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File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, bake.png)

09639d  No.2583383

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of force only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Integrity, for in Truth lies Victory.

Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

==Q's Latest Posts==Monday 08.13.18

>>>/patriotsfight/148 rt #147 ————— Normal? ( Caps: >>2579895 )

>>>/patriotsfight/147 ——————-—— Normal? ( Caps: >>2579789 )

Sunday 08.12.18

>>2570811 rt >>2569956 ——————- These accounts are run by BIG NAMES

>>2570672 rt >>2570066 ——————- You are the MAJORITY - by far - and GROWING

>>2570579 rt >>2569957 ——————- Fair & Balanced ( Caps: >>2567618 )

>>>/patriotsfight/146 ——————-—— Who do they report to? ( Caps: >>2570214 )

>>>/patriotsfight/145 ———————-— NBC scrubbing potentially sensitive Tweets from known characters ( Caps: >>2569319 )

Saturday 08.11.18

>>2564091 rt >>2563815 ——————- James Gunn + Satan: The choice to know will be yours ( Caps: >>2569758 )

>>2561079 ————————————– https://twitter.com/NBCNews/statuses/1028408743309008899 ( Cap: >>2561128 )

>>2560115 rt >>2559940 ——————- https://twitter.com/billmaher/status/112332199386296320 ( Cap: >>2560142 )

>>>/patriotsfight/144 ——————-—— We, THE PEOPLE, are the CURE ( Caps: >>2559100, >>2559143 )

>>>/patriotsfight/143 ——————-—— Not seeking re-election ( Caps: >>2558970 )

>>>/patriotsfight/142 ——————-—— State Dept [HRC]>>Eric Schmidt>>Lisa Shields ( Caps: >>2558342 )

>>2557485 ————————————– IRON EAGLE

>>2556980 ————————————– The SHARING of INFORMATION IS VERY IMPORTANT

>>2556723 rt >>2556646 ——————- BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM [NEXT WEEK]

>>2556646 ————————————– Autists catch the message?

>>>/patriotsfight/141 ——————-—— Could a new Telecommunications Act be on the way ( Caps: >>2555256 )

>>>/patriotsfight/140 ——————-—— The World is WATCHING (Caps: >>2555067 )

>>>/patriotsfight/139 ——————-—— Discovery.

>>>/patriotsfight/138 ——————-—— FAKE NEWS Consolidation (Caps: >>2554744 )

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

09639d  No.2583392


are not endorsements


>>2573462 , >>2573531 Archives have been updated: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)

>>2580981 Catalog currently down/frozen, help with using index instead of catalog here


>>2582680, >>2582687 Clinton HIV/AIDS Charity Dig

>>2582681 Q calls the source of Omarosa's arrogance

>>2582726, >>2582776 Saudi Arabia may back Tesla buyout

>>2582808, >>2582934 Ketron Island Home Owners Arrested for Sex W/ Minors

>>2582920, >>2582927 Planefag Update

>>2582958, >>2583019, >>2583081 New POTUS Tweets

>>2583210 NATO Jet Accidentally Launches Secret Missile Near Russian Border

>>2583255, >>2583268 Possible CEMEX Plant on Ketron Island (Need Sauce/Digging)

>>2583382 #3259


>>2582464, >>2582583 Rainn Wilson ambassador to 'Tahirih Justice Center'

>>2582407, >>2582446 BOOM Peter Strzok Fired!

>>2582352 Indiana man accused of killing and eating ex-girlfriend found fit to stand trial

>>2582279 BC in US Virgin Islands

>>2582210 CTH breakdown of media relationship with DoJ and FBI

>>2582146, >>2582177, >>2582183 California gets more degenerate legalizes child prostitution

>>2582130, >>2582246 Rainn Wilson's sister is a photographer who takes pictures of kids

>>2582077 Rainn Wilson has 'Apparel Charity' in Haiti

>>2582038, >>2582045, >>2582058 @s8n information companies trading stuff for tweets

>>2582039 Netflix CFO David Wells to step down

>>2582029 Outrage at Omarosa explodes after WH learns she secretly taped POTUS

>>2581990 Graphic documents how #ReleaseTheMemo went

>>2581919 Omarosa herself claims she has protection

>>2581887 Baha'i New World Order dig

>>2581871 The Omarosa Trap


>>2580739 MKULTRA programming being done at colleges via safespaces?

>>2581063 Corruption, Cronyism, and Secret Email Distributions in the MSM

>>2581513 Twitter Dig on Nick Thompson from 'Hit The Lights'

>>2581508 Bayer Shares Crash 10Billion Euros

>>2581474 POTUS to sign John S. McCain NDAA, includes 666 amendments.

>>2581311 "Clown College" re-added back to "Dealing with Clowns & Shills"

>>2581288, >>2581291 POTUS signs Nat'l Defense Auth'n Act today: incl PARADE funding

>>2581063 Anon's analysis: Was GamerGate just Round One of MSM/shill Ops on GA?

>>2581062 Rainn Wilson also linked to Sean Penn's Haiti Foundation

#3256 Ebake New Baker

>>2580261, >>2580422 Haiti digs, Dr. Kathryn Adams, educator and trauma therapist

>>2580270 Trump Administration Boots Hundreds More Federal Employees out of Washington DC

>>2580303, >>2580367, >>2580332 BLACKHATS they are admitting to being able to use satellites against ships planes etc

>>2580306 Spoopy Big Brother caps

>>2580352 flight around Ketron Island (video)

>>2580360 Leader/Idea By Rainn Wilson

>>2580452 how-rainn-wilson-funded-his-

>>2580457 moar haiti digs

>>2580557 theirworld.org/campiagn/5for5 dig

>>2580957 ai chatbot article, reading pictures and writing text (think meme warfare)

>>2581000 moar ai, this time pentagon

>>2580959 JB gets a clockfagging

>>2580777 bun of twats. anons dig since breaking911 says twatters comped

>>2580986 #3256

#3255 New Baker >>2579366

>>2579846 Follow up to Q post 147 from anon

>>2579515, >>2579519 LIDAR on Ketron Island

>>2579629 The story of Alisa and Gabriel Dearman and pedophilia in high places

>>2579604 John Smyth, the QC accused of beating boys at Christian camps, dies of 'heart attack'

>>2579778 Moar NBC twatts

>>2580040 German Archive Anon update; now contains 3260 breads

>>2580058 Q's copypasta images from PatriotsFight 147 and 148

>>2580110 Source of Q's latest EpIsland pic

>>2580163 #3255

Previously Collected Notables

>>2579410 #3254

>>2577944 #3251, >>2577771 #3252, >>2578572 #3523

>>2574829 #3248, >>2575390 #3249, >>2576149 #3250

>>2572216 #3245, >>2573000 #3246, >>2574824 #3247

>>2569855 #3242, >>2570646 #3243, >>2571434 #3244

>>2567542 #3239, >>2570587 #3240, >>2570605 #3241

>>2565142 #3236, >>2565970 #3237, >>2570574 #3238

>>2562765 #3233, >>2563606 #3234, >>2564342 #3235

>>2560407 #3230, >>2561209 #3231, >>2561988 #3232

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

09639d  No.2583395

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2556574

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

>>870846 --- The Letter Q - Printable Q Graphics

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2178691 -- A Project to Create Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 -- Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2529066 – No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here.

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072 , >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36 >>2572139

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>2489726 , >>2489748 , >>2489817

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

(more on the comms page)

09639d  No.2583398

QPosts Archive Sites

* Q Clearance Archive:


QMap Mirrors

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* PAVUK keyword searchable archive of ALL the qresearch general breads & graphics: >>2418076

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* How to archive a website offline >>974637

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>2516402

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

27, 27 >>2466904 26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.NewsAnon ——————— https://qanon.news/Archive

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

==Q NEEDS YOU! NEW BAKERS REQUIRED!== Read this -→ >>2438883

09639d  No.2583403



712a0e  No.2583416

Thank You baker!

956201  No.2583423

File: bb40e7f03761c50⋯.jpg (10.65 KB, 204x255, 4:5, bakergrl.jpg)


09639d  No.2583427

Baker Requesting Handoff

33f03e  No.2583433

File: a236b4c0f9da57b⋯.png (43.35 KB, 584x377, 584:377, Post2.png)

This globalist controlled "satan" account was shooting very direct death threats at POTUS way before the election.

96f32d  No.2583438

File: 2eb56fb2611af81⋯.jpeg (649.39 KB, 1125x2356, 1125:2356, 8EA148C4-CAAE-45ED-84BD-F….jpeg)

File: ba4c8b6faf73d05⋯.jpeg (513.35 KB, 2258x1066, 1129:533, 10A42506-B3EC-46BB-9CDC-4….jpeg)




Google Earth shows the ferry at Ketron Island (blurry but visible). There are over a dozen vehicles on that ferry, for the 17 people that live on that island. With 4 ferry trips per day too... lots of vehicles going on and off that island.

f9b57c  No.2583441

File: 4115c941db7e653⋯.jpg (188.09 KB, 800x655, 160:131, marchofthepepes.jpg)

Take heed: Where 'multiculturalism' gets you:

Kunstler: "There's Nothing Left Of American Common Culture Besides A Few Disney Movies"



"Be careful about what you see in the foreground of the news vis-à-vis what’s in the background. Sunday, the cable networks were on fire over the 30-or-so white nationalists marching across Washington DC — with much larger hordes of masked, black-clad Antifa street-fighters following them around, and an army of DC cops in fluorescent green riot vests following the Antifas and the white nationalist knuckleheads.

The event was a billed as an attempt to commemorate the clash that happened between the same contestants in Charlottesville, Virginia, a year ago in the uproar over Confederate statues. That fiasco ended in the death of a bystander named Heather Heyer. Not a whole lot has changed since then, except perhaps the Left has become more strident in its calls to penalize white people for their crimes of “privilege,” no doubt further inflaming the Unite-the-Right crew. (And the anti-statue campaign has dropped down the memory hole.)"

Q team, I hope you are being as realistic as any Patriots are on here. Sequence and clear view leads to success, delusions led us to this point. We CANNOT, EVER, have a 'multicultural society' or 'multiracial' society with 'majority' being a 'plurality'. No such nation can be called a legitimate nation state.

WE, the PEOPLE. Pre-1965 demographic level, abolishment and reversal of (((globalist))) policies up until now. No other course will save our republic, our nation, our spirit, our people.

There is no 'compromise' with those trying to slip poisoned honey of 'ideals' down our ears - same vein as the (((globalist))) enemies. We have had enough.

West is meant for US, the PEOPLE. Not racially motivated foreigners, not (((jewish subverters))), not 'fake patriots' who adhere to principles of total subversion (racially and religiously motivated) piggy backing on this administration simply through different means and stripes. Those who advocate this must be terminated/neutralized as a clear and present hostile to our people and civilizations. We, the PEOPLE, are the sovereign of our nations and WE make the laws and rules of our house.

da7ab0  No.2583446

File: b5cec92cd020db4⋯.png (175.53 KB, 936x700, 234:175, learn-our-comms.png)

When Q replies to his own posts…. The timestamps can reveal things.

Pic Related

feb8d4  No.2583447


Moar on Nicole Pham owner of Lemongrass


1e02fa  No.2583448

Shill attacks are increasing. Becoming granular. There are agents in private discords creating divides. Watch your six patriots.

59c1fe  No.2583449

File: b27e03a6aa0cb22⋯.png (507.77 KB, 610x1080, 61:108, 63cc5b624691ae0e1928b80dbf….png)


tbh this dude does not look like "michael rothwell" or however you spell it

bc2db9  No.2583451

moar on bahai expensive architecture, western presence and stealthness

>The architect was William Sutherland Maxwell, a Canadian Bahá'í who was a Beaux-Arts architect and the father-in-law of Shoghi Effendi. Shoghi Effendi provided overall guidance, including in the use of Western and Eastern styles, but left the artistic details to Maxwell. Maxwell's design of the Rose Baveno granite colonnade, Oriental-style Chiampo stone arches, and golden dome is meant to harmonize Eastern and Western proportions and style. Maxwell died in 1952, and Shoghi Effendi named the Southern door of the Shrine after him. Some remaining aspects of the dome's structural engineering were designed by Professor H. Neumann of Haifa's Technion University.[2]

Where do they have the money for these expensive architects and engineering councelors? How come their council has so many americans? Something is definitely weirdregarding this obscure "oriental" new religion. It looks much more western and much less oriental the more you look at it. I COULD BE WRONG THOUGH.




On a personal note it is a very stealthy religion, and most iaraelis only know that it has a center in haifa that innclides beautifull garden. Some even joke saying the israeli nuke are under their gardens.

b81f07  No.2583452

Where the fuck is Jesse Ventura in all this?

c4728c  No.2583453

It's feels like my head is being squeezed, had this for about 10-12 hours now much more intense than the other day!



ee13ed  No.2583454

File: 52ed7073246cab9⋯.jpg (535.88 KB, 809x822, 809:822, kentron-morris.jpg)


>The home, built by an entrepreneur with visions of turning the 221-acre island off Steilacoom into an island paradise, was sold by its third owner, who had lived there since 1990.

>The home was built for J.C. Morris, an Anchorage entrepreneur, who bought the entire island in 1946. He envisioned some 200 homes on the property with an island retail center, churches and a school, a quiet residential retreat in the middle of Puget Sound.

f178a8  No.2583455


I wish the kid running this was less of a hateful little victim

485ffb  No.2583456

Thank you baker, anon's.

c4728c  No.2583457


Click here:


Then use the links to download our work!




802a3d  No.2583458


in mexico?

335310  No.2583459


Putins puppet

905eb6  No.2583460

File: f65895088c065a7⋯.png (626.39 KB, 889x1024, 889:1024, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….png)


BREAKING NEWS: Virginia investigators say they’ve found no evidence of abuse at a detention facility after immigrant teens described being strapped to chairs with their heads covered with bags.



8e30bb  No.2583461



I live out here and have ridden that ferry many times. During it's trips it goes to 2 other small islands in one shot…so all of those vehicles are not unusual a all.

ce9fd8  No.2583462


I've heard this so much over the past months that it's become a cliché. We're always under some level of attack.

54e4ee  No.2583463

>>2583435 (pr.) / >>2583451

>a very stealthy religion

yeah, yo do sort of have to stumble on it.

remember being creeped out by how vague the whole thing was, reeked of other business-y/self-help cults.... somehow Hare Krishnas seem more straightforward.

aec36f  No.2583464


Please remove >>2583255, >>2583268 Possible CEMEX Plant on Ketron Island (Need Sauce/Digging)

It shouldn't be in notables UNTIL it is sauced. It's not a cement plant. ANyone that knows anything about them knows they are large and have mounds of different aggregates to 'make' cement.

The pic shows a cement truck. That does not make it a cement plant, FFS.

19e52a  No.2583465

File: 91ba7253a1cf98f⋯.png (451 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, B52.png)

File: 0d2312b7ab58889⋯.png (580.65 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, VIPVP.png)

Neat! A B-52 in the air

And the VP is going….Is he meeting POTUS in NY? I doubt it. Wonder where he's going?

780015  No.2583466

More Than 2,300 Suspected Online Child Sex Offenders Arrested During Operation “Broken Heart”

// https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/more-2300-suspected-online-child-sex-offenders-arrested-during-operation-broken-heart //

The Department of Justice today announced the arrest of more than 2,300 suspected online child sex offenders during a three-month, nationwide, operation conducted by Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) task forces. The task forces identified 195 offenders who either produced child pornography or committed child sexual abuse, and 383 children who suffered recent, ongoing, or historical sexual abuse or production of child pornography.

The 61 ICAC task forces, located in all 50 states and comprised of more than 4,500 federal, state, local and tribal law enforcement agencies, led the coordinated operation known as “Broken Heart” during the months of March, April, and May 2018. During the course of the operation, the task forces investigated more than 25,200 complaints of technology-facilitated crimes against children and delivered more than 3,700 presentations on Internet safety to over 390,000 youth and adults.

"No child should ever have to endure sexual abuse," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said. "And yet, in recent years, certain forms of modern technology have facilitated the spread of child pornography and created greater incentives for its production. We at the Department of Justice are determined to strike back against these repugnant crimes. It is shocking and very sad that in this one operation, we have arrested more than 2,300 alleged child predators and investigated some 25,200 sexual abuse complaints. Any would-be criminal should be warned: this Department will remain relentless in hunting down those who victimize our children."

The operation targeted suspects who: (1) produce, distribute, receive and possess child pornography; (2) engage in online enticement of children for sexual purposes; (3) engage in the sex trafficking of children; and (4) travel across state lines or to foreign countries and sexually abuse children.

The ICAC Program is funded through the Department’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). In 1998, OJJDP launched the ICAC Task Force Program to help federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies enhance their investigative responses to offenders who use the Internet, online communication systems or computer technology to exploit children. To date, ICAC Task Forces have reviewed more than 775,000 complaints of child exploitation, which resulted in the arrest of more than 83,000 individuals. In addition, since the ICAC program's inception, more than 629,400 law enforcement officers, prosecutors and other professionals have been trained on techniques to investigate and prosecute ICAC-related cases.

For more information, visit the ICAC Task Force (link is external) webpage at: https://www.icactaskforce.org/ (link is external). For state-level Operation Broken Heart results, please contact the appropriate state ICAC task force commander. Contact information for task force commanders (link is external) are available online at: https://www.icactaskforce.org/Pages/ContactsTaskForce.aspx (link is external).

9133b6  No.2583467

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Flicking tongue prisoner might be relative of (same species as) John Kerry.

96f32d  No.2583468


Yeah no kidding. That’s a lot of vehicles for 1 of 4 ferry trips. All the vehicles are coming off the island too because they are facing the water on the ferry.

ac4b7a  No.2583469

File: e2cb932e57e62a7⋯.jpg (69.14 KB, 750x741, 250:247, mike-rothwell.jpg)


He does. It was 3 years ago.

bc2db9  No.2583470

the baha'i and their view of one world government

Note: Bahaulla is the bahai founder.


>Bahá'u'lláh wrote of the need for world government in this age of humanity's collective life. Because of this emphasis the international Bahá'í community has chosen to support efforts of improving international relations through organizations such as the League of Nations and the United Nations, with some reservations about the present structure and constitution of the UN.[112] The Bahá'í International Community is an agency under the direction of the Universal House of Justice in Haifa, and has consultative status with the following organizations:[113][114]

>United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM)

United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

World Health Organization (WHO)


203495  No.2583471

File: 17be554a496f800⋯.jpg (274.39 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, ginger_woman-wallpaper-144….jpg)

TY Baker!

>>2583387 (lb)

>>2583399 (lb)

>>2583428 (lb)

Nah.... That recording with her and Kelly? There were only two people in the room. Right? Surely he wouldn't have fired her in front of a ton of people Had he done that, then, who was recording?

Omarosa is the one that leaked the recording anyway. No, this is one of those Occam's Razor deals. Manigault is a nasty person. Hate Piers all you want; he's a little bitch, too. However, Omarosa is a genuine CUNT.

c6043c  No.2583472


I think Jessie is waiting for his strings to be cut. How else did he get so far in life…

..it's gotta be, right? He's playing it smart by not jumping on the Qanons at this time.

31f0c4  No.2583473

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.

809819  No.2583474

File: 8fb9a9728531685⋯.jpg (148.39 KB, 1216x894, 608:447, 2TBGT Guernsey 2018-08-13 ….jpg)

File: 8bd0fa76b0e1fa7⋯.jpg (142.24 KB, 1680x535, 336:107, MAGMA89 Bahamas-nw- 2018-0….jpg)

Evidently 2-TBGT isn't going anywhere. Crossed off from today's monitoring list.

JSOC MAGMA89 was over the Bahamas heading NW, just entering the Miami area now.

905eb6  No.2583475

File: 7e138d12d363039⋯.png (102.94 KB, 927x466, 927:466, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….png)

BB twat


The laying of a wreath by Jeremy Corbyn on the graves of the terrorist who perpetrated the Munich massacre and his comparison of Israel to the Nazis deserves unequivocal condemnation from everyone – left, right and everything in between

203495  No.2583476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4bae5d  No.2583477

Re Strzok: Can we jump to the hang upside down, pull off finger and toenails, brand with hot poker, lash, tar, honey, ants, disembowel and firing squad at Gitmo today, televised? Make BOOM bigger!

f1b9be  No.2583478



>When Q replies to his own posts…. The timestamps can reveal things.

Interesting, but…

Is this reproducible?

a5b08a  No.2583479

File: 4f8716d24f3b7b8⋯.mp4 (2.87 MB, 640x1136, 40:71, story.mp4)


@s8n confirmation video from yesterday

b4c554  No.2583480

File: cda6f3d7719d52c⋯.png (298.25 KB, 616x582, 308:291, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….png)


🚨Gunfire reported in the area of Rockies, 2501 Texas Avenue. Avoid the area at this time. Nearby businesses should shelter in place and await further instruction.

8252c2  No.2583481

File: eeba19aa33ad1b2⋯.png (317.16 KB, 1366x1238, 683:619, ClipboardImage.png)

I am so tired of this BS….So the other side has the entire unredacted version of the FISA, and they have had it for over a year ….meanwhile we are out here "begging" for the release of 20 or so unredacted pages…..

The MSM and the Left continue to lie, muh Russia, Russia all the while knowing that the whole thing is a farce…and here we sit begging for drip drip drip…..

Meanwhile after almost 19 months, the best we've done to date is FIRE a few people…..

This whole thing is a bloody charade….and my patience is at an end….I really really dislike the MSM & the left, but I am starting to get angry at "my side" for dragging this out one clue at a time………………

b22e71  No.2583482

Omarosa is a fake, a plant by POTUS…sucking in the media just a little deeper!

Enjoy the show!

Amarosa is all show and media bought her hook, line & sinker…

Wacky! LOL

54e4ee  No.2583483

>>2583462 yup.

most often newfags' first battlescars, far from the level of previous shitstorms.

if only they could learn not to feed the shills that don't immediately look like shills quicker

ac4b7a  No.2583485

File: 8041d45ad23e2cb⋯.png (97.03 KB, 471x471, 1:1, 8041d45ad23e2cb8983966b065….png)

e39c3d  No.2583486

File: 3a0687ac28b65e1⋯.png (453.15 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-08-13-13-4….png)

File: c7a36d9f5dc2d6c⋯.png (402.43 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-08-13-13-4….png)

Is this where the @s8n started? Because group me started in 2010, but the twitter feed started in 2008?

c49bd2  No.2583487

File: aa08ea16477abc5⋯.jpg (65.39 KB, 600x622, 300:311, 62a404ce2248c502fe12c7cbcb….jpg)


Good afternoon, Baker.

Waiting for a coworker to interrupt me at any moment, but can bake if need be.

Will formally request handoff @400 if no one else volunteers.

Operating in parallel in the meantime.

God bless, and great work.

93f48a  No.2583488


No video, idiot. Just that image.


Can't think outside the box faggot?

All creatures on planet share 95% of DNA. What applies to one species applies to all. If you can't figure out what that image implies on the left then your IQ is below 65. Fucking asswipe. Way beyond your intellect level.


Another ignorant fucker. ALL websites resolve to this sort of address.

085d35  No.2583489

File: 270a75e3244064b⋯.png (4.04 MB, 2130x1942, 1065:971, eppis1.png)

e7c0e4  No.2583490


dc2af5  No.2583491


Anyone else think the reason Q shined the spotlight here is actually because this account has likely received some very interesting DMs from people thinking that they are actually messaging Satan.

I mean, these people are stupid. And if you wanted to contact Satan to tell your soul, where else would you do it(I guess).

b81f07  No.2583492


It just seems like this whole thing is right up his alley, almost a smaller version of everything happening now.

905eb6  No.2583493

File: 39e49f9a473f144⋯.png (68.71 KB, 887x309, 887:309, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….png)


They sure made sure the media has a spot…


aec36f  No.2583494


Please provide sauce for 4 ferry trips a day. News and many others report 1 trip every 24hrs.

ccb1a6  No.2583495

Why was Strzok fired by a Deputy Director and not by Wray?

c4728c  No.2583496

File: 197040a135ea368⋯.png (64.76 KB, 847x840, 121:120, ClipboardImage.png)

SO CLUELESS: 100 Anti-Trump Newspapers Will All Post Anti-Trump Editorials on Same Day… As If This Is Different Than Any Other Day

Do these clowns ever read their own newspapers?

The average broadcast media coverage of President Trump is still 90% negative after several months in office and historic gains in the economy and in foreign policy.


ad247c  No.2583497



I think the kid in the video is cover. Some of those tweets are deep… what would that punk know? I call bullshit.

54e4ee  No.2583498

File: cdf2c6633470520⋯.jpg (26.05 KB, 620x413, 620:413, mad as hell.jpg)


>This whole thing is a bloody charade….and my patience is at an end….I really really dislike the MSM & the left, but I am starting to get angry at "my side" for dragging this out one clue at a time………………

getting there

713202  No.2583499


Will be keeping an eye out.

Good slice.


b90515  No.2583500


As a web developer, the presence of an "edit profile" button as the only confirmation is pretty damn weak.

3ea205  No.2583501

Nearly 10 months provides a useful perspective. Not a lawfag–not sure, but curious about these situations.

Does HRC intentional mishandling of top secret materials and corruption in investigations by FBI, DOJ, and CIA give cause for military investigation and tribunal. Antifa has been clear about their goal of toppling our government and replacing it with Communism. Is this treason or enemy combatant action especially if their funding comes from anti-USA sources outside this country?

From QMAP:


29 Oct 2017 - 11:20:11 PM


Military Intelligence v FBI CIA NSA

…Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies? What conditions must present itself? Why is this so VERY important?


30 Oct 2017 - 12:26:53 AM

Military Intelligence ref above is the absolute biggest inside drop this board will ever receive.

Now think about why Antifa plays right into the plan? Always ahead. Good guys are winning.

ad328e  No.2583502

File: dc67a077492e28f⋯.png (119.52 KB, 640x375, 128:75, Bibi911Hijacker.png)

File: 7d7cd5e6e061b28⋯.mp4 (379.92 KB, 360x360, 1:1, jew_in_the_cupboard.mp4)

74ca43  No.2583503


Been here since January and never seen this before…PIC GONE BUT POST STILL THERE….NO RED X SHOWING DELETED!

WHO CAN DO THIS? Really needed the pic and went to look for it and POOF…GONE!


d06f6d  No.2583504

File: b266d8f7189daa6⋯.mp4 (1.86 MB, 640x360, 16:9, DD79D39D-2E38-4B99-96B5-70….mp4)

Have we really researched Bill Maher and SNCTM?

It looks as if SNCTM freaked out when VOAT started researching them.


Snctm is covering up their list of twitter members after the anon drop.

Look at what the Founder of Snctm put on July 11. I'm pretty damn sure it's in response to us.


Huge dump of all snctm twitter followers


Snctm Followers


285bd0  No.2583505



09639d  No.2583506


Ty Baker, if no other answers call I'll have updated dough and confirm @ 400

cf61e7  No.2583507


Q isn't replying to himself in this instance…

Plus it's a stretch to use minutes from one time stamp and seconds from another.

c18b15  No.2583508


illegal alien teens

fixed it

485ffb  No.2583509


Would/could that cement truck be used to bring cement from mainland?

74ca43  No.2583510

File: d3c05d3702852e4⋯.png (42.83 KB, 983x654, 983:654, MISSING PROFILE PIC POST.PNG)


Sorry…here's the pic

19e52a  No.2583511


He wasn't even suppose to be fired by the Deputy Director. The Deputy Director stepped in because they normal discipline dude only wanted to demote & suspend for 60 days.

2e3531  No.2583512

File: a91c58893eaba58⋯.png (331.41 KB, 724x720, 181:180, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c5690b064a1e38⋯.png (60.91 KB, 895x302, 895:302, ClipboardImage.png)

check this out anons. I was reading reviewsof Ketron Island on joogle maps and came across this little gem left a day ago. is somebody trying to tell us something. the comment refers to North Sentinal Island. Sentinal should be spelled Sentinel.

>And when someone wanders to their island, like it happened for two fishermen on January 26, 2006, they relentlessly murder them. So protective are the Sentinelese of their territory that an Indian coastguard helicopter that attempted to retrieve the fishermen’s bodies (they had been tossed into shallow beach graves after their killing) was greeted by a volley of arrows from the tribesmen that prevented the craft from landing.


551a80  No.2583513

I was sitting on the toilet and intolerable piece of shit Peter Strzok came to mind. Then I looked and he had been fired. I stood up, wiped my ass, and flushed to toilet.

>What an irony.

c6043c  No.2583514


I had the same feeling anon. That kind of humour and thoughts are far beyond a pimply faced kid…

f1b9be  No.2583515


Are you using palemoon?

956201  No.2583516

File: beeab9b6c5db1b0⋯.jpg (707.8 KB, 1765x1036, 1765:1036, BEEBO_AIR.jpg)



96f32d  No.2583517

File: 294231744a19a42⋯.png (794.6 KB, 2046x1414, 1023:707, 040EE5C6-2FF2-4770-87D6-CB….png)



This is the deed of sale on 10101 Morris Blvd located on the North Side of Ketron Island.



e39c3d  No.2583518

File: 9e721c5a6e70c5e⋯.png (654.26 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-08-13-13-3….png)

File: 19fd1a622cb14bb⋯.png (351.37 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-08-13-13-3….png)

@S8n follower @lolitadrugs often tagged in posts…account no longer in use.

Strange name. Mentions rabbits ?

Something and nothing.

72be69  No.2583519


"The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions."

"The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm."

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.

Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion… We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.

This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

REV16:13 Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like 🐸 frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

REV16:14 They are demonic spirits 🐸 that perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty.

6a0b58  No.2583520


She was always a good villain on Apprentice.

c4728c  No.2583521

File: 6c2ab75872ba472⋯.png (417.07 KB, 837x436, 837:436, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73db174ae0b3687⋯.png (51.93 KB, 842x593, 842:593, ClipboardImage.png)

Attorney for Swamp-Monster Peter Strzok Fumes After Anti-Trump FBI Hack Gets Canned (VIDEO)

Former FBI senior counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok, who disparaged President Trump and his supporters in inflammatory text messages and helped oversee the Hillary Clinton email and Russia investigations, was fired on Monday by the FBI.


ccb1a6  No.2583522


It is all timed for maximum electoral benefit, have faith, we have the cards, of that there can be no doubt

90b9c2  No.2583523

So Peter Strzok was fired. BFD. Should have been fired 2 years ago.

54e4ee  No.2583524


we should look into what and/or who


protects/distracts from.

these people are stupid, but no way it stops at that lame boomer sexlarp club

b22e71  No.2583525


Wow, I’m just glad they fired Strzok!!

Now the FBI is totally cleaned up, thank God!


Enjoy the show!


da7ab0  No.2583526


Q isn't replying to a Q-post there


Watch when he does

Also note

Q did reply to himself there but w/o tripcode

c49bd2  No.2583527


Updated dough would be fantastic and much appreciated.

Will chime in @400.

God bless.

11593b  No.2583528


Home to GHW Bush Presidential library.

f1b9be  No.2583529


old; the anon that did the digs found a more recent photo last bread that does match the crashed plane.

d06f6d  No.2583530


Who were the LAWYERS in the room with them?

ad328e  No.2583531

File: 6886d0605c49104⋯.jpg (30.36 KB, 621x289, 621:289, DkcGeyUU8AAZcka.jpg)



Netanyahu's son Yair draws fire after posting 'antisemitic cartoon' (13 Sep 2017)


c4728c  No.2583532

File: 5b8c101cd982c00⋯.png (225.33 KB, 828x418, 414:209, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a52e52606911737⋯.png (38.81 KB, 850x416, 425:208, ClipboardImage.png)

New Audio Released by Omarosa Reveals President Trump Was Unaware of Her Firing — And Was Genuinely Concerned for His Friend (VIDEO)


feb8d4  No.2583533


James Clifford Porter owns the house actually…

b22e71  No.2583534


Hi res would be nice if you could see into the cockpit to determine if Russell was actually in the plane!

2d1c9a  No.2583535

"BOOM Peter Strzok Fired!"

Welp. I guess Strzok isn't cooperating and isn't needed for surveillance anymore.

54e4ee  No.2583536


> think the kid in the video is cover


1f7650  No.2583537

File: 0a5aa276ac2fde9⋯.jpeg (534.89 KB, 750x994, 375:497, F9C0320A-F1B1-4269-81D6-6….jpeg)


5773a9  No.2583539


Ferry goes to multiple islands. not just one…

ccb1a6  No.2583540


The fbi is a mess

1fd285  No.2583541

it seems like POTUS might break his streak of not saying his name, because the NDAA is named after WDSHN


1c0df2  No.2583542

File: f743ae7e8172576⋯.jpg (59.92 KB, 640x640, 1:1, fhgN7j1.jpg)

Bless The Baker

9aa5d4  No.2583543


any plane loads of docs leaving?

00fd2e  No.2583544


Yes anon! I tried all day to let anons Omarosa is good!

"The Very Idea of a Staff Member"

She did not record those conversations.

0e36dd  No.2583545

File: 6066aa27908085d⋯.jpg (10.17 KB, 255x192, 85:64, chickenWTF.jpg)

>>2582995 Prev bread

Any proof on that? Has anyone dug on McDonalds and their operation?

9133b6  No.2583546


Thank you Jesus

00fd2e  No.2583547


I meant to say I tried all day yesterday**

19e52a  No.2583548

File: 35ec25379bfaf94⋯.png (431.52 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, TankerWatertown.png)

Alright one more before I have to go to the bank…

I think this one is interesting because it's not a sight I normally see.

A refueling aircraft circling Fort Drum where POTUS will be signing the Defense bill named after No name.

The only aircraft that shows up on Radar is the refuel-er that's been circling for a while now.

I can only imagine how many aircraft are up in the air there right now that is NOT on radar.

I wish I lived closer!

1fd285  No.2583549

>>2583466 More Than 2,300 Suspected Online Child Sex Offenders Arrested During Operation “Broken Heart”


dec381  No.2583550

File: d8c6f0c08698b88⋯.png (624.32 KB, 1787x933, 1787:933, ellisonPorterComp1.png)

Fake News. Keith Ellison vs Rob Porter

0646f4  No.2583551

File: e9423a41b752d37⋯.png (157.52 KB, 651x693, 31:33, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….png)

File: 7307b222e886c68⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1187x822, 1187:822, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….png)

Alice Cooper charity with a slew of Hollywood supporters, the Dali Lama (Known Pedo) is big in this one.

bd062c  No.2583552

File: 87ec907dfec7c33⋯.png (722.52 KB, 808x393, 808:393, dragon Q.png)

File: 4176aeee75fc39d⋯.jpg (312.64 KB, 1204x1800, 301:450, initial ‘Q’ – archangel Mi….jpg)

File: f37a1d99301dd36⋯.jpg (468.59 KB, 1280x1279, 1280:1279, initial ‘Q’ – archangel Mi….jpg)

File: edd1d913a7d0f2a⋯.png (457.22 KB, 382x582, 191:291, Lion Q.png)

In medieval illuminated manuscripts the illuminated Q was used for Psalm 52:

“Quid gloriaris in malitia, qui potens es in iniquitate?”

Why do you glory in malice, you who are mighty in iniquity?

Psalms, chapter 52

For the leader. A maskil of David,

when Doeg the Edomite entered and reported to Saul, saying to him: “David has entered the house of Ahimelech.”


Why do you glory in what is evil, you who are mighty by the mercy of God?

All day long

you are thinking up intrigues;

your tongue is like a sharpened razor,

you worker of deceit.

You love evil more than good,

lying rather than saying what is right.


You love all the words that create confusion,

you deceitful tongue.


God too will strike you down forever,

he will lay hold of you and pluck you from your tent,

uproot you from the land of the living.


The righteous will see and they will fear;

but they will laugh at him:

“Behold the man! He did not take God as his refuge,

but he trusted in the abundance of his wealth,

and grew powerful through his wickedness.”


But I, like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God,

I trust in God’s mercy forever and ever.

I will thank you forever

for what you have done.

I will put my hope in your name—for it is good,

—in the presence of those devoted to you.

6487e8  No.2583553


I do think so.

e50dc4  No.2583554

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>2583375 (lb)


a4721b  No.2583555


Time to fire "the normal discipline dude" too I guess.

d06f6d  No.2583556


That is why I am thinking one of the LAWYERS in the room leaked/sold/produced the audio to Omarosa

feb8d4  No.2583557


Looks like they got divorced when he got in trouble…so he granted her the house (at least that's what I'm thinking from what I'm seeing)…

831818  No.2583558

File: cc01aff955faf31⋯.jpg (20.18 KB, 255x186, 85:62, 81b762361abe422a712702f33b….jpg)

>>2583286 (You) lb

Well, it's not anti-Semitic or meant to be. There are good and bad in all groups. The point is, evil vs good. Truth vs lies. Jesus was telling the truth while many of the "leaders" of His time were basically like the ones we have now. Corrupt and treacherous. However, there were also good people, many more good people than bad. The good people just need the truth instead of the lies created by those who are corrupt.


such a convoluted world

i posted that video with the same intent as what you just wrote! lol

good job anon

excellent response imao

11fe5b  No.2583559

File: 46298e8c7fad290⋯.jpg (195.27 KB, 888x499, 888:499, titANIC.jpg)

d5a3b1  No.2583560

Mark Warner + Adam Waldman + Julian Assange + Oleg Deripaska


you have more than you know.

da7ab0  No.2583561

File: 15c350b052f1a92⋯.png (777.93 KB, 1227x424, 1227:424, not-proof-of-s8n-owner.png)


fake and gay.

pic rel.

c4728c  No.2583562

File: 17c22ca77e2b253⋯.png (362.12 KB, 832x779, 832:779, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86746905c9fe8f9⋯.png (851.89 KB, 838x632, 419:316, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 760e3dd16c3c46a⋯.png (217.45 KB, 601x793, 601:793, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 700133092d951d3⋯.png (18.11 KB, 836x153, 836:153, ClipboardImage.png)


US bomb pieces found at Yemen bus strike site as Pentagon says ‘we may never know’ who supplied it


809819  No.2583563



Did you try a forced page refresh?

CTRL-F5 on most browsers.

Might be missing from your browser's local web cache. Not uncommon.

48c01a  No.2583564


This. We need to dig into McDonald's. Ribs may be kid ribs.

I think we even have one nearby. Will recon today to see if I see any kids there. Will report back.

061303  No.2583565


It appears as though there is a barge that carries cement in bulk.

I ran the Northeast Marine Division of the 3rd largest cement co. in the world.

I see no plant, silos, nothing.

1fd285  No.2583566


if you haven't, read Q: The Basics (rough draft) read it and tell us what you think

its something a few anons have been putting together

its meant to be long, informative, and wordy (6 pages, ~3500 words), so it fights back against the blatant disinfo the MSM has been putting out with FACTS, not fake news

rough outline so you can explain it to someone else:

I: Intro

(calls out MSM, say what side by sides and proofs are, give links to qanon.pub, qmap.pub, and qproofs.com)

II: When and Where did Q start to post

(4pol → CBTS → /cbts/ (8) → /thestorm/ → /qresearch/ & /GA/ → /PF/; don't give out the link to here; kek I "redacted" it; explain WHAT THE FUCK A BAKER DOES)

III: Who posts as Q (NOT doxxing, just laying out facts from crumbs and the signoffs)

IV: What does Q post

(signatures and stringers; the Cabal, +++ ++ +, topics in crumbs; the plan, GA; and moar but just an overview really)

V: Why does Q post

(conclusion, GA, The plan, call out the MSM again; had quote the Declaration, wrap it up)

Here are the relevant links (ALL rough drafts):

>>2575962 >>2575966 (graphics, one black text one white, and one white text on black)

>>2575998 (pdfs, one black text one white, and one white text on black)

>>2576036 (pastabin with pure text)

>>2576347 (ideas on where to spread it to, once the final is posted)


we want to get AS MANY anons’ eyes on this before putting out a final copy (BO commented on it, would like the BVs to check it out too)

It can be spread far, so we want to get it right

And if you have read it, thanks, trying not to spam this, but want as many anons to contribute as possible

Thanks for eating muh pasta, WWG1WGA

f40b16  No.2583567

This Blue Button stuff is creepy

give us all your healthcare data.




00fd2e  No.2583568


What lawyers were in the room?

33f03e  No.2583569


Yep. Considering the amount of resources Q team has, I much rather believe them than some unknown kid trying to prove Q wrong.

e7c0e4  No.2583570


Q knew they had this FISA info.

That's why he been posting the word knowingly lately about the mefia.


d0819a  No.2583571

File: 31ec1e1b6f7b37e⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1200x1920, 5:8, Screenshot_20180813-130607.png)

File: 27055bce40809f8⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1200x1920, 5:8, Screenshot_20180813-130736.png)

News channels are complaining about loud music and spotty cell reception.

500108  No.2583572

File: 5bab98cd678dc9b⋯.png (295.68 KB, 779x589, 41:31, Omarosa on Big Brother.png)

ad5768  No.2583573


>I guess Strzok isn't cooperating and isn't needed for surveillance anymore.

Consider that they've known about the texts for over a year.

Which means they've also know about Ohr, Steele, and everyone else for over a year.

They've had the complete FISA since March 2017.

Current public reveals are over ONE YEAR behind where Huber and OIG are in their investigation.

This is all about slow rolling it to the public, because the fake news has them watching a completely different movie.

muh cognitive disconnect.

aec36f  No.2583574


And Baker is refusing to address it.

c4728c  No.2583575

Vox Drastically Inflates Statistic In Race-baiting Fake News Piece

A whopping 24 million Americans agree with the "Alt-Right" according to a study touted by Vox. Well, that's what they claimed for a few hours before it was corrected. The most recent version of the article states that it's 11 million people. That said, what exactly are they defining "Alt-Right" as?


Jordan Peterson claims that white nationalists are dangerous and deluded clinging to "unearned identity." Peterson has also claimed that the reason why Jewish people are over-represented in important areas like law, medicine and academia is because they have higher average IQ (turns out that's a fallacy, by the way, but that's neither here nor there). All this makes the hard-line "Alt-Right" types steer clear of "Alt-Lite" types like Peterson. Alex Jones is and always has been a staunch Zionist but that doesn't protect him from being called an anti-Semite and "Alt-Right" personality by certain folks.

University of Alabama's George Hawley had a studied published by UVA's Institute for

Family Studies that claims "roughly 5.64 percent of America’s 198 million non-Hispanic whites have beliefs consistent with the alt-right’s worldview. Whether or not they would describe themselves as alt-right, Hawley argues, they share the movement’s belief in a politics that promotes white interests above those of other racial groups."

Here's a thing, by the way, tribalism exists and not just in white people. I personally believe it's nepotism and strong in-group preference, rather than simply "higher IQ and better work ethic" that has led to Jewish dominance of academia, Hollywood and the news media as well as over-representation in representative government. And honestly, what is wrong with wanting your tribe to not only survive and thrive? When blacks or Latinos or any other group come together to attempt to improve their overall living conditions it's lauded and applauded but for whatever reason it's just not ok for white folks to be concerned about their ethnic integrity and survival as a race.


By the way, the first people who shared this story had it reported as 12% rather than 5.64% and

archive.is/TX2QU">24 million rather than 11 million. And how did Hawley decide who was secretly "Alt-Right?"

"It’s obviously difficult to measure how many people see themselves as alt-right. People are notoriously shy to express overtly racist attitudes to pollsters, and aligning yourself with the alt-right is aligning yourself with an openly racist movement.

To get around this problem, Hawley decided to measure polling on three different metrics that were more about identification with whiteness than anti-minority sentiments."

Wait, so you don't have to be anti-minority to be racist now? All it takes, evidently, is being pro-white. Geez, I didn't get the memo. Better sign up for my KKK hood immediately now that I've learned that being pro-white makes me a deplorable racist.

If you spend any time at Twitter or (God forbid) Tumblr, you'll see so much naked rage against cisgenders, heterosexuals, whites and male. Lord help you if you're all four. Calling white people an "abomination" saying the race should be "abolished" will get you on the front page of your university's newspaper or get your book published by Harvard, meanwhile just thinking that all this hatred against whites might be a bad thing evidently makes you a racist? Seems they're trying to push their hand a tad too far on this.


I'm also honestly wondering if it was an honest mistake broadcasting the "24 million" figure before the correction or if this was blatant, race-baiting fake news.




6f6d50  No.2583578

File: e6852bf22cc620f⋯.jpeg (348.43 KB, 1248x1560, 4:5, 312CDD1A-E141-49D2-925A-E….jpeg)

1e02fa  No.2583579

File: 31f5ea5f13b6281⋯.png (655.69 KB, 720x471, 240:157, ClipboardImage.png)

061303  No.2583580


That’s the Baker’s choice. Without sauce everything is an opinion

48c01a  No.2583581


>So the other side has the entire unredacted version of the FISA, and they have had it for over a year

Jesus, the 'other side' CREATED the doc. They had it before the FISA.

Trump has had it the whole time as well.

5a78c2  No.2583582


My take for a while: Porter was one of (((their))) plants. Read his wiki and ties to both Bush admins, Harvard and London. Got security clearance with domestic charges.



feb8d4  No.2583583

File: 2f4e06c80bb2b98⋯.jpg (322.77 KB, 1013x1342, 1013:1342, ferry1.jpg)



Certificate of non-compliance for public health violation (Ferry Site)…

1f7650  No.2583584

File: 1d53db4e0081516⋯.jpeg (639.79 KB, 750x997, 750:997, 0DC13902-F23E-498D-8DBD-8….jpeg)



71f444  No.2583585


why do we keep posting this faggot's picture?

ad5768  No.2583586


>US bomb pieces found at Yemen bus strike site as Pentagon says ‘we may never know’ who supplied it

Help me understand why Trump is still supporting the Saudi war against Yemen.

Is Yemen a proxy war against Iran and cabal?

428997  No.2583587

File: e57c81ce3c85f33⋯.png (615.3 KB, 823x893, 823:893, untitled.png)




9b4106  No.2583588


There is a green colored (You) on his screen.

713202  No.2583589


You don't bother CEO's with minion firings and you certainly don't bother POTUS. Managing is left to a manager for a reason.

19e52a  No.2583590


IS this a t Fort Drum?

f1b9be  No.2583591


Yeaaaah The movie(s) that made lots of money about the Olympia Titanic (;p) were whitewashes..

Even the events in the shipyard prior to "Titanic's" launch were pretty spoopy… Nevermind who was on the voyage that night.

8dd111  No.2583592

File: 8479811b84c07d7⋯.png (110.74 KB, 313x557, 313:557, 1dfa26a7fe7d7d9c493b8ef457….png)

File: 971bd9b7337a2d1⋯.jpg (183.61 KB, 1004x816, 251:204, The Rothschilds.jpg)

whats the over/under on this kid being related?

5a78c2  No.2583593



Wrong link.


c4728c  No.2583594

File: f9d6aca3912a0e8⋯.png (962.94 KB, 822x886, 411:443, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 45327633e8c314e⋯.png (41.03 KB, 824x913, 824:913, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b369277952c4097⋯.png (10.92 KB, 827x212, 827:212, ClipboardImage.png)

Gov. Andrew Cuomo Admits to Committing and Continuing to Commit a Federal Crime—No Charges

Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo admitted to breaking a law that people are fined and arrested for every year, and nothing happened to him.


d06f6d  No.2583595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"THESE ARE LAYWERS" @14 seconds in

f178a8  No.2583596


this pic is more real than you think

c49bd2  No.2583597

File: 74b43b440fe5681⋯.png (79.4 KB, 584x346, 292:173, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….png)


c3cb3b  No.2583598

David Bowdich is who fired Strzok

485ffb  No.2583599


No, not what I asked. I asked whether the truck could bring cement from mainland. On ferry it could but depends on travel time for concrete to cure.

51bfaf  No.2583600

Hacker kids poke hole in MSM narrative that it’s Russians who are the US election threat.

Ahead of the US midterms in November, the MSM has talked at length about a Russian hacking threat. Meanwhile, a competition in Las Vegas shows that when it comes to interfering with a US election, even a child can do it.

Hosted by technology non-profit R00tz Asylum, the competition was held on the sidelines of the annual Def Con hacking conference in Las Vegas, where children between the ages of 8 and 17 were tasked with hacking into replica election office websites in key “battleground” states where the upcoming US midterm elections in November are expected to be tight.


96f32d  No.2583601


I wonder if walnut sauce is one of her strictly at home recipes

19e52a  No.2583602



8252c2  No.2583603


It seems that everybody but US knew they had the info….the MSM/Liddle Shifty and his allies have all had what we are asking for….they get it by stealing it…..we must ask/beg/wait….So all this time, they KNOW what is in there and have been able to prepare whatever defense their is, come up with idiotic cover stories that normies are going to believe……in the meantime drip drip drip….

Just DO It Already!

428997  No.2583604


Check Easterwood Airport or the much smaller Coulter Field Airport, both local to the area… Planefags?

809819  No.2583605

>>2583498 Ever been in a sweat lodge? One cranked up to maximum hotness, with water being ladled on the hot stones to make waves of steam. Now try it with 10 men competing to see who can stand it the longest. Who will be the last to leave?

Here we are.

c35f38  No.2583606


Hell yes it is, post a tweet about us faggot or gtfo.

bd8105  No.2583607


Most likely.

d0819a  No.2583608


Griffiss Air Force Base

Griffiss Air Force Base is a former United States Air Force installation in the northeastern United States, located in central New York state at Rome, about northwest of Utica

4f3279  No.2583609


Djt signal white hat operators on mission accomplished…?

feb8d4  No.2583610


Kathy Palmer, owner of ferry


19e52a  No.2583611


Because shills are trying to slide the thread with anything they think will distract.

529c24  No.2583612

File: ac51ecf19a01a14⋯.jpg (118.92 KB, 930x588, 155:98, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….jpg)

File: efc6dcfccd7791c⋯.jpg (134 KB, 933x596, 933:596, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….jpg)

File: 474a60ab56a9e1e⋯.jpg (130.76 KB, 941x592, 941:592, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….jpg)

File: 3e19ab8e5ddbc9a⋯.jpg (187.87 KB, 932x692, 233:173, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….jpg)

c4728c  No.2583613

File: 4297c890ae91549⋯.png (61.58 KB, 881x744, 881:744, ClipboardImage.png)

Chris Pratt accepts award at Teen Choice Awards: ‘I love God … and you should too!’

“I want to thank God. I always do that when I’m up on a big platform in front of a bunch of young faces,” the actor — who is vocal about professing his faith from his very public platform — added.

“I love God,” he said. “That’s my thing, I love him! And you should too!”


48c01a  No.2583614

File: 82046ebd300ab4b⋯.jpg (193.5 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, golden-arches[1].jpg)

Satanic symbols. Please investigate. For the children.

f43dc4  No.2583615

File: e861d4d0922f951⋯.png (62.24 KB, 1152x322, 576:161, 7245e7f4ff01233be8bf29f4d0….png)

File: 11cce01ee4d81f2⋯.png (84.05 KB, 625x330, 125:66, 904.png)

File: bfd684db0299657⋯.png (65.37 KB, 632x301, 632:301, 909.png)

Simple comms, just checking

PS was fired today

POTUS tweets a delta, "[5] = today"

1c0df2  No.2583616

File: d2e0a47010302f7⋯.jpeg (84.05 KB, 1440x957, 480:319, 1530313997.jpeg)

905eb6  No.2583617

File: 1c58d0fbd6f7218⋯.png (114.75 KB, 934x528, 467:264, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….png)

Paul Sperry twat


Let's hope IG Horowitz has already thoroughly interviewed Strzok regarding the Carter Page FISA in his pending FISA abuse investigation. Because if not, Strzok can now avoid a subpoena to talk to investigators. IG Act only gives IG power to subpoena current employees.

a4721b  No.2583618


GMTVM ← unneeded caps

f40b16  No.2583619

File: c067e998a21b3da⋯.png (28.39 KB, 708x448, 177:112, steel.png)

203495  No.2583620


Knowing DJT? Cohen, and that's even IF a lawyer would have been present. Federal hiring/firing are way different for political positions. Omarosa wouldn't have known she was getting her ass canned, even though she's been fired by DJT many times (kek).

Again, Omarosa is a very nasty woman. Q was talking directly to her:



feb8d4  No.2583621


I don't know. She may just be legit not knowing what her husband does on the side. Business owners usually are too busy to deal with that crap.

b4c554  No.2583622

File: a83f6b470bec40a⋯.png (379.41 KB, 1009x635, 1009:635, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….png)




Local FBI office is 5-6 miles away FYI


37b82e  No.2583623

What's the shooter gonna look like this time?

Let me guess- White male, blue eyes, looks high af in his mugshot. I'll guess he's 31.

Taking bets

09639d  No.2583624


i took it out, chill tf out anon

4d531e  No.2583625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I know it's recycled. But if you ever need encouragement through these months trusting the plan, take a break and watch this again.

"Hillary accidentally bumped into me, and she very civilly said… 'Pardon me….'" (laughter)

061303  No.2583627


Looks like ability to store cement and mix concrete 0n-island.

c49bd2  No.2583628

File: acabad568eff746⋯.png (99.1 KB, 586x383, 586:383, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….png)

DJT Retweets

59c1fe  No.2583629


well to be fair he also tweeted on the account and also made the video

c4728c  No.2583630

File: e2660803be9b608⋯.png (841.63 KB, 839x809, 839:809, ClipboardImage.png)

Hacker kids poke hole in MSM narrative that it’s Russians who are the US election threat


046708  No.2583631

>>2583429 (lb)

>Normal? NO.

>Pedo Island temple…

>or hidden Echelon Espionage antenna?

>Perfect cover.


f178a8  No.2583632

Preliminary Key to Freedom Meditation Report

"Although we have not reached the critical mass, important breakthroughs have been achieved. Full report will be posted next week."


aec36f  No.2583633


You chill out. You did not have to take so long to respond.

1e02fa  No.2583634

File: 12462bd3771746c⋯.png (36.81 KB, 717x201, 239:67, ClipboardImage.png)

33f03e  No.2583635

This "satan" has tweeted bunch of questionable kid pictures. I will only link them so you have the choice whether you want to see them or not. This kind of stuff is yet again directly from pedo globalists playbook.




d0819a  No.2583636

oops my bad! it is fort drum>>2583590

bac739  No.2583637


Scrolled through over 20 negative replies before I got to anything positive. Twatter is complete trash.

57afbf  No.2583638


Hey Chris

getting worried?

8dd111  No.2583639

File: be994ae38a397b4⋯.jpeg (238.52 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, e93f2057ae4d36e81d096a5b8….jpeg)


"release the hounds"

19e52a  No.2583640


Why is the press there already?!

I thought Trump was going to Fort Drum 1st then down towards Rome/Utica?

I didn't miss the signing did I?

Today is weird

c3cb3b  No.2583641

Lol, POTUS retweeting Cohen!

335310  No.2583642

File: bfe09306c9ffe51⋯.png (689.69 KB, 735x490, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

290815  No.2583643

Wasn't there a thread containing a collection of Q logos? Not finding it

943cca  No.2583644


I don't know but someone better figure out who the f he is because right now he is making this board look pretty shitty. Q ?

59c1fe  No.2583645


>inb4 russian kids

73e6c3  No.2583646


Me thinks kid doesnt know anything for real. Either he was used we do not understand yet how. Or Q distracted us for the reason unknown

1fd285  No.2583647


go easy on the bakers anon

bd8105  No.2583648


Well um yes some CEO's do bother with minion things. Worked at appl in early 90's. If a team or division wanted to produce a t-shirt or something tangible to celebrate a milestone or accomplishment those designs HAD to be approve at the BOD or CEO level. No exceptions. This was also the time when apple stopped buying kegs of beer for the ee's because of liability issues-Beer Bust Fridays at CC1 for example. It used to be a fun, dynamic place to work.

f1b9be  No.2583649


>man of steel

Has Brooks invested in US steel?

c4728c  No.2583650

File: 09c931dd547914e⋯.png (755.44 KB, 844x913, 844:913, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35263812c3c407e⋯.png (43.38 KB, 823x878, 823:878, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e7652040d672e8⋯.png (31.24 KB, 829x662, 829:662, ClipboardImage.png)

Divide & Conquer on Full Display as Media Devotes Days of Attention to 20 White Nationalists in DC

For days, the mainstream media has been devoted to promoting the protest of 20 white nationalists in D.C. showing their relentless attempt to push divide on Americans.


09639d  No.2583651


a baker cant take a shit? sup with you this monday anon

8e359b  No.2583652


again, either a plant or really really dumb

a285e8  No.2583653


But I love my pedo director!

f40b16  No.2583654



any anons ever dig on J. Podesta cabin in Truckee Calif.?

remote area maybe?

905eb6  No.2583655

File: b98ad100972c830⋯.png (416.59 KB, 743x834, 743:834, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….png)


where the press are - pic


7a0549  No.2583656

Thank you Q & team, you remain in my daily prayers. As well as all the fags here kek!

aec36f  No.2583657


Then you know nothing about mixing cement.

285bd0  No.2583658


2574150 (you)

just take a pic with timestamp

4f3279  No.2583659


QAnon affiliate…

ad247c  No.2583660



Saw an Anon suggest names before… could be a possibility. I still think Jay-Z is behind it, personally.




L ??

DeNeiro/ Downey Jr

Streep/ Schwarzenegger/ Oliver Stone

9b4106  No.2583661


What use is keeping him employed if he lost his security clearance?


fb4704  No.2583662

File: f60535153e34b26⋯.jpg (78.74 KB, 600x355, 120:71, BitchesLyin.jpg)

File: fe09eeeb071e492⋯.jpg (71.86 KB, 600x355, 120:71, Ellison.jpg)

da7ab0  No.2583663


monday morning bar fight???


feb8d4  No.2583664


Quitclaim deed defined:


Looks like he passed the property to her before he went to jail…

d0819a  No.2583665


youre right anon. ft drum first. then rome and utica.

448c2b  No.2583666

File: 655794eb29f5859⋯.png (51.42 KB, 721x475, 721:475, Screenshot_2018-08-13 Dona….png)

The lying bitch gonna have a bad week…

48c01a  No.2583667


>Just fired Agent Strzok

>PS was fired today

Trump didn't say 'today'.

5D - MSM will post this twat on the screen and say he 'lied'.

54ecdb  No.2583668


My first thought as well.

Roth schild/well

061303  No.2583669


LOL if you only knew….LOL

aec36f  No.2583670


IDK…can you?

After dealing with shill bakers who refuse to take shit out of the notes, and the fact that bakers are now avatar free, anons have no way of knowing if a shill is baking.

b0371c  No.2583671

In major league baseball, players typically keep the ball when they reach a milestone such as their 2000th hit.

When Q reaches 2000 posts … do they get to keep the message?

f91470  No.2583672


Methinks something BIG will drop that day

90b9c2  No.2583673

Peter Strzok's firing is not a boom.

11593b  No.2583674


Hillsong Church is a rabbit hole.

87302b  No.2583675

File: 657bdba4b5d7cf4⋯.png (38.7 KB, 544x307, 544:307, OMAROSA 1.PNG)

File: bf863bd7fbc7519⋯.png (82.49 KB, 538x783, 538:783, OMAROSA 2.PNG)

Omarosa's book is getting torn to shreds. Good.

757f2b  No.2583676

File: c5b53f2c5b7165c⋯.png (64.64 KB, 202x255, 202:255, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd132f73698de06⋯.png (147.89 KB, 716x155, 716:155, ClipboardImage.png)

Seen in a previous bread.

We already know that DJT is working with SA.

SA has US Dollars they need to get rid of before the crash. Why not buy TSLA and help DJT out… because we need to get NASA back into the US Govt.

This isn't about SA control of space. This is about returning money to the USA and reducing exposure for allies of the USA.

Pay close attention. GOING BACK ALMOST TWO YEARS. What happened almost two years ago?????

1b447b  No.2583677


if that happened to you would you give it up? this article is a mind fuck to make you want to justify that breaking the law is ok. (it often is)

566373  No.2583678

File: bc5c3e112d728ac⋯.png (643.85 KB, 960x672, 10:7, Screenshot_2018-08-13 Proj….png)



http:/ www.bkgm.com.au/company/

BK Gold Mines

19e52a  No.2583679


Yooo…Leave Keanu out of this man. He is NOT A BAD GUY.

And that Panda with Shaq is adorable! I didn't know Pandas had Personality. How cute

ac4b7a  No.2583680



3ea205  No.2583681


Something sure stinks. Strzok tries to upend a federal election based on personal preferences and to simultaneously clear someone guilty of serious, serious crimes and the FBI "normal discipline" is a 60 day suspension (with pay?). JC, how many of them have their brains in their colon? Call in a fleet of septic system pump trucks and get the "normal" thinkers outta there. We need the abnormal thinkers who still know right from wrong.

5a78c2  No.2583682



Listen to the tapes. They are everywhere. Why respond if have not heard them?

9008d5  No.2583683

File: b2075be497d0493⋯.png (26.85 KB, 502x228, 251:114, ClipboardImage.png)

Scorned FBI Lover Lisa Page Torched Cheating FBI Partner Peter Strzok; “Lisa is on a Warpath”

In the end, Peter Strzok’s FBI lover Lisa Page “sold out” the FBI executive and divulged many improprieties he was involved in along with other FBI brass, according to FBI insiders.

Strzok was fired today from the FBI.

FBI insiders said Page, his former lover, was “instrumental in getting him terminated.”

“Lisa is on a warpath,” one former colleague said. “She is not done either.”

Fired FBI leaders Andrew McCabe, James Comey and other current FBI leaders like Bill Priestap could be on deck, according to officials familiar with Page’s congressional testimony in hearings and private sessions with her attorney.

Strzok, FBI sources said, is the target of several investigations.

That’s the word on the street. Page is angry and willing to testify against everyone linked to losing her FBI career.

Some FBI insiders said Page has gotten a bad reputation because people only know her by her text exchanges with FBI Agent Peter Strzok, but Page is a capable, bright lawyer, according to FBI insiders.

And she knows almost all the FBI’s dirty little secrets.

A very dangerous woman, indeed.

Even Fox’s Catherine Herridge touched on Page’s inflammatory testimonies.

“Lawmakers are aware of new records after the recent closed-door depositions from FBI agent Peter Strzok and his former colleague and lover FBI lover Lisa Page.” Catherine Herridge said. “Lawmakers are now seeking records related to the controversial Trump dossier. An internal FBI file documenting bureau efforts to verify the salacious allegations.”


I see a red scarf and a doorknob in her future if she's not careful/protected!!

48c01a  No.2583684


This. This makes me wonder if [RR] fired PS in order to avoid a subpoena

1fd285  No.2583685


I could've sworn I saw it last night

can't find it either right now

you mean the "Q Art" logos???

b90515  No.2583686



post the tweet that was directed at us then. I'd love to see it.

00fd2e  No.2583687


57afbf  No.2583688


College Station TX is the home of Texas A&M university. even more spoopy..

9c3c18  No.2583689

File: 98653e333abf275⋯.jpg (9.56 KB, 88x147, 88:147, 6.JPG)

File: 838177ecf1f4b7e⋯.jpg (39.08 KB, 430x477, 430:477, 7.JPG)

File: e3b34c5fb276129⋯.jpg (63.98 KB, 519x497, 519:497, 8.JPG)

Need some photo fags on this - Could s8n be Dustin Payseur??


59c1fe  No.2583690


yea he could be a fall boy, also i dont think Q was pointing to s8n profile owner exactly, he was saying big names interact with this profile, but what do i know

aec36f  No.2583691


if a baker snaps at me, I snap back.

787230  No.2583692


Kelly mentioned them at the beginning of the recording. They were there to explain to Omarosa about the "integrity violations" they had on her.

4d531e  No.2583693

Where can we see which indictments have been unsealed? Is it possible or is it just a list someone is keeping in a spreadsheet?

09639d  No.2583694

File: ca9a7018772f88c⋯.jpg (951.57 KB, 1200x3000, 2:5, bakerhowto.jpg)


Only thing I can say is step up yourself anon,

Now is as good as a time as ever

b0371c  No.2583695


I think few to no people believe anything this bitch has to say. I cannot understand why NSA doesn't simply publish the bank records where she was paid off by Soros, etc. to lie.

8767ff  No.2583696


but there's no conspiracy here

f41bf9  No.2583697


They event have a clock on the island…tick tock!


c4728c  No.2583698

File: e1f27f2fd1c5cbb⋯.png (957.8 KB, 870x535, 174:107, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53e2f41d7f25a74⋯.png (946.55 KB, 882x838, 441:419, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a1e07427056ab67⋯.png (70.36 KB, 875x799, 875:799, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b52f7c8e124383⋯.png (58.62 KB, 878x662, 439:331, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 14cf3b20ed73d0c⋯.png (622.64 KB, 859x839, 859:839, ClipboardImage.png)

NYC Mayor de Blasio: If Fox News didn’t exist, we’d have less racial hatred — and no President Trump


Cont. from image:

This writer’s perspective

Mayor de Blasio’s all-around performance Sunday was a chilling debacle.

He talked out of both sides of his mouth, at once noting NewsCorp’s “right to exist” yet imagining a world without the media giant. You know he’d prefer the latter if he had his druthers. And while de Blasio is correct that Fox News leans right, he’s dead wrong in saying “you have one outlet and one outlet only that is constantly sowing division” and no other outlets push as much politics. MSNBC, anyone?

The timing of his statements is curious as well, as they came on the heels of Murphy’s outrageous call for Facebook and YouTube and other social media giants to deplatform more sites and news sources for the good of America.

De Blasio can try to couch his anti-conservative bent in the guise of just having a conversation, an innocent chat, but it’s painfully obvious it’s more than that. And he wouldn’t lose a minute of sleep if the likes of Fox News suddenly got deplatformed, muzzled, and ultimately shut down.

After all, as Murphy pointed out, what’s more important than “the survival of our democracy”?

290815  No.2583699


Yep, those

d06f6d  No.2583700


Omarosa is a certified LIAR at this point

378dc8  No.2583701


Same as Bethel Redding…….false prophets

285bd0  No.2583702


eyebrows nose and chin don't match

b81f07  No.2583703



Greenwich Mean Time 22:13

19e52a  No.2583704


Hold up…I always thought that Sharpton selfie was photoshopped. OMG. don't tell me that's real! BWAHAHAHAHAHA

448c2b  No.2583705

File: f2ba0f361bd4ee9⋯.png (18.77 KB, 555x364, 555:364, Screenshot_2018-08-13 Q(2).png)


According to my trip 6s, she was 'Satan who left the WH' after all…

094db9  No.2583706

File: 2105425f34be742⋯.png (790.7 KB, 1082x771, 1082:771, PlusPlusPlusTrump.PNG)

Trump saying "Brexit +++" starts 11:51


59c1fe  No.2583707


i didnt get a cap of it maybe someone did, some hawaiin word

ac4b7a  No.2583708

File: 944f9c4f770976c⋯.jpg (16.4 KB, 229x221, 229:221, 984d753cb9fe30d1c52f3b966b….jpg)

a6d0c3  No.2583709


On RT News….kek.

aec36f  No.2583710


How does that resolve the issue?

f67689  No.2583711

File: 7f9ee9042f3907e⋯.jpg (119.34 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, TidePodEater.jpg)

757f2b  No.2583712

File: b2cbe9de2b6da7f⋯.png (386.22 KB, 999x668, 999:668, ClipboardImage.png)

I see this about Omarosa in a previous bread. I'm still not getting the correct interpretation… is Omarosa on the side of the good guys or on the side of the bad guys?

IMHO she's a traitor.

428997  No.2583713


It's quite strange that this particular place is having this situation go down. Rockie's is more of a country bar, you'd be more likely to find this kind of thing happening on Northgate or in Bryan. Very, very weird indeed. Also Texas A&M University is a few miles down the same road, however dorms and most students will not be returning until this Sunday.

c4728c  No.2583714

File: 7209ccb32c485cc⋯.png (611.85 KB, 672x835, 672:835, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e4a2d1b7f6a271⋯.png (413.44 KB, 656x761, 656:761, ClipboardImage.png)

White House Economist Says We May Have to Kick China Out of WTO


48c01a  No.2583715


Q took Hillary's balls

566373  No.2583716

File: b22d0f34dd9fa90⋯.jpg (97.17 KB, 500x743, 500:743, 2fsu7z.jpg)

ac4b7a  No.2583717


David Lance Bowdich is an American law enforcement officer currently serving as the Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

00fd2e  No.2583718


Thank You Anon! :)

And I believe I heard her introduce her assistant.

54e4ee  No.2583719


you mean

>>870846 The Letter Q


can you put this back in the threads section?

13e82c  No.2583720

File: 53bbf54b7f2c111⋯.png (312.94 KB, 603x593, 603:593, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea21749ea9d0c58⋯.png (225.83 KB, 807x509, 807:509, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5cea167a3136bd9⋯.png (175.25 KB, 1112x412, 278:103, ClipboardImage.png)

Author was in COD cult


5. She’s a Former Poster Child for Alcoholics Anonymous, Despite not Being an Alcoholic

https://www.tinadupuy.com/ titles of some articles:

‘I’m From The Government and I’m Here to Help’

Column: Pro-Life is Anti-Gun

Column: The New GOP Frontrunner for 2016: Vladimir Putin

c4728c  No.2583721

File: a7da0bbb04b20b8⋯.png (74.24 KB, 662x894, 331:447, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump demands Mueller end the Russia probe and Hillary's email investigation be REDONE as FBI 'finally' fires FBI agent Peter Strzok for his f***-Trump texts to his lover


fd4e91  No.2583722

File: 9c464be9a271e3c⋯.jpg (584.99 KB, 1536x1023, 512:341, o-RAINN-WILSON-facebook.jpg)

905eb6  No.2583723


I haven't seen any articles with RR mentioned regarding the PS firing…

"Mr. Strzok’s lawyer, Mr. Goelman, said the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility, which is tasked with employee discipline issues, determined last week that the agent should be punished with a 60-day suspension.

But Deputy Director David Bowdich overruled that decision on Thursday and fired him,

Mr. Goelman said. He added the decision was unfair and Mr. Strzok was reviewing his legal options."



290815  No.2583724


That's the one! Thanks anon

757f2b  No.2583725



It was posted here yesterday thought I had a copy but don't see it on my computer

e6aea4  No.2583726

File: b177039b146bfc8⋯.jpeg (621.16 KB, 1125x1851, 375:617, C1C238B9-60B8-4017-A6B6-E….jpeg)

File: 81cadfa23850916⋯.jpeg (618.05 KB, 1125x2066, 1125:2066, EE86A45A-6E97-4E7F-AC2D-5….jpeg)


In Texas most bars don’t open until at least noon. It’s 12:20.

Was this bar always closed on Mondays?

e893cf  No.2583727

Need Q-stroke proofs after his firing to post in related Disqussions

f1b9be  No.2583728

File: 8479811b84c07d7⋯.png (110.74 KB, 313x557, 313:557, 8479811b84c07d73cc046819be….png)

File: 46c887cd1c02142⋯.png (126.16 KB, 300x295, 60:59, zuckerbergfig1-300x295[1].png)


Is the kid related to Zuckerberg? Same style long head shape with weird eye geometry

da7ab0  No.2583729


Enjoy the show.

485ffb  No.2583730

File: 4610a50c3f04fbc⋯.jpg (50.37 KB, 510x328, 255:164, TROLL.jpg)

90b9c2  No.2583731


He was here for hours to yesterday and half the anons were on his side.

2fd2a6  No.2583732

File: c1f94189c85bb90⋯.png (128.26 KB, 745x951, 745:951, swordfish.png)

File: 0dda528f6a75b0a⋯.png (38.22 KB, 384x340, 96:85, cryptoofficer.png)

File: 3c3213f468acf97⋯.png (69.97 KB, 544x566, 272:283, installconsole.png)

File: daa7c41afd961a2⋯.png (11.97 KB, 717x117, 239:39, intellian.png)

File: 87720c45e318574⋯.png (128.34 KB, 710x489, 710:489, kustream.png)

>>2580303, >>2580367, >>2580332 BLACKHATS they are admitting to being able to use satellites against ships planes etc

Unsuprisingly, satellite modems used on airplanes and ships are even more insecure than your home router, and have their management and firmware update interfaces exposed on the internet.

Nothing about hacking satellites here, just modems and antenna control units mounted to ships and planes (and devices on in-flight wifi, not actual flight control systems)…

As for physical RF attacks, there is only so much a few tens of watts of transmit power will get you. Sure, you could jam some satellites and its more than your shitty phone puts out, and standing in front of the satellite dish is probably not good for you, but meh.

Pics related. Using brighton/swordfish, crypto/officer or intellian/12345678 as your backdoor accounts for over a decade is probably not the best idea.

1fd285  No.2583733


found it (links clearly off bread)





d06f6d  No.2583734


The way she is getting her character ripped apart, it seems to be she is a LIAR and a TRAITOR.

046708  No.2583735

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


what did LP do before all of this

were those posts by her on (lb)

she was being threatened

family was threatened



David Bowdish was agent for San Bernardino shootings seen here.

6487e8  No.2583736

Is the time shown on Trump Twitter Archive EST? I cant figure it out.

9da3c2  No.2583737


When did people FIRST have discussions about forming a Federal Reserve? Because those opposed to it probably made their opinions known from the very start.

And when was the book, which foretold the Titanic's sinking, written? Because if it was written AFTER the first discussions, then it doesn't sound so spooky any more, does it?

2d774a  No.2583738


isn't that when Huber steps in?

ac4b7a  No.2583739


Bread 3247 and 3248.

c4728c  No.2583740

File: a3533837c6cb711⋯.png (806.64 KB, 804x730, 402:365, ClipboardImage.png)

Secret Service Launching Investigation Into Antifa Threats To Murder Trump

Multiple members of the progressive protest group who gathered outside the White House Sunday threatened president Trump with physical violence and murder.

The Secret Service tells The Daily Caller they are now “aware” of the threats and are “investigating” the progressive protesters.

“The Secret Service is aware of the incident,” a Secret Service spokesperson tells The Daily Caller, clarifying that they cannot further comment on “protective intelligence investigations” as a matter of policy.



aec36f  No.2583741


She's right about 1 thing. Democracy is in peril and that's a great thing.

757f2b  No.2583742


Now that would explain why he has no compunctions of running a twitter acct for satan….. little bastard.

da7ab0  No.2583743


>>2583726 TX Bar in Headlines RE: Guns - Normally CLOSED on Mondays

df29ac  No.2583744


MSM is trying to ONLY make this about the text messages.

We know better.

54e4ee  No.2583745


> half the anons were on his side

what part of this being an open board under constant pressure and manipulation of shills do you not understand

09639d  No.2583746


added under graphics section

b4c554  No.2583747


Internesting info anon. Could this be a FF to paint MAGA-loving americans as the problem? I never been in a liberal country bar.

c35f38  No.2583748


i mean they have to post about us on their twitter, they didn't because they're fake and gay.

116fc9  No.2583749

>>2582681 (last)

If Omarosa works for the c_a, I would expect someone would calm her down and tell her not to go public with things that incriminate only her.

Does she have dissociated personality, like MK-Ultra is famous for? Could maybe explain her total non-constructiveness in work settings.

c4728c  No.2583750

File: 5570e7d0e7ebe3c⋯.png (504.69 KB, 665x713, 665:713, ClipboardImage.png)

Watch: FNC’s Hilton Highlights Findings from ‘Compromised: How Money and Politics Drive FBI Corruption’


aec36f  No.2583751


More like 20 breads. For more than 5hrs.

757f2b  No.2583752


That's what I'm thinking. After that particular Q drop and hearing from DJT I really didn't know both ways.

As far as I'm concerned she's just a hooker who got a cow and milked it for all it was worth and then when the cow dried up she went to the other side and got another cow.

Little bitch.

d29ef8  No.2583753


I was gonna say that but yea, you beat me to it anon.

428997  No.2583754


Yes. Even the bar/restaurant before Rockies moved in was called Prospectors and it was closed on Monday mornings too.

9ca174  No.2583755



Make these scared senators choose. Do you wish to answer to the cabal, or to the public who for years has been watching your disgraceful sideshow, insulting them on TV and selling your vote? The original American patriots weren't blackmailable like this. They didn't put up with this shit. They didn't cower. They would take the warrior's exit. Their families would understand if they weren't already in the fight.

No compassion will be had. They made their bed and ought never to sleep peacefully in their chains again.

aa2f51  No.2583756

File: 3341273938798d7⋯.jpg (56.82 KB, 500x645, 100:129, 3341273938798d78da852dd07c….jpg)


been the same on here with the satanic bot. go figure.

1fd285  No.2583757




good idea to add that

there are legitimately hundreds of Q's in there

8633f9  No.2583758

BHO following many private accounts: https://twitter.com/BarackObama/following

00fd2e  No.2583759

Hmmmm Would Ty Cobb have been a lawyer in the room during the Kelly & Omarosa talk??

Ty Cobb left the WH May 2nd 2018 or around that time.

f87bec  No.2583760

Does P = Pindar?

Is Pindar a morphodite?

Does VJ = P?



48c01a  No.2583761

File: 72192ea87e09bfd⋯.png (185.74 KB, 600x333, 200:111, love-child-channel-9[1].png)


Zuck Spawn

aa2f51  No.2583762


you know about the Consent Decree?

23ea3e  No.2583763


christopher steele?

275dbb  No.2583765

File: bb8688de037b50e⋯.jpg (84.38 KB, 940x529, 940:529, paramount-01305-Full-Image….jpg)


Sure picked the wrong time to stop sniffing


905eb6  No.2583766

File: a3149f6f362f608⋯.png (465.71 KB, 933x819, 311:273, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….png)

File: 4f7e193bbc39937⋯.png (255.66 KB, 966x1102, 483:551, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….png)



Holocaust-denying GOP nominee confronts write-in opponent on front lawn, challenges him to Holocaust debate



c4728c  No.2583767

File: 6f833666bbbf8bb⋯.png (782.66 KB, 666x847, 666:847, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a3315926023d51⋯.png (33.52 KB, 660x522, 110:87, ClipboardImage.png)

Report: Google Is Tracking Your Location Even if You Tell It to Stop


73c78c  No.2583768


soros' 18 billion funding buys a pretty big army.


757f2b  No.2583769


It was bullshit. That shows you how many active fuckers are here actively subverting the board.

ad5768  No.2583770


> FBI 'finally' fires FBI agent Peter Strzok for his f***-Trump texts to his lover

It's not about the texts

Fake news trying to frame his firing about the texts.

But that is exactly why the OIG report explicitly claimed there was no evidence of bias.

Because they are going to get them on real crimes… probably RICO.

Its about the treason, you stupid fucks.

87302b  No.2583771

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Oh great.

((NEW)) AI Wants to Identify, Vilify, Nullify & Destroy All Patriots - Steve Quayle

1fd285  No.2583772

File: 7a7cd42ddd404b9⋯.png (134.5 KB, 488x305, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

aecfd6  No.2583774

so how many millions of satanic cockroaches is this operation going to force out of the woodwork?

It seems to me like 50% of the nation is on board with the evil worship and it's been so well hidden that its amazing it hadn't spilled out under its own weight. If this nation was a house, its walls are crawling with termites and it's amazing it's still standing. How does one intend to clean it out and not burn it down at the same time? I can't see how justice is served to all that have earned it and still keep normal order.

428997  No.2583775


I'm not sure. I'm leaning towards to perhaps personal bar patron/tender drama but if it isn't a local which I will find out, then I would call FF.

ac4b7a  No.2583776


I left after 48. Once he posted the vid and said his piece.

529c24  No.2583777

File: 518ca70fa3f9d2c⋯.jpg (118.31 KB, 928x598, 464:299, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….jpg)

File: f8c9466399f8544⋯.jpg (150.43 KB, 932x606, 466:303, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….jpg)


All I know is I have seen some shit on this Instagram account that I cannot unsee.

146180  No.2583778

"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow."

59e4d3  No.2583779


Serious question here, anons: if the decision to fire PS was made on Thursday and executed either Thursday or Friday, then why didn't PS's lawyer come out screaming three days ago?

Not questioning the timing of the firing–just wondering how and why the BOOM was preserved for Monday morning. Thoughts?

021ff8  No.2583780


I guess John Thinks he deleted all tweets that could get him in trouble. Maybe even twitter helped him out too. But as we all know, more than 1 way to skin an onion. You'd think, being such secret agent man, he would remember NSA has it all. Guess he forgot.

285bd0  No.2583781

02639b  No.2583782


i dont understand what this is showing?

5d8239  No.2583783

Strzok is definitely a boom.

905eb6  No.2583785

File: 23780e79cb81fc3⋯.png (384.86 KB, 681x491, 681:491, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….png)

9da3c2  No.2583786


Worth noting again, this folder stuffed full with memes and the Q Cards and even a bunch of Epstein Island photos.


aec36f  No.2583787


I came in when he was defending himself. I actually felt bad for the kid. Was I wrong?

ac4b7a  No.2583788



1fd285  No.2583789


I agree

*in POTUS voice: YOU'RE FIRED!!!

9a02be  No.2583790



The incident occurred at Rockies Grill and Saloon at 2501 Texas Avenue South. It appears that someone shot a gun in the establishment, but at this time no one is injured. The shooting happened around 11 a.m. on Monday morning, KWTX reported.

Police tweeted on social media: “A subject entered Rockies and fired a gun. We do not know how many rounds have been fired. No one is injured at this time. SWAT and our Hostage Negotiations Team (HNT) are on scene working towards a peaceful resolution.”

Despite the Hostage Negotiations Team being on the scene, the College Station Police Department said on Twitter that there is no known hostage at this time. Police wrote on Twitter in response to someone who said it was a hostage situation: “At this time, there is no known hostage. HNT is on scene to negotiate toward a peaceful resolution. The name of our Hostage Negotions Team (HNT) can sometimes be confusing — the majority of the time they are negotiating and there is no hostage.”

9ccc52  No.2583791


We don't know if their copy of the FISA

is an accurate one.

It would not surprise me, once the FISA abuses were disclosed to Collyer, to find

that their version was altered.

Adm Rogers was involved with this so we do

need to see the complete unredacted "True" version.

74ca43  No.2583792


I've refreshed since then…it posted a while back and what's FUNNY (in a strange way) is I looked for the post in particular because the PHOTO was SPOT ON.

Nothing else is missing….except.this.one.photo.


757f2b  No.2583794


>50% of the nation is on board with the evil worship


Just because 5% of the population is loud and proud you're gonna call it 50%?


The rest of us don't have the fucking time to deal with these morons.

3dbccf  No.2583795

File: 7eff8cb0a205dda⋯.jpg (87.71 KB, 564x500, 141:125, SNAKE.jpg)

01be75  No.2583797



A private to Ferry the island does not make sense. For one, the ferry uses a lot of gas. The ferryman is usually the owner . If he does not want to lose money he would have to service more than one Island. Which means he's going to be island hopping. That explains why are there so many vehicles on his ferry.

c2e4ab  No.2583798

anyone know if the APACHE Q post lines up with today? I'm watching FOX right now and they have Apache Helicopters stationed behind where POTUS will be signing the 700 billion new defense spending bill..

feb8d4  No.2583799

File: 8395d8a2fa2d844⋯.jpg (255.24 KB, 806x676, 31:26, palmerhouse.jpg)

File: ebb8054c24ba664⋯.jpg (303.62 KB, 1147x1855, 1147:1855, palmerhouse2.jpg)

Thomas E Palmer and Kathleen own a house on the island as well

Parcel # 4950000031

637c6b  No.2583800

File: 7c6a43e3d96dd4a⋯.png (142.85 KB, 603x379, 603:379, ClipboardImage.png)

gimmie that 17 baby!!!!

73e6c3  No.2583801


We di not understand anything there yet

aa2f51  No.2583802


what does it look like? a scar right? that's what it is. that's not the mystery. wtf???? is the mystery.

898a25  No.2583803

File: d3e1d7deb0e2bd3⋯.jpg (19.6 KB, 420x420, 1:1, dank pepe.jpg)


The gayest trips I've ever seen. These fuckers need to be exposed.

ac4b7a  No.2583804


I did too. He was horrified at the suggestions. Im convinced he's legit.

48c01a  No.2583805


Who is the boyfriend?

a1d152  No.2583806

File: 5aab8e35e3dd005⋯.png (453.9 KB, 1186x1596, 593:798, 5aab8e35e3dd005dba195d7037….png)


>Here we are.

Veterans of GamerGate/PizzaGate/OWS/HWNDU/AntifaDox/SR/Election2016/POL/cbts/TheGreatMigrations/CBTS/TheStorm/LV/PreQ/Q. Someone could write a song about it.

1fd285  No.2583807


Strzok Fired







b18f4a  No.2583808

File: a33375bb4ab2db1⋯.png (6.16 MB, 2683x1600, 2683:1600, Ketron 1.png)

File: e70156123e4a1a5⋯.png (2.94 MB, 2731x1556, 2731:1556, Ketron 2.png)

Just a little spoopy on Ketron from Google Earth. This blue glow can be found pretty easily. When zoomed in one's imagination can go a little wild, given all of the alters we have seen lately. Odd and worth sharing. What is that?

a0a5b2  No.2583809

File: 6bb142916c1a810⋯.jpg (2.13 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, KayneWestMEME.jpg)

Here you go:

Make viral before its to late. Kayne is helping Trump A LOT with the African-American community. (They) can't have celebs defending Trump. It creates a HUGE cascading effect.


9a8963  No.2583810

File: 32929bb4d26a855⋯.gif (6.64 MB, 422x236, 211:118, 1.gif)


everyone loves a little RICO

4f3279  No.2583811

File: 0417c4ea08f51cd⋯.jpeg (105.31 KB, 725x500, 29:20, 5353097A-48A3-489E-87E2-4….jpeg)

9a02be  No.2583812

File: 0623a8195311e4b⋯.png (54.06 KB, 669x280, 669:280, collegestation1.png)



a9deec  No.2583813

File: 7e137a057fc5e33⋯.png (13.68 KB, 587x153, 587:153, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2fa58901ecafa8⋯.png (13.86 KB, 586x137, 586:137, ClipboardImage.png)

POTUS retweets

757f2b  No.2583814


It was easy to feel bad for the kid but good grief he is blindly ignorant. A lot of us were trying to educate him but he's so young that he doesn't understand any of it.

I want to know who the hell owned the account for the first 7 years. (Before 2015) because that's where the real asshole was.

5d8239  No.2583815

Was Strzok being fired Friday made public Friday?

And who is the new Twitter handle Q is pointing to late last night/this morning?

aec36f  No.2583816


I came in after the vid was posted. I felt bad for him. Q told us it's not about the s8n account but for some other reason. Anons then felt the followers should be the target, but today I wonder if s8n is a bot account that olfag was talking about this morning.

e893cf  No.2583817



da4a13  No.2583818

File: cb6408868d4e91d⋯.png (87.62 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, E32D008A-2196-472C-923D-F5….png)



thats many posts ago 25k ish yea?

confirmed result

its due to archiving i cant explain but is frequent happening not rare happening

809819  No.2583819

>>2583683 She's still guilty as sin & she still thinks people like us are idiots.

1fd285  No.2583820



in relation to this, odds POTUS finds a way to NOT say his name???

337855  No.2583821

File: c06c9ff6b8517d7⋯.png (15.12 KB, 276x103, 276:103, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….png)


I think that first pic was from Comet Ping Pong or Alefantis IG

c4728c  No.2583822

File: 30d75148ad1b730⋯.png (172.74 KB, 675x921, 225:307, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43984749314dfcd⋯.png (41.1 KB, 669x857, 669:857, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6ca2a42e976568⋯.png (50.8 KB, 672x915, 224:305, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 74021f02e8aa667⋯.png (41.08 KB, 659x781, 659:781, ClipboardImage.png)

Mexican Radio to Beam Chinese Propaganda

U.S. probes links between buyer of Tijuana station and China's Phoenix TV


757f2b  No.2583823

898a25  No.2583824

File: bd03036a493a9e7⋯.gif (445.96 KB, 300x186, 50:31, joker.gif)


>Its about the treason, you stupid fucks.

54e4ee  No.2583825


> who the hell owned the account for the first 7 years. (Before 2015) because that's where the real asshole was.

and how the f does a kid wind up with a used s8n account

73c78c  No.2583826


I Love this shit!

POTUS and Q team. Way to rock!

be7cfa  No.2583827



The libs need to see the horrifying stuff and have it tied together for them. Has to be full Romper Room style. "OK kids here is a video Hillary raping and killing a 10 year old. Now here is FBI going after Trump for not wanting Hillary to eat babies and rip their faces off. They are doing this because they do it too! Ok Kids, that is today's lesson."

9ca174  No.2583828





0a25a4  No.2583829


It's literally just some loser kid ffs…

Were you not there when he was shitting up the breads? He answered everyone's questions and proved himself.

You are digging absolutely nowhere, that kid was not the focus. It's the accounts following him.

14aa73  No.2583830


The Ears are not the same !!!!

31c7ce  No.2583831

File: 02d1ed74ce0540e⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1220x808, 305:202, n449QX1.PNG)

428997  No.2583832


Ok, I commented earlier that they were closed on Mondays for sure… Talked to a few localfags and turns out they hadn't updated their hours online and that they were serving lunch when the gunman entered. So they are indeed open on Mondays.

c4728c  No.2583833

File: db5678afe4e336d⋯.png (576.66 KB, 710x463, 710:463, ClipboardImage.png)

Roundup Cancer Verdict Sends Bayer Shares Sliding

FRANKFURT—Bayer shares plunged as much as 14 percent on Monday, losing about $14 billion in value, after newly acquired Monsanto was ordered to pay $289 million in damages in the first of possibly thousands of U.S. lawsuits over alleged links between a weedkiller and cancer.

After the verdict in favor of a California school groundskeeper with terminal cancer, Monsanto faces more than 5,000 similar lawsuits across the United States over claims it did not warn of the cancer risks of glyphosate-based weedkillers, including its Roundup brand.

Monsanto, bought by Bayer this year for $63 billion, said that it would appeal against the jury’s verdict in California, which is the latest episode in a long-running debate over claims that exposure to Roundup can cause cancer.

The case by plaintiff Dewayne Johnson, filed in 2016, was fast-tracked for trial due to the severity of his non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a cancer of the lymph system that he alleges was caused by Roundup and Ranger Pro, another Monsanto glyphosate herbicide.



690ab7  No.2583834

File: 2e3f81af68d3677⋯.png (4.23 MB, 2220x1080, 37:18, Nah... I'm a white hat.png)

96d608  No.2583835

Strzok firing is …


ac4b7a  No.2583836


The gg post? Yeah could be. Hopefully all will be revealed soon.

a1d152  No.2583837

File: 20a261b49641a82⋯.jpg (78.32 KB, 900x600, 3:2, McRib.jpg)


>For the children.


b9dd4c  No.2583838

>>2581438 pb


No Name's upcoming legislation link!

898a25  No.2583839



1fd285  No.2583840

Martha McSally flew the A10


feb8d4  No.2583841


I wonder if the ferry owners are in on the pedo trafficking… Thomas E Palmer and Kathleen own a house on the island as well

Parcel # 4950000031

1d1d7b  No.2583842


new male Senator with wife and kids from maybe 10-15 based on her age (late 20s, early 30s) years ago. I think, maybe a conservative.

So if we extrapolate from her testimony- every single senator and congress critter is COMPROMISED. and compromised badly. Every single one.

Imagine, you get elected then THAT shit happens. because if you say no,you all end up dead.

Pity, wish these victims would fucking NAME NAMES. Bet they never do. They never name the names. Not.One.Single. person.

905eb6  No.2583843

File: 068572531a11792⋯.png (201.8 KB, 450x450, 1:1, Funny-Michelle-Obama-Memes….png)

f178a8  No.2583844


She needs to prove her worth if she wants to do the right thing - flip and end this charade

046708  No.2583845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

566373  No.2583846


717 on 81318

palindrome week

e6aea4  No.2583847


Ok cool, thanks for the info. Texasfags unite and whatnot

aecfd6  No.2583848


excellent contribution to the conversation.

Not a single fact, just name calling.

I'll take it you are among the cockroaches that need to feel the raid can.

c49bd2  No.2583849


Chiming in, Baker.

Can assume responsibilities for the next couple of hours.

Please confirm handoff.

BO/BV's, please be advised.

42f4e0  No.2583850

next to POTUS elon musk has to be the most attacked person in MSM… what gives?

c3cb3b  No.2583851

File: 2a87485f9660e66⋯.jpg (84.5 KB, 1344x648, 56:27, IMG_20180813_094147.jpg)

File: 824fc2f1507a497⋯.jpg (146.49 KB, 1011x449, 1011:449, IMG_20180813_094140.jpg)

54e4ee  No.2583852


drain it all and

kill it with holy fire

029e2f  No.2583853


That B-52 is retarded. Spirit of Aggieland.

Hook 'em.

5a78c2  No.2583854


Kek beat me to it!

e45206  No.2583855


A boom is the sound of the floor dropping out from under a hanging treasonous shitbag. Nothing less.

5d8239  No.2583856


You should probably start at Q post number one. We'll check back with you in about a month. Have fun.

d0819a  No.2583857


>BOOM #1

Strzok Fired

>BOOM #2

Omarosa Leaking Espionage

>BOOM #3

Unite the right oust the true racist all weekend

>BOOM #4

Signing the No Name Defense Bill

9eaf55  No.2583858





Can you post the CDAN article, it's been down for me and others for a while.

09639d  No.2583859


Confirming Handoff?

Thanks for the relief Baker, updated dough: https://pastebin.com/7hDbWGr4

898a25  No.2583860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



There's blood and human flesh in ALL McD's food. You've been warned. And proof from the Zionists themselves.

48c01a  No.2583861


Eve picked an apple and took a bite. She offered the fruit to Adam and when they were finished eating, they realized for the first time that they were not wearing clothes.

aec36f  No.2583862


Yeah, there are legit questions not answered, but some anons were being absolutely brutal to him and he was receiving death threats, which I believe.

Can you really blame the kid if he was not brought up to believe there is true evil in the world? I mean our society has plunged so deep, our kids seem to be totally clueless about such things. One of the last few post to him was well written. Told him whether he knew or not, he does now and needs to drop his s8n account or it won't be pretty for him.

I just wrote another anon that maybe Q told us about s8n not because of his followers but because that account is a bot. Could that be possible?

6e04fe  No.2583863


Back in June someone posted a pic of Ventura, and this:

Thank You for your service Q…

I'm a former Governor, a Navy Seal, a wrestler

No proof it was actually Ventura, but I think it was likely him.

c4728c  No.2583864

Judicial Watch Statement on Firing of Peter Strzok

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding reports that FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok was fired:

The firing of Peter Strzok is another body blow to the credibility of the Mueller special counsel operation. Strzok, who hated President Trump, compromised both the Clinton and Trump investigations that saw Hillary Clinton protected and Donald Trump illicitly targeted. Strzok’s anti-Trump texts show the Russia investigation he helped invent with Clinton campaign operatives is irredeemably compromised. As Mueller’s operation is founded on Strzok’s corrupt activities, it must be shut down.

Judicial Watch recently uncovered documents showing that Strzok insisted on retaining his FBI security clearance before moving to the Mueller team and confirming that Strzok played a pivotal role in the flawed Hillary Clinton email investigation. And, previously released records from the DOJ reveal Strzok’s and Page’s profanity-laced disdain for FBI hierarchy and policies.

Judicial Watch is suing for the emails and text messages between Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page. The communications are of public interest because Strzok and Page were both key investigators in the Clinton email and Trump Russia collusion investigations.

Strzok was reportedly removed from the Mueller investigative team in August 2017 and reassigned to a human resources position after it was discovered that he and Page, who worked for then-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, exchanged pro-Clinton and anti-Trump text messages.

Strzok oversaw the FBI’s interviews of former National Security Adviser General Michael Flynn. He changed former FBI Director James Comey’s language about Hillary Clinton’s actions regarding her illicit email server from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless.” He also played a lead role in the FBI’s interview of Clinton and is suspected of being responsible for using the unverified dossier to obtain a FISA warrant in order to spy on President Trump’s campaign.

On May 21, U.S. District Court Judge Reggie B. Walton ordered the FBI to begin processing 13,000 pages of previously undisclosed emails exchanged exclusively between FBI officials Strzok and Page between February 1, 2015, and December 2017.


663139  No.2583865

File: 2d0790b3c220ed8⋯.png (647.58 KB, 705x565, 141:113, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….png)

Has the sundial on pedo island been discussed?

898a25  No.2583866

da7ab0  No.2583867

Q will post today at 16:09:04

9008d5  No.2583868


"…sites that spread "hate and lies" and try to "tear our nation apart." "

They'd have to shut down the Clown News Network today!!

5d8239  No.2583869

File: f9f8f112536c350⋯.jpg (13.81 KB, 255x204, 5:4, 1042e26524b74db4d7191e96ec….jpg)

19e52a  No.2583870


That's weird. That wasn't the amount the last time I looked. Huh.

b18f4a  No.2583871


Wondered that too since it appears Washington likes to ship their offenders off to islands….

663139  No.2583872


You know the one with the infants face in the middle of it?

0f77e0  No.2583873

File: 21ca5b56656d672⋯.jpg (731 KB, 1078x1629, 1078:1629, Screenshot_20180813-103412….jpg)

Suspicious death. Fell and hit his head.


9ca174  No.2583874


>Imagine, you get elected then THAT shit happens. because if you say no,you all end up dead.

>Pity, wish these victims would fucking NAME NAMES. Bet they never do. They never name the names. Not.One.Single. person.

Is this before or after the cryptkeepers from AIPAC come rolling around in their jalopies?

8633f9  No.2583875

File: d7b2755e5410557⋯.png (1.58 MB, 2366x1330, 169:95, tasciotti.png)


Many followed by BHO are posting this stupid video: https://youtu.be/7JdQIe9z7IM

e893cf  No.2583876

File: b61c70026f57632⋯.png (158.5 KB, 416x520, 4:5, 3ddaa59e9f4f2886a4ed2c1552….png)


Oh yeah it is:

c49bd2  No.2583877

File: 4d427a879859969⋯.jpeg (24.17 KB, 354x246, 59:41, BakerArt.jpeg)


Handoff Accepted

Good work on the Notables.

God bless, and enjoy the downtime.

757f2b  No.2583878


maybe someone gave him the details over the chan kek

c4728c  No.2583879

File: 04497239ffb50aa⋯.png (87.45 KB, 738x890, 369:445, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 731426707ca07f8⋯.png (74.92 KB, 742x804, 371:402, ClipboardImage.png)

Assistant Attorney General Benczkowski Announces Newark/Philadelphia Medicare Fraud Strike Force to Focus on Health Care Fraud and Illegal Opioid Prescriptions


b4c554  No.2583880

File: 978655059c6241c⋯.jpg (314.21 KB, 1024x1554, 512:777, 1024px-McSally_A-10.jpg)


>Martha McSally


cb0ac3  No.2583881


Try harder shill.

5d8239  No.2583882


You 1st

029e2f  No.2583883

File: 8cb7264fc90e1e4⋯.png (275.48 KB, 1919x927, 1919:927, Screenshot_2018-08-13 ADS-….png)


Feet almost dry.

aec36f  No.2583884


Yes, the gg post. You're right, hopefully we will get more than 60%.

09639d  No.2583885


I would have stayed for another bread or two but I got errands to get to kek


898a25  No.2583886

File: 0cd86e62d597a38⋯.gif (1.96 MB, 268x268, 1:1, topkek.gif)


That's the second wrestling legend to die in two weeks. What are the fucking odds? I guess the deals they made with Satan to be "famous" come with an expiration date.

1fd285  No.2583887

File: 6882ac78abf6b87⋯.jpg (2.22 MB, 4170x1869, 1390:623, spaceforcesidebyside.jpg)

Space Force will get an honorable mention today

240b20  No.2583889

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

This girl say she was trafficked in the 2nd grade. She describes and incident when Harvey Weinstein was having his way with her and kicked her across the room.

898a25  No.2583890


3ea205  No.2583891

Another oldie but goodie. Does anyone know what ASF is? Apache Software Foundation?


31 Oct 2017 - 11:58:00 PM

…In case you didn’t know, shills log and send new info back to ASF for instruction. They use a 5 prong pre packaged injection (one post auto generates four more at random designated times). Common drive of posts they all tap into. Since they misjudged the influence of the MSM they are aggressively looking to censor throughout major platforms in exchange for CIA slush funds and WW access for expansion of said networks. Everything they do has been forecasted and prepared for.

48c01a  No.2583892

File: cb0ce34d72dc01e⋯.jpg (68.55 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 85552422_cdefc0825e_o[1].jpg)


>for the children

'sausage' mcmuffin is clearly body parts. Locate all nearest McDs and dig people. Dig your heart out.

db426f  No.2583893

File: c2b5a40b8130d82⋯.png (488.98 KB, 1288x761, 1288:761, ClipboardImage.png)

>>2583203 lb

"Stay tuned."


713202  No.2583894


GMT -04:00

See ya

5ebbd3  No.2583895

File: c9916a508c498be⋯.png (79.98 KB, 955x843, 955:843, podesta-smoking-gun-q2.png)


The video starts with debunking Pizza gate. Let them try to debunk this. Note that Chillo isn't even Italian, it is a spanish dialect from de Andes.

690a27  No.2583896

What happened to the Notables? Did I miss an announcement that they were moved?

18ccbc  No.2583897

Hahaha, FBI fires Peter Strzok. So, but I actually want him to see in prison. I want the swamp to be drained.

54e4ee  No.2583898


ah, there you are, sweet

9ca174  No.2583899



> The celebrity CEO is now furthering that fake news he was spinning yesterday by bringing in a suitor sure to get everyone riled up. Who could he pick to swing people to his side and drive the stock price up? The same people that are having a diplomatic battle with the country to the north. Make them the bad guys he says.

Elon pitting Saudi against Canada to get more money.


"100 years of sacrifice"? You mean almost the exact time that the Rothschilds have fucked us with the Federal Reserve and rigged all our wars? Trump knows all.

9008d5  No.2583901


>No proof it was actually Ventura, but I think it was likely him.

"I'm a former President"

Does that make me Ronald Reagan? smh

757f2b  No.2583902

File: 44250dc0666f5ec⋯.png (21.17 KB, 649x585, 649:585, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b496d241a3b2540⋯.png (15.33 KB, 656x610, 328:305, ClipboardImage.png)


5yr low this morning

01160f  No.2583903


you can't make this shit up! go 17!!!

e45206  No.2583904


The FBI needs to be disbanded ASAP. The head of its Office of Professional Responsibility (LOL) recommended only a suspension and a demotion. What a fucking joke!

78012a  No.2583905

File: 4af65c124a84977⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

90675d  No.2583906

I just came across some claims that Trump visited Lolita island. Is it true?

029e2f  No.2583907


I've seen MAGMA89 going into and out of Trinidad and Tobago for months. Thought it was related to human trafficking. But maybe, thar be pirates!


aec36f  No.2583908


Who are they going to blame it on?

48c01a  No.2583909


Do not say 'retarded'.

My sister's cousin's boyfriend's wife has a friend that is liberal.

01be75  No.2583910




A private Ferry the island does not make sense. For one, the ferry uses a lot of gas. The ferryman is usually the owner.

If he does not want to lose money he would have to service more than one Island. Which means he's going to be island hopping. That explains why are there so many vehicles on his ferry.

Your chasing a fart out of a clowns ass!

0fceb4  No.2583911


I can't reach CDAN either

5042d8  No.2583912

File: 4174eada86d67f0⋯.png (141.51 KB, 326x755, 326:755, dude stop shia2.png)

533250  No.2583913


potus loves himself some mickeyD's

just sayin'

a0a5b2  No.2583914

9008d5  No.2583915


>I just came across some claims that Trump visited Lolita island. Is it true?

No, but crooked H & Slick Willy did multiple times!

9f507f  No.2583916

File: b17e573210bda36⋯.jpg (621.47 KB, 1502x1800, 751:900, CONSP.jpg)


Voodoo Donuts

Treton Island

Possible Cemex Factory

Portland Police corruption

Convicted pedophile on island

possible FF…at least, a hijacked plane

possible Assassination Attempt from Treton or nearby island

Facility for Challenged children

WTF is going on in OR?????

18ccbc  No.2583917


I wouldn't be so happy yet. Strzok still have security clerance. He needs that revoked as well and put into prison. As long as this doesn't happen, I won't feel satisfied.

905eb6  No.2583918

File: 673355cfc7ca188⋯.png (70.45 KB, 918x325, 918:325, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….png)


West Virginia House votes to impeach suspended justice Allen Loughry over more than $360K in office renovations - AP

275349  No.2583919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

01160f  No.2583920



Strzok Fired


Shooting at ROCKIES Bar





8a3351  No.2583921


The shoe place is on the main drag running to A&M campus - busiest street in the entire city. A&M has a LOT of brainwashed kids per my son, who graduated there. Brainwashed to the right and to the left. Lots of foreign students as well. Would be very easy to start something ugly there.

5ebbd3  No.2583922


Trump is not on the Epstein flight list, and that list is the only direct proof so far.

898a25  No.2583923


Q needs to put a bullet in every one of these sick pedos. Where's the fucking PAIN? Just promises of BOOM. Fuck all that noise. We should be going Batman on these pieces of shit!

767317  No.2583924


Omarosa = one of the plants. She thinks she is protected because her job was to spy on the administration for Obama.

b4c554  No.2583925

File: ff094b8bd87d2e6⋯.png (191.57 KB, 612x675, 68:75, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….png)

File: 8089a6d36a9811c⋯.jpg (80.37 KB, 640x469, 640:469, Dkfz_wGXoAAEYcc.jpg)


Watch live as President Trump will sign the NDAA at 2:30 pm ET.


663139  No.2583926


Whats the deal with the infants face in the middle?

Linkage? Memeage?

2db539  No.2583927

File: 1e0f15afef3e619⋯.gif (3.48 MB, 480x360, 4:3, BlondHeavenlyBrahmanbull-s….gif)


not suspicious really, old wrestlers die young, and jim was doing fuck all to take care of himself.

c4728c  No.2583928

File: 6f06ccb0dcf8d44⋯.png (366.46 KB, 901x831, 901:831, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b23530bb7c983a⋯.png (202.94 KB, 910x835, 182:167, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c156e3cb954fe8⋯.png (34.84 KB, 898x435, 898:435, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c156e3cb954fe8⋯.png (34.84 KB, 898x435, 898:435, ClipboardImage.png)

Iran's Supreme Leader: "No War Nor Negotiations" Ever With This White House

ran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei announced in a statement Monday that there would be neither war nor negotiations with the United States.

"Recently, U.S. officials have been talking blatantly about us. Beside sanctions, they are talking about war and negotiations," the senior cleric wrote via his Twitter account in English.

He added, using all caps to close the statement, "In this regard, let me say a few words to the people: THERE WILL BE NO WAR, NOR WILL WE NEGOTIATE WITH THE U.S."


74ca43  No.2583929


Pretty WEIRD COINCIDENCE considering what the pic showed….

PURPOSELY DONE…by "someone"….no doubt in my mind!

046708  No.2583930



>you can't make this shit up!

and why can't you make thi shit up

somebody is obviously making this shit up

think logically

54e4ee  No.2583931


but but but muh "baseless" and "unhinged"

029e2f  No.2583932

File: 789dac77dc4377e⋯.png (212.23 KB, 1917x928, 1917:928, Screenshot_2018-08-12 ADS-….png)


Forgot yesterday's screencap at 2150 UTC

757f2b  No.2583933



>Can you really blame the kid if he was not brought up to believe there is true evil in the world?

That is really sad.


>Told him whether he knew or not, he does now and needs to drop his s8n account or it won't be pretty for him.

I told him as much too.

90675d  No.2583934


Thank you

48c01a  No.2583935


He must have known about the secret cabal child slavery in the wrestling world. Dig.

5d8239  No.2583936


No evidence exists for that, although he attended an Epstien party in LA. He is in Epstiens black book. He was asked about Epstien, and said Epstien likes young women.

8a3351  No.2583937


If there was no Trump, the country would be splitting apart.

5c78ac  No.2583938


Agree. Federal police arent even lawful per the Constitution.

c4728c  No.2583939

File: 8272b43d3585a21⋯.png (451.18 KB, 906x733, 906:733, ClipboardImage.png)

Paul Craig Roberts Blasts Mueller's 'Weaponization' Of The Law

Robert Mueller is supposed to be investigating Russiagate, which has been shown to be a hoax concocted by former CIA director John Brennan, former FBI director James Comey, and current deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. As Russiagate is a hoax, Mueller has not been able to produce a shred of evidence of the alleged Trump/Putin plot to hack Hillary’s emails and influence the last presidential election.

With his investigation unable to produce any evidence of the alleged Russiagate, Mueller concluded that he had to direct attention away from the failed hoax by bringing some sort of case against someone, knowing that the incompetent and corrupt US media and insouciant public would assume that the case had something to do with Russiagate.

Mueller chose Paul Manafort as a target, hoping that faced with fighting false charges, Manafort would make a deal and make up some lies about Trump and Putin in exchange for the case against him being dropped. But Manafort stood his ground, forcing Mueller to go forward with a false case.


a0cb07  No.2583941


Recently an anon digging into followers of that site posted comms that looked to be Indonesian. Lots of hastags. Anon said he thought they were communicating through them. Did anybody save that post? I was here, not on the satan board. I can't locate and would like to dig on deciphering the # codes.

275349  No.2583942

Is it common knowledge among the flying community that you need to have at least 5000 feet to perform a barrel roll?

9da3c2  No.2583943

File: d848c56d5ac1088⋯.png (506.34 KB, 684x1316, 171:329, PENUDAR.png)


Pindar comes from a language related to Latin

And it is also a P-Celtic language like Welsh

So Pindar means the same as the Welsh word

Penudar. Who is the Prince of Wales?

Now go to Italy.

Stefano Massimo, Prince di Roccasecca dei Volsci

The word Roccasecca refers to a fortress at Volsci

Build with no mortar, because it was actually a temple

And not used for war.

Volsci is a word etymologically related to the word Wales.

So in this family we have another Prince of Wales


Do you know about the dual kingship system

Of the Khazar empire?

About the British Israelites?

About Ur of the Chaldees?

Ur is etymologically related to Wales

And Chaldees is etymologically related to Celts.

d3972f  No.2583944

Nice….SS investigating the douches that threatened Potus yesterday at the rally


aec36f  No.2583945


Maybe that was your post then.

a1d152  No.2583946

File: 3566eb53254ae4c⋯.jpg (18.23 KB, 329x470, 7:10, Ballot Box.jpg)


>Hacker kids poke hole in MSM narrative that it’s Russians who are the US election threat

The former president Clinton called for a return to "some sort of paper ballot system" until authorities know how to fix the problem.


President Donald Trump has one idea to blunt the impact of Russian meddling in U.S. elections: "It's called paper."

“One of the things we're learning is, it's always good — It's old-fashioned — but it's always good to have a paper back-up system of voting,”


Is this our next campaign?

aa2f51  No.2583947

File: d1f8209112f8b1e⋯.jpg (93.87 KB, 854x480, 427:240, snapshot.jpg)


Yes. They know they have been lying for her and her husband for 25 years? Since Arkansas first vomited those two forth it's been one long cover-up.

90d275  No.2583948

File: f9b7818717f1241⋯.png (1.34 MB, 960x640, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Mr. Miller's working haaard.

“There Won’t Even Be a Paper Trail”: Has Stephen Miller Become a Shadow Master at the State Department?

by Abigail Tracy

August 12, 2018 9:35 am

Last September, Miller played a leading role in slashing the refugee admissions cap to 45,000—less than one-half the 110,000 ceiling set under President Barack Obama, and the lowest level since 1980. Now, he has reportedly revived his push for another cut, to a cap as low as 15,000 refugees. Earlier this week, the 32-year-old senior adviser was reported to be focused on an even more ambitious project: imposing strict limits on legal immigration, as well as on individuals seeking asylum from war, famine, and prosecution. “The administration seems to delight in picking on the most vulnerable people,” David Robinson, the former assistant secretary for the Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations at the State Department, told me, enumerating the ways in which the resettlement process had been logjammed. “Pretty soon you are going to have a trickle and not a stream.” Currently, the U.S. is on pace to admit around 22,000 refugees this fiscal year. Defenders of the policies argue that the cuts offset a surge in asylum seekers, while critics dismiss the notion as a manufactured crisis. “By 2020, I would not be surprised if we just don't have this program anymore,” said Jennifer Quigley, an advocacy strategist for refugee protection at Human Rights First. “I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s 5,000 next year and then zero.” (When asked about the negotiations for next year’s refugee cap, an administration official said in a statement, “We are not going to get ahead of the president’s policy.”)


9a02be  No.2583949

File: d4deda322b71235⋯.png (281.37 KB, 682x553, 682:553, s8n1.png)

File: 8fc92ca0dacb28b⋯.png (365.77 KB, 670x769, 670:769, s8n2.png)

File: a2aeac4feaf0d7b⋯.png (516.67 KB, 670x749, 670:749, s8n3.png)


need to post it

60ec61  No.2583950

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

061303  No.2583951

Wanna vomit.

Check out what’s on Nat Geo right now.

No-name POW days…

cf4294  No.2583952


He gave ownership before jail to his wife

54e4ee  No.2583953




f1b9be  No.2583954


> the country would be splitting apart

yeh, the parts left that wouldn't have been reduced to glowng rubble, you mean..

dc2af5  No.2583955



I have been saying this…

It was about who slid into his DMs

There is no way that kid could be important

da7ab0  No.2583956

File: d36ccdd85d66582⋯.jpg (309.95 KB, 1024x685, 1024:685, low-iq-maxine-with-adopted….jpg)

check out this guy

raymond roker

connections to obama

pic related, roker took it

low iq lady

020765  No.2583957

File: f0f8a7d425eadf8⋯.jpg (26.49 KB, 400x399, 400:399, mc rib - harvest.jpg)

9da3c2  No.2583958

File: 9b871069f2113a9⋯.png (1.18 MB, 858x1284, 143:214, Screen Shot 2018-07-05 at ….png)

9008d5  No.2583959

File: 1fade8ba57f34b2⋯.png (229.15 KB, 817x1073, 817:1073, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25d1a3855eb82a1⋯.png (451.24 KB, 776x1132, 194:283, Doug Band CoS for WJC - CF.png)


>I just came across some claims that Trump visited Lolita island. Is it true?

337855  No.2583960


They're (authorities) are trying to take her and husband's child away from them too. This happened AFTER this video if I remember correctly.

757f2b  No.2583961


Its coming…. it's coming….

48c01a  No.2583962


impeached for 'office renovations'????

Precedent for Trump??

d06f6d  No.2583963


Since Bill's first trip to Haiti


757f2b  No.2583964



I can't believe I didn't see this before…. that is obvious now.

898a25  No.2583965


She mentioned CHESS (Masonic Black & White) and the Award shows I fucking told you anons where they have pedo orgies! I saw that shit! FFS! Q get your ass to work! Enough of the gay ass barrel rolls and shitty acting. END THIS NOW FAGGOT! KIDS ARE GETTING RAPED and you want to jack off to trip codes. I WILL hunt these fuckers down if you continue to sit on your taint. ENOUGH.

5d8239  No.2583966


Quit posting beaver mouth

f9b57c  No.2583967


At least this (((nigga))) knows what

's up.

>By 2020, I would not be surprised if we just don't have this program anymore

Now what of the fucking subhumans that are walking around in places like fucking idaho (remember the twin falls case)?

9da3c2  No.2583969

File: 87bab8f527c9ed7⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1456x1518, 728:759, Screen Shot 2018-04-22 at ….png)


From either Weimar or 3rd Reich

203495  No.2583970


Not sure what you mean? I listened to the one where she is getting fired. May have been cut, or may have been an instance where she started recording the conversation as soon as she realized what was happening. At any rate, Omarosa does not appear to be doing some sort of double-agent stuffs. She was just one of many problems in the initial Trump WH. She had to fucking go. Not sure how else to spin it, really. Again, Occam's Razor. Unless I'm missing/overlooking something really big.


>was actually in the plane!


57afbf  No.2583971

File: 70364ae9e530e1c⋯.png (9.03 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Texas_Q.png)


A&M is not what it used to be

they have been admitting a left side liberal lean for about 10 years now. UT is pretty screwed as well. Tech seems to be ok for the most part. This is Texas though, we'll clean it up.

ecf3a9  No.2583972

These enemies belong to this world, and the world listens to them,

because they speak it's language.

We belong to God, and everyone who belongs to God will listen to us.

But the people who don't know God won't listen to us.

That is how we can tell the Spirit that speaks the truth from the one that

tells lies…1John 4:5-6

59e4d3  No.2583973


After viewing a number of these videos, I'm thinking NOTABLE.

She's in the WWG1WGA camp and I think this deserves the attention of more anons here.

529c24  No.2583974

File: 49c70ec2d24ca8f⋯.jpg (146.14 KB, 928x598, 464:299, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….jpg)



aec36f  No.2583975


Don't tag me with that shit. I never said he didn't island hop. I said sauce is needed to prove ferry went to island more than once a day.

58c25e  No.2583976



c4728c  No.2583977

File: 2c5a6410da99a84⋯.png (1.13 MB, 720x897, 240:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51ab36389c0e019⋯.png (666.86 KB, 724x828, 181:207, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2bffe2d2759705d⋯.png (717.49 KB, 726x926, 363:463, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e7125fe76e9e5f0⋯.png (6.96 KB, 718x127, 718:127, ClipboardImage.png)

EXPOSED! ‘Nazi’ Azov Battalion receives Armaments from ISRAEL

New Resistance, Brazil – An investigation into Ukrainian and Israeli armaments show a deep connection between the Zionist entity and the Nazi-Banderist Battalion, that is also now part of the police forces of the oligarchic and pro-Atlanticist regime of Kiev.


93f48a  No.2583978

==[]== [jimstone.is for you illiterate morons]

Here's something interesting: Kim Jong likes Trump and says the rest of the government is colluding against him

Kim Jong has consistently stated that he fully intends to live up to the agreement with Trump, but people within the U.S. government are colluding to prevent any of what happened with Trump to become reality. You won't find this in the U.S. MSM, but Sputnik had it:

The North Korean Foreign Ministry accused "high-level officials within the US administration" of "going against the intention of President Trump to advance the DPRK-US relations" in a statement Thursday. Meanwhile, the socialist state renewed calls for a permanent peace treaty so that "a mood will be created for creating trust.

The press statement, carried by Korea Central News Agency, laid out the position of the government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), the official name of North Korea, on the burning question of peace on the Korean Peninsula: US President Donald Trump wants peace, but the agreement reached in Singapore in June is being sabotaged by other US state officials.

"We hoped that these goodwill measures would contribute to breaking down the high barrier of mistrust existing between the DPRK and the US and to establishing mutual trust," the statement said. "However, the US responded to our expectation by inciting international sanctions and pressure against the DPRK."

"The US is attempting to invent a pretext for increased sanctions against the DPRK by mobilizing all their servile mouthpieces and intelligence institutions to fabricate all kinds of falsehoods on our nuclear issue. They made public the 'North Korea Sanctions and Enforcement Actions Advisory' and additional sanctions, and called for collaboration in forcing sanctions and pressure upon us even at the international meetings," the statement continues.

"Now the issue in question is that, going against the intention of President Trump to advance the DPRK-US relations, who is expressing gratitude to our goodwill measures for implementing the DPRK-US joint statement, some high-level officials within the US administration are making baseless allegations against us and making desperate attempts at intensifying the international sanctions and pressure. Expecting any result, while insulting the dialogue partner and throwing cold water over our sincere efforts for building confidence which can be seen as a precondition for implementing the DPRK-US joint statement, is indeed a foolish act that amounts to waiting to see a boiled egg hatch out.

My comment: Interesting it is that a Russian publication had to get the truth out about this, I had no idea until I saw this. OH, THE RUSSIANS!! THE RUSSIANS!! THE RUSSIANS!! yes, it was THE RUSSIANS in my phone this morning. Don't ever listen to the Russians, all they do is rig American elections; Facebook is ALL YOU NEED. No doubt posting a portion of that Sputnik report would make you a traitor and get you shadowbanned.

So what we have is a great president, and a government that is absolute trash, put in place with vote rigging, a fact documented by public record for the last 36 years, (read about this HERE, the MSM colluded to make perfectly lawful vote rigging totally unknown to the American people, and that's how we got the horrible government we have. There would be peace with North Korea if Trump had his way, Trump cannot be blamed when deep state saboteurs wreck everything. But they will blame him for any disasters they cause.

All I heard was that they started making nukes again, (doubt it) - I never heard a peep about what Kim Jong actually thinks. And he's SPOT ON.

898a25  No.2583979


Sure it is. Kids are getting sacrificed EVERY FUCKING DAY. All we care about is BOOM BOOM BOOMS like Black Eyed Peas. Fuck all this.

757f2b  No.2583980


Doubt it. I wasn't the only one saying it.

aec4f9  No.2583981

Q my kids went back to school today has Gina Haspel found the program yet ???

9da3c2  No.2583982


Click on it

Look at the veins and sinews in her neck


485ffb  No.2583983

File: bf74743e5544ed9⋯.jpg (412.02 KB, 1606x1509, 1606:1509, can I kill them.jpg)

File: 17a83bed52a22cd⋯.jpg (13.73 KB, 255x159, 85:53, members standing by.jpg)

90675d  No.2583984


Trust The Plan

275349  No.2583985

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Look at the title…

The link has 2 Q's.


db426f  No.2583986

File: 6f135f5dc01e478⋯.jpg (225.94 KB, 1806x941, 1806:941, mattishelo.jpg)

1fd285  No.2583987


not sure on obamarosa, seems just a famewhore famewhorring

not sure on the other, but the NDAA might be a boom

isn't this the one where we get 700+ billion for next year???

5e8d6c  No.2583988


Vince McMahon refusing to play ball with the Cabal and being a long-time friend of POTUS. Also Linda McMahon is in the WH.

9c3c18  No.2583989

File: 61853f36a372f07⋯.jpg (107.46 KB, 619x783, 619:783, 6.JPG)

Norway minister resigns after breaching security rules during Iran trip


898a25  No.2583990


Kids are being slaughtered for your fucking hamburgers, fucker. Wake the fuck up.

d49167  No.2583991


The whole section missing for you?

dc2af5  No.2583992


I posted on an earlier bread about the Spencer Pratt, talking about the illuminati, Stassi Schroder podcast.

Link here


4e7099  No.2583993


your comment makes me think of the movie "hunger games" when she shoots the arrow at the sky (hologram)

5c78ac  No.2583994

File: bd0e0b0b83f4895⋯.jpg (51.32 KB, 499x499, 1:1, pepe high meme.jpg)


TFW you thought you had only one hash cone left and you found a second one.

428997  No.2583995


The state of affairs at TAMU has gotten awful. I know a lot of old donors are pulling out on donating money to the school because of how liberal things have gotten, like certain former all male companies/squadrons for the Corps were forced to start accepting women. And of course, E-2 the mascot company was forced to accept women 2 years ago and there we go, we have gotten the first female mascot corporal (sophomores only get this position). How convenient.

757f2b  No.2583996


They are slowly neutralizing the beast…. all part of the plan…. you can't kill an WW entrenched beast without killing yourself if you don't take it slow.

713202  No.2583997

File: dbeba4308bd0979⋯.jpg (347.54 KB, 718x973, 718:973, 2018-08-13_13.48.06.jpg)

Now that's how to use POTUS

12/17 EO! Now comes the Pain.


5901dd  No.2583998

File: 457227be601eeb7⋯.png (2.97 MB, 2134x1274, 1067:637, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….png)

2:30 pm est today

5d8239  No.2583999


Then get off your ass and do something about it, instead of bitching. You can't save the kids in mommas basement.

9ca174  No.2584000


Anon5 said there's a covert Chinese military base in Austin, and it's looking more and more like a pedo hub. We can laugh at that but when we're done laughing someone has to check for it and clean it out. I don't trust Texans to be aware and proactive about what is actually going on under their noses. Their pride and naivete has utterly blinded them.

60ec61  No.2584001


i bet she could eat an apple through a fence.

4e1b0b  No.2584002


Ventura…thought of him often with this. And hope he wasn't comped like AJ. Always like that Ventura went into things to debunk and if he couldn't he would give credibility. He didn't go in to simply put down something or blindly believe. One of the few critical thinkers in the conspiracy world

485ffb  No.2584003

b9b39b  No.2584004


I’ve been working on my couple minute elevator pitch to use for red pilling people re the global oligarchy of devil worshipping faggots that rule over us.

Goes like this…

Try connecting a couple of basic dots with me. Why is there a pyramid with the eye of Ra on the back of our American currency?

God led Moses out of Egypt during the Exodus to get away from the Pharaohs. Jesus was constantly speaking out about the Pharisees and Saducees. Pharoahs and Pharisees practiced the ancient Babylonian occult teachings that were later transcribed into the Talmud. Why do we have these Pharoanic occult symbols on our money?

The Talmud excuses pedophilia, promotes the killing and mistreatment of gentiles, and even admits to killing Christ. Using the Torah as a guise, these satanic Babylonian occult teachings were hidden in the Jewish religion. The leaders of the Babylonian occult have since penetrated and corrupted the top ranks of all other global organized religions as well.

Then I’ll ask them to research the origins of the Talmud, the teachings and warnings of Jesus re the Pharisees. The history of Moses and ask themselves how after all that, we still managed to end up with a fucking pyramid on the back of our dollar?

2e3531  No.2584005


spouse and I are kicking around home school. last day to register for kindergarten is tomorrow.

until the education system is fixed you are basically sending your kids to deep state programming centers.

9c3c18  No.2584006

File: 8606f519d3957b2⋯.jpg (53.78 KB, 748x338, 374:169, 6.JPG)

THE chairman of the board of Imperial Pacific International, Marco Teng, has resigned


feb8d4  No.2584007


Well I searched pedophiles on Ketron Island, not one registered one… But in this case, he passed the deed ownership to his wife. Not sure if they're still married…

c4728c  No.2584008

File: 172c0dc49f28e66⋯.png (874.97 KB, 662x881, 662:881, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51c01359e067734⋯.png (40.07 KB, 655x649, 655:649, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b08b1142d650a13⋯.png (416.68 KB, 653x858, 653:858, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee0d807e20a157c⋯.png (314.12 KB, 663x809, 663:809, ClipboardImage.png)

Hitchens on Burqagate: British State ‘Loathes Christianity’, But ‘Fears Islam’


bd8105  No.2584009


Seven Days In May…Great movie.


4e1b0b  No.2584010


Benadryl will do wonders for your "empathy"

898a25  No.2584011


What a fucking reach, anon. Pathetic. You see computer generated Q's and you get hard. Get the fuck out of here.

905eb6  No.2584012

File: a83f2c4e39c6134⋯.png (461.78 KB, 572x856, 143:214, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….png)

f1b9be  No.2584013


I bet she could eat the fence, nevermind the apple…

db426f  No.2584014

File: dae4717249a6d2a⋯.png (177.08 KB, 296x393, 296:393, hillfaceALPHA.png)

98be0e  No.2584015

File: 66fec3b986d1da0⋯.jpg (225.52 KB, 789x1252, 789:1252, christ-the-king.jpg)

2e3531  No.2584016

File: 4ffd1ec1ef17c62⋯.png (373.17 KB, 1263x726, 421:242, knowyourenemy.png)

046708  No.2584017


>EXPOSED! ‘Nazi’ Azov Battalion receives Armaments from ISRAEL

>New Resistance, Brazil – An investigation into Ukrainian and Israeli armaments show a deep connection between the Zionist entity and the Nazi-Banderist Battalion, that is also now part of the police forces of the oligarchic and pro-Atlanticist regime of Kiev.


aec36f  No.2584018


I've been thinking it's more about a bot that was created to communicate with certain individuals that is not public. Only those that are part of a 'group'.

I just didn't sense that he himself knew much about this. Add to it the fact he's only run the account since 2015 makes me suspect it even more.

Only reason Q posted it was to tell them Q Team knows. They are busted.

72be69  No.2584019

Why would Homeland Security hire former Stasi chief Markus Wolfe and former head of the KGB General Yevgeni Primakov also known As Evgenii?

c6a74b  No.2584020

File: 7a9b44320089b7d⋯.png (11.15 KB, 331x166, 331:166, scribble.png)

what's this about?

anyone read sandnigger-scribbles?

aba447  No.2584021

Netflix CEO stepping down


240b20  No.2584022

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


so far the best one I think has been where she explains how the blackmail is done, however this one is special because she ends it with WGW1WGA

e09594  No.2584023


Hmm, I wonder if the "situation" there is really white hats seizing evidence but the story is being used to "explain" all the activity.

Quriouser and Quriouser.

275349  No.2584024


it's more the 4 Booms and it's a song about being a prostitute and "enjoying it", if you actually watch the video.

4f3279  No.2584025


educatoranon…two decades, home school imo

757f2b  No.2584026


Good! Hopefully they'll return to conservative values before long. I imagine that there will be a lawsuit before the Supreme Court next year that absolutely destroys the liberal bullshit on these college campuses.

90d275  No.2584027


Yep-home school is good.

e50dc4  No.2584028

File: d072711b824fd62⋯.png (64.85 KB, 716x688, 179:172, fusiongps trump epstein.png)

690a27  No.2584029


Yeah. Not seeing it. Missing for me on recent prior breads also.

d3972f  No.2584030


They gave my bitch ass sister in law's brother a full ride and he is a fucking illegal!!

My whole family went there….didnt send my oldest. Not paying 100 grand for indoctrination

c4728c  No.2584031

‘The Storm’ begins: FBI fires Peter Strzok!


ae0cf6  No.2584032

File: 07c126897b8b991⋯.png (18.83 KB, 590x103, 590:103, Screenshot_2018-07-25 Schi….png)

File: 01d7054263d3a6e⋯.png (19.29 KB, 590x103, 590:103, Screenshot_2018-07-25 Schi….png)

File: 3e78e699f858b99⋯.png (19.49 KB, 590x103, 590:103, Screenshot_2018-07-25 Schi….png)


They look for specific symptoms…

898a25  No.2584033

File: 9bc56700d2e08cc⋯.jpg (212.52 KB, 1010x736, 505:368, scarepepe.jpg)


Good one, anon. Let it ride.

240b20  No.2584034

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


I thought this one was the best so far, where she explains how blackmail is done

aec4f9  No.2584035


Mine go to Christian school so better than public but a might be a target too

90675d  No.2584036

Can someone link me to the Epstein flight list that shows Hillary and Bill

529c24  No.2584037

File: 7306171bc4151b3⋯.jpg (200.63 KB, 941x601, 941:601, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….jpg)

File: d15e9205c1d5325⋯.jpg (245.47 KB, 937x605, 937:605, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….jpg)

File: 1bd574face25b10⋯.jpg (186.44 KB, 932x592, 233:148, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….jpg)

File: 23f4fa292b2ac1a⋯.jpg (118.65 KB, 927x658, 927:658, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….jpg)

File: d5248f6850fda21⋯.jpg (77.31 KB, 936x597, 312:199, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….jpg)

Who is behind this officialseanpenn Instagram page- "Caroline" ?

"While growing up in L.A., Caroline Goldfarb obsessed over reality TV and Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous reruns. After college, she worked dead-end jobs hoping for the opportunity to break into writing and performing comedy somewhere, somehow. She turned to Instagram to express herself in the meantime. What began as a place to post photos that would make her friends laugh, Goldfarb’s @OfficialSeanPenn now boasts 350,000 followers — including celebs like Katy Perry and Joe Jonas — and single posts can rake in thousands of comments each. She has been called a social media influencer by Entertainment Weekly, Time, and Los Angeles Magazine. The Instagram — and her e-commerce website, which features a penis-shaped cursor that ejaculates a trail of sparkles — captures her provocative sense of humor, which often involves glitter and celebrities doing weird stuff with animals."


a1d152  No.2584038

File: bffb3c9c6b54930⋯.png (38.4 KB, 600x700, 6:7, Burn it Down.png)


>"release the hounds"

How much fuckery could you cause with $200 Trillion when all was lost and your parting wish was to burn it all down?

b4c554  No.2584039

So they purchased publicly available Tavor rifles? So did I, whats the big deal? Image shows they are not full-auto. These are the civilian model.


5c78ac  No.2584040


Shes just a loudmouth, lowlife cunt.

c3cb3b  No.2584041

Firing Strzok for bias texts sets a pretty good precident for firing every single agent with similar messages.

Agents ought to walk away now before they get sucked into all of this.

48c01a  No.2584042


I predict lots of success with this plan. Report back to the HeadAnon with your results.

54e4ee  No.2584043


> Why is there a pyramid with the eye of Ra on the back of our American currency?

a good question, but symbolism is wallpaper for normies

good luck

aec36f  No.2584044


If it is feasible for you to homeschool, DO IT.

898a25  No.2584045



02639b  No.2584046


Oh shit… You are right. Those are brain surgery type-scars… Fuuugggg…. Motherfucker is not only one of the Lizard People but a Cyborg.

4e1b0b  No.2584047


Wait..so someone that runs a s8n board just happens to be following along on the chan? Coincidence?

757f2b  No.2584048


Home school all the way. Logs of areas have good home school groups.

e3e020  No.2584049


The 2019 "No Name" NDAA

d3972f  No.2584050


My daughter said there are a lot of homeschool kids at her college

Mine are all almost out of school, but if I had it to do over, I would seriously consider homeschooling

1c86c6  No.2584051


They are satyrs or cemtaurs. Half man, half beast. Look them up. Think, from memory, associated with sexuality. Of course, right?

48c01a  No.2584052


What country would you rather they work for?

905eb6  No.2584053

File: 62d6ec3b0a3d2d0⋯.png (187.37 KB, 617x562, 617:562, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)


Kek has blessed you Anon.

3ea205  No.2584054

Yeah, I'm a day late, but wow, even April Ryan is distancing from Omarosa.

AprilDRyan Verified account @AprilDRyan Aug 12

Omarosa! I hear you mentioned me on Meet The Press. Don’t reference me or use my name. Keep my name out of your mouth. You have done enough. Your lies and crazy behavior are catching up to you. Can you say National Security breach? Lawyer up!

566373  No.2584055

File: b0a0ff3d5c0ae7e⋯.jpg (82.87 KB, 666x500, 333:250, bono2f6vka.jpg)

6d048c  No.2584056

This Michael Whelan guy on lift the veil is credible AF. And he/host aren’t even Trump supporters, this is huge. This guy needs high level witness protection!


d49167  No.2584057


Happened to me this morning on iPhoneX and MacBook Pro. Cleared website data/history on both and now they are showing. Old 7S was fine, but these 2 were not. It was weird. Never happened before.

48c01a  No.2584058

275349  No.2584059


How bad IS IT that GEOTUS even left his name on it so history would know who to point to?

59e4d3  No.2584060


Agreed. BAKER can we get a NOTABLE on this?

01160f  No.2584061


I think I get it. The NDAA is named for "No Name" to mock his demise and failure and not to honor him.

0ad93b  No.2584062

File: 115ef9ace47324f⋯.jpg (196.47 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_2630.JPG)

File: 88cfc09d9c489a8⋯.jpg (133.35 KB, 1816x2015, 1816:2015, IMG_2631.JPG)

File: 3474a9148c7f322⋯.jpeg (84.83 KB, 1140x641, 1140:641, BE84941B-6158-4F25-9430-9….jpeg)

I am going to argue that the submarine cook is more manly than the aircraft carrier chef

54e4ee  No.2584063


ok i'm slow as fuck but this can't fkn be official offical seanpenn? …or is it?

can't even tell anymore

5d8239  No.2584064


Boom 2

How many booms are associated with firings/resignations?

809819  No.2584065


That would not be a barrier to subpoenas by other US Attorneys [cough, cough, Huber, cough cough]

1c86c6  No.2584066


Typo- cemtaur s/b centaur

529c24  No.2584067


If that kid is running it, someone is running that kid.

90675d  No.2584068

757f2b  No.2584069


>fucking illegal

That reminds me of this email I got this morning.

The Dallas Solution

I have a friend who is president of his homeowners Association in the Dallas, Texas suburbs. They were having A terrible problem with litter near some of his Association's' homes. The reason, according to my friend, is that six very large, luxurious new houses are being built right n ext to their community.

The trash was coming from the Mexican laborers working at the construction sites and included bags from McDonald's, Burger King and 7-11, plus coffee cups, napkins, Cigarette butts, coke cans, empty bottles, etc.

He went to see the site supervisor and even the general contractor, Politely urging them to get their workers not to litter the neighborhood, to no avail. He called the city, county, and Police and got no help there either.

So here's what his community did. They organized about Twenty folks, named themselves the "Inner Neighborhood Services" group, and arranged to go out at lunch time and "police" the trash themselves. It is what they did while Picking up the trash that is so hilarious.

They bought navy blue baseball caps and had the initials"INS" embroidered in gold on the caps.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand what they Hoped people might mistakenly think the letters really Stand for.

After the Inner Neighborhood Services group's first lunch time pickup detail, with all of them wearing their caps and some carrying cameras, 46 out of the total of 68 construction Workers did not show up for work the next morning –; And haven't come back yet.

It has been ten days now.

The General Contractor, I'm told, is madder than hell, But can't say anything publicly because he could be Busted for hiring illegal aliens. My friend and his bunch Can't be accused of impersonating federal personnel, Because they have the official name of the group Recorded in their homeowner association minutes along With a notation about the vote to approve formation of The new subcommittee – and besides, they informed the INS in advance of their plans, and according to my friend, the INS said basically, "Have at it!"


Reminder: Don't forget to pay your taxes……. 12 million Illegal aliens are depending on you.

No apology for sending this! After hearing they want to Sing the National Anthem in Spanish - enough is enough. Nowhere did they sing it in Italian, Polish, Irish (Celtic), German or any other language because of immigration. It was written by Francis Scott Key and should be sung Word for word the way it was written. The news Broadcasts even gave the translation – not even close..

I'm NOT sorry if this offends anyone because this is MY COUNTRY - IF IT IS YOUR COUNTRY SPEAK UP – Please pass this along. Come through like everyone else.

APPLY FIRST - Get a sponsor; have a place to lay your Head; have a job; pay your taxes, live by the rules AND LEARN THE LANGUAGE as all other immigrants have In the past – and GOD BLESS AMERICA!


Think about this: If you don't want to forward this for Fear of offending someone – YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM!

It is Time for America to Speak up . No wonder, California is in such financial trouble!

Yep, I passed it on! Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant' is like calling a drug dealer An 'unlicensed pharmacist'!

b1b6d0  No.2584070


Those you trust the most….

73c78c  No.2584071

>>2581476 (lb)

28 yrs without here. My dear friend who tried to quit when I did, is dead from lung cancer.

The first month is the absolute worst. I wanted to KILL anyone I could see near me, breathing my air.

Just tell yourself, "If I want a fag within the next 5 minutes, I will smoke one"

The cravings never last 5 minutes.

DO NOT THINK you can have just one smoke. Never do that.

It took me 3 tries to learn, never try that 1 fag. NEVER

90d275  No.2584072


Big boom.

4e1b0b  No.2584073

File: f61bce13f507d90⋯.jpg (96.97 KB, 582x437, 582:437, GoogleTracking-678832959.jpg)



aa411a  No.2584074

File: 8cc9435046b0a40⋯.png (277.76 KB, 1678x458, 839:229, themeg.PNG)

File: 0d76bff1313ca6b⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1016x1036, 254:259, RRose.PNG)


Rainn WIlson new movie,

has Ruby Rose in it.

Thought she was hot, so looked her up and saw many tattoos. Got curious to see if they revealed anything, and lo and behold, fucking Alice in Wonderland Rabbit…

She also worked for MTV way back when she started in the "business" in Australia and we all how spoopy Australia is…

0a25a4  No.2584075

Was anybody able to find more info on Dr. Kathryn Adams? I'm only seeing a handful of sites only referencing her to Lide and Haiti. Can't find any LinkedIn or any other other info regarding her "trauma therapist" title.

d0d3c7  No.2584076

File: 7f1e0460a423d06⋯.png (546.48 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, C2A95285-A59E-472B-A892-28….png)

>turkey dumping gold to pay bills

>will NK dump gold to build new country

>NK has 4th largest gold reserve in world and only operate at 70% of capacity

d00dbe  No.2584077

File: 602c6aefcec7218⋯.png (496.28 KB, 721x473, 721:473, 23b04c71164be77e0803a9c1fb….png)

898a25  No.2584078


You have no idea what I've done to save children. Do you have access to PR companies emails using listeners to gain access to high profile faggots? No? Then fuck off. And I do this shit for FREE. Nice trips but get the fuck off your ass divisionfag.

8a3351  No.2584079


I don't eat at places where the food is marked "EGG PRODUCT" and "MEAT PRODUCT".

c2e4ab  No.2584080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

905eb6  No.2584081


this looks very no table

Wells joined Netflix in 2004, two years after the company went public, and was responsible for content operations and strategic planning. He was made vice-president of finance planning and analysis in 2008.

Netflix shares fell 1.8% to $339.72 on Monday morning.


9da3c2  No.2584082


Don't be naive.

Hillary Rodham and Bill Clinton were both born into Illuminati roles and have been trained from birth. They did NOT just start to be evil from a trip to Haiti.

Even the Clinton body count started before they married. Check out Hillary's trip to Alaska, etc…

adc778  No.2584083

File: 4f3b9053f25ca0e⋯.jpg (8.41 KB, 255x230, 51:46, 2cac9ded81b1b453a1465e63a8….jpg)

File: e4c11ea99e1433d⋯.png (8.58 KB, 160x255, 32:51, 81a21e7adcf4b9cde6bc5935a0….png)

Next week on As The World Turns

Brennan gets Strzoked

Strzok leads directly to Brennan

Strzok was hand-picked by Brennan to write the ICA

'''A source close to the House investigation said Brennan himself selected the CIA and FBI analysts who worked on the ICA, and that they included former FBI counterespionage chief Peter Strzok.

“Strzok was the intermediary between Brennan and [former FBI Director James] Comey, and he was one of the authors of the ICA,” according to the source.

Last year, Strzok was reassigned to another department and removed from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation after anti-Trump and pro-Clinton text messages he wrote to another investigator during the 2016 campaign were discovered by the Justice Department’s inspector general. Strzok remains under IG investigation, along with other senior FBI officials, for possible misconduct.'''

from Paul Sperry



757f2b  No.2584084


Look into DMSO. That shit will clean the tar right out of your lungs.

7f00c3  No.2584085

where you been ebot? its been shilly

0ad93b  No.2584086

File: 87aec5de50f6196⋯.jpg (18.72 KB, 1145x280, 229:56, IMG_1253.JPG)

File: 9db5e6e27447a57⋯.jpg (39.07 KB, 400x445, 80:89, IMG_1294.JPG)

File: 5aec1911e45f2f8⋯.jpg (23.49 KB, 515x280, 103:56, IMG_1297.JPG)

d3972f  No.2584087

8dd111  No.2584088

File: eb0017ef761eebc⋯.jpg (57.38 KB, 600x400, 3:2, coming-soon.jpg)

File: abc45fd554e371e⋯.jpg (51.72 KB, 600x400, 3:2, abc45fd554e371e46132ed8796….jpg)


>burn it all down

90675d  No.2584089


Details please

c4728c  No.2584090


f1b9be  No.2584091

c49bd2  No.2584092

Notables Bun


>>2583537, >>2583726, >>2583790 Standoff Situation at Texas Restaurant

>>2583466 More Than 2,300 Suspected Online Child Sex Offenders Arrested During Operation “Broken Heart”

>>2583597, >>2583634 New POTUS Tweet/Retweet

>>2583740 Secret Service Launching Investigation Into Antifa Threats To Murder Trump

>>2583833 ; >>2583902 Bayer stock hit after Roundup cancer verdict

>>2583864 Judicial Watch statement on Strzok firing

>>2583879 Assistant AG announces Medicare fraud strike force

>>2583889 ; >>2584034 YT vids on human trafficking (victim’s story)

>>2583918 WV house votes to impeach suspended SC justice for office renovations

>>2583928 Iran’s Khamenei: “no war nor negotiations” w/WH

>>2583989 Norway minister resigns after breaching security rules during Iran trip

>>2584006 Chairman of Imperial Pacific International resigns

5c78ac  No.2584093



feb8d4  No.2584094

File: 25a3e4712bc29de⋯.jpg (402.45 KB, 990x1653, 330:551, ketron schedule2.jpg)



8633f9  No.2584095

File: 387809271a7f246⋯.jpg (497.23 KB, 1474x905, 1474:905, luntz cohen.jpg)

Popcorn worthy twists like this support my theory that we’re watching a whole lot of acting and feeding of slop to purveyors of fake news while the real news is in progress behind the scenes.

046708  No.2584096

fucking chatty cunts

go on the TMZ site and gossip


203495  No.2584097



OK, I found one that wasn't edited. Huh…. That does change it up a bit. It was being recorded from the get-go.

https:// www. tmz.com/2018/08/13/donald-trump-omarosa-firing-phone-call-audio-general-kelly/

Other anons may have heard the same one I heard. It seemed to imply she started recording the conversation (firing) at about mid way into the conversation. The full version is a complete recording from her walking into the room until she walks out.

Gen Kelly explains "these are lawyers", but doesn't mention them. If that's the case, I'm still with my original guess that Cohen may have been in there, but that could be way off base. I suppose someone could cross reference the WH visitor logs on the day this recording happened? Surely we'd know.

Remember, seems as though Cohen as a few recordings of his own, right? Perhaps he leaked it to her knowing she'd leak it to the press? Back to Q's statement:

>Who do they report to?

>If known in advance, could this be an advantage?

>These people are STUPID.

Omarosa was setup, and the conversation with Trump on that same link? Trump knew; he was just downplaying it on the phone with her. He was trying to sound genuine. Now Omarosa is making a complete asshat of herself.

085d35  No.2584098

File: b30d7d03ac9d7c7⋯.jpg (160.64 KB, 903x614, 903:614, unnamedRR.jpg)

012219  No.2584099

Newbie here.. please be kind ..

what does (LB) ans Smh mean

f895aa  No.2584100


Bahai, is not oriental. It's Persian. Unless you consider Persia part of the Orient because it's on the Asian Continent. It's a mixture of philosophical and Islamic/Christian teachings, though it does have a pilgrimage aspect to it. Otherwise great people. But this is all from memory and it's been a while.

That being said, if Dwight is a weirdo, fuck him.

Bahai's don't use traditional churches to congregate. This is mainly because of persecution. Most meetings are in people's homes. Low key events. Lots of food and worship. When I say worship, I mean that in the most mundane sense. Reading from scripture, collections of money for various outreach efforts, usually in Iran or neighboring, Bahai friendly states.

There have been a few other notable Bahai's. Moe Green comes to mind.

You wouldn't say Christianity is bad, even with all the hypocrisy, pedophilia, corruption and mega-expensive buildings. The same can be said for Bahai, even if Dwight is a fucking creep. The baby stays in the bath when the water gets thrown out.

d1e111  No.2584101




did we ever ID this donkey? would love to know her thoughts on our memes :)

5c78ac  No.2584102


In Lawyer v. Cops, bet on the Lawyer.

898a25  No.2584103

File: 958ba9ed2fe3f44⋯.gif (301.42 KB, 220x176, 5:4, myheart.gif)


Appreciate you anon. Archive EVERYTHING. Anything you need to help normies take baby steps to the truth. We have more than we know. And it's time we keep it that way.

dc2af5  No.2584104


Last Bread aka last board

d3972f  No.2584105


LB=last bread

Smh=shakes my head

54e4ee  No.2584106

File: 1def937f155ddf0⋯.png (775.79 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_BiteCrumbs_20171219_TheC….png)

5a78c2  No.2584107



aec36f  No.2584108


If you do homeschool, start or join a group of parents in your area. IMO, it's needed for parents as much as kids. Once a month, parents take the group of kids on a field trip or whatever. Parents have other parents as a support group. It is a win-win for all involved.

73c78c  No.2584109


whoa! nice.

5d8239  No.2584110


I have an idea that you do more bitching than a woman on her period.

What I meant was for you to go vigilante, batman. Save the children!

757f2b  No.2584111

File: 3da1f644af7ed3c⋯.png (2.38 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Like this? Kek

695bf9  No.2584112


He would never say who he 'inherited' the s8n account from!!!!!

094378  No.2584113


aa2f51  No.2584114

File: 0b35f26231b1a78⋯.gif (79.8 KB, 402x300, 67:50, jemelewhitepower.gif)

File: d4b756147b27d86⋯.jpg (83.17 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 25dc-miller2-articleLarge.jpg)

File: 82737214f802ab3⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 3500x2334, 1750:1167, gettyimages-950901976-1529….jpg)

File: 4cdc2b134561f8b⋯.jpg (24.83 KB, 306x410, 153:205, miller-dmueller.jpg)


He looks pissed off at someone! The only thing I have against him is he went to Duke. What about South Africans? Californians?

dc2af5  No.2584115



Yeah, and SMH isn''t just this board, that is basically as mainstream as idk or kys

757f2b  No.2584116


KEK is the same as LOL

FWIW = for what it's worth

IMHO = In my humble opinion

KYS = kill yourself

eebff8  No.2584117


I took it as a slam on Tiger. No mind of steel on that one.

1a7edc  No.2584118


sounds more and more like a terrorist group with each passing day of news

d3972f  No.2584119


He was here all damn day whining and bitching

428997  No.2584120


Baker, for the second link with restaurant hours screenshot in the TX standoff; the hours were not updated online but they DEFINITELY were open this morning for lunch according to locals.

012219  No.2584121



9a02be  No.2584122

File: dc602f2af0e5062⋯.png (242.76 KB, 697x768, 697:768, 3chexx.png)

757f2b  No.2584123


Probably satan himself

0ad93b  No.2584124

File: 3adfeae0c3244dc⋯.jpg (81.04 KB, 735x735, 1:1, IMG_1380.JPG)

File: 89ed2bc1d80aa30⋯.jpg (129.33 KB, 1280x1005, 256:201, IMG_1482.JPG)

File: 03768b69efc5cb6⋯.jpg (47.59 KB, 500x667, 500:667, IMG_1799.JPG)

"Today's hogg is tomorrow's bacon. "~A. Hitler

bd8105  No.2584126


Who he replaced…..B. McCarthy.

Wells shows up just after NFLX one and ONLY stock split. Then the floodgates opened. Went to the well so many times with secondary offerings and unexpired shelf registrations. That company is the poster child of stock options…only Benioff at salesfarce is/was worse than the upper mgmt at NFLX

db426f  No.2584127








I'm not sure about this one…one of her videos implicates POTUS in the blackmail scheme, and she "remembered his preference". She also told a story about Ivanka escaping confinement and "going back to help the others" (going by memory here and not interested enough to find the link to video)…sounded like a bad script for a kid's movie.

My gut tells me if that POTUS was involved somehow in this blackmail scheme that the damning evidence would have already been released.

Reserving judgement for the time-being, but something seems off with her.

feb8d4  No.2584128



Maybe add this…to Ketron Island notables…

637c6b  No.2584129

File: 25b4c412d624048⋯.png (355.38 KB, 794x505, 794:505, ClipboardImage.png)

how did we miss this? did we ?

7e19ff  No.2584130

File: 2af3eb5a8e7d387⋯.jpg (16.99 KB, 600x468, 50:39, 2af3eb5a8e7d38768d63e8d1fa….jpg)



Step back boys, we got a high-ranking anon with some serious weaponry here.

I bet he's emailed dozens of kids out of getting raped and murdered.

Show some respect!

e50dc4  No.2584132

File: 1e1ec6f64b0a209⋯.png (898.5 KB, 798x706, 399:353, Screenshot_2018-08-13 Pro-….png)

File: 7a67c82d17a0a4e⋯.png (28.44 KB, 717x437, 717:437, Screenshot_2018-08-13 Pro-….png)


muthah fackahs


59c1fe  No.2584133

File: 004b29becf71162⋯.jpg (34.46 KB, 600x444, 50:37, 004b29becf71162735e5e6ea3c….jpg)

dc2af5  No.2584134


Discussed at the time

90675d  No.2584135

529c24  No.2584136

File: acacb75a408fb4d⋯.jpg (150.84 KB, 934x595, 934:595, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….jpg)

File: 77a53972f15edf9⋯.jpg (134.73 KB, 932x606, 466:303, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….jpg)

7d7ed8  No.2584138

File: 24a517f46e7f15d⋯.jpg (79.26 KB, 750x740, 75:74, DaKpWVbU0AIynhS.jpg)

File: b4b778401aadd0e⋯.jpg (11.25 KB, 349x150, 349:150, BucketsOheads.jpg)

Do I see heads ?

8a3351  No.2584139


The problem with the conservative students is that most of them are ignorant of what the term is in the first place. It's more about wearing boots and white shirts and 'belonging' than anything else.

The Corp has been inundated with progressives, and the faculty is highly compromised. I paid $270 for a "textbook" that was 100 pages of nonsense stapled together. Son took beekeepig course as elective (I have bees) and students not allowed to go to hives due to potential liability.

If we ever get the country sorted out, these universities need to be deloused and set right as well. Mandatory civics and government classes

54e4ee  No.2584140


>We can laugh at that but when we're done laughing someone has to check for it

the only rational attitude to every single "conspiracy theory" ever

1b907d  No.2584141


How about the Russell missile op? That's a big boom! Or boom deterred!

21898a  No.2584142

The movie Jack Reacher portrays ex-military contractors as the evil scumbags that they are.

9da3c2  No.2584143

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


She was part of this group

The shouting starts at about th 8 minute mark

Buenos Aires

0ad93b  No.2584144

File: 54012d3d9a3bf2d⋯.jpg (91.85 KB, 435x773, 435:773, IMG_1598.JPG)

File: 80b39c4e54393fb⋯.jpg (72.8 KB, 686x686, 1:1, IMG_1599.JPG)

File: 9e681bea80efc5e⋯.jpg (29.94 KB, 550x245, 110:49, IMG_1600.JPG)

File: 3908c99eda47f79⋯.jpg (296.82 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, IMG_1601.JPG)

Damn it pepehet

Where Teh kittehs

adc778  No.2584145

File: c93036e390d1d5e⋯.png (33.76 KB, 769x401, 769:401, PSonPS.png)

7e19ff  No.2584146


Chinese base in Texas?

That sounds about as ridiculous as an Islamist base in New Mexico abusing little kids and training them to shoot up schools.

Cmon anon don't be crazy.

5c78ac  No.2584149


Not super remote, just off the freeway, but I would know the area maybe if you know exactly where it is.

898a25  No.2584150



That all I'm going to say for now.

Time to bring the PAIN. Q, you're taking way too long for my taste. We'll take it from here.

9008d5  No.2584151


>the agreement reached in Singapore in June is being sabotaged by other US state officials.

Did you think the Clowns in America would just sit back and watch peace break out?

8767ff  No.2584152

Shooting at College Station - that's where George HW Bush's presidential library is. Is this a distraction while they upload his files? Planefags, any action down there?

aa2f51  No.2584153

File: e7d723c0363d5eb⋯.jpg (125.29 KB, 702x1200, 117:200, 98016c76a5fb56038db558c3f7….jpg)


wut? stratfor jones nambla and that un-named pizza place in Austin that showed up via the comet ping pong server….and now a chinese base? this is madness.

41f197  No.2584154

File: c833771e8bf09a9⋯.jpg (285.04 KB, 1024x860, 256:215, general mattis i stared in….jpg)

0a25a4  No.2584155


Looks like heads to me

de73aa  No.2584156

9f507f  No.2584157

File: bf8c1a862bd3676⋯.png (426.19 KB, 489x596, 489:596, ClipboardImage.png)

Meet Earl Blumenauer

Career politician, Democratic US Representative for Oregon's third district.

Think VooDoo Donuts.

This guy was mayor of Portland. To think that he did not know is naive and to think that he has made a career of this and ascended to his current position tells you that he is into it!!!!


67d10d  No.2584158


I only fly in X-Plane, a simulator, but it's IFAA certified unlike MS Flight Sim and I reckon a sane pilot would be up at least 5000 ft to perform a barrel roll in any aircraft of that size. The plane was unpressurized too according to the audio but doesn't the plane rigidity rely upon the cabin being pressurized? So likely the plane would have broken up during the manoeuvre. Also on the audio there would have been TCAS warnings for the other planes so close, proximity warning alarms and vocal terrain, pull-up warnings. It would have been chaos in the cockpit with alarms.

d3972f  No.2584160

I dont live in Austin, but im a Texan

We are being inundated with Chinese people

They come in and buy houses next to each other

trust me…we have noticed


0ad93b  No.2584162

File: b5355fc263545bb⋯.jpg (420.8 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, IMG_1416.JPG)

File: e8666a274fe4ecc⋯.jpg (70.79 KB, 850x400, 17:8, IMG_1418.JPG)

File: 21d8e512197a8f0⋯.jpg (92.54 KB, 850x400, 17:8, IMG_1419.JPG)

5042d8  No.2584164

File: d08eb3e90b7fcb3⋯.png (520.79 KB, 610x1080, 61:108, s8nfinger pointer.png)

File: 63cc5b624691ae0⋯.png (510.07 KB, 610x1080, 61:108, s8nfinger pointer2.png)

File: c61c368fa56b2e9⋯.png (21.93 KB, 1279x289, 1279:289, Screenshot_2018-08-13 Goog….png)

File: 5bd07ebc786af9f⋯.png (16.44 KB, 1268x195, 1268:195, Screenshot_2018-08-13 Goog….png)


fuck no

5c78ac  No.2584165


His firing likely indicates that the IG reports are done.

eebff8  No.2584167


Man of Steel is Superman.

Powerful game.

Powerful mind.



Time stamp :11 - 10:11

aec36f  No.2584168


How are you tying Earl to Voodoo?

9ca174  No.2584170


I heard it said that the Chinese are building the concentration camp system right under our noses on their U.S. private properties, disguised as work camps and whatnots. Combine this with what George Webb says is the CIA clearing land for investors (DEW) and you have a big problem.

da7ab0  No.2584171



"things that didn't happen IRL" for $1000

>it's the daily double!

enjoy the show

b1b6d0  No.2584172

File: b3f2bcd42bb6cef⋯.jpg (78.11 KB, 582x436, 291:218, maddog.jpg)

c49bd2  No.2584173






809819  No.2584174

File: 0fa9ddb6f499715⋯.jpg (303.86 KB, 1643x633, 1643:633, HOUND95 NewportNAS-VA-Egli….jpg)

File: b792706fbf551f4⋯.jpg (268.35 KB, 1768x584, 221:73, HOUND95 NewportNAS-VA-Egli….jpg)

File: c354e3d6f92ec43⋯.jpg (200.65 KB, 1754x523, 1754:523, GTMO479 2018-08-13 17:59:0….jpg)

Special Ops HOUND95 flew from Norfolk NAS to land at Eglin AFB in FL panhandle. HOUND95 has been making trips all over the USA yesterday & today. Wonder if it has anything to do with prisoner transport? No way to know unless the flight terminates near a city that has scheduled commercial flights to Gitmo, such as Ft Lauderdale, Miami, Jacksonville, Norfolk Naval Air Station, Pensacola, … We're looking for possible evidence of roundups and prisoner transport.

Navy Beech Huron - callsign GTMO479 - fun name, its mission unknown to us.

59c1fe  No.2584175


how is this allowed on youtube?

9453f0  No.2584177


>I'm not sure about this one

Seconded, requires digging.

Channel name "AHumanExperiment" https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwzZMGCTHbiOBHgcPeXAcsw/videos

The aforementioned videos are Names and Clarity on Names

4f40cd  No.2584178


Not that it's not good news but we've already covered this. It happened in June.

809819  No.2584179

baker notable next bread sorry I'm late

>>2584174 Planefag HOUND95, GTMO479

5c78ac  No.2584180

File: 9931938d39254b0⋯.jpg (57.8 KB, 780x381, 260:127, laim shut down baord.jpg)

4aed10  No.2584181

File: 3b1b4c34f90690d⋯.png (3 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, E3181415-AA83-4100-B712-02….png)

12,000 people saw this goon agent lie through his teeth. Probably didn’t even show the posts of Q saying PS was a cooperating witness and his power removed. I’d link the video but I don’t know how.

aec36f  No.2584182


Sara Carter said the IG report won't be out til next year.

2d1c9a  No.2584184


Wow, that's some fucked up shit right there.

67d10d  No.2584185


Yup.. We had that one nailed pretty quickly anon ;)

Anyone digging on the olympic?

42f459  No.2584186


I agree. I think we're very nearly to the storm itself. IMO, once the Mueller investigation is done + the IG report is done - it's on.

428997  No.2584187


They take up the majority of university owned off campus apartments. Can't take one step on that property without running into a horde.

And they fucking suck at driving.

54e4ee  No.2584188



things about to get real if we're finally getting around to this

>>2584146 i see what ye did thar

020765  No.2584189

File: 71f9f369cd35df2⋯.jpg (104.18 KB, 596x400, 149:100, pedowood.jpg)

1fd285  No.2584190


btfo shill

90675d  No.2584191


Nice point

0ad93b  No.2584192

File: a4a7829acf2244f⋯.jpg (284.45 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, IMG_1291.JPG)

File: ac1380cfa66aa0f⋯.jpg (40.37 KB, 718x695, 718:695, IMG_1302.JPG)

File: 144a0399438deba⋯.jpg (49.45 KB, 1083x582, 361:194, IMG_1309.JPG)

6f6d50  No.2584194


It’s where he keeps the chat logs

90675d  No.2584195


Love it

adc778  No.2584196


Mueller said he would be wrapping things up around 9/1

I'm thinking right after Labor Day

5c78ac  No.2584197


Haha so now libtards hate the PGA Champ too? Morons. He played great while Scott and Tiger tried to chase him down and couldnt.

0a25a4  No.2584198


Posoyboyic dug his own grave.

Just let him lay in it..

31c7ce  No.2584199

File: 0693ac53a871575⋯.png (330.22 KB, 736x404, 184:101, fbiii.png)


i bet doing the emmlemann or whatever the hell it is was fun as hell

feb8d4  No.2584200


Slater Doran, the previous owner of the Ferry Owner's house owns a Multi-care Children's Trauma center…

Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital, Tacoma — the region’s only children’s hospital and state-designated Level II Pediatric Trauma Center for Western Washington

335310  No.2584202

File: 1b3853bbc29de92⋯.png (471.3 KB, 780x452, 195:113, ClipboardImage.png)

1fa485  No.2584203


Oh man, better cover up strzoks firing, Netflix ceo stepping down with some bullshit to distract

449c32  No.2584204


first time seeing her…can tell ya that this is bs

total bs

story not well thought out

337855  No.2584205


Yeah, really hard to say… she's in a group on FB that I'm in (I know, I know, sue me!) and she has recounted some other stories… not sure if she's put them in videos… she's having these flashbacks supposedly… and one is about her having to complete puzzles of some kind quickly, while another little girl is having her insides removed in the next room… super gory.

57afbf  No.2584206







you fucking clowns are get'n thick in here today

covert Chinese military in austin, it was a couple of months ago that there was a 500k chinese army on the side of the mexico boarder ready to invade

67d10d  No.2584207


Best one yet anon!

d3972f  No.2584208

File: a496ab1767ccdc1⋯.png (89.29 KB, 582x274, 291:137, a496ab1767ccdc1e9aad3c90f7….png)

5042d8  No.2584209

File: 8d3e1b6f45841e5⋯.png (34.58 KB, 769x147, 769:147, fahd.png)



59c1fe  No.2584210


>why didnt Q tell us how many times DJT took a shit today?

8a3351  No.2584211


Texans are hardly blind anon. Austin has been inundated by Cali progressives and their burgeoning software and music businesses have allowed for much fuckery to bloom. We know it, but how do you propose we stahp Cali exiteers from moving here. short of seceding? Do we randomly burn down businesses where the top is fuckery and the employees are not?

It's no different than what is going on in DC, just local to us. In addition, an hour away, is San Antonio - home of every type of Mexifuckery you can imagine, and coyote nexus. We have our own progressive contingent in the state house to expand fuckery at every opportunity, and a huge voting block of progressives to contend with.

I am hoping we do get all our laundry aired out in DC, as it will cascade here quickly

8db522  No.2584212


Not so much a boom in my book.

95caac  No.2584213


That 2,300 sex offenders Broken Heart is not Notable.

OLD, OLD NEWS. You will notice no date is provided.

90675d  No.2584215

RR wife: HC attorney

0ad93b  No.2584216

File: 546d9a9e2a34e8a⋯.jpg (166.12 KB, 836x818, 418:409, IMG_2618.JPG)

File: b8c580a36b97745⋯.jpg (152.3 KB, 818x818, 1:1, IMG_2620.JPG)

File: 42fb71eb98c03e1⋯.gif (8.84 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 5F1B5024-332C-49CE-83EB-E7….gif)

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