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File: a08f80ba7a45ff5⋯.png (1.12 MB,1529x856,1529:856,a08f80ba7a45ff5a3fc7131f18….png)

917c3f No.22322315 [View All]

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1e30a0 No.22323244

File: 1f4b388f9255a3e⋯.png (170.03 KB,643x349,643:349,ClipboardImage.png)

how close are the fires to this inner earth entrance?

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0024da No.22323247


or he doesn't accept how fucked he might be

or he is a good actor

or or or

there's no way to know. if someone can smile at you and stab you in the back there's no telling how they'll look when their own screws are turned.

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9011f7 No.22323248


looks like the usa is rather insignificant from this perspective.

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d0b021 No.22323250

File: 323b1f2a4440aa1⋯.png (804.51 KB,1024x767,1024:767,sri.PNG)



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ea4cd8 No.22323252

File: 8e19ffd3fef6553⋯.png (459.98 KB,1000x535,200:107,Screenshot_2024_12_20_at_2….png)

File: 9b6628b2176c352⋯.png (167.52 KB,336x366,56:61,Screenshot_2024_12_20_at_2….png)


China Beach, San Francisco

Small cove in San Francisco, California

China Beach is a small cove in San Francisco's Sea Cliff neighborhood. It lies between Baker Beach and Lands End and is part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. It was once used as a campsite for Chinese fi>>22323179

shermen who anchored their boats in the cove. There is a monument to them at the trailhead by the parking area by Sea Cliff Avenue.


they got fresh shitters in the parking lot



art history is a waste of college credit>newscum should open the state park camping sites for the Palisades homeless, since camping is illegal


>Supreme Court says city's homeless camping ban not 'cruel and …

>Jun 28, 2024 … The Supreme Court ruled an Oregon city's ordinance to bar anyone without a permanent residency from sleeping outside doesn't

newscum should open the state park camping sites for the Palisades homeless, since camping is illegal


Supreme Court says city's homeless camping ban not 'cruel and …

Jun 28, 2024 … The Supreme Court ruled an Oregon city's ordinance to bar anyone without a permanent residency from sleeping outside doesn't


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9011f7 No.22323254


two world-class charmers doing their thing

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f6bde6 No.22323255


Thanks for the kind words, faggot. Check'd columns of 3's. SS, (PC), and 1C.

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4bc316 No.22323258

File: 81a756650d4e0c5⋯.png (574.62 KB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea4cd8 No.22323261


the residents at Sea Cliff wanted Trump for 2024

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0a2c76 No.22323263


digits confirm


>we are all getting played.

digits confirm


>we are all getting played.

digits confirm


>we are all getting played.

we are all getting played

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cf22b2 No.22323265


True dat!

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1e30a0 No.22323266

File: 8b345a2c03584f1⋯.png (391.28 KB,741x539,741:539,ClipboardImage.png)


>how close are the fires to this inner earth entrance?

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f8efb1 No.22323267

File: df1ff078beac07d⋯.png (638.98 KB,830x1290,83:129,4467_1_.png)

File: bd5c5b1d606879f⋯.png (690.82 KB,830x1804,415:902,4508.png)

File: 08565384740a867⋯.png (390.06 KB,830x1052,415:526,4512.png)

File: f72d1bc8bf0d85e⋯.png (724.34 KB,830x1472,415:736,4834.png)

File: 415f3f4b52919b2⋯.png (1.12 MB,830x2542,415:1271,4771.png)


"There's no Kenya back door."

Outward smiles says "You're watching a movie."

Great Actors…

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cf22b2 No.22323269


There's one in NY as well.

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d0b021 No.22323271

File: da9049812440cdd⋯.webp (145.69 KB,1456x1934,728:967,b16c73e6_4304_4f0a_918f_a….webp)


Experiment 144: Bulk removal of CNT, WPT and GONUTs smart bioweapons

Audio-video-communications nanotechnology CNT, weaponized-pathogen nanotechnology WPT and Graphene Oxide Paramagnetic weaponized nanotechnology GONUTs success.

Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.

Jan 08, 2025

Here is how to remove horrid CCP and proxy terrorist nanotechnology from your body with photographs of visual macro-scale removal that pushes the horrid CCP graphene oxide based nanotechnology weapon away from the vagus nerve system and out into the skin for removal.


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ab9e2b No.22323277


Governor Gavin Newsom failed so miserably in water and land management,and now the - ( Great State of Canada is sending firefighting planes to bail him out. LOL )

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1603f1 No.22323280

Flood Incoming

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9011f7 No.22323281

File: ee214b43bc384a4⋯.png (61.71 KB,351x303,117:101,pensive_pepe.png)

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1e526c No.22323283

File: 844d0864b33c07c⋯.png (40.71 KB,652x190,326:95,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b6ae782a45fa7c⋯.png (436.12 KB,528x438,88:73,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e821c27b920544⋯.jpg (180.88 KB,1170x1742,45:67,media_Gg3lB3lWMAA2AgK.jpg)

File: 96ef1e153ad11de⋯.png (80.95 KB,174x262,87:131,ClipboardImage.png)



Is Melania a descendant of Jesus and Mary Magdalene?

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0024da No.22323285


or he's a body double and not personally responsible

or we're watching an ai video

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9011f7 No.22323286


seams like a knee jerk but wdak

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328287 No.22323287

File: 3b7ad98bf4c17f9⋯.png (1.75 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


He really does look old af though

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d0b021 No.22323291

File: 4b77225fbcecb3f⋯.png (12.8 KB,182x254,91:127,4b77225fbcecb3fdbeed9d54d0….png)

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aa7a84 No.22323293


Canadians join the fight against Los Angeles-area wildfires

Aircraft from B.C., Quebec helping out as 1,000 structures destroyed, at least 2 people killed

The Canadian Press · Posted: Jan 08, 2025 1:44 PM EST | Last Updated: 1 hour ago

Firefighting aircraft provided by the Quebec government and a B.C.-based company are helping to battle the massive wildfires tearing through the Los Angeles area.

They include a pair of Canadian-made water-bombing planes out of Quebec, while Coulson Aviation helicopters are also "on the frontline" of the fight.

Coulson said in a social media post that its crews are "braving high winds and challenging conditions" in the fight against the Palisades fires.

They're among thousands of firefighters tackling multiple blazes that have killed at least two people and destroyed more than 1,000 structures across the Los Angeles area as of Wednesday morning, according to Los Angeles County's fire chief.

Images from the Pacific Palisades neighbourhood showed firefighters in front of large homes that were engulfed in flames, while residents escaped through fire, ferocious winds and clouds of smoke. At least 70,000 residents were ordered to evacuate, officials said Wednesday.

Coulson's social media post included a screenshot showing the flight paths of three of its water-bombing helicopters swirling repeatedly over the neighbourhood.

The company, which is based in Port Alberni, B.C., but also operates in the U.S. and Australia, says its aircraft in the firefight include its double-rotor Chinook and the smaller Sikorsky S-76 helicopter, contracted with local utility Southern California Edison.

That means Coulson's aircraft directly serves Los Angeles and Orange and Ventura counties and were among the first on the scene of the wildfires.

CEO Wayne Coulson told CBC News that his crews were dispatched to several fires across the L.A. area and would support ground crews as necessary.

"Unfortunately, in this particular fire, the wind was so violent, and the fire got started right away. It had about a three- to four-hour headstart before any aircraft could get on it," he told Gloria Macarenko, host of CBC's On The Coast.

"It's in the urban interface, and it's taking out hundreds and hundreds of homes," Coulson told The Canadian Press. "And a lot of those homes, of course, are very, very expensive.

"As soon as the wind dies down, we will get control of it relatively quickly. But it's just how much damage is done in the meantime."

No official requests for support from Canada: officials

B.C. Minister of Forests Ravi Parmar said the province is standing by to assist California with the fires but has yet to receive a request.

"British Columbia knows all too well the devastating impacts of wildfires," he said in a statement emailed to CBC News.

"My thoughts are with the people of Los Angeles as they face this extremely challenging situation … and B.C. will provide support in any way we can in the days ahead."

The Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre, which is operated by fire management agencies across Canada, said it has no resources deployed to the California firefighting effort, and there were no "anticipated requests."

A spokesperson for Quebec's Transport Department said the two Quebec government planes have been actively involved in fighting the fires since Tuesday.

The Canadian-made CL-415 firefighting planes are sent to California each fall as part of an annual contract that has existed since 1994, the department says on its website. It says the contract normally begins in September and lasts for between 90 and 180 days.



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9011f7 No.22323296

File: f54b96cb0ad4f09⋯.png (649.08 KB,792x528,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Catastrophic weather drives insured losses to highest global level since 2017

As 2025 begins with wildfires wreaking devastation across Los Angeles, it’s now clear that insured losses from natural catastrophes last year soared to the highest since 2017.


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e3fed3 No.22323297



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917c3f No.22323298



#27302 >>22322324

>>22322355, >>22322362, >>22322408, >>22322420, >>22322492 Carter Funeral

>>22322399, >>22322414 Is that a skull??? Looks like a whole skeleton.

>>22322405 Today in Q Post History we have 01 Delta 'BIG Week. This was needed. Be ready.'

>>22322431 Victor Davis Hanson: Donald Trump is a Great Man of History

>>22322499 Biden Confirms He is Considering Pardons for Anthony Fauci and Liz Cheney

>>22322500, >>22322513, >>22322514, >>22322515, >>22322591 Carter's Funeral Where´s Michael Obama? Dick Cheney?

>>22322502 “One of the first actions the Police took was to force a contraceptive pill into her mouth”

>>22322504, >>22322827 LA Fires From Space: Satellite Images Reveal Paths of Devastating Blazes

>>22322551 LA Created DEI Bureau and Hired Black Lesbian to weed out "bigoted" firefighters 2017

>>22322612, >>22322720, >>22322752, >>22322893, >>22323030, >>22323033, >>22323134, >>22323168 NASA & Space Related

>>22322705 RT - Israeli PM Netanyahu won't attend Trump's inauguration ceremony

>>22322736 Debbie Lesko Calls for “Comprehensive Audit of Entire Election System” as newly sworn Maricopa County Supervisor

>>22322805, >>22322832 Delta Dan TOLD YA 4 Years Ago “Trump supporters aren’t going anywhere”

>>22322846 MTG - Biden is Putting America Last constantly in her time of need

>>22322855 BREAKING: 20 people arrested for allegedly looting homes in evacuated fire zones

>>22322895 Mayor Bass and Newsom stage photo op amid complete failure

>>22322916, >>22322930, >>22322983, >>22323139 LA Mayor Karen Bass TOTAL FAIL

>>22322933 The Socialist National Anthem - iconic John Lennon song ‘Imagine’

>>22322985 Hunter Biden's rented Malibu home burned to the ground by LA fire


>>22323037 New York Court Denies Trump’s Bid to Halt Friday’s Sentencing

>>22323047 Celebrity homes destroyed in LA fires mapped

>>22323127 Poster of new Lebanese President with Trump-inspired slogan: 'Make Lebanon Great Again'

>>22323145 Last fiscal year, the LA city budget included more for the homeless ($1.3 billion) than for the Fire Department ($817 million)

>>22323172, >>22323232 Trump tells Obama they will ‘find a quiet place’ to discuss ‘matter of importance’ at Carter funeral

>>22323178, >>22323198 Melania Trump is wearing a black Valentino trench coat dress with a bold white collar today “The Kissing Lovers”


>>22323192 Florida Grand Jury Finds No Evidence of Criminal Activity by COVID-19 Vaccine Manufacturers

>>22323235 California Fires - Trump called it months ago on his interview with Joe Rogan

>>22323293 Canadians join the fight against Los Angeles-area wildfires

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3792bd No.22323300

File: 388d9f84492c176⋯.png (209.85 KB,634x423,634:423,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e5a06da38d2b5a⋯.png (696.51 KB,932x914,466:457,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72f4d35aa9dfac9⋯.png (124.88 KB,462x360,77:60,ClipboardImage.png)

First 100 days

President-elect Donald Trump announces plans for U.S. expansion

Economy and energy

Poll after poll showed that the economy was the most important issue for voters in the 2024 election.

Trump’s message of “drill, baby drill” to cut energy costs in half within his first year back in office carried the day. He has vowed to sign a broad Day 1 executive order directing agency leaders to “use every tool and authority at their disposal to defeat inflation.

Trump’s support for expanding America’s nuclear energy resolve was central to his “all of the above” energy approach. His former Secretary of the Interior, David Bernhardt, said Trump will bolster production by modernizing the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, working to expand the sector.

The new Congress seems likely to extend provisions of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act — better known as the Trump tax cuts — which were set to expire in 2025. Trump and his allies claim the act increased middle-class incomes, until FJB printed 4 trillion out of thin air and robbed everybody via inflation.

Illegal immigration

Nearly a decade after Trump’s infamous “drugs, crime and rapists” speech, support for deporting immigrants who enter the country illegally has never been higher. Most migrants have settled in major cities that saw a violent crime spike early in Biden’s term.

With Trump and Homan at the helm, the political criminals and their corrupt invaders are wondering who exactly is up for deportation and how to resist without getting their heads blown off by the absolutely fed up native population. FJB marxist response to WNC was the last straw for red states and LA should be the last straw for blue states. JD Vance has suggested the administration could deport more than 1 million people each year, which will barely keep up with the invasion even with an enforced border, so fuck the "experts". Trump has threatened to cut federal funding to states and cities that do not assist in deportation plans, but he should just chop the heads off the hydra and lock up belligerent politicians. The time for Rivers of Blood is Now.

Foreign policy

Trump seems most interested in ending fighting to minimize American casualties without giving much of a fuck for the thousand years of tribal warfare and sodomy in these regions. He has vowed to “settle” the Russia-Ukraine war within 24 hours of taking office.

In the Middle East Trump is expected to continue to humor the long time political assassin Benjamin Netanyahu as that terrorist state uses American weapons provided by FJB to commit genocide. "Look bitch, you knew I was a psychopath" just doesn't cut it.

Trump will also contend with a developing situation in Syria. Last month, the Pentagram admitted that they were enriching themselves on the backs of 2,000 American grunts FAFO in Syria.

European oligarchs are expecting Trump to cancel their AGW economic war against the west. The eurofags are also worried about what Trump will do to their big fat NATO swindle.

Trump has floated an American purchase of Greenland to develop potential geological assets and counter Russian influence in the Arctic. The climate change hustlers have created a South Sea Bubble, regarding the harsh polar region. Short of the chooks using stolen classified American research about geo-engineering the weather, this is a unicorn. But they are chooks and will eat anything.

Trump has asserted Chinese influence has queered the deal the United States made with Panama regarding fair use of the canal and is looking to kick some ass.

Trade and regulation

In 2024, Republicans made big inroads with traditionally Democratic union members by running on protectionist trade policies designed to keep blue-collar jobs in America. Trump’s second term will look to expand tariffs on imports from Mexico, China and other key partners.

The Wall Street Journal has noted a change in the attitudes of American businesses toward Chinese tariffs compared to Trump’s first term, as they realize they were lied to about access to markets, after being picked clean by the little yellow debils, as well as being overrun by another billion chooks in India.

Trump has also vowed to restore his “two for one” rule — meaning two regulations must be eliminated before a new one can be enacted. He has called for abolishing the Department of Education and returning control of public schools to the state and local levels, after marxist DoE "policies" destroyed 3 generations.

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c1c9ad No.22323301

File: 92e04e29f21fc46⋯.jpeg (196.89 KB,1284x902,642:451,IMG_8376.jpeg)


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a2c233 No.22323305


Here comes the LIES and cover-ups!

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c83b01 No.22323306


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f6bde6 No.22323309

The pretty people get to relate to the little people now.

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328287 No.22323310

File: 1a92ad352c16ecd⋯.png (69.84 KB,1196x430,598:215,Trump_tweet_schizopost.png)


>Is Melania a descendant of Jesus and Mary Magdalene?

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710305 No.22323311

File: 542fc722e9c1f84⋯.jpg (59.36 KB,536x500,134:125,7wguf7.jpg)

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9011f7 No.22323312

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1e30a0 No.22323314


>'What has a man, to gain everything, only to lose his very soul.'

But I am the soul

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710305 No.22323316


Are you afraid satan?

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1e30a0 No.22323318



that would not be a year

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31d946 No.22323319


>There's no Kenya back door

I thought that was Obama's code name.

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0a2c76 No.22323320


>say goodbye forever


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eae432 No.22323321


It looks more like an AI generation of a skeleton , what might be limbs just look funky and just not quite right. Then again I wouldn't know what a burned body in a fore like that would look like , but it looks off

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3792bd No.22323323


Here comes the investigation into how the insurance companies knew in advance to cancel policies there, now, and the class action lawsuits to claw back what the property "owners" can. You can be sure gangster Newscum still wants property taxes.

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917c3f No.22323324

File: 6eb7d5816879443⋯.jpg (182.68 KB,491x595,491:595,6eb7d5816879443ebb9cafb73e….jpg)

File: 7affde63e58c731⋯.png (518.14 KB,736x736,1:1,7affde63e58c731519349ea13d….png)

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eae432 No.22323325


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d0b021 No.22323328

File: 0548bb33c3ae362⋯.webp (53.48 KB,1024x587,1024:587,vivek_ganapathy_ramaswamy.webp)

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3792bd No.22323329


Good. I hope the polar ice cap reaches Montreal.

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9011f7 No.22323330



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917c3f No.22323331

File: 519329f63345b1a⋯.png (228.45 KB,1099x1570,7:10,519329f63345b1af0a0d8f7f25….png)

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9011f7 No.22323333


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aca018 No.22323335

File: 61b8ebd9343e88e⋯.png (85.81 KB,1487x305,1487:305,ClipboardImage.png)

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