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File: e7e47c634f44489⋯.png (553.73 KB,1073x570,1073:570,UQntitled.png)

19989a No.21573386 [View All]

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675 posts and 587 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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c697da No.21574129

File: 4b1c7e3c3e64d61⋯.png (376.46 KB,480x540,8:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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faf2c6 No.21574130


Q post # 3900

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9d27ce No.21574131

File: 4f33c3598c69bb6⋯.png (78.92 KB,1067x656,1067:656,ClipboardImage.png)

ABC fact checking Trump in debate re; Late Term Abortion. Well they lied.


RED = UNRESTRICTED by gestation term.

States that allow for late-term abortions with no state-imposed thresholds are Alaska, Colorado, District of Columbia, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, and Vermont.

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8bdf7b No.21574132

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36e2a8 No.21574133

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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29067c No.21574134

File: 3a4984126a5e743⋯.jpg (75.38 KB,1028x785,1028:785,Sleep_Time_Pepe_2.jpg)


>I was curious as to how kek came about.

KEK is a great releaf from LOL.

Anon was tired. So tired.

Plus from some 80's game I think.

Guta nacht LOL.

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0aba87 No.21574135

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm thorry. I'll comeback.

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782390 No.21574136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

such fun

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1ddd2f No.21574137





I dont get paid.

I love Arby's tho.

The horsey sauce?

Ahhhhhh what a meme.

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131396 No.21574138

File: ab6f4fd79965b2e⋯.png (520.38 KB,1058x730,529:365,Laura_Loomer_Tweeting_Geno….png)



It's disgusting

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8f74d0 No.21574139


>>21573790 (You), >>21573972 (You) Qproof related to Jim's re-opening of 8kun /pol?

…in a way. Not the way you think.

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d28cfd No.21574140

File: a95e36d9e56e197⋯.jpg (66.34 KB,887x500,887:500,4fx5ff.jpg)

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10ac22 No.21574141

was it a blood libel?

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131396 No.21574144

File: 4916a63e62d72b6⋯.jpg (161.98 KB,800x612,200:153,Apu_Sleeping_Balls_Out_Nut….jpg)

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c40e94 No.21574146

File: c10414ccfc8928f⋯.jpeg (165.12 KB,1024x1024,1:1,IMG_2412.jpeg)


I shill for shekels

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bcc765 No.21574147

File: 678783350f0088d⋯.png (63.6 KB,250x217,250:217,IMG_2696.png)

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10ac22 No.21574149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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10ac22 No.21574153

File: 2749a649f8fc14f⋯.png (744.36 KB,976x532,244:133,www2.png)

so Germany was poor from WW1 and got angry so they became rich and attacked everyone

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29067c No.21574155

File: a9234a7c976d2c0⋯.jpg (86.68 KB,1008x567,16:9,Cat_High_Five.jpg)


>MTG is 2 faced.

If you no have the Hatian cat fight vid, no wanna see it. raaarrrrr

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faf2c6 No.21574157

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ffd948 No.21574159


Q+ is a rooster.

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10ac22 No.21574160


then Japan bombed Hawaii for no reason

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e98954 No.21574161

Mil tweets & decodes:

>>21573450 @NavalInstitute: Lethality has become such a focus of conversation in recent years that it has reached buzzword status

>>21573471 @EightArmyKorea: Combat Training Competition

>>21573489 @SurfaceWarriors: CNSP 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony

>>21573512, >>21574026 @DeptofDefense: September 11th, 2001 forever changed the course of American history

>>21573520 @DeptofDefense: #PatriotDay

>>21573548 @CENTCOM: Sept 11 U.S. Central Command Update

>>21573581 Scavino: DJT to hold a MAGA Rally in Uniondale, New York at the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum on Sept 18th

>>21573614 @AustralianArmy: Corporal Courage wants to know R U OK?

>>21573649 @USNavy: #USNavyPhotosoftheDay

>>21573749, >>21573792 @SurfaceWarriors: Navy Announces Commissioning Date for the Future USS Nantucket (LCS 27)

>>21573772 @NavalInstitute: #OTD in 1947

>>21574019 @USMC: "No Day Shall Erase You From the Memory of Time" - Virgil

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ccef4a No.21574162

File: 24a55ab3438341b⋯.jpg (31.81 KB,474x266,237:133,24a55ab3438341bb80227783ec….jpg)

File: d694e8b62bf3d24⋯.jpg (23.21 KB,474x363,158:121,th_427123178.jpg)


Survival of the fittest and sexual selection. Is there a difference?

How bout importing armies of rape/murder gangs?

Clintonista Rape Culture Xchange

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e98954 No.21574165

notables 710

#26427 >>21573393

>>21573413 President Trump visited the Flight 93 memorial in Shanksville, PA

>>21573418 The day after Kamala loses the debate…

>>21573423, >>21574000 Wildfires 2020 vs. 2024

>>21573427 Reality is a helluva drug

>>21573538 Multiple people she knows have had experiences with Haitian Immigrants saying they are going to curse them with voodoo

>>21573661 American describes the Voodoo cultural practices of Haitians

>>21573780 According to the U.S. State Department, approximately 50 to 80% of the Haitian population practices Voodoo

>>21573850, >>21573866 Inside Haiti's Voodoo Ceremonies

>>21573904 Poor man's adrenochrome

>>21573947 Ohio is sending troopers and $2.5 million to a city that has seen an influx of Haitian migrants

>>21573465 Debunking Kamala's Biggest Lies That the ABC News Moderators Let Slide

>>21573474 Half literate lying J6 celebrity cop mocks attempted assassination of Donald Trump

>>21573497, >>21573415, >>21574070 Megyn Kelly obliterates the moderators at ABC News

>>21573524 Top aide to embattled NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban linked to Chinese Communist Party

>>21573593 Republicans against Trump twatter poll on who won the presidential debate

>>21573683 The real NYC Mayor Adams

>>21573758, >>21573854 Top Adams ally, brother probed by feds are known for 'expensive taste'

>>21573545 @Polymarket: Odds Republicans win back the Senate are up to 76%

>>21573696 Trump schedule

>>21573752 Trump talks about a possible second debate on Fox

>>21573753, >>21573743, >>21573759 Trump yesterday: “He [Biden] hates her [Kamala]!” Biden Today: *wears Trump 2024 hat*

>>21574031 3 years ago, 9/11 event in Shanksville firehouse, Biden pictured w/ kids wearing Trump gear and a “Q” box over his shoulder

>>21573769 Defense news bun

>>21573835 Our Commander in Chief (President Trump) walked the front line of this war last night

>>21573857 A 9/11 widow just called out Kamala and Biden for attempting to give a plea deal to the hijackers + Biden's "do 9/11" remark

>>21573878, >>21573908 Crowd shouts "we need you Donald" @ 9/11 Memorial

>>21573865 JimW: I turned on flags (https://8kun.top/pol/catalog.html)

>>21573790, >>21573972 Qproof related to Jim's re-opening of 8kun /pol?

>>21573889 US Sec. of State Blinken visits Ukraine as West pressures Russia’s allies

>>21573914 Widespread power outages are being reported all across Seattle, WA

>>21573935 Flynn: Incredible discovery of hard evidence as to election manipulation

>>21573942 Fulton County has brought in a team of independent monitors to oversee its operations for this year’s general election

>>21573965 Wireless Audio Earrings Company Responds to Rumors Kamala Harris Wore Earpiece During Presidential Debate

>>21573970 Never forget that ABC News had the Jeffrey Epstein story for YEARS and refused to air it

>>21573987 Panic over DC (Ducks and Cats)

>>21573997 Thomas Massie: Today, I introduced HR 9534, the National Constitutional Carry Act

>>21574084 German bank cancels Right-wing politician after election victory

>>21574109, >>21574119 Loomer vs MTG meowfight drama beef

>>21574131 ABC mods lied re: Late Term Abortion

>>21574161 Mil tweets & decodes

>>21573417, >>21573531, >>21573563, >>21573624, >>21573672, >>21573785, >>21574070 Memes


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c40e94 No.21574166

File: d9bc656dd802bf7⋯.jpeg (119.63 KB,1000x478,500:239,IMG_1453.jpeg)

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45ec57 No.21574168

File: 5522778f4f8389a⋯.mp4 (15.77 MB,854x450,427:225,5522778f4f8389a5f6a9ae9925….mp4)


6¹/2 puts you at April 2018.

Q had left half char in January.

Kek and were prevalent on full chan.

The culture was still half chan then.

Now I call you an outright liar.

Typical of progressive marxists.

Way more so than now on 8K.

I still don't believe you.>>21574091

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71cf52 No.21574169

File: c0e3a57fafc6b48⋯.png (83.5 KB,444x749,444:749,ClipboardImage.png)


It's night shift, right?

>>21571413, >>21571520 bpb

36 seconds vid > 3=C 6=F > CF

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10ac22 No.21574170


then Germany began genociding out of random racial hatred, then the USA bombed Japan, and Germany invaded Russia and then it ended

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29067c No.21574171

File: c8d5ccdc5307f5c⋯.jpg (236.21 KB,900x1200,3:4,Arbys_Patriot.jpg)


>Arby’s in your pants


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103e1c No.21574172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Able Danger 9/11 Intelligence Investigation


Check out Lt Col Tony Shaffer

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e98954 No.21574173

notables FINAL

#26427 >>21573393

>>21573413 President Trump visited the Flight 93 memorial in Shanksville, PA

>>21573418 The day after Kamala loses the debate…

>>21573423, >>21574000 Wildfires 2020 vs. 2024

>>21573427 Reality is a helluva drug

>>21573538 Multiple people she knows have had experiences with Haitian Immigrants saying they are going to curse them with voodoo

>>21573661 American describes the Voodoo cultural practices of Haitians

>>21573780 According to the U.S. State Department, approximately 50 to 80% of the Haitian population practices Voodoo

>>21573850, >>21573866 Inside Haiti's Voodoo Ceremonies

>>21573904 Poor man's adrenochrome

>>21573947 Ohio is sending troopers and $2.5 million to a city that has seen an influx of Haitian migrants

>>21573465 Debunking Kamala's Biggest Lies That the ABC News Moderators Let Slide

>>21573474 Half literate lying J6 celebrity cop mocks attempted assassination of Donald Trump

>>21573497, >>21573415, >>21574070 Megyn Kelly obliterates the moderators at ABC News

>>21573524 Top aide to embattled NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban linked to Chinese Communist Party

>>21573593 Republicans against Trump twatter poll on who won the presidential debate

>>21573683 The real NYC Mayor Adams

>>21573758, >>21573854 Top Adams ally, brother probed by feds are known for 'expensive taste'

>>21573545 @Polymarket: Odds Republicans win back the Senate are up to 76%

>>21573696 Trump schedule

>>21573752 Trump talks about a possible second debate on Fox

>>21573753, >>21573743, >>21573759 Trump yesterday: “He [Biden] hates her [Kamala]!” Biden Today: *wears Trump 2024 hat*

>>21574031 3 years ago, 9/11 event in Shanksville firehouse, Biden pictured w/ kids wearing Trump gear and a “Q” box over his shoulder

>>21573769 Defense news bun

>>21573835 Our Commander in Chief (President Trump) walked the front line of this war last night

>>21573857 A 9/11 widow just called out Kamala and Biden for attempting to give a plea deal to the hijackers + Biden's "do 9/11" remark

>>21573878, >>21573908 Crowd shouts "we need you Donald" @ 9/11 Memorial

>>21573865 JimW: I turned on flags (https://8kun.top/pol/catalog.html)

>>21573790, >>21573972 Qproof related to Jim's re-opening of 8kun /pol?

>>21573889 US Sec. of State Blinken visits Ukraine as West pressures Russia’s allies

>>21573914 Widespread power outages are being reported all across Seattle, WA

>>21573935 Flynn: Incredible discovery of hard evidence as to election manipulation

>>21573942 Fulton County has brought in a team of independent monitors to oversee its operations for this year’s general election

>>21573965 Wireless Audio Earrings Company Responds to Rumors Kamala Harris Wore Earpiece During Presidential Debate

>>21573970 Never forget that ABC News had the Jeffrey Epstein story for YEARS and refused to air it

>>21573987 Panic over DC (Ducks and Cats)

>>21573997 Thomas Massie: Today, I introduced HR 9534, the National Constitutional Carry Act

>>21574084 German bank cancels Right-wing politician after election victory

>>21574109, >>21574119 Loomer vs MTG meowfight drama beef

>>21574131 ABC mods lied re: Late Term Abortion

>>21574161 Mil tweets & decodes

>>21573417, >>21573531, >>21573563, >>21573624, >>21573672, >>21573785, >>21574070 Memes


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25a70e No.21574177

File: 5355ac0ab5383d2⋯.png (287.19 KB,592x881,592:881,Screenshot_2024_09_11_2124….png)

File: a0d74b7fc65d4e6⋯.mp4 (5.03 MB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17261042061….mp4)

In an interesting twist, last night's debate moderator, ABC's Linsey Davis, happens to be a sorority sister of Kamala Harris in Alpha Kappa Alpha.

Shadow of Ezra




In an interesting twist, last night's debate moderator, ABC's Linsey Davis, happens to be a sorority sister of Kamala Harris in Alpha Kappa Alpha.

Both women share the same sorority ties, which explains the apparent bias against Trump during the debate.


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c40e94 No.21574178

File: ac5d02f7b19d0ec⋯.jpeg (191.97 KB,1024x732,256:183,IMG_2405.jpeg)

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103e1c No.21574181


SEPTEMBER 21, 2005

Able Danger and Intelligence Sharing

Witnesses testified about intelligence on terrorism and terrorist cells in the late 1990s, the threat posed by al-Qaida prior to September 11, 2001 attacks on the U.S., and handling of intelligence information by the Department of Defense. They also testified about the investigation into the matter by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks ("9/11 commission") and the information gathered by members of a Defense Department intelligence section known as ‘Able Danger.’

Officials who had participated in the Able Danger program had warned top military officials that they had uncovered information of increased al-Qaeda activity in Aden harbor less than three weeks before the attack on the USS Cole. close

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131396 No.21574185


carpet munchers

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aca1da No.21574188

Radio inferensics are all we have left./

The enemy has secured the playing field./



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6158e8 No.21574190

What’s a Zangief?

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e98954 No.21574193

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29067c No.21574195


43 or not, kek as shit. sniped.

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131396 No.21574196


I will not pass!

Goodbye anons, until next time!

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f22861 No.21574198

File: 8dc4f1eec06d48e⋯.jpg (138.97 KB,1000x1280,25:32,IMG_20240908_124528_963.jpg)

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c697da No.21574199

File: 802ab663072ab68⋯.png (381.47 KB,460x460,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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10ac22 No.21574200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ccef4a No.21574202

File: d694e8b62bf3d24⋯.jpg (23.21 KB,474x363,158:121,th_427123178.jpg)

File: bb780b2ee0fab13⋯.jpg (473.9 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240911_182702….jpg)

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893a47 No.21574203


If only there was a device of some kind that would let you ask questions and get immediate answers. ……

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6158e8 No.21574207



Fuck you my brother.

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8f74d0 No.21574209

File: d798ded8e8d55f1⋯.png (642.37 KB,1245x1181,1245:1181,less_than_10.png)

Transparency is the only way forward. On this board.

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ddd3db No.21574213

>>21572649 lb

>HOLY CRINGE CATMAN: Try to watch this 60 second Kamala ad

Here she is trying to leech onto "stars"

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4d3fc6 No.21574214


Member when fox accidentally posted she died?

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