[–]▶ 877aa8 (13) No.2638569>>2638679 >>2638690 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
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Q's Latest Posts
Thursday 08.16.18
>>2636358 rt >>2635778 ---—————- Timelines change. Watch the budget
>>2634959 rt >>2634937 ---—————- UK has problems
>>2634937 rt >>2634794 ---—————- Badge of honor - military grade
>>2634368 ---———————————-- Ref to McCann was not intended
>>2634253 rt >>2634140 ---—————- Why did the Podesta Group close?
>>2633895 rt >>2633829, >>2633830 -- Within a week of the last "BOOM" set?
>>2633717 rt >>2633643 ---—————- Remember, 'conspiracy' friends, LARPS have access to a full stock of 'original' surveillance photos.
>>2633643 rt >>2633258 ---—————- Nothing to see here.
>>2632125 ---———————————-- What are shovels used for?
>>2631586 ---———————————-- PEOPLE must unite to clean out these old institutions.
>>>/patriotsfight/166 ------------------------- Another wave of attacks? (cap: >>2631072 )
>>2630332 rt >>2630212 ---—————- Caps of PF #164, #165
>>>/patriotsfight/165 ------------------------- What a coincidence! (Caps: >>2630191 )
>>>/patriotsfight/164 ------------------------- Patriots in control. (Cap: >>2629907 )
>>2628837 rt >>2628758 & >>2628768 Hooah! ; ES = @Snowden (re: >>2628352 )
>>>/patriotsfight/163 ------------------------- What happens if FISA fails or “signers” cannot be trusted? (Cap: >>2628741 )
>>2628569 rt >>2627887 ---—————- Nothing to see here.
>>2628352 ---———————————-- Ask yourself simple questions.
>>2628219 rt >>2628080 ---—————- Drops equate to reaction/action?
>>2628048 rt >>2627990 ---—————- For anyone questioning if [XBOX] happened or not.
>>2627887 ---———————————-- Anyone has problems w/ their “XBOX Live” accounts…?
Wednesday 08.15.18
>>2618718 rt >>2618489 ---—————- The Charm
>>2618033 rt >>2617982 ---—————- This one?
>>2617872 rt >>2617755 ---—————- Charms are very important
>>2617755 rt >>2617744 ---—————- What do you notice?
>>2617750 rt >>2617739 ---—————- 1 of 2
>>2617727 rt >>2617682 ---—————- Cross against Podesta
>>2617727 rt >>2617709 ---—————- Cross against Podesta
>>2617682 rt >>2617647 ---—————- Painting of kids in pool (red shoes)
>>2617606 rt >>2617554 ---—————- They never thought they'd be hunted.
>>2617554 rt >>2617535 ---—————- below hand
>>2617484 rt >>2617413 ---—————- Focus on her necklace.
>>2617271 rt >>2617206 ---—————- Normal?
>>2617206 rt >>2616942 ---—————- Jeff Zucker. Heart Surgery? In the Line of FIRE.
>>>/patriotsfight/162 ------------------------- TRAITORS ALL (Cap: >>2616883)
>>>/patriotsfight/161 ------------------------- Texts, emails, drafts, HAM comms, PS/Xbox chat logs (Cap: >>2615728)
>>>/patriotsfight/160 rt #159 --------------- Logical thinking (Cap: >>2616954)
>>>/patriotsfight/159 ------------------------- Firewall ( Cap : >>2615481 )
>>2614164 rt >>2613853 ---—————- You ALL get to go to JAIL.
>>2613737 rt >>2613023 ---—————- Has intel been shared with our enemies?
>>>/patriotsfight/158 ---—————-—— Corinthians 13:4-13; Ephesians 6:10-18 (Cap: >>2613031 )
>>>/patriotsfight/157 ---—————-—— Security clearances revoked. (Cap: >>2612773 )
>>>/patriotsfight/156 ---—————-—— SA [ACCESS] CLOSED. (Cap: >>2612757 )
>>>/patriotsfight/155 ---—————-—— WE STAND TOGETHER ( Caps: >>2607476 )
Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
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Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
▶ 877aa8 (13) No.2638585
are not endorsements
>>2573462 , >>2573531 Archives have been updated: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html
>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images
>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)
>>2638434 Social Media Violates First Amendment With Impunity. Paul Craig Roberts
>>2638236 Adm. McRaven Oversaw UBL Raid & Extortion 17 With Greatest Loss Of Special Forces Lives
>>2638286 Michael Avenatti's bankrupcy problems
>>2638063 Flashback: Trump Saved NY 1995 Vet's Day Parade, 50th Anniversary WWII end
>>2637904 POTUS is quoting the Senate Intel Chairman's statement on Brennan
>>2637904 , >>2638328 , >>2638356 , >>2638328 , >>2638532 Looking at the math of 12m and 666%
>>2637903 'Q The Basics' Update. Take a read and suggest any edits
>>2637901 New POTUS tweet trolls Brennan moar
>>2637512 TRUST & The Parade
>>2638567 #3331
>>2637664 ISIS Militant Quietly Released after FBI Intervention
>>2637552 Best image anon found of the Vanderbilt charm
>>2637354 , >>2637365 , >>2637090 Only USA Today / Gannet and affiliates cited 666%
>>2637285 Margo Geerlinks' ‘ART’ hangs in Tony Podetsa’s Bedroom & office
>>2637204 Parade Budget Irregularities: 12m x 666% = 79.92m not 92 million, or is it? >>2637396
>>2637161 Imperial Pacific International assets frozen?
>>2637123 Military Parade Postponement: Comms are clear
>>2637090 Gannet: Pentagon says Trump's military parade postponed amid reports costs jumped 666%
>>2637783 #3329
>>2636890 Kauders wife worked at the State Department
>>2636819 The Weekly Standard's Ties to Fusion GPS
>>2636750 POTUS trolls Brennan in new tweet
>>2636746 Details of the new HRC emails found
>>2636596 'Most Damning' Planned Parenthood Body Parts Videos May Be Forthcoming
>>2636554 , >>2636688, >>2636704, >>2636706 Article of transactions, mentions Kauders, PGroup & Hussein
>>2636553 DC Cardinal Donald Wuerl Is Entangled in 2 Sex Abuse Scandals
>>2636499 CF, Haiti, La Colombe Coffee and Children's Charities
>>2636485 Bruce Ohr was being uses as a backchannel for Steele
>>2636337 EPA Forced To Ban Pesticides Based On ‘Secret Science’ It Wants To End
>>2636330 , >>2636359 Reports: Military parade scheduled for Nov is postponed
>>2636321 Investigative Journalist James O’Keefe Announces Launch of --- VERITAS LEAKS
>>2636981 #3328
>>2635985 Breaking: Bruce Ohr texts and emails reveals Steeles ties to Hussein/DoJ/FBI
>>2635842 MTV, Comedy Central & Nickelodeon owner Viacom promote 10 year old drag queen
>>2635778 AP: Pentagon says no military parade this year?
>>2635738 Hussein dressed as ancient horned fertility god?
>>2635636 Call for Catholics to to put pressure on church over sex abuse scandal
>>2635634 POTUS' recent tweets
>>2635581 Podesta Group contributions to US politicians & organizations
>>2635562 qmap.pub is BACK ONLINE
>>2635559 What's going on with CNN Chief Jeff Zucker?
>>2635541 GOOG / Podesta connection
>>2635505 , >>2635648 Jewish Democratic Council of America (Kauders wife): Digs
>>2635499 Where the Haiti quake funding went
>>2634997 , >>2635272, >>2635380 (pb) 2nd Tesla Whistleblower - Trafficking Drugs
>>2636218 #3327
>>2635336 POTUS tweet's about the US hostage in Turkey
>>2635031 Ex Clinton Official Tied To Chinese Kindergarten
>>2634929 New HRC emails found
>>2634898 Kauders was Senior Advisor to Robert Menendez
>>2634874 Kauders and the "Children Fore Children" Golf Tournament
>>2634865 Caps from the fara.gov/pdf QPost. Dig
>>2634858 Full 'Lobbying' dump of documents. Dig
>>2634832 'Full list' paste of John Podesta's email network
>>2634828 Another emergency landing: Condor from Egypt to Germany
>>2634828 , 2634822 Red Papal shoes of Pope Pius VII (1808)
>>2634819 , >>2634834, >>2634849 Podesta's dreams of a hot dog stand in Hawaii
>>2635446 #3326
#3325 (new baker)
>>2634581 Cogent: Founded by Kimberly Fritz of The Podesta Group
>>2634471 qmap.pub is DOWN
>>2634470 European Centre for a Modern Ukraine: Other lobbying companies
>>2634303 Kauders most recent FARA filing with the Podesta Group
>>2634375 Kauders most recent FARA filing with the Podesta Group
>>2634412 Cap of pdf from Q's post
>>2634386 , >>2634408 John Podesta's email network
>>2634335 Recent news on emergency plane landings
>>2634324 , >>2634355 Why did the Podesta Group close?
>>2634130 All the Tweets Andrew Kauders has ever liked on twitter
>>2634656 #3325
Previously Collected Notables
>>2633173 #3323, >>2633953 #3324
>>2630808 #3320, >>2631645 #3321, >>2632411 #3322
>>2628507 #3317, >>2629272 #3318, >>2630036 #3319
>>2626288 #3314, >>2626910 #3315, >>2632441 #3316
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
▶ 877aa8 (13) No.2638589
War Room
#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism
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[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
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>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking
>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture
>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread
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>>2529066 -- No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html
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Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ---—————————- >>>/comms/968
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ---——— >>>/comms/967
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---————— >>>/comms/966
(more on the comms page)
▶ 877aa8 (13) No.2638592
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'''* PAVUK keyword-searchable archive of ALL the qresearch general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com
Tweet Tools
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* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/
* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/
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Germanarchiveanon ---————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa
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Learn To Bake!
Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
Q NEEDS YOU! NEW BAKERS REQUIRED! Read this: >>2438883
▶ a96288 (1) No.2638604>>2638674
Q what is under the GETTY?
▶ 877aa8 (13) No.2638605
#3331 Dough
▶ 877aa8 (13) No.2638612
New Baker Request
Is there anybody out there?
▶ 95bc88 (1) No.2638617
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. R&R:
What Makes This Song Great?
Ep.36 YES
▶ 6cce2e (16) No.2638661>>2638662 >>2638717
Need diggers. CF research. Who isnt busy?
▶ 10b155 (9) No.2638662>>2638705
▶ ce1288 (12) No.2638663>>2638822
HUGE=> Pentagon Analyst Demoted/Stripped of Security Clearance After Questioning “Exorbitant Contracts” to Trump Campaign Spy Stefan Halper
It has been widely reported that the Obama administration had a spy working inside the Trump campaign.
The informant, Stefan Halper, was paid a total of $411,575 in 2016 and 2017 for work with the US government that included spying on the Trump campaign.
▶ b2146c (7) No.2638664>>2639206
Dear Jews.
When you voice your displeasure with my posts.
You are telling me I am doing something right.
What right I am doing I already know.
I just want you to know that I am very happry at when you respond.
You display your anti white anti american jewishness.
You display your fucking sick leftist perversity.
You display that you are undoubtedly fucking LIARS.
Without question.
So I sincerely welcome your input just like Hitler welcome your marxist faggot comrades because he knew you would lose every argument and it would draw you to violence.
Because you are a faggot pedophile faggot bitches.
Possibly murderers here in this very threat.
Very possible.
What do you want to talk about hebes?
▶ d4e72f (1) No.2638665>>2638703 >>2638890 >>2638979
"The Truth is behind you."
=Maybe we should start decoding events pre-Q?=
▶ f91e92 (2) No.2638666
▶ fa522e (1) No.2638670>>2638698 >>2638888
50 / 2
100 / 1
▶ 9c44bf (15) No.2638671>>2638714
Can someone else eat shit?
I am tired of doing it.
▶ 5cf9e3 (10) No.2638674
That's the Israeli Supreme Court
▶ 1a55c1 (1) No.2638676>>2638780 >>2638793
What if this is actually Q posting as an 'anon' to throw us a bone and keep us from worrying?
▶ da9074 (3) No.2638678>>2638691 >>2639011
Looks like this guy, Andrew Kauders, Managing Director of Cogent Strategies
Company: https://www.cogent-strategies.com/
The guy HERE: https://www.cogent-strategies.com/team/andrew-kauders
▶ f59ee7 (3) No.2638679
>>2638569 (OP)
ThankQ baker!
▶ 1fb22b (1) No.2638680>>2638730
Workfag out for the night.
Early meetings tomorrow - TGIF!!
▶ b7dd03 (5) No.2638683>>2638721
▶ bbbce9 (2) No.2638685>>2638766 >>2638776
2017 article up on voat. Making a movie with “friend “ Seth Green, weird..
Reminds me of anons ,Kate Spade Rwanda deal
▶ d899ad (1) No.2638686>>2638874 >>2639314 >>2639405
Build timeline.
Timelines change.
Through the Looking Glass.
Bigger than you can imagine.
Are you awake?
Expand your thinking.
The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital.
The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.
Why is evil permitted to exist in our world?
What is free will?
Who permits evil to exist?
Who restrains it?
What is the Mystery of Iniquity?
Who is the Beast?
What is 666?
What has been postponed?
Who wins?
Darkness to Light.
We are in control.
▶ 1d6f7d (3) No.2638687>>2638697 >>2638712
>>2638034 (lb)
Yeah, no, this will only confuse and obfuscate. Obviously bot created crap, IMO. Not acceptable.
We need concise presentation, no chan garbage babble, concepts that people will understand..brief, catchy deceptions and graphics.
>>2637903 (lb)
▶ 6c5a28 (13) No.2638689>>2638740
>>2638294 lb
U of Texas commencement speaker makes U of Texas longhorns symbol.
Yep, we certainly have identified this guy as a former U of Texas student.
You were saying…. ?
▶ f828bd (6) No.2638690>>2638719 >>2638742 >>2638745 >>2639265
>>2638569 (OP)
thanks baker
still a little sore about the parade
▶ c44cca (2) No.2638691>>2638718 >>2639011
Boobs for the Baker!
Boobs for Victory!
▶ e20f75 (2) No.2638692
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Italian bridge collapse this week. Who has the unredacted video?
▶ 8f9a50 (7) No.2638693>>2638747 >>2638889
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. 15 min. Russian news breakdown about the US. Potpourri
Congress v. Trump
New Russian sanctions are the least authorized
Sanctions put on without proof of Skripal attack
Iran sanctions hurting Iran
40% of Republicans now view Russia as ally. Twice what it was prior to 2016 election.
Much more stuff.
▶ 5f7c65 (5) No.2638694>>2638725
POTUS already won
(You) shills can have fun all (You) want
▶ 572ffd (5) No.2638696
>What leverage do the white hats have?
If they don't do what (((they))) are told, we will kill them all?
nuclear, chemical, biological, spec ops missions and ops.
We KNOW a high ranking ((roth)) figure was killed/neutralized last dec.
There is no one we cannot reach and (((they))) and their masters know this.
Flip side of this is black hats still have leverage over psyop'd minorities and shitskin scum that are being revved up to go live across europe and the west - which they are doing now.
US military cannot fight a civil war and save europe at the same time unless that entails a nuclear strike and cleansing + local uprising.
(((they))) are holding our people hostage while victimizing one at a time.
Biggest issue right now is getting to the public to wake up and be ready to defend themselves - to show that justice is being done and US military is on THEIR side.
Without resorting to out and out warfare, which is uncontrollable at best.
We are here to rebuild the world and kill/imprison these shitskin scum, not burn it down in the process.
▶ 1d6f7d (3) No.2638697>>2638712
▶ 2fe28a (3) No.2638698
I thought we knew that already. Trump and MIL. Q+
▶ 10b155 (9) No.2638701>>2638770
▶ 6c5a28 (13) No.2638702>>2638770
Nice Tits!!!
▶ 079df9 (1) No.2638703
17 years ago is 9/11
▶ ce1288 (12) No.2638704>>2638822
"Too Big To Fail": Russia-Gate, One Year After Intel Vets Showed A Leak, Not A Hack
One year later, the VIPS memo contending that the DNC emails were leaked and not hacked has yet to be successfully challenged. Meanwhile, the country sinks deeper into the morass of the new McCarthyism…
Cont. from images:
To doubt the hollowed-out myth of American innocence is a grave sin against the faith. It is now unpatriotic to question the Russia-gate narrative despite the absence of evidence to support it. Informal censorship of differing perspectives is perfectly routine. It is now considered treasonous to question the word of intelligence agencies and the officials who lead them despite long records of deceit. Do we forget that it was only 15 years ago that these same institutions and people deceived us into an invasion of Iraq the consequences of which still persist?
This was the question Craig Murray, the former British diplomat (who has vital information on the DNC mail theft but who has never been interviewed by American investigators) posed a few weeks ago. Eugene Robinson gave a good-enough reply in a Washington Post opinion piece shortly afterward: “God Bless the Deep State,” the headline read.
How we got here deserves a work of social psychology, and I hope someone takes up the task. Understanding our path into our self-created crisis seems to me the first step to finding our way out of it.
▶ 6cce2e (16) No.2638705>>2638732 >>2638815 >>2638904 >>2639379
I'm looking into Arkansas connections to the Clintons and the FBI. The 757 in Little Rock. I know the largest cybersecurity FBi office is there, because of a company called Axciom. We dug into them a bit yesterday. Found a company called Simmons Research, but I haven't dug them enough yet. There are so many Axciom partners that I haven't been able to get into all of them. It is SO MUCH data.
I came across Stephens Inc. They are the oldest financial services firm west of the Mississippi River.
They have been in bed with the Clintons for a long time. Looking for CF connections. Have this to start.
Any digging help would be appreciated.
▶ fb15b7 (2) No.2638706
Q, Why not just confiscate all of the Clinton Foundations ill gotten gains, and the billions they stole from Haiti, and their Uranium One money? You could house and feed every homeless vet for life, and fund the Parade. I'm gonna be floored if POTUS is ok with sliding our 100th anniversary parade to the right like this. I know he'll figure something out. ThankQ
▶ a2e95e (6) No.2638707
I checked that months ago, and I rechecked it today. Gloria Vanderbilt in all pictures I could find appears to have a normal left hand. I'm not saying she couldn't have had surgery or something. But I cannot find any picture depicting anything less than a normal intact hand.
Agreed she's a POS witch monster, but cannot prove anything about the hand being weird. The picture of her holding the book, I believe the leftmost digit visible is the left index finger (not the thumb). Her thumb would be inside the book, not visible from this angle. Try holding a book with one hand and you'll see what I mean.
Oh - nice ring eh?
▶ 48c61a (1) No.2638709>>2638770
▶ 23ab16 (2) No.2638710
Somebody isgoing to need to take care of her if he gets rolled up
▶ ff6127 (2) No.2638711>>2638731 >>2638733 >>2638847 >>2639151
If Strzok and other bad guys can raise money on GoFundMe
$100 from $1 Million Patriots will pay the Cost of Parade
▶ 9c44bf (15) No.2638712>>2638726
stfu Tiresias
you don't even know what Q is, this is just another internet chat room to you, so you can whine about bots
▶ 5c4564 (13) No.2638713
>>2638476 (lb)
▶ b7dd03 (5) No.2638714
CTA = C_A = low IQ tards
▶ 292c1e (1) No.2638715>>2639379
Before Stormy Daniels, her attorney faced allegations of dubious business dealings at Tully’s Coffee
He’s become famous as the brash lawyer for the porn star who purportedly bedded the future president, but before Michael Avenatti accused Donald Trump and his attorney of a payoff scheme to muzzle Stormy Daniels, he faced allegations of dubious business dealings as owner of a flailing coffee chain. Since his investment firm bought bankrupt Tully’s Coffee for $9.15 million at auction five years ago, Avenatti’s company has been named in more than 50 state and federal legal complaints, including commercial lawsuits, breach of lease actions and warrants for unpaid taxes, court records show. All the while, Tully’s has shuttered store after store --- from Everett to Bellevue, Tacoma to Seattle, and beyond — with employees left in limbo, landlords left unpaid and customers left holding now seemingly worthless loyalty cards. And late last month, the list of grievances against Avenatti only intensified, with new allegations of wrongdoing. In a complaint submitted to the California State Bar Association — and cc’d to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Seattle — Bellevue attorney David Nold asserts Avenatti carried out an illegal “pump and dump” scheme through his Washington state-registered Tully’s ownership firm, Global Baristas US, LLC. Nold’s complaint contends that while Avenatti ran the company, he fleeced nearly $6 million in federal and state tax withholdings — money meant to be held in trust for payment of quarterly taxes — from the paychecks of Tully’s employees.
The complaint also claims Avenatti fraudulently transferred $100,000 from the Tully’s operation last year to retain lawyers for his California law firm’s unrelated bankruptcy. “Michael Avenatti’s actions in connection with Global Baristas US, LLC have caused significant damage to the State of Washington, the federal government and numerous private entities,” according to Nold, who represents Bellevue Square, Ellenos yogurt and other clients who have recently sued the Tully’s firm. “And they implicate his fitness to practice law.” Officials for the California bar won’t say whether they’re investigating.
Avenatti, 47, an aggressive class-action litigator based in Newport Beach, California, declined to be interviewed. In an email, he generally disputed the allegations and attacked Nold’s character. "Mr. Nold is widely known as an unethical ‘hack’ of a lawyer who routinely files baseless complaints,” Avenatti’s email said. “He is a disgrace to the legal profession and is consumed by jealousy of other attorneys so he makes baseless allegations. His most recent conduct is yet more of the same --- I hope he gets the help he needs.” Avenatti provided no evidence for his attack against Nold, who has no record of disciplinary actions or ethical violations, according to the Washington State Bar website. Nold brushed off the comment. “He’s mad because we wouldn’t be bullied,” he said.
Avenatti’s email also did not address questions about Tully’s. “You will have to ask your questions to the new ownership group who long ago took on responsibility for various tax liabilities etc.,” he wrote, declining to specify who those owners are or when he divested his stake. In various court filings and testimony last year, Avenatti described himself as the principal or chairman of the Tully’s chain. During a July deposition, he testified his law firm wholly owned Doppio Inc., a Delaware corporation that he said controlled 80 percent of Tully’s ownership firm, Global Baristas US.
▶ 8d19bc (4) No.2638716
Nothing about those 4 planes and what’s up with them in the notables? Am I missing something or have we not started to dig on them yet?
▶ 23ab16 (2) No.2638717
Budget Restraints
▶ da9074 (3) No.2638718
> https://www.cogent-strategies.com/team/andrew-kauders
Boobs are good. Much appreciated!
▶ 8f9a50 (7) No.2638719>>2638990
You'll still see a parade … of the accused.
▶ 11b04d (9) No.2638721>>2638750
I was told to post it and STFU
…the more you know…
▶ c0a592 (18) No.2638723>>2638737 >>2639379
If you want to understand drug trade and cartel operations in the US, you need to understand the Israeli and jewish-Russian side of the business
>From the book "When Victims Rule", chapter "23. DRUGS" ( source: https://archive.is/wDemW ):
"Little known -- and little publicized – in America, in recent years the Jewish "Russian mafia," and Orthodox religious and Israeli business networks with deep links to drug cartels, have been instrumental in maintaining the United States drug problem. Many of these criminals are particularly pious Jews, and a number of Orthodox Jewish religious institutions have been used for the laundering of literally hundreds of millions of dollars in drug money in (particularly) New York City. (Money laundering here refers to the task of getting huge sums of money that were paid for drugs, originally in small bills, into a form of assets that has the appearance of legality.) In 1994 Israeli journalist Ben Kapit exposed this story of Jewish culpability and corruption in America's growing drug problem; he wrote in Hebrew, to an Israeli audience, in the newspaper Ma'ariv.
American Jews and Israelis dominate the jewelry and precious stones and metals trade in Manhattan, mostly located in the 47th Street area. "75-80% of the active traders on the street are Jews," said Kapit, "A large part of them are very pious Orthodox Jews, mainly Hassids. There is also a respectable representation of Jews from Iran and Syria, usually also very pious … the place is also the biggest launderer for drug money in the United States." [KAPIT, p. 2]
Daily transactions of huge sums of money -- including interstate and international – is part of the diamond business (as is backroom secrecy, based on "personal acquaintance and trust," [KAPIT, p. 2]; boxes, large packages, and armored trucks come and go regularly under heavy security. All this provides a convenient front for the laundering of massive amounts of drug money, most of it in $10 and $20 bills. "One of the most popularly successful ways to launder money," notes Kapit, "is through Jewish religious institutions, such as yeshivas and synagogues. Since the majority of the 47th Street gold and diamond merchants are religious Jews, the process is made easier." [KAPIT, p. 4]
"Today," noted Newsweek in 1977, "the Japanese give diamond engagement rings nearly as often as American, and wealthy Arabs who once eschewed diamonds for the more colorful stones, have become insatiable diamond buyers … Little wonder, then, that tampering robberies and even murders have come to haunt the business, not only along West 47th Street in New York -- where the mostly Jewish dealers see an 'Israeli mafia' behind the murder last month of one of their numbers – but the world's other diamond centers as well." [ATLAS, p. 95] "The robberies that plague the diamond districts of New York and Tel Aviv," notes David Koskoff, "are almost always perpetrated by people from within the diamond community." [KOSKOFF, p. 191] In 1990, the Jerusalem Post, paraphrasing the Los Angeles County Sheriff, Sherman Block (also Jewish), noted that "Los Angeles' small but potent 'Israeli mafia’ has spread across America, graduating in the last two decades from extorting poor Jews – often concentration camp survivors – to major drug-dealing and fraud schemes against the rich … Cocaine is the favored product of the mafia's drug dealing, and their clients tend to be affluent people who demand the highest quality." [DERFNER, 9-9-90, ONLINE]
U.S. Federal agents have identified, says Kapit, what it calls "the Cocaine Triangle. Its sides are: Colombian drug barons, Israeli-Jewish money launderers, and Jewish-Russian mafiosos … You need only look at the list of arrests and indictments of the past three years in order to grasp the enormous scope of Israeli involvement in the field." [KAPIT, p. 3] There are numerous murky criminal interfaces between these Israeli drug dealers, the so-called "Russian" mafia, and some of the most pious Jewish Orthodox religious circles. The link between Israeli weapons dealing and South American underworld organizations is also deep. In 1988, for example, an Israeli paramilitary training company called "Spearhead," directed by a former senior army officer, Yair Klein, was hired to train members of a drug cartel in Colombia. Klein was eventually fined all of $13,000 by Israeli authorities for "exporting defense know-how not covered in his permit." [HIRSCHBERG, p. 13] In 1990 the Jewish Week reported that "three United States officials were in Israel … investigating possible Israeli connections to the Colombian drug cartel" and that earlier NBC had reported that "Israeli reserve officers…. [were providing] military training to drug-cartel gunmen." [GOLBERG, A, p. 51]"
▶ c1487f (28) No.2638724
TY baker
▶ 572ffd (5) No.2638726>>2638735
Only BO can talk shit about Tiresias. You fucking kikes mimicking anons are fucking retarded.
▶ ce1288 (12) No.2638728>>2638751 >>2638822
Deep State Coup Entering a Critical Stage Robert Steele: Something Wicked This Way Comes --- Pedophilia Fake News False Flag Deep State Death Rattle
Something Wicked Comes This Way…By Election Day
Censorship PURGE points to imminent false flag violence before mid-term elections… bigger than 9/11?
Hats Off to State of the Nation and Mike Adams of Natural News for two excellent summaries of how mainstream and social media fake news, the digital assassination of Alex Jones, Mike Adams and tens of thousands of conservative voices by the ADL (the Zionist secret police and “trusted flaggers” for #GoogleGestapo --- yes, we note the irony), and a possible false flag event are all converging as we approach Election Day 2018.
The goal: suppress all right of center votes, mobilize all left of center votes and the 47% who did not vote in 2016. My concern: President Trump is not engaging with the 99%, not confronting the Deep State on 9/11 and the many domestic false flag operations; not creating his own two-way Trump Truth Channel and public information ecology; not pressing for #UNRIG the Election Reform Act which would at a minimum mandate (and pay for) paper ballots counted publicly on site. If there is a major false flag event I predict it will be in Chicago where Rahm Emanuel, ubber-Zionist, can be trusted to “do a Rudy Guliani” and completely cover up the Deep State / Zionist contruction of the false flag --- or in Los Angeles, where there are so many pedophiles beholden to the Deep State that both law enforcement and the media will be easily controlled.
This from an Alert Reader:
Boston Globe calls on US newspapers to target Trump in coordinated attack | 11 Aug 2018 | The Boston Globe is calling on newspapers across the country to publish editorials taking a stand against President Trump’s repeated attacks on the media. The Associated Press reported Friday that the Globe is calling for the editorial boards of other newspapers to publish editorials on Aug. 16 denouncing the Trump administration’s “dirty war against the free [sic -- Deep State-owned] press.” Marjorie Pritchard, the deputy managing editor of the Globe who oversees the paper’s editorial page, told the AP that dozens of newspapers have already signed on to join the coordinated effort, including larger metropolitan daily newspapers and smaller publications.
See Especially:
Jon Rappoport: The War to Destroy Alex Jones (3 Parts) + Comment (Hate Speech is Anything I Don’t Agree With…)
Robert Steele: YouTube, Facebook, Apple Digitally Assassinate Alex Jones and InfoWars --- Attorney General Needs to Act or Resign
Robert Steele: Concept for Trump Triumph in 3 Moves UPDATE 5 Trump 2.0
Memoranda for the President on 9/11: Time for the Truth --- False Flag Deep State Truth!
Memoranda for the President on Sandy Hook: Is FEMA A False Flag Fake News Terrorist Node? Should #GoogleGestapo Be Closed Down?
▶ 7d60d0 (13) No.2638729>>2638833
Thank You for the delicious bread baker. And I'm honored that you went for "Night Q's". I better get to writing.
Anons, I love you all.
▶ 8db93c (3) No.2638730>>2638755
>Early meetings tomorrow - TGIF!!
Knock them out of da park, one by one.
Then, free beer!
TDIF Anon.
▶ a2e95e (6) No.2638731>>2638970
I don't think they need money contributions from patriots. Let the military schedule when is a good time to have a parade, based on their operational needs and the need to protect the public. Don't push.
▶ 10b155 (9) No.2638732>>2638762 >>2638775 >>2638815
Q said do not link plane to CF
CF is NY
▶ 2fe28a (3) No.2638733
Or the wall for that matter.
▶ a66ebd (1) No.2638734>>2638752 >>2638772 >>2638794 >>2638824
Where are the arrests though?…All this evil going on yet not one major arrest…Not 1….Give me a fucking break.
▶ 9c44bf (15) No.2638735
▶ 3d2c79 (3) No.2638736>>2638753 >>2638799 >>2638813 >>2638839 >>2638855 >>2638862 >>2638916 >>2638917 >>2639094 >>2639174 >>2639211 >>2639215 >>2639359 >>2639371 >>2639379
Repost from end of last bread…
Q says "timelines change".
That could mean 1 of 3 things.
1. Parade was moved back.
2. Parade was moved up.
3. Parade is disinfo for timing.
Do you really think we are not in control?
We have everything.
Proof of assassination attempts.
Proof of murder and child sacrifice.
Proof of treason and sedition.
Any time we want, we can pounce.
Trump can declare martial law.
Legally and instantly if needed.
Maybe he already has?
Maybe arrests already happened.
Hillary 10/30/17.
Podesta. Huma. LDR. 11/17.
Catch and release.
Of media owners.
Of Cabal directors.
Less than 100 people.
And the 4AM talking point authors.
The media is doing what they are told.
And they are told to attack Trump.
And the lemmings follow blindly.
Along with Congress and the world.
Why? It's actually quite simple.
Genius. Elegant. Foolproof.
The current battle is against the media.
Step 1: Force media to destroy themselves.
Step 2: Expose media as the people's enemy.
Step 3: People blame media for the coverup.
Step 4: Media is destroyed and replaced.
Arrests are easy. Institutions are not.
Faith in the media must be destroyed.
Trump lets them live in jail, if plan works.
Otherwise their sentence is death.
Military tribunals already held.
They are working hard for Trump.
To save their own lives, and their kids.
Jail better than hanging to most.
Others have already chosen hanging.
Explains suicide weekend option.
In exchange, they destroy the media for us.
On purpose and on schedule.
On time and under budget.
Trump style.
They are forced to corner themselves.
They are forced to turn on themselves.
More efficient. Saul Alinsky style.
I think we are ahead of schedule.
Mid terms are not at risk.
They never were at risk.
70% conservative / 30% liberal = True.
We would never leave it to chance.
The only risk left is economic.
From normies freaking out too much.
Or rogue operators. The 4-6%.
We fought the real war in 2017.
Trump at CIA on day fucking 1.
Battle started that morning.
Last major battle was Vegas 10/17.
SA government overthrown weeks later.
Then Q starts posting 10/28/17.
This battle is now about minds.
Slowly awakening the masses.
To break the media hypnosis.
Relax. Be a warrior not a worrier.
Justice has already been served.
You just don't know it yet.
▶ c0a592 (18) No.2638737>>2638746 >>2639379
Now that we took a look at the Jewish "Russian mafia" and the Orthodox religious and Israeli business networks with deep links to drug cartels that have been instrumental in maintaining the United States drug problem, lets explore other types of crime in which jews are hugely involved in order to destroy the false narrative of jews as a group being always innocent victims
>From the book "When Victims Rule", chapter "09. JEWISH CRIME" ( source: https://archive.is/35G8q ):
"Of all the areas of Jewish enterprise," notes Gerald Krafetz, "none has been so overlooked as the field of crime. And it isn't because of a lack of Jewish criminality. For an introspective people, this oversight is significant. It is as if Jewish crime did not exist, an unsavory skeleton is best left in the family closet … The sociopathology of Jews is not an acceptable notion since it runs counter to both religious precepts and preconceived ideas that Jews have of themselves." [KREFETZ, p. 112] "Jews were … involved in many of the most visible and spectacular frauds of the post-Civil War period," notes Benjamin Ginsberg, "as well as in economic dislocations and financial manipulations that characterize the era." [GINSBERG, p. 75] In one much publicized scandal for instance, the Jewish governor of South Carolina, Franklin Moses, oversaw the issue and selling of $6 million in fraudulent state securities, as well as funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars in public funds into his own pocket. [GINSBERG, p. 75]
In a broader financial sphere, very visibly at the top of the socio-economic pyramid, Jewish businessman Joseph Seligman's nefarious activities in the late 1800s helped to create the infamous "Black Friday" stock market crash. Benjamin Ginsberg notes that the crash
"ruined thousands of investors, implicated President Grant, and led to a
Congressional investigation of [Jay] Gould and Seligman … Similarly, in
the early 1890s, Jacob Schiff collaborated with E. H. Harriman in the
latter's attempts to wrest control of the Northern Pacific Railroad from J.
P. Morgan and James Hill … When the price of the Northern Pacific
Stock collapsed, the entire market crashed in the notorious 'Black
Thursday' panic that led to a nationwide economic depression."
[GINZBURG, p. 73]
In 1885 the French-based project to build the Panama Canal collapsed, resulting in financial scandal that led, in part, to Seligman again. "Both the United States Congress and the French Parliament had inquiries," says Ginsberg, "In both countries major Jewish financiers were implicated: Baron Jacques de Reinach in Paris and Joseph Seligman in the United States. Many shareholders lost everything, but Seligman lost nothing. In contemporary parlance, the Seligmans engaged in influence peddling, insider trading, and corporate asset stripping and looting -- all at the expense of credulous investors." [GINZBURG, p. 74] The French end of the Panama Canal scandals, notes Albert Lindemann, "involved large amounts of French capital and threatened national prestige – and Jewish agents were deeply involved. The intermediaries between the Panama company and parliament were almost exclusively Jews with German names and backgrounds, some of whom tried to blackmail one another." [LINDEMANN, p. 87]
The Jewish component of (Gentile) Huey Long's corrupt political machine in early 20th century Louisiana included Leon Weiss, an architect, who "was implicated in the financial scandals surrounding the administration and served prison time." [KIRKUS, 10-1-97] Herbert Stempel was willing participant in the 1950s television quiz show scandals until a Gentile, Charles Van Doren, usurped him in deceit. Jewish TV producer Lew Cowan, denying guilt, was one of the most prominent executives who lost his job in the wake of the scandals. Even at the heart of the World Zionist Organization, after founder Theodore Herzl's death, his wife Julie ("an extravagant and unstable woman") "threatened the Zionist leaders with scandals and lawsuits if they didn't meet her extravagant financial needs." [STERNBERGER, I., 8-15, 1995] ”
▶ 23dfb7 (7) No.2638738>>2638825 >>2638968 >>2639379
Correct information for Notable >>>2637904 POTUS is quoting the Senate Intel Chairman's statement on Brennan
▶ 11b04d (9) No.2638740>>2638947
as a UT alum Dad, this makes me ashamed
▶ c1487f (28) No.2638741
SPICY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
▶ d2528d (2) No.2638743>>2638849 >>2639379
I did not see it in the notables but did anyone do a simple budget search on qmap?
▶ 7d60d0 (13) No.2638744>>2638803
Anons…can someone please make me a screencap of this?? TY. KEK!
▶ 877aa8 (13) No.2638745>>2638840
Hang fire anon, things are transpiring…
Hang on in there until we see
▶ c0a592 (18) No.2638746
Now that we took a look at some more facts bout jewish crime, lets explore the jewish involvment in human trafficking and prostitution rings in which jews are hugely involved in order to destroy the false narrative of jews as a group being always innocent victims
>From the book "When Victims Rule", chapter "10. JEWS AND "WHITE SLAVERY"" ( source: https://archive.is/rkYr2 ):
“ At the end of the 19th and beginning of the twentieth century, Jews were deeply involved in what was popularly called "white slavery": international prostitution rings. "White slavery," notes scholar Albert Lindemann, "was a concern of Jewish leaders throughout the world, who recognized it as a special problem." [LINDEMANN, p. 33] [Jews have also dominated the pornography and commercial sexploitation business, a trend which continues to this day -- see Mass Media section]
"Between 1880 and 1939," notes scholar Edward Bristow, "the Jews played a conspicuous role in 'white slavery,' as the commercial prostitution of that era was dramatically called. Not only was this Jewish participation conspicuous, it was historically unprecedented, geographically widespread, and fraught with collective political dangers." [BRISTOW, p. 1] "Jewish trafficking," says Bristow, "was anchored in brothel keeping, women freelanced or kept houses while their husbands procured … Jewish traffickers also supplied Gentile-run houses." [BRISTOW, p. 56-57]
Rooted largely in Eastern and Central Europe where they "dominated the international traffic out of the area," [BRISTOW, p. 2] Jews were involved in prostitution rings that networked, wrote Arthur Mora (of London's Jewish Association for the Protection of Girls and Women) in 1903, to "almost all parts of North and South Africa, to India, China, Japan, Philippine Island, North and South America, and also to many of the countries of Europe." [BRISTOW, p. 1] Jewish criminals trafficked women under their control virtually anywhere, also including the major cities of Bulgaria, Bosnia, Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Ceylon, Manchuria, South Africa, Rhodesia, and Mozambique. [BRISTOW, p. 181]
"By 1900," says Bristow, "Jewish commercial vice was largely incorporated in underworld elements and many of it participants were predators of the poor." [BRISTOW, p. 89] Jewish pimps, procurers, and traffickers preyed mostly on non-Jewish women, but even large numbers of Jewish women were part of their stables.
In 1872, for example, Jewish prostitutes in Warsaw numbered 17% of the known prostitution population, in Krakow 27%, and in Vilna 47%. [BRISTOW, p. 23] Within the Jewish community itself, it was not uncommon for recruiters to marry innocent Jewish young women and "deposit them in foreign brothels." [BRISTOW, p. 25] Many of the Jewish criminal underworld figures apparently saw no gap between their day-to-day activities and their religious lives, often maintaining their religious obligations. A Warsaw thug, Shilem Letzski, organized a small synagogue for Jewish "prostitutes, madams, pimps, and thieves." This criminal community even had a rabbinical court "to settle disputes between pimps." [BRISTOW, p. 60] In Constantinople, prostitutes contributed money to "have their pimps called to Torah on holidays." [SCHNEIDER, p. 225] In New York City, "a public school and a large synagogue were situated right next door to the house of prositution." [RUBINOW, I., 1959, p. 114-115]
In Buenos Aires, Argentina, notes Donna Guy, the Jewish pimp organization called the Varsovia Society
"ostensibly functioned as a mutual aid society … In fact, the Varsovia
consisted of pimps who wanted to maintain their business and still lead
a religious life … Varsovia associates established their own synagogue
on Guemes Street in the midst of the traditional bordello district."
[GUY, p. 22]
Israeli scholar Robert Rockaway notes also, for example, that prominent Jewish American mobster Longy Zwillman "always remained sensitive to his Jewish upbringings." When a close friend died, and the funeral was conducted in a church, Zwillman refused to attend. As he explained it, he was an ancestral member of the Jewish priest caste (the Cohens) and it was religiously forbidden to him to be with a dead body in a room. [ROCKAWAY, R., 1993, p. 30] ”
▶ f59ee7 (3) No.2638747>>2638805 >>2638894
"It is a riddle,
wrapped in a mystery,
inside an enigma."
That memorable phrase came from the mouth of Winston Churchill, during a speech he gave to the British Parliament in 1939, when trying to describe Russian action.
Today, the characterization of Russia holds no cloud of mystery and its motives are clear.
Prince Charles and Hillary Clinton have compared Russia's President, Vladimir Putin, to Adolf Hitler. President Obama has declared Russia one of the three major threats that face the world today, along with the terrorist group ISIS and the Ebola disease.
And one only has to look to NATO's twitter page to find their animosity towards Russia.
But is this hostility warranted? An obvious "yes" would be said by anyone who accepts Western media as honest, unbiased journalism when they report on Russia's actions in Ukraine and its involvement in that crisis.
But if one were to look beyond the Western propaganda, and straight to the facts, one could reasonably conclude that Russia, in a very sticky situation, has acted prudently and sensibly.
If this is the case, then,
Why the hostility?
Why the propaganda?
If one believes the cabal is real - that this cult has a long-term plan for the world, and has considerable influence over Western governments, media and military organizations for which to advance that agenda - then it's likely that the true motive behind the condemnation of Russia is because of Russia's independence from this group and their unwillingness to cooperate.
▶ 7f9b43 (4) No.2638749>>2638777 >>2638991
>>2638406 lb
Anderson Cooper's brother committed suicide by throwing himself off a balcony at the estate.
How common is that?
▶ b7dd03 (5) No.2638750>>2638763
I only kid. Me likey boobies.
▶ 572ffd (5) No.2638751
Death rattle indeed.
Patriots are maneuvering this well.
▶ 26d55a (2) No.2638752>>2638764
>All this evil going on yet not one major arrest…Not 1
None that (((you))) know about, at least.
▶ 7d60d0 (13) No.2638753>>2638757 >>2639044
Anons…can someone please make me a screen cap of this?? TY. KEK!
▶ ce1288 (12) No.2638754>>2638822 >>2638836
Syria - Pentagon Plants High ISIS Numbers To Justify Occupation
The U.S. aim in Syria is still 'regime change'. The Pentagon has made it clear that it wants to stay in the country even after the Islamic State vanished. A little propaganda trick is now used to create a justification for its continuing occupation.
The report by the UN Security Council's Sanctions Monitoring Team on ISIS, in parts discussed here, includes a number that smells of bullshit and manipulation:
3. Some Member States estimate the total current ISIL membership in Iraq and the Syrian Arab Republic to be between 20,000 and 30,000 individuals, roughly equally distributed between the two countries. Among these is still a significant component of the many thousands of active foreign terrorist fighters.2
Footnote 2 gives as source:
2 Member State information.
The high number given by a "Member State" exceed all prior assessments. The original strength of ISIS was estimated as a few thousand and it swelled as it took more land and incorporated local auxiliary forces and newly arriving foreign fighters. In September 2014, when ISIS was near its peak, the CIA estimated a total of 31,000 ISIS fighters in Syria and Iraq. The number shrank as ISIS was kicked out of more places it earlier occupied while it lost ten thousands of its fighters to Russian, Syrian, Iraqi and U.S. bombs, artillery and other military means. In July 2017 the commanding general of U.S. Special Forces said that 60 to 70,000 ISIS fighters had been killed.
The numbers in the UN Sanctions Monitor report simply make no logical sense. It is also contradicted by earlier estimates that put the number of current ISIS fighters in the low thousands. In December 2017 President Trump claimed that only "1,000 or so" fighters remained in Iraq and Syria. In a June 5 Pentagon press conference the spokesman was asked about the number of ISIS fighters left in Syria. He responded:
As far as the numbers, there's -- there's been some numbers thrown out there over the past few months. You've heard the previous spokesmen range from 1,000 to 3,000. You've seen a lot of subject matter experts say something like that. I have nothing to add to that. What I will say is one ISIS fighter is one too many, and that's what we're pursuing. We're pursuing their defeat.
But there must of course be a reason why "some Member States" would give the UN Monitor team such an absurdly high number.
▶ c1487f (28) No.2638755
SO COMFY !! ttys anon !!
▶ 9604ab (7) No.2638757
▶ e68889 (2) No.2638758>>2638795
Right off the Treasury Dept site
Babylon started accounting…..666%…..crash warning maybe
▶ 294017 (5) No.2638759
>>2638476 last bread
Also Trump needs to get the rest of his Judges in place.
He has been getting them in at break neck speed, but there are still
many that are being held up.
Look what happened in NM with Sara Backus - CORRUPT JUDGES LET THE CRIMINALS GO.
We can't afford to have the cabal LET GO.
▶ b2146c (7) No.2638760
I wish we seperated and then saw each other only every four years at the olympics.
Would that really be the end of the world?
Is that really not forseeable?
Totally better option?
Better stop thinking about it and have a JEW tell us what we HAVE TO THINK.
▶ b1cb7d (11) No.2638761>>2638953
>>2636358 rt >>2635778
>Timelines change.
Fucking Kek!
Free beer is now '''Next Year"" !!!
How many anons seriously thought this would before 11/11/18 as Q promised/implied?
WTF have we been doing chasing around blurry pictures of old guys' ears, airplanes, and half empty transport trucks?… for 10 goddam months?
What a fucking joke!
I gotta hand it to whoever the fuck Q is … awesome larp!
I've not laughed this hard in years! ThankQ!
Ima keep coming back to see who is stupid enough to keep holding on to the false hope, false promises, and wild goose chases that this asshole Q continues to throw out.
▶ 6cce2e (16) No.2638762
CF is also Clinton School. I'm linking plane to FBI cybersecurity office.
I haven't even dug into the Clinton School in LR yet.
▶ c1487f (28) No.2638763>>2638771
YOU only retard
▶ 8fa820 (4) No.2638765>>2638774 >>2638801 >>2638806 >>2638810 >>2638819 >>2638951 >>2639138
just coming on and haven't read everything. I Q saying Maddy disappearance is not connected to Podestas? what photo collage is reference in this Q post?
▶ 747376 (1) No.2638766>>2638785 >>2638918
And Seth Green likes…chicken.
▶ c49f92 (1) No.2638767
Have Chicagofags noticed this building? With the Cuban plane crash that killed 20 Nazarene priest couples the day after all of the Chilean Bishops resigned, and the No-Name NDAA specifically banning Fed use of Huwaei tech, it seems that there could be a connection here. I snapped this pic after I was digging on that plane crash and just happened to be driving through the area when I noticed the sign on the building. I vaguely remembered some Huwaei talk from the board as well. Some strange phrasing in the crash article, possible cabal signaling? See these articles:
▶ 8b86d3 (3) No.2638768>>2638881 >>2638913
Sincere apologies if this has already been discussed but one of the two Bible quotes from Q on Wednesday were wrong in two ways:
Q quotes from Cor 13: 4-13 but only shows verse 12 and to make matters worse it should be 1 Cor 13: 4-13 to denote Paul's FIRST letter to the church at Corinth and usually called First Corinthians.
Here is the passage in its entirety-- you may have heard this at more than one wedding and is typically known as the "Love" Chapter
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
▶ f02137 (9) No.2638769>>2638809
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. ok, haven't read a hundredth of all the MSM articles on Q and have no interest to, unless they can bring some fucking arguments and refutations to the table, but i admit, curious to see the hyped BBC piece…
link/file would be awsum - ok, looked for it myself… is this it?
that's all?
wewe. weak.
▶ b7dd03 (5) No.2638771
▶ 994dd7 (1) No.2638772
I've waited decades for this movie…. and here you are…….are we there yet? are we there yet?
wish I could fucking pull over and make you fucking walk.
▶ c1487f (28) No.2638774>>2638801 >>2638810 >>2638819 >>2638843 >>2638951
im confused also !!
▶ 7f9b43 (4) No.2638775>>2638834
Clinton's library is in Little Rock.
It is called the Bridge because it was designed to be similar to the bridges that span the Arkansas (?) River.
▶ 4d8c9a (1) No.2638776
▶ a2e95e (6) No.2638777>>2638788
He probably knew he was about to get tortured & sacrificed, dontcha think?
▶ 186f9d (1) No.2638779>>2638812
Saturday is 8/18/18. What’s that all about?
▶ 5cf9e3 (10) No.2638780
▶ de66cd (3) No.2638782>>2638814 >>2638886
Timelines change
Translation from MilSpeek
Shit's not working like it should and or we underestimated the scope, detail and resolve of the opposition. Nothing's working and we're not going to get this done like we thought.
My response: !@#@! figures. No arrests this year.
▶ c1487f (28) No.2638785>>2638826 >>2638827 >>2638846
robot chicken MOFO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
▶ 7f9b43 (4) No.2638788
I think he was pushed maybe
▶ 9a9a2f (5) No.2638789>>2638796 >>2638816 >>2638821 >>2638823 >>2638852 >>2638914
can someone tell me WTF is Gannet?
▶ 4e1ea9 (1) No.2638790>>2638885
▶ 374300 (9) No.2638791
>>2638476 (LB)
will give that a 'yes', with a 'not necessarily'..
lives are still being lost as we speak.
(((they))) are still a threat, active ops ongoing.
ex: whidbey.
painting pictures is good.
keep going.
▶ 965c3b (3) No.2638792
So you guys already found the pools/bath houses that match up with the creepy Podesta art?
Incl the Archer ep?
▶ 3d2c79 (3) No.2638793
Just an anon.
Don't over think it.
▶ 8dd074 (7) No.2638794
>Where are the arrests though?
4 planes grounded in South America though…bewm
▶ adc837 (1) No.2638798
Vin Roberti is the Chairman of the Washington, D.C. based firm Roberti Global, LLC, and is also the Managing Director of Roberti Associates Global, LLC. Both are highly regarded global entertainment, political, telecommunications, and government relations consulting firms advising some of the world’s largest and most respected Fortune 100 companies including AT&T, General Motors, Pfizer, Samsung, Amgen, BIO and Oracle, to name a few. He has also acted as an advisor to several emerging democracies, most recently serving as a senior advisor to Dr. Ashraf Ghani, a highly-regarded former World Bank official, in his successful reform campaign to become President of Afghanistan. GQ Magazine placed Mr. Roberti as one of the top five most influential power brokers in Washington, D.C, writing “Roberti embodies the Hollywood ideal of a Washington power broker. You call [Vin] if your legislation is in trouble, or, really, your life is.” The Hill recently ranked Mr. Roberti as one of the top lobbyists of 2017.
In 2006 Mr. Roberti joined the board of the American Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR), a leading AIDS charity that has invested more than $500 million in its programs and has awarded more than 4,000 grants to HIV/AIDS research teams worldwide. He currently chairs the Fund Development committee, and serves on the influential Executive Committee.
Re: See you at Posto, 7:30-ISH
To: crchieco@gmail.com, Amy@weisspublicaffairs.com, peterkadzik@gmail.com, ajkriegel@gmail.com, maryadickie@gmail.com, podesta.mary@gmail.com more john.podesta@gmail.com, leslie.dach@outlook.com
Date: 2015-10-23 14:20
Subject: Re: See you at Posto, 7:30-ISH
I'm bringing a special surprise quest this evening.
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
▶ c942f9 (5) No.2638799
▶ c1487f (28) No.2638800
Now my tongue hurts !!
▶ f02137 (9) No.2638801>>2638820
3 posts before, post 1918.
The collage indeed has a section with a McCann newsclip - surprised that the connection doesn't exist.
Maybe this turns out to be a good lesson: those portraits might have been clown misdirection all along
▶ 356adb (10) No.2638802>>2639085
>>2638437 (lb)
I agree with the marrying part for parish priests vocations. Orthodox churches are each independent, though loosely united, and also separated from the Catholic Church. Eastern rite Catholicism is united with the Roman Catholic
▶ 960e2d (2) No.2638803
sure thing, here you go anon
▶ e6ed1d (1) No.2638804>>2638818
>>2637904 (pb)
Saw this in the notables and couldn't help myself…anon by your logic a 100% increase on an original amount of 12 million dollars would bring the grand total to exactly…12 million dollars. But we know that a 100% increase of 12 million is 24 million. Because it increased by 100%. An INCREASE means you take the original amount and ADD the INCREASE to it to get the final amount.
▶ c0a592 (18) No.2638805
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2638747
You need to understand that part of it is also the jewish arm of the cabal having an ancestral hate for Russia.
Learn why.
▶ a4a5c0 (1) No.2638806
The one in this post:
The collage was posted on r/GA and then Q posted it here, probably not thinking much of it until anons pointed it out
▶ f9a43e (11) No.2638808>>2639092 >>2639132
Had I not been here since /pol migration to here, I'd agree with you. At one point after Oct 30th, I was in full its a LARP mode into Jan.
and I was like wait a minute!
THEN Trust Kansas ....beat DUKE
THEN POTUS SAID TIPPY TOP while standing next to a white rabbit
Before that! The lists of CEO's resigning (that was a biggy)
45k+ Sealed Indictments
Whole Supreme Court of WV indicted
List of Sen. and Reps not running (big)
The number of foreign presidents being arrested 2 in one week at one point
The Pens pics
Several times he signaled Q
The Fire Truck Pics (happened twice)
North Korea (um that's a big as deal)
And personally, there's been two times I've personally requested something and it came to pass withing couple weeks.
1. Need Jobs in SE Missouri (we are very poor) - Two weeks later EPA approves the opening a major mining operation
2. I asked what about the Muslim training camps - Week or so later, they busted one down in New Mexico just couple days ago.
So...there's more. But it's good to remind you me and others....there's proof enough.
Proof enough for me.
Other than that...what the hell else you got to do? There's nothing better on TV.
So take a break and come back in a couple weeks.
▶ 8d19bc (4) No.2638810
It’s like when he made a post about steyer and then said to delete it. Kinda tongue in cheek there. He’s basically saying Kaudas is also involved with Maddie McCann - that’s my take.
▶ f646aa (1) No.2638812
It's called Gregorian calendar
▶ afba26 (1) No.2638813
disagree. this is about me. what i want.
▶ ecab13 (2) No.2638814
timelines AND budgets change
▶ 940f14 (3) No.2638815
Whitewater, Iran--Contra, Crack Cocaine, C_A
VPOTUS George H.W. Bush, AR Gov. William J. Clinton.
▶ aa3b89 (2) No.2638816
it's a mirror of reddit.com
▶ b7dd03 (5) No.2638818
omg enough with the parade maths!
▶ 2534f5 (1) No.2638819>>2638851
i think q was saying mccann was not related to kauders
▶ c1487f (28) No.2638820>>2638911
disinfo ?? message ??
▶ ce1288 (12) No.2638822>>2638850 >>2638892 >>2638906 >>2639048
>>2638663 Pentagon Analyst Demoted/Stripped of Security Clearance After Questioning “Exorbitant Contracts” to Trump Campaign Spy Stefan Halper
>>2638704 "Too Big To Fail": Russia-Gate, One Year After Intel Vets Showed A Leak, Not A Hack
>>2638728 Deep State Coup Entering a Critical Stage Robert Steele
>>2638754 Syria - Pentagon Plants High ISIS Numbers To Justify Occupation
NOTE: Adding these to the parade 666% stuff shows the war against the cabal is spilling into public. Pentagon is clearly comped.
Fight Fight Fight!
▶ 16dcf3 (5) No.2638823>>2638844
It is the largest U.S. newspaper publisher as measured by total daily circulation located in DC
▶ 5c4564 (13) No.2638824>>2638842
<Demands arrests
<Doesn't realize that when the Military makes arrests, it's not bound to make headline news
<Either shilling, or needs to re_read crumbs
<Either way, shouldn't be participating in conversations
>Military Intelligence.
>No media.
>No leaks.
▶ 7f9b43 (4) No.2638825
▶ 458017 (2) No.2638827
Fuck off Seth you pedo
▶ cbe382 (1) No.2638828
Here's what I thinking.
The parade was gonna cost so much, that its hard to believe it would go unnoticed in the first place.
▶ 3775b3 (33) No.2638829>>2638877
▶ ce1288 (12) No.2638830
Then use the link below to download our work!
Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few weeks AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!
▶ c0e60c (1) No.2638831>>2639159
Coopers Non News didn't take long to jump on this. Might be a fiscal shutdown scenario. Defense budget usually drops end of Oct early Sept.
▶ 948d6b (2) No.2638832
anyone remember that scean in g.i. jane were they threaten to close some military bases if the congress women didnt end the gI jane cherad
i suspect that the pentagons going to be shorted some funding if they dont work in the parade
my opinion
▶ 877aa8 (13) No.2638833
Nice title, anon ; )
Honored to be fighting alongside you and all of us here. Backatya <3
▶ 6cce2e (16) No.2638834>>2638926 >>2639176
Don't forget Clinton School of Public Service right next to it, where all the foreign nationals go to school to learn how to adequately traffic humans.
Dig into the "service project" requirement that the school makes all the graduates do. There is just SO much data I can't get through it all.
Everything is smuggled down interstate 40, children included, and goes right by the Clinton library and school.
Notable to me that Heifer International also is HQ right next door to the Clinton Library. I will dig the fuck out of them also.
So many UNDP connections.
Same as Viva Rio, Brotherhood Boxing, Luke Downey, from yesterday. Still so many crumbs to track down.
▶ b2146c (7) No.2638835
Anderson Cooper newsletter thing.
▶ c0a592 (18) No.2638836
ISIS is only getting BTFO totally once the ZOG gets slayed. And its going to happen.
▶ 173a69 (2) No.2638837>>2638895 >>2638902 >>2639415
Somebody asked for this last loaf
▶ ce1288 (12) No.2638838>>2638869
▶ 659f6d (1) No.2638841
>>2638039 lb
This is really good info, thanks.
▶ de66cd (3) No.2638842
everyone who's ever served knows without a doubt.
Military Intelligence
No Such Thing.
▶ 8fa820 (4) No.2638843
>>2638774 we need clarification because it would be a horrible mistake to make! I was afraid to ever post any connection for fear of giving her parents false hope she was still alive so I didn't but I did secretly believe it. This has to be clarified if we made that kind of mistake.
▶ 9a9a2f (5) No.2638844>>2638912
thank you.
I have been researching this stuff for 15 years and seriously I have never heard of Gannet till the last couple of months.
▶ ce1288 (12) No.2638845>>2638866
▶ 1f0ed4 (5) No.2638847>>2638872
It's not time yet. Please accept that. It will happen. Reductions in the fed gov't will help justify the cost. I think that is one reason it's being pushed back. It's also not the victory parade we want and need until the perp walks happen.
▶ 7c8049 (6) No.2638849
Think CA fires too.
(purpose of them to begin with; fuk with POTUS budget)
▶ 572ffd (5) No.2638850>>2638875 >>2638898
Along with Eric Trump's tweet, it's a pretty much given at this point there are entrenched remnants of black hat scum operating within the pentagon.
Destruction of the old guard does NOT ignore the 'new guard' that is going to be taken out piece by piece.
▶ c1487f (28) No.2638851>>2638949
MAYBE ??!!
i think it was wahte other anon said
it was calling out those who are in the group
▶ 7d60d0 (13) No.2638855>>2638868 >>2638878 >>2638919 >>2638938 >>2638999 >>2639336
One thing that I think has REALLY given me a glimpse into all of this that not many have, and that is my dad did several bids on felony charges, and I know a LOT of people who have done time or are doing time.
95% of the assumptions I've seen on here as to how someone like Clinton may act, if she HAD been arrested, or how it would be going, if you keep in mind the fact that POTUS KNOWS THAT POLITICS FLOWS DOWNSTREAM FROM CULTURE…And so WE MUST DESTROY THE #FAKENEWS & HOLLYWOOD as fast as possible.
Never foret, all these people are professional liars and fakers, and if a year or two traveling around acting like all was well and then you get life instead of execution, EVERYONE is going to take it. TRUMP is in COMPLETE control.
Everything this Anon posts rings 100% true to me. It is the rogue operators, the truly bent nut jobs, the ones that just won't let go, that we have to be careful for as we DESTROY their narrative and narrative creating machines. And that might also explain some of these interesting flights and helos and other things. Maybe.
Anyone seen Eric Prince recently??
▶ 2f1e63 (2) No.2638856
Finished the tensors back to space time deviation.
▶ 8d19bc (4) No.2638858
So all these planes were grounded because of bomb threats? Q knew what they were planning.
▶ 7024ae (1) No.2638859>>2639110
Never forget.
We will never forget.
You are not forgotten.
…issues with getting our missing back?
▶ 9a42be (7) No.2638860>>2638865 >>2638896 >>2638923 >>2638932 >>2638933 >>2638944 >>2639016 >>2639124 >>2639379
What if I told you…
Trump will personally pay for the Military Parade
▶ f59ee7 (3) No.2638861>>2638931
The waking up process is a very personal experience.
Once we become aware of the existence of a fabricated world we thought to be real and that our true nature is anything but what we’ve been told, there’s no turning back.
It may appear to be a lonely path, but we are by no means alone in this awakening. It is happening in all walks of life.
Whether a banker or corporate employee wakes up to the scam being perpetrated on humanity and pulls out of the matrix, or a normal taxpaying worker realizes they’re contributing to a military industrial machine hell bent on control and world domination, we’re all the same.
And those are just surface issues compared to the deliberate suppression of man’s innate spiritual nature, whether we call it social liberty or the freedom to create and manifest as we truly are.
Triggers for Awakening
There are many such triggers that wake people up.
Once someone realizes how the world was scammed on 9/11 and that the powers that be are willing to perpetrate such atrocities to promote their agenda, the digging begins.
When we realize we’re at the complete mercy of parasitic central bankers more than willing to not only implode the world’s economy, but finance both sides of any conflict for personal gain and control and that our governments are complicit in this scheme, we start to grasp the enormity of what befalls us.
That we have rapidly evolved into an advanced militarized surveillance police state is driving many to ask some hard questions - and the answers can be startling and difficult to swallow, especially when you realize they have cut off all avenues of recourse.
Another major issue is that it’s more evident by the day that our very health is under attack, again by complicit government and multinational corporations pushing,
adulterated food
atmospheric aerosols
…and the like, all of which have been proven to be extremely hazardous to humanity.
Yet they push harder by the day, mandating program after destructive program. Meanwhile, natural and organic farming and foods, as well as supplements, are under intense attack by these very same perpetrators.
The truth about these issues and many, many more including massive planet harming programs such as,
geoengineering assault on humanity,
…are driving a major perceptual paradigm shift amongst all walks of life as we delve more deeply into who is doing all this and why.
▶ fb15b7 (2) No.2638862
Alright, I'm back on board…thanks for this post.
▶ 611c00 (2) No.2638863
Another Paid Qanon Attack?
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/MS2w1DNdxQ8" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
▶ 5321bd (3) No.2638864
No money for parade? We just gave the military $639 billion. What a joke. Maybe take the 40,000 ghost employees off the payroll at DOD.
▶ 5ee946 (3) No.2638866
I love this thank you >>2638845
▶ 579e73 (3) No.2638867
>>2638563 (LB)
Okay, Sharia Blue. Wattsamatta? Your mom never taught you to promptly admit when you're wrong? Here's another 5 cents toward your tally.
>>2638596 (LB)
Thank you, Anon. This is a very logical explanation. Does indeed make sense. I may indeed stand corrected, as well as should the hundreds if not thousands of anons who posted their earnest questions in the Q & A breads.
Still, WWG1WGA and you are one smart anon.
Again, thank you.
▶ f02137 (9) No.2638869
god knows there's few if no moments where i get it but
▶ 6707fd (2) No.2638870
Some Meme material for you brilliant Memefags to cook up for Admiral McNancyrod.
Here's my feeble attempt.
▶ ae3411 (6) No.2638871>>2638934 >>2638936 >>2638959 >>2638960 >>2638973 >>2639006 >>2639034 >>2639072 >>2639246 >>2639250
For all you pathetic low life fucks that are calling me a shill for voicing my TRUE concern for the state of this company I have the following to say to you. Would our founding fathers stood still while blatant treason was being committed against our country? Would those who fought in the revolutionary war sat by idly while enemy factions we're training oppositional militants in our country? WOULD YOU sit by idly while there was terrorists being trained in YOUR backyard??????????????????
You call me a fucking SHILL? For stating the fucking OBVIOUS? Sarah Backus and all of her constituents(I know she is a lowly judge who had players above her pull strings and have her bring the judgment) are comitting HIGH TREASON against the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and WE THE PEOPLE. How am I shill?
I AM A SHILL for stating the OBVIOUS? Maybe someone more versed in the constitution than the majority of you fucking NEW FAGGOTS can EXPLAIN IT MORE CLEARLY TO YOU.
“The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them.” -Joseph Story
The Taos government has BECAME TYRANNICAL and is allowing T E R R O R I S T S to walk free. CIVIL WARS HAVE BEEN STARTED FOR FAR LESS! What I am saying is that Q team needs to fucking take care of this before RED BLOODED, GOD FEARING AMERICANS TAKE MATTERS INTO THEIR OWN HANDS AND END UP IN JAIL!
Fuck you. If you call me a fucking shill you're a pathetic fuck that wouldn't have the fucking balls to do a god damn thing when the liberal gestapo comes to your front door and shoves a mark of the beast implant up your fucking ass. I've been down the rabbit hole for over a fucking decade.
We are witnessing ALL OUT TREASON in Taos right now and that bitch judge is walking free along with those terrorists fucks.
They should all be executed by firing squad. That being said - put them in fucking jail Q team. A very fucking dark, dark jail. I am pleading for the people of Taos before someone takes matters in to their own hands - which none of us would feel the least bit sorry for that evil bitch judge if she did catch a hot one. I don't want a REAL PATRIOT to end up in jail over this whore. GET RID OF FUCKING BACKUS.
BACKS = THE FUCKING SNAPPING POINT. PEOPLE ARE FUCKING PISSED NOW. We are fucking through waiting. Someone is going to take action for trying to DEFEND our country and THEY will be held accountable not the fucking ones who should of been in jail long ago.
▶ a2e95e (6) No.2638872>>2638900
Disinformation, to force blackhats' hand? They would start making plans for some kind for disruption or FF or mass casualty thing (these people are STUPID!) and /ourguys/ got all their comms. Makes easier to prosecute when they plan new evils while ourguys are keeping close tabs on them?
▶ c1487f (28) No.2638873
YOU did well anon LMAO !!
▶ 5cf9e3 (10) No.2638874>>2639079
>What is the Mystery of Iniquity?
Is the serpent seed real? Something else?
>What has been postponed?
▶ 1f0ed4 (5) No.2638875>>2638930
Every branch is stacked with commie trash. It's been years in the making. It will take a complete reorg to shake them out. That's why the budget is important. The end of next month - wait and see.
▶ 604bbf (2) No.2638876
'workin on them night Qs, with them nooooooooses closing innnn'… for the song anon might make about thenightcrew? Just spitballin here. Grateful for you anons. You make this even more fun and exciting than it already is. God bless you all!
▶ 9604ab (7) No.2638878>>2638971
>Never foret, all these people are professional liars and fakers, and if a year or two traveling around acting like all was well and then you get life instead of execution, EVERYONE is going to take it. TRUMP is in COMPLETE control.
yeah and then they'll get out at the next turn of the political tide.
▶ f29510 (6) No.2638879
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. MADELEINE MC CANN IS DEAD
Check this free documentary (7 parts) with tons of evidence
It's perfect red-pill material for normies demonstrating the deception of the media/intelligence communities
▶ 1c8695 (2) No.2638881>>2638913 >>2638948
I didn't notice the missing 1 but I recalled Q posted PART of 1 Cor 13:4-13 May 20th. SEE PIC
May 20th 1 Cor 13:4-8
Not sure what Q's posts mean yet.
▶ f11312 (2) No.2638882>>2639310
Im quite proud and honored to be "Just an Anon."
▶ ad2c78 (6) No.2638883
Where are the planefags with a summary of all the fuckery that went on today?
▶ c52bcb (6) No.2638884>>2638928 >>2639013
I really don't care what Q posts. He has said time and again disinformation is necessary, which basically means don't trust anything, but verify.
The parade is a different story. It is the only certified specific date (other than the Huma and Clinton arrested fiasco) that Q has mentioned.
Now he says time lines change, thats fine. I will watch and see and research. But if that specific promise doesn't come to fruition, Trump is done. Q is done. And we all know it.
There was more to that promise about 11/11/18.
You should probably look into that.
I could care less about a military parade, and Q was not specific that it would be.
But the other things Q mentioned for that date are way more important.
We shall see.
▶ 741057 (4) No.2638885
I can tell you how it happened without saying a word.
▶ b1cb7d (11) No.2638886
Buh buh buh … trust muh plan.
▶ 40d393 (3) No.2638888>>2639172
Really. You haven't seen POTUS post before?
▶ c89937 (9) No.2638889
The Skirpal poisoning was a ff, I'm pretty sure. The rush to judgment that it was muh Russiansssssssssssssss!!!! was just too fast and obvious.
▶ 93372c (4) No.2638890>>2639296
If Project Looking Glass DID exist…
Ahhh what the hell I'll just save you all the Time and trouble!
There's a Red Wave.
A BIGLY one.
Overwhelming victory.
Trump wins his second term.
Countless books are written on how "The Plan" was executed.
Entire ideologies begin to change.
The Council of 13 loses their stranglehold on humanity.
We begin to work together as a species collectively.
Humanity earns it's place among the Ascended Masters.
We ascend to the higher stages of evolution.
>Future proves past.
▶ 4413ba (2) No.2638891>>2638920
Thinking out loud for the anons that have been around since half Chan we analyzed all of the pics on Vanderbilt/Cooper extensively at cbts during original “ the symbols will be their downfall” honeybobo ganett drops it was very very enlightening I’m not sure how many Satan ring celebs I found but a lot that was at the beginning when Q was constantly asking us to dig if you haven’t noticed last couple months Q has been more about reveling than digging until today now we are asked again to dig into Andrew again along with Anderson Cooper/ Vanderbilt
What did we miss?
Is Anderson Cooper much more powerful than CNN ?
▶ d6d9fb (1) No.2638892
Well… prolly not comped… think more on the terms that the Q team is PSYOPSing the hell out of the DS by using their own DS lingo against them.
Parade cancelled/ time frame shift = POTUS LOSING
It’s all a SHOW. Have faith.
Art of the deal says appear weak when you are strong.
▶ a5764e (1) No.2638893>>2638915
>>2618134 (last bread, about the Vanderbilt pool ladder)
In swimming pools, ladders don't go to the bottom. You swim over to a ladder near the surface, not the bottom of the pool.
That said--I don't see any drains or water returns near the top. The sides and "deep end" do not look like a pool. The side platforms w ropes serve no purpose in a pool, and end platform would be under water if it was a pool.
This is a very evil room. I wonder how they drain the blood out.
▶ 8f9a50 (7) No.2638894
NATO - 'That tricky Putin now has the Russian border up against NATO. He's more of a threat now as he did it without moving the Russian border.'
▶ 5ee946 (3) No.2638895
Extortion 17 revearls The treasonous acts of no name two mc mc mc Traitor >>2638837
▶ ca670c (4) No.2638898
Eric was referring to Omarosa taping his wife.
Mattis said the number was bullshit. Sounds like it's a fake news cabal threat covered up as a "source says" bullshit.
▶ 93a47d (1) No.2638899
damn… hoping I can get my $ back for the booked trip…
▶ 1f0ed4 (5) No.2638900
I'm thinking more of a straightforward refusal to fund the current Fed Govt as it currently stands.
▶ 66b8e7 (1) No.2638902
Perfumed prince.
▶ 4108a2 (5) No.2638903>>2638963
Macaulay Culkin talking about Red Shoes being made from human skin back in 2017
▶ 6c5a28 (13) No.2638904>>2638910 >>2638987 >>2639009
This may be the reason for the 757s in Arkansas
Murder has no statute of limitations
And if the murder was done to cover up a criminal enterprise smuggling drugs into Mena Arkansas, then investigators would want to piece together the whole story in order to show motive for the murders of two otherwise unconnected teenagers. They would need to show there was a criminal enterprise, it was committing crimes at the time and place where the teens would have witnessed it, the Clintons were in charge of this criminal enterprise and they did give the order to shut up any witnesses.
Like many of the cases the DOJ is working on, one key element of the crime acts as a loose thread that pulls in a whole network of conspirators. In this case it will be the network of the USA's biggest importer of cocaine. That is a very big network that extends deep into Chicago as well, because of the sales side of the network.
▶ ce1288 (12) No.2638905>>2638929 >>2638962
So the cabal tried to crash 4 planes today, so they could say these were the 4 Q booms.
So it suggests white hats have control over the RC mechanics of planes.
But that means we've only had 3 booms so far this week????
▶ 294017 (5) No.2638906>>2638921
The Military did NOT give that 666 number.
US Today is the one that said that.
▶ 9a9a2f (5) No.2638908
I'm guessing the clowns have moved in to Operation Demoralize
they can fuck right off.
the parade isn't going to do it.
the Q mistake w McCann isn't going to do it.
the biblefagging with muh Corinthians isn't going to do it.
▶ 1da520 (1) No.2638909
You know, it’s the little shit like this that makes me smile and keeps me going. Thank you Anon, greatly appreciated.
▶ 6c5a28 (13) No.2638910
too damn wordy that I forgot the URL
▶ f02137 (9) No.2638911>>2639005
Not sure, of course, but if i take Q's word as it is, and it seems pretty straightforward, the McCann thing, though a sad and tragic disappearance, might not have to do with the Podestas after all.
Think about it: this might have been a fall-back plan when Pizza/Pedogate was nearing critical point… have everyone jump on this, prove it wrong, and escape the rest with it.
That's what misdirection is all about… now, i admit the robo-portraits were quite chilling, but if Q says there's no there there…
▶ 16dcf3 (5) No.2638912
just as long for me too
I come across things all the time that never came up in my quest for the truth.
~You are welcome
▶ 1c8695 (2) No.2638913>>2639104
Looking at this now maybe this has to do with 5:5
Q posted the first 5 verses of 1 Cor 13:4-13 on May 20th and now Q will post the remaining 5 verses as the ops progress??
▶ b1cb7d (11) No.2638914
You don't know about Google or DuckDuckGo ?
Need your fucking hand held to go tinkle?
Are you 12 ?
▶ 782764 (2) No.2638915
Maybe they collect it all.
▶ 5c4564 (13) No.2638916
What's really going to bake our noodles later on is the fact that we REALLY HAVE BEEN WATCHING A MOVIE
▶ 8dd074 (7) No.2638917
▶ bbbce9 (2) No.2638918
And you like..it’s (you)r favorite
▶ 7d60d0 (13) No.2638919>>2639381
Sorry for the typos Anons, I am bleary eyed and bushed.
Most of the assumptions on here as to how people react when faced with 20+ years, or something like life, or execution, are off.
ALL of these people, most of who had never had to answer to ANYTHING, ALL of them melt like hoes in the face of the reality that is The United States Military led by Donald J. Trump.
They have NO courage, NO honor, NO scruples.
How POTUS pulled this off will be talked about for eternity. We've truly been delivered. What a timeline.
▶ 5ee946 (3) No.2638920>>2639081
We must have missed something big, I was there too…. a missed connection to Coop? >>2638891
▶ 9c44bf (15) No.2638921
do the math anon
▶ b2146c (7) No.2638924>>2639028
What jews do not mind
What jews hate
▶ 7c8049 (6) No.2638926>>2639058
Not to add to your dig, but the Rose Law Firm is also down there and was the site of the Little Rock YMCA; Rose re-habed the building for their offices. Anon suggested last night that the pool may have been used for sacrifices; like the Vanderbilt pool.
▶ c0a592 (18) No.2638927>>2638941 >>2638986
All cross links from another bread.
If you want to know why Israel comes last, this would be a good place to start your digs in what regards that question.
If you do not want to read on this subject, do not read this post.
TL;DR (too long, dind't read, for you newfags):
Israel is a genocidal ever expanding nuclear rogue state that is the biggest haven for pedos and biggest hub for human and organ trafficking in the world right now, and supports ISIS using US tax payer money to do so.
Israel is the HQ of the cabal.
>>2390975 -- Jews control the media; not all jews are bad, but the good ones need to speak out against jewish interest groups because those are used to subvert.
>>2391013 -- Jewish supremacists have controled the central bank cartel racket since its inception with the establishment of the Bank of England
>>2391053 -- The EU was always a jewish supremacist project and being a jew can also mean being racially a jew (doesn’t mean all racial jews are jews in the religious sense)
>>2391083 -- Jewish supremacist subversion is the biggest threat to the West and the US today
>>2391107 -- The dangers of jewish supremcism and the use of the “anti-semitic” trick to silence legitimate criticism made on Israel and jewish subversion
>>2391143 -- Jewish supremacists are the biggest financiers and initiators of anti-2nd amend movements in the US
>>2391159 -- The “progressive” political ideology was created and pushed by jewish supremacists
>>2391195 -- More info on the origins and main initiators of the “progressive” political ideology
>>2391216 -- Antifa is a communist “progressive” para-military arm of the democratic party
>>2391281 -- Antifa connections to ISIS and NAMBLA, Antifa in the 30’s Germany
>>2391307 -- Neocons are communist Trotskyites
>>2391353 -- Jews kickstarted and dominated the slave trade in the US and used Hollywood to pin slavery on the Whites, jews control Hollywood
>>2391478 -- More on the jewish initiated slave trade in the US
>>2391496 -- Jewish interest groups connection to online censorship
>>2391526 -- Jewish hatred of Christians and the dangers of circumcision
>>2391562 -- More info on the jewish promoted male genital mutilation (circumcision)
>>2391652 -- The term “judeo-Christian” is an oxymoron and an attempt at manipulating Christians
>>2391671 -- More on jewish hatred of Christ and Christians and the use of pilpul to deflect that well documented fact
>>2391725 -- The jewish talmud promotes pedophilia
>>2391754 -- The jewish ritual murder of goyim (non-jew) children is an well documented historical fact
>>2391872 -- The foundation myth of the West and our role as anons in the storm
>>2392124 -- Jewish hatred of goyim, especially White goyim (loxism)
>>2392177 -- Judaism is based on jewish supremacism ( (((God’s chosen mindset))) )
>>2392199 -- More on judaism being based on jewish supremacism
>>2392274 -- More on judaism being based on jewish supremacism
>>2393477 -- Communism was created, financed and spread by jews
>>2393507 -- General George S. Patton was killed for speaking out against jewish supremacism
>>2393553 -- Israel supports ISIS
>>2393583 -- Israel supports ISIS wants wants the Syrian civil war to keep going and Obama gave 38 billion dollars to Israel, Hillary has jewish roots, Obama claims to be practically a liberal jew
>>2395726 -- Sayanim, the non-Israeli jewish Mossad colaborators
>>2395838 -- Israel is the biggest pedo haven in the world right now
>>2395862 -- Israel is the biggest hub for human and organ trafficking in the world today
>>2395991 -- David Cole, a jewish historian exposes some of the lies of the official version of the holocaust
>>2396033 -- David Irving, historian, exposes some of the lies of the Nuremberg Trials
>>2396017 -- Anonymous documentary creator exposes many of the lies pertaining to the fraudulent official version of the holocaust and Nuremberg Trials
>>2396026 -- The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure
>>2396099 -- Israeli involvement in the 9/11 attack
>>2396414 -- Jordan Peterson is a long-con man who is also a globalist and zionist gate-keeper
>>2530175 -- Porn is a jewish weapon against the goyim (non-jews)
>>2571682 -- Hilter fought the same enemires we are fighting now
>>2571660 -- Was Hitler a puppet? Probably not
>>2571666 -- Was Hitler a puppet? Probably not part 2
>>2580819 -- A message to our jewish allies
To all the Israel first shills on Hasbara duty, read the first post, it literally says: “Reminder that the problem is not jews per-se, it is unchecked jewish supremacism and subversion.”
▶ 8f9a50 (7) No.2638928
>I really don't care what Q posts.
Agreed. I hope we never know who they are so the back channel stays alive.
▶ 8db93c (3) No.2638929>>2638939
▶ ca670c (4) No.2638930>>2639003
Remember, Q said VJ was the sniffer. Looking to take out white hats in Mil leadership.
▶ 6cce2e (16) No.2638931
Digging Stephens Inc. They have an oil company for fracking. Looks like a cia site
▶ 604127 (1) No.2638933>>2638966
Then why the date change?
▶ 579e73 (3) No.2638934>>2639004
>The Taos government has BECAME TYRANNICAL and is allowing T E R R O R I S T S to walk free. CIVIL WARS HAVE BEEN STARTED FOR FAR LESS! What I am saying is that Q team needs to fucking take care of this before RED BLOODED, GOD FEARING AMERICANS TAKE MATTERS INTO THEIR OWN HANDS AND END UP IN JAIL!
I concur with you, Anon. This is an OUTRAGE. Also, IDK why I keep thinking of this, but Taos is not far from Los Alamos…
▶ 960e2d (2) No.2638936>>2639004
dude take those meds they gave you chill
▶ c207e7 (1) No.2638937>>2638977
So I got distracted with the new Hillary emails and one of the mentioned Brennan & was talking about the CIA bombing in 2009.
I don't remember it(Honestly I wasn't paying attention for a few years around that time)
and this was strange:
Jennifer Lynne Matthews-CIA, Chief of Base
Jennifer Matthews had left comfortable London job for dangerous role tackling terrorism in Afghanistan
CIA suggested she had not vetted informant who killed seven officials outside base in 2009
Matthews had also been blamed for failing to warn FBI about al-Qaeda members ahead of 9/11 attacks
A few years after the 9/11 attacks in New York City, the CIA released a report recommending disciplinary action against Matthews and others.
It suggested the agency managers had not warned the FBI about two al-Qaeda members in the country since 2000. The CIA director declined to take any disciplinary action.
Aftermath: CIA director Leon E. Panetta addresses CIA employees weeks after the attack. It raised questions about how the agency could protect its operatives
Why is that name familiar? Wasn't it mentioned here not that long go? Leon Panetta?
▶ 572ffd (5) No.2638938
>It is the rogue operators, the truly bent nut jobs, the ones that just won't let go
a LOT of jews and muzzies in that rank + 'minority' assets.
Europe needs saving NOW.
Just top level ticking off the old guard is not enough. We need demographic re-balancing and total annihilation of 'miinority' mentality fostered by the globalists.
Europe needs to be purged of muzzies, PERIOD. DEATH, imprionment for the criminals, examples must be made of muzzies talking about raping white women and children and such. These fucking racially motivated scum MUST be killed and or imprisoned and rest sent back.
There is NO compromise with these racially and religiously motivated SCUM in the west or the world. We must be prepared to see this through.
▶ c0a592 (18) No.2638941>>2638975
All cross links from another bread.
If you want to know why judaism IS a supremacist ideology, this would be a good place to start your digs in what regards that question.
If you do not want to read on this subject, do not read this post.
>>2409242 -- Why judaism IS a supremacist ideology
>>2409189 -- Why judaism IS a supremacist ideology, part 2
>>2562709 -- Jewish persecution of Christ and Christians since Christianity inception, part 1
>>2562715 -- part 2
>>2562720 -- part 3
>>2562725 -- part 4
>>2562731 -- part 5
>>2562734 -- part 6
>>2562740 -- part 7
>>2562763 -- The Khazar theory
>>2581628 -- Usury was (and is) a weapon of domination (debt slavery) over the goyim and its use with that end was and is teached to jews in the Torah
>>2581630 -- The history of Poland, the paradise of jews
>>2581633 -- Some jews talk about the divine promise of each jew getting 2800 goy slaves when the jewish Messiah comes to them
▶ 7a2c6a (3) No.2638943>>2638946 >>2638954 >>2638964
▶ 8db93c (3) No.2638944
I won't bet… I'd lose.
▶ f39578 (1) No.2638945
When the EO is dropped, nobody can be trusted. No more civilian B.S.
Rosenstein signature = martial law - tribunals.
▶ ce1288 (12) No.2638946
▶ 6c5a28 (13) No.2638947>>2638955 >>2638976 >>2639087 >>2639140
Why be ashamed?
The U of T and the whole state, was created because of Longhorn cattle. You should be proud of them and proud to flash the Texas Longhorns symbol anytime, anywhere, along with the slogan Hook 'em Horns!
▶ 8b86d3 (3) No.2638948
good catch-- but here again it is only part of the stated passage – Q ends halfway through verse 8 with Love Never Fails (which is true by the way because God is Love -so QED).
Also note in your pic the passage is supposed to carry through to 13 again but does not
Maybe a code to operatives not meant for Anons?
▶ 356adb (10) No.2638949
We've known for years. Why hasn't Trump met with this guy? The only public figure who had the courage to broadcast it to the masses.
▶ 41c99d (3) No.2638950
More on La Colombe teaming up with West Elm another Clinton Foundation company
I've also noticed that La Colombe really seems to have gained national exposure once gaining that land in Haiti with CF. That land was part of the Discovery Channel show Dangerous Grounds and led to other celebs teaming up with La Colombe and using the Haitian Coffee.
▶ 9e5784 (3) No.2638953>>2639144 >>2639366
Don't you understand that it's shills exactly like you that keep my faith in Q burning even further than this whole movement alone?
There are so many things that I believe are fake and gay. Like…ghosts, flat Earth, zombies, vampires, trans people, LGBTQUVWXYZand so on. Do you know what I'm NOT doing? I'm not on their boards trying to convince them how stupid they are… Do you want to know why? Because I don't give a shit about fake shit or the people who believe it…. It's not worth my time or energy…
Yet, here you and your kind are…. increasingly …trying to convince us Q is a Larp…. Interesting!
If you, even if for a second, think that you're convincing anyone on this board, you are wasting your time!
I see a doorknob in your future
▶ ca670c (4) No.2638954
I didn't see any testimony to convict him. Only shit to convict Gates.
▶ 9604ab (7) No.2638955>>2639064
not when the hand sign is satanic
▶ f4ab40 (1) No.2638956>>2638988 >>2639065 >>2639156 >>2639166 >>2639379
what i learned today
this morning - from night shift
yesterday Q drop re pools and paint:
couple paintings fit in the V pool - possible live art fetish thing goin on
one painting IMO doesnt fit V pool - according to night shift anons dig is not pools per se but bathhouse (or both)
attached a graf (mine) and 2 originals (well done anons)
▶ 3db5fb (1) No.2638957
Pope breaks Vatican silence about sexual abuse.
▶ 390931 (1) No.2638958
Anyone know what Kansas was reading?
Strange fat little book.
Maybe it's a libtard joke book.
Bolton was looking at him like; "Pssst, Pssst, hey Mike, put away the Q code book, they just turned on the cameras, we're on TV, put it away but try to act natural and don't laugh/smile too much."
▶ f9a43e (11) No.2638960>>2639051
YOU - aren't going to do anything except get your or someone else hurt.
YOU - won't do anything except fuck something up or bring a bad name to everything we've done here
YOU - are in need of a break from this because
YOU - sound just like I did at one point, especially after weeks of Podesta pics.
That shit really fucks with your head.
But I'm not saying your a shill
I'm saying you need a break. Trust me, here all night and day after day after day. Some point you go a little nuts and you need to step back.
▶ 6ca953 (3) No.2638961>>2639198
>we could very well end up in a shooting CIVIL WAR by Christmas. THIS IS NOT A GAME
That would be fine. I would rather be rid of them permanently anyway.
▶ 0b7d50 (3) No.2638962
We had quite a few big booms this week towards the cabal but there is still Friday,
my guess is it will be something good for the economy which I can't argue with. What's good for the economy is good for my wallet and that's a win for me.
▶ 4108a2 (5) No.2638963
▶ 741057 (4) No.2638964>>2638998
I'm betting mistrial.
At least one Frog in the bunch ;)
▶ 5c4564 (13) No.2638966
Are you here to serve your country, or to enjoy a parade?
▶ 26f8a7 (1) No.2638967>>2638981
So… no more november deadline? lol how convenient
▶ c89937 (9) No.2638968
Did the Admin send Burr a clear message?
▶ 948d6b (2) No.2638969>>2639066
anything in this pic beside the head lines catch autists attention
▶ ff6127 (2) No.2638970
Noted and Understood.
Safety and Security First.
Will NG be Activated befor Mid-Terms?
▶ 7d60d0 (13) No.2638971>>2638984 >>2638992 >>2639212
No…The truly wicked are getting executed for the children. Most all of them, Clinton, Schumer, Brennan….They're all dead people walking. Maybe POTUS offered them extra time alive at GITMO?? TRUST ME…You'd take it. Not sure.
But what about some Republican senator who only banged of age hookers, and took bribes and drugs as bribes?? It's all treason, but if he plays ball, sorta like maybe Acosta isn't raping and eating children, but by the letter of the law, his actions are worthy of execution IMO, but he plays his part, POTUS tells us someday about how he put him up to it, and Jim does 2 years and comes out to be a grateful and model American.
Pedos ALL die. The public at large will demand it.
▶ 86af07 (4) No.2638974>>2639010
Here'a pepepincher with full head Anon
Flip it to come in from left if needed
▶ 2ff141 (6) No.2638975>>2639039
You muhjooshills crack me up
- whites are the Master race
- Jews control the world
Can't have both
▶ ca670c (4) No.2638976>>2639102 >>2639140
Embarrassed bc of who was flashing it. Dude was most likely fucked in a coffin to join the cabal.
▶ 9a9a2f (5) No.2638977
I believe he was in the bunker with Cheney for the stand down order.
double check that tho
▶ c7a904 (2) No.2638979>>2639096
Since we have been hitting on the Slavic territories lately…
Al Qaeda… We all know they are CIA, right - after Operation Cyclone?
Tuzla Air Base. Al Qaeda. Black Aircraft.
Arms smuggling through Croatian Embassies (sound familiar?)
Piece it all together.
Hang on… Let's take this to blood lines…
That is as close as I am willing to bring the heat to one of my queen actors. Or Q's… Lots of questions to ask.
▶ b1cb7d (11) No.2638980>>2639012
>>2638388 (Past bread)
Outstanding summary, anon.
▶ 9c44bf (15) No.2638981>>2639054
there never was shill
▶ ce1288 (12) No.2638982
▶ 604bbf (2) No.2638984
▶ 611c00 (2) No.2638985
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Another Paid Qanon Misdirect?
▶ f9a43e (11) No.2638986>>2639059
Soooo what are you trying to say?
▶ 7c8049 (6) No.2638987>>2639220
I believe the DOJ grabbed docs from the Clinton library that CONgress is demanding be released in their dig in to Kavanaugh. Docs will reveal the Vince Foster murder; those docs currently sealed.
Will be the death of the CLINTON CRIME FAMILY
▶ f828bd (6) No.2638988
it looks like the pope's snake chamber
▶ 695271 (1) No.2638990
damn skippy! (auf Deutsch)
▶ c89937 (9) No.2638991
And Pooperchuter is a flaming faggot. Nice job of parenting there, Gloria.
▶ 9604ab (7) No.2638992
gotcha. yes makes sense
▶ e07246 (3) No.2638993>>2639024 >>2639043 >>2639393
Taken from Camera 4 - wider than Camera 2
▶ 3775b3 (33) No.2638994>>2639014 >>2639037
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2638965
it is a curse and a blessing
▶ 3cb480 (11) No.2638995
He brought a fucking straw across state lines!? The absolute MADMAN
▶ 7d60d0 (13) No.2638996
▶ 5f7c65 (5) No.2638997
Curious thought, just throwing it out there….
Could be TOTALLY wrong…
Q says timelines change … meaning winding clock (+/-)?
▶ 7a2c6a (3) No.2638998
Roger That..
We're in the gamp then..
▶ 75e6e9 (5) No.2638999>>2639055
> 95% of the assumptions I've seen on here as to how someone like Clinton may act, if she HAD been arrested, or how it would be going, if you keep in mind the fact that POTUS KNOWS THAT POLITICS FLOWS DOWNSTREAM FROM CULTURE…And so WE MUST DESTROY THE #FAKENEWS & HOLLYWOOD as fast as possible.
That's what has me confused. We're not fighting the information war. There are Hollywooders who have been caught harboring al-Qaeda for 20 years and the reaction from the WH and Q is to shrug and promise everything will be well just like Canada. Q has mentioned a few job positions of probable guilty parties, has mentioned a meeting with the Chinese that we also found, but no one is stopping them.
▶ ad2c78 (6) No.2639003
White hats are fascists in BO and VJ world
▶ ae3411 (6) No.2639004
Thank you anon for understanding. This is an outrage. Absolute treason.
Are you going to "take those meds and chill" when they come to your house and take your guns and drop off a bunch of fucking islamic extremists in your county?
▶ 6c5a28 (13) No.2639005>>2639025
That is not what Q said.
We know that the Podestas and their friends were the ones who kidnapped Madeleine.
But, this is not a US affair. The USA has no jurisdiction. It is up to UK and Portugal to deal with this and eventually, request extradition.
This drop was intended to send a message.
▶ 6cce2e (16) No.2639009>>2639033
Who outside of the Clintons runs Arkansas? Walmart. Stephens Inc did the Walmart IPO.
Coincidences aren't real.
Arkansas is the key to exposing this all. Fleets of walmart trucks. JB Hunt also there. Who is more adept at in house logistics than these two. I'm sure they share board members and stuff insights with Bezos and amazon, but amazon outsources their deliveries to UPS/FEDEX/USPS. Fedex HQ was supposed to be in Little Rock before settling on Memphis. Something about taxes.
So much digging to be done in Arkansas. What if they weren't just smuggling drugs to Mena. Clinton could have been running children through there just as easily. Once you setup the network of folks who look the other way for drugs, kids would be easy to move.
▶ 853dbb (6) No.2639010>>2639052 >>2639093
Thanks, Fren! I've been looking for one of those.
▶ da9074 (3) No.2639011>>2639069
> https://www.cogent-strategies.com/team/andrew-kauders
And he was with the Podesta Group also.
▶ f91e92 (2) No.2639012
Pff mother's day isn't til like, May
▶ 940f14 (3) No.2639013
Q also never specifically said the parade on 11/11/18 being a Military parade. The parade could actually be the largest PrepWalk the world has ever seen. I will wait, I will hope, I will Trust.
▶ 3775b3 (33) No.2639014>>2639037
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2638994
plan all the way to the end they say
▶ 5321bd (3) No.2639016>>2639120
I'd laugh because Trump is famous for not paying his bills.
▶ 965c3b (3) No.2639017
Is it just me or
has there been a LOT of weird shit involving airplanes and airports the past 3 weeks??
▶ 2af377 (1) No.2639018>>2639083 >>2639237 >>2639293 >>2639331
Anons, I just had a thought. Couple of breads ago, I was thinking Q linked, then deleted something. Turned out to be my browser was going nuts, and they were drops from long ago that I had forgotten about; stuff from March:
>Learn double meanings.
>News unlocks MAP.
>Why is STEEL so important?
>Expand your thinking.
>https:// www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP80-00810A004000690005-7.pdf
This post explains the meaning behind "Red October" (it's a Steel plant in Russia); emphasis on the importance of STEEL (double meanings dig).
>https:// www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP90-00845R000100170004-5.pdf
This document, Long made short, is how the OSS (the predecessor to the CIA) worked with the SS (Nazis) to negotiate an end to WWII, and how the Vatican helped to exfiltrate (rescue) 200+ SS and German Military Intelligence operatives (Gehlen Organization). The pretense was humanitarian aid, and the reason was "anti-communist efforts in Europe, post war end". Doctors that did the horrid experiments on people were high priority in the list, and went on to work for the US military/CIA.
So, the Catholic Church helped the Nazis, which ended up helping the OSS become the CIA, and the CIA was formed with the background knowledge that the Nazis gained, and other clandestine shit planned.
Q mentioned, in the beginning, that the map had 43 confirmed connections back in November 24, 2017:
>Map currently has 43 confirmed connections.
Later on, this post, happened:
>Mess with the best, die like the rest.
>[2] highly classified clown ops exposed.
>[44] remaining.
>Wizards & Warlocks.
>Save the best for last.
OK. So. Help me out here. It's probably right in front of my nose, and I just don't see it in breads and notables. Have we established a "name" or a "directory" of the operations that Q has confirmed, yet? Do you all understand what I'm asking?
If this post:
>Map currently has 43 confirmed connections.
Is related to the subject matter of this post:
>[2] highly classified clown ops exposed.
>[44] remaining.
Then are we missing the real "big picture" here? What is it that JFK wanted to do, again, with the CIA? It might be a dubios quote, but even Q used it:
>1000 pieces.
Q is doing that which Kennedy wanted to do. He's laying out the "map".
The Map is the list of CIA operations he's dismantling.
▶ 23dfb7 (7) No.2639019
An important question, now that the DNC co-chairman is running for attorney general.
▶ 3cb480 (11) No.2639021
Possible. Monsoons, bruh. They are no joke. That shill's post is, though.
▶ c942f9 (5) No.2639022
brennan anon source ass is cooked. zucker is "dying" and pretty much stepping down, but muh feels for the dedicated viewers. Gofundhisass
how do you wake a sleeping giant? slowly.
giant is awakening and pretty angry.
▶ 9c44bf (15) No.2639023>>2639136
are you new?
they put HRC winning at 95% to 99%
kek anon
▶ f02137 (9) No.2639025
aahyes, much better.
get em, interpol
▶ 849126 (2) No.2639026
Hilary predicted 99%
▶ 3d5b3d (1) No.2639028>>2639041 >>2639060 >>2639107
You are painting with a broad brush, brother anon
Try using a much smaller brush, and a little color and texture…the picture you are painting will be much better
▶ c1487f (28) No.2639029
Anons !!!
▶ 782764 (2) No.2639031
Maybe the military will be doing other more important things around that time.
▶ 8fa820 (4) No.2639032
been away from things. Did the Manafort jury really ask to have reasonable doubt REDEFINED? Did the ask to have it defined and MSM is spinning/lying? REDEFINED?
▶ 5f4303 (4) No.2639033>>2639108
Don’t forget Rachel Brand went to work there, too!
▶ 1f0ed4 (5) No.2639034>>2639073
I agree that 2A is an obligation, but only when we know we have no other choice. We're not there yet. Hang in there. A lot is in the works right now and we may start to see some dominoes begin to finally get knocked down. Try to be patient for a bit longer.
▶ f29510 (6) No.2639035>>2639075 >>2639157 >>2639348
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Still extinguishing your wildfires in CALIFORNIA by pouring water over them ?
check 01:27:35 in this amazing documentary
▶ 9604ab (7) No.2639036>>2639115 >>2639143
texas longhorns symbol
Ever see a fucking longhorn with pointy horns like the devil?
Wouldn't you agree that LONG HORN is more like the Hawaiian hang loose hawaii hand symbol?
NO? Really? Think about it.
Why the hell did they decide to use the DEVIL symbol instead of the actual symbol that's closest to the animal that they're trying to symbolize?
▶ 8dd074 (7) No.2639038
Are you going to tell everyone where that poll came from? Come on tell em
▶ c0a592 (18) No.2639039>>2639068
Work on your pilpul, Israel first traitor low-iq jew :)
I never said Whites are the master race. What I do say is, jewish subversion WILL be destroyed in the West, either by means of education and truth, or WAR. I prefer peace, but if you want war, I will kill people like you with all the pleasure.
Jews don't control the world, but they have surely been trying since the times of Abraham.
What they do control is censorship on the internet, and that too will end.
Cry more, people like you get the rope :)
▶ 11b04d (9) No.2639040
you made the owner of those kek anon
▶ b2146c (7) No.2639041
Sounds like a good rule to me based on the evidence. How am I wrong?
▶ c1b5c1 (1) No.2639042
▶ 9c44bf (15) No.2639043>>2639070 >>2639074 >>2639393
putting it all together now
▶ 74e889 (1) No.2639044>>2639086
This reasoning also parallels
the Q drop were it is noted
you GET to go to jail
▶ ad2c78 (6) No.2639045
The parade is cancelled.
To be replaced by a Brennan death march
▶ 356adb (10) No.2639047>>2639061
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Why hasn't Pizzagate been investigated?
If we're trying to redpill the masses, why isn't Ben Swann back on tv?
▶ f852ee (5) No.2639048>>2639057
Remember when (((They)))
dropped the Dow Jones 666 to
send a message to Trump?
▶ b9b887 (1) No.2639049
Nate, is that you?
▶ ae3411 (6) No.2639051>>2639067 >>2639080 >>2639117 >>2639164
I was one of the lead investigators/contributors on pizzagate in 2016. I was fighting for JA when Paypal took down his account. I was fighting the scumlord scientologists in 2008. I was contributing more to this cause for far longer than 95% of this fucking board. I don't need a break.
WE need justice.
▶ 5321bd (3) No.2639053>>2639105 >>2639142
The best part of the new Mission Impossible film is watching Alec Baldwin getting stabbed to death.
▶ c52bcb (6) No.2639054>>2639071 >>2639090
That is not the original Q post about 11/11.
Put the original post up.
This is Q already back peddling from his original 11/11 post.
▶ b1cb7d (11) No.2639055
>but no one is stopping them.
^ This, right here, is the overall theme of this Q bullshit.
Lots of "We see all. We hear all. We have everything."
False hope. False promises implied.
But ZERO actual justice … Z E R O
But the time-wasty wild goose chases, especially for useless blurry pictures of jack shit, were really fun …
▶ 380c88 (7) No.2639056
So Snowden was never in Russia? And Russia was original first target, not USA?
▶ 6cce2e (16) No.2639058>>2639078
I'm that anon who was digging Rose Firm last night. Posted pics of the pool there. Looks sketch and old as hell.
I think Arkansas is the key to breaking this whole thing wide open.
Need more diggers to go through my ID in this bread for notables to help dig. It's so much data.
Dig Axciom partners.
Dig Stephens Inc
Dig Walton Family Foundation
Dig Clinton School of Public Service
Will I ever sleep?
▶ c0a592 (18) No.2639059
I am trying to say anything, I am just presenting fully sourced facts about jewish supremacism and subversion.
What are YOU trying to imply?
▶ b2146c (7) No.2639060
OH you are making an argument based on imaginary evidence! Got it.
Fantasy land. Got it.
▶ 8dd074 (7) No.2639061
>If we're trying to redpill the masses, why isn't Ben Swann back on tv?
▶ 1e4854 (2) No.2639062
Trump administration nearing deal with Mexico on revised NAFTA --- but issues with Canada remain
The Trump administration is close to striking a deal with Mexico on a revamped North American Free Trade Agreement, analysts said, but thorny issues are yet to be resolved with Canada, the third party in the trilateral pact.
Reaching an agreement with Mexico would mark a breakthrough for the administration after a year of roller-coaster talks and tension with its longtime North American trading partners. President Trump has frequently threatened to withdraw from NAFTA, linked the renegotiations to his call for a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border and slapped tariffs on Mexican and Canadian steel to apply pressure to make concessions.
But both Mexico and the U.S. have strong incentives to push through a deal quickly. Mexico wants to lock in an agreement before its new leftist president takes office, and the White House is keen on achieving a win on trade ahead of the midterm elections.
▶ 6c5a28 (13) No.2639064
But it is NOT satanic
It symbolizes longhorn horns, and represents the U of Texas sports. No connection to Satan at all and I have no idea why you would think that.
If you are going to tar people with the same brush, then I will have to note that the dick between YOUR legs is rapist equipment and potential rapists like you should not be allowed on this board.
▶ 9a42be (7) No.2639065>>2639091 >>2639122
Q lied and you are dumb.
The Biltmore House IN NC has been a yuge tourist spot since 1956. The pool has rectangular tiles and NO DRAINS.
The painter was a girl from BOSNIA, she painted the SHOWER WITH SQUARE TILES in 2005.
▶ cf43ec (2) No.2639066
Every dog has its day.
▶ c1487f (28) No.2639068
LOOK THAT CUNT IS A DISEASE !!! We need a DP porn of that BISH !!
▶ 3c46a5 (1) No.2639069
Not only was he working for Podesta, after Tony left due to "increased scrutiny" (mueller probe) all the Podesta Goblins moved to Cogent Strategies.
▶ 9c44bf (15) No.2639071>>2639103 >>2639133 >>2639191
yea, march 6th
it was a marker, according to POTUS until today, it was happening on the 11th
muh larp
▶ 5c4564 (13) No.2639072
>>2638871 ← And this anons,
Is why it's important to stay hydrated
▶ ae3411 (6) No.2639073
I'm not in Taos but if I we're my patience would be beyond gone at this point and I am quite sure a lot of patriots in Taos are feeling that way right now. That is why I am pleading for them. This is a gross injustice and must be dealt with immediately.
▶ e07246 (3) No.2639074
▶ 9604ab (7) No.2639075>>2639121
I believe that's how the coral castle in florida was built.
▶ 0b7d50 (3) No.2639076
This is nothing new, its called fake news for a reason.
▶ c0a592 (18) No.2639077
Jewish media.
Jewish news its fake news.
▶ 5f4303 (4) No.2639078>>2639180
Charles Morgan is a name to dig with axciom in conway Arkansas. He married a woman 30 years younger than him. Suzy People’s was her maiden name
▶ f9a43e (11) No.2639079>>2639213 >>2639261
Serpent Seed Theory
Jews have taught it all along!
The Sota Water Trial is evidence
▶ 4413ba (2) No.2639081
Does make you wonder who reports to who on the whole Zucker Cooper deal
▶ 853dbb (6) No.2639083>>2639127 >>2639237
Notable ponderance?
▶ 9e5784 (3) No.2639084>>2639111
▶ c89937 (9) No.2639085>>2639141
This child abuse in the Church may be a sign that the priesthood needs to be opened up to women, married men, or both.
▶ 3d2c79 (3) No.2639086
▶ 7c8049 (6) No.2639087
It's also the hand-sign for I Love You in sign language.
They've fukd with our language, too, ya know. Even language for the deaf.
▶ 3cb480 (11) No.2639089
Buford T.
My man.
▶ b1cb7d (11) No.2639090
No such thing as coincidences.
Seeing hos (another) major Q promise has been broken by real events from real people at the WH, are we still trusting muh plan ?
▶ 2ff141 (6) No.2639091>>2639203
Vanderbilt ties into Anderson Cooper. Follow along anon
▶ 1d0b33 (3) No.2639092>>2639147 >>2639177 >>2639228
If this was a LARP I'm about 100% positive that it would have been shut down along time ago. I imagine our top intel and military officers wouldn't appreciate some practical internet jokers masquerading as top Q level clearance operators. If this were a LARP then the perps would have been tracked down and ordered to cease and desist months ago.
▶ 640418 (2) No.2639093>>2639274
here's another with the thumb complete if that works for you too
▶ 7146b1 (1) No.2639094>>2639153 >>2639184 >>2639264
Great post anons
I believe we have been told many times
so sit back and relax
Do you really think Q mistakenly included Maddie McCann in collage today????
Use Logic.
▶ 8b1ab0 (2) No.2639095>>2639187
99.9% chance Hillary wins the election. Just saying…
▶ 75e6e9 (5) No.2639096>>2639225
> Al Qaeda… We all know they are CIA, right - after Operation Cyclone?
CIA has been harboring them and their forerunners since the '70s. The Soviets handed us the Sudan by attempting a coup of their own puppet leader for not being enough of a commie so he immediately volunteered to be a US puppet instead, and the CIA told him to release proto-AQ from jail and put them in charge of law enforcement. Of course they held a coup and gave refuge to Osama bin Laden.
▶ 10b155 (9) No.2639100>>2639139
Why was NSA created?
Created per NSC Intelligence Directive No. 9
NSC Directive:
To consider and make communications policies… to protect and utilize COMINT information
▶ 786805 (2) No.2639101>>2639155
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Ya'll remember this?
Las Vegas security guard breaks silence on 'Ellen'
eBot does I bet
▶ 6c5a28 (13) No.2639102
Are you saying that the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps at U of Texas has that kind of initiation ritual? I've never heard of such a thing outside the Ivy league colleges of the northeast like Princeton.
▶ 8dd074 (7) No.2639103
>11 - 11 - 18
>A parade that will never be forgotten*
*Unless it’s rescheduled
▶ 8b86d3 (3) No.2639104
interdasting theory
5 verses before and only one on Wednesday
For context- the verse 12 from Wednesday (to me ) speaks about the believers meeting Jesus face to face after death and the full knowledge that will come in Heaven.
Verse 10 is the payoff-- When Q posts that verse we may be at the point where the Habbenings are upon us
10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears.
▶ 7d9491 (2) No.2639105
How does he find time between his game shows and overeating?
▶ 294017 (5) No.2639106>>2639123
I know we will keep the House and Senate.
I bet my son-in-law $1,000.
▶ c0a592 (18) No.2639107>>2639273
Its not a error to say "the jews" because its VERY RARE to see any jew to present himself independent of his jewish identity.
If jews chose to act like a group, they get treated like a group.
▶ 6cce2e (16) No.2639108>>2639126
Dig her more.
Chairman of federalist society.
Federalist society Arkansas connections.
I'm certain Arkansas is key to so much of this. Clintons have been running the cabal for decades. Probably took over from Vanderbilts and Rothsteins after a few deaths.
▶ 5a14ca (1) No.2639110
Is it why Q Team was in Hanoi?
Back in 2001, some members of the Joint Task Force on MIAs started talking (in bars and coffee houses, not to the press) that they knew men were left behind after 1975 / fall of Saigon.
Then they had a little helicopter accident.
▶ 9c44bf (15) No.2639111
I'll say it again, you're graphics are awesome anon
HD as fuck
I member that too
▶ 0ae101 (2) No.2639114>>2639125 >>2639134 >>2639320
Watch the budget. Q drop on military parade. Phonefagging so no apologies if already posted.
I haven’t calculated but this says the actual budget is 666% higher than originally estimated. Remember the bill authorizing the funding that POTUS signed Monday had 666 amendments.
Seems like our digs this week have focused on Satan, quite literally with @s8n. Will we get one more 666 reference this week for a trio?
▶ e91288 (1) No.2639115
▶ c1487f (28) No.2639116
making me think about LARP status !!
▶ 8f9a50 (7) No.2639118
Do you know that if Trump were to win seats in both houses of Congress, it would be the first time since 1938, excepting for the highly-patriotic mid-term after 9/11/01?
▶ 9a42be (7) No.2639120
It's true. He can't rake in those sweet traitor millions from the Saudis, Russians, and ChYnese like that woman who is not your President.
▶ f29510 (6) No.2639121
Yeah, this also being talked about during the course of this talk
▶ aa3b89 (2) No.2639122
maybe you missed that those were paintings and not photographs.
▶ f852ee (5) No.2639123>>2639130
Easy money…what are you gonna buy?
▶ 25f45f (2) No.2639124
So many patriots would volunteer.
We would make that parade happen for free.
Just ask us Q.
Let us know what you need.
We are proud.
We are Americans.
We are Q.
▶ 0ae101 (2) No.2639125
Article dropped off op
▶ 5f4303 (4) No.2639126>>2639167
Had many many meetings with ole Suzy before! Axciom in 1997 was data mining on citizens, major data center in Conway
▶ 877aa8 (13) No.2639127
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>2639083
I don't understand what anon is asking / saying / the theory. Help me out…
▶ 23dfb7 (7) No.2639129>>2639165 >>2639171 >>2639186 >>2639283 >>2639353
▶ c1487f (28) No.2639130
▶ 055eaa (1) No.2639131>>2639145 >>2639227 >>2639252 >>2639262
Anyone catch this?
President Donald Trump's military parade that was slated to have taken place on November 10 has been postponed, according to a Pentagon statement. Earlier on Thursday, a U.S. official had told ABC News that the cost of the parade had risen to $92 million, a significant increase to initial estimates that it could cost $14 million.
Timelines change.
Watch the budget.
▶ c89937 (9) No.2639132
Q cant be a problem and isnt a problem. Q makes internet posts. The lack of action by Trump's DOJ is a problem. Is Trump waiting for the demoncrats and media to support him? Because nobody has that much time of earth. These people need to be found and eradicate period
▶ c52bcb (6) No.2639133
I still will wait.
Q never said military parade.
I'll take a criminal parade anyday.
▶ 849126 (2) No.2639134
The devil works in 3s
▶ 7d60d0 (13) No.2639135>>2639195 >>2639272
"The only risk left is economic.
From normies freaking out too much.
Or rogue operators. The 4-6%".
I just want to repeat this. Because this Anon knows. I think the hammers drop as soon as, and I'm guessing Bannon and his Honeybadgers might be in on this somehow, as soon as we get PUBLIC CONSENSUS to a % where we are basically assured that even if the remaining rogue operators that OUR Delta type teams have not been able to round up throw all they got at us, the damage will be minimal and we will keep the lights on.
We are fighting for the Narrative. And we are winning. God Bless you Anons.
▶ 980e73 (1) No.2639136
Yes. Looks like they've backed it off a bit because 99% resulted in dems not bothering to vote kek
▶ 670bb5 (3) No.2639138
Pointing to Krauder ….
Used collage for showing us they use original surveilance foto's (treason) for promoting LARP idea's.
▶ 10b155 (9) No.2639139>>2639194
NSA was created to control the flow of all communications intelligence.
They same way these traitors used Google.. to consolidate information
▶ 11b04d (9) No.2639140
▶ 356adb (10) No.2639141>>2639240 >>2639334
There's no precedent in the history of the Church allowing women into the priesthood.
▶ 1f0ed4 (5) No.2639142
▶ 84180b (1) No.2639143>>2639149
Which came first?
The devil or the cow?
▶ 5c4564 (13) No.2639144>>2639297
All of that hard work only to increase our resolve…must be a sad existence
▶ 3cb480 (11) No.2639145>>2639161 >>2639188 >>2639391
Nope. Not a single anon caught that. Thanks.
▶ e07246 (3) No.2639146
▶ 6cce2e (16) No.2639147
Don't care if LARP. If LARP, they fucked up and woke us up anyway. We are all Q. We did the research. We found the proofs. If LARP, and intended to troll us, all it did was create a virtual army pulling public data to expose a real child trafficking ring.
▶ c1487f (28) No.2639149>>2639413
▶ 043fb4 (1) No.2639150>>2639193
(((They))) will be JUDGED
Matthew 4:19
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will send you out to fish for people."
John 8:12
Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, "I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life."
John 3
20 For everyone who does evil hates the light and avoids it, so that his deeds may not be exposed. 21 But anyone who lives by the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be shown to be accomplished by God.
Luke 8:17
"For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light. ∞
▶ 356adb (10) No.2639151>>2639341
I'd rather cut funding to Israel and PP to pay for it.
▶ 41c99d (3) No.2639152>>2639271
Here's the ultimate tie to CF with La colombe a buy in from Chobani founder Hamdi Ulukaya, the Turkish-born billionaire best known for having founded the United States’ largest greek yogurt company, Chobani, has ties to both Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Global Initiative, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, and a host of other globalist corporatist figures including Warren Buffet.
Also La Colombe is going for a billion dollar valuation https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-04-03/la-colombe-said-to-hire-moelis-in-bid-for-1-billion-valuation
▶ 93372c (4) No.2639153>>2639170 >>2639201 >>2639208 >>2639238 >>2639268
>Do you really think Q mistakenly included Maddie McCann in collage today????
Of course not Anon.
Q mentioned "Nothing to see here" more than once.
Now… if my spidey senses serve me correctly, I'd go with a "There are no coincidences" on this one.
Typos happen, sure, small mistakes happen, sure.
We're all human.
Well, some of us are comic book characters.
Q is watching right now.
And there truly are no coincidences.
▶ 7d60d0 (13) No.2639155>>2639163
Fakest and weirdest shit. From a place that only does fake and weird.
▶ 2f2d44 (2) No.2639156
I think these photos were taken in the 1980s, could there have been a renovation since then?
▶ 7c8049 (6) No.2639157>>2639218
Vids ablmost 3 hours- is there any way you can write up some cliff-notes on it and post back here?
I KNOW sound waves are powerful. Would be fantastic to get that sauce here and in Notables for ALL!
▶ c89937 (9) No.2639159
Idgaf about some lame-ass military parade. Are we fucking NoKo now?
I want to see a parade of perp walks.
▶ 8dd074 (7) No.2639160
>It’s showtime!
That statement was made six days ago.
▶ c1487f (28) No.2639161
UM your kinda late last bread late anon get updated SON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
▶ 9a9a2f (5) No.2639162>>2639169 >>2639204
ignore the losers and haters and make memes.
perfect your sound bite arguments for the red pills.
make it comfy for new eyes.
graph is from google .. real or not real? who knows, but I do know they are jumping on all the soft spots today and the breads will likely be full of it for a day or two
soldier on!
▶ c0a592 (18) No.2639163>>2639376
Burn it down.
Legally, off course.
▶ f9a43e (11) No.2639164>>2639235
Well, he could always flip the switch and go with Plan B like I stated the other night. It wouldn't hurt my feelings.
The world would fall into complete chaos for a while, millions would probably die, civil war, and much more fun and games. But at least we wouldn't have to wait anymore.
But if you think shit is going to happen without putting new judges on benches everywhere dream on. You should know that if you've contributed far longer than 95% of this fucking board.
▶ 940f14 (3) No.2639165
That pdf, right there, that's Baghdad Bob level bullshit.
▶ 2f2d44 (2) No.2639166
Yes - Looks like 1988
▶ 6cce2e (16) No.2639167>>2639232
Data and logistics are key to all this. Arkansas has been the best at both of those for decades.
Will need to dug deeper into JB Hunt too. Now at this point, we can search all social media. That "anon" reddit post from 10 years ago by the JB Hunt IT guy finding weird files about bitcoin and unknown invoices for transport, yeah we can find all those now.
▶ 4108a2 (5) No.2639168>>2639210 >>2639222 >>2639229 >>2639370
anyone catch the 2 red shoe banners in the background?
▶ 0b7d50 (3) No.2639169
Best part about this, they are painfully easy to spot.
▶ 356adb (10) No.2639170>>2639256
"Nothing to see here" is one thing, but Q said explicitly that it was a mistake and that there is no connection.
▶ f852ee (5) No.2639171>>2639289
Damn Catholics are lying
better than Joos now
▶ 56693b (1) No.2639172
Based on those digits + 1 post I'm tempted to say he just posted again!
▶ 0de78b (2) No.2639173
Sweet dreams, frenz. May angels guard you, waking and sleeping. Love you all.
▶ 25e5ed (5) No.2639175>>2639185 >>2639207 >>2639245 >>2639292
I have to say….OUR FemAnons are much more attractive than these airbrushed, anorexic& Fake Titty wannabe women.
Release the REAL TITTIES!! (TY Baker!)
▶ 0f2d8c (2) No.2639176>>2639223 >>2639392
Sounds interesting for a dig.
Charles Ortel says the CF claimed the library property was valued at 165 million??
which is how to hide money?
I worked on pizzagate, but will take a look at this. What is the info on "service project"??
Ortel's latest report
(the planes were likely getting the Clinton library -- or what is left of it)
▶ 5c4564 (13) No.2639177
Agreed. MI would definitely have cleaned house long ago if this was a LARP
▶ 9c44bf (15) No.2639179>>2639200
I've kept this as copypasta to post updates every few days:
even with the fake polls (the pointed out muh 9% and 11%), they only have a 6.8% lead
without the fake polls inserted, its likely the D's are only up by 4% or 5% or less
it went from ~4% to ~7% after they added their polls to make it look like the D's have a chance
and this is citing Vox, a liberal outlet
you may not follow/care about polls and not saying these matter much (muh poll #’s), but its a good sign anyway
which means, WE WILL GAIN IN THE SENATE and keep the House (yet likely lose some seats)
(pic1) was the 7th
(pic2) is today
▶ 6cce2e (16) No.2639180
Charles Morgan
Suzy Peoples
So much notable stuff in this. Baker please document.
▶ 380c88 (7) No.2639181>>2639190 >>2639202 >>2639299
Military parade postponed? WTF?!
▶ c9a911 (1) No.2639183
Regarding the 2nd missile.
▶ b1cb7d (11) No.2639184>>2639275 >>2639282
>Do you really think Q mistakenly included Maddie McCann in collage today????
Whoever this Q is, he/she just realized that Pedosta may very well sue his ass for libel for the Maddie McCann implication.
Since this Q larp is obviously coming to an end, Q wants to tidy up the loose ends that could cost his ass $$ when his real identity is outed.
Use logic.
▶ c1487f (28) No.2639185
of course they are !! !!!!!!!
▶ 9da94b (2) No.2639186
Not one concern for the victims in that thing.
▶ f48bc2 (3) No.2639187>>2639209
I hope she wins 100 million to zero!
▶ c1f52e (2) No.2639188
Lmao. You need to put a /s before your responses to prepare us for the hit. I snort laughed pop through my nose. Ow.
▶ 294017 (5) No.2639189>>2639216
Fox News just reported parade could cost up to 80 million
(compare to others saying 92 m)
▶ ed15d4 (3) No.2639190>>2639199
trust the plan, media disinfo
▶ 2ff141 (6) No.2639191>>2639276
Don't be gay Anon
Q being wrong on occasion doesn't mean LARP.
Fuck millitary intelligence said Iraq had WMD
That turned out to be false… Does that mean those intelligence officers we're a LARP.
Use your brain Anon
Even the best intelligence is sometimes incorrect
▶ 4db3bf (1) No.2639194>>2639230
Tripartite Interaction: US, USSR and Britain
The United States was the first to open its doors to the alien race known as the Greys. I have been told of a contact in 1934, wherein the Greys made their presence known to the United States government in Wxashington State. It wasn't until 1947 that actual contact occurred with the aliens and United States officials, due to the shooting down of an alien craft in Roswell, New Mexico.
This pressed the Greys into contact earlier than they had anticipated. After this crash at Roswell in 1947 the United States, the Soviet Union and the British, at the very highest levels of government, became "blood-brothers". Now, these governments did not know what Germany was really up to at that time in history. The Germans were very very secretive about their contact with Gizeh intelligences. What was going on in Germany and what was going on between these other countries were two separate issues. The Roswell incident created more of an urgency to develop a true space program in order to defend the Earth. Again, the United States government and the Soviets thought that there was a threat due to the technologically advanced state of the aliens they had encountered. The true space program was an "underground" development that we are just now beginning to hear about. It was originally financed by members of the Club of Rome.
Now, you will need to do some homework to find out who those members are, and don't be surprised at who you see. We'll talk more about that when we discuss the moon. The Greys assisted the "black government" with the building of some of the first facilities on the moon and Mars. Prior to all of this, between 1850 and 1950, there were instances of the mutilation of both cattle and humans. The NSA, which was created in the 1950's, knew that aliens were responsible. How they knew this, though, I have not been told. I will try and get more clarification on that.
In 1952, the government prepared itself for the realization of ongoing alien contact. When our military radar systems started to bring down craft, the Greys realized that in order to perform their genetic experiments on such a large scale, in an attempt to genetically save their race, they would need the cooperation of a political body of a high caliber. In other words, they had to come to terms.
A select body in the United States was designed to be the liaison between the Greys and earth humans. The military was very enthusiastic, in the hope of exchanging raw materials for alien technology. This liaison group, the political structure, was the National Security Agency. This is what its original purpose was.
--- Alex Collier, 1995.
▶ 7c8049 (6) No.2639195>>2639260
Good post, Anon. Believe you are spot-on. Also think , that until the Haiti info drops (taking away the black vote) Catholics everywhere need to WAKE UP and #walkaway. <That will bring us closer to the #'s we need.
▶ a4f0ea (5) No.2639197
This bitch just said "Trump and Trump voters are too far gone…
▶ 6c5a28 (13) No.2639198>>2639267
In a shooting war, the Cabal will win!!!!!!!
That is because in the chaos of a shooting war it is much easier to infiltrate the patriots, or to hide out quietly in another country, and then slowly come back after the shooting is over. Everyone in the country will be so shell shocked that manipulation of people will be much easier.
If you WANT a shooting civil war, they YOU are the enemy and all Anons should hunt you down and put a bullet in your head before any real shooting kicks off. It is THAT serious. We are winning, but if useful idiots like you take charge, the whole thing collapses.
Fortunately, I believe the military has already identified people like you and if the risk of a shooting war gets too close, a team of special forces will come to your house in the nighttime, kill you, and steal all your valuables to make it look like a robbery.
You have only one way to survive. And that is SANE and reasonable conversations with your neighbors asking them to get the vote out in November. There will be NO shooting civil war!!!
▶ 380c88 (7) No.2639199>>2639211
Fox News reported it
▶ a55624 (1) No.2639200>>2639266
They don't have that much of a lead. Not even close. The polls are lying.
▶ 7d60d0 (13) No.2639201>>2639256
KEK!! Yes…This Exactly. I love this show.
Remember when they mobilized NG in those Southern States, and as the NG was working it's way to the boarder from local armories, they slowly slipped into these border towns, many times top operators disguised as every day troops, and rolled up a bunch of the worst perps??
Remember hearing about that?? Me neither.
▶ f02137 (9) No.2639202>>2639219 >>2639253
<How do you capture a very dangerous animal?
<Do you attack it from the front?
<Do you walk through the front door?
<Do you signal ahead of time you will be attacking?
▶ 9a42be (7) No.2639203>>2639242
AC is a Vanderbilt. He never lived in the Biltmore house - no connection. The painting has NO CONNECTION to the Biltmore house at all.
The likelihood that that painting had anything to do with AC is nil.
Podesta is a perv though.
▶ 8dd074 (7) No.2639204
Q’s hope porn plays a major part:
“It’s Showtime!”
▶ 0b595e (2) No.2639206>>2639273 >>2639301 >>2639321 >>2639329 >>2639332 >>2639360
Your anti-semiticsm is not welcome here. Q himself said "patriots have no color!" and "unity". This board needs to become more multi-cultural and tolerant of others (think normies) no matter their age, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or age identity. Hatespeech goes against everything Q has taught, and Israel is america's biggest ally in the ME. People can have allegience to USA and Israel equally. MAGA
▶ 62c132 (1) No.2639208>>2639342 >>2639403
I'm really sick of these types of posts riddled with slogans and shit. You sound like you're clinging hard to shit. Fag. These are the types of fucking excited kid posts that make me hate this fucking board and the people on it.
▶ c1487f (28) No.2639209>>2639278
i wanna do the chick behind him ON CAMERA !! !!
▶ f852ee (5) No.2639210
Even if the shoes didn't mean anything,
they should all still be executed for being
cringy faggots….
LOOK! We all have the sames shoes on! durrrrrr
▶ ed15d4 (3) No.2639211
▶ b9c469 (1) No.2639212
How about all the prick SOBs still walking around who've gotten off with slaps on the wrists over the years?
Them too, Q.
Their victims are alive too, and hurting.
▶ 5cf9e3 (10) No.2639213>>2639257
This? connection?
▶ dc7ae5 (1) No.2639214
<div class="story"><p>Spotted Friday night at lobbyist Tony Podesta’s 65th birthday party inside the National Museum of Women in the Arts museum: wife Heather Podesta; brother, head of Center for American Progress and former co-chair of Obama’s transition team John Podesta; Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) with husband Paul Pelosi; Sen. Tom Udall (D-N.M.); Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.) and husband Sidney Harman; Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.); Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-Nev.); Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.); actress from television’s “thirtysomething” Polly Draper and her husband, jazz pianist Michael Wolff; Beth Dozoretz; Charlie Cook; Meredith Harman; Marlene Malek; Project on Government Oversight’s Adam Zagorin; The Washington Examiner’s Tim Carney and Tara Palmeri; NMPA’s David Israelite; and Lisa Tseng.</p></div><!--/.story-text-->
▶ 40d393 (3) No.2639215
4 things.
The parade was disinfo for budget allocation.
▶ ad2c78 (6) No.2639216
80 million more than original plan (92 vs 12)
▶ f29510 (6) No.2639218
The part that deals with the sonic fire extinguisher is only about 2-3 mins
Though I'd recommend to download the entire talk with youtube-dl, it is epic
▶ 380c88 (7) No.2639219>>2639226
Giving the cabal a false sense of security?
▶ 6c5a28 (13) No.2639220
If they are going after one murder in Arkansas, they are likely going after ALL OF THEM in Arkansas.
▶ 9a42be (7) No.2639221>>2639224 >>2639231
I just turned homosexual.
▶ 670bb5 (3) No.2639222>>2639239 >>2639306 >>2639358
Anons maybe we should get some names of the people in this pic.
RED shoe party? Are this all predators?
Q referenced…
▶ 6cce2e (16) No.2639223>>2639382
Clinton School of Public Service requires a semester service project for all students. If international student, project is done in US. If america student, project is done internationally.
CF is hiding money in the library and school. Likely in Heifer International as well. Why do they need all this money? Why are places like Saudi Arabia buying into the CF money pool?
▶ c1487f (28) No.2639224
▶ c7a904 (2) No.2639225>>2639363
Technically since before that. CIA packed them out of Egypt after they got themselves ban-hammered for assassinating the PM. Deposited them in Saudi Arabia.
What is more interesting is before then, when MI6 was using them. The MI6 connections to Al Qaeda go back to Hassan Al Banna back when he was writing Hitler love letters in jail (I sensationalize - but Banna and Hitler were connected by written correspondence). Then Hitler turns around and captures much of the Middle East using the Muslim Brotherhood in the Great Arab Revolt.
Of course, both world wars pretty much started in Yugoslavia, as well, after decades of social revolutions in Europe and Russia had effectively murdered most of the Royal lineages. All of which were heavily connected back into the Montenegrin and Slovenian clans.
And what did Al Qaeda go into that region to do at the behest of the Clintons?
▶ f02137 (9) No.2639226
Possibly. Or getting them to scramble and make new mistakes each time the timeline changes…
▶ b1cb7d (11) No.2639227>>2639243 >>2639248
Q reads the news and then drops excuses for his previous false promises.
Cultist anons slobber over themselves to justify it all and continue chasing windmills for this larper.
Rinse. Repeat.
▶ f9a43e (11) No.2639228>>2639286
Yeah but i think at some point a lot of anons have a bad night and begin to doubt
I think it's normal
Then they go ape shit and spout stupid shit off or a while.
Not every anon who disagrees is a shill.
Some are just having a moment.
Some are shills, others just having a bad moment. Don't tell me I'm the only one that ever had a doubting Thomas moment.
But a good healthy dose of skepticism makes us sharper. We don't need neophytes. We need logical thinkers.
▶ 4108a2 (5) No.2639229
▶ c0a592 (18) No.2639230
Ayyyyy lmao :DDDD
Deh gays :DDDD
▶ 9da94b (2) No.2639231
▶ 5f4303 (4) No.2639232>>2639258 >>2639379
Back in the late 80’s - 90’s a logistics company went through a name change after being busted for drug smuggling out of Arkansas. ( will take some digging to find the articles- newspaper.com). Also, Charles Morgan and Suzy has a close relationship with the Clintons ( hosted parties for them).
▶ 8bfe3e (4) No.2639233
I am developing a rash.
Q tips help my condition.
▶ 25e5ed (5) No.2639234>>2639292
Warmer….but not realistic.
▶ ae3411 (6) No.2639235>>2639294
>You should know that if you've contributed far longer than 95% of this fucking board.
I do know this. My point is this is an isolated issue and should be dealt with swiftly so that we the people can maintain some kind of semblance of faith in our federal government(I have only recently started regaining faith in the government since Trump was elected. I have an entire plan drawn out and well calculated on how to resign my U.S. citizenship and become an ex-pat as far back as 2013)
Now I do have faith. My point is with the post is that this incident needs to be dealt with and that whore judge needs to be made an example of. We can't have shit like this going on is all I'm trying to say - well, that - and more importantly I don't want patriot to go to jail over protecting we the people from tyrannical leaders when the federal government should have dealt with it 48 hours ago.
How in the fuck is this even a state issue anyways? Those terrorist fucks should of been put before a federal court not a fucking county court.
This whole situation is absolute bullshit.
I appreciate the intelligent response, anon.
▶ 5f7c65 (5) No.2639237
▶ c942f9 (5) No.2639238>>2639256
warrior over worrier. Its an info war. Reprogram the peoples minds.
▶ 40d393 (3) No.2639239
They pretty much have to be.
▶ 11b04d (9) No.2639240>>2639330
So, how is that working out for you these days ?
▶ 2ff141 (6) No.2639242>>2639280
Wasn't painting post by Anon ?
Q seemed to be talking about AC and Vanderbilt and the necklace
--- I don't think Q's point was the painting we all saw 2 years ago
▶ c1487f (28) No.2639243
▶ e68889 (2) No.2639244
My question……Why was Catholic Church abuse allowed to continue after the early 90’s
Average pedo Priest attacks 250+ kids
▶ b1cb7d (11) No.2639245>>2639270 >>2639279 >>2639333
>OUR FemAnons are much more attractive than these airbrushed, anorexic& Fake Titty wannabe women.
▶ 337731 (2) No.2639246
More caps, dude.
And more text.
And more drama.
Concernfag, noted.
▶ c1487f (28) No.2639248
OMG Cortez +++++
▶ 9c8e69 (1) No.2639249>>2639288 >>2639315 >>2639346 >>2639420
"The greatest trick Huber ever pulled was convincing the cabal that he didn't exist."
Keep your eye on the prize anons. Hold steady. And say your prayers. Lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in your fellow citizen. Huber is coming round, and when he does, Justice will come in Sessions. You're gonna need a stash of Red Pills to peddle, to don't get too high on your own supply. Just find comfy and sit tight. And as were told 10 months ago, just remember, "YOU ARE RIDING THE GREATEST TIMELINE IN EXISTENCE."
▶ c89937 (9) No.2639250
Patriots would eliminate these commie creeptards in short order if deputized and not at risk of arrest. Would be over in 30 days.
▶ 5fcc20 (1) No.2639251
It's a little disheartening to see anons assuming anything about McCann stuff, remember that ALL the digs on her case were happening back when everybody was still being fed nothing but disinfo by those in control. It wouldn't be very farfetched to think as much, so stow that shit and be patient. We've got 100 other things that could be being dug or discussed.
▶ 9a42be (7) No.2639252>>2639269
on time and under budget
▶ c0a592 (18) No.2639253
You adag teh benis :DDDD
▶ c4d7dc (3) No.2639254
▶ 25f45f (2) No.2639255
NFL players stand in tunnel during anthem, extending protests
Several Philadelphia Eagles players did not take the field during the playing of the national anthem on Thursday night as NFL players continue to demonstrate at games.
Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins and cornerback De'Vante Bausby stood in the tunnel during the playing of the national anthem for Thursday night’s game against the New England Patriots, NBC Sports Philadelphia reported.
The pair ran onto the field after the song ended and were soon joined by defensive end Michael Bennett, who reportedly stayed in the locker room during the song.
Last week, Jenkins and Bausby both raised their fists during the national anthem at a game against the Pittsburgh Steelers to protest racial injustice and police brutality.
Players from the Jacksonville Jaguars and Seattle Seahawks also reportedly remained in the tunnel until the end of the anthem last week.
▶ 93372c (4) No.2639256
>"Nothing to see here" is one thing, but Q said explicitly that it was a mistake and that there is no connection.
Occam's Razor.
I never fully believe anything 100%.
I'd never claim to have all, or any of the answers!
I am fluid, like water.
I can change my outlook instantly.
Maybe Q will save us the Time and trouble to confirm overthinking?
Maybe not.
>Trust yourself.
>GOOD wins.
▶ f9a43e (11) No.2639257
it was intense
It was a test to find an adulteress
If she was guilty her leg rotted off and she had to crawl around on her belly like a serpent then on.
▶ 6cce2e (16) No.2639258
▶ 7d60d0 (13) No.2639260>>2639284
Agreed. And it is ALL on on Hollywood, Haiti, Satanists, & Catholics right now. The stuff with Brennan and those guys, while important, of course, is nothing to GEOTUS at this point.
The bottom line is POTUS is a VERY Compassionate and loving man and he wants as few as many casualties in a world wide saga, where a serious mis-play on his part could literally bring about the end of Our Nation and maybe our world.
One way or another, there will be casualties, and who can dare to blame POTUS for stretching this out in order to save lives and WIN MORE OVER TO MAGA!?!?!?
I'm comfy. I trust Trump.
▶ 5cf9e3 (10) No.2639261
Where do they teach it?
▶ 877aa8 (13) No.2639262>>2639379
>Last month, the Military Times reported that initial estimates of the parade's cost were $12 million. The official -- who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss plans that haven’t been released yet – told AP the new projection is $92 million. That represents an increase of 666 percent.
Let's do the math again ---
12,000,000 million divided by 100 to get 1% = 120,000
120,000 multiplied by 666 for a 666% increase = 790,920,000
79m is not 92m as reported above by USAToday/Gannet/Lucifarians
▶ 595331 (1) No.2639264
It wasn't Q's collage. It was posted on reddit about an hour before Q reposted it. Someone else's collage.
▶ 603dba (1) No.2639265
Need to line up more judges first.
▶ 9c44bf (15) No.2639266
exactly, I've been following it
every time it gets close to R's leading or D's only up by 1-2%, they throw in ~+10% polls
one time, I legit saw a +15%
thats why all the MSM is saying a blue wave will come, BECAUSE THEY KNOW THERE WILL NOT BE (projecting)
▶ 6ca953 (3) No.2639267>>2639307
Fuck off pussy faggot.
▶ 5c4564 (13) No.2639268
>"Nothing to see here"
/ s
Poe's law
▶ 8bfe3e (4) No.2639269
Welcome to Palestine
▶ 41c99d (3) No.2639271>>2639317 >>2639349
Chobani founder with Soros
▶ 75e6e9 (5) No.2639272>>2639311 >>2639369
> as soon as we get PUBLIC CONSENSUS to a % where we are basically assured
This is not happening and will never happen as long as it continues to be illegal and financially ruinous to hold the opinion that it is wrong to allow al-Qaeda to invade and conquer Europe and the United States, and that there are biological differences between boys and girls.
Start arresting people and show what they have done, and you will create the consensus. It might be enough to push information out through more channels than one easily disregarded conspiracy board, but even that is not being done.
▶ 853dbb (6) No.2639274>>2639281
Have stuff to do for a couple days, but will make use of them once schedule clears up. Thanks, memebatterfag!
Here's a pantysniffer alpha for your efforts.
▶ 9c44bf (15) No.2639276
> according to POTUS until today, it was happening on the 11th
I know anon
POTUS was talking this up too, I can't imagine he is too happy
▶ 8abdd4 (1) No.2639277
Having read the last few breads with only the bad cert being called, and the Q has referenced apache http multiple time, I thought some anon would understand the difference of the two links.
When a site is www.Army.mil, the DNS will resolve at army.mil, the main site. When you add a /inscom, the resolution still goes through army.mil. The second link, is structured differently. With www.inscom.army.mil, that doesn't resolve according to army.mil, it is part of a subdomain, and treated as a seperate directory. Someone may control army.mil, but inscom.army.mil would be anyone else, including certificates.
▶ e20f75 (2) No.2639278
Why? You want to tell her your name is "Kinninigan" and make her shout it?
▶ c1487f (28) No.2639279>>2639291 >>2639418
left pic needs a major diet
right pic is very nice !!!!!!!!!
▶ 9c44bf (15) No.2639282
thats one of the moar clear examples
▶ 11b04d (9) No.2639283>>2639353
Anons - go actually read the alleged 'debunk' by the 'Catholic Clergy Defenders' website. Then have a look at some of their other offerings on the same website.
▶ e4c541 (1) No.2639284
▶ 6c5a28 (13) No.2639286>>2639312 >>2639352
I have bad moments too.
But I don't go ape shit and spout of anything.
I keep it to myself, and I pray
And I meditate on the problem
And I think about it.
But I do NOT dump it on everybody else
▶ f29510 (6) No.2639287>>2639322 >>2639354
Anyone else noticed that the media always talks about "Sarah Ruth Ashcraft"'s testimony about being raped by Tom Hanks ?
My stomach feeling is that she's a cointelpro shill (clone of the legit Fiona Barnett, just like AJ is a shill-clone of Bill Cooper)
▶ 356adb (10) No.2639289
Well, I'm unsure about the magnitude and the timeline factors of the abuse, although, of course, I don't dispute it occurring in the Church. But I am sure that the cabal wants to destroy the Church. Poisoned from within and then exposed to the world while separately being mocked by the MSM, Hollywood, the govt, and schools for that and other reasons. Meanwhile they are running the show and themselves being controlled through pedo blackmail. Anons are suspicious of the news in regard to anything except when the Catholic Church is criticized or condemned.
▶ 380c88 (7) No.2639290
The hour long power outage at Reagan airport yesterday has to be storm related?
▶ a4f0ea (5) No.2639291>>2639324
^^^^^^^^^^^ We have a perfectionist…. BOOOOOO!!!!
▶ c52bcb (6) No.2639292
appreciate beauty for what it is.
Women look good in makeup too.
Besides. All you shOw are the boobs.
▶ 579e73 (3) No.2639293
>The Map is the list of CIA operations he's dismantling.
I'll buy that, lock, stock, and barrel. AND…
Anon postulates with sauce that The Map is CIA Operations Q Team is Dismantling
▶ f9a43e (11) No.2639294>>2639396
So I suppose it would be salt in your wound to point out that today Federal Investigators went in and trashed the place along with any and all evidence?
▶ 9a42be (7) No.2639295>>2639326
<- renderings for latest military parade - reduced budget
▶ c89937 (9) No.2639296>>2639318 >>2639328 >>2639403
The voting rolls must be purged for a red wave to happen.
▶ 9e5784 (3) No.2639297
Sad AND confused. They try and try, just not hard enough. They must bebest.kek…
I don't get their logic at all. ( Q is a Larp, so I spend hrs per day trying to convince the people I call stupid, that Q is fake!!!???) Kek.
I've never found myself debating strangers on the net, that (idk) mermaids are not real..😂😂 😂
Fuck the mermaids and the dumb fuckers who believe in them. ..
But whatever.kek
Let the shills be shills . They boost morale, in my opinion.
▶ 0b595e (2) No.2639298
November 3 and 5, 2019
The year we MAGA
▶ 11de57 (1) No.2639300>>2639303
Thank you.
▶ c0a592 (18) No.2639301
> Israel is america's biggest ally in the ME
False. You're either ignorant, or an enemy of the US.
Israel is not an ally to the US.
Would an ally try to take away your free-speech and 1st Amend rights? Watch this if you haven't:
Would an ally subvert all technology the world uses:
Would an ally attack US soldiers?
Would an ally celebrate the terrorist attacks on WTC in 2001?
Israel is not an ally to the US or the American people.
Would an ally try to false flag US personnel in order to force the hand of the US against Egypt?
You need to educate yourself on the Lavon Affair:
Israel is an enemy of the US.
“Netanyahu speaks candidly about his Agenda and view of Americans.”
What has Israel ever done for the US?
They're no Ally. Brit Hume on Fox News admitted that Israel is the biggest threat to SPY on us, and this was right after 9/11.
They might have had info that could have prevented that, but they withheld it..
Jonathan Pollard, an Israeli, was the most dangerous spy in recent times.
We need to STOP giving BILLIONS of dollars to Israel.
We need to STOP supporting them as a Nuclear Regime that has NEVER signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty.
▶ 61a7af (2) No.2639302>>2639337
'm not fighting for a parade… I am fighting for a literal interpretation of the constitution and a return of my land rights…
▶ 8bfe3e (4) No.2639304
But gay fens are likable, and notable.
Friendly fag Lightroom fag
▶ 7d9491 (2) No.2639305
The two facts the MSM still cannot process:
1) She wasn't supposed to lose.
2) The Q Movement was supposed to finished by now.
▶ 0c4bea (1) No.2639306
The point of the red shoes thing was not the AMAGAHD CHILD ABUSE!, but the connections of the people in the red shoes. The T Podesta party. The interconnections/intersections. All joined by a love of red shoes. The Kauder guy was in HK as a go-between. Snowden was in HK as a go-between. Somehow, the two of them are connected as well.
▶ 6c5a28 (13) No.2639307
That is not going to stop the special forces.
They have pledged an oath to the Constitution.
They deserve our respect.
▶ 741057 (4) No.2639309
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2639008
Dropping SERIOUS KEK here…
▶ e195d6 (1) No.2639310
I agree-we're part of the GOOD team and honored to know so many patriots!
▶ 7d60d0 (13) No.2639311
Disagree 100%. No offense Anon, but where do you live?? Are you close to a lot of liberals and/or leftists?? Do you realize how badly schools that pipe in CNN have kids buying into the fact that Trump IS Hitler??
I live so deep in the blue, it's purple. Trump starts arresting people without enough of us being awake, and every day HOW MANY ROGUE operators are cut down and locked up, too fast, and shit hits the fan.
I love all of you Anons. But anyone questioning POTUS at this point are either faking it or don't know what's going on, or maybe the fear that this isn't going to happen is getting to you.
▶ f9a43e (11) No.2639312>>2639327
Well yelling SHILL shouldn't always be our first choice.
Iron sharpens Iron
Sometimes we just need to pic one another up
▶ 1d0b33 (3) No.2639313>>2639414
>Travel to Rome
▶ 98ae25 (1) No.2639314
It is us, isn't it? We have free will. We are the conduit for evil in this world. But we can change it. We have forgotten how to play.
▶ 5f7c65 (5) No.2639315
▶ 6cce2e (16) No.2639318
This isn't about red or blue anymore.
This is about exposing the pedophiles and putting a stop to it. Globally. Red. Blue. Black. White. Yellow. Russian. Chinese. Saudi. Whoever. They all must be brought to justice.
▶ 2ff141 (6) No.2639319
And what does that say ?
Location of pool confirmed.
Travel to Rome.
Read Anon
Q did not saw that pool is Vanderbilt pool
▶ d8aced (1) No.2639320
Well if the revised amount is $92M and it is 666% higher that would mean the original amount =
92,000,000 divided by 6.66 = 13,813,813.
Strange Digets
▶ c0a592 (18) No.2639321
> People can have allegience to USA and Israel equally.
False. You either choose to be for the US, or for Israel. Seems like you made your choice already, you are a traitor. Stop being a traitor, or suffer the consequences.
Frindly reminder that while the Frankfurt School jewish communist cultural marxists subverted the education system and dem party (and are the ideological fathers of the anti-A1, anti-A2, anti-West, anti-Christian “progressive” political movement) when they went to the US because of WW2, the rep party was subverted by the communism Trotskyites jewish intelectuals who became known has the neocons and were the main pushers for the use of US Military in ME with the objective of destabilizing it with the purpose of helping the expansion of Israel.
▶ 6c5a28 (13) No.2639322
But YOU don't really know.
And your opinion has NO STANDING in a court of law.
▶ d9c792 (2) No.2639323
holy fuck anons!
the ma+h in Noteables is so wrong.
sorry if already been discust jumped off for a sec.
▶ c1487f (28) No.2639324
fugg off
the post below mine is a perfect example
▶ 10b155 (9) No.2639325
Asked if the exhaustion was taking a toll on his physical health, Mr. Musk answered: “It’s not been great, actually. I’ve had friends come by who are really concerned.”
The events set in motion by Mr. Musk’s tweet have ignited a federal investigation and have angered some board members, according to people familiar with the matter. Efforts are underway to find a No. 2 executive to help take some of the pressure off Mr. Musk, people briefed on the search said. And some board members have expressed concern not only about Mr. Musk’s workload but also about his use of Ambien, two people familiar with the board said.
▶ 853dbb (6) No.2639327
(You knew someone was gonna do it…)
▶ 8f9a50 (7) No.2639328
>The voting rolls must be purged for a red wave to happen.
It's much more difficult to have voter fraud nation wide as it is in one special election.
Besides, Trump's approval rating among black voters is now 39%.
▶ 356adb (10) No.2639330>>2639340
You mean I should eat the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden?
▶ 2cf122 (1) No.2639331
my gut reaction is that this map and confirmations are covered in the clockfaggotry. however i think there is even more to it, such that everything is connected and it all matters.
▶ cf43ec (2) No.2639334>>2639347
Because it's a gay male fraternity.
▶ 380c88 (7) No.2639335>>2639344
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.164 📁
Aug 16 2018 13:10:00 (EST)
Line 4
Email (gmail)12.9.16
"……………untethered to department standards……………concerned dedicated resources in-place are not adequate to shelter against the PDB in which several agencies contribute…………"
Will you stand tall or cower?
Resist OP will not provide enough public support for cover.
Smile for the camera.
Patriots in control.
▶ c1487f (28) No.2639339
bish needs the .25 cents option ASAP
▶ 853dbb (6) No.2639340
666th reply in this bread.
▶ ebd5fe (1) No.2639341>>2639377
$92 million?
Is that all?
DJT could pay for the parade out of his pocket if he wanted to!
The timing of the PARADE has nothing to do with the Budget.
Are all the autists asleep?
▶ 5c4564 (13) No.2639342>>2639362
It doesn't understand sarcasm.
It may not belong on the chans.
▶ a18eac (1) No.2639343>>2639367
The more you know…. Skull and Bones (322) Fraternity has many, many chapters throughout our collegiate system. There is no where they cant reach out and touch…deep, deep , deep Mariana Trench deep…and that is unfortunate but very true ….
▶ 9398d7 (1) No.2639344>>2639357
Presidential daily brief
▶ ccb237 (2) No.2639345
Timeline change, I think is a matter that affects the visitors.
Which people are right here and how do you recognize them best?
Throw a stick
▶ c44cca (2) No.2639346
Concur. Huber is the ace.
▶ 356adb (10) No.2639347
Jesus didn't have a female apostle, and there were no women bishops in the early Church.
▶ 46d684 (1) No.2639348
>>2639035 Trip on Matt 12:36…we will be judged for every idle word we speak!
▶ 8d19bc (4) No.2639349
He left out the words “themselves to” between “help” and “refugees”… common mistake by (((them)))
Luckily I can read between the lines.
▶ b66869 (1) No.2639351>>2639390
That's fucking obscure. I love it.
▶ 6ca953 (3) No.2639352
That's why you threatened me twice already.
Go pray about it.
BTW the military has my respect. You do not.
▶ 23dfb7 (7) No.2639353>>2639380
>Anons - go actually read the alleged 'debunk' by the 'Catholic Clergy Defenders'
Here is the PDF of document
▶ c1f52e (2) No.2639354>>2639402
Is there any video of her? For all we know, she could be Tom Hanks himself under-cover.
▶ 1afea5 (1) No.2639356>>2639375
▶ 380c88 (7) No.2639357
Ugh that was an easy one, after seeing the next Q drop about Comey triggering articles about president daily brief. Thanks anon
▶ 670bb5 (3) No.2639358
This really happening….better dig on those shoes anons.
▶ 2fe28a (3) No.2639359
I’m in. I like roller coasters. Especially when it’s the ride FOR our lives. WWG1WGA
▶ 11b04d (9) No.2639360
nice try Shlomo - the evidence, right in front of our faces, speaks otherwise. If you are a good one, then best thing for you is to lurk and be glad you are not public figure
▶ 8bfe3e (4) No.2639361
Today he has to tell the truth! Shareholders convulsing with anticipation.
Q knows.
▶ c1487f (28) No.2639362
this isnt your echo chamber for sure 11111111
▶ 75e6e9 (5) No.2639363
> Then Hitler turns around and captures much of the Middle East using the Muslim Brotherhood in the Great Arab Revolt.
You're off by a few decades on that point unless there was more than one Great Arab Revolt. Otherwise, good post.
CIA used AQ in Bosnia because they imagined them to be leftover CIA assets rather than independent actors with their own agenda, and every opinion to the contrary was disregarded as Russian propaganda. The way things are going, I wonder if a chunk of the CIA was actually loyal to AQ.
▶ a4f0ea (5) No.2639364
Priceless… KEK!!
▶ b1cb7d (11) No.2639366
I'm not a shill, idiot.
I'm a Trump supporter who has been here since October and is able to step back and look at this POS psyop with a critical eye.
There are a LOT of inconsistencies to the cryptic "crumbs" that this Q asshole posts.
And when you step back and think of who benefits form disappointed and angered Trump supporters due to unmet expectations, the object of this larp is clear as day.
You're a fucking sheep being herded by an anti-Trump psyop.
Wake the fuck up.
▶ 6cce2e (16) No.2639367
Give me more info. Links. Sources
▶ f9a43e (11) No.2639368>>2639372 >>2639388
▶ 1c9e73 (1) No.2639369
trust the plan
things are moving must faster than it seems
▶ c942f9 (5) No.2639370
i count 23 that were posing for this photo. there are 5 that cannot be seen. the rest of the people are just at the event and do not notice the photo
▶ 717a0b (1) No.2639371
>Q says "timelines change".
Just means Q is drinking again. We know all this shit, but thanks for the pep talk anyway. Get some sleep, you're gonna need it.
▶ d9c792 (2) No.2639372
minor attracted person
▶ c1487f (28) No.2639375
most Gutting?????????
▶ 965c3b (3) No.2639376>>2639387
Imagine if Weinstein was thrown to the wolves because he's one of the ones that won't rape people under 16, and refused to perform ritual sacrifice.
▶ 1d0b33 (3) No.2639377
$92mm makes no sense either. Why in God's name would a parade cost that much money?
$10mm tops should be plenty.
▶ 877aa8 (13) No.2639379>>2639384
>>2639232 Charles Morgan, Suzy, the Clintons And Arkansas. Dig
>>2639262 USAToday/Gannet can't count
>>2638956 Diving into the Vanderbilt pool. Dig
>>2638860 What if I told you… Trump will personally pay for the Military Parade
>>2638738 Update on POTUS quoting the Senate Intel Chairman's statement on Brennan
>>2638743 QPosts mentioning 'budget'
>>2638736 Q says "timelines change". That could mean 1 of 3 things
>>2638723 , >>2638737 Russian-Jewish drug trade and cartel ops in the US
>>2638715 Michael Avenatti's dubious business dealings
>>2638705 Arkansas connections to the Clintons and the FBI.
▶ 8f9a50 (7) No.2639380>>2639395
>>Anons - go actually read the alleged 'debunk' by the 'Catholic Clergy Defenders'
Why? The Pope already agreed to the the grand jury report. The debunk overrules the pope?
▶ c89937 (9) No.2639381
Agree. They are demons who will turn and tear at each other at the first necessity.
▶ 0f2d8c (2) No.2639382>>2639411
Just an aside
I've heard the term "heffer" used in reference to a woman
might just be a southern thang
▶ ed15d4 (3) No.2639383
(You) (((glow nigger)))
▶ c1487f (28) No.2639384
GOOD SO FAR !!!!!!!!!!
▶ 306337 (2) No.2639385>>2639401
https:// archive.fo/NZOcD
Anyone seen this yet?
▶ de66cd (3) No.2639386>>2639412
while we sit on are asses and wait, the enemy is busy removing essential business functionality from patriots.
▶ c0a592 (18) No.2639387
Could be.
Would not surprise me.
▶ 1b4e29 (1) No.2639388>>2639400
military action plan
▶ 5c4564 (13) No.2639390
KEK couldn't cap the closed caption, filename had to do
▶ f11312 (2) No.2639391
▶ c942f9 (5) No.2639392
the clinton library is aka the largest double wide ever made.
▶ 5cf9e3 (10) No.2639393
▶ 10b155 (9) No.2639394
Why are American taxpayers subsidizing Tesla?
Welfare for the rich.
Private emails: GOOG: NK: Tesla
▶ 23dfb7 (7) No.2639395
>Why? The Pope already agreed to the the grand jury report. The debunk overrules the pope?
Some people like to be informed and educated
▶ ae3411 (6) No.2639396
Yes. I saw that. It's salt in all of our wounds.
I'm sure you get what I'm getting at. It's fuck it at this point. Q - send in the Spec Ops and put a bullet through these motherfuckers skulls. We're at the boiling point and this bitch Sackus is the whore who put the fire to everyones asses. I know how badly fucking infiltrated our government is(20 new prisons/courts etc) and it's going to take at least 10 years before the U.S.A is back to continuity. Then we have to worry about them hiding out wherever the fuck they are over seas.
Send in the Q team on this bitch. Q named her… I'm sure she's not very excited about that…
You get what I'm saying. Something has to be done.
▶ 2ff141 (6) No.2639397
Fuck now I fucked it up.
Q said location of painting confirmed.
Travel to Rome.
That pool is a different pool
▶ 8fa820 (4) No.2639398
giving false intel briefings was their plan
▶ f9a43e (11) No.2639400
Massive Action Plan?
Maybe he's a fan of Tony Robins?
▶ 4108a2 (5) No.2639401>>2639416
yes posted above. twice
▶ f29510 (6) No.2639402
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2639354
AFAIK she only exists on twitter, unlike barnett who has a website and a documentary
▶ 93372c (4) No.2639403
D'aaww you feeling left out?
Just one post?
This is what we get?
You want a (You) too?
Here's some appropriate for (You).
No more for you, ONE YEAR!
>The voting rolls must be purged for a red wave to happen.
Didn't you see the voter ID get implemented?
Aren't you aware of the fake polls being pushed?
There's ALREADY a Red Wave.
You just can't see it yet.
>Dark to LIGHT.
▶ 877aa8 (13) No.2639404>>2639421
Late bake
Someone post the link at 730?
▶ 6cce2e (16) No.2639411
Heard that before. I wonder if they call children calves before they tag them for organ harvest.
▶ 75e6e9 (5) No.2639412
> while we sit on are asses and wait, the enemy is busy removing essential business functionality from patriots.
This is exactly why we need action and not "trust the plan". Spencer is a journalist and academic who was banned for reporting on the actions of terrorist organizations.
▶ 337731 (2) No.2639413
Go find a chat room, you fucking faggot
▶ 5cf9e3 (10) No.2639414
The match to the Vanderbilt milagro is in Rome
▶ 1cf018 (1) No.2639415
Gen. Tata: 'Communist John Brennan' Never Should Have Had a Security Clearance. A 'clear and present danger' to the nation.
U.S. Army Brigadier Gen. Anthony Tata (Ret.) said President Trump was justified in revoking the security clearance of John Brennan, who Tata described as a "clear and present danger" to the nation.
▶ 306337 (2) No.2639416
wasn't made a notable
▶ 4142f2 (1) No.2639417
Q confirm
a young Alex Soros getting his red shoes?
▶ 25e5ed (5) No.2639418
You must be a faggot, FagTwat, or Pedophile…that is a BEAUTIFUL, Round, WOMANLY, Hot Ass!
You like flat ass? Fk…are you FlatEarthTard?
▶ 9c44bf (15) No.2639420
when ]HUBER[ happens, not enough popcorn will be available
▶ c1487f (28) No.2639421