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File: 62371bc6f24b6db⋯.jpeg (115.81 KB,600x335,120:67,iwoqr11.jpeg)

87634e No.21054621 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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702 posts and 452 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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d81a40 No.21055493

File: 5b13dd39e6fd7b8⋯.png (5.11 MB,2878x1520,1439:760,Obama_pitching_to_Chris_Ch….png)

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b18e8c No.21055494

File: 819e264ce1a113a⋯.jpg (161.29 KB,800x800,1:1,astro_eagle.jpg)

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7673ec No.21055495

File: 3fbd380b99faecc⋯.png (694.67 KB,500x696,125:174,ClipboardImage.png)

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2412d0 No.21055496

File: 4f6367b815b7896⋯.jpg (90.94 KB,1000x1000,1:1,4f6367b815b789673c8e07111b….jpg)

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cccbdb No.21055497

File: 11b694bb47abd77⋯.png (614.79 KB,778x687,778:687,ClipboardImage.png)

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b18e8c No.21055498

File: 09ff97090afba7e⋯.png (77.9 KB,255x233,255:233,jfk_eagle.png)

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0ab747 No.21055499


President Trump will make you wise at the right time, and you will understand about the Armor of God. For now understand that this was posted 2 weeks after my ordeal and explains it all. This is not a game.


#12206959 at 2020-12-28 09:14:57 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #15585: Bill Binney's Returns Serve Edition

>>12206882 pb

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d9b226 No.21055500

File: 47360e733d6e664⋯.png (230.48 KB,2586x1144,1293:572,Screenshot_2024_06_20_at_9….png)

Files disappear from the phone of the former Spanish soldier who spied on Julian Assange for the CIA

Link: https://english.elpais.com/international/2024-06-19/files-disappear-from-the-phone-of-the-former-spanish-soldier-who-spied-on-julian-assange-for-the-cia.html

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d81a40 No.21055501

File: 4786a50be8332dc⋯.jpeg (96.33 KB,682x900,341:450,Sloppy_Christie_khaki_sho….jpeg)

File: c18061d42d87636⋯.png (692.55 KB,1546x1004,773:502,Trump_supporter_s_selfie_w….png)

File: ad78fe2ef7ed671⋯.png (3.96 MB,2424x1558,1212:779,MAGA_girl_vs_sloppy_Christ….png)

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5948fe No.21055502

#25815 >>21054629

>>21054670 9:00 AM EDT The Immediate and Long-Term Challenges Facing Public School Teachers:

>>21054685 Winters: Fauci is So High on His Own Supply

>>21054688 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/20/2024

>>21054689 Richest Family in the UK, the Billionaire Hindujas Stand Trial in Switzerland for Human Trafficking Charges

>>21054696 ECUADOR Metrics show a significant disruption to Internet service with national connectivity down to 44% of normal level

>>21054703 Tailgate For Trump:

>>21054726 Q+: "All Biden can do is talk about his WEAPONIZED Witch Hunt Trials against me"

>>21054742 Someone In the Biden Campaign is Leaking Data to the Press?

>>21054751 Rapper Travis Scott arrested for disorderly intoxication, trespassing in Florida

>>21054770, >>21054875, >>21054915, >>21055277 PlaneFaggin’: Gulf/Europe activity

>>21054792 U of M Hires Ousted Chicago Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot as Visiting Professor

>>21054791, >>21054796, >>21054798 In the EU, the House Always Wins

>>21054807 10:00 AM EDT Supreme Court October Term 2023 Conference / Non-argument Da

>>21054809 10:00 AM EDT War Room With Stephen K. Bannon

>>21054831 Swiss National Bank presses ahead as rate cutting front-runner

>>21054859 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Sandy and the Moon Halo

>>21054897 NASA Releases Hubble Image Taken in New Pointing Mode

>>21054724 Kansas AG Pfizer Lawsuit Will Stop CV19 Bioweapon Vax Industry

>>21054925 Presidential candidate RFK Jr. fails to qualify for the first presidential debate next week

>>21054940 (YOU) are the plan Cap Rel

>>21054953 Meme of the Thread

>>21054958 @AGAndrewBailey I filed suit against IBM for violating the Missouri Human Rights Act.

>>21054960 Raging bulls push world stocks to fresh record high

>>21054968, >>21055065, >>21055147 Kims Gift To Putin: 2 Korean Hunting Dogs cap rel #CUNZ

>>21054998 GAME THEORY Keep your twtr comments very PG but point it at a place where you can speak your mind fully…

>>21055002 Supreme Court adds four cases to next term’s docket

>>21055007, >>21055019 Trump Truth 9:56 obama state department official met representative corrupt burisma #WELLSOB

>>21055018 Russia Rescues Hundreds of Adrenochrome Victims

>>21055026 NASA Selects Lockheed Martin to Build Next-Gen Spacecraft for NOAA

>>21054891 Video evidence implicating Israel in Twin Towers Attack on 9-11

>>21055061 Astronauts stuck in space at least another week as Boeing and NASA troubleshoot Starliner spacecraft issues

>>21055070 #OTD in 1975, JAWS was released.

>>21055073 Today's the summer solstice!

>>21055079 11:00 AM EDT An Assessment of Disability Rights in the U.S. Schooling System

>>21055086 11:00 AM EDT Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy

>>21055091 11:00 AM EDT National Archives Comes Alive!

>>21055096 11:30 AM EDT Council on Metro Economies and the New American City

>>21055098 NASA discussing asteroid-threat exercise today

>>21055145 June 20, 2024 National American Eagle Day

>>21055188 Dana White - Trump is the most resilient Fighter, he is #1 RMBL

>>21055215 Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Summoned to Vatican to be Excommunicated

>>21055084 From the demon's own mouth, dispelling any possibility of denying CBDCs bring 'Total Control'

>>21055272 Supreme Court rules against couple challenging part of Trump’s 2017 tax reforms

>>21055263 Dan - 42 Years today Jaws Released ( >>21055274, >>21055367, >>21055299 42 Gone? ) #45

>>21055291 ACLU suing over 10 commandments in School, crickets over LGB/Trans #SICK

>>21055314 Biden Mumble comms MP4

>>21055332 Biden's State Dept Official Admits Great Replacement is Real?

>>21055360 USSOCOM With the NS maritime training

>>21055364 USASOAC 160th SO Aviation Regiement #DeckLanding

>>21055377 Multiple people have been injured after being shot and stabbed during a Juneteenth celebration

>>21055438 USNavy Multiple Comms #1234

>>21055443 @ChiefNGB Always Ready, Always There.

>>21055445 25thID #LightFighter

>>21054757, >>21054783, >>21054789, >>21054787, >>21055027 "Guess Who's Coming to Christmas" from the TV show "Happy Days. ( PHISTER ORPHANAGE )

>>21055479 FBI raids home owned by Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao

>>21055480 LIVE: Battleship New Jersey heads home to Camden after undergoing months of maintenance work

>>21055500 Files disappear from the phone of the former Spanish soldier who spied on Julian Assange for the CIA



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5948fe No.21055504

#25815 >>21054629

>>21054670 9:00 AM EDT The Immediate and Long-Term Challenges Facing Public School Teachers:

>>21054685 Winters: Fauci is So High on His Own Supply

>>21054688 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/20/2024

>>21054689 Richest Family in the UK, the Billionaire Hindujas Stand Trial in Switzerland for Human Trafficking Charges

>>21054696 ECUADOR Metrics show a significant disruption to Internet service with national connectivity down to 44% of normal level

>>21054703 Tailgate For Trump:

>>21054726 Q+: "All Biden can do is talk about his WEAPONIZED Witch Hunt Trials against me"

>>21054742 Someone In the Biden Campaign is Leaking Data to the Press?

>>21054751 Rapper Travis Scott arrested for disorderly intoxication, trespassing in Florida

>>21054770, >>21054875, >>21054915, >>21055277 PlaneFaggin’: Gulf/Europe activity

>>21054792 U of M Hires Ousted Chicago Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot as Visiting Professor

>>21054791, >>21054796, >>21054798 In the EU, the House Always Wins

>>21054807 10:00 AM EDT Supreme Court October Term 2023 Conference / Non-argument Da

>>21054809 10:00 AM EDT War Room With Stephen K. Bannon

>>21054831 Swiss National Bank presses ahead as rate cutting front-runner

>>21054859 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Sandy and the Moon Halo

>>21054897 NASA Releases Hubble Image Taken in New Pointing Mode

>>21054724 Kansas AG Pfizer Lawsuit Will Stop CV19 Bioweapon Vax Industry

>>21054925 Presidential candidate RFK Jr. fails to qualify for the first presidential debate next week

>>21054940 (YOU) are the plan Cap Rel

>>21054953 Meme of the Thread

>>21054958 @AGAndrewBailey I filed suit against IBM for violating the Missouri Human Rights Act.

>>21054960 Raging bulls push world stocks to fresh record high

>>21054968, >>21055065, >>21055147 Kims Gift To Putin: 2 Korean Hunting Dogs cap rel #CUNZ

>>21054998 GAME THEORY Keep your twtr comments very PG but point it at a place where you can speak your mind fully…

>>21055002 Supreme Court adds four cases to next term’s docket

>>21055007, >>21055019 Trump Truth 9:56 obama state department official met representative corrupt burisma #WELLSOB

>>21055018 Russia Rescues Hundreds of Adrenochrome Victims

>>21055026 NASA Selects Lockheed Martin to Build Next-Gen Spacecraft for NOAA

>>21054891 Video evidence implicating Israel in Twin Towers Attack on 9-11

>>21055061 Astronauts stuck in space at least another week as Boeing and NASA troubleshoot Starliner spacecraft issues

>>21055070 #OTD in 1975, JAWS was released.

>>21055073 Today's the summer solstice!

>>21055079 11:00 AM EDT An Assessment of Disability Rights in the U.S. Schooling System

>>21055086 11:00 AM EDT Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy

>>21055091 11:00 AM EDT National Archives Comes Alive!

>>21055096 11:30 AM EDT Council on Metro Economies and the New American City

>>21055098 NASA discussing asteroid-threat exercise today

>>21055145 June 20, 2024 National American Eagle Day

>>21055188 Dana White - Trump is the most resilient Fighter, he is #1 RMBL

>>21055215 Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Summoned to Vatican to be Excommunicated

>>21055084 From the demon's own mouth, dispelling any possibility of denying CBDCs bring 'Total Control'

>>21055272 Supreme Court rules against couple challenging part of Trump’s 2017 tax reforms

>>21055263 Dan - 42 Years today Jaws Released ( >>21055274, >>21055367, >>21055299 42 Gone? ) #45

>>21055291 ACLU suing over 10 commandments in School, crickets over LGB/Trans #SICK

>>21055314 Biden Mumble comms MP4

>>21055332 Biden's State Dept Official Admits Great Replacement is Real?

>>21055360 USSOCOM With the NS maritime training

>>21055364 USASOAC 160th SO Aviation Regiement #DeckLanding

>>21055377 Multiple people have been injured after being shot and stabbed during a Juneteenth celebration

>>21055438 USNavy Multiple Comms #1234

>>21055443 @ChiefNGB Always Ready, Always There.

>>21055445 25thID #LightFighter

>>21055479 FBI raids home owned by Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao

>>21055480 LIVE: Battleship New Jersey heads home to Camden after undergoing months of maintenance work

>>21055500 Files disappear from the phone of the former Spanish soldier who spied on Julian Assange for the CIA

>>21054757, >>21054783, >>21054789, >>21054787, >>21055027 "Guess Who's Coming to Christmas" from the TV show "Happy Days. ( PHISTER ORPHANAGE )

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b18e8c No.21055505

File: c6d6a3ba63faac2⋯.mp4 (5.91 MB,720x720,1:1,swimming_eagle.mp4)

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d81a40 No.21055507

File: 540f7df53f0b2a7⋯.png (960.13 KB,905x603,905:603,POTUS_through_flowers.png)


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4176b3 No.21055508

File: 2f11ba6da75195e⋯.png (386.91 KB,529x570,529:570,Capture.PNG)

Back blast area cleared!

Our best squad competitors and mortar men from HHC, 2-37AR, 1ABCT, practiced with the AT4, shooting targets from various ranges and positions.

Good luck to our teammates in the III Armored Corps Best Squad Competition at Fort Riley, Kansas, this month!


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339a90 No.21055516

one man's pigeon is another man's eagle

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86f923 No.21055518

Motherfucker, someone please fuck up this cp poster. Fwd to law enforcement.

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aab2f7 No.21055519


>challenge accepted

Not a challenge, more likely a butterfly causing a storm.

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c97fbc No.21055520

File: adbb67ac6120d8a⋯.jpeg (49.85 KB,500x572,125:143,8E6EB687_2694_426F_9314_E….jpeg)

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9cc49e No.21055522

File: f5cdecfae78213e⋯.jpg (25.49 KB,768x432,16:9,f5cdecfae78213e159fda42082….jpg)

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a282c9 No.21055523

File: 628c251b6bdee62⋯.png (1016.93 KB,802x1089,802:1089,bho9613712558.png)

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ebf3b6 No.21055525

File: e5d9fa140223157⋯.jpeg (104.33 KB,720x540,4:3,IMG_5791.jpeg)

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2412d0 No.21055526


please repost nb

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7f0bd4 No.21055527

File: 12801cf17846e87⋯.jpg (122.97 KB,1024x1276,256:319,a23.jpg)

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34face No.21055528


larping as bill binney now?

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d9b226 No.21055529

File: 283114814535eba⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB,400x400,1:1,FauciSupriseOutbreak.mp4)

What did Fauci mean by a surprise pandemic?

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bb1216 No.21055531


>surprise pandemic

like a treat of the week

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7f0bd4 No.21055532

File: ece3d8291276897⋯.jpg (69.82 KB,992x558,16:9,00001kk.jpg)


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0ab747 No.21055533

File: 5647b1ff6316634⋯.jpg (14.1 KB,191x255,191:255,JFK_JR_Trump.jpg)


ThankQ President Trump, I know if it wasn't for you and your protections, we would have died a long time ago. I serve at your pleasure.

For God and Country, For JFK and JFK Jr, whenever and whatever you ask.

Godspeed Patriot, The Lord is with you, Sir.

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a18c82 No.21055534

File: aab53d8e2ec2ab2⋯.png (346.94 KB,640x469,640:469,ClipboardImage.png)

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aab2f7 No.21055535

File: bac2f879483d158⋯.jpg (6.04 KB,166x183,166:183,orly.jpg)


>one man's pigeon is another man's eagle

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7f0bd4 No.21055537

File: 2accd89679d00f2⋯.webp (103.8 KB,284x284,1:1,2accd89679d00f2fa2652b2f9….webp)





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4f57b3 No.21055538


It's sad how freedom offends the left and the right.

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ebf3b6 No.21055540

File: 6f202700d87266b⋯.jpeg (32.73 KB,255x191,255:191,IMG_5835.jpeg)

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7f0bd4 No.21055542

File: 7d56d7cb643708e⋯.gif (1.62 MB,498x498,1:1,2e.gif)


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6b385d No.21055544


I see you understand and are a mason.

if you were not let down by the last go around, not sure what would let you down.

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0ab747 No.21055545


You seem to have a problem with reasoning like most, if you haven't figured it out let me explain it you. The DS knows who I am and where I live, they are not as lazy as you.

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bb1216 No.21055546

File: a5634f1e4feee6b⋯.png (479.64 KB,1074x1258,537:629,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d57bb3173b8a33⋯.png (414.1 KB,1080x1845,24:41,ClipboardImage.png)




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7f0bd4 No.21055547

File: ece3d8291276897⋯.jpg (69.82 KB,992x558,16:9,00001kk.jpg)




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55b1a7 No.21055548


don't encourage the delusional larper

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5948fe No.21055549

#25815 >>21054629


Q Research General #25816: Hunting the Dogs #Patiots Edition




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ebf3b6 No.21055550

File: df450b0b94ed875⋯.jpeg (48.07 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_5823.jpeg)

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bb1216 No.21055551



Bachmann defends her witch hunt

The Minnesota representative offers "evidence" of Islamic infiltration of the U.S. government in a 16-page letter

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bb1216 No.21055552

The next paragraph of the law review article she cites quotes Syed Abedin concluding that the Koran calls for, “multiple ways of life … i.e. religious and cultural plurality among mankind.” Pretty scary Islamo-fascist stuff. It’s also worth nothing that Weiner, Huma Abedin's husband, is one of the most unquestionably pro-Israeli politicians in America. But Bachmann would have us believe that the security clearance process somehow missed Abedin’s nefarious connections, and thus she knows more than, say, the CIA and FBI, who are involved in the background-check process.

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7f0bd4 No.21055553

File: 32464ceb33f2aab⋯.jpg (62.45 KB,640x480,4:3,0001g.jpg)





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339a90 No.21055554


>#Patiots Edition

a classic

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c97fbc No.21055555

File: 39bf3a7afc8d7bb⋯.jpeg (152.46 KB,1500x1125,4:3,D645C2D5_EA99_4533_B4BD_D….jpeg)

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d9b226 No.21055557

File: 5867c5f92562b2a⋯.jpg (207.84 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_7197.JPG)

Hit the post and rolling for quads

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7f0bd4 No.21055559

File: f2adffba8d22660⋯.gif (800.87 KB,650x540,65:54,00000000000000000000014.gif)

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bb1216 No.21055560

the security clearance process somehow missed Abedin’s nefarious connections

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d81a40 No.21055561

File: 6b9677a9e419e8c⋯.png (2.57 MB,1688x1400,211:175,Beaming_with_Inner_beauty.png)

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[ / / / / / / / / / / / / / ] [ dir / random / 93 / biohzrd / hkacade / hkpnd / tct / utd / uy / yebalnia ]