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File: 88cfd35cac93b91⋯.png (277.44 KB,596x282,298:141,2023_03_25_13_56_34.png)

1d8766 No.21535902 [Last50 Posts]

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1d8766 No.21535905

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26383 >>21535061

>>21535112 One of the victims in the Georgia school shooting has been identified as 14-year-old Mason Schermerhorn

>>21535144 Student from school shooting saying didn’t know what was going on due to having Ken Carson full blast in his airpods

>>21535170 Graphic footage of Georgia shooting aftermath

>>21535119 POTUS mentioned Halen Hardy during his Lex Fridman interview

>>21535122 Famous singers who have admitted to selling their soul

>>21535151, >>21535169 CBS News exposed Kamala for bussing supporters in to her New Hampshire rally live on air

>>21535172 @DeptofDefense: Global reach, global impact! 🌎✈️

>>21535177 Colombia's President asked the attorney general's office to investigate the $11 million purchase of Pegasus spy software

>>21535183, >>21535132 Elon Musk's $10,000 House Hitting The Market

>>21535195 German army activates air-defence system, citing Russia threat

>>21535214 The world's longest-running annual multinational maritime exercise, #UNITASLXV, is underway in Chile

>>21535264, >>21535328, >>21535341 Scavino w/ timestamp Qproof relevant to Georgia school shooting

>>21535304 United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations Security Notification

>>21535476 Kamala Harris called for removing cops from schools to fight racial 'inequities' in 2019 interview

>>21535479 Migrants in Chicago are getting $15,000 in food stamps, $5000 a month cash, and 6 months free rent

>>21535481 DJT: Do your job, Clueless Kamala!

>>21535499 Speaking of mosquitos

>>21535517 Wildfire damages Navy base on remote California island; live fire suspected

>>21535526 In case you missed it: House Republicans Subpoena Tim Walz Over Minnesota andemic Aid Fraud

>>21535536 Trump: You HAVE to vote for me!

>>21535542 Waiting for Trump: And it's just a town hall


>>21535558 Swedish foreign minister Tobias Billstrom, who oversaw Sweden joining NATO, unexpectedly resigns

>>21535603 @mikepompeo: Russia's missile attack against a Ukrainian hospital is a reminder of Putin's butchery.

>>21535606 Lifelong Democrat and California Majority Leader Gloria Romero switched parties today to become a Republican. She will vote for Trump.

>>21535650, >>21535653, >>21535892 New Indictment Alleges Conservative Tenet Media Took Millions of Kremlin Cash

>>21535618 @Timcast: My statement regarding allegations and the DOJ Indictment

>>21535661 RFKjr on Candace Owen's remarks on Rabbi Schneerson

>>21535676 Why this Democrat decided Donald Trump is the best choice for president

>>21535677, >>21535684 Pope Francis visits Indonesia’s Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta, then members of the Society of Jesus

>>21535687 What is going on in Aurora?

>>21535688 Stream of the Trump TownHall with Hannity

>>21535694 US Service Member Detained in Venezuela

>>21535708 Culture War: The Deadly Consequences of a Woke War Machine (video)

>>21535710 🚨🇨🇴The world’s largest mosquito factory is in Medellin, Colombia and its funded by Bill Gates

>>21535757 Georgia school shooting suspect on FBI radar since 2023

>>21535780 See how they use Trump as the cover photo for this Russia story to imply influencers were paid to support him? NOT TRUE

>>21535802 Putin says will ‘support’ Kamala Harris in US election

>>21535876 Elon on Liz Cheney on Kamala in 2020

>>21535863 US vs Donald Trump: 9 am hearing - Last night a classified ex-parte notice was filed. Appears to be about discovery shown to Judge in private chambers

>>21535888 Inflation Leaves the Middle Class Too Poor to Shop at Dollar Stores

>>21535133, >>21535423, >>21535474, >>21535659 Memes

>>21535897 #26383

#26382 >>21534304

>>21535023 DJT Town Hall in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania w/ Sean Hannity

>>21534936 Transcript: DJT Harrisburg Town Hall

>>21534790 DJT: 17 points down in Wisconsin

>>21534326, >>21534491 FBI just said they've known about the 14yo school shooter in Georgia who shot up a school today since 2023

>>21534771 A 14-year-old Apalachee High School student recounts the traumatic scene as the shooting started

>>21534875 Local News Reports Up To 4 Shooters In Georgia– Alex Jones Predicted Mass Shooting Last Week

>>21534984 Using GPS, same FBI Agent linked to other shooters was within 1,000ft of this shooter’s mobile devices 11 times in 14 months

>>21534313 Biden-Harris DOJ Threatens To Sue Two Small Wisconsin Towns Over Refusal To Use Electronic Voting Machines

>>21534334 Biden-Harris funded Haitian migrant arrested for molesting a 10 year old boy who lived near him

>>21534337 Eye witness account of a Kamala Harris rally

>>21534339 Behold: Mel Gibson helping you with roadside assistance as you're filming him doing so

>>21534358 Bombshell congressional report on Trump assassination attempt reveals 'who really took the first shot at Thomas Crooks'

>>21534389 True the Vote Teams Up with Sheriff’s Offices across the Country to Provide Live-Streams of Drop Boxes During 2024 Election

>>21534410 Republican Marine vet wins primary to take on Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts Senate race

>>21534438 Florida Attorney General Sues Biden-Harris Administration Over Release of Criminal Illegal Aliens into US Communities

>>21534450 Accurate

>>21534484 Minneapolis becomes the first American city to broadcast the Muslim call to prayer 5x a day for the entire city to hear

>>21534495 Billions in Funding at Risk If Audrey Hale’s Mental Health Records Are Released to Public

>>21534539 Big Fani Willis’ prosecutor’s star witness admits he lied about everything

>>21534557 Russian Server Connections and Ukrainian National Anthem Found in election machine software code

>>21534590, >>21534621, >>21534914 Deep State wastes no time blaming the gun

>>21534604 Where was the gun control rhetoric after J13?

>>21534617 NY’s Chinese Consul General No Longer in Position After Former Hochul Aide Charged as Spy for Beijing

>>21534633 This interactive housing market map shows where sellers—or buyers—have the most power right now

>>21534638 Today’s DOJ indictment mentioning prominent MAGA Youtubers is just a preview of what the weaponized Kamala regime will do

>>21534647, >>21534651 @RobertKennedyJr: Say hello to my little friend 🦗

>>21534675 Elon: If we want to preserve freedom and a meritocracy in America, then Trump must win

>>21534684 Arizona Auditor General unveiled massive $39 million fraud by former Santa Cruz Treasurer Elizabeth Gutfahr

>>21534702, >>21534935 DJT: Nobody can believe I am still under a Gag Order from Judge Merchan

>>21534721 PF: Israeli reconnaissance plane, 40k ft, Q looking flight path

>>21534764 This time the US Navy has moved to confront the puppet master, not the puppets

>>21534904 @FBI: "Knock it off" Says FBI Director Christopher Wray to foreign adversaries meddling in American democracy

>>21534375, >>21534450, >>21534453, >>21535017 Memes

>>21535044 #26382

#26381 >>21533532

>>21533615 8:00 PM EDT JD Vance Speaks at Mesa, Arizona Church | 9:00 PM DJT Town Hall w/ Hannity

>>21534214 DJT: Join me tonight in PENNSYLVANIA for a Town Hall with @SeanHannity at 9:00 PM EASTERN on Fox News!

>>21533904 DJT: Our hearts are with the victims and loved ones of those affected by the tragic event in Winder, GA

>>21533595, >>21533910, >>21533929, >>21534274 Student Colt Gray, 14, named as Georgia High School shooter (maximum discernment)

>>21533677 Fellow student describes Colt Gray

>>21533856 Georgia school shooting live updates: Two students, two teachers killed at Apalachee High School, 14-year-old in custody

>>21533859 Have you noticed there’s always a school shooting in a swing state or caucus state right before an election?

>>21533899 Meet John Skinner, the Chief Safety & Security Officer for Barrow County Schools in Georgia

>>21534081 A grandmother of three claims there were multiple shooters involved at the school

>>21533560, >>21533565 PF: CalFire's First C-130H Airtanker Flies

>>21533571 PF: NASA806 LOCKHEED U-2

>>21533584 PF: Daily Global X (Illegal Immigrant Airline) Report

>>21533607 LA's Notorious Child Sex-Trafficking Hub Target Of Major Crackdown

>>21533654 Woman suing Tim Ballard over portrayal in ‘Sound of Freedom’ movie is convicted of pimping a minor

>>21533679 Police Raid Religious Compound of Filipino Televangelist

>>21533686 Foreign bank records tied to the Bidens

>>21533706, >>21533770 Swedish and Danish among the dead in latest Russian missile strike

>>21533776 Showdown on Piers Morgan: Rabbi Shmuley vs Candace Owens

>>21533826 Lindsey Graham: 'Sinwar, we're not going to indict you - we're going to kill you'

>>21533836, >>21533882, >>21533898, >>21533920 Twelve buses leaving the Kamala Harris rally, heading back to Massachusetts

>>21533872 Liz Cheney endorses Kamala Harris for president

>>21534218 Liz Cheney, dis u?

>>21533913 Timcast takes steps to sue Kamala Harris for defamation and winds up on a list within 72 hours

>>21533956 Elon: Congrats to the 𝕏 legal team for defending freedom of speech, the bedrock of democracy!

>>21533960 A receiver for the 49ers was shot in the chest by someone who was released 3 days prior on a gun charge

>>21533970 The sales pitch vs how it's akshually going

>>21533975 Kamala Harris has said: under my plan, if you earn a million dollars or more your capital gains tax rate will be 28%

>>21533986 Secret Service to akshually hold a DEI LGBTQ Summit at Disney World in Orlando

>>21533992 US East Coast Ports Union Meets Over Wage Demand, Preps for Possible Strike

>>21534008 Reporter Asks Daniel Craig if There Will Be a Gay James Bond; His Response Has Gone Viral

>>21534050, >>21534061 Former California Senate Majority Leader Flips To Republican, Endorses Trump

>>21534096 January 6 defendant receives first reduced sentence after Supreme Court ruling

>>21534138 Jimmy McCain registers as a Democrat and endorses Kamala Harris

>>21534171 Pharmaceutical Company Pays $25 Million to Resolve Alleged False Claims Act Liability for Price-Fixing of Generic Drug

>>21534177 Former New Mexico Sheriff’s Office Deputy Sentenced for Sexually Assaulting Arrestee and Obstruction of Justice

>>21534187 Lib lawyer scam to get illegal immigrants status by making them "victims of a hate crime"

>>21534193 House Education and Workforce Committee subpoenas Tim Walz over $250 million Covid pandemic fraud

>>21534194 Elon: Your tax dollars are being wasted to a degree that is hard to comprehend

>>21534200, >>21534205 Alexandre de Moraes ordered the freezing of Starlink's assets in Brazil, including cars and aircraft

>>21534219 Republican Iowa Lt. Gov. Adam Gregg Announces He’s Stepping Down

>>21534233 Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gàng tied to this robbery that occurred in Denver

>>21534237 An illegal immigrant has been arrested in TN after attacking a man with a pickaxe - the pickaxe was embedded in his skull

>>21534259 House committee subpoenas Antony Blinken over refusal to testify in Afghanistan withdrawal probe

>>21534280 Former aide to 2 New York governors is charged with being an agent of the Chinese government

>>21534270 Mil tweets & decodes

>>21533611, >>21533642, >>21534274 Memes

>>21534290 #26381

Previously Collected

>>21533520 #26380

>>21530812 #26377, >>21531920 #26378, >>21532680 #26379

>>21528490 #26374-B, >>21529240 #26375, >>21530040 #26376

>>21526724 #26372, >>21527641 #26373, >>21528479 #26374-A

Aggregators: https:'//'qresear.ch | https:'//'qnotables.com | https:'//'qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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1d8766 No.21535914

File: 6f8201e4c8a00d1⋯.png (484.73 KB,862x520,431:260,2024_09_05_2_56_57.png)



Baker is OUT, Bread is GHOSTED

Good night and God bless

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7fd638 No.21535921

File: 854b4ed69b3cb54⋯.jpg (135.01 KB,750x1000,3:4,flat_750x_075_f_pad_750x10….jpg)


TY Morn'n Ghost B

Habs a habby smoov GM yo

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a7860a No.21535922

File: 761b00d3fa1095d⋯.png (505.91 KB,1024x1024,1:1,37EAD802_2473_4246_B466_48….png)

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7fd638 No.21535923

File: bd1ff518eccae6b⋯.jpg (52.74 KB,500x500,1:1,artworks_P2YBfMSHvE4ZZCqp_….jpg)

And my next song is called

Anons Wake Up Winning

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dcc2e8 No.21535924

File: 68a7c3352eb2241⋯.mp4 (299.38 KB,640x350,64:35,68a7c3352eb2241f5885bd28e4….mp4)


this is better

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7fd638 No.21535926

File: a6422c4e2810263⋯.jpg (215.8 KB,510x529,510:529,a6422c4e2810263173707a5370….jpg)


Look at this photonigger

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ebf1d6 No.21535928

File: f8042bd6b6d3ac2⋯.jpg (121.9 KB,1200x800,3:2,rp2.jpg)

==BREAKING: 14-Year-Old Georgia Shooter Identified — Faces Murder Charges, Will Be Tried as an Adult.

These people are SICK.

Article: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/09/breaking-georgia-shooter-identified-as-14-year-old/

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7fd638 No.21535929

File: bd8c1538c287c44⋯.jpg (113.59 KB,419x340,419:340,kek13.jpg)


Now Anon is listening

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5eb28a No.21535930

How's about if you own stock or shares in ANY entity outside the USA, you can't run for the senate. And while we're at it, any stock and shares of US entities will be paused for the duration of your position in the senate. We've come this far so let's chuck in that you can't have dual citizenship and because senator. One more little caveat, senators pay scale controlled by the electorate biannually.

That is all.

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ebf1d6 No.21535931

File: f8042bd6b6d3ac2⋯.jpg (121.9 KB,1200x800,3:2,rp2.jpg)

BREAKING: 14-Year-Old Georgia Shooter Identified — Faces Murder Charges, Will Be Tried as an Adult

These people are SICK.

Article: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/09/breaking-georgia-shooter-identified-as-14-year-old/

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0cdc79 No.21535933

File: b7332548759e248⋯.jpeg (462.33 KB,1125x1725,15:23,IMG_3833.jpeg)


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7fd638 No.21535934

File: 075f1976c86ed15⋯.jpg (68.22 KB,640x718,320:359,THE_OG_full_of_keks2.jpg)


GEE to the EMM muh nigga


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ebf1d6 No.21535936

File: 88b2f617cc8750f⋯.png (1.44 MB,827x1066,827:1066,donald_trump_plays_to_win.png)

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a56318 No.21535937

File: b7dc0eb8c3e2fbb⋯.jpeg (337.74 KB,1125x1388,1125:1388,IMG_3834.jpeg)


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e1210e No.21535939


There is no way that Biden got 81 million votes.

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7fd638 No.21535940

File: 725c30160223517⋯.jpg (32.73 KB,550x550,1:1,modest_pepe2.jpg)

I think the plan for today is wake up, wait for frens to wake up, and then say GM to them.

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1d8766 No.21535941


You could always bake.


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9678ce No.21535944


government officials should not be allowed to trade stocks period

public office is a privilege not a right

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7fd638 No.21535945

File: 1e25e199543d0c9⋯.png (185.08 KB,490x469,70:67,1e25e199543d0c91f12273e90a….png)



It's not about tearing down the highest ranking narcissist with sarc, it's been done time and again to the point of rent free. Anons are help to build him up, make him better and see the light. Rember that it is Anons sacred duty to help others, no matter how much of a raging faggot they may be. God bless you HRN.

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ebf1d6 No.21535946

File: 80220d2884e9095⋯.png (785.68 KB,960x951,320:317,govmnt.png)

Good morning GYS. Gaslight me pleas. Make it hurt.

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7fd638 No.21535949



Morn'n Baker who is actually BO now tends to lurk in the morn'n after ghostfagging prior to wurkfagging.

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507f23 No.21535957

File: 89ef71cd5902ce7⋯.jpeg (691.35 KB,1125x1655,225:331,IMG_3835.jpeg)


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7fd638 No.21535959

File: 60248882225de8c⋯.jpg (26.67 KB,480x360,4:3,You_Should_Feel_Bad_Zoidbe….jpg)

Looks like the nightshift spamming divisionfag is back.

All shift lives matter.

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1b054b No.21535961

File: 1a32928493186d0⋯.jpeg (627.23 KB,1125x1810,225:362,IMG_3836.jpeg)


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1d8766 No.21535963


ghosted the bake, still alive

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7fd638 No.21535965

File: 951f5a2cafa8e21⋯.png (411.54 KB,816x456,34:19,951f5a2cafa8e2169f78325f73….png)



Better than being a suppository I suppose.

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9678ce No.21535966

File: a571c052421442d⋯.png (1.07 MB,527x937,527:937,ClipboardImage.png)


everything is fine

go back to sleep

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6c965d No.21535967



morn'n baker is just morn'n baker wake n bake oldfag baker

i know cuz this is morn'n baker

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4e1adf No.21535969

File: d7266f8a64c507c⋯.png (1.92 MB,1170x1986,195:331,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd288ace6c3095f⋯.jpeg (417.11 KB,1125x1309,1125:1309,IMG_3837.jpeg)

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7fd638 No.21535973

File: bd1ff518eccae6b⋯.jpg (52.74 KB,500x500,1:1,artworks_P2YBfMSHvE4ZZCqp_….jpg)



I thought MB posted with BO hash one morn'n

Can you prove it?

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3ed462 No.21535974


necrology - A list of people who have died, especially in the recent past or during a specific period. An obituary. , t - various abbreviations, hebrew tet= best

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7fd638 No.21535977

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)

Well BO can't be Gerbil or strange cuz those niggers ain't up this early

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17a02b No.21535979

File: 50b62973798d6b7⋯.jpeg (944.99 KB,1125x1821,375:607,IMG_3839.jpeg)


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6c965d No.21535981

File: 252ff06535cb649⋯.png (973.8 KB,783x485,783:485,wnb.png)


been the same same since 2019 yo

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378fbf No.21535984

What happens to the H1b workers when Grok can write all the code? They have no other skill set that would allow them to stay.

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7fd638 No.21535985


Alright, checks out. I thought for sure you posted with BO hash after a morn'n Bake a few weeks ago.

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7fd638 No.21535988

File: a7458da3d5d617d⋯.jpg (12.51 KB,255x203,255:203,dredd_pepe2.jpg)


Yeah, you nightshift divisionfags haven't evolved much

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085079 No.21535993

File: c631fa06f66d5cf⋯.jpeg (95.8 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_6262.jpeg)

Whoever the THEY are,

They tell you about climate change to make you war against the Sun then they lie to you about the Bible and all religions and make it about a person so you don’t have any idea about the Sun

You niggers can’t think for yourself.

You take away the key to KNOWLEDGE because you do not enter within yourself.

It’s hard to say when the fuck you will wake up.

I say to you as I say to all, Wake the Fuck Up. Mark 13:37

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7fd638 No.21535994

File: 1297581f4114e83⋯.png (87.87 KB,481x412,481:412,smoking_jesus2.png)


I have all the Jesus Fuck I need right here ass hole

God bless

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7fd638 No.21535999

File: d6aeeb07b372cae⋯.png (8.51 KB,255x149,255:149,55057ff2d81e1a50692a7ff7f7….png)

God bless you and keep you from being a shitposting national treasure, this day and forever.

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cf766d No.21536001

File: 52ba327429ee14c⋯.jpeg (694.96 KB,1125x1762,1125:1762,IMG_3841.jpeg)


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085079 No.21536005


It’s a capital I. Have some respect for yourself.

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015d18 No.21536006

File: a665e3c3abc98c1⋯.png (880.5 KB,1062x1200,177:200,ClipboardImage.png)

"OmG LoOk aT hOw mAnY pEoPle aRe iN tHe aRenA tO sEe tHe HaRRiS aNd WaLz RaLLy!"

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ebf1d6 No.21536010

File: 859d14e097f3513⋯.png (577.69 KB,500x636,125:159,if_you_can_print_money.png)


Who do I pay them to?

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085079 No.21536011


A hot story?

What a faggot she is.

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7fd638 No.21536012

File: 8cd3b7df1e42d49⋯.gif (2.23 MB,256x192,4:3,smokingcolumbo2.gif)


Holy shit nigger, you remember the muh gurlfren red text nigger too? That lasted for a few months

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cf766d No.21536013

File: b8b2c9ea230d201⋯.jpeg (614.14 KB,1125x1314,125:146,IMG_3842.jpeg)


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d08a15 No.21536014


What's with the pistola on the side window of that bus?

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ebf1d6 No.21536016

Gaslight me harder anons. Make it hurt deep inside.

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884683 No.21536017


No I don't but I definitely won't be coming back

Thank you for the show

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cc9b45 No.21536019

File: c5d146c4af2f2e3⋯.png (1.24 MB,1916x916,479:229,ClipboardImage.png)

Off to a slow start this morning.


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4bbcba No.21536020



Anything else? Big Mike isn't a man!

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dfc874 No.21536022

>>21536001 I don't see the threat of termination

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7fd638 No.21536023

File: 67a3369f5d8d42d⋯.webp (27.03 KB,657x527,657:527,smug_pepe2.webp)


Did I tell you how funny it is watching all your posts get deleted because you don't know how to play the game?

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085079 No.21536025


Your life is yours for the making.

You sound as if you’re struggling.

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cf766d No.21536026

File: d4ae5c90085a5d3⋯.jpeg (159.42 KB,1125x559,1125:559,IMG_3843.jpeg)

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085079 No.21536028


Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump. Kek

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25cea1 No.21536030

File: 378498da259b04a⋯.webp (186.46 KB,1600x1600,1:1,s_l1600_2024_09_04T195054….webp)



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2ec6cd No.21536033

File: c295f5f98160ea8⋯.png (1.45 MB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

The German police used to have green. .

Now they´re vehicles are painted in Ukrainian colours.

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6c965d No.21536034



>>21536023 kek - tho yer on the edge

morn'n baker will tend fer a bit til wurkfaggin commences

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cf766d No.21536035

File: f2caf41437d03bf⋯.jpeg (797.02 KB,1125x1683,125:187,IMG_3844.jpeg)


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085079 No.21536036


1 Julie Kelly who dat. Who cares

2. Sure

3. Tim pool is not a psyop. A child can see he’s fucking stupid.

4. Kys.

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085079 No.21536039


What the fuck is this, Kamala staff gets on the Kun to post shitty Twitter personalities?

Fuck, thats shilly.

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cf766d No.21536040

File: 8908f2ebf66b05d⋯.jpeg (437.03 KB,1125x1287,125:143,IMG_3845.jpeg)


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9678ce No.21536042

File: a41a816163c6968⋯.png (561.73 KB,550x550,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>laughs in william j casey

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38b7d9 No.21536044

File: 568593a4b0400d6⋯.png (1.6 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>21535481 DJT: Do your job, Clueless Kamala!

a little glitchy there, sir…

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cf766d No.21536045

File: 00435fce8cf63d9⋯.jpeg (671.29 KB,1125x1349,1125:1349,IMG_3846.jpeg)


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2ec6cd No.21536047



in b4 grammar kitty

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3d0e86 No.21536051

File: 7f3623913428d34⋯.jpeg (34.22 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_7227.jpeg)

>>21535890 lb

> POLICE STATE ( a Documentary by Dinesh D'SOUZA )

They already have political files on all patriots funded by the taxpayers?

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0902aa No.21536058

File: 6d02ad6bde1ccc1⋯.png (1.21 MB,1024x768,4:3,6d02ad6bde1cc.png)

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6def0e No.21536067

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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25d25d No.21536068

By Killing Trump, they wanted to demoralize us.

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7fd638 No.21536070

File: 13225f15cd3ddf7⋯.png (1.15 MB,814x816,407:408,13225f15cd3ddf76e2f2180a95….png)


GM Ralph

Sorry for calling you a psyop roll call glownigger all those years

God bless you

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4e89a9 No.21536073

File: f6aa634f2465cb2⋯.jpeg (239.96 KB,691x1365,691:1365,IMG_1985.jpeg)

6 Year Delta

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7fd638 No.21536074

File: 2dc54f64e7bac2b⋯.jpg (19.77 KB,360x360,1:1,raf_360x360_075_t_fafafa_c….jpg)

It's not the infinity gauntlet it's the GM gauntlet, and guess what?


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6c965d No.21536084


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da4c53 No.21536092

Flynn's got the real Traitors triggered!

Love to see you bitches squirm.

Who knows where you bastards buried the bodies?

Suicide weekend is coming for you.

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9d4fe9 No.21536093

3 times now “lost by a whisker” posts have been deleted

Who is the faggot that can’t handle the own words of his leader

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011e09 No.21536098

File: d163881705b60ed⋯.jpg (345.25 KB,1428x1778,102:127,20240905_044639.jpg)

Fake AF

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0902aa No.21536107

File: c24531860c78536⋯.png (117.15 KB,921x481,921:481,ClipboardImage.png)

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011e09 No.21536111

File: a0d2d86e3f90621⋯.png (832.47 KB,545x800,109:160,a0d2d86e3f90621ec59ba44328….png)

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7da656 No.21536113

We got a faggot gatekeeper in the back


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172f8f No.21536123

>>21535144 lb

>Student from school shooting saying didn’t know what was going on due to having Ken Carson full blast in his airpods

Ken Carson



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011e09 No.21536125




Trump would never submit to that theivieng 2020 election steal

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08536d No.21536126

File: 248b9bfa770739c⋯.mp4 (3.36 MB,720x1220,36:61,brits.mp4)

Same for America

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08536d No.21536131


ip hopper - filtered

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de319c No.21536134


It’s more important to find out who is deleting simple posts of words of the dear leader and why?

Too sensitive to be in control of a free speech board

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011e09 No.21536137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fly for your life

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25d25d No.21536140

File: 6bd9dbdde169775⋯.png (42.95 KB,1004x410,502:205,2095.png)


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5286d1 No.21536144

By a whisker

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2a6031 No.21536146


seems like Don is going after all the Blue states now that he has adopted a new family


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e8793f No.21536149

He lost

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2a6031 No.21536154



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2a6031 No.21536158


seems like it's building up to yet again an undeniable BURN for flamara Wallis

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0902aa No.21536160

File: 47014943d181b46⋯.png (601.61 KB,545x826,545:826,ClipboardImage.png)

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08536d No.21536163


filtered bread waster

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e98076 No.21536165

File: 0cb89847767ba0e⋯.jpg (87.98 KB,655x719,655:719,Dnesxz2U0AA1Yny.jpg)


At this point I don't know if it's worth the effort to compile, but every one of those kids yesterday said nothing coherent or consistent. Useless gibberish and impossible spacial relationships. If as witnesses, I'd reject every one as inadmissible… But that hasn't stopped Media from playing the meaningless words.

Yesterday anon was asking if that is more a matter that children have been mentally stunted by the DoE… Or have those kids been offered some candy to tell imaginative stories??? Idfk, impossible for this anon to tell the difference anymore.

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572668 No.21536168

File: 3979062623cf09f⋯.png (114.46 KB,584x589,584:589,ClipboardImage.png)

Gunther Eagleman™



The House Education and the Workforce Committee has issued a subpoena for Tim Walz

A massive fraud operation has been exposed in Minnesota…!


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1c0f02 No.21536170

If voters vote in another election that is obviously stolen, and do nothing, they are the problem. They need to be absolutely suppressed in every way while men take back what is theirs.

Depose all current leadership.

Fuck any dumb shit voter who has anything to say about it.

Voting is going to disqualify you from public life. Fuck you, voter.

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be2f93 No.21536175


Are there tunnels under apartment location?



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90f6a7 No.21536183

Do we believe in free speech or not in here?

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b7319d No.21536185


That nose is not cgi. They all typically vote for destruction of the countries they reside in.

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1c0f02 No.21536186


dude should be kiled simple as

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085079 No.21536192


Trumps words shape the nation. Even the dumbest media Moran listens to his every word.

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f6cf70 No.21536193

File: 90cac76f8dadd69⋯.jpg (78.01 KB,680x627,680:627,90cac76f8dadd6924f98d96cc8….jpg)

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15e89d No.21536196

Guarantee if your posts are ever as harmless as mine and I see you getting deleted I would speak up for you.

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085079 No.21536198


Some say they hard. But we know them soft.

Don’t believe everything they tell you.

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3f53c9 No.21536204


Trumps own words are getting deleted in here this morning with no explanation.

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fbbf11 No.21536207

File: 2f2229f9079747b⋯.png (187.93 KB,494x355,494:355,2f2229f9079747b5634422c59a….png)

Have you noticed all the freaks are quiet? The Squad, the trannies, the alphabet soup people, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Shumer, Hi-keem, Hilldawg, Liddle Adam Schitt all of [them] silent. They've been given the word to zip it! Too radical for American people so zip it til [we] get her in.

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58f3d6 No.21536211


It’s just what we call “comfy”

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3d0e86 No.21536212

File: d9cea5b99991fca⋯.png (370.95 KB,595x399,85:57,killary.png)


> "I lost by a whisker." Trump admits


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085079 No.21536213


Losing to a rigged system that only had to cheat to win.

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e82569 No.21536214

File: 54640cc1edbb110⋯.png (272.02 KB,581x427,83:61,Screenshot_from_2022_05_14….png)


>GM Ralph

>Sorry for calling you a psyop roll call glownigger all those years

>God bless you


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1dc14e No.21536217


>free speech

Define "free speech".

yea it inc "hate speech" / derogatory speech / Hurt feelz speech etc etc (they are YOUR feelz, so get a grip of them.)

What p!sses anons of is SPAM.

You said it once, now f'ck off. Sick of hearing same BS over & over. My feelz aint 'hurt' just wondering why YOU waste your time? what point ya trying to make? YOU ain't making it.

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085079 No.21536218


Well, you have ti make your own server. You can’t trust humans to be honest.

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2ece3a No.21536221


We are not allowed to say that or gatekeeper deletes it

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b7319d No.21536226


Sticks and stones bitches.

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c3f0a0 No.21536227


I lost by a whisker is not hate speech

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6def0e No.21536230


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe with a double splash, it is going to be a very busy day.

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1dc14e No.21536231


>I lost by a whisker is not hate speech

Never said it was.

I read it 20x already…next?

got something new?

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ab4e1a No.21536233

File: b55384707faff28⋯.png (153.47 KB,925x862,925:862,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 735804caa861a25⋯.mp4 (4.25 MB,640x482,320:241,djt_tick_tock_3rd_sept_202….mp4)

File: 103890c25ac6192⋯.gif (3.9 MB,400x372,100:93,1_tic_toc.gif)

File: d3da287c018e316⋯.gif (5.01 MB,600x600,1:1,dayshift_flyby.gif)

File: 9d3b3cc0ede9288⋯.png (639.94 KB,561x499,561:499,ClipboardImage.png)



A video to follow.

the person behind the mass immigration and the main person behind it.


aka Anthony Charles Lynton Blair.


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460707 No.21536235

File: 78f92c8697d1249⋯.png (2.16 MB,1886x2000,943:1000,ClipboardImage.png)

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e332b8 No.21536237


Until it stops getting deleted I won’t hush. We have to fight for free speech not cower.

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ebf1d6 No.21536238

File: 53dcd86aaf8271f⋯.png (201.03 KB,481x484,481:484,pepe.png)

More. Please. Gaslight me good. Make it hurt. Really hurt.

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be2f93 No.21536242

File: 84d561ed75a7b3b⋯.mp4 (1.96 MB,480x730,48:73,fJjzIpvMXG6P807x_1_.mp4)

Holy shit is this for real. Holy Walz

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4e89a9 No.21536246

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1dc14e No.21536247


"Never argue with STUPID, they will wear ya down & beat ya with experience"

So I read it already. Who deleted what?

YOU IP hop & re-post the same SPAM.

That is ABUSE of free speech.

same-same as a women who has to make her point, over & over & over…

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256ad7 No.21536249

File: 1ea5a72d4f40bf7⋯.png (440.61 KB,960x640,3:2,1ea5a72d4f40bf7c1f5ac62814….png)

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c4a762 No.21536250

File: 4d1090f5679e5e8⋯.png (501.21 KB,1170x1990,117:199,ClipboardImage.png)

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c7acd8 No.21536251

democrackheads paying people for their vote completely legit - they all said George Floyd first, it's the secret clubhouse password

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9678ce No.21536253

File: 881852b4df0b26a⋯.png (53.19 KB,678x519,226:173,ClipboardImage.png)


from jan of this year

find something else to seethe over you fairweather faggots

he's clearly taken the unifying the country stance this go around

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cc9686 No.21536257

Russia's based. Why does MSM want us to hate Russia?

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57b669 No.21536262


Same shill posing as a bv who will delete prayers.

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ab4e1a No.21536263

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



note: this youtuber is definitely anon level, could not have said it better than this video.

will see if anon can find the full video of this clip used with blair.


Why is Tony Blair Complaining About Mass Immigration?


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8e3c5e No.21536266


Is this a fag convention? A lot of half dressed men in the background there

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fbbf11 No.21536269


What about all the freaks in the background? What's that on about?

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dcfb03 No.21536271


He needs to be fired. He can’t handle it.

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7ee7c5 No.21536276


Let’s see if you get deleted

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b47aac No.21536279


>I’m not intentionally spamming

but you are though

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6f46aa No.21536280


Yep you got deleted for reposting me

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57b669 No.21536281


Jim and Rob are aware of the loser.

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be2f93 No.21536282


Anagrams for: COLT GRAY





















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784328 No.21536285


He don’t like the Walz holding trump trump as a pig either…he works in the mornings

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172f8f No.21536286

File: 2990c145f3b53a5⋯.jpeg (33.4 KB,225x225,1:1,IMG_0728.jpeg)


GM Fren.

It's a beautiful day.

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b47aac No.21536288


>The House Education and the Workforce Committee has issued a subpoena for Tim Walz

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fbbf11 No.21536290


You have a tic

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be2f93 No.21536293

>>21536282 cart logy


AI Overview


Cartology is the science or theory of mapmaking.

Cartography is the art or science of making maps, or graphically representing a geographical area on a flat surface. It can involve overlaying political, cultural, or other nongeographical divisions onto a geographical area.

During the Renaissance, cartography became a metaphor for power. Political leaders could use maps to claim territories, which was aided by Europe's religious and colonial expansion

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b47aac No.21536294


what are your thoughts on Q?

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57b669 No.21536296


Prefer the pale horse interpretation

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c969cf No.21536300

File: b22e3a524c5b9cb⋯.jpg (171.23 KB,500x665,100:133,b22e3a524c5b9cbb562ff9604e….jpg)

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be2f93 No.21536303

File: 65d1eb8a8c93f09⋯.jpeg (16.64 KB,265x190,53:38,images_2024_09_05T043901_….jpeg)



Colt gray

Cart o logy

cartology in British English (kɑːtˈɒlədʒɪ ) noun. the theory or science of mapmaking.

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e98076 No.21536304

File: 3da00361ffbd6df⋯.jpg (11.18 KB,255x177,85:59,da824dfed42735c0453284d404….jpg)


Not the first time it's been said.

Participating in a rigged system is acceptance of The System, if cheating goes unstopped. Adhesion Contract concept works that way, it doesn't matter if one has actually signed with a signature or read the fine print blabla… Going along with a rigged system (fake Democracy), is acceptance and SUBMISSION to that system.

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5b51b4 No.21536308

Mason schermerhorn 14 ms

Christian Angelo 14 ca

Richard aspinwall 39 ra

Christina irmie 53 ci

Racism ca. Anagram

Christian angle

Mason horn

Irmie = infant hospital in dominican republic

2 Christian 1 Mason

Work faggin

Saw this list of people shot

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b47aac No.21536309

File: b41a534eebb71ed⋯.png (1 MB,1024x592,64:37,ClipboardImage.png)


Bayesian superyacht victims were trapped alive when ship went down, died of ‘dry drowning’

Four of the seven victims killed in the Bayesian superyacht wreck were trapped alive inside the ship’s cabins as the vessel went down off the coast of Sicily last month, according to their autopsies.

New York City lawyer Chris Morvillo, his wife, Neda, along with Morgan Stanley Bank International chair Jonathan Bloomer and his wife, Judy, all died of “dry drowning,” according to tests conducted over the past two days, Italian outlet la Repubblica reported.

None of the four passengers aboard the 185-foot sailboat had water in their lungs, trachea or stomach — revealing that they did not drown in the seawater after the ship began sinking during an Aug. 19 storm.

Pathologists with the Palermo Institute of Forensic Medicine determined the four victims died of asphyxiation when the air bubble they huddled in ran out of oxygen and became toxic with carbon dioxide.

They said the victims’ cause of death was “death by confinement,” according to the Italian publication.

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198392 No.21536311


I’ll just say I work for the people now, not q or trump.

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be2f93 No.21536313



Colt Gray school shooter

Cart Logy. O

>overlaying political, cultural, or other nongeographical divisions onto a geographical area. During the Renaissance, cartography became a metaphor for power.

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ebf1d6 No.21536314

File: 4da6570b3e522a3⋯.jpg (5.52 KB,474x196,237:98,jesus_illusion.jpg)

Don't make me beg. Please, please gaslight me. Make it hurt where it can never heal. Gaslight the fuck ot me so's I can get this thing over with.

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fc0b21 No.21536316


>dry drowning

Just adds to the weirdness.

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b47aac No.21536321


>Lynch’s wife and Hannah’s mother, Angela Bacares — who survived the shipwreck — reportedly tried to warn those below the ship’s deck but was injured when she stepped on broken glass and wasn’t able to reach the cabins as they quickly filled with water, the local outlet reported.


Captain Who Saw Sicily Yacht Sink Says Mike Lynch’s Wife Didn’t Want to Leave Scene Without Husband and Daughter


Captain of Sunken Italian Yacht Questioned For 3rd Time as Other Crew Members Are Set to be Investigated

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be2f93 No.21536324

File: 2d64b6e5971436f⋯.jpeg (10.97 KB,225x225,1:1,download_2024_09_05T04473….jpeg)

>>21536290 Shhh

or i will have give one to everyone

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172f8f No.21536325

File: 4934108d9feaf3d⋯.png (220.14 KB,580x1532,145:383,2096.png)

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57b669 No.21536326


Why were the father and daughter found under a mattress?

Why was the wife not in the area with the husband?

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ab4e1a No.21536327

File: e1595d606973bc6⋯.png (1.4 MB,1004x686,502:343,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70c31fdc0328602⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB,448x448,1:1,lone_soldier.mp4)



Note: 40k view of the collapse of the monetary system by the banksters. and how it effects the citizens in Russia, this has happened many times since around the world with many nations unless they have have a Central bank installed by the Rothschilds.

p.s matt tabbi was on of the journalist's that musk employed to report the twitter files.


What I Got Wrong About "Shock Therapy"

After witnessing a historic financial collapse in the former Soviet Union, I thought bad advice from Western economists was a root cause. Now I think failure was the plan

Matt Taibbi

Sep 04, 2024




In Moscow on the morning of July 24th, 1993 I fixed a cup of tea, rubbed the hangover out of my eyes, and walked out to look for breakfast. I was living then above the Metro station at VDNKh, the ex-Soviet equivalent maybe of New York’s World’s Fair grounds, and saw right away something was wrong. Old women on the street were bawling, a group of men was shouting at a beat cop, and sidewalks were full of people walking in a daze, as if a neutron bomb had gone off.

The government of Boris Yeltsin had decreed it was withdrawing all old rubles from circulation. Russians who’d stuffed rubles in mattresses for decades would be wiped out, unless they could fight through huge bank lines to exchange bills. Worse, the maximum amount was 35,000 rubles, or roughly $30-$35, about 60% of a Russian’s average monthly salary of 58,700 rubles. Those who exchanged the full 35,000 had passports stamped barring all future exchanges. I’ll never forget seeing a burly woman yelling, to no one in particular: “Vori, blyad!” (“Fucking thieves!”).

“Black Saturday” is remembered as a breaking point in the arc of post-Soviet history, the moment when many Russians stopped believing a glorious new democratic future was just around the corner, if it was coming at all. A week or so after the event, on August 6th, 1993, then-Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin burned his name in the nation’s history books. An aphorism-spewing figure whose unique place in Russian lore is like a cross of Yogi Berra and Spiro Agnew, Chernomyrdin said one of the most purely Russian things of all time: “Hoped for better, turned out as always.”

With inflation above 2500% the previous year of 1992, Russia was beginning a long period of economic suffering that wouldn’t hit climax until 1998, when the country defaulted and plunged into a crisis presaging the rise of Vladimir Putin. It’s hard to describe the disaster of the nineties in terms that will make sense to Americans. Life expectancy for men dropped seven years almost overnight, from 64 in 1990 to 57 in 1994. Deaths from disease doubled. An already heavy-drinking country saw alcoholism rise by 60%. The Lancet estimated Russia that decade saw seven million “excess deaths,” whatever that means. I know what it looked like: mass poverty, spiraling crime, and sharply rising levels of fury toward the West, largely seen as a primary culprit in designing Russia’s crony-capitalist hellscape.

Harvard economist Jeffrey Sachs, whose ideas for quickly transforming communist economies to market-based systems were dubbed “shock therapy,” saw his name become synonymous with pain. Though he’d overseen successful reforms in a similar situation in Poland, fellow Harvard acolytes Yegor Gaidar and Anatoly Chubais had a lot less luck when appointed economic czars in Boris Yeltsin’s Russia. Russians early on associated “shock therapy” with inflation and the abrupt removal of safety nets they’d grown used to in Soviet times (though residents were awarded their apartments as property, and kept a few other important subsidies like cheap home energy). Loss of access to good medical care was a particular problem in the new paradise. I wish I’d taken a picture, but I remember seeing graffiti on an apartment building when visiting the Arctic mining town of Vorkuta during the 1998 crisis. It read, ФОК ТЕРАПИЯ: “Fuck Therapy.”

Now, on a day the Biden administration is leveling sanctions over the unkillable Russiagate hoax for the umpteenth time, Sachs has come forward with a new account that suggests the U.S. never wanted to lose Russia as an enemy:


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b47aac No.21536328

File: 48c694c51799335⋯.mp4 (9.67 MB,1280x720,16:9,thatsweird.mp4)

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b47aac No.21536329


>None of the four passengers aboard the 185-foot sailboat had water in their lungs, trachea or stomach

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e82569 No.21536332

File: 215dd8bcf5034e1⋯.png (172.01 KB,395x330,79:66,ralph3_5x5dblshotEclip.png)


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe with a double splash, it is going to be a very busy day.

Short week feelin like a long week

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177cf5 No.21536334

File: 52cf61870ed6320⋯.gif (1011.07 KB,498x498,1:1,52cf61870ed6320a285cbf872f….gif)

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aa4c94 No.21536343

File: 0847923a3fd5c7d⋯.png (592.77 KB,920x1312,115:164,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5bbada0027bf1c7⋯.png (360.06 KB,612x415,612:415,ClipboardImage.png)


Colt Gray -> Pale Horse

(weird they released a juvenile's name so quickly)

Q782 - ""Behold a PALE HORSE" book from 1991, by Bill Cooper. It actually describes clowns planning to use school shootings as a way to disarm the citizenry."

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6c965d No.21536344


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cc9686 No.21536345


This is like that clip of every news outlet repeating the exact same lines about misinformation being a threat to our democracy or some shit

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57b669 No.21536349

There is a super gross vid clip of Walz fag-dancing like zelensky

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c969cf No.21536353

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cbe51f No.21536354


what does roman have to do with the shooting?

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ab4e1a No.21536356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Note: Anon one still investing in the top companies is helping them to continue their grip around your neck and stamp that boot in your face. Migth keep you out of their cluthes for a little while but they will come for them and everything they have no matter how high and mighty they think they are, will have to bend the knee.


UBI - Universal Basic Income: It is ALREADY on the Blockchain. My thoughts



Blockchain/Crypto has a long history with UBI. Let's go over the good, the bad, and what is likely to happen.

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cc9686 No.21536358



>name associated with the shill "cigar smoking pepe"

>shill detected



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cbe51f No.21536360


"being tried as an ADULT"

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b47aac No.21536362

File: 6c0a83ab9c40c6d⋯.mp4 (7.07 MB,854x480,427:240,pfizerbroughtit.mp4)


dangerous to our democracy

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9ae6eb No.21536365

You know what I don't understand? If Ukraine is full of neo-nazis, then why do they take orders from a full blown, hook-nosed jew?

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9678ce No.21536366

File: dff7c04f83a322f⋯.png (272.04 KB,590x778,295:389,ClipboardImage.png)



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e82569 No.21536368

File: 41a6211056ed47c⋯.png (389.38 KB,657x743,657:743,pepe_holmes.png)


>Colt Gray -> Pale Horse

>(weird they released a juvenile's name so quickly)

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b47aac No.21536371

The FBI revealed on Wednesday night that it had investigated the suspect, who used an “AR platform” weapon in the shooting, for allegedly making online threats to carry out a school shooting in May 2023.

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cddd77 No.21536372


they have this one faggot who just says he is doing it as a service to see what brave americans are thinking. I tell him to kys every time I see it. Some faggot blue checkmark bot is saying retarded shit.

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cddd77 No.21536378


what is stranger is they have not released a photo of the kid yet that they are charging as an adult. If it was a white kid they would have shown his face first thing. Don't give that they are a minor shit either when they are saying they are charging him as an adult.

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015d18 No.21536379

Pedophiles were purchasing children from the Clinton Trafficking Rings and payment was done by donating to the Clinton Foundation as to not leave a paper trail, similar to Hunter getting paid for Treasonous deals through selling his art paintings.

Q+ called George Stephanopolis "Liddle".

Is George a pedo, if not a satan worshipping sadistic one that Trump KNOWS?


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c969cf No.21536381

File: 347e40db44650e1⋯.webp (29.09 KB,1420x946,710:473,OhGeeze.webp)


Remember to vote blue no matter who.

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cbe51f No.21536384



Someone named Colt Gray is going to be white

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b47aac No.21536385

File: ac8a4c1222f702c⋯.mp4 (3.13 MB,854x464,427:232,closetotheedge.mp4)

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b47aac No.21536386


The Bureau’s Atlanta office put out a statement confirming an investigation was carried out after photos of guns were posted online.

The suspect, who was then 13, was found by Jackson County Sheriff’s Office deputies and interviewed, according to the FBI. His father told investigators that the family had hunting guns in the house but that the teenager did not have “unsupervised access” to them.

The boy denied that he had made the threats and the FBI says that there was “no probable cause” to arrest him or take any further legal action.

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08536d No.21536390

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

end the ride…

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cddd77 No.21536391


I thought that also initially, but why no photo yet then? Even people just sharing local year book pictures or some shit. NOTHING at least I have seen nothing.

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b47aac No.21536392


>Colt Gray


Gray would be pale?

It's not red white or black.

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2721fc No.21536393

File: 0c6f32d1c85bc2f⋯.png (1.14 MB,1064x1096,133:137,1725492290068.png)

File: 6063bb0fddcd8bc⋯.jpg (61.89 KB,659x368,659:368,Bullshit_Kamala_Trump.jpg)

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b47aac No.21536395

When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, "Come". I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the Earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the Earth.

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3fe8c0 No.21536397


Threadreaderapp (https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1831472884117905874.html)

Thread by @NationalFile on Thread Reader App

@NationalFile: BREAKING: CHINA PAID FOX'S DOMINION SUIT 3/26/2021: Dominion Sued Fox News for 1.6 BN 3/21/2022: Murdochs, News Corp Take 1.25 BILLION in loans, incl. ONE HUNDRED

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b47aac No.21536399

Talent and art had become extinct in proportion to the desolation of the world.

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c969cf No.21536400


I swear to God, the most heavenly high is gargling that wonderboy's nuts while going fist deep into his shitter.

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d87f66 No.21536401




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8f9f87 No.21536403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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59262a No.21536404

File: 9ffb6e16889692f⋯.png (650.11 KB,788x764,197:191,0000000000000000000000000o….png)

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59262a No.21536405

File: 0102ee4a70bea1f⋯.png (155.38 KB,313x293,313:293,0000000000nsboa.png)

my great grams always said "you don't wanna be the ditch digger, idiot!"

shoulda listened…

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d54c41 No.21536410


>Goldman Sachs

Well, they're all criminals anyway, so…

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e1be19 No.21536411

File: 5c2fa379d098437⋯.jpeg (68.61 KB,500x524,125:131,IMG_1698.jpeg)

File: a6c0b526ec27c59⋯.jpeg (62.02 KB,561x445,561:445,IMG_1701.jpeg)

10/4 incoming, Oh yeah 10-4 good buddy & gm

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c3773a No.21536415


Sad but true

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b47aac No.21536419

He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.

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854bae No.21536425

now you don't talk so loud

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797330 No.21536426

File: 7a98728c531de95⋯.jpg (128.76 KB,660x840,11:14,Schizzen_Hammer_Von_Braun.jpg)

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854bae No.21536427

act so proud

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854bae No.21536428


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854bae No.21536430

oh well…

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2721fc No.21536432

File: 0d6247436429e7c⋯.jpg (185.95 KB,1024x699,1024:699,Clintons_Laundered_2_Trill….jpg)

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5c469c No.21536433

File: a85314decfae11f⋯.png (4.29 MB,1956x1300,489:325,IMG_6524.png)


Trumps big idea to save the Republic

Lower corporate tax rate…..wow, middle class can’t afford dollars store crap and rich douchebag wants to give Big Biz a break? Trump is a stooge

Start chanting end the Fed,or you’ll be sorry

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d54c41 No.21536435

File: 52ba327429ee14c⋯.jpeg (694.96 KB,1125x1762,1125:1762,52ba327429ee14c5099d8781d….jpeg)

File: 6bf5ac35c407acd⋯.png (116.15 KB,295x640,59:128,GWq6dkpW0AACGs9.png)

File: ad8b34c5107aa59⋯.png (113.26 KB,295x640,59:128,GWq6dk5XQAEYL_H.png)






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81f01d No.21536437

File: 739117ba46688d8⋯.png (54.85 KB,500x590,50:59,Schmuley.png)

File: f46a527744d5b77⋯.png (44.77 KB,653x382,653:382,AntisemiteOwens.png)

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2721fc No.21536438

File: a65fc0983666566⋯.jpg (195.6 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Kamala_Bell.jpg)

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2721fc No.21536441

File: 9bbfebfd3f1f5e9⋯.jpg (63.9 KB,680x468,170:117,Cannibal_Commumists.jpg)

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cddd77 No.21536442


fuck off

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2721fc No.21536447

File: d108c90f2ce57a4⋯.jpg (87.92 KB,719x739,719:739,Kold_Kamala_Trump_Kek.jpg)

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5e3872 No.21536450


A faggot is someone who can’t handle different perspectives and whines about it and tells others to kys.

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861cdc No.21536453

File: 5ce1b35e10c42f3⋯.png (1.27 MB,750x1334,375:667,C9A279B0_3606_4937_B1AA_55….png)

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884683 No.21536454



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5c469c No.21536455


Funny how the DuPont family has never been held accountable for all the deaths their gunpowder has caused

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cddd77 No.21536456


I can handle your different opinion you said it I told you to fuck off because your opinion is stupid and you should kys because you are a retarded faggot. SO yeah slice your fucking retarded wrists and die like the little faggot bitch you are. DO IT KILL YOURSELF FAGGOT.

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d87f66 No.21536457




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861cdc No.21536459

File: 144035665138d7e⋯.jpeg (550.83 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,0BDF025E_6B2D_49E1_8967_C….jpeg)

File: b637eff7f4f0512⋯.jpeg (394.55 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,BCEB1EA5_6FC0_4DFF_99A0_2….jpeg)

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cf766d No.21536460

Here comes the ip hop distraction. It never fails.

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c3773a No.21536462


But but but Trump said this is lawfare

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81f01d No.21536466

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Owens wrecked that kike Schmuley, it was magical to watch. I said it. the Jews will over respond in Palestine and the world will watch the real nature of the Jews, which is they are cold blooded killers. Look how Rabbi's tongue moves like a lizard..


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7b657c No.21536467


Your meltdowns are awesome. They are almost as bad as Trumps.

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99b8a9 No.21536468

File: aee1c265d34b0bd⋯.jpeg (30.06 KB,383x266,383:266,IMG_2116.jpeg)


faggot confirmed!

cry moar you softcock weasel

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fbbf11 No.21536469


Cannot understand a word she's saying.

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884683 No.21536470



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c3773a No.21536472


You have to pay errrr donate for “free” speech here

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015d18 No.21536473

File: be42ecea8aad5f1⋯.png (387.11 KB,900x834,150:139,ClipboardImage.png)

Dr. Wallach says doctors cause Alzheimer's when they put patients on low fat diets and cholesterol lowering drugs.

High cholesterol level is essential for myelin membrane growth!

Alzheimer's didn't exist before 1979, even by another name.

Alzheimer's is the depletion of myelin, which makes up 75% of the brain (white matter). This leads to memory loss.

"75% of your brain weight is 100% cholesterol." (I'm not sure about this. I believe it's only 25% but his emphasis on the importance of cholesterol is on point. Studies show that high cholesterol is essential for myelin membrane growth.



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99b8a9 No.21536474


she be speaking in nigger bruh

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ba7052 No.21536475

File: aebdec7fc7d49da⋯.gif (1.47 MB,480x270,16:9,Squeaky_Talkin_To_Hisself.gif)

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5c469c No.21536476


Moar lawyer BS

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99b8a9 No.21536478

File: 8195162c58b64d3⋯.jpeg (33.02 KB,406x328,203:164,IMG_2117.jpeg)


think mirror

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cddd77 No.21536479



I will cry with happiness and pleasure when you and your fucking family are dead.

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15e89d No.21536481


Thank you anon.

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c969cf No.21536482

File: 053917b8d6ca4e9⋯.jpg (80.31 KB,1000x562,500:281,053917b8d6ca4e9490055f10a5….jpg)


You stole my heard and swallowed my seed.

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c3773a No.21536483


I was told only SPAM gets deleted here

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99b8a9 No.21536484


wtf are those pussy pissflaps saying?

somebody translate

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015d18 No.21536486




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99b8a9 No.21536490

File: cceb2a080a13065⋯.jpeg (14.05 KB,198x145,198:145,IMG_2118.jpeg)


deleted deleted deleted

posts do not last 5 secs before being binned

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99b8a9 No.21536492



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99b8a9 No.21536495



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5c469c No.21536496


Low fat diets are a death sentence for older people

Causes shingles, Alzheimer’s, and higher cholesterol

Medical doctors need to be slapped

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99b8a9 No.21536497



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6c965d No.21536499

notables bun @250

post count accurate ^^^

note taker must depart fer wurkfagg'n

anons have a guud day - shills get shank'd

#26384 >>21535914

>>21535928 14-Year-Old Georgia Shooter Identified — Faces Murder Charges, Will Be Tried as an Adult.

>>21536168 The House Education and the Workforce Committee has issued a subpoena for Tim Walz

>>21536397 CHINA PAID FOX'S DOMINION SUIT 3/26/2021: Dominion Sued Fox News for 1.6 BN 3/21/2022: Murdochs, News Corp Take 1.25 BILLION in loans…

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99b8a9 No.21536502


fuck all doctors,they are drug pushers

they all suck big pharma cock

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5c469c No.21536504


Go suck Trumps dick, ya queer

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99b8a9 No.21536506


I will fuck you up when I find you

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99b8a9 No.21536507




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cddd77 No.21536508


go put a bullet in your skull.

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f02157 No.21536509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

one picture is worth a 1000 words vs s a video


Heb_7:2 To whomG3739 alsoG2532 AbrahamG11 gaveG3307 a tenth partG1181 ofG575 all;G3956 firstG4412 G3303 being by interpretationG2059 KingG935 of righteousness,G1343 andG1161 after thatG1899 alsoG2532 KingG935 of Salem,G4532 which is,G3603 KingG935 of peace;G1515

Heb_11:31 By faithG4102 theG3588 harlotG4204 RahabG4460 perishedG4881 notG3756 with them that believed not,G544 when she had receivedG1209 theG3588 spiesG2685 withG3326 peace.G1515

Heb_12:14 FollowG1377 peaceG1515 withG3326 allG3956 men, andG2532 holiness,G38 withoutG5565 whichG3739 no manG3762 shall seeG3700 theG3588 Lord:G2962

Heb_13:20 NowG1161 theG3588 GodG2316 of peace,G1515 that brought againG321 fromG1537 the deadG3498 ourG2257 LordG2962 Jesus,G2424 that greatG3173 shepherdG4166 of theG3588 sheep,G4263 throughG1722 the bloodG129 of the everlastingG166 covenant,G1242

Jas_2:16 AndG1161 oneG5100 ofG1537 youG5216 sayG2036 unto them,G846 DepartG5217 inG1722 peace,G1515 be ye warmedG2328 andG2532 filled;G5526 notwithstandingG1161 ye giveG1325 themG846 notG3361 those things which are needfulG2006 to theG3588 body;G4983 whatG5101 doth it profit?G3786

Jas_3:18 AndG1161 the fruitG2590 of righteousnessG1343 is sownG4687 inG1722 peaceG1515 of themG3588 that makeG4160 peace.G1515


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c969cf No.21536511

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I just snacked on some Cheetos


Big pharma cock does taste good though.

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5c469c No.21536512

Annnnnnd 8kun gets spammed

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c7acd8 No.21536513

all this gun talk yet when will the media or representatives talk about the AR used to try and assassinate Trump

school shooting coverage non stop; immediate accountability starting with gun confiscation

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861cdc No.21536515

the amount of resources & time spent trying to discourage this board only makes it stronger.

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08536d No.21536516


1 filter is worth 0 words

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cddd77 No.21536517


what kind. The jalepeno ones are pretty good.

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6def0e No.21536518


>Short week feelin like a long week

It's the part of the movie where the unexpected twists and turns begin to appear.

Victories are not sweet if there are no challenges to overcome.

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99b8a9 No.21536520

cholesterol is natural

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7a150c No.21536521

Morning anons…

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c969cf No.21536523

File: 914a2bf98249dcb⋯.jpg (35.76 KB,474x668,237:334,914a2bf98249dcbc8b399ada88….jpg)








I think I counted more than one.

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861cdc No.21536524


that was 3 hrs ago

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c7acd8 No.21536525

hey msm is wondering how one can whimsically walk around with a AR 15 and start shooting and killing people

Remember Corey

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99b8a9 No.21536526


>Big pharma cock does taste good

do you swallow? I betcha do

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015d18 No.21536527

Putin: “If we can name a favorite candidate, it used to be Joe Biden. Now he’s not participating in the election campaign and he recommended to all his allies to support (Kamala) Harris, so that is what we are going to do."




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31ae6a No.21536528

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)

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99b8a9 No.21536529


the pope is a faggot

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6ff6ad No.21536530

File: 6a67740b6e1e075⋯.jpeg (17.03 KB,676x122,338:61,IMG_3851.jpeg)


Let’s see if he is still in the back having a fit over this….


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99b8a9 No.21536531


sucking dick is kamala's speciality

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7a150c No.21536532



Now do Venezuela…

Which is a TEST BTW…what does a country do when a leader will not leave power. I think his opponent was a gladio guy, however, I also think a test is being run to see how long he can stay before someone kicks him out and who will kick him out?

This is a dry run for here. Harris cannot win and will get SMOKED in the election. However, the D's will claim foreign interference and also that 45 is a felon and attempt to NOT LEAVE OFFICE in order to "preserve the democracy". We need to get in front of this narrative as much as possible and WRECK it…

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251b04 No.21536533


Free speech winning so far!

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884683 No.21536534

File: 0168a103b5e1d33⋯.png (130.08 KB,473x978,473:978,qaggdropimage4683.png)

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c7acd8 No.21536535

The hostages in Gaza should be alive today. The people suffering genocide in world wars should be alive today. The abandoned soldiers in Afghanistan should be alive today.

selective lawfare persecution

process and procedure

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7a150c No.21536536


then it wasn't this anon…

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c969cf No.21536537

File: 0f2f6fc9f1c0c3b⋯.png (990.37 KB,1024x1024,1:1,0f2f6fc9f1c0c3bc57d2487248….png)


Of course I swallow. Real men swallow and real men piss sitting down.

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177cf5 No.21536538


are you here to dig, meme, or pray?

none of the above?

you're ip hopping spam nigger regurgitating msm talking points.

i'm glad your clutter is removed.

fuck off.

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460707 No.21536539


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99b8a9 No.21536540


>real men piss sitting down

that is so true!

I find it much easier to piss after transitioning and getting my cock amputated

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7a150c No.21536541


>that was 3 hrs ago

Of..now I get it…different platform…

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a2352f No.21536542


You're a fucking idiot. Go back to FB.

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ba7052 No.21536543

File: 21a51987ddde5f5⋯.gif (863.63 KB,355x200,71:40,hat_changing.gif)

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429878 No.21536544


You mind your own fucking business. Never get involved with sm1 fighting for their rights.

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884683 No.21536545


>Real man Piss, standing down.

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177cf5 No.21536546


you think ip hopping spam niggering regurgitating msm talking points is fighting for your rights?

goddamn you're a retard.

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f6cf70 No.21536547

File: c7d8c852b20dd27⋯.png (1.36 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1725486784490.png)

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0375a2 No.21536550


You ask the Lord for forgiveness for what is in your last sentence.

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a2352f No.21536551



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861cdc No.21536552


there’s something in the air today. can feel it. there big news about to break. the am radio news hosts are in a holding pattern. same recycling of yesterday’s traffic cams , t swift comms. jagmeed singh music playing in the background. gonna be fucked up day

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368e7f No.21536554

File: 9a84131cc337982⋯.jpeg (26.96 KB,236x327,236:327,IMG_6357.jpeg)

File: 3d65293e214668a⋯.jpeg (61.54 KB,384x593,384:593,IMG_6356.jpeg)

File: c39815893c42e28⋯.jpeg (863.19 KB,1969x1184,1969:1184,IMG_6358.jpeg)


>‘God of Chaos’ asteroid could hit Earth in 2029 after experts ‘revise’ data

Freemasonry signaling Project 2030 has been fastracked.


The best part of Revelation is at hand. Biblical.

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c969cf No.21536555



Can I see your bonus hole?

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f6cf70 No.21536556

File: 8b531223f9da720⋯.png (1.25 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1724976940190.png)

File: 5b4ee8d44f1970a⋯.png (1.34 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1724976509753.png)

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76b276 No.21536558


>New Indictment Alleges Conservative Tenet Media Took Millions of Kremlin Cash

If true, is this a crime?

What if it was: New Indictment Alleges Liberal Faggott Media Took Millions of Chinese Cash.

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a2352f No.21536559

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807c32 No.21536560

File: aa2e4ab7bfec311⋯.gif (1.94 MB,360x280,9:7,IMG_8717.gif)

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57b669 No.21536561



Told ya

Super gross

Didn't want that downloaded on to muh device

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807c32 No.21536562

File: 4dead962886e7d8⋯.gif (4.89 MB,579x434,579:434,IMG_8583.gif)

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7a150c No.21536563

File: 1e92e6eecf34a8f⋯.png (337.88 KB,1192x1636,298:409,Screenshot_2024_09_05_at_7….png)

This guy…he is an angry little guy…

HOWEVER, he has put Gen Flynn and others in a BAD SITUATION with all his DATEFAGGING…

And now he begs…



, release every communication


participated in:

-Twitter DMs

-Twitter Emails

-Twitter Internal Slack Channel comms

-Twitter Issued Laptop Comms data (all apps used)

-Twitter Issued Computer Comms data (all apps used)

-Twitter Issued Tablet Comms data (all apps used)

-Twitter Issued phone Comms data(all apps used)



Go ahead and subpoena all of the above and start doing the link analysis to expose the RICO style Censorship industrial complex scheme that Jim was at the center of that:

a. Resulted in the Genocide, cover for Biden Criminal Syndicate Laptop, electoral Bribery scheme admission letter by Zucks.

b. resulted in the stolen 2020 election

c. promoted unsafe and ineffective products (jabs, masks, tests, ventilators, remdesivir)

This will trigger Criminal and Civil causes of action at scale that will ruin the Deep State Target List! Let's do this in time for the Debate on Sep 10, just like the Spies who lied did before the Debate between




back in 2020 when they covered up the Biden Criminal Syndicate Laptop.


surely was the coordinator of that for Twitter and likely all of BigTech.


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807c32 No.21536565

File: 7a3b6c3d1c32805⋯.gif (2.4 MB,360x359,360:359,IMG_8711.gif)

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99b8a9 No.21536566

File: 5cb09be337c7c30⋯.webp (Spoiler Image,87.78 KB,640x984,80:123,IMG_2318.webp)


bonus hole request gets tripzzz

go figure

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29c687 No.21536567



I've spent the last 10 years trying to get medical care for my health issues and I get refused every time. But they still feel entitled to your money. The only thing medical doctors are good for is making people sick to parasite more money and then killing them. If there was ever a profession that gets replaced by AI I hope this is the one. I'd hope for lynching, but if the covid vaccine didn't manage to get people on board with that it's not going to happen. You'd probably have better results praying to God in my experience, and you can save some time and money in the process.

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7a150c No.21536568


I doubt that is Waltz but who cares cause it sure looks like him…

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807c32 No.21536569

File: 031733b008cc457⋯.png (307.04 KB,474x474,1:1,3D886EA0_396B_4BF4_9066_0B….png)

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d54c41 No.21536570


>What can we doo about lowering the cost of daycare?

The start:

Get the family unit back together (husband/wife).

Get the country on track so that families can live comfortably on one income so (preferably) mom (the nurturing one) can stay at home for the kids.

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807c32 No.21536571

File: bf3d1939a80f5aa⋯.png (812.83 KB,640x800,4:5,22DB6AB2_4EFE_41EA_986A_D9….png)

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9a6fac No.21536572

File: f5b6de23113f84e⋯.jpeg (81.35 KB,500x537,500:537,IMG_6286.jpeg)

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c969cf No.21536574


Fuck me that is hot as fuck. That should be illegal.

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807c32 No.21536575

File: a671b5b273fc9b6⋯.jpeg (271.37 KB,1070x946,535:473,6DCD990F_6F50_43B4_9B10_E….jpeg)

File: 346c4f74b35d308⋯.jpeg (286.19 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_8659.jpeg)

File: 936729abec0762d⋯.png (683.49 KB,600x800,3:4,681943AA_BC52_484C_889F_AA….png)

File: f6b238c2bdb932d⋯.mp4 (484.81 KB,540x540,1:1,bDCf07FQIDvWFmbZ.mp4)


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b47aac No.21536576


you go girl

show em what you got

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861cdc No.21536577

File: 142d5ce3c11aad9⋯.jpeg (314.63 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,079BD4D0_2B2C_4853_AA22_E….jpeg)

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cddd77 No.21536578


they made it a crime recently. I wish that I could remember but it was in the last year,pretty sure. It was basically that they could go after websites and shit for exactly this and it was warned about at the time. It had all the countries that the US is at war with and technically Russia is listed even though officially not at war with them. You are correct about the China but do not think was part of bill or law at the time. But they still go after Chinese spies so who knows.

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b47aac No.21536579

File: 45e3f437945a4f6⋯.png (648.96 KB,600x900,2:3,AlexandreDeMoraes.png)

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9a6fac No.21536581

File: b34b10cf0116538⋯.jpeg (75.34 KB,500x607,500:607,IMG_6287.jpeg)

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f71d2f No.21536582

File: 6e265be2784e66f⋯.jpeg (93.02 KB,640x390,64:39,IMG_3596.jpeg)

Good morning, slackers.

How many here already attacked the morning and got dressed like me?

Get up, and attack the day!

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32b8c2 No.21536583

So after they put Trump in jail on 9/18 what happs next?

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b47aac No.21536584

File: f91570afe1140b7⋯.png (241.21 KB,602x354,301:177,ClipboardImage.png)


could he look any more ridiculous

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b0f9be No.21536585


I did. We moving to next lesson now.

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177cf5 No.21536586


we will ip hop and spamnigger regurgitating msm talking points all day

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b47aac No.21536587

File: fc53fbbdc7d43be⋯.png (926.51 KB,526x820,263:410,father.png)


are you a satanist

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884683 No.21536588

File: e332c4f87736c8f⋯.png (274.04 KB,473x1182,473:1182,qaggdropimage4829.png)

File: 33b4634dbbe0774⋯.png (82.95 KB,473x581,473:581,qaggdropimage2306.png)

File: e7727393623102a⋯.png (67.32 KB,473x539,43:49,qaggdropimage3620.png)

File: e1f32c70406bd11⋯.png (216.52 KB,473x667,473:667,qaggdropimage3026.png)

File: 21226aaaa0de331⋯.png (103.57 KB,473x896,473:896,qaggdropimage632_1.png)

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b47aac No.21536589

File: 0f6e3714ea4dbe6⋯.mp4 (946.16 KB,640x360,16:9,wtc7.mp4)


>ip hop

gotta cope with the panic

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7d904d No.21536590


add that fag that wont stop posting military tweets with stupid timestamps that mean nothing

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f71d2f No.21536591

File: 4756fd1e231c4b3⋯.jpeg (438.86 KB,1200x630,40:21,IMG_3598.jpeg)

They knew.

1971 was the start.


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861cdc No.21536592

File: 79fbd828aa28e52⋯.png (2.14 MB,2198x2120,1099:1060,5D4B0D21_89C6_42F5_A099_2E….png)

File: 6363a694add2601⋯.png (1.33 MB,1397x3028,1397:3028,45BDEFA1_91FC_4CBF_9368_C4….png)

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ba7052 No.21536593

Leaked Disney data reveals financial and strategy secrets, WSJ reports

Sep 5th, 07:50:02

(Reuters) - Data from Walt Disney that was leaked online this summer included financial and strategy information, as well as personally identifiable information of some staff and customers, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday.

The company had said in August that it was investigating an unauthorized release of over a terabyte of data from one of its communication systems.

Some of the data contained passport numbers, visa details, addresses and place of birth of staff on its cruises, while another spreadsheet had names, addresses and phone numbers of some Disney Cruise Line passengers, the report said.

The leaked files included granular details on revenue generated by products such as Disney+ and ESPN+, park pricing offers and what appears to be login credentials for some of Disney's cloud infrastructure, the report said.

Hacking group NullBulge published data from thousands of Slack channels at the entertainment giant, including computer code and details about unreleased projects, WSJ reported in July.

The data spans more than 44 million messages from Disney's Slack workplace communications tool, WSJ reported on Thursday.

Disney and Slack-owner Salesforce did not immediately respond to Reuters requests for comment.


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ab4e1a No.21536594

File: ffa11476c5431d4⋯.png (96.9 KB,640x408,80:51,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69b0881be8a2013⋯.png (888.45 KB,630x653,630:653,ClipboardImage.png)


keep it up clown.

60 days left.

waiting for the order to go clown hunting

amnesty coming soon.

either a declass or they will leak the names..

those security systems seem a bit weak

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a2352f No.21536595


Landslide. If the Team trues the vote.

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b47aac No.21536596

File: 7a10e62be7652e6⋯.mp4 (2.45 MB,480x852,40:71,singlefile.mp4)


>FBI investigated the suspect in May 2023.

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6c694c No.21536597


they lurned to dress themselves? wut?

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e79fba No.21536598


I’m a different poster, but you regurgitated the same response to me earlier. I smell projection.

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3d0e86 No.21536599

File: 61d802f3d70ad36⋯.png (86.56 KB,300x300,1:1,wtf.png)

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f71d2f No.21536600




It’s the start.

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807c32 No.21536601

File: 06f7a5406df0f25⋯.jpeg (152.55 KB,600x900,2:3,C7D78837_BAFB_4A08_86D4_4….jpeg)

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f71d2f No.21536602

File: 1ed882a30ebe612⋯.png (139.71 KB,237x354,79:118,IMG_3599.png)

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884683 No.21536603



>I have no idea how or why I know. There is an enormous gap in my memory from 2010-2012 :D

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6c694c No.21536604


muh mum sent muh sons these


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f2d250 No.21536605

Do y’all ever notice that the main ones calling others faggots are the real faggots?

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82d660 No.21536606

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/05/2014



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b47aac No.21536607

File: 12801f78ac10806⋯.mp4 (3.07 MB,656x360,82:45,butumyouknow.mp4)


can't see you cause you're filtered

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dc5589 No.21536608

Some of you are not built to handle a digital battlefield at all.

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ba7052 No.21536609

New Fake Shit Inbound on MuhRussia!! Fresh Hoaxing Shall Begin!!

Jack Poso 🇺🇸


BREAKING: The DOJ has announced that Donald Trump Jr is secretly on the board of a Russian gas company and was advising his father to make pro-Putin policies while he was in office


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177cf5 No.21536610


then why do you only have one post ip hopping spam nigger regurgitating msm talking points?

goddamn paid shills are fucking stupid.

it was a pleasure to call out your routine.

thanks for proving my point.

i'll go back to lurking and watch from the side.

your retarded ass behavior is hysterical.

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11507d No.21536611

File: eca95ea3163ee95⋯.png (621.12 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_www_aerotime_aero….png)

Air India Boeing 787 makes unscheduled landing in Russia after technical issue

An Air India Boeing 787-8 flying from Delhi to Birmingham (UK) has been forced to land in Russia after the crew reported an unspecified technical issue with their aircraft to air traffic controllers.

The incident occurred on September 4, 2024, as flight AI113 made its way from Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL) to Birmingham International Airport (BHX). The flight was carrying 258 passengers and17crew and is a regular scheduled service for the carrier.

Having departed Delhi a little late at 14:41 local time, the aircraft (a Boeing 787-8 registered VT-AMP) had been flying for around six hours and was cruising at 40,000ft when the crew first noticed the technical issue. At this stage, the flight was reportedly about 140nm (224km) west of Moscow, according to the Aviation Herald.


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3b6b2e No.21536612


Oh here we go again. Yeah get back to the sidelines, you are weak af.

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a2352f No.21536613


Yep. Laying the groundwork for the narrative on Nov. 6th. Trump won. Russia collusion 2.0

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b47aac No.21536614

File: fbf677300cf3df2⋯.mp4 (1.55 MB,848x476,212:119,Democrats_have_controlled_….mp4)

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f71d2f No.21536615

File: 38c0737bac06a76⋯.jpeg (47.33 KB,650x300,13:6,IMG_3600.jpeg)

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b47aac No.21536616

Munich shooter, who was shot dead during a shootout at the Israeli consulate. He has a rifle with a bayonet.


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57b669 No.21536617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ahoy hoy to you young man.

Don't mind anon while eye piggyback on your post.( Don't want it deleted)

For Donald J Trump, victory and the complete kneecapping and blinding of his enemies, especially but not exclusively, the Luciferian Brotherhood System, it's chain of command, the Satanic Council, it's Command Chain and it's phoenix Barack Hussein Obama, with no ill effect on humanity for the glory of God Almighty and the hastening of the Triumph none can stop.

Day 11

Don't want to get deleted by the satanist shill.

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cddd77 No.21536618


your family is weak af.

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0ba138 No.21536619

Their are no big donations to a political party, merely loans which will be paid back in cash with interest or policy manipulation. They're just reserving a seat at the table.

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b47aac No.21536620

Immediately after the massive strike of the Russian Aerospace Forces on Ukraine, US Army Lieutenant Colonel Joshua Kamara died in Poland. He was 45 years old. It is reported that he died in the US Army military camp in Poznan. Kamara was awarded the Legion of Honor, the Bronze Star, and the Medal of Merit, as well as other awards.

That's how it happens. Missiles land in Poltava, and US Army officers suddenly die somewhere in Poland. Moreover, the number of NATO officers killed after that attack of ours has already reached dozens.

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0764f4 No.21536621

you can't fake free will

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b11f97 No.21536623


Way to jump in homeboy!

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f71d2f No.21536624

File: 9a10002d152b236⋯.jpeg (70.22 KB,300x450,2:3,IMG_3597.jpeg)

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807c32 No.21536626

File: 0f3b554f61fa192⋯.jpeg (285.9 KB,1130x1138,565:569,IMG_8739.jpeg)

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807c32 No.21536627

File: 3741f2edcb98f50⋯.jpeg (286.15 KB,1130x1270,113:127,IMG_8660.jpeg)

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57b669 No.21536628


On anon across the universe

Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letterbox

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f71d2f No.21536629

File: ec51f0b53b45875⋯.jpeg (83.7 KB,735x684,245:228,IMG_3601.jpeg)

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807c32 No.21536631

File: e7c0660c9aa6efa⋯.mp4 (764.56 KB,480x852,40:71,rsYYD3FYSwn75Ymk.MP4)

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ba7052 No.21536632

File: 6f5e4b62472429c⋯.jpg (1.46 MB,3024x3024,1:1,Dirty_Socks.jpg)


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0ba138 No.21536633


The chairman = Chair.

Z = Zhang

P = Peter.

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807c32 No.21536634

File: 31b182ad4bb6f12⋯.png (420.63 KB,800x450,16:9,721A8231_62AF_466D_833A_50….png)

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ab4e1a No.21536635

File: d9be1fa9a6b3f7e⋯.png (62.89 KB,501x500,501:500,ClipboardImage.png)







Sep 05, 2018 6:19:37 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 193



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c969cf No.21536636


That nigga SpotGottem stole my heart and drank my seed.

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ba7052 No.21536637

File: 8e9a5ae4e5467b4⋯.png (422.46 KB,1030x1257,1030:1257,ClipboardImage.png)

America First Legal



We just sued Judge Merchan and the Ethics Commission for the NY Unified Court System for illegally concealing Judge Merchan’s financial disclosures from 2018-2024.

We requested these records in June under NY state law and have been unlawfully stonewalled:


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221a40 No.21536638

File: 2de8b8058be5ce3⋯.jpeg (791.77 KB,1125x1714,1125:1714,IMG_3853.jpeg)


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cddd77 No.21536641


oh look another opinion from this loser being shared.

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a2352f No.21536643


Fuck off Ron. Filth laden liar.

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0ba138 No.21536646

File: b97af818804a2c6⋯.png (801.9 KB,719x990,719:990,ClipboardImage.png)

Hickory dickory dock

the moose ran up the clock

the clock struck one

the moose fell down

hickory dickory dock.

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b47aac No.21536649

File: e8f52ee2aba6a3e⋯.png (986.67 KB,910x568,455:284,ClipboardImage.png)

That's how it happens. Missiles land in Ukraine, and US Army officers suddenly die somewhere in Poland.


US Army opens investigation after American officer stationed in Poland dies: ‘Outstanding leader’

Local reports cited authorities who referenced 'unintentional manslaughter'

The U.S. Army confirmed Wednesday it is investigating the death of a U.S. soldier who died while stationed in Poland.

Lt. Col. Joshua Camara, 45, was based at Camp Kościuszko, home of V Corps’ forward headquarters in the city of Poznan. He died on Tuesday, Sept. 3.

A V Corps spokesperson said Camara was a public affairs officer who had served in V Corps since June 2024. Camara was the recipient of the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal and Meritorious Service Medal, among other awards.

"Our thoughts and sympathies are with Lt. Col. Josh Camara's family, friends, and teammates during this difficult time," Col. Kevin Jackson, V Corps chief of staff, said in a statement. "He was an outstanding leader and mentor, and we will remember his legacy and impact."


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221a40 No.21536654

File: 145c61f725554c7⋯.jpeg (275.63 KB,1125x930,75:62,IMG_3854.jpeg)

File: 7a6ca5e48683eaa⋯.jpeg (320.25 KB,1125x1034,1125:1034,IMG_3855.jpeg)

File: 4f62eb28a407c51⋯.jpeg (826.4 KB,1125x810,25:18,IMG_3856.jpeg)



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0ba138 No.21536655

The 3rd generation Kennedy's were born into sympathy victimhood. They ran their ghetto playbook on the family and gave them trinkets and applause.

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04acfa No.21536657

File: befe70adfe933c4⋯.jpg (51.14 KB,621x402,207:134,MAGA.jpg)


TY, baker.

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eb80df No.21536658


What is the difference between a spy and a lobbyist ? One registers as an agent for a foreign entity, the other doesn't. But effectively no difference. If the investment was registered with the SEC, it is not illegal.

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b47aac No.21536660

File: 121a50babbf3110⋯.mp4 (4.75 MB,1280x720,16:9,aspectacle.mp4)

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221a40 No.21536663

File: 765cd78bdf239f7⋯.jpeg (984.03 KB,1125x1505,225:301,IMG_3857.jpeg)



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a2352f No.21536666

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0764f4 No.21536668


could you please define the concept of garanimals?

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6c694c No.21536670



Knotables So Fer

#26384 >>21535914

>>21535928 14-Year-Old Georgia Shooter Identified — Faces Murder Charges, Will Be Tried as an Adult.

>>21536168 The House Education and the Workforce Committee has issued a subpoena for Tim Walz

>>21536397 CHINA PAID FOX'S DOMINION SUIT 3/26/2021: Dominion Sued Fox News for 1.6 BN 3/21/2022: Murdochs, News Corp Take 1.25 BILLION in loans…

>>21536473 Dr. Wallach says doctors cause Alzheimer's when they put patients on low fat diets and cholesterol lowering drugs.


>>21536593 Leaked Disney data reveals financial and strategy secrets

>>21536609 The DOJ has announced that Donald Trump Jr is secretly on the board of a Russian gas company and was advising his father to make pro-Putin policies while he was in office

>>21536611 Air India Boeing 787 makes unscheduled landing in Russia after technical issue


>>21536637 We just sued Judge Merchan and the Ethics Commission for the NY Unified Court System for illegally concealing Judge Merchan’s financial disclosures

>>21536649 US Army opens investigation after American officer stationed in Poland dies: ‘Outstanding leader’

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eb80df No.21536672


All without a deepstate edu-plex college certificate. Proof you can make a fortune in America by educating yourself, Marketing and consumption. If it is for a good cause, even sweeter. Fuck the socialists, They love victim narrative because victims make great slaves.

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cddd77 No.21536674

File: 1fec10d1b21e870⋯.png (93.06 KB,1207x906,1207:906,ClipboardImage.png)


do it right nigger.

Hickory Dickory Dock

A political whore was fucking some cock

The clock struck two

Castro ejaculated, and a wad he blew

9 months later there was Justin Trudeau.


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a5864d No.21536676

File: 3af4559e2d397fa⋯.png (87.01 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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807c32 No.21536677

File: 1491506cd626e6c⋯.png (406.96 KB,800x450,16:9,84488420_76A3_496E_AC2A_9E….png)

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3b331a No.21536680




Wasn’t there a dig ….A113 in a whole bunch of movies?l I seem to recall this from a couple years ago.

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e3fe11 No.21536684

File: 037535a5cd3924c⋯.png (131.46 KB,606x501,202:167,Truth_Social.png)

My Story. My Perspective. The Truth.


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73a5bf No.21536687


I understand you are stuck in a bubble of bullshit and feel like you have to defend instead of doing your own digging to see if what he is saying is true. It’s easier just to put down.

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e3fe11 No.21536688

File: 7c1c47ad60cee5f⋯.png (452.89 KB,590x755,118:151,Truth_Social.png)

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42bf60 No.21536690


[They] flipped the Ukranian Hunter Biden and 10% for the Big Guy script. How creative.

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cddd77 No.21536691


well KellyAnne Conway just had to do that. The interesting thing about that is sometimes they get you for not registering as a foreign agent. The problem is most most people in Washington are guilty of this. I wish I could remember what this law was that was passed but the SEC had nothing to do with it. It was that TIK TOK law that was passed. This is all incredibly stupid and just a way to make Trump and his allies out to be muh russian agents. Fuck the other nations who are real problems.

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cddd77 No.21536693


It is way easier to just tell you to kill yourself.

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eb80df No.21536695


Officers of investment, banking and certain insurance must disclose all trades for approval. Because they have access to insider information. The Congress has access to insider information but there is no approval or oversight to ensure they are not breaking SEC rules. Hence the millionaires who came into Congress poor and leave relatively rich. The longer they are there the more wealth as they trade with insider info.

They have a slush fund for abuse charges also

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dc093b No.21536696


Weak. Get to the sideline.

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807c32 No.21536697

File: 38c5c53d13ecf9e⋯.jpeg (87.59 KB,1131x603,377:201,IMG_8743.jpeg)

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ec1b37 No.21536699


“I dress myself.”!

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807c32 No.21536700

File: 0a8d1875760592e⋯.png (284.57 KB,600x704,75:88,IMG_8737.png)

File: 4c45b9d80cb5251⋯.png (1.63 MB,1510x933,1510:933,IMG_8738.png)

File: 5467d56f764f2be⋯.png (1.18 MB,626x1898,313:949,IMG_8727.png)

File: 149a9cc5b2a1ca9⋯.png (957.18 KB,566x1509,566:1509,IMG_8731.png)

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cddd77 No.21536701


your family is weak. You should not punish them be strong and just end your fucking life.

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807c32 No.21536702

File: bada8324860cd75⋯.jpeg (585.24 KB,651x1385,651:1385,IMG_8724.jpeg)

File: 685b513b4ef8434⋯.png (345.29 KB,426x1305,142:435,IMG_8725.png)

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fbbf11 No.21536703

File: 3bfca19b87248ce⋯.jpg (49.94 KB,383x526,383:526,3bfca19b87248ce5e7647833dd….jpg)

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0902aa No.21536704

File: 93d0b58429de4ff⋯.png (877.74 KB,859x590,859:590,1ff084413bad50db.png)

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d8148a No.21536705


DOJ has a settlement fund with which they can 'settle' with friends who sue the government.

this is said to have been greatly abused under Obama's DOJ

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6c5621 No.21536707

File: 1c9ead1d055e4b6⋯.png (366.24 KB,540x508,135:127,legacies.png)

File: 1ea016dc94ef0ac⋯.png (52.01 KB,701x170,701:170,Lyela_Sayarath_as_Chanting….png)

Apalachee HS "witness" Leyla Sayarath is an actress and is rehearshing her lines on camera.


This is too easy fam. She was in the show tween magic show "Legacies" and even describes herself as a witch and into "Dreaming"

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e3fe11 No.21536708

File: 8aee504a8f59776⋯.png (193.74 KB,606x501,202:167,Truth_Social.png)

File: 0989165d03c03b6⋯.png (775.54 KB,590x755,118:151,Truth_Social_.png)




DJT Retruthed a Q meme showing the Image in the video. WWG1WGA

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0902aa No.21536709

File: 1c767590415599c⋯.jpg (15.13 KB,249x255,83:85,3a853c75bd89f854f59992eb54….jpg)

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a2352f No.21536710


My FLOTUS is absolutely beautiful!!!

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9678ce No.21536714

this world could stand to go through some hard times again

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861cdc No.21536716

File: 555273d794e0f0c⋯.png (566.13 KB,750x1334,375:667,5A5973A7_B4EE_44D1_BB77_A4….png)

File: 2740dc6c82ca8db⋯.png (48.95 KB,690x542,345:271,92018D13_12DD_4BAC_A38C_03….png)

File: 6ea2912c1735f31⋯.png (157.17 KB,690x1378,345:689,CE86AF6B_92BC_4D51_AC8C_8A….png)

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9ac439 No.21536717


Sawatzki Order of Eastern Star, Barak worshipper.


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807c32 No.21536718

File: 2b286c3e9399f7d⋯.jpeg (153.88 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_8744.jpeg)

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6c694c No.21536721


you are wrong


mornin, mornin baker

wakers confirmed


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884683 No.21536722


Emphasis on "Saving" Israel for last.

Double meanings.

Not savings bank.

Savings Grace.

The truth shall set you free.

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81f01d No.21536723


It was funny how Rabbi Schmuley kept begging Piers Morgan to interject on his behalf and say Candace can't say that.

Candace Owens. Calm, on point.

Rabbi Weasel. Jerky, tongue flickering character attacks and circular argument around the main question which was the war in Israel.

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ab4e1a No.21536724

File: 343257c942de5c6⋯.mp4 (9.72 MB,750x632,375:316,xmax_carol.mp4)


treason season.

coming soon..

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e3fe11 No.21536725


48 is Interesting.

Didn't Melania tweet about a storm coming?

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861cdc No.21536729

File: 2288a7f7396c872⋯.png (871.33 KB,750x1334,375:667,D2DAA172_EE3C_4C48_9F9C_CB….png)

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ec2c9f No.21536732

File: 6fa8d22f47acbe7⋯.jpeg (466.02 KB,1125x725,45:29,IMG_3052.jpeg)

File: 153c0dda0d9bb63⋯.jpeg (877.79 KB,1069x1406,1069:1406,IMG_3051.jpeg)

File: 2257ff2c5a13f13⋯.jpeg (228.02 KB,1125x839,1125:839,IMG_3795.jpeg)

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807c32 No.21536734

File: e4900a985cc9238⋯.jpeg (143.74 KB,1130x636,565:318,IMG_8745.jpeg)

File: 3841175a33a51d4⋯.mp4 (146.11 KB,426x292,213:146,g_NbyrW1uW1p0rVV.mp4)

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d8148a No.21536736

not sure what news the crew is trying to suppress this morning.

maybe they are just being lazy and don't want to have to do more than 4 breads a day.

when the B i k e er persona has so many 'deleted all post in the long' all with a time of 2 hours ago it makes me glad I slept late and didn't participate earlier.

going to just shut it off, I guess. I don't need to see all the depravity and watch all the psycho plays.

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c1d4c3 No.21536737

File: b51dd8ad7a579c0⋯.png (1.02 MB,1202x1454,601:727,NOW_Shots_fired_outside_Is….png)

NOW - Shots fired outside Israeli consulate in Munich, Germany.


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fbbf11 No.21536740

File: 9d84620a94ebc0e⋯.png (73.48 KB,296x286,148:143,9d84620a94ebc0e9969096d250….png)

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eb80df No.21536741


Yes, Our government is officially a criminal cartel.

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81f01d No.21536743

File: 1f181b68356a7d1⋯.png (48.8 KB,635x393,635:393,NottheJewsII.png)


It's funny also how Piers Morgan forced Candace Owens to say that there were 6 million Jews killed in the Holocaust.

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81f01d No.21536746

File: cd13892b8b1098c⋯.png (73.08 KB,709x352,709:352,Fed.png)

File: 886c2b2007f8e3a⋯.png (66.99 KB,506x493,506:493,RothschildReserve.png)

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6c5621 No.21536747

File: 90a09c8698c42a4⋯.png (247.18 KB,808x564,202:141,legwitch.png)

File: 2670611b1f4db4c⋯.png (24.16 KB,520x168,65:21,lyela_sayarath.png)


I believe her grandmother is a psychiatrist from Fresno, CA. She's Thai mix. I wonder if she was one of Obama's pets, a "Maggie".

Southeast Asia was Obama's turf, along with GA.

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32b8c2 No.21536748

File: 987f716ce573c89⋯.png (1.01 MB,711x703,711:703,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8148a No.21536749

File: b7c079fd682a629⋯.jpg (199.16 KB,730x1152,365:576,busy_censor_biker.jpg)


clearly someone's doing the 'woke up hung over, F you all!' bit.

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b0e3bc No.21536750

9:50 AM EDT

2024 Navy JAG Corps Change of Office and Retirement Ceremony

Department of Defense


9:55 AM EDT

Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr. participates in a fireside chat at 9:55 a.m. EDT at the 15th Annual Billington CyberSecurity Summit at the Ronald Reagan Building, Washington, D.C.

Department of Defense



9:55 AM EDT

Fireside: A Conversation with General CQ Brown, Jr. - 15th Annual Billington CyberSecurity Summit

Billington CyberSecurity



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b0e3bc No.21536751

9:55 AM EDT

Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr. participates in a fireside chat at 9:55 a.m. EDT at the 15th Annual Billington CyberSecurity Summit at the Ronald Reagan Building, Washington, D.C.

Department of Defense



9:55 AM EDT

Fireside: A Conversation with General CQ Brown, Jr. - 15th Annual Billington CyberSecurity Summit

Billington CyberSecurity




Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair & Others at Billington CyberSecurity Summit

Billington CyberSecurity hosts another session of its 15th annual summit in Washington, DC. Speakers include Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Gen. Charles “CQ” Brown and cybersecurity officials from the public and private sectors.


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c463ee No.21536752

File: 802e5768cda28c4⋯.png (63.39 KB,500x593,500:593,axy0orY_700bwp.png)

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cddd77 No.21536753


I am listening just because I was curious. Right at the start Piers says no name calling and shit and the guy starts in right away. Like if people want to hate the jews listen to this fuck.

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0902aa No.21536754

File: f842fefa0952279⋯.jpg (173.81 KB,1002x1025,1002:1025,7edf6fbd0cb4f751.jpg)

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b0e3bc No.21536755

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

DC Election Interference: Status Conference at 10 AM

Master Calendar of Trump Court Dates: Criminal and Civil Cases



DC Election Interference: A status conference that had been scheduled for Aug. 16 will now be Sept. 5


10:00 AM EDT

LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks at The Economic Club of New York - 9/5/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network



12:00 PM EDT

Webinar: Donald Trump

Economic Club of NY



12:00 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Fmr. Pres. Trump Remarks at the Economic Club of New York

2024 Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump delivers remarks at the Economic Club of New York on the state


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0902aa No.21536756

File: 7cf4dc9a30662bb⋯.jpeg (148.32 KB,693x924,3:4,7e00ec95585abc22.jpeg)

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94b0fc No.21536757

File: b36eaa5c01850fa⋯.png (52.02 KB,666x375,222:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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b0e3bc No.21536759

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

War Room Morning Edition

Real America's Voice


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c463ee No.21536760

File: 8139134e8d6bf17⋯.webp (96.08 KB,700x1517,700:1517,aE0B8BK_700bwp.webp)


>not sure what news the crew is trying to suppress this morning.

Maybe this

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422585 No.21536761

File: 8fb1c2e4fce770f⋯.jpg (155.1 KB,600x335,120:67,QResearchFight.jpg)


Thank you Baker & Noters

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81f01d No.21536762

File: f572a72da93eca1⋯.jpg (25.53 KB,273x338,21:26,RabbiSchmuleyBannon.JPG)

File: 9c8d2c1238004e6⋯.jpg (21.42 KB,612x407,612:407,RabbiSchmuleyBarr.jpg)

File: da25727da008d47⋯.jpg (7.52 KB,317x159,317:159,RabbiSchmuleyBooker.jpg)

File: 8ef15e112652e46⋯.jpg (6.98 KB,299x168,299:168,RabbiSchmuleyChristie.jpg)

File: dac1f939a5ed034⋯.jpg (85.95 KB,620x402,310:201,RabbiSchmuleyPopeBook.jpg)

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865406 No.21536764

File: 28ad9f7a4d73cdf⋯.png (342.99 KB,539x463,539:463,again2.png)

I like how they consistently whine and cry about removals. Shill entitlement is so great they think their shit is entitled to stay up in perpetuity.

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d8148a No.21536765


this one is a bit of a delusional spell caster telling people how they 'look'.

I read maybe two lines.


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c463ee No.21536766

File: 66a4ec4033f0e44⋯.png (47.8 KB,500x613,500:613,a9yAqGj_700bwp.png)

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81f01d No.21536767

File: ea8ffc78abd7557⋯.png (68.51 KB,640x390,64:39,AntisemiticTsunami.png)


Video has 1 million views already, spreading like wildfire.

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800a39 No.21536769


What is a Benicia?

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d8148a No.21536770


the censors are the shills, anon.

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7d904d No.21536772

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cddd77 No.21536773


he has been around forever but I try not to listen to trash but I was just curious more about candace. I am not a fan of the jews especially this supremacist sect. Just like I hate christian supremacists. But she in the first 10 minutes smacks the shit out of him verbally.

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b0e3bc No.21536775

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

The Supreme Court’s Other Administrative Law Blockbuster: Corner Post

Hudson Institute



10:00 AM EDT

The President receives the President’s Daily Brief

Official Schedule


10:20 AM EDT

Secretary of the Army Annual Awards Ceremony

Department of Defense


10:30 AM EDT

ISS Expedition 71 in-flight interview for Scientific American with NASA flight engineer Matt Dominic. Stream on NASA+

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)




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865406 No.21536777

File: d9d86e340b7d123⋯.gif (700.2 KB,480x270,16:9,d9d86e340b7d1234e730ee385a….gif)


Sure they are, chuckles. Who the fuck do you think you're trying to fool with your gaslighting? Get your sad, sorry ass in the filter.

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4f130f No.21536778


>By your "own" team

Is this the same team that let Epstein Island happen?

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81f01d No.21536779


>But she in the first 10 minutes smacks the shit out of him verbally.

Yeah, and all she had to do the rest of the time was let the creep talk. And watch his tongue, it's fucking wierd.

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172f8f No.21536782

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81f01d No.21536787

File: 76fcdff097efc73⋯.png (86.71 KB,251x282,251:282,ClipboardImage.png)


I don't buy into the reptilian shit, but Rabbi Schuley makes me rethink that. The dude cannot control his tongue. I'm waiting for him to unleash that thing and catch a fly.

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881a4f No.21536790


All phds

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cddd77 No.21536791


even when he is asked a direct question the first fucking question he is so god damn triggered he spergs then holds her to some christian standard when he is sucking baby dicks. He is crying right away like right away like stereotyped right the fuck away. Crying Kike.

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1cef35 No.21536792

It always leads back to the jew. Always.

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c1d4c3 No.21536793

File: d7f782af8ecf73c⋯.png (488.69 KB,1204x808,301:202,Trump_vows_to_heal_our_wor….png)


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807c32 No.21536794

File: 3841175a33a51d4⋯.mp4 (146.11 KB,426x292,213:146,g_NbyrW1uW1p0rVV.mp4)

File: 9dfafd65adf22d2⋯.gif (4 MB,360x242,180:121,IMG_8748.gif)

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ab4e1a No.21536797

File: 4f4ea297ef0bdfd⋯.png (38.1 KB,533x571,533:571,ClipboardImage.png)


notable - information is power

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81f01d No.21536798


I'd say he represents the Jews perfectly.

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6b34aa No.21536802

A Royal Navy personnel has died after a chopper crashed into the English Channel.

The tragic incident happened during a night-time military exercise over the Channel.

A Merlin helicopter reportedly ditched in the channel while carrying out a night-flying exercise with HMS Queen Elizabeth, the MoD said.

The Royal Navy said in a statement: ‘It is with great sadness that we must report a member of the Royal Navy has died following a training incident last night.




Read More

PORTSMOUTH: HMS Queen Elizabeth leaves Portsmouth Harbour this afternoon (monday). The ship recently underwent multi million pound repairs in Scotland after a propeller shaft mis alignment. Photograph By Chris Gorman / Big Ladder 2nd September 2024.

The Royal Navy helicopter was on a mission with HMS Queen Elizabeth (pictured)(Picture: Chris Gorman/Big Ladder)

‘Our thoughts are with the family – who have been informed – and all those affected at this sad time. A full investigation will take place.

‘The incident involved a Merlin Mk4 helicopter in the English Channel near Dorset that ditched while conducting night flying exercises with HMS Queen Elizabeth. There were no other fatalities or serious injuries.’

Defence secretary John Healey described the death as ‘dreadful,’ PA news agency reports.


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cddd77 No.21536804


I try really really really fucking hard because I think even when you are wrong, then its shit like this and its like well then. They just want people to notice what shitty people they are.

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c1d4c3 No.21536806

File: ecfbc60e8605fad⋯.png (482.22 KB,1206x844,603:422,Trump_gives_remarks_at_eco….png)


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b3bdc2 No.21536807




21109445 Jan 06 big dig bun - Shocker! [Fake Maga] Jones, Flynn, Bannon, Piatt, Wren, Milley and a whole cast of Fake Maga orchestrated Jan 06. Read on.

Steve Bannon, Alex Jones and the U.S. Supreme Court.

21109387, >>21109394, >>21109615 Steve Bannon loves Alex Jones loves Steve Bannon and Alex Jones' book The GREAT AWAKENING.

21109523 Steve Bannon and WE BUILD THE WALL fraud case > 5 - 10 years for Bannon > state level no presidential pardon will save the traitor.

21109505, >>21109506, >>21109507, >>21109508, >>21109509 Bannon Prison Supreme Court

21109517 and the Supreme Court is still very much Deep State

The Vatican and many things [they] did not want you to know.

21109620 The "Our Father, Who financed 9-11?" decode. Vatican involvement in 9-11 per the drops.

21109613 Dig and decode on the Eye of Providence - Q drop #133 "Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’. The Eye of Providence."

21109622 Trump reads the "Snake" Poem > Vatican Serpent drops

21109624 Q Drop #1950 Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church - The U.S. had no official relations with the Vatican from 1867 to 1984. Why? Lincoln…

21109396 Catholic Charities is Facilitating America’s Border Crisis - #1 Immigration NGO

21109605 Are we saving Israel for last?

21109607 The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican Founded by Lynn De Rothschild.

21109610 What is a Court Factor? Part I

21109633 What is a Court Factor? Part II Soros, Rothschild and Murdoch are all Court Factors and/or Papal Knights of various Vatican controlled Orders.

21109617 The real 2020 Election interference > ITALYGATE > Italian Military contractor Leonardo Spa. > CIA Clowns > Obama > Renzi > The Vatican

21109637 A new wave of bankruptcies shakes the Catholic Church in California

21109852 "To those who are courageous enough to speak out - we stand with you!" > Nuns Raped Girls With Crucifixes as Female Pedophilia Was Covered Up by the Church

21109858 It is very sad that, according to the Bible, per Roman Catholic Crusader Taylor Marshall, that Melania Trump is worthy of Death. Read on!

21109867 Archbishop Vigano condemning TRUMP for hosting a Republican LGBTQ Gala at Mar a Lago. So when Melania does it it is okay? Not one word…

21109697 The MG Show > P = Paysuer and the Alex Jones/Fritz Springmeier connection. Guardians of the [P]edophiles.

You have been here the whole time?

21109590 QResearch 2018 to 2022 Timeline > Neo Nazi admin,faker bakers, Shill team 6 and MNR.

21109596 "Those you trust are the most guilty of sin. Who are we taught to trust? If you are religious, PRAY."

21109599 So you think you know what 'Biblical' means?

21109373 shill cheerleaders and newfags are anons just ike you! and here is their Mantra.

21109385 QResearch Patriotic Litmus Test - Hint: most fail the first few times.

21109413 The "Free Thought = The Great Awakening" drops. Q drop #1926, 2171, 3038, 3613, 3721, 3858, 3905, 3906, 4491, 4535, 4553, 4602 and the "Precipice" at 4408.

21109441 New Eyes Be Ready > Good information is not Spam. The Q drops are not Spam.

21109600 Bill Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

21109636 ILLUMINATI 101

Who is in Control?

21109759 Biden is not IN CONTROL… Trump is not IN CONTROL… Who is IN CONTROL?

21109762 Drop #1489 tells anons all they need to know about Infiltration into these boards.

21109803 Trump' account posts many duplicitous statements. Is Trump aware of what Dan Scavino is doing? Is Dan Scavino [Dan Scavino]?

Where are you?

21109630 4chan/8chan/8kun server location? SNOWDEN initially wanted to be seen in CHINA 2018 8KUN SERVER WAS IN CHINA MIL DOD SNOWDEN ended up in RUSSIA 2024 8KUN SERVER IS IN RUSSIA

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Enjoy the [Show]!

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c463ee No.21536808

File: 6337ee8bc7d079b⋯.png (41.12 KB,855x1082,855:1082,66d90a204bb7a.png)

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b3bdc2 No.21536809

File: bdf9d61df608ce2⋯.gif (2.63 MB,900x524,225:131,000z2.gif)


MOAB dropped

headed home

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15bad6 No.21536810

File: 05e2dedd7721311⋯.png (1.63 MB,1852x1112,463:278,Screenshot_2024_09_05_0852….png)

Taking a step back in time understanding what you do now…

Barack Obama's transgender former nanny finds fame and a job offer


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0764f4 No.21536811

nothing can stop the paradigm shift

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ab4e1a No.21536813

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


notable - will be there for comms

LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks at The Economic Club of New York - 9/5/24



The Economic Club of New York is honored to welcome Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States of America, on Thursday, Sept. 5, 2024.

President Trump's remarks will begin at 12:00 p.m. ET.

Tune in on RSBN starting at 10:00 a.m. ET.

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861cdc No.21536814

just kill the board if this is what it is. completely useless breads

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865406 No.21536815

File: 4b5f654f2c14b7e⋯.jpeg (3.48 MB,3024x4032,3:4,xlrna0s5oemd1.jpeg)

Weird how there's MuhJoo but no mimicry. Dumbfuck lowns established the pattern, either one or the other, or if there's split fire it's a trickle on one and focus on the other, and now there's no way to gaslight their way out of it. It's just the certain obnoxious clown baker jealous of a shitposter that does it anyway.

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c463ee No.21536816

File: d123be6eb67bb92⋯.png (31.47 KB,606x640,303:320,66d8f4e5a7fba.png)

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98e5e8 No.21536817

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d8148a No.21536818


anon, see how the play proceeds. The do the discord. they want a fight.

they post crap and spam crap and delete it which then gives them an excuse and cover to delete what they want.

see how it (I say it because it seems not human) want a fight.

watch and see.

it should be obvious.

by their fruit you know them.

they plant insults and harvast discord.

they've elevated censorship into a perverse virtue.

and they are obvious, obvious as to who they are and where they are.

and they do it saying thta they are doing it out of virtue.

remember what RFK jr said: the censors are always on the wrong side of History.

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c969cf No.21536819


That nigga SpotGottem stole my heart and drank my seed.

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98e5e8 No.21536820

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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98e5e8 No.21536821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f73595 No.21536823


You think they are just making up reptilian shit for fun? Conspiracy theory I guess.

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81f01d No.21536824

File: 9f0a6101179eeda⋯.jpg (26.87 KB,348x203,12:7,CloseETalmudV.JPG)


Notice how he keeps begging Piers Morgan to interject on his behalf. That's a very Jewish thing, to get more than one person to agree, even if it's a lie, to win the argument.

Some would say that's what the purpose of a minyan is.

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865406 No.21536826

Ah, no mimic, just the even dumber namefag version of the imitation routine. It's the dumbest and most NPC-like.

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a99653 No.21536828

Space force, space X, Starlink

They put up satellites to catch inter dimensional beings and shapeshifters.

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cddd77 No.21536829


I just got to when she called him out for being part of the synogogue of satan. Kek. I hate fucking bible but kek for pulling for pulling that out. He then said its a two on one debate.

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884683 No.21536830



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422585 No.21536832

File: 8fb1c2e4fce770f⋯.jpg (155.1 KB,600x335,120:67,QResearchFight.jpg)

File: 989a3ef048ed620⋯.jpg (140.06 KB,600x335,120:67,QResearchAngelFlag.jpg)

File: da1411de263dcaf⋯.jpg (160.7 KB,600x335,120:67,QResearch30.jpg)

File: dd7623973dc9b53⋯.jpg (179.23 KB,600x335,120:67,QResearch19.jpg)

File: d4d11ef8e292c72⋯.jpg (118.38 KB,600x335,120:67,QBannerFight2.jpg)

God thank you for watching over and keeping safe President Trump, his family, the Q team and all freedom fighters throughout the world.

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cddd77 No.21536833


Fuck off.

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c463ee No.21536835

File: ad7c0e1cf9697cc⋯.png (64.85 KB,901x1184,901:1184,66d95a26cc447.png)

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800a39 No.21536836


There has been far too much predictive programming in regards to lizard people to ignore it any longer.

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c969cf No.21536838

File: 8159900cdf45f1d⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,500x500,1:1,HRN.jpg)


I too have been diagnosed with schizophrenia.

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c969cf No.21536841

File: f6db28d4632129c⋯.png (604.86 KB,741x440,741:440,f6db28d4632129cd64f4f7062c….png)

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e3fe11 No.21536843

So many shills today./



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cddd77 No.21536844


I told you to fuck off.

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b0e3bc No.21536845

File: 720070261cc14aa⋯.jpg (91.81 KB,1200x756,100:63,trump_point_copy.jpg)

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81f01d No.21536846

File: fe63b1a853f90c3⋯.jpg (36.59 KB,370x379,370:379,PutinPopcorn.JPG)


Oh it gets better. Wait till she uses her computer to verify a fact and he starts whining about it.

He literally asks for a source, she looks it up, and he goes off on her using a computer to do it. When she finds the fact, he then says it's not true.

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56852b No.21536848


lol. "campaign tells staff not to talk to press w/o authorization 2 months before election". well that sure is some super hot goss, Tara!

the Harris campaign won't even let their own candidate talk to the press.

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015d18 No.21536849

They didn't call for gun bans immediately after Trump was shot.

They did call for gun bans immediately after the FBI groomed shooter killed children.

These people are sick and evil.

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b750a8 No.21536850

File: 4c5feaad2f50764⋯.jpg (244.48 KB,612x612,1:1,4c5feaad2f5076465d7160c369….jpg)


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6953d4 No.21536851


>I too have been diagnosed with schizophrenia.

I have not./

Do you know why?/

This is not schizophrenia./

There is no schizophrenia that comes from radio inference technology./

You already knew that though, didn't you detective bates./

This is the problem./

We saw you coming./


../ Don't forget the files./

We watched you download them at the RCMP./





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b750a8 No.21536852

File: 03c58dd2ef2648d⋯.jpg (44.28 KB,500x639,500:639,03c58dd2ef2648d3c687409573….jpg)

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b750a8 No.21536853

File: 6a1a453da13c2fa⋯.png (170.59 KB,1066x373,1066:373,6a1a453da13c2fa7c0285fe28e….png)

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6953d4 No.21536854


>I told you to fuck off.

What happens if I dont, little man./

What woill you do./

Do you know who I am./

What will yo udo./


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b750a8 No.21536855

File: 6116b764944d50b⋯.jpg (7.34 KB,225x224,225:224,0000001.jpg)

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c463ee No.21536856

File: 965be6520276642⋯.png (29.89 KB,460x499,460:499,66d966dc405da.png)

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4f130f No.21536857


>Who are the lizard people.//

The reptilian brain, also known as the primal brain, is a term used to describe the oldest part of the mammalian brain, which includes the brainstem and basal ganglia.

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b750a8 No.21536859

File: 11ac666d7a164b5⋯.jpg (20.49 KB,255x255,1:1,9aa0390d358439c65009058987….jpg)

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b750a8 No.21536860

File: 56eafd2fb226f0d⋯.png (419.04 KB,548x407,548:407,0000000000000000000000rtmd.png)

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673bde No.21536861

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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6953d4 No.21536862



No medics in the sick bay this year./

Not til austraia leaves the environment.

Not til MARCH.//

We are here forever./

Get it yet?

We will never end this until you are in jail if you are against Q or Q TEAM./



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81f01d No.21536863



I do know there are people who live underground. I don't know if they took on reptilian traits or not. Knowing how people like to mess with DNA, I'd say it's possible.

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b750a8 No.21536864

File: 7b5a4d04edea184⋯.png (140.65 KB,588x519,196:173,1AMQNOW.png)

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6c694c No.21536865


#26384 >>21535914

>>21535928 14-Year-Old Georgia Shooter Identified — Faces Murder Charges, Will Be Tried as an Adult.

>>21536168 The House Education and the Workforce Committee has issued a subpoena for Tim Walz

>>21536233 60 Days to WINNING


>>21536309 Bayesian superyacht victims were trapped alive when ship went down, died of ‘dry drowning’


>>21536397 CHINA PAID FOX'S DOMINION SUIT 3/26/2021: Dominion Sued Fox News for 1.6 BN 3/21/2022: Murdochs, News Corp Take 1.25 BILLION in loans…

>>21536473 Dr. Wallach says doctors cause Alzheimer's when they put patients on low fat diets and cholesterol lowering drugs.


>>21536593 Leaked Disney data reveals financial and strategy secrets

>>21536609 The DOJ has announced that Donald Trump Jr is secretly on the board of a Russian gas company and was advising his father to make pro-Putin policies while he was in office

>>21536611 Air India Boeing 787 makes unscheduled landing in Russia after technical issue


>>21536637 We just sued Judge Merchan and the Ethics Commission for the NY Unified Court System for illegally concealing Judge Merchan’s financial disclosures

>>21536649 US Army opens investigation after American officer stationed in Poland dies: ‘Outstanding leader’

>>21536684, >>21536688, >>21536708 @MelaniaTrump My Story. My Perspective. The Truth.

>>21536707 Apalachee HS "witness" Leyla Sayarath is an actress and is rehearshing her lines on camera.

>>21536750, >>21536751, >>21536775 Swamp Habbenins

>>21536755 Trump on tap today Trump Remarks at the Economic Club of New York 12:00 PM EDT

>>21536759 War Room Morning Edition

>>21536832 QR Banners

Noter TAPS

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7d904d No.21536866

Is there any real data out there on "remote viewing"?

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b750a8 No.21536867

File: aedd23b5b964248⋯.png (76.28 KB,254x234,127:117,5dc81c1e75747e8023bd3a5911….png)

File: d28eabd8b6de2e7⋯.jpg (14.21 KB,255x239,255:239,7c0cda1cde84657f901515a6bb….jpg)

File: d88814b381a13b9⋯.gif (99.78 KB,220x220,1:1,90u98o89yho89yhoiuhoiuh.gif)

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b0e3bc No.21536868

File: c428fbebf0496be⋯.png (922.76 KB,651x680,651:680,trump_assassination_feds.png)

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b750a8 No.21536869

File: 88176ba1db826c8⋯.jpg (41.24 KB,600x600,1:1,D31wkNJU4AACl8d.jpg)

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865406 No.21536870

Yep. I like that idea. When this is done, put the minis and acrylics down and buy a fair-sized canvas and paint my favorite pepe in oils. A smoking pepe painted by the person that came to be known by that name and painted in his style. I'd like to see the clown fuckers try and take that one. Something to hang on the wall in the hallway so it's not a focal point in a room, just something you notice as you pass by.

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2d4f6f No.21536871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6953d4 No.21536872


>The reptilian brain, also known as the primal brain, is a term used to describe the oldest part of the mammalian brain, which includes the brainstem and basal ganglia.

So, then by your logic, all people are lizard people or were you trying to saw "JEWISH" people..//? What race is a lizard people./ We just want to be sure you know that Q HAS "JEWISH" PEOPLE ON HIS TEAM./ HE RESPECTS JEWISH PEOPLE VERY MUCH./ DONT MESS WITH US./ WE HAVE PEOPLE ALL OVER LOOKING FOR YOU.// WE ARE NOT LEAVING UNTIL THIS CASE IS SOLVED./



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822447 No.21536873

File: 0288e258e5cdcf4⋯.png (293.83 KB,554x594,277:297,0288e258e5cdcf4d1aafeddc87….png)

I saw a social media post where a friend of a student at the Appalachee school stated the initial "photo" of Colt Gray was of someone killed in a car crash 2 years ago. Also heard a report of multiple shooters. Twitter is the sauce, but I've not the link. Long time lurker, first time poster.

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0764f4 No.21536874

File: dff4126be8e9ee3⋯.png (406.95 KB,263x395,263:395,gaelicsword.png)


May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face;

the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,

may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

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81f01d No.21536875

File: 7ab05af5bd0cedd⋯.jpg (78.09 KB,497x373,497:373,FordJewII.jpg)

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b750a8 No.21536876

File: 27dee3c82e33b69⋯.png (83.24 KB,900x666,50:37,0000002b.png)


Who We Are

The International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) protects and serves uprooted people, including refugees, asylum-seekers, internally displaced people, victims of human trafficking, and migrants — regardless of faith, race, ethnicity or nationality.

The Council is the policy-making body of the Commission, made of representatives of Catholic Episcopal Conferences and other Catholic organizations concerned with migration and refugee issues.

Appointed by the Council, the Governing Committee oversees the implementation of the Council’s decisions, guiding the work done by the Commission through the Secretariat and the affiliated and field offices.

As the Commission’s executive body, it implements the Governing Committee’s decisions, leads its policy work, and provides oversight and support to ICMC’s affiliated and field offices across the world.

ICMC facilitates a worldwide network of Catholic Bishops Conferences and Catholic-inspired organizations working on migration and refugee issues at the local and national level.


ICMC provides assistance and protection to vulnerable people on the move and advocates for sustainable solutions for refugees and migrants.

Humanitarian Assistance & Development

Protection & Prevention

Resettlement & Complementary Pathways

Deployment of Experts


Civil Society Coordination

Capacity Building and Research

Church Networking

What We Do

ICMC provides assistance and protection to vulnerable people on the move and advocates for sustainable solutions for refugees and migrants.

Humanitarian Assistance & Development Helping People to Stay Alive in the Face of Deprivation and Hardships

Protection & Prevention Protecting People on the Move and Reducing Their Vulnerability

Resettlement & Complementary Pathways Providing Refugees With the Opportunity of a New Life

Civil Society Coordination Coordinating Civil Society for a Stronger Advocacy Voice

Advocacy Building a Common Home for All Members of the Human Family

Deployment of Experts Providing Unique Expertise That Makes a Difference

Make a Difference Today

Your support makes it possible for ICMC to respond to the needs of uprooted families and individuals around the world and to advocate for more humane and fair migration and refugee policies internationally.

Your donation helps migrant and refugee families rebuild their lives with dignity and hope

Conflicts and disasters have devastated families and communities around the world but is especially dangerous for those who have fled their homes due to violence or conflict, current dwelling in crowded camps or densely packed urban areas. As Pope Francis reminds us, “we are in the same boat, all of us fragile and disoriented, but at the same time important and needed, all of us called to row together.”

Assisting the Most Vulnerable

While deep concern for the health and safety of ourselves, family, and loved ones occupy our thoughts during this time, we also need to keep the needs of our community at the forefront of our minds and prayers.

During this time of conflict and disaster, ICMC continue working to protect vulnerable refugees and migrants — both families and individuals. Our field staff currently focus on:

Educating staff and beneficiaries on the signs and symptoms of the novel Coronavirus and how to prevent its spread;

Increasing communications to program participants by offering helplines and leveraging social media;

Gathering and distributing much-needed resources and advocating for the protection of those most at risk.

Your support helps ICMC continue to deliver much-needed services to migrants and refugees.

ICMC, Inc. is a U.S.-registered 501(c)3 faith-based non-profit organization (Federal Identification Number: 52-1470887) and all donations are tax-deductible in the United States of America to the fullest extent allowed by law.

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3d0e86 No.21536877

File: 2009e39283ac556⋯.png (1.51 MB,955x967,955:967,swordanon.png)


God bless the swordAnon

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d8148a No.21536878


if you really wanted to be a . . . .about it,

you could post your copyrighted image that you own the copyright for . . . and then if someone else posts it here you would then send a DMCA take down notice to Jim. . .

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807c32 No.21536879

File: cf565ac64b859a6⋯.png (464 KB,426x1305,142:435,AE321FE9_8CDB_4495_BD13_EF….png)

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6953d4 No.21536880


Now what do you think this means for you.//

Not all posts are for anons./


Speak to us./


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4e89a9 No.21536881

File: 33ca1194fe37fa1⋯.png (71.03 KB,1506x804,251:134,IMG_1987.png)

File: 936f5a8bd62dd54⋯.jpeg (226.02 KB,2472x1294,1236:647,IMG_1986.jpeg)

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861cdc No.21536882


brutal in here

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81f01d No.21536883

File: 4dfc230b4a85ef3⋯.jpg (49.61 KB,470x568,235:284,BSSheriff.JPG)


>We just want to be sure you know that Q HAS "JEWISH" PEOPLE ON HIS TEAM

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b750a8 No.21536884

File: 04c55fd655ae0e6⋯.png (1.41 MB,1024x1024,1:1,04c55fd655ae0e6d254ae77a66….png)

File: 3ffc361bea9141c⋯.gif (2.47 MB,600x459,200:153,3ffc361bea9141c55bd5e39010….gif)

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b750a8 No.21536885

File: 466905b75c3729e⋯.jpg (52.56 KB,640x640,1:1,466905b75c3729eca29ff85c92….jpg)


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cddd77 No.21536886


I told you to fuck off. Now I am just letting you dig yourself deeper.

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c969cf No.21536887

File: f5f4c441c778907⋯.jpg (426.89 KB,1920x1080,16:9,f5f4c441c7789078985b68a6da….jpg)

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b750a8 No.21536888

File: 32b4e42c5e8098d⋯.jpg (51.49 KB,521x521,1:1,3z5.jpg)

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ffe970 No.21536889


Kek instantly "Candace Ovens"

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865406 No.21536890

File: 809e9e5ddb14335⋯.webp (189.67 KB,1024x1024,1:1,bkuigkyc623d1.webp)


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b750a8 No.21536891

File: 38140b4765e44a9⋯.png (452.37 KB,805x828,35:36,0_Q_3914.png)

File: d326a2a18cf39a0⋯.gif (802.15 KB,480x200,12:5,1p.gif)

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6953d4 No.21536892


>Is there any real data out there on "remote viewing"?

Yes… about 45 exobites worth of tada./

Do you know what a exobites is…/// it's… way more than that.///…../

We have it all./

All your thoughts from your entire life./

I want to be brave./

Be a brave person and a good person and leave the life of crime now before it is too late./

Do you remember that./


We do./

We wer ethere./

We watched it in the replay./

Remember how much you loved replays/

We do./ For other reasons./


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e0ebba No.21536893

File: 0652d3dc3fca3b2⋯.png (172.82 KB,393x400,393:400,pepe_oooh.png)

Damn….. Kamala pulled in another HUGE crowd in NH again rivaling those that Trump typically pulls in.

It's not looking good for Trump.

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b750a8 No.21536894

File: 45ae801015c6abf⋯.jpg (132.18 KB,800x800,1:1,0MFGKARENaog.jpg)

File: d326a2a18cf39a0⋯.gif (802.15 KB,480x200,12:5,1p.gif)

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b750a8 No.21536895

File: 5245fe03b20c9a9⋯.jpg (164.82 KB,1235x622,1235:622,00dsboogie.jpg)

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6953d4 No.21536896


>I told you to fuck off. Now I am just letting you dig yourself deeper.

I never listened to you. That proves you lack a certain amount of power, doesn't it. Yes.

You lack a lot of power./


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b750a8 No.21536897

File: 4535d9fb0576441⋯.png (145.7 KB,460x603,460:603,0KEK0.png)

File: 4242e3d7cd774db⋯.gif (236.4 KB,500x281,500:281,00000aa.gif)

File: 275cfe5bc768b25⋯.png (252.42 KB,460x603,460:603,0KEK1.png)

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0c54f0 No.21536898



Says it all



Raided just coincidentally, Beirut port goes off with an earth shattering kaboom…

Maybe not explosive space modulator style but certainly with flair and panache

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428380 No.21536899

File: c381f470a9fa082⋯.gif (135.06 KB,200x150,4:3,000p.gif)



Q DROP #416 "Soros takes orders from P."

Q DROP #1413 Q names the file image of an Owl "Guardian_P" in a drop about the "Guardian of the Pope".


In essence… long ago Q told anons that the Vatican controlled George Soros and George Soros controls the Democrat Party.

The Vatican controls the Democrats.

Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church

Q Drop #1950

Aug 28, 2018 4:12:23 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 20cc45 No. 2769606



"The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory. The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law."




Sanctuary against criminal prosecution?

Recipe for …….


Godfather III Sig Confirmed: Fight Against Corrupt Elements of the Vatican

Q Drop #1951

Aug 28, 2018 4:27:56 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 469a08 No. 2769865

Aug 28, 2018 4:23:20 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: b80eec No. 2769783





We, the PEOPLE.

-The People (Q)

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428380 No.21536900

File: 3ffc361bea9141c⋯.gif (2.47 MB,600x459,200:153,3ffc361bea9141c55bd5e39010….gif)



Q DROP #416 "Soros takes orders from P."

Q DROP #1413 Q names the file image of an Owl "Guardian_P" in a drop about the "Guardian of the Pope".


In essence… long ago Q told anons that the Vatican controlled George Soros and George Soros controls the Democrat Party.

The Vatican controls the Democrats.

Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church

Q Drop #1950

Aug 28, 2018 4:12:23 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 20cc45 No. 2769606



"The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory. The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law."




Sanctuary against criminal prosecution?

Recipe for …….


Godfather III Sig Confirmed: Fight Against Corrupt Elements of the Vatican

Q Drop #1951

Aug 28, 2018 4:27:56 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 469a08 No. 2769865

Aug 28, 2018 4:23:20 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: b80eec No. 2769783





We, the PEOPLE.

-The People (Q)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6953d4 No.21536901


>It's not looking good for Trump.

Are you sure you are a PEPE//

Shouldn't you be posting yourself on manhunting sites with a slip on like yo udid last nighit.//

Remember this post./

Remember me./

I am here./


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e3fe11 No.21536902


I noticed that shill popped up here in the last week or two, they come here and disrupt and then go. They always do.

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f5663f No.21536903

File: 52ee8c7691f8cf3⋯.png (1.19 MB,1496x788,374:197,2941dc266f86a3d883f7ba7a9a….png)


mornin Swordy!

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e6a1ef No.21536904

File: 04c55fd655ae0e6⋯.png (1.41 MB,1024x1024,1:1,04c55fd655ae0e6d254ae77a66….png)

File: 2abb70c7f052f66⋯.png (549.4 KB,618x618,1:1,1cc.png)



Q DROP #416 "Soros takes orders from P."

Q DROP #1413 Q names the file image of an Owl "Guardian_P" in a drop about the "Guardian of the Pope".


In essence… long ago Q told anons that the Vatican controlled George Soros and George Soros controls the Democrat Party.

The Vatican controls the Democrats.

Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church

Q Drop #1950

Aug 28, 2018 4:12:23 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 20cc45 No. 2769606



"The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory. The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law."




Sanctuary against criminal prosecution?

Recipe for …….


Godfather III Sig Confirmed: Fight Against Corrupt Elements of the Vatican

Q Drop #1951

Aug 28, 2018 4:27:56 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 469a08 No. 2769865

Aug 28, 2018 4:23:20 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: b80eec No. 2769783





We, the PEOPLE.

-The People (Q)



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b0e3bc No.21536905

File: 3bbee479a07ba10⋯.jpg (84.07 KB,1242x653,1242:653,dog_booms.jpg)

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e6a1ef No.21536906





Q DROP #416 "Soros takes orders from P."

Q DROP #1413 Q names the file image of an Owl "Guardian_P" in a drop about the "Guardian of the Pope".


In essence… long ago Q told anons that the Vatican controlled George Soros and George Soros controls the Democrat Party.

The Vatican controls the Democrats.

Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church

Q Drop #1950

Aug 28, 2018 4:12:23 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 20cc45 No. 2769606



"The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory. The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law."




Sanctuary against criminal prosecution?

Recipe for …….


Godfather III Sig Confirmed: Fight Against Corrupt Elements of the Vatican

Q Drop #1951

Aug 28, 2018 4:27:56 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 469a08 No. 2769865

Aug 28, 2018 4:23:20 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: b80eec No. 2769783





We, the PEOPLE.

-The People (Q)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

460707 No.21536907


>ISS Expedition 71

>ISS Expedition 71

>ISS Expedition 71

ISS Expedition [71]


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8b8bf3 No.21536908

File: 46204e0f270eeb0⋯.png (317.58 KB,607x411,607:411,dr_evil_right.png)


>Kamala pulled in another HUGE crowd

>rivaling those that Trump typically pulls in

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6a1ef No.21536909

File: c2922c2022b4785⋯.jpg (170.59 KB,945x936,105:104,000war5.jpg)




Q DROP #416 "Soros takes orders from P."

Q DROP #1413 Q names the file image of an Owl "Guardian_P" in a drop about the "Guardian of the Pope".


In essence… long ago Q told anons that the Vatican controlled George Soros and George Soros controls the Democrat Party.

The Vatican controls the Democrats.

Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church

Q Drop #1950

Aug 28, 2018 4:12:23 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 20cc45 No. 2769606



"The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory. The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law."




Sanctuary against criminal prosecution?

Recipe for …….


Godfather III Sig Confirmed: Fight Against Corrupt Elements of the Vatican

Q Drop #1951

Aug 28, 2018 4:27:56 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 469a08 No. 2769865

Aug 28, 2018 4:23:20 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: b80eec No. 2769783





We, the PEOPLE.

-The People (Q)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6953d4 No.21536910


>I am listening just because I was curious. Right at the start Piers says no name calling and shit and the guy starts in right away. Like if people want to hate the jews listen to this fuck.

Why are you talking about "the JEWS." Here.?

This is not the right place for this discussion, because we have "JEWS" on Q TEAM AND Q PLUS TEAM./


Your time to expiry date is rapidly coming to a close./


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807c32 No.21536911

File: f0b20088194a824⋯.png (760.04 KB,711x703,711:703,0330BBDB_B48E_4421_813A_BA….png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c463ee No.21536912

File: 246a854b69f4b04⋯.webm (339.63 KB,460x254,230:127,a2v4vzD_460svvp9.webm)


Party with most joy will win

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cddd77 No.21536913


so do you.

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e6a1ef No.21536914

File: 569cf62259b1db4⋯.png (1 MB,633x706,633:706,0MFGKARENb.png)





Q DROP #416 "Soros takes orders from P."

Q DROP #1413 Q names the file image of an Owl "Guardian_P" in a drop about the "Guardian of the Pope".


In essence… long ago Q told anons that the Vatican controlled George Soros and George Soros controls the Democrat Party.

The Vatican controls the Democrats.

Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church

Q Drop #1950

Aug 28, 2018 4:12:23 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 20cc45 No. 2769606



"The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory. The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law."




Sanctuary against criminal prosecution?

Recipe for …….


Godfather III Sig Confirmed: Fight Against Corrupt Elements of the Vatican

Q Drop #1951

Aug 28, 2018 4:27:56 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 469a08 No. 2769865

Aug 28, 2018 4:23:20 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: b80eec No. 2769783





We, the PEOPLE.

-The People (Q)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c969cf No.21536915

File: e0966a1fe3f30af⋯.png (136.47 KB,320x240,4:3,e0966a1fe3f30af5599e2d4eaa….png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6a1ef No.21536916

File: 49d99e23e1717b2⋯.png (1.06 MB,1304x1680,163:210,b4a.png)




Q DROP #416 "Soros takes orders from P."

Q DROP #1413 Q names the file image of an Owl "Guardian_P" in a drop about the "Guardian of the Pope".


In essence… long ago Q told anons that the Vatican controlled George Soros and George Soros controls the Democrat Party.

The Vatican controls the Democrats.

Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church

Q Drop #1950

Aug 28, 2018 4:12:23 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 20cc45 No. 2769606



"The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory. The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law."




Sanctuary against criminal prosecution?

Recipe for …….


Godfather III Sig Confirmed: Fight Against Corrupt Elements of the Vatican

Q Drop #1951

Aug 28, 2018 4:27:56 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 469a08 No. 2769865

Aug 28, 2018 4:23:20 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: b80eec No. 2769783





We, the PEOPLE.

-The People (Q)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2d4f6f No.21536917

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cddd77 No.21536918


oh no people are talking about a video. Eat shit faggot.

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6953d4 No.21536919


>God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.




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b0e3bc No.21536920

File: ec8d9cc81092777⋯.gif (3.67 MB,475x360,95:72,wheres_the_kaboom.gif)

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898db5 No.21536921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Q DROP #416 "Soros takes orders from P."

Q DROP #1413 Q names the file image of an Owl "Guardian_P" in a drop about the "Guardian of the Pope".


In essence… long ago Q told anons that the Vatican controlled George Soros and George Soros controls the Democrat Party.

The Vatican controls the Democrats.

Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church

Q Drop #1950

Aug 28, 2018 4:12:23 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 20cc45 No. 2769606



"The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory. The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law."




Sanctuary against criminal prosecution?

Recipe for …….


Godfather III Sig Confirmed: Fight Against Corrupt Elements of the Vatican

Q Drop #1951

Aug 28, 2018 4:27:56 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 469a08 No. 2769865

Aug 28, 2018 4:23:20 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: b80eec No. 2769783





We, the PEOPLE.

-The People (Q)

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6953d4 No.21536922


>oh no people are talking about a video. Eat shit faggot.





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807c32 No.21536923

File: 6ee0dd92bc991e6⋯.png (138.06 KB,320x240,4:3,F8875507_DCCA_4E81_A04B_F1….png)

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0c54f0 No.21536924

File: 7f99a7ab1c1011f⋯.png (382.43 KB,1200x649,1200:649,ClipboardImage.png)


It's only an easy bake

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898db5 No.21536925

File: 752ec3475ef9f0d⋯.png (207.98 KB,1152x1184,36:37,0000000p20.png)

File: 44c53f606859abb⋯.png (115.57 KB,338x338,1:1,nsalie1.png)

File: 6d4e09a1aacc3b5⋯.png (205.75 KB,1152x1184,36:37,0000000p21.png)

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5007d0 No.21536926

File: 6a921e12259dc47⋯.jpg (44.29 KB,600x450,4:3,ZomboMeme_03032022225055.jpg)

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8b8bf3 No.21536927

File: 12829d04fef40ee⋯.png (625.27 KB,1329x1296,443:432,pepe_points_comfee4.png)


The door is over there. If you don't like it, then feel free to leave.

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861cdc No.21536928


highs & lows, lonely in here most dayshifts

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a1f2c4 No.21536929

File: fe463988ed9370d⋯.png (334.38 KB,478x765,478:765,ClipboardImage.png)

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898db5 No.21536930

File: 472b427bca555f3⋯.jpg (129.27 KB,1280x720,16:9,0kek334.jpg)

File: 6edc1b6e03616a7⋯.png (78.79 KB,586x614,293:307,4CHOOSEPAIN.png)

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6953d4 No.21536931


>so do you.


Your lies compound your evil./

You wish you were a swash buckler… I just posted this of my own willard.//

You don't know where I am but if you knew where I was JORDY LARFORGE WAS YOUR FRIEND./

You made an errors/.



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898db5 No.21536932

File: 393fd4cea0c09c8⋯.png (385.91 KB,440x688,55:86,000za.png)

File: fea9cb33d81674a⋯.jpg (10.59 KB,236x292,59:73,3z10.jpg)

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015d18 No.21536933

File: 99dd2c6b3e4b33b⋯.png (727.72 KB,1280x990,128:99,ClipboardImage.png)


Busses, busses, MOAR BUSSES!



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c3773a No.21536934

GM losers. Ready for more losing today???

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cddd77 No.21536935


Fuck off, it is news and opinions talking about a current war that Potus has said he would end. The question then is why is this happening and people are dying

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0c54f0 No.21536936


A bunch of grey poupon fagoots

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807c32 No.21536937

File: 68a32890da56f9c⋯.png (334.03 KB,607x411,607:411,421FFA5E_1FC3_4A42_B84C_83….png)

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861cdc No.21536938


as if anyone can leave. pot kek

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898db5 No.21536939

File: 5fecc89e4d6ff69⋯.jpg (8.93 KB,225x225,1:1,ru77.jpg)

File: 804af6d7abc653a⋯.jpeg (18.21 KB,255x255,1:1,a25.jpeg)

File: d914d01834e25d4⋯.jpg (71.47 KB,736x981,736:981,3z2.jpg)

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ba7052 No.21536940

File: aebdec7fc7d49da⋯.gif (1.47 MB,480x270,16:9,Squeaky_Talkin_To_Hisself.gif)

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b0e3bc No.21536941

File: 4272c1fc9893ec9⋯.jpg (127.44 KB,1088x726,544:363,boom.jpg)

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2d4f6f No.21536942


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0764f4 No.21536943

File: 5257116ae145865⋯.jpg (116.08 KB,720x536,90:67,shill101.jpg)


they are panicking about something…

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861cdc No.21536944


all fucking day

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015d18 No.21536945

File: 927c6d59d92f6f9⋯.mp4 (3.42 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17255455503….mp4)



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898db5 No.21536946

File: b7395b93f12649e⋯.jpg (103.15 KB,834x558,139:93,0dfgthr565464re56edryFA.jpg)

File: 4c28d72224ac518⋯.png (209.95 KB,471x356,471:356,1ee.png)

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d87f66 No.21536947



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807c32 No.21536948

File: 95476ce1164c77e⋯.png (124.11 KB,236x292,59:73,F24BB45F_AAE5_4D33_98A9_87….png)

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cddd77 No.21536949




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898db5 No.21536950

File: 5b5c334d63c5b44⋯.gif (3.32 MB,480x270,16:9,01e.gif)

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898db5 No.21536951

File: 57f7bb728f6dfa8⋯.png (423.67 KB,1024x768,4:3,1ca.png)

Pilot to Bombardier

Pilot to Bombardier

Come in Bombardier

Approaching bombing window in 17 seconds . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Bombs Away

41.9038795 12.4520834

41°54'13.97" N 12°27'7.50" E


33T 288662.70884767 4642243.6693721

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e0ebba No.21536952

File: ae13906a5c4cec2⋯.jpg (39.05 KB,657x527,657:527,pepe_apu_insullation.jpg)


And????? Literally every politician uses busses.

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6953d4 No.21536953


>highs & lows, lonely in here most dayshifts

What is it about day shift that is lonely./

Is it the liars, the eveil peoples.//

What is eveils.///?


What did they do to you./

K____, where are you.//

Who is she/

Why did you want o protect her./

Are you a rapist.///

What is it you do here./


Think before you speak./



Who am i////

Why would I post here.//

What is my job./

Do I work out of a warehouse.//

Why would I do that if I were to make money elsewhere that is far great.//.

What is great//

Is great always GOOD?//


We settled on GREAT being BIG./

Deal with it./


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c969cf No.21536954

File: 46e5701178a045e⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,46e5701178a045e822f21564cf….jpg)

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bb4d7b No.21536955

File: 6805f820a53f3c5⋯.jpeg (1.23 MB,1125x1302,375:434,IMG_2313.jpeg)

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0c35af No.21536956

File: 254835db5749281⋯.jpg (89.55 KB,680x664,85:83,254835db574928149e237297e7….jpg)

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884683 No.21536957

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015d18 No.21536958

File: 4dcc247fa6c034c⋯.png (428.4 KB,612x680,9:10,ClipboardImage.png)

They'll keep grooming shooters to trick the population into giving up their right to self-defense.

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c463ee No.21536959

File: ac68786a9c2b311⋯.png (99.16 KB,743x903,743:903,66d994dd2c89d.png)

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898db5 No.21536960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Always and Forever

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807c32 No.21536961

File: 9d6c26ad9e39f95⋯.png (563.92 KB,1200x649,1200:649,DDCDA6B4_C9D9_4C21_B8F8_4D….png)

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b88470 No.21536962

File: 7998bf1d52cf8fe⋯.png (793.84 KB,525x519,175:173,00nsf3.png)

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861cdc No.21536963



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ba7052 No.21536964

Indecent assault charges against shamed US film mogul Harvey Weinstein are DROPPED as CPS rules 'no realistic prospect of conviction'

Prosecutors have dropped indecent assault charges against US film mogul Harvey Weinstein as they ruled there is 'no realistic prospect of conviction'.

The producer, 72, had been charged in June 2022 with two counts of indecent assault against a woman in London in August 1996.

Frank Ferguson, head of the UK's Crown Prosecution Service special crime and counter terrorism division, said: 'Following a review of the evidence in this case, the CPS has decided to discontinue criminal proceedings against Harvey Weinstein.'


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015d18 No.21536965

File: 5a3edaa8cd6c7c4⋯.png (897.97 KB,695x500,139:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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6953d4 No.21536966



Ahh.. you read me.//


Don't forget me./

I am here./


When you embedded those sunglasses into my suns face, I thought you did it for real with a laser torch… that is why you were attacked by a person I am hearing from.//

Do you wish to say anything to them.//?

// U brpght it insnt urself.g….//

G means grin… / see that guy cant type./// thats his lexicon…. the lexicon is a very perfect mess for one side..///


s where we are./

We are not there with you./

Good luck./


Remember this./


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b88470 No.21536967

File: 10481e7b4488e17⋯.gif (981.16 KB,500x269,500:269,01k.gif)



Q DROP #4799

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 09/30/2020 23:52:42 ID: 376386 4799

8kun/qresearch: 10864489

Anonymous 09/30/2020 23:43:23 ID:39774c

8kun/qresearch: 10864305

Image Name: 09302020nyt1.png

Filename: 08e41859ca2515db376999299074104a284701075e774fa4c4ab36b1ebe9d5d8.png

Rebuffed by Vatican, Pompeo Assails China and Aligns With Pope’s Critics

Pope Francis declined to see Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is demanding a harder Vatican line on China. The Holy See said meeting just before a U.S. election would be inappropriate.

By Jason Horowitz and Lara Jakes

Sept. 30, 2020, 7:26 p.m. ET

ROME — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently published a sharp letter excoriating the Vatican’s plans to renew an agreement with the Chinese government on Church operations in China. He promoted the article in a tweet, concluding, “The Vatican endangers its moral authority, should it renew the deal.”

An indignant Vatican took the article more as a calculated affront than a diplomatic gesture. The friction broke into the open on Wednesday as Mr. Pompeo arrived in Rome and met with prelates and others who are hostile to Pope Francis, while the Vatican denied him a meeting with the pontiff and rebuffed his efforts to derail the deal with China.

“Pompeo asked to meet” the pope, who turned him down because Francis had “clearly said that he does not receive political figures ahead of the elections,” Cardinal Pietro Parolin, who, as secretary of state, is the Vatican’s second-ranking official, told reporters.

But to some observers on both sides of the tensions between the Roman Catholic Church and the Trump administration, Mr. Pompeo’s visit is as much about the coming presidential election as about China policy. Mr. Pompeo dismissed that suggestion as absurd, but intended or not, his trip signals that President Trump is on the side of those conservative American Catholics who worry about the church’s direction under Francis and think he is soft on China.

Francis and Mr. Trump, who have exchanged sharp words in the past, present starkly different visions on issues ranging from the environment to immigration to the threat of populism. In appealing to the Vatican’s support for religious freedom as a reason to drop its China agreement, Mr. Pompeo seemed to seek common ground, but in a way that upset the pope’s chief allies and delighted his chief critics.

Cardinal Parolin said Mr. Pompeo’s article had caused “surprise” at the Vatican, because this visit to Rome by the secretary and the meetings with high officials at the Holy See had already been in the works and would have been a “more opportune” forum for airing grievances. He added that Mr. Pompeo’s choice to publish in First Things, a conservative Christian magazine that has called Francis a failure as Pope, also mattered.



When does a Church become a playground?

When does a Church become a business?

When does a Church become political?

When does a Church become corrupt?

When does a Church become willfully blind?

When does a Church become controlled?


OH WAIT! The re up of the "Secret Vatican > China Accord" was breaking right when POTUS started yelling "CHINA CHINA CHINA FLU WUHAN FLU CHINA CHINA CHINA!".

For 2 weeks anon tried to get this into notes.

POTUS just screaming Wuhan China!

No BAKER would note it.


and right when anon is whooping the piss out of a fucking blatant Neo Nazi allowed not only to bake but BV HERE!

Q drops down and Q's Anon…

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e0ebba No.21536968


>Colt Gray

Both parents are Trump supporters.


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807c32 No.21536969

File: 375da0cab41f1ca⋯.jpg (214.3 KB,1605x1261,1605:1261,The_Windsors_01_Camilla_s_….JPG)

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6953d4 No.21536972






We can do this ALL day./





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cddd77 No.21536973


"accidentally" died

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c463ee No.21536974

File: fd8d367bbe70628⋯.png (35.23 KB,470x700,47:70,aLn8nQv_700bwp.png)

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bb4d7b No.21536977

File: a501f361bd04f9f⋯.jpeg (314.63 KB,1105x819,85:63,IMG_2192.jpeg)

Always remember anons, tread wherever you want! Have a fantastic Thursday!

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6953d4 No.21536979


This is what a qUALITY MEME LOOKS LIke anons.

Do you remember how to make those.//

Or do you jsut shit talk people now./






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2d4f6f No.21536980

File: 75df5d88fefaa78⋯.jpg (111.47 KB,1018x408,509:204,20240905_081717.jpg)

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0764f4 No.21536982


Dubs 33


They really are fascists

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6953d4 No.21536984

Why would anyone have a reverse osmosis made of shit.///




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015d18 No.21536985

File: f4eba36f6612fca⋯.png (495.92 KB,500x523,500:523,ClipboardImage.png)

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2d4f6f No.21536987



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172f8f No.21536989


GM Parakletos

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9c484f No.21536990

the increased amount of bull-shilling is impressive. Wonder whats they tryin ta cover up?

Is the goal to shill the breads constantly to avoid actual anons from posting credible dig info?

askin for a fren.

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db9a44 No.21536992

File: 16c3ff09c5ee798⋯.jpg (269.4 KB,1088x1365,1088:1365,16c3ff09c5ee7984234bcff45e….jpg)



claiming bake

thx for notes

banging banner bakes

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6953d4 No.21536993

If you have captured people and are here to control us to capture more people, you are SORELY MISTAKEN./

DO YOU KNOW WHY/?//?///????????//


/ / / / /. / / / / / / / / /// // / / / / / / / / /





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37e8af No.21536994


Is this for real?

Christina is the bottom right?

And Aspinwall (top rightt) has 2 t’s?

And Colt is just a picture of a gun?

Either this is comms or writer is incompetent. Possibly both

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cddd77 No.21536998

so what is the shtick of the \

its getting stranger. Is it a broken bot, is it pretending broken bot. What the fuck this is a whole new level of where is my girlfriend red text shit.

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e0ebba No.21537000


Yet she leads in nearly every single battleground state. She leads with women, minorities, young voters, and independents.

If the election were held today, Kamala would be the winner.

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6953d4 No.21537001


This is a GODO MEME ANON./


Get a following./

Let's GO./






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eb80df No.21537002


Like going to that timeshare presentation to get free park tickets.

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2d4f6f No.21537003



jesus that is annoying.

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884683 No.21537005

File: 62282427f925826⋯.jpg (17.58 KB,464x464,1:1,62282427f92582643516af5329….jpg)


Meow. I am the larp

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6953d4 No.21537006


>If the election were held today, Kamala would be the winner.

Do you really believe your polls, worshiper of Baal?//


Think before your next post./


I mean it./


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cddd77 No.21537008


there is no picture yet of this kid other than that.

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6953d4 No.21537010

THERE IS NO EFFORT to take over your minds for the sake of creating a militia.




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861cdc No.21537012

File: dfe0c7a17eb89ae⋯.jpeg (253.43 KB,1600x1600,1:1,72B72043_4B1D_4E48_870B_6….jpeg)

File: 88ab8c88d4a3045⋯.png (275.46 KB,568x375,568:375,FEE0EF6D_4C7F_4DDB_B066_BE….png)

File: e7717f9bf38c415⋯.png (1.38 MB,750x1334,375:667,F82FB4D0_7DC5_4696_85F9_5F….png)

File: 72fac0fcf4a2f98⋯.jpeg (91.54 KB,1599x1062,533:354,201FC696_09AC_4405_90B6_2….jpeg)

File: b1219a47025ea78⋯.jpeg (574.08 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,760F9A98_2CE5_4619_A047_B….jpeg)

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015d18 No.21537013


>Yet she leads in nearly every single battleground state.

False. Trump is leading every swing state.

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4f130f No.21537014


>We just want to be sure you know that Q HAS "JEWISH" PEOPLE ON HIS TEAM.

What makes you think I'm not "Jewish" by racial definition? Lizard people is just a nod to people controlled by their lowest possible brain function. Like our former President's that visited Epstein Island.

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eb80df No.21537016


Yeah, another fake narrative like the transgender shooter at the christian school.

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460707 No.21537017

File: 72125f46bf9e425⋯.jpg (56.28 KB,640x640,1:1,72125f46bf9e4253c0b305e0b2….jpg)

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6953d4 No.21537018

























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172f8f No.21537019

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884683 No.21537020



>The copyrighted music loophole.

0 pay

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865406 No.21537021

File: 3b284baf993cde8⋯.webm (1.85 MB,240x240,1:1,basil_poledouris_theology….webm)


Mornin', Swordy.

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c463ee No.21537022

File: 1cfc2dc52ece4a8⋯.mp4 (6.64 MB,460x816,115:204,aPA9A4P_460sv.mp4)

Maduros regime has installed screens in Venezuela showing Maduro battling against evil and satanic Elon Musk as "Super Bigote"

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0764f4 No.21537024


just before a total eclipse

all the animals go to sleep

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e0ebba No.21537025


HA! Sure he is.

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6953d4 No.21537026


>What makes you think I'm not "Jewish" by racial definition? Lizard people is just a nod to people controlled by their lowest possible brain function. Like our former President's that visited Epstein Island.

Thank you… please understand, anti-semites have used "LIZARD PEOPLE" to define people that they did not like for a long time.//

I want you to find somethiing very specific… BLOOD LETTERS, is a great one.//





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2d4f6f No.21537027

File: 51e2634aa28b237⋯.jpg (142.84 KB,500x648,125:162,20240905_082511.jpg)

<when reddit shills bitch about shills


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81f01d No.21537029

File: 64f633f7f1d4676⋯.jpg (16.48 KB,264x299,264:299,AdamSchit.JPG)

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6953d4 No.21537031


>you could post your copyrighted image that you own the copyright for . . . and then if someone else posts it here you would then send a DMCA take down notice to Jim. . .

Why would yo do that..//

Do you think Jim is a bad guy or your servant.//


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6953d4 No.21537033


>Meow. I am the larp



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d8148a No.21537037


I don't really want that persona to do that, anon.

and I would really hate if Jim had to deal with it.

maybe then the fool would finally be banned as an annoyance.

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865406 No.21537038

File: 514859bfefd2065⋯.webm (190.11 KB,1146x480,191:80,silence.webm)


You can IP hop now, AEI.

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6953d4 No.21537040


>Support The Watkins Project #8KUN

Remember this, anons.//

Support this project./

Do you know how luck you are to be here.//


The show is about to start./

Get your seats ready./

When you see the vision pop up./// REMEMBER ME./

I died for this shipl..//




It's so funny when you get here and see we just have to keep going until it's over.//

Justice is a great advantage./


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861cdc No.21537041

File: 9f2233cd52976e2⋯.png (48.38 KB,690x630,23:21,86233305_260D_44DA_A7B5_50….png)

File: 8522a936ea108aa⋯.jpeg (35.25 KB,236x255,236:255,9B6ACC19_FCFA_44F5_8111_0….jpeg)


God bless you Swordy and all onboard.

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460707 No.21537042


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e0ebba No.21537043

File: 322f5f42f88fa2d⋯.png (15.21 KB,604x364,151:91,ClipboardImage.png)

Bye slash faggot.

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d2b401 No.21537044

File: 6832d0e6cac1f4e⋯.gif (1.46 MB,320x320,1:1,copy_7041F79D_2A47_42D6_B3….gif)

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4ab623 No.21537045

RSBN could sell grass fed organic beef burgers and a soda at a rally and make more to fund than begging

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a1f2c4 No.21537047


Interesting that the Flynn bus has been scrubbed from the internet.

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2d4f6f No.21537048

File: 2baecee31cb57f3⋯.gif (1.33 MB,575x431,575:431,20210213_143935.gif)


bernays wept.


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6953d4 No.21537050



Do you think your purge team is stronger that the US INFANTRY DIVISION SENT TO YOU OR THE MARINE CORPS///??



We don't KNOCk, anon./







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c969cf No.21537052

File: 663b0d37ebceed2⋯.png (294.19 KB,667x374,667:374,663b0d37ebceed26c6c8a8d6db….png)

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1d792c No.21537055


>Interesting that the Flynn bus has been scrubbed from the internet.

anon remembers the Dr. Ron Paul delegates buses, being driven around and around and around until the delegates missed their vote.

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cddd77 No.21537056

I have never heard the word Frankist ever in a mainstream interview ever.

This interview is crazy. She a stoney faced savage in this.

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6953d4 No.21537058

Notice how most of the "ANONS" That post PEPES attack JIM, ATTACK Q, ATTACK Q+?//











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5c469c No.21537059

Department of Jews, in mean Justice has zero credibility

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ed980c No.21537061


Hahahaha. Muh no deals. Fuck all the way off qanons

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db9a44 No.21537062

last call


#26384 >>21535914

>>21535928 14-Year-Old Georgia Shooter Identified — Faces Murder Charges, Will Be Tried as an Adult.

>>21536168 The House Education and the Workforce Committee has issued a subpoena for Tim Walz

>>21536233 60 Days to WINNING


>>21536309 Bayesian superyacht victims were trapped alive when ship went down, died of ‘dry drowning’


>>21536397 CHINA PAID FOX'S DOMINION SUIT 3/26/2021: Dominion Sued Fox News for 1.6 BN 3/21/2022: Murdochs, News Corp Take 1.25 BILLION in loans…

>>21536473 Dr. Wallach says doctors cause Alzheimer's when they put patients on low fat diets and cholesterol lowering drugs.


>>21536593 Leaked Disney data reveals financial and strategy secrets

>>21536609 The DOJ has announced that Donald Trump Jr is secretly on the board of a Russian gas company and was advising his father to make pro-Putin policies while he was in office

>>21536611 Air India Boeing 787 makes unscheduled landing in Russia after technical issue


>>21536637 We just sued Judge Merchan and the Ethics Commission for the NY Unified Court System for illegally concealing Judge Merchan’s financial disclosures

>>21536649 US Army opens investigation after American officer stationed in Poland dies: ‘Outstanding leader’

>>21536684, >>21536688, >>21536708 @MelaniaTrump My Story. My Perspective. The Truth.

>>21536707 Apalachee HS "witness" Leyla Sayarath is an actress and is rehearshing her lines on camera.

>>21536750, >>21536751, >>21536775 Swamp Habbenins

>>21536755 Trump on tap today Trump Remarks at the Economic Club of New York 12:00 PM EDT

>>21536759 War Room Morning Edition

>>21536832 QR Banners

>>21536933, >>21536945 Kamala Rally Fuggery - Busses, busses, MOAR BUSSES!

>>21536964 Indecent assault charges against shamed US film mogul Harvey Weinstein are DROPPED

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2d4f6f No.21537063

File: 2a92d003d3a16ce⋯.gif (437 KB,640x640,1:1,20240905_083236.gif)

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6953d4 No.21537065


How much did they past you to post that?//

What is a pst?/

What is a past/?

// Do you know how important it is to have HISTORY.//

Do you know how funny it was when you went to war over. asingle word./

We figured it out a long time ago./ LONG… time ago./

We actually used a DIFFERENT WORD./// There are…. so many./

It's really funny to see what damage you did for no reason… I mean that sarcastically./

Did you hear sarcasms../// WWOPPPS HERE WE GO.///

That's your favourite saying.//

We remember you./

You did it so many years./

Nevr thought to talk to your victem.////

That's what you call tjem./

Rember this post./


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ed980c No.21537066


There hasn’t been any credible digging here in 3 years

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8b8bf3 No.21537067

File: 7ec31704252e957⋯.png (137.35 KB,400x400,1:1,pepe_pissed.png)


[They] are always protecting their own…sick fucks!

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015d18 No.21537071


Yes, he is.

Your Cognitive dissonance can't change reality.

Fake polls overpolling Democrats are not representative of the truth.

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5c469c No.21537073

File: b0075a112636e41⋯.png (5.18 MB,1808x1300,452:325,IMG_6564.png)

File: e4d895d7f86e2b2⋯.png (4.9 MB,1808x1300,452:325,IMG_6547.png)

Das Campaign has hit a reefs

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40984a No.21537074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Oct 14, 2020 1:11:22 PM EDT4855

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 49d14d No. 11068186

Your ability to spread information across the digital battlefield and bypass their control is what they fear [narrative failure] and why they are doing everything in their power to disrupt [false labeling [daily attacks], censorship, termination, gov hearings > foundation to term/censor, etc].

Keep charging, MidNIGHT Riders!


Information Warfare.

Hunters become the Hunted.


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8b8bf3 No.21537075

File: e4701ef582495cf⋯.png (126.02 KB,530x460,53:46,pepe_ponder.png)


>Wonder whats they tryin ta cover up?

Anon wonders if the GA shooter is a "person of color".

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31549e No.21537076

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jun 26, 2020 8:20:15 PM EDT4532

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 1ed764 No. 9760164

As the darkness falls so does our enemies.


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6953d4 No.21537077


>For the Love of [Killing]

Do you think this is a place to organize KILLS/?/

Do you think Q WANTED A PURGE GAME//

Wrong game./

We don't pkay the game./

We don't do the deeds./

We make things happen./

At some universities./

Wehen you know where this one is.///

You'll remember why this post is so important… be cause we sprinnkle some opfor in so you remember what we do here./

Do you remember which team we are./?//


Remember me?/

I am have nothing to do with QANON. THERE IS NO QANONA.


You telled in my ears.///


I remember you./

You remember./

It's almost go time./

That's what you say half the day then you sit in your lazy boy and wince in pain./

That's what happens to those with a plan to steal from us and gain inappropriately./


Good luck getting out of Peneho this time,/





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ab4e1a No.21537079

File: 1ffa8c6939cdbfa⋯.png (567.03 KB,667x419,667:419,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8148a No.21537081


they should have a rule that only electric buses can be used. Isn't that one of the Democrat policies? I know she claims she's not for that.

if they had to use electric buses she'd have NO ONE at her rallies, is my guess.

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6953d4 No.21537082


>There hasn’t been any credible digging here in 3 years

There has because I have seen it./

Keep trying./


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ba7052 No.21537084

File: 44dc7b75582cd00⋯.png (1.71 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


Still digging to find the pony!

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5c469c No.21537085


Harvey was only convicted on 2 felony charges?

Wow, Jew lawyers can suck some serious cock

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8b8bf3 No.21537086

File: 248c169502ff116⋯.jpg (8.5 KB,225x224,225:224,tranny.jpg)

>>21537075 (me)

>if the GA shooter is a "person of color".

Or a tranny.

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510538 No.21537087

File: 769f82017b678c6⋯.png (497.98 KB,656x597,656:597,ClipboardImage.png)


1 month away

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0902aa No.21537089

File: 78bfa86f93cd114⋯.jpg (29.75 KB,255x206,255:206,7dd8e107bb7b98e447e8dc66a8….jpg)

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4ab623 No.21537090

File: 7a538b6ed91080d⋯.jpg (10.79 KB,474x267,158:89,th_2000340012.jpg)

File: 9967f21facbb38b⋯.jpg (74.71 KB,468x691,468:691,article_1388875_0C26F1CB00….jpg)

File: bbe3cca1d6dd510⋯.jpg (672.51 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_073734….jpg)

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c969cf No.21537092

File: 316e5e6df5ae889⋯.gif (780.06 KB,300x226,150:113,Blink.gif)

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1585e7 No.21537094

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q drop derangement syndrome is Curable….

When you think you are an anon but when you are held up to the light you look just like an [anon]! > Q drop derangement syndrome



Q DROP #416 "Soros takes orders from P."

Q DROP #1413 Q names the file image of an Owl "Guardian_P" in a drop about the "Guardian of the Pope".


In essence… long ago Q told anons that the Vatican controlled George Soros and George Soros controls the Democrat Party.

The Vatican controls the Democrats.

Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church

Q Drop #1950

Aug 28, 2018 4:12:23 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 20cc45 No. 2769606



"The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory. The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law."




Sanctuary against criminal prosecution?

Recipe for …….


Godfather III Sig Confirmed: Fight Against Corrupt Elements of the Vatican

Q Drop #1951

Aug 28, 2018 4:27:56 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 469a08 No. 2769865

Aug 28, 2018 4:23:20 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: b80eec No. 2769783





We, the PEOPLE.

-The People (Q)

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6953d4 No.21537096


>[They] are always protecting their own…sick fucks!

Now… this is the best reaction yet./

Thank yuou./

Remember me./

I remember you./

This is important to remember./

You need to remember to help the board./

Clean up the mess.









GO..// no… I am not God./

Remember this post./


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6953d4 No.21537097


Why did you post this.//

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ba7052 No.21537098

File: 05b85770710e4b9⋯.png (936.81 KB,800x533,800:533,ClipboardImage.png)


Endless supply of Spam from you at this buffet!

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6953d4 No.21537100


>Endless supply of Spam from you at this buffet!

I enjoy eating spam… I just don't enjoy reading it.//

What are you contributions to this board anon./

Answer me now./


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cddd77 No.21537103


some, rallies are big, major news breaks anons start digging a bit, commentary and shit posting mostly occasionally some decent memes. Lot of noise, but there is a reason you can never leave. Sticky in the hive.

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4ab623 No.21537106


Why do birds sing so gay?

Why do we fall in love?

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e0ebba No.21537108


He's a shill. Here's a fix for his spam → >>21537043

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bf0f4a No.21537109

File: 82948afb43f35bc⋯.png (888.18 KB,990x1000,99:100,3z3.png)

File: 97c8c2521c50318⋯.gif (5.54 MB,500x353,500:353,000nightshiftpriest.gif)

File: f7bbaaaa28a3b7a⋯.png (1.03 MB,990x1000,99:100,3z4.png)


Dec 21, 2017 8:31:58 PM EST 416

Anonymous ID: deb9fa No. 143329

SOROS takes orders fromP.

You have no idea how sick and evil these people are.

Fight, fight, fight.

Day of days.

Game over.


Feb 10, 2018 5:46:19 AM EST 714

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 567809 No. 325580

Mess with theBEST, die like the rest.

[2] highly classifiedclownops exposed.

[44] remaining.

Wizards & Warlocks.

Save theBESTfor last.



May 17, 2018 8:15:27 PM EDT 1413

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 610b24 No. 1449784


Guardian of thePope.



China's 'Shock' Statement: Palestinians Have Right To Use 'Armed Force' Against Israel

by Tyler Durden Friday, Feb 23, 2024 - 05:00 AM Via Middle East Eye

China has backed the right of the Palestinian people to use armed force to combat Israel's occupation of their land, calling it an "an inalienable right well founded in international law".

The comments on Thursday were made by the Chinese ambassador to the UN, Zhang Jun, during the fourth day of public hearings held by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, Netherlands.

Representatives of 52 countries are addressing the ICJ on Israel's decades-long occupation of Palestinian land.

Beijing’s envoy said there were "various people (who) freed themselves from colonial rule" and they could use "all available means, including armed struggle".

He described the Palestinian use of armed resistance as legitimate and not an act of terrorism.

"The struggle waged by peoples for their liberation, right to self-determination, including armed struggle against colonialism, occupation, aggression, domination against foreign forces should not be considered terror acts," Zhang Jun told the court.

In his speech, Jun criticized Israeli policies, characterizing them as “oppression that has severely undermined and impeded the exercises and full realization of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination".

The ICJ’s public hearings, which will be held until February 26, come after a UN General Assembly resolution requesting an ICJ advisory opinion.

The number of states participating in the oral proceedings is the highest of any case since the ICJ's establishment in 1945 and is separate to the more publicized genocide case brought by South Africa. A panel of 15 judges are expected to take about six months to deliberate before issuing an advisory opinion.

Besides China, other countries scheduled to participate in the hearings include Hungary, France, South Africa and Egypt.

International bodies, including the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the African Union will also take part. Israel will not participate but has sent written observations to the court.


China, Palestinian Authority form 'strategic partnership' to deepen ties


China inks ‘strategic partnership’ with Palestinan Authority as it expands Middle East presence

Published 6:58 AM EDT, June 14, 2023

“We are good friends and partners,” Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is head of the ruling Communist Party, told Abbas at the start of their meeting.

“We have always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights.”


China Inks 'Strategic Partnership' With Palestinian Authority as It Expands Middle East Presence

June 14, 2023 12:45 PM

"China is willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation with the Palestinian side to promote a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue as soon as possible," Xi said.


China signs ‘strategic partnership’ with Palestinian Authority during Abbas visit

President Xi Jinping tells PA leader Beijing has ‘always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights’

By AP 14 June 2023, 3:04 pm


Xi: China willing to help foster Palestinian peacemaking with Israel

June 14, 2023

"The fundamental solution to the Palestinian issue lies in the establishment of an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital," Xi said, according to Chinese state media.


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ba7052 No.21537110

File: 2accf36055ded34⋯.png (2.33 MB,1280x1519,1280:1519,ClipboardImage.png)

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845ca4 No.21537111

File: c381f470a9fa082⋯.gif (135.06 KB,200x150,4:3,000p.gif)

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5c469c No.21537112

File: 76d9750dbaae1a0⋯.jpeg (438.69 KB,1920x1079,1920:1079,IMG_2343.jpeg)


Q team was disbanded after 2018 elections and Trump balked at putting his rich friends in jail

Whom posted after that is a mystery

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c463ee No.21537113

File: 478ece4ba36f570⋯.jpg (126.95 KB,1008x721,144:103,478ece4ba36f5704e027099bd7….jpg)


Whenever we say the word tranny. The vatican shill goes beserk

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845ca4 No.21537114

File: 73f079343a4c926⋯.gif (567.09 KB,500x278,250:139,000wi.gif)

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845ca4 No.21537115

File: aa98d43a0abd407⋯.gif (560.79 KB,250x250,1:1,000m.gif)

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6953d4 No.21537116

Are hand gestures equivilant to words.//?

Did you use an anons gift against me .//

Do you knw how we know.. I move his hand and it said DEAD./

Who wipes their hand to the left to kill people in your clique./

















I Wanted you to know we listen to it all day long.///


















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8b8bf3 No.21537118

File: af3fe87a57c200f⋯.png (182.83 KB,392x300,98:75,pepe_equations.png)


>Whenever we say the word tranny. The vatican shill goes beserk

Hmmmm, maybe he *is* a tranny.

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845ca4 No.21537119

File: 8858216fd0b7724⋯.png (1.92 MB,3020x1058,1510:529,00Q_1002_VATICAN_VIPER_NSA….png)


They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Trump reads "The Snake" poem

CBS News 5.64M subscribers 785,312 views Apr 29, 2017

Trump brought back one of this campaign trail favorites, a poem called "The Snake." The poem tells the story of a woman who takes in a snake, who ends up biting her and telling her "you knew damn well I was a snake before you let me in."


POTUS recites "The Snake" poem too many times to count and yet big deep digging patriots fail to connect the snake poem to the snake/serpent drops and then to the Vatican… and anon is the Shill?

Q Drop search for "Snake" = 1 Drop Q Drop #191 Vatican Serpent/Snake image from "Vatican Greeting/Audience Hall" > "that sum sik shit"

Q Drop search for "Serpent" = 1 Drop Q Drop #4551 Letter from Vatican Cointelpro Traitor Archbishop Vigano

Q Drop search for "Serpent" "Snake" related drops = 1 Drop Q drop #1002 "The Bite that has no Cure - NSA" "If Satanists took over the Vatican > would you notice?"

Apr 03, 2018 9:18:12 PM EDT 1002

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 3474d4 No. 885486

Apr 03, 2018 9:15:43 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: fce0d6 No. 885429



Symbolism will be their downfall.




The BITE that has no CURE - NSA.


The Snake in full:

On her way to work one morning

Down the path alongside the lake

A tender-hearted woman saw a poor half-frozen snake

His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew

“Oh well,” she cried, “I'll take you in and I'll take care of you”

“Take me in oh tender woman

Take me in, for heaven's sake

Take me in oh tender woman,” sighed the snake

She wrapped him up all cozy in a curvature of silk

And then laid him by the fireside with some honey and some milk

Now she hurried home from work that night as soon as she arrived

She found that pretty snake she'd taken in had been revived

“Take me in, oh tender woman

Take me in, for heaven's sake

Take me in oh tender woman,” sighed the snake

Now she clutched him to her bosom, “You're so beautiful,” she cried

“But if I hadn't brought you in by now you might have died”

Now she stroked his pretty skin and then she kissed and held him tight

But instead of saying thanks, that snake gave her a vicious bite

“Take me in, oh tender woman

Take me in, for heaven's sake

Take me in oh tender woman,” sighed the snake

“I saved you,” cried that woman

“And you've bit me even, why?

You know your bite is poisonous and now I'm going to die”

“Oh shut up, silly woman,” said the reptile with a grin

“You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in

”Take me in, oh tender woman

Take me in, for heaven's sake

Take me in oh tender woman,“ sighed the snake

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6953d4 No.21537120


>Why do birds sing so gay?

>Why do we fall in love?


Are you an AI/?/

Where di d you get those questions from./?


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015d18 No.21537121

File: 927abfe83158c01⋯.png (747.51 KB,666x680,333:340,ClipboardImage.png)

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1cef35 No.21537122

it's the jews.

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cddd77 No.21537123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is the big news this morning

DOJ official sayings charges on trump stacked and more on crowder undercover video


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845ca4 No.21537124

File: 8e6e39e831aef91⋯.jpg (77.41 KB,500x750,2:3,ru86.jpg)

File: 221096839ac0506⋯.gif (461.37 KB,220x169,220:169,4i.gif)

File: 07884996402b472⋯.jpg (75.26 KB,640x960,2:3,53f29f6370eb79271c497c9888….jpg)

File: 7e263ab9bdc3cab⋯.jpg (106.12 KB,750x499,750:499,000ohiddefinately.jpg)

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015d18 No.21537125

File: c97c78e40ee5066⋯.png (937.33 KB,680x601,680:601,ClipboardImage.png)

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ba7052 No.21537126

File: 6a773af2c710578⋯.png (257.44 KB,474x316,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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845ca4 No.21537127

File: 2312f66eb62208b⋯.gif (80.44 KB,592x415,592:415,4fb.gif)

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e0ebba No.21537128


"Jets for me……..but not for thee"

These people believe that those laws are only for the common folk, and not themselves.

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cddd77 No.21537129


stacked charges, the entire NYC case just got destroyed

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f02157 No.21537130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


1Pe_1:2 ElectG1588 accordingG2596 to the foreknowledgeG4268 of GodG2316 the Father,G3962 throughG1722 sanctificationG38 of the Spirit,G4151 untoG1519 obedienceG5218 andG2532 sprinklingG4473 of the bloodG129 of JesusG2424 Christ:G5547 GraceG5485 unto you,G5213 andG2532 peace,G1515 be multiplied.G4129

1Pe_3:11 Let him eschewG1578 evil,G2556 andG2532 doG4160 good;G18 let him seekG2212 peace,G1515 andG2532 ensueG1377 it.G846

1Pe_5:14 GreetG782 ye one anotherG240 withG1722 a kissG5370 of charity.G26 PeaceG1515 be with youG5213 allG3956 thatG3588 are inG1722 ChristG5547 Jesus.G2424 Amen.G281

2Pe_1:2 GraceG5485 andG2532 peaceG1515 be multipliedG4129 unto youG5213 throughG1722 the knowledgeG1922 of God,G2316 andG2532 of JesusG2424 ourG2257 Lord,G2962

2Pe_3:14 Wherefore,G1352 beloved,G27 seeing that ye look forG4328 such things,G5023 be diligentG4704 that ye may be foundG2147 of himG846 inG1722 peace,G1515 without spot,G784 andG2532 blameless.G298

peace is potus late@RSBN?

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1aee8d No.21537131

File: e6bf52681618834⋯.png (95.78 KB,426x347,426:347,Screenshot_2024_09_04_2255….png)


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845ca4 No.21537132

File: 7526f4f0ca170d7⋯.mp4 (795.43 KB,504x270,28:15,7526f4f0ca170d79dc21e49c90….mp4)

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db9a44 No.21537133



#26384 >>21535914

>>21535928 14-Year-Old Georgia Shooter Identified — Faces Murder Charges, Will Be Tried as an Adult.

>>21536168 The House Education and the Workforce Committee has issued a subpoena for Tim Walz

>>21536233 60 Days to WINNING


>>21536309 Bayesian superyacht victims were trapped alive when ship went down, died of ‘dry drowning’


>>21536397 CHINA PAID FOX'S DOMINION SUIT 3/26/2021: Dominion Sued Fox News for 1.6 BN 3/21/2022: Murdochs, News Corp Take 1.25 BILLION in loans…

>>21536473 Dr. Wallach says doctors cause Alzheimer's when they put patients on low fat diets and cholesterol lowering drugs.


>>21536593 Leaked Disney data reveals financial and strategy secrets

>>21536609 The DOJ has announced that Donald Trump Jr is secretly on the board of a Russian gas company and was advising his father to make pro-Putin policies while he was in office

>>21536611 Air India Boeing 787 makes unscheduled landing in Russia after technical issue


>>21536637 We just sued Judge Merchan and the Ethics Commission for the NY Unified Court System for illegally concealing Judge Merchan’s financial disclosures

>>21536649 US Army opens investigation after American officer stationed in Poland dies: ‘Outstanding leader’

>>21536684, >>21536688, >>21536708 @MelaniaTrump My Story. My Perspective. The Truth.

>>21536707 Apalachee HS "witness" Leyla Sayarath is an actress and is rehearshing her lines on camera.

>>21536750, >>21536751, >>21536775 Swamp Habbenins

>>21536755 Trump on tap today Trump Remarks at the Economic Club of New York 12:00 PM EDT

>>21536759 War Room Morning Edition

>>21536832 QR Banners

>>21536933, >>21536945 Kamala Rally Fuggery - Busses, busses, MOAR BUSSES!

>>21536964 Indecent assault charges against shamed US film mogul Harvey Weinstein are DROPPED

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845ca4 No.21537134

File: 9c412e298e31e8c⋯.gif (211.64 KB,220x197,220:197,000q.gif)

A Few Drops will suffice & A dab will do [ya]!

What the Drops Imply that [they] do not want (you) to know and/or discuss and most certainly not Drive your Research

Q DROP #2 Implies that The Plan was never Republican V Democrat.

Q DROP #95 Implies that The Plan will culminate in Military Tribunals in the U.S., Asia and EU and that a [Purge] has already occurred in Saudi Arabia.

Q DROP #133 Implies that the Vatican is at the center of the Deep State Pyramid. The Vatican is the Eye of Providence and many world governments Feed the Eye.

Q DROP #133 Implies that Satan does not Exist.

Q DROP's #154, 306, 307 & 308 Imply that the Vatican Financed the 9-11 terror attack.

Q DROP #1941 "Nazism" was never destroyed and it is but a finger attached to a hand. Study the History and it is easy to [SEE] that the Vatican is the Hand.

Q DROP #1950 was titled "Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church" on the OG Q drop site called QMAP.PUB and Q never said anything derogatory about the drop titles.

Q DROP #1951 was titled "Godfather III sig confirmed: Fight Against Corrupt Elements of the Vatican".

Q DROP'S #87 , 88, 95 and 3565 Imply that the Vatican will be subject to a Military Tribunal.

Q DROP'S #111, 114 and 2442 Imply that the Savior's of mankind is not "Jesus", "Muhammad", "Krishna" or "The Buddha" but POTUS, The U.S. Military and You the Patriots ie: WE THE PEOPLE.

Q DROP'S #416, 1413 & 3749 Imply that George Soros works for P, Guardian_P or Guardian of the Pope & lastly that [GS] controls the Democrat Party. Thus, the Vatican controls the Democrat Party.

Q DROP'S #416, 1413 & 3749 Imply that George Soros works for P, Guardian_P or Guardian of the Pope & lastly that [GS] controls the Democrat Party. Thus, the MG SHOW/INTHEMATRIXXX [P = PAYSEUR] is Vatican Gatekeeping.

Q DROP'S #997, 998 & 999 P = [Pope]

Q DROP'S #376, 2222, 2225 and 4966 Zero doubt about the existence of extraterrestrial species which is a direct threat to most if not all world Religions and [Their] hold over the mind's of mankind.

Q DROP'S #1926, 2171, 3038, 3613, 3721, 3858, 3905, 3906, 4491, 4535, 4553, 4602 and the "Precipice" at 4408 directly Imply that Dogma ie: "Religion" is directly opposed to logic, reason and Free Thought.

Lurk long and hard and you will come to find that [they] only talk about the Drops if they can avoid the Vatican and/or spin and twist it so the Vatican itself does not appear suspect.

It is fine with [them] if you wish to blame everything on Francis or some dead pope but not the Vatican as a whole and please never research Jesuitism!

Who killed Lincoln?

Why did the U.S. have no Vatican Relations for 117 years? 1984 and Reagan ring any bells?

Who killed Kennedy?

Is it a Coincidence that the Second Roman Catholic U.S. President is Joe Biden?

Did Trump say that Joe Biden was the worst U.S. President ever?

Do you really enjoy Coincidences?

How many U.S. Supreme Court Justices are Roman Catholic?

What % of the U.S. is Roman Catholic?

Did General Flynn suggest that the U.S. should have One Official State Religion?

And what Religion would that be considering that Gen Flynn is a Roman Catholic?

Oh the fun and merriment of being a Patriot is never ending.


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015d18 No.21537135

File: 1f70a21014cb189⋯.mp4 (338.28 KB,638x360,319:180,ssstwitter_com_17255141226….mp4)

Tim Walz in 2018 saying on camera he would facilitate illegal immigration into America if there was money to be made

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28477f No.21537136


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420f8b No.21537138

File: 183f1b130794cf2⋯.png (404.22 KB,874x1066,437:533,000000butwhenanondob.png)

A Few Drops will suffice & A dab will do [ya]!

What the Drops Imply that [they] do not want (you) to know and/or discuss and most certainly not Drive your Research

Q DROP #2 Implies that The Plan was never Republican V Democrat.

Q DROP #95 Implies that The Plan will culminate in Military Tribunals in the U.S., Asia and EU and that a [Purge] has already occurred in Saudi Arabia.

Q DROP #133 Implies that the Vatican is at the center of the Deep State Pyramid. The Vatican is the Eye of Providence and many world governments Feed the Eye.

Q DROP #133 Implies that Satan does not Exist.

Q DROP's #154, 306, 307 & 308 Imply that the Vatican Financed the 9-11 terror attack.

Q DROP #1941 "Nazism" was never destroyed and it is but a finger attached to a hand. Study the History and it is easy to [SEE] that the Vatican is the Hand.

Q DROP #1950 was titled "Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church" on the OG Q drop site called QMAP.PUB and Q never said anything derogatory about the drop titles.

Q DROP #1951 was titled "Godfather III sig confirmed: Fight Against Corrupt Elements of the Vatican".

Q DROP'S #87 , 88, 95 and 3565 Imply that the Vatican will be subject to a Military Tribunal.

Q DROP'S #111, 114 and 2442 Imply that the Savior's of mankind is not "Jesus", "Muhammad", "Krishna" or "The Buddha" but POTUS, The U.S. Military and You the Patriots ie: WE THE PEOPLE.

Q DROP'S #416, 1413 & 3749 Imply that George Soros works for P, Guardian_P or Guardian of the Pope & lastly that [GS] controls the Democrat Party. Thus, the Vatican controls the Democrat Party.

Q DROP'S #416, 1413 & 3749 Imply that George Soros works for P, Guardian_P or Guardian of the Pope & lastly that [GS] controls the Democrat Party. Thus, the MG SHOW/INTHEMATRIXXX [P = PAYSEUR] is Vatican Gatekeeping.

Q DROP'S #997, 998 & 999 P = [Pope]

Q DROP'S #376, 2222, 2225 and 4966 Zero doubt about the existence of extraterrestrial species which is a direct threat to most if not all world Religions and [Their] hold over the mind's of mankind.

Q DROP'S #1926, 2171, 3038, 3613, 3721, 3858, 3905, 3906, 4491, 4535, 4553, 4602 and the "Precipice" at 4408 directly Imply that Dogma ie: "Religion" is directly opposed to logic, reason and Free Thought.

Lurk long and hard and you will come to find that [they] only talk about the Drops if they can avoid the Vatican and/or spin and twist it so the Vatican itself does not appear suspect.

It is fine with [them] if you wish to blame everything on Francis or some dead pope but not the Vatican as a whole and please never research Jesuitism!

Who killed Lincoln?

Why did the U.S. have no Vatican Relations for 117 years? 1984 and Reagan ring any bells?

Who killed Kennedy?

Is it a Coincidence that the Second Roman Catholic U.S. President is Joe Biden?

Did Trump say that Joe Biden was the worst U.S. President ever?

Do you really enjoy Coincidences?

How many U.S. Supreme Court Justices are Roman Catholic?

What % of the U.S. is Roman Catholic?

Did General Flynn suggest that the U.S. should have One Official State Religion?

And what Religion would that be considering that Gen Flynn is a Roman Catholic?

Oh the fun and merriment of being a Patriot is never ending.


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6953d4 No.21537139


>He's a shill. Here's a fix for his spam → >>21537043

Not all messages are for anons.

This one is for you.

Remember this post.

I talked to you all night once and you told me the words that I never thought would come out of a fathers mouth.

I want you to remember, I saw you put them there.

I am not a shill.

I do not get paid.

You will see how this works soon enough.

Did you feel that… BUBBUH.// are you a 7 year old girl..///



Why do you think adding characters help you.?///

// THINK/.












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ab4e1a No.21537141

File: 96b97c22d972aca⋯.png (688.04 KB,500x522,250:261,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 698b98ed1eab473⋯.png (570.08 KB,500x530,50:53,ClipboardImage.png)


ever wondered why?

could it be that it is tranamie faggot.?

gets mixed up every now and than.

watch for the words comfy, benis and red and blue plus dark black text combined.

he is a schizo who gets his persona's streams twisted sometimes.

could even be the b.v ..

many such hats.

Patterns and 305 ticks which show


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420f8b No.21537142

File: 8b41d07307c8606⋯.gif (5.96 MB,400x300,4:3,01n.gif)

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6953d4 No.21537143



This word does not make you a brother.

Remember this post./

You hurt too many people./



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420f8b No.21537145

File: e942e59832be772⋯.png (110.84 KB,666x666,1:1,000001.png)

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db9a44 No.21537146

File: a5abf3f82d46baf⋯.png (739.22 KB,1080x720,3:2,a5abf3f82d46baf6f877aea1e0….png)

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884683 No.21537147





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6953d4 No.21537150


Remember this post./

You are threatening people you don't know. AGAIN./

Do you do research./

Do you think your battle just equates to posting stupid pictures./

What are you doing here./

This is to research FOR Q.






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ac2258 No.21537151

File: 2b5c3ced0dff1c2⋯.jpeg (106.75 KB,1080x1193,1080:1193,1583105397.jpeg)

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4ab623 No.21537152

File: c6c6cc00dcddced⋯.jpg (26.16 KB,624x415,624:415,4065052_624x415_2765871143.jpg)

Win. Der

W. his. ker?

Who's _per?


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420f8b No.21537154

File: c678a4c635424c5⋯.gif (1.44 MB,320x240,4:3,01v.gif)

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db9a44 No.21537155

File: ab941174ed81492⋯.jpeg (46.92 KB,299x168,299:168,ab941174ed814929157f606b8….jpeg)

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6953d4 No.21537156


>>>21537139 (You)



I am not at all like you, I am more psychologically stable than an OX.

What is an OX.///

Think anon.

Use your mind.

Stop hiveminding./


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420f8b No.21537157

File: 945fd91e208b316⋯.gif (465.49 KB,450x600,3:4,01s5.gif)

Where are you?




Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?


Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.



Aug 16, 2018 12:38:24 PM EDT1908

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 No. 2628352

Ask yourself simple questions.

If ES was trying to travel to UIO from HKG.

Why would he route through Russia?

How many direct flights (per day) from HKG to UIO?

What if Russia was the original target?

Ask yourself, would you NOT want to be at your preferred destination PRIOR TO going public?

Logical thinking.


Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.




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db9a44 No.21537159

File: 38c199a6fd581ac⋯.png (742.67 KB,964x547,964:547,Screenshot_2024_06_30_at_0….png)

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015d18 No.21537161


no, it's you

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db9a44 No.21537162

File: 65d7e97137a3c34⋯.jpg (112.48 KB,1008x435,336:145,voted.jpg)

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ab4e1a No.21537165

File: 132ecbb2322d415⋯.png (667.26 KB,556x500,139:125,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2691ff73f22c390⋯.png (503.56 KB,455x455,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)




lets not forget doge

uses a.i memes and dog images.

plenty of dogs getting killed in turkey.

coming this christmas to the usa and beyond.

btw dog comms is George Bush Sr aka c.i.a

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db9a44 No.21537166

File: 84a024d955dc15b⋯.jpg (98.87 KB,840x480,7:4,84a024d955dc15b533e7eb6d2c….jpg)

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