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File: 0f64bbc5f9de6ae⋯.png (64.87 KB,255x138,85:46,ClipboardImage.png)

6478de No.21550642 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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6478de No.21550644

International Q Research Threads

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>>20022853 Posting Guidelines | >>21163876 Anon Info | >>19089065, >>21163829 Baking Tools & Guidelines

NOTICE: >>21523087, >>21523128 GENERAL banners can use Trump "fight fight fight" photo new

- - - - - - - - - - - -


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>>21438634, >>21189998, >>21462480, >>21190032, >>21543513 @thejimwatkins: Is it worth keeping 8kun online?? (plus how to make bitcoin pmts via Proto) NEW

>>18024378, >>18561054 PROTO Instructions

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!

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6478de No.21550645


#26400 >>21549856

>>21549879 Robert F. Kennedy Jr & Calley Means Expose the American Academy of Pediatrics

>>21549896, >>21549903, >>21549905, >>21549906, >>21549911, >>21549987, >>21550111, >>21550467 Joseph A. Couch, is a Person of Interest in the Kentucky shooting

>>21549915 Bill Gates Wants You to Eat Fake ‘Butter’ Made from Air to Fight Climate Change

>>21549912, >>21549920, >>21550244 When the enemy of your friend is the friend's enemy's enemy


>>21550020, >>21550191 Will the real Liz Crokin please stand up

>>21550043 @WarRoom 8 Weeks Left! Beth Martin, Chairman Tea Party Patriots Citizens Vote Fund

>>21550101 Tenet Media is no more. Spoopy Story NEEDZ DIGZ

>>21550180, >>21550193 Kash Patel - You picking up what I'm putting down

>>21550198 @iamnot_elon - A Presidential Debate next month on X and invite both Trump and Harris?

>>21550207, >>21550261 Jim Breuer Sums Up the Great Awakening Happening Across the World Right Now

>>21550253 Colorado Hikers Snap Picture of Apparent 20-Foot Creature Scaling the Side of a Cliff

>>21550294 US Soldier Dies in Poland, Army and Local Authorities Investigating

>>21550297 RFK Jr. just launched an emotional ad to all his followers, saying his decision to join forces with Trump is a spiritual thing

>>21550310 DJT: GOD BLESS THE USA!!!

>>21550372 Mother Of Georgia Shooting Suspect Called School Warning Of ‘Extreme Emergency’

>>21550553 Jimmy Carter ‘talking about politics again’ since Kamala Harris became Democratic nominee

>>21550591 Stepped down in the past 24hrs

>>21550625, >>21550627 PF: Global X had a Gitmo flight today - call sign CAMBER438

>>21549910, >>21549960, >>21550579 Memes

>>21550641 #26400

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6478de No.21550646

#26399 >>21549105

>>21549124 The Plan: WHO’s Ten Years of Infectious Diseases (2020 to 2030)

>>21549130 From Jim Watkins - Password reset is not broken. Some email providers block our email. I am sorry for this situation, but the world is not broken because of me. Lets do our best together, so it doesn't get worse.

>>21549173, >>21549569 Space News

>>21549191 I am Malik Obama. I will be voting for Donald Trump. DJT- Thank you Malik — A Great Honor.

>>21549195 Two Foreign Nationals Charged in Swatting Conspiracy FBI Minneapolis

>>21549216 U.S. Cuts Another Massive Check to Ukraine

>>21549234, >>21549241 Learn more about our Unclassified Data Lake and how you can gain access here

>>21549252 Ford recalls 85,000 Police vehicles because of potential engine fire

>>21549254 World's Biggest Battery coming to Maine

>>21549261 @NavalInstitute - #NationalBeerLoversDay

>>21549322, >>21549330, >>21549725 PlaneFaggin' YAL

>>21549359 After waiting 2 months Macron appoints a conservative as Prime Minister.

>>21549470 Feds order NYPD not to destroy electronic files amid Adams probe: police sources

>>21549480, >>21549509, >>21549681 Active shooter situation in progress on I-75 Numerous victims shot

>>21549468, >>21549477, >>21549494, >>21549503, >>21549522, >>21549547, >>21549576 Walz @ the Human Rights Campaign Dinner in DC.

>>21549518 Tucker Carlson Live - Tulsi Gabbard on Dick Cheney and on Biden’s “Terrorist Watchlist”

>>21549533, >>21549536 RFK Jr on FDA — CDC — WHO — All Health Institutions — PUT ON NOTICE!

>>21549543 Tucker Live - Vivek Ramaswamy & RFK Jr: Brazil Banning X, the New Russian Hoax & Harris Scam

>>21549549, >>21549579, >>21549600, >>21549622 TRUMP TRUTH on rampant Cheating in elections and SkullDuggery

>>21549559 Thanks in advance, Jim

>>21549618 Dems are BEGGING all the war mongering criminals to unite against Trump KEK

>>21549634 Mark Cuban has gone extremely woke and soon broke

>>21549660, >>21549674, >>21549679 Kamala In Public staged event with her team members posing as anons at large

>>21549709 Jair Bolsonaro’s son Eduardo shares a photo in "TRUMP FORCE CAPTAIN" hat Brazil

>>21549745 Trumps EO and Biden extended it. 13848—Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a US Election

>>21549801 moar Great Awakening in action AMERICA KNOWS WHAT TIME IT IS

>>21549848 #26399

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6478de No.21550648

#26398 >>21548319



>>21548358, >>21548377, >>21548381, >>21548390, >>21548401, >>21548483, >>21548543 Country singer Gretchen Wilson rallies support for President Trump

>>21548592, >>21548593, >>21548599, >>21548605 Dancing Trump is winning comms

>>21548613 Trump asked "would he do it all over again?" His response was BEAUTIFUL

>>21548667, >>21548674, >>21548777 It looks like this is the 1st time RT showed a live Trump Rally

>>21548825, >>21548948, >>21549052 TRUMP "I want hybrids. I want everything. Hydrogen is maybe coming."

>>21548330, >>21548350, >>21548356, >>21548380, >>21548386, >>21548388, >>21548389, >>21548419, >>21548421, >>21548431, >>21548450, >>21548452, >>21548462, >>21548479, >>21548493, >>21548503, >>21548528, >>21548530, >>21548567, >>21548575, >>21548587 TRUMP QUOTES

>>21548646, >>21548651, >>21548659, >>21549055 ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY IN MOSINEE, WISCONSIN - 9/7/2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21548365 Where is the outrage MadCow? 300,000+ children missing & exploited and nothing.

>>21548423, >>21548447, >>21548670 IT'S HAPPENING Absolutely massive protest in Brazil today for free speech.

>>21548564 MSNBC Host Rachel Maddow Is In Case That Could Cost Network MILLIONS

>>21548573 This is what happens when Google LIES - BYE BYE ChatGPT - HELLO Grok2

>>21548581 This is our FBI: a cringey, weaponized force working against us. “knock it off"

>>21548627 Pritzger signs law banning hotel mini-shampoos, to save the planet

>>21548631 WA State GOP Files Lawsuit to Dispute State Primary Election Ballots

>>21548658, >>21548679 Elton John gave support to Donald Trump in his new VARIETY interview

>>21548705 China bans foreign adoptions of its children in line with the spirit of International agreements

>>21548745 Migrant families receive $4000 in grants to aid transition out of NYC shelters

>>21548831 'Space. The final frontier. These are the voyages…' September 8th is #StarTrekDay

>>21548862, >>21548895 Latest news on Satellite Salsa. Sauce coming tomorrow

>>21548868, >>21548879 Loomer - Kamala STAGED a fake emotional encounter with a woman on camera today

>>21548885 Advancing American Freedom and 48 other amici Fights SEC’s Mass-Surveillance of Americans

>>21548920 RT - Top German MP threatens X and Telegram with bans

>>21548947 Iraq and the US reach landmark agreement for the final exit of ALL US-coalition troops from the territory of Iraq

>>21548979, >>21548991 88 leading swamp creatures sign open letter endorsing Kamala Harris

>>21548985 A Cop Shot in U.S. Every 22 Hours This Year, Huge Increase During Biden-Harris Era

>>21548992 Kamala Harris’s ‘Middle-Class’ Upbringing in Westmount, Canada

>>21549026 “Propaganda is real” but THE GREAT AWAKENING IS MUCH MOAR REEEEEEEAL

>>21549060 Men believed to be Tren de Aragua members released on $1,000 bond in Aurora

>>21549072 More than 1.4 million people have signed the petition for Alexandre’s impeachment.

>>21549096 #26398

Previously Collected

>>21546685 #26395, >>21547507 #26396, >>21548310 #26397

>>21544180 #26392, >>21544963 #26393, >>21545729 #26394

>>21541351 #26389, >>21542256 #26390, >>21543182 #26391

>>21538831 #26386, >>21539617 #26387, >>21540427 #26388

Aggregators: https:'//'qresear.ch | https:'//'qnotables.com | https:'//'qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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6478de No.21550650

File: d9878685b84423d⋯.png (1.19 MB,702x707,702:707,ClipboardImage.png)



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b9b8b8 No.21550658

File: f2ed1a6a201d16c⋯.png (139.6 KB,425x411,425:411,ClipboardImage.png)

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a110b1 No.21550660

File: 160f4fd9ece8b40⋯.png (540.86 KB,602x395,602:395,F09CA15D_6723_4209_A573_45….png)

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e38b07 No.21550671

File: 847876263d781c5⋯.png (349.61 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Baker, I have a question. Are bakers part of the Q team? 'cause I've been lurking here since right after 8chan turned into 8kun, and there's always been a baker here, 24/7. It's just odd that there's always a baker 24/7.

No matter how dead the board is, or how flooded with bots and shills it is, or whenever there's absolutely nothing happening, there's always a baker.

Is it possible that some bakers are actually part of Q team rather than regular guys?

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13c1b1 No.21550673

File: c4618e89f5a619d⋯.webm (421.17 KB,427x240,427:240,inbound.webm)

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cdc6fc No.21550674

File: f72e40e1d6d5868⋯.jpg (368.58 KB,1247x1011,1247:1011,Screenshot_20240907_202525….jpg)


Ehermagerd, TYB!


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eccaeb No.21550675

File: 85f0bbeaa2e68c0⋯.jpg (251.67 KB,2048x1536,4:3,media_GW5IvmnXoAAFij3.jpg)

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083a85 No.21550676

File: 2d1919b8ba62aa5⋯.jpg (207.27 KB,683x1024,683:1024,RedLineDiner.jpg)

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8353a3 No.21550679

File: 384c9445d79ff8c⋯.png (88.8 KB,208x467,208:467,Screenshot_2024_09_07_2153….png)

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d086b3 No.21550684

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NEW - Turkey's Erdogan calls for Islamic alliance against Israel.

12:27 PM · Sep 7, 2024



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721242 No.21550685


You apparently don't watch the board, especially when only approved bakers are allowed to post new bread and real anons are barred.

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791cb4 No.21550688

File: b79c8ba5521dd34⋯.jpeg (78.15 KB,640x720,8:9,IMG_1934.jpeg)


hello fedboy

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8e72f9 No.21550689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For Donald J Trump, victory and the complete kneecapping and blinding of his enemies, especially but not exclusively, the Luciferian Brotherhood System, it's chain of command, the Satanic Council, it's Command Chain and it's phoenix Barack Hussein Obama, with no ill effect on humanity for the glory of God Almighty and the hastening of the Triumph none can stop.

Day 13

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13c1b1 No.21550691

File: 044238e5c40d1c5⋯.webm (166.93 KB,573x240,191:80,latveria.webm)

I like how it's taken on a life of its own and the clowns try monopolizing it. They copy at least one filename per day to add to their routine. One person cannot be recognized and any identifying features he displays must be watered down and copied. And it all started because of one person that mouthed off some clowns that thought they were tough but really weren't. A nobody with nothing to his name and an IC outfit is throwing a mountain at an ant and the ant is still standing. Satan is a weak bitch.

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721242 No.21550693


>Is it possible that some bakers are actually part of Q team rather than regular guys?

No! They are part of faggot team 6 that control what you are allowed to see.

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d086b3 No.21550695

File: 262351c610bbd72⋯.jpg (37.23 KB,400x400,1:1,3tqWk6rv_400x400.jpg)


Forgot to thank the baker. Oof


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cdc6fc No.21550696

File: 35c858738337f52⋯.jpg (353.73 KB,660x656,165:164,35c858738337f521be7819d90f….jpg)


>especially when only approved bakers are allowed to post new bread and real anons are barred.

uhm…. does anybody want to tell him? No? ok, well just let him look like a total retard.

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2a152b No.21550698

File: 812b44a7e139b03⋯.png (14.62 KB,217x255,217:255,like_they_forgot_about_the….png)

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c55a9f No.21550699

File: fe5655d48c315e0⋯.png (1.07 MB,1080x790,108:79,fe5655d48c315e06aa9af3bb0b….png)

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835d87 No.21550700

File: d919542f83ee078⋯.png (494.27 KB,1295x899,1295:899,ClipboardImage.png)

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af8081 No.21550701

File: 82d62cd24b2dff7⋯.png (746.53 KB,495x680,99:136,ClipboardImage.png)

Throw in Mitt Romney for future considerations too.

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721242 No.21550702


Never seen when the board has gone hours with no new bread due to this?

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3d2b5c No.21550704

File: 45ef30a1866fd95⋯.mp4 (546.37 KB,720x998,360:499,ssstwitter_com_17257379134….mp4)



What do you do when your neighbor hates your Trump lawn sign?



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af8081 No.21550705

File: 511ff16fb547fcb⋯.png (2.56 MB,1125x1500,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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04a7bc No.21550706

File: 3a8fa9a50c0d039⋯.png (481.32 KB,638x635,638:635,036befa96b6e3ad1566ad4ea6f….png)





I Got A Song For You!(Adam Sandler voice)

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423d5c No.21550707

Support The Watkins Project #8KUN

Follow The Owner: Jim Watkins x.com/thejimwatkin/

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Donate Bitcoin: 1Kill44WeWKaDb4Newr7bDXadtGn21ACqY

Proto Membership: https://ho.isitwetyet.com/p/Proto-membership/ (Coin Accepted)

Send Anonymous Money Orders: Is It Wet Yet, Inc at 21188 Wilshire Blvd #304 Santa Monica, CA. 90403new

Jim just added the requested DONATE button on the top bannerDONATE

Lastly, please click on the following link to see where 8KUN is now being served:

>>> https://www.opentracker.net/feature/ip-tracker?ip= <<<

^^^ Simply "cut" and paste" ^^^ to see where the 8KUN server is now served. Opentracker is a well known and trusted site tracker. Search for yourself!


Enjoy the [Show]!

>>> https://www.opentracker.net/feature/ip-tracker?ip= <<<


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835d87 No.21550708

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

oldest video on youtube, first movie ever made 1888, first video ever recorded in history, the roundhay garden scene, oldest video ever

The movie industry has seen top movies like James Cameron’s Avatar and Marvel’s Avengers make billions of dollars at the Box Office. It has been estimated that there are approximately 500,000 movies (or, narrative fiction feature-length, theatrical-cinema films) in existence presently. Also, the video hosting software, YouTube, has over 800 million videos on its platform. These videos would up to 9.36 billion minutes or 17,810 years to view.

Movies, and videos in general, make up a huge part of our lives but how did it start? In this video, we’ll take a look at some of the oldest videos ever recorded and glance at the lives of people who lived more than 100 years ago. Don’t forget to like this video and subscribe to our channel for more interesting videos.

In today's video we look at Oldest video ever recorded - 1874 - History.

Subscribe for the latest news on shocking discoveries, crazy discoveries, and shocking historical mysteries. Inspired by Future Unity, AbsurdLand History, and Top Discovery.

Inspired by Oldest Video Ever Recorded - 1874 ?! - History

Inspired by [4k, 60 fps, colorized] 1810, Earliest-Born Person Ever Captured on Film. Pope Leo XIII. (1896)

Inspired by Top 5 oldest Videos Ever Recorded - 1888?!

Inspired by 【Colourised】The 1890's ~ Amazing Rare Footage of Cities Around the World 【AI Restoration】

Inspired by The Very First Recordings (1859-1879)

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e19094 No.21550709

File: 9f0b189b509ae97⋯.png (289.42 KB,854x488,7:4,9f0b189b509ae97172d3bb3bc4….png)


Here is my latest

i call it "PAIN"

Support The Watkins Project #8KUN

Follow The Owner: Jim Watkins x.com/thejimwatkin/

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Buy Merchandise: (Coin Accepted)

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Donate Bitcoin: 1Kill44WeWKaDb4Newr7bDXadtGn21ACqY

Proto Membership: https://ho.isitwetyet.com/p/Proto-membership/ (Coin Accepted)

Send Anonymous Money Orders: Is It Wet Yet, Inc at 21188 Wilshire Blvd #304 Santa Monica, CA. 90403new

Jim just added the requested DONATE button on the top bannerDONATE

Lastly, please click on the following link to see where 8KUN is now being served:

>>> https://www.opentracker.net/feature/ip-tracker?ip= <<<

^^^ Simply "cut" and paste" ^^^ to see where the 8KUN server is now served. Opentracker is a well known and trusted site tracker. Search for yourself!


Enjoy the [Show]!

>>> https://www.opentracker.net/feature/ip-tracker?ip= <<<


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cdc6fc No.21550710

File: 65e0909deb9066c⋯.gif (27.42 KB,268x224,67:56,65e0909deb9066ce2a616bf561….gif)

File: 1173c22118dc568⋯.jpg (104.18 KB,1093x500,1093:500,1173c22118dc568102f63a1288….jpg)

File: 6e3e0d26d0b7570⋯.gif (507.39 KB,500x500,1:1,6e3e0d26d0b757056180bc4ec1….gif)

File: 26b8fa81cb66a68⋯.png (376.88 KB,1440x560,18:7,26b8fa81cb66a686c6fc85dc14….png)

File: c0bb909d74f6ff1⋯.gif (160.24 KB,446x395,446:395,c0bb909d74f6ff1b4feb051337….gif)


no because I got off my lazy ass and e-baked til I got it down right and became a baker without anybody's permission or consent. then I got reporter creds to make it easier.

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af8081 No.21550711

File: be44d51a87f4a23⋯.png (660.23 KB,680x614,340:307,ClipboardImage.png)

The loudest anti-racists are the racists.

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e19094 No.21550712

File: 569cf62259b1db4⋯.png (1 MB,633x706,633:706,0MFGKARENb.png)


Support The Watkins Project #8KUN

Follow The Owner: Jim Watkins x.com/thejimwatkin/

Advertise Here: ad@isitwetyet.com

Buy Merchandise: (Coin Accepted)

https://ho.isitwetyet.com/ (proto levels / donations)

https://hoppers.isitwetyet.com/ (misc.)

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https://goodstuffcoffee.com/8kuncoffee/ (coovfefe)

Donate Bitcoin: 1Kill44WeWKaDb4Newr7bDXadtGn21ACqY

Proto Membership: https://ho.isitwetyet.com/p/Proto-membership/ (Coin Accepted)

Send Anonymous Money Orders: Is It Wet Yet, Inc at 21188 Wilshire Blvd #304 Santa Monica, CA. 90403new

Jim just added the requested DONATE button on the top bannerDONATE

Lastly, please click on the following link to see where 8KUN is now being served:

>>> https://www.opentracker.net/feature/ip-tracker?ip= <<<

^^^ Simply "cut" and paste" ^^^ to see where the 8KUN server is now served. Opentracker is a well known and trusted site tracker. Search for yourself!


Enjoy the [Show]!

>>> https://www.opentracker.net/feature/ip-tracker?ip= <<<


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f98aeb No.21550713

File: 3ec16dc1a0d6358⋯.jpg (628.94 KB,663x650,51:50,3ec16dc1a0d635836392318c79….jpg)

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e19094 No.21550714

File: 627ec57f39c605c⋯.jpg (17.39 KB,221x346,221:346,000nazinigs.jpg)


Support The Watkins Project #8KUN

Follow The Owner: Jim Watkins x.com/thejimwatkin/

Advertise Here: ad@isitwetyet.com

Buy Merchandise: (Coin Accepted)

https://ho.isitwetyet.com/ (proto levels / donations)

https://hoppers.isitwetyet.com/ (misc.)

https://www.p666pprinting.com/8kun (clothing)

https://goodstuffcoffee.com/8kuncoffee/ (coovfefe)

Donate Bitcoin: 1Kill44WeWKaDb4Newr7bDXadtGn21ACqY

Proto Membership: https://ho.isitwetyet.com/p/Proto-membership/ (Coin Accepted)

Send Anonymous Money Orders: Is It Wet Yet, Inc at 21188 Wilshire Blvd #304 Santa Monica, CA. 90403new

Jim just added the requested DONATE button on the top bannerDONATE

Lastly, please click on the following link to see where 8KUN is now being served:

>>> https://www.opentracker.net/feature/ip-tracker?ip= <<<

^^^ Simply "cut" and paste" ^^^ to see where the 8KUN server is now served. Opentracker is a well known and trusted site tracker. Search for yourself!


Enjoy the [Show]!

>>> https://www.opentracker.net/feature/ip-tracker?ip= <<<


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e19094 No.21550715

File: 4876b73fb1074b1⋯.png (1.41 MB,1436x1102,718:551,00000.png)


Support The Watkins Project #8KUN

Follow The Owner: Jim Watkins x.com/thejimwatkin/

Advertise Here: ad@isitwetyet.com

Buy Merchandise: (Coin Accepted)

https://ho.isitwetyet.com/ (proto levels / donations)

https://hoppers.isitwetyet.com/ (misc.)

https://www.p666pprinting.com/8kun (clothing)

https://goodstuffcoffee.com/8kuncoffee/ (coovfefe)

Donate Bitcoin: 1Kill44WeWKaDb4Newr7bDXadtGn21ACqY

Proto Membership: https://ho.isitwetyet.com/p/Proto-membership/ (Coin Accepted)

Send Anonymous Money Orders: Is It Wet Yet, Inc at 21188 Wilshire Blvd #304 Santa Monica, CA. 90403new

Jim just added the requested DONATE button on the top bannerDONATE

Lastly, please click on the following link to see where 8KUN is now being served:

>>> https://www.opentracker.net/feature/ip-tracker?ip= <<<

^^^ Simply "cut" and paste" ^^^ to see where the 8KUN server is now served. Opentracker is a well known and trusted site tracker. Search for yourself!


Enjoy the [Show]!

>>> https://www.opentracker.net/feature/ip-tracker?ip= <<<


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e19094 No.21550716

File: ce6d9dcd4b6a7bd⋯.jpg (14.22 KB,255x169,255:169,01z1.jpg)


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835d87 No.21550717

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Chumlee Sentenced To Life In Prison After This (Pawn Stars)

Austin Lee Russell, better known by his stage name Chumlee, is an American businessman and a reality TV star. Most people know him from the History Channel's show "Pawn Stars." This show is all about the day-to-day business at the Gold and Silver Pawn Shop in Las Vegas, where Chumlee works.

Chumlee started working at the pawn shop five years before they even began filming the first season of the show. He got the job because he was a childhood friend of Corey Harrison, whose dad and grandpa started the shop.

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e19094 No.21550718

File: c381f470a9fa082⋯.gif (135.06 KB,200x150,4:3,000p.gif)


Support The Watkins Project #8KUN

Follow The Owner: Jim Watkins x.com/thejimwatkin/

Advertise Here: ad@isitwetyet.com

Buy Merchandise: (Coin Accepted)

https://ho.isitwetyet.com/ (proto levels / donations)

https://hoppers.isitwetyet.com/ (misc.)

https://www.p666pprinting.com/8kun (clothing)

https://goodstuffcoffee.com/8kuncoffee/ (coovfefe)

Donate Bitcoin: 1Kill44WeWKaDb4Newr7bDXadtGn21ACqY

Proto Membership: https://ho.isitwetyet.com/p/Proto-membership/ (Coin Accepted)

Send Anonymous Money Orders: Is It Wet Yet, Inc at 21188 Wilshire Blvd #304 Santa Monica, CA. 90403new

Jim just added the requested DONATE button on the top bannerDONATE

Lastly, please click on the following link to see where 8KUN is now being served:

>>> https://www.opentracker.net/feature/ip-tracker?ip= <<<

^^^ Simply "cut" and paste" ^^^ to see where the 8KUN server is now served. Opentracker is a well known and trusted site tracker. Search for yourself!


Enjoy the [Show]!

>>> https://www.opentracker.net/feature/ip-tracker?ip= <<<


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13c1b1 No.21550719

File: 832da840d436a43⋯.webm (309.28 KB,427x240,427:240,worth_it5.webm)


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a841fc No.21550720

File: 5e3443a20388417⋯.jpg (45.56 KB,603x750,201:250,17jimcary.jpg)

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e19094 No.21550721

File: 97c8c2521c50318⋯.gif (5.54 MB,500x353,500:353,000nightshiftpriest.gif)

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e19094 No.21550722

File: 88176ba1db826c8⋯.jpg (41.24 KB,600x600,1:1,a24.jpg)


Support The Watkins Project #8KUN

Follow The Owner: Jim Watkins x.com/thejimwatkin/

Advertise Here: ad@isitwetyet.com

Buy Merchandise: (Coin Accepted)

https://ho.isitwetyet.com/ (proto levels / donations)

https://hoppers.isitwetyet.com/ (misc.)

https://www.p666pprinting.com/8kun (clothing)

https://goodstuffcoffee.com/8kuncoffee/ (coovfefe)

Donate Bitcoin: 1Kill44WeWKaDb4Newr7bDXadtGn21ACqY

Proto Membership: https://ho.isitwetyet.com/p/Proto-membership/ (Coin Accepted)

Send Anonymous Money Orders: Is It Wet Yet, Inc at 21188 Wilshire Blvd #304 Santa Monica, CA. 90403new

Jim just added the requested DONATE button on the top bannerDONATE

Lastly, please click on the following link to see where 8KUN is now being served:

>>> https://www.opentracker.net/feature/ip-tracker?ip= <<<

^^^ Simply "cut" and paste" ^^^ to see where the 8KUN server is now served. Opentracker is a well known and trusted site tracker. Search for yourself!


Enjoy the [Show]!

>>> https://www.opentracker.net/feature/ip-tracker?ip= <<<


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474c8c No.21550723



The World Trade Center - June 2001

Subsidized by the NY Port Authority from the date it was first proposed, by 2001 the WTC had only 60% occupancy and was considered to be a gigantic white elephant as far as real estate investments go. Most recent building inspection revealed the twin towers were in immediate need of $200,000,000 (two-hundred-million) in renovations and improvements, including the immediate removal and replacement of building materials declared to be health hazards (thousands of tons of asbestos). The twin towers were described as an "Asbestos Timebomb" with advanced galvanic corrosion. NY Port Authority had tried several times to obtain the necessary permits to demolish the buildings, but applications were repeatedly DENIED because of liability reasons (asbestos). Projected cost to disassemble the buildings piece by piece, $15,000,000,000 (fifteen BILLION).

Enter Silverstein Properties - July 2001

For the first time in the 31 years since construction, the WTC changed owners and went private when Silverstein Properties purchased a 99-year lease of the entire complex from the NY Port Authority for a paltry $125,000,000 (one-hundred-twenty-five-million) deposit. Larry Silverstein had previously purchased a lease on WTC 7. Lewis M. Eisenburg (of the NY Port Authority) gave Larry Silverstein the 99-year lease DESPITE the fact that they were the LOWEST bidders (the highest bidder mysteriously pulled out at the last minute). Larry Silverstein immediately insures the WTC complex for $3,500,000,000 (three-and-one-half-BILLION) including FULL COVERAGE against "terrorist attacks." None of Silverstein's other properties were insured against terrorist attacks. Silverstein immediately fires the company that had provided security for the WTC, and replaces them with Securacom (now Stratasec), a company owned by Marvin Bush (little brother of President George W. Bush). Coincidentally, at the time Securacom also provided security for Dulles International Airport AND United Airlines.

Six Weeks Later - September 11th

Larry Silverstein had breakfast EVERY morning at 8:30 AM in the "Windows on the World" restaurant at the top of the North Tower. BUT, on the morning of September 11th, he complained to his wife about his "skin," and skipped his routine breakfast. Larry's daughter Lisa, who was a VP of Silverstein Properties, attended tenant meetings EVERY morning on the 88th floor of the North Tower, BUT on the morning of September 11th, the normally punctual Lisa was running late, with no explanation given. Lisa's brother, Roger, also a VP of Silverstein Properties, was also running late on the morning of September 11th, allegedly because he was "held up in traffic." On September 10th, the night before, Silverstein Properties abruptly cancelled ALL company meetings scheduled for the 11th, with no reason given, an amazing stroke of LUCK that resulted in saving the lives of all the company's executives and their publicist.

The Aftermath

Larry immediately filed TWO insurance claims for the maximum policy amount, based on what he claimed were TWO separate attacks. Larry wants $7,000,000,000 (seven-BILLION) for his "losses." Larry gets his $125,000,000 (one-hundred-twenty-five-million) deposit to the NY Port Authority RETURNED to him. Larry gets an insurance settlement of $861,000,000 (eight-hundred-sixty-one-million) dollars for WTC 7 against his initial investment of $386,000,000 (three-hundred-eight-six-million). Larry gets an insurance settlement of $4,550,000,000 (four-BILLION-five-hundred-fifty-million) for the twin towers (initial investment now ZERO after his deposit was returned). In 2008, Larry sues the airlines and the security firms for $12,800,000,000 (twelve-BILLION-eight-hundred-million). In 2013, Silverstein AGAIN sues the airlines for an EXTRA $3,500,000,000 (three-BILLION-five-hundred-million) and that case is still pending.

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e19094 No.21550724

File: 2abb70c7f052f66⋯.png (549.4 KB,618x618,1:1,1cc.png)



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e19094 No.21550725

File: d0594a9ddc8a5fa⋯.png (2.84 MB,4992x4248,208:177,8.png)

File: 81c9d1e5cd4ebb4⋯.png (624.08 KB,800x698,400:349,8b.png)

File: 525789efadf4248⋯.png (75.57 KB,950x765,190:153,9a.png)



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e19094 No.21550726



Dec 21, 2017 8:31:58 PM EST 416

Anonymous ID: deb9fa No. 143329

SOROS takes orders fromP.

You have no idea how sick and evil these people are.

Fight, fight, fight.

Day of days.

Game over.


Feb 10, 2018 5:46:19 AM EST 714

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 567809 No. 325580

Mess with theBEST, die like the rest.

[2] highly classifiedclownops exposed.

[44] remaining.

Wizards & Warlocks.

Save theBESTfor last.



May 17, 2018 8:15:27 PM EDT 1413

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 610b24 No. 1449784


Guardian of thePope.



China's 'Shock' Statement: Palestinians Have Right To Use 'Armed Force' Against Israel

by Tyler Durden Friday, Feb 23, 2024 - 05:00 AM Via Middle East Eye

China has backed the right of the Palestinian people to use armed force to combat Israel's occupation of their land, calling it an "an inalienable right well founded in international law".

The comments on Thursday were made by the Chinese ambassador to the UN, Zhang Jun, during the fourth day of public hearings held by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, Netherlands.

Representatives of 52 countries are addressing the ICJ on Israel's decades-long occupation of Palestinian land.

Beijing’s envoy said there were "various people (who) freed themselves from colonial rule" and they could use "all available means, including armed struggle".

He described the Palestinian use of armed resistance as legitimate and not an act of terrorism.

"The struggle waged by peoples for their liberation, right to self-determination, including armed struggle against colonialism, occupation, aggression, domination against foreign forces should not be considered terror acts," Zhang Jun told the court.

In his speech, Jun criticized Israeli policies, characterizing them as “oppression that has severely undermined and impeded the exercises and full realization of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination".

The ICJ’s public hearings, which will be held until February 26, come after a UN General Assembly resolution requesting an ICJ advisory opinion.

The number of states participating in the oral proceedings is the highest of any case since the ICJ's establishment in 1945 and is separate to the more publicized genocide case brought by South Africa. A panel of 15 judges are expected to take about six months to deliberate before issuing an advisory opinion.

Besides China, other countries scheduled to participate in the hearings include Hungary, France, South Africa and Egypt.

International bodies, including the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the African Union will also take part. Israel will not participate but has sent written observations to the court.


China, Palestinian Authority form 'strategic partnership' to deepen ties


China inks ‘strategic partnership’ with Palestinan Authority as it expands Middle East presence

Published 6:58 AM EDT, June 14, 2023

“We are good friends and partners,” Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is head of the ruling Communist Party, told Abbas at the start of their meeting.

“We have always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights.”


China Inks 'Strategic Partnership' With Palestinian Authority as It Expands Middle East Presence

June 14, 2023 12:45 PM

"China is willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation with the Palestinian side to promote a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue as soon as possible," Xi said.


China signs ‘strategic partnership’ with Palestinian Authority during Abbas visit

President Xi Jinping tells PA leader Beijing has ‘always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights’

By AP 14 June 2023, 3:04 pm


Xi: China willing to help foster Palestinian peacemaking with Israel

June 14, 2023

"The fundamental solution to the Palestinian issue lies in the establishment of an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital," Xi said, according to Chinese state media.


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721242 No.21550727

File: 12ec627217bcc18⋯.png (95.58 KB,1775x606,1775:606,bread_bake.png)


>no because I got off my lazy ass and e-baked til I got it down right

You mean you've never received a message only authorised bakers are allowed to bake?

What planet you been on?

Methinks you are a nigger of the admin team.

Yeah, I saved it when I tried to bake, you faggot.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

743ec9 No.21550728

File: f80a2ea689c58a2⋯.jpg (80.59 KB,1080x360,3:1,1080x360.jpg)

File: c147f6ebfd817e6⋯.jpg (827.45 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240907_200104….jpg)

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e19094 No.21550729

File: fdc139f70e502b0⋯.png (310.55 KB,1292x1140,17:15,11b.png)


Dec 21, 2017 8:31:58 PM EST 416

Anonymous ID: deb9fa No. 143329

SOROS takes orders fromP.

You have no idea how sick and evil these people are.

Fight, fight, fight.

Day of days.

Game over.


Feb 10, 2018 5:46:19 AM EST 714

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 567809 No. 325580

Mess with theBEST, die like the rest.

[2] highly classifiedclownops exposed.

[44] remaining.

Wizards & Warlocks.

Save theBESTfor last.



May 17, 2018 8:15:27 PM EDT 1413

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 610b24 No. 1449784


Guardian of thePope.



China's 'Shock' Statement: Palestinians Have Right To Use 'Armed Force' Against Israel

by Tyler Durden Friday, Feb 23, 2024 - 05:00 AM Via Middle East Eye

China has backed the right of the Palestinian people to use armed force to combat Israel's occupation of their land, calling it an "an inalienable right well founded in international law".

The comments on Thursday were made by the Chinese ambassador to the UN, Zhang Jun, during the fourth day of public hearings held by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, Netherlands.

Representatives of 52 countries are addressing the ICJ on Israel's decades-long occupation of Palestinian land.

Beijing’s envoy said there were "various people (who) freed themselves from colonial rule" and they could use "all available means, including armed struggle".

He described the Palestinian use of armed resistance as legitimate and not an act of terrorism.

"The struggle waged by peoples for their liberation, right to self-determination, including armed struggle against colonialism, occupation, aggression, domination against foreign forces should not be considered terror acts," Zhang Jun told the court.

In his speech, Jun criticized Israeli policies, characterizing them as “oppression that has severely undermined and impeded the exercises and full realization of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination".

The ICJ’s public hearings, which will be held until February 26, come after a UN General Assembly resolution requesting an ICJ advisory opinion.

The number of states participating in the oral proceedings is the highest of any case since the ICJ's establishment in 1945 and is separate to the more publicized genocide case brought by South Africa. A panel of 15 judges are expected to take about six months to deliberate before issuing an advisory opinion.

Besides China, other countries scheduled to participate in the hearings include Hungary, France, South Africa and Egypt.

International bodies, including the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the African Union will also take part. Israel will not participate but has sent written observations to the court.


China, Palestinian Authority form 'strategic partnership' to deepen ties


China inks ‘strategic partnership’ with Palestinan Authority as it expands Middle East presence

Published 6:58 AM EDT, June 14, 2023

“We are good friends and partners,” Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is head of the ruling Communist Party, told Abbas at the start of their meeting.

“We have always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights.”


China Inks 'Strategic Partnership' With Palestinian Authority as It Expands Middle East Presence

June 14, 2023 12:45 PM

"China is willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation with the Palestinian side to promote a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue as soon as possible," Xi said.


China signs ‘strategic partnership’ with Palestinian Authority during Abbas visit

President Xi Jinping tells PA leader Beijing has ‘always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights’

By AP 14 June 2023, 3:04 pm


Xi: China willing to help foster Palestinian peacemaking with Israel

June 14, 2023

"The fundamental solution to the Palestinian issue lies in the establishment of an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital," Xi said, according to Chinese state media.


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dc633b No.21550730


ask yourself, who has a budget for 24/7 staffing, and how can you tell that apart from an anon in the right timezone?

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e19094 No.21550731

File: b3464be6f3e6984⋯.png (333.27 KB,516x548,129:137,poteyekeky.png)



Dec 21, 2017 8:31:58 PM EST 416

Anonymous ID: deb9fa No. 143329

SOROS takes orders fromP.

You have no idea how sick and evil these people are.

Fight, fight, fight.

Day of days.

Game over.


Feb 10, 2018 5:46:19 AM EST 714

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 567809 No. 325580

Mess with theBEST, die like the rest.

[2] highly classifiedclownops exposed.

[44] remaining.

Wizards & Warlocks.

Save theBESTfor last.



May 17, 2018 8:15:27 PM EDT 1413

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 610b24 No. 1449784


Guardian of thePope.



China's 'Shock' Statement: Palestinians Have Right To Use 'Armed Force' Against Israel

by Tyler Durden Friday, Feb 23, 2024 - 05:00 AM Via Middle East Eye

China has backed the right of the Palestinian people to use armed force to combat Israel's occupation of their land, calling it an "an inalienable right well founded in international law".

The comments on Thursday were made by the Chinese ambassador to the UN, Zhang Jun, during the fourth day of public hearings held by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, Netherlands.

Representatives of 52 countries are addressing the ICJ on Israel's decades-long occupation of Palestinian land.

Beijing’s envoy said there were "various people (who) freed themselves from colonial rule" and they could use "all available means, including armed struggle".

He described the Palestinian use of armed resistance as legitimate and not an act of terrorism.

"The struggle waged by peoples for their liberation, right to self-determination, including armed struggle against colonialism, occupation, aggression, domination against foreign forces should not be considered terror acts," Zhang Jun told the court.

In his speech, Jun criticized Israeli policies, characterizing them as “oppression that has severely undermined and impeded the exercises and full realization of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination".

The ICJ’s public hearings, which will be held until February 26, come after a UN General Assembly resolution requesting an ICJ advisory opinion.

The number of states participating in the oral proceedings is the highest of any case since the ICJ's establishment in 1945 and is separate to the more publicized genocide case brought by South Africa. A panel of 15 judges are expected to take about six months to deliberate before issuing an advisory opinion.

Besides China, other countries scheduled to participate in the hearings include Hungary, France, South Africa and Egypt.

International bodies, including the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the African Union will also take part. Israel will not participate but has sent written observations to the court.


China, Palestinian Authority form 'strategic partnership' to deepen ties


China inks ‘strategic partnership’ with Palestinan Authority as it expands Middle East presence

Published 6:58 AM EDT, June 14, 2023

“We are good friends and partners,” Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is head of the ruling Communist Party, told Abbas at the start of their meeting.

“We have always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights.”


China Inks 'Strategic Partnership' With Palestinian Authority as It Expands Middle East Presence

June 14, 2023 12:45 PM

"China is willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation with the Palestinian side to promote a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue as soon as possible," Xi said.


China signs ‘strategic partnership’ with Palestinian Authority during Abbas visit

President Xi Jinping tells PA leader Beijing has ‘always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights’

By AP 14 June 2023, 3:04 pm


Xi: China willing to help foster Palestinian peacemaking with Israel

June 14, 2023

"The fundamental solution to the Palestinian issue lies in the establishment of an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital," Xi said, according to Chinese state media.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e19094 No.21550732

File: f55302898f77855⋯.png (86.62 KB,666x666,1:1,9e2a.png)



Dec 21, 2017 8:31:58 PM EST 416

Anonymous ID: deb9fa No. 143329

SOROS takes orders fromP.

You have no idea how sick and evil these people are.

Fight, fight, fight.

Day of days.

Game over.


Feb 10, 2018 5:46:19 AM EST 714

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 567809 No. 325580

Mess with theBEST, die like the rest.

[2] highly classifiedclownops exposed.

[44] remaining.

Wizards & Warlocks.

Save theBESTfor last.



May 17, 2018 8:15:27 PM EDT 1413

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 610b24 No. 1449784


Guardian of thePope.



China's 'Shock' Statement: Palestinians Have Right To Use 'Armed Force' Against Israel

by Tyler Durden Friday, Feb 23, 2024 - 05:00 AM Via Middle East Eye

China has backed the right of the Palestinian people to use armed force to combat Israel's occupation of their land, calling it an "an inalienable right well founded in international law".

The comments on Thursday were made by the Chinese ambassador to the UN, Zhang Jun, during the fourth day of public hearings held by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, Netherlands.

Representatives of 52 countries are addressing the ICJ on Israel's decades-long occupation of Palestinian land.

Beijing’s envoy said there were "various people (who) freed themselves from colonial rule" and they could use "all available means, including armed struggle".

He described the Palestinian use of armed resistance as legitimate and not an act of terrorism.

"The struggle waged by peoples for their liberation, right to self-determination, including armed struggle against colonialism, occupation, aggression, domination against foreign forces should not be considered terror acts," Zhang Jun told the court.

In his speech, Jun criticized Israeli policies, characterizing them as “oppression that has severely undermined and impeded the exercises and full realization of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination".

The ICJ’s public hearings, which will be held until February 26, come after a UN General Assembly resolution requesting an ICJ advisory opinion.

The number of states participating in the oral proceedings is the highest of any case since the ICJ's establishment in 1945 and is separate to the more publicized genocide case brought by South Africa. A panel of 15 judges are expected to take about six months to deliberate before issuing an advisory opinion.

Besides China, other countries scheduled to participate in the hearings include Hungary, France, South Africa and Egypt.

International bodies, including the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the African Union will also take part. Israel will not participate but has sent written observations to the court.


China, Palestinian Authority form 'strategic partnership' to deepen ties


China inks ‘strategic partnership’ with Palestinan Authority as it expands Middle East presence

Published 6:58 AM EDT, June 14, 2023

“We are good friends and partners,” Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is head of the ruling Communist Party, told Abbas at the start of their meeting.

“We have always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights.”


China Inks 'Strategic Partnership' With Palestinian Authority as It Expands Middle East Presence

June 14, 2023 12:45 PM

"China is willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation with the Palestinian side to promote a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue as soon as possible," Xi said.


China signs ‘strategic partnership’ with Palestinian Authority during Abbas visit

President Xi Jinping tells PA leader Beijing has ‘always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights’

By AP 14 June 2023, 3:04 pm


Xi: China willing to help foster Palestinian peacemaking with Israel

June 14, 2023

"The fundamental solution to the Palestinian issue lies in the establishment of an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital," Xi said, according to Chinese state media.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e19094 No.21550733


Where are you?




Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?


Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.



Aug 16, 2018 12:38:24 PM EDT1908

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 No. 2628352

Ask yourself simple questions.

If ES was trying to travel to UIO from HKG.

Why would he route through Russia?

How many direct flights (per day) from HKG to UIO?

What if Russia was the original target?

Ask yourself, would you NOT want to be at your preferred destination PRIOR TO going public?

Logical thinking.


Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

cc2ed1 No.21550734

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump - Thunder (Trump2020 TV Campaign AD)


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d2922 No.21550735

File: 632dae27b8e01ac⋯.png (784.51 KB,4432x4368,277:273,11c.png)

Where are you?




Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?


Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.



Aug 16, 2018 12:38:24 PM EDT1908

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 No. 2628352

Ask yourself simple questions.

If ES was trying to travel to UIO from HKG.

Why would he route through Russia?

How many direct flights (per day) from HKG to UIO?

What if Russia was the original target?

Ask yourself, would you NOT want to be at your preferred destination PRIOR TO going public?

Logical thinking.


Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b7c59b No.21550736

File: c3fa6f757d36f13⋯.jpg (69.68 KB,500x655,100:131,hillbilly.jpg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

38dbb2 No.21550737

File: b7870eb8d7d7bee⋯.png (1.6 MB,1500x1500,1:1,filtered.png)


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc633b No.21550738


longest record is about 40 minutes newfag

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d2922 No.21550739

File: 48fff00c6b51a0c⋯.gif (44.91 KB,220x123,220:123,2b.gif)








Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e4eba8 No.21550740

File: 414da05e1603782⋯.png (33.02 KB,853x372,853:372,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1214ecc2fae4e5a⋯.png (42.41 KB,539x510,539:510,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 257a25e5e65a7a7⋯.png (14.41 KB,476x226,238:113,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2089de4aca6ab15⋯.png (23.67 KB,495x306,55:34,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 845162ff99204bb⋯.png (80.12 KB,538x785,538:785,ClipboardImage.png)



Not datefagging, just thinking out loud. Possible scenario.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc633b No.21550741


conflation by the mimics

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d2922 No.21550742

File: faeac904476dd48⋯.gif (1.08 MB,356x200,89:50,2a.gif)



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d2922 No.21550743


Where are you?




Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?


Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.



Aug 16, 2018 12:38:24 PM EDT1908

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 No. 2628352

Ask yourself simple questions.

If ES was trying to travel to UIO from HKG.

Why would he route through Russia?

How many direct flights (per day) from HKG to UIO?

What if Russia was the original target?

Ask yourself, would you NOT want to be at your preferred destination PRIOR TO going public?

Logical thinking.


Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

38dbb2 No.21550744

File: b7870eb8d7d7bee⋯.png (1.6 MB,1500x1500,1:1,filtered.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

835d87 No.21550745

File: 607fa45bd7a4b5e⋯.png (1.13 MB,787x1124,787:1124,chans.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

25e7c0 No.21550746

File: 07884996402b472⋯.jpg (75.26 KB,640x960,2:3,53f29f6370eb79271c497c9888….jpg)

Where are you?




Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?


Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.



Aug 16, 2018 12:38:24 PM EDT1908

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 No. 2628352

Ask yourself simple questions.

If ES was trying to travel to UIO from HKG.

Why would he route through Russia?

How many direct flights (per day) from HKG to UIO?

What if Russia was the original target?

Ask yourself, would you NOT want to be at your preferred destination PRIOR TO going public?

Logical thinking.


Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc633b No.21550747


moar conflation by mimics

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1a6dd2 No.21550748


Bakers were a thing on 4chan long before Q or this board.

This board is pretty much modled after President Trump General from 4chan /pol/

Anyone can bake you just have to learn how.

Bakers are just anons and have nothing to do with Q.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

38dbb2 No.21550749

File: b7870eb8d7d7bee⋯.png (1.6 MB,1500x1500,1:1,filtered.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1097ec No.21550750

File: 51f8fd1c1d83cf8⋯.jpg (131.48 KB,600x335,120:67,NormalizingNonsense.jpg)

File: fd128e065aefcb6⋯.jpg (166.51 KB,339x335,339:335,MAGA24.jpg)

File: 97a1e1f5e3c4044⋯.jpg (96.28 KB,600x335,120:67,MadWorld.jpg)


Thank you, Baker!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc633b No.21550751



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

25e7c0 No.21550752

File: 0f2a2616bb53f2e⋯.jpg (12.21 KB,255x254,255:254,0f2a2616bb53f2ede0219c5f72….jpg)


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

25e7c0 No.21550753

File: a8f7247983aee45⋯.png (455.13 KB,2120x2836,530:709,00000kekb.png)

Where are you?




Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?


Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.



Aug 16, 2018 12:38:24 PM EDT1908

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 No. 2628352

Ask yourself simple questions.

If ES was trying to travel to UIO from HKG.

Why would he route through Russia?

How many direct flights (per day) from HKG to UIO?

What if Russia was the original target?

Ask yourself, would you NOT want to be at your preferred destination PRIOR TO going public?

Logical thinking.


Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

25e7c0 No.21550754

File: 51054aa50193018⋯.png (655.94 KB,1080x604,270:151,51054aa501930180f048fd5204….png)




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

791cb4 No.21550755

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e38b07 No.21550756

I don't even bother commenting on youtube videos anymore. All my comments are shadow banned.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

721242 No.21550757


>longest record is about 40 minutes newfag

I beg to differ.

I tried to bake because it was over 3 hours.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

25e7c0 No.21550758

File: 8a8ad4aeccfd4de⋯.gif (6.74 MB,480x270,16:9,vVr1eD.gif)

Where are you?




Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?


Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.



Aug 16, 2018 12:38:24 PM EDT1908

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 No. 2628352

Ask yourself simple questions.

If ES was trying to travel to UIO from HKG.

Why would he route through Russia?

How many direct flights (per day) from HKG to UIO?

What if Russia was the original target?

Ask yourself, would you NOT want to be at your preferred destination PRIOR TO going public?

Logical thinking.


Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

cdc6fc No.21550759


lol what a loser

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e38b07 No.21550760


so many shills to filter tonight. see ya, shill.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

25e7c0 No.21550761

File: 72d8b7575fce84a⋯.png (1.14 MB,1641x952,1641:952,00000000000000000000000000….png)

File: 36fff6619c2ba55⋯.png (948.91 KB,648x870,108:145,00000000000000000000000000….png)

File: bf1e8b502a4d447⋯.jpg (294.95 KB,718x759,718:759,00000000000000000000000000….jpg)

File: fcf7a991f7b80f7⋯.jpg (111.12 KB,1040x586,520:293,00000000000000000000000000….jpg)

File: ff3e0a0795797ed⋯.jpg (7.61 KB,225x225,1:1,00000000000000000000000000….jpg)


Where are you?




Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?


Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.



Aug 16, 2018 12:38:24 PM EDT1908

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 No. 2628352

Ask yourself simple questions.

If ES was trying to travel to UIO from HKG.

Why would he route through Russia?

How many direct flights (per day) from HKG to UIO?

What if Russia was the original target?

Ask yourself, would you NOT want to be at your preferred destination PRIOR TO going public?

Logical thinking.


Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

38dbb2 No.21550762


yep… plenty

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc633b No.21550763


there is no try, only do

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

703cff No.21550764

File: ffa66adc5b921e4⋯.png (740.09 KB,877x949,877:949,0000.png)

File: 312a89f74e496bd⋯.png (641.99 KB,854x1003,854:1003,0000a.png)

File: a798e7bf26432c3⋯.png (747.53 KB,883x759,883:759,0000b.png)

File: d211966e085a68b⋯.png (247.95 KB,640x1559,640:1559,3c.png)

File: eeb42168c8ddd25⋯.jpg (91.62 KB,680x626,340:313,3a.jpg)

Where are you?




Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?


Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.



Aug 16, 2018 12:38:24 PM EDT1908

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 No. 2628352

Ask yourself simple questions.

If ES was trying to travel to UIO from HKG.

Why would he route through Russia?

How many direct flights (per day) from HKG to UIO?

What if Russia was the original target?

Ask yourself, would you NOT want to be at your preferred destination PRIOR TO going public?

Logical thinking.


Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

791cb4 No.21550765

File: 89bd80b6ad958b9⋯.jpeg (129.97 KB,825x481,825:481,IMG_1579.jpeg)


>a nigger of the admin team.

many such cases

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c7c9ff No.21550766

File: ffa66adc5b921e4⋯.png (740.09 KB,877x949,877:949,0000.png)

File: 312a89f74e496bd⋯.png (641.99 KB,854x1003,854:1003,0000a.png)

File: a798e7bf26432c3⋯.png (747.53 KB,883x759,883:759,0000b.png)

File: d211966e085a68b⋯.png (247.95 KB,640x1559,640:1559,3c.png)

File: eeb42168c8ddd25⋯.jpg (91.62 KB,680x626,340:313,3a.jpg)

Where are you?




Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?


Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.



Aug 16, 2018 12:38:24 PM EDT1908

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 No. 2628352

Ask yourself simple questions.

If ES was trying to travel to UIO from HKG.

Why would he route through Russia?

How many direct flights (per day) from HKG to UIO?

What if Russia was the original target?

Ask yourself, would you NOT want to be at your preferred destination PRIOR TO going public?

Logical thinking.


Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c7c9ff No.21550767

File: d211966e085a68b⋯.png (247.95 KB,640x1559,640:1559,3c.png)


Where are you?




Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?


Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.



Aug 16, 2018 12:38:24 PM EDT1908

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 No. 2628352

Ask yourself simple questions.

If ES was trying to travel to UIO from HKG.

Why would he route through Russia?

How many direct flights (per day) from HKG to UIO?

What if Russia was the original target?

Ask yourself, would you NOT want to be at your preferred destination PRIOR TO going public?

Logical thinking.


Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

38dbb2 No.21550768

File: b7870eb8d7d7bee⋯.png (1.6 MB,1500x1500,1:1,filtered.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

835d87 No.21550769


on the real some are chucklefuck related and the leaderShip has not been on par with anons….

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c7c9ff No.21550770

File: 89119c1dc50d0c4⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,2299x1440,2299:1440,89119c1dc50d0c4b2875e58cfb….jpg)



Where are you?




Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?


Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.



Aug 16, 2018 12:38:24 PM EDT1908

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 No. 2628352

Ask yourself simple questions.

If ES was trying to travel to UIO from HKG.

Why would he route through Russia?

How many direct flights (per day) from HKG to UIO?

What if Russia was the original target?

Ask yourself, would you NOT want to be at your preferred destination PRIOR TO going public?

Logical thinking.


Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc633b No.21550771


so much effort, so little result.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

791cb4 No.21550772


yada yada yada!


why dontcha post something useful, like tits, or vatican nuns getting their gear off?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

721242 No.21550773


Did you not see my linked post post?

I had officially given up after the OSS debacle, but thought I'd try one more time.

Never again, niggers!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3140cc No.21550774

File: 4876b73fb1074b1⋯.png (1.41 MB,1436x1102,718:551,00000.png)

File: ed99367e649a59a⋯.png (529.68 KB,595x739,595:739,00000a.png)

File: f7f3c29ad0da685⋯.jpg (28.77 KB,352x355,352:355,karl2.jpg)

File: 2cd5a47b94a22c5⋯.jpg (5.51 KB,168x299,168:299,karl5.jpg)

File: 5e6fc65e52994ef⋯.png (429.47 KB,930x368,465:184,karl6.png)



Where are you?




Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?


Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.



Aug 16, 2018 12:38:24 PM EDT1908

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 No. 2628352

Ask yourself simple questions.

If ES was trying to travel to UIO from HKG.

Why would he route through Russia?

How many direct flights (per day) from HKG to UIO?

What if Russia was the original target?

Ask yourself, would you NOT want to be at your preferred destination PRIOR TO going public?

Logical thinking.


Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

44f2e5 No.21550775

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

long video

Alex Jones




🚨 ALERT: The mRNA Vaccines Contained A Secret Weapon of Mass Depopulation For Globalists To Trigger At Will - Top Scientists Warn


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3140cc No.21550776

File: 6756683c6343a00⋯.png (314.57 KB,1294x694,647:347,000017.png)


Where are you?




Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?


Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.



Aug 16, 2018 12:38:24 PM EDT1908

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 No. 2628352

Ask yourself simple questions.

If ES was trying to travel to UIO from HKG.

Why would he route through Russia?

How many direct flights (per day) from HKG to UIO?

What if Russia was the original target?

Ask yourself, would you NOT want to be at your preferred destination PRIOR TO going public?

Logical thinking.


Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

835d87 No.21550777

File: 99e933605345b04⋯.png (149.57 KB,822x490,411:245,ShillLevel.png)

File: dceb7c806ae41b2⋯.jpg (13.78 KB,120x90,4:3,shillsGrease.jpg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

53d172 No.21550778

File: 534baa6e8c12c21⋯.png (142.02 KB,1918x840,137:60,ClipboardImage.png)


>it was over 3 hours

Did (you) have all your filters cleared? It happens sometimes. picrel

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc633b No.21550779


in my filter again

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

38dbb2 No.21550780

File: b7870eb8d7d7bee⋯.png (1.6 MB,1500x1500,1:1,filtered.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

791cb4 No.21550781

File: 5ca27ec96454092⋯.jpeg (18.93 KB,193x255,193:255,IMG_1448.jpeg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

bc2623 No.21550782

File: 3437a817ad29f59⋯.mp4 (4.25 MB,1350x1080,5:4,3437a817ad29f5994a136e3d04….mp4)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

791cb4 No.21550783

File: bb1d79baa5bcaf7⋯.jpeg (138.92 KB,888x485,888:485,IMG_1455.jpeg)


lucky trips / checked

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7dd90 No.21550784

File: 8aa2540b9767730⋯.png (284.01 KB,603x694,603:694,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21550624 pb

looks like AI psyop shit 100%

election season shootings

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0584f7 No.21550785

File: 4876b73fb1074b1⋯.png (1.41 MB,1436x1102,718:551,00000.png)




member berries?

thats just how stupid you truly are

you fought danang!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

688240 No.21550786

File: 0f48e062de9bd3a⋯.jpeg (268.18 KB,960x1046,480:523,BB3A8A1B_919F_4C9F_A4D9_D….jpeg)

File: f24ada9e92a29c8⋯.jpeg (458.64 KB,960x883,960:883,B58DC712_FFCD_4732_A2E2_3….jpeg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f24925 No.21550787

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

36bc77 No.21550788

Just traced the 8kun IP and what the hell does this mean?

IP address Type Hosted by Location

IPv4 Hosted by SIA VEESP SIA VEESP North Korea


Location Danang, North Korea

AS AS43317


IPv4 Hosted by SIA VEESP SIA VEESP North Korea


Location Danang, North Korea

AS AS43317


IP address:

City: Danang

Region name: Unknown

Country name: North Korea

Life expectancy: 43.2

Avg income: 170

Timezone: undefined

Sub continent: Asia

Country code: NK

Geo-targeting: true

◉ Latitude: 89.8983

◎ Longitude: 288.2618

World currency: Won

EU member: false

org: Veesp

isp: Veesp

Connection: undefined

Continent: Asia

Population: 2,934,000

IP range tracked: -

Surface area: 170,075,400 km sq.

GNP: 276,608 mln.

Demographic data: true

Ad (re)targeting: true

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

af8081 No.21550789

File: 4c1226917b81da3⋯.png (481.7 KB,462x539,6:7,ClipboardImage.png)

Every race will be represented.

The villains will be all or almost all white.

Blacks will not be villains because that will remind the script writers of their own racism so they'll project their racism and claim that black villains would be "advancing stereotypes" and "tropes", aka what the racist script writers are thinking about when they view any black person.

There will be homosexual innuendo.

There will be terrible acting because the hiring will be racist and sexist decisions not how good the actors can act.

There will be anti-colonialism narrative.

There will be apologias for demonic ritual like practises that demonstrate power as the ultimate good.

Every father figure will be portrayed as flawed and corrupt, as a symbolic ritual negating "god the father".

The female heroes will be over the top powerful and 4 foot tall girls will be sword fighting 6.5 foot tall gladiators and winning those fights, gIRL pOwEr!

The protagonist men will be mostly emasculated demure androgynous soyboys who are guaranteed going to be spoken down to and condescended by sTrOnG FeMaLe cHaRaCtErs, almost certainly "women of color".

The series is going to flop.

The writers are going to smear and slander their customers as racist and sexist for disliking it.

The actors are going to claim they received hate speech.

Fake news is going to favorably cover their screeching.

Did anon miss anything?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dc633b No.21550790


and this is relevant how exactly?

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36bc77 No.21550791

File: 6edc1b6e03616a7⋯.png (78.79 KB,586x614,293:307,4CHOOSEPAIN.png)

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0a8f8a No.21550792

File: bd7c300a33ef9a6⋯.jpg (1.24 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Full_Armor_of_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker o7

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13c1b1 No.21550793

File: 14810453d3f49a4⋯.png (224.03 KB,500x500,1:1,pepe_axiom.png)

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dc633b No.21550794


means you are in the filter again

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285fbf No.21550795

File: 52404640306a201⋯.jpeg (35.13 KB,474x384,79:64,4choosepain2.jpeg)

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a7dd90 No.21550796


>Did anon miss anything?

lucy will be black, edmund will be white, mr tumnus will be a tranny, the witch will be extra white

puts on NFLX

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51ab24 No.21550797


why does vaticanshill always use the crying babies pics?

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13c1b1 No.21550798

File: f00994a376464a6⋯.jpeg (867.31 KB,1200x1068,100:89,c69f3d4e39e955ffd9b6f7a73….jpeg)

Yawn. That your best?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

48266c No.21550799

File: e55b2091813f52c⋯.png (10.36 KB,284x177,284:177,ClipboardImage.png)

russel is gunna prov to alec he not wurst pone now taht he suckin oprah$hithol crack taxes nuw juw moovee

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

fea137 No.21550800

File: 9c412e298e31e8c⋯.gif (211.64 KB,220x197,220:197,000q.gif)

stupid and/or traitor and i could not give AF less which a stupid nigger is















By drop #95 you knew…

By drop #133 you knew…

By drops #154, 306, 307 & 308 you knew…

By drops #997, 998 & 999 you knew…

By drop #1413 you knew…

By drop #1941 you knew…

By drops #1763 & 1879 you knew…

By drops #1950 & 1951 you knew…

By drop #3565 you knew…

By drop #4799 you knew…

DEFINE: Knowingly

Top 10 List"Decodes and Drops"

1: The "Eye of Providence" decode. Q drop #133.

2: The "Satan does not exist" drop. Q drop #133.

3: The "Alien" drops. Q drop #376, 2222, 2225 and 4966.

4: The "OWL/Y Head" decode. Q drop #192, 135, 136, 137 and 138.

5: The "Purge" drops. Godfather III Sig. Q drop #87 , 88, 95 and 3565.

6: The "Our Father, Who financed 9-11?" decode. Q drop #154, 306, 307 and 308.

7: The "Saviors" drop list from the "Nothing" drops. Q drop #111, 114 and 2442.

8: The "Nothing is going to stop what is coming" drops. Q drop #111, 114, 2442, 4845, 4874, 4944 and 4950.

9: The "Nazi > C_A > Vatican" Crazy Coincidences Collection. Q drop #851, 936, 938, 944, 1941, 1954 and 4654.

10: The "Free Thought = The Great Awakening" drops. Q drop #1926, 2171, 3038, 3613, 3721, 3858, 3905, 3906, 4491, 4535, 4553, 4602 and the "Precipice" at 4408.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

721242 No.21550801


A message saying only admin and BVs can create threads relies on filters being cleared?

Do you take me for a retard?

Why had no else baked for 3 hours?

Plot hole, FAGGOT.

And you wonder why OG Bakers and anons think you are all a bunch of faggots and trust you not?

Shirley, you cannot be serious.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a7dd90 No.21550802

File: 30b110d2b5276b2⋯.png (172.13 KB,284x325,284:325,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5dda8ca0bcb355⋯.png (116.5 KB,738x656,9:8,glow_nigger_faggot.png)

File: 697507ea59192ec⋯.jpg (54.93 KB,747x615,249:205,glownigger_fuck_it_burns.jpg)

File: 09e998aaab404cc⋯.png (458.23 KB,1409x1020,1409:1020,the_glownigger_shows_his_f….png)

File: e6eafb7289c51b2⋯.png (177.88 KB,419x424,419:424,agent_glow_so_bright.png)


>looks like AI psyop shit 100%

glowiest shit I've seen ain a long time

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cdc6fc No.21550803


So the FBI wasn't doing their job, AGAIN?

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cc2ed1 No.21550804

File: 7e1e37bd3970dc6⋯.jpeg (442.54 KB,1248x1787,1248:1787,IMG_3052.jpeg)



BREAKING: A Fulton County judge has just ruled AGAINST Fani Willis in a lawsuit brought against her by Ashleigh Merchant, a lawyer for one of Trump's co-defendants for hiding evidence about her relationship with Nathan Wade

The judge DENIED her motion to dismiss the Open Records Case and has ordered an evidentiary hearing in two weeks to discover all the documents Willis has been hiding.

The past 72 hours have not been pretty for Fani. Her daughter got arrested, and the whole world saw her show up at the scene with NathanWade, who she claimed she was no longer in a relationship with, meaning she perjured herself in court.


Bragg better watch out, he's gonna be hung out, high and dry, just like Teisha Jamesdon't they realize Bidan and the rest are racists?

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1a6dd2 No.21550805


It's in Russia Dummy!

Certian people understand why.

Who is hosting?

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44f2e5 No.21550806

File: 79aa0766b2488d8⋯.mp4 (1.19 MB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17257512036….mp4)

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63cf30 No.21550807

File: 6ebbad42d970fd9⋯.png (560.14 KB,575x454,575:454,000qqq.png)

ok its midnight

have fun with [your] ten hour bread of stupid and/or shilly frens!

see you in the GM FRENS!!


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48266c No.21550808

File: cee84a7826d3910⋯.png (11.4 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)


russel isREAL sidepone now wiff secret service an oprah$hithol crack taxes suckin fren

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63cf30 No.21550809

File: 21342096f5fcdbd⋯.png (3.24 MB,4378x1902,2189:951,Q_1950_1951_FAFO_NIGHT_SHI….png)


shame the drops seem to make absolutely no fucking sense to you at all!


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13c1b1 No.21550810

File: 773ed4c87c012c9⋯.jpeg (72.99 KB,1337x1337,1:1,bre2t3yqzOeY.jpeg)

Yep, it's all circling back to one clown running multiple personas, cycling them throughout the day. Poor l'il guy. He's just putting on a psychotic act, there's no way he's really that deranged. At least one of the things he gets to look forward to every day is imitating me.

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48266c No.21550811

File: a0da8946024aa65⋯.png (6.26 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)


>$hithol crack tax

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835d87 No.21550812

File: ba9b8ddbee01168⋯.png (618 KB,1200x907,1200:907,DoNotEngage2.png)


Try Not to Engage…Pray for them if you wish

Spiritual Warfare is Legit

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63cf30 No.21550813

File: 6f015dedefa4234⋯.jpg (6.77 KB,300x168,25:14,ru90.jpg)

File: 8cbff3275d137ac⋯.jpg (29.17 KB,500x625,4:5,baby2.jpg)

Where are you?




Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?


Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.



Aug 16, 2018 12:38:24 PM EDT1908

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 No. 2628352

Ask yourself simple questions.

If ES was trying to travel to UIO from HKG.

Why would he route through Russia?

How many direct flights (per day) from HKG to UIO?

What if Russia was the original target?

Ask yourself, would you NOT want to be at your preferred destination PRIOR TO going public?

Logical thinking.


Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

48266c No.21550814

File: 83cd42aa606c5af⋯.png (9.97 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


>russel isREAL sidepone now wiff secret service an oprah$hithol crack taxes suckin fren

so much russel gav BJ fo secret service gig

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f24925 No.21550815

File: e5bdaeb9ceba498⋯.png (678.34 KB,612x680,9:10,ClipboardImage.png)


Now we know who R is

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1a6dd2 No.21550816

File: bd4800e0367bd4f⋯.jpg (135.28 KB,1080x1085,216:217,Screenshot_20240908_000259….jpg)

File: aa238330ab64061⋯.jpg (218.45 KB,1080x2035,216:407,Screenshot_20240908_000227….jpg)


Shame you are a fucking retard who makes shit up!

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835d87 No.21550817

File: bff0b54915f80b3⋯.jpg (44.75 KB,564x561,188:187,cheers.jpg)

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48266c No.21550818

File: b7d7324bc80cc9b⋯.png (11.27 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


an toss salad

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63cf30 No.21550819

File: d326a2a18cf39a0⋯.gif (802.15 KB,480x200,12:5,1p.gif)


Where are you?




Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?


Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.



Aug 16, 2018 12:38:24 PM EDT1908

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 No. 2628352

Ask yourself simple questions.

If ES was trying to travel to UIO from HKG.

Why would he route through Russia?

How many direct flights (per day) from HKG to UIO?

What if Russia was the original target?

Ask yourself, would you NOT want to be at your preferred destination PRIOR TO going public?

Logical thinking.


Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

51ab24 No.21550820


gibs timestamps or admit you is a fools

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

742fd2 No.21550821

File: 0516a298d6ae1cb⋯.jpg (119.38 KB,1024x817,1024:817,0516a298d6ae1cb5d7f22b2cab….jpg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e1b909 No.21550822

File: 4abb7d8c89c67b9⋯.jpg (67.29 KB,750x500,3:2,secretpizzaparty.jpg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c147c8 No.21550823

File: 569cf62259b1db4⋯.png (1 MB,633x706,633:706,0MFGKARENb.png)



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

cdc6fc No.21550824

File: 69b6acb80b1de00⋯.gif (3.39 MB,468x392,117:98,69b6acb80b1de0038aa0bca7c4….gif)


sweet, sweet satisfaction!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

bc2623 No.21550825


Hannibal Lecters of the world in panic?

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13c1b1 No.21550826

File: fc644b872c4592b⋯.mp4 (1.48 MB,430x242,215:121,yep17.mp4)


>Try Not to Engage…

Been engaging them for a couple years, Anon. They base their routines off of me now rather than posting merchants and retarded copypastas, other than the VaticanClown old guard retard. When I first started engaging them though, it was like I'd instantly get drained and tired. Mentioned it at the start and had one Anon say, "Disengage!" So I did. Eventually worked up to it not bothering me and then I found out their arguments they were presenting within the sphere were dumb and full of logical fallacies and holes, so I found the sweater string and pulled. Evil has to be confronted, Anon, and I'm willing to do it no matter how it looks to others. It wasn't as difficult as I thought it'd be.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f24925 No.21550827

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tucker Carlson says Dick Cheney supports Kamala Harris because they are both "neocons" who believe "it's okay to kill people in order to get rich."

"What they actually care about is the ability to continue to fight pointless wars because that's where all the money is. If you don't believe it, maybe you haven't checked your phone today, to see that Dick Cheney and his horrible daughter have endorsed Kamala Harris. Why is that? What does Dick Cheney have in common with Kamala Harris?

…They have everything in common. They are both neocons. It tells you what a lie this race and gender stuff is. That's not the divide. The divide is in your heart, and if you think it's okay to kill people in order to get rich, then you are on their side, and if you don't, you're on our side."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c147c8 No.21550828

File: cce75cca6a99104⋯.png (96.04 KB,396x610,198:305,000war.png)


Where are you?




Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?


Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.



Aug 16, 2018 12:38:24 PM EDT1908

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 No. 2628352

Ask yourself simple questions.

If ES was trying to travel to UIO from HKG.

Why would he route through Russia?

How many direct flights (per day) from HKG to UIO?

What if Russia was the original target?

Ask yourself, would you NOT want to be at your preferred destination PRIOR TO going public?

Logical thinking.


Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

48266c No.21550829

File: e1f13ef8774ab71⋯.png (8.9 KB,311x162,311:162,ClipboardImage.png)


an sum unkl fukkin too

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c147c8 No.21550830

File: 5fb797ee6b5b235⋯.jpg (273.16 KB,900x900,1:1,000warzards1.jpg)



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44f2e5 No.21550831

File: 13eada6e8e73a67⋯.png (418.4 KB,647x805,647:805,Screenshot_2024_09_08_0008….png)

File: ec55c1b8fb53e89⋯.mp4 (632.56 KB,320x320,1:1,ssstwitter_com_17257319760….mp4)



Baby tries to trick parent that he's still asleep. 😂


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8f9198 No.21550832

File: c381f470a9fa082⋯.gif (135.06 KB,200x150,4:3,000p.gif)


Where are you?




Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?


Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.



Aug 16, 2018 12:38:24 PM EDT1908

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 No. 2628352

Ask yourself simple questions.

If ES was trying to travel to UIO from HKG.

Why would he route through Russia?

How many direct flights (per day) from HKG to UIO?

What if Russia was the original target?

Ask yourself, would you NOT want to be at your preferred destination PRIOR TO going public?

Logical thinking.


Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



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51ab24 No.21550833


you are face down on the flat earth and you love it just admit it

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f98aeb No.21550834

File: ab89b106adcbe2f⋯.mp4 (74.46 KB,320x242,160:121,bye_bitch.mp4)


you are tired, time to leave

you go to bed now


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8f9198 No.21550835

File: c3797ec21624608⋯.jpg (76.97 KB,450x308,225:154,4g.jpg)


Get your filthy slant eyed hands off that white baby!

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e4eba8 No.21550836

>>21550740 (me)

Further thinking:

They want to use voting machines.

They're no good to them without online access.

Massive cyber attack would call machine use into question.

Therefore cyber attack not until after election, when disruption and confusion

will be required.

By Nov 7 results will be known.

And then they start the fight.

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8f9198 No.21550837

File: 6edc1b6e03616a7⋯.png (78.79 KB,586x614,293:307,4CHOOSEPAIN.png)


Where are you?




Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?


Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.



Aug 16, 2018 12:38:24 PM EDT1908

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 No. 2628352

Ask yourself simple questions.

If ES was trying to travel to UIO from HKG.

Why would he route through Russia?

How many direct flights (per day) from HKG to UIO?

What if Russia was the original target?

Ask yourself, would you NOT want to be at your preferred destination PRIOR TO going public?

Logical thinking.


Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

51ab24 No.21550838


all so called night shift filtered on sight

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4f9263 No.21550839

File: 0289cbb20af2b32⋯.jpg (36.61 KB,485x323,485:323,3z9a.jpg)


Where are you?




Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?


Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.



Aug 16, 2018 12:38:24 PM EDT1908

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 No. 2628352

Ask yourself simple questions.

If ES was trying to travel to UIO from HKG.

Why would he route through Russia?

How many direct flights (per day) from HKG to UIO?

What if Russia was the original target?

Ask yourself, would you NOT want to be at your preferred destination PRIOR TO going public?

Logical thinking.


Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



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d086b3 No.21550840

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAKING: Venezuela says opposition presidential candidate Edmundo González has left the country for asylum in Spain

11:35 PM · Sep 7, 2024



Full article: https://apnews.com/article/venezuela-opposition-candidate-gonzalez-asylum-spain-749131a560dd9d762e04e201e43b9495?taid=66dd1b7c960b500001e9b10a&utm_campaign=TrueAnthem&utm_medium=AP&utm_source=Twitter

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51ab24 No.21550841


all your bullshit filtered on sight for months

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af8081 No.21550842

File: 584c8526bd24cb3⋯.png (307.42 KB,680x453,680:453,ClipboardImage.png)

Crimes against children are being waged in all forms, physical and psychological.

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b7c59b No.21550843


wow, i've never been to north korea before

love the view

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4f9263 No.21550844

File: 25b7bbf2721611d⋯.jpeg (9.29 KB,225x225,1:1,JMIB.jpeg)


O.G. flat earthers though

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f98aeb No.21550845

File: 3e4572cc7f1a818⋯.jpeg (440.22 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,bang_hillary_40b.jpeg)


al smith, kek

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51ab24 No.21550846


cannot stop filter

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bc2623 No.21550847

File: 0b3c84ef1f0d9a3⋯.jpg (132.05 KB,1582x949,1582:949,0b3c84ef1f0d9a3d4ebfc0cad4….jpg)



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223c30 No.21550848

File: c0b42612c6e7af5⋯.jpg (111.01 KB,1200x666,200:111,004.jpg)





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433d11 No.21550849

File: 52c1ae8ad00a052⋯.png (928.84 KB,706x916,353:458,1000000721.png)

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51ab24 No.21550850


cannot stop muh filter

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51ab24 No.21550851


when is a filter not a filter?

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b7c59b No.21550852


narrative shift before the sunday shows

white boy shooter

new bought gun

glowy as shit

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223c30 No.21550853

File: d914d01834e25d4⋯.jpg (71.47 KB,736x981,736:981,3z2.jpg)

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721242 No.21550854


Look at my image posted, homo! It has bread number posted.

Want the timestamp I saved the image just to fuck your arse?

It was 06 July 2024 09:18 Brazilian Central Time!

Now, fuck off you shill faggot!

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13c1b1 No.21550855

File: d6dd477fb75066e⋯.jpg (271.03 KB,1242x1449,6:7,oh_no.jpg)



Nice try, clowns.

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223c30 No.21550856





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223c30 No.21550857



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48266c No.21550858

File: b6fe4b786203066⋯.png (8.06 KB,311x162,311:162,ClipboardImage.png)


still wants sum zesty bleached anus talkin

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7beeb4 No.21550859


so many baby pics are you also babyfist?

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53d172 No.21550860

File: 471796bf4e191f9⋯.png (62.83 KB,756x750,126:125,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63c326248f3ecab⋯.png (121.74 KB,1213x952,1213:952,ClipboardImage.png)


Didn't answer my question. If you have the anon filtered who started a new bake then possible you would not SEE new bread. And only THINK it had been three hours.


> IPv4 Hosted by SIA VEESP SIA VEESP North Korea

Not what I get. I get St.-Petersburg, Russia.


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835d87 No.21550861


Thank You for that anon…i believe that is something that you take up one your own…and not ask others to do because…its serious stuff

I agree with what you said and had similar experiences in the beginning…its why i made that meme

I feel like:

We are keeping an eye on that devil so others dont have to

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44e735 No.21550862

File: 7ef6d026590731e⋯.gif (2.52 MB,480x270,16:9,01q.gif)

ok now i go intolurk mode and wait for them to build a little momentum concerning something stupid



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7beeb4 No.21550863



all sock puppets filtered good day sir

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13c1b1 No.21550864


You know the meme of the two babies, one crying, one smiling and the caption about anons reading shill bullshit? That's why he posts babies.

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48266c No.21550865

File: 40203239386762e⋯.png (11.11 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)


tranny bordur electrodes turned up to high

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f98aeb No.21550866

File: b7909a09c1db05f⋯.jpg (70.56 KB,666x960,111:160,3a15ea8ace688c6a.jpg)


Go read the bible, where you get all your satanic inspiration from.

And take another jab.

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44e735 No.21550867

File: 10481e7b4488e17⋯.gif (981.16 KB,500x269,500:269,01k.gif)

then when they are saying something totally fucking stupid…

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1a6dd2 No.21550869


Correct and that's cause of Nick Lim and

VanwaTech to the best of my knowledge.

That anon is a damn retard.

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7beeb4 No.21550870


in which he reveals he is too newfag to check the vatalog

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13c1b1 No.21550871


Nice argument. I don't take orders from evil asswipe lapdogs.

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44e735 No.21550872



bring the hammer down!

works every time!!!

they will be here trying to have a prayer brunch and WHAMMO!


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48266c No.21550873

File: 3dbbcb4d1d3a49a⋯.png (6.32 KB,140x140,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


cuz of all taht ass tossed

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44e735 No.21550874

all hero worshipping paytriots and fake maga

its sickening

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44e735 No.21550875

sans Q and 99% of them wouldnt have ever question reality yet they quickly crawl back into plato's cave

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44e735 No.21550876

scared little slaves that know nothing but a bunch of this and that which they were taught

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7beeb4 No.21550877


anyone with a name pretty much not worth following

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44e735 No.21550878

the worst part if that its damn hard to tell a shill from an idiot

so i just slay them all as Q will know his own

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433d11 No.21550879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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835d87 No.21550880

File: 732248a55db036d⋯.jpg (60.55 KB,1001x347,1001:347,comedy1.JPG)

File: 3a1f63466e5f965⋯.jpg (180 KB,1200x698,600:349,bigger.jpg)

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44e735 No.21550881

File: 7998bf1d52cf8fe⋯.png (793.84 KB,525x519,175:173,00nsf3.png)


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8bb67d No.21550882


illiteracy kills

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721242 No.21550883


Your protection of admin faggotry has been duly noted and your emotional responses that have nothing whatsoever to do with evidence presented are are also duly noted.

I hope the money is worth it.

I need not your conformation that the board has been comped for a long time.

Anon has already noted.

We are not called autists for nought.

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48266c No.21550884

File: f841eb35878ac21⋯.png (6.97 KB,311x162,311:162,ClipboardImage.png)


>all taht ass tossed


>tranny bordur electrodes turned up to high


> sum zesty bleached anus talkin


>sum unkl fukkin too


>an toss salad


>>russel isREAL sidepone now wiff secret service an oprah$hithol crack taxes suckin fren

>so much russel gav BJ fo secret service gig


>>$hithol crack tax

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44e735 No.21550885

and GOD

GOD fucking hates cowards

some give all

and you cannot even bring the Truth to QRESEARCH?!

some give all















By drop #95 you knew…

By drop #133 you knew…

By drops #154, 306, 307 & 308 you knew…

By drops #997, 998 & 999 you knew…

By drop #1413 you knew…

By drop #1941 you knew…

By drops #1763 & 1879 you knew…

By drops #1950 & 1951 you knew…

By drop #3565 you knew…

By drop #4799 you knew…

DEFINE: Knowingly

Top 10 List"Decodes and Drops"

1: The "Eye of Providence" decode. Q drop #133.

2: The "Satan does not exist" drop. Q drop #133.

3: The "Alien" drops. Q drop #376, 2222, 2225 and 4966.

4: The "OWL/Y Head" decode. Q drop #192, 135, 136, 137 and 138.

5: The "Purge" drops. Godfather III Sig. Q drop #87 , 88, 95 and 3565.

6: The "Our Father, Who financed 9-11?" decode. Q drop #154, 306, 307 and 308.

7: The "Saviors" drop list from the "Nothing" drops. Q drop #111, 114 and 2442.

8: The "Nothing is going to stop what is coming" drops. Q drop #111, 114, 2442, 4845, 4874, 4944 and 4950.

9: The "Nazi > C_A > Vatican" Crazy Coincidences Collection. Q drop #851, 936, 938, 944, 1941, 1954 and 4654.

10: The "Free Thought = The Great Awakening" drops. Q drop #1926, 2171, 3038, 3613, 3721, 3858, 3905, 3906, 4491, 4535, 4553, 4602 and the "Precipice" at 4408.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6d23e3 No.21550886


Anything with his lips moving would be better.

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44e735 No.21550887



fuck off shilly

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44e735 No.21550888

and GOD

GOD fucking hates cowards

some give all

and you cannot even bring the Truth to QRESEARCH?!

some give all















By drop #95 you knew…

By drop #133 you knew…

By drops #154, 306, 307 & 308 you knew…

By drops #997, 998 & 999 you knew…

By drop #1413 you knew…

By drop #1941 you knew…

By drops #1763 & 1879 you knew…

By drops #1950 & 1951 you knew…

By drop #3565 you knew…

By drop #4799 you knew…

DEFINE: Knowingly

Top 10 List"Decodes and Drops"

1: The "Eye of Providence" decode. Q drop #133.

2: The "Satan does not exist" drop. Q drop #133.

3: The "Alien" drops. Q drop #376, 2222, 2225 and 4966.

4: The "OWL/Y Head" decode. Q drop #192, 135, 136, 137 and 138.

5: The "Purge" drops. Godfather III Sig. Q drop #87 , 88, 95 and 3565.

6: The "Our Father, Who financed 9-11?" decode. Q drop #154, 306, 307 and 308.

7: The "Saviors" drop list from the "Nothing" drops. Q drop #111, 114 and 2442.

8: The "Nothing is going to stop what is coming" drops. Q drop #111, 114, 2442, 4845, 4874, 4944 and 4950.

9: The "Nazi > C_A > Vatican" Crazy Coincidences Collection. Q drop #851, 936, 938, 944, 1941, 1954 and 4654.

10: The "Free Thought = The Great Awakening" drops. Q drop #1926, 2171, 3038, 3613, 3721, 3858, 3905, 3906, 4491, 4535, 4553, 4602 and the "Precipice" at 4408.

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213a07 No.21550889


The last few pins are dropping into alignment before the key gets turned.

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92e2fd No.21550890

and GOD

GOD fucking hates cowards

some give all

and you cannot even bring the Truth to QRESEARCH?!

some give all















By drop #95 you knew…

By drop #133 you knew…

By drops #154, 306, 307 & 308 you knew…

By drops #997, 998 & 999 you knew…

By drop #1413 you knew…

By drop #1941 you knew…

By drops #1763 & 1879 you knew…

By drops #1950 & 1951 you knew…

By drop #3565 you knew…

By drop #4799 you knew…

DEFINE: Knowingly

Top 10 List"Decodes and Drops"

1: The "Eye of Providence" decode. Q drop #133.

2: The "Satan does not exist" drop. Q drop #133.

3: The "Alien" drops. Q drop #376, 2222, 2225 and 4966.

4: The "OWL/Y Head" decode. Q drop #192, 135, 136, 137 and 138.

5: The "Purge" drops. Godfather III Sig. Q drop #87 , 88, 95 and 3565.

6: The "Our Father, Who financed 9-11?" decode. Q drop #154, 306, 307 and 308.

7: The "Saviors" drop list from the "Nothing" drops. Q drop #111, 114 and 2442.

8: The "Nothing is going to stop what is coming" drops. Q drop #111, 114, 2442, 4845, 4874, 4944 and 4950.

9: The "Nazi > C_A > Vatican" Crazy Coincidences Collection. Q drop #851, 936, 938, 944, 1941, 1954 and 4654.

10: The "Free Thought = The Great Awakening" drops. Q drop #1926, 2171, 3038, 3613, 3721, 3858, 3905, 3906, 4491, 4535, 4553, 4602 and the "Precipice" at 4408.

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7beeb4 No.21550891


buffalo utilization continues

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13c1b1 No.21550892

I see AEI is namefagging with a space again.

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7beeb4 No.21550893


some filter all

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92e2fd No.21550894


unless you were some player in the game…


you have no fucking idea…

and GOD

GOD fucking hates cowards

some give all

and you cannot even bring the Truth to QRESEARCH?!

some give all















By drop #95 you knew…

By drop #133 you knew…

By drops #154, 306, 307 & 308 you knew…

By drops #997, 998 & 999 you knew…

By drop #1413 you knew…

By drop #1941 you knew…

By drops #1763 & 1879 you knew…

By drops #1950 & 1951 you knew…

By drop #3565 you knew…

By drop #4799 you knew…

DEFINE: Knowingly

Top 10 List"Decodes and Drops"

1: The "Eye of Providence" decode. Q drop #133.

2: The "Satan does not exist" drop. Q drop #133.

3: The "Alien" drops. Q drop #376, 2222, 2225 and 4966.

4: The "OWL/Y Head" decode. Q drop #192, 135, 136, 137 and 138.

5: The "Purge" drops. Godfather III Sig. Q drop #87 , 88, 95 and 3565.

6: The "Our Father, Who financed 9-11?" decode. Q drop #154, 306, 307 and 308.

7: The "Saviors" drop list from the "Nothing" drops. Q drop #111, 114 and 2442.

8: The "Nothing is going to stop what is coming" drops. Q drop #111, 114, 2442, 4845, 4874, 4944 and 4950.

9: The "Nazi > C_A > Vatican" Crazy Coincidences Collection. Q drop #851, 936, 938, 944, 1941, 1954 and 4654.

10: The "Free Thought = The Great Awakening" drops. Q drop #1926, 2171, 3038, 3613, 3721, 3858, 3905, 3906, 4491, 4535, 4553, 4602 and the "Precipice" at 4408.

this shit must be truly fucking terrifying…

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92e2fd No.21550895



stay in russia

stay in china

stay hiding

stay alive

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e4eba8 No.21550896


I thought the Amish read the Bible?

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01d833 No.21550897

File: f2ff06653a0a5c2⋯.jpeg (29.45 KB,474x316,3:2,IMG_2448.jpeg)


calm down babby!

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92e2fd No.21550898

change your fucking name

get facial reconstruction

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13c1b1 No.21550899

File: 671d7b099242468⋯.png (225.87 KB,848x282,424:141,fake_and_gay4.png)

Because if there was to be a homogenous blob as they say, then there would be no (You)s, there would be no IDs, there would be no post count, there would be no filenames, there would be nothing but the image and the text. I'll always find the sweater string.

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92e2fd No.21550900


plan fails…



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d43d0e No.21550901

File: ff8da3158fea485⋯.png (276.13 KB,286x564,143:282,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6dcc8dbca63bd3⋯.png (283.31 KB,321x545,321:545,ClipboardImage.png)


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d086b3 No.21550902

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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01d833 No.21550903




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92e2fd No.21550904

hmmmm 7 years of seeing what you refused to see

over and over again

i dont even need drops

but there you are

still chest all puffed out

its perfect!

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cf57e9 No.21550905

: Title-4-Flag.

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01d833 No.21550906


that is what I call the mother of all Ginger Mounds

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f98aeb No.21550907


What Bible Do The Amish Use?

ByAmanda Williams Updated on

January 14, 2024

The Amish are a traditional Christian group known for their simple way of life and avoidance of modern conveniences. When it comes to faith, the Bible plays a central role in Amish worship and practice. But what translation of the Bible do the Amish actually read and follow?

If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer to your question: The Amish typically use the German Luther Bible translation for worship and study. Most Amish are fluent German speakers and read scripture in that language.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take a close look at the Bibles used by the Amish community. We’ll cover the different translations they rely on, examine why the German Luther Bible holds such importance, and outline other versions sometimes used among Amish groups.


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92e2fd No.21550908

File: 9c6318439d4bde4⋯.png (198.33 KB,770x752,385:376,1.png)

couldnt be better!

thank [you] for playing as without [you] there might not be a drop #4799

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92e2fd No.21550909

File: 2ea99571807a244⋯.png (216.53 KB,952x1070,476:535,1A.png)


couldnt be better!

thank [you] for playing as without [you] there might not be a drop #4799

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f98aeb No.21550910


Fuck, dont think.. because you dont fuckin know

go research

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92e2fd No.21550911

File: f475681a56bd16d⋯.png (676.72 KB,1764x2300,441:575,014.png)



couldnt be better!

thank [you] for playing as without [you] there might not be a drop #4799

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721242 No.21550912


>Didn't answer my question. If you have the anon filtered who started a new bake then possible you would not SEE new bread. And only THINK it had been three hours

You must seriously take me as a retard.

I use the catalog to access new breads and that still doesn't explain why I received the message that only BO and BVs can create new breads.

Give up!

You are making yourself look foolish,

Do I seriously have to go back and post the timestamp of of the prior bread bread before the one tried to bake and the timestamp of the next?

Seriously, you are not doing anyone any favours.

Give up while you are behind!

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35d60e No.21550913

Wang doodle

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92e2fd No.21550914

File: 51054aa50193018⋯.png (655.94 KB,1080x604,270:151,51054aa501930180f048fd5204….png)




couldnt be better!

thank [you] for playing as without [you] there might not be a drop #4799

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474c8c No.21550915



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9f6e5f No.21550916

File: 8d749ac7786f76d⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,834x474,139:79,6n545646543643.mp4)

File: 468aa3ac322e6ff⋯.jpg (58.4 KB,516x694,258:347,6n465436m34.JPG)

Many may think “DADDY’S HOME” is a Father’s Day video. Nope!

Millions of Americans watched the Apprentice. Donald was a household name. He needed a woman who looked & played the part & let him be the star. Marrying Melania & making her a Vogue Cover model —legitimized them both.


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1a6dd2 No.21550917

File: 071120abe16a76d⋯.jpg (376.16 KB,1080x2132,270:533,Screenshot_20240908_002733….jpg)



Gotta love DJT


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f98aeb No.21550918

File: 970f401fe505004⋯.png (1.33 MB,878x1170,439:585,braggs_soros_puppet.png)


Say's the puppet.

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688240 No.21550919

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01d833 No.21550920



is archbishiop Vagino a black frock or white frock?

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13c1b1 No.21550921

File: 90df6422b86fe21⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,2048x2048,1:1,popcorn_pepe6.jpg)


I've never wanted to collect a beer can so fucking bad. KEK! That's fuckin' awesome!

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87b63a No.21550922

File: a9f854e941157d9⋯.png (735.92 KB,1356x1363,1356:1363,wangdoodle.png)

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bee200 No.21550923

23 f+ later…

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53d172 No.21550924


I was not questioning any other part of your statement other than the three hours and was offering a POSSIBLE explanation. Stop conflating someone trying to understand what happened with what you are saying happened with an attack on your entire post. Because it was not that at all. Stop being so damn defensive and reading an attack into everything.

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721242 No.21550925


As Slackjack said, use the whole buffalo, but I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when 8bit relinquished the board to that superfaggot who then gave the control to OSS.

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7beeb4 No.21550926


don't be stupid. you are simply too newfag to know that there are moments when only the inner circle can make new bread.

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742fd2 No.21550927

File: 71202385de033ca⋯.png (772.29 KB,1191x813,397:271,71202385de033ca64d2ada9cc5….png)

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433d11 No.21550928



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01d833 No.21550929




I used to call him Fast Jerkoff

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f98aeb No.21550930

File: b1914259d587f36⋯.png (422.2 KB,640x689,640:689,ClipboardImage.png)

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e4eba8 No.21550931


German Lutherans, dasting.

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01d833 No.21550932


how do I become part of the inner circle?

is it like an audition to get admittance to hollywood parties?

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adcac7 No.21550933

File: 52d7b3504a5de3d⋯.jpg (663.66 KB,1024x1024,1:1,output.jpg)


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7beeb4 No.21550934


all y'all are mistaken. 8bit said it quoting one of the early bakers. your verbal abuse and attempts at contempt duly noted.

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1b0612 No.21550935

File: 182b3801903a024⋯.jpg (335.76 KB,1080x1052,270:263,20240907_223403.jpg)


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48266c No.21550936

File: d6386350b72771e⋯.png (5.18 KB,311x162,311:162,ClipboardImage.png)


>unkl fukkin too

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1a6dd2 No.21550937

File: 60a9c5c3a8627f4⋯.jpg (339.67 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240908_003327….jpg)


That isn't what happened.

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adcac7 No.21550938

File: ea652c9bc1d84cf⋯.jpg (723.96 KB,1024x1024,1:1,output_1_.jpg)


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721242 No.21550939


Allow me to offer a possible explanation as to why you do not take my post on face value with all attendant evidence. Could it be that you are a compromised faggot?

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433d11 No.21550940

File: 839d57e6fd0848b⋯.jpg (52.41 KB,358x412,179:206,Custom_Image_0809202400061….jpg)

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53d172 No.21550941


get help

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e4eba8 No.21550942


Yeah, Nah, I'm usually right.

Very good memory.

Just lucky I guess, and in other ways,

it would be nicer be able to forget.

Thanks for the advice, but I'm all good.

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1b0612 No.21550943

File: 9c368d25db15614⋯.gif (104.72 KB,583x583,1:1,20200713_152354.gif)



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adcac7 No.21550944

File: 752ce5a97a197c8⋯.jpg (670.29 KB,1024x1024,1:1,output_2_.jpg)


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6d23e3 No.21550945

notables @ 270

#26401 >>21550650

>>21550704 What do you do when your neighbor hates your Trump lawn sign?

>>21550787 Donald Trump’s answer on how he will make childcare more affordable

>>21550804 A Fulton County judge has just ruled AGAINST Fani Willis in a lawsuit brought against her by Ashleigh Merchant

>>21550840 Venezuela says opposition presidential candidate Edmundo González has left the country for asylum in Spain

>>21550901 DJT endorses Hulk Hogan's beer brand, Brotherman

>>21550705, >>21550711 Memes


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433d11 No.21550946

File: e6b0c0bc7d70448⋯.jpg (165.36 KB,788x1576,1:2,1000000637.jpg)

File: dee5f4a2bca9e8e⋯.jpg (302.29 KB,788x1576,1:2,1000000641.jpg)

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adcac7 No.21550947

File: beab5afe0109629⋯.jpg (703.28 KB,1024x1024,1:1,output_3_.jpg)


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7beeb4 No.21550948


this entire series of so called memes does absolutely suck, what's with the ukraine swedish faggot colors?

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01d833 No.21550949

File: f425d85716117c6⋯.jpeg (162.82 KB,899x500,899:500,IMG_2454.jpeg)

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d43d0e No.21550950

File: 2ebadd5673833d8⋯.png (282.61 KB,321x545,321:545,ClipboardImage.png)

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835d87 No.21550951

File: 94d483ba0d28b8e⋯.png (297.16 KB,516x912,43:76,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fabf94937947bdd⋯.png (81.37 KB,504x896,9:16,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04c6d5bdd65051d⋯.png (16.22 KB,555x275,111:55,ClipboardImage.png)



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d086b3 No.21550952


>that is what I call the mother of all Ginger Mounds.


Fred Durst always wore aRedNY hat.

Spent some time in the Navy. Also spent lots of time partying at the Playboy mansion in the 90's. Bet he seen some shit in that honey pot pool.

what happens in the grotto stays in the grotto

So they all thought.

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7beeb4 No.21550953


>this entire series of so called memes does absolutely suck, what's with the ukraine swedish faggot colors?

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48266c No.21550954

File: 526a094358867c3⋯.png (5.81 KB,228x221,228:221,ClipboardImage.png)


butt tongue

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01d833 No.21550955


is that an ultrasound image of big mike's wang?

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48266c No.21550956

File: 96256ffaa997aca⋯.png (6.11 KB,311x162,311:162,ClipboardImage.png)


>>unkl fukkin too

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835d87 No.21550957


NY is L.A.

L,A. is NY

guys who wear hats

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01d833 No.21550958


why don't my posts get notabled?

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1b0612 No.21550959

File: c05f2dc9cc148c0⋯.gif (1.37 MB,321x545,321:545,20240907_224053.gif)


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704907 No.21550960

File: adb92108fa9232e⋯.png (1.03 MB,786x1394,393:697,Hulk_Hogan_is_doing_a_beer….png)

Hulk Hogan is doing a beer, and if he’s doing it, it must be good. Great looking can and logo. Give it a try!!! DJT


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721242 No.21550961


Would be nice to have a timestamp for that as I was never part of the DOAR circlejerk, but it is obvious that Gerbil is integrally connected to the current admin and it was because of his shitty notes and lackadaisical attitude to baking that I became a baker.

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13c1b1 No.21550962

File: 807286efeb2d0ee⋯.png (142.4 KB,594x558,33:31,807286efeb2d0eea8ab24ad3fb….png)



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f24925 No.21550963

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If you're someone who supports "FREE SPEECH" whether you're a Democrat, Republican or Independent voter, you must make up your mind NOW!

Kamala says


has lost his privileges and he must be stopped. Kamala will ban X when she is President.

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03259e No.21550964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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76801c No.21550965


the faggot detector blocks you

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01d833 No.21550966


>what happens in the grotto

I bet Hef had some juicy tapes and a lil black book like epstein's

wonder who has them now

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5378df No.21550967

File: aa34a79a7354d0d⋯.png (1.08 MB,1391x913,1391:913,n87566n76546.png)

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76801c No.21550968


in order to get any work done one must ignore the current regime. post your digs and carry on.

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f24925 No.21550969


Gerbil was the hardest working anon here, maybe still is but hard to know since he's gone on the down low.

He works like 3 dudes and maybe he is.

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01d833 No.21550970

File: e62ad338caacf2a⋯.jpeg (52.17 KB,300x401,300:401,IMG_2455.jpeg)

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76801c No.21550971


3 shifts one three ring binder for the persona

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63de1a No.21550972

File: 5827eadf3629764⋯.png (270.66 KB,580x580,1:1,5823a910f6cd755d8503ac5203….png)

The fuck is going on in here?

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48266c No.21550973

File: 1f910c9f509674f⋯.png (6.57 KB,311x162,311:162,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>unkl fukkin too



>butt tongue

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9f6e5f No.21550974


>The fuck is going on in here?

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13c1b1 No.21550975

File: aabf6cf4d1e3231⋯.gif (156.34 KB,680x415,136:83,7hui78n58.gif)

They can't whine about how there's supposed to be no identifying features to posting Anonymously when every post has pattern identifying features baked into every post as per the platform. Fucking imbecilic clowns.

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5f209a No.21550976



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01d833 No.21550977

File: d8464003209e5d8⋯.jpeg (56.94 KB,474x474,1:1,IMG_2456.jpeg)


Tranny Baker Alert

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76801c No.21550978

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835d87 No.21550979

File: c9b2f305f0f5913⋯.png (81.53 KB,320x323,320:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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721242 No.21550980


Thank you anon.

My excuse is that I am tired and emotional (please research the reference) and I just wanted to rant.

An increasingly rare occurrence these days.

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1a6dd2 No.21550981

File: 33cab32368abac3⋯.jpg (308.36 KB,3849x894,1283:298,Screenshot_20240908_004232….jpg)

File: 99c6125cc9f402a⋯.jpg (445.05 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240908_004726….jpg)

File: f88900ceee34fd3⋯.jpg (240.17 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240908_004735….jpg)


What I can tell you Is I was shown this on Truth Social on Jan 15th 2022.

It was when I was already upset with 8bit for saying the new Q posts aren't real and if they were Trump would confirm them.

What a dumb ass!

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48266c No.21550982

File: 27e1391e13d2521⋯.png (10.58 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


> taht ass tossed


>an sum unkl fukkin too


>an toss salad


>>russel isREAL sidepone now wiff secret service an oprah$hithol crack taxes suckin fren

>so much russel gav BJ fo secret service gig

>Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and conte


>russel isREAL sidepone now wiff secret service an oprah$hithol crack taxes suckin fren

plz git alec baldwin salad back frum COCO TRANNY AT POKEY SENTENCEING to halp russel feels sidepone feels an not juuuuuuus sum MOObamaHO wurstponee

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76801c No.21550983



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835d87 No.21550984

File: 19fc655d621f738⋯.png (210.58 KB,485x644,485:644,ClipboardImage.png)


anon just like you

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13c1b1 No.21550985

File: 1384257da3ce8e1⋯.png (118.35 KB,400x348,100:87,pepe_mic_drop3.png)

Communist anonymity that uses the mask of a terrorist that has the same initials as George Floyd. They control the "entity" of "Anonymous." Most likely hijacked it. The faggots making those videos with the speech synthesis text and some faggot in the mask gesticulating in front of the camera melodramatically. Federal traitors paid with tax dollars for their salary.

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84cff2 No.21550986

File: 8afa631212a04cc⋯.png (347.82 KB,600x456,25:19,m_7ny6terbyteytrer8.png)

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8312cc No.21550987

Will Iran attack America?

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721242 No.21550988

File: 7523e5c7804a361⋯.jpg (263.69 KB,800x764,200:191,keks_in_dog.jpg)


Perhaps this meme is apropos, albeit with a different Doge image.

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76801c No.21550989


you should educate yourself about salt rotations. use logic.

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835d87 No.21550990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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01d833 No.21550991

File: 4de11792c33bde2⋯.jpeg (59.91 KB,474x325,474:325,IMG_2457.jpeg)

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76801c No.21550992


except not

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d41fa5 No.21550993

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d086b3 No.21550994

File: 3b4fff984f6bba2⋯.jpg (663.34 KB,2400x1589,2400:1589,837575404.jpg)

File: d3dd3de4cb2a058⋯.jpg (43.35 KB,1000x500,2:1,1000006493.jpg)

Nothing is random, everything has meaning.

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721242 No.21550995


>Even when demonised around the world, that has always been available prescription free here in Brasil.

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433d11 No.21550996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Go on FB

Type '"Book Club?!?!"

Sorry girlS.

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1a6dd2 No.21550997

File: 3aeae551f881fc0⋯.jpg (227.77 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240908_005242….jpg)


Salt rotations no longer effected Q after "the incident"

Remember when this happened and Q got upset with Ron for it?

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01d833 No.21550998


Nothing has meaning, everything is random


chaos and entropy are universal rules

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48266c No.21550999

File: 5b40dcfd997a59c⋯.png (5.82 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


sandy taint isREAL bad larp

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835d87 No.21551000

File: a973723004795a6⋯.png (72.93 KB,642x713,642:713,ClipboardImage.png)

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086002 No.21551001

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You haven't posted any music as far as I can tell, so you have forced me to post this.

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48266c No.21551002

File: e6ec06c44d53d7d⋯.png (9.71 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


>sandy taint isREAL bad larp

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c85f58 No.21551003

notables @ 325

#26401 >>21550650

>>21550704 What do you do when your neighbor hates your Trump lawn sign?

>>21550787 Donald Trump’s answer on how he will make childcare more affordable

>>21550804 A Fulton County judge has just ruled AGAINST Fani Willis in a lawsuit brought against her by Ashleigh Merchant

>>21550840 Venezuela says opposition presidential candidate Edmundo González has left the country for asylum in Spain

>>21550901 DJT endorses brotherman Hulk Hogan's beer brand

>>21550963 Kamala will go after X and everyone else if elected

>>21550705, >>21550711, >>21550950 Memes


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76801c No.21551004


you also should educate yourself about salt rotations and cease attempting to confuse the newfags

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940775 No.21551005

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I Believe In You


2Sa_7:27 ForH3588 thou,H859 O LORDH3068 of hosts,H6635 GodH430 of Israel,H3478 hast revealedH1540 H241 to thy servant,H5650 saying,H559 I will buildH1129 thee an house:H1004 thereforeH5921 H3651 hath thy servantH5650 foundH4672 in(H853) his heartH3820 to prayH6419 (H853) thisH2063 prayerH8605 untoH413 thee.

1Ki_8:28 Yet have thou respectH6437 untoH413 the prayerH8605 of thy servant,H5650 and toH413 his supplication,H8467 O LORDH3068 my God,H430 to hearkenH8085 untoH413 the cryH7440 and toH413 the prayer,H8605 whichH834 thy servantH5650 prayethH6419 beforeH6440 thee to day:H3117

1Ki_8:29 That thine eyesH5869 may beH1961 openH6605 towardH413 thisH2088 houseH1004 nightH3915 and day,H3117 even towardH413 the placeH4725 of whichH834 thou hast said,H559 My nameH8034 shall beH1961 there:H8033 that thou mayest hearkenH8085 untoH413 the prayerH8605 whichH834 thy servantH5650 shall makeH6419 towardH413 thisH2088 place.H4725

1Ki_8:38 WhatH3605 prayerH8605 and supplicationH8467 soeverH3605 H834 beH1961 made by anyH3605 man,H120 or by allH3605 thy peopleH5971 Israel,H3478 whichH834 shall knowH3045 every manH376 the plagueH5061 of his own heart,H3824 and spread forthH6566 his handsH3709 towardH413 thisH2088 house:H1004

1Ki_8:45 Then hearH8085 thou in heavenH8064 (H853) their prayerH8605 and their supplication,H8467 and maintainH6213 their cause.H4941

1Ki_8:49 Then hearH8085 thou(H853) their prayerH8605 and their supplicationH8467 in heavenH8064 thy dwellingH3427 place,H4349 and maintainH6213 their cause,H4941


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8353a3 No.21551006

File: 0d85df2a2d5d48f⋯.png (880.84 KB,1076x676,269:169,animebaker.png)

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835d87 No.21551007


nothing is

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76801c No.21551008


said no organic anon ever

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01d833 No.21551009


that's a trippy video, especially after overdosing on horse de-wormer!

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adcac7 No.21551010

File: adeaaacf854af86⋯.jpg (418.72 KB,768x1024,3:4,e3bec703_94f0_4571_88dd_33….jpg)

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721242 No.21551011


My faith in the veracity of Q posts dramatically diminished once 8bit relinquished the role of BO and this was not helped by the debacle on "Qs" board with baby fister.

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01d833 No.21551012


I had a bad case of sandy taint after sitting on the beach naked

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1a6dd2 No.21551013


You musta forgotten when Ron Said he was gonna change the salt and Q said the platform isn't stable don't do it yet.. and Ron did it anyway.. and Q lost the ability to verrify and had to use the watch and project Dcomms and then both Ron and Jim said Ron wrote a line of code to make sure It would never happen again when Q got passed about it.

- literally ask Jim.

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48266c No.21551014

File: 24eab364facc6e7⋯.png (10.1 KB,186x175,186:175,24eab364facc6e736333e0b58f….png)

File: f2486fbcb0b7e94⋯.png (471.8 KB,1400x1478,700:739,f2486fbcb0b7e94af95612d60c….png)

butt tahn peter pan wuz zelda an ancient nigggays named taht creamy nut batter taht fo giggles

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76801c No.21551015


sauce it or shut it

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01d833 No.21551016

File: e71ec4af4fdaff6⋯.jpeg (39.25 KB,500x311,500:311,IMG_1536.jpeg)


DO NOT summon the Tranime Monster!

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721242 No.21551017


Or, to put it another way, said every tranime sock always.

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1a6dd2 No.21551018


Oh baby fist and the B nonsense was a massive fuck up.. I've told him that personally. Really fucked over Jim.. I doubt Q thinks this platform is secure after that.

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63de1a No.21551019

File: 1e7d875a13f81f2⋯.jpg (16.65 KB,361x361,1:1,1677688577908593.jpg)

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48266c No.21551020

File: b2a3cfbe1af71f7⋯.png (44.84 KB,741x373,741:373,b2a3cfbe1af71f76425edf6b52….png)


> ancient nigggays named taht creamy nut batter taht

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48266c No.21551021

File: b6431eab9c37ed2⋯.jpg (161.98 KB,609x500,609:500,d2urbulpouxb1.jpg)

peanuts ruining white power

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48266c No.21551022

File: d2991b0352e792c⋯.png (69.55 KB,1024x576,16:9,d2991b0352e792c50e2320f081….png)

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1a6dd2 No.21551023


I'm not here to give you babysteps anon. Do your own research. I'm just here to point the smart ones in the right direction.

Q didn't do your research for you.

That is how you learn.

Take some initiative.

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dc633b No.21551024


oh the date in namespace faggot

massive respect there, not.

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3d3e37 No.21551025

File: 0da13ff0a4a2a37⋯.jpg (29.01 KB,306x378,17:21,0da13ff0a4a2a37d12bbe22ff6….jpg)


>Will Iran attack America?

Will Iran ever commit mass susicide on America?


if so, do a backflip

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d43d0e No.21551026

File: d09b99f51c3f01d⋯.mp4 (7.66 MB,264x480,11:20,Memes_in_real_life.mp4)


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eaaa60 No.21551027

File: 84a5ef0dfd46d71⋯.png (61.77 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

On the twelfth day of Russian interference, my true love sent to me:

Twelve feds a-lurking,

Eleven schemes a-brewing,

Ten Ukrainians a-hacking,

Nine liberals hashtagging,

Eight leaks a-dropping,

Seven anons a-mocking,

Six clowns triggered,

Five counts of election fraud!

Four Trumps a-trolling,

Three fake news stories,

Two bots a-tweeting,

And a Pepe meme that destroyed the cabal.

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1a6dd2 No.21551028


>oh the date in namespace

Wut? Are you actually retarded?

No it isn't

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03259e No.21551029

File: 3ba9835475ee3c4⋯.png (1.21 MB,750x742,375:371,ClipboardImage.png)

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835d87 No.21551030

File: f68d3c3a939026c⋯.png (168.61 KB,623x668,623:668,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8173727be8af45⋯.png (25.81 KB,597x547,597:547,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e33dd50dd50142b⋯.png (21.66 KB,593x457,593:457,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 641cca27e130594⋯.png (4.38 KB,234x100,117:50,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b480eb88982f331⋯.png (26.08 KB,585x478,585:478,ClipboardImage.png)


"Operation Sandy"


Where did the missle go? Blown up in sky?

Future Proves Past

Big News Coming Confirmed!

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721242 No.21551031

File: 5c85fa5f3eaa16c⋯.jpg (162.13 KB,1280x880,16:11,tranime.jpg)


Truth can be like a knife to the heart.

May I kindly suggest you fornicate in an alternative direction to that to which I am going?

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f24925 No.21551032

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

HAPPENING NOW: Tens of thousands of patriots in Sao Paulo, Brazil 🇧🇷 to fight against censorship from the Lulu and judge Moraes' regime on their independence day.

Former Pres Bolsonaro and his supporters came out for freedom.

Full report http://TheTruthAboutBrazil.com


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835d87 No.21551033

File: e39ff4b642fc15e⋯.png (50.85 KB,574x823,574:823,ClipboardImage.png)

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63de1a No.21551034

File: d41b9c9b50886b4⋯.jpg (53.06 KB,590x550,59:55,1628933153778.jpg)


What the fuck are you even saying to me?

You seriously sound retarded.

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03259e No.21551035

File: 610c1ee802121f1⋯.png (136.46 KB,636x773,636:773,ClipboardImage.png)

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086002 No.21551036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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688240 No.21551037

File: 837e64ca3832770⋯.jpeg (373.67 KB,662x765,662:765,60565551_1982_472B_8DFB_1….jpeg)

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dc633b No.21551038


are you stupid?

a blank denial?

your platitudes rejected?

cry moar

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3d3e37 No.21551039


fookin A

skip halloweenie

nasty assed ritual

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835d87 No.21551040


this sounds like insider scuttlebutt

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8312cc No.21551041


How would Trump and Kamala each respond?

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eccaeb No.21551042

File: 76f4c221b8120d5⋯.jpg (196.29 KB,1200x675,16:9,media_GOMMnz8XUAANd5I.jpg)


Operators operating an operation.

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433d11 No.21551043

Matrannalamah Ojoma

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63de1a No.21551044

File: 63038d4a77b9fac⋯.png (194.3 KB,512x276,128:69,Operating.png)


Operating operationally?

Don't mind if I do.

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03259e No.21551045

File: 235354238f36776⋯.png (549.62 KB,506x528,23:24,ClipboardImage.png)

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3d3e37 No.21551046


which one is the pet?

first to blink loses.








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721242 No.21551047

File: eef9ffbc8e60371⋯.jpg (313.58 KB,749x814,749:814,BLUNT.jpg)


Do I have to be blunt as you don't comprehend the English language?

So be it.

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eccaeb No.21551048

File: 5ae4c4aeff65032⋯.jpg (40.73 KB,640x664,80:83,1644d0a43c0dc831b1bd2e3b1f….jpg)


>Operating operationally?

Yankee Echo Sierra

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63de1a No.21551049

File: 268e5fdcaa0c937⋯.jpg (19.9 KB,438x438,1:1,1677677248722619.jpg)


Your filenames are cringe and you're super and totally lame.

Get off my niggertits already, I'm busy saving the world.

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433d11 No.21551050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d43d0e No.21551051


Will Conor save Ireland?

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3d3e37 No.21551052


what he say

what he say

all i see is id, tag, an timestamp

must be a mute

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63de1a No.21551053

File: 514d37665ecb4fd⋯.png (407.79 KB,680x560,17:14,1629368872148.png)


Bravo Alfa Sierra Echo Delta


▲ ▲

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1a6dd2 No.21551054

File: d87162fbb274609⋯.jpg (245.66 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240908_011359….jpg)

File: 28aa4673a8e61c8⋯.jpg (526.79 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240908_011347….jpg)

File: 24e187eca56fd97⋯.jpg (454.55 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240908_011350….jpg)

File: 2af224a24f6fec0⋯.jpg (75.85 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240908_011409….jpg)


You sound lazy.

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086002 No.21551055

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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63de1a No.21551056

File: 42e02f1ecf3e72b⋯.png (218.88 KB,617x526,617:526,1677900927044662.png)


I dunno some gay ass shit about fornication with a picture of his dick?

No clue, but his penis will never be as famous as mine.

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7ee8fe No.21551057



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9b0ccd No.21551058


didn't you cut it off and keep it in the fridge with a nice chianti?

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3d3e37 No.21551059



auh naw she di'ant

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835d87 No.21551060

File: 3c607e185818f3f⋯.png (30.72 KB,608x273,608:273,ClipboardImage.png)

How Im finally feeling right now

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7ee8fe No.21551061

File: c7d362c35c1ce76⋯.jpeg (25.16 KB,474x237,2:1,IMG_2458.jpeg)

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63de1a No.21551062

File: b2f7405be5d166e⋯.jpg (122.14 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1635248099006.jpg)


Would lower its stock value to repost.

Sorry, limited time offering.



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721242 No.21551063


Perhaps not, but he may help in waking them up.

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086002 No.21551064

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Post decent music.

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7ee8fe No.21551065


aww shucks, your dick pics always cause a ruckus in here

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835d87 No.21551066

File: fb9cdd87341917a⋯.png (630.02 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

but his penis will never be as famous as mine.

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eccaeb No.21551067

File: 39672825e5a4a5c⋯.png (525.29 KB,609x477,203:159,ClipboardImage.png)


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9b0ccd No.21551068

how are we ever going to get a & b bundle bloatables with all this delay?

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7ee8fe No.21551069

File: ac5d02f7b19d0ec⋯.jpeg (191.97 KB,1024x732,256:183,IMG_2405.jpeg)


all those npc GI's died in the ZOG war/s

look at what an "Allied Victory" brought us

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721242 No.21551070


According to the selfie he posted, it is is still intact, but that doesn't mean he he hasn't slavered it in fava beans and tried to slurp it with a chianti.

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3d3e37 No.21551071



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63de1a No.21551072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not sure if you'll like this, but I'm into vocaloid.

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7314a4 No.21551073


faggot shill!

where have you been during Trump's rally, huh??? poopt your pants, huh???

stupid homo!

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d43d0e No.21551074


That may be the change most of the world needs.

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9b0ccd No.21551075


always a bridesmaid and never a bride

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7ee8fe No.21551076


>but I'm into vocaloid.

is that some new weird jap fetish?

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51d524 No.21551077

File: 3bd16234413ef4a⋯.jpeg (19.36 KB,474x196,237:98,D4AA72CB_CA2F_49DE_BF25_E….jpeg)

Are we having a COMFY bread?

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721242 No.21551078


Anon, if I am honest, I believe most of what we see in the media currently is indeed intended for that end.

You know, sometimes you have to show them and all that shit.

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a00869 No.21551079

DJT loves McDonald's

DJT knows it all


McD does not have hoomin meat

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3d3e37 No.21551080

File: 0d6247436429e7c⋯.jpg (185.95 KB,1024x699,1024:699,0d6247436429e7cb91e5a395ab….jpg)





'ave muh dick pic

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c85f58 No.21551081


Ghosting in 20 u around?

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433d11 No.21551082

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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086002 No.21551083


Bohemian grove has redwood trees.

You're welcome.

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63de1a No.21551084

File: aa13a0c3a66de5c⋯.jpg (210.22 KB,1200x1524,100:127,aa13a0c3a66de5c1ee299ac803….jpg)


Not sure if I'll be able to take this bread to the end.

It's a snail race..

But I'll try my best.

Send me notes before you leave.


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c85f58 No.21551085

notables @ 405

#26401 >>21550650

>>21550704 What do you do when your neighbor hates your Trump lawn sign?

>>21550708 Compilation of oldest videos recorded

>>21550787 Donald Trump’s answer on how he will make childcare more affordable

>>21550804 A Fulton County judge has just ruled AGAINST Fani Willis in a lawsuit brought against her by Ashleigh Merchant

>>21550840 Venezuela says opposition presidential candidate Edmundo González has left the country for asylum in Spain

>>21550901 DJT endorses brotherman Hulk Hogan's beer brand

>>21550963 Kamala will go after X and everyone else if elected

>>21550705, >>21550711, >>21550950, >>21551026, >>21551045 Memes


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d43d0e No.21551086


I agree, we're just waiting on the final act. It is interesting to see the steps in progress.

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6b165b No.21551087

File: 54805d0658238de⋯.jpg (24.11 KB,338x318,169:159,1712786702234878.jpg)

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7ee8fe No.21551088

File: 9e0c006edfa349d⋯.jpeg (2.34 MB,3600x1898,1800:949,IMG_2461.jpeg)


I would pound her cloned ginger mound to Oblivion

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a00869 No.21551089

All the vaxed walking around in a daze is a good thing. It will help them through the trauma of the coming disclosures that their conscience is not willing to accept.

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c85f58 No.21551090


Up to you. Collect whatever you can so morning shift can catch up faster.

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aebd92 No.21551091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

150 mile difference

Pole shift

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20f40c No.21551092


a train wreck going off the deep end, best ride in town

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63de1a No.21551093

File: 657d0f3ccbd110a⋯.jpeg (112.07 KB,500x665,100:133,657d0f3ccbd110a86fe0a6b3b….jpeg)


For sure, just post your bun before you leave and I'll confirm hand off


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47adcc No.21551094


Mcd is america 1st

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7ee8fe No.21551095


show us your buns

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c85f58 No.21551096


ETA ~20min.

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47adcc No.21551097

File: 059fde87b372589⋯.jpg (40.8 KB,512x448,8:7,516b7f879618d1c1e7bc4a5a4a….jpg)

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721242 No.21551098

File: 521957cdf1e7c43⋯.png (1.54 MB,1000x758,500:379,88.png)

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3d3e37 No.21551099

File: 5d3eb5348209f76⋯.jpg (139.9 KB,865x651,865:651,Screenshot_20240908_002749….jpg)

'nother pic of muh denki.

japanese fo dick i t'ink

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7ee8fe No.21551100

File: c10414ccfc8928f⋯.jpeg (165.12 KB,1024x1024,1:1,IMG_2412.jpeg)

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db1c9e No.21551101


His right foot though!

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1b2c82 No.21551102


Israel??? Ha ha ha…. GHWB, Cheney, GWB, Rumsfeld, CIA, FBI, Mossad, Saudi Arabia… It was a team effort. You always want a team effort (JFK) because it is in everyone's best interests not to talk/leak because all are complicit….

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eaaa60 No.21551103


>>21550591 Stepped down in the past 24hrs



U.Va. Health faculty demand removal of health system CEO, School of Medicine dean

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7ee8fe No.21551104

File: 922ce0d4655e15a⋯.jpeg (50.73 KB,474x341,474:341,IMG_2463.jpeg)

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086002 No.21551105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yeah it's alright as long as it's decent.

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3d3e37 No.21551106


you seem knowledgeable

tell us more

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3d3e37 No.21551107

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20f40c No.21551108


well said

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1a6dd2 No.21551109

File: dcbe8aca029eaad⋯.jpg (810.05 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240908_013803….jpg)

File: 2ee8f1d81b43add⋯.jpg (268.39 KB,4320x1456,270:91,Screenshot_20240908_013735….jpg)


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eaaa60 No.21551110


>>>21549191 I am Malik Obama. I will be voting for Donald Trump. DJT- Thank you Malik — A Great Honor.

is malik a us citizen?

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51d524 No.21551111

File: 1050bc463f090b0⋯.gif (937.8 KB,500x209,500:209,7CD1D5D9_493D_44C0_974D_02….gif)


Roger that. A ginger bread is a comfy bread.

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433d11 No.21551112

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Babylon is Rasta for stupid fuckin commies,

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bc76ef No.21551113

File: 77dd22e4c5465dd⋯.png (85.27 KB,1152x864,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21549915 lb

>First Bill Gates wanted you to eat protein from bugs, now he wants you to eat butter from air.

Hard pass. I barely want to breathe the air from the air.

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47adcc No.21551114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Make America Healthy Again!

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eaaa60 No.21551115


>>>21549252 Ford recalls 85,000 Police vehicles because of potential engine fire

bring in the tanks…

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688240 No.21551116

File: 7176c80f3d20604⋯.jpeg (143.75 KB,960x422,480:211,1783E93B_0C84_4E20_BF15_D….jpeg)

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086002 No.21551117


Naturalized, yes.

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7ee8fe No.21551118

File: df2757764c6edff⋯.jpeg (129.8 KB,939x1024,939:1024,IMG_2465.jpeg)


never forget what they did

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835d87 No.21551119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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086002 No.21551120

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3d3e37 No.21551121

File: 95f910fc4f053e6⋯.mp4 (4.72 MB,640x360,16:9,95f910fc4f053e6ff5a7b2cbbf….mp4)



luv me sum 10hr breads

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688240 No.21551122

File: 14c20e980515fae⋯.jpeg (584.5 KB,960x1915,192:383,CE07E3C7_2A00_4439_8CA7_7….jpeg)

File: 7360d14858f5903⋯.jpeg (221.01 KB,960x1110,32:37,00A5FD2E_F8E3_4F18_AE33_7….jpeg)



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bc76ef No.21551123



Filturd bred is comfy bred.

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51d524 No.21551124

File: a9a8fc31f19da16⋯.jpeg (41.01 KB,474x336,79:56,3229DFBE_2991_463A_A728_1….jpeg)


Confirmed. The bake is comfy.

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835d87 No.21551125

File: a361ade5f11ba93⋯.png (418.99 KB,428x367,428:367,ClipboardImage.png)


Quads to Confirm

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688240 No.21551126

File: f2b3e08577abcf8⋯.jpeg (360.83 KB,537x950,537:950,D6B8DA62_F187_4CE2_A990_D….jpeg)



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13c1b1 No.21551127

File: 25ded7e0137f1d8⋯.jpg (13.54 KB,438x438,1:1,shitposting4.jpg)


If this is to be biblical, which I always took to mean something really big in scope, I find it funny that they call themselves legion.

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1a6dd2 No.21551128

File: b3796adb565a314⋯.png (944.73 KB,1200x630,40:21,shutterstock_1051309439.png)


100% comfy - shills got real quiet.

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835d87 No.21551129


Bill Gates Puppet Operator is Faggot…CONFIRMED

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95a36c No.21551130

File: 35129487e0808c3⋯.png (1.19 MB,1094x725,1094:725,ginger_baker_girl.png)


>A ginger bread is a comfy bread.

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c85f58 No.21551131





notables @ 455

#26401 >>21550650

>>21550704 What do you do when your neighbor hates your Trump lawn sign?

>>21550708 Compilation of oldest videos recorded

>>21550787 Donald Trump’s answer on how he will make childcare more affordable

>>21550804 A Fulton County judge has just ruled AGAINST Fani Willis in a lawsuit brought against her by Ashleigh Merchant

>>21550840 Venezuela says opposition presidential candidate Edmundo González has left the country for asylum in Spain

>>21550901 DJT endorses brotherman Hulk Hogan's beer brand

>>21550963 Kamala will go after X and everyone else if elected

>>21550705, >>21550711, >>21550950, >>21551026, >>21551045, >>21551118 Memes


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63de1a No.21551132

File: 5dd09b7749bdc6e⋯.png (569.23 KB,1366x768,683:384,bc41ca61c1e36a0a092eb40551….png)



Looks like it time for my second place prize.


Godspeed Baker


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835d87 No.21551133

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


they ghetto stupid…ignant

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27aad8 No.21551134

File: c8d88ce3da9ce9c⋯.jpg (104.41 KB,837x764,837:764,c8d88ce3da9ce9c7b473c39c2c….jpg)

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688240 No.21551135

File: 447573cd49b69c0⋯.jpeg (1009.96 KB,747x1125,83:125,4FA82527_6F81_4FA8_809C_0….jpeg)

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3d3e37 No.21551136

File: 691f87339146be3⋯.png (45.17 KB,606x677,606:677,691f87339146be3476aca09739….png)



>never forget what they did

in 1917 most did not die from the spanish flu, but from bacterial pneumonia from wearing masks

Fauci knew this

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1a6dd2 No.21551137

File: 148f2c517b2a6c3⋯.jpg (905.17 KB,1079x2644,1079:2644,Screenshot_20240908_015556….jpg)

Remember why we are here anons.


Together we win!

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51d524 No.21551139

File: 62a7f59e88007b4⋯.jpeg (156.49 KB,500x677,500:677,6DF2FD41_9210_4230_BCAB_5….jpeg)

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c90ce0 No.21551141

Go see the movie "Reagan" you will be glad you did.

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688240 No.21551142

File: f3a38af832813e7⋯.png (1.84 MB,960x2079,320:693,935612C4_8E9B_4BD8_AAC6_E1….png)

File: 1fe34993c6f9425⋯.jpeg (884.32 KB,960x1587,320:529,D9202863_D741_4A9F_894F_1….jpeg)


Still couldn’t infect the horses despite trying

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433d11 No.21551143

File: bf8cc31372e4f71⋯.png (1.06 MB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240908_020101.png)

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c90ce0 No.21551145

File: 8244ea32f550473⋯.png (793.46 KB,500x851,500:851,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a8985 No.21551146

Q will only confirm Less than 10.

1 of 3 non-Military in Top 10 Players.

Q is 1. Only Less than 10 can confirm Q.

It would be really stupid to try to fake that.

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95a36c No.21551147

File: 7a4b230d24ae409⋯.jpg (17.53 KB,248x189,248:189,7a4b230d24ae4092d9e74d3b90….jpg)


>go out to a public place

You don't know anons very well, do you?

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db2bbf No.21551148

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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db2bbf No.21551149

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1a6dd2 No.21551150

File: 66d25bee98163f0⋯.jpg (109.88 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240908_020505….jpg)

File: 76af4eb55352693⋯.jpg (291.88 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240908_020510….jpg)

File: a092d2bcb807d82⋯.jpg (308.27 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240908_020519….jpg)


This is messed up a lot and often people think it means Q is less than 10 people.

Less than 10 people can confirm Q

Of those 3 are non millitary.

This is very revelant

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db2bbf No.21551151

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bc76ef No.21551152


I'll wait until my old age thanks..

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db2bbf No.21551153

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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db2bbf No.21551154

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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db2bbf No.21551155

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3d3e37 No.21551156

File: 4893a36b09c40e0⋯.png (420.73 KB,500x500,1:1,4893a36b09c40e0e2743e06029….png)

Just put in spanish flu to AI and sticks to same old story that only spanish flu was the culprit of death

spanish flu was not the cause of most deaths but bacterial pneumonia from wearing masks

ai answer

Masks Linked to Pneumonia Deaths

Contrary to popular belief, bacterial pneumonia was the primary cause of death during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, not the flu virus itself.

Research findings: In 2008, a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) analyzed 8,398 autopsies from 15 countries and concluded that bacterial pneumonia was responsible for 92% of deaths attributed to the Spanish flu.

Mechanism: The study suggests that the damaged bronchial tubes of flu victims allowed common upper respiratory-tract bacteria to enter the lungs, leading to bacterial pneumonia. This secondary infection was the primary cause of death, rather than the influenza virus itself.

Debunking the mask-wearing myth: A claim circulating on Twitter, which was also addressed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, falsely links bacterial pneumonia to mask-wearing during the 1918 pandemic. In reality, the 2008 study, co-authored by Fauci, aimed to inform pandemic preparedness and did not investigate mask-wearing as a contributing factor.

Key takeaway: The Spanish flu pandemic was not primarily caused by the virus itself, but rather by bacterial pneumonia, a complication that arose from the damaged respiratory tract. Mask-wearing was not a contributing factor to this outcome.

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bc76ef No.21551157

File: 85ceccc577abf40⋯.png (57.32 KB,564x564,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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688240 No.21551158

File: 29f32a27284c83b⋯.jpeg (975.54 KB,960x1178,480:589,BC7A588B_EF7B_4FF3_8C2E_2….jpeg)

File: a97bdb121d3e97c⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB,960x1129,960:1129,10206D08_4DB0_439A_A1EE_8….jpeg)


Whut is dis


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9a8985 No.21551159

Only I can confirm Q.

Q will only confirm me.

Don’t do anything stupid.

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63de1a No.21551160


Shut up dofus.

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433d11 No.21551161

File: fa6e231719dac72⋯.jpg (1.28 MB,4080x3072,85:64,1000000730.jpg)

File: 6c85a3328b30d0b⋯.jpg (2.04 MB,1600x1204,400:301,1000000732.jpg)

File: 93d6d8252354e01⋯.jpg (1.14 MB,1600x1204,400:301,1000000735.jpg)

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51d524 No.21551162

File: c66a0e362faab4d⋯.jpeg (176.66 KB,735x1198,735:1198,C629124B_4658_49F6_9476_B….jpeg)


>Don’t do anything stupid.

Uh oh, read your post.

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9a8985 No.21551163

Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes.

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3d3e37 No.21551164

File: 4efd801839d2949⋯.png (560.71 KB,500x617,500:617,4efd801839d294942951a437e6….png)



when imax versions coming out?

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eccaeb No.21551165


Don´t tell me me what to don´t do.

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bc76ef No.21551166

File: 3a96c1c96e8ac83⋯.png (95.07 KB,500x535,100:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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433d11 No.21551167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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9a8985 No.21551168

“When (you) get better, the world gets better.”

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d43d0e No.21551169

File: 05ccdd2761bd2c6⋯.png (985.79 KB,1007x650,1007:650,ClipboardImage.png)


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b9271e No.21551170

File: 9276f2b58268193⋯.png (247.21 KB,474x243,158:81,IMG_1276.png)

& May God Bless Patriots.

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32280c No.21551171


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63de1a No.21551172


#26401 >>21550650

>>21550684 NEW - Turkey's Erdogan calls for Islamic alliance against Israel.

>>21550704 What do you do when your neighbor hates your Trump lawn sign?

>>21550708 Compilation of oldest videos recorded

>>21550787 Donald Trump’s answer on how he will make childcare more affordable

>>21550804 A Fulton County judge has just ruled AGAINST Fani Willis in a lawsuit brought against her by Ashleigh Merchant

>>21550840 Venezuela says opposition presidential candidate Edmundo González has left the country for asylum in Spain

>>21550901 DJT endorses brotherman Hulk Hogan's beer brand

>>21550963 Kamala will go after X and everyone else if elected

>>21551032 Tens of thousands of patriots in Sao Paulo, Brazil 🇧🇷 to fight against censorship from the Lulu and judge Moraes' regime on their independence day.

>>21551103 U.Va. Health faculty demand removal of health system CEO, School of Medicine dean

>>21550705, >>21550711, >>21550950, >>21551026, >>21551045, >>21551118 Memes

How's My Driving?

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bc76ef No.21551173

File: c7f03f1dd97ae58⋯.png (55.34 KB,500x363,500:363,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a8985 No.21551174

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63de1a No.21551175

Graveyard Shift.

The slow bread.

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bc76ef No.21551176

File: 5787a05b99beda9⋯.png (83.36 KB,540x807,180:269,ClipboardImage.png)

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688240 No.21551177

File: b7c4ab3d454025e⋯.jpeg (392.94 KB,960x718,480:359,EA9063EA_C684_491E_A0CF_8….jpeg)



When is Hunters diary coming up

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433d11 No.21551178

File: a913d3881865777⋯.jpg (688.78 KB,1204x1600,301:400,1000000739.jpg)

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bc76ef No.21551179

File: 60e7d1daabfddd8⋯.png (195.95 KB,513x348,171:116,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a8985 No.21551180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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688240 No.21551181


Did I leave my kitchen light on ?

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423cd3 No.21551182

File: 4e0befd50a9b5fa⋯.jpg (72.96 KB,588x586,294:293,ffd17870b078278d.jpg)

File: 866ef71aea12e50⋯.png (348.94 KB,740x511,740:511,Screenshot_2024_09_07_2041….png)

We know why, that pesky little envelope.


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bc76ef No.21551183

File: 946704072c186da⋯.png (632.36 KB,654x452,327:226,ClipboardImage.png)

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433d11 No.21551184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Happens all the time.

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bc76ef No.21551185

File: 9b2c3ee7da7ca09⋯.png (42.1 KB,720x480,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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51d524 No.21551186

File: ee1222c0a1d2262⋯.jpeg (32.09 KB,500x372,125:93,F5C63D2A_2A13_43D9_81C3_4….jpeg)


You were not expecting…………….

The Graveyard Expedition.

(dramatic sounds.mpg)

Everyone consume you fav beverage stimulant and - let’s go.

Expedition = making expedited

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1ee2a5 No.21551187


the most influential day in modern human history… for no other reason than a massive lie that has bent civilization into the hellscape of Gov/Intel/Media induced sociopathy we all live in today.

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bc76ef No.21551188

File: 2dda5da1df485a2⋯.png (4.89 KB,255x255,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc76ef No.21551189

File: 4c1dcd9d3256c5f⋯.png (381.19 KB,643x921,643:921,ClipboardImage.png)

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63de1a No.21551190


It's very slow in here tonight.

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d569eb No.21551191

File: f6729286c662bcf⋯.png (314.29 KB,955x662,955:662,j63h46534j65364.PNG)

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95a36c No.21551192

File: 9b79b5574ea0a24⋯.png (406.83 KB,813x843,271:281,Screen_Shot_2024_09_08_at_….png)

File: d84926ccbe1a842⋯.png (125.52 KB,828x636,69:53,Screen_Shot_2024_09_08_at_….png)


>looks like AI psyop shit 100%

>Joseph A. Couch

Anon guesses search results will soon show JD Vance memes when 'couch' is typed into search bar

It's all about manipulating perception.

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d43d0e No.21551193


At this point, aren't they controlled or ded?

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bc76ef No.21551194

File: 86f2e56d8753bce⋯.png (164.62 KB,1073x700,1073:700,ClipboardImage.png)

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63de1a No.21551195

BV in here?

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95a36c No.21551196

File: d38b2ebecbaf039⋯.gif (8.09 MB,600x400,3:2,d38b2ebecbaf03929f55fadca2….gif)


>It's very slow in here tonight.

Have some free entertainment.

Anon hears curling is popular in these parts.

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51d524 No.21551197

File: 95cc5c43b7114a2⋯.jpeg (25.28 KB,251x255,251:255,9A892797_9336_4B25_A144_B….jpeg)


Only 220 posts to go!

brb getting muh Covfefe

What’s the new deltas tday?

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1a6dd2 No.21551198

File: 112d49de05050c8⋯.jpg (1.4 MB,4320x3240,4:3,Screenshot_20240908_025638….jpg)


You are watching the complete destruction of the D party.

There will not be a reason for the shills to come here much longer.



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95a36c No.21551199

File: 730d77352a20325⋯.png (67.2 KB,255x143,255:143,Comfy_bake.png)


Gonna pump and dump the bread with a rainbow banner and 'comfy' in the title already?

Why not stick out the shift you agreed to?

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63de1a No.21551200


I told other baker that I wouldn't make it to the end of the bread.

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1ee2a5 No.21551201



always reminds of Boot Camp

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d569eb No.21551202

File: 14616a07571782b⋯.mp4 (6.36 MB,700x700,1:1,74h64j2htwt.mp4)

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7314a4 No.21551203


moar vids here:


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688240 No.21551204

File: 7070e3bc9dce18f⋯.jpeg (605.65 KB,873x675,97:75,AE3D7F0D_29B5_46A3_A4BD_9….jpeg)

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d569eb No.21551205

File: 14616a07571782b⋯.mp4 (6.36 MB,700x700,1:1,654h7557j65.mp4)

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bc76ef No.21551206

File: 9847dc0bf2106f4⋯.png (46.6 KB,507x492,169:164,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab1ba9 No.21551207


Definitely a FED

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9a8985 No.21551208


In what scenario on this board would Less than 10 need to provide confirmation of Q?

How would Less than 10 need to be confirmed prior to that?

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bc76ef No.21551209


Your reading comprehension is weak.

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51d524 No.21551210

File: 2480f942d115616⋯.jpeg (28.07 KB,350x262,175:131,66C551F4_F76F_4894_8DFA_D….jpeg)


Sorry to see you go, Bakes. We was gonna try and expedite,

but ‘we was too late.’

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63de1a No.21551211

File: 9df3975d438f9cb⋯.gif (1.73 MB,500x486,250:243,9df3975d438f9cb7dd224d7c94….gif)



Going to bake if no takers - 30 mins.

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0e3121 No.21551212

File: 7c3d80c86d7922b⋯.png (84.01 KB,1113x402,371:134,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69492494581b58a⋯.png (16.1 KB,555x171,185:57,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ff53aab444c517⋯.png (191.45 KB,555x918,185:306,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ff91ebb0f166a0⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB,496x360,62:45,7ff91ebb0f166a0d85268647d4….mp4)

File: 01ee18ec34b6259⋯.mp4 (6.6 MB,540x540,1:1,01ee18ec34b62597a5156df27c….mp4)


>Michael Isikoff

Q posts with a clip from this asshole's podcast to do with Hussein/Flynn:



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1ee2a5 No.21551213

File: ae65e5c9eabd852⋯.jpg (40.58 KB,500x357,500:357,names_changed_protect_inno….jpg)


thisanon feels like a guest in this place. 'Do in Rome'. The Culture that i have picked up seems adamant about "anon". Oddly i ALSO feelz that my Identity is perfectly visible to those with some tech to see through the internet. Thus "anon" is psychological to remove one's self from the exchange of information.

We are kept separate (unknown to each other), but visible to those who hold keys BEHIND the scenes. Why? I do not feel a need to hide myself, but told by this culture that I need to hide. Why?

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1a6dd2 No.21551214

File: 6f2ea5ba8b2560b⋯.jpg (166.25 KB,1080x942,180:157,Screenshot_20240908_031521….jpg)

File: e36395d14f33694⋯.jpg (1.15 MB,4320x3156,360:263,Screenshot_20240908_031545….jpg)

File: cfd1ba1d28d0bfd⋯.jpg (158.86 KB,1076x1076,1:1,Screenshot_20240908_031706….jpg)


In reality it's just another way Q is explaining they are able to confirm they are Q beyond the tripcode.

Less than 10 real people can confirm it that know Q is Q.

There were also specific proofs provided via the IP adress Q uses.

No random IP needed

Lock routed CA IP and tag


IP hash release OK.

Proves same throughout.

We control [utility].

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1e7793 No.21551215


> but told by this culture that I need to hide. Why?

Because this board is about the information/research, not the messenger. Famefagging distracts from the purpose.

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95a36c No.21551216


>We are kept separate (unknown to each other), but visible to those who hold keys BEHIND the scenes. Why? I do not feel a need to hide myself, but told by this culture that I need to hide. Why?

Anon is the death of ego, and your ego is your enemy. Lack of ego is what elevates us above famefags and normies.

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9a8985 No.21551217


A bigger lie in Eden did worse for longer.

Nobody escapes. God uses truth-tellers.

Patriots will light up the world with Truth.

All of it will be brought out into the Light.

It will set hearts and minds WW on Fire.

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1ee2a5 No.21551218




tanks for the reminders

still have nowhere else to turn for developments irl, but for some anons on cooky bb in a shady place Online? What do?

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63de1a No.21551219







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1a6dd2 No.21551220

File: 93bdaaa4cd95a06⋯.jpg (945.96 KB,4320x2780,216:139,Screenshot_20240908_033424….jpg)

For those following along what was Q explaining here?

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1628e8 No.21551221


Should have mentioned that the incarceration conditions would be the same as J6ers, but guessing the organized election fraudsters already know that.

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0e3121 No.21551222

File: 2ee31d8f8882fff⋯.jpg (96.24 KB,402x561,134:187,G8XYHP.jpg)


Anon is true freedom, to be judged solely on the merits of your ideas. What many people claim to want, but rarely achieve in real life.

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1ee2a5 No.21551223


why wasn't the Declaration of Independence signed "Anon"?

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69ddc1 No.21551224


it’s not about hiding, anybody who cares enough already knows


well put

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63de1a No.21551225


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9a8985 No.21551226

Q’s trip code is being blocked on this board.

The proofs of that fact are being deleted.

Nothing screams guilt like censorship.


Consider relevance.

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d069cc No.21551228

File: 26086cfe6df7b6e⋯.jpeg (261.73 KB,2078x1168,1039:584,Screenshot_2024_09_08_at_….jpeg)

File: 1bbec7bf636c0f4⋯.jpeg (500.68 KB,1290x585,86:39,IMG_1714.jpeg)

Appear weak when you are strong…

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1ee2a5 No.21551229

File: cde6391a656a1f7⋯.jpg (72.84 KB,1200x630,40:21,a0RNrxO_ogimage.jpg)


so when i refuse to show my id i can tell'm it's because i cares enough?

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63de1a No.21551230

File: 2f5af1defa54310⋯.gif (2.16 MB,480x268,120:67,2f5af1defa54310bc8803cd0bb….gif)



Going to bake this one early, have to jet and this bread may not last for morning baker

Prepare enjoy the remaining bread, there will be new bread available to post notables into.

Take notables to fresh bread.



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63de1a No.21551231

Notables - FINAL

#26401 >>21550650

>>21550684 NEW - Turkey's Erdogan calls for Islamic alliance against Israel.

>>21550704 What do you do when your neighbor hates your Trump lawn sign?

>>21550708 Compilation of oldest videos recorded

>>21550787 Donald Trump’s answer on how he will make childcare more affordable

>>21550804 A Fulton County judge has just ruled AGAINST Fani Willis in a lawsuit brought against her by Ashleigh Merchant

>>21550840 Venezuela says opposition presidential candidate Edmundo González has left the country for asylum in Spain

>>21550901 DJT endorses brotherman Hulk Hogan's beer brand

>>21550963 Kamala will go after X and everyone else if elected

>>21551032, >>21551203 Tens of thousands of patriots in Sao Paulo, Brazil 🇧🇷 to fight against censorship from the Lulu and judge Moraes' regime on their independence day.

>>21551103 U.Va. Health faculty demand removal of health system CEO, School of Medicine dean

>>21550705, >>21550711, >>21550950, >>21551026, >>21551045, >>21551118 Memes


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1ee2a5 No.21551232


this is not a Game

this is real life

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63de1a No.21551235

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1a6dd2 No.21551236

File: c68fa8878d62b19⋯.jpg (576.95 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240908_035025….jpg)

File: 4ac703f1d8916df⋯.jpg (209.11 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240908_035030….jpg)

File: 84bea51dc53ec8e⋯.jpg (199.95 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240908_035044….jpg)

File: 40fb2e3dc3da899⋯.jpg (446.28 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240908_035113….jpg)


It's funny to think blocking Q's tripcode would matter.. it's happened multiple times.

All they have to do is debunk it.

They can't.

It's right infront of you anon.

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63de1a No.21551237

File: 8c7afc8d17241e5⋯.png (1.6 MB,1142x786,571:393,00000000000.png)

File: d22d3ad6d6000ac⋯.gif (131.21 KB,600x401,600:401,0000000000.gif)

File: a922ba72547784a⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,000000000.png)

File: 94a9c0980a1d98c⋯.png (615.43 KB,606x489,202:163,00000000.png)

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0e3121 No.21551238


Fair point. There were anon pamphlets at the time though, and pseudonyms, before they all said fuck it:


You see how the faggots today bitch about the Founding Fathers owning slaves though…as if one "sin" from some of their personal lives negates the whole fucking country.

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d069cc No.21551239

File: fec7c23377b2215⋯.jpeg (59.98 KB,500x500,1:1,LadybugLindsey.jpeg)

But my butt barnacles!

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63de1a No.21551240

File: 8874e264c0f39c3⋯.png (321.58 KB,323x475,17:25,cf14c0d1627ffb22ce55eb49ff….png)



Q Research General #26402: A Comfy Place Edition

Baker signing off







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9a8985 No.21551241


Q will be invalidating the current board team.

Q will be confirming Less than 10 as new BO.

They had their chance.

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db2bbf No.21551242

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

🥳🥳🥳 >>21551156 🥳🥳🥳

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1ee2a5 No.21551246


at this very time irl, i have a young man student (just short of eighteen yr)

i am trying to explain that odd effect where this current Gov/Intel/Media is trying to erase the Declaration/Constitution/BoR by doing exactly that.


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1ee2a5 No.21551264


please forgive me for offering additional detail from real life. This particular young man is being asked to identify ME to his local School Board, while that same School Board enjoys MASSIVE protection from examination by We the People.

my "Anon" is on the line at this very moment, irl

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9a8985 No.21551265

A Clean House is important.

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0e3121 No.21551268



Finally am seeing/hearing more normie types asking why these fucks would actively seek to destroy their own country, and I suppose Gay-Race Communism is the easiest answer, but it doesn't seem deep enough. Not spiritual enough. Jesus wasn't Anon in the end, if that's some comfort, fren. o7

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1ee2a5 No.21551269


that is a nice platitude, but real life is messy

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433d11 No.21551273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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1a6dd2 No.21551275


Q dosent give a shit who is running the board - from posting on 4chan- to Paul, to, Pam, to 8bit, to who the fuck ever!

How have you not realized that yet?

That's just drama amongst yourselves.

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1ee2a5 No.21551276


it is some comfort anon, because what you wrote is true.

Gay-Race-Commie is an easy answer if only because so many foot soldiers of this Hell on Earth LOOK LIKE they already have various dysphorias, but those cooky people are not the Architects of the Hell Scape Thank you for the reminder. It will help me when i speak with the young man further about what to do.

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9c13ee No.21551278

File: 2e6d01179e56cd6⋯.png (474.32 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_x_com_17257822534….png)

Dan X


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d826ea No.21551279

File: 008e7c84f34f44a⋯.jpg (118.03 KB,757x500,757:500,Kim_jong_il_b6d7824e29c.jpg)

File: 56e0a479bc6b79c⋯.png (947.9 KB,1170x1227,390:409,kim_jong_876.png)




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1a6dd2 No.21551284

File: daeef815c0e31b9⋯.jpg (1.31 MB,4320x3492,120:97,Screenshot_20240908_042739….jpg)

Q was never committed to any platform.

Q said patroits point - we will follow.

A few shills are too dumb too understand this.

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13c1b1 No.21551285


>Anon is the death of ego, and your ego is your enemy. Lack of ego is what elevates us above famefags and normies.

No one is above another, and you're trying to divide the Anons here between "fame," who are just those who dare to challenge the shills which is not fame at all, or fear of being scorned and called a famefag. You're a fucking disgusting little shill failure. Now seethe.

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d826ea No.21551286

File: 795b7bd1d21829f⋯.jpg (134.14 KB,801x799,801:799,795b7bd1d21829f828fd6db5a5….jpg)

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13c1b1 No.21551288

File: a4cd005e1b8679b⋯.jpeg (228.93 KB,943x942,943:942,winning.jpeg)

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d826ea No.21551289

File: ed6b9120e6d5f88⋯.jpg (71.28 KB,625x699,625:699,pepe_neno_two_breads.jpg)

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0e3121 No.21551290

File: c5635276508eeb9⋯.jpg (90.31 KB,800x525,32:21,XvNxEr.jpg)


Good luck, anon.

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1ee2a5 No.21551292

File: 9387d71ac37a350⋯.jpg (25.7 KB,461x500,461:500,s_l500.jpg)


tanks upon you two and may the luck be with u in addition also as well.

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1ee2a5 No.21551293

time for some coffee

c u fuks ltr

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d826ea No.21551294

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5f257e No.21551299


Fortunately. FIFY

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13c1b1 No.21551301

File: 1f4036da8070e55⋯.jpeg (379.97 KB,1912x2765,1912:2765,NaS5WoSnYKsr.jpeg)

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557908 No.21551302

File: f0dc3b7ad0d6006⋯.png (827.88 KB,1080x2635,216:527,Screenshot_20240908_015547….png)

>>21549995 (LB)

I can't believe you faggots notabled a cap of a Truth poast without including the text. The absolute state of this place.


CEASE & DESIST: I, together with many Attorneys and Legal Scholars, am watching the Sanctity of the 2024 Presidential Election very closely because I know, better than most, the rampant Cheating and Skullduggery that has taken place by the Democrats in the 2020 Presidential Election. It was a Disgrace to our Nation! Therefore, the 2024 Election, where Votes have just started being cast, will be under the closest professional scrutiny and, WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again. We cannot let our Country further devolve into a Third World Nation, AND WE WON’T! Please beware that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials. Those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out, caught, and prosecuted at levels, unfortunately, never seen before in our Country.

Sep 07, 2024, 4:01 PM


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eb8c94 No.21551329

File: 469ad4a18dec12c⋯.gif (2.29 MB,380x380,1:1,wheel_perfect_timing.gif)

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bc76ef No.21551338

File: e79db6e17004bbe⋯.png (75.74 KB,640x359,640:359,ClipboardImage.png)


>why wasn't the Declaration of Independence signed "Anon"?

Because the signers had run out of fucks to give.

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433d11 No.21551350

Satanic Globalists are ded, no future or hope

Only exposure, gastronomically explosive truths and a horrid and painful demise ahead.

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b36798 No.21551367

File: f4f058a7e9ea3de⋯.png (342.08 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240908_054821.png)

File: a361b4a692f2eb8⋯.png (70.4 KB,766x716,383:358,1015_5_.png)

File: 994c2f2baa88aa4⋯.png (40.06 KB,766x540,383:270,2215_1_.png)

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7314a4 No.21551372

this bread still open?

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b36798 No.21551374

File: 1b021ad38e72f8e⋯.png (355.23 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240908_055209.png)

File: 05de78dabe31b66⋯.png (125 KB,766x1338,383:669,914.png)

File: e38f8134326c02c⋯.png (160.88 KB,766x1778,383:889,2114_2_.png)

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7314a4 No.21551378


fuck off

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b36798 No.21551407

File: 0ca64e3a3cc21da⋯.png (690.9 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240908_061215.png)

File: 8cdb69d4d7c2e91⋯.png (33.79 KB,766x496,383:248,333_1_.png)

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7c4b0d No.21551565



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7c4b0d No.21551569


maybe it was already posted yesterday

drink some kangaroo juice and see if you can get yourself hopping

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dbcad7 No.21551610


is double morning breads the new normal? I noticed this same thing recently.

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31a777 No.21551647


It's a Wang Dang Doodle

All night shift long

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31a777 No.21551657


Probably a bunch o' spam herein

Baker didn't refresh

And baked it up and then post count went below

And now the new bread is 300+ posts in

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fe2aa7 No.21551663

Courtesy Fresh


Q Research General #26402: A Comfy Place Edition

Baker signing off







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1192b2 No.21551667


Q Research General #26402: A Comfy Place Edition







Could we get a lock on aisle #26401

Lotta fill needed

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6ef009 No.21551744


Nope it lasted

more staying power than Chuck Schumer visiting Heidi Fleiss on a blue pill bender

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6ef009 No.21551746


could we get a lock on this bread?

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b36798 No.21551813

File: 7dbfea5c7d5471d⋯.jpeg (239.33 KB,2048x688,128:43,GWzsqddWMAAgOSn.jpeg)

File: 67d87175b01451e⋯.png (67.1 KB,766x896,383:448,911_2_.png)

File: b1e73f23e576b97⋯.png (39.53 KB,766x496,383:248,804.png)

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b36798 No.21551822

File: 539a47a0ba18105⋯.jpeg (265.15 KB,2048x1173,2048:1173,GWzslMfXQAAos2Z.jpeg)

File: b1e73f23e576b97⋯.png (39.53 KB,766x496,383:248,804.png)

File: 67d87175b01451e⋯.png (67.1 KB,766x896,383:448,911_2_.png)


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b36798 No.21551823

File: 7dbfea5c7d5471d⋯.jpeg (239.33 KB,2048x688,128:43,GWzsqddWMAAgOSn_1_.jpeg)

File: 8a5a2b5fe8f0c38⋯.png (47.69 KB,766x540,383:270,501_6_.png)

File: 3fdb7f86b6357b9⋯.png (292.15 KB,766x2188,383:1094,442_3_.png)

File: 082a9b80df8f13d⋯.png (47.46 KB,766x540,383:270,465.png)

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758632 No.21551824

Niggers act the way they do because of genetics. They're a sub-race.

So why do you think jews are obsessed with pushing race-mixing with whites and niggers?

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ed020a No.21551850

File: 2683326f8accf21⋯.jpeg (168.15 KB,923x1210,923:1210,2683326f8accf210224e59b51….jpeg)




Links to comfy place.

Thank you

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3fb160 No.21551863

File: fcf012c84d8170a⋯.jpg (38.92 KB,700x803,700:803,ackaeXeD3Dd_700w_0.jpg)

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