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7f1711 No.21552092 [Last50 Posts]

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7f1711 No.21552094

International Q Research Threads

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26402 >>21551234

>>21551309, >>21551317, >>21551586, >>21551619, >>21551810, >>21551815, >>21551820, >>21551836, >>21551855 Did I miss everyone talking about Feds raiding a bunch of the top brass at NYPD??

>>21551311, >>21551617, >>21551639 @realDonaldTrump CEASE & DESIST: I, together with many Attorneys and Legal Scholars, am watching the Sanctity of the 2024 Presidential Election very closely because I know, better than most, the rampant Cheating …

>>21551313 Parents Sue School District Over Policy that Roomed Students with Opposite Sex During Overnight Trips

>>21551314 MAJOR SETBACK FOR TEAM HARRIS: A judge in North Carolina just ruled that ballots must be reprinted without RFK.

>>21551316 @DanScavino Kamala’s Plan…

>>21551317, >>21551514 ICYMI: Top DOJ Spokesman Calls Trump Cases ‘Perversion of Justice’ on Hidden Camera

>>21551318 Comedian Jim Breuer reveals that the names on the Epstein list are so powerful and influential that their exposure could bring down…


>>21551336 We Are The Ones We That Stand In The Way Of Implementation Of The New World Order And Their Globalist Hegemoni @noorbinladin

>>21551337 Mathematical Challenges to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

>>21551341 Kash Patel predicts the October Surprise will be Biden handing off the Presidency to Kamala in the run-up to the Election 👀

>>21551343 𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭 , 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐜𝐳- 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐀𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚.

>>21551345 Attack on Conservative Media Ahead of Election CARNAGE

>>21551349 ECW: You can’t imagine what’s next… Three generations of aircraft developed by the Skunk Works

>>21551352 @PalantirTech We are deeply grateful to be admitted to the S&P 500.

>>21551381 R. Byron Donalds, and his response was 🔥: "I don’t care what Dick Cheney says 😂. It was the Biden-Harris administration that lied to the American people and to the world , etc."

>>21551400 According to German MEP Christine Anderson, climate tyranny, digital ID and CBDCs, among other things, are being rolled out as a means to "abolish freedom, democracy and the rule of law".

>>21551406 Reminder: Trump's X account has new posts!

>>21551422, >>21551742 57 Days to WINNING

>>21551462 Kim Jong Un announces new navy base, can accommodate large warships and submarines

>>21551557 The Intelligence Briefing /Gangsta's Paradise • John B Wells LIVE

>>21551577 @realDonaldTrump Happy Birthday Mary!

>>21551583 Interest payments on the national debt are now higher than the entire Defense Department budget and rising!

>>21551621 Texas AG Sues Second County Using Taxpayer Funds To Pay Voter Registration Firm Run By Progressive Activist/ACORN BE GONE

>>21551656 Black Swans, Orchestrated Chaos and November 5/Catherine Engelbrecht

>>21551661 It's TIME TO WAKE UP!! It only takes 3 minutes!

>>21551666 CBS has gone biblical!

>>21551708 If you doubted Satan’s impact on our degenerate culture, please listen to this🙏

>>21551819 Time To Rebel: We Are Now Entering The Total Censorship Stage Of Global Tyranny

>>21551849 With no crew aboard, spacecraft Starliner lands without a hitch

>>21552001 Migrants Raid NYC Supermarkets

>>21552088 #26402

#26401 >>21550650

>>21550684 NEW - Turkey's Erdogan calls for Islamic alliance against Israel.

>>21550704 What do you do when your neighbor hates your Trump lawn sign?

>>21550708 Compilation of oldest videos recorded

>>21550787 Donald Trump’s answer on how he will make childcare more affordable

>>21550804 A Fulton County judge has just ruled AGAINST Fani Willis in a lawsuit brought against her by Ashleigh Merchant

>>21550840 Venezuela says opposition presidential candidate Edmundo González has left the country for asylum in Spain

>>21550901 DJT endorses brotherman Hulk Hogan's beer brand

>>21550963 Kamala will go after X and everyone else if elected

>>21551032, >>21551203 Tens of thousands of patriots in Sao Paulo, Brazil 🇧🇷 to fight against censorship from the Lulu and judge Moraes' regime on their independence day.

>>21551103 U.Va. Health faculty demand removal of health system CEO, School of Medicine dean

>>21550705, >>21550711, >>21550950, >>21551026, >>21551045, >>21551118 Memes

>>21551231 #26401

#26400 >>21549856

>>21549879 Robert F. Kennedy Jr & Calley Means Expose the American Academy of Pediatrics

>>21549896, >>21549903, >>21549905, >>21549906, >>21549911, >>21549987, >>21550111, >>21550467 Joseph A. Couch, is a Person of Interest in the Kentucky shooting

>>21549915 Bill Gates Wants You to Eat Fake ‘Butter’ Made from Air to Fight Climate Change

>>21549912, >>21549920, >>21550244 When the enemy of your friend is the friend's enemy's enemy


>>21550020, >>21550191 Will the real Liz Crokin please stand up

>>21550043 @WarRoom 8 Weeks Left! Beth Martin, Chairman Tea Party Patriots Citizens Vote Fund

>>21550101 Tenet Media is no more. Spoopy Story NEEDZ DIGZ

>>21550180, >>21550193 Kash Patel - You picking up what I'm putting down

>>21550198 @iamnot_elon - A Presidential Debate next month on X and invite both Trump and Harris?

>>21550207, >>21550261 Jim Breuer Sums Up the Great Awakening Happening Across the World Right Now

>>21550253 Colorado Hikers Snap Picture of Apparent 20-Foot Creature Scaling the Side of a Cliff

>>21550294 US Soldier Dies in Poland, Army and Local Authorities Investigating

>>21550297 RFK Jr. just launched an emotional ad to all his followers, saying his decision to join forces with Trump is a spiritual thing

>>21550310 DJT: GOD BLESS THE USA!!!

>>21550372 Mother Of Georgia Shooting Suspect Called School Warning Of ‘Extreme Emergency’

>>21550553 Jimmy Carter ‘talking about politics again’ since Kamala Harris became Democratic nominee

>>21550591 Stepped down in the past 24hrs

>>21550625, >>21550627 PF: Global X had a Gitmo flight today - call sign CAMBER438

>>21549910, >>21549960, >>21550579 Memes

>>21550641 #26400

Previously Collected

>>21549096 #26398, >>21549848 #26399

>>21546685 #26395, >>21547507 #26396, >>21548310 #26397

>>21544180 #26392, >>21544963 #26393, >>21545729 #26394

>>21541351 #26389, >>21542256 #26390, >>21543182 #26391

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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7f1711 No.21552115

File: 936eea938334dac⋯.png (1.21 MB,1024x546,512:273,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35ea30150e56185⋯.png (250.28 KB,1004x866,502:433,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2bd0788e7cdc37c⋯.png (16.96 KB,236x255,236:255,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 630e7811708c03b⋯.png (158.72 KB,914x700,457:350,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c77ebd8eb6ac1b5⋯.png (36.19 KB,986x294,493:147,ClipboardImage.png)



Baker needs off hand, will not till can't

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0dd5ae No.21552128

File: df9534bacb46f2a⋯.png (385.3 KB,1027x792,1027:792,df9534bacb46f2af5354024f93….png)


thank you baker

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cfdf1f No.21552135

Nothing can stop what is coming.

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849cb5 No.21552136

File: 4b08292193811fb⋯.mp4 (15.67 MB,640x360,16:9,Donald_Trump_Calls_Into_WW….mp4)

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74575f No.21552139

File: ce36ff9e753fe54⋯.png (811.25 KB,563x702,563:702,ce36ff9e753fe54692f2142363….png)

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c5e44a No.21552140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Democrats’ ‘lawfare campaign’ is a ‘failure’: John Yoo. Merchan is going to have to throw out this verdict because of the Supreme Courts Immunity ruling(Merchan is f'cked either way)

(Will Trump's DOJ go after all the liars including Carrol? That would be fun to watch.)



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fe643d No.21552142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Hope feeling groovy

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05b90a No.21552145

How do the white hats maintain control for 12 straight years in order to complete this with Biden in the white house?

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8df5e4 No.21552147

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e84b18 No.21552148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Baker's Alright


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fe643d No.21552150


Scapegoat ….economy….

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b292cc No.21552151

File: a6910b43711b3cc⋯.png (490.25 KB,768x361,768:361,ClipboardImage.png)

Moderna confirms mRNA COVID Vaccines cause Cancer– The Expose


Moderna has admitted its mRNA COVID vaccine causes CANCER after billions of DNA fragments were found in vials of the dangerous injection.

The revelation was made after Dr. Robert Malone recently made an appearance at an “Injuries Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines” hearing led by Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), at which he revealed how Moderna’s patent shows that its (COVID-19) “vaccine” vials contain billions of DNA fragments and other contaminants linked to birth defects and cancer.


brought forward from late LB

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f39dcb No.21552152


John Yoo, of all people.

if memory serves, he was the OG shitbag that rationalized Anticipatory Self Defense. He's a fucking piece of filth. Maybe im wrong?

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e6178b No.21552153

File: 89c5c0228abc5af⋯.png (687.76 KB,568x767,568:767,1aprayaz1.png)



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56561a No.21552154

File: 1b9ea5c5a3e1d0d⋯.jpg (29.01 KB,255x214,255:214,bc5883a4d2a8d6ce8b3bb1ce0b….jpg)


Thank you Baker

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488cf7 No.21552156

File: 7b9c078c7cc734d⋯.png (152.49 KB,560x539,80:77,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a917f100adfa536⋯.png (92.02 KB,404x403,404:403,ClipboardImage.png)

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0c110f No.21552157

File: 952882f8cad6455⋯.jpg (107.35 KB,1113x1058,1113:1058,952882f8cad6455bb8d9a073a7….jpg)

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f72712 No.21552158

Alice Bailey's 10-Point Charter

Based on the provided search results, Alice Bailey’s 10-Point Charter is a plan to destroy Christianity and promote the dominance of the New Age movement. Here is a summary of the charter’s points:

1. Get governments to make laws that undermine Christian values: This point aims to erode the influence of Christianity in society by promoting laws that contradict biblical principles.

2. Remove God and prayer from the education system: By eliminating prayer and references to God from education, the charter seeks to disconnect children from their Christian heritage and values.

3. Reduce parental authority over children: This point aims to undermine the traditional family structure by diminishing parental authority, leading to a lack of discipline and respect for authority.

4. Destroy the Judeo-Christian family structure: The charter promotes the destruction of traditional Christian marriages and families through the normalization of sexual immorality, same-sex marriages, and other forms of family breakdown.

5. Make sex free and abortion legal: By promoting sexual freedom and making abortion widely available, the charter seeks to further erode Christian values and morality.

6. Make divorce easy and legal: This point aims to normalize divorce and reduce the importance of marriage as a lifelong commitment.

7. Promote excessive child rights: By giving children more autonomy and reducing parental authority, the charter seeks to create a generation that is more susceptible to New Age influences.

8. Redistribute wealth and resources: The charter promotes socialism and the redistribution of wealth, which is antithetical to Christian teachings on stewardship and generosity.

9. Create a one-world government: This point aims to establish a global government that is hostile to Christianity and promotes New Age values.

10. Establish a New World Order: The charter’s final point seeks to establish a new world order that is based on New Age principles and rejects Christian values and authority.

These points are based on the teachings of Alice Bailey, a prominent occultist and Theosophist.

The Roman Catholic Church is using Vaccines to fast track the end of Christians.

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c810bf No.21552161

File: 882382daa462871⋯.mp4 (6.57 MB,1080x706,540:353,video_2024_09_08_09_17_32.mp4)


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7f43fc No.21552162

File: a019c1061e3e963⋯.png (82.59 KB,486x769,486:769,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b5817bc0a59b99⋯.png (204.84 KB,615x1231,615:1231,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b5817bc0a59b99⋯.png (204.84 KB,615x1231,615:1231,ClipboardImage.png)


MZ did get removed from chessboard.

Jack did get removed from chessboard.

Election interference black ops wound down.

Huh. Patterns.


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e84b18 No.21552163


still got an unlocked bread

two breads back

can the kun get a lock up on 26401?

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689607 No.21552164

Are there any humans left that want to marry the opposite sex, have children and grandchildren (carry on DNA), work hard and be successful?

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7c58f0 No.21552167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7f1711 No.21552170

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



haz groovy, feelz alright

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f39dcb No.21552174



but in this fuking mess, try to find someone you want and likewise wants you.

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8d2a15 No.21552176

File: 6ae5e6612f9a8d2⋯.png (324.25 KB,1015x900,203:180,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 58e4657b2365b4e⋯.png (2.96 MB,1920x1014,320:169,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49db431640c9758⋯.png (1.75 MB,1920x968,240:121,ClipboardImage.png)

Line Fire doubles in size overnight in San Bernardino County, with evacuations expanding

By Marissa Wenzke, Iris Salem, Dean Fioresi

Updated on: September 8, 2024 / 7:10 AM PDT / KCAL News

The massive Line Fire exploded to 17,459 acres Sunday in Southern California's San Bernardino County, threatening thousands of structures, with expanded mandatory evacuation orders.

Hundreds of firefighters battled the flames as the wildfire nearly doubled in size overnight and remained at zero containment, according to Cal-Fire. Over the weekend, Governor Gavin Newsom declared a State of Emergency, allowing for additional resources and funding to assist with the firefight.

Early Saturday afternoon, the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department announced a mandatory evacuation order for homes near the growing blaze.

By Sunday, Cal-Fire said evacuation orders had been issued by the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department for the area from Calle Del Rio to Highway 38, including Greenspot Road North; all underdeveloped land east of Highway 330 to Summertrail Place and north of Highland Avenue; the areas of Running Spring east of Highway 330 and south of Highway 18; the communities of Running Springs and Arrow Bear Lake; the area east of Orchard Road to Cloverhill from Highland Avenue north to the foothills; and north of Highland Avenue and East of Palm Avenue to Highway 330.

Paired with the sweltering heat currently roasting the region, weather officials say that the smoke from the fire has created clouds similar to those that come with thunderstorms, prompting reports of over 1,100 lightning strikes in the area.

"The heat affects them tremendously. You know, the work-rest cycles? They can work for a little bit but the body just needs to take a break after awhile," said Battalion Chief Brent Pascua of firefighters, who are working in extreme heat.

On top of this, the small fire-created storm system can also increase winds in the immediate area, which have fanned the flames as it continues to spread and create challenges for firefighters.

The wildfire first sparked along Baseline Road around 6 p.m. on Thursday and tore through several hundred more acres before exploding over Friday night and surpassing 3,000 acres. By Saturday, the fire had scorched more than 7,000 acres. The blaze has been burning near Highland, and on Friday, some residents said they could see it from their homes.

more at: https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/in-line-fire-evacuation-order-as-wildfire-continues-to-grow/

CURRENT SITUATION: Forest Service Firefighters along with firefighters from other agencies including the City of Highland and San Bernardino County responded to a reported wildland fire on Baseline Road at about 6:00 PM on September 5, 2024. Arriving engines reported several acres on fire, and immediately requested more resources, including multiple additional fixed wing and helicopters. The fire is currently estimated at more than 7,000 acres. Due to steep slopes, extremely dry fuels, and changing wind directions the fire has continued to grow to the north, east and southeast.





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7f1711 No.21552177


tyvm for reposting



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cfdf1f No.21552181


Have you been paying attention these past 4 years?

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7f43fc No.21552183

File: 043810c05662c66⋯.png (943.13 KB,955x1200,191:240,ClipboardImage.png)

Checkmate Drumphtards.

"eVeN PuTiN aNd tHe cHeneYs aGrEe WiTh Us."

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7f1711 No.21552185


locked now


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fcec75 No.21552190

Fuck rich kids. 17 year olds in new cars. Americans are so religious.

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56561a No.21552191

File: 9bcb9800b56137c⋯.png (20.84 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage116.png)

File: bff392b4b2424be⋯.gif (1.4 MB,500x281,500:281,1493340724316_1.gif)

File: 4a76cd132addfd4⋯.png (62.27 KB,473x413,473:413,qaggdropimage611.png)

File: 05fbdcb88554896⋯.png (20.41 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage565_1.png)

File: fc89afaa25fb137⋯.png (216.12 KB,473x613,473:613,qaggdropimage161.png)

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f39dcb No.21552193


it is a blessing from the heaven above that those Cheney's don't want to be on team trump

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689607 No.21552195


I feel sorry for you come November 6

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7f43fc No.21552196


You grew up in the 1% worldwide.

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7f43fc No.21552202

Q predicted this would happen.

Kennedy Democrats are now Trump Republicans. Bush Republicans are now Harris Democrats.

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e84b18 No.21552203



a fine plate of chilaquiles in spirit for you will be had

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4e3168 No.21552205


jealous much?

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7f43fc No.21552207

File: 46eee0097372721⋯.png (1.29 MB,900x637,900:637,ClipboardImage.png)

The People have been shown the truth.

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e84b18 No.21552212

anon is going to guess Timothy 2 didn't know Delilah or Cleopatra…etc…

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a5b222 No.21552216


Jealous of corporate corruption??

You are a white nigger. Worst thing in the world. A Christian nigger.

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56561a No.21552217

File: 8b82d63cfa7af1e⋯.png (41.17 KB,473x392,473:392,qaggdropimage635.png)

File: f2fe699862008c0⋯.png (25.71 KB,473x252,473:252,qaggdropimage753.png)

File: bf57d5848044a57⋯.png (44.29 KB,473x350,473:350,qaggdropimage536.png)

File: 4c3e911a7e0374d⋯.png (83.55 KB,473x840,473:840,qaggdropimage365.png)

File: 7928d22929e91f9⋯.png (277.54 KB,473x837,473:837,qaggdropimage375.png)


Same day.


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7c58f0 No.21552219

File: 469ad4a18dec12c⋯.gif (2.29 MB,380x380,1:1,wheel_perfect_timing.gif)

File: c100360cac57f30⋯.jpg (132.28 KB,1006x1200,503:600,WWG_WGA_bell.jpg)

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e3dbf7 No.21552220

File: eb716f39d932ce2⋯.png (244.24 KB,500x758,250:379,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c700ba3db84e3bd⋯.mp4 (10.37 MB,640x480,4:3,djt_press_and_law_and_orde….mp4)

File: 1271c13ae6ba277⋯.png (575.65 KB,500x613,500:613,ClipboardImage.png)



What does winning look like?

expectations are low.

right now, getting to Nov 5th.


8th Sept delta's from Q, gaslighting or a actual plan, Djt Q+ is the real deal, Q not so sure, all thing are possible.

hold the line God Wins with his peoples help



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44bda8 No.21552223

File: 5b2f22cb0e98d37⋯.png (451.71 KB,600x600,1:1,dude.png)


They control Biden…


Foreign election interference was how he was elected…why would he sign the continuation. of this EO?

Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Foreign Interference in or Undermining Public Confidence in United States Elections

A Presidential Document by the Executive Office of the President on 09/09/2021


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7f1711 No.21552227




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b2e0f9 No.21552229

Why's your mum was a whore B

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e84b18 No.21552230

File: 048c418d6148591⋯.png (115.11 KB,234x234,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



and the only thing that would make for moar groovy would be……


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24a55b No.21552232


I’m with you. I say kill all poor people and only rich people should exist. This way we can have all the land and the cars and then Breed poor people to work because rich people are just better and smarter.

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2cf5fb No.21552233

File: 29ee2fa0df10239⋯.jpeg (285.11 KB,1284x841,1284:841,IMG_3062.jpeg)

File: c66f6d86b99e4d0⋯.jpeg (232.99 KB,1284x834,214:139,IMG_3061.jpeg)

Donald Trump pulls ahead of Kamala Harris in major poll — a sign her campaign is fizzling

By Published Sep. 8, 2024, 8:13

For the first time in weeks, former President Donald Trump pulled ahead of Vice President Kamala Harris in one of the most-watched national polls — raising the prospect that her momentum has fizzlied out just ahead of their debate.

Trump edged out Harris 48% to 47% among likely voters nationally, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll.

The poll mirrors the surveys from late July when Trump led Harris among likely voters just after President Biden dropped out of the race. Other polls have similarly begun to show the 45th president regaining ground against his rival weeks after the Democratic National Convention wrapped up.

Trump’s renewed razor-thin lead comes despite the fact that 70% of voters and 37% of those backing him felt that the 45th president had uttered something they found offensive.

Harris had surged in the polls across the board after getting jolted to the top of the ticket and captured the lead over Trump in the RealClearPolitics aggregate of polling. She also gained ground in the battleground state polls, which still remain largely a tossup.

On the issues, voters trust Harris more than Trump on abortion (54% to 49%) and democracy (50% to 45%), but trust the 45th president more on the economy (55% to 42%) and immigration (53% to 43%), the New York Times/Siena College poll found.

Top issues for voters were the economy (21%), abortion (14%), immigration (12%), inflation and the cost of living (7%) as well as democracy (7%).

Democrats enjoy a slight lead over Republicans on enthusiasm — 91% to 85%, per the poll.

Moreover,most of the poll respondents — 56% — said they do not believe Harris represents a change from the unpopular Biden administration. Just 25% said Harris represents major change and 15% said she would be a minor change.That’s relative to 51% who felt that Trump represents major change, 10% who indicted minor change and 35% more of the same.

Political strategists includingJames Carville have said whomever can position themselves as the changemaker candidate is best positioned to emerge victorious. To that end, Carville recently suggested in an op-ed that she needs to break from Biden publicly on major policy.

Additionally, Trump’s approval ratings appear to have ticked down slightly with 46% viewing him as either very favorably (27%) or somewhat favorably (19%), compared to 52% who see him as somewhat unfavorably (10%) or very unfavorably (42%).

That’s down from 48% who viewed favorably back in July.

Notably, Harris’ favorability trailed Trump’s — 45% viewed her favorably, with just 24% having very favorable views of her. About half of poll respondents viewed her unfavorably, with 37% saying their views of her were very unfavorable.

Back in July, she scored 46% favorable to 49% unfavorable.

“Highest-rated pollster in the country and a large sample size, too. Fortunately for Harris she has the debate this week and none of this will matter if she has a good night,” election data guru Nate Silver mused on X about the recent poll.

Silver’s 2024 election forecast gives Trump higher odds of winning the Electoral College relative to Harris, though she is favored to win the popular vote.

Republicans haven’t won the popular vote for president since 2004. Trump had been roundly besting Biden in popular vote polls before the incumbent dropped out on July 21.

Harris still retains the advantage in the RCP aggregate of polling nationally, with a 1.4 percentage point edge over Trump in a head-to-head matchup.

The New York Times/Siena College poll sampled 1,695 voters from Sept. 3–6 with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.8 percentage points.

Shortly after Biden dropped out of the race and endorsed Harris, Trump pollster Tony Fabrizio sent out a memo predicting that the vice president would enjoy a “honeymoon” in the polls.

Harris has consistently maintained that she is the “underdog” in the race and that she is taking nothing for granted. Her campaign has touted momentum, including her topping Trump in the fundraising cricut with a $361 million haul in August against Trump’s $130 million across their campaigns and aligned committees.

Trump and Harris are slated to square off in the Tuesday debate hosted by ABC News in Philadelphia, which will mark the first time the two will have ever crossed paths in person.

The debate will have the potential to dramatically shakeup what appears to be a tossup race for the presidency, with about eight weeks to go until Nov. 5.


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849cb5 No.21552234

File: dcd4a23f01e2ee7⋯.png (1.29 MB,960x783,320:261,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

September 8, 2024

M31: The Andromeda Galaxy

The most distant object easily visible to the unaided eye is M31, the great Andromeda Galaxy. Even at some two and a half million light-years distant, this immense spiral galaxy spanning over 200,000 light years is visible, although as a faint, nebulous cloud in the constellation Andromeda. A bright yellow nucleus, dark winding dust lanes, and expansive spiral arms dotted with blue star clusters and red nebulae, are recorded in this stunning telescopic image which combines data from orbiting Hubble with ground-based images from Subaru and Mayall. In only about 5 billion years, the Andromeda galaxy may be even easier to see as it will likely span the entire night sky just before it merges with, or passes right by, our Milky Way Galaxy.


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b2e0f9 No.21552237

File: c1d6d89206706b2⋯.jpg (127.42 KB,1024x640,8:5,03_2_F_090415_biden_speech….jpg)

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9349b5 No.21552240


Religious people and their made up virtues.

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b2e0f9 No.21552242

File: 1bbf181f8b7ba2b⋯.jpg (44.16 KB,719x522,719:522,20240906_154708.jpg)


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56561a No.21552243

File: 3404abfba24814c⋯.png (42.98 KB,473x371,473:371,qaggdropimage761_1.png)

File: 0613bab75a73154⋯.png (20.49 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage711.png)


Thank you :)

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b2e0f9 No.21552249

File: 0a508aaf381ab05⋯.jpg (69.17 KB,1200x756,100:63,GettyImages_86382488.jpg)


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b140b7 No.21552250

This bread like this country has been hacked.

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ca0114 No.21552251


0bama was cheated into office as well.

Manchurian Candidate shoo-in.

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7f43fc No.21552253


>the first to hear the word of God

And that is precisely why the "anti-God we are God" satanic cult includes Jews along with babies as targeted for extinction. Everything they view as closest to God, are prime targets to defeat God.

Not a coincidence.

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6a2d59 No.21552255

File: 3de0e7e3e0043ab⋯.jpg (17.83 KB,342x372,57:62,a133711e16d382e4b452f16a4a….jpg)


>The debate

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7f43fc No.21552256


Unfortunately enough voters were brainwashed that he likely did get the most votes.

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f5bc67 No.21552257

File: 26100fc70db971b⋯.jpg (54.76 KB,618x514,309:257,planescantenterbuildings.jpg)





After all the more topical issues blow over


should do a dig on Kenya

for several reasons



info on the organization of NWO after ww2?

Kenya plays a role

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e3dbf7 No.21552258

File: 982a03f20b6a7f0⋯.png (101.79 KB,840x776,105:97,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 208f182bb70c3cf⋯.mp4 (11 MB,640x576,10:9,trump_2024_the_best_is_yet….mp4)


8th Sept - Q+ Delta

2119 Sep 08, 2018 2:33:44 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 203

There was a time when our children stood at attention, put their hand on their heart, and in one UNITED voice, recited the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE.

There was a time when STRENGTH and HONOR meant something.

There was a time when standing for our FLAG meant something.

There was a time when our history (heritage) was taught with PRIDE and RESPECT.

There was a time when respect was given to those who serve(d), bled, and died to protect and defend our GOD GIVEN FREEDOM.

There was a time when we were GRATEFUL.



There was a time when, WE, THE PEOPLE, decided our future.

There was a time when, WE, THE PEOPLE, had a voice.

There was a time when, WE, THE PEOPLE, were UNITED and STRONG.

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

It is time, WE, THE PEOPLE, reclaim what is rightfully ours.






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36336a No.21552259


I think you're wrong - however

Trump brought Yoo into a private consult when he was president.

Talking about Presidential power. July 2020

Yoo also involved with Consulting with Eastman who has been disbarred by CA politics.


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56561a No.21552260



Hijacked it seems.

Who is the question.

You wanted me off 4chan

You can pay me to go back.

Otherwise I'm not interested in it anymore.

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584767 No.21552261

File: c23b99af2a2035a⋯.jpg (225.47 KB,606x734,303:367,1501800763424.jpg)

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f3bbae No.21552263



Rebel against tyranny?? Ha

Mainstream religion.

Mainstream media

Mainstream politics

Mainstream banking

Mainstream corporate shopping.

You niggers wouldn’t know tyranny if it slapped you in the mouth

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b2e0f9 No.21552267



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36336a No.21552273

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Vivek Ramaswamy


If Trump trounces Kamala at the debate, get ready for some very strange things to happen before November. They’ve already sued him, prosecuted him, tried to kick him off the ballot, and swapped out his opponent. All of it could be just a preview of what’s to come.


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b2e0f9 No.21552279


Hang em high

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efbb95 No.21552280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

[Their] plan is explained in movies. Always

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8d2a15 No.21552281

File: 33d9c632de9f026⋯.png (1.63 MB,1920x1014,320:169,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c645e15be4b2e7c⋯.png (3.72 MB,2160x1456,135:91,ClipboardImage.png)


Tanker 103 just started up at San Bernadino Intl. Airport. Very short flight to drop zone.


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ca0114 No.21552282



A Mafia Organization posing as a race/religion.

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3516f8 No.21552284

Thanks for unleashing the beast upon me. Boy, I'm enjoying this treat.

Thanks to those responsible for my well-being for all the years. WTF happened last Tuesday? WTF?


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3516f8 No.21552288


The Devil's Violinist.

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849cb5 No.21552289

File: bb74fcd0bac5e09⋯.png (1.28 MB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c5da936c8a79d7⋯.png (5.79 MB,2048x2048,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 797086d6b54e13e⋯.mp4 (6.12 MB,1280x720,16:9,Star_Trek_Day_2024.mp4)

'Take the Chair, Make an Impact' This Star Trek Day

September 8, 2024

In celebration of Star Trek Day, the franchise announces "Take the Chair, Make an Impact," a global campaign encouraging fans to embrace the optimistic vision of a brighter future and to give back to the inclusive community of fans that Star Trek has fostered over the years.

The Star Trek franchise is making a donation to Code.org, DoSomething.org, and Outright International, while also encouraging fans to take on the mission of giving back with this worldwide social activation.

On Sept. 8, 1966, Star Trek debuted for the first time on television and creator Gene Roddenberry introduced audiences to a world that championed diversity, inclusion, acceptance and hope.

Fifty-eight years later, Star Trek commemorates this important day and the franchise's enduring legacy with the fifth annual Star Trek Day celebration, providing fans with a memorable way to enjoy and celebrate all things Star Trek.

This year, Star Trek has partnered with three worldwide nonprofits that embody the values of the franchise, including Code.org, giving every K-12 student the opportunity to learn computer science; DoSomething.org, fueling young people to change the world; and Outright International, advocating for LGBTIQ inclusion and equality globally.

The "Take the Chair" campaign invites fans to see themselves in the iconic U.S.S. Enterprise captain's chair and ask themselves, "What would I do if I were setting the course to the future?"

Fans will be able to engage through a digital experience available to fans worldwide on StarTrek.com.

Throughout the month of September, 25% of U.S. product sales from select items on the official Star Trek Shop will benefit these three nonprofits.

Fans will be able to celebrate Star Trek Day at various pop-up events:

Taste of Chicago, Chicago, Ill., which will feature the U.S.S. Enterprise captain's chair, will run Sept. 6-8 from 11am - 7pm

ALEXA Mall, Berlin, Germany, featuring a modern architectural interpretation of the captain's chair crafted from sustainable materials, will run on Sept. 8 from 1pm - 6pm

Richmond Centre, Vancouver, British Columbia, featuring a modern architectural interpretation of the captain's chair crafted from sustainable materials, will run on Sept. 8 from 11am - 7pm

At all activations, fans are invited to "Take the Chair," capture a photo, obtain a personalized mission and receive a limited edition enamel pin.

In honor of Star Trek Day, the premiere episodes of the following series and Short Treks will be available to watch for free in a special sampling occurring Sept. 7-13 on Paramount+ partner platforms (Amazon, Apple, Roku), Paramount+'s Official YouTube page, Pluto TV and on the Paramount+ free content hub (US only), episodes listed here:

Star Trek: The Original Series, "The Cage"

Star Trek: The Next Generation, "Encounter at Farpoint, Part I & II"

Star Trek: Voyager, "Caretaker, Part I & II"

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, "The Emissary, Part I & II"

Star Trek: Enterprise, "Broken Bow Part I & II"

Star Trek: The Animated Series, "Beyond the Farthest Star"

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, "Strange New Worlds"

Star Trek: Lower Decks, "Second Contact"

Star Trek: Discovery, "The Vulcan Hello"

Star Trek: Picard, "Remembrance"

Star Trek: Short Treks – "The Girl Who Made the Stars," "The Trouble with Edward," "Ask Not," "Runaway," and "Ephraim and Dot"


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fdd30d No.21552292

File: e54ec2bc8176ccb⋯.png (483.04 KB,736x572,184:143,e54ec2bc8176ccb75d77500f9c….png)

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f39dcb No.21552295


went back to refresh memory

you are correct, HE wasn't the one that rationalized Anticipatory Self Defense (can return to that one later)

Yoo was the one that rationalized Torture so long as the tortured only thought they were going to die, but that the torturers would stop themselves just short.

This is all from the nightmare of insanity that came after 9/11 when innocent until proven guilty was turned into Guilty until Proven Innocent. I would not trust Yoo one little bit.

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0cbb0d No.21552297

Translate Hate

“not the real Jews”

theme nät thə ‘rē(ə)l joōs

: a phrase claiming that today’s Jews are not the chosen people referenced in the Bible


While this phrase has been used by many throughout history, today it is most commonly used by Black supremacists claiming Black people — not Jews — are the true chosen people of God. Black supremacy has roots in “Black Chosenness” — the belief that African Americans are the descendants of the twelve Hebrew tribes of Israel who settled across Africa after the destruction of the Kingdom of Israel and were eventually sold into slavery during the Atlantic slave trade.


That's why the ADL shills use Joos.

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56561a No.21552299

File: 3c5c42a4def9f8f⋯.png (43.22 KB,473x392,473:392,qaggdropimage862.png)

File: 07582a4c1f2c701⋯.png (365.82 KB,473x1128,473:1128,qaggdropimage682.png)



Check it


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ecff9a No.21552301

File: 013d600b8f81293⋯.jpg (50.64 KB,635x391,635:391,gghezrtjtghgf.jpg)

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ca0114 No.21552306


I never voted for that Asshat. But the alternatives, No Name and Mittens were just as bad.

I still believe that it was set up that 0bama would win no matter what.

0bama was smugly confident of it in 2008 and especially in 2012. He knew he was a shoo-in for the Deep State. All he had to do was read off of a Teleprompter.

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7f43fc No.21552309

File: c33e5fe8ee7c5bb⋯.png (965.46 KB,990x1074,165:179,ClipboardImage.png)

Racist Time confessing their racism by projecting it onto CHILDREN.

Anon sees a pattern. At some point the cult is going to project that the reason they drug, rape and murder children, is because it's the children's fault, that the children should never have existed in the first place, that their mere existence is intolerable and dangerous and destructive and they deserve to be drugged, raped and murdered.

And actually we're already seeing this pattern gradually getting introduced. The Guardian (of the pedophiles) is publishing articles promoting the idea of reducing births of new people.

This is humanity's common enemy.

The satanic marxist fascist extinctionists.

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1446a6 No.21552313

Seems like the plan is to get people to donate and buy things.

X22 - buy stuff

Watkins - buy stuff

Trump - buy my stuff

Hogan - buy my stuff

Kash - donate me moar

Capitalism is cancer

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b3a400 No.21552315

In America everyone keeps a secret about money.

It is the God of this land.

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fdd30d No.21552316

File: 24b5bf49236aa0e⋯.png (1.45 MB,720x960,3:4,oldfag_pepe.png)

It really does seem to be the only thing they look forward to now. Poor l'il buggers. They must consider their ethnic division narrative destroyed because now they're consumed with imitation.

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493406 No.21552321

File: b930c16c4b9c996⋯.mp4 (14.07 MB,1280x720,16:9,fucking_Tuesday.mp4)

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2cf5fb No.21552322

File: 444bd8c16f31b37⋯.jpeg (214.21 KB,1284x836,321:209,IMG_3063.jpeg)

A decade of untruth: Adding up the media’s lies about Trump and Biden. 1/2

Sep. 8, 2024, 6:11 a.m. ET

Victor Davis Hanson

The public is exhausted after a decade of chronic untruth from the left wing and its media.

The 2016 presidential campaign will be long remembered for the false allegation that Donald Trump colluded with the Russians to warp the election.

Citing the bogus “Steele dossier,” loser Hillary Clinton and other Democrat grandees claimed that the victorious Trump was an “illegitimate” president.

Almost immediately, the left and media then pushed for the appointment of special prosecutor Robert Mueller. He assembled a “dream team” of partisan prosecutors to prove Trump-Russian collusion.

Some 22 months later, Mueller found no evidence that Trump improperly won the 2016 election with help from any colluding Russians.

More hysteria followed when Trump was impeached in December 2019.

The left claimed he had pressured the Ukrainian government to look into the family of Joe Biden (then a potential 2020 election opponent) for its corruption with Ukrainian oligarchs — as a condition for releasing military aid designated to Kyiv.

Yet Hunter Biden was paid nearly $1 million a year by a Ukrainian energy company to enlist his father, Vice President Joe Biden, for quid pro quo services.

In turn, Joe Biden himself bragged he had pressured Ukraine to fire its prosecutor, Victor Shokin — who happened to be looking too closely into the various shady schemes of the Biden family.

The deceptions and lies continued.

On the eve of the first 2020 debate, Biden aide and now Secretary of State Antony Blinken helped to round up “51 former intelligence authorities” to claim falsely that Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop — full of incriminating evidence of felonious Biden family behavior — was fabricated by the Russians.

Yet the FBI already had the laptop and had authenticated it as genuine.The FBI was also actively enlisting Silicon Valley social media companies to suppress accurate news accounts of the laptop’s embarrassing contents.

The signees of the false letter included former intelligence kingpins such as Leon Panetta, James Clapper and John Brennan.

None has ever apologized for deliberating lying to the country in a (successful) attempt to help alter an election.

During the summer of 2021,top military officials, at least publicly, parroted the Biden administration’s liethat it was safe to abruptly withdraw all troops from Afghanistan.

The Biden plan was to take political credit for ending the two-decade-long war on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and the American invasion of Afghanistan.


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03c40f No.21552323

Jew is a stolen term, there is a book of Hebrews but no book of Jews. Jew means someone who believes God sees and hears all, and acts accordingly. This is why salvation is from the Jews because these types of people will do no harm knowing that God sees and hears all. The Bible states, you are not so chosen, that is half the equation and only a factor, that means you must chose and that choice must be a real Living God that you are accountable to. These are God's chosen people, because they choose the Living God. This is why in Revelation, Christ refers to them as fake Jews and the synagogue of Satan, because they use religion as a tool and a weapon but their actions dictate that they have no God to be accountable to. All their terms are stolen and have been redefined such as Israel, which means someone who has contended with man and God and prevailed. Jacob became Israel after contending, it was never a country. Judeo Christian values have always been a farce, there is only Christian values, but by repetition you were deceived. In the country called Israel if you preach about Jesus Christ to a minor you will go to jail for 30 years, yet if a Hebraic Jew commits a crime against a goy, it is excusable if not rewarded. We do not share Judeo values and foster atrocities against mankind.

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fdd30d No.21552324

File: a4cd005e1b8679b⋯.jpg (228.93 KB,943x942,943:942,winning_pepe2.jpg)

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6437da No.21552327


Not if, but when…..

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2cf5fb No.21552328



Yet many intelligence officials in and outside the Pentagon had warned both Biden and the Pentagon top brass that any such reckless and total withdrawal would collapse Afghanistan.They rightly also advised that sudden flight would give terrorists a windfall of equipment and infrastructure.

But they were ignored and during the subsequent Biden misadventure, 13 American service members were needlessly killed.

After the greatest military humiliation in a half-century, Biden and many in the media lied that the mission was nevertheless a successful withdrawal.

But that was not all: For the first time in history, a presidential candidate, Donald Trump, was subjected to numerous criminal and civil suits in an election year.

Yet the federal prosecutor, Jack Smith, met with Biden officials. A high-ranking Biden Justice federal attorney joined the New York municipal prosecution. The Georgia prosecutor met stealthily with Biden’s legal counsel. And a major Biden donor funded the civil suit.

The once collusion-hungry media ignored all such lawfare and rank collusion.

During the 2020 Democratic primaries, the general election, and throughout the first three years of the Biden administration, it was evident that Joe Biden was physically and mentally incapable of serving as president.

Yet his aides and the media all misled the American people. They insisted that Biden was vigorous and sharp.

Then suddenly in June 2024, within a 24-hour period, Biden was declared by these same insiders as unfitto continue as the Democratic nominee.

Their new problem with Biden was not his long-standing, embarrassing dementia.

Rather,bad polls increasingly warned that voters no longer believed their liesand thus would likely not reelect Biden but would instead punish most Democrats in the upcoming 2024 election.

So, a new media narrative arose; the once-“hale” Biden was forced to resign as the Democratic nominee.

His once widely caricatured vice president, Kamala Harris, just as abruptly was coronated as his replacement candidate by an equally suddenly gushing and colluding media.

In sum, for some nine years, the media and the left have successfully fed the country a succession of rank deceptions and conspiracies.

They did so because they proclaimed Trump too dangerous to be president and therefore any means they employed to stop him were to be justified.

And they are doing so yet a third time in 2024.

As they continue, they have all but destroyed democracy, ruined the reputation of the media, alienated the public — and embarrassed their country before the world.

Victor Davis Hanson is a distinguished fellow of the Center for American Greatness.


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ca0114 No.21552329


Black people are racist against White People.

White people are colorblind.

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34de03 No.21552332


havent you heard

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1c7049 No.21552333

File: a7732a961f3d180⋯.jpeg (131.67 KB,716x716,1:1,EwTwKz_XEAA3Fmf.jpeg)

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e84b18 No.21552335





did you forget about the shooting part or did you not read about the assassination attempt on the news like 0bama

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15c2ec No.21552336

File: 55518d64c7a7caa⋯.jpg (128.31 KB,887x1390,887:1390,white_house_chief_of_staff….jpg)

File: 293c789d9309cb0⋯.jpg (907.8 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_073601….jpg)

File: 63e5b3a6d236550⋯.jpg (599.48 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_073615….jpg)

File: 17b2f13c69f43d7⋯.jpg (103.85 KB,1080x907,1080:907,1721092923848_2433645030.jpg)

File: 18b279fa6afdc1e⋯.jpg (140.52 KB,1280x720,16:9,1687245337_Joe_Rogan_Inter….jpg)

Description is not explanation. Note that.

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3516f8 No.21552338


Someone knows what I like.

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e84b18 No.21552339


Chef goes nanners

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ca0114 No.21552340


Interdasting that if Jews or Jewish is mentioned, it gets deleted.

But bash the Catholic Church and it doesn't get deleted.


I wonder why that is.

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ca0114 No.21552343


I stand corrected.

Apparently any mention of religion or race is vorbotten.

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56561a No.21552344




My pronouns are (you're) and (right)



There are only 2 genders.

Male and female.


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e84b18 No.21552345



Jews formed the Catholic Church as a distraction to their own activities at that time?

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fdd30d No.21552346

File: 322b06fa1154bf1⋯.png (800.84 KB,500x897,500:897,322b06fa1154bf13cfa7470f8d….png)


>At some point the cult is going to project that the reason they drug, rape and murder children, is because it's the children's fault, that the children should never have existed in the first place, that their mere existence is intolerable and dangerous and destructive and they deserve to be drugged, raped and murdered.

Something like that. The sick abusive behavior from them is just because they love everyone and they above everyone else know what's best for everyone and they're just trying to help those people by behaving the way they do. It'd probably be something like that.

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d558cc No.21552350

File: 2f8c395ffc47767⋯.jpg (56.66 KB,658x379,658:379,godwins.jpg)


TY, baker.

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fe643d No.21552352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Cow bell …mmmmk

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fdd30d No.21552353

File: 0fc09ae7c49b0d6⋯.jpg (179.19 KB,1024x1024,1:1,b7d8de92a13ae878e726f94e64….jpg)

KEK. Now he's splitting fire and proving yet again he can't deliver both at equal strength. It's either a focus on one and a trickle on the other. Always.

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15c2ec No.21552354

File: f4f1c24eb1f339b⋯.jpg (97.91 KB,1200x1200,1:1,downloadfile.jpg)

File: 293c789d9309cb0⋯.jpg (907.8 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_073601….jpg)

File: f6cc3f829198252⋯.jpg (2.97 MB,2382x3000,397:500,wp_AP_201583493084_1345488….jpg)

File: 4ea9acd3d3dd2d6⋯.jpg (265.28 KB,2057x1200,2057:1200,Jonathan_Turley_1_28810635….jpg)

File: b14fdf5bf0b2edc⋯.jpg (95.03 KB,1400x700,2:1,george_clooney_from_the_id….jpg)

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74575f No.21552356

File: ec5eef5d85b8317⋯.jpg (17.03 KB,255x254,255:254,ec5eef5d85b8317895e24cba73….jpg)

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3516f8 No.21552357

Why is it that no one has asked where I am? y'all are my dudes, and I'm your dude. Nothing will or can stop what has already arrived.

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ca0114 No.21552359


if ya can't beat 'em, join 'em.

The Jews created the Catholic Church to try to Control Christians.

Then they used the Organized Catholic Religion to perpetuate their own agendas.

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493406 No.21552361

File: 1dfd376ccd154c0⋯.png (1.17 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


Pope arrives in the remote jungles of Papua New Guinea with a ton of humanitarian aid and toys

Pope Francis traveled to the remote jungles of Papua New Guinea on Sunday to celebrate the Catholic Church on the peripheries, bringing with him a ton of medicine, musical instruments and a message of love for the people who live there.

Pope Francis traveled to the remote jungles of Papua New Guinea on Sunday to celebrate the Catholic Church on the peripheries, bringing with him a ton of medicine, musical instruments and a message of love for the people who live there.

Francis flew aboard a Royal Australian Air Force C-130 transport plane from Port Moresby to Vanimo, on the northwest coast of the South Pacific nation. There, Francis met with the local Catholic community and the missionaries from his native Argentina who have been ministering to them.

For an Argentine pope who marveled in 2013 at having been chosen from the “end of the Earth” to lead the church, it was a voyage to another end of the Earth on the longest, farthest trip of Francis’ pontificate.

Francis has previously traveled to the edge of the Arctic (to apologize to the Inuit people for church abuses), and into the Peruvian Amazon (to draw attention to its plight), and to the plains of Ur, Iraq (to boost Christian-Muslim ties). But even by his standards, Sunday’s trip to remote Vanimo was extraordinary.

A crowd of an estimated 20,000 people gathered on the field in front of the Vanimo cathedral singing and dancing when Francis arrived, and he promptly put on a feathered headdress that had been presented to him.

In remarks from a raised stage, Francis praised the church workers who go out to try to spread the faith. But he urged the residents of Vanimo to work at home at being good to one another. He urged them to be like an orchestra, so that all members of the community come together harmoniously to overcome rivalries.

Doing so, he said, would help to “drive out fear, superstition and magic from people’s hearts, to put an end to destructive behaviors such as violence, infidelity, exploitation, alcohol and drug abuse, evils which imprison and take away the happiness of so many of our brothers and sisters.”

It was a reference to the tribal violence over land and other disputes that have long characterized the country’s culture but have grown more lethal in recent years. Francis arrived in Papua New Guinea to urge an end to the violence, including gender-based violence, and for a sense of civic responsibility to prevail.

Francis had started the day with a Mass before an estimated 35,000 people at the stadium in the capital, Port Moresby. In his homily, Francis told the crowd that they may well feel themselves distant from both their faith and the institutional church, but that God was near to them.

“You who live on this large island in the Pacific Ocean may sometimes have thought of yourselves as a far away and distant land, situated at the edge of the world,” Francis said. “Yet … today the Lord wants to draw near to you, to break down distances, to let you know that you are at the center of his heart and that each one of you is important to him.”

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493406 No.21552363

File: b19b2dd3a4ca965⋯.png (616.13 KB,780x520,3:2,cannibals.png)


Francis was elected pope largely on the strength of a speech he gave to his fellow cardinals in 2013 about the need for the church to go out to the “peripheries” where people need God most. In keeping with that philosophy, Francis has largely shunned foreign trips to European capitals, preferring instead far-flung communities where Catholics are often a minority.

Vanimo, population 11,000, certainly fits the bill of being remote. It is located near Papua New Guinea’s border with Indonesia, where the jungle meets the sea, and is for the most part only reachable by plane or boat.

Francis, history’s first Latin American pope, has also had a special affinity for the work of Catholic missionaries. As a young Argentine Jesuit, he had hoped to serve as a missionary in Japan but was prevented from going because of his poor health.

Now, as pope, he has often held up missionaries as models for the church.

The Rev. Martin Prado, an Argentine missionary of the Institute of the Incarnate Word religious order, was responsible for getting the pope to Vanimo.

As he waited for Francis to arrive Sunday, he recounted for reporters the “crazy” story of how he accompanied a group of Vanimo parishioners to Rome in 2019, and ended up scoring an audience with the pope after his parishioners insisted that they wanted to give him some gifts.

Prado, who has spent the past 10 of his 36 years working as a missionary in Vanimo, said he wrote a note, left it for the pope at the Vatican hotel where he lives, and the next day received an email from Francis’ secretary inviting his group in.

“I invited him, but he wanted to come,” Prado said. “He has a big heart for people. It’s not just words: He does what he says.”

Prado said some people deep in the interior of the diocese, in the jungle where cars have yet to arrive, need clothes, and for them a plate of rice and tuna fish “is glorious.”

Francis was bringing a cargo of about a ton of medicine, clothing, musical instruments and toys, the Vatican said. Prado said Francis was also helping to build a new secondary school. He said half of the children of the diocese are unable to go to high school because there simply aren’t enough spots for them.

The event had a very Argentine flair to it: On the stage was a statue of the Virgin of Lujan, the patron of Argentina who is particularly dear to Francis and whose name also graces the local girls’ school. When Francis met privately after the event with the nuns and missionary priests, they served him mate, the Argentine tea.

There are about 2.5 million Catholics in Papua New Guinea, according to Vatican statistics, out of a population in the Commonwealth nation believed to be around 10 million. The Catholics practice the faith along with traditional Indigenous beliefs, including animism and sorcery.

Francis’ visit to Vanimo was the highlight of his visit to Papua New Guinea, the second leg of his four-nation tour of Southeast Asia and Oceania. After first stopping in Indonesia, Francis heads on Monday to East Timor and then wraps up his visit in Singapore later in the week.

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72b100 No.21552364

A total reversal of fortunes & fates.

Regenerative renovations to keep our souls safe:

To restore what was stolen & make all things new,

To expose the deceivers & show what is true.

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56561a No.21552366

File: 9490c401ecd88d3⋯.png (135.07 KB,473x1344,473:1344,qaggdropimage100_1.png)


Check it

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493406 No.21552368

File: c5786c4c2050a3e⋯.jpeg (106.32 KB,866x578,433:289,hosedown.jpeg)

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689607 No.21552369

This is NOT a threat, it is a PROMISE.

Whoever switched it from yellow sun and blue sky to LED and milky white, if I find out who you are, I will tap your dome.

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e804bc No.21552372

File: 95ee291b577cda4⋯.png (967.66 KB,992x1152,31:36,95ee291b577cda417d9f940070….png)


Add some frens Pepe.

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71ae6a No.21552374


according to you who created the jews. Because they were not a thing in the ancient world.

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6a2d59 No.21552376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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fdd30d No.21552377

File: a6fad961f79c59b⋯.jpg (5.55 KB,255x143,255:143,a6fad961f79c59b66a87c23c6f….jpg)

Ah, now they're flaunting their impotence and showing how weak their "truth" really is by it requiring forced visibility and repetition.

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7f1711 No.21552378

EArlies Baker TAPS

#26403 >>21552115

>>21552140 John Yoo. Merchan is going to have to throw out this verdict because of the Supreme Courts Immunity ruling

>>21552151 Moderna confirms mRNA COVID Vaccines cause Cancer–

>>21552176, >>21552281 Line Fire doubles in size overnight in San Bernardino County, with evacuations expanding

>>21552158 Satan herself: Alice Bailey's 10-Point Charter

>>21552233 Donald Trump pulls ahead of Kamala Harris in major poll — a sign her campaign is fizzling

>>21552234 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>21552273 @VivekGRamaswamy If Trump trounces Kamala at the debate, get ready for some very strange things to happen before November

>>21552289 'Take the Chair, Make an Impact' This Star Trek Day

>>21552322, >>21552328 A decade of untruth: Adding up the media’s lies about Trump and Biden

>>21552361, >>21552363 Pope arrives in the remote jungles of Papua New Guinea with a ton of humanitarian aid and toys

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72b100 No.21552379


Release us, release us,

Release all good souls.

A divine intervention to make us all whole.

I won't remain captive -

I'll shred till I'm free.

I call down revenge on all who enslaved me.

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15c2ec No.21552381

File: 82395b0af2b7ae0⋯.jpg (44.73 KB,531x649,9:11,NEWS_150117423_AR_0_LZWXVL….jpg)

File: b00e864eb12ad5d⋯.jpg (24.58 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2670828824.jpg)

File: 1f8a8fa7312415c⋯.jpg (154.16 KB,654x436,3:2,p120214ps_0791_0_405332646….jpg)

File: 3db6c1cc27ab652⋯.jpg (66.68 KB,1266x715,1266:715,636231839789610771_lmford1….JPG)

File: 18b279fa6afdc1e⋯.jpg (140.52 KB,1280x720,16:9,1687245337_Joe_Rogan_Inter….jpg)


They all wanna be me

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56561a No.21552382

File: 50525c01c6895dd⋯.png (324.56 KB,473x879,473:879,qaggdropimage579.png)

File: 950148376f679c0⋯.png (334.63 KB,473x2567,473:2567,qaggdropimage316.png)

File: bb1546285696092⋯.png (91.13 KB,473x672,473:672,qaggdropimage122.png)

File: 82561d799c80685⋯.png (43.42 KB,473x315,473:315,qaggdropimage25.png)

File: 8743fef3310740f⋯.png (72.91 KB,473x455,473:455,qaggdropimage1_1.png)




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e68a0a No.21552383


QR has long needed its own Poet Laureate

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ca0114 No.21552384

File: 49592af5f3b786d⋯.png (1.83 MB,1080x907,1080:907,ClipboardImage.png)


I don't believe this guy actually died.

Something strange about this incident.

The whole thing was "weird."

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34e576 No.21552386


it's globalistic PN said

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34de03 No.21552387

File: 08b32999e945324⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,1440x3040,9:19,Screenshot_20240908_102827….jpg)

File: 26d46ecd6a25c67⋯.jpg (62.5 KB,1100x619,1100:619,bill_maher_hbo_1632962010.jpg)



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72b100 No.21552388

⏳ Breaking Curses ⏳

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493406 No.21552389

While still prime minister in 2022, Johnson secretly met with representatives of the American uranium mining company Uranium Energy Corp.

And in May of this year it became known that Johnson became the director of its subsidiary Better Earth, registered in a British offshore zone. Johnson's former government aide Charlotte Owen also found employment there.

The current UK Cabinet Office has since said there could be a conflict of interest - due to the "unknown nature of Better Earth's clients - in particular the risk that the client will be involved in lobbying the UK government" through Johnson and Owen.

The Telegraph reports that days before he stepped down as prime minister, Johnson announced a £700m investment in the Sizewell C reactor. One of those who publicly welcomed the news was Uranium Energy Corp founder Amir Adnani.

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fdd30d No.21552391

File: 24b8708fa4c0ed1⋯.png (752.99 KB,1007x635,1007:635,24b8708fa4c0ed179442910858….png)

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d5dab3 No.21552392

File: ac9c6a2b3cf9e74⋯.png (287.56 KB,610x862,305:431,Screenshot_2024_09_08_1129….png)

File: 267f6336d5dd301⋯.mp4 (2.33 MB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17258079415….mp4)

@Chicago1Ray 🇺🇸




Cops throw Tyreek Hill to the ground over traffic violations, but Venezuelans who take over Apt buildings in Aurora Colorado roam free



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7f43fc No.21552393


You're a puppet.

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56561a No.21552394

File: 82fa9a66a0210ac⋯.jpg (18 KB,500x336,125:84,1721339551593236.jpg)



>I said roof not bork

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34e576 No.21552395


That's funny

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34e576 No.21552397


That's funny too

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7c58f0 No.21552398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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71ae6a No.21552399


the thing about that is I heard that homo sapian were reduced in numbers to such a degree because of enslavement and stuff by neanderthal. less than 2000 by some counts. So the hooking up was how they save their clans.

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4e3168 No.21552400



both of these present impossible personalities with whom one would only find discord.

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fdd30d No.21552402

It's been almost 7 years of hijacking in some form or another. It's okay, I always find something new for them to copy. Can't leave people alone, it has to belong to them too.

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56561a No.21552404

File: f63b7390de239ef⋯.png (196.06 KB,473x1652,473:1652,qaggdropimage179.png)

File: 43fced3c86c871a⋯.png (28.87 KB,473x273,473:273,qaggdropimage459.png)

File: 09f7123bf8d691a⋯.png (42.22 KB,473x434,473:434,qaggdropimage477.png)

File: 95352d67deb6710⋯.png (66.83 KB,473x441,473:441,qaggdropimage506.png)

File: e8567f9c77bb33c⋯.png (365.15 KB,473x1037,473:1037,qaggdropimage688.png)




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849cb5 No.21552406

File: ec0a14848e128f9⋯.png (746.14 KB,535x1133,535:1133,ClipboardImage.png)

European Space Agency Shares Pic Of 'Smiley Face' Spotted On Mars

September 08, 2024 4:06 pm IST

A 'smiley face '-shaped salt deposit on Mars has sparked intrigue among scientists, who believe it may conceal clues to the Red Planet's most enduring secret: the remnants of its last surviving life forms.

Billions of years ago, Mars was teeming with vast lakes and rivers that vanished during a catastrophic global freeze.

Now, researchers propose that this salt deposit, shaped like an emoticon, could be harbouring hardy microbes.

The European Space Agency's ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter, a Martian satellite on a quest to uncover signs of life on the Red Planet, has captured stunning images of the chloride salt deposits on Mars' arid surface.

By studying these salt deposits, scientists can uncover clues about the planet's past climate, geology, and potential habitability.

''Why so serious? Once a world of rivers, lakes, and possibly oceans, Mars now reveals its secrets through chloride salt deposits found by our ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter.

These deposits, remnants of ancient water bodies, could indicate habitable zones from billions of years ago.

The discovery of nearly a thousand potential sites offers new insights into Mars' climate and potential for past life.

Explore the Martian landscape in this carousel,'' the post by ESA was captioned.

''A cold era began when Mars lost its magnetic field and could no longer hold its atmosphere, leading to water evaporating, freezing, or becoming trapped within the surface.

As the water disappeared over time, it left mineral fingerprints on the surface. Very salty waters could have become a haven for life, a beacon for habitable places on Mars.

High concentrations of salt allow water to remain liquid at temperatures as low as minus 40 degrees Celsius," Valentin Bickel, a planetary scientist at the University of Bern in Switzerland who led the recent research published in the journal Scientific Data, said.


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588015 No.21552408


Ditto Hillary. She never campaigned like she thought she had to. Hillary knew she was going to win.

Election fraud has always been with us. It was ramped up in the aftermath of 2000 election. The "Help America Vote Act." That's when mandating machines for the disabled ended up as an excuse for all voting to be done via computers. (If you vote on a paper ballot that is scanned, still computer counting)

Then they went to voter ID as discriminating against certain races.

Now we're seeing some counties sued for counting ballots as it should be- paper ballots hand counted.

No one mentions that one machine per precinct could probably handle anyone disabled enough to need one and NOT giving other people the option of using it. (Of course, they love mail in ballots but don't address the disabled concern with that- unless it's to have a system "mark" the vote for you)

In a way, it's discriminating against anyone who may have to use machine because you're putting their votes at higher risk.

Now why on earth would anyone want to block voting in the most democratic way possible- by counting by hand with witnesses?

It's also why want to eliminate the electoral collage for "Our democracy." They mean "their idea" of democracy. Makes cheating easier when all they have to do is corrupt the major cities. Of course we are a Constitutional Republic. How inconvenient for them.

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71ae6a No.21552409

File: a708024ea462cb3⋯.png (13.9 KB,237x148,237:148,ClipboardImage.png)



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34de03 No.21552410


cain killing abel put the "Neanderthal" at the top for a minute

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c810bf No.21552411

File: 52e8233490554d6⋯.png (1.22 MB,880x1280,11:16,ClipboardImage.png)

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4e3168 No.21552413


when one uses the title of 'Father' on isn't saying that the person is their father.

they are not calling that person their father.

they are addressing that person with the title of 'Father' and that's fine.

this is often quoted to slander Catholics, however it's misinterpreted when this is done.

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fdd30d No.21552418

File: 0eb314da4faf95f⋯.jpg (7.4 KB,255x143,255:143,dune_pepe3.jpg)

Spamming Q drops repetitively non-stop as your gimmick? That's okay. Be a shill persona, that's okay. Post a cartoon frog smoking a cigar and mouth off the shills while doing it and they'll abandon what they were doing before to try and take everything from you and attempt to hijack what's already been established. It's funny, because to me it's how they project who they consider bested them. They must have considered some Jews to have bested them in the past for them to imitate and smear them with their narrative.

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c6d167 No.21552419

File: ba25ccd0ead0f60⋯.mp4 (14.78 MB,1280x720,16:9,911_BURNED_CARS_POINT_to_B….mp4)


a group of 4 year olds with only a couple of brwons and mostly whites? Where the fuck is that? Almost nowhere in America is like that

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15c2ec No.21552422

File: e3bd69c2013a1ed⋯.jpg (634.5 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240908_083403….jpg)

File: 2a667f80a3e11b1⋯.jpg (597.98 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240908_083359….jpg)

File: 22c59e08ff04937⋯.jpg (14.16 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_670978139.jpg)




I would testify that these first responders carried a [live?] man, feet first from the incident.

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72b100 No.21552423

The next seven years will be very, very different than the previous seven.

A complete reversal of fortunes is underway.

These devil-worshipping monsters are going to pay.

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7c58f0 No.21552425

File: ade9a728a4146c5⋯.png (8.92 KB,470x490,47:49,ThreeTwoSeven_2024_09_08.png)

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56561a No.21552432

File: 0c56c5912e30a0f⋯.png (47.18 KB,473x294,473:294,qaggdropimage4011_1.png)

File: bc8378e9e30bb02⋯.png (267.29 KB,473x1089,43:99,qaggdropimage1294.png)

File: d6f1cac66266493⋯.png (42.44 KB,473x399,473:399,qaggdropimage1455.png)

File: 26c8f1bdecab82f⋯.png (49.74 KB,473x294,473:294,qaggdropimage2056_1.png)

File: 5bd0a2620cc85c2⋯.png (317.71 KB,473x1652,473:1652,qaggdropimage2998_1.png)


Storm Check

Q always chooses us before we choose Q

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c91f41 No.21552434

File: 1b0eaf528761cbc⋯.jpeg (244.95 KB,1284x1092,107:91,IMG_3065.jpeg)

New York Times’ AG Sulzberger gives us another reason to search elsewhere for fairness. 1/2 or 3

Sep. 7, 2024, 8:47 p.m. ET. By Michael Goodwin

‘Caution: Those with sensitive stomachs or respect for the truth should stop here.”

That’s the warning label The Washington Post should have slapped on a recent essay.

Unfortunately, it didn’t and let the writer gas on as if his fabulist claims were grounded in reality.

The op-ed was doubly dispiriting because, although it appeared in The Washington Post, it was written by the publisher of The New York Times.

Both outlets likely thought the joint imprimatur would increase the audience and impact. Instead, the resulting flop magnifies their effort to spread misinformation.Both outlets apparently still think Americans are foolish enough to trust Big Media to tell them the truth.

Author A.G. Sulzberger’s effort to inflate what was little more than another vicious attack on Donald Trumpinto a rallying cry for press independence is noteworthy for all the wrong reasons.

His farrago of leftist partisanship, self-aggrandizement and fearmongering comes disguised as an appeal for freedom of the press.

The transparent motive gives readers yet another reason to search elsewhere for facts and fairness.

Of course, nobody can argue with such truths as “The flow of trustworthy news and information is critical to a free, secure and prosperous nation.”

Or the claim that “defense of the free press has been a point of rare bipartisan consensus throughout the nation’s history.”

The author wraps his argument in red, white and blue by quoting President Ronald Reagan as saying, “There is no more essential ingredient than a free, strong, and independent press to our continued success in what the Founding Fathers called our ‘noble experiment’ in self-government.”

Bias papered over

Citing Reagan is an obvious tease to draw in conservatives and Republicans.It’s also a fig leaf to cover the Big Lie about the Times built-in bias.

It hasn’t endorsed a Republican for president since Dwight Eisenhower in1956.Up and down the ballot, year in year out, no matter the office and the candidates, it would endorse a dead raccoon if it was running on the Democrat line.

The more recent and greater sin is that the paper’s radical narratives are no longer limited to opinion pages.

Nearly every article on every topic reflects a scolding, far-left view, whether it be on race, Israel, markets, the weather, books, films, theater or even sports.

The hyperpartisanship has reached new depths in the Trump era, with the Times a chief player in fomenting the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax.

And don’t forget that Sulzberger fired his opinion editor for publishing an op-ed from GOP Sen. Tom Cotton urging Trump to use the military to quell the 2020 urban riots.

The fifth male in his family to hold the title of publisher — no outsiders need apply — Sulzberger uses his essay to charge that Trump “and his allies have declared their intention to increase their attacks on a press he has long derided as ‘the enemy of the people.’ ”

He even blames Trump for anti-press crackdowns in Brazil and India and adds that the former president’s use of the term “fake news” caused global harm, writing “around 70 countries on six continents have enacted ‘fake news’ laws.”

The implication is thatthe president shouldn’t enjoy freedom of speech if it involves criticism of certain media.

Yet the author still has the nerve to claim that “I have no interest in wading into politics” and insists he will not let the Times “cast aside neutrality” in its election coverage.

Oh, please, does he even read his paper?


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7c58f0 No.21552436


… herding kittens …

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71ae6a No.21552438


not sure Cain was the Neanderthal though. Hear me out. Cain put forth veggies and fruit. Abel did a BBQ. Which one do you think was more likely to be the Neanderthal in that tale. Then think God got off on the burnt flesh which is strange enough, and not the fruits and veggies of the garden.

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ca0114 No.21552439


> who created the jews

A group of people who were alive during the time of Jesus. A group of men who claimed to be the holy leaders of the Israelites. They hated Jesus because they saw him as a threat to their authority. They denied that Jesus was/is their Promised Mesiah, a belief that they, and others who call themselves Jews, continue to hold to this day. aka Synagogue of Satan.

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fdd30d No.21552440

File: a74ef9d0081b097⋯.gif (1.11 MB,640x268,160:67,prestige3.gif)

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c6d167 No.21552441

File: 0a5273bee5217b5⋯.png (827.29 KB,1184x664,148:83,connections_of_carthage_ca….png)

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e84b18 No.21552446


Grilled veggies are tasty with the bar be que

just sayin'

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34de03 No.21552449


cain n abel were from two different bloodlines

the god of the OT

is not the same as the one in the NT

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c91f41 No.21552450



Or maybe he, like so many other New Yorkers, has given up hoping for a semblance of even-handedness.

Among the lines that deserve a warning label all their own are this one: “At The Times, we are committed to following the facts and presenting a full, fair and accurate picture of November’s election and the candidates and issues shaping it.”

This from the publisher of a paper which each day promotes three or four loaded stories against Trumpand sees only “joy” and “hope” in his Democratic opponent. So Kamala Harris is not only assured of the paper’s backing, she also won’t be pushed on her policy flip-flops.

Crying shame

And she shouldn’t waste time concocting elaborate evasions about how she wants to take the country in a different direction than the Biden-Harris administration. Whatever she says — or even if she keeps ducking interviews — will be good enough for the Times.

The paper is so rife with Trump hatethat a book critic declared the Constitution is one of the “biggest threats” to the country.

That’s because . . . Trump won the Electoral College in 2016.

Ultimately, Sulzberger’s screed is not the high-minded appeal to our better angels he thinks it is.

Rather, it’s a reflection of how out little he understands America.The nation is politically divided, yet the Times embodies the arrogance of the urban, elite left as it looks with contempt on those who see the world differently.

Its bias is so ingrained that it raises no objection to Dems using the courts to try to bankrupt, imprison and keep Trump off the ballot.

If Republicans tried that, the sky would fall.

After the 2016 election, the former publisher, Sulzberger’s father, wrote a note to readers apologizing for not better understanding Trump’s appeal. That blindness was explained in part by the fact that some members of the newsroom were preparing to celebrate Hillary Clinton’s victory.

While it’s understandable that election night ended in tears for many Democrats, tears in the newsroom of the nation’s largest newspaper are out of bounds.

Or should have been.

But eight years later, the paper has moved even deeper into the partisan swamp.It supports Big Tech censorship of conservative voices, meaning it believes in freedom of speech only for speech it agrees with.

And just as it tried to bury the facts about Joe Biden’s corruption with his family influence peddling scheme, it hid his mental decline.

Last June 26, the paper carried water for the White House with a story headlined,“How Misleading Videos Are Trailing Biden as He Battles Age Doubts.”

The very next day brought the debate debacle, where it became clear how unfit Biden actually was.

In the aftermath, when polls showed Trump building a massive lead, the Times suddenly switched horses and called for the president to quit the race.

When he did, and when Harris was anointed by party bosses in a backroom,Tammany Hall coup, the paper didn’t object to Dems ignoring the will of 14 million primary voters.

Keeping Trump out of the White House was and is all that matters.

Ultimately, the Times is, like every media outlet — and all Americans — free to say and write pretty much anything it wants.

But it would have more credibility if it admitted it has a political agenda and gave up the pretense of fairness.

Until then,good luck to Sulzberger in his quest for an Oscar for impersonating a publisher devoted to free, fair and honest speech.


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d5dab3 No.21552452


This one person cannot define what constitutes The New Age. Really The New Age is getting back to what ALL religions are founded on A Personal connection between them and God. We are ALL parts of God and are all interconnected. Power comes from the Natural Organic world just as God created it. Jesus preached in parables using Nature The Gist of religion is to remember that and get back to what was lost and obscured by the people who hijacked the different teachings. The Satanists invert everything and want people to think the New Science created Synthetic garbage is the height of knowledge, when all they are doing is poorly trying to duplicate what God has done Naturally. They say The Stone Age is for Cavemen and Neanderthals but Lithium Batteries come from crystals, Nuclear power comes from rocks and minerals, silicone creates almost all of the "Technological" chips and circuits. Stones and Crystals are actually high technology. We are living in Eden, Earth is so beautiful and provides everything we need, I get so amazed by it more and more. Even other beings from the universe come here to marvel at it, and steal our resources, but they know God created it.

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3ce7b7 No.21552453

File: 561063f13160e81⋯.jpeg (213.46 KB,1069x1226,1069:1226,IMG_2444.jpeg)

ThanQ Baker

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58742a No.21552457

File: c046443c5f1f61d⋯.png (281.6 KB,1006x300,503:150,ClipboardImage.png)


>Tyreek Hill

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56561a No.21552458

File: c55145d319d916c⋯.jpg (95.84 KB,600x450,4:3,8csloe_2064816546.jpg)

File: d24891c3d668a60⋯.gif (3.19 MB,480x480,1:1,1722684344247367.gif)




>They are going BONKERS

I am here for (uwu)

First to awoo

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c6d167 No.21552460

File: 35f37bdcd60221d⋯.mp4 (909.56 KB,320x240,4:3,Bush_911_school_kite_hit_s….mp4)



Hi welcome to our planet. We hope you enjoy your stay.

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d5dab3 No.21552461

File: 2787b2fd4ae6688⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB,752x1360,47:85,Running_fast_to_Shill.mp4)

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cf9a61 No.21552463

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7f43fc No.21552464

File: ba2ab3d9c787d94⋯.png (411.08 KB,679x463,679:463,ClipboardImage.png)

It's over anti-Trump bros

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0cbb0d No.21552465

File: b660be098644368⋯.png (631.59 KB,644x528,161:132,CoolioIglesias.PNG)


This one knows their history

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fdd30d No.21552466


> they saw him as a threat to their authority.

They're only lapdogs here though. No one is a prophet though, so just what the fuck is everyone then? There are, similarities, that rhyme, but it's coming from many people too, not just one.

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71ae6a No.21552470


oh they are different gods? how so? I thought god in the OT was Jesus father. Is it not?

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ca0114 No.21552471


top kek

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986370 No.21552472

File: c2922c2022b4785⋯.jpg (170.59 KB,945x936,105:104,000war5.jpg)

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986370 No.21552473

File: 5fb797ee6b5b235⋯.jpg (273.16 KB,900x900,1:1,000warzards1.jpg)

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15c2ec No.21552474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


THEY gamed "Joe" up as the (7th Planet, Gracie "killer") the conspiracy killer.

Like Joe cooped Alex Jones, Alex cooped Cooper,IMHO

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986370 No.21552475

File: cce75cca6a99104⋯.png (96.04 KB,396x610,198:305,000war.png)

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986370 No.21552476

File: b6d628230fe9f63⋯.gif (565.3 KB,498x498,1:1,000z.gif)

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986370 No.21552477

File: 4e49533f8449d94⋯.gif (285.33 KB,320x320,1:1,000o.gif)

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c6d167 No.21552478

File: 8266eee8d8e8fe5⋯.mp4 (4.37 MB,406x464,7:8,Dude_Spits_on_Trump_Flag_S….mp4)


>Spamming Q drops repetitively non-stop as your gimmick? That's okay. Be a shill

They are constantly coming up with new ways to shill.

Constanly discussing "mimics", vatican shilling ebotting, baitshilling etc etc etc.

We just filter filter filter.

Or they win

And they don't win

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986370 No.21552479

File: aa98d43a0abd407⋯.gif (560.79 KB,250x250,1:1,000m.gif)

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986370 No.21552481

File: e8bc261a8c37e97⋯.png (1.17 MB,1132x948,283:237,0a.png)

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e84b18 No.21552482


gotta have that cowbell

that's the prescription

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71ae6a No.21552483


and those people are pretending to be what and who? Keeping in mind that the literature only appears around 3rd century BC.

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56561a No.21552485

File: a6f5db896634da6⋯.png (331 KB,473x1464,473:1464,qaggdropimage51_1.png)

File: ebd2f9fc9a18e71⋯.png (154.85 KB,473x924,43:84,qaggdropimage2681.png)

File: 39878e7bd45b74a⋯.png (108.79 KB,473x651,473:651,qaggdropimage2854.png)




Herding kittens?

>Keyword food

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cfdf1f No.21552486

File: c6e24153186707e⋯.png (257.39 KB,580x2660,29:133,2123.png)

>I love shills now at this point. Even when this is over some Mossad/Clown asshole will still be typing useless division tactics out of his frayed handbook on to an empty board. Some people just don't know when they have lost…

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849cb5 No.21552487

File: f6be7dc68934e5d⋯.png (464.86 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

SpaceX will start launching Starships to Mars in 2026, Elon Musk says

September 8, 2024

SpaceX's Starship megarocket will start flying Mars missions just two years from now, if all goes according to plan.

"These will be uncrewed to test the reliability of landing intact on Mars.

If those landings go well, then the first crewed flights to Mars will be in 4 years," SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk said via X on Saturday evening (Sept. 7), in a post that announced the bold new target timelines. (Earth and Mars align properly for interplanetary missions once every 26 months.)

"Flight rate will grow exponentially from there, with the goal of building a self-sustaining city in about 20 years," Musk added in the same post.

"Being multiplanetary will vastly increase the probable lifespan of consciousness, as we will no longer have all our eggs, literally and metabolically, on one planet."

The stainless-steel Starship consists of two elements: a first-stage booster called Super Heavy and a 165-foot-tall (50 meters) upper-stage spacecraft known as Starship.

A stacked Starship is the biggest and most powerful rocket ever built.

It stands about 400 feet (122 meters) tall and generates 16.7 million pounds of thrust at liftoff — nearly twice that of the Space Launch System (SLS), the rocket for NASA's Artemis moon program.

SLS is expendable, but Starship is designed to be fully and rapidly reusable.

Indeed, SpaceX plans to land Super Heavy back on the launch mount after each liftoff, enabling quick inspection, refurbishment and relaunch.

SpaceX believes that Starship's combination of brawn and efficiency will finally bring Mars settlement — a long-held dream of Musk's — within humanity's grasp.

Starship isn't fully up and running yet. It has flown four test missions to date — in April and November of 2023 and March and June of this year.

The giant vehicle has performed better on each successive flight, notching all of its major objectives on the most recent mission.

SpaceX is currently gearing up for Starship's fifth flight, which could take place quite soon; the company has already performed test-fires with the Super Heavy and the Starship that will fly the mission.

Flight five will feature some new and dramatic action — the first attempt to land Super Heavy back on the launch mount, an operation that will involve the use of the launch tower's "chopstick" arms.

As Musk often says about Starship flights, excitement is guaranteed.


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c6d167 No.21552490


ryan's state will steal wisconsin, no question. they control that state with an iron fist.

Also Maine is controlled by the bushes.

GA we shall see which way that goes.

MI I would be surprised but the court ruling this week is a good sign

I still remember that even AK held off calling their votes for 2 weeks in the 2020 standoff.

I still want that 2020 standoff map

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15c2ec No.21552491

File: 1634ed5a6b070f1⋯.jpg (22.09 KB,474x233,474:233,th_3992685608.jpg)

File: 5d6bba0100152b6⋯.jpg (116.53 KB,639x768,213:256,large_2247893957.jpg)

File: e3bd69c2013a1ed⋯.jpg (634.5 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240908_083403….jpg)

File: 22c59e08ff04937⋯.jpg (14.16 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_670978139.jpg)

File: 16d23878db5c579⋯.jpg (38.25 KB,500x375,4:3,3513296691_242f589509.jpg)






Tried to coopt THE CONSPIRACY Kennedy…

They missed.



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a71455 No.21552493

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8d210b No.21552494

File: d226194ab1b2d12⋯.jpg (50.13 KB,706x1080,353:540,FB_IMG_1725804566935.jpg)

Habby birthday Theotokos.

From your child

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34de03 No.21552496


just watched that yesterday

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15c2ec No.21552498

File: d6e6e3dca3fcb7b⋯.jpg (19.8 KB,474x267,158:89,th_2553667592.jpg)

File: 55518d64c7a7caa⋯.jpg (128.31 KB,887x1390,887:1390,white_house_chief_of_staff….jpg)

File: 293c789d9309cb0⋯.jpg (907.8 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_073601….jpg)

File: 63e5b3a6d236550⋯.jpg (599.48 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_073615….jpg)

File: 2a6f46eaf5a5aae⋯.jpg (246.65 KB,2048x1152,16:9,skynews_trump_kennedy_6664….jpg)






Tried to coopt THE CONSPIRACY Kennedy…

They missed.



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3c4063 No.21552499

File: 290dbb571905951⋯.jpeg (224.32 KB,1284x831,428:277,IMG_3069.jpeg)

File: dc402626a6ae642⋯.jpeg (338.13 KB,1284x841,1284:841,IMG_3068.jpeg)

File: 74120a58548a824⋯.jpeg (314.35 KB,1284x1808,321:452,IMG_3067.jpeg)

Unauthorized satellite dish on warship lands Navy chief Grisel Marrero in hot water with demotion

By Published Sep. 7, 2024, 3:52 p.m.

A U.S. Navy official was relieved of her duties and demoted, after having an unauthorized Starlink High Performancesatellite dish installed on a warship and lying about it to her commanding officer.

Grisel Marrero, a command senior chief of the littoral combat ship USS Manchester, was demoted in either August or September 2023.

Information on her dismissal and the investigation that led to it were only released this week to the Navy Times.

Marrero reportedly wanted the dish so she and other enlisted officers could better access social media, online content and sports scores.

Navy investigators learned Marrero lied to her superior officer about the dish, which she nicknamed “Stinky,” when asked about it.She also disguised the network by renaming it as a printer.

Naval officers have restricted internet access while at sea, in order to maintain bandwidth for military operations and to guard against cybersecurity breaches.

Marrero worked as an information systems technician aboard the Manchester.

The dish cost $2,800 and was fitted to the warship in April 2023.

Rank-and-file sailors were not provided access to the network.

Marrero was convicted in March at a court-martial proceeding. She pleaded guilty to dereliction of duty and providing false official statements to commanders, and sentenced to a reduction in rank.

(How to fuck do they hire DEI retards?)


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fdd30d No.21552501

File: 59a6ba6ed840df1⋯.png (214.83 KB,502x383,502:383,memewarfare.png)


>Constanly discussing "mimics"

I just point it out seeing as I'm the main source that they mainly base their imitation routines off of. If a shill is constantly imitating and trying to fool others and imitating me to do it, I'll always call it out. Had a friendly interaction with BO a month or so ago about getting Proto and he doubled-down on the copying filenames and everything other than the meme with a vengeance. He wants to one to think of me positively while he takes everything other than the memes I post along with them. Just a little sick Satanist psycho. Nothing I can't weather. He has everything to lose and I have nothing to lose that I'm not willing to give up in the first place. They desperately do not want anyone recognizing me at all while they collect recognition for themselves with their imitation routine. Because if it was just a "lesson" then whatever, but it's a 24/7 non-stop all day every day display from them now. They've replaced their merchant memes with Smoking Pepe memes and they're still copying him to this day. Whatever it takes to see the country back to normal, I'm willing to walk through it.

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91b25d No.21552503

File: 243d391aa8e3a53⋯.jpeg (372.18 KB,1125x1206,125:134,IMG_3884.jpeg)

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ca0114 No.21552505


A Mafia Organization posing as a race/religion.

They are the criminal leftovers who refused to become Christians.

Christianity is the natural progression of Judaism once Jesus the Messiah arrived on the scene.

Those who continue to call themselves Jews, are people who deny that Jesus is their Promised Messiah. They continue to think that The Promised Messiah is going to be a great and powerful leader who raises them up to be the Master Peoples of the World.

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05b90a No.21552508

If the cabal is going to give you a POTUS position. What do you have to do for them to earn their trust?

Also, Bill Cooper claimed the Secret Service was there for the cabal to keep the President in line for them.

What did Barack Hussein Obama for the cabal to earn his spot?

Did he kill someone with an AK-47 knowing it was filmed / photos taken of the murder?

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e804bc No.21552510

File: 96b247056cc3785⋯.gif (513.75 KB,515x500,103:100,president_vladimir_putin_s….gif)

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8202d5 No.21552512

File: 0b01fcaa0987de7⋯.png (73.98 KB,930x381,310:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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15c2ec No.21552516

File: f401422d71c7beb⋯.jpg (47.89 KB,1024x512,2:1,landscape_1449084051_trump….jpg)

File: 18b279fa6afdc1e⋯.jpg (140.52 KB,1280x720,16:9,1687245337_Joe_Rogan_Inter….jpg)



2016 election Pic 1

2024 election Pic 2

Things don't go so well for AJ after Trump's "visitation" (that's haunting spirit talk)

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5c3182 No.21552517

idk why i come here. it's 90% shill. I spend the whole time filtering, realize there's nothing worthwhile being said, leave, return, do it all again.

guess i'm waiting for Q to return 'cause it's the only thing that keeps me hope in this fucked up world. Even though there's a chance this whole thing's a jewish psyop; i got nothing else to believe in.

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71ae6a No.21552518


ok but they were that before they became jews is that the contention? It is not like they were not shit prior to taking that moniker. I don't give a fuck about anyone's messiah, promised or otherwise.

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c6d167 No.21552519

File: 929ad39305e1768⋯.png (101.25 KB,268x188,67:47,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 319fdfca197cca6⋯.png (96.79 KB,268x188,67:47,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b1a29f7db7fe0c⋯.png (74.36 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7dbbf5062ddce1d⋯.png (81.84 KB,819x587,819:587,unix_time_matrix.png)


candy for babies was the TV theme of the 1970s

Unix time started in 1970 BTW

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a71455 No.21552525

File: f202cff559bf494⋯.png (653.75 KB,631x927,631:927,1000000169.png)

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c6d167 No.21552526

File: c005cb43557c392⋯.jpg (30.84 KB,692x587,692:587,alex_jones_burns_trump_mag….jpg)


>Things don't go so well for AJ after

That's bullshit. They go fine for him until 2018 when he starts trying to be a 5th column and pull his support.

Then he goes to shit

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d5dab3 No.21552530

File: c5ee817a2fb061b⋯.mp4 (721.61 KB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17258110986….mp4)

File: 582d852ef6f2bd6⋯.png (256.21 KB,581x577,581:577,Screenshot_2024_09_08_1157….png)



"Islam will come into every family whether you like it or not. We have a plan", says a UK imam. what do you think?

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05b90a No.21552534


>What did Barack Hussein Obama for the cabal to earn his spot?

>Did he kill someone with an AK-47

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56561a No.21552535

File: 231a952be4ecf1e⋯.png (41.87 KB,473x252,473:252,qaggdropimage2522.png)

File: 231a952be4ecf1e⋯.png (41.87 KB,473x252,473:252,qaggdropimage2522.png)








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15c2ec No.21552537

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Open App

Alex Jones Exposed by Milton William Cooper

1.2M views · 13 years ago…more










For those that don't know, William Cooper was the authentic version

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34de03 No.21552538


the Creator is Jesus' father

the OT was tampered with

after the pentateuch

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4e3168 No.21552539

satanists pepper the bread with their curses.

all of it is for them, what they live.

It has no effect on holy people.

they draw their own lives' stories out in detail, all the depravity is them cursing themselves.

they ought to stop for their own good.

inverted people behave as if evil is good

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8d210b No.21552540


It's Sunday

They're always triggered.

Like a cage of drowning cats dragged behind the ship, shills be mad.

And the word was made flesh!

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fdd30d No.21552544

Not that I want recognition of anything done, just to be able to be recognized by brothers. The clowns do not want that kind of camaraderie arranged against them.

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25b79b No.21552546

File: 4b2be0bf60525fc⋯.jpeg (785.23 KB,1125x1912,1125:1912,IMG_3885.jpeg)

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e3dbf7 No.21552547

File: ffa11476c5431d4⋯.png (96.9 KB,640x408,80:51,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb353dd055f1daa⋯.mp4 (10.29 MB,640x360,16:9,anons_united_vid.mp4)

The amount of spamming is directly linked to the amount of panic..


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c6d167 No.21552548

File: 0f2f6fc9f1c0c3b⋯.png (990.37 KB,1024x1024,1:1,HULK_HOGAN_WISE_MASTER_IN_….png)

File: cb61158b01f65c3⋯.jpg (130.33 KB,900x596,225:149,wrestlemania_at_the_trump_….jpg)

File: 2662da206f88a06⋯.webm (1.92 MB,316x316,1:1,hulk_hogan_in_NWO_shirt_w….webm)

File: 678d0b6e6cac47b⋯.jpg (137.73 KB,1024x576,16:9,Hulk_Hogan_Billy_and_Chuck.jpg)


>"Trump pitching his buddy's hulk hogan's beer is somehow insane"

you're fucking insane nigger. And also a loser.

Passport much?

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71ae6a No.21552553


If the OT was tampered with why is the NT not hampered with the same problem. How do you allow for Jesus to be the Messiah if the OT has been tampered with. Is the OT god not the creator god?

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2e71c6 No.21552554


Trumps a nut case!

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483707 No.21552558

You deserve a better candidate. I’m embarrassed for you.

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849cb5 No.21552560

File: 00a514b33dea2b6⋯.png (183.19 KB,330x330,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Offspring's Noodles had UFO encounter

06 September 2024

Offspring's Noodles has claimed to have seen a UFO.

The 61-year-old guitarist - whose real name is Kevin John Wasserman - wasn't freaked out when he saw a mysterious light move around the sky before disappearing because he thought the encounter was "cool".

Noodles was interviewed by singer and paranormal expert Brocarde at the Metal Hammer Awards in Berlin, when she asked if he believed in ghosts.

The 'Pretty Fly (For A White Guy)' hitmaker told her he wants to but hasn't seen anything to convince him of their existence, but he did have a paranormal experience out in Russia.

He told Brocarde: "I saw a UFO once in St Petersburg, Russia that was pretty cool, I can’t explain it, it was just a light moving, in ways that light shouldn’t move.

It was a pinpoint of light, moving in a way that it shouldn’t move, not a straight line, and then it flared out and disappeared!”

The spooky singer - who recently connected with the ghost of Lemmy at Wacken Open Air festival - asked if the encounter had given Noodles a desire to go into space and land on Mars in the hope of seeing more alien life.

He said: “I like to go up into space, maybe not as far as Mars. I’d prefer to go to the bottom of the ocean in a submarine.”

The musician insisted he isn't scared of the idea of being lost in space or trapped underwater as his biggest fear is simply "being bored".


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c6d167 No.21552564


>>Constanly discussing "mimics"

>I just point it out

IDGAF I filter that shit tardfucker.

Shut up and filter what you want to filter and don't drag us into your shit. Faggot

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6e696c No.21552565

File: b9341f5cbcc9211⋯.jpeg (7.31 KB,224x224,1:1,NigelReckin.jpeg)

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15c2ec No.21552567

File: 44688ab7bfd3013⋯.jpg (44.79 KB,455x612,455:612,lynn_forester_lady_de_roth….jpg)

File: bd2dca37f5f7173⋯.jpg (70.62 KB,634x728,317:364,article_0_1443B0B8000005DC….jpg)

File: 439526fc1a85787⋯.jpg (68.99 KB,827x1280,827:1280,9465851354241212e2e830b3b1….jpg)



Linguistically, their calling card.

Coopted Cooper with the Coppers with the Lead. The LeadR… or some other bullshit you can derive from the scene and cast.

Last anyone's heard about Crooked, [redacted].

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b3e50a No.21552568

File: f47e399564e1b7c⋯.jpg (8.92 KB,480x699,160:233,55e8422f53f322c307443aa6e8….jpg)


There is a greater plan.

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34de03 No.21552569


NT has been tampered with

one verse that can not be tampered with

which explains the Good News as a whole


John 3:16

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258c48 No.21552572

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Chicago Resident Is FED UP With Democrats and Illegals Invading Their City

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52e182 No.21552575



120+ years of the J psyop is more than enough.

Either Trump is legit saving the world or he isn't and it won't matter anyway.

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258c48 No.21552576

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sylacauga, Alabama Council Meeting Abruptly Shut Down After Residents Demand Answers Over Illegals

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570d1f No.21552577


Embarrass them some more Trump so they will walk away. Shake them off!

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ca0114 No.21552578


You are correct. They have always been shit and they continue to be shit.

Even if you are not a religious person, it should still be apparent that anyone who calls themselves a Jew, is part of the Criminal Mafia Organization that relies on Coercion, Bribery, Blackmail, Sabotage, Extortion, Lies, Murder, Stealing, etc. to set up a situation that gives them Wealth, Power, and Control.

They have become the tippy top of the Criminal Pyramid.

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56561a No.21552579

File: 0b146b4303d2427⋯.png (2.72 MB,2560x2560,1:1,0b146b4303d242777925076aa0….png)

File: 6e4893654a6e428⋯.png (44.74 KB,473x294,473:294,qaggdropimage2552.png)

File: cf87b121b74ee45⋯.png (68.67 KB,473x539,43:49,qaggdropimage2555.png)

File: eaf9cfeaea7bc72⋯.png (29.39 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage2557.png)

File: bca55b7161285b5⋯.png (107.03 KB,473x679,473:679,qaggdropimage2577.png)





I snuggles for Christmas

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a71455 No.21552581


Vile, stupid and insane SATANISTS are to removed from all positions if power and lose every fuckin dime. All holdings, assets and land are gone, all evil and malevolent industries are gone, trillions will evaporate at 9:30 tomorrow morning. All satanists in the military, clandestines and LEOs will be extracted, face a quick trial and shit in the fuckin face for TREASON.

All SATANIST pedo networks of Darkmother DumbCunts and stupid piece of shit Mason Cucks are to be exposed and those sick motherfuckers face decades of violence and rape im prison.

Satan is dead

Baal id dead

Molech is dead

Lucifer is dead

Isis is deal.

All Demons are dead.

All secrets of the Satanist community are to be released,all identifying codes are broken, all satanic cabal members surveilled, all messages filed, all sage houses and bolt holes known.

Evil dies today under the light of truth.

Good and God win.

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f3a713 No.21552582

File: 64d7257b83df32a⋯.png (414.66 KB,603x605,603:605,prag.PNG)


Greg Price


Welker: "Do you think Kamala is abandoning her progressive ideals?"

Bernie: "No… I think she is trying to be pragmatic and do what she thinks is right in order to win the election."

Oops, you weren't supposed to say that part out loud!


Trump War Room

2:51 AM · Sep 8, 2024




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25b125 No.21552584


>Either Trump is legit saving the world

Cat's out the bag

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258c48 No.21552585

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Woman Begs Springfield Ohio City Council to Do Something About Illegals Squatting in Her Front Yard

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05b90a No.21552587


Islam is used to control the masses.

Christianity was spread by the sword to control you.

Now it is Islam.

Follow us or die. Just as your ancestors were forced to do with Christianity.

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71ae6a No.21552588


why can it not be tampered with? Does it have a magic spell on it. Not sure how it can be good news if the rest of it has been tampered with. Good news sounds like half truths that are sold to people who are gullible. The CNN of religion.

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34de03 No.21552591


are you born again


still searching

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118701 No.21552592

File: 740541564ca44fa⋯.png (6.14 KB,213x112,213:112,ftdrstrdytf.png)

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fdd30d No.21552594


>don't drag us into your shit.

You always speak for others, fuckface? How about you speak for yourself and take your own fucking advice about shutting up and filtering.

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34e576 No.21552595

Under your mom's bed as we know


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56561a No.21552597

File: 26d1c0d57544763⋯.jpg (33.12 KB,300x300,1:1,1721698596533973.jpg)

File: 6e95a43dcb146c2⋯.png (301.4 KB,515x500,103:100,6e95a43dcb146c210806430eff….png)

File: a3b2a2a3fd59a3e⋯.png (92.42 KB,360x360,1:1,a3b2a2a3fd59a3e186d72fa30b….png)

File: 3bc18d5ecdb69ca⋯.png (1.24 MB,780x758,390:379,3bc18d5ecdb69ca70af7e31185….png)

File: c07b65f961b6a8b⋯.jpg (20.16 KB,533x300,533:300,1552194733488.jpg)

>nice banner

>I'd recognize that patch anywhere :)

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2111e2 No.21552601


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34de03 No.21552603


one needs the Holy Spirit

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f3a713 No.21552604

File: 42bb5edefa3c2c4⋯.png (15.02 KB,596x160,149:40,full.PNG)


Leading Report


BREAKING: Trump has announced that he will deploy the US military to impose a full blockade on all Mexican cartel activity.

7:02 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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acefb4 No.21552606

File: 0ea8328e02fb817⋯.png (197.93 KB,961x912,961:912,ClipboardImage.png)

Everyone should read George Washington's Farewell Address, and Federalist #10, what Washington feared the most.

In particular, Washington feared that geographic identities would serve as the foundation for the development of political parties. Indeed, this process had already begun with the emergence of the New England Federalists and Southern Democratic-Republicans. While we currently view partisanship as inseparable from the American political process, in the early republic, most condemned parties as divisive, disruptive, and the tools of demagogues seeking power.5“Factionalism,” as contemporaries called it, encouraged the electorate to vote based on party loyalty rather than the common good.Washington feared that partisanship would lead to a “spirit of revenge” in which party men would not govern for the good of the people, but only to obtain and maintain their grip on power. As a result,he warned Americans to guard against would-be despots who would use parties as “potent engines…to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government.”6

The greatest danger to the Union, though, stemmed from the combination of factionalism and external invasion. Washington explained that partisanship “open[ed] the door to foreign influence and corruption” because it weakened voters’ abilities to make reasoned and disinterested choices. Rather than choosing the best men for office, the people would base decisions on “ill-founded jealousies and false alarms,” and so elect those in league with foreign conspirators. To avoid outside interference, Washington advocated a foreign policy based on neutrality and friendly commercial relations with all.7


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258c48 No.21552607

File: ee74d15f990646c⋯.png (942.67 KB,1200x800,3:2,Screenshot_2024_09_08_at_1….png)

File: ceecd48676327ab⋯.png (1.28 MB,1200x630,40:21,Screenshot_2024_09_08_at_1….png)

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71ae6a No.21552609


what if I told you I went through the process, got dunked like an oreo, and then through the process of my own study I found the entire thing to be a sham of stupid people guessing. Faith is nothing more than accepting what you are told for in the moment and if you dare question outside the narrative you no longer have an in group in the church. SO then you go on your own and learn more and realize hey other people have noticed the same problems and that many of the problems come from people who just want to be good.

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56561a No.21552611

File: dfcf70aec364e93⋯.png (32.07 KB,1180x1220,59:61,1721833578897356.png)


>Called out

I am here for awwooo

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34e576 No.21552612



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258c48 No.21552613

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: 2fbd5fb89814ae1⋯.png (12.39 KB,207x40,207:40,Screenshot_2024_09_08_at_1….png)

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52e182 No.21552615


So, he's shutting down the CIA?

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34e576 No.21552616


Who is this one

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a71455 No.21552618

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Stupid and sick globalist vermin, Satanic shit eating traitors, nowhere to run or hide only suicide.

Wanna see the look on their face when they ALL find out what You did?

It's coming

Blackhat/commie/pedo Military, Alphabets,and LEO;

Secluded area.

Out of the vehicle,

Service issue weapon.

In the mouth, UP!!

That's an ORDER!!!

Make your suicidal SACRIFICE FOR SATAN.

Do it now, that's an ORDER!!!


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849cb5 No.21552619

File: 9ac28466cae91a8⋯.png (1.05 MB,1903x921,1903:921,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8cf467babf4a45a⋯.png (837.78 KB,1024x512,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

The Curiosity Rover Photographed A UFO On Mars

September 8, 2024

Twelve seconds afterward, the object no longer remains in the images; therefore, it cannot be the Ingenuity helicopter since the latter was 3,700 kilometers away.

According to the NASA web page description, the right Navcam took the photo onboard the Curiosity rover on Sol 3613, which translates into mission day 3613, October 5, 2022.

In the picture, it is some dark object in the sky, placed on the slope of a hill rising out of the Gediz Valley near the edge of Mount Sharp.

The object, however, is missing in the second picture taken with the same camera.

If indeed present, the object in the sky shows distinct and diffuse features indicative of flight or movement.

Several theories have lately popped up on the internet without any formal explanation from the space agency.

Could this be an alien spaceship? Is it an insect or avian native to Mars?

Might it be dust moved by strong Martian winds? Or is it something technical like dead pixels or a camera malfunction?



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ca0114 No.21552620


A man dressing up as a woman has been a theme in Hollyweird comedy for a very long time.

Now we are supposed to take the crossdressers, transvestites, and transgenders seriously and cater to their mental illness.

To laugh at them now is considered insensitive. We are told that we have to acknowledge their choice of gender and pronouns.

I think we should keep laughing at them and pointing out how ridiculous they are.

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72b100 No.21552621


>All secrets of the Satanist community are to be released,all identifying codes are broken, all satanic cabal members surveilled, all messages filed, all sage houses and bolt holes known.


>Evil dies today under the light of truth.

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05b90a No.21552623

[They] Print and happily sell you the bible.

They want you to have the Bible.

Why do they want you to have the Bible?

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258c48 No.21552624

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: be588b535609034⋯.png (12.34 KB,126x61,126:61,Screenshot_2024_09_08_at_1….png)


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f3a713 No.21552625

File: ca6acfbbebb16f5⋯.png (236.34 KB,595x828,595:828,h.PNG)


Mike Lee


What would have happened if this assassination attempt had been directed at the Democrat in the race?

We’d hear of nothing else from the MSM

For months—or even years—on end

But because it happened to Trump

The MSM pretends it never happened


Donald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social




This happened

They want everyone to forget


4:43 AM · Sep 8, 2024




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a71455 No.21552627

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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f3a713 No.21552629

File: 825b14dcebc919b⋯.png (194.84 KB,771x828,257:276,rc.PNG)


Brian Glenn


American Red Cross volunteers status REVOKED due to having a conservative viewpoint.

This country is going to hell.




1:33 AM · Sep 8, 2024




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52e182 No.21552630

File: 796784a6c38ae5e⋯.jpeg (130.72 KB,2000x1110,200:111,americanufos.jpeg)

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8202d5 No.21552631

File: 61944ebb6a9dbf5⋯.mp4 (1.77 MB,720x406,360:203,NBC_News_Bernie_No_I_think….mp4)




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7f1711 No.21552633


this post @283


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34e576 No.21552635



You not dead yet?

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b3e50a No.21552636

File: 647e1f9548a6a06⋯.jpg (446.58 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Boomerang.jpg)

File: f84fe51f50fe926⋯.gif (1.49 MB,498x427,498:427,never_gonna_give_you_up_gi….gif)

Honeypot Justice.


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5ab2ba No.21552637

File: 60e556884182573⋯.jpg (14.99 KB,247x255,247:255,2f8568d74ddeeb191d4a07f746….jpg)


Praying you are right, Anon!

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34e576 No.21552638


Are we back to that whore

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56561a No.21552640

File: f4fd8fdb3a75b90⋯.jpg (49.1 KB,500x500,1:1,f4fd8fdb3a75b90ca7aa4d4d35….jpg)


Check it

This one looks familiar.

The one you posted does not.

The revision of your post is what I've recognized.

I still do not know why and cannot remember why..

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f3a713 No.21552643

File: c00d6d00559448b⋯.png (298.68 KB,438x549,146:183,cot.PNG)


Sen Cotton flips the script on CNN: "People should not knowingly take money from the government of Russia, Iran or China… to try to influence the election. But I also think it's fair to say a few memes or videos in the vast sea of political commentary is not going to make much of a difference in this election.

What DID make a difference in the last election is the lies about Hunter Biden's laptop… that did make a difference."

- Trump War Room (https://x.com/trumpwarroom/status/1832773180546535573?s=61&t=BdBkJAWYzheOiIIylkbO1g)

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258c48 No.21552645


hope so

then the fucking cia trained and paid shills on this board will be gone

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7e50d2 No.21552647



collecting notes

bread still ghosted

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74575f No.21552648

File: 8fc9b5e8fd804a0⋯.png (59.27 KB,837x648,31:24,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6627e028e9549c⋯.mp4 (280.97 KB,480x270,16:9,x_com_MELANIATRUMP_status_….mp4)



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f3a713 No.21552650

File: cf786e196887e89⋯.png (209.88 KB,816x864,17:18,ax.PNG)


Miranda Devine Profile picture

Miranda Devine


8h • 4 tweets • 2 min read •

Read on X

🧵 @axios keeps falsely claiming that it’s some wild conspiracy theory that illegal aliens have been allowed in by Democrats to vote Democrat in the presidential election.


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15c2ec No.21552654

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



2147483647 2038-01-19 03:14:07 UTC

© 2024 UnixEpoch.net About US Privacy

Moore's law

Moore's law is the observation that the number of transistors in an integrated circuit doubles about every two years. Wikipedia

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118701 No.21552655


First to awoo

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8202d5 No.21552656

File: 5d2e65ee740238a⋯.mp4 (3.92 MB,1280x720,16:9,Sen_Cotton_flips_the_scrip….mp4)



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34e576 No.21552658


your Alzheimer's gone far

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56561a No.21552659

File: 146b5a6a789dc4a⋯.png (48.49 KB,473x392,473:392,qaggdropimage283.png)

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f3a713 No.21552661

File: b239bb37bab3ab5⋯.png (432.55 KB,773x852,773:852,sell.PNG)


Landlord forced to sell Colorado apartment complex after it was taken over by Venezuelan migrant gang Tren de Aragua

By Jared Downing

Published Sep. 8, 2024, 10:50 a.m. ET

A Colorado landlord has agreed to sell a troubled apartment complex that was taken over by the violent Venezuelan migrant gang Tren de Aragua.

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5c7cd5 No.21552663

File: 7425db846d96728⋯.jpeg (775.53 KB,853x1393,853:1393,IMG_3317.jpeg)

Eyes on Tom Cotton!

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2111e2 No.21552664

File: f32eda801b385a2⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.5 MB,894x1590,149:265,ClipboardImage.png)


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258c48 No.21552665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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56561a No.21552666

File: b288167b566df8c⋯.png (101.7 KB,473x938,473:938,qaggdropimage667_2.png)

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5b773c No.21552667

File: 9aaf8d6bacdd0d9⋯.png (899.16 KB,1261x2067,97:159,Screenshot_2024_09_08_at_1….png)


>Grisel Marrero

CMDCS (SW/EXW/IW/AW) Grisel Marrero

Command Senior Enlisted Leader, USS Manchester (LCS 14) Gold Crew

08 September 2022

Command Senior Chief Grisel Marrero

Command Senior Chief Grisel Marrero

Senior Chief Petty Officer Grisel Marrero joined the Navy on August 20, 2002. After completing basic training at Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes she attended Information Systems Technician “A” school at NTC Great Lakes, Ill. She holds a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Information Security and Digital Management. Marrero is a graduate of U.S. Navy Senior Enlisted Academy (Class 225/Green).

Marrero first served at Submarine Group Eight, followed by U.S. Second Fleet as the afloat Flag communicator. She was Sailor of the Year at Combat Direction Systems Activity Dam Neck, completed two combat deployments with Mobile Communications Team attached to SEAL Team Two, and held multiple positions in the joint intelligence and operations departments at U.S. Southern Command.

After serving as the Navy element Senior Enlisted Leader at SOUTHCOM, Marrero was selected for the Command Senior Enlisted Program in February 2021.

Marrero is the Command Senior Chief for USS Manchester (LCS 14) Gold crew.

Her personal awards include the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (three awards), Army Commendation Medal, Joint Service Achievement Medal (four awards), Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (four awards), Army Achievement Medal, Navy Good Conduct Medal (six awards), Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, and various other unit and campaign awards.




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52e182 No.21552668


Sure, but then there's still the FBI, the DHS, the DOJ, the SS, the NSA, and, and, and…..

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ca0114 No.21552670


Sell it to whom?

Who would buy it?

The corrupt government?

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f3a713 No.21552671

File: d7db7df11a22dde⋯.png (29.96 KB,606x466,303:233,mt.PNG)





4:15 AM · Sep 8, 2024




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7f43fc No.21552672

Step 1: Jettison truth and discredit 8kun with smears of dishonesty to trick as many people into believing as possible.

Step 2: Figure out a way to project the dishonesty in Step 1 onto others to hide the deception motivating Step 1.

Step 3: Target BV and BO with Step 2 psyop to house the narrative of dishonesty from Step 1.

Step 4: Spam 8kun with copypasta 'Qanon' content with the intent that it be deleted by BV/BO.

Step 5: Post that BV/BO are "deleting Q proofs".

Step 6: Get laughed at by autists who can detect this cringe psyop every time it happens.

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ae3da0 No.21552673


It's not a DEI hire situation, it's a "promotion because you have a gina AND not white" rather than earned. Anon thought it takes congress to demote officially. She may well hold onto her rank AND if/when retires, will retire at her last highest. If she were to be demoted to E1, she would still retire as E8.

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52e182 No.21552676


So who bought it?

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34e576 No.21552679


Your condition has puzzled medicine

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ca0114 No.21552680


Zev Baumgarten (tree garden)?

I wonder if he is Jewih.

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5b773c No.21552682

File: e69b0fddb1c02e7⋯.png (47.94 KB,207x226,207:226,pepehmmm.png)

File: 9204717b9302819⋯.png (106.09 KB,1234x528,617:264,Screenshot_2024_09_08_at_1….png)


Grisel Marrero

University of Havana · Centro de Biomateriales (BIOMAT)

Master of Science (Student)


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72b100 No.21552683


Keep the faith, Anon.

Entrapping ancient evil takes time.

This operation has been playing out very slowly to make sure it is done right.

5 years ago, we could have caught some of them.

From this position, we can catch and terminate every sick cell.

Proceeding cautiously now to preserve both life and critical infrastructure, until the Hammer of Justice falls on [them] all.

A better day is coming.

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5c7cd5 No.21552684


Well that’s one way to lower Real Estate Prices, NOT COOL for Investors that worked their whole lives to make a living. Americans are suffering enough from Bidan-Harris…

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258c48 No.21552685

File: 8390c1629fe4d20⋯.png (715.95 KB,688x848,43:53,Screenshot_2024_08_09_at_2….png)

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f3a713 No.21552688

File: 56bd9dedeac5f71⋯.png (959.41 KB,1114x629,1114:629,pl.PNG)


Illegal immigrant to plead guilty to stealing US citizen's identity to vote in elections, DOJ

The DOJ reached a plea agreement with the illegal immigrant, who will plead guilty

By Terrance Kible

Published: September 8, 2024 9:26am

Updated: September 8, 2024 9:28am

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2ef47c No.21552689

File: e7caa571d23dce3⋯.mp4 (9.99 MB,574x304,287:152,ssstwitter_com_17258048869….mp4)

Insurrection Barbie


This is a must listen.Judge Joe Brown absolutely destroys Kamala Harris. Calls her a media crafted fraud.

Says she financed her 2004 run with money she got from positions Willie Brown appointed her too.

Goes through her actual record as DA which indicates that she is not tough on crime or the border.

Absolutely devastating take down.

Sept. 8, 2024


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458bcc No.21552690

File: de84512474dee98⋯.png (1.03 MB,912x576,19:12,ClipboardImage.png)

A new poll conducted by ABC News and IPSOS shows that Vice President Kamala Harris has a wide lead over former President Donald Trump

Kamala Harris is widening the gap between herself and the former president according to the latest polls.


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74575f No.21552692

File: 257391e96677802⋯.png (849.84 KB,831x731,831:731,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9fa2f7ddc07fff9⋯.jpg (77.92 KB,720x502,360:251,1.jpg)


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7f1711 No.21552693



decisions decisions

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72b100 No.21552694

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm just getting warmed up.




The real 'fun' starts soon.


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56561a No.21552695



Your service and dedication to our country does not go unnoticed.

We The People thank you

>you too Q

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34e576 No.21552697


Your doctor here don't worry

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efbb95 No.21552698

File: c471c591b3ce978⋯.mp4 (667.3 KB,480x270,16:9,Seinfeld.mp4)

Nice work, here!

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458bcc No.21552700



Panic or Gaslighting

NYT is in panic over what they are seeing, while CNN is gaslighting.

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8105ec No.21552701




Enjoy the read.


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5ab2ba No.21552703

File: e6aaf12da442230⋯.png (10.21 KB,255x204,5:4,373f8265174412bb440438d3c5….png)



He has a point.

Unless you are Anon, and familiar with Trump-speak, it does sound foreign/weird. Many do not realize that these items are hints to Anons.

Eventually, when Trump is voted in and all is revealed, Ole flippin Ron will see that Trump came to his ResQ and he (Ron) didn't know it and couldn't see it thru his fury.

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fe39df No.21552704

File: e3b5ba1286dfeb0⋯.png (102.3 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240908_122558.png)

File: 1c590ea241634e3⋯.png (48.19 KB,766x540,383:270,1115_1_.png)

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aad272 No.21552708

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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5c7cd5 No.21552710

File: 7ec7899a11ded65⋯.png (1.61 MB,1376x3494,688:1747,3896_2.png)


Tom Cotton says, Knowingly…

I believe many have been tricked, by someone they trust the most…

They thought you would follow the ⭐️⭐️⭐️ stars!

Occam's razor simply states that of any given set of explanations for an event occurring, the simplest one is most likely the correct one.


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fe39df No.21552711

File: fd401ea950f79ae⋯.png (582.9 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240908_122745.png)

File: 3593cfc117981e5⋯.jpeg (317.26 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GW9tJfBW0AAqylW.jpeg)

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29c734 No.21552712


What is the point of the Q plan if all we get at the end of it is just another REGULAR election win?

No. President Trump will win the biggest landslide in history. Only with that huge level of support can he make the changes that are necessary to turn this ship around.

My guess is that he will win EVERY SINGLE STATE!!

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fdd30d No.21552715

File: efe9bbfff81f52b⋯.png (317.72 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f3a713 No.21552716

File: e98a5b2359484d6⋯.png (435.82 KB,594x754,297:377,musk.PNG)


Elon Musk


The right to bear arms is there to protect free speech and stop a tyrannical government from taking your rights away!

That’s why the first thing that all tyrants do is disarm the people, just like Chavez did when he was first elected. After that, no more real elections in Venezuela.


Square profile picture

Trump War Room




NBC: Should Kamala try to pass mandatory gun confiscation, which she has repeatedly said she supports?

Top Harris surrogate Raphael Warnock: "We're not going to be able to get where we need to go without action."

NBC: Yes or no?

Warnock: Yes

Show more

4:39 AM · Sep 8, 2024




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8105ec No.21552717





In case you have not figured it out.

They have been trying to kill you for many decades.

Enjoy the 60 minutes piece when they actually did journalism.



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258c48 No.21552718


no difference betw cia and fbi, and other ses cabal/deep state operatives

thought you would have learned that from strzok and page

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7f43fc No.21552720

File: 899acc8da8d99a3⋯.png (487.94 KB,589x680,589:680,ClipboardImage.png)

Anon happy it isn't one of the extinctionist billionaires.


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b233c7 No.21552721

File: 5cfe01f31d031ca⋯.png (382.95 KB,670x822,335:411,tranime_micro_penis_and_fa….png)




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fe39df No.21552723

File: 83b38d2e8669b01⋯.png (914.35 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240908_122942.png)

File: bfc02913a6fb239⋯.png (60.95 KB,766x672,383:336,244_3_.png)

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56561a No.21552724

File: 9ba06e1452f7738⋯.png (21.61 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage348.png)

File: 52aebfd8653855e⋯.png (98.14 KB,473x812,473:812,qaggdropimage258.png)








Unblock my trip


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f3a713 No.21552726

File: 91f4e5b3aa12cdc⋯.png (323.07 KB,596x799,596:799,tx.PNG)


Greg Abbott


Construction on our historic Texas border wall continues in Maverick County.

Texas is fighting on the frontlines of the Biden-Harris border crisis.

4:43 AM · Sep 8, 2024




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fdd30d No.21552727


>President Trump will win the biggest landslide in history.

They already tried setting up the steal with a Russian collusion hoax but Putin nipped that in the bud the very next day. Do you honestly think there's going to be a peaceful transition of power?

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34e576 No.21552728


i guess so and James for delivering pizzaz

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458bcc No.21552729

File: 99648c16b147a92⋯.jpg (77.74 KB,354x461,354:461,ewww.jpg)


Spoiler that shit.

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fdd30d No.21552732


He's so faceless. Dickless too.

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62ecfc No.21552734

File: 4c149cc83703232⋯.png (58.61 KB,620x413,620:413,ClipboardImage.png)



The word gringo originally referred to any kind of foreigner.

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fe39df No.21552735

File: ef573be41663171⋯.png (540.59 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240908_123115.png)

File: 36d77b46f183217⋯.png (135.59 KB,766x1558,383:779,1139_2_.png)

File: 1351e0094239b14⋯.png (735.01 KB,766x3314,383:1657,128_4_.png)

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52e182 No.21552736

File: 3eacd949d4eb5be⋯.mp4 (778.35 KB,640x360,16:9,bbcadmitshivinvaccine.mp4)



And AIDS, can't forget about that. (vid rel)


Yes, they're all the same group just with a different name. Across the world.

Thanks for the reminder, Capt. Obvious.

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7f1711 No.21552737

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29c734 No.21552738


Even without the drinking and eating bit … Christianity is a human blood-sacrificial cult requiring the bloody sacrifice of a man to placate their made-up god.


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2ef47c No.21552740


Sure we are so dumb we'll believe that. CNN has gone back to it's roots, lying!

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0dd5ae No.21552744

File: 91886537a938c4b⋯.gif (1.51 MB,245x276,245:276,91886537a938c4b8749e7e6000….gif)

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b233c7 No.21552745



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b3e50a No.21552748


Sounds like you went through a 'processor' and missed the very simple revelation and gave up.

The rebellion is real.

Perhaps revisit and seek out those who are truly knowledgeable.

Study apologetics as well.

Grow up with the Father in a relationship instead of an instant gratification process.

Many miss the boat. If this is as important as our entire history seemingly proves, you may not want to miss the mark.

Spiritual warfare is real and we are the prize.

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56561a No.21552749

File: d8235c346ac71d4⋯.png (77.25 KB,473x707,473:707,qaggdropimage72.png)

File: 52aebfd8653855e⋯.png (98.14 KB,473x812,473:812,qaggdropimage258.png)



>I'll take ur word for it




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85b637 No.21552750

Live now https://246bajanvibesradio.com/

Dear Truth Seeker,

We are living in perilous times. A time between the living and the dead. A time like no other since since the dawn of civilization and recorded history that began some 5,000 years ago. We are being challenged on the cusp of a changing Age, which will set the course of human history for the next 2,160 years. Only since the 1st and 4th centuries AD has mankind been caught in the vice grip and struggle to choose between good and evil in a phenomenal way. Yet, light must prevail. Light must overcome darkness. The next Age is the dawning of the light. One that leads to a Golden Age! Out of the darkness comes the light.

We are faced with choices, yet we do not have sufficient information to evaluate our options unless we become fully aware and enlightened by staying abreast of the myriad of issues unfolding in our times at multiple layers and strata of evolutionary change.

Traps and deceptions are everywhere. Propaganda is extreme! If ever there was an existential time for action, that time is now!

A plan so subtle, a plan so treasonous, a plan so treacherous, a plan so wicked, a plan so evil that it is hard to conceive that it is real. Many good men and women are caught in its trap without the slightest sense of awareness of that which is coming into being. The babies and innocent are sacrificed. They are flung against the alter of shame, disgrace, dishonor and madness to die a slow, unrecognized and cruel death while the band plays on in the background.

Sunday, September 8th at 12:00 noon, Eastern Daylight Time, Dr. Rima Laibow shall take us on a journey to expose this plan for what it is. It's an evil plan for the annihilation of humanity that has been in the making since the 1930s that has taken on a new twist and turn that is effective and fully operational.

The death star is fully armed, weaponized, equipped and ready to go. All its pieces are in place starting with the secret meeting of The Good Club in 2008 at the Rockefeller University only blocks away from the United Nations. It is time for them to press the button to give the go signal. It is time for them to execute on their plan.

The right wing and the left wing belongs to the same bird. They take turns, but they are working together.

It is time for us to wake up and take our place in the unfolding human drama of conscience versus submission. He that has a soul, let him stand with the chorus of the light and living. He that has sold his soul through bargain, compromise, gain, fortune, reward and apathy, let him be arrested and pay the ultimate price of death, damnation, woe and sorrow.

The choice is yours.

Choose wisely!

Edward A. Shields




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72b100 No.21552751

I wrote the revenge script back in 1997.

Nothing can stop what is coming.

It is already written.

Actions have consequences.

There is no escape.

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2ef47c No.21552754


Can you just put the title up instead of making anons waste time?

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f3a713 No.21552755

File: e2ec59fb57ef570⋯.png (210.65 KB,786x567,262:189,mel.PNG)

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849cb5 No.21552756

File: 2b1a0fa719ebd8a⋯.png (690.41 KB,780x438,130:73,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c31234e6183e287⋯.png (347.13 KB,780x438,130:73,ClipboardImage.png)

Beetlejuice 2 Confirms A Wild Rumor About Aliens - And It Changes Everything

SEPT. 7, 2024 11:40 AM EST

Contains spoilers for "Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice"

The ghost with the most is back, and he's up to more supernatural shenanigans. "Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice" marks another bonkers trip into the afterlife, but this one gives a little more detail on characters and the haunts they inhabit. In addition to finally revealing how Beetlejuice died, there's also some extra info involving the sandworms and their world that Tim Burton introduced us to in 1988.

In the latter half of the sequel, Lydia Deetz (Winona Ryder) and her daughter, Astrid (Jenna Ortega), are thrown into the "Dune"-like domain, and in no time at all, Astrid is able to deduce that they're actually kind of back in the land of the living — it's just that this particular stretch of land happens to be located somewhere else in our solar system.

In the original film, Beetlejuice refers to what appears as a limbo-like area as "Saturn," never really confirming if it's just a name or, in fact, the planet. Well, in the second film, after scanning the sandy terrain that looks like it's made up of Delia Deetz's (Catherine O'Hara) art, Lydia spots a giant moon on the horizon. Without hesitation, she quickly identifies it as Titan, the biggest of the 146 moons that orbit Saturn.

While it might seem like another random note added to this wacky return to one of Burton's most beloved movies, it's a small detail that has been part of the history of "Beetlejuice" since his name was first uttered three times 36 years ago — and a nod to an early alteration to the film's original script.

Given just how kooky the world of "Beetlejuice" might be, you have to wonder if Michael McDowell and Warren Skaaren weren't throwing creative curveballs into the original film as they went along.

We do know that tweaks and changes were made to the script for Tim Burton's now iconic movie, and one of them involved finding the right home for the sandworms.

Initially, the land of limbo was, in fact, the moon known as Titan, and not the planet it circles, until rewrites were made.

It's a nice little nod, then, for Lydia to point out the spot that played a part in Beetlejuice's world, even if it was ultimately changed.

Of course, now that the sequel confirms the sandworm realm is, in fact, a very real planet, what does that mean when it comes to Saturn and lost spirits?

Is this Arrakis-looking atmosphere full of ghosts that never found a place to move on to, or is anyone that ends up there unable to settle long enough without getting eaten by the striped creatures?

Given the brief but important appearance of the snake-like beasties in the big "Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice" ending, perhaps these details will be addressed in a potential threequel. Here's hoping we get to see our heroes trying to walk without rhythm in an effort not to attract the worm in "Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice."


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8d7f37 No.21552758


Were u able to decode any of it anons? What were the comms anons?

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7e50d2 No.21552760



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7f43fc No.21552762

File: f2abd7a67ee5caf⋯.png (275.43 KB,680x538,340:269,ClipboardImage.png)

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fe39df No.21552764

File: 1c5ea5d5ccba76f⋯.png (609.62 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240908_123451.png)

File: 9d0ddaa94a9cd48⋯.jpeg (406.99 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GWz2au4WkAAY22o.jpeg)

File: b7e774b5e33e739⋯.jpeg (315.19 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GWz2au7XIAA3WJr.jpeg)

File: ac5ececf8f3ac61⋯.jpeg (331.84 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GWz2au7XsAAwTtK.jpeg)

File: 738d218ffe73654⋯.jpeg (267.13 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GWz2au2WwAAquOL.jpeg)

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258c48 No.21552765




don't ask such stupid fucking questions, fuckface

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f3a713 No.21552767

File: 1903ae8ccd2d125⋯.png (736.36 KB,780x580,39:29,cot.PNG)

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6e696c No.21552768

File: e64377c8a1a5c9f⋯.jpeg (6.78 KB,300x168,25:14,NigelYes.jpeg)

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3220d8 No.21552770

File: 0c52d965879d3c7⋯.jpg (545.81 KB,1824x1840,114:115,QRainFlame.jpg)


Thank You Baker o7

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8f6de6 No.21552771

I’m an an anon I see no damn comms in that at all.

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250f88 No.21552772

File: 62b3c4a8b182200⋯.jpg (256.49 KB,1024x1046,512:523,62b3c4a8b182200acd0cb69c10….jpg)


right, a completely fictional story by dumbasses with no basis for logic somehow dictates how God created the universe.

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2ef47c No.21552773


It's sad and embarrassing to the US and Navy. But if you refuse to take the jab, you are forced out.

Our military is an obvious failure WW

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888c2d No.21552774


Think of it as funding the few remaining rebel bases while the Storm troopers devour the universe.

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fe39df No.21552777

File: 7f7268fd653f50f⋯.png (468.34 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240908_123711.png)

File: 5601b6fe735b205⋯.jpeg (518.39 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GW90BBvWwAAZLhE.jpeg)

File: 24785fd3c674d90⋯.jpeg (750.05 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GW90BsuXYAAWrJE.jpeg)

File: ebf4d9abbcdda46⋯.jpeg (224.13 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GW90CdzWcAAr1FN.jpeg)

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29c734 No.21552779


Yes I do … because "you are watching a movie." Everything we are seeing is FAKE and designed specifically for the normies in order to get Trump re-elected with a landslide majority.

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25b79b No.21552781

This is election season he looks like a rambling fool quit hiding behind its comms. He is shaking people off not pulling voters in. Wake up!

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570601 No.21552782

File: bf308b221378d20⋯.png (980.24 KB,1080x720,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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2ef47c No.21552783


Humiliating, no wonder Americans are not signing up

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e3dbf7 No.21552786

File: e54c7598e6f81cf⋯.mp4 (15.52 MB,720x720,1:1,fauci_run.mp4)


Just wait until they leak your personal details.

those security measures sure are weak and loads of whistle-blowers and leakers around.

The purge is coming.


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f3a713 No.21552787

File: d54f6214b34721e⋯.png (331.03 KB,595x609,85:87,ez.PNG)


Ezra A. Cohen


The Adults are really back.

This is who has been running the country for the past four years. No wonder things are going so well.


Eric Schmitt



Sep 7

A campaign about nothing.

0:12 / 0:43

4:31 AM · Sep 8, 2024




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fe39df No.21552791

File: 92b71d3a96bb38a⋯.png (404.56 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240908_123858.png)

File: 6e8acf627492b92⋯.jpeg (45.68 KB,900x375,12:5,j_2xzYXd.jpeg)

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258c48 No.21552794


Q in his posts, more or less, spelled it all out that military is the only way

they will not hand the keys over to Trump even if he clearly wins the election

whereas they arrested and imprisoned the j6 people, they will declare that those protesting the Trump election are rightfully standing up for democracy

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fdd30d No.21552797

File: 536ee12120da50c⋯.png (126.47 KB,527x473,527:473,ClipboardImage.png)

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52e182 No.21552800


Learn the definition of sarcasm and rhetorical, cock muncher.

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71ae6a No.21552802


and that right there is why I have no respect for christian gaslighting bullshit. It is always my problem and not the institution and the stories around it. I didnt understand it, I need to go to camp and get re educated. So many assumptions. Instant gratification kek. Spiritual warfare is real, which is exactly why I believe the things I do. The entire narrative has been hijacked and people are just guessing at what is true.

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7f43fc No.21552804

File: ee16ad5da7bdfcd⋯.png (330.19 KB,852x856,213:214,ClipboardImage.png)


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fe39df No.21552807

File: 889398bc57f4488⋯.png (474.04 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240908_124007.png)

File: 9906e7d6ad89f67⋯.png (111.14 KB,766x980,383:490,1125_1_.png)

File: 808c43d16946f95⋯.png (63.45 KB,766x716,383:358,231_5_.png)

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b2fa12 No.21552808

File: 9c38a420eba2916⋯.png (26.59 KB,700x485,140:97,aAyDXdp_700bwp.png)

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34de03 No.21552810


you couldnt answer a simple yes or no question

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7f43fc No.21552811

File: e8d726a7bc5fcae⋯.png (275.61 KB,680x651,680:651,ClipboardImage.png)

"nEw wAy FoRwArd"

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118701 No.21552812

File: 857db57cb0631dc⋯.png (2.01 MB,1705x729,1705:729,ClipboardImage.png)

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15c2ec No.21552813

File: 1ad4d40a98ae960⋯.jpg (41.22 KB,380x660,19:33,1084077_busty_brunette_880….jpg)

File: 16ddc432234cd19⋯.jpg (27.74 KB,400x300,4:3,th_1884949202.jpg)

Mean tweets and gag orders are not mutually exclusive

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493406 No.21552814


>Initially, the land of limbo was, in fact, the moon known as Titan, and not the planet it circles, until rewrites were made.

Titan the gas station. Hydrocarbon lakes.


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56561a No.21552815

File: ca42018f0c45991⋯.png (154.54 KB,473x632,473:632,qaggdropimage2775_1.png)

File: 668a0a6ea59b1ea⋯.png (216.56 KB,473x1179,473:1179,qaggdropimage2755_1.png)

File: bca55b7161285b5⋯.png (107.03 KB,473x679,473:679,qaggdropimage2577_2.png)

File: bca55b7161285b5⋯.png (107.03 KB,473x679,473:679,qaggdropimage2577_1.png)

File: 2344dceff362403⋯.png (224.03 KB,473x1337,473:1337,qaggdropimage2777.png)

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f3a713 No.21552816

File: bba59c058d324be⋯.png (330.26 KB,606x444,101:74,j.PNG)



Donald J. Trump






Sep 08, 2024, 4:20 AM

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5c7cd5 No.21552818

File: b9c3d377d6026c2⋯.jpeg (254.17 KB,1249x526,1249:526,IMG_3318.jpeg)

File: fc0f13802962048⋯.png (98.16 KB,1376x674,688:337,11_2.png)

File: 67ece1b9bed8655⋯.png (634.55 KB,898x3112,449:1556,51.png)

File: e7547ad1c584659⋯.png (53.45 KB,1376x410,688:205,12.png)

File: 40f23e40999bf83⋯.png (120.37 KB,1376x674,688:337,10.png)


51, 10, 11, 12

“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.” (Psalm 51:10-12)


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b3e50a No.21552819


and STILL haven't learned what the tards are trying to show you.


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29023c No.21552821


God Bless the true, beautiful and brave, real First Lady


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493406 No.21552822


Titan hosts within its polar lakes hundreds of times more natural gas and other liquid hydrocarbons than all the known oil and natural gas reserves on Earth.

The desert sand dunes along the equator, while devoid of open liquid, nonetheless hold more organics than all of Earth's coal reserves.

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258c48 No.21552823


your attempts to deflect and disorient are very transparent

you need to go back to your psyop training that was provided by your 3 letter agency handler, but i think they should just let you go because you have shown your lack of value to them

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72f9b6 No.21552824


You think there's a rover on mars kek

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71ae6a No.21552825


it was not a yes or no question you illiterate cunt.

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f3a713 No.21552827

File: 253fae1dccde7f8⋯.png (541.35 KB,1116x669,372:223,rive.PNG)


American News Sep 8, 2024

Over 400 Tren de Aragua Venezuelan gang members active in New York City: OMG report

Tren de Aragua has "established a presence in Brooklyn, Bronx, and Williamsburg, NY," with approximately 400 members residing in these areas.

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458bcc No.21552829

File: f212b7a00c7d41a⋯.png (69.49 KB,225x225,1:1,pepe_fwtf.png)


Trump will have an absolutely YUGE turnout on election day. You will see Trump supporters lined up for blocks in places.

No matter what though, Kamala will win with just slightly more than Trump, even if Trump wins 55% of the total number of registered voters, Kamala will win 57%. Anyone who points out that 55% + 57% are greater than 100% will be labeled "sore loser conspiracy theorists who are dangerous to democracy" by the left and the MSM. Some will even demand that they get rounded up and prosecuted.

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52e182 No.21552831


>Hydrocarbon lakes

Lakes of fossil fuels?

Dinosaur heaven posing as a moon?

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56561a No.21552833




I second this and I too want to say God bless the FLOTUS

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34de03 No.21552834


are you born again

yes or no

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493406 No.21552836

File: ec09544ebbdf91f⋯.png (2.03 MB,1259x839,1259:839,ClipboardImage.png)


>Tren de Aragua

growing like weeds

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29c734 No.21552837


September 8 is traditionally the Virgin Mary's Birthday so nothing "weird" about that one at least.

Before Christianity took hold, WOMEN had the power through the Greek and Roman Oracles. Christianity usurped that power for themselves turning the western world into a patriarchy.

Perhaps President Trump was telling the Pope that his time is almost up. The "women," that is, the Patriots, are taking back power?

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7e50d2 No.21552838

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72f9b6 No.21552839


Wait until the power grid goes down in a major city. All hell will break loose. People will flee their own homes and become the real refugees.

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52e182 No.21552840


Seems you already know the definition of projection.

See you next bread, moron.

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05b90a No.21552842


All voting on the Soros election machines.

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fe39df No.21552843

File: 9d0ddaa94a9cd48⋯.jpeg (406.99 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GWz2au4WkAAY22o.jpeg)

File: 2d383bb604c6011⋯.png (948.87 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240908_124412.png)


17 people in the image


missing something else likely

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7f43fc No.21552844

File: 007fb7f286c0dff⋯.png (808.39 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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71ae6a No.21552845

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ca0114 No.21552847

File: c2b54e1ed6c11b8⋯.png (279.91 KB,385x454,385:454,ClipboardImage.png)


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493406 No.21552848

File: 5dc23a04eccec7a⋯.png (2.39 MB,1074x1024,537:512,ClipboardImage.png)


The exact blend of hydrocarbons in the lakes is unknown. According to a computer model, 3/4 of an average polar lake is ethane, with 10 percent methane, 7 percent propane and smaller amounts of hydrogen cyanide, butane, nitrogen and argon. Benzene is expected to fall like snow and quickly dissolve into the lakes, although the lakes may become saturated just as the Dead Sea on Earth is packed with salt. The excess benzene would then build up in a mud-like sludge on the shores and on the lake floors before eventually being eroded by ethane rain, forming a complex cave-riddled landscape.

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2e9adb No.21552850


notableit started shortly after he was President

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52e182 No.21552851


Great, so then we'll just stop trucking food and other necessities into those cities and the problem will work itself out naturally.

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fdd30d No.21552853


Yep. They're not going to give up their power easily when there's talk efficiency evaluations from the person they've tried to bankrupt, imprison, and assassination attempts on both his character and his life. They have everything to lose and they're not going to give it up willingly.

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05b90a No.21552856

MR President

We do not want the technology the cabal has been keeping from us.

We want drill baby drill.

We love the stone age we are living in.

Do not release the suppressed tech or the ET tech we traded humans for.

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52e182 No.21552857

File: d6fcd82f99aa158⋯.png (39.85 KB,474x285,158:95,ClipboardImage.png)


<pic rel

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3d4016 No.21552858

File: 8681c05a4fa01fb⋯.png (279.19 KB,558x296,279:148,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a5382cdf60f24ce⋯.png (735.94 KB,419x716,419:716,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 545b60141ecd9bd⋯.png (123.98 KB,660x310,66:31,ClipboardImage.png)


>The right wing and the left wing belongs to the same bird.

>The next Age is the dawning of the light. One that leads to a Golden Age!

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ca0114 No.21552859


Cheating is still cheating even if the cheat fails.

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62ecfc No.21552860

File: 01198e30a1ddf62⋯.png (88.08 KB,500x631,500:631,ClipboardImage.png)

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29c734 No.21552862


What they really meant is that Harris is widening the "ever growing gap" between her and President Trump - but not in a good way..

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72f9b6 No.21552863


It's a scary scenario that's looking more likely by the week. The uber eats gen will be the first to go or they'll starve. They will bus in the illegals to take over the empty properties. Hell

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f3a713 No.21552864

File: 6993302a6f37b2e⋯.png (1.15 MB,837x834,279:278,prep.PNG)

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d5dab3 No.21552865

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watching the Rabbi Schmuley debate with Candace Owens you can see the Jew tactics he uses to debate without answering any questions just Logical Fallacy after fallacy. In this video you can see the great Dr. Zelenko use the same tactics This is not an attack on them , it is educational and just points out that even someone who "saved us from covid" resorts to the same exact tactics like they are NPC's who follow a protocol. Not allowing the other person to speak, playing the victim " I thought this was a debate, but you only want to hear yourself" when he cuts the person off over and over. The Meat of it is when he rolls his eyes into his head to summon Satan and tap into the Hive Mind, very interesting and Educational.



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258c48 No.21552866


won't be here for the next bred, have shit to do

please reconsider your very misguided career choice

God Bless You

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bd72b8 No.21552867

File: b3221c01aa6029a⋯.png (284.95 KB,460x558,230:279,ClipboardImage.png)

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fe39df No.21552868

File: 5394a78f8425cbb⋯.png (78.22 KB,766x628,383:314,37_4_.png)

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71ae6a No.21552870


imagine if the internet made fun of her for her gap and how gappy she was. imagine the horror on the medias faces as they have to report how the huge gap.

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56561a No.21552871

File: 767ec01320ccfb2⋯.png (46.8 KB,473x392,473:392,qaggdropimage746.png)

File: c728f6664a4249d⋯.png (20.06 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage447.png)


1if by land.

2 if by sea.

Do you see what I see?

Nice Ship 🚢

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493406 No.21552872

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the dinosaurs are still there

that's where they came from

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d5dab3 No.21552873


Andrew Tates clone arrested someone?

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52e182 No.21552874


>They will bus in the illegals to take over the empty properties.

Like I said; We'll just stop trucking food (and everything else) into those places.

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bd72b8 No.21552875

File: 035e77eea3ecd4d⋯.png (126.92 KB,690x330,23:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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34de03 No.21552876


>and that right there is why I have no respect for christian gaslighting bullshit. It is always my problem and not the institution and the stories around it. I didnt understand it, I need to go to camp and get re educated. So many assumptions. Instant gratification kek. Spiritual warfare is real, which is exactly why I believe the things I do. The entire narrative has been hijacked and people are just guessing at what is true.

>21552591 (You)

>what if I told you I went through the process, got dunked like an oreo, and then through the process of my own study I found the entire thing to be a sham of stupid people guessing. Faith is nothing more than accepting what you are told for in the moment and if you dare question outside the narrative you no longer have an in group in the church. SO then you go on your own and learn more and realize hey other people have noticed the same problems and that many of the problems come from people who just want to be good.

are you born again

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34de03 No.21552878

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15c2ec No.21552879

File: ccfed2b7ed428ef⋯.jpeg (60.91 KB,405x520,81:104,goguryeo_38f77eae_e701_4e….jpeg)

File: 6cb97b3348145d6⋯.jpg (50.16 KB,551x673,551:673,Dz9AAE6XgAAv3fe_2930267520.jpg)

File: 082cf7a8d57090b⋯.jpeg (1.38 MB,4961x3508,4961:3508,1_jR6q4W9SfemMFbmDPnS89w_….jpeg)

File: 7240f3a2578a00c⋯.jpg (80.89 KB,900x750,6:5,corey_lewandowski_50999_5_….jpg)

Kor e A

Corey B


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d5dab3 No.21552880

File: c471c591b3ce978⋯.mp4 (667.3 KB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17257496476….mp4)

>>21552787The lipstick gets all over the ballsack and starts making rings like a rainbow.


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b3e50a No.21552881


You sound angry for someone who seems to have such a good bead on things.

Call it gaslighting and lash out all you want.

Until you find what you are searching for that anger will consume you.

You know what is missing deep inside and huffing and puffing at whoever will listen will not change that.

Forget the institutions and fallible individuals for now.

Humble yourself and seek Him with sincerity and you will find Him.

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15c2ec No.21552882

Compare a Corey?

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fe39df No.21552883

File: 6b31a7da0657ca8⋯.png (1.08 MB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240908_125421.png)

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72f9b6 No.21552884


2 different Trumps.

Golf Trump & President Trump

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f3a713 No.21552886

File: 1aa424628d7a1c5⋯.png (297.94 KB,601x508,601:508,sas.PNG)


Square profile picture

Trump War Room


Junior Harris spokesperson Michael Tyler admits "the American people are looking for a new way forward" after 3.5 years of Kamala's disastrous leadership

5:47 AM · Sep 8, 2024




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fdd30d No.21552887

File: 48b3f1581721a3c⋯.png (1.21 MB,1024x759,1024:759,ClipboardImage.png)


>Compare a Corey?

Compare them to what?

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52e182 No.21552888


>Cadillacs and DInosaurs

So, the dinos came back because we were raiding their ancestral burial grounds to fuel our pimp-mobiles?

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258c48 No.21552889


yep, hope nigel gets in uk pm's seat, with Trump as US President

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258c48 No.21552890

File: c82f1302ae9ad9b⋯.png (968.74 KB,732x895,732:895,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

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2e9adb No.21552891


It was amazing to me how many times God gave the Jews to straighten up and become his people. They backslid to Idols lots of time. That's when God came through the Gospels. Entirely different direction

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7f43fc No.21552893

File: 193aaf560bfa7e1⋯.png (283.55 KB,576x583,576:583,ClipboardImage.png)

"Fortune" magazine cult asset to push extinctionist ideology on the people.

Of course, they're neve consistent because it's not possible for a consciousness to consistently negate its consciousness.

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cfdf1f No.21552894

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f3a713 No.21552896

File: ac2f5abd770438d⋯.png (317.34 KB,588x633,196:211,show.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


When The Kamala Harris Admin Shows You Who They Are, Believe Them

Senior Pentagon Defense Department official Stephen Hovanic was arrested in connection to human trafficking

He was the Pentagon Official overseeing federal schools

He was released during the Harris Admin

12:14 PM · Sep 7, 2024




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d5dab3 No.21552897

File: 9ab76e330b60dea⋯.mp4 (1.6 MB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17257886089….mp4)

File: 235a91b704929f6⋯.png (222.54 KB,582x646,291:323,Screenshot_2024_09_08_1257….png)





The violent fake asylum seeker in Switzerland found out. Education is important.


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fdd30d No.21552898

File: 271bc3ad3410f3f⋯.png (158.37 KB,1262x301,1262:301,ALL_THE_DEAD_CLOWNS.png)


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fe39df No.21552899


correction 18 in the image

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2ef47c No.21552900


Does this guy even understand there is a plan? It's almost like when he points at Trump, people are more interested in what he says

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52e182 No.21552901


He could have saved himself the cover charge by just striking up a conversation with Nancy.

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689607 No.21552903

I will find the DS.

The DS will not exit my introduction.

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71ae6a No.21552906


angry because of people like you. You are a sack of shit. Just more gaslighting. Humble yourself before HIM the might HIM HE who shall not be named because reasons and the name we do name it happens to be a baby killing war god. Strange, everyone says they want peace but none follow peace makers. Not one of these groups. If I were to just follow my intuition that is what everyone else that dares be different tries to fucking do. NO one knows fuck all and if they do they ain't talking and the rest just pretend and then act like they fucking know fuck all because they read a magic book. You are just saying find a subjective feeling based on a interior monologue, to know they self and be true. Fuck off.

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493406 No.21552907




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29023c No.21552909

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7f43fc No.21552910

File: c1d9eed2a2bb620⋯.png (419.47 KB,636x573,212:191,ClipboardImage.png)

Sometimes they don't think it be like it is.

But it do.

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7f1711 No.21552911

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ca0114 No.21552913



On a side note, it has occurred to me that the American Disabilities Act has been highjacked into a big money making scheme as well.

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56561a No.21552914

File: bd5aed846faef9b⋯.png (52.77 KB,473x413,473:413,qaggdropimage493.png)

File: 4d40ed52feef3c9⋯.png (15.2 KB,473x147,473:147,qaggdropimage406.png)





Counting the one taking the photograph?

>The one behind the camera is often forgotten.

I think the photographers work is marvelous.

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493406 No.21552915

File: fc53fbbdc7d43be⋯.png (926.51 KB,526x820,263:410,father.png)

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258c48 No.21552916


ikr, like the retarded posters who post pics of Trump and epstein, Trump and ghislaine, Trump and diddy, etc, don't realize they are shining a huge spotlight on the child trafficking, sexual abuse and ritual murder by their cabal/deep state cohorts

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b128bf No.21552918


No, there won't be a peaceful transition. At this point I think it's their plan to try and prevent certification, deploy the illegals dressed in MAGA gear and say DJT caused an insurrection and cannot be President.

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fdd30d No.21552920

File: bba50c801f51938⋯.webp (143.83 KB,853x1280,853:1280,us4bzxklnfmc1.webp)


They're sticking with what they know and they're using their old methods right now. I suspect their evil could never stay in one place very long 100s of years ago. So they would blend in with the traveling groups, merchants, actors, and whatnot thus giving those groups the stigma of being kicked out of countries or thought of less than prostitutes. It's never who they say it is, it's them gloating by rubbing it in your face with a shield of obfuscation they're simultaneously using to blame for all their problems, hide behind for cover, and pretend to be to fool others and solidify that cover. That's why working theory I've been digging on and theorizing about.

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493406 No.21552921

File: 686ccd7150a00df⋯.jpg (38.44 KB,960x539,960:539,Whidbey_Missle.jpg)

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ec40a5 No.21552922

File: 83169e449f1dbe8⋯.png (336.81 KB,1143x621,127:69,Pepe_PC_screen_nonewdrops.png)

Current Mood:

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fe39df No.21552923

File: 21f49678b429339⋯.png (45.11 KB,766x540,383:270,420_2_.png)

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56561a No.21552924

File: a7ffb193423f0a5⋯.png (2.65 KB,310x163,310:163,a7ffb193423f0a5573ceeefe7c….png)

File: 3b19c5c7239c06c⋯.png (50.8 KB,473x405,473:405,qaggdropimage644.png)

File: 98465ccabf830ef⋯.png (23.47 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage304_2.png)

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52e182 No.21552925

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.





FIFY, because Jim and son will not.

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34de03 No.21552926


been saying this


4'11 dark skinned Guatemalans

wearing MAGA gear

pissed of cuz Boss lost

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892210 No.21552927


Biden Resigns, The Commie Kamala tries to stop election day by having the illegals riot in every city.

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aad272 No.21552928

File: 5c9cefc272ceabc⋯.jpg (61.18 KB,640x640,1:1,1670856237044200.jpg)

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fdd30d No.21552929

my working theory.

Spelling is off today again. Missing words. Words missing suffixes. Must need some coffee or something as I only had about 2 hours sleep last night before something woke me up.

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bd72b8 No.21552931

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Today is #GrandparentsDay, do you have a grandparent who served in the military? Are you a grandparent in the military?

This Soldier in the U.S. Army Band is not only a grandfather, but his grandfather and great-grandfather also served in the military. Here's his story.

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702a60 No.21552932

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>>>butt watch uk wankur nigggay git his tools all up in taht tranny fo sho

>>>>>>>>>>he was jackin it so hard AF

>>>>>>>>>>an masked

>>>>>>>>>>in frontyard

>>>>>>>>>twas lik a nigggay kkkknuw whur all tahm nuts were fo sho

>>>>>>>>taht tranny BOFO got film yo

>>>>>>>taht nigggay wuz on his back juuuuus gibbin it to taht tranny nuts

>>>>>>erhmahgurd, taht tranny might bukake alles uber niggggay heimat grosse weider bunch of tranny fluids gender

>>>>>his bigly spannur wreckin taht tranny all GAHY AF

>>>>he wuz spreadin taht tranny gasket all greece donkey earth flat

>>>nigggay kkknuw taht forunur cuz greek furniture didnt sell

>>magin how taht tranny feels when big;y nigggay spannurs wreckin gasket

>jackstands an safety mats for a front yard tranny luuub cuf BOFO gits film

zomg, tahy wuz married an cukin tranny frontyard

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ca0114 No.21552933


We are all puppets of the Deep State.

Puppets and Slaves.

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7e50d2 No.21552934

COLLECTOR Notables @470, BREAD still GHOSTED

#26403 >>21552115

>>21552140 John Yoo. Merchan is going to have to throw out this verdict because of the Supreme Courts Immunity ruling

>>21552151, >>21552701, >>21552717 Moderna confirms mRNA COVID Vaccines cause Cancer–

>>21552176, >>21552281 Line Fire doubles in size overnight in San Bernardino County, with evacuations expanding

>>21552158 Satan herself: Alice Bailey's 10-Point Charter

>>21552233 Donald Trump pulls ahead of Kamala Harris in major poll — a sign her campaign is fizzling

>>21552234 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>21552273 @VivekGRamaswamy If Trump trounces Kamala at the debate, get ready for some very strange things to happen before November

>>21552289 'Take the Chair, Make an Impact' This Star Trek Day

>>21552322, >>21552328 A decade of untruth: Adding up the media’s lies about Trump and Biden

>>21552361, >>21552363 Pope arrives in the remote jungles of Papua New Guinea with a ton of humanitarian aid and toys

>>21552434, >>21552450 New York Times’ AG Sulzberger gives us another reason to search elsewhere for fairness


>>21552487 SpaceX will start launching Starships to Mars in 2026, Elon Musk says

>>21552499 Unauthorized satellite dish on warship lands Navy chief Grisel Marrero in hot water with demotion

>>21552220, >>21552258 TODAY’S Q Delta’s: Hold the line God Wins with his peoples help

>>21552582 Bernie on Kamala: I think she is trying to be pragmatic and do what she thinks is right in order to win the election."

>>21552585 Woman Begs Springfield Ohio City Council to Do Something About Illegals Squatting in Her Front Yard

>>21552604 Trump has announced that he will deploy the US military to impose a full blockade on all Mexican cartel activity.

>>21552625 @BasedMikeLee - What would have happened if this assassination attempt had been directed at the Democrat in the race?

>>21552629 American Red Cross volunteers status REVOKED due to having a conservative viewpoint.

>>21552787 @EzraACohen - The Adults are really back.

>>21552827 Over 400 Tren de Aragua Venezuelan gang members active in New York City: OMG report

>>21552606 George Washington on factionalism

>>21552886 @TrumpWarRoom: Junior Harris spokesperson Michael Tyler admits "the American people are looking for a new way forward" after 3.5 years of Kamala's disastrous leadership

>>21552896 When The Kamala Harris Admin Shows You Who They Are, Believe Them

>>21552897 The violent fake asylum seeker in Switzerland found out

>>21552864 Notable memes – nom em anons


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fe39df No.21552935

File: d7eb0ff665c9922⋯.png (629.15 KB,689x933,689:933,d7eb0ff665c9922da10600559a….png)

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b3e50a No.21552936


Your understanding sounds way more attractive. Where do I sign up?

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7f43fc No.21552937

Yay!! Anons called it, and got their wish. Mitt Romney will not be endorsing Trump! WHOOHOO!!!!!!


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702a60 No.21552938

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>>>>butt watch uk wankur nigggay git his tools all up in taht tranny fo sho

>>>>>>>>>>>he was jackin it so hard AF

>>>>>>>>>>>an masked

>>>>>>>>>>>in frontyard

>>>>>>>>>>twas lik a nigggay kkkknuw whur all tahm nuts were fo sho

>>>>>>>>>taht tranny BOFO got film yo

>>>>>>>>taht nigggay wuz on his back juuuuus gibbin it to taht tranny nuts

>>>>>>>erhmahgurd, taht tranny might bukake alles uber niggggay heimat grosse weider bunch of tranny fluids gender

>>>>>>his bigly spannur wreckin taht tranny all GAHY AF

>>>>>he wuz spreadin taht tranny gasket all greece donkey earth flat

>>>>nigggay kkknuw taht forunur cuz greek furniture didnt sell

>>>magin how taht tranny feels when big;y nigggay spannurs wreckin gasket

>>jackstands an safety mats for a front yard tranny luuub cuf BOFO gits film

>zomg, tahy wuz married an cukin tranny frontyard

an tahn nigggay go an servic sum bavarian pufta tranny , lik we all don;t kkkknow

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493406 No.21552939

File: d6a4d0b4124d555⋯.png (351.4 KB,400x526,200:263,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f1711 No.21552940


ty collectah

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0d901e No.21552941

Football is Back

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d5dab3 No.21552942

File: 35a4113dd49622a⋯.png (197.99 KB,593x901,593:901,Screenshot_2024_09_08_1306….png)

File: 6229fd20c555092⋯.mp4 (3.92 MB,320x692,80:173,ssstwitter_com_17257754098….mp4)

LOVE IT !!! I don't think people in America would do this type of thing. Also this is England, what if it is Muslim invaders doing this? KEK


Wall Street Silver


The Blade Runners in London continue to disable the ULEZ cameras as fast as the city govt puts them up.

This is a battle for the rights of people to travel freely and not be limited due to inability to afford a new car with the latest technology.

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b6e2c5 No.21552943

File: b9db804153e5093⋯.png (615.07 KB,1444x618,722:309,ClipboardImage.png)

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0d901e No.21552944

File: aec9554475d262a⋯.jpeg (145.98 KB,640x480,4:3,17668F0B_FDFB_41FB_8E92_5….jpeg)

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f3a713 No.21552945

File: 4a5f797de870300⋯.png (1.55 MB,859x833,859:833,if.PNG)

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689607 No.21552946

Everyone that just wanted to be left alone just got involved.

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fe39df No.21552947

File: 2f4e373e6597cb6⋯.png (67.62 KB,766x896,383:448,103_4_.png)

File: 6c46d0b891a7d8c⋯.png (307.3 KB,766x1190,383:595,1303_1_.png)

File: e065ed56737fea1⋯.png (89.88 KB,766x804,383:402,53.png)

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702a60 No.21552948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>butt watch uk wankur nigggay git his tools all up in taht tranny fo sho

>>>>>>>>>>>>he was jackin it so hard AF

>>>>>>>>>>>>an masked

>>>>>>>>>>>>in frontyard

>>>>>>>>>>>twas lik a nigggay kkkknuw whur all tahm nuts were fo sho

>>>>>>>>>>taht tranny BOFO got film yo

>>>>>>>>>taht nigggay wuz on his back juuuuus gibbin it to taht tranny nuts

>>>>>>>>erhmahgurd, taht tranny might bukake alles uber niggggay heimat grosse weider bunch of tranny fluids gender

>>>>>>>his bigly spannur wreckin taht tranny all GAHY AF

>>>>>>he wuz spreadin taht tranny gasket all greece donkey earth flat

>>>>>nigggay kkknuw taht forunur cuz greek furniture didnt sell

>>>>magin how taht tranny feels when big;y nigggay spannurs wreckin gasket

>>>jackstands an safety mats for a front yard tranny luuub cuf BOFO gits film

>>zomg, tahy wuz married an cukin tranny frontyard

>an tahn nigggay go an servic sum bavarian pufta tranny , lik we all don;t kkkknow

nigggay uk wankur kkkknows toooo much bout trannys cuz it juuuuus keeps on going

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56561a No.21552949

File: 2ef418a9659c318⋯.png (427.24 KB,473x1639,43:149,qaggdropimage4788.png)

File: 8b47bf7105a88a9⋯.png (181.31 KB,473x966,473:966,qaggdropimage3906.png)

File: 9ee7c382290fe3b⋯.png (373.47 KB,473x2072,473:2072,qaggdropimage1945_1.png)

File: ecd70ab679174bf⋯.png (153.29 KB,473x807,473:807,qaggdropimage1756.png)

File: a724eb3e82c6577⋯.png (295.37 KB,473x1216,473:1216,qaggdropimage1469.png)



The questions beckon the answers.

>No new Q until later.

And we know

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ca0114 No.21552950



Stupid White people bend over backwards to try to prove that they aren't racist.

Virtue signaling.

And the more they bend over, the more they are accused of being racist.

It is a lose/lose situation for White People, designed by the Jews (who are also White, btw) to create division, and eliminate all non-Jewish White people from existence.

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52e182 No.21552951




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56561a No.21552952

File: 7022f7a4cb254bb⋯.png (50.38 KB,473x357,473:357,qaggdropimage538_1.png)

File: 51cc7ee9c642d14⋯.png (24.31 KB,473x210,473:210,qaggdropimage831_1.png)

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15c2ec No.21552953

File: 5702f9e76399f2f⋯.jpg (76.6 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_798869215.jpg)

File: ade77311bc0330b⋯.jpg (15.11 KB,474x316,3:2,th_3109259374.jpg)

File: d929e6cc37b3702⋯.jpg (338.26 KB,1250x770,125:77,2131931009_3522012358.jpg)

File: e3bd69c2013a1ed⋯.jpg (634.5 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240908_083403….jpg)

File: 22c59e08ff04937⋯.jpg (14.16 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_670978139.jpg)

Ruby Ridge

1992 standoff in Boundary County, Idaho, United States, that resulted in three human fatalities

Ruby Ridge was the site of a siege of a cabin occupied by the Weaver family in Boundary County, Idaho, in August 1992. Wikipedia


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aad272 No.21552954

File: 190b188863c5214⋯.png (372.83 KB,675x449,675:449,190b188863c52147333fce3dc0….png)

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f3a713 No.21552955

File: 2b2677ac2df137d⋯.png (326.55 KB,596x604,149:151,pox.PNG)


Alex Jones


They already have the Mpox mRNA injections ready.






WHO Director General dr. Tedros: "DRC's ministry of health plans to begin deploying the (mpox) vaccines this weekend…we have also been supporting the DRC and other countries to ensure the necessary call chain systems are in place…to counter mis- and disinformation…"

6:08 AM · Sep 8, 2024




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8f9caf No.21552956

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Level Just >>21552846 💾 b2b 🎚️

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40d7a8 No.21552957

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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689607 No.21552958


It’s niggerball idiot

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493406 No.21552959

File: 1cf48ada755d9b1⋯.png (280.68 KB,437x350,437:350,ClipboardImage.png)


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d5dab3 No.21552961

File: c03880823ccf28c⋯.mp4 (132.92 KB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17258155064….mp4)

File: ca635b59ce7b62d⋯.mp4 (1.74 MB,320x656,20:41,ssstwitter_com_17257968672….mp4)

File: b4c46d79bd9685f⋯.png (250.36 KB,611x782,611:782,Screenshot_2024_09_08_1310….png)

The comments 🤣

With some KEKS


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493406 No.21552962

File: 3bd8c064024ef94⋯.jpeg (78.98 KB,1023x539,93:49,memetracking.jpeg)


>counter mis- and disinformation

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b6e2c5 No.21552963


Patriots in control.

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777850 No.21552964



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40d7a8 No.21552965

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8f9caf No.21552966

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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15c2ec No.21552967

File: c24156f5bd30d65⋯.jpg (206.1 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,5f6321c357b7da001ee12207_1….jpg)

File: 9a20aa9de2803ae⋯.jpg (108.4 KB,696x586,348:293,Greta_Thunberg_Age_Wikiped….jpg)

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bd72b8 No.21552968


maybe you never should have said bad things about taylor swift

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702a60 No.21552969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>butt watch uk wankur nigggay git his tools all up in taht tranny fo sho

>>>>>>>>>>>>>he was jackin it so hard AF

>>>>>>>>>>>>>an masked

>>>>>>>>>>>>>in frontyard

>>>>>>>>>>>>twas lik a nigggay kkkknuw whur all tahm nuts were fo sho

>>>>>>>>>>>taht tranny BOFO got film yo

>>>>>>>>>>taht nigggay wuz on his back juuuuus gibbin it to taht tranny nuts

>>>>>>>>>erhmahgurd, taht tranny might bukake alles uber niggggay heimat grosse weider bunch of tranny fluids gender

>>>>>>>>his bigly spannur wreckin taht tranny all GAHY AF

>>>>>>>he wuz spreadin taht tranny gasket all greece donkey earth flat

>>>>>>nigggay kkknuw taht forunur cuz greek furniture didnt sell

>>>>>magin how taht tranny feels when big;y nigggay spannurs wreckin gasket

>>>>jackstands an safety mats for a front yard tranny luuub cuf BOFO gits film

>>>zomg, tahy wuz married an cukin tranny frontyard

>>an tahn nigggay go an servic sum bavarian pufta tranny , lik we all don;t kkkknow

>nigggay uk wankur kkkknows toooo much bout trannys cuz it juuuuus keeps on going

nigggay kkkknuw taht bavarian pufta tranny a lil too well bukake fluids gender an masked taht chit

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aad272 No.21552970

File: 59606de35940dc4⋯.png (382.14 KB,701x713,701:713,59606de35940dc4b30f8da408c….png)

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56561a No.21552971

File: 8c0e750562f8187⋯.jpg (432.39 KB,2048x1917,2048:1917,FB_IMG_1486259462181.jpg)


>Mr habby moooo

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71ae6a No.21552972


with that level of sarcasm you might be able to head your own branch.

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070478 No.21552973

File: a060eac8137bd7c⋯.png (226.38 KB,447x447,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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689607 No.21552974


Oh yes my Jewish friend

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fdd30d No.21552975


Pretty sure the singing hunchback and her crayon dick accessory have nothing to do with my spelling.

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bd72b8 No.21552976

File: 0bea04c674140c3⋯.png (516.16 KB,640x579,640:579,ClipboardImage.png)

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15c2ec No.21552977




(_) (x)



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29c734 No.21552978


Funny how the light quality is exactly the same as the light on Earth, even though Mars is 140 million miles further from the Sun. The "cameras" on that Rover thing are amazing, look how far in the distance they can render. Wish we had them here on Earth, we wouldn't need to use the much inferior night-vision cameras that can only see a few feet into the darkness.

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b6e2c5 No.21552979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jul 9 2019 11:46:46 (EST)

Listen very carefully (again).

Note past (2) years.

Note next (6) years.

You were told what was going to happen.

You were told what battles we face.



Patriots in control.



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56561a No.21552980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Check it

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8d2a15 No.21552981


>Funny how the light quality is exactly the same as the light on Earth

Retards be freeballin' up in here.

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8f9caf No.21552982

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ca0114 No.21552983


No matter what White people do or say, Blacks will continue to hate & blame White people no matter what. That is how they have been programmed. Blame Whitey, Kill Whitey.

And White people have been programmed to hate & blame themselves.

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56561a No.21552984

File: 1d03a8820887977⋯.gif (413.22 KB,456x480,19:20,1722359117339138.gif)


>We choose to go to the moon and do the other thing, not because it is easy, but because it is hard.


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8f9caf No.21552985

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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702a60 No.21552986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>butt watch uk wankur nigggay git his tools all up in taht tranny fo sho

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>he was jackin it so hard AF

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>an masked

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>in frontyard

>>>>>>>>>>>>>twas lik a nigggay kkkknuw whur all tahm nuts were fo sho

>>>>>>>>>>>>taht tranny BOFO got film yo

>>>>>>>>>>>taht nigggay wuz on his back juuuuus gibbin it to taht tranny nuts

>>>>>>>>>>erhmahgurd, taht tranny might bukake alles uber niggggay heimat grosse weider bunch of tranny fluids gender

>>>>>>>>>his bigly spannur wreckin taht tranny all GAHY AF

>>>>>>>>he wuz spreadin taht tranny gasket all greece donkey earth flat

>>>>>>>nigggay kkknuw taht forunur cuz greek furniture didnt sell

>>>>>>magin how taht tranny feels when big;y nigggay spannurs wreckin gasket

>>>>>jackstands an safety mats for a front yard tranny luuub cuf BOFO gits film

>>>>zomg, tahy wuz married an cukin tranny frontyard

>>>an tahn nigggay go an servic sum bavarian pufta tranny , lik we all don;t kkkknow

>>nigggay uk wankur kkkknows toooo much bout trannys cuz it juuuuus keeps on going

>nigggay kkkknuw taht bavarian pufta tranny a lil too well bukake fluids gender an masked taht chit

even his globorobohom spinnur used batterys imported frum seks alvur traffikur lithium laundr lucr lik MACRONi needs juuu bonur pills

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689607 No.21552987


What is with the baker and the allowed back and forths between posts. Some fag posts some fag post and we get nonstop interactions of gay nonsense

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b2fa12 No.21552988

File: 5c7d1de48d74a32⋯.png (39.8 KB,800x800,1:1,66dd64ec7209a.png)

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5c7cd5 No.21552989


During his time as Minnesota’s governor, Tim Walz:

- Fanned the flames of Black Lives Matter riots by putting police and National Guardsmen in harm’s way and refused to stop the mass protests.

- Turned his state into a murder capital state by allowing the murder rate to spike by more than 50 percent and allowed violent criminals to burn down property all over Minneapolis with no recourse.

- Cut funding for pregnant women and signed a bill allowing abortion up to birth.

- Turned MN into “Trans Refugee State” by signing legislation allowing children to be taken from their parents if parents don’t support their minor child receiving life-altering surgeries.

- During COVID, he reopened bars and kept churches closed.

- Signed a bill into law allowing illegal immigrants to obtain Medicare and driver’s licenses, paving the way for them to vote in elections.

- Implemented an electric vehicle mandate even more radical than Joe Biden’s.

- Killed Innovation in life-saving medicine by creating a price-capping prescription drug board.

As you can see, Tim Walz’s radical agenda would destroy our country much like it has destroyed the state of Minnesota.

Will you answer the call?

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b3e50a No.21552990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bd72b8 No.21552991

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a8725a No.21552992


notableHells Angel warns the Venezuelans to get to hell out now

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fdd30d No.21552994

File: 941d3106361cbfd⋯.jpg (188.75 KB,1200x1200,1:1,67323387ee3af9f1e45001a731….jpg)

I related to what was said in a show I watched recently. Posting without ever having a thought in mind of trying to influence anything in other people, culture, the board, or just being anything special. I just wanted to learn some truth, meme, and work on my argument skills along the way. Saw an opportunity to do that here in January of 2018. I've stuck here at this place on this subject longer than any job or relationship in my life.

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0dd5ae No.21552995

File: 9d21d49e2cbb6b8⋯.jpeg (30.08 KB,520x691,520:691,9d21d49e2cbb6b8bade940ed1….jpeg)

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52e182 No.21552996


No, the first sign of monkeypox is a desire to be pounded in the ass.

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74575f No.21552997

File: 95199f85b5e5a13⋯.png (74.62 KB,275x183,275:183,95199f85b5e5a13b08f9baa566….png)

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702a60 No.21552998


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>butt watch uk wankur nigggay git his tools all up in taht tranny fo sho

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>he was jackin it so hard AF

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>an masked

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>in frontyard

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>twas lik a nigggay kkkknuw whur all tahm nuts were fo sho

>>>>>>>>>>>>>taht tranny BOFO got film yo

>>>>>>>>>>>>taht nigggay wuz on his back juuuuus gibbin it to taht tranny nuts

>>>>>>>>>>>erhmahgurd, taht tranny might bukake alles uber niggggay heimat grosse weider bunch of tranny fluids gender

>>>>>>>>>>his bigly spannur wreckin taht tranny all GAHY AF

>>>>>>>>>he wuz spreadin taht tranny gasket all greece donkey earth flat

>>>>>>>>nigggay kkknuw taht forunur cuz greek furniture didnt sell

>>>>>>>magin how taht tranny feels when big;y nigggay spannurs wreckin gasket

>>>>>>jackstands an safety mats for a front yard tranny luuub cuf BOFO gits film

>>>>>zomg, tahy wuz married an cukin tranny frontyard

>>>>an tahn nigggay go an servic sum bavarian pufta tranny , lik we all don;t kkkknow

>>>nigggay uk wankur kkkknows toooo much bout trannys cuz it juuuuus keeps on going

>>nigggay kkkknuw taht bavarian pufta tranny a lil too well bukake fluids gender an masked taht chit

>even his globorobohom spinnur used batterys imported frum seks alvur traffikur lithium laundr lucr lik MACRONi needs juuu bonur pills

hory chittin breads, nigggay is now confrontin wild jaquar tranny an jackin it up high

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deecf9 No.21552999

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Juanita Broaddrick



Sep 7


Are we being tricked? Scary.

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71ae6a No.21553000


argument skills, respect.

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15c2ec No.21553001

File: 319600777b2ff50⋯.jpg (58.1 KB,736x398,368:199,9c3c71933b14d00d5b401b663d….jpg)

File: 091821af390864b⋯.jpg (77.13 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Stephen_King_4024217064.jpg)

File: 0781559d200c209⋯.jpg (61.42 KB,1500x844,375:211,stephen_king_1500x844_1828….jpg)

File: 5ddf1c60b756d17⋯.jpg (46.98 KB,474x296,237:148,th_971208924.jpg)

File: 1c178293dad136e⋯.jpg (33.01 KB,442x550,221:275,pp_550x550_u2_1211025809.jpg)

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29c734 No.21553002


"Military is the only way"

The Military are running the US RIGHT NOW. It's not some future event.

The whole Q Plan is a Military Event.

Remember, you are watching a MOVIE. Nothing in politics is REAL. It's ALL scripted, including Biden's ramblings and the Harris cackle. THEY ARE ACTORS - ALL OF THEM

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9dc1ac No.21553003

File: 0f979117a489dce⋯.png (1.41 MB,1074x1164,179:194,20240908_112851.png)

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fdd30d No.21553004


When this is over though, I'll be putting those away. It's… I can hurt people badly with words now, and I'm not sure how I feel about that. QR Anons kinda sorta became weapons themselves.

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702a60 No.21553005

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>butt watch uk wankur nigggay git his tools all up in taht tranny fo sho

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>he was jackin it so hard AF

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>an masked

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>in frontyard

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>twas lik a nigggay kkkknuw whur all tahm nuts were fo sho

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>taht tranny BOFO got film yo

>>>>>>>>>>>>>taht nigggay wuz on his back juuuuus gibbin it to taht tranny nuts

>>>>>>>>>>>>erhmahgurd, taht tranny might bukake alles uber niggggay heimat grosse weider bunch of tranny fluids gender

>>>>>>>>>>>his bigly spannur wreckin taht tranny all GAHY AF

>>>>>>>>>>he wuz spreadin taht tranny gasket all greece donkey earth flat

>>>>>>>>>nigggay kkknuw taht forunur cuz greek furniture didnt sell

>>>>>>>>magin how taht tranny feels when big;y nigggay spannurs wreckin gasket

>>>>>>>jackstands an safety mats for a front yard tranny luuub cuf BOFO gits film

>>>>>>zomg, tahy wuz married an cukin tranny frontyard

>>>>>an tahn nigggay go an servic sum bavarian pufta tranny , lik we all don;t kkkknow

>>>>nigggay uk wankur kkkknows toooo much bout trannys cuz it juuuuus keeps on going

>>>nigggay kkkknuw taht bavarian pufta tranny a lil too well bukake fluids gender an masked taht chit

>>even his globorobohom spinnur used batterys imported frum seks alvur traffikur lithium laundr lucr lik MACRONi needs juuu bonur pills

>hory chittin breads, nigggay is now confrontin wild jaquar tranny an jackin it up high

jaqaur tranny wuz durty AF lik we didnt kkknow

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56561a No.21553006

File: 8a96a375839fb5b⋯.jpg (99.54 KB,401x560,401:560,8a96a375839fb5b0aaca94a0ee….jpg)

File: b87c4617c4adfbd⋯.jpg (94.01 KB,401x560,401:560,b87c4617c4adfbda07b43db1cb….jpg)

File: f0fce6756e4db7b⋯.jpg (81.48 KB,401x560,401:560,f0fce6756e4db7b4139349f74c….jpg)

File: 6615af5cae058d0⋯.jpg (65.29 KB,401x560,401:560,6615af5cae058d016b9f709e2b….jpg)

File: edb2039cb4d861c⋯.jpg (90.39 KB,401x560,401:560,edb2039cb4d861c27e7fc1b9b6….jpg)





We all get led here by one thing or another.

What we do with the information matters.

What is your goal anon?

Ask yourself why you are here?

Why is the opposition here?

November 5th anons.

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b3e50a No.21553007

File: 0ccfe9d0394529f⋯.webp (3.02 MB,300x300,1:1,tumblr_8f6c855fc8c1f8c70b….webp)


We could recap but I know your purpose here.

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afb54d No.21553008



elon sucks.

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15c2ec No.21553009

File: f4f1c24eb1f339b⋯.jpg (97.91 KB,1200x1200,1:1,downloadfile.jpg)

File: 17b2f13c69f43d7⋯.jpg (103.85 KB,1080x907,1080:907,1721092923848_2433645030.jpg)

File: 7240f3a2578a00c⋯.jpg (80.89 KB,900x750,6:5,corey_lewandowski_50999_5_….jpg)

File: 18b279fa6afdc1e⋯.jpg (140.52 KB,1280x720,16:9,1687245337_Joe_Rogan_Inter….jpg)

File: 04761e9a4925a2e⋯.jpg (25.26 KB,474x395,6:5,th_2101287170.jpg)

Compare a co-re

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070478 No.21553010

File: 5340bf4a249342f⋯.png (1.4 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)



While obvious to some, oblivious to others.

The only difference is the L I [e].

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b6e2c5 No.21553011

File: 6b1aca8e67c256a⋯.png (169.62 KB,1217x593,1217:593,ClipboardImage.png)


3:39 PM · Sep 7, 2024


If you pay extremely close attention, you may detect an ever-so-slight difference in the Washington Post’s coverage of Harris and Trump. It is subtle, though.

Kamala Harris just went to Penzeys Spices and bought Creamy Peppercorn Dressing Base, Fox Point Seasoning, Trinidad Lemon-Garlic Marinade, Turkish Seasoning, and Tuscan Sunset Salt Free Italian Seasoning.

2:43 PM · Sep 7, 2024


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afb54d No.21553012


is broken by q.


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702a60 No.21553013

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>butt watch uk wankur nigggay git his tools all up in taht tranny fo sho

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>he was jackin it so hard AF

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>an masked

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>in frontyard

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>twas lik a nigggay kkkknuw whur all tahm nuts were fo sho

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>taht tranny BOFO got film yo

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>taht nigggay wuz on his back juuuuus gibbin it to taht tranny nuts

>>>>>>>>>>>>>erhmahgurd, taht tranny might bukake alles uber niggggay heimat grosse weider bunch of tranny fluids gender

>>>>>>>>>>>>his bigly spannur wreckin taht tranny all GAHY AF

>>>>>>>>>>>he wuz spreadin taht tranny gasket all greece donkey earth flat

>>>>>>>>>>nigggay kkknuw taht forunur cuz greek furniture didnt sell

>>>>>>>>>magin how taht tranny feels when big;y nigggay spannurs wreckin gasket

>>>>>>>>jackstands an safety mats for a front yard tranny luuub cuf BOFO gits film

>>>>>>>zomg, tahy wuz married an cukin tranny frontyard

>>>>>>an tahn nigggay go an servic sum bavarian pufta tranny , lik we all don;t kkkknow

>>>>>nigggay uk wankur kkkknows toooo much bout trannys cuz it juuuuus keeps on going

>>>>nigggay kkkknuw taht bavarian pufta tranny a lil too well bukake fluids gender an masked taht chit

>>>even his globorobohom spinnur used batterys imported frum seks alvur traffikur lithium laundr lucr lik MACRONi needs juuu bonur pills

>>hory chittin breads, nigggay is now confrontin wild jaquar tranny an jackin it up high

>jaqaur tranny wuz durty AF lik we didnt kkknow

his bigly spinuur handled all tehm nuts so fast

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62ecfc No.21553014

File: 040fb2f137066e6⋯.png (470.23 KB,498x498,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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c91f41 No.21553015

File: 101a27fe1e331c2⋯.mp4 (5.54 MB,654x360,109:60,ssstwitter_com_17256395118….mp4)

>>21551318 Comedian Jim Breuer reveals that the names on the Epstein list are so powerful and influential that their exposure could bring down…PN

Video attached

General Mike Flynn

@GenFlynn (Knows were the bodies are buried)

Epstein island

It’s all true…

Will anyone then be held accountable?


Shadow of Ezra


Comedian Jim Breuer reveals that the names on the Epstein list are so powerful and influential that their exposure could bring down governmentsand topple the entire entertainment industry worldwide.


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15c2ec No.21553016

File: 98602044da7e65c⋯.jpg (17.8 KB,474x276,79:46,th_3345671870.jpg)

File: ef8c93b03968eb9⋯.jpg (80.79 KB,525x700,3:4,48c8d3bf_c05b_4b5b_a38a_5e….jpg)

File: 8bc510546647b6f⋯.jpg (16.8 KB,474x248,237:124,th_787728350.jpg)

File: 54d766274e7b88d⋯.jpg (617.32 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_125322….jpg)

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493406 No.21553017

File: 0970d3d0b5dd512⋯.png (108.24 KB,212x306,106:153,ClipboardImage.png)


>It is subtle, though.

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afb54d No.21553018


no sauce = faith

nonsurvival behaviour.

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bb5c73 No.21553019

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,AMERICA.png)

File: e62164c0f0709cb⋯.webp (31.85 KB,800x533,800:533,IMG_8793.webp)


Is that why you don’t have the original?

▶Monday   06/10/19 (Mon) 01:19:12 2d460c (17)  No.6716650

>Hello Q

>Time is up

Do you think we dont know ?

>we do



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777850 No.21553020


Not one of those looks real.

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702a60 No.21553021

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>butt watch uk wankur nigggay git his tools all up in taht tranny fo sho

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>he was jackin it so hard AF

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>an masked

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>in frontyard

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>twas lik a nigggay kkkknuw whur all tahm nuts were fo sho

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>taht tranny BOFO got film yo

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>taht nigggay wuz on his back juuuuus gibbin it to taht tranny nuts

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>erhmahgurd, taht tranny might bukake alles uber niggggay heimat grosse weider bunch of tranny fluids gender

>>>>>>>>>>>>>his bigly spannur wreckin taht tranny all GAHY AF

>>>>>>>>>>>>he wuz spreadin taht tranny gasket all greece donkey earth flat

>>>>>>>>>>>nigggay kkknuw taht forunur cuz greek furniture didnt sell

>>>>>>>>>>magin how taht tranny feels when big;y nigggay spannurs wreckin gasket

>>>>>>>>>jackstands an safety mats for a front yard tranny luuub cuf BOFO gits film

>>>>>>>>zomg, tahy wuz married an cukin tranny frontyard

>>>>>>>an tahn nigggay go an servic sum bavarian pufta tranny , lik we all don;t kkkknow

>>>>>>nigggay uk wankur kkkknows toooo much bout trannys cuz it juuuuus keeps on going

>>>>>nigggay kkkknuw taht bavarian pufta tranny a lil too well bukake fluids gender an masked taht chit

>>>>even his globorobohom spinnur used batterys imported frum seks alvur traffikur lithium laundr lucr lik MACRONi needs juuu bonur pills

>>>hory chittin breads, nigggay is now confrontin wild jaquar tranny an jackin it up high

>>jaqaur tranny wuz durty AF lik we didnt kkknow

>his bigly spinuur handled all tehm nuts so fast

zomg reused RUBBER gloves

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8d2a15 No.21553022

File: 612b687f397e5c0⋯.png (1.85 KB,180x145,36:29,ClipboardImage.png)

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afb54d No.21553024



poar jim…

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71ae6a No.21553025


yeah I can agree with that. I think I slid into absurdism by the end of it. AT some point knowing things distances you from what even normies may hope to have because of all this crazy shit.

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b6e2c5 No.21553026

File: 582e1835ca77bb0⋯.png (164.78 KB,900x337,900:337,ClipboardImage.png)



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702a60 No.21553027

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>butt watch uk wankur nigggay git his tools all up in taht tranny fo sho

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>he was jackin it so hard AF

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>an masked

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>in frontyard

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>twas lik a nigggay kkkknuw whur all tahm nuts were fo sho

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>taht tranny BOFO got film yo

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>taht nigggay wuz on his back juuuuus gibbin it to taht tranny nuts

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>erhmahgurd, taht tranny might bukake alles uber niggggay heimat grosse weider bunch of tranny fluids gender

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>his bigly spannur wreckin taht tranny all GAHY AF

>>>>>>>>>>>>>he wuz spreadin taht tranny gasket all greece donkey earth flat

>>>>>>>>>>>>nigggay kkknuw taht forunur cuz greek furniture didnt sell

>>>>>>>>>>>magin how taht tranny feels when big;y nigggay spannurs wreckin gasket

>>>>>>>>>>jackstands an safety mats for a front yard tranny luuub cuf BOFO gits film

>>>>>>>>>zomg, tahy wuz married an cukin tranny frontyard

>>>>>>>>an tahn nigggay go an servic sum bavarian pufta tranny , lik we all don;t kkkknow

>>>>>>>nigggay uk wankur kkkknows toooo much bout trannys cuz it juuuuus keeps on going

>>>>>>nigggay kkkknuw taht bavarian pufta tranny a lil too well bukake fluids gender an masked taht chit

>>>>>even his globorobohom spinnur used batterys imported frum seks alvur traffikur lithium laundr lucr lik MACRONi needs juuu bonur pills

>>>>hory chittin breads, nigggay is now confrontin wild jaquar tranny an jackin it up high

>>>jaqaur tranny wuz durty AF lik we didnt kkknow

>>his bigly spinuur handled all tehm nuts so fast

>zomg reused RUBBER gloves

vibrators shouldnt git taht loud , oh its tight , bavarian pufta tranny bukake put out moar fluids gender tho

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5f31d4 No.21553028

File: 149e45403360dcb⋯.png (757.21 KB,1280x1024,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21552115 TYB!

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b6e2c5 No.21553029

File: 2fb40c374430113⋯.png (766.78 KB,680x592,85:74,ClipboardImage.png)

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71ae6a No.21553030


cherry picking nice. Well the problem is if there are cherries to be picked they should or else they just rot on the vine. Religion is the divider that people still wish to cling to. Needs to be called out.

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b6e2c5 No.21553031

File: a60fdb44a6c1751⋯.png (480.8 KB,680x649,680:649,ClipboardImage.png)

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38a34e No.21553032

File: 39f6cd0d0ff2027⋯.png (2.85 MB,889x1119,889:1119,ClipboardImage.png)

BEST Match


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b6e2c5 No.21553033

File: 2385f48f6ac2c55⋯.png (205.09 KB,900x783,100:87,ClipboardImage.png)

The transformation of the Democratic party into the party of Bush/Cheney is complete.

Instead of this shocking Kamala Harris supporters into rethinking exactly wtf is happening, they look at this endorsement as a good thing.

They’re brainwashed & brain dead Stepford voters.


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eedf5e No.21553034


It’s far better to die in faith,

than to live in unbelief.

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c91f41 No.21553036


Breurer hates Hollywood, the perversion there was unbearable, so he left and never went back. He has seen hell and left. He saw what happened to SNL stars that went to HW for films. They destroyed a lot of his friends.

He was one of the few that wanted to keep his soul. Watched a video of him years ago talking about HW, and how it destroyed people, ie Farley and others.

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bb5c73 No.21553037

File: 39cf3afafeef148⋯.jpeg (121.24 KB,1179x1253,1179:1253,IMG_8805.jpeg)


Do you want to find Q. ?

Here he is




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0e3c4c No.21553038

File: b15ced8b0bf8204⋯.png (228.29 KB,432x396,12:11,9f8dd7409fc4b5b0e3b1eead8e….png)

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b6e2c5 No.21553039

File: 6d1462dd08d9568⋯.png (908.73 KB,675x1200,9:16,ClipboardImage.png)

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ca0114 No.21553040


A daughter's first love is her daddy?

There is something wrong about that.

I always thought the "Daddy's Girl" thing was weird.

Daddy is the boss, and the protector, and the provider, not the First Love.

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b6e2c5 No.21553041

File: eaecf1fcf05d0e0⋯.png (479.44 KB,576x680,72:85,ClipboardImage.png)

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52e182 No.21553042

File: 343c3ae4f66767d⋯.png (41.19 KB,244x207,244:207,ClipboardImage.png)

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62ecfc No.21553043


If you have been here for any time at all, you would know it isnt brainwashing, it is intentional.

Since when do you have previously hard line Republicans pushing for a crazed Democrat?

They are fighting for their lives.

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6d09a3 No.21553044


Kamala likes buttered sausages

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b6e2c5 No.21553045

File: 969bfe574eabb85⋯.png (220.99 KB,574x689,574:689,ClipboardImage.png)


Haven't you heard?

Russia just blocked the most popular news platform in the country due to the company not complying with illegal orders from a non-elected politician. Even frozen funds from another company of the same shareholder to make a point.

Just kidding. That was Brazil.

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74575f No.21553046

File: 452cfa997b36fb9⋯.jpg (62.32 KB,512x500,128:125,452cfa997b36fb9baab4a1d7a0….jpg)

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62ecfc No.21553048

File: aca04cbdc39dc62⋯.webp (53.04 KB,591x593,591:593,pajeet.webp)



absolute mental midget.

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c91f41 No.21553049

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


0:50. Trump boat parade

I grew up on Long Island Sound, the family did a lot of fishing, clamming and sightseeing nearby Islands


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250f88 No.21553050

File: 1a8634288777a27⋯.gif (1.39 MB,560x800,7:10,1a8634288777a2777e7720db61….gif)

pickin' 'er up!

#26403 >>21552115

>>21552140 John Yoo. Merchan is going to have to throw out this verdict because of the Supreme Courts Immunity ruling

>>21552151, >>21552701, >>21552717 Moderna confirms mRNA COVID Vaccines cause Cancer–

>>21552176, >>21552281 Line Fire doubles in size overnight in San Bernardino County, with evacuations expanding

>>21552158 Satan herself: Alice Bailey's 10-Point Charter

>>21552233 Donald Trump pulls ahead of Kamala Harris in major poll — a sign her campaign is fizzling

>>21552234 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>21552273 @VivekGRamaswamy If Trump trounces Kamala at the debate, get ready for some very strange things to happen before November

>>21552289 'Take the Chair, Make an Impact' This Star Trek Day

>>21552322, >>21552328 A decade of untruth: Adding up the media’s lies about Trump and Biden

>>21552361, >>21552363 Pope arrives in the remote jungles of Papua New Guinea with a ton of humanitarian aid and toys

>>21552434, >>21552450 New York Times’ AG Sulzberger gives us another reason to search elsewhere for fairness


>>21552487 SpaceX will start launching Starships to Mars in 2026, Elon Musk says

>>21552499 Unauthorized satellite dish on warship lands Navy chief Grisel Marrero in hot water with demotion

>>21552220, >>21552258 TODAY’S Q Delta’s: Hold the line God Wins with his peoples help

>>21552582 Bernie on Kamala: I think she is trying to be pragmatic and do what she thinks is right in order to win the election."

>>21552585 Woman Begs Springfield Ohio City Council to Do Something About Illegals Squatting in Her Front Yard

>>21552604 Trump has announced that he will deploy the US military to impose a full blockade on all Mexican cartel activity.

>>21552625 @BasedMikeLee - What would have happened if this assassination attempt had been directed at the Democrat in the race?

>>21552629 American Red Cross volunteers status REVOKED due to having a conservative viewpoint.

>>21552787 @EzraACohen - The Adults are really back.

>>21552827 Over 400 Tren de Aragua Venezuelan gang members active in New York City: OMG report

>>21552606 George Washington on factionalism

>>21552886 @TrumpWarRoom: Junior Harris spokesperson Michael Tyler admits "the American people are looking for a new way forward" after 3.5 years of Kamala's disastrous leadership

>>21552896 When The Kamala Harris Admin Shows You Who They Are, Believe Them

>>21552897 The violent fake asylum seeker in Switzerland found out

>>21552864 Notable memes – nom em anons


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56561a No.21553051

File: feda6303f7f7f34⋯.png (17.24 KB,473x147,473:147,qaggdropimage622_1.png)

File: b1e28f0bd31a4de⋯.png (209.13 KB,473x1099,473:1099,qaggdropimage664.png)

File: aa1279bc2ebef61⋯.png (55.34 KB,473x539,43:49,qaggdropimage665.png)

File: f2714fb70717081⋯.png (76.34 KB,473x651,473:651,qaggdropimage666.png)

File: b288167b566df8c⋯.png (101.7 KB,473x938,473:938,qaggdropimage667_3.png)





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6d09a3 No.21553052


Still need to hear what Shrub and Yeb will cast their ballot

But Cheney sith'd out like a dick slithers

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b6e2c5 No.21553053

File: c285cc67340bfd4⋯.png (277.72 KB,573x680,573:680,ClipboardImage.png)

Kashyap Patel - name to remember.

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db6d85 No.21553054

So have the very smart cops in Kentucky found the shooter?

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38a34e No.21553055

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Eric Schmitt

A campaign about nothing.


From Mad Liberals

6:10 PM · Sep 7, 2024·21.2K Views


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db6d85 No.21553056


If his vote or voice mattered this would be concerning.

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56561a No.21553057

File: 7fa240424d43500⋯.png (36.16 KB,473x315,473:315,qaggdropimage175.png)

Stoney Lonesome

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c91f41 No.21553058

File: 73c8acc1ccc15a9⋯.jpeg (174.04 KB,1094x698,547:349,IMG_3079.jpeg)

File: cf36c0d2d24b045⋯.jpeg (131.1 KB,1074x604,537:302,IMG_3078.jpeg)

File: a0a6d7c8823a7f3⋯.jpeg (128.12 KB,838x608,419:304,IMG_3079.jpeg)


Funny Trump impersonator on the boat

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0e3c4c No.21553059

File: e314069ac97759b⋯.jpg (22.69 KB,489x383,489:383,e314069ac97759b84404af1180….jpg)

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f39dcb No.21553060


who would know more about rigging elections than a Director of the CIA?

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710d82 No.21553061


@ 0.0/0.0=1 (and) 2/0 = 11 (and) -5/-5)111_ and (17/5_ = 1111

i'm guessing the same pattern all the way to 37 thousand verses in bullshit book?

spmewhere around 8 foty ffo

and 6 2 1 or 7 2 1 or 107

spell off


spell of 64

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52e182 No.21553062

File: 013ed754009c75c⋯.png (46.24 KB,240x211,240:211,ClipboardImage.png)



Where the men are men and the sheep are scared.

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0e3c4c No.21553063

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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56561a No.21553064


Is this a joke?

>Selects none of the squares

Is that even Appalachian?

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c91f41 No.21553065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Glenn Beck: Good vs. Evil, Why You Need Failure, and Escaping Cable News on Tucker

Released 51 minutes ago



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b6e2c5 No.21553066

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We Are On The Brink Of Nuclear War

Sep 8, 2024

Tulsi Gabbard and Tucker Carlson talk about the dangers of a potential nuclear war.

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71ae6a No.21553067

File: 2aea349fc449565⋯.png (25.32 KB,720x522,40:29,ClipboardImage.png)

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74575f No.21553068

File: aa679de39a9f6d3⋯.png (423.94 KB,789x621,263:207,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 91c8a79c4ae5a8c⋯.mp4 (1.01 MB,480x270,16:9,1.mp4)


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d8c9f9 No.21553069

A new shadowy anti-Trump campaign group called "TrumpWords" is releasing videos…


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6e2ea3 No.21553070




the diference is the li - lie?

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62ecfc No.21553071

File: 7889d5c8f707a76⋯.png (92.55 KB,500x780,25:39,ClipboardImage.png)

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deecf9 No.21553072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>What is your goal anon?

Ask yourself why you are here?

My ultimate goal is to reach a point of understanding that this realm belongs to Satan and when I die in my footsteps to never come back to this prison realm willingly or otherwise.

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702a60 No.21553073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>butt watch uk wankur nigggay git his tools all up in taht tranny fo sho

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>he was jackin it so hard AF

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>an masked

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>in frontyard

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>twas lik a nigggay kkkknuw whur all tahm nuts were fo sho

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>taht tranny BOFO got film yo

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>taht nigggay wuz on his back juuuuus gibbin it to taht tranny nuts

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>erhmahgurd, taht tranny might bukake alles uber niggggay heimat grosse weider bunch of tranny fluids gender

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>his bigly spannur wreckin taht tranny all GAHY AF

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>he wuz spreadin taht tranny gasket all greece donkey earth flat

>>>>>>>>>>>>>nigggay kkknuw taht forunur cuz greek furniture didnt sell

>>>>>>>>>>>>magin how taht tranny feels when big;y nigggay spannurs wreckin gasket

>>>>>>>>>>>jackstands an safety mats for a front yard tranny luuub cuf BOFO gits film

>>>>>>>>>>zomg, tahy wuz married an cukin tranny frontyard

>>>>>>>>>an tahn nigggay go an servic sum bavarian pufta tranny , lik we all don;t kkkknow

>>>>>>>>nigggay uk wankur kkkknows toooo much bout trannys cuz it juuuuus keeps on going

>>>>>>>nigggay kkkknuw taht bavarian pufta tranny a lil too well bukake fluids gender an masked taht chit

>>>>>>even his globorobohom spinnur used batterys imported frum seks alvur traffikur lithium laundr lucr lik MACRONi needs juuu bonur pills

>>>>>hory chittin breads, nigggay is now confrontin wild jaquar tranny an jackin it up high

>>>>jaqaur tranny wuz durty AF lik we didnt kkknow

>>>his bigly spinuur handled all tehm nuts so fast

>>zomg reused RUBBER gloves

>vibrators shouldnt git taht loud , oh its tight , bavarian pufta tranny bukake put out moar fluids gender tho

an tahn a frickin mini coopur tranny wtf

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710d82 No.21553074


probbly means cigarrettes, cause bitch daddy,

or pedro who cares anymore, same hoes to me.

cant get rid of lack of common electrical sense.

daddy too weak. he a hoe. pdero too.

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52e182 No.21553075


Globalists run all the governments and corporation on the planet but they're still using this line?

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710d82 No.21553076


cause daddy a bitch

but bob dylan don't exist

so speak common sense please

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6e2ea3 No.21553077

File: 02891f5f581f1d9⋯.png (1.46 MB,1144x998,572:499,02891f5f581f1d996a9e7a6192….png)

File: 09f950215978f86⋯.jpg (705.92 KB,2048x2048,1:1,1686072063831267.jpg)

File: 70bffc5ae83099e⋯.webm (2.96 MB,600x336,25:14,Fake_Reality.webm)


Well, okay there are bio labs in Ukraine, but what's the problem? How will this be bad for MEEEEEEE.

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710d82 No.21553078


should begin by murdering elon musk

what did q say about that bitch.


so weak. get sold shitty plagiarized electric cars with a better UI and they fall linto the trap.

declass that mars don't exist bitch

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6e2ea3 No.21553079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Ask yourself why you are here?

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bb5c73 No.21553080

File: a3a3bf18b9b7003⋯.png (1.97 MB,1280x1280,1:1,17psyopBattalion.png)

File: 0016f4e431e6470⋯.png (1.3 MB,2010x4905,134:327,aa5aa038ceba220bf20be85f3b….png)

File: f7ac66c45cba458⋯.png (970.12 KB,6951x3171,331:151,Copy_of_Biden_Connections_….png)

File: 80f6bc235892b0e⋯.png (856.77 KB,3236x3236,1:1,Copy_of_Biden_Connections_….png)


You mad cuz

Daddy doesn’t give a fuck about anons


Go cry about it to him faggot

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6d09a3 No.21553081

File: bf7111a0443d221⋯.png (890.71 KB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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250f88 No.21553082

File: 3f2b2fdaab8895a⋯.png (611.57 KB,880x483,880:483,3f2b2fdaab8895a031b3a72d93….png)

Is there a BV in the house?

#26403 >>21552115

>>21552140 John Yoo. Merchan is going to have to throw out this verdict because of the Supreme Courts Immunity ruling

>>21552151, >>21552701, >>21552717 Moderna confirms mRNA COVID Vaccines cause Cancer–

>>21552176, >>21552281 Line Fire doubles in size overnight in San Bernardino County, with evacuations expanding

>>21552158 Satan herself: Alice Bailey's 10-Point Charter

>>21552233 Donald Trump pulls ahead of Kamala Harris in major poll — a sign her campaign is fizzling

>>21552234 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>21552273 @VivekGRamaswamy If Trump trounces Kamala at the debate, get ready for some very strange things to happen before November

>>21552289 'Take the Chair, Make an Impact' This Star Trek Day

>>21552322, >>21552328 A decade of untruth: Adding up the media’s lies about Trump and Biden

>>21552361, >>21552363 Pope arrives in the remote jungles of Papua New Guinea with a ton of humanitarian aid and toys

>>21552434, >>21552450 New York Times’ AG Sulzberger gives us another reason to search elsewhere for fairness


>>21552487 SpaceX will start launching Starships to Mars in 2026, Elon Musk says

>>21552499 Unauthorized satellite dish on warship lands Navy chief Grisel Marrero in hot water with demotion

>>21552220, >>21552258 TODAY’S Q Delta’s: Hold the line God Wins with his peoples help

>>21552582 Bernie on Kamala: I think she is trying to be pragmatic and do what she thinks is right in order to win the election."

>>21552585 Woman Begs Springfield Ohio City Council to Do Something About Illegals Squatting in Her Front Yard

>>21552604 Trump has announced that he will deploy the US military to impose a full blockade on all Mexican cartel activity.

>>21552625 @BasedMikeLee - What would have happened if this assassination attempt had been directed at the Democrat in the race?

>>21552629 American Red Cross volunteers status REVOKED due to having a conservative viewpoint.

>>21552787 @EzraACohen - The Adults are really back.

>>21552827 Over 400 Tren de Aragua Venezuelan gang members active in New York City: OMG report

>>21552606 George Washington on factionalism

>>21552886 @TrumpWarRoom: Junior Harris spokesperson Michael Tyler admits "the American people are looking for a new way forward" after 3.5 years of Kamala's disastrous leadership

>>21552896, >>21552925 When The Kamala Harris Admin Shows You Who They Are, Believe Them

>>21552897 The violent fake asylum seeker in Switzerland found out

>>21553050 collector #2

>>21552931, >>21552947, >>21552952 @USArmy - Today is #GrandparentsDay, do you have a grandparent who served in the military? Are you a grandparent in the military?

>>21552937, >>21553033 BREAKING: Mitt Romney just announced he will not be voting for Donald Trump.

>>21552942 The Blade Runners in London continue to disable the ULEZ cameras as fast as the city govt puts them up.

>>21552955 They already have the Mpox mRNA injections ready.

>>21552999 Are we being tricked? Scary.

>>21553011 If you pay extremely close attention, you may detect an ever-so-slight difference in the Washington Post’s coverage of Harris and Trump. It is subtle, though.

>>21553055 A campaign about nothing.

>>21553066 Tulsi Gabbard and Tucker Carlson talk about the dangers of a potential nuclear war.

>>21553068 Oh god, the hypocrisy is unpalatable

>>21552864, >>21552922, >>21552988, >>21552995 Notable memes – nom em anons


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710d82 No.21553083


im here to find out who daddy is and kill him.

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0536d5 No.21553084


built in record time

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56561a No.21553085

File: f82d6a98070dba6⋯.png (305.79 KB,473x969,473:969,qaggdropimage3335.png)



It never belonged to Satan.

>To that I ask you where is Satan?

Is it the darkness inside you?

The name given by those who would skirt accountability?

The creation of the boogyman?

Everyone seems to need someone to hate

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378a52 No.21553086


>what the hell you been doing all that time

not a fucking thing but leeching off the taxpayer dime while being a cackling mouthpiece for think tanks and liberal faggot staffers who write her scripts

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710d82 No.21553087


daddy weak he deserves to die.

he can't get rid of basic shit in the world.

let judges bitch slap him

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f39dcb No.21553088


to go back in time about 65 years,

with nothing more than a ballpeen hammer

forgive me, Lord

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ec40a5 No.21553089

File: 815a70f7afd0ad6⋯.png (846.6 KB,1018x764,509:382,ElonPepe.png)

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bb5c73 No.21553090

File: c95d993493768f3⋯.png (4.29 MB,2000x1429,2000:1429,1831C0E0_0B8B_4FD7_802D_25….png)


Is that you Arturo?

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6d09a3 No.21553091

File: d724ba177c5b982⋯.png (775.75 KB,634x941,634:941,ClipboardImage.png)


If these two homos got Ukraine defenseless and now in a Russian squeeze

Imagine what those like them would do here

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8d2a15 No.21553092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Concerned Citizen


Holy Crap - These Gender Reveals are getting even wilder

Last edited 10:56 AM CDT · Sep 8, 2024 · 35.1K Views


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b2fa12 No.21553093

File: e06e316e1083673⋯.png (45.39 KB,656x690,328:345,a5Qnjwo_700bwp.png)

Enemy of the people

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702a60 No.21553094

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


butt wuz >>21553073 yesterdays trannys

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c15ebc No.21553095

File: 99084fc44620656⋯.jpg (65.25 KB,512x512,1:1,20240908171709_na_1693_lit.jpg)


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8f9caf No.21553096

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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710d82 No.21553097


yappidy yapp yap.

i worked for the music industry without getting paid a dime from that WHORE DADDY AND HIS.of inexistent digital faggot artists…..

so talk about leeching

daddy always used my energy

he the leech

cant get rid of fucking poison on his children

neo a bitch so is trinity

if they killed the architect, everyone would be free…well no fucking saga for gaywood to sell popcorn and sodas and alot of poison in exchange for bs programming fake wisdom.

DADDY COME OVER…i wanna meet

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6cdc23 No.21553098

File: c5ca8682e58989d⋯.jpg (577.9 KB,1080x1634,540:817,Screenshot_20240908_110250….jpg)

Boeing and its largest union said Sunday they reached agreement on a new contract that, if ratified, will avoid a strike.


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6d09a3 No.21553099


Night shift still hanging around?

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8d2a15 No.21553100

File: 0fe764719feec9d⋯.png (147.6 KB,597x770,597:770,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ba7427b0edd819⋯.mp4 (6.56 MB,720x1280,9:16,XS0EvWtcyY4BIPZA.mp4)


>Concerned Citizen

let's try that again

Concerned Citizen


Holy Crap - These Gender Reveals are getting even wilder

Last edited 10:56 AM CDT · Sep 8, 2024 · 35.1K Views


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262ea3 No.21553101

File: 8ff812e8efefe41⋯.mp4 (4.4 MB,700x700,1:1,KOMODO_Petra.mp4)


Wheres GIna?

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6e2ea3 No.21553102

File: 2500eac84772b29⋯.jpg (56.49 KB,537x410,537:410,satanic_money_joke.jpg)


>My ultimate goal is to reach a point of understanding that this realm belongs to Satan

Nothing is actually enforced, people are just greedy and want more more more.

They could sort of walk away.

Of course the governments and their ground taxes avoid that, but other than that, you can walk away.

Instead you waste your life doing a shitty unnecessary job, that shouldn't exist for the most part, to earn worthless money, which is made out of thin air, to buy so called "food", which is literally poison and will make you sick, to then get pills from corrupt people dressed in white for life, which may treat some symptoms for some time, but never solve the cause. You will entertain yourself with video games, where some games have sound effects of actual animals screaming in pain, you will get messages through movies, you will listen to authority telling you what to do, for example go to Iraq and kill innocent people there, and get shot yourself.

and then you die.

and you relatives (if you have any) will get ripped off with inheritance tax.

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710d82 No.21553103


typical YID gaywood shit and americant bullshit

complaining about taxes

7% of the trash worldwide gets recycled.

that includes CHUMP

you recycled the character with NELLY

go fuck off

work your jew ass, and write a new script.

get back to me….

i don;t trust your recycled bullshit plan

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6d09a3 No.21553104



Turned to Stone?

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702a60 No.21553105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>butt wuz >>21553073 (You) yesterdays trannys

standard feugot tranny chittin bread in dark alleys

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8f9caf No.21553106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5e8ad1 No.21553107

File: 9249095a4e13afe⋯.png (215.57 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1725818314854.png)



Hey look the nasa picture of the day, oh wait this is something I created with Ai in 5 seconds. Hmmmm makes ya think

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deecf9 No.21553108


Maybe so maybe no, but how could God allow the mind boggling levels of suffering unless it isn’t His to control? “Reality” is an illusion created by “the Demiurg” or some such simulation creating soul sucking parasites. Meanwhile, I’ll fight.

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d5dab3 No.21553109

File: 05bc06d64d07476⋯.png (443.73 KB,754x498,377:249,Screenshot_2024_09_08_1405….png)


Fancy Glasses would be a shame if they ended up like this. Or maybe that's where you scavenged them from

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710d82 No.21553111



btw stop the rain morons.

i already told you, all that bullshit didn't work acrosse the antennas, neither did your bugs,

plus i "ate in mars"

your wild shit close to it tasted like shit.

daddy a whore

i ain't buying your Q bullshit

you can extend the board

kill all nasa people, kill elon musk, kill all religious leaders, hm…kill all rapists, kill all tobacoo selllser, kill 90% of the monsanto crowd, and dupont. crash the markets, kill all the chicken and milk farmers for sure.

then well see abou that trust shit

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8f9caf No.21553112

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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71ae6a No.21553113


because people need to be able to question the narrative no matter what story is being sold as a false bill of goods it is not one side or the other it is all people being deceived and that pisses me off. They want to control what people think and feel and even as they lose their grip they try to promote the dying institutions that divide mankind from its truth. Not one country not one religion but all people. Cults piss me off.


its a jail break anon. K

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250f88 No.21553114

File: 79f8bd514531d2c⋯.png (717.73 KB,700x676,175:169,79f8bd514531d2cfbdebe6067a….png)


we do have days off where we get to see the light of day, ya know….

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56561a No.21553115

File: d5332d2e9aa5c34⋯.png (509.33 KB,503x496,503:496,d5332d2e9aa5c34d52ab5b0dd7….png)




Idk, I am the cat not the shift.

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710d82 No.21553116


precicley what your gay ass wants me to walk

fuck no.

i want you to burn shit to the fucking ground.

i'm going to do everything the opposite of going east, following the script, etc….

payback for my sacrifice

i gave my life, so now i'll completely kill it until you get your shit together.

now i know that to suicide i just kill the chi

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146116 No.21553117

File: 9612424bf2c8ba6⋯.jpg (357.26 KB,1078x1074,539:537,Screenshot_20240902_115922….jpg)

Never trust a man that can afford a miniturized nuclear warhead.

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c4a7a4 No.21553118


Put the title into gematria

If you get addicted just be careful if gangstalkers try to make you feel important

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b6e2c5 No.21553119


"Láthspell I name you, Ill-news; and ill news is an ill guest they say."

Gríma's address to Gandalf

The Two Towers III 6

The King of the Golden Hall

A name given to Gandalf by Gríma in Théoden's hall of Meduseld. Attempting to keep the King weak, Wormtongue pointed out that Gandalf always seemed to appear in the land of Rohan at times of hardship or war. His strategy did not succeed, for Gandalf broke his hold over Théoden, and he soon found himself exiled from Edoras.

The compound láðspel (literally, 'evil tale' or 'evil news') comes from Old English. It is in fact the almost exact opposite of the much more familiar Old English term gospel (which means 'good news').


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702a60 No.21553120



>>>butt wuz >>21553073 (You) (You) (You) yesterdays trannys

>>standard feugot tranny chittin bread in dark alleys

>not ebenin maskin fo all taht feugot tranny homo

jeez do all feugots trannys need a spinnur

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c6d167 No.21553121

File: 90338b33b83ec49⋯.mp4 (196.92 KB,720x406,360:203,NBC_News_Bernie_kamala_is_….mp4)

Most network presenters AI now

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d5dab3 No.21553122


The fuck is that Sterno?

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710d82 No.21553123


sabes lo que es tener una escopeta en la boca.

preguntale al taxista

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bb5c73 No.21553124


Noticed you’re all too pussy to call them out

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702a60 No.21553125



queer juw seks dellusions ar soo investud #dupont #diapur

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c6d167 No.21553126

File: 611ed061e46b175⋯.webm (1.47 MB,904x900,226:225,TRUMP_FIGHT_FIGHT_FIGHT_.webm)


never trust shill narratives

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6e2ea3 No.21553127


2018 was glorious?

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710d82 No.21553128


come over here i'll show you

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cfdf1f No.21553129




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ffb6ef No.21553130


He was vindicated, more to come.

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a200cf No.21553131

File: 7abd11d73025bc0⋯.jpg (87.56 KB,720x540,4:3,Gitmo_Express.JPG)

File: 143796e8ada6b4e⋯.mp4 (5.18 MB,336x640,21:40,List_of_NWO_perpetrators.MP4)

File: 416b8e1349f9b1d⋯.jpg (209.27 KB,1088x1431,1088:1431,Deepstate_Gitmo_02.JPG)

File: af346b83ba53424⋯.jpg (293.83 KB,1366x1025,1366:1025,Deep_State_Terrorist_01_Ba….jpg)

File: f77e0c21e50a86a⋯.mp4 (1.11 MB,540x360,3:2,Deep_State_Terrorists_Comp….mp4)

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702a60 No.21553132



>>>butt wuz >>21553073 (You) (You) (You) yesterdays trannys

>>standard feugot tranny chittin bread in dark alleys

>not ebenin maskin fo all taht feugot tranny homo

gosh feugot trannys needs an spinnurs a lot huh

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689607 No.21553133


Anons, make it your life existence to find out who posted this.

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8d2a15 No.21553134

File: 83cd5f60335a48d⋯.png (1.37 KB,145x120,29:24,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 466bd81006ce2b2⋯.png (29.07 KB,312x108,26:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59db5cd48962080⋯.png (74.4 KB,710x1000,71:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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146116 No.21553135


PanTex and Space X should collaborate

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a200cf No.21553136

File: feafb541f75cd5f⋯.jpeg (223.82 KB,1366x768,683:384,Nancy_Pelosi_Arrest_and_E….JPEG)

File: 30199cfa8ae6696⋯.jpeg (1.59 MB,3873x3099,1291:1033,Hunter_Biden_Arrest.JPEG)

File: 84b02a2a6f22547⋯.jpg (206.71 KB,1088x1088,1:1,DeepState_Gitmo_01.JPG)

File: 31b242c522ecc75⋯.jpeg (70.6 KB,519x501,173:167,Bill_Gates_Arrest.JPEG)

File: e34fb224cba0098⋯.jpeg (232.88 KB,1366x683,2:1,Hillary_R_Clinton_Arrest_….JPEG)

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4f1eff No.21553137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rollovers fuckin sick don't they?



Driving with emotion is stupid fuckin commie

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b1d7cb No.21553138


I love you. Be nice.

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250f88 No.21553139

File: a3ba8cf24caf96c⋯.png (702.23 KB,500x881,500:881,a3ba8cf24caf96c1c3cbb3cee2….png)


am i going to get money? cause that'd be awesome if i could get some money!

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a200cf No.21553140

File: 28c28672b6b5c55⋯.png (443.57 KB,486x475,486:475,IMG_9745.PNG)

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c6d167 No.21553141

File: 1663d1976273f31⋯.mp4 (99.95 KB,192x224,6:7,All_your_base_are_belong_t….mp4)


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710d82 No.21553142



es obvio me vale verga el plan

es obvio no confio y no confiare.


mira yo no voy a andar colgand maricaditas en paredes y en cajas de luz


take it from iverson.


sugiero me despertes

solo me estoy llenando mas de resentimineto

asi entendes doctora imbecil, o doctoro imbecil

o pedro, dioas alla o ala me vale verga ya.

de haberme colgado y haberme sacrificado pro toda la humanidad. tops it off.

i ain't walking for you.

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a200cf No.21553143

File: 6e2872d8fd0e842⋯.png (3.71 MB,1640x2360,41:59,Bill_Gates_sells_Fiji_prop….PNG)

File: c9d1f09c430122e⋯.png (3.01 MB,1640x2360,41:59,Bill_Melinda_Gates_Dead_in….PNG)

File: 690b79ecd943d4e⋯.jpeg (478.45 KB,1978x1413,1978:1413,BlackRock_Vanguard_Assets….JPEG)

File: fd8de68c550b929⋯.jpeg (1.38 MB,3064x3828,766:957,Gates_Foundation_Assets_0….JPEG)

File: fb0ae35dd35c6de⋯.jpeg (653.28 KB,1270x2539,1270:2539,Gates_Foundation_Assets_0….JPEG)

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a200cf No.21553144

File: df5a1c873ec1765⋯.jpg (301.66 KB,1986x859,1986:859,Gates_Sells_1Billion_of_Mi….jpg)

File: 3b60a80900484aa⋯.jpg (1.43 MB,2065x1640,413:328,Gates_Sells_1Billion_of_Mi….jpg)

File: 1133faa819f70e2⋯.jpg (65.98 KB,1206x1040,603:520,Gates_Top_Donator_2014.JPG)

File: 406eb57d7392e9a⋯.jpg (772.14 KB,1477x1640,1477:1640,Gates_Top_Giver_2014.jpg)

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702a60 No.21553145



>>>>butt wuz >>21553073 (You) (You) (You) (You) yesterdays trannys

>>>standard feugot tranny chittin bread in dark alleys

>>not ebenin maskin fo all taht feugot tranny homo

>gosh feugot trannys needs an spinnurs a lot huh

duct taped taht slaav feugot tranny trick

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5e8ad1 No.21553146


Fuck you, you mother fuckers still can Detect me? Why mention gang stalkers, why, how in a million years would you know

Fuckin fed mother fucker

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689607 No.21553147


JSYK, money don’t mean shit to me

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fdf5ae No.21553148

File: f602cdc9d071ebc⋯.jpeg (97.36 KB,500x629,500:629,f602cdc9d071ebc23de43c75c….jpeg)

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deecf9 No.21553149


>its a jail break anon.

Escape from the sheep shearing op.

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6d09a3 No.21553150


You doubt your strength or courage

Don't come to join with me

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56561a No.21553151




Idk, I am the cat not the shift.

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56561a No.21553152



Endless retards no matter where you look..no wonder it's fucked up in here..

No wonder there is no Trip.

No Q posts.

You filter faggots would hijack it and make it fake and gay again.

Filter away. I still don't know you exist and you still don't say anything worthwhile.


Disregard my previous post. This site is a mess

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bb5c73 No.21553153

File: 39cf3afafeef148⋯.jpeg (121.24 KB,1179x1253,1179:1253,IMG_8805.jpeg)



You won’t do it.

Show me proof

Tell m

To let J talk.

You know. The pilot. With the watch.

The reason you are all here

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66a606 No.21553154


What a sight. Remember, they cheated on LI by using slightly smaller ballots that would be spit back out after 1 minute. When you give your name, they sent you to a special desk to get a ballot and were told what machines to use. As soon as I was done voting, they had poll watches telling you to move along that other people need the machine even though no one was waiting. I stood my ground waiting and arguing for a minute with the clown until the machine spit out my ballot, cause I knew I was right. Why send someone to get a ballot at a special desk and use a special voting machine/? It was all rigged. LI is mainly cabal and mafia control in business and local government, fact.

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a200cf No.21553155

File: d99a71ac4dcc97e⋯.png (564.43 KB,500x582,250:291,Vampires_Day_Soros_Jr.PNG)

File: ca23a9fce2ab9f8⋯.jpg (40.67 KB,801x759,267:253,Deep_State_Season.JPG)

File: beb9719bd7b93c2⋯.png (3.72 MB,1382x1974,691:987,96D8CD1C_BDBC_4DEF_8CDE_4E….PNG)

File: 037986c80021ecd⋯.jpg (190.75 KB,1088x616,136:77,Klaus_Schwab_Vs_Grimm_Reap….JPG)

File: 885332d40c825b4⋯.jpeg (133.93 KB,800x534,400:267,8F352C5F_4D38_45EE_837C_0….JPEG)

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702a60 No.21553156



>>>>>butt wuz >>21553073 (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) yesterdays trannys

>>>>standard feugot tranny chittin bread in dark alleys

>>>not ebenin maskin fo all taht feugot tranny homo

>>gosh feugot trannys needs an spinnurs a lot huh

>duct taped taht slaav feugot tranny trick

oh wow feugot tranny got lil nuts

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d5dab3 No.21553157

File: 455846795db5f04⋯.png (228.05 KB,605x551,605:551,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ab0fcbc501a158⋯.mp4 (246.76 KB,486x270,9:5,ssstwitter_com_17258192529….mp4)

Shadow of Ezra


Bill Gates and Lady Gaga discuss being part of a reptilian race alongside Tom Hanks in Netflix's new documentary series on the future of society.


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6d09a3 No.21553158


Elon splits the beer atom and then bud light will be useful for something

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6d09a3 No.21553159


What happened to Fiddler Crab Season?

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a200cf No.21553160

File: 3f05cb61ad85ca5⋯.png (1.23 MB,1024x1024,1:1,AI_Benjamin_Netanyahu.PNG)

File: 48145f545781cff⋯.png (730.12 KB,800x582,400:291,Netanyahu_MOSSAD_ISIL_ISIS….PNG)

File: d8fc5a19ae58c2a⋯.png (6.82 MB,2072x2072,1:1,Netanyahu_Khazarian_Mafia.PNG)

File: 425a3c32431bc59⋯.jpeg (517.01 KB,1687x1687,1:1,Netanyahu_Operational_Hea….JPEG)

File: a95b74135157ad3⋯.jpg (289.68 KB,1635x1165,327:233,Netanyahu_ISIS.jpg)

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62ecfc No.21553161


But you cant escape your street shitter heritage.

Learn to use a toilet.

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250f88 No.21553162

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


why not? it's his 2nd amendment right!

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6e2ea3 No.21553163


Why wouldn't he be an actor, when everyone else is?

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4f1eff No.21553164


Slow and steady, theY are the ones losing it.

Nobody wants this coming Monday.

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4ebf3b No.21553165

File: 416c733689db820⋯.png (676.62 KB,596x803,596:803,416c733689db820b704f5b530c….png)

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48a811 No.21553166

File: 3fd582d5895658d⋯.jpeg (3.04 MB,1410x1027,1410:1027,IMG_6633.jpeg)


Not all comms are for anons.

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6d09a3 No.21553167


Carry on smartly

Love the tan

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702a60 No.21553168



>>>>>>butt wuz >>21553073 (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) yesterdays trannys

>>>>>standard feugot tranny chittin bread in dark alleys

>>>>not ebenin maskin fo all taht feugot tranny homo

>>>gosh feugot trannys needs an spinnurs a lot huh

>>duct taped taht slaav feugot tranny trick

>oh wow feugot tranny got lil nuts

>Disclaimer: this feugot tranny LEEEKY luuk saaam is otha

feugot tranny lil nuts so sensitive

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a200cf No.21553169

File: bd345da5cd44ed2⋯.jpeg (98.68 KB,1366x683,2:1,Satanic_Sites_06.JPEG)

File: 4e6069aa3a8383e⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB,1601x2000,1601:2000,Satanic_Sites_04.JPEG)

File: fde9137663150e1⋯.jpg (1.07 MB,2782x1391,2:1,Satanic_Sites.jpg)

File: 395eee2cde81595⋯.jpeg (665.78 KB,1601x1592,1601:1592,Dreyfus_Goodbye_Deep_Stat….JPEG)

File: c3fa73b7d6baa5e⋯.jpeg (258.98 KB,1366x911,1366:911,Dreyfus_Goodbye_Deep_Stat….JPEG)

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fdd30d No.21553170

File: a12937ce553f97a⋯.jpg (165.54 KB,1000x768,125:96,startrek_pepe3.jpg)


That doesn't matter to me. I don't care who people are IRL here. Recognizing individuality anonymously can be separate of who the person behind the keyboard is. And when it's the same people that have been posting for over half a decade, both light and dark, how can you not start noticing the individual patterns and rotations, especially of the clowns who rely upon forced visibility and telling others what to do and think.

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deecf9 No.21553171


I listened to a ton of BD back in the days but never heard that one till recently

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a200cf No.21553172

File: 5e0d9ccc73b8232⋯.mp4 (5.3 MB,480x464,30:29,UN_Funding_Illegal_Migrate….MP4)

File: d5b3d7f8dad1cdf⋯.png (873.08 KB,800x548,200:137,UN_Funding_Illegal_Migrate….PNG)

File: ec4baeb62f33084⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB,3837x2741,3837:2741,UN_Funding_Illegal_Migrat….JPEG)

File: b11f8d76f81ed6d⋯.jpg (243.7 KB,2096x293,2096:293,UN_Funding_Illegal_Migrate….jpg)

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fe39df No.21553173

File: 0020d146cc267c5⋯.png (25.48 KB,766x496,383:248,124_3_.png)

File: ab6f89498bd7805⋯.png (43.45 KB,766x540,383:270,1324_1_.png)

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6d09a3 No.21553174


Pig is summonable?

The OG pig

Not the wannabe

Got to wonder tho if MP is Terry Bradshaw

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d21bbe No.21553175


Dopey and Rothschild almost exclusively own or control all of Wall street, fact. They had to kick out the Irish who were beating them at Foreign Exchange trades. This is how they swindle economies and launder money. All the heads got together and planned 911 to kick the Irish of out finance, Remember Cantor Fitzgerald was the first target of the first explosion or fake plane strike. The new world trade center building is an equalibriated or squished Jewish star in it's design, signifying that the white man has been equalized.

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5f31d4 No.21553176

File: a6627e028e9549c⋯.mp4 (280.97 KB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17258113357….mp4)

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a200cf No.21553177

File: fcb25c5f8dff040⋯.jpg (318.54 KB,1130x968,565:484,IMG_1185.JPG)

File: e8ba4274c319f8d⋯.jpg (143.01 KB,1088x1088,1:1,Deep_State_The_Real_Virus.JPG)

File: de0b6b133ba3a46⋯.jpg (246.04 KB,1029x1070,1029:1070,9B308D69_9649_4633_A8B7_78….jpg)

File: f549b9b6e4d51c3⋯.mp4 (4.45 MB,720x1280,9:16,Palestine_to_Israel_Land_G….MP4)

File: 15d9c0df3f7a669⋯.jpg (26.8 KB,255x143,255:143,IMG_6094.JPG)

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702a60 No.21553178



>>>>>>>butt wuz >>21553073 (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) yesterdays trannys

>>>>>>standard feugot tranny chittin bread in dark alleys

>>>>>not ebenin maskin fo all taht feugot tranny homo

>>>>gosh feugot trannys needs an spinnurs a lot huh

>>>duct taped taht slaav feugot tranny trick

>>oh wow feugot tranny got lil nuts

>>Disclaimer: this feugot tranny LEEEKY luuk saaam is otha

>feugot tranny lil nuts so sensitive

feogot tranny lil nuts prol never had taht happen huh

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0e3c4c No.21553179

File: 72463c978039b0a⋯.png (314.51 KB,468x503,468:503,72463c978039b0aba986ba7960….png)

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6d09a3 No.21553180


wilma dafoe


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34de03 No.21553181


ate you married

you you have a daughter

at home

under the same roof

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56561a No.21553182



And just like that there are unpaid cats like me who outclass every one of your shills 10/1

>God Wins<

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4ebf3b No.21553183

File: dc572f8d340c77e⋯.png (22.21 KB,698x234,349:117,ClipboardImage.png)

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a200cf No.21553185

File: 847925cf3a20545⋯.mp4 (3.83 MB,TRUMP_Obama_Founder_of_ISI….mp4)

File: 48145f545781cff⋯.png (730.12 KB,800x582,400:291,Netanyahu_ISIS_01.PNG)

File: 3d76e62920b794a⋯.mp4 (10.52 MB,Obama_Training_ISIL_Forces.mp4)

File: ac5abe9d4f9a641⋯.png (853.14 KB,600x800,3:4,Netanyahu_ISIS_02.PNG)

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6d09a3 No.21553186


When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

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34de03 No.21553187


occams razors

is a short cut

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ac65e7 No.21553188

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702a60 No.21553189



>>>>>>>>butt wuz >>21553073 (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) yesterdays trannys

>>>>>>>standard feugot tranny chittin bread in dark alleys

>>>>>>not ebenin maskin fo all taht feugot tranny homo

>>>>>gosh feugot trannys needs an spinnurs a lot huh

>>>>duct taped taht slaav feugot tranny trick

>>>oh wow feugot tranny got lil nuts

>>>Disclaimer: this feugot tranny LEEEKY luuk saaam is otha

>>feugot tranny lil nuts so sensitive

>feogot tranny lil nuts prol never had taht happen huh

feugot tranny still got happy endin tho , great diggin nigggay uk wankurs #goldstar #researchinnigggay #wankurs4niggggay #feugottrannymatters #feugottrannysensitive #feugottrannylilnuts

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56561a No.21553190




Good post 👏

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fdd30d No.21553191

File: 6919f69c707beb1⋯.jpg (99.82 KB,662x653,662:653,6919f69c707beb17d38793e127….jpg)

What I suggest places the burden of respect upon the individual, not upon a rule to enforce equity on the group.

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6d09a3 No.21553192


The fires of Jubilee

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ca0114 No.21553193


Being a parent is the most unselfish thing that a person can do.

Once you have a kid, it is no longer all about you

Another person's life depends on you caring, protecting, and providing for them.

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250f88 No.21553194


#26403 >>21552115

>>21552140 John Yoo. Merchan is going to have to throw out this verdict because of the Supreme Courts Immunity ruling

>>21552151, >>21552701, >>21552717 Moderna confirms mRNA COVID Vaccines cause Cancer–

>>21552176, >>21552281 Line Fire doubles in size overnight in San Bernardino County, with evacuations expanding

>>21552158 Satan herself: Alice Bailey's 10-Point Charter

>>21552233 Donald Trump pulls ahead of Kamala Harris in major poll — a sign her campaign is fizzling

>>21552234 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>21552273 @VivekGRamaswamy If Trump trounces Kamala at the debate, get ready for some very strange things to happen before November

>>21552289 'Take the Chair, Make an Impact' This Star Trek Day

>>21552322, >>21552328 A decade of untruth: Adding up the media’s lies about Trump and Biden

>>21552361, >>21552363 Pope arrives in the remote jungles of Papua New Guinea with a ton of humanitarian aid and toys

>>21552434, >>21552450 New York Times’ AG Sulzberger gives us another reason to search elsewhere for fairness

>>21552647 collector

>>21552487 SpaceX will start launching Starships to Mars in 2026, Elon Musk says

>>21552499 Unauthorized satellite dish on warship lands Navy chief Grisel Marrero in hot water with demotion

>>21552220, >>21552258 TODAY’S Q Delta’s: Hold the line God Wins with his peoples help

>>21552582 Bernie on Kamala: I think she is trying to be pragmatic and do what she thinks is right in order to win the election."

>>21552585 Woman Begs Springfield Ohio City Council to Do Something About Illegals Squatting in Her Front Yard

>>21552604 Trump has announced that he will deploy the US military to impose a full blockade on all Mexican cartel activity.

>>21552625 @BasedMikeLee - What would have happened if this assassination attempt had been directed at the Democrat in the race?

>>21552629 American Red Cross volunteers status REVOKED due to having a conservative viewpoint.

>>21552787 @EzraACohen - The Adults are really back.

>>21552827 Over 400 Tren de Aragua Venezuelan gang members active in New York City: OMG report

>>21552606 George Washington on factionalism

>>21552886 @TrumpWarRoom: Junior Harris spokesperson Michael Tyler admits "the American people are looking for a new way forward" after 3.5 years of Kamala's disastrous leadership

>>21552896, >>21552925 When The Kamala Harris Admin Shows You Who They Are, Believe Them

>>21552897 The violent fake asylum seeker in Switzerland found out

>>21553050 collector #2

>>21552931, >>21552947, >>21552952 @USArmy - Today is #GrandparentsDay, do you have a grandparent who served in the military? Are you a grandparent in the military?

>>21552937, >>21553033 BREAKING: Mitt Romney just announced he will not be voting for Donald Trump.

>>21552942 The Blade Runners in London continue to disable the ULEZ cameras as fast as the city govt puts them up.

>>21552955 They already have the Mpox mRNA injections ready.

>>21552999 Are we being tricked? Scary.

>>21553011 If you pay extremely close attention, you may detect an ever-so-slight difference in the Washington Post’s coverage of Harris and Trump. It is subtle, though.

>>21553055 A campaign about nothing.

>>21553066 Tulsi Gabbard and Tucker Carlson talk about the dangers of a potential nuclear war.

>>21553068 Oh god, the hypocrisy is unpalatable

>>21553098 Boeing says it has a deal to avoid a strike by more than 30,000 machinists

>>21553157 Bill Gates and Lady Gaga discuss being part of a reptilian race alongside Tom Hanks in Netflix's new documentary series on the future of society.

>>21552153, >>21552154, >>21552864, >>21552922, >>21552988, >>21552995, >>21553155 Notable memes – nom em anons


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e94d53 No.21553195

File: c1a8f06d572c7c8⋯.jpg (92.41 KB,1000x667,1000:667,Binney_Patriot_highest.jpg)

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0e3c4c No.21553196

File: 952d73873b6970e⋯.webm (2.22 MB,640x360,16:9,english.webm)

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523b50 No.21553197

File: 125e3c303645f51⋯.png (88.98 KB,431x408,431:408,125e3c303645f511401e0d3925….png)

Guud afternoon frens

God bless you all, especially the retards

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e94d53 No.21553200

File: 888a1030bc3411d⋯.png (514.76 KB,969x481,969:481,BlackEyeBeyonce.png)

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ca0114 No.21553202



Of course.

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702a60 No.21553203



>>>>>>>>>butt wuz >>21553073 (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) yesterdays trannys

>>>>>>>>standard feugot tranny chittin bread in dark alleys

>>>>>>>not ebenin maskin fo all taht feugot tranny homo

>>>>>>gosh feugot trannys needs an spinnurs a lot huh

>>>>>duct taped taht slaav feugot tranny trick

>>>>oh wow feugot tranny got lil nuts

>>>>Disclaimer: this feugot tranny LEEEKY luuk saaam is otha

>>>feugot tranny lil nuts so sensitive

>>feogot tranny lil nuts prol never had taht happen huh

>feugot tranny still got happy endin tho , great diggin nigggay uk wankurs #goldstar #researchinnigggay #wankurs4niggggay #feugottrannymatters #feugottrannysensitive #feugottrannylilnuts

all uk duz is eat molly an break frickin mini coopurs an tahn pay sum nigggay to sort out tranny fluids

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e94d53 No.21553204

File: fa116cb87b93884⋯.png (229.64 KB,438x438,1:1,BlackEyeCeleb.png)

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e94d53 No.21553206

File: 78bd894e6c16a6b⋯.png (310.74 KB,452x479,452:479,BlackEyeCeleb2.png)

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34de03 No.21553207

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250f88 No.21553208

File: 5f2521a6bc2273d⋯.jpeg (102.35 KB,1125x1093,1125:1093,5f2521a6bc2273d518550a2d3….jpeg)

Fresh, please lock bread

Fresh, please lock bread

Fresh, please lock bread

Fresh, please lock bread

Fresh, please lock bread

Fresh, please lock bread

Fresh, please lock bread

Fresh, please lock bread

Fresh, please lock bread

Fresh, please lock bread














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e94d53 No.21553209

File: 858f44d7a0da120⋯.png (244.88 KB,605x417,605:417,BlackEyeCeleb3.png)

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8f9caf No.21553210

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Not Done Yet Ya

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e94d53 No.21553211

File: a99a0c550da09ea⋯.png (150.95 KB,325x484,325:484,BlackEyeCeleb5.png)

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4f1eff No.21553212

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Stupid and sick fuckin clowns should stick to concocting a suicide drink and fuck waisting time with anymore pysop bullshit

Why wait until tomorrow?

Do you can see the look on your families face when they find out?

Go to sleep, just like …… going……..to ……….sleep………

D d d d d d do it now…..

No more fear, no pain

Just sleep


If not, please keep fighting and convulsing at our feet, writhing and wrenching, shitting YourSelves

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56561a No.21553213


My grandpa Jim was a captain and a merchant marine..

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0e3c4c No.21553214

File: d179adfc51ca084⋯.jpg (58.92 KB,500x502,250:251,d179adfc51ca08405a13adcdac….jpg)

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e94d53 No.21553215

File: 12d81c95c5f19b8⋯.png (210.02 KB,393x486,131:162,BlackEyeCeleb6.png)

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74575f No.21553216

File: 9f13e5ef7bbb039⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,9f13e5ef7bbb039dd97c10d075….jpg)

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e94d53 No.21553217

File: 3750dd86f681731⋯.png (362.88 KB,538x599,538:599,BlackEyeCeleb7.png)

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8f9caf No.21553218

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b34c3b No.21553219

File: f4c9b05fc5bd801⋯.png (617.79 KB,500x779,500:779,f4c9b05fc5bd801ff86d7da27a….png)

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e94d53 No.21553220

File: 105b2c1e22e0fa2⋯.png (266.15 KB,395x486,395:486,BlackEyeCeleb10.png)

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e94d53 No.21553221

File: 220483f3f7bc5e3⋯.png (299.83 KB,371x596,371:596,BlackEyeCeleb11.png)

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ca0114 No.21553223


I have a grown son and a grown daughter.

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23fd38 No.21553224

Hamas killed a hostage after Israel bombed its city for a few months killing a lot of kids, so they are killing each other

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7e50d2 No.21561525

File: f142c1b24607e24⋯.png (58.08 KB,300x100,3:1,2024_09_06_16_04_49.png)

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