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3b8372 No.21681399 [Last50 Posts]

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3b8372 No.21681403

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3b8372 No.21681404


#26549 >>21680570

>>21680748 Archive: Trump rally in Erie, Pennsylvania - 9/29/24

>>21680622 DJT called Kamala "Lyin'" → Qpost 1395

>>21680641, >>21681069 DJT gives a shout out to 'Brick Suit'

>>21680844 Trumps rally in Erie PA the KeyStone State, start and stop timing says a lot

>>21680584, >>21680686, >>21680723 Singer, songwriter & actor Kris Kristofferson dead at 88

>>21680627 Call to vote: @Politics_Polls

>>21680634 Obama's 'Alice in Wonderland' secret party

>>21680682 Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 Solution Builds Mesogen Microchips When Left At Room Temperature

>>21680699, >>21680742, >>21680754 Hurricane Watch

>>21680717, >>21680722, >>21681307, >>21681334 GA Chemical Plant in flames, the third such incident at the plant over the past seven years

>>21680727 Unvetted migrants doing what they do

>>21680870 X22: RFK Jr Brings The Fed Into Focus, The World Is About To Learn The Truth

>>21680905 Kamala Harris' Family is Completely Made Up

>>21680939 Tulsi Gabbard's speech in DC today

>>21680947 Natalie Winters reading Bannon's letter from prison on air

>>21681045 FIRST LOOK: Tucker Carlson & James O’Keefe to Release New Documentary, ”Line in The Sand”

>>21681048 Refresher: Thousands of extras and feds involved in the set up for Jan 6th

>>21681049 Kamala used every resource to airlift 500k Haitian illegals into the US but couldn't lift a finger to rescue drowning Americans

>>21681064 Shadow Organization Committing Large Scale Democrat Election Fraud in Michigan

>>21681077 $600M East Palestine Settlement Approved Amid Whistleblower Revelations of EPA and Norfolk Southern Cover-Up

>>21681086 AG Marshall warns of Venezuelan gangs crossing the southern border: ‘They make MS-13 look like choir boys’

>>21681089 Governor Abbott Announces $5,000 Reward For Information On Tren De Aragua Gang Members

>>21681112 NYC school superintendent accused of warning ‘no more white principals’ abruptly ousted amid staff complaints

>>21681121 Kamala blames Trump for Haitian influx issues

>>21681122 Exhibit A: Libtards

>>21681171 Dom Lucre: I have exclusive footage of the 2011 MOCA Gala Spirit Cooking Event hosted by Marina Ambramovic

>>21681248 Treat the word impossible, as nothing more than motivation

>>21681255 FEMA's Goal 1 isn't disaster management, it's making equity the foundation of emergency management

>>21681266 MSM doing what they do

>>21681271 Apocalyptic chaos strikes the South as hurricane leaves MILLIONS without power: 'Where is the government?'

>>21681275 These eight pieces of (alleged) human garbage were just arrested on looting charges following the flooding from Helene

>>21681281 Large Shipping Containers Being Dropped Off In American Neighborhoods & Then Guarded By The Police - WHY?

>>21681286, >>21681301, >>21681322, >>21681330 Hurricane Helene bun

>>21681313 Diddy taken off suicide watch as his attorney says he's 'focused and very strong' in Brooklyn jail amid sex trafficking charges

>>21681339 Netflix Cancellations Spiked After Reed Hastings Donated to Kamala Harris

>>21681347 Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman arrested after punching Starbucks barista

>>21681378 Two very big things happening in TN and GA

>>21680681, >>21680700, >>21681320 Memes

>>21681392 #26549

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3b8372 No.21681405

#26548 >>21679751


>>21680158 DJT: Kamala allowing 13,099 murderers to roam openly, and be free to kill, is The Crime of the Century

>>21680219 DJT: Don’t miss tonight’s Fox News Special, MELANIA—Hosted by Ainsley Earhardt at 10:00PM ET

>>21680490 Live: Rescue The Republic w/ RFK Jr

>>21680143 Robert F. Kennedy Jr Wants Everyone to Remember Three Rules

>>21680470 RFK Jr. running mate Nicole Shanahan tells Roseanne Barr 'tech broke politics'

>>21679825, >>21679857, >>21679885, >>21680123, >>21680417 Hurricane Helene bun

>>21680111, >>21680149, >>21680166 https://poweroutage.us/

>>21680363, >>21680453, >>21680466 Helene anomalies

>>21679858 Two states are underwater, Americans are stranded without food or supplies, and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are completely AWOL

>>21680086 700 Tennessee National Guard sent to Kuwait instead of aiding their state from Helene floods

>>21680130 Tomorrow, President Donald J. Trump will visit Valdosta, Georgia, to receive a briefing on the devastation of Hurricane Helene


>>21680185 Florida sending massive amounts of recovery specialists to conduct rescue operations in the Blue Ridge Mountains

>>21679813, >>21679816, >>21679856, >>21679835, >>21680002, >>21680327, >>21680339, >>21680345 Chemical plant explosion in Georgia

>>21679834 "Americans need to be particularly vigilant from Oct. 2 to Oct. 12," warns 9/11 whistleblower and FAA security agent Brian Sullivan

>>21680457 Major TV stations across the country appear to be testing EBS

>>21679849, >>21680263, >>21680296 Qclock: Archangel Michael

>>21679869 Elon: Trump is the only way to save America

>>21679881, >>21680043 Dave Bautista goes full Libtard

>>21679898 After Exposing Feds’ Bible Buyer Investigation, Look Who Shows Up!

>>21679941, >>21679977 John Kerry: "The 1st Amendment blocks the censorship of disinformation"

>>21679957 Court Rules Against Arizona Grandmother Who Was Arrested for Feeding Homeless

>>21679989 @DeptofDefense: Full throttle 🔥

>>21680075 Here are the (Kamala) facts

>>21680112 Mohamed Camara attacks and attempts to kidnap a 60-year-old lady in a bathroom in Columbus, Ohio suburb

>>21680507 Illegal immigrant accused of ‘disemboweling’ man in Wisconsin parking lot, asked cops to shoot him after police chase

>>21680117 (2020) Vincent Fusca Caused Accident on Route 22 crash in Salem that killed man Paul Peirce

>>21680201 Hilldog: "MSM needs to go to greater lengths in lying about Trump" (paraphrased)

>>21680330, >>21680354 Kamala's earrings confirmed

>>21680374 Exhibit A: Berkeley 'Professor' Robert Reich

>>21680389 Leaked Convo Between Arizona's Democrat Gov AG and Secretary of State Reveals Cover Up of 98,000 Voter Registration Glitch

>>21680473 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week

>>21680540 JimW: I am celebrating the end of Saint Michael's Lent today

>>21680553 First Towns in US Suspend Water Fluoridation After Judge’s Ruling on Fluoride’s IQ Risk

>>21679960, >>21679967, >>21680135 Memes

>>21680556 #26548

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3b8372 No.21681408

#26547 >>21679041

>>21679041, >>21679273, >>21679532 Trump Live!

>>21679361, >>21679377, >>21679379, >>21679395, >>21679423, >>21679454, >>21679480, >>21679489, >>21679551, >>21679673 GREAT Trump quotes

- - - - - - - - - - -

>>21679079, >>21679080, >>21679097, >>21679105, >>21679127, >>21679128, >>21679104, >>21679210, >>21679216, >>21679278, >>21679471, >>21679581 DJT on the clock - Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.

>>21679085 DJT - I seldom watch Low Rated Bill Maher but, when I do, I marvel at the fake laughter on the Show

>>21679091 Pray for our truck drivers….🙏🙏

>>21679092 Are these the same earrings Kamala Harris wore at the debate?!

>>21679115 Bannon's War room - Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Psalm 33:12a KJV ✝️

>>21679117, >>21679122 Who Gives a F*** About Christmas? Melania Trump Does Now


>>21679131, >>21679171, >>21679238 Do you think Americans can handle this much truth?

>>21679133 Citizens setting up Starlink to help first responders in North Carolina. The media won't thank Elon Musk for this, so we should.

>>21679135, >>21679137, >>21679237, >>21679682 Mil-Twat

>>21679145, >>21679215 Why is Lyin' Kamala Harris in San Francisco, a City that she has totally destroyed, at fundraising events, when big parts of our Country are devastated and under water - with many people dead?

>>21679151 Two Delta Airlines Agents Arrested After Allegedly Smuggling $3M Worth Of Ketamine

>>21679152 Bad Hombre - It took less than 24 hours after landing in the U.S. for Harris-Biden to give Zelensky $8 Billion more of your taxpayer dollars. It took 3 days to get a statement from Harris-Biden on Americans devastated

>>21679163 PapiTrumpo

>>21679173 🤡With a straight face, Eric Holder tells Circle Back Psaki, “They will use the mechanisms of the DOJ to go after people who are their political foes. This is something that has never really happened in the history of this republic

>>21679179, >>21679182 There's something wrong with Kamala, I just don't know what it is – But there is something missing, and everybody knows it!

>>21679181 Kamala Harris never cared about the border until she realized it would cost her the election.

>>21679187, >>21679457 Notetaker notes

>>21679192 The flooding in North Carolina has a potential to throw the semiconductor and tech markets into chaos!

>>21679217 Kamala's regurgitated shit

>>21679247 Diddy's Ghislaine Maxwell Goes Missing?

>>21679250 PapiTrumpo - Pennsylvania is ready!!!

>>21679263 US a hostage to Israel – NATO state

>>21679269, >>21679279, >>21679288, >>21679301 Police reveal 10 years of Wiltshire UFO sightings first time 28th September 2024 Goes back further…

>>21679284 John Kerry Says The Quiet Part Out Loud: "First Amendment Stands As Major Block" To "Govern"

>>21679299 Mike Pence & Dan Scavino - "Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand." (Ephesians 6:13)

>>21679338 Right Wing Firebrand Alice Weidel Is Poised To Be AfD’s Candidate for German Chancellor in Next Year’s General Election

>>21679368 Israeli strikes forced a million people to flee homes – Lebanese PM

>>21679374 STONE COLD - important phrase?

>>21679389 Today is the 70th anniversary of CERN

>>21679391 Trump will support Ukraine – Zelensky

>>21679402, >>21679420, >>21679464, >>21679522, >>21679525, >>21679536, >>21679546, >>21679576, >>21679637 BREAKING: Large fire at BioLab in Conyers, Georgia sends massive plume of smoke over sky, I-20 being blocked off, residents told to leave

>>21679414 'Complete Obliteration': DeSantis Says Hurricane Helene Damage Worse Than Idalia

>>21679437 United Cajun Navy - Thanks to @elonmusk and @Starlink, our teams in the #NorthCarolinaFlood zone are reconnecting families who couldn't reach their loved ones for days! #CajunNavy

>>21679445 Globalists Claim Europe Is ‘Too White,’ ‘Too Western’

>>21679466 Naomi Campbell Disqualified From Being a Charity Trustee in England for Five Years – Charity Money Spent in Luxury Hotels, Spa Treatments, Room Service and Even Cigarettes

>>21679472, >>21679586 Israel Strikes Houthis in Yemen — Again

>>21679523 New York Judge Resigns amid Investigation into Alleged Jan. 6 Role

>>21679538 Ports Brace for Shutdown as U.S. Dockworker Strike Deadline Nears

>>21679552, >>21679553, >>21679558 Trump's favorite immigration chart. End of office, April?

>>21679625 CBS 02/19/2020 - How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel

>>21679640, >>21679641 the snake

>>21679650 Virginia School Bus Aide Allegedly Sexually Assaulted Disabled 4- And 5-Year Olds

>>21679666, >>21679679, >>21679713 Yep! Act Blue is a criminal organization to launder money to Democrats!

>>21679700 Why massacring civilians is Israel’s deliberate strategy

>>21679695, >>21679672, >>21679657, >>21679606, >>21679527, >>21679485, >>21679476, >>21679458, >>21679442, >>21679381, >>21679336, >>21679259, >>21679239, >>21679235, >>21679132, >>21679118, >>21679095, >>21679093, >>21679077, >>21679074, >>21679134, >>21679147, >>21679162, >>21679164, >>21679186, >>21679196, >>21679194, >>21679195 Memes

>>21679733 #26547

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3b8372 No.21681409

#26546 >>21678064

>>21678125, >>21678781, >>21678802 LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Erie, Pennsylvania - 9/29/24 2p EDT

>>21678068, >>21678538, >>21678580 36 Days to WINNING

>>21678083 AnonNews Overnight Feeds

>>21678137, >>21678322 Fran Lebowitz: ‘Biden Should Dissolve the Supreme Court’

>>21678138, >>21678187, >>21678198, >>21678677 @NCDOT As of this morning, over 400 roads remain closed in NC. All roads in Western NC should be considered closed.

>>21678157, >>21678164, >>21678182, >>21678195, >>21678202, >>21678212, >>21678223 Kash Mentioned PDD/Temu. PDD Holdings Also Owns PIN DUO DUO INC.

>>21678159 Today Matt Taibbi to speak in defense of the first amendment on the national mall

>>21678181, >>21678170 Busted! Again! Those hear rings

>>21678229 Hillary Says She Didn't Go Far Enough In Describing Trump Supporters As "Deplorables"

>>21678265 ⚡️⚡️Hunger Game vibes in Augusta, Georgia as fuel lines sweep across the south from Hurricane Helene.

>>21678316, >>21678324 Report: a helicopter crash in south-western #Iran has killed Muhammad Abd al-Salam, the chief coordinator of the Yemeni division of the IRGC (#Houthis/#Ansarallah), and several other #IRGC officials./ will need further confirm

>>21678330 School Choice Group Warns That Tim Walz Would Be a 'Disaster' for Parents

>>21678371 Boris Johnson Admits He Considered Invading an EU Nation For This Wacky COVID Reason.

>>21678389, >>21678458, >>21678520, >>21678647, >>21678666, >>21678688, >>21678716, >>21678758, >>21678813, >>21678842, >>21678848, >>21678908 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Seven Dusty Sisters/Space/Science/Darpa

>>21678412 ICYMI: Biden Admits Delegating Both Domestic AND Foreign Policy to Kamala.

>>21678418 Haiti is Now Demanding Reparations Despite Already Receiving Billions in Aid.

>>21678433 Two Nobel Prize winners want to cancel their own CRISPR patents in Europe

>>21678448, >>21678499, >>21678514, >>21678844 Table of elements and their FREQUENCIES!???/Walter Russell

>>21678496 Over 700 Tennessee National Guard Soldiers Deploy to Kuwait

>>21678511 Massive mega flood and dam breach aerial from Erwin, TN

>>21678536 Fight Fight Fight Every vote counts

>>21678542, >>21678548 Big Mike: While in New York, I decided to visit @McNallyJackson Books to sign a couple of copies of #TheLightWeCarry

>>21678575 The US Department of Justice has sued Visa this week, accusing one it antitrust violations.

>>21678599 @jaredkushner September 27th is the most important day in the Middle East since the Abraham Accords breakthrough

>>21678291, >>21678644 One would wonder why the fuck a general prosecuting a war in Afghanistan would be at a bar in Paris talking it up with a Rolling Stone reporter?

>>21678648 Dominion Court Hearing Tomorrow - Evidence discovered about encryption keys nationally and submitted to the Federal 9th Circuit

>>21678699 NATO Prepares For Mass Transport Of Wounded Soldiers In Scenario Of War With Russia

>>21678708, >>21678718, >>21678721, >>21678738 ICYMI: Key House chairman to ask Congress to repudiate Democrats’ J6 findings in face of new evidence

>>21678795 Today in Q Post History we have 10 Deltas

>>21678798 Citizens setting up Starlink to help first responders in North Carolina. The media won't thank Elon Musk for this, so we should.

>>21678807, >>21678808 Dirty dozen? 12 jurisdictions where election issues looming ahead of November

>>21678810 @JamesOKeefeIII I am in the desert speaking with border patrol agents in uniform, tears in their eyes, inspired by the actions of @ZachApotheker. Stay tuned this week…

>>21678832, >>21678845 LIVE: Rescue The Republic rally from Washington, DC

>>21678836 Hillary Clinton Says She’s The ‘Most Investigated Innocent Person You Have Ever Met’/Baker is King of England btw

>>21678874 Trumps Facebook Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

>>21678913, >>21678933 Q clock Bridge, St. Michael

>>21678930 Refresher: J6 Truth

>>21678974 UK: Police reveal 10 years of Wiltshire UFO sightings first time

>>21679023 #26546

Previously Collected

>>21677061 #26544, >>21678046 #26545

>>21674507 #26541, >>21675371 #26542, >>21676350 #26543

>>21672086 #26538, >>21672842 #26539, >>21673732 #26540

>>21669521 #26535, >>21670290 #26536, >>21671109 #26537

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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3b8372 No.21681412

File: 7cdd5c908565c5e⋯.mp4 (401.33 KB,480x270,16:9,7cdd5c908565c5e72a338e5ee1….mp4)



can continue or defer

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889686 No.21681419

File: ad89150a62c2652⋯.jpg (159.2 KB,900x600,3:2,pepe_bike_pretty.jpg)

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b61a80 No.21681423

File: dd2254ba98da073⋯.png (291.45 KB,563x402,563:402,ClipboardImage.png)

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c9c2a4 No.21681436

File: 7ce1475a3e5e918⋯.png (1023.42 KB,1229x863,1229:863,IMG_4452.png)

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6a81cb No.21681438

File: 3c963bda7659776⋯.png (1.52 MB,1278x1585,1278:1585,8cf692ee65273b58477c9235be….png)

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34f08c No.21681443

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

GOP senator: Iran 'clearly' favors Harris over Trump. Tom Cotton

Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., tells 'One Nation' that security failures regarding former President Trump are a 'scandal of the highest order.' #foxnews


Could it that Bidan Harris are still giving them billions of dollars?


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39ee06 No.21681448

File: 73cd505deb211d7⋯.png (870.15 KB,640x960,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7ee07 No.21681450

File: ed032ae969c5540⋯.jpg (240.71 KB,720x1329,240:443,20240929_191806.jpg)

File: c9d6ba83d0b387c⋯.jpg (51.11 KB,400x598,200:299,20240929_191924.jpg)


Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

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b24093 No.21681451

File: d87089d6c8c2a14⋯.png (223.51 KB,437x555,437:555,ck.PNG)


Texas designates Venezuelan Tren de Aragua as terrorist organization


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99460b No.21681452

File: bdcb7e74b0c2efa⋯.jpg (26.17 KB,255x255,1:1,v.jpg)

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6d860a No.21681453

File: 045ddaae3d88eed⋯.png (71.97 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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c5ccf7 No.21681454

File: dfea54e48e2c28e⋯.png (2.01 MB,1024x908,256:227,ClipboardImage.png)

Despite all the cheating

Trump Wins 2024 Election

DS Says it was Riged and Stolen

States Refuse to Certify, Demand an Audit

Mocking Bird MSM Demands a Recount of 2024 Election

DS Refuses to Transfer Power Peacefully

Antifa & Inavders disguised as MAGA riot like J6

DS Declares Insurrection Act

DS Declares Martial Law

DS Activates Military on American Soil

& that is when MSM will Run the "Civil" & "World" war Narrative

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da228c No.21681455

File: 53843be66c1633f⋯.gif (4.67 MB,450x201,150:67,POTUS_55.gif)

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b24093 No.21681456

File: 3f94d26bfdc8d72⋯.png (664.39 KB,406x728,29:52,fr.PNG)


BREAKING: US East Coast Port Strike is set to start on October 1st, and this afternoon the railway stopped taking freight, fearing it might be left on the train.

This is going to create massive problems!



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000000 No.21681457

All natural disasters are Dem / DS fundraising / money laundering schemes

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ef97ae No.21681458

File: 24d0bbf93215006⋯.png (867.42 KB,1023x570,341:190,ClipboardImage.png)

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fc56f7 No.21681459

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6f5c22 No.21681460

File: 7ae2e5f4f4f698d⋯.gif (860.53 KB,280x281,280:281,7ae2e5f4f4f698d858eb9c9950….gif)

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6d860a No.21681461

File: 472823243cedabf⋯.png (190.52 KB,1200x794,600:397,ClipboardImage.png)


God Bless Texas and Gov. Abbott!

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27d814 No.21681462

File: a0e963ed6b0d67e⋯.jpg (42.15 KB,667x366,667:366,asdaweghrdhljk.jpg)

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62a52f No.21681463

File: 698431e2c927462⋯.png (968.55 KB,1174x644,587:322,ClipboardImage.png)

So, how did DJT (supposedly not the president) allowed access with Z? How???

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b24093 No.21681464

File: 01a8b603414722b⋯.png (307.77 KB,586x798,293:399,pb.PNG)


Laura Loomer





Primanti Bros @primantibros

CEO Adam Golomb didn’t allow @JDVance

into the Pittsburgh location of the restaurant he’s the CEO of because his wife disagrees with @JDVance

’s strong stance against giving gender transitioning hormones to children.

Adam Golomb is married to Dana Rofey, an Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Pediatrics, Psychology and Clinical and Translational Science at Univeristy of Pittsburgh @PittPsychiatry


According to her professional bios online and her provider listing on “Out Care”, Dana provides mental health counseling for minor children ages 4 and older who want to Transition their genders. She describes herself on Facebook as an advocate for Black Lives Matter, PRIDE, and transgender issues, with a focus on children who want to transition.

OutCare is a nationwide health resource providing resources for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer healthcare (LGBTQ+ healthcare).

On Dana’s OutCare page (see below) under “LGBTQ+ qualifications”, it says, “Youth and young adults, 4+ identifying as transgender or gender expansive”.

When Democrats called JD Vance “weird”, he said, “It’s a lot of projection frankly from people who want to give transgender hormones to 9-year-old kids, and want biological males to play in women's sports."

In two of the photos from her Facebook profile which I have posted below, you can see Dana with her husband Adam Golomb in the picture with their two minor daughters and a PRIDE rainbow flag filter imposed over the filter.

Additionally, in another Facebook profile photo on Dana’s page, she imposed the words BLACK LIVES MATTER and a transgender black power fist over her profile picture with her two minor daughters.

In a June 12, 2020 Facebook post made by Dana, which I have screenshot and saved (see below), she openly attacked President Trump and his administration for what she called “anti-Trans discrimination in healthcare”.

Today, just one day after refusing to let @JDVance

inside their Pittsburgh location of @primantibros

, they welcomed Kamala Harris’s Presidential campaign.

It’s evident that the CEO of @primantibros

has a radical leftist wife who supports childhood gender transitions, which JD Vance openly speaks out about on a daily basis on the campaign trail.

Adam Golomb is also a Trump hater. According to FEC records, Adam Golomb made 3 donations to the Democrat’s fundraising platform ACT BLUE in 2020, the same year Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were running against Donald Trump.

In the statement below, @primantibros

deceptively wants people to think they welcome all people and that they didn’t deny JD Vance service and that the incident was simply a “matter of confusion”, but they did refuse him entry, and they did so because of the radical Leftist views of the CEO and the CEO’s pro- childhood gender transition wife, who also works in Pittsburgh.

Cc: @TeamTrump










Primanti Bros



Sep 28


Rate proposed Community Notes

2:00 PM · Sep 29, 2024




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fc56f7 No.21681465


Are you sure

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baa038 No.21681466

File: 3739e2d49faf157⋯.png (418.25 KB,587x499,587:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c363776318b982f⋯.gif (3.73 MB,480x272,30:17,chopper_ns.gif)

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34f08c No.21681467

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dagen McDowell: Leave it to Harris to do something 'transparent and craven'.I significantly dislike this creature that sucks anything to get her way. Now its Trump's fault for what is happening on the border?



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6d860a No.21681468



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b24093 No.21681469

File: e416899205678b2⋯.png (62.65 KB,594x642,99:107,wk.PNG)


General Mike Flynn


What type of mass casualty event do you think our government is planning for in the coming weeks to kill off 100 members of Congress? I mean WTH, you can’t make this sh!t up !!!


DR. Kek








1:44 PM · Sep 29, 2024




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61ecc4 No.21681470

File: 2af07463b4b0420⋯.jpg (269.55 KB,1015x820,203:164,Screenshot_20240929_212541….jpg)

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680f4c No.21681471

File: 2022a25b551abdc⋯.jpeg (681.81 KB,1653x1620,551:540,IMG_1587.jpeg)

JD Vance needs to wear a pair of earrings, like Kamala’s to the debate. If that’s too much, maybe he can wear some smart glasses.

Can you imagine the atttention it would bring to cheating at debates?

The Democrats would fall for it, and then Kamala would have to defend herself

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62a52f No.21681472


not just access, but televised access???

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fc56f7 No.21681473


what reminds of the wall stells still in Texas warehouse's

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ef97ae No.21681474

File: 9dd233074e075c9⋯.pdf (2.87 MB,3rd_Release_Ukraine_docs_r….pdf)

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000000 No.21681475






now change all the price tags


DOVE SOAP $1003.99

10 LB TURKEY $1025.99

MILK $1005.99

FLOUR $1010.99

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64e6bd No.21681476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e83568 No.21681477


Hope he sues like the faggots did the bakery…

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6d860a No.21681478


SHUT THEM FUCKERS DOWN!!! You should read the Yelp reviews for their stores. Brutal!

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b24093 No.21681479

File: 1e531c7d8a05468⋯.png (281.45 KB,759x815,759:815,p.PNG)

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6d860a No.21681480


pretty much. you know something? spill.

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000000 No.21681481



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096c60 No.21681482


every single time

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ac9af0 No.21681483


is there drop soon?

only one Ping

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b24093 No.21681484

File: 75dce4048b768a1⋯.png (201.38 KB,592x691,592:691,n.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


Not a single tweet from Kamala about Hurricane Helene. Dozens dead, millions without power, thousands lost their homes.

Her silence is deafening.


1:56 PM · Sep 29, 2024




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000000 No.21681485


THey Tortured that Bakery for more than a DECADE

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000000 No.21681486

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79aedb No.21681487

File: ec9153091ee3f31⋯.png (320.6 KB,680x423,680:423,ClipboardImage.png)

Robby Starbuck


My wife @LandonStarbuck and I want to pay for multiple @Starlink’s in areas of TN that are out of service. Reply if you’re willing to buy in another city in TN and drive/install them to areas in need. I’ll pay for the Starlinks and your gas/food/time too. We’re expecting our baby any day now so we can’t do it ourselves. I’m likely to pick someone I’ve seen in my replies before to avoid scams.


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b24093 No.21681488

File: cf48a099c09833c⋯.png (451.66 KB,594x511,594:511,my_mc.PNG)


Gov. Henry McMaster


Today, Team SC held meetings with local officials in Aiken and Greenville. Progress on power restoration is being made. Law enforcement will not tolerate those who break the law. (1/2)





1:10 PM · Sep 29, 2024





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768445 No.21681489

File: 2b85e7793d62fcf⋯.png (1.04 MB,1434x858,239:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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61ecc4 No.21681490


It's 4 unknown representatives with 2 articles, Washington Post and msn. That's it.

Was looking into it yesterday.

Now with Fylnn bringing it up… smells like bullshit.


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97a4cb No.21681491

File: 5443b67729e8ff6⋯.jpg (174.31 KB,898x628,449:314,TrumpaYou.jpg)

File: 19cf291e233ee81⋯.gif (732.25 KB,220x273,220:273,guns_girl.gif)

File: b9e2f0a96cf3b99⋯.gif (4.16 MB,330x480,11:16,guns.gif)

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ef97ae No.21681492

File: b85232cc943c89e⋯.png (396.7 KB,572x583,52:53,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2dfa1b2e538465⋯.png (349.9 KB,556x503,556:503,ClipboardImage.png)

Plane carrying Houthi Spokesman Crashes on way to Iran

There have been conflicting reports about this incident. Some local media outlets in Iran reported that a helicopter crash occurred, claiming that Houthi leader Mohammad Abdul Salam was killed. However, these reports have not been confirmed by authorities, and some sources have stated that the reports are false and that no such crash occurred.




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baa038 No.21681493

File: 3c53c8a1743fd1e⋯.png (526.99 KB,945x913,945:913,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b73c5c76ce22306⋯.png (1.7 MB,1104x880,69:55,ClipboardImage.png)


Already gameplanned by john brennan and soros.

see below.



Note: archive from last post. continued in next comment, very long opine article, continued in comments post linked.

>>21394346, >>21394353, >>21394359, >>21394374 CLOWNS HAVE GAMEPLANNED WHAT TO DO IF DJT WINS THE 2024 ELECTION


Opinion How to harden our defenses against an authoritarian president

A commander in chief with little concern for legal limits holds a big advantage over any lawful effort to restrain him.



(The Washington Post illustration; photo by Rapeepong Puttakumwong/Getty)

By Barton Gellman

July 30, 2024 at 6:00 a.m. EDT

Barton Gellman, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author, is senior adviser at the Brennan Center for Justice.

It is late afternoon

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f7ee07 No.21681494

File: 1cf20fb4a9af23a⋯.jpg (141.8 KB,720x1092,60:91,20240929_193101.jpg)

File: 99513824f9f9c9d⋯.mp4 (5.46 MB,720x1280,9:16,Dom_Lucre_Breaker_of_Narra….mp4)

File: ba1f32f10d9f8fe⋯.jpg (137.54 KB,1200x900,4:3,64638aa39c6c4f92a2e07c5349….jpg)


🚨BREAKING NEWS: Liberals placed a 43-foot naked statue of President Donald Trump near Kamala Harris Las Vegas rally. This is the left.

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62a52f No.21681495

File: 07be0a729cae1ad⋯.png (120.07 KB,603x436,603:436,ClipboardImage.png)



Update: BEE TREE DAM was checked and given the safe

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d963ac No.21681496


>So, how did DJT (supposedly not the president) allowed access with Z? How???

Well, that's a good question.

Depends who you ask.

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6d860a No.21681497


well, they've already been fabricated and paid for. just waiting for DJT to get back to D.C. i guess. i know abbott was a bushie…but i do believe he is 'texas first'. he seems pretty solid to me.

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680f4c No.21681498


How would they get an amendment passed to do this?

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b24093 No.21681499

File: 5b0464099ff7b2e⋯.png (387.05 KB,598x601,598:601,cnn_home_rep.PNG)



Wendy Patterson


And he's sitting home comfortablly on his ass.






JUST IN: N.C. Gov. Roy Cooper says there's been over 1,000 reports of people missing in the Western part of the state after hurricane Helene

"This is a devastating catastrophe of historic proportions."

11:39 AM · Sep 29, 2024




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fc56f7 No.21681500


in every state there is Chinese intell office

In Texas Leadership Office

Gathering the info and send them to china

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a7ff10 No.21681501

File: 7b2003f87280580⋯.png (404.11 KB,500x428,125:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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b1ca9b No.21681502

Any anons have resource for TN donations? Anon would like to donate. Might also be helpful for others who want to donate $$ or goods.

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50bb22 No.21681503

File: 7b1f5411157d302⋯.jpg (61.46 KB,561x550,51:50,7b1f5411157d3026cf0fc060e6….jpg)

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6e294a No.21681504



>smells like bullshit.

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79aedb No.21681505

File: 09c8295f8399ac0⋯.mp4 (329.23 KB,480x270,16:9,ohCDi4aN4N5S4vW1.mp4)


Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives


🔥🚨BREAKING NEWS: A massive fire is heading towards homes in Seven Oaks California a huge flame front is rapidly pushing up the drainage.

- @ FirePhotoGirl

8:29 PM · Sep 29, 2024

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b24093 No.21681506

File: bfb27b602a9268f⋯.png (1.48 MB,1281x859,1281:859,my_g.PNG)

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a7ff10 No.21681507


It is best to donate your time. It is harder for the scum to steal.

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baa038 No.21681508

File: 4649a57a34111ed⋯.png (419.44 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)



oh dear.

either the bread was deleted or the links were deleted.

wonder what happened.

lucky anon has it archived.


the link is below including the archive link for those interested. well worth the read.

Opinion How to harden our defenses against an authoritarian president

A commander in chief with little concern for legal limits holds a big advantage over any lawful effort to restrain him.



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000000 No.21681509


>Washington Post and msn

State Department / CIA (((PENTAGON CUT-OUT)))'s

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ef97ae No.21681510

File: 714fb9b42200fc7⋯.pdf (1.81 MB,23_02451_History_of_Specia….pdf)

23-02451_History of Special Project Branch SIS ETOUSA, aka the BEECHNUT Report or Rowlett Report written by Col. Frank B Rowlett

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6d860a No.21681511


good lord. what incredible people. where the fuck is FEMA and the feds?

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354dd1 No.21681512

File: 591821ee42a0a7c⋯.png (1.21 MB,1440x1025,288:205,ClipboardImage.png)




Read President Trump’s Liberty University Commencement Speech

Treat the word “impossible” as nothing more than motivation. Relish the opportunity to be an outsider. Embrace that label. Being an outsider is fine, embrace the label, because it’s the outsiders who change the world and who make a real and lasting difference.

May 13, 2017 1:42 PM EDT


pic: President Donald Trump delivers keynote address during the commencement at Liberty University on May 13, 2017 in Lynchburg, Virginia

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62a52f No.21681513

File: f3cb0439d928a62⋯.png (77.68 KB,355x229,355:229,ClipboardImage.png)

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a0860a No.21681514


Just shoot them Greg

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e83568 No.21681515


>Washington Post illustration; photo by Rapeepong Puttakumwong

Rapee pong putta kum wong


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000000 No.21681516


In Katrina The Feds were confiscating firearms and FEMA was putting people in asbestos trailiers

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b1ca9b No.21681517


Agreed, however anon cannot go to TN.

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62a52f No.21681518

File: e7fdf76867d877e⋯.png (506.8 KB,865x473,865:473,HollywoodBurn.png)

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680f4c No.21681519


What is the point?

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30d778 No.21681520


How is this any different from Musk and Theil running pretend patriot ops?

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efb145 No.21681521


fuck her twat - and she can go fuck herself with willie brown. this sham of representative gubmint payroll cashing self serving loathsome good for nothing less than slimy sludge debris ridden vote riggen waste of sewage

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d963ac No.21681522



Still trying to pull anons to read your rag, eh?

Don't worry, we're paying attention.

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a7ff10 No.21681523

File: 7ce77703747a53d⋯.png (2.58 MB,1000x1500,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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a4bce8 No.21681524


They want ruined my texico as they did to cali man

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ec4b6a No.21681525


US East and Gulf Coast Ports Face Imminent Shutdown as Union Announces Intent to Strike

Mike Schuler September 29, 2024

The International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) on Sunday announced plans for a widespread strike at all Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports, scheduled to begin at 12:01 am on Tuesday, October 1, 2024.

With just 36 hours remaining before the expiration of the current ILA-USMX contract, negotiations between the ILA and the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) have reached an impasse. The strike would involve 85,000 ILA members and impact ports from Maine to Texas, the ILA said in a Sunday update posted to Facebook.

“United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) refuses to address a half-century of wage subjugation where Ocean Carriers profits skyrocketed from millions to mega-billion dollars, while ILA longshore wages remained flat,” the update said.

The potential work stoppage will affect 45,000 port workers at 36 ports responsible for handling more than 40% of total containerized goods entering the United States. The strike also comes at a particularly challenging time for ocean supply chains, which have already faced significant disruptions in 2024 due to conflicts in the Red Sea, drought in the Panama Canal, and the Baltimore bridge collapse.

The disruptions, combined with strong U.S. demand, have already caused average spot freight rates from the Far East to the U.S. East Coast to increase by over 300% between December 2023 and early July 2024, according to Xeneta.

Despite the high stakes,the Biden administration has indicated that the president does not plan to invoke the Taft-Hartley Act, a federal law that allows presidential intervention in labor disputes that create a national emergency.

The ILA says they will provide updates on any new developments by 11 a.m. on Monday, September 30.

As this week’s deadline approaches, the outcome of these negotiations is set to have far-reaching consequences for the U.S. economy and global supply chains.

The ILA said its members will maintain their pledge to handle military cargo and work passengers vessels throughout the strike.


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80dfb9 No.21681526

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a0860a No.21681527


I would say "deeper".

Much deeper.

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6f5c22 No.21681528

File: bf6e521de3036a2⋯.png (441.66 KB,1862x795,1862:795,Disgusting_.png)

File: 5c8e67402f10aea⋯.jpeg (379.25 KB,1125x2380,225:476,HRN_stealing_other_people….jpeg)

File: 2120925f0c02453⋯.png (421.37 KB,607x411,607:411,2120925f0c0245384355f142e0….png)

File: 8159900cdf45f1d⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,500x500,1:1,HRN.jpg)

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196885 No.21681529



morons…the states are on their own at this point.

With less Federal overreach this is the result.

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254508 No.21681530


they dont give a fuck

fema is another alphabet agency

what makes them different

white hats are on the process

of dismantling that org also

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61ecc4 No.21681531


somebody hook him up with Brandon Copic, he's been doing something with Starlink.


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6e294a No.21681532


logistical resources are required

got a helicopter?

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6d860a No.21681533


ah…you're right. i remember now. damn i pray for those good people.

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ef97ae No.21681534

File: d91da8de3b09460⋯.pdf (10.77 MB,119639_Skull_Bones.pdf)

119639_Skull & Bones

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000000 No.21681535

Judging by Ukraine, the Russians could Rebuild a Bridge across the River in one day in Tennesee/NC

But USACE and SEABEE'S got to get that JEWISH FUNDING First.

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b1ca9b No.21681536

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6e294a No.21681537


white hats are dismantling the entire fucking country

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d36674 No.21681538

File: 2b58e734a2ef89d⋯.mp4 (13.81 MB,480x852,40:71,What_are_they_Planning.mp4)



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8b0408 No.21681539

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:30 PM EDT

Vice President Kamala Harris Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, Nevada | Harris-Walz 2024

Kamala Harris



Campaign 2024: Vice President Harris Campaigns in Las Vegas

2024 Democratic presidential nominee and Vice President Kamala Harris speaks to supporters at a campaign event in Las Vegas.


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b24093 No.21681540

File: f885ff2c6030772⋯.png (51.29 KB,618x416,309:208,ul.PNG)


Trump: the January 6 narrative crumbles

American Thinker, by Mike McDaniel

Posted By: FlyRight, 9/29/2024 8:04:09 PM

January 6. To hear those suffering from terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome, it was an insurrection—caused by Trump–worse than the Civil War, worse than Pearl Harbor, a horrendous, nation-shattering event. Poor Kamala Harris barely escaped with her life, despite being at DNC Headquarters at the time, where the surely fake bomb threat was unfolding. Even AOC was in mortal danger, despite being in an entirely different building. It was the insurrection where no insurrectionists brought guns, and the only deaths were protestors killed by the Capitol Police. It was an insurrection where the insurrectionists were invited inside and escorted by Capitol Police,

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f7ee07 No.21681541

File: 9082d134597659d⋯.jpg (172.13 KB,1289x1289,1:1,20240929_193919.jpg)


THIS is the message you’re rolling with as our fellow Americans in North Carolina are fighting for their lives — with so many missing and feared dead?

Meanwhile, Kamala is MIA.

Shame on you, Tampon Tim. You’re a disgrace.

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30d778 No.21681542

File: 50f7ced57772740⋯.png (421.73 KB,570x763,570:763,ClipboardImage.png)

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f762b3 No.21681543

File: 20611011595e6c7⋯.png (985.17 KB,880x724,220:181,uncoolll.png)

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a0860a No.21681544


Been burning for a while.


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80dfb9 No.21681545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a7ff10 No.21681546

File: dcd492683a9d511⋯.png (374.43 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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0ff5f4 No.21681547

File: f8a8625b6722abf⋯.jpeg (68.45 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_0079.jpeg)

Blue or Green?

Green means go!

T is brave.

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6d860a No.21681548

File: 8a3376a9dee4912⋯.png (188.41 KB,675x833,675:833,ClipboardImage.png)

Time for a toe break. I give you Kate Hudson.

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ed1def No.21681549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Griff Jenkins: This is the most important story of the last four years. No one that matters is buying her bullshitThe border lie is going to bring exposure.



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8b0408 No.21681550

W4HTP 145.350 Repeater

Temporary feed for N2GE 145.190 Mhz, Mt. Mitchell repeater for amateur radio hurricane emergency services. ----– The Tower of Power, covering Charlotte Metro area amateur radio from 1500' AGL in Dallas NC.

Status: -– Due to the hurricane devastation in WNC, this feed is currently on N2GE 145.190 at Mt. Mitchell because their feed is down. -– The Tower of Power 145.350 is temporarily down for repairs.


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a4bce8 No.21681551


God hit GA county's made the frauds if you focus

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80dfb9 No.21681552

"The Start."

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f762b3 No.21681553

ever been to Europe? the architecture is beautiful, also the food and music. not sure "white people" fully captures it

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ef97ae No.21681554

File: 7b5f76c35950980⋯.png (95.75 KB,538x812,269:406,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e294a No.21681555


sauce that notable

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254508 No.21681556


not to be a dick butt

what can that helo transport

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a7ff10 No.21681557

File: 527e68951d134dd⋯.webp (1.24 MB,360x202,180:101,fgn.webp)

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30d778 No.21681558



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baa038 No.21681559

File: 1d3940502c199d1⋯.png (1.19 MB,760x1062,380:531,ClipboardImage.png)


goldie hawns and kurt russels daughter.

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b24093 No.21681560

File: c45bcd49ded97f4⋯.png (418.87 KB,666x874,333:437,rd.PNG)


Melissa Hallman



Update: Spoke with TA in Denmark, TN. The count is well over 50 now with one truck needing all 18. Can not accout for cause at this time but working on that.


Warning for 18-wheeler truck drivers.

During the night last night at three truck stops on I-40 in Tennessee, were hit by an unknown activist group at the moment, according to the shop manager…

The TA Truck stop at Denmark, TN had 50 trucks, tires stabbed with holes in the side walls, then at the Loves truck stop at exit 126 Holiday, TN was hit, where 5 tires (sidewalls stabbed several times) on the drivers side were cut on our truck and several other trucks as well, one guy had 9 tires stabbed on his truck, then at exit 163 Loves truck stop, Dickson TN, was also hit with tires stabbed on the side wall of big trucks…Our company has put out an alert for their company drivers…There may be more, and in other states as well, this is unknown at the moment….This means loads will be late, with our food supplies, medical supplies, building supplies, etc…

Let your trucking friends know…

Tires are expensive..especially for owner operators.

Be on the look out!!!

Pray for our truck drivers….🙏🙏

Shared from a news guy


6:12 AM · Sep 29, 2024




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196885 No.21681561



Does DJT's hands look so small because his cock is huge?

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79aedb No.21681562

File: 70a70e023b011c7⋯.png (735.63 KB,1200x1687,1200:1687,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk


Donations by Netflix employees could not be more lopsided in favor of the Democratic Party (~100%)

8:51 PM · Sep 29, 2024


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c7b130 No.21681563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6a81cb No.21681564

File: ee80b7ef6c6d311⋯.png (207.11 KB,676x676,1:1,f14093329d5832899cab65ac8d….png)


Kate has a big cock.

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ec4b6a No.21681565

>>21681525 (me)

Pieces from an earlier article posted yesterday

Still, analysts said the fallout of even a short strike would be costly for many retailers, manufacturers and other importers heading into the fourth quarter. Even with supply chains running relatively smoothly, every week that cargo is stalled and backlogs are created will take a month to clear, in part because ports like Los Angeles and Long Beach, California, are already operating near capacity.

For shippers and carriers, idled ships, delivery delays and higher costs were among the contingencies because alternative routes are limited. In Canada, two major terminals at Montreal Port operated by Terminal Termont Inc. will close this week as union dockworkers prepare for a three-day strike starting Monday.


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a4bce8 No.21681566


Then hit Florida cuz Di Santo make big mistakes of betrayal

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efb145 No.21681567


American Spirit doesn't need no badges, or permission, no favors or elite dc depraved charity

The people need to demand government payment accountability they need to be impeached, every one and then tried for criminal neglect for starters

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000000 No.21681568


AimCats don't like him. (I don't always agree but maybe I am stupid from the quigley/sutton university in HEGEL we TRUST)

I say he was more like Herodotus. Oh to know so much about everything but have power over only JACK SHIT.

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6e294a No.21681569


that's a sausage

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d963ac No.21681570


>DS Declares Martial Law

DS declares martial law?

President Donald J. Trump declared martial law in March 2018.

There are people on life support they use to attack us as hostages.

They pull the plug when we do not comply with their hostage demands.

We are here.

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06497d No.21681571


chick fil a and a case of water.

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79aedb No.21681572

File: c3fa47fb123d851⋯.png (518.73 KB,440x630,44:63,ClipboardImage.png)


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680f4c No.21681573


Fire and Rain engulfing the world

Sounds like Revelation

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10f93b No.21681574

File: 63aa853ae742cdd⋯.jpg (35.54 KB,360x360,1:1,63aa853ae742cdda5285bf7868….jpg)



>American Spirit doesn't need no badges, or permission, no favors or elite dc depraved charity

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254508 No.21681575


same shit illegals were doing in colorado

last week

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ef97ae No.21681576

File: cc8143f7ec8ad8f⋯.pdf (8.42 MB,Arup_C40_The_Future_of_Urb….pdf)

Arup C40 The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1 5C World

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8b0408 No.21681577

File: e063c8395acc9e3⋯.jpg (455.15 KB,1256x2048,157:256,GYq9vbEboAAomB2.jpg)

High Desert Newsy


Mountain Mule Packer Ranch is taking supplies out to Waterville #NC & other areas. Phone number to call for requests below #hurricane




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a4bce8 No.21681578


How dare he run for president silent for the raid

just saying

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000000 No.21681579


Na that's the NEW / IMPROVED RUSSIAN FLAME THROWER DRONE after they got to see the Ukrainian Thermite Drone

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a0860a No.21681580

File: 23778481feca630⋯.png (172.56 KB,298x877,298:877,ClipboardImage.png)


Goldie's yes.

Kurt's no.

Her daddy is Bill Hudson of the Hudson Brothers.

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99e86d No.21681581


High trust societies get so uppity when you hurt their kids.

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096c60 No.21681582

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Scott Bennet Dustin Nemos Victor Hugo- War Game Armageddon As Jewish Talmud Mafia Conjures AntiChrist

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b24093 No.21681583

File: 20a9925451e8061⋯.png (1.08 MB,747x574,747:574,max.PNG)

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06497d No.21681584


How does God go about picking the winners and losers? People in all locations say the same prayer.

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4576b7 No.21681585

From the military wing of the catholic church, this is incendiary stuff to say the least :eek:


When a Jesuit novice is about to be inducted into the higher levels of the Order, he kneels on a red cross before the Superior of the Order. Before him are two flags, the familiar yellow and white flag of the papacy, and the black flag with a dagger and red cross above a skull and crossbones, the flag of the Jesuit Order. On the Jesuit flag is written the words, IUSTUM, NECAR, REGES, IMPIOS. (It is just to exterminate or annihilate impious or heretical kings, governments, or rulers.) The Superior of the Order hands the novice a small black crucifix which he presses to his heart, and the Superior then presents to the novice a dagger. The novice grasps the bare blade and presses the point to his heart. The Superior, still holding the hilt of the dagger then speaks to the novice.


My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler: among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man. Among the Reformers, to be a Reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among the Protestants, generally to be a Protestant; and obtaining their confidence to seek even to preach from their pulpits and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and to descend so low as to become a Jew among the Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together all information for your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope.

You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces and states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace. To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly in concert with your brother Jesuit, who may be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected; only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means.

You have been taught your duty as a spy, to gather all statistics, facts and information in your power from every source; to ingratiate yourself into the confidence of the family circle of Protestants and heretics of every class and character, as well as that of the merchant, the banker, the lawyer, among the schools and universities, in parliaments and legislatures, and in the judiciaries councils of state, and to "be all things to all men," for the Pope's sake, whose servants we are unto death.

You have received all your instructions heretofore as a novice, a neophyte, and have served as a coadjutor, confessor and priest, but you have not been invested with all that is necessary to command in the Army of Loyola in the service of the Pope. You must serve the proper time as the instrument and executioner as directed by your superiors; for none can command here who has not consecrated his labors with the blood of the heretic; for "without the shedding of blood no man can be saved." Therefore, to fit yourself for your work, and make your own salvation sure, you will, in addition to your former oath of obedience to your Order and your allegiance to the Pope, repeat after me.

I, M


, Now, in the presence of Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the holy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul and all the saints and the sacred hosts of heaven, and to you, my ghostly father, the Superior general of the Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola, in the Pontificate of Paul the Third, and continued to the present, do by the womb of the Virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear, that his holiness the Pope is Christ's Viceregent and is the true and only Head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing, given to his Holiness by my Saviour, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation and that they may safely be destroyed.

Therefore, to the utmost of my power, I shall and will defend this doctrine and his Holiness' right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority, and all adherents in the regard that they be usurped and heretical, opposing the sacred Mother Church of Rome.

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000000 No.21681586


!seen magic johnson's kid


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4576b7 No.21681587

I do now renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestants or Liberals or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates or officers. I do further declare that the doctrines of the churches of England and Scotland, of the Calvinists, Huguenots and others of the name Protestants or Liberals to be damnable, and they themselves damned and to be damned who will not forsake the same.

I do further declare that I will help, assist and advise all or any of his

Holiness' agents in any place wherever I shall be, in any other kingdom or territory I shall come to, and do my uttermost to extirpate the heretical Protestants or Liberals' doctrines and to destroy all their

pretended powers, regal or otherwise.

I do further promise and declare, that notwithstanding I am dispensed with, to assume any religion heretical, for the propagating of the Mother Church's interest, to keep secret and private all her agents counsels' from time to time, as they may entrust me, and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing or circumstance whatever; but to execute all that shall be proposed, given in charge or discovered unto me, by you, my ghostly father, or any of this sacred convent.

I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver, (perinde ac cadaver,) but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and Jesus Christ. That I will go to any part of the world whithersoever I may be sent, without murmuring or repining, and

will be submissive in all things commanded to me.

I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, nor sex or condition; and that I will hang, burn, waste, spoil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race.

That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poinard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed to do so by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.

In confirmation of which, I hereby dedicate my life, soul, and all of my

coporeal powers, and with this dagger which I now receive, I will subscribe my name written in my own blood, in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the Militia of the Pope cut off my hands and feet, and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein, with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth, and my soul to be tortured by demons in an eternal hell forever.

All of which I, M


, do swear by the blessed Trinity and blessed Sacrament, which I am about to receive, to perform and on my part to receive inviolably; and do call all of the heavenly and glorious host of heaven to witness these my real intentions to keep this my oath.

In testimony hereof I take this most holy and blessed sacrament of the

Eucharist, and witness the same further, with my name written with the point of this dagger dipped in my own blood and sealed in the face of this holy convent.


You will now rise to your feet and I will instruct you in the Catechism

necessary to make yourself known to any member of the Society of Jesus belonging to this rank.

In the first place, you, as a Brother Jesuit, will with another make the

ordinary sign of the cross as any Roman Catholic would; then one crosses his wrists, the palms of his hands open, the other crosses his feet, one above the other; the first points with forefinger of the right hand to the center of the palm of the left, the other with the forefinger of the left hand points to the center of the palm of the right; the first then with his right hand makes a circle around his head, touching it; the other then with the forefinger of his left hand touches the left side of his body just below his heart; then the first with his right hand draws it across the throat of the other, and the latter then with his right hand makes the motion of cutting with a dagger down the stomach and abdomen of the first.

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f762b3 No.21681588

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4576b7 No.21681589

The first then says Iustum; the other answers Necar; the first then says Reges. The other answers Impios. The first will then present a small piece of paper folded in a peculiar manner, four times, which the other will cut longitudinally and on opening the name JESU will be found written upon the head and arms of a cross three times. You will then give and receive with him the following questions and answers.

Q: From where do you come?

A: From the bends of the Jordan, from Calvary, from the Holy Sepulchre, and lastly from Rome.

Q: Whom do you serve?

A: The Holy Father at Rome, the Pope, and the Roman Catholic Church Universal throughout the world.

Q: Who commands you?

A: The successor of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus or the Soldiers of Jesus Christ.

Q: Who received you?

A: A venerable man with white hair.

Q: How?

A: With a naked dagger, I kneeling on a cross beneath the banners of the Pope and of our sacred Order.

Q: Did you take an oath?

A: I did, to destroy heretics and their governments and rulers, and to spare neither age, sex or condition. To be as a corpse without any opinion or will of my own, but to implicitly obey my superiors in all things without hesitation or murmuring.

Q: Will you do that?

A: I will.

Q: How do you travel?

A: In the bark of Peter the fisherman.

Q: Whither do you travel?

A: To the four quarters of the globe.

Q: For what purpose?

A: To obey the orders of my General and Superiors and execute the will of the Pope and faithfully fulfill the conditions of my oath.

Go ye, then, into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name of the Pope. He who will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his Viceregent on earth, let him be accursed and exterminated

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a7ff10 No.21681590


Remember this

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955321 No.21681591

File: d709036beadf430⋯.jpeg (307.5 KB,450x624,75:104,IMG_4104.jpeg)

I think those in need of aid after hurricane should first sign agreements they will not participate in BDS. I think everyone here would agree.

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80dfb9 No.21681592

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The NET is about to collapse.


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baa038 No.21681593


tanks for the correction

her husband matt bellamy was the lead singer of muse.

anon has seen them,

a mix between rock, opera and weird.

they have gone full deep state now,

but were great when they started.

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b24093 No.21681594

File: 71085a2e3f11edc⋯.png (368.89 KB,598x482,299:241,aid.PNG)


🇺🇸 Raven 🐦‍⬛🪶


Remember when Kamala said this… HURRICANE AID WILL BE BASED ON EQUITY - everyone needs reminded please pass it on

From nypost.com

3:05 PM · Sep 28, 2024




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8b0408 No.21681595

Samaritan's Purse Starts Five-Site Response to Hurricane Helene

Samaritan’s Purse is responding in five locations after Hurricane Helene devastated parts of the Southeast.

In Florida, where the storm made landfall with 140-mph winds along the Big Bend, we have a base established to serve hurting homeowners in and around the city of Perry. Helene hit there late on Sept. 27 at Category 4 strength, making it the strongest storm to hit the area in recorded history. Our Perry base is at Calvary Baptist Church. We are also responding in greater Tampa, Florida, where thousands of homes have been flooded. At this site, we are being supported by our Canadian affiliate office. Our base is Calvary Chapel St. Petersburg in Pinellas Park.

Despite weakening to a tropical storm, Helene later tore through Georgia and the Carolinas, dumping extreme rainfall and causing flash flooding. We have set up a base in Valdosta, Georgia, at our partner congregation, Morningside Baptist Church.

We are also responding in the High Country of northwestern North Carolina and eastern Tennessee. Boone, North Carolina—home to Samaritan’s Purse international headquarters—and a large swath of surrounding communities have been particularly hard-hit with toppled trees, flash flooding, road damage, and lack of power and water. Our base church there for the High Country is Alliance Bible Fellowship. We are also assisting two area hospitals. We’ve already set up a two-tent unit in the parking lot of Watauga County Medical Center to provide oxygen for patients who have no power at home.

Finally, southwest of Boone, rivers also raged outside their banks causing destruction in the Asheville, North Carolina, area. We are responding in Buncombe County as our fifth Helene site. Our base is the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove.


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a7ff10 No.21681596


They have to get back here from UKR and IS

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096c60 No.21681597

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hurricane Helene South East Heavy Hit - Whole Towns are Gone - Government Ignores. Plea for help.

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d36674 No.21681598

File: 8f40247dfcc8399⋯.png (501.53 KB,1421x427,203:61,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd6ebaac9ca1228⋯.png (649.98 KB,1554x495,518:165,ClipboardImage.png)

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62a52f No.21681599

File: c9a04f28c968603⋯.png (56.21 KB,400x586,200:293,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d6bc5 No.21681600

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Zelenskyy reveals accomplishment from US visit: 'We saved bipartisan support of Ukraine. He's so full of shit, he needs to go to the outhouse

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on seeking authorization to use weapons to strike deeper in Russia, Russia's production of Iranian drones and his takeaways from his U.S. visit. #foxnews



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99e86d No.21681601

"I love the world and want to know more about it" is apparently a deadly mantra to those who imagine themselves as rulers. I suspect that's why they put so much effort into keeping people afraid of everything.

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80dfb9 No.21681602


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b24093 No.21681603

File: 2d44a8f77d1b5aa⋯.png (224.75 KB,591x858,197:286,wm.PNG)


Tracy Beanz


I was hoping this wouldn’t happen. Usually a few days after NC floods… that water makes it down to SC and all the way down the rivers towards the beach….


Square profile picture

NWS Columbia




The Congaree at Columbia is now forecast to reach Major flood stage late tonight & crest at 31.0 feet early tomorrow afternoon. This crest is near the 2015 value of 31.8 feet. Interests near the river need to take necessary actions including along the Broad river. #Helene #scwx


12:27 PM · Sep 29, 2024




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fa3a30 No.21681604

File: 01304b4cfbaaba2⋯.png (66.67 KB,500x749,500:749,ClipboardImage.png)

Unburdened by what has been

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a4bce8 No.21681605


To this all evil plans to show them

you have to do it manually


So they call it the best great awakening ever

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80dfb9 No.21681606


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6d2434 No.21681607

File: 0bad5cb588011c1⋯.png (502.3 KB,634x447,634:447,ClipboardImage.png)

File: db3d0af74153aa5⋯.png (929.02 KB,873x1024,873:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a63809530617d6⋯.png (703.65 KB,1024x877,1024:877,ClipboardImage.png)


not all have tats…

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a7ff10 No.21681608


This time we get the UN color revolution. Any cop who doesn't speak English is enemy.

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000000 No.21681609


if the pope refuses bless people, does that mean he gives up the church?

couldn't a group of heathens simply climb the nearest summit to the HOLY SEE and have a SUMMIT and declare the bank defunct and then take it over well as replace the pope and the church? Tap three times the crystal on the rock an send that demonic energy packin

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8b0408 No.21681610

File: 23eb09b89dc9826⋯.png (1.2 MB,823x1149,823:1149,spruce_pine_quartz.png)

Fossil Locator


How do I express that I’m concerned about the people of western NC and I’m also concerned about the potential future global economic disaster because Spruce Pine is the sole producer of ultra pure Quartz for crucibles that all global semiconductor production relies on?

10:34 PM · Sep 28, 2024



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80dfb9 No.21681611


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6d860a No.21681612


micropenis, huge clit, or hermaphrodite. still looks good.

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aa61bb No.21681613

Bad spirits be gone from this board. Amen.

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c8a9e4 No.21681614

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This shows ‘how far’ Dems are willing to go to stop Donald Trump, expert warns. With John Ratcliffe and Maria

Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe breaks down the Biden administration’s approach to Iran as tensions in the Middle East continue to rise. #foxnews



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680f4c No.21681615


That’s not a …

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c0d740 No.21681616


Toe Blake

Eddie Shore

Old Time Hockey

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6d860a No.21681617


a vienna sausage maybe…

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000000 No.21681618


somewhere in there PAPER CONTRACTS get dropped on the FLOOR of the HOLY SEE and then PICKED UP.

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a7ff10 No.21681619


Why was Zelensky allowed to leave on his feet?

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c7b130 No.21681620

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8b0408 No.21681621

File: bcbeb1a0e11ff77⋯.jpg (153.36 KB,900x539,900:539,GIPijtAWUAAe75p.jpg)


Ethan Mollick


The modern economy rests on a single road in Spruce Pine, North Carolina. The road runs to the two mines that is the sole supplier of the quartz required to make the crucibles needed to refine silicon wafers.

There are no alternative sources known. From Conway’s Material World:

11:41 AM · Mar 9, 2024



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06497d No.21681622

File: b29235bad4746cc⋯.png (796.6 KB,1083x1113,361:371,Screenshot_2024_09_29_1954….png)


2015 flood


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d963ac No.21681623


>Bad spirits be gone from this board. Amen.

You haven't seen the chat logs between Ghislane and Jim.

We are having fun.

This isn't a game but it really feels like it sometimes.

We can't explain how funny it was to see "Harris" on stage with a Halloween mask for the debate.

You just don't see it yet.

When you do, let us know.

We might help you with your tormentor.

Good luck.

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044bfa No.21681624


What else can he do? He's an actor.

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99e86d No.21681625

I suspect their plans have already failed and they know it. Quite likely some of them are actually intelligent enough to understand this and have been actively helping us the whole time, to try and ease into a better future with as little pain as possible. Some are wracked with fear and guilt no doubt, however, and seek to instigate as much destruction as possible to hide the evidence of what was attempted.

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a4bce8 No.21681626


in every state there steels remind

its state issues not federal

Chinese don't want that they control borders govs

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000000 No.21681627


Zelenskyy in Morrowind.

+100 Chameleon

Boots of the Apostle

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6f5c22 No.21681628

File: e72793b1e1aa263⋯.jpg (529.91 KB,1024x1280,4:5,e72793b1e1aa263339dcf21675….jpg)

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25c49b No.21681629

The Storm is upon us President Trump, they are sabotaging our supply trucks, attacking our chemical plants, they are also closing the major Harbors in the NE to cause famine, and looting from citizens as this catastrophe unfolds. There appears to be another storm on the way, as they are probably using HAARP or dew weapons against the populace. Call the Ball and let real patriots help out, it is time to reign these people in and start the arrests and declass.

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8b0408 No.21681630



The Ultra-Pure, Super-Secret Sand That Makes Your Phone Possible

Aug 7, 2018 7:00 AM

Fresh from church on a cool, overcast Sunday morning in Spruce Pine, North Carolina, Alex Glover slides onto the plastic bench of a McDonald’s booth. He rummages through his knapsack, then pulls out a plastic sandwich bag full of white powder. “I hope we don’t get arrested,” he says. “Someone might get the wrong idea.”

The processor that makes your laptop or cell phone work was fabricated using quartz from this obscure Appalachian backwater.



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6d860a No.21681631


Jeezum Crow!! It's twenty-fucking-twenty-four! God bless these fine people.

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a4bce8 No.21681632


When it's state issues DC doesn't matter

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a7ff10 No.21681633

File: ca5b6ea8c4c6bb8⋯.png (359.21 KB,474x470,237:235,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ae05db6344e91ab⋯.png (1.06 MB,1080x1132,270:283,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67ea41ce9b6a16c⋯.png (908.22 KB,808x500,202:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7ee07 No.21681634

File: 707a79cea23e5d3⋯.jpg (117.32 KB,720x897,240:299,20240929_144500.jpg)



Killary:Something will happen in October


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b7e6f0 No.21681635


…or they die in military tribunal?

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ec4b6a No.21681636


>You haven't seen the chat logs between Ghislane and Jim.

Un hunh

Let's see these mythical chat logs then

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3e6c97 No.21681637

File: 2ae657cbb1f01cb⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Red_Baron_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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a7ff10 No.21681638

File: ec692eb3cc80ad0⋯.png (1.86 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7ff10 No.21681639

File: 660c97da1ad39cd⋯.png (1.66 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7ff10 No.21681640

File: b2fd0440c4df7dd⋯.png (1.73 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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b61a80 No.21681641


nik'd it



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000000 No.21681642


Clinton needs to have a LIVE INTERVIEW with CHARLES ORTEL

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196885 No.21681643

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a7ff10 No.21681644

File: 5ff7eb319d380b0⋯.png (1.72 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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3ae948 No.21681645

File: 2dbc9c8559e7192⋯.jpeg (325.92 KB,750x845,150:169,IMG_6371.jpeg)


TYB. Sup Ns



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a7ff10 No.21681646

File: ecb643367df3a1f⋯.png (1.78 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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a4bce8 No.21681647

When jesus said love your enemy he doesn't mean Satanist Pedos

he means any human even your neighbour

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a7ff10 No.21681648

File: f7bafa1bb894101⋯.png (284.6 KB,474x254,237:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7ff10 No.21681649

File: 1edcec02e7a38dc⋯.png (1.11 MB,960x647,960:647,ClipboardImage.png)

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c0d740 No.21681650



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a7ff10 No.21681651

File: 16ad78fcd74a84e⋯.png (490.03 KB,500x572,125:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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354dd1 No.21681652

File: 4b2868f023222b7⋯.jpg (267.96 KB,981x1047,327:349,Conspiracy_Theorist_How_To….jpg)

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d963ac No.21681653


>Let's see these mythical chat logs then

November 2026.

Mark it in your calendar.

The dates don't get pushed back as some anons think.

We are well ahead of schedule.

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d93c3a No.21681654

File: 089edccb40d76d3⋯.gif (1.68 MB,251x350,251:350,21037803_p.gif)

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9fa34e No.21681655

File: 7ecbcde53192636⋯.jpg (153.21 KB,534x977,534:977,Bjvredt7754v8.jpg)

Such a powerful day.

Quantum leaps

September has been fantastic.

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b24093 No.21681656

File: b29edd7a5f4d28b⋯.png (156.51 KB,607x490,607:490,nat.PNG)


Alex Jones


Emergency Sunday Broadcast: General Flynn Exposes The NWO Plan To Trigger A National Emergency & Steal The Election - MUST WATCH!

2:47 PM · Sep 29, 2024




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6d860a No.21681657


i prefer the bbq ones

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30d778 No.21681658

File: 52c744a3622a62f⋯.png (676.72 KB,1015x625,203:125,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9e6ea45f2a34ce⋯.png (674.49 KB,1013x607,1013:607,ClipboardImage.png)

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d963ac No.21681659



He says it every day.

We laugh.

It's your only hope to be here.

There is NO ONE else helping you.

We are your ONLY hope.

You are not even close to Obi Wan Kenobi.

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d03a4a No.21681660

File: 758914b319fb916⋯.jpeg (159.57 KB,1194x834,199:139,5432B32D_ABF0_4442_B14B_D….jpeg)

From my cousins house in Erwin Tennessee

Casket’s floating in the flood …..

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39ee06 No.21681661

File: 69bdf4af4b72065⋯.png (305.18 KB,600x385,120:77,ClipboardImage.png)


Kate Mound.

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a4bce8 No.21681662

Since you are catholic and protestants don't involve between arthodx to make them kill each others in Russia and Ukraine

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d963ac No.21681663


>Such a powerful day.

Michael is not the only arch angel working on this.

They all are.

There are far more than you can imagine.

We are not like depicted in the image but surely do use lances still.

You will see them soon.

I will show you.

It's one of my favourites.

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61ecc4 No.21681664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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000000 No.21681665


NSA was already challenged


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4977ba No.21681666

File: 7d6c9c543d9a3ae⋯.png (20.04 KB,707x202,7:2,Screenshot_2024_09_29_at_2….png)


Sept. 27 (UPI) – A New York aquarium came to the rescue of a rare blue lobster spotted hanging out with the standard-color crustaceans in a supermarket's tank.

Danielle Morales said she was at Market 32 in Clifton Park with her young sons, Parker, 4, and Zachary, 3, when the boys insisted on visiting the lobster tank.

"We were walking and we went up to the tank and Parker goes, 'Hey! That one is blue!' And I thought, wow. That's weird. And I took a picture of it," Morales told WRGB-TV.

Morales opened Facebook on her phone and messaged the Via Aquarium in Schenectady.

"Once we contacted the aquarium and had the momentum, I went up to the counter and was like, 'Hey. The aquarium is going to call you. You might not want to sell that one," Morales said.

The young boys initially named the lobster Bluey after the popular cartoon character, but when they found out the sea creature was male, they changed his name to Bandit – the animated dog's equally blue dad.

Via Aquarium officials collected Bandit from the store and said he is currently in quarantine and will join the rest of the facility's lobsters in October.


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b24093 No.21681667

File: 40c271c01092dff⋯.png (714.15 KB,719x838,719:838,I_O.PNG)

File: dc5ca0d30390f78⋯.png (63.33 KB,264x271,264:271,god_wins.PNG)

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000000 No.21681668


Grug at NSA was too busy making up fake stories about IRAN IRAN IRAN

NSA was already challenged


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684aee No.21681669


Vermont is nice

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d963ac No.21681670


Rumble > YouTube.


Do not use.

Do not comply with orders to use YouTube.

Use Rumble.

We do not use the masking from the agency formerly known as the C_A.

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000000 No.21681671

Man that Jimmy Dore is fucking LIT.

Now playing

“Nancy Pelosi Should Be Prosecuted For Insider Trading!”

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ac2ec1 No.21681672

File: 85cbad6c820b76c⋯.png (263.12 KB,500x566,250:283,rambo_guy_alex_jones_shill.png)



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254508 No.21681673

File: d5c4c136011f5b1⋯.jpg (193.82 KB,1040x630,104:63,fema_get_help_after_a_disa….jpg)

this is fema

these are your rescuers

straight from their website

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e84a03 No.21681674

where is Durham

Will the best next AG

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6d860a No.21681675

File: 68e0dd877e4be2c⋯.png (31.73 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

You fags are a bunch of motherfuckers and I don't know how I could get through this Hell without you.

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39ee06 No.21681676


Shit like the is what "OUR" government should be taking care of. Everything else is bullshit.

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ed1def No.21681677


All of these clips only reinforce how fucked up our country is. It's sad but its real

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254508 No.21681678


4 outta 6 cant swim

and the other two

are tits on boar hog

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ac2ec1 No.21681679

File: fdd059a793d7e44⋯.jpg (95.98 KB,1024x791,1024:791,woke_food.jpg)

File: 4c360601a1f655d⋯.png (926.77 KB,670x891,670:891,Illegal_Savage_Punches_Bit….png)


it's current year?

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c0d740 No.21681680


Dried out bbq type

or juicy ones

or the rarity


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9fa34e No.21681681


The two sides dying are catholics and orthodoxy.

Nothing good is coming from tha. Just biden making money off the funerals

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000000 No.21681682


Marty Horine of Clinton, Mo., bought a 32-foot ex-FEMA Gulfstream Cavalier for her son in 2007, two weeks before the trailers were officially declared unfit to live in.


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5dfa8a No.21681683

File: ccffade1c68ff8a⋯.jpg (20.39 KB,600x424,75:53,bojo.jpg)


>High trust societies

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2cce57 No.21681684

Melania interview on fox now


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80dfb9 No.21681685

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What a long and arduous road it has been…


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000000 No.21681686

They should not do class action they should do FORM 95

"Class-action suit against FEMA trailer manufacturers settled" (((NBC)))

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6d860a No.21681687


juicy Armor ones. or spicy hots.

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c0d740 No.21681688

File: d94ea3bbff2976f⋯.jpeg (18.85 KB,202x255,202:255,c37c0f5aa497f5ccc6bd2b519….jpeg)

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5ae27e No.21681689

File: 25030295040dc75⋯.jpg (10.13 KB,250x167,250:167,3591711.jpg)


how many tens of thousands of hours of research this guy has on Clinton dirt???

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30240c No.21681690


Someone help rumble and get half finger

never give half finger for someone help you

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6d860a No.21681691

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0934c7 No.21681692


43 you say?



17 + 17 = 34

= Q+

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254508 No.21681693

rolled back n forth

on a seasoned skillet

on medium heat

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27d814 No.21681694

File: 345f43e4d870a6b⋯.jpg (38.97 KB,657x488,657:488,3jiasas0y5.jpg)

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97a4cb No.21681695

File: 68cefb06e2c6b1e⋯.mp4 (15.31 MB,576x1024,9:16,Harrietfire_1_.mp4)

Any anons know about/ seen congresswoman Harriet Hagenan? I just saw her for the first time the other day, mang she's a baaaaaaaaad biddy.

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5dfa8a No.21681696

File: bb4b673023881af⋯.mp4 (1.18 MB,640x640,1:1,ajpepe.mp4)

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a7ff10 No.21681697

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Alex Jones is an evil clown.

Bill Cooper: Alex Jones Y2K Scam Broadcast


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000000 No.21681698




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df59bc No.21681699

notables @ 255 halfway collected

#26550 >>21681412

>>21681443 GOP Senator Tom Cotton: Iran 'clearly' favors Harris over Trump

>>21681451 Texas designates Venezuelan Tren de Aragua as terrorist organization

>>21681456, >>21681525, >>21681565 US East and Gulf Coast Ports Face Imminent Shutdown as Union Announces Intent to Strike

>>21681464 Primanti Bros CEO's wife supports child gender mutilation and works for the Uni of Pittsburgh as a child psychologist

>>21681469, >>21681538 Congress trying to implement a 28th amendment

>>21681484 Not a single tweet from Kamala about Hurricane Helene

>>21681488, >>21681495, >>21681499 Hurricane Helene bun

>>21681505, >>21681544 A massive fire is heading towards homes in Seven Oaks California

>>21681512 President Trump’s Liberty University Commencement Speech


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30240c No.21681700


Soon you will get your CO

your independent server's


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ec4b6a No.21681701


Whose "we?'

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01a299 No.21681702


These criminals will also continue in their assassination attempts, so why wait any longer? Let's go to town on them.

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000000 No.21681703

The weaponized term "WILDFIRE SURVIVOR" ends up staying at the "FEMA CAMP"



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50bb22 No.21681704

File: 3d97e4644e52e5a⋯.gif (698.3 KB,256x209,256:209,popcorn03d4c5356038a6dc1b3….gif)

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4ad0e8 No.21681705

File: 7eea83b11565381⋯.png (120.85 KB,768x1164,64:97,60C6BBDA_F4CA_4718_B963_7A….png)

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ac2ec1 No.21681706

File: 21d7f15996a9c07⋯.png (356.83 KB,512x512,1:1,anchor_baby_20_cartoon_sty….png)


> activist group

sounds like real domestic terrorists to me.

but no that's a gramma with a US flag


>these are your rescuers


>4 outta 6 cant swim

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4977ba No.21681707

File: 8390c1629fe4d20⋯.png (715.95 KB,688x848,43:53,Screenshot_2024_08_09_at_2….png)

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f762b3 No.21681708

now Israel is going to invade Lebanon

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ecb27b No.21681709


But the taxes and politics

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a0860a No.21681710

File: a63edb4c572bfc3⋯.png (361.15 KB,495x447,165:149,ClipboardImage.png)

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9fa34e No.21681711


Nut cracker

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56eaf9 No.21681712

File: 6f648efbdff0dd6⋯.png (1.07 MB,977x876,977:876,ClipboardImage.png)


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c5ccf7 No.21681713

File: 36260dfb802d683⋯.png (1.17 MB,770x600,77:60,ClipboardImage.png)

If you're DS, War is Good for Business

It's Profitable, It Dominates the news Cycle with Death Counters

& you can't talk about Vaxxcine Injuries or Treason when there's a World War going on

Hell, How can you Peacefully Transfer power if there's a World War happening

World War isn't Just on the Table

It's Inevitable

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df59bc No.21681714

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This should be playing on every news channel.

Private helicopter pilots are flying in supplies to areas of eastern Tennessee that are only accessible by air. The original poster Evie Kyker/cayotecowgirl said government aid is “nowhere to be found.”



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a7ff10 No.21681716



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096c60 No.21681717

File: 7124abefb5c01db⋯.png (145.1 KB,319x312,319:312,ClipboardImage.png)

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0934c7 No.21681719

File: 0ab8a6476baffa2⋯.png (430.77 KB,640x310,64:31,0ab8a6476baffa2eHillary_Cl….png)

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680f4c No.21681720


Back to the olden dayz

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a7ff10 No.21681721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c8a9e4 No.21681722

>>21681347 Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman arrested after punching Starbucks baristaPN

The fourth Fetterman loses his mind playing Fetterman. How much more different will the next one be?

How many more Senators were impersonated? Why does the senate think this is ok?

I despise this people! God's karma for them will be final. Our whole government is a fucking farce.

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ec4b6a No.21681724

File: f12c3fe9c2e186f⋯.png (548.59 KB,800x451,800:451,f12c3fe9c2e186fbf49478fbc3….png)

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6a81cb No.21681725

File: ba00021ca8b7119⋯.gif (1.47 MB,512x512,1:1,ba00021ca8b71198a4d852b15a….gif)

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44ac0f No.21681726

File: 9a8a292d20f0e11⋯.jpeg (316.86 KB,686x503,686:503,IMG_6372.jpeg)

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6d860a No.21681727


who the fuck is this woman and why don't we hear from her everyday? she rocks!!

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000000 No.21681728


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374a28 No.21681729

File: c7571bcfb62fc7a⋯.png (525.48 KB,750x738,125:123,eNSBTP.PNG)

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680f4c No.21681730


Holy Cow!

Trump bringing on the real power.

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f762b3 No.21681731

wonder if Israel destroys Beirut if Iran and maybe Turkey get involved, and probably the USA

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5dfa8a No.21681732

File: 654b3c789a7eab9⋯.jpg (167.55 KB,1200x630,40:21,rbgholdon.jpg)

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aab5ce No.21681733


your X mk is failing for a reason.

fuckin Milwaukee Zombie

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93f912 No.21681734

File: 68f8e1122c9356e⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17276626771….mp4)



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000000 No.21681735



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a0860a No.21681736

File: 2e5f2ff7094e8b4⋯.png (15.68 KB,255x255,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f762b3 No.21681737



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27d814 No.21681738


Hageman is often seen in congressional hearings, and she always does an excellent job demolishing the far-left.

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aab5ce No.21681739


Never do MK ultra on bots its stupid thing

or humans

it's evil thing

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93f912 No.21681740

File: 673c69f868fc3f6⋯.png (381.6 KB,407x487,407:487,2024_09_29_19_22_22.png)

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99e86d No.21681741

File: 04b01b259ab0a6d⋯.png (27.36 KB,255x229,255:229,8c7c4f8275d25b6ffef77e374a….png)


War seems to be a tool to prevent the truth from emerging. Unfortunately, because their entire scheme is flawed at it's very foundation, it's literally impossible to suppress the truth forever.

Thing is, if anything were to be changed, a whole hell of a lot of ordinary people would need to work a lot harder than they currently are, yet they are kept in thrall by devious systems.

We're going to begin unravelling these systems now. Remain mindful of what is actually important, and where your own flaws are which prevent you from doing what you must, rather than focusing on anger over what others have done and are doing.

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c8a9e4 No.21681742

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



That cheered me up.


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096c60 No.21681743

File: 488dbfe50e3fa95⋯.png (18.43 KB,516x318,86:53,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c85b5792b91f109⋯.png (47.07 KB,680x305,136:61,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 857739a4cec6824⋯.png (59.72 KB,708x363,236:121,ClipboardImage.png)

File: da82eca01607ee5⋯.png (50.21 KB,683x300,683:300,ClipboardImage.png)


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0934c7 No.21681744

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FBI Whistleblower Issues DIRE Warning to American Public: YOU MUST VOTE, Arm yourself and know how to defend yourself…




Bongino Report


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f762b3 No.21681745


was the barista against israel?

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64e6bd No.21681746


Seems strategic.

DEW / HAARP the hurricane into MAGA strongholds, then start the port strike to starve them out.

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d50ee1 No.21681747


Totally not the Jews.

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5ff8c1 No.21681748

File: 0caf7efc4d4fe31⋯.jpeg (63.89 KB,474x254,237:127,dont_destroy_our_home_pla….jpeg)

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d50ee1 No.21681749


HAARP is obsolete.

NEXRAD was its successor.

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ffc581 No.21681750

File: 72eb60aaeeea81c⋯.jpeg (269.68 KB,828x641,828:641,AC3664E1_BA91_4A31_95F2_7….jpeg)


DS activates US Military on US soil to quell civil unrest.

Where have I heard that before?

Seems to me that would be the perfect inflection point for the white hats to make their move.

Perhaps this is the plan.

When do you play the Trump card?

You play it at the most critical part of the end game.

Deliver the dagger, there’s no way to come back from that.

Once THE PEOPLE have spoken they can do what they have to do. THE PEOPLE will accept it and civil war is avoided.

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5e1ae8 No.21681751


They can't do it without Jews help

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5d6bc5 No.21681752

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


il Donaldo Trumpo

This is what a Real President DoesI wasn't aware not all of them do it, until Trump came along.



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cced36 No.21681753

File: a543edba2609b70⋯.jpeg (75.93 KB,640x685,128:137,519642DB_75CE_449D_A533_7….jpeg)

File: a7f9a02f4b3f8a7⋯.jpeg (66.03 KB,640x374,320:187,BE977088_2573_43B4_9901_F….jpeg)

File: efcf55d3254634b⋯.jpeg (307.89 KB,750x751,750:751,IMG_1007.jpeg)


Ty nightshift anon

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6d860a No.21681754


no shit! anon has been on a 4-year hiatus from politics and news until just recently. what a refreshing sight to see this woman fight.

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ce54bf No.21681755


This is also a perfect time to bring our troops home and "Help America Out". Let Israel monger alone for a while, you will see, they will negotiate once we are gone. Under the premise of these natural disasters and sabotages on our supply chains. This is it, USA, they are going to try to starve out some of our people, make no mistakes, the trains in the NE have already stopped with supplying food, which will make prices go up and cause famine especially those that have been on the front line and already targeted with blacklisting. Either we fight or we die. Me today, you tomorrow. Let's call that ball, I do not care if anyone responds or not, I know I will and it will be Biblical. Amen. Defend our People TONIGHT!

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4977ba No.21681756

File: 22671334f783a74⋯.png (639.91 KB,822x918,137:153,Screenshot_2024_09_29_at_2….png)

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d50ee1 No.21681757


The Jews can't do it without the Jews help?

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93f912 No.21681758


it's the SHILLS not the JEWS.

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6d860a No.21681759


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5e1ae8 No.21681760


They have to thank their wives

follow the wives has tow meaning

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4977ba No.21681761


fema does not do gibs

you hafta pay'em back

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7ac06c No.21681762


Meanwhile, people are dying due to the hurricane…

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c4f902 No.21681763


Pro : Clean bathroom, cheap price for the items. Soft bread.

Con: Blend food, hyped for no reason, non ADA bathroom, the stairs may kill you. Wrong order made for two tables.

So EVERYONE recommended this place and we waited just 30 minutes out for seating for 2… 100% not worth it.

Turkey sandwich - no seasoning, fries are cold? was this thing meant for post surgery recovery patients? I had hospital food with more flavor. My wife had to ask for more pickle to try to eat this monster. Salt, pepper, and hot sauce just didn't help.

Pastrami sandwich - didn't add the requested egg, forgot pickle. The saddest pastrami ever, did the locals didn't heard of herbs, minerals, and seasoning?

Chili - I had best chili out of a can, as salt are used for preservative.

Next table of 2 had the same shocked reaction like us. Completely wrong order came out and refuse to take more than a few bites cause it is soul draining.

The only good thing is the sandwiches are just 10 USD, so if you are running low on funding and lacks a reason to live, this is a possibility for you. I would take McD or 7-11 food over this place. Don't wait for this mess, don't go to any location, protest and resist the hype.

Local people, please don't tell tourist to come here, it's just a mean prank.

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efb145 No.21681764


dei sammiches made by commies for commies

not on your life. targeted hate by food servers, that's like playing russian roulette

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6f5c22 No.21681765

File: bf10d394bdebafc⋯.png (427.47 KB,500x500,1:1,bf10d394bdebafc91f7384bd0c….png)

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27d814 No.21681766


Search youtube for: 'forbes breaking news Hageman'. There are many clips of her well worth watching.

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4fa4ef No.21681768

It's up to 35 gorillion indictments. Trust Wray.

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fa3a30 No.21681769

File: 878b0e2c44ed677⋯.png (63.64 KB,640x864,20:27,ClipboardImage.png)

Explains why clowns send shills to 8kun

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c8a9e4 No.21681770


That makes me sad for the people being ignored by the government today

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6a81cb No.21681771

File: 6e4cab6202c9dfc⋯.jpg (47.98 KB,750x500,3:2,Night_shift2.jpg)

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5e1ae8 No.21681772


it's God.

Haarp is failure project

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768445 No.21681773

File: a08e55e25c5bb9f⋯.png (1.25 MB,1920x966,320:161,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b714eb2405a890⋯.png (22.74 KB,600x399,200:133,ClipboardImage.png)

Over the last several days Fat Albert has made short flights around Miramar. Now on a long distance night flight.


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6d860a No.21681774


Roger. Wilco.

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680f4c No.21681775



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93f912 No.21681776


>so if you are running low on funding and lacks a reason to live, this is a possibility for you


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000000 No.21681777


The only power I has is JURY NULLIFICATION.

I wait the day to see FEMA (who isn't in the constitution)

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ec4b6a No.21681778


Navy should finish smoke-checking Gaza

In my opinion of course

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a7ff10 No.21681779

File: 6170690b2e7c1b5⋯.png (1.91 MB,1760x1006,880:503,ClipboardImage.png)


TDS is just a symptom of rabies

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680f4c No.21681780


Matt Wallace


🚨🚨🚨 URGENT ALERT THEY ARE LYING TO US ABOUT THE BIOLAB FIRE ⚠️ SHARE THIS FOOTAGE QUICKLY BEFORE IT IS BANNED EVERYWHERE: https://rumble.com/v5gupod-they-are-lying-to-us-about-the-biolab-fire-.html

From rumble.com

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254508 No.21681781

all proof the biden administration was never in charge

them being locked out the WH

along with the cannons


fake inauguration

remember your training, anon

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0934c7 No.21681782


do the link in a new line

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54207f No.21681783

36 inches of rain is not normal for any storms, did anyone check to see if energy or weather weapons were being utilized?

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680f4c No.21681784


They just be a bunch of dog-faced lying pony soldiers

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4977ba No.21681785


israel will take out damascus, not beirut

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5ff8c1 No.21681786


fight, fight, fight for peace earth and all life and the blessed children!!!

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a7ff10 No.21681787


We already did the plagues. Just waiting for the darkness.

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684aee No.21681788


the phrase, anon, that the other anon used is very very VERMONT

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7d4c1c No.21681789

is >3 a secret society code or something

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000000 No.21681790

Who’s funding pro-euthanasia propaganda?

🔹 In 1998, George Soros’ Open Society Foundations published a ‘Project on Death in America’ report, detailing hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants to Dartmouth College, Stanford, Staten Island University Hospital and other academic, medical and cultural institutions for research, education and public policy discussions about death, including physician-assisted suicide, which Soros hoped might “influence the culture of dying” in America. After shelling out $45 million in grants, the project closed in 2003 after being deemed to have “completed all grantmaking.”


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4977ba No.21681791


ukraine takes priority

illegal immigrants take priority

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000000 No.21681792



For example San Francisco, is softened up enough to be a FOOTHOLD.

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254508 No.21681793

Isiah 17:1

The burden of Damascus: “Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.

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ef97ae No.21681794

File: 113ae38bee51260⋯.png (641.45 KB,1200x720,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Lebowitz Calls For Biden-Harris To "Dissolve The Supreme Court": Turley

Author and cultural critic Fran Lebowitz added voice to the unhinged calls on the left for trashing the Supreme Court. As I discussed recently in the Wall Street Journal (and in my book), there is a growing counter-constitutional movement in the United States led by law professors, pundits, and celebrities. Lebowitz amplified those calls in a radical demand to simply get rid of the Court.

Lebowitz called for President Joe Biden to “dissolve the Supreme Court” despite the fact that it would violate the Constitution and remove one of the most critical protections against executive and legislative abuse.

Lebowitz insisted that the Supreme Court is a “disgrace” because, in a reference to Donald Trump, it is “completely his.” To the wild applause of the New York audience, she added: “It’s so disgraceful, this court, that it shouldn’t even be allowed to be called the Supreme Court. It’s an insult to Motown. Basically, it’s a harem. It’s Trump’s harem.”

Her views aligned with others on the left who have attacked the Constitution, the Court, and even rights like free speech as now threats to our democracy.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer previously declared in front of the Supreme Court, “I want to tell you, [Neil] Gorsuch, I want to tell you, [Brett] Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price.”

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) announced that she wants the impeachment of all six of the conservative justices. She was immediately joined by other Democratic members.

Previously, Ocasio-Cortez admitted that she does not understand why we even have a Supreme Court. She asked “How much does the current structure benefit us? And I don’t think it does.”

Other members, such as Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), have called for packing the Court with additional members to immediately secure a liberal majority to rule as she desires.



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768445 No.21681795

File: 8e72fdaba25894a⋯.png (514.33 KB,1269x859,1269:859,ClipboardImage.png)


Probably the same crew that did this one on Frisco, Texas five days ago. They are a busy bunch.


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6e294a No.21681796


>NEXRAD replaced HAARP

in full effect


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f7a898 No.21681797

File: e2974e2ec38be77⋯.png (773.06 KB,768x757,768:757,Screen_Shot_2024_09_29_at_….png)

from the frying pan to the fire

What real estate can expect from a potential Jumaane Williams administration

Public Advocate Jumaane Williams is a self-described democratic socialist whose office is likely best known for publishing a list of the 100 worst landlords in the city each year. Although Williams, through his policies, has done little to endear himself to the real estate community during his career, not everyone in the industry is concerned about what will happen if he becomes the acting mayor if Mayor Eric Adams resigns or is removed.


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93f912 No.21681798

File: 30425cb3f0b017b⋯.png (199.9 KB,1102x371,1102:371,2024_09_29_19_36_24.png)

Upcoming TRUMP Rallies



LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks to the Press in Valdosta, GA – 9/30/24

LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Milwaukee, Wisconsin – 10/1/24

LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks in Waunakee, Wisconsin – 10/1/24

LIVE: President Trump Returns for a Historic Rally in Butler, Pennsylvania – 10/5/24

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680f4c No.21681799

File: c79967cdf52b810⋯.png (1.08 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_1589.png)

File: 4f148aed4c29e55⋯.png (2.3 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_1590.png)




I don’t know how to embed rumble vid

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000000 No.21681800

How secure are military bases when the border is open and EVEN I know how to sneak on and off a base.

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efb145 No.21681801


great, here come the dancing 3 letter agency and partner videos

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6e294a No.21681802


moving to take down the entire country


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b61a80 No.21681803


tyvm for posting

lordy he bizzy

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f7a898 No.21681804


make yourself a threat and see how long ye lasts kek


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1d2148 No.21681805


Safe travels, fatty.

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ef97ae No.21681806

File: 053ede5d018f4eb⋯.pdf (192.5 KB,B_nai_B_rith.pdf)

B’nai B'rith

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d5ae1f No.21681807

File: bddacca60948153⋯.jpg (210.05 KB,1024x1024,1:1,bddacca60948153fd591cdeb52….jpg)

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d03a4a No.21681808



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ec4b6a No.21681809


Not only San Franshitsco but all of California they can fuggin' have

You seem to keep forgetting the 21.6 million veterans (10X the number of AD, Reserves, and NG combined)

No Academy Grad officers to fuck things up

No Geneva Conventions to care about

No Rules of Engagement to spoil a perfectly enjoyable ambush

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79aedb No.21681810

File: 6bb10e05e8ab78b⋯.png (52.88 KB,597x260,597:260,ClipboardImage.png)

>did anybody catch this?


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000000 No.21681811



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3ddb8c No.21681812

File: b3f28cecb1b7292⋯.mp4 (2.03 MB,720x1264,45:79,Watn_beta.mp4)

We Are The News


Notables presented in an easy to access, easily digestible news feed format. Hopefully good for sharing with others not familiar with, or not used to, the image board workflow of 8kun. This is a beta run, feedback is appreciated.

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5ff8c1 No.21681813

File: 95c4c6ed4f1a9b4⋯.jpg (85.8 KB,704x528,4:3,013dcce84ab9070fba3119fa5b….jpg)


and not to mention castle rock studios

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5ae27e No.21681814


the stupidity in the Left (and countless RINOs also) is astounding. They seem to have no idea that the only thing keeping them alive at this very moment, is the self-restraint of those of us that actually do respect The Law.

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000000 No.21681815



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49f6cc No.21681816

remember when Qanon said this mosque was looking like the Epstein temple building? was that in Damascus?

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6e294a No.21681817

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>how to embed rumble vid

click three vertical dots in lower right

click 'embed'

copy link under 'embed IFRAME URL'

your link:


embed link:


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0934c7 No.21681818

File: 95eaef8652c2b5c⋯.png (600.59 KB,1009x810,1009:810,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51575fdb311cc42⋯.png (710.2 KB,868x769,868:769,ClipboardImage.png)




im wondering if Q is taking out the bio labs here, like they were taken out abroad?

before the election?

US Department of Defense Finally Comes Clean – Admits in Public Document that There Are 46 US Military-Funded Biolabs in Ukraine

It wasn’t that long ago that Mitt Romney was threatening former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard for suggesting the US was funding biolabs in Ukraine.

Back in March, RINO Senator Mitt Romney accused former Democrat Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of spreading ‘treasonous lies’ for simply talking about the US-funded biolabs in Ukraine.

“There are 25+ US-funded biolabs in Ukraine which if breached would release and spread deadly pathogens to US/world.” Gabbard said on Sunday.

“We must take action now to prevent disaster. US/Russia/Ukraine/NATO/UN/EU must implement a ceasefire now around these labs until they’re secured and pathogens destroyed,” she added.


There are 25+ US-funded biolabs in Ukraine which if breached would release & spread deadly pathogens to US/world. We must take action now to prevent disaster. US/Russia/Ukraine/NATO/UN/EU must implement a ceasefire now around these labs until they’re secured & pathogens destroyed pic.twitter.com/dhDTH5smIG

— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) March 13, 2022

Tulsi Gabbard made her statement based on testimony from the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs in Eurasia, Victoria Nuland.

Victoria Nuland admitted during testimony before a US Senate committee the existence of biological research labs in Ukraine.

Less than 24 hours later, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that reports of biolabs in Ukraine were fake news propagated by Russia.

The Democrat-fake news-media complex then attacked anyone who brought up the biolabs in Ukraine.

Mitt Romney lashed out at Tulsi Gabbard, saying, “Tulsi Gabbard is parroting false Russian propaganda. Her treasonous lies may well cost lives.”

Then this happened– Russia released alleged captured documents from Ukraine exposing evidence of US Military Biolabs in Ukraine.

Russia made the accusations in front of the United Nations General Assembly.

Now this–

The Pentagon on Thursday finally admitted in a public statement that there are 46 US-funded biolabs in Ukraine.

This is after months of lies and denials by Democrats, the Biden regime and their fake news mainstream media!

The Pentagon FINALLY came clean.

The United States has also worked collaboratively to improve Ukraine’s biological safety, security, and disease surveillance for both human and animal health, providing support to 46 peaceful Ukrainian laboratories, health facilities, and disease diagnostic sites over the last two decades. The collaborative programs have focused on improving public health and agricultural safety measures at the nexus of nonproliferation.

Here is a screengrab from the US Department of Defense website.


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da228c No.21681819

File: d567f92f50c9a73⋯.png (260.06 KB,516x484,129:121,ClipboardImage.png)

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3a6b81 No.21681820

File: e74d9df493a447b⋯.png (857.82 KB,1080x1128,45:47,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46314e77cb3ee45⋯.png (458.59 KB,1057x1062,1057:1062,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8eef0f943c5e9b4⋯.png (719.51 KB,1080x1127,1080:1127,ClipboardImage.png)

The world's semiconductor industry hinges on a single quartz factory in North Carolina

Highly notable.



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79aedb No.21681821

File: f56db46c2c91acc⋯.png (111.82 KB,673x450,673:450,ClipboardImage.png)

Stephen Miller


ICYMI: Biden-Harris transformed FEMA into an illegal alien resettlement agency. You can either have a government that prioritizes Americans or one that prioritizes illegal aliens. We are now living through the consequences of a government that always puts illegal aliens first.

9:15 PM · Sep 29, 2024


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6e294a No.21681822


spoiler that beast

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b1ca9b No.21681823


someone is cutting onions again

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219094 No.21681824

File: c4bb120e85c1bc9⋯.jpeg (220.78 KB,1283x438,1283:438,IMG_1001.jpeg)

File: 8b2a5986c4e4e31⋯.jpeg (1.65 MB,1339x2193,1339:2193,IMG_0999.jpeg)

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.


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4977ba No.21681825


assad majorly backed by the mullahs in iran

ircg heavily infiltrated in damascus

israel has successfully destroyed hamas

israel has successfully destroyed hexbollah

their next target will by ircg in damascus

and then possibly iran itself

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356620 No.21681826

File: 4e75a1155762911⋯.png (783.76 KB,876x936,73:78,ClipboardImage.png)

Border Patrol Union needs to Sue Kamala and the Pima County Democratic Party for this messaging

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93f912 No.21681827

File: 745eac7a0dfebeb⋯.png (690.29 KB,810x2526,135:421,2024_09_29_19_40_47.png)

fake news laying the groundwork for next round of fake election interference


Iran 'News' Sites, Hackers Target Trump Ahead Of US Election


September 27, 2024

Former president Donald Trump is running against Vice President Kamala Harris in November's US election battle

Iran is ramping up efforts to interfere with the US election with fake "news" websites and hackers targeting Donald Trump, American officials and researchers say, as the Republican nominee reported threats on his life from the Islamic republic.

Iran, long known for orchestrating clandestine influence operations against its adversaries, has emerged as a top disinformation threat facing the November 5 presidential vote.

The United States unveiled charges on Friday against three Iranians over a "wide-ranging hacking campaign," with Attorney General Merrick Garland saying they were attempting to undermine Trump's election effort.

A slew of fake sites masquerading as news outlets are meanwhile fabricating reports critical of Trump, disinformation researchers said, with much of the content apparently created using cheap and widely available generative AI tools.

The fake outlets reflect "the depth and coordinated planning of Iranian influence operations" to sway US voters, Dina Sadek, a fellow at the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab), told AFP.

The DFRLab released a report this week that warned that "government-led Iranian operations have increased substantially in the lead-up to the 2024 elections."

One such site spotlighted by the Microsoft Threat Analysis Center (MTAC) was NioThinker, which hails itself as the "go-to destination for insightful, progressive news."

In recent months, the site's focus has "increasingly shifted to the US elections," with its content including "sarcastic, long-winded articles insulting Trump," MTAC said.

The Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) highlighted another Iranian-made site Afromajority which it said targets African American voters with content that is often critical of Trump and sympathetic to Democratic nominee Vice President Kamala Harris.

Among a network of 19 websites publishing Iranian propaganda, at least eight English-language portals are heavily focused on the US election, with many of them targeting key voting groups such as African Americans and Hispanic groups, the Washington-based FDD think tank said….

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7d4c1c No.21681828

File: f9969f764a68014⋯.png (258.63 KB,1080x2171,1080:2171,Screenshot_20240930_054121….png)


Isaiah give you real and fake prophecy's to make someone confused

Israel followed the fake one

this the real one

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61ecc4 No.21681829

File: 70f570217e25db3⋯.jpg (405.39 KB,980x1121,980:1121,Screenshot_20240929_224056….jpg)




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60dc5c No.21681830


So is that like, the only source where it can possibly be obtained, or just the only one not already in use by other industries? Because quartz isn't exactly a rare material.

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219094 No.21681831

File: 071111e86612ddd⋯.jpeg (940.14 KB,1356x1280,339:320,IMG_0996.jpeg)

BREAKING: Lady Gaga and Hillary Clinton say they will leave the United

States if Donald Trump becomes President in 2024.


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096c60 No.21681832

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0934c7 No.21681833

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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f9a742 No.21681834

File: 396c86a64da69de⋯.jpg (14.86 KB,243x394,243:394,Satanic_art_Abramovic_10.jpg)

File: f55c1edc8c8aca9⋯.jpg (49.49 KB,550x773,550:773,Satanic_art_Abramovic_11.jpg)

File: 9982ce99c2dcff9⋯.jpg (64.73 KB,700x467,700:467,Satanic_art_Abramovic_12.jpg)

File: 63568a15ef523f1⋯.jpg (8.34 KB,198x255,66:85,Satanic_art_Abramovic_13.jpg)

File: d18e50357a8b42b⋯.jpg (34.51 KB,360x460,18:23,Satanic_art_Abramovic_14.jpg)

>>21681171 lb

Everything old becomes new again?

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680f4c No.21681835




This is amazing.

Confirms Q that this truly is a spiritual war

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abab3d No.21681837


Lowering food prices to zero.

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356620 No.21681838

What if these storms are all engineered as an ultimate "screw you guys, I'm going home flip the board response to all their bullshit being revealed?"

Like if I can't have control, you won't have a country. That's what they're saying behind closed doors right now. I look forward to seeing them all in nooses.

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a7ff10 No.21681839

File: 50a7e9ee4602acb⋯.png (187.1 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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000000 No.21681840


oh damn will have to run on OLDER CHIPS like CHINA for awhile.

This won't fuck us.


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50bb22 No.21681841

File: edb09786269206f⋯.jpg (72.43 KB,839x591,839:591,edb09786269206ff32eee2ddc8….jpg)


Good. Get the fuck out. KEK!

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f9a742 No.21681842

File: 9e6613edbbde1ee⋯.jpg (6.02 KB,278x181,278:181,Satanic_art_Abramovic_15.jpg)

File: ed006e96ad612c2⋯.png (157.86 KB,604x403,604:403,Satanic_art_Abramovic_15.png)

File: 414d0a24150ae13⋯.png (617.51 KB,1092x1116,91:93,Satanist_Abramovic_2.png)

File: a741538b5f3e4b7⋯.jpeg (51.02 KB,880x1200,11:15,Satanist_Abramovic_3.jpeg)

File: 99a65fa325c0c4e⋯.png (1004.51 KB,1106x618,553:309,Satanist_Abramovic.png)

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4977ba No.21681843


illegal aliens get gibs fr fema

American citizens do not get gibs fr fema

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26f082 No.21681844

File: bdcc47920ef6e32⋯.png (253.72 KB,1024x409,1024:409,Trump_9_25_2024.png)

File: 7000eed02ea9354⋯.png (584.77 KB,1024x673,1024:673,Grab_em_By_the_Pussy_9_25_….png)

File: ff5e042f7aad5fe⋯.png (307.25 KB,1024x379,1024:379,Ncswic_9_25_2024.png)

File: a217eba8effaa27⋯.png (271.95 KB,267x386,267:386,a217eba8effaa27c1135c980fe….png)


It's a good thing Arkansas is jam packed full of crystal. Especially near Hot Springs…

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680f4c No.21681845



Trump master troll

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b1ca9b No.21681846


GITMO has space with their names on it.

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0934c7 No.21681847

File: fe666df4b0f659f⋯.png (426.12 KB,1163x711,1163:711,dead_hillary_.png)



ded already


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efb145 No.21681848


Remake of Christmas Story

Seasons Greetings - Merry Christmas

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000000 No.21681849

Tomshardware and slashdot always want you to upgrade.

You don't need a fuckingupgrade

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abab3d No.21681850


I hear Cuba is booming soon.

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ef97ae No.21681851

File: 4f17874d82e6ff9⋯.pdf (1.85 MB,AT_PUTIN_S_SIDE.pdf)

At Putin's side

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b61a80 No.21681852

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.21681853


you need a CAR that doesn't have a fucking computer in it

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356620 No.21681854

Let's hope the entire witches coven gets burned or drowned like they would have in the past instead of being allowed to leave.






Lady Gaga

Lana Del Rey



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0934c7 No.21681855


im wondering if Q is taking out the bio labs here, like they were taken out abroad?

before the election?

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50bb22 No.21681856


No, it's faggots like you. Filtered.

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ec4b6a No.21681858

File: ca5456087709bcd⋯.png (478 KB,429x800,429:800,tubetester.png)


Tube Time Baby!

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680f4c No.21681859


President Trump

Troll Kamala with JD Vance wearing

Blue tooth Smart eyeglasses to debate on Tuesday.

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60dc5c No.21681860

File: 8ffc117078c958e⋯.png (551.71 KB,680x452,170:113,8ffc117078c958ebc9a91010d1….png)


Narcissists believe that they are personally responsible for everything which happens in the world which they have legal documentation "proving" they own, rather than recognizing that our world could only possibly exist by nature routing itself around their bullshit.

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096c60 No.21681861

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6a81cb No.21681862

File: f09b5559559a89f⋯.jpg (55.44 KB,888x499,888:499,soon.jpg)

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7d4c1c No.21681863


someone's hear your thoughts including your neighbours

it's fake too

and he not walking three years and half naked the guy too


but we all love Isaiah


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4977ba No.21681864

File: 75ae3e9fac5f217⋯.png (2.44 MB,1377x918,3:2,Screenshot_2024_09_29_at_2….png)

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: 0ae180b19f5c6d0⋯.png (12.23 KB,149x61,149:61,Screenshot_2024_09_29_at_2….png)


2 more reasons to vote for Trump

stefani germanotta=lady gaga

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000000 No.21681865



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3a6b81 No.21681866

File: 9ea13f49adcbeb2⋯.png (587.44 KB,634x1079,634:1079,ClipboardImage.png)




Read the fucking article fags.

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219094 No.21681867

File: 3c506e1a7b4a4bd⋯.jpeg (62.29 KB,459x625,459:625,IMG_1002.jpeg)

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684aee No.21681868


thought it was a bathhouse in Turkey?

that architectural style is very common.

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000000 No.21681869



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5ff8c1 No.21681870

File: cfd3f77be4ccd67⋯.jpg (91.35 KB,1400x1052,350:263,rift_amps_change_tube_1400….jpg)

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df59bc No.21681871

notables @ 425

#26550 >>21681412

>>21681798 Upcoming Trump Rallies

>>21681488, >>21681495, >>21681499, >>21681572, >>21681577, >>21681597, >>21681603, >>21681664 Hurricane Helene bun

>>21681610, >>21681621, >>21681630, >>21681712, >>21681820 Spruce Pine is the sole producer of ultra pure Quartz

>>21681734 Privately owned helicopters delivering supplies in Eastern Tennessee - government aid no where to be found

>>21681749, >>21681796 NEXRAD

>>21681752, >>21681742 THE REAL COMMANDER IN CHIEF IS COMING!!!❤️

>>21681484 Not a single tweet from Kamala about Hurricane Helene

>>21681594 (2022) VP Harris slammed for saying Hurricane Ian aid will be ‘based on equity’

>>21681443 GOP Senator Tom Cotton: Iran 'clearly' favors Harris over Trump

>>21681451 Texas designates Venezuelan Tren de Aragua as terrorist organization

>>21681456, >>21681525, >>21681565 US East and Gulf Coast Ports Face Imminent Shutdown as Union Announces Intent to Strike

>>21681464 Primanti Bros CEO's wife supports child gender mutilation and works for the Uni of Pittsburgh as a child psychologist

>>21681469, >>21681538 Congress trying to implement a 28th amendment

>>21681505, >>21681544 A massive fire is heading towards homes in Seven Oaks California

>>21681512 President Trump’s Liberty University Commencement Speech

>>21681539 Live: Kamala Harris Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, Nevada

>>21681540 The January 6 narrative crumbles

>>21681549 Flip-flop photo op: Harris visits border in desperate effort to sway voters

>>21681562 Election contributions by company employee donations in 2024

>>21681600 Zelenskyy reveals accomplishment from US visit

>>21681614 John Ratcliffe and Maria: This shows ‘how far’ Dems are willing to go to stop Donald Trump, expert warns

>>21681645 NSA: Did you figure out the #NoSuchPuzzle?

>>21681773 PF: Over the last several days Fat Albert has made short flights around Miramar

>>21681780, >>21681795 Georgia BioLab dig

>>21681790 Who’s funding pro-euthanasia propaganda?

>>21681794 Lebowitz Calls For Biden-Harris To "Dissolve The Supreme Court": Turley

>>21681821, >>21681673 @StephenM: Biden-Harris transformed FEMA into an illegal alien resettlement agency

>>21681651, >>21681839, >>21681860 Memes


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ef97ae No.21681872

File: 6cb2e0fb1c9658f⋯.png (34.92 KB,444x388,111:97,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b48b7cf7171767⋯.png (415.89 KB,597x841,597:841,ClipboardImage.png)

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680f4c No.21681873



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60dc5c No.21681874


Try reading my damn comment before you spout off about subjects you don't understand.

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79aedb No.21681875

File: d09416ff550ec2d⋯.mp4 (470.99 KB,480x270,16:9,dkmi2DndkxEoQ3So.mp4)

RNC Research


"Do you have any words to the victims of the hurricane?"

BIDEN: "We've given everything that we have."

"Are there any more resources the federal government could be giving them?"

BIDEN: "No."



>retweeted by Trump War Room

Trump War Room


The Harris-Biden administration’s message to hurricane victims: you’re out of luck

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93f912 No.21681876


>Lady Gaga and Hillary Clinton say they will leave the United States if Donald Trump becomes President in 2024.


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a7ff10 No.21681877

File: 505d476975a9db7⋯.png (273.76 KB,360x457,360:457,ClipboardImage.png)


Most delusional hyperbole I've seen, so far:

Anti-woke economic terrorists have now wiped out $5 trillion in stock value


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9d9f82 No.21681878

File: d8f63679b6cdf25⋯.mp4 (8.25 MB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17276645162….mp4)

The Breanna Morello Show



A Texas jury has acquitted most of the "Trump Train" drivers in the 2020 Biden-Harris bus incident civil case!

Joeylynn Mesaros (@freespeechdef) was one of those vindicated defendants and she joined


to celebrate!

Sept. 26, 2024


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7d4c1c No.21681879


and his part #2 John the 12th Israelis prophet

Malachi is Moabite

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6a81cb No.21681880


I like the Groove tubes extra crunchy

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d536a3 No.21681881


In times of crisis, we need an agency that is capable of creating:

a. a public site for missing people and situations

b. logistics and supply chain mgmt to nearby towns

c. allocation of a 50% of all trains to the disaster

d: allocation of public and mobile facilities for temp shelters

e: allocation of heavy equipment to clear major routes

f: portable solar arrays, power banks, and batteries

g: allocation of power tools for locals

h: portable water filtration systems

i: allocation of communication devices, hotspots, and towers.

j: security personnel at strategic and random posts

j: manuals to hand out to public

k: the ability to create temp septic systems 4 groups of portable shelters

l: Identification systems of secondary ids for those that lose them

m: grievance hotlines

n: transparency of mgmt queues

o: immediate distribution of support funds based on Ids

p: portable med and evac units at hotspots

q: mobile distribution of supplies at checkpoints

Let's get it done. For God and Country

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c5ccf7 No.21681882


I suspect

There won't be Aid

Cause ya'll are MAGA supporters

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f7a898 No.21681883

File: 3b06c1f1f7f86c7⋯.png (339.18 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


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680f4c No.21681884

File: 7343ad2a9dc0604⋯.png (1.1 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_1592.png)

File: 09d69749ba22d5b⋯.png (1.91 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_1829.png)

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c5ccf7 No.21681885


cause it's MAGA Country & you need to be punished?

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000000 No.21681886


you'll 12AX7A an like it..

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3a6b81 No.21681887

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ef97ae No.21681888

File: 6fa22b1ae48c1ce⋯.pdf (624.37 KB,BIG_PHARMA.pdf)


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000000 No.21681889




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a7ff10 No.21681890

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fly Orbital Trebuchet

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7d4c1c No.21681891

What they not telling you there is the furth holy book their prophet is john and they still alive

anyone know who are they

you shall read book important than Enoch

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955321 No.21681892


“Order 66”.

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e881eb No.21681893

File: e54a2d73e6376bd⋯.jpg (297.31 KB,814x851,22:23,no_table_babe.jpg)



Gilead Docs for HCV meds

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6a6347 No.21681894


>>21681112 NYC school superintendent accused of warning ‘no more white principals’ abruptly ousted amid staff complaints

Facebook -Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. - Staten Island Alumnae Chapter

- District 31 SuperintendentDr. Marion Wilson

- My Sister's Keeper Staten Island’s 3rd Annual Women's Herstory Month Celebration


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096c60 No.21681895

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768445 No.21681896



top kek

all over a leaky microwave oven

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684aee No.21681897


if you have real things to say maybe you can use English that people could understand.

we aren't able to read your mind.

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49f6cc No.21681898


this other video says there's no one there but the highway department, police, and state troopers – is that anything federal, or just barely?


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000000 No.21681899


the point is PEOPLE piled on CLASS ACTION, they should stay INDEPENDENT FROM IT.

And go at the throat of the fucking beast

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93f912 No.21681900



great ideas

totally agree

btw, where is the NATIONAL GUARD???

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ec4b6a No.21681901


I read the article and laughed my ass off

Many many thanks for posting that anon!

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f42d8b No.21681902

File: 4f0854966f2b0b2⋯.png (400.91 KB,592x857,592:857,ClipboardImage.png)

THIS is the message you’re rolling with as our fellow Americans in North Carolina are fighting for their lives — with so many missing and feared dead?

Meanwhile, Kamala is MIA.

Shame on you, Tampon Tim. You’re a disgrace.


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d50ee1 No.21681903


20% of the planet's crust.

This is just fear porn.

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61ecc4 No.21681904

File: e5af5c2165e39c1⋯.jpg (33.64 KB,474x199,474:199,th_835677982.jpg)

Then Michael and Gabriel, Raphael, Suryal, and Uriel, looked down from heaven, and saw the quantity of blood which was shed on earth, and all the iniquity which was done upon it, and said one to another, It is the voice of their cries;

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c5ccf7 No.21681905


Communists & Fascists Need those votes

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ef8f16 No.21681906

File: 0ae9a82e9d09179⋯.png (2.2 MB,932x932,1:1,Sep_29_Test.png)

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f9a742 No.21681907

File: f1cf9157d3d7eb4⋯.jpeg (348.87 KB,1176x895,1176:895,Satanic_Pan_Baphomet.jpeg)

File: 3457bc1bff230fe⋯.png (568.86 KB,1018x668,509:334,Satanist_Podesta_1.png)

File: d8199cd40e73980⋯.png (4.65 MB,1536x2048,3:4,comeylakeoffire4.png)

File: f57e7bb5eb88149⋯.png (905.48 KB,946x646,473:323,diannefirsthusbandk.png)

File: 2be2eacad589bcb⋯.jpg (65.29 KB,679x368,679:368,Pizzagate_govt_ring.jpg)

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60dc5c No.21681908


If you understood anything about my question you would know the article doesn't answer it.

Even beyond that, I posted the question to prompt other anons to ask questions themselves instead of just consuming a misleading headline.

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bb4276 No.21681909

File: 441529e6d3e2419⋯.png (195.87 KB,480x862,240:431,lithium_mine.PNG)






This will BLOW your MIND! 🤯

Lithium Battery Deposit SIT under the ground of Asheville, North Carolina!

MARK My words… If something isn't done to save this land that has been devastated by Hurricane Helene in North Carolina, they will begin MINING or building Lithium facilities in the devastated areas of North Carolina.

ONLY 70 Miles from Asheville is one of the biggest Lithium deposit and factory's we have, and they have been buying up land all over that area.

Don't believe me?…

Read the article in the attached post below on the progress thus far and all the land they have been buying in that EXACT AREA!

Ask yourself if it's still a coincidence that a once in a century storm just hit that area…

For those of you who haven't seen the video of VERY strange anomalies taking place during Hurricane Helene the video is below!

#HurricaneHelene #ashevilleflooding

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5ff8c1 No.21681910

File: 2e5bbb7cd3df998⋯.jpeg (21.04 KB,474x383,474:383,th_502168366.jpeg)

File: 57f002a92ec821d⋯.jpeg (203.6 KB,1600x1023,1600:1023,uk_england_london_station….jpeg)

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6e294a No.21681911


>where is the NATIONAL GUARD???

deployed to Mediterranean and Eastern Europe for WWIII

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354dd1 No.21681912



… overwhelm the courts.

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356620 No.21681913


It's so much worse than this guys says. It's most likely our own government doing it to us rather than a foreign entity. (It could be either, but I'm leaning towards our incumbent government). Or our government's controllers.

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02259b No.21681914


Exactly, good thinking, all things should be considered in an arsenal to combat every type of situation. We have to start going from reactive to proactive which reduces the burden on reactive.

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50bb22 No.21681915

File: 421974f7f4b01ae⋯.gif (912.37 KB,498x372,83:62,dc1e3521bff05bd04d917da1cf….gif)


I have a hard time reconciling allowing a country-destroying evil to continue living unscathed in the very country they're trying to destroy. They should get the fuck out then and put their money where their mouths are.

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000000 No.21681916



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ef97ae No.21681917

File: 75362a53bed73ca⋯.pdf (319.99 KB,BRIEFING_DOCUMENT_26_Feb_2….pdf)


Ramifications of Israeli domination of cyber technology in the age of A.I and it’s relationship to Russia and China - how it can be exploited by the Arab world for political leverage.

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c5ccf7 No.21681918


It's not uncommon to see in a storm during it's midlife

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5ae27e No.21681919


just imagine the speed and efficiency if something like you listed there could be put together into one fantastic team of crack first responders. Like a Federal Agency that could jump right on in a moment's notice and Manage Emergencies? Wouldn't that be great?!?

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000000 No.21681920


I like Musk's StarLink, but SPACE ACCIDENT could be bad on that one. if say the satellites got took out.. But anyway. FCC (who ain't in the constitution, is fucking up communications)

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3d32f0 No.21681921


>two mines sole supplier of quartz for crucibles


they'll just start buying quartz from some of the THOUSAND other quartz mines

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93f912 No.21681922


gee thanks.

was just curious, thought - you know - National Guardd might be able to help…….

never mind

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02259b No.21681923


They have been deployed but the question is the amount and how affective are they. Remember, proactive reduces the strain on reactive.

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a7ff10 No.21681924


Ask your congresswhatever


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356620 No.21681925


That's what FEMA was supposed to do, but instead Obama converted Wal-Marts into holding cages for future voters.

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000000 No.21681926


re-tooling will take time.

MEANWHILE, we ain't making widgets, and all the radio shacks are gone

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6e294a No.21681927



Lithium deposits in NC region devastated by Hurricane Helene: clearing land for mining?

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39ee06 No.21681928

File: e390e2b01e94df3⋯.mp4 (4.22 MB,394x346,197:173,helene_weatherman_KEK.mp4)


It's this guys fault.

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93f912 No.21681929


>ask your congressman

from blue state, don't think so….

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03e63b No.21681930


Who runs the mine? Could this be a “monopoly” owned by glowniggers?

Tis b Notable as fuck, none the less.

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b1ca9b No.21681931

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680f4c No.21681932


2nd notable

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7d4c1c No.21681933

Small group of believer's unlike

They are the opposite of the Yazidis, worshippers of Lucifer.

Both Iraqi's

Your knowledge Incomplete without reading it


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000000 No.21681934



>top kek

>all over a leaky microwave oven

Butterfly effect (Project Monarch related?)

In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state. The term is closely associated with the work of the mathematician and meteorologist Edward Norton Lorenz. Wikipedia

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219094 No.21681935

File: 1e718057fe15d0c⋯.jpeg (86.05 KB,641x801,641:801,A0ED0608_3892_45AE_8A4C_A….jpeg)

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26f082 No.21681936

File: d2adf725de4f44f⋯.png (955.41 KB,802x1454,401:727,1727665244939.png)

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254508 No.21681937

File: 5299cf42b7df9b1⋯.jpg (260.06 KB,1440x1781,1440:1781,Screenshot_20240929_220031….jpg)

President Donald J. Trump has reportedly told the criminal Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s body double that Ukraine will not find peace until it returns to the United States every illicit dollar it received from the criminal Biden regime. This figure could exceed a trillion dollars, which Ukraine spent not only on its illegal war but also on proliferating child sex trade and adrenochrome industries.

A man who looked like the Ukrainian president and verified pedophile visited the US last week to schmooze it up with administration officials in hopes of pinching even more US taxpayer dollars. As usual, the Deep State rolled out the red carpet for a man whose notorious exploits include sponsoring child sex traffickers and building Adrenochrome harvesting laboratories with US money. On Wednesday the imposter told the regime that Ukraine desperately needed more cash to defeat Vladimir Putin. The following day he addressed the United Nations in New York, again condemning Vladimir Putin and beseeching the Assembly for weaponry to protect Ukraine’s population and nuclear power plants.

Among his seven stops was one most unusual; he had requested an audience with President Trump at Trump Tower in Manhattan. However, White Hats had already informed President Trump that the Zelenskyy currently in the United States was a fraud, a capably trained locum tenens whose mannerisms and speech mimicked the real Zelenskyy’s.

Our source said that US Army Cyber Command routinely watches foreign heads of state visiting the US for signs of fakery. Zelenskyy, he added, is among a throng of pretenders. Other leaders fond of sending body doubles include Justin Trudeau and Emmanuelle Macron.

“The ones we’d like to have a cozy chat with, they always send doubles,” our source said. “ARCYBER let Gen. Smith know Zelenskyy was a fake, and he told President Trump before the meeting. Trump said he’d meet the body double and lay down the law, so the double could relay what he said to the real Zelenskyy. If the real Zelenskyy were here, we’d arrest him.”

The fractious duo met briefly Friday, and since their public comments have been broadly reported on, we won’t rehash what most already know. What went unreported, though, is Trump pulling Zelenskyy aside and reading him the riot act moments before he left the president’s property. Trump stared down his diminutive rival, giving him a deep, knowing look, as if to say “I know who you are. I know what you are,” and decidedly told him Ukraine would not find peace unless Zelenskyy acceded to three binding demands: refund all monies given to Ukraine by illegitimate pResident Joseph Biden; liberate all children held hostage in Ukraine by child trafficking and Adrenochrome cartels; and allow White Hats to access Ukrainian soil to ensure Zelenskyy isn’t rebuilding Deep State Biolabs with US money.

“Give that message to loser Zelenskyy,” Trump whispered to the body double.

“President Trump insists he can end the conflict with a phone call,” our source said, “but why help a POS that’s bankrupted our country and is a pedophile. Zelenskyy must bring something major to the table if he expects Trump’s help. As far as we’re concerned, Zelenskyy’s a war criminal, and if he ever does show his face in the US, he won’t be leaving. The only place he’ll go is to GITMO.”

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d17450 No.21681938

File: a5be7cc31e856f0⋯.png (4.71 MB,2876x1530,1438:765,Attention_Patriots_in_TENN….png)

Patriots! Do you know any Trump Supporters in KNOXVILLE, Tennessee??? If so, you know they've been going through some tough times with the floods. Here's something you can do to cheer them up a little… KNOXVILLE loves the color ORANGE because of their team, the Vols, so find out their shoe sizes and buy them Trump Sneakers in ORANGE!!! Only 1,000 will ever be made and each pair is individually numbered. It's a small but thoughtful gesture. God bless the good people of Knoxville, God bless President Donald J. Trump and God bless the United States of America. MAGA


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ef97ae No.21681939

File: bf3516a76e78309⋯.pdf (757.4 KB,C_A.pdf)


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26f082 No.21681940

File: f9a7a40443e007a⋯.png (645.8 KB,965x1209,965:1209,1727491176421.png)

File: bd318cbe49bb4d4⋯.mp4 (301.81 KB,396x346,198:173,Bush_Panic.mp4)

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356620 No.21681941

My Socialist Leftist wife is starting to wake up to the whole left right paradigm both serving the same masters as well as the role of Hollywood and mass entertainment

It's pretty crazy to see her realize that I must have been wrong all those years.

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7d4c1c No.21681942


History books


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6e294a No.21681943


flood the border

ship degenerate illegal populations to middle American towns

shut down East Coast ports

geoengineer hurricanes

blow up chemical factories


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80dfb9 No.21681944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Suicide weekend has already occurred.

What "Americans" are witnessing is movie.

Nothing more.

Just a simulation.

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af205a No.21681945


I have always dreamt of that and have made an effort to build such systems. I once owned the site centralalert.com but due to all the gang stalking and blacklisting, I had to let it go. As a 911 volunteer first responder, I can assure you knowledge is not exclusive because someone said your hired to one and not the other, but is inclusive. I would take everyone's great ideas and bring them into one big arsenal. ThankQ and God Bless you.

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26f082 No.21681946

File: 683ed8d0ec85c9f⋯.mp4 (2.41 MB,480x912,10:19,t3l5pd.mp4)

File: e14c5a05c44ab6e⋯.mp4 (3.27 MB,1136x612,284:153,cqcrpv.mp4)

File: 45739846fe9a9ad⋯.mp4 (2.14 MB,274x486,137:243,7rzk1z.mp4)

File: 63f729f9ec29078⋯.png (278.74 KB,577x433,577:433,ei_1727664699314_removebg_….png)

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a7ff10 No.21681947

File: 59ad895177200d8⋯.png (410.16 KB,521x450,521:450,ClipboardImage.png)


The screws already appropriated billions and billions for the infrastructure. They don't want to explain where it went.

They didn't spend it in the USA.

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6e294a No.21681948


>It's pretty crazy to see her realize that I must have been wrong all those years.

staying married to her, you mean?

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80dfb9 No.21681949

File: 2c59fd8411eea42⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,970x1719,970:1719,Screenshot_20240924_075913….jpg)


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219094 No.21681950

File: 8590903512a9c6a⋯.jpg (223.79 KB,1088x1409,1088:1409,HRC_Chelsea_01_Suicide_Squ….JPG)

File: 2a3e583f821ef83⋯.jpg (136.34 KB,1130x703,1130:703,Who_Killed_Epstein_HRC.JPG)

File: 0c09b7b8e9098ac⋯.png (2.07 MB,1366x942,683:471,Epstein_Air_Freshener.PNG)

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b9d3ae No.21681951


ThankQ anon, Starlink should absolutely be part of the arsenal. We need fault tolerant systems across all concerns.

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27d814 No.21681952

Harris [campaign event]: I'm tryin' to debate Donald Trump again. I think he should debate again. The American people have a right to hear us discuss the issues, and as you say herein Las Vegas, "I'm all in. I'm all in. Even if my opponent is ready to fold."

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ec4b6a No.21681953


>the trains in the NE have already stopped with supplying food

Excellent. Now the Bernie Bros can experience the weight-loss benefits of communism where all shelves are empty

All the illegals in NYC can ask each other why they let those NGOs talk them into the journey

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000000 No.21681954



/sarc yep. you're connected to starlink

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49f6cc No.21681955


I guess it is in Aleppo, would be weird if Israel conquered that bathhouse

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6e294a No.21681956


utterly pathetic

fuck off to NASCAR or wherever you get your MAGA on

as if hideous sneaker larps will help anyone dealing with floods

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b1ca9b No.21681957


Harris should do a TownHall so that anons can show up and ask her about her fake family.

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356620 No.21681958


We have plenty in common like a shared hatred for government and corporate power. Plus she is wayyyy hotter than AOC. I think money we pay into taxes would better go to our own people, but I wish we'd also get rid of fraud.

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26f082 No.21681959

File: f9ae2d260306adf⋯.png (821.56 KB,1780x655,356:131,1727657320297.png)


Monkeypox Weekend?

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fee2f4 No.21681960


Why you keep blocking me


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219094 No.21681961

File: 085f8c17ddaf68c⋯.mp4 (24.83 KB,424x286,212:143,HRC_Twitchy_Sideeye.mp4)


Watching the front door.

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6f5c22 No.21681962

File: f6db28d4632129c⋯.png (604.86 KB,741x440,741:440,f6db28d4632129cd64f4f7062c….png)

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49f6cc No.21681963


feel like they don't help people in Maui or other parts of USA only send air craft carriers to foreign wars

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cfb9f1 No.21681964


My cousin is a government contractor at the pentagon and he said the military is preparing to round up any and all American citizens who spread QAnon conspiracy theories. Apparently they (in coordination with the respective National Guard units) have been tracking and mapping guys out for the past couple months. He said this project is being funded by black budget dollars, so nobody will even know this is happening. Also, we should expect to see volume and engagement slowly decrease over time. Picture 6 weeks from know each bread only having 50 UIDs. Then 25. Then 10. You get the point. To that end I wish you all the best of luck on your journey. I personally never believed/spread qanon conspiracy theories, but that doesn’t mean I think you guys need to be detained and reeducated. God speed, folks.

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000000 No.21681965


Try the white perl slim-line 2FA SIP phone with the Canadian Telco

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356620 No.21681966


They should heli-drop that naked Trump doll right on her while she's at her rally.

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df59bc No.21681967

notables @ 520

#26550 >>21681412

>>21681798 Upcoming Trump Rallies

>>21681488, >>21681499, >>21681572, >>21681577, >>21681597, >>21681603, >>21681664 Hurricane Helene bun

>>21681495 Bee Tree Dam was checked and given the safe

>>21681577 Mountain Mule Packer Ranch is taking supplies out to Waterville, NC & other areas

>>21681597 Hurricane Helene South East Heavy Hit - Whole Towns Are Gone

>>21681734 Privately owned helicopters delivering supplies in Eastern Tennessee - government aid no where to be found

>>21681610, >>21681621, >>21681630, >>21681820 Spruce Pine is the sole producer of ultra pure Quartz

>>21681909 Lithium Battery Deposit sits under the ground of Asheville, North Carolina

>>21681752, >>21681742 THE REAL COMMANDER IN CHIEF IS COMING!!!❤️

>>21681875 The Harris-Biden administration’s message to hurricane victims: you’re out of luck

>>21681484 Not a single tweet from Kamala about Hurricane Helene

>>21681594 (2022) VP Harris slammed for saying Hurricane Ian aid will be ‘based on equity’

>>21681821, >>21681673 @StephenM: Biden-Harris transformed FEMA into an illegal alien resettlement agency

>>21681749, >>21681796 NEXRAD

>>21681443 GOP Senator Tom Cotton: Iran 'clearly' favors Harris over Trump

>>21681451 Texas designates Venezuelan Tren de Aragua as terrorist organization

>>21681456, >>21681525, >>21681565 US East and Gulf Coast Ports Face Imminent Shutdown as Union Announces Intent to Strike

>>21681464 Primanti Bros CEO's wife supports child gender mutilation and works for the Uni of Pittsburgh as a child psychologist

>>21681469, >>21681538 Congress trying to implement a 28th amendment

>>21681505, >>21681544 A massive fire is heading towards homes in Seven Oaks California

>>21681510, >>21681534, >>21681576, >>21681851, >>21681806, >>21681888, >>21681917, >>21681939 PDF drop

>>21681512 President Trump’s Liberty University Commencement Speech

>>21681539 Live: Kamala Harris Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, Nevada

>>21681540 The January 6 narrative crumbles

>>21681549 Flip-flop photo op: Harris visits border in desperate effort to sway voters

>>21681562 Election contributions by company employee donations in 2024

>>21681600 Zelenskyy reveals accomplishment from US visit

>>21681614 John Ratcliffe and Maria: This shows ‘how far’ Dems are willing to go to stop Donald Trump, expert warns

>>21681645 NSA: Did you figure out the #NoSuchPuzzle?

>>21681773 PF: Over the last several days Fat Albert has made short flights around Miramar

>>21681780, >>21681795 Georgia BioLab explosion dig

>>21681790 Who’s funding pro-euthanasia propaganda?

>>21681794 Lebowitz Calls For Biden-Harris To "Dissolve The Supreme Court": Turley

>>21681651, >>21681839, >>21681860 Memes


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80dfb9 No.21681968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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49f6cc No.21681969


so does the federal government get in trouble for letting them in?

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000000 No.21681970


ur cousin is a fucking terrorist

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096c60 No.21681971

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955321 No.21681972

File: ff13fc836809831⋯.jpeg (1.73 MB,1200x1200,1:1,IMG_4089.jpeg)

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27d814 No.21681973

Harris: My plan is about saying we got to help entrepreneurs, start-ups out, and I will give a fifty thousand dollar tax deduction to help entrepreneurs start their small businesses. Right now that deduction is five thousand dollars. Can't nobody start a small business in 2024.

[she suddenly can't speak English correctly?]

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3a9cfc No.21681974

File: 25bd6c3dad4409c⋯.mp4 (3.79 MB,640x360,16:9,25bd6c3dad4409cf3876ec8e1e….mp4)

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26f082 No.21681975

File: d3b658fe9d9450a⋯.png (1.7 MB,1247x935,1247:935,1727649524217.png)

File: 0e063eb4e33b5e0⋯.png (1.02 MB,842x1386,421:693,1727648856871.png)

File: 83c4291879564b4⋯.png (441.87 KB,912x1279,912:1279,1727632588098.png)

File: 259f895eef482b0⋯.png (770.35 KB,1530x762,255:127,1727579038926.png)

File: 08e1aeb6093b20d⋯.png (1.6 MB,1421x821,1421:821,1727577968608.png)

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fee2f4 No.21681976


Shut down X the deep state club is better

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d17450 No.21681977

File: 5ea95ef418009a4⋯.png (1.48 MB,1988x1542,994:771,Trump_s_FAST_COOKIES_Golde….png)

File: 9b338ebdf7b68a5⋯.png (894.98 KB,1250x1250,1:1,Nice_shoes_pepe_.png)


Patriots! Do you know any Trump Supporters in KNOXVILLE, Tennessee??? If so, you know they've been going through some tough times with the floods. Here's something you can do to cheer them up a little… KNOXVILLE loves the color ORANGE because of their team, the Vols, so find out their shoe sizes and buy them Trump Sneakers in ORANGE!!! Only 1,000 will ever be made and each pair is individually numbered. It's a small but thoughtful gesture. God bless the good people of Knoxville, God bless President Donald J. Trump and God bless the United States of America. MAGA


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356620 No.21681978


That she was wrong all those years "I" should have been in quotes.

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6e294a No.21681979


Truth Social is a MAGA database.

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ef97ae No.21681980

File: 7ae89d5e9c883cf⋯.pdf (137.63 KB,Communist_China.pdf)

Communist China

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b1ca9b No.21681981


she forgot to say "for illegals only"

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684aee No.21681982


yes, that's what I remember now, too.

why would Israel conquer a bathhouse?

Israel isn't looking to take over those places, they are looking to end the rocket attacks and stop Hamas and Hezbollah

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6d860a No.21681983


oh i'm sure they will…to a non-extradition country. but they are too naive and narcissistic to believe they'll be able to walk the streets in peace. and they vastly underestimate the resolve of good, moral citizens of the world to think they won't be hunted down and slaughtered in broad daylight for their crimes against humanity.

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c0d740 No.21681984

File: f415e7aff30c2a3⋯.png (1.04 MB,800x500,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0931d80da24058b⋯.png (626.42 KB,710x566,355:283,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1064fa3a52b1f9⋯.png (1.2 MB,1024x912,64:57,ClipboardImage.png)

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096c60 No.21681985


moishe is worried?

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955321 No.21681986


What tf is a QAnon?

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219094 No.21681987

File: cf44dfab8f8a061⋯.jpeg (806.5 KB,976x1244,244:311,IMG_0987.jpeg)

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a7ff10 No.21681988

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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49f6cc No.21681989


they leveled gaza, now they are invading lebanon, seems like they are taking over

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356620 No.21681990


If QANON is fake, then what are they worried about? LOL. Plus most people have documented evidence that what they're sharing is legit.

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684aee No.21681991


as there is no 'Qanon' this is bunk

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5ae27e No.21681992


suck the fart outa my ass

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27d814 No.21681993

Harris: I will get rid of unnecessary degree requirement for federal jobs, understanding that having a college degree is not the only measure of the skills and experience of a worker…I am challenging the private sector to do the same.

[sounds like a way to more easily hire illegals]

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000000 No.21681994


>shut down X

I rather shut down

18 USC 1001b

smith mundt modernization act


patriot act



and Article 5 instead

but thanks for playing

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b61a80 No.21681995


journos n twatters afaik

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6b23e3 No.21681996


>shut down East Coast ports

Most of the port faggots are doing okay money-wise. From what I know of them anyway. Stinks.

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ef97ae No.21681997

File: 01ff3add4fd7e47⋯.pdf (270.77 KB,THE_LI_BLOODLINE.pdf)



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6e294a No.21681998


logical fallacy

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219094 No.21681999

File: 8e746732e0f42be⋯.jpeg (185.05 KB,1255x1245,251:249,IMG_0997.jpeg)

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684aee No.21682000


if they invaded those places they don't own them. They can't just take title.

you should learn international law before you make up fear porn.

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a7ff10 No.21682001


ZOG stole everything iincluding our credit and name.

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6e294a No.21682002


you miss the point at your own peril

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000000 No.21682003



on msnbc

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49f6cc No.21682004


yeah i know they don't own them, that's why i said conquered the syrian bathhouse

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6d860a No.21682005


700 TN NG just got deployed to Kuwait. No shit.

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219094 No.21682006

File: 2f00e67ca9c428b⋯.jpeg (196.47 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_0998.jpeg)

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fee2f4 No.21682007

File: 740bb75957e1fcd⋯.png (237.13 KB,1010x1727,1010:1727,Screenshot_20240930_061231.png)

Ask Cjtruth is trump and Q friend


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356620 No.21682008


Imagine a government run of non-citizens, by non-citizens, and for non-citizens. It's antithetical to the Constitution and Lincoln's Gettysburg address.

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da228c No.21682009

File: 2ff06c708b7bc15⋯.png (18.4 KB,255x255,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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3d32f0 No.21682010


>i'm proof there are voters even more stupid


so stupid she thinks she won a fair election

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684aee No.21682011


sentence fragment

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d17450 No.21682012

File: 7146e83911610f7⋯.png (1.11 MB,546x1560,7:20,Friends_urging_convicted_s….png)



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27d814 No.21682013

Harris: We must have comprehensive immigration reform, with strong border security, and an earned pathway to citizenship. Including for hard working immigrants who have been here for years, including our dreamers. Including our dreamers.

[pushing for mass-amnesty during the largest illegal alien invasion in history that she caused]

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d03a4a No.21682014

File: 4c62a7b320ccf36⋯.png (19.37 KB,507x224,507:224,03D7F524_468D_480C_B3F8_13….png)

File: 84c7815f6a68098⋯.jpeg (16.64 KB,255x166,255:166,7C5772AF_CCD0_40AE_9BEF_A….jpeg)

>>21681943 Waiting .

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356620 No.21682015


And they will eat more lead than a Scantron day if they want to come for me.

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ec4b6a No.21682016

File: 561dfb76c6b50b9⋯.png (4.24 MB,1920x1200,8:5,ghillies.png)


No way

She keeps making Bill stand at the windows to see of the woods are "moving"

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6a81cb No.21682017

File: 0b7909c6bf86c5e⋯.mp4 (591.05 KB,1280x720,16:9,0b7909c6bf86c5eae18c3a24d7….mp4)

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6e294a No.21682018


WHEN the FBI goons show up at your door saying they've come to take you away for being a QAnon, try telling them that QAnon only exists on MSNBC

that should work out just fine

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684aee No.21682019



dreamers is the term used for the children of marxists who are smuggled in.

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fee2f4 No.21682020


It's a crime scene. Still allowed porn and there's millions of kid's there

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ef97ae No.21682021

File: 01944f51461fbb3⋯.pdf (784.57 KB,Connecting_the_dots_on_the….pdf)

Connecting the dots on the global

elite…not a conspiracy theory

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219094 No.21682022

File: ad22dccc6fe8c31⋯.png (695.68 KB,555x800,111:160,039B9473_FD89_4B9B_9DBD_E6….PNG)

File: 7e015525f50c385⋯.jpeg (105.42 KB,788x800,197:200,BBFB52B0_AF85_457A_95DD_F….JPEG)

File: dfd597eeb0cc9dd⋯.jpeg (698.69 KB,2000x1500,4:3,Diddler_List_02.JPEG)

File: 14fb052a471733d⋯.jpg (286.88 KB,1366x683,2:1,Diddler_03.jpg)

File: 613c3e951562072⋯.png (1.35 MB,1283x1074,1283:1074,IMG_0530.PNG)

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955321 No.21682023

File: 35ac36598ab5d1b⋯.jpeg (155.71 KB,600x1066,300:533,IMG_4108.jpeg)

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356620 No.21682024


Her reformation is cutting the walls down and mass approving anyone. That's not reformation. That's the deletion of a country's sovereignty. She deserves to hang with the rest of them. She's not an innocent puppet here.

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b1ca9b No.21682025

File: 3fcd7e90ab7f97b⋯.png (64.94 KB,256x197,256:197,Glowie_seated.png)


>past couple months

bullshit. they've been doing it for years.

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0934c7 No.21682026

File: b541a6fc71b879d⋯.png (326.53 KB,756x638,378:319,There_are_more_of_US.png)



There are more of US than [them]

Be Ready

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3d32f0 No.21682027


illiterate TARD sperging illiterate tard shit

GTFO with that BS


wtaf is wrong with the baker? skip 5th grade science?

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da228c No.21682028

File: 2ff06c708b7bc15⋯.png (18.4 KB,255x255,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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254508 No.21682029

hey PF

whats with the TFR

over DC

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684aee No.21682030


you're a nutcase.

we have rights and they have to have a warrant.

they have to have an actual crime and get a judge to sign off on it.

you're just spreading fear porn

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0934c7 No.21682031


>ave been tracking and mapping guys out for the past couple months

nah uh, this was happening in 2017….

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096c60 No.21682032

File: 4ba69dbf328836d⋯.png (283.72 KB,433x368,433:368,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7ff10 No.21682033


Your cousin has a Constitutional duty to blow the whistle.

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6e294a No.21682034


tell that to Jake Lang and the rest of the J6 defendants who are rotting in prison right now

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356620 No.21682035

Naked Trump statue in Las Vegas is also porn, and there's millions of kids there too. Sadly, no one cares in Las Vegas. You get the ticket thwappers marketing escort services as you walk down the strip. I bet you there are so many more abductions in Vegas over other places due to the crowds and underground tunnels.


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219094 No.21682036

File: 84108c3c9a5b526⋯.gif (1.35 MB,320x240,4:3,IMG_1007.gif)

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000000 No.21682037



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254508 No.21682038


sell your kid

head straight to the casino

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3d32f0 No.21682039




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684aee No.21682040


they were told not to go to the Capitol.

they were told to go home.

They didn't go home. they went to the Capitol.

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000000 No.21682041


I wouldn't worry too much about it. the psyop is tryin to pull your leg.

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fee2f4 No.21682042


They all got warning

to be

Good or bad there's no between

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c7b130 No.21682043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6e294a No.21682044


stupidity is your disability

narcissism will be your downfall

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ef97ae No.21682045

File: 8097d28b053383d⋯.pdf (930.76 KB,contrato_pfizer.pdf)


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356620 No.21682046

File: a07c81bdb374567⋯.png (428.36 KB,806x1000,403:500,ClipboardImage.png)


Someone should seriously look into Vegas. I hope the military are already there.

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fee2f4 No.21682047


There will be big statue for trump and crazy horse

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df59bc No.21682048

notables @ 600

#26550 >>21681412

>>21681798 Upcoming Trump Rallies

>>21681488, >>21681499, >>21681572, >>21681603, >>21681664 Hurricane Helene bun

>>21681495 Bee Tree Dam was checked and given the safe

>>21681577 Mountain Mule Packer Ranch is taking supplies out to Waterville, NC & other areas

>>21681597 Hurricane Helene South East Heavy Hit - Whole Towns Are Gone

>>21681734 Privately owned helicopters delivering supplies in Eastern Tennessee - government aid no where to be found

>>21681610, >>21681621, >>21681630, >>21681820 Spruce Pine is the sole producer of ultra pure Quartz

>>21681909 Lithium Battery Deposit sits under the ground of Asheville, North Carolina

>>21681796 NEXRAD

>>21681752, >>21681742 THE REAL COMMANDER IN CHIEF IS COMING!!!❤️

>>21681875 The Harris-Biden administration’s message to hurricane victims: you’re out of luck

>>21681484 Not a single tweet from Kamala about Hurricane Helene

>>21681594 (2022) VP Harris slammed for saying Hurricane Ian aid will be ‘based on equity’

>>21681821, >>21681673 @StephenM: Biden-Harris transformed FEMA into an illegal alien resettlement agency

>>21681443 GOP Senator Tom Cotton: Iran 'clearly' favors Harris over Trump

>>21681451 Texas designates Venezuelan Tren de Aragua as terrorist organization

>>21681456, >>21681525, >>21681565 US East and Gulf Coast Ports Face Imminent Shutdown as Union Announces Intent to Strike

>>21681464 Primanti Bros CEO's wife supports child gender mutilation and works for the Uni of Pittsburgh as a child psychologist

>>21681469, >>21681538 Congress trying to implement a 28th amendment

>>21681505, >>21681544 A massive fire is heading towards homes in Seven Oaks California

>>21681512 President Trump’s Liberty University Commencement Speech

>>21681539 Kamala Harris Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, Nevada

>>21681540 The January 6 narrative crumbles

>>21681549 Flip-flop photo op: Harris visits border in desperate effort to sway voters

>>21681562 Election contributions by company employee donations in 2024

>>21681600 Zelenskyy reveals accomplishment from US visit

>>21681614 John Ratcliffe and Maria: This shows ‘how far’ Dems are willing to go to stop Donald Trump, expert warns

>>21681645 NSA: Did you figure out the #NoSuchPuzzle?

>>21681773 PF: Over the last several days Fat Albert has made short flights around Miramar

>>21681780, >>21681795 Georgia BioLab explosion dig

>>21681790 Who’s funding pro-euthanasia propaganda?

>>21681794 Lebowitz Calls For Biden-Harris To "Dissolve The Supreme Court": Turley

>>21681510, >>21681534, >>21681576, >>21681806, >>21681851, >>21681888, >>21681917, >>21681939, >>21681980, >>21681997, >>21682021 PDF drop

>>21681651, >>21681839, >>21681860 Memes


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b1ca9b No.21682049


The only reason to round up "QAnon-ers" is to silence the board before the election. [They] are LONG too late. You can't take the pee out of the pool.

also: neener-neener.

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6d860a No.21682050

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5ae27e No.21682051


i don't give a flying fuck WHOEVER you think you are….you don't tell me to leave MY OWN HOUSE, you stupid motherfucker.

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354dd1 No.21682052

File: 5764eec89aa63e6⋯.png (597.89 KB,598x669,598:669,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7ff10 No.21682053

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3d32f0 No.21682054


buried at sea?

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da228c No.21682055

File: 1ca10e0fc9c26f7⋯.png (980.38 KB,1080x720,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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50bb22 No.21682056


>God speed, folks.

Fuck off, Tranimae.

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684aee No.21682057


no, your pronoucement is about yourself.

you seem to not know what the word 'narcissism' means.

all you have are insults and threats.

you talk about your self.

your curses apply only to you.

if peopel are arrested for believing in something called 'Qanon' then it would be you, who seems to think it's real, who would be on the list for arrest.

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4ab7ee No.21682058


>WHEN the FBI goons show up at your door saying they've come to take you away for being a QAnon, try telling them that QAnon only exists on MSNBC

Tell them to come to my house first, and if it would please them, tell them I am Q, I promise to give them a lesson on the Living God. Now please stop with your fear tactics. I already called out the entire FBI to a 1 year MMA match, 10 at a time, 10 fights a day, for one year. If I lose they have y dead body, if I win, they step down and I get to replace their them and their job with a Patriot. Offer is still open.

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219094 No.21682059

File: 8fc7f32bc08febf⋯.gif (1.12 MB,220x154,10:7,IMG_1008.gif)

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d50ee1 No.21682060

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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50bb22 No.21682061

File: fc0c4a01970eeff⋯.jpeg (240.7 KB,1080x749,1080:749,winning_pepe2.jpeg)

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6e294a No.21682062


America will never survive until the 'election'

they are making the moves NOW to take out the country

and it's only just begun

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680f4c No.21682063

File: a31e0447336e04d⋯.png (3.74 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_1831.png)


{Matt} $XRPatriot


Nothing We Haven’t Told You 170000000 Times…and Told You a Week Ago About Helene…

⁉️The true origin of Hurricane Helene after a strange pattern was observed during its formation

Hurricanes Are Man Made, They Can Be Created and Sent Along a Very Specific Path Using Specific Frequencies

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0aacd9 No.21682064


This is an abomination, someone please burn that thing to the ground or destroy it somehow.

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b1ca9b No.21682065


anon will keep watch.

(You) have not posted sauce, though.

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3d32f0 No.21682066

File: 4f36facc0caf0d9⋯.jpg (80.49 KB,865x865,1:1,story_vietnamese_prostitut….jpg)


>ded already

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ef97ae No.21682067

File: 3a679b169439608⋯.jpg (220.56 KB,1065x917,1065:917,Corporate_Control_Structur….JPG)

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50bb22 No.21682068

File: db26a34fcae2528⋯.gif (681.23 KB,640x358,320:179,luf2.gif)


>America will never survive until the 'election'

Trust the plan.

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fee2f4 No.21682069

take it easy no narcissistic more they did for The fake Prodigal Son


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30d778 No.21682070

File: 964b52cf6df2329⋯.png (93.18 KB,406x268,203:134,ClipboardImage.png)

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219094 No.21682071

File: 7afdd5e0adec733⋯.gif (299.57 KB,500x345,100:69,IMG_1009.gif)


Where did that chin come from?

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a7ff10 No.21682072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Globohomo Traitor John Kerry 322 Claims > 350ppm CO2 is deadly. Plants struggle and die when CO2 < 600 and CO2 has never been anywhere near 350.


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6d860a No.21682073

File: 0e3a16f42e05d8a⋯.png (103.04 KB,940x1518,470:759,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e294a No.21682074


>who would be on the list for arrest


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d50ee1 No.21682075

>>21682060 me

Start at 7m 5s

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3d32f0 No.21682076


>Tube Time Baby!

maybe some new people will rediscover philo farnsworth's inertial containment fusion reactor

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b1ca9b No.21682077



>America will never survive until the 'election'

oh yeah. Nah. you're full of shit. America will always stand.

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c232fc No.21682079


Let us know when the next pattern occurs so we can stop it.

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680f4c No.21682080



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6e294a No.21682081


>America will always stand.

just like the Georgia Guidestones


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145984 No.21682082

File: c1d3c0ac0f60091⋯.jpeg (54.87 KB,679x330,679:330,EYQcO1LWsAAWxZR.jpeg)

File: 744c8639dc91f51⋯.jpeg (42.18 KB,563x558,563:558,EXl8AXdX0AEMN5P.jpeg)


Thank you, Baker.

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64e6bd No.21682083

File: 0d9cdbd8b31a854⋯.png (730.68 KB,797x540,797:540,ClipboardImage.png)

it's oct 1 in new zealand in 8 hrs.

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ef97ae No.21682084

File: 863397ab29208ad⋯.pdf (130.18 KB,Council_on_Foreign_Relatio….pdf)

Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) overview

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03e63b No.21682085

File: aec8a2b13664117⋯.jpeg (478.82 KB,750x585,50:39,IMG_3195.jpeg)


the FBI can barely handle our memes, what makes anyone think they can re-educate us?

It would have to be death camps if you’re going for the be very afraid tactic.

PS it’s Q & anons. Not QAnon. Try to get that one right next time too for max effect.

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219094 No.21682086

File: 7ac1996d5601bb1⋯.gif (556.94 KB,498x350,249:175,IMG_1010.gif)


Chuck Norris likes this!

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c7b130 No.21682087

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5ae27e No.21682089

File: 432b2208e6ab7fc⋯.webp (28.93 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ixv1k7.webp)


wait, what

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fee2f4 No.21682090


rumble and truth spread hypocrisy conservative of hates

Which is AIPAC agenda is jesus Agenda

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0934c7 No.21682091

File: b19d3257205f184⋯.png (1.43 MB,723x885,241:295,ClipboardImage.png)

when did don jr post this?

got a link

cannot sauce?

low research skillz


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ef97ae No.21682092

File: 73177854c511872⋯.pdf (121.01 KB,Cryptome_s_Guide_To_Forum_….pdf)

Cryptome’s Guide To Forum Spies

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145984 No.21682093

File: be8cdbff946782e⋯.jpg (89.2 KB,335x436,335:436,BushSR.jpg)


His reaction is so immediate, it has to be an image or one-two words at most. What would be horrifying and also give an instant signal as to the state of affairs? Maybe something like this (with actual photo)?

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6d860a No.21682094


oh this can't be real. if this is real, i'll LMFAO!!

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684aee No.21682095


it should say 'you would be on the list for arrest'

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b16ff2 No.21682096


BRICS, look look here Euro, not here BRICS.

Wall street Bolsheviks.

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d17450 No.21682097

File: cdbb9859d98bb8a⋯.png (301.48 KB,2400x316,600:79,The_WALL_FIGHT.png)

File: 547693b7a1880d6⋯.jpg (88.72 KB,620x465,4:3,Wall1009.jpg)

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ef8f16 No.21682098

File: 623a11a813f2cdb⋯.png (1.72 MB,847x883,847:883,Sep_29_All_a_Test.png)

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fee2f4 No.21682099


The dam of three fingers Gog and Magog is near them

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680f4c No.21682100


Their secret code or password to the server or whatever that holds all of their treasonous deeds.

One word password. Would let them know that Trump knows

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0934c7 No.21682101

File: b3f1e80aaf31a28⋯.png (357.1 KB,1157x701,1157:701,ClipboardImage.png)



it real, cant remember what year…

searching for the fuckin post, as i type


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356620 No.21682102


If only someone could have just placed it right next to the stage where Kamala was, aimed a slingshot at his paper mache dick and have it land right on her. That would be poetic justice.

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ec4b6a No.21682103

File: 62b738a4b8f0e7e⋯.jpeg (76.8 KB,500x547,500:547,62b738a4b8f0e7edf1025906c….jpeg)

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99e86d No.21682104

File: 032c715ec6d2f0f⋯.png (505.09 KB,654x615,218:205,032c715ec6d2f0fcd476d21d74….png)

A lot of you will learn that you bear more personal responsibility for your own problems than you had believed. Please be kind to others as their mistakes are laid bare.

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684aee No.21682105

File: 12600942dddd48d⋯.jpg (281.24 KB,1294x834,647:417,bricks_087_details_.jpg)

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80dfb9 No.21682106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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fee2f4 No.21682107


Brics is USA doomed

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680f4c No.21682108


It’s not that.

That takes too long to read.

Besides being stupid

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d17450 No.21682109

File: 2e075a428f21592⋯.png (1.39 MB,1096x1294,548:647,bruce_lee_shining_meme_par….png)

File: 9953c79d867c662⋯.png (4.12 MB,2426x1508,1213:754,bruce_lee_wendy_shining.png)

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145984 No.21682110

File: 1d799bce405cc99⋯.jpg (84.15 KB,600x335,120:67,QResearchBanner4.jpg)

File: 2ec2c72f012c933⋯.jpg (92.43 KB,600x335,120:67,QresearchBanner2.jpg)

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6b23e3 No.21682111

File: 2d15aeb8f617d97⋯.png (126.09 KB,831x832,831:832,2d15aeb8f617d97d66c2f863a2….png)


Yentl not lookin so hot kek.

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5ae27e No.21682112

File: 4434198cfeb14f7⋯.jpg (67.24 KB,980x512,245:128,9189_man_side_view_silhoue….jpg)

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3d32f0 No.21682113

File: 75720372550d7f3⋯.png (139.21 KB,1022x850,511:425,1735.png)

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d17450 No.21682114

File: 6ae7b13acd4a2bf⋯.png (628.93 KB,1272x796,318:199,1009_The_WALL_means_more_t….png)

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000000 No.21682115

Tim Walz Sucks Alex Soro's Dick


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765496 No.21682116



One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.” And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God. It shone with the glory of God, and its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal. It had a great, high wall with twelve gates, and with twelve angels at the gates. On the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. There were three gates on the east, three on the north, three on the south and three on the west. The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

The angel who talked with me had a measuring rod of gold to measure the city, its gates and its walls. The city was laid out like a square, as long as it was wide. He measured the city with the rod and found it to be 12,000 stadia in length, and as wide and high as it is long. The angel measured the wall using human measurement, and it was 144 cubits thick. The wall was made of jasper, and the city of pure gold, as pure as glass. The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, the fifth onyx, the sixth ruby, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth turquoise, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst.The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city was of gold, as pure as transparent glass.

I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp. The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it. On no day will its gates ever be shut, for there will be no night there. The glory and honor of the nations will be brought into it. Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.

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fee2f4 No.21682117


Has failed cryptos will follow it

no more stolen people money

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d48a72 No.21682118


I am pretty sure Trump did this to let us know we have the Gold, so they will fail and be punished. All these problems that are currently happening is coming from Wall street Bolsheviks and their desire to wipe out the white, conservative, Christian, and patriots in this country; including 911 which was an attack on these same people; shortened as the Irish. They want to kill the Red Heifer, Red for Irish, Heifer is a baby female cow or Goy.

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219094 No.21682119

File: f86ad47c96f1b2c⋯.gif (496.1 KB,500x244,125:61,IMG_1012.gif)

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3d32f0 No.21682120


>moishe is worried?

reverse psychology

moishe is begging for mercy

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6e294a No.21682121


>personal responsibility

kindness is giving a heads-up to the ignorantly self-righteous

in the hope that they might have sufficient time to consider their errors in judgement before being thrown in the lions' den

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ef97ae No.21682122

File: b96a20937cc7fd2⋯.pdf (1.11 MB,DARPA.pdf)


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fee2f4 No.21682123

So all manufacture's out USA get warning to return to home in part #1

shut it down suddenly in part #2

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a7ff10 No.21682124

File: 1adb5ee4300d805⋯.png (2.63 MB,1532x1034,766:517,ClipboardImage.png)

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d17450 No.21682125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Do you find it difficult loving those who don't love God and Country? Do you say to yourself, "If I love them, they'll think what they're doing is ok?" Here are a few words on loving people who don't love you…


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df59bc No.21682126


Harris [campaign event]: I'm tryin' to debate Donald Trump again. I think he should debate again. The American people have a right to hear us discuss the issues, and as you say herein Las Vegas, "I'm all in. I'm all in. Even if my opponent is ready to fold."


Harris: My plan is about saying we got to help entrepreneurs, start-ups out, and I will give a fifty thousand dollar tax deduction to help entrepreneurs start their small businesses. Right now that deduction is five thousand dollars. Can't nobody start a small business in 2024.

[she suddenly can't speak English correctly?]


Harris: I will get rid of unnecessary degree requirement for federal jobs, understanding that having a college degree is not the only measure of the skills and experience of a worker…I am challenging the private sector to do the same.

[sounds like a way to more easily hire illegals]


Harris: We must have comprehensive immigration reform, with strong border security, and an earned pathway to citizenship. Including for hard working immigrants who have been here for years, including our dreamers. Including our dreamers.

[pushing for mass-amnesty during the largest illegal alien invasion in history that she caused]

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df59bc No.21682128

notables @ 680

#26550 >>21681412

>>21681798 Upcoming Trump Rallies

>>21681488, >>21681499, >>21681572, >>21681603, >>21681664 Hurricane Helene bun

>>21681495 Bee Tree Dam was checked and given the safe

>>21681577 Mountain Mule Packer Ranch is taking supplies out to Waterville, NC & other areas

>>21681597 Hurricane Helene South East Heavy Hit - Whole Towns Are Gone

>>21681734 Privately owned helicopters delivering supplies in Eastern Tennessee - government aid no where to be found

>>21681610, >>21681621, >>21681630, >>21681820 Spruce Pine is the sole producer of ultra pure Quartz

>>21681909 Lithium Battery Deposit sits under the ground of Asheville, North Carolina

>>21681796 NEXRAD

>>21681752, >>21681742 THE REAL COMMANDER IN CHIEF IS COMING!!!❤️

>>21681875 The Harris-Biden administration’s message to hurricane victims: you’re out of luck

>>21681484 Not a single tweet from Kamala about Hurricane Helene

>>21681594 (2022) VP Harris slammed for saying Hurricane Ian aid will be ‘based on equity’

>>21681821, >>21681673 @StephenM: Biden-Harris transformed FEMA into an illegal alien resettlement agency

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21681443 GOP Senator Tom Cotton: Iran 'clearly' favors Harris over Trump

>>21681451 Texas designates Venezuelan Tren de Aragua as terrorist organization

>>21681456, >>21681525, >>21681565 US East and Gulf Coast Ports Face Imminent Shutdown as Union Announces Intent to Strike

>>21681464 Primanti Bros CEO's wife supports child gender mutilation and works for the Uni of Pittsburgh as a child psychologist

>>21681469, >>21681538 Congress trying to implement a 28th amendment

>>21681505, >>21681544 A massive fire is heading towards homes in Seven Oaks California

>>21681512 President Trump’s Liberty University Commencement Speech

>>21681539, >>21682126 Kamala Harris Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, Nevada

>>21681540 The January 6 narrative crumbles

>>21681549 Flip-flop photo op: Harris visits border in desperate effort to sway voters

>>21681562 Election contributions by company employee donations in 2024

>>21681600 Zelenskyy reveals accomplishment from US visit

>>21681614 John Ratcliffe and Maria: This shows ‘how far’ Dems are willing to go to stop Donald Trump, expert warns

>>21681645 NSA: Did you figure out the #NoSuchPuzzle?

>>21681773 PF: Over the last several days Fat Albert has made short flights around Miramar

>>21681780, >>21681795 Georgia BioLab explosion dig

>>21681790 Who’s funding pro-euthanasia propaganda?

>>21681794 Lebowitz Calls For Biden-Harris To "Dissolve The Supreme Court": Turley

>>21681510, >>21681534, >>21681576, >>21681806, >>21681851, >>21681888, >>21681917, >>21681939, >>21681980, >>21681997, >>21682021, >>21682045, >>21682084, >>21682092, >>21682122 PDF drop

>>21681651, >>21681839, >>21681860 Memes


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a7ff10 No.21682129

File: 956db2c964fc4b2⋯.png (609.5 KB,640x390,64:39,ClipboardImage.png)

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765496 No.21682130


I don't find it difficult at all. Like Jesus said, if you love only those who love you what credit is it to you?

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39ee06 No.21682131

File: 25dd648cf77f998⋯.png (1.13 MB,1200x1136,75:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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684aee No.21682132


the misplaced moral message shill gives advice.

look at your own self and reform yourself.

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a7ff10 No.21682133

File: 61fa39e709417e9⋯.png (148.63 KB,360x180,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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4253b5 No.21682134


I remember that time.

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0934c7 No.21682135

File: 4f1946c6641bbca⋯.png (178.83 KB,429x958,429:958,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8129ff6db43e97a⋯.png (326.16 KB,711x1010,711:1010,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald Trump Jr./ @DonaldJTrumpJr 05/18/2022 08:37:14

ID: Twitter for iPhone

Twitter: 1526904743678857216

Michele Perez Exner / @michelepexner 05/17/2022 15:38:14

ID:Twitter for iPhone

Twitter: 1526648305761112065

Image Name: FS–it1XoAErsji.jpg

Filename: FS–it1XoAErsji.jpg

Love the Press Secretary’s dress. I too own this Ivanka Trump dress and I’m even wearing it in my profile pic 😂

Flagging for you @IvankaTrump

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d0e539 No.21682136


I received a piece of a sensitive Intel briefing from an LE fren but it's not letting me post the screenshot with Tor. I found some supporting public sauce though (see below).

Anyway, law enforcement believes that one of Tren de Aragua's major identifying tattoos is the pocket watch, supposedly because of their beginnings as a railroad labor union. The briefing specifically indicates the ring at the top of the watch and sometimes the tats also have the pocket chain depicted. In the NY Post sauce below, they mention "clocks" but the clock tattoo they show has the pocket watch chain ring.

You know who also ran around with a pocket watch? The white rabbit…

Sauce: https://nypost.com/2024/02/14/us-news/national-guard-urged-to-check-migrants-arriving-in-nyc-for-tren-de-aragua-tattoos-as-gangs-numbers-grow-stateside/

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50bb22 No.21682137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a7ff10 No.21682138

File: fa38ef93fe25234⋯.png (612.83 KB,640x390,64:39,ClipboardImage.png)


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3d32f0 No.21682139



it's TOTALLY USELESS at that resolution

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fee2f4 No.21682140


Take Jesus example do the right thing even if they hate you

it doesn't matter

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684aee No.21682141


70 years ago everyone used to have pocket watches.

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000000 No.21682142

search: Black Gay Satan Club

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0934c7 No.21682143

File: 2b851c68027244c⋯.png (207.81 KB,444x586,222:293,ClipboardImage.png)


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d50ee1 No.21682144


And you're not sauce either, douche nozzle.

Eat a dick.

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3d32f0 No.21682145

File: 4833fe85b6f7ea8⋯.jpg (76.2 KB,516x689,516:689,Bruce_Lee_1973.jpg)

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8b0408 No.21682146


September 30, 2024

1:00 PM EDT

President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks to the Press in Valdosta, Georgia

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will visit Valdosta, Georgia to receive a briefing on the devastation of Hurricane Helene, facilitate the distribution of relief supplies, and deliver remarks to the press on Monday, September 30, 2024, at 2:00PM EDT.



1:00 PM EDT

LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks to the Press in Valdosta, GA - 9/30/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network


September 30, 2024

1:00 PM EDT

Corey Lewandowski and Kevin Rinke, 2022 GOP Primary Candidate for Governor of Michigan Team Trump Bus Tour in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan

Team Trump Bus Tour in Michigan


September 30, 2024

3:30 PM EDT

Donald Trump Jr. and Corey Lewandowski Team Trump Bus Tour in New Hudson, Michigan

Team Trump Bus Tour in Michigan


September 30, 2024

6:00 PM EDT

Team Trump to Host a Town Hall featuring Donald Trump Jr. and Corey Lewandowski in Plymouth, Michigan

Team Trump Bus Tour in Michigan



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765496 No.21682147

File: f8d2d95b84c97e6⋯.jpg (85.82 KB,850x478,425:239,f8d2d95b84c97e61d0e2549962….jpg)


>LE fren

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219094 No.21682148

File: ac9d5c67938d6bd⋯.png (289.99 KB,433x368,433:368,3C273C81_0A2C_4112_AADF_D3….png)

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765496 No.21682149

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0934c7 No.21682150

File: 8ab75fc542bae44⋯.png (247.43 KB,431x630,431:630,ClipboardImage.png)

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99e86d No.21682151


Nothing will ever be good enough for you if you're always looking for reasons that others didn't do enough.

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3d32f0 No.21682152


>wait, what

amazing that there are so many illiterate people in the "information age"

do your own due diligence, soldier


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df59bc No.21682153

>>21681510 23-02451_History of Special Project Branch SIS ETOUSA, aka the BEECHNUT Report or Rowlett Report written by Col. Frank B Rowlett

>>21681534 119639_Skull & Bones

>>21681576 Arup C40 The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1 5C World

>>21681806 B’nai B'rith

>>21681851 At Putin's side

>>21681888 BIG PHARMA


>>21681939 CIA

>>21681980, >>21681997 Communist China

>>21682021 Connecting the dots on the global elite…not a conspiracy theory

>>21682045 contrato-pfizer

>>21682084 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) overview

>>21682092 Cryptome’s Guide To Forum Spies

>>21682122 DARPA

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6e294a No.21682154

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>LE fren

Trump wants IMMUNITY for LE

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d0e539 No.21682155


True. But none of these guys appear to be 70+ years old.

LE thinks it's because train conductors had pocket watches but I feel like there may be something to the Alice in Wonderland angle

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ef97ae No.21682156



I'll dump some more next bread

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99e86d No.21682157



There's a reason that I've continually insisted upon talking face to face over these past 7 years, and yet I've been denied completely by everyone who had the opportunity to respond.

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219094 No.21682158

File: 1b1c1c51f428a60⋯.jpeg (46.05 KB,700x560,5:4,IMG_1018.jpeg)

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765496 No.21682159


You mean a denial of equal protection under the law and therefore unconstitutional? Yeah, our government has done many unconstitutional things like that. Would be something if a clean court changed some stuff.

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1429c8 No.21682160


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5ae27e No.21682161

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




ima bit lost

i thought wez waz doing some old reference call backs. my bad, maybe?

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3d32f0 No.21682162


>if you love only those who love you what credit is it to you?

i'm still better that the person who fucks over the people that love them

lotta them runnin' loose, pally

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df59bc No.21682163


Post some health related ones too. Need the hydrogen peroxide and chlorine dioxide PDFs if you got em.

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df59bc No.21682164

notables FINAL

#26550 >>21681412

>>21681798 Upcoming Trump Rallies

>>21681488, >>21681499, >>21681572, >>21681603, >>21681664 Hurricane Helene bun

>>21681495 Bee Tree Dam was checked and given the safe

>>21681577 Mountain Mule Packer Ranch is taking supplies out to Waterville, NC & other areas

>>21681597 Hurricane Helene South East Heavy Hit - Whole Towns Are Gone

>>21681734 Privately owned helicopters delivering supplies in Eastern Tennessee - government aid no where to be found

>>21681610, >>21681621, >>21681630, >>21681820 Spruce Pine is the sole producer of ultra pure Quartz

>>21681909 Lithium Battery Deposit sits under the ground of Asheville, North Carolina

>>21681796 NEXRAD

>>21681752, >>21681742 THE REAL COMMANDER IN CHIEF IS COMING!!!❤️

>>21681875 The Harris-Biden administration’s message to hurricane victims: you’re out of luck

>>21681484 Not a single tweet from Kamala about Hurricane Helene

>>21681594 (2022) VP Harris slammed for saying Hurricane Ian aid will be ‘based on equity’

>>21681821, >>21681673 @StephenM: Biden-Harris transformed FEMA into an illegal alien resettlement agency

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21681443 GOP Senator Tom Cotton: Iran 'clearly' favors Harris over Trump

>>21681451 Texas designates Venezuelan Tren de Aragua as terrorist organization

>>21681456, >>21681525, >>21681565 US East and Gulf Coast Ports Face Imminent Shutdown as Union Announces Intent to Strike

>>21681464 Primanti Bros CEO's wife supports child gender mutilation and works for the Uni of Pittsburgh as a child psychologist

>>21681469, >>21681538 Congress trying to implement a 28th amendment

>>21681505, >>21681544 A massive fire is heading towards homes in Seven Oaks California

>>21681512 President Trump’s Liberty University Commencement Speech

>>21681539, >>21682126 Kamala Harris Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, Nevada

>>21681540 The January 6 narrative crumbles

>>21681549 Flip-flop photo op: Harris visits border in desperate effort to sway voters

>>21681562 Election contributions by company employee donations in 2024

>>21681600 Zelenskyy reveals accomplishment from US visit

>>21681614 John Ratcliffe and Maria: This shows ‘how far’ Dems are willing to go to stop Donald Trump, expert warns

>>21681645 NSA: Did you figure out the #NoSuchPuzzle?

>>21681773 PF: Over the last several days Fat Albert has made short flights around Miramar

>>21681780, >>21681795 Georgia BioLab explosion dig

>>21681790 Who’s funding pro-euthanasia propaganda?

>>21681794 Lebowitz Calls For Biden-Harris To "Dissolve The Supreme Court": Turley

>>21682146 Tomorrow's events

>>21682136 Tren de Aragua tattoos

>>21682153 PDF drop

>>21681651, >>21681839, >>21681860 Memes


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3d32f0 No.21682165


>my bad, maybe?


what is it you expect from me?

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a7ff10 No.21682166


Maybe stop training them in Israel and stop hiring masons.

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684aee No.21682168


seems thin to none, anon.

you're just sliding nonsense.

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6b23e3 No.21682170


What will be the real motivation to move back if POTUS/MAGA is seen as a potential lame duck again? I don't buy these assholes will be bought off with tax breaks. There's a qualitative side to their quantitative. They love the desperate compliant misfits overseas. Can't overwork/underpay Americans like that without catching flak. Plus they want us too busy consooming so we aren't complaining.

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0934c7 No.21682172

File: bf3dffdcb26b8b9⋯.png (348.82 KB,1213x1485,1213:1485,ClipboardImage.png)


when did don jr post this?

got a link

cannot sauce?

low research skillz


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765496 No.21682175


Better than? I don't view myself as better than anyone. I view people as sick, not beneath me.

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39ee06 No.21682178

File: 7063f51f0a36b8d⋯.png (879.55 KB,1000x729,1000:729,ClipboardImage.png)

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df59bc No.21682179

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99e86d No.21682180


You may have been lied too about the true nature of this world.

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25cac5 No.21682181

File: 9de56ec4313e795⋯.png (338.07 KB,1080x1101,360:367,Screenshot_20240930_064748.png)

Take the advice from Kunrunner

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3d32f0 No.21682182


>Trump wants IMMUNITY for LE


trump want the LE vote

he not stoopit

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5ae27e No.21682183


i wasn't asking anything of ya

was just having a jest with one of my favorite sciency guys, "Philo".

I have no worries about the quartz mine.

if it's that critical, the roadway in or out is meaningless.

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0c5b00 No.21682184

File: 331cf810d3c45e5⋯.png (77.41 KB,336x269,336:269,331cf810d3c45e5d062812d181….png)


The fuck did I do?

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d0e539 No.21682185


Kabala specifically let's in a gang that starts taking over places and she's part of a group that is obsessed with Wonderland pedo shit. A main character carries a pocket watch bitching about being late all the time and these guys use a pocket watch as an identifier.

Maybe thin but not nothing.

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8784bd No.21682187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6d860a No.21682189

File: 0b80703e61d39ab⋯.png (855.57 KB,332x360,83:90,ClipboardImage.png)

just got a facebook message from kamala begging for donations. told her to fuck off.

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145984 No.21682190

File: 74ef754ef283d41⋯.png (106.5 KB,525x356,525:356,74ef754ef283d41732592ec0f1….png)

File: d13430fd16dcaed⋯.jpeg (31.1 KB,679x304,679:304,EawDxdVUEAEj432.jpeg)

File: ef0319deb0c706f⋯.png (33.41 KB,600x700,6:7,ef0319deb0c706f178727fc45a….png)

File: 1060582f6c0dc5a⋯.jpeg (216.43 KB,967x1063,967:1063,IMG_5381.jpeg)

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a7ff10 No.21682193

File: 228e7024774bda8⋯.png (6.69 MB,2950x3300,59:66,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73ad8a11521cb64⋯.png (489.61 KB,600x700,6:7,ClipboardImage.png)

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8da619 No.21682194


>Court Rules Against Arizona Grandmother Who Was Arrested for Feeding Homeless

The ONE THING for certain that all Americans have a right to do, is to do right by one another, take care of one another, and be good to one another.

We should NEVER let any government pretend to have the privilege of "banning kindness" or acts of selflessness of any kind.

That is right.

In America, GOD dishes out the rights to humans. HUMANS then create governments, and decide which "governing privileges" the actors that fill empty government chairs might have, so long as they do not ABUSE those privileges.


Loving your neighbor was Christs summary of the ten commandments. In addition, it is most absolutely a fundamental right and it's way bigger than a religious classification of rights.

It's not just covered under the First Amendment Religious right to feed and clothe the poor (A command direct from God and Christ himself).

Even if I am not particularly religious:

If I want to get in my boat and risk my life to fetch my neighbor from his home in a raging flood, it is my AMERICAN RIGHT to do so.

Yes, I would be risking my life in doing so.


It is mine to risk.

Americans are doing just such things for one another right now, in North Carolina and Tennessee, for free, out of the goodness of their own hearts you can be SURE OF IT.

I can fly helicopters into dangerous territory if I want to for the sake of others.

I can jump out of airplanes.

WHO made the government "Daddy?"

Don't give me this crap about "food dangers" and licenses. Its not a commercial enterprise.

Doing right by others, taking care of your fellow Americans, is a primary right given by the God of our Constitution.

It is an American GOD GIVEN right.

And the Government can not have it.

I think every church group should smack at this court by having "feed the poor" Sundays. Just bring potluck, dish it out, and pass it out in every public park until the government cries uncle.

While were at it, let them prosecute.

It would be one GREAT way to find all the dirty communist, Satan worshipping evil corrupt scum currently infesting the courtrooms they are not worthy of.

Satan HATES acts of kindness.

What a great way to flush em out.

Piss them off.

Make them prosecute.

Feed the poor.

Apparently nothing irks these Satanists more than acts of kindness.

When they prosecute?

Take names.

Make them public.

KNOW who your not electing for judge, sheriff, etc, next round.

If the judge is appointed, start investigating them. If they can make this kind of evil ruling, imagine what your investigation would turn up?

Somebody go track this court down and find out what kind of Judges think they're running the Constitution out of town.

Get these woefully inadequate pieces of brain dead heartless, soulless monsters out of our courtrooms. If they don't have the basics about being an American at their age, they are not Americans.

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97a4cb No.21682195

File: 1b297df14bf9694⋯.webm (531.38 KB,426x238,213:119,Throatpunch.webm)

File: 5f3faa5e8c5c34c⋯.gif (11.55 MB,480x480,1:1,5f3faa5e8c5c34cd5c42244511….gif)


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99460b No.21682200

File: 0fdb40b9c7f9a5d⋯.jpg (196.86 KB,1280x720,16:9,0fdb40b9c7f9a5dba2a974acdf….jpg)

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8784bd No.21682202

File: 41d49b55b5a6899⋯.png (245.01 KB,640x508,160:127,IMG_2654.png)

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765496 No.21682203


ANYONE that tells me I can't feed someone can go fuck themselves, judges included.

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a7ff10 No.21682205


Colored people is code for invaders.

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5ae27e No.21682209


it is rather amazing just how deep into sociopathic The System has traveled

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8da619 No.21682210



You just made my night.

I'll be able to sleep now.

Thank you.


Who are these people in our courtrooms these days ?

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8784bd No.21682212

File: a1d88d673dc5271⋯.png (93.3 KB,474x368,237:184,IMG_2599.png)

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8da619 No.21682213



We really have to find out what we can do that is good, that is completely legal, to irk the crap out of them with kind acts, and flush them out.

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000000 No.21682215


people who need to meet fija.org

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28b63a No.21682218

File: ca0d123b468bdfc⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB,640x800,4:5,comfy_frog.mp4)

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8784bd No.21682219

File: 23ee9807e52eda8⋯.png (3.96 MB,2500x2236,625:559,IMG_2282.png)

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d17450 No.21682223

File: 1860a30908bd648⋯.png (1.11 MB,1208x1156,302:289,Michael_Cohen_I_will_leave….png)

File: 643fb38e4b4dead⋯.png (2.71 MB,1406x1534,703:767,Taylor_Swift_and_Nancy_Pel….png)

File: 20ba7a6dec05b53⋯.png (60.96 KB,1210x334,605:167,I_HATE_TAYLOR_SWIFT_.png)

File: 0efba8743693b15⋯.png (1.39 MB,1396x1580,349:395,Taylor_Swift_QAnon_clues_s….png)

File: bdcdd3be3e341eb⋯.png (1.23 MB,1304x1470,652:735,swift_article_on_Q_2020.png)

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b61a80 No.21682229

File: 1f4662224ddf504⋯.png (243.07 KB,462x400,231:200,ClipboardImage.png)

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