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File: 0f64bbc5f9de6ae⋯.png (64.87 KB,255x138,85:46,ClipboardImage.png)

6478de No.21550642 [View All]

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553 posts and 370 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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0e3121 No.21551238


Fair point. There were anon pamphlets at the time though, and pseudonyms, before they all said fuck it:


You see how the faggots today bitch about the Founding Fathers owning slaves though…as if one "sin" from some of their personal lives negates the whole fucking country.

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d069cc No.21551239

File: fec7c23377b2215⋯.jpeg (59.98 KB,500x500,1:1,LadybugLindsey.jpeg)

But my butt barnacles!

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63de1a No.21551240

File: 8874e264c0f39c3⋯.png (321.58 KB,323x475,17:25,cf14c0d1627ffb22ce55eb49ff….png)



Q Research General #26402: A Comfy Place Edition

Baker signing off







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9a8985 No.21551241


Q will be invalidating the current board team.

Q will be confirming Less than 10 as new BO.

They had their chance.

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db2bbf No.21551242

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

🥳🥳🥳 >>21551156 🥳🥳🥳

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1ee2a5 No.21551246


at this very time irl, i have a young man student (just short of eighteen yr)

i am trying to explain that odd effect where this current Gov/Intel/Media is trying to erase the Declaration/Constitution/BoR by doing exactly that.


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1ee2a5 No.21551264


please forgive me for offering additional detail from real life. This particular young man is being asked to identify ME to his local School Board, while that same School Board enjoys MASSIVE protection from examination by We the People.

my "Anon" is on the line at this very moment, irl

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9a8985 No.21551265

A Clean House is important.

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0e3121 No.21551268



Finally am seeing/hearing more normie types asking why these fucks would actively seek to destroy their own country, and I suppose Gay-Race Communism is the easiest answer, but it doesn't seem deep enough. Not spiritual enough. Jesus wasn't Anon in the end, if that's some comfort, fren. o7

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1ee2a5 No.21551269


that is a nice platitude, but real life is messy

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433d11 No.21551273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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1a6dd2 No.21551275


Q dosent give a shit who is running the board - from posting on 4chan- to Paul, to, Pam, to 8bit, to who the fuck ever!

How have you not realized that yet?

That's just drama amongst yourselves.

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1ee2a5 No.21551276


it is some comfort anon, because what you wrote is true.

Gay-Race-Commie is an easy answer if only because so many foot soldiers of this Hell on Earth LOOK LIKE they already have various dysphorias, but those cooky people are not the Architects of the Hell Scape Thank you for the reminder. It will help me when i speak with the young man further about what to do.

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9c13ee No.21551278

File: 2e6d01179e56cd6⋯.png (474.32 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_x_com_17257822534….png)

Dan X


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d826ea No.21551279

File: 008e7c84f34f44a⋯.jpg (118.03 KB,757x500,757:500,Kim_jong_il_b6d7824e29c.jpg)

File: 56e0a479bc6b79c⋯.png (947.9 KB,1170x1227,390:409,kim_jong_876.png)




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1a6dd2 No.21551284

File: daeef815c0e31b9⋯.jpg (1.31 MB,4320x3492,120:97,Screenshot_20240908_042739….jpg)

Q was never committed to any platform.

Q said patroits point - we will follow.

A few shills are too dumb too understand this.

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13c1b1 No.21551285


>Anon is the death of ego, and your ego is your enemy. Lack of ego is what elevates us above famefags and normies.

No one is above another, and you're trying to divide the Anons here between "fame," who are just those who dare to challenge the shills which is not fame at all, or fear of being scorned and called a famefag. You're a fucking disgusting little shill failure. Now seethe.

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d826ea No.21551286

File: 795b7bd1d21829f⋯.jpg (134.14 KB,801x799,801:799,795b7bd1d21829f828fd6db5a5….jpg)

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13c1b1 No.21551288

File: a4cd005e1b8679b⋯.jpeg (228.93 KB,943x942,943:942,winning.jpeg)

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d826ea No.21551289

File: ed6b9120e6d5f88⋯.jpg (71.28 KB,625x699,625:699,pepe_neno_two_breads.jpg)

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0e3121 No.21551290

File: c5635276508eeb9⋯.jpg (90.31 KB,800x525,32:21,XvNxEr.jpg)


Good luck, anon.

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1ee2a5 No.21551292

File: 9387d71ac37a350⋯.jpg (25.7 KB,461x500,461:500,s_l500.jpg)


tanks upon you two and may the luck be with u in addition also as well.

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1ee2a5 No.21551293

time for some coffee

c u fuks ltr

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d826ea No.21551294

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5f257e No.21551299


Fortunately. FIFY

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13c1b1 No.21551301

File: 1f4036da8070e55⋯.jpeg (379.97 KB,1912x2765,1912:2765,NaS5WoSnYKsr.jpeg)

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557908 No.21551302

File: f0dc3b7ad0d6006⋯.png (827.88 KB,1080x2635,216:527,Screenshot_20240908_015547….png)

>>21549995 (LB)

I can't believe you faggots notabled a cap of a Truth poast without including the text. The absolute state of this place.


CEASE & DESIST: I, together with many Attorneys and Legal Scholars, am watching the Sanctity of the 2024 Presidential Election very closely because I know, better than most, the rampant Cheating and Skullduggery that has taken place by the Democrats in the 2020 Presidential Election. It was a Disgrace to our Nation! Therefore, the 2024 Election, where Votes have just started being cast, will be under the closest professional scrutiny and, WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again. We cannot let our Country further devolve into a Third World Nation, AND WE WON’T! Please beware that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials. Those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out, caught, and prosecuted at levels, unfortunately, never seen before in our Country.

Sep 07, 2024, 4:01 PM


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eb8c94 No.21551329

File: 469ad4a18dec12c⋯.gif (2.29 MB,380x380,1:1,wheel_perfect_timing.gif)

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bc76ef No.21551338

File: e79db6e17004bbe⋯.png (75.74 KB,640x359,640:359,ClipboardImage.png)


>why wasn't the Declaration of Independence signed "Anon"?

Because the signers had run out of fucks to give.

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433d11 No.21551350

Satanic Globalists are ded, no future or hope

Only exposure, gastronomically explosive truths and a horrid and painful demise ahead.

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b36798 No.21551367

File: f4f058a7e9ea3de⋯.png (342.08 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240908_054821.png)

File: a361b4a692f2eb8⋯.png (70.4 KB,766x716,383:358,1015_5_.png)

File: 994c2f2baa88aa4⋯.png (40.06 KB,766x540,383:270,2215_1_.png)

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7314a4 No.21551372

this bread still open?

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b36798 No.21551374

File: 1b021ad38e72f8e⋯.png (355.23 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240908_055209.png)

File: 05de78dabe31b66⋯.png (125 KB,766x1338,383:669,914.png)

File: e38f8134326c02c⋯.png (160.88 KB,766x1778,383:889,2114_2_.png)

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7314a4 No.21551378


fuck off

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b36798 No.21551407

File: 0ca64e3a3cc21da⋯.png (690.9 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240908_061215.png)

File: 8cdb69d4d7c2e91⋯.png (33.79 KB,766x496,383:248,333_1_.png)

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7c4b0d No.21551565



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7c4b0d No.21551569


maybe it was already posted yesterday

drink some kangaroo juice and see if you can get yourself hopping

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dbcad7 No.21551610


is double morning breads the new normal? I noticed this same thing recently.

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31a777 No.21551647


It's a Wang Dang Doodle

All night shift long

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31a777 No.21551657


Probably a bunch o' spam herein

Baker didn't refresh

And baked it up and then post count went below

And now the new bread is 300+ posts in

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fe2aa7 No.21551663

Courtesy Fresh


Q Research General #26402: A Comfy Place Edition

Baker signing off







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1192b2 No.21551667


Q Research General #26402: A Comfy Place Edition







Could we get a lock on aisle #26401

Lotta fill needed

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6ef009 No.21551744


Nope it lasted

more staying power than Chuck Schumer visiting Heidi Fleiss on a blue pill bender

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6ef009 No.21551746


could we get a lock on this bread?

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b36798 No.21551813

File: 7dbfea5c7d5471d⋯.jpeg (239.33 KB,2048x688,128:43,GWzsqddWMAAgOSn.jpeg)

File: 67d87175b01451e⋯.png (67.1 KB,766x896,383:448,911_2_.png)

File: b1e73f23e576b97⋯.png (39.53 KB,766x496,383:248,804.png)

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b36798 No.21551822

File: 539a47a0ba18105⋯.jpeg (265.15 KB,2048x1173,2048:1173,GWzslMfXQAAos2Z.jpeg)

File: b1e73f23e576b97⋯.png (39.53 KB,766x496,383:248,804.png)

File: 67d87175b01451e⋯.png (67.1 KB,766x896,383:448,911_2_.png)


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b36798 No.21551823

File: 7dbfea5c7d5471d⋯.jpeg (239.33 KB,2048x688,128:43,GWzsqddWMAAgOSn_1_.jpeg)

File: 8a5a2b5fe8f0c38⋯.png (47.69 KB,766x540,383:270,501_6_.png)

File: 3fdb7f86b6357b9⋯.png (292.15 KB,766x2188,383:1094,442_3_.png)

File: 082a9b80df8f13d⋯.png (47.46 KB,766x540,383:270,465.png)

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758632 No.21551824

Niggers act the way they do because of genetics. They're a sub-race.

So why do you think jews are obsessed with pushing race-mixing with whites and niggers?

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ed020a No.21551850

File: 2683326f8accf21⋯.jpeg (168.15 KB,923x1210,923:1210,2683326f8accf210224e59b51….jpeg)




Links to comfy place.

Thank you

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3fb160 No.21551863

File: fcf012c84d8170a⋯.jpg (38.92 KB,700x803,700:803,ackaeXeD3Dd_700w_0.jpg)

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