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3b8372 No.21681399 [View All]

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219094 No.21682148

File: ac9d5c67938d6bd⋯.png (289.99 KB,433x368,433:368,3C273C81_0A2C_4112_AADF_D3….png)

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765496 No.21682149

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0934c7 No.21682150

File: 8ab75fc542bae44⋯.png (247.43 KB,431x630,431:630,ClipboardImage.png)

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99e86d No.21682151


Nothing will ever be good enough for you if you're always looking for reasons that others didn't do enough.

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3d32f0 No.21682152


>wait, what

amazing that there are so many illiterate people in the "information age"

do your own due diligence, soldier


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df59bc No.21682153

>>21681510 23-02451_History of Special Project Branch SIS ETOUSA, aka the BEECHNUT Report or Rowlett Report written by Col. Frank B Rowlett

>>21681534 119639_Skull & Bones

>>21681576 Arup C40 The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1 5C World

>>21681806 B’nai B'rith

>>21681851 At Putin's side

>>21681888 BIG PHARMA


>>21681939 CIA

>>21681980, >>21681997 Communist China

>>21682021 Connecting the dots on the global elite…not a conspiracy theory

>>21682045 contrato-pfizer

>>21682084 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) overview

>>21682092 Cryptome’s Guide To Forum Spies

>>21682122 DARPA

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6e294a No.21682154

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>LE fren

Trump wants IMMUNITY for LE

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d0e539 No.21682155


True. But none of these guys appear to be 70+ years old.

LE thinks it's because train conductors had pocket watches but I feel like there may be something to the Alice in Wonderland angle

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ef97ae No.21682156



I'll dump some more next bread

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99e86d No.21682157



There's a reason that I've continually insisted upon talking face to face over these past 7 years, and yet I've been denied completely by everyone who had the opportunity to respond.

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219094 No.21682158

File: 1b1c1c51f428a60⋯.jpeg (46.05 KB,700x560,5:4,IMG_1018.jpeg)

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765496 No.21682159


You mean a denial of equal protection under the law and therefore unconstitutional? Yeah, our government has done many unconstitutional things like that. Would be something if a clean court changed some stuff.

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1429c8 No.21682160


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5ae27e No.21682161

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




ima bit lost

i thought wez waz doing some old reference call backs. my bad, maybe?

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3d32f0 No.21682162


>if you love only those who love you what credit is it to you?

i'm still better that the person who fucks over the people that love them

lotta them runnin' loose, pally

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df59bc No.21682163


Post some health related ones too. Need the hydrogen peroxide and chlorine dioxide PDFs if you got em.

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df59bc No.21682164

notables FINAL

#26550 >>21681412

>>21681798 Upcoming Trump Rallies

>>21681488, >>21681499, >>21681572, >>21681603, >>21681664 Hurricane Helene bun

>>21681495 Bee Tree Dam was checked and given the safe

>>21681577 Mountain Mule Packer Ranch is taking supplies out to Waterville, NC & other areas

>>21681597 Hurricane Helene South East Heavy Hit - Whole Towns Are Gone

>>21681734 Privately owned helicopters delivering supplies in Eastern Tennessee - government aid no where to be found

>>21681610, >>21681621, >>21681630, >>21681820 Spruce Pine is the sole producer of ultra pure Quartz

>>21681909 Lithium Battery Deposit sits under the ground of Asheville, North Carolina

>>21681796 NEXRAD

>>21681752, >>21681742 THE REAL COMMANDER IN CHIEF IS COMING!!!❤️

>>21681875 The Harris-Biden administration’s message to hurricane victims: you’re out of luck

>>21681484 Not a single tweet from Kamala about Hurricane Helene

>>21681594 (2022) VP Harris slammed for saying Hurricane Ian aid will be ‘based on equity’

>>21681821, >>21681673 @StephenM: Biden-Harris transformed FEMA into an illegal alien resettlement agency

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21681443 GOP Senator Tom Cotton: Iran 'clearly' favors Harris over Trump

>>21681451 Texas designates Venezuelan Tren de Aragua as terrorist organization

>>21681456, >>21681525, >>21681565 US East and Gulf Coast Ports Face Imminent Shutdown as Union Announces Intent to Strike

>>21681464 Primanti Bros CEO's wife supports child gender mutilation and works for the Uni of Pittsburgh as a child psychologist

>>21681469, >>21681538 Congress trying to implement a 28th amendment

>>21681505, >>21681544 A massive fire is heading towards homes in Seven Oaks California

>>21681512 President Trump’s Liberty University Commencement Speech

>>21681539, >>21682126 Kamala Harris Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, Nevada

>>21681540 The January 6 narrative crumbles

>>21681549 Flip-flop photo op: Harris visits border in desperate effort to sway voters

>>21681562 Election contributions by company employee donations in 2024

>>21681600 Zelenskyy reveals accomplishment from US visit

>>21681614 John Ratcliffe and Maria: This shows ‘how far’ Dems are willing to go to stop Donald Trump, expert warns

>>21681645 NSA: Did you figure out the #NoSuchPuzzle?

>>21681773 PF: Over the last several days Fat Albert has made short flights around Miramar

>>21681780, >>21681795 Georgia BioLab explosion dig

>>21681790 Who’s funding pro-euthanasia propaganda?

>>21681794 Lebowitz Calls For Biden-Harris To "Dissolve The Supreme Court": Turley

>>21682146 Tomorrow's events

>>21682136 Tren de Aragua tattoos

>>21682153 PDF drop

>>21681651, >>21681839, >>21681860 Memes


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3d32f0 No.21682165


>my bad, maybe?


what is it you expect from me?

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a7ff10 No.21682166


Maybe stop training them in Israel and stop hiring masons.

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684aee No.21682168


seems thin to none, anon.

you're just sliding nonsense.

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6b23e3 No.21682170


What will be the real motivation to move back if POTUS/MAGA is seen as a potential lame duck again? I don't buy these assholes will be bought off with tax breaks. There's a qualitative side to their quantitative. They love the desperate compliant misfits overseas. Can't overwork/underpay Americans like that without catching flak. Plus they want us too busy consooming so we aren't complaining.

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0934c7 No.21682172

File: bf3dffdcb26b8b9⋯.png (348.82 KB,1213x1485,1213:1485,ClipboardImage.png)


when did don jr post this?

got a link

cannot sauce?

low research skillz


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765496 No.21682175


Better than? I don't view myself as better than anyone. I view people as sick, not beneath me.

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39ee06 No.21682178

File: 7063f51f0a36b8d⋯.png (879.55 KB,1000x729,1000:729,ClipboardImage.png)

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df59bc No.21682179

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99e86d No.21682180


You may have been lied too about the true nature of this world.

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25cac5 No.21682181

File: 9de56ec4313e795⋯.png (338.07 KB,1080x1101,360:367,Screenshot_20240930_064748.png)

Take the advice from Kunrunner

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3d32f0 No.21682182


>Trump wants IMMUNITY for LE


trump want the LE vote

he not stoopit

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5ae27e No.21682183


i wasn't asking anything of ya

was just having a jest with one of my favorite sciency guys, "Philo".

I have no worries about the quartz mine.

if it's that critical, the roadway in or out is meaningless.

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0c5b00 No.21682184

File: 331cf810d3c45e5⋯.png (77.41 KB,336x269,336:269,331cf810d3c45e5d062812d181….png)


The fuck did I do?

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d0e539 No.21682185


Kabala specifically let's in a gang that starts taking over places and she's part of a group that is obsessed with Wonderland pedo shit. A main character carries a pocket watch bitching about being late all the time and these guys use a pocket watch as an identifier.

Maybe thin but not nothing.

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8784bd No.21682187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6d860a No.21682189

File: 0b80703e61d39ab⋯.png (855.57 KB,332x360,83:90,ClipboardImage.png)

just got a facebook message from kamala begging for donations. told her to fuck off.

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145984 No.21682190

File: 74ef754ef283d41⋯.png (106.5 KB,525x356,525:356,74ef754ef283d41732592ec0f1….png)

File: d13430fd16dcaed⋯.jpeg (31.1 KB,679x304,679:304,EawDxdVUEAEj432.jpeg)

File: ef0319deb0c706f⋯.png (33.41 KB,600x700,6:7,ef0319deb0c706f178727fc45a….png)

File: 1060582f6c0dc5a⋯.jpeg (216.43 KB,967x1063,967:1063,IMG_5381.jpeg)

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a7ff10 No.21682193

File: 228e7024774bda8⋯.png (6.69 MB,2950x3300,59:66,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73ad8a11521cb64⋯.png (489.61 KB,600x700,6:7,ClipboardImage.png)

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8da619 No.21682194


>Court Rules Against Arizona Grandmother Who Was Arrested for Feeding Homeless

The ONE THING for certain that all Americans have a right to do, is to do right by one another, take care of one another, and be good to one another.

We should NEVER let any government pretend to have the privilege of "banning kindness" or acts of selflessness of any kind.

That is right.

In America, GOD dishes out the rights to humans. HUMANS then create governments, and decide which "governing privileges" the actors that fill empty government chairs might have, so long as they do not ABUSE those privileges.


Loving your neighbor was Christs summary of the ten commandments. In addition, it is most absolutely a fundamental right and it's way bigger than a religious classification of rights.

It's not just covered under the First Amendment Religious right to feed and clothe the poor (A command direct from God and Christ himself).

Even if I am not particularly religious:

If I want to get in my boat and risk my life to fetch my neighbor from his home in a raging flood, it is my AMERICAN RIGHT to do so.

Yes, I would be risking my life in doing so.


It is mine to risk.

Americans are doing just such things for one another right now, in North Carolina and Tennessee, for free, out of the goodness of their own hearts you can be SURE OF IT.

I can fly helicopters into dangerous territory if I want to for the sake of others.

I can jump out of airplanes.

WHO made the government "Daddy?"

Don't give me this crap about "food dangers" and licenses. Its not a commercial enterprise.

Doing right by others, taking care of your fellow Americans, is a primary right given by the God of our Constitution.

It is an American GOD GIVEN right.

And the Government can not have it.

I think every church group should smack at this court by having "feed the poor" Sundays. Just bring potluck, dish it out, and pass it out in every public park until the government cries uncle.

While were at it, let them prosecute.

It would be one GREAT way to find all the dirty communist, Satan worshipping evil corrupt scum currently infesting the courtrooms they are not worthy of.

Satan HATES acts of kindness.

What a great way to flush em out.

Piss them off.

Make them prosecute.

Feed the poor.

Apparently nothing irks these Satanists more than acts of kindness.

When they prosecute?

Take names.

Make them public.

KNOW who your not electing for judge, sheriff, etc, next round.

If the judge is appointed, start investigating them. If they can make this kind of evil ruling, imagine what your investigation would turn up?

Somebody go track this court down and find out what kind of Judges think they're running the Constitution out of town.

Get these woefully inadequate pieces of brain dead heartless, soulless monsters out of our courtrooms. If they don't have the basics about being an American at their age, they are not Americans.

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97a4cb No.21682195

File: 1b297df14bf9694⋯.webm (531.38 KB,426x238,213:119,Throatpunch.webm)

File: 5f3faa5e8c5c34c⋯.gif (11.55 MB,480x480,1:1,5f3faa5e8c5c34cd5c42244511….gif)


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99460b No.21682200

File: 0fdb40b9c7f9a5d⋯.jpg (196.86 KB,1280x720,16:9,0fdb40b9c7f9a5dba2a974acdf….jpg)

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8784bd No.21682202

File: 41d49b55b5a6899⋯.png (245.01 KB,640x508,160:127,IMG_2654.png)

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765496 No.21682203


ANYONE that tells me I can't feed someone can go fuck themselves, judges included.

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a7ff10 No.21682205


Colored people is code for invaders.

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5ae27e No.21682209


it is rather amazing just how deep into sociopathic The System has traveled

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8da619 No.21682210



You just made my night.

I'll be able to sleep now.

Thank you.


Who are these people in our courtrooms these days ?

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8784bd No.21682212

File: a1d88d673dc5271⋯.png (93.3 KB,474x368,237:184,IMG_2599.png)

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8da619 No.21682213



We really have to find out what we can do that is good, that is completely legal, to irk the crap out of them with kind acts, and flush them out.

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000000 No.21682215


people who need to meet fija.org

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28b63a No.21682218

File: ca0d123b468bdfc⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB,640x800,4:5,comfy_frog.mp4)

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8784bd No.21682219

File: 23ee9807e52eda8⋯.png (3.96 MB,2500x2236,625:559,IMG_2282.png)

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d17450 No.21682223

File: 1860a30908bd648⋯.png (1.11 MB,1208x1156,302:289,Michael_Cohen_I_will_leave….png)

File: 643fb38e4b4dead⋯.png (2.71 MB,1406x1534,703:767,Taylor_Swift_and_Nancy_Pel….png)

File: 20ba7a6dec05b53⋯.png (60.96 KB,1210x334,605:167,I_HATE_TAYLOR_SWIFT_.png)

File: 0efba8743693b15⋯.png (1.39 MB,1396x1580,349:395,Taylor_Swift_QAnon_clues_s….png)

File: bdcdd3be3e341eb⋯.png (1.23 MB,1304x1470,652:735,swift_article_on_Q_2020.png)

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b61a80 No.21682229

File: 1f4662224ddf504⋯.png (243.07 KB,462x400,231:200,ClipboardImage.png)

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