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File: 62371bc6f24b6db⋯.jpeg (115.81 KB,600x335,120:67,iwoqr11.jpeg)

87634e No.21054621 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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87634e No.21054622

International Q Research Threads

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Call to Meme posts: please include in notables if it seems noteworthy


#25814 >>21053528

>>21053594 Pfizer Documents claiming that inhalation and skin contact with vaccinated people may transfer what’s in the vaccine to the unvaccinated population

>>21053729, >>21053939 Kim Jong-Un gave a pair of dogs as a gift to Putin

>>21053807 Gen Flynn w/CAP: In the 1970s, we had an unelected POTUS and VPOTUS (Ford and Rockefeller). Are we about to see the same thing happen? Could Hillary Clinton become POTUS w/out being elected?

>>21053984 ‘I Will Endeavor to Stay Alive’: Elon Musk Reveals There Were Two Failed Assassination Attempts Against Him

>>21054131 Lara Logan w/CAP: Every one of these bastards who knew the truth & said nothing is guilty of the same conspiracy. They are traitors.

>>21054167 DJT TS w/CAP: The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act was passed AFTER the Great Depression had already started. If you want to study Tariffs, and how powerful they are…

>>21054350 A Cleveland digital newspaper was forced to retract a guest column after it was published with significant factual errors about FBI whistleblowers…

>>21054369 Coca-Cola heir and celebrity hologram creator is ordered to pay model $900 MILLION in one of the largest sexual assault verdicts in history

>>21054377 MIC update: Northrop Grumman plans to start with medium-caliber ammunition and then expand production to 155 mm tank and artillery ammunition in Ukraine

>>21054391 “I’ll Shank Your F*cking Neck!” – Pro-Palestine Protester Threatens to Stab RAV’s Ben Bergquam (VIDEO)

>>21054465 US government is set to halt all open orders for Patriot air defense systems and interceptor missilesuntil Ukraine has enough to defend itself from Russia’s air attacks

>>21054568 Joe Biden adviser had contact with Burisma during height of corruption probe, emails show

>>21054574 #25814

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87634e No.21054625

#25813 >>21052767

>>21052837, >>21052851, >>21052855, >>21052890, >>21052867, >>21052916 Alan Parrot / Will Sommer

>>21052871 12 weeks after Key Bridge collapse, Dali crew still on board

>>21052872 NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang Reveals Breakthrough AI Chip at COMPUTEX 2024

>>21052883, >>21053157 PF: GRIFT 13 E6B Mercury from Tinker AFB,OKC went NE to Lake Superior

>>21052903 Whales / Wales

>>21052924 Scavino: Meme This

>>21052998 2024 is the Final Battle

>>21053014 Regional Banks Want to Slim Down. Hedge Funds Smell a Bargain

>>21053053 Transgender woman guns down ‘parents’ in Utah home, sparking massive manhunt

>>21053062 WikiLeaks: The US is getting mobilised to free Julian Assange: #LetHimGoJoe

>>21053072 Defendant in Vatican trial takes case to UN, accuses pope of violating his rights with surveillance

>>21053097 Biden is a 'cafeteria Catholic,' Cardinal says in rebuke

>>21053101 PF: USN P-8 Poseidon returning Jacksonville

>>21053157, >>21053185, >>21053192, >>21053260 PF: CART10 E6B Mercury back from a long day out from Pax River

>>21053161 PF: Russian ANTONOV An-148 RA-61735

>>21053177 TrackAIPAC.com exposes the politicians entangled with Israel

>>21053212, >>21053487 Grid Collapse: Ecuador Hit By Nationwide Power Blackout

>>21053210, >>21053267 Sidley Austin

>>21053235 Yes, Biden’s Department Of Justice Wants To Imprison Peaceful Pro-Lifers For Praying

>>21053239 PF: 59-1475 KC-135 Stratotanker on the refueling track over southern Poland

>>21053256 Non-Violent J6er Julio Baquero III, Diagnosed With Stage 4 Gastric Cancer While in the Gulags, Has Passed Away

>>21053298 The Nano Bots (through food) are probably already inside everyone regardless of vaccine status

>>21053338 Michigan Dems pass bill preventing board canvassers from investigating election fraud

>>21053361 Google executive ADMITS rigging search results

>>21053366 Brand new luxury apartment building is now open for the homeless in Los Angeles - each unit costs $600,000

>>21053388 NY AG Tish James Threatened Doctors For Prescribing Ivermectin to Covid Patients

>>21053392 While Biden hides in Delaware, President Trump stays working around the clock ⏰

>>21053395 12 Years of DACA: 68K Illegal Aliens Awarded DACA Despite Prior Arrests

>>21053408 DJT: The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act was passed AFTER the Great Depression had already started

>>21053434 Toyota president apologises to shareholders for fraudulent vehicle testing

>>21053439 US billionaire eyes TikTok takeover to save internet from Big Tech

>>21053498 Vivek: Single-day voting. Paper ballots. Proof of citizenship. Voter ID.

>>21052892, >>21052969, >>21053069, >>21053082, >>21053152 Misc. tweets & decodes

>>21052927, >>21052946, >>21052984, >>21052985, >>21052986, >>21052991 Memes

>>21053514 #25813

#25812 >>21051867

>>21051902 Furious residents erupt at NYC town hall meeting over crime outside gargantuan migrant shelter that houses 3,000 men

>>21051923 Ethics panel probing alleged Gaetz obstruction, has issued 25 subpoenas

>>21051940 French Ministry confirms delivery of two Mica VL air defense systems ahead of Paris Olympics

>>21051964 NM Gov Grisham requests Major Disaster Declaration for wildfires

>>21052037 PF reports SAM168 C40B JCOS related departed MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) after arriving from JBA-stayed for about 75m and across Atlantic

>>21052056 Women may be required to register for the draft

>>21052060 Arkansas governor signs income, property tax cuts into law

>>21052108 At least one in four US residential yards exceed new EPA lead soil level guideline

>>21052167 Illinois Republican Chair Don Tracy announces resignation over 'intra-party power struggles'

>>21052186, >>21052199 Experts Warn: North Korean troops could join Putin's invasion of Ukraine under a new pact with Russia as Kim Jong Un welcomed his despot to Pyongyang

>>21052209 Russian President Putin arrives in Vietnam for state visit, Russia Federation RSD201 Ilyushin 96VParrived at Hanoi from Pyongyang, NoKo depart


>>21052227 Santa Ana council stands firm on noncitizen voting ballot measure language despite legal challenge

>>21052347 @CitizenFreePres: Bannon unleashes on Paul Ryan tonight

>>21052457, >>21052528, >>21052616, >>21052651, >>21052679, >>21052720, >>21052737 @DanScavinoJr.🇺🇸🦅: MEME THIS🤡⤵️

>>21052497, >>21052516 House Committee Establishes Working Group to Counter China’s Control of Critical Mineral Supply Chains

>>21052503 Hezbollah Releases Drone Video of Haifa Targets in Israel

>>21052546, >>21052555 First-of-Its-Kind Study Explains Why Some People Don’t Get COVID-19

>>21052579 @Google ’s AI can tell you it’s wrong to hurt a puppy but doesn’t have the “capacity” to say an adult having s*x with a minor is wrong?!

>>21052584 Republican lawmakers in Michigan propose AR-15 as state gun

>>21052684 Sen. Paul Slams ‘Partisan’ DOJ for Refusal to Investigate Fauci

>>21052712 Notable decode, bye doge

>>21052756 #25812

Previously Collected

>>21050336 #25809, >>21051042 #25810, >>21051859 #25811

>>21047290 #25806, >>21048165 #25807, >>21049023 #25808

>>21044978 #25803, >>21045734 #25804, >>21046512 #25805

>>21041779 #25800, >>21043213 #25801, >>21044214 #25802

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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87634e No.21054629

File: 75bec249973cc09⋯.png (444.79 KB,600x353,600:353,enfuegost6.png)

File: 986575d865e7bce⋯.png (487.82 KB,904x350,452:175,prison.png)



morn'n baker requesting handoff

wurkfagg'n calls

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6de1d5 No.21054630


It is June 20, 2024

The banks still control mankind.

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085d63 No.21054632

File: 0cc7053891ba351⋯.png (628.84 KB,400x560,5:7,IMG_2137.png)

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dddbae No.21054636

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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96cd54 No.21054643

File: d937ddbf3561f31⋯.png (747.05 KB,1334x750,667:375,9EF7A1BC_D908_4826_B84C_DC….png)


Gm you!

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3d1948 No.21054658

File: 7e11e2d03b55ff8⋯.jpg (102.83 KB,500x829,500:829,8twn79.jpg)


Tyb gm all

Frenly reminder

Tis better to have oil in your lamp before the event than getting some during or after the event.

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96c237 No.21054667


Dóó Ni

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0c9585 No.21054669

File: 49d9ee32e777212⋯.gif (1.06 MB,680x849,680:849,a_non_stop_trump_train.gif)

File: d3da287c018e316⋯.gif (5.01 MB,600x600,1:1,dayshift_flyby.gif)

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b18e8c No.21054670

9:00 AM EDT

The Immediate and Long-Term Challenges Facing Public School Teachers: Low Pay, Teacher Shortages, and Underfunded Public Schools

Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee



Mr. John Arthur


Meadowlark Elementary

Holladay, UT


Mr. Gemayel Keyes


Gilbert Spruance Elementary School

Philadelphia, PA


Dr. William E. Kirwan


Maryland’s Accountability and Implementation Board

Rockville, MD


Mr. Robert Pondiscio

Senior Fellow

American Enterprise Institute

Medusa, NY


Ms. Nicole Neily

President and Founder

Parents Defending Education

Arlington, VA





Teachers & Education Advocates Testify on Public School Challenges

Teachers and education advocates testify on challenges including teacher shortages and funding shortfalls, facing the nation’s public schools during a hearing before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.


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37c0e3 No.21054671

File: 28ad9f7a4d73cdf⋯.png (342.99 KB,539x463,539:463,again2.png)

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02f908 No.21054675

File: 0a832cbc2b66eeb⋯.png (18.56 KB,88x140,22:35,dtyk2.png)

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96c237 No.21054678



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96cd54 No.21054684


Note to self: I need a lamp

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1a382d No.21054685

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Winters: Fauci is So High on His Own Supply. The reason for Fauci’s book being released now, and going on Madcow and other shows, is all about going after Trump to interfere in 2024 Election. That’s why Sad Rachel mentioned, Trump injecting bleach in their veins.This was specifically planned again, Fauci is the weapon they are using. The Press is engaging in it, and loving it, and know, and they will “Get Trump”

We need a Social Media War on Anthony Fauci and his fucking lies, he cannot get away with this again. Any ideas anons? We need to hammer that he still pushes the virus came from the bat cave, he banned and interfered with Hydrochloriquin and Ivertmectin, he lied about giving money to Wuhan lab owned by the CCP. He agreed with Birx on the masks. Don't forget Birx is as evil as him, she intentionally lied and covered up her plan working against Trump. She came up with the masks and the lockdowns, and more, she's as responsible as the harm done to children, their education, their ability to talk, the lock downs where people in nursing homes died alone, people that should have gotten hospitalization but they were banned if it wasn't covid; she is a major player in the WW destruction too.Don't forget Birx, she's as evil as Fauci and has worked with him since 1989And she still makes millions on AIDS research in Africa, why are they still researching it? It's a billion dollar industry, every researcher still does it. NIH and others fund it still.

PS: the NIH budget needs to be cut in half, the have a bigger budget than the Military. CUT THEM OFF.

DOJ refusing to prosecute Fauci, may be anger stirring, but what the Statute of Limitations for International Genocide?



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0a2968 No.21054687

File: c8a3d27e231dc8b⋯.jpg (430.73 KB,1690x2537,1690:2537,cheap_fake.jpg)

Thanks bakes and and a merry GM to you all!

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6ab653 No.21054688

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/20/2024



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954aa8 No.21054689

File: ed18f7ce3964839⋯.png (398.44 KB,600x338,300:169,ClipboardImage.png)

Richest Family in the UK, the Billionaire Hindujas Stand Trial in Switzerland for Human Trafficking Charges

The Hinduja family, owners of the multinational conglomerate Hinduja Group, have topped the 2024 Sunday Times Rich List, becoming recognized as the richest family in the UK.

Originally from India, the Hinduja relocated their businesses to London back in 1979, steadily expanding its global presence until they became worth an estimated £37bn ($47bn).

Their business operations span 48 countries across various sectors: oil, chemicals, IT, cyber security, automotive, healthcare, trading, infrastructure, media, property, and power.

So it’s a bit surprising to find some senior members of the family involved in a scandal of alleged exploitation and human trafficking.

By Paul Serran Jun. 20, 2024 7:15 am


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96c237 No.21054690



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3d1948 No.21054691

File: af2188acc2c2724⋯.gif (500.79 KB,453x640,453:640,20240620_085915.gif)


GM blessed day to you

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9cbca0 No.21054693

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I feel bad for Snowden haha

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5d62b2 No.21054695

File: 9a47199f2b23092⋯.jpg (60.84 KB,500x541,500:541,lucky_car.jpg)

Trees sometimes fall with a big kaboom on your house, storms can be dangerous.

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954aa8 No.21054696

File: 702d9f09a98e003⋯.png (95.2 KB,601x565,601:565,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51832cc9038cbf6⋯.png (253.64 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


ECUADOR 🇪🇨 Metrics show a significant disruption to Internet service with national connectivity down to 44% of normal levels; the incident is attributed to a failure in the transmission line per CENACE. (NetBlocks)

Jun 20, 2024, 7:23 AM


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3d1948 No.21054697


Dr John Campbell on yt

Good guy

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0f2886 No.21054698


>Richest Family in the UK

>the Billionaire Hindujas


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02f908 No.21054699

File: 18ec897dfcc7705⋯.png (161.37 KB,384x362,192:181,dtyk.PNG)

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87634e No.21054700

File: 18b97561ca1eb25⋯.png (499.2 KB,745x745,1:1,18b97561ca1eb2584dedb5dfe1….png)

File: 3001a303d27085d⋯.jpg (18.59 KB,433x353,433:353,3001a303d27085dc6ced89f502….jpg)


sorry anons but baker's gotta ghost

should've started wurkfagg'n already

all have a guud day - vd, don't be too retarded

Bred Is Ghost

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954aa8 No.21054701

File: a5e2203d6f1f4c0⋯.png (29.42 KB,754x624,29:24,Time_Watch_Q.png)

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7ae308 No.21054702

File: 002da70780a9d2b⋯.mp4 (2.67 MB,480x556,120:139,TtYDONQ80slnRs_t.mp4)

I’m Batman

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1a382d No.21054703

File: b0897718257fb46⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,320x564,80:141,Presslerstwitter_com_17188….mp4)



Tailgate For Trump:

I’m driving across Pennsylvania & stopped at a Service Plaza off of the Turnpike.

What a great place to tailgate & register voters!

I’m asking Pennsylvanians to visit their plazas, rest stops, & truck stops as places we can get out the vote.

Let’s go!


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cbc1de No.21054704

File: 4ea1d0d6d38ae4c⋯.jpeg (260.73 KB,1125x1161,125:129,IMG_1317.jpeg)

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bb1216 No.21054705

File: a55d659da270ba8⋯.png (46.32 KB,98x337,98:337,Proudtowearmyuniform.png)

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3d1948 No.21054706

File: 76374eb49d7075e⋯.jpg (124.86 KB,712x928,89:116,Screenshot_20240620_084318….jpg)

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5d62b2 No.21054708

File: c71108a345eff8a⋯.jpg (132.14 KB,500x907,500:907,37z08w_4260962849.jpg)


>The banks still control mankind.

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7ae308 No.21054709

File: f6cf4dbbb39603b⋯.mp4 (2.04 MB,672x848,42:53,Trump_Batman_01.MP4)

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0f2886 No.21054710


If the car owner was really lucky the tree would have crushed that piece of shit and put it out of its misery.

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55a4ee No.21054711

File: 3f436140ace5c40⋯.jpg (121.47 KB,1085x1085,1:1,20240618_024602.jpg)

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bb1216 No.21054712

File: c93017dbde84af6⋯.png (262.81 KB,441x609,21:29,civilianforsure.png)

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96cd54 No.21054713

File: 397b5b77d958d82⋯.png (45.7 KB,657x525,219:175,E90F8AE9_80A8_4A24_974D_9C….png)


Gm n Gb. Habs gud one. Ty

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bb1216 No.21054714

File: 03d3836e717bfcb⋯.png (154.85 KB,230x687,230:687,proudcivilian.png)

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5948fe No.21054715

File: 9ca5cdd874e92ee⋯.png (572.19 KB,606x472,303:236,9ca5cdd874e92ee34b1eadf14d….png)


Kim Jong-Un gave a pair of pair of Pungsan dogs as a gift to Putin. Let me know when you see the Glorious Red, White and Blue. God Bless all our Patriot Leaders in place now. The Time is drawing near. Hope you are ready for the Storm. 6000 years of Evil is about to be eradicated comrades.

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3d1948 No.21054716


Even gays will vote Trump

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7ae308 No.21054717

File: 2b7eb936c295973⋯.jpeg (121.44 KB,878x648,439:324,IMG_2638.jpeg)

File: 6567be6ffb8cfec⋯.jpeg (99.44 KB,1080x732,90:61,IMG_2637.jpeg)



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235a19 No.21054718

File: 812c808074bd70b⋯.png (103.47 KB,250x243,250:243,812c808074bd70b7374c85b7e1….png)


kek, it do be like that.

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5948fe No.21054719

>>21054629 morn'n baker requesting handoff

>>21054700 Bred Is Ghost




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5948fe No.21054720

>>21054629 morn'n baker requesting handoff

>>21054700 Bred Is Ghost




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7ae308 No.21054721

File: 018e32c8c73f283⋯.jpeg (59.13 KB,405x467,405:467,Creepy_Guy_10_Kim.JPEG)

File: bf36cf2f279b571⋯.jpeg (32.41 KB,254x249,254:249,Kim_Jong_Un_Q_Made_Me_Do_….JPEG)

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55a4ee No.21054722

File: 8aaf0780b9fed66⋯.jpg (559.74 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1697271900576.jpg)

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bb1216 No.21054723

File: 03d3836e717bfcb⋯.png (154.85 KB,230x687,230:687,proudcivilian.png)

File: c93017dbde84af6⋯.png (262.81 KB,441x609,21:29,civilianforsure.png)



images working?

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b49a83 No.21054724


Home » Political Analysis » Kansas AG Pfizer Lawsuit Will Stop CV19 Bioweapon Vax Industry – Karen Kingston

Kansas AG Pfizer Lawsuit Will Stop CV19 Bioweapon Vax Industry – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter On June 19, 2024 In Political Analysis 59 Comments

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com

In a stunning new CV19 vax lawsuit filed this week by Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach, there is new hope to finally bring down the CV19 bioweapon vax industry. AG Kobach filed a lawsuit against Pfizer, the biggest maker of the CV19 so-called “vaccine” with more than 60% of the market globally. Kobach is alleging “unlawful misrepresentation” of the efficacy of the injections and “censoring public discussion” of the disastrous effects of the injections. On top of that, it is reported by Kobach that four other states are going to join the Kansas AG’s lawsuit. This is big, and biotech analyst Karen Kingston, who has warned from the beginning of the murderous and disabling effects of the CV19 injections, explains why, “I am overjoyed to share this. Again, AG Kobach is suing Pfizer for ‘fraud and unconscionable acts.’ Ten counts have been brought against Pfizer, including conspiring with Health and Human Services (HHS), the (legacy) media, social media, other agencies and even the lobbying group ‘Bio.’ Even bigger than that, Kobach announced four other states will be joining this lawsuit and potentially even more. . .”

Why were other vax makers not sued? Kingston said, “It was because of the contract Pfizer had. They were not under the supervision of the U.S. government and did not participate with the Warp Speed program. Under that program, the U.S. government controlled the products that were being manufactured. . . . What it comes down to is because of the contract that Pfizer signed with the U.S. government, and it looks like Trump had his fingerprints all over it, the art of the deal, Trump broke Pfizer’s liability shield that the contract would be a weapon, so that state prosecutors and Americans could sue Pfizer if they did anything wrong. They tried to defraud us, and they harmed and manipulated us.”

Just in Kansas alone, Pfizer could be liable for hundreds of millions of dollars in damages for killing and harming people. Kingston goes on to say, “In all of these counts that are being brought by Kansas and the four additional states, the 10th count is the most important because so much for saying the Covid-19 injections are not safe and effective and they do cause harm, disease, disability, infertility, Myocarditis, Pericarditis and death. It is no longer a conspiracy theory. It is a fact with count number 10, it is a civil conspiracy.”

Many groups are alleged to have conspired to keep information about the dangers of these CV19 injections from the public. Some of the groups are the US government’s Health and Human Services (HHS), Stanford University and ‘BIO’ (Biotechnology Innovation Organization), the world’s largest bio lobbying group. Kingston adds, “BIO was the group that worked behind the scenes to shut down the BIOSECURE Act on behalf of China. . . . Even though these other groups are named as co-conspirators in this lawsuit, they are not going after those co-conspirators. You let Pfizer bring them in and explain what happened.

Kingston also points out, “When the BIOSECURE Act was brought up earlier this year, all the CEOs of Pfizer, GSK, AstraZeneca, they all flew to China and said you’ve got our backs, right? You are going to protect us, right? . . . . I think these Attorneys General are starting to wake up and say, wait a second, this mRNA technology from our U.S. pharma companies was actually used as a weapon against the American people. If they don’t stop it, there will be no future for our country. There will be no posterity. I think they are realizing that, but I also think they want to avoid World War III.”

In closing, Kingston says the Pfizer data proves, “If you get the injection, you get the (CV19) infection. It is the exact opposite of what we would call a vaccine. On top of that, they (Pfizer) knew about all the disease, disability, infertility and death that it would cause. . . . Their actual labeling is criminal. . . .Forcing the CV19 vaccine was about breaking American values and breaking our belief that individuals have human rights. That’s what it was about. . . . This is also about editing human beings, and not just human beings, but all biological lifeforms. The synthetic bio industry wants to do this to the world,

There is much more in the 51-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with renowned biotech analyst Karen Kingston as she gives groundbreaking analysis on what the Kansas AG’s new lawsuit against Pfizer means for finally stopping the CV19 mRNA bioweapon vax nightmare in America for 6.18.24.


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5d62b2 No.21054725

File: 3792262f3ce542b⋯.jpg (36.73 KB,550x535,110:107,cutitout.jpg)


>If the car owner was really lucky the tree would have crushed that piece of shit and put it out of its misery.

The tree was clearly in the wrong here, you see now?

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b80dc1 No.21054726

File: fa8a91585877447⋯.png (87.38 KB,1281x422,1281:422,ClipboardImage.png)

Q+: "All Biden can do is talk about his WEAPONIZED Witch Hunt Trials against me"

Does anyone else see what is happening? Imagine living in a country where you were falsely accused by state and non-state actors, and then through a rigged trial convicted of a crime you didn't commit, then watching those same persecutors repeatedly referencing that conviction as alleged proof that you are a criminal.

What would be the actual phenomena occurring? You would be watching a hermetically sealed inward looking system referencing ITSELF over and over and over again, posturing itself in speech as somehow making observations outside itself on what is occurring in reality as it is.

Is that not what it would look like if it had looked as though warped headed human beings were trying to play God? That reality isn't ready made a priori to those human being's lives, but somehow ALL of reality, including the persons of everyone alive, is somehow a product of those warped human minds who imagine 'visions' and have convinced themselves those visions are from a secret power that only they can tap into and know about because of some specific undefined pattern in their FINITE genetic coding?

Would you not be witnessing a force that would and is implementing in praxis what we have read about in history as "pure evil", because to these warped minds, they are "beyond good and evil", which logically has the necessary result of speaking and acting INCONSISTENTLY, a "these rules are for thee, but not for me" contradiction?

Would you not be witnessing a pattern of devotion, of behavior, dating back many hundreds if not thousands of years, where similarly warped "I am God" minds have made the world suffer because the world isn't in fact merely a product of those warped mind's 'visions' of "I am God and what I say and do is what shall be and what shall happen" ?

Would you not be witnessing a complex formal system eliciting inconsistency after inconsistency because it is trying to seek and take hold of 'completeness' in its own finite coding, an impossibility that Godel proved mathematically?

That this massive inconsistency problem is precisely why reality won't in fact bend or break but will repeatedly reassert itself and what that looks like is perpetual CONFLICT within the human species, revenge for revenge cycles, as "I am God" logic implemented in a world predating those logics, bash against each other?

Is the whole "We are God" or "I am God" not itself an acme of illicit faith? That the world predating all of us will somehow eventually bend or break provided the warped minds repeatedly invoke that projection praxis, the permanent 'revolution' over enough 'generations' of finite mortal corporeal minds of 'proper' bloodline genetic coding in time?

What can this be other than a mental disorder writ large? What can this be other than a tiny number of loud voices screaming and accusing the world of being at fault for not instantly bending or breaking, that everyone is to be in deference and patient and tolerant and sacrifice their own lives for the sake of the warped mind's 'way of life' that consists of PROJECTION of "I am God", resulting in wars, manufactured virus weapons, endless money printing/subjugation, totalitarianism on Earth that forever burns, and if the human species goes extinct, the warped minds don't care because "we're going to die anyway"?


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cbc1de No.21054728

File: f572cbb8b66f52b⋯.jpeg (843.81 KB,1125x1820,225:364,IMG_1318.jpeg)

File: 5eec2beffa56380⋯.jpeg (139.46 KB,1125x446,1125:446,IMG_1319.jpeg)

:) Boom!

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235a19 No.21054730


>What can this be other than a mental disorder writ large?

It is. People are not gods.

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96c237 No.21054732

File: d7da40e7303cb9d⋯.jpg (176 KB,1284x1290,214:215,20240620_161314.jpg)

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cbc1de No.21054734

Balloons on X

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9a7d15 No.21054735

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Then Code

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bb1216 No.21054736

File: e46e66eea7ecf89⋯.mp4 (4.52 MB,640x360,16:9,innerworkings.mp4)

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3d1948 No.21054737

File: b8e2391ed7f8799⋯.jpg (69.39 KB,586x425,586:425,6epke4.jpg)



C before D

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e3c794 No.21054738

File: 13e4d36948c7e9d⋯.jpg (22.07 KB,278x200,139:100,stew.jpg)

File: 0206ccfb30d8ba5⋯.jpg (35.02 KB,300x200,3:2,ram.jpg)

Diner preparations, got a Storm incoming.

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0f2886 No.21054739


The hooknosed baby cocksucker will die of old age as a Hollywood hero under this current Deep State regime.

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bb1216 No.21054740

File: 2b9b5de88f91e0b⋯.mp4 (10.24 MB,474x854,237:427,tantura.mp4)

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bb1216 No.21054741

File: ff136724625f7b9⋯.mp4 (5.86 MB,1280x720,16:9,wellsonofabitch.mp4)

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1a382d No.21054742

June 19, 2024 Will Upton

Someone In the Biden Campaign is Leaking Data to the Press.

Here’s Why…

A curious, if bland, process story ran in POLITICO Tuesday morning, appearing intended not to catch the eye of the average reader, but a small group of influential D.C. politicos tasked with harming President Trump’s reputation on the national stage.

The story—one of many regarding the implications of the guilty verdict against former President Donald J. Trump in the New York hush money trial late last month—contains substantial information that will doubtless inform the activities of Democrat-aligned SuperPACs supporting Joe Biden‘s re-election bid.

In essence, POLITICO ran a story that breaks down Biden‘s presidential campaign committee’s messaging, data, and advertising pitches regarding the Trump verdict, point-by-point.

The story was likely leaked to POLITICO by the Biden campaign as a workaround for federal campaign finance laws that bar direct coordination between a presidential campaign committee and partisan-aligned PACs.

The tell? It quotes generously from anonymous Biden campaign sources, including campaign pollsters.

“We’ve seen in polling since the conviction that the more the conviction is front and center in voters’ attention, the worse it is for Trump,” one anonymous source told POLITICO—signaling to aligned SuperPACs to focus future ads on the conviction.

Biden’s pollster elaborates further, noting to allies that the messaging should be tied to a broader narrative accusing Trump of “being self-centered and unwilling to take responsibility for his actions.”

POLITICO then provides Biden-aligned SuperPACs a look at the 81-year-old Democrat incumbent’s internal polling, noting that it mirrors that of the outlet’s Ipsos-conducted survey.


Process stories, like the one published by POLITICO, often occur when a campaign wants to shift messaging and alert its allies without overtly breaking

the law. After noting that the Biden campaign’s initial strategy was to remain hands-off following Trump‘s conviction, the outlet states: “But even then, Biden aides privately noted they could always readjust their hands-off strategy if the ruling served to be more damaging down the road.” The strategic shift appears to be now taking place, and the very story covering it is also serving as the vehicle to alert Biden’s non-campaign affiliated groups.

The story even serves as a mechanism for Democrat SuperPACs and political groups to signal receipt of the messaging shift.

POLITICO quotes Matt Bennett, co-founder of the center-left group Third Way: “What the polling clearly shows is there is a group of voters for whom the convictions matter and … it is the voters who are going to decide the election.” Ostensibly, this response came after the outlet approached Bennett with the Biden campaign data and news of its messaging shift.


Federal Election Commission (FEC) rules make coordination between a campaign and aligned SuperPACs difficult—and illegal.

However, their three-pronged test to determine coordination does not include planting useful data or messaging instructions in media stories. Nor does it cover what can made to appear as an accidental leak.

The latter occurred when the Ron DeSantis-aligned SuperPAC “Never Back Down” leaked internal memos detailing attacks on their opponents ahead of a Republican presidential primary debate last year. Made to look “accidental,” the leak provided detailed lines for the DeSantis campaign to use during and after the debate.


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87634e No.21054743



imma out

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003665 No.21054744

File: f027a2abb83f6e9⋯.jpg (20.09 KB,188x300,47:75,8ufzt185f93db4507c23e63bba….jpg)

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d40f07 No.21054745

File: d79f7fe6684781a⋯.png (720.44 KB,760x600,19:15,Screen_Shot_2018_11_04_at_….png)


Thanks, Baker!

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bb1216 No.21054746

File: dc59798176a5180⋯.mp4 (108.05 KB,854x480,427:240,Fuck_you.mp4)

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96c237 No.21054747


Ko dóó kokoneti

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9a7d15 No.21054748

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Remove All

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954aa8 No.21054749

File: e784e37c9530945⋯.png (4.93 MB,1880x1254,940:627,ClipboardImage.png)

Feds try to delay release of non-public COVID vaccine safety data until at least 2026

Biden administration seeks 18-month stay before processing Just the News open records request, America First Legal calls delay request "shocking."

The Biden administration is seeking to delay until at least 2026 the release of COVID-19 vaccine safety data that has been kept outside the government’s normal adverse events reporting system.

The Departments of Justice and Health and Human Services asked U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton this week to issue an 18-month stay that keeps them from having to release the Food and Drug Administration’s data to Just the News under the Freedom of Information Act.

The federal agencies alleged that “exceptional circumstances” exist to necessitate the delay in compliance with the open records law because the FDA is stretched thin by numerous other requests for public information related to the pandemic.

The agency “has been dealing with an unprecedented workload requiring FOIA productions involving approximately 5.7 million pages of COVID-19 vaccine records in a compressed timeframe,” the government argued in the motion filed Tuesday night.

The government revealed it has secured stays in seven other cases seeking records and asked Walton to do the same with the Just the News request. Federal lawyers claim the agency hired several new employees to try to speed up processing but that it can take up to two years to train new staff to process such requests.

“Thus, despite the Branch’s good-faith investment in increasing its future processing capacity by training new employees, its resources remain limited during this lengthy onboarding period,” the government claimed.

Just the News, which is represented in the case by the America First Legal public interest law firm, is opposing the stay and a status conference is scheduled Thursday before the judge.


“This is a typical government excuse which is,’ Oh, we're so busy, we don't have the resources to help provide you, the American people with the information that you need,’” Hamilton told the Just the News, No Noise television show.

So you just need to wait until 18 months from now. And maybe you'll get to see it, maybe you won't. And what they're hoping to do is stretch this out to the point where everybody forgets about it,” he added.


“They need to know what the government knows, and the fact that we're having to sue with y'all to try to get access to this information, just to provide people with what they need to make their own decision, should be totally unacceptable and shocking to every American,” he added.

Just the News and America First Legal sued the Biden administration in February, asking the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., to order the Department of Health and Human Services to comply with two Freedom of Information Act requests to the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention seeking COVID-19 reactions data kept in a back-end, nonpublic system to the nation’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).


“The public-facing database contains only initial reports, while the private, back-end system contains all updates and corrections – such as a formal diagnosis, recovery, or death,” the lawsuit explained.


“The public VAERS database reportedly did not include an autopsy examiner’s conclusion that the death of a 15-year-old boy was caused by ‘stress cardiomyopathy following [his] second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech covid-19 vaccine,’” the suit said.

Just the News filed FOIA requests for the back-end data with both the FDA and the CDC on Jan.6. The FDA assigned a control number for its request but never complied with providing any data, the suit said.

The CDC came back in February declining to provide any data, claiming the requested information “fell under the jurisdiction of the [FDA]” and “referred Mr. Solomon’s initial request to FDA and administratively closed the initial request,” the suit stated.


“They're going to continue to cover up the real the damage being done by these what I would consider now very dangerous, very suspect mRNA vaccines,” he said.

Drugmakers, the FDA and CDC have acknowledged there is evidence of adverse events like myocarditis – inflammation of the heart – but that such affects are rare and shouldn’t scare Americans from getting the shots.

In fact, the CDC recommended in February that Americans over the age of 65 should get an additional vaccine booster in 2024.

June 19, 2024 11:35pm Updated: June 20, 2024 7:48am


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cbc1de No.21054750

File: e6ee40102c54993⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB,1125x1878,375:626,IMG_1321.jpeg)

File: 55a38367d335c09⋯.jpeg (273.11 KB,1125x673,1125:673,IMG_1322.jpeg)

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08208d No.21054751

File: dd0103e291ee9e9⋯.png (542.33 KB,1106x917,158:131,travisscott.png)

Rapper Travis Scott arrested for disorderly intoxication, trespassing in Florida

ByMark Osborne

Thursday, June 20, 2024 8:51AM

Superstar rapper Travis Scott was arrested early Thursday in Miami on charges of disorderly intoxication and trespassing, according to jail records.

Scott, whose real name is Jacques Bermon Webster, was booked at 4:35 a.m. local time, according to jail records. Jail records also note that he submitted a bond of $650 and was expected to be released.

The Grammy-nominated rapper is best known for Billboard Hot 100 No. 1 hits like "Sicko Mode," "Highest in the Room" and "Franchise."

Scott is father to daughter Stormi, 6, and son Aire, 2, both of whom he shares with ex Kylie Jenner of "The Kardashians" fame.

ABC News has reached out to Scott's representatives for comment.


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7ae308 No.21054752

File: 3feb8ada8f35fde⋯.mp4 (7.38 MB,640x360,16:9,ynOGJHxYFAx7JZ8v.mp4)

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9a7d15 No.21054753

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8f5b3c No.21054754

File: 93f67ec6189caf5⋯.png (771.96 KB,593x763,593:763,2024_06_19_3_21_17.png)



Tx Bakers.


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37c0e3 No.21054755

File: 3d05dc337c02c0c⋯.webm (606.48 KB,427x240,427:240,uhhh.webm)


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96c237 No.21054756

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5948fe No.21054757


anon was watching the christmas version of the happy days, and they were donating to an orphange, "phister orphanage"

The scene occurred in the diner and it was a large toy box in the middle of the room and said phister orphanage.

happened in the last few christmas, tried to find it online but not much of a great digger i am

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d72683 No.21054758

File: 432ad6825419beb⋯.png (7.94 KB,552x504,23:21,ClipboardImage.png)


>Balloons on X

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cbc1de No.21054759

File: 98df460c541b26c⋯.jpeg (974.79 KB,1125x1818,125:202,IMG_1324.jpeg)

File: 60f515bdca99355⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB,1125x1578,375:526,IMG_1323.jpeg)

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bb1216 No.21054760

File: 3955182611506d0⋯.mp4 (15.26 MB,1280x720,16:9,gohomenow.mp4)

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edf2b5 No.21054761

File: c56bd88dd68d2c3⋯.jpeg (106.83 KB,828x710,414:355,03B087B0_7CED_4B86_9EC2_B….jpeg)

File: d6b303a79d6f54b⋯.jpeg (123.62 KB,828x634,414:317,77E36554_A8F3_4C99_AE21_6….jpeg)

File: d09043b04ace689⋯.jpeg (128.9 KB,828x584,207:146,A2A3CEE4_727D_4DD7_AC82_3….jpeg)

8 years, child/trafficking unfettered, might take at least 15 min to see it, middle class dying, economic terrorism rampant, covid vaxx poison pursing through America unfettered, confusion and depression widespread. Money is gone.

Only lost 2 family members and 5 or 6 friends.

Another family member has stage 4 ADRENAL GLAND CANCER, a child.

Put a turbo charger on this plan.


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7ae308 No.21054762

File: 14c34547d20897e⋯.mp4 (161.07 KB,KM0DNk97QDd55MN2.mp4)

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9a7d15 No.21054763

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


666 -> RESET

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cbc1de No.21054764


Sweet Q.

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96c237 No.21054765

Amba wastej


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4ece65 No.21054766

File: 0bb787d9fd7d1e4⋯.png (1.57 MB,750x1334,375:667,7FFC1873_2786_4001_A63C_A8….png)

File: de9a8305be3590f⋯.png (76.1 KB,690x988,345:494,D48FE192_1C29_4BF5_8D22_1B….png)

File: c342b6a432f0f99⋯.jpeg (272.14 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,B5D39BEC_C8E8_4756_95AC_2….jpeg)

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7ae308 No.21054767

File: ef0d41f83a8e2d1⋯.png (889.6 KB,624x800,39:50,9106ACD8_E249_41A8_B058_AE….png)

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5948fe No.21054768


[C]hange before [D]estroyed

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7ae308 No.21054769

File: 7153052e496fbaa⋯.png (925.93 KB,600x800,3:4,93363C17_8C8E_479F_92EC_BB….png)

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c0c5b2 No.21054770

File: 882c07d098df962⋯.jpeg (397.69 KB,1033x611,1033:611,B565B33B_959F_4E5D_ABB6_6….jpeg)

File: f6295d1dee3636a⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB,717x1312,717:1312,8AF95A7F_202E_481D_A583_E….jpeg)

File: 76369bc4b4606fd⋯.jpeg (501.33 KB,1077x619,1077:619,B6D8CE45_6019_4F73_87D5_4….jpeg)

File: ba7df3b385d000e⋯.jpeg (741.33 KB,1160x621,1160:621,3F0D3547_016E_4C75_AA69_3….jpeg)

File: 5bfbb6e6c759bb2⋯.jpeg (196.48 KB,786x962,393:481,29AF5743_E59F_4BA1_9233_5….jpeg)

PlaneFaggin’: Gulf/Europe activity


>>21052037 pb

SAM168 C40BJCOS relatedarrived at Doha, Qatar -Al Udeid AB from last night’s MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) depart w/ a fuel stop at Shannon, Ireland


Saudi AF SRA836 787Ministry of Financearrived at London-Gatwick from Jeddah/Riyadh depart

Saudi Crown Prince Demands Netanyahu Face Criminal Charges for Gaza


C101 US Coast Guard G5 departed Stuttgart Intl (AFRICOM) after an overnight-inbound from Manama, Bahrain yesterday

SPAR95 C40C left Innsbruck and went to Chievres AB, Belgium for a stop then to Ramstein AFB

Belgium AF BAF73 Falcon 7x to Brussels, German AF GAF688 Global 5000, Dutch AF NAF11 G650 to Rotterdam-all three departed Milan Malpensa Intl

Sweden AF SVF678 G4 Stockholm to Brussels

Hungary AF HUAF584 Falcon 7x on ground at Berlin from Stuttgart stop and Budapest depart earlier

Dutch AF SPYTZ Fokker 70 departed Rzsesow Airport after arriving yesterday n 0617 from Lublin Airport

They moving Zelensky around or on a visit??

Swiss AF SUI592 Challenger 600 departed Warsaw SW-stop at Poznań prior and back to Berne/Belp Airport

Seoul, Warsaw aim for follow-up deals for supply of Korean


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bb1216 No.21054771


The Yemeni military media published scenes of naval forces targeting the TUTOR ship with two suicide boats in the Red Sea and sinking it.

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235a19 No.21054772


Says "Post 9-11" behind him?

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7ae308 No.21054773

File: 8ff2af3968464b4⋯.jpeg (337.68 KB,890x494,445:247,IMG_2620.jpeg)

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8f5b3c No.21054774



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bb1216 No.21054775

File: 0f6e3714ea4dbe6⋯.mp4 (946.16 KB,640x360,16:9,wtc7.mp4)

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37c0e3 No.21054776

File: 9cb52cbe8dced6b⋯.webm (1.19 MB,427x240,427:240,lovely_day.webm)

"Don't pick a bard," they said. "Bards are useless in battle," they said.

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3d1948 No.21054777

File: 55c871f0dc05cb9⋯.jpg (133.11 KB,675x988,675:988,20210614_192229.jpg)

Whose tipping point will win?

sin or us.

Let only good prevail we pray.

Lord hear our prayer.

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aab2f7 No.21054778

Tree fell on the house, damage looks unreal.

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258783 No.21054779

>>21054577 (pb)

Hold on, I just clocked a guy going 5 over. He's uppity and talking back to me. He won't step out of the car. I thought he was putting the car in gear, so I mag dumped him.

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954aa8 No.21054780

File: d56063c208d4750⋯.png (929.12 KB,799x534,799:534,ClipboardImage.png)


>phister orphanage

I got nothin, 2

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235a19 No.21054781


On your house?

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bb1216 No.21054782


2:08 someone explain what happened

hit on one side, explosion on the other side, then front

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5948fe No.21054783



probably gonna need to dig on what speacials played in the last few christamas' then watch

I think it also had to do with a Sever Snowstorm and everyone got separated

joni and her pops were at the hardware store snowed in. least i think that was the one.

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aab2f7 No.21054785


>[C]hange before [D]estroyed

The tree fell on the house, not much to chance the damage now, besides we looking at destroying the tree first and then fix the house, what do you reckon?

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3d1948 No.21054786


When they put Richie and the other two in dresses…creepy canned laughter added.

Creepy then and still

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53a6bf No.21054787



#129- The Magic Show (12/5/78)

After a magician drinks a glass of vodka instead of water by mistake, Fonzie is asked to perform the magic act.

Al is getting ready for a radio interview at the Cunningham house. George Fenneman and the radio station are broadcasting live. Al and Howard are co-chairman of the Leopard Lodge's annual Sunnyside Orphanage Fund-raising dinner show being held tomorrow night at the Pfister Hotel. Howard gives the information on the show as Al is afraid. The 'Incredible Crustini' will attempt the suspenseful trick, the famous milk can escape. Louise and Louie, their poster children from the orphanage make an announcement for people to come to the show. Fonzie makes an announcement. Potsie sings and Ralph tells jokes before a piece of the radio equipment blows up. Marion receives a call that the Great Crustini is in the hospital, injured while doing the milkcan escape. Fonzie tells them about The Amazing Randi who is in Chicago. Richie, Ralph, and Potsie go to Chicago to find The Amazing Randi. Ralph and Potsie play with some of the tricks. They go to the window and see The Amazing Randi hanging upside down in a straight jacket 14 stories over Michigan Avenue. He signs the contract. Joanie is dressed in a red glitter outfit as Randi's assistant. Randi coughs and Potsie gives him a glass that has straight vodka in and passes out. Howard tells some jokes and Marion tells him about The Amazing Randi. Fonzie does some tricks. He does the disappearing box trick. Fonzie and Mrs. C. do the floating woman trick. Randi is not sober yet as everyone waits for the great milk can escape. Louise and Louie beg Fonzie to do the dangerous trick. Ralph and Potsie prepare the milk can. After 40 seconds, Randi says Fonzie could drown. Fonzie completes the great milk can escape. Howard says they cleared almost $12,000. The Amazing Randi makes the radio disappear and congratulates Fonzie.

Directed by: Jerry Paris

Written by: Don Safran

Guest stars: George Fenneman as himself, James Randi as The Amazing Randi, Kathi Marshall as Louise, and Scott Marshall as Louie.


Richie (Ron Howard) at the beginning of this episode: "In this episode of Happy Days, there was no trick photography used. All magic feats were done live".

Louie mentions an Alvin and the Chipmunk record.

Fonzie says the can is solid steel and is the same can that Houdini used.

James (The Amazing Randi) Randi is a real-life escape artist/magician. Currently the president of the JREF (James Randi Educational Foundation) which offers a million dollar reward to anyone who can prove paranormal or psuedience (ghosts, esp, aliens, pyschics, etc.) actually exist. He has had several specials on TV debunking this stuff as well as numerous appearances on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson several years ago. He is Penn & Teller's hero in life!

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9a7d15 No.21054788

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We go ALL

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53a6bf No.21054789


Lodge's annual SunnysideOrphanageFund-raising dinner show being held tomorrow night at the Pfister Hotel. Howard gives the information on the show as Al is afraid. The 'Incredible Crustini' will attempt the suspenseful trick, the famous milk can escape. Louise and Louie, their poster children from theorphanagemake an announcement for people

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aab2f7 No.21054790


>On your house?

Grannies house long time ago, but anon inherited the house including all the trouble of big old overgrown trees falling, this is the third time in 16 years.

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1a382d No.21054791

In the EU, the House Always Wins

It appears that European elites have once again outmaneuvered conservatives. Rod Dreher — June 19, 20241/3

In recent weeks, Americans have seen the shocking lengths to which the Deep State will go to prevent Donald Trump from returning to power.

There was his phony show trial in New York City, the result of which now allows the Democratic Party to describe Joe Biden’s rival as a “convicted felon.” The subsequent trial of Hunter Biden on gun charges made clear that Deep State actors—especially former senior intelligence officials—lied during the 2020 election about the incriminating evidence found in the younger Biden’s laptop. “Russian disinformation!” they cried. But it was true.

Meanwhile, this week in Europe, theEuropean People’s Party made a shameful governing alliance with European parliamentary liberals, to marginalize conservatives who challenge the system. In a post on X,Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán summed up its meaning with great clarity:

The result of the European election is clear: right-wing parties got stronger, the Left and the liberals lost ground.The EPP, on the other hand, instead of listening to the voters,finally teamed up with the socialists and the liberals: today they made a deal and divided the top jobs of the EU among themselves. They don’t care about reality, they don’t care about the results of the European elections, and they don’t care about the will of the European people. We shouldn’t be naive: they will continue to support migration and send even more money and weapons to the Russia-Ukraine war.

What EU elites are doing is maintaining a cordon sanitaire to keep popular conservative parties away from power. The Dutch establishment did this to keep Geert Wilders out of the prime ministership.This is what the French elites have done for decades against Le Pen’s party, though the massive vote for the National Rally in the recent European parliamentary balloting seems to have breached the wall. Eric Ciotti, head of the center-right Republicans, responded to the NR’s smashing victory by announcing the party’s intention to form a coalition with them. “Over our dead bodies!” screamed other party bigs, impotently. The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on.

Now we are learning that the European Commission, which has let France escape censure for its flagrant violations of EU budget rules, is preparing to punish the country if Marine Le Pen’s National Rallymakes substantial gains in the upcoming French parliamentary elections. The Commission fired warning shots on Wednesday, when France topped a list of EU countries reprimanded over its budgetary shortfalls.

“This will put [France] into what’s called an ‘excessive deficit procedure,’ which requires governments to take action to rein in their spending—and to set out in detail how they’re going to do it,” Politico said. “It’s a typically drawn-out EU process that can take years but ultimately they could be fined.”..


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954aa8 No.21054792

File: c88065b3bba93ee⋯.png (528.65 KB,704x418,32:19,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bb280f558bbc5b9⋯.png (1.37 MB,1035x859,1035:859,Lori_Lightfoot_Fuck_Claren….png)

File: 2b8b614ea6899b3⋯.jpg (5.31 KB,255x170,3:2,Lorie_Lightfoot_And_Wife.jpg)

File: f4cbd8d1fe89bbd⋯.jpg (267.37 KB,1200x800,3:2,Lori_Lightfoot_Get_Vaxd.jpg)

Go Blue:U of M Hires Ousted Chicago Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot as Visiting Professor

According to the university, Lightfoot will join the Ford School of Public Policy faculty in the fall as a Harry A. and Margaret D. Towsley Foundation Policymaker in Residence.

JUNE 17, 2024


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1c0fc5 No.21054793

Q Team:

Wife just woke up to extreme cramps screaming in pain. These people are up to something because then my light started to flicker in and out slowly about 15-20 times. Then a few moments later I got a leg cramp at the tendon too. This is Schumer's 6th time, the Rothschilds did this once before to burn out my computer equipment. I believe some of the neighbors working together as last night every time I would put my head towards the screen to read better, I got an extreme head pain as if being hit by an energy weapon, it wasn't vascular at all and went away each time as I sat back in the chair. Please do a flyover, and work on getting us out of here, or arresting these criminals.

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3d1948 No.21054794

File: a21e94daa186e6d⋯.jpg (69.4 KB,550x432,275:216,ui.jpg)

B tips his hat to vd on the way out

Totally normal

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4176b3 No.21054795

The DS arrests have to start soon.

Under Merrick Garland and his corrupt DOJ.

Under Biden and his corrupt administration.

Who just convicted Trump of 34 felonies.

Because if the arrests happen when Trump is President, they'll cry political persecution.

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1a382d No.21054796



None of these blatantly unprincipled maneuvers surprises any Hungarian conservative, as Hungary has been the whipping boy of Europe’s bureaucratic elites for years. So was Poland under the rule of the Law & Justice party; now that a properly tamed Euro-liberal, Donald Tusk, is in charge there, theBrussels bureaucracy has developed a strange new tolerance for Poland’s fiscal shortfalls.

The unelected members of the European Commission are using their bureaucratic powers in other ways to affect, or even nullify, the democratic wishes of European voters. Ursula von der Leyen has reportedly buried, at least temporarily, an EU report critical of Italy’s media environment, in a bid to win the support of Italian prime minister Giorgia Meloni. For her part, Meloni has to operate knowing that her country’s indebtedness gives them a weak hand to play against Brussels, which holds the money cards.

Brussels’s hardball tactics seem to be working. Meloni, leader of the hard-right ECR bloc in the European Parliament, may have attempted to reverse the EU establishment’s rude snub of her earlier this week by throwing Orbán under the bus, refusing on Wednesday to allow Fidesz to join the ECR. To be fair to Meloni, other European populist parties reportedly also expressed hostility to Fidesz’s hopes to join the bloc.

Whatever the full truth, prospects remain bleak for a united Right. It appears that European elites have once again outmaneuvered conservatives. Conservatives must comfort themselves with the prospect that French voters will deliver such a resounding right-wing result in the coming weeks that Brussels bureaucrats are forced to reconsider their position. That, however, is the triumph of hope over experience.

How long can democratically unaccountable EU institutions—the European Commission, and even the European Central Bank, a supposedly apolitical entity that is not—get away with it? Answer: for as long as European voters let them. European polities will continue to get more of the same from these elites:more migration, more war, more centralized power at the expense of national sovereignty, and more gender ideology and other forms of wokeness. At a conference this week, a Romanian conservative lamented to me that all of his neighbors hate the Left-liberal politics of their government, but fear of putting their material security at risk cows them into silence.

This is untenable. Germany, for example, has been de-industrializing, partly under the influence of climate-change politics, and partly as a result of Germany’s fealty to the United States and its Russia policy. With public, pro-Hamas demonstrations all over the continent this year, Europeans can see perfectly well what third world immigration is doing to their countries. Nobody likes what Russia is doing to Ukraine, but Washington’s determination to wage a proxy war against Moscow to the last Ukrainian could very quickly become a catastrophe for ordinary Europeans, even as Americans live secure behind the barriers of the oceans.

At some point, this will stop.As Harvard Law school professor Adrian Vermeule has said, liberal institutions “will have to become systematically undemocratic in order to remain liberaland, even where they do so, that will be but a stopgap measure in light of their systematic self-delegitimation.”


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1a382d No.21054798



Europeans are willing to live under an undemocratic political order as long as it produces personal comfort. Indeed, the European Union is precisely that, despite its pretensions. But what happens when it ceases to work?What happens when that order delivers impoverishment, war, and the dissolution of communities and nations in the face of mass migration?

In a powerful and evenfrightening essay this week, historian Niall Ferguson explored the ways the United States these days mirrors the late Soviet Union. One of the signs, says Ferguson, is the large and growing disconnect between the leadership class (the nomenklatura, in Soviet terms) and the broad population that suffers from the policies the nomenklatura impose on everyone else.

Eventually, Europeans will cease to believe in the authority of the European Union, because the governing elites will have failed in ways that even the wishful thinking of see-no-evil voters can deny. Then what? Perhaps the historical model to observe is not the fall of the Soviet Union, but the collapse of Imperial Russia.

The Tsarist autocracy began losing legitimacy after its failed response to the 1891-92 famine, which shook the confidence of Russians in their rulers. Then Russia’s shocking loss to Japan in the 1905 war was a further blow to the monarchy. Economic precarity added to the instability, as did the unpopular imperial policy of “Russification,” in which the central state suppressed nationalities within the Empire.

Facing a revolution in 1905, the Tsar yielded to some reforms to save his throne, but ultimately proved too rigid to make the changes needed to maintain popular support. What happened in 1917 proved worse than anybody chafing under Romanov autocracy could have imagined.

COVID. Ukraine. Migration. The housing crisis. Diminished economic expectations. Hostility to legitimate expressions of national identity. A ruling elite that maneuvers to keep power for itself, and to serve its own interests, above the common good. Sound familiar?

Given Europe’s immense challenges, both internally and externally, and observing the inability of the ruling class at both the national and European level to deal effectively with them, something will have to give. If, as seems likely at this point,Donald Trump returns to the White House next year, the investment Hungary’s Orbán has made in their friendship could pay real dividends for Europe’s populists, who might have a powerful ally in the White House. The longer Europe’s deep-state nomenklatura puts off dealing with reality, the more ferocious and rabid reality’s eventual bite will be.


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3d1948 No.21054799


Laundering payola through pretend jobs

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c0c5b2 No.21054800

File: b6692623c965058⋯.jpeg (328.09 KB,828x761,828:761,E9EBB7EF_E894_4038_9E04_4….jpeg)

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8f5b3c No.21054801

>>21054791, >>21054796, >>21054798 In the EU, the House Always Wins


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954aa8 No.21054802

File: 14445e35051a55f⋯.jpg (84.26 KB,585x613,585:613,Point_Happy_Days_Erin_Mora….jpg)


>gonna need to dig

It's Erin Moran


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37c0e3 No.21054803

File: 70717777201446b⋯.png (402.59 KB,600x426,100:71,ClipboardImage.png)


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a6102b No.21054804

File: 9411b48095e02d4⋯.png (654.99 KB,545x799,545:799,TY_Baker3.png)

File: af6112727933b02⋯.jpg (16.48 KB,255x247,255:247,Baker_transporter.jpg)



ThanQ Bakers!

GM anons.

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b80dc1 No.21054805

File: db8a1851072f293⋯.png (118.85 KB,1024x862,512:431,MtDNA_MRCA_generations_Evo….png)

The sole exclusive source of "blood libel", purported to explain humanity's actions, with or without their will, are the minds of those invoking it in the first place as explaining the actions of ANYONE living today, as EVERYONE living today is directly descended from ONE female Mother, who had ONE male Father

The mitochondrial "Eve" unites every human being alive today as of IDENTICAL genetic lineage.

Therefore, any human mind alive today who claims to "know" or "see" or "be in a unique position to detect", an alleged schism or split within humanity based on bloodline, are in fact projecting their own experience of self-alienation of having thoughts of "We are God" or "I am God" but in a finite, corporeal MORTAL body that is born and then dies in TIME.

That inability to reconcile that experience, the propensity to quickly "negate" it by outward lashing out at the world, at other people, as all corrupt and guilty and in need of correction as if that were the sole path to reconciling what cannot be reconciled IN TIME, that the mind thinking this is nevertheless correct and true it's just the world of reality that is incorrect and wrong, as "God learns about itself" by having projected itself into the world in time instead of staying as a hermetically sealed infinite perfection…that creation itself is an abortion, a degradation, away from what ought to be only "ONE" and nothing else, a nothingness…

The whole historiosophy of "blood libel" is a rank contradiction of the genetic reality of the human species as it exists and as it had existed for the last 200,000 years, when the mitochondrial Eve, the Mother of us all worldwide, lived her life.

Therefore, IF the voices claiming to know or see or be in a unique position to understand and detect a supposed 'inherent' blood libel in the human species, IF they want to in fact END whatever it is they are claiming shouldn't occur and needs to end, ALL THEY CAN DO AND ALL THE WORLD MUST DO is to MOVE FORWARD, out of sight and out of mind, and view the "blood libel" narrative for what it truly ontologically is and must be, a projection of a person's own self-alienated division from the world, from other people, a thought pattern and a thought pattern alone within the same set as all other fantastical thought patterns throughout history.

The genetic fact is that we are all of the same family. One human family. The conflict and division that is "performed" is akin to sibling rivalry, not "species against species", as much as the "We are God" minds imagine themselves to have successfully evolved or mutated or progressed into a new species leaving everyone else as lesser evolved or lesser species.

Every human being alive today is genetically unified as in the same family as every other human being. All the complexities and diversity in appearances, social mores, beliefs, they're all the genetic outcome of ONE Mother who lived 200,000 years ago.

Does it make logical sense for any one family to believe that the only purpose of raising a family is to raise children to fight with each other in a tit for tat revenge for revenge cycle, because fuck the world anyway as everyone is going to die anyway, so "wHy nOt hAvE sOmE FuN"?

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3d1948 No.21054806

File: 63cbe08229c2b93⋯.jpg (177.42 KB,720x664,90:83,Wtfff.jpg)

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b18e8c No.21054807

10:00 AM EDT

Supreme Court October Term 2023 Conference / Non-argument Day (Final conference of October 2023 Term. Back September 30, 2024.)

Supreme Court




10:00 AM EDT

U.S. Senate: Senate Session

The Senate will vote on two of President Biden’s executive and judicial nominations: U.S. Representative to the African Union and U.S. Court of Appeals Judge for the Seventh Circuit.


10:00 AM EDT

Executive Business Meeting

Senate Judiciary Committee



Michelle Williams Court, to be United States District Judge for the Central District of California


Anne Hwang, to be United States District Judge for the Central District of California


Sarah Netburn, to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of New York


Stacey D. Neumann, to be United States District Judge for the District of Maine


Cynthia Valenzuela Dixon, to be United States District Judge for the Central District of California



S. 1306, COPS Reauthorization Act (Klobuchar, Murkowski, Coons, Tillis, Graham)






10:00 AM EDT

The President receives the President’s Daily Brief

Biden Beach House, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware


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37c0e3 No.21054808

File: 96fd1177e993601⋯.webp (19.51 KB,492x598,246:299,pepe_sip3.webp)

KEK. Pushing their acronym bullshit harder than their division narrative now.

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b18e8c No.21054809

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

War Room With Stephen K. Bannon

Real America's Voice


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367ea0 No.21054810

File: ded764845606436⋯.jpg (70.17 KB,785x610,157:122,IMG_20230929_234555_274.jpg)

Wurkfag just lurking on mi smoke break.

Henlo Anons

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ebf3b6 No.21054811

File: 84b3078fde70555⋯.png (391.94 KB,626x351,626:351,biden.png)

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37c0e3 No.21054812

File: 2a648986e5e7315⋯.webm (1.44 MB,427x240,427:240,_.webm)


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954aa8 No.21054813

File: 021fa72e7b25104⋯.png (1.08 MB,746x892,373:446,ClipboardImage.png)


>same can that Houdini used

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734d6c No.21054814

File: a30295794d37572⋯.jpg (658.01 KB,1024x1024,1:1,We_Decide_1.jpg)

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ebf3b6 No.21054818

File: 587f4b475a2a407⋯.png (379.79 KB,462x510,77:85,2023_09_10_11_27_26_copy.png)

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3d8dc6 No.21054819

File: 6d4bec28d6c9fd7⋯.png (121.86 KB,484x519,484:519,ClipboardImage.png)


This government program is an outrageous waste of taxpayer money and is utterly failing to serve people in need

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141227 No.21054821

File: a1e7e37d325c851⋯.jpg (328.72 KB,1121x677,1121:677,binladen.jpg)

File: 41b9356d2990ddb⋯.jpg (31.18 KB,320x240,4:3,binladinactors.jpg)

File: 6f4f4b6840d731d⋯.jpg (197.7 KB,1000x1523,1000:1523,binladenwanteddeadoralivef….jpg)

>>21052890 pb

but Parrot guy is Intel hang-out guy

bin Ladin dead for long time..?

If he wasn't dead why would they have to fake the pics and the tapes for decades?

Not logical for the someone's who've followed all along.


Parrot guy glowed like hell

(but seemed fair anyways; figures)

Absolute Angleton connect with the Golden Temple outfit.

Everybody knew the "raid on the compound" was FAKE on the day of..

It was for Barry's "re-election"

No need for a Parrot guy to tell us.

just sayn'

This is all part of the recent "AJ is cool" and spam-to-the-max recent invasion here?

do your own research. Stop believin' WHACK.

if bin Ladin's still alive?

stop, I'm falling off my chair laughing.

we need real proof.

Proof we have, newspaper accounts LOGIC around the bin Ladin Fakery, fact he was needing extreme medical attention for liver disease last time FBI visited him, soon before the event

Did he have dialysis in the desert?

come on.

They "couldnt find him" all those decades.

That story is just for people who believeANYTHING

Isn't this "Q research" NOT infoWHORES board?

Spammers seem to be a new crew too.

Maybe they upgraded their machinery.

Nothing phases them, they are full-out haters to the max.

They would kill us all if they could, of course.


"do not need a weather man to know which way the wind blows"

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3d8dc6 No.21054822

File: 1cc229b4110a938⋯.png (23.03 KB,486x115,486:115,ClipboardImage.png)

(to register voters)


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59d04a No.21054823

Good Morning. How many Anons are left after almost seven years? In seven years we've changed the minds and hearts of billions.

Seven years ago compared to today. The bad people are scared.

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3d1948 No.21054824

File: 80d421265b04bc3⋯.jpg (42.84 KB,295x622,295:622,Screenshot_20240619_200655….jpg)

Describe what you see.

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59d04a No.21054827


Those pictures cured my constipation. Beetlejuice would make Ray Charles shudder.

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353d14 No.21054828

File: 52ee8c7691f8cf3⋯.png (1.19 MB,1496x788,374:197,2941dc266f86a3d883f7ba7a9a….png)


mornin Swordy!

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954aa8 No.21054829

File: e2e157fd00f3399⋯.jpg (171.58 KB,960x960,1:1,Book_Deal_Scam_Obama.jpg)


>Laundering payola through pretend jobs

Job Deals

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141227 No.21054830

File: 35f8795ce00b50a⋯.png (37.95 KB,723x151,723:151,fbibinladinnoevidence.png)






It's a LARP. Thank FRAUD "AJ" for leading (mis-leading) millions down the rosy path of massive lies, cover-up & delusion.

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c0c5b2 No.21054831

File: 62a6d6736322b1d⋯.jpeg (519.91 KB,828x1109,828:1109,E188A8FB_72C2_422B_81FC_6….jpeg)

File: a82abcbfd35138e⋯.jpeg (269.41 KB,828x1145,828:1145,9A50D5B0_FF1D_4D81_AAB4_E….jpeg)

Swiss National Bank presses ahead as rate cutting front-runner

* Rate cut follows prior 25 bps cut in March

* Most analysts had forecast the cut

* SNB sees inflationary pressures falling

* Swiss franc eases, stocks rise after the move

The Swiss National Bank cut interest rates on Thursday for the second time running, pointing to easing price pressures that allowed it to maintain its position as a front-runner in the global policy easing cycle now underway.

The Swiss franc weakened against other currencies and stocks gained after the central bank cut its policy rate by 25 basis points to 1.25%, as expected by two-thirds of analysts polled by Reuters, following a quarter-point reduction in March. The SNB's decision had been finely balanced, given a recent rebound in economic growth and a break in the trend of gently falling inflation in Switzerland.

"The underlying inflationary pressure has decreased again compared to the previous quarter," SNB Chairman Thomas Jordan said. "With today's lowering of the SNB policy rate, we are able to maintain appropriate monetary conditions." Jordan pointed to the SNB's inflation forecasts, which were tweaked downwards and enabled the reduction in interest rates. Even at the furthest end of its forecasts - covering the first quarter of 2027 - the SNB now expects inflation at 1.0%, well within its 0-2% target range. The recent rise of the Swiss franc, driven by rising political uncertainty in Europe pushing investors towards the safe haven currency, was also highlighted by Jordan.

The franc has gained 4.5% against the euro in the past month on political concerns, including the upcoming French elections, which could see the far right win power. The SNB was paying close attention, Jordan said.

“We are ready to be active on the foreign exchange market and that can go in both directions,"he told reporters.



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bb1216 No.21054832

File: 7f3dacfa3b51007⋯.mp4 (13 MB,1280x720,16:9,clintonspacey.mp4)

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34cb6e No.21054833

File: 1ca3042731e57a5⋯.png (588.09 KB,1080x604,270:151,Big_Mike.png)

Word is Big Mike will replace Joe Biden and run against president Trump.


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aab2f7 No.21054834


>"do not need a weather man to know which way the wind blows"

Just wet your finger, and wait until one side dries up, that is the direction the wind blew from.

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9d61a9 No.21054835

File: 0d4498fee6e064e⋯.jpeg (69.55 KB,600x600,1:1,AE1C80C4_3611_4F6E_89EA_4….jpeg)

File: 67b016fe6252385⋯.jpeg (45.42 KB,480x548,120:137,640DD062_7AF1_4066_9351_E….jpeg)

File: bcbc891eef8bb7a⋯.jpeg (205.46 KB,1536x1024,3:2,F615C224_9444_407D_B361_7….jpeg)

File: c0e297a52c405cb⋯.jpeg (687.61 KB,1074x962,537:481,B37BFE0F_F727_4638_9496_A….jpeg)


That was a good read. I appreciate the articles you bring to the board.

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3d8dc6 No.21054836

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Stephen Baldwin dropped a Video Captioned “Ghosts in the Machine” and Addresses the 4th Psyops Group

“Remember John 3:36… all of you need to learn John 3:36, particularly after this November.”

What’s your gut instinct say about this guy?


John 3:36

ESV Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.

NIV Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on them.

KJV He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

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954aa8 No.21054837

File: 147b0675fec07b5⋯.jpeg (52.03 KB,640x355,128:71,Get_Me_Out_Of_Here.jpeg)


>Wurkfag just lurking on mi smoke break.

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ebf3b6 No.21054838

File: f8f6751a70eeae4⋯.gif (12.95 MB,593x593,1:1,biden_creepy.gif)

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235a19 No.21054839


That sucks, anon. Sorry about that.

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2a1cda No.21054840

>>21054444 lb

>the record is 1250

Rookie numbers

Gotta bump em up

1502 for two breads in one

Chekt on the quads

The absolute state

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bb1216 No.21054841


Canada designated IRGC as terrorist entity

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bb70ef No.21054842


Q Team:

These types of cramps are caused by energy weapons, they are not like sport injuries, they are much more painful, and usually you cannot even touch them at all. After a few moments of moving out of the area, then the first thing you want to do is squeeze to cause like a closed circuit. Some cause a bubbling or throbbing affect, similar to what happened with the lightbulb. After that you can then massage them but there will always be a slight potential feeling there. These energy weapons are designed to give people heart attacks, no doubt about it, should they come into contact with the chest, I do not see how anyone could survive that type of pain because some of the in the legs feels like it is going to clot right there permanently. We need some feedback that you are on it please.

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a6102b No.21054843

File: 2197461f4a9236e⋯.jpg (189.67 KB,768x768,1:1,08bf5b50734c399a90af488c91….jpg)


Mornin', Swordy!

Blessings upon you & yours, anons, Q Team, and operators in the field.

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3d1948 No.21054844

File: 9f5edaff501e3f4⋯.png (222.57 KB,351x712,351:712,Ki7_removebg_preview.png)


Something Something for a damn flag

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0c9585 No.21054846

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


noice try, but anon followed this and watched it play out at the time, archived the evidence including the audio.

but just for you, here is the bun again with a interview and video of parrot.

this is just the tip of the crimes committed by obama, clinton and biden including the dems.

do take your time, logic and evidence are not the same thing.



Note: reports coming out of alan parrot being raided by the fbi and released on probabtion. stay tuned.

>>21052837, >>21052851, >>21052855, >>21052890, >>21052867, >>21052916 alan parrot bun and will sommer disinfo article.



First published at 09:30 UTC on October 15th, 2020.


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bb1216 No.21054848

File: 662b45d992cfa30⋯.mp4 (5.88 MB,480x360,4:3,cuba.mp4)



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6b385d No.21054849

File: 8cf7703dbe7c090⋯.png (1.09 MB,983x1024,983:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

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ebf3b6 No.21054850

File: 496759c6cae88dc⋯.mp4 (9.55 MB,784x848,49:53,bigus_mikus.mp4)


>Word is Big Mike will replace Joe Biden and run against president Trump.


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aab2f7 No.21054851

File: 58f8381ab2ffac6⋯.mp4 (601.83 KB,972x720,27:20,58f8381ab2ffac6dd0b90c689e….mp4)


>Describe what you see.

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c0c5b2 No.21054852

File: 905343784d4763e⋯.gif (223.27 KB,400x218,200:109,DCCB5FBC_5CF7_4001_BBF7_70….gif)

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34cb6e No.21054853

File: 1ca3042731e57a5⋯.png (588.09 KB,1080x604,270:151,Big_Mike.png)

File: d1085ccacc80a65⋯.png (594.8 KB,1080x769,1080:769,Screbv.png)

Word is Big Mike will replace Joe Biden and run against president Trump.


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141227 No.21054854


I saw he was a glow fag to the max.

and watched it at the time too.

What is the upshot of the allegedly great research?

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bb1216 No.21054856


AI could help spread false and misleading information on Holocaust, UNESCO report warns

The report was published in partnership with the World Jewish Congress.

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34cb6e No.21054858

File: 7a89a0f5f32126c⋯.png (667.43 KB,1080x607,1080:607,BBQ_2.png)

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8d218e No.21054859

File: ccde56a9b25b74e⋯.png (1.4 MB,961x1265,961:1265,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

June 20, 2024

Sandy and the Moon Halo

Last April's Full Moon shines through high clouds near the horizon, casting shadows in this garden-at-night skyscape. Along with canine sentinel Sandy watching the garden gate, the wide-angle snapshot also captured the bright Moon's 22 degree ice halo. But June's bright Full Moon will cast shadows too. This month, the Moon's exact full phase occurs at 01:08 UTC June 22. That's a mere 28 hours or so after today's June solstice (at 20:51 UTC June 20), the moment when the Sun reaches its maximum northern declination. Known to some as a Strawberry Moon, June's Full Moon is at its southernmost declination, and of course will create its own 22 degree halos in hazy night skies.


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aab2f7 No.21054861


>That sucks, anon. Sorry about that.

Last time we more luck to find some cash hidden in the wall that we had to rebuild.

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d04e82 No.21054862

File: 7edf3da25594aeb⋯.jpg (139.12 KB,768x535,768:535,MemeThis.jpg)

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5f4af1 No.21054863

File: 515bc3f464ba841⋯.mp4 (852.78 KB,960x960,1:1,bears_sup.mp4)


I'm still here….

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235a19 No.21054864


Always thought that would be cool.

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ebf3b6 No.21054865

File: 2009e39283ac556⋯.png (1.51 MB,955x967,955:967,swordanon.png)


Mornin' Swordanon

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bb1216 No.21054867

File: c715398de1181ef⋯.jpeg (102.45 KB,949x534,949:534,JohnOfGodOprah.jpeg)

File: 28e5e782f416151⋯.png (835.24 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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6c1725 No.21054870

File: 05f2842af79a9b7⋯.png (342.23 KB,1080x821,1080:821,Screenshot_20240618_170531….png)

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37c0e3 No.21054872

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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202a7f No.21054873


And it ain't too damn beaucoup

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c0c5b2 No.21054875

File: 9c0701d4f29f594⋯.jpeg (630.1 KB,1146x613,1146:613,BC0BA07F_EF4F_4787_9427_8….jpeg)


RCAF CFC2922 C130j Super Hercules on ground and just landed at Rzeszow Airport for stop & drop from NB Rota, Spain

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954aa8 No.21054878

File: 2568ef92ae1bdfe⋯.jpeg (86.56 KB,568x701,568:701,Tired_Bear_Picnic_Table.jpeg)


>I'm still here….


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aab2f7 No.21054880


>Always thought that would be cool.

No honestly the had to put granny in the freezer that was cool.

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644168 No.21054882

File: 44202ac78341afe⋯.png (962.88 KB,1226x836,613:418,ClipboardImage.png)


>cash hidden in the wall

Diresta found desiccated cats.

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0c9585 No.21054884

File: f5ca9d38d747507⋯.png (128.22 KB,500x284,125:71,ClipboardImage.png)


will sommor is well known by anons.

this was info which was buried by the msm and almost forgotten about.

when a canary starts singing, it should raise alarm.

do you even discern?

what the video. if you disagree, that is o.k.

surprised you picked up on tag in a bun which the baker marked as parrot and sommor without context.

quite the stretch and lengthy counter ..

move along now. nothing to see here.

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6b385d No.21054885

File: caad190791d351d⋯.png (243.94 KB,493x357,29:21,ClipboardImage.png)



>That was awesome!

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6c1725 No.21054886

File: 561eb53a1be21d6⋯.png (540.17 KB,1080x607,1080:607,Scrvxy.png)

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37c0e3 No.21054887

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)


>How many Anons are left after almost seven years?


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53b428 No.21054888

Most of you are actually highly advanced souls.

You are ET’s that were chosen and then incarnated as humans to avoid breaking any of the laws.

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235a19 No.21054889

File: d372e0aeb8d4c26⋯.png (714.05 KB,1176x1152,49:48,d372e0aeb8d4c262d8d7c0e60d….png)

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bb1216 No.21054891

File: 4ee2514a4620b5f⋯.mp4 (4.29 MB,540x360,3:2,911witness.mp4)

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bb1216 No.21054892

File: 2236d4d29743adb⋯.png (893.38 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a382d No.21054893


Northrop’s coproduction agreement is the first publicly acknowledged deal between a US defense prime and the Ukrainian government for a manufacturing project inside Ukraine.

By VALERIE INSINNA June 18, 20241/2

EUROSATORY 2024 — Northrop Grumman plans to produce medium caliber ammunition inside Ukraine under a project bankrolled by Ukrainian dollars, a company official said today. Althoughseveral European defense firms have committed to large-scale manufacturing programs inside Ukraine’s borders, Northrop’s coproduction agreement is the first publicly acknowledged deal between a US defense prime and the Ukrainian government for a manufacturing project inside Ukraine.

“We’ve been working, as you know, in Ukraine to produce medium [caliber munitions]. That’s our first project that’s paid for with Ukrainian dollars. We are looking to expand that into tank ammo, 155 mm, others as we find innovative processes,” said Dave Bartell, director of international business for Northrop’s defense systems sector. (NOT UKRAINE DOLLARS, US DOLLARS)

The acknowledgment of the agreement occurred during an exchange between Bartell and Stanley Brown, theState Department’s principal deputy assistant secretary for the bureau of political-military affairs, during Brown’s speech at the Eurosatory arms show in Paris. Bartell did not elaborate on the coproduction plan, and Northrop declined to comment for this story.

In his remarks, Brown highlighted theState Department’s new Ukraine Defense Enterprise Program, which invests $2 billion in Ukraine’s defense industrial baseand could open the door to US-Ukrainian coproduction.

“What would incentivize your company to partner with Ukraine on defense coproduction?” Brown asked the industry crowd gathered at the conference. “As we look to build a more robust defense industrial base, American industry is essential. So how do we set the conditions for help to help you be successful?”

In response, Bartell grabbed the microphone to describe Northrop’s efforts to produce munitions inside Ukraine. He then added that while the company understands the importance of reconstituting Ukraine’s defense industrial base, it has encountered barriers when it has tried to offer the latest version of certain weapons, which are typically cheaper and easier to produce.

“As we answered US Army and DoD contracts for 155mm rounds, for example, there are very specific TDPs [technical data packages],”he said.

“Right now, my company has built a better mousetrap, we would prefer to take that generational leap in technology and put that in there. But if we work under US Army regulations and qualifications, we’re going to be doing legacy systems that are expensive, and take a long time to produce.” (Sharing technical data on US weapons with a thoroughly corrupt and treasonous country Ukraine will only sell weapons to terrorists and whoever is willing to pay them)


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4176b3 No.21054894


There are still many here holding frequency.

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141227 No.21054895

File: a80697ceeacdb23⋯.png (330.48 KB,712x969,712:969,911conspiracythrorists.png)


lots of agents are "harassed" to give them cred.

1. Fraud "Alex Jones"

fakes his own arrests numerous times.

Fake Trial to scare Sandy Hook researchers.

2 . famous case of agent Timothy Leary "in jail"

3. famous case of Manson "in jail"

ALL ARE AGENTS doing Propaganda Events


Even if it is true bin Ladin is alive.


We already know the 9/11 attacked was staged by our own government.

Bin Ladin" is a red herring. distraction.

Wonder why Media and Agents have to keep having to re-enforcing the governments fairy-tale / lies?

Debunking conspiracy theorists


" One of the wilder stories circulating about Sept 11, and one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy buffs is that it was carried out by 19 fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they “hate our freedoms.”

Never a group of people to be bothered by facts, the perpetrators of this cartoon fantasy have constructed an elaborately woven web of delusions and unsubstantiated hearsay in order to promote this garbage across the internet and the media to the extent that a number of otherwise rational people have actually fallen under its spell.

Normally I don’t even bother debunking this kind of junk, but the effect that this paranoid myth is beginning to have requires a little rational analysis, in order to consign it to the same rubbish bin as all such silly conspiracy theories.

These crackpots even contend that the extremist Bush regime was caught unawares by the attacks, had no hand in organizing them, and actually would have stopped them if it had been able. Blindly ignoring the stand down of the US air-force, the insider trading on airline stocks—linked to the CIA, the complicit behavior of Bush on the morning of the attacks, the controlled demolition of the WTC, the firing of a missile into the Pentagon and a host of other documented proofs that the Bush regime was behind the attacks, the conspiracy theorists stick doggedly to a silly story about 19 Arab hijackers somehow managing to commandeer 4 planes simultaneously and fly them around US airspace for nearly 2 hours ,crashing them into important buildings, without the US intelligence services having any idea that it was coming, and without the Air Force knowing what to do.

The huge difficulties with such a stupid story force them to invent even more preposturous stories to distract from its core silliness, and thus the tale has escalated into a mythic fantasy of truly gargantuan proportions."

people who actually studied the event have known the "bin Ladin" aka boogyman element was total fraud for over twenty years.

Q research is usually much more up-to-date.

Be a researcher who uses logic an evidence, not a conspiracy theorist who takes rumors from government agents?

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6c1725 No.21054896

File: 9e164db78a7537a⋯.png (985.25 KB,1080x1416,45:59,Milkers.png)

Thanks 😁 Bakes

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8d218e No.21054897

File: e001067ac81310a⋯.png (4.91 MB,2048x1879,2048:1879,ClipboardImage.png)

=NASA Releases Hubble Image Taken in New Pointing Mode

JUN 18, 2024

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has taken its first new images since changing to an alternate operating mode that uses one gyro.

The spacecraft returned to science operations June 14 after being offline for several weeks due to an issue with one of its gyroscopes (gyros), which help control and orient the telescope.

This new image features NGC 1546, a nearby galaxy in the constellation Dorado. The galaxy’s orientation gives us a good view of dust lanes from slightly above and backlit by the galaxy’s core.

This dust absorbs light from the core, reddening it and making the dust appear rusty-brown. The core itself glows brightly in a yellowish light indicating an older population of stars.

Brilliant-blue regions of active star formation sparkle through the dust. Several background galaxies also are visible, including an edge-on spiral just to the left of NGC 1546.

Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 captured the image as part of a joint observing program between Hubble and NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope.

The program also uses data from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, allowing scientists to obtain a highly detailed, multiwavelength view of how stars form and evolve.

The image represents one of the first observations taken with Hubble since transitioning to the new pointing mode, enabling more consistent science operations.

The NASA team expects that Hubble can do most of its science observations in this new mode, continuing its groundbreaking observations of the cosmos.

“Hubble’s new image of a spectacular galaxy demonstrates the full success of our new, more stable pointing mode for the telescope,” said Dr. Jennifer Wiseman, senior project scientist for Hubble at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

“We’re poised now for many years of discovery ahead, and we’ll be looking at everything from our solar system to exoplanets to distant galaxies. Hubble plays a powerful role in NASA’s astronomical toolkit.”

Launched in 1990, Hubble has been observing the universe for more than three decades, recently celebrating its 34th anniversary.


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5948fe No.21054898


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aab2f7 No.21054899


>Diresta found desiccated cats.

Cats are so cute when they asleep hidden under the couch.

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1a382d No.21054900



Brown deferred to the Army on specific technical requirements, but responded that the US government is open to outside-the-box approaches to meeting Ukraine’s needs.

“We are way more open minded than probably we have been,” he said. “Sometimes it doesn’t look that way because of the bureaucratic problems, but we’re happy to have those discussions on the entrepreneur-like and innovative approaches.”

Building Production Inside Ukraine

US defense firms have lagged behind their European counterparts in forging coproduction agreements inside Ukraine.

Earlierthis month, Germany’s Rheinmetall acknowledged plans to open a Lynx Infantry Fighting Vehicle manufacturing plant in Ukraine“in the near future” and said it is in talks with Ukrainian suppliers on a new joint venture for in-country production of artillery ammunition.

Also this month,Franco-German manufacturer KNDS and Ukrainian firm KZVV signed a contract for production in Ukraine of 155mm artillery shells.

Earlier US coproduction efforts to support Ukrainian needs typically centered on efforts to produce US weaponry within the borders of NATO allies in Eastern Europe —such as a 2023 deal between Lockheed Martin and Raytheon to build Javelin anti-tank missiles in Poland — and stopped short of manufacturing arms inside Ukraine,which would be considerably more vulnerable to attack by Russia.

However, in recent months, theUS government has stepped up efforts to work directly with Ukraine’s defense sector.In December, the White House held a Ukraine Defense Industrial Base Conference that included 350 representatives from the US and Ukrainian governments along with their respective defense industries, which resulted in thecountries signing a Statement of Intent on Co-production and Technical Data Exchange to address Ukraine’s urgent needs on munitions production, air defense systems, and repair and sustainment. (So Stupid Joe is giving State Secrets and Technical data to Ukraine, treason)

The Ukraine Defense Enterprise Program program, which was announced in May, will draw fromForeign Military Financing dollars in the $60.8 billion Ukraine supplemental funding billpassed in April, as well asfunding from previous defense budgets, Inside Defense reported.

And last week, PresidentJoe Bidenand Ukrainian President VolodymyrZelenskyysigned a bilateralagreement espousing the need for “defense industrial cooperation, including codevelopment, coproduction, and supply of Ukraine’s defense industrial base requirements.”(Joe setting up his family to make Billions and Billions when he leaves the WH, or while he is still there)



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37c0e3 No.21054902

File: 724f65e863db19f⋯.png (647.08 KB,800x451,800:451,ClipboardImage.png)



Using different names on another platform for your acronym game today I see.

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4176b3 No.21054903

File: 2f156f2521b1676⋯.gif (1.88 MB,500x468,125:117,2f156f2521b167626f61e51c42….gif)


Just wished we could bend a few laws a physics while we are down here.

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a652c7 No.21054905

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6c1725 No.21054906



Totally Photoshop enhanced…lol

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5948fe No.21054908


>Just wished we could bend a few laws a physics while we are down here.

have you seen light?

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aab2f7 No.21054909


Anon is a newfag, only have been here for two weeks in the best of my memory.

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092a38 No.21054911


You think that is air you're breathing?

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6b385d No.21054912

File: 10493f0942a51d7⋯.png (181.52 KB,750x789,250:263,ClipboardImage.png)

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c0c5b2 No.21054915

File: 4567e07b2058627⋯.jpeg (401.78 KB,1054x619,1054:619,3F8D9156_D6D1_4E54_991E_B….jpeg)


JAKE17 Rivet Joint up north above Norway earlier-heading back to Mildenhall

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5948fe No.21054917

File: 92b2e948e2879a2⋯.png (610.49 KB,800x451,800:451,ClipboardImage.png)

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092a38 No.21054918


Bird of Paradise?

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367a1f No.21054920


Thank the maker!

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6b385d No.21054922

File: 050f4f46db3cfdd⋯.png (48.23 KB,222x250,111:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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b62f8b No.21054924

File: 095c582426b5fc7⋯.jpg (47.88 KB,788x467,788:467,095c582426b5fc707c8c469835….jpg)





Bread shitters can you please F-Off..

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4176b3 No.21054925

File: 051c9aa25e50f00⋯.png (14.46 KB,528x168,22:7,Capture.PNG)

BREAKING: Presidential candidate RFK Jr. fails to qualify for the first presidential debate next week, officially setting up a one-on-one event between Donald Trump and Biden


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37c0e3 No.21054926


Hardly. Your red text claim about God and knowing how shills use projection gets you the filter.

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bb70ef No.21054929


Q Team:

There is no doubt that the head pain was coming from the west of me and maybe slightly south about 15 degrees or so. So check not only closest but also down the block for vehicles as I have seen some in the past that seem to be hanging out at night and as soon as I walk to the edge of my steps, they park around the 2nd house at the end of the block across the street.

Remember trillionaires can pay a lot of people, and most of these people never had a real skillset for the number of cars that they all buy every, all the parties that they have, and all the people that they constantly have working on their homes for 8 hours a day.

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6b385d No.21054930

File: 23c6a2e28b285c6⋯.png (1.35 MB,1178x1046,589:523,ClipboardImage.png)

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bb1216 No.21054931

File: 1f7a31693e8df77⋯.mp4 (4.16 MB,296x498,148:249,eclipseshadow.mp4)



This great world is the power net of mighty Indra, greater than the great. By that Indra-net of boundless reach, I hold all those enemies with the dark cover of vision, mind and senses.

Vast indeed is the tactical net of great Indra, mighty of action and tempestuous of great speed. By that net, O Indra, pounce upon all the enemies so that none of the enemies may escape the arrest and punishment.

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ff66a8 No.21054933

File: 3651c9e9cda96ae⋯.jpg (58.39 KB,446x446,1:1,1f6zzt_1004159681.jpg)


>NASA Releases Hubble Image Taken in New Pointing Mode


Don't you always point a camera or telescope at the thing you want to look at or photograph?

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6b385d No.21054934

File: 685b5bf9ec76bdb⋯.png (226.1 KB,1068x937,1068:937,ClipboardImage.png)

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a6102b No.21054935

File: 59c7e17d351ae7b⋯.png (60.68 KB,1422x1040,711:520,Justice_Thomas_Pepe.png)

File: 6afe23f446d18f6⋯.jpg (41.62 KB,637x478,637:478,Based_Thomas_stunt_on_thes….jpg)

File: 47a475a3b7449d0⋯.png (292.22 KB,460x818,230:409,SCotUS_Pepe.png)

SCotUS Today

1. Moore v US (Kavanaugh, 7-2)

Thomas and Gorsuch dissent.

Whether a provision of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act known as the “mandatory repatriation tax,” which required U.S. taxpayers who owned shares in foreign corporations to pay a one-time tax on their share of the corporation’s earnings, violates the Constitution. Court affirms 9th District ruling that it does not. Thomas's dissent argues that "Sixteenth Amendment 'incomes' include only income realized by the taxpayer."


2. Chiaverini v. City of Napoleon (Kagan, 6-3)

Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch dissent

Whether a claim for malicious prosecution can proceed for a baseless criminal charge, even if there was probable cause for prosecutors to bring other criminal charges.

Thomas dissents to reiterate his belief that "a malicious prosecution claim cannot be based on the Fourth Amendment" and would uphold the dismissal of Chiaverini's claim.


3. Diaz v. US (Thomas, 6-3)

Gorsuch, Sotomayor, Kagan dissent.

Whether prosecutors in a drug-trafficking case can call a government witness to provide expert testimony to rebut a defendant’s contention that she did not know that she was carrying drugs. It is a victory for the federal prosecutors, as the court upholds the ruling in the government's favor. 9th Circuit upheld again.


4. Gonzalez v. Trevino (CJ Roberts, 8-1)

Thomas dissents.

The question comes to the court in the case of a 76-year-old Texas woman who was arrested after she – accidentally, she claims – picked up a petition that she had initiated and placed it in her binder after a long meeting. She was charged with violating a state law that prohibits tampering with government records.


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644168 No.21054937


anon finds himself visualizing the frames that follow those three

drops it into trash bin

fire starts in trash bin

smoke fills garage

has to open garage door

neighbor spots commotion

neighbor calls fire department

firemen put out fire

firemen ask how fire started

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b62f8b No.21054938

File: 8089b9cc3e2ea6e⋯.mp4 (9.25 MB,1920x1080,16:9,808.mp4)



Bread shitter can you please F-Off you Jew troll.

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1a382d No.21054939


I tend to agree

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5948fe No.21054940

File: 00364022b7cf129⋯.png (49.46 KB,759x300,253:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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bb1216 No.21054941

File: 1774830a3977198⋯.png (969.86 KB,800x600,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Far away in the heavenly abode of the great god Indra, there is a wonderful net which has been hung by some cunning artificer in such a manner that it stretches out infinitely in all directions. In accordance with the extravagant tastes of deities, the artificer has hung a single glittering jewel in each "eye" of the net, and since the net itself is infinite in dimension, the jewels are infinite in number. There hang the jewels, glittering "like" stars in the first magnitude, a wonderful sight to behold. If we now arbitrarily select one of these jewels for inspection and look closely at it, we will discover that in its polished surface there are reflected all the other jewels in the net, infinite in number. Not only that, but each of the jewels reflected in this one jewel is also reflecting all the other jewels, so that there is an infinite reflecting process occurring.

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37c0e3 No.21054942

File: 22614df452e20d9⋯.png (229.66 KB,651x519,217:173,pepe_sip2.png)

They don't like it when you can pick them out on other platforms. Why do you clowns think I used obscure personal interests and myself as bait? I watched you clowns start invading those niche areas on other platforms after I mentioned them, with you trying to be the centers of attention in those niche areas.

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55b1a7 No.21054943


hey Q team, if you are here can you tell this psycho to crawl back in his hole and stfu? TIA

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0c9585 No.21054944

File: 884771e28dc568b⋯.png (106.86 KB,659x893,659:893,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a877c5c5caa43db⋯.mp4 (2.72 MB,720x1060,36:53,truth.mp4)


jones is your typical mossad agent

purposely insane looking so if anyone quotes him by association is easily dismissed.

anon takes no notice of jones.

this is not about 911 although connect.

it is not about bin laden's fake death.

it is about the money on the pallets, the death of seal team 6, Benghazi.

the clinton foundation and their need to stop information coming out which was treason.

need another wall of death text from you to muddy the water.

here is some advice see screenshot.

Truth needs few words, lies need libraries

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210071 No.21054945

File: 75c3d392f89725d⋯.png (408.45 KB,650x684,325:342,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d12a6c7b48544d⋯.png (197.24 KB,507x530,507:530,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58922b559bc5dfc⋯.png (Spoiler Image,10.01 KB,202x123,202:123,ClipboardImage.png)


TY Baker

Have a blessed day!

alias GM='cls && echo "Good Morning Patriot"'

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c30cdb No.21054946

ο Εβραίος απλά κλάνισε

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c30cdb No.21054948

Η όπρα κλανάει πάνω στους ανθρώπους

και πουλάει κρακ

αγορά βιβλίου

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a6102b No.21054949

File: d87c5884ae762d1⋯.png (624.45 KB,634x591,634:591,Six_year_badge.png)

File: 6dc5650df752fe9⋯.png (79.06 KB,298x169,298:169,No_where_else.png)

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c30cdb No.21054951

File: 6fd0876c8b3a781⋯.png (11.23 KB,225x225,1:1,6fd0876c8b3a781b06a7b7d7d8….png)

Το CNN τρελαμένο >>21054948

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86d398 No.21054953

File: d3595d0f41f7cda⋯.png (314.94 KB,612x612,1:1,this_12.png)

File: d466d9e8d7453d7⋯.jpg (121.7 KB,1076x1518,538:759,traitors.jpg)

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23b0cb No.21054954


Bread shitters?

You're a tad off mon frere

At least fir this bread

Saving it fir last

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c30cdb No.21054955


maybe it is yur fault


juw could stap repeatin yur lies

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a6102b No.21054956


Αγγλικά το μιλάς;

Επίσης, μην κάνετε namefag

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4176b3 No.21054958

File: 38a0139c7801bdd⋯.png (66.81 KB,527x661,527:661,Capture.PNG)

🚨BREAKING: I filed suit against IBM for violating the Missouri Human Rights Act.

IBM not only subjects job applicants to unlawful racial quotas, but bases current employees’ pay on whether they participate in IBM’s corporate racism.

Outrageous - and illegal.



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1a382d No.21054959


At 10 a.m. EDT, the court expects to issue one or more opinions in argued cases from the current term.


Announcement of opinions for Thursday, June 20

By SCOTUSblog on June 20 at 8:15 a.m.

We will be live blogging as the court releases opinions in one or more argued cases from the current term.

• In Moore v. United States, the court rules 7-2 that the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act known as the “mandatory repatriation tax,” which required U.S. taxpayers who owned shares in foreign corporations to pay a one-time tax on their share of the corporation’s earnings, does not violate the Constitution.

• The court rules 6-3 in Chiaverini v. City of Napoleon that valid criminal charges do not create a categorical bar on a subsequent malicious prosecution claim. It leaves “for another day the follow-on question of how to determine in those circumstances whether the baseless charge caused the requisite seizure.”

• In a victory for federal prosecutors, the court rules in Diaz v. United States that expert testimony that ‘most people” have a particular mental state is not an opinion about the defendant and therefore does not violate federal evidentiary rules.

Click here for a list of FAQs about opinion announcements.



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c0c5b2 No.21054960

File: 1f79cb4f76d3027⋯.gif (1.78 MB,480x270,16:9,9A35D3E6_664B_47A2_81AE_A6….gif)

Raging bulls push world stocks to fresh record high

* Wall Street returns from day off at record high

* Sterling slips as Bank of England edges toward rate cut

* Swiss franc drops too as its central bank cuts again >>21054831

Wall Street's raging Nvidia bulls stretched the run of record highs for global stocks on Thursday after Europe had cheered as Switzerland chopped its interest rates again and the Bank of England hinted it could start cutting soon too.

U.S. traders returned from a day off by pushing chip giant Nvidia which has just overtaken Microsoftas the world's most valuable company - up another 3% in early dealing. It had been already been an action-packed day for Europe. The BoE kept UK rates at a 16-year high of 5.25%, but said the decision not to cut had been "finely balanced", wording economists took as a signal an August cut was on the table.

The Swiss National Bank did not need to wait. It cut its interest rates for a second time this year, which knocked the Swiss franc, while Norway's Norges Bank left rates unchanged, as expected. Wall Street's early rise saw the MSCI All-World index hit a new all-time high for the second day running and take its rally this year to almost 11%.

In Europe, the FTSE 100 was up 0.5% near its highs of the day and the pound was down 0.2% at $1.2688 against the dollar after the BoE. The regional STOXX 600 and the euro were respectively up and down by roughly the same too. The stars have been aligning for a UK rate cut. Data this week showed consumer inflation fell to 2% for the first time since 2021 in May, although service-sector price pressures and wage growth are still running hotter than the BoE would like. With the pound under pressure, the dollar index , which measures the U.S. currency against six others, rose 0.2% to 105.39.

Gold , which tends to perform well in an environment of lower rates, was up 0.6% at $2,339 an ounce, having touched its highest since the start of June earlier on.

A surge in tech stocks on Tuesday lifted AI chipmaker Nvidia above Microsoft as the world's most valuable company, leading to a global rally in tech shares. With U.S. markets having been closed for a holiday on Wednesday, the early gains on Thursday lifted the tech-heavy Nasdaq 100 up 0.6% and the S&P 500 up 0.4% to its own all-time high.


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aab2f7 No.21054961


Congratulations with your 34th birthday Hubble Space Telescope, how is space looking today?

Heres an apple pie with 7 candles.

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c30cdb No.21054963


αγορά βιβλίου

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7db505 No.21054964


>Something Something for a damn flag

"All this for a damn flag." BM to BO at military display for Flag Day. Such reverence for our republic.

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644168 No.21054965

File: f4b8e922073a547⋯.png (623.34 KB,720x960,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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beae54 No.21054967

File: 67be72f7955a3dc⋯.png (150.71 KB,949x1054,949:1054,5b101f6f002110c5dc9179208e….png)




Russia flag is also red white and blue tho

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4176b3 No.21054968

File: c9f0088efae8d0c⋯.jpg (72.95 KB,570x680,57:68,GQhYD7fWwAAl_Hm.jpg)

We are ready to go hunting‼️

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8c9b9e No.21054969


When the Wuhan meets Beersheba

Unless it's 1917

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ebf3b6 No.21054972

File: c9f6d5e3de82a43⋯.png (291.67 KB,668x457,668:457,killary_3.png)


> replace Kamala on Biden's Ticket

Her path to the presidency?

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210071 No.21054973


it's called a skin job in the terminator series. a robot. and yes they exist!

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aab2f7 No.21054975


>We are ready to go hunting‼️

Are those alpacas?

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869a36 No.21054976

File: 7c562b35d76932c⋯.png (601.08 KB,602x601,602:601,6_years_of_service.png)


still here anon


spreading truth daily

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c30cdb No.21054977

File: bf6e445618bb8a5⋯.png (85.34 KB,680x357,40:21,bf6e445618bb8a554621b68a1b….png)

Όπρα μεγάλος πισινός

ψέματα που πωλούνται

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bb1216 No.21054978


Great weakness and misfortune, pain which words can never charm away, languor, fatigue, bewilderment, with these I compass all the foes.

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86d398 No.21054979

File: 448f7b79cba545b⋯.png (1.38 MB,1172x900,293:225,suicide_9.png)

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952a10 No.21054980


Haha notable.

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1b31ed No.21054981


was lucky enough to have been on half chan second week of Oct '17 reading about the Las Vegas massacre from FBIanon and Meganon.

have logged in 55k hrs ever since and could not be more comfy for how far we've come

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8c9b9e No.21054983


We never left

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397287 No.21054984

File: 8089b9cc3e2ea6e⋯.mp4 (9.25 MB,1920x1080,16:9,808.mp4)

File: 403101906928b93⋯.png (1.17 MB,1080x1224,15:17,Sbbvc.png)

Faggot Jim Watkins is deleting again to abide by the government's censoring guidelines so he can get paid…..lol Jim deletes a cartoon.

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8d218e No.21054986

File: a92e22b6ca15681⋯.png (2.69 MB,1536x1024,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

The Marshall Star for June 18, 2024


California Teams Win $1.5 Million in NASA’s Break the Ice Lunar Challenge

NASA Announces Winners of 2024 Student Launch Competition

Keith Savoy Named Deputy Director at Michoud Assembly Facility

‘NASA in the Park’ Returns to Rocket City June 22

Mission Success is in Our Hands: Baraka Truss

That’s the Spirit: Marshall Team Members Show Support at Community Softball Game

Coming in Hot: NASA’s Chandra Checks Habitability of Exoplanets

NASA Announces New System to Aid Disaster Response


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a34821 No.21054987


a bitch that can't be hanged

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6b385d No.21054988

File: 30b033bb3002526⋯.png (1.94 MB,1048x1280,131:160,ClipboardImage.png)

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571ee3 No.21054990

File: 99b6e022dc00e37⋯.jpg (244.59 KB,847x815,847:815,gynngongogoi.jpg)

Richest Family in the UK, the Billionaire Hindujas Stand Trial in Switzerland for Human Trafficking Charges


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beae54 No.21054991

File: 428962b1410f4b9⋯.jpg (89.19 KB,963x1245,321:415,2023_05_11_07_01_34.jpg)


Trips chk'd

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37c0e3 No.21054992


>lol Jim deletes a cartoon.

And you spend all day trying to find new ways to whine about it, yet are unable to, so you stick to your script. If it doesn't come from a flowchart in a binder than you're even less than useless.

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d454a5 No.21054993


Unless these cunts open up the debate to all contenders (for inclusion's sake in saving their 'democracy') - to circle up on Trump and protect Potato scrutiny.

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c0c5b2 No.21054994

File: 6b185838a4706c8⋯.jpeg (355.31 KB,781x493,781:493,907845F9_3DD0_4877_B423_3….jpeg)


Mebby as that’s the trial balloon see how public reacts to it.

Still think NewScum but entertain that idea

Real Killary ded and they couldn’t use the double in 2016 so they got a better one

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210071 No.21054995


and many moar who have returned.

from half chan to full chan to 8kun

it's a vicious cycle as we wait and dig and meme and pray. HOLD THE LINE eh!

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cccbdb No.21054996

File: 19a6f807a257529⋯.png (722.02 KB,784x458,392:229,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 74c4c810560b264⋯.png (248.49 KB,497x591,497:591,ClipboardImage.png)

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86d398 No.21054997

File: 9f74d4db6bc10c7⋯.png (189.57 KB,398x442,199:221,pepe_5.png)


[They] don't want any witnesses.

There won't be an audience.

It will be taped, then aired later.

It will be heavily edited, to make Joe look good, and Trump look really bad.

If Trump claims, that it was edited, the MSM will dog-pile him calling him a conspiracy nut.

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5948fe No.21054998


keep your twtr comments very PG but point it at a place where you can speak your mind fully (like Truth, Gab) in this way mayb avoid ghost ban

sometimes you can ask silly questions for better cover, 'sometimes' cuz they can easily scan your acct and understand you're trolling kek silly question: 'i usually don't watch Cartier Fam but this part got me thinking (vid timestamp)'

Bongino who said 'swamp creatures watch polls closely'

post your 'demo' tactic for your Followers then delete the post so shills who are scanning your twtr won't find your tactic(s)

History scroll; if some1 finds your posts interesting they might scroll your account and might learn a lot of History going back and back

its the Normies who don't even know to dig. plan peaceful strategies/tactics understanding its for Normies to switch over to researching/sharing info. Normeis need to learn; 'tell others to tell others, become exponential'

wouldn't it be weird if you thought you had x followers when really you have y? what if replies are blocked so it seems quiet?

some moves you can make together, some moves you fly solo only cuz no1 else can follow

keep going or new move kek. new moves might be the hardest; near the final boss [elections] no time to learn new moves

if you poast valuable info/insight/etc it will be stollen. fear not, being stollen from is an honor esp when the msg goes far and wide kek. check for your followers with the most followers and try to post stuff w your msg but in their flavor (it rarely works but worth the effort sometimes; also you are using dif tactics where this method might not fit). also have Faith about the Silent Listeners who use your info for their daily efforts

when it comes to Normies keep this in mind: 'Normies don't even know what a Normie is' kek. it SHOWs you far behind Normies are re knowledge. it SHOWs you how much patience will be required. it helps you know where to start and what to teach. use the easy and make it easier

closer we get to election dates the moar they can spin our attempts to expel/recall/impeach appear 'unfair'

ALL should be researching their leaders but many won't/can't do that so its up to us to 'do their homework' make rinos obvious for each state

work together, ask others for help; tell others to tell others = exponential

this is the final push but remain calm; remind ppl no violence

memes help. 'nothing can stop what is coming' is like 'time will tell', phrases that are true no matter what happens. what happens depends on motivation persistence skill luck etc thus its true nothing can stop what is coming but what is coming depends on the person(s) and their actions mayB. this means you can help the final outcome which no1 can stop. WE can easily win with enough ppl so the mission becomes about gaining ppl thru truth mayB imo

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8c9b9e No.21054999




Doges that comprende Hangul

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0ab747 No.21055000


How about quiet demon, it was documented that they poisoned one of our dogs about 5 days ago. I walk over 100 miles a month, it is not TIA.

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c30cdb No.21055001


αγορά βιβλίου

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1a382d No.21055002

Supreme Court adds four cases to next term’s docketBy Amy Howe on Jun 17, 2024 at 10:49 am

The justices on Monday morning added four new cases to their docket for the 2024-25 term. In a list of orders from the justices’ private conference last week, the court agreed to tackle issues ranging from the burden of proof for an employer hoping to rely on an exemption from the Fair Labor Standards Act to the pleading standards for cases under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act.

Once again, the court did not act on a group of petitions urging them to weigh in on the constitutionality of bans on gender-affirming care for minors in Tennessee and Kentucky. They also did not take action on a group of petitions challenging bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in Illinois.

In E.M.D. Sales v. Carrera, the justices agreed to decide what burden of proof applies to an employer arguing that it is exempt from the general requirement, imposed by the Fair Labor Standards Act, to pay employees overtime when they work more than 40 hours per week.

The question comes to the court in a case filed by three sales representatives of E.M.D. Sales, which distributes Latin American, Caribbean, and Asian foods to grocery stores in the Washington, D.C., area. The sales reps contended that because they worked 60 hours per week, they were entitled to overtime. But the company countered that the sales reps were “outside salesmen,” who are exempt from the overtime requirement.

The issue that the justices agreed to decide was whether the company must provide “clear and convincing evidence” that the exemption applies, or whether it must merely make that showing by a preponderance of the evidence. After the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit ruled that the company must meet the more stringent “clear and convincing evidence” standard, the company came to the Supreme Court, which asked the federal government to weigh in.

The Biden administration urged the justices either to take up the case or even reverse the lower court’s decision without additional briefing or oral argument. It explained that the 4th Circuit’s ruling was wrong and that the question is an important one. In a brief order on Monday morning, the justices granted

E.M.D. Sales’ petition for review.

The justices also granted review in three additional cases:

Kousisis v. United States, involving (among other things) whether the use of deception to bring about a commercial exchange can constitute mail or wire fraud, even if the scheme was not intended to inflict economic harm on the alleged victim.

Nvidia Corp. v. E. Ohman J:or Fonder AB, involving the pleading standards to show knowledge or intent for securities-fraud claims that rely on internal company documents.

Wisconsin Bell v. United States ex rel. Heath, involving whether reimbursement requests submitted to the Federal Communications Commission’s E-rate program are “claims” under the False Claims Act.

Monday’s addition of four cases to the court’s docket for the 2024-25 term brings the number of cases slated for argument to 16, with only two conferences (June 20 and the traditional “clean-up” conference after all of the decisions have been released) remaining before the summer recess. Cases: E.M.D. Sales, Inc. v. Carrera, Wisconsin Bell, Inc. v. United States, ex rel. Todd Heath, NVIDIA Corp. v. E. Ohman J:or Fonder AB, Kousisis v. United States


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aab2f7 No.21055003

File: 925dfbc9923234a⋯.png (132.16 KB,400x410,40:41,925dfbc9923234a764e6d7f3a9….png)


>a bitch that can't be hanged

Cats have multiple lives.

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d61124 No.21055004


you are worse than they,

remnant or no.

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a34821 No.21055005


Dee and Stroy

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d61124 No.21055006


cheese and pasta are girls and boys…



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952a10 No.21055007

File: 59bbe9f14190c5b⋯.png (262.89 KB,1080x1037,1080:1037,Screenshot_20240620_103909.png)

POTUS! Missed it. 42m



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cccbdb No.21055008


>2 white hunting dogs corralled in a burial plot/grave site

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8c9b9e No.21055009


Morse code

America something or another

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aab2f7 No.21055010


>Doges that comprende Hangul

I remember someone asking if Doge died, but he was fine. Those are chosen dogs.

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952a10 No.21055011


Well, son of a bitch.

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ccf98b No.21055012

File: f307ce0e42a96c7⋯.jpeg (60.88 KB,364x343,52:49,IMG_3356.jpeg)

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6b385d No.21055013

File: f00915180f287da⋯.png (239.56 KB,710x625,142:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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55b1a7 No.21055014


do you know what TIA means, moran?

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d61124 No.21055015


>the use of deception to bring about a commercial exchange can constitute mail or wire fraud, even if the scheme was not intended to inflict economic harm on the alleged victim.

<applies directly to gould.

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3afde5 No.21055016


Our "greatest ally" (tm). Fuck Israel.

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397287 No.21055017

File: b405b86b709b710⋯.png (1.15 MB,1080x1414,540:707,Screhgi.png)



Like we didn't already know that…lol

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571ee3 No.21055018

File: 8caf17a2ae984be⋯.jpg (190.55 KB,598x846,299:423,tfgrfbtgrfbrtfbftiu.jpg)

Russia Rescues Hundreds of Adrenochrome Victims


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86d398 No.21055019

File: de80ce3f0f4f266⋯.mp4 (6.07 MB,1280x720,16:9,Biden_sonofabitch.mp4)

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0c9585 No.21055020

File: becf46d2d9bb813⋯.png (283.37 KB,742x916,371:458,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1768a4b2975c3ef⋯.png (423.79 KB,553x369,553:369,ClipboardImage.png)


>Sterling slips as Bank of England edges toward rate cut

there will be no interest rate cuts.

the new way to control will be supply side reforms. source a quote from Agustin Carsten.

Something anon needs to clarify for anons here,

The B.I.S is not a bank, it is a regulator of the banks that sets the rules and conditions of the central banks around the globle. CUI BONO



Tighter monetary policy was necessary, but not painless. Business models that relied

on low-for-long interest rates felt the strain. Bank closures in early 2023 were the

most striking example, but far from the only ones. As the structural forces that held

down inflation in recent decades subside, interest rates may need to stay higher

for longer. ==In the coming years, economies must rely on supply side reforms, rather

than monetary and fiscal stimulus, to drive sustainable growth.==

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beae54 No.21055021

File: e1c34123d7ad8ed⋯.png (806.3 KB,710x603,710:603,e1c34123d7ad8edc58e44f7bbf….png)


It has been an honor to anon with you guise

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a6102b No.21055022


Already wrapped for today, anon.


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d61124 No.21055023

lies onchan

> >21055000

to live with itself as failure.

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211dc4 No.21055024

File: 1b1f487b79b99bf⋯.mp4 (231.63 KB,640x352,20:11,20d8b95ce6.mp4)


800 funeral homes in Ukraine racking in the big bucks for pedojoe on the backend.

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8d218e No.21055026

File: d3d9a2f793841cb⋯.png (534.53 KB,951x584,951:584,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Selects Lockheed Martin to Build Next-Gen Spacecraft for NOAA

JUN 18, 2024

NASA, on behalf of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), has selected Lockheed Martin Corp. of Littleton, Colorado, to build the spacecraft for NOAA’s Geostationary Extended Observations (GeoXO) satellite program.

This cost-plus-award-fee contract is valued at approximately $2.27 billion. It includes the development of three spacecraft as well as four options for additional spacecraft.

The anticipated period of performance for this contract includes support for 10 years of on-orbit operations and five years of on-orbit storage, for a total of 15 years for each spacecraft.

The work will take place at Lockheed Martin’s facility in Littleton and NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

The GeoXO constellation will include three operational satellites — east, west and central. Each geostationary, three-axis stabilized spacecraft is designed to host three instruments.

The centrally-located spacecraft will carry an infrared sounder and atmospheric composition instrument and can also accommodate a partner payload.

Spacecraft in the east and west positions will carry an imager, lightning mapper, and ocean color instrument.

They will also support an auxiliary communication payload for the NOAA Data Collection System relay, dissemination, and commanding.

The contract scope includes the tasks necessary to design, analyze, develop, fabricate, integrate, test, evaluate, and support launch of the GeoXO satellites; provide engineering development units; supply and maintain the ground support equipment and simulators; and support mission operations at the NOAA Satellite Operations Facility in Suitland, Maryland.

NASA and NOAA oversee the development, launch, testing, and operation of all the satellites in the GeoXO program. NOAA funds and manages the program, operations, and data products.

On behalf of NOAA, NASA and commercial partners develop and build the instruments and spacecraft and launch the satellites.

As part of NOAA’s constellation of geostationary environmental satellites to protect life and property across the Western Hemisphere, the GeoXO program is the follow-on to the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites – R (GOES-R) Series Program.

The GeoXO satellite system will advance Earth observations from geostationary orbit. The mission will supply vital information to address major environmental challenges of the future in support of weather, ocean, and climate operations in the United States.

The advanced capabilities from GeoXO will help assess our changing planet and the evolving needs of the nation’s data users.

Together, NASA and NOAA are working to ensure GeoXO’s critical observations are in place by the early 2030s when the GOES-R Series nears the end of its operational lifetime.


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9cb37b No.21055027

Re: >>21054757

PHISTER ORPHANAGE - "Guess Who's Coming to Christmas" from the TV show "Happy Days." It aired on December 17, 1979

The episode features the regular cast, including Ron Howard, Henry Winkler, and Tom Bosley. The Phister Orphanage is a significant part of the plot, where the characters spend their Christmas.


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37c0e3 No.21055028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Holy fuck. KEK! Had no idea of the cover of this tune. How the fuck did I not know about it until today? After this long?

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15ba51 No.21055029


Arrested for intoxication but not for murdering people at his concert…

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952a10 No.21055031

File: 4bd7bb49b169271⋯.png (322.85 KB,916x527,916:527,4bd.png)


What an idiot.

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7db505 No.21055032


>"Our purpose was to document the event."


Video evidence implicating Israel in Twin Towers Attack on 9-11

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d61124 No.21055033



keep thinking that they fear you.

seven years,

and your masters still own (you).

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d61124 No.21055034

success rate <0

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210439 No.21055035


Still have to pay taxes so who cares.

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d61124 No.21055037


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86d398 No.21055038

File: fa62fa55e22fe41⋯.png (357.7 KB,876x500,219:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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397287 No.21055039

File: 8fdac8fafab683d⋯.png (758.45 KB,1080x1225,216:245,Screenbvf.png)


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9cb37b No.21055041



Sorry, got the date wrong - it first aired on Dec 17, 1974

Looking for script.

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954aa8 No.21055042

File: c2b57f4641cf025⋯.png (218.61 KB,680x517,680:517,ClipboardImage.png)



oh, ok

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8c9b9e No.21055043


The frozen few

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3d8dc6 No.21055044

File: 5b6f8b7488c750d⋯.jpeg (2.75 KB,125x125,1:1,PepeComingInHot.jpeg)

been 'here' from the beginning, not leaving


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0c9585 No.21055046



Well no interest rates for the western nations central banks.

The swiss are a different matter.

how do you destroy nations.

by controlling their economic strings.

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6b385d No.21055048

File: 6ffe3b28e400246⋯.png (1.01 MB,1170x1268,585:634,ClipboardImage.png)

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3afde5 No.21055052

File: 462a47a9dea67c2⋯.png (562.17 KB,890x872,445:436,ClipboardImage.png)


>Gatekeeper Pundit

Careful who you follow, Anon.

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d61124 No.21055056


doesn't know.

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ebf3b6 No.21055057

File: 5a3514d66e693f4⋯.png (481.02 KB,733x762,733:762,2024_06_20_10_47_45.png)

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211dc4 No.21055058


It's Gary Marshall grooming

Just like Norman Lear groomed America for division with All in the Family, the Jeffersons. Good Times and Maude.Laverne and shirley is realcreepy really considerin Gary is directing his sister Penny Marshall

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cccbdb No.21055059

File: 531ccc3c0fe3967⋯.png (1.43 MB,1285x672,1285:672,ClipboardImage.png)

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3d8dc6 No.21055060

File: 1e97048903b50ea⋯.png (287.25 KB,464x514,232:257,ClipboardImage.png)

Civilization may end with a bang or with a whimper (in adult diapers)


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1a382d No.21055061

File: 2f7d246eb0c0d03⋯.png (1.08 MB,765x741,255:247,ClipboardImage.png)

Astronauts stuck in space at least another week as Boeing and NASA troubleshoot Starliner spacecraft issues

Katie Hawkinson Wed, 19 June 2024 at 11:06 am

Two astronauts will be stuck on the International Space Station for at least another week as experts at NASA and Boeing struggle to fix their spacecraft.

Astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore arrived on the ISS on June 6 after a successful Boeing Starliner launch. Expected to only stay a week, the two will not be arriving on Earth before June 26, NASA and Boeing officials said in a Tuesday press conference.

The Boeing Starliner is facing several mechanical problems. En route to the station, the crew reported problems with five thrusters and four helium leaks. A fifth helium leak has since cropped up. Crews are working to make sure its safe before the astronauts are put back on and return home.

This delay comes after NASA and Boeing crews announced June 22 as their return date.

“We want to give our teams a little bit more time to look at the data, do some analysis, and make sure we’re really ready to come home,” Steve Stich, NASA’s Commercial Crew Program manager, said on Tuesday.

Stich said they do not see a scenario “where Starliner is not going to be able to bring Butch and Suni home.”

Crews will attempt to land in the White Sands area of New Mexico next week. If the crew cannot make the June 26 landing, the next “prime opportunity” will be on July 2, .

Dana Weigel, manager of NASA’s International Space Station Program, said the crew is feeling positive.

“They love Starliner, they love being in the vehicle, they love being on ISS,” Weigel said on Tuesday. “I think, you know, if you ask Butch and Suni, they might want to stay for a long period of time.”

Mark Nappi, vice president and program manager for the Commercial Crew Program at Boeing, said the crew is taking advantange of the extra time.

“I don’t think a lot of us don’t look at that as a delay,” Nappi said. “We look at that as an opportunity, and in this case, privilege to stay on station and do more work.”

Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner, with Williams and Wilmore onboard, lifted off from the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida on June 5. After a 24-hour flight, they successfully docked on the ISS.

Boeing hopes Starliner will compete with SpaceX’s Crew Dragon capsule, which has been NASA’s only vehicle for sending ISS crew members to orbit from the US since 2020.(Dream on and KEK)

This mission follows years of other challenges Boeing has faced with Starliner.

In 2019, an unmanned aircraft saw a test failure with dozens of software glitches, design problems and management issues. Three years later, a repeat unmanned test successfully landed on the ISS.

(This is why Russians refused to get on the Starliner)


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0ab747 No.21055063


There are many definitions, google puts up Transient ischemic attack for strokes and heart attacks. TIA could also mean Aunt in Spanish. Hopefully it was a Mil term for terrorism, which this is. When you call me a psycho, it denotes your the enemy trying to minimize my message. Some forget here that we are dealing with cowardly murderers. So what TIA are you referring to?

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d61124 No.21055064


really doesn't know.

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ff66a8 No.21055065

File: c690b2499e076ba⋯.jpg (43.86 KB,400x300,4:3,Pungsan_4149359137.jpg)


>Are those alpacas?

“Kim Jong-un presented a pair of Phungsan, national dogs of the DPRK, to Putin as a gift in the garden of the Kumsusan State Guesthouse.”

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210071 No.21055066


stolt man!

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3afde5 No.21055067

File: fc2810c3f9bd361⋯.png (43.08 KB,474x315,158:105,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8956b8ce1ebe357⋯.png (324.25 KB,645x363,215:121,ClipboardImage.png)


It's all tied together.

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5948fe No.21055068


>Russia flag is also red white and blue tho

i would agree, but sine we have 2 HEADS of countries together, the color can not represent either of them, but must be a color they both engage with. USA!

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571ee3 No.21055069

File: 3490af1852f33fa⋯.jpeg (56.8 KB,609x644,87:92,bfeofcYp6xZt.jpeg)

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4176b3 No.21055070

File: 70ead89750568b0⋯.png (122.21 KB,529x484,529:484,Capture.PNG)

#OTD in 1975, JAWS was released. Millions of people would learn about the ordeal of the sailors of USS Indianapolis from Quint's monologue. After the Indy was sunk, the crew had to endure exposure, dehydration and shark attacks. Only 316 of the crew of 1,195 survived.


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4176b3 No.21055073

File: 143f88f8a8b24c2⋯.png (373.06 KB,531x560,531:560,Capture.PNG)

Today's the summer solstice!

Here's to longer days and enjoying more sunsets like this one from SILENTBARKER/NROL-107. ☀️


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f58899 No.21055074


You're tired anon, you should go to sleep.

; )

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d61124 No.21055075


>>rest area


<too stupid to know.

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6b385d No.21055077

File: 8f6442fc9f66991⋯.png (1 MB,697x1017,697:1017,ClipboardImage.png)

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b18e8c No.21055079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

11:00 AM EDT

An Assessment of Disability Rights in the U.S. Schooling System

Washington Post Live



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d61124 No.21055081

thinks banks are the masters.


the masters laugh.

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1a382d No.21055082

File: 9b4f2a06b08ea59⋯.mp4 (2.88 MB,640x360,16:9,WADE_1718872974035.mp4)

Citizen Free Press


Nathan Wade will regret this Comedy Central interview.

How is it possible he agreed to do this.

The joke about positions.


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5a5808 No.21055083



Silent barker

Silent weapon

Quiet War

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0c9585 No.21055084

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.







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ebf3b6 No.21055085

File: 449b8c73b6939de⋯.png (1.59 MB,858x1200,143:200,2024_03_12_07_13_35.png)

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b18e8c No.21055086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

11:00 AM EDT

Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy: A Conversation with HPSCI Chairman Mike Turner

Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)




House Intelligence Chair Discusses Nuclear Strategy and Foreign Policy

House Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Turner (R-OH) discusses U.S. nuclear strategy in space and foreign policy during an event hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC.


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37c0e3 No.21055088


If you're running your doubt and despair routine, AEI, and you clowns are known to use projection, when you're doing that it's a good indication of the morale in the offices of the dipshit dumbfucks.

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d61124 No.21055090


far from any knowledge

of anything

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b18e8c No.21055091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

11:00 AM EDT

National Archives Comes Alive! Young Learners Program: Meet Sojourner Truth

National Archives



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ff66a8 No.21055092


Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year.

From now on the days start getting shorter not longer.

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d61124 No.21055093

(you) are fucked.

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55b1a7 No.21055095


Jesus you are fucking nuts dude. Thanks In Advance for killing yourself.

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b18e8c No.21055096

11:30 AM EDT

Council on Metro Economies and the New American City - The 92nd Annual Meeting of the United States Conference of Mayors

United States Conference of Mayors




Discussion on Economy at U.S. Conference of Mayors Meeting

Treasury Department officials and business leaders join mayors to discuss economic issues at the U.S. Conference of Mayors' annual meeting in Kansas City, Missouri.


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211dc4 No.21055097

File: eb6e578f3e4554d⋯.jpg (57.12 KB,635x917,635:917,Screenshot_20240620_105446….jpg)




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8d218e No.21055098

File: ca0004f68315e13⋯.png (474.98 KB,970x546,485:273,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA discussing asteroid-threat exercise today

June 20, 2024

NASA will discuss the results of a recent asteroid-threat exercise today (June 20), and you can watch it live.

The simulation, called the Planetary Defense Interagency Tabletop Exercise, was held April 2 and April 3 at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Maryland.

It aimed "to inform and assess our ability as a nation to respond effectively to the threat of a potentially hazardous asteroid or comet," NASA officials said in a statement.

Officials from NASA and other organizations will discuss the results of the exercise during a briefing today at 3:30 p.m. EDT (1930 GMT). You can watch it live here at Space.com, courtesy of NASA.

Participating in the briefing will be:

Lindley Johnson, NASA's Planetary Defense Officer Emeritus, NASA Headquarters, Washington

Leviticus "L.A." Lewis, FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) detailee to NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office, NASA Headquarters

Terik Daly, planetary defense section supervisor, APL

NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office and FEMA organized the April exercise, with the help of the U.S. Department of State Office of Space Affairs. It was the fifth such simulation that researchers have conducted.

"While there are no known significant asteroid impact threats for the foreseeable future, hypothetical exercises like this one, which are conducted about every two years, provide valuable insights on how the United States could respond effectively if a potential asteroid impact threat is identified," NASA officials wrote in the same statement.

"This year’s exercise was the first to include participation by NASA's international collaborators in planetary defense and the first to have the benefit of actual data from NASA's successful DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) mission, the world's first in-space technology demonstration for defending Earth against potential asteroid impacts," they added.



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aab2f7 No.21055099

Anon you could use bare hands, there is no need for an actual wand.

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339a90 No.21055101


>Seven years


end of the world incoming


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86076f No.21055102

File: f91a2f1b2ad7ca8⋯.gif (4.55 MB,360x266,180:133,8ugkwu.gif)

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4ece65 No.21055104

File: dd91dc6ca44aabc⋯.png (106.8 KB,690x1522,345:761,79FCAEAB_2213_436D_9493_41….png)

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c0c5b2 No.21055105

File: faebd8ccb187aa0⋯.jpeg (70.65 KB,570x713,570:713,7A57E284_21BB_4087_B1EA_C….jpeg)

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aab2f7 No.21055107



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3afde5 No.21055108


Kek. Two Jews trying to out fag one another. Nothing to see here.

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cbfbb1 No.21055109

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322c44 No.21055110


>Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year.


>From now on the days start getting shorter not longer.

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27332a No.21055111

File: da3fda648007abf⋯.png (522.77 KB,500x504,125:126,ClipboardImage.png)


He doesn't get it. Its a class war and the moneyed class is winning, because they have no shortage of witless tools to do their work, including especially people just like himself.

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3afde5 No.21055112

File: 803725dca5e36a6⋯.webm (2.1 MB,931x576,931:576,rubbing_fingers.webm)



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37c0e3 No.21055113

Well… just listened to that cover for the first time. I'll, uh, be sticking with Joan's version. No offense intended.

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1a382d No.21055114


Think about this, Wade got paid close to $750,000 from Fani, and he agrees to go on Comedy Central, how stupid can this person be? That's what happens in GA courts every single day. It's a black lawyers thing (not all but a lot)

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ebf3b6 No.21055115

File: 301f52abfb95274⋯.png (35.88 KB,647x201,647:201,2024_06_20_10_59_31.png)

File: 7079175b76ffd49⋯.png (20.04 KB,487x199,487:199,2024_06_20_11_04_04.png)


> Summer Solstice


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0c9585 No.21055116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



note: anon read liz truss book and watched the interviews, she was naive, althougha political animal, she did not understand the top down control. Sargon of Akkad explains aka carl Benjamin


The Revolution Has Begun


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3afde5 No.21055117

File: 6f55a00eda9f3ca⋯.png (68.91 KB,500x591,500:591,ClipboardImage.png)




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d2afd3 No.21055118


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0fbde8 No.21055119


>How many anons are left after almost seven years?

If you're talking about posting regularly, maybe 1 or 2. If you're talking about how many anons are left, ALL OF THEM (except those who have died). Anons fought AND WON the great war of October 2017-January 2020. After that, they moved on to new missions.

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322c44 No.21055120


someone dying

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a6102b No.21055122

File: 2b9cfadd9df362f⋯.png (319.1 KB,434x323,434:323,VD.png)


Scurry along back to your own board,VD.

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46e0a7 No.21055123

File: c32f3e8d8429b59⋯.png (262.51 KB,623x329,89:47,ClipboardImage.png)



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4176b3 No.21055124

File: ed8149032d42e98⋯.png (389.85 KB,536x492,134:123,Capture.PNG)

🇺🇸 🦅 Peter the Mint #Eagle used to fly around #Philadelphia during the day & returned to the U.S. Mint at night, until he died in the late 1820s. Employees chipped in & had him stuffed. Since then, artists have used Peter to inspire reverse designs on numerous U.S. coins!


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954aa8 No.21055125

File: e14f473c9ebdaf3⋯.png (239.53 KB,355x474,355:474,Thumb_Index_Finger.png)



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4176b3 No.21055126


I like it anon

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210071 No.21055127


The Shitter Sitter

Season 4 and still flowing strong


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c0c5b2 No.21055128

File: 54ee9c9e30ff229⋯.jpeg (252.59 KB,770x431,770:431,8154027E_C806_432A_A357_7….jpeg)

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bcf0d1 No.21055129


their democracy is fucked if they release it now

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d2afd3 No.21055130


Jan 2020 was about 2 mos after replatforming….might make more sense if you picked Jan 2021, when Biden took office.

but many original anons remain.

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cccbdb No.21055131

File: 9e795b5a3a86f05⋯.png (229.43 KB,431x314,431:314,ClipboardImage.png)


>garden of the Kum susan

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d81a40 No.21055132

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Do you find it difficult loving those who don't love God and Country? Do you say to yourself, "If I love them, they'll think what they're doing is ok?" Here are a few words on how to love people who don't love you.


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5948fe No.21055133







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f58899 No.21055134

File: 6f31ad39cde9b9c⋯.png (292.45 KB,410x487,410:487,Screenshot_20240620_080810….png)

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aab2f7 No.21055135


>It's all tied together.

Dots are loosely spread out throughout the universe, just connect them all and see the Pokemon fly over your house too.

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1a382d No.21055136

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



This is why we need to let black people know that it was republicans that abolished slavery, gave blacks the right to vote, and it was Democrats that started the KKK


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5948fe No.21055137


good you sd something, i got him filtered

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680dd8 No.21055138

File: b5e6f4b59b6a45c⋯.png (555.59 KB,1033x631,1033:631,Screenshot_2024_06_20_at_1….png)

By John Solomon

Published: June 19, 2024 11:35pm

Updated: June 20, 2024 7:48am

The Biden administration is seeking to delay until at least 2026 the release of COVID-19 vaccine safety data that has been kept outside the government’s normal adverse events reporting system.

The Departments of Justice and Health and Human Services asked U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton this week to issue an 18-month stay that keeps them from having to release the Food and Drug Administration’s data to Just the News under the Freedom of Information Act.

The federal agencies alleged that “exceptional circumstances” exist to necessitate the delay in compliance with the open records law because the FDA is stretched thin by numerous other requests for public information related to the pandemic.

The agency “has been dealing with an unprecedented workload requiring FOIA productions involving approximately 5.7 million pages of COVID-19 vaccine records in a compressed timeframe,” the government argued in the motion filed Tuesday night.

The government revealed it has secured stays in seven other cases seeking records and asked Walton to do the same with the Just the News request. Federal lawyers claim the agency hired several new employees to try to speed up processing but that it can take up to two years to train new staff to process such requests.

“Thus, despite the Branch’s good-faith investment in increasing its future processing capacity by training new employees, its resources remain limited during this lengthy onboarding period,” the government claimed.

Just the News, which is represented in the case by the America First Legal public interest law firm, is opposing the stay and a status conference is scheduled Thursday before the judge.

Gene Hamilton, America First Legal’s general counsel and vice president, on Wednesday dismissed the government’s request as a delay tactic that will keep patients who might consider getting additional vaccine boosters from having full data to make an informed decision.

“This is a typical government excuse which is,’ Oh, we're so busy, we don't have the resources to help provide you, the American people with the information that you need,’” Hamilton told the Just the News, No Noise television show.

“So you just need to wait until 18 months from now. And maybe you'll get to see it, maybe you won't. And what they're hoping to do is stretch this out to the point where everybody forgets about it,” he added.

Hamilton said his law firm found evidence recently that FDA had enough resources to post Internet memes during the pandemic and that it could certainly find personnel or contractors to speed up release of the vaccine safety data that can be important to patients and doctors making health decisions.


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ebf3b6 No.21055139

File: 7a2291e70825138⋯.png (121.6 KB,354x313,354:313,yikes.png)

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54fae2 No.21055140


Now that's one greedy fat cunt, with severe lack of self-discipline.

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d2afd3 No.21055141


can't even control what he has for LUNCH.

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811b11 No.21055142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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211dc4 No.21055143



Most North Koreans are lucky to eat a ded neighbor with their grass..what luxury to give putin such a extravagant menu item.

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3afde5 No.21055144


>Dots are loosely spread out throughout the universe,

The fast route between two points, is a straight line.

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b18e8c No.21055145

File: d1059804ab492df⋯.jpg (63.78 KB,720x720,1:1,pepe_eagle.jpg)


June 20, 2024

National American Eagle Day


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210071 No.21055146


he jus dropped a duce


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ff66a8 No.21055147

File: 1fdd84e071d8230⋯.png (1.03 MB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_8kun_top_17188962….png)




See you NZ

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057635 No.21055149

File: ece3d8291276897⋯.jpg (69.82 KB,992x558,16:9,00001kk.jpg)

don't don't don't!

you need!


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1a382d No.21055150

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


watch till the end, I kind of feel sorry for the SS



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4ece65 No.21055151

File: c3a7f3b2312e58c⋯.png (43.02 KB,690x498,115:83,E46DBDE3_5B56_4B48_B1A9_36….png)

File: b25ea47d66634f1⋯.png (48.14 KB,690x542,345:271,9386422C_0466_4785_8AEC_D0….png)

File: 217f1586449a279⋯.png (98.55 KB,690x1478,345:739,CA059F50_4B08_40D4_B50F_E2….png)

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680dd8 No.21055152


part 2

The database contains information that “everyone has a right to know,” Hamilton said. “People need to have the right to engage in informed consent before they're about to engage in some kind of medical procedure. People have the right to know things that are about their health, about the risks, and if there's any benefits, certainly, but if there's all of the risks.

“They need to know what the government knows, and the fact that we're having to sue with y'all to try to get access to this information, just to provide people with what they need to make their own decision, should be totally unacceptable and shocking to every American,” he added.

Just the News and America First Legal sued the Biden administration in February, asking the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., to order the Department of Health and Human Services to comply with two Freedom of Information Act requests to the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention seeking COVID-19 reactions data kept in a back-end, nonpublic system to the nation’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

VAERS is the nation’s repository for all reports of patients suffering reactions or adverse events – up to and including death – after receiving vaccines.

The suit quoted government officials, news articles and private-sector scientists working with the government on VAERS data who stated publicly there is a private database affiliated with VAERS that includes data that is not accessible to the public but includes important safety information specifically on COVID-19 jabs.

“The public-facing database contains only initial reports, while the private, back-end system contains all updates and corrections – such as a formal diagnosis, recovery, or death,” the lawsuit explained.

You can read the full lawsuit here:

ECF 001 - Solomon v. HHS, Complaint.pdf

The lawsuit provided the court a powerful example of the type of information that is currently not being given the public in the VAERs because it is kept in the backend system, according to information published recently by the major medical journal publishing company BMJ.

“The public VAERS database reportedly did not include an autopsy examiner’s conclusion that the death of a 15-year-old boy was caused by ‘stress cardiomyopathy following [his] second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech covid-19 vaccine,’” the suit said.

Just the News filed FOIA requests for the back-end data with both the FDA and the CDC on Jan.6. The FDA assigned a control number for its request but never complied with providing any data, the suit said.

The CDC came back in February declining to provide any data, claiming the requested information “fell under the jurisdiction of the [FDA]” and “referred Mr. Solomon’s initial request to FDA and administratively closed the initial request,” the suit stated.

Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., who has held hearings on concerns and public mistrust about COVID-19 vaccines, told Just the News earlier this year that drug companies and their allies in the regulatory agencies have been so invested in the success of MRNA vaccines technology and the profits of the COVID-19 vaccines that he fears they are keeping negative information from coming to light.

“They're going to continue to cover up the real the damage being done by these what I would consider now very dangerous, very suspect mRNA vaccines,” he said.

Drugmakers, the FDA and CDC have acknowledged there is evidence of adverse events like myocarditis – inflammation of the heart – but that such affects are rare and shouldn’t scare Americans from getting the shots.

In fact, the CDC recommended in February that Americans over the age of 65 should get an additional vaccine booster in 2024.


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37c0e3 No.21055153

File: 4c64832384bac74⋯.png (734.29 KB,798x590,399:295,4c64832384bac7442994cf746c….png)

KEK. I like how they're desperately trying to create the consensus that they're a source for decodes and comms, but it's just nonsense to give the appearance of a position of authority they're trying to cultivate.

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ffec49 No.21055154

File: cd2c08dfd782dad⋯.jpg (30.45 KB,474x657,158:219,FB_IMG_1669045848569.jpg)

File: 84beacb270b9407⋯.jpg (33.86 KB,400x400,1:1,84beacb270b9407b83df573c1c….jpg)

Here since November 1st 2017.


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c0c5b2 No.21055155

File: 2e5e5c9b612449b⋯.png (574.95 KB,888x499,888:499,EC6D7A6A_A07C_4782_A859_17….png)


>And maybe you'll get to see it, maybe you won't.

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cccbdb No.21055157

File: 999f2889f494c0b⋯.png (512.81 KB,860x616,215:154,ClipboardImage.png)

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0fbde8 No.21055158


Nope. Q told us we have it all and left in Dec.. 2019. We anons wiped it up a month later.

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aab2f7 No.21055160

File: 31c1c25b6b5abd6⋯.png (303.33 KB,601x500,601:500,31c1c25b6b5abd61b797928aac….png)

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27332a No.21055161

File: 97dfb91ea500b7d⋯.png (96.28 KB,271x186,271:186,ClipboardImage.png)


Couldn't do it without you. Pal.

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0c9585 No.21055163

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Bank of England 'moves down BLIND ALLEY' with base rate of interest held at 5.25%


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aab2f7 No.21055164

File: f6db5a76b1fc7df⋯.png (297.69 KB,598x432,299:216,ClipboardImage.png)

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d2afd3 No.21055165

File: 9d3419754a10971⋯.jpg (9.3 KB,275x183,275:183,bunker_hall.jpg)

File: c8aa6dd7a913117⋯.jpg (9.96 KB,275x183,275:183,bunker_premium_dining_room.jpg)

File: f9c5598747dfcb8⋯.jpg (8.89 KB,267x189,89:63,bunker_premium_gym.jpg)


in case you want to expand a little….

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5948fe No.21055168

#25815 >>21054629

>>21054670 9:00 AM EDT The Immediate and Long-Term Challenges Facing Public School Teachers:

>>21054685 Winters: Fauci is So High on His Own Supply

>>21054688 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/20/2024

>>21054689 Richest Family in the UK, the Billionaire Hindujas Stand Trial in Switzerland for Human Trafficking Charges

>>21054696 ECUADOR Metrics show a significant disruption to Internet service with national connectivity down to 44% of normal level

>>21054703 Tailgate For Trump:

>>21054726 Q+: "All Biden can do is talk about his WEAPONIZED Witch Hunt Trials against me"

>>21054742 Someone In the Biden Campaign is Leaking Data to the Press?

>>21054751 Rapper Travis Scott arrested for disorderly intoxication, trespassing in Florida

>>21054770, >>21054875, >>21054915 PlaneFaggin’: Gulf/Europe activity

>>21054757, >>21054783, >>21054789, >>21054787 Happy Days and Pfister Hotel.

>>21054792 U of M Hires Ousted Chicago Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot as Visiting Professor

>>21054791, >>21054796, >>21054798 In the EU, the House Always Wins

>>21054807 10:00 AM EDT Supreme Court October Term 2023 Conference / Non-argument Da

>>21054809 10:00 AM EDT War Room With Stephen K. Bannon

>>21054831 Swiss National Bank presses ahead as rate cutting front-runner

>>21054859 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Sandy and the Moon Halo

>>21054897 NASA Releases Hubble Image Taken in New Pointing Mode

>>21054724 Kansas AG Pfizer Lawsuit Will Stop CV19 Bioweapon Vax Industry

>>21054925 Presidential candidate RFK Jr. fails to qualify for the first presidential debate next week

>>21054940 (YOU) are the plan Cap Rel

>>21054953 Meme of the Thread

>>21054958 @AGAndrewBailey I filed suit against IBM for violating the Missouri Human Rights Act.

>>21054960 Raging bulls push world stocks to fresh record high

>>21054968, >>21055065, >>21055147 Kims Gift To Putin: 2 Korean Hunting Dogs cap rel #CUNZ

>>21054998 GAME THEORY Keep your twtr comments very PG but point it at a place where you can speak your mind fully…

>>21055002 Supreme Court adds four cases to next term’s docket

>>21055007, >>21055019 Trump Truth 9:56 obama state department official met representative corrupt burisma #WELLSOB

>>21055018 Russia Rescues Hundreds of Adrenochrome Victims

>>21055026 NASA Selects Lockheed Martin to Build Next-Gen Spacecraft for NOAA

>>21055027 PHISTER ORPHANAGE - "Guess Who's Coming to Christmas" from the TV show "Happy Days.

>>21054891 Video evidence implicating Israel in Twin Towers Attack on 9-11

>>21055061 Astronauts stuck in space at least another week as Boeing and NASA troubleshoot Starliner spacecraft issues

>>21055070 #OTD in 1975, JAWS was released.

>>21055073 Today's the summer solstice!

>>21055079 11:00 AM EDT An Assessment of Disability Rights in the U.S. Schooling System

>>21055086 11:00 AM EDT Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy

>>21055091 11:00 AM EDT National Archives Comes Alive!

>>21055096 11:30 AM EDT Council on Metro Economies and the New American City

>>21055098 NASA discussing asteroid-threat exercise today

>>21055145 June 20, 2024 National American Eagle Day


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46e0a7 No.21055169

File: 06b627c9976375d⋯.png (498.49 KB,2084x662,1042:331,ClipboardImage.png)

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680dd8 No.21055171

File: 28c2217b19ccb49⋯.png (788.96 KB,659x740,659:740,Screenshot_2024_06_20_at_1….png)

It has no website, no employees, and its books are in the care of a powerful green consulting firm with close ties to the White House. It has also flooded Democratic groups with more than $35 million in untraceable cash since 2020, all while evading public detection—until now.

The Civic Involvement Fund has operated from the shadows from an apartment unit in Brooklyn since launching in 2019. That's thanks in part to a novel spending strategy that sets the group apart from most other spokes in the Democratic Party's ever-growing dark money network. During off-election years, the 501(c)(4) group does nothing but rake in huge sums of cash from one or two anonymous donors. Those funds collect dust until election years, when the Civic Involvement Fund dumps its entire bankroll into groups dedicated to defeating Republicans at the ballot box.

The Civic Involvement Fund has so far evaded public scrutiny, but its efforts likely haven't gone unnoticed by the Biden White House. The fund has three unpaid board members, two of whom—Kathleen Welch and William Roberts—are principals of Corridor Partners, a for-profit consulting firm dedicated to supporting green energy policies. The third board member, Shelley Hearne, is Welch's spouse. Collectively, the fund's three board members have logged 60 visits to the Biden White House since October 2021, including a dozen meetings with Biden climate envoy John Podesta, according to public visitor logs reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.

The Civic Involvement Fund got its start with a single anonymous $10.7 million contribution in its 2019 tax year. The following year—amid a presidential election—the group passed its entire bankroll over to five groups, including the dark money affiliate of Priorities USA Action, a major Democratic super PAC. The fund did nothing else aside from giving out the money it received the prior year—it had zero employees, reported $0 worth of expenses, and raised just $2,550 in its 2020 tax year.

The fund repeated the process with greater success in its 2021 tax year, receiving two contributions totaling $24.5 million. The group waited until its 2022 tax year to forward that bounty to a collection of 14 pro-Democratic groups, including Future Forward USA Action, the dark money affiliate of President Joe Biden's official super PAC.

Though Biden and other prominent liberals have made a show of publicly decrying the corrupting influence of dark money in politics, the Democratic Party has consistently outspent Republicans in dark money spending since 2018. Groups such as the Civic Involvement Fund aren't required to disclose their donors to the public, so they've become the preferred vehicle for deep-pocketed donors seeking to influence public policy while avoiding public scrutiny.

The Civic Involvement Fund isn't the only Democratic dark money group used to mask the identity of one or two select donors. In summer 2020, a dark money group called the Impetus Fund appeared with a $64 million contribution from a single anonymous donor, CBS News reported. The Impetus Fund then forwarded that cash to many of the same groups bankrolled by the Civic Involvement Fund, including Future Forward USA Action.

"The Civic Involvement Fund is representative of a trend among left-wing nonprofit activist groups," said Parker Thayer, an investigative researcher at the Capital Research Center. "The money piles are getting bigger and darker even while Democrats heat up their rhetoric about conservative 'dark money' groups a fraction of the size."

The Civic Involvement Fund reported in its 2020 tax return that its books were in the care of Corridor Partners, the consulting firm owned by two of its three board members. Curiously, however, the Civic Involvement Fund has never reported any payments to Corridor Partners in any of its public financial disclosures.

A dozen Civic Involvement Fund board visits to the White House were with Podesta, a powerful Democratic consultant whom Biden tapped to oversee the $369 billion climate change investment fund authorized by the Inflation Reduction Act.

While the identity of the fund's patron (or patrons) remains unconfirmed, billionaire hedge fund manager Nat Simons did accompany Welch and Roberts to one of their meetings with Podesta. Simons is a prominent Democratic donor who has invested tens of millions of dollars promoting green energy policies. It's unclear if that meeting had any relation to the Civic Involvement Fund.

Simons isn't the only billionaire with ties to Corridor Partners, however. The firm also provides consulting services for the Walton Conservation Coalition, an environmentalist lobbying group chaired by Walmart billionaire heir Lukas Walton.


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5948fe No.21055172

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37c0e3 No.21055175


Nah. That'd be like the opposite of claustrophobia: Too much enclosed space.

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27332a No.21055176

File: 00dc8a28aaffacf⋯.png (374.01 KB,500x510,50:51,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cdc576630d99272⋯.png (230.95 KB,602x337,602:337,ClipboardImage.png)

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3afde5 No.21055177

File: 65e9ea73b8991a3⋯.png (1.78 MB,1500x1000,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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210071 No.21055178


nice skid mark

keks out loud

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680dd8 No.21055180


part 2

Corridor Partners also consults for the Linden Trust for Conservation, a green energy group led by former Goldman Sachs managing director Lawrence Linden.

Corridor Partners did not return a request for comment.


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0fbde8 No.21055181


But yes, many anons spend some time checking out a bread or two, and some even post.

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aab2f7 No.21055183


>The fast route between two points, is a straight line.

That only works in theory, in practice it is the route of the least resistance, the easy way if you will.

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d2afd3 No.21055184

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c0c5b2 No.21055185

File: 994a3952275ffff⋯.png (163.72 KB,499x321,499:321,40885853_80BB_4B7E_BDE5_75….png)


Haven’t said anything not said before

The key is Japan.

Still at ZIRP….wake me when that changes.

Never raise rates in any meaningful way.

They keep pushing off not buying bonds because they can’t stop

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6b385d No.21055187

File: 3e0e3e0e86e87a1⋯.png (154.43 KB,486x494,243:247,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a382d No.21055188

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

THE GREATEST FIGHTER OF ALL TIME!!!😎🇺🇸. Dana White interviewed by FOX, Trump is the most resilient Fighter, he is #1



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02f908 No.21055189

File: aa90ba93ee12fdf⋯.png (152 KB,385x363,35:33,dtyk6.png)

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3afde5 No.21055190

File: 4d3376c1eb5d480⋯.png (1.7 MB,500x315,100:63,ClipboardImage.png)


> in practice it is the route of the least resistance, the easy way if you will.

In other words, a straight line.

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c0c5b2 No.21055191

File: f1e2f1b4a3082e1⋯.jpeg (369.35 KB,1004x564,251:141,243BF785_8D24_41DC_9C7C_2….jpeg)

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4ece65 No.21055192


the shortest route. the longest route. the flattest & least bumpy route.

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0c9585 No.21055193


this is now looking like that the usa and the u.k will be taken down by the b.i.s and the central banks, else where the rates are being cut apart from these and the western nations. dark forces at work.

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46e0a7 No.21055194


Fastest ≠ Shortest

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d2afd3 No.21055195


r u sure? have a large collection of promising bunker memes left over from endchan exile.

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1141b9 No.21055197


P = Protocols

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ebf3b6 No.21055198

File: d76ebd6740a5be4⋯.png (223.75 KB,526x283,526:283,the_fat_one.png)



>can't even control what he has for LUNCH.

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9c8fe4 No.21055200

File: 8685aa543d5f44a⋯.png (679.88 KB,765x510,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


Co-living firm uses rival's bankruptcy to spur growth in Harlem


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680dd8 No.21055201


the fact that we even know about it news to me

their shenanigans in the past were well kept under wraps

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46e0a7 No.21055203


Naah, P = PENIS.

Put it in your mouth and choke on it.

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b6a4ef No.21055204

File: 0a9d5bbe90d0193⋯.jpg (102.51 KB,724x500,181:125,0a9d5bbe90d0193ff9257272fa….jpg)

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9c8fe4 No.21055205


TheSis beginning toHTF.

Carry on.

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0fbde8 No.21055206


Only if your vehicle is a 'chopper. If not, explain why it took 3 generations to get west of the Alleghenies and then one generation to get the the west coast.

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c0c5b2 No.21055208


That they kinda put a loose time frame on it is like “ok so you’ll be changing that when the 18 months are up now”

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27332a No.21055209

File: ccc7084e641fe9c⋯.png (420.87 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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54fae2 No.21055210


It's Biblical. The Cabal are monitoring for the stars to fall.

But the stars have already fallen.

Just ask Ricky Gervais.

Shut up, I know he's your friend, I don't care.

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aab2f7 No.21055211


>In other words, a straight line.

The straight lines and bend circles have a hard time together.


>the shortest route. the longest route. the flattest & least bumpy route.

That sounds like a Mars Rover ready to explore.

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4ece65 No.21055212

File: ff30eccf4270db5⋯.png (148.11 KB,690x1786,345:893,F3AB165B_A2D2_4F24_987B_66….png)

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46e0a7 No.21055213


Steam power.

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86076f No.21055214

File: 5e70268dbc8488f⋯.png (2 MB,837x1280,837:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

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954aa8 No.21055215

File: 71a464775634353⋯.png (104.1 KB,300x207,100:69,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5da5e787d050c64⋯.png (120.75 KB,735x682,735:682,ClipboardImage.png)

Holy Shit!

EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Summoned to Vatican to be Excommunicated

Archbishop Carlo Vigano, a friend of the faithful and totally dedicated to the church and sharing Jesus Christ in all he does has been notified that he is being summoned to the Vatican.

Our friend, Archbishop Vigano has stood up against the destruction of the church, COVID mandates that crushed individual rights worldwide, and stolen elections. He has called out this Pope for his destructive actions against the church and others like China and the World Economic Forum. For this he is being excommunicated from the Hoy Catholic Church.

Jun. 20, 2024 9:45 am


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7c8771 No.21055216


This is true.

It will be done BEFORE Trump is POTUS in the public eye….

My guess is it will be the military because the fuckers are not going to arrest themselves.

Military is the only way.

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680dd8 No.21055217

File: b17d1668f6c1472⋯.png (948.6 KB,1100x742,550:371,Screenshot_2024_06_20_at_1….png)

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5948fe No.21055218

File: 82e8d178353b58a⋯.png (1.15 MB,687x960,229:320,ClipboardImage.png)

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c0c5b2 No.21055219

File: b2aa3b184b69630⋯.gif (684.15 KB,333x250,333:250,CDE4B3A9_1BDE_44C4_A105_EE….gif)

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37c0e3 No.21055220


KEK. Pretty sure, yeah. Too ostentatious for someone like me. A 10x10 hole in the ground covered by a tarp and with internet access is all I'd need.

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10dd96 No.21055221

File: 8ebad8122bc7a9b⋯.jpg (132.24 KB,602x500,301:250,8s5zjt.jpg)

Time is running out for the two letter greeting haters.



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3d8dc6 No.21055222

File: c81368814edfd89⋯.png (209.34 KB,680x357,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Summoned to Vatican to be Excommunicated

READ: https://tgpne.ws/qSU4Go


Breaking News – Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has been summoned to the Vatican to be Excommunicated by Red Pope Francis.

Archbishop Carlo Vigano, a friend of the faithful and totally dedicated to the church and sharing Jesus Christ in all he does has been notified that he is being summoned to the Vatican.

Our friend, Archbishop Vigano has stood up against the destruction of the church, COVID mandates that crushed individual rights worldwide, and stolen elections. He has called out this Pope for his destructive actions against the church and others like China and the World Economic Forum. For this he is being excommunicated from the Hoy Catholic Church.

Here is the message moments ago from Archbishop Vigano’s Twitter page:

"The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith has informed me, with a simple email, of the initiation of an extrajudicial penal trial against me, with the accusation of having committed the crime of schism and charging me of having denied the legitimacy of “Pope Francis” of having broken communion “with Him” and of having rejected the Second Vatican Council. I have been summoned to the Palace of the Holy Office on June 20, in person or represented by a canon lawyer. I assume that the sentence has already been prepared, given that it is an extrajudicial process.

I regard the accusations against me as an honor. I believe that the very wording of the charges confirms the theses that I have repeatedly defended in my various addresses. It is no coincidence that the accusation against me concerns the questioning of the legitimacy of Jorge Mario Bergoglio and the rejection of Vatican II: the Council represents the ideological, theological, moral, and liturgical cancer of which the Bergoglian “synodal church” is the necessary metastasis."

Complete text of the announcement: https://exsurgedomine.it/240620-attendite-eng

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5948fe No.21055223

File: 298abaafc309392⋯.png (611.86 KB,720x706,360:353,ClipboardImage.png)


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680dd8 No.21055225

File: 66e82f86337e4bf⋯.png (1.33 MB,1280x640,2:1,Screenshot_2024_06_20_at_1….png)


biden and pelosi will lob nukes before they let that happen

few million ded means nothing

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37c0e3 No.21055226

File: 733caeeeec729b9⋯.png (487.61 KB,500x500,1:1,smokingwater3.png)


Silence, mimic failfag. Doing the exact same thing that you attacked me for a year for. Funny how it was bad for me to do, but okay for you to do, huh? Doesn't your current routine break the whole "Code of Anonymous" you tried forcing on people here? Desperate clown is desperate.

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3afde5 No.21055228

File: 44faab0f78ecd8b⋯.png (1.51 MB,1200x600,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Kek. Made me break out the wacom for this one.

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5948fe No.21055229


Donations are tax write offs o/

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ebf3b6 No.21055230

File: 2f2738e8e38f3c3⋯.gif (1.29 MB,400x216,50:27,gday_mate.gif)

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954aa8 No.21055231

Embattled George Santos launches OnlyFans account

Former Rep. George Santos has found another way to make money after being expelled from Congress last year — OnlyFans.

“The moment you’ve all been waiting for! Only on #OnlyFans will you get the full behind the scenes access to everything I’m working on,” Mr. Santos posted Wednesday on X. “See ya all there!”

OnlyFansis a subscription-based internet service primarily used to post naked photos or videos, but Mr. Santos said none of that will be on his account.

Thursday, June 20, 2024


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0ab747 No.21055232


>Jesus you are fucking nuts dude. Thanks In Advance for killing yourself.

See how evil you are wishing someone dead because you do not believe they are attacked? Your judgment is only true, you just want to minimize. Remember I said Q Team. I documented a few days ago about a dog that was poisoned, I warned that person many, many months ago that his dog was being targeted, and he would walk away and ignore me, a scoffer like you. After his dog died and he felt deep remorse to the point of becoming suicidal of his best friend; due to the loss, he became a true believer and feels nothing but regret. No one playing this game gets away with it, not even you.

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0c9585 No.21055234

File: c5100138b9587b4⋯.png (410.16 KB,575x500,23:20,ClipboardImage.png)


trip ducks chek'ed and notable

he should not go.

they will probably poison him.

let them excommunicate him without his attendance.

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aab2f7 No.21055235

File: 80d40bcd4688d6a⋯.jpg (36.17 KB,405x720,9:16,singer.jpg)


>Put it in your mouth and choke on it.

P = Microphone.

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27332a No.21055236

File: c05826822fdfd8b⋯.png (338.69 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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3d8dc6 No.21055237

File: 60b3e9847ebed06⋯.png (301.1 KB,486x475,486:475,ClipboardImage.png)


Lego 2024 gaza edition.

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3afde5 No.21055238

File: 725417ef5773715⋯.png (2.02 MB,5007x3013,5007:3013,ClipboardImage.png)


>Steam power.

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5343d7 No.21055239



Awakening those who are asleep

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c0c5b2 No.21055240


They don’t need the help from BIS although it will speed it up a bit.

Doing a fine job all on own as we witness the end of paper based finance

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5948fe No.21055241

File: d594508cdc10785⋯.png (4.21 MB,1536x2048,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


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46e0a7 No.21055242


Quick give me 7 Billion so I can build you guys a fifty thousand hydrogen filling stations!

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a668a9 No.21055243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Neville Goddard (The 5 Lessons 1948) In His Own Voice

The Inner Guidance

>>21030966 pb


>>21031237 pb


>>21031360 pb


>>21031553 pb


>>21031798 pb


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1141b9 No.21055245


P = Protocols (talmudic) WE. SEE. YOU.

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211dc4 No.21055246

The number of dead in Mecca is approaching 1000.

The death toll from the extreme heat during the Hajj to Mecca has passed 900, as families continue to search for hundreds more missing.


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680dd8 No.21055247

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: c14ea20aa85ec56⋯.png (10.48 KB,112x58,56:29,Screenshot_2024_06_20_at_1….png)

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aab2f7 No.21055248

File: 8ea16116d7ab294⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,625x459,625:459,don_ate.jpg)



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7db505 No.21055249



From the demon's own mouth, dispelling any possibility of denying CBDCs bring 'Total Control'

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5948fe No.21055250


good time to start your own church and pull your congregation with you


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770ca8 No.21055251


But just in case, by chance, they find out that the Dems. were the party of slavery, Jim Crow Laws, and the KKK, the Dems. have another trick up their sleeves. They claim that the Dems. and Repubs switched parties.

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27332a No.21055252

File: dfbf02a61ce87b9⋯.png (439.78 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Bait. Misdirection.

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a282c9 No.21055253



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4176b3 No.21055254

File: 5d4e2c1ef31c66a⋯.png (22.4 KB,533x508,533:508,Capture.PNG)

Tick, tick, BOOM!💥 5 Div members in action, doing what they do best. #MightyMaroonMachine #StrongProudReady


Tic-tac, BOOM!💥 Les membres de la 5e Division en action, faisant ce qu’ils font de mieux. #PuissanteMachineMarron #FortsFiersPrêts


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55b1a7 No.21055255


put down the pipe and go take a walk

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5948fe No.21055256

File: c42b05114d5b6cf⋯.png (2.35 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>Quick give me 7 Billion so I can build you guys a fifty thousand hydrogen filling stations!

shit thats kinda cheap for a hose full of water

LETS DO IT - You take Check?

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7db505 No.21055257


Robot or not, that is a very unnatural-looking neck.

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4ece65 No.21055258

File: 0fb9daaa3047315⋯.png (165.86 KB,690x1148,345:574,2FA04785_DEF9_4524_A511_C6….png)

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339a90 No.21055261


As of August 1, 2023, new regulations went into effect in which incandescent light bulbs could no longer be produced or sold in the United States.

Aug 1, 2023 = 1.8.23

Revelation 18:23:

And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee..

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46e0a7 No.21055262

File: 7910f8b64d1906c⋯.png (65.52 KB,270x270,1:1,iwillfuckingcutyou.png)


Incomplete. sentences.

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d81a40 No.21055263

File: 84c2848e2b67a8d⋯.png (436.93 KB,683x783,683:783,Dan_Scavino_JAWS_Nov_4_202….png)

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54fae2 No.21055264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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680dd8 No.21055268

File: f8df3512b919303⋯.png (417.6 KB,515x446,515:446,Screenshot_2024_06_20_at_1….png)

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86d398 No.21055269

File: 9d68ff80d475a3e⋯.png (179.68 KB,511x500,511:500,I_don_t_care.png)


LED bulbs are superior anyway.

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4176b3 No.21055270


Seen this post pop up twice already today.

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46e0a7 No.21055271


I'll need another 14 Billion to remove the oxygen.

No checks. IRS collected fiat only.

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954aa8 No.21055272

File: 263f512e79cdd1e⋯.png (304.36 KB,611x623,611:623,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5f7a429c5ac0c4⋯.png (1.4 MB,1200x700,12:7,ClipboardImage.png)

Supreme Court rules against couple challenging part of Trump’s 2017 tax reforms

@washtimes 37m

The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled against a couple who sought to undo part of the 2017 tax reforms put into place under former President Donald Trump.



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eca3eb No.21055273

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4176b3 No.21055274


42 is gone.

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6b385d No.21055275

File: 3f898df595abbbc⋯.png (2.93 MB,1179x2556,131:284,ClipboardImage.png)

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211dc4 No.21055276

File: e19f43ef9887b4c⋯.jpg (38.25 KB,382x484,191:242,Screenshot_20240618_203324….jpg)

Crooked wig and crooked eyebrows

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c0c5b2 No.21055277

File: 370d1365e298d8f⋯.jpeg (818.48 KB,1225x617,1225:617,69E684B0_8910_475C_B458_5….jpeg)

File: da8824452a2f771⋯.jpeg (404.04 KB,1138x593,1138:593,7090A81C_0921_4420_8FF8_E….jpeg)


CFC2922 C130j Super Herc done at Rzeszow and W

Dutch AF SPYTZ Fokker 70 went to Poznań after 3 days at Rzeszow

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86d398 No.21055278

File: 0041b4ac0d5c7b7⋯.jpg (53.15 KB,800x419,800:419,bc_oh_shit.jpg)

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367a1f No.21055279


The conservative values of the republican party was considered "liberal" back then.

Will dig for sauce

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0ab747 No.21055281


I guess you believe we are just fighting political opponents and only Trump is affected. No one died during covid hospitalization, riots, or by vaccines because no one is trying to kill anyone. You need to put down the pipe, some of us are real pipe hitters, as Pompeo would say, and really fought not just make silly memes and wise-ass remarks.

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27332a No.21055282

File: 43ef0764f3cc9fe⋯.png (72 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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54fae2 No.21055283

File: 22f60de00df136c⋯.png (3.36 MB,1650x2041,1650:2041,ClipboardImage.png)

Willie smoked snoopdog under the table. Fact.

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680dd8 No.21055284

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: 108b6edbb698988⋯.png (11.96 KB,131x58,131:58,Screenshot_2024_06_20_at_1….png)

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55b1a7 No.21055285


you are fucking insane and don't even know it. haven't seen an anon yet who believes your bullshit.

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02f908 No.21055286

File: c0a403e92fce6a8⋯.png (480.52 KB,620x541,620:541,spnkf1.PNG)

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5f4af1 No.21055287

File: b22e3fa23e09ff8⋯.png (508.16 KB,678x381,226:127,ClipboardImage.png)


Russia Rescues Hundreds of Adrenochrome Victims Destined for Washington D.C.

Russian forces also intercepted a refrigerated truck trailer transporting refined adrenochrome from Ukraine to Warsaw, Poland, destined for waiting aircraft for Western Europe and the United States.


JUN 20, 2024


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d81a40 No.21055288

File: 7eebccb305c7051⋯.png (564.99 KB,470x1320,47:132,1252_PATRIOTS_HAVE_NO_SKIN….png)

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d2afd3 No.21055289


hey it's SPANKY!

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aab2f7 No.21055290

File: 817deb7e4bd9763⋯.png (867.73 KB,666x500,333:250,817deb7e4bd97634fd33e2deff….png)


>Willie smoked snoopdog under the table. Fact.

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954aa8 No.21055291

File: 1b45e7000a02ca5⋯.png (46 KB,1095x343,1095:343,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3742dde2efe6ec4⋯.png (34.3 KB,672x443,672:443,ClipboardImage.png)


No X access at this time to verify.

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4176b3 No.21055292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rand Paul RIPS Anti-Lab Leak "Experts" for Burying Truth

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c0c5b2 No.21055293

File: 60d2211d5a256b4⋯.gif (3.41 MB,312x302,156:151,B38E2F0C_002C_47D4_8DF5_0A….gif)


The OG bubba ded’d way before Killary


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5948fe No.21055294


>No checks


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0c9585 No.21055295

File: 81c85d703cbbc0d⋯.png (106.31 KB,300x206,150:103,ClipboardImage.png)


them burgers are too damn small meme

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0fbde8 No.21055296


Poor Brian (in what way?) Kilmeade almost cried.

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4176b3 No.21055297


Probably working the sympathy angle for the Hillary run.

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f2e463 No.21055298

File: 4b95db963798cc0⋯.jpeg (7.34 KB,255x143,255:143,p2.jpeg)


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a282c9 No.21055299

File: eb834124acfae22⋯.png (11.67 KB,171x111,57:37,ClipboardImage.png)


1979 was 45 years ago

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2d8228 No.21055300

File: 4b95db963798cc0⋯.jpeg (7.34 KB,255x143,255:143,p2.jpeg)


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aab2f7 No.21055301

Allegedly or all-deadly.

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a282c9 No.21055302


> some of us are real pipe hitters

that's gay

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0ab747 No.21055303


Guess what, I was the first to warn about

1. 911 was an attack on white people 2 decades before you were kneeling to BLM

2. Also the one who warned about the fake pandemic, riots, and toxic vaccines 3 months before Q ever mentioned them.

Everyone believes me at a later date after either much heart ache or unnecessary deaths. My knowledge does not end in your beliefs, but your beliefs end in my knowledge.

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9cbca0 No.21055304

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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680dd8 No.21055307

File: d09e3ad836b49c6⋯.png (464.68 KB,612x477,68:53,Screenshot_2024_06_20_at_1….png)

File: 31ee6e895a348d8⋯.png (698.17 KB,1163x743,1163:743,Screenshot_2024_06_20_at_1….png)

File: 12b1aed418691c1⋯.png (2.53 MB,1382x918,691:459,Screenshot_2024_06_20_at_1….png)

File: cb9f81e33b0bb6e⋯.png (808.73 KB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_20_at_1….png)

File: 7be072c17ce054e⋯.png (1.09 MB,1200x630,40:21,Screenshot_2024_06_20_at_1….png)

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c34af2 No.21055308



no one replies any more, wonder why?

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3afde5 No.21055309

File: 0c31d8cc3468582⋯.png (631.51 KB,606x414,101:69,ClipboardImage.png)



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e3b59b No.21055310

One.has keyboard warriors

The other.has digital warriors

There is a difference

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a72a82 No.21055311

File: 4af9b5c376743df⋯.png (537.88 KB,548x406,274:203,4af9b5c376743dff69a53204c8….png)

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ff66a8 No.21055312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Willie smoked snoopdog under the table. Fact.

Willie's weed is top shelf, smoked everyone under the table.

I'll never smoked weed with Willie again

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86d398 No.21055313

File: 8017c4840c32d8a⋯.png (295.18 KB,500x609,500:609,Hunter_Pipehitting.png)


>pipe hitters

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211dc4 No.21055314

File: ce1a280a999e0c0⋯.mp4 (449.56 KB,1280x720,16:9,42348a2333.mp4)

To whom is he speaking?

Mumble comms

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680dd8 No.21055315


cool, thanks

forgot that Q posted it originally

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c0c5b2 No.21055317

File: d78cb77d0e56d0b⋯.jpeg (414.41 KB,828x840,69:70,443CD17A_F8D9_4DA3_9A71_4….jpeg)

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e3b59b No.21055318


But first

Thw buffet

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a282c9 No.21055319


So you're saying there's a silent war between Flynn's Digital Soldiers and Trump's Keyboard Warriors?

Both are gay and if you identify as either you are gay. So much gayness nowadays.

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0ab747 No.21055321


Do not worry yourself about that, worry yourself about being an accomplice and getting ahead of the story, you will be investigated, that is for sure. And do not worry, US Mil/Q Team already did a flyover. This is not a game, and no one gets away with playing this game, no one.

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d2afd3 No.21055322



burgers only look small next to Fatso

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a282c9 No.21055323


Like this guy^^^, he's gay.

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5948fe No.21055324



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86d398 No.21055325

File: c899260ee5d8c02⋯.jpg (113.31 KB,600x465,40:31,heavy.jpg)

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a2de76 No.21055326

Today a lady riding a bicycle away from me on a bike path, puts her phone out to her side and aims it at me as she is riding away, while still facing forward.

I saw the phone with my eyes.

Taking a photo/video either forward, or backwards toward me, I am thinking.

True story.

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37c0e3 No.21055327


>no one replies any more, wonder why?

KEK. Because the intellectual malingering of those poor persecuted menaces are rendered powerless in the filter.

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c34af2 No.21055328


hey larper, did your gas line blow up yet?

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6b385d No.21055329


who are you?

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a282c9 No.21055330


This guy's^^^ gay too

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d2afd3 No.21055331


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954aa8 No.21055332

File: a09766cc74c246a⋯.png (339.44 KB,595x709,595:709,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2fde987fa9d076c⋯.png (383.85 KB,673x740,673:740,ClipboardImage.png)


🚨BREAKING:Biden's State Dept Official Admits Great Replacement is Real; ‘They Want to Change the Demographics of the United States’

“Traditional, standard Americans are not leftists. Latin Americans are all leftists. This is just to try and change the demographics [of the United States]." - U.S. Consular Officer

“I wish people knew we were letting in criminals [to the United States] daily.”


Jun 20, 2024, 9:35 AM


vid was too big to load

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680dd8 No.21055333


she must of fancied you

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4bf321 No.21055334

File: 5a65bb9778d4d15⋯.png (8.4 KB,185x255,37:51,zz123.png)





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c0c5b2 No.21055335

File: a5c58cfa3575a5a⋯.gif (497.64 KB,640x360,16:9,98A5A953_A273_4431_8979_83….gif)

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37c0e3 No.21055336


KEK. Used to have smoke offs in college to see who would bow out or fall asleep first. The only thing that happened was the bag of weed ran out. Quite confident that scenario would repeat if the challenge was repeated with him.

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4bf321 No.21055337

File: 35946d2293be8f0⋯.png (91.85 KB,419x348,419:348,aj6.png)

File: 26569649dc5f19a⋯.png (139.54 KB,364x363,364:363,a2.png)



PAYSEUR PART 3: [P]=Payseur Confirmed. Q Lounge Live 8/28

"PART 3 Q CONFIRMS [P]=Payseur from of my very FIRST EVER presentation on the [P]=Payseur on 8/26/18 from our July dig with host @ShadyGrooove."

Q confirms [P] = Payseur!

"In the Vatican - Holy See Q Drop #1950 "Recipe for ……." Q meant P,A,Y,S,E,U,R".




Q DROP #1950

Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 28 Aug 2018 - 4:12:23 PM


"The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory. The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law."




Sanctuary against criminal prosecution?

Recipe for …….


Q Drop #416

Anonymous 12/21/2017 20:31:58 ID: deb9fa

8chan/cbts: 143329

Soros takes orders fromP.

You have no idea how sick and evil these people are.

Fight, fight, fight.

Day of days.

Game over.


Q DROP #1413

Guardian of the Pope Owl Photo

Q !4pRcUA0lBE 17 May 2018 - 8:15:27 PM


Guardian of thePope.



PAYSEUR PART 4: TRUST the Plan 12/14 Q Lounge Live #Qarmy

"Starting at 20:00 after we go over the Q linkING to to my Twitter once again. Q2582.

Part 4 PAYSEUR, TRUST the Plan with myself and host @ShadyGrooove. Bringing ALL the PAYSEUR information to today!"

"A 1000 year old illusion!"

"Conspiracy analysts"

"Q uses the word Trust all the time"

"The mirror of Trust is anti Trust!"

"Trust trust trust!"

"When Q says "TRUST the plan" Q is referring to the Payseur trust!"

"it's not Pope, it's not Pindar, it is Payseur!"




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4f57b3 No.21055338


Not a fan of this law. School districts should be allowed to display them if they want but should not be forced to display.

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a282c9 No.21055339

File: 1208aac342e0d20⋯.gif (171.1 KB,400x217,400:217,gifrestaresa200242936.gif)

The gays are trying to turn /qr/ into a gay meet up. Like a truck stop.

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86d398 No.21055341

File: ef0aece351c73c9⋯.jpg (201.89 KB,742x416,371:208,HRC_accident1.jpg)


>gas line blow up

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954aa8 No.21055342

File: f8e7ba302693830⋯.png (48.83 KB,671x522,671:522,ClipboardImage.png)




They are unbelievable. Good God.

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f9aca2 No.21055343


Likely phds in federal service too

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a282c9 No.21055344


yeah, so gay. like this guy → >>21055337

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a8678d No.21055345


We The People should start a Give Send Go to fight against them

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0ab747 No.21055346


>who are you?

The only ground zero worker that stood by the truth since that day.

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4bf321 No.21055347

File: c0b1e35fc93b7d3⋯.png (4.49 MB,3360x2580,56:43,000matrixxx.png)

File: 6756683c6343a00⋯.png (314.57 KB,1294x694,647:347,000017.png)

File: a9e5e70ca0897b3⋯.jpg (49.78 KB,800x600,4:3,EPfcsh1X4AY_6PP.jpg)

File: 52a8734d3c5b17b⋯.png (894.98 KB,584x765,584:765,fuhkek2bFUCKYOUTRAITORKEK1….png)



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37c0e3 No.21055348

File: ee1fe978e153875⋯.jpg (514.47 KB,894x1855,894:1855,dumfucks.jpg)

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0ab747 No.21055350


You can only reveal what is on your mind.

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a282c9 No.21055351


A gay hero?

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a2de76 No.21055352


Maybe, 55333, maybe authorities.

It could have been a conversation I had with someone yesterday.

Just trying to think it through, thanks

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d92534 No.21055353

so did the temper tantrum end?

the BV who was deleting all the posts over night?

he was triggered hard.

makes this place a waste of time to have a juvenile minded censor both smack talking and then deleting anyone who challanges his nonsense.

the board was in 'total failure mode'


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0ab747 No.21055354


>A gay hero?

See how you probe? You can only reveal what is on your mind.

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4a6266 No.21055355

File: 7bbb871d9509656⋯.png (581.8 KB,572x802,286:401,jws1.PNG)

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34f2c9 No.21055356


AJ or the OP

Either way they gay

But sell a lot of water filters

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5948fe No.21055357

#25815 >>21054629

>>21054670 9:00 AM EDT The Immediate and Long-Term Challenges Facing Public School Teachers:

>>21054685 Winters: Fauci is So High on His Own Supply

>>21054688 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/20/2024

>>21054689 Richest Family in the UK, the Billionaire Hindujas Stand Trial in Switzerland for Human Trafficking Charges

>>21054696 ECUADOR Metrics show a significant disruption to Internet service with national connectivity down to 44% of normal level

>>21054703 Tailgate For Trump:

>>21054726 Q+: "All Biden can do is talk about his WEAPONIZED Witch Hunt Trials against me"

>>21054742 Someone In the Biden Campaign is Leaking Data to the Press?

>>21054751 Rapper Travis Scott arrested for disorderly intoxication, trespassing in Florida

>>21054770, >>21054875, >>21054915, >>21055277 PlaneFaggin’: Gulf/Europe activity

>>21054792 U of M Hires Ousted Chicago Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot as Visiting Professor

>>21054791, >>21054796, >>21054798 In the EU, the House Always Wins

>>21054807 10:00 AM EDT Supreme Court October Term 2023 Conference / Non-argument Da

>>21054809 10:00 AM EDT War Room With Stephen K. Bannon

>>21054831 Swiss National Bank presses ahead as rate cutting front-runner

>>21054859 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Sandy and the Moon Halo

>>21054897 NASA Releases Hubble Image Taken in New Pointing Mode

>>21054724 Kansas AG Pfizer Lawsuit Will Stop CV19 Bioweapon Vax Industry

>>21054925 Presidential candidate RFK Jr. fails to qualify for the first presidential debate next week

>>21054940 (YOU) are the plan Cap Rel

>>21054953 Meme of the Thread

>>21054958 @AGAndrewBailey I filed suit against IBM for violating the Missouri Human Rights Act.

>>21054960 Raging bulls push world stocks to fresh record high

>>21054968, >>21055065, >>21055147 Kims Gift To Putin: 2 Korean Hunting Dogs cap rel #CUNZ

>>21054998 GAME THEORY Keep your twtr comments very PG but point it at a place where you can speak your mind fully…

>>21055002 Supreme Court adds four cases to next term’s docket

>>21055007, >>21055019 Trump Truth 9:56 obama state department official met representative corrupt burisma #WELLSOB

>>21055018 Russia Rescues Hundreds of Adrenochrome Victims

>>21055026 NASA Selects Lockheed Martin to Build Next-Gen Spacecraft for NOAA

>>21054891 Video evidence implicating Israel in Twin Towers Attack on 9-11

>>21055061 Astronauts stuck in space at least another week as Boeing and NASA troubleshoot Starliner spacecraft issues

>>21055070 #OTD in 1975, JAWS was released.

>>21055073 Today's the summer solstice!

>>21055079 11:00 AM EDT An Assessment of Disability Rights in the U.S. Schooling System

>>21055086 11:00 AM EDT Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy

>>21055091 11:00 AM EDT National Archives Comes Alive!

>>21055096 11:30 AM EDT Council on Metro Economies and the New American City

>>21055098 NASA discussing asteroid-threat exercise today

>>21055145 June 20, 2024 National American Eagle Day

>>21055188 Dana White - Trump is the most resilient Fighter, he is #1 RMBL

>>21055215 Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Summoned to Vatican to be Excommunicated

>>21055084 From the demon's own mouth, dispelling any possibility of denying CBDCs bring 'Total Control'

>>21055272 Supreme Court rules against couple challenging part of Trump’s 2017 tax reforms

>>21055263, >>21055299 Dan - 42 Years today Jaws Released ( >>21055274 42 Gone? ) #45

>>21055291 ACLU suing over 10 commandments in School, crickets over LGB/Trans #SICK

>>21055314 Biden Mumble comms MP4

>>21055332 Biden's State Dept Official Admits Great Replacement is Real?

>>21054757, >>21054783, >>21054789, >>21054787, >>21055027 "Guess Who's Coming to Christmas" from the TV show "Happy Days. ( PHISTER ORPHANAGE )


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a282c9 No.21055358

File: 3a6fceaa6ed0ca8⋯.jpeg (11.93 KB,249x255,83:85,bo4c9dea2cb174af34cc0014d….jpeg)


yep. Thinking about you faggots today.

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7ecfe5 No.21055359


On behalf of myself and all other Cajunanons I know, Fuck the ACLU, Absolutely tired of them Stripping away the Moral fiber in our everyday lives!

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a18c82 No.21055360

File: dba9bf006c0e5b6⋯.png (434.61 KB,627x642,209:214,ClipboardImage.png)


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86d398 No.21055361

File: 99bc037e47ada7a⋯.png (Spoiler Image,470.96 KB,620x411,620:411,ghey_af.png)


Totally obsessed with "the gay". Clearly a closet case…

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a282c9 No.21055362

File: 1d4996b0bba86c2⋯.png (3.02 MB,1566x880,783:440,bho6d072c243fa76a077a.png)


> how you probe?

Oh stop it, I can't take anymore.

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54fae2 No.21055363


Wood, take up that challenge.

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a18c82 No.21055364

File: 9bfd772792541b7⋯.png (232.76 KB,613x475,613:475,ClipboardImage.png)


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680dd8 No.21055365


i walk the trails around here monday through friday, i get some positive looks fr females, but to my knowledge, none have taken my photo or video taped me

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a282c9 No.21055366

File: e1486367192bfb7⋯.gif (274.67 KB,220x164,55:41,gifslapfightdbbc9d39be3c98….gif)


kek, the IRL pillow bitter is getting mad.

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27332a No.21055367



Jaws came out in the summer of 1975.

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aab2f7 No.21055368


>To whom is he speaking?

>Mumble comms

Anon mumbles all the time, mumbles must speak for themselves unless your ears were cut off.

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7db505 No.21055369


What happens when an illegal alien-driven vehicle crashes into the hydrogen car at 80mph?

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a18c82 No.21055370

File: d2ed124e0ebafb4⋯.png (179.42 KB,647x480,647:480,ClipboardImage.png)



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6b385d No.21055371

File: ec9a1317ee6d9ad⋯.png (379.12 KB,650x486,325:243,ClipboardImage.png)

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a282c9 No.21055372

File: 145d22817fbd15a⋯.jpg (16.98 KB,255x255,1:1,racisnsyugdvflsdgf.jpg)

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a72a82 No.21055373

File: 5f987ead1a746ae⋯.jpg (16.42 KB,333x499,333:499,31_oXgQoddL_SX331_BO1_204_….jpg)


Homosexuality is gay

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d04e82 No.21055374

Died today. Can´t find englisch sauce

Translated with deepl

Soccer official Gerhard Aigner has died

Former UEFA official Gerhard Aigner has died at the age of 80.The European Football Union (UEFA) mourns the loss of its former General Secretary Gerhard Aigner. Born in Regensburg, he died on Thursday at the age of 80. According to UEFA, there will be a "moment of applause" in the stadiums before the European Championship matches on Thursday evening and Friday to commemorate Aigner.


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6b385d No.21055375


what did you see that day that made you who you are?

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ae1c48 No.21055376



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a18c82 No.21055377

File: ea75e4921d8111e⋯.png (162.28 KB,686x770,49:55,ClipboardImage.png)


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27332a No.21055378


Ignore him. Let the echo chamber implode.

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a18c82 No.21055379

File: debefd98c22c295⋯.png (375.61 KB,583x642,583:642,ClipboardImage.png)

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a282c9 No.21055380

File: b8657bbbd0e71d6⋯.jpg (8.83 KB,255x141,85:47,AARON7de1.jpg)

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5948fe No.21055381


the same if it was gas powered one would assume

In fact, many feel that H2 can be considered to be considerably safer than cars powered by gasoline. Primarily, if there is a gasoline leak, there is a mess and a significant fire risk. In the event of a hydrogen leak, the gas simply dissipates harmlessly.

Moreover, the tanks that contain H2 are thick walled and carefully designed to prevent leaking, even after a substantial crash. The tanks in the Mirai, for example, are carbon fiber wrapped and can withstand a .50 caliber bullet without suffering a leak. The Nexo are made differently but can withstand the pressure of the gas up to 10,000 psi.


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37c0e3 No.21055383

File: dbea3288d441004⋯.jpg (137 KB,1080x718,540:359,cry_about_it.jpg)


You're so powerful, one post.

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d92534 No.21055384


plus if you have dirigible attachment you can outgass the tank and fly off into the sunset as the car converts into a Zepplin.


and then you can fly overy your garden, burn some hydrogen to make water, and water your flowers.


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a18c82 No.21055385

File: 06d645b3546054f⋯.jpg (111.25 KB,1312x1005,1312:1005,SP.JPG)

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e9305f No.21055386

File: 8fef645d85a84ba⋯.jpg (67.36 KB,616x924,2:3,8fef645d85a84ba03d7a3b8515….jpg)

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0c9585 No.21055387

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: This content producer is doing some great work, short 4 minute clip explain the complex subject of the w.e.f and its members and even has a clip of kier starmer openly stating that he prefers Davos to Westminster, anon has been pointing to his connection to tony Blair and his control over the young leaders program including memes and videos of his ''tony Blair institute !!!


Farage Declares WAR on the Globalists


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d81a40 No.21055388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Willie Nelson - 1997 - Funny How Time Slips Away




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693c7c No.21055389


GM is a particularly effective response

One may wonder how many are in therapy with knowledge that their knowledge as witnessed by MA, MS, PhD after their name so proudly displayed on form fields yields nada

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86d398 No.21055390

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,409x393,409:393,i_cant_belive_this.jpg)


>one post.

Kek, he likely IP hopped after that.

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d92534 No.21055391


if you get thirsty you can cool the exhaust and drink it!

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211dc4 No.21055392

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0ab747 No.21055393

File: 0f37b2a6557d1c6⋯.gif (7.55 KB,255x255,1:1,salute.gif)


ThankQ President Trump, Q Team, and US Military for the flyover of two Chinooks in formation. My wife witnessed it, and I am sure some evil people around me did too. This goes a long way of giving her comfort that we are not alone and a stern warning to evil. I saluted before they got there and until out of site. God Bless you all. I will never forget your sacrifices to this country.

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d92534 No.21055394


it's a psyop and it indicates a person involved in the control and manipulation of others.

'team members'

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923ec4 No.21055395

File: eeae1fec826be98⋯.png (10.15 KB,255x253,255:253,fa2aafd622d846dd4b21b72973….png)


They sure do like swinging up huh?

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37c0e3 No.21055396

File: 836d027833d0495⋯.webm (1.11 MB,427x240,427:240,filtered7.webm)


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fc71c3 No.21055398

File: 87ff8376c7a019c⋯.png (63.36 KB,1023x765,341:255,nope.png)

BO why did you delete all the posts about "doge" except your contrived damage-control posts?

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aab2f7 No.21055399


>Taking a photo/video either forward, or backwards toward me, I am thinking.

Since anons are in the news paparazzi'S are working overtime to get photograph of the lowest ranking anon.

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6b385d No.21055400

File: a5284a29ec84691⋯.png (3.03 MB,2136x1121,2136:1121,ClipboardImage.png)

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4176b3 No.21055401

File: a94d4f5a4ce0348⋯.png (383.67 KB,528x544,33:34,Capture.PNG)

Cleanup on Isle 4 ☢️

This week AMC hosted Toxic Arch, a training exercise to validate and certify Aircrew Flight Equipment technicians on Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear contamination control.

Read all about it below!


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0335f8 No.21055402

File: 34ed4f05cb0360d⋯.png (324.26 KB,660x370,66:37,34ed4f05cb0360d20d93ebdb69….png)


We love it.

Drain the swam.

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54fae2 No.21055403

File: de5acb89edcf9a1⋯.png (57.71 KB,1653x545,1653:545,ClipboardImage.png)


Theory: Bidens health is an act, plausible deniability.

Same playbook.

SC Hur, said the tape recording in evidence proved Joe lying.

That's the transcript cover up.

Not that Joe is old and frail, but that he's cognitive.

A discernible sharp liar.

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7ae308 No.21055404

File: 4962d817924241d⋯.png (726.31 KB,610x800,61:80,DB58045E_58AE_495F_94F2_C0….png)

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e9305f No.21055405

File: 77d07fdfbefff79⋯.jpg (32.77 KB,570x350,57:35,77d07fdfbefff79e383679f92e….jpg)

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a18c82 No.21055406


that would have been a good Juneteenth announcement

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2ff168 No.21055407


idk what that one means..

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7ae308 No.21055408

File: 0cbc9836be302fb⋯.jpg (87.66 KB,1080x608,135:76,Mincing_Barry_Obama_2.JPG)

File: 5b30c0e9be1dc9e⋯.gif (1.01 MB,332x500,83:125,Mincing_Barry_Obama.GIF)

File: f95898f4ab03778⋯.jpeg (68.72 KB,432x549,48:61,Obama_Broke_Butt_Mountain.JPEG)

File: 48bc9dad96f27d7⋯.jpeg (36.83 KB,416x379,416:379,Obama_CIA.JPEG)

File: 8dfa14c9179ee28⋯.jpeg (29.38 KB,308x289,308:289,Gay_Barry_and_the_Dalai_L….JPEG)

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6b385d No.21055409

File: 5674d78c803c17b⋯.png (643.56 KB,651x642,217:214,ClipboardImage.png)

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7673ec No.21055410

File: d1f4d8ea658f38c⋯.png (75.53 KB,843x240,281:80,ClipboardImage.png)

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fc71c3 No.21055411

File: a66797a332419cf⋯.png (5.14 MB,3279x2730,1093:910,GM_clown_show.png)

File: db575ee99efb014⋯.png (2.82 KB,193x168,193:168,gm_clowns.png)

Doge Gone! "None are safe."

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a18c82 No.21055412


awesome…they do inspire

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37c0e3 No.21055413


Replace the word referring to an ethnicity and replace it with the Deep State/Globalist Satanists projecting their crimes onto their scapegoat and then it'd be accurate.

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c0c5b2 No.21055414

File: 00670cfa01f87c3⋯.jpeg (239.55 KB,642x495,214:165,61571B27_55C0_42A0_A132_C….jpeg)

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7673ec No.21055415


and increased weight standards for generals

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d81a40 No.21055416

File: 92dacfcc1333ac5⋯.png (1.71 MB,1190x1478,595:739,Thanks_fren.png)

>cool, thanks

no, problem. God bless you, fren


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954aa8 No.21055417


>idk what that one means..

"I want to leave work"

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ba1c72 No.21055418


Call it what you wish

Only those who are involved would know

Like trying to say a missile is a helicopter

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7673ec No.21055419


>BO why did you delete all the posts about "doge" except your contrived damage-control posts?

who let the doge out?

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8d218e No.21055420

File: b8e89731c290545⋯.png (1.72 MB,1200x801,400:267,ClipboardImage.png)

i5 Space expands to 1,000 members nationwide

June 17, 2024

A space policy and strategy club founded at the U.S. Air Force Academy has expanded to a nationwide organization with over 1,000 members at dozens of U.S. Air Force ROTC detachments.

Originally called the Institute for Applied Space Policy in Strategy in 2021, the club was rebranded i5 Space a year later.

It now has almost 70 host detachments across the nation, including at the U.S. Naval Academy, U.S. Military Academy, Harvard, Yale University, Cornell, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Oklahoma, University of Texas at Austin, and others.

Developing space domain awareness

“Today, we are a cadet-created club that is now a national organization,” said Cadet 2nd Class John Stevenson, i5 Space Director of Staff.

“We focus on undergraduate space education to build better leaders aware of the space domain through our many educational programs and media content.”

The Academy is the premier U.S. Space Force’s Academy, the largest commissioning source for the service’s officers. The i5 Space program is initiated by Academy cadets and grown by ROTC cadets. But members do not have to be in an ROTC program to join.

“Civilian students play a key role in the current i5 leadership, and we want to ensure we highlight the critical role civilians play in the U.S. Space Force where half of our workforce is civilian,” said Col. Marc Sands, the U.S. Air Force Academy’s U.S. Space Force Space Delta 13 Detachment 1 commander.

“We are also excited to include our Five Eyes partners —Australia, Canada, the UK and New Zealand — because we want the program to reflect the U.S. commitment to partners and allies.”

The path for commissioning as Guardians

The Class of 2020, the first to graduate from the Academy after the Space Force was established in December 2019, commissioned 86 officers into the new service.

To date, 485 Academy graduates have commissioned as Guardians. The i5 Space mission is to produce educated and inspired leaders prepared to define the character of warfighting in space.

Sands wants “space-minded Airmen and air-minded Guardians.” But the organization targets any students interested in learning how space contributes to the Joint fight, he said.

Everything i5 Space does is focused around their five I’s: innovating, informing, influencing, impacting and inspiring, Stevenson said.

The organization is not just designed for cadets and students who aim for a Space Force career but to educate Department of Defense officers on the necessity of space.

It is an officially recognized Space Training and Readiness Command activity.

Programs include cyber training exercises and wargaming, a Space Force doctrine and Air Force Instruction chatbot, a four-course educational curriculum, officer mentorship and more.

Additionally, i5 Space maintains research partnerships with the Space Force and NATO.

Education, research and connection

In 2021, a year after the original club began at the Academy, cadets began reaching out to ROTC detachments at other academic institutions nationwide. The original mission of a focus on space policy transitioned into providing educational content and programs.

Every i5 Space squadron operates differently, but at the U.S. Air Force Academy, their operations focus on the three pillars of education, research and connection, said USAFA i5 Squadron Commander 2nd Lt. (then Cadet 1st Class) Abigail Ryan.

“In the beginning, the club showed cadets the Space Force as a legitimate thing,” Ryan said. “A lot of people didn’t know what it would be when it began. The club’s original focus was space policy, and it just grew from there.”

Expanding beyond space policy

The i5 teams work on programs that expanded from policy and research to space’s artificial intelligence and cyber aspect. An educational curriculum called the STAR program teaches everything about space from history to orbital mechanics and joint relations.

During the summer, i5 Space members focus on the Azimuth Space Program. U.S. Army and U.S. Navy cadets join AFROTC and USAFA students considering a Space Force commission in a joint undergraduate nationwide space education and training program.

The program inspires cadets to become Space Force officers of character.

Preparing and recruiting future Guardians

Now, members said they have observed increased interest and recruitment since the organization began as an Academy club. They expect the trend to continue.

“People have a better understanding of the Space Force,” Stevenson said. “We do a better job of preparing and recruiting people to join the Space Force.

We will continue to raise the standard of what the Space Force can expect from i5 Space cadets.”


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a72a82 No.21055421

File: 30fe22e917a461f⋯.png (208.95 KB,2074x514,1037:257,a82bbcf1b011cbb342282bd7b7….png)


>1. whites finally wakes up and kill us all

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fc71c3 No.21055422


Because it's impossible to logically explain away.

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0c9585 No.21055423

File: 132ecbb2322d415⋯.png (667.26 KB,556x500,139:125,ClipboardImage.png)



leave doge alone.

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6b385d No.21055424

File: 47e0494f112c051⋯.png (299.52 KB,1125x1261,1125:1261,ClipboardImage.png)

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a18c82 No.21055425

File: 03fb280b64812fe⋯.png (353.78 KB,873x468,97:52,ClipboardImage.png)

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7ae308 No.21055426

File: 943b423d9caafa7⋯.png (806.86 KB,768x800,24:25,F82902C7_285C_405D_9BBB_3E….png)

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b18e8c No.21055427

12:30 PM EDT

Sens. Graham & Blumenthal Hold News Conference on Russia & Terrorism

Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) introduce legislation designating Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. Countries currently designated as state sponsors of terrorism under U.S. law are Cuba, Iran, North Korea and Syria.


12:45 PM EDT

Opening Press Conference - The 92nd Annual Meeting of the United States Conference of Mayors

United States Conference of Mayors





U.S. Conference of Mayors Leadership Holds Opening Press Conference

Reno, Nevada, Mayor Hillary Schieve (I), president of the U.S. Conference of Mayors, holds a press conference to kick of the conference’s annual meeting in Kansas City. Missouri.


12:50 PM EDT

The Unveiling of 2024 POW/MIA Recognition Day Poster

Department of Defense


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a282c9 No.21055428

File: 727144b6f3d07dc⋯.jpg (24.13 KB,231x255,77:85,boa261c1569bcf05eb4cad55ea….jpg)


Super Gay

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0ab747 No.21055429


>what did you see that day that made you who you are?

Many things, too name a few important ones:

1. The death of our people

2. Molten Steal burning like lava

3. Plane fuselage and gear parts from the wrong type of plane laid on top of debris.

4. Girders that took 8 hours to cut through 1/8th

with a four-foot industrial torch.

5. The death of our people.

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37c0e3 No.21055430

File: af5e31d75eabedc⋯.webm (6.93 MB,320x240,4:3,strike_the_earth.webm)

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86d398 No.21055431

File: 88d855f99a28ae0⋯.png (366.11 KB,624x500,156:125,gay_has_the.png)

File: eefb56955aceaff⋯.jpg (265.13 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Obama_gay_af.jpg)

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7ae308 No.21055432

File: 9dc79cb59c3adb8⋯.png (816.22 KB,540x720,3:4,67451DE0_6365_40DA_B627_99….png)

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6b385d No.21055433

File: 561937c13dce8fb⋯.png (205.58 KB,487x360,487:360,ClipboardImage.png)

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a282c9 No.21055434

File: 3b8e4b4ab55302e⋯.jpg (12.55 KB,253x255,253:255,bho5b5105896a70e9f39c9d480….jpg)

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4a6266 No.21055435


2025 World Wide Pogroms predicted by many.

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5343d7 No.21055436


Not all democrats are a fan of homosexuals, but they let them teach kindergarten because it pisses off the conservatives.

We're at fucking war. Rub Gods word in their faces.

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86d398 No.21055437

File: 75716f3a121aa00⋯.jpg (116.26 KB,500x395,100:79,obama_hotdog.jpg)

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a18c82 No.21055438

File: d9e6c0cfe8471a1⋯.png (318.09 KB,607x548,607:548,ClipboardImage.png)


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b18e8c No.21055440

File: e4fe3d9ab1e0b22⋯.gif (2.2 MB,480x270,16:9,obama_colbert_football.gif)

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923ec4 No.21055441

File: bfb7e2396515939⋯.png (10.67 KB,255x187,15:11,3d9ae32988ed65fdb1b221adad….png)


Fucking cringe and boring

Once they loose control of Washington state in August, they will shutdown all of it, the primary is in August nobody can beat him the gop guy ended up getting called out for being fake and gay if there Soros AG doesn't get past the primary it will go hot thats the protected zone, Lawson is unbeatable if he goes mainstream they are going to wig out

The real deal VS media hype not a word about him

Crazy I read just a few of the cases he brought against the state, the fact that no journalists have touched it tells you everything

He gets it like Trump with no soap box and still crushes them

They are out gunned

I just got this yesterday they got nothing if it is not rigged, and by the way the 2 party's combined against him is crazy and should tell you what you need, I got a email from the Washington state RNC that said if you do not support our candidate we will have you removed by 2/3 votes just because I put up a Lawson Sign at my motorcycle shop


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7ae308 No.21055442

File: 094754537735330⋯.jpg (211.1 KB,928x1280,29:40,Gay_Obama_Joke_01.JPG)

File: 72106145c6a80f3⋯.jpeg (243.45 KB,800x763,800:763,Gay_Barry_s_Park_Bench.JPEG)

File: edc9c3cc43450c0⋯.png (1.5 MB,861x699,287:233,Gay_Barry_and_Friend.PNG)

File: 4357704e58d5bc2⋯.jpg (348.81 KB,1246x1527,1246:1527,Gay_Barry_with_Auntie_Ange….jpg)

File: d4f4df9274ede60⋯.png (360.02 KB,628x677,628:677,Gay_Barry.PNG)

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a18c82 No.21055443

File: d8ad4d6ba8d3d70⋯.png (278.86 KB,594x473,54:43,ClipboardImage.png)

Always Ready, Always There.


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f1b599 No.21055444

File: 757c6a0d3878b07⋯.png (1.07 MB,1320x1056,5:4,BOGAY1713d28ae52a064f.png)


Totally gay

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a18c82 No.21055445

File: 22ffd1489f4b433⋯.png (388.55 KB,630x483,30:23,ClipboardImage.png)

Dark to Light


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c0c5b2 No.21055446

File: 39f419f3ea59833⋯.jpeg (186.4 KB,1064x1266,532:633,B8FFE2AE_C45A_407A_8D77_1….jpeg)


Whatever you say sunshine

Logic and the stoopid dog not two things that go together

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55b1a7 No.21055448


prove it

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698c9e No.21055449

The Colon & Oatmeal

Your colon is a critical part of your digestive system where the process of absorbing nutrients and producing waste is completed so that the stool can then be discharged from your body. The colon is prone to certain diseases, especially if you do not eat enough fiber. Oatmeal is a fiber source and is also a good food to eat after disease flareups. Oats have soluble fiber, giving them other benefits as well.

File under:

Oversharing for my brothers

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37c0e3 No.21055450

File: 54b7dd58937808b⋯.png (285.19 KB,698x460,349:230,umpty.png)


Check'd trips

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b18e8c No.21055451

File: 0b4c51c74f22508⋯.jpg (4 MB,4032x3024,4:3,politcal_rival_arrested.jpg)

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55b1a7 No.21055452


and I have never knelt to BLM or anyone else, faggot

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8d218e No.21055454

File: 359182c271bbfff⋯.png (541.14 KB,700x469,100:67,ClipboardImage.png)


98th Space Range Squadron takes warfighter readiness to next level

June 18, 2024

For decades, Air Force test and training ranges, like the Nevada Test and Training Range and the Utah Test and Training Range, have provided aircrews with flexible, realistic, multidimensional battle spaces to conduct testing and advanced training.

Though only a few years old, the National Space Test and Training Complex functions as a space-based counterpart, providing unique opportunities for Guardians to hone their warfighting skills in the era of Great Power Competition.

The Orbital Warfare Range of the National Space Test and Training Complex provides operational environment presentation, dedicated space domain awareness, time space position information data, safety of flight, security and range control in support of Space Force test, training and experimentation activities.

NSTTC-O is operated and managed by the Range and Aggressor Delta, Space Delta 11, under the authority of Space Training and Readiness Command. DEL 11 is comprised of five squadrons, and the newest is the 98th Space Range Squadron, activated in 2022.

The 98th SRS provides a safe and secure operationally representative live-on-orbit environment to test developmental and operational space systems.

Capt. Anthony Guglielmo, 98th Space Range Squadron mission safety officer, acknowledges the concept of a space range can seem abstract to those outside of space-related career fields.

He says it helps people to better conceptualize the range when he describes it like a “sandbox at the playground.”

“In simple terms, it means that if you’re a space operator or a test engineer, who wants to come and test out your new equipment in space, we provide a safe, secure, supervised area with lots of different toys for your equipment to interact with,” Guglielmo said.

Basic examples of equipment considered ideal for testing in the range might include an optical payload (essentially a telescope or camera), or a satellite communications relay.

For partners like Space Operations Command, STARCOM, Space Systems Command and the test community at large, the ability to determine if equipment behaves as expected in a live environment is an important part of the development process because it allows operators to try new and different things traditionally only available through computer simulation.

Institutions like the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory and the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing site enable the 98th SRS to provide cutting-edge, high fidelity sensor data for real time situational awareness and analysis.

This data enables users to gain a deeper understanding of their tactics and equipment.

In addition, creative thinking and well cultivated relationships have yielded the incorporation of residual assets, such as research and development satellites that are past their standard life span, into the inventory of “toys” in the sandbox.

“Since these assets are past their design life, there’s significant utility in giving them new life within the range for a variety of experimentation purposes,” Guglielmo said.

“At the end of one or two years, it’s still a hunk of metal in space that can do maneuvers, and that makes a great surrogate for us to utilize.”


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7ae308 No.21055455

File: e42fce2cc31f1ae⋯.jpeg (81.22 KB,770x513,770:513,IMG_2642.jpeg)

File: a52c7d179eab643⋯.mp4 (5.19 MB,Trump_SteeringWheelGate_Vi….mp4)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8d218e No.21055456


Scarlet Stars is one example of a tactics and development event that harnesses residual assets in support of Space Delta 2. Introduced by the 57th Space Aggressor Squadron, also a part of DEL 11, and executed in collaboration with the 98th SRS and operators from SSC. Scarlet Stars provides an opportunity for all three organizations to work closely with DEL 2 to customize a training plan and create a threat-based training scenario.

“Tracking things in space is a challenge,” said Tech. Sgt. David Morrison, 98th SRS plans and scheduling flight chief. “Tracking really small things in space is exponentially harder.”

One of the residual assets in use is a 27U Satellite — about the size of two shoeboxes taped together — set out 36,000 kilometers above the surface of the earth, making it an ideal training aid.

“DEL 2 has been working to sharpen their skills in identifying something very small and determining if that small thing just maneuvered,” Morrison said.

“With the help of the 57th Space Aggressor Squadron, we can use the ‘shoe boxes’ to provide that exact scenario, including truth data that helps operators determine if they were indeed able to get their sensors to align accurately and quickly enough to capture the movement.”

Because of the significance of range activities on Guardian readiness, both the size of the 98th SRS and the number of requests to utilize the range are growing exponentially.

The squadron of 28 is increasing, and opportunities to host multiple entities and more intricate range scenarios are expanding.

“We’ve had great success with Scarlet Stars for DEL 2, and we’re looking forward to helping others with their training goals as well,” Guglielmo said.

“We want to open the aperture even wider. For example, we’re currently working with Space Delta 9 to execute their Protect and Defend advanced training objectives.”

Though the standard planning timeline for range coordination can take months depending on users’ specifications, some test and training objectives can be shortened. Interested parties are encouraged to reach out directly to the 98th SRS to explore collaboration opportunities.

“It’s truly meaningful to be part of the team building the squadron, range, and unique set capabilities from the ground up,” Guglielmo said. “The role we play in sharpening warfighters’ swords has a direct and lasting impact on our nation’s space superiority.”


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4176b3 No.21055457

File: 2cdd9ad6438beb1⋯.png (304.03 KB,529x386,529:386,Capture.PNG)

6/19/24 | WISCONSIN


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923ec4 No.21055458


Sorry I responded to the wrong post lol


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a72a82 No.21055459

File: efefc21036c7a2e⋯.png (263.03 KB,502x564,251:282,ClipboardImage.png)

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a18c82 No.21055460

File: ce2ae610cf3185f⋯.png (295.49 KB,608x450,304:225,ClipboardImage.png)


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cfb472 No.21055461

File: 0f176caf4370e8d⋯.jpg (161.17 KB,1069x1106,1069:1106,0f176caf4370e8dab62cda7eb9….jpg)


Still lurking Anon

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680dd8 No.21055462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7ae308 No.21055463

File: eacf7e4644e862d⋯.jpeg (619.16 KB,828x570,138:95,IMG_2621.jpeg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

fc71c3 No.21055464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Operator3 took doge, [Fred "Hotwheels" Brennan] for a spin last night. HW became dislodged after the wrecking ball which can only be found in a giant, intent, Scottish Deer-hound puppy, had finished pawing and chewing him - O1 put that Godless slug into a box an mailed his [C]lowny [P]omeranian ass to Abu-Dhabi.

What happens in the CLOUD does not stay in the CLOUD.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a18c82 No.21055465


7 teeners Always take it too the next level

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7ae308 No.21055466

File: 5245419b8c14465⋯.jpeg (173.92 KB,1130x636,565:318,IMG_2631.jpeg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0ab747 No.21055467


>awesome…they do inspire

This was a great way to send a message because each one of those choppers can carry a boat load of troops, I believe 35 each. Some witnessed the whole thing from their porch and had to have seen me standing at attention before they even got there. Maybe they will now back off with all their sneaky attacks. ThankQ President Trump, that meant the world to me.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

307726 No.21055468

File: 1e8b55c97d5d283⋯.jpg (81.26 KB,645x387,5:3,Comfy.jpg)


7 ain't so long.

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37c0e3 No.21055469

File: c6ae0b33cf9c93f⋯.gif (1.37 MB,207x207,1:1,kek8.gif)

Oh look. They're showing just how scared of Anons they are by posting their CP again. That's the measure of your fear, clowns.

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4176b3 No.21055470

File: 9b31c78dc358323⋯.png (14.14 KB,528x164,132:41,Capture.PNG)

Reminder: if SCOTUS holds there is no presidential immunity for official acts then there is no immunity for Biden’s border invasion and all the innumerable crimes therein.


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bb1216 No.21055471

File: 15df298c544c796⋯.mp4 (940.7 KB,1080x618,180:103,Millstones.mp4)

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307726 No.21055472


global submitted.

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6b385d No.21055473


I know I know, in group preference is a myth

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7673ec No.21055474


skin suit…or AI bullshit.

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7ae308 No.21055475

File: b2dbbc43d6df914⋯.png (615.93 KB,458x713,458:713,E1AB5F7D_7F66_426C_8ED5_BF….PNG)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5948fe No.21055476

#25815 >>21054629

>>21054670 9:00 AM EDT The Immediate and Long-Term Challenges Facing Public School Teachers:

>>21054685 Winters: Fauci is So High on His Own Supply

>>21054688 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/20/2024

>>21054689 Richest Family in the UK, the Billionaire Hindujas Stand Trial in Switzerland for Human Trafficking Charges

>>21054696 ECUADOR Metrics show a significant disruption to Internet service with national connectivity down to 44% of normal level

>>21054703 Tailgate For Trump:

>>21054726 Q+: "All Biden can do is talk about his WEAPONIZED Witch Hunt Trials against me"

>>21054742 Someone In the Biden Campaign is Leaking Data to the Press?

>>21054751 Rapper Travis Scott arrested for disorderly intoxication, trespassing in Florida

>>21054770, >>21054875, >>21054915, >>21055277 PlaneFaggin’: Gulf/Europe activity

>>21054792 U of M Hires Ousted Chicago Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot as Visiting Professor

>>21054791, >>21054796, >>21054798 In the EU, the House Always Wins

>>21054807 10:00 AM EDT Supreme Court October Term 2023 Conference / Non-argument Da

>>21054809 10:00 AM EDT War Room With Stephen K. Bannon

>>21054831 Swiss National Bank presses ahead as rate cutting front-runner

>>21054859 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Sandy and the Moon Halo

>>21054897 NASA Releases Hubble Image Taken in New Pointing Mode

>>21054724 Kansas AG Pfizer Lawsuit Will Stop CV19 Bioweapon Vax Industry

>>21054925 Presidential candidate RFK Jr. fails to qualify for the first presidential debate next week

>>21054940 (YOU) are the plan Cap Rel

>>21054953 Meme of the Thread

>>21054958 @AGAndrewBailey I filed suit against IBM for violating the Missouri Human Rights Act.

>>21054960 Raging bulls push world stocks to fresh record high

>>21054968, >>21055065, >>21055147 Kims Gift To Putin: 2 Korean Hunting Dogs cap rel #CUNZ

>>21054998 GAME THEORY Keep your twtr comments very PG but point it at a place where you can speak your mind fully…

>>21055002 Supreme Court adds four cases to next term’s docket

>>21055007, >>21055019 Trump Truth 9:56 obama state department official met representative corrupt burisma #WELLSOB

>>21055018 Russia Rescues Hundreds of Adrenochrome Victims

>>21055026 NASA Selects Lockheed Martin to Build Next-Gen Spacecraft for NOAA

>>21054891 Video evidence implicating Israel in Twin Towers Attack on 9-11

>>21055061 Astronauts stuck in space at least another week as Boeing and NASA troubleshoot Starliner spacecraft issues

>>21055070 #OTD in 1975, JAWS was released.

>>21055073 Today's the summer solstice!

>>21055079 11:00 AM EDT An Assessment of Disability Rights in the U.S. Schooling System

>>21055086 11:00 AM EDT Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy

>>21055091 11:00 AM EDT National Archives Comes Alive!

>>21055096 11:30 AM EDT Council on Metro Economies and the New American City

>>21055098 NASA discussing asteroid-threat exercise today

>>21055145 June 20, 2024 National American Eagle Day

>>21055188 Dana White - Trump is the most resilient Fighter, he is #1 RMBL

>>21055215 Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Summoned to Vatican to be Excommunicated

>>21055084 From the demon's own mouth, dispelling any possibility of denying CBDCs bring 'Total Control'

>>21055272 Supreme Court rules against couple challenging part of Trump’s 2017 tax reforms

>>21055263, >>21055299 Dan - 42 Years today Jaws Released ( >>21055274, >>21055367 42 Gone? ) #45

>>21055291 ACLU suing over 10 commandments in School, crickets over LGB/Trans #SICK

>>21055314 Biden Mumble comms MP4

>>21055332 Biden's State Dept Official Admits Great Replacement is Real?

>>21055360 USSOCOM With the NS maritime training

>>21055364 USASOAC 160th SO Aviation Regiement #DeckLanding

>>21055377 Multiple people have been injured after being shot and stabbed during a Juneteenth celebration

>>21055438 USNavy Multiple Comms #1234

>>21055443 @ChiefNGB Always Ready, Always There.

>>21055445 25thID #LightFighter

>>21054757, >>21054783, >>21054789, >>21054787, >>21055027 "Guess Who's Coming to Christmas" from the TV show "Happy Days. ( PHISTER ORPHANAGE )

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a282c9 No.21055477

File: 8d0913cbbbc81cd⋯.png (1.15 MB,923x1438,923:1438,BHOJB479186b9f.png)

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0ab747 No.21055478


When this is over, you will be known for mocking patriots while real patriots will be known for saving lives. In the end, everyone will get what they deserve, OK Joker.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

4176b3 No.21055479

File: ca3f0b326babb9f⋯.png (226.73 KB,530x442,265:221,Capture.PNG)

BREAKING: FBI raids home owned by Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao - ABC7 News


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

644168 No.21055480

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Battleship New Jersey heads home to Camden after undergoing months of maintenance work

6abc Philadelphia

585K subscribers


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

4500fc No.21055481

File: 41d2f9df3babc60⋯.png (548.55 KB,980x548,245:137,howlong.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b18e8c No.21055482

File: 6b30c4eab0bb912⋯.png (1.79 MB,1151x796,1151:796,light_eagle.png)

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bb1216 No.21055483


>FBI raids home owned by Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao

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ebf3b6 No.21055484

File: faa8d860e59469e⋯.jpeg (36.46 KB,255x251,255:251,IMG_2894.jpeg)

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a72a82 No.21055485

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.jpg (62.91 KB,253x204,253:204,dafuqPepe.JPG)


>you will be known for mocking patriots

1. I am anon. I will not be 'known'

2. I'm not mocking patriots. I'm mocking narcissistic idiots.

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c0c5b2 No.21055486

File: 762e7ab97231039⋯.gif (575.87 KB,498x373,498:373,40699356_B949_4711_8647_AA….gif)


GFY larper

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b18e8c No.21055488

File: 360189046846f9e⋯.png (753.32 KB,680x681,680:681,trump_won_eagle.png)

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a18c82 No.21055489

File: 327a190d9ccb76f⋯.png (170.02 KB,616x502,308:251,ClipboardImage.png)

Committed and well-trained Land Forces


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bb1216 No.21055490


challenge accepted

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b18e8c No.21055491

File: 2add706daaa44c8⋯.jpg (750.54 KB,2048x2048,1:1,uscg_eagle.jpg)

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ebf3b6 No.21055492

File: 74e9a64c4e102a4⋯.jpeg (36.85 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_5172.jpeg)

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d81a40 No.21055493

File: 5b13dd39e6fd7b8⋯.png (5.11 MB,2878x1520,1439:760,Obama_pitching_to_Chris_Ch….png)

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b18e8c No.21055494

File: 819e264ce1a113a⋯.jpg (161.29 KB,800x800,1:1,astro_eagle.jpg)

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7673ec No.21055495

File: 3fbd380b99faecc⋯.png (694.67 KB,500x696,125:174,ClipboardImage.png)

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2412d0 No.21055496

File: 4f6367b815b7896⋯.jpg (90.94 KB,1000x1000,1:1,4f6367b815b789673c8e07111b….jpg)

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cccbdb No.21055497

File: 11b694bb47abd77⋯.png (614.79 KB,778x687,778:687,ClipboardImage.png)

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b18e8c No.21055498

File: 09ff97090afba7e⋯.png (77.9 KB,255x233,255:233,jfk_eagle.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0ab747 No.21055499


President Trump will make you wise at the right time, and you will understand about the Armor of God. For now understand that this was posted 2 weeks after my ordeal and explains it all. This is not a game.


#12206959 at 2020-12-28 09:14:57 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #15585: Bill Binney's Returns Serve Edition

>>12206882 pb

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d9b226 No.21055500

File: 47360e733d6e664⋯.png (230.48 KB,2586x1144,1293:572,Screenshot_2024_06_20_at_9….png)

Files disappear from the phone of the former Spanish soldier who spied on Julian Assange for the CIA

Link: https://english.elpais.com/international/2024-06-19/files-disappear-from-the-phone-of-the-former-spanish-soldier-who-spied-on-julian-assange-for-the-cia.html

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d81a40 No.21055501

File: 4786a50be8332dc⋯.jpeg (96.33 KB,682x900,341:450,Sloppy_Christie_khaki_sho….jpeg)

File: c18061d42d87636⋯.png (692.55 KB,1546x1004,773:502,Trump_supporter_s_selfie_w….png)

File: ad78fe2ef7ed671⋯.png (3.96 MB,2424x1558,1212:779,MAGA_girl_vs_sloppy_Christ….png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5948fe No.21055502

#25815 >>21054629

>>21054670 9:00 AM EDT The Immediate and Long-Term Challenges Facing Public School Teachers:

>>21054685 Winters: Fauci is So High on His Own Supply

>>21054688 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/20/2024

>>21054689 Richest Family in the UK, the Billionaire Hindujas Stand Trial in Switzerland for Human Trafficking Charges

>>21054696 ECUADOR Metrics show a significant disruption to Internet service with national connectivity down to 44% of normal level

>>21054703 Tailgate For Trump:

>>21054726 Q+: "All Biden can do is talk about his WEAPONIZED Witch Hunt Trials against me"

>>21054742 Someone In the Biden Campaign is Leaking Data to the Press?

>>21054751 Rapper Travis Scott arrested for disorderly intoxication, trespassing in Florida

>>21054770, >>21054875, >>21054915, >>21055277 PlaneFaggin’: Gulf/Europe activity

>>21054792 U of M Hires Ousted Chicago Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot as Visiting Professor

>>21054791, >>21054796, >>21054798 In the EU, the House Always Wins

>>21054807 10:00 AM EDT Supreme Court October Term 2023 Conference / Non-argument Da

>>21054809 10:00 AM EDT War Room With Stephen K. Bannon

>>21054831 Swiss National Bank presses ahead as rate cutting front-runner

>>21054859 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Sandy and the Moon Halo

>>21054897 NASA Releases Hubble Image Taken in New Pointing Mode

>>21054724 Kansas AG Pfizer Lawsuit Will Stop CV19 Bioweapon Vax Industry

>>21054925 Presidential candidate RFK Jr. fails to qualify for the first presidential debate next week

>>21054940 (YOU) are the plan Cap Rel

>>21054953 Meme of the Thread

>>21054958 @AGAndrewBailey I filed suit against IBM for violating the Missouri Human Rights Act.

>>21054960 Raging bulls push world stocks to fresh record high

>>21054968, >>21055065, >>21055147 Kims Gift To Putin: 2 Korean Hunting Dogs cap rel #CUNZ

>>21054998 GAME THEORY Keep your twtr comments very PG but point it at a place where you can speak your mind fully…

>>21055002 Supreme Court adds four cases to next term’s docket

>>21055007, >>21055019 Trump Truth 9:56 obama state department official met representative corrupt burisma #WELLSOB

>>21055018 Russia Rescues Hundreds of Adrenochrome Victims

>>21055026 NASA Selects Lockheed Martin to Build Next-Gen Spacecraft for NOAA

>>21054891 Video evidence implicating Israel in Twin Towers Attack on 9-11

>>21055061 Astronauts stuck in space at least another week as Boeing and NASA troubleshoot Starliner spacecraft issues

>>21055070 #OTD in 1975, JAWS was released.

>>21055073 Today's the summer solstice!

>>21055079 11:00 AM EDT An Assessment of Disability Rights in the U.S. Schooling System

>>21055086 11:00 AM EDT Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy

>>21055091 11:00 AM EDT National Archives Comes Alive!

>>21055096 11:30 AM EDT Council on Metro Economies and the New American City

>>21055098 NASA discussing asteroid-threat exercise today

>>21055145 June 20, 2024 National American Eagle Day

>>21055188 Dana White - Trump is the most resilient Fighter, he is #1 RMBL

>>21055215 Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Summoned to Vatican to be Excommunicated

>>21055084 From the demon's own mouth, dispelling any possibility of denying CBDCs bring 'Total Control'

>>21055272 Supreme Court rules against couple challenging part of Trump’s 2017 tax reforms

>>21055263 Dan - 42 Years today Jaws Released ( >>21055274, >>21055367, >>21055299 42 Gone? ) #45

>>21055291 ACLU suing over 10 commandments in School, crickets over LGB/Trans #SICK

>>21055314 Biden Mumble comms MP4

>>21055332 Biden's State Dept Official Admits Great Replacement is Real?

>>21055360 USSOCOM With the NS maritime training

>>21055364 USASOAC 160th SO Aviation Regiement #DeckLanding

>>21055377 Multiple people have been injured after being shot and stabbed during a Juneteenth celebration

>>21055438 USNavy Multiple Comms #1234

>>21055443 @ChiefNGB Always Ready, Always There.

>>21055445 25thID #LightFighter

>>21054757, >>21054783, >>21054789, >>21054787, >>21055027 "Guess Who's Coming to Christmas" from the TV show "Happy Days. ( PHISTER ORPHANAGE )

>>21055479 FBI raids home owned by Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao

>>21055480 LIVE: Battleship New Jersey heads home to Camden after undergoing months of maintenance work

>>21055500 Files disappear from the phone of the former Spanish soldier who spied on Julian Assange for the CIA



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5948fe No.21055504

#25815 >>21054629

>>21054670 9:00 AM EDT The Immediate and Long-Term Challenges Facing Public School Teachers:

>>21054685 Winters: Fauci is So High on His Own Supply

>>21054688 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/20/2024

>>21054689 Richest Family in the UK, the Billionaire Hindujas Stand Trial in Switzerland for Human Trafficking Charges

>>21054696 ECUADOR Metrics show a significant disruption to Internet service with national connectivity down to 44% of normal level

>>21054703 Tailgate For Trump:

>>21054726 Q+: "All Biden can do is talk about his WEAPONIZED Witch Hunt Trials against me"

>>21054742 Someone In the Biden Campaign is Leaking Data to the Press?

>>21054751 Rapper Travis Scott arrested for disorderly intoxication, trespassing in Florida

>>21054770, >>21054875, >>21054915, >>21055277 PlaneFaggin’: Gulf/Europe activity

>>21054792 U of M Hires Ousted Chicago Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot as Visiting Professor

>>21054791, >>21054796, >>21054798 In the EU, the House Always Wins

>>21054807 10:00 AM EDT Supreme Court October Term 2023 Conference / Non-argument Da

>>21054809 10:00 AM EDT War Room With Stephen K. Bannon

>>21054831 Swiss National Bank presses ahead as rate cutting front-runner

>>21054859 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Sandy and the Moon Halo

>>21054897 NASA Releases Hubble Image Taken in New Pointing Mode

>>21054724 Kansas AG Pfizer Lawsuit Will Stop CV19 Bioweapon Vax Industry

>>21054925 Presidential candidate RFK Jr. fails to qualify for the first presidential debate next week

>>21054940 (YOU) are the plan Cap Rel

>>21054953 Meme of the Thread

>>21054958 @AGAndrewBailey I filed suit against IBM for violating the Missouri Human Rights Act.

>>21054960 Raging bulls push world stocks to fresh record high

>>21054968, >>21055065, >>21055147 Kims Gift To Putin: 2 Korean Hunting Dogs cap rel #CUNZ

>>21054998 GAME THEORY Keep your twtr comments very PG but point it at a place where you can speak your mind fully…

>>21055002 Supreme Court adds four cases to next term’s docket

>>21055007, >>21055019 Trump Truth 9:56 obama state department official met representative corrupt burisma #WELLSOB

>>21055018 Russia Rescues Hundreds of Adrenochrome Victims

>>21055026 NASA Selects Lockheed Martin to Build Next-Gen Spacecraft for NOAA

>>21054891 Video evidence implicating Israel in Twin Towers Attack on 9-11

>>21055061 Astronauts stuck in space at least another week as Boeing and NASA troubleshoot Starliner spacecraft issues

>>21055070 #OTD in 1975, JAWS was released.

>>21055073 Today's the summer solstice!

>>21055079 11:00 AM EDT An Assessment of Disability Rights in the U.S. Schooling System

>>21055086 11:00 AM EDT Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy

>>21055091 11:00 AM EDT National Archives Comes Alive!

>>21055096 11:30 AM EDT Council on Metro Economies and the New American City

>>21055098 NASA discussing asteroid-threat exercise today

>>21055145 June 20, 2024 National American Eagle Day

>>21055188 Dana White - Trump is the most resilient Fighter, he is #1 RMBL

>>21055215 Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Summoned to Vatican to be Excommunicated

>>21055084 From the demon's own mouth, dispelling any possibility of denying CBDCs bring 'Total Control'

>>21055272 Supreme Court rules against couple challenging part of Trump’s 2017 tax reforms

>>21055263 Dan - 42 Years today Jaws Released ( >>21055274, >>21055367, >>21055299 42 Gone? ) #45

>>21055291 ACLU suing over 10 commandments in School, crickets over LGB/Trans #SICK

>>21055314 Biden Mumble comms MP4

>>21055332 Biden's State Dept Official Admits Great Replacement is Real?

>>21055360 USSOCOM With the NS maritime training

>>21055364 USASOAC 160th SO Aviation Regiement #DeckLanding

>>21055377 Multiple people have been injured after being shot and stabbed during a Juneteenth celebration

>>21055438 USNavy Multiple Comms #1234

>>21055443 @ChiefNGB Always Ready, Always There.

>>21055445 25thID #LightFighter

>>21055479 FBI raids home owned by Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao

>>21055480 LIVE: Battleship New Jersey heads home to Camden after undergoing months of maintenance work

>>21055500 Files disappear from the phone of the former Spanish soldier who spied on Julian Assange for the CIA

>>21054757, >>21054783, >>21054789, >>21054787, >>21055027 "Guess Who's Coming to Christmas" from the TV show "Happy Days. ( PHISTER ORPHANAGE )

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b18e8c No.21055505

File: c6d6a3ba63faac2⋯.mp4 (5.91 MB,720x720,1:1,swimming_eagle.mp4)

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d81a40 No.21055507

File: 540f7df53f0b2a7⋯.png (960.13 KB,905x603,905:603,POTUS_through_flowers.png)


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4176b3 No.21055508

File: 2f11ba6da75195e⋯.png (386.91 KB,529x570,529:570,Capture.PNG)

Back blast area cleared!

Our best squad competitors and mortar men from HHC, 2-37AR, 1ABCT, practiced with the AT4, shooting targets from various ranges and positions.

Good luck to our teammates in the III Armored Corps Best Squad Competition at Fort Riley, Kansas, this month!


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339a90 No.21055516

one man's pigeon is another man's eagle

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86f923 No.21055518

Motherfucker, someone please fuck up this cp poster. Fwd to law enforcement.

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aab2f7 No.21055519


>challenge accepted

Not a challenge, more likely a butterfly causing a storm.

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c97fbc No.21055520

File: adbb67ac6120d8a⋯.jpeg (49.85 KB,500x572,125:143,8E6EB687_2694_426F_9314_E….jpeg)

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9cc49e No.21055522

File: f5cdecfae78213e⋯.jpg (25.49 KB,768x432,16:9,f5cdecfae78213e159fda42082….jpg)

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a282c9 No.21055523

File: 628c251b6bdee62⋯.png (1016.93 KB,802x1089,802:1089,bho9613712558.png)

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ebf3b6 No.21055525

File: e5d9fa140223157⋯.jpeg (104.33 KB,720x540,4:3,IMG_5791.jpeg)

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2412d0 No.21055526


please repost nb

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7f0bd4 No.21055527

File: 12801cf17846e87⋯.jpg (122.97 KB,1024x1276,256:319,a23.jpg)

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34face No.21055528


larping as bill binney now?

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d9b226 No.21055529

File: 283114814535eba⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB,400x400,1:1,FauciSupriseOutbreak.mp4)

What did Fauci mean by a surprise pandemic?

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bb1216 No.21055531


>surprise pandemic

like a treat of the week

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7f0bd4 No.21055532

File: ece3d8291276897⋯.jpg (69.82 KB,992x558,16:9,00001kk.jpg)


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0ab747 No.21055533

File: 5647b1ff6316634⋯.jpg (14.1 KB,191x255,191:255,JFK_JR_Trump.jpg)


ThankQ President Trump, I know if it wasn't for you and your protections, we would have died a long time ago. I serve at your pleasure.

For God and Country, For JFK and JFK Jr, whenever and whatever you ask.

Godspeed Patriot, The Lord is with you, Sir.

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a18c82 No.21055534

File: aab53d8e2ec2ab2⋯.png (346.94 KB,640x469,640:469,ClipboardImage.png)

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aab2f7 No.21055535

File: bac2f879483d158⋯.jpg (6.04 KB,166x183,166:183,orly.jpg)


>one man's pigeon is another man's eagle

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7f0bd4 No.21055537

File: 2accd89679d00f2⋯.webp (103.8 KB,284x284,1:1,2accd89679d00f2fa2652b2f9….webp)





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4f57b3 No.21055538


It's sad how freedom offends the left and the right.

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ebf3b6 No.21055540

File: 6f202700d87266b⋯.jpeg (32.73 KB,255x191,255:191,IMG_5835.jpeg)

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7f0bd4 No.21055542

File: 7d56d7cb643708e⋯.gif (1.62 MB,498x498,1:1,2e.gif)


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6b385d No.21055544


I see you understand and are a mason.

if you were not let down by the last go around, not sure what would let you down.

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0ab747 No.21055545


You seem to have a problem with reasoning like most, if you haven't figured it out let me explain it you. The DS knows who I am and where I live, they are not as lazy as you.

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bb1216 No.21055546

File: a5634f1e4feee6b⋯.png (479.64 KB,1074x1258,537:629,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d57bb3173b8a33⋯.png (414.1 KB,1080x1845,24:41,ClipboardImage.png)




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7f0bd4 No.21055547

File: ece3d8291276897⋯.jpg (69.82 KB,992x558,16:9,00001kk.jpg)




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55b1a7 No.21055548


don't encourage the delusional larper

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5948fe No.21055549

#25815 >>21054629


Q Research General #25816: Hunting the Dogs #Patiots Edition




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ebf3b6 No.21055550

File: df450b0b94ed875⋯.jpeg (48.07 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_5823.jpeg)

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bb1216 No.21055551



Bachmann defends her witch hunt

The Minnesota representative offers "evidence" of Islamic infiltration of the U.S. government in a 16-page letter

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bb1216 No.21055552

The next paragraph of the law review article she cites quotes Syed Abedin concluding that the Koran calls for, “multiple ways of life … i.e. religious and cultural plurality among mankind.” Pretty scary Islamo-fascist stuff. It’s also worth nothing that Weiner, Huma Abedin's husband, is one of the most unquestionably pro-Israeli politicians in America. But Bachmann would have us believe that the security clearance process somehow missed Abedin’s nefarious connections, and thus she knows more than, say, the CIA and FBI, who are involved in the background-check process.

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7f0bd4 No.21055553

File: 32464ceb33f2aab⋯.jpg (62.45 KB,640x480,4:3,0001g.jpg)





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339a90 No.21055554


>#Patiots Edition

a classic

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c97fbc No.21055555

File: 39bf3a7afc8d7bb⋯.jpeg (152.46 KB,1500x1125,4:3,D645C2D5_EA99_4533_B4BD_D….jpeg)

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d9b226 No.21055557

File: 5867c5f92562b2a⋯.jpg (207.84 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_7197.JPG)

Hit the post and rolling for quads

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7f0bd4 No.21055559

File: f2adffba8d22660⋯.gif (800.87 KB,650x540,65:54,00000000000000000000014.gif)

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bb1216 No.21055560

the security clearance process somehow missed Abedin’s nefarious connections

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d81a40 No.21055561

File: 6b9677a9e419e8c⋯.png (2.57 MB,1688x1400,211:175,Beaming_with_Inner_beauty.png)

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