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File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,qrbannerflag.png)

ffb678 No.22320285 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.'


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701 posts and 383 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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f77c02 No.22321411


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dd6bcd No.22321414


Libs prolly starting fires so Trump won't deport the beaners needed to rebuild LA.

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0a256e No.22321418

File: 3c100b634b96a2a⋯.png (221.83 KB,598x458,299:229,3c100b634b96a2a491341b2441….png)

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a0079c No.22321419



we got your back baker

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dc5862 No.22321421

File: 366e2d1aa685917⋯.png (610.71 KB,696x518,348:259,Screenshot_20250109_053837….png)

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d200ed No.22321424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d200ed No.22321427



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d200ed No.22321430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d200ed No.22321434

wonder if when DJT says chyna hes rattling the bones of those that ran the human trafficking through china lake

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f3d967 No.22321437

Try to tell your friends that inflation was purposely done.

max pain by design

watch them laugh at you

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03ce03 No.22321438

File: ffd886a50e6d095⋯.png (143.32 KB,593x732,593:732,am.PNG)


Santa Trump.. ⭐️⭐️⭐️


OMG! Could it really be that easy? Bahahahahahahaha I think it is! Awesome!

Last edited

4:35 PM · Jan 8, 2025




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08117c No.22321440

Class action law suit in coming for Karen Black served by Hollywood elites kek

How to bankrupt a state in 4 easy steps.

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f3d967 No.22321441

How do you cover your tracks?


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f3d967 No.22321442

Burn 100 buildings in order to burn 1 and no one notice the one targeted.

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0a256e No.22321443

File: d9bf13dba2d1807⋯.png (258.82 KB,827x468,827:468,Screenshot_2025_01_09_0347….png)

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d200ed No.22321444

File: dce7b1c101e3aba⋯.png (4.64 MB,1674x2122,837:1061,Screenshot_2025_01_07_at_9….png)

File: d5414ecbb8f1493⋯.png (2.27 MB,3388x2218,1694:1109,Screenshot_2025_01_07_at_9….png)

File: 5bb4d487c56acb7⋯.png (912.3 KB,3410x2154,1705:1077,36a91f749ef29ea2ec14dd05d1….png)


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f3d967 No.22321445


Sink an entire ship to assassinate 5 people on board and then call it a tragic disaster, then make a love movie about it.

Then laugh your asses off every year on tax day April 15 to Celebrate the great victory

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ffb678 No.22321446

File: 6b9094a1763695f⋯.jpg (91.61 KB,1024x1024,1:1,QAobA2th.jpg)


…Bakering now


#27300 >>22320290

>>22320353 L.A. Fire Chief Kristin Crowley warned Mayor Karen Bass (D) last month the $17+ million she cut from the department's budget "severely limited the department's capacity to prepare for, train for, and respond to large-scale emergencies, including wildfires"

>>22320366 @elonmusk - Arson is a real possibility

>>22320407 Alexander Smirnov, a former FBI informant who admitted to lying about US President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden’s interactions with a Ukrainian energy company, was sentenced to six years in prison, court records showed

>>22320526 Police have received a report of five men in ski masks that started a fire in Studio City.

>>22320872 Video of arsonists in Santa Monica

>>22321181 Moving the headquarters of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to Kennedy Space Center in Florida is supported by Gov. Ron DeSantis, he said Wednesday.


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d200ed No.22321449


there was a love story for real on there

John Jacob Astor IV and his wife Madeleine Astor

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d200ed No.22321450


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08117c No.22321452


los angeles, which in Spanish means ‘the angels

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35259d No.22321453

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Have you guys seen this video?!

Guy claims to uncovered a satanic pedophile ring counting our votes to only be thrown in jail and gangstalked. Plus his kid is missing

Why isn't this on the news?!

Notable non

It's been going on for how long?

Any of you dig in those videos?

Wild! A whole series that is either fake or real. A satanic gang using child brides to count votes. Some in our government worship Satan. The mockingbird media said that was lying.


But there is this video… Wild!

An entire grooming gang inside the United States.. a sheriff, a city attorney, even a doctor..

They were i.t. contractors

Seems like if you were interested in Q that video confirms a big part of the Q posts

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1771aa No.22321454

File: 020ceef31d5ac1e⋯.jpeg (736.73 KB,1564x808,391:202,IMG_9148.jpeg)

File: 65d8cfa270138d5⋯.jpeg (35.81 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_8690.jpeg)

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000000 No.22321455



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000000 No.22321456

a naughty mouse?

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08117c No.22321457


Didn't qsayHollywood?


Not who is?


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ffb678 No.22321459

File: 372eaeb2e24917e⋯.jpg (136.67 KB,700x527,700:527,rawImage.jpg)

Fresh bread




Right here

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a0079c No.22321462

File: 2479cdadcb35da8⋯.png (1.64 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)



Loll I'm anon just like you

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08117c No.22321463

File: fc5b335f1c3179e⋯.png (811.69 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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5549ff No.22321466

File: c4f0e0c38e7f400⋯.mp4 (622.14 KB,360x640,9:16,anonymous_hacker_short_ano….mp4)

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ffb678 No.22321468

File: 753fe3154cb2214⋯.jpg (257.58 KB,1375x852,1375:852,93438e7b0c74f11f78923c35e0….jpg)

Morning Bread




This way

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635bfd No.22321471

File: 61575fe59f06064⋯.jpeg (27.88 KB,474x470,237:235,pepe_sip2314.jpeg)


Holy niggerfaggot, Batman. That's a lot of posts. Thought you were Vatican shill with that post count. My magic trick is a different IP because free gym wifi. What's yours? Posty McPostAĹot?

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ffb678 No.22321474


…Deleted posts opening up more room for organic shitposting.

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a0079c No.22321478

File: af3b26b2a7a0244⋯.mp4 (6.19 MB,640x360,16:9,9966_GoodDay.mp4)

Filet anons.

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635bfd No.22321479

File: 8f4d6f7a1ef84fa⋯.png (430.61 KB,674x407,674:407,groundhog_day_pepe.png)



Jesus tap dancing christ, Anon. Even when Anon had the madness shitposting fervor Anon never hit 50x. Maybe 30-40 before getting deleted. So that's the secret huh? Just need to bake and you can hab 50x undelete posts? God damn

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ffb678 No.22321483

File: 7c70e9f575db57b⋯.png (374.39 KB,640x411,640:411,elduce_1352126672.png)


…Cool, anon will keep posting.

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ffb678 No.22321487

File: e1602c9a8150761⋯.jpg (52.15 KB,618x340,309:170,rotnfuckyou.jpg)

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ffb678 No.22321491

File: f11aa899198dbf2⋯.png (330.14 KB,646x430,323:215,bbsocko.png)

File: 61377c41cb83f6c⋯.jpg (52.84 KB,500x704,125:176,staymad.jpg)

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ffb678 No.22321493

File: be5e58b06c4ddee⋯.jpg (58.27 KB,640x512,5:4,bill_cooper_read_about_eve….jpg)

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a0079c No.22321496

File: 4bb7e10e2f3f6ff⋯.jpg (124.73 KB,800x532,200:133,5.jpg)

File: fc68ec2f82a868c⋯.jpg (8.58 KB,320x180,16:9,1.jpg)

File: a8b2392aef79ff8⋯.jpg (31.67 KB,549x365,549:365,2.jpg)

File: 3b0791f9fe08bfc⋯.jpg (1.09 MB,3340x2030,334:203,3.jpg)

File: 2deb567331bf30f⋯.gif (1.8 MB,341x376,341:376,4.gif)

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ffb678 No.22321498

File: 2ac4a1c8d5382a7⋯.png (3.55 MB,1011x1514,1011:1514,runkek.png)

…How is King Chuck III doing?

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a0079c No.22321499

File: 593c75ca07a0a4c⋯.jpg (569.73 KB,1024x652,256:163,6.jpg)

File: d2c9ca471749194⋯.jpg (645.68 KB,2048x2048,1:1,7.jpg)

File: 623ab7b30d731ce⋯.jpg (244.1 KB,1920x1080,16:9,8.jpg)

File: a78625a52e70245⋯.png (276.91 KB,656x638,328:319,9.png)

File: 33e6a42d701243a⋯.jpg (31.29 KB,550x398,275:199,10.jpg)

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ffb678 No.22321502

File: 5d391f03d7bc566⋯.png (596.02 KB,500x711,500:711,821531b66709d846411dc65462….png)

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a0079c No.22321504

File: 7e8a4ff7f10b401⋯.png (768.16 KB,627x673,627:673,15.PNG)

File: 1014833b2fbebee⋯.png (527.02 KB,1000x563,1000:563,11.png)

File: 13cbfe472ad126c⋯.mp4 (2.44 MB,480x480,1:1,12.mp4)

File: e9a5755b52f1f8b⋯.jpg (104.56 KB,625x603,625:603,13.jpg)

File: 8145a705b760c5e⋯.jpg (52.12 KB,589x526,589:526,14.jpg)

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ffb678 No.22321506

File: 80d18c5f735f38d⋯.jpg (35.35 KB,393x650,393:650,80d18c5f735f38d356ba7fbaa5….jpg)

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ffb678 No.22321510

File: f8182996e3a220c⋯.png (48.2 KB,524x642,262:321,hmhmsdfefg.png)

Fresh bread




Over here

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ffb678 No.22321513

File: a5b793bb06e6af4⋯.png (318.83 KB,484x397,484:397,billmime.png)

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a0079c No.22321516

File: 1baf264bd634a30⋯.png (775.6 KB,715x750,143:150,16.png)

File: 79d232f27093722⋯.png (567.19 KB,1328x754,664:377,17.PNG)

File: 619cb64715870e8⋯.jpg (266.99 KB,2184x1562,1092:781,18.jpg)

File: c7154194db2eb38⋯.jpg (404.75 KB,565x692,565:692,19.jpg)

File: 7a03842218ab2bd⋯.png (784.66 KB,949x632,949:632,20.png)

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b1f6a3 No.22321520


Ironically, have nothing to do with Mt Zion, especially that hill. Ashkenazi is proper term.

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48ee3c No.22321521

File: 15ceb8666a038b4⋯.png (276.53 KB,612x408,3:2,15ceb8666a038b4c6d19957964….png)

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