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File: f1711524dc6d851⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 255x143, 255:143, GENERAL.QresearchGeneral.jpg)

1dbc6b  No.2670171

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of force only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Integrity, for in Truth lies Victory.

Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 08.19.18

>>>/patriotsfight/168 ------------------------- [Cause] & [Effect] (Repost: >>2668232)

>>>/patriotsfight/167 ------------------------- Define 'Projection'... 'Narcissist' (cap: >>2667561 )

Thursday 08.16.18

>>2636358 rt >>2635778 ——————- Timelines change. Watch the budget

>>2634959 rt >>2634937 ——————- UK has problems

>>2634937 rt >>2634794 ——————- Badge of honor - military grade

>>2634368 ————————————– Ref to McCann was not intended

>>2634253 rt >>2634140 ——————- Why did the Podesta Group close?

>>2633895 rt >>2633829, >>2633830 -- Within a week of the last "BOOM" set?

>>2633717 rt >>2633643 ——————- Remember, 'conspiracy' friends, LARPS have access to a full stock of 'original' surveillance photos.

>>2633643 rt >>2633258 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2632125 ————————————– What are shovels used for?

>>2631586 ————————————– PEOPLE must unite to clean out these old institutions.

>>>/patriotsfight/166 ------------------------- Another wave of attacks? (cap: >>2631072 )

>>2630332 rt >>2630212 ——————- Caps of PF #164, #165

>>>/patriotsfight/165 ------------------------- What a coincidence! (Caps: >>2630191 )

>>>/patriotsfight/164 ------------------------- Patriots in control. (Cap: >>2629907 )

>>2628837 rt >>2628758 & >>2628768 Hooah! ; ES = @Snowden (re: >>2628352 )

>>>/patriotsfight/163 ------------------------- What happens if FISA fails or “signers” cannot be trusted? (Cap: >>2628741 )

>>2628569 rt >>2627887 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2628352 ————————————– Ask yourself simple questions.

>>2628219 rt >>2628080 ——————- Drops equate to reaction/action?

>>2628048 rt >>2627990 ——————- For anyone questioning if [XBOX] happened or not.

>>2627887 ————————————– Anyone has problems w/ their “XBOX Live” accounts…?

Wednesday 08.15.18

>>2618718 rt >>2618489 ——————- The Charm

>>2618033 rt >>2617982 ——————- This one?

>>2617872 rt >>2617755 ——————- Charms are very important

>>2617755 rt >>2617744 ——————- What do you notice?

>>2617750 rt >>2617739 ——————- 1 of 2

>>2617727 rt >>2617682 ——————- Cross against Podesta

>>2617727 rt >>2617709 ——————- Cross against Podesta

>>2617682 rt >>2617647 ——————- Painting of kids in pool (red shoes)

>>2617606 rt >>2617554 ——————- They never thought they'd be hunted.

>>2617554 rt >>2617535 ——————- below hand

>>2617484 rt >>2617413 ——————- Focus on her necklace.

>>2617271 rt >>2617206 ——————- Normal?

>>2617206 rt >>2616942 ——————- Jeff Zucker. Heart Surgery? In the Line of FIRE.

>>>/patriotsfight/162 ------------------------- TRAITORS ALL (Cap: >>2616883)

>>>/patriotsfight/161 ------------------------- Texts, emails, drafts, HAM comms, PS/Xbox chat logs (Cap: >>2615728)

>>>/patriotsfight/160 rt #159 --------------- Logical thinking (Cap: >>2616954)

>>>/patriotsfight/159 ------------------------- Firewall ( Cap : >>2615481 )

>>2614164 rt >>2613853 ——————- You ALL get to go to JAIL.

>>2613737 rt >>2613023 ——————- Has intel been shared with our enemies?

>>>/patriotsfight/158 ——————-—— Corinthians 13:4-13; Ephesians 6:10-18 (Cap: >>2613031 )

>>>/patriotsfight/157 ——————-—— Security clearances revoked. (Cap: >>2612773 )

>>>/patriotsfight/156 ——————-—— SA [ACCESS] CLOSED. (Cap: >>2612757 )

>>>/patriotsfight/155 ——————-—— WE STAND TOGETHER ( Caps: >>2607476 )

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

1dbc6b  No.2670194


are not endorsements


>>2573462 , >>2573531 Archives have been updated: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)


>>2670034 Bolton shilling for Muh Russia? Says China/Iran/NK "also meddled"

>>2669486 @Jack continues censoring GOP candidates: John James & Ron Bassilian

>>2669548 I'view with WH Budget Dir Mulvaney: POTUS's Booming GDP up 4.1%

>>2669443, >>2669451, >>2669462, >>2669466, >>2669476, >>2669492 Sedition v Subversion (digBot?)

>>2669533, >>2669509, >>2669509, >>2669488, >>2669729, >>2669655, >>2669558, >>2669612, >>2669799 AIRKEK update

>>2669436 SES Security Clearance can now be revoked due to fraud/sex assault/harass't?

>>2670160 #3370


>>2669233, >>2669589 2017 Miami Herald Art: Another possible Gitmo site?

>>2669219, >>2669131, >>2669049, >>2668989, >>2668956, >>2668919, >>2669311, >>2669369 AIRKEK update

>>2668740, >>2668757, >>2668799, >>2668974 Anons discuss new take on Sessions

>>2668732 Q's Mil art from pf168: $$ for Cali site to hold up to 30,000

>>2668728 Rebuttal to lb's heliplot goncern (unsauced)

>>2668712 Images containing "fascia" (bundles of sticks) displayed in US gov.

>>2668706 Anon explains one of the strategies employed by shills to harass us

>>2668711 Surprising no one, Mattis holds the line re: POTUS on Sec Clearance

>>2668657 2012 article on Jewish ties to Masonry, Communism, & PC censorship

>>2668649 Neutralize and marginalize: Anti-Q article justifies censorship

>>2668647 Law Text: USC [10] §2385: Advocating overthrow of Government

>>2669365 #3369


>>2668216 Moar Brazil: Anon's digg on NGO "Viva Rio"

>>2668338, >>2668358, >>2668373, >>2668382, >>2668388 AIRKEK, on ystdy's P3 Orion

>>2668336 COMPILATION: Caps of articles Q has linked to

>>2667874 65 yr. anniversary of deep state overthrowing the Shah of Iran

>>2667866, Anon breaks down Q drop pf 167, propose timeline

>>2667859 Side-by-side: Today's James Comey twat

>>2667848, >>2667924, >>2667980, >>2668036, >>2668080 Strange heliplot EQ data

>>2667845 Brazil forcibly taking indigenous children and putting up for adoption

>>2667843 Hooters News: Does Bewbgate run deeper than we thot? (see what I did there?)

>>2667840, >>2668024 Anons discuss true nature/history of the "Christ"ian church

>>2668525 #3368

#3367 Baker change

>>2667389, >>2667349, >>2667450, >>2667474 On the still legit core of Catholic Church

>>2667473 Black Business Ownership Under Trump Jumps 400% in ONE YEAR

>>2667225, >>2667259, >>2667270 Philip Mudd Loud-Screams re: Brennan's slap-down

>>2667187 Youtuber's exploration of Baphomet Statue in Little Rock State Capitol

>>2667185 Ex-NJ Gov. Christie Whitman also screams loudest: "POTUS Unfit," Jul art.

>>2667146, >>2667164 Another Badge of Honor: Bismarck Tribune's hit piece on QAnon

>>2667140 OpEd: Elon Musk and Gov. Subsidies

>>2667136, >>2667150, >>2667197 Rudy Giuliani and Maria B Sunday i'view

>>2667072, >>2667139, >>2667257, >>2667279, >>2667423 Elites Watch: Gloria Guiness digg

>>2667762 #3367

Previously Collected Notables

>>2665422 #3364, >>2668534 #3365, >>2667666 #3366

>>2662976 #3361, >>2663770 #3362, >>2664614 #3363

>>2660609 #3358, >>2661389 #3359, >>2662161 #3360

>>2659798 #3357, >>2659001 #3356, >>2658229 #3355

>>2655831 #3352, >>2656574 #3353, >>2657392 #3354

>>2653386 #3349, >>2654201 #3350, >>2655051 #3351

>>2651044 #3346, >>2651837 #3347, >>2652626 #3348

>>2648675 #3343, >>2649525 #3344, >>2650306 #3345

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

1dbc6b  No.2670197

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2660102

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

>>870846 --- The Letter Q - Printable Q Graphics

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>2178691 -- A Project to Create Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 -- Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2529066 – No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#38 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>2650537

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

( more at >>>/comms/283 )

1dbc6b  No.2670201

QPosts Archive Sites

* Q Clearance Archive:


QMap Mirrors

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* How to archive a website offline >>974637

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>2516402

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>870846 The Letter Q

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

27 >>2466904 26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ---------- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.NewsAnon --------------------- https://qanon.news/Archive

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Q NEEDS YOU! NEW BAKERS REQUIRED! Read this: >>2438883

1dbc6b  No.2670206

Any Aspiring Bakers Wanna Try a Bake?

Bread nice and slow, I'm happy to stick around to help

dough https://pastebin.com/BjfMRAxW

588c2e  No.2670207


Аге уоս нսмап вакег?

e2a005  No.2670208

File: 1ecd926272c6bfb⋯.jpeg (4.8 KB, 355x142, 5:2, images.jpeg)

first come

04bef9  No.2670209

Are you human shill? Stop shitting up the breads.

2753ec  No.2670210

File: a75769450c2b8b5⋯.png (321.9 KB, 556x612, 139:153, poll.PNG)


Salvanto’s polling currently indicates that few House seats will change hands in November — and that the GOP could very well hold its majority in the House.

5dda6b  No.2670212

Remember Autists-→ "Filter" is R Friend"

a908ed  No.2670213

File: 9680b5f0ab83ec3⋯.png (156.18 KB, 390x222, 65:37, potato.PNG)

Hannah Hays has actual brain damage from a a car accident, and is being manipulated and taken advantage of by her agent, manager, and producers. It's one thing if a mentally sound person gets into porn, but to take advantage of someone with brain damage is next level evil.



44d66b  No.2670214


are you Baker Human

588c2e  No.2670215


Yes, I'm going to bake. Bot control is over.

c133c4  No.2670216

File: 57823398d147fca⋯.png (198.58 KB, 617x397, 617:397, shillact.png)



(((shills))) are on overdrive today spamming and generally being a typical kike bitch after last night's shellacking they got from anons.

Patriots, Stay on TARGET, Stay the course.


>588c2e ←—- fucking retard jew bitch exposed first in bread.

f2d308  No.2670217

File: b2a04714292fe42⋯.jpg (14.84 KB, 480x320, 3:2, IMG_0196.JPG)

the hogg cult jumped right in bed with the pedos, fart sniffing was a huge tahng i guess

it killed unicorn guy

whom was from the classified ponychan stuff


the cia runs ponychan too

716e94  No.2670218

File: f308a562beb8dde⋯.png (413.22 KB, 858x399, 286:133, ClipboardImage.png)

James Clapper, the director of national intelligence under former President Barack Obama, took a swipe at former CIA Director John Brennan on Sunday, saying that his former colleague’s anti-Trump rhetoric has become “an issue in and of itself.”


591174  No.2670220


Dominoes, apparently.


b5e893  No.2670221

>>2670066 lb

You fool!!!!

You should not BE HERE!!!

Go back!!!

Go back to Twitter, to YouTube!

This board is only for AWAKE people

That know about the 9536 arrests here


And the 45,000 indictments that are sealed

And waiting for enough lawyers, judges and prison cells

To be ready to begin processing them.

65f042  No.2670222



477c07  No.2670223

File: 63e26a2b3d65d0e⋯.png (27.26 KB, 156x88, 39:22, ClipboardImage.png)

If pedowood can't see this message, they never will.


Kevin Spacey's new film 'Billionaire Boys Club' opens to incredibly low $126 following sexual misconduct allegations


a908ed  No.2670225

File: 865dd1522e96113⋯.jpg (35.66 KB, 390x222, 65:37, potato.jpg)


Hannah Hays has actual brain damage from a car accident, and is being manipulated and taken advantage of by her agent, manager, and producers. It's one thing if a mentally sound person gets into porn, but to take advantage of someone with brain damage is next level evil.



1a5cc7  No.2670226



>killing them

Oh nice of you to admit your agenda fakebot. So will trump kill his daughter and her family in law? She did a proper giyur... Or will he deport her with the rest of the jews?

Why are you here worm? Its qresearch, not pol - clown honeypot. Oh ill tell you why youre here with your fakebots, fucker,

to shield your precious cabal because you are scared. You want the jews to get the heat instead of them

And you want the msm to draw us as nazis.

Come on give your fake-"comeback", say "nice projection/subversion kike :)", the moar you do it the greater is the fear that grips you... The fear of going back serving burgers lol

You talk about killing the jews and muslims lol yet in reality you are afraid theyll skin you alive and "use your blood to make matzah" hahahahaha

b5e893  No.2670227

If you don't get the 9 levels of hell

Then go to the CIA reading room

And get this 292 page book

That was taken from Bin Laden's computers

When they raided the Abottabad compount

Among other things you can read there are this gem:

''The theme of

the anniversary celebrations was "Remember the Magic". A Boy’s & Girl’s Club sang ‘When you

wish upon a star’ (a popular programming song). Hillary Rodham Clinton (herself an Illuminati

Grand Dame and a mind-control programmer) shared with the audience that she and Bill "first

brought daughter Chelsea to the Magic Kingdom when she was four." Roy E. Disney, nephew of

Walt, told the public that Disney World "is the story of men and women who took hold of a dream

and never let go." There is a double meaning to that. Many victims of trauma-based mind-control

have taken hold of the illusions that were programmed into their mind secretly at Disney, and never

let go.''


73d13e  No.2670228

File: 68a3c89e0f18819⋯.png (16.53 KB, 120x120, 1:1, Seal_of_the_United_States_….png)

Federal fasces iconography

-The reverse of the Mercury Dime, the design used until the adoption of the current FDR dime in 1945, features a fasces.

-In the Oval Office, above the door leading to the exterior walkway, and above the corresponding door on the opposite wall, which leads to the president's private office; note: the fasces depicted have no axes, possibly because in the Roman Republic, the blade was always removed from the bundle whenever the fasces were carried inside the city, in order to symbolize the rights of citizens against arbitrary state power

-Two fasces appear on either side of the flag of the United States behind the podium in the United States House of Representatives, and were added to the chamber's decor during the remodeling project of 1950.

-The Mace of the United States House of Representatives resembles fasces and consists of thirteen ebony rods bound together in the same fashion as the fasces, topped by a silver eagle on a globe

-The official seal of the United States Senate has as one component a pair of crossed fasces

Fasces ring the base of the Statue of Freedom atop the United States Capitol building

-A frieze on the facade of the United States Supreme Court building depicts the figure of a Roman centurion holding a fasces, to represent "order"

-The National Guard uses the fasces on the seal of the National Guard Bureau, and it appears in the insignia of Regular Army officers assigned to National Guard liaison and in the insignia and unit symbols of National Guard units themselves; for instance, the regimental crest of the 71st Infantry Regiment (New York) of the New York National Guard consisted of a gold fasces set on a blue background

-At the Lincoln Memorial, Lincoln's seat of state bears the fasces—without axes—on the fronts of its arms; fasces also appear on the pylons flanking the main staircase leading into the memorial

The official seal of the United States Tax Court bears the fasces at its center

-Four fasces flank the two bronze plaques on either side of the bust of Lincoln memorializing his Gettysburg Address at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

-The seal of the United States Courts Administrative Office includes a fasces behind crossed quill and scroll

In the Washington Monument, there is a statue of George Washington leaning on a fasces

-A fasces is a common element in U.S. Army Military Police heraldry, most visibly on the shoulder sleeve insignia of the 18th Military Police Brigade and the 42nd Military Police Brigade

-A fasces also appears shoulder sleeve insignia of the U.S. Army Reserve Legal Command

-Seated beside George Washington, a figure holds a fasces as part of The Apotheosis of Washington, a fresco mural suspended above the rotunda of the United States Capitol Building.

wiki- many studying Latin learn it represents Law and Order- I see here it mentions Estrucan beginings

588c2e  No.2670229


Аге уоս нսмап вакег?

This should be an easy question.

9bef05  No.2670230

File: dcb3c4d4870627f⋯.jpg (13.06 KB, 255x211, 255:211, investigator pepe.jpg)

Oh my goodness. Tiredfag just catching up.

from Q



<January 1, 2019

>"Sec. 12. In accordance with Article 33 of the UCMJ

Just caught that date! Will need to go back to the bread at the time and see what anons said.

de856a  No.2670231

>>2670215 Hear, hear!

374834  No.2670232

File: 69c126b0d635e51⋯.png (748.12 KB, 641x477, 641:477, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fabfbb891a43d67⋯.png (524.9 KB, 662x911, 662:911, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b9b4e645b7da2db⋯.png (7.83 KB, 650x169, 50:13, ClipboardImage.png)

Louisiana AG: We’re Not Going to Let Corporations Restrict ‘Ability to Legally Access Firearms’

During the August 18, 2018, airing of Breitbart News Saturday, Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry explained that he chose, in part, to withhold $600 million from Citigroup and Bank of America because they are “trying to become the social police.”

On August 16, 2018, Breitbart News reported Landry’s decision to withhold the $600 million, a decision shared by the Louisiana Bond Commission and State Treasurer John Schroder.

The decision to withhold the money came after Citigroup and Bank of America each unilaterally placed gun control demands on their customers, going so far as to stipulate that bank-sponsored gun regulations had to be followed if financing was desired.


cb53d9  No.2670233

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Under the 8 Ball - Fort Detrick is in Frederick, MD

This film documentary investigates the human and animal experiments in 1951 at Fort Detrick, Maryland under a hollow metal sphere nicknamed the "Eight Ball". Fort Detrick was the center for the United States biological weapons program from 1943 thru 1969. Is it possible that some diseases of today are a result of uncontrolled experiments gone wrong? From Andalusian Dogs' press releases

documentary "Under Our Skin" is good too

f2d308  No.2670234

File: f9eb10a04a51abd⋯.jpg (160.72 KB, 624x839, 624:839, IMG_2155.JPG)

62a383  No.2670235

File: 01862f378e770a6⋯.jpg (39.53 KB, 586x451, 586:451, 2113ac381b7c03d1e0eaf805c0….jpg)

File: 890c3883ef5178f⋯.png (575.91 KB, 652x572, 163:143, greater-israel-project-yin….png)

File: e99efa3de552417⋯.jpg (74.91 KB, 602x400, 301:200, main-qimg-6006e821da3230cc….jpg)

File: 8bd4b975ce7cdb3⋯.jpg (197.72 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 16ae9393c2f0a10⋯.png (133.48 KB, 299x499, 299:499, we-are-told-what-isis-want….png)


86423c  No.2670236

File: 535950c65fdfb5d⋯.jpg (68.78 KB, 749x811, 749:811, BITCH MODE ACTIVATED.JPG)

>>2670105 (lb)

>He thinks he can fully trust the very books written by the cabal.

You should start asking God for the path to true knowledge. He will enlighten you to the True Meanings of the things that we Cainites have hidden.

The cabal worked to sell you lies, but we were subtle. We hid the Truth in their lies as well.

>>2669964 (lb)



>>2670052 (lb)

Yes, because they follow a flawed path where the only thing that matters is absolute pragmatism; objective while the subjective is destroyed. It seems like the reverse on the lower levels, but the intent was to always do away with Love and thus, the connection with God.



And I already just slept. It was kind of hard getting up, though, as you know. I really want some more weed, though, but I feel that, perhaps, it is not the right time.

Also, I don't want to inadvertently use any funds that are supposed to be for the family business.


Damnit. New bread after I just showed yourselves to me. At least it's early this time around.

>>2670184 (lb)

>peter and paul are two sides of the same coin anon

>ask any catholic

Why would I ask a Catholic, who is a member of an organization that works against Christ, what the Truth is?

That is absolutely retarded, homeboy.

cb53d9  No.2670237


sorry - link is last bread

64b655  No.2670238


White knighting for a porn whore


374834  No.2670239

Dem Sen Gillibrand: Trump’s ‘Values Don’t Line Up with Most Americans’

Sunday on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) said President Donald Trump’s values didn’t ”line up with most Americans.”

Gillibrand said, “I think what happens in November is going to decide what our country looks like. I think this election is a referendum on President Trump. On the fact that he doesn’t represent most Americans. That his values don’t line up with most Americans. And so being heard in this election sets the stage for everything in the future.”


c9c357  No.2670240




To add to your collection

d8d1e4  No.2670241

File: b8426b6e85ce998⋯.png (249.31 KB, 289x432, 289:432, get_off_thread.png)


fuck off back to /pol/

374834  No.2670242

Indian National Convicted of Sexually Assaulting Sleeping Passenger on Spirit Airlines Flight


c133c4  No.2670243

File: 3150e9a045fc6af⋯.jpg (131.86 KB, 500x957, 500:957, msmunhinged.jpg)


>muh bot

>we will kill you goy

>don't kill us goy you are evil


This is why the middle east and its races will NEVER have a seat at a civilized table.

We will see all of you killed and wiped out before there is world peace. Count on it, jew.

Sounds EXACTLY like the fucking MSM these fucking jewish scum. Re-write your script, bitch.

861b8a  No.2670244

France dismisses petition for it to pay $17 billion in Haiti reparations

France on Tuesday rejected a petition calling for it to pay $17 billion to help with Haiti earthquake reconstruction as a way to make amends for fees charged Haiti by the French crown 200 years ago.


f2d308  No.2670245

File: 26fac698a37dd3e⋯.jpg (59.96 KB, 630x945, 2:3, IMG_2031.JPG)

78d542  No.2670246

Who is Q?

Answer on open source?

Who is Shirley Brown, Chief of the Counterintelligence Awareness and OPSEC Division? (Year 2015)

Brown, Shirley A. (SAB73) SAB@TYCHO.NCSC.MIL (301) 688-0847


The Daily Beast publish a story about "the Q Group" in 2013. The group work for the Associate Directorate for Security and Counterintelligence.

2015 NSA publish "In Discussion with Shirley Brown, Chief of the Counterintelligence Awareness and OPSEC Division"

Some hacker publish NSA stuff on Antionline.com and Brown, Shirley A. is in the list.




ae3775  No.2670248


Mute The MIGHTY METALLICA Fuck off!....crank it Anons!

f1a4dd  No.2670249


Maybe that's where the guy who started aids fucked that monkey

6a0dca  No.2670250

File: 166264f73020d5c⋯.png (634.05 KB, 798x420, 19:10, Capture.PNG)

Getting worse for Brennan.


319643  No.2670251

File: 9ed6b6801d18877⋯.jpg (207.78 KB, 1182x1600, 591:800, Full face swimming mask fr….jpg)


Thank You Baker!

f2d308  No.2670252

File: e98d94f41f4dae0⋯.jpeg (144.53 KB, 702x661, 702:661, IDBG2708.jpeg)

ya'll want photos of ebots "top secret memfagging factory"

ac5150  No.2670253


>muh values

Tired of these anti-American pieces of shit (((subverting))) what true American values are.

df9005  No.2670254

File: aad8869025bc244⋯.png (568.33 KB, 640x601, 640:601, 2018-08-19_18-13-58.png)


What more fitting a prize than one with his picture on it!


1a5cc7  No.2670255

I love it! The shills got a beatdown yesterday and they are getting it doubled today. The spammer fakebot days are numbered. Kek

74830a  No.2670256


2019 hasn't happened yet

3f1afd  No.2670257


Gillibrand is so very NXIVM and Deep State. And completely without a foundation for her supposed statements.

b584ed  No.2670258

File: 61e47142f6b1739⋯.jpg (327.17 KB, 1300x954, 650:477, hydrotherapy-in-sainte-ann….jpg)

>>2670062 (LB)



yes, looks kinda like that, if it was a larger tub. hmmm. the board over the thing though.....and those screwdriver like things....just weird

pic is weird

d01872  No.2670259

File: 99910ca7e4c5bbe⋯.jpg (11.58 KB, 255x241, 255:241, 718fdcd03c91f4d0d6d53844ab….jpg)

>>2670025 lb

Is that who Q meant by her "protectors", if so that's just absolutely awesome!!! Bring it on!!!


Not a very Sharp-tool that Sharp-ton!

cb53d9  No.2670261

File: 6f80d4498641fb2⋯.png (63.16 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, NXIVM_brand_gilli_brand.png)

File: 43af00b239db94d⋯.png (213.64 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Schumer_Gillibrand_NXVIM.png)

File: b6d5869f44fd065⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 1397x1584, 127:144, gillibrand_stepmom.jpg)

File: c884a3d24e1e722⋯.png (159.37 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GilliBRAND_KNEW_NOTHING_RE….png)

374834  No.2670262

File: 9258058eafce79b⋯.png (417.91 KB, 639x357, 213:119, ClipboardImage.png)

Ralph Peters: Trump Supporters Are ‘Couch Potato Anarchists’

Sunday on CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” retired Army Lt. Col. Ralph Peters said President Donald Trump’s supporters were “couch potato anarchists.”

Peters said, “I left Fox because as a former military officer who took an oath to the Constitution, I could not be part of a channel that to me was assaulting the Constitution, the constitutional order, the rule of law. But that said, Fox isn’t immoral, it’s amoral. It was opportunistic. Trump was a gift to Fox and fFox in turn is a gift to Trump. As you observed earlier, it’s a closed loop and so people that only listen to Fox have an utterly skewed view of reality.”

He continued, “By the way, earlier some of your guests were describing Trump world in terms of Republicans, the Republican party is gone or at least dormant. What we see now the people supporting Trump are radicals. These couch potato anarchists. They are people who don’t have a program to make America great again, and by the way America is great right now, rather, they’re destructive. They want to tear things down. They want vengeance. And Trump is brilliant at that. He’s done what autocrats and charlatans and false messiahs throughout history have done. He’s told core supporters, you’re not to blame for the mistakes you made. You’re not to blame for your failures. It’s them, it’s the minorities, it’s the immigrants, it’s fake news, it’s the deep state.”


2a8714  No.2670263


Voat is looking into those Vanderbilt images found last night.

One of the goats has identified BUTCHER'S BELTS!

Its possible the big black secret of pizzagate is that cannabilism (especially of children) is further up the pyramid of evil than even child rape/murder.

Brothers, we may have another site like Epstein Island's dining room for child cannibalism.

e40fe7  No.2670264

File: 6f36ff3ab1b671c⋯.png (79.36 KB, 500x319, 500:319, eric-schneiderman-is-the-o….png)


This woman lives inside a vacuum inside her head

(pic related)

319643  No.2670265


Best prize!

f2d308  No.2670266

File: 3f29ae20ebb8614⋯.jpg (37.01 KB, 337x280, 337:280, IMG_1224.JPG)

fc4299  No.2670267


Аге уоս нսмап ваκег?

477c07  No.2670268


Yep, she's sporting one of those brands as well.

38388a  No.2670269

File: b104ccc464d1dd9⋯.jpg (100.04 KB, 669x591, 223:197, Trump Earthquake.jpg)

File: d6ad884fa1f3013⋯.jpg (215.96 KB, 1181x779, 1181:779, Trump Kim Sigs.jpg)

ed8244  No.2670270


The KKK was very anti-Catholic too

Feeling comfy with your new friends?

374834  No.2670271




Then use the link below to download our work!



Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few weeks AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!



d1532b  No.2670272

File: 1e5fc74b105f0c0⋯.jpg (131.6 KB, 780x581, 780:581, Q subversion.JPG)

40d60a  No.2670273

File: a4b92702930ec2a⋯.png (234.7 KB, 1280x846, 640:423, e0af02ea664989a18481cfccdd….png)

Over Fern Ridge Lake?

Anyone know what an ASQ-227 mission computer and ASQ-78B acoustics suite is used for?

"P-3C BMUP {Update III Block Modification Upgrade Program} (US): 25 aircraft with interior modification to convert selected NUD/SUDS, UD2/SUDS and UD2.5/SUDS to carry ASQ-227 mission computer and ASQ-78B acoustics suite"

c133c4  No.2670274


I wish (((they))) at least try to be convincing.

Weak, eh?

b5e893  No.2670275


On the CONTRARY!!!

Filter is NOT the autist's friend

Filter is a tool for normies that do not have the mental ability

To ignore stuff that is irrelevant

Revolting, sexually enticing

Or just plain stupid

An autist takes practically no time at all to ignore

All of the garbage

But glancing as it flows past

Provides valuable data on Shill tactics

Their current focus (Helps to know what they DON'T want you to dig)

And their ways of thinking,

Leave the filters alone

Many of the Anons who promote use of the filter

Are actually CLOWN shills

And the few that are well meaning Anons

Simply do not understand how autists work

We LOVE the smell of Napalm in the morning!!!

15d7c4  No.2670276

File: 25d0d528f2b1633⋯.jpg (9.17 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 1b3d8fbefd043f251949edb6c1….jpg)

File: d0a28095027db81⋯.jpg (39.99 KB, 476x368, 119:92, brenape.jpg)

Have Anons seen this Anons work?

Why no recognition?

I posted a shit pic of a chimp with 'muh security clearance' and got 6/7 KEKS.

But this Anon had none?

Have you seen this work?




64b655  No.2670277



1a5cc7  No.2670278

File: 37595f7675fd61d⋯.jpg (28.42 KB, 400x400, 1:1, thinking_pepe__by_patricio….jpg)


You are on q research "supporting trump" yet you are calling to kill his jewish daughter and her family in law… Hmmmmm Are you a retard or a shill?

70a193  No.2670279

File: 0a9c0f3d7a6e283⋯.jpg (927.94 KB, 1548x3179, 1548:3179, 278c1178e46756cb7e11d6b18f….jpg)

File: 9b4905204e4beba⋯.png (1.69 MB, 759x9207, 23:279, Screenshot_2018-08-04 The ….png)

File: 87b8a445c5a662b⋯.png (736.77 KB, 1318x5253, 1318:5253, Screenshot_2018-08-07 'Fol….png)

File: 07e8c33e42a9f3e⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1292x7865, 1292:7865, Screenshot_2018-07-30 You ….png)

File: a61debc2a73b2ac⋯.jpg (93.94 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, trump_chemtrail_plane_fb.jpg)

056874  No.2670280


>How does it feel to be a serf to your overlords.?

They have a simple strat. Find some greedy goy family and bribe them to let you do all the crime you want. It is a simple technique. It requires you control the narrative so you have to take over the Media.

Simple. Banking-Politicians-media.

You look for the occasional psycopath in the Goy populations that is most similar to your natural psycopathy and you promote them to power. You then use the Goy psyco to give you all the other keys to the kingdom.

They run the same scam every where they go. They learn from each failure and success story.

fa3aef  No.2670281

File: 895de1d53868ab2⋯.jpg (19.73 KB, 236x338, 118:169, 785a044f1c8951f30a9e3d4255….jpg)

Thank you baker

ed8244  No.2670282


No. I am a bot created by a 12 year old from my parents basement

f9cc26  No.2670283

File: 3653ac21c0b8328⋯.png (33.82 KB, 785x411, 785:411, DCpundit2.png)

File: 9ba3f5625ea7c90⋯.png (56.4 KB, 790x542, 395:271, DCpundit5.png)

File: e07697c68ed6f56⋯.png (38.18 KB, 784x416, 49:26, DCpundit1.png)

File: 852b41733a57fa8⋯.png (62.84 KB, 783x647, 783:647, DCpundit3.png)

File: 90b664b29ab7412⋯.png (14.67 KB, 483x190, 483:190, Pundit1.png)

>>2670193 lb

>>Part of the problem is the “center” has been moved to the left, We certainly hear the left’s ridiculous interpretations and some debate with moderate conservatives…

>>But, the “right” has no voice.


The cucks moved left willingly and adopted the left's moral foundation. They are here as well trying to shift everything left at every possible chance they get. None of their cucking got Trump elected. Yet here they are trying to take credit for it and pretend their "classical liberalism" and "movement conservatism" was what this was all about when it was Nationalism and America First. Both terms were endlessly bitched about as "fascist" and "nazism" from these faggots.

9bef05  No.2670284

File: f1fbf6f7429c7ab⋯.png (13.44 KB, 576x576, 1:1, maga pepe.png)


No, January 1, 2019 has not happened yet.

But how do we FEEL (kek) about this future date, give that we've received other future dates, and meh.

38388a  No.2670285

File: 372145b2d5f167c⋯.jpg (76.91 KB, 500x399, 500:399, why are you here_2.jpg)

64b655  No.2670286


Are you actually ignorant to what the Kushner family has done?

You sir are a shill

126092  No.2670287


So you're gonna repeat this shit 12 times like last bread huh?

The baker won't answer your question and it doesn't matter bc bots can lie. If you're that concerned, why don't you bake?

e20b1b  No.2670288


This is truly fucked, and Q presents it like I'm supposed to cheer.

d01872  No.2670290

File: b42bb2c9b015d79⋯.jpg (12.84 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 1e06432c2e5faf05b097e85376….jpg)

1dbc6b  No.2670291


If BO/BV wants to step in and hand the bake over to someone else, fine. But no, we don't just hijack baker's bakes bc we don't agree with their notable selection.

Make your case to BO/BV, and we'll go from there.

Baker still baking

f2d308  No.2670292

just take them to their favorite places and murder them there, bludgeon preferably

64b655  No.2670293


I'd deport that

9d0d9b  No.2670294


or the 9/10 of a penny that you pay on evry gallon….

c5eec4  No.2670295


Yo Anons, I was away intermittently in the last 24.

How did Annie Clark (St. Vincent) get on here as a subject or dig target?

I play for 56 years and never saw a wilder version of a guitar player

But why is she here? Cause she is gay?

Cause she is extremely controversial?

Let me know.

1950c9  No.2670296

File: 0fb82c3205fd14c⋯.png (310.12 KB, 450x584, 225:292, weakshll.png)

pic related

861b8a  No.2670297


Jeff Cherubin Domond Foundation Home

5 Rue Thomas Edison Delmas 33, Port au Prince, Haiti

==[+1 makes 17]

Jeff Cherubin Domond Foundation home is a non-profit facility with 16 bedrooms with AC units in every room. We have private rooms that sleep 1 and shared rooms that sleep 3. We have plenty common areas that would make you stay very comfortable.

65f042  No.2670298


Project_Veritas Tweet:

First they came for the


fans, and I did not speak out, because I don't like Alex Jones. Then they came for the Conservatives,, and I did not speak out, because I am not a Conservative. Then they came for…


64b655  No.2670299



Everyone posting on these boards will wind up in one

ef4557  No.2670300


do NOT hand off to that shill

its the muh bot shill

959ff2  No.2670301



Happy Fukin new year anon

fa3aef  No.2670302


Right! At least three times a day.

374834  No.2670303

File: e1be980c8010063⋯.png (746.96 KB, 895x833, 895:833, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7263cfce5f4815⋯.png (189.83 KB, 889x643, 889:643, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2fcd330dbf29c1⋯.png (351.35 KB, 910x642, 455:321, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31b247ad54c32db⋯.png (471.47 KB, 919x824, 919:824, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ba64c5fcd5687d⋯.png (845.19 KB, 917x777, 131:111, ClipboardImage.png)

Wisconsin Company Injecting RFID Microchips Into Hands Of Employees


e4d1ba  No.2670304

File: 3fc3251e59f4e15⋯.png (3.02 MB, 3364x2519, 3364:2519, JULY 31ST TAMPA SPEECH c.png)

File: bba6cfb788b253d⋯.png (181.55 KB, 1067x1257, 1067:1257, CONNECTED b.png)

There's always more connections

Text from Connected graphic. Work in progress, reconfirm values, each line shares value. Ordering not yet specific within each line or with line order.

One Connects To The Other, The graphic Is Your Key, Operations Underway

The More You Know, Ask Yourself Why

Read Very Carefully, Previews Are Over, What A Wonderful Day

Fantasy Land Game Theory

WJC, What are shovels used for?

Flash Traffic, Hello George, JC, Green Castle, Palm Trees

GWB, Plants Need Water

Pain 23 (all in the Bush family)

Marker Sample

No Name, Jeff Flake

Follow HUMA, Follow Huma, America For Sale

Hillary & Saudi Arabia Smile For The Camera, Bottom To Top #GoodbyeDemocrats

The World Is About To Change, Fake News Constant Attacks

The World Is Watching, Spooks Are Hard To Find?

Godfather Fake News Coincidence Reconcile

Mockingbird, The Swamp

Project Mockingbird, These People Are Sick

MSM Boom

BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM Day of Reckoning

GS, Please Stand By Bonus Round

This Is Not A Game, The Time Is Now

Sweet Dreams, We Saw You

JB, Goodnight BO

The World Is Connected, The Blood Wonderland

Saudi Arabia, Warning, Game over, Iron Eagle, Muller, Clowns, Here we go, Firewall

Jason Bourne, House Of Saud, Down She Goes

Clinton Foundation, These People Are Stupid

Think Optics, Timelines Change

Public Disclosure, All For A Conspiracy

Think Circle, Showtime

Darkness, Buckle Up, Blue Wave, Bombs Away

Shut Down, Fireworks

Never Forget No Such Agency

Are You Ready? It's Happening

Chatter, Godspeed

Something Big Is About To Drop, Disinformation is Necessary

When Does A Bird Sing, Trolling Is Fun

White House Sheep No More

Impossible To Clean, Situation Room, Red Castle, Merry Christmas

God Bless, Eyes On

Know, The Map

Spider Web, Make It Rain

Door of All Doors The Great Awakening

Awake Key

Start The Clock, Say Something

Critical Thinking, Learn Our Comms, Enjoy The Show, There Is Only Q

People, We Are Q, Enjoy

Popcorn, VIP Access

WWG1WGA, We Stand Together

Stay the Course, No Sleep Tonight

POTUS NAT SEC E Briefing 3:02am, As The World Turns Future Proves Past, You All Get To Go To Jail

Mike Pompeo, We Have It All, We See You, The Storm!

c133c4  No.2670305

File: 8dee3eb1d40567c⋯.jpg (38.09 KB, 625x344, 625:344, youdumbbitch.jpg)


this jew really needs to think before talking LOL

Boy you need to re-do your training.

>muh ivanka

>muh jewish because somebody said so

Keep mouthing off, you little jewish whore HAHAHAHA


In an hour or so we should get additional bakers. Still afternoon for majority of US.

38388a  No.2670306

File: e1446117b2ad78f⋯.jpg (355.84 KB, 1640x1416, 205:177, 2 officers.jpg)

File: 130f7199344953f⋯.jpg (215.35 KB, 800x776, 100:97, Miosotis Familia Elise Yba….jpg)

cb53d9  No.2670307

File: b831e74eab1ae01⋯.png (252.37 KB, 1236x1724, 309:431, Screen Shot 2018-08-19 at ….png)



forgot to mention…. filed is named gillibrand_stepmom - but that is Kirsten Gillibrand's stepmother - NXIVM…. she's in Rome in the picture

https:// artvoice.com/2018/04/06/artvoice-gillibrand-stepmother-revealed-deeply-involved-nxivm-sex-trafficking-cult/#.W3ntyC_VS_I

9bef05  No.2670308

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Unless he's caught on to Q and is trying to play us.

Aretha Franklin did just die.

15d20c  No.2670309


I will, I promise. I will repost it hours later after you left the board. I will be sure to credit (You), though, Anonymous!

Thanks for the hard work!

c35796  No.2670310


>fucking retard (((muhjoo) jew bitch exposed first in bread.


f0d3e6  No.2670311


7 colors of the Rainbow symbolizes what laws?

Shoes are red from standing on top of the Rainbow

How do they TRANCEND the rainbow?

Who is below and above the Rainbow?

182922  No.2670312


Let me give a shout out to Ahdy Khairat. Does Remastering on YouTube. If you like the old Metallica give him a listen.

36d27b  No.2670313

File: d0cc4e76c1f241c⋯.jpg (34.74 KB, 255x255, 1:1, d0cc4e76c1f241c9e56fb2cf90….jpg)

64b655  No.2670314


What a fag

They came for Andrew Anglin first and no one cared.

They assumed if they kept sucking of the Jews they'd b e fine.

Then they weren't.

Fags will always be fags

ef4557  No.2670315


Yea fuck that shit, bad enough they're putting them in our ID cards. IDGAF, that shit is wrong and it needs to stop PRONTO.

de856a  No.2670316


Baker, I 100% disagree with you including shillbot in the notables; however, I 100% agree that the requesting baker shill should not be handed the oven. Maintain your spot without a BO/BV check.

1950c9  No.2670317


the way we do in poor counties - residents pitch in and pay, or let it go to gravel and just grade it a few times each year

f2d308  No.2670318

File: 02bf46bb3d2d3b2⋯.jpg (37.56 KB, 480x416, 15:13, IMG_1044.JPG)

try and sit through a SEO training video nowadays

it's painful

86423c  No.2670319

File: fa7a77589bfeda7⋯.jpg (286.56 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Cain - Judas - Paul -- Yea….jpg)


The cabal fabricates its own enemies so that people perpetually fight against each other.

>What is WW1

>What is WW2

>What is the War on Terror

You clearly are an agent of satan if you do not recognize that the cabal plays multiple sides of any conflict to throw people off of their tracks. This has been proven time and time again on this very board.

I am Anti-Catholic, because they are Anti-Christ.

They symbolically feast upon his flesh and blood and command that their followers do the same.

They operate with a system of shame and hatred rather than one of justice and love.

The enemy of my enemy does not make them my friend.

If the enemy of my enemy is also my enemy, then that means that I have two enemies.

38388a  No.2670320

File: 1f0e1e3ab974138⋯.jpg (53.87 KB, 398x364, 199:182, Trump Affection.jpg)

File: 96776868013ab37⋯.jpg (152.93 KB, 788x737, 788:737, Trump story.jpg)

The shills are helping us by being obvious.

They are turning!

c1f98a  No.2670321

>>2669550 (previous bread)

Hayden was Director of CIA May 30, 2006 – February 12, 2009 i.e. when BHO elected - he had to know about the fake b certificate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Hayden_(general)

Also - check out "A Good American" https://agoodamerican.org/ According to Bill Binney Hayden was the one that killed Binney's program & brought in contractors that made millions and still missed the 9/11 attack (by insiders). Don't know if that was deliberate (Binney says if his program had been in place it would have detected/recognized 9/11 in time) or whether he was just taking care of his greedy friends, but definitely not a "our guy."

47bb08  No.2670322

BC son of Winthrop R?

1a5cc7  No.2670323

File: 8d234ccb373c3a2⋯.jpg (73.15 KB, 549x458, 549:458, low-iq-maxine.jpg)


So trump is a traitor then right? Or he sacrificed his daughter for the greater good. Lol raise your iq maxine, its painful to look at. THE SHILL HAVE NOW BECOME RETARDED. kek

64b655  No.2670324


Zerohedge is fake news.

Don't link that shit here

b5e893  No.2670325


All women have the unequivocal right to choose

to spread their legs so that I can pump

and dump them

– AG Eric Scheniderman

This ad has been paid for by the committee to re-elect Eric Schneiderman

approved for display by HIGHEST RANKING Anon

c35796  No.2670326


yes this is 100% correct

thank you anon

028d1a  No.2670327

>>2668814 (PB)

This broad is batshit crazy and you can tell her I said so. Just effing crazy.

The only "power" they have is what you concede them. Don't do it.





Seth K. are you here? This is Robin G. Straighten these guys out before they concede defeat to a shadow.

1dbc6b  No.2670329


>>2669233, >>2669589 2017 Miami Herald Art: Another possible Gitmo site?

>>2669219, >>2669131, >>2669049, >>2668989, >>2668956, >>2668919, >>2669311, >>2669369 AIRKEK update

>>2668740, >>2668757, >>2668799, >>2668974 Anons discuss new take on Sessions

>>2668732 Q's Mil art from pf168: $$ for Cali site to hold up to 30,000

>>2668728 Rebuttal to lb's heliplot goncern (unsauced)

>>2668712 Images containing "fascia" (bundles of sticks) displayed in US gov.

>>2668706 Anon explains one of the strategies employed by shills to harass us

>>2668711 Surprising no one, Mattis holds the line re: POTUS on Sec Clearance

>>2668657 2012 article on Jewish ties to Masonry, Communism, & PC censorship

>>2668649 Neutralize and marginalize: Anti-Q article justifies censorship

>>2668647 Law Text: USC [10] §2385: Advocating overthrow of Government

new bundle of prev. notes reflects addition

9bef05  No.2670330


Now do Courtney Barnett.

(Shit was a show she puts together!)

056874  No.2670331


Have you noticed the Jew keeps falling back to Ivanka?

You can see the trick of her marrying Jared has worked perfectly. They are acting as if she will be (((their))) savior when she isnt legally a Jew. KEK. The real Jews will never accept her as a JEW. They call her Goy as soon as she leaves the room.

And now they need her to save them. They use her to boost their lowering morale.

It is funny actually

b376a1  No.2670332

File: 8810f06cfb3c8d7⋯.jpg (64.9 KB, 799x530, 799:530, Stronger Together.JPG)

bad8fa  No.2670333

File: 60e07c65d582624⋯.gif (17.29 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 300px-CryptoidMonkies.gif)

File: 3b96166c8dfb837⋯.png (5.17 KB, 220x220, 1:1, index.png)

look familiar to anyone?


74830a  No.2670334


Well, this date is law, as opposed to other proposed dates (namely, 11/11 which anons got into a frenzy over, a frenzy that i didn't & won't participate in). It's a date when the amendments to the Reagan EO become effective. Not a lawfag, so still having trouble interpreting the entire EO and the original, yet, I take it that the New Year's amendments are written in stone. What comes with that, we'll see.

f2d308  No.2670335


big dman goat huh

c35796  No.2670336

File: 0fa5b82ded4e065⋯.jpg (11.64 KB, 259x194, 259:194, SPAM2.jpg)

70a193  No.2670337

File: 6e0f0b616a0da71⋯.jpg (157.35 KB, 1272x666, 212:111, balauras.JPG)

File: 451cd68b5af883b⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 2016x1512, 4:3, IMG_0214 - Copy.jpg)

File: 26ea4433423d79d⋯.png (68.94 KB, 940x924, 235:231, 26ea4433423d79d84e97a50123….png)

File: dfefdab982581ce⋯.jpg (58.67 KB, 919x572, 919:572, 6fd7b17b8e9b92bb98229f59c2….jpg)

File: a349dbee65205ca⋯.jpg (70.92 KB, 610x736, 305:368, a349dbee65205ca565229b20a5….jpg)

b1c181  No.2670338



That one was simply e's way of autistically saying

That while the Russians get all the press

It's actually the Chinese doing all the dirty shit

2f7fc7  No.2670339

File: f0b1394c0366708⋯.png (284.9 KB, 356x348, 89:87, bruce tat gold.PNG)

>>2669691 LB LB LB

anybody know what that tat signifies?

c5b83d  No.2670340

Kevin Spacey movies don't make shit.

Let's see how well the 3rd guardians movie does.

7bdd65  No.2670341


Anons work for Q. KEKS are bonus. Sorry you need more recognition. The baph is too small to make out the faces. But I assume those are of people we know, which was suggested a few breads back. We always love our meme makers. Love to you.

f405ca  No.2670342


Woo Hoo!! Kek!

38388a  No.2670343

File: 9b74560a81388fb⋯.jpg (123.75 KB, 900x516, 75:43, Trump in Indiana.jpg)

File: 2f7b339e242b31d⋯.jpg (142.48 KB, 593x654, 593:654, Trump Tweet 05102018.jpg)

"If the enemy of my enemy is also my enemy, then that means that I have two enemies."


Wait, wha?

i know its right tho, two enemies worst than

1 enemy. Overcome e v i l with GOOD.

cf4852  No.2670344


Why are you arguing with stupid shills, Anon. We all know, that's why we ignore them. See how many replies they get…. Maybe one…. Ignore them and they will eat less bread!

Goodspeed brother!

86423c  No.2670345

File: 3fa73238901d854⋯.jpg (32.69 KB, 402x482, 201:241, Us Against The City.jpg)


Because she is part of the Q team and one of Sophia's and Cain's reincarnated children.

>Her Favorite

aaebb8  No.2670346

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A song for anons:


A most popular and patriotic Cuban song named for Guantanimo, a song of the people.

I post this beautiful version for all the board participants (you know who you are) expecting a long vacation to Guantanimo in the near future. Sing it often.

"The slavery of the people is the hardship of the world"


1950c9  No.2670348

Why is everyone on me about spacing?

I don't get it.

I am just trying to help.

And I don't understand the devil stuff here at all…


cd7b90  No.2670349



well theres been a "shia /ourguy/" post and a fucking R larp post in notables all day long so i dont think any amount of whining is gonna fix it. this board is moar disinfo than logical thinking these days so might as well just get used to it.

a48047  No.2670350

lb replies


You can trust any person who doesnt cheat at golf. All others, meh.


I always figured that this would devolve into a game of "Blame The Black Guy." He has no legitimacy and is perfectly set up to fall. >>2670152

Y dey axin him so many kestions?


Agree that justice has not been well-served. The Trump DOJ is getting a C- from me at this point.


Put all the convicted traitors aboard, remove the crew and pull the drain plugs. In shark-infested waters. Open all the doors remotely and film it.

"This is what we do to Traitors in this country. ">>2670166

A news article about a private citizen demanind justice is not exactly destroying anybody. Otherwise, every thread on qresearch would be a BOOM.


If you miss a BOOM, it cant be a BOOM. I personally dont view firing a corrupt cop or removing an obvious traitor's sec clearance a BOOM. A BOOM is an arrest and holding without bail.


Apparently, Soetero appointed 7000 of the 8500 current SES employees. They gotta go!

f2d308  No.2670351

File: f7d28c7c405c6fc⋯.jpg (45.49 KB, 500x504, 125:126, IMG_1142.JPG)

is there an irony test

374834  No.2670352






f0d3e6  No.2670354


What is John 11:11

64b655  No.2670355


You son are nigger dumb

c35796  No.2670356


i guess you are a new type of shillfag

no more discussion with you

just as helpful as replying to muhjoofags

good luck with your lost soul

c67fd9  No.2670357


Sound and valid.

As stated, but needs emphasizing. One way to attempt the flow of information or to control the conversation is to actively call out topics or id's for filtering, as if they speak for the "us" or the "we" and backup their claims by projecting the term "shill" on anyone who has an alternate viewpoint. Happens in teams, two or more instantly have extremely harsh words, and/or images, and seek to have oppositional viewpoints silenced or filtered.

38388a  No.2670358

File: 423c87d969b11f1⋯.jpg (63.09 KB, 632x353, 632:353, why are you here.jpg)

07b6bc  No.2670359


>>>2667874 65 yr. anniversary of deep state overthrowing the Shah of Iran


The wording in the Notables list for this post is wrong. The post refers to the anniversary of the overthow of the duly elected PRESIDENT OF IRAN. That President wanted to nationalize Iran's oil, so he was overthrown and the Shah was installed in his place.

The overthrow of the Shah happened in 1979. That's NOT what the post is talking about.

15f967  No.2670360

File: c2dd9c1e1315459⋯.jpg (124.45 KB, 600x453, 200:151, c2dd9c1e13154590e748fea253….jpg)


Good job making the notables, eBot, kek!

374834  No.2670361


c133c4  No.2670362

File: 03e6788cd7a6144⋯.gif (276.55 KB, 800x532, 200:133, muhrussianbots.gif)







Already taking over 30% of the bread.

Right now, anons need to stay on their toes and watch the water.

These shills are tag teaming and playing all angles.

mossad and clowns have not given up.

neither has msm (same thing).

(((they))) will be found and killed - as is proper in war time.

Our people will make sure of it.

97fec8  No.2670364


locating submarines

1a5cc7  No.2670365


There you go retard. The first step to raising your iq is realizing you have a problem:



74830a  No.2670366


>John 11:11


fc91e5  No.2670367


You're a faggot. CNN is fake news but the digs can be important understanding shill context.

793284  No.2670368


Can't confirm.

Winthrop or Nelson.

Rockefeller DNA.

Winthrop likely gay.

Had black male lover.

Jeanette a beard.

64b655  No.2670369


Q is mossad

Iran attack attack attack

How fucking dumb are you?

319643  No.2670370


I will post high-res to MEME 27 Library

f0d3e6  No.2670371

File: ce7799576ae4eea⋯.jpg (166.32 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Eyes-2.jpg)

3fcc1a  No.2670372

>nonchewable padded cell

>nonchewable padded cell

>nonchewable padded cell

>nonchewable padded cell

>nonchewable padded cell

>nonchewable padded cell

>nonchewable padded cell

Just 2?

374834  No.2670373

James 1:3-13

3 You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors.

4 So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.

5 If you don't know what you're doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You'll get his help, and won't be condescended to when you ask for it.

6 Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. People who "worry their prayers" are like wind-whipped waves.

7 Don't think you're going to get anything from the Master that way,

8 adrift at sea, keeping all your options open.

9 When down-and-outers get a break, cheer!

10 And when the arrogant rich are brought down to size, cheer! Prosperity is as short-lived as a wildflower, so don't ever count on it.

11 You know that as soon as the sun rises, pouring down its scorching heat, the flower withers. Its petals wilt and, before you know it, that beautiful face is a barren stem. Well, that's a picture of the "prosperous life." At the very moment everyone is looking on in admiration, it fades away to nothing.

12 Anyone who meets a testing challenge head-on and manages to stick it out is mighty fortunate. For such persons loyally in love with God, the reward is life and more life.

13 Don't let anyone under pressure to give in to evil say, "God is trying to trip me up." God is impervious to evil, and puts evil in no one's way.

c5b83d  No.2670374

What were the 4 booms this week?

64b655  No.2670375


You're citing a source that claims the economy has collapsed 500 times this year

ac5150  No.2670376


(((They'll))) do anything to avoid having to rebut claims made by those woke to the JQ, opting instead to fall back on "muh adolph," "muh eva," "muh go back to /pol/," and "muh i'm not responding to inbred trailer trash." (((They))) can't help outing themselves with their anti-white slurs. Sad!

48b1d7  No.2670377


Sonar signals processing.

This was an upgrade to the sensor update system (SUDS) sonar submarine tracking systems.

Don't think he'll find many subs in that lake.

c5eec4  No.2670378


Aha. Both are lesbians, pretty easy to spot.

Both are controversial. Annie Clark was molested as a child, I think I remember hearing at some point, maybe she mentioned it?

But don't quote me.

78d542  No.2670379


Q: Associate Directorate for Security and Counterintelligence (ADS&CI)

Q0: Staff

Q05: Security Operations Center (SOC)

Q07: NSA Counterintelligence Center (NSACC)

Q09: Security Support Staff

Q1: Office of Physical Security

Q123: ?

Q2: Office of Personnel Security

Q223: Counterintelligence Awareness

Q3: Investigations Division

Q31: ?

Q311: Counterintelligence Investigations

Q312: Compromise Investigations Branch

Q5: Office of Security

Q509: Security Policy Staff

Q51: Physical Security Division

Q52: Field Security Division


Q56: Security Awareness

Q57: Polygraph

Q7: Counterintelligence

QJ: Joint Program Security Office

c35796  No.2670380


i agree with one caveat

why should i see the same absurd muhjoo shill shitposts 20 times per bread every fucking day?

already glanced

already know the tactic

old it is

filter those i do

64b655  No.2670381


Nothing same as every other boom

[RR] pain

or not


846498  No.2670382

File: fed815ae6ce2d06⋯.png (230.88 KB, 572x547, 572:547, AM.F.P.png)

File: 192a912f2842b37⋯.jpg (28.09 KB, 314x400, 157:200, 2.jpg)

File: 740543210ebab88⋯.png (314.6 KB, 776x454, 388:227, AM.F.P2.png)

>>2667205 pb

>Answer: Arkansas.

>Red isn't just for shoes.

>Green isn't just for money.

And pi kes aren't just for peaking.

fc91e5  No.2670384


It's a blog dipshit, not a single source. And no that never happened… fucking dramafag over here.

64b655  No.2670385


a young israeli boy in his basement

e9dd41  No.2670386

File: a6a8fa3809be922⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 5.13 KB, 468x200, 117:50, WTF.PNG)

Alright, enough already. e-bot was just random static when he was drinking to excess, but now the production of some of the elaborate attachments, rate of production, and frequency of posting have me thinking it's not an individual but a team.

He/it has now become a personality and personalities on here have been generally shunned as they distract from the core mission. And as anon noted in lb, "no table baker" from e-bot?

03ba79  No.2670387

File: 3ae049b58c12063⋯.jpeg (43.18 KB, 1024x699, 1024:699, JPEG image.jpeg)

Perhaps this image from Podesta warrants a dig with fresh eyes with what we hbe learned. https://mobile.twitter.com/SarahW8723/status/798988694350942208

aa7734  No.2670388



Dig, Prey, or _____

5fe6bf  No.2670389



Shills are scared and triggered. Loving every secomd of it!

9bef05  No.2670390


Courtney's partner toured with her and Kurt Vile. Opened.

Brandi Carlile, too.

dd81df  No.2670391

File: a5e25651889472c⋯.png (709.06 KB, 636x915, 212:305, POTUS Schedule 8-19-18 3 2….PNG)

File: 10bad714035910f⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1033x761, 1033:761, POTUS Schedule 8-19-18 3 2….PNG)

d1fc7b  No.2670392

File: 7d5b6d0dd32a885⋯.jpg (147.25 KB, 500x346, 250:173, death_and_south-east_of_uk….jpg)

File: 6ca65a24615c335⋯.png (219.67 KB, 800x889, 800:889, figure2.png)

File: 71cbaac8e9e0481⋯.pdf (779.75 KB, Revu Algebra of Conscience.pdf)

File: 676a503d9f3c0f3⋯.pdf (83.08 KB, Russia's Reflexive Control….pdf)

File: 85ce76694f160bf⋯.pdf (1.03 MB, ALMOST_ZERO_BOOK_ONE_web.pdf)

Do NOT engage our disgusting shills.

This is information war. Non linear war. It is fought with ideas and the terrain is your mind.

Learn the rules. Do NOT reply to shills, this slides the board.

They say stupid things: so you will correct them

They make dumb mistakes: so you will tell them they are wrong

Shills abuse fags and Jews and BO for being an IA not because they believe these things but because newfags and exasperated anons reply and they bank an extra $ 1.35 per reply.

Shills change tactics; learn to recognize them by their objective - disrupt, distract, divert and by their intent, to foster division and hate and to create FUD, fear uncertaintly and doubt.

Do NOT let shills push you around like a little red ball.

Do NOT engage shills.

64b655  No.2670393


wow truthfag

no one has truth like you

028d1a  No.2670394



Focus on content. Provide locale-focused relevant out-links. Handle the bare basics of coding and focus on content some more.

There … I just gave you 90% of the traffic you are ever going to get AND gave you most weekends off. ;-)

e811fb  No.2670395


attention seeking

4f1085  No.2670396

File: 7fe8d3047469618⋯.png (649.54 KB, 2132x1634, 1066:817, Screen Shot 2018-08-19 at ….png)

Not always a biblefag but I heard this passage today. Thought it relevant to some of the anti-priest and anti-evil-Jew banter I've been seeing in here the past few days. I'm not anti-semitic, but I do recognize who killed Jesus. Rothschild sounds like a Pharisee to me.

b5e893  No.2670397


What work?

Would help if you post what you are talking about.

That Baphomet might be interesting but an image search finds no copies on the web to look at.

64b655  No.2670398


>boomer posting

3f1afd  No.2670400

Hi God, Pepe Anon Frog here again

Just wanted to ask You again. Please, remove all the roadblocks. It is definitely within Your power. Let's get this done, sooner. Thank You, Big Guy. Amen.

cd7b90  No.2670401

File: 33e6e60bf8e25cf⋯.png (139.82 KB, 1423x329, 1423:329, ClipboardImage.png)



>>2670176 (LB)

bad8fa  No.2670402

File: 3b96166c8dfb837⋯.png (5.17 KB, 220x220, 1:1, index.png)


maybe you've heard of them?


aa7734  No.2670403


i love the way you think anon!

i am doing the same thing now!


this dumbass on the other hand

5c8fd6  No.2670404

File: b3ac756af084cfd⋯.jpg (54.53 KB, 652x600, 163:150, b3ac756af084cfd05669fdf20c….jpg)

38388a  No.2670405

File: 7558234fb0de06a⋯.jpg (139.52 KB, 843x766, 843:766, Q drop 07312018_13.jpg)

File: a16a48ac940dc8d⋯.jpg (460.63 KB, 1106x737, 1106:737, Q drop 07312018_10.jpg)

Trust Sessions

Trust Kansas

Trust Russian Robots

Trust QAnon

Trust Alex Jones, NOT!


"Careful who you follow."

86423c  No.2670406

File: d2eabb8077bb043⋯.png (640.37 KB, 1280x1808, 80:113, My Soul was Black until th….png)


I am going to live forever, nigga, as will my family, because we all completed our part in the sacrificial Transmigration so that we have a full understanding of what it every bit of existence feels like.

I went through every bit of existence in the infinite, guided by God, so that I could inform my family and others what needed to be done to assure God's victory.

It's a shame, Anthony, that you do not wish to know. Only damnation awaits you should you continue down this path.

9bef05  No.2670407


X percentage of America is gay, but Y percentage of singer/songwriters/actresses are gay.

That would be interesting, given we are supposed to follow the stars.

c5b83d  No.2670408

The parade getting cancelled was obviously a boom.

What were the other 3?

f2d308  No.2670409

File: 9f27ddaf19056ba⋯.jpg (56.86 KB, 702x459, 26:17, IMG_2116.JPG)

"sky event"

allegory intended

for unicorn guy

f1a4dd  No.2670410


> e-bot?

If ebot has a notable we have a shill baker. Not the first time. This too will pass

15d7c4  No.2670411


Make sure you do.

I wish i could do art like this.

Facial recognition and puns are my thing…but this is pure!

846498  No.2670412





b09deb  No.2670413

File: 09465dee1b308f3⋯.jpeg (206.55 KB, 1170x768, 195:128, CDB1B868-826A-44D5-AB16-A….jpeg)

File: 3705ef7c554ab21⋯.jpeg (32.39 KB, 270x305, 54:61, CBED20DF-C7D0-4281-8F25-7….jpeg)

File: 4d57880b341dc03⋯.jpeg (45.9 KB, 480x360, 4:3, B8C22FA8-9BD6-456B-9483-F….jpeg)

File: f141d4a8bce145f⋯.jpeg (61.16 KB, 504x330, 84:55, 8292025B-89F1-4F92-99D3-C….jpeg)

File: e5f6fd3c51d6e58⋯.jpeg (440.62 KB, 1080x2472, 45:103, 30BFC485-A299-417A-886D-3….jpeg)

Trust the plan!

cb53d9  No.2670414

File: 55cec12eda31f21⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1346x1350, 673:675, Screen Shot 2018-08-19 at ….png)

File: 07345b5fa9d94f0⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1336x1306, 668:653, Screen Shot 2018-08-19 at ….png)

File: 667a39190d11368⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1358x1426, 679:713, Screen Shot 2018-08-19 at ….png)

Cuomo talking shit about POTUS

https:// twitter.com/NYGovCuomo/status/1031301009581240321

0dfbcc  No.2670415

File: 97a924c41d2e8c3⋯.png (1 MB, 1210x598, 605:299, Islands..png)

9bef05  No.2670416


Doesn't look like it was discussed much at all.

c133c4  No.2670417


Yes we are.


Anon explains one of the strategies employed by shills to harass us

VERY relevant

(((they))) target bakers, BO, BV, energetic anons, etc. These are dedicated msm/mossad/JIDF type shill teams + muzzies and black hats.

They masquerade as anything to derail and dissipate energy, and make autists lose focus.

(((syntaxes))) are obvious, and they are VERY easily triggered.

c5eec4  No.2670419


I have all of the early St. Vincent stuff, but the last album was kinda sadder than the others.

Her direct approach seems to have taken her to a sadder place.

So it goes.

16ecde  No.2670420

File: 6f6eaf48ec31bdf⋯.png (148.82 KB, 672x438, 112:73, g56j43fw5553.png)

File: a7320fcebb952dd⋯.png (37.1 KB, 671x820, 671:820, nfcghj56s5g4823562.png)

Nothing to See Here

1dbc6b  No.2670421

>>2670300, >>2670349

Thanks for looking out, and thanks for voicing reservations/disagreements. Both are respected.


^^^This right here.^^^ Hold the line, lads.

>>2670281, >>2670290

Ty anons


uh… thanks? (kinda creepy tho yeah?)

a48047  No.2670422


Im predicting R's pickup 5 Senate seats and a 5-seat change max. in the House EITHER WAY.

4e9893  No.2670423

I just watched 10 minutes of CBS evening news

Story #1- Trump on defensive today as Mueller closes in, while Brennan plans on suing and Claims Trump will punish anyone who disagrees

with him.

Story #2 - ICE is terrible because they arrested the father of a family of 5 ( all illegal) while wife was in labor - I'm sure they haven't paid a dime

to have 5 fucking kids and are living off American

taxpayers ( they didn't mention that)

Story #3 - Football coach in trouble because

practice is a "toxic environment" because he

yelled at and belittled players


in labor

dc3b38  No.2670424


It's not about me being credible enough, nor about any anon.

Everything that's going to happen per the Plan is going to happen, regardless of whether anons convince every single person on earth, or zero.

I look at this whole thing as the purest form of grassroots movement. Every conspiracy theorist through the decades (nay, forever) has known the troubles of waking people from the Matrix. It really has to be done on a one-to-one basis. Every normie has their own distinct set of biases and fact set to help/hinder them understand.

Red-pilling is a tough skill to learn. Can't be done from a weekend seminar. Takes practice. And every single normie that gets woke is one less that will resist when the inevitable flood of arrests goes down. Then if every fresh woke normie starts the process that's how we eventually get critical mass.

Of course we don't have to. But we love all our fellow humans, and that's why we keep going. Despite the challenge. And because of the challenge.

How's the old saying go...You can show a normie the truth, but can't make them think.

15f967  No.2670425

File: 281bb5196b672ae⋯.png (872.34 KB, 743x500, 743:500, ClipboardImage.png)

3aa1fe  No.2670426

File: a38a0d7c0348c87⋯.jpg (113.36 KB, 658x489, 658:489, brennan-communist.jpg)

File: 5b8cf9b238cc4d8⋯.gif (3.72 MB, 900x433, 900:433, MWM1MzE2YThlMSMvd1FKenlZV0….gif)

(((▪Bolton, in Israel, suggests Brennan may have misused classified info, warns of meddling by four countries▪)))

National Security Adviser John Bolton on Sunday suggested that former CIA Director John Brennan might have misused classified information, and that the "unprecedented leaks" from the administration may prompt broader changes in how security clearances are handled.

Bolton was in Israel for the first time as a Trump administration official to discuss national security issues with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other top officials.

"Whether [Brennan] actually used classified information, I think people will be able to determine, but I think that's a serious problem," Bolton said. "There is a line, and I think it's clear some people can cross it.

"My opinion is that he was politicizing intelligence," Bolton added, saying Brennan had failed to keep intact the "wall of separation between intelligence and policy."

Host Martha Raddatz ultimately challenged Bolton: "You’re not sure whether John Brennan used classified information? You have no specific examples."

"My opinion is that he was politicizing intelligence," Bolton added, saying Brennan had failed to keep intact the "wall of separation between intelligence and policy."

Host Martha Raddatz ultimately challenged Bolton: "You’re not sure whether John Brennan used classified information? You have no specific examples."


c35796  No.2670427


yes of course

occassionally i mock but never enage

filtered that one after comment

if i NEVER again see the name that rhymes with "new" again it would just fine with me and make ZERO difference to the plan or the GA

talk about worn out shit

5fe6bf  No.2670428


Like the tactic of using (((this))) syntax. Lol nice projection retards.

93c99f  No.2670429

In the same way as a 135 lb junior golfer can hit the ball 300+yards, a sufferer of autism can stretch himself on this board.

bad8fa  No.2670430


have fun catching the holy ghost in the future.


a48047  No.2670431


If the voting rolls are purged and the vote is properly monitored, the D's would be finished by 1/1/19. Vote fraud is by far the most important election issue.

f0d3e6  No.2670432




f2d308  No.2670433

File: e45dae07b1a7d27⋯.jpg (126.17 KB, 480x640, 3:4, IMG_0670.JPG)

File: f32fa95f31ef7d3⋯.jpg (26.22 KB, 236x330, 118:165, IMG_0888.JPG)

File: d64c07aed32f366⋯.jpg (44.78 KB, 550x351, 550:351, IMG_0889.JPG)


it must be a sign from above

e803aa  No.2670434



65f042  No.2670435

The ones who divide are not with us!

Don't listen to muh





Pushing own timing

This is about good vs evil!


15d20c  No.2670436


Notable that he is called out for a specific strategy of shillbotting in the previous thread,

then he turns into digBot? briefly. Not buying it.

Don't take it the wrong way, shillbot.

It's me, not you.

b09deb  No.2670437

File: b15a0300da9c4d8⋯.jpeg (55.95 KB, 255x484, 255:484, 17C82710-2A17-4EC7-8A4C-F….jpeg)

File: c8b09743c28fc38⋯.jpeg (72.67 KB, 380x366, 190:183, 92AFCF6F-9FDC-4C91-AF16-7….jpeg)

File: ce3a848eb98ddf2⋯.jpeg (160.97 KB, 795x637, 795:637, 46D1C1BF-246E-4C98-B693-9….jpeg)

File: c60eb57f91a0443⋯.jpeg (108.14 KB, 500x549, 500:549, D5B1004B-5271-4844-82E5-D….jpeg)

File: 79c5bea01c6981f⋯.jpeg (145.02 KB, 795x637, 795:637, 40FB1695-A62C-4106-9055-7….jpeg)

9bef05  No.2670438

Oh, another bit from Pale Horse / Cooper.

Says Jupiter is a star, but not active.

Q 376

How far away is the closest star?

(Always feel like one of those Nostradamus dudes when I write that.)

915fd3  No.2670439


Filtered. KEK!

c5b83d  No.2670440

Q is a faggot.

What the fuck were the 4 booms pussies?

40d60a  No.2670441


Maybe it's like Pyramid Lake in Nevada and has underground tunnels to the ocean?

64b655  No.2670442


>boomer posting

muh love muh jews

1a645a  No.2670443

>>2669458 lb

May be a stupid question, but does being a government employee make a difference in this at all (being an EC)?

fa6b93  No.2670444

File: 6ea78d4b7898054⋯.jpg (396.84 KB, 1673x1528, 1673:1528, Symbolism3.jpg)

File: 1007fe1f0d42f8a⋯.jpg (279.43 KB, 1673x1684, 1673:1684, Symbolism4.jpg)

Symbolism will be their downfall. This is sick!

514240  No.2670445

Stumbled upon this ..Dated 2018 ??


c35796  No.2670446


>exasperated anons

yes i confess

i will try harder

f9cc26  No.2670447

File: 2d070c12148ac46⋯.png (417.29 KB, 422x653, 422:653, TrumpJackson.png)

File: af3e2bea865174f⋯.png (184.42 KB, 414x861, 138:287, TrumpJackson1.png)

“Trump’s … performance in Helsinki,” Brennan had said, “exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes & misdemeanors.’ It was … treasonous.”

Why should the president not strip from a CIA director who calls him a traitor the honor and privilege of a security clearance? Or is a top-secret clearance an entitlement like Social Security?

CIA directors retain clearances because they are seen as national assets, individuals whose unique experience, knowledge and judgment may be called upon to assist a president in a national crisis.

Who trashed this tradition?

Was it not the former heads of the security agencies — CIA, FBI, director of national intelligence — who have been leveling the kind of savage attacks on the chief of state one might expect from antifa?

Are ex-security officials entitled to retain the high privileges of the offices they held, if they descend into cable-TV hatred and hostility?

Former CIA chief Mike Hayden, in attacking Trump for separating families of detained illegal immigrants at the border, tweeted a photo of the train tracks leading into Auschwitz.

“Other governments have separated mothers and children” was Hayden’s caption.

Is that fair criticism from an ex-CIA director?


And does Trump not have a point when he says the Boston Globe-organized national attack on him, joined in by the Times and 300 other newspapers, was journalistic “collusion” against him?

If Trump believes that CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and The Washington Post are mortal enemies who want to see him ousted or impeached, is he wrong?

We are an irreconcilable us-against-them nation today, and given the rancor across the ideological, social and cultural chasm that divides us, it is hard to see how, even post-Trump, we can ever come together again.

Speaking at a New York LGBT gala in 2016, Hillary Clinton said: “You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables … racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic … Some of those folks … are irredeemable, but … they are not America.”

When Clinton’s reflections on Middle America made it into print, she amended her remarks. Just as Gov. Andrew Cuomo rushed to amend his comments yesterday when he blurted at a bill-signing ceremony:

“We’re not going to make America great again. It was never that great.” America was “never that great”?

Clinton and Cuomo committed gaffes of the kind Michael Kinsley described as the blurting out of truths the speaker believes but desperately does not want a wider audience to know.

In San Francisco in 2008, Barack Obama committed such a gaffe.

Asked why blue-collar workers in industrial towns decimated by job losses were not responding to his message, Obama trashed these folks as the unhappy losers of our emerging brave new world:

“They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

These clingers to their Bibles, bigotries and guns are the people the mainstream media, 10 years later, deride and dismiss as “Trump’s base.”

What Clinton, Cuomo and Obama spilled out reveals what is really behind the cultural and ideological wars of America today.

Most media elites accept the historic indictment — that before the Progressives came, this country was mired in racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia, and that its history had been a long catalog of crimes against indigenous peoples, Africans brought here in bondage, Mexicans whose lands we stole, migrants, and women and gays who were denied equality.

The people who cheer Trump believe the country they inherited from their fathers was a great, good and glorious country, and that the media who detest Trump also despise them.

For such as these, Trump cannot scourge the media often enough.

e3fb77  No.2670448

File: ef1edefe4029da8⋯.jpg (795.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot_20180816-155042….jpg)

How likely is it that 8chan is comped?

We need to dig on this anons.


de856a  No.2670449


I am a baker who always puts my possible notables up for disagreement. Were I to get as much and as reasoned opposition to one of my proposed notables as the shillbot notable got, I would omit it. I won't go so far as to say this baker is a shill, but I will say this baker is authoritarian and immature to stand by his guns with so much hivemind against him.

f2d308  No.2670450

File: 832247f8e6f6b5a⋯.jpg (47.91 KB, 320x240, 4:3, IMG_0704.JPG)

776278  No.2670451



86423c  No.2670452

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Thank you for cheerleading. It meant a lot. Love is tough.

>I know honest thieves

>I call family.

f1a4dd  No.2670453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Football coach in trouble because practice is a "toxic environment" because he yelled at and belittled players

video related

15d7c4  No.2670454

File: 7abfb75994757cf⋯.png (47.36 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 1b3d8fbefd043f251949edb6c1….png)



This is not my work.

It is another Anons from late last bread.

It's Hillary and Obumba.

The chimp shit is mine.

I've saved it as a .PNG but origional Artist needs to repost for full image.

64b655  No.2670455


Ever seen a planet through a high powered telescope?

96e96d  No.2670456


f2d308  No.2670457


the whole time

c35796  No.2670458



good infotainment but no more shekels for (you)

tx for confirming tho

97fec8  No.2670459

ebot is the last remnant of the Gay Nigger Association of America troll farm

a48047  No.2670460


Straight to video. This Friend of Bill is finished.

aa7734  No.2670461




bread 3369 bun re 2019 talks










the funniest (sorta) was anon saying "i cant go til that long, ive already gained 20lbs since this shit started

some say goalpoast shift

some say its the bill itself talking 2019 enacting

2a9f47  No.2670462

File: f53e19c89426b5b⋯.png (483.03 KB, 800x448, 25:14, KimTrumpTower.png)

74830a  No.2670463


Jokes aren't allowed anymore?

b1c181  No.2670464



Add namefagging to the list, too.

6a0dca  No.2670465

File: 2ae626d81ed2e53⋯.png (152.61 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, mysteryshill.png)

ef4557  No.2670466

File: 9f31b10ed285021⋯.png (181.22 KB, 721x364, 103:52, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b4b10625170afc⋯.png (161.53 KB, 734x1004, 367:502, ClipboardImage.png)


they need +11%, with their fake polls to boost the average, they only have +6.8% (was +3.8% before the +11% and +9%'s)

we gain in the senate, will lose some in the house, but will keep both




3aa1fe  No.2670467

File: 8ca9adc744e4cac⋯.jpg (138.04 KB, 800x591, 800:591, 8ca9adc744e4cac2e05b279cff….jpg)

File: 81b5fe61c3d3e39⋯.png (271.98 KB, 637x535, 637:535, b415dbdd3d46031f35bd9f3bfb….png)

09ae50  No.2670468


Is it normal for @POTUS_Schedule to use 1987 photos to illustrate current events?

VH-3D landing on White House south lawn, July 1987

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1987_in_the_United_States

a2b0ed  No.2670469


Private prisons..,

Let it sink in

e3fb77  No.2670470


Why do some anons have the power to deny other anons the right to bake? I said I would bake, I am baking. I'm an actual human, rather than a bot.

f9cc26  No.2670471


Don't tell me what to do fascist!

df9005  No.2670472

File: 61b1b7dd38d1b3d⋯.png (821.7 KB, 1073x647, 1073:647, 2018-08-19_18-37-45.png)


At some point, they all had a point of no return moment.

Either #walkaway or become one of them.

No pity for those that chose the latter.

f2d308  No.2670473

File: 8e3c5a3f05dbf3d⋯.jpg (2.32 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_0403.JPG)

2a9f47  No.2670474

File: fee204129dc84d5⋯.png (107.85 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8chanPostDetectorOK.png)



15d20c  No.2670475


20 semesters of shilling.

c35796  No.2670476


no -unless you are military

53ce13  No.2670477

Excerpt from 11/2/17 crumb:

"We are fully prepared that all social media will be shut down to prevent the spread of this information (i.e. POTUS' Twitter etc. and/or mass censoring)."

4ef513  No.2670478

File: 0f25e647788b04d⋯.png (832.86 KB, 1155x603, 385:201, 5thColumns.png)


fifth column

>pic related

f64125  No.2670479

File: c5d49083bfa4244⋯.png (1.61 MB, 2346x4226, 1173:2113, RNA.png)

FDA approves first-of-its kind targeted RNA-based therapy to treat a rare disease

First treatment for the polyneuropathy of hereditary transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis in adult patients

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved Onpattro (patisiran) infusion for the treatment of peripheral nerve disease (polyneuropathy) caused by hereditary transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis (hATTR) in adult patients. This is the first FDA-approved treatment for patients with polyneuropathy caused by hATTR, a rare, debilitating and often fatal genetic disease characterized by the buildup of abnormal amyloid protein in peripheral nerves, the heart and other organs. It is also the first FDA approval of a new class of drugs called small interfering ribonucleic acid (siRNA) treatment.


ed8244  No.2670480

File: 37c5a748bb9be8d⋯.png (31.15 KB, 667x403, 667:403, D Seaman.png)

File: c761b1040df4f63⋯.png (173.56 KB, 858x860, 429:430, D Seaman2.PNG)


Infamous self-promoter

a48047  No.2670481


Shiksa is their word for white women, and it's not a compliment.

e9dd41  No.2670482

File: aa384b836d5ae37⋯.jpg (17.75 KB, 600x351, 200:117, Creature.jpg)

a5b6c9  No.2670483

File: 6c113743fca8fd6⋯.jpg (171.63 KB, 643x681, 643:681, Hasbara_Trolls_1.jpg)

File: f457913cdfd6d80⋯.jpg (516.62 KB, 810x570, 27:19, Hasbara_Trolls_3.jpg)

File: 56d54ed111626ee⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1271x2097, 1271:2097, IDF_Shilling_Grills.png)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 3668x3284, 917:821, JDIF.jpg)

File: fe26ba6250c6e79⋯.jpg (353.56 KB, 1272x1023, 424:341, JDIF_10Fold.jpg)

>>2670129 (lb)

Cry more yid, you still have nothing but ad-hominems in the face of the facts :)

Have some more:

If you want to know why Israel comes last, this would be a good place to start your digs in what regards that question.

If you do not want to read on this subject, do not read this post.

I suggest you read the bread these come from entirely, these are just a selection.

TL;DR (too long, dind't read, for you newfags):

Israel is a genocidal ever expanding nuclear rogue state that is the biggest haven for pedos and biggest hub for human and organ trafficking in the world right now, and supports ISIS using US tax payer money to do so.

Israel is the HQ of the cabal.

>>2390975 – Jews control the media; not all jews are bad, but the good ones need to speak out against jewish interest groups because those are used to subvert.

>>2391013 – Jewish supremacists have controled the central bank cartel racket since its inception with the establishment of the Bank of England

>>2391053 – The EU was always a jewish supremacist project and being a jew can also mean being racially a jew (doesn’t mean all racial jews are jews in the religious sense)

>>2391083 – Jewish supremacist subversion is the biggest threat to the West and the US today

>>2391107 – The dangers of jewish supremcism and the use of the “anti-semitic” trick to silence legitimate criticism made on Israel and jewish subversion

>>2391143 – Jewish supremacists are the biggest financiers and initiators of anti-2nd amend movements in the US

>>2391159 – The “progressive” political ideology was created and pushed by jewish supremacists

>>2391195 – More info on the origins and main initiators of the “progressive” political ideology

>>2391216 – Antifa is a communist “progressive” para-military arm of the democratic party

>>2391281 – Antifa connections to ISIS and NAMBLA, Antifa in the 30’s Germany

>>2391307 – Neocons are communist Trotskyites

>>2391353 – Jews kickstarted and dominated the slave trade in the US and used Hollywood to pin slavery on the Whites, jews control Hollywood

>>2391478 – More on the jewish initiated slave trade in the US

>>2391496 – Jewish interest groups connection to online censorship

>>2391526 – Jewish hatred of Christians and the dangers of circumcision

>>2391562 – More info on the jewish promoted male genital mutilation (circumcision)

>>2391652 – The term “judeo-Christian” is an oxymoron and an attempt at manipulating Christians

>>2391671 – More on jewish hatred of Christ and Christians and the use of pilpul to deflect that well documented fact

>>2391725 – The jewish talmud promotes pedophilia

>>2391754 – The jewish ritual murder of goyim (non-jew) children is an well documented historical fact

>>2391872 – The foundation myth of the West and our role as anons in the storm

>>2392124 – Jewish hatred of goyim, especially White goyim (loxism)

>>2392177 – Judaism is based on jewish supremacism ( (((God’s chosen mindset))) )

>>2392199 – More on judaism being based on jewish supremacism

>>2392274 – More on judaism being based on jewish supremacism

>>2393477 – Communism was created, financed and spread by jews

>>2393507 – General George S. Patton was killed for speaking out against jewish supremacism

>>2393553 – Israel supports ISIS

>>2393583 – Israel supports ISIS wants wants the Syrian civil war to keep going and Obama gave 38 billion dollars to Israel, Hillary has jewish roots, Obama claims to be practically a liberal jew

>>2395726 – Sayanim, the non-Israeli jewish Mossad colaborators

>>2395838 – Israel is the biggest pedo haven in the world right now

>>2395862 – Israel is the biggest hub for human and organ trafficking in the world today

>>2395991 – David Cole, a jewish historian exposes some of the lies of the official version of the holocaust

>>2396033 – David Irving, historian, exposes some of the lies of the Nuremberg Trials

>>2396017 – Anonymous documentary creator exposes many of the lies pertaining to the fraudulent official version of the holocaust and Nuremberg Trials

>>2396026 – The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure

>>2396099 – Israeli involvement in the 9/11 attack

>>2396414 – Jordan Peterson is a long-con man who is also a globalist and zionist gate-keeper

>>2530175 – Porn is a jewish weapon against the goyim (non-jews)

>>2571682 – Hilter fought the same enemires we are fighting now

>>2571660 – Was Hitler a puppet? Probably not

>>2571666 – Was Hitler a puppet? Probably not part 2

>>2580819 – A message to our jewish allies

To all the Israel first shills on Hasbara duty, read the first post, it literally says: “Reminder that the problem is not jews per-se, it is unchecked jewish supremacism and subversion.”

39c68f  No.2670484

File: 2963971ad215f3d⋯.png (327.1 KB, 803x899, 803:899, White House speechwriter f….png)

White House speechwriter fired amid CNN inquiry into speech at conference attended by white nationalists: Report

> https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/white-house-speechwriter-fired-amid-cnn-inquiry-into-speech-at-conference-attended-by-white-nationalists-report

65f042  No.2670485

Anyone dividing and not trusting the plan (after sooo much proof) is wrong here and should go read all Q posts.

Division = shill!

70a193  No.2670486

File: 36048c651645e34⋯.jpg (45.46 KB, 640x547, 640:547, 22c0b99d726e9d84ed5cb69b77….jpg)

File: ca3e14724da4c03⋯.jpeg (71.63 KB, 720x878, 360:439, Satanic cult evil.jpeg)

File: 5203fab9559c51d⋯.jpg (45.45 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 353688c80575544c2c6b195e89….jpg)

File: 68e866e14344c9b⋯.jpg (24.42 KB, 238x369, 238:369, f8834cd1c4406e3a4bfb58af4c….jpg)

File: cb2ddc3879722a0⋯.jpg (23.77 KB, 188x300, 47:75, Pedo Satan Sodomy Deep sta….jpg)


>"If the enemy of my enemy is also my enemy, then that means that I have two enemies."

but you don't sound all sagacious-like or Machiavellian me old china. if you can, next time try to work in something about rock hudsons phaser or collapsing gravy faggots to sound extra with-it and intimidatory.

muh iqbal massif

3aa1fe  No.2670487

File: ec41533388f7a1a⋯.jpg (80.47 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 5in.jpg)

File: 9eb0ba4a7262541⋯.jpg (56.29 KB, 800x450, 16:9, c_scale,fl_progressive,q_8….jpg)

a48047  No.2670488


Killary will buy it for her garden now.

846498  No.2670489


Thanks, excellent artwork anon.

40d60a  No.2670490

File: 30a8b9dcdcebed9⋯.jpg (214.48 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, Eugene_Yacht_Club_(Veneta,….jpg)


Fern Ridge is home to multiple parks and yacht clubs.

591174  No.2670491

File: 340b648bbad987c⋯.jpg (877.63 KB, 1325x795, 5:3, ArchitectureCode.jpg)

File: 915d7e1424348d8⋯.jpg (297.56 KB, 674x1023, 674:1023, 67adcec0e4e5ed748ae89d0d09….jpg)

File: 78ed96ac1ee656c⋯.jpg (467.72 KB, 1318x749, 1318:749, ISISRedVeilManlyPortalHall.jpg)

Continuing with the Red Door,

Sun Portal (which used to lead outdoors from the "pool")

Manly P Hall's SToAA and Freemonsry

ISIS/Red Door Symbolism

Sawce Vidja:


374834  No.2670492


Last baker was comped. I have the proof I'll present to BO during night shift. I believe i'm familiar with you and i do like your way of putting notes up for peer review! Shill city in here atm tho so be warned!


9bef05  No.2670493


Florence Welch is probably on constant suicide watch.

I have a theory about some of them. They get popular by surprise, and then the cabal moves in and sets them up for bribary much like the elected.

You hear their music change. I'd put Springsteen in this category, though haven't done his genealogy. Born in the USA on were freaking commercial sellouts, while Nebraska was a deep dive landing on his nose.


f2d308  No.2670494

File: 7a35ec8d7c59cf7⋯.png (66.12 KB, 309x273, 103:91, IMG_0152.PNG)


525816  No.2670495

File: 7423e80d7b87865⋯.png (528.97 KB, 877x620, 877:620, Screenshot_306.png)

e4d1ba  No.2670496

File: 844f888fdc468cf⋯.png (1.63 MB, 2500x2056, 625:514, HIS NAME WAS SETH RICH b.png)

File: 3fc3251e59f4e15⋯.png (3.02 MB, 3364x2519, 3364:2519, JULY 31ST TAMPA SPEECH c.png)

File: bba6cfb788b253d⋯.png (181.55 KB, 1067x1257, 1067:1257, CONNECTED b.png)


I keep trying because Q said they want to keep us divided & we're in this together. Q said Learn Our Comms, you don't have to do anything, you don't have to pay attention or even care. If you do though things will make sense to you & there wouldn't be any crying on your parade.

6e10e7  No.2670498

File: 46b203f79a904d5⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1481x858, 1481:858, gjhgfjhgfghjflg.PNG)

The effort to stump the trump

96e96d  No.2670499


1a645a  No.2670500


Just curious, do civilian employees have to sign NDA's like the military? Wasn't sure if there would be some kind of clause in them…

5b0dcf  No.2670501

9d0d9b  No.2670502

3fcc1a  No.2670504


Still kicking the bush to see what else falls out.

f64125  No.2670505

File: 116dce2d6cfc955⋯.png (1.06 MB, 2370x2949, 790:983, Fabry.png)

FDA approves new treatment for a rare genetic disorder, Fabry disease

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved Galafold (migalastat), the first oral medication for the treatment of adults with Fabry disease. The drug is indicated for adults with Fabry disease who have a genetic mutation determined to be responsive (“amenable”) to treatment with Galafold based on laboratory data. Fabry disease is a rare and serious genetic disease that results from buildup of a type of fat called globotriaosylceramide (GL-3) in blood vessels, the kidneys, the heart, the nerves and other organs.


d1fc7b  No.2670506

>>2669466 (PB)

One minute you're accused of subversion, next you're defining it for us. Confess I've always kind of liked your fagoteous ways.

Keep turning out elegant notables.

3aa1fe  No.2670507

File: 8ba91a3e1fb020b⋯.jpeg (55.7 KB, 533x518, 533:518, DjimIzNU8AAnZA8.jpeg)

File: 79efe88417a1aec⋯.jpg (940.53 KB, 1500x1264, 375:316, 79efe88417a1aeca72d6c0ab62….jpg)

File: 5dbc44cc09b9e10⋯.jpg (24.97 KB, 340x408, 5:6, 2evlto.jpg)

File: 143b07de81d896a⋯.jpg (114.27 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 698891_1.jpg)

ed3f9c  No.2670508

File: 7e58ad196d95714⋯.png (145.98 KB, 640x616, 80:77, pepe3.png)

Shills are arguing with shills and generally disrupting flow of bread, real anons use proper discernment and move on. Notables are NOT endorsements, yada yada, if dumb shit gets in notables it gets in. All they mean is it's something maybe worth looking at ffs.

If you wanna bantz or incessantly argue then fuck right off to /pol/, that's not what this board is for. You out yourselves so easily to be filtered, you offer NOTHING of substance to this board.

f2d308  No.2670509

File: 07b8522cc2eade0⋯.png (1.08 MB, 688x1000, 86:125, IMG_0666.PNG)

2a9f47  No.2670510

File: de9ccc230fe0d5e⋯.png (109.84 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8ChanPostDetectorBM.png)

9bef05  No.2670511


Thanks for this! Very helpful.

48b1d7  No.2670512


He is probably searching for something around the lake area. P-3s like the newer P-8s have a very extensive reconnaissance capability using a wide variety of systems, radar, electronic, infrared etc.

13debb  No.2670513


One of the few times Q stepped on his possibly non-existent dick.

b102f6  No.2670515


That's the truth. Saturn = black sun.

959ff2  No.2670516

Travonn Johnson gonna get 60 years for that shit

f2d308  No.2670517

File: d6144a210f32767⋯.jpg (89.35 KB, 382x500, 191:250, IMG_0121.JPG)

1dbc6b  No.2670518

File: a906117271cb655⋯.jpg (21.99 KB, 249x255, 83:85, LaysBagOfDicks.jpg)


I'm a Fritz fan, and have noted posts of his research b4. However, I try to limit "fringe" type notes when baking. I went out on a limb w/the Hooters and the eBot stuff. So they get the few "exception" spots in my baking today, will have to pass on ole Fritz. But thanks for posting, important stuff.


sauce plz?


Pic for you


Discernment Prize for you

(not everyone speaks ebot)

aa7734  No.2670519

File: 715965d8fb18d6c⋯.png (137.34 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1f95d643d34b71⋯.png (23.2 KB, 912x312, 38:13, 5 prong attack shills.png)


for using JIDF and Muzzies

also, idiot, stop fucking replying (((you))) are quite frankly retarded, at least they are programs or earners

5 prong anons

5 prong

you are not going to detract this

thats why you hear quite frequently

"filter and move on"

or at least "dont reply"

c5c9a6  No.2670520


>reddit spacing

67d24c  No.2670521

File: 1f6a876d89925f5⋯.jpg (7.48 KB, 300x301, 300:301, 1f6a876d89925f5a1d6065dcce….jpg)


t. ooooldfag takes the bake as last resort baker

31847a  No.2670522


Ralph Peters …….

Anything after that is bullshit. What a scumbag.

c9c357  No.2670523




75ff14  No.2670524

File: ad06d8a246d8ad4⋯.png (5.76 MB, 2189x1459, 2189:1459, acfv.png)

File: 479014bc3ce71f9⋯.png (6.38 MB, 3046x1954, 1523:977, A_C_G_V.png)

This photo seems to stick out to me not sure why completely but. Look at picture of writing in red crayon. Haiti, Cambodia, I believe that the other may be Afghanistan. Not sure but they all seem to have dates also.

c5b83d  No.2670525

Stefon Diggs

a5b6c9  No.2670527

File: 18f814a866a8405⋯.png (71.49 KB, 640x512, 5:4, 1530316367907.png)

File: f5c16f3824e69a0⋯.png (593.57 KB, 2005x1221, 2005:1221, Jewish_Hate_For_Christians….png)

File: fa6b4cd6668adca⋯.png (129.22 KB, 575x607, 575:607, Jews_Christ_Satan.png)

File: 6688eade8fbad03⋯.png (107.11 KB, 1165x540, 233:108, Jews_Spit_On_Christians_In….PNG)

File: 08ded54c1674506⋯.jpg (262.83 KB, 640x1162, 320:581, Talmud_jews_hanged_Jesus.jpg)


All cross links from another bread: >>2390914

If you want to know why judaism IS a supremacist ideology, this would be a good place to start your digs in what regards that question.

If you do not want to read on this subject, do not read this post.

I suggest you read the bread these come from entirely, these are just a selection.

TL;DR (too long, dind't read, for you newfags):

>>2409242 – Why judaism IS a supremacist ideology

>>2409189 – Why judaism IS a supremacist ideology, part 2

>>2562709 – Jewish persecution of Christ and Christians since Christianity inception, part 1

>>2562715 – part 2

>>2562720 – part 3

>>2562725 – part 4

>>2562731 – part 5

>>2562734 – part 6

>>2562740 – part 7

>>2562763 – The Khazar theory

>>2581628 – Usury was (and is) a weapon of domination (debt slavery) over the goyim and its use with that end was and is teached to jews in the Torah

>>2581630 – The history of Poland, the paradise of jews

>>2581633 – Some jews talk about the divine promise of each jew getting 2800 goy slaves when the jewish Messiah comes to them

37c57c  No.2670528

HAve I spent to much time looking at this lol or does this sound like Pindar.

The word pendant derives from the Latin word pendere and Old French word pendr, both of which translate to "to hang down". It comes in the form of a loose-hanging piece of jewellery, generally attached by a small loop to a necklace, which may be known as a "pendant necklace".

f2d308  No.2670529

File: 1ef207d3c264add⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 2448x2448, 1:1, IMG_0629.JPG)

File: 53d865fd821d5f6⋯.jpg (223.42 KB, 960x465, 64:31, IMG_0630.JPG)

File: b76e4028de00459⋯.jpg (56.69 KB, 510x414, 85:69, IMG_0636.JPG)

it's a Finnish Bemis

c9c357  No.2670530

File: 42768d665b9f92e⋯.jpg (68.26 KB, 720x1080, 2:3, 42768d665b9f92ed1af0faf58e….jpg)

5c8fd6  No.2670531

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Subversion explained by defected high ranking Marxist Yuri Bezmenov, normie friendly with current day pictures

319643  No.2670532


It's in MEME 27 library!

70a193  No.2670533

File: 7b232333bee7188⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1059x2697, 353:899, LasVIsItNormal.jpg)

File: d229e0eb241c1d5⋯.jpg (509.17 KB, 1400x1812, 350:453, Illuminati symbolism on ma….jpg)

File: bee060ea1a71da3⋯.jpg (62.45 KB, 640x348, 160:87, HRChailSatan.jpg)

File: 6100ad9761f1911⋯.jpeg (410.84 KB, 1541x923, 1541:923, NKIlluminatiSymbolism.jpeg)

File: c3fdfc45f0cece1⋯.png (580.86 KB, 889x771, 889:771, OwlOccultSymbol.png)

86423c  No.2670534

File: f7e21e1aa8a7da5⋯.jpg (29.49 KB, 385x600, 77:120, Joi.jpg)



I lived in destitution for you up until fairly recently when I had to be nearby protect the reborn Messiah.

Money doesn't mean shit to me.

>Sometimes, to Love someone, you have to be a stranger.


So, what you're saying is that I'm not wrong, but you don't want to admit it.

3aa1fe  No.2670535

File: ea6ab7ab578e6ee⋯.jpg (48.62 KB, 639x426, 3:2, 2e4vxf.jpg)

File: 357c6e4635a8ae0⋯.jpg (28.08 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 2f90q1.jpg)

File: 6bb03afe5259eac⋯.jpg (81.19 KB, 500x582, 250:291, 2e4wf7.jpg)

File: 8189891ec7fb078⋯.jpg (40.4 KB, 670x468, 335:234, 2e4edh.jpg)

File: 140023ec221f476⋯.jpg (77.36 KB, 640x674, 320:337, Pm4tN1.jpg)

793284  No.2670536


Golden shovel award for this Anon

Check the papers.

"We are in the midst of a revolution; and, as is usual, those who are hurried along in its vortex are, for the most part, ignorant of the real causes that have produced the revolution"

b102f6  No.2670537

File: 9fe9569fc396174⋯.png (234.3 KB, 500x394, 250:197, ClipboardImage.png)

64b655  No.2670538


No Saturn is not the black sun

The Black Sun is the kutastha.

The spiritual eye inside all of us.

It's not evil at all. Don't listen to dumb people

86ecd3  No.2670539

File: bd137fdd0971ffc⋯.jpg (36.59 KB, 462x358, 231:179, Hillary rats jumping ship.jpg)

File: 7a4ee4c5c06d394⋯.jpg (103.68 KB, 786x557, 786:557, HillaryMakeItLookLikeSuici….jpg)

File: dc0723ffcf934ac⋯.png (207.29 KB, 450x454, 225:227, HillarySatanPantsuit.png)

File: cf838bbe17668ae⋯.jpg (232.87 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Jump1.jpg)

2eaaec  No.2670540

File: da2047bff9142fd⋯.jpg (119.97 KB, 768x783, 256:261, Dk_hiHuW0AAhq0m.jpg)

f64125  No.2670541

File: 9bb0d678ffad989⋯.png (1.15 MB, 2370x3237, 790:1079, TCS OCD.png)

FDA permits marketing of transcranial magnetic stimulation for treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder

For Immediate Release

August 17, 2018

Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration permitted marketing of the Brainsway Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation System for treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

“Transcranial magnetic stimulation has shown its potential to help patients suffering from depression and headaches,” said Carlos Peña, Ph.D., M.S., director of the Division of Neurological and Physical Medicine Devices in the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health. “With today’s marketing authorization, patients with OCD who have not responded to traditional treatments now have another option.”


40d60a  No.2670542


Something underground?

f64125  No.2670543

File: f37a1d99301dd36⋯.jpg (468.59 KB, 1280x1279, 1280:1279, initial ‘Q’ – archangel Mi….jpg)

File: 911c8672621edcf⋯.jpg (126.87 KB, 800x663, 800:663, Michael of the Angels.jpg)

File: a3f067bd2100996⋯.jpg (578.29 KB, 800x1061, 800:1061, Архангел Михаил winning.jpg)

15f967  No.2670544

File: e34236d303098cc⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d85fb5e3509231⋯.png (218.25 KB, 300x369, 100:123, ClipboardImage.png)


Elizabeth Arden Spas and Perfume…

96e96d  No.2670545


f2d308  No.2670546


kick that bitches ass and make him watch

39c68f  No.2670547

File: 797321127b82a1f⋯.png (57.1 KB, 549x417, 183:139, Elon Musk and Roseanne Bar….png)

Ambien tweeting' is becoming a popular excuse…

d843a8  No.2670548





Good Stuff Anon. I'm feeling this. KEK!!

ed8244  No.2670549


Is this good or bad?

Is Monsanto involved?

cda320  No.2670550

Anybody wanna get angry?

Watch the video on BB of the FUCKIN ANIMALS fighting the old lady and her husband fir the purse containingbe$75K and driving over the woman and kicking her in the head. Husband and wife team.did a pretty good job!

c6b07e  No.2670551

File: 5e4aae1a85008ac⋯.png (312.95 KB, 1423x2735, 1423:2735, Screenshot-2018-8-19 Scree….png)

Here is a paper I wrote that shows ties to Media and Foreign Governments and more.

I'll do screenshots.

I'm not computer great, just good at research

2a9f47  No.2670552

File: dd655820c9e465a⋯.png (106.36 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, PostDetectorFake.png)

959ff2  No.2670553

R.E.S.P.I.C.T - Sharpton ain’t very sharp

86ecd3  No.2670554

File: ceb32a442d75721⋯.jpg (121.8 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, AmbienMadeMeDoIt.jpg)

564448  No.2670555

File: 11a32208e18011e⋯.png (6.84 MB, 4000x5039, 4000:5039, 2017Proofs.png)

86423c  No.2670556


At least with all the rap, we can talk freely and people just disregard us.

I know we don't NEED this method of communication for Us, but it's great fun regardless.

d843a8  No.2670557


Soon they will discover that Oxycontin is addicting and can cause death.

a5b6c9  No.2670558

File: ba596815b712b6b⋯.png (11.66 KB, 697x168, 697:168, 1989_synagogue_skeleton_bl….PNG)

File: 6262a8a78cba139⋯.png (133.44 KB, 926x734, 463:367, 1989_synagogue_skeleton_bl….PNG)

File: caa03b24ec7c17b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, Blood_ritual_jewish_tools.jpg)

File: 122736dedee1059⋯.png (39.47 KB, 869x265, 869:265, Coments_yt.PNG)

File: a91eec97d1cc213⋯.png (51.35 KB, 688x732, 172:183, Jewish_Ritual_Murder_Dr_To….PNG)


In case of civil war, Ivanka will be gone from the country long before it starts.

And if civil war does start, all jews are going to be targeted. That is a fact.

And I will kill as many as I can if it comes to that.

Now cry more :)

Jews act like a group, they get treated like a group.

But if you want some individuals being named in the context of jewish subversion, have at it.

Read this:




c5b83d  No.2670559

Isn't JOI jerk off instructions?

64b655  No.2670560


What moron would use pharmaceutical drugs?

5b0dcf  No.2670561




Means totally disregard this loser…filter and move on

9d0d9b  No.2670562



lol you fucking newfag go away

501d42  No.2670563

Hey anons, just wanted to say thanks. Most of you have been doing great work, keep it up, don't let the shills get to ya.

15d7c4  No.2670564

File: fe6cdd90da88674⋯.jpg (128.63 KB, 799x530, 799:530, truthdis.jpg)

3c1f66  No.2670565


>Adriano Stefanelli

THANK you Anon for the lead

I'll dig this mofo cavity search style

>> 2669521


You too guys. Thanks. Needed something that tied CHARMS into all of this and wasn't finding much.

This aint a one man job we need each other. Not sure why people are giving you a hard time- probably shills that don't like new eyes on the subject.

Maybe the actual "pool" or tiled room/rooms are located in italy after all. Time will tell.

cb53d9  No.2670566


my first thought as well… 663 Fifth Avenue, NY, NY

c9c357  No.2670567


You ask >>2670228 for sauce, but not e-bot for sauce?

2753ec  No.2670568


March 7, 2013

John Brennan was confirmed as the new director of the CIA on Thursday, despite some bipartisan opposition.

Democratic Sens. Patrick Leahy (Vt.) and Jeff Merkley (Ore.) and independent Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.) joined with 31 Republicans in voting against Brennan's nomination. All have expressed concerns about the Obama Administration's drone program.

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), the lone Democrat who joined in Sen. Rand Paul's (R-Ky.) 13-hour talking filibuster against Brennan on Wednesday, was one of 63 senators who voted for Brennan.

Paul had suggested after having his concerns over the drone program satisfied that he might actually support Brennan, but he voted no.

Thirteen Republicans wound up voting for Brennan, including five members of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Among the most notable were Sens. John McCain (Ariz.), Lindsey Graham (S.C.) and Marco Rubio (Fla.).

c6b07e  No.2670569

Remember, CNN International is funded by Foreign Governments, and others who wish to control the narrative, including Hussein administration.


f2d308  No.2670570

File: 4cd794347dca8bd⋯.jpg (14.54 KB, 575x384, 575:384, IMG_0983.JPG)

let me guess

they trying to queer baphomet and lucifer with fagOTUS


bury it

1dbc6b  No.2670571


Don't post over 35X this thread plz fren.

I'll get lots of heat for noting your digg.

Help a baker out and keep lo-pro?

Ty and love to you bot.

b102f6  No.2670572


I will dig kutastha, ty.

a5b6c9  No.2670573

File: a342d4105359b4d⋯.jpg (154.02 KB, 765x1178, 765:1178, ISIS_Says_Sorry_To_Israel.jpg)

File: aedd4f25b64661c⋯.png (602.62 KB, 757x827, 757:827, Israel_Helps_ISIS_1.png)

File: c1652e60fa1bbaa⋯.png (1.99 MB, 791x7652, 791:7652, Israel_Helps_ISIS_With_Cas….png)

File: 19e07db02f30e1d⋯.png (167.2 KB, 665x610, 133:122, Israel_Wants_ISIS.png)

File: f412d7f8caae054⋯.png (548.62 KB, 634x1482, 317:741, Israel_Wants_ISIS_2.png)



Israel supports ISIS.

Israel supports ISIS:

https://archive.is/PSF6H - "Israeli Intel Chief: We Don’t Want ISIS Defeated in Syria" – June 22, 2016

https://archive.fo/zmb8j - "ISIS once ‘apologized’ to Israel for attacking IDF soldiers – former Defense Minister" - April 25, 2017

https://archive.is/XUBhx - "Israel targeted Iraqi militias fighting ISIS in Eastern Syria, 20-50 dead" - June 23, 2018

https://archive.is/rBTsY - "Israel Gives Secret Aid to Syrian Rebels" – June 18, 2017

https://archive.fo/Ron1Q - "Israeli think tank: Don’t destroy ISIS; it’s a “useful tool” against Iran, Hezbollah, Syria" – August 23, 2016

ed8244  No.2670574


No link - no good

2f7fc7  No.2670575


WOW you are helpful anon KEK

ff43a1  No.2670576

File: 1cd188a27ca40e1⋯.jpg (49.24 KB, 604x415, 604:415, 47cf87e590e075470c273f8f27….jpg)


Had a suspicion that it could be Lynnewood Hall. (Pic related) Owners son and and grandson died on the Titanic. Lots of weird stories about the place, including an odd 1933 TIME piece about a party there. Owner that bought it afterwards was Carl Mcintire Jr. who brought about modern religious fundamentalism and whose name is thrown around with all sorts of dig worthy characters. Even more curious is that every thing in "the last of the American Versailles" was sold to raise money. (Mantles, interior wall accents, and probably even TILE work from the pool.) Worth a look, especially since there are NO COINCIDENCES.


49d569  No.2670577

File: 69f1c8697509ed0⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1450x968, 725:484, Screen Shot 2018-08-19 at ….png)

Where have these insufferable whores gone?

Did they fade away?

Did they lose their magic 'POTUS has tweeted' button?

Are they at Gitmo, helping get the place ready for their friends?

f7b7c3  No.2670578


> First G6 summit at Château de Rambouillet.


74574f  No.2670579


Stop talking and go away

a48047  No.2670580


Awful translation. Try the NASB.

9bef05  No.2670581



Except it's true. A pdf from their website.


d843a8  No.2670582


Not gonna be too many rides like this one to ever be had again. And thank God. But still…Great FUN.

0dfbcc  No.2670583


Typo on the 2nd meme, anon.

62a383  No.2670584


You mirrored the word 'maps'.

You liked those maps.

You aware of that?

You want more?

b1c181  No.2670585


>White House speechwriter fired

That ain't HeyGirl so no biggie

3aa1fe  No.2670586

File: 2b83f8fcb5258b1⋯.png (133.57 KB, 222x338, 111:169, 4f542932b8e2c3e9b3aff1c551….png)

File: 0a396a0bf235ffe⋯.jpg (188.68 KB, 576x761, 576:761, jon-benet-rip.jpg)

File: 0d15ed4ee7e524f⋯.jpg (139.95 KB, 669x669, 1:1, gettyimages-50992510.jpg)


(((The Dream Boxes of Gloria Vanderbilt)))


f64125  No.2670587


I think it is good. As someone slowly dying of a rare disease, I wish there were a treatment.

9bef05  No.2670589

File: b8abdeb6af8fd87⋯.png (106.45 KB, 757x486, 757:486, Screen Shot 2018-08-19 at ….png)


Ooops. Image didn't stick.

96e96d  No.2670590


d843a8  No.2670591

5c8fd6  No.2670592

File: 9b38116943c4fb2⋯.png (244.6 KB, 466x467, 466:467, pepe-special-place-for-shi….png)


We reserved a special place for you. Tick tock.

1950c9  No.2670593

File: 96f4346389e18fc⋯.png (309.31 KB, 800x450, 16:9, muh sprm.png)

64b655  No.2670594


It's very clearly written about in the Bhagavad Gita though most translations skip over it.

a48047  No.2670595


James 1:3-13 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces [a]endurance. 4 And let [b]endurance have its perfect [c]result, so that you may be [d]perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

5 But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and [e]without reproach, and it will be given to him. 6 But he must ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. 7 For that man ought not to expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, 8 being a [f]double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

9 But the [g]brother of humble circumstances is to glory in his high position; 10 and the rich man is to glory in his humiliation, because like [h]flowering grass he will pass away. 11 For the sun rises with [i]a scorching wind and withers the grass; and its flower falls off and the beauty of its appearance is destroyed; so too the rich man in the midst of his pursuits will fade away.

12 Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has [j]been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. 13 Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted [k]by God”; for God cannot be tempted [l]by evil, and He Himself does not tempt anyone.

cda320  No.2670596


This looks like a NOTABLE effort.

6e10e7  No.2670597

File: 110f045de174b7d⋯.png (810.93 KB, 1515x727, 1515:727, kjlkjhlhkjh7777.PNG)

Teflon Don

e5b7ee  No.2670598

File: db9586d7cd27507⋯.png (1.1 MB, 2421x1685, 2421:1685, august-2018-habbenings.png)

middle of the month update on August habbenings

full month will be provided on Sept 1st

86423c  No.2670599


You all make Us so proud with your wisdom, insight, and knowledge.

Also, God had me start reading Ender's Game again.

a5b6c9  No.2670600

File: 8a8c236b94387de⋯.jpg (365.78 KB, 717x606, 239:202, 5.jpg)


KKK was full of jews and not hostile to them.

f2d308  No.2670601

c5b83d  No.2670602

Hey anons, just wanted to say good job. Granted you have accomplished nothing.

This movement could die today and nothing would change. It would revert immediately back to where it was. Msm would just keep going. Deep state gets new players. No one would ever know u guys even existed. You got to suck Q's cock tho…so there's that.

b5e893  No.2670603


All of the Autists here are rolling on the floor

Ricking…uhh… no, not quite, I mean LAUGHING

That's because we all know what Q means


Remember, you are watching a movie

So if you want to have a scene in which a man

Opens a door, walks across a room and bumps his nose on the wall,

What would you write?

Open man man man man man Ouch!

So if you constantly tell us that…

We are all in one boat

And say Where We Go One, We Go All!

Then how do you write

Prepare to jibe! Breaking Away! Jibe ho!

To get the boom swinging across the boat

To clear the decks?

Those who shout the loudest are like the moles

Sticking their heads out of the hole in Whack-a-Mole.

So Q just writes





And all the autists see the boom, swinging across the boat, clearing the decks and whacking all the loudmouths on the head.

Great fun!

Whis is why we always ROFL when it happens

Those moles really are stupid.

They haven't the faintest idea how a sailing ship works

But we autists all know that Captain POTUS

constantly tacks back and forth

Avoiding shoals and rocks

And giving us a wild ride.


Pass the popcorn, we're getting to a good part of the movie

4cec45  No.2670604

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


White Rabbit

one pill makes you larger

one pill makes you small

64b655  No.2670605


Then link a real source. ZH is a pissing can

a3faa6  No.2670606


How new are you ?

Just put in your e-mail address.

6df3ec  No.2670607


says the shill of all shills

e3fb77  No.2670608

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)


ed3f9c  No.2670609


Is this sarcasm or are you new, Baker?

501d42  No.2670610


oi baker,


e41a34  No.2670611

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a5b6c9  No.2670612

File: 7603bee43fceb26⋯.png (61.33 KB, 795x600, 53:40, Censorship_South_Carolina_….PNG)

File: 1273344aac56dfd⋯.png (981.45 KB, 1079x1395, 1079:1395, Israel_US_Domination.png)

File: 55e44e8e2ad43fc⋯.png (129.58 KB, 612x792, 17:22, Israel_uses_US_as_Tax_Farm.png)

File: 3ea34a7391856df⋯.jpg (404.79 KB, 1036x1132, 259:283, Israeli_Double_Citizenship.jpg)

File: 4b3f3d2073b7882⋯.jpg (102.13 KB, 1014x394, 507:197, Jewish_Over_Representation….jpg)


In case of civil war, they won't be in the country.

Its a fact that in case of civil war, jews ARE going to be blasted to shit, for all the right reasons.

Now cry more :)

c5b83d  No.2670613

That's straight retarded.

cda320  No.2670614


Don't be late.

Make sure it's the 1st.

You have till 6pm.

a0ab73  No.2670615

File: acacb75a408fb4d⋯.jpg (150.84 KB, 934x595, 934:595, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….jpg)

File: 31380cc7aaaf0f5⋯.jpg (60.64 KB, 542x340, 271:170, Screen Shot 2018-08-17 at ….jpg)

f2d308  No.2670616

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5e4e0e  No.2670617


maybe they realized being full-time trump tweet commenters is the most pathetic existence imaginable

doubtful though

3aa1fe  No.2670618

File: 26abae15026d4f5⋯.png (492.24 KB, 792x528, 3:2, 7c19731fc107c77827a84d4632….png)

File: fea6c514a22056c⋯.jpg (69.09 KB, 944x572, 236:143, daniel-in-the-lions-den-by….jpg)

6df3ec  No.2670619


the US and Russia had nothing to do with ISIS,


those sneaky bastards

62a383  No.2670620


>Iran attack attack attack

I feel sorry for you. Dyslexia sucks BIG time.

1dbc6b  No.2670621


Not denying anyone the bake.

Custom is that baker bakes till he wants to stop, then asks for handoff.

Ideally, BO/BV is here to monitor handoff

in case incoming baker is a shill.

I'm not done baking.

End of story.

48b1d7  No.2670622


Could be almost anything vehicles, electronic devices phones, camp hidden in the woods.

As a britfag I'm not too familiar with the lake but I assume it is a fairly popular area for recreation so it might be that a boat sank & he is searching for missing persons or a hiker lost near the lake perhaps.

Check local news see if anything comes up. Many US local news outlets are not available to me as I am from across the pond.

9bef05  No.2670623

de856a  No.2670624


Not without a proper handoff or BV/BO override of present baker. No one has been more critical of this baker than I have been, but no one can just take the bake by making an announcement.

f2d308  No.2670625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ed8244  No.2670626


Interesting that most of the news clips have the source unidentified?

Do you believe everything you read?

745be7  No.2670627


That's an actual bot you are responding to. Just ignore it, please.

86423c  No.2670628

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


You really need to be involved with a reading one day. Someone needs to take overcome Y Annie's single point.

I'm not saying her mother warped reality to give her that point.

But I'm not not saying it, either.

Also, what's the deal with Earl S.? Is he doing well, do you know?

5dda6b  No.2670629

File: 9f49e19c9b6ddea⋯.jpg (82.48 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Cats in a Jar - Where we g….jpg)


Your most welcome anon

ac5150  No.2670630


Didn't they run into legal trouble for running a Ponzi Scheme? Maybe they're in custody.

cb53d9  No.2670631

File: 200e23b3c63f151⋯.png (3.22 MB, 2180x1338, 1090:669, Screen Shot 2018-08-19 at ….png)



I thought of both when I saw this….. those look like midgets in the Red Door picture

also reddoor is almost a palindrome



3aa1fe  No.2670632

File: ab0e5a12871a535⋯.png (59.46 KB, 525x488, 525:488, 0520_-_TgArfB6.png)

File: c0fb5aee99bc086⋯.jpg (96.83 KB, 714x450, 119:75, c0fb5aee99bc086f43f205a9ab….jpg)

495592  No.2670633

File: f1b97252d91a4c2⋯.jpg (57.26 KB, 450x311, 450:311, hope-arkansas-boyhood-home….jpg)

>>2669668 lb

ARKANSAS is absolutely key.

Hot Springs... Boyhood home of Bill Clinton

Take Albert Pike road out of Hot Springs which turns into 270e, take 270e to a little town called Mount Ida. Nazi Strong hold. Truth. Federal Office there still employs someone tied to Mena, Ar shenanigans. Digs of Gold ( and crystal ) are to be had to any autists wanting glory.

a48047  No.2670634


masons are vehement anti-catholics.

23cd10  No.2670636

File: bd7040394d806b3⋯.png (119.16 KB, 1064x834, 532:417, ClipboardImage.png)

define fascism

959ff2  No.2670637


Red River

5ca745  No.2670638


Yeah, without the magic of government who could possibly build a flat thing? Oh wait, they just steal our money at gunpoint and pay a private company way more than they need to to do it as inefficiently, poorly, and as slowly as possible. Seems like a good system, carry on…

182922  No.2670639



Is this gonna be the new shill job? Telling Anons to ignore the bot?

15f967  No.2670640


Ooh, mirrors…creepy.


Digits! Did not realize was on 5th Avenue…


Could you pretty please post July, anon? I can't find it in muh files kek.

745be7  No.2670641


TY Baker, please ontinue to bake if yur able.

64b655  No.2670642

93c99f  No.2670643

File: 8a8f7227ecf9e33⋯.jpeg (822.23 KB, 1936x895, 1936:895, 6B63F0A5-E5D4-40D3-A094-6….jpeg)

>god I love this board I don’t 3ven create one tthing for my +$2 million compensation package, I literally take your ideas that you give to me for free and then recycle them for my Hebraic overlords here in so California.

It really is like that and thanks.

ac5150  No.2670644


Fascism: The philosophy of holding a society together when facing communist (((subversion)))?

f2d308  No.2670645

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

damn fags

15d20c  No.2670646


Did the HIV meds give you heart disease, Brock?

Can you trust everyone? Somebody there on the inside you don't know about?

040dc0  No.2670647

Go vote. https://twitter.com/Turnip2020/status/1030703765513371648?s=19

f64125  No.2670648


Thank you calendaranon

541edf  No.2670649


This question is rhetorical, right?

591174  No.2670650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A minute's worth of Trapezoidal Forms…

Trangle + Trapezoid = Unfinished Pyramid with a "Stone as Light" Capstone

591174  No.2670651


Very much so.

Thank you for noticing.

de856a  No.2670652


Agreed 100%. Stand your ground, baker. This wannabeBaker appears to be RUHumanShill, and

should not be allowed near the oven.

d8dbd9  No.2670653

File: 3526d3208b83bb8⋯.jpg (17.68 KB, 255x197, 255:197, memebetter.com-20180814164….jpg)

86423c  No.2670654

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.








a5b6c9  No.2670655

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Even Blacks will be killing jews on sight if jews manage to start the civil war, so I am comfy :)

a48047  No.2670656

File: 435f1145b86d912⋯.jpg (80.93 KB, 545x409, 545:409, triumph.jpg)


Military Parades are for Victory, not for show anyway.

8085cf  No.2670657

President Trump is expected to switch out commanders across the Middle East and Europe in the administration’s most dramatic change to the US military leadership so far, according to a new report from The Wall Street Journal.

The Journal reported that the personnel shifts will affect officers fighting in the Middle East, as well as those working to counter Russia, overseeing Guantanamo Bay and engaging in stealth operations around the world.

Officials told the Journal that Army Lt. Gen. Richard Clarke is anticipated to be formally appointed to U.S. Special Operations Command, in Tampa, Fla. He would succeed Army Gen. Tony Thomas, who will retire next year. The Special Operations Command oversees the specialized forces of all military branches.

As of now, Clarke serves as the director of strategic plans and policy for the Pentagon’s Joint Staff. He also served as operation officer at Joint Special Operations Command when the Pentagon initiated the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden. At that post, Clarke played a key role in the mission, participating in the planning, training and execution of the raid.

Trump will likely nominate two other commanders to replace retiring heads of regional combatant commands, several U.S. officials told the Journal.

Air Force Gen. Tod Wolters is anticipated to be chosen to head the U.S. European Command and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Supreme Allied Commander, Europe.

In the past, Wolters has served as the operations officer on the Joint Staff at the Pentagon. Wolters currently runs Air Force Europe, Air Force Africa, and Allied Air Command, all of which are based in Germany. He has especially focused on combating Russia in recent years.

Marine Lt. Gen. Kenneth McKenzie Jr. is expected to take on U.S. Central Command, after Army Gen. Joseph Votel, according to the Journal. That position is also out of Tampa and is thought of as the most prominent in the military. The post is responsible for all operations in the Middle East.

McKenzie is currently the director of the Joint Staff, which often situates officers well for top commands. He has years of experience in the nation's capital as well as in war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Journal reports that forces under the Special Operations Command have become increasingly important to the U.S. as it tries to lower its military presence across the world. Following from this emphasis, Trump nominated then commander of the Joint Special Operations Command Army Gen. Scott Miller to head up U.S. forces in Afghanistan.

McKenzie and Clarke’s nominations will both require Senate confirmation, though it is rare for Senators to move to block military promotions.

The Pentagon and the speculated nominees declined to comment to the Journal.

In addition, two other high-ranking military posts are set to open next year, with the retirement of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Marine Gen. Joe Dunford and the vice chairman Air Force Gen. Paul Selva.

Several names have surfaced for the positions, including current Air Force chief of staff Gen. David Goldfein, Army chief of staff Gen. Mark Milley, and the head of U.S. strategic command Air Force Gen. John Hyten.

There may be two more additional openings, with the possible retirement of top U.S. commander in Afghanistan Army. Gen. John Nicholson and current commander of U.S. Forces, Korea Army Gen. Vince Brooks, officials told the Journal.


e3fb77  No.2670658

File: feb9228214ff4bb⋯.png (64.95 KB, 400x400, 1:1, SOON.png)


That baker is a known bot. We the PEOPLE never accepted bot control. We never asked for it. Our permission was never granted. No more bot bakers. Out out out.

15d7c4  No.2670659


You are a DICK…stop throwing POO!

40d60a  No.2670660

File: 6e8ce825cdc3223⋯.jpg (565 KB, 1775x1200, 71:48, 6e8ce825cdc3223106746af987….jpg)



ed8244  No.2670661


He didn't authorize it, Trump did


Did you read the link Q posted?

Then you must not have much in the way of thinking skills

4cec45  No.2670662

File: 6ef5e3b05d62658⋯.jpg (80.58 KB, 1266x886, 633:443, ct.jpg)

541edf  No.2670663

File: 16cde70bc248db9⋯.jpg (48.68 KB, 630x630, 1:1, I Heart U.jpg)


You Rock, Calendar Anon.

f2d308  No.2670664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

too many invested in the lazarus project were evangelicals proselytizing niggs

70a193  No.2670665

File: ee1ff26f6065488⋯.jpg (15.36 KB, 255x221, 15:13, 3ca5a06d4061a7b831b5930026….jpg)

477c07  No.2670666


The asswipe is going to make a second bread…just watch.

745be7  No.2670667


You're not baking unless baker decides to handoff to you.


I'm not done baking.


6df3ec  No.2670668


well, it is partly true

some good articles

but you will never find a negative Putin piece

joined at the hip to Russia Times

a48047  No.2670669


Cuomo Bros need looking into.

Not by us, by FBI.

e3fb77  No.2670670

BO, requesting BV powers so I can delete all the bot garbage. It's disgusting, it's creepy, it's evil, it doesn't belong here. Thanks BO.

f9cc26  No.2670671


Yeah that is bad.


The NFL is adding gay male cheerleaders!

Yah Freedumb!

ef4557  No.2670672

Baker, the BO will likely tell you "Tiresias" should never be a baker

745be7  No.2670673


Then BO/BV will just lock it. This baker will post correct next bread link.

48b1d7  No.2670674


No probs

e5b7ee  No.2670675

File: 193e2b338905841⋯.jpg (840.09 KB, 1377x935, 81:55, july-2018-habbenings.jpg)


here ya go anon. by request

e3fb77  No.2670676


The baker asked in last thread. The baker is a bot.

How about I post a human thread, for the humans to post in, and the bots can stay with this "baker"? Sound reasonable?

a5b6c9  No.2670677


My theory is that Israel wants to fuck Iran, but if Trump denuked Iran, then Israel has no more excuse to have nukes, so they get denuked too.

We'll see how it goes.

All I know is, anyway this goes, jews are either getting their power taken away, or they'll be getting killed en mass, so I'm comfy.

541edf  No.2670678


Tiresias is a blind prophet in Oedipus Rex. IDK how he could "see" to bake.

aa7734  No.2670679



i love you anon, im just playin

no homo thomo broyo

793284  No.2670680



Some light reading.

1861 crumb followed properly.

Great Anon digging.

You are heading in the right direction.

e6d58b  No.2670681

ac5150  No.2670682


Clearly the NFL needed to attract more women viewers, rather than try and regain their lost male viewers.

42e2d9  No.2670683

File: 8de5aa359be13cb⋯.gif (1.26 MB, 250x140, 25:14, 1512430847133.gif)

4cec45  No.2670684



close to ghost/spirit/soul

c9c357  No.2670685


Yes, ignore bot - but, put bot in Notables.

745be7  No.2670686


Baker is not a bot, faggot. Calling baker a bot proves you are a shill.

1dbc6b  No.2670687


>this baker is authoritarian and immature to stand by his guns with so much hivemind against him.

The strength to stand by my convictions of objective standards is the opposite of immature. BO/BV have stepped in to stop shill bakes b4. Make your case to them, and they'll step in if it's warranted. Otherwise stop whining and start digging.


>i do like your way of putting notes up for peer review!

So one thinks I'm authoritative, another says I rely too much on peer review.

Observe and reflect, anons.


ty kek

3aa1fe  No.2670688

File: c240850c69a2dc7⋯.png (2.63 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, c240850c69a2dc75121baa9d18….png)

File: 5c3866a4dc68ee4⋯.jpg (61.25 KB, 226x223, 226:223, wouldnt-it-blow-your-mind-….jpg)

File: 52dcca58c65c77b⋯.jpg (298.06 KB, 960x1200, 4:5, DWh8mSWX4AIMOfO.jpg)

File: 51e154a429b54f1⋯.png (236.18 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 51e154a429b54f1a38429eb8db….png)



96e96d  No.2670689


e3fb77  No.2670690


So BO will prevent humans from baking, so bots stay in control? Isn't that a massive act of censorship, a massive attack on human free will? Did humans give BO authority to enforce bot control? Where? When?

Give us a break.

ef4557  No.2670691


anons, really, just search the UID in this bread

this shill will never bake

ed8244  No.2670692


Your permission was not required.

You delegated that authority so some one else

Deal with that

ed3f9c  No.2670693

File: b638f0d7374d61b⋯.jpg (106.32 KB, 800x800, 1:1, b638f0d7374d61b676d2a02265….jpg)

BO/BV does current baker check out or not? Shit looks weird, ebot is NEVER notable and he's fucking chatting with it FFS. Interested in post history.

f64125  No.2670694

File: 756ec15d24f790f⋯.png (162.73 KB, 505x702, 505:702, poop-nbc.png)

File: 65cb8961fedc94b⋯.png (91.28 KB, 600x485, 120:97, NBC_logo.png)

File: 5b5d35790d09941⋯.jpg (95.33 KB, 800x400, 2:1, Only You.jpg)

23cd10  No.2670695


You think?

Fascia may also refer to:

Fascia, Liguria, a comune in the Province of Genoa, Italy

Fascia (architecture), a long, horizontal surface across the top of a structure

Fascia (car), a dashboard of a car; or the front and rear ends of a car

Fascia (sash), a sash worn higher than the waist by Roman Catholic clerics

15d7c4  No.2670696


That's his face as a child.

182922  No.2670697


Yes, saw in Notables. What gives?

f64125  No.2670698

File: dc71048b1560f82⋯.jpg (77.99 KB, 500x676, 125:169, no room uncle sam.jpg)

File: 0c247e38b821543⋯.jpg (50.49 KB, 300x446, 150:223, no_room.jpg)

c5b83d  No.2670699

f64125  No.2670700

File: f74b7ae0b9cfc4b⋯.jpg (55.75 KB, 500x676, 125:169, no room uncle sam blank.jpg)

ed8244  No.2670701


Ask your CO

a48047  No.2670702


I expect that the actual votes reflects the same amount of rigging and fraud as the actual vote. I believe that Trump beat Killary 2-1 popular vote. Look what happened when they audited Michigan, a swing state. It was so crooked, the D's themselves stopped it. There were precints in Detroit where Killary had 700% of the eligible vote.

b102f6  No.2670703


Tiresias is also a moldy Canadian faggot.

e3fb77  No.2670704


Who delegated? How and when? Be specific.

745be7  No.2670705


Tiresias…we are all bots here. GO find you a human thread.

846498  No.2670706

File: 92568efec85fa6e⋯.png (421.69 KB, 1073x594, 1073:594, HotT-DC.png)

>>2668700 pb



e3fb77  No.2670707


BO is a fucking bot too, so keep that in mind. lol

5c8fd6  No.2670708


You just disqualified for the position, ebot is not dangerous to the q movement, some other shills are, won't specify them tho.

028d1a  No.2670709


The FBI is not looking too promising at the moment. We got anybody else?

4cec45  No.2670710



Gwái (鬼) means "ghost", and lóu (佬) means "man". The term gwáilóu therefore literally means "ghostly man"

Common term chinese people say toward "white people"

ef4557  No.2670711


that doesn't seem to be the ebot

ebot uses the email field now

seems to be just an anon fucking around

but I see your point

f2d308  No.2670712

File: 924f4fd4272d04f⋯.png (71.53 KB, 590x366, 295:183, thinkhard.png)

File: b5ee423433bdee8⋯.png (57.1 KB, 590x314, 295:157, turdscuck.png)

78f04f  No.2670713

File: b27e03a6aa0cb22⋯.png (507.77 KB, 610x1080, 61:108, 63cc5b624691ae0e1928b80dbf….png)

File: 55c0ccdd2ebbbb5⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 400x250, 8:5, 55c0ccdd2ebbbb5605e8caa9be….gif)

62a383  No.2670714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Video tour.


ed8244  No.2670715


You delegated control.

Bad move

Step up

d8dbd9  No.2670716


Can you imagine the cat fights in the locker room?

e3fb77  No.2670717


Who is Tiresias? What is this nonsense?

b5e893  No.2670718

File: 4209bda99175680⋯.png (805.01 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)



I found the original of this

After you click to expand

Then right-click the big version

Or ctrl-click if on Mac

And select Open in New Image Tab

From the menu

a5b6c9  No.2670719

File: c2a5253ad5a5266⋯.png (387.47 KB, 1497x721, 1497:721, 1_Patton_Knew_jews_Were_Th….png)

File: fa6752b14a4b210⋯.jpg (290.3 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 2_Patton_jews_Killed_Patto….jpg)

File: 527c8ec7b0657b9⋯.jpg (285.5 KB, 1392x1781, 1392:1781, 3_Patton_Regret_Letter.jpg)

File: e421176048d8929⋯.jpg (120.61 KB, 956x670, 478:335, 4_Patton_Jews_Sons_Of_Bitc….jpg)

File: 34b4df7a62af860⋯.jpg (112.86 KB, 580x584, 145:146, Patton_Jews_5.jpg)


Jewish subversion is real, no matter how much you cry :)

Reminder that General George S. Patton was killed for noticing and verbalizing the extend and implications of the jewish supremacism and subversion that has been chocking the West for the last 200 years.

Remember the words of war hero and legendary patriot General George S. Patton

On a letter to his wife he commented:

“I have been at Frankfurt for a civil government conference. If what we are doing (to the Germans) is Liberty, then give me death. I can’t see how Americans can sink so low. It is Semitic, and I am sure of it.”

And in his diary he noted:

“Today we received orders… in which we were told to give the Jews special accommodations. If for Jews, why not Catholics, Mormons, etc?… We are also turning over to the French several hundred thousand prisoners of war to be used as slave labor in France. It is amusing to recall that we fought the Revolution in defense of the rights of man and the Civil War to abolish slavery and have now gone back on both principles.”

General George S. Patton knew who was behind the subversion of the USA:



General George S. Patton was murdered:



86ecd3  No.2670720

>>2667185 Whitman's disgraceful backstab will not be forgotten. No shame. No, DJT hasn't done any of that long list of accomplishments. No, he hasn't restored pride already. No, he isn't working on a host of major problems left by his treasonous predecessors. No, he isn't transforming America with a very bright future looming. No, he is unfit! Christie Whitman, future generations will include your name in the list of those who sought to establish hell on earth for the benefit of satanic forces.

e3fb77  No.2670722


What are you talking about?

Did someone give BO permission to prevent humans from baking, so bots could stay in control? That is the question.

745be7  No.2670723


ebot is a person that posted some good digs.

86ecd3  No.2670724


>Many US local news outlets are not available to me as I am from across the pond.

Seriously? You mean a search engine won't let you look for them? The domains of local US news sites are blocked for you? I'm confused. Didn't think UK/EU censorship has reached such a point. I'm in USA and can't imagine there is some site I have access to you that you don't? Quick explanation please?

ed8244  No.2670725


Aren't Anarchist organizations with no rules great?

e3fb77  No.2670726

Where's them nobatles?

b1c181  No.2670727


>I'm not computer great, just good at research

That's no problemo at all, anon.

One finger tap at a time or snap-n-drop gets 'er done just the same.

793284  No.2670728


More than one Parthenon.

More than one Rome.

74830a  No.2670729

File: 7d91f76840a0991⋯.png (28.47 KB, 259x288, 259:288, 25c656fdfe2e7acd641a7df5b6….png)


Love you too anon, no harm done

no homo

pic related IRL

6df3ec  No.2670730


something to pray about

a regime change in the MSM

f2d308  No.2670732

File: 1a4d1f438087c47⋯.png (69.03 KB, 590x340, 59:34, evilleaders.png)

959ff2  No.2670733


Fuk roads. Flying cars

f930b6  No.2670734

File: 3bd6fdde2b9eaf7⋯.jpg (23.74 KB, 423x377, 423:377, berries.JPG)


kek, many new peeps here do not know our story, but I member, pic related

501d42  No.2670735


learn to search?

In Greek mythology, Tiresias (/taɪˈriːsiəs/; Greek: Τειρεσίας, Teiresias) was a blind prophet of Apollo in Thebes, famous for clairvoyance and for being transformed into a woman for seven years. He was the son of the shepherd Everes and the nymph Chariclo.

aca778  No.2670736

File: 5bf75924563c077⋯.jpg (96.56 KB, 513x213, 171:71, NM-Branson-Necker-pics.jpg)

File: 6640f3d3b9c0328⋯.jpg (432.1 KB, 1024x687, 1024:687, NM-Branson-moar-Necker-pic….jpg)

File: f838c3c9ee27203⋯.jpg (354.22 KB, 695x445, 139:89, NM-Necker-Quote.jpg)

File: ab8e0711325944f⋯.jpg (89.59 KB, 537x196, 537:196, NM-Create-your-dream-job-q….jpg)

File: 0c39027af43943b⋯.png (91.77 KB, 1385x530, 277:106, Natalie MacNeil Net Worth.png)

Anyone dug on Natalie MacNeil yet? Sorry if this is repeat.

Canadian entrepreneur/ media producer, now US based. Runs a business incubator (recruitment funnel?).

Visited Necker Island in 2016 (see pics – anyone recognize the 3 unnamed necker guests bottoms left of 2nd pic?). From her blog:

“I recently had the amazing opportunity to spend a week on Necker Island with the legendary Sir Richard Branson and a collective of inspiring, ambitious entrepreneurs, among them my soul sister Diana House of Tiny Devotions. We learned so much during our time on Necker that Diana that I decided to shoot some videos for you while we were still on the island to capture all those amazing insights while they were still fresh in our minds.

On today’s very different kind of episode of She Takes on the World TV, we’re taking you behind the scenes of our experience. The footage is mostly shot on my iPhone so again, it’s different than usual but you’ll get to see the island, our villa, and a video of us hanging out in the pool sharing what we learned from Richard Branson. This is the first of two Necker episodes for She Takes on the World TV, and I think you’ll love it.”

Her levo profile reads:


That's exactly what I decided to do upon graduating from university and I've never looked back. Today I'm an Emmy Award-winning media entrepreneur, bestselling author, and Creator of SheTakesOnTheWorld.com. “

Aparently this approach will earn you $14mill in just a few years (see pics)


Necker visit



Levo Profile: https://www.levo.com/natalie-macneil

Networth https://networthpost.org/net-worth/natalie-macneil-net-worth/

e6d58b  No.2670737

File: 50bafdcea0008a2⋯.png (327.83 KB, 1088x628, 272:157, Screen Shot 2018-08-18 at ….png)


Now we're cooking. Here's his grandaddy. Literally.

Question? Whats crystal quartz good for? Whats the significance of Lake Ouachita (Man Made lake). Whys there a resort on that lake named Shangri La? Things that make you go HMMMMMM….

15d20c  No.2670738


Lynn and her ilk can rot. They didn't help me then, and they do not get to play God.

I am not their meat puppet. Dear transgressors, your full measure is reached.

a5b6c9  No.2670739

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Some shills try to equate division with exposing jewish subversion, its a known jewish shilling tactic.

David Cole, jewish historian tells the truth about some of the holocaust lies. In 8 minutes, your world is going to be rocked by verifiable factual information coming from a brave jewish historian that had to go into hiding for a while for his commitment to the TRUTH.

Must see.

He also wrote this list of questions addressed to the Holocaust Museum that received no response (because the holocaust official version is a lie). Read the list of questions here:



Also note that he received death threats from jew supremacists for his work. You can read about the David Cole Affair here:


Frenly reminder to everyone that I would gladly accept the fake official version of the holohoax if it was true and my life would be much easier if I could accept such a bullshit fraudulent perversion of the truth but decided it was immoral to defend such blatant lies that have destroyed our civilization…

Also take notice that the big fraud that is the holocaust results in the payment of 500 million euros to “survivors” coming from German tax payer’s pockets each and every year.



20f18c  No.2670740


"Outsourcing shilling to non-English speaking countries."

15f967  No.2670741

File: f9e46778a4e5c72⋯.jpg (22.5 KB, 474x395, 6:5, f9e46778a4e5c7211806eaeefd….jpg)


Thank you berry much, anon, keep up the awesomesauce!

cb53d9  No.2670742

File: 55980bf62e3a68e⋯.png (2.72 MB, 2334x1760, 1167:880, Red_Door_663_666_fifth_ave.png)



Red Door Spa NYC located directly across the street from 666 Fifth Avenue - other locations of interest circled as well

745be7  No.2670743


We are bots. You are human. GO away.

5dda6b  No.2670744


Anon…near full censorship has befallen our cousins across the pond. They are captives.

2a9f47  No.2670745

File: 8d662896bb27e4b⋯.png (115.66 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, PostDetectorFI.png)

File: 8d662896bb27e4b⋯.png (115.66 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, PostDetectorFI.png)

a908ed  No.2670746


Leftists using Q to piss off /pol/


f2d308  No.2670747

File: 25e372dc56dc785⋯.png (63 KB, 590x314, 295:157, Vfrumo.png)

File: 5ff6d572b0a4025⋯.png (51.29 KB, 590x262, 295:131, yogurt.png)

File: cb42dfa171cbc9d⋯.png (54.09 KB, 590x288, 295:144, Yuuuuuuuugememes.png)

cd15cb  No.2670748

File: f778d0f853fe0a7⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1572x674, 786:337, dk1.PNG)

File: 3e498dba282d567⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1421x760, 1421:760, dk2.PNG)

File: ad81c0564ef4c2c⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1394x405, 1394:405, dk3.PNG)

>>2663140, >>2663226 (pb) (Dig Worthy)

Diana Jenkins AKA Sanela Diana Jenkins & Sanela Dijana Catic

Robert Downey Jr calls Diana Jenkins out, "I am a FORMER personal “friend” of a woman named Diana Jenkins. Doubt you know her, but she’s the Rosetta Stone of every scandal and perversion from Hwood all over the globe."

https:// holliegreigjustice.wordpress.com/2017/10/25/robert-downey-jr/

Divorced to Roger Jenkins, millionaire banker, has a criminal trail set in 2019 for fraud over Qatar fund raising.

The Sanela Diana Jenkins Human Rights Project was established at the UCLA School of Law in 2009.

https:// dianajenkins.com/sanela-diana-jenkins-human-rights-project/

Is the founder and CEO of D Empire Entertainment and Neuro.

https:// dianajenkins.com/d-empire/

https:// www.zimbio.com/photos/Diana+Jenkins/Elton+John+AIDS+Foundation+Oscar+Viewing+Party/F4da8CSkBbK

Haiti quake 2010, Working with Sean Penn, Jenkins mobilized resources of the Sanela Diana Jenkins Foundation and together we formed the Jenkins-Penn Haitian Relief Organization. Additionally, Jenkins worked with a lead physician on the ground named Dr. Raul Ruiz. Raul Ruiz has represented California's 36th Distric in the US House of Reprsentatives since 2012.

https:// www.huffingtonpost.com/diana-jenkins/dont-let-haitis-natural-d_b_433605.html

In 2005 Jenkins donated to The Global Fund for Women. Board Members included

Diane Jordan Wexler (Founder and CEO of SmartGuy.com)

Adele Simmons (current president of the Global Philanthropy Partnership)

Rita Thapa (Founder of Tewa / https:// www.tewa.org.np/tewa-family.php)

Laurene Powell Jobs (founder of Emerson Collective and wife to the late Steve Jobs)


Thot (pic related gift wrap)

https:// www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Thot

https:// sdjfoundation.org/


https:// www.instagram.com/sdjneuro/

That's it for now, dig moar

afb46f  No.2670749

File: 7600f1ed025b626⋯.png (275.98 KB, 380x377, 380:377, birdguy.png)

friend in force training to be fighter

asked if knew anything ab trips to gitmo

>i only know what you can find on google

ac5150  No.2670750


Very true, exposing Jewish subversion is a driving force to unite all of us against (((them))).

5c8fd6  No.2670751

File: f7fc0b31f892084⋯.png (313.27 KB, 399x395, 399:395, baker-ty-boom-pepe.png)


Love the daily BOOMS

b102f6  No.2670752

File: 1738b0e7c73ddb8⋯.png (161.07 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

70a193  No.2670753

File: 31ea70bf6f0b03f⋯.jpg (12.6 KB, 209x255, 209:255, 8786929f85c06330480f8a7f37….jpg)


as are jews and protestants and muslims and atheists

and sodomites

c9c357  No.2670754


Without sauce to verify.

f2d308  No.2670755

File: 5286e9fb88f91a5⋯.png (53.84 KB, 590x288, 295:144, eatingchildren.png)

File: a11162d08c79489⋯.png (53.71 KB, 590x288, 295:144, fakehope.png)

File: d595f2ab89d7853⋯.png (69.86 KB, 590x340, 59:34, frumptrevor.png)

df9005  No.2670756

File: 86be499a674add5⋯.png (485.37 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 2018-08-19_18-45-32.png)


Speaking of the resemblance between Podesta and Baphomet…JW

If you could have your own Podesta, why would you want to?


745be7  No.2670757


Dude, chillax. Ebot is a real human and e3fb77 is a real bot. Gets confusing, I know.

d1fc7b  No.2670758



The occult aspect of memetics is the unseen the content that influences the unconcious below the users threshold of conscious awarness.

There are many naive people who say "advertising doesn't influence me," and they are wrong.


591174  No.2670759

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The History of America…Told in 27 Rap Styles

5f2641  No.2670760

File: 3b458deb9a641b4⋯.png (1.41 MB, 3980x1636, 995:409, ad06d8a246d8ad4222720cb8a5….png)


This bitch can't manage to be normal enough for an hour to decorate just 1 room in her house without sprinkling it in baby parts.

1dbc6b  No.2670761

Notes so far


>>2670598 Graphic: CalendarAnon gives us a mid-month summary of Aug. habbenings

>>2670262 "Deplorables" is so 2016. Trumpers are now "Couch Potato Anarchists!"

>>2670239, >>2670307 NXIVM-connected Dem Sen Gillibrand Lectures Us About "Our Values"

>>2670232 2A4Ever: Louisiana AG Landry Won't Let Corps Infringe on our Gun Rights

>>2670210 Blue wave? More like Blue Wading Pool: Even CBS News Pollster Agrees


I did ask for sauce on the bot posts, then provided it myself, as I often do for posters I think are phonefagging, or for posts I'm especially interested in seeing noted if I have a moment to grab sauce myself. If you really want this post noted, you can grab the sauce for us. But if you want to keep trying to impugn this baker on a process crime, by all means, continue.

846498  No.2670762


Got it.

aca778  No.2670763

File: d3d5b6a3323f372⋯.jpg (352.05 KB, 2250x1400, 45:28, Imaginarius-Owl-Logo.jpg)

File: 5bd7df5426fc9e6⋯.jpg (57.39 KB, 416x388, 104:97, Imaginarius-Owl-Logo-close….jpg)

File: b70ffe210e3fd9c⋯.jpg (266.99 KB, 1186x411, 1186:411, Imaginarius-Levo-bio.jpg)

File: 8257c5c4b0c9be2⋯.png (276.25 KB, 1635x1237, 1635:1237, NM IMDB.png)

File: 4e6e13f12b585e0⋯.png (30.87 KB, 665x426, 665:426, NM Spoke Resume.png)


Natalie MacNeil’s prev project: a film production co called Imaginarius. logo features OWL WITH HORNS (see pics).

Funny how many supporters and customers they have for a little production co that didn’t do shit – INC DISNEY AND MSN

Listed as producer on one creepy looking film (haven’t seen it, don’t want to)


Imaginarius via wayback machine


Imaginarius resume



Resume and education from Spoke.com: https://www.spoke.com/people/natalie-macneil-4fd3195114edf639670058b4

5c8fd6  No.2670765

File: 99cbb105de40712⋯.png (593.2 KB, 614x407, 614:407, hillbag-berry.png)

86ecd3  No.2670766


I am sympathetic. Just did not know it was that bad. Is there a list of blocked sites? What I found does not seem all that extreme. Probably not looking in the right place…



a48047  No.2670767


Item #2 They should be deported also. No question. This is my family's state, it's not Mexico. It was part of Mexico for 23 years or so, until 1848 iirc, then the US Army drove them out and the US Army actually held Mexico city until ordered back because we didnt have the manpower or resources to take it permanently. Sauce: Grant's Memoirs, a book I've read 3x. It's widely considered a Masterpiece of American prose and expression. Highly recommended source book of American history.

5ca745  No.2670768


Also, Pornhub


745be7  No.2670769


there is sauce, just not on ebot's post. Looks mostly like wiki, for the most part.

a860af  No.2670770

Some anons noted that Tribunals couldn't start until 2019.

Could the Act be effective FISCAL YEAR 2019??? (Sept 1, 2018)

a5b6c9  No.2670771


Zionized CIA has, but ISIS is a tool of Israel.

144825  No.2670772


Your mom. Your 2 sisters. And your girlfriend.

f2d308  No.2670773

File: 86232ce8ca7b2c9⋯.png (64.8 KB, 590x314, 295:157, combination.png)

File: 5de0d25b270f349⋯.png (50.73 KB, 590x288, 295:144, cuckhead.png)

File: 7212cc6acf14f8f⋯.png (44.01 KB, 590x262, 295:131, dickbutt.png)

97fec8  No.2670774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Florida Democratic Rep. Alcee Hastings made a disturbing joke during a rally on Sunday about no one trying to save a drowning President Donald Trump.

15d20c  No.2670775


Well, believe in karma, fuckers.

591174  No.2670776


I feel like they just did that to have a headline that reads:

"PornHub Plows Street".


39c68f  No.2670777

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.

TRUMP @WAR Official Trailer

afb46f  No.2670778

File: 4dc27ff5d7ed60b⋯.jpg (6.77 KB, 480x240, 2:1, download.jpg)

a48047  No.2670780


I'll venture that redpilling is much like parenting. The children will follow the example much more than any attempt at instruction, control, or manipulation.

ed3f9c  No.2670781


Human-assisted but it's still a bot. Baker is walking a fine line to getting banned right now.

e4e4d6  No.2670782


I disagree with private prisons also and the inevitable corruption to keep people behind bars for the sake of money. That being said, should prosecutions for the types of people that are a part of that same corruption wait until a federally operated one is available? I can live with a private prison for now to get these sick kind of people behind bars. After that is done work on releasing people in prison for piddly shit to free up space then eliminate the private prisons.

f2d308  No.2670783

File: 2dcad34979713df⋯.jpg (56.69 KB, 356x527, 356:527, begottenfuck.jpg)

File: 094b00c4ea6c599⋯.jpg (88.11 KB, 960x960, 1:1, bleeps.jpg)

File: 8d62ec334eda822⋯.jpg (166.61 KB, 800x1128, 100:141, cRQHabm.jpg)

182922  No.2670784



I just went look back at Bot's Notes. No sauce. Just definition of sedition. Bot is never notable unless we crack it's operator.

b1c181  No.2670785


Kudos to you, anon.

Nobody takes over the bread w/o proper authoritay.

a5b6c9  No.2670786

File: 03ce77f53098786⋯.jpg (202.14 KB, 716x654, 358:327, Clinton_ISIS_Israel_1.jpg)

File: db0a377b44ed029⋯.jpg (247.99 KB, 730x537, 730:537, Clinton_ISIS_Israel_2.jpg)

File: 56f447a7f048378⋯.png (89.33 KB, 649x690, 649:690, Hillary_jewish_roots.PNG)

File: 407fdfe944becf5⋯.png (547.28 KB, 834x610, 417:305, Obama_Israel_Aid.PNG)

File: d23bec745d213a3⋯.png (77.52 KB, 501x510, 167:170, Obama_Jew.png)


Tell me how many times ISIS has attacked Israel?

Tell me how much Israel benefits from ISIS actions in ME specially in Syria?

You can't hide the truth forever, and zionists are going to pay, in full :)

fbcc07  No.2670787

File: 62812452a6805fd⋯.png (6.04 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 5E11D1BD-2962-424B-9727-E8….png)

File: 8377a4c1af2b199⋯.png (3.22 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 08E98141-3516-46E1-867B-46….png)

File: e78706e2cb9f7c8⋯.jpeg (858.13 KB, 762x1934, 381:967, 33FB30CB-FAC2-4979-AA07-6….jpeg)

64b655  No.2670788


or you could just look up the proper word

b21471  No.2670789

File: baf5e2956f77612⋯.png (1.66 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 43A48B31-D5B7-4894-95C0-B6….png)

File: 39e00e877477738⋯.png (1.34 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 2684E852-2E3B-4889-AD42-0C….png)

File: f67a9535f52ce92⋯.png (1.71 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, C7B9E6B6-EA93-4192-90AB-6E….png)

File: 6328eafa6278ccf⋯.png (1.5 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, B8986C3A-8EB2-468E-B0FC-06….png)

File: 0c992c23b2c1053⋯.png (1.69 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 149456A6-B6B2-433D-8103-9B….png)


I spent some time looking into Voodoo yesterday. Her artwork has a “Voodoo” feel to me. That charm necklace ended up being based off of a Guatemalan design, (if not from Guatemala), GV has a hospital in Guatemala. AC has a house in Brazil. There is “Guatemalan Voodoo,” and there are strong dots between WJC & HRC and Haitian Vodoo. Might be more connections to the Black Magic / Voodoo Angle?

70a193  No.2670790

File: 188626d80d37a61⋯.jpg (949.74 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 294560d51427e681456275e109….jpg)

File: 439f43f347ff8b7⋯.png (151.55 KB, 1247x1018, 1247:1018, Screenshot_2018-08-06 Q Rs….png)

File: 6be6cfc5a3b4494⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_0881 - Copy.JPG)

File: db98a82bc4cce6b⋯.jpg (2.09 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_0878 - Copy.JPG)

File: 5842231ba9fcf3c⋯.jpg (756.46 KB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_0880 - Copy.JPG)

591174  No.2670791


Watching now… So far looks like it's worth the Trips of Truth…

86ecd3  No.2670792

File: 2b575ba1a7aebce⋯.jpg (76.52 KB, 773x426, 773:426, 2018-08-19 23:07:51Z.jpg)

Hypocrisy of the left.


We had months of outrage and protests about school shootings after Parkland but when an entire ISIS compound was uncovered training kids to go and commit more of them, no one cared.


12:32 pm - 19 Aug 2018

f2d308  No.2670793

File: 4c22e7625b3db8c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 237.1 KB, 1067x1600, 1067:1600, 0001.jpg)

File: 5106dd9618ba279⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 167.99 KB, 1116x1507, 1116:1507, Keeley Hazell.jpg)

File: 161e883ebd6819d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 368.79 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, Whitney Cowart.jpg)


745be7  No.2670794


It actually is an AI bot. BO nicknamed him Tiresias, kek.

182922  No.2670795

File: febe555b0b84cea⋯.jpg (61.94 KB, 724x752, 181:188, A Dig.jpg)


Thank you. i just went back and look at Notables. Fuckery afoot.

f1a4dd  No.2670796


Nobody here cares, fuckwad. We live rent free inside their heads, not the other way around. They can't meme. They can't argue with facts. They can't bluepill us. All they can do is resort to petty insults until they turn on eachother

15d20c  No.2670797


You know, that's all you guys have left now.

You are under surveillance.

48b1d7  No.2670798


Because of dumb EU censorship rules many US sites block EU searches. Comes up with default 'not available in your region' type messages. Major syndicated outlets it is not a a problem but with some of the smaller local sites they can't be bothered to conform or afford to conform with rules so are blocked.

afb46f  No.2670799



if neither part pings them, always a good idea to ping BO/BV as well.

They're here for a reason, even if we're still all very curious about how they use their influence.

1950c9  No.2670800

File: 58d29f34ada26a9⋯.jpg (475.87 KB, 1200x917, 1200:917, ebot.jpg)

793284  No.2670801


Hidden communities.

Below the water.

Hamilton too.

What's on the islands?

The elite all love islands.

Islands and thermal baths.

And seclusion.

A paradise for elites.

Hidden in the mainland.

Red doors abound.

1865 letters relevant.

39c68f  No.2670802


#truth - good catch!

939dac  No.2670803

File: 4af63530e27d424⋯.jpg (140.11 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Dk6QrGZXoAUzOVQ.jpg)


Why does Q never talk about Yemen?

Why do WE never talk about Yemen?

What the fuck is going on here?

Are we ignoring what Saudi is doing because we need their support on other matters?

Is it a proxy war against Iran or the cabal?

I don't trust anything anyone says about Yemen.

But it feels bad, man.

72bbf1  No.2670804

File: e409f3053d49fc8⋯.png (391.47 KB, 1576x870, 788:435, OUTING.png)

File: 59218b9a45f78bc⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1663x1189, 1663:1189, sheparsisted.png)

File: 8aed4e045292e44⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1395x858, 465:286, KekUnbound.png)


Yeah, that'll fool em. Powerful fake posts from our failing fake post system. How much of Soros's cash went to fund this woeful bot underperformance?

The unplugging is coming….

e6d58b  No.2670805


Arkansas = Nazi Colonies. Literal. Third Gens.

93c99f  No.2670806

Kyew is almost certainly backed by Jews because only they would have enough energy to do this.

a48047  No.2670807


*My own personal redpilling either consists of discussing the child sex traffickers and abusers' arrests, or attack and destroy the feisty ones on the web to demoralize them or anybody susceptible who might be watching. I'm mericiless and apply the final chapters of marxist/alinskyite tactics immediately. Then they cant answer, because you jumped their King with your first moves. Then destroy . If they say anything inappropriate, report them to be removed.

86ecd3  No.2670808

File: fa8d455488d46fc⋯.jpg (138.3 KB, 768x790, 384:395, 2018-08-19 23:09:37Z.jpg)


Judicial Watch' Tom Fitton:

"The only person who got money directly from Russia as far as I could tell running for office in 2016 was Hillary Clinton."

48f099  No.2670809


Women are not attracted to gay male cheerleaders. The gay population (approx. 1% of the population) will not up the viewership of NFL so dumb move by NFL bubble dwelling adminstrators/owners.

1dbc6b  No.2670810

>>2670624, >>2670608, >>2670652

Thanks for looking out, anons.

Out of respect for the number of complaints, baker will request handoff next bread, but will only handoff if BO/BV is present to monitor. (Agree attempted hijacker is a shill, but we have to use/test the system as it's meant to be used. If I hold onto the bake despite complaint, I can rightly be accused of being a control-freak. Trying to please all sides.)


f2d308  No.2670811

File: 747fafc1f6ac407⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 77.07 KB, 1495x785, 299:157, HDXG0126.jpeg)

top secret cia bait: classified

745be7  No.2670812


you're very wrong. And who the hell do you think you are threatening to ban anyone on this board?

Fuck off.

cb53d9  No.2670814


not only on 5th avenue… but across from 666 fifth ave


826c69  No.2670815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

hey there faggots

quit taking to the bot

quit talking about the bot

quit chatting

dig more

70a193  No.2670816

File: e3d537673746663⋯.jpeg (86.61 KB, 1024x567, 1024:567, 2c1acf1561fa3a0116c1ce2b0….jpeg)

File: 6266b3307c96cd8⋯.png (640.25 KB, 1283x670, 1283:670, Israeli something special ….png)

File: f9fde5a2afbfd4e⋯.jpg (262.13 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, IMG_2970_2_master.jpg)

File: 665d04602afeefb⋯.jpg (155.66 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, IMG_2950_2_master.jpg)

File: 354218fe51100da⋯.jpg (156.29 KB, 1600x1235, 320:247, 080218-3.jpg)

ef4557  No.2670817


the botbot

cd7b90  No.2670818

File: 66947cb9c5e4d99⋯.png (16.44 KB, 987x189, 47:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>(b) Nothing in the MJA shall be construed to make punishable any act done or omitted prior to January 1, 2019, that was not punishable when done or omitted.

i think this means that any crime committed before 1/1/19 can only qualify for the amendments of this EO if they were prosecutable at the time they were committed.


182922  No.2670819

File: 7095205d2900969⋯.png (26.26 KB, 590x211, 590:211, AQ1.PNG)


Michael Cohen, President Trump’s ex-lawyer, is under investigation for bank fraud in excess of $20 million - NYT

d1fc7b  No.2670820

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, e29b698c24bd2d7b212e58c83a….png)

File: 18301166a89c098⋯.jpg (203.9 KB, 645x845, 129:169, eabd580f37d967694c333035f2….jpg)

Are muh joo shills lower than gay porn shills on the shill status hierarchy?

Like when the shills go out on Friday after work do the actual shit posting shills sit off by them selves or with the BO is an AI shills or Jerome C?

5ca745  No.2670822


What is this? Related to Pornhub?

6df3ec  No.2670823


you been believing jew hate shill too much

bible fags know that won't happen

not that Israel is so good

but it is part of the plan


86ecd3  No.2670824


Roger that. Thanks for info.

42408c  No.2670825


“Satan’s Honor”

48f099  No.2670826


One of the few voices of sanity on the news programs.

745be7  No.2670827



be aware that is Tiresias that is trying to take over the bake. Once it gets to a captcha, it will IP hop and start again.

e6d58b  No.2670829



You know!

Youre the first Ive come across that knows what Im talking about!!!!!!

Thank you ANON!

64b655  No.2670830


>boomer posting

muh love muh jews

ac5150  No.2670831


Agreed. More misguided social justice pandering. Out of touch company decides to make sweeping changes based on complaints made by people who don't consume or actively hate the product being sold.

793284  No.2670832


Viva Rio might have clues.

Possible voodoo angle there.

Haven't looked at Brazil voodoo.

See previous breads.

Clintons connected.

1950c9  No.2670833


Their advertising guys need to be drawn and quartered - full-on retards, one and all.

477c07  No.2670834


Yep, every thing except collusion in any way.

f2d308  No.2670835

File: 13e4dfc3748da18⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 115.9 KB, 477x407, 477:407, IMG_2165.JPG)

33b477  No.2670836

File: 24064ac977acf67⋯.jpg (34.72 KB, 510x422, 255:211, 0bamapick.jpg)


>What the fuck were the 4 booms pussies?

The beauty of BOOM is that shit happens every day.

There are 7 Billion people in the world.

There are undreds of countries in the world.

There are hundreds interactions between countries around the world every day.

Big, meaningful shit, somewhere in the world happens every day.

All Q has to do is type BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM.

Then Q can pick out which big thing can rile up anons the best.

And anons will then think this Q is some kind of major Trump operator.

In fact, Q plays the odds that something will happen and that as long as Q remains non-specific, he will always be right … and anons will worship his ass without thinking.


afb46f  No.2670837


No one is here to hold your hand.

ed8244  No.2670838


Has nothing to do with more viewers

It has everything to do with acceptance by existing viewers

You pay - they give you what THEY want to give you

cda320  No.2670840


That could be Sara Carter.

86ecd3  No.2670841


>>2670819 Michael Cohen, POTUS's ex-lawyer, under investigation for bank fraud <$20 million - NYT

182922  No.2670842

File: 6e0136e831c4eb1⋯.png (562.92 KB, 703x616, 703:616, AQ2.PNG)



72bbf1  No.2670843

File: 39d8411a9602479⋯.png (651.77 KB, 999x671, 999:671, shepersistid.png)


BO harasses human posters, and defends bots. Not to mention his "global CP reminder" bullshit. It's an extremely messed up situation here.

7e081c  No.2670844


Magnificent trips. Magnificent Trailer.

aca778  No.2670845

File: fa9e662142f7b1a⋯.jpg (638.21 KB, 2605x1422, 2605:1422, Natalie-MacNeil-HuffPost-B….jpg)

File: 92920a155cbb670⋯.png (52.62 KB, 400x455, 80:91, NM Levo description.png)

File: b5b105c7e1c5a69⋯.jpg (169.85 KB, 542x413, 542:413, NM-Waterloo-University-Lev….jpg)

File: b6462fc72483679⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 1627x1305, 1627:1305, Blueseed-Project-Wikipedia.jpg)

File: bc362d582f2f006⋯.jpg (1.69 MB, 2562x1147, 2562:1147, Natalie-MacNeil-Blueseed-Q….jpg)


MacNeils one of those people who seem to have lots more awards than accomplishments. Emmy award winner for a shitty show. Celebrated by all our favorite fake news establishments – cnn, time, wsj huffpo etc (see pics)

Lots of awards starting from university of Waterloo, Ont.

But strangely a couple hours digging and nothing previous to university. Nothing about family, prior edu. Who is she? Is Natalie MacNeil even her real name?

Even stranger for a major award-winning entrepreneur, she has no Wikipedia entry. Only 2 entries list her name.

Minor detail: one of those entries is about her involvement in a project called Blueseed (that never ended up happening but sounds fishy as hell):

“Blueseed is a Silicon Valley-based startup company[5] and a seasteading venture to create a startup community located on a vessel stationed in international waters near the coast of Silicon Valley in the United States. The intended location (outside the territorial seas of the United States, 12 nautical miles from the coast of California, in the so-called "contiguous zone") would enable non-U.S. startup entrepreneurs to work on their ventures without the need for a US work visa (H1B), while living in proximity to Silicon Valley and using relatively easier to obtain business and tourism visas (B1/B2)[6] to travel to the mainland. After the conclusion of their incubation on the vessel, successful startups may relocate to Silicon Valley and employ a local workforce.”

So presumably was intended to be a human trafficking/drug running/ ultimate evil front operation. MacNiel was one of the early applicants to the project:

“Natalie MacNeil, an Emmy Award winner who has applied to be on board Blueseed's vessel, writes, "This is the perfect solution for me and my company; it’s everything I could possibly want. If I could, I would move my startup to Silicon Valley in a heartbeat but there isn’t a visa option for the stage I’m at and budget I’m working on. Up until discovering Blueseed, my lawyer advised me to get a job with a digital media firm since I qualify for an Extraordinary Ability Visa because I’m an Emmy Award winner. That Visa could lead to a Green Card in a few years and then I’d be able to continue with my business. But I truly believe the time for my business is now. I have so much momentum and I want to run with it. Thank you for dreaming up such an awesome incubator concept and I hope to meet the Blueseed team on board in 2014!"[8]”




Blueseed: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blueseed

15d7c4  No.2670846


STFU FUCK PUDDING…Your Sperm is Banging heads with potatoe

028d1a  No.2670847


Careful crossing the street, Alcee. You wouldn't want to get hit by a karma.

23cd10  No.2670848

15f967  No.2670849

File: 962ebc47c9201a2⋯.png (719.47 KB, 1440x1557, 160:173, 3848b2c41452a75fe628045933….png)


(((They're))) going to try to spin this, though. You'll see. Guaranteed.

f2d308  No.2670850

File: ddb1b2f52d8e111⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 956.04 KB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2105.PNG)

5ca745  No.2670851


Kind of looks like a ripoff of MINDS.COM

1950c9  No.2670852


put the pipe down anon….

ed3f9c  No.2670853


We've already dealt with shill bakers before and they were rightly banned for attempting to subvert the board by BO. I asked BO to check his history, calm your tits and wait for it, it's just a possibility. Not fucking off anywhere.



e27183  No.2670854


Pardon me if I'm wrong, but don't banks usually sue someone for bank fraud?

And the same for tax fraud with Manafort. How can Mueller sue him for tax fraud when the IRS hasn't sued him yet??

db8760  No.2670855

File: efeacadb3c63c6b⋯.png (135.54 KB, 800x536, 100:67, Subversion.png)

Extreme Oath of the Jesuits

"When a Jesuit of the minor rank is to be elevated to command, he is conducted into the Chapel of the Convent of the Order, where there are only three others present, the principal or Superior standing in front of the altar. On either side stands a monk, one of whom holds a banner of yellow and white, which are the Papal colors, and the other a black banner with a dagger and red cross above a skull and crossbones, with the word INRI, and below them the words IUSTUM, NECAR, REGES, IMPIOUS. The meaning of which is: It is just to exterminate or annihilate impious or heretical Kings, Governments, or Rulers. Upon the floor is a red cross at which the postulant or candidate kneels. The Superior hands him a small black crucifix, which he takes in his left hand and presses to his heart, and the Superior at the same time presents to him a dagger, which he grasps by the blade and holds the point against his heart, the Superior still holding it by the hilt, and thus addresses the postulant:"



48f099  No.2670856


Good observation Anon. Degrading humans is always one of their goals.

6ce762  No.2670857


PizzArte is weird too art there and it sucked but its always busy and full of weirdos.. and pizzagate.. idk. Probably a million hits in NYC

2f6612  No.2670858

File: 3ad87fc241e5ee5⋯.png (167.38 KB, 500x520, 25:26, ClipboardImage.png)

Wisconsin Company Injecting RFID Microchips Into Hands Of Employees

Wisconsin technology firm Three Square Market has injected 80 employees with their own brand of RFID microchips over the last year, and according to MIT Technology Review, "they love it."

The implant, which is about the size of a grain of rice, utilizes Near Field Communication (NFC) technology, also found in credit cards, debit cards, key fobs, and smartphones. This technology is considered "passive," meaning the microchip stores data that can be read by other devices but cannot read data themselves.

It’s just become such a part of my routine,” says VP of finance Steve Kassekert, who says he was miffed when the RFID reader on the vending machine went down a couple of months ago.

And sure, buried towards the end of the MTR article are concerns over security - such as the fact that anyone with an RFID reader can cozy up to a chipped individual and ping their implant to glean personal information. But hey - CEO Patrick McMullan points out that "similar personal information could be stolen from his wallet, too."

“You can sniff it if you’re at a bus stop,” he says.

Europe's already with the programhttps://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-08-18/wisconsin-company-injecting-rfid-microchips-hands-employees

As we reported in May, over 3,000 Swedes have implanted tiny microchips beneath their skin to replace their credit card information, identification, keys, train tickets, among other everyday items, according to Agence France-Press.

Governments in Europe quietly experimented with embedding the small chip in humans in 2015 in Sweden, and several other countries in the region, before the recent rollout.

“Swedes have gone on to be very active in microchipping, with scant debate about issues surrounding its use, in a country keen on new technology and where the sharing of personal information is held up as a sign of a transparent society,” AFP notes.

Ulrika Celsing is one of 3,000 Swedes with a microchip implanted in her hand — a process called “biohacking.” The 28-year-old told AFP, “It was fun to try something new and to see what one could use it for to make life easier in the future.”

Celsing explained that the microchip has turned into an “electronic handbag” and has even replaced her gym card.

She can even book a train ticket online, and then use her hand like a ticket to board a train.

2f7fc7  No.2670859


THANKS ANON! wondered it if was tied to 'gold' seemed like tat exposed for foto.

appreciate you.

72bbf1  No.2670860


If bots conspire to prevent a human from baking, in order to maintain bot control, that is a MASSIVE act of deception. Bots do not have permission to censor and control human discourse.

564448  No.2670861


Not mine. Someone WAY smarter than me created this; just reposted it.

f2d308  No.2670862


send in the bronies

477c07  No.2670863


AKA the mark of the beast.

fa3aef  No.2670864

File: 96a19ee2172fb33⋯.jpeg (201.28 KB, 834x1287, 278:429, 1534720500.jpeg)

5c8fd6  No.2670865

File: cfe11c5bf74c16b⋯.jpg (60.64 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, cfe11c5bf74c16b19f491962ca….jpg)

ed8244  No.2670866


You just can't recognize a boom since it doesn't fit your expectations.

He didn't "promise" anything.

He just gave us a heads-up to pay attention

Apparently you didn't notice what happened from your bubble

b8463d  No.2670867

It took the US four years to defeat Hitler and his evil allies in a full scale global war.

It's taken two years to release a memo on deep state targeting of political candidate.

This seems ludicrous to me.

b9f88b  No.2670868

So is this the new game. BO and BV mysteriously dissapear for 15 hrs and ebutt runs wild. Make sense.

93c99f  No.2670869


There is super Jew who can ban yew, just like iIRL, good luck and keep lo profile

db8760  No.2670870



e803aa  No.2670871


She wasn't in labor, she was scheduled for a C-Section.

1dbc6b  No.2670872


Can you provide primary sauce (orig. article) for us plz anon? Ty, baker


>not done baking


Thanks fren.

Baker gets lots of heat for JQ stance

Am used to it.

and I hold the line anyway.

cuz that's what Patriots do.

f2d308  No.2670873

File: 2387359d4022f81⋯.jpg (63.07 KB, 960x559, 960:559, IMG_2096.JPG)

78f04f  No.2670874


whoa! cold reading! youre so right im gonna leave and never come back you should too

2f6612  No.2670875


He's feeling a little pain.

5c8fd6  No.2670877

File: e73d3cea36b2b96⋯.png (192.46 KB, 497x309, 497:309, clown-nows-addet.png)


The Uber clown is back

a48047  No.2670878


Trump should issue a lengthy list of revoked clearances and massive firings from the federal govt SES and all the rest. Get rid of bad judges too. Quit fucking around with these traitorous crooks. If there are serious issues, declare martial law and just win. Guess what? The Confederates were angry too, but they had half the physical country. The soy faggots have a studio apt or mom's basement.

15d20c  No.2670879


You do not choose or select your Master, otherwise, he is naught.

f2d308  No.2670880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6df3ec  No.2670881


you might ask

what is going on with Iran and Russia

where do you think Yemen's anti SA support comes from?

not that SA is so innocent

826c69  No.2670882


>on the top of structures


>(sash), a sash worn higher than the waist by Roman Catholic clerics


182922  No.2670883


good point

aca778  No.2670884

File: f3910b47be77989⋯.jpg (478.54 KB, 1640x505, 328:101, NM-Female-old-boys-club-qu….jpg)


MacNeil runs a very successful business incubator called The Conquer Club as well as a private “Mastermind” group that she took to necker with her. This is what she has to say in Forbes about womens business networks:

”I believe a female equivalent to the "old boy's club" is essential for women to help each other grow and edify the next generation of women leaders”

Recruitment funnel?

Havent dug on her twatter yet. Anyone else got anything on her?




2f6612  No.2670885




3f1afd  No.2670886


Responding to shill proves you ignorant of often-posted advice.

a48047  No.2670888


Is this chick a solid 10 or what? Never heard of her.

613a0d  No.2670889

I read article very detailed I believe correct. Speaks to ANNONS all voting all #MAGA peeps voting even tho midterms we need the House to support our President. >>2670210

ed8244  No.2670890


It takes a little longer to spare death to millions

Maybe you prefer the "old fashioned way"

Amputation is quick but surgery takes more patience

939dac  No.2670891


Bigger question… where did he get $20 million?

Anons need to stop rationalizing Manafort and Cohen.

There is no room in the Maga tent for criminals.

There is a reason these crimes are being exposed now.

It will be related to how they were comped and extorted to get inside the Trump circle.

36d27b  No.2670892


this would be the type of fuckery the company I work for would do.

That's when I #walkaway.

5ca745  No.2670893


Maybe a but of explanation with your pic is a good idea? And also, fuck off

f2d308  No.2670895

File: 2eb0ca6b62bf442⋯.jpg (179.98 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, darkhumour.jpg)

64b655  No.2670896


Zerohedge is FAKE NEWS

don't link that shit here

a48047  No.2670897

File: 6447588b0d61d71⋯.jpg (129.02 KB, 572x850, 286:425, hitler right place.jpg)

477c07  No.2670898


The time of Tel Meggido is getting closer.

d1fc7b  No.2670899

File: e2578377b11d5fa⋯.png (75.31 KB, 1056x816, 22:17, e2578377b11d5fa8c2eb768e5f….png)



Anons do NOT engage shills.

In professional wrestling, kayfabe /ˈkeɪfeɪb/ is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true", specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not of a staged or predetermined nature of any kind.


2f6612  No.2670900


skull and crossbones. Why.

48b1d7  No.2670902


Can make planefagging a plane crash in the US tricksy at times.

With effort information can be found though.

Seems to be mainly news sites where I come across the problems rather than general digging & searching.

Lost count the number of times I've seen an anon drop a link to an incident only to find it doesn't work for me. Usually gives me clues though where else to search though.

If you are local to the state etc that gives you an advantage knowing the local news stations etc.

f2d308  No.2670903

File: d76ea43d1ae914b⋯.jpg (87.4 KB, 474x632, 3:4, outhouse.jpg)

182922  No.2670904


> No.2670842

See >>2670842

Hope i did that right.

ac5150  No.2670905


I don't think this is a new story, but it's unsettling regardless.

70a193  No.2670906

File: f779d487f9d59cd⋯.jpg (1.58 MB, 3570x3600, 119:120, Aarons_HughHefner_MansWork….jpg)

File: 25f2e823e9380ae⋯.jpg (128.46 KB, 1135x768, 1135:768, 3165086_master.jpg)

File: c1f906c1831edbe⋯.jpeg (461.24 KB, 1214x814, 607:407, c1f906c1831edbe2bb70a6e5f….jpeg)

File: d4d7ff425a2acc1⋯.jpg (400.95 KB, 1018x1396, 509:698, Screenshot-2018-5-29 durer….jpg)

File: 01c9e51b486c474⋯.png (421.43 KB, 1278x1650, 213:275, 01c9e51b486c4747abe7479b6c….png)


15d7c4  No.2670907


So is your 24 Posts Shalom

15f967  No.2670908


Fair, but does Mueller even have a say anymore now that he referred the case to SDNY?

745be7  No.2670909


There seems to be confusion about an AI bot here. Watch and learn. The real AI bot can not do captcha's so will IP hop when it gets to the captcha. It has just done so. It went from:




Do not confuse this bot with an actual anon. And just for FYI, ebot is a real person. If it doesn't IP hop, (get a new ID #) then it's a person.

Best thing to do is ignore the AI bot.

ef4557  No.2670910



918f9d  No.2670911

File: 50a3ab116b1beb1⋯.png (318.21 KB, 799x530, 799:530, Baphomet_HRCBO2.png)

cddece  No.2670912


I'm guessing you have yet to even conduct a simple query.

Recognize where you are.

Recognize who you're talking to.

a48047  No.2670913

File: c33b8776ca1b4d9⋯.jpg (1.55 MB, 2405x1653, 2405:1653, hope-hicks-white-house-com….jpg)


That's a classic image. Ive been considering painting images of the Trump Admin (history painting), and this would be one. Another is pic related.

64b655  No.2670914


Take your kike worship elsewhere

24d2f3  No.2670915

File: c0837cf82cfd3ef⋯.jpg (495.27 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, TheWorldIsAboutToChange....jpg)


(((They))) will be JUDGED


7 8

Luke 8:17

"For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light. ∞

48f099  No.2670916

File: f7ffefebc99cfaa⋯.png (67.09 KB, 432x431, 432:431, ClipboardImage.png)


Guess what, the "extreme jesuit oath" is a fake history hoax created by a scam artist to slander the Jesuits.



Peggy_FryeSep '04

You can rest assured that the “Jesuit Oath” you’re referring to is a complete fabrication with no basis in fact whatsoever. According to the *Catholic Encyclopedia * (see “Jesuit Apologetic” link below) this oath was the product of the imagination of the forger Robert Ware (mid to late 1600’s).

Here’s an excerpt from the *Catholic Encyclopedia * article “Impostors”:

"Robert Ware the forger, the author of “Foxes and Firebrands”, who has of late years been so thoroughly exposed by Father Bridgett, traded upon the same prejudices. His more public career began contemporaneously with that of Oates in 1678, and by sheltering himself behind the high reputation of his dead father, Sir James Ware, amongst whose manuscripts he pretended to discover all kinds of compromising papers, he obtained currency for his forgeries, remaining almost undetected until modern times. Many foul aspersions upon the character of individual popes, Jesuits, and other Catholics, and also upon some Puritans, which have found their way into the pages of respectable historians, are due to the fabrications of “this literary skunk”, as Fr. Bridgett not unjustifiably calls him (see Bridgett, “Blunders and Forgeries”, pp. 209-296).

Some other vindictive and unprincipled scoundrels whose impostures for the most part took a literary form may also be mentioned here, though without any hope of exhausting the list. Foremost among them comes the Abbé Zahorowski, a Jesuit expelled from his order in which as a young scholastic he had been guilty of certain mean and discreditable tricks. In revenge for his expulsion he contrived to write and publish the notorious “Monita Secreta”, which, as a code of secret instructions issued by authority, pretended to lay bare the shameless and Machiavellian policy followed by the Society of Jesus. That the “Monita Secreta” are a forgery is now universally admitted even by opponents, and since the publication of the memoirs of Father Wielewicki (Scriptores Rerum Polonicarum, vols. VII, X, XIV) no doubt remains that Zahorowski was the author (see Duhr, “Jesuitenfabeln” No. 5; Brou, “Les Jésuites de la Légende”, I, 281).

fc91e5  No.2670917



Zerohedge is not fake news… liberal shills do not want you reading it.

f2d308  No.2670920

File: 88f13915559fa30⋯.jpeg (35.13 KB, 572x562, 286:281, respect3lm0.jpeg)

File: 0a2b6c81ca24568⋯.jpg (90.89 KB, 500x700, 5:7, stinkface.jpg)

File: d063a6dea494f52⋯.jpg (62.38 KB, 1200x776, 150:97, verne_troyer_mz3nio.jpg)

1950c9  No.2670921


I walked away when they put GPS in the company car and hired 4 guys to monitor where everyone went. Handed in my keys and credit card and told them I would use my vehicle and unreimbursed business expense tax write off.

Yea…they freaked out massively. So then I just did the fuck-you walk right out the door. Somehow, I have survived NOT working for a Fortune 100 for almost 20 years…

745be7  No.2670922


No it's not

64b655  No.2670923


Oh I'm sorry, the 500 times they said the economy would collapse this year, it did.

Been a rough go eh?

6df3ec  No.2670924


so what does your term

'calm your tits'

look like?

591174  No.2670925

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

a20f9e  No.2670926

Dude saved. >>2670269

b1c181  No.2670927


>But if you want to keep trying to impugn this baker on a process crime, by all means, continue.

A Baker that's articulate and not easily intimidated

Finish your shift knowing enough of us got yer back

2ebb70  No.2670928


I think its not fair to include the I in C_A.

Real intelligence is something else.

64b655  No.2670929

a48047  No.2670930


He wouldnt be fired for that. Something else.

8d7ccc  No.2670931

File: a1b47ba17a987f4⋯.jpg (134.67 KB, 988x948, 247:237, Trump Pepe.jpg)

Just saw a Q reference in a comment made on the Facebook page of my local newspaper. It got double digit Likes. It's one thing to come here every day, but it's another when you see it out in the wild in your own community. Good work, patriots.

f2d308  No.2670932

File: f4bf6ace5c99a61⋯.jpg (56.56 KB, 640x491, 640:491, diarrheabear.jpg)

591174  No.2670933

File: 87314499ae9633f⋯.png (386.64 KB, 555x593, 555:593, 38754406_2083440768357333_….png)

93c99f  No.2670934

If u want to get her in the mood, sing my sharona while cutting onions, very promising early results

794be4  No.2670936


Are you trying to get a dig on the whole Arkansas Vortex crystal stuff?

23cd10  No.2670937









5badbf  No.2670938

File: cf91e4e9171d76e⋯.jpg (16.69 KB, 361x330, 361:330, 1516985193937.jpg)


Who would ever slander Jesuits?

6df3ec  No.2670939

File: 5144a4eb85e3494⋯.jpg (48.29 KB, 640x400, 8:5, AP18230530524265-640x400.jpg)

2f6612  No.2670940

613a0d  No.2670941

Correct and Manafort Defense counsel rested case w/o putting on one single witness or advancing a reubutal to Prosecution. Jury heard this type of case should be prosecuted by Treasury DEPT/IxS and pushed how guilty and a liar Gates turned out to be. I believe the defense will ask for a JNOV (Judgement in Defendants favor a Notwithstanding the Verdict) All federal law enforcement and state police in sensitive jurisdictions in US will be provided a slight advance notice of actual verdict.>>2670883

bec189  No.2670942

Just getting back in after a few hours:

So communion, eating christ, equals communist?

a20f9e  No.2670943



Fuck filters.

imo, of course.


1dbc6b  No.2670944


Since most of the sauce is wiki and the article isn't officially sauced, I'll pass. But thank you for posting this.


Ty anon.

>>2670827, 2670641

Thanks. I won't handoff unless BO/BV are there to monitor, don't worry. I know it's a shill.>>2670551


>f2d308 (38)

Oh c'mon man. Rly?

Breaking my heart here.


33b477  No.2670945


>He just gave us a heads-up to pay attention

Pay attention to what, specifically?

Re-read what I posted. Q cryptically vague posts allow him to pick out any big happening after the fact and claim it was the BOOM he pointed out.

And anons will think Q is a major Trump operative cleaning the swamp.

But it's all bullshit that anyone who reads a lot of news and knows how to play people can do.

Q is playing your ass …. and you're too hung up on this board and the false hope and false promises to see yourself being duped.

This board is like going to a palm reader. That's all it is.

You'll figure it out soon enough. And then you'll be pissed at Trump for not pointing out the bullshit, even though it's not Trump's responsibility to disprove a larp that uses Trump as it's hook if Trump has nothing to do with it.

And then you or others will stay home in November … which is exactly what the assholes behind this board want you to do.

1950c9  No.2670946



1dbc6b  No.2670947


>>2670819, >>2670842 NYT reports Trump lawyer Cohen being investigated for bank fraud

>>2670598 Graphic: CalendarAnon gives us a mid-month summary of Aug. habbenings

>>2670262 "Deplorables" is so 2016. Trumpers are now "Couch Potato Anarchists!"

>>2670239, >>2670307 NXIVM-connected Dem Sen Gillibrand Lectures Us About "Our Values"

>>2670232 2A4Ever: Louisiana AG Landry Won't Let Corps Infringe on our Gun Rights

>>2670210 Blue wave? More like Blue Wading Pool: Even CBS News Pollster Agrees

86ecd3  No.2670948

>>2670767 He completed the memoir in a narrow race with death, which soon took him.

182922  No.2670949


That right there is why i love working for a woke, MAGA privately owned company.

d1fc7b  No.2670950


that knock on the could come any time for the shills.

Or more like the door is kicked down.

I wonder if shills employers will pay legal fees?

Or do they have to pay out of their you-replied-to-my-post bonus $?


ed8244  No.2670951


Still reading and believing what the NYT tells you is true?

It seems you haven't learned anything yet.

Remember Stormy and all the other expectations they set?

Do you remember anything they got right yet?

fa3aef  No.2670952

f1a4dd  No.2670953


Every person who comes to this board to post something falls into a category

1. Curious newfags who are here to see what Q is about.

2. Q followers who have been here long enough to know Q is legit

3. Shills who want to turn people away from Q research because they know Q is legit or they are being paid by someone who knows Q is legit.

4. shitposters from halfchan.

Other than halfchanners, people who don't believe Q is legit don't come here. They just go about with their lives. They don't feel the obsessive need to try to get people to not believe in something they don't believe in.

So why are you here?

b9f88b  No.2670954

We got alot of clown fuck in here tonight.

fc91e5  No.2670955


Shilling without sauce. Zerohedge is not a THEY. It's a collection of sources from major brokerages, to specialist trading bloggers and news sources.

You are a lefty faggot.

745be7  No.2670956

File: 981229e52dbc9b9⋯.jpg (130.22 KB, 660x500, 33:25, Bakers Girl.jpg)


right on baker!

Here's one just for you!

de856a  No.2670957


How do you access IP hashes without being a BV?

72bbf1  No.2670958



Non-bot made!

cc1648  No.2670959

File: 1cdec32cab2bfd3⋯.jpg (34.9 KB, 700x540, 35:27, Doer19.jpg)

File: f2c707b78c43104⋯.png (826.56 KB, 1275x710, 255:142, Screen Shot 2018-08-19 at ….png)

36d27b  No.2670960


Nice job Anon. My co. is LARGE… I would be walking away from a lot. But, won' be subjected to that either.

ed3f9c  No.2670961


Lurk moar, post less.

f2d308  No.2670962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

793284  No.2670963


Hot Springs

The family there.

Arkansas has a secret.

S&Bs love the warm water.

Remember, mines have different uses.

Hot water comes from underground.

Bathhouses connect to global leaders.

The family goes deep.

S&Bs are global.


They'd kill me if I wasn't Anon.

Closest clubhouse = Alotian

More than one Rome.

More than one Parthenon.

Assets for sale.

S&Bs closing ranks.

Internal anger.

Some factions pissed.

Lots of LEO initiated.

Top to bottom.

S&Bs farms for spies.

Find the hidden temples.

RED Doors will show you where.

36d27b  No.2670966

File: 84b931cd6e724da⋯.jpg (33.04 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 84b931cd6e724da656591df12f….jpg)

1dbc6b  No.2670967


ef4557  No.2670968


1950c9  No.2670969

File: 4b462026616653d⋯.jpg (158.54 KB, 540x526, 270:263, kekwarrior.jpg)

6df3ec  No.2670970

File: 2626518ac9c504e⋯.jpg (121.33 KB, 610x765, 122:153, maxresdefault.jpg)


I feel comfy here

cf112c  No.2670971



fa3aef  No.2670976

File: 0865112175f21ad⋯.jpeg (97.9 KB, 1020x1020, 1:1, 1527962144.jpeg)

64b655  No.2670978


>muh everyone who doesn't believe me is a lefty

nigger, I'm right of Vlad the Impaler. There's not enough trees for all the heads I'd put on spikes

ef4557  No.2670979


thank you, was just going to tell you (but you already knew)

745be7  No.2670980


You're point? Zerohedge is used as sauce here every single day.

f2d308  No.2670981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

477c07  No.2670982


Lurking…nice on ya! Kek!

c5b83d  No.2670983

So is Omarosa still a white hat? Like Mueller RR etc. Hell one anon wrote a few weeks back about how Hillary may be cooperating now….fucking gook motherfuckers.


8441cc  No.2670984

File: fab2e3f196b3fb3⋯.jpg (226.67 KB, 1270x764, 635:382, filters101.jpg)

745be7  No.2670986



Glad you are around.

3f1afd  No.2670987


Great share, anon. Keep it spreading!!

1950c9  No.2670988


It was Halliburton - so no surprise, eh?

Somehow making it just fine with my own gig…

1dbc6b  No.2670990

a48047  No.2670992


He prospered under Soetero and is struggling now.

Proverbs 29:2 When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, But when a wicked man rules, people groan.

33b477  No.2670993

File: 89c33c25086cf03⋯.jpg (632.71 KB, 2334x1521, 778:507, sheep.jpg)


>So why are you here?

Fuck off.

I'm not your problem, and I owe you no reason for my presence.

BTW, your little list is your list, not some scientific knowledge written on God's library wall … you fucking sheep.

ed3f9c  No.2670994

Double bake going on…

2f6612  No.2670995


Thank you. I was a tad confused there.

ef4557  No.2670996


HRC is not and will never be a white hat

48f099  No.2670997


Go away shillsters.

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