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File: 2214fd8f67d2449⋯.png (68.7 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

389dd6 No.21535047 [View All]

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572 posts and 349 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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e9fa9f No.21535867


This is TOO close to that story about Venezuela arresting some Columbian mercenaries who were returning home from fighting in UKRAINE. Venezuela detained them and basically ‘renditioned’ them to RUSSIA for further handling. This American mighta been with them.

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52f9db No.21535868


Nasty piece of work.

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47c8f4 No.21535869

>>21535863 my mistake 10 am

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af1a72 No.21535870


you heard me

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94684f No.21535871


>No thanks I'm never baking again after the 4 chan fiasco.

What happend to you from 4 chan.//



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745410 No.21535872

File: 5ebc046ef2cdbea⋯.jpeg (238.13 KB,1132x646,566:323,IMG_8723.jpeg)

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23211c No.21535873

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fe751a No.21535874


It might sound like crying to you, but his points are valid and I never thought I would agree with this guy.

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611826 No.21535875


>service member was not on official travel or approved leave

Service member was AWOL, or working for clowns with some plausible deniability.

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f7ed2b No.21535876

File: 89963c7c90301b0⋯.png (39.61 KB,790x334,395:167,ClipboardImage.png)

KEK Elon, nice work.


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10e4a3 No.21535877


I already said enough. It's not worth mentioning again. I know where I'm not welcome..I shouldn't even be typing this right now.but hey..I'm fucking lonely and my life sucks

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41a900 No.21535878

File: ad519d024d8bbaf⋯.png (349.2 KB,600x827,600:827,eye.PNG)


Still Boneless


She’s taking another booster and can’t even open her left eye. Huh??



Readers added context they thought people might want to know

The video is altered to look like she has facial paralysis. The original video is here: youtube.com/watch?v=Q9v-l4…

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2:33 PM · Sep 4, 2024




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94684f No.21535879


Why did you post this..//


Just remember.. some of your representative s are these people.

Remember that this isn't about LGBT SOCIAL STRCTURES.//

These are not the people we want on the raidoo or the radio… do you hear me.//

This isn't the right place to post this./

Get this shit ot uf ohe here.




We do not need sloppiness.


Wow… that's why./


Don't bring them here./





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41a900 No.21535880

File: 2317a2862e9ae82⋯.png (206 KB,597x769,597:769,hp.PNG)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸


What have we here


National File




Replying to @NationalFile

Here is the ONE BILLION + DOLLAR loan made in part by the Central Bank of China to the Fox News and the Murdochs to help pay off the Dominion Lawsuit.


2:29 PM · Sep 4, 2024




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b1df74 No.21535881


They must be running low on funds.

These crisis actors really suck.

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e9fa9f No.21535882

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94684f No.21535883

The ones broadcasting hate speech are the ones using their radios that produce RF.//




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94684f No.21535884



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fe751a No.21535885

File: 845db66cc8fe080⋯.png (177.16 KB,680x464,85:58,ClipboardImage.png)


Nice work, Elon!

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5cafe2 No.21535886

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Club Of Rome & The Nefarious Plan For Humanity


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47c8f4 No.21535887

What's missing in the Georgia school shooting press conferences?

Any visible FBI or ATF agents. Wonder why.

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41a900 No.21535888

File: 70bf5c5633c1188⋯.png (589.63 KB,675x727,675:727,ds.PNG)


Breitbart Business Digest: Inflation Leaves

the Middle Class Too Poor to Shop at Dollar Stores

Breitbart Economy, by John Carney

Posted By: Imright, 9/4/2024 9:10:45 PM

Inflation Chops Down Dollar Tree Dollar Tree’s latest earnings report offers a grim reflection on the state of the American economy. What we are witnessing is not just a minor fluctuation in retail performance, but a broader indictment of an economy that, under the stewardship of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, has manifestly lost its way.For those unacquainted with Dollar Tree’s dual audience, its Family Dollar stores cater to lower-income households seeking everyday necessities, while its namesake brand draws in middle- and upper-income shoppers for affordable party supplies and seasonal goods. What makes this earnings report notable is the revelation that even households earning over $125,000 per year—once thought immune

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b1df74 No.21535889


>Gods three children


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5cafe2 No.21535890

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

repost for those who couldn't catch it when it came out

POLICE STATE ( a Documentary by Dinesh D'SOUZA )


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c8d18f No.21535891

File: 3379a1d7aa3c42d⋯.jpg (76.67 KB,428x810,214:405,90e4b06537da3bff.jpg)

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41a900 No.21535892

File: 4887c6f44b5c44a⋯.png (434.41 KB,604x842,302:421,us.PNG)


Harrison H. Smith ✞


Very disturbing development.

We are not at war with Russia but they are enacting war-time press controls.

They claim that TENET is “spreading division” by reporting on domestic issues like immigration.

Thats what is happening here. The US government is saying “by being critical of our policies, you are weakening our unity, which is what our enemies want. Therefore, criticism of our domestic policy is an act of war.”

Very, very bad.



Yashar Ali 🐘





The US Department of Justice alleges that Tenet Media, which has Benny Johnson, Tim Pool, and Dave Rubin on its roster, received $10 million from the Russian government to publish content as part of a Russian influence operation.

Tenet is owned and controlled by Lauren

Show more


11:24 AM · Sep 4, 2024




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7311d2 No.21535893

File: 41358af18dbc42a⋯.png (37.51 KB,425x408,25:24,41358af18dbc42a3683bb81a23….png)


You can't even tell they're Trans. they just live their lives with everyone else completely blending in.

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c9e710 No.21535894

File: 2e09f195f16e82c⋯.jpg (1.1 MB,2048x2048,1:1,tyb.jpg)


Good morning Graveyard Shift. Gaslight me please.

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7311d2 No.21535895

File: f2d43e62c85cb49⋯.jpg (189.58 KB,1729x1166,1729:1166,orly3.jpg)


Hold muh beer

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41a900 No.21535896

File: 54d97f3f98af5d2⋯.png (333.97 KB,619x859,619:859,ez.PNG)


Ezra A. Cohen reposted



One increasingly gets the feeling that Martyr Mayonnaise’s basement is packed full of Nazi memorabilia.


Elon Musk




And @CommunityNotes for the win again


Rate proposed Community Notes

12:36 PM · Sep 4, 2024




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52f9db No.21535897

#26383 >>21535061

>>21535112 One of the victims in the Georgia school shooting has been identified as 14-year-old Mason Schermerhorn

>>21535144 Student from school shooting saying didn’t know what was going on due to having Ken Carson full blast in his airpods

>>21535170 Graphic footage of Georgia shooting aftermath

>>21535119 POTUS mentioned Halen Hardy during his Lex Fridman interview

>>21535122 Famous singers who have admitted to selling their soul

>>21535151, >>21535169 CBS News exposed Kamala for bussing supporters in to her New Hampshire rally live on air

>>21535172 @DeptofDefense: Global reach, global impact! 🌎✈️

>>21535177 Colombia's President asked the attorney general's office to investigate the $11 million purchase of Pegasus spy software

>>21535183, >>21535132 Elon Musk's $10,000 House Hitting The Market

>>21535195 German army activates air-defence system, citing Russia threat

>>21535214 The world's longest-running annual multinational maritime exercise, #UNITASLXV, is underway in Chile

>>21535264, >>21535328, >>21535341 Scavino w/ timestamp Qproof relevant to Georgia school shooting

>>21535304 United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations Security Notification

>>21535476 Kamala Harris called for removing cops from schools to fight racial 'inequities' in 2019 interview

>>21535479 Migrants in Chicago are getting $15,000 in food stamps, $5000 a month cash, and 6 months free rent

>>21535481 DJT: Do your job, Clueless Kamala!

>>21535499 Speaking of mosquitos

>>21535517 Wildfire damages Navy base on remote California island; live fire suspected

>>21535526 In case you missed it: House Republicans Subpoena Tim Walz Over Minnesota andemic Aid Fraud

>>21535536 Trump: You HAVE to vote for me!

>>21535542 Waiting for Trump: And it's just a town hall


>>21535558 Swedish foreign minister Tobias Billstrom, who oversaw Sweden joining NATO, unexpectedly resigns

>>21535603 @mikepompeo: Russia's missile attack against a Ukrainian hospital is a reminder of Putin's butchery.

>>21535606 Lifelong Democrat and California Majority Leader Gloria Romero switched parties today to become a Republican. She will vote for Trump.

>>21535650, >>21535653, >>21535892 New Indictment Alleges Conservative Tenet Media Took Millions of Kremlin Cash

>>21535618 @Timcast: My statement regarding allegations and the DOJ Indictment

>>21535661 RFKjr on Candace Owen's remarks on Rabbi Schneerson

>>21535676 Why this Democrat decided Donald Trump is the best choice for president

>>21535677, >>21535684 Pope Francis visits Indonesia’s Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta, then members of the Society of Jesus

>>21535687 What is going on in Aurora?

>>21535688 Stream of the Trump TownHall with Hannity

>>21535694 US Service Member Detained in Venezuela

>>21535708 Culture War: The Deadly Consequences of a Woke War Machine (video)

>>21535710 🚨🇨🇴The world’s largest mosquito factory is in Medellin, Colombia and its funded by Bill Gates

>>21535757 Georgia school shooting suspect on FBI radar since 2023

>>21535780 See how they use Trump as the cover photo for this Russia story to imply influencers were paid to support him? NOT TRUE

>>21535802 Putin says will ‘support’ Kamala Harris in US election

>>21535876 Elon on Liz Cheney on Kamala in 2020

>>21535863 US vs Donald Trump: 9 am hearing - Last night a classified ex-parte notice was filed. Appears to be about discovery shown to Judge in private chambers

>>21535888 Inflation Leaves the Middle Class Too Poor to Shop at Dollar Stores

>>21535133, >>21535423, >>21535474, >>21535659 Memes


final final

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c13786 No.21535898


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e9fa9f No.21535899

File: bc61a20fdda55a9⋯.jpeg (53.09 KB,720x720,1:1,93716A76_50CB_4E83_AFD9_5….jpeg)


> I know where I'm not welcome..I shouldn't even be typing this right now.but hey..I'm fucking lonely and my life sucks

Gm and Gb anon. You are with frens. Like family, not all get along.

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41a900 No.21535900


open discussion

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af1a72 No.21535901

File: c5e23d55a680c94⋯.png (26.64 KB,379x60,379:60,ClipboardImage.png)

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16fc88 No.21535903

File: dd22a0e3cc97f1f⋯.png (442.63 KB,800x563,800:563,Screenshot_2024_09_05_at_0….png)

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af1a72 No.21535904

>na bro, wikipedia is always wrong unless of course it's something we agree with

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16fc88 No.21535906

File: c82f1302ae9ad9b⋯.png (968.74 KB,732x895,732:895,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

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0e7417 No.21535907

Anon I just realized why ELON can talk so much smack and still is running



He is making them so much money they wont shut him up.

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94684f No.21535908


Almost like some of you pushed them straight into their arms…//

How did you miss such a low hanging fruit.//

You made it easy for them.//


Why be evil to people you want to have be friendly to you.//



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e7dc0b No.21535909

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5f4a50 No.21535910



Tate Brother meta analysis of the current economic scam

[Superich -> Globohomo

Brokies -> Taxes, fiat, Debt slavery

Super brokie -> Gimme grants]

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f7ed2b No.21535911



He was always a slide from day 1.

Mr whamen n jew hater mixing it up with Trumps name.


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16fc88 No.21535912


not an elon fan but enjoy that he gets under the skin of cabal/deep state minions

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5cafe2 No.21535913

File: 5bf3de7034596aa⋯.gif (142.17 KB,220x220,1:1,do_it_ben_stiller.gif)


just bus in the illegals as supporters and get it over with

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52f9db No.21535915

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5f4a50 No.21535916



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7311d2 No.21535917

File: 5ae5447530b13dd⋯.jpg (45.06 KB,609x602,87:86,c94b8f0a1f8de2b06f2ef35424….jpg)





Good fucking morning frendos

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52f9db No.21535918

please migrate

please migrate

please migrate

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af1a72 No.21535919


someone didn't refresh

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