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66f430 No.21574176 [Last50 Posts]

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66f430 No.21574179

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66f430 No.21574182


#26427 >>21573393

>>21573413 President Trump visited the Flight 93 memorial in Shanksville, PA

>>21573418 The day after Kamala loses the debate…

>>21573423, >>21574000 Wildfires 2020 vs. 2024

>>21573427 Reality is a helluva drug

>>21573538 Multiple people she knows have had experiences with Haitian Immigrants saying they are going to curse them with voodoo

>>21573661 American describes the Voodoo cultural practices of Haitians

>>21573780 According to the U.S. State Department, approximately 50 to 80% of the Haitian population practices Voodoo

>>21573850, >>21573866 Inside Haiti's Voodoo Ceremonies

>>21573904 Poor man's adrenochrome

>>21573947 Ohio is sending troopers and $2.5 million to a city that has seen an influx of Haitian migrants

>>21573465 Debunking Kamala's Biggest Lies That the ABC News Moderators Let Slide

>>21573474 Half literate lying J6 celebrity cop mocks attempted assassination of Donald Trump

>>21573497, >>21573415, >>21574070 Megyn Kelly obliterates the moderators at ABC News

>>21573524 Top aide to embattled NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban linked to Chinese Communist Party

>>21573593 Republicans against Trump twatter poll on who won the presidential debate

>>21573683 The real NYC Mayor Adams

>>21573758, >>21573854 Top Adams ally, brother probed by feds are known for 'expensive taste'

>>21573545 @Polymarket: Odds Republicans win back the Senate are up to 76%

>>21573696 Trump schedule

>>21573752 Trump talks about a possible second debate on Fox

>>21573753, >>21573743, >>21573759 Trump yesterday: “He [Biden] hates her [Kamala]!” Biden Today: *wears Trump 2024 hat*

>>21574031 3 years ago, 9/11 event in Shanksville firehouse, Biden pictured w/ kids wearing Trump gear and a “Q” box over his shoulder

>>21573769 Defense news bun

>>21573835 Our Commander in Chief (President Trump) walked the front line of this war last night

>>21573857 A 9/11 widow just called out Kamala and Biden for attempting to give a plea deal to the hijackers + Biden's "do 9/11" remark

>>21573878, >>21573908 Crowd shouts "we need you Donald" @ 9/11 Memorial

>>21573865 JimW: I turned on flags (https://8kun.top/pol/catalog.html)

>>21573790, >>21573972 Qproof related to Jim's re-opening of 8kun /pol?

>>21573889 US Sec. of State Blinken visits Ukraine as West pressures Russia’s allies

>>21573914 Widespread power outages are being reported all across Seattle, WA

>>21573935 Flynn: Incredible discovery of hard evidence as to election manipulation

>>21573942 Fulton County has brought in a team of independent monitors to oversee its operations for this year’s general election

>>21573965 Wireless Audio Earrings Company Responds to Rumors Kamala Harris Wore Earpiece During Presidential Debate

>>21573970 Never forget that ABC News had the Jeffrey Epstein story for YEARS and refused to air it

>>21573987 Panic over DC (Ducks and Cats)

>>21573997 Thomas Massie: Today, I introduced HR 9534, the National Constitutional Carry Act

>>21574084 German bank cancels Right-wing politician after election victory

>>21574109, >>21574119 Loomer vs MTG meowfight drama beef

>>21574131 ABC mods lied re: Late Term Abortion

>>21574161 Mil tweets & decodes

>>21573417, >>21573531, >>21573563, >>21573624, >>21573672, >>21573785, >>21574070 Memes

>>21574173 #26427

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66f430 No.21574183

#26426 >>21572474

>>21572513 The 9/11 Boatlift: The Unsung Heroes of September 11, 2001

>>21572517, >>21572525, >>21572560, >>21572565, >>21572608, >>21572643, >>21572901, >>21573218 Biden briefly dons Trump hat in visit to Shanksville - UNITY!

>>21572520 Biden-Harris election rigging efforts targeting non-citizen prisoners

>>21572528, >>21572564, >>21572648, >>21572745, >>21572766, >>21572809 ELECTION TRUST INITIATIVE DIG !! NASED: National Association of State Election Directors DIG!

>>21572531 Biden & VP Harris Participate in Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Pentagon

>>21572534 @elonmusk - Toxoplasma gondii is a danger to our democracy

>>21572540 Bongino: Trump Debates Three Liberals And Still Comes Out On Top

>>21572553 lefty freaks don't know the simplest of behaviors to make frens irl

>>21572561, >>21572914, >>21573009 video 26min - Inside the Ohio Town Invaded by "Cat-Goose-Duck-Eating" Haitians

>>21572563, >>21572626, >>21572913 KITE HIT STEEL PLANE MUST

>>21572567 Here’s How the Biden-Harris Regime Subsidized the Venezuelan Gangs

>>21572568 Will Saudi Arabia officially ditch the petrodollar?

>>21572621 The best debate summary. Trump Translates In Every Language.

>>21572637 'Court Admissible' Evidence Showing That Google is Able to Sway Elections

>>21572649 HOLY CRINGE CATMAN: Try to watch this 60 second Kamala ad

>>21572654 Mike DeWine is now sending State Troopers into Springfield, OH to address Migrant crisis

>>21572670, >>21572682, >>21572902 Donald Trump Participates in Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Flight 93 Memorial & Firehouse visit

>>21572794, >>21572808 TIME confesses TRUMP WAS RIGHT “wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison.”

>>21572850, >>21573023, >>21573035, >>21573051 Late Term Abortion clinic confirms abortions in the 8th or 9th month

>>21572885, >>21572943 @alexstein99 I was just attacked at City Hall in NYC for trying to expose the lies about 9/11

>>21572890 "I'm talking now. DOES THAT SOUND FAMILIAR?"

>>21572920 Biden Has Authority to End Illegal Immigration, But Dem Megadonors Control Border Agenda

>>21572942 Florida based, official international fact checking org, is funded by the US State Dept

>>21572956 Harris wore audio earrings at debate: 'The resemblance is striking'

>>21572959, >>21572978 Trump attacks Harris' policy proposals: 'Why hasn't she done it?'

>>21572990 Aurora Police ID known Tren de Aragua members. MSM tells you this isn't happening

>>21572996, >>21573050, >>21573086 Look who’s on the list colluding with the DNC and Hillary… David Muir

>>21573021 Simpsons predicted Trump's 'dog-eating' claim about Springfield

>>21573038 OUR TAX DOLLARS train immigration activists on how to obtain benefits for illegal aliens

>>21573156 Half of UK government nutrition advisors are paid by food companies

>>21573164 @CodeMonkeyZ The fix is in. "performance issues in nearly every state," will disrupt USPS mail-in voting

>>21573208 @scrowder 🚨URGENT🚨 Do you work for USPS? We want to talk to you.

>>21573383 #26426

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66f430 No.21574184

#26425 >>21571578

>>21571626 Justice Department’s Matt Olsen on 9/11 legacy

>>21571630 Revisiting the work of Donald Harris, father of Kamala

>>21571637, >>21571798, >>21572250, >>21572265, >>21572397, >>21572437 Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Flight 93 Memorial Shanksville Pa

>>21571643, >>21571647, >>21571650, >>21571888 Swampenings

>>21571653, >>21571897 Watch BREAKING: SPRINGFIELD, OHIO UPDATE

>>21571668, >>21571737, >>21572165, >>21572217, >>21572361 911 videos and synchronicities

>>21571701, >>21571720, >>21571881, >>21571890 Larry Silverstein is VERY VERY LUCKY

>>21571724 ABC Clearly Gave Kamala Harris All the Questions in Advance

>>21571736, >>21571738, >>21571792, >>21571832, >>21571860, >>21571908, >>21572001 NASA & Outer Space News

>>21571744 Ukrainian attacks from Black Sea thwarted – RT

>>21571777, >>21571789 TRUMP TRUTHS

>>21571798, >>21571807, >>21571814 @DanScavino Trump Force One 45 in Pennsylvania

>>21571937, >>21571946, >>21572135 Who Did DEW 9/11? The CGI connection

>>21571956, >>21572013 DO NOT Use USPS To Deliver Your Ballet!! Mail Issues Could Disenfranchise Millions of Voters

>>21571959, >>21572089, >>21572099, >>21572173, >>21572422, >>21572459 DEBATE FAKE NEWS "falsely reported" msm lies DIS-INFO mis-info SPIN slant PROPAGANDA

>>21571980, >>21571983 Kamala Harris Campaign BRAGS About Endorsement From War Criminal Dick Cheney

>>21571986, >>21572258 Secret Service Boss Pressuring Key Official to Retire ahead of DHS-OIG Probe

>>21571990 You've Just Been Washing Your Garbage. Plastic Recycling Is a Dirty Lie

>>21571998 Elon Musk has offered to father a child with Taylor Swift and protect her cats

>>21572004 Hillary Clinton can’t lecture Hungary on ‘democracy’ – PM’s office

>>21572021, >>21572345 Kremlin responds to Kamala's claim that Putin would ‘eat Trump for lunch’

>>21572038 Blinken and UK's Lammy Arrive in Ukraine to Talk Long-Range Strikes Against Russia

>>21572072 Durov’s case is a blueprint – Paris prosecutor - RT

>>21572083 Johnson Withdraws Funding Bill, Which Includes SAVE Act, Just Hours Before Scheduled Vote

>>21572095, >>21572108, >>21572124, >>21572136 Presidential EOs - President Trump v President Biden. Who Did It Better? Con't

>>21572112, >>21572121 Children being rescued ww

>>21572189 PF Gitmo Express

>>21572218, >>21572272 Facebook admits to scraping every Australian adult user's public photos and posts to train AI, with no opt-out option

>>21572307 PROJECT VERITAS - Democratic Mega Donors CONTROL Border Agenda

>>21572352, >>21572373 muh trends right meow. Eating Pets

>>21571594, >>21571613, >>21571624, >>21571960, >>21572127 Memes For Victory

>>21572466 #26425

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66f430 No.21574186

#26424 >>21570645

>>21570677, >>21570807, >>21571115, >>21571148, >>21571148 Swamp Swampenins

>>21570704 Towers down timeline

>>21570751 RAHEEM J. KASSAM: DEBATE ANALYSIS: Trump Showed Righteous Indignation, Kamala Peddled Smug, Scripted Platitudes.

>>21570760 Trump baits and the media line up to prove him wrong

>>21570775, >>21570849 @DanScavino President Trump and Senator JD Vance stop by FDNY Engine 4/Tower Ladder 15 on South Street in New York City. #NeverForget

>>21570780, >>21570815, >>21570819, >>21570844, >>21570868, >>21570897 Phillip Marshal, Fmr Airline Capt. book exposed 911 narriative as lie he and fam deded

>>21570820 Maggie Goodlander, a former Justice Department official and political newcomer, won the Democratic primary for New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District

>>21570831, >>21571189 Kelly Ayotte and Joyce Craig to face off in New Hampshire governor's race, Ayotte will win GOP primary to succeed Gov. Chris Sununu

>>21570851 Air Canada Prepares for Orderly Shutdown to Mitigate Customer Impact Resulting from Labour Disruption

>>21570843, >>21570858 Jimmy Dore says 9/11 still being used today to determine U.S. foreign policy


>>21570867, >>21571033, >>21571129, >>21571333, >>21571429 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day


>>21570904 @VDHanson The Candy Crowley Debate

>>21570924 Raheem Kassam: Donald Trump was righteous in debate with Harris - she was smug and scripted, expert says

>>21570930, >>21570955 Gray Lady sings the Blues

>>21570951 James Corbett Discusses 9/11 Trillions: Follow the Money

>>21570969 September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor: The Mystery of the Passenger Phone Calls

>>21570989 Thermite Demolition controlled

>>21571010, >>21571034 NEO/Matrix 911

>>21571053 Eastern Economic Forum - EEF

>>21571088, >>21571111 Former Project 2025 Leader Accuses Trump Campaign Advisers of ‘Malpractice

>>21571094 Watkins rt: I am sure that /yellowvests/ is going to drive a lot of traffic to your site soon. Hoping to quickly become the number one board

>>21571141 Mapped: How late in pregnancy states allow abortions

>>21571161 ICYMI: President Trump: I'd like to see her go down to Washington D.C. and sign an Executive Order to close up the border. They have the right to do it.

>>21571175 Keep those Cat memes coming. Watching Swalwell lose it yesterday was pure gold.

>>21571206 Spain’s ‘sea of plastic’ in Almeria ‘wins’ NASA prize of being the most visible man-made object from the International Space Station

>>21571235 100%! ABC Debate Moderator David Muir Hosts Most Pro-Harris, Left-Wing Newscast

>>21571246 EU Commits €100M to Improve Competitiveness of European Space Industry

>>21571263 FOIA FBI dancing Israelis

>>21571274 How to get kicked out of China’s Communist Party

>>21571306 FOX and Friends 9/11/24 [7AM] FULL END SHOW | FOX BREAKIN NEWS TRUMP September 11, 2024

>>21571312, >>21571314 Speaker Mike Johnson’s government funding plan already crumbling with at least 6 GOP no votes

>>21571328 Kris Kobach: Debunking The Lies Of Kamala And The Biden/Harris Administration

>>21571413 @DanScavino One Tower

>>21571466 More journalistic election interference propaganda:

>>21571471 Watch a Russian Soyuz rocket launch 3 astronauts to the ISS today

>>21571510, >>21571514 Biden Regime Greenlights Direct War Against Russia???

>>21571559 #26424

Previously Collected

>>21569817 #26422, >>21570613 #26423

>>21567151 #26419, >>21567967 #26420, >>21569109 #26421

>>21564850 #26416, >>21565627 #26417, >>21566405 #26418

>>21562076 #26413, >>21563072 #26414, >>21564045 #26415

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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66f430 No.21574191

File: 015d06c7e916f4d⋯.png (169.17 KB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)



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373e27 No.21574204

File: 56d08b1e129ac6a⋯.png (1.62 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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b1f7a2 No.21574206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7258a1 No.21574208

File: 5bfe00431855546⋯.webm (986.67 KB,1280x720,16:9,1726098516302996.webm)

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6c9112 No.21574212

File: 5355ac0ab5383d2⋯.png (287.19 KB,592x881,592:881,Screenshot_2024_09_11_2124….png)

File: a0d74b7fc65d4e6⋯.mp4 (5.03 MB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17261042061….mp4)

>>21574177 LB

repost because at the end of breadTYB

In an interesting twist, last night's debate moderator, ABC's Linsey Davis, happens to be a sorority sister of Kamala Harris in Alpha Kappa Alpha.


See new posts


Shadow of Ezra


In an interesting twist, last night's debate moderator, ABC's Linsey Davis, happens to be a sorority sister of Kamala Harris in Alpha Kappa Alpha.

Both women share the same sorority ties, which explains the apparent bias against Trump during the debate.


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132698 No.21574215

File: 18fef3db47119e3⋯.jpg (48.91 KB,440x614,220:307,CatsMovie.jpg)

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373e27 No.21574216

File: 4acce316e52b5bf⋯.png (1.79 MB,1080x1607,1080:1607,ClipboardImage.png)

NEVER FORGET: Christine Todd Whitman September 13th 2001 - The Air is Safe to Breathe

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82d68f No.21574218

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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141a69 No.21574219


>Panic over Dogs & Cats


no like the ai faggot shit.

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f42719 No.21574220

File: 795da372e7a8926⋯.png (203.56 KB,680x374,20:11,ClipboardImage.png)

Tim Walz in 2018: "I support an assault weapons ban."

Tim Walz yesterday: "We’re not going to take away your 2nd amendment rights.”

All they do is lie.


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373e27 No.21574221

File: 5d3258f4e177902⋯.png (506.19 KB,768x403,768:403,ClipboardImage.png)

US and UK may have already approved or is on the brink of approving Ukraine use of long range missiles to strike deep into Russia. Blinken blames Iran for sending missiles to Moscow first.

Blinken hints US will lift restrictions on Ukraine using long-range arms in Russia

Decision understood to have already been made in private as secretary of state says in Kyiv that US will continue to adapt policy


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1e7aff No.21574222

File: e5193af24b34e02⋯.jpg (15.54 KB,474x404,237:202,Ha.jpg)

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c8b87f No.21574223


The air was fine.

It was all the shit mixed up in the air that caused the problems.

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0d0100 No.21574224

File: 7e2c82ce98154ad⋯.png (103.07 KB,1080x320,27:8,Screenshot_20240911_202846.png)


Thanks Baker!!!

>>21573865 LB

Nice, the flags are working.

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1f34a8 No.21574225

File: caa3e3226060e5a⋯.png (418.22 KB,625x699,625:699,caa3e3226060e5ac7f653e9d3f….png)

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82d68f No.21574226

File: 51481f7432bf6c6⋯.png (105 KB,1756x246,878:123,1995.png)


anohter planet

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373e27 No.21574227


>Tim Walz in 2018: "I support an assault weapons ban."


>Tim Walz yesterday: "We’re not going to take away your 2nd amendment rights.”


>All they do is lie.


PROOF tampon's a liar

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a227e5 No.21574228

File: 67c732c12d4ef43⋯.gif (316.35 KB,220x220,1:1,IMG_3741.gif)

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7258a1 No.21574229

File: 1f89da8cb8c9180⋯.webm (1.34 MB,1280x720,16:9,1726090707647109.webm)

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96d522 No.21574230

File: 7ac675e846d69bf⋯.jpg (140.28 KB,868x720,217:180,7ac675e846d69bf32af745c136….jpg)

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c8b87f No.21574231


Like Clarkson says. Speed never hurt anyone.

It's stopping suddenly that does that.

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82d68f No.21574232

File: 3d143385d64192e⋯.png (767.32 KB,978x732,163:122,hidey.png)

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797087 No.21574233

File: d49ec5e756c86d4⋯.jpg (80.05 KB,1279x1280,1279:1280,IMG_20230117_175112_230.jpg)



mmmm fresh bread


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7fe75a No.21574234

File: e272ce6dc6b725a⋯.png (2.18 MB,828x1104,3:4,IMG_2293.png)

Send in Hilary. The Clintons have a great relationship with the Haitians.

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6c9112 No.21574236

File: 90e4505fe132a76⋯.png (412.94 KB,621x777,207:259,Screenshot_2024_09_11_2131….png)

File: 7d74d78d29670b9⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB,320x338,160:169,ssstwitter_com_17261046128….mp4)

This is a shitty mom, and this is why her kids a little fatty right now and is gonna be way worse.


This generation is cooked. This is the worst mother I've ever seen in my life what a moron.

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c8b87f No.21574237


They won't take your rights.

They'll just take your guns.

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82d68f No.21574239

what is up with Haitians eating goose, duck, cat, and dog, is this something done in Haiti? what about the HooDoo?

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132698 No.21574242

File: 5ec3e5d00996d50⋯.jpg (31.61 KB,480x357,160:119,socks.JPG)

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c4400e No.21574244

File: a3e4fb57628f289⋯.png (734.63 KB,1245x1025,249:205,lessthan10_1.png)

File: 1cfba86349b5b46⋯.png (91.21 KB,776x269,776:269,lessthan10_1cap.png)

Patriots, we won the board. Feel Proud. BIG Week!

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9d9aa5 No.21574246

File: 04c0d4917d0b530⋯.jpeg (2.4 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_4111.jpeg)




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c65267 No.21574247

File: 620bc036de0bd32⋯.png (270.85 KB,339x343,339:343,ClipboardImage.png)

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5c0f8a No.21574252

File: 7ed57d7d5d3e4ce⋯.jpeg (225.91 KB,1024x768,4:3,IMG_2661.jpeg)

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82d68f No.21574255

then tehre was the guy in Haiti they said was a cannibal BBQing people haven't heard what happened with him

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373e27 No.21574257

File: f50223483d6285d⋯.png (935.52 KB,1146x782,573:391,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eda21d8ef29abef⋯.png (538.61 KB,656x759,656:759,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump's closing statement video on ABC News' TikTok has soared to almost 12 million views, one million likes, and thousands of comments supporting him. Kamala's video has a quarter of the views Trump got and thousands of comments AGAINST her.





Trump's closing statement video on ABC News' TikTok has soared to almost 12 million views, one million likes, and thousands of comments supporting him. Kamala's video has a quarter of the views Trump got and thousands of comments AGAINST her

TikTok is a super leftist platform, but even they can't hide the fact that people resonated with Trump's boldness and authenticity way more than the lies that came out of Kamala's mouth.


5:49 PM · Sep 11, 2024


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9046d1 No.21574258

>>21574168 p/b

>puts you at April 2018.

That's about right and I don't give two shits what you believe and not gonna 'splain it to you either.

I don't live here and spend my every waking hour reading breads you fucking idiot.

You are too narrow minded to understand that some aren't as immersed in the culture as yourself and you seem to find distain in that.

There's no fixing this conversation.

Have a nice day fucktard.

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5c0f8a No.21574260

File: 39ea9f21a501ce7⋯.jpeg (39.57 KB,474x474,1:1,IMG_2462.jpeg)

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82d68f No.21574261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a227e5 No.21574265



Life is fragile.

There’s lots of ways to end it.

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f42719 No.21574268

File: 85a31562a4a61bb⋯.png (261.08 KB,580x545,116:109,ClipboardImage.png)

Veritas undercover. DOJ immigration attorney: "Democrat Megadonors Control Border"


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c6ef6b No.21574269

File: 5522778f4f8389a⋯.mp4 (15.77 MB,854x450,427:225,5522778f4f8389a5f6a9ae9925….mp4)

debate season

rebuttal or dropping out ?¿?

. . . . ~

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373e27 No.21574271

File: d433baedd5351b7⋯.png (348.67 KB,768x402,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)

BUSTED: Company responds to theory Harris wore audio earrings at debate: 'The resemblance is striking'

"To ensure a level playing field for both candidates, we are currently developing a male version and will soon be able to offer it to the Trump campaign," the company said.


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373e27 No.21574273

File: 10d671373be56dd⋯.png (1.84 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)



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82d68f No.21574275

how does an incumbent run on a platform of fixing problems?

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5b8c94 No.21574279

File: eb0227075254515⋯.jpg (242.91 KB,1170x878,585:439,899f6e91db097dd8.jpg)

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f42719 No.21574284

File: 8e5e66f17ee3ea8⋯.mp4 (5.92 MB,540x540,1:1,ssstwitter_com_17261052071….mp4)

Taylor Swift lip sync audio fail exposes how terrible a singer she is.


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82d68f No.21574285

File: 2cc5bc4faad7fbf⋯.png (1.1 MB,978x1332,163:222,bloodlibel.png)

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82d68f No.21574289

who pays taylor swift's bills, a kamala supporter?

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9d9aa5 No.21574290

File: f8f68562cd4386f⋯.jpeg (680.36 KB,1284x1160,321:290,IMG_4034.jpeg)

Shillleeee AF up in here

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c8b87f No.21574292


Is it just me or does that look like MTG's Arby's

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ad8666 No.21574294

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9/11 Able Danger investigative team hearing

SEPTEMBER 21, 2005

Able Danger and Intelligence Sharing

Witnesses testified about intelligence on terrorism and terrorist cells in the late 1990s, the threat posed by al-Qaida prior to September 11, 2001 attacks on the U.S., and handling of intelligence information by the Department of Defense. They also testified about the investigation into the matter by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks ("9/11 commission") and the information gathered by members of a Defense Department intelligence section known as ‘Able Danger.’

Officials who had participated in the Able Danger program had warned top military officials that they had uncovered information of increased al-Qaeda activity in Aden harbor less than three weeks before the attack on the USS Cole. close

Senate Hearing - Joe Biden makes an appearance


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2cc2d0 No.21574296

File: 0ea1d9c1e5abb4e⋯.png (50.7 KB,1305x663,435:221,0ea.png)

File: 8face5eb200146b⋯.png (113.17 KB,625x591,625:591,8face5eb200146b6b9afc60926….png)


Thanks Baker

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7616f3 No.21574298



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cc243d No.21574299

File: 20b6c7154415b8e⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB,640x360,16:9,ABC_finally_is_like_yeah_w….mp4)

>>21573832 pb

MTG really needs to learn loomer is a live dumpster fire but instead she jumps right in. You hate to see someone do that to themselves

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c6ef6b No.21574300

File: f7cb47d8d86a8ab⋯.png (618.07 KB,661x900,661:900,f7cb47d8d86a8ab8102bb6d470….png)


found you

remember to ID

buh bye

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82d68f No.21574301


not a Shania fan?

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c8b87f No.21574303


What does the word libel mean?

You should look it up.

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6c9112 No.21574304

File: 796eb50c95d6f29⋯.mp4 (3.81 MB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17260821440….mp4)

The black community is loving this I believe, they. I think they feel like they are in on the joke now and can see how they were manipulated forever. To be fair I was too until a few years ago.

Insurrection Barbie




“This unscrupulous heffer still had to find a way to cheat.”



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82d68f No.21574307


false accusation right?

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df89a0 No.21574309


>In an interesting twist, last night's debate moderator, ABC's Linsey Davis, happens to be a sorority sister of Kamala Harris in Alpha Kappa Alpha.

The Club used to be so tight knit you'd never spot them. They got sloppy with all the money pouring in from selling out America. They remind me of the Columbian drug smugglers of the 1980's. That's what Americas' governments look like. Corrupt, high on money, and carless. So easy to bust.

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373e27 No.21574311

File: 071a17fdb0064ad⋯.mp4 (9.29 MB,640x360,16:9,BREAKING_Biden_has_Authori….mp4)

File: b589215fabe55f0⋯.png (438.86 KB,666x645,222:215,ClipboardImage.png)


>Veritas undercover. DOJ immigration attorney: "Democrat Megadonors Control Border"

Christian Cooper, a Special Assistant on Immigration Litigation U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Department of Justice said on undercover video: Joe Biden has the authority to end illegal immigration but Democrat megadonors control the immigration agenda.'

“We’re Completely Controlled by Special Interests Above,” Christian Cooper said.

Per Project Veritas:

President Joe Biden has the authority to close the U.S. Southern Border, but refuses to do so because he is controlled by Democrat mega donors and special interests, a Department of Justice Attorney reveals to Project Veritas.

“I personally think Biden has the power to do that [close the Southern border]. I think the power has been delegated through him by the Immigration Nationality Act. I think… Mayorkas may have the power to do that.”

Christian Cooper, a DOJ Attorney specializing in immigration litigation at the Department of Homeland Security [DHS], told a Project Veritas journalist that President Joe Biden and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas won’t end the overwhelming influx of illegal immigrants to the U.S. because Democrat mega donors and special interests control the Democrat party.

“Whoever gives the most money to the Democratic Platform” creates the Democrat party agenda, says Cooper. That agenda, he admits, means mass illegal immigration and few deportations of those who break the law to enter the United States.

Cooper goes on to say that the Biden Administration doesn’t want the bad press and optics that may come as a result of securing America’s border. “I don’t think they want that look unless it’s really necessary.”


Project Veritas


🚨 BREAKING: Biden has Authority to END Illegal Immigration but Democratic Mega Donors CONTROL Border Agenda

"We're Completely Controlled by Special Interests Above." - Christian Cooper, @TheJusticeDept

Immigration Attorney at @DHSgov

0:04 / 4:40

12:21 PM · Sep 11, 2024





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6c9112 No.21574313



These two go together

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cc243d No.21574315

File: 7737d97af68c0c6⋯.mp4 (2.39 MB,640x360,16:9,Trump_in_NC_at_the_FOP_Sep….mp4)

Boss timed it well today. Feeling good.

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1aece9 No.21574317

File: 8c60d6c6a26a221⋯.jpeg (476.81 KB,2048x2048,1:1,GVOxFGBWAAAp44f.jpeg)

File: c8c75b64f0018a1⋯.jpeg (98.79 KB,602x903,2:3,main_qimg_d54c87e10a27fe6….jpeg)


oldfag detected

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c8b87f No.21574320

File: 7f72f1ff956e368⋯.png (20.62 KB,842x125,842:125,ClipboardImage.png)


Published false allegation.

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373e27 No.21574321

File: de0a5ccef735a2d⋯.mp4 (756.43 KB,698x392,349:196,Happy_Side_of_Beef_Day.mp4)

Happy 'Side of Beef' Day

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3dddef No.21574323

File: 057c4ebccb7eff6⋯.png (362.86 KB,372x436,93:109,057c4ebccb7eff6d95b0695577….png)

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7616f3 No.21574325

File: 2f0becf186a7202⋯.gif (985.04 KB,200x170,20:17,2f0becf186a7202b866ff1edda….gif)

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cc243d No.21574329

File: f38604312392db4⋯.mp4 (1.51 MB,640x360,16:9,Prof_Sir_John_Bell_head_of….mp4)


> Project Veritas

Oh Ok. So they're still doing useful material despite the past issues.

That's great

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6c9112 No.21574331

File: 4c9631e32fd0d0b⋯.mp4 (2.05 MB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17260909151….mp4)

File: 8167afda896e7d7⋯.png (201.53 KB,577x683,577:683,Screenshot_2024_09_11_2146….png)

Lie Counter

Dave Rubin




We posted this video highlighting some of Kamala’s from last night. Tik Tok immediately removed the video and denied our appeal.

Take a look for yourself…


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797087 No.21574333

File: 59a5924ee9c43bd⋯.jpg (175.24 KB,1084x1167,1084:1167,IMG_20240911_214218_189.jpg)

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82d68f No.21574335


wow that lady is great

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141a69 No.21574337

File: a4c91f8707f0fcb⋯.png (1.26 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)


>Like Clarkson says. Speed never hurt anyone.

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f3fa0b No.21574339

File: 0b65c3a4cd1dbb3⋯.jpg (50.76 KB,788x453,788:453,uyhtrerssw.jpg)

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5b8c94 No.21574340

File: 292e6ff7a8c6a9c⋯.jpeg (7.01 KB,258x196,129:98,292e6ff7a8c6a9cf2c15e14ec….jpeg)

File: a62dbc702ae6283⋯.jpeg (14.76 KB,255x245,51:49,2e6d0c37779e7af81687519d7….jpeg)

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6c9112 No.21574341

File: 7916e90d87c0070⋯.mp4 (2.01 MB,480x480,1:1,ssstwitter_com_17260615198….mp4)

Say it Child!!


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ad8666 No.21574342

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The ETeam Israeli art student project "B Thing"

an art project from ISRAEL took over the 91st floor of the Trade Center before the false flag attack.


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9afa8a No.21574343




Kamala sorority sister debate monitor and audio ear piece ear ring.

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a227e5 No.21574344


Was Muir in that sorority too?

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373e27 No.21574347

File: dea5db336830083⋯.png (747.78 KB,909x856,909:856,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 470e686f84ebd9e⋯.png (42.01 KB,550x372,275:186,ClipboardImage.png)

🚨 Democrats don’t care about the American people. .

May 2 2020


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 768ebf No.9004278 📁

May 2 2020 17:34:06 (EST)

What would have happened if POTUS challenged the COVID-19 narrative from the beginning?

Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.


Who benefits the most?


They do not care about your well-being.

You are simply in the way.

This is about regaining POWER.


Every asset deployed.

Win by any means necessary.



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9d9aa5 No.21574348

File: 07a168cfc3ed4db⋯.jpeg (675.26 KB,1615x1440,323:288,IMG_4095.jpeg)

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373e27 No.21574350

File: 560780ae7633eec⋯.png (682.3 KB,720x732,60:61,ClipboardImage.png)


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141a69 No.21574352


>'The resemblance is striking'

It's actually not.

They tryin to take advantage of the sitch.


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96d522 No.21574353

File: 0792b0d5fcc76fa⋯.png (354.35 KB,678x672,113:112,0792b0d5fcc76fae2040a09503….png)

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81ebec No.21574356

File: ae3588d1c4f866f⋯.mp4 (2.49 MB,720x1280,9:16,ssstwitter_com_17261056536….mp4)

I Meme Therefore I Am


You can’t hate the media enough!

Sept. 11, 2014


There is something seriously wrong with them

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603d68 No.21574357


Is that Beavis's dad?

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c65267 No.21574358

File: 89b6ac670e2af11⋯.jpg (29.2 KB,600x500,6:5,89b6ac670e2af11560450590ef….jpg)

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7efb50 No.21574360

File: f2746bcf755dded⋯.png (13.96 KB,176x136,22:17,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d74506e6c09d33f⋯.png (458.62 KB,625x1000,5:8,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21572567 lb

>Here’s How the Biden-Harris Regime Subsidized the Venezuelan Gangs

Executive Intelligence Review wrote a lot about Soros in Brazil in the 80s/90s and how he used gangs to run the locals off. The international criminals running ZOG ww & the Uniparty host the cartel bosses stateside & have run SA gangs before.

There is a lot here and there is a lot of vacuous smear from the swamp and Dope Inc. against EIR and Larouche. They shined a light on them and were vindicated.


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797087 No.21574361

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6c9112 No.21574363

File: b614ac02d7eca43⋯.mp4 (792.84 KB,1280x720,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17260856814….mp4)


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7c6525 No.21574364

File: 8481301a3485954⋯.jpg (66.1 KB,474x632,3:4,th_3413407314.jpg)

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68ddf4 No.21574367

File: 52b3dd0c7cca6c2⋯.png (7.19 KB,221x93,221:93,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc243d No.21574369

File: 91749fa9d8b8f4e⋯.png (338.04 KB,954x499,954:499,WTC_with_sun_behind.png)


>an art project from ISRAEL took over the 91st floor of the Trade Center before the false flag attack.

Presumably this must have gone through Silverstein. A whole floor. How much of the bldg was empty though

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1aece9 No.21574370

File: 62d0bc7da86c6d7⋯.jpeg (10.12 KB,213x237,71:79,images_2024_09_11T215113_….jpeg)


poor fucking goose/ducks/domestic animals.

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7d95e6 No.21574373

File: 02cca5a95ff8477⋯.png (123.05 KB,394x502,197:251,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05e3d775bd53453⋯.png (23.22 KB,414x82,207:41,ClipboardImage.png)


No. Deep State.

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141a69 No.21574378

File: d768f2fd171165d⋯.png (268.92 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



Fuckin Hatians.

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68ddf4 No.21574379

File: eda31cd25355259⋯.png (39.21 KB,559x319,559:319,ClipboardImage.png)


Fuck That Guy

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ecf75f No.21574381

File: 7d281a836bc226c⋯.png (1.79 MB,991x888,991:888,7d281a836bc226c80a4e9f7274….png)

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1e72cb No.21574382

File: 8ce47e98b2332b2⋯.png (362.33 KB,780x438,130:73,IMG_5525.png)

File: 272166637ee9cf3⋯.png (1.98 MB,1119x1242,373:414,IMG_5527.png)

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a227e5 No.21574384


I would guarantee you if them Haitians found themselves a big brown beaver they’d gobble that fucker right up.

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373e27 No.21574385

File: 931ad6bac28bd75⋯.png (2.05 MB,1200x1887,400:629,ClipboardImage.png)


He does have moments when he realizes what happened

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7c6525 No.21574387

File: 901bdc0e31a2980⋯.gif (988.94 KB,640x360,16:9,mr_bean_mr_64537549.gif)

File: a30f13148ca5ee4⋯.gif (1.75 MB,640x362,320:181,tenor_4115674097.gif)

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373e27 No.21574389

File: e3056dcec110297⋯.png (306.7 KB,1850x1494,925:747,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump is 10 inches taller than Kamala. In the TV age, that means he wins. EVERY candidate who was more than 4.5 inches taller won.

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ecf75f No.21574392

File: 4e5aebb45dbd493⋯.jpg (9.24 KB,195x259,195:259,ed1b2f6b823c956f0d639eb90a….jpg)


>a big brown beaver

Should anon have safe search on or off for that?

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6c9112 No.21574393

File: d1a56e47b24f3f1⋯.png (202.52 KB,598x584,299:292,Screenshot_2024_09_11_2156….png)

File: 512ca548f6c02aa⋯.mp4 (7.07 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17260862485….mp4)



KABOOM!!!! 💣💣💣💥💥

Candace Owens Dropped a Bomb on Millions of Viewers — Israeli Citizens were Warned of the 9/11 Attack Two-Hours Before it Happened

Ain’t it interesting she’s been exposing Israel more since she left the Daily Wire? 🇮🇱


• An instant messaging service called “ODIGO”, which was Israeli owned and operated, had Headquarters located two blocks away from the World Trade Center.

• Sept 26, 2001, 15 days after the 9/11 attack, a popular Israeli publication named “Haaretz” said ODIGO workers were warned of the attacks

—— “ODIGO, the instant messaging service says two of its workers received messages TWO HOURS before the Twin Towers were attacked…” predicting the attack would happen around 7am Eastern Time.

• ODIGO has been cooperating with Israeli and American law enforcement, including the FBI in trying to find the original sender of the message predicting the attack..

• Two weeks after 9/11, the CEO of ODIGO, Alex Diamandis, said the message said something big was going to happen in a certain amount of time — and it did, almost to the minute.

—— the ODIGO employees did not warn anyone.

—— Israel “our greatest ally” did not warn anyone.

The MSM memory holed this story and nothing further was exposed to the public…


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1f34a8 No.21574396


stay wrapped

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df89a0 No.21574397

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They've been hated forever.

William Tecumseh Sherman, a general in the American Civil War, once said, "If I killed them all there would be news from Hell before breakfast".

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b1f7a2 No.21574399

File: eed8d341c4b7232⋯.png (395.72 KB,661x610,661:610,ClipboardImage.png)

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1e72cb No.21574401


Fukken crushed it. Even trolled em

W sustainable

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373e27 No.21574404

File: 6ad469cbbe83998⋯.png (5.18 MB,2138x1949,2138:1949,ClipboardImage.png)

Team Trump

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1e72cb No.21574405



Fukken saved

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7616f3 No.21574406

File: 85048acab746ba1⋯.png (170.95 KB,293x485,293:485,85048acab746ba182ff608251d….png)


How embarrassing

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1aece9 No.21574408

File: 7a6848ccd253368⋯.jpg (168.79 KB,844x703,844:703,longest_dam_GE_li.jpg)

File: f7ff693176153f8⋯.png (1.37 MB,1000x1000,1:1,0_HciRNAWIuyxiZ3XA.png)

File: 1d7cdf2ec728323⋯.jpg (51.96 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_7_.jpg)



damn nagger do you swim

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373e27 No.21574410

File: eb252d39610f7c1⋯.png (48.91 KB,1054x408,31:12,ClipboardImage.png)


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b1f7a2 No.21574411


a discussion would ensue

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8d3b7d No.21574412


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a227e5 No.21574413



Live that edge my fren.

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ee4a34 No.21574414

File: 02417cf39df342e⋯.png (512.43 KB,675x583,675:583,8m54nb365346g534.png)

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6c9112 No.21574415

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Charlie Kirk




Here's Joy Behar trying to get Usher to say he’s voting for Kamala, and he basically says "no thanks."

Her disappointed shrug at the end 😂😂


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895072 No.21574416

File: 89dc79479b1a42e⋯.gif (5.81 MB,320x400,4:5,89dc79479b1a42e366b5abcac2….gif)


thank you baker

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373e27 No.21574417

File: 8e2b2a8f2847604⋯.png (2.12 MB,620x1250,62:125,ClipboardImage.png)


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b1f7a2 No.21574418


>debate moderator, ABC's Linsey Davis, happens to be a sorority sister of Kamala Harris in Alpha Kappa Alpha

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195f84 No.21574419

never forgets!

never forgibs!

many jesus!

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195f84 No.21574420


anon just like 'we'

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373e27 No.21574421

File: e322b1d8b86746d⋯.png (460.06 KB,768x403,768:403,ClipboardImage.png)

PANIC: Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine pushes back on fake migrant story amplified by Trump: "The internet can be quite crazy"

The baseless rumors have been amplified in recent days by former President Donald Trump and his allies.


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195f84 No.21574422

i studied several drops for months so…

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195f84 No.21574423

been on /pol/ for at least 40 years

ima mod!

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373e27 No.21574424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

James O'Keefe Confronts Google Growth Strategist on "Coordinating" with the Kamala Campaign

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d079eb No.21574425


I blame literal religious doctrines.

The one thing Bible believers and Jews and Muslims hate the most is the meditators. They have for centuries because the meditators expose the false truth of the world and it causes the human to re cleanse the thinking process which eliminates the need for a religion and thus, rids the world of society thinking or the Hive Mind.

Most fools will hate to hear this.

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ad8666 No.21574426

File: dc0081b431b4ab5⋯.gif (7.35 KB,631x495,631:495,hotspot_A_1000K_fit_small.gif)

Why did the FBI open the 9/11 investigation as

PENTTBOM Investigation

Pentagon Twin Towers Bomb?

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195f84 No.21574427

mod = complete badass

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1e72cb No.21574428

File: 2b084f80bb8d57a⋯.png (107.84 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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195f84 No.21574429

yeah you could say i am an expert truth analyst

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6c9112 No.21574430

File: edd55bcaec1e8c3⋯.png (411.8 KB,609x850,609:850,Screenshot_2024_09_11_2201….png)

File: 9e54e3fdd476d99⋯.mp4 (1.84 MB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17261064707….mp4)

There is a 39 min version floating around but too big to fit here. a guy calling them Sand Monkeys. Haitians are just French Niggers not middle eastern KEK

Tyler Oliveira




Homeless woman OUTRAGED over not receiving any help from local government while the 20,000+ Haitians get EVERYTHING for free and are their #1 priority…

She claims the Haitians call their EBT

card the “magic money card” because it never runs out…

She said Haitians came into the retail store she worked at, spent $500 on groceries, and still had $5,000 left in their account.

She claims landlords are receiving $800 per head that move in, making it nearly impossible to rent a home in Springfield as a local.


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373e27 No.21574431

File: 593bae7bb523240⋯.png (627.28 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Her name is Allexis Ferrell, the media is being very precise w/ their language, describing her as an "American citizen" but neglected to say her national origin. Maybe the channers can track it down.

Canton woman accused of torturing, killing and eating a cat

Canton police arrested 27-year-old Allexis Ferrell on Friday after she allegedly tortured, killed and ate a cat.


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c6ef6b No.21574433


Gov gives to NGOs.

NGOs facilitate migrants to border.

Also teaches them what to say

to stay in US and to vote.

Cabal charges migrants to cross.

Gov gibs to migrants as well.

Tax dollars used against U.S. citizens.

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82d68f No.21574434


wher would the E Team get a directed energy weapon from the future?

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1aece9 No.21574435

File: 885bc64131cea51⋯.gif (990.48 KB,580x467,580:467,XWQXOKd_1_.gif)

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c65267 No.21574436

File: a89ae215d5c2380⋯.png (36.84 KB,526x589,526:589,ClipboardImage.png)

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603d68 No.21574437

File: 629ed639b12fd73⋯.png (923.81 KB,1041x625,1041:625,Screenshot_2024_09_11_2202….png)


His wife is a tranny and he is governor of a state controlled by Epstein's boss.

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9924d1 No.21574440

>>21574177 lb


outstanding and NOTABLE

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ecf75f No.21574441

File: b95f6a54338f23a⋯.jpg (617.02 KB,1079x1239,1079:1239,b95f6a54338f23a3b6a58cfaa4….jpg)

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969e5c No.21574444

File: cabaa8517d6c905⋯.jpg (431.58 KB,1099x1469,1099:1469,GA6.jpg)


Baker, thank you for Your service.

NightShift is Activated

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e207d7 No.21574446

File: b38b5f3e82816bf⋯.jpeg (188.11 KB,1284x873,428:291,IMG_3201.jpeg)

File: acb929c5ffec290⋯.jpeg (170.96 KB,1284x839,1284:839,IMG_3200.jpeg)

Tuberville blocks promotion of Ronald Clark, top aide to Lloyd Austin…

Dan LamotheSeptember 9, 2024 at 7:54 p.m. EDT

Sen. Tommy Tuberville has blocked the promotion of an Army general who is a senior aide to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, people familiar with the matter said, threatening aconfrontation between the Republican firebrand and the Pentagon just weeks before the presidential election while reviving a months-old furor over the military chief’s medical secrecy.

Tuberville (R-Ala.) has frozen the nomination of Lt. Gen. Ronald P. Clark to become the four-star commander of all U.S. Army forces in the Pacific, according to the senator’s spokeswoman, Mallory Jaspers, and two other officials familiar with the emerging standoff. The maneuver, which has not been previously reported, restricts Clark’s nomination from coming up for a vote in the Senate and could mark the beginning of the end of his 36-year military career.

Clark, 58, was serving in his role as Austin’s senior military assistant when the defense secretary underwent surgery Dec. 22 to treat prostate cancer and a week later was admitted to intensive care in crisis, having developed severe complications from the procedure. Austin, who turned 71 in August, spent about two weeks in the hospital and eventually was diagnosed with infections in his urinary tract and bladder.

The incident caused an uproar in Washington after it emerged that Clark and other senior members of Austin’s staff did not know about his cancer diagnosis and surgery until he was in intensive care on Jan. 2 and then withheld that information from President Joe Biden and senior White House officials for two more days once they were made aware.

Eventually, the Pentagon disclosed Austin’s hospitalization to Congress and the American public on Jan. 5, three days after his top aides learned about it. The secrecy angered lawmakers from both political parties, who said the defense secretary’s decision showed a stunning lack of judgment.

Jaspers, in a statement, linked the hold on Clark’s promotion directly to the political imbroglio over Austin’s health crisis.

“Sen. Tuberville has concerns about Lt. Gen. Clark’s actions during Secretary Austin’s hospitalization,” Jaspers told The Washington Post in a statement. “Lt. Gen. Clark knew that Sec. Austin was incapacitated and did not tell the Commander in Chief. As a senior commissioned officer, Lt. Gen. Clark’s oath requires him to notify POTUS when the chain of command is compromised.” POTUS is shorthand for president of the United States.

Jaspers added that Tuberville is awaiting the results of a forthcoming Defense Department inspector general review of the incident, potentially leaving an off-ramp in the dispute.

Another Senate aide familiar with the issue said that if Tuberville had not placed a hold on Clark’s nomination, another Republican may have done so. Some Democrats also have concerns about how Austin’s hospitalization was handled, the aide added, speaking on the condition of anonymity because the issue remains sensitive.

A Pentagon spokesman, James Adams, said in a statement that Clark has served in several positions of leadership in recent military conflicts and previously led troops in the Pacific. The job for which he has been nominated would place him at the forefront of the Pentagon’s efforts to contain China and defend Taiwan.

“Lt. Gen. Clark is highly qualified and was nominated for this critical position because of his experience and strategic expertise,” the statement said. “We urge the Senate to confirm all of our qualified nominees. These holds undermine our military readiness.”

The situation has echoes of an extended hold that Tuberville placed on hundreds of military promotions last year, in a dispute over the Pentagon’s travel-reimbursement policy for personnel who seek an abortion outside the state where they are stationed. Tuberville’s showdown with the Defense Department then gummed up the military personnel system for months. Eventually, his Republican colleagues decried the gambit as damaging and he backed down.

In the case of Austin’s hospitalization, Pentagon officials have said that at no point was command and control of the U.S. military in doubt. Yet they have struggled to explain why they waited days to notify the White House. Austin’s chief of staff at the time, Kelly Magsamen, was sick with the flu, defense officials said, but other senior aides — including the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. — also knew about Austin’s condition and did not communicate it.

Magsamen resigned from her role in June. A Pentagon spokeswoman, Sabrina Singh, told reporters then that Magsamen has “earned some well-deserved time off,” and that her departure had nothing to do with forthcoming findings by the inspector general.


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c93811 No.21574448


,▶ Anonymous Just now 969e5c No.21574444

stupid aei

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373e27 No.21574449

File: 7d5fa3345be62e1⋯.png (577.85 KB,657x689,657:689,ClipboardImage.png)

File: efb5067f71b738d⋯.mp4 (2.58 MB,1280x720,16:9,the_immigrant_population_h….mp4)

It isn't just Springfield. It's happening everywhere. In Charleroi, Pennsylvania—a low-income town of just 4,000—the immigrant population has increased by 2,000% over the past two years. And it's almost all Haitians. Here's what one Charleroi councilman told us today:

America 2100


It isn't just Springfield. It's happening everywhere.

In Charleroi, Pennsylvania—a low-income town of just 4,000—the immigrant population has increased by 2,000% over the past two years. And it's almost all Haitians.

Here's what one Charleroi councilman told us today:

11:51 AM • Sep 11, 2024


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373e27 No.21574452

File: c9241c8c344b29f⋯.png (986.32 KB,860x574,430:287,ClipboardImage.png)

Never forget.

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373e27 No.21574455

File: 1110f94f96c0d85⋯.png (931.9 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

It's not just Ohio. Animal sacrifices on the rise in Queens, New York with chickens, pigs being tortured in ‘twisted’ rituals

Exclusive | Animal sacrifices on the rise in Queens with chickens, pigs being tortured in ‘twisted’ rituals

Animal sacrifices are surging in Queens, with chickens, pigs and even rats being tortured and set loose and even slaughtered as part of religious rituals.


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82d68f No.21574458



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9924d1 No.21574459


C before D

Cats before Ducks

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e15cea No.21574461


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373e27 No.21574466

File: 5b1c04ecf644635⋯.png (581.91 KB,661x571,661:571,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc019d98d6e7dc8⋯.mp4 (12.72 MB,640x360,16:9,I_was_just_attacked_at_Cit….mp4)

Alex Stein #99


I was just attacked at City Hall in NYC for trying to expose the lies we were told about 9/11

9:45 AM • Sep 11, 2024


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9d9aa5 No.21574468


Monkeys be Monkeys

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7616f3 No.21574470


Don't give them anything. no money means no money. End of story!

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4f10c0 No.21574471

File: 21a51987ddde5f5⋯.gif (863.63 KB,355x200,71:40,hat_changing.gif)



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0d15fb No.21574472

File: 53f50142ac9ffcf⋯.png (201.15 KB,402x508,201:254,ClipboardImage.png)

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66f789 No.21574474


Well…. technically they were masonic pillars, so…

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141a69 No.21574475


>Her disappointed shrug at the end

He didn't watch the debate. kek

this Fuck is useless to me and erbody. kek

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8d3b7d No.21574477


The world turns to shit and the hand-wringer is worried about the monies.

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373e27 No.21574479

File: a038e6f466fc322⋯.png (2.71 MB,1071x1177,1071:1177,ClipboardImage.png)


>Cats before DOGS?

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3c6bdc No.21574481

File: 2324df9c85a803a⋯.jpeg (108.19 KB,1283x843,1283:843,IMG_3203.jpeg)

File: 8a0655f18f14723⋯.jpeg (195.04 KB,1084x773,1084:773,IMG_3202.jpeg)

Barron Faces NYU Professors Who Signed Letter Saying Trump Was ‘Threat’ to the Republic

Emell Derra Adolphus

Mon, September 9, 2024 at 8:51 PM

Eighteen-year-old Barron Trump’s first day of college at New York University’s Stern School of Business allegedly began by meeting his school’s once outspoken anti-Trump dean.

Interim dean J.P. Eggers was one of 14 NYU Stern administrators to sign an October 2020 open letterwarning business leaders of then-President Donald Trump’s “threat” to “our republic.” The letter included over 1,000 signatories from business schools across America, including from Harvard, Yale, Cornell, and Columbia. Professor Deepak Malhotra of HarvardUniversity served as the letter’s main author.

“It is time for business leaders to follow suit and speak out against the threat Trump poses to our country,” the letter urged, referencing veterans, scientists, doctors, and other professional groups that spoke out against Trump in the lead-up to the 2020 election won by Joe Biden.

“My analysis shows the statements of financial conditions for all the years were not materially misstated,” Bartov said in the testimony. “There is no evidence here of concealment.” Bartov is still listed as a professor of accounting under the school’s faculty.

In February, Trump was found guilty of fraud and ordered to fork over a $455 million judgement.

Justice Arthur Engoron rebuked Bartov’s testimony in denying Trump’s request for the case to be decided in his favor. “All that his testimony proves is that for a million or so dollars, some experts will say whatever you want them to say,” wrote Engoron, CNBC reported.

Eggers was appointed interim dean of Stern on July 1, 2024.

The New York University Stern School of Business did not reply to the Daily Beast’s emailed requests and calls for comment.


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3dddef No.21574484

File: 1fc4856d6f00edd⋯.png (276.24 KB,608x518,304:259,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e46543031a116c1⋯.png (14.52 KB,615x147,205:49,ClipboardImage.png)

S p r i n t e r

@SprinterFamily 2h

Medvedev, commenting on the British Foreign Minister's promise to support Kyiv for 100 years, stated that he was lying and that Ukraine would not last even a quarter of that time.

According to him, Britain itself is likely to sink in the coming years, while Russian hypersonic missiles are available if needed

Sep 11, 2024 · 11:12 PM UTC


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141a69 No.21574485

File: 4586ae4a56fcf42⋯.jpg (20.05 KB,355x349,355:349,Kek_Kamala_2.jpg)


>a guy calling them Sand Monkeys. Haitians are just French Niggers not middle eastern

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7d95e6 No.21574486



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1e72cb No.21574491

File: 8899f46a143b103⋯.mp4 (6.18 MB,352x640,11:20,haitian_cannibal.mp4)

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141a69 No.21574492

File: ef3c72f614bb0b6⋯.png (388.76 KB,421x606,421:606,ClipboardImage.png)


>His wife is a tranny

That's a dude. kek

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8d3b7d No.21574493


Suddenly Chubby Taylor was the replacement

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3c6bdc No.21574495


Interesting this dean gets appointed on July 1, 2024, just before Barron went there. The decision was made.

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969e5c No.21574498

File: b6ddd06774fc33a⋯.jpg (388.33 KB,1536x2048,3:4,ClownRollerCoaster.jpg)


>stupid aei

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ad8666 No.21574499

File: 52217ac11cfbaaa⋯.png (825.73 KB,1366x1748,683:874,ClipboardImage.png)

FOIA reading room of note


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373e27 No.21574500

File: 2feefc504c37693⋯.png (844.17 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Mexico ~ Senate passes judicial reform despite protests & objection from Supreme Court ~ the constitutional reform allows judges to be elected by popular vote, including to the Supreme Court, which it reduced from 11 to 9 members

Mexico’s Senate Passes Judicial Reform Despite Protests, Objection From Supreme Court

The constitutional reform allows judges to be elected by popular vote, including to the Supreme Court, which it reduced from 11 to 9 members.


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6c9112 No.21574503

File: e0e2d104897a462⋯.png (181.1 KB,616x763,88:109,Screenshot_2024_09_11_2214….png)

File: be8321a3e5438dd⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17260871364….mp4)


There were comedians who also made a "Joke" about getting the call

Sulaiman Ahmed








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0d0100 No.21574504

File: 6d2528ca622cd7d⋯.webm (1.16 MB,1280x720,16:9,1726106419525721095_video….webm)

October 30th 2024 at 7:45 AM.

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141a69 No.21574505

File: 3862f104acb3f81⋯.png (1.29 MB,700x700,1:1,Shut_It_Down_DC.png)


>I was just attacked at City Hall in NYC for trying to expose the lies we were told about 9/11

Fuckin DEI. Shut it down!

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373e27 No.21574507

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969e5c No.21574512


I get half your shekels for this post.

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4f10c0 No.21574514

File: 9c838c3887ef240⋯.png (162.13 KB,238x741,238:741,ClipboardImage.png)

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6c9112 No.21574515

File: 882efe74e3918fc⋯.mp4 (7 MB,360x270,4:3,ssstwitter_com_17261056772….mp4)

File: c788337c2fee1dd⋯.png (304.64 KB,592x635,592:635,Screenshot_2024_09_11_2215….png)


More 9/11 truths Look at this young Tucker, at least he didn't have his Bowtie


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7efc86 No.21574516

File: 48581a582c00c69⋯.png (1.99 MB,1919x1080,1919:1080,ClipboardImage.png)

Zero G bookends for retards. Use a damn hair tie for the love of Sir Isaac Newton.

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1aece9 No.21574518


split the tip

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797087 No.21574521

File: 5e2e1f697717683⋯.png (833.46 KB,1080x1532,270:383,Screenshot_20240911_221145….png)

Government to shutdown OCTOBER 1ST

Good start forRED OCTOBERhuh Anons?


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8d3b7d No.21574522


(((Stern))) School

Send the kid to Harvard, not some Jew York Community College

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b1f7a2 No.21574524



Odigo Says Workers Were Warned of Attack

Odigo, the instant messaging service, says that two of its workers received messages two hours before the Twin Towers attack on September 11 predicting the attack would happen, and the company has been cooperating with Israeli and American law enforcement, including the FBI, in trying to find the original sender of the message predicting the attack.

Odigo, the instant messaging service, says that two of its workers received messages two hours before the Twin Towers attack on September 11 predicting the attack would happen, and the company has been cooperating with Israeli and American law enforcement, including the FBI, in trying to find the original sender of the message predicting the attack.

Micha Macover, CEO of the company, said the two workers received the messages and immediately after the terror attack informed the company's management, which immediately contacted the Israeli security services, which brought in the FBI.

"I have no idea why the message was sent to these two workers, who don't know the sender. It may just have been someone who was joking and turned out they accidentally got it right. And I don't know if our information was useful in any of the arrests the FBI has made," said Macover. Odigo is a U.S.-based company whose headquarters are in New York, with offices in Herzliya.

As an instant messaging service, Odigo users are not limited to sending messages only to people on their "buddy" list, as is the case with ICQ, the other well-known Israeli instant messaging application.

Odigo usually zealously protects the privacy of its registered users, said Macover, but in this case the company took the initiative to provide the law enforcement services with the originating Internet Presence address of the message, so the FBI could track down the Internet Service Provider, and the actual sender of the original message.

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96d522 No.21574525

File: 11fa21e8006e16d⋯.mp4 (2.64 MB,854x640,427:320,11fa21e8006e16db8ae7de880a….mp4)

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1e72cb No.21574526



thought same

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373e27 No.21574528



>Government to shutdown OCTOBER 1ST

>Good start forRED OCTOBERhuh Anons?



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9924d1 No.21574530


that’s his wife?

He has Schumer beat

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373e27 No.21574531

File: 6831f77af651ba4⋯.png (329.64 KB,640x802,320:401,ClipboardImage.png)

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7efc86 No.21574533


Germaine to bread title. A Mutt was banging that.

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373e27 No.21574535

File: 31553af935096d6⋯.png (1.04 MB,940x872,235:218,ClipboardImage.png)

Git dat Spooky Kabuki

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e15cea No.21574536

ur rite >>21574501

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9924d1 No.21574537

File: 508166009f5fa50⋯.jpeg (1.8 MB,2160x1528,270:191,IMG_1521.jpeg)

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96d522 No.21574538

File: 755f4b90404405f⋯.jpg (61.86 KB,507x492,169:164,755f4b90404405f4f8abf2bd6e….jpg)

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a8c989 No.21574539


I like to eat pussy

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ad8666 No.21574540

File: 7959e4dd0bc3e86⋯.png (334.93 KB,1360x2703,80:159,ClipboardImage.png)



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c6ef6b No.21574541


65% to 96% for harris

overlay how many are Zionists

i'm not an antisemite

i'm an anticriminalsemite

just sayin'

i like dreidels

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b1f7a2 No.21574542


>two workers received the messages and immediately after the terror attack informed the company's management, which immediately contacted the Israeli security services, which brought in the FBI.

case closed

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1e72cb No.21574544


who would win the wife or conan the barbarian?

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68ddf4 No.21574545

File: 48c3a6e78b0df4e⋯.png (311.14 KB,839x364,839:364,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e1187fcb4b0e495⋯.png (27.07 KB,571x325,571:325,ClipboardImage.png)

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a8c989 No.21574546

File: 2867f754ee4af03⋯.jpeg (62.9 KB,474x418,237:209,IMG_2665.jpeg)


nice beaver

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ca9359 No.21574547


holy shit

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9924d1 No.21574548

File: 4dd8017ffabd10c⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_1522.jpeg)



8 children?

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3345bf No.21574550


Upward slopping shoulders, confirmed.

Ugly as hell, confirmed.

I don't need moar


That's A Man Baby!

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373e27 No.21574551

File: b502dfc59295c8a⋯.png (465.72 KB,658x820,329:410,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 50c39de5fcee664⋯.mp4 (8.67 MB,640x360,16:9,COVIDSelect_held_former_Ne….mp4)


🚨@COVIDSelect held former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo accountable for his disastrous pandemic-era policies:

✔️More than 1.5 million docs reviewed

✔️50+ hours of testimony

✔️10 transcribed interviews

✔️48-page memo

✔️Subpoena to the State of New York

✔️Public hearing

5:01 PM • Sep 11, 2024


Q now do the rest of the country/world

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1e72cb No.21574553

File: 7cd3efdd811b7d1⋯.png (192.69 KB,337x435,337:435,ClipboardImage.png)


very pretty.

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9924d1 No.21574554

File: 60103c723647c7a⋯.png (1.48 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_1523.png)

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a8c989 No.21574555

File: 2999f4026e95ab3⋯.jpeg (649.86 KB,2048x3316,512:829,IMG_2664.jpeg)

File: da841a74f462f58⋯.jpeg (109.61 KB,1024x682,512:341,IMG_2662.jpeg)

File: 2207101970cb98f⋯.jpeg (949.9 KB,5300x3553,5300:3553,IMG_2663.jpeg)

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90b6ab No.21574558

File: 9be588d1bb7ce6e⋯.jpg (22.69 KB,201x251,201:251,1000000892.jpg)

Trillions gone,entire clown lives,families,.assets and reputations exposed for the useless shit theY were.

A waste of time bunch of DeepFuck cunts

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895072 No.21574559

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ca9359 No.21574561

File: 638f0eb5dcd93a7⋯.jpg (105.16 KB,1200x800,3:2,saltbae.jpg)

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55f339 No.21574563


The headset is the reason they wanted to turn off the mics. At one point you can hear it. You can hear them telling her what to say.

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373e27 No.21574564

File: 15f23a65102022f⋯.png (2.94 MB,1284x1236,107:103,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 222d8adb87e936b⋯.png (979.85 KB,600x565,120:113,ClipboardImage.png)

Can’t unsee this

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f15869 No.21574565

File: 0f847a081d36d0e⋯.png (2 MB,2208x2884,552:721,ClipboardImage.png)

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df89a0 No.21574566


They should have never been rebuilt. Now they're shrines to a crime that remains in the dark. What's upsetting is ALL the people in todays political arena know the truth. Do they think we're stupid?

We'll just move on and settle for the next hope giver and forget about the past. We don't need any truth and explanations.

Well Fuck that bullshit. I'm still stuck on 1963. They have a long way to go. 😎

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ca9359 No.21574567


pretty much the only doc they need is the one where he told every nursing home they had to accept sick patients even if they didn't have the ability to protect the others

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3409bc No.21574568

So Q said the CF Haitian involvement would be exposed.

How do you get the upper hand?

You bring in 20000 Haitians that eat pets.

Americans will lose all sympathy for them regardless of what Hillary did.

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373e27 No.21574570

File: 32957713a8bc52f⋯.png (879.42 KB,1073x1043,1073:1043,ClipboardImage.png)

Text Alerts are getting out of hand

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df0200 No.21574572

File: 2fc7f939157f768⋯.png (336.74 KB,1080x661,1080:661,ClipboardImage.png)

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9924d1 No.21574573

File: a4b45a7fc705488⋯.png (2.07 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_1524.png)



Makes sense now

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1aece9 No.21574574

File: 72c67270662e401⋯.jpg (11.64 KB,200x202,100:101,72c67270662e401ead7f3ce718….jpg)

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ca9359 No.21574575

Haiti has the Voodoo hoodoo

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373e27 No.21574576

File: 07edf998667129f⋯.png (763.61 KB,526x526,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)




Meanwhile, in Springfield Ohio

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0d15fb No.21574577

File: 3c29072c0e20c18⋯.png (56.43 KB,372x140,93:35,ClipboardImage.png)


Look closely./


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1e72cb No.21574580


santeria and palo mayombe

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373e27 No.21574581

File: 63e425171445110⋯.png (300.27 KB,660x496,165:124,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 519a09bdb28d54f⋯.png (806.15 KB,1200x514,600:257,ClipboardImage.png)



BREAKING: Secret Service declares Jan. 6, 2025, day of Certification of Electoral Votes, a 'National Special Security Event'

6:46 PM • Sep 11, 2024


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df89a0 No.21574585


And you're probable voting for her.

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6c9112 No.21574586

File: 087facdda134d59⋯.png (224.73 KB,585x668,585:668,Screenshot_2024_09_11_2229….png)

File: e7d29c8ab35a35e⋯.mp4 (9.99 MB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17261081768….mp4)

I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸




Springfield, Ohio resident claims she saw Haitians catching wildlife in the park, gutting farm animals, cooking them, and leaving the reservoir completely trashed.


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373e27 No.21574588

File: cc5e7c072459f3f⋯.png (52.67 KB,879x364,879:364,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Jr. | The Fake News will erase dead American kids to protect Kamala!

Donald Trump Jr.


Yesterday, a group of Angel Moms testified in front of Congress blaming Kamala Harris and her open border policies for the deaths of their kids, yet the @nytimes

and other corporate media outlets refused to cover it.

The Fake News will erase dead American kids to protect Kamala!

7:23 PM · Sep 11, 2024


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1e72cb No.21574590

File: 4da4a48fc7ad2ce⋯.png (245.41 KB,656x300,164:75,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 422a919f10835e5⋯.jpg (86.96 KB,454x377,454:377,oxygen.jpg)



please put alf's head on it

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4f10c0 No.21574591


A woman from Sword's Creek might not think that way.

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90b6ab No.21574592

File: adeb8ea5b6f9252⋯.jpg (301.97 KB,1600x989,1600:989,1000001031.jpg)

Shit eating pedophiles lost it all, everything gone.

Every dime and second of solace, but a whisp.om the wind.

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ca9359 No.21574593

File: c07284b49a51f39⋯.png (1.39 MB,1664x980,416:245,hoo.png)

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faa04d No.21574594

notables @ 290 halfway collected

#26428 >>21574191

>>21574212, >>21574304 ABC moderator Linsey Davis from last night is sorority sister of Kamala Harris in Alpha Kappa Alpha

>>21574220 Tim Walz's flip-flopping on 2nd amendment rights

>>21574221 Blinken hints US will lift restrictions on Ukraine using long-range arms in Russia

>>21574257 Trump's closing statement has soared to almost 12 million views, one million likes, and thousands of comments supporting him

>>21574271 Company responds to theory Harris wore audio earrings at debate: 'The resemblance is striking'

>>21574284 Taylor Swift lip sync audio fail exposes how terrible a singer she is

>>21574311 Veritas undercover: DOJ immigration attorney: "Democrat Megadonors Control Border"

>>21574331 Kamala lie counter from last night

>>21574361 JD Vance interview with Shawn Ryan

>>21574393 Candace Owens Dropped a Bomb on Millions of Viewers: Israeli Citizens were Warned of the 9/11 Attack Two-Hours Before it Happened

>>21574415 Here's Joy Behar trying to get Usher to say he’s voting for Kamala, and he basically says "no thanks"

>>21574424 James O'Keefe Confronts Google Growth Strategist on "Coordinating" with the Kamala Campaign

>>21574431 Canton woman caught torturing, killing and eating a cat not being investigated by MSM

>>21574437 Governor of Ohio: Mike DeWine

>>21574404 Memes


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797087 No.21574595

File: 1cf1ada2d0e5b29⋯.jpg (90.88 KB,749x601,749:601,IMG_20240911_214129_895.jpg)



>holy shit

Anon think all this Haitian cat eating stuff is getting the normies ready for Haiti black magik

Hillary Clinton enters the CAT kek

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2cc2d0 No.21574596




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c65267 No.21574598


i thought that was some weird piñata dog for a second there……….

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373e27 No.21574599

File: e9d81c2b074b7ac⋯.png (371.39 KB,848x772,212:193,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c46d5b2b42d8c5⋯.png (508.81 KB,664x790,332:395,ClipboardImage.png)


I post it every year, Hunter S. Thompson using an ESPN column to write this one week after 9/11

4:37 PM • Sep 11, 2024


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255d61 No.21574600

File: 132ecbb2322d415⋯.png (667.26 KB,556x500,139:125,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2691ff73f22c390⋯.png (503.56 KB,455x455,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f8d7f3b8864ad3d⋯.png (674.85 KB,1080x1094,540:547,ClipboardImage.png)


fuck you, you fucking cosplaying faggot.

understand this,

you will never be anything but a fat useless piece of shit.

with the rest of you fucking stooges who fucking up this board..

most of you anons are being led around by your base instincts and have no idea what is going on.

yes anon is saying it.

anons here are being lead around by idiots who are self affirming each other with repeatation and are fucking up right on the edge of victory.

stay away from a.i you stupid fucking idiots and stop it clouding reality.

stupid fucking sheep and that includes that fucking faggot elon musk the clown rat.

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7efb50 No.21574603

File: a911079c90d6365⋯.png (70.66 KB,169x168,169:168,ClipboardImage.png)


There are case studies for this and other plays.

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373e27 No.21574605

File: fdc9defc50d1bfd⋯.png (1.09 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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c6ef6b No.21574606


think of the tax savings

last long time

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57a02c No.21574607

File: 4da4a48fc7ad2ce⋯.png (245.41 KB,656x300,164:75,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 55aedcbd0661b48⋯.png (87.26 KB,260x183,260:183,ClipboardImage.png)

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a8c989 No.21574608

File: 3eeaf5db07e1285⋯.jpeg (466.46 KB,2048x1530,1024:765,IMG_2666.jpeg)

File: db8bd5f273d2f01⋯.png (1.52 MB,1046x1384,523:692,IMG_2667.png)

File: 103394eb164ab4d⋯.jpeg (113.71 KB,1024x768,4:3,IMG_2668.jpeg)

how many died from the effects of those toxic asbestos clouds after 911?

answer: tens of thousands from cancers

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4f10c0 No.21574609


Gittin' a bit deep in here with Squeaky's chit.

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a67eca No.21574611

File: 96a744c27f271f4⋯.png (342.98 KB,502x600,251:300,ClipboardImage.png)


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7efc86 No.21574612

File: 405dba62a67ebc2⋯.png (1.44 MB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Somewhere tonight a bald eagle family goes hungry. That is the real tragedy here.

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df89a0 No.21574613


Tucker is a fucktard too. Putin put the mamby pamby in his place when he referenced him and the CIA. Tucker said NOTHING. Go back and look.

"i'm a Hells Angel just like you". 😎

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373e27 No.21574614

File: 721b73bf3e2d238⋯.png (580.61 KB,900x509,900:509,ClipboardImage.png)


>black magik

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8d3b7d No.21574615


Like the Protocols are a forgery.

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7efc86 No.21574617

File: 9e26b608fdfe9a3⋯.png (27.8 KB,400x578,200:289,ClipboardImage.png)

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6c9112 No.21574618

File: 98f49139f0661a3⋯.png (139.31 KB,896x606,448:303,ClipboardImage.png)


Just compare the way she was talking, her cadence, words, inflection. Totally different than anything I have heard from her. It was Obama all the way.


> At one point you can hear it.

A feature is that they don't leak sound so the mics shouldn't have picked it up.

Like conventional earrings, the NOVA H1 are placed on the earlobes and project the sound from inside the pearl straight into your ear canal.

Thanks to our worldwide patented Directional Sound Technology, the sound travels from the earlobe to the ear canal avoiding sound leakage and keeping your conversations and music private and secure.


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373e27 No.21574619

File: 1601a350c8a8685⋯.png (670.24 KB,700x350,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Another top ranking member of the NYPD has been revealed to be a CCP sleeper agent. It’s really starting to seem like maybe communist China has been running NYC for years…

REPORT: Another Top NYC Official w/ Ties to NYPD, Eric Adams Accused of Chinese Spying

(Headline USA) A little over a week after a former top aide to New York Gov. Kathy Hochul was arrested for spying on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party, another New York government employee was found to have close ties to the CCP. Lin Gui’an, the assist…


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df89a0 No.21574620


How's the Presidential election going to turn out? Women from Sword's Creek?

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373e27 No.21574621

File: dd31176243b3681⋯.png (699.34 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Springfield Ohio Had 60,000 Residents Until 15,000 Migrant Haitians Showed Up – Now the Governor Sends State Police to Help with Crime Wave September 11, 2024

The population of Springfield, Ohio was 59,000 just before Joe Biden and Kamala Harris sent 15,000 Haitian migrants there. Now, with 25% of the community throwing juju bones, eating cats, dogs, swans, geese and pond ducks’ things have become sketchy. Corp…


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603d68 No.21574622

File: ba2128d0c136d74⋯.png (713.15 KB,2071x1209,2071:1209,Screenshot_2024_09_11_2239….png)


The Dollar General is sweating.

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4f10c0 No.21574623


Emerald grew up in Sword's Creek. Get it straight.

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70906e No.21574625

teee heeeee!

thats tickled!

do it again daddy!

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3239c2 No.21574626

File: 343b69f725edff3⋯.jpg (82.79 KB,495x404,495:404,capture_1660_28022022_1937….jpg)

File: 5a5a6c6f87f67e9⋯.mp4 (15.26 MB,480x360,4:3,BakingManIsBakingBread.mp4)

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ca9359 No.21574628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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373e27 No.21574629

File: b18a99d4fada6fc⋯.png (644.16 KB,768x427,768:427,ClipboardImage.png)

what could go wrong? from July 11, 2024: Springfield, OH city manager explains 'significant housing crisis' due to migrant flux- if you can't house them, how are you going to feed them?

LOCAL NEWS: Ohio city faces 'significant housing crisis' due to migrant flux

Large numbers of people entering or living in America illegally are exacerbating the housing crisis, including in areas like Ohio far from the border.


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8d3b7d No.21574630


Allexis Ferrell

Alex is feral?

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ba2004 No.21574631


Is that short for Frank?

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57a02c No.21574632

File: 4ea6edfc21397b0⋯.mp4 (10.02 MB,268x288,67:72,Santeria.mp4)

File: 9c123e4713984e3⋯.mp4 (3.97 MB,244x288,61:72,Palo_mayombe_.mp4)



Kek! Was looking for that one when poasting the cannibal.

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0d15fb No.21574633


>teee heeeee!

>thats tickled!

>do it again daddy!

Why did you post this?


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df89a0 No.21574634


You didn't answer the question. Where I grew up people do. Get that straight.

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f9fe4d No.21574635

Evenin’ Nightshift

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7efc86 No.21574636

File: 9326c893a074d59⋯.mp4 (7.29 MB,848x480,53:30,coasteroflove.mp4)


>Emerald Robinson

vidrel or GTFO!

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4f10c0 No.21574639


You addressed it to someone else. Not me. I too busy.

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3dddef No.21574640

File: f508fb857670f47⋯.png (404.33 KB,530x471,530:471,f508fb857670f47d14dc783da3….png)


frazzledrip has just entered this chat.

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3239c2 No.21574641



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a67eca No.21574643

File: bb148499dc2fc35⋯.png (69.74 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


Looks like Emhoff's whore



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f15869 No.21574644

File: 1d349ad42b5cf64⋯.webm (495.76 KB,320x240,4:3,observing_shills2.webm)

On the plus side, this cold finally gave motivation to give up the combusting.

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ad8666 No.21574646



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7e2667 No.21574647

File: fc69e79cf3d25ae⋯.jpg (75.95 KB,914x998,457:499,1726106455541169.jpg)

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df89a0 No.21574648


" I too busy" 😂. Firing up the wok or running away from NY Feds.

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6c9112 No.21574649

File: de151f45906ef45⋯.png (167.82 KB,597x765,199:255,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 029a8c4b9e3abb7⋯.mp4 (7.61 MB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17260426716….mp4)



Another Black woman identifying as being on "The Right"




Sep 10


To parents with kids in Public Schools, this is your wake up call.

Credits to @kikifuchser0218 on Tik Tok.

This video is astounding what she’s about to show you.

Please watch


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a67eca No.21574650


Learn to mug illegal aliens or media clowns

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ba2004 No.21574651

File: 802062beb90ac76⋯.jpg (16.44 KB,234x255,78:85,bald_beaver.jpg)

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373e27 No.21574653

File: de6d2b41ed16436⋯.png (83.91 KB,799x261,799:261,ClipboardImage.png)

US House Passes Bill to Require Senate Approval of any international agreement on pandemic preparedness to be subject to Senate ratification. "This is huge. Miracles can happen. 2 years ago these bills were nonstarters," says the article.

Here is what passed: HR1425, introduced by Rep. Tom Tiffany:


To require any convention, agreement, or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response reached by the World Health Assembly to be subject to Senate ratification.”

Senate ratification requires a 2/3 vote. 49 Senators went on record in May as being against the IHR amendments (which passed the World Health Assembly on June 1) and against the proposed WHO pandemic treaty, which is being negotiated this week.

The bill needs to pass the Senate, where its companion is S444, introduced by Senator Ron Johnson and sponsored by every one of the 49 Republicans in the Senate. It has a good chance. Would Kamala’s handlers dare for her to cast the deciding vote against it before the election? Against US sovereignty over health?



September 11, 2024



Today, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 1425, the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act, that will ensure the White House does not enter into any agreement with the WHO on pandemic preparedness without first getting the constitutionally required advice and consent from the U.S. Senate.

The legislation, sponsored by Representative Tom Tiffany (R-WI), is an essential step in protecting the sovereignty of the United States. The World Health Assembly of the World Health Organization is attempting to become the global authority on pandemic responses by adopting a Pandemic Preparedness treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations. Eagle Forum believes that both documents should be considered treaties and be subject to the constitutional requirement of Senate approval.

“We thank the House of Representatives for passing this important legislation. The Biden-Harris Administration has refused, to date, to submit these international agreements to the Senate, despite the clear language of our constitution,” explained Kris Ullman, President of Eagle Forum.

“Considering the WHO’s record of handling the COVID-19 pandemic, they should not be allowed to move forward with any treaty or agreement that gives them more power over our lives and livelihoods. Americans lost their freedoms because of the WHO’s ‘voluntary’ guidance on lockdowns, masking, school closures, travel restrictions, and vaccine mandates. Now the WHO is attempting to make their failed policies mandatory with these new treaties. Congress must stand up for their right to weigh in before the United States joins these international power grabs. Passage of H.R. 1425 is a step in the right direction.”

The Senate companion bill, S. 444, is supported by every Republican Senator. In addition, on August 29th, twenty-six Republican governors came together to state that they would not comply with the World Health Organization’s attempt at one world control over health policy saying, “Put simply, Republican Governors will not comply.”

H.R. 1425 passed the House by a vote of 219-199. Four Democrats crossed the aisle to support the legislation.

It will only be a miracle if the Senate passes it. Fingers crossed!

Pray that there are enough brave legislators willing to stand up against enormous pressure and possible personal consequences.


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4f10c0 No.21574657

File: 48561767211f5bd⋯.png (855.53 KB,1000x750,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


No funny.

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8d3b7d No.21574658


>Secret Service declares

Who made those fucktards king?

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3239c2 No.21574663

File: d6b73863e52c948⋯.jpg (278.4 KB,1300x1390,130:139,InQTel_Scrubbed_from_Gener….jpg)

File: 14dc22790305f93⋯.png (3.35 MB,1246x938,89:67,capture_017_01112022_02024….png)

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7efc86 No.21574668

File: 80481207323eb51⋯.mp4 (4.82 MB,640x480,4:3,DJT911.mp4)

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5b8c94 No.21574672

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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373e27 No.21574673

File: 1a24ca593e1575a⋯.png (488.15 KB,658x722,329:361,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05ad4e0a175d0a2⋯.mp4 (934.15 KB,720x406,360:203,A_TAYLOR_SWIFT_FAN_JUST_TO….mp4)

🚨A TAYLOR SWIFT FAN JUST TOLD CNN SHE'S VOTING TRUMP AFTER TAYLOR ENDORSED KAMALA! "The last four years have been insanely hard on everybody and it's not getting cheaper." WE THE PEOPLE LOVE TRUMP! Kamala definitely wouldn't want you to share this!

Bo Loudon



"The last four years have been insanely hard on everybody and it's not getting cheaper."


Kamala definitely wouldn't want you to share this!

6:14 PM • Sep 11, 2024


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3239c2 No.21574674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8d3b7d No.21574678

File: fcb88500f952df2⋯.png (1.79 MB,1197x875,171:125,double_the_fun.png)

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fbed00 No.21574679



grooming children for pedos

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373e27 No.21574680

File: 69eadf6c155e876⋯.png (52.88 KB,1196x525,1196:525,ClipboardImage.png)

TMZ CUCKS debate poll basically tied

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c06eac No.21574681

File: 41d75660ac0b38c⋯.png (6.93 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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4a2e89 No.21574682

File: 1eb17564159da32⋯.png (1.77 MB,2560x2560,1:1,KAG_Q_Alpha.png)


Thank You Baker

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3dddef No.21574683

File: 43e2ebfd373cf7f⋯.png (473.82 KB,464x575,464:575,ClipboardImage.png)


>Looks like Emhoff's whore

Second Gentleman for you bitch.

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373e27 No.21574684

File: f17d4fbfa8b8288⋯.png (1.34 MB,1170x1187,1170:1187,ClipboardImage.png)



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fa6f95 No.21574686

Did you feel that? ❤️

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255d61 No.21574687

File: c26fca944e72d66⋯.png (65.71 KB,1376x623,1376:623,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d17af59dabed733⋯.png (95.17 KB,1214x900,607:450,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9f1a56c6dfcb3d⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB,540x960,9:16,christmas_2023_part_2.mp4)


this is a indian site.

is not a trusted source

is continuing to push this shit about the pets being eaten.

yes it is probably based in truth, especially in india and places like china where they will torture the animals before killing them on the streets and serving them up to each other.

but this is not the case yet in the western world.

this is a psyop by the clowns.

fucking stupid idol worshiping shit stain smelly ..

aw fuck it .

stop posting this shit.

anon is going to have to explain to anons here what is going on and as tor the shills


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373e27 No.21574689

File: 54fae8df790daac⋯.png (4.58 MB,1792x1024,7:4,ClipboardImage.png)

🚨BREAKING🚨: Sources tell me Tail's Angels are on their way to Springfield, OH to deal with the Haitian immigrants.

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c06eac No.21574691

File: bcbc703b24f36f6⋯.png (163.73 KB,1280x1280,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

decapitating HObamaMOO leisure club

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921348 No.21574692

File: a3ced0f46366f58⋯.png (306.73 KB,592x865,592:865,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5741fa85dfc032⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB,720x720,1:1,IrkGxHF0LipFix69.mp4)

Dylan Allman @DylanMAllman

The woman in this video just won her primary for a house of representatives seat in New Hampshire.

"Can you guarantee our government will never become tyrannical? No? Then the gun control debate is over."


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770fd7 No.21574693


is that hat

smoller than usual

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ad8666 No.21574694

File: c97c418a62985cc⋯.jpg (13.09 KB,320x216,40:27,israeli_nuke_core1_e138507….jpg)

File: 39a08cab13b3c17⋯.webp (236.37 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,viktor_bout_griner_whelan….webp)

File: b1228e36a59aa01⋯.jpg (9.54 KB,474x183,158:61,tsoaf.jpg)

CIA Torture Report Ties Cheney/Bout to 9/11 Nukes


Cheney and his henchmen were silencing critics, eliminating “loose ends” tied to Able Danger and 9/11, and completing the process of dismantling the last vestiges of representative government in the US and Western Europe. The story today ties the Valerie Plame scandal, a CIA agent exposed as retaliation at Cheney’s orders.

Our coup was when we learned that Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, termed a veritable “female bin Laden” was not only CIA but an asset for Valerie Plame in an investigation originally aimed at Saddam but that had turned around and was pointing directly at the White House.

The Plame investigation aided by Siddiqui’s proof no “yellowcake/Al Qaeda” plot had ever existed went much further than initially intended. Cheney was revealed to be the “handler” for now-imprisoned Victor Bout, revealed by the FBI in a 2007 Bangkok briefing to be greatly responsible for supplying the nuclear weapons nukes used on the WTC and, according to FBI sources, a cruise missile as well that the FBI asserts was used on the Pentagon on 9/11.

Thus, when Libby/Liebowitz was convicted, it was openly accepted that he was protecting Cheney from the fallout of simply “running his mouth.” In truth, as we will establish, even Cheney’s proven role in pushing America into an illegal war is only the tip of the iceberg.

The Cheney/Bout partnership was integral to the wholesale looting of America’s inventory of surplus and decommissioned nuclear weapons and placing dozens of nuclear warheads in the hands of rogue nations and terrorist groups

nvestigators from the DOE and IAEA confirm that weapons from this stolen stockpile were used in the demolition of the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001 — nuclear “pits” originally produced at the Hanford DOE facility in Washington.

This information was part of the highly classified 2003 9/11 report given to congressional and White House leaders only and later leaked by Russian Naval Intelligence, believed to have been among a trove of documents received from Edward Snowden.

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373e27 No.21574696

File: 471a0f1ef7a4466⋯.png (830.81 KB,535x782,535:782,ClipboardImage.png)


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373e27 No.21574698

File: d1668808ec6ac37⋯.png (359.32 KB,767x900,767:900,ClipboardImage.png)

President Trump just announced he will be holding yet ANOTHER rally in New York. New York is in play.

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96d522 No.21574701

File: 728b6f193cb5fd1⋯.png (418.63 KB,680x442,20:13,728b6f193cb5fd1b22fa4c5d81….png)

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0d15fb No.21574703

File: 0572784e07ee571⋯.png (89.07 KB,216x260,54:65,ClipboardImage.png)


Some technology is more powerful than you know./



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770fd7 No.21574705

i bought my best friend

a yarmulke for christmas

he was catholic

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373e27 No.21574706

File: afac010f933bd79⋯.png (1.39 MB,968x968,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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c06eac No.21574707



>>58% succes

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f15869 No.21574708

File: cdb7a147faf435f⋯.webp (56.45 KB,1009x692,1009:692,440mkqddq4od1.webp)

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de4ea4 No.21574709

File: 38c9c452cc16b28⋯.jpg (29.86 KB,568x338,284:169,38c9c452cc16b28325c2ebf45c….jpg)


TY for being a 35 post NPC

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797087 No.21574710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>The Dollar General is sweating

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e365d2 No.21574711

File: 5b7f4e07e4b6d59⋯.png (88.27 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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3dddef No.21574713

File: 37a38f66a22b52d⋯.png (8.23 KB,193x50,193:50,ClipboardImage.png)

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c06eac No.21574714

its not wurth postin

cuz BO is faggo for kamal tranny bidet enemas

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373e27 No.21574715

File: 6616070968d76ae⋯.png (7.02 MB,2096x2794,1048:1397,ClipboardImage.png)

Begin the Bling War!

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fbed00 No.21574717


his internal polling numbers must be massive

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770fd7 No.21574718

his dad had tears in his eyes

his mom

who was a Sunday school teacher

looked at me disappointed

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770fd7 No.21574720

he threw it

like a frisbee

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255d61 No.21574722

File: 69b0881be8a2013⋯.png (888.45 KB,630x653,630:653,ClipboardImage.png)

Anon roll call.and this is to admin

reply to this post if you are not a shill.

otherwise anon will try again when there are moar anons on the board.

think it maybe time for this anon to bake again if they do not delete anons breads.

corp aka shades

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770fd7 No.21574723


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df89a0 No.21574726


Pre-lethal injection of course. Did he get a last meal? Maine lobster perhaps with French fries and extra tarter sauce. Cocky motherfucker. You earned your wings in 1963. So you thought. They called you Timberwolf ; wrong name Icarus.

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f15869 No.21574728

File: 240bdb6d8a20225⋯.png (344.77 KB,720x406,360:203,240bdb6d8a2022515befaedc5f….png)

File: 5d923f0512a7279⋯.png (331.68 KB,720x406,360:203,5d923f0512a72790cb52e99419….png)

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406660 No.21574729

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373e27 No.21574731

File: 7b6a1c3feffe790⋯.png (495.89 KB,655x815,131:163,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff421f8165e3877⋯.mp4 (7.75 MB,640x360,16:9,Trump_is_going_to_win_Watc….mp4)

Trump is going to win! Watch and see!!

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a227e5 No.21574732

File: 32a503bd209e599⋯.jpeg (38.62 KB,467x521,467:521,IMG_3747.jpeg)

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f058fd No.21574734

File: 588dc8f8104579e⋯.png (684.46 KB,486x700,243:350,zc6608b29f.png)

File: 849bf8fcb6af8de⋯.jpg (167.43 KB,689x1491,689:1491,om66078559.jpg)

File: b3567c138a83dae⋯.jpg (104.21 KB,895x1147,895:1147,os66078590.jpg)

File: 3e2417e240ae1d7⋯.jpg (111.7 KB,768x783,256:261,bc6607859f.jpg)

File: ca50ac1cb8be6ea⋯.jpg (93.23 KB,800x835,160:167,go6605a884.jpg)

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c1e6f2 No.21574735

File: 71cea0e8f1ac9ab⋯.jpeg (1.8 MB,2160x1528,270:191,alf_man.jpeg)

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d94330 No.21574737

File: 19f9bc32ed50b28⋯.jpg (762.06 KB,1080x2408,135:301,Screenshot_20240911_215640….jpg)

Wizards and Warlocks will not allow another Satanic POS to be President again

Interesting potential decode. They can't kill us off anymore. And looks like those who try to end up getting "zipped up."

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373e27 No.21574739

File: 7b6a1c3feffe790⋯.png (495.89 KB,655x815,131:163,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff421f8165e3877⋯.mp4 (7.75 MB,640x360,16:9,Trump_is_going_to_win_Watc….mp4)

Trump is going to win! Watch and see!!

Ryan Saavedra


Independents tracked almost perfectly with Republicans during the debate

🔴= Republican

🟡= Independent

🔵= Democrat

On the major issues — economy, inflation, illegal immigration, energy — independents sided with Republicans

Democrats weren't huge fans of some of her answers

5:02 PM • Sep 11, 2024


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1098bc No.21574741

File: 0ca6b9a05633c30⋯.jpeg (306.21 KB,1130x1463,1130:1463,66b71eb04e405d2f84ca21041….jpeg)

>>21572468 pb

great concept

tweaked it a bit….

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c6ef6b No.21574744

File: 52465592af8f173⋯.jpg (112.12 KB,860x430,2:1,Sir_Anthony_Hopkins_as_Dr_….jpg)

File: b15391d67081d90⋯.jpg (208.64 KB,860x1269,860:1269,MV5BNjNhZTk0ZmEtNjJhMi00Yz….jpg)

File: 7f722fb517a0071⋯.jpg (64.94 KB,860x430,2:1,hannibal_lecter_stares_dow….jpg)

File: 1a5d496ae233ef8⋯.jpg (45.42 KB,639x342,71:38,buffalobill.jpg)

File: ffe35be8b6f6987⋯.jpg (178.62 KB,696x442,348:221,buffalo_bill_696x443.jpg)

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d94330 No.21574745


Suggest decode for notable

Military is the savior of mankind.

God Bless!

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f058fd No.21574747

File: 839fbf8de79a782⋯.jpg (158.95 KB,800x870,80:87,vj660a0b32.jpg)

File: 88ea0f4ec225dc0⋯.png (101.49 KB,404x342,202:171,vx66078713.png)

File: aa9a67d3d99b7eb⋯.jpg (88.98 KB,800x497,800:497,tm6605a883.jpg)

File: d73ed269024e3ef⋯.png (1.27 MB,1200x776,150:97,nm65d18648.png)

File: 46bb5fd5d22f322⋯.jpg (44.03 KB,546x680,273:340,ts660649a7.jpg)

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373e27 No.21574749

File: 79afca3807e55a1⋯.png (1.88 MB,1080x2336,135:292,ClipboardImage.png)

JUST IN: GREAT news for Trump: he’s killing it with White Evangelical Protestants. Pew Research just released figures showing he’s up 82%_16%.


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770fd7 No.21574751


nah dawg

he a real nigga


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4f10c0 No.21574753

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7efc86 No.21574754

File: ac501ee526ecbd7⋯.png (1.2 MB,1125x860,225:172,ClipboardImage.png)

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3409bc No.21574755


Paw Patrol

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5b8c94 No.21574757

File: 2c096b31c58f0a1⋯.jpg (12.48 KB,500x825,20:33,Night_shift5.jpg)

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c6cea7 No.21574760

File: 2b74eeb88eb2ecb⋯.png (1.87 MB,2213x1949,2213:1949,9eleven_1_.png)


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f058fd No.21574761

File: 43f08c3d96d20ce⋯.jpg (45.99 KB,480x640,3:4,delta_loop_home_page.jpg)

File: e913f42bbaf6ffe⋯.gif (11.87 MB,894x500,447:250,But_Why.gif)

File: 3b5b24f2663848d⋯.jpg (1.65 MB,2560x1920,4:3,P1010136.JPG)

File: 449e3232273d2ef⋯.jpg (189.48 KB,1280x1024,5:4,jurassic_park_2013_1280x10….jpg)

File: 88ca55242b2aca9⋯.jpg (32.93 KB,369x300,123:100,dn_lewicki_rat_patrol_b.jpg)



Fuck These Commies Shitbirds…

We're Gonna Stack Em Waist Fucking High at the Firing Squad Rallies…

Let Them Eat … KEK!

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96d522 No.21574762

File: dd0b157913e715d⋯.png (999.11 KB,686x863,686:863,dd0b157913e715db119284345d….png)

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640c0a No.21574763


The hands down funniest shit of the last 20 years.

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f15869 No.21574766

File: d0f0981737f1eed⋯.gif (1.34 MB,498x372,83:62,donaldduck_sleep_165871020….gif)

Well, back to sleep. At this rate it'll be Friday before back to somewhat normal.

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f058fd No.21574768

File: 4745ae31137cecd⋯.jpg (40.05 KB,594x800,297:400,NCSWIC.jpg)

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373e27 No.21574769

File: 7f198940c1c4687⋯.png (341.98 KB,791x598,791:598,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a4b0e8f0afbaf2⋯.mp4 (2.88 MB,576x1024,9:16,Trump_drops_new_devastatin….mp4)

File: c8ed7b5e27a7602⋯.png (50.83 KB,789x589,789:589,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 193a802b662db53⋯.png (253.76 KB,794x594,397:297,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 91420f80c86ec7b⋯.png (131.76 KB,793x595,793:595,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump drops new devastating ad about Kamala on TikTok "SHE DIDN'T SAY YES"

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640c0a No.21574771


In fact, that’s ish Jamala was pumping out last night could be spliced with Mrs Swan.

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4f10c0 No.21574772


That and Homie The Clown.

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c6ef6b No.21574774

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f058fd No.21574775

File: 833999ca9c3a3de⋯.jpg (109.47 KB,816x612,4:3,Midget_Massage_Parlor_Bush.jpg)

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770fd7 No.21574777

File: dfc6c697671a0f1⋯.jpg (722.49 KB,3247x3364,3247:3364,NCSWIC.jpg)

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f058fd No.21574779

File: a45c6985920096e⋯.jpg (134.3 KB,678x902,339:451,DNC_Panic.jpg)

File: f20e928a8caac33⋯.jpg (68.08 KB,379x769,379:769,Bitch_You_Are_Fired_Kamala.jpg)

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b2e256 No.21574780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The City

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f058fd No.21574783

File: 0046d6027a80d9b⋯.jpg (94.31 KB,736x736,1:1,Snap_20240911_061156.jpg)

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f058fd No.21574787

File: f671d2d350b11ed⋯.jpg (123.84 KB,816x555,272:185,Jan_6_Pelosi.jpg)

File: 1a3e3875cca7ad3⋯.jpg (122.66 KB,816x555,272:185,Plandemic_Pelosi.jpg)




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2eeb15 No.21574788

File: 1f250b687b270bb⋯.png (325.66 KB,358x515,358:515,ClipboardImage.png)



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255d61 No.21574791

File: 3b456b53d5d6f53⋯.png (445.41 KB,1208x506,604:253,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fda31f927d70445⋯.png (362.32 KB,780x438,130:73,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ce2a7ac5b249b7⋯.png (900.65 KB,500x702,250:351,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85745c5bdfdbcf6⋯.png (441.49 KB,500x756,125:189,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e0860a989c0a46⋯.png (262.5 KB,630x450,7:5,ClipboardImage.png)




now that anon has had a chance to go over the notes collected during the debate whilst trump was under attack by 3 people on a hostile abc and under extreme pressure from the idiots around him and the fucking X twitter mob who think they are the ones leading the fight against the deep state and clowns who are mudding the reality with just 53 days left until election day.

Will construct a post to explain what anon saw.

will construct a timeline and yes that includes swawell and jordan who started this shit off.

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4f10c0 No.21574794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Something a bit more urban, but from a bit south of here.

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f058fd No.21574796

File: 7b002bc350453bf⋯.jpg (55.24 KB,658x368,329:184,Taylor_Pedo_1.jpg)

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96d522 No.21574798

File: b3a098c01605c73⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB,662x720,331:360,DAVID_HOGG_CRISIS_ACTOR_VI….mp4)

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f058fd No.21574800

File: ed85d98b7b23135⋯.jpg (58.63 KB,658x368,329:184,Kid_Rape_Taylor.jpg)


Where's Fang Fuck?

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f058fd No.21574802

File: 4ae5891d8ec3d98⋯.jpg (58.52 KB,658x368,329:184,CP_Taylor.jpg)

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b2e256 No.21574804


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4f10c0 No.21574805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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faa04d No.21574806

notables @ 370

#26428 >>21574191

>>21574212, >>21574304 ABC moderator Linsey Davis from last night is sorority sister of Kamala Harris in Alpha Kappa Alpha

>>21574220 Tim Walz's flip-flopping on 2nd amendment rights

>>21574221 Blinken hints US will lift restrictions on Ukraine using long-range arms in Russia

>>21574257 Trump's closing statement has soared to almost 12 million views, one million likes, and thousands of comments supporting him

>>21574271 Company responds to theory Harris wore audio earrings at debate: 'The resemblance is striking'

>>21574284 Taylor Swift lip sync audio fail exposes how terrible a singer she is

>>21574311 Veritas undercover: DOJ immigration attorney: "Democrat Megadonors Control Border"

>>21574331 Kamala lie counter from last night

>>21574361 JD Vance interview with Shawn Ryan

>>21574393, >>21574503 Candace Owens: Israeli Citizens were Warned of the 9/11 Attack Two-Hours Before it Happened

>>21574415 Here's Joy Behar trying to get Usher to say he’s voting for Kamala, and he basically says "no thanks"

>>21574424 James O'Keefe Confronts Google Growth Strategist on "Coordinating" with the Kamala Campaign

>>21574431 Canton woman caught torturing, killing and eating a cat not being investigated by MSM

>>21574437, >>21574548, >>21574573 Governor of Ohio: Mike DeWine

>>21574446 Tuberville blocks promotion of Ronald Clark, top aide to Lloyd Austin

>>21574449 Charleroi, Pennsylvania, a low-income town of just 4,000, immigrant population has increased by 2,000% (almost all Haitians)

>>21574455 It's not just Ohio; Animal sacrifices on the rise in Queens, New York with chickens, pigs being tortured in ‘twisted’ rituals

>>21574491 ICYMI: Cannibalism still exists in akshually modern times

>>21574551 @COVIDSelect held former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo accountable for his disastrous pandemic-era policies

>>21574521, >>21574545 Red October? US government shutdown: What closes, what stays open?

>>21574581 Secret Service declares Jan. 6, 2025, day of Certification of Electoral Votes, a 'National Special Security Event'

>>21574586 Springfield, Ohio resident claims she saw Haitians catching and cooking wildlife in the park, and leaving the place trashed

>>21574588 Yesterday, a group of Angel Moms testified to Congress blaming Harris and her open border policies for the deaths of their kids

>>21574619 Another top ranking member of the NYPD has been revealed to be a CCP sleeper agent

>>21574629 Ohio city faces 'significant housing crisis' due to migrant flux

>>21574653 US House Passes Bill to Require Senate Approval of any intl agreement on pandemic preparedness be subject to Senate ratification

>>21574668 DJT on akshual date of 9/11

>>21574673 A Taylor Swift fan just told CNN she's voting Trump after Taylor endorsed Kamala

>>21574692 You just activated my trap card…

>>21574749 GREAT news for Trump: he’s killing it with White Evangelical Protestants

>>21574404, >>21574576 Memes


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f058fd No.21574810

File: 0d062335e7c241e⋯.jpg (56.78 KB,800x494,400:247,ny660a0b33.jpg)

File: 79b810d24d87479⋯.jpg (82.14 KB,800x1200,2:3,Kamala_Harris.jpg)

File: 1f4cf8effe02ad7⋯.jpg (132.83 KB,658x368,329:184,Screenshot_20240911_215352….jpg)

File: b70df6ca671dfe0⋯.jpg (70.11 KB,334x437,334:437,Screenshot_20240910_154915….jpg)

File: 88df7f62de1c1de⋯.jpg (205.95 KB,660x365,132:73,Screenshot_20240911_164412….jpg)












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b2e256 No.21574811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Till We Get the Healing Done

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373e27 No.21574812

File: 80c389b1bf2b0bf⋯.png (718.82 KB,868x1293,868:1293,ClipboardImage.png)

Loomer DESTROYS Kamala: "You just required everyone on your campaign to take the COVID vaccine. You don’t even allow your own campaign staffers to make decisions about their own bodies."


Saw Loomer beefing with MTG recently, but this is on point.

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640c0a No.21574815


It puts the TV on ABC

It puts the Facebook on Joy Reid

It puts the radio on NPR

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373e27 No.21574817

File: 6ebd75a05af5282⋯.png (889.94 KB,1179x909,131:101,ClipboardImage.png)

Latest Rasmussen…

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255d61 No.21574818


why are you making clown memes notable?

>>21574221 Blinken hints US will lift restrictions on Ukraine using long-range arms in Russia

most of this shit has been deleted by anon as clown posts.

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f058fd No.21574821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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233e96 No.21574823

File: a357b2faec4948e⋯.jpg (150.72 KB,602x548,301:274,pets.jpg)

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e074df No.21574826

File: f0fd5ad16df94c6⋯.png (911.92 KB,1097x609,1097:609,Screenshot_2024_09_11_1814….png)

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373e27 No.21574827

File: a57ef788a652b26⋯.png (2.24 MB,811x1117,811:1117,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2e256 No.21574832

File: ce34790da251767⋯.png (92.13 KB,197x159,197:159,20220213_183734.png)

best comms

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8d3b7d No.21574833


Electronic ballots.

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373e27 No.21574835

File: db61fcc214fe9ec⋯.png (126.78 KB,350x219,350:219,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8fc0c No.21574837

File: 61a93123da79267⋯.jpeg (178.37 KB,800x636,200:159,IMG_2669.jpeg)

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f058fd No.21574838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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373e27 No.21574841

File: b8ca7f176e1ff26⋯.png (464.24 KB,700x394,350:197,ClipboardImage.png)

42 Attorneys General Demand Surgeon General Warnings On Social Media


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f8fc0c No.21574843


america will not survive a kamala presidency

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96d522 No.21574845

File: 6115eaa82e0f751⋯.png (445.21 KB,737x692,737:692,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a8b4ef87ed56a5f⋯.png (51.93 KB,739x436,739:436,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ef3a019fbb41f5⋯.png (452.26 KB,736x858,368:429,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d7f184b0b6cb5d3⋯.jpg (409.02 KB,2088x1400,261:175,x_com_HansMahncke_status_1….jpg)

File: da1fffa4f27d5b1⋯.png (763.36 KB,1024x1661,1024:1661,ClipboardImage.png)

A leak of polio from a research facility is indicated by a poliovirus genome sequence generated from a sample collected in 2014 in China by the Wuhan Institute of Virology

The sequence is 99 % identical to that of a polio strain from 1954 🧵




Hmmm…The Wuhan Institute of Virology may have leaked the poliovirus before they got around to leaking COVID-19.


The day after Fauci's secret teleconference, Ron Fouchier, one of the godfathers of gain-of-function experiments, warned/threatened everyone on the call that if the public became aware that Covid came out of the Wuhan lab, they would begin to question other outbreaks.


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373e27 No.21574846

File: f9ea1c5daec5064⋯.png (728.06 KB,600x750,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)


>america will not survive a kamala presidency

Build Back Better! To bad that wasn't one of Kamala's highlighted accomplishments during the debate

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a227e5 No.21574847

File: 473ee3ca2723756⋯.jpeg (61.2 KB,500x607,500:607,IMG_3748.jpeg)

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c65267 No.21574848


I guess that's one way to be able to censor free thought. give it the image of being unhealthy for the mind.

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373e27 No.21574849

File: f1069b1cb5f601a⋯.png (650.64 KB,720x556,180:139,ClipboardImage.png)

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f058fd No.21574851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Moves & Countermoves

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255d61 No.21574853


cannot see post you replied to as anon has already deleted it as a shill and spammer

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373e27 No.21574854

File: 75af3127484df58⋯.png (1.16 MB,1242x1131,414:377,ClipboardImage.png)

🚨 WTF? ABC Debate “moderator” Linsey Davis just HAPPENS to be a sorority sister of Kamala Harris at AKA Why are we JUST NOW finding this out? WHO ALLOWED THIS TO HAPPEN?

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8d3b7d No.21574855


They hide their crimes behind redaction and classification.

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f8fc0c No.21574857


>reply to this post if you are not a shill.


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b2e256 No.21574859

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Moody Blues - Ride My See-Saw

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396696 No.21574860


Bc the plan

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8d3b7d No.21574861


lo niggernogricy

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f8fc0c No.21574862

File: d2699948a9bd836⋯.jpeg (31.54 KB,265x190,53:38,IMG_2671.jpeg)


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373e27 No.21574863

File: f59b437cf13bffb⋯.png (514.08 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Meet one of the organizations being paid HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of your tax dollars to traffic murderous invaders into small-town Ohio

Come meet one of the organizations being paid hundreds of millions of your tax dollars to traffic illegal immigrants into small-…

As Springfield, Ohio, is being crushed under the weight of 20,000 Haitian migrants, a government contractor called the National Youth Advocate Program is raking in $160 million per year to settle these migrants.



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c65267 No.21574864


anything from zerohedge is legit notable


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c6ef6b No.21574866


Would he be employed in a Harris administration to collect the guns once confiscation is passed?

Who here wishes he would visit their house first?

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f8fc0c No.21574867

File: a786d62e0553669⋯.jpeg (127.57 KB,1022x1024,511:512,IMG_2670.jpeg)

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373e27 No.21574870

File: b7367fd46ef631a⋯.png (242.2 KB,523x564,523:564,ClipboardImage.png)




>why are you making clown memes notable?

Give Biden The Credit He Deserves LOL

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f8fc0c No.21574871

File: ba718296c07da6b⋯.png (361.6 KB,622x621,622:621,IMG_2672.png)

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396696 No.21574873


She too looks racially confused

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255d61 No.21574874

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

illegal Haitians migrants.

There is a issue with ohio but they are eating local wildlife.


Springfield, Ohio Migrant issue not FAKE NEWS.


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e9f234 No.21574876

File: fb86172042ea611⋯.jpg (117.88 KB,691x800,691:800,memebetter_com_20240911232….jpg)

File: 5a46dae22a7318e⋯.jpg (118.3 KB,691x800,691:800,memebetter_com_20240911232….jpg)

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b2e256 No.21574877

File: 7db143bf4cd10ec⋯.png (5.63 MB,1138x1727,1138:1727,1981_10_21_page_0001.png)

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373e27 No.21574878

File: 54793567bbbf82a⋯.png (1.38 MB,1170x1408,585:704,ClipboardImage.png)


>keking REAL yo

AG of Ohio official website news release

Spread this shit far and wide to any doubters


This insane migrant surge has millions all across the nation (and western Europe) enraged.

The globalist media must be held to account for their repeated lies and deceptions and the political elite must be sent packing.

there it is lying debate 'moderators' mocking Americans and Trump … "stealing livestock" and "killing wildlife"


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1460f8 No.21574879

why is it in Kamala Harris's world

she and her sorority sister . . .

at a 'black' college

both look rather not Black.

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c6ef6b No.21574880


are you both zionists?

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255d61 No.21574882


no it is not.

everything must be check for truth and lie.

narratives and opines.

national pulse is trusted news.


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92fecd No.21574884

File: 1204a96677cc83c⋯.png (367.46 KB,893x1376,893:1376,2024_09_11_20_29_50.png)



here's a cap.

42 Attorneys General Demand Surgeon General Warnings On Social Media

In a move that's undoubtedly going to be used to justify more censorship, 42 state and U.S. territory attorneys general are urging Congress to mandate Surgeon General warnings on algorithm-driven social media platforms, aiming to combat the growing mental health crisis among America's youth. The group, representing 39 states, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, sent a letter on September 9 to House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY.), calling for swift federal action to address the harmful impact of social media on young people.

The push follows U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy’s call in June for such labels, which would serve as a reminder that social media has not been proven safe for youth. Murthy pointed out that warning labels on products like tobacco have successfully raised awareness and changed behavior, suggesting similar potential benefits for social media platforms.

“We, the attorneys general of the 42 undersigned states, write in support of the United States Surgeon General’s recent call,” the letter stated. "Young people are facing a mental health crisis, which is fueled in large part by social media." (and not vapid millennial parents who have no idea what they're doing)…

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b2e256 No.21574885

File: 7cb81afdea58b6d⋯.png (5.59 MB,1130x1727,1130:1727,1981_10_21_page_0002.png)

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373e27 No.21574887

File: 612f325898df1d6⋯.png (1.52 MB,1080x1347,360:449,ClipboardImage.png)

White House official slammed over accidental email to reporter declaring there’s ‘no use in responding’ to veteran concerns over Afghanistan withdrawal



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373e27 No.21574890

File: 4f4e28402d3b5d4⋯.png (523.7 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Was ‘Right’ To Bring Starliner Back Empty As Thrusters And Guidance Fail On Return

Starliner landed back on Earth with more damaged parts that only reaffirmed NASA’s decision not to trust it with the lives of two astronauts


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396696 No.21574892


Hmmm this brings a very interesting angle to DJT’s mention of Rachel Dolezal 🤔

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55f339 No.21574894

File: f65cc5349d4043b⋯.png (54.72 KB,500x607,500:607,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2e256 No.21574895

File: bdec43fa7d5c41b⋯.png (5.66 MB,1140x1732,285:433,1981_10_21_page_0003.png)

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373e27 No.21574896

File: 72bc67847d07ba6⋯.png (504.78 KB,640x335,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)

He really DOES hate KamalaToe!

Biden Grins as He Dons a Red Trump Hat in PA After Watching Debate

Biden donned a red Trump campaign hat in Pennsylvania, one day after the presidential debate when Trump said Biden "hates" Harris.


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255d61 No.21574897


second hand news.

where is the letter from the 42 attorneys ?

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4d92fb No.21574898


And nothing happened to him

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fbed00 No.21574900


they gotta make it seem as tho they were correct.

looked like it came down just fine

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6c9112 No.21574901

File: b37d953348621c0⋯.png (249.46 KB,587x791,587:791,Screenshot_2024_09_11_2333….png)

File: c08261d509a7c9b⋯.mp4 (9.54 MB,720x1280,9:16,ssstwitter_com_17261118288….mp4)

Imagine each one a bomb, that's what I see

Elon Musk






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373e27 No.21574902

File: a8de6f3a6446515⋯.png (71.41 KB,615x342,205:114,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump wins one of the largest X post polls, with 303,000 votes cast. Trump won it 61%.

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0a22b4 No.21574903

File: 06b3146edcc1909⋯.jpg (569.33 KB,1258x1260,629:630,IMG_5210.jpg)

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793d42 No.21574904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

humans forget.

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1460f8 No.21574906

Biden wears a Trump hat!!!


so he's finally figured out he's surrounded by communists who used him and threw him under the bus . . .

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b2e256 No.21574907

File: 39353276e2bd4fa⋯.png (5.66 MB,1134x1740,189:290,1981_10_21_page_0004.png)

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c65267 No.21574908


lol what a retard. filtered.

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1460f8 No.21574910

If Biden comes out to endorse Trump . . .

will the democrats THEN try to use the 25 ammendment?


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92fecd No.21574912

File: d1c13f17dc93beb⋯.png (662.05 KB,1748x700,437:175,2024_09_11_20_34_45.png)


will try to find the letter

but if the idea is whether it's real or not, there seem to be multiple sources reporting on it…..ZH is probably one of the better ones.

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0f1f19 No.21574914


Yeah I'm here

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406660 No.21574915

File: 07a5e15102849e3⋯.png (126.92 KB,445x416,445:416,07a5e15102849e39ca9481cb14….png)


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255d61 No.21574916


this is a grave yard shift.

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b2e256 No.21574918

File: f85c182fd4a27a7⋯.png (5.72 MB,1158x1722,193:287,1981_10_21_page_0005.png)

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396696 No.21574919



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6a5dc9 No.21574920


[Other than shiny lights.. what's the benefit?]

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1460f8 No.21574922


how about a warning on Deep State SES?

'this employee is a self-entitled marxist and is dangerous to the Constitution and the rule of law'

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c65267 No.21574923

File: 809f36dd2cf6f7b⋯.gif (126.23 KB,220x285,44:57,809f36dd2cf6f7bc2a5b6df6b9….gif)


sorry, I'm reptilian.

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255d61 No.21574924



no one says lol here

you must be from reddit.

no loss being filtered by a moran

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4c2a84 No.21574926

No chain of custody for mail in ballots.


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c6ef6b No.21574928


tailgaters replace picnic baskets for the whole family to watch

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96d522 No.21574929

File: 589a76096e25379⋯.jpg (46.13 KB,500x499,500:499,589a76096e25379cf0b99827b4….jpg)


>'this employee is a self-entitled marxist and is dangerous to the Constitution and the rule of law'

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6a5dc9 No.21574931


[Why are they here? Why are they hungry?]

<NPCs are allergic to critical thinking

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b2e256 No.21574932

File: 60fe77b4a73574b⋯.png (5.48 MB,1126x1699,1126:1699,1981_10_21_page_0006.png)

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1460f8 No.21574934

File: 0581bc78e5815d5⋯.jpg (15.63 KB,255x255,1:1,pepe_in_class.jpg)



no one real says 'kek'

only bots use 'kek' they use it as a punctuation mark. It means

Bleeb bleep bloop bleep bleep


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c65267 No.21574938


ya'll're too fatty and reek of stale beer.

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255d61 No.21574940


it is probably real news

but always use primary sources.

what are the talking about?

where is the letter.

what is their opine and narrative push.

it is a valid reason to get rid of algorithms as it is leading people into fake news and fringe conspiracy theories,

anons can find a million second hand news stories but remember, the letter going to johnson, mitch McConnel and other senators means nothing.

just another strongly worded letter

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66f789 No.21574941

File: a66b26975fa8739⋯.png (100.68 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)



It's literally lol in korean, and koreans actually kek all the time.

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3dddef No.21574943

File: ab39a5f8b37275d⋯.png (18.3 KB,634x149,634:149,ClipboardImage.png)

Insider Paper

@TheInsiderPaper 4h

BREAKING - Norfolk Southern railroad says it has ousted its CEO for inappropriate relationship with an employee - AP

Sep 11, 2024 · 11:27 PM UTC


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c6ef6b No.21574945


you looka likea man


homie don't play dat

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d19d6e No.21574946

Kamala wiped the floor with Trump last night

but trust the plan I guess

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6a5dc9 No.21574947


[Random keking]



[Very loose definition of youth]

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921348 No.21574948

File: b9b7ca11eaec6b2⋯.gif (1.89 MB,320x240,4:3,herding_cats.gif)

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92fecd No.21574949

File: 81a7598dd65a8b5⋯.png (1.53 MB,1002x9173,1002:9173,2024_09_11_20_40_24.png)






September 9 2024

The Honorable Mike Johnson

Speaker of the House

568 Cannon House Office Bldg.

Washington, D.C. 20515

The Honorable Chuck Schumer The Honorable Mitch McConnell

Senate Majority Leader Senate Minority Leader

322 Hart Senate Office Bldg. 317 Russell Senate Office Bldg.

Washington, D.C. 20510 Washington, DC 20510

==Re: Requiring a Surgeon General’s Warning Label on Social Media


letter attached.

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b2e256 No.21574951

File: 973de5d3723aef2⋯.png (5.68 MB,1143x1734,381:578,1981_10_21_page_0007.png)

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21f664 No.21574952


taxation without representation ,, Hmmm

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c65267 No.21574953

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fbed00 No.21574954

File: ab6d66cec88bd64⋯.gif (4.37 MB,720x373,720:373,anigif_sub_buzz_17439_1469….gif)


drone army working together

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255d61 No.21574955

File: fa0ddcfd6b6cd8f⋯.png (328.41 KB,944x530,472:265,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81a9bb2a3dc79d7⋯.mp4 (10.08 MB,640x360,16:9,8kun_manual.mp4)



imagine trying to teach anons here

newbie guide

now sit in the corner and stop interrupting anons while they are talking


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1460f8 No.21574956

File: e357faad01742d6⋯.jpg (48.43 KB,836x1036,209:259,Biden_goes_MAGA_002.jpg)

File: ac35fccf0afc0b6⋯.jpg (77.72 KB,619x943,619:943,Biden_goes_MAGA.jpg)


will they use the 25th amendment now?

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793d42 No.21574957

File: ae8ea508d66efc5⋯.jpg (321.01 KB,1080x1967,1080:1967,20240911_214347.jpg)


notable biden admin fucking vets.



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4c2a84 No.21574960

File: c2745cab7b32385⋯.png (675.89 KB,500x814,250:407,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b47d6898d1b5c0⋯.png (431.89 KB,474x473,474:473,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2e256 No.21574961

File: 2ce3e10949af446⋯.png (5.53 MB,1122x1718,561:859,1981_10_21_page_0008.png)

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c65267 No.21574963

File: 060d728374e9586⋯.png (367.66 KB,526x513,526:513,060d728374e9586edeb3f3953d….png)


Sure, buddy, whatever you say.

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1460f8 No.21574964

File: 7bc7b18c5df4933⋯.jpg (73.2 KB,611x1000,611:1000,swirlly_hatted_totalitaria….jpg)


this one starts out describing itself and then it is filtered so I don't know the rest of what it is trying to do.

more satanic training to make maga people act and talk like discord trolls and be ineffective in political discussions.

apparently it can't take any blow back at all.

Lots and lots of discord trolls acting angry.

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3dddef No.21574966

File: f1f6b3ea68c3e0e⋯.png (77.47 KB,609x529,609:529,ClipboardImage.png)


@Reuters 29m

The Soyuz MS-26 spacecraft carrying NASA astronaut Don Pettit and Russian Roscosmos cosmonauts Alexey Ovchinin and Ivan Vagner docked at the International Space Station


Spacecraft with Russian and American crew docks with ISS

Sep 12, 2024 · 3:15 AM UTC


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d79c11 No.21574967

File: e60eeee6f15b038⋯.mp4 (2.05 MB,1460x1080,73:54,N1yKE0tanC1Laof1.mp4)

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b2e256 No.21574970

File: efe91550a098ec2⋯.png (5.48 MB,1120x1708,40:61,1981_10_21_page_0009.png)

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68ddf4 No.21574971

File: 38a7270ab845784⋯.webm (126.58 KB,460x816,115:204,38a7270ab845784434e8a489a….webm)

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d79c11 No.21574972

File: e60eeee6f15b038⋯.mp4 (2.05 MB,1460x1080,73:54,N1yKE0tanC1Laof1.mp4)

Currently underway in Seattle, Washington, thousands of people are experiencing a massive, widespread power outage affecting several parts of the city. Over 200,000 customers are without power, and the cause of the outage remains unknown at this time. City officials and utility crews are actively investigating the issue to determine the source of the disruption. This is a developing situation


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3bf89f No.21574973

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


fuck peace!

its on now!!!

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d19d6e No.21574974


You must not have watched it

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96d522 No.21574975

File: a30f9fd59799f56⋯.jpg (43.92 KB,612x391,36:23,a30f9fd59799f56587cebd03d4….jpg)

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255d61 No.21574976

File: 42191d6858af90c⋯.png (69.86 KB,604x330,302:165,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42c15944efad667⋯.png (1.15 MB,860x1091,860:1091,ClipboardImage.png)


valid and panic from the dems, soros a.g



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d79c11 No.21574977

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793d42 No.21574978

File: c2f84b441a5e459⋯.gif (556.28 KB,400x286,200:143,20240911_214735.gif)




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c6ef6b No.21574979


"Come to China Town."

Nasty Piglousy, San Francisco

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8d3b7d No.21574980



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c65267 No.21574981


whatever floats your boat, yo.

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3dddef No.21574983

File: cf59b1c8b498e9e⋯.png (267.13 KB,623x435,623:435,ClipboardImage.png)


@Reuters 2h

Australia's Nine Entertainment CEO Mike Sneesby to step down


Sep 12, 2024 · 1:40 AM UTC


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6a5dc9 No.21574984



[Invention secrecy act!]


<creation is better

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b2e256 No.21574985

File: 210d7768be3fe41⋯.png (5.5 MB,1128x1700,282:425,1981_10_21_page_0010.png)

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1460f8 No.21574986

the satan bots can't take any blow back at all.

they go into the repetitive IP hopping and insult bit.

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7efc86 No.21574989

File: 508af59d63be081⋯.png (869.69 KB,1920x1011,640:337,ClipboardImage.png)

Last week it was gangs taking over. Right now it's eating pets. Next week it will be something else. they are gradually ratcheting up the intensity in an effort to find the edge of the envelope. The point at which they can hold short. Just shy of all out rebellion. That is their goal. To usurp the republic at peak efficiency. Staying just below the level where the citizenry actually starts picking up pitchforks.

Nightly illegal immigrant airline report. Free passage to those holding house pet culinary credentials.


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1098bc No.21574993

[C]ats before [D]ogs

[C]ats before [D]ucks

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b2e256 No.21574996

File: c95be0ea2663ba2⋯.png (5.51 MB,1138x1690,569:845,1981_10_21_page_0011.png)

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d19d6e No.21574997

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ff6d42 No.21574999

File: 406dcc7cf80558c⋯.jpg (51.04 KB,800x800,1:1,large_5940c0a1_b5d7_4a4a_9….jpg)


It's not stale, it's high-test

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9fef82 No.21575000

Anon feels great. Just finished a pound of bacon and a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon. Leave the cats alone. Kek

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4c2a84 No.21575001

File: 723c77811d918e6⋯.png (256.91 KB,474x338,237:169,ClipboardImage.png)

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d19d6e No.21575002

What genius decided that Shills decoding Q drops was a good tactic for shills?

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1098bc No.21575004


datsa nold cat

long of tooth

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b2e256 No.21575006

File: 2584efc6e37560a⋯.png (5.81 MB,1172x1730,586:865,1981_10_21_page_0012.png)

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255d61 No.21575008



this is v.d

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396696 No.21575012

Are we back on the pre 9/11 timeline or is this a new course?

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1460f8 No.21575013


it's constant mocking, anon.

they aren't geniuses.

their satanic nature makes them stupid.

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c22d5b No.21575015

File: a5e14d14f789026⋯.png (1 MB,974x888,487:444,whitenattylite.png)

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c22d5b No.21575016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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255d61 No.21575018




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c6ef6b No.21575019

File: 6ff7f6b075755b3⋯.png (1.73 MB,1024x1024,1:1,6ff7f6b075755b37965ba4ebf8….png)


Sororities and Fraternities are secret societies.

Not as exclusive as Skull & Bones, but secret non the same.

Who can tell me how many are in politics or goobermint?

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396696 No.21575020


Hardly secret anon

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255d61 No.21575022


filtered doge

i.p hopping faggot.

pattern recognition.

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96d522 No.21575023

File: c40cfea7938bcf3⋯.png (382.87 KB,754x1477,754:1477,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 37e271ce38e8545⋯.mp4 (13.8 MB,480x852,40:71,Vaccines_AKA_precursors_of….mp4)



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b2e256 No.21575024

File: 954b93bf962c7a3⋯.png (5.7 MB,1152x1726,576:863,1981_10_21_page_0013.png)

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92fecd No.21575027



posted the letter here:


why didn't you bother to look for it?

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55f339 No.21575028

File: f2af1bfdacdd8c4⋯.png (33.23 KB,375x593,375:593,ClipboardImage.png)

Miss Switzerland finalist strangled to death, then ‘pureed’ in a blender by her husband: officials


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b2e256 No.21575030

File: d63fec1b8155366⋯.png (5.61 MB,1146x1707,382:569,1981_10_21_page_0014.png)

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d19d6e No.21575031


Its funny that they do their own version of Notables lmao

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c22d5b No.21575032

File: f57ff40dfd91dbb⋯.png (797.31 KB,980x1066,490:533,dream.png)

File: 8cc20a3bc85000e⋯.png (691.49 KB,648x1094,324:547,cont1.png)

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b2e256 No.21575033

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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7efc86 No.21575034

File: 6231ee209a1b06b⋯.png (626 KB,1920x1014,320:169,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 65a0b4b9e41f9b7⋯.png (384.68 KB,1386x885,462:295,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67b486e1cd44078⋯.png (401.25 KB,1364x886,682:443,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0223a6c759b758b⋯.png (319.36 KB,1397x883,1397:883,ClipboardImage.png)

Call sign Camber. U.S. Transportation Command.





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9fef82 No.21575036

Shills in abundance. How does anon know? Trips don’t go unacknowledged unless…

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3dddef No.21575038

File: 2f9a3d92fb0ea3b⋯.png (322.44 KB,610x482,305:241,ClipboardImage.png)

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c6ef6b No.21575043


“Narco-Santa Muerte” or “Santa Muerte Cult.”

brought to you by the cartels

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406660 No.21575044



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d19d6e No.21575045

Anon thinks a gang of Venezuelans didnt really take over any apartment complex in Colorado, but this is necessary to think so as part of the show

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eaec84 No.21575046

Reminder- Mission3 Moab Monday Night.

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b2e256 No.21575047

File: 77626974a4fca25⋯.png (5.58 MB,1135x1714,1135:1714,1981_10_21_page_0015.png)

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55f339 No.21575048


I dont know if he was bulking but I hope it didnt go to waste.

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e074df No.21575049

File: 980f7f6fe9a489f⋯.png (151.25 KB,767x1110,767:1110,ClipboardImage.png)

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132698 No.21575050

File: 03bd439409ce536⋯.jpg (132.11 KB,1600x859,1600:859,FGT.jpg)

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b2e256 No.21575051

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lights Of Taormina

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3a07ff No.21575053

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e074df No.21575056

File: fc6b64b08d9dab7⋯.png (203.96 KB,475x515,95:103,ClipboardImage.png)

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406660 No.21575057


wonder what protein powder he used

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373e27 No.21575061





Who won tonight's Debate?





7:47 PM • Sep 10, 2024


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b2e256 No.21575063

File: caa3053232b142a⋯.png (5.52 MB,1123x1714,1123:1714,1981_10_21_page_0016.png)

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4c2a84 No.21575064


over 30 years @ large

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396696 No.21575065


Pfffttttt keeeeek

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c1b76d No.21575066


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373e27 No.21575068

File: 0d2a751cca15f1f⋯.png (786.45 KB,1080x1106,540:553,ClipboardImage.png)

She lost the debate last night! She lost it because the onus is completely on her.


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d19d6e No.21575069


Right because we have actors and body doubles and false flags and fake assassination attempts going on, but suggesting a gang took over an apartment complex being fake is need medicine worthy.. lmao dumbfuck

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255d61 No.21575070

File: b1857af8e160e50⋯.png (198.38 KB,546x370,273:185,ClipboardImage.png)

this is what anon got from the debate and the mistakes trump made.

he should have been talking about the missing 325,000 children missing.

but they way he said about the pets was wrong.

think he got influenced by a.i memes and elon musk,

it is ok to take his endorsement but elon is funded by clowns,

Truth social is djt's platform and based in reality which is happening now.

The future will only be directed once the election is won.

right now the only thing that matters is the election.

timeline of events.

1) the post put up by swawell was from the judiciary not from jordan.

2) the shills and clowns jumped on it and blasted the social media taking the piss out of that clown

3) everyone who thinks is funny jumped on the bandwagon and started posting about it.

4) even fucking dan posted about it.

5) and than trump blurted it out during the debate by taking the bait. literally.

6) many people are stating it is true, probably but not the biggest issue,

here is how it works with the clowns.

the illegal immigrants taking over the towns funded by the federal government is the problem.

ohio has been flooded and they will have a issue during the elections with non citizen voters getting put in front of them.

the law of numbers.

have anons ever heard of that?

take enough numbers and someone somewhere will do something stupid,

the media and clowns will pump pump pump those numbers until it becomes a reality in peoples minds.

only for it to be pulled away at the last minute as in the charlie brown football skit.

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373e27 No.21575071

File: 48bf65439e41f2c⋯.png (4.33 MB,4500x3000,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

GEOTUS on this day in 2020

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373e27 No.21575073

File: 4fa3fe2973d33ab⋯.png (305.04 KB,1199x1093,1199:1093,ClipboardImage.png)

That is the issue

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406660 No.21575074

Does /pol even know their board is open

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b2e256 No.21575075

File: 60aec114e3f84d7⋯.png (5.59 MB,1138x1714,569:857,1981_10_21_page_0018.png)

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7efc86 No.21575076


You have to always keep one possibility in the back of your mind. Even if it does not apply in every instance. Sometimes it will actually be what is happening. And that is foreign demoralization efforts by malign actors in the employ of nation states who have a keen interest in weakening the fabric of western society. If the US government knew the truth of these matters. And told us the truth of these of these instances. That would be nice. Don't hold your breath. And get used to feeling your way around in the dark.

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6a5dc9 No.21575078



<NPCs and normies only care about animals as child substitutes

<wake up call

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c6ef6b No.21575079



And Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren

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b2e256 No.21575080


such fun

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90b6ab No.21575081

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0c5a62 No.21575083


No matter how hot she is, somebody is sick of her shit.

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6a5dc9 No.21575084



<why is there no russia country thread?

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d19d6e No.21575085


for sure… not everything is a FF. evil is around us and desperately fighting to keep control

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373e27 No.21575087

File: dbbc25c10d17511⋯.png (52.02 KB,1203x516,401:172,ClipboardImage.png)


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b2e256 No.21575090

File: 75fb208f98e79ca⋯.png (5.38 MB,1112x1687,1112:1687,1981_10_21_page_0019.png)

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8d3b7d No.21575091


Ignore the football. Kick the bitch instead. Be the master of your destiny.

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5a8774 No.21575092

File: 3502581adccf215⋯.png (663.31 KB,903x709,903:709,ClipboardImage.png)

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373e27 No.21575094

File: b5a65c4b232957a⋯.png (875.33 KB,1080x1224,15:17,ClipboardImage.png)

People are just starting to give me credit for having a GREAT DEBATE. The Voters and Voter Polls showed it, but the Fake News Media wasn’t giving the credit that was due. Now they are seeing the results with independent Voters, Evangelicals, and more - and saying, WOW!


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7efc86 No.21575095


and when I say efforts there can be two flavors

online and in person

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3a07ff No.21575097

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373e27 No.21575098




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a227e5 No.21575099


That shit could be a fabrication.

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b2e256 No.21575100

File: dc5c7796ee44e0c⋯.png (5.41 MB,1095x1723,1095:1723,1981_10_21_page_0020.png)

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373e27 No.21575101

File: ce34b15ca5c650b⋯.png (700.26 KB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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461c42 No.21575102


911, there are no coincidences.

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b2e256 No.21575103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pretty As you Feel

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653e2d No.21575104

File: 4c79a6578d501fb⋯.jpg (128.96 KB,700x500,7:5,GOD_BLESS_USA.jpg)

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3a07ff No.21575105

notables @ 580

#26428 >>21574191

>>21574212, >>21574304 ABC moderator Linsey Davis from last night is sorority sister of Kamala Harris in Alpha Kappa Alpha

>>21574220 Tim Walz's flip-flopping on 2nd amendment rights

>>21574221 Blinken hints US will lift restrictions on Ukraine using long-range arms in Russia

>>21574257 Trump's closing statement has soared to almost 12 million views, one million likes, and thousands of comments supporting him

>>21574271 Company responds to theory Harris wore audio earrings at debate: 'The resemblance is striking'

>>21574284 Taylor Swift lip sync audio fail exposes how terrible a singer she is

>>21574311 Veritas undercover: DOJ immigration attorney: "Democrat Megadonors Control Border"

>>21574331 Kamala lie counter from last night

>>21574361 JD Vance interview with Shawn Ryan

>>21574393, >>21574503 Candace Owens: Israeli Citizens were Warned of the 9/11 Attack Two-Hours Before it Happened

>>21574415 Here's Joy Behar trying to get Usher to say he’s voting for Kamala, and he basically says "no thanks"

>>21574424 James O'Keefe Confronts Google Growth Strategist on "Coordinating" with the Kamala Campaign

>>21574431 Canton woman caught torturing, killing and eating a cat not being investigated by MSM

>>21574437, >>21574548, >>21574573 Governor of Ohio: Mike DeWine

>>21574446 Tuberville blocks promotion of Ronald Clark, top aide to Lloyd Austin

>>21574449 Charleroi, Pennsylvania, a low-income town of just 4,000, immigrant population has increased by 2,000% (almost all Haitians)

>>21574455 It's not just Ohio; Animal sacrifices on the rise in Queens, New York with chickens, pigs being tortured in ‘twisted’ rituals

>>21574491 ICYMI: Cannibalism still exists in akshually modern times

>>21574551 @COVIDSelect held former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo accountable for his disastrous pandemic-era policies

>>21574521, >>21574545 Red October? US government shutdown: What closes, what stays open?

>>21574581 Secret Service declares Jan. 6, 2025, day of Certification of Electoral Votes, a 'National Special Security Event'

>>21574586 Springfield, Ohio resident claims she saw Haitians catching and cooking wildlife in the park, and leaving the place trashed

>>21574588 Yesterday, a group of Angel Moms testified to Congress blaming Harris and her open border policies for the deaths of their kids

>>21574619 Another top ranking member of the NYPD has been revealed to be a CCP sleeper agent

>>21574629 Ohio city faces 'significant housing crisis' due to migrant flux

>>21574653 US House Passes Bill to Require Senate Approval of any intl agreement on pandemic preparedness be subject to Senate ratification

>>21574668 DJT on akshual date of 9/11

>>21574673 A Taylor Swift fan just told CNN she's voting Trump after Taylor endorsed Kamala

>>21574692 You just activated my trap card…

>>21574749 GREAT news for Trump: he’s killing it with White Evangelical Protestants

>>21574812 Kamala required her entire campaign to take the vax

>>21574845, >>21575023 Wuhan Institute may have leaked the polio virus before leaking COVID-19

>>21574863 National Youth Advocate Program: One of the orgs bringing in the Haitian migrants to Ohio

>>21574874 Springfield, Ohio residents speaks about the Haitian situation

>>21574878 AG of Ohio official website news release

>>21574884, >>21574949 42 Attorneys General Demand Surgeon General Warnings On Social Media

>>21574887 John Kirby slammed over accidental email declaring there’s ‘no use in responding’ to veteran concerns over Afghanistan withdrawal

>>21574902, >>21575061 Trump wins one of the largest X post debate performance polls, with 303,000 votes cast

>>21574943 Norfolk Southern railroad says it has ousted its CEO for inappropriate relationship with an employee

>>21574972 Seattle, Washington, thousands of people are experiencing a massive, widespread power outage affecting several parts of the city

>>21574983 Australia's Nine Entertainment CEO Mike Sneesby to step down

>>21574989, >>21575034 Planefag

>>21575068, >>21575094 DJT re: debate

>>21574404, >>21574576, >>21574823, >>21574835 Memes


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d79c11 No.21575106


marker 9?

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7efc86 No.21575108


Hello Mike.

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4c2a84 No.21575109

File: a39b6b8e4826074⋯.png (97.5 KB,255x252,85:84,ClipboardImage.png)

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eaec84 No.21575110


Feel Proud. Freedom.

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8d3b7d No.21575111


Because the Border Patrol escorted them across the border and bused them across the country.

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e47f42 No.21575113

File: 2dec6883a3af98a⋯.jpg (60.93 KB,1200x675,16:9,beware.jpg)

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6a5dc9 No.21575114



[What brand?]

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255d61 No.21575115


babylon bee gets it.

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3dddef No.21575117

File: 13f73ebea5754e2⋯.jpg (41.32 KB,338x450,169:225,878e764bfd2505b96206294e7c….jpg)

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0e47aa No.21575119

>>21573857 pb

Now can hijackers have plea deals. They are all alleged dead? Suicide bombers


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653e2d No.21575122

File: 59cf904767e237e⋯.jpg (138.36 KB,695x691,695:691,DONT_FORGET_2_VOTE.jpg)

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b2e256 No.21575123

File: 42590cd1a83034c⋯.png (5.35 MB,1092x1710,182:285,1981_10_21_page_0021.png)

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d19d6e No.21575125

We are not even doing a drip drip drip anymore. the fucking faucet is off. so much for that flood. so much for all these enormous missed opportunities. we could be releasing so much damning info that these dirty ass democrats are literally crawling to the finish line in shame…. yet we dont. we never do

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12030d No.21575129


I am ready. Let us bind ourselves to do this thing, in the name of the Lord, that the world might know everlasting peace.

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373e27 No.21575130

File: f62fd835c3ca8f5⋯.png (526.36 KB,640x335,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)

Commission on Presidential Debates Co-Chair: ABC Moderators ‘Bent Backwards to Help’ Harris, Were ‘Worst’ I’ve Seen

On Wednesday's broadcast of Newsmax TV's "The Record," Commission on Presidential Debates Co-Founder and Co-Chair Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., who also was


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b2e256 No.21575133

File: 52c5f1916ee7b3c⋯.png (5.5 MB,1116x1719,124:191,1981_10_21_page_0022.png)

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255d61 No.21575134


ip hopper using religion answering to a 77 post shill.

ok anons post count is getting high also.

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e074df No.21575135

File: 384c9445d79ff8c⋯.png (88.8 KB,208x467,208:467,Screenshot_2024_09_07_2153….png)


Well, at least they don't eat kids, right?

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797087 No.21575137

File: 56daced31800a9c⋯.mp4 (37.26 KB,320x242,160:121,IMG_20240911_214404_229.mp4)


>NPCs and normies only care about animals as child substitutes

>wake up call

Fun watching all theses normies getting psyOp'd though ngl.

Cats are safe.

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4b2268 No.21575138

File: cba5e793f3ccae1⋯.png (763.67 KB,540x720,3:4,result_1_.png)

Figured you fag's would like my dinner I made tonight. It's a thai/ Haitian dish called

Pad kee meow

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eaec84 No.21575139


Mission2 last Monday, Prayer for Camel hot mic fail, was successful as we all saw she didn’t get her hot mic at all (she made such a demand for it$, and POTUS took full, rightful advantage. Patriots prayers into Tuesday.

God answers prayers. On this board.

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373e27 No.21575141

File: 11b5f6cd6be2958⋯.png (344.59 KB,600x320,15:8,ClipboardImage.png)

'It was not a debate, but a campaign contribution': New push for ABC to be prosecuted.

ABC should be prosecuted for an illegal corporate donation to the Kamala Harris campaign for president.


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255d61 No.21575143

File: 75841a2a353a082⋯.png (1.12 MB,640x853,640:853,ClipboardImage.png)

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0c5a62 No.21575144

File: 0eb76ae84fecfe9⋯.jpeg (259.63 KB,750x499,750:499,E77B9E44_E325_4435_ADE0_C….jpeg)


>Cats are safe.

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396696 No.21575146


You’re short sighted Anon

Welcome to the long game

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255d61 No.21575147



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1460f8 No.21575150

File: c70a2c1133c6ddb⋯.jpg (432.94 KB,1226x1057,1226:1057,make_way_for_ducklings.jpg)

Make way for Trump supporters!

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b2e256 No.21575152

File: b275c0bce05e833⋯.png (5.56 MB,1136x1707,1136:1707,1981_10_21_page_0023.png)

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d19d6e No.21575154


eh today is just one of the bad days lol. most are good days. i always assumed we would flatten them with bombshell after bombshell. stuff that would shock the entire country. i was wrong. but people way smarter than me devised this plan

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406660 No.21575157

File: c0f32ce9fac0aa9⋯.jpg (50.64 KB,500x527,500:527,932v2t.jpg)

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373e27 No.21575158

File: 6b9bacc9f94091f⋯.png (2.54 MB,1280x818,640:409,ClipboardImage.png)

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396696 No.21575162


If it makes you feel any better the debate was fucking awful to watch for our house but I try to remember that I don’t understand the big picture and there are strategies at play that I do not I understand.

Like why Kamala would mention love letters (obama Iran) unless…

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373e27 No.21575163

File: fbf5582f8ac9705⋯.png (688.98 KB,387x749,387:749,ClipboardImage.png)


The Unburdening

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1460f8 No.21575165


I know things about some of the bad stuff that bad people do and most people can't handle it.

If I tell them they usually flip out at me, as if I am making it up.

'the plan' to me seemed to be to have the least amount of havoc and mayhem.

The worst plans of very bad people are thwarted and no one even knows about it.

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7efc86 No.21575166

File: c899edb0fb70808⋯.mp4 (1.92 MB,720x738,40:41,GBT.mp4)

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5a8774 No.21575167

File: 7b99f4de6b569f1⋯.jpeg (68.88 KB,680x510,4:3,7b99f4de6b569f11490aaa1bd….jpeg)

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793d42 No.21575168

doctrine is heresy

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b2e256 No.21575169

File: efce76e29e0233f⋯.png (5.58 MB,1127x1727,1127:1727,1981_10_21_page_0024.png)


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8d3b7d No.21575170


While the whole nation was watching ABC took a shit on the nation.


Our god is a bloodthirsty god.

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373e27 No.21575172

File: a086f8f5144318a⋯.png (1.38 MB,1693x954,1693:954,ClipboardImage.png)

“Eat Less Kittens - Vote Republicans” billboards going up around Phoenix to welcome Trump before his visit August 23rd.


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406660 No.21575173

File: 4202256ad2c6267⋯.png (360.35 KB,568x604,142:151,214f4116a24abced229f6c3929….png)

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793d42 No.21575174


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8d3b7d No.21575175


NATO tranny cocksucker projecting?

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255d61 No.21575177

File: f92e7b6b6ffd99c⋯.png (1.13 MB,754x963,754:963,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 884771e28dc568b⋯.png (106.86 KB,659x893,659:893,ClipboardImage.png)


look at the debate from your own eyes anon.

not the media talking heads.

we are not part of the plantation.

all notes collected below.

if you are not sure,

follow trusted sources with critical discernment.

who is influencing you.? why?

>>21568832, >>21568855, >>21568874, >>21568881, >>21568993 trump v kamala abc debate - source, statements, opines, digs and dough bun over 3 breads. including possible ear, eye tech used by kamala ..

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b2e256 No.21575178

File: e3fb041332230bc⋯.png (5.54 MB,1124x1719,1124:1719,1981_10_21_page_0025.png)

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6a5dc9 No.21575179



>UN Replacement Migration

[Considering school buses and prison buses are basically the same… may be worthy of a dig]

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406660 No.21575182

File: 981ff55866fbfe0⋯.jpg (196.15 KB,1080x1228,270:307,burger.jpg)

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793d42 No.21575183

… and (you) allow it.

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5a8774 No.21575184

File: c37148bfb4960c5⋯.jpg (217.29 KB,680x1000,17:25,nanny.jpg)

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373e27 No.21575186

File: ed4e1f0cfc9fb10⋯.png (188.34 KB,500x504,125:126,ClipboardImage.png)

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6a5dc9 No.21575187










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9ca74b No.21575188

File: 713dde522d8b445⋯.mp4 (482.22 KB,460x276,5:3,aoyOMAm_460sv.mp4)

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406660 No.21575189

File: bdf44bbc27e2304⋯.jpg (84.29 KB,800x600,4:3,e12fb598ee7686562d2de4edb2….jpg)

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373e27 No.21575190

File: 8954ed487b5cfd4⋯.png (2.25 MB,1335x1094,1335:1094,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2e256 No.21575191

File: 0813f35765478a0⋯.png (5.46 MB,1110x1716,185:286,1981_10_21_page_0026.png)

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b2e256 No.21575193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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373e27 No.21575194

File: 0b05a588b7816aa⋯.png (819.93 KB,844x536,211:134,ClipboardImage.png)

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d19d6e No.21575195


YEah its getting annoying watching the libs parade around like they just won the SB. I have to tell myself that the debate went exactly how the white hats wanted… and alot of times, we can figure stuff out in hindsight, so after a bit of time, we will prob be able to here. and one day, this wont even matter. when the great awakening is happening and the dust is settling and we are seeing the horrible crimes, nobody will give a shit about a debate where cabal kamala "won"

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373e27 No.21575196

File: 4e2bbcfd3e8928f⋯.png (4.22 MB,1170x1254,195:209,ClipboardImage.png)


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793d42 No.21575197


rife with assumptions.

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797087 No.21575198

File: d31699e15df37ed⋯.png (61.66 KB,399x485,399:485,img.png)





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c6ef6b No.21575199


no comms means they can't warn each other

hope they shut down the backup battery banks for the comms towers

heart of american communism?

lets hopeium my wish

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6a5dc9 No.21575200


[Like the clue board game level strange



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b2e256 No.21575201

File: 5e2c0bd9c676501⋯.png (5.59 MB,1134x1720,567:860,1981_10_21_page_0027.png)

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8d3b7d No.21575202


We hadn't begun the Reagan trickle-down service economy yet. We are still suffering under it.

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d19d6e No.21575203


Yeah I have to remind myself that its not as simple as showing people… its showing people in a way they will accept it. It has to be digestable. Given slowly. If it were up to me, I wouldve bombed daily with horrible corruption and proof and just made the libs crawl into their caves and stfu… but this has to be done for the best outcome as a whole. we cant be divided forever, nothing will get accomplished.

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8c3666 No.21575204

well i think its fucking qewt!

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5a8774 No.21575205

File: 43d309e6bbbdc48⋯.png (1.48 MB,999x999,1:1,barry51.png)

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8c3666 No.21575206

i think you got your chest all puffed out and arms all crossed for absolutely no fucking reason at all

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856005 No.21575207


Make clowns cry

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1460f8 No.21575208

File: f157483c8b4647d⋯.jpg (401.2 KB,1226x1057,1226:1057,make_way_for_Trump_support….jpg)

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8c3666 No.21575209

ask me why i think this, motherfucker?

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b2e256 No.21575210

File: bb5bb65b101be76⋯.png (5.65 MB,1144x1722,572:861,1981_10_21_page_0028.png)

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396696 No.21575211


It’s not an influence thing… it’s disappointing that there was not strategy to communicate the true nature of OUR party. She was saying what people want for the country - peace love tolerance acceptance, look to the future reach across the aisle blah blah blah - all the things Trump actually delivers. But he did not communicate OUR message.

It’s hard to watch her get any credit at all frankly.

That’s all I meant.

He hit the TRUTH head on. He captured minds and used the temperament a world leader needs but he did not capture the essence of WHY

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793d42 No.21575212

beat on sheep

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5a8774 No.21575213

File: 4cac21cd502c7af⋯.jpg (94.1 KB,681x939,227:313,eb1f7c43712e9286.jpg)

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2a714f No.21575214


The name "odigo" is encoded message to Satanists. It comes from the Enochian Angelic calls that Aleister Crowley used. The actual term is "Idoigo". I do I go, and is another way of saying "Do what thou wilt"; Their philosophy is do you own will and if anyone gets in your way, you have a right to do whatever you want in order to fulfill that will, including killing those opposed to your will.

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797087 No.21575215

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ted was ahead of the times….

top kek

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1460f8 No.21575216

File: 276d70821330d14⋯.jpg (421.85 KB,1226x1057,1226:1057,make_way_for_Trump_support….jpg)

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b2e256 No.21575217

File: 0128e5e33328979⋯.png (5.6 MB,1136x1719,1136:1719,1981_10_21_page_0029.png)

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8c3666 No.21575218

more or less yes

way before some book was written by some smart guy

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8c3666 No.21575219

God must love them or some shit

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55f339 No.21575220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5a8774 No.21575221

File: 10249494637fa03⋯.png (237.24 KB,507x492,169:164,ClipboardImage.png)

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406660 No.21575222

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5a8774 No.21575223

File: 04142723af653f4⋯.jpeg (96.65 KB,627x680,627:680,2c823cc338268485.jpeg)

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b2e256 No.21575224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm Not Feeling It Anymore

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d79c11 No.21575225

File: 0a4c463278eea79⋯.png (387.5 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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856005 No.21575226

File: a47a2e1e80d98fe⋯.png (70.69 KB,455x256,455:256,ClipboardImage.png)


Me & Sherman would get along. But somebody has to live to tell the tales.

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8c3666 No.21575227

it comes and it goes

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8c3666 No.21575228

easier the come easier the go

which is why i tried not to hand it out like that but invite in

so you can see for yourself

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12030d No.21575229



They were actually warned years ahead of time as a generalization of "do not work in NYC the first week or two in September".

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856005 No.21575230

File: e77a62331f8c526⋯.png (363.16 KB,640x440,16:11,ClipboardImage.png)


That's antiloxist!

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8c3666 No.21575231

they refuse to open their eyes which imho absolutely justifies what happens next

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8c3666 No.21575232

albeit they did have a lot of help rolling over and going back to sleep

a lot of [HELPERS]

Surrounded in fact…


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8c3666 No.21575233



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8c3666 No.21575234


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f5194a No.21575235

File: c1864de4d2ea178⋯.png (5.59 MB,1134x1720,567:860,1981_10_21_page_0030.png)

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8c3666 No.21575236


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373e27 No.21575237

File: ce34b15ca5c650b⋯.png (700.26 KB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

DO NOT Be Three Times A Retard

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8c3666 No.21575238



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1460f8 No.21575239


the only real rule of Evil is that if you persist in it

you will have to pay the consequences

when Jesus does the final judgement.

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255d61 No.21575240

File: ad580e94731d843⋯.mp4 (6.94 MB,608x1080,76:135,ali_the_face_of_truth_is_G….mp4)

File: a877c5c5caa43db⋯.mp4 (2.72 MB,720x1060,36:53,truth.mp4)


trump did really well under extreme provocation

they will use this against him to ridicule him.

read the post anon saved from another anon. especially the tinfoil hat wearing ridicule part.

they wanted a chink in his armour.

they got it.

but it is far enough away from the elections.

his judgement has been solid until now.

we are fighting shadow in the shadows with the clowns.

preciption makes reality.

until the election is secure we must remain in reality without it clouding and misleading the public.

truth is too important.


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373e27 No.21575241

File: ec74a593077bcf0⋯.png (613.48 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

UK approves Ukrainian missile strikes deep inside Russia

Washington and London are reportedly prepared to allow Kiev to use long-range missiles for strikes against Russia, according to media


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0c5a62 No.21575242

File: c42d142b786f414⋯.jpeg (865.85 KB,1353x1211,1353:1211,4381F8FB_753B_44B6_9844_9….jpeg)

Springfield OH: 22-year-old Haitian migrant men are reportedly being enrolled as freshmen in high school.


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396696 No.21575243



But like I said. I do not know the big picture, strategy

, or knowledge of the plan.

He often appears weak when he is strong.

His performance is no doubt strategic and I don’t pretend to know in what way.

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8c3666 No.21575244


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856005 No.21575245

File: fd5565eb640f94c⋯.png (3.52 MB,2048x1583,2048:1583,ClipboardImage.png)


The CCP endorses Kamala. Whoulda thunk it?

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c61ad7 No.21575246



First I ever heard use of the term was in country Gulf War, we knew way back then!

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8c3666 No.21575247


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eaec84 No.21575248

Q+ Truth at 11:37. This board.

Corresponding Q drops 1137 2337 say it all.

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8c3666 No.21575249



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373e27 No.21575250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>“Eat Less Kittens - Vote Republicans” billboards going up around Phoenix to welcome Trump before his visit August 23rd.

funny that it lurked into the news

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d79c11 No.21575251

File: a77d4d742a2ac6e⋯.png (576.04 KB,1006x929,1006:929,ClipboardImage.png)

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f5194a No.21575252

File: f7629b589f67c60⋯.png (5.57 MB,1136x1710,568:855,1981_10_21_page_0031.png)

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8c3666 No.21575253


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373e27 No.21575254

File: 2e813ad8f7398a0⋯.png (288.96 KB,584x401,584:401,ClipboardImage.png)

enhance… enhance… enhance

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856005 No.21575255


If you aren't home schooling your kids are fucked.

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5e2faf No.21575256


It is not safe for Barron to go to NYU Stern University, it is just about all cabal. Goldmann Sachs has close ties there.

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396696 No.21575257


Probably right anon… timing is everything.

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d79c11 No.21575258

File: be4f0933afbfc6b⋯.png (231.59 KB,258x386,129:193,ClipboardImage.png)

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d2ccb3 No.21575259


Fake AI

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856005 No.21575260


The superintendent is smarter than the principal. At lwast they understand legal threats and public shame.

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373e27 No.21575261

File: 2ed4c4863ff3b74⋯.png (1.13 MB,750x840,25:28,ClipboardImage.png)

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f5194a No.21575262

File: 52361ec8a3bda96⋯.png (5.55 MB,1128x1716,94:143,1981_10_21_page_0032.png)

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f5194a No.21575263

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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75c080 No.21575264

File: ec1b003bc245637⋯.png (167.03 KB,447x282,149:94,IMG_0100.png)

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861db3 No.21575265

File: 19abad0be742bc1⋯.png (913.92 KB,846x640,423:320,19abad0be742bc1c4ca45fc010….png)

Hey guys…

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e23ad8 No.21575266

File: 1b9611356c4c0af⋯.png (572.09 KB,510x500,51:50,ClipboardImage.png)

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c6ef6b No.21575267

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f5194a No.21575268

File: 0716708b13bf1ca⋯.png (5.22 MB,1103x1652,1103:1652,1981_10_21_page_0033.png)

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3dddef No.21575269

File: 28535dbe6c1d9d9⋯.png (3.15 KB,339x68,339:68,ClipboardImage.png)

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e23ad8 No.21575270

File: 01adc8a53f350ac⋯.png (477.18 KB,500x666,250:333,ClipboardImage.png)

and to Marianne Faithfull

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75c080 No.21575271

File: 460b8da88057c66⋯.jpeg (15.54 KB,172x255,172:255,IMG_0870.jpeg)

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f5194a No.21575272

File: 1ccceb35c2ec4e4⋯.png (5.57 MB,1134x1712,567:856,1981_10_21_page_0034.png)

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c6ef6b No.21575273

File: d3a869a66132845⋯.png (1.19 MB,1080x1078,540:539,d3a869a66132845f65512159fd….png)


i'm offended

none ofmy amateur

shitpostings made

it to not ables

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55f339 No.21575274


What a good looking young man. He is going to be fighting the girls off.

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5a8774 No.21575275

File: 68304f3824b4591⋯.png (270.62 KB,500x533,500:533,ClipboardImage.png)

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f5194a No.21575276

File: 4bc16b5d7a4fbeb⋯.png (5.6 MB,1143x1708,1143:1708,1981_10_21_page_0035.png)

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3a07ff No.21575277

File: 4ae5c354e7d0412⋯.png (333.31 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


As a part-time shitposter I completely understand.

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f5194a No.21575278


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5a8774 No.21575279

File: cbe2767b347384b⋯.png (549.48 KB,773x827,773:827,ClipboardImage.png)

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c6ef6b No.21575280


i know whyy so many shills

54 days

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861db3 No.21575281

File: 371dbd289f0f909⋯.jpg (30.8 KB,292x342,146:171,1635538488876.jpg)


Why you post my UID?

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9ca74b No.21575282

File: a9a0c57916b06de⋯.png (785.75 KB,640x709,640:709,ClipboardImage.png)

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e074df No.21575283

File: d0f343b514d5080⋯.png (239.08 KB,569x592,569:592,ClipboardImage.png)

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f5194a No.21575284

File: ff25316db7c0354⋯.png (5.55 MB,1132x1711,1132:1711,1981_10_21_page_0036.png)

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5a8774 No.21575285

File: 0f5e73f7a36c520⋯.png (408.16 KB,633x680,633:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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373e27 No.21575286

File: 22591ff5d8515e5⋯.png (1.28 MB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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96d522 No.21575287

File: 2a5bd2b2e527bb2⋯.jpg (72.56 KB,538x540,269:270,2a5bd2b2e527bb2850eecfba78….jpg)

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e074df No.21575288


Dead Cat Bounce?

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f5194a No.21575289



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373e27 No.21575290

File: 1ce5ce25cd1e796⋯.png (924.75 KB,680x574,340:287,ClipboardImage.png)


>Dead Cat Bounce?


I saw it, so now you do too!

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3a07ff No.21575291

notables FINAL

#26428 >>21574191

>>21574212, >>21574304 ABC moderator Linsey Davis from last night is sorority sister of Kamala Harris in Alpha Kappa Alpha

>>21574220 Tim Walz's flip-flopping on 2nd amendment rights

>>21574221 Blinken hints US will lift restrictions on Ukraine using long-range arms in Russia

>>21574257 Trump's closing statement has soared to almost 12 million views, one million likes, and thousands of comments supporting him

>>21574271 Company responds to theory Harris wore audio earrings at debate: 'The resemblance is striking'

>>21574284 Taylor Swift lip sync audio fail exposes how terrible a singer she is

>>21574311 Veritas undercover: DOJ immigration attorney says "Democrat Megadonors Control Border"

>>21574331 Kamala lie counter from last night

>>21574361 JD Vance interview with Shawn Ryan

>>21574393, >>21574503 Candace Owens: Israeli Citizens were Warned of the 9/11 Attack Two-Hours Before it Happened

>>21574415 Here's Joy Behar trying to get Usher to say he’s voting for Kamala, and he basically says "no thanks"

>>21574424 James O'Keefe Confronts Google Growth Strategist on "Coordinating" with the Kamala Campaign

>>21574431 Canton woman caught torturing, killing and eating a cat not properly being investigated by MSM

>>21574437, >>21574548, >>21574573 Governor of Ohio: Mike DeWine

>>21574446 Tuberville blocks promotion of Ronald Clark, top aide to Lloyd Austin

>>21574449 Charleroi, Pennsylvania, a low-income town of just 4,000, immigrant population has increased by 2,000% (almost all Haitians)

>>21574455 It's not just Ohio; Animal sacrifices on the rise in Queens, New York with chickens, pigs being tortured in ‘twisted’ rituals

>>21574491 ICYMI: Cannibalism still exists in akshually modern times

>>21574551 @COVIDSelect held former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo accountable for his disastrous pandemic-era policies

>>21574521, >>21574545 Red October? US government shutdown: What closes, what stays open?

>>21574581 Secret Service declares Jan. 6, 2025, day of Certification of Electoral Votes, a 'National Special Security Event'

>>21574586 Springfield, Ohio resident claims she saw Haitians catching and cooking wildlife in the park, and leaving the place trashed

>>21574588 Yesterday, a group of Angel Moms testified to Congress blaming Harris and her open border policies for the deaths of their kids

>>21574619 Another top ranking member of the NYPD has been revealed to be a CCP sleeper agent

>>21574629 Ohio city faces 'significant housing crisis' due to migrant flux

>>21574653 US House Passes Bill to Require Senate Approval of any intl agreement on pandemic preparedness be subject to Senate ratification

>>21574668 DJT on akshual date of 9/11

>>21574673 A Taylor Swift fan just told CNN she's voting Trump after Taylor endorsed Kamala

>>21574692 You just activated my trap card…

>>21574749 GREAT news for Trump: he’s killing it with White Evangelical Protestants

>>21574812 Kamala required her entire campaign to take the vax

>>21574845, >>21575023 Wuhan Institute may have leaked the polio virus before leaking COVID-19

>>21574863 National Youth Advocate Program: One of the orgs bringing in the Haitian migrants to Ohio

>>21574874 Springfield, Ohio resident speaks about the Haitian situation

>>21574878 AG of Ohio official website news release

>>21574884, >>21574949 42 Attorneys General Demand Surgeon General Warnings On Social Media

>>21574887 John Kirby slammed over accidental email declaring there’s ‘no use in responding’ to veteran concerns over Afghanistan withdrawal

>>21574902, >>21575061 Trump wins one of the largest X debate performance polls, with 303,000 votes cast

>>21574943 Norfolk Southern railroad says it has ousted its CEO for inappropriate relationship with an employee

>>21574972 Seattle, Washington, thousands of people are experiencing a massive, widespread power outage affecting several parts of the city

>>21574983 Australia's Nine Entertainment CEO Mike Sneesby to step down

>>21574989, >>21575034 Planefag

>>21575068 DJT: She lost the debate last night - she lost it because the onus is completely on her

>>21575094 DJT: People are just starting to give me credit for having a GREAT DEBATE

>>21575130 Commission on Presidential Debates Co-Chair: ABC Moderators ‘Bent Backwards to Help’ Harris, Were ‘Worst’ I’ve Seen

>>21575141 'It was not a debate, but a campaign contribution': New push for ABC to be prosecuted

>>21575242 Springfield OH: 22-year-old Haitian migrant men are reportedly being enrolled as freshmen in high school

>>21574404, >>21574576, >>21574823, >>21574835, >>21575188, >>21575223, >>21575225 Memes


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c6ef6b No.21575292

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96d522 No.21575296

File: 27e712a4defd97e⋯.jpg (87.45 KB,705x639,235:213,27e712a4defd97e826a56cb259….jpg)

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ec0593 No.21575299


The Jewish Mossad, The Saudis, and the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld crime family did 911. We know everything and have known for at least 2 decades.

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3a07ff No.21575301

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b88fcb No.21575302

File: 75783f980b7ae05⋯.png (202.6 KB,474x356,237:178,th_2024_09_11T220156_731.png)

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f7be0b No.21575303

Hymns to the Silence

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3dddef No.21575304

File: ea6d00f245b2f5e⋯.png (105.32 KB,328x270,164:135,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa42ff81e81065a⋯.png (13.63 KB,443x243,443:243,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf7fde77bdaf504⋯.png (178.36 KB,1032x274,516:137,ClipboardImage.png)

Pergamon was the northernmost of the seven churches of Asia cited in the New Testament Book of Revelation.[3]

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f7be0b No.21575306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hymns to the Silence

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1aa030 No.21575308


Blinken's war.

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009f2b No.21575310

File: fa6829e83f37dd2⋯.png (816.83 KB,776x1019,776:1019,fauxABC24.png)

File: 8a9a0e24084c974⋯.mp4 (8.14 MB,632x360,79:45,IgnoreRonPaul_1_.mp4)

File: bd9f28a5eb3b35d⋯.png (1 MB,1626x951,542:317,fauxGlass.png)

File: eef38a951c8a279⋯.png (776.6 KB,893x1021,893:1021,hanfraud24abc.png)

POTUS Truthing clips of Faux Entertainers (9&10 p.m.) in their Glass House tonight https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump

VID (4:01) is Ignore Ron Paul, with lib Jon Stewart illustrating how faux has always been no less fake than CNN & the others.

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617dfe No.21575311

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fbfa8c No.21575312


Are you calling me evil for revealing this?

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9046d1 No.21575313


I may be filturd any you may not see this…

Apologies Anon

For reasons likely due to age I was mistaken and wrong. In the moment I was certain that it was about 6-1/2 years ago that I came to find this board. In actuality it has been about 5-1/2 years. I found the board in early 2019.

So, apologies for the insults and not really thinking about it before hurling the unjust insults.

I was mistaken but not a liar. Yes, I'm anonymous here, but that's the thing about a conscious. I wouldn't feel right if I didn't come clean and offer an apology.

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c6ef6b No.21575315


>long game

game theory


carpet bombing


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fbfa8c No.21575317


Correct, Wharton would be better. He is not safe there.

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617dfe No.21575318


Traitor Loyd Austin already approved the terrorist attack on Moscow International Airport and others.

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861db3 No.21575320

File: 6fb65be0be5f79f⋯.png (714.31 KB,1600x900,16:9,0d598ae3a792302f42ecd7f026….png)


The sad truth of do as thou wilt or do as you will, is that we are to work together and co-create a reality on top of metaphysical existence.

We are to create a paradise in fourth dimensional space, but the selfishness of this philosophy persist and other do not sacrifice for the benefit and growth of another.

It's a sad reality, but it will bend and change over time; how long? I do not know.

But it is written that we will see cooperation in the long run.

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617dfe No.21575321


I hope he wrote it down verbatim for the criminal charges and lawsuits.

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1460f8 No.21575323

File: 76f7fbcfd5a78b6⋯.jpg (49.21 KB,486x360,27:20,VeryDECLASSY.jpg)


don't dis on Fran

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617dfe No.21575325

File: 9405657c9cea5f5⋯.png (1.43 MB,705x1000,141:200,ClipboardImage.png)


I bet Giuliani regrets giving the mob a pass so they could go into government, banking, academia and law.

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c6ef6b No.21575326



want to get to the end of the rat lines

always kicking the bush to see what falls out next

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1460f8 No.21575328


Babson is nice.

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617dfe No.21575330


She sounds like she blew out her septum worse than the Ho

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5a8774 No.21575332

File: 47bdd9a821267de⋯.png (1.34 MB,1208x1120,151:140,47bdd9a821267de551f9dda423….png)

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f5194a No.21575334

File: a222454941be8fc⋯.jpg (38.22 KB,1032x1074,172:179,ever_fucking_shift.jpg)


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861db3 No.21575335

File: db0bdb0020df4d4⋯.png (748.96 KB,1366x768,683:384,1f56159842210f5c0d5b7305ad….png)


No way this is real.

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1460f8 No.21575336


she was playing a character.

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b88fcb No.21575337



She's been through a lot she gets a pass from me, which means nothing

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617dfe No.21575338

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617dfe No.21575341


Buckle up. Everybody dies!

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9efa93 No.21575342


I think with 911 and all the finger pointing to Israel, I think they are just doing a look, look here China, not there, the Israeli Mossad.

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f5194a No.21575345

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617dfe No.21575346


That's bullshit. We aren't playing "house".

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861db3 No.21575348

File: 2b565f8f6335f04⋯.gif (742.67 KB,498x278,249:139,2b565f8f6335f044d2bcfad370….gif)


Sure we are.

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