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be2830 No.21239394 [Last50 Posts]

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be2830 No.21239395

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be2830 No.21239397


#26030 >>21238652

>>21238967 LIVE: Day Four 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin - 7/18/24

>>21238944, >>21239045 The official RNC schedule lists Trump's speaking time as 9:09pm CT / 10:09pm ET - Q post w/ Mickey clock was 10:09

>>21238753 Alina Habba @ RNC describes an experience with Trump

>>21239251, >>21239260, >>21239303, >>21239325, >>21239362, >>21239267, >>21239301 Hulk Hogan @ RNC

>>21239330 Pastor @ RNC

>>21238695, >>21239152 Who shot the assassin dead, and from where?

>>21238782 Trump shooter Thomas Crooks had “3 encrypted overseas accounts”

>>21239032 (July 5, 2024) Sam Bankman-Fried’s Campaign Spending Spree Was a Family Affair

>>21238805, >>21238833, >>21238946, >>21239054, >>21239155 Explosion in Tel Aviv near several Embassies and Diplomatic Sites

>>21238958 Team JD Vance Begin Announcing Policy Proposals, Starting with Elon Inspired Carbon Taxes

>>21238980 For the first time in a long time: A number of Russian military ships entered the Red Sea and conducted large-scale military exercises

>>21239160 The largest housing provider for unaccompanied migrant children has been accused of molesting the children in their care

>>21239241 Secret Service Whistleblowers Emerge Following Trump Assassination Attempt

>>21238906, >>21238998, >>21239007 Memes

>>21239381 #26030

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be2830 No.21239399

#26029 >>21237866

>>21238350 LIVE: Day Four 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin - 7/18/24

>>21238246, >>21238257, >>21238426 Trump introduced @ 7:53 (to speak @ ~9:09 EST)

>>21237894 Dasting J13 video angle

>>21237905 Banks in China beginning to collapse, domino effect will cause others to follow

>>21237962 The FBI just declined a request by Congress for FBI Director Christopher Wray to testify next week re: J13

>>21237976, >>21238090 Today The King received Zelenskyy following the European Political Community meeting at Blenheim Palace

>>21238067, >>21238075 Trumpo: BOOOOOOOM!!!

>>21238086 PF: 45 in N757AF 757 on descent and should be on ground in about 15 minutes at Milwaukee-Mitchell Intl

>>21238110 J13 analysis by anon of halfchan

>>21238172 Qpost #97: 187, position / ear

>>21238286 Analysis of the new POTUS order delegating to SecDef

>>21238359 Elon reacts to this news from a year ago

>>21238394 Fox reports that Cheetos met with Trump yesterday while she was at the RNC

>>21238436, >>21238521, >>21238567, >>21238570 Alex Soros glass bullet hole comms related to assassination attempt?

>>21238506 Blinken: It has been 30 years since the Iran-backed Hizballah bombing of the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina

>>21238610 Whistleblowers come forward on Trump rally security, Judiciary Committee says

>>21237906, >>21237945, >>21237960, >>21237965, >>21238183, >>21238273, >>21238452 Memes

>>21238634 #26029

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be2830 No.21239402

#26028 >>21237076

>>21237349 LIVE: The Republican National Convention Night 4 Coverage

>>21237676 Speaker Lineup: Final night of RNC 2024

>>21237119, >>21237273 Popular streamer Destiny: "I've moved full on to the political violence level when it comes to conservative people"

>>21237141 Is Chinese Investor Hunter Biden Receiving Classified Information At The White House?

>>21237145 Iconic conservative commentator Lou Dobbs dies at 78

>>21237173 “Half An Inch From CIVIL WAR” Patrick Bet-David x Kari Lake

>>21237162, >>21237508, >>21237259, >>21237354, >>21237385, >>21237352, >>21237721 Drone near the water tower theory

>>21237213, >>21237263 Another angle (shots sounded closeby)

>>21237232 Jake Tapper is over Biden

>>21237233 CIA says it gave false information to Congress about ‘Spies Who Lie’

>>21237245, >>21237256 Arizona: Today, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of election integrity

>>21237281 FBI terror bun

>>21237285 Chris Wallace, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash were all confronted last night at the RNC convention by @sav_says_

>>21237341 @newtgingrich: We are watching a slow motion coup d’etat in the Democratic Party

>>21237344, >>21237465, >>21237386, >>21237760, >>21237567 All hell is breaking loose in Leeds after British police are forced to retreat

>>21237381 Press release issued by the White House on the 9th last week worth digging

>>21237394 @DanScavino

>>21237400 An abstract visualization of July 13

>>21237470, >>21237677 Biden’s Zoom call from hell: ‘… even worse than the debate’…

>>21237485 PF: 45 in N757AF 757 departed Newark Intl for Milwaukee-Mitchell Intl for tonight’s acceptance speech

>>21237513 Whistleblowers come forward on Trump rally security, Judiciary Committee says

>>21237571 Kid Rock to be at the RNC tonight

>>21237701 Biden: Unity may be one of our most elusive goals, but I firmly believe nothing is as important

>>21237719 When the roof is too steep for Snipers, but safe for water hose and cleansing of evidence

>>21237742 Biden CRUMBLES During LIVE INTERVIEW: Calls Defense Secretary 'THE BLACK MAN!'

>>21237748 Top Biden Campaign Advisor Joyce Beatty says, “We are going to Make America Great Again”

>>21237755 The FBI has conducted a search of Thomas Crooks’ cell phone and internet devices to gather a better picture of his motive

>>21237768 @MarkHalperin on Newsmax says President Joe Biden has already agreed to step down which can happen as early as this weekend

>>21237806 Transassin?

>>21237844 Mil / Misc. tweets and decodes

>>21237262, >>21237396, >>21237510, >>21237580, >>21237673, >>21237725, >>21237739, >>21237767, >>21237811 Memes

>>21237856 #26028

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be2830 No.21239405

#26027 >>21236309

>>21236541 LIVE: Day Four 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin - 7/18/24

>>21236718 Elon Musk will be speaking at the RNC Convention tonight (any other sauce on this?)

>>21236372, >>21236401 New angle: the nearby Church tower? (Vance mentioned cemetary last night during speech)

>>21236708 Moar angles

>>21236941 Another video has surfaced that has a quick view of the water tower right before the trump shooting (behind stage perspective)

>>21236395 Sidley Austin = Yields Austin (Wealth Company)

>>21236399 Rep. Cory Mills has done thousands of counter-operations, says July 13th is intentional, not fecklessness

>>21236697 Timeline of Trump Assassination Attempt

>>21236704, >>21236468, >>21236553, >>21236730 Shill alert: Fake July 13 video circulating

>>21236328, >>21236940 NORAD announced that aerospace officials intercepted an aircraft on Tuesday afternoon in Milwaukee (RNC)

>>21236370 Tucker interviews Cernovich: Epstein, Demons & Spirituality, and Feds Embedded in the Conservative Movement

>>21236421 A FOIA request filed by Fernando Morais reveals the US gov has monitored Lula for 53 years, with 7 agencies producing 819 reports

>>21236456 What's going on here with Joe?

>>21236464 Reports indicate at least one dead, possibly two and two others injured in a shooting in SE Washington DC this morning

>>21236492 Millionaire Miami developer Sergio Pino's warped plan before he shot himself dead during FBI raid

>>21236515 (2020) Blackstone to Acquire Ancestry, Leading Online Family History Business, for $4.7 Billion

>>21236547 Biden Voter Fraud Busted… Democrats Caught Using SAME Voter Fraud Playbook From 2020

>>21236608 PF: This is the second time that Gitmo express visited Port-au-Prince, now on its way back to base….

>>21236671 AG Andrew Bailey: The Court granted our emergency motion to BLOCK Joe Biden’s entire illegal student loan plan

>>21236706 Netanyahu's 'Wing of Zion' plane's windshield cracks mid-flight

>>21236751 DJT: The Great Lou Dobbs has just passed away — A friend, and truly incredible Journalist, Reporter, and Talent

>>21236796 Comedian Bob Newhart dies at age 94

>>21236797, >>21236814 Islamists & Romanians Riot In Leeds As Police Run Away

>>21236836 Memo From WH Delegating Presidential Powers And Authority To Others?

>>21236876 New White House Doctor Sadly Informs Biden Only Cure for COVID is Euthanasia

>>21236892 Nine members of high-risk drug trafficking organisations arrested in Montenegro

>>21236932 Scavino: @MAGA

>>21236969, >>21236984 Russian TV Interview with Victoria Nuland, says "Trump Will Not Be President" Days before Assassination Attempt

>>21237021 Donald Trump Jr.: 6 pm ET/5pm CT on Rumble Hulk Hogan live!

>>21237049 Mil / Misc. tweets and decodes

>>21236406, >>21236662, >>21236677, >>21236695, >>21236764, >>21236811, >>21236898, >>21237053 Memes

>>21237063 #26027

Previously Collected

>>21234747 #26024, >>21235506 #26025, >>21236286 #26026

>>21232282 #26021, >>21233085 #26022, >>21234295 #26023

>>21229977 #26018, >>21230723 #26019, >>21231494 #26020

>>21227701 #26015, >>21228459 #26016, >>21230880 #26017

>>21225085 #26012, >>21225928 #26013, >>21226814 #26014

>>21222807 #26009, >>21223525 #26010, >>21224326 #26011

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Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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be2830 No.21239407

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



can continue or defer

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c319b6 No.21239415

File: 624adcd8dee4bbd⋯.jpeg (602.23 KB,741x825,247:275,IMG_8485.jpeg)

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b20f77 No.21239425

File: 3b4e1c00535b57b⋯.png (970.67 KB,1080x1102,540:551,3b4e1c00535b57b21132992f36….png)

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80d27b No.21239427

File: 3419013ff8652d0⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB,720x734,360:367,earpierce.mp4)

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ce13c3 No.21239430


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40fc7d No.21239437


Thank you Mr. Bakes!

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375a5f No.21239438

File: c83687c2d4da8ae⋯.jpg (56.44 KB,593x399,593:399,Biden_is_not_leaving.JPG)

Biden campaign co-chair calls rumors that Joe Biden may exit the race “absolutely false”


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76cff5 No.21239439

File: 81419cf35e50e92⋯.jpg (78.44 KB,537x640,537:640,FLOTUSgreen.jpg)

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fad689 No.21239440

File: 58dcb3822ce12c3⋯.png (104.98 KB,529x555,529:555,ClipboardImage.png)

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d90d99 No.21239441

File: 27bd08dc1791943⋯.png (656.42 KB,859x595,859:595,ClipboardImage.png)

Eyes wide open during prayer?

Eyes on

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2670ac No.21239448

File: ab2bb865da71c88⋯.png (916.09 KB,948x589,948:589,assassdoughpost.png)

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ce13c3 No.21239449

File: e8e166f7d505084⋯.png (424.68 KB,648x582,108:97,e8e166f7d505084ea7054130c1….png)

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a4083a No.21239453

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f5f803 No.21239454

File: b34ccc8e1ae7080⋯.png (841.79 KB,630x900,7:10,ClipboardImage.png)

Embarrassingly, I assumed this was parody. But it’s real. Latest state media report is that Secret Service is more upset about criticism of its hiring programs focused on things other than merit than it is that it allowed an assassination attempt of President Trump on its watch.


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d90d99 No.21239455

File: 418532101efd5ba⋯.png (671.32 KB,1336x663,1336:663,Left_Eye_MARKER.png)

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95be47 No.21239456

File: 3da6285a3f259ec⋯.jpg (438.28 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,00trumpbiz_superJumbo_2.jpg)

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77f727 No.21239457


Someones gotta keep watch…

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2cafb0 No.21239458

File: f206bf55197e6df⋯.jpg (46.5 KB,750x494,375:247,nzsxdothew.jpg)

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6bdc5f No.21239459

File: e39511cb299b318⋯.png (2 MB,1080x763,1080:763,bidan_statement_soup.png)

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31330e No.21239460

Kmart trannys must pay for deodorant tho

steelin luub is machin butgina grosse weider uber alles heimat mensch schwules

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a4083a No.21239461


saw that

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e4fc07 No.21239462

File: 7802e82771334ad⋯.mp4 (9.8 MB,1920x804,160:67,5n34643564.mp4)



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19fe46 No.21239463

The theatrics are a little much Eric. Be human

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4507aa No.21239464

File: 54767cb398948b0⋯.jpg (38.2 KB,472x344,59:43,54767cb398948b02ad258ef370….jpg)

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b136d5 No.21239465

Vance and Jared look sour

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6e0a02 No.21239466

File: 4fa87db851341ab⋯.png (539.76 KB,680x382,340:191,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2133a65a1c5621b⋯.png (699.3 KB,644x680,161:170,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 023c87a11aa6b4c⋯.gif (8.11 MB,600x338,300:169,night_train_2.gif)

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fad689 No.21239467

File: 106cfe2495cfeba⋯.png (348.1 KB,564x286,282:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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03f945 No.21239468

File: a48d09a0728b44a⋯.jpg (91.64 KB,737x560,737:560,ALLEY_CAT.jpg)

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80d27b No.21239469

File: c8f8ca07a1a113d⋯.mp4 (6.3 MB,576x1024,9:16,DougMills.mp4)

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55aa64 No.21239470

File: 3e730ea9d8ff9ea⋯.jpg (37.6 KB,760x328,95:41,hefights.jpg)


TY, baker.

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77f727 No.21239472


Are they appalled they let the President get shot?

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2fe7a4 No.21239473

Deepstate pedos and LEOs eating bullets en

Masse, it's over a tidal wave of pedo brain matter being blasted out across the DS pedostate,

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58b33e No.21239474

File: aa161d0072cfb33⋯.jpg (209.9 KB,1024x683,1024:683,media_GS0HBBRW0AAsx2T.jpg)

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cebe8b No.21239475


She's blowing hubby's cover.

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54fe60 No.21239476


head of SS is currently a person of Interest in a Presidential Assassination plot. Why is she not in custody?

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80d27b No.21239477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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11a60b No.21239478

File: 89c20e7d0649271⋯.png (758.71 KB,742x863,742:863,ClipboardImage.png)

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9b5179 No.21239479

File: f2f16aa12ab2e56⋯.jpeg (179.73 KB,1130x1216,565:608,f2f16aa12ab2e5613b3c61eca….jpeg)


>SS is appalled

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e6717b No.21239480

My grandmother would still be crying from that Hogan speech if she were living.

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03a013 No.21239481

File: 610620ef6c51eb8⋯.png (1.88 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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92b99c No.21239482

File: 72d18b6d5690772⋯.png (20.44 KB,507x217,507:217,Q_Post_813_You_Are_Watchin….png)

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31330e No.21239483

Kart tranny abusin corndogs in locker ruum on lunch hour all liberaltodid AF

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40fc7d No.21239484

File: 90ce188ec002b28⋯.png (238.84 KB,568x393,568:393,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87a14fbb9b3c28d⋯.png (920.01 KB,903x806,903:806,ClipboardImage.png)

I mean WTF……….is this really a movie?

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b20f77 No.21239485

File: ff9f26ab971cbf1⋯.jpg (66.26 KB,400x400,1:1,rekt.jpg)


>Secret Service is more upset about criticism of its hiring programs focused on things other than merit than it is that it allowed an assassination attempt of President Trump on its watch

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6ddaed No.21239486

You might not like everyone at this RNC, but every single person there has fallen in line to support President Trump.


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6bdc5f No.21239487

File: 9931021ed0c000c⋯.png (1.15 MB,1035x1026,115:114,super_trump.png)

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12f996 No.21239488



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80d27b No.21239489

File: 4fdf6fa38952be6⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB,460x258,230:129,fireawarningshotimmediatel….mp4)

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fad689 No.21239490




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42d644 No.21239491

File: aa5598b90af1b77⋯.mp4 (5.83 MB,1280x720,16:9,DJT_JDV_2024_meme.mp4)

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8453f6 No.21239492

File: 8c62a9c53aeeefe⋯.png (134.29 KB,500x325,20:13,8c62a9c53aeeefe17a68aac7ba….png)

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2fe7a4 No.21239493

File: 6ef6ad420be18b7⋯.jpeg (101.09 KB,828x518,414:259,4A195A11_8F96_4EF1_AA39_E….jpeg)

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fad689 No.21239494

File: ed254af3634cdbe⋯.jpg (15.84 KB,244x255,244:255,BidenBrawndo.jpg)

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de735d No.21239495

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b5f56b No.21239496

go eric love u bro beer at the parade

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80d27b No.21239497

File: 9d9eb5b80e00be2⋯.mp4 (738.44 KB,480x270,16:9,morediversity.mp4)

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d542c7 No.21239498

File: 62803e81a0916e8⋯.png (3.9 MB,2048x1330,1024:665,17234547171776777559202229….png)


ty baker

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864000 No.21239499


Or it's a perp walk.

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b20f77 No.21239502

File: 2a7a3384eb32ae8⋯.png (328.25 KB,576x735,192:245,topkek_obama.png)

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f0737f No.21239503


Fake and gay ass AI generated click bate shit.

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6a2e22 No.21239504

File: 9171bd607db0d95⋯.png (1.57 MB,1280x771,1280:771,ClipboardImage.png)

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3a56ac No.21239505

File: 804b9456863c1dd⋯.png (358.29 KB,535x466,535:466,ClipboardImage.png)

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de735d No.21239506

File: 16331f9882e98da⋯.png (1.95 MB,993x1500,331:500,ClipboardImage.png)

Midas Touch

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d80dc2 No.21239507

File: 80292fd47e71e93⋯.png (1.29 MB,1092x1068,91:89,80292fd47e71e933220f564904….png)

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da1c72 No.21239508

Trump dies and Biden stays in.

Trump lived so Biden has to go.

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b136d5 No.21239509


>go eric

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80d27b No.21239510

File: 27ff432c2cef237⋯.mp4 (343.79 KB,640x360,16:9,putinbettingonsurprise.mp4)

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e6717b No.21239511


Fucking absolutely fucking insanely perfect.

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03f945 No.21239512

File: f93c819200e6ae8⋯.jpg (120.29 KB,514x632,257:316,A_LIST.jpg)

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9aaf41 No.21239513


The Secret Service had one job and they blew it. Maybe it's time to fire the bitches and get back to basics like they did at Dealey Plaza.

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d028d4 No.21239514

File: e89b02494b72946⋯.png (667.25 KB,1057x652,1057:652,Screenshot_20240718_184808….png)

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4507aa No.21239515

File: cc1da511b4d2650⋯.png (646.74 KB,641x650,641:650,cc1da511b4d265055c1899dab7….png)


>SS is "appalled"


(i'd change it if I could. just can't)

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e4fc07 No.21239517

File: d86bbccc45987ba⋯.png (172.38 KB,664x723,664:723,tremtetreer.PNG)

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b847d8 No.21239518

File: d6ee8a11ca85197⋯.webm (1.57 MB,792x444,66:37,Z8Vqfgned5Z681dW.webm)



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8453f6 No.21239519


Secret Service DEI Head?!

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6bdc5f No.21239520

File: 4b110e87fc0d508⋯.gif (8.87 MB,720x705,48:47,pepe_sword.gif)

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9595b8 No.21239521

File: 9085d9af6936368⋯.webm (1.07 MB,460x816,115:204,aQzxxxW_460svvp9.webm)

Damnit. Man are getting replaced

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fad689 No.21239522


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54fe60 No.21239523


being a professional cameraman he'd need fast shutters and would likely set camera to shutter priority as any image with motion blur is unusable commercially.

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58204b No.21239524


The public is "appalled" the Secret Service is subverting security of POTUS safety for the sake of virtue signalling their sexism.

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2e48bb No.21239525

Eric Trump is best Trump offspring. He will be 48th POTUS.

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b20f77 No.21239527

File: b3eec30274b4fa0⋯.png (824.24 KB,967x1020,967:1020,wewin.PNG)

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6e0390 No.21239528


they are appalled that Trump did not get his brains blown out, as per their plan

dis why dey mad

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b136d5 No.21239529

Vance body language is faggit

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194fb7 No.21239530



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56c782 No.21239531


Are you blind? Did you not notice the demeanor change with President Trump from Hulk Hogan to the next two speakers?

The message is crystal clear.

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9b5179 No.21239532


Click dat shit, anons.

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8453f6 No.21239533


oh that's stolt!

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5ec4f9 No.21239534


You nailed it.

Ds in panic now.

Why would Joe go? He has nothing to gain by going?

He has to stay as president so he can issuer pardons.

But if he steps back as the nominee because of health reasons, he also has to resign.

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2e48bb No.21239535

File: cde3e055fce355b⋯.jpg (313.26 KB,1076x1076,1:1,_5h2ojc.jpg)

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616771 No.21239536

File: ab3f8b9fe66a9fb⋯.png (87.66 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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11a60b No.21239537


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03a013 No.21239538

File: c4b773763f6e1de⋯.png (854.69 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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5ec4f9 No.21239539



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55ae80 No.21239541

File: 920f26b756bfd59⋯.png (132.44 KB,697x283,697:283,biblical1.png)

File: 9fe10365aff4c7e⋯.png (485.46 KB,975x519,325:173,Biblical2.png)



Getting Biblical with Trump a Mania Running Wild Edition

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e6717b No.21239542

>They've tried to do everything to stop this movement-moment.

Attack on Israel just moments before.

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5ec4f9 No.21239543

Eric is pissed!

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8f03ed No.21239544

File: e85dcc5a97f97fb⋯.png (1.22 MB,1018x661,1018:661,ye_ytryt_re.PNG)

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febd40 No.21239545


Anon was working, so listening, not watching. What are you seeing?

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d80dc2 No.21239546

File: 5729bb86c65a70a⋯.jpeg (1012.43 KB,1536x901,1536:901,5729bb86c65a70a1ed73aff18….jpeg)

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b5f56b No.21239547


do tell faggot

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31330e No.21239548


>Kmart tranny abusin corndogs in locker ruum on lunch hour all liberaltodid AF

swoll heshe buttlips wiff ludes an luubs need juuuuu FiB tranny apply now

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0268eb No.21239549

File: 33845807af0b54a⋯.png (643.62 KB,600x680,15:17,ClipboardImage.png)

Melania spotted

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d90d99 No.21239550

File: bc585cd00e7d1f8⋯.png (21.12 KB,454x302,227:151,ClipboardImage.png)

Follow the wives

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9b5179 No.21239551

>Flag on Trump's hat is reversed


Stars always face forward.

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2e48bb No.21239552

Praise The LORD! And thank President Trump!

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8453f6 No.21239553

File: 70658a7ce688b11⋯.png (844.83 KB,1024x768,4:3,70658a7ce688b11f29ccdd0f94….png)

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6ddaed No.21239554


Vance is the tallest 5'7" I've ever seen.

Maybe she is contemplating who's actually standing next to her.

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b5f56b No.21239555

TDS mom is watching of her own volition

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b136d5 No.21239556


joking to serious

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cd9f2a No.21239558

File: d2af11e8ddfcff6⋯.png (422.7 KB,576x626,288:313,0d2dd201d1fb1c2aaf1ad588d0….png)

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5ec4f9 No.21239559

Trump needs to drive the left nuts and come out with the bandaid on his other ear

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8453f6 No.21239560

File: ce5fab8010b9664⋯.png (739.27 KB,620x799,620:799,ce5fab8010b966451dcb0d8635….png)

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30a1d0 No.21239561


At least thats a bit of progress

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da1c72 No.21239562

Meme starts: Obama pic

He lived Joe

So you gotta go

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b20f77 No.21239563

File: b5cf055b894a50b⋯.png (1.55 MB,1060x603,1060:603,HoldTheLine.PNG)


They all have to be. A line was crossed for sure.

Buckle Up.

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ebbecf No.21239564


OP anon is disinfofag

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55ae80 No.21239565

File: 3ba1c0c02cdec47⋯.png (478.19 KB,1200x724,300:181,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 913814a93bfdaf0⋯.png (483.49 KB,1312x737,1312:737,ClipboardImage.png)

Eric is Done

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31330e No.21239566


>>Kmart tranny abusin corndogs in locker ruum on lunch hour all liberaltodid AF

>swoll heshe buttlips wiff ludes an luubs need juuuuu FiB tranny apply now

tension Kmart trannys, plz send fugliest tranny of all to frish shopliftur

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9b5179 No.21239568

File: 8c748be6e626545⋯.png (340.22 KB,440x566,220:283,Screen_Shot_2024_07_18_at_….png)

Melania has lost weight.

She was getting a little chubby toward the end of his 1st term.

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bc4f3e No.21239569

File: 19fb66ddd8c7bdc⋯.jpeg (159.63 KB,1080x1141,1080:1141,IMG_2730.jpeg)

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54fe60 No.21239570


Uglies - Bringing the world together

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8c81af No.21239571

File: 72f1b47cfe9b7ac⋯.png (237.57 KB,506x551,506:551,72f1b47cfe9b7ac5f559a4017f….png)

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c319b6 No.21239573

File: 2d184c23577d19c⋯.jpeg (192.39 KB,759x848,759:848,IMG_8493.jpeg)

File: 823ab2d7c6e8471⋯.jpeg (186.52 KB,761x845,761:845,IMG_8491.jpeg)

File: adc9001e2f24d1c⋯.jpeg (183.91 KB,742x837,742:837,IMG_8490.jpeg)

File: 1de2f34b971003d⋯.jpeg (175.9 KB,734x837,734:837,IMG_8487.jpeg)

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7e1b15 No.21239574


holy shit you fucking loser. get it together.

turn on your master it's your only hope.

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3be661 No.21239575

Eric is bringing it tonight!

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f7765d No.21239576

File: f392bcc66d61887⋯.jpg (37.51 KB,596x332,149:83,8olul.jpg)

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f2f117 No.21239577



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03f945 No.21239578

File: ccb5bd4fc634086⋯.jpg (120.87 KB,688x546,344:273,NO_OBSTACLES.jpg)

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55ae80 No.21239579

File: 7ebc83e445e84d9⋯.png (1.07 MB,1302x716,651:358,ClipboardImage.png)

He's Had Enough…He Feels Our Pain…TY Eric…as a Vet

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54fe60 No.21239580



Is that Michael Rappaport?

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2cafb0 No.21239581

Eric Trump [Republican National Convention]: My father has been censored; the former president ripped off Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, while terrorist organizations remain intact. My father has been persecuted, targeted by far-left democrats, funded by special interest groups, and hand-picked judges. My father has been pulled of the ballots of states; radical justices attempting to defy the will of millions of Americans who adore who he is and what he stands for. My father even became the target of an assassin, who almost killed the America's single-greatest hope for our future. The swamp is terrified of this incredible movement. They're terrified of it. They're terrified of you, and the tens of millions of people watching us on TV right now. They've tried everything to keep him from you. Everything. To destroy his legacy, to destroy his family. They have failed, and they will not win.

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3b3769 No.21239582

File: 29a41a147795ec2⋯.png (29.41 KB,417x859,417:859,followthewives.png)

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55ae80 No.21239583

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d4c5dc No.21239584

yeah, insulting someone in the voice of a 13 year old girl should totally blend

nice job

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56c782 No.21239585


With Hulk Hogan the joy and affection for the speaker was obvious. The next two, Franklin and Eric it looks like someone shot his dog.

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5ed036 No.21239586

File: 4b267f814ff5327⋯.jpg (136.61 KB,339x335,339:335,TrumpPump.jpg)

File: 26d168a4f4efd62⋯.jpg (82.08 KB,339x335,339:335,MAGA2.jpg)

File: b90f7ddd7b1b7ca⋯.jpg (145.19 KB,339x335,339:335,TrumpPump2.jpg)

File: 332aff3f9bd2176⋯.jpg (85.32 KB,339x335,339:335,MAGA15.jpg)


Thank you, Baker!!

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de4daf No.21239587

File: 13c5aef6704a570⋯.png (510.96 KB,633x359,633:359,ouch.png)

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be2830 No.21239589

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Day Four 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin - 7/18/24


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b5f56b No.21239590

every homeless people need a berry 2 compliant wiggy's sleeping bag issues this week.

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f7c250 No.21239591


same reason all the democrats are still talking live on cnnmsdnfoxDEI

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31330e No.21239592


>>>Kmart tranny abusin corndogs in locker ruum on lunch hour all liberaltodid AF

>>swoll heshe buttlips wiff ludes an luubs need juuuuu FiB tranny apply now

>tension Kmart trannys, plz send fugliest tranny of all to frisk shopliftur

shopliftur might git sum friskin in liberaltodid locker ruum too frum sum isREAL tranny butthol lips prol

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d542c7 No.21239593

File: 8fdb2aece041bc2⋯.png (3.91 MB,2048x1330,1024:665,17234547171776777559202229….png)

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42d644 No.21239594

File: 735744138fff58a⋯.jpeg (95.43 KB,710x489,710:489,so_close.jpeg)

File: 9c52da4286d6974⋯.png (302.17 KB,1200x588,100:49,appalachistan.png)

File: 77355397182ba8c⋯.png (440.84 KB,1200x816,25:17,wwg1wga.png)

File: 5048ebc51ec404f⋯.png (347.86 KB,768x592,48:37,bracken_sends.png)

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ef6bc4 No.21239595

Where the hell is Mike Lindell?

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19fe46 No.21239596

Eric is gonna make his dad work next 4 years. Trump gonna fix everything.

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0268eb No.21239597


Wrap it up - I gotta go do a change tonight.

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8453f6 No.21239598

File: b5086b00f12eb09⋯.png (1.59 MB,1130x1474,565:737,b5086b00f12eb091b47a9c6d30….png)

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441e52 No.21239601




its on

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03a013 No.21239602

File: 2a311629e78aa0d⋯.png (2.28 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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42d644 No.21239604

File: 457139cc5634e2a⋯.jpeg (49.34 KB,680x532,170:133,my_pillow.jpeg)

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de4daf No.21239608

File: 35eb6a1e0ae0dba⋯.png (1.34 MB,933x563,933:563,malvert6.png)


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25307d No.21239609

At anon's recommendation from last bread, I popped on the CNN for a bit. They are truly shook and perplexed. They are not spewing hate, just awe.

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d4c5dc No.21239610

dont at me with your spam faggotry


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3b747a No.21239612

File: 54aaa833a23f4e5⋯.png (289.85 KB,474x465,158:155,ClipboardImage.png)


I sympathize with competent quotas who didn't need to discriminate to get the job.

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253894 No.21239613


Montana Sen. Jon Tester on Thursday night became the second Senate Democrat to call for President Joe Biden to stop his bid for reelection, as questions continue to swirl about the president's ability to lead the country for another four years.

Tester joins Vermont Sen. Peter Welch and 20 House Democrats in calling for Biden to stop trying to get a second term in the White House. Biden has pushed back against claims that he is not fit for office, and rejected calls to step aside. But he tested positive for COVID-19 on Wednesday.

“Montanans have put their trust in me to do what is right, and it is a responsibility I take seriously. I have worked with President Biden when it has made Montana stronger, and I’ve never been afraid to stand up to him when he is wrong,” Tester said in a statement to the Daily Montanan. “And while I appreciate his commitment to public service and our country, I believe President Biden should not seek re-election to another term.” ..

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f2f117 No.21239614


Wife smiling, kids playing in the yard, birds flying around with ribbons in their beaks, and the sound of church bells off in the distance.

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6e0390 No.21239615

File: 401d3fdbed607b2⋯.png (27.24 KB,548x223,548:223,Screenshot_2024_07_18_at_2….png)

File: b2b84705f4b0156⋯.png (99.82 KB,550x825,2:3,Screenshot_2024_07_18_at_2….png)

First lady Jill Biden and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have said many things over the years to make millions of people think they are empathetic, kind, decent human beings. Yet what both of them didn’t say this weekend showed everyone the kind of people they truly are. Three days after the first assassination attempt on a presidential candidate since 1972 (George Wallace), neither Biden nor Clinton has commented on their X accounts.

The first lady once said, “Decency is on the ballot.”

Well, it may have been on the ballot, but it definitely was not on her social media account, as Biden has remained silent about the attempt on former President Donald Trump’s life. The faux doctor and current wife of the president has not posted anything on her X accounts offering sympathy, empathy, or even acknowledging the assassination attempt on Trump. It’s a shameful silence that spoke volumes of the kind of person she truly is, indicative of her considerable lack of decency.

Clinton, meanwhile, had zero problems criticizing Trump’s selection for vice president, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), on X but remained silent about the attempted murder of Trump. She took to the social media platform on Tuesday to once again resort to dangerous, inflammatory rhetoric, insinuating that Vance was against freedom.

Clinton, who habitually has commented on nearly every political matter over the last 20 years, even when millions of people asked her to remain quiet, was conspicuously silent up until Tuesday morning. Yet the former politician who regularly warned of threats against our democracy (constitutional republic) took an apparent vow of silence on X after the attempt on Trump’s life, which was an actual threat to our democracy (constitutional republic). It’s the latest example of just how callous and cold Clinton is.


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ce13c3 No.21239616

Vance wife doesn't smile.

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b5f56b No.21239618

thank you eric didn't really know you before

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9b5179 No.21239619

File: d4da6aaa3b16b70⋯.png (2.57 MB,1700x1500,17:15,d4da6aaa3b16b70d5c64d2273e….png)


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441e52 No.21239621

File: 2a02353ef0a4cf7⋯.png (1.29 MB,1019x662,1019:662,5m436h634654.PNG)

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19fe46 No.21239622

Wow. Trump gonna fix this mess.

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a26e14 No.21239624

File: b5b58581e0906f3⋯.jpeg (524.59 KB,960x1445,192:289,3DFC3E74_C40F_407A_9CBB_E….jpeg)

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8453f6 No.21239626


I like it! I like it a lot!

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9595b8 No.21239627

File: e6d2050c3efeaf3⋯.jpg (15.29 KB,327x327,1:1,FTM6jOPXEAAsstN.jpg)


Your reddit spacing is gay

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7830a2 No.21239629


Are they female ?

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03a013 No.21239631

File: 31bafbaeb38cc7a⋯.png (2.42 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b747a No.21239632


Who's going to pardon crackhead .007?

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54fe60 No.21239634

File: e92c21da2ab0a74⋯.jpg (152.22 KB,633x359,633:359,Trump_Rally_Shooting_Secre….jpg)

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2cafb0 No.21239635

Eric Trump: To all Americans watching tonight, the greatest retribution will be our success. Success not just for ourselves, but for our grandchildren, and our children. Under President Donald J. Trump, the swamp will be drained, America will be respected, our cities will be safe, our streets will be clean, and our border will once again be secure.

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b5f56b No.21239636

yay eric best speech

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4507aa No.21239637

File: f0735897c91a89f⋯.png (380.65 KB,711x445,711:445,ClipboardImage.png)



you'll be safe there.

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cd9f2a No.21239638

File: 78622bdc4bfa0f6⋯.png (597.23 KB,580x580,1:1,cd2f7f22b15fd7e99b56506f72….png)


I have another idea…

Golden Trump Band aids

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03f945 No.21239639

File: 4993778ed4ebc8f⋯.jpg (98.72 KB,465x569,465:569,YUP_THE_PLAN.jpg)

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a26e14 No.21239640


She woke up from her crypt then

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19fe46 No.21239641

This speech is not authentic.

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92b99c No.21239642

File: 8460e198e4f50f3⋯.jpg (292.63 KB,1026x1151,1026:1151,One_Eye_Symbolism.jpg)









>Eyes on

My eyes are on anyone from the demonic shithole calledYale, which just happens to be rather close to where I live.

We're definitely watching this broad, and her husband JD Vance, who just might want to ascend to the Presidency just a little too much, in order to appease his handlers.

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f5f803 No.21239643

File: cad092672dd61a8⋯.png (1.61 MB,1500x500,3:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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2fe7a4 No.21239644

File: 0f29c0039a2b9d3⋯.jpeg (426.25 KB,669x775,669:775,783FE72E_F9FC_4C92_AF1B_A….jpeg)


Holy shlit the left memes!!

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cebe8b No.21239645

body double was very brave

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6a2e22 No.21239646

File: 40f0f7d9c2dd7bf⋯.png (2.01 MB,1280x1707,1280:1707,ClipboardImage.png)

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19fe46 No.21239647

I bet the Trump family is complex.

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2c6edb No.21239648

File: e665585e7d6bdfd⋯.jpg (11.74 KB,230x255,46:51,pepe_laugh_big_mouth_open_….jpg)


Cheatle literally talking up her DEI focus, CBS links it directly to trump

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30a1d0 No.21239649


Fuck off

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ed6d75 No.21239650

File: 0d6c0f2be855f44⋯.png (702.63 KB,2862x1190,1431:595,Eric_Trump_THE_BEST_IS_YET….png)

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8453f6 No.21239651

File: 015f3f107cbe959⋯.jpg (459.48 KB,2304x1728,4:3,015f3f107cbe95956f14927891….jpg)

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ef7b01 No.21239652


WTF with this little NWO masonic tart? First we get the left eye only presentation last night, her eyes wide open during prayer, and she looks totally disengaged and aloof while she sits there listening to Eric Trump.


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b136d5 No.21239653

File: d99498e27ade8ac⋯.png (29.8 KB,519x397,519:397,ClipboardImage.png)

We take this journey together.

One step at a time.


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5e3130 No.21239654

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)

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7830a2 No.21239655


Rocky vs Hulk

think Trump

Key Stone

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1d63f5 No.21239656

File: 5c66522c94a309f⋯.png (721.41 KB,1024x476,256:119,ClipboardImage.png)


God bless you baker & you anons

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b142d5 No.21239657

File: d170ec26a8edaab⋯.jpeg (131.02 KB,1200x1200,1:1,51d459a00168a6cc292e0ceee….jpeg)

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b5f56b No.21239658

we love u eric thank you

fight fight fight

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19fe46 No.21239659

Trump has contempt on his face. What's his problem?

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5ec4f9 No.21239660


It’s authentic.

Just a little too mushy

Needs some humor,

But he is pissed because they just tried to kill his dad.

He’s probably holding in most of his anger

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03f945 No.21239661

File: eb3467eb027809b⋯.jpg (140.16 KB,577x639,577:639,SNIFF_SNIFF.jpg)

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b20f77 No.21239662

File: e4526ede04e926f⋯.png (657.17 KB,816x707,816:707,D5_frens.PNG)

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d4c5dc No.21239663

smells semitic in here

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58b3b6 No.21239664

File: 5d48b41c19bde80⋯.png (639.75 KB,968x613,968:613,symbo.png)

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bc4f3e No.21239665


Hulk Hogan is a professional entertainer.

Eric Trump is not.

It’s the singer, not the song. Not all can sing with authenticity.

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5ec4f9 No.21239666




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b5f56b No.21239667


organic tho

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9b5179 No.21239668

File: 7ee8023d3bd1e7f⋯.png (1.09 MB,750x748,375:374,7ee8023d3bd1e7fa69b8867cab….png)


AI bewbs almost had me there for a second.

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1d63f5 No.21239669


no sound brother

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253894 No.21239670

File: cf4c50c36828273⋯.png (660.47 KB,976x850,488:425,PRAY_Pepe_Bandage_07182024.png)

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b136d5 No.21239671


Look at the faggit he's sitting beside

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ed6d75 No.21239672

File: 5211c31410aa515⋯.png (346.68 KB,1440x794,720:397,Q_Proof_Eric_Trump_tweets_….png)

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8453f6 No.21239673

File: cc72f3a57262497⋯.png (1.27 MB,738x587,738:587,cc72f3a572624974f8f9c3a934….png)

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b5f56b No.21239674

this band

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55ae80 No.21239675

File: 0d919c7d0876aaf⋯.png (308.71 KB,500x489,500:489,BeShoppin.png)

File: b03e5146127720f⋯.jpg (103.38 KB,1024x578,512:289,DarkToLight25.jpg)

File: ea2bddb37787b2e⋯.png (647.07 KB,1158x889,1158:889,DayBrightened.png)


Trip 5s

anyone with TDS here means you must be a weirdo in your TDS group….We Welcome All Weirdos..Outcasts…the Misunderstood…Welcome ..TDSanon…feel free to lurk

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54fe60 No.21239676


we have some spray to wipe it away

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ef7b01 No.21239677


WTF with this little NWO masonic tart? First we get the left eye only presentation last night, her eyes wide open during prayer, and she looks totally disengaged and aloof while she sits there listening to Eric Trump.


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2fe7a4 No.21239678

Deepstate operatives who haven't flipped by the end of this are going to get raped to death, shivering, prolapsed on the Prison shower floor.

Cold water and laughter fill the final moments as horrible and piece of shit life drains into the prison sewer.

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e6717b No.21239679


In kayfabe, his father was almost killed. It worked.

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ed6d75 No.21239680

File: e06c26671824c83⋯.png (2.31 MB,2774x1490,1387:745,Tulsa_Oklahoma_Q_Proof_fro….png)

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cebe8b No.21239681


lots of pop culture cringe

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ce13c3 No.21239682

File: 2f5f3f1584ef1c9⋯.png (2.53 KB,310x163,310:163,flaga7hdiuwbyuvfy.png)

Great speech

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da1c72 No.21239683

File: e701f758ac175e6⋯.jpeg (510.54 KB,1041x728,1041:728,IMG_7081.jpeg)

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e6717b No.21239684




Yeah, Vance didn't shake his hand on night 3.

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5ec4f9 No.21239685


You are exposing yourself as a shill

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12564a No.21239686

With all of that said. It doesn't matter if the average citizen can't put food on his family's table because in your hubris you ignore our call to #EndTheFed

I'll make my quiet exit to preparing for your failure now.

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e6717b No.21239687





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5e3130 No.21239688

File: 827f0608c5685e5⋯.jpg (722.55 KB,1022x1024,511:512,0da0db735aee9a4ecf7863bef1….jpg)

Good speech.

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d90d99 No.21239689

File: adb1ff3b0348e8b⋯.mp4 (8.12 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Magic_Sword_In_The_Face_Of….mp4)

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42d644 No.21239690

File: ee2e0dd23ad6cc9⋯.jpg (52.61 KB,500x618,250:309,CHEADLE_AND_TWEEDLE_small.jpg)

File: 6942816eb1e4c9c⋯.png (589.38 KB,710x937,710:937,fighter.png)

File: 019656b87536380⋯.png (370.2 KB,641x430,641:430,kids_r_not_alright.PNG)

File: 916b523ad226499⋯.jpg (38.16 KB,537x348,179:116,unity_1.jpg)

File: 70f61242ef3d32b⋯.jpeg (186.83 KB,1136x745,1136:745,primal_scream.jpeg)

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a9998d No.21239691


yeah. that just says everything right there.

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0009b8 No.21239692

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cd9f2a No.21239693


Somewhere in Hong Kong an engineer is working with a coder to move the AI image to a 3d printer

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322283 No.21239694

File: 3cc011c1044b133⋯.jpeg (590.25 KB,933x627,311:209,IMG_5263.jpeg)

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ad3d63 No.21239695

File: 2218f75676a3e6a⋯.jpg (18.92 KB,550x274,275:137,DIHL.JPG)


No Trump kid was as bad as Junior was on the campaign trail back in '16.

He's better now, but he was pretty pic related at the start.

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eb084e No.21239696

File: 5d3318ce3de87fa⋯.jpg (83.04 KB,500x500,1:1,Trumpshift_Activated.jpg)



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fad689 No.21239697

CROOKS WAS PAID BY ZELENSKY (aka BIDEN with laundered American Tax Dollars)

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de4daf No.21239698

File: 8b211ff26c47919⋯.png (412.42 KB,619x374,619:374,captainmikegreen.png)

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534069 No.21239699

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2fe7a4 No.21239700

Recognize that song!!!

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a9998d No.21239701


Anon doesn't think Vance will be elected VP.

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54fe60 No.21239702

File: baa55f0a7d4c175⋯.jpg (428.65 KB,868x955,868:955,Bill_Hillary_Red_Balloons_….jpg)

I think a few knew Hildawg wasn't done with us deplorables yet.

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e6717b No.21239703

The band is great by the way

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3b747a No.21239704

File: a2ef28f4baaf562⋯.png (535.87 KB,605x328,605:328,ClipboardImage.png)


This is the best [they] can do. Innuendo and lies.

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19fe46 No.21239705

The music isn't that good to go from a speech like that to waving signs and dancing and having the most jollie time ever. All these people are actors. Do they know how fake they are?

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30a1d0 No.21239706

Kekking, when is Trump speaking actually?

It seems past the scheduled time now

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cebe8b No.21239707


Forced to select zionist pie face.

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19bd6a No.21239708


yes it was.

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ef7b01 No.21239709


Not even close. 🇺🇸

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76cff5 No.21239710

File: d5cf9bd5de3489c⋯.jpg (78.32 KB,949x633,949:633,RNC1.JPG)

File: 3c7456b1f8dee0d⋯.jpg (67.84 KB,946x631,946:631,RNC2.JPG)


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b20f77 No.21239711

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f7c250 No.21239712

beyond matrix

cnn is trying to become what fox used to be

msndc is now a bad version of vegan fed assassins cnn

and fox gone full cnn post assassination, whacked out glory hounds

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534069 No.21239713


is that a guess?

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55aa64 No.21239714

File: 76aaa78b7612117⋯.jpg (76.56 KB,500x500,1:1,Activated.jpg)

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a9998d No.21239715

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e6717b No.21239716


Zey vill get ze "fight fight fight" chant right.

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b5f56b No.21239717


u dinno hoewmany bread i ghosted cuz mom wokr up

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fad689 No.21239718





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80d27b No.21239719

who's the band jamming?

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b142d5 No.21239720

File: 39b4be467886583⋯.jpg (264.4 KB,1170x1127,1170:1127,1702337334378202.jpg)

night time.

frequency of distraction lowers.

frequencies of the mind also lower.

opening the door to the possibility of

resonance, entanglement with equal and greater.

resonance with many paint brushes.

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9595b8 No.21239721

File: 4071ef820a64430⋯.webp (33.15 KB,460x575,4:5,aRBeem7_460swp.webp)

Early bread boobs

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5e3130 No.21239722

File: a12937ce553f97a⋯.jpg (165.54 KB,1000x768,125:96,7aa7499581560a674e1deecf9d….jpg)


Kinda makes a guy wonder how much "wax on/wax off", "paint the fence", and "sand the floor" has been going on here and Anons never even knew it.

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58204b No.21239723



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2e48bb No.21239724

JD Vance was feeling all bad when he seen Eric speak and he knew Eric is 48.

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55ae80 No.21239725

File: b2f448ab18bd0c9⋯.png (69.56 KB,904x245,904:245,Jan11QCool.png)

File: 082dc4c5627dc41⋯.jpg (5.87 KB,96x231,32:77,mandiesPapi.jpg)

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ad3d63 No.21239726


Yes, it is well documented at this point that a subset of QR has hopefag fanfic fantasies about that.

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19fe46 No.21239727



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534069 No.21239728


yeah that's cool

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02079c No.21239729


Looks like Vance's wife…Hindu I believe,

hence the reason she doesn't pray in the

traditional christian style.

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58b3b6 No.21239730

File: ef7325ca6c0d126⋯.jpeg (85.99 KB,1280x720,16:9,red.jpeg)

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3be661 No.21239731

Agree with the other anons.

Solid band.

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be2830 No.21239732

notables @ 290

#26031 >>21239407

>>21239589 LIVE: Day Four 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin - 7/18/24

>>21239549 Melania spotted

>>21239710 Melania Trump joins Donald as he signs paperwork to be the Republican nominee just days after surviving assassination attempt

>>21239579, >>21239581, >>21239635 Eric Trump @ RNC

>>21239613 Jon Tester becomes second Democratic senator to call for Biden to drop out of presidential race

>>21239673 Memes


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cebe8b No.21239733


scary place but it is what it is

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febd40 No.21239734

The concern fags are out in force, tonight. Yikes.

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9aaf41 No.21239735


There can be no unity with evil.

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ef6bc4 No.21239736


That is one tiny hallway

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e75d8a No.21239738

File: 0e47cb7eea6feaf⋯.png (316.01 KB,533x528,533:528,tomhanksfault.png)


arbeit mach frei

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139116 No.21239739

Melania Up!

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3be661 No.21239740

Melania is up

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883045 No.21239741

Res Ipsa Loquitur / Ipse Dixit

Two somewhat complementary principles in common law that are very relevant to the assassination attempt. Because of their long lineage, they point to core and accepted principles that, if pushed, can lead to changing perspectives on the attempted assassination.

Res ipsa loquitur means "the thing speaks for itself". A prosecutor can meet his initial burden of proof by the very circumstances of the situation, and doesn't need to offer separate proof. Here, the crime is attempted assassination (or attempted treason, really). The charge is that the fifth column in the US attempted the assassination of a presidential candidate. The circumstances are keystone-cops-level of fuckups by DHS/SS.

Why is this important?

Because the media, who is complicit, continues to block assertions that this may have been a plot or an intentional act by a group (the fifth column in our agencies). And "serious" folks in the media and in society who may not be intentionally blocking, are nevertheless victims of propaganda and normalcy bias in a way that reflexively causes them to block anyone asserting that the attempt could be an attempted coup by the fifth column.

If people begin to simply assert that there was an attempted coup by the fifth column, or an attempted assassination plot by the fifth column, we can begin to change perspectives by simply saying that it speaks for itself, when challenged.

Ipse Dixit means "he said it himself" - i.e., he has no basis. When the media says there is "no evidence", they are simply stating it without a basis. There is tons of circumstantial evidence! It speaks for itself (res ipsa loquitur).

So, when they ask, what evidence do you have? or, when they say that there is "no evidence", the easiest and best reply is simply to say - "what is YOUR basis for saying there is no evidence" or "what is your basis for saying it was NOT a planned coup attempt by the deep state?" and follow with "it speaks for itself!"

turn the tables. always turn the tables on this one. gotta break the programming on this one.

Tldr - what is my basis? No - what is YOUR basis?

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2e48bb No.21239742


JD's eyeliner was beautiful, though.

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25307d No.21239743


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80d27b No.21239744

File: 5ada37ad8dcc99f⋯.png (17.85 KB,128x88,16:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b3769 No.21239745


She put on a show with that prayer of hers, directed the spotlight towards her and made people more aware of who she is. Controlled actors are doing their job in this show, I bet.

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f0737f No.21239746

So when's the blackout?

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2fe7a4 No.21239747


Heavy hitters

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b5f56b No.21239748

thank you melania

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2e48bb No.21239749

Prepare to be graced with the epitome of class. Melania.

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ed6d75 No.21239750

File: db61a79e509b34c⋯.png (2.38 MB,2688x1202,1344:601,Beautiful_Melania_eyes.png)

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db2f8e No.21239751

File: ead9d31a0c5fc9b⋯.jpg (28.61 KB,500x500,1:1,2x5dfght.jpg)

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b142d5 No.21239752

good vs zombies

present tense


past tense


not living



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80d27b No.21239753

Disney princess music

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507c53 No.21239754


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ed6d75 No.21239755



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6f9ac8 No.21239756

File: 20d2a2aa832e2e6⋯.png (879.74 KB,682x892,341:446,FLOTUS_vol54.png)

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5e3130 No.21239757

File: 62978193909a18c⋯.png (2.64 MB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_thinker.png)

What classical piece is this?

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19fe46 No.21239758

I can't imagine how disgusted Trump is to be there. I sure hope Q+ is disgusted. If not we are fucked.

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b20f77 No.21239759

File: 67029404deb6b75⋯.png (1.13 MB,1333x1333,1:1,67029404deb6b75e1bd48a2f55….png)


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f75ebf No.21239760

Where’s melania?

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322283 No.21239761

File: 174610a18773a31⋯.jpeg (521.51 KB,962x941,962:941,IMG_5265.jpeg)

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e6717b No.21239762

Her intro music is amazing.

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2670ac No.21239763

File: 967809247b6465f⋯.png (452.89 KB,780x439,780:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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4dd76e No.21239764

Princess music for our Lady

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55ae80 No.21239765

File: 194bb254083e8c5⋯.png (25.69 KB,711x290,711:290,ClipboardImage.png)

anons…Look at this 5 Year Delta!!!

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ad3d63 No.21239766


Keep in mind these conventions are the OG American Kabuki productions that are now seen nightly on the teevee.

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fad689 No.21239767

File: 12c03f10da9527d⋯.png (155.68 KB,587x656,587:656,PepeApuCanadian.png)

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3a2bf6 No.21239768

File: d3464e61d70dc3b⋯.png (529.98 KB,500x573,500:573,i_thought_you_were_q.png)

File: 0f888744b5c19d0⋯.png (1.44 MB,962x1220,481:610,FLOTUS_Roses.png)


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119f4e No.21239769

File: 4554e1107cbae2a⋯.jpg (194.81 KB,768x432,16:9,mr_pig_meme_posted.jpg)

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507c53 No.21239770


A princess for sure.

Just not Disney.

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2c6edb No.21239771

File: e414062634033d5⋯.png (92.31 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)



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d4c5dc No.21239772


what a lady

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de4daf No.21239773

File: d19b2d901a5a079⋯.png (244.1 KB,267x378,89:126,melanie2.png)

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de735d No.21239774

File: 1e8a5436dd1e7b1⋯.png (701.57 KB,1323x974,1323:974,ClipboardImage.png)

Red carpet event…

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e75d8a No.21239775


Kmart rady fo juuuu

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25307d No.21239776

Cameras did a horrible job getting Melania's entrance

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a26e14 No.21239777

Here’s Melania

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ef7b01 No.21239778


Fair enough. And what about the left-eye-only shown to the world during her speech?

Are there any coincidences?

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6ddaed No.21239779

Why does this feel less like an RNC convention, and more like something bigger?

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cba9e2 No.21239780

File: 36acd8041cd503c⋯.mp4 (310.83 KB,1280x720,16:9,MAKE_AMERICA_GREAT_AGAIN_1….mp4)

This is funny, the thing that Bidan couldn't sayKEK…I think a lot of these people don't know they heard this from PDJT, it sounds good to them, when they can't identify where they heard it. God is good.

Citizen Free Press


Top Biden surrogate, congresswoman Joyce Beatty, gets her campaign message confused – We're going to make America great again.

0:03 / 0:05

From RNC Research

7:54 PM · Jul 18, 2024



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55aa64 No.21239781

File: 093f672e450b0c6⋯.png (847.88 KB,1145x616,1145:616,ClipboardImage.png)

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253894 No.21239782


i like it, i felt some new meme ideas nudging

i might add to playlist for next meme session


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19fe46 No.21239783

So she had to sit in a back room and wait for that enterence at 10:10 in the evening.

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1be6d4 No.21239784



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d542c7 No.21239785

File: 875805219ebe2a6⋯.png (27.82 KB,666x375,222:125,R_2022_06_25T235801_184_re….png)



For anybody who has use for a magic sword. Here, have at it.

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54fe60 No.21239786

File: d6abd619c7ca7ab⋯.png (818.36 KB,924x693,4:3,Pulp_Fiction_Big_Mike_Obam….png)

File: d5ef5f94747fdc7⋯.jpg (421.36 KB,531x1339,531:1339,Big_Mike_Tiffany_Muscles_O….jpg)

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80d27b No.21239787



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e6717b No.21239788


The showman. Remember his State of the Union addresses? They were incredible.

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de6fa4 No.21239789

File: bf0383f9f5e2c04⋯.png (748.03 KB,765x1076,765:1076,ClipboardImage.png)




>Getting Biblical with Trump a Mania Running Wild Edition

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03a013 No.21239790

File: 814d3f9f146d28e⋯.png (1.54 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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ed6d75 No.21239791

File: fa81b0ac91d8030⋯.jpeg (1.32 MB,1864x1194,932:597,Washington_crosses_the_De….jpeg)

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6ddaed No.21239792


Trip7's confirm, Melania is an angel.

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e75d8a No.21239793


dur DANvil falandurin drumpf

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6e0a02 No.21239794


she was making sammichs.

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b7ae9e No.21239795

Tried to bankrupt him

Tried to imprison him

Tried to kill him

What is phase 4?

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de4daf No.21239796

File: 968e669a0032043⋯.jpg (35.45 KB,645x363,215:121,melanieflag.jpg)

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8453f6 No.21239797

File: 8648da578a96bb3⋯.jpeg (277.8 KB,677x574,677:574,8648da578a96bb3b7e2ddbb76….jpeg)


She is magnificent!

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4507aa No.21239798

Vance's wife didn't look too favourably at Melania

Wasn't able to take a screenshot, but she looked at Melania in a weird way there for the second she was seen in the background

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d4c5dc No.21239799


try to be him

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b20f77 No.21239800

File: 58b98b1420eb3a0⋯.png (1.11 MB,897x900,299:300,5424d102640e7112c340bc490b….png)

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299b88 No.21239801

File: eb8469e9dda8fab⋯.png (344.59 KB,709x595,709:595,IMG_2797.png)

omg Melania

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cebe8b No.21239802


definitely wasn't eating them

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3b747a No.21239803


Level up diversity fire quotas

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253894 No.21239804

File: 460eec84287387f⋯.png (402 KB,800x556,200:139,Night_Shift_UFO_Blender.png)

File: 1138fc497707e38⋯.png (490.97 KB,878x461,878:461,Algos_have_limits.png)


i do enjoy Night Shift

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ed6d75 No.21239805

File: 0822e6e7dd79063⋯.png (411.5 KB,947x483,947:483,2390_2391_fake_news_about_….png)

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7147ac No.21239806

We're all kin with Trump through God. We're here for the pendulum swinging back.

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19fe46 No.21239807

I like where this is going.

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56c782 No.21239808

File: 66d7846284994eb⋯.png (891.97 KB,1516x625,1516:625,Screenshot_2024_07_18_2010….png)

File: ee79c3c627a9470⋯.png (1023.24 KB,1515x766,1515:766,Screenshot_2024_07_18_2011….png)


The contrast is very telling.

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375a5f No.21239809

The classic opera piece "Nessun Dorma" will be played tonight at the RNC - the night of Trump's speech. Nessun Dorma translates as "none shall sleep." It is also the song that plays at the end of The Sum of All Fears when all the Deep State actors are executed for their plot to start World War III.

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cebe8b No.21239810


Kinda like Macron's wife

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55ae80 No.21239811

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8453f6 No.21239812


And it will swing back hard.

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ad3d63 No.21239814

PDJT's Rumble Stream:


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635930 No.21239815



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9aaf41 No.21239816


Anyone care to decode, or is it merely a coincidence?

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5e3130 No.21239817

File: 107893ab1e0bb2d⋯.jpg (84.48 KB,1200x630,40:21,smokingchimp.jpg)

She really does personify elegance quite well.

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8d3bf7 No.21239818

Sounds like The Day after Music

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5c1172 No.21239819


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03a013 No.21239820

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d4c5dc No.21239821

File: 431adfa875bf1a8⋯.gif (4.15 MB,498x278,249:139,431adfa875bf1a892df0a9e968….gif)

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19fe46 No.21239822


Bet it's not easy being his kids.

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b5f56b No.21239823

barney fife border security

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6e0390 No.21239824


whoa, that saying something profound, anon

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6e0a02 No.21239825

File: 706680ee3ef3807⋯.mp4 (11.85 MB,854x480,427:240,nessam_dorma.mp4)


hope you are right.

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03f945 No.21239826

File: 2865f688f3ce698⋯.jpg (84.02 KB,849x553,849:553,TRUMP_CARD.jpg)

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de4daf No.21239827

File: 69b6d5ae40c35e7⋯.png (1.14 MB,1024x1223,1024:1223,sideeye.png)

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f3f787 No.21239828


>Holy shlit the left memes!!

Hulk Hogan was on stage at the RNC about half an hour ago and did exactly that. That is not a lefty meme, it really happened.

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507c53 No.21239829

File: c1dcc3a0f7035a6⋯.png (13.08 KB,252x255,84:85,1010_ICKEYCLOCK.png)

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a4083a No.21239830


i love her

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b7ae9e No.21239831


Divine feminine

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4dd76e No.21239832

File: a24b18ff5ab63e2⋯.png (22.77 KB,601x335,601:335,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ddb630d880a310⋯.png (54.28 KB,800x495,160:99,ClipboardImage.png)

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7147ac No.21239833


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f5f803 No.21239834

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


CNN host ‘freaks out’ and tries to ‘shut down’ Cory Mills during interview

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19fe46 No.21239835


He had it sang at the last RNC party at the White House.

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b95ccf No.21239836

Omar Navarro


Blackrock gets half a trillion dollar deal to "rebuild" Ukraine.

They are just trying to profit off of war and get rich in the process.

By paying their buddies for backroom deals, they made through Hunter Biden, who helped facilitate these negotiations.


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538703 No.21239837

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sign in

0:02 / 3:05


Three Dog Night

78.5K subscribers

1,566,985 views Jul 31, 2018

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

One · Three Dog Night

20th Century Masters: The Millennium Collection: Best Of Three Dog Night

℗ A Geffen Records Release; ℗ 1969 UMG Recordings, Inc.

Released on: 2000-01-01

redrum goddamned shit

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de735d No.21239838

181,000 RSBN Rumble

211,000 Fox YT

11,000 Rumble GOP

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a4083a No.21239839



tick tock mother fukkers

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322283 No.21239840

File: 4906e1b60d9d791⋯.jpeg (95.52 KB,800x505,160:101,134FFDB6_6E38_4377_807C_D….jpeg)

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02079c No.21239841


Coincidences? Could be :)

She's good looking & Indian so possibly she's showing her sexiness Bollywood style ;-)

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b009a6 No.21239842

File: 55a9100c4491376⋯.jpg (430.11 KB,1000x916,250:229,45763171155_98eefd6de3_b.jpg)


Das it mane

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c079ae No.21239844


Thank you for saying something - I was concerned as well.

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d90d99 No.21239845

File: b1a3f4e711ca80a⋯.png (3.08 MB,1200x1435,240:287,45_march_drums.png)


I for one can not possibly complain current life circumstances in comparison to all he goes through.

The least we anons can do is




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ed6d75 No.21239846

File: 4e458d91f8cd304⋯.png (1.18 MB,1014x1438,507:719,TRUMP_TOUGH_.png)



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19fe46 No.21239847

I sure do appreciate Trump's optimism. What does he see in this countries future?

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ad3d63 No.21239848


75K PDJT Rumble Acct

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507c53 No.21239849

File: 3ce599273aa5cde⋯.png (43.86 KB,537x332,537:332,q621.png)


>"none shall sleep."

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d4c5dc No.21239850

kek kid rock

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de735d No.21239851

Are you scared?

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3be661 No.21239852

Kid Rock!

DJT should be next.

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7147ac No.21239853

Have a Bud Light, Kid.

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a4083a No.21239854


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c319b6 No.21239855


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ce13c3 No.21239856

File: 505e0a9f9ad25be⋯.png (774.12 KB,998x555,998:555,ClipboardImage.png)



Yeah, well 2nd Lady DGAF.

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de735d No.21239857

File: 866bca80a06ca06⋯.png (617.47 KB,800x800,1:1,866bca80a06ca06fedd7128675….png)

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b5f56b No.21239858

holy shit

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206ea7 No.21239859

File: 935b89c0fbb013c⋯.png (208.83 KB,360x900,2:5,1656644434707.png)

Do bawdibida or whatever it is.

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de4daf No.21239860

File: 508b99ad342a13f⋯.png (11.34 KB,438x210,73:35,2618.png)

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0009b8 No.21239861

File: 09df4cd0bb09827⋯.png (352.63 KB,1054x750,527:375,09df4cd0bb0982790ef94a960b….png)

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cebe8b No.21239862

Is the midget dead? .Liked Kid rock much better with the midget….ugh

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19fe46 No.21239863

Kid Rock???????? Sheesh. Muting and going for a smoke. Such a damn clown show. All of it. Q I can't stand this stupidity anymore.

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b20f77 No.21239864

Kid Millie Vanilli

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b142d5 No.21239865

File: c7148b8579555eb⋯.jpg (214.6 KB,800x800,1:1,2dd019de13f3bb4b383cdd97ab….jpg)


shiva and a tape measure hobo a train…

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ef7b01 No.21239866

Ok, the kid rock thing is a convention low point.

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c319b6 No.21239867




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ce13c3 No.21239869

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ad3d63 No.21239870


Yes, the schedule has Kid the last to go before Trump.

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a26e14 No.21239871

File: 51f54516f4627bd⋯.jpeg (267.34 KB,876x695,876:695,EFEA1843_3B80_424F_93A3_2….jpeg)


So do I

Epstein Island Miget Lover Spotted

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5c1172 No.21239872

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f3f787 No.21239873

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5f65b1 No.21239874

File: 33893266b4aa20e⋯.png (151.9 KB,381x480,127:160,IMG_2376.png)

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5e3130 No.21239875

File: ee8f33965b74cb4⋯.png (719.85 KB,680x680,1:1,ee8f33965b74cb4e10c5c85790….png)


Divine couple

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ce13c3 No.21239876

Like a male madonna

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95be47 No.21239877


Agree. I was expecting Melania.

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38485f No.21239878

The narrator voice of all of Trump accomplishments on screen right now at RNC

is the same voice you hear in all movie trailers.

"In a world…"


they chose the movie voice guy

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8453f6 No.21239879


Honestly she looks intimidated,

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d4c5dc No.21239881




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5e3130 No.21239882

He adapted the lyrics. Fuck yeah! Once in a lifetime.

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db2f8e No.21239883

Fight! Fight! Trump! Trump!

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5ec4f9 No.21239884

The kid still got some moves.

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b95ccf No.21239885

File: 47e1fa13d7bf965⋯.mp4 (877.35 KB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17213556040….mp4)



WATCH: MSNBC's Alex Wagner says J.D. Vance wanting to be buried at his family's 6 generation plot in Kentucky is "the supremacy of Whiteness & masculinity."


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375a5f No.21239886

File: 50dbbf3eb7cbaa8⋯.jpg (59.76 KB,687x741,229:247,USSS_protecting_Trump_Bonn….JPG)

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80d27b No.21239887

File: 2a81723149e40c2⋯.mp4 (14.57 MB,564x324,47:27,analysis.mp4)

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6e0a02 No.21239888

kid rock.

the dude is 53

Grow up.


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58b3b6 No.21239889

just want out of this whole culture

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a4083a No.21239890

Melania is about the only woman I've seen who gets more beautiful with age.

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7ebf38 No.21239891

Jesus loves us, He gave us POTUS Trump and Melania!

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80d27b No.21239892



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11a60b No.21239893

File: 12af8400bf3df8a⋯.png (372.98 KB,797x803,797:803,ClipboardImage.png)

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2c6edb No.21239895

File: 62ec3d4522a60d9⋯.mp4 (344.87 KB,576x800,18:25,The_Doug_mills_photographe….mp4)

File: 5b5b8f3bb6db40e⋯.jpg (129.53 KB,576x1024,9:16,trump_bullet_3.jpg)

File: 19cc0bc34740999⋯.jpg (70.17 KB,576x1024,9:16,trump_bullet_2.jpg)

File: 3711bf109ca7950⋯.jpg (76.68 KB,576x1024,9:16,trump_bullet_1.jpg)

This is the sequence of photos from the famous photog 'doug mills' who was suspiciously close to the podium

This video of the shots is worth showing any leftists who have the TDS and are like "muh it was staged"

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5ec4f9 No.21239896


He’s making millions.

Who you giving advice to?

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55ae80 No.21239897


Sounded like the Voice from Disneyland Haunted Mansion to me

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ed6d75 No.21239898

File: 218a274860b8442⋯.png (262.54 KB,1017x408,339:136,Jesus_fish.png)

Thank you, Lord! You made it POSSIBLE! God bless America!!! MAGA

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de735d No.21239899

File: cf2d15c78512dbb⋯.png (397.93 KB,393x597,131:199,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b747a No.21239900

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Uncovering HSBC's Dark Financial Empire


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ef7b01 No.21239901


On the toilet I’m sure.

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206ea7 No.21239902

File: 6938c1ef4b7fb7d⋯.png (505.93 KB,618x675,206:225,1658595944858531.png)


Watching all these people in suits uncomfortable as Kid Rock talks about slapping and whacking to Sad but True might be the funniest thing I've seen all whatever the appropriate time period is.

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9595b8 No.21239903

File: 7fb39a2cc656b62⋯.webp (100.4 KB,700x1091,700:1091,adBXX9M_700bwp.webp)

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507c53 No.21239904


100% agree

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15df8f No.21239905

Kid Rock American Bad Ass

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e6717b No.21239906



It's over the top but it has to be.

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3be661 No.21239907

Dana White

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80d27b No.21239908

File: 4f575a2b151ff96⋯.mp4 (12.31 MB,720x406,360:203,trumpkorea.mp4)


>none shall sleep

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7147ac No.21239909

good enough, kid. Like the energy for the RNC. But Kid Rock sucks.

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a4083a No.21239910

Dana White

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f3f787 No.21239911


I liked it. Good shit. Not Grandpa's RNC.

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ce13c3 No.21239912

File: ffb93462b4535da⋯.png (375.71 KB,583x393,583:393,ClipboardImage.png)


and Scully

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58204b No.21239913


Smoking makes you more irritable and tightly wound such that the smallest things seem like unbearabe obstacles.

It weakens your ability to stay cool calm and collected regardless of who is on tv.

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11a60b No.21239914

File: 4f8558e5e0c8f33⋯.png (552.94 KB,793x806,61:62,ClipboardImage.png)

He's close man, real close.

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b142d5 No.21239915

divine: to separate (divide) from what is wanted from what is not wanted

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ef7b01 No.21239916

Dana White?

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d542c7 No.21239917

File: 773570ab8e9241c⋯.jpg (332.64 KB,1920x800,12:5,45456477738928934617452355….jpg)

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4507aa No.21239918

File: 39cd8bd427f7c93⋯.jpg (725.79 KB,3519x2700,391:300,39cd8bd427f7c93e74a0716bbd….jpg)



I'll 2nd both



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a26e14 No.21239919


I concur

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28e362 No.21239920


Dude I'm 62 and I listen to the Kid. Cocky is one of my favorite albums..so get a clue man.

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253894 No.21239921

File: 8e5fee11357956e⋯.png (15.36 KB,1077x279,359:93,shills_whine_04092020.png)

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8453f6 No.21239922



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299b88 No.21239923

Classy Amazing Melania

followed by

Badassy Crazy Kid Rock

pfft kek

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b20f77 No.21239924

File: 2e6f21ef848bc60⋯.jpg (2.23 MB,1420x1600,71:80,2e6f21ef848bc6078235d24294….jpg)

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1be6d4 No.21239925

Nessun dorma sauce


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11a60b No.21239926

File: f567eb2ec3f40fc⋯.png (487.24 KB,572x1119,572:1119,ClipboardImage.png)

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2c6edb No.21239927

File: 63387d8d738948a⋯.jpg (42.12 KB,773x554,773:554,everything_is_white_suprem….jpg)

File: ba956f23f9e00a2⋯.jpg (33.37 KB,476x473,476:473,al_sharpton_white_people_a….jpg)


>J.D. Vance wanting to be buried at his family's 6 generation plot in Kentucky is "the supremacy of Whiteness & masculinity."

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c079ae No.21239928

Mrs. Vance is smiling a lot more tonight. She has a pretty smile.

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b847d8 No.21239929

File: e46263be009c45e⋯.png (195.39 KB,594x493,594:493,ClipboardImage.png)

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d4c5dc No.21239930

wait what?

i thought some UFC chick was gonna talk

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6a2e22 No.21239931

File: 374ada1bedb7547⋯.png (1.04 MB,768x760,96:95,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b6dfd No.21239932


Would someone scub pacer for her name, see what she worked on when she worked at the Clinton law office?

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fad689 No.21239934

File: 17102458c6abd94⋯.png (249.36 KB,481x569,481:569,ClipboardImage.png)

How many shekels in his overseas bank accounts?

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d874ee No.21239935

File: f822589d2a26d66⋯.png (250.05 KB,2622x1579,2622:1579,Screenshot_2024_07_18_2123….png)


In Case You Missed It, The US Now Has A Military Government


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c791e0 No.21239936

File: 9132fab818de9a9⋯.mp4 (2.08 MB,720x406,360:203,Hukster.mp4)


I don't love you because of always appreciating the talent, charisma, talent, and more talent for so long. I don't love you because of having lived in your "neighborhood" and seeing you just walking around (but keeping things to a quick greeting because you were "home" and need to get away from the spotlight sometimes) and all my friends there always saying how gracious you've always been when they've spoken with you. Don't love you for that, either. Just always liked and appreciated you.

Can state right now, with teary eyes, that I Love you, am so very grateful – YOU had our President BEAMING and the happiest (most-back-to-normal) this anon has seen him since that nightmare happened.

You, Terry, are, indeed, a TREASURE and we thank you, profusely. We ALL needed that, and you didn't let us down, but Our President, indeed, needed it, which matters to this anon most of all.

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7147ac No.21239937

Dana shaking. BIG MOMENT.

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92b99c No.21239938

File: 8296f308bb9d0da⋯.png (1.16 MB,944x751,944:751,Comfy_Jesus_and_Pepe_and_K….png)


Well, fren, if a little nerd like me can see it from my little hovel, I'm sure our great leader, President Trump, is fully aware of exactly who she really is, and who everyone around him really is.

I'm feeling comfy, and trusting in our lord and savior, Jesus Christ.

God bless you.


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5e3130 No.21239939


That's not the definition of that word at all. KEK.

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c319b6 No.21239941

File: 6fe5fc4bdc07c65⋯.jpeg (1.5 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_8513.jpeg)


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de735d No.21239942

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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3b747a No.21239944

File: 990104b7ae1ac7b⋯.png (323 KB,690x362,345:181,ClipboardImage.png)

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a26e14 No.21239945


She looks amazing

Donald is a lucky man

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cd9f2a No.21239946


Clinton Global Initiative will launch network to provide new humanitarian aid to Ukrainians

September 18, 2023


Clinton Global Initiative announces new proposal to help rebuild Ukraine, provide humanitarian support

The CGI Ukraine Action Network was announced at the Clinton Global Initiative 2023 as part of its theme of 'Keep Going' this year

By Lawrence Richard Fox News Published September 18, 2023 10:36am EDT


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7147ac No.21239947

I bet Dana White could beat my ass.

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5c1172 No.21239948


This video powerfully exposes mockingbird. Cory Mills skillfully deconstructs the deepstate narrative.

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5e3130 No.21239949

File: b273e5a4ed8771b⋯.jpeg (110.83 KB,1242x1233,138:137,aBqoWfej2FLv.jpeg)

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8d3bf7 No.21239950

File: fd643e2f9486c61⋯.png (258.57 KB,963x696,321:232,Screenshot_from_2024_07_18….png)

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6e0a02 No.21239951

File: 6dad2364eb9fcd1⋯.png (310.82 KB,571x280,571:280,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 403feaaa094c9f3⋯.png (483.35 KB,827x689,827:689,ClipboardImage.png)



anon just does not support everything

it is the RNC and whole load of free loaders on the back of djt.

glad they got there. but anon is not a hurrmp kind of anon.

as for soros.

there is a special place for him and his spawn soon.

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ec57f5 No.21239952

File: 5b7f4e07e4b6d59⋯.png (88.27 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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43bb1f No.21239953



there's a few Repubs who never quite made it outta the 1950s.

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ad3d63 No.21239954


Yeah, she just shouldn't have done the eye thing.

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3b3769 No.21239955


>Well, fren, if a little nerd like me can see it from my little hovel, I'm sure our great leader, President Trump, is fully aware of exactly who she really is, and who everyone around him really is.

There's no doubt in me about all that's happening, Jesus Christ keeps me calm during all the habbenings.

God bless you too, stay comfy fren.

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507c53 No.21239958


Who's slicing onions on the KUN?

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5e3130 No.21239959

File: f66b6309e165e94⋯.png (126.27 KB,800x769,800:769,pepe_realization.png)

"I'm not tell you what to think, I'm telling you what I know" – Dana White

Quote #2 from this conference that's going to stay with me the rest of my life.

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635930 No.21239960

File: e5642bc6235dfb4⋯.jpg (126.71 KB,555x313,555:313,joe_m.jpg)

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5e3130 No.21239961

telling. spelling mistake.

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7147ac No.21239962

He's doing it for his grandkids. and we all benefit

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6e0a02 No.21239964




anon is not interested in it.

only need enough for basics.

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a9998d No.21239965

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5ec4f9 No.21239966


Was pretty good

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d7ee97 No.21239967

File: 7f272255a6addf3⋯.png (1.18 MB,1200x800,3:2,PNG_image_21.png)

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58204b No.21239969

File: 1a1b70ab12168c6⋯.png (757.29 KB,638x821,638:821,ClipboardImage.png)


Jennifer Connelly.

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7e1b15 No.21239970


some of the authenticity tonight is off the charts.

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507c53 No.21239971

File: b2e98edc7081e75⋯.jpg (8.34 KB,255x161,255:161,ISEENTIT.jpg)

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cd9f2a No.21239972

>>21239946 (me)

And this here

Canada #58 >>20842758

BlackRock and others form a group to try to pressure Ukraine to start repaying its debts

By Rhoda Wilson on May 8, 2024

A group of foreign bondholders have taken steps to force Ukraine to begin repaying its debts as soon as next year, the Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday.

If they succeed, Kiev could haemorrhage $500 million every year on interest payments alone.

The group, which includes investment giants BlackRock and Pimco, granted Kiev a two-year debt holiday in 2022, gambling that the conflict with Russia would have concluded by now.

With no end to the fighting in sight, the lenders have now hired lawyers at Weil Gotshal & Manges and bankers from PJT Partners to meet with Ukrainian officials and strike a deal whereby Ukraine would resume making interest payments next year in exchange for having a significant chunk of its debt written off, anonymous sources told the Wall Street Journal.

The group holds around a fifth of Ukraine's $20 billion in outstanding Eurobonds, the newspaper reported. While this figure represents a fraction of Ukraine's total external debt of $161.5 billion, servicing the interest on these bonds would cost the country $500 million annually, the bondholders said.

Should the bondholders fail to strike a deal with Kiev by August, Ukraine could default. This would damage the country's credit rating and restrict its ability to borrow even more money in the future.

According to the newspaper, Ukrainian officials are hoping that the US and other Western governments will take its side during talks with the bondholders. However, a group of these countries have already offered Ukraine a debt holiday on around $4 billion worth of loans until 2027, and are reportedly concerned that any deal with the bondholders would see private lenders being repaid before them.

Ukraine already relies on foreign aid to keep government departments open and state employees paid. The country's military is almost entirely dependent on foreign funding; officials in Kiev and the West were predicting imminent defeat until the US Congress approved a foreign aid bill last month which included $61 billion for Ukraine and US government agencies involved in the conflict.

The bill provides almost $14 billion to Ukraine for the purchase of weapons, and includes $9 billion in new "forgivable loans."

According to the Wall Street Journal, some bondholders have suggested that the US and EU could use frozen Russian assets to pay off Ukraine's debts. While around $300 billion in assets belonging to the Russian central bank have been frozen in American and European banks since 2022, the US only passed legislation allowing for their seizure last month, and no similar legal mechanism exists in Europe, where the vast majority of these assets are held.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European Central Bank (ECB) have both urged governments not to steal this money, with ECB chief Christine Lagarde warning last month that doing so would risk "breaking the international order that you want to protect."


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db2f8e No.21239973

Dana White [Republican National Convention]: I'm in the tough guy business, and this man [President Trump] is the toughest, most resilient human being that I've ever met in my life. The higher the stakes, the harder he fights, and this guy never, ever gives up.

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30a1d0 No.21239974


fuck off

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54fe60 No.21239975


NOTABLE, if true.

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be2830 No.21239976

notables @ 500

#26031 >>21239407

>>21239589 LIVE: Day Four 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin - 7/18/24

>>21239549, >>21239763, >>21239781 Melania has entered the building

>>21239710 Melania Trump joins Donald as he signs paperwork to be the Republican nominee just days after surviving assassination attempt

>>21239579, >>21239581, >>21239635 Eric Trump @ RNC

>>21239941 Kid Rock performance

>>21239936 Hulk Hogan @ RNC

>>21239926 Moar Mickey Mouse 10:09

>>21239613 Jon Tester becomes second Democratic senator to call for Biden to drop out of presidential race

>>21239780 Top Biden surrogate, congresswoman Joyce Beatty: We're going to make America great again

>>21239836 Blackrock gets half a trillion dollar deal to "rebuild" Ukraine

>>21239895 This is the sequence of photos from the famous photog 'doug mills' who was suspiciously close to the podium

>>21239935 In Case You Missed It, The US Now Has A Military Government

>>21239673 Memes


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b95ccf No.21239979

File: 282c475776d4cd9⋯.mp4 (506.76 KB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17213560774….mp4)

Eric Abbenante


MSNBC guest remarks at the unprecedented enthusiasm gap between parties during a presidential election:

"I've never seen an enthusiasm gap like the one we're witnessing in the Summer of this election year. I've heard horror stories from people on the ground in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, about striking out time and time again.

As local Democrat party chapters have tried to get people in to phone bank, to get mail going, to knock on doors, they can't do it, they can't find people."

Democrats repeatedly say America is a racist country, lie about the economy and tell men to cut their dick off and they're shocked that there's an enthusiasm gap.


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43bb1f No.21239980

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cd9f2a No.21239981

>>21239972 (me)

and our anon friends in Germany

Germany #106 >>20311543 translation via Yandex

US companies buy 17 million hectares in the east and south of Ukraine

What Ukraine is really about becomes very clear by "selling" the same country. Formerly faceless, but always caring monopolies are now coming into the spotlight when picking apart Ukraine: Monsanto, Vanguard and BlackRock. Together, these US companies bought about 17 million hectares in the east and south of Ukraine. These are the regions with by far the most fertile soil, not only within Ukraine, but even in this world.

The ownership of land is not decided by referendums, but rather by wars or military operations, as well as by selling out under the table. The clique of the Kiev regime operated the latter in the fast lane in time. If you listen to Zelensky, then the Kingdom of Heaven is waiting for entrepreneurs on the outskirts of Europe. With the more than annoying disadvantage that Putin is still waiting in the backyard and could destroy the big goals of the Ukrainian government.

Now, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy met by video conference with Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock, one of the world's leading asset managers. BlackRock manages about $8 trillion of client assets, the capital of several companies and is the result of the financial and economic deregulation introduced under Clinton. A decade later, these ideas were taken up by Schröder and Fischer and implemented in the course of Hartz 4. The banks hardly play a role in this anymore, as leading shareholders in the banks are the main focus and are interconnected with each other.

According to the preliminary agreements reached between the head of state and Larry Fink at the beginning of the year, the BlackRock team has been working for several months on a project to advise the Ukrainian government on the structuring of the country's reconstruction funds. Because the Zelensky government is looking for a new role. Ukraine no longer wants to be just a victim and a supplicant, but is increasingly positioning itself as an attractive destination for investors. Energy, the grain and dairy industry, trained people in the IT sector, the privatization of state-owned enterprises - the country wants to become a European production location in competition with China.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Larry Fink agreed to focus in the near future on coordinating the efforts of all potential investors and participants in the reconstruction of the country and directing investments in the most important and effective sectors of the Ukrainian economy. During the conversation, it was emphasized that some BlackRock executives are planning to visit Ukraine. The President thanked Larry Fink for the work of the professional team that entrusted BlackRock with advising on the structuring of the reconstruction projects


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ce13c3 No.21239983

File: ce04ae66595d60e⋯.gif (1.83 MB,320x240,4:3,rb000032.gif)

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cba9e2 No.21239984

File: ff38133ff5d5d7d⋯.mp4 (8.24 MB,480x270,16:9,TUCKER.mp4)

This is great

Tucker Carlson Network


Tucker Carlson's full speech at the 2024 Republican National Convention:

A leader is the bravest man!

9:09 PM · Jul 18, 2024




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c650d9 No.21239985

File: aa132fbdb15ec1d⋯.jpg (82.74 KB,638x479,638:479,America_Was_Founded_2.jpg)

File: be7253a9c0f31e7⋯.jpg (93.6 KB,788x787,788:787,63dff904c7f5e3db68d381d7b4….jpg)

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82be23 No.21239986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


🔴 WATCH LIVE: President Donald Trump Speaks at Republican National Convention in Milwaukee (7-18-24)


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ab6607 No.21239987

File: ec03865bdd48e30⋯.png (940.83 KB,883x1164,883:1164,ClipboardImage.png)

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534069 No.21239988


well, you know, really shouldn't be best to be arguing these things right exactly now. But, you know. I might be typing a bit more after Trump speaks.

To some, things that are 25 years old are over the top, too much, etc. This is a reality of the situation. The extremely uncontroversial cover band, who is doing a good job, and getting a tremendous amount of airtime, isn't playing anything newer than 83. I happen to be the exact target they're shooting for = 55-60 straight white male. I can't complain about hearing the same 38 Special cover. But it is 42 years old. If there are no other voters than 55 year olds. And here's Trump

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3be661 No.21239989

Here we go! DJT!

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b20f77 No.21239990

File: b97cf3360394156⋯.gif (14.58 MB,720x519,240:173,comfy.gif)


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43bb1f No.21239991

Trump on

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58204b No.21239992


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ce13c3 No.21239993



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5e3130 No.21239994

File: 1f1edec7e046e94⋯.webm (1.1 MB,427x240,427:240,NCSWIC.webm)

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b20f77 No.21239996


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c319b6 No.21239997

Q+ is Up!!!!

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55ae80 No.21239998

File: dd11d0a9674e298⋯.png (1.15 MB,1244x666,622:333,ClipboardImage.png)

POTUS is Next

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c6ad16 No.21239999


I love you

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7147ac No.21240000

He should have said GREAT honor.

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b5f56b No.21240001

bless the singer

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43bb1f No.21240002

God bless Lee Greenwood

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25307d No.21240003

The Champ is here!!!!!!!

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03f945 No.21240004

File: 8db5000565385ef⋯.jpg (84.21 KB,637x409,637:409,POTUS_RALLY_2.jpg)

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253894 No.21240005


thank you Hulkster!

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6e906d No.21240006



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b95ccf No.21240007

Obligatory Lee Greenwood Interlude

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b20f77 No.21240009

File: 004192df45c2e7b⋯.png (413.98 KB,529x641,529:641,chuckcheked.PNG)

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534069 No.21240010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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95be47 No.21240011

File: 4d929d75faad195⋯.jpg (30.06 KB,894x533,894:533,41CtNLUEWrL_AC_UF894_1000_….jpg)


Quads check'd

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635930 No.21240012

File: da38543c70aa1de⋯.jpg (65.92 KB,500x515,100:103,800000000000000000000000.jpg)

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b7ae9e No.21240013


Such about odd coincidence

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febd40 No.21240014

I thought Greenwood was a J6 anti-Trumper…

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11a60b No.21240015

File: 7734b61e281c6d2⋯.png (1.14 MB,1920x1080,16:9,roach.png)

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d7ee97 No.21240016

File: 7f272255a6addf3⋯.png (1.18 MB,1200x800,3:2,PNG_image_21.png)

Mrs. Vance is smiling a lot more tonight. She has a pretty smile.

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5e3130 No.21240018

Wait a minute. Lee Greenwood sings this tune? Is that Lee Greenwood?

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54fe60 No.21240019


Proofs to the left of me, proofs to the right and here I am…

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304b05 No.21240020

There is something different about Melania Trump. I cant quite work it out

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f3f787 No.21240021


Yeah. Was nice to see a full smile on Trump's face during that.

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80d27b No.21240023



slow down guys


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f3f787 No.21240024

Seizure inducing entrance.

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ffed4b No.21240025

File: b38f01703f944ef⋯.jpeg (66.8 KB,828x554,414:277,7AD218D2_6D18_4463_9ABB_8….jpeg)

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2670ac No.21240026

File: aeecbb0f39e6f83⋯.png (371.3 KB,780x439,780:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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03a013 No.21240027

File: d5a57c32eb2f055⋯.png (1.26 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e1b15 No.21240028

File: c3496938837ea21⋯.jpg (151.05 KB,960x544,30:17,D0JVhmCXgAAww1G.jpg)

File: 441f7004582310e⋯.jpg (142.92 KB,1200x1200,1:1,yay_trumpky.jpg)

File: 6c775c9ae636f3f⋯.jpg (681.13 KB,1998x1332,3:2,all_are_welcome.jpg)