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File: 806ecaeaaf7d3a2⋯.jpg (137.19 KB,600x335,120:67,000jjj.jpg)

656b60 No.21938028 [Last50 Posts]

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656b60 No.21938037

International Q Research Threads

>>21755366 Australia #38

>>21503242 Brazil #1

>>21929052 Canada #66

>>21284558 France #8

>>21435975 Germany #107

>>21637872 Japan #25

>>16694250 Nederland #10

>>21452596 QAJF #2

>>21350861 Scotland #11

>>21699204 Singapore #1

>>20969267 South Africa #13

>>19804572 UK #51


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>>21835055, >>21835166, >>21835269 Anons, please do not post link shorteners

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ANONS: Stay positive, Eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26865 >>21937262

>>21937297, >>21937305,, >>21937499 @SpaceX Falcon 9 delivers 23

>>21937395, >>21937459, >>21937417, >>21937433, >>21937459, >>21937543 Trump Announces Susan Summerall Wiles As Chief Of Staff, According To Campaign Release.

>>21937328, >>21937523 'I dare you to continue your lawfare against President Trump. Listen here, sweetheart, we're not messing around this time and we will put your fatass in prison for conspiracy against rights.' 0:4

>>21937339 American F-15 fighter planes arrived in the Middle East

>>21937347, >>21937287, >>21937383, >>21937408, >>21937505 Look, some no name Ruben Gallego beat Trump and harris in vote total.Both of the senate candidates have more than Harris

>>21937340, >>21937385, >>21937484 Elon is 'X'?

>>21937540 Elon Musk Getting Ready To Haul 3 Wells To White House Door So He Can Knock And Say, 'Well, Well, Well'

>>21937365 Donald Trump Dream Team: Excellent Highlight From Joe Rogan (Cap 2:55)

>>21937378, >>21937396, >>21937401, >>21937414 Feds Raid Alfie Oakes’ Naples Home and Farm with Battering Ram – An Outspoken Trump Supporter and Owner of Seed to Table

>>21937430 In the seven battleground states: The 20-24 swing towards Trump was 3.1 pts. Across the other 43 states: Trump gained an average of 6.7 pts.

>>21937411, >>21937443, >>21937453, >>21937571 AIPAC defeated eleven anti-Israel candidates this election, with all 362 they endorsed winning.

>>21937482 Donald Trump has been the President-Elect for not even two days:

>>21937615 Marc E. Elias THREAT: The Pennsylvania Senate race is not over.

>>21937604, >>21937621 Only one Delta for tomorrow, but look at it

>>21937785 ADL complaining

>>21937790 BREAKING: The Court just granted our request to throw out the Biden-Harris Administration's illegal parole-in-place program allowing illegal aliens to remain in our country after they have crossed the border

>>21937806 Marc E. Elias - BREAKING: Pennsylvania Secretary of State says there at "at least 100,000 ba>>21937813 Situation in Europe - October

>>21937826 Feds Raid Alfie Oakes’ Naples Home and Farm with Battering Ram llots remaining to be adjudicated."

>>21937851 Donald Trump has announced that Susie Wiles will be his chief of staff in the White House


>>21938018 #26865

#26864 >>21936472

>>21936502, >>21936524, >>21936508, >>21936605, >>21936532 Mike Davis says he will put [NY AG Letitia James] fat ass in jail KEK

>>21936504, >>21936563 Alex Soros admits: This is the first time this has ever happened in almost 120 years of records, ParlGov global research project

>>21936505 Putin says 'we are ready to speak with Trump'

>>21936519 Bill Gates requesting a DEAL?

>>21936492 EU Climate Scam Mini Bun

>>21936539 POSO: Several Biden staffers on the NSC who may be held over into the early 47 admin are discussing spreading a fake story about tension between Melania and Usha

>>21936562, >>21936594 Call to Keep an Eye on a Very Evil Communist Law Professor Jennifer Taub

>>21936568, >>21936617 Fed Chair Jerome Powell says he would not step down if President Trump asked him to resign (Cap 0:20)

>>21936687, >>21936795 The Federal Reserve has cut interest rates, amid reports that Donald Trump will allow Chair Jerome Powell to remain in his job until 2026

>>21936576 Notable headlines: DAWN OF A NEW TRUMP ERA

>>21936601, >>21936612, >>21936779 Senate just went to 53 GOP, Q2493 ?

>>21936625 Kari Lake is trailing Gallego by 51,000 votes with 74% votes counted

>>21936746 The Case of the Disappearing Ballots: American Thinker

>>21936653 Formidable setback for the criminal plan of the New World Order

>>21936721, >>21936815 President Putin speaks for first time after Donald Trump win LINK

>>21936762 What say you, anon? Yay or Nay? Trump 19th President

>>21936769, >>21936808 Governor Newsom Calls Special Legislative Session to Fight Trump

>>21936859, >>21936881 Why is retired Manchin talking in public?

>>21936889, >>21937099, >>21936899 keks

>>21936895, >>21937015 Race Call: Republican Dave McCormick wins election to U.S. Senate from Pennsylvania,

>>21936926 Ventura county: over 20 homes burning to the ground (Cap 1:00)

>>21936991, >>21937068 GET READY FOR THE GREATEST AMERICAN FIESTA OF ALL TIME!!!🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳 (Cap 3:18)

>>21937199 Byron Donalds – I would love to be Treasury Secretary under Trump.'

>>21937228 #26864

#26863 >>21935713

>>21935736, >>21935787, >>21935813, >>21935837, >>21935856, >>21935888, >>21935919, >>21935975, >>21936011, >>21936083, >>21936185 Jean-Pierre: [Biden] and [Harris] changed America for the better & the Transitioning to Come

>>21935746, >>21935866 Swamp Events

>>21935757, >>21935774 House Bills cued and ready for Trump

>>21935822 America's Voice Live With Steve Gruber - Real America's Voice

>>21935869, >>21935899 Minorities came through for Trump, but without the typical Dem-style pandering

>>21935906, >>21935930 Putin Congratulates Trump on Election Victory, Says Russia Ready for Contacts

>>21935927 Late-night hosts absolutely lose it after Trump defeats Harris in battle for White House

>>21935944, >>21936151 California and New York do not have Voter ID but Trump still gained over 10 percentage points in each state

>>21935949, >>21935990 Mass death of rare seals reported in Caspian Sea

>>21935966 RonPaulLibertyReport - Drowning In Their Tears: Elites Panic At 2024 Election Results

>>21935972 Protect and Comfort Those Around You, in this our greatest battle, truly i say to (you), this is all that matters

>>21936077 MaRICOpa AZ County recorder Stephen Richer has deleted his Twitter account and counting has stopped

>>21936086 Capitol Police Officer Fanone feels like the walls are closing in. Could it be because he lied under oath?

>>21936101 Europe’s dark, windless days show risk of renewables rollout [green new scam]

>>21936112 kek Put the entire government into Grok and find out who is in the ‘deep state’

>>21936118, >>21936152 What’s up doc? Your favorite childhood cartoon was way darker than you realized

>>21936142, >>21936263 PF - Gitmo express active today

>>21936198 US and UK official Climate offices fabricating 1/3 of climate data

>>21936207, >>21936226 Trump's lawyer Mike Davis issues dark warning to NY AG Letitia James

>>21936197, >>21936235 Massie chicken tractor

>>21936275 John Thune just told Trump to stay out of the Republican Senate Leadership contest.

>>21936289 Remember this guy from the #30A in Florida?? He updated his signs and they are EPIC!!!

>>21936297 Putin just said, "WE ARE READY TO SPEAK TO TRUMP."

>>21936343 Melania interview from 1999. "They don't know me."

>>21936369, >>21936439 Powell Says He Won’t Step Down as Fed Chair If Asked by Trump

>>21936400 MAGA supporter sparks outrage after projecting Punisher logo with Trump’s hair on water tower

>>21936461 #26863

Previously Collected

>>21933962 #26860, >>21934872 #26861, >>21935699 #26862

>>21931456 #26857, >>21932348 #26858, >>21933164 #26859

>>21929018 #26854, >>21929820 #26855, >>21930707 #26856

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Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #25: Time >>21641140

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656b60 No.21938049

File: 2da66860b16a6d1⋯.png (240.25 KB,680x594,340:297,barroonstrump.png)

File: e109cf9d53302e8⋯.jpg (102.29 KB,752x482,376:241,battlemonkey3.jpg)

File: f9ee4414890397d⋯.jpg (249.05 KB,800x742,400:371,battlemonkey2.jpg)

File: 2899f3065877995⋯.jpeg (75.99 KB,474x456,79:76,battlemonkeys.jpeg)



Baker TAPS

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52797d No.21938057

File: 627e8dd68096440⋯.png (337.28 KB,483x683,483:683,mayorchaos.png)

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d47e1f No.21938058

File: a3bf407ea696e85⋯.png (120.18 KB,597x527,597:527,Screen_Shot_2024_11_07_at_….png)

File: b91134f1bb62e30⋯.png (22.55 KB,522x115,522:115,Screen_Shot_2024_11_07_at_….png)

24 House seats still in play

Republicans have the lead in 9

2 Senate seats still in play

Dems have lead in both


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65cc47 No.21938066


Until 67k of the next 100k magic ballots in PA put Casey back in.

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aed3c4 No.21938074

File: 3139a7ec572329e⋯.png (163.88 KB,250x250,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea620c No.21938075

File: 890f74085db72ba⋯.mp4 (3.8 MB,460x816,115:204,aGyd0R6_460sv.mp4)

The experts

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8ebadc No.21938076

File: abca90d61019716⋯.gif (4.94 MB,540x405,4:3,sherlock_gif.gif)

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52797d No.21938077

Diplomatic incident between France and Israel

Israel arrested two French gendarmes in a church

As French Foreign Minister Jean-Noël Barrot was visiting Jerusalem, Israeli armed police entered the Eleona church site, which France has claimed as its own since 1948, and arrested two French gendarmes

French Foreign Minister Jean-Noël Barrot was forced to abandon his scheduled visit at the Eleona Domain calling the incident unacceptable.

He was obviously very upset with Israel taking over French areas of responsibility in Jerusalem. It's not going down well.

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e801af No.21938078



>>21938061 pb

>no flashy text for admin post

if you aren't using Yatsuba B, may be why.

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267e69 No.21938079

File: 33f62f6c6e24072⋯.jpeg (85.32 KB,1024x540,256:135,33f62f6c6e2407226d7dce3f1….jpeg)

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a49bb2 No.21938081

File: de99d3cd916d4cd⋯.png (2.91 MB,1919x1079,1919:1079,ClipboardImage.png)

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52797d No.21938084


you're hired

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829011 No.21938086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2f80ec No.21938087

File: cd482fa8983fd2a⋯.jpeg (454.86 KB,1170x1149,390:383,IMG_5741.jpeg)

File: e28ffe6c59e1652⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB,1272x1262,636:631,IMG_5742.jpeg)

File: 6577f6055262059⋯.jpeg (162.48 KB,820x1397,820:1397,IMG_5743.jpeg)

File: cf71172cceb2d13⋯.jpeg (114.51 KB,828x808,207:202,IMG_5744.jpeg)


Hearing rumors Tom Hanks has fled the country. From this tweet: https://x.com/Joanne60183156/status/1854624093976383822

Let's remember this clip from "Money Pit" starring Tom Hanks in the 1980s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG-pwyFXrCI

The song playing is called "I Am A Pizza" by Peter Alslop .. what a name .. I'll slop a Peter?

Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PttKwzQm9bw

Lyrics: https://peteralsop.com/song/i-am-pizza


"kids imaginations border the harmlessly bizarre! "

Topics: food humor fun imagination creativity

For: Healthcare Professionals Humor Counselors Educators Kids Pre-School Grade School Parents / Foster Parents

((he has kids singing every line after him, and the way he sings some of the lines is overtly weird))



I am a pizza

With extra cheese

From tomatoes

Sauce is squeezed

Garlic and mushrooms


I am a pizza, . . ready to go!

I am a pizza


No anchovies

Or phoney balogna

Onions and sausage

Order by phone!

I am a pizza, . . take me home!

(Musical break - bubbling in oven!) - ((sounds like sucking dick on the song))

I am a pizza

With fresh baked crust!

I am a pizza, . . ready to bust! - ((um what?))

I am a pizza

Peppers on top

Out of the oven

Into the box

Into the car and


I am a pizza, . . dropped on the ground!

I was a pizza

I was the best!

I was a pizza, . . now I’m a mess! - ((um what?))

Written by Peter Alsop, © Copyright 1983, Moose School Music (BMI)

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65cc47 No.21938088

File: 1b49701626fc94c⋯.jpg (56.98 KB,750x500,3:2,99mwu6.jpg)


I don't really respond to namefags, but….

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ed09b2 No.21938089

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c5258e No.21938091

File: e39710d6782353a⋯.jpg (298.01 KB,583x535,583:535,Xnip2024_11_07_17_52_52.jpg)

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63dc2d No.21938092

File: fcb61c4ee1dad05⋯.jpg (582.67 KB,1284x1595,1284:1595,aera_51.jpg)

If we are incarnated extraterrestrials.

I hope I am not one of these little probing faggots.

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379bd2 No.21938093

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8a36d0 No.21938095


you're actually just the probe

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ea620c No.21938096

File: 3d7878dd8a242d3⋯.png (66.7 KB,896x1177,896:1177,672d42e65575e.png)

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aed3c4 No.21938097

File: 51554fbd70bf194⋯.png (168.6 KB,250x250,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a0bed3 No.21938098

File: 6ac79238d92d237⋯.png (450.97 KB,510x680,3:4,ObamaCCM.png)

>>21935398 (pb)

May ham grace your Thanksgiving table because anons have had enough of turkeys!

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a49bb2 No.21938099

File: d3b7f96c7a7f600⋯.png (171.06 KB,1140x962,570:481,ClipboardImage.png)




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38ae2a No.21938100

File: 40d109150ff61ad⋯.jpg (146.93 KB,1280x966,640:483,melania_trump_140th_white_….jpg)

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52797d No.21938101

File: 16294881f21835a⋯.png (672.98 KB,1280x672,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

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a5ed07 No.21938102

File: 1bf01b466d6669c⋯.gif (1.31 MB,425x229,425:229,tumblr_okfajjg2Dk1qmob6ro1….gif)


What if you were?

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913035 No.21938104


well... christianity has been apostate for nearly two millenia,


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032005 No.21938105

File: 53fadd04092deee⋯.jpeg (938.15 KB,2160x1398,360:233,IMG_1813.jpeg)

PA uncounted ballots are in Cambria County who voted for


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ac5752 No.21938106


does Venom have a dick and balls and can the symbiote change its dimensions?

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c5258e No.21938107


she makes more sense than any other woman ever heard.

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913035 No.21938108

File: 96a7b1a54422c60⋯.gif (2.95 MB,1080x1920,9:16,20180619_124040.gif)



oldfag much¿

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54e8cb No.21938110

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7178c5 No.21938111

File: f0508e9cb9ee1e8⋯.png (950.09 KB,948x675,316:225,ClipboardImage.png)

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032005 No.21938112

Ds lost the election when they tried to sell us to trust the science on Covid,Vaccine, and ivermectin,

Then, tried to tell us there were more than two genders

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a49bb2 No.21938113

File: a7a573538bccc44⋯.png (170.2 KB,1169x955,1169:955,ClipboardImage.png)






Here is current HOUSE MAP:

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ed09b2 No.21938114




De Leon


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c5258e No.21938115


kek. seriously…with no voter id?

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2a1e8a No.21938116


Like POTUS stated Clooney is just a shitty TV actor


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ac5752 No.21938119

When do mass deportations begin?

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7178c5 No.21938120

File: b9f1f9f0de7cba3⋯.png (900.46 KB,803x796,803:796,ClipboardImage.png)

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371bef No.21938121

File: 07fada9ff100b8e⋯.png (866.79 KB,877x573,877:573,9c8e02a9ebfc9d4a9f8611b3b6….png)

File: dbb11cfe0b264c9⋯.mp4 (14.12 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Trump_s_Inauguration_Nessu….mp4)

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db3622 No.21938122

File: b91cbc0364b30f5⋯.mp4 (13.58 MB,576x1024,9:16,who_runs_the_world.mp4)


>The experts

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55a5f3 No.21938123

File: ec8476a757d95bd⋯.jpg (218.75 KB,900x700,9:7,Evil_Be_Gone_Lion_Roar.jpg)

File: a899b81e309b446⋯.png (233.16 KB,500x613,500:613,NCSWIC_Hottie_Pepe.png)




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fde910 No.21938124

File: a2ac9f042432161⋯.png (315.81 KB,634x2346,317:1173,ClipboardImage.png)

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c705d6 No.21938126

File: bfbb78e742b3255⋯.png (322.11 KB,1100x950,22:19,ClipboardImage.png)


Seems like every source has different info.

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63dc2d No.21938127

File: db4a6e78cd07af3⋯.png (189.88 KB,1348x948,337:237,1143.png)

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da9ac7 No.21938128

File: 0745434c3ef84ea⋯.jpg (38.87 KB,667x368,29:16,ghgghfhtt.jpg)

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ac5752 No.21938129

File: 92363c5fa98344c⋯.png (2.07 MB,1500x2285,300:457,ClipboardImage.png)


Free this patriot, NOW.

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65cc47 No.21938130

President Trump makes an address:

"Each 2024 and 2020 ballot was given a special invisible watermark to distinguish it from unauthorized reproductions or duplicates. We will be able to instantly tell whether each ballot was genuine in the full 50 state audit…"

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f39d54 No.21938132

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm gonna be homeless and living in my car in less than 10 days…

What you do with that info is up to you.

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032005 No.21938133


Rs will probably pick up one in Alaska, which is a D seat now

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a5ed07 No.21938134

File: 51cf0e06ad2a611⋯.webp (10.35 KB,259x259,1:1,Moonman_draw.webp)


There has to be some kind of benefit if it truly is symbiotic. Jury still out on that…

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aed3c4 No.21938135

File: 52877758d629def⋯.jpg (68.7 KB,340x351,340:351,52877758d629def84861a387a3….jpg)

And I didn't even save a quarter of them…

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698485 No.21938136


Been like that since the actual exit polls started.

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b85f97 No.21938137


Those who "flee" the country could be the perfect excuse for why they are no longer around - instead of the truth of their execution.

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fde910 No.21938139

>>21938072 lb

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f6723c No.21938140

File: 73c97ef34c0b488⋯.jpg (92.59 KB,1024x553,1024:553,alien.jpg)


wheres the ship parked jim?

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ac5752 No.21938141


are you gonna jerk off in your car? what are you gonna do with the cum afterwards?

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a5ed07 No.21938142


If terry can, so can you.

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95518e No.21938144


Whenever i discuss the election with liberals I don't gloat. Instead I kind of show compassion and say "You know, Joe Biden would have won." They don't have a comeback and sends them deeper into depression and self-doubt. It's such a beautiful thing.

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d47e1f No.21938145


>I'm gonna be homeless and living in my car in less than 10 days…

Have you tried sneaking across the border and then back in?

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ac5752 No.21938146


there's still unfinished business when it comes to the 2020 election. There must be justice.

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d0374b No.21938147

File: f6fd19231c80bab⋯.png (1.06 MB,1196x1234,598:617,ClipboardImage.png)


>NEW: It's reported that Robert Kennedy Jr. does NOT want Marco Rubio to be Donald Trump's Secretary of State. He wants someone "less neocon" instead.

>I 100% agree with this… how about you?

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ed09b2 No.21938148

File: 8a5a1a88ba66c24⋯.png (592 KB,2400x2918,1200:1459,ClipboardImage.png)

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e801af No.21938150



and pray like a m'fucker.


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ac5752 No.21938152

File: dbd3976b244e2a6⋯.png (1.08 MB,1320x880,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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fde910 No.21938153


BVs… Tidy up the ship.

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7178c5 No.21938154

File: 9f72ec70a3caa60⋯.png (630.14 KB,757x672,757:672,ClipboardImage.png)

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656b60 No.21938155




nik'd it



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2a1e8a No.21938156


Get right on it

But first could you file your complaint with my PA and we will circle back.



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379bd2 No.21938158

File: 31220e44f62b50d⋯.mp4 (9.19 MB,1322x1072,661:536,1000002395.mp4)


Thank you

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f41215 No.21938160

File: 5ea686cd118151c⋯.jpg (423.8 KB,2000x1334,1000:667,melania_trump_kids.jpg)

File: fd700389f69c55e⋯.jpg (108.53 KB,992x662,496:331,2017_07_13T082938Z_1639563….jpg)

File: 555c9a467f95a33⋯.jpg (90.6 KB,640x480,4:3,Melania_Trump_books_kids_g….jpg)

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63dc2d No.21938161


meditate, try to connect and ask your soul what you are to do.

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f39d54 No.21938162

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm at peace with it either way.

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e801af No.21938163

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656b60 No.21938164


New California Anyone?

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102066 No.21938165


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de9bfb No.21938166

File: ae9c57d4e738573⋯.png (523.03 KB,487x894,487:894,ClipboardImage.png)

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44137e No.21938168

File: 6d2144ea76d285b⋯.jpeg (86.83 KB,918x429,306:143,E5950E30_C43D_452C_A9BB_2….jpeg)

Is it Suicide Weekend?

Asking for a friend

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52797d No.21938170

File: 273e51ae5915e51⋯.png (532.75 KB,651x723,217:241,ClipboardImage.png)

the face of woke capitalism

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379bd2 No.21938171

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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520c57 No.21938173

File: ab9f97c61d8b5b6⋯.jpeg (165.82 KB,640x600,16:15,F8A32146_C89A_49CB_9482_C….jpeg)


Concur. For Republicans to get 41.1% of the vote for Trump was really amazing. AND, there were 10 separate congressional races in play. REPUBLICANS got 8 of those races! Things are changing RED.

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63dc2d No.21938174

Kamala only won states that do not require picture ID to vote.

No wonder Trump keeps pushing voter ID

He knows

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b85f97 No.21938175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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55a5f3 No.21938176

File: 0dee654fdd46007⋯.png (553.34 KB,574x651,82:93,ClipboardImage.png)


Where the LARGEST shareholders make the decisions.


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0de119 No.21938177

File: c8d886ad41de3a7⋯.jpg (123.13 KB,770x491,770:491,c8d886ad41de3a7b4cad671777….jpg)

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2a1e8a No.21938178



2 MOAR weeks.

Seriously tho I can not wait to see the cool aid pop off


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23ea8b No.21938179


Thats a fancy bong

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e801af No.21938180

File: 240df01f1ee2fcb⋯.png (92.47 KB,447x448,447:448,gold_star_2.png)



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3f69c8 No.21938181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


wait for the dudes face at the end

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bdb716 No.21938182


Call your county Social Services.

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fde910 No.21938183

File: 95d31c21ef610d3⋯.png (450.66 KB,768x513,256:171,ClipboardImage.png)

The Gatekeeper – President Trump Selects Senior Campaign Advisor Susie Wiles for White House Chief of Staff Role

November 7, 2024 | Sundance


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f41215 No.21938185

File: ae1a6cea0e29534⋯.jpg (411.64 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20241107_191906….jpg)

File: cef196cf1fdcc1a⋯.jpg (488.45 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20241107_191915….jpg)

File: 64b1d72cff8c457⋯.png (21.3 KB,473x231,43:21,qaggdropimage1007.png)

File: e3001e7626e7399⋯.jpeg (121.6 KB,685x1376,685:1376,Gbq47o_XUAYjNtr.jpeg)

File: b3b62b488cef9f1⋯.png (95.87 KB,473x588,473:588,qaggdropimage2207.png)

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2dbac5 No.21938186

File: c7db6b1ebf4f13f⋯.jpeg (549.49 KB,546x1581,182:527,CAC91B7D_F457_4E7A_BB5F_1….jpeg)

What? RINO Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer Deletes His Twitter Account as Questions Remain Surrounding Maricopa County Election and TWO WEEK Ballot Counting Process, Tells TGP “I Get to Do What Makes Me Happy Now”


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c705d6 No.21938188

File: ad0006084393e1d⋯.png (190.53 KB,626x606,313:303,ClipboardImage.png)


That's a good thing.

All of the slow ass counting since election night has been favoring the Dems in a big way. They gain 3 as we gain 1. It's been steadily increasing their position which defies logic as most votes before this "slow steal" were favoring Republicans.

If the Republicans were strongly dominating most vote counts, why did the Dems suddenly begin to dominate the House and Senate races only after this slow roll began on the day after election day?

Fukery and fraud vitiates everything.

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52797d No.21938189


>Stephen Richer Deletes His Twitter Account


“This is a post-election promise to myself. For 4 years, I tried to answer as many as many questions as possible and to be as accessible as possible. I’ve paid my ticket. I stayed on to make sure I answered as many voter questions as possible through Election Day. I get to do what makes me happy now.”

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32159c No.21938190

File: d98da0d957e6130⋯.png (763.48 KB,735x565,147:113,ClipboardImage.png)

Cool Picture from Conservative Treehouse

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bdb716 No.21938191


>Have you tried sneaking across the border and then back in?

Turn that one into a meme, it is a timely truth.

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a5ed07 No.21938192


Custom made from Mars intelligence.

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ea620c No.21938195

File: ff6e63bcec17412⋯.jpg (180.06 KB,1239x838,1239:838,vrfvrfrfvrvvr.jpg)


Black rock doesn;t own the shares

They manage pension funds

They do have the voting rights.

So what can people do? Stop investing in mutual funds or buy blackrock, what costs just 150 billion, what is 100 million people each buying 1500 dollars each in shares

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aed3c4 No.21938196

File: 948468483164b2a⋯.png (138.52 KB,250x250,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Maybe one more…

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63dc2d No.21938197


Human trafficking hub of the world. They will die before they give up that state.

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38ae2a No.21938198

File: 22ee24ef1143d51⋯.png (266.55 KB,600x436,150:109,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Mail Online

@MailOnline 3h

JFK's heartthrob grandson that Democrats have set their hopes on for 2028: 'Hot new ticket'


Nov 7, 2024 · 8:46 PM UTC


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55a5f3 No.21938200

File: 30cbd731821e913⋯.png (3.66 MB,3200x2400,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>Robert Kennedy Jr. does NOT want Marco Rubio to be Donald Trump's Secretary of State.

I no trust.


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e801af No.21938201



President Trump Selects Senior Campaign Advisor Susie Wiles for White House Chief of Staff Role

November 7, 2024 | Sundance | 33 Comments

The first selection by President Trump, highlighting his team to enter the White House, has been made. President Trump selects Susie Wiles to be his Chief of Staff in the White House. Mrs Wiles will be the first White House Chief of Staff in history.

“Susie is tough, smart, innovative, and is universally admired and respected. Susie will continue to work tirelessly to Make America Great Again,” Trump said in a statement. “It is a well-deserved honor to have Susie as the first-ever female Chief of Staff in United States history. I have no doubt that she will make our country proud.”

(Via AP) – Successful chiefs of staff serve as the president’s confidant, help execute a president’s agenda and balance competing political and policy priorities. They also tend to serve as a gatekeeper, helping determine whom the president spends his time with and whom he speaks to — an effort Trump chafed under inside the White House.

Wiles is a longtime Florida-based Republican strategist who ran Trump’s campaigns in the state in 2016 and 2020. Before that, she ran Rick Scott’s 2010 campaign for Florida governor and briefly served as the manager of former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman’s 2012 presidential campaign. (link)

(Via Politico) – “A veteran of Florida politics, Wiles directed Trump’s campaign to victory in the state in 2016. She also helped lead Ron DeSantis’ 2018 campaign for Florida governor, before a falling out that prompted the Florida governor to successfully lobby the Trump team to fire her. Wiles was brought back shortly thereafter for the 2020 campaign in Florida.

Despite having little experience in the nation’s capital, Wiles will become the White House’s envoy to the sprawling executive branch agencies and to Congress. She has not worked in Washington in decades, since her time in Ronald Reagan’s Labor Department, in Reagan’s White House as a scheduler and on Capitol Hill for the late Rep. Jack Kemp (R-N.Y). (link)

Mrs Wiles was basically responsible for controlling the access to candidate Donald Trump in the 2024 campaign. Her time away from DC politics is potentially both a negative and a net positive. Heck, Ron DeSantis didn’t like her, but rumors are they made amends.

While I doubt Mrs Wiles understands the nature of the fourth branch of government, she will likely be a critical advisor to President Trump despite the fringe right elements of the MAGA movement predictably about to go bananas. Anyone wanting to work for President Trump will now go through the filter of Wiles.

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e31764 No.21938202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>wine is fine but whiskey's quicker

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7845ae No.21938203


That nigger needs hung

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b85f97 No.21938204


>New California Anyone?

Never been there but just overnight in a hotel so didnt see much. I hear the state is beautiful. It's indicative of how evil [they] are that they seem to have a driving need to destroy the good and the beautiful.

>the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy

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371bef No.21938205

File: 7baa46ae942be11⋯.png (106.31 KB,255x246,85:82,7baa46ae942be110c3b3bd7c85….png)

File: 2f5adebe6f21771⋯.png (1.71 MB,1247x936,1247:936,2f5adebe6f21771fce42dc8d8c….png)



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379bd2 No.21938207

File: 802effea8a839a2⋯.mp4 (11.09 MB,1604x1080,401:270,1000001918.mp4)

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ed09b2 No.21938208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Make sure you understand


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ac5752 No.21938209


he looks pretty jewy

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52797d No.21938210

File: 7e6392bccd700d2⋯.png (880.86 KB,1268x713,1268:713,ClipboardImage.png)

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fde910 No.21938211

File: 2789ed6e8825787⋯.png (315.51 KB,568x959,568:959,ClipboardImage.png)

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e995e1 No.21938213

File: 5097e45db935d06⋯.png (323.27 KB,1912x1298,956:649,5097e45db935d0670ce7b0bb5f….png)

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b1b87c No.21938214

File: e927833cff1ac5e⋯.jpeg (88.09 KB,470x580,47:58,puppets.jpeg)


IKR? They don't probe me but I wouldn't exactly say they are super nice still

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6b6930 No.21938215

File: c1d1b2c15eb0240⋯.jpg (22.76 KB,474x266,237:133,th.jpg)


I am going to dredge this up again to show the stupidity of the left.

But…but….but…The 22nd Amendment Section 1.

No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this Article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this Article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this Article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.

Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 election and held the office up to this moment. Even if Trump was put into office today, he could still run for President because he would have held the office for less than two years.

Therefore, this is a really stupid claim and they obviously don't know shit.


But, then again, they do not consider our Constitution. Damn tyrants!

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8ef01d No.21938216

File: fd6dc8e26698381⋯.jpeg (42.13 KB,480x225,32:15,i.jpeg)

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ac5752 No.21938218



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6bdf8d No.21938219



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4a2d41 No.21938220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fde910 No.21938221

File: bcd01a8af8e17b9⋯.png (628.44 KB,495x768,165:256,ClipboardImage.png)

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82b459 No.21938222

File: c4e6d9850f94135⋯.jpg (14.63 KB,229x220,229:220,c4e6d9850f94135bb1836511af….jpg)



Do you mimic niggers have a permit for posting those famefag memes?

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85797b No.21938223


You do know the BB is satire?

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fde910 No.21938225

File: 86b31cbb46a1ece⋯.png (110.39 KB,568x551,568:551,ClipboardImage.png)

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a75c3a No.21938226

February 2022 – Swedish telecom, Ericsson,

who controls America’s connection to Emergency Services,

admits they funded and bribed ISIS in Iraq


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e31764 No.21938227

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fde910 No.21938228

Biden Administration Dodges Another Free Speech Fight as Court Blocks Kennedy Suit


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f41215 No.21938229


219 is a stringer_

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85797b No.21938231


You’re too persistent. Go away.

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fde910 No.21938232

File: 1a76c4015b74627⋯.png (228.81 KB,568x568,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a49bb2 No.21938233

File: f10e084979effbc⋯.png (169.56 KB,1184x966,592:483,ClipboardImage.png)


>Seems like every source has different info.




AP's current SENATE map

waiting on two: Nevada and Arizona

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251b5e No.21938234

File: 34b436091f4fce5⋯.jpeg (56.2 KB,360x358,180:179,IMG_0114.jpeg)

File: 75af05481dada2f⋯.jpeg (25.26 KB,304x360,38:45,IMG_0221.jpeg)

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c78ea8 No.21938235

File: d874323eb21b7c8⋯.jpg (261.57 KB,1240x697,1240:697,Monkey_medical.jpg)

File: 717b4a3fe52fe00⋯.png (885.63 KB,878x584,439:292,Alpha_Genesis_Primate_Rese….png)

RT: 40 Monkeys flee medical lab in the US

We didn't have to wait long for this.


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aed3c4 No.21938239

File: b90770abbf11697⋯.gif (839.07 KB,446x232,223:116,squint2.gif)


>I hope I am not one of these little probing faggots.

Sounds exactly like something a little probing faggot would say… KEK!

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ac5752 No.21938240

We sent 147 billion to Ukraine so far.

Imagine how many niggers we could've deported to africa with that money.

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acd240 No.21938241


at least it's completely surrounded by trees

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0fd659 No.21938242

File: 717f562d468a129⋯.png (1.77 MB,1150x762,575:381,IMG_1654.png)

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102066 No.21938243



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c705d6 No.21938244


Anons keep in mind that a 1 or 2 person majority in the House or Senate may not be as solid as it appears.

That would mean Republican control would be negated by the cabal having dirt or blackmail on only 1 or 2 out of 218 in the House or out of 52 in the Senate.

We've seen this before when, even with the majority, 1 or 2 Rhinos vote against their team or simply fail to show up to vote. Majority no more.

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71c2b8 No.21938246


Sarah Sanders should be SoS

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d3eacc No.21938247

File: c7b3f40a2ea8df7⋯.png (394.59 KB,700x394,350:197,ClipboardImage.png)

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371bef No.21938248

File: a45c8e0a5c82fcf⋯.png (593.03 KB,893x706,893:706,a0f1f1f0585a3e01808c352ed5….png)

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65cc47 No.21938249


Cut him some slack. Ever since covid, they've been more like a spoiler alert site. Kek.

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55a5f3 No.21938250

File: 4030c40457416f3⋯.png (3.58 MB,1600x1200,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1361993a1c786fe⋯.png (1.75 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b7427770991df2⋯.png (2.17 MB,900x1200,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 39f573b6c02a655⋯.png (1.57 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e56905fc55482ed⋯.png (386.66 KB,600x399,200:133,ClipboardImage.png)



wat even happens here?

Oh eM Jeeeeeee


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698485 No.21938251


We hit 53, and I started watching the House races.

Sorry AZ and Kari Lake, but DEMS 47 & GOP 53 matches a Q drop.

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e3ec27 No.21938253

I will now be searching out wacky hot liberal women, and I will trick them by acting sympathetic to their pain over the election- after which I will seduce them and bone them properly. In my final act, I will begin shouting “Trump Won!” with every stroke until I finish. My first victim is my date for tomorrow night.

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ed09b2 No.21938255

File: 84440ee464fd54b⋯.png (306.93 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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8a36d0 No.21938256

File: cafd47c99633ce0⋯.mp4 (7.62 MB,640x360,16:9,cafd47c99633ce03e0ec7f7303….mp4)

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032005 No.21938257

File: 02ebdee4942f532⋯.jpeg (566.71 KB,2160x1368,30:19,IMG_1814.jpeg)



And DDHQ has called Nevada for Rosen

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883169 No.21938258

File: 7396047ff8cf516⋯.png (59.64 KB,830x499,830:499,ClipboardImage.png)


Tide is turning

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7178c5 No.21938259

File: 85b1d8ee317ca2a⋯.png (36.41 KB,751x301,751:301,ClipboardImage.png)

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fde910 No.21938261

File: f938a851eeda519⋯.png (522.66 KB,568x568,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)






JUST IN - FBI says "offensive and racist text messages" are sent to individuals in the United States.


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c705d6 No.21938262

File: 03ccdeb0ff8ae22⋯.png (227.26 KB,1104x982,552:491,ClipboardImage.png)

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85797b No.21938263


Pro tip.

No oral.

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df221b No.21938264


Youll catch the vaids

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2a1e8a No.21938265


You sneaky bastard

Well played sir

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7178c5 No.21938266

File: 85b1d8ee317ca2a⋯.png (36.41 KB,751x301,751:301,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d8c41 No.21938267

File: 5dbf4ddce60cd7f⋯.jpeg (104.8 KB,935x480,187:96,IMG_3565.jpeg)



>famefag niggers gonna nog

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883169 No.21938269


His cheat is glaring

He will go to Prison

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cf9357 No.21938270

>>21937617 PB


Not watching the whole first episode of ThunderCats called "Exodus" (the link)

What was the point anon?

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0e8e45 No.21938271


New California seems to have stalled. I would move east to New CA in a heartbeat

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c5258e No.21938272



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c78ea8 No.21938274


If you look at historical imagery of the site (SE of Yemassee, SC) on Google Earth, you can see they cut down a lot of trees in the past couple of years. Guess it made recatches that much harder. It did have lots of beautiful trees, now it looks like some animal research facility out of a Borderlands video game. Dystopia for primates…including the smooth-skinned kind.

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698485 No.21938275


Dude, just snuggle up behind her in doggy, grab both her shoulders and whisper 'trump won' into her ear, and hang on for dear life! KEK!

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aed3c4 No.21938276


Got a lot of balls asking the person you imitate if I have a license for posting my shit.

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c4d25b No.21938278


Yes. and keep Pompeo out of govt too.

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55a5f3 No.21938279

File: 4653477b5b39e4c⋯.png (466.95 KB,906x810,151:135,Kamala_Blowjob_Mowf.png)


Light aircrafts …

Suppose somebody should look into him,

Kyna tired and half drunk.

Okay. Let's talk about Kamala.


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0de119 No.21938280

File: 7b3a2cdecb228eb⋯.png (303.4 KB,600x436,150:109,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d8c41 No.21938281

File: 7a15f00c515f5f4⋯.jpeg (38.15 KB,474x266,237:133,IMG_3566.jpeg)

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c705d6 No.21938282


Good point.

Bad time to be dating right now.

Vaids is real and sexually transmissible.

Maybe she isn't vaxxed but her previous boyfriend was.

Now she's vaxxed.

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8d8c41 No.21938285

File: 1a7c9b9e2bb998f⋯.jpeg (58.24 KB,593x406,593:406,IMG_3562.jpeg)


>Let's talk about Kamala.

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6d81a9 No.21938286

File: 63aed93c7615d73⋯.jpg (373.8 KB,1270x1574,635:787,Triggered_Democracy.jpg)

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fd1817 No.21938287


You are going to wake up with no cock or balls. Don't get angry when you wake up with no cock or balls.

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a75c3a No.21938288

File: adada3a4263430b⋯.webp (37.64 KB,1068x646,534:323,Bluetooth_vaccine_cover_1….webp)

mRNA Vaccinated People give Bluetooth Signals”- Disturbing French Research…

“Unexplained Magnetisation Phenomena in PCR Tested Persons too”


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fde910 No.21938290

File: 774d095ae8e4a02⋯.png (191.49 KB,568x461,568:461,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3040483f2796279⋯.png (294.7 KB,568x541,568:541,ClipboardImage.png)

Andrew Torba ✝️





Was just named among the most notable Christian Nationalists influencing the nation by Jewish publication The Forward, thank you very cool!


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26ad6c No.21938291


It's quite the diplomacy statement. France in its quest to placate it's massive Arab invaders have been hostile to Israel in the diplomatic world.

You get an embassy

You get a consulate

You don't get a historic site.

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63dc2d No.21938292

Let's go up , way up.

Let's go up and see the 100,000 ft view.

Let's pretend there are aliens

Let's pretend negative aliens have enslaved humanity.

Let's pretend positive ET's are working with humans to break this hold on humanity.

Now, these negative higher dimensional ET'S do not want humanity to ascend. If humanity ascends they will quickly rival them. Once humanity finds out what they have done..


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417bd7 No.21938294

File: 60192b1e3bd3c3f⋯.png (101.78 KB,642x864,107:144,ClipboardImage.png)


claiming dough

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4f74cc No.21938295

File: 5622b6e123b694e⋯.png (160.45 KB,425x408,25:24,smokingtrump45.png)




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aed3c4 No.21938296

File: f650de7456cf1a2⋯.jpg (28.64 KB,301x447,301:447,f650de7456cf1a27385d5ed58c….jpg)

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3f69c8 No.21938297

File: cda0c0dd6b4bb49⋯.png (32.35 KB,477x446,477:446,ClipboardImage.png)



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251b5e No.21938298


Remember that time she orchestrated a lynching hoax to taint Maga? Good times

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a75c3a No.21938299

File: b9af0eaaca0e3b6⋯.webp (35.59 KB,1024x576,16:9,glorifi_mammon_thumbnail.webp)


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b7d78a No.21938300

>>21937482 n Donald Trump has been the President-Elect for not even two days:

hope some maga genius comes up with a way of regularly documenting these habbenings

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d47e1f No.21938302

File: a5d19e88c31d35c⋯.png (329.11 KB,600x635,120:127,a5d19e88c31d35ce5292a1347a….png)


>Vaids is real and sexually transmissible.

Lube her up with horse paste?

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de9bfb No.21938304


The dark arts!

Make America Sexy Again.

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fde910 No.21938306

File: d66fd7426cf6310⋯.png (400.1 KB,568x531,568:531,ClipboardImage.png)

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656b60 No.21938307

File: fba5b047760729a⋯.jpg (132.02 KB,900x1201,900:1201,sith8.jpg)


tyvm for claimin


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55a5f3 No.21938308

File: 7f48f6880d9641f⋯.jpg (10.02 KB,255x181,255:181,True_Pepe_Check_Mark.jpg)


>1 or 2 person majority in the House or Senate may not be as solid as it appears.

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aed3c4 No.21938309

> 4f74cc

And another mimic. Clown retards coveting the posting style of one anon and want it for themselves. Poor little bastards. Dying on the hill of the personality of a nobody IRL.

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8a36d0 No.21938310

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41aa49 No.21938312

File: fdaec873fede8ee⋯.png (491.99 KB,673x951,673:951,ClipboardImage.png)


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e31764 No.21938314

File: 0e4aeced3729c9b⋯.jpeg (199.84 KB,640x469,640:469,0e4aeced3729c9bd3ad8f91f6….jpeg)

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883169 No.21938315

File: 635a1b6f81f3482⋯.png (779.61 KB,959x1199,959:1199,ClipboardImage.png)

Women make good HR Managers.

Good choice Mr. President

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be7379 No.21938316


when he came to the rally all i thought was "what the fuck is that faggot doing there?!"

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fde910 No.21938317

File: 129ebc914d63d5b⋯.png (1.32 MB,1076x1344,269:336,ClipboardImage.png)

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d3eacc No.21938318

File: 0b8251d62dd676c⋯.png (13.5 KB,255x248,255:248,chimpkin.png)

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698485 No.21938319

File: 84b22d187beb2d3⋯.png (17.52 KB,890x84,445:42,ClipboardImage.png)



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8d8c41 No.21938321

File: f4936659d0545a3⋯.jpeg (46.26 KB,399x480,133:160,IMG_3567.jpeg)


I never consented to being on this shitshow prison planet being harvested for loosh

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fde910 No.21938322

File: 3546c45ee48cbd8⋯.png (87.45 KB,568x391,568:391,ClipboardImage.png)

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4ecd17 No.21938323

File: ce724b07518c20a⋯.jpeg (128.81 KB,1100x619,1100:619,169258927062919655.jpeg)

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8d8c41 No.21938324

File: 912cad88b8eba1d⋯.jpeg (88.38 KB,600x480,5:4,IMG_3425.jpeg)

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82b459 No.21938325

File: 604b7ef04c33105⋯.jpg (144.58 KB,425x496,425:496,604b7ef04c33105cb4398da201….jpg)

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38ae2a No.21938327

Well, DJT won and nothing really changed in my life.

I guess the silent war continues.

Maybe in January 20 all this makes sense.

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c78ea8 No.21938328


It's the bar in Mass Effect 3. irl

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ea620c No.21938329

File: 7e5da42ce8967e0⋯.webm (3.51 MB,460x458,230:229,ajP9qqx_460svvp9.webm)

There we go again

After election ground game

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0e8e45 No.21938330

I want the talking heads and politicians who are spewing hateful lies and names to be brought up on hate speech charges

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6bdf8d No.21938331

File: 2214242d3931149⋯.jpg (148.58 KB,720x1094,360:547,2214242d39311497da216d90bf….jpg)

File: 03e58564877797e⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,632x135,632:135,Screen_Shot_2024_11_07_at_….jpg)

File: 225b2784845872a⋯.jpg (49.5 KB,688x530,344:265,Screen_Shot_2024_11_07_at_….jpg)

File: 423ce7ae34573c0⋯.jpg (207.66 KB,929x901,929:901,423ce7ae34573c02f650bd3ee4….jpg)



>219 is a stringer_


Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: fX85VkAw No.150679159📁

Nov 23 2017 21:54:44 (EST)













: E.: T.

~2:06 AM - 06 Nov 24 555K

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fde910 No.21938332

File: 7d10989f86a8263⋯.png (158.82 KB,380x426,190:213,ClipboardImage.png)

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8a36d0 No.21938333

File: c034e73c502e5e3⋯.jpeg (95.36 KB,791x444,791:444,QfMbwHg2.jpeg)

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3d37f8 No.21938334

So negatives are positives On the alien spectrum?

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aed3c4 No.21938335

File: cb44ae2b5b9d2c5⋯.png (64.21 KB,410x420,41:42,cb44ae2b5b9d2c52cbef1c8409….png)

I'm not completely blind to it. There's a dichotomy there though that I can't reconcile. The difference between wearing the cape and the glasses, between online and IRL. I just don't give a shit for what they care obviously care about. I suspect they see it as a vector for influence to exploit.

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698485 No.21938336

File: 2098a213e2579ce⋯.png (89.21 KB,1140x500,57:25,ClipboardImage.png)

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fde910 No.21938338

File: 83f5a55ec5fd980⋯.png (422.66 KB,568x430,284:215,ClipboardImage.png)

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aa4bcc No.21938339

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6bdf8d No.21938340

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3868d2 No.21938341


& he's right

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a49bb2 No.21938342


>And DDHQ has called Nevada for Rosen

>He will go to Prison


>He will go to Prison

Nothing from AP, yet

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4f74cc No.21938344

File: c6cbb34908b894e⋯.png (6.94 KB,299x168,299:168,ClipboardImage.png)



Old man trips

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a75c3a No.21938345

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fde910 No.21938346

File: 8ad6a5904e0c273⋯.png (71.81 KB,568x198,284:99,ClipboardImage.png)

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c705d6 No.21938347




anons will find a way

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be7379 No.21938348

you already won the presidency

now is the time to stop hiring career politicians just to appease boomers who refuse to wake the fuck up

the future is now

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8d8c41 No.21938349

File: 5f9a931b78845e2⋯.jpeg (45.79 KB,474x372,79:62,IMG_3568.jpeg)

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38c5f3 No.21938350

Hey Anons remember that guy who did a tic tock video with the big curl on his forehead? I just saw him on Rumble RAVries take different videos from everywhere 3 hours long can't bring it up its the first video RAVries on Rumble. Just saying

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6bdf8d No.21938352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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7178c5 No.21938353

File: c3e2f38e963a6c3⋯.png (112.49 KB,589x605,589:605,ClipboardImage.png)

President-elect Donald Trump announces broad crackdown on transgenderism.

1. An executive order to ban federal agencies from promoting or funding "gender transition" for all ages.

2. Request Republican-controlled congress to pass a bill that:

- stops funding to pay for "gender reassignment surgery"

- bans "gender reassignment surgery" for children nationwide

- enables patients to sue so-called "doctors" who have performed "gender reassignment surgery" on children

- mandates that the federal government only recognizes the genders of "male" and "female," assigned at birth

3. Direct the Department of Justice to investigate big pharma and large hospital networks (e.g. Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic, John Hopkins) to determine if they had known and covered up the horrific effects of so-called "gender affirming care."


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2a1e8a No.21938354


I want them excecuted for fucking TREASON.

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87cd91 No.21938356

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a49bb2 No.21938357


>Sarah Sanders should be SoS


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41aa49 No.21938358

File: 74e1a3de54d2f81⋯.png (459.95 KB,409x563,409:563,ClipboardImage.png)

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41aa49 No.21938359

How do you say potential trap without saying I am a potential trap?

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6d81a9 No.21938360

File: 2bc3564b3c27fb2⋯.jpg (230.61 KB,1200x809,1200:809,Vindman_Flounder.jpg)

I wonder how long Vindman will last in the House…

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df221b No.21938361

File: 79e57e8974f0df6⋯.jpeg (15.99 KB,255x169,255:169,IMG_3277.jpeg)


That is the only way

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8a36d0 No.21938363

File: 2e238a87044ac29⋯.png (184.36 KB,438x438,1:1,2e238a87044ac29fd5a30be672….png)


the only reasonable resolution

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26ad6c No.21938364


Very unpopular opinion here….

The more I reflect on the Q op (as I'll call it)

The more I'm convinced "alien" disclosure is an equally important part of the whole thing.

We can't quite get to a 1to1 conversation (and may never); but we had to commence cleanup ops to even begin the alien part of the conversation.

Too many coinky baked into 2222, 2225 & 442….

As well as skunk bay (and reverse image search drop)

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fde910 No.21938365

File: d47c4f32bef8fd0⋯.png (45.28 KB,240x135,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


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15d4c6 No.21938366


Don't forget Vanderbilt U in Nashville.

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8d8c41 No.21938367

File: 6821e86aaa5b489⋯.jpeg (37.62 KB,474x356,237:178,IMG_3570.jpeg)


this one gibs longer endurance

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c999ff No.21938369

File: a88c333789c0a35⋯.png (884.93 KB,800x544,25:17,ClipboardImage.png)

Excuse me, hate to bother. But what exactly did the lions eat while they were on the arc for 40 days?

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1f3782 No.21938371

File: 4c1cd06e864b846⋯.png (1.09 MB,896x714,64:51,FBI_hand_signals.png)


Just txted them some 'sources and methods'


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c705d6 No.21938372



President-elect Donald Trump announces broad crackdown on transgenderism.

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41aa49 No.21938373

File: 94c8a8decc6b234⋯.png (1.6 MB,1013x632,1013:632,ClipboardImage.png)

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cf7321 No.21938374

Maine has roughly 800,000 voters and two days later SOS Bellows is still playing a dangerous game…….hoping Trump meant that cheaters will go to jail…

Winner of Maine’s 2nd Congressional District seat still undetermined in close race

LEWISTON, Maine (AP) — With control of the U.S. House of Representatives still in question, Maine Democratic Rep. Jared Golden, a moderate known for defying his party, led by a thin margin over Republican Austin Theriault on Thursday in a race that was still too early to call two days after voting ended.

The matchup between Golden and Theriault is one of a handful of pivotal races with a chance to influence control of the U.S. House of Representatives during a competitive election year. It played out in the largest congressional district by area on the East Coast, a largely rural part of Maine where former President Donald Trump has proven very popular with voters.

Thursday afternoon, Golden and Theriault were in a tight race with some of the vote yet to be counted. Theriault requested a recount Thursday, although the final tallies were not yet finished.


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5ab9d9 No.21938375


Thats Epstein on the last page isn't it. Its the picture with black and grey baseball shirt, and theres a kid in front of him.

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41e5b3 No.21938376

File: 7a821f21ea95dae⋯.png (55.51 KB,500x583,500:583,ClipboardImage.png)

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a75c3a No.21938377

"Just download a Bluetooth Device Finder app on Android and show Him his vaccine Bluetooth MAC address. That should wake him up!"

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fde910 No.21938380

File: 42e606be39ca84f⋯.png (329.45 KB,568x710,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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883169 No.21938381

File: 1dbe14b4e5700d4⋯.png (150.53 KB,550x826,275:413,ClipboardImage.png)

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fde910 No.21938383

File: c08aea39a2a50bb⋯.png (260.68 KB,568x420,142:105,ClipboardImage.png)

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0de119 No.21938384

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379bd2 No.21938385

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1ac13f No.21938386

File: 0c6caf6c1a742fa⋯.jpg (159.72 KB,527x410,527:410,It_s_Time.jpg)

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ce938f No.21938388

File: bb1cd39d9d5b918⋯.png (1.34 MB,1118x792,559:396,6jw546h4634.PNG)


ThankYou Baker!

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a49bb2 No.21938389




>Here is current HOUSE MAP:



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6d81a9 No.21938390

File: f936b79f3620741⋯.jpg (2.53 MB,5021x2824,5021:2824,POTUSRedeemer_7_22_41_PM_2.jpg)

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7845ae No.21938391


It’s gonna be the same shit.

No matter who is prez senate or house.

Wake up retards

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267e69 No.21938392

File: 0b7909c6bf86c5e⋯.mp4 (591.05 KB,1280x720,16:9,0b7909c6bf86c5eae18c3a24d7….mp4)

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633542 No.21938394

File: fea8a2af258f717⋯.png (72.52 KB,474x288,79:48,1730928786629897.png)




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c78ea8 No.21938395


Grey Poupon

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1f3782 No.21938396


Repeat this message after me: 'Do not stick your johnson in crazy'

change my mind

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aed3c4 No.21938397

File: afdd3d3fae90440⋯.png (139.92 KB,250x250,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a75c3a No.21938398

File: 1203413febd3420⋯.png (1.57 MB,1216x601,1216:601,asdfghjkl_.PNG)

File: cc418698afa2136⋯.jpg (47.42 KB,698x199,698:199,MedTechnology003.jpg)

File: 0724053483ec5ff⋯.jpg (99.07 KB,1600x900,16:9,HSC6TICBWNLUFGFIFRPWTKGPKA.jpg)

File: d971c0b5e9aa3cc⋯.jpg (165.01 KB,1024x576,16:9,OriginalTruth01_en_1024x57….jpg)

File: 868b5cc7fc26478⋯.jpg (124.51 KB,1024x576,16:9,4_Tests_en_1024x576.jpg)

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f39d54 No.21938400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d9b838 No.21938401


It can't come soon enough for this fucker

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b65cb9 No.21938402

File: cde8dc90f7e0dd2⋯.jpg (130.15 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Plouffe_went_POOF.jpg)

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fde910 No.21938403

File: fe03881ac8e4eb7⋯.png (533.01 KB,568x789,568:789,ClipboardImage.png)

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b85f97 No.21938404


What is racist sex?

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c705d6 No.21938406

File: b4cdb9f3ddaae0e⋯.png (319.78 KB,1050x967,1050:967,ClipboardImage.png)

Gained one more in the House

Now at 214

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7178c5 No.21938407

File: 26756a76df4fadb⋯.png (771.3 KB,782x819,782:819,ClipboardImage.png)

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dae6bb No.21938408

File: 55341279f308fc8⋯.png (13.75 KB,645x152,645:152,11.png)

Trump attorney’s phone tapped by Chinese hackers, sources say — CNN


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38ae2a No.21938409

File: 1f99a810c78c3cb⋯.png (182.1 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Something big is coming.

No idea what it´s.

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883169 No.21938410

File: f1dd8c939105075⋯.png (85.49 KB,796x544,199:136,ClipboardImage.png)

Re-read the crumbs.

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e31764 No.21938411

File: ec37360cfbb10e8⋯.jpg (18.53 KB,255x250,51:50,0eb4b59e9917c8c249457ba8c1….jpg)

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87cd91 No.21938412

File: 70017497fb2f046⋯.png (519.35 KB,374x500,187:250,Pixi.png)

File: 3c4311f522523e1⋯.png (131.4 KB,188x265,188:265,Screenshot_2021_09_14_Q_Re….png)

File: 942e8e3a49f78a7⋯.png (327.42 KB,442x297,442:297,fags_doom_nations.png)


That sound you hear is the collective screech of a generation of brainwashed Obamabots.

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a75c3a No.21938413

File: a0f9ce65e5a0630⋯.jpg (90.79 KB,698x427,698:427,MedTechnology002.jpg)

File: e3e4170c4b9c843⋯.jpeg (21.08 KB,129x248,129:248,e3e4170c4b9c84355cbc60a2e….jpeg)

File: d7cb21cf8fb8dd2⋯.jpg (50.12 KB,648x194,324:97,Solutions_024.jpg)

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55a5f3 No.21938415

File: 738fbb4576bb9b9⋯.mp4 (6.47 MB,854x480,427:240,000000000.mp4)

File: 25a6ba4980e0dae⋯.png (624.69 KB,1276x710,638:355,ClipboardImage.png)

Putin states, "The moment of truth approaches. The old world order has undeniably faded into history."

So we have this documented, rite?

He is asking for the world to come together …

Presumably against the elites.

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8a36d0 No.21938416

File: bf96dee98f90afc⋯.png (1.02 MB,960x736,30:23,bf96dee98f90afc9b3a0f7c4e8….png)

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7845ae No.21938417


Derp derp.

New boss same as the old boss

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b40417 No.21938418


She looks autistic; my kind of lady.

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d47e1f No.21938419

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c705d6 No.21938421


$15 per hour staged outrage

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e31764 No.21938422

File: f064d4acc71dcf5⋯.jpg (47.77 KB,832x545,832:545,KFClockworkOrange.jpg)

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a49bb2 No.21938423

File: fc7522bbdec2d24⋯.mp4 (11.58 MB,480x480,1:1,DJT_stop_GAC.mp4)


>President-elect Donald Trump announces broad crackdown on transgenderism.




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ea620c No.21938425

File: 0fabf123d0fbe75⋯.png (48.55 KB,1080x1252,270:313,672d3f9119da9.png)

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417bd7 No.21938426

notables @ 300, 20% collected

#26866 >>21938049

>>21938058, >>21938099 Remained House / Senate seats update

>>21938122 The scientific method to teach and wake up Libtards

>>21938183 President Trump Selects Senior Campaign Advisor Susie Wiles for White House Chief of Staff Role

>>21938186 RINO Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer Deletes His Twitter Account as Questions Remain Surrounding Maricopa County Election

>>21938096, >>21938111 Memes


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fde910 No.21938428

File: 4c7ca84744575e8⋯.png (236.19 KB,568x320,71:40,ClipboardImage.png)

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c5258e No.21938429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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55a5f3 No.21938430


Parables. They ate gummy parables.

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acd240 No.21938431

File: fad3bc684e34b65⋯.jpeg (46.99 KB,500x500,1:1,dICiVbF.jpeg)

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fde910 No.21938433

File: aa34ffda11e5b0f⋯.png (808.4 KB,568x760,71:95,ClipboardImage.png)

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d43138 No.21938434

File: ff27f784466be4f⋯.mp4 (3.96 MB,586x732,293:366,100390708724467a.mp4)

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2a1e8a No.21938435


Shit after all this time we where just sleeping.

Thank god for your wisdom just in the nick of time or we would all still be asleep

Keep on ReDpILLiNg chucklehead

Now fuck off back to plebbit like a good little shill.

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8d8c41 No.21938436

File: 754868e98e08442⋯.jpeg (410.5 KB,1588x1593,1588:1593,IMG_3571.jpeg)

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fde910 No.21938437

File: b529ec6d3417d95⋯.png (68.38 KB,320x267,320:267,ClipboardImage.png)

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1ac13f No.21938439

File: f18dfe511b39b2c⋯.jpg (26.04 KB,324x396,9:11,peptl.jpg)


middle eastern conflict ends suddenly

what then

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6a12fc No.21938440


Contempt of Congress Criminal Referral is still active and will be after January 20th…

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7178c5 No.21938442

File: d90e25b46be3c6e⋯.png (714.53 KB,544x1177,544:1177,ClipboardImage.png)

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fde910 No.21938443

File: 6d3be63cd2e8ec2⋯.png (180.5 KB,568x375,568:375,ClipboardImage.png)

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7845ae No.21938445


Prove me wrong bitch.

The first 2 years of trump is gonna suck.

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698485 No.21938446

File: 7f2498cde2b5a98⋯.png (74.92 KB,992x580,248:145,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02ffd16fdeba61e⋯.png (82.01 KB,992x634,496:317,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 933e1602071df31⋯.png (80.46 KB,992x634,496:317,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e3e7ddcc08603f⋯.png (84.63 KB,992x634,496:317,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3bba6ad4a045bd0⋯.png (77.06 KB,992x580,248:145,ClipboardImage.png)


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87cd91 No.21938447


The not-so-great state of Arizona is run by crooks. Same as the not-so-great state of Colorado

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1ac13f No.21938448

File: 00535f630d6dafb⋯.jpg (283.42 KB,716x894,358:447,tmda.jpg)

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71c2b8 No.21938449


anon's mother's family are from yemassee…specifically, pocotaligo. went there twice a year when i was growing up.

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d6fda0 No.21938451


>name calling

how many of them notice their whole basis of anger is built upon ad hominem?

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8d8c41 No.21938452


>insert footloose pants on fire video here

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fde910 No.21938453

File: 0f2bea20458bc69⋯.png (454.8 KB,500x714,250:357,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea620c No.21938455

File: 767aaecbbc76ba2⋯.png (67.39 KB,1080x892,270:223,672d11ac3bebf.png)

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d47e1f No.21938456

File: fb2e943f2ca6992⋯.png (630.94 KB,710x858,355:429,a115fdb556f0086643738721b8….png)



>Repeat this message after me: 'Do not stick your johnson in crazy'

Note that the crazy axis starts at 4.

All women is at least 40% crazy.

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7178c5 No.21938457

File: 79ff886312357d5⋯.png (389.81 KB,568x540,142:135,ClipboardImage.png)

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8a36d0 No.21938458


>Prove me wrong bitch

seems like one of those wait and see type scenarios

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0de119 No.21938459

File: 8241f1f0309b956⋯.jpg (63.21 KB,1200x675,16:9,media_Gbzg77GWAAMn9SR.jpg)

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fde910 No.21938460

File: f0322179108107b⋯.png (322.25 KB,568x711,568:711,ClipboardImage.png)

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71f81b No.21938461

File: 37e38cc50f0fda0⋯.png (99.14 KB,587x715,587:715,ClipboardImage.png)


Since Trump won the popular vote, it is more that a moral victory. It is a landslide National delegate sweep and will capture practically all the liberal vote by their own design: Best laid plans. These people are stupid. What a differnce 20 years of them makes.

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2a1e8a No.21938463


You mad?

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63dc2d No.21938466


They went after him every day. I don't see anything changing.

Playing defense for 4 more years

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379bd2 No.21938467

File: fc651c616cff9ba⋯.mp4 (6.85 MB,1026x720,57:40,VID_20241027_092140578_54.mp4)

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7178c5 No.21938468

File: 910dacf1c995cc9⋯.png (629.87 KB,568x660,142:165,ClipboardImage.png)

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be7379 No.21938469


you can formally fuck off to israel with your jewish wife

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8d8c41 No.21938470



ayy bro, those tic tac ufo ships are shaped like a big dildo for a reason

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d47e1f No.21938471

File: f71a3fb67872458⋯.png (86.89 KB,714x574,51:41,f71a3fb67872458481f2d0e716….png)


Fuck off, Alex.

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7178c5 No.21938472

File: b4f3a84346c6520⋯.png (474.89 KB,568x711,568:711,ClipboardImage.png)

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fde910 No.21938473

File: c6b826d76c79dcb⋯.png (349.72 KB,568x464,71:58,ClipboardImage.png)

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6bdf8d No.21938476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Board is speechless?


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fde910 No.21938477

File: 74040307f497e5e⋯.png (452.47 KB,568x543,568:543,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8d325 No.21938478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5c4d91 No.21938479

File: 529f61588d6a99d⋯.jpeg (1.88 MB,4200x2817,1400:939,IMG_1036.jpeg)

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1ac13f No.21938480

File: 1980af8962fd2f2⋯.jpg (35.35 KB,522x244,261:122,marage.JPG)

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acd240 No.21938481



not even picking up the dogshit

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e31764 No.21938483

File: 0dd73753bcde29b⋯.png (344.56 KB,437x473,437:473,muh_johnson.png)


>Repeat this message after me: 'Do not stick your johnson in crazy'

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c705d6 No.21938484


He's standing like he's trying to poop.

Or maybe trying to not poop.

Something wrong with that.

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2a1e8a No.21938486

Shilly in here tonight


I love the smell of PANIC.

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71c2b8 No.21938488


it was the same speech hillary gave when trump kicked HER ass

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fde910 No.21938489

File: fbb93990a047568⋯.png (312.15 KB,568x481,568:481,ClipboardImage.png)

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de9bfb No.21938490

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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633542 No.21938491

File: 149d389d91d87a6⋯.gif (534.88 KB,800x600,4:3,1730066363702527.gif)

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41aa49 No.21938492

File: 228536bdf78afe8⋯.png (530.16 KB,600x533,600:533,ClipboardImage.png)

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fde910 No.21938493

File: dae006ec679b8a1⋯.png (229.4 KB,568x568,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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cf9357 No.21938495

File: 52a79e2a76a8db1⋯.png (3.81 MB,2000x3000,2:3,nonamedeathkeksextdolphinJ….png)



We are not prophets.

But for shit posting sake I think like Anon #2

Not Yet.

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c705d6 No.21938496


Don't take it personal mikey.

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db3622 No.21938497

File: 2e0e6a92f5adde6⋯.png (45.83 KB,236x176,59:44,ClipboardImage.png)


>2,038 suicides have been reported today following Donald Trump's election win


This image is from Q#2038

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fde910 No.21938498

File: 9c74dda7b0642bb⋯.png (199.47 KB,568x479,568:479,ClipboardImage.png)

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46b9bc No.21938499

File: 41a989ecc705036⋯.jpg (11.44 KB,225x225,1:1,blue_migration.jpg)

Meanwhile, up north…

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411f89 No.21938500


How many suicides were reported two days before?

C'mon don't fall for the idiot bait.

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1e82b0 No.21938501


Mossad already runs the news

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82b459 No.21938503

File: 29e8f655cd2a5a6⋯.png (60.66 KB,253x204,253:204,29e8f655cd2a5a612bad40e7f6….png)

If Q has a set of balls and is actually trying to help humanity then they will return and do some splaining. Otherwise what the fuck is habbening with muh plan?

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efb6be No.21938504

File: 8fc51221cbe4ef7⋯.png (899.87 KB,790x530,79:53,alex_hemorrhoids.png)

File: 9efdd266af2bca8⋯.jpg (76.36 KB,500x369,500:369,alex_sing_paymaster.jpg)


Imagine having to listen that cunt screaming at the camera during prss conferences. God help us all.

As anonAmericanon, I always loathed his vociferous sreeching and thus he was always unwatchable (read unlistenable).

Has he swapped paymasters?

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829011 No.21938505

Houston we have liftoff, yea way

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7178c5 No.21938506

File: d3ad015231e2744⋯.png (282.81 KB,568x612,142:153,ClipboardImage.png)

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411f89 No.21938508


Could have been relevant if he posted this three days ago.

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71e5de No.21938509

File: 9ab05bc05783c6f⋯.mp4 (1.65 MB,576x1012,144:253,video_2024_11_07_19_58_54.mp4)

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1bc586 No.21938510

File: afd1e9adc7a4d70⋯.webp (32.89 KB,832x468,16:9,e5271429fc717c99696bade27….webp)

File: dd57f9ec76d201a⋯.jpg (108.34 KB,832x1070,416:535,a7d08792b91152824e62ba3b65….jpg)

Billionaire Elon Musk and Ex Grimes Are ‘Hunting for Bel-Air Mansion’ Where They Can Live With All His Kids and Their Mothers


zoom in on the finger of the mother

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87cd91 No.21938511

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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a0cfe0 No.21938512

File: c39d316031c7ded⋯.png (172.09 KB,576x769,576:769,_1865_Note_to_AJ_shills_Fa….png)

"Actors will act." Q post #1865


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6bdf8d No.21938513

File: 7d7b561eff68ca0⋯.jpg (15.92 KB,255x208,255:208,7d234f8b8a22b9878352bd16ca….jpg)

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efb6be No.21938514


You could always just shut the fuck up and watch it unfold.

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aed3c4 No.21938515

File: ed4d157b01893b1⋯.png (142.73 KB,250x250,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

KEK. They get so angry.

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d43138 No.21938517

File: e535d750541d0a5⋯.png (1.16 MB,900x627,300:209,ClipboardImage.png)

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be7379 No.21938518

File: a654f27d1bda653⋯.png (41.6 KB,396x541,396:541,ClipboardImage.png)


mossad homosexual

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1ac13f No.21938519

File: 8ed824be82eb3bf⋯.jpg (211.28 KB,770x968,35:44,clockwk.jpg)


KF Keks

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ccc5c8 No.21938520


Now put Kari Lake compare to these

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7178c5 No.21938521

File: 27948eacf7a0eec⋯.png (556.38 KB,679x433,679:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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1e82b0 No.21938522

Judge Denies AstraZeneca's Motion To Dismiss In Vaccine Injury Case

A federal law that grants broad legal immunity to vaccine manufacturers does not protect AstraZeneca against a breach of contract claim brought by a woman who was injured by the company’s vaccine, a U.S. judge ruled on Nov. 4.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act protects manufacturers of vaccines during times of emergency, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Brianne Dressen sued AstraZeneca for neglecting to, as promised in a contract, cover the costs of injuries she suffered after participating in the company’s clinical trial in 2020. The pharmaceutical company said it was immune from the lawsuit under the PREP Act.

U.S. District Judge Robert J. Shelby disagreed, ruling on Monday in favor of Dressen and denying AstraZeneca’s motion to dismiss.

While Dressen can’t sue over the injuries, she can over the breach of contract because the legal immunity granted by the law does not cover at least some contractual claims, Shelby said.

“The basis of Dressen’s claim is a broken promise, not a countermeasure,” he said, adding later: “Dressen was administered a covered countermeasure, and she was warned that she may suffer from an adverse reaction, but the fact that she suffered from such reaction was not sufficient to ripen her claim. Rather, she only has a claim because AstraZeneca made a contractual promise to her that happened to involve the effects of a covered countermeasure.”

AstraZeneca put forth a theory in legal filings that immunity from breach of contract claims helps encourage the quick development and deployment of countermeasures during health emergencies, which is the purpose of the PREP Act. Dressen’s lawyers argued enforcing contracts achieves the same result. The judge sided with the latter.

“If the PREP Act immunized deceptive contractual inducement and sanctioned illusory promises, then no one would agree to undertake the high-risk activities that are critical during public health emergency responses,” Shelby said. “The PREP Act drafters could not have intended to allow pharmaceutical companies to make illusory promises to clinical trial participants because doing so would erode public trust and undermine the ability to recruit willing participants, which in turn would erode and undermine pandemic preparedness.”

The judge used the example of AstraZeneca agreeing to pay $125 for time and travel reimbursements to Dressen per study visit during the clinical trial. “AstraZeneca’s theory of immunity would allow it to shirk this and any other promise made to trial participants merely because the promise ultimately relates to the administration or use of a vaccine,” he said.

Dressen, a preschool teacher in Utah, volunteered for the 2020 clinical trial. The consent form she signed said AstraZeneca would “cover the costs of research injuries” and “pay the costs of medical treatment.” After receiving the company’s shot, she suffered from a variety of injuries. U.S. National Institutes of Health doctors diagnosed her with vaccine side effects.

AstraZeneca largely declined to offer payment for treatment, beyond a final offer of $1,243, according to court documents.


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d80b15 No.21938523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6b6930 No.21938524


Do those shirts come in XXXXXXX Large?


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dae6bb No.21938525

File: 1e18ab7b49f0a3e⋯.png (12.78 KB,633x143,633:143,3.png)

Setbacks are unavoidable, but giving up is unforgivable.


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fde910 No.21938526

File: c3746df4c11d723⋯.png (340.88 KB,568x320,71:40,ClipboardImage.png)

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71e5de No.21938527


as soon as they SHITCAN the faggot Board "owner" and his little fuckheads

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63dc2d No.21938528


What happened to military is the only way?

Now that DJT won all is good till 2029

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8a36d0 No.21938530

File: ff21fa63dfba76b⋯.mp4 (411.03 KB,640x360,16:9,h8wfrhuw2iuhi.mp4)

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2a1e8a No.21938531


Enjoy the show anon

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633542 No.21938532

File: 123a0c4308cfe96⋯.jpg (30.16 KB,500x369,500:369,123a0c4308cfe96b942f25eb3c….jpg)



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ea620c No.21938533

File: e82e2bc355cf58b⋯.webm (377.07 KB,460x258,230:129,aPA7M9Q_460svvp9.webm)

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71f81b No.21938534


Trump needs a guarantee about now. Don’t ya think or are they done searching for expected votes.

“The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) is an agreement among a group of U.S. states and the District of Columbia to award all their electoral votes to whichever presidential ticket wins the overall popular vote in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The compact is designed to ensure that the candidate who receives the most votes nationwide is elected president, and it would come into effect only when it would guarantee that outcome.[2][3][4]

Introduced in 2006, as of April 2024, it has been adopted by seventeen states and the District of Columbia. These jurisdictions have 209 electoral votes, which is 39% of the Electoral College and 77% of the 270 votes needed to give the compact legal force.”

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a0cfe0 No.21938535

what did jimmy kimmel do? why is he so scared?


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a762d7 No.21938536

File: 8f575e003ee27a0⋯.jpeg (167.07 KB,2592x2592,1:1,2CC77567_D5A9_4ECE_B2AF_D….jpeg)


>wat even happens here?

Helping single mothers a dollar at a time sometimes $25 per 3min song

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f41215 No.21938537

File: c1a712922fe9147⋯.png (24.49 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage3941.png)

File: 43fced3c86c871a⋯.png (28.87 KB,473x273,473:273,qaggdropimage459.png)

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c78ea8 No.21938538


I only know it from their gaudy signs on I-95.

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1ac13f No.21938540

File: 2981145311fd9a4⋯.png (341.83 KB,631x630,631:630,2981145311fd9a46f53da861bf….png)

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6552b9 No.21938541


>rumors Tom Hanks has fled the country

He hasn't been back since he absconded in 2020

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38ae2a No.21938542

File: 0e2f918fc6f8765⋯.png (269.51 KB,600x436,150:109,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Mail Online

@MailOnline 1h

Donald Trump's ex-wife Marla Maples twins with daughter Tiffany at Mar-a-Lago election party


Nov 7, 2024 · 11:16 PM UTC



Don Al Din Trump Alal

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4c7c25 No.21938543


that's a weird one

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2a6898 No.21938544

File: 911dac4fff9160c⋯.webp (34.85 KB,737x767,737:767,IMG_0089.webp)

File: e5450547a08d8b9⋯.jpeg (32.82 KB,254x255,254:255,IMG_0088.jpeg)

2Big 2Rig

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c5359e No.21938545

Biden and Jill voted for Trump…

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aed3c4 No.21938546

File: 83a0d06452ba467⋯.png (419.96 KB,679x433,679:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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efb6be No.21938548

File: 9be99764098753d⋯.jpg (68.75 KB,500x369,500:369,alex_faggot.jpg)

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6552b9 No.21938550


Interesting. First time she's been seen, that I've seen. Tiff has always been more towards the edge. But her recent tweet was solid

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acd240 No.21938551

File: 264415528dd2cc8⋯.png (165.78 KB,500x369,500:369,AFJ123a0c4308cfe96b942f25e….png)

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71c2b8 No.21938552


it was a good speech

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cba81f No.21938553


i think area52 and the "greys" were just misappropriated memories of trauma because the human mind does not want to imagine another human doing such traumatic things ie Dr. Mengele

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fde910 No.21938554

File: 550c6908f3f7fc1⋯.png (429.22 KB,568x1230,284:615,ClipboardImage.png)

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7178c5 No.21938556


when they make the epstein movie kimmel will play himself

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4ea24d No.21938557


does tiffany have children

marla has love in her eyes

tiffany still trying to make

magazine covers

she aint all that

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2a1e8a No.21938558


Member when Alex went on a rant hating Trump and Q ppl

I member

Desperate fat fuck kek

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f41215 No.21938559


that was 6 minutes at best

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db3622 No.21938560

File: 29313bd743de0ab⋯.png (45.41 KB,840x498,140:83,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b59f966417af6f2⋯.png (62.86 KB,840x674,420:337,ClipboardImage.png)


>What happened to military is the only way?

You are seven years late, Anon. See November 5, 2017.


You are all heroes.

Come home safe.


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65cc47 No.21938561


Yeah, it has nothing to do with when they didn't and they ran out of heat. Suuure.

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783f8a No.21938562

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Alex DeGrasse Announces First On WarRoom That Republicans Will Hold The House.



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19e4fb No.21938563

So, is it FINALLY time for Q to post again? Or should we wait for January?

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e31764 No.21938564

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c5359e No.21938565


It's about time they did a spinoff of Sister Wives..

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4ec331 No.21938566


How about just add 4 more years tot this term… 2024 > 2032… KISS

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1bc586 No.21938567

11 kids and three mothers. You can't even figure out how to say the kid's names.

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4c7c25 No.21938568

File: 143907ddce8d73f⋯.png (318.37 KB,439x603,439:603,Screen_Shot_2024_11_07_at_….png)

Thomas Massie


It’s probably y’all sending them. Pack your bags.


>fucking kek

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7178c5 No.21938569

File: cfb20f8f7a9aaa8⋯.png (454.4 KB,568x652,142:163,ClipboardImage.png)

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71c2b8 No.21938570

File: 7cce67130d1c6fb⋯.png (2.65 MB,2256x1263,752:421,ClipboardImage.png)

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cbdae2 No.21938571

File: 827ad4e68d4d1ed⋯.png (2.14 MB,1080x1920,9:16,ClipboardImage.png)

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aed3c4 No.21938572

File: 99794287eaaecbb⋯.png (56.76 KB,243x290,243:290,ClipboardImage.png)


>why is he so scared?

He's on a list.

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de9bfb No.21938573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4c7c25 No.21938574

File: 847a2f7add20d2e⋯.png (113.89 KB,596x621,596:621,Screen_Shot_2024_11_07_at_….png)


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cba81f No.21938575

File: 1203413febd3420⋯.png (1.57 MB,1216x601,1216:601,asdfghjkl_.PNG)

File: ffaebfa03566072⋯.jpg (40.7 KB,426x428,213:214,000_Home_app.jpg)

File: 73bfcf31a1afb78⋯.jpg (91.52 KB,1320x411,440:137,Solutions_028_1320x411.jpg)



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fde910 No.21938576

File: e9c488874e48a31⋯.png (290.03 KB,568x617,568:617,ClipboardImage.png)

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fde910 No.21938577

File: dce74c7f5db1efc⋯.png (115.22 KB,568x657,568:657,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb4f8e No.21938578


Breaking news.

Netflix announces new tv show, called "Humble beginnings", about a faithful fry cook, who went on to become President of the United States.

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883169 No.21938580

who do (you) want in Trumps Administration?

I will go first.

Jullian Assange CIA

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2a6898 No.21938581


They should close down the FBI and open it up the following day as a museum of the deep state.

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b1b87c No.21938582


Thanks for the pro update, shill. Luckily your need to preserve your worldview is so much more expert than people's direct experience

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7178c5 No.21938583

File: 1f78e610a091fd4⋯.png (706.93 KB,473x674,473:674,ClipboardImage.png)

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6552b9 No.21938585

File: 13ce1bb980b3bc2⋯.png (141.44 KB,401x254,401:254,trump_rally_girls.png)





>weird flashing lights on a camera. someone burns them. assume UK since they are camera-mad.mp4

I bet the flashing lights are literally just there to drive people mad.

That's the way these fucks are.

Response seems appropriate.

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267e69 No.21938586

File: f80c8c379f69435⋯.png (454.14 KB,1501x1115,1501:1115,f80c8c379f694350641ae67ffb….png)


That woman there is based.

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379bd2 No.21938587

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1bc586 No.21938589


NOTElon or JD Vance.

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71c2b8 No.21938590


Ben Carson for Surgeon General

Sarah Sanders, SoS

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acd240 No.21938591


notable bitch slap

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cbdae2 No.21938592


did he mention you and your unvaccinated loved ones will die in a winter of death?

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4ec331 No.21938593




No more deep state puppets.

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7178c5 No.21938594

File: 9f9547591dd2ea6⋯.png (337.86 KB,608x643,608:643,ClipboardImage.png)


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4ea24d No.21938595


tucker carlson

press secretary

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c5359e No.21938596


For the sake of argument how was Trump wrong to pick Vance?

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379bd2 No.21938597

File: 01323a4d28e995a⋯.mp4 (5.27 MB,1096x650,548:325,VID_20241015_183440853_14.mp4)

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e8e6d6 No.21938599

File: dd2db8eb8317387⋯.png (151.69 KB,225x300,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


One thing you can believe in is the bikers they couldn't.

They suspended my license as a matter of principle.

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aed3c4 No.21938600

File: 390bbf938b7a79f⋯.jpg (146.5 KB,767x960,767:960,390bbf938b7a79fb63c7756534….jpg)


>who do (you) want in Trumps Administration?

The right people for the job.

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1e82b0 No.21938601

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bannon Today: “Donald Trump Is a Nice Man, But WE Are Not. Roman Justice Is Coming”

Preach Brother!

So much has happened, so many crimes have been committed, so many lives destroyed, so much taxpayer money stolen or wasted, that THERE MUST BE JUSTICE.

The Left knows what they have done, they never thought that they would ever have to face the consequences for it.

Nut up, folks…

It is going to get rough.

These people will not just willing march themselves into the Prison Cells for what they have, they are going to have be dragged kicking and screaming to face the penalties.

There can be no unity until the criminals are rounded up and punished.


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c705d6 No.21938603



Republicans were +3

Did the cheaters flip 2 seats?

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5d6db9 No.21938604


They’re not

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f41215 No.21938605


the last few dats have been way to fucking easy. tamorrow is the weekends beginning. ramen clam and sober fucktards. some of you & your neighbours.

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52797d No.21938607


>The moment of truth approaches.

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e2ec12 No.21938608

File: 26ac4ee5ec18fe7⋯.png (1012.15 KB,1876x930,938:465,Untitled.png)

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de9bfb No.21938609

File: fb01da159caeb44⋯.mp4 (6.74 MB,480x360,4:3,Don_Quijote_Yakuza.mp4)

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2a1e8a No.21938610


Ppl on board with delivering the death blow to the deepstate.

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883169 No.21938612


Jared Kushner =SoS

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0de119 No.21938613

File: 53bf289f4bc73b0⋯.png (343.51 KB,600x436,150:109,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09c03f787824a2a⋯.png (218.61 KB,419x255,419:255,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Mail Online

@MailOnline 9m

Nancy Pelosi's heated exchange at Kamala Harris' concession sparks conspiracy theories


Nov 8, 2024 · 1:00 AM UTC


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60860b No.21938614


>There can be no unity until the criminals are rounded up and punished.


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7178c5 No.21938615

File: 4e236cd12e7319d⋯.png (337.46 KB,608x643,608:643,ClipboardImage.png)



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ed3179 No.21938616

File: 272f61a645ef0ca⋯.jpeg (51.97 KB,302x360,151:180,IMG_0247.jpeg)

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417bd7 No.21938617

notables @ 450, 70% collected

#26866 >>21938049

>>21938058, >>21938099, >>21938319 Remaining House / Senate seats update

>>21938122 The scientific method on how to educate and wake up Libtards

>>21938183 President Trump Selects Senior Campaign Advisor Susie Wiles for White House Chief of Staff Role

>>21938186, >>21938189 RINO Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer Deletes Twitter Account as Questions Surround Election

>>21938198 JFK's grandson

>>21938228 Biden Administration Dodges Another Free Speech Fight as Court Blocks Kennedy Suit

>>21938288 mRNA Vaccinated People emanate Bluetooth Signals

>>21938353 President-elect Donald Trump announces broad crackdown on transgenderism

>>21938374 Winner of Maine’s 2nd Congressional District seat still undetermined in close race

>>21938408 Trump attorney’s phone tapped by Chinese hackers, sources say

>>21938446 Eyes on these AZ districts

>>21938522 Judge Denies AstraZeneca's Motion To Dismiss In Vaccine Injury Case

>>21938096, >>21938111, >>21938286, >>21938306, >>21938322, >>21938455, >>21938468 Memes


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1e82b0 No.21938618


Zelensky warns deals with Putin to end Ukraine invasion would be 'suicidal' for Europe and blasts EU leaders for 'hugging' the Russian president

Kyiv is working to shore up support from allies following Donald Trump's victory

'We need sufficient weapons, not support in talks. Hugs with Putin won't help. Some of you have been hugging him for 20 years, and things are only getting worse,' Zelensky said.

'There has been much talk about the need to yield to Putin, to back down, to make some concessions,' Zelensky said.'It's unacceptable for Ukraine and suicidal for all Europe.'


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be7379 No.21938619

File: 009161dbcba7ffa⋯.png (1018.65 KB,624x937,624:937,ClipboardImage.png)

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0365cd No.21938621


He's doing a excellent job so far. God gave him good instincts.

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5d6db9 No.21938624


McCarthy ~ good


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c705d6 No.21938625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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1bc586 No.21938626


First, not enough experience.

Second, the choice apparently had a lot to do with Don Jr. "talking him into it".

Then all the name changes, YALE, and a ton of better options.

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2a1e8a No.21938627


3 freemason faggots doing freemason faggot things

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e2ec12 No.21938628


Viennese Cinnamon

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e5d028 No.21938629

File: 24d569be3028289⋯.jpeg (754.17 KB,1827x1384,1827:1384,IMG_6999.jpeg)

File: 14d64b35601db3d⋯.png (343.37 KB,659x510,659:510,IMG_6995.png)

File: 0a932b1e263984f⋯.jpeg (123.5 KB,854x548,427:274,IMG_6996.jpeg)

File: f688d144bb68722⋯.jpeg (415.59 KB,2272x1377,2272:1377,IMG_6862.jpeg)

File: e60c3449893df88⋯.png (47.38 KB,842x542,421:271,IMG_6861.png)

Seeing pieces can’t quite put the puzzle together.

-Elon buys Twitter and returns our 1A freedom of speech.

-Elon introduces Melania, who is wearing a Zebra print dress, at Trumps Madison Square Garden rally.

-Trumps election night speech: After thanking his family members, running mate JD Vance and senior GOP operatives—Trump responded to an audience member calling out Musk’s name saying,“Let me tell you we have a new star…a star is born, Elon.”

-Dan Scavino tweets AC/DC Thunderstruck yesterday

-Elon tweets about Falcon 9 Starship delivering 23 satellites to space today. Says it’s is twice as powerful as Saturn V (5)

So we have Q drop:


Jun 18, 2018 2:43:38 AM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 0537d5 No. 1794770 


Morning sun brings heat.

Full moon coming.

Undiscovered STARS learned.

Missions forward.



Mar 03, 2018 11:08:25 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 85cc02 No. 544119


Bring the thunder.






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ea620c No.21938630

File: 06beb13581bc4d0⋯.png (77.59 KB,700x525,4:3,aZZyBgz_700bwp.png)

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71c2b8 No.21938631

Kristi Noem Dept. of Interior

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cbdae2 No.21938632

File: 8f10f2cead698f9⋯.jpeg (227.14 KB,750x500,3:2,8n94en.jpeg)

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c5359e No.21938633


Not Cuckshner…

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a49bb2 No.21938634

File: bc6b8776b46c181⋯.png (37.64 KB,620x268,155:67,ClipboardImage.png)


Sorry AZ and Kari Lake


As is being made obvious, we

Still need to solve the Q2492 "problem"

Nov 12 2018 23:50:47 (EST)


R Gov won by 328,000 votes.

D Sen is winning by 32,000 votes.

R Gov won Maricopa County by 325,000 votes.

D Sen winning Maricopa by 32,000 votes?

[350,000] vote swing to D Sen?

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241451 No.21938635


purty sho they fighting to be running the next a;; dressed in white ensemble

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883169 No.21938636

Dept of Education desolved immediately

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379bd2 No.21938637

File: f231e4cf3c5ec1e⋯.jpg (99.74 KB,1277x740,1277:740,Custom_Image_1710202401491….jpg)

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f41215 No.21938638

File: 01cdf7702bc093f⋯.jpeg (237.26 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GbsmE2mXUBQPumO.jpeg)

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0de119 No.21938639

File: 81f30f2bb1f8cd7⋯.jpg (62.91 KB,800x419,800:419,u4uDhhii.jpg)


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cba81f No.21938641


you are welcome

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82845a No.21938642

File: 76a908359f80d52⋯.jpg (945.22 KB,1111x1111,1:1,76a908359f80d52618250b15d1….jpg)

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7178c5 No.21938643

File: c56cdbc12f7a1db⋯.png (608.27 KB,720x548,180:137,ClipboardImage.png)

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71c2b8 No.21938644

Tulsi DoD??

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883169 No.21938645


too big to rig.

They will be caught and punished.

they did not get the memo

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c5359e No.21938646

File: 29a3cfac36bdaff⋯.jpg (194.89 KB,2573x1930,2573:1930,vladimir_putin_smiling_0.jpg)


I mean not because it's possible but because they're insane enough to melt down over their assuming that it is..

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be7379 No.21938648

File: 7a559f52b02d78c⋯.png (203 KB,478x337,478:337,ClipboardImage.png)


they're just going to be sent back

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656b60 No.21938649

File: 445d634909f5d04⋯.jpg (239.5 KB,975x975,1:1,Q7.jpg)


trade ya yo

nik'd it


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e31764 No.21938650

File: c4d52329d48895e⋯.jpg (115.1 KB,800x629,800:629,lady_justice_sculpture_wom….jpg)

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379bd2 No.21938651



Rename DOD to "The Find Out Muthfuckaz"

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a87897 No.21938652


Did they find Obama

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7178c5 No.21938653

File: 4222330fc09bddd⋯.png (733.09 KB,750x664,375:332,ClipboardImage.png)

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aed3c4 No.21938654

File: b324a05cb14c48f⋯.png (119.71 KB,250x250,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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2a1e8a No.21938655


Shill shit


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1e82b0 No.21938656

File: efdb9016580dd17⋯.png (15.84 KB,611x150,611:150,ClipboardImage.png)

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7178c5 No.21938657

File: c46d7bb37507926⋯.png (1.36 MB,1067x599,1067:599,ClipboardImage.png)

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95518e No.21938659

File: cf8be662862103e⋯.png (341.93 KB,426x322,213:161,Screenshot_2024_11_07_at_8….png)


Nice triplets.

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cbdae2 No.21938660


without payment for crime there is no deterrent. we will see if Trump cucks to the "unify for the good of the nation" or metes out long overdue justice. this will be the litmus test and we'll all know soon enough.

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71c2b8 No.21938661

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417bd7 No.21938663

notables @ 495

#26866 >>21938049

>>21938058, >>21938099, >>21938319 Remaining House / Senate seats update

>>21938122 The scientific method on how to educate and wake up Libtards

>>21938183 President Trump Selects Senior Campaign Advisor Susie Wiles for White House Chief of Staff Role

>>21938186, >>21938189 RINO Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer Deletes Twitter Account as Questions Surround Election

>>21938198 JFK's grandson

>>21938228 Biden Administration Dodges Another Free Speech Fight as Court Blocks Kennedy Suit

>>21938288 mRNA Vaccinated People emanate Bluetooth Signals

>>21938353 President-elect Donald Trump announces broad crackdown on transgenderism

>>21938374 Winner of Maine’s 2nd Congressional District seat still undetermined in close race

>>21938408 Trump attorney’s phone tapped by Chinese hackers, sources say

>>21938446 Eyes on these AZ districts

>>21938522 Judge Denies AstraZeneca's Motion To Dismiss In Vaccine Injury Case

>>21938568 Thomas Massie bitch slaps the FBI

>>21938574 Trudeau will be gone in the upcoming election

>>21938096, >>21938111, >>21938286, >>21938306, >>21938322, >>21938455, >>21938468 Memes


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633542 No.21938664

File: 577111f40abfcd1⋯.jpg (5.33 KB,302x319,302:319,185354694579457.jpg)

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87cd91 No.21938665


That's what The Department of War meant.


We should go back to that title.

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d47e1f No.21938666

Trump should nominate Kamala Harris as Secretary of State

It would heal the great divide in our nation, and she could spread joy to the entire world by protecting homo Canadians and installing giant airbags under tall buildings in Muslim countries. This would allow the Muslims to toss faggots off roofs all day long without ever running out of faggots.

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6552b9 No.21938667

File: 7aff8e0063a4ccc⋯.png (465.11 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f41215 No.21938668

File: 01cdf7702bc093f⋯.jpeg (237.26 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GbsmE2mXUBQPumO.jpeg)

got a question. at the too step is that 17. the last lift into the bird

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fde910 No.21938669

File: dbc5b0a0077ff29⋯.png (380.55 KB,568x397,568:397,ClipboardImage.png)

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371bef No.21938670

File: 1b26539b6d550ea⋯.png (147.03 KB,461x282,461:282,c2c57ffea63b028c27521f0009….png)

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7178c5 No.21938671

File: 124d60be225f4a9⋯.png (943.85 KB,642x997,642:997,ClipboardImage.png)

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1e82b0 No.21938672

With Donald Trump back in the White House, aside from perhaps some social policy, how much will change in America?

Two weeks ago, CEO of private equity behemoth BlackRock, Larry Fink, told a conference, “It really doesn’t matter” who wins the U.S. presidential election. Fink reiterated his point, saying, “We work with both administrations and are having conversations with both candidates”.

That’s now how things work, the all-powerful cartel of billionaires, private equity and investment banks in the U.S. don’t talk to the government and ask for things to get done; the government goes to them to be told what to do.

The world is in a new cold war with the U.S. on one side and China on the other, yes there’s an arms race but the key battleground is economic might and geopolitical influence. America remains the world’s overwhelming military power, but China is in the ascendancy in economic might; thanks to the growing success of BRICS, its position is becoming unassailable in geopolitical influence.

Those desperate for the U.S. to preserve its global hegemony sell this Cold War as being “communism versus capitalism”. Thanks to Western rhetoric extending back to the end of World War Two, it is very easy to sell the idea of communism bad and capitalism good.

But is capitalism all it’s cracked up to be? Is it good for Australia, so inextricably tied to the U.S., to be navigating major geopolitical challenges when corporate America reckons it doesn’t matter who’s running the world’s biggest capitalist nation?

The authoritative U.S. dictionary, Webster’s defines capitalism as “An economic system characterised by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market.”

Fink – “it doesn’t matter”

In simple terms, those with the capital—billionaires and corporations—run the U.S. government. Fink advanced this proposition succinctly by saying, “I’m tired of hearing this is the biggest election in your lifetime. The reality is over time, it doesn’t matter”.

One reason it doesn’t matter is the fact that those with capital can easily funnel it into the coffers of U.S. politicians in return for access and influence. Figures reported by Open Secrets show this year BlackRock made $US1.8 million in campaign contributions. Another $US2 million was spent on lobbying, a well-oiled revolving door with 32 of its 44 lobbyists having previously held positions in the U.S. government.

Then there’s the direct plug into the US government; Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Eric Van Nostrand was plucked from a senior role at BlackRock by Joe Biden’s Administration.

Another key figure, Mike Pyle, worked as a senior economic to the failed Kamala Harris 2020 primary campaign before his appointment as Deputy National Security Adviser for International Economics in the Biden Administration. Two months ago, he moved back to New York as deputy of a BlackRock group that has nearly $5 trillion in assets under management.

Pyle is a poster child for revolving doors. He worked for the Obama Administration before moving to BlackRock in 2014, then back to Washington DC in 2019, now sitting pretty at BlackRock to manage trillions of dollars in investments in the world’s largest economy run by a president his boss says doesn’t really matter.

Should Trump win the election, there are rumours swirling around that Fink might leave his post as BlackRock CEO to become Treasury Secretary. In July, Trump poured cold water on that suggestion, but for someone who changes position as often as Trump, that doesn’t necessarily mean Fink is not headed for Washington DC.

Last month, BlackRock announced its total assets under management reached $A17.6 trillion, up from $A13.9 trillion the previous year. Comparing this to global GDP, only the U.S. and China have economies larger than BlackRock’s assets; its assets are 6.4 times the value of Australia’s economy.

The fact that capital is running the U.S. has real impact on Australia, 25.1 percent of foreign investment in Australia comes from the U.S., by contrast China, our largest trading partner, accounts for a paltry 1.9 percent of foreign investment in Australia.


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95518e No.21938673

File: a11c7359aa8b70b⋯.png (552.15 KB,936x806,36:31,Screenshot_2024_11_07_at_6….png)

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c0c131 No.21938674

File: 83d86610a3ce3ef⋯.mp4 (2.11 MB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17310055605….mp4)



Joe Biden is super sharp all of a sudden 😂🐐



5:37 PM · Nov 7, 2024





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87cd91 No.21938675



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267e69 No.21938676

File: 292e6ff7a8c6a9c⋯.jpeg (7.01 KB,258x196,129:98,292e6ff7a8c6a9cf2c15e14ec….jpeg)

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b85f97 No.21938677

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03b697 No.21938678

File: 7d1eef8184c4d24⋯.png (379.53 KB,2437x1603,2437:1603,Screenshot_2024_11_07_1912….png)

Thank you all. You know who you are, requiring no reward, yet still receiving that which is issued from the Greatest.

A battle was won but the war continues.

Let us celebrate in even the smallest of victories.

God bless you.

I salute you.


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a49bb2 No.21938679


so appropriate; well done

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379bd2 No.21938680

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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656b60 No.21938681


top kek

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883169 No.21938682

With a majority in Congress, Trump can end the Fed within days of taking office.

He can also end the IRS with a stroke of his pen.

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db3622 No.21938683


>So we have Q drop:


Q#1543 is addressed to 'D'.

In Q#1545, Q wrote:

Message not for Anons.


Q#1547 explains Q#1543 (likely because the Anons were overestimated at the time):

Ability to share [open].

(Heat) on who?

(Full) transparency _ DECLAS?

(Undiscovered) facts emerge?

Ability to move forward?

Occam's Razor.


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c0c131 No.21938684


fuck no fuck that MOSSAD faggot.

put Salty Cracker in.

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9c76b1 No.21938685


Sundance at Conservative Treehouse is doing a series on this now, expanding on previous articles thatanon agrees with


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aed3c4 No.21938686

File: 5d681dc6d52f1e1⋯.png (127.49 KB,250x250,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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6552b9 No.21938688

File: 132bb86654d33d4⋯.png (481.34 KB,634x706,317:353,kek_pepe_begone_satan.png)

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65cc47 No.21938689


Im Marlene, and I'm Charlene.

Chew your gum.

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e31764 No.21938690

File: 08a9ce97758cfd9⋯.png (396.8 KB,1063x887,1063:887,Screenshot_20240420_010938….png)

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cbdae2 No.21938691



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0de119 No.21938692


Schifty Schiff?

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c705d6 No.21938693



Female shooting suspect and a dog in the vehicle.

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e8e6d6 No.21938694


Bannon does not have the wheel.

Watch your step bitch.

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880f48 No.21938695

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Following Trump’s victory, NYC Mayor announced he’s ending food vouchers for illegals

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63dc2d No.21938696

What if I told you that you are God in fractal form?

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a7b4d7 No.21938697

File: 55535abe462f75e⋯.jpg (40.17 KB,500x494,250:247,55535abe462f75e3b21aace03a….jpg)



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2a1e8a No.21938698


Shill shit


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656b60 No.21938699

File: 12a37b7dfcce33e⋯.png (531.74 KB,602x386,301:193,ClipboardImage.png)


deep reflection

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883169 No.21938700


it would be for only 2 weeks.

I love the idea

Eat the MSM for lunch

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b85f97 No.21938702

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e8e6d6 No.21938703


Daily Mail 5 eyes cutout for C_A pussies

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03b697 No.21938704


A humble man from the land.

Christian, soldier, farmer.

No more rich. No more celebrities.

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b40417 No.21938705

File: 87c337fe2636358⋯.png (240.89 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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7178c5 No.21938706

File: 8db1207c486c989⋯.png (183.85 KB,619x621,619:621,ClipboardImage.png)

HOLY SH*T 🚨 President Trump just dropped his plan to DISMANTLE the Deep State. HUGE 🇺🇸

This is the MOST Important 3 minutes of your life right now. Donald Trump’s plan is PERFECT 👏



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82845a No.21938707

File: afc905ab1c3b31a⋯.jpg (299.23 KB,543x541,543:541,afc905ab1c3b31ae3e6a28eff0….jpg)



They're good so many of 'em

If you'd poast 'em bigger, I'd stoled allz of 'em

but then again, you knew that

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95518e No.21938708


VPs main job is to help POTUS get elected. Mission accomplished. Let's see what Vance does with the border. I think he will come through very well. If not, tons of other great America First players waiting in the wings.

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46e8d3 No.21938709

File: 679f28537a2cf14⋯.jpeg (200.64 KB,1015x1282,1015:1282,IMG_7248.jpeg)


Fixed it

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880f48 No.21938710

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Poor Guy. This man is literally crying for help.

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65cc47 No.21938711


If im only a fraction of God, we're going to need a lot more beer when the rest of his parts get here. Hope he can turn water into High Life, Pabst, and Lager.

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53f1ff No.21938712

File: 9fe33b4eac89056⋯.jpg (130.47 KB,636x443,636:443,trumpnohairnet3.jpg)

>>21937480 lb

according to whom?


I call fake news.

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783f8a No.21938713

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Julie Kelly: Hit The Road, Jack. But Don't Go Too Far==. This is good, Julie witnessed it all and she will a fiery expert witness


(I think the DOJ releasing all the Trump cases was only for an olive branch protection. That's not going to happen for what they've done, they punished J6 prisoners that 4+ are dead! Others witnesses are the lawyers that defended J"6ers and they have proof of violations of law by gov attorneys and almost all judges violating the laws and guidelines, except one judge that didn't. Every judge in DC needs to be prosecuted, sanctioned or barred from ever being a judge or atty for the rest of their lives. The cliques of judges that violate the law need to treated to the letter of the law.)


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e8e6d6 No.21938714

File: 3898d938a57b458⋯.png (1.49 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Tat tsvam asi

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411f89 No.21938715


If she gets stealed again Kari Lake press secretary.

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b85f97 No.21938716


Charlie Kirk should be Press Secretary

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267e69 No.21938717

File: 0c6043dc9777e41⋯.jpg (18.95 KB,480x480,1:1,Homer_camel_toe.jpg)


I'm in.

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e31764 No.21938718


What the fuck kind of sauce is that?

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de9bfb No.21938719


Bring 'em all in, why the F not.

Cabinet of the Gods.

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acd240 No.21938720

File: 994a3952275ffff⋯.png (163.72 KB,499x321,499:321,994a3952275ffff250f7d275e6….png)

File: 8686e80ff340dba⋯.png (477.16 KB,502x353,502:353,8686e80ff340dba27adaeff3fa….png)

File: 52870896eb6f0da⋯.jpg (14.67 KB,198x255,66:85,88120af9b4e9979cf310a0490e….jpg)


>Thank you all.

ty anon

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883169 No.21938721

File: 74929d07682ae07⋯.png (15.11 KB,255x235,51:47,651da7d7ccb63dd3f464d43631….png)


They went after him

Now he gets revenge

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c0c131 No.21938722



zactly what I said when I saw that link you posted

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aed3c4 No.21938723

File: 0f0443b5a36f81f⋯.png (141.83 KB,250x250,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Productive day today. Pepes seen nowhere on the internet before.

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db3622 No.21938724


>What if I told you that you are God in fractal form?

That would resonate with 'made in His image' and our capability to move mountains.

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53f1ff No.21938725


aint clicken that shit.

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63dc2d No.21938726

Stargate used for human trafficking

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2a1e8a No.21938727


Salty cracker?

Obama era libtard grifting youtube kek

You have to be a complete fucking psychopath to stand in an empty room in front of a camera ACTING like that tard.

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411f89 No.21938728


Rudi Guiliani Dept of Justice

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87cd91 No.21938729


This is a Swedish Bikini Team I can sink my teeth into.

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cf9357 No.21938730

File: ba282fbc0e2c064⋯.png (3.81 MB,2000x3000,2:3,nonamedeathkeksextdolphinJ….png)


Corrected version.

31 days in July.

[30] connects elsewhere I suspect.

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1bc586 No.21938731

11 Weird and Upsetting Facts About Elon Musk


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379bd2 No.21938732

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4B movement?

See what happens

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880f48 No.21938733

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Donald Trump has only been elected for 2 days and RFK Jr is already working on making America healthy again.

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40838a No.21938734


yeah, but he's the only one that sees it.

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d0374b No.21938735

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be7379 No.21938736

File: d081ff74f17dc78⋯.png (646.91 KB,805x457,805:457,ClipboardImage.png)

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102066 No.21938737


McLoving It

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a7623e No.21938738


Just because you don't see it happening doesn't mean they aren't there.

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656b60 No.21938740

File: 8a6f717846a37ef⋯.png (113.9 KB,800x686,400:343,8a6f717846a37efac8a89cfbbc….png)

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c0c131 No.21938741

File: 64ca22700a3dfa9⋯.jpeg (37.1 KB,150x150,1:1,IMG_1863.jpeg)


Nah. Salty is the shit.

He'll hit em in their bottom surgery

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7178c5 No.21938742

File: c68c3a74a0be570⋯.png (200.16 KB,637x732,637:732,ClipboardImage.png)



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e8e6d6 No.21938743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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95518e No.21938744


Old video…you can't bullshit anons.

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7a3826 No.21938745


I want lawyers of be barred from public office.

Permanently barred, even after you stop being a lawyer.

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aaf011 No.21938746

File: fd612ab927d0038⋯.jpeg (35.88 KB,474x269,474:269,IMG_3573.jpeg)



that was an old team, this is the new swedish swim team

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6552b9 No.21938747

File: 85cbad6c820b76c⋯.png (263.12 KB,500x566,250:283,rambo_biggs_guy_alex_jones….png)



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2a1e8a No.21938749


Your fucking cooked mate kek

Salty is a shill grifting tards.

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58202e No.21938750


Admiral Rodgers

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3e6e09 No.21938751

File: 3be21511b2decb2⋯.jpg (198.53 KB,419x335,419:335,6655204_orig.jpg)

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e8e6d6 No.21938752


Bill Cooper sends his twin birds

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883169 No.21938754


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6552b9 No.21938756


>Weird and Upsetting

oh look, it's the language of narrative-setting.

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54a717 No.21938757

File: e45c10a22a5bb49⋯.mp4 (1.8 MB,936x720,13:10,e45c10a22a5bb4936f54353532….mp4)

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b85f97 No.21938758


>Trump's cabinet

>No more rich. No more celebrities

^^^^ this

And term limits for Congress

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c0c131 No.21938759

File: ca7890f06453cfe⋯.jpeg (59.42 KB,474x496,237:248,IMG_1865.jpeg)


Eurofag zoomer detected

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96356e No.21938760

File: 5b7f4e07e4b6d59⋯.png (88.27 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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fde910 No.21938762

File: 30e72a369b8d49f⋯.png (532.25 KB,568x708,142:177,ClipboardImage.png)

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938539 No.21938763




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87cd91 No.21938765


Suddenly it all makes sense…

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2a1e8a No.21938766


Your totally right big brain

Maybe he could offer them some fucking steak or some other spastic shit salty shills.

Now fuck off retard and kys.

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db3622 No.21938767

File: f90383d5efe0d59⋯.png (43.83 KB,840x498,140:83,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 29313bd743de0ab⋯.png (45.41 KB,840x498,140:83,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c97321536a2779⋯.png (71.18 KB,840x718,420:359,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3eab1f251d64872⋯.png (304.57 KB,1124x719,1124:719,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81419052d148ef5⋯.png (1.33 MB,1411x884,83:52,ClipboardImage.png)


>Just because you don't see it happening doesn't mean they aren't there.

The war went hot on November 5, 2017. Anons watched:



Its a japanese restaurant.



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6552b9 No.21938768

File: fa69b9678109d37⋯.png (451.54 KB,500x500,1:1,trump_lightning_point_says….png)


total unknowns who are super-competant and who catch the enemy off-guard, where possible.

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fde910 No.21938769

File: 9c0b1f74b97e1af⋯.png (346.21 KB,568x481,568:481,ClipboardImage.png)

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95c3cc No.21938770

File: 790f0359b6ccd82⋯.png (568.79 KB,488x660,122:165,carville.png)

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53f1ff No.21938772

File: 8b9a09e3c21ef6b⋯.png (10.31 KB,255x128,255:128,00f5d7f796ee10911a0bdc7754….png)


What's going with the house

Every night they get new ballots?

I think they do that in NYC too. the ballots have SEVEN days to arrive by mail AFTER the election Day.

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1bc586 No.21938773


The words accurately characterize the content of the article.

Why would you comment if you apparently didn't read it?

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52797d No.21938774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a7b4d7 No.21938775

File: 27054eb09cf9cab⋯.jpeg (335.49 KB,750x766,375:383,27054eb09cf9cab98bf1ba376….jpeg)

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379bd2 No.21938776

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a49bb2 No.21938777

File: b24c2f821c848b2⋯.png (60.47 KB,820x461,820:461,ClipboardImage.png)



>>21938011 LB

>Why the AP called Pennsylvania for McCormick

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82845a No.21938778

File: dc7e54182fd2bf3⋯.png (480.76 KB,748x851,748:851,dc7e54182fd2bf3adf2fb2676a….png)

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417bd7 No.21938779

notables @ 590

#26866 >>21938049

>>21938058, >>21938099, >>21938319 Remaining House / Senate seats update

>>21938122 The scientific method on how to educate and wake up Libtards

>>21938183 President Trump Selects Senior Campaign Advisor Susie Wiles for White House Chief of Staff Role

>>21938186, >>21938189 RINO Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer Deletes Twitter Account as Questions Surround Election

>>21938198 JFK's grandson

>>21938226 Who controls America’s connection to Emergency Services?

>>21938228 Biden Administration Dodges Another Free Speech Fight as Court Blocks Kennedy Suit

>>21938288 mRNA Vaccinated People emanate Bluetooth Signals

>>21938353 President-elect Donald Trump announces broad crackdown on transgenderism

>>21938374 Winner of Maine’s 2nd Congressional District seat still undetermined in close race

>>21938408 Trump attorney’s phone tapped by Chinese hackers, sources say

>>21938446 Eyes on these AZ districts

>>21938522 Judge Denies AstraZeneca's Motion To Dismiss In Vaccine Injury Case

>>21938568 Thomas Massie bitch slaps the FBI

>>21938574 Trudeau will be gone in the upcoming election

>>21938695 Following Trump’s victory, NYC Mayor announced he’s ending food vouchers for illegals

>>21938713 Julie Kelly: Hit The Road, Jack

>>21938096, >>21938111, >>21938286, >>21938306, >>21938322, >>21938455, >>21938468 Memes


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c0c131 No.21938780

File: 45efb9d069ca5dc⋯.webp (29.21 KB,642x447,214:149,IMG_1867.webp)

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fde910 No.21938781

File: 84b49688bfb06df⋯.png (340.44 KB,524x528,131:132,ClipboardImage.png)

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cb0eb2 No.21938782

File: 456cba8b7867228⋯.png (669.08 KB,1024x500,256:125,ClipboardImage.png)


Earlier this evening, the day after Donald Trump was elected president of the United States (again), news broke that Joel Salatin has been offered a position by the Trump team within the USDA, and he has accepted.

“I’ve been contacted by the Trump transition team to hold some sort of position within the USDA and have accepted one of the six “Advisor to the Secretary” spots. My favorite congressman, Thomas Massie from Kentucky, has agreed to go in as Secretary of Agriculture.” –The Lunatic Farmer

Read the full statement on his website here: https://www.thelunaticfarmer.com/blog/11/6/2024/celebration

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4f74cc No.21938783

File: ed71e0d8ce45cf7⋯.jpg (23.33 KB,255x204,5:4,ca73ee28c03e23a3afa8f13310….jpg)

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411f89 No.21938784


This is F&G but could be very damaging…..

Where are the "Reeeeeeee"s

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b40417 No.21938785

File: 1295a0b6d8d0555⋯.png (139.69 KB,460x600,23:30,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c7c25 No.21938786

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883169 No.21938787

File: 8f5f73c9e0825ab⋯.png (228.54 KB,759x615,253:205,ClipboardImage.png)

Don Jr. said Maybe he knows who Q is and cannot tell us?


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aaf011 No.21938788

File: 450f1561b8520de⋯.jpeg (84.94 KB,591x407,591:407,IMG_3418.jpeg)


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3e6e09 No.21938789

File: ab93ab10d510444⋯.jpg (499.74 KB,1080x1510,108:151,20241002_152921.jpg)

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cba81f No.21938790

File: 164856f5ac80d88⋯.png (15.61 KB,451x193,451:193,mossad.PNG)


v2 admin

what the fuck do we do with all these traitors after??

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6552b9 No.21938791


>who do (you) want in Trumps Administration?

I'd like to see Melania more

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656b60 No.21938792


desperation yo

they lost the WH cheating stopped

they lost the Senate

able to choke with cheating with so many house districts

last ditch effort

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fde910 No.21938793

File: ab6c1126fa37706⋯.png (77.89 KB,360x270,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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38ae2a No.21938794

File: df8fde657bd0f8f⋯.png (357.11 KB,600x567,200:189,ClipboardImage.png)




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a30cc0 No.21938795

File: 54b57fb1c5e2a35⋯.png (616.06 KB,692x806,346:403,Screenshot_2024_09_25_3_43….png)

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03b697 No.21938797

File: 6920a1ddc09b3ce⋯.png (234.33 KB,708x264,59:22,Screenshot_2024_11_07_1934….png)


'member when Ericsson was being torn out only to be replaced with Canadian Nortel?


In cahoots w/ AT&T.

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cf609c No.21938798

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6552b9 No.21938799

File: 92712ad7a118066⋯.png (109.04 KB,768x470,384:235,trumps_hitler_commie_retar….png)



wtf is this nonsense

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aaf011 No.21938800

File: 2cf0847c949c47c⋯.jpeg (98.06 KB,736x1126,368:563,IMG_3575.jpeg)

you want camel toe?

you're welcome

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be7379 No.21938801


because you don't dox q lmao

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fde910 No.21938802

File: b5a34e783b63e0f⋯.png (419.23 KB,568x942,284:471,ClipboardImage.png)

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880f48 No.21938803

File: e007042428b0edb⋯.png (1.72 MB,2560x1441,2560:1441,ClipboardImage.png)

Obamas son dragged two dogs behind his speeding vehicle in Georgia. One is dead so far.


I so much wanna say this cannot be fixed…. Oh, but yes it CAN. and QUICKLY .


PETA raises tips reward to $16,000 for man who dragged 2 dogs behind his car in Georgia

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is helping Georgia officials identify the man who dragged two dogs tied to the back of a car nearly two months ago, killing one of them.

The animal rights organization is offering $10,000 for whoever has information that leads to the suspect's arrest, raising the total to $16,000.

Surveillance footage captured the suspect who dragged the two animals along a roadway in Redan, just east of Atlanta, at around 8 p.m. on Sept. 13, the DeKalb County District Attorney’s Office announced Wednesday. Prosecutors said the driver then got out of his car and untied the dogs from the bumper, leaving them for dead.

In a news release Thursday, PETA said it aims to see the suspect convicted on animal cruelty charges.

"The agony and terror that these two dogs must have endured as a cruel person bound them to a car, sped down the road, and left them to die in a parking lot is unimaginable," PETA President Ingrid Newkirk said in a news release. "PETA asks anyone with information to come forward immediately so this killer can be held accountable before they harm anyone else."

Suspect drove a 2008-2012 Chevrolet Malibu

Video caught the man pulling into the parking lot of the Redan Recreational Center. The man seemingly backed out of the parking to prevent his license plate number from being captured.

The suspect's car was a dark, four-door sedan that investigators believe is a 2008-2012 Chevrolet Malibu, according to the prosecutor's office.

Anyone with information regarding the animal abuse is encouraged to call the DeKalb County Animal Enforcement tip line at 404-294-2939.

Other dog treated for severe injuries

A witness later notified police about the dogs and a DeKalb County Animal Enforcement officer later found both animals with a rope tied around their necks, according to prosecutors.

A male medium-sized black dog, between 1 and 7 years old, was found dead at the scene.

The other dog, a male medium-sized brindle around 9 months old, was treated for severe injuries and later cared for by DeKalb County Animal Services.

The DeKalb County Animal Services said the dog had an "amazing recovery" and has been adopted by a family, according to Atlanta station WANF.


I will be happy to drag him myself if needed.


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38ae2a No.21938804

File: 6bbf9c2a6043ecc⋯.png (384.11 KB,853x480,853:480,ClipboardImage.png)

Pursuit of Happiness suspect.

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379bd2 No.21938805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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db3622 No.21938806


>what the fuck do we do with all these traitors after??

Let them make Aliyah then cut off all US aid to Israel.

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aeca3c No.21938807


Free free

From the River to the sea

D.C. Will be free.

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fde910 No.21938808

File: 4f949688a4a3192⋯.png (350.16 KB,568x480,71:60,ClipboardImage.png)

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c685c4 No.21938809


Just wait until after things settle down and Trump is certified.

I do believe after certification the declas will drop.

This will blow a lot of holes in the house and senate. Remember not too long ago there was talk of a contingency plan for replacing a bunch of congress in the event of a catastrophe? I believe the catastrophe will be the declas.

C before D

Rest comfy frens, so many surprises ahead for us.

We are blessed.

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82845a No.21938810

File: 39eed5b8b2d7c7c⋯.jpg (151.63 KB,657x527,657:527,39eed5b8b2d7c7c7cc6671ffdb….jpg)


>someone "less neocon" instead


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dc3686 No.21938811


Obama has a son?

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c705d6 No.21938812


>Obamas son

He has a son?

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fde910 No.21938813

File: 55e650d0ba70abf⋯.png (138.4 KB,568x568,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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783f8a No.21938814


This was so interesting and she accurately detailed all the laws and rules the DOJ, FBI and Jack Smith violated. Julie is brilliant

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cf9357 No.21938815

File: e19f91a806ccf56⋯.png (3.89 MB,2000x3300,20:33,nonamedeathkeksextdolphinJ….png)

File: d58e2f938ac1fd4⋯.png (7.88 MB,3600x3600,1:1,1qcloMay17.png)


Found the [30]

This is best version of three.

Also Hands Up on the QClock

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b40417 No.21938816

File: 32c45d68df14025⋯.mp4 (1.08 MB,460x450,46:45,azxmVGq_460sv.mp4)

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004aea No.21938817


Sounds like more winning!

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2a1e8a No.21938818


Small Mike?

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7178c5 No.21938819

File: c94ffbfeabc50c6⋯.png (324.63 KB,543x1177,543:1177,ClipboardImage.png)

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4f74cc No.21938820


>I 100% agree with this

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490b4f No.21938821


Anons. Could be fun.

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b444a8 No.21938822

File: ba82ff584f40ac6⋯.png (411.23 KB,579x588,193:196,ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala Harris will be remembered as???

The whore that gave Trump and all his supporters….(drum roll)….



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3e6e09 No.21938823

File: 441801e43673dd4⋯.jpg (343.76 KB,1014x1069,1014:1069,20200527_055451.jpg)

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b7d78a No.21938824


growing up will help you out alot.

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379bd2 No.21938825

File: be9925d0e25be5c⋯.mp4 (640.85 KB,444x238,222:119,1000002026.mp4)

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b40417 No.21938826

File: 6a4b5885359ca58⋯.png (404.39 KB,460x345,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Donarudo kun, you did it

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880f48 No.21938827

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This one CANNOT fix

Liberals are now protesting Donald Trump by shaving their heads.

… and they say MAGA is a cuIt. 🤦🏼‍♂️

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cba81f No.21938828

File: 54c2e29baa681cb⋯.png (95.13 KB,398x502,199:251,aaa.PNG)

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a49bb2 No.21938829

File: 523c8a2f7817d8a⋯.png (237.1 KB,1120x621,1120:621,ClipboardImage.png)

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1bc586 No.21938830


The conflicts of interest begin…


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a7fd23 No.21938831

File: 5c6fe00fe26c77b⋯.png (1.37 MB,1074x825,358:275,5c6fe00fe26c77b9bcc9ecbf46….png)

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6552b9 No.21938832

File: 73aa027dfa17b43⋯.png (156.95 KB,390x383,390:383,CRAZY_ENGLISH_DICTIONARY.png)


Because it's the language of narrative-setting.

Nymag is a libtarded sauce, pushing their faggot lib anti-Trump agenda, and you're humping their leg like a homodog.

And I'm going to call that shit out, every single time.

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be7379 No.21938833

File: 2a34f035a79bd8d⋯.png (276.32 KB,533x533,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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b40417 No.21938834

File: d7e9ac03ca021c1⋯.png (269.38 KB,362x651,362:651,ClipboardImage.png)

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aeca3c No.21938835


That finance guy that yells



Yeah….that guy.

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db3622 No.21938836


>>Obamas son

>He has a son?

Years ago President Obama personally identified with a dead juvenile miscreant and commented that said miscreant could have been Obama's son. Since then young black offenders are sometimes referred to as 'Obama's son'.

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1ac13f No.21938837

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

some keks

but also sad

can they come back?

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c0c131 No.21938838

File: 924d5a31e5977d7⋯.jpeg (1.82 MB,1500x6299,1500:6299,IMG_1875.jpeg)

In other news,it's snowing in Saudi Arabia..


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7178c5 No.21938839

File: 4cdfa9da4523cef⋯.png (989.44 KB,782x818,391:409,ClipboardImage.png)

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cf609c No.21938840


Trust the science

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b40417 No.21938841

File: e728da696a89c4d⋯.png (271.06 KB,460x303,460:303,ClipboardImage.png)

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de9bfb No.21938842

File: 806115038aa563a⋯.png (648.4 KB,651x577,651:577,ClipboardImage.png)

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783f8a No.21938843

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dave Bossie: The Lefts Entire Take Down Trump Effort Culminated In Tuesday’s Election Results


This includes the cold open of MSM bragging they got marching orders. (The first three people and team should be sued or prosecuted, Maddow, Joe and Mika and The View (witch coven)


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8a242c No.21938844


> “I Get to Do What Makes Me Happy Now”


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6552b9 No.21938845


>a competitive election year

No. It's republicans winning the popular vote. That's a WIPEOUT ELECTION YEAR.

There is no excuse for the house being close.

The House is being totally raped by cheating right now

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dc3686 No.21938846


Watch Trump push our RFK and Elon because he's comped. I wish it weren't so.

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82845a No.21938847

File: 06525abf4ed39ba⋯.jpg (95.82 KB,650x500,13:10,ClipboardImage.jpg)

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7178c5 No.21938848

File: a87f98fae9f276e⋯.png (39.96 KB,567x352,567:352,ClipboardImage.png)

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1bc586 No.21938849


Go for it, ma'am.

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fce343 No.21938850

File: f5902df193f4580⋯.jpeg (55.41 KB,474x355,474:355,IMG_3531.jpeg)


sniff it!

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267e69 No.21938851

File: 44f2be070b666ee⋯.jpg (64.35 KB,1024x1024,1:1,44f2be070b666eee07f02ad617….jpg)


Remembered turkey neck?

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aeca3c No.21938852


Melania, if only to give the digs on Hillary.

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a7b4d7 No.21938853

File: 9b9c4a62a5d784a⋯.png (88.42 KB,241x255,241:255,9b9c4a62a5d784a9dc65f254e8….png)


wasting no time o7

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fce343 No.21938854


gobble gobble!

kamala sure knows how to gobble cock

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379bd2 No.21938855


Good news is they are pissed, now just they have to realize who they REALLY should be pissed at.

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db3622 No.21938856

File: f8ee5c6f5c0fe7c⋯.png (2.03 MB,850x938,425:469,Bubble_Pepe.png)


>> “I Get to Do What Makes Me Happy Now”


Maybe he's always dreamed of working in a prison laundry?

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a7fd23 No.21938857

File: 50adf9239691e75⋯.jpg (104.38 KB,960x878,480:439,50adf9239691e754a883f2f40b….jpg)

File: cfbe59de32a2304⋯.png (199.29 KB,568x463,568:463,cfbe59de32a23048df1656eb05….png)

File: de14dd9047df915⋯.jpg (112.31 KB,720x731,720:731,de14dd9047df9158687e20eb15….jpg)

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e8e6d6 No.21938858

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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883169 No.21938859

File: a63c94aaf67821b⋯.png (773.47 KB,788x734,394:367,ClipboardImage.png)

Remember Anons, we are watching a movie.

The actors playing Biden may win an Emmy some day.

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cba81f No.21938860




The Ericsson Report: Michael Khoury


Anons might consider contacting LEO's about these nat sec vulnerablilities.

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4ea24d No.21938861


every nigger that gets kilt


coulda been

his son

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267e69 No.21938862

File: aac432553663469⋯.jpg (19.51 KB,640x480,4:3,Bingo.jpg)

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6552b9 No.21938864

File: a8d4023621c9e45⋯.png (445.6 KB,579x588,193:196,ClipboardImage.png)


That cunt is not remotely brown.

The whole story is fake.

It's not indian or jamaican.

Totally fake backstory

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8a6291 No.21938865


>Salty is a shill grifting tards.


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c0c131 No.21938866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bf707d No.21938867

Trey Goudy for AG >>21938580

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03b697 No.21938868


There is no need to know who they are.

Info is important not messenger.

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e31764 No.21938869

File: 8cd24c60fb2df78⋯.mp4 (13.88 MB,740x480,37:24,Trump_DSDismantle.mp4)

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71c2b8 No.21938870

File: 470b7a7d8c9ecb0⋯.mp4 (5.5 MB,740x480,37:24,freecompress_NpUuu_caa.mp4)


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8a242c No.21938871


>Maybe he's always dreamed of working in a prison laundry?

He'll have to enjoy picking up the soap in the shower

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b7d78a No.21938872

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7178c5 No.21938873

File: 44cdc71ae4e9f88⋯.png (669.41 KB,834x768,139:128,ClipboardImage.png)

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cba81f No.21938874

File: 36ed023dc39d0dd⋯.png (191.48 KB,447x446,447:446,mosssssss.PNG)




rothschild clawbacks should be relatively easy at this point

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fce343 No.21938875


I wonder how many years ago the real joe was executed

or he may still be in the geriatric wing in gitmo

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3868d2 No.21938876


SES goes 1st

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2a1e8a No.21938877



Lost forever.

Shills N grifters really did a number on them.

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b7d78a No.21938878


it's been tele-fvckery since deciding to break up the Bell system.

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4ea24d No.21938879

File: 38a7270ab845784⋯.webm (126.58 KB,460x816,115:204,1722562089.webm)

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aa4bcc No.21938880


No. He is famous for wearing purple ties.

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f6723c No.21938881

File: bf97b6555864e2e⋯.jpg (269.42 KB,2500x1667,2500:1667,221213142002_sam_brinton_f….jpg)

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4f74cc No.21938882

File: f39ead6ddec9a18⋯.jpg (84.74 KB,534x680,267:340,dd07d74a8b1c515d863114e31c….jpg)

God bless the Anons that have been here over the past 4 years and never left.

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03b697 No.21938883

File: 7b02981f38e512f⋯.webp (29.62 KB,500x461,500:461,_I_dNcGu485zsV8SdoRgIk00L….webp)


Never clocking out.

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a7b4d7 No.21938884

File: d219e01aa524646⋯.png (509.09 KB,900x736,225:184,d219e01aa52464626210475ebe….png)

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d43138 No.21938885

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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417bd7 No.21938886

notables @ 695

#26866 >>21938049

>>21938058, >>21938099, >>21938319 Remaining House / Senate seats update

>>21938122 The scientific method on how to educate and wake up Libtards

>>21938183 President Trump Selects Senior Campaign Advisor Susie Wiles for White House Chief of Staff Role

>>21938186, >>21938189 RINO Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer Deletes Twitter Account as Questions Surround Election

>>21938198 JFK's grandson

>>21938226 Who controls America’s connection to Emergency Services?

>>21938228 Biden Administration Dodges Another Free Speech Fight as Court Blocks Kennedy Suit

>>21938288 mRNA Vaccinated People emanate Bluetooth Signals

>>21938353 President-elect Donald Trump announces broad crackdown on transgenderism

>>21938374 Winner of Maine’s 2nd Congressional District seat still undetermined in close race

>>21938408 Trump attorney’s phone tapped by Chinese hackers, sources say

>>21938446 Eyes on these AZ districts

>>21938522 Judge Denies AstraZeneca's Motion To Dismiss In Vaccine Injury Case

>>21938568 Thomas Massie bitch slaps the FBI

>>21938574 Trudeau will be gone in the upcoming election

>>21938695 Following Trump’s victory, NYC Mayor announced he’s ending food vouchers for illegals

>>21938713 Julie Kelly: Hit The Road, Jack

>>21938838 First-ever snowfall in Saudi Arabia’s desert

>>21938096, >>21938111, >>21938286, >>21938306, >>21938322, >>21938455, >>21938468, >>21938785, >>21938826, >>21938834, >>21938841 Memes


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db3622 No.21938888


>Kamala Harris will be remembered as???

An idealistic skull full of mush who traded youth, enthusiasm, and intimacy for power, responsibilities, and duties she was not equipped to perform.

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c5359e No.21938889

53 Senate seats

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b7d78a No.21938890


pay attention, b1tch


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6552b9 No.21938891

File: 3cd78935d333378⋯.png (729 KB,666x919,666:919,gen_flynn_hand_is_asian_sk….png)


I've seen a lot of Irishmen and I've never seen one with a nose like that.

He has a link to alex jones, so my assumption is MOS, yes.

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938539 No.21938892




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bd1246 No.21938893


dang, boys!

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267e69 No.21938894

File: 70bba4055a688ad⋯.jpeg (96.5 KB,581x569,581:569,70bba4055a688adb77ff505d2….jpeg)


I hear Delaware is a good place this time a year especially when your out of food.

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46e8d3 No.21938895

File: ff2f310aedc13d0⋯.mp4 (11.24 MB,1112x720,139:90,_2056811899759698512.mp4)

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f6723c No.21938896

File: f6716242af65c37⋯.jpg (569.77 KB,1920x1080,16:9,teaputin.jpg)

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fce343 No.21938897

File: c088d20cf52f184⋯.jpeg (316.65 KB,866x866,1:1,IMG_0483.jpeg)


the ride never ends

we are here forever

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417bd7 No.21938898

notables FINAL

#26866 >>21938049

>>21938058, >>21938099, >>21938319 Remaining House / Senate seats update

>>21938122 The scientific method on how to educate and wake up Libtards

>>21938183 President Trump Selects Senior Campaign Advisor Susie Wiles for White House Chief of Staff Role

>>21938186, >>21938189 RINO Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer Deletes Twitter Account as Questions Surround Election

>>21938198 JFK's grandson

>>21938226 Who controls America’s connection to Emergency Services?

>>21938228 Biden Administration Dodges Another Free Speech Fight as Court Blocks Kennedy Suit

>>21938288 mRNA Vaccinated People emanate Bluetooth Signals

>>21938353 President-elect Donald Trump announces broad crackdown on transgenderism

>>21938374 Winner of Maine’s 2nd Congressional District seat still undetermined in close race

>>21938408 Trump attorney’s phone tapped by Chinese hackers, sources say

>>21938446 Eyes on these AZ districts

>>21938522 Judge Denies AstraZeneca's Motion To Dismiss In Vaccine Injury Case

>>21938568 Thomas Massie bitch slaps the FBI

>>21938574 Trudeau will be gone in the upcoming election

>>21938695 Following Trump’s victory, NYC Mayor announced he’s ending food vouchers for illegals

>>21938713 Julie Kelly: Hit The Road, Jack

>>21938838 First-ever snowfall in Saudi Arabia’s desert

>>21938096, >>21938111, >>21938286, >>21938306, >>21938322, >>21938455, >>21938468, >>21938785, >>21938826, >>21938834, >>21938839, >>21938841, >>21938842 Memes


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883169 No.21938899


> that have been here over the past 4 years and never left.

Try 7 years

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4ea24d No.21938900

File: aa425824c06fc8e⋯.jpg (21.94 KB,474x366,79:61,th_1197993868.jpg)

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b7d78a No.21938902



exactly, that's the point.

shel'll be remembered however they need her to be remembered.

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cf9357 No.21938903

File: 289f0de6a16ba68⋯.png (15.91 MB,5500x5000,11:10,z17qclockblank55qDTLwElon2….png)


Elon is "X"

Part of Q Team

ThunderCats Fan reference (was notabled but here again)

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46e8d3 No.21938904



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3003b0 No.21938906

File: f6e70cadc4fa8ba⋯.jpg (55.4 KB,600x400,3:2,Did_Someone_Say_Firing_Squ….jpg)

File: 760bf9dff48b8bf⋯.png (535.52 KB,568x556,142:139,Buy_Plywood_Nancy_Pelosi.png)

File: 1ce81b537f25f0f⋯.jpg (72.25 KB,680x611,680:611,Firing_Squad_Gallows_DHS_M….jpg)

File: 85d84290d76904e⋯.mp4 (13.21 MB,1920x1080,16:9,DEATH_BY_FIRING_SQUAD_DON_….mp4)

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fce343 No.21938908

File: f637756e5db4b5a⋯.jpeg (14.96 KB,272x238,8:7,IMG_3300.jpeg)


I nose what you mean

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f6723c No.21938909


double time dubs confirm

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4ea24d No.21938913



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98d827 No.21938915

File: 531179308d5d986⋯.png (102.25 KB,982x956,491:478,IMG_6955.png)


>Is an Utah Corporation - Professional filed on August 2, 2023. The company's filing status is listed as Active and its File Number is 13525371-0144.

>The Registered Agent on file for this company is Chelsey Delight and is located at 2078 E Cherry Lane, Layton, UT 84040. The company's principal address is 1797 N 900 E, Layton, UT 84040.

The company has 8 contacts on record.

The contacts are:

>Chelsey Delight from Layton UT

>Donald J. Trump from Palm Beach FL

>Edward Joseph Snowden

>Elon Reeve Musk from Lakeway TX,

>Jaron Zepel Lanier from Silicon Valley CA

>Joseph James Rogan from Beverly Hills CA

>Melania Trump from Palm Beach FL.

>Shawn Ryan from Franklin TN.

Source: https://www.bizapedia.com/ut/lemonade-lagoon-a-professional-corporation-a.html

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aa4bcc No.21938916


What her husband said.

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b7d78a No.21938917


>,it's snowing in Saudi Arabia..

next up, flying pigs.

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d9b838 No.21938918


>appease boomers

On a scale of 1 to 10, just how retarded are you?

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fce343 No.21938919

File: 1a7c9b9e2bb998f⋯.jpeg (58.24 KB,593x406,593:406,IMG_3562.jpeg)


>Kamala Harris will be remembered as???

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417bd7 No.21938920












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c0c131 No.21938921


Awesome tyvm <3


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3003b0 No.21938922

File: 337d8cb7d553b39⋯.png (479.9 KB,1335x874,1335:874,Best_I_Can_Do_Televised_Fi….png)

File: 309969d6920b445⋯.png (485.61 KB,1335x874,1335:874,Favorite_Firing_Squad_Bull….png)

File: 32fe21160c0e8b3⋯.webp (26.23 KB,1031x580,1031:580,Favorite_Firing_Squad_Bul….webp)

File: 549d6dc1b3911d8⋯.jpg (34.47 KB,560x308,20:11,Deepstate_Panic_Pedo_Firin….jpg)

File: 1b46915a37bb476⋯.jpg (216.44 KB,1928x2372,482:593,Firing_Party_2.jpg)

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95c3cc No.21938923

File: 03df4a29247a4d8⋯.png (105.15 KB,248x192,31:24,today_was_a_good_day.png)

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3e6e09 No.21938925

File: 66d5dccd7032fab⋯.jpg (53 KB,284x395,284:395,86414872_3f3a5f9982.jpg)


Sounds good to me

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fd1817 No.21938926


I smell dog shit

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8dd5ec No.21938927


she's preggers

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4f74cc No.21938928

File: 8c14ca49c47fb11⋯.png (66.03 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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3003b0 No.21938929

File: 9f80f024b549a3a⋯.jpg (69.94 KB,509x573,509:573,Bitch_You_Ok_Pelosi.jpg)

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0de119 No.21938930

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880f48 No.21938931

File: 320cb3c93789ebf⋯.png (400.46 KB,590x393,590:393,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d0e94b8635732d⋯.png (328.52 KB,590x393,590:393,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d464c539d2c2c1⋯.png (283.9 KB,590x393,590:393,ClipboardImage.png)

I heard it was Epstein's clients getting rid of the evidence cause homes were way to far apart to be a random fires in Ventura county.

Story below,

Apocalyptic California wildfires leave 25 million at risk just weeks after Trump's threat

More than 25 million people have been placed under an "extreme and life-threatening fire behaviour" warning as record-breaking blazes ravaged California.

Crews were today battling to get the infernos under control after it destroyed dozens of homes and forced thousands of residents to flee when it exploded in size in only a few hours, just weeks after Trump threatened to cut off funding.

California Governor Gavin Newsom said the 'Mountain Fire' northwest of Los Angeles prompted evacuation orders as it threatened 3,500 structures in suburban communities, ranches, and agricultural areas around Camarillo.

At one point, the fire had zero per cent containment, according to the Ventura County Fire Department.

America's National Weather Service said a red flag warning, which indicates conditions for high fire danger, would remain until at least Thursday night.

Officials were given some brief hope by forecasters who predicted winds to decrease significantly.


Better call The WAMMBALANCE.


Christina Noren, 50, and her husband Paul Boutin, 62, evacuated their home in Camarillo Heights.

They only had time to grab their dog, their laptops, some clothes, toothbrushes and Boutin's thyroid medication.

Boutin has been in remission from thyroid cancer since August but just had a related surgery last week, and the couple was anxious about Boutin inhaling any smoke.

They chose to evacuate to a hotel in Pismo Beach, more than 100 miles away, rather than a closer evacuation centre.

"You know, the last thing that he needs is to be breathing smoke for the next two or three days," said Noren.

Officials in several Southern California counties urged residents to be on the lookout for fast-spreading blazes, power outages, and downed trees amid the latest round of notorious Santa Ana winds.

More than 30,000 customers were without power statewide early yesterday, including about 3,000 in Ventura County and about 4,000 in Los Angeles County.

The Mountain Fire was burning in a region that has seen some of California's most destructive fires over the years.

A thick plume of smoke rose hundreds of feet into the sky Wednesday, blanketing whole neighbourhoods and limiting visibility for firefighters and evacuees.

The fire grew from less than half a square mile to more than 16 square miles in less than five hours.

Late Wednesday, it was about 22 square miles, the Ventura County Fire Department said in a social media post.

Efforts to battle the blaze continued through the night on the ground and with night flying helicopters.

At least 800 firefighters were assigned to the fire and hundreds more were arriving from around the state, the department said.

At a rally in Coachella in California last month, Trump threatend to withhold federal funding for wildfires if Governor Newsom did not change his position on water deliveries to farmers.

He said: "We'll force it down his throat and we'll say, 'Gavin if you don't do it, we're not giving you any of that fire money that we send you all the time for all the forest fires that you have."

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b7d78a No.21938934

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3003b0 No.21938935

File: 9670e924162f09c⋯.jpg (107.03 KB,719x571,719:571,TGFO.jpg)

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3e6e09 No.21938937



That first one

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267e69 No.21938938

File: 68b6761743c980e⋯.jpeg (552.89 KB,828x870,138:145,4_more.jpeg)

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2a1e8a No.21938939


100% Traitor.

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a0cfe0 No.21938941

File: 0ca3dd32cc7dafa⋯.png (100.16 KB,1042x120,521:60,Alex_Jones_mos_backed.png)

File: 207335ecd6c6e71⋯.png (283.71 KB,652x471,652:471,Alex_Jones_Burns_a_Trump_r….png)

Alex Jones is NOT MAGA. He BURNED his red MAGA hat.


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be7379 No.21938943


you going to get offended because i said boomers like a millennial? lul

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db3622 No.21938944


One of my favorite Q exchanges in the drops:

Don’t drop the soap.


(Q to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey who arranged a geolocate spy bot in POTUS' Twitter account)

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8a242c No.21938945


>who do (you) want in Trumps Administration?

Bibby Benjamin Netanyahu (Head of Jewish wellbeing WW)

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3003b0 No.21938946

File: e085e909bee36fd⋯.jpg (75.42 KB,509x573,509:573,Meme_Them_Till_They_Cry_Pe….jpg)

File: a6dc2ce11053fdb⋯.jpg (41.98 KB,600x300,2:1,WTF_is_Cardi_B_Trump.jpg)

File: 401adfb10a8ea87⋯.jpg (133.52 KB,960x976,60:61,Trips_Chekt_Shocker_Ice_Cr….jpg)



Solid Work All The Way Round Boys & Girls!



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7178c5 No.21938948

File: f1f5ae3e7a82815⋯.png (550.02 KB,739x865,739:865,ClipboardImage.png)

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cf9357 No.21938949

File: bc2f7ed0dd0dbfd⋯.png (9.43 MB,4000x6000,2:3,DTL2024wMelaniaelon.png)

Elon had an :07 "Light" KEK as well.

Top right corner is new

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be7379 No.21938950

people like rubio are there to appease the OLD guard

simple as

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cba81f No.21938951



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880f48 No.21939018

File: 3af24d5e279af0a⋯.png (680.91 KB,900x574,450:287,ClipboardImage.png)

Story goes like this.

Alex Jones has accepted the offer to serve as President Trump’s Press Secretary‼️

This could break the ENTIRE system, this is their biggest fear.

I'll pass BUT He would make a good one . He can dam sure tell them what is on his mind. Not gonna lie, I must say he has woken UP a shit ton of people, myself included in the day


No Sauce tho.

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