196, 255:196, friendly pepe.png)

Morning anons.

I see we've discovered why Reddit was down on either coast last night…

Anyone mapped that yet? If not, I'll get started after covfefe.

72d63c  No.2687918

File: 486dac69c6ea1df⋯.jpg (40.85 KB, 461x341, 461:341, JewishPedoII.jpg)

4d6aab  No.2687919


So what if they die first? We are taking back the USA from the spiderweb they set up or are involved in. They'll get theirs first in Torments and then in the Lake of Fire

5e51bb  No.2687920

File: ad930e872b2eeec⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 1D683DB6-6D7D-4D99-95E8-D3….png)


Tip top kek!!

0dadb8  No.2687921

Microsoft Says It Thwarted Russian Intelligence Hack Of Conservative Critics Of Trump


9c0188  No.2687922


You're new to this, aren't you?

be2816  No.2687923


I always thought the front hole was the mouth, they are confused.

72f1d5  No.2687924


The artist got mixed up and painted a shower with black hot/cold hoses, and drains, instead of a pool.

They let the artist live also, after painting their top secret ritual from the 1940s (Biltmore has been a tourist spot since 1956)

3fb13c  No.2687925

File: f59a6e77426354d⋯.png (56.34 KB, 710x522, 355:261, km.png)

File: 1faebe1a006963b⋯.png (34.63 KB, 730x440, 73:44, km1.png)

edf772  No.2687926

Kim Kardashian has renounced interracial sex. See Azerbajani chronicle for details, she cannot return to her family’s birth place because of the threatened violence

0e5761  No.2687927

File: 3260cdfc1996325⋯.png (79.64 KB, 172x255, 172:255, ClipboardImage.png)



Interesting that this should be coming up at this time.

Is it a precursor to deportations of the future not related to Nazism??????

Seems very strange that you go through all this effort to deport a Polish person back to Germany.

I wonder if he was like many other people from Poland back in the day as Germany took over Poland and was forcing Polish people into working behind the front to run the prisons.

They basically hard two choices back then slavery to the Nazis or die from a bullet to the head.

Hence the live to fight another day.

45d1c7  No.2687928


Mueller is a dark stalking horse.

Unknown how it'll all shake out. He's complicit in many crimes and cover-ups, including the non-investigation of 9/11.

However, if his investigation is truly going after the bad guys, maybe history will judge him entirely different.

fe11a2  No.2687929


Shut up

065042  No.2687930


Ha..good one! Cleveranon!

136bfa  No.2687931


I wondered that too. I think its safe to say it definitely has meaning

41d526  No.2687932


Poops, screwed up

I’ve never edited/corrected one of my posts

How to? (Acquire new skill)


ac5133  No.2687933

File: 204a05c6aa3907a⋯.jpeg (499.09 KB, 1242x838, 621:419, 0684CA81-0638-4285-9D1C-7….jpeg)

ca7ca6  No.2687934

File: c679c96897ca76d⋯.jpeg (30.83 KB, 255x205, 51:41, B73CED97-2CD8-4A7C-9674-D….jpeg)

An army without culture is a dull-witted army, and a dull-witted army cannot defeat the enemy.

Mao Zedong

Fuck Commie Faggots

But it is a good quote.

5e51bb  No.2687935

File: 7e95f0d995bf9ee⋯.jpeg (570.42 KB, 1800x1316, 450:329, 681C69FA-C134-4428-8A03-D….jpeg)


Whats it look like in that bathouse barry used to have his flagrante delictoed in??

edbd56  No.2687936


>Erik prince pointed something out for the normies to digest?

I'm pointing out the fact that he even had to tell the other talking heads that. Idiot.

>kys faggot.

Take your own advice :)

While you're doing that, how about actually not sperging out like a complete retard while jumping to conclusions?

031862  No.2687937


Hopefully thats what the libtards will be saying soon….but for now this should shut them up about their POTUS is a nazi bullshit imo.

3fb13c  No.2687938

File: df5b892d68fc976⋯.png (83.29 KB, 699x525, 233:175, pug winokur enron harvard.png)

File: 7032bba2ee99e43⋯.png (83.71 KB, 688x511, 688:511, pug harvard.png)

77c6bf  No.2687939

File: 7dc1e4d7b29fe21⋯.mp4 (692.37 KB, 614x346, 307:173, QDeepState.mp4)

581596  No.2687940

File: aa79dc0c9bb9aae⋯.gif (130.6 KB, 220x205, 44:41, 29E5E6EE-B501-4B08-B1CC-F1….gif)


I see it.

065042  No.2687941


MO could be a FRUNT man…

59c3fd  No.2687942

File: 6acb8c782a9df07⋯.jpg (442.64 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, Sword of.jpg)

94d965  No.2687943

File: 0f5b351bccb60b5⋯.jpg (69.59 KB, 717x531, 239:177, FH.JPG)

3f35bd  No.2687944

File: 3ba9468c1610174⋯.png (951.76 KB, 960x1656, 40:69, 1385871956104.png)

065042  No.2687945


No sauce but dollars to fucking donuts the muslim NM camp ties to NoName…

3cbdba  No.2687946


Can't edit on this board, unless you ask a BV or BO to do for you.

4ea7c9  No.2687947


dude how is it reaching.. i swear to god fucking normies infiltrating

5 / 17 / 17


17 / 5 / 5

you think its a coincidence its signed on this date?

have you been here long?

771209  No.2687948


Optics, optics, optics

Reread crumbs

edf772  No.2687949

>>black people are smart in all the non testsble ways

3fb13c  No.2687950

File: 5de496c54122c08⋯.png (69.38 KB, 688x540, 172:135, haass.png)

File: 49da21ab11fe280⋯.png (63.11 KB, 723x551, 723:551, haass1.png)

public enemy

3f35bd  No.2687951


>leftists stop calling their enemies literally Hitler

>giving a fuck what indoctrinated leftists think

You haven't learned anything.

079bcf  No.2687952

File: d80d313fc96b06f⋯.png (76.31 KB, 606x225, 202:75, ClipboardImage.png)

Pedowood's sick sense of humor….


59c3fd  No.2687953


How an we go back and figure out when this practice of former Presidents started?

1913? Earlier or later, it is a mechanism for cabal puppet Presidents to keep an eye on the New puppet cabal President or one that isn't apart of the club

4ea7c9  No.2687954

File: fa627b5588df887⋯.png (9.08 KB, 188x72, 47:18, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)





3fb13c  No.2687956

File: 67ba16b0d87efac⋯.jpg (41.07 KB, 450x641, 450:641, TRUE CROSS Arezzo.jpg)

name the joo

e16425  No.2687957


Confirmed. Up now but was down intermittently. Ddos attack? Also linked post massively down voted.

9c0188  No.2687958

File: 635318af64b5cbc⋯.png (523.74 KB, 779x468, 779:468, Capture.PNG)

Molly Tibbetts body found.


4fdce9  No.2687959



Okay Anon, got the point about today. I'm reposting my post without the part of "today" and await your next sidestepping answer that I really don't give two shits about.

>in clockfaggotry it seems one can use many points of reference, and as a consequence there can be many interpetations.

For instance I see you referenced the [:47] second marker lining up on with today's date.

BUt what about the [:17] second marker? What makes the [:47] marker superior? Or maybe they both play in. And even further expanding what about posts from 6/22,4/23,2/22. and 12/24?

I would really like to understand and believe in clockfagging but it seems to me (perhaps because I'm missing something)

edbd56  No.2687960

958a05  No.2687961



August 17, 2018

A class action privacy lawsuit against Google was filed in federal court in San Francisco Friday, claiming that the technology giant continued to track the location of cell phone users after they turned off tracking.

The lawsuit alleges that Google tracked users’ geolocation through its Android mobile operating system and related apps even when settings were purportedly supposed to protect user privacy.

“Despite users’ attempts to protect their location privacy, Google collects and stores users’ location data, thereby invading users’ reasonable expectations of privacy, counter to Google’s own representations about how users can configure Google’s products to prevent such egregious privacy violations,” the complaint states.

The lawsuit comes after an Associated Press investigative story published Monday explained that even when location tracking is turned off, it may still be used by some Google apps.

Plaintiff Napoleon Patacsil states in the complaint that Google apps on his iPhone continued to track his location after he turned the apps’ Location History storage option off. Patacsil said that Google continued to track him even after its website stated that turning off location tracking in an account turns off “all devices associated with that Google Account.”

FILE – This Wednesday, April 26, 2017 file photo shows a Google icon on a mobile phone, in Philadelphia.(AP Photo/Matt Rourke, File)

“Google’s representation was false. As recently publicly revealed, turning off “Location History” only stopped Google from creating a location timeline that the user could view,” the complaint states. “Google, however, continues to track the phone owners and keep a record of their locations.”

The lawsuit claims that Google violated federal law by tracking individual geolocations without permission, referring to a Federal Trade Commission law that calls it a “deceptive trade practice.”

Additionally, Patascil claims that the practice violates the California Invasion of Privacy Act and California’s constitutional right to privacy.

In addition to damages, Patascil seeks a court order demanding that Google destroy all data captured from its geolocation tracking technology of the plaintiff and class members.

Patascil is represented by Michael Sobol and Nicholas Diamand of Lieff Cabraser Heimann and Bernstein and Hank Bates of Carney Bates and Pulliam. A call to his attorneys and to Google for comment were made after business hours and not immediately returned Friday evening.

8c1ffd  No.2687962

File: a7b3ddc98d2f577⋯.jpeg (103.71 KB, 526x499, 526:499, DD8338ED-8672-4008-B450-C….jpeg)

45d1c7  No.2687963


They think they're going to win in the end.

Thus, they'll write the history, start WWIII and get their global e-government.

Of course, they're going to stick to their bullshit, that way they can point backwards and say, "See - we were right all along!"

ca7ca6  No.2687964

File: 6a4657feb46eb54⋯.jpeg (109.66 KB, 640x608, 20:19, AA1B24AB-79C0-41EC-90E1-3….jpeg)


Hillary Front Hole Sauced

From the horses own mouth…So to speak

Patriotesses have beautiful Front holes!

41d526  No.2687965


Epic kek

71d259  No.2687966



Just repost. Staff doesn't edit unless it's accidental dox.

f7ba50  No.2687967

File: 8f63f691df28208⋯.png (474.01 KB, 1655x852, 1655:852, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

0e5761  No.2687968

File: acb5bc08a6d9853⋯.png (66.13 KB, 212x238, 106:119, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d02821500a118a⋯.jpg (4.19 KB, 259x194, 259:194, Niedermeyer Helmet.jpg)


This little Demoncratic cocksucker going to run for President in 2020.

ONE scary little Douglas Niedermeyer.

ca7ca6  No.2687969


Like minds, Kek

You were faster on the trigger!

f35c7c  No.2687970

File: a9a59e7b1056b4f⋯.jpeg (219.42 KB, 1884x790, 942:395, image.jpeg)


Eastern Armenian keyboard

Happy hunting

15eeb2  No.2687971

File: 0bc25b6b24599f3⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1318x849, 1318:849, ClipboardImage.png)

Have been poking around pizza themed instagrams for the last few days … I need to get out of this, 1 account leads to 5 more anyway .. I know Q has posted about Andrew K in HK. I came across this on my instagram searches - mentions Prince Edward for the location - how easily is this changed on insta? I don't think it was Prince Ed in the pic but this just stood out. Posting for hive mind.

11540e  No.2687972


"After Josue Portillo crossed into the United States illegally in 2015, he settled on Long Island and sought to join the same gang — MS-13 — that was terrorizing his hometown in El Salvador. On April 11, 2017, authorities say he took part in executing four young Latino men in the woods behind a suburban soccer field, a sensational crime that drew national attention and became a rallying cry in President Trump’s crackdown on illegal immigration."

9c0188  No.2687973

File: 3bc944c466eb361⋯.jpg (198.81 KB, 1600x1198, 800:599, AnimalHouse_221Pyxurz.jpg)


He looks more like Greggie.

f87433  No.2687974

File: d7a53a028bed52c⋯.jpg (26.82 KB, 342x340, 171:170, (((them))).jpg)

File: 08c2918cfa7a19e⋯.jpg (854.9 KB, 2105x2101, 2105:2101, 525.jpg)

File: 4e2d0cd7467e280⋯.jpg (21.91 KB, 320x240, 4:3, US.jpg)



greetings Anon


edf772  No.2687975


Swalwell is a traitor to his DNA and nature takes care of that for us.

c6def7  No.2687976



So this helicopter flyover was unauthorized, but do they need authorization from the normal sources if we are under a national emergency/ martial law? I doubt they will ever report back on this with their findings

034264  No.2687977



87f685  No.2687978

File: 8c00b3368cf7fa4⋯.jpg (87.78 KB, 796x700, 199:175, fronthole.JPG)

A good morning giggle for you! Is it politically correct to say " Shut you front hole" now?

0e5761  No.2687979



So you are saying they used the wrong front hole on the kike????

0dadb8  No.2687980

The Metaphysics to Our Present Global Anguish

James Jatras, a former US diplomat poses a highly pertinent question in his piece Lenin Updated: Firstly, he says, President Trump meets with President Putin and appears to make some progress in easing bilateral tensions. “Immediately all hell breaks loose: Trump is called a traitor. The ‘sanctions bill from hell’ is introduced in the Senate, and Trump is forced onto the defensive”.

Next, Senator Rand Paul goes to meet with Putin in Moscow, Jatras notes. Paul hands over a letter from the US President proposing moderate steps towards détente. Rand Paul then meets with, and invites Russian Senators to Washington, to continue the dialogue: “Immediately all hell breaks loose. Paul is called a traitor. The state Department ‘finds’ the Russians guilty of using illegal chemical weapons (in UK) … and imposes sanctions. Trump is forced even more on the defensive.”

Clearly, from the very outset, Trump has been “perceived by the globalist neo-liberal order as a mortal danger to the system which has enriched them” Jatras observes. The big question that Jatras poses in the wake of these events, is how could such collective hysteria have blossomed in to such visceral hostility, that parts of the ‘Anglo’ establishment are ready to intensify hostilities toward Russia – even to the point of risking “a catastrophic, uncontainable [nuclear] conflict”. How is it that the élite’s passion ‘to save globalism’ is so completely overwhelming that it demands their risking human extinction? Jatras suggests that we are dealing here with hugely powerful psychic impulses.


8b7679  No.2687981

File: 3ba2cc478abb203⋯.png (151.07 KB, 255x242, 255:242, ClipboardImage.png)

so which would you prefer Bill?

f35c7c  No.2687982

File: 0bf01b3c18dac51⋯.jpeg (114.39 KB, 2038x888, 1019:444, image.jpeg)

72f1d5  No.2687983


They're too old for Bill.

edf772  No.2687984

I knew a kid who put an M-80 in hiss ass, lit it, and never sat again properly again because he died.

136bfa  No.2687985

File: 31e6235cfe8125f⋯.jpg (53.6 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2g8nhe.jpg)

0e5761  No.2687986


You are correct Sir.

Still a scary little shit, paraphrasing Dean Vernon Wormer.

5e51bb  No.2687987

File: 4b4407e19a19e02⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1598x1598, 1:1, CC35FE40-D35B-43AD-8DC4-29….png)

9051d3  No.2687988


Japs didnt want muslim hordes invading jew mad need mongrels world wide nuke on seafloor bang ouch tsnami sabatog Jew snickers

72f1d5  No.2687989


Backhole Blunder

59c3fd  No.2687990


>The prototype of the PDB was termed the President's Intelligence Check List (PICL);[3] the first was produced by Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer Richard Lehman at the direction of Huntington D. Sheldon on June 17, 1961.[4][5]

>Although the production and coordination of the PDB was a CIA responsibility, other members of the U.S. Intelligence Community reviewed articles (the "coordination" process) and were free to write and submit articles for inclusion.[6]

>Lehman developed the President's Intelligence Check List (PICL, pronounced "pickle") for President John F. Kennedy in June 1961. The PICL ultimately became the President's Daily Brief.

PICKLE memes

Can't find what it is called for Past-POTUS's but they are not supposed to get a PDB, but updated every now and then by C_A which means, someone in the C_A is doing their best to keep the cabal elements informed what the current POTUS is doing and what information the current POTUS is receiving. Feel like this has been dug before, WaPo pointed out that Renegade was cool and read his on a tablet

97117b  No.2687991

File: 4af038db934e973⋯.jpg (373.77 KB, 753x861, 251:287, Chan Archive Service.jpg)

Spreadsheet is updated to post >>>/patriotsfight/172


Full sized images Q posts/responds to updated:


(nested) Screenshots (in EST) updated

By month-

Feb: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1yauk9hga/

Mar: https://postimg.cc/gallery/288psr0d6/

Apr: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2f58y6jyy/

May: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2se525yca/

Jun: https://postimg.cc/gallery/gqfcs7cq/

July: https://postimg.cc/gallery/10efwhs6y/

Aug: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2rc5iqf5m/

All images in these galleries are permanent, do no expire, no account, no nothing to access them, and you can post them anywhere, share them with link easily (or download)

All articles Q posts/responds to are also being ARCHIVED due to high risk of editing/deletion to scrub evidence.

Supplemental archives (3rd tab at bottom of spreadsheet) constantly being updated…

NOTE: Each thread has link to thread in /board/ archives, archive.is link AND a zip file of the thread so you can ARCHIVE OFFLINE as Q requested.

39327c  No.2687992


i didn't get the shillyshillthing right.

8b7679  No.2687994


Nature prunes the stupid.

edbd56  No.2687995


So hey, I noticed in you meme 75 intelligence officials have outed themselves as [deepstate] operatives? Is that correct?

I bet Team POTUS already knows who these 75 people are, and they will lose their clearances too! Thanks CNN!


(And they should, President Trump; [They] are all traitors.)

6c9ec7  No.2687996


Obviously judges have to be involved as well.

5e51bb  No.2687997

File: 64c63c86b1e15c8⋯.jpeg (423.63 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 3D946A74-3619-4F44-BB89-7….jpeg)


Boards on fire!

41d526  No.2687998


Leave my bellybutton alone

380c4c  No.2687999


Yeah, okay. My mirror shows the opposite, yours shows whatever you want it to. Got it.

77c6bf  No.2688000


(((They)))) took it off the line too late :)

Anons were busy :)


d04e14  No.2688001



Not hiding In plain sight = Kid Man

edf772  No.2688002


Not coherent but within word limit 4/10

3ada64  No.2688003



fuck you

it correct personnel

assholes cant read

4ea7c9  No.2688004

File: 8fbbf4ab5054408⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1416x1238, 708:619, oljim.png)

File: 486d4a52e01e017⋯.png (91.15 KB, 892x512, 223:128, qpost.png)

Please use the sharing tools found via the share button at the top or side of articles. Copying articles to share with others is a breach of FT.com T&Cs and Copyright Policy. Email licensing@ft.com to buy additional rights. Subscribers may share up to 10 or 20 articles per month using the gift article service. More information can be found at https://www.ft.com/tour.


Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski, born in Warsaw on March 28, 1928, was much influenced by his upbringing. His family was Polish nobility and his father, Tadeusz, a diplomat posted to Berlin, Moscow and finally Canada. From the first two of those postings the son had indelible first-hand experiences of the rise of Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin’s notorious purges.

Canada provided him refuge from the invasion of Poland in 1939 and the world war that first engulfed Europe. He was brought up in Montreal, educated at McGill University and subsequently moved through the finest American universities, including Harvard and Columbia, before his final association as a professor at Johns Hopkins. He became an American citizen in 1958.


Trudeau went to McGill as well.

I knew a guy who went there - came out all weird and such

84bd0d  No.2688005


Yes, I believe they really painted from a photograph, you can see the detailed muscle tone especially on the bench sitting painting. I believe she changed the faces though.

39327c  No.2688006


that sounds even more ridiculous when you say it in german..




3ada64  No.2688007



my bad

not about doxxing anyway

605a15  No.2688008

File: 6a7ab1c0a2ff607⋯.png (271.52 KB, 455x389, 455:389, Screenshot 2018-08-20 at 1….png)

edf772  No.2688009


The logic is unbreakable but why Jerry Springer?

3ada64  No.2688010


maybe they mean mouth

230d0c  No.2688011


very notable. so this fuck gets away with being an addict and making major war/financial etc decisions that affect our lives? no wonder the drug problems were never stopped. Our government has been complicit in running drugs. as a parent who has dealt first hand with an addicted child and step child, these people need to BURN, after they are strung up by the neck. It sickens me.

edbd56  No.2688012


All good :)

ca7ca6  No.2688013

File: be3874b28c32538⋯.jpeg (64.93 KB, 800x558, 400:279, 99D2B182-A97D-4337-B8C1-A….jpeg)


“Babe can I put my finger in your belly button?”

“Umm I guess so”

“Reeeee hey that’s not my belly button!”

“And that’s not my finger”

4ea7c9  No.2688014


"… In Henry Kissinger, Rockefeller found a political operative with an international and domestic perspective similar to his. They first met in 1954, when Kissinger was appointed a director of a seminal Council on Foreign Relations study group on nuclear weapons, of which David was a member. … Rockefeller also reportedly has connections to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) . As well as knowing Allen Dulles and his brother John Foster Dulles - who was an in-law of the family - since his college years, it was in Rockefeller Center that Allen Dulles had set up his WWII operational center after Pearl Harbor, liaising closely with MI6 which also had their principal U.S. operation in the Center. He also knew and associated with the former CIA director Richard Helms, as well as Archibald Bulloch Roosevelt Jr., a Chase Bank employee and former CIA agent whose first cousin CIA agent Kermit Roosevelt, Jr. was involved in the Iran coup of 1953. Also, in 1953, he had befriended William Bundy, a pivotal CIA analyst for nine years in the 1950s, who became the Agency liaison to the National Security Council, and a subsequent lifelong friend. Moreover, in Cary Reich's biography of his brother Nelson, a former CIA agent states that David was extensively briefed on covert intelligence operations by himself and other Agency division chiefs, under the direction of David's "friend and confidant", CIA Director Allen Dulles. … Additionally, he serves as the only member of the Advisory Board for the Bilderberg Group. … Rockefeller helped found the Trilateral Commission in July 1973. Zbigniew Brzezinski, the National Security Advisor under Carter and fierce advocate for international cooperation, became the inaugural United States director. … The Clinton Administration had close to a dozen Commission members …".

a69016  No.2688015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

God Save the Tsar

National anthem of Imperial Russia

Sung by the Kuban Cossack Choir

aaeba3  No.2688016

Ch'tu lseul a capoter tabarnak que c'est long esti

edf772  No.2688017


The only way autists reproduce.

136bfa  No.2688018

We have to think the Manafort trial has some type of significance to the plan

178f8d  No.2688019

File: 5cb362bc3ea1d98⋯.png (56.85 KB, 514x384, 257:192, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

File: 454644a2e57d070⋯.png (77.55 KB, 483x109, 483:109, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

Anons, did some more looking.

The original seems to post from 8/9/2018



You are required to complete a disclaimer to enter.

Interestingly, I looked to see other times that godlikeproductions popped up in our pages. That is attached - including one super confusing time in February when there were three breads of the same number worth saving.

Thought I'd mention it in case someone else is curious.

ca7ca6  No.2688020

c13857  No.2688021


>await your next sidestepping answer that I really don't give two shits about.

And I don't give a shit if you 'believe' in clockworks or not.

Have you seriously paid any attention the last months or are you just fucking up the board with stupid questions? Because that's what it looks like.

edf772  No.2688022

File: 0744b3c7e500210⋯.jpeg (598 KB, 1009x671, 1009:671, 25CF7873-B940-4A04-85D1-F….jpeg)

If you want to understand your predicament, read everything that H.P. Lovecraft ever wrote.

3ada64  No.2688023


>The Left:


how about asshats on this board with their shitposts on hitler and you know whoooos

more nazis here than on the left

93a2d3  No.2688024


<something moist and dark and horrifying awaits you

<you're probably already dead


94f4d8  No.2688025

So when the huge Connecting the Dots Boom this early AM….

What happens next??


Surely this Connecting the Dots will make media?

ef6847  No.2688026


Water monopoly has developed.

T Boon Pickens largest holder. Needs Dig


59c3fd  No.2688027


was on mockingbird am this morning

Chuck Schumer saying "good riddance" after the Nazi who came here around 1949 was living in New York next to Schumer lol.

OP Paperclip, Adwehr, Pink Triangle, Bolshevik boys

edf772  No.2688028



You’re literally tooo stupid to be JIDF

9051d3  No.2688029


I am with you brother. A couple of Jews had a difficult time at a third rate hotel in the Third Reich. But nothing they didnt have coming.

77c6bf  No.2688030

File: 63fd618546a1349⋯.jpg (310.3 KB, 1024x690, 512:345, HomerThinkingDeep.jpg)

93a2d3  No.2688031


<Trump: i'll bet you can't make the left defend a Nazi

<ICE: watch me.

026f3a  No.2688032


I saw that too but I’m phonefagging, thanks for posting.

90e7a9  No.2688033


I can’t access that, what post is it referring too, PF172 original source?

edbd56  No.2688034


>something moist and dark and horrifying awaits you

You sure you're not talking about Hillary's manparts in a dystopian future where Hillary actually got installed as president, and depravity has been caused to be "mainstreamed"??

a2132c  No.2688035


By Margot Cleveland

AUGUST 20, 2018

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office filed a sentencing memorandum Friday in its pending criminal case against George Papadopoulos, the former Donald Trump campaign advisor who pled guilty in October 2017 to making false statements to the FBI. Papadopoulos is scheduled to be sentenced next month.

Mueller’s team provided the court a detailed background of Papadopoulos’ criminal offense in the sentencing memorandum and suggested Papadopoulos’ lies justified a sentence of 0 to 6 months of incarceration. While much of the ten-page memorandum merely rehashes facts previously known, one passage includes a significant new admission that proves the FBI is either incompetent, or incompetent at lying.

Let’s Run Through the Context First

Before we get to why, a quick refresher. In early March 2016, Papadopoulos learned he would serve as a foreign policy advisor to the Trump presidential campaign. Later that month, Papadopoulos met a professor while traveling in Italy, Joseph Mifsud.

According to court filings, Mifsud seemed uninterested in him until after Papadopoulos told the professor he was joining Trump’s campaign team, at which point Mifsud took a great interest in Papadopoulos. Papadopoulos stated in the same filing that in late April, Mifsud, after purportedly returning from a trip to Moscow, told him the Russians had obtained “dirt” on then-candidate Clinton.

Papadopoulos reportedly repeated that claim to an Australian diplomat, Alexander Downer, in May over drinks in a London bar. Then, following the WikiLeaks release of the hacked Democratic National Committee emails, the FBI launched Crossfire Hurricane on July 31, 2016, to investigate any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

4f434f  No.2688036

File: ddae95fd5220b65⋯.mp4 (532.99 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ronsun on Twitter #QAnon. ….mp4)

File: 2d8b89661c5caae⋯.mp4 (301.11 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Media Tweets by ronsun (@O….mp4)

File: 33718786355306a⋯.mp4 (218.03 KB, 320x180, 16:9, (2) Media Tweets by ronsun….mp4)

File: 191124e847892f2⋯.mp4 (2.78 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, (2) Media Tweets by ronsun….mp4)

File: 8cf6f2b19d8bf2f⋯.png (329.58 KB, 580x769, 580:769, 017Screenshot_2018-08-21 r….png)


why do you want to genocide white people?

605a15  No.2688037


Obama still gets Intelligence briefings??

What the fuck for?

cd5e25  No.2688038


I know for a fact that website is not allowed here. Not a credible source. blah blah blah

623735  No.2688039

Can’t find anything on Barsoomian current employment is she still a US attorney? FBI? Could she be the redacted signer of the FISA ?

238557  No.2688040


Do you ever shut the fuck up?

178f8d  No.2688041



Keeps looping instead of loading. Hmmm…

Nice digits there.

Morning, y'all.

958a05  No.2688042


In a quick read, nowhere do I see a reference to time limits. At least not in the Exec Order themselves. The law:


The term “current investigation file” means, with respect to a security clearance, a file on an investigation or adjudication that has been conducted during—

(A) the 5-year period beginning on the date the security clearance was granted, in the case of a Top Secret Clearance, or the date access was granted to a highly sensitive program;

(B) the 10-year period beginning on the date the security clearance was granted in the case of a Secret Clearance; and

(C) the 15-year period beginning on the date the security clearance was granted in the case of a Confidential Clearance.

(6) The term “personnel security investigation” means any investigation required for the purpose of determining the eligibility of any military, civilian, or government contractor personnel to access classified information


There is a reference to the 1995 Clinton Executive Order


which was an expansion of Eisenhower's


Effective May 27, 1953, it revoked President Truman's Executive Order 9835 of 1947, and dismantled its Loyalty Review Board program. Instead it charged the heads of federal agencies and the Office of Personnel Management, supported by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), with investigating federal employees to determine whether they posed security risks. It expanded the definitions and conditions used to make such determinations


which replaced Truman's Executive Order


sometimes known as the "Loyalty Order", on March 21, 1947.[1] The order established the first general loyalty program in the United States, designed to root out communist influence in the U.S. federal government. Truman aimed to rally public opinion behind his Cold War policies with investigations conducted under its authority. He also hoped to quiet right-wing critics who accused Democrats of being soft on communism. At the same time, he advised the Loyalty Review Board to limit the role of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to avoid a witch hunt.[2

5948c4  No.2688043


What is this referring to anon?

77c6bf  No.2688044




53dce8  No.2688045


weak, unfunny and useless to the cause. try harder

178f8d  No.2688046


Well I'm going to go play there with this place turns to a wall of shitposting.

Waaaayyy too much of that lately.

fe11a2  No.2688047


>goes to friends to play D&D

>needs to be in control, friends pissed, mom has to pick him up

60c755  No.2688048

File: 392da7b2a929fce⋯.jpg (443.31 KB, 1499x919, 1499:919, VBOMB2.jpg)

edbd56  No.2688049


ps- Thank God DJT is president! That alone makes the future less dystopian than it would have been with her.

…Even if Trump promptly fell asleep at the wheel on Jan 20, 2017.

f92a5e  No.2688050



THIS. Should not happen unless you want POTUS monitored. If council is requested from POTUS, former Presidents can be read in….at the pleasure of POTUS

470174  No.2688051


Here are the beginnings of a dig on Robert Mueller’s possible family connections to the murder of JFK.

“Mueller, considered a mentor to fired FBI director James Comey, comes by his Deep State (and possibly Bormann) credentials through a “consummate” lineage. He is the grand-nephew of former CIA deputy director Richard Bissell. Wife Ann Cabell Standish is the granddaughter of former CIA deputy director General Charles Cabell. (Charles’ brother Earl was the mayor of Dallas on Nov 22 1963). JFK fired both men, along with director Allen Dulles following the Bay of Pigs fiasco….”

[Later post from this commenter on the site]

“While still maintaining Robert Mueller is the grand-nephew of Richard Bissell (through marriage) I’m no longer confident that his wife Ann Cabell Standish is the grand-daughter of General Charles Cabell. Cabell had seven grandchildren but I have no definitive proof Ann is one of them.”

http: //spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-310-bush-league-associates-and-actions-of-the-georges-bush-part-1/

“Richard Mervin Bissell Jr. (September 18, 1909 – February 7, 1994) was a Central Intelligence Agency officer responsible for major projects such as the U-2 spy plane and the Bay of Pigs Invasion.

…As a face-saving exit from the CIA, John F. Kennedy offered Bissell the post as director of a new science and technology department. This would leave him in charge of the development of the Lockheed A-12, the new spy plane that would make the U-2 obsolete. Bissell turned down the offer and in February 1962 he left the Central Intelligence Agency and was replaced as head of the Directorate for Plans, by Richard Helms.”


5948c4  No.2688052


Rookie mistake. I've heard less is more for prostate stimulation.

77c6bf  No.2688053


Oh hi Donna! Bye Donna.

edf772  No.2688055


Hey can you post some of your content here since you seem to be a Hollywood Jew

1638a9  No.2688056

hey cult, Asia Argento?

we know

4ed825  No.2688057


Do we know for a fact that this is in fact No Name & not somebody else with the same name as him? The records don't say what the full middle name is. Just want to double check before tweeting out.

a2132c  No.2688058


When the White House announced Brennan’s security clearance had been revoked, the political press flipped a lid and declared a first amendment crisis, accusing Trump of trying to silence dissenters (Brennan is a vocal Trump critic).

At the same time, the White House said Trump was considering yanking clearance from Comey and others, all of whom have been accused of strategically leaking to the press in order to damage Trump. Speaker Ryan laughed and said Trump was just trolling, and he’s probably right.

Which is really the end game here.

Writing at Bloomberg, Eli Lake explains how the Trump v. Brennan battle is little more than political strategery:

ac5133  No.2688059

Slow bread

c64158  No.2688060


Good Day to you also Anon

Many points, one compass, all encompassing



3fb13c  No.2688061

File: 4a6e48b1d830150⋯.jpg (48.1 KB, 400x255, 80:51, victor CAMBRIDGE.jpg)

File: 6c120b19b2b501f⋯.jpg (20.84 KB, 275x183, 275:183, moon boi.jpg)

3fb13c  No.2688062

File: 174dd00853ee8fe⋯.png (496.35 KB, 895x605, 179:121, ac.png)

File: 84324aba6faaf27⋯.jpg (314.33 KB, 1400x1400, 1:1, craven.jpg)

238557  No.2688063


Oh Donna, shove it up your jelly fat ass

edbd56  No.2688064


Guess "she" had problems folding it under that day..

5948c4  No.2688065


It's not conclusive but both have the middle initial 'S'.

f393f9  No.2688066


point out the 60k hotdogs email about obama

that or tony podestas art collection

59c3fd  No.2688067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

shilling for JW and Tom Fitton


Latest JW update:

>HUGE Story: Hillary Hacked? Judicial Watch brought evidence to Strzok FBI team but it was ignored.

>In the meantime, we uncovered more classified materials from Clinton server: https://www.judicialwatch.org/press-room/press-releases/judicial-watch-uncovers-six-more-clinton-emails-containing-classified-material-on-her-unsecure-non-state-gov-email-system/

cd5e25  No.2688068

File: 22f3f9f3a083b5b⋯.png (85.47 KB, 854x738, 427:369, Screenshot_2018-08-21 8ch ….png)


That wasn't directed at you per se. I used this search tool and found other posts if you are interested.


it searches old threads

60c755  No.2688069

File: 91d5d72db222ba8⋯.jpg (151.27 KB, 1005x640, 201:128, GATEKEEPERS4.jpg)



2dac05  No.2688070



178f8d  No.2688071


FFS. I clicked it. Found everything just fine.

In fact, shillyfucker, now I have to click it again to see why you think I shouldn't go there.

de106c  No.2688072

Where did the "fronthole" come from??? Jumped on late last night and missed the fun.

4cb019  No.2688073

>>2687427 Top S. Korea Buddhist Quits Over Corruption, Fatherhood Allegations


not just catholic priests

edf772  No.2688074

File: 323b09469b86fa4⋯.jpeg (535.51 KB, 2224x1482, 1112:741, 11C66AFD-C2D7-4EEA-AAD6-3….jpeg)

When Hitler spoke of the Big Lie, he was talking about the Jewish press, the idea being that Goyish farmers would never believe anyone would fabricate such Colossal Untruths.

16414a  No.2688075


John Sidney McCain III (born August 29, 1936) is an American politician serving as the senior United States Senator from Arizona, a seat to which he was first elected in 1986. He was the Republican nominee for President of the United States in the 2008 election, which he lost to Barack Obama.

c63ef9  No.2688076

This bread is extremely SLOW what is brewing?

607819  No.2688077


This theory resonates with me as well. It is a very plausible explanation of how Q can know the future.

178f8d  No.2688078


PF172 from around midnight

Connecting the dots.

0d75fe  No.2688079


I tend to agree with you, anon.

Does anyone recall if Biltmore has a sauna room?

3fb13c  No.2688080

File: 5d7c869cc729f3b⋯.jpg (74.56 KB, 525x407, 525:407, dif panda.jpg)

5948c4  No.2688081



Going to need sauce on RR's sister linked to vaccine administration.

77c6bf  No.2688082


Shilltards that think it;s funny and try to make the board look bad. Don't encourage it ffs.

026f3a  No.2688083


The source of the PF plebbit post appears to have been from a message board on that website.

ca7ca6  No.2688084

5948c4  No.2688085


Why are you linking to godlikeproductions? PF172 linked to reddit.

edf772  No.2688086


Your moms sex tourism in Jamaica

157f34  No.2688087


Maybe he is a hungry nigger

a884f4  No.2688088


What if Putin just wanted to get the uranium out of the hands of the US.

5948c4  No.2688089

File: 207e66af0a312e6⋯.jpg (63.72 KB, 615x410, 3:2, inspectingbread.jpg)

Baking / Inspecting

6dee7b  No.2688090

File: 0e54c8ddf1df47e⋯.jpg (108.88 KB, 666x499, 666:499, CovfefeEarlyMorningTeam.jpg)

File: 0c7af50159d7836⋯.png (186 KB, 625x417, 625:417, CovfefeFeelz.png)

File: a7e7cd3225fbcb1⋯.jpg (92.08 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Covfefe.jpg)


Covfefe is brewing. Drink up.

93a2d3  No.2688091


no, that was the short version of every HP Lovecraft story.

3fb13c  No.2688092

File: a2562a780dddeee⋯.jpg (807.49 KB, 776x994, 388:497, gesu.jpg)

File: be107ff92844fb6⋯.jpg (42.87 KB, 410x600, 41:60, fake.jpg)

File: 759dc9f6ae1ba87⋯.jpg (54.67 KB, 822x460, 411:230, barros chile open up.jpg)

File: 02d5364dea7bf16⋯.jpg (80.39 KB, 300x300, 1:1, truth.jpg)

edbd56  No.2688094


kekek and many campy horror flicks :)

5948c4  No.2688095


>>2687602 Nazi labor camp guard caught by ICE, deported to Germany

>>2687548, >>2687565 Sigma Phi Epsilon Digs

>>2687525 LA arts district digs. SNCTM LA by rail to Voodoo Donuts with a guest appearance by CEMEX. Graphic

>>2687470 Chucl Wooler Twat on Black Business Ownership up 400%

>>26877414, >>2687454, >>2687452, >>2687477, >>2687515, >>2687581 Is Q Calling us to Dig, Have we missed something Big??

>>2687450, >>26877467, >>2687450, >>2687500, >>2687507, >>2687534, >>2687536, >>2687546, >>2687562 Lisa Barsoomian, Ronald Machen Digs

>>2687773 McCain heroin possession court records.

>>2687653 , >>2687876 Lois Lerner ties to Obama.

77c6bf  No.2688097

File: b60cf0e54bd143a⋯.jpg (157.68 KB, 1030x536, 515:268, James_Comey_fb.jpg)

File: aaf2f0d8d65566d⋯.jpg (109.98 KB, 698x399, 698:399, LockHerUp.jpg)

File: b870e750e28c0b6⋯.jpg (98.91 KB, 799x386, 799:386, comeystanddown.jpg)

File: 6ccc5d1d947c8ad⋯.jpg (258.93 KB, 1291x965, 1291:965, DRILLCOMEY.jpg)

File: 9a9cbb51504be4a⋯.jpg (181.66 KB, 997x648, 997:648, BOBKNOWSTHECRAIC.JPG)


We have unwelcome company anon. They are shitting bricks!

478f87  No.2688099


Shill away, he's doing amazing work. He also is a walking advertisement for HGH.

4f434f  No.2688100


the hypocrisy of the united states is exceeded only by that of the state of new khazaria-israel

clap clap clap well done give yourselves big gold fucking star

60c755  No.2688102

File: b7b4d037ec15237⋯.jpg (376.3 KB, 1020x891, 340:297, VATICAN Q1002.jpg)







8b280d  No.2688103

File: 13389c57145927c⋯.jpg (148.96 KB, 384x1024, 3:8, sword_of_the_spirit_by_urb….jpg)

8aea71  No.2688104

File: a17dd5c0454329e⋯.png (75.63 KB, 1134x534, 189:89, Screenshot from 2018-08-21….png)


Notice anything anons?

62e2b0  No.2688105

File: a8d34954d3f6005⋯.png (3.78 MB, 2160x1920, 9:8, redblu.png)

805464  No.2688107

>>2685244 (pb)

GS also. George Soros targeted district ? Makes more sense to me than ES

c63ef9  No.2688108


I have seen enough trailers for the movie…just get on with the movie!

60c755  No.2688109




8cb5a6  No.2688110

Someone comes out of nowhere with a connect-the-dots post that makes a number of un-researched claims.

Suddenly people saying "go go go push this!!!!"

Stinks, guys. Y'all are being set up again.

cd5e25  No.2688111


It was posted on GodLikeProductions Aug 9th, which leads us to believe it was the original source

5948c4  No.2688112


Check this out. This is from March of this year.


3fb13c  No.2688113

File: 1c9cbee023d4772⋯.jpg (41.98 KB, 600x340, 30:17, frankies fren.jpg)

File: f55ef260c8f46c3⋯.jpg (166.93 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, funny bois.jpg)


Fight the Power

e4429a  No.2688114


Operation Eagle Talon

da0345  No.2688115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fyi…you are the most wanted man ww. I hope your limo and detail are as good as potus.

81e3f7  No.2688116


Pull your panties out of your front hole anon

Know your military

Who are those mil in the picture

e77c0f  No.2688118


Pickens Plan

Hoard oil.

Hoard water.

Prepare for war.

"Join the Army"

Pickens = member of multiple S&Bs

Elite pipeline manager

Knows whats in the water.

Knows how to create earthquakes.

Frack master.

Trans/Log master.

Clintons connected.

Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) attendee.

See Working Sessions

Not just there for oil.

178f8d  No.2688119

File: e5f1880b7693ed0⋯.jpg (26.89 KB, 255x255, 1:1, confused pepe.jpg)


Other posts from The Patriot Mind


To clarify, Q posted PF172, from Reddit, that also appeared at


on August 10

and started from


On August 9.

Anyone finding any earlier sources?

Will do archive search for Barsoomian next. I know she's in there.

fe11a2  No.2688120

File: d52b2dc538b3d05⋯.jpeg (239.37 KB, 906x2187, 302:729, 91D0E97C-23C6-4B6D-BDC2-6….jpeg)

4f434f  No.2688121

File: 8a7f4922dfad0ac⋯.jpg (19.1 KB, 500x588, 125:147, 8a7f4922dfad0ac57588fe882f….jpg)


you whats notable? the covering being done for jews and zionist fundies and public schools and law schools and the judges chambers and the professors den and the kindergartens and day cares and members of congress


8c1ffd  No.2688122


Bake it yourself then stay there

a5fc0d  No.2688123

File: c22a88c87c8377d⋯.jpg (16.32 KB, 255x254, 255:254, pumpkins.jpg)

It's soo easy to fool humans

We want to trust our eyes and ears by our very nature.

We want to trust each other

That's where things go south

The most easy truths to hide are the ones that are most unbelievable.

Sasquatch could walk up and sing an Elvis song to a normie and his brain would not allow him to believe that it just happened. The brain will block out anything it cannot properly process.

Interesting to note, that the brain might not process such a shock as for example "Big Foot Singing Elvis" instead as say your mother in law instead.

Human brains are weird.

Suffice to say, that unless big foot were to inflict a stimulus such as pain or pleasure, the brain might not be able to comprehend it.

Why so many can't handle the truth. So the brain makes up a new truth it can handle.

And why so much evil hides in plain site and why so many can't/won't accept it.

5e51bb  No.2688125



Great resource, thanks

8b280d  No.2688126


Lurk more before posting.

3cb166  No.2688127



157f34  No.2688128


Phil Mudd is a shitty actor, that is a fake ass name too…. shit like this makes me think its all just fake, we don't know shit about are intelligence officers

136bfa  No.2688129

Imperator Rex says Carter page WASN'T a plant. He is usually dead on. But Q said Page WAS a plant

77c6bf  No.2688130

File: 8582c255240e027⋯.jpg (111.82 KB, 750x563, 750:563, FredDoItQ.jpg)

edbd56  No.2688131


This is why I posted this → >>2687433

I'll keep posting it as needed, too, just like the other oness ;)

3fb13c  No.2688132

File: 568b6377eff26b4⋯.jpg (380.85 KB, 3000x1688, 375:211, pedo.king.jpg)

File: da3429181fae77e⋯.jpg (85.14 KB, 620x372, 5:3, msg.jpg)

File: b027d656b880cfe⋯.jpg (62.3 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, cnn.Meth.jpg)

8d4d8a  No.2688133


Aren't active duty military personnel sworn to obey direct orders?

"Deliver this package to __."

"Yes, Madam Secretary of State."

178f8d  No.2688134

File: bdde76d9662bc97⋯.png (28.35 KB, 96x441, 32:147, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

File: d60ba49c6cd5b6c⋯.png (30.89 KB, 118x443, 118:443, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)


Searching for Barsoomian

Some overlap in these two lists.

ef6847  No.2688135



Hope Amos help us did sause.

f0ab2e  No.2688136


>this reddit post actually shows a very huge bias

It's why I believe they are grey hats working for Trump.

Otherwise, he and his proxies would have spent the last 18 months pointing out these conflicts of interest more specifically, than just vague accusations.

e4429a  No.2688137

Zuo Zongtang

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Zuo Zongtang

Second Class Marquis Kejing

Zuo Zongtang 1875.jpg

Photograph of Zuo Zongtang, late 19th century

Viceroy of Liangjiang

In office


Preceded by Peng Yulin

Succeeded by Yulu

Viceroy of Shaan-Gan

In office


Preceded by Enlin (1864)

Mutushan (1866–1869)

Succeeded by Yang Changjun

Viceroy of Min-Zhe

In office


Preceded by Qiling

Succeeded by Wu Tang

Provincial Governor of Zhejiang

In office


Preceded by Wang Youling

Succeeded by Zeng Guoquan

Personal details

Born November 10, 1812

Xiangyin County, Yueyang City, Hunan Province, Qing Empire

Died September 5, 1885 (aged 72)

Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, Qing Empire

Resting place Tomb of Zuo Zongtang

Spouse(s) Zhou Yiduan (m. 1832)

Relations Zuo Zongyu (brother)

Zuo Zongzhi (brother)

Children Sons:

Zuo Xiaowei (1846–1873)

Zuo Xiaokuan (1847–?)

Zuo Xiaoxun (1853–?)

Zuo Xiaotong (1857–1924)


Zuo Xiaoyu (1833–?)

Zuo Xiaoqi (1834–1873)

Zuo Xiaolin (1837–?)

Zuo Xiaobin (1837–?)

Parents Zuo Guanlan

Madam Yu

Education Jinshi degree in the Imperial Examination

Occupation Statesman, military leader

Military service

Allegiance Qing Empire

Years of service 1851–1885

Rank General

Commands Commander of the Xiang Army

Battles/wars Taiping Rebellion, Nian Rebellion, Dungan Revolt, Qing reconquest of Xinjiang

This is a Chinese name; the family name is Zuo.

Zuo Zongtang

Chinese 左宗棠


Zuo Zongtang, Marquis Kejing (also romanised as Tso Tsung-t'ang; [tswɔ tsʊŋtʰɑŋ]; 10 November 1812 – 5 September 1885), sometimes referred to as General Tso, was a Chinese statesman and military leader of the late Qing dynasty.[1]

Born in Xiangyin County, Hunan Province, Zuo sat for the imperial examination in his youth but obtained only a juren degree. He then spent his time studying agriculture, geography and military strategy. In 1851, he started his career in the Qing military by participating in the campaign against the Taiping Rebellion. In 1862, he was recommended by Zeng Guofan to serve as the provincial governor of Zhejiang Province. During his term, he coordinated Qing forces to attack the Taiping rebels with support from British and French forces. For this success, he was promoted to Viceroy of Min-Zhe. After capturing Hangzhou from the Taiping rebels in 1864, he was enfeoffed as a first class count. In 1866, as part of the Qing government's Self-Strengthening Movement, Zuo oversaw the construction of the Fuzhou Arsenal and naval academy. That same year, he was reassigned to serve as the Viceroy of Shaan-Gan, where he oversaw industrialisation in Gansu Province. In 1867, he was appointed as an Imperial Commissioner in charge of military affairs in Gansu.

During his term as Imperial Commissioner in Gansu, he participated in the suppression of the Nian Rebellion. In 1875, he was appointed Imperial Commissioner again to supervise military action against the Dungan Revolt. By the late 1870s, he had crushed the Dungan Revolt and recaptured Xinjiang Province from rebel forces. In 1875, the Guangxu Emperor made an extraordinary exception by awarding Zuo a jinshi degree – even though Zuo never achieved this in the imperial examination – and appointing him to the Hanlin Academy. In 1878, in recognition of his achievements, Zuo was promoted from a first class count to a second class marquis. He was reassigned to serve as the Viceroy of Liangjiang in 1881 and appointed to the Grand Council in 1884, before being made an Imperial Commissioner again to oversee naval affairs. He died in 1885 in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, and was given the posthumous name Wenxiang.

While Zuo is best known outside China for his military exploits, he also made contributions to Chinese agricultural science and education. In particular, he promoted cotton cultivation to northwestern China as a replacement for cash crop opium and established a large-scale modern press in Shaanxi and Gansu provinces which published Confucian classics and newer works on agricultural science.[2]

026f3a  No.2688138


Interesting. Looks like iterations of it have been around for awhile. Doesn’t mean it’s not accurate, it’s just not sauced.

178f8d  No.2688139

Yeah. Out of the gate. Good morning!

Moar covfefe and a little break now.

11894b  No.2688140


Conversation in WH with POTUS day before SC appointment…

POTUS: You know what's coming.

RM: Writing's on the wall.

POTUS: You'll be given investigative freedom, as long as you do the right thing…no more tied hands or corrupt pressure. Be the Marine you signed up to be. Full Pardon of your involvement upon completion of the mission.

RM: Hoorah.

deb441  No.2688141



If You can, please save a copy,

Wayback machine will remove anything on request. Reddit probably has submitted that request already.

5948c4  No.2688142


Yes. March.


a5fc0d  No.2688143


We going over barsoomian shit again?

6dee7b  No.2688144



I read your entire thread. What help, exactly, do you desire?

026f3a  No.2688146

c13857  No.2688147


They are afraid.

Feel it coming.

5948c4  No.2688148


Someone is trying to promote godlikeproductions it seems.

81e3f7  No.2688149

File: fc823fbda3bf161⋯.jpg (46.26 KB, 736x736, 1:1, 284b6da1f1befbc184531b9e23….jpg)

4ea7c9  No.2688150


they fucking warped time and manifested this reality here

just like ancient egyptians manifested the pyramids in a 4th reality into this time

nsa did projects


usss eldridge


was a fucking mind fuck



book i have says the following:

"it was evident to me that wireless transmission of energy, if it could ever be accomplished, is not a invention; it is an art. Bell's telephone, Edison's phonograph, or my induction motor were inventions, but the wireless transmission of energy is an art that requires a great many inventions in combination.

This planet is partly conducting and partly insulating. if it were all conducting, or if it were all insulating, we could not transmit energy without wire. it is only because it is partly conducting and partly insulating that a glorious future for man is reserved through the application of this art.







ec0f53  No.2688151

I'm so fuckin sick of seeing or hearing of George Webb trying to doxx people. The latest has been his attempt to point all the bad guys to Rhode Island for a Clinton victim and then listed one in Virginia that Jen Moore had spoken too.

On twatter the dumbfuck is sharing a private message from Gen Flynn, the man who he was just accusing of being a traitor!

Just venting bc this MFer is gonna get people killed if he hasn't already.

0d75fe  No.2688152


GLP is completely comped.

Trinity (Owner) has very close ties to Eglin AF Base and Malware!

Anon was giving very good advice to avoid that link! I most certainly would never click it!

a5fc0d  No.2688153

Why are we going over research all done last year again? First it was Podesta's art week, then pools, now this?

What next? Are we going to learn Mcstain was a traitor?

9051d3  No.2688154


When will the time comes when some special ops guy sneaks in this faggots bedroom and puts a garrote around his neck?

178f8d  No.2688155



Yes, thanks. Mentioned above. Not as complete as the PF172 link, though. Just a portion.

cd5e25  No.2688156


yeah Q post on PF, dork

3cb166  No.2688157


Yes, last night's Q drop referenced a Reddit thread. Thread spoke a lot about Lisa Bars….

…..sometimes a little review isn't so bad, someone may pick up something we missed. Let the newb fags dig…..KEK

edf772  No.2688158

File: 01874e868d45c2b⋯.jpeg (470.93 KB, 974x690, 487:345, 694AC7E2-DEF6-46F9-8D54-F….jpeg)

My aunt loves vacationing in Jamaica?

5948c4  No.2688159


It's not from godlikeproductions.

8a91d4  No.2688160


Its for the noobs anon

178f8d  No.2688162


Malware whatever.

Can start from scratch within an hour.

Keep a good backup in several locations.

77c6bf  No.2688164


>Wayback machine will remove anything on request.

This is very true anons. We must keep backups. Check wayback for


if you don't believe it.

1471d7  No.2688165


heart logo

122f98  No.2688166

File: 2d17e2fca6ad76b⋯.jpeg (38.29 KB, 800x576, 25:18, 1534783148.jpeg)

8b280d  No.2688168


you forgot pic related anon.

5e51bb  No.2688169

File: cf79352196d1b61⋯.jpeg (454.64 KB, 1800x1428, 150:119, A764D4FD-26C2-4DFF-B49F-E….jpeg)


>what is coming?

e77c0f  No.2688170


Further reading:


S&B farm system to elite.

Blood bonded spies

RHB membership.

CT-43 no accident.

fe11a2  No.2688171

File: 673c334ec8a6099⋯.jpeg (45.31 KB, 480x800, 3:5, F3C54F65-7B2B-47D7-A010-D….jpeg)

File: 24f2e8b4b61b5fb⋯.jpeg (111.29 KB, 786x826, 393:413, DA5E26F2-E917-4C5C-806C-A….jpeg)

File: ddc262367a2b079⋯.jpeg (83.73 KB, 1200x815, 240:163, 59380D92-FC40-4462-BD6C-E….jpeg)

716aa3  No.2688173

File: c612f459f066576⋯.png (1.04 MB, 867x563, 867:563, droz.PNG)


efd2ad  No.2688174


GLP is Tavistock

Tavistock is GLP

56fef5  No.2688175

Was anyone wondering if we're still in the Best Timeline Forever?

Yes. Yes we are.


New 'Star Trek' Picard Series: Here Are Some Bold Ideas We'd Love to See


cd5e25  No.2688176


it was posted there Aug 9th. and copied to reddit, so yeah your wrong agin

178f8d  No.2688177


As long as it takes to get moar anons in on the fight, patriot.

We have to be patient.

OTOH, maybe it means we know it all? ;)

178f8d  No.2688178


Then where is it from?

5948c4  No.2688179


Follow along I posted a source from March. Need to be a little more diligent with your "research."

a5fc0d  No.2688180

File: 3ddd50032fff5c1⋯.jpg (13.75 KB, 238x255, 14:15, ronpaul.jpg)


Must be review week before we take the final exam.

BTW! Was elated to see the news this morning about Trump questioning the Feds decision to raise the rates.

At least its a step in the right direction.

aaeba3  No.2688181




We have a moron

178f8d  No.2688183


That's an interesting idea.

862ab2  No.2688184

File: f1bdccb6849002f⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1446x1761, 482:587, 20180810_163627.png)

5948c4  No.2688185

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

4ea7c9  No.2688186

File: 7a39b36eb550f7b⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1440x863, 1440:863, trumptesla2.png)

File: 8aa3a05a3f91648⋯.jpg (1003.61 KB, 867x6091, 867:6091, trumptesla.jpg)

6dee7b  No.2688188


This anon has been posting cryptically for several days.

What is S&B|? Is it Skull and Bones?

12168e  No.2688193


Do we have some memes about Rosenstein's wifey?

From Q's last drop, to the Great Awakening link story: Connecting some dots.

"Why does Barsoomian, CIA operative, merit any mention?


She is Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s WIFE!"

Let's have some memes to put this out there anons. Thx

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