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File: a08f80ba7a45ff5⋯.png (1.12 MB,1529x856,1529:856,In_God_We_Trust.png)

68950f No.22026519 [View All]

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473a14 No.22027327

File: 77f9c1649b7be3a⋯.png (941.7 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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70b59d No.22027328


Aged well for MTG, not so much for ABC. As well as a lot of other 3-letter agencies.


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1dc2ac No.22027329

File: c270b979f1d83c9⋯.png (217.7 KB,720x519,240:173,ClipboardImage.png)


Michael S. Schmidt @nytmike

NEW/BREAKING: We obtained a document from the federal sex trafficking investigation of Gaetz. It shows he made thousands $ in payments to women who told investigators they had sex w/him for money. We are publishing a redacted version of the document.


5:43 PM · Nov 20, 2024·169.8K Views


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e3df25 No.22027330

File: 6e49c9c5aced804⋯.jpeg (44.01 KB,349x349,1:1,IMG_4643.jpeg)


Sure it is, Dan.

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5471b5 No.22027331

File: cdf924bc927f2c2⋯.png (589.35 KB,1024x846,512:423,IMG_2158.png)

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ebdecd No.22027332

What if Iran created a classified ‘satellite’ Nuclear facility in Northern Syria?

What if the program never ceased?

What other bad actors are possibly involved?

Did the U.S. know?

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598874 No.22027333

File: 0b8d8e7e70522b3⋯.png (58.92 KB,720x656,45:41,673dbf7750116.PNG)

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a25436 No.22027334

File: 678783350f0088d⋯.png (63.6 KB,250x217,250:217,678783350f0088de7fad2faa09….png)


>Time space curvature or some shit.

That is great.

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c405c2 No.22027335

File: b076d361d163d8e⋯.png (11.6 MB,3000x2619,1000:873,ClipboardImage.png)




Keep the Name Bible

And just make line 1 The Chapter title

Chapter: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

1.1 The earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

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ccd0e3 No.22027336


So some source sent an article to NY Times claiming it was the documents from Ethics, but no way to source it.

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338fb4 No.22027337

File: ad0b1b4ac010b6b⋯.jpg (123.16 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20241120_200928….jpg)

File: e4f9efbbe1a405e⋯.png (78.64 KB,710x804,355:402,628.png)

File: 098fff23abf092b⋯.png (220.76 KB,710x1904,355:952,1828_1.png)



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14db89 No.22027338



Except heavens and earth doesn't mean what you've been led to believe it means.

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432ace No.22027339

Jesse calling out the Biden king band aid

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a1ad62 No.22027340

Matt Gaetz needs to clarify a point.

Men do not pay for sex.

Men pay women to go away after sex.

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a25436 No.22027341


That's a beautiful bible. It looks to be a duodecimo.

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07a5d6 No.22027342

File: dae199823dd178a⋯.png (309.4 KB,895x841,895:841,7k63j546h4634.PNG)

Donald J. Trump



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338fb4 No.22027343

File: 3e00ddf3e150488⋯.jpg (485.14 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20241120_201116….jpg)

File: 20558204484cdf5⋯.png (107.16 KB,710x1200,71:120,522_1.png)

File: 017e60fa04fda3f⋯.jpeg (345.26 KB,1290x1383,430:461,Gc3HjyAWYAARR_d.jpeg)

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171056 No.22027344

>you can't

That mean there drop coming about you want me do sex with trump wife


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1dc2ac No.22027345



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e9f100 No.22027346

File: fb5b2e1bd4601dd⋯.jpg (107.96 KB,2000x842,1000:421,spoon2.jpg)


There is Q and there is Anon, there is no QAnon.

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27f60f No.22027347




Facebook partners with Hebrew fact-checkers as campaign rhetoric heats up

Interviewed by the Guardian newspaper in December, Brooke Binkowski, former managing editor of Snopes, said of Facebook, “They’re not taking anything seriously. They are more interested in making themselves look good and passing the buck … They clearly don’t care.”


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316b9d No.22027348

File: 53beb142d856451⋯.png (504.54 KB,616x602,44:43,piz.png)

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27f60f No.22027349

File: ffdb4c5e4833b61⋯.png (49.55 KB,526x474,263:237,QAnonJew.png)

File: 151c9df275e66ac⋯.png (52.14 KB,637x392,13:8,QAnonJewII.png)

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4e1e26 No.22027350

File: eaee37918097453⋯.png (374.37 KB,598x772,299:386,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 55e03f46d641fe9⋯.mp4 (8.6 MB,480x852,40:71,vV2_re6DPZ82sGBX.mp4)


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124b86 No.22027351

File: 900ced63e1a4e9e⋯.png (731.34 KB,568x831,568:831,ClipboardImage.png)

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58e975 No.22027352


Estrogen dominance, might be genetic but can be corrected somewhat with change of diet and some supplements that rid the body of excess estrogen

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c405c2 No.22027353


yeah caught my attention

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a25436 No.22027354

File: 2ad17c114a98b87⋯.gif (45.17 KB,112x112,1:1,2ad17c114a98b87736b782ceb0….gif)



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e49a17 No.22027355

File: 67970ec10e84fa6⋯.jpg (94.25 KB,1280x720,16:9,MV5BYzZjMjVjZWUtNjhlNi00Zj….jpg)


no link

…you bas"tard"

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1dc2ac No.22027357

File: 36418f77e9e8e77⋯.png (342.66 KB,745x902,745:902,ClipboardImage.png)


Time stamp:

Nov 20, 2024, 8:02 PM


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5bbfef No.22027359


Ya know, those desks probably support a couple thousand pounds of roofing. Built by Americans coming out of WWII by skilled welders and fabricators.

I'm sitting in a 74 year old office chair that''s good as the day it was made.

Office furniture of the '50's was world class!

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1dc2ac No.22027360



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a1ad62 No.22027361

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124b86 No.22027362

File: 7f4ffd483aaf29c⋯.png (683.06 KB,568x568,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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4e1e26 No.22027363

File: e23db2c70e37d46⋯.png (363.41 KB,680x580,34:29,e23db2c70e37d465fcc7de5933….png)

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0d0d02 No.22027364


ping pong has consequences

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81290c No.22027366

Gets some rest anons.

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473a14 No.22027367

File: 010b633ff681f7e⋯.gif (703.9 KB,245x186,245:186,humanityontrial.gif)


says the qanoner

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4e1e26 No.22027369

File: a1cb15dd61afa79⋯.jpeg (116.82 KB,923x1233,923:1233,IMG_7198.jpeg)

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432ace No.22027371


eyes spiral in a crazy purty matter

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ebdecd No.22027372

File: 7333f75b9b07668⋯.jpg (131.43 KB,1080x1055,216:211,finaltweet.jpg)

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316b9d No.22027373

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9546c4 No.22027374


Your mom is bad person

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2ecc62 No.22027376

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124b86 No.22027377

File: c131da9c3f9bc21⋯.png (365.4 KB,568x378,284:189,ClipboardImage.png)

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7b5a1a No.22027378

File: 7d162a5d0366721⋯.png (14.86 KB,476x113,476:113,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5807b495995d3f6⋯.png (16.91 KB,374x194,187:97,ClipboardImage.png)


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



May anon request the correct US time stamp for Dan.

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4e1e26 No.22027379

File: dcaf89bf1177f26⋯.jpeg (183.95 KB,1440x1080,4:3,IMG_5334.jpeg)

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171056 No.22027381


That's right thinking all women like your mother

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e9f100 No.22027382


What you call me does not mean that's how I think of myself. I'm Anon.

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050ad1 No.22027383


You won’t believe the power of walking.

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