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ea4006 No.21572467 [Last50 Posts]

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ea4006 No.21572470

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26425 >>21571578

>>21571626 Justice Department’s Matt Olsen on 9/11 legacy

>>21571630 Revisiting the work of Donald Harris, father of Kamala

>>21571637, >>21571798, >>21572250, >>21572265, >>21572397, >>21572437 Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Flight 93 Memorial Shanksville Pa

>>21571643, >>21571647, >>21571650, >>21571888 Swampenings

>>21571653, >>21571897 Watch BREAKING: SPRINGFIELD, OHIO UPDATE

>>21571668, >>21571737, >>21572165, >>21572217, >>21572361 911 videos and synchronicities

>>21571701, >>21571720, >>21571881, >>21571890 Larry Silverstein is VERY VERY LUCKY

>>21571724 ABC Clearly Gave Kamala Harris All the Questions in Advance

>>21571736, >>21571738, >>21571792, >>21571832, >>21571860, >>21571908, >>21572001 NASA & Outer Space News

>>21571744 Ukrainian attacks from Black Sea thwarted – RT

>>21571777, >>21571789 TRUMP TRUTHS

>>21571798, >>21571807, >>21571814 @DanScavino Trump Force One 45 in Pennsylvania

>>21571937, >>21571946, >>21572135 Who Did DEW 9/11? The CGI connection

>>21571956, >>21572013 DO NOT Use USPS To Deliver Your Ballet!! Mail Issues Could Disenfranchise Millions of Voters

>>21571959, >>21572089, >>21572099, >>21572173, >>21572422, >>21572459 DEBATE FAKE NEWS "falsely reported" msm lies DIS-INFO mis-info SPIN slant PROPAGANDA

>>21571980, >>21571983 Kamala Harris Campaign BRAGS About Endorsement From War Criminal Dick Cheney

>>21571986, >>21572258 Secret Service Boss Pressuring Key Official to Retire ahead of DHS-OIG Probe

>>21571990 You've Just Been Washing Your Garbage. Plastic Recycling Is a Dirty Lie

>>21571998 Elon Musk has offered to father a child with Taylor Swift and protect her cats

>>21572004 Hillary Clinton can’t lecture Hungary on ‘democracy’ – PM’s office

>>21572021, >>21572345 Kremlin responds to Kamala's claim that Putin would ‘eat Trump for lunch’

>>21572038 Blinken and UK's Lammy Arrive in Ukraine to Talk Long-Range Strikes Against Russia

>>21572072 Durov’s case is a blueprint – Paris prosecutor - RT

>>21572083 Johnson Withdraws Funding Bill, Which Includes SAVE Act, Just Hours Before Scheduled Vote

>>21572095, >>21572108, >>21572124, >>21572136 Presidential EOs - President Trump v President Biden. Who Did It Better? Con't

>>21572112, >>21572121 Children being rescued ww

>>21572189 PF Gitmo Express

>>21572218, >>21572272 Facebook admits to scraping every Australian adult user's public photos and posts to train AI, with no opt-out option

>>21572307 PROJECT VERITAS - Democratic Mega Donors CONTROL Border Agenda

>>21572352, >>21572373 muh trends right meow. Eating Pets

>>21571594, >>21571613, >>21571624, >>21571960, >>21572127 Memes For Victory

>>21572466 #26425

#26424 >>21570645

>>21570677, >>21570807, >>21571115, >>21571148, >>21571148 Swamp Swampenins

>>21570704 Towers down timeline

>>21570751 RAHEEM J. KASSAM: DEBATE ANALYSIS: Trump Showed Righteous Indignation, Kamala Peddled Smug, Scripted Platitudes.

>>21570760 Trump baits and the media line up to prove him wrong

>>21570775, >>21570849 @DanScavino President Trump and Senator JD Vance stop by FDNY Engine 4/Tower Ladder 15 on South Street in New York City. #NeverForget

>>21570780, >>21570815, >>21570819, >>21570844, >>21570868, >>21570897 Phillip Marshal, Fmr Airline Capt. book exposed 911 narriative as lie he and fam deded

>>21570820 Maggie Goodlander, a former Justice Department official and political newcomer, won the Democratic primary for New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District

>>21570831, >>21571189 Kelly Ayotte and Joyce Craig to face off in New Hampshire governor's race, Ayotte will win GOP primary to succeed Gov. Chris Sununu

>>21570851 Air Canada Prepares for Orderly Shutdown to Mitigate Customer Impact Resulting from Labour Disruption

>>21570843, >>21570858 Jimmy Dore says 9/11 still being used today to determine U.S. foreign policy


>>21570867, >>21571033, >>21571129, >>21571333, >>21571429 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day


>>21570904 @VDHanson The Candy Crowley Debate

>>21570924 Raheem Kassam: Donald Trump was righteous in debate with Harris - she was smug and scripted, expert says

>>21570930, >>21570955 Gray Lady sings the Blues

>>21570951 James Corbett Discusses 9/11 Trillions: Follow the Money

>>21570969 September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor: The Mystery of the Passenger Phone Calls

>>21570989 Thermite Demolition controlled

>>21571010, >>21571034 NEO/Matrix 911

>>21571053 Eastern Economic Forum - EEF

>>21571088, >>21571111 Former Project 2025 Leader Accuses Trump Campaign Advisers of ‘Malpractice

>>21571094 Watkins rt: I am sure that /yellowvests/ is going to drive a lot of traffic to your site soon. Hoping to quickly become the number one board

>>21571141 Mapped: How late in pregnancy states allow abortions

>>21571161 ICYMI: President Trump: I'd like to see her go down to Washington D.C. and sign an Executive Order to close up the border. They have the right to do it.

>>21571175 Keep those Cat memes coming. Watching Swalwell lose it yesterday was pure gold.

>>21571206 Spain’s ‘sea of plastic’ in Almeria ‘wins’ NASA prize of being the most visible man-made object from the International Space Station

>>21571235 100%! ABC Debate Moderator David Muir Hosts Most Pro-Harris, Left-Wing Newscast

>>21571246 EU Commits €100M to Improve Competitiveness of European Space Industry

>>21571263 FOIA FBI dancing Israelis

>>21571274 How to get kicked out of China’s Communist Party

>>21571306 FOX and Friends 9/11/24 [7AM] FULL END SHOW | FOX BREAKIN NEWS TRUMP September 11, 2024

>>21571312, >>21571314 Speaker Mike Johnson’s government funding plan already crumbling with at least 6 GOP no votes

>>21571328 Kris Kobach: Debunking The Lies Of Kamala And The Biden/Harris Administration

>>21571413 @DanScavino One Tower

>>21571466 More journalistic election interference propaganda:

>>21571471 Watch a Russian Soyuz rocket launch 3 astronauts to the ISS today

>>21571510, >>21571514 Biden Regime Greenlights Direct War Against Russia???

>>21571559 #26424

#26423 >>21569873

>>21570328 10:00 AM EDT LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Commemorates the 9/11 Attacks - 9/11/24

>>21569903, >>21569904, >>21569915, >>21569948, >>21569909, >>21569911, >>21569921, >>21569922, >>21569925, >>21569929, >>21570031, >>21570249, >>21570002, >>21570033, >>21570044, >>21570059 Not a debate opines

>>21569937 54 Days to WINNING

>>21569939, >>21569924 RFK Jr blasts 'clearly biased' ABC debate moderators

>>21569943, >>21570008, >>21570079, >>21570306 NOVA H1 Audio Hearrings

>>21569944 Hannity: "She wants a second debate."President Trump: "She wants it because she lost."

>>21569952 Tren de Aragua has taken over a hotel in the Texas border city of El Paso

>>21569958 A pastor who received a life sentence of hard labor in North Korea said he witnessed the hearts of his captors soften after they heard his sermons

>>21570024 BRICS Confirms 159 Participants Will Adopt New Global Payment System, Abandon US Dollar

>>21570063, >>21570068, >>21570071, >>21570082, >>21570147 RINOS/ opines

>>21570078 @KamalaHarris I stopped by a debate watch party in Philly before the end of the night. Hard work is good work. And we are going to win.

>>21570119, >>21570137, >>21570139, >>21570320, >>21570324, >>21570475, >>21570479 Swamp Habbenins

>>21570120, >>21570414, >>21570420 This literally was at NATO's Information Warfare Center Pentagon's psych ops research firm pitched Tay Tay

>>21570201 Trump's daily routine, which includes 3 to 4 hours of sleep, 'executive time,' and no breakfast

>>21570229, >>21570214 911

>>21570267 Leaked US Army Documents: Thousands Of Violent Venezuelan Prison Gang Members Run Amok Across America

>>21570301 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>21570425 Kamala Harris and Donald Trump shake hands at 9/11 Ceremony in New York.

>>21570448 PF Empty Callsign 9/11 Edition

>>21570492 Why is a government shutdown possible before the election?

>>21570593 Enough Is Enough: President Trump Agrees to FOX News Debate – But Not with Never-Trumpers Bret Baier or Martha MacCallum

>>21570602 Proposed 28th Amendment

>>21570613 #26423

Previously Collected

>>21569817 #26422

>>21567151 #26419, >>21567967 #26420, >>21569109 #26421

>>21564850 #26416, >>21565627 #26417, >>21566405 #26418

>>21562076 #26413, >>21563072 #26414, >>21564045 #26415

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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ea4006 No.21572474

File: a37256da2658407⋯.png (439.78 KB,587x487,587:487,a37256da2658407b804e4ea7d0….png)

File: fee3b28f376be32⋯.png (240.91 KB,475x354,475:354,fee3b28f376be32644a1b7cdee….png)

File: a16bd8baf52c6a4⋯.jpg (99.25 KB,634x680,317:340,a16bd8baf52c6a4ebdc0c53993….jpg)



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db0ea2 No.21572482

File: 0d78b01c774829b⋯.gif (1.51 MB,500x462,250:231,45986FA7_1D8D_47E1_87D9_CA….gif)

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ab278a No.21572485

File: 29e3e0b1212d118⋯.jpg (15.22 KB,474x315,158:105,th_1528025144.jpg)



Thank you Baker :3

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de5f6f No.21572490

File: 24008e8dcbe7257⋯.webp (48.73 KB,700x885,140:177,a9yAe3K_700bwp.webp)

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cb96d2 No.21572492

File: afeb5ecf3da759e⋯.jpg (42.9 KB,540x540,1:1,afeb5ecf3da759e66254a26fd0….jpg)

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ab278a No.21572493

File: fed30dcedd4bdfe⋯.png (1.7 MB,1280x800,8:5,spacecat2_759057964.png)

File: 25acdeb88ebb4b9⋯.gif (977.5 KB,425x239,425:239,_3_MOOWKlnlCtCnCLrbODEB_WH….gif)


Thank you!

>Lookout below!!!

>This one is gonna be good :3

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345b79 No.21572497

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44a30e No.21572501

File: d38c05c95fd0160⋯.png (591.02 KB,765x690,51:46,ass_whoopin.png)

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48eb7c No.21572504

File: 1e0674456358e8e⋯.png (1.12 MB,1024x768,4:3,1e0674456358e8e438a5d8d8a6….png)


Thanks Baker!

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ee27a4 No.21572505

File: f20a223d700c185⋯.png (1.26 MB,1378x1016,689:508,kittywearsthegalaxymustber….png)

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807740 No.21572506

File: 28a7b8697b4e380⋯.mp4 (641.6 KB,360x640,9:16,cat_drifting.mp4)

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ab278a No.21572507

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




This is the video referenced in the the title.

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07f88a No.21572508

File: 7fd6fbc161c38d4⋯.jpg (96.83 KB,1024x1024,1:1,7fd6fbc161c38d4bb7dc253cd4….jpg)

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e99cd8 No.21572509

File: 95413110b9beab9⋯.png (74.6 KB,300x171,100:57,ClipboardImage.png)

Cessna AT-17 Bobcat or Cessna Crane

Sky King

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06133f No.21572510

File: a5bb1cd10677a81⋯.png (817.13 KB,695x500,139:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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46a308 No.21572511

File: 4ee2514a4620b5f⋯.mp4 (4.29 MB,540x360,3:2,911witness_5_ISRAELI_DANCI….mp4)

File: 70401eb88a9dfc5⋯.jpg (165.57 KB,1236x1600,309:400,urban_moving_systems_danci….jpg)

File: 7ad080adabab93a⋯.jpg (17.72 KB,600x450,4:3,urban_moving_systems_truck….jpg)

File: 5ebb59204046061⋯.png (492.1 KB,995x862,995:862,911_urban_moving_systems_i….png)

File: 3682e11e02c63b7⋯.png (2.36 MB,2406x1812,401:302,911_Dancing_Israelis_and_U….png)

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46a308 No.21572512

File: fa34e31dc116df9⋯.mp4 (6.55 MB,1280x720,16:9,Springfield_Ohio_resident_….mp4)


the libtards around here don't believe it

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d53a8e No.21572513

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The 9/11 Boatlift: The Unsung Heroes of September 11, 2001

Mike Schuler September 11, 2024

In the wake of the tragic events that unfolded on September 11, 2001, when the world witnessed the unthinkable destruction of the World Trade Center in New York City, a remarkable story of resilience emerged from the chaos. Amidst the smoke and debris, merchant mariners commanding a flotilla of ferries, tugboats and other vessels came together in a spontaneous act of heroism to evacuate over a half million from Lower Manhattan in what became the largest maritime rescue in U.S. history.

The short documentary “BOATLIFT: An Untold Tale of 9/11 Resilience” captures this remarkable story of courage, unity, and resilience.

Narrated by Tom Hanks, “BOATLIFT” is a powerful and moving short documentary that sheds light on the lesser-known heroes of that fateful day – the boat captains, crew members, and ordinary citizens who embarked on an extraordinary mission to rescue stranded individuals from lower Manhattan.

As the towers crumbled and the city descended into chaos, hundreds of thousands of people found themselves trapped below Canal Street, desperately seeking an escape from the mayhem. With all transportation networks paralyzed, the waterways surrounding Manhattan became the only viable means of evacuation.

“BOATLIFT” captures the inspiring efforts of boat owners and operators who, without hesitation, steered their vessels towards the burning skyline, defying the understandable fear that gripped the city. These individuals, many of whom had never participated in a rescue mission before, took on the role of saviors.

The documentary showcases gripping firsthand accounts of these boat captains and their passengers, as well as the people who made a difference on that day. It captures the tension and uncertainty of the situation, as well as the immense relief that washed over both rescuers and survivors as they made their way to safety.

It is a poignant reminder of the remarkable acts of heroism that occurred on that fateful day and pays tribute to the unsung heroes who sprung into action to save countless lives. “BOATLIFT” is a story that deserves to be remembered and shared.


Boatlift (11:56)


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6678e9 No.21572514

File: 85745c5bdfdbcf6⋯.png (441.49 KB,500x756,125:189,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fda31f927d70445⋯.png (362.32 KB,780x438,130:73,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c59527aa9145cc⋯.png (537.48 KB,500x591,500:591,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b364bb23e9382b5⋯.gif (9.99 MB,540x570,18:19,gif.gif)

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66e2ec No.21572515

File: 978e0925ea6fcc0⋯.mp4 (7.61 MB,1080x1920,9:16,978e0925ea6fcc05dbcab1be85….mp4)


ty b

come git sum hatians

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47c532 No.21572516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

camel podium smaller and other observations

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c86b11 No.21572517

File: e9e70c63071c0a7⋯.png (1.57 MB,1192x1532,298:383,timeline_fun.png)

This timeline, I swearhttps://nypost.com/2024/09/11/us-news/biden-briefly-dons-trump-hat-in-visit-to-shanksville-pa-fire-station-on-9-11-anniversary/

Biden briefly dons Trump hat in visit to Shanksville, Pa. fire station on 9/11 anniversary


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b1d645 No.21572518

File: 730e0607a60f470⋯.png (898.1 KB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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06133f No.21572519


Part of that "disbelief" stems from an unconscious desire to avail themselves of their own racism by reaction formation, of seeking to convince themselves of an unrealistic set of thoughts BECAUSE of the Haitian's race, so that they can convince themselves they're not racist in having all those unrealistic thoughts.

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cb96d2 No.21572520

File: 5d5e767bdffea26⋯.png (929.96 KB,597x1662,199:554,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d61abb34a9a78c⋯.mp4 (8.68 MB,480x852,40:71,_CletaMitchell_breaks_down….mp4)

File: 24103841e259261⋯.jpg (255.04 KB,816x1150,408:575,3.jpg)

WATCH: @CletaMitchell breaks down the Biden-Harris election rigging efforts targeting non-citizen prisoners


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b1d645 No.21572521

File: c4414bc52b0b1b4⋯.png (608.64 KB,500x646,250:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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be618a No.21572522

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ab278a No.21572523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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46a308 No.21572524

File: e114555f1014a25⋯.png (236.98 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08aa1534008a4f7⋯.png (267.3 KB,1064x818,532:409,pjw_paul_watson_infowars_s….png)

File: a99dd484ce502df⋯.png (28.73 KB,300x168,25:14,PJW_PRISONPLANET_ISOLATED.png)

File: 8d136544d1600c3⋯.png (297.36 KB,590x640,59:64,pjw222.png)

File: 07102e40662f69f⋯.png (69.98 KB,619x600,619:600,PJW.png)


He's another one who looks less & less like a real human as time goes on

He was always a bit smarter than the average dumbass he acts like. He knew to distance himself from alex jones before the 2018 purges that he helped cause

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b67ada No.21572525

File: d62bccf45575f3c⋯.png (1.53 MB,1123x1242,1123:1242,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02aada7661eb27c⋯.png (275.96 KB,595x794,595:794,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf60a0343389608⋯.png (719.14 KB,593x1095,593:1095,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 88d477216cab2c6⋯.png (678.71 KB,595x879,595:879,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f4e03507d264bc8⋯.png (307.58 KB,595x946,595:946,ClipboardImage.png)

Joe dons TRUMP 2024 hat

Trump War Room @TrumpWarRoom

🚨BREAKING: Kamala did so bad in last night's debate, Joe Biden just put on a Trump hat.



Andrew Bates @AndrewJBates46

At the Shanksville Fire Station, @POTUS spoke about the country's bipartisan unity after 9/11 and said we needed to get back to that.

As a gesture, he gave a hat to a Trump supporter who then said that in the same spirit, POTUS should put on his Trump cap. He briefly wore it.


Sabrina Smolders 🦋🌹 @SabrinaSmolders

Biden is MAGA now. 😂


Collin Rugg @CollinRugg

JUST IN: Joe Biden puts on a Trump hat during an event in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

The moment came after Biden traveled from New York City to Shanksville after he honored 9/11 victims with Harris.

The incident came just one day after Donald Trump told Kamala Harris that "Biden hates you" during the debate.


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99e65a No.21572526

File: 30430f0955ac754⋯.png (178.06 KB,1340x627,1340:627,ClipboardImage.png)

I was wondering what this random disease I kept getting when talking around people was until I realized it was Tuberculosis / Pneumonia. You can literally contract it just from being within 6ft of someone breathing or talking to you. But why was I getting it a lot more now than before? Well, in my country we have exploded in immigrants from India, China, Africa, South America, where they have insane rates of lung and stomach diseases.

The West has much higher hygienic standards and stronger immune systems. The 3rd world immigrants are literally a bioweapon. You have to keep brushing your teeth and use baking soda to get rid of the disease. I haven't developed an immunity to it either the only way is to fight it is with common sense hygiene practices. Maybe screening immigrants for diseases would be common sense too…


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06133f No.21572527


Q+ should retruth and X post this

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fbb471 No.21572528

File: d5deed0ae06ec7d⋯.png (249.4 KB,1257x2067,419:689,2024_09_11_13_50_24.png)


ty baker!

>>21571956 PB - State Officials Sound Alarm Over Mail Delivery Issues That Could Disenfranchise Millions of Voters in the Presidential Election


do not trust these orgs

while it's TRUE that the post office was involved in plenty of 2020 election hanky panky, NASED and NAS are both NOTORIOUSLY corrupt.

EG, from qresear.ch:

#11689234 at 2020-11-18 04:23:46 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #14924: President Donald J Trump Edition

NASED Digg, con't.


nased GOLD Level Contributors: Democracy Fund is Left-Wing & FJC is Cozy with UNFoundation (Lord Mark Malloch-Brown of Smartmatic)

NASED is composed of US election directors. Despite saying it's non-partisan (and also, presumably neutral in political affiliation), its highest GOLD level of corporate affiliates includes the Democracy Fund - which is left-wing - and FJC ("a foundation of philanthropic funds"). Its SILVER and BRONZE levels include most or all of the big election systems companies (lobbyists??). Very cozy.

nased: National Association of State Election Directors

* nased is a nonpartisan professional organization that disseminates election administration best practices and information across the states

* Our members are Election Directors from across the country, many of whom have worked in election administration at the state and local level for decades.

* BOARD: President: Laurie Augino (WA), Incoming Pres: Michelle Tassinari (MA), VP: Meagan Wolfe (WI)

* Corporate Affiliates:

GOLD level: Democracy Fund, FJC

SILVER level: Hart InterCivic, Voatz

BRONZE level: BallotTrax, BPro, CyberDefenses, Democracy Live, Dominion Voting, EasyVote Solutions, Election Systems & Software, OPEX Corporation, VOTEC


#16534 at 2020-12-01 01:18:11 (UTC+1)

QR Midnight Riders #75: Where's Da Dough? Edition

Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. Inventor of Email @va_shiva

Who certifies fraudulent voting systems? Members of Nat. Assn. of State Election Dirs. (nased), who had @Twitter ban me, per Court testimony, AFTER I exposed MA Sec. of State destroys BALLOT IMAGES. nased's parent, DemocracyWorks is funded by Rockefellers, Murdochs, Soros. Nice!


>>11689234 , >>11689242, nased GOLD Level Contributors: Democracy Fund is Left-Wing & FJC is Cozy with UNFoundation (Lord Mark Malloch-Brown of Smartmatic)

searching on NAS and NASED in qresear.ch will bring a WEALTH of digs, all demonstrating how corrupt they are. Just look at their DONORS!!

Democracy Fund, Dominion, ES&S, Clear Ballot, Microsoft, etc.


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388259 No.21572529

File: 4aa1d4e788e9cd3⋯.jpg (157.76 KB,1080x1080,1:1,donald_trump.jpg)

File: b1e45bf044635b0⋯.jpg (232.87 KB,1080x1080,1:1,q_anon.jpg)

File: ab9cdb6d737a380⋯.jpeg (409.77 KB,1080x864,5:4,ab9cdb6d737a380fe35504f14….jpeg)

File: 2f9c55ba18fa99f⋯.jpg (672.22 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240911_092851….jpg)

File: 6812d4286f7d1e3⋯.gif (1.51 MB,640x360,16:9,imrs_821728990_1.gif)

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b1d645 No.21572530

File: 3919a60b6896428⋯.png (3.03 MB,1440x1520,18:19,ClipboardImage.png)


Don't help them. They're old, what are they waiting for? Permission?

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6b8cb9 No.21572531

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4:27 PM EDT

President Biden and Vice President Harris Participates in a Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Pentagon

National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial, Arlington, VA




Pres. Biden & VP Harris Participate in Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Pentagon

On the 23rd anniversary of 9/11, President Biden and Vice President Harris participate in a wreath-laying ceremony at the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia.


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46a308 No.21572532

File: 93636d5ba647c9f⋯.png (114.68 KB,286x309,286:309,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cacff64903af67c⋯.png (457.43 KB,792x607,792:607,brennan_clone_vindmann.png)

File: 9924f4ec73820f5⋯.jpg (61.07 KB,502x531,502:531,maxwell.jpg)

File: bd49929b03a2e77⋯.png (270.97 KB,1140x642,190:107,robert_maxwell_ronnie_kray.png)


ronnie kray looks like vindman. has the ukrainian look.

which in turn looks like robert maxwell

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6b8cb9 No.21572533

5:30 PM EDT

Soyuz MS-26 Hatch Opening - Coverage of the Hatch Opening and Welcoming Remarks by the Soyuz MS-26 Crew at the International Space Station (Hatch opening scheduled at appx. 5:50pm EDT).

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)



6:00 PM EDT

The President departs Arlington, Virginia en route to the White House

National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial


6:10 PM EDT

The President arrives to the White House

North Grounds


8:00 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Utah Gubernatorial Debate

Incumbent Utah Gov. Spencer Cox (R) faces off against 2024 Democratic challenger Brian King in a debate hosted by the Utah Debate Commission.


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47f58d No.21572534

File: d9c9a7d728985e4⋯.png (12.49 KB,409x141,409:141,ClipboardImage.png)


Toxoplasma gondii is a danger to our democracy

Do you think Elon knows about the Gay Parasite post? (I don't have it, but anons know which one it is)

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b1d645 No.21572535

File: 77f91bebeeaadd3⋯.png (1.17 MB,1058x1102,529:551,ClipboardImage.png)

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c86b11 No.21572536


>Participates in

Did they change that headline from when it was pre-written, is that why the grammar is wrong?

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46a308 No.21572537

File: b875baf74611463⋯.jpg (406.85 KB,1440x2151,160:239,agent_smith_says_wishes_hi….jpg)


>seeking to convince themselves of an unrealistic set of thoughts BECAUSE of the Haitian's race

no kidding

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cb96d2 No.21572538

File: 8f2ea4a189dfeb2⋯.png (837.29 KB,1080x538,540:269,8f2ea4a189dfeb233b8297562b….png)

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de5f6f No.21572539

File: d59a504892e26d1⋯.png (24.58 KB,412x540,103:135,agmY9rq_700bwp.png)

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6f0c68 No.21572540

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bongino: Trump Debates Three Liberals And Still Comes Out On Top(Ep. 2327) - 09/11/2024

Really good and sane analysis how Kamarrack didn't win the debate at all. No bump in the polls, just a lot of media claiming a victory that had no effect, even on the betting markets.

Newsbusters explained the whole lie of the debate and how the biased news have to have A.B.C.s back. Now they can reinforce their new Russia, Russia, Russia hoax. It's quite bad to realize our news media are willing to let them destroy America. They are obviously communists and should have their licenses taken away, once a for all. That is why they are so afraid of Trump and MAGA!


You only need to listen to first 20 minutes. The media is doing their thing, for weak minds and no faith.


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b1d645 No.21572541

File: 0836a33958f346b⋯.png (1.11 MB,948x948,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Shumer's illegitimate Vindmans, heroic defenders of the Ukraine regime and Biden-Pelosi-Romney-Kerry mafia

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46a308 No.21572542

File: 29edb3d8f3729d5⋯.jpg (1.51 MB,1828x1828,1:1,parasite_worms_need_love_t….jpg)

File: a60881ebf2ef243⋯.png (608.11 KB,1154x874,577:437,parasite_worm_pill_with_mo….png)

File: 8b837261abf96c7⋯.png (500.95 KB,637x836,637:836,rome_was_infested_with_par….png)

File: 8a645496b98a0e7⋯.png (883.89 KB,753x1061,753:1061,archon_bird_man_parasite.png)

File: 5dd4491da7ca117⋯.png (1.64 MB,1747x1061,1747:1061,archon_parasite_headless_a….png)


I think he's referring to the cat woman theory that Toxoplasma gondii creates docile cat owners

But yeah anything that gets the discussion moving towards the wormpill is great

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b1d645 No.21572543

File: 8d52d8d8d530382⋯.png (133.99 KB,488x327,488:327,ClipboardImage.png)

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47f58d No.21572544

File: 68570cb490bc4b9⋯.png (275.97 KB,569x765,569:765,VulcanEarsLady.png)

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62ffcf No.21572545

File: f672e29317ab4e3⋯.jpg (443.39 KB,1060x1172,265:293,Screenshot_20240912_090204….jpg)

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101d37 No.21572547

File: 013d600b8f81293⋯.jpg (50.64 KB,635x391,635:391,gghezrtjtghgf.jpg)

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47f58d No.21572548



oops, not baker.

just ty anon.

so use to typing tyb!

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0c5628 No.21572549

Israeli Citizens were Warned of the 9/11 Attack Two-Hours Before it Happened


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533532 No.21572553

File: 4f3118bae542ad5⋯.mp4 (938.66 KB,274x270,137:135,ssstwitter_com_17260885702….mp4)

Best line "Well I'm vegan so don't say that"





Trolling Kamala Harris Voters 😂

It's funny how they drop the voice and get very aggressive when they get upset, almost like their natural programming takes over.


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8a89e6 No.21572554

File: fae8413bc15a3b9⋯.jpeg (104.38 KB,1116x838,558:419,Trump_saving_cats_from_Ha….jpeg)

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ab278a No.21572555

File: 0eecd72edc8673e⋯.jpg (50.62 KB,620x349,620:349,8a0df73a604230d1e224b2a774….jpg)

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46a308 No.21572556

File: 669250ba334cd6d⋯.png (770.59 KB,1764x897,588:299,LUNTZ_WHITMER.png)

File: 6a3f1df27efeb98⋯.png (231 KB,1783x909,1783:909,Pence_Aide_Marc_Short_High….png)

File: b8c5b13d1735131⋯.jpg (271.67 KB,1080x1174,540:587,frank_luntz_confirms_that_….jpg)

File: c1f1ea75703f51f⋯.jpg (68.76 KB,620x563,620:563,mccarth_and_frank_luntzy.jpg)

File: efdca3a6b227e71⋯.png (677.17 KB,1280x720,16:9,frank_luntz_perdue_pharma_….png)


luntz is a disgusting pharma shill and also infected with gay diseases. Literally nothing he says is worth a damn and probably should be considered as a reverse barometer

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cb96d2 No.21572557

File: f74b8ab38706fe8⋯.jpeg (92.79 KB,973x1200,973:1200,f74b8ab38706fe8001d163e9c….jpeg)

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b1d645 No.21572558

File: 5e1354d6ef2943e⋯.png (1013.6 KB,1280x909,1280:909,ClipboardImage.png)

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533532 No.21572559

File: 9b3b95104720749⋯.png (674.94 KB,599x895,599:895,Screenshot_2024_09_11_1705….png)



NEW - Firefighters in Shanksville, Pennsylvania convince Biden to wear a Trump 2024 hat.


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1040ac No.21572560

File: e4ca4ad959596cc⋯.mp4 (76.46 KB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17260822704….mp4)




Joe Biden just put on a Trump hat while visiting firefighters in Pennsylvania.

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47c532 No.21572561

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Inside the Ohio Town Invaded by "Cat-Eating" Haitians

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6c951f No.21572562


>I don’t see color

“I only see green.”

Fix yer shit, fren.

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48eb7c No.21572563

File: 447e8547d070f8e⋯.mp4 (13.23 MB,480x360,4:3,j653h636453.mp4)


There are no coincidences.

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fbb471 No.21572564


MORE ON NASED & THEIR DONORS from qresear.ch from 2020 digs:

NASED is highly partisan in three ways:

1 - supported at the GOLD (highest) level by an organization that favors DEMOCRATIC causes (Democracy Fund); also receives extensive support from another left-wing organization (Democracy Works)

2 - supported at the GOLD level by fjc (The Foundation for the Jewish Community) an organization that favors a GLOBALIST AGENDA

3 - supported at the SILVER and BRONZE levels by companies that make voting hardware and software - the ones THEY SHOULD BE POLICING.

Democracy Fund

Principally funded by Ebay founder Pierre Omidyar.

"Since early 2016, Omidyar and groups associated with the Democracy Fund have been funders of opponents of the campaign and administration of President Donald Trump." Has partnered with Soros' Open Society Foundations.

In a blog post published on June 16, 2020, Democracy Fund president Joe Goldman announced that Democracy Fund would no longer describe itself as "bipartisan": "Simply put, a commitment to 'bipartisanship' above all else is untenable when our political leaders openly embrace authoritarian politics."


Democracy Works

"NASED finds new home at Democracy Works, Inc." (press release)

(BROOKLYN, N.Y.) – Effective today, Amy Cohen, Democracy Works's Director of Government Outreach, is the new Executive Director for the National Association of State Election Directors (NASED). As a result, Democracy Works will serve as the organizational home for the nearly 30 year-old professional association.

Seth Flaxman & Kathryn Peters = co-founders of Democracy Works.


Our vision is straightforward: Make voting a simple, seamless experience for all Americans so that no one misses an election.

"We strive to be inclusive within our organization and the systems we build. Our commitment to inclusion pushes us to hire and retain a diverse staff." https://www.democracy.works/

TurboVote = major project; Democracy Fund/Pierre Omidyar is a major donor. "Democracy Works is a member of Bridge Alliance, a left-leaning social welfare coalition that supports numerous left-of-center election reform policies and is partnered with the left-of-center PAC Unite America."

Among the orgs that have donated to it: Open Society Foundations.

Democracy Works is also partnered with Unite America - Kathryn "we-did-it!" Murdoch sits on its board.



fjc: The Foundation for the Jewish Community

from 2020, dropped out for 2024….wonder why???

The second GOLD level supporter of NASED.

(Wrote about FJG "rabbit hole" - how they worked w/UN Foundation (second-in-command is Mark Malloch Brown, board member of SMARTMATIC)

see >>12123)


fjc - all traces of the "Jewish Community" reference seem to have been wiped out on the Net for years.

BUT it's referenced here:



And also comes up in a search on the Wayback machine: see CAP



sure to be some kind of globalist fund.


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21fac5 No.21572565

File: 9ab27dddc167eb7⋯.jpg (62.95 KB,500x584,125:146,936o3w.jpg)

Let me tell you a secret. He hates her.” —President Trump at the debate.

Trump 2024

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46a308 No.21572566

File: c6b5f92abf5d0a5⋯.png (560.39 KB,824x595,824:595,bidan_at_shanksville_with_….png)

File: d1b5c6cc60dc4cf⋯.png (557.97 KB,794x718,397:359,bidan_at_shanksville_with_….png)

File: 4526132e02ca807⋯.png (1.35 MB,1125x740,225:148,bidan_at_shanksville_with_….png)

File: 96047dd9034ac1c⋯.png (1.67 MB,1180x1154,590:577,bidan_at_shanksville_with_….png)

File: 1511b8e2210afd3⋯.png (1.26 MB,962x956,481:478,bidan_at_shanksville_with_….png)


>Joe Biden just put on a Trump hat while visiting firefighters in Pennsylvania shanksville 2024.mp4

we always get agreat showat Shanksville on 9/11

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b4895a No.21572567

File: e2238ecbd66da73⋯.jpg (344.83 KB,1596x1843,84:97,Perkins_Coie.jpg)

Perkins-Coie is now involved!

Here’s How the Biden-Harris Regime Subsidized the Venezuelan Gangs That Took Over Apartments in Aurora, Colorado

The Biden-Harris Regime, through the “American Rescue Plan,” allocated $3.8 billion to Colorado and in turn, Aurora funneled $5 million to two left-wing NGOs that secured housing for the Venezuelan gangs. Via investigative reporter Christopher Rufo:

The story begins in 2021, when the Biden–Harris administration signed the American Rescue Plan Act into law, allocating $3.8 billion to Colorado. The City of Denver drew on this reservoir of funds to launch its migrant resettlement and housing program.

The city, in turn, funneled more than $5 million to two left-wing NGOs, ViVe Wellness and Papagayo, to secure housing for thousands of Venezuelan migrants.

These organizations are run by Yoli Casas and Marielena Suarez, two Venezuelan immigrants who do not appear to have previous experience in large-scale migrant resettlement. Much of this funding was directly tied to ARPA, through the Migrant Support Grant program.

Yoli Casas, who runs ViVe Wellness, said that the flow of government funds was so abundant, she was writing thousands of checks to pay for migrants. She claimed to have written $350,000 in checks in a single week—all heavily subsidized by taxpayers.

These NGOs, in turn, worked with landlords to place the migrants in housing, including a large number of contracts with CBZ Management, which operated the three apartment complexes in Aurora at the center of the Venezuelan takeover scandal.

We spoke with a former CBZ employee, who, on condition of anonymity, explained how the scheme worked. Representatives from Papagayo arranged hundreds of contracts with CBZ to place migrants in the Aurora apartments. Soon, they were up to 80% full of Venezuelans.

The result was chaos. We have obtained a confidential report, which alleges, according to witness interviews, that the apartments saw a string of crimes, including trespassing, assault, extortion, drug use, illegal firearm possession, human trafficking, and sexual abuse.


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07f88a No.21572568

File: 150977f594ef3a2⋯.png (306.24 KB,776x624,97:78,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5f42a5b627adb7c⋯.png (434.85 KB,621x546,207:182,ClipboardImage.png)


@BRICSinfo 2h

JUST IN: 🇸🇦 🇨🇳 Saudi Arabia says it's open to using the petroyuan for oil settlements.

Will Saudi Arabia officially ditch the petrodollar?

Sep 11, 2024 · 6:11 PM UTC


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6c951f No.21572569

File: 8d5b1802fca3b7f⋯.jpeg (75.97 KB,716x531,716:531,IMG_3722.jpeg)


Eat anything, except McDonalds.

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b1d645 No.21572570

File: f5f85247fd62c51⋯.png (294.04 KB,850x400,17:8,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab278a No.21572571

File: 1bbbf3e76212fb2⋯.gif (350.9 KB,500x488,125:122,60e210c74eacd69041cdbc675d….gif)

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47f58d No.21572572


Biden the good guy?

Was Biden a plant?

No..can't be.

His brain is just fried.

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27b7f4 No.21572573


Bitter Biden, thrown out by of the White House by his D handlers now supports President Trump.

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6c951f No.21572574

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b1d645 No.21572575

File: 860cc8301033d25⋯.png (402.65 KB,450x450,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


There's never enough gibs for crack plus anything else.

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99e65a No.21572576

>>21571235 (pb) 100%! ABC Debate Moderator David Muir Hosts Most Pro-Harris, Left-Wing Newscast

Yeah the moderators asked Trump questions about Trump, and when asking questions to Kamala, it was also about Trump. Indirectly the mods constantly set Kamala up to attack, but never to defend herself. This is why she looked so confident. She was clearly nervous at the start from her voice shaking but once the mods had her back she grew more confident.

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21fac5 No.21572577


Hunting without a license


Hunting without a gun


Hunting out of season

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de5f6f No.21572578

File: 7d0feb9537885af⋯.webm (1.49 MB,460x258,230:129,an7jZqz_460svvp9.webm)

Not his best debate, but it is the voice of the people that matters

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ee27a4 No.21572579


and wormwood

(which is called wormwood for a reason)

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df8aba No.21572580

File: 00ba9b1944cb48c⋯.webp (14.65 KB,640x640,1:1,3af376296c03bcb7.webp)

8pecker) to 8pecker)

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6c951f No.21572581


Why isn’t Pelosi suffering generic ice cream in some dank moldy prison cell?

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ab278a No.21572582

File: d280d027a4728af⋯.jpg (29.16 KB,296x300,74:75,d280d027a4728af8633fb80fed….jpg)

File: a44c12e5ea79ab2⋯.jpg (57.99 KB,500x384,125:96,spacecat25_2077648333.jpg)

File: d262e1995f5b087⋯.jpg (87.63 KB,666x500,333:250,44yl6z_2251037001.jpg)



Smiles are better than a missle

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c4afbf No.21572583

File: 9ce5e28f14dba37⋯.png (588.31 KB,1324x756,331:189,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ebb7778617494d⋯.png (34.95 KB,2394x179,2394:179,ClipboardImage.png)

Does anyone know if the time zone stayed the same the entire time? If so what is it. I can assume its my own but I'm retarded.



Is this Delta this close?

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6fe70f No.21572584


Crime in DC pays, unless your a republican

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b1d645 No.21572585

File: f7ad87ffe211d8e⋯.png (289.72 KB,625x459,625:459,ClipboardImage.png)

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e1581a No.21572586

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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27b7f4 No.21572587


Pelosi made a deal.

Schumer made a deal

Biden made a deal

Harris made a deal

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06133f No.21572588


Wow. What a horrible thing to say.

It seems to take on multiple forms, where thoughts of racism are transferred from one to another in a desperate attempt at catharsis to convince oneself that one is not racist.

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eaec19 No.21572589

File: ee585962cab63dd⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB,1040x1600,13:20,made_in_911.mp4)


"Our Greatest Ally". Psychopaths.

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46a308 No.21572590

File: f5dfaac4e63bce0⋯.jpg (133.26 KB,906x906,1:1,JFK_memorial.jpg)


>Saudi Arabia says it's open to using the petroyuan for oil settlements

Trump should talk about this even more than he does


>Hunting without a license

no kidding. there are white men that have had their lives fucked up over just that charge alone. Consider that Waco they burned children over non-payment of a $200 tax

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df8aba No.21572591

File: 00ba9b1944cb48c⋯.webp (14.65 KB,640x640,1:1,3af376296c03bcb7.webp)

8pecker) 2 (pecker8

fixed it for notes

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6b8cb9 No.21572592

File: c7dfbf59527e841⋯.png (185.91 KB,346x392,173:196,kamala_doh.png)

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06133f No.21572593


Left can't meme

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8a89e6 No.21572594

File: 28873bb3b3a93dc⋯.png (458.54 KB,720x406,360:203,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76163e7f8b2ed3c⋯.png (174.64 KB,720x406,360:203,Swalwell_losing_it_tpl.png)

File: 2bc539174fef9d7⋯.png (465.62 KB,720x406,360:203,ClipboardImage.png)

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10fdc3 No.21572595


Doesn't everyone?

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06133f No.21572596


Breaking: Fake pollster had precanned talking point no matter the debate outcome.

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6fcbc3 No.21572597

File: 6d3b740882385ca⋯.mp4 (1.46 MB,320x568,40:71,6d3b740882385caca00f844a82….mp4)

Banned from flavortown.

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46a308 No.21572598

File: 948aa554b91c6ba⋯.png (290.29 KB,1853x1003,109:59,hillary_stop_her_bill.png)

>>21572565 >>21572566 >>21572560

reminds me of this

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b1d645 No.21572599

File: 44a47ba1b9f1463⋯.png (442.83 KB,500x535,100:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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6fcbc3 No.21572602

File: 8ce47e98b2332b2⋯.png (362.33 KB,780x438,130:73,IMG_5525.png)

From bottom last bred

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ee27a4 No.21572604

Miss Switzerland finalist is 'strangled and PUREED in a blender by her husband': 'Killer used a jigsaw and garden shears to dismember victim'



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6fcbc3 No.21572605

File: bb4576b9bd646f7⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB,720x406,360:203,bb4576b9bd646f749a3dab9cc9….mp4)

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df8aba No.21572606

File: 9411fdbdf7a46ea⋯.jpg (8.67 KB,173x173,1:1,OIG4_yCOnpl6upM.jpg)

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ab278a No.21572607

File: 49f63ba1cbcb3c1⋯.png (60.43 KB,473x371,473:371,qaggdropimage580.png)

File: de72bb5fb39ee10⋯.png (45.08 KB,473x294,473:294,qaggdropimage596.png)

File: b320d8d578d0dcc⋯.png (67.21 KB,473x504,473:504,qaggdropimage854_1.png)

File: 58c33d974155c68⋯.png (131.37 KB,473x1064,473:1064,qaggdropimage1102.png)

File: 4de4eeb16a7e6aa⋯.png (30.09 KB,473x294,473:294,qaggdropimage1124_1.png)

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b67ada No.21572608

File: 272166637ee9cf3⋯.png (1.98 MB,1119x1242,373:414,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21572517, >>21572525, >>21572559, >>21572560, >>21572565 Biden wears TRUMP 2024 hat

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c95b66 No.21572609

File: c2b37079445df25⋯.jpg (66.77 KB,735x637,15:13,c2b37079445df2506fd01de392….jpg)


Moar tendies for us!

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df8aba No.21572610

File: 3b95f7a741930ca⋯.jpg (9.24 KB,173x173,1:1,OIG1_11_.jpg)

stonks is down back to the gamestop alley

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21fac5 No.21572611

File: 066f2b9be1e7518⋯.jpg (58.21 KB,495x492,165:164,4zug.jpg)

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eaec19 No.21572612


>they're not racist

Racism is the brainwashed and uneducated version of Discernment.


the ability to judge well.

"an astonishing lack of discernment"

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6fcbc3 No.21572613


They taste like cat.

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02d0ab No.21572614

File: 48ef80ff1e376fe⋯.jpg (272.25 KB,1024x1024,1:1,2a464992_7db9_42f2_a83c_72….jpg)

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df8aba No.21572615

File: 1eb860a7cb57a7d⋯.jpg (9.27 KB,173x173,1:1,OIG1_3_.jpg)

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27b7f4 No.21572616

Give the polling companies credibility through our media.

Create Fake the polls to show Camel up by 5 points,

Then use the Soros voting machines to make Camel win by 5 points.

The people will accept the outcome every time.

Do this every election.

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ee27a4 No.21572617

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df8aba No.21572618

File: 71e2128a730fa43⋯.jpg (6.8 KB,173x173,1:1,OIG1.jpg)

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b1d645 No.21572619

File: 7d4b6ae9398c147⋯.png (245.29 KB,499x460,499:460,ClipboardImage.png)


The things around here that eat cats can out run Haitians too.

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eaec19 No.21572620


Biden looks like he just woke up from a night of Coyote Ugly sex.

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6b8cb9 No.21572621

File: d171d13a0e34856⋯.mp4 (6.8 MB,480x852,40:71,queenpettylex1_0_Kamala_Tr….mp4)



Here’s the best debate summary you’ll see.


(some language)

10:27 AM · Sep 11, 2024


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df8aba No.21572622

File: 28be731888e6816⋯.jpg (7.65 KB,173x173,1:1,OIG1_4_.jpg)

coloring book for colored kids only sold 2 copies

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02d0ab No.21572623

File: e35268feb05a867⋯.jpg (233.91 KB,1024x1024,1:1,3d41df5b_0e7b_4841_822c_03….jpg)

File: 81c7cfffdd48d87⋯.jpg (241.75 KB,1024x1024,1:1,d7f9b3f9_c075_47fe_b11c_ac….jpg)

File: aca4865e0bb8b82⋯.jpg (290.02 KB,1024x1024,1:1,82324f66_6eab_4c72_a1d9_5a….jpg)

File: bdae53b39bb4b99⋯.jpg (305.02 KB,1024x1024,1:1,a539918d_6e44_4080_b391_05….jpg)

File: ec60ac508180cea⋯.jpg (350.77 KB,1024x1024,1:1,e5ac64ef_1e94_4f03_81ad_4c….jpg)


Anons winning


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21fac5 No.21572624


The liberals teach it on PBS to children.

One of these things are not like the other…

One of thesedoesntbelong 🎶

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431e94 No.21572625

File: 13806abfa943208⋯.png (14.56 KB,255x255,1:1,DRPANIC.png)

>>21572221 LB

>>21572226 LB

What if several of these items come together at one time?

Joe Steps Down/Dies/Strokes Out; Harris thinks she assume the position (no, not that position); and someone swoops in (Sessions? Military?) and says NOPE, YOU'RE NOT ELIGIBLE… SOTH steps up and nominates Trump as Vp (Foreshadowed by Joe calling his VP- VP Trump)

SOTH steps down. Trump assumes presidency.

No budget

No United States of America corporation

We start all over.


He calls an election for next Tuesday (Foreshadowed by himself at a rally) with the military capturing all votes.

Works for me.

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27b7f4 No.21572626


They are chanting a spell.

Using the children's energy to manifest it.

Real Witchcraft

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47f58d No.21572627

File: f38e14df7cfc933⋯.png (17.48 KB,230x255,46:51,ClipboardImage.png)

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b1d645 No.21572628

File: 95cb2fda5bf5dab⋯.png (636.45 KB,647x485,647:485,ClipboardImage.png)

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46a308 No.21572629

File: e509264a4fe9f20⋯.mp4 (13.47 MB,512x384,4:3,Star_Trek_TNG_S01E25_Consp….mp4)

Ever want to watch something from your teens but then you realize that it's a teen show but you didn't know it was a teen show when you were a teen

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fb277a No.21572630

File: 4e08e4a542dcf61⋯.png (219.82 KB,478x748,239:374,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_1….png)


JUST IN: Joe Biden just put on a MAGA hat in support of President Trump

3:16 PM · Sep 11, 2024





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6fcbc3 No.21572631

File: 16215165befd859⋯.mp4 (4.48 MB,RPReplay_Final1726089740.mp4)

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21fac5 No.21572632

Imagine wasting time asking ai to make hate content

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46a308 No.21572633

File: db0fc68c89238c8⋯.png (401.86 KB,512x512,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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df8aba No.21572634

File: 050881a572b086f⋯.jpg (8.77 KB,173x173,1:1,OIG3_6_.jpg)

full auto weinergatt sold out in stoes

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891d88 No.21572635


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6fcbc3 No.21572636


Are the people there to see Biden, that are clapping, Trump supporters?

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cb96d2 No.21572637

File: ae9f6c01f4da11b⋯.png (501.5 KB,745x821,745:821,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c92e1c89504ef8⋯.mp4 (3.79 MB,480x270,16:9,Dr_Robert_Epstein_Says_His….mp4)


👀 Dr. Robert Epstein Says His Research Team Has Produced 'Court Admissible' Evidence Showing That Google is Able to Sway Elections

"We've shown in controlled experiments that by manipulating search suggestions, you can turn a 50/50 split among undecided voters into a 90/10 split…And this always goes a very specific way…We're actually collecting evidence that's court admissible."


Full Episode: https://t.co/PZAurkVVTB

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49671c No.21572638

cutting back of food, cutting back on a roof over head, cutting back on clothes – yet the msm looks so good talking about the border invasion

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99f1b4 No.21572639

File: 9e11da84a115f93⋯.mp4 (2.24 MB,480x1036,120:259,P7OTQPwLXdN1VwMx.mp4)

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02d0ab No.21572640

File: 215b000273bb084⋯.jpg (302 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1a5d60b2_30ef_4ba9_b42b_fa….jpg)


Imagine deflecting for famefag shills and whining and crying about it. You must be new? God bless you

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df8aba No.21572641

File: 1f21cb3bae5b648⋯.jpg (10.69 KB,173x173,1:1,OIG3_9_.jpg)

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ab278a No.21572642

File: 3b1633eca619d99⋯.jpg (71.63 KB,720x960,3:4,FB_IMG_1724798011830.jpg)

File: 4f236c6f4e285bb⋯.jpg (46.31 KB,640x487,640:487,1724786463955581.jpg)

File: dfd054ba2a9fb38⋯.png (1.34 MB,1690x1405,338:281,1724772324810273.png)

File: b17bbad2cd1cb48⋯.gif (758.48 KB,220x192,55:48,1724776456409372.gif)

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99f1b4 No.21572643

File: 88eb4ec8f001dae⋯.jpeg (225.76 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_9260.jpeg)

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8a89e6 No.21572644

File: bf813b95cd43f23⋯.png (339.52 KB,511x488,511:488,ClipboardImage.png)



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99f1b4 No.21572645

File: 25aa6086775b49f⋯.jpeg (541.09 KB,953x971,953:971,IMG_9242.jpeg)

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35d111 No.21572646

Take me to your leader

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df8aba No.21572647

File: c2100568355bbbb⋯.jpg (8.95 KB,173x173,1:1,OIG3_8_.jpg)

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fbb471 No.21572648

File: dc8ebfe9c624a7b⋯.png (594.16 KB,990x4094,495:2047,2024_09_11_14_12_21.png)

File: a3118c138ec9167⋯.png (331.33 KB,690x2280,23:76,2024_09_11_14_13_21.png)

File: d3ffb055cd64b93⋯.png (65.87 KB,709x431,709:431,2024_09_11_14_14_05.png)




The Election Trust Initiative makes grants to a range of nonpartisan organizations to strengthen election administration policies and practices and support election administrators. The initiative does not make grants to government election offices.

Please note that we accept grant proposals by invitation only.

who is invited?


CAP shows some of their past and present grants. THIS ONE JUMPED OUT:

The Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), via Stanford University’s Internet Observatory and the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public, identified election-related online rumors and disinformation and published analyses in response to this discourse. The EIP collaborated withcivil society organizations and research labs engaged in social media researchand shared analyses and insights with stakeholders and the public. This effort contributed to the EIP’s ongoing real-time analysis capabilities of online narratives and rumors.



DFR Labs connection with DUROV arrest:


Kyle Becker


JUST IN: A U.S. Connection in the Arrest of Telegram Founder Pavel Durov?

Revolver News has published an original report that the U.S.-funded censorship arm The Atlantic Council had targeted Pavel Durov and Telegram two months prior to his shocking arrest in France.

The Atlantic Council had considered Telegram to be part of a "disinformation ecosystem" that had evaded Western supervision and was being "weaponized" by Russia in the War on Ukraine.

Its framing of Telegram's activity as a battlespace is consistent with NATO's 5G warfare strategy, which relies on propaganda and censorship to advance strategic objectives in the Information Warfare space.

The Atlantic Council's dfr Lab, boutique censorship think tank, produced its findings in June 2024 in a podcast entitled, "Another battlefield: Telegram as a digital front in Russia's war against Ukraine."

ELECTION TRUST INITIATIVE is just another FRONT promoting a globalist agenda.


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533532 No.21572649

File: d66efe1f2456f95⋯.mp4 (2.16 MB,320x608,10:19,ssstwitter_com_17260899240….mp4)





HOLY CRINGE: Try to watch this 60 second Kamala ad


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1aa1b1 No.21572650

File: c80d9c705b7aea2⋯.jpeg (377.94 KB,1170x938,585:469,E1CAA954_E2F8_42E4_947C_4….jpeg)

Animal sacrifices on the rise in Queens with chickens, pigs being tortured in ‘twisted’ rituals


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10fdc3 No.21572651


Can't blame 'em. They see the empire on the wall before great big humpty dumpty has a great fall.

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99f1b4 No.21572652

File: b5414c580006d30⋯.jpeg (924.05 KB,963x1361,963:1361,IMG_9160.jpeg)

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b1d645 No.21572653

File: eb0f3470338752d⋯.png (505.97 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Thats the real Biden. The bald one.

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fb277a No.21572654

File: 63f59a27502f90b⋯.png (219.35 KB,298x688,149:344,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_1….png)


🚨BREAKING: Ohio Governor Mike DeWine is now sending State Troopers into Springfield, OH along with millions in funding to address the Haitian migrant crisis there, saying:

"The federal government has not demonstrated that they have any kind of plan to deal with the issue."

What's happened to the residents of Springfield is criminal. A town of 50,000 Americans does not deserve to be inundated by 20,000 foreigners, ever. Heads need to roll.

Last edited

3:03 PM · Sep 11, 2024





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47f58d No.21572655

File: 895969ed1515820⋯.png (849.42 KB,1111x744,1111:744,4chnlghmnky.png)


notable kek!

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df8aba No.21572656

File: 8f7839e30793b4b⋯.jpg (8.12 KB,173x173,1:1,OIG3_7_.jpg)

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b1d645 No.21572657

File: 12f35e4167c2127⋯.png (746.34 KB,637x500,637:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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99f1b4 No.21572658

File: 9428d0951544ece⋯.png (846.32 KB,800x600,4:3,7B82EA29_A693_4EA0_A761_35….png)

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b1d645 No.21572659

File: e0e199d9cbe729b⋯.png (451.67 KB,474x379,474:379,ClipboardImage.png)

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8a89e6 No.21572660

File: 714e824acf7a8a6⋯.png (45.48 KB,680x605,136:121,ClipboardImage.png)

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10fdc3 No.21572661


Third world migration from Africa can do that, many still believe in Voodoo after all.

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00b28d No.21572662

File: 05ab0a49ca5cb09⋯.png (1.06 MB,1363x766,1363:766,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21572110 lb

>>21572120 lb

hahaha……. I posted it bc of LL, now do this one…

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46a308 No.21572663

File: 5c035ff6a4b2d93⋯.png (208.7 KB,512x512,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Animal sacrifices on the rise in Queens with chickens, pigs being tortured in ‘twisted’ rituals

It's called halal and it's a dietary choice

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b1d645 No.21572664

File: 7a14687dfdefbb9⋯.png (837.09 KB,500x810,50:81,ClipboardImage.png)

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99f1b4 No.21572665

File: c066e6f0ac9b7d1⋯.jpeg (147.36 KB,641x801,641:801,9AEDE71F_ED7A_4E58_9CA7_5….jpeg)

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eaec19 No.21572666

File: ff29811b94cf160⋯.jpg (7.65 KB,263x192,263:192,images.jpg)


>time zone

The time zone is the Twilight Zone.

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b1d645 No.21572667

File: b7dd905561a9c0e⋯.png (724.3 KB,500x889,500:889,ClipboardImage.png)

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21fac5 No.21572668


Wasn't referring to you

Try again.

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533532 No.21572669

File: 47a012e64692088⋯.mp4 (1.72 MB,476x270,238:135,ssstwitter_com_17260308216….mp4)



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6b8cb9 No.21572670

File: a3c30c69b542d58⋯.mp4 (15.16 MB,320x180,16:9,Donald_Trump_Participates_….mp4)

1:51 PM EDT

Donald Trump Participates in Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Flight 93 Memorial

On the 23rd anniversary of 9/11, Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump participated in a wreath-laying ceremony at the Flight 93 National Memorial in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Four al-Qaida hijackers took control of Flight 93, intending to crash it into a federal building in Washington, DC. A group of passengers attempted to stop the hijacking, which resulted in the plane crashing into a field, killing all 40 civilians on board and the four hijackers. Donald Trump paid his respects at the site where the plane crashed


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df8aba No.21572671

File: 5344c435ecec64f⋯.jpg (9.53 KB,173x173,1:1,OIG2.jpg)

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0ff84d No.21572672


why wasnt he or the cheneys at the function this morning with trump vance, biden and harris?

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ab278a No.21572674






Let's have a look


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99f1b4 No.21572675

File: 7f7caa32104e7d5⋯.jpeg (227.36 KB,1130x848,565:424,IMG_9168.jpeg)

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e1581a No.21572676

File: c983c2eea4dd5ef⋯.png (819.83 KB,720x500,36:25,ClipboardImage.png)



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6fcbc3 No.21572677

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533532 No.21572678


I wonder if that is her Yearbook picture on the wall.

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fb277a No.21572679


wow, biden trolling knee pads

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df8aba No.21572680

File: 446ecda3cdeab0c⋯.jpg (11.09 KB,173x173,1:1,OIG2_0vryinVakO1nIuV.jpg)

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44d15b No.21572681

File: e2de6b6b0908d83⋯.png (78.48 KB,337x228,337:228,point.png)


>HOLY CRINGE: Try to watch this 60 second Kamala ad

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4c226e No.21572682

File: 28548084d2dafaa⋯.mp4 (8.89 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17260897350….mp4)

File: b04f743b517be25⋯.mp4 (1.91 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17260741113….mp4)

File: 7f81b3550e1a791⋯.mp4 (3.26 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17260900759….mp4)

>>21571637, >>21571798, >>21572250, >>21572265, >>21572397, >>21572437 Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Flight 93 Memorial Shanksville PaPN

3 Videos

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅

@DanScavino 1h

Happening Now—President Trump visiting the Shanksville Volunteer Fire Department in Pennsylvania. #NeverForget

Sep 11, 2024 · 6:40 PM UTC



Dan Scavino Jr




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df8aba No.21572684

File: 24f328d39d0ed80⋯.jpg (9.21 KB,173x173,1:1,OIG1_7_.jpg)

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eaec19 No.21572685

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b1d645 No.21572686

File: 10fea9c1ccc23bb⋯.png (484.66 KB,475x473,475:473,ClipboardImage.png)

Uniparty is destroying America to avoid well deserved executions

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ab278a No.21572687

File: 476ec789802b6bd⋯.png (426.14 KB,473x1446,473:1446,qaggdropimage117.png)

File: 720f44d61dd8ee0⋯.png (46.19 KB,473x357,473:357,qaggdropimage1686_1.png)

File: 6329b449707eef3⋯.png (160.29 KB,473x917,473:917,qaggdropimage1745.png)

File: a3bf65514355475⋯.png (335.58 KB,473x1841,473:1841,qaggdropimage1746.png)

File: 64489a9c7467c4d⋯.png (204.21 KB,473x915,473:915,qaggdropimage2046_1.png)


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8a89e6 No.21572688

File: 2d5cf19fca4343f⋯.png (258.3 KB,720x689,720:689,keks_in.png)

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47c532 No.21572689

File: 00c439dfd3544c6⋯.jpg (327.93 KB,1470x1414,105:101,00c439dfd3544c68246159550d….jpg)


next debate moderator

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46a308 No.21572690

File: eaeadfd24b5946b⋯.png (2.18 MB,1780x995,356:199,test_your_agents_chemtrail….png)

File: d15bba9bb8a1285⋯.png (100.82 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ALIENS_MEET_LEADER_JEW.png)


>Third world migration from Africa can do that, many still believe in Voodoo after all.

my agents believe in voodoo. seem to think I'm a voodoo doll


>Take me to your leader

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47f58d No.21572691

File: 96846e07c484df3⋯.png (109.09 KB,225x248,225:248,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab278a No.21572692

File: cc8c563d495da02⋯.png (268.4 KB,473x1412,473:1412,qaggdropimage2047_1.png)

File: c03d050dcc04fc8⋯.png (30.65 KB,473x210,473:210,qaggdropimage2322.png)

File: 934934fd34a9974⋯.png (180 KB,473x576,473:576,qaggdropimage2388_1.png)

File: 782edac732fb0c3⋯.png (158.82 KB,473x959,473:959,qaggdropimage2928.png)

File: f69fa096c8e0c3b⋯.png (146.33 KB,473x952,473:952,qaggdropimage3708_2.png)



Tick tock

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21fac5 No.21572693


Are they (the media and dems) going to throw another shitfit and makes fools of themselves ?

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66d54f No.21572694

File: 2efadd6aeadfb5e⋯.jpg (14.57 KB,255x255,1:1,9c9a06359fe157a9d58329c9d7….jpg)

Just remember anons that this so called bad debate performance by Trump is a speed bump that has a life expectancy of tomorrow. The news goes faster and faster as we approach the election. There is so much more to show the viewers of this movie and such a short time to get it all in. Exponentially faster and faster we go until we reach the PRECIPICE! Buckle Up. Grab moar popcorn.

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99f1b4 No.21572695

File: 52a07c62498be69⋯.jpg (44.81 KB,338x401,338:401,No_Cat_02.jpg)

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6fcbc3 No.21572696

File: 354d5ccb263291e⋯.gif (554.13 KB,453x640,453:640,IMG_1045.gif)

He hates her

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fb277a No.21572697


Trump did well considering it was a 3 on 1 ambush, knee pads and the 2 abc moderators were all debating him at the same time, and he still managed to get his policy items across to the viewers

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431e94 No.21572698


Threat to someone.

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99e65a No.21572699

File: 924975e4605775d⋯.png (363.72 KB,683x480,683:480,ClipboardImage.png)

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00b28d No.21572700

File: c802f7f4891cbd8⋯.png (1.19 MB,1265x743,1265:743,ClipboardImage.png)

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df8aba No.21572701

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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8a89e6 No.21572702

File: b5ebd01f3322aef⋯.jpg (14.02 KB,288x226,144:113,whoa.jpg)

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10bdd2 No.21572703

File: fe148d56fe22df2⋯.png (1.54 MB,985x991,985:991,georgie911_2.png)

File: 69d75c4fedbcd59⋯.mp4 (4.82 MB,320x240,4:3,NWO_91190.mp4)

Since mr. NWO's spawn, War Criminal georgie dubya, is still throwing out first pitches at ballparks (in Texas on Sunday for MLB's 911 tribute) reliving the only time he wasn't a ridiculed monkey, wonder if he's shown his rotten face in NY? Does he just tend to stay away? Wonder if even a fraction of the facts about that "family" will ever be revealed…

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533532 No.21572704


This baby had a tiff with Jimmy Dore on Jimmys show Monday and Jimmy slapped him TF down.


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1aa1b1 No.21572705


this story is fucked up anons

read it

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27b7f4 No.21572706

We all worked our asses off and got PDJT in.

He could have had a press conference and told the world about 9-11.

All the secrets he learned he could have declassified and briefed the nation and did not do so.

Now he's doing the full 9-11 memorial at the satanists black cube ritual site?

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eaec19 No.21572708


At the end they both pretended it didn't happen. I would have been high fiveing.

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99f1b4 No.21572709

File: d514fc2bc1e5bde⋯.mp4 (62.19 KB,166x230,83:115,Side_Eye_Dog.MP4)

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c95b66 No.21572710

File: 70c07a0f5517d3a⋯.png (425.59 KB,602x405,602:405,Screen_Shot_2024_09_11_at_….png)

Can someone with better meme skills than anon put an animal shelter sign on the building?

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8a89e6 No.21572711

File: a56645d6ef3a6cc⋯.jpg (36.65 KB,555x555,1:1,1335150460356.jpg)


He's got a big letter N on his side…

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57547f No.21572712


Damn Niggers.

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99f1b4 No.21572713

File: 8ef395f7f75062d⋯.gif (191.57 KB,220x220,1:1,Side_Eye_Cat_03.GIF)

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de5f6f No.21572714

File: 6e4a2dacd99dfe3⋯.png (33.39 KB,631x680,631:680,aZZgXN3_700bwp.png)

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b1d645 No.21572715

File: eff427cc73e49da⋯.png (586.45 KB,500x540,25:27,ClipboardImage.png)

Watching all Americans getting democided by racketeering puppets in the name of equity and inclusion

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6fcbc3 No.21572716

File: a161516c9f895a6⋯.png (8.72 KB,202x113,202:113,ClipboardImage.png)


He watched the movie gremlins, I bet.

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08b91a No.21572717

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cash Jordan: Shoplifting is Destroying NYC… My Honest Thoughts

NYC has a 4.4 billion shoplifting economy. Some say this is ridiculous and unsustainable, but others say the criminals are just victims of a society that has made life too expensive for them…


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b1d645 No.21572718

File: 67e2c7e7f63a846⋯.png (905.61 KB,720x888,30:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea4006 No.21572719

File: b3f46d3026e1b71⋯.gif (3.07 MB,480x480,1:1,b3f46d3026e1b715c3f5492c8e….gif)

early notables

#26426 >>21572474

>>21572513 The 9/11 Boatlift: The Unsung Heroes of September 11, 2001

>>21572517, >>21572525, >>21572560, >>21572565, >>21572608, >>21572643 Biden briefly dons Trump hat in visit to Shanksville - message to Harris?

>>21572520 Biden-Harris election rigging efforts targeting non-citizen prisoners

>>21572528, >>21572564, >>21572648 ELECTION TRUST INITIATIVE DIG !! NASED: National Association of State Election Directors

>>21572531 Biden & VP Harris Participate in Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Pentagon

>>21572534 @elonmusk - Toxoplasma gondii is a danger to our democracy

>>21572540 Bongino: Trump Debates Three Liberals And Still Comes Out On Top

>>21572553 lefty freaks don't know the simplest of behaviors to make frens irl

>>21572561 video 26min - Inside the Ohio Town Invaded by "Cat-Eating" Haitians

>>21572563, >>21572626 KITE HIT STEEL PLANE MUST

>>21572567 Here’s How the Biden-Harris Regime Subsidized the Venezuelan Gangs

>>21572568 Will Saudi Arabia officially ditch the petrodollar?

>>21572621 The best debate summary. Trump Translates In Every Language.

>>21572637 'Court Admissible' Evidence Showing That Google is Able to Sway Elections

>>21572649 HOLY CRINGE CATMAN: Try to watch this 60 second Kamala ad

>>21572654 Mike DeWine is now sending State Troopers into Springfield, OH to address Migrant crisis

>>21572670, >>21572682 Donald Trump Participates in Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Flight 93 Memorial

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eaec19 No.21572720

File: 55880d7a3f2e3da⋯.jpg (77.52 KB,852x639,4:3,f972e154034f8b6f.jpg)


Freebie here.

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57547f No.21572722


Her teeth probably look like nubs.

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6fcbc3 No.21572723


Anton was a luciferian who thought satanists were dumber than Christians bc at least Christians believe in God.

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388259 No.21572724

File: d59443736c58245⋯.jpg (23.42 KB,1920x1080,16:9,76fe69c5_3615_4026_8685_1e….jpg)

File: 5e6e32d764cb7c4⋯.jpg (24.03 KB,300x400,3:4,IMG_9526_3408225297.jpg)

File: 6e4d20b429da3d5⋯.png (272.38 KB,542x558,271:279,6e4d20b429da3d560625708f3a….png)

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47f58d No.21572725


Is Sailor Grift an Ashkenasi Jew?

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44d15b No.21572726

File: 8de4ae3e247e9d4⋯.png (462.09 KB,637x425,637:425,meows_quackers.png)


> Eat anything, except McDonalds.

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da026d No.21572727


He’s a threat to our democracy!! (Places MAGA hat on)

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07f88a No.21572728

File: 6dc1d120fb98d90⋯.png (329.42 KB,610x512,305:256,ClipboardImage.png)

Will we ever know the truth about the real magnitude of the use of clones or mass fertilizations?


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ab278a No.21572729

File: 58af0892822984c⋯.jpg (65.82 KB,700x525,4:3,bb7cd4e7f8dc65196d51144d1e….jpg)






Sounds like a lot of atonement going on

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b1d645 No.21572730

File: d80724657eb6826⋯.png (181.84 KB,470x396,235:198,ClipboardImage.png)

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ee27a4 No.21572731


oh my..

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21fac5 No.21572732

Saw a clip of a family of 911 ripping a stripe off of potato over his doing 911 tomorrow comment. They cut to Trump but potato and hamas were gone.

Why wasn't potato there?

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10fdc3 No.21572733


This will be long forgotten once #1 Pokrovsk falls under Russian control and #2 the neo-con war hawks convince NATO to retaliate directly against Russia thereafter.

[Pokrovsk is the last line of major defense in Ukraine's Donbas region].

Remember this.

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fb277a No.21572734


by calling herself a crazy childless cat lady she thinks she is being clever and tongue in cheek, but really who wants to go see a crazy childless cat lady sing songs and run around in frumpy looking outfits?

she really said something she cannot walk back, especially as she ages and looks more and more like a crazy childless cat lady


Trump curse

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eaec19 No.21572735


Ha ha. I'm sure her background is deeper than the People Magazine feed.

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6fcbc3 No.21572736


Tippy top

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47f58d No.21572737


Actually Anton was not a Luciferian. He hated Luciferians and he hated faggots. He believed Satanists should procreate at any time there was an opportunity, anywhere.

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27b7f4 No.21572738


If they are really using Progeria disease technology to rapidly age the clones to maturity in 4 months, that would be a game changer

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6fcbc3 No.21572739


She’s hired.

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00b28d No.21572740

File: 6cfee81427fafa3⋯.png (1.24 MB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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46a308 No.21572741

File: ef036e8d7ec2c2c⋯.png (152.9 KB,325x274,325:274,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e52953b8242a4f2⋯.gif (6.73 MB,800x454,400:227,assange_being_carried_into….gif)

File: 9b6a8765362cb6b⋯.mp4 (3.8 MB,1280x720,16:9,pompeo_cia_hate_wikileaks_….mp4)

File: fc3c6630e27769d⋯.png (35.01 KB,1178x360,589:180,assange_ama.png)


i think he's dead.

his videos were already being faked in 2016

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00cb43 No.21572743

People on the Left are willing to support assassinations.

People on the Right would never support assassinations.

People on the Left wish death on Trump Supporters.

Trump supporters would never wish death on them.

We are certainly not the same.

The Left is evil.

How can anyone expect good people to unite with evil?


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21fac5 No.21572744

File: 3ccff66b2d0d3ed⋯.jpg (27.5 KB,500x442,250:221,ery7.jpg)

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fbb471 No.21572745

File: 9d538fd175edb0f⋯.png (659.07 KB,1658x1439,1658:1439,2024_09_11_14_37_28.png)



The anti-free speech Univ of Washington group supported by the Election Trust Initiative had a rep -Kate Starbird- at a Stratcom conference sponsored by Atlantic Council in Nov 2019. She spearheaded a panel who also featuredTravis View, who was there specifically to denounce QRESEARCH as a center of disinformation.


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eaec19 No.21572746


+ Russia could decapitate the Kiev Government in one day.

Putin is smart. He's got a big BRICS meeting coming and doesn't want to overshadow that. His game is attrition and patience.

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d1b1a1 No.21572747

File: 45ae6c4ef52f6db⋯.mp4 (4.91 MB,IMG_5501.MOV)


Mr Puff. Fucking KEK!!!!

I love it.

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431e94 No.21572748



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ab278a No.21572749

File: b56b5587f3b33a9⋯.gif (1.31 MB,504x640,63:80,kitty_little_1308869611.gif)

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c95b66 No.21572750

File: 6caf3e0ff1dddc9⋯.png (365.34 KB,602x405,602:405,Screen_Shot_2024_09_11_at_….png)

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1b92c2 No.21572751

Don’t eat the doggies please.

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46a308 No.21572752

File: 68b0d8498ac3588⋯.png (1.18 MB,1074x948,179:158,nashville_mayor_clone_of_t….png)

File: febee52f454ab48⋯.png (73.65 KB,255x191,255:191,nashville_mayor_clone_of_t….png)

File: 6dd6e51817b54c4⋯.png (230.54 KB,558x378,31:21,clone_playboy_hugh_hefner.png)

File: e2a56def8b5a1ef⋯.jpg (147.72 KB,774x1200,129:200,1964_movie_seconds_about_p….jpg)

File: 563895ef3b028f5⋯.png (97.72 KB,261x161,261:161,hefner_bill_maher_playboy_….png)


>Will we ever know the truth

you may, I may, but "we" never will IMO

The bell curve will always bell curve

It doesn't serve anyones purpose for the bell curve to know these things

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27b7f4 No.21572753


no we were told only 4-6%, we just have to wake up the millions of others

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6b8cb9 No.21572754

File: b8acf3d35bbd2fe⋯.jpg (82.29 KB,828x492,69:41,2E0DA88C_CB9A_427D_94F3_FD….jpg)


> A town of 50,000 Americans does not deserve to be inundated by 20,000 foreigners, ever.

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b67a46 No.21572755


>Putin is smart

2 years and still can't defeat a shithole.

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fb277a No.21572756


they apparently still have some semblance of a conscious knowing the parts they played in the 9/11 false flag that murdered over 3000 people

in fact, don't recall w or cheney ever going to any memorials since it occurred, but i could be mistaken

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8a89e6 No.21572757

File: e276039874c9f95⋯.png (902.58 KB,852x639,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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e1581a No.21572758

File: e25fb671215dcde⋯.png (392.59 KB,640x778,320:389,ClipboardImage.png)


Ivermectin airdrops may be necessary in heavily infected areas

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6fcbc3 No.21572759

File: 12678480221556c⋯.png (237.91 KB,750x1278,125:213,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e263a25ae66199b⋯.png (199.85 KB,750x1283,750:1283,ClipboardImage.png)


Palo Mayombe is dark Santeria


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9e8b07 No.21572760


I’m guessing the troopers will arrest anyone who complains about the pet eaters

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f39cd9 No.21572761

File: c03b99d5b6ee63e⋯.png (10.4 KB,455x156,35:12,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 490a35113eb5354⋯.webm (10.12 MB,1280x720,16:9,ANTIFA_COM_REDIRECT_TO_WH….webm)

An inderesting DELTA TODAY:

Has any anons re-checked what Antifa.com redirects to? Check it!


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47f58d No.21572762

File: 8f4d6f7a1ef84fa⋯.png (430.61 KB,674x407,674:407,PepeApuGHD.png)

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6678e9 No.21572763

File: bc18f9665a6dbf4⋯.png (900.66 KB,500x702,250:351,ClipboardImage.png)

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533532 No.21572764

File: 1a952d598af9e69⋯.jpg (104.1 KB,500x500,1:1,topkekaward.jpg)

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ee27a4 No.21572765


>millions of others

nobody knows how many real humans there are on this fucked up holo matrix planet

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fbb471 No.21572766


oldfags may remember Travis View, was one of our main "critics," although he was so ignorant that he didn't even know what it meant to shit the bread…..

it's a pseudonym too - real name is LOGAN STRAIN. He helped Hotwheels during deplatforming, see qresear.ch for more….

#21313839 at 2024-07-29 07:35:37 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #26121: TFW Late Night Coke Shoulda Been Cake Edition




BellingCat linked to both travis view and HotWheels:

travis view = Logan Strain

WAPO just found this out?


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46a308 No.21572767

File: ac5bfc7621d852a⋯.jpg (136.27 KB,1317x740,1317:740,trump_right_ear_shooting.jpg)

File: 165575f7d04ceaf⋯.jpg (17.62 KB,474x237,2:1,trump_right_ear_2.jpg)

File: 3701e94b9842135⋯.jpg (15.47 KB,474x266,237:133,trump_right_ear_1.jpg)

File: 3d54fbe95aaf307⋯.png (35.72 KB,184x182,92:91,best_behavior_fren_pepe.png)

File: a58f4265c29b810⋯.png (707.94 KB,1024x768,4:3,2024_simplified.png)



that's all I came here to say

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10fdc3 No.21572768


That is true. However the day is coming where Pokrovsk falls, and talking within mere weeks not months down the road. Rest assured NATO is probably covertly involved to secure that are in panic right as we speak, Russians are not far from there anymore. If they take that it is over for Ukraine at least in the entire Donbas region, and the White House and NATO knows this. Steps are being readied for intervention and then, probably all out war.

Get ready to hunker down and stay safe.

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6fcbc3 No.21572769

File: 2736ecd7d61922d⋯.mp4 (14.01 MB,RPReplay_Final1726035119.mp4)

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388259 No.21572770

File: 4aa1d4e788e9cd3⋯.jpg (157.76 KB,1080x1080,1:1,donald_trump.jpg)

File: b1e45bf044635b0⋯.jpg (232.87 KB,1080x1080,1:1,q_anon.jpg)

File: df535f2a84600f9⋯.jpg (22.54 KB,474x355,474:355,th_4248830500.jpg)

File: 962096c9ad8d7e1⋯.jpg (84.77 KB,1280x720,16:9,mills2_734113912.jpg)

File: b769a116258826f⋯.jpg (16.55 KB,474x474,1:1,th_4269637302.jpg)



https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › First_principle

First principle - Wikipedia

Arche [6] sometimes also transcribed as arkhé) is an Ancient Greek word with primary senses "beginning", "origin" or "source of action": [7] from the beginning, οr the original argument, "command". [8] The first principle or element corresponds to the "ultimate underlying substance" and "ultimate indemonstrable principle". [9]

https://www.encyclopedia.com › humanities › encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps › arche

Archē - Encyclopedia.com

Archē is a Greek term that means the original stuff or principle of the world, according to ancient philosophers.

Did you know?

As a prefix, arch- appears in a number of titles referring to positions of superiority, such as archduke and archbishop; it can also mean "chief" (as in archnemesis) or "extreme" (archconservative). It comes from the Greek verb archein, meaning "to begin or to rule."

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b244a9 No.21572771

File: 5757428f6ca2def⋯.jpg (121.98 KB,500x632,125:158,1413336277256.jpg)


ayy lmao

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d67387 No.21572772

File: 45dbfd722ae22ad⋯.png (776.55 KB,981x700,981:700,ClipboardImage.png)

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a4850a No.21572773

File: bb2edc9cb737682⋯.jpg (274.08 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Pete_Antoinette.jpg)

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533532 No.21572775

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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10fdc3 No.21572776


The mission is not to defeat Ukraine to rubble though. It is to defeat their military, commence regime change when they do, and install a new neutral government not beholden to the West. They don't need to completely destroy all of Ukraine to do that, nor do they want to.

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01f265 No.21572777

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a1dc67 No.21572778


shivs for shanking

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b700cd No.21572779

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Longed haired

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85b397 No.21572780

File: 543c36d00b90f0c⋯.mp4 (3.52 MB,640x344,80:43,Kindergarten_Cop_Who_is_yo….mp4)



> >>21571630 (pb) Revisiting the work of Donald Harris, father of Kamala

So, seriously: "Kamala, who is your daddy[1]?" "Um, Donald?"


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01f265 No.21572781

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ab278a No.21572782

File: 2119f9dd1156eca⋯.png (132.05 KB,473x421,473:421,qaggdropimage3700_2.png)

File: 5639d989e3f5446⋯.png (730.27 KB,720x1612,180:403,Screenshot_20240911_174728.png)




Go to the Auld Shebeen tonight. Have a good time. Free party downstairs. Don't wait. Go have fun :3


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be5fd4 No.21572783

burn the whole fucking shithole down! ded bodies in ever home. start biblical killing

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2f25a4 No.21572784

File: 6adb382eaa30ea2⋯.png (87.56 KB,687x411,229:137,ClipboardImage.png)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr


I will do something to change it.I will put America's rivers, wilderness, forests, wetlands, coasts, and soil at the top of President Trump's environmental agenda.


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eaec19 No.21572785

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The goal is to make sure they never come back. The Ukrainian army is the largest and best equipped in Europe + backed by NATO. You don't know shit from shinola.

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d2a77e No.21572786



I’m wit her

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60f3bc No.21572787

File: 04eda172601b119⋯.png (167.66 KB,471x429,157:143,IMG_3014.png)



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10fdc3 No.21572788


Good for him, I like JFK Jr.

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fb277a No.21572789

File: c82f1302ae9ad9b⋯.png (968.74 KB,732x895,732:895,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

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6c951f No.21572790

File: 1527fe0aaa91a1f⋯.jpeg (196.35 KB,1600x900,16:9,IMG_3724.jpeg)

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ee27a4 No.21572791


isnt he frens with the black cubers?

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57547f No.21572792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>burn the whole fucking shithole down! ded bodies in ever home. start biblical killing

Welcome, you got about 2 more weeks of being Really pissed off. Then you get used to it. Things will become clearer soon.

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8ac5c2 No.21572793


You mean a Khazarian?

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fb277a No.21572794

File: 1ccc7e64c03353c⋯.png (24.02 KB,788x120,197:30,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_1….png)

Time Magazine has been forced to issue a public retraction following the publication of a highly contentious statement mischaracterizing a claim made by former President Donald Trump during Tuesday night’s debate with Vice President Kamala Harris. The statement, which accused Trump of fabricating an assertion about Harris supporting taxpayer-funded transgender surgeries for illegal immigrants in prison, has now been corrected by the publication.

The correction was made following widespread public backlash from those who pointed out that Trump’s claim had merit based on Harris’s previous positions on gender transition treatments. The mischaracterization occurred in a story titled “How Kamala Harris Knocked Donald Trump Off Course,” which detailed the back-and-forth between the two candidates during their debate.

During the debate, Trump made a claim stating that Harris “wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison.” The remark drew immediate reactions from both the media and the public, with many quick to call it false or exaggerated. However, many defended the statement, pointing to Harris’s past stances on related issues.

In 2019, while running for the Democrat presidential nomination, Harris filled out a questionnaire where she voiced support for taxpayer-funded gender transition treatments for detained immigrants. The questionnaire has now resurfaced, corroborating Trump’s debate comment.


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0d8e00 No.21572795

File: 53f03cf6c0ce5bc⋯.gif (1.96 MB,500x226,250:113,tumblr_15e69a4b7c03c5579b9….gif)


>Ivermectin airdrops may be necessary in heavily infected areas

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10fdc3 No.21572796


I'm sure Harris would love that idea.

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eaec19 No.21572797


>Get ready to hunker down and stay safe.

That's a message for the Military bases scattered throughout Europe.

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d1b1a1 No.21572798


If the truth about 9/11 got out it would spark a world war. Totally unacceptable outcome for not that much gain. If anyone really wants to understand 9/11 truth, they can inform themselves.

At some point, disclosure will occur but this is not the time for it. The slow drip of information is the focus now, planting the seeds for the future in the mind of the populace and moving the Overton window for acceptance of what is to come.

Be ready.

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2f25a4 No.21572799

File: f2c8a70267acd3e⋯.png (62.47 KB,236x207,236:207,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab278a No.21572800

File: cc3f0b7e76bdb2f⋯.jpg (38.51 KB,596x628,149:157,1722292423656210.jpg)

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be5fd4 No.21572801


the purpose of this psyop is for anons to commit suicide. there is no beer. there is no parade. ascension, chosen to self destruct

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10fdc3 No.21572803


I plan on doing the same here in America too, and it will be rather comfy :)

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be5fd4 No.21572804


this anon specifically not plural

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b67a46 No.21572806



Is this Tim Pool and Benny Johnson? How much the Russians paying you both to shill their narratives?

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fb277a No.21572808

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trump: “She Wants To Do Transgender Operations On Illegal Aliens In Prison"

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fbb471 No.21572809

File: e67b9d1732def2b⋯.png (1.33 MB,1836x1777,1836:1777,2024_09_11_14_55_07.png)



TRAVIS VIEW anti-Q podcast, for old times sake

has ALEPHANTIS on as a guest KEK


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2fb81d No.21572811

File: d63a074f8dcdd52⋯.png (2.13 MB,828x1237,828:1237,IMG_3620.png)


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ab278a No.21572813

File: d2f930be3055446⋯.gif (2.44 MB,1701x848,1701:848,1724709474954465.gif)

File: 8a12a5c39c6b285⋯.png (104.99 KB,336x254,168:127,1724708169094178.png)

File: 05d83b66dd1decc⋯.jpg (5.07 KB,250x193,250:193,1724647755553644s.jpg)

File: de2a64239523372⋯.png (706.48 KB,950x755,190:151,1724618961180403.png)

File: ee125034744b20b⋯.jpg (13.81 KB,249x251,249:251,1724459726820287.jpg)


Didn't work.

America wins

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be5fd4 No.21572814


God tells me every single day to stand in the middle of the train tracks. over and over and over again.

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4bb930 No.21572815

They're winning you know.

Everyone thinks its a democracy.

The DOD is playing patty cake and playing looking glass card games in the name of peace with our lives

They really need Peace so the NWO and the deeps state can destroy the country and keep you believing its might get better in 4 years.

Just enough time and psyops to vote again, and to keep the tyranny and taxes going another 4 years.

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99f1b4 No.21572816

File: a5e44d67d256437⋯.gif (856.21 KB,220x220,1:1,IMG_8848.GIF)

File: a72303514aa22e6⋯.png (1.27 MB,1874x1438,937:719,6500BEC3_11C5_440E_AC2C_B9….PNG)

File: d89ff40c532cfcc⋯.jpg (788.97 KB,976x1024,61:64,IMG_8902.jpg)

File: 5588c1db9bcfee1⋯.mp4 (9.74 MB,mematicMeme.mp4)


GOD’s gonna give you a flame coming out of you butthole.

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ee27a4 No.21572817


don't take the black pill

no es bueno

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07f88a No.21572818

File: d6554f7e54c8e7e⋯.png (343.42 KB,618x513,206:171,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 16ab94114b62b6a⋯.png (93.53 KB,566x581,566:581,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 053bd4047742ac6⋯.jpg (77.8 KB,490x630,7:9,0097361376486_p0_v2_s1200x….jpg)

Insider Paper

@TheInsiderPaper 2h

JUST IN - Satellite imagery has captured a Russian-flagged cargo ship suspected of transporting ballistic missiles from Iran docked at a port in Russia a week ago, Sky News reports (Pic: Maxar)

Sep 11, 2024 · 7:04 PM UTC



I begin to understand the plan. The alliance is collecting all the nuclear bombs in the world. But Israel does not want to hand over its own. then Iran stole them and now sent them to Russia to store them safely for the world.

The End.

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949312 No.21572819

File: 6e12db8cd47dd76⋯.png (587.66 KB,396x552,33:46,6e12db8cd47dd76f4d96cb9c8a….png)

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10fdc3 No.21572820


You don't have to agree with their goal anon, but that really is Russia's goal. Like it or not.

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b1d645 No.21572821

File: 5dd07245a17f655⋯.mp4 (2.56 MB,640x352,20:11,CuiBono911.mp4)

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d2a77e No.21572823


Lulz. Yeah you were told that by a LARPING TRAITOR PSYOP who wants you to sit ion your ass while your country is raped and pillaged. How’s that going for ya

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2f25a4 No.21572824

File: 491c5e8b12e9109⋯.png (30.42 KB,498x498,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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9bd0e1 No.21572825

File: 347e509a58f4b97⋯.png (1.01 MB,637x854,91:122,france_vest.PNG)

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be5fd4 No.21572826


your neighborhood pets consumed as food is bigtime winning

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772079 No.21572827

Weird day

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de5f6f No.21572828

File: 4af507aca27b900⋯.png (75.63 KB,500x500,1:1,936uw3.png)

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df8aba No.21572830


navin is a NIGGER


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ee27a4 No.21572831


it's not God

it must be some of those DEWs

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be5fd4 No.21572833


satanic cult members celebrated 9/11 on stage with Trump

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b67a46 No.21572835

File: c91a4a3c907cfe9⋯.png (1.69 MB,800x1211,800:1211,ClipboardImage.png)


How much is Russia paying your ex-BuzzFeed employee ass?

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5291ff No.21572836


Well said


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6678e9 No.21572837


the subtitles did not help.

where is the woman who said.

the state is muh daddy.

it feeds me and muh kids.

i don't need no man..


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01f265 No.21572838

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9bd0e1 No.21572839

File: 2136dad17c80e1a⋯.png (461.09 KB,599x820,599:820,sf.PNG)


Sarah Fields



A citizen from Russellville, Alabama, has provided information to me indicating that the local Pilgrim’s Pride poultry plant, owned by JBS, is providing work to undocumented Haitians for low wages, thereby placing local American citizens out of work.

According to the source, the illegal immigrants are driving without a license, and when “caught by law enforcement”, were allowed to “call a local friend to drive the vehicle home”.

I will be sending a FOIA to the local PD for these records.

According to the local Pilgrim’s Plant own statements from August 2024, they admitted to using charter busses to transport employees to and from its Russellville plant. But have now stopped using the busses.

In Athens, City Councilman Chris Seibert was confronted at a council meeting about “renting properties to Haitian workers.”

At the two meetings, people expressed concerns about the presence of Haitians in schools, and whether the immigrants work and vote illegally.

In response, Seibert told them they “needed to do some soul searching”.

Just hours ago, it was reported that an undocumented woman living in Russellville pleaded guilty to nearly ten counts in a voter fraud investigation.

According to the Department of Justice, Angelica Maria Francisco, 42, pleaded guilty to two counts of false claims of citizenship in connection with voting, one count of false statements in application for a United States passport, five counts of use of a United States passport obtained by false statements and one count of aggravated identity theft.

In her guilty plea, Francisco said she assumed the identity of a U.S. citizen in or about 2011. She then used the false identity to obtain a U.S. passport to travel to and from her native country of Guatemala in 2012, 2015 and 2018.

*This is a developing investigation. Along with my own open record requests, I am currently waiting for video recorded interviews from the citizens of Russellville, which my source has graciously offered to do.*



8:41 AM · Sep 11, 2024




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d2a77e No.21572840


Nobody ever sees the retraction

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de5f6f No.21572842

File: 367b3e171d8973e⋯.mp4 (457.41 KB,460x452,115:113,a1mKgXY_460sv.mp4)

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6c951f No.21572843

File: 1b0b3bb77701a8d⋯.jpeg (172.89 KB,1024x768,4:3,IMG_3725.jpeg)

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be5fd4 No.21572844

the leaders that slaughtered 9/11 civilians, the ded rescue teams, the military ded were saluted today. blasphemy

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07f88a No.21572846

File: 075a98c4aa3fe38⋯.jpg (447.98 KB,1500x1000,3:2,tluum4f3egl91.jpg)

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6b8cb9 No.21572848

File: 28ab688943b227b⋯.png (320.5 KB,667x960,667:960,POTUS_Flag.png)

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02d0ab No.21572849

File: 2d7f6501c2b4b23⋯.jpg (262.06 KB,1024x1024,1:1,e3c01256_0c49_49b7_8f6b_d6….jpg)


Love the meme

Hope you got a permit


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9bd0e1 No.21572850

File: 4c8b9b80ddef594⋯.png (423.05 KB,593x836,593:836,lt.PNG)


Chuck Callesto


SHOCK VIDEO: Woman calls clinic in Maryland asking for an ab*rtion at 34 months.

Clinic AGREES and explains how they stop the babies heartbeat.

This is SICK and once again proves Kamala lied, and ABC ran cover.

VIDEO: @1bigJawBone

0:05 / 1:30



9:29 AM · Sep 11, 2024




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57547f No.21572852

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6c951f No.21572854

File: 90879d996406fc3⋯.png (487.4 KB,1024x1024,1:1,IMG_3726.png)




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d67387 No.21572855

File: d5fedbc2ba6bb39⋯.png (473.46 KB,541x533,541:533,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54e1b07ac56ec0a⋯.png (375.66 KB,706x595,706:595,ClipboardImage.png)



Two of many possibilities.

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99f1b4 No.21572856

File: 23f7dd655e495b2⋯.jpeg (44.86 KB,474x355,474:355,IMG_9261.jpeg)


Tim can smell horses cum

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9bd0e1 No.21572858

File: 62a3c32ed615299⋯.png (354.05 KB,598x574,299:287,has.PNG)


I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸


BREAKING: Biden has the authority to close the U.S. Southern Border and END illegal immigration, but the Democrat mega donors who control him won't allow him to do so, a Department of Justice Attorney specializing in immigration at DHS reveals to @Project_Veritas


Is this the "democracy" we keep hearing about?

9:47 AM · Sep 11, 2024




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f39cd9 No.21572859

File: 81085d495b489c3⋯.png (882.63 KB,643x806,643:806,ClipboardImage.png)


Today, #FBI Director Wray took part in a 9/11 remembrance ceremony in New York, reflecting upon the lives lost during the terror attacks 23 years ago and reaffirming the Bureau's commitment to protecting the American people. #NeverForget


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db8c89 No.21572862

>>21570423 PB

>Voting for Kamala guarantees the cat gets eaten by Haitians

I must admit, it makes me nervous about leaving my cats outside.

I used to worry about hawks, now I worry about Haitians.

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00b28d No.21572863

File: 08407c55e7ca32b⋯.png (1.74 MB,900x1200,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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10fdc3 No.21572865


Again, you don't have to be a Russian to know the obvious goal for Ukraine. They do not want Ukraine in NATO. They will not allow it. They've been saying that well before 2014.

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9bd0e1 No.21572868

File: fedfd2e26b38c1c⋯.png (1.29 MB,845x846,845:846,24t.PNG)

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ab278a No.21572869

File: 9ec7ea4bb5bf865⋯.jpg (21.08 KB,526x583,526:583,1724607364992558.jpg)

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07f88a No.21572870

File: 88a2513ce87a33b⋯.png (266.15 KB,551x573,551:573,ClipboardImage.png)

Margo Martin

@margommartin 2h

Making Babies Great Again! 👶🏼🇺🇸

Sep 11, 2024 · 7:23 PM UTC


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d53a8e No.21572871


It's not Ukraine he's interested in defeating

The fable of NATO equipment being invincible is exposed

Poland is tripping out over the build-up in Belarus and Germany's getting nervous as well

Leopard 2s are real good tanks, but Russia still has battalions of T-64 and T-72s

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fb277a No.21572872


Inside the Ohio Town Invaded by "Cat-Eating" Haitians

brought to you by biden kamala nanshee

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9bd0e1 No.21572873

File: 1173dcf9a7aa8ff⋯.png (292.03 KB,599x603,599:603,purs.PNG)


Ezra A. Cohen


Here we go again.

As if more incidents were needed to justify a top to bottom reform of the CIA.

This follows the recent revelation of unethical medical studies of CIA personnel.

Documents related to the sexual assault case against CIA officer Donald Asquith are arranged for a photograph in New York on Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024. (AP Photo/Patrick Sison)

From apnews.com

10:10 AM · Sep 11, 2024




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6d2b3f No.21572875


rubbing it in our faces year after year

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eaec19 No.21572876


We're filtering all bums tonight. You're first.

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df8aba No.21572878

File: 50f6b77212cb74e⋯.jpg (7.54 KB,173x173,1:1,OIG1_2_.jpg)

two twin towers of pepperoni pizza

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c0403c No.21572879

File: 77619e8bb6d9a19⋯.png (948.72 KB,1476x963,164:107,Lostinspace.png)

File: c962124e3132737⋯.png (1.52 MB,1313x788,1313:788,MIA1.png)

File: f4818f8d2e8be42⋯.png (1.48 MB,1266x930,211:155,mia2.png)

File: ba8283d365ce745⋯.png (71.52 KB,1311x518,1311:518,mia3.png)

Last know whereabouts?




“ In August 2019, Campbell addressed the relationship on her YouTube channel, admitting she knew Epstein after being introduced to him by ex-boyfriend Flavio Briatore, stating: "What he's done is indefensible, when I heard what he had done, it sickened me to my stomach, just like everybody else, because I've had my fair share of sexual predators and thank God I had good people around who protected me from this. I stand with the victims. They're scarred for life.”

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061bd8 No.21572880

File: 23747c6fb85c1a2⋯.png (602.91 KB,564x555,188:185,Jim_has_consistently_prove….png)

File: bfe6a612c3ff718⋯.mp4 (6.75 MB,1080x1080,1:1,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….mp4)

fun place jim

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fb277a No.21572881

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Inside the Ohio Town Invaded by "Cat-Eating" Haitians

>brought to you by biden kamala nanshee

(forgot to attached the video…)

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b67a46 No.21572882

File: ff5a71f3d91f8bf⋯.png (2.55 MB,1919x1079,1919:1079,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5dbf818bc61c2ab⋯.png (2.61 MB,1125x1311,375:437,ClipboardImage.png)


Ya'll only playing 1-move-ahead-chess. Try to think moar Interstellar 40k ft view, Morans.

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ee27a4 No.21572883


why does no one boycott this?

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d2a77e No.21572884


34 months. So a 2 year old??

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9bd0e1 No.21572885

File: 16ff8ae136d18cb⋯.png (316.74 KB,594x477,66:53,as.PNG)


Alex Stein #99


I was just attacked at City Hall in NYC for trying to expose the lies we were told about 9/11 🇺🇸

5:45 AM · Sep 11, 2024




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02d0ab No.21572887

File: 6ea029670f166cc⋯.jpg (235.03 KB,1024x1024,1:1,c7037ff4_5707_4a0b_825f_d2….jpg)

File: a58f056f157afc2⋯.jpg (231.77 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1b8b14a6_b313_4abe_8166_f2….jpg)

File: 9406829ba2a2d92⋯.jpg (252.64 KB,1024x1024,1:1,883427b0_d545_4a1f_b297_ed….jpg)

File: 735a40ce5ef7f9a⋯.jpg (262.75 KB,1024x1024,1:1,75815fa6_afb5_4445_8f8e_20….jpg)

File: 8799c9bc4c20c3f⋯.jpg (263.53 KB,1024x1024,1:1,a60390ed_5724_43fa_8c11_22….jpg)

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99f1b4 No.21572889

File: c6d568d0862afa5⋯.jpeg (579.05 KB,1366x1365,1366:1365,F6304674_B11A_4C17_99EA_B….jpeg)

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949312 No.21572890

File: 21b324d5caa3e10⋯.png (503.78 KB,792x959,792:959,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Has the Laugh of the Night When He Dunks on Kamala Harris With Her Own Line

Trump Has the Laugh of the Night When He Dunks on Kamala Harris With Her Own Line

By Nick Arama | 10:30 PM on September 10, 2024The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of RedState.com.

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

I wrote earlier about how Kamala Harris was trying to plan for a viral, unscripted moment in her debate with former President Donald Trump. If that sounds oxymoronic, you would be right. How can you plan for an "unscripted moment." But that tells you everything you need to know about Harris — it's all scripted, and nothing is natural, even something as simple and inconsequential as that.

She was allegedly even scripting how to shake hands with Trump, as I reported. That's pretty bizarre.

NBC Dishes Some Hilarious Details About What Harris Is Planning for the Debate

So when it came finally as the debate started, she just looked silly, chasing him down on the stage.

Kamala chases Trump down for the handshake- Trump says - have fun 🤣 pic.twitter.com/TkvFGinGuS

— Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸 (@KarluskaP) September 11, 2024

I think the point was she thought it made her look strong or like she was confronting him. But instead, it just looked like she was desperate to shake his hand, and frankly, it looked weird.

Pro tip? When you have to walk to someone like that, they are the superior. So that didn't go off well.

She ended up sounding like she was rehashing talking points over and over again, but then she wasn't answering the questions. When even Frank Luntz is calling you out for not answering, it may just be obvious to everyone.

Kamala Harris starts the debate by reciting a scripted answer to a routine question.

And she didn't answer the question. #Debate2024

— Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) September 11, 2024

She sounded rattled at points, but she had the assistance of the moderators; they were clearly in the tank for her, so it wasn't as fair as the CNN debate was. She kept making weird faces, and it wasn't a good look.

Kamala Harris made those facial expressions during every Senate hearing.

Not sure why none of her debate prep coaches told her to stop that. #Debate2024 pic.twitter.com/quKSghmWGH

— Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) September 11, 2024

Trump had another funny moment early on, which was maybe one of the funniest moments so far. She reportedly was trying to have that viral "I'm talking" moment, according to reports about her planning. But he scooped her on that when, instead, he dropped that on her, and it may have been the line of the night, as she tried to make noises over him, although her mic was supposed to be muted.

President Trump UNLEASHED:

"I'm talking now. DOES THAT SOUND FAMILIAR?"

🔥🔥🔥 pic.twitter.com/YlV6kaoWqQ

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) September 11, 2024

People enjoyed that one, especially when, with Trump going there, if she was planning it, she no longer could use it.


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46a308 No.21572891

Can anyone explain the mindset that considered democrats to be extreme left/communists in the 1960s for wanting to end vietnam?

https://www.a m a z o n.com/McNamaras-Folly-Hamilton-Gregory/dp/1495805484

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d2a77e No.21572892



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dbdd8f No.21572894

File: 22f98632e37e3e5⋯.png (580.2 KB,586x587,586:587,ClipboardImage.png)

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10fdc3 No.21572896


Denial gets you nowhere. You can hate them all you want for it. That is their objective: de-militarize Ukraine and to install a neutral government over there after it's collapse. That collapse, outside of WWIII, is going to happen at some point. Just get ready to accept it.

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b67a46 No.21572897


Exactly. Fuck Russia. If we can't have it, neither can you, Blyat!

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eaec19 No.21572900


>shill their narratives?

That's the point dickbrain. You confuse "the narrative" with the truth. Un-brainwash how ever many brain cells you have left.

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9bd0e1 No.21572901

File: 75e9befc6578ab2⋯.png (444.86 KB,652x642,326:321,wh.PNG)


White House explains why Joe Biden sported

a Donald Trump hat in bizarre 9/11 gesture

Daily Mail (UK), by Nikki Schwab

Posted By: Imright, 9/11/2024 4:32:21 PM

President Joe Biden briefly sported one of former President Donald Trump's red MAGA hats in a move the White House said was to show 'bipartisan unity.' Biden, Trump and Democratic nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris attended multiple 9/11 commemoration ceremonies Wednesday - a day after Trump and Harris first met on the debate stage. During a chat with firefighters in Shanksville, Pennsylvania - where United Flight 93 crashed - Biden was briefly captured wearing a bright red Trump hat.

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07f88a No.21572902

File: 41fb2dfcce5d5e6⋯.png (507.82 KB,507x562,507:562,ClipboardImage.png)

Margo Martin

@margommartin 2h

Shanksville Selfie King🇺🇸

Sep 11, 2024 · 7:35 PM UTC


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02d0ab No.21572903

File: 43b861bc73b71f2⋯.jpg (196.31 KB,1024x1024,1:1,3e848a52_1ebc_43c4_b52c_93….jpg)

File: a170d847f8d7e2e⋯.jpg (260.35 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ef855dda_3d0b_45e5_9676_53….jpg)

File: c299d6165da262d⋯.jpg (290.58 KB,1024x1024,1:1,b99a9761_3f5a_4a47_ac10_13….jpg)

File: c0af6b834cfeb97⋯.jpg (239.65 KB,1024x1024,1:1,b5d4b19a_9bfd_4bde_b5c5_f7….jpg)

File: a5a7e59d1545623⋯.jpg (313.72 KB,1024x1024,1:1,42e69cff_62b6_40ae_9613_56….jpg)

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ab278a No.21572905

File: 304f710ea0e7fa9⋯.png (13.12 KB,473x126,473:126,qaggdropimage156.png)

File: 854bf5d8bbdbcd0⋯.png (211.68 KB,473x826,473:826,qaggdropimage1056_2.png)

File: 6f7b995f7b35361⋯.png (130.17 KB,473x622,473:622,qaggdropimage2143.png)

File: 0be38ce72a40a2f⋯.png (87.04 KB,473x618,473:618,qaggdropimage3393.png)

File: fddf258af5b56eb⋯.png (46.24 KB,473x273,473:273,qaggdropimage4276_1.png)

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27b7f4 No.21572906


Thinking i must have dropped a few timelines, this reality sucks ass.

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d67387 No.21572908

File: 6ade4bab9edb9ca⋯.png (542.02 KB,675x703,675:703,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54f26aca9e97d8f⋯.png (319.69 KB,1156x374,34:11,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c37693868e825c⋯.png (323.92 KB,601x319,601:319,ClipboardImage.png)


2 wrongs don't make a right.

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f39cd9 No.21572909

File: d1a2463811eaa12⋯.png (443.89 KB,413x428,413:428,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5e4a58a03e126e⋯.png (30.34 KB,427x320,427:320,ClipboardImage.png)


(Pic related)

blue-ribbon: adjective

Selected or chosen for special qualifications.

Ex. "a blue-ribbon grand jury"

Blue ribbons are typically a symbol of high quality. The association comes from The Blue Riband, a prize awarded for the fastest crossing of the Atlantic Ocean by passenger liners and, prior to that from Cordon Bleu, which referred to the blue ribbon worn by the French knightly Order of the Holy Spirit. The spelling "blue riband" is still encountered in most English-speaking countries, but in the United States, the term was altered to blue ribbon, and ribbons of this color came to be awarded for first place in certain athletic or other competitive endeavors. It has also been applied to distinguished members of a group or commission who have convened to address a situation or problem; in these cases, the usual usage is "blue ribbon commission" or "blue-ribbon panel"

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aa7756 No.21572910


its a continued demoralizing psyop.

People and charities are still benefiting and would lose out.

God forbid you give the people true and real closure

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02d0ab No.21572912

File: acbb37478ee7280⋯.jpg (301.8 KB,1024x1024,1:1,de1e5a92_6eba_43b5_867a_d1….jpg)

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46a308 No.21572913

File: b9f578dc1df6c7e⋯.mp4 (5.23 MB,854x480,427:240,The_Ultimate_911_Red_Pill_….mp4)


For a brief second I thought I saw the truth.

reflecting upon the lives lost during the terror attacks 23 years ago and the Bureau's failure to protect the American people.

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9bd0e1 No.21572914

File: 3d5ac70c8f39c98⋯.png (721.71 KB,1289x738,1289:738,fi.PNG)


Confirmed: The Haitian Invaders Are Eating

Geese in Ohio

Townhall, by Matt Vespa

Posted By: Imright, 9/11/2024 4:26:42 PM

Springfield, Ohio, is now on the frontlines of the immigration wars. The city, awash with tens of thousands of Haitian migrants, has become the center of national attention after stories of pets, geese, and ducks. It’s triggered liberals to no end, with CNN hosts and Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) blowing gaskets over the story. The media has outright said the claim is debunked—not so much. The report about pets being consumed needs to be verified. Thus far, local law enforcement says there’s no evidence, but regarding geese and ducks, there are 911 recordings and reports confirming the Haitians are eating the birds (via The Federalist):

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ebd76c No.21572915

File: 103890c25ac6192⋯.gif (3.9 MB,400x372,100:93,12a.gif)


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10fdc3 No.21572916


Outside of nuclear WWIII, which would be national suicide for all, there is nothing we can do about it. It's just another Vietnam debacle. Learn to live with it. Your grandparents did.

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06e21b No.21572917

Anyone here paying attention to MH370 thing on X?

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ebd76c No.21572918

File: c2922c2022b4785⋯.jpg (170.59 KB,945x936,105:104,000war5.jpg)



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44d15b No.21572919

File: 1c000f7223d7807⋯.png (3.03 MB,1614x1534,807:767,54_days_to_winning.png)

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01615d No.21572920

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

DOJ Immigration Attorney: Biden Has Authority to End Illegal Immigration, But Democrat Megadonors Control Border Agenda

President Joe Biden has the authority to close the U.S. Southern Border, but refuses to do so because he is controlled by Democrat mega donors and special interests, a Department of Justice Attorney reveals to Project Veritas.

“I personally think Biden has the power to do that [close the Southern border]. I think the power has been delegated through him by the Immigration Nationality Act. I think… Mayorkas may have the power to do that.”

Christian Cooper, a DOJ Attorney specializing in immigration litigation at the Department of Homeland Security [DHS], told a Project Veritas journalist that President Joe Biden and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas won’t end the overwhelming influx of illegal immigrants to the U.S. because Democrat mega donors and special interests control the Democrat party.

“Whoever gives the most money to the Democratic Platform” creates the Democrat party agenda, says Cooper. That agenda, he admits, means mass illegal immigration and few deportations of those who break the law to enter the United States.

Cooper goes on to say that the Biden Administration doesn’t want the bad press and optics that may come as a result of securing America’s border. “I don’t think they want that look unless it’s really necessary.”


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ee27a4 No.21572921


don't have x

share what you found

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9bd0e1 No.21572923

File: 23f98d9da47cd02⋯.png (309.91 KB,599x682,599:682,ft.PNG)


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


5:13 AM · Sep 11, 2024




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fbb471 No.21572924



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27b7f4 No.21572925

if only in 2018 you knew where we would be now….

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02d0ab No.21572926

File: 2d7f6501c2b4b23⋯.jpg (262.06 KB,1024x1024,1:1,e3c01256_0c49_49b7_8f6b_d6….jpg)


America always winning for China

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33998d No.21572927

File: 2525e6ee76f7240⋯.png (294.86 KB,640x524,160:131,ClipboardImage.png)

Going to need a few days.

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b67a46 No.21572928


Russians haven't changed since forever. You should look into how the Ottomans were infiltrated and destroyed by the Russians. Long story short, sexy spy prostitutes.

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46a308 No.21572930

File: 08f1d20d57af49a⋯.png (96.03 KB,466x291,466:291,garry_oldman_doppel_yellow….png)

File: 7c86c3856c085af⋯.png (133.88 KB,390x384,65:64,commissioner_gordon_gary_o….png)


>wow gary oldman's dracula is the spitting image of nygard

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be5fd4 No.21572933


know it’s God. he has no mercy. unrelenting

powerful thoughts that are in every cell in my soul. it never goes away.

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dbdd8f No.21572934

File: b1fa06ab17abddc⋯.png (493.09 KB,552x556,138:139,jjw117.PNG)

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fbb471 No.21572935

>>21572920 DOJ Immigration Attorney: Biden Has Authority to End Illegal Immigration, But Democrat Megadonors Control Border Agenda

nom nom

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772079 No.21572937

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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7a6ccc No.21572938

File: ca2ed19e4040f55⋯.png (3.31 MB,2160x1620,4:3,4B4E7339_1E33_4913_95C3_47….png)

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d67387 No.21572939

File: 35ae318d5927536⋯.png (677.47 KB,888x667,888:667,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13deccc35bcf529⋯.png (617.52 KB,555x691,555:691,ClipboardImage.png)


"Y'all" kys's.

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d2a77e No.21572941

Where’s muh 23 9/11’s now comes p@in at???

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9bd0e1 No.21572942

File: 874b74bcd9d037f⋯.png (127.7 KB,612x580,153:145,fc.PNG)


Bad Kitty Unleashed 🦁


🔥🔥🔥Breaking! Florida based, official international fact checking org, is funded by the US State Dept! And it operates in the United States too! This is a massive scandal! The State Department, who legally can’t operate in the US, has been funding US fact checking since 2015! Yes, it’s earliest days!

The news orgs that operate under the IFCN flag, such as the Washington Post, do the leg work. Which then results in posts on Facebook etc being labeled and the algorithms throttling the post.

This official international fact checking org is also partnered with Google. Poynters IFCN was funded by the CIA linked, State Dept NED and Omidyar grants.

Recall Google initiated the first ever US censorship and expanded it globally by using the First Draft Consortium. First Draft also worked hand in hand with the IFCN. Poynters Politifact was in the First Draft network.

♦️Now check out this timeline of events.

April 2015 - First Draft Consortium started by Google

June 2015 - Official First Draft Announcement comes out. Along with its Google News Lab partnership announcement (obviously)

Aug 2015 - Google News Lab partners with Poynter

Sept 2015 - IFCN is launched by Poynter

Oct 2015 - Poynter launches IFCN with State Dept NED funding

Oct 2017 - Google news lab partners with IFCN specifically

Dec 2018 - Poynter acquires Politifact

♦️Next I’ll list some key quotes from IFCN’s beginnings:

Oct 21, 2015 - “Today marks the online launch of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) at Poynter. This informal network, a forum for fact-checkers from five continents, is born out of the desire to study and discuss fact-checking as a journalistic instrument worldwide.

The IFCN is supported by grants from the Omidyar Network and the National Endowment for Democracy.”

“Poynter's partnership with Google is the institute's first major alliance with a digital technology company.”

♦️ Now showing US links is easy.

“Led by the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) at the Poynter Institute, FactChat is the first collaborative project to unite U.S. fact-checking organizations with two major Spanish-language news broadcasters to fight mis/disinformation during the 2020 presidential campaign.”

“Facebook users in the US and Germany can now flag articles they think are deliberately false, these will then go to third-party fact checkers signed up with the IFCN.

Those fact checkers come from media organisations like the Washington Post and websites such as the urban legend debunking site Snopes.

Another warning appears if users try to share the story, although Facebook doesn't prevent such sharing or delete the fake news story. The "fake" tag will however negatively impact the story's score in Facebook's algorithm, meaning that fewer people will see it pop up in their news feeds.”

“Alexios Mantzarlis at first led the IFCN:

Then he moved to GOOGLE NEWS LAB. And is now Principal, Google Trust & Safety Intelligence. As Director of the IFCN, he helped draft the fact-checkers' code of principles and shepherded a seminal partnership between fact-checkers and Facebook.”

♦️Now let’s head into Brazil:

- Cristina Tardáguila, NED FELLOW, Founder of Agência Lupa and was at Brazil misinfocon with Zommer. Both were GDI advisors. Cristina Tardáguila is the IFCN Associate Director.

- Laura Zommer is Zommer isn the board of the IFCN and Género & Numero from Brazil. She’s also the Executive and Editor-in-Chief at Chequeado, the first initiative of fact-checking and verification of public discourse in Latin America.

Knight Fellow Laura Zommer started Factchequeado, a journalism and education hub to stem disinfo flows in Spanish-language platforms in the US.

Factchequeado will use innovative approaches developed by Chequeado and Maldita in Latin America and Spain – introducing a WhatsApp tipline to involve audiences in fact-checking. Factchequeado is a collaborative alliance with Latino media and fact-checking orgs.

Sources plus more to follow.



8:11 AM · Sep 11, 2024




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00b28d No.21572943

File: cc019d98d6e7dc8⋯.mp4 (12.72 MB,640x360,16:9,Alex_Stein_I_was_just_atta….mp4)



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4ea0d4 No.21572944

It would cheer me up greatly if you let me know you're still around.

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ee27a4 No.21572946

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fbb471 No.21572948


feel better soon

noice meme tho

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533532 No.21572949

File: 6dc8eb12d9a6123⋯.mp4 (2.95 MB,320x472,40:59,ssstwitter_com_17260716835….mp4)

Historic Vids




After 50 years how did we manage to make refrigerators less useful?


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db8c89 No.21572950


I thought these "migrants" were getting 1000s of $s in food stamps and on debit cards.

Why are they eating pets and wildlife?

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02d0ab No.21572951

File: cf5dfdc0742ba30⋯.jpg (234.84 KB,1024x1024,1:1,27acc93f_f6b6_45fd_aed8_77….jpg)

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9770ee No.21572952

>>21570602 Proposed 28th Amendment (LB-OB)

The absolute state of this place. Smmfh.

Anon (You) 09/11/24 (Wed) 15:10:50 No.35

We all deserve reparations for the corruption, pointless war and wage slavery everyone has been subjected to.

Income tax must be abolished, it’s already unconstitutional.

This “amendment” has lots of things that would be nice but not in a constitutional amendment, all laws need to be reduced not enshrined in ways that are nearly impossible to repeal.

This proposal would be just more big government and basically communist.

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dbdd8f No.21572953

File: 365d2a3fec3442e⋯.png (452.84 KB,464x583,464:583,ClipboardImage.png)

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33998d No.21572955

File: 8fab861cf027241⋯.webm (645.3 KB,427x240,427:240,filtered12.webm)


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9bd0e1 No.21572956

File: 7fa827e2f3919f7⋯.png (308.26 KB,595x485,119:97,ear.PNG)


John Solomon


Updated: Company responds to theory Harris wore audio earrings at debate: 'The resemblance is striking'

Kamala Harris at 2024 presidential debate with Donald Trump | Getty Images

From justthenews.com

8:49 AM · Sep 11, 2024




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949312 No.21572959

File: c7cea1acf46a90c⋯.png (132.1 KB,799x387,799:387,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 432f463f2c05290⋯.png (137.72 KB,827x439,827:439,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 94a5a135929e0c8⋯.png (140.84 KB,917x958,917:958,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump


Trump attacks Harris' policy proposals: 'Why hasn't she done it?'

"She's been there for three and a half years," Trump said of Harris.


Sep 11, 2024, 5:17 PM


Trump attacks Harris' policy proposals: 'Why hasn't she done it?'

"She's been there for three and a half years," Trump said of Harris.

GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump on Tuesday closed his first presidential debate with Vice President Kamala Harris by saying of her policy proposals, "Why hasn't she done it?"

Harris gave her closing statement before Trump, pledging that she will "create an opportunity economy, investing in small businesses, in new families, in … what we can do that is about giving hardworking folks a break … [on] the cost of living."

Trump responded to Harris in his closing statement, noting that she has been part of the current administration for nearly four years.

"So she just started by saying she's going to do this, she's going to do that, she's going to do all these wonderful things. Why hasn't she done it?" Trump asked. "She's been there for three and a half years. They've had three and a half years to fix the border. They've had three and a half years to create jobs and all the things we talked about. Why hasn't she done it? She should leave right now, go down to that beautiful White House, go to the Capitol, get everyone together and do the things you want to do, but you haven't done it and you won't do it because you believe in things that the American people don't believe in."

He mentioned that Harris believes "in things like we're not going to frack, we're not going to do things that are going to make this country strong."


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01615d No.21572960

File: fb7dc156d547844⋯.png (260.27 KB,513x627,9:11,ClipboardImage.png)

Given the escalating Russian attacks on civilian targets across Ukraine, Chair


is urging the easing of restrictions on Ukrainian’s use of U.S.-provided weapons, adding that America "must act swiftly to grant these permissions."

Statement ⤵️


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fb277a No.21572961

File: de1791b3e97e944⋯.png (2.05 MB,996x918,166:153,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_1….png)

File: de1791b3e97e944⋯.png (2.05 MB,996x918,166:153,Screenshot_2024_09_11_at_1….png)



one snarling hillary for each one of you

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d2a77e No.21572962


Fact checkers have debunked this numerous times

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d67387 No.21572963


> de-militarize Ukraine

I think you meant to type the US. Moran.

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00b28d No.21572965


He got the perfect voice for this.

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9bd0e1 No.21572966

File: 8dd8c390538329e⋯.png (613.69 KB,598x724,299:362,pw.PNG)


Patrick Webb


BREAKING: Residents of Springfield, Ohio, are now claiming that the heads and carcasses of slaughtered pigs are being left out in public.


8:29 AM · Sep 11, 2024




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46a308 No.21572967

File: 9d8670cdd6ac472⋯.png (463.08 KB,1081x618,1081:618,eye_colors_chart.png)



this is an outrage.

I have never once considered shooting local aggressive canada geese., or buying a small crossbow to silently get local aggressive canada geese, that take over the habitats of the nice ducks

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47f58d No.21572968

File: e0f5804c99f6d95⋯.png (968.24 KB,1097x609,1097:609,ClipboardImage.png)

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b67a46 No.21572971

File: 65154d3758d8036⋯.png (293.74 KB,474x315,158:105,ClipboardImage.png)


>Nuclear WWIII

See you all in Hell muthafuckaz.

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33998d No.21572972

File: 562b773e855f405⋯.png (1.07 MB,1066x1006,533:503,ClipboardImage.png)

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e3e016 No.21572973


This is democracy brainwshing

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02d0ab No.21572974

File: db1c6a8af6d76cb⋯.jpg (358.64 KB,1024x1024,1:1,b35c3f87_2155_492c_9919_23….jpg)

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06e21b No.21572975


It's a lot. Justxashton. Is his handle. YouTube as well. It would be of interest to everyone here.

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b4f394 No.21572977


you dont expect them to be civilized and go to the kroger ,do you ?

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949312 No.21572978

File: 10fe5f814cb8027⋯.png (337.32 KB,826x797,826:797,ClipboardImage.png)

Diamond and Silk


The number 1 question. Kamala has had 3 plus years to do everything she continues to say she's going to do or is planning to do.





Sep 11, 2024, 6:08 PM


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eaec19 No.21572980

File: 870aa19e9fef34b⋯.jpg (7.83 KB,296x170,148:85,images.jpg)


>Thats the real Biden. The bald one.

Ha ha. Nope. You won't be seeing him anymore.

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9bd0e1 No.21572982

File: a5a6d6cff661899⋯.png (650.36 KB,598x768,299:384,tr.PNG)




Trolling Kamala Harris Voters 😂

It's funny how they drop the voice and get very aggressive when they get upset, almost like their natural programming takes over.

0:11 / 0:49

5:31 AM · Sep 11, 2024




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e03a36 No.21572983


just because the moeny is alllocated to go to them in the 1000's of dollars per month doesn't mean that they get that money.

come on, don't you know hwo it works?

they are the excuse for the money. It's allocated. where is it written that they have to actually get the money?

it goes to someone. Who? well we don't really know, do we.

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8ac5c2 No.21572984


>Oh you are all gonna fucking find out

I was gonna post the tip of the iceberg before the Titanic hits, but why spoil all the fun?

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d2a77e No.21572986



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f39cd9 No.21572988

File: f37c86eed4dfc59⋯.png (1.03 MB,1286x806,643:403,ClipboardImage.png)

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46a308 No.21572989

File: ede3327d972033a⋯.png (310.26 KB,704x804,176:201,kiev_crypee_nuke_ukraine.png)

File: 5008b7d689f57d8⋯.gif (2.24 MB,695x392,695:392,PEPE_GOGGLES_NUKE.gif)

File: 8f0210f1a48130c⋯.gif (1.97 MB,250x171,250:171,nuke_on_car_etc.gif)

File: 77c666ebafaea74⋯.gif (2.97 MB,320x179,320:179,nuke_color.gif)

File: 128c5283349b320⋯.gif (1.1 MB,480x270,16:9,nuke_test_see_ground_move1….gif)


>easing of restrictions on Ukrainian’s use of U.S.-provided weapons

how about no

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9bd0e1 No.21572990

File: 9c937c5f0b3f73b⋯.png (295.42 KB,599x743,599:743,int.PNG)




BREAKING: Aurora, Colo. police ID known Tren de Aragua members, a violent prison gang from Venezuela

The MSM tells you this isn't happening.

Larry Medina

Larry Medina was arrested July 10 by Aurora police in connection with a July 2 felony menacing at Whispering Pines Condominiums, 1357 Helena Street. The victim reported to police Medina pointed a firearm and threatened to kill them. Medina is a documented member of TdA.

Jhonardy Pacheco-Chirinos

Jhonardy Pacheco-Chirinos was arrested March 28 by Aurora police on a first-degree assault warrant out of Adams District Court. The warrant stemmed from an assault in November 2023 at Fitzsimons Place apartments, 1568 Nome St.

Jhonardy also is suspected of being involved in the July 28 nonfatal shooting at Fitzsimons Place apartments and was arrested by Aurora police in connection with that case on July 29. His involvement in the shooting remains under investigation. Jhonardy Pacheco-Chirinos is a documented member of TdA.

Jhonnarty Dejesus Pacheco-Chirinos

Jhonnarty Dejesus Pacheco-Chirinos was arrested July 29 by Aurora police in connection with a nonfatal shooting the day before at Fitzsimons Place apartments, 1568 Nome St. Jhonnarty Pacheco-Chirinos is a documented member of TdA.

Luis Miguel Calzadilla-Rojas

Luis Miguel Calzadilla-Rojas was arrested the evening of Jan. 3 by Aurora police in connection with a nonfatal shooting that occurred earlier in the day in front of the Arapahoe County Probation Office, 15400 E. 14th Place. Calzadilla-Rojas is a documented member of TdA.

Yorman Camilo Sangronis-Garcia

Yorman Camilo Sangronis-Garcia was involved in a consensual contact with Aurora police about a report of a hit-and-run crash on Feb. 4 at Whispering Pines Condominiums, 15423 E. 13th Ave. Sangronis-Garcia has not been involved in any other contacts with Aurora police. Sangronis-Garcia is a documented member of TdA.

Yoendry Vilchez Medina-Jose

Yoendry Vilchez Medina-Jose was arrested Aug. 5 by the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office on a warrant out of Arapahoe District Court. The warrant stemmed from an assault in November 2023 at Whispering Pines Condominiums, 1357 Helena St., in Aurora. Medina-Jose is a documented member of TdA.

Juan Carlos Mejia-Espana

Juan Carlos Mejia-Espana was arrested March 17 by Aurora police following a domestic dispute with a weapon at Whispering Pines Condominiums, 15483 E. 13th Ave. Mejia-Espana is a documented member of TdA.

Carlos Aranguren-Mayora

Carlos Aranguren-Mayora has had numerous encounters with Aurora police officers and law enforcement agencies throughout the metro area. He faces a total of 38 charges in five active court cases in Adams, Arapahoe and Boulder district courts for crimes dating to December 2023. Aranguren-Mayora is a documented member of TdA.

Roiberth Daniel Mora-Marquez

Roiberth Daniel Mora-Marquez was arrested April 17 by Aurora police in connection with an April 4 dispute and assault over unpaid rent money in the 1600 block of Lima Street. Mora-Marquez also is a suspect in nonfatal shooting on June 28 in the 400 block of Nile Street. Mora-Marquez is a documented member of TdA.

Jose Miguel Reyes-Perez

Jose Miguel Reyes-Perez was arrested May 22 by Aurora police on an outstanding warrant out of Jefferson District Court for aggravated assault, menacing and motor vehicle theft. Reyes-Perez is a documented member of TdA.


9:02 AM · Sep 11, 2024




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388259 No.21572995

File: 2d0bfc755b5e5b2⋯.jpeg (5.77 KB,269x186,269:186,2d0bfc755b5e5b2bd450c4b0f….jpeg)

File: 71b3f6882495808⋯.jpg (119.33 KB,696x463,696:463,Mahavidyas.jpg)

File: 58ba7367810b2b3⋯.jpg (29.56 KB,474x355,474:355,th_750650140.jpg)

File: c4deb90e69aecba⋯.jpg (33.53 KB,474x266,237:133,th_4234226316.jpg)

File: f35124b7d9e5b07⋯.jpg (48.68 KB,850x478,425:239,221215205154_02_trump_nft_….jpg)

Free Speech Crisis..

Assassination attempt on her husband, fool.

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9bd0e1 No.21572996

File: 42f5ccfd30f8f3d⋯.png (344.72 KB,595x712,595:712,mj.PNG)




👀 Look who’s name was in the Wikileaks Docs to have colluded with the DNC and Hillary…

David Muir… the horrendous ABC Moderator last night.





Jun 24

These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle:

ABC – Cecilia Vega

ABC - David Muir

ABC – Diane Sawyer

ABC – George Stephanoplous

ABC – Jon Karl

ABC – Liz Kreutz

AP – Julie Pace

AP –

Show more

8:07 AM · Sep 11, 2024




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2f25a4 No.21572999

File: f301ea0255dbe88⋯.png (766.13 KB,1174x1128,587:564,ClipboardImage.png)

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eaec19 No.21573000


That was very un-lady like.

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02d0ab No.21573001

File: 4dcb0d8807b01c1⋯.jpg (243.64 KB,1024x1024,1:1,60296caf_0e2e_45ee_bc30_19….jpg)

Anons winning

CCP Catturd copycat destroyed

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7016b8 No.21573003


Prayers, please, for anon's fren Sylvia in Oklahoma. She was a 911 1st responder and has suffered health issues ever since. Last week, she was given 6 months or less to live. She has been amazingly strong, and goes to rallies and participates in Patriotic caravans. Please pray for her, in Jesus' name.

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c95b66 No.21573004

File: 57644ba299fc535⋯.png (1.63 MB,1280x1170,128:117,57644ba299fc535b2b0edc47d7….png)

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d2a77e No.21573005


Staged. Ghey and fake

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9770ee No.21573009

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Nicole Shanahan


It's telling that even Haitian migrants recognize the processed food in our grocery stores isn't suitable for consumption.


Square profile picture

The Federalist




EXCLUSIVE: Police Audio, Report Confirm Haitian Goose-Hunting In Ohio: ‘They All Had Geese In Their Hands’

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10fdc3 No.21573010


LOL, that would not happen even if all of Ukraine fell. That is not the goal. The goal is to make sure Ukrainian territory is never in the hands of their adversaries and sadly we have been acting like adversaries even after the collapse of the Soviet Union. We have plenty of NATO bases already surrounding Russia today. They will not become a target as long as we don't directly attack Russia.

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07f88a No.21573011

File: 114c3210db7e4c6⋯.png (392.19 KB,555x559,555:559,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ceb5e7c710fdfe⋯.png (155.77 KB,626x490,313:245,Opera_Instant_nea_2024_09_….png)

File: 37e5218cd9847a3⋯.png (220.4 KB,552x568,69:71,Opera_Instant_nea_2024_09_….png)


@Geology_History 13h

September 11, 1522, birthday of Italian naturalist Ulisse Aldrovandi.

He studied & classified rocks🪨& minerals💎 recognizing the organic origin of some fossils🐚

Also used the word "la giologia" #geology ⚒️ as #science of unearthed things for the 1st time


Sep 11, 2024 · 9:07 AM UTC



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ee27a4 No.21573012


Trump last night: "Don't kid yourself, David!"

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949312 No.21573015

File: cdbc01694e51622⋯.png (544.56 KB,918x813,306:271,ClipboardImage.png)


comms to rocket man?Newsmax


Iconic singer Elton John said Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's "Little Rocket Man" nickname for North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was "hilarious."


Elton John: Trump Calling Kim Jong Un 'Little Rocket Man' Was 'Hilarious'


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eaec19 No.21573017

File: 3bc89f4f1a4a7f4⋯.mp4 (7.12 MB,1080x1308,90:109,Mush.mp4)


Grab your pets and get out of Springfield right a way

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9bd0e1 No.21573018

File: 772f0411eacf341⋯.png (290.09 KB,604x784,151:196,penn.PNG)


Washingtons ghost


Get ready if you live in PA. You’re about to have a bunch of new arrivals https://x.com/endwokeness/st/endwokeness/status/1833945093926985833

This post is unavailable.

8:15 AM · Sep 11, 2024




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ab278a No.21573020

File: 2d5cf19fca4343f⋯.png (258.3 KB,720x689,720:689,2d5cf19fca4343f99be118cecc….png)

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2f25a4 No.21573021

File: 7b5d81e77c49ade⋯.png (321.01 KB,634x665,634:665,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d32b38727783b0⋯.png (353.82 KB,634x462,317:231,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2bc02ccae83a4fd⋯.png (218.79 KB,634x592,317:296,ClipboardImage.png)


The Simpsons fans say show predicted Trump's 'dog-eating' claim about Springfield

A stream of The Simpsons memes erupted on social media in response to the presidential debate on Tuesday - specifically after Trump's unfounded claim that gave a shout-out to Springfield.

Citing the television and baseless social media rumors, Trump alleged that Haitian immigrants residing in Springfield, Ohio, were kidnapping dogs and cats - and then eating them.

The outlandish comment happened within just 30 minutes of the debate, sparking not only concern for the widespread issue of misinformation, but jokes relating to the longest-running animation series in history - The Simpsons.

While also being a city in Ohio, the show's fictional location also has the same name.

In his first presidential debate with Kamala Harris, Trump said: 'In Springfield, they're eating the dogs. The people that come in. They're eating the cats.

'They're eating the pets of the people that live there. And this is what's happening in our country, and it's a shame'.

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00b28d No.21573022

File: d98b59f31938ed7⋯.mp4 (5.27 MB,606x596,303:298,Trolling_Kamala_Harris_Vot….mp4)



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9bd0e1 No.21573023

File: 25d10855b0476c0⋯.png (382.28 KB,590x814,295:407,sap.PNG)




WATCH: A liberal college student tried to claim that late-term abortions aren't allowed, so Kristan Hawkins instantly called a local abortion clinic, and they confirmed that women can get abortions in the 8th or 9th month

WOW! It's pure evil


Charlie Kirk

7:34 AM · Sep 11, 2024




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0741dd No.21573025

File: 28eca04e23ae051⋯.png (235.61 KB,661x454,661:454,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d929782eef29bdc⋯.png (5.32 MB,1920x2304,5:6,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4835bb1253a8780⋯.png (697.77 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>Harris wore audio earrings

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533532 No.21573027

File: cf9a42aec8740e0⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17260829062….mp4)




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33998d No.21573029

File: ec961714a408443⋯.mp4 (401.78 KB,574x242,287:121,_.mp4)

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9bd0e1 No.21573030

File: a9e8fe56566e70d⋯.png (772.88 KB,818x663,818:663,mjp.PNG)


Mike Johnson Withdraws Government Funding

Bill, Which Includes SAVE Act Just Hours

Before Scheduled Vote

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: Imright, 9/11/2024 4:24:19 PM

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) yanked a critical government funding bill just hours before it was scheduled for a vote. This bill, backed by former President Donald Trump and aimed at addressing voter fraud through the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, was poised to be a major victory for conservatives pushing for election integrity. President Donald Trump made it clear that he stands firmly behind the SAVE Act, urging Congress to include the provision in any government funding bill. Trump has called for a government shutdown if the act is not included, prioritizing electoral integrity over the continuous funding of a bloated federal government.

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10fdc3 No.21573031


Reactionary radicalized ideologues. The major problem in America today.

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db8c89 No.21573032

File: 363798d03218a1c⋯.png (105.36 KB,280x211,280:211,ClipboardImage.png)


The goons who are considered to be "security" are actually just paid bullies. They are paid via the taxes on We the People, but they do not work for We the People.

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ee27a4 No.21573033


Prayers sent, anon!

But you should beat the hell out of everyone who says to people that they have only so and so many time left! Evil fucks!

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26cd2d No.21573034

File: 7cd80615ed42bdf⋯.png (2.94 MB,1200x1758,200:293,ClipboardImage.png)

New York, New York so crooked they named it twice.


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533532 No.21573035

File: cf9a42aec8740e0⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17260829062….mp4)

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ee27a4 No.21573036


*much time

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07f88a No.21573037

File: e920c76a70ff636⋯.png (85.19 KB,781x630,781:630,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4489e6ff4906f0⋯.jpg (366.21 KB,1080x2160,1:2,media_GXKtaVHXsAA3CSX.jpg)

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9bd0e1 No.21573038

File: aac0491da57e41e⋯.png (262.25 KB,602x830,301:415,tr.PNG)


Square profile picture

House Judiciary GOP 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Why is the Biden administration using your TAX DOLLARS to train immigration activists on how to obtain benefits for illegal aliens?


6:54 AM · Sep 11, 2024




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dbdd8f No.21573039

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c3c776 No.21573042

File: f20e928a8caac33⋯.jpg (68.08 KB,379x769,379:769,Bitch_You_Are_Fired_Kamala.jpg)

File: f671d2d350b11ed⋯.jpg (123.84 KB,816x555,272:185,Jan_6_Pelosi.jpg)

File: 1a3e3875cca7ad3⋯.jpg (122.66 KB,816x555,272:185,Plandemic_Pelosi.jpg)

File: d73ed269024e3ef⋯.png (1.27 MB,1200x776,150:97,nm65d18648.png)

File: 46bb5fd5d22f322⋯.jpg (44.03 KB,546x680,273:340,ts660649a7.jpg)

Check The Melting Temps of Steel & Aluminum. Now check the temperature of burning JP8 (Jet fuel/Filter Kerosene/Diesel)




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27b7f4 No.21573044


In Zues's name

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dbdd8f No.21573045

File: 8c22833339a305e⋯.png (743.2 KB,776x523,776:523,jjw119.PNG)

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10fdc3 No.21573046


They hate us. They want us replaced. That is the only theory that makes sense.

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4613e0 No.21573048

Dear Gaslighting Malignant Narcissists,

Before you tell me the catdog story has been debunked, lets review all the other times you swore something had been debunked but in reality you lied straight to my face…

Fuck illegal immigration

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9bd0e1 No.21573049

File: 4702f6362562254⋯.png (391.64 KB,602x710,301:355,ox.PNG)




You don’t hate Fox News enough!

0:05 / 0:20

5:40 AM · Sep 11, 2024




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949312 No.21573050

File: e66bcba65c8eaf8⋯.png (195.78 KB,637x811,637:811,ClipboardImage.png)


On the list

These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle:

ABC -David Muir


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00b28d No.21573051

File: 77d7c821986779d⋯.mp4 (9.16 MB,720x1280,9:16,Woman_calls_clinic_in_Mary….mp4)



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d1b1a1 No.21573052

File: a8f4a0cbfb6622c⋯.png (295.01 KB,500x378,250:189,7A1C1D73_0AA0_49DD_BCE3_22….png)


Step 1. Get the politicians and the press to deny something is happening.

Step 2. After the press and politicians have denied and debunked, shove tons of evidence to the contrary down their throats.

Step 3. KEK

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998b07 No.21573053


Months and weeks are different

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9bd0e1 No.21573054

The postal service has no problem getting piles of junk mail sent to me every day but the ballots are going to be a bit of a problem apparently

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6fcbc3 No.21573056

File: 4ea6edfc21397b0⋯.mp4 (10.02 MB,268x288,67:72,Santeria.mp4)



Santeria and palo mayombe

1 of 2

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c3c776 No.21573057

File: a3e1a8fc2a9ff44⋯.jpg (109.8 KB,706x1080,353:540,ev6605e3ae.jpg)

File: ef80b6494d1b2be⋯.jpg (103.58 KB,500x609,500:609,zx6605a883.jpg)

File: aa9a67d3d99b7eb⋯.jpg (88.98 KB,800x497,800:497,tm6605a883.jpg)

File: ca50ac1cb8be6ea⋯.jpg (93.23 KB,800x835,160:167,go6605a884.jpg)

File: aaba017537c6619⋯.jpg (23.3 KB,474x316,3:2,aaba017537c6619906f548488d….jpg)

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537dc2 No.21573059

File: 2b2d1ec4f38d091⋯.jpg (27.02 KB,540x405,4:3,a3db59bbe88098891df65035cb….jpg)

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998b07 No.21573060


Real question is why haven’t they been hung for doing so yet???

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2f25a4 No.21573061

hang them all >>21573050

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6678e9 No.21573062

File: 320463e052c1e41⋯.png (130.5 KB,325x212,325:212,ClipboardImage.png)



B ack

C hannel

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10fdc3 No.21573063


It hasn't been. The media is lying to you, once again.

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9bd0e1 No.21573064

File: da02d9e7e84c9b7⋯.png (762.03 KB,597x765,199:255,iv.PNG)


Lara Logan


As a cancer survivor, I personally want accountability.


Shannon Campbell



Sep 9


7:17 AM · Sep 11, 2024




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f39cd9 No.21573065

File: e245b67bd52e812⋯.png (1.71 MB,1314x1476,73:82,ClipboardImage.png)


Q 2143



I'm gonna need help for this one as I'm sure there are moar tweets/truth poasts that [0 DELTA]

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1769b0 No.21573066


Get in contact with me brother, I will go with you next time, if they try to use force, I will beat them into the ground for you. They are not authorities but conspirators. It is time to kick the shit out of them, all of them, every last one of them.

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57547f No.21573068


Matt Wallace is just a grifter, I have never seen him expose anything.

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388259 No.21573070

File: 03db70469892a2c⋯.jpg (99.69 KB,1600x900,16:9,0015901b_1600_181723727.jpg)

File: db4c5c295d4906b⋯.jpg (18.59 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2306163206.jpg)

File: c83500afaae99ec⋯.jpg (377.42 KB,2999x1687,2999:1687,0ee418ed_8229_48bb_ba41_a6….jpg)

File: cb713690a2e89ab⋯.jpg (55.42 KB,1024x706,512:353,1983f10c0ffe9415f69143261b….jpg)



Suntzu bingfa

Use the enemy's provisions

Flip your unfair coin

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9bd0e1 No.21573071

File: 492d11bce8f0af5⋯.png (21 KB,596x321,596:321,19.PNG)


Elon Musk




John Kraus




A new record has been set for the most people in Earth orbit at one time: 19

International Space Station:

Matthew Dominick

Michael Barratt

Jeanette Epps

Alexander Grebenkin

Oleg Kononenko

Tracy Caldwell Dyson

Nikolai Chub

Butch Wilmore

Suni Williams

Soyuz MS-26, en route to

Show more

6:43 AM · Sep 11, 2024




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e03a36 No.21573072



because they profiteer by providing 'services', which are over priced and substandard, to those very same people?

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5291ff No.21573073

File: 9204b43ce12ff4d⋯.png (26.76 KB,505x412,505:412,ClipboardImage.png)


> 6:40 PM UTC

13:40 EST = 17

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17f1bd No.21573074

File: 5d26e8cf8a64823⋯.png (196.66 KB,600x399,200:133,ClipboardImage.png)

Global Population Reduction was always the Mission!

Oxford’s new COVID jab aimed to sterilize 60% – 70% of recipients, developer admits.

Prof. Sir John Bell, a key figure in the development of the University of Oxford's Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccine," let slip the other day the fact that the school's latest COVID injection is capable of sterilizing between 60 and 70 percent of those who take it.

Prof. Sir John Bell, a key figure in the development of the University of Oxford's Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccine," let slip the other day the fact that the school's latest COVID injection is capable of sterilizing between 60 and 70 percent of those who take it.

In a recent interview about the new shot, Sir John, who teaches medicine at Oxford, seemed to suggest that one of the goals behind these injections is to mass sterilize the planet under the guise of protecting public health against the "COVID virus."

"These vaccines are unlikely to completely sterilize a population," Sir John said with seeming disappointment during the interview.

"They're very likely to have an effect which works in a percentage, say 60 or 70 percent. We'll have to look quite carefully, and the regulators will have to look quite carefully to make sure that it's done what we need it to do before it gets approved."

A clinical trial for the shot is still ongoing and Sir John says there will be a "delay" between when the results are in and when regulators give the shot the green light for public release.

Sir John was barely able to complete his sentence before the interviewer cut him off, apparently to keep him quiet from revealing any further incriminating information about the new Oxford shot.


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b1d645 No.21573076

File: 6ef2304d27075a0⋯.mp4 (825.4 KB,480x480,1:1,SoetoroAtBilderberg.mp4)

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6b8cb9 No.21573078

File: 6043777028ac843⋯.png (209.34 KB,318x615,106:205,westinghouse_sterilamp_194….png)

File: 0f8f6d05077e35d⋯.png (814.85 KB,1200x1557,400:519,Radio_Retailing_1945_02.png)


Sterilamp ultra violet ray action, controls odors, kills bacteria, retards mold growth.


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bc9dee No.21573079

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8d4502 No.21573080



Full of shit.

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27b7f4 No.21573081

File: f88cb47e87d3aa2⋯.jpeg (974.72 KB,928x4500,232:1125,The_Secret_Covenant.jpeg)


Tried to warn everyone.

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b4f394 No.21573082


why are women in politics so fucking worthless.

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5291ff No.21573084



18-1 = 17

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9bd0e1 No.21573086

File: ed92cf2e43b8c3e⋯.png (608.16 KB,673x860,673:860,br.PNG)


Megyn Kelly: Dana Walden, Close Friend

of Kamala Harris, Runs Disney-Owned ABC

News. The Moderators Did Her Bidding:

‘They’re Trying to Steal This Election’

Breitbart, by David Ng

Posted By: FlyRight, 9/11/2024 4:03:51 PM

The obvious bias shown by ABC News moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis during Tuesday’s presidential debate has put the spotlight on their boss — Disney executive Dana Walden, who oversees ABC News and is a close personal friend of Kamala Harris. So blatant was the network’s animus against former President Donald Trump during the live broadcast that even Megyn Kelly — not exactly Trump’s biggest fan — has called out Walden, saying she is helping lead the effort to “steal this election. They’re openly working to sink him.”

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ab278a No.21573089

File: 3a04485f18c9edf⋯.png (392.43 KB,600x770,60:77,3a04485f18c9edfca2d9f65d48….png)

File: 432a2ffb24b8f55⋯.jpg (68.05 KB,416x448,13:14,1722212585175333.jpg)

File: 53075fdde81b3a4⋯.png (115.96 KB,680x606,340:303,1722184030351041.png)

File: b7dbe11de938c66⋯.jpg (1.71 KB,125x85,25:17,1722132819281799s.jpg)

File: eb660dba0f080e8⋯.jpg (43.21 KB,1024x829,1024:829,1722120541812022.jpg)

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c0403c No.21573090

File: a4de6d35079e60f⋯.png (133.52 KB,258x190,129:95,Remember1.png)

File: a79537a59239b5e⋯.jpg (36.29 KB,409x272,409:272,Remember2_png.jpg)

File: b4d9394bc26a3ab⋯.png (334.66 KB,731x473,17:11,Remember4_png_jpg.png)

File: 896bbdf32914787⋯.jpeg (375.73 KB,750x718,375:359,896bbdf329147877284dfc6df….jpeg)

File: a20edf8f6525f2e⋯.jpg (111.21 KB,720x938,360:469,onenationudergod.jpg)

Only our love prepared to compensate for abduction of psyche and all the treachery that ensued.

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2f25a4 No.21573091

File: 1f8326a969d5cf4⋯.png (44.36 KB,591x258,197:86,ClipboardImage.png)


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949312 No.21573092

File: a984c560f4e98fa⋯.png (358.17 KB,500x308,125:77,too_small.png)

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0741dd No.21573094

File: 0caa7c7c6220524⋯.png (213.69 KB,500x332,125:83,Wrong_Answer_Button.png)


>Matt Wallace is just a grifter, I have never seen him expose anything.

Matt exposes himself daily. kek

What a pos. I bet he makes a ton of $ on X, tho.

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17f1bd No.21573095

File: cbeff7248206e93⋯.png (49.11 KB,1008x568,126:71,ClipboardImage.png)

No me

know the agenda

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dbdd8f No.21573097

File: 9aa929678d290f2⋯.png (374.08 KB,620x350,62:35,ClipboardImage.png)

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9bd0e1 No.21573098

File: 19ad60d134177db⋯.png (251.4 KB,588x823,588:823,fc.PNG)


Chief Nerd


Why didn’t @ABC

fact check this one?


6:52 AM · Sep 11, 2024




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533532 No.21573099


Cool, almost 500 bucks back then though, for the one in the video I posted was a fortune. Probably as much as a car. IDK what the high end fridges are like today. Really how much better can they be? See through door? Bluetooth milk sensor so you know how fresh it is?

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0741dd No.21573101

File: 73a37347dda57a1⋯.jpg (152.11 KB,802x617,802:617,Obama_Fake_Altered_Vid_201….jpg)

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8d4502 No.21573103


100% accurate.

Don't forget to be pretty sure kids all around us are constantly traumatized and killed to carry forward this hellscape - but sit on them hands. Trust em plans.

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9bd0e1 No.21573104

File: c07a0d2bc93b595⋯.png (497.47 KB,598x809,598:809,ind.PNG)




DEBATE: Clearly independents thought Trump won last night's debate. 60% of independents now plan to vote for Trump with only 10% remaining undecided.

h/t @RyanAFournier

According to post-debate polling conducted by Reuters the vast majority of independent voters now plan to vote for Trump in November with only 10% remaining undecided.

6:10 AM · Sep 11, 2024




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ac287b No.21573105

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ee27a4 No.21573108


there is no such thing as fresh milk anymoar nowadays

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5291ff No.21573109


>5:17 PM


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27b7f4 No.21573110



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ea4006 No.21573112


#26426 >>21572474

>>21572513 The 9/11 Boatlift: The Unsung Heroes of September 11, 2001

>>21572517, >>21572525, >>21572560, >>21572565, >>21572608, >>21572643, >>21572901 Biden briefly dons Trump hat in visit to Shanksville - message to Harris? UNITY!

>>21572520 Biden-Harris election rigging efforts targeting non-citizen prisoners

>>21572528, >>21572564, >>21572648, >>21572745, >>21572766, >>21572809 ELECTION TRUST INITIATIVE DIG !! NASED: National Association of State Election Directors DIG!

>>21572531 Biden & VP Harris Participate in Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Pentagon

>>21572534 @elonmusk - Toxoplasma gondii is a danger to our democracy

>>21572540 Bongino: Trump Debates Three Liberals And Still Comes Out On Top

>>21572553 lefty freaks don't know the simplest of behaviors to make frens irl

>>21572561, >>21572914, >>21573009 video 26min - Inside the Ohio Town Invaded by "Cat-Goose-Duck-Eating" Haitians

>>21572563, >>21572626, >>21572913 KITE HIT STEEL PLANE MUST

>>21572567 Here’s How the Biden-Harris Regime Subsidized the Venezuelan Gangs

>>21572568 Will Saudi Arabia officially ditch the petrodollar?

>>21572621 The best debate summary. Trump Translates In Every Language.

>>21572637 'Court Admissible' Evidence Showing That Google is Able to Sway Elections

>>21572649 HOLY CRINGE CATMAN: Try to watch this 60 second Kamala ad

>>21572654 Mike DeWine is now sending State Troopers into Springfield, OH to address Migrant crisis

>>21572670, >>21572682, >>21572902 Donald Trump Participates in Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Flight 93 Memorial & Firehouse visit

>>21572794, >>21572808 TIME confesses TRUMP WAS RIGHT “wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison.”

>>21572850, >>21573023, >>21573035, >>21573051 Late Term Abortion clinic confirms abortions in the 8th or 9th month

>>21572885, >>21572943 @alexstein99 I was just attacked at City Hall in NYC for trying to expose the lies about 9/11

>>21572890 "I'm talking now. DOES THAT SOUND FAMILIAR?"

>>21572920 Biden Has Authority to End Illegal Immigration, But Dem Megadonors Control Border Agenda

>>21572942 Florida based, official international fact checking org, is funded by the US State Dept

>>21572956 Harris wore audio earrings at debate: 'The resemblance is striking'

>>21572959, >>21572978 Trump attacks Harris' policy proposals: 'Why hasn't she done it?'

>>21572990 Aurora Police ID known Tren de Aragua members. MSM tells you this isn't happening

>>21572996, >>21573050, >>21573086 Look who’s on the list colluding with the DNC and Hillary… David Muir

>>21573021 Simpsons predicted Trump's 'dog-eating' claim about Springfield

>>21573038 OUR TAX DOLLARS train immigration activists on how to obtain benefits for illegal aliens

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de5f6f No.21573114

File: eff892c54963953⋯.png (37.41 KB,680x510,4:3,an7jZbn_700bwp.png)

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9bd0e1 No.21573115

File: 5f6fde732f76705⋯.png (369.78 KB,597x828,199:276,dc.PNG)




Ohio Governor is now sending State Troopers and millions in funding to Springfield, Ohio to deal with the illegal alien crisis

The media coverup just imploded on itself






🚨Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine deploying State Troopers, $2.5 Million to Springfield amid surge of Haitian migrants

"The federal government has not demonstrated that they have any kind of plan to deal with the issue."


7:42 AM · Sep 11, 2024




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66b39c No.21573116

File: 883fa367fe83348⋯.jpeg (424.76 KB,1479x1880,1479:1880,typorama.jpeg)

File: 6fa8d22f47acbe7⋯.jpeg (466.02 KB,1125x725,45:29,IMG_3052.jpeg)

File: 153c0dda0d9bb63⋯.jpeg (877.79 KB,1069x1406,1069:1406,IMG_3051.jpeg)

File: 6fb9340ddece0ca⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB,1125x1119,375:373,IMG_4012.jpeg)

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27b7f4 No.21573119


>In our opinion, until those responsible are dead from old age, it shall remain 'will be;


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533532 No.21573121

File: 41342ad8ca7f7c3⋯.png (120.51 KB,1257x858,419:286,Screenshot_2024_09_11_1835….png)



$475 in 1963 is worth $4,882.57 today


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4613e0 No.21573122


I feel like it would be an extremely long list…

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bc9dee No.21573123



>Full of shit.

Sure, Anon. Let Americans know that Mossad was responsible for 9-11, that it was a controlled demolition conducted by "Israeli Art Students" and assisted by US Government Officials, who were bribed, blackmailed, or of a particular ethno-religious group no one is allowed to question nor criticize who also has connections to Israel, as well as it's Intelligence Agency and that the US Citizenry has been bilked for over 300 billion in taxes for muh Greatest Ally™ over half of which was given to Israel after 9-11-2001.

Yeah…. there's a reckoning coming soon.

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aef5bc No.21573126


They're kind of shit at doing it themselves. The best they can do is paste heads on old Garrison strips. It's sad really.

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b1d645 No.21573128

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


8-1/2 months. Ready to drop.

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f4a73d No.21573130


That was an expensive frig for back then.

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db8c89 No.21573132


Because all of those young men who went to Viet Nam thought that they were being patriotic. They were following the same bullshit propaganda that had been fed to their fathers about WW2. And they were told that they were going to Viet Nam to fight against the spread of Communism.

Therefore anyone who was anti Viet Nam war was considered to be Communists because they didn't want to fight against Communism.

It was a big Brain Cluster Fuck to kill a bunch of young men to depopulate the earth, which is part of the Communist agenda.

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f39cd9 No.21573134

File: 5149df83f78f78b⋯.png (645.77 KB,1024x1024,1:1,KH_H.png)


Remember what they REALLY are

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6fcbc3 No.21573135

File: 9c123e4713984e3⋯.mp4 (3.97 MB,244x288,61:72,Palo_mayombe_.mp4)

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44d15b No.21573138

File: 5d228bf1bff7ce8⋯.png (1.47 MB,1006x954,503:477,54_days_to_winning.png)

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00b28d No.21573139

File: 16010fc6c9a2516⋯.png (687.84 KB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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302797 No.21573142

File: 0c2d1936b2d7e9b⋯.png (828.22 KB,2002x2541,26:33,ClipboardImage.png)

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6c951f No.21573144


The fuck is a “Papal Knighthood”?

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dbdd8f No.21573145

File: 1c4fca2c186e352⋯.png (128.05 KB,323x459,19:27,hm94abcd.png)

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0842c0 No.21573147

File: b3ce4366d9ff254⋯.png (68.84 KB,551x793,551:793,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0eefc42ca2934fb⋯.png (690.29 KB,860x707,860:707,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21572019 (me,LB)


Some historians, biblical scholars and astronomers got together and researched it. Based on the accounts in the Bible they were able to pin point the birth to September11 3BC. With who was King at the time, when the Census was held, when the animals were grazing and where the stars were located (very specifically outlined in the Bible). With all those points coming together there was only one date that coincided with everything including the planetary alignments - September 11, 3BC. Why else would these evil satanic fucks have picked that particular date???

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bc9dee No.21573149

File: 7b3c8a38041f266⋯.png (83.04 KB,1288x904,161:113,ClipboardImage.png)


Kek. I don't want to be one of those Coincidence™ Theorists, but……

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c57aea No.21573150


Anyone but the Ho

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302797 No.21573151

File: 1a88c899ac7b051⋯.png (49.2 KB,445x240,89:48,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab278a No.21573153

File: b7ae45414bfccd9⋯.png (80.27 KB,473x483,473:483,qaggdropimage4881_2.png)

File: 5df783a1ae0c841⋯.png (297.06 KB,473x712,473:712,qaggdropimage4695_1.png)

File: 2364d0cc64cab94⋯.png (100.42 KB,473x581,473:581,qaggdropimage4108_1.png)

File: 2fce6df670d53b7⋯.png (26.14 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage4073.png)

File: 35cfc11262eef21⋯.png (24.58 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage4062.png)

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302797 No.21573155

File: 1e7fb2323fffbfd⋯.png (45.75 KB,386x441,386:441,ClipboardImage.png)

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07f88a No.21573156

File: af43e7af4d06273⋯.png (310.75 KB,602x430,7:5,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Mail Online

@MailOnline 22m

More than half of UK government nutrition advisors are paid by food companies, analysis finds


Sep 11, 2024 · 10:17 PM UTC


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518d29 No.21573157


Vietnam was a CIA drug war. To protect the opium trade feeding Heroin into America

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bc9dee No.21573158

File: 8f05c0c4992c215⋯.png (281.35 KB,788x788,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>The fuck is a “Papal Knighthood”?

Kek. It's dangerous to go alone. Take this.

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533532 No.21573159

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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ab278a No.21573160

File: 02d9e7992564dcb⋯.png (192.11 KB,473x455,473:455,qaggdropimage3666.png)

File: be1c7600856c414⋯.png (28.39 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage3073_1.png)

File: 527a399aca4e874⋯.png (249.92 KB,473x1037,473:1037,qaggdropimage1956_2.png)

File: 5d54e80c042cdab⋯.png (73.64 KB,473x581,473:581,qaggdropimage1825_1.png)

File: f67176824faa7d8⋯.png (41.7 KB,473x413,473:413,qaggdropimage977.png)


There are no coincidences.

Happy to help.

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66d54f No.21573161

File: 3f28bd384292880⋯.png (11.96 KB,255x192,85:64,3f565b007753faa4d9f02fadb9….png)


What 9/11 means to me. 9/11 started me down my first rabbit hole. Then I fell down the pizzagate hole which led me to Q on 8chan which lead me to being anon. Special day today!

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5d9eb5 No.21573162

File: 57617d87d46a7e9⋯.jpeg (846.46 KB,1125x1644,375:548,IMG_4013.jpeg)


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b1d645 No.21573163


$475 in 1963 dimes is worth 13,620 today and it was worth 14725 at the ATH.

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9bd0e1 No.21573164

File: 7134e3316d73d44⋯.png (20.41 KB,595x262,595:262,fix.PNG)




The fix is in.






JUST IN - US election officials warn that widespread "performance issues" with USPS, "in nearly every state," will disrupt mail-in voting.


7:05 AM · Sep 11, 2024




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3d2dbe No.21573165

As soon as the next BV starts "The Great Undoing" of Squeaky's handiwork, on goes the firehose. Never fails. Almost as if he has to stand back and admire all his handiwork in each bred, or his day is ruined.

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302797 No.21573166

File: 1aa96f2df6813ee⋯.png (60.29 KB,438x639,146:213,ClipboardImage.png)

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db8c89 No.21573169


Kamala had all of her lies lined up and one of the first things out of her mouth was to accuse Trump of being a liar.

Projection 101

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.

Accuse of others of that which you are guilty of.

As Trump said, her Commie Father taught her well.

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17f1bd No.21573170

File: 6077110da7d6911⋯.png (5.94 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

My face is an Idea..

What is it?

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772079 No.21573172

File: 650782711b79479⋯.png (355.25 KB,528x551,528:551,Capture.PNG)

WALL-E in cams 🤖

The Pilbara Regiment have been putting the Ground Uncrewed System, or GUS, through its paces, testing how it could be used for surveillance in the Top End.

Read more 📰 https://defence.gov.au/news-events/releases/2024-09-11/australian-soldiers-trial-robots-protect-our-borders


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302797 No.21573174

File: 1f35dadf7e95a63⋯.png (24.21 KB,680x544,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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f39cd9 No.21573177

File: 6272bb3d7e6bb43⋯.png (66.33 KB,299x379,299:379,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab278a No.21573178

File: 171330d4f584fef⋯.jpg (55.96 KB,500x519,500:519,72bku5_2942257912.jpg)

File: 7606ce4c5febda8⋯.jpg (79.77 KB,500x914,250:457,239nlv_3379814078.jpg)

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005405 No.21573179

File: 699a7409a50309f⋯.jpeg (535.59 KB,828x899,828:899,E7B6AEBE_3E6B_4C9B_B023_8….jpeg)

Here’s a post on Gab that has a video from a different angle of Biden and the guy he got the Trump 2024 cap from.


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6b8cb9 No.21573180


Raw Milk Nation – Interactive Map



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f9e36b No.21573181

File: 03ec384828b889c⋯.png (9.31 KB,444x257,444:257,644.png)

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cb96d2 No.21573182

File: fb4b1ebc76b8519⋯.png (152.03 KB,586x773,586:773,fb4b1ebc76b851900928b9b02e….png)

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533532 No.21573183


Actual Value in money , weird

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5291ff No.21573184

File: 086f527f062b276⋯.png (1.63 KB,144x74,72:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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eaec19 No.21573185


>A new record has been set for the most people in Earth orbit at one time: 19

International Space Station:


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62ffcf No.21573187

Didnt q post images 911

^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^

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47f58d No.21573188


So, are they really all in "space"?

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302797 No.21573189

File: 02ac0651779cb76⋯.png (1.35 MB,1154x655,1154:655,ClipboardImage.png)

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47f58d No.21573192


James Comey.

Jon Brennan

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eaec19 No.21573193


It's the Or…..

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62ffcf No.21573195

Didnt q post images 911

^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^

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27b7f4 No.21573196


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302797 No.21573198

File: 2dd7dd5770a02ca⋯.png (4.32 MB,1640x1254,820:627,ClipboardImage.png)

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c57aea No.21573199

File: 69f5d14f22568bb⋯.png (880.31 KB,1185x500,237:100,Pulp_Fiction_You_Dig_it_Th….png)

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db8c89 No.21573201


Like Afghanistan?

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399802 No.21573202


USPS has ALWAYS been a shit bureaucratic disservice. And the historical DEI push employs people who couldnt find their ass with both hands and a funnel

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47f58d No.21573203



John Brennan Treason

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47f58d No.21573205


James Comey Treason

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James Comey Treason

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eaec19 No.21573206


Mercury Head Silver?

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e1581a No.21573208

File: 3995b87d32f18c1⋯.png (423.03 KB,598x874,13:19,ClipboardImage.png)

Steven Crowder



Do you work for USPS?

We want to talk to you.

Contact MugClub undercover: LWCtips@protonmail.com

10:20 AM · Sep 11, 2024


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302797 No.21573210

File: 2e007a7f3644335⋯.png (424.86 KB,469x529,469:529,ClipboardImage.png)

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695156 No.21573212

File: 31855f545e3113d⋯.png (284.49 KB,518x187,518:187,Screenshot_14486_.png)

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)

File: 2da1a2716f43edc⋯.png (1.76 MB,754x813,754:813,capture_744_12122023_18285….png)

File: 54257505f4e2910⋯.png (1.35 MB,1004x469,1004:469,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_99….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)


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8d4502 No.21573213


A lot of people know all that and a whole lot more. There will never be a reckoning from within.

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eaec19 No.21573214


Probable the number of times of the crime.

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db8c89 No.21573216


I live in a predominately White area and all of the Mail Carriers are Black.

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4daae3 No.21573217

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tulsi Gabbard Reveals How She Ended Up on Hillary Clinton’s ‘Sh*t List’

29K views · 23 hours ago#TuckerCarlson



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55fec2 No.21573218

File: 61fa602f4b40f88⋯.mp4 (3.41 MB,720x1280,9:16,000_Biden_Maga_Hat.mp4)






Listen to this exchange

Biden asking if people want his autograph

Heck no, they say!

Tells him to put maga hat on

He does it again!

Then they insult him!

You can’t make this up!


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29b0ef No.21573220

Anyone have info on jab detox?

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ee27a4 No.21573221


thanks God

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302797 No.21573222

File: 2edf7543cf0375b⋯.png (645.56 KB,788x535,788:535,ClipboardImage.png)

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47f58d No.21573223

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ab278a No.21573225

File: d5f6f9c55102af8⋯.jpg (37.52 KB,474x631,474:631,th_2770328906.jpg)

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c57aea No.21573227

File: dfe43e37df9226d⋯.png (489.03 KB,1069x878,1069:878,Pete_Buttigieg_Alpha.png)

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302797 No.21573229

File: 2f933a4f7f04f56⋯.png (367.48 KB,863x412,863:412,ClipboardImage.png)

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533532 No.21573230

File: 25baa7823a1f301⋯.png (261.71 KB,557x560,557:560,Screenshot_2024_09_11_1848….png)

Was Kamala wearing aRed Ring??Relatively small gemstone butRednonetheless

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eaec19 No.21573232

File: 04718d219fab01c⋯.jpg (7.86 KB,225x225,1:1,images.jpg)


"I'm going to marry that girl one day"

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695156 No.21573233


<▶ Anonymous Just now 9301bd No.21573228


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302797 No.21573234

File: 3b892be9ca4b199⋯.png (427.38 KB,1000x1500,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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d67387 No.21573236

File: e015648272b034b⋯.png (371.17 KB,566x315,566:315,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b7063d3a7ca674⋯.png (50.07 KB,308x309,308:309,ClipboardImage.png)

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ee27a4 No.21573237



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302797 No.21573238

File: 3e732bc8012c9cc⋯.png (48.45 KB,275x207,275:207,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab278a No.21573239

File: e476cb1ca065226⋯.png (409.44 KB,720x1523,720:1523,Screenshot_20240911_184451….png)

File: 8f440ef9e35345b⋯.png (301.04 KB,720x1612,180:403,Screenshot_20240911_184604.png)

Check out that neat skip.

God Bless America.

Keep those less fortunate in your hearts.

Be best.

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1f2584 No.21573241


Fire away Dan, we are tired of waiting. Today should have been a day of justice and resolve.

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eaec19 No.21573242


>JUST IN - US election officials warn that widespread "performance issues" with USPS, "in nearly every state," will disrupt mail-in voting.

That's good news. Shut it down. If you can't show up in person then you shouldn't vote.

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47f58d No.21573243

File: 7bda9c280abfecf⋯.mp4 (7.64 MB,1440x1080,4:3,Hasbro_Presents_The_Inchwo….mp4)

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62ffcf No.21573244

File: 91efc78405dcad5⋯.jpg (396.42 KB,1032x1019,1032:1019,Screenshot_20240912_105009….jpg)

We can stop now

Qver the 17 bs

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2f25a4 No.21573245

File: 07cb42e519c10cc⋯.png (499.3 KB,680x488,85:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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302797 No.21573246

File: 3f33d0a848a1a20⋯.png (117.97 KB,844x844,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ee27a4 No.21573248

File: d6462d0d20a1167⋯.png (93.49 KB,304x280,38:35,thering.png)

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b67a46 No.21573249

File: 838859d04a8be31⋯.png (76.88 KB,474x553,6:7,ClipboardImage.png)


Gemstones hold vibration. So they keep one around to hold all the energy of the suffering souls they torture and rape. Ruby is particularly know as the King of Gems. They were worth a lot back in the day but with modern excavation and detection equipment, we've put a lot more into the market so much more affordable.

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3d2dbe No.21573250

File: ec37466afffd6c6⋯.gif (796.19 KB,380x362,190:181,Squeakys_Hats.gif)





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807740 No.21573251

File: 69f92b91f502c47⋯.png (359.23 KB,548x1290,274:645,cure_spike_protein.PNG)

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695156 No.21573253

File: 1380b4a99a96421⋯.png (365.49 KB,600x400,3:2,PoppyBush.png)

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302797 No.21573254

File: 3fa233ec8aca414⋯.png (78.05 KB,542x540,271:270,ClipboardImage.png)

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c57aea No.21573256


The swamp is deeper than ever.

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ab278a No.21573257

File: f577b57dbb64d28⋯.png (19.15 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage278_1.png)




>How about naw

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695156 No.21573258

File: 8a36318c8db8b26⋯.jpg (113.01 KB,784x726,392:363,POTUS_Directive_To_This_Bo….jpg)

such a long time

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346525 No.21573260

File: c74db73ce009340⋯.jpeg (665.08 KB,1125x1396,1125:1396,IMG_4014.jpeg)

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f98342 No.21573261

File: a31b5b461b5ee4d⋯.png (599.83 KB,991x767,991:767,ClipboardImage.png)




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c76158 No.21573264



One moar year.

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302797 No.21573265

File: 4b3e3c8c0cf73e0⋯.png (16.88 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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c57aea No.21573266


Not very lady like is it

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2f25a4 No.21573268

they speak lies



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b244a9 No.21573270

File: 1a8b7ea7e6f6b90⋯.jpg (65.41 KB,480x693,160:231,1a8b7ea7e6f6b900b5984795e8….jpg)

File: 9e2a71ce67cd016⋯.jpg (458.38 KB,1824x1212,152:101,9e2a71ce67cd016d9112f7be82….jpg)

File: 5dffc64ed9e6704⋯.png (471.2 KB,490x842,245:421,58064786245ff0897cda02e929….png)

Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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695156 No.21573271

File: 117812c40a9fb04⋯.jpg (374.01 KB,1080x896,135:112,POTUS_EO.jpg)

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302797 No.21573272

File: 4d4a9c6115690f3⋯.png (568.85 KB,1494x1094,747:547,ClipboardImage.png)

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eaec19 No.21573273


>Today should have been a day of justice and resolve.

It SHOULD. 23 years later and the truth is still a menace.

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b0c117 No.21573275

Can you Afford not voting Trump?

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302797 No.21573277

File: 5a67bf4b8dcebe6⋯.png (88.34 KB,1357x1200,1357:1200,5a67bf4b8dcebe67f3bceb7031….png)

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695156 No.21573279

File: 658a1659b18e48f⋯.png (1.53 MB,1218x1218,1:1,POTUS_Military.png)

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8da8be No.21573280

File: d1395b12ebb8992⋯.jpg (171.98 KB,709x1024,709:1024,1725815467740587m.jpg)

File: 72e7408f6a915c3⋯.jpg (118.65 KB,716x1013,716:1013,1725925672334219.jpg)

Costume party!

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695156 No.21573282

File: b69780b0a9aaf3b⋯.jpg (539.27 KB,1100x1025,44:41,POTUS_Why.jpg)

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e1581a No.21573283

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3d2dbe No.21573284

File: 21a51987ddde5f5⋯.gif (863.63 KB,355x200,71:40,hat_changing.gif)



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695156 No.21573286

File: 8cb62c5641f41f4⋯.jpg (6.15 KB,639x356,639:356,pray_2_.jpg)

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302797 No.21573287

File: 5a160a5e0c53977⋯.png (280.21 KB,425x420,85:84,5a160a5e0c53977ea5a0eb8dc7….png)

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02d0ab No.21573289

File: b69413d18a383c9⋯.jpg (291.93 KB,1024x1024,1:1,3e37e480_cd64_4edb_bbc8_b3….jpg)

Yu make guud meme merrica winning

Yu git guud social credit score

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695156 No.21573290

File: 6e32add65de7ebd⋯.jpg (616.85 KB,800x800,1:1,Pray_in_Wartime.jpg)

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949312 No.21573291

File: 966d28d3c33b2e3⋯.jpg (139.64 KB,750x1334,375:667,inaugeration_military_0192….jpg)


A normal person doesn't like to fight, a healthy population wants peace and prosperity.

Only psychopaths drone on, and fuckin on about war. Go chant about your FUD [Fear Uncertainty and Doubt] else where, you don't belong here.

We see what you are, pure evil.

Humans are a peaceful people, your kind are being permanently removed from earth.

Everyone knows what happened on 911, we saw it with our own two eyes. We know it was President Bush and all the installed cronies, we know that they used it~ as an excuse to invade other countries and to enslave Americans, to sexually assault every American before boarding a flight. To take away our god give rights.

Nazi's suck.

And you already know its happen.

The power was returned to the people. See meme. We won.

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695156 No.21573292

File: fa91aee6c91e259⋯.png (41.95 KB,636x372,53:31,PrayChildrenSlavery.png)

File: 59ac496dc62a5de⋯.png (432.71 KB,653x486,653:486,Prayer_hands.png)

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9301bd No.21573293

File: a84188909411633⋯.jpg (113.47 KB,720x1150,72:115,04biden.jpg)



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02d0ab No.21573294

File: 19c602abf3c81a3⋯.jpg (243.21 KB,1024x1024,1:1,35971f71_0622_4739_9458_3d….jpg)

Pig social credit score over 9000

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c0403c No.21573295

File: 18a0bede76c364e⋯.png (1003.79 KB,775x673,775:673,18a0bede76c364ec1f6e4e2465….png)

File: 5687f165a754d44⋯.jpg (66.92 KB,705x631,705:631,5687f165a754d448e44254c971….jpg)

File: d791726e4392504⋯.jpg (137.27 KB,703x849,703:849,d791726e439250408c3ae60abb….jpg)

File: 1516bc16a2d0caa⋯.png (266.77 KB,799x456,799:456,1516bc16a2d0caa8f6dd07d2c7….png)

File: dc19962da4311ff⋯.png (445.99 KB,836x790,418:395,roths2.png)


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695156 No.21573296

File: 1a0dee63c65a30d⋯.jpg (63.28 KB,467x548,467:548,prayercard.jpg)

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302797 No.21573297

File: e356fc8d8d42182⋯.jpg (14.57 KB,225x225,1:1,5c37d3fc2dce638205bcb01708….jpg)

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9301bd No.21573298

File: 28b47482094ea8b⋯.jpg (61.01 KB,640x360,16:9,4l.jpg)



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8703c1 No.21573299

File: f379500d01343ce⋯.png (2.2 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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695156 No.21573300

File: e3671cda49b1d35⋯.jpg (15.32 KB,255x242,255:242,PrayOverTrump.jpg)

File: f681815d6266303⋯.jpg (12.41 KB,255x140,51:28,PrayOverTrump2.jpg)

File: 7fba1673e6d95ea⋯.jpg (10.42 KB,255x143,255:143,PrayOverTrump3.jpg)

File: 350c73340058e02⋯.jpg (104.38 KB,900x720,5:4,PraySquirrel.jpg)

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9301bd No.21573301

File: 3c521014d98a81a⋯.gif (106.79 KB,339x349,339:349,trig1.gif)

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695156 No.21573302

File: ad2b61d96ba5147⋯.jpg (87.03 KB,781x644,781:644,Presidents_branch.jpg)

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302797 No.21573303

File: 5c384e922c4b4be⋯.png (178.48 KB,450x450,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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9301bd No.21573304

File: 758204437ff0110⋯.jpg (913.35 KB,1982x1116,991:558,758204437ff0110c4a2ca0081a….jpg)

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695156 No.21573305

File: 04cca03c8b05d2e⋯.png (267.28 KB,603x813,201:271,Priestap_dirty.png)

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02d0ab No.21573306

File: efe4fda5a2d48d0⋯.jpg (243.92 KB,1024x1024,1:1,c41ab85c_c33a_4bb9_95a2_95….jpg)



Pig social credit score winning

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695156 No.21573307

File: c0c422542d2126d⋯.png (6.79 KB,190x266,5:7,Pure_simple_truth.png)

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c57aea No.21573308


yup 9/11 was my focus pointer.

Before 2001 I was aware of the JFK and Moon theories but never went deep, only JFK movie deep back then…so just another MSM lackie really. I thought the BBC news website was a diffeerent point of view to my local news…. fark…

But 9/11 wow. At 1st you're sucked into it, the shock and horror, but as the days became weeks things weren't adding up and…..

…Well here we are.

Happy Redpill Day anon.


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6fa710 No.21573309


Wray should of had something for the American people today not just a photo op.

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9301bd No.21573310

File: 27443600d3dd104⋯.png (139.81 KB,894x748,447:374,z3.png)

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695156 No.21573311

File: f6c8cd30ee485a9⋯.jpg (9 KB,250x250,1:1,Putin_popcorn.jpg)

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ea4006 No.21573312

Last Call

#26426 >>21572474

>>21572513 The 9/11 Boatlift: The Unsung Heroes of September 11, 2001

>>21572517, >>21572525, >>21572560, >>21572565, >>21572608, >>21572643, >>21572901, >>21573218 Biden briefly dons Trump hat in visit to Shanksville - UNITY!

>>21572520 Biden-Harris election rigging efforts targeting non-citizen prisoners

>>21572528, >>21572564, >>21572648, >>21572745, >>21572766, >>21572809 ELECTION TRUST INITIATIVE DIG !! NASED: National Association of State Election Directors DIG!

>>21572531 Biden & VP Harris Participate in Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Pentagon

>>21572534 @elonmusk - Toxoplasma gondii is a danger to our democracy

>>21572540 Bongino: Trump Debates Three Liberals And Still Comes Out On Top

>>21572553 lefty freaks don't know the simplest of behaviors to make frens irl

>>21572561, >>21572914, >>21573009 video 26min - Inside the Ohio Town Invaded by "Cat-Goose-Duck-Eating" Haitians

>>21572563, >>21572626, >>21572913 KITE HIT STEEL PLANE MUST

>>21572567 Here’s How the Biden-Harris Regime Subsidized the Venezuelan Gangs

>>21572568 Will Saudi Arabia officially ditch the petrodollar?

>>21572621 The best debate summary. Trump Translates In Every Language.

>>21572637 'Court Admissible' Evidence Showing That Google is Able to Sway Elections

>>21572649 HOLY CRINGE CATMAN: Try to watch this 60 second Kamala ad

>>21572654 Mike DeWine is now sending State Troopers into Springfield, OH to address Migrant crisis

>>21572670, >>21572682, >>21572902 Donald Trump Participates in Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Flight 93 Memorial & Firehouse visit

>>21572794, >>21572808 TIME confesses TRUMP WAS RIGHT “wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison.”

>>21572850, >>21573023, >>21573035, >>21573051 Late Term Abortion clinic confirms abortions in the 8th or 9th month

>>21572885, >>21572943 @alexstein99 I was just attacked at City Hall in NYC for trying to expose the lies about 9/11

>>21572890 "I'm talking now. DOES THAT SOUND FAMILIAR?"

>>21572920 Biden Has Authority to End Illegal Immigration, But Dem Megadonors Control Border Agenda

>>21572942 Florida based, official international fact checking org, is funded by the US State Dept

>>21572956 Harris wore audio earrings at debate: 'The resemblance is striking'

>>21572959, >>21572978 Trump attacks Harris' policy proposals: 'Why hasn't she done it?'

>>21572990 Aurora Police ID known Tren de Aragua members. MSM tells you this isn't happening

>>21572996, >>21573050, >>21573086 Look who’s on the list colluding with the DNC and Hillary… David Muir

>>21573021 Simpsons predicted Trump's 'dog-eating' claim about Springfield

>>21573038 OUR TAX DOLLARS train immigration activists on how to obtain benefits for illegal aliens

>>21573156 Half of UK government nutrition advisors are paid by food companies

>>21573164 @CodeMonkeyZ The fix is in. "performance issues in nearly every state," will disrupt USPS mail-in voting

>>21573208 @scrowder 🚨URGENT🚨 Do you work for USPS? We want to talk to you.

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47f58d No.21573313

File: 820fabe3adcbf2e⋯.png (133.37 KB,503x400,503:400,ClipboardImage.png)

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9301bd No.21573314

File: 5de58207d31603b⋯.gif (1.62 MB,500x500,1:1,hearthatpig.gif)

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6c951f No.21573315


It’s fun?

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ab278a No.21573316

File: 0f37270cab4b922⋯.jpg (48.21 KB,474x656,237:328,th_4111320832.jpg)

File: 64696290fa4989f⋯.jpg (40.86 KB,721x720,721:720,FB_IMG_1724156999368.jpg)

File: 13b61699be92e01⋯.jpg (37.19 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1724173112860325.jpg)

File: 39c20dbee63a4b5⋯.png (278.92 KB,515x489,515:489,1724304814804754.png)

File: a0841052150737b⋯.png (254.26 KB,543x557,543:557,1724306116650882.png)



Who knew?






The gift?


Don't look a gift horse in the mouth?

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a92c88 No.21573317

File: 2428bd537b4190b⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,854x480,427:240,CvHoax.mp4)


How to beat the test

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695156 No.21573318

File: a6012ab9aad9ef9⋯.png (451.91 KB,729x414,81:46,Putin_on_pedophilia.png)

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9301bd No.21573319

File: f538bf3af90c1f0⋯.gif (1.64 MB,243x208,243:208,sourcd.gif)

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695156 No.21573320

File: 07de0f5fe477b09⋯.jpg (48.98 KB,614x409,614:409,Putin_says_Satan_Soros_go_….jpg)

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fac90c No.21573321



His brain ain't fried. Not one bit. He played the part to a tee. Now he's free. And he knows it.

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695156 No.21573322

File: a477f3074be3a59⋯.jpg (32.96 KB,600x425,24:17,Putin_wink_MAGA.jpg)

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302797 No.21573323

File: 6b5f2f8dbcaf63d⋯.png (525.43 KB,1067x445,1067:445,ClipboardImage.png)

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9301bd No.21573324

File: a40154417a52ea8⋯.gif (795.94 KB,200x142,100:71,showoff2.gif)

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695156 No.21573325

File: 1bbd0a119928423⋯.jpg (141.87 KB,590x421,590:421,Putin_with_Orthodox.jpg)

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db8c89 No.21573326


Can you blame him?

His own party threw him under the bus.

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695156 No.21573327

File: 86fbb2c88d27a76⋯.jpg (82.36 KB,570x340,57:34,PutinHatesSatan.jpg)

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9301bd No.21573328

File: f922ea8f3f8b7d9⋯.gif (3.84 MB,500x281,500:281,showoff1.gif)

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695156 No.21573329

File: dff2355e34ae78c⋯.jpg (37.3 KB,729x394,729:394,PutinMooseSquirrel.jpg)

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9301bd No.21573330

File: 875f7a4df8dd521⋯.gif (1.85 MB,400x342,200:171,source.gif)

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4613e0 No.21573331


Immovable object meet unstoppable force…

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9301bd No.21573332

File: 2c47910d4025b9c⋯.gif (4.89 MB,456x190,12:5,youseetheend.gif)

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302797 No.21573333

File: 6c21d3e62ed8639⋯.png (213.15 KB,757x1200,757:1200,ClipboardImage.png)

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9301bd No.21573334

File: 484959d637d0b14⋯.gif (2.29 MB,570x300,19:10,no1.gif)

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533532 No.21573335


Thank you for the clarification.


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518d29 No.21573336



Many Vets know they were guarding the poppy fields and invaded there first because the Taliban burnt the fields to the ground.

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695156 No.21573337

File: 6d5e456800aa370⋯.jpg (3.85 MB,3024x4032,3:4,Q_Christmas.jpg)

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4613e0 No.21573338

Someone better put the brakes on this shit, we're headed off the fuckin rails!

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695156 No.21573339

File: aa300da86f3ecc9⋯.png (1.1 MB,1478x1010,739:505,Q_end_is_near.png)

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ab278a No.21573340

File: 8519a1038471c91⋯.gif (256.36 KB,498x330,83:55,1725280233753001.gif)

File: 4cfaaba38e54582⋯.gif (1.6 MB,500x281,500:281,giphy_4062709791.gif)

File: 65133b23587c186⋯.gif (600.49 KB,480x270,16:9,giphy.gif)

File: db505423e3a386b⋯.gif (265.6 KB,400x300,4:3,e3afb78b_b941_4fad_9c57_f2….gif)

File: 53f1ea3d2c36594⋯.gif (488.46 KB,200x200,1:1,200w.gif)

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c95b66 No.21573341

File: 0b5b7421a695fd8⋯.png (1.92 MB,2457x1566,91:58,9a1767ef48142a10e874079341….png)


Check'em, brother.

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695156 No.21573342

File: febd8569b87f732⋯.png (785.88 KB,863x657,863:657,Q_Merry_Christmas_UCMJ.png)

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c57aea No.21573343



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9301bd No.21573344

File: 5b8fbeb25279e69⋯.png (554.86 KB,477x506,477:506,000NSallaboard.png)

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695156 No.21573345

File: e49a59320288196⋯.png (392.72 KB,736x418,368:209,Q_Patriots_fireworks.png)

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695156 No.21573346

File: 86508bdf7f409f6⋯.jpg (10.36 KB,236x236,1:1,Q_sky_2_.jpg)

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9301bd No.21573347

File: 0102ee4a70bea1f⋯.png (155.38 KB,313x293,313:293,0000000000nsboa.png)

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695156 No.21573348

File: 7bb47c5d67913b3⋯.jpg (46.98 KB,599x561,599:561,Q_trolling_universe.jpg)

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c57aea No.21573349

Just arrived in the US.

Might eat some pussy.

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c0403c No.21573350

File: 69a86bd9e79bcd1⋯.jpg (116.39 KB,600x360,5:3,onenationundergod3.jpg)

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1c3252 No.21573351


are you trying to wind up the anti clock fags

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949312 No.21573352


it was the three of them, rewrite your post

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6c951f No.21573353

File: 0de02e1568b837e⋯.jpeg (364.5 KB,2304x3072,3:4,IMG_3727.jpeg)

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695156 No.21573354

File: 85d3348ff484600⋯.png (29.74 KB,642x331,642:331,Q_We_the_People.png)

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47f58d No.21573355

File: a75c5955e3a7f12⋯.png (100.99 KB,225x248,225:248,Screenshot_2024_09_11_1731….png)


Now that this happened, I'm kind of afraid Pelosi and Company might install Kamala ASAP!

These people are evil and sick!

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9301bd No.21573356

File: f6a8545e1f1b7c8⋯.png (29.12 KB,888x952,111:119,1CHOOSEPAINa.png)


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f3a1f4 No.21573357

File: 90ba0e59face05c⋯.png (54.96 KB,650x680,65:68,ClipboardImage.png)

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949312 No.21573358


Q+ makes me kek

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b67ada No.21573359

File: 467dd9af131874f⋯.mp4 (8.17 MB,464x848,29:53,IMG_9226.MP4)


moar biden hat

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eaec19 No.21573360


Maybe. Not a JAG.

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9301bd No.21573361

File: 0a3c6a5cc939763⋯.png (776.2 KB,794x524,397:262,000shillsbb.png)


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695156 No.21573362

File: f0e1906ec774ea1⋯.png (1.76 MB,1470x980,3:2,QAndersonCrumb.png)

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695156 No.21573363

File: bc82e47a6faa6e1⋯.jpg (469.15 KB,926x1067,926:1067,Qartographers.jpg)

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9301bd No.21573364

File: 7d3a40ee3110236⋯.png (809.64 KB,638x528,29:24,00nsno.png)

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949312 No.21573365


yeah there a 5k refrigerators

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9301bd No.21573367

File: 5b8e1c8a3ff1e76⋯.gif (192.1 KB,255x255,1:1,trig2.gif)


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9301bd No.21573368

File: 3a52fa3ae0ebc9b⋯.gif (2 MB,499x499,1:1,THEYALLPAY.gif)

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c57aea No.21573369

File: f829f702d79e923⋯.png (453.91 KB,453x705,151:235,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4368a8048155465⋯.png (449.4 KB,394x755,394:755,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab278a No.21573370

File: f9174e77bcaaeb8⋯.gif (869.39 KB,555x555,1:1,f9174e77bcaaeb8d37132b2dc2….gif)

File: f61877b0bbacab8⋯.gif (1.71 MB,600x476,150:119,1722387913212642.gif)

File: 252cb6237cd1e60⋯.gif (45.94 KB,405x281,405:281,252cb6237cd1e60898bf4d7bca….gif)

File: 8b0f96f256e8315⋯.gif (214.03 KB,800x222,400:111,1722294517649832.gif)

File: 088e89a10c2f9d9⋯.gif (2.73 MB,480x338,240:169,1722284917777952.gif)



No brakes!!!!!!!!

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695156 No.21573371

File: 8eaf61f5f95e44c⋯.jpg (3.39 MB,2550x5400,17:36,QFirstCrumbs.jpg)

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695156 No.21573372

File: ad09134942ae9c0⋯.jpg (120.04 KB,805x461,805:461,Quincidence.jpg)

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9301bd No.21573373

File: 0db64178b67f9d8⋯.gif (379.84 KB,240x136,30:17,3z13.gif)


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695156 No.21573374

File: 50c59e01ac116e8⋯.png (99.01 KB,353x497,353:497,Raper_school.png)

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302797 No.21573375

File: 75d45e102e81599⋯.jpg (89.51 KB,500x715,100:143,clown2.jpg)

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46a308 No.21573376


this video is all you need to prove that 767 planes were not involved

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9301bd No.21573377


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47f58d No.21573378

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6fcbc3 No.21573379



Meet Wanda, the new needs sause girl.

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a92c88 No.21573380

File: 05bc604ec81d5e2⋯.mp4 (3.23 MB,854x480,427:240,TheGreaterGood.mp4)

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695156 No.21573381

File: 8718b4e903069df⋯.png (581.63 KB,490x614,245:307,ReadQ.png)

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22a2e1 No.21573382

The Next Scamdemic before November 5th

Haitian Wet Market - Springfield Round on both ends Hi in the middle

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ea4006 No.21573383

Final Bun


#26426 >>21572474

>>21572513 The 9/11 Boatlift: The Unsung Heroes of September 11, 2001

>>21572517, >>21572525, >>21572560, >>21572565, >>21572608, >>21572643, >>21572901, >>21573218 Biden briefly dons Trump hat in visit to Shanksville - UNITY!

>>21572520 Biden-Harris election rigging efforts targeting non-citizen prisoners

>>21572528, >>21572564, >>21572648, >>21572745, >>21572766, >>21572809 ELECTION TRUST INITIATIVE DIG !! NASED: National Association of State Election Directors DIG!

>>21572531 Biden & VP Harris Participate in Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Pentagon

>>21572534 @elonmusk - Toxoplasma gondii is a danger to our democracy

>>21572540 Bongino: Trump Debates Three Liberals And Still Comes Out On Top

>>21572553 lefty freaks don't know the simplest of behaviors to make frens irl

>>21572561, >>21572914, >>21573009 video 26min - Inside the Ohio Town Invaded by "Cat-Goose-Duck-Eating" Haitians

>>21572563, >>21572626, >>21572913 KITE HIT STEEL PLANE MUST

>>21572567 Here’s How the Biden-Harris Regime Subsidized the Venezuelan Gangs

>>21572568 Will Saudi Arabia officially ditch the petrodollar?

>>21572621 The best debate summary. Trump Translates In Every Language.

>>21572637 'Court Admissible' Evidence Showing That Google is Able to Sway Elections

>>21572649 HOLY CRINGE CATMAN: Try to watch this 60 second Kamala ad

>>21572654 Mike DeWine is now sending State Troopers into Springfield, OH to address Migrant crisis

>>21572670, >>21572682, >>21572902 Donald Trump Participates in Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Flight 93 Memorial & Firehouse visit

>>21572794, >>21572808 TIME confesses TRUMP WAS RIGHT “wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison.”

>>21572850, >>21573023, >>21573035, >>21573051 Late Term Abortion clinic confirms abortions in the 8th or 9th month

>>21572885, >>21572943 @alexstein99 I was just attacked at City Hall in NYC for trying to expose the lies about 9/11

>>21572890 "I'm talking now. DOES THAT SOUND FAMILIAR?"

>>21572920 Biden Has Authority to End Illegal Immigration, But Dem Megadonors Control Border Agenda

>>21572942 Florida based, official international fact checking org, is funded by the US State Dept

>>21572956 Harris wore audio earrings at debate: 'The resemblance is striking'

>>21572959, >>21572978 Trump attacks Harris' policy proposals: 'Why hasn't she done it?'

>>21572990 Aurora Police ID known Tren de Aragua members. MSM tells you this isn't happening

>>21572996, >>21573050, >>21573086 Look who’s on the list colluding with the DNC and Hillary… David Muir

>>21573021 Simpsons predicted Trump's 'dog-eating' claim about Springfield

>>21573038 OUR TAX DOLLARS train immigration activists on how to obtain benefits for illegal aliens

>>21573156 Half of UK government nutrition advisors are paid by food companies

>>21573164 @CodeMonkeyZ The fix is in. "performance issues in nearly every state," will disrupt USPS mail-in voting

>>21573208 @scrowder 🚨URGENT🚨 Do you work for USPS? We want to talk to you.

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9301bd No.21573384

File: b60be224ef00713⋯.jpg (44.25 KB,594x350,297:175,baby4.jpg)



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695156 No.21573385

File: b317a402bfdf859⋯.jpg (66.04 KB,500x509,500:509,Reckoning.jpg)

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4613e0 No.21573387



The timeline I just left said this was post number 781

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9301bd No.21573389

File: a22822a2e8e69bf⋯.gif (5.41 MB,384x224,12:7,000001bb.gif)



Flashy name people are here and you are in trouble!

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844e61 No.21573390


Nicotine & distilled water

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695156 No.21573391

File: 79b698a764ab614⋯.jpeg (40.88 KB,490x484,245:242,Red_Cross_Abramovic.jpeg)

File: 5059ba40ceec337⋯.png (3.53 KB,326x176,163:88,Red_Cross_Swiss_Flag.png)

File: 0a5b2c4d57643a9⋯.jpg (87.87 KB,800x450,16:9,Red_Cross_ell_your_blood.jpg)

File: f9f5318b2cf2a44⋯.png (517.04 KB,806x801,806:801,Red_Cross_6_houses_haiti.png)

File: f867538f962cc69⋯.png (8.83 KB,332x152,83:38,Red_Cross_12.png)

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695156 No.21573392

File: 943c4a906caa326⋯.jpg (172.32 KB,634x638,317:319,Red_Cross_exec_top_earner.jpg)

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cb96d2 No.21573394

File: f6b47077bc05133⋯.jpg (143.89 KB,1284x1268,321:317,m.jpg)

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c57aea No.21573395


get that DEW shit off the start of it tho

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9bd0e1 No.21573396

File: 24001bbc948b940⋯.png (751.46 KB,583x595,583:595,b.PNG)

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ea4006 No.21573397

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695156 No.21573398

File: 8fa116e9f1e6bba⋯.png (11.84 KB,200x200,1:1,Red_Cross_Red_Crescent.png)

File: de4568f3f7e98bb⋯.png (24.53 KB,800x400,2:1,Red_Cross_fall.png)

File: 7ed7dfd30f4dad3⋯.jpg (24.89 KB,480x270,16:9,Red_Cross_give_blood.jpg)

File: 8e373ab83dad154⋯.jpg (131.14 KB,666x500,333:250,Red_Cross_invade.jpg)

File: 0979d83b3ca272f⋯.jpg (29.03 KB,750x418,375:209,Red_Cross_Red_Crescent_Day.jpg)

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9bd0e1 No.21573401

File: 77cb97c2bc41b61⋯.jpg (37.51 KB,579x344,579:344,mob_meme.JPG)

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695156 No.21573402

File: 98b22fc33ff7220⋯.jpeg (71 KB,1200x602,600:301,Red_Cross_ISIS_organs.jpeg)

File: cb3405ec3d91386⋯.png (241.33 KB,973x507,973:507,Red_Cross_swiss_fall.png)

File: 375b1cad4d969ec⋯.jpg (60.7 KB,200x194,100:97,Red_cross_symbol.jpg)

File: ddbd58257bb773a⋯.jpg (170.05 KB,720x864,5:6,Red_Cross_where_does_money….jpg)

File: 0d50c0e9859c6d1⋯.jpeg (39.81 KB,416x416,1:1,Red_Cross_where_money.jpeg)

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eaec19 No.21573403

File: 9132a22d30a1160⋯.jpg (9.89 KB,300x168,25:14,download.jpg)


The brainwashing starts early.

Natasha Fatale and Boris Badenov are characters in the animated series The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends, which aired from 1959 to 1964.

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ea4006 No.21573404

File: 661cc03644c26a2⋯.jpeg (194.88 KB,1536x1171,1536:1171,661cc03644c26a24cc605a21d….jpeg)

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ab278a No.21573405

File: cde94c4817545c0⋯.png (37.17 KB,473x273,473:273,qaggdropimage513.png)

File: f077b426774650f⋯.png (23.58 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage475.png)

File: f48fb276cbe9aad⋯.png (25.27 KB,473x210,473:210,qaggdropimage465_2.png)





3 different boards..

Three different times.

All together now.

"Do you believe in coincidences?"


Am Heisenberg

Knocky knocky

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ea4006 No.21573407

File: b8d133291a31e25⋯.jpg (57.44 KB,538x542,269:271,b8d133291a31e25ef7d07d9838….jpg)

File: b21e573301b15dd⋯.jpg (61.71 KB,522x478,261:239,b21e573301b15dde29e3d59eb0….jpg)

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fac90c No.21573409


It's coming. Bet on it.

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695156 No.21573410

File: c4da106d10e7363⋯.png (598.79 KB,1050x700,3:2,Red_Nose_Day_3.png)

File: 2f9761acc0faed5⋯.jpg (32.21 KB,306x475,306:475,Red_Nose_Day_6.jpg)

tony poseata

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9301bd No.21573411

File: d326a2a18cf39a0⋯.gif (802.15 KB,480x200,12:5,1p.gif)


NIGHT SHIFT is narcing [everyone] out!

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