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File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, cbts-highres.png)

258322  No.2596707

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of force only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Integrity, for in Truth lies Victory.

Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 08.13.18

>>>/patriotsfight/151 ——————-—— Sara Carter Article ( Cap: >>2585581 )

>>>/patriotsfight/150 ——————-—— Do not let this HYPOCRISY stand. FIGHT! ( Cap: >>2584619 )

>>>/patriotsfight/149 ——————-—— Smile for the Camera. ( Cap: >>2587514 )

>>>/patriotsfight/148 rt #147 ————— Normal? ( Caps: >>2579895 )

>>>/patriotsfight/147 ——————-—— Normal? ( Caps: >>2579789 )

Sunday 08.12.18

>>2570811 rt >>2569956 ——————- These accounts are run by BIG NAMES

>>2570672 rt >>2570066 ——————- You are the MAJORITY - by far - and GROWING

>>2570579 rt >>2569957 ——————- Fair & Balanced ( Caps: >>2567618 )

>>>/patriotsfight/146 ——————-—— Who do they report to? ( Caps: >>2570214 )

>>>/patriotsfight/145 ———————-— NBC scrubbing potentially sensitive Tweets from known characters ( Caps: >>2569319 )

Saturday 08.11.18

>>2564091 rt >>2563815 ——————- James Gunn + Satan: The choice to know will be yours ( Caps: >>2569758 )

>>2561079 ————————————– https://twitter.com/NBCNews/statuses/1028408743309008899 ( Cap: >>2561128 )

>>2560115 rt >>2559940 ——————- https://twitter.com/billmaher/status/112332199386296320 ( Cap: >>2560142 )

>>>/patriotsfight/144 ——————-—— We, THE PEOPLE, are the CURE ( Caps: >>2559100, >>2559143 )

>>>/patriotsfight/143 ——————-—— Not seeking re-election ( Caps: >>2558970 )

>>>/patriotsfight/142 ——————-—— State Dept [HRC]>>Eric Schmidt>>Lisa Shields ( Caps: >>2558342 )

>>2557485 ————————————– IRON EAGLE

>>2556980 ————————————– The SHARING of INFORMATION IS VERY IMPORTANT

>>2556723 rt >>2556646 ——————- BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM [NEXT WEEK]

>>2556646 ————————————– Autists catch the message?

>>>/patriotsfight/141 ——————-—— Could a new Telecommunications Act be on the way ( Caps: >>2555256 )

>>>/patriotsfight/140 ——————-—— The World is WATCHING (Caps: >>2555067 )

>>>/patriotsfight/139 ——————-—— Discovery.

>>>/patriotsfight/138 ——————-—— FAKE NEWS Consolidation (Caps: >>2554744 )

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

258322  No.2596712


are not endorsements


>>2573462 , >>2573531 Archives have been updated: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)


>>2596405 Manafort case: No Acquittal >>2596471 Lawfag comments

>>2596208 Truepundit: Journalist found dead after reporting on Clinton Boy Rape

>>2596190 NBC Q hitpiece, targeting user "Pamphlet"

>>2595981 Manafort defense rests case without calling witnesses


>>2595783 Italian Bridge collapse Cemex connection

>>2595485 Potential Instagram hack

>>2595858 >>2595698 Ketron Island Engagement Skills Training

>>2595855 Ketron Island Bill Gates connection

>>2595669 Pope sex abuse scandal continuing

>>2595692 Manafort judge seals proceedings from media & public

>>2595556 Now dead 'Task Force' claimed to have video evidence

>>2595265 Rothschild digs

>>2595499 Giuliani calls out Brennan

>>2595390 Maps and early explanations

>>2595437 Lou Dobbs replies to POTUS tweet

>>2595441, >>2595437 Clockfag updates

>>2595422 Bill Clinton "Voodoo" commercial surfaces

>>2595270 >>2595637 Trump Campaign files suit against Omarosa

>>2595329 Chile's Catholic Episcopal HQ raided


>>2594468, Moar POTUS am Twattinz

>>2594509 One down, Disney Imagineer Dead!

>>2594556, >>2594677, >>2594812 POTUS Twattinz DeCode

>>2594647 Book on Life...

>>2594678 Red Pilling ideas

>>2594710 Moar on Hunter Biden[s Son]

>>2594767 Did someone hack Yahoo ? cuz muh "Russian collusion"

>>2594860, >>2594786, INFRASTRUCTURE in Jeopardy??? Cheap Concrete - CEMEX.

>>2594853, >>2595071 Investigative journalist found dead in DC Hotel, reported on WJC child rape

>>2594893 Sauce for section 542 of the FY19 NDAA that permits POTUS to yank Security Clearances

>>2594902 Plane Fag Updates

>>2594922, >> 2594943 PS GoFund Me update. $250K SMDH

>>2595078 Monica Peterson On HRC in Haiti

Previously Collected Notables

>>2595248 #3272, >>2596337 #3273

>>2591842 #3269, >>2592064 #3270, >>2592765 #3271

>>2593909 #3266, >>2591825 #3267, >>2591834 #3268

>>2593840 #3263, >>2589536 #3264, >>2593883 #3265

>>2586886 #3260, >>2584881 #3261, >>2585684 #3262

>>2585001 #3257, >>2585004 #3258, >>2583382 #3259

>>2579410 #3254, >>2580163 #3255, >>2580986 #3256

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

258322  No.2596717

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2556574

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

>>870846 --- The Letter Q - Printable Q Graphics

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2178691 -- A Project to Create Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 -- Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2529066 – No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here.

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36 >>2594483

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>2489726 , >>2489748 , >>2489817

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

(more on the comms page)

258322  No.2596719

QPosts Archive Sites

* Q Clearance Archive:


QMap Mirrors

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* PAVUK keyword searchable archive of ALL the qresearch general breads & graphics: >>2418076

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* How to archive a website offline >>974637

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>2516402

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>870846 The Letter Q

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

27, 27 >>2466904 26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.NewsAnon ——————— https://qanon.news/Archive

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

==Q NEEDS YOU! NEW BAKERS REQUIRED!== Read this -→ >>2438883

258322  No.2596726

Current Doug


Requesting Handoff

Confirmation from BO/BV required

46fb5e  No.2596739

Q exposed.


96c83f  No.2596744

File: be94de266772a4f⋯.jpg (215.45 KB, 634x639, 634:639, ComfyBread.jpg)

newBAKER dough update

See >>2596669 lb

What needs changed:

* PAVUK keyword searchable archive of ALL the qresearch general breads & graphics: >>2418076

What changes are needed:

1. Insert the FULL URL www.pavuk.com (must have www or DNS does not resolve domain name)

2. Delete the broken link >>2418076

Resulting in this changed line for your dough:

* PAVUK keyword-searchable archive of ALL the qresearch general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com


09b269  No.2596747


if you haven't, read Q: The Basics (rough draft) read it and tell us what you think

its something a few anons have been putting together

its meant to be long, informative, and wordy (6 pages, ~3500 words), so it fights back against the blatant disinfo the MSM has been putting out with FACTS, not fake news

Kek, like this NBC article, moar fake news is being spewed daily, this gives norms FACTS not NONSENSE

rough outline so you can explain it to someone else:

I: Intro

(calls out MSM, say what side by sides and proofs are, give links to qanon.pub, qmap.pub, and qproofs.com)

II: When and Where did Q start to post

(4pol → CBTS → /cbts/ (8) → /thestorm/ → /qresearch/ & /GA/ → /PF/; don't give out the link to here; kek I "redacted" it; explain WHAT THE FUCK A BAKER DOES)

III: Who posts as Q

(NOT doxxing, just laying out facts from crumbs and the signoffs)

IV: What does Q post

(signatures and stringers; the Cabal, +++ ++ +, topics in crumbs; the plan, GA; and moar but just an overview really)

V: Why does Q post

(conclusion, GA, The plan, call out the MSM again; had quote the Declaration, wrap it up)

Here are the relevant links (rough draft):

>>2591280 (pdf and pastabin)

>>2576347 (ideas on where to spread it to, once the final is posted)

>>2591361 (an anon’s theme/design idea; goes from a storm to calm) actually awesome, check that out (link to links of all the pages)


we want to get AS MANY anons’ eyes on this before putting out a final copy (BO commented on it, would like the BVs to check it out too)

It can be spread far, so we want to get it right

And if you have read it, thanks, trying not to spam this, but want as many anons to contribute as possible

Thanks for eating muh pasta, WWG1WGA

cdedcf  No.2596748

File: 5423733eb3cceb1⋯.jpg (159.58 KB, 1400x933, 1400:933, 3388587_8_o.jpg)

TY Baker

Here's a helper for the bakery

e9d323  No.2596751

I am headed out on vacation, and I will be staying in a hotel. I just want to post this before I leave.

Hillary, I never believed that you 187d anyone and I am totally on your side. Frens forever.

1a7326  No.2596755

File: 14cc5a186f4341d⋯.png (691.13 KB, 757x574, 757:574, Eagle2.PNG)

Great Job Baker…

15ae97  No.2596758

Swampy getting prideful AF.

21980b  No.2596760

Baker thank you !! Apologies wasted your time in lb re notable that was already in notables ! Thanks again for all you do.

378548  No.2596761

File: 4367f4696273480⋯.png (69.91 KB, 929x807, 929:807, ClipboardImage.png)

New Website Lists Barred Pentagon Contractors Getting Work

The General Services Administration has added a web page that lists Pentagon contractors that have received waivers for new contracts despite having been barred from government work because of fraud-related charges.

The new page went live on Aug. 8, according to a GSA spokeswoman.

A recent Bloomberg Government story provided the first collective examination of the Defense Department’s “compelling reason determination” cases, in which the Pentagon overrides decisions barring contractors accused or convicted of bribery, fraud, theft, and other crimes from doing business with the government.

The agency has listed more than two dozen determinations, or waivers, including one case that appears not to have been previously revealed.



Interagency Suspension and Debarment Committee (ISDC)


c128bf  No.2596762

5f999e  No.2596763

File: 075570c27049d87⋯.png (637.1 KB, 800x452, 200:113, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b3efd5dc33a0588⋯.png (327.56 KB, 640x406, 320:203, ClipboardImage.png)

378548  No.2596764


Click here:


Then use the links to download our work!




767e29  No.2596765

>>2595351 (lb) re Omarosa lawsuit discovery “concern”

Files lawsuit / motion for it to go to arbitration. This is used just to avoid such a scenario and she already agreed to it in the contract.

c6ee0d  No.2596766

Italy during the reign of Frederick Barbarossa. When Frederick conducted military campaigns in Italy to expand imperial power there, his supporters became known as Ghibellines (Ghibellini). The Lombard League and its allies were defending the liberties of the urban communes against the Emperor's encroachments and became known as Guelphs (Guelfi).

The Ghibellines were thus the imperial party, while the Guelphs supported the Pope. Broadly speaking, Guelphs tended to come from wealthy mercantile families, whereas Ghibellines were predominantly those whose wealth was based on agricultural estates. 

e62af5  No.2596767

File: 41635002969a0c7⋯.jpg (70.68 KB, 589x610, 589:610, money.JPG)

Thursday is Brian Stelter's big day. Do we have anything planned for him? #BrianStelterDay

5f999e  No.2596768

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



9d9f05  No.2596769

>>2596603 (previous bread)

Is it a press briefing or a press conference?

Big difference. Anyone know which?

45cdcf  No.2596770

File: 74226b51d29d59e⋯.png (501.85 KB, 831x830, 831:830, ClipboardImage.png)


49917c  No.2596771



>cant tell if serious

378548  No.2596772

File: 063a8148c94f0b2⋯.png (572.66 KB, 657x488, 657:488, ClipboardImage.png)

Lynne Patton: Omarosa’s ‘Source’ Says He Never Had or Played Trump N-Word Tape for Her

Trump administration official and longtime Trump family ally Lynne Patton on Monday night offered a detailed rebuttal against claims involving her, made by former Trump administration official and reality personality Omarosa Manigault-Newman.

Manigault claimed on page 149 of her new book Unhinged, according to Fox News, that Trump 2016 campaign spokeswoman Katrina Pierson had heard from someone who knew political strategist Frank Luntz that Luntz had heard a tape of Donald Trump using the n-word. Manigault then writes, “Lynne [Patton] reported that she asked Trump about it on the plane, specifically whether it was possible that such a tape might exist, and he said ‘no.’ Then she asked him what he wanted her to do and he said, ‘Put it to bed.’”



09b269  No.2596773


pretty sure its the same CTA shill form last bread

ca9bbc  No.2596774

File: c5f4ebe67ddeef3⋯.png (532.39 KB, 781x415, 781:415, 2018-08-14_13-31-26.png)


Still watching the water?


073045  No.2596775

All for a LARP ?


d28987  No.2596776


The media's [4am] talking points about Q, exposed.

cc65ba  No.2596777


Do we have a verdict on this flight yet? Heard planefags say that the plane never returned from Canada. Numbers on the plane match wreckage but they weren't in the correct location on the fuselage.

36f9fc  No.2596778


What wreckage? Theres nothing there

31b990  No.2596779



>deeply embarrassing ignorance of the story of Q exposed.

8d8c51  No.2596780

Omarosa's publisher is:

(Galley Books ((Simon & Schuster)) CBS)))

Would it be typical for a publisher to cover legal fees?

095723  No.2596781


Do you assholes EVER read notables?? Or look at the previous thread?!

You are a HUGE reason threads get slid into oblivion. KYS please

Fucking shill faggot

72f2bb  No.2596782



8m8 minutes ago


Weinstein now accused of sex trafficking……

8bc79c  No.2596783




Those are all good angles to look at Anons should be looking @last anon; frankly the Feds and Flight Admin agencies should be looking.

My thoughts went all over on this one:


I hope the official story is true; Its an incredible thing to have happened;

but then there are the coincidences...

pilot literally a baker; Dash-8 Quiet> Q400

crashes near ; island...

Investigations ... here is a thought;

Bodies are very hard to recover from plane crash; evidence hard to recover... @ pent_gon attk 9/11

If plane = missle than feds will be investigating crash zone per SOP. So then...

What will they uncover there in passing? They may find out much more than a wrecked plane.

Anon talked about mysterious island and prominent figures living nearby...


Clearly Speculation, and Conclusions should be mindful of the fact that there is a grieving family per News story, esp if official story is true


e55483  No.2596784

File: e458b1791c88fdb⋯.jpg (40.1 KB, 628x335, 628:335, streaker.jpg)

d28987  No.2596785

File: 001a98f80911e62⋯.jpg (411.88 KB, 640x853, 640:853, 4AM_Tick_tock_MSM.jpg)

e9d323  No.2596786


F-15 missile

36f9fc  No.2596787


Yes. Trust NBC, and people profiting over this, and ignore that Q IS STILL POSTING.

d35e2a  No.2596788

6c3e53  No.2596789


Kek - you're still screwed anyway since you didn't address her as Madame President who got the most votes.

b323aa  No.2596790

WOWOWOW! whatever it is, it is going down now !

5f999e  No.2596791

Palatial Ketron Island home sells for $1.1 million

A 5-acre estate with 1,000 feet of waterfront, commanding views of Puget Sound and the Olympics and a midcentury home built in the style of renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright on the northern tip of Ketron Island has sold to a Lacey couple.

The 5,300-square-foot home, which is equipped with its own pier and a guest cabin, was featured in both The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal when it went on the market last year. The News Tribune wrote about the home last August.

The home, built by an entrepreneur with visions of turning the 221-acre island off Steilacoom into an island paradise, was sold by its third owner, who had lived there since 1990.

The new owners are Thurston County restaurateurs Nicole Pham and her husband Jim Porter, according to Karen Vincent who handled the sale for Morrison House Sotheby’s International Realty. The estate originally was listed for $1.77 million. Then it was reduced to $1.299 million. It sold for $1.1 million.


19fec8  No.2596792

More Deep State Sabotage


August 1, 2018

Mr. Graham (for himself, Mr. Menendez, Mr. Gardner, Mr. Cardin, Mr. McCain, and Mrs. Shaheen) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations

US Congress publishes entire text of Russia sanctions ‘bill from hell’

The full text of Congress’ latest sanctions bill has been released, revealing a punitive piece of legislation that aims to undermine Russia economically – and even suggests designating Moscow a state sponsor of terrorism.

Dubbed the “sanctions bill from hell” by its authors, the ‘Defending American Security from Kremlin Aggression Act of 2018’ was introduced by a group of Republican and Democratic senators on August 2. The bill would place restrictions on US cooperation with Russia’s oil industry, target Russian sovereign debt transactions as well as Russian uranium imports. In addition, the legislation calls for sanctions against “political figures, oligarchs, and other persons that facilitate illicit and corrupt activities, directly or indirectly, on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin.”

The bill, which was recently published in full on Congress’ official website, also pledges full support for NATO and would require a two-thirds majority vote in the Senate if the United States ever wishes to exit the transatlantic alliance.

The legislation also declares that “the United States will never recognize the illegal annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation” and that Washington, in conjunction with NATO, should “prioritize efforts to prevent the further consolidation of illegal occupying powers in Crimea.”

The pending ‘Kremlin Aggression Act’ decrees that Congress should also determine whether Russia “meets the criteria for designation as a state sponsor of terrorism.”

The bill also accused Russia of “enabling the brutal regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria to commit war crimes,” adding that Moscow has shown itself to be “incapable or unwilling” to compel Assad to “stop using chemical weapons against the civilian population in Syria.”

The Act calls for a congressional committee to investigate “alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity attributable to [Russia]” and resolves to “punish the Government of the Russian Federation for, and deter that Government from, any chemical weapons production and use through the imposition of sanctions, diplomatic isolation, and the use of the mechanisms specified in the Chemical Weapons Convention for violations of the Convention.”

The legislation is just the latest addition to a laundry list of sanctions and laws passed in the months following the 2016 presidential election.

Republican hawk Lindsey Graham (South Carolina) and Bob Menendez (D-New Jersey), who both sponsored the bill, said in a joint statement that the legislation is designed to show that the US will “not waver in our rejection of [Russian President Vladimir Putin’s] effort to erode western democracy as a strategic imperative for Russia’s future.” The Russia-obsessed Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) was one of the five co-sponsors of the bill.

Moscow has brushed off the new wave of accusations as a projection of internal US struggle. Some elements in the US government are trying to “keep afloat” the conspiracy that Russia meddled in the US elections, in hopes of derailing constructive relations with Moscow and using the issue “purely for internal American purposes,” Senator Konstantin Kosachev, who chairs the Upper House Committee for International Relations, has said in response to the latest sanctions.

#Graham & #Menendez team up for bipartisan anti-Russia bill https://t.co/Y7dXWpy314

— RT (@RT_com) July 24, 2018

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has warned that the adoption of any US legislation that targets Russian banking operations and currency trade would be considered a declaration of economic war.

“If they introduce something like a ban on banking operations or the use of any currency, we will treat it as a declaration of economic war. And we’ll have to respond to it accordingly – economically, politically, or in any other way, if required,” Medvedev said last week. "Our American friends should make no mistake about it.”

Moscow has vowed to respond to any new sanctions. Russia’s Finance Ministry said it would continue to sell off its holdings of US Treasury securities, while some lawmakers have called for Russia and its allies to stop using the US dollar for mutual payments.



4b81aa  No.2596793

File: 789c71081dd2e8b⋯.jpeg (87.48 KB, 1440x698, 720:349, 1533389878.jpeg)

cda069  No.2596794

Making Epstein island green will keep Pepe fed for many moons

Paint it green

5f999e  No.2596795



36f9fc  No.2596796


I know. But no one paid attention in lb when I tried to make the same stuff notable, so…

378548  No.2596797

File: 590426f72ffcbfe⋯.png (503.7 KB, 839x909, 839:909, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 79358ccd5d75ec7⋯.png (540.18 KB, 830x921, 830:921, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d8394670c00cd8⋯.png (85.6 KB, 846x828, 47:46, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9e5e8abe1ad943⋯.png (581.89 KB, 846x827, 846:827, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6b6aa865d015b4⋯.png (53.29 KB, 844x498, 422:249, ClipboardImage.png)

INTERVIEW: Russia Promised Rand Paul They Would Not Mess With 2018 Election

The Gateway Pundit spoke to Senator Rand Paul regarding his trip to Russia last week, how media hysteria impacted it, their promise to stay out of the midterms, and why it is so important that we keep communications open with another nuclear power.


b8ab90  No.2596798

OIG REPORT on Network Architecture - Nuclear



The Office of the Inspector General audited the network architecture of a nuclear facility to determine if the network architecture and assets in use to support a specific nuclear plant’s business and operational functions are compliant with TVA policies, procedures and identified best practices. In summary, we found TVA management used proven best practices in the design of the corporate physical and wireless networks and the control network.


we found cabling that was not following manufacturer’s guidelines and several control network device configurations deviated from TVA baselines and industry best practices.

TVA management agreed with our findings and recommendations.

49917c  No.2596799

c6ee0d  No.2596800

But the Ghibellines broke into two factions.

White. With the wolf crest.

Black. Support of papacy.

Then the Grimaldis infiltrated the White Ghibellines by marrying Fiona Santorini. He killed the 5 Ghibellines leaders and took over the Santorini dynasty now known as Monaco.

533a7c  No.2596801

File: 4f2dffd000f706e⋯.jpg (43.69 KB, 491x358, 491:358, Hillary Double.jpg)


Nothing to see, now move along….

c6ee0d  No.2596802


c8f65e  No.2596803

File: bb72a616e68dd77⋯.png (1.15 MB, 855x812, 855:812, ClipboardImage.png)


check out the landing path cut through the trees anons….wisen up.

4a044e  No.2596804


Long story short, no balls to just ask POTUS about Q!

65bd51  No.2596806

File: bd9e0b43cc1c1a0⋯.png (376.82 KB, 501x500, 501:500, 7f9c45c569d8b7b01f5506d4ed….png)


checkekked the paint scheme its legit 01/18 paint job go look in the internets you can see for yourself

45cdcf  No.2596807


OK loudmouth….

Was just posting this to show other newsoutlet's are also bringing the story!

Don't be so full of yourself please just do your skill…whatever that may be .


e1aa4b  No.2596808

Wow NBC. What a time to be alive. I get to witness the collapse of the MSM in my lifetime. Holy shit.

095723  No.2596809


When is he going to start naming names ffs

They are going to pin everything on him.

I'm sure he's a part of everything, but he is in no way the main dude.

918a2c  No.2596810


Would you talk to Q that way with such a potty mouth?

8bc79c  No.2596811



yeah, and associates?

I interpreted this one wrong at some point.


"When does a bird sing?"

7a76e3  No.2596812

File: 86496e7ada6f098⋯.png (481.57 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, SpearOfCiQada.png)

24 TO GO!

Thanks Baker!

50f286  No.2596813

File: 0eda90e9ab45d27⋯.png (382.67 KB, 1086x524, 543:262, clipboard.png)

InforWars is DOWN

09b269  No.2596814

File: c792a9b1ef5c5f7⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1138x1501, 1138:1501, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d59fcc68a4c2aa1⋯.png (3.79 MB, 1139x2947, 1139:2947, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08b35f92b6caaa0⋯.png (4.16 MB, 1137x2946, 379:982, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd6fc2315f8136b⋯.png (3.79 MB, 1142x2948, 571:1474, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8951811fba37169⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1135x1477, 1135:1477, ClipboardImage.png)

ANONS, CHECK OUT WHAT THIS ANON DID (last link in the pasta)

anyone with ideas can go to the thread and post them, they're encouraged

it goes from a storm to being calm

bfa072  No.2596815

>>2594812 (pb)

anagram for "YES CISCO"

"COC" = chain of command

"y s s i e" = looks like part of a name.

When there are more tweets later on today, which at this rate should be plenty, we should have a bigger picture. hopefully today there'll actually be something…

36fd21  No.2596816


So basically Q is a flasher?


36f9fc  No.2596817

09b269  No.2596818



the F15s didn't fire

939d06  No.2596819

File: 19fbb26afd9e688⋯.png (98.42 KB, 624x638, 312:319, 2018-08-14 (2).png)

3e9c88  No.2596820


there are willing participant(s)in this evil

in all status' of this earth

darkness goes thru it all

power trippin fools

for a tempoary glory

focus on why we the peoeple indirectly support this sht.....

faith without works is dead..

'''flee babyl;on'

378548  No.2596821

File: 688cbce0a8eea7f⋯.png (30.26 KB, 669x670, 669:670, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 294ebf08a2b4f48⋯.png (425.55 KB, 660x890, 66:89, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf01e02502215f6⋯.png (42.7 KB, 659x918, 659:918, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f993c416eccfac⋯.png (4.49 KB, 637x106, 637:106, ClipboardImage.png)

Mexican Navy Seizes 4,000 Pounds of Cocaine From Ecuador


0ab21e  No.2596822


In english, that is a misleading title, because it makes you think its the Episcopalian church, when it's a conference of Catholic Bishops (latin=episcopus).

60bddc  No.2596823

>>2596729 lb

You obviously didn't read any of my posts then. I am not the "fell on his sword" guy. I've said I would convict him based on the evidence presented at trial. No speculation.

You have your opinion and I have mine. We agree to disagree. The point is what makes your opinion more valuable than mine? Secondly, as I keep pointing out, opinions should never be in notes. Sauced facts only.

Some bakers just don't get that.

095723  No.2596824


Other crap websites that are pretty much AJ wanna be blogs. And anyone that wants to be AJ is a fucking loser like him.

Anyone that posts that shit as something concrete is even worse.

For real though. Neck yourself

1a7326  No.2596825


I bet their is 100 Agents looking that Island over right now with a Fine tooth come all white hats…

533a7c  No.2596826

Studio City Explosion


The Los Angeles Fire Department responded Tuesday morning to a reported explosion in a Studio City neighborhood.

The explosion was reported around 9:45 a.m. on Moorpark Street.

Aerial footage from NewsChopper4 showed firefighters securing the area around Moorpark Street and Farmdale Avenue due to smoke from a manhole cover.

There was a reported power outage in the area. At least 843 customers were affected, according to the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.

2447cb  No.2596827

File: ee90f12940f55b6⋯.png (111.05 KB, 349x413, 349:413, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ed774afa99ee63⋯.png (263.49 KB, 355x777, 355:777, ClipboardImage.png)

Investigative Journalist Found Dead in D.C. Hotel Room Weeks After Reporting Bill Clinton to FBI & DHS for Allegedly Raping Boy

Investigative Journalist Jen Moore was found dead in a suburban Washington D.C. hotel room Monday, according to police and shocked and distraught friends and colleagues.

Moore died of an apparent seizure. Police are closely investigating the cause of death after former FBI Agent Robyn Gritz, a friend of Moore’s, made inquiries with homicide detectives Monday afternoon in Prince Georges County, Maryland. Preliminary reports from police said the death was not the result of suicide.

Moore’s body was found by employees at the Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, Washington, D.C. East – in Capitol Heights, Maryland. The investigation is ongoing. An autopsy had not been scheduled as of late Monday.

Moore, an advocate who investigated abused and trafficked children, had been in the process of investigating allegations by a 26-year-old man that — as a young boy — he was sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton and pimped out at private sex parties attended by other D.C. elites.

In fact, just four weeks before her death, Moore filed details of the alleged victim’s claims with the Department of Homeland Security, detailing the allegations against Clinton. Moore contacted Homeland Security beginning on July 6th through July 9th, records show. A week later, she contacted the FBI with identical details about the victim and the shocking allegations against Clinton.

FBI sources report no case has been opened on the evidence supplied by Moore. Homeland Security officials could not be reached for comment.

Moore had approached True Pundit’s Thomas Paine in June with the allegations against Clinton. Paine conducted a series of face-to-face interviews with Moore and the alleged victim in various locales. By July, the victim agreed to tell his story to Paine. But Moore and the traumatized victim wanted to contact Homeland Security and the FBI first to see if they would open a criminal case against Clinton prior to publicizing the claims.

“Jen thought that with a criminal probe, federal agents could use the victim possibly to dangle in front of Clinton to see if he made a mistake or tried to pay him off,” Paine said. “She was worried about the safety of the victim and was working to find him safe harbor until this story broke.

Now she is the one who turned up dead.”

Paine and True Pundit were vetting the details provided by the victim. Paine said the allegations were “credible” and the victim’s testimony and details were beyond convincing.

Paine said Moore accepted the risks with the story and understood things could get very ugly very fast. Per conversations with True Pundit’s Paine: (pic related)

“She was worried about the victim because he was the first to break the ice,” Paine said. “There were others waiting to tell their stories but he was the catalyst.

Did she think she could be harmed? Absolutely. This woman was fearless. Absolute warrior. A former cop. I don’t think she was afraid of anyone or anything.”

According to interviews, the victim in this case claimed he was sexually assaulted by Clinton on a yacht in New England and knows the identities of several other child victims who were subjected to identical abuses. The victim also confirmed he witnessed other children and people being sexually and physically abused and possibly worse on numerous “boat parties.” These parties were attended by elite members of D.C. political class, according to Moore and the victim.

Both young boys and young girls, the victim said.

Moore supplied these details to federal agents and documented the interactions with a number of alleged victims. Within a month, she is dead.

In the exchange below, Moore discusses an extended stay with the alleged Clinton victim after his interview with Paine. During the interview, the victim sporadically vomited and shivered as he recalled details of his alleged abuse, Paine said. (pic 2 related)

This story is developing.

More on Wednesday.


31b990  No.2596828


sort of went through the whole thing

but leave feeling moar confused and stunned

did they actually demonstrate anything?

do they even know what they're trying to prove?

6c3e53  No.2596829


I don't know what was more Fake&Gay about that - the 100 lbs weight diff or actually being friendly towards the proles.

8bc79c  No.2596830



it must be because they are a C_A front; and we arewinning the censorship war…

Also FF dont exist.

e9d323  No.2596831


What is described in the article doesn't sound like 'sex trafficking'. This type of charge will be used against conservatives.

ca9bbc  No.2596832

File: d6aa1e74efd3ff5⋯.png (864 KB, 1083x811, 1083:811, 2018-08-14_13-43-56.png)




09b269  No.2596833


we got to stay on this

let me guess, he shot himself in the back of the head twice….

c7afed  No.2596834

File: e8828c0fada5631⋯.jpg (2.83 MB, 950x7726, 475:3863, Q-SPY_OP-They_Never_Though….jpg)

We have the best anons.

22f60c  No.2596835

Using Reddit spacing because i'm from Reddit

Q sites us much more on GA then here these days cuz we do actual research.

We don't have a chat room mentality of calling people divisionfags, posting titties, shitposting obvious b8, and worst of all declaring "filtered!" like some self righteous asshole that no one cares about.

Get your shit together we need you too.

>>inb4 you have to go back

>>inb4 muh censorship

3e9c88  No.2596836


speculation without warrant/testimony/witness/info

is a mimic of ""FAKE NEWS"

are u one of them?>???

b8ab90  No.2596837

File: 8e819783f5f4213⋯.png (121.94 KB, 915x463, 915:463, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at ….png)

Oh Goody!


Things are about to get much wilder than they have been. I suggest you follow @SaraCarterDC @KimStrassel @ByronYork & @jsolomonReports The news is going to start coming in hot & heavy as documents are unclassified by @POTUS . #MAGA #KAG

477662  No.2596839

Q !UW.yye1fxo No.458 📁

Mar 17 2018 14:03:41 (EST)

How bad is the corruption?

FBI (past/present)




+29 (16)

DOJ (past/present)





STATE (past/present)




Removal is the least of their problems.



Twitter Bots>GOOG operated (not Russia)/Narrative & Political SLANT








Who knows where the bodies are buried?



Election theft.

Last hope.

Congressional focus.


They think you are STUPID.

They think you will follow the STARS.

They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE.





2447cb  No.2596840


>Investigative Journalist Found Dead in D.C. Hotel Room Weeks After Reporting Bill Clinton to FBI & DHS for Allegedly Raping Boy


6b0ed3  No.2596841


Numbers moved to position on fuselage in later paint schemes.

a30731  No.2596842


It's pretty much as WE knew would come dripping out of the cracked Mockingbird, obviously this is not a good investigative journalism.

15ae97  No.2596843


That was me. Yes, agree. Also agree seems incomplete at this time.

19fec8  No.2596844

Password Analyst Says QAnon’s ‘Codes’ Are Consistent With Random Typing

A security researcher claims QAnon’s codes contain patterns that reveal they are the result of “random typing.”

A fringe but growing part of the American right-wing believes the Clintons, Bushes, and Obamas are all part of a wide-ranging conspiracy that is involved in pedophile rings, controls the media, and runs the government from the shadows. According to this conspiracy theory, known as QAnon, Donald Trump has a plan to defeat them, and it will all soon come to light.


This wild conspiracy theory relies in part on coded messages posted on message boards such as 4Chan or 8Chan by someone who only goes by the moniker “Q,” an alleged government insider who has been leaking information online.

But as it turns out, these coded messages may be totally meaningless, “random typing” according to a security researcher who has studied code creation.

“These are not actual codes, just random typing by someone who might play an instrument and uses a qwerty keyboard,” Mark Burnett, a security consultant who has analyzed millions of passwords over the course of more than a decade, wrote on Twitter after studying the codes.

Burnett said he noticed a pattern in the codes: “almost all the characters” in the codes alternate between the right and left hand or are close to each other in a normal QWERTY keyboard. Imagine someone’s hands resting on a regular keyboard. According to Burnett, QAnon is likely simply typing keys randomly with his left hand and right hand where they rest, resulting in a combination of characters alternating between one group of keys on the right side of the keyboard, and one group of keys on the left side of the keyboard.

“The funny thing about people is that even when we type random stuff we tend to have a signature. This guy, for example, likes to have his hand on the ends of each side of the keyboard (e.g., 1,2,3 and 7,8,9) and alternate,” Burnett wrote in his thread.

Burnett collected some of the Q codes on his GitHub, encouraging others to look at them and find patterns or challenge his conclusions.


b8ab90  No.2596845


blowing up (((their))) tunnels?

378548  No.2596846

File: 0b6579f91e6188b⋯.png (224.54 KB, 668x896, 167:224, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f211955630c8be7⋯.png (49.46 KB, 653x917, 653:917, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b9a513c03565865⋯.png (17.55 KB, 656x333, 656:333, ClipboardImage.png)

Missouri Democrats Slam Door on Pro-Life Voters

'They want us to shut up and vote. Well, we're not going to do that anymore'


05f639  No.2596848


POTUS is tired of their shit?

918a2c  No.2596849


It loads but takes a long time. Someone must be ddosing.

533a7c  No.2596850


Yahoo is already on it. This was posted in a previous bread.


1a7326  No.2596851

Sick Children need help…

Ketron Cottage is one of three cottages at Child Study and Treatment Center (CSTC). Ketron is a therapeutic milieu ("place or setting where something happens or develops"). This therapeutic milieu is made up of staff, kids ("older than a child but not yet an adult"), families, teachers, and community members working and living together to help Patients grow and develop skills for getting needs met in a good way.


714734  No.2596852

File: 914fe5e71f75c98⋯.jpg (34.05 KB, 400x337, 400:337, 914fe5e71f75c98ad09f46d80f….jpg)

095723  No.2596853


Because that picture hasn't been fucked with at all…Let me guess, you got that from Alex jones or one of his lackeys?

e9d323  No.2596854



768827  No.2596855

File: 425fe9a8db112bc⋯.jpg (179.41 KB, 423x683, 423:683, 425fe9a8db112bcb77d9aab384….jpg)



>Wall of text crits you for 1,000,000 dmg

I can't even. In the past two breads, I've laid out the Q posts that describe how the Pope is the head of a major trafficking cabal, that reports to the Roths, and how Soros actually reports to the Pope himself. Q was quoted, infographs provided, and background with external links to support some of the claims are all there. And the MSM dedicates their energy to THIS PIECE OF FUCKING TRIPE?

Isn't MSNBC the ones that are trying to help people remember how to delete embarrassing tweets? Wonder why they decided to release that piece right now? What's going on, today, that people are being made aware of, that makes all that relevant?



















60bddc  No.2596856


it's already been removed anon.

8bc79c  No.2596857



I agree anon, that could be the angle and purpose of the crash… COULD

09b269  No.2596858

File: f2144f6697c6eb2⋯.png (28.68 KB, 378x211, 378:211, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b3b058f7156fbc⋯.png (47.47 KB, 761x258, 761:258, ClipboardImage.png)


kek, muh AI tactic from the MSM

6b0ed3  No.2596859

File: 7db864961d01fcc⋯.jpeg (73.82 KB, 575x415, 115:83, 4CB3753E-B5EF-4516-A9B5-A….jpeg)

File: afb95de659326bd⋯.jpeg (100.57 KB, 749x500, 749:500, DF0F7F9F-371F-493D-970A-6….jpeg)

3fea17  No.2596860


seeing how hard y'all are pushing this

it's starting to smell like a hoax

just sayin

36fd21  No.2596861

File: dbdec75b980f067⋯.png (216.44 KB, 399x385, 57:55, LaughingPepe.png)

803bed  No.2596862

File: 66c61403b940f57⋯.jpg (9.18 KB, 261x193, 261:193, images(3).jpg)

9f4705  No.2596863

File: 939f518a3de4d18⋯.png (252.34 KB, 507x678, 169:226, MUHNOTABLES.png)


>Secondly, as I keep pointing out, opinions should never be in notes.


Says so right at the top.

If an "opinion" gets (30) responses is that not "notable"?

4791ed  No.2596864

It will take a lot then NBC to stop us from providing as many people as we can the TRUTH…

5f999e  No.2596866


Ketron Island is located in southern Puget Sound just off the shoreline from Steilacoom. It lies between the mainland near the city of Steilacoom and Anderson Island near the extreme south end of Puget Sound. The island has a land area of 0.893 km² (220.67 acres). The island was originally named "Kittson Island" by Charles Wilkes during the Wilkes Expedition of 1838-1842, but was misspelled "Ketron" by his cartographers. The island was named for William Kittson, an employee of the Hudson's Bay Company, who supervised the construction of Fort Nisqually in 1833 and served at its chief factor. The island had a population of only 24 persons according to the 2000 census, and 17 persons at the 2010 census.

Accessible only by ferry, the Steilacoom / Anderson Island / Ketron Island run is the only run belonging to Pierce County.[2] The ferry "Steilacoom II" was put into service in January 2007 to work side by side with the aging ferry "Christine Anderson". The ferry runs many times per day starting at 5:45 in the morning to 10:30PM on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays (8PM other nights). The Steilacoom II was removed from service in November 2007, and rented to the Washington State Ferries to operate on the Keystone-Pt. Townsend run, after the Steel Electric Class ferries were decommissioned over safety concerns. This action left Anderson Island and Ketron Island with only one ferry, the Christine Anderson. Ferry service to Ketron is only available four times per day.

e9d323  No.2596867


You were there?

6ba8c2  No.2596868


Mueller’s testament thus far will be one of willful blindness: he saw nothing ethically or legally wrong, or dangerous to the republic, in a bought and fictional dossier that fueled both his own reason to be, and in various ways was central to an historic government effort to surveille, to infiltrate, to undermine, and to discredit a political campaign first—and later to derail an elected presidency. Victor David Hanson

b21e7c  No.2596869


It's only when you actually know what happened in a news story do you realize how corrupt, crooked and false the msm really is.

65bd51  No.2596870

because animals


c6ee0d  No.2596871

Let's find out which side Italy is playing for. Have a good idea.

6b0ed3  No.2596872



8782a9  No.2596873

e55483  No.2596874

File: 300d8c73696b1c4⋯.jpg (25.58 KB, 491x358, 491:358, 4f2dffd000f706e1e5400a8911….jpg)


have to say, i never believed the double story but if killary has a secret on how to lose giagantic hips in only a few short minutes then there is the legit job for the crook to make a fortune on

cda069  No.2596875

File: f9c30273efdbb7d⋯.jpg (42.41 KB, 599x371, 599:371, IMG_2645.JPG)

Some takers for the leprechauns

Describe the "Emerald Isle" legend

3e9c88  No.2596876

get to know a cat

who knows a cat

who knows a techno' cat

etc …eytc etc

get these alias' that the scum swamp rats are using on social media……tag and exploit

they are communicating ..that hasn't stopped

yet their master is of darkness

so they hide

they FEAR!

c8f65e  No.2596877


Go back to Reddit……

look at the video anon posted …above link.


09b269  No.2596878


see this thread redditfag (not derogatroy):




(link to pdf of rough draft)

would you over there find this worth spreading/reading????

2c8e4c  No.2596879


it smells, walks, and talks like VOP

b21e7c  No.2596880

File: 9619b17f904c6cc⋯.jpg (44.78 KB, 500x500, 1:1, hillary cabbagepatch meme.jpg)

efd453  No.2596881


if you actually read the article you would know that he is actually a she. ruled a homicide 'seizure'.

don't shitpost. this is an important board.

05f639  No.2596882


slides that you want to believe are the best slides.

095723  No.2596883

File: a27f455259505c8⋯.jpg (72.43 KB, 617x434, 617:434, whothehellcares.jpg)


So Webb was the slide yesterday, Alex Jones is the new slide today?

Didn't we JUST have an AJ slide?

Damn. You people need to expand more

378548  No.2596884

File: 125d058ad0110b3⋯.png (201.5 KB, 756x879, 252:293, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 80df7fba5fedf34⋯.png (131.27 KB, 754x846, 377:423, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f590cf63eacfa29⋯.png (56.72 KB, 758x693, 758:693, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7631c229743b63c⋯.png (461.95 KB, 754x777, 754:777, ClipboardImage.png)

File: af88f1c754e7e19⋯.png (20.67 KB, 766x239, 766:239, ClipboardImage.png)

A NATO-Funded Team Advises Facebook on Flagging 'Propaganda'

This is not at all comforting: during a week that's witnessed Alex Jones' social media accounts taken downby Facebook, Apple, Spotify and Google, and what appears to be a growing crackdown against alternative media figures including several prominent Libertarians, notably the Ron Paul Institute director, and the Scott Horton Show, who found their Twitter accounts suspended — we learn that the Atlantic Council is directly advising Facebook on identifying and removing "foreign interference" on the popular platform.

While the initiative was initially revealed last May through an official Facebook media release, more details of the controversial think tank's role have been revealed.


918a2c  No.2596885


They see which way the war is going and have surrendered to the truth finally

b50a1c  No.2596887

File: e0550798452ae6b⋯.png (763.76 KB, 588x721, 84:103, robotalphy.PNG)

Alien Ai + Potus = Q

The recent deaths should scare all anons

b8cc21  No.2596888


awesome thanks!

c8f65e  No.2596889


Go back to Reddit……

look at the video anon posted …above link.


477662  No.2596890

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b189f8 No.130638 📁

Jan 22 2018 21:47:32 (EST)

What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?

What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?

Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22].

This is only the beginning.

Be careful what you wish for.


Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed?

What happens to the FBI?

What happens to the DOJ?

What happens to special counsel?

What happens in general?

Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged.


Think logically.

We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst].

Those [good] who know cannot sleep.

Those [good] who know cannot find peace.

Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable.

Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.

Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.

Who are we taught to trust?

If you are religious, PRAY.

60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.

These people should be hanging.


d28987  No.2596891

File: 732fecf0138e99f⋯.jpg (12 KB, 255x183, 85:61, there_it_is_the_stupidest.jpg)

a30731  No.2596892


Trying not to piss my pant sooo fucking funny. Hold my beer. Lol

c8f65e  No.2596893



Go back to Reddit……

look at the video anon posted …above link.


6b0ed3  No.2596895


Blatantly obvious the day they tried this shit. ThanQ for side by side.

3e9c88  No.2596896


u bn filtered

31b990  No.2596897


>it's starting to smell like a hoax

twas from the very beginning

09b269  No.2596898


let me guess, you're one of the muh scrapped sub and muh non-existent missile silos newfags?

there is video evidence of the F15s following and not firing


go fuck yourself newfag, it was a figure of speech

42c78b  No.2596899

File: 93e55647b7c87d4⋯.png (616.07 KB, 1402x575, 1402:575, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….png)

File: 3cc36942aef231f⋯.png (88.75 KB, 339x462, 113:154, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….png)

File: f239ead994aeab3⋯.png (274.12 KB, 332x409, 332:409, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….png)

File: 254660e88bc2239⋯.png (718.61 KB, 695x596, 695:596, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….png)

File: 70458a89ec1640c⋯.png (365.47 KB, 645x695, 129:139, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at ….png)

Whidbey Island is hiding something, anons yesterday were poking around

- Town website for Langley features pedo symbolism

- Spyhop Pub in Langley

- Langley Road turns into Cultus Bay Road

- Sandy Hook Rd is on the southern end (Q has referenced directions and another island)

- Clinton is the end of a major highway (525) that runs the entire island. The road ends at a ferry.

- Pickles Deli is in Clinton and also happens to feature a catholic school girl riding a pickle as their mascot

- Several roads are named after people but I can't find any info

- Can't find dates on when Langley and Clinton were founded


God wins.




11ae48  No.2596900

File: 853ffc3518f95a9⋯.png (238.86 KB, 1021x650, 1021:650, NoName.png)

President Trump won't write his name, either. Kek!

http s://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/president-donald-j-trump-signs-h-r-5515-law/

b50a1c  No.2596901


this is what a shill attack looks like

a593c2  No.2596902

42c78b  No.2596903

File: 2aebf86769fe4d6⋯.png (102.92 KB, 952x229, 952:229, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at ….png)

2c8e4c  No.2596904


either reference to it literally being green from the sky or some obscure reference to the tuatha de dannon. but most likely just another pedo reference unfortunately

786530  No.2596905

NBC just finally delivered the FIRST PUSH NOTIFICATIONS regarding 'QANON'! to smart phones. We are as mainstream as it gets now, Anons. Go time! NEXT WEEK indeed, eh boss? ;)



de044d  No.2596906

File: 8d35c107c30801b⋯.jpg (28.77 KB, 350x268, 175:134, 1379202355667.jpg)



efd453  No.2596907


your 8 retard posts show you are only a shitposter. away with you to half chan.

e55483  No.2596908

9f4705  No.2596909

File: 49ffe722836c5db⋯.png (129.15 KB, 243x475, 243:475, JIDFteam2.png)

8782a9  No.2596910


spear of destiny

095723  No.2596911



Why the fuck are you replying to yourself?!

I'm really trying to figure you people out.

Because you are getting so fucking sloppy.

Is it the D team that's left?

Don't they share notes with you guys on how to be a proper shill?

I hope she suffered. Since ya know, this is the Webb slide gone mad. You people are fucking sick. kys

945544  No.2596912

File: fd81c37d09f6c69⋯.png (19.49 KB, 1268x126, 634:63, 2018-08-14-114627_1268x126….png)


is this a contender?

60bddc  No.2596913


> I would convict him based on the evidence presented at trial. No speculation

You have a problem with reading or reading comprehension?

2c5210  No.2596914

>>2596519 lb

source for duponts


c128bf  No.2596915


This is news; we've reached that milestone

46e930  No.2596916



Q8ch is the next deep state target.

Get comfy while you can frens.

e1aa4b  No.2596917


It's so easy to disprove, I don't know what they're thinking. Throwing shit at the wall, and hoping people fall for it. Some will.

eea05d  No.2596918


Use HIDE > ID+ on the people who do nothing but play wannabeBO. To complain about shitting in the bread and simultaneously do nothing but attack other posters in the same bread, taking up even more space, is a blatant shill redflag. Q has a massive diverse following and people work / write / notice things in different ways.

09b269  No.2596919



read this: >>2596747

then read the pdf newfag

8bc79c  No.2596920


being satirical

you dont ban something across the board like that if they are harmless, you would encourage their growth if youre the enemy;

just look at it objectively and look at the actors involved.

Also anons must acknowledge it was the first big platform to support POTUS 100%

Also first to cover Q

Its just that clearly, not all Soldiers have the 40000 foot view, so viewpoints are different, and their conclusions will be different.

As far as AJ being super legit intelligence source with sources everywhere… NAH hes exaggerating, and I dont like Ad Hominem rants and being irresponsible live on air.

Again, to completely ban? Why? And POTUS would not do that @ free speech.

Look objectively, cross the angles to the center. The perimeter of your focus is the largest total view of subject that you can see.

b21e7c  No.2596921

File: d9e1aa7301fc405⋯.png (113.78 KB, 500x482, 250:241, pepe winners arent losers.png)

e1f949  No.2596922


Well another dead Patriot…. How many must die before the wheel of justice start to turn?

cc65ba  No.2596923



I've been looking on the net for it, just hadn't found anything.

7a76e3  No.2596925


We're just the tip. ;)

c7afed  No.2596926

File: b3047e525100334⋯.jpg (127.28 KB, 1890x815, 378:163, c4bqqhc8odj01.jpg)

File: d1361ca1f852011⋯.jpg (75.91 KB, 1717x483, 1717:483, iivwxkitndj01.jpg)

File: 9a942f7a8981101⋯.jpg (153.38 KB, 1881x747, 209:83, iu2sd0q4odj01.jpg)

File: 11a41ea1bfae9a4⋯.jpg (144.38 KB, 1852x814, 926:407, ppxi8eqbodj01.jpg)

File: 9325324a3fa94f3⋯.jpg (80.6 KB, 1762x567, 1762:567, vj2s5j21odj01.jpg)


bed9bd  No.2596927


Happens almost every summer at this time.

31b990  No.2596928


>FIRST PUSH NOTIFICATIONS regarding 'QANON'! to smart phones

with an article so mind-boggingly stupid it hurts

3fea17  No.2596929


fuck off msnbc

b91ba6  No.2596931


or just another <ajscreaming> They shut us down!!! Support free speech!! Buy my vitamins!!</ajscreaming>

fae285  No.2596932

Anons can we spread the word and help Q?

https: //petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/create-mechanism-formally-designating-domestic-terrorist-organizations

8d8c51  No.2596933

Just had a lewd dream about Dana Loesch and Sara Carter, you always wake up before the good part.

326bae  No.2596934


Do we have a baker?

Can bake for a bit if needed,

Pending check?

095723  No.2596935



This is still going since yesterday huh?

I'll be calling you assholes out EVERY TIME.

Webb is the one all these retarded blogs are getting their info from.


65bd51  No.2596936

File: 02d1ed74ce0540e⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1220x808, 305:202, n449QX1.PNG)


here you go anon. sharpen up your DDG-foo if you gonna hang with frenz

eeb11c  No.2596937

Looking forward to a time when Q is no longer needed and the research board is a preserved historical display, so we never forget why



6b0ed3  No.2596938


Check breads past two days. Pics several posted

3e9c88  No.2596939



preparation 'h"

q cats

focus and dig

let info flow

e0168c  No.2596940

File: 611f6e3d89ae687⋯.jpg (11.91 KB, 258x245, 258:245, download.jpg)

533a7c  No.2596941


How many times will they use the phrase "conspiracy theory" in this piece? Hmmmm

8bc79c  No.2596942

File: 09d8528580a3432⋯.png (15.54 KB, 255x255, 1:1, clinton body count.png)


COINCIDENCE @ Clinton Body Count?

60ea3f  No.2596943


Makes no sense. Why in the world does the ferry to go four times a day to a tiny island with less than 20 inhabitants?

e62af5  No.2596944

File: d86d88a411cca61⋯.jpg (47.28 KB, 612x355, 612:355, bsday.JPG)


09b269  No.2596945

File: 99910ca7e4c5bbe⋯.jpg (11.58 KB, 255x241, 255:241, pepelaughing.jpg)

b21e7c  No.2596946


You wont miss it either.

cda069  No.2596947


And the lost city of gold was paved with native Americans

07c390  No.2596948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5bb7e7  No.2596949

Anyone heard of Methane Time Bomb or Nuclear Winter Agenda?

46e930  No.2596950


Obama's Operation Omarosa timed for this

378548  No.2596951

File: 54fa9d8748dcc98⋯.png (709.97 KB, 788x920, 197:230, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d7941c0b0279815⋯.png (618.91 KB, 751x913, 751:913, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e5dda8632bd12e⋯.png (344.22 KB, 751x873, 751:873, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ae74812b0c81f8⋯.png (666.99 KB, 765x687, 255:229, ClipboardImage.png)

File: de14ab3de7519d2⋯.png (837.59 KB, 754x855, 754:855, ClipboardImage.png)

Red tide along Florida's Gulf Coast leads Gov. Scott to declare state of emergency


8bc79c  No.2596952



infowars gone? purge?

Is QResearch next?

e4f9cc  No.2596953

File: ef1b4b67bc10200⋯.jpg (48.39 KB, 550x688, 275:344, hrc.jpg)

3e9c88  No.2596954


we ar e"Q"

always sbe needed

mans tendency is evil

and do u think darkness wil stop???

not until messiah come and then scenbe cool cat 'Q'ool

6b0ed3  No.2596955


Residents 17…

Business employees ?

cda069  No.2596956

File: c3181721b24cc89⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2597.PNG)

05f639  No.2596957


We all know that Q has called him out, and his behavior has been nothing less than aimed at containment and control of the Q message.

09b269  No.2596958


chans are fine

good luck (((MSM))) with that

3e9c88  No.2596959



drain the swamp

8782a9  No.2596960

e4f9cc  No.2596961

File: 9d983c91a48f628⋯.jpeg (96.6 KB, 800x443, 800:443, DL CNN.jpeg)

File: 4014f70762f29f7⋯.jpg (85.69 KB, 500x313, 500:313, Mainstream Media.jpg)

File: 0e9eea1acd51d45⋯.jpg (77.15 KB, 500x307, 500:307, This Is CNN .jpg)

File: 35ec76ed8621f13⋯.jpg (72.68 KB, 550x295, 110:59, This Is CNN.jpg)

258322  No.2596962



Baker handoff good to go?

cc65ba  No.2596963

File: 966768f72d7f41b⋯.jpeg (55.63 KB, 1200x528, 25:11, 966768f72d7f41b9274551f4e….jpeg)



Shadilay anons

b8ab90  No.2596964

File: 1f099099a2a5c4d⋯.png (110.38 KB, 923x570, 923:570, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at ….png)

Bill Mitchell twat


Trump says publicly he wishes there was "never a Russia investigation," but, of course, that is just theater.

The Mueller Investigation has served to remove the cloud of illegitimacy from Trump's Presidency that would have dogged him for 8 years had it not happened.

09b269  No.2596965



can't bake right now, but will help with anything needed baker(s)

efd453  No.2596966


its pretty rough. gets in your lungs quick.

e4f9cc  No.2596967

File: 65b22472047d07b⋯.jpg (77.49 KB, 815x441, 815:441, FN1.jpg)

File: dc71048b1560f82⋯.jpg (77.99 KB, 500x676, 125:169, no room uncle sam.jpg)

File: 5b5d35790d09941⋯.jpg (95.33 KB, 800x400, 2:1, Only You.jpg)

46e930  No.2596968




31b990  No.2596969


> first to cover Q

with lies and disinfo, you mean.

they brought out a ZACH

then a JEROME

they never bother with the actual crumbs

9286f1  No.2596970

File: f3dcae17c93a2e6⋯.jpg (56.43 KB, 592x341, 592:341, N449QX 1.jpg)

File: fd4aacd920d6f64⋯.jpg (9.64 KB, 400x225, 16:9, N449Qx.jpg)

cc0b45  No.2596971

File: da1d1073828165e⋯.jpg (113.91 KB, 750x422, 375:211, kektron island.jpg)

cda069  No.2596972

We can joos thd shit out of shillary @pepes island

b123fd  No.2596973


I know you mean well, red-heads anon, but some of your decoding misses the mark.

Contribute. Don't demand to be the final word.

7e04ba  No.2596974

>>2596537 lb

He(MCD) has a murky background too. Dont follow the stars. He was Biggies bodyguard and switched assignments at the last minute. Biggies gets taken out and next thing you know he is a movie star.

e0168c  No.2596975


Archive offline

When/if this board goes down, it won't really matter.

095723  No.2596976



We really need to stay on top of this since the Webb shills & AJ shills are here today. multiple threads ruined & multiple Notables are crap because of these assholes.

I think the only one I do not follow is JSolomonReports.

I fucking hate Twitter though for not actually showing me the others in my timeline. Like, EVER.

I'm gonna put alerts on them right now.

Thanks for the post!!


3bbb2d  No.2596977

File: 09466a81e457ef4⋯.png (236.76 KB, 540x581, 540:581, 09466a81e457ef49f4f244020c….png)

05f639  No.2596978


contain and control

96c83f  No.2596979

File: 24afb53b86b2a6f⋯.jpg (133.45 KB, 941x451, 941:451, 2018-08-14 17:48:15Z.jpg)


Needs a bunch of editing for conciseness. Remove unnecessary verbosity. Example edits on paragraph 1 attached.

Q, the anonymous poster who has gained attention over the past few weeks, is now being discussed by the Mainstream Media (MSM). New MSM stories on Q have surged after President Trump's Tampa Bay rally on July 31, 2018. This paper will educate those who are unaware of, interested in, or just beginning to follow Q. It aims to refute the MSM's misinformation and fake news on the subject. The Great Awakening and Q are not conspiracy theories but rather, an information operation. Our movement seeks truth, and wants to peacefully help President Trump Make America Great Again.

I really like the proposed graphics that I saw at >>2586644 , >>2586632 (offbread).

That was just a little bit of editing that a typical editor would insist on, to tighten up sentences and eliminate unnecessary words. Hope that helps!

MSM's fake news

7df8be  No.2596980

File: 63ee065495e92af⋯.png (294.74 KB, 611x545, 611:545, ClipboardImage.png)

36f9fc  No.2596981


Aw, that's cute.

Weird how they dont just come here and do actual research. IT IS ALL RIGHT HERE, if they werent scared to find and report it. Dumbasses

768827  No.2596982




Eat yourheart out, Alex Jones

Qanons are involved in the REAL Infowars.

3fea17  No.2596983


fake and gay

another faction of glowball warming fags

russian propaganda

517ded  No.2596984



you forgot a picture of a dumpster fire

15ae97  No.2596985


I don't think Q will let that happen.

8bc79c  No.2596986




d16dcf  No.2596987


You doxxed yourself yesterday. And yeah, we're kinda over your superiority complex.

477662  No.2596988

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 267271 No.92710 📁

Dec 13 2017 23:35:55 (EST)

“Documents from the Obama administration have been transferred to the Barack Obama Presidential Library. You may send your request to the Obama Library. However, you should be aware that under the Presidential Records Act, Presidential records remain closed to the public for five years after an administration has left office.”


Shockingly quiet.

No leaks?

Presidential libraries are put in place to retain control over self-incriminating c-doc releases.


Review the law.

What is different re: Hussein's PL?

Who controls?

These people really are stupid.


05f639  No.2596990


this is NSA protected cloudflare on a controlled utility. nothing less than an power/internet outage would do it.

cda069  No.2596991

File: 85a258d18e90a76⋯.jpg (134.83 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, IMG_1200.JPG)


Vote for pretty little pink assholes next term

b7a64b  No.2596992


i never opined on guiilt or innocence

i only said that when no defense is offered it means something

wtf is wrong with you?

if you dont like lawyers i understand neither do i as a rule

but good ones are very important so chill

8bc79c  No.2596993


why would NBC encourage Qanon movement?

4c3b8c  No.2596994


Yeah, that's it. Random typing!

31b990  No.2596995


>doxxed yourself yesterday

missed that - redhead hall monitor embarrassed itself again?

46e930  No.2596996


Did NBC conspire to hijack mobile Q drops biz?

b6e57e  No.2596997

Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.


Genoa, the Morandi bridge of the A10 motorway collapses. Dozens of victims

2c5210  No.2596998

>>2596519 lb

source for duponts


36f9fc  No.2596999


No. Go back. Q doesnt need help

5d7a3f  No.2597000

File: c0124f9227bb9bb⋯.png (905.96 KB, 864x645, 288:215, ClipboardImage.png)


This is CNN

533a7c  No.2597001


They obviously don't understand the chans too well.

bf9fa7  No.2597002


Anyone know why mp; saf is trending on twitter?

05f639  No.2597003


contain and control perhaps

45cdcf  No.2597004


Still so angry and non productive .

Let this post be positive and full of love to not be useless.

Anons please don't copy this anons behaviour!

bed9bd  No.2597005


Underrated post

b8ab90  No.2597006

File: 4892a56e18e60b8⋯.jpg (153.32 KB, 1241x926, 1241:926, Di46HbVVAAAJHVH.jpg)


Yes! This timeline!!!

b21e7c  No.2597007


Tomorrow's headline:

CBS reports Omarosa is Q.

b323aa  No.2597008



477662  No.2597009

Imagine THIS.

Raw intel collection.

Narrative FEEDER.











How do you retain 'Freedom of the Press' if those in front of the camera [trusted by select viewers] are extensions of the ARM?

Freedom of the Press is VITAL to retain.



You, THE PEOPLE, need to remember how TO PLAY.

You, THE PEOPLE, have the POWER.








e7f0e8  No.2597010

File: 64d6d62fc2cda56⋯.jpg (12.06 KB, 255x157, 255:157, pepe1.jpg)

0d2548  No.2597011


digits confirm …. CNN is trash on fire in dumpster

27ea72  No.2597012

File: f222391ee869d5e⋯.png (501.67 KB, 422x883, 422:883, DS0.png)

File: 985bb09f35ffe1e⋯.png (473.34 KB, 417x856, 417:856, DS1.png)

File: cd7fda426fe0700⋯.png (468 KB, 413x822, 413:822, DS2.png)

File: a9859cc2cb1e568⋯.png (237.27 KB, 418x676, 209:338, DS4.png)

File: 46bd5dcdfa4f7a2⋯.png (231.57 KB, 414x383, 414:383, DS5.png)

46e930  No.2597013


Suck it Corsi, NBC has Fresh Q Decodes now

c2c100  No.2597014

Need a math check and possibly a meme please

If MSM were to show a picture of each child that goes missing in US every year for 30 seconds each

500,000÷2=250,000 minutes

250,000÷60=4167 hours

4167÷24=176.6 days

176÷30=5.8 months to see every single child

d16dcf  No.2597015


the usual

5d7a3f  No.2597016


Maybe to encourage more slides and shills.

e0168c  No.2597017


Don't underestimate a cornered animal.

We have been urged to archive offline for a reason.

e09f57  No.2597018

File: 06567f4c38f4b76⋯.png (13.64 KB, 391x300, 391:300, vaccinesaresafepromise.png)


>Isn't MSNBC the ones that are trying to help people remember how to delete embarrassing tweets? Wonder why they decided to release that piece right now? What's going on, today, that people are being made aware of, that makes all that relevant?

This pretty much says it all;


>MSNBC and its website were founded in 1996 under a partnership between Microsoft and General Electric's NBC unit, hence the network's naming.

>The revolution will not be televised.

And, if it is, you can bet they'll never spin it in /our/ favor.

36f9fc  No.2597019


I have no twat acct.

11edb9  No.2597020


Maybe these docs are not protected

Because he's not protected by the Presidential Records Act?

A sign, he was not a legal President?

918a2c  No.2597021



Finally someone doing proper document cleansing

533a7c  No.2597022

File: 40fc48648b76207⋯.jpg (11.09 KB, 320x270, 32:27, checked fuckin checked.jpg)


Digits confirm.

2447cb  No.2597023


>I hope she suffered

You're a disgusting POS shill!

Fight off asshat!

7a76e3  No.2597024

Has anyone noticed that none of the Indian Reservations are Sanctuary Cities?

Chew on that for a sec…

b8ab90  No.2597025


framing the narrative

9ceb36  No.2597026


Well it says briefing in the video, so, mayyyybeee…. a briefing???

786530  No.2597027



Seriously. It's pathetic. AND DOESN"T DO ANYTHING TO DISCREDIT Q. Not one shred of evidence is presented and they don't link to ANYTHING for their mindless viewers to see so they can decide for themselves. Wake up, America. Either wake up now or the truth will GIVE you a rude awakening.

7a76e3  No.2597028



Hey everybody!

We got a Quinnion over here!

8bc79c  No.2597029


you mean contain messenger , repackage the message; then be the new messenger.

2c5210  No.2597030


I read up on that because I had same question.

Ferries are considered part of their road system…cheaper than building bridges.

cda069  No.2597031

File: ddb1b2f52d8e111⋯.png (956.04 KB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2105.PNG)

File: 992414f7608de4b⋯.jpg (102.7 KB, 600x900, 2:3, IMG_2497.JPG)

File: 7b664f0f8bc3a77⋯.jpeg (240.92 KB, 1305x1857, 435:619, 7637EDA2-CCD5-46D1-86D7-C….jpeg)

Trust derpina

She did things that would make Marilyn Manson blush and/or vomit

8d8c51  No.2597032


They're worse.

b8cc21  No.2597033

File: fed3070dc60c159⋯.jpg (67.34 KB, 600x646, 300:323, e1b50ab591f2e4fd0ed01d3a33….jpg)


very angry person triggered by a Hillary photo

and Obsessed about AJ (as if anyone here cares about him)

You my dear snowflake are a bit obvious and I see you

b123fd  No.2597034


Isn't the point that Trump sued Omarosa, not the other way around?

4c3b8c  No.2597035

File: de8706413e5942e⋯.jpg (68.72 KB, 461x346, 461:346, DSCN0178.jpg)

6c3e53  No.2597036


I was actually riffing on anon not kissing her ass sufficiently enough. But, in retrospect I see how I deserved getting a meme thrown at me.

09b269  No.2597037



thanks anon

if you want to take the time, put all the edits in the thread (we've kept it out of general so general can move along)

I love the graphics that anon made too

I'm just putting out the simple pdf and pastebin for anons to do things like that

the edits are necessary because the message is great, we want it as perfect as possible

thanks anon

646394  No.2597038


Red Wave Makes Stomachs Turn

makes for good headlines.


The one problem with the Murican way is sustainability.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no leftist SJW vegan whatchmacallit.

These problems have been known for many decades everywhere else in the world.

Most of the rest of the world has bigger population density so it hits the limits of nature's possibilities faster.

I hope the industrialized west learns this fast and build it in into the makeup/philosophy/logistics, not from a dictatorial (muh "carbon tax") perspective but from a genuine concern for our offspring and that of our neighbors. Conservativism has links to environmentalism. Be honest and see this.

Not the Greenpeace way but the honest to god conservative way.

This way we can sway minds. Winning entails the hearts and minds of opponents duh.

5560bc  No.2597039


do days instead of months, every day is 24 hrs but not every month is 30 days

768827  No.2597040

File: 5502f53363bf8a9⋯.jpg (33.59 KB, 600x613, 600:613, doitfaggot.jpg)



Breaking a rule here by responding, but I think everyone needs to see you're full of shit.

Who am I? Post it here for all to see. You're going to make a baseless claim, and then try to say I'm famefagging.

You have no fucking clue who I am

e66b89  No.2597041


For profit schools are scamming the masses with under qualified training because Obongo allowed this bullshit to keep going. And the fucking feds aren't forgiving these extortion loans. Yet you wanted to show me that the DoD is tweeting about education only if we've served. COME ON. Q you're not doing SHIT.

8782a9  No.2597042

6157b3  No.2597043

to those of you pushing hard this

"investigative reporter killed for trying to expose the Clintons!!!!"

If you don't know George Webb is Mossad, you really have NO place on this board. Do some research FFs

b86484  No.2597044



Psychiatry and the CIA: Victims of Mind Control Hardcover – October 1, 1990

by Harvey Weinstein

just a weird coincidence re name. hmm.

9f4705  No.2597045

File: 1bacf84419effc5⋯.png (559.52 KB, 698x440, 349:220, jidfspecops.png)


Fight off!


e80070  No.2597046

File: d33e820b9b69a66⋯.png (389.38 KB, 640x388, 160:97, ClipboardImage.png)


Should we play a game???????

Let's call it………Where's Beebo.

No mention of body found.

145ec7  No.2597047

Jeremy Corbyn is a monster. Add him to the rope list.

095723  No.2597048


Yup. They are too obvious.

They did not send their best

b21e7c  No.2597049

File: f3c7d91f9c5f1da⋯.jpg (34.97 KB, 276x365, 276:365, free beer q.jpg)

b4a59a  No.2597050

File: 1a1ed5fedaa7d01⋯.png (268.84 KB, 647x625, 647:625, SDavis re CNN Omarosa Cove….PNG)

File: ccdbffc346ae6ea⋯.png (561.19 KB, 764x765, 764:765, SDavis re CNN Omarosa Cove….PNG)

File: c103e24201d6ddd⋯.png (586.18 KB, 766x766, 1:1, SDavis re CNN Omarosa Cove….PNG)


31a675  No.2597051


This victim needs protection.



6b5f71  No.2597053


258322  No.2597054

baker handoff???

Trying to avoid ebake?

786530  No.2597055


From WaPo 6 minutes ago


6157b3  No.2597056


How do you legally inject evidence (ie recordings)?

e0168c  No.2597057

File: 05bb9740f3f6309⋯.jpg (96.08 KB, 362x589, 362:589, px.jpg)



6b5f71  No.2597058

nbc sucks

326bae  No.2597059

>>2596962, >>2596934, >>2597054

It's been a couple days, last bakes the 10th I think.. depends on timezones.

>>2596744 Got this fixd in dough

Got a few notes collected but will wait a bit with posting,

Awaiting check or confirmation?

378548  No.2597060

File: 44bdeb733053f25⋯.png (71.85 KB, 839x885, 839:885, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a601f5dd65c697⋯.png (79.13 KB, 856x896, 107:112, ClipboardImage.png)

President Trump Targets Peter Strzok, Crooked Hillary in Tweetstorm – Then SLAMS AG Sessions AGAIN!

President Trump unleashed a tweetstorm targeting fired FBI official Peter Strzok, Crooked Hillary and the rigged Mueller witch hunt –then slammed AG Sessions AGAIN for his absence.

This is the second time the President has attacked Sessions in the last few days. On Saturday, Trump accused AG Sessions of being “scared stiff” and “missing in action.”


b8ab90  No.2597061

File: 46f30a0f63c28c3⋯.png (378.39 KB, 797x866, 797:866, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at ….png)

e66b89  No.2597062

File: 0cd86e62d597a38⋯.gif (1.96 MB, 268x268, 1:1, topkek.gif)



What a bunch of retards

9e326d  No.2597063

>>2597040You have no fucking clue who I am

You are right & no one fucking cares

60ea3f  No.2597064


Yes, agreed… But these 17 residents are wealthy and more than likely have private transportation to and from. So, who/what is on the ferries?

09b269  No.2597065


I really think the chant could be "MSM SUCKS"

f9d8cf  No.2597066

File: fea5bd2e55f41fe⋯.jpg (8.76 KB, 225x225, 1:1, fea5bd2e55f41fe42c3ade5261….jpg)


last two hit the spot

is that the morsecode for Q in#2? also can i haz a blank of 2? plreez and thaanQ

736397  No.2597067

"Q, the plan must be followed and I'm aware of the big picture with timing of the midterms, but is there a way to limit anymore collateral damage?

I know it this awakening is a superhuman feat of asset management but these witnesses

must be in danger of suicide or natural death."

e1e063  No.2597068


Zero sauce on this other than TP!

No deaths reported, no police reports (which there would be if found at a hotel)

Nothing about the hotel

Nothing about/from the police department

723d9e  No.2597069


More projection. Shitlibs love to claim that people who disagree with them are "obsessed," then never shut up.

258322  No.2597070


please take, ty

46e930  No.2597071


Tonight on 60 Minutes

Qmarosa reveals her troll of Jack Posobiec

7a76e3  No.2597072

Getting a lot of scam callers today.

I tell them my name is Habibi.

My student loan debt came from blowing up schools.

I graduated from Nazarbayev University where I studied killing the infidels for Allah.

It's pretty funny how long some of these dumbasses will let me roll with my schtick before they figure out what I'm saying and that they'll probably get a visit from the NSA.

If only the "Do Not Call" list was worth a shit.

6b5f71  No.2597073

hello there

b21e7c  No.2597074


Yeah, it is a little painful lol

b5c39d  No.2597075

File: 758f609681fed89⋯.jpg (43.41 KB, 600x527, 600:527, e20.jpg)


it's like 17 knives in your back .

786530  No.2597076

File: a820c26afa6b9db⋯.jpg (19.85 KB, 225x225, 1:1, pepe - rare mystical.jpg)


Cheers, Anon. Rare mystical Pepe for you

f023c2  No.2597077

File: 3d37829dc133657⋯.jpeg (175.8 KB, 1242x801, 138:89, C3BB6A33-B5B5-4EE5-9620-4….jpeg)

e66b89  No.2597078



If shit doesn't actually go down before the pagan gay ass holiday Xmas, I'm fucking OUT

533a7c  No.2597079

File: 933d8fc7f82dbaf⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1326x1024, 663:512, n-word-tapes.png)

Hey MSM, I found the missing tapes!

<pic related

751076  No.2597080

File: eb712b42a2779da⋯.png (459.05 KB, 1017x554, 1017:554, itscalledruls.png)

File: 8bb4df75e5ca1a5⋯.png (467.77 KB, 1016x554, 508:277, alin4es.png)

6050be  No.2597081

File: 59e778b67e1138d⋯.jpeg (58.98 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 59e778b67e1138dc7f91d5361….jpeg)

File: 1c263877a218ded⋯.jpeg (38.92 KB, 600x338, 300:169, hollyfire2.jpeg)

File: feeaeca36b54f19⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1290x865, 258:173, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at ….png)


The way certain writers that I follow have been doing more pieces on "what's really going on" the past few days and seem to feel like the dam is about to break.

Cleary it IS breaking. All in to the Mid-Terms.

cda069  No.2597082

File: 818b870bac954ae⋯.jpg (82.69 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, IMG_2633.JPG)

36f9fc  No.2597083


^^^^^ I would second this if I werent so intimidated keyboard warriors

b21e7c  No.2597084


I finished them both after I made them dress up like Cowboy and Indian and wrestle in oil.

c2c100  No.2597085


How about it would take watching tv 24/7 for roughly half a year to see them all.

I was going for magnitude of months, instead of days

0d2548  No.2597086



Bring down the entire ring of pedos!

378548  No.2597087

File: 301e202f2d8bb67⋯.png (516.48 KB, 613x590, 613:590, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8913888fd72171e⋯.png (211.97 KB, 846x919, 846:919, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6232058a7d46d8⋯.png (240.24 KB, 840x908, 210:227, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a9092249e6035f⋯.png (16.92 KB, 863x246, 863:246, ClipboardImage.png)

SECOND WOMAN Accuses Democrat Keith Ellison of Abuse — Police 911 Report Confirms Incident!


36fd21  No.2597088

Anything from the 2pm eastern press conference?

09b269  No.2597089



see this: >>2596747 & >>2596814

these disinfo articles are why a bunch of anons are doing it

326bae  No.2597091


ait I gotcha, I'm here and ready to bake.

Unless BO/BV steps in and got a problem with it I'll go ahead and say:

New baker in the kitchen

09b269  No.2597092


got pushed back

likely after 2:30

258322  No.2597093


thank you baker

57e1d6  No.2597094

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Music for the anons…

60bddc  No.2597095


They already removed the remains. Do moar research fool.

095723  No.2597096


What the fuck does "Fight off asshat" mean?


36fd21  No.2597097



786530  No.2597098



ANON. THANK YOU FOR NOTICING AND POINTING THIS OUT. I TOO FEEL THIS VERY SAME WAY. Sorry. CAPS was on and I don't wanna retype. Not yelling kek

b21e7c  No.2597099

File: 90c12df3645aee6⋯.jpg (29.47 KB, 400x264, 50:33, judge smails.jpg)


A year ago on fb I posted that

"After Trump brings justice to the Killary-Soetero Admin, things will calm down in our country. "

e66b89  No.2597100


Cervezas gratis manana. Lel

d16dcf  No.2597101


Please continue to post red heads and sperg your Royal decrees. But yeah, you doxxed yourself. Lucky for you, I'm a good person. Now, we can have a pissing contest or you can quietly deal w your fetish and need to control. Please get the last word, it's what you types do.

1f55e2  No.2597102


I’m ready for the TRUTH. Any truth. A single truth. Where do I find it?

3e3580  No.2597103

File: f67eca3605d3212⋯.png (406.8 KB, 1166x572, 53:26, anon trump tweets 8-14 sm.png)

File: 669df2fa9fe73e1⋯.png (2.41 MB, 4664x2288, 53:26, anon trump tweets 8-14.png)

re POTUS tweet timeline last post

a clockfag dropped a cool graf in CQrange

IDK WTF but it looks pretty fukken fancy

2 drops

- hi res full

- small resize for visual (but poor read)


96a7a1  No.2597105

It's funny how I learned the term Nigger from actual niggers calling themselves niggers. If they weren't racists in the first place, I wouldn't know this racist term.

1a7326  No.2597106


Follow the Red Dot Kitty…

b8ab90  No.2597107

File: 9cb071a473b2701⋯.png (72.97 KB, 907x365, 907:365, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at ….png)


Omarosa claims Donald "absolutely" knew about the impending release of the Hillary Clinton emails beforehand. Predictably, she won't elaborate.


839acb  No.2597108

File: d0fc4146b5a0fde⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 114.52 KB, 682x1024, 341:512, bewbslake.jpg)


I think we all need to consider that investigative journalism died long ago. They are handed stories and told to put their name on it. At best, they go to Reuters or AP or LexisNexis and add their (so-called) thoughts and spin. Then we must add in the 4am talking points.

What we have here, anons, is an entire organization of very stupid motherfuckers from top to bottom.

Bewbs for emphasis

36f9fc  No.2597109


'Fight off asshat'

Looks like a new meme to me

6050be  No.2597110



The catholics and mormons either need to root all of this out and fix shit, or be eradicated. I was speaking with a friend who has been working with the Mormon movement, where they're calling out all their rapists, and the movement has gone from a warm burn last fall, to an all out blaze.

The Wagons Circle…


b21e7c  No.2597111


I have a conspiracy theory:

NBC is nothing but crooked and corrupt shillery coordinated by the CIA et al.

b86484  No.2597112


good catch

533a7c  No.2597113

File: fd66130d3c90163⋯.png (18.35 KB, 15x18, 5:6, dot.png)

cda069  No.2597114

File: 413c0e7d9acc662⋯.jpeg (39.91 KB, 1220x720, 61:36, 7EE8005F-001E-4B4F-AB4A-5….jpeg)

I hate bon jovi


7e04ba  No.2597115


Spent a lot of time on ferries in WA in youth. Anon pointed out its part of transportation system.

Just like with roads in rural areas that do not make financial sense.

e4f9cc  No.2597116

File: 4347eef74fbfa26⋯.jpg (28.61 KB, 495x285, 33:19, ABC Bubble.jpg)

File: b6812d4f1569694⋯.jpg (27.85 KB, 495x285, 33:19, CBS Bubble.jpg)

File: 703dcf4d95ad32b⋯.png (27.92 KB, 580x580, 1:1, CBS EYE.PNG)

File: e7c9613f55fa1db⋯.jpg (31.39 KB, 495x285, 33:19, NBC Bubble.jpg)

File: c4827776ca058cb⋯.png (200.39 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, ABC-logo.png)

65bd51  No.2597117

File: 1dc88276eacc71f⋯.jpg (19.43 KB, 500x325, 20:13, mcafee.jpg)


ya they didnt send TSA or FAA or makea grid and document the site or anythinng,, just bundled it up into a big huge white bag in less than 48 hours and left . . . . . . .


836216  No.2597118

Q….TwitterAnon here. I HATE, and I mean, I fucking hate TWIT, but I’m in this fight to help and because this is the first thing I’ve really believed in in a very long time.

I/We are shadowbanned, worse now than ever. I checked my good account against my backup (neither account follows each other) and I can’t see tweets to anyone. Example….I posted on a liberal account, checked it against my fake account, no post showing. No posts are showing UNLESS you’re being followed by another twitter user.

Basically, it doesn’t matter if I post or not. The people I lm trying to reach aren’t seeing anything.

I can’t call out hypocrisy due to the hypocrisy. I gain 30 lose 35, everyday.

Hope to soon have a more even battle ground. WWG1WGA

6a8c5a  No.2597119


The booms

there's too many of them!

6050be  No.2597120


It seems to be "investigative journalism" vs "accountability journalism".

9e326d  No.2597121


b21e7c  No.2597122


I'll guess that it's a stop on the ferry route rather than a dedicated line.

b4a59a  No.2597123

File: f7e4ad54932ad1e⋯.png (175.2 KB, 663x800, 663:800, BJohnson re CNN Antifa Cov….PNG)

File: 6cd87c0be2ff5c3⋯.png (167.72 KB, 813x496, 813:496, BJohnson re CNN Antifa Cov….PNG)

File: 9f1f442920f1062⋯.png (345.53 KB, 1544x721, 1544:721, BJohnson re CNN Antifa Cov….PNG)

File: 0cf3eac315c6525⋯.png (422.5 KB, 538x776, 269:388, DC re CNN Cuomo Antifa 8-1….PNG)

CNN’s Chris Cuomo Excuses Antifa’s Violence Because ‘All Punches Are Not Equal Morally’


0d2548  No.2597124


y palomitas de maíz para los arrestos por venir

09b269  No.2597125

File: 293f53e010d2f06⋯.png (270.4 KB, 986x463, 986:463, ClipboardImage.png)




6050be  No.2597126

File: 2d35cc46223f648⋯.jpg (73.47 KB, 480x418, 240:209, Untitled.jpg)

322eb8  No.2597128


This board is safe imo

The NBC hit piece that doxes Pamphlet

is a prelude to Youtube taking down

Patriot's soapbox.

I hope I am wrong

6b0ed3  No.2597129

File: 42d699917da61e5⋯.jpeg (102.29 KB, 669x499, 669:499, C7E27DBE-3B27-4A37-8DB9-1….jpeg)

646394  No.2597130

File: c3d6cf9ddaa2dcc⋯.png (95.06 KB, 252x232, 63:58, _qresearch_-_Q_Research_Ge….png)


ef57fc  No.2597131

File: b87d8dfbca4c1dd⋯.jpeg (153.44 KB, 750x470, 75:47, 6D3A7987-B819-4754-8E8F-9….jpeg)

9286f1  No.2597132

File: 68d73ed242ec56d⋯.png (323.1 KB, 547x531, 547:531, Orca 1.png)

File: cbb7130ce70b011⋯.jpg (33.38 KB, 800x484, 200:121, Orca 2.jpg)

File: ce41f39b88c6ba5⋯.png (349.21 KB, 531x547, 531:547, Orca.png)

File: 2ffc7db25509244⋯.jpg (90.11 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, richard-russell.jpg)

Richard Russell said he wanted to check out the Orca!



e4f9cc  No.2597133

258322  No.2597134

File: 52fde55e78a0945⋯.png (403.78 KB, 724x640, 181:160, ClipboardImage.png)

477662  No.2597135

Think Sessions.

Public announcement re: Leaks.

Expand your thinking outside of ‘leaks’.

Journalism ethics and standards.


Right on Q.


Hello Maggie.

Trust funds (3).

Deposits routed from EU.

Why are deposits ORIG from EU being transferred into [3] TRUST funds [children]?

How do you get your talking points?

Why do many DC journalists (yourself) use & replace 'burner phones' every week?

How do you pass the new number out?

Tweets are very important.

Do you feel safe?


Imagine THIS.

Raw intel collection.

Narrative FEEDER.












FBI / DOJ - 1st.

C_A / State - next?

Now comes the pain.


Desperate agencies do stupid things.

Dead cat bounce.

You may have the site but we have the source.


Panic is good.

Panic is right.

July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH.

Conspiracy no more.

Time to FEED.


These people are stupid!


"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself."



Do you believe in coincidences?

We have the source.


"Integrity violations."

Integrity violations = LEAKS

Recording a 'privileged & confidential' meeting w/ the WH CoS?

What document(s) are signed prior to entering the WH?

What documents(s) were added by POTUS specifically prior to allowing staff to join his administration?

What documents(s) were added later by POTUS specifically targeting 'leaks'?

Why was FAKE NEWS infuriated by this?

Why would a person 'openly' broadcast a CRIMINAL VIOLATION?

Do they feel protected?

Who do they report to?

If known in advance, could this be an advantage?

These people are STUPID.

Enjoy the show.


8bc79c  No.2597136


plane crashes are hard to get evidence out of

@ 9/11 @ pent_gon

think missle? a pointer for investigators to go to a specific place?

When people say "they dont know what to think?" they are priming themselves for the wrong thing, they mean to say, "I dont know what to conclude." which is where im at, and probably where anons should be at unless you got something compelling.

52f74d  No.2597137


>install mcafee.. ammo sold separately


4a52b3  No.2597139

File: d903cf9fcbe4789⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1438x900, 719:450, Richard Russell Submarine ….png)

e8c95b  No.2597140


more wait and see

b8ab90  No.2597141

File: 76cc251df71d6a6⋯.png (69.93 KB, 927x316, 927:316, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at ….png)

BREAKING: Catholic Church protected more than 300 ‘predator priests’ in Pennsylvania for decades - Grand Jury Report


b21e7c  No.2597142


Harvey is supposedly a depressive, suicidal type, so …

2d2272  No.2597143


That's not how it works. Some of ya'll really need to understand the Constitution before making comments like this. Zero was our president once the EC picked him. Once he served his terms, there is no Constitutional mechanism for undoing that.

Stop pushing this nonsense. Stop showing the world your ignorance.

723d9e  No.2597144


Oh boy, Orwellian horseshit in action. I guess you can just attack cops, journos, and any random bystanders if you're fighting "hate."

44f419  No.2597145




Who knows how many

09b269  No.2597146


muh scrapped sub

57e1d6  No.2597147

File: 3ff7f5cf851c17d⋯.png (45.09 KB, 998x444, 499:222, ClipboardImage.png)

Infowars.com is down

e4c3b0  No.2597149

File: e0f7bd015852d83⋯.jpg (160.52 KB, 1910x1000, 191:100, dai.lo.jpg)

File: 5ee429a5d97488b⋯.jpg (334.06 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, anthony.jpg)

File: bf61c35fafb6da4⋯.jpg (263.87 KB, 900x793, 900:793, FL COMPED.jpg)

File: fee9a8c2e6fe4a1⋯.jpg (45.36 KB, 648x369, 72:41, fat leonard.jpg)

b21e7c  No.2597150


Dog isnt the right word.

The word is cunt.

7a76e3  No.2597151




need combinin'

646394  No.2597152


Was it a successful ritual?

b5da85  No.2597153

File: f4d9ce9e75748f8⋯.png (15.11 KB, 266x416, 133:208, wtf.png)


and the judge lets them walk.

8c818e  No.2597154

File: eddcc00c84de554⋯.png (101.95 KB, 362x290, 181:145, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at ….png)

>>2596441 pb

(Rod?) Rosenstein is - according to the newly dead Jenny Moore - BC's protector?

7a76e3  No.2597155


C? N? a T?

I would like to buy a U!

31a675  No.2597156




e4f9cc  No.2597157

File: f1797aad805f409⋯.jpg (668.69 KB, 800x1013, 800:1013, Trust_Donald_Trump.jpg)

File: 9677e44f764b483⋯.jpg (107.7 KB, 1185x787, 1185:787, TRUST.jpg)

6b0ed3  No.2597158

File: 42d699917da61e5⋯.jpeg (102.29 KB, 669x499, 669:499, FCC4E93C-F977-4BA9-A1A1-5….jpeg)

File: 8d1777fa01da07c⋯.jpeg (105.77 KB, 500x791, 500:791, CF70900D-FCDF-4A32-9BA7-A….jpeg)

File: 967760cd7912f88⋯.jpeg (52.48 KB, 248x466, 124:233, 9DD44546-1971-45EA-9700-C….jpeg)

File: 7db864961d01fcc⋯.jpeg (73.82 KB, 575x415, 115:83, 8DC55120-701A-4C7D-8C3F-0….jpeg)

File: afb95de659326bd⋯.jpeg (100.57 KB, 749x500, 749:500, D33422F9-17B9-44A4-BC8F-3….jpeg)

e4c3b0  No.2597159

File: 5ee429a5d97488b⋯.jpg (334.06 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, anthony.jpg)

File: ed1ed52abdb7b3c⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1906x1102, 953:551, dis.33.png)

File: 598ecac9329e109⋯.jpg (68.49 KB, 800x546, 400:273, sky bridge.jpg)

File: 87989bea2cdd5eb⋯.jpg (80.16 KB, 780x439, 780:439, tony hna.jpg)

8bc79c  No.2597160


thinking about all angles, of perimeter crossing to center means questioning Q

im thinking migration from 4 chan was because of mods; and reports from posobeic msm and detractors focus on that period.

7b47f6  No.2597161

File: ae7d9cc822ed6ed⋯.png (393.18 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180814-140944.png)

File: b081075b76f53b4⋯.png (165.85 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180814-140955.png)

You mean, like a Friday afternoon…

Lot of different things happening in news right now. Not in cabals favor. Between the national emergencies and an article like this, makes me think Greece and an opened floodgate for antifa, least what they will try anyway


60bddc  No.2597162


You are so misinformed. Not wasting my time with you.

0cb89e  No.2597163

I *think* the media is starting to realize they are being baited. Some of them are choosing not to take the Omarosa bait.

b5da85  No.2597164


That's one fucked up spin job on the headline. Harvey's calling the shots, is he?

095723  No.2597166

File: 76707c44653191c⋯.png (507.42 KB, 800x498, 400:249, d35c099824daa28477cd2a9754….png)

6b0ed3  No.2597167


End fed commencing?

3bbb2d  No.2597168

File: 0ec15956548c039⋯.png (211.7 KB, 514x367, 514:367, HillBillBath.png)

646394  No.2597169


Because of their good deeds: they killed a sure-thing-future-terrorist possessed by demons.

517ded  No.2597170


WTF is going on around here, the whole fucking board is a mess.

e80070  No.2597171

File: 6faea61f7462b7e⋯.png (75.24 KB, 255x155, 51:31, ClipboardImage.png)



I have not seen proof on that, have you????

31a675  No.2597172

File: ef18f1150736ba0⋯.png (515.58 KB, 724x940, 181:235, 2018-08-14_111756.png)


b323aa  No.2597173


Thank you.

36f9fc  No.2597174


No, the super expert Head anon already said there was a landing path and everything. So we shouldn't pay attention to Q because the Authority already said. And he is the boss of this

b5da85  No.2597175

Militia, anyone? It's not only a right, it's a responsibility.

Liked how the bikers hung with Trump. Been waiting for the tough guys to show up and let him they have his back.

918a2c  No.2597176

File: 9589cdc51df63f3⋯.jpg (52.4 KB, 928x523, 928:523, penn_jillette_-_getty_-_20….jpg)


>Penn Jillette Says Trump 'Apprentice' Tapes Exist: "I Was in the Room"

>"He would say racially insensitive things that made me uncomfortable," the comic and magician said of Trump during his time on 'Celebrity Apprentice.'


>And yet, Jillette would not budge on specifics because "I am an unreliable narrator. What I do, as much as anything, is I’m a storyteller. And storytellers are liars. So I can emotionally tell you things that happened racially, sexually, and that showed stupidity and lack of compassion when I was in the room with Donald Trump and I guarantee you that I will get details wrong."


50f286  No.2597177

File: a103b557edb3718⋯.png (197.06 KB, 1692x1316, 9:7, clipboard.png)

b5da85  No.2597178


^ let him know

24799c  No.2597179

File: e0b3380a0a577ad⋯.jpeg (125.21 KB, 750x466, 375:233, 70B5AFE5-E2BC-4B18-B361-B….jpeg)

https:// twitter.com/joshdcaplan/status/1029431842057936896?s=21

e4f9cc  No.2597180

File: ad09a2cc47d87a9⋯.png (849.74 KB, 600x780, 10:13, Tesla Stay.png)

File: df6d2a347a0c6a2⋯.jpg (400.92 KB, 600x750, 4:5, Trust Rogers_2018.jpg)

3bbb2d  No.2597181

File: 1138f4e7fcb1d2c⋯.jpg (45.84 KB, 500x382, 250:191, Handbasket.jpg)

095723  No.2597182

Even the Onion is joining in!

So if a satire website posts an article about Q, doesn't that mean they believe Q is real?

This is getting confusing

The Onion

‏Verified account @TheOnion

Q Forced To Resign From Department Of Agriculture For Improper Filing Of Expense Reports


378548  No.2597183

File: 866e3c9c04d5776⋯.png (486.21 KB, 748x820, 187:205, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c3e1df254f6c19⋯.png (40.43 KB, 743x599, 743:599, ClipboardImage.png)

Georgia - Pedo Befriends Girl At A Park; Finds Her Online, Visits Home to Abuse Her


11edb9  No.2597184

File: d6521d3c25f93da⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 1877x2048, 1877:2048, bettersquareupnwo.jpg)


If someone goes to the article you posted

Reads it

Believes it

Then they sure as fuck don't belong here anyways.

I won't even stoop low enough to go point out all the shit that Pamphlet, Beanz, Antifun, and any others would have no no no fucking way of knowing in advance of it happening.

No way, even if they had an AP Press subscription and could get pics before others.

You can't predict what happen in North Korea

You can't predict what happen with China, EU, and soon Iran

You can't predict Kansas State winning

You can't predict winner of the Triple Crown

You can't predict Eagles winning Super Bowl

You can't predict POTUS say TIP TOP while standing next to the White Rabbit

You can't predict 45000 sealed indictments

You can't predict the wall being build with funds from Army Corps of Engineers or if you'd like from the money of a now arrested drug warlord that nobody had ever heard from before

But you can predict that anyone linking that kind of story to MSM is in fact a GLOWING CLOWN or just a moron.

Which are you?

7b47f6  No.2597185


That'd be a day of days! MAGA

44f419  No.2597186


There is also a taller one that I remember seeing during the general election.

The question is - does Hillary exist or has the original HRC been dead or in a vegetated state for some time.

a5d2a4  No.2597187

File: 8e7fb02e9790b71⋯.png (195 KB, 613x365, 613:365, Screenshot_2018-05-19-19-4….png)

We debunked this Q pamfag shit long ago…

With about as solid of proof as you can get.

Not to mention pamphlet is stupid as shit kek.

Catch up [MSM]

095723  No.2597188

File: 4c5680c440c28f3⋯.jpg (47.77 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 4c5680c440c28f383644fc2921….jpg)

52f74d  No.2597189

File: cdef31b1133d2f9⋯.jpg (53.54 KB, 800x420, 40:21, propaganda-wars-its[1].jpg)

b5da85  No.2597190


>the whole fucking [world] (board) is a mess.

fe44a0  No.2597191

File: 310b8f1d0651d20⋯.jpg (37.15 KB, 350x435, 70:87, fbi chain of command.jpg)

File: 66e876c4a2b7812⋯.jpg (40.65 KB, 350x435, 70:87, fbi investigation chain Jo….jpg)


I concur CoC - chain of command thought it related to FBI coc doc that was dropped several days ago. Will post again.

yssie - aussie? Rot13 for something else? Nellie?

Yep. Stumped. Better look over them again to see if something was missed.

But CoC would take me back to FBI…

b8ab90  No.2597192

File: 012dc68a7a9e1c3⋯.png (322.41 KB, 1013x663, 1013:663, Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at ….png)


can't wait to see them humbled even more

b4a59a  No.2597193



I posted the article yesterday

Bread 3263


27a17e  No.2597194

File: 62582ee80da2d5d⋯.jpg (526.07 KB, 1164x873, 4:3, 20180814_111613.jpg)


6b0ed3  No.2597195


Narrative set by trusted fbi. WAtch

e4c3b0  No.2597197

File: 6e4cce3522e4175⋯.jpg (381.68 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, sloppy and degenerate.jpg)

sloppy steve

degenerate roger

what is their cheap plan?

1a7326  No.2597198

File: 01f1d5e94250cb7⋯.png (164.67 KB, 516x390, 86:65, pepe59.PNG)


==YEP== thats Da one

and they chases it like Blind Sheep…

Not Like Kanye….

d8ed96  No.2597200



safe travels anon

851b6e  No.2597201

File: d6224d3b9c5f434⋯.jpg (119.9 KB, 500x581, 500:581, 2fv6xl~2.jpg)



Penn is a Jew faggot.

83f362  No.2597202

File: 0ad873bc7213827⋯.jpeg (167.65 KB, 1500x1044, 125:87, 7E9C4F3A-F4F2-468D-A37E-0….jpeg)


The blood is on the hands of this judge who let this monster walk.

52f74d  No.2597204


HI Alex. See this → >>2597189

839acb  No.2597205


MSM has zero accountability, provides zero sauce, is no longer news. It has become nothing but propaganda and sensationalism. The whole Stormy Daniels thing was used to illustrate just how unbelievably shallow, lazy and stupid they are.

I believe they ignore true news in favor of lurid headlines until they cannot, and then they spin. That is their function - suppress, obfuscate and then spin.

723d9e  No.2597206


All the shitlibs hoping for an illegal immigrant child's death to use against Trump will ignore this.

095723  No.2597207

File: 6bc62dce0b136bf⋯.jpg (71.45 KB, 590x897, 590:897, 3635919_700b.jpg)

533a7c  No.2597208

File: dee02445f45ac16⋯.jpg (97.3 KB, 578x350, 289:175, cabbage.jpg)

File: 4c3747e172666fb⋯.jpg (52.05 KB, 450x346, 225:173, boiled-cabbage.jpg)

326bae  No.2597211

Notables so far

Anything missing? Updates?


>>2596797 Interview: Russia Promised Rand Paul They Would Not Mess With 2018 Election

>>2596844 Password Analyst Says QAnon’s ‘Codes’ Are Consistent With Random Typing

>>2596884 A NATO-Funded Team Advises Facebook on Flagging 'Propaganda'

>>2596905 NBC just finally delivered the first push notifications regarding 'QANON'! to smart phones

>>2596951 Red tide along Florida's Gulf Coast leads Gov. Scott to declare state of emergency

>>2597046 Man who took Horizon Air plane from Sea-Tac Airport was quiet, well liked, says former co-worker

>>2597055 Bring down the entire ring of pedos!

>>2597131 Catholic Church protected more than 300 ‘predator priests’ in Pennsylvania for decades - Grand Jury Report

>>2597161 The FBI Says There's Going to be a Huge Bank Heist in the Coming Days

bed9bd  No.2597212


Jenny - aka Task Force - was an actual person and an anon, dipshit.

6b0ed3  No.2597213


>This is getting confusing

On point!

60bddc  No.2597214


No shit. It's pretty bad today. Overrun with toddlers.

46e930  No.2597215

Jack Pos live Periscope

He's bragging about NBC doxxing people

44f419  No.2597216



That is an awesome quote

916601  No.2597217


To play Q games with you while Trump lets his zionist advisors start war with IRan while they work on rebuilding the temple because they buy into some stupid ass proto-cannanite religion that worked together with the roman elite to invent another stupid ass religion to control the masses with.

e80070  No.2597218



Thank you, I missed it.

2c5210  No.2597219


just the kind of response from low ranking anon

60bddc  No.2597220


Yep, I've seen proof. Try doing some reading.

b5da85  No.2597221


broad brush. they're going for the deep pockets. no way the problem is that big in PA only, even as fucked up as the crackhead state is.

646394  No.2597222



Insightful textual context.

Thanks for link. I was aware of Jillette btw. [fish]y.

3e3580  No.2597223

File: da2402f59b93695⋯.jpg (851.74 KB, 2048x1475, 2048:1475, 1508245042920.jpg)

RIP - task force [GeorgeWebb]

we repsect and dont doxx anyone [PatriotsSoapbox]

mike adams health ranger and crazy looney aj still gave great [InfoWars]

we are [Kek]

the honorable deplorables we are

shall nod to those on our side at [RISK]

b86484  No.2597224


Great. But the UK team is wrong for the dates.


PM was Cameron

M16/SIS was Younger

(Home Secretary was May)

3bbb2d  No.2597225


It really is.

b21e7c  No.2597226

File: 0f22197ef8567a4⋯.jpg (29.05 KB, 640x442, 320:221, hillary monkey.jpg)

5f1d90  No.2597227

On August 2 Q posted this…

1802Q !CbboFOtcZs No.113

Aug 2 2018 21:20:02 (EST)

Something BIG is about to drop.

That post has since been deleted. I really wish Q would stop telling us something big is about to happen only to disappoint. It demoralizes us and hurts his credibility. Plus, just deleting the post when it doesn't happen also doesn't help. This is more than concern shilling or impatience. Everyone I have been able to convince that Q is legit have all stopped paying attention because they don't see the "BIG" things Q has said are coming. Yes, we see the resignations, we see the WV SC impeachment, we see people not running for re-election, but it isn't enough to convince anyone. Especially when we get "Something BIG is about to drop" and then nothing happens, except the post itself gets deleted.

ef57fc  No.2597228

File: 74d1d4f313b2efd⋯.jpeg (454.57 KB, 750x879, 250:293, 68B699D3-45D6-43A1-AFA5-D….jpeg)



326bae  No.2597229

>>2594468, Moar POTUS am Twattinz

>>2594509 One down, Disney Imagineer Dead!

>>2594556, >>2594677, >>2594812 POTUS Twattinz DeCode

>>2594647 Book on Life...

>>2594678 Red Pilling ideas

>>2594710 Moar on Hunter Biden[s Son]

>>2594767 Did someone hack Yahoo ? cuz muh "Russian collusion"

>>2594860, >>2594786, INFRASTRUCTURE in Jeopardy??? Cheap Concrete - CEMEX.

>>2594853, >>2595071 Investigative journalist found dead in DC Hotel, reported on WJC child rape

>>2594893 Sauce for section 542 of the FY19 NDAA that permits POTUS to yank Security Clearances

>>2594902 Plane Fag Updates

>>2594922, >> 2594943 PS GoFund Me update. $250K SMDH

>>2595078 Monica Peterson On HRC in Haiti

b5da85  No.2597230


it's not the sort of thing you brag about.

60bddc  No.2597231


Sorry anon. Didn't mean to be rude. It's just been shitty here today. Gonna get off for awhile.

09b269  No.2597232


I'd add this (has sauce):

>>2597179 >>2597131 Catholic Church protected more than 300 ‘predator priests’ in Pennsylvania for decades - Grand Jury Report

maybe this (added sauce to the anons post): >>2596782 >>2597125 Weinstein now accused of sex trafficking

52f74d  No.2597233


Carlin was on point.

b91ba6  No.2597234


do tell eBot, we're listening

3bbb2d  No.2597235

File: 33f54b1c8939766⋯.png (480.49 KB, 770x472, 385:236, HowQuaint.png)

396912  No.2597236


NBC coming out with a story doxxing Baruch and Pamphlet as Q??

a5d2a4  No.2597237


Besides kids…

6b0ed3  No.2597238

File: 5f1afd81666dac8⋯.jpeg (68.11 KB, 473x340, 473:340, 72FEBB55-F285-4994-A68C-7….jpeg)

File: ca8f6ebde1770cb⋯.jpeg (72.63 KB, 473x340, 473:340, 0CA6A9CE-18A0-4A12-9EA0-4….jpeg)

File: 5932d0fd7b2eb1e⋯.jpeg (71.45 KB, 473x340, 473:340, E17BD51C-6DDD-48A9-AD03-E….jpeg)

File: 1d94fd76747c77e⋯.jpeg (69.04 KB, 618x410, 309:205, 677103D1-AC8A-4AF9-88BE-4….jpeg)

File: 664cf26873e1ab0⋯.jpeg (132.08 KB, 751x500, 751:500, 6B328266-D4F5-4851-B9B1-9….jpeg)

fe44a0  No.2597239


Wasn't there a picture of a guy drinking a Coke with the name Tashina?

36fd21  No.2597241


Not even Webb Hubbell

6050be  No.2597242

File: e0734e83a4af07c⋯.jpg (7.85 KB, 255x128, 255:128, 6e957643f3893e4ce0985b299a….jpg)

File: 20a3c76b44841f4⋯.png (123.49 KB, 538x800, 269:400, IMG_1262.PNG)

File: 72112365d6a314e⋯.jpg (14.74 KB, 248x255, 248:255, KekTroopsReeeeeee.jpg)

File: 0a1ecf3ad2786ab⋯.jpg (42.09 KB, 750x478, 375:239, DYqespcVQAAX9pF.jpg)

File: 2f73e6a50c2bd68⋯.jpg (21.39 KB, 255x250, 51:50, 9dc02ad46fee5250f45a0ae3ab….jpg)


Been here with you all as much as my body would allow it since the start. What an Honor. Almost Home Anons. Be PROUD.





b8ab90  No.2597243

File: ced4fd29bda0a7a⋯.png (475.5 KB, 915x884, 915:884, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at ….png)

Avenatti twat




057bdb  No.2597244

File: a3ea47bd15cc0f0⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 1200x1820, 60:91, a3ea47bd15cc0f09b234258be4….jpg)


and latinfags…

shills inter vos ne exprobretis

efd453  No.2597245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b21e7c  No.2597246


muh comfort was not.

11edb9  No.2597247

File: de87bf04a126bab⋯.jpg (13.69 KB, 255x193, 255:193, b1b777cbe47c00698346bff78a….jpg)


Awe thanks anon!

Then you won't mind being my next blood sacrifice. Your frenship blood sacrifice will be rewarded in afterlife.

Love - Hil

46e930  No.2597248


I'm surprised they didn't name Defango and 0Hour, kek

from NBC's lead reporter George Webb

3bbb2d  No.2597249

File: 070cd2c492e58b0⋯.png (392.28 KB, 600x400, 3:2, WhatsMissing.png)

8c818e  No.2597250

6b0ed3  No.2597251


Mike Pompeo


e4f9cc  No.2597252

File: 5c5748f9f141fb6⋯.jpg (41.24 KB, 399x489, 133:163, red.jpg)

4c46bc  No.2597253


Yeah people on my feed are all like "Q IS PAM YOU RETARDS" Too bad they don't know that's been tried on us like 6 months ago

333910  No.2597254

File: 7c1dfd216a92857⋯.jpg (319.58 KB, 750x750, 1:1, MUH DIG.jpg)



d1e56e  No.2597255


They indeed tried to claim it at one point. Pamphlet wife twatted that its bs

8bc79c  No.2597256


targeting 4chan history and inflating that as the whole movement… migration was for a reason

decc55  No.2597257

533a7c  No.2597258

File: e204b80257882c7⋯.jpg (22.21 KB, 300x246, 50:41, Huma_mock.jpg)

b4a59a  No.2597259


If you want to search Q400 news try KOMO News


Seattle Times is bird cage liner

36f9fc  No.2597260


That would be Trollmaster Pompeo

e1e063  No.2597261

File: d9def809f2766f0⋯.jpg (25.07 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 35975h.jpg)

396912  No.2597262


Lol…thats a good meme

Its that fucktard Poso

Not a newbie

4791ed  No.2597263


​NBC NEWS ARTICLE https://nbcnews.to/2nBDn7b

e66b89  No.2597264

File: 9b97c89f649cbde⋯.jpeg (88.7 KB, 720x689, 720:689, amigopepe.jpeg)


Kekerino mi amigo

52f74d  No.2597265


You didn't see this coming back then?


If you don't want the right answer, not only can you ask the wrong question… You can also ask the wrong people! Propaganda 101!

b5ab01  No.2597266

File: fee7f3cf198a65b⋯.jpeg (363.41 KB, 1620x2041, 1620:2041, 3A8A7A38-900D-44B8-9D8B-6….jpeg)

We Are Q

e80070  No.2597267


You deserve a Beer break!

Free BEER early for yout!

326bae  No.2597268


ThanQs anon, still trying to catch up with what has been posted before etc, also cut the article about:

>>2597046 Man who took Horizon Air plane from Sea-Tac Airport was quiet, well liked, says former co-worker

421eb0  No.2597269

I didn't know it was there.

568023  No.2597271


Can you say - HUGE EGO?

e4c3b0  No.2597272

File: 1dda48459bfd5b3⋯.jpg (24.79 KB, 474x367, 474:367, frens.jpg)

File: 2dcf5f0a5f47d5b⋯.jpg (55.25 KB, 634x430, 317:215, Winner.jpg)

File: b277dfb5f128093⋯.jpg (49.28 KB, 600x360, 5:3, asia a.jpg)

630f38  No.2597273

File: f54dfd2789b4f91⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 4000x2096, 250:131, allforalarp1sidebyside.jpg)

File: c1c9f27982dd57f⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 4000x2038, 2000:1019, allforalarp2sidebyside.jpg)

File: f6e947830eed13b⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 4000x1800, 20:9, allforalarp3sidebyside.jpg)

File: 44079eb20787c6d⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 4000x2455, 800:491, allforalarp4sidebyside.jpg)


not new, just intensifying

b8ab90  No.2597274

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


918a2c  No.2597275

File: 7a4b230d24ae409⋯.jpg (17.53 KB, 248x189, 248:189, 1524687553_flat,800x800,07….jpg)

751076  No.2597276

File: 340674da3333d95⋯.png (522.81 KB, 1017x555, 339:185, ellpervs.png)

b0e764  No.2597277


>I hope she suffered

did you just do one dig on her background??

71811f  No.2597278

File: e02c7cc3f2df8b9⋯.jpg (276.62 KB, 1052x517, 1052:517, Screen Shot 08-14-18 at 07….JPG)

File: b579a448c337205⋯.jpg (407.38 KB, 1052x524, 263:131, Screen Shot 08-14-18 at 07….JPG)

File: 559941818902a21⋯.jpg (488.16 KB, 1064x746, 532:373, Screen Shot 08-14-18 at 07….JPG)

File: ef4dbbada8c884c⋯.jpg (408.01 KB, 1064x561, 1064:561, Screen Shot 08-14-18 at 07….JPG)

Todays London Terror Attack:-

A man ploughed his car into a security barrier outside the UK Parliament on Tuesday. It brought the total number of actual and attempted terrorist attacks against Britain’s seat of democracy to three in just under 18 months.

Here is a recap of the attacks which took place at London’s iconic Houses of Parliament, as well as those which were foiled by London’s Metropolitan police.

READ MORE: VIDEO of Houses of Parliament suspected terror attack released

March 22, 2017: Car ramming & stabbing kills 5

The Westminster attack last March was the first of five terrorist attacks to rock the country in 2017. It claimed the lives of five people and injured at least 50.

Khalid Masood, 52, first drove a rental car into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge, killing three. He then headed towards Parliament, where he crashed into railings outside the Palace of Westminster.


326bae  No.2597279


>>2595783 Italian Bridge collapse Cemex connection

>>2595485 Potential Instagram hack

>>2595858 >>2595698 Ketron Island Engagement Skills Training

>>2595855 Ketron Island Bill Gates connection

>>2595669 Pope sex abuse scandal continuing

>>2595692 Manafort judge seals proceedings from media & public

>>2595556 Now dead 'Task Force' claimed to have video evidence

>>2595265 Rothschild digs

>>2595499 Giuliani calls out Brennan

>>2595390 Maps and early explanations

>>2595437 Lou Dobbs replies to POTUS tweet

>>2595441, >>2595437 Clockfag updates

>>2595422 Bill Clinton "Voodoo" commercial surfaces

>>2595270 >>2595637 Trump Campaign files suit against Omarosa

>>2595329 Chile's Catholic Episcopal HQ raided

396912  No.2597280


Yea…that one email letter has been going around here for months

But seems serious to have a major fake news source throwing people out there

11edb9  No.2597281


Who do you think Avenatti works for?


I think I know! But what's your opinion

Is it:

a. Himself

b. [THEM]


d. Satan

326bae  No.2597282


>>2596405 Manafort case: No Acquittal >>2596471 Lawfag comments

>>2596208 Truepundit: Journalist found dead after reporting on Clinton Boy Rape

>>2596190 NBC Q hitpiece, targeting user "Pamphlet"

>>2595981 Manafort defense rests case without calling witnesses

fe44a0  No.2597283

File: 8d50c985966e080⋯.png (23.33 KB, 167x123, 167:123, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at ….png)



Did we figure that one out?

378548  No.2597284

The show is putting me to sleep today, wtf fuck Q?

1a7326  No.2597285

File: 6c68d61326ede01⋯.png (379.24 KB, 579x459, 193:153, nword.PNG)

The Tapes were Doctored …

WHY did she Doctor the tapes..

36f9fc  No.2597286



851b6e  No.2597287

File: f259e79154c29fe⋯.jpg (22.36 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 2egkb1.jpg)

File: 4ef7d62a95b1052⋯.jpg (126.7 KB, 500x584, 125:146, 2fv7iv~2.jpg)

When will Sessions resign, sorry Q but I don't trust the old fart.

768827  No.2597288


It's because he was attempting to cover up all his crimes. Q said they raided the place to get all the digs on his administration.


Q is real, and the article is attempting to discredit. That's really all I needed to know. That anon posted once, and it was an attempt to discredit Q. I bet you, dollars to donuts, the poster works at MSNBC.

>by Brandy Zadrozny and Ben Collins

6050be  No.2597289

File: 02e0400bf903a3a⋯.jpg (23.16 KB, 237x255, 79:85, 430cae42111b8c89cadda465fe….jpg)


Good…Very Good….Then they can look ever more ignorant and like the liars and Enemies of The Republic that they are when QTeam breaks them.

I never thought we'd actually discover who Q is, but I think that's it's a move that WILL happen now, which will both hammer the #FakeNews and bring validity to not just THE Q, But what Q really is.


These People Are Stupid. Maxine Stupid.

b5da85  No.2597290


dog days

e80070  No.2597291


Thank you. Must be like our local yocal.

Remember they pretty much are owned by


If you remember many old breads ago.

0e9aba  No.2597292

Are jews evil, or not?

Red pill me.

So I can be sure, after they sold God's Son, that was not enough red pill for me, cos I'm slow ….very slow…..

630f38  No.2597293


you never have muh dick

918a2c  No.2597294


Watch the media ask the same old lame ass questions

e4c3b0  No.2597295

File: 78b9448a7024b12⋯.png (112.76 KB, 500x453, 500:453, slop.png)

File: 1bae79ee434c09c⋯.jpg (42.66 KB, 634x329, 634:329, SS.jpg)

e4f9cc  No.2597296

File: 9870bfe3bfe1989⋯.jpg (164.63 KB, 684x800, 171:200, USCSS.jpg)

646394  No.2597297

File: 0a81089b7fa3bf5⋯.jpg (18.33 KB, 236x314, 118:157, wuzdrunk.jpg)


ae72cf  No.2597298


Prime example of the worst "journalism" that that the MSM has to offer But, won't they have a nice surprise wake up call very soon?

839acb  No.2597299


I really think the only reason you posted that image was in the vain hope that your faggot and gay seal meme would be stolen.

322eb8  No.2597300


This story was written with the intention

of giving Youtube an excuse to ban

Patriot's Soapbox.

Pay attention to the paragraph that blames

Q followers for an assassination attempt and

the CA wildfires

786530  No.2597302



Same story here, Anon. I don't give a shit about my followers number, but it is messed up to see some many liberals spewing so much BS and nonsense that has a massive reach and seeing my good, legitimate content being suppressed. It was shocking at first to see that this is actually happening right here in America. Disturbing for sure.


For sure. All this winning has me a little dizzy. SO MANY BOOMS!

b21e7c  No.2597303


Wow, what an insightful view of the History of Western Civ.

Totally false and ignorant, but insightful. YouTube Scholar of the Year 2015??

6b0ed3  No.2597304


Browsed it yes

You’re on correct track

Same evidence dug during his congressional testimony

396912  No.2597305


Good point

b5da85  No.2597306

65bd51  No.2597307

File: a4fd75dc298df50⋯.jpg (119.47 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, a4fd75dc298df50bea355e6831….jpg)


you ever been to an airport before anon? like a real airport, not like in romania or wherever the fuck you are.

think that dude just walked up to a plane like a hertz rental car, jumped in, and took the fuck off? really? really really? at SEATAC?


11edb9  No.2597309


Kwok? A Chinese Saboteur?

Wonder that I wonder….

"Keep fuckers guessing"

—Tzun Zu

560bd5  No.2597310

File: c6bac4032e37b41⋯.png (280.54 KB, 696x639, 232:213, AZ REFUGEE FRAUD WE DON'T ….png)



d1e56e  No.2597311


Yea, pro trump then trump assassination attempt, makes sense

36f9fc  No.2597312


Just when you think they cant get any dumber, bam. There they come

95b7b0  No.2597313

File: 0af60da456e20a5⋯.jpg (942.99 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, they-live-gannett.jpg)

6b0ed3  No.2597315



31b990  No.2597316

File: f250c6b5716d990⋯.png (5.04 MB, 3333x3230, 3333:3230, 2017-12-14_15_WhatHappened.png)

File: 5ed3af71e71f9e7⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1111x3882, 1111:3882, 2018-01-05 Q 11-12_23-36.png)



9f4705  No.2597317

File: e162b3854a9c390⋯.png (389.58 KB, 658x664, 329:332, ClipboardImage.png)


646394  No.2597318


meant to link to


cba63e  No.2597319


Aren't B and D pretty much the same?

851b6e  No.2597320

File: eb75faf5c7ac693⋯.jpg (46.63 KB, 378x378, 1:1, 2fcc3w~2.jpg)



Trump wishes he never met Jeff Sessions.

1005b8  No.2597321

New information about the Q400 aircraft crash on Ketron Island has emerged.

The plane crash on the island was a cover for an aerial attack.

The F-15 escort was not only there to escort. It was there to attack a Cabal MIC-built underground hideout located on the island.

According to sources, the underground hideout facilitated a submarine dock where a decommissioned Sturgeon-class nuclear submarine was being kept.

The submarine that Q posted back in June (https://qanon.app/#1479) was the "USS Richard B. Russell", a Sturgeon-class submarine that was decommissioned in Washington State.


The image of that submarine was posted right after the photo of the Whidbey Island missile launch (https://qanon.app/#1476).

The name of the mechanic who allegedly hijacked the Q400 aircraft was Richard B. Russell.

There are no such thing as coincidences.

Q Post 1845:

"Autists catch the message?

Think missile.

Do you believe in coincidences?


The decommissioned USS Richard B. Russell was re-outfitted with a long range ballistic missile that was used in an attempt to assassinate Trump in AF1 prior to arriving in Singapore before the summit with Kim Jong-un.

The missile was armed with a nuclear warhead and was aimed to detonate in the ocean below Trump in AF1.

The Q400 aircraft was remote controlled to crash directly into the exact location of the underground hideout.

The plane flew in a circular pattern around Ketron Island that resembled a "Q" before crashing.

The F-15 escorting the Q400 aircraft then used a specialized weapons package to destroy the underground hideout.

The crash site was a cover for any smoke or explosions caused by the destruction of the underground hideout. The plane crash also served as a reason for the F-15 to be there.

The underground hideout and the submarine were successfully destroyed.

The covert operation was successful.

None of this could be publicly exposed as the public would be flabbergasted about the whole ordeal.

The released air traffic audio of the incident was pre-recorded. All an elaborate cover for the covert operation.

Side Note: The underground hideout on Ketron Island was also being used to facilitate satanic pedophilia activities. No children were present at the underground hideout at the time of the covert operation. If any children were present, they would've been extracted by special forces prior to the operation.

0e256e  No.2597322


You're fine. Shills that work for her are normally safe until no longer of use.

5560bc  No.2597323

File: d3431876e76f927⋯.gif (693.42 KB, 339x279, 113:93, 89HANHg.gif)

560bd5  No.2597325



60bddc  No.2597326

File: 1ed9286f363f18a⋯.png (20.76 KB, 307x271, 307:271, Hat Tip.PNG)


Cheers anon.

That's tomorrow, right?

0d2548  No.2597327

File: 5045e8102cfe01d⋯.jpg (273.89 KB, 1332x1820, 333:455, huber3.JPG)


Two of my FAVORITE people.


(pic related)

322eb8  No.2597328


Right…and WE started the CA fires so

that Brown could score some Fed cash

786530  No.2597329


WHICH IS ABSOLUTE GARBAGE. We have never supported or been responsible for inciting any sort of violence. That's the ironic thing, FAKENEWS. WE aren't violent. We are, instead, patient. We silently dig and aid the movement because we know we have already won. We're just ENJOYING THE SHOW.

So blow me, MSM.

61c543  No.2597331

File: f97548b1168b0df⋯.png (488.72 KB, 846x493, 846:493, Not uncommon.PNG)

Not uncommon to see this as MCAS is in the middle of the road.

associate says same but overhead traffic is/was down for last 2-3 weeks.

b21e7c  No.2597332


Notice how the virtue signalers are generally completely lacking any of the actual virtues like Temperance, Chastity, Charity, etc.

918a2c  No.2597333


He doesn't look happy at all. Wonder how long it's going to be until he flips and exposes everyone to save his own ass.

d8ed96  No.2597334


that twat looks fake and gay.

b8ab90  No.2597335


In 2018, Avenatti's law firm was subjected to a $10 million judgment in U.S. bankruptcy court.[46] Avenatti has also defaulted on a $440,000 judgment in back taxes, penalties, and interest that he was personally obligated to pay under another bankruptcy settlement.

The U.S. Attorney's office asserted in court that a motion seeking payment would soon be filed against Avenatti.[46]

Eagan Avenatti had been in Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings and, in December 2017, had agreed to pay $4.8 million in unpaid fees to a former partner, $2 million in back taxes, and $1 million to other creditors.[47]

In June 2018, the former partner filed a motion in U.S. bankruptcy court asking for a lien on any and all legal fees Avenatti's firm might collect, up to $10 million, from clients in 54 cases including his representation of Stormy Daniels.[48]


Michael Avenatti provided to MSNBC a video which aired on the June 25, 2018 episode of The Rachel Maddow Show, a "secretly shot" video of a child in the custody of immigration officials who was separated from her mother. The video was leaked by a former employee whom Avenatti represents.[63] The leaked video was part of the response to the Trump administration family separation policy.




839acb  No.2597336

File: 9392653e8e81705⋯.jpg (164.11 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, kekking.jpg)



b5c39d  No.2597337


E.O sorry insufficient funds

e4c3b0  No.2597338

File: 9f2c073f6df61c4⋯.jpg (17.15 KB, 236x236, 1:1, storia.jpg)

File: 99575efd081833b⋯.jpg (90.21 KB, 634x419, 634:419, c1.jpg)

File: 3ab7917ed1378af⋯.jpg (13.79 KB, 521x301, 521:301, c2.jpg)

File: 361dac558f28bca⋯.jpg (42.6 KB, 616x347, 616:347, c3.jpg)

11edb9  No.2597340


Sooner or later

You'll figure out @Jack will let you build up a following. Poor hours and hours into it.

Then cut you off.

He won't cut you off unless he knows it's going to lay waste to much time spent.

This way you waste you time over and over again on his platform, not spending time and energy on another.

"Because Knowing is Half the Battle"

b21e7c  No.2597341

File: db4d2c36e1d62e2⋯.jpg (36.8 KB, 494x498, 247:249, pepe ok.jpg)



b8ab90  No.2597342

3bbb2d  No.2597343


Lotsa sauce missing heeeeeeeeeeeeeere.

f3d722  No.2597344


citation needed, sweety

095723  No.2597345


Don't have to. Webb is the "source" everyone is using & the shills have been pushing this HARD since yesterday.

If you've been here long enough, you know exactly what it really is.

0e256e  No.2597346


His from makes me smile.

9286f1  No.2597347

File: 02b9d8c519f36b7⋯.png (767.82 KB, 1007x628, 1007:628, Mountain Range!.png)

File: ad0ce9920dbafbd⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1050x594, 175:99, o.png)


Rich: …Some gas to go check out the Olympics and errr, yeah.

Rich: Yeeeeahhh right! Nah I’m a white guy! (white hat)

Ferry moored on island MV Olympic!

Could ferry be used to support rouge sub, floating fuel tank for auxiliary engines, crew support/transfer.Could easily transfer with DDS a submersible launch hangar.


0e256e  No.2597348



84d987  No.2597349

File: 1fe1e09137e314d⋯.jpeg (11.3 KB, 255x205, 51:41, 62c45bd16bb11d92be1813915….jpeg)

768827  No.2597350


It's a hit piece, anon. They are out in front trying to discredit. That article was not meant to be flattering.


I was just pointing out that what we do here is more along the lines of journalistic integrity than the actual goons that get paid to do it. Not attempting to have a final word on anything; just drawing a comparison. Aside from that, shills started showing up and attacking with baseless lies. Notice how they backed off that claim and shifted "arguments".


8bc79c  No.2597351

number one app?

within days of censorship…

site down…

you know where else this is going on? Europe, China.

If cointel, why ban everywhere? should it not be encouraged… MSM encouraged by DS everywhere.

Thinking outloud; anons should think up a good reason how we are winning in any context with these kinds of bans. Id like to know how this is a win @ freespeech.

918a2c  No.2597352

File: 0752828f32aabfd⋯.gif (986.61 KB, 500x268, 125:67, UhxjhQx.gif)

d8ed96  No.2597353

File: 19d5564fb6983e9⋯.jpg (8.48 KB, 294x171, 98:57, oprah.jpg)

6c0181  No.2597354

File: 404631e51be47d6⋯.png (459.7 KB, 799x419, 799:419, 1534271494496.png)

remind me again why its only blacks that become isis in america?

cda069  No.2597355

File: 42fb71eb98c03e1⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 8.84 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 5F1B5024-332C-49CE-83EB-E7….gif)


851b6e  No.2597356

File: 3be9a5d954d8272⋯.jpg (47.67 KB, 500x527, 500:527, 2fseix~2.jpg)














That's what they said about the IG Horowitz's report and that thing was a did.

8bc79c  No.2597357



b5da85  No.2597358

b5c39d  No.2597359


did i just get MK'D ?

786530  No.2597360



Please tell me there is sauce to go alongf with this. Good stuff, Anon. We just need some sauce and I'll spread this on my twat and to others.

2c5210  No.2597361

IMO, the purpose behind the last Q anon article was to make the movement seem boring so that no one would be interested in finding out what it is about.

It was poorly written and confusing.

It bored me.

47fe53  No.2597362


The only thing I can think of is that Trump/Sessions knew the deep state would further incriminate themselves and they are catching them (NSA) for a cut and dry no frills trial. Remember the evidence needs to be overwhelming to take these people down!

477662  No.2597363



Hillary Clinton


Andrew McCabe

Hillary Clinton ACM (AECOM)

Contributions to candidates: $528,447

Contributions to Leadership PACs: $48,065

Contributions to parties: $86,952

Contributions to 527 committees: $0

Contributions to outside spending groups: $2,205

LOBBYING: $3,640,000 (2017-2018)


28 out of 34 AECOM Global lobbyists in 2017-2018 have previously held government jobs


b8ab90  No.2597364

>but it isn't enough to convince anyone

We're not here to "convince anyone".

We're here to dig the truth and spread the truth.

6c0181  No.2597365


oy vey

19fec8  No.2597366

Egypt summons Palestinian groups for Israeli truce, unity talks

Hamas leaders have informed the Egyptians that any cease-fire agreement with Israel should be taken by all Palestinian factions, and not only Hamas.


630f38  No.2597367


anon none of that is right


fuck off and fuck you with your disinfo

d1e56e  No.2597368


Throw a grain of truth and lead readers to false conclusions

6c3e53  No.2597369



Gotta hand it to POTUS/Q for being absolute masters. Whether here, in the MSM, or in normie-land nobody has a solid clue any more. Is that person on /ourside/ or /theirside/? Is it Real? Fake? Real but Fake looking? Fake but Real looking? What a ride we're on!

19b7a5  No.2597370


Cool pictures. I dig the Marcus Aurelius quote too.

19ab8b  No.2597371


>no way the problem is that big in PA only, even as fucked up as the crackhead state is.

If they count both the predators and their protectors, it could get that big.

Anybody that known, or should have known, and didn't come forward is complicit.

Burn it all down to the ground.

a30322  No.2597372



Go kill John Lennon.

52f74d  No.2597373


Can confirm this order of events. Saw it happen live.

2c8e4c  No.2597374


"must. kill. jon lennon."

630f38  No.2597376


too much wrong to go point by point

thats a bunch of disinfo bullshit

b21e7c  No.2597377


This guy couldnt get elected as President of the local bar association. What a joke.

0e256e  No.2597378

Well…between Stroke boy getting fired yesterday. These PA priests…and Jewstein being denied throwing out a big claim….I will admit this is different. Real action taking place. Real world activity. Not just disproportional celebration over mundane things.

I'm on alert.

e4f9cc  No.2597379

File: f74b7ae0b9cfc4b⋯.jpg (55.75 KB, 500x676, 125:169, no room uncle sam blank.jpg)

3bbb2d  No.2597380


>I'll spread this on my twat

KEK… sounds like using peanut butter

095723  No.2597382

File: 1a028c740e3a215⋯.png (18.43 KB, 197x196, 197:196, Blank _f51cc5ebba6470dc772….png)


How do you "Steal" a meme?

6b0ed3  No.2597383


Movie and MOAR popcorn

31b990  No.2597384


guess that makes you another oldfag

by current standards.

Cheers and shadilay

5def21  No.2597386



5 stars on top, 5 stars on bottom.

268534  No.2597387


Anyone who has been through USAF or FAA crash training would disagree with you.

b21e7c  No.2597388


Omarosa is Q.

630f38  No.2597389


its completely wrong DO NOT SPREAD DISINFO

19b7a5  No.2597390

File: 08d7116f5018aee⋯.gif (3.62 MB, 480x270, 16:9, member.gif)

d1e56e  No.2597391


Do you have pamphlets anon twat by chance? Where she said they watched together Q drops falling in October-November?

916601  No.2597392

Trump filled his cabinet to the brim with Zionists and Neocons.

And you fools still buy this shit that he is the good guy. He's the Obama of the right. And in 2-6 years when his time is almost up and you all see how bad he really is, the pendulum will swing back to the left and


6b0ed3  No.2597393

File: 1a028c740e3a215⋯.png (18.43 KB, 197x196, 197:196, 0AE9DC62-96EC-4CA6-8028-4A….png)

File: c7bbd3e3564f104⋯.jpeg (613.62 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, B82F1DB1-1A55-4529-9FCE-2….jpeg)

b5c39d  No.2597394


kek , how bout Yoko,for ever singing .

477662  No.2597395

Stocks to Buy If Clinton Becomes President: Aecom (ACM)

Stocks to Buy If Clinton Becomes President: Aecom (ACM)

Source: Erwin Bernal via Flickr

Ever heard of Aecom (NYSE:ACM)? Most people haven’t. That’s OK. Aecom’s obscurity doesn’t make it any less of an opportunity with Hillary at the helm.

Aecom is a construction company that serves the infrastructure market. The federal government is already one of its biggest customers, but that relationship could really heat up if Hillary Clinton gets elected. That’s because one of the bigger pieces of her platform is a much-needed upgrade of America’s roads, bridges and utility services.

The specifics: Clinton says she will commit $275 billion to the improvement of the United States’ infrastructure, partially to create jobs, but mostly just because the country’s tattered roads need it. It would be the biggest such infrastructure investment in America’s history.

9 Dividend Stocks to Buy With Both Fists

That certainly would benefit Aecom, which in addition to roads, highways and tunnels, also has had a role in high-profile projects such as One World Trade Center and the Barclays Center.


d1e56e  No.2597396


Wife, sry

839acb  No.2597397

File: 8b5daf4bd2e6de8⋯.jpg (71.2 KB, 255x255, 1:1, seal.jpg)

1c6eec  No.2597398

File: 71a45af82e75318⋯.jpg (123.12 KB, 1173x681, 391:227, bigboyhogg.JPG)

And serious too.

9f4705  No.2597399

File: 253de42690a5f98⋯.png (50.69 KB, 734x332, 367:166, ClipboardImage.png)

CDAN this morning…"consensus" in the comment section is Omarosa and Michael Duncan Clarke.

630f38  No.2597400

File: 94b72f147ec9274⋯.jpg (717.39 KB, 1440x2960, 18:37, pamQ.jpg)

File: bc5784142676917⋯.png (174.55 KB, 903x1080, 301:360, pamwife.png)


I have these

7a76e3  No.2597401

I wonder if Quinn Michaels purposefully fell into obscurity so he could start posting here again without being immediately called out…

VQC did a similar thing.

6c0181  No.2597402


defango is trying to claim q for fame he has no proof he ever held the tripcodes

916601  No.2597403

File: 607a8e270726221⋯.png (5.82 KB, 602x64, 301:32, screenshot_239.png)

File: 3895af56b23daf9⋯.png (504.52 KB, 1164x530, 582:265, screenshot_238.png)

File: 63f20ec0f9aeb0f⋯.png (963.57 KB, 1163x517, 1163:517, screenshot_237.png)

File: ae010bb298c4eb3⋯.png (217.39 KB, 537x328, 537:328, screenshot_236.png)

File: 1b2dba372c4807d⋯.png (96.11 KB, 779x171, 41:9, screenshot_235.png)

326bae  No.2597404


Last call for updates


>>2596782 >>2597125, >>2597317 Weinstein now accused of sex trafficking

>>2596797 Interview: Russia Promised Rand Paul They Would Not Mess With 2018 Election

>>2596844 Password Analyst Says QAnon’s ‘Codes’ Are Consistent With Random Typing

>>2596884 A NATO-Funded Team Advises Facebook on Flagging 'Propaganda'

>>2596905 NBC just finally delivered the first push notifications regarding 'QANON'! to smart phones

>>2596951 Red tide along Florida's Gulf Coast leads Gov. Scott to declare state of emergency

>>2597055 Bring down the entire ring of pedos!

>>2597131, >>2597179 Catholic Church protected more than 300 ‘predator priests’ in Pennsylvania for decades - Grand Jury Report

>>2597161 The FBI Says There's Going to be a Huge Bank Heist in the Coming Days

>>2597331 Planefag Update

851b6e  No.2597405

File: 8490ca29389d62f⋯.jpg (90.85 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2f6k42~3.jpg)










Sessions better get with the program soon.

Trump is keeping his promises.

916601  No.2597406

File: 30798a4742323bc⋯.png (46.91 KB, 429x127, 429:127, screenshot_234.png)

File: cf13da78fb4a088⋯.png (97.66 KB, 699x198, 233:66, screenshot_233.png)

File: 59459c6e284af40⋯.png (56.45 KB, 922x127, 922:127, screenshot_232.png)

File: 37f373d1eea030f⋯.png (109.02 KB, 860x191, 860:191, screenshot_231.png)

File: a93b133df435962⋯.png (63.57 KB, 491x229, 491:229, screenshot_230.png)

52f74d  No.2597407

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.




36fd21  No.2597408


I hate Sam Adams, but I think I will buy me some now.


4791ed  No.2597409

Reading the NBC news, there are so many lies..

MSM is absolutely out of the loop..

I guess they don't have investigative journalists anymore..

916601  No.2597410

File: d25f58251a0fe03⋯.png (59.95 KB, 738x174, 123:29, screenshot_229.png)

File: e50b8a98c067eeb⋯.png (125.89 KB, 695x205, 139:41, screenshot_228.png)

File: 165d6c084f13a15⋯.png (120.75 KB, 844x195, 844:195, screenshot_227.png)

File: e73810cee5d5562⋯.png (184.76 KB, 990x309, 330:103, screenshot_226.png)

File: fc6e3ffcc66bcdb⋯.png (319.54 KB, 1150x302, 575:151, screenshot_225.png)

8d8c51  No.2597411

File: e19d25abdfe7b4a⋯.jpg (137.65 KB, 750x590, 75:59, IMG_9610.JPG)


d1e56e  No.2597412


Xactly, ty

918a2c  No.2597413

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

916601  No.2597414

File: 975bccac8238ae1⋯.png (70.34 KB, 982x126, 491:63, screenshot_224.png)

File: 75ca345bff2420a⋯.png (61.49 KB, 1130x99, 1130:99, screenshot_223.png)

File: 1bd7d3df950b937⋯.png (237.34 KB, 982x292, 491:146, screenshot_222.png)

File: da8e50929cc3735⋯.png (259.61 KB, 1153x197, 1153:197, screenshot_221.png)

File: b731fc161809b1a⋯.png (241.14 KB, 1160x304, 145:38, screenshot_220.png)

786530  No.2597415



I paused and was like… Well, that sounds… weird kek

b5da85  No.2597416

a dog and a lowlife

6ca3f5  No.2597417


"corporate media" drives it a little deeper I think

8bc79c  No.2597418


saw part of it at the time, I came in november.

GW posting this anon.

17cbd6  No.2597419


Man's Best Fren'

Stay Tuned….

46e930  No.2597420


Has Trump tweeted the link to this CDAN blind yet?

916601  No.2597421

File: e9a18ba81f0ddb2⋯.png (97.02 KB, 877x114, 877:114, screenshot_219.png)

File: 09004f5dc956a59⋯.png (80.74 KB, 829x116, 829:116, screenshot_218.png)

File: 6b1ff696db4787d⋯.png (223.1 KB, 581x459, 581:459, screenshot_217.png)

File: 16050e25ae85bac⋯.png (62.08 KB, 533x179, 533:179, screenshot_216.png)

File: 0aa5f3f10c579d4⋯.png (57.31 KB, 698x107, 698:107, screenshot_215.png)

7a76e3  No.2597422



fb2186  No.2597423

Can you believe the pilots name is the same name as the sub with missiles and assassination attempts and nukes and evil and plotting and conspiracy and crashes and distractions and deception and moves and counter moves and anons are still comfy, thoroughly enjoying every moment of it?

i fuckin love you all no homo

we are ready for the TRUTH of all truths

8d8c51  No.2597424

File: 6e6c2459590be9d⋯.jpeg (434.5 KB, 750x866, 375:433, IMG_DAEBF17F7028-1.jpeg)


forgot other pic

916601  No.2597425

File: c0377a956e9ca8b⋯.png (191.59 KB, 705x304, 705:304, screenshot_214.png)

File: 42eef314600a551⋯.png (70.06 KB, 1214x125, 1214:125, screenshot_213.png)

File: 300da8bdca0b5ca⋯.png (93.87 KB, 370x249, 370:249, screenshot_212.png)

File: 07821173dde9bda⋯.png (119.19 KB, 606x201, 202:67, screenshot_211.png)

File: 9f2acedd4f9de6b⋯.png (67.24 KB, 617x115, 617:115, screenshot_210.png)

095723  No.2597426


Don Lemon?

87ceb2  No.2597427

>>2596074 last bread a picture

Why is the passenger airbag activated? in the UK the driver is on the right.

b4a59a  No.2597428


KOMO is not Gannett

They are Sinclair

More balanced than every other news source in the Seattle area

Still mostly liberal, but being reasonably fair these days

c8f65e  No.2597430


oooh, I love this song. getting my dancing shoes on…..

916601  No.2597431

File: 1735ccf32b96d9c⋯.png (244 KB, 1085x310, 7:2, screenshot_209.png)

File: a27259fcb5bbeae⋯.png (77.72 KB, 1172x89, 1172:89, screenshot_208.png)

File: 4eaf017939a95fe⋯.png (84.67 KB, 905x206, 905:206, screenshot_207.png)

File: 6455b0b67ab814e⋯.png (56.36 KB, 1138x83, 1138:83, screenshot_206.png)

File: 241fcec087b4d3f⋯.png (91.03 KB, 1148x149, 1148:149, screenshot_205.png)

52f74d  No.2597432


No. I stayed out of all the drama and just mocked it.

7a76e3  No.2597433

What if Freddie Mercury didn't have aids…

But was being poisoned?

b5da85  No.2597434

77bd4d  No.2597435


>We are as mainstream as it gets now, Anons

i hope you are all ready, if they push it now to the next level you have to become focused as hell.

This is 'Information war' do not get D&C'ed, never share information somewhere else, stay in one place!

Never get distrected by a different happening during another happening, stay always focused!

Remember what you learned about shills and how to interact with them, remember cointelpro!

Use tweetdeck to see everything in realtime!

If this is going viral and heavy pushed on MSM, than you either go down in a big smoke screen or a memory hole.

there is one thing, anons alwas said back than in the old gamergate happenings

>Gamergate will stay forever

this is the most important part, the internet never forgets but it seems these corrupt assholes in the MSM found a way to make it forgatable.

stay strong anons.

916601  No.2597436

File: 496cbb83f3a7d04⋯.png (72.28 KB, 862x124, 431:62, screenshot_204.png)

File: 04bd48b7acc95c8⋯.png (127.51 KB, 674x211, 674:211, screenshot_203.png)

File: c65619e271626e2⋯.png (369.29 KB, 1174x376, 587:188, screenshot_202.png)

File: 5370cfcd150fcf2⋯.png (532.52 KB, 1173x488, 1173:488, screenshot_201.png)

File: 22ee78bbbf021d6⋯.png (308.42 KB, 957x458, 957:458, screenshot_200.png)

b323aa  No.2597437

8242ff  No.2597438

File: 2bcf33c4480cd2b⋯.png (298.61 KB, 691x501, 691:501, IamP.png)

095723  No.2597439


That's hot

916601  No.2597440

File: 23f0b328a9d2064⋯.png (108.9 KB, 556x257, 556:257, screenshot_199.png)

File: 412aff46f9e829c⋯.png (87.64 KB, 735x206, 735:206, screenshot_198.png)

File: 7edd3388ce7e2b2⋯.png (246.96 KB, 703x272, 703:272, screenshot_197.png)

File: 323f54362c92671⋯.png (101.64 KB, 763x268, 763:268, screenshot_196.png)

File: e2801b5dfbe1169⋯.png (126.74 KB, 713x246, 713:246, screenshot_195.png)

c2ee9c  No.2597441

posoyboybitch really ridin that nbc wave and thinks his 'drop' is accurate..what a dumb fuck this guy is..

5f1d90  No.2597442



Add to it posting this TWICE…

Q !4pRcUA0lBE No.74 📁

May 10 2018 21:43:20 (EST)

Fellow Patriots:

What you are about to learn should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control [Freedom]. The information that will become public will further demonstrate the criminal & corrupt [pure evil] abuse of power that the Hussein administration undertook in joint efforts w/ domestic and foreign dignitaries. The snowball has begun rolling - there is no stopping it now. D5.

Stay the course and trust the plan.

Protective measures are in place.

Remain BRAVE.

We knew this day would come.

Well, Q, we're waiting! Is it going to be revealed our not. This is starting to feel like the boy who cried wolf. Our digging and researching is worthless in a world where criminals move about freely and control the press so that truth is never known. Q, if you are reading this, it is all on you and POTUS now. We can't do any more than we have done. We've all been told we are crazy. We've all been banned from some platform at some point for revealing truth. If you don't give us some REAL INFORMATIONAL AMMO to use, then we are at an impasse.

768827  No.2597443

File: 4bbaa226f725bb7⋯.jpg (61.9 KB, 484x650, 242:325, 1521680120161.jpg)




This basically eradicates NBC's article that was very strategically posted at the beginning of this bread to get everyone's attention and cast doubt.

You're right, anon. NBC knows NOTHING (couldn't resist)…

916601  No.2597444

File: d1bccd8b7162f97⋯.png (74.77 KB, 555x239, 555:239, screenshot_194.png)

File: 94953ec6140bb6c⋯.png (41.14 KB, 863x63, 863:63, screenshot_193.png)

File: 40d4b436ab991c9⋯.png (91.21 KB, 536x291, 536:291, screenshot_192.png)

File: a43229e63f262a1⋯.png (154.3 KB, 861x308, 123:44, screenshot_191.png)

File: 786f9a9cac8ab76⋯.png (67.45 KB, 963x93, 321:31, screenshot_190.png)

333910  No.2597445

File: 43d43462bf4d40c⋯.png (353.33 KB, 658x664, 329:332, Weinerstein Lose.png)

b21e7c  No.2597446

File: bf10197a21c284b⋯.jpg (29.41 KB, 320x300, 16:15, allah bacon.jpg)


>Khalid Masood's murderous act is totally unrelated to Mooslam.

d8ed96  No.2597447


and the MSM is silent

great work Q+

3e119a  No.2597448


'I would like to see your head on a pike as a warning to the next 10 generations that some bargains have too high a price… I would look up at your lifeless head and smile and wave like this… can you arrange that Mr. Mordan?'

916601  No.2597449

File: ae6dc827b029658⋯.png (178.99 KB, 757x336, 757:336, screenshot_189.png)

File: f7c4b641d424e8f⋯.png (31.17 KB, 576x124, 144:31, screenshot_188.png)

File: 0139a8b8e2fe607⋯.png (182.35 KB, 516x368, 129:92, screenshot_187.png)

File: 3bddaa835c713a9⋯.png (61.34 KB, 564x153, 188:51, screenshot_186.png)

File: e172dbd5bbc5da9⋯.png (73.7 KB, 1066x161, 1066:161, screenshot_185.png)

2c8e4c  No.2597450

File: 049c14d824a714c⋯.jpg (55.92 KB, 680x471, 680:471, comfy2.jpg)


what a time to be alive

839acb  No.2597451

File: 054190080a02de2⋯.jpg (261.13 KB, 400x454, 200:227, saucefrog.jpg)

e4c3b0  No.2597452

File: db2498561cbfc71⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 4992x3328, 3:2, 311.jpg)

File: da3429181fae77e⋯.jpg (85.14 KB, 620x372, 5:3, msg.jpg)

File: 568b6377eff26b4⋯.jpg (380.85 KB, 3000x1688, 375:211, pedo.king.jpg)

File: 76e377182cc663b⋯.jpg (110.57 KB, 900x900, 1:1, retards.jpg)

916601  No.2597453

File: f300d1df44bd8ff⋯.png (46.51 KB, 621x91, 621:91, screenshot_179.png)

File: 047326bc6fdabf6⋯.png (77.19 KB, 597x206, 597:206, screenshot_178.png)

File: 976f30b0430a787⋯.png (173.79 KB, 1090x297, 1090:297, screenshot_177.png)

File: e626ed188bcfbfd⋯.png (137.24 KB, 584x337, 584:337, screenshot_176.png)

File: 83cdd0808126a49⋯.png (115.01 KB, 1028x98, 514:49, screenshot_175.png)

851b6e  No.2597454

File: fc77811e9db0d6f⋯.jpg (46.14 KB, 500x346, 250:173, 2fpdy5~2.jpg)

Jeff Sessions won't even stop Obama's illegal land grab in Chicago.

9f4705  No.2597455

File: 5e644519de38d67⋯.jpg (156.6 KB, 900x478, 450:239, trumpkek.jpg)

630f38  No.2597456


Q isn't a prosecutor or investigator, Q is an intel source from within POTUS' admin.

the great work is form the PA people who brought the case

0e256e  No.2597457


I really enjoy this piece. Because it completely looks over the said pedo in all of this and only wants to focus on the fact Trump knew one.


Tryeth harder.Prick.

3bbb2d  No.2597458


must agree… notable… since… john snow babe attached…

0e9aba  No.2597459


You do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And see what happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

b21e7c  No.2597460


Let's hope and pray for favorable election results today.

e4c3b0  No.2597461

File: 986acf8e42ed4c0⋯.jpg (96.54 KB, 885x516, 295:172, adam weissmann.jpg)

File: c25e9b622b6b68f⋯.jpg (375.89 KB, 1024x1004, 256:251, AW crooked E.jpg)

916601  No.2597462

File: db6e0f9a29acd10⋯.png (73.33 KB, 843x88, 843:88, screenshot_184.png)

File: ab083b1ebf0c4a7⋯.png (258.14 KB, 613x344, 613:344, screenshot_183.png)

File: 9b190a4ce7a511a⋯.png (80.83 KB, 740x164, 185:41, screenshot_182.png)

File: b62fcef448cdb03⋯.png (93.53 KB, 1117x151, 1117:151, screenshot_181.png)

File: c692b3d35f15fcd⋯.png (109.64 KB, 908x192, 227:48, screenshot_180.png)

2c8e4c  No.2597463


kek, nono, i enjoy watching his antics

8e771d  No.2597464



perhaps Trump told AJ to leave the Q thing alone so he wouldn't "contaminate"/discredit it?

46e930  No.2597465

File: 415959cc30bc14d⋯.jpg (50.92 KB, 300x682, 150:341, funeral fun.jpg)

630f38  No.2597466





(baker is baking)

b5da85  No.2597467

well regulate militia, kids.

google it.

own it.

be it.

839acb  No.2597468


I hate that seal and have hated it ever since he started posting it.

b323aa  No.2597469


sorry but I love the seal!

40eb42  No.2597470


NBC indeed knows nothing.

First-hand witness to this.

Suck a dick, Baruch, you irredeemable idiot.

d8ed96  No.2597471


stealing this shit

e4c3b0  No.2597472

File: 41b8dfcfa1055ff⋯.jpg (33.12 KB, 400x289, 400:289, pug winokur ENRON HARVARD.jpg)

fb2186  No.2597473


i dont believe for a second there was a 'pilot' but the story they are feeding the normies and the name of the sub and shit. I just feel so fuckin GLAD to be a part of this. Knowing the truth is the most FREEING thing ive ever experienced.

Or being ALLOWED to know the truth, I should say, is the greatest gift anybody could give us

thank you POTUS

Thank you Q

Thank you anons

b21e7c  No.2597474

File: 7ece8b033e29bc5⋯.jpg (98.44 KB, 615x409, 615:409, gorilla fight meme.jpg)

918a2c  No.2597475

File: a80b717e7645975⋯.jpg (56.61 KB, 960x540, 16:9, b5_intothefire.jpg)


For him it came true

44f419  No.2597476

File: b2d448920a0b660⋯.jpeg (73.77 KB, 720x360, 2:1, image.jpeg)

b8ab90  No.2597478

File: 3d541749018dfcc⋯.png (115.9 KB, 1161x696, 387:232, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at ….png)

630f38  No.2597479

File: 2f076bae8929645⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB, 638x360, 319:180, AJtalkedToQ.mp4)


fuck AJ

768827  No.2597480

916601  No.2597481

File: 047326bc6fdabf6⋯.png (77.19 KB, 597x206, 597:206, screenshot_178.png)

File: 976f30b0430a787⋯.png (173.79 KB, 1090x297, 1090:297, screenshot_177.png)

File: e626ed188bcfbfd⋯.png (137.24 KB, 584x337, 584:337, screenshot_176.png)

File: 83cdd0808126a49⋯.png (115.01 KB, 1028x98, 514:49, screenshot_175.png)

326bae  No.2597482


>>2596782 >>2597125, >>2597317 Weinstein now accused of sex trafficking

>>2596797 Interview: Russia Promised Rand Paul They Would Not Mess With 2018 Election

>>2596844 Password Analyst Says QAnon’s ‘Codes’ Are Consistent With Random Typing

>>2596884 A NATO-Funded Team Advises Facebook on Flagging 'Propaganda'

>>2596905 NBC just finally delivered the first push notifications regarding 'QANON'! to smart phones

>>2596951 Red tide along Florida's Gulf Coast leads Gov. Scott to declare state of emergency

>>2597055 Bring down the entire ring of pedos!

>>2597131, >>2597179 Catholic Church protected more than 300 ‘predator priests’ in Pennsylvania for decades - Grand Jury Report

>>2597161 The FBI Says There's Going to be a Huge Bank Heist in the Coming Days

>>2597316 You know nothing, NBC

>>2597331 Planefag Update

476142  No.2597483

File: 76bb4ad61bceeea⋯.png (450.9 KB, 712x933, 712:933, ClipboardImage.png)


This does not sound like trafficking. This sounds like Satanic Ritual Abuse of bloodline Illuminati children. At one stage in their development they are caged or chained up, often in a dark basement (absence of light) and deprived of food and water for long periods.

Who are these people? What clan do they belong to"

7a76e3  No.2597484


Those who migrated when that happened did so for a reason; whether by their own volition or being led to it.

9286f1  No.2597485

File: 1a40a8262e5f9ac⋯.png (1.11 MB, 837x831, 279:277, Spoopy Island.png)

File: 7f0cac93b9ddc12⋯.png (667.13 KB, 895x789, 895:789, Spopy.png)

File: 1bcd0efc173aa60⋯.png (735.12 KB, 1165x741, 1165:741, MV.png)


M/V SALVAGE CHIEF building U/W base 1990


e4c3b0  No.2597486

File: c62c5937ad390c7⋯.png (537.21 KB, 768x673, 768:673, crime chief.png)

File: e0f7bd015852d83⋯.jpg (160.52 KB, 1910x1000, 191:100, dai.lo.jpg)

File: a155d11361d245f⋯.jpg (30.8 KB, 400x300, 4:3, extortion.jpg)

File: bf61c35fafb6da4⋯.jpg (263.87 KB, 900x793, 900:793, FL COMPED.jpg)

3fea17  No.2597487


Look. Rachel is Back

b5da85  No.2597488

fa31a6  No.2597489

File: 642aaa06c9b8567⋯.jpg (36.72 KB, 450x473, 450:473, DcmgEgjVwAImDlq.jpg)

0e256e  No.2597490


You no like sauce. No sauce, no credibility. Just another slide.

b21e7c  No.2597492

File: a7bc198ff3de33d⋯.jpg (57.98 KB, 750x500, 3:2, sessions monitor meme.jpg)

916601  No.2597493

File: 820fdbfb1da8f0b⋯.png (150.34 KB, 361x348, 361:348, screenshot_174.png)

File: bee70ca8dadd88a⋯.png (236.16 KB, 1169x355, 1169:355, screenshot_173.png)

File: 691067689ad0eb1⋯.png (208.58 KB, 1220x329, 1220:329, screenshot_172.png)

6c3e53  No.2597494


>I hate Sam Adams

They put out more flavors than Baskin-Robbins so surely you can find one you like.

6b0ed3  No.2597495

File: d3a33af9343368f⋯.jpeg (138.06 KB, 751x500, 751:500, 5A0C8201-8199-4782-A23F-E….jpeg)

decc55  No.2597497


Yes, but according to Q, May is also complicit.

"What if No Such Agency alerted May to the kill plan per POTUS?

May is neutralized.

MI6/SIS undergoing house cleaning."

630f38  No.2597498


kek nevermind see: >>2597482

nice job baker, baker got it in

a30322  No.2597499


The denial is strong in this one

d8ed96  No.2597501



Q+ intel is bringing them down.

36f9fc  No.2597502


Really. All the wreckage from a plane that size was removed by SUNDAY. Ok daddy, can I have some more candy now?

46e930  No.2597503


Pos worships NBC fake news

d1e56e  No.2597504

>> 2597481

No you to you

Muh, roths

786530  No.2597505


True anon. We need to, perhaps in next bread, go over a bit of what will be necessary from anons in the coming days and weeks leading up to the primaries. Can we get a couple anons to share the basics, as presented here by this anon, and the other stuff with the newfags? I will contribute as much as I can as well. Will need to switch to phonefagging soon.

19ab8b  No.2597506



Picture of an SSN, in what looks like the water around Ketron Island


"USS Richard B. Russell"

The name of the mechanic who allegedly hijacked the Q400 aircraft was Richard B. Russell.

Nobody thinks this could be related??

e4c3b0  No.2597507

File: 5e20854441a17cb⋯.jpg (151 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, yachts.jpg)

File: bb04958f8b3cd1b⋯.jpg (48.83 KB, 634x533, 634:533, new.china.jpg)

916601  No.2597508

File: 75d00f855db067b⋯.png (312.16 KB, 635x537, 635:537, screenshot_98.png)

File: d6c278d93e6d008⋯.png (47.13 KB, 658x311, 658:311, screenshot_97.png)

File: fbdf93bbc34ea73⋯.png (28.29 KB, 669x198, 223:66, screenshot_96.png)

File: c79b4a28ab5356f⋯.png (112.27 KB, 665x749, 95:107, screenshot_95.png)

File: 2477aaebae23912⋯.png (490.81 KB, 743x757, 743:757, screenshot_94.png)

839acb  No.2597509

File: a6d1f29008999ec⋯.jpg (129.78 KB, 864x482, 432:241, sealgun.jpg)

095723  No.2597510


I hate that cunt. She better fucking FRY.

Was she EVER close enough to FLOTUS to cause any harm?

b5da85  No.2597511

File: acc036a9c4e7126⋯.png (137.62 KB, 675x332, 675:332, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at ….png)

muh death penalty

1c16b1  No.2597512

File: 06b056ffe98c507⋯.png (56.11 KB, 591x291, 197:97, clinton.png)

630f38  No.2597514


I don't think you understand what Q is


stfu newfag

the sub was scrapped in 2003

916601  No.2597515

File: 798f4da82f99040⋯.png (18.75 KB, 550x170, 55:17, screenshot_45.png)

File: 539a7fa0ba1123e⋯.png (85.89 KB, 567x480, 189:160, screenshot_44.png)

File: edf9ab240cac7bb⋯.png (98.77 KB, 588x446, 294:223, screenshot_43.png)

File: 3e7448cff2a071d⋯.png (146.48 KB, 558x607, 558:607, screenshot_42.png)

File: d38827d296c07f0⋯.png (12.49 KB, 539x151, 539:151, screenshot_41.png)

31b990  No.2597516


>authorities cannot find any other explanation

(that they're allowed to consider)

768827  No.2597517


Baker is good to go.

Ty baker!

6b0ed3  No.2597518

File: 74c7b02c32faf36⋯.png (962.8 KB, 751x500, 751:500, DB85E397-3150-4E78-9961-41….png)

7a76e3  No.2597519



It's kind of like how some folks knew that the trippingnamefaggotry would be removed before it was suddenly announced.

"You have two days to find me elsewhere, or go find someone else."

2 days later… no more tripnamefaggotry.

851b6e  No.2597520

File: 57da320a2837b7e⋯.png (79.82 KB, 480x559, 480:559, Screenshot_2018-08-11-18-2….png)

fb2186  No.2597521


How can such evil be in our midst?

I truly can not comprehend it. I really can't

11edb9  No.2597523

File: 47c1d20cae4d200⋯.png (194.14 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)



The best enemy, is the one you control yourself.

Maintain the cover of weakness

Appear to be on last leg

Appear to be in trouble

Appear threatened

Maintain a fence of controlled opposition and media sensation.

I think Avennati might even become a candidate! How awesome would that be.

916601  No.2597524

File: 8737d4daa12c57b⋯.png (32.57 KB, 589x355, 589:355, screenshot_51.png)

File: 1710385ec35d478⋯.png (22 KB, 575x249, 575:249, screenshot_50.png)

File: 9aca896a1c7b525⋯.png (84.87 KB, 550x264, 25:12, screenshot_48.png)

File: fe16c762c994b4f⋯.png (31.34 KB, 569x284, 569:284, screenshot_47.png)

File: a5f686e9d8db7f6⋯.png (103.82 KB, 562x706, 281:353, screenshot_46.png)

477662  No.2597525

From: Hillary Clinton

To: Huma Abedin

Date: 2011-02-21 01:08


UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05790905 Date: 10/30/2015


From: H <hrod17@clintonemail.com>

Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 8:08 AM

To: 'abedinh@state.gov'

Subject Re: Overnight update from dcm in tripoli

Can you call me at home?

Original Message —

From: Abedin, Huma [mailto:AbedinH@state.gov]

Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 08:02 AM

To: H

Subject: Overnight update from dcm in tripoli

They are asking for ordered departure from post at bottom of email fyi.


The security situation deteriorated significantly overnight. It is the Embassy's assessment that Libyan authorities are

losing control of the capital, with a further decline likely tonight.

There were anti-regime protests and violent clashes throughout Tripoli during the night, with heavy gunfire ongoing

from 10 PM until early this morning. A rumor that Libyan leader Muammar al Qadhafi had fled to Venezuela sparked

celebrations throughout the city after midnight, with thousands of Libyans rushing to Green Square; government

security forces then reportedly opened fire in Green Square on the gathered civilians. Two Embassy local employees

were eyewitnesses to this, and claim they saw at least 9 bodies in the aftermath.

Embassy staff have observed several burned police stations throughout the city, as well as the People's Assembly

building (parliament-equivalent) on fire. The Italian Embassy reports that the Interior Ministry was also set on fire

overnight. In parts of the city, omnipresent billboards of Qadhafi have been torn down. Burned out hulks of police cars

are visible on several roads.

State TV broadcast a speech by Qadhafi son Saif al-Islam al Qadhafi late in the evening, in which he noted "Libya is not

Tunis or Egypt," threatened civil war if the violence did not stop, and blamed foreign interference for the protests. His

words were not well-received by most Libyans and it appears that his speech may have further agitated anti-regime


There are press reports that the "HQ's of state TV" have been seized by anti-regime demonstrators. We cannot verify

those reports. The main state TV HQ's (located near the Italian Embassy) appear calm and well-guarded by government

b21e7c  No.2597526


Q isnt a problem no matter how you cut it. Q just makes internet posts.

The problem is lack of action by the DOJ.

786530  No.2597527


Never share without sauce, fren


3bbb2d  No.2597528


Nah. Coincidence fur suure.

9f4705  No.2597529

File: 453a63dedcb2342⋯.png (177.22 KB, 591x600, 197:200, YUNOCRYright.png)

f51f56  No.2597530


I would never call what she did singing

b323aa  No.2597531


we know it is related!

477662  No.2597532


security, according to our Italian colleagues. As of 1 PM, state TV continued to broadcast recorded clips including music,

footage of pro-government demonstrators and repeats of Saif al-Islam's speech.

There are reports of looting at various locations throughout the city, including the compound of a South Korean

construction firm (where 3 Korean citizens were allegedly injured), as well as schools. The cellphone network went

completely down in Tripoli for long periods throughout the night, but is now operational again.

Security checkpoints have been set up throughout the city, with some manned by the "Khatiba," Qadhafi's personal


UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05790905 Date: 10/30/2015

Libyan security forces guarding the Embassy remained in place throughout the night, and are currently at their posts.

The Embassy is closed today; only essential staff are on the compound. We will have several staff members remain on-

compound for the next 24 hours to maintain communications with Washington and monitor the situation. EAC has

determined that, given the Embassy's vulnerable security, it is safer for other staff members and EFM's to shelter at

their homes for the rest of the day and overnight tonight.

As of 12 PM, we received unconfirmed reports that an anti-regime protest was headed to Green Square. From the

Embassy compound, we can hear sporadic gunfire.


Based on numerous eyewitness reports, it is the Embassy's assessment that the government no longer controls

Benghazi. This is likely the case for Ajdabiyah as well. Numerous sources in Benghazi report that Libyan Interior Minister

Abdul Fattah Younes has "changed sides" and is "now with the protesters in Benghazi." The mood in Benghazi and

Ajdabiyah is allegedly "celebratory" and all posters of Qadhafi have been knocked down. There are reports of

widespread looting, including from a variety of expatriate companies' compounds outside of Benghazi.

A contact in Benghazi reports that, in protest of Saif al-Islam's speech yesterday, Libyan workers that support operations

at three eastern province oilfields are striking.


We have been trying to get 7 Amcits who work for U.S. construction firm AECOM, plus 4 Amcit minors and their two

Libyan parents, onto a UK charter flight out of Benghazi. The. UK Embassy informed us this morning that their sources

report that the Benghazi airport is no longer in government hands, and "no one is operating it." They have thus deemed

it unsafe to fly in to, and are suspending the charter flight. They are exploring alternative options. For the moment, we

are advising the Amcits to shelter in place.

We are receiving numerous calls from Amcits who want to depart Libya, but cannot get seats on flights from Tripoli. The

Embassy has not been able to get tickets for our departing EFM's or personnel for today; earliest availability is

tomorrow, still unsure if we can get flights booked for all tomorrow. As discussed in the call with Ops Center earlier this

morning, we recommend Washington explore the option of a charter flight to Tripoli to evacuate Amcits. We estimate

between 300-600 Amcits would want to avail themselves of such flights.

Depending on the category of Libyan visa they hold, expatriates (including Amcits) are required to obtain exit visas in

order to depart the country. Several Amcits have already raised their need for exit visas with us. We and other

embassies are requesting of the MFA that this requirement be waived for the moment. We have not received any

indication yet that it will be waived, and will likely require senior-level USG intervention with FM Musa Kusa on this


The American School of Tripoli has decided to close for the next 2 weeks.

We have received reports of two dual American-Libyan nationals being arrested (details sent to CA-OCS-Duty and CA-

OCS-ACS-NESCA). We have attempted to raise their cases with the Assistant Secretary-equivalent at the MFA's Consular

Affairs Department; he has not responded to our multiple phone calls.


UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05790905 Date: 10/30/2015

Per our separate EAC report cable, the Embassy is requesting to go to ordered departure for EFM's and non-essential

staff. We plan to evacuate 27 EFM's and 8 staff, which would leave us with 19 staff remaining in Tripoli.

916601  No.2597533

File: 08627c4fe4ca6a4⋯.png (54.65 KB, 604x413, 604:413, screenshot_63.png)

File: c235213a231d154⋯.png (121.01 KB, 563x449, 563:449, screenshot_62.png)

File: 711064574d28e6c⋯.png (270.79 KB, 566x473, 566:473, screenshot_61.png)

File: 203a0126aa039d9⋯.png (34.71 KB, 565x338, 565:338, screenshot_60.png)

File: 4d6f8e6ec876f88⋯.png (153.12 KB, 584x754, 292:377, screenshot_59.png)

378548  No.2597534

File: 4b2dde92482195b⋯.png (1.15 MB, 983x672, 983:672, ClipboardImage.png)

d8ed96  No.2597535


better than you fag

b21e7c  No.2597537

File: 704f72f141939c3⋯.jpg (76.92 KB, 500x623, 500:623, howlin wolf bottom meme.jpg)

326bae  No.2597538

File: a631c320638d4d0⋯.jpg (56.06 KB, 349x314, 349:314, _9n8rfeunntm.jpg)

New Bread

New Bread




New Bread

New Bread

751076  No.2597539

File: 9ec968b48c6117f⋯.png (750.32 KB, 938x567, 134:81, sswth.png)

File: 119168d7dcf64a8⋯.png (906.1 KB, 1021x556, 1021:556, Qething.png)


This. Even Schneiderman & his "Brown Slave" were buried. Where were all the feminists & race-baiter outcries?

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