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File: 72f3700d7d4fe1a⋯.png (2.86 MB,2415x1490,483:298,00aa.png)

7f1711 No.21552092 [View All]

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701 posts and 531 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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fdd30d No.21553170

File: a12937ce553f97a⋯.jpg (165.54 KB,1000x768,125:96,startrek_pepe3.jpg)


That doesn't matter to me. I don't care who people are IRL here. Recognizing individuality anonymously can be separate of who the person behind the keyboard is. And when it's the same people that have been posting for over half a decade, both light and dark, how can you not start noticing the individual patterns and rotations, especially of the clowns who rely upon forced visibility and telling others what to do and think.

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deecf9 No.21553171


I listened to a ton of BD back in the days but never heard that one till recently

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a200cf No.21553172

File: 5e0d9ccc73b8232⋯.mp4 (5.3 MB,480x464,30:29,UN_Funding_Illegal_Migrate….MP4)

File: d5b3d7f8dad1cdf⋯.png (873.08 KB,800x548,200:137,UN_Funding_Illegal_Migrate….PNG)

File: ec4baeb62f33084⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB,3837x2741,3837:2741,UN_Funding_Illegal_Migrat….JPEG)

File: b11f8d76f81ed6d⋯.jpg (243.7 KB,2096x293,2096:293,UN_Funding_Illegal_Migrate….jpg)

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fe39df No.21553173

File: 0020d146cc267c5⋯.png (25.48 KB,766x496,383:248,124_3_.png)

File: ab6f89498bd7805⋯.png (43.45 KB,766x540,383:270,1324_1_.png)

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6d09a3 No.21553174


Pig is summonable?

The OG pig

Not the wannabe

Got to wonder tho if MP is Terry Bradshaw

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d21bbe No.21553175


Dopey and Rothschild almost exclusively own or control all of Wall street, fact. They had to kick out the Irish who were beating them at Foreign Exchange trades. This is how they swindle economies and launder money. All the heads got together and planned 911 to kick the Irish of out finance, Remember Cantor Fitzgerald was the first target of the first explosion or fake plane strike. The new world trade center building is an equalibriated or squished Jewish star in it's design, signifying that the white man has been equalized.

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5f31d4 No.21553176

File: a6627e028e9549c⋯.mp4 (280.97 KB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17258113357….mp4)

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a200cf No.21553177

File: fcb25c5f8dff040⋯.jpg (318.54 KB,1130x968,565:484,IMG_1185.JPG)

File: e8ba4274c319f8d⋯.jpg (143.01 KB,1088x1088,1:1,Deep_State_The_Real_Virus.JPG)

File: de0b6b133ba3a46⋯.jpg (246.04 KB,1029x1070,1029:1070,9B308D69_9649_4633_A8B7_78….jpg)

File: f549b9b6e4d51c3⋯.mp4 (4.45 MB,720x1280,9:16,Palestine_to_Israel_Land_G….MP4)

File: 15d9c0df3f7a669⋯.jpg (26.8 KB,255x143,255:143,IMG_6094.JPG)

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702a60 No.21553178



>>>>>>>butt wuz >>21553073 (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) yesterdays trannys

>>>>>>standard feugot tranny chittin bread in dark alleys

>>>>>not ebenin maskin fo all taht feugot tranny homo

>>>>gosh feugot trannys needs an spinnurs a lot huh

>>>duct taped taht slaav feugot tranny trick

>>oh wow feugot tranny got lil nuts

>>Disclaimer: this feugot tranny LEEEKY luuk saaam is otha

>feugot tranny lil nuts so sensitive

feogot tranny lil nuts prol never had taht happen huh

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0e3c4c No.21553179

File: 72463c978039b0a⋯.png (314.51 KB,468x503,468:503,72463c978039b0aba986ba7960….png)

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6d09a3 No.21553180


wilma dafoe


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34de03 No.21553181


ate you married

you you have a daughter

at home

under the same roof

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56561a No.21553182



And just like that there are unpaid cats like me who outclass every one of your shills 10/1

>God Wins<

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4ebf3b No.21553183

File: dc572f8d340c77e⋯.png (22.21 KB,698x234,349:117,ClipboardImage.png)

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a200cf No.21553185

File: 847925cf3a20545⋯.mp4 (3.83 MB,TRUMP_Obama_Founder_of_ISI….mp4)

File: 48145f545781cff⋯.png (730.12 KB,800x582,400:291,Netanyahu_ISIS_01.PNG)

File: 3d76e62920b794a⋯.mp4 (10.52 MB,Obama_Training_ISIL_Forces.mp4)

File: ac5abe9d4f9a641⋯.png (853.14 KB,600x800,3:4,Netanyahu_ISIS_02.PNG)

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6d09a3 No.21553186


When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

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34de03 No.21553187


occams razors

is a short cut

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ac65e7 No.21553188

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702a60 No.21553189



>>>>>>>>butt wuz >>21553073 (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) yesterdays trannys

>>>>>>>standard feugot tranny chittin bread in dark alleys

>>>>>>not ebenin maskin fo all taht feugot tranny homo

>>>>>gosh feugot trannys needs an spinnurs a lot huh

>>>>duct taped taht slaav feugot tranny trick

>>>oh wow feugot tranny got lil nuts

>>>Disclaimer: this feugot tranny LEEEKY luuk saaam is otha

>>feugot tranny lil nuts so sensitive

>feogot tranny lil nuts prol never had taht happen huh

feugot tranny still got happy endin tho , great diggin nigggay uk wankurs #goldstar #researchinnigggay #wankurs4niggggay #feugottrannymatters #feugottrannysensitive #feugottrannylilnuts

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56561a No.21553190




Good post 👏

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fdd30d No.21553191

File: 6919f69c707beb1⋯.jpg (99.82 KB,662x653,662:653,6919f69c707beb17d38793e127….jpg)

What I suggest places the burden of respect upon the individual, not upon a rule to enforce equity on the group.

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6d09a3 No.21553192


The fires of Jubilee

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ca0114 No.21553193


Being a parent is the most unselfish thing that a person can do.

Once you have a kid, it is no longer all about you

Another person's life depends on you caring, protecting, and providing for them.

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250f88 No.21553194


#26403 >>21552115

>>21552140 John Yoo. Merchan is going to have to throw out this verdict because of the Supreme Courts Immunity ruling

>>21552151, >>21552701, >>21552717 Moderna confirms mRNA COVID Vaccines cause Cancer–

>>21552176, >>21552281 Line Fire doubles in size overnight in San Bernardino County, with evacuations expanding

>>21552158 Satan herself: Alice Bailey's 10-Point Charter

>>21552233 Donald Trump pulls ahead of Kamala Harris in major poll — a sign her campaign is fizzling

>>21552234 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>21552273 @VivekGRamaswamy If Trump trounces Kamala at the debate, get ready for some very strange things to happen before November

>>21552289 'Take the Chair, Make an Impact' This Star Trek Day

>>21552322, >>21552328 A decade of untruth: Adding up the media’s lies about Trump and Biden

>>21552361, >>21552363 Pope arrives in the remote jungles of Papua New Guinea with a ton of humanitarian aid and toys

>>21552434, >>21552450 New York Times’ AG Sulzberger gives us another reason to search elsewhere for fairness

>>21552647 collector

>>21552487 SpaceX will start launching Starships to Mars in 2026, Elon Musk says

>>21552499 Unauthorized satellite dish on warship lands Navy chief Grisel Marrero in hot water with demotion

>>21552220, >>21552258 TODAY’S Q Delta’s: Hold the line God Wins with his peoples help

>>21552582 Bernie on Kamala: I think she is trying to be pragmatic and do what she thinks is right in order to win the election."

>>21552585 Woman Begs Springfield Ohio City Council to Do Something About Illegals Squatting in Her Front Yard

>>21552604 Trump has announced that he will deploy the US military to impose a full blockade on all Mexican cartel activity.

>>21552625 @BasedMikeLee - What would have happened if this assassination attempt had been directed at the Democrat in the race?

>>21552629 American Red Cross volunteers status REVOKED due to having a conservative viewpoint.

>>21552787 @EzraACohen - The Adults are really back.

>>21552827 Over 400 Tren de Aragua Venezuelan gang members active in New York City: OMG report

>>21552606 George Washington on factionalism

>>21552886 @TrumpWarRoom: Junior Harris spokesperson Michael Tyler admits "the American people are looking for a new way forward" after 3.5 years of Kamala's disastrous leadership

>>21552896, >>21552925 When The Kamala Harris Admin Shows You Who They Are, Believe Them

>>21552897 The violent fake asylum seeker in Switzerland found out

>>21553050 collector #2

>>21552931, >>21552947, >>21552952 @USArmy - Today is #GrandparentsDay, do you have a grandparent who served in the military? Are you a grandparent in the military?

>>21552937, >>21553033 BREAKING: Mitt Romney just announced he will not be voting for Donald Trump.

>>21552942 The Blade Runners in London continue to disable the ULEZ cameras as fast as the city govt puts them up.

>>21552955 They already have the Mpox mRNA injections ready.

>>21552999 Are we being tricked? Scary.

>>21553011 If you pay extremely close attention, you may detect an ever-so-slight difference in the Washington Post’s coverage of Harris and Trump. It is subtle, though.

>>21553055 A campaign about nothing.

>>21553066 Tulsi Gabbard and Tucker Carlson talk about the dangers of a potential nuclear war.

>>21553068 Oh god, the hypocrisy is unpalatable

>>21553098 Boeing says it has a deal to avoid a strike by more than 30,000 machinists

>>21553157 Bill Gates and Lady Gaga discuss being part of a reptilian race alongside Tom Hanks in Netflix's new documentary series on the future of society.

>>21552153, >>21552154, >>21552864, >>21552922, >>21552988, >>21552995, >>21553155 Notable memes – nom em anons


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e94d53 No.21553195

File: c1a8f06d572c7c8⋯.jpg (92.41 KB,1000x667,1000:667,Binney_Patriot_highest.jpg)

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0e3c4c No.21553196

File: 952d73873b6970e⋯.webm (2.22 MB,640x360,16:9,english.webm)

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523b50 No.21553197

File: 125e3c303645f51⋯.png (88.98 KB,431x408,431:408,125e3c303645f511401e0d3925….png)

Guud afternoon frens

God bless you all, especially the retards

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e94d53 No.21553200

File: 888a1030bc3411d⋯.png (514.76 KB,969x481,969:481,BlackEyeBeyonce.png)

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ca0114 No.21553202



Of course.

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702a60 No.21553203



>>>>>>>>>butt wuz >>21553073 (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) yesterdays trannys

>>>>>>>>standard feugot tranny chittin bread in dark alleys

>>>>>>>not ebenin maskin fo all taht feugot tranny homo

>>>>>>gosh feugot trannys needs an spinnurs a lot huh

>>>>>duct taped taht slaav feugot tranny trick

>>>>oh wow feugot tranny got lil nuts

>>>>Disclaimer: this feugot tranny LEEEKY luuk saaam is otha

>>>feugot tranny lil nuts so sensitive

>>feogot tranny lil nuts prol never had taht happen huh

>feugot tranny still got happy endin tho , great diggin nigggay uk wankurs #goldstar #researchinnigggay #wankurs4niggggay #feugottrannymatters #feugottrannysensitive #feugottrannylilnuts

all uk duz is eat molly an break frickin mini coopurs an tahn pay sum nigggay to sort out tranny fluids

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e94d53 No.21553204

File: fa116cb87b93884⋯.png (229.64 KB,438x438,1:1,BlackEyeCeleb.png)

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e94d53 No.21553206

File: 78bd894e6c16a6b⋯.png (310.74 KB,452x479,452:479,BlackEyeCeleb2.png)

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34de03 No.21553207

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250f88 No.21553208

File: 5f2521a6bc2273d⋯.jpeg (102.35 KB,1125x1093,1125:1093,5f2521a6bc2273d518550a2d3….jpeg)

Fresh, please lock bread

Fresh, please lock bread

Fresh, please lock bread

Fresh, please lock bread

Fresh, please lock bread

Fresh, please lock bread

Fresh, please lock bread

Fresh, please lock bread

Fresh, please lock bread

Fresh, please lock bread














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e94d53 No.21553209

File: 858f44d7a0da120⋯.png (244.88 KB,605x417,605:417,BlackEyeCeleb3.png)

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8f9caf No.21553210

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Not Done Yet Ya

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e94d53 No.21553211

File: a99a0c550da09ea⋯.png (150.95 KB,325x484,325:484,BlackEyeCeleb5.png)

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4f1eff No.21553212

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Stupid and sick fuckin clowns should stick to concocting a suicide drink and fuck waisting time with anymore pysop bullshit

Why wait until tomorrow?

Do you can see the look on your families face when they find out?

Go to sleep, just like …… going……..to ……….sleep………

D d d d d d do it now…..

No more fear, no pain

Just sleep


If not, please keep fighting and convulsing at our feet, writhing and wrenching, shitting YourSelves

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56561a No.21553213


My grandpa Jim was a captain and a merchant marine..

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0e3c4c No.21553214

File: d179adfc51ca084⋯.jpg (58.92 KB,500x502,250:251,d179adfc51ca08405a13adcdac….jpg)

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e94d53 No.21553215

File: 12d81c95c5f19b8⋯.png (210.02 KB,393x486,131:162,BlackEyeCeleb6.png)

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74575f No.21553216

File: 9f13e5ef7bbb039⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,9f13e5ef7bbb039dd97c10d075….jpg)

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e94d53 No.21553217

File: 3750dd86f681731⋯.png (362.88 KB,538x599,538:599,BlackEyeCeleb7.png)

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8f9caf No.21553218

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b34c3b No.21553219

File: f4c9b05fc5bd801⋯.png (617.79 KB,500x779,500:779,f4c9b05fc5bd801ff86d7da27a….png)

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e94d53 No.21553220

File: 105b2c1e22e0fa2⋯.png (266.15 KB,395x486,395:486,BlackEyeCeleb10.png)

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e94d53 No.21553221

File: 220483f3f7bc5e3⋯.png (299.83 KB,371x596,371:596,BlackEyeCeleb11.png)

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ca0114 No.21553223


I have a grown son and a grown daughter.

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23fd38 No.21553224

Hamas killed a hostage after Israel bombed its city for a few months killing a lot of kids, so they are killing each other

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7e50d2 No.21561525

File: f142c1b24607e24⋯.png (58.08 KB,300x100,3:1,2024_09_06_16_04_49.png)

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