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File: 1692710a8ab319b⋯.png (140.03 KB,501x268,501:268,qresearch_banner.png)

daae43 No.21025671 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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daae43 No.21025673

International Q Research Threads

>>20886248 Australia #36

>>20940004 Canada #59

>>20584322 China #1

>>16694358 France #7

>>19988670 Germany #106

>>20837582 Japan #23

>>20584358 Korea #1

>>16694250 Nederland #10

>>17784579 QAJF #1

>>20584333 Russia #1

>>20584424 Saudi Arabia #1

>>20771571 Scotland #10

>>20969267 South Africa #13

>>19804572 UK #51


Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker/catalog.html

>>20022853 Posting Guidelines

>>19832150, >>19957123, >>19737197 SPAM Removal; >>20184855 Jim W. on spam

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>20186509 How to filter namefags

>>20756698 Planefag & Boatfag Reports Always Notable


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines

>>20736492, >>18311579, >>20673838 "Baker on Duty" - what it means

>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>20186534 No "Muh Joos" in notes. Discrimination based on race or religion will be removed

>>20926627, >>20947983 Anon notables/making changes: generally, once a bread baked, it's baked


Call to Meme posts: please include in notables if it seems noteworthy


#25782 >>21024776

>>21025247 re: Nakasone joining OpenAI. just one Q drop on Nakasone, specifically. Q gave the thumbs-up


>>21024934, >>21024950, >>21025167 PF: N750KD - Kenneth C. Griffin 80% owner of Citadel LLC

>>21024956 The Space Force has terminated its contract with RTX (formerly Raytheon)

>>21024987 Ohio to purge 150,000 voters before November election

>>21025003 US military says it destroyed Seven Houthi radars after attack on ship

>>21025044 Joe Biden To Return To Los Angeles For Star-Filled Fundraiser Amid Democrats’ Amped Up Anxieties And Calls To Action

>>21025047 Small plane crashes near Siler City Airport in North Carolina, killing 2

>>21025256 Patrons Speak Out: The Impact of Losing Access to More Than 500,000 Books

>>21025262 Mark Steyn and Naomi Wolf in the UK High Court fighting against Media Censorship

>>21025282 Time of colonial powers is over – Medvedev

>>21025298 Fort Bend County candidate charged for allegedly faking racist social media attacks against himself

>>21025404 Biggest danger to EU is the US – Putin

>>21025464, >>21025589 Is Trump running a clandestine military operation? | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #52

>>21025473, >>21025481, >>21025482 Live: Trooping the Colour parade marks King Charles' official birthday

>>21025484 RFK JR: Happy Birthday President Trump. 78 is YUGE! I look forward to seeing you on the debate stage.

>>21025473, >>21025481, >>21025482 Live: Trooping the Colour parade marks King Charles' official birthday

>>21025497 PF: Now on his in NO Callsign AF1


>>21023840, >>21023926, >>21023928 baker bun on djt statements so far.

>>21025502 President Trump quotes

>>21025522 US conducts successful hypersonic test bed flight experiment

>>21025529 Carter First U.S. President to Participate in Nuclear Drill

>>21025533 Vice President Kamala Harris Announces Over $1.5 Billion to Bolster Ukraine’s Energy Sector, Address Humanitarian Needs, and Strengthen Civilian Security

>>21025547 Ramaswamy: We have a 'lobotomized' president in the White House

>>21025548 Traffic alert: Biden, Obama will appear at downtown L.A. fundraiser Saturday evening

>>21025557 Hunter Biden has been accused of owning 10 percent of a company that’s been facilitating illegal migration across the southern U.S. border

>>21025571 Robert Epstein Study Suggests Big Tech Can Influence Flocks Of Undecided Voters ‘Without People’s Awareness’| >>21025586 Dr. Rima Laibow – UN to Launch ‘Pact for the Future’: ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT NIGHTMARE!

>>21025588 @BoLoudon: Share this so people can get to know the REAL Trump hidden by the fake news!

>>21025647 ‘Are You Moving Out Of California?’

>>21025611 Lara Trump is reportedly building an army of 100,000 poll watchers and 500 lawyers to deploy across America for the 2024 election.

>>21025655 The ‘Far Right’ Is Surging In Europe Because The Left’s Version Of ‘Democracy’ Has Failed

>>21025689 #25782 n #25783

#25781 >>21023977


>>21024097, >>21024080 700 thousand military personnel in the SMO zone - Putin

>>21024164, >>21024166 House of Representatives Passes Bill for Mandatory Military Registration of Young Men Between 18 and 26

>>21024374 @WallStreetApes “Hunter Biden actually owns 10% of a company called Eplata, which is a micro financing loan company for illegal immigrants coming up through the southern border.”

>>21024123 A movie theater in Canada just cancelled a showing of our film The War On Children after a lawyer with "Lawyers Against Transphobia"

>>21024129 How The Globalists Have Turned Economic Funding In Ukraine And Russia Into A "Structured Product"

>>21024113 fag in church preaches faggotry and lightning literally turns off the lights

>>21024135 Compelling NEW evidence that upends the 9th Circuit opinion in the underlying @KariLake

>>21024155 The Same FBI That Plotted Whitmer Kidnapping Psyop Charges Man for Allegedly Plotting a Mass Shooting With Undercover Informants to "Incite a Race War" Before Election

>>21024172 CALLS FOR JUSTICE: Criminal Referral Requests Against Anthony Fauci (following)

>>21024180 US, European nations consider vaccinating workers exposed to bird flu

>>21024186 House Committee No Longer Trusts NIH/NIAID to Oversee Risky Monkey Pox Research

>>21024193 honkworld moment

>>21024207 California Senate just banned schools from notifying parents if their child changes their gender identity or pronouns.

>>21024225 Microsoft Admits Security Failings Allowed China to Access US Government Emails

>>21024228, >>21024296 @Snowden Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to incite fear of China vaccines

>>21024238 Latest open source AI LLM (Large language model) outperforms competition: Qwen2

>>21024588 Reminder that OpenAI is adding former NSA head and retired Gen. Paul Nakasone to its board of directors

>>21024285 Obama Portrait Artist Accused of Sexual Assault By Numerous Men

>>21024312 WHERE IS OBAMA?

>>21024359, >>21024416 SAM947 C32A kneepads no AF2 upon departure at JBA heading to Zurich Intl

>>21024361 We NEED To Pay Attention (3 Year Old Stabbed By Insane Woman) Jordan Sather

>>21024421 Dave Brat Warns Of Foreign Adversaries Buying Up American Farmland Near Military Bases. Must listen even Russia owns land in the US

>>21024473 Study Suggests Big Tech Can Influence Flocks Of Undecided Voters ‘Without People’s Awareness’

>>21024505 Dominion Machines Under (more) Scrutiny After ‘Hundreds’ (more) Discrepancies Detected in Primary.

>>21024587 PF: EXEC1F C40BFlauxtusnow at Ploenix Intl for muh campaign BS

>>21024635 PF: Gulfstream EA-37B Compass Call II Cross Deck electronic warfare aircraft 17-5567. Call sign FLITE09.

>>21024684 O'Donnell: American Flags Were The First Steps In Declaring Our Sovereignty And Independence. (Semaphor is the message of flags, PDJT and Melania, practiced this messaging. It will be proven

>>21024758 #25781

#25780 >>21023223

>>21023620, >>21023926, >>21023928 POTUS 45-47 BIRTHDAY SPEECH BUN

>>21023607, >>21023619 Garland, DOJ not above the law

>>21023609, >>21023626 Dr. Fauci has an OFFICIAL Criminal Referral for MURDER filed against both him and various 'Public Health Officials' to DA's in the State of Louisiana.

>>21023224 Col Macgregor with Gen Flynn LIVE

>>21023261 America's migrant gang invasion MAPPED: ISIS in LA, Venezuelan sex-traffickers in Texas and Chinese drug lords in Maine.

>>21023267, >>21023271 Nurse fired for asking, “Who is going to report these cases of MYOCARDITIS in children to VAERS?”

>>21023269, >>21023486, >>21023920 Alex Jones WINS in court

>>21023286, >>21023313 Apparently Biden will lock himself @ Camp David for 10 days

>>21023303 PF: French AF CTM001 A330Macronheading back to Paris but will go to Zurich tomorrow

>>21023321 The Entire System Is Crumbling! Major Red Flags Are Popping Up For Banks, Small Businesses And Retailers - Tyler Durden

>>21023317 Tater gets TRIGGERED by TikTok star, subtly threatens to THROW HIS PHONE at White House influencer party..

>>21023325 State Air Guard Units Could Be Moved to Space Force Despite Governors' Opposition Under Senate Proposal

>>21023315 Jane Fonda to join Jill Biden at Reno appearance to engage senior voters

>>21023371 Rare frog — with ‘striking’ blue color — seen in Washington for first time in years - fresnobee

>>21023406 @JudiciaryGOP flagday post

>>21023392, >>21023399 Official 249th Army Birthday Video

>>21023505 This is why they fear Steve Bannon

>>21023513 U.S. Department of Education Announces Jeremy Singer as FAFSA Executive Advisor in the Office of Federal Student Aid

>>21023582 PF: SAM968 G5 departed Kirkland AFB/Sunport Intl Airport after arriving 2 days ago from JBA

>>21023596 Everybody knew Hunter's laptop was real: Bernard Kerik

>>21023614 PF: SPAR11 and 24 C40Cs departed JBA EN and likely for kneepads and her visit to Zurich

>>21023765 House Armed Services Committee (HASC) approved an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2025.

>>21023784 In speech to Southern Baptists, Pence warns of GOP shift but stops short of direct Trump criticism

>>21023814 The House of Representatives has passed a measure today that will automatically register men between the ages of 18 and 26 for 'selective service' AKA drafting for banker wars

>>21023930 #25780

Previously Collected

>>21022225 #25778, >>21023210 #25779

>>21019573 #25775, >>21020416 #25776, >>21021201 #25777

>>21017476 #25772, >>21017899 #25773, >>21018743 #25774

>>21014633 #25769, >>21016690 #25770, >>21016633 #25771

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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Post last edited at

daae43 No.21025686

File: 55dfcfef345fdbd⋯.png (78.31 KB,276x182,138:91,patriots_we_the_people_fre….png)



tech problems, could not post FINAL pb

baker seeking handoff


updated dough


includes lb notables

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Post last edited at

daae43 No.21025687


Board may be under attack, baker could not post anything at end of bread, post button would not function. will post final below.

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09c4ec No.21025688

File: 7f24333c855982d⋯.jpg (101.02 KB,720x766,360:383,Screenshot_20240615_070620….jpg)

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daae43 No.21025689

#25782 >>21024776

>>21025247 re: Nakasone joining OpenAI. just one Q drop on Nakasone, specifically. Q gave the thumbs-up


>>21024934, >>21024950, >>21025167 PF: N750KD - Kenneth C. Griffin 80% owner of Citadel LLC

>>21024956 The Space Force has terminated its contract with RTX (formerly Raytheon)

>>21024987 Ohio to purge 150,000 voters before November election

>>21025003 US military says it destroyed Seven Houthi radars after attack on ship

>>21025044 Joe Biden To Return To Los Angeles For Star-Filled Fundraiser Amid Democrats’ Amped Up Anxieties And Calls To Action

>>21025047 Small plane crashes near Siler City Airport in North Carolina, killing 2

>>21025256 Patrons Speak Out: The Impact of Losing Access to More Than 500,000 Books

>>21025262 Mark Steyn and Naomi Wolf in the UK High Court fighting against Media Censorship

>>21025282 Time of colonial powers is over – Medvedev

>>21025298 Fort Bend County candidate charged for allegedly faking racist social media attacks against himself

>>21025404 Biggest danger to EU is the US – Putin

>>21025464, >>21025589 Is Trump running a clandestine military operation? | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #52

>>21025473, >>21025481, >>21025482 Live: Trooping the Colour parade marks King Charles' official birthday

>>21025484 RFK JR: Happy Birthday President Trump. 78 is YUGE! I look forward to seeing you on the debate stage.

>>21025473, >>21025481, >>21025482 Live: Trooping the Colour parade marks King Charles' official birthday

>>21025497 PF: Now on his in NO Callsign AF1


>>21023840, >>21023926, >>21023928 baker bun on djt statements so far.

>>21025502 President Trump quotes

>>21025522 US conducts successful hypersonic test bed flight experiment

>>21025529 Carter First U.S. President to Participate in Nuclear Drill

>>21025533 Vice President Kamala Harris Announces Over $1.5 Billion to Bolster Ukraine’s Energy Sector, Address Humanitarian Needs, and Strengthen Civilian Security

>>21025547 Ramaswamy: We have a 'lobotomized' president in the White House

>>21025548 Traffic alert: Biden, Obama will appear at downtown L.A. fundraiser Saturday evening

>>21025557 Hunter Biden has been accused of owning 10 percent of a company that’s been facilitating illegal migration across the southern U.S. border

>>21025571 Robert Epstein Study Suggests Big Tech Can Influence Flocks Of Undecided Voters ‘Without People’s Awareness’| >>21025586 Dr. Rima Laibow – UN to Launch ‘Pact for the Future’: ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT NIGHTMARE!

>>21025588 @BoLoudon: Share this so people can get to know the REAL Trump hidden by the fake news!

>>21025647 ‘Are You Moving Out Of California?’

>>21025611 Lara Trump is reportedly building an army of 100,000 poll watchers and 500 lawyers to deploy across America for the 2024 election.

>>21025655 The ‘Far Right’ Is Surging In Europe Because The Left’s Version Of ‘Democracy’ Has Failed



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eebf8b No.21025690

File: 4175273fc80d53f⋯.png (1.59 MB,1282x908,641:454,thisKidhasSeentsomeShit.png)

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bd3d2f No.21025691

File: ca7ec2b46f214a7⋯.png (470.72 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ca7ec2b46f214a7f4ccff24add….png)


thank you baker

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daae43 No.21025692



updated dough


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9ac033 No.21025694

File: c273c70ca2b6930⋯.png (194.74 KB,494x514,247:257,c273c70ca2b6930c0f02d63477….png)

So much salt over "Good morning"

Must suck to be a shill that inevitably has bad mornings.

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ce6cfa No.21025695


look it is coming in hot crying like a faggot.

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06d03b No.21025698

File: 1e4e402f5ab3c42⋯.png (133.21 KB,398x1052,199:526,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21025484 RFK JR: Happy Birthday President Trump. 78 is YUGE! I look forward to seeing you on the debate stage.

Q78 seems relevant

So HRC is Alice and SA is Wonderland?

Q is the Cheshire, then who is Queen of Hearts? Elizabeth

And the mad hatter?

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1b5003 No.21025700

File: faebbd689fc5b4f⋯.png (2.3 MB,1309x872,1309:872,ke.PNG)

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ce6cfa No.21025701


look at it try.

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4ce181 No.21025702


>78 is YUGE!


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4ce181 No.21025703

10 UIDs

I guess the plan is taking too long

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17ab4d No.21025704

File: 99e911910cb28fc⋯.jpeg (269.21 KB,1552x1784,194:223,IMG_3101.jpeg)

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030563 No.21025705


Oh I get it you're a Morning Person.

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38533e No.21025707

File: 4ea746b9ac76e5b⋯.jpg (97.94 KB,512x512,1:1,catwarrior.jpg)

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311b2d No.21025712

File: 62ce4c8a3fdd9ba⋯.png (1.38 MB,1024x1024,1:1,thanksforbakin.png)

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eebf8b No.21025714

kek it's raining af in Londonstan now

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9ac033 No.21025717


The GM spam shills prove GM is their kryptonite


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048d85 No.21025720

File: b5bb1ce0c3dbb52⋯.png (15.16 MB,2936x4096,367:512,b5bb1ce0c3dbb529b58ce070ba….png)

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fe74d8 No.21025721

File: fe95673d389b51c⋯.png (758.65 KB,999x631,999:631,ClipboardImage.png)

No wedding ring on antichrist, from 3 days ago.


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1b5003 No.21025722

File: 23befbde990d0b5⋯.png (477.43 KB,732x917,732:917,boot.PNG)


How Public Schools Became Ideological Boot Camps

In nearly every public school in the country, children are given curriculum materials that have no official oversight or approval.

By Robert Pondiscio

June 12, 2024

All of this should be sobering to parents and policymakers who think “curriculum transparency” is the solution to classroom controversies. Knowing the curriculum or programs a school district has “adopted” is a cracked lens. Absent regulations specifically requiring teachers to post all lesson plans and materials online on a daily basis, including material they create or find on the internet, it’s nearly impossible to say with any certainty what occurs inside the black box of the public school classroom.

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6048a3 No.21025725

File: de549af12aba7d3⋯.png (298.33 KB,1063x550,1063:550,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5cfadbdfe2126cc⋯.png (760.72 KB,2421x2073,807:691,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70c74683e40743f⋯.png (1.07 MB,898x720,449:360,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e86b41633797c63⋯.png (886.74 KB,942x1064,471:532,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f01e647b6643d36⋯.png (1.38 MB,2356x984,589:246,ClipboardImage.png)

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ce6cfa No.21025727

look at it panic.

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3f476c No.21025729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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eebf8b No.21025737



William wears no wedding ring!

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eebf8b No.21025738

File: 343730d28c6de77⋯.png (1.01 MB,1590x874,795:437,Bildschirm_foto_2024_06_15….png)

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0545dd No.21025739

File: d0fc957d3b9e10e⋯.png (283.03 KB,787x500,787:500,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a54a41b6407e8f0⋯.png (198 KB,445x1505,89:301,ClipboardImage.png)

Nothing to do with human rights. That's the cover story to trick young people into self-stopping procreation.

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c09776 No.21025742

File: e0f64c15fbc1030⋯.png (365.6 KB,500x543,500:543,ClipboardImage.png)

Clowns have nothing left.

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09c4ec No.21025744


Never did

He doesn't wear jewelry

Like Trump

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25dc6d No.21025746

File: d1bd1b8b2efc76e⋯.jpeg (442.63 KB,447x1241,447:1241,62E8425E_E519_4F6D_819E_A….jpeg)


Thank you.

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9ac033 No.21025750


Nothing makes the shills panic moar than "Good morning" it seems

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439a42 No.21025752

File: 8a6f98975c23e52⋯.jpeg (143.33 KB,1337x752,1337:752,8E79C4AA_53E9_4727_A554_0….jpeg)

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25dc6d No.21025756

File: 9905e6b919f2d94⋯.jpeg (306.31 KB,828x468,23:13,366BDA68_1755_4DF4_B843_A….jpeg)

File: 163e7cbcbc96397⋯.jpeg (339.59 KB,828x424,207:106,A4F3ED6B_FB4D_4060_A3D1_8….jpeg)

File: db0788209d21043⋯.jpeg (422.97 KB,707x734,707:734,10C91A22_8B7B_4279_A0E1_7….jpeg)

File: b05ff0d57001ebf⋯.jpeg (632.23 KB,693x947,693:947,5A322313_93EA_4708_8609_7….jpeg)

Mi 5 or 6 have their knickers in a bunch.

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894365 No.21025757


That child is the anti christ

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fe74d8 No.21025759

File: 39b09b8f7657d03⋯.png (742.73 KB,776x486,388:243,ClipboardImage.png)

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ce6cfa No.21025762


because that is the worst thing in the world to say it seems and the fact that its happening good or bad does it matter it is happening it is what it is.

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3f476c No.21025764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Good Morning

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ce6cfa No.21025766


coming in strong with the retardation on your first post anon.

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daae43 No.21025769


read Paulo Lioni

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38533e No.21025770

File: ae4d9d89d052c8f⋯.mp4 (1.82 MB,270x480,9:16,She_is_going_in_hard_but_s….mp4)

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eebf8b No.21025772


Kate held that child in her arms when she wore that Rosemary's Baby dress

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25dc6d No.21025774

File: 2b1f90d52eef1a6⋯.jpeg (89.27 KB,592x275,592:275,08E1ED7E_C510_4C4E_A444_E….jpeg)

File: 918f813a46f40a4⋯.jpeg (453.33 KB,828x666,46:37,A6EB18C1_CEB7_4B0B_8F22_5….jpeg)

Long weekend for loYalists.

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439a42 No.21025775

File: 736b03bad3aa53e⋯.jpeg (142.08 KB,638x800,319:400,A69A7E95_25FA_485C_BB4C_2….jpeg)

File: f4518e99a1dbb3c⋯.jpeg (157.3 KB,800x586,400:293,DD461BCB_86F9_4B76_837C_4….jpeg)

File: 7ec68dbf875f873⋯.mp4 (544.62 KB,e86lu5lwX8JzDhjU.mp4)

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4ce181 No.21025776

File: 16bb9a860f9b0dc⋯.png (735.57 KB,750x1334,375:667,EF505E7D_58B1_4F1C_A559_D2….png)

Why a Q next to her profile on Wikipedia?

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06d03b No.21025777


ur fucking sick and filtered

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25dc6d No.21025778

File: c5e166e94c13fc5⋯.jpeg (157.17 KB,777x789,259:263,9CE84C14_B28F_489B_B831_C….jpeg)

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1ec08b No.21025779

File: 79eb1c7f28cc854⋯.mp4 (4.76 MB,528x398,264:199,titties.mp4)




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daae43 No.21025780



already notabled.

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894365 No.21025781


Go do some research, so I don't have to see your fuckin dumb posts, shit stain.



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1b5003 No.21025782

File: c820361c912d91f⋯.png (430.67 KB,601x848,601:848,coi.PNG)




Remember when President Trump banned Huawei from installing their cell phone networks in America b/c they’re a spying arm of the CCP?

This may surprise you, but even Joe Biden allowed those prohibitions to remain

Now we find out Huawei has been funding DC non-profits with connections to elite universities



Gabrielle Cuccia



Jun 14

Are you a high schooler looking to go to college?

Maybe a professional seeking a masters?

Think again.

China infiltrated an organization right here in Washington, DC.

And through this organization, they came after you and our universities.

Consider this a warning and

Show more

7:37 AM · Jun 14, 2024




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8efa4b No.21025783

File: 9d3bd76bd1fd166⋯.jpg (174.86 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_15_07_2….jpg)

File: ab8e52063b009a6⋯.jpeg (383.92 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GQE29TJXAAAR8Fe.jpeg)

File: 85aee08f5312a81⋯.jpeg (389.16 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GQE29TtWEAA0igr.jpeg)

File: 7270b0400106a5e⋯.jpeg (259.55 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GQE29UzWMAANIE0.jpeg)

File: 8569ea587339916⋯.jpeg (345.64 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GQE29PtWgAAtGFx.jpeg)

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25dc6d No.21025785

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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25f942 No.21025786


cardboard cutout Kate

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439a42 No.21025787

File: 41d025a5d03b00b⋯.jpeg (1.23 MB,1920x1080,16:9,IMG_2196.jpeg)

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4ce181 No.21025788



>ur fucking sick and filtered

Mad cause it’s true

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06d03b No.21025789

File: 30380c43aaca63c⋯.png (1.3 MB,828x828,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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8efa4b No.21025790

File: 7baa58085c80fc1⋯.jpg (205.91 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_15_07_2….jpg)

File: fcea23604fbde6e⋯.png (148.59 KB,640x1184,20:37,524.png)

File: ee470a325e609ef⋯.jpeg (804.38 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GQGqOrpXoAAA1_k.jpeg)

File: b91de8754029fcc⋯.jpeg (452.04 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GQGqOs_WEAEEV1N.jpeg)

File: d20677e4c7ebd39⋯.jpg (363.67 KB,847x988,847:988,d20677e4c7ebd39ecb9110b360….jpg)

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ce6cfa No.21025791


maybe shoot yourself in your head so I do not have to see yours cock breath.

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06d03b No.21025792

File: e6f829dcb6f85ff⋯.png (733.11 KB,719x899,719:899,ClipboardImage.png)

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06d03b No.21025793

File: c45e37742a8ac56⋯.png (2.46 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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25dc6d No.21025794

File: 0caf9b3274a39d6⋯.jpeg (316.88 KB,828x712,207:178,74163823_BAE6_4D90_BD4A_9….jpeg)

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daae43 No.21025795


why you insulting anons?

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6048a3 No.21025796

File: 0092289e56db8c4⋯.png (38.05 KB,847x332,847:332,ClipboardImage.png)


>>21024776 PB (NEO NAZI BAKER)

>>21025626 PB

What happins when you trigger the NEO NAZIS? (picrel)


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ce6cfa No.21025797


the symbolism does not mean it is. just that they are repeating it for whatever reason.

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4083b2 No.21025798

File: 12cd0ecc5bde5a7⋯.png (43.09 KB,756x253,756:253,Screenshot_2024_06_15_at_0….png)

File: b1fb6f9424d3b58⋯.png (179.24 KB,548x598,274:299,Screenshot_2024_06_15_at_0….png)

Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., claimed this week that former President Donald Trump’s family should stage an “intervention” for him.

“He knows he’s wacky,” Pelosi told MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell on Thursday.

“He knows he’s an imposter,” she claimed. “… Everything he says about somebody else, whether it’s a judge in the courtroom, a witness, a juror, a member of Congress, a woman, an opponent in an election—everything he says is a projection of his own shortcomings.”

Pelosi’s rhetoric was, of course, a projection in its own right. Increasingly Democrats have begun to accuse Republicans—and Trump in particular—of the very behaviors in which they themselves are engaging, even down to the act of projecting onto others.


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06d03b No.21025799

File: 8d667aa0a4c58e7⋯.png (1.91 MB,1070x1091,1070:1091,ClipboardImage.png)

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4ce181 No.21025800




>already notabled.

What’s that say about his family?

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164edd No.21025801

File: f2a4646573a41bb⋯.png (13.9 KB,275x184,275:184,ClipboardImage.png)

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8efa4b No.21025802

File: 1c5d7b34d287189⋯.jpg (148.86 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_15_07_3….jpg)

File: 7f20a8fb5e2dd5a⋯.png (458.64 KB,640x3182,320:1591,144_1_.png)

File: b89772c71474c38⋯.png (215.03 KB,640x738,320:369,1344_1_.png)

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eebf8b No.21025803


since when doesn't symbolism mean anything, anon?

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25dc6d No.21025804

File: db0788209d21043⋯.jpeg (422.97 KB,707x734,707:734,52088A1A_07BE_411A_AF9E_0….jpeg)

Produce the girl.

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06d03b No.21025805

File: e3f4523d9b1c8ac⋯.png (799.15 KB,513x720,57:80,ClipboardImage.png)

1970's beach

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439a42 No.21025806

File: 7857234984e4faa⋯.webp (117.13 KB,214x200,107:100,IMG_2198.webp)

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894365 No.21025807




I sense the evil dripping off that child.

Pure evil.

Never though that was possible.

That child is pure evil but born at the wrong time….

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750e7a No.21025808

File: d3da287c018e316⋯.gif (5.01 MB,600x600,1:1,dayshift_flyby.gif)

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29a52c No.21025809

File: c52e3cddf4c780d⋯.jpg (220.36 KB,921x1280,921:1280,GMSaturday.jpg)

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4ce181 No.21025810


People really knew how to beach back then.

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8efa4b No.21025811

File: 2103beca38f145b⋯.jpg (222.54 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_15_07_3….jpg)

File: 1d4727343836cdc⋯.jpeg (424.29 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GQHAPu1XEAExplV.jpeg)

File: 65cc0d92c2d07fc⋯.png (216.78 KB,640x2128,40:133,72_4_.png)

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4083b2 No.21025812

File: 55ee25ba34cc512⋯.png (698.56 KB,856x775,856:775,Screenshot_2024_06_15_at_0….png)


Nancy Pelosi is losing it.

The former Democrat Speaker of the House is the walking personification of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Her hatred for the former (and likely next) president burns white-hot, as evidenced by her petulant, childish, immature, and unbecoming incident in which she tore up her copy of President Trump's 2020 State of the Union speech. Now, she's just becoming pathetic, as we see in her recent interview with MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell, where she begged the Trump family and the GOP to "stage an intervention" to prevent Trump from running. Why? Probably because she can see that he's winning.

Former House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., called former President Trump an "imposter" in an interview on Thursday and asked that someone stage an "intervention" for him.

"He knows he's wacky," Pelosi told MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell. "He knows he's an imposter."

"But I do wish there would be an intervention from his family, assuming they love him beyond the resources … that they would intervene," she said, adding that she also hoped that the "Republican Party would have an intervention."

An intervention? Is she serious? It seems she is.

Trump, being Trump, has hit her hard on her role in the January 6th hooliganism.

"Nancy Pelosi was in charge of security. She turned down 10,000 soldiers," he told NBC’s "Meet the Press" host Kristen Welker at his Bedminster, New Jersey, golf club at the time. "If she didn’t turn down the soldiers, you wouldn’t have had Jan. 6."

It would have been roundly entertaining to have seen Nancy Pelosi's face when and if she heard that.

What's really great about all this is that Nancy Pelosi, she of the tearing-up of government documents, she of the burning rage at all things Trump, is a poster child for everything that is wrong with politics in the United States today. She has grown monstrously rich on her relatively modest congressional salary, especially during her tenure as Speaker. She has made some amazingly profitable stock trades, which, if you believe her trades in the stock market are on the up and up, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

In short, she's everything wrong with American politics, in one aging package. She is spiteful, corrupt, venal, angry, and did I mention corrupt?

There are good arguments for and against term limits. I generally find the arguments for term limits more persuasive, but the against side does have some good points to make. But on the "for" side of that argument is Nancy Pelosi and her ilk. She has made a career of a role that the Founders envisioned as a temporary term, served by citizen-legislators. And today, now, in this interview as well as others she has given recently, it's clear that she's failing, mentally and physically.


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85c4f8 No.21025813



Pick your own curriculum

Or risk your child being taught by Libtards

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ce6cfa No.21025814


it always means something but is the interpretation correct and is it what people say it is ..yes she wore the same dress, yes it is creepy, yes it sets it up, but that does not at the end mean the kid is the anti-christ,

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894365 No.21025815


Yep, Kate is a muttly.

The new version is prettier by a lot.

The shape, proportions and mole are too different.

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09c4ec No.21025816

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New York Post



Kate Middleton attends Trooping the Colour parade in first appearance since cancer announcement.

Very distracted

dead serious

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ce6cfa No.21025817


wow you get all that from the internet pictures you must be really gifted.

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6048a3 No.21025818

File: fb4a198a2b0b9ec⋯.png (209.93 KB,1300x942,650:471,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b01f094eeb61b02⋯.png (1.56 MB,1200x720,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d9f85418e3e617⋯.png (637.03 KB,790x438,395:219,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 55099b0b2eb03b9⋯.png (995.27 KB,1000x667,1000:667,ClipboardImage.png)

File: de8c715989db3a1⋯.png (146.13 KB,551x663,551:663,ClipboardImage.png)



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311b2d No.21025819

File: 0c6e2d0f9b31f7c⋯.png (585.48 KB,646x425,38:25,bacon.png)


good morning

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4ce181 No.21025820

File: 16bb9a860f9b0dc⋯.png (735.57 KB,750x1334,375:667,7BF05CC7_FAA6_4011_8F79_7F….png)

Lara Trump Q

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9ac033 No.21025821

File: 2f10b0a32a796e0⋯.png (942.09 KB,1294x804,647:402,2f10b0a32a796e0c4e20e836ed….png)



God bless proprietary day of the week GMs

Keep up the guud werk

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85c4f8 No.21025822


They are forced to murder another child at an early age. What does that do to a kid?

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09c4ec No.21025824


Full potato tornado going on in the drunken head

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8efa4b No.21025825

File: f749da81326bb42⋯.jpg (237.28 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_15_07_4….jpg)

File: b863b2775f3bfe6⋯.png (217.26 KB,640x2340,32:117,1258_3_.png)

File: f85547ff8b46197⋯.jpeg (409.75 KB,2047x1360,2047:1360,GP_zCTjaQAAGfCn.jpeg)


12:58 AM

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311b2d No.21025826

File: 9d80e665110305b⋯.png (1.03 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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06d03b No.21025828

File: 46537bb9258c6d3⋯.png (1.26 MB,768x860,192:215,ClipboardImage.png)

Rate my door install

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894365 No.21025829


Nothing, if they are already evil incarnated

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9ac033 No.21025830


That's actually a microwave they are all huddled around and waiting for soggy tendies on deployment

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daae43 No.21025831

#25783 >>21025686@100

>>21025698 RFK twat & Q78

>>21025721 No wedding ring on William

>>21025722 How Public Schools Became Ideological Boot Camps

>>21025782 @DC_Draino: Remember when President Trump banned Huawei from installing their cell phone networks in America b/c they’re a spying arm of the CCP?

>>21025816 Kate Middleton attends Trooping the Colour parade in first appearance since cancer announcement.

baker seeking handoff

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09c4ec No.21025835

Coo coo panic for a leisurely sabbath

Don'tcha thunk?

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daae43 No.21025836

>>21025686 Dough

>>21025831 Notes @100

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8efa4b No.21025840

File: 37c4c15b38e062d⋯.jpg (228.52 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_15_07_4….jpg)

File: b6927a229d9481f⋯.png (33.26 KB,640x452,160:113,957_2_.png)

File: fd78075435e0d95⋯.png (35.97 KB,640x452,160:113,2157_1_.png)

File: 72428a27df7cfbf⋯.jpeg (577.25 KB,2048x1670,1024:835,GQFD7viWgAAnI2f.jpeg)

File: 29f39673a62b3c9⋯.png (70.86 KB,640x708,160:177,1943_7_.png)

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bf89be No.21025844


Well, they have nothing else. Only the smear campaign and the wrap-up smear that Nancy thoroughly explained to everyone in one of her rare, lucid moments.

This tactic has been use ad-nausium and anyone having a braincell or two left knows it. But, there are those out there who are true believers and are incapable of peering outside of that small, elongated myopic tube they view their ideology through. Q said 4 to 6 percent. I think it's closer to 20 to 25 perccent.

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6048a3 No.21025846

File: cbf205314d9c934⋯.png (480.84 KB,474x723,158:241,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b48a9177057771e⋯.png (26.87 KB,375x500,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b11cb0349375d2⋯.png (193.4 KB,398x445,398:445,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 422936a2ce438c0⋯.png (18.92 KB,358x282,179:141,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef5a0d490f1c691⋯.png (513.66 KB,1410x647,1410:647,ClipboardImage.png)


How can you tell the neo nazis are GROOMERS?

They GROOM Kids

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06d03b No.21025847

File: 78f5f2815739de6⋯.png (2.55 MB,1153x994,1153:994,ClipboardImage.png)

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4ee2bb No.21025851

sick and hateful shills are wilful in the breads today.

the best tactic is to just ignore them if you can or go do something else.

I'll go do something else.

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daae43 No.21025852


FO faggit.

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25f942 No.21025853

File: 22a1dc956c59cdc⋯.png (824.74 KB,900x579,300:193,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 721ab6d4ba9e24e⋯.png (2.26 MB,1200x720,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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09c7b5 No.21025855

Morning anons…

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eebf8b No.21025857


>Kate Middleton attends Trooping the Colour parade

in lb were many more pictures and sauce

here is one with lots of pics of Kate so you can decide if she ded or alive or replaced/cloned/3d printed etc.


Kate Middleton is seen in public for first time since cancer diagnosis: Smiling Princess of Wales is joined by her three children in horse-drawn carriage down the Mall as cheering fans show their support

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daae43 No.21025860


stick around, shills are leaving.

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85c4f8 No.21025861


Everyone is born evil incarnated.

Only by the Grace of God, is anyone steered in the opposite direction.

These kids are steered into serving Satan instead of serving God.

They are groomed for Satan.

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dcd7d3 No.21025863


Shut up and drive.

Stop at the Circle-K on the way.

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048d85 No.21025865

File: 379f752cc337c1d⋯.webp (769.93 KB,798x800,399:400,379f752cc337c1d306043254a….webp)

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894365 No.21025867


Looks like they grew a new one, she is prettier and her mouth problem has been fixed, new teeth… it's every easy to transfere consciousness from one body to another, or split the conscious life force into multiple, fracticaled…

Anyway, the old one is dead.

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bf89be No.21025870


That is "art in motion". Absolutely beautiful!!!

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ce6cfa No.21025871


and the crazy keeps piling up

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25f942 No.21025875

File: 6509a92fe149f62⋯.png (599.76 KB,500x627,500:627,ClipboardImage.png)

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bf89be No.21025876


Based. Hope for the future.

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eebf8b No.21025877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Right now!

While everybody is waiting under the balcony the song "Somewhere over the Rainbow is playing"!!!

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abf191 No.21025882

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Never Forget

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25f942 No.21025884


sounds like a war zone

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daae43 No.21025888


Vatican Shill going for a new theme??

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eebf8b No.21025889


rewind a bit then you hear it

before the gun shots started

they were playing "somwhere over the rainbow"

the song from Wizard of Oz!

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daae43 No.21025894


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894365 No.21025896


I don't have time for you

You're worthless

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a0f9d0 No.21025897

File: 29d9528d8da3385⋯.mp4 (14.02 MB,1066x600,533:300,8kun_free_speech.mp4)

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bf89be No.21025903


Quite the opposte. A child is born pure. Blank canvas. It is the environment that child grows up in that determines who and what that child will become. Don't think I've ever seen a newborn baby commit evil acts.

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09c4ec No.21025905

File: ce9a4b8f1291d39⋯.jpg (42.97 KB,339x566,339:566,Screenshot_20240615_075531….jpg)

CanceR patient standing in the piss pouring rain.

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eebf8b No.21025910


they all stepping out on balcony now

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12701f No.21025912




Well, she looks better than ever….?

Chemo hasn't made her hair fall out. She may be on regeneron or some newer/experimental cocktail treatment that's not so harsh on the body.

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f9afae No.21025917

File: 4d108e389029fb8⋯.png (782.95 KB,962x540,481:270,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 560e9a30eb15aa8⋯.png (679.43 KB,948x533,948:533,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02c3949522be5c3⋯.png (172.66 KB,314x386,157:193,ClipboardImage.png)

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003b6a No.21025919

File: a323bdd87d8dbe4⋯.png (90.13 KB,500x500,1:1,a323bdd87d8dbe493746329f99….png)

Open AI is actually closed v AI - in the traditional network definition of code apes.

If we are interested in open coded AI we can alway go here :


instead of cough , paying for it.

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f9afae No.21025923

File: f84dd30f93a1452⋯.png (1.15 MB,1259x723,1259:723,ClipboardImage.png)

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68d56d No.21025928

who would you prefer purchase infowars

A. Joe Rogan

B. Elon Musk

C. Truth Social

D. Tucker Carlson

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6048a3 No.21025930

File: bb5e9043a1f2642⋯.png (26.55 KB,350x327,350:327,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c707a6ea283f3e1⋯.png (383.82 KB,786x652,393:326,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dabe3dee0b2e88e⋯.png (2.19 MB,1200x1513,1200:1513,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19da5cdd470dfe3⋯.png (594.15 KB,1125x591,375:197,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf24a342dc0fb2d⋯.png (219.92 KB,350x350,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



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bf89be No.21025932


You need a severe, ICU worthy ass beating you fucking degenerate.

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85c4f8 No.21025934


everyone is conceived in sin

People don't become sinful, they are born sinful.

There is no transition point in a person's life that they go from being not sinful to being sinful.

If people were a blank canvas, as you say, then there should be some people who have never sinned.

Even a person's thoughts are sinful.

Babies are born totally selfish.

Waaah, waaah, waaah, feed me.

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bf89be No.21025935


Kek'n. Ingenius. I like it.

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25dc6d No.21025936

File: a82414c099f22d0⋯.jpeg (669.17 KB,828x1205,828:1205,AD66C32D_46C2_420B_8A1F_4….jpeg)


Think it's easy?

She had a choice?

No, never did.


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25dc6d No.21025937

File: c56bd88dd68d2c3⋯.jpeg (106.83 KB,828x710,414:355,2A56A9E1_B03A_4590_B04D_E….jpeg)

File: f7c73eb56d191a0⋯.jpeg (119.88 KB,828x434,414:217,7A851DCA_87CE_4487_AA23_2….jpeg)

File: 9207735ffc0e4e5⋯.jpeg (104.58 KB,828x534,138:89,491B2C9D_E508_4AAA_B37F_6….jpeg)

File: 8315896581b3ef3⋯.jpeg (147.43 KB,828x644,9:7,B4FA3A27_9C21_4051_B433_5….jpeg)

File: a81bcc70baf438f⋯.jpeg (341.47 KB,828x936,23:26,011D591E_4A72_41E7_9E4B_2….jpeg)


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06d03b No.21025938

File: 04e3f12fa3a3d0f⋯.png (252.62 KB,468x616,117:154,ClipboardImage.png)

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f9afae No.21025942

File: 40d7c8528feab7c⋯.png (883.56 KB,1361x547,1361:547,ClipboardImage.png)

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bf89be No.21025945


So you shift the subject? I said nothing about sin asshat. Everyone sins to one degree or another and they do so from a learned or forced behavior influenced by others. Tell me genius, just exactly how does a newborn baby sin?

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49ca08 No.21025947

File: bbc9da1bf264d72⋯.png (155.58 KB,996x1080,83:90,ClipboardImage.png)


>Why a Q next to her profile on Wikipedia?

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eebf8b No.21025953


even old witch Camilla looks better than ever

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daae43 No.21025955

PROTO is on for obvious reasons.

Proto Signup & Activation

1 - buy Proto membership: https://shop.isitwetyet.com/p/Proto-membership/

2 - Enter your email address: https://sys.8kun.top/membership.php

3 - Set Proto credentials: https://8kun.top/proto-memberaccess.html

Regular bakers can get a Proto pass by contacting BO @F4AL@protonmail.com

It's STEP 3 that is needed for verifying a baker proto pass.

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daae43 No.21025956


enough, these are spam.

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b48325 No.21025957


keep collecting news and digs, repost once Proto is lifted.

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b48325 No.21025958

G test

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b48325 No.21025959


G test 2

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06d03b No.21025960

File: f56bca3ae3c6f4f⋯.png (327.92 KB,362x414,181:207,ClipboardImage.png)

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06d03b No.21025961

1 more time to confirm

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b48325 No.21025962

R test 2

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56a4b1 No.21025963

File: 9e65f83d6cf06a0⋯.png (573.13 KB,618x463,618:463,c9e76c5f7ad906a03460281b8b….png)


mornin yo

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ea3622 No.21025964

File: ef0c9e36fc2dcc8⋯.jpg (67.21 KB,877x530,877:530,abl2.JPG)

File: 288b90b90b4be9f⋯.jpg (63.69 KB,846x535,846:535,abl1.JPG)


Adobe Sparks Backlash Over AI Terms That Let It 'Access, View Your Content'

June 6, 2024

Original Story:

Adobe's updated terms of use allow its machine learning tools to view and use customers' content to develop future Adobe products—but it's unclear exactly what that entails.

"We may access, view, or listen to your Content," the legal agreement reads. "But only in limited ways, and only as permitted by law."

Adobe's Content section continues: "Our automated systems may analyze your Content […] using techniques such as machine learning in order to improve our Services and Software and the user experience." Machine learning is a subset of AI.

Some Adobe software users, like Hollywood filmmaker Duncan Jones, expressed frustration at terms that let the tech firm use customer work for its own interests without the ability to opt-out.


Adobe Is Changing Its Terms of Use Again After Backlash

June 11, 2024

Adobe is reworking its Terms of Use to try to clear up confusion about how it does and doesn't access its customers' creative work.

"We recently rolled out a re-acceptance of our Terms of Use which has led to concerns about what these terms are and what they mean to our customers," Adobe's Chief Strategy Officer Scott Belsky and Dana Rao, who leads Adobe's legal policy, write in a blog post Monday. "Over the next few days, we will speak to our customers with a plan to roll out updated changes by June 18."

Adobe reaffirmed Monday that it won't use customer creations or data to train any generative AI tools. "We’ve never trained generative AI on customer content, taken ownership of a customer’s work, or allowed access to customer content beyond legal requirements. Nor were we considering any of those practices as part of the recent Terms of Use update," Belsky and Rao added.

Adobe admitted it was time to make its legal language more readable for customers without law degrees.


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09c4ec No.21025965

File: fcd249ac91a4a8f⋯.jpg (58.51 KB,544x680,4:5,GIZXWvZWcAA8A9.jpg)

So sad

She doesn't have that far away look but she does have that distracted look.

And the children are just as preoccupied.

William didn't smile

Though he was all smiles up til being around his family.

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048d85 No.21025966

File: 727bbae8752f6d8⋯.jpeg (102.7 KB,400x560,5:7,727bbae8752f6d850a400c862….jpeg)

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dcd7d3 No.21025967


No cares given.

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096169 No.21025968

File: b52679c80c6249a⋯.png (53.6 KB,421x297,421:297,your_my_bitch_now.png)


OH, the neo nazis can post all the jew spam they want tho, right?

widdle neo nazis get their feels hurt when you give it back tho.

Thin-skinned lil neo fags.







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cfc438 No.21025978

Good morning, friends.

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ec95d4 No.21025984

File: d45da2bda7a14f5⋯.mp4 (2.82 MB,720x1280,9:16,2.mp4)

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6017d3 No.21025985


kids are sad

they know mom is ded

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daeea3 No.21025992


so they're still doing it but now going to use Orwellian double speak to make it sound nicer?

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256d42 No.21025994


Americans in general look down on Mexico, which is precisely the attitude with which the Committee wants the people of the United States to regard Mexico. What we need to do is change our thinking about Mexico and South America in general. Mexico represents a potentially huge market for all types of U.S. goods which could mean thousands of jobs for Americans and Mexicans alike. Transferring our industries "south of the border" and paying the maquiladores slave wages is not in the interests of either country. It benefits nobody but the "Olympians."

Mexico received most of its nuclear power technology from Argentina, but the Malvinas War put an end to that. The Club of Rome decreed back in 1986 that it would stop exports of nuclear technology to developing countries. With nuclear power stations generating abundant cheap electricity, Mexico would have become the "Germany of Latin America." Such a state of affairs would have been a disaster for the conspirators who have, by 1991, stopped all exports of nuclear technology except that destined for Israel.

What the Committee of 300 has in mind for Mexico is a feudal peasantry, a condition that allows for easy management and looting of Mexican oil. A stable and prosperous Mexico can only be a plus for the United States. This is what the conspirators wish to prevent, so they have engaged in decades of innuendo, slander and direct economic war on Mexico.

Before former President Lopes Portillo took office and nationalized the banks Mexico was losing $200 million a day to capital flight, organized and orchestrated by the Committee of 300's representatives in banks and brokerage houses on Wall Street.

If only we in the United States had statesmen and not politicians running the country, we could act together and set back the One World Government-New World Order plans to return Mexico to a state of helplessness. If we were able to defeat the Club of Rome's plans for Mexico, it would come as a shock to the Committee of 300, a shock from which they would take a long time to recover.

The inheritors of the Illuminati pose as great a threat to the United States as they do to Mexico. By seeking common ground with Mexican patriotic movements we in the United States could forge a formidable force to be reckoned with. But such action requires leadership, and we are more lacking in leadership than in any other area of endeavor.


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278b87 No.21025996

File: f5f8e09f4530f39⋯.jpg (86.81 KB,1200x630,40:21,davidgoliath.jpg)

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0c8ed7 No.21025997

File: e50e73cf145276a⋯.gif (55.88 KB,828x358,414:179,e50e73cf145276a0cb89158ae6….gif)


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09c4ec No.21026002


Camilla the warthog is the turd in the pinch bowl

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048d85 No.21026003

File: e209d0b2d5fc042⋯.gif (110.95 KB,479x681,479:681,Shillcon3.gif)

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12701f No.21026005

File: 632c4704dfbb08a⋯.png (230.12 KB,ClipboardImage.png)

This Dan tweet from last night seems to confirm that 45-47 is still in charge


tyb >>21025686

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ea3622 No.21026006

File: 43cf70722a31e9f⋯.jpg (141.17 KB,431x245,431:245,pcmgp.jpg)

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09c4ec No.21026007

Officials in the Biden administration told CBS News that they interpret Israel's recent attacks deep in Lebanon as preparation for a massive and widespread attack by the IDF in the region.


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daeea3 No.21026008

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09c4ec No.21026009


Par excellence


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0c8ed7 No.21026010

File: 5a5077b660c3068⋯.jpg (63.06 KB,688x557,688:557,UntitledJLHHK_.jpg)

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ea3622 No.21026011

File: 2981145311fd9a4⋯.png (341.83 KB,631x630,631:630,2981145311fd9a46f53da861bf….png)

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048d85 No.21026014

File: 0223d9396398c0a⋯.png (81.47 KB,499x499,1:1,0223d9396398c0aaf4ca2428d4….png)

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15414f No.21026019

File: 0b909db2b498a4e⋯.jpeg (457.55 KB,1117x608,1117:608,F15A954F_BE32_4C1B_9DF9_9….jpeg)

File: 6f8eeb493ad4f67⋯.jpeg (631.26 KB,1193x611,1193:611,F30FF0BD_8F90_42D5_B7EF_1….jpeg)

File: dff0e1a96399d69⋯.jpeg (415.01 KB,833x569,833:569,139B5CFD_FFF0_4A0F_83FC_D….jpeg)

>>21025044 lb

PF: Potato got up ‘early’ and already at LA, Nightwatch heading to Tucson from Mildenhall depart

Potato in 92-9000 747 landed at Los Angeles Intl from JBA depart about an hour ago

82-8000 747 as the escort is at Nellis AFB, Las Vegas

73-1676 E4B Nightwatch heading to Tucson after it’s later than normal depart from RAF Mildenhall-it got a “drink” over the ‘sidewalk’ after crossing Atlantic and left later to make the longer trip to Tucson

EXEC1F C40BFlauxtusarrived at Phoenix last night from Reno >>21024587 pb

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12701f No.21026020

it was/is raining and they wiped their eyes - they also squinted each time they looked up


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003b6a No.21026022

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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467407 No.21026023

File: 25a2275f5a4f7e3⋯.jpeg (83.21 KB,1080x720,3:2,18171F5B_860C_47C6_A710_D….jpeg)

who do you want to see serve as President Trump’s next press secretary?

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93c3e3 No.21026026

File: 5698959c29c8633⋯.png (46.88 KB,962x692,481:346,nazi_spam.png)

File: 85a8669a648a250⋯.png (486.89 KB,979x1241,979:1241,PWN_parakletos.png)

File: 4a2f17feb78603a⋯.png (214.25 KB,978x712,489:356,Parakletos_in_the_ass.png)

File: 4c2f0b41126a6dd⋯.png (204.77 KB,585x490,117:98,pepe_mem_them_until_they_c….png)

File: e2abd32bfd8a3e1⋯.jpg (123.18 KB,1125x1296,125:144,Trump_Cry_harder_karen.jpg)

How can anons tell when parakeet is triggered?

It's in t's moms basement crying NOW

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048d85 No.21026027


an Anon that will shitpost to the press

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b48325 No.21026028

#25783 >>21025686

>>21025698 RFK twat & Q78

>>21025721 No wedding ring on William

>>21025722 How Public Schools Became Ideological Boot Camps

>>21025782 @DC_Draino: Remember when President Trump banned Huawei from installing their cell phone networks in America b/c they’re a spying arm of the CCP?

>>21025816, >>21025877, >>21025917 Kate Middleton attends Trooping the Colour parade in first appearance since cancer announcement; more on Colour parade

bake is GHOSTED

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e81a27 No.21026030

File: 945f90bbfe8745e⋯.png (45.84 KB,1066x772,533:386,ClipboardImage.png)

File: af9d66b233594d0⋯.png (448.24 KB,691x381,691:381,ClipboardImage.png)

Low jizzy

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bf89be No.21026031



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bf89be No.21026032


Had no idea Lara did all of that. She is beautiful, intelligent and based but she's not Q. There is someone very close to POTUS who very well could be. And she is as stunning as Lara.

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594318 No.21026033

File: 52c57bd0be202b2⋯.jpeg (193.36 KB,1080x1449,120:161,58nu9I5.jpeg)

File: cc295540f9313e8⋯.png (208.73 KB,484x501,484:501,zdfsav.png)

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83412a No.21026034

"We had a plan on how to pay you before we stole your work. Honest. We just hadn't gotten to that part, yet."

Perplexity was planning revenue-sharing deals with publishers when it came under media fire


Perplexity, the AI search startup that recently came under fire from Forbes for allegedly misusing its content, was already working on revenue-sharing deals with high-quality publishers.

Perplexity has not announced the details of those partnerships, but the company aims to unveil its plans soon, the company’s chief business officer, Dmitry Shevelenko, said.

The deals would be a first-of-its-kind revenue stream for media companies, providing a framework to earn recurring income. In contrast, OpenAI is paying media companies upfront to use their archives for training new AI models. It’s debatable how long OpenAI and other foundation model companies will need that data, meaning the deals could be one-offs."


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a0f9d0 No.21026035


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a0f9d0 No.21026036

File: 628169b7b4cf95f⋯.png (263.3 KB,350x490,5:7,ClipboardImage.png)


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83412a No.21026037


He'll soon be next in appearing since you know who has rolled on to Spam Plan "J".



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1b5003 No.21026038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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2af999 No.21026039


Laundering intel to pass back to the Yanks

tsk tsk

M's -> Richard Dearlove -> Christopher Steele

wankers the whole bloody lot

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bf89be No.21026040

Q, is Gov. Doug Bergum part of the "Plan" moving forward in 2028?

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81b128 No.21026041

File: b1f225beead4f9f⋯.png (88.14 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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1b5003 No.21026042

File: a75e8735fdffb70⋯.png (255.73 KB,477x674,477:674,works.PNG)


Soap Scum

trusted product

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93c3e3 No.21026043

File: 082cef5894922b1⋯.png (1.36 MB,2413x1521,2413:1521,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09af61e0626aba8⋯.png (322.79 KB,643x584,643:584,ClipboardImage.png)



Make those groomer lil neo bitches CRY MOAR

neo's in the kitchen

>>21024776 PB NEO BAKER


Go groom neo faggots somewhere else

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83412a No.21026044

File: b935039ea705340⋯.png (52.47 KB,679x326,679:326,ClipboardImage.png)


Wall Street Silver


Argentina's inflation rate (MoM) has now fallen 5 months in a row. Javier Milei was sworn in December 10, 2023 just 7 months ago.

Down from 25.5% to just 4.2%

How did Argentina's President Javier Milei do it?

Slashing government spending.


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0c8ed7 No.21026045

File: 21385589803f2d9⋯.webp (53.57 KB,640x360,16:9,6lwxqkpqvvw01.webp)


Morning swordy

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bc3c36 No.21026046


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bf89be No.21026047


Good. Take those motherfuckers out!!!!!

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2af999 No.21026048


The more you GM

The more you GM

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34959c No.21026049

File: de21cea1be730ec⋯.png (161.45 KB,669x763,669:763,ClipboardImage.png)

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1b5003 No.21026050

File: da4bbc8bc8b668e⋯.png (441.66 KB,595x697,35:41,tc.PNG)


Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes


Yes! You bet there is a Plan. @ajtata

Former Brig. General Tata, author of his new book The Phalanx Code & Double Crossfire confirms the plan is in place.


Rob Cunningham | KUWL.show



Jun 10

🎙️There Has Always Been a Plan.

Hear former U.S. Army General & Under Secretary of Defense Policy @ajtata confirm what every America can benefit from hearing.

I encourage all to listen to every single minute of this 32 minute interview.

This 3-part @X post includes:

1) My

Show more

9:03 AM · Jun 13, 2024




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bf89be No.21026051

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1b5003 No.21026052

File: 44612557de3e04e⋯.png (625.68 KB,610x611,610:611,6.PNG)

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36a3d0 No.21026053

File: a5a9af747f1ae28⋯.jpg (37.2 KB,768x512,3:2,Point_Giorgia_Meloni_Italy.jpg)

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3463a6 No.21026054

File: f6e63d8e5761582⋯.png (1.85 MB,1024x915,1024:915,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

June 15, 2024

Prominences and Filaments on the Active Sun

This colorized and sharpened image of the Sun is composed of frames recording emission from hydrogen atoms in the solar chromosphere on May 15. Approaching the maximum of solar cycle 25, a multitude of active regions and twisting, snake-like solar filaments are seen to sprawl across the surface of the active Sun. Suspend in the active regions' strong magnetic fields, the filaments of plasma lofted above the Sun's edge appear as bright solar prominences. The large prominences seen near 4 o'clock, and just before 9 o'clock around the solar limb are post flare loops from two powerful X-class solar flares that both occurred on that day. In fact, the 4 o'clock prominence is associated with the monster active region AR 3664 just rotating off the Sun's edge.


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1b5003 No.21026055

File: d266584d50422fa⋯.png (41.96 KB,1351x323,1351:323,iron.PNG)

File: 4c6098993ec82a3⋯.png (906.77 KB,906x911,906:911,ask_not.PNG)


Donald Trump

Trump vows to build Israel-style 'Great Iron Dome' over US if re-elected: 'Made in America'

Trump said that he would make a "beautiful" Iron Dome if elected

Sarah Rumpf-Whitten By Sarah Rumpf-Whitten Fox News

Published June 15, 2024 12:01am EDT

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15414f No.21026056

File: 041a93c3e25c6f7⋯.jpeg (681.2 KB,1130x610,113:61,49F2101F_3178_409F_B316_5….jpeg)

File: 953e908409dd5a2⋯.jpeg (539.21 KB,1196x617,1196:617,3DDBF317_B7B4_48A6_9809_D….jpeg)

PF: Trudope just arrived for muh “peace” summit at Zurich Intl, kneepads arrived in SAM048-not AF2-earlier

>>21012104 pb

RCAF CFC01Trudopejust arrived at Zurich from Taranto Airport depart

This is pretty rich considering the history of the murdered indigenous children in Canada and remember Zelensky went to Qatar and said same thing >>20972619 pb

Stolen children must be returned, Trudeau says as he departs for Ukraine peace talks


>>21024359, >>21024416 pb

SAM048 C32Akneepadsarrived at Zurich Intl with SAM947 C32A as escort

RCH4598 C17 Globey went to Spangdahlem and still getting equipment from Potato’s trip to Paris

>>21023614 pb

SPAR11 C40C went to Stuttgart (AFRICOM) from JBA depart and SPAR24 went to Dublin, Ireland

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2af999 No.21026057


Over the Rainbow?

Where does the rainbow end?

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a0f9d0 No.21026058

File: 06b913c49f23d8e⋯.mp4 (635.4 KB,360x650,36:65,RedFolder.mp4)

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1b5003 No.21026059

File: 1a3cea7650e6a8a⋯.png (29.52 KB,1031x332,1031:332,track.PNG)



Lara Trump vows to prosecute anyone who cheats in an election: ‘We will track you down’

by Lauren Irwin - 06/15/24 8:16 AM ET

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a0f9d0 No.21026060


>Stolen children must be returned, Trudeau says

can we say projection?

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19ef93 No.21026061

File: 916428e80285d7b⋯.jpg (74.04 KB,594x466,297:233,0_9af15ec230c8a7361846f925….jpg)

File: de3bee8edb144e9⋯.gif (135.29 KB,926x271,926:271,9af15ec230c8a7361842488389….gif)

File: 377b15a27728ed0⋯.gif (337.8 KB,500x300,5:3,9af15ec230c8a7361841a25fda….gif)

some working notes on the idea of time


a spiral tape measure

for measuring change of state

all things continually change

from simple to complex

determined by the influence,

from the surrounding environment

natural or artificial

and the composition of a thing itself

change is a spiraling pulse (omni-d)

which can occur in a series

with variable increases / decreases

in pulse diameter

toward or away from a zero line

distance from zero line

distance between pulses

determines quantity of energy type

to exist is to change

2d fluctuating diameter of repeated pulses

non-existence is absence of change

zero line

expression of time:

entering existence (start of time, i.e. change)

gradient of increasing diameter of pulses

existence duration

minimal diameter fluctuations near maximum pulse diameter

exiting existence (end of time, i.e. change)

gradient of decreasing diameter of pulses

modulating time / change / existence:


-diameter of pulse

-distance between pulses

-length of node between pulses

measurement grid axis

same grid as for measuring a sine wave

-diameter line

-zero line

center point of maximum diameter pulse

that connects to same of previous and next pulse

time expansion (slowing)

decrease in occurrence of change

-increase diameter of a series of pulses

-increase length of a series of pulses

time contraction (quickening)

increase in occurance of change

-decrease diameter of a series of pulses

-decrease length of a series of pulses

time stasis (frozen/freezing)

prevention of change

-increase the length of a specific diameter of a pulse

a pulse as a series of

increasing diameters followed by

maximum diameters followed by

decreasing diameters,

that occur between nodes

time extension

delaying the gradient of decreasing pulse diameter

-increase the length of node between a series of pulses

time termination

collapsing the pulse

preventing pulse formation

-exceed the tolerance of natural progression,

of pulse formation or deformation

transition boundary / threshold event

between 33 and 45 degrees

90 degrees maximum, being zero line to maximum diameter (peak/trough)

boundary on both sides of maximum diameter

occurs when natural progression tolerance is exceeded by x

similar to the "event horizon" of a "black hole"

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b1399d No.21026062

File: 74a6ba681aba310⋯.jpg (485.79 KB,760x1003,760:1003,74a6ba681aba310d7c25360b04….jpg)

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9aa5dd No.21026063


"Ma!" "Grampa is yelling at people again!"

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c129b5 No.21026064

File: 30cf75c7feb3212⋯.png (1.21 MB,819x826,117:118,ClipboardImage.png)

Fort Bend County candidate charged for allegedly faking racist social media attacks against himself

June 13, 2024

FORT BEND COUNTY, Texas (KTRK) – The Democratic challenger for Fort Bend County Precinct 3 commissioner is facing charges for allegedlycreating a fake social media account to post racist comments directed at himselfafter the Republican incumbent requested an investigation last year.

According to arrest warrant documents, Pct. 3 Commissioner Andy Meyers requested the Fort Bend County District Attorney's Office begin an investigation in October regarding the source behind several social media posts directed at his opponent, Taral Patel.

This came after Patel, 30, issued a statement on his social media accounts with a collage of racist posts that he claimed were directed at him. Although many of the usernames were concealed, Meyers told investigators he recognized an account that went by the name "Antonio Scalywag" as someone who had attacked him before.

Investigators found that the fake account used a profile photo that belonged to someone else.The DA's office issued a subpoena to Facebook and Google, which allowed them to obtain account data that matched Patel's address, phone number, Texas driver's license number, bank card number, and other personal information.

On Wednesday, the Texas Rangers arrested Patel on athird-degree felony charge for online impersonationand a Class A misdemeanor charge for misrepresentation of identity, which is found under the Texas Election Code. A spokesperson with the Fort Bend County District Attorney's Office saidthis is the first time their agency has charged someone with an election-related offense.

Patel previously served as chief of staff for Fort Bend County Judge KP George from 2018 to 2021, according to his LinkedIn. In a statement to ABC13, George wrote:

"As a public official, I address the recent events involving a former employee with a deep sense of concern. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, I emphasize the vital importance of upholding the principles of due process and impartial investigation. I trust that this matter will be examined without prejudice. While awaiting additional information, I reaffirm my commitment to ensuring justice and accountability. I look forward to gaining a complete understanding of the circumstances surrounding this unfortunate incident."

Requests for comment from Patel were not answered. A spokesperson for Meyers' office said they had no comment and deferred any official statement to law enforcement.

Patel's bond was set at $20,000 for the felony and $2,500 for the misdemeanor. He bonded out of the Fort Bend County Jail early Thursday morning. His next court appearance is scheduled for July 22.


His election website is still up collection money:


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43766d No.21026065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

British Championship Hillclimb LIVE from Doune - Saturday


13K subscribers

Don't think there are any EVs participating, kek.

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1b5003 No.21026066

File: 686b242ad88383a⋯.jpg (33.9 KB,810x342,45:19,my_name_is_6_Copy_3_.JPG)


you lost me after oct 7th came up 10 times in about five min

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15414f No.21026067

File: e2f2881b68a9004⋯.jpeg (688.21 KB,1230x613,1230:613,B9588566_882C_4E5B_8DB3_8….jpeg)

File: c22fa58eeb726b0⋯.jpeg (491.03 KB,1047x716,1047:716,EEEBAF27_443A_411B_8D90_B….jpeg)


Argentina AF ARG-01 777 arrived at Zurich Intl about 5h ago with Trudope just gating right next to this AC

>how did he do it? Cap 2

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439a42 No.21026068

File: 94e420d25d78a3e⋯.gif (1.45 MB,346x194,173:97,IMG_2197.gif)

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93c3e3 No.21026069

File: c86304563ecad9b⋯.png (1.83 MB,1361x782,1361:782,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d902e663fbc35b2⋯.png (1020.9 KB,1125x1122,375:374,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc8ccbc019fda5a⋯.png (145.05 KB,474x302,237:151,ClipboardImage.png)

Lil bitch got dumped by a girl and turns into a NEO GROOMER PEDO

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439a42 No.21026070

File: f64381354d32c3c⋯.jpeg (264.43 KB,1171x877,1171:877,IMG_2139.jpeg)

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439a42 No.21026071

File: 3226289808aac6d⋯.jpeg (272.78 KB,1366x912,683:456,8F914512_E694_4575_9F25_0….jpeg)

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1b5003 No.21026072

File: 1c70620d7ace9ff⋯.png (389.24 KB,582x586,291:293,gen_x.PNG)


Clown World ™ 🤡


I like her! 🤣

7:56 AM · Jun 14, 2024




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73abe2 No.21026073


Noticed the "neo's" are coming with information. You do not, nor do you rebut any information they provide, all you do is kvetch pretentiously. Hmmm…

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9aa5dd No.21026075


That hyphen in her last name is a clue.

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439a42 No.21026076

File: d3fe8a265ad809f⋯.png (648.74 KB,768x432,16:9,FF3525BA_8514_4CEB_B43A_73….png)

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1b5003 No.21026079

File: 17a3e26dd851a2e⋯.png (2.12 MB,961x871,961:871,ate.PNG)




waiting for Mondays shareholder meeting


2:46 AM · Jun 15, 2024




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439a42 No.21026081

File: c281a1bdc43946f⋯.jpeg (256.41 KB,1130x1046,565:523,IMG_2045.jpeg)

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83412a No.21026082

Noooo, you'se trapped in here wid us.

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93c3e3 No.21026086

File: 08f4d5d152d16d7⋯.png (96.97 KB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19da5cdd470dfe3⋯.png (594.15 KB,1125x591,375:197,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c707a6ea283f3e1⋯.png (383.82 KB,786x652,393:326,ClipboardImage.png)



GIRSH 14 million dollars.


GO play with your dolls faggot

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439a42 No.21026088

File: 8e22c9625f35d5b⋯.png (3.96 MB,1920x1078,960:539,50DCAF13_97DA_4505_8E40_A7….png)

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d89353 No.21026091



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b0f567 No.21026098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a0f9d0 No.21026099

File: ef41987558e2204⋯.mp4 (887.54 KB,480x852,40:71,podestasnake.mp4)

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1b5003 No.21026101

File: 38271909958b51f⋯.png (844.92 KB,844x495,844:495,spot.PNG)


Trouble for Joe: Biden Ditches Ukraine

Peace Summit for Fundraiser, Desperate

to Fend Off Trump Win

Red State, by Nick Arama

Posted By: Dreadnought, 6/15/2024 8:33:30 AM

Joe Biden had some final moments of confusion before he said good-bye to the G7 after two days in Italy. As we reported, according to sources at the G7, Biden was "losing focus" and was the "worst he has ever been." That's saying something. He even did some weird head touching thing to Pope Francis that had everyone talking. I think it's safe to say that isn't the normal way to greet the Pope, but that's Joe Biden. At least he didn't appear to sniff him. Biden left on Friday to get back for a glitzy fundraiser in Los Angeles. He had Hunter's children Naomi and Maisy,

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439a42 No.21026102

File: b8323bc2f8e1ec0⋯.jpg (667.57 KB,954x1365,318:455,Roseanne_Barr_Truther_Bitc….jpg)

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43766d No.21026103

File: 865be29d1e71bab⋯.png (112.54 KB,601x1033,601:1033,ClipboardImage.png)


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eebf8b No.21026104

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439a42 No.21026105

File: 7ef364861f49e28⋯.mp4 (758.62 KB,480x852,40:71,ycBoug7c14_hGOBA.mp4)

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9aa5dd No.21026106


i like the part where a nation founded on freedom of thought and speech is now actively persecuting people for their thoughts and speech.

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1b5003 No.21026107

File: 1a6622b2aa55abb⋯.png (1.15 MB,882x874,441:437,point.PNG)

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005898 No.21026108

I just want to watch sportsball without all the fucking fag shit and nigger worship.

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09c4ec No.21026109


Time is gravity sensitive

In fact gravity can create time.

Time means delay

Delay is stagnation

Light transcends

Light is literally lighter

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3463a6 No.21026110

File: ecad7396b0c7d54⋯.png (1.37 MB,2000x1045,400:209,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA-Led Mission to Map Air Pollution Over Both U.S. Coasts

JUN 14, 2024

This summer between June 17 and July 2, NASA will fly aircraft over Baltimore, Philadelphia, parts of Virginia, and California to collect data on air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions.

The campaign supports the NASA Student Airborne Research Program for undergraduate interns.

The East Coast flights will take place from June 17-26. Researchers and students will fly multiple times each week in Dynamic Aviation’s King Air B200 aircraft at an altitude of 1,000 feet over Baltimore and Philadelphia as well as Norfolk, Hampton, Hopewell, and Richmond in Virginia. Meanwhile, a NASA P-3 aircraft based out of NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia will fly over the same East Coast locations to collect different measurements.

The West Coast flights will occur from June 29 – July 2. During the period, those same aircraft will conduct similar operations over Los Angeles, Imperial Valley, and Tulare Basin in California.

The research aircraft will fly at lower altitudes than most commercial planes and will conduct maneuvers including vertical spirals from 1,000 to 10,000 feet, circling over power plants, landfills, and urban areas.

They will also occasionally conduct “missed approaches” at local airports, where the aircraft will perform a low-level flyby over a runway to collect samples close to the surface.

The aircraft carry instruments that will collect data on a range of greenhouse gases including carbon dioxide and methane, as well as air pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde, and ozone.

One purpose of this campaign is to validate space-based measurements observed by the TEMPO (Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution) mission.

Launched on a commercial satellite in April 2023, the TEMPO instrument provides hourly daytime measurements of air pollutants across the United States, northern Mexico, and southern Canada.

“The goal is that this data we collect will feed into policy decisions that affect air quality and climate in the region,” said Glenn Wolfe, a research scientist and the principal investigator for the campaign at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

The B-200 aircraft is owned by Dynamics Aviation, an aircraft company contracted by NASA.


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9aa5dd No.21026111


About to be turned upside-down?

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ea3622 No.21026112


flip the script?

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439a42 No.21026114

File: 40819aad16ddc15⋯.mp4 (996.77 KB,390x360,13:12,RUM0QN3CrB2VLs3s.mp4)

File: 345f7c70968bbec⋯.mp4 (873.75 KB,576x576,1:1,827Scng_Tknos6yv.mp4)

File: ba4237f8ca1e9be⋯.mp4 (544.92 KB,644x360,161:90,Pride_Mural_03_Burn_Rubber.mp4)

File: b3a9200a9d85663⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB,640x360,16:9,Pride_Mural_02_Donuts.mp4)

File: 350ee38996c19a5⋯.mp4 (810.74 KB,640x360,16:9,Pride_Mural_01_Skids.mp4)

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cfc438 No.21026115


Notable big swinging ape balls

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5c5e2a No.21026120

File: 36761aaba56c33b⋯.png (927.94 KB,844x952,211:238,pootus.png)


> dementia ridden diaper wearing pos

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e81a27 No.21026123

File: 0d8628de89d553c⋯.jpg (193.02 KB,699x356,699:356,NOT_GAY.jpg)

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3463a6 No.21026125



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93c3e3 No.21026128

File: b21cc2e8a9d55a3⋯.png (2.32 MB,1725x1977,575:659,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8d7bd4e5d29fc6⋯.png (325.27 KB,630x473,630:473,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2a35957d635d672⋯.png (24 KB,600x440,15:11,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 416ba0d711b0202⋯.png (465.21 KB,1300x869,1300:869,ClipboardImage.png)




Did your boyfriend paul town do that black sun tattoo for ya?

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15414f No.21026132

File: 8f469c9d8e2e5fd⋯.jpeg (243.76 KB,776x503,776:503,F8D78420_DED5_4D14_A5D0_1….jpeg)

>>21026044, >>21026067

IMF Loans Argentina $800M to Boost Economic Recovery

(After Peron was ousted Argentina has gone to the IMF moar times than any other country-its 24 or 25 times depending on how you determine a “new” program-at this point it doesn’t matter since they’ll fuq this up again and be back-once this “hangover” wears off with phoney Milei you’ll see the return of the really big protests)

The IMF has approved $800 million to aid Argentina's economic recovery under its $44 billion program, citing that economic targets have been met. Despite fiscal reforms, Argentina faces challenges like a stalled economy and rising poverty. Continued policy efforts and support measures are deemed necessary.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) board on Thursday cleared the way for Argentina to draw $800 million to help drive its economic recovery, saying the lending program was "firmly on track". Argentina has a $44 billion program with the IMF, which includes economic targets on growth, inflation and reserves. The IMF said in a statement its executive board had completed the eighth review of that extended fund facility arrangement. In completing the review, the Executive Board assessed the program to be firmly on track, with all quantitative performance criteria through end-March 2024 met with margins," the IMF said. Sustaining the progress will require improving the quality of fiscal adjustment, taking steps towards enhanced monetary and foreign exchange policy framework, and implementing reforms for growth, it said. Argentina's government has said it will open talks with the IMF over a new program. The IMF's approval comes after President Javier Milei, who took office in December, put in place sweeping fiscal reforms and sharply tightened government spending to tackle triple-digit inflation, a shrinking economy and reserves in the red.

The changes under him have helped Argentina rebuild depleted foreign currency reserves, post fiscal surpluses at the start of the year and stabilize the peso currency. Argentina's monthly inflation rate in May was the lowest since 2022, official data showed on Thursday, cooling for the fifth straight month to 4.2% amid the austerity drive by libertarian Milei. Still, the government faces a challenge with the economy stalling and poverty levels rising. Continued efforts to support the vulnerable, broaden political support and ensure "agile" policymaking will be necessary in Argentina going forward, the IMF said.


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737c1c No.21026138

File: 8654f26fe0d1124⋯.png (1.14 MB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN526.png)

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43766d No.21026143



That's an oxymoron

Sorry anon

But the minute she announced to the world that she is an anon, that very instant, she became a namefag/famefag just like the rest

Sorry, but that is my opinion

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2af999 No.21026144

File: 82712fb8b8bebf4⋯.png (853.21 KB,680x660,34:33,ClipboardImage.png)

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8efa4b No.21026145

File: 564b8ad898ecac0⋯.jpg (192.34 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_15_09_5….jpg)

File: 96a7e1176263f3e⋯.png (709.71 KB,640x1704,80:213,901_9_.png)

File: 933bf5ba49ef31e⋯.jpeg (98.32 KB,902x642,451:321,9e06083c667b13d4f51401023….jpeg)

File: 965a8e38396d8a4⋯.jpeg (53.34 KB,680x453,680:453,orUqTmVJ.jpeg)

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e81a27 No.21026146

File: c153b6fc3172afa⋯.jpg (57.92 KB,600x391,600:391,one_finger.jpg)

File: 71c534ab1eef0f5⋯.jpg (136.99 KB,544x360,68:45,OneFingerOnly.jpg)

Shills give hope

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4d2509 No.21026147

GM kids.

Break on through. It is your reality, you can fix anything. Remember, there is no spoon.

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15414f No.21026148

File: 661c2fb4b6bb12b⋯.jpeg (128.18 KB,671x537,671:537,1FE7F155_5845_49C2_827C_2….jpeg)



Same person

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a0f9d0 No.21026149

File: 7f3dacfa3b51007⋯.mp4 (13 MB,1280x720,16:9,clintonspacey.mp4)

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9aa5dd No.21026151




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1b5003 No.21026154

File: 2d2678b475d285f⋯.png (147.2 KB,598x398,299:199,rv.PNG)



Revolver News


Watch: Matt Gaetz reveals why the GOP should be ashamed of the Merrick Garland ‘contempt’ vote…



Watch: Matt Gaetz reveals why the GOP should be ashamed of the Merrick Garland "contempt" vote… - Revolver News

Matt is right.

Jun 14, 2024, 7:55 AM

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34959c No.21026157

File: 45f3b49446393d7⋯.png (1.69 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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5c5e2a No.21026158

File: 2009e39283ac556⋯.png (1.51 MB,955x967,955:967,swordanon.png)


> Mornin' Swordanon

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b48325 No.21026160


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15414f No.21026164

File: 2ae6d2ec2562a85⋯.png (726.04 KB,1024x765,1024:765,B731133C_0499_495A_9069_D9….png)



All too easy

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005898 No.21026169

When did you guys realize this is a jewish psyop?

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8efa4b No.21026171

File: 965a8e38396d8a4⋯.jpeg (53.34 KB,680x453,680:453,orUqTmVJ.jpeg)


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1b5003 No.21026172

File: bc5c67cd864556c⋯.png (31.09 KB,600x364,150:91,rg.PNG)




Riley Gaines reposted

Elon Musk


We should eliminate electronic voting machines. The risk of being hacked by humans or AI, while small, is still too high.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr




Puerto Rico’s primary elections just experienced hundreds of voting irregularities related to electronic voting machines, according to the Associated Press.

Luckily, there was a paper trail so the problem was identified and vote tallies corrected.

What happens in jurisdictions

Show more

2:58 AM · Jun 15, 2024




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737c1c No.21026174

File: ee8b7c6977f6f51⋯.png (1.01 MB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN525.png)

File: c9fab88caaea7b9⋯.png (361.27 KB,405x741,135:247,BIDEN524.png)

File: 39f384c085a214a⋯.png (608.8 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN523.png)

File: f2c7134150cfe97⋯.png (390.27 KB,1024x768,4:3,JUDICALREFORM1.png)

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cfc438 No.21026177


Is everyone who wears a Q t shirt or has a Q bumper sticker also a namefag? Roseanne has been onboard since the beginning, and she has always acknowledged it.

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439a42 No.21026179

File: 3226289808aac6d⋯.jpeg (272.78 KB,1366x912,683:456,8F914512_E694_4575_9F25_0….jpeg)

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2af999 No.21026182

File: dc9420110b1b3f7⋯.png (4.02 MB,2000x1388,500:347,ClipboardImage.png)



if meathead can smooch HRC

don't be a meathead

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005898 No.21026185


fuckin' jews.

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e81a27 No.21026187

File: e554e9a34af4ac3⋯.png (441.55 KB,994x829,994:829,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60d224e83f0057e⋯.png (265.13 KB,381x381,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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ae91c9 No.21026188

File: 52ee8c7691f8cf3⋯.png (1.19 MB,1496x788,374:197,2941dc266f86a3d883f7ba7a9a….png)


mornin Swordy!

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93c3e3 No.21026189

File: eca54d757e82622⋯.mp4 (3.75 MB,1280x720,16:9,Nick_Fuentes_acolyte_Paul_….mp4)


Paul Town & Andrew Anglin are a couple

Drew is like 5' tall

Paul is like 3'10"

Neo Nazis groomed those lil faggots

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9aa5dd No.21026190


Go fly your plane over China.

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005898 No.21026192


don't talk to the fame fags. It only feeds their ego.

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2af999 No.21026195

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


When Hava Na Gila starts playing

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8efa4b No.21026200

File: 965a8e38396d8a4⋯.jpeg (53.34 KB,680x453,680:453,orUqTmVJ.jpeg)



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e81a27 No.21026201

File: d30af4cc9a16187⋯.jpg (137.8 KB,462x287,66:41,pnnp.jpg)

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15414f No.21026202

File: 023604de629966f⋯.jpeg (573.58 KB,762x710,381:355,8300D806_C8F1_4DD5_8998_B….jpeg)


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005898 No.21026203


fuck i hate niggers

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5c5e2a No.21026204

File: 2e2daf0619c4462⋯.png (4.02 MB,2084x2126,1042:1063,2024_06_14_14_16_45.png)

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1b5003 No.21026205

File: f3c480febfea1f5⋯.png (511.51 KB,842x647,842:647,gaz.PNG)


Biden's Failure: US Taxpayers to Spend Another $22M to Repair Gaza Pier - Report

By C. Douglas Golden June 14, 2024 at 5:59am

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43766d No.21026209


I'm sorry anon. I just feel that she is using the board to boost her exposure.

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8efa4b No.21026212

File: ce8db3a8bc6b504⋯.png (79.73 KB,640x962,320:481,90_7_.png)

File: 965a8e38396d8a4⋯.jpeg (53.34 KB,680x453,680:453,orUqTmVJ.jpeg)


tard jail muhself till next bread

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9aa5dd No.21026215


>IMF Loans Argentina $800M to Boost Economic Recovery

Anyone who has borrowed money has found they have substantially less "boost" in their economy each month.

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70479c No.21026216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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5c5e2a No.21026218

File: e1d9118c0e12063⋯.png (1.9 MB,1080x1620,2:3,2024_01_11_20_39_02.png)

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e81a27 No.21026219

File: 037a7509fa5ede2⋯.jpg (102.02 KB,392x362,196:181,rk.jpg)

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b48325 No.21026226



and what exactly does this mean?

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34959c No.21026229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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79a1e0 No.21026230

Joe sniffed the pope.

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79a1e0 No.21026234

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737c1c No.21026237

File: 9fb293696496220⋯.png (186.05 KB,1024x768,4:3,ANON6.png)

File: 13b8636658a6283⋯.png (513.25 KB,1024x682,512:341,SHILL26.png)

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a0f9d0 No.21026240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Joe sniffed the pope.

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12024b No.21026251


Frankincense scented pope-on-a-rope?

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da50fa No.21026254

File: 62b5a64484edfe1⋯.png (331.92 KB,750x531,250:177,again.png)

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b0f567 No.21026260

It's time for Proto again!

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36a3d0 No.21026262

File: 99fc76a00e3bb5b⋯.png (102.08 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 781414834f621ed⋯.png (8.55 MB,2500x1666,1250:833,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a0ce7f61ba8665⋯.png (46.89 KB,300x300,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Decade After Katrina, Pointing Finger More Firmly at Army Corps

May 23, 2015


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cfc438 No.21026263

File: 072d50170c8cd3c⋯.png (656.27 KB,645x633,215:211,ClipboardImage.png)


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1b5003 No.21026270

File: 4a2327333165903⋯.png (529.15 KB,622x554,311:277,kc.PNG)


Catholic School Expels Entire Family After Patriotic Speech

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79a1e0 No.21026272


It’s the little demon. If they turn on proto, he just follows us to bunker.

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79a1e0 No.21026274


He will settle down.

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4dca60 No.21026275

File: c3710aec83cf3d1⋯.jpg (126.52 KB,997x845,997:845,WNQQNW.jpg)


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70479c No.21026277

File: 96358abf2a2428c⋯.jpg (154.01 KB,1075x608,1075:608,96358abf2a2428c957ac314804….jpg)

File: f0ef5a9706c4060⋯.jpg (338.39 KB,1092x1372,39:49,f0ef5a9706c40607204a55d212….jpg)

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93c3e3 No.21026279

File: e86b41633797c63⋯.png (886.74 KB,942x1064,471:532,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d902e663fbc35b2⋯.png (1020.9 KB,1125x1122,375:374,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 15bdeb88956ed1c⋯.png (426.64 KB,885x478,885:478,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2fa8abfc29778e3⋯.png (724.47 KB,1333x997,1333:997,ClipboardImage.png)



Wang Town KEK

BUTT who's the pitcher and who's the catcher?

Anons kno.


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15414f No.21026280

File: 0f2b361263303ec⋯.jpeg (407.63 KB,1201x617,1201:617,89F339D4_38B1_430C_BDE8_A….jpeg)

PF: USAFSOF 02-4452 C32B heading for home base of Eglin AFB from Travis AFB stop and Hickam AFB-Oahu depart earlier

Have had a few of these as ‘Anon’ call sign in the past and haven’t seen these stray too far from home base and McGuire AFB lately

USAFSOF 02-4452 C32B heading for home base of Eglin AFB from Travis AFB stop and Hickam AFB-Oahu depart earlier

Boeing C-32B

United States Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) operates a small number of Boeing C-32B passenger jet aircraft, providing global airlift for U.S. government crisis response activities. These may include U.S. State Department Foreign Emergency Support Teams (FEST), which deploy in response to terrorism incidents around the world. They may also fly in support of CIA Special Activities.

The C-32B has been associated with the 150th Special Operations Squadron out of Joint Base McGuire, NJ (previously designated as 227th Special Operations Flight ) and the 486th Flight Test Squadron out of Elgin AFB, FL. These are highly secretive units, with little information publicly available about their activities.


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f9afae No.21026283

File: cab0a9fad94bc7a⋯.png (467.9 KB,850x477,850:477,ClipboardImage.png)

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da50fa No.21026284

File: 2377547e2f3793c⋯.webm (280.76 KB,427x240,427:240,_.webm)

Look at the desperate MuhJoo failfags running around like chickens with their heads chopped off. They seem a little moar extra panicked than usual this morning.

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1b5003 No.21026285

File: eefafce27f6fade⋯.png (624.28 KB,787x639,787:639,hair.PNG)


“… amid the renewed rise of European fascism and what many are calling ‘global Trumpism’…”

Joy Reid, MSNBC

Understand the op. They are running the same WWII playbook and casting us as the Nazis despite themselves being in a hate movement and having done absolutely everything the Nazis were said to have done, including supporting Nazi armies.

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5c5e2a No.21026286

File: dcb8507db090898⋯.mp4 (1.26 MB,640x360,16:9,fjb_biden.mp4)

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70479c No.21026288

File: 423ce7ae34573c0⋯.jpg (207.66 KB,929x901,929:901,423ce7ae34573c02f650bd3ee4….jpg)

File: 60238b055922636⋯.jpeg (136.04 KB,1200x898,600:449,60238b055922636f13d286713….jpeg)

File: dccf85470973401⋯.mp4 (84.19 KB,480x480,1:1,animation.mp4)






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1b5003 No.21026289

File: eb2371c86a7edc9⋯.png (337.86 KB,603x869,603:869,vip.PNG)




Laura Loomer



Mar 26


Judge Merchan’s daughter has @KamalaHarris

as a Client at her company that focuses on Campaigns and elections!!!

Judge Merchan, the NY State Supreme Court Judge who issued a GAG ORDER against President Trump today has a daughter named Loren

Show more





Rate proposed Community Notes




Grace Chong 🇺🇸



Feb 10

Bannon: @SpeakerMcCarthy’s trying to be Trump’s chief of staff. He’s taking the plane with him, rubbing up on him. These people are demons, they’re devils, they’re vipers, they’re snakes.

0:05 / 0:18

3:25 AM · Jun 15, 2024




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2636fd No.21026290


He's a political whore! The whole family is. They've sold this country off piece by piece to the highest bidder to line their family pockets!

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9aa5dd No.21026292


Is that the daughter PedoJoe took showers with?

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b48325 No.21026294


collecting rest of notes & baking

ty anons for your contributions,


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3463a6 No.21026295

File: 997e9c1caa6dbdd⋯.png (11.58 KB,200x272,25:34,ClipboardImage.png)


SecAF, CSAF sign AFMEDCOM PAD, align with key readiness priorities

June 14, 2024

Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall and Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. David Allvin postured the Air Force Medical Service to better serve installation commanders and the medical readiness of Airmen and Guardians by signing Program Action Directive 24-01, June 12.

The PAD authorizes the formation of the Air Force Medical Command as a direct reporting unit aligned with the Secretary of the Air Force’s readiness priorities and support capabilities lines of effort.

Previously, the Air Force Medical Readiness Agency, the AFMS’s former field operating agency, redesignated as Air Force Medical Agency and achieved initial operational capability in October 2023.

It served as an initial step toward the CSAF’s direction to transform elements of the office Air Force Surgeon General headquarters functions into AFMEDCOM.

“This alignment will improve the Air Force’s ability to generate medically ready forces, provide installation support, and improve our partnership with the Defense Health Agency to optimize health care delivery,” said Lt. Gen. Robert Miller, U.S. Air Force surgeon general.

“This is aligned with the Department of Air Force’s efforts to reemphasize its focus on readiness.” Miller said AFMEDCOM will provide an operational medical capability - organized, trained and equipped - to be an organic part of the DAF’s warfighting force elements.

The command will ensure DAF Airmen, Guardians and their families receive timely and quality medical care, whether assigned to installations supported by large or small military treatment facilities. It will also meet DHA commitments to serve the larger beneficiary population.

The Air Force is following through on the PAD by adopting a phased approach to effectively stand up AFMEDCOM. “We’ve done extensive planning and coordination, but there’s still more work to do,” Miller said.

“This is a significant moment in the Air Force’s history, and we want to ensure AFMEDCOM is implemented seamlessly and correctly.” No immediate changes will occur at the installation level.

As part of the implementation plan, over the next few months, AFMEDCOM leaders will refine the headquarters structure and ensure personnel fully transition to their role on the AFMEDCOM staff.

Meanwhile, planners will continue to develop command relationships and roles and responsibilities before any permanent changes are implemented at the installation level.

When finalized, AFMEDCOM will provide command and control of its personnel to execute DAF and AF/SG readiness requirements.

“We’re taking a conditions-based approach to ensure the effective transfer of personnel and responsibilities of AFMEDCOM,” said Maj. Gen. John DeGoes, U.S. Air Force deputy surgeon general.

“We’ve had extensive conversations with leadership at all levels. AFMS is a critical component of readiness and ensuring commanders have the medical support they need is essential.”


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3463a6 No.21026296


According to the PAD, in addition to serving as the principal medical advisor to the SecAF, CSAF and Chief of Space Operations, the Air Force surgeon general will serve as the AFMEDCOM commander and will lead AFMEDCOM’s functions.

These include providing medical command authority needed to optimize, organize and train for readiness; maximizing focus on Air Force Force Generation support to the U.S. Air Force and Space Force;

providing an Air Force-led intermediate management structure to preside over military treatment facilities; and deconflicting operational requirements to ensure optimized health care delivery.

AFMEDCOM’s structure includes two regional commands, Medical Readiness Command Alpha and MRC Bravo, each overseeing subordinate medical units.

Among the conditions for AFMEDCOM as a direct reporting unit, it is to achieve initial operational capability for all layers of headquarters to have staffing.

“Eventually, medical groups currently aligned to major commands or field commands will be formally reclassified as AFMEDCOM capabilities aligned under medical wings, but not for some time,” DeGoes said.

He explained that when the Air Force begins transferring the groups under AFMEDCOM, that action will be done thoughtfully, incrementally and in full coordination with major commands, field commands and installations.

A programming plan will follow with required steps to implement and execute these functions. This plan will include a detailed approach to align installation-level medical units and assigned personnel.

In the years since Congress implemented the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 and transferred health care authorities from the services to the DHA, the services have worked closely with DHA to manage priorities.

AFMS planners analyzed Air Force concerns voiced by service leaders at the CORONA Commander’s Conference in the fall of 2022 and evaluated DHA’s market structure as well as its sister service medical structures.

The planners then worked with Air Force leaders to determine the best course of action moving forward; AFMEDCOM was the solution.


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b48325 No.21026297

#25783 >>21025686

>>21025698 RFK twat & Q78

>>21025721 No wedding ring on William

>>21025722 How Public Schools Became Ideological Boot Camps

>>21025782 @DC_Draino: Remember when President Trump banned Huawei from installing their cell phone networks in America b/c they’re a spying arm of the CCP?

>>21025816, >>21025877, >>21025917 Kate Middleton attends Trooping the Colour parade in first appearance since cancer announcement; more on Colour parade

>>21025964 Adobe Sparks Backlash Over AI Terms That Let It 'Access, View Your Content'

>>21025994 Commentary on the plan for Mexico

>>21026019 PF: Potato got up ‘early’ and already at LA, Nightwatch heading to Tucson from Mildenhall depart

>>21026034 Perplexitywas already working on revenue-sharing deals with high-quality publishers.

>>21026044 Argentina's inflation rate (MoM) has now fallen 5 months in a row. Javier Milei was sworn in December 10, 2023 just 7 months ago.

>>21026050 Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes: QBiz_Shrink, Yes! You bet there is a Plan.

>>21026056 PF: RCAF CFC01Trudopejust arrived at Zurich from Taranto Airport depart

>>21026059 Lara Trump vows to prosecute anyone who cheats in an election: ‘We will track you down’

>>21026064 Fort Bend County candidate charged for allegedly faking racist social media attacks against himself

>>21026065 British Championship Hillclimb LIVE

>>21026067 PF: Argentina AF ARG-01 777 arrived at Zurich Intl about 5h ago with Trudope just gating right next to this AC

>>21026101 Trouble for Joe: Biden Ditches Ukraine Peace Summit for Fundraiser, Desperate

to Fend Off Trump Win

>>21026110 NASA-Led Mission to Map Air Pollution Over Both U.S. Coasts

>>21026132 IMF Loans Argentina $800M to Boost Economic Recovery

>>21026154 @RevolverNews - Watch: Matt Gaetz reveals why the GOP should be ashamed of the Merrick Garland ‘contempt’ vote…

>>21026172 @elonmusk - We should eliminate electronic voting machines. The risk of being hacked by humans or AI, while small, is still too high

>>21026187 Azon Brigate cmdr thanks US for weapon authorization

>>21026205 Biden's Failure: US Taxpayers to Spend Another $22M to Repair Gaza Pier – Report

>>21026270 Catholic School Expels Entire Family After Patriotic Speech

>>21026280 PF: USAFSOF 02-4452 C32B heading for home base of Eglin AFB from Travis AFB stop and Hickam AFB-Oahu depart earlier

>>21026295, >>21026296 SecAF, CSAF sign AFMEDCOM PAD, align with key readiness priorities


unless other news is posted while I set up the bake


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c99e90 No.21026298


>He says all this is in the Greek

Thank you - most succinct summary.

Hillman (obviously controversial); but that is kind of why i'm drawn to what he's saying.

It's so outlandish, I take it has having a high-probability of being true - esp. when juxtaposed against the abuse of children perpetrated by Catholic Church and memorialized (church windows and sculptures depicting children in controversial situations/positions).

Too bad I don't speak / read ancient Greek….sigh, add to the list of things to learn and do.

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c99e90 No.21026299


ack….that's a pb

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b48325 No.21026301


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b48325 No.21026304

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