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File: 1692710a8ab319b⋯.png (140.03 KB,501x268,501:268,qresearch_banner.png)

daae43 No.21025671 [View All]

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281 posts and 235 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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93c3e3 No.21026189

File: eca54d757e82622⋯.mp4 (3.75 MB,1280x720,16:9,Nick_Fuentes_acolyte_Paul_….mp4)


Paul Town & Andrew Anglin are a couple

Drew is like 5' tall

Paul is like 3'10"

Neo Nazis groomed those lil faggots

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9aa5dd No.21026190


Go fly your plane over China.

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005898 No.21026192


don't talk to the fame fags. It only feeds their ego.

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2af999 No.21026195

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


When Hava Na Gila starts playing

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8efa4b No.21026200

File: 965a8e38396d8a4⋯.jpeg (53.34 KB,680x453,680:453,orUqTmVJ.jpeg)



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e81a27 No.21026201

File: d30af4cc9a16187⋯.jpg (137.8 KB,462x287,66:41,pnnp.jpg)

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15414f No.21026202

File: 023604de629966f⋯.jpeg (573.58 KB,762x710,381:355,8300D806_C8F1_4DD5_8998_B….jpeg)


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005898 No.21026203


fuck i hate niggers

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5c5e2a No.21026204

File: 2e2daf0619c4462⋯.png (4.02 MB,2084x2126,1042:1063,2024_06_14_14_16_45.png)

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1b5003 No.21026205

File: f3c480febfea1f5⋯.png (511.51 KB,842x647,842:647,gaz.PNG)


Biden's Failure: US Taxpayers to Spend Another $22M to Repair Gaza Pier - Report

By C. Douglas Golden June 14, 2024 at 5:59am

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43766d No.21026209


I'm sorry anon. I just feel that she is using the board to boost her exposure.

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8efa4b No.21026212

File: ce8db3a8bc6b504⋯.png (79.73 KB,640x962,320:481,90_7_.png)

File: 965a8e38396d8a4⋯.jpeg (53.34 KB,680x453,680:453,orUqTmVJ.jpeg)


tard jail muhself till next bread

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9aa5dd No.21026215


>IMF Loans Argentina $800M to Boost Economic Recovery

Anyone who has borrowed money has found they have substantially less "boost" in their economy each month.

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70479c No.21026216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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5c5e2a No.21026218

File: e1d9118c0e12063⋯.png (1.9 MB,1080x1620,2:3,2024_01_11_20_39_02.png)

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e81a27 No.21026219

File: 037a7509fa5ede2⋯.jpg (102.02 KB,392x362,196:181,rk.jpg)

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b48325 No.21026226



and what exactly does this mean?

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34959c No.21026229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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79a1e0 No.21026230

Joe sniffed the pope.

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79a1e0 No.21026234

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737c1c No.21026237

File: 9fb293696496220⋯.png (186.05 KB,1024x768,4:3,ANON6.png)

File: 13b8636658a6283⋯.png (513.25 KB,1024x682,512:341,SHILL26.png)

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a0f9d0 No.21026240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Joe sniffed the pope.

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12024b No.21026251


Frankincense scented pope-on-a-rope?

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da50fa No.21026254

File: 62b5a64484edfe1⋯.png (331.92 KB,750x531,250:177,again.png)

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b0f567 No.21026260

It's time for Proto again!

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36a3d0 No.21026262

File: 99fc76a00e3bb5b⋯.png (102.08 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 781414834f621ed⋯.png (8.55 MB,2500x1666,1250:833,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a0ce7f61ba8665⋯.png (46.89 KB,300x300,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Decade After Katrina, Pointing Finger More Firmly at Army Corps

May 23, 2015


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cfc438 No.21026263

File: 072d50170c8cd3c⋯.png (656.27 KB,645x633,215:211,ClipboardImage.png)


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1b5003 No.21026270

File: 4a2327333165903⋯.png (529.15 KB,622x554,311:277,kc.PNG)


Catholic School Expels Entire Family After Patriotic Speech

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79a1e0 No.21026272


It’s the little demon. If they turn on proto, he just follows us to bunker.

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79a1e0 No.21026274


He will settle down.

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4dca60 No.21026275

File: c3710aec83cf3d1⋯.jpg (126.52 KB,997x845,997:845,WNQQNW.jpg)


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70479c No.21026277

File: 96358abf2a2428c⋯.jpg (154.01 KB,1075x608,1075:608,96358abf2a2428c957ac314804….jpg)

File: f0ef5a9706c4060⋯.jpg (338.39 KB,1092x1372,39:49,f0ef5a9706c40607204a55d212….jpg)

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93c3e3 No.21026279

File: e86b41633797c63⋯.png (886.74 KB,942x1064,471:532,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d902e663fbc35b2⋯.png (1020.9 KB,1125x1122,375:374,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 15bdeb88956ed1c⋯.png (426.64 KB,885x478,885:478,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2fa8abfc29778e3⋯.png (724.47 KB,1333x997,1333:997,ClipboardImage.png)



Wang Town KEK

BUTT who's the pitcher and who's the catcher?

Anons kno.


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15414f No.21026280

File: 0f2b361263303ec⋯.jpeg (407.63 KB,1201x617,1201:617,89F339D4_38B1_430C_BDE8_A….jpeg)

PF: USAFSOF 02-4452 C32B heading for home base of Eglin AFB from Travis AFB stop and Hickam AFB-Oahu depart earlier

Have had a few of these as ‘Anon’ call sign in the past and haven’t seen these stray too far from home base and McGuire AFB lately

USAFSOF 02-4452 C32B heading for home base of Eglin AFB from Travis AFB stop and Hickam AFB-Oahu depart earlier

Boeing C-32B

United States Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) operates a small number of Boeing C-32B passenger jet aircraft, providing global airlift for U.S. government crisis response activities. These may include U.S. State Department Foreign Emergency Support Teams (FEST), which deploy in response to terrorism incidents around the world. They may also fly in support of CIA Special Activities.

The C-32B has been associated with the 150th Special Operations Squadron out of Joint Base McGuire, NJ (previously designated as 227th Special Operations Flight ) and the 486th Flight Test Squadron out of Elgin AFB, FL. These are highly secretive units, with little information publicly available about their activities.


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f9afae No.21026283

File: cab0a9fad94bc7a⋯.png (467.9 KB,850x477,850:477,ClipboardImage.png)

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da50fa No.21026284

File: 2377547e2f3793c⋯.webm (280.76 KB,427x240,427:240,_.webm)

Look at the desperate MuhJoo failfags running around like chickens with their heads chopped off. They seem a little moar extra panicked than usual this morning.

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1b5003 No.21026285

File: eefafce27f6fade⋯.png (624.28 KB,787x639,787:639,hair.PNG)


“… amid the renewed rise of European fascism and what many are calling ‘global Trumpism’…”

Joy Reid, MSNBC

Understand the op. They are running the same WWII playbook and casting us as the Nazis despite themselves being in a hate movement and having done absolutely everything the Nazis were said to have done, including supporting Nazi armies.

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5c5e2a No.21026286

File: dcb8507db090898⋯.mp4 (1.26 MB,640x360,16:9,fjb_biden.mp4)

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70479c No.21026288

File: 423ce7ae34573c0⋯.jpg (207.66 KB,929x901,929:901,423ce7ae34573c02f650bd3ee4….jpg)

File: 60238b055922636⋯.jpeg (136.04 KB,1200x898,600:449,60238b055922636f13d286713….jpeg)

File: dccf85470973401⋯.mp4 (84.19 KB,480x480,1:1,animation.mp4)






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1b5003 No.21026289

File: eb2371c86a7edc9⋯.png (337.86 KB,603x869,603:869,vip.PNG)




Laura Loomer



Mar 26


Judge Merchan’s daughter has @KamalaHarris

as a Client at her company that focuses on Campaigns and elections!!!

Judge Merchan, the NY State Supreme Court Judge who issued a GAG ORDER against President Trump today has a daughter named Loren

Show more





Rate proposed Community Notes




Grace Chong 🇺🇸



Feb 10

Bannon: @SpeakerMcCarthy’s trying to be Trump’s chief of staff. He’s taking the plane with him, rubbing up on him. These people are demons, they’re devils, they’re vipers, they’re snakes.

0:05 / 0:18

3:25 AM · Jun 15, 2024




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2636fd No.21026290


He's a political whore! The whole family is. They've sold this country off piece by piece to the highest bidder to line their family pockets!

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9aa5dd No.21026292


Is that the daughter PedoJoe took showers with?

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b48325 No.21026294


collecting rest of notes & baking

ty anons for your contributions,


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3463a6 No.21026295

File: 997e9c1caa6dbdd⋯.png (11.58 KB,200x272,25:34,ClipboardImage.png)


SecAF, CSAF sign AFMEDCOM PAD, align with key readiness priorities

June 14, 2024

Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall and Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. David Allvin postured the Air Force Medical Service to better serve installation commanders and the medical readiness of Airmen and Guardians by signing Program Action Directive 24-01, June 12.

The PAD authorizes the formation of the Air Force Medical Command as a direct reporting unit aligned with the Secretary of the Air Force’s readiness priorities and support capabilities lines of effort.

Previously, the Air Force Medical Readiness Agency, the AFMS’s former field operating agency, redesignated as Air Force Medical Agency and achieved initial operational capability in October 2023.

It served as an initial step toward the CSAF’s direction to transform elements of the office Air Force Surgeon General headquarters functions into AFMEDCOM.

“This alignment will improve the Air Force’s ability to generate medically ready forces, provide installation support, and improve our partnership with the Defense Health Agency to optimize health care delivery,” said Lt. Gen. Robert Miller, U.S. Air Force surgeon general.

“This is aligned with the Department of Air Force’s efforts to reemphasize its focus on readiness.” Miller said AFMEDCOM will provide an operational medical capability - organized, trained and equipped - to be an organic part of the DAF’s warfighting force elements.

The command will ensure DAF Airmen, Guardians and their families receive timely and quality medical care, whether assigned to installations supported by large or small military treatment facilities. It will also meet DHA commitments to serve the larger beneficiary population.

The Air Force is following through on the PAD by adopting a phased approach to effectively stand up AFMEDCOM. “We’ve done extensive planning and coordination, but there’s still more work to do,” Miller said.

“This is a significant moment in the Air Force’s history, and we want to ensure AFMEDCOM is implemented seamlessly and correctly.” No immediate changes will occur at the installation level.

As part of the implementation plan, over the next few months, AFMEDCOM leaders will refine the headquarters structure and ensure personnel fully transition to their role on the AFMEDCOM staff.

Meanwhile, planners will continue to develop command relationships and roles and responsibilities before any permanent changes are implemented at the installation level.

When finalized, AFMEDCOM will provide command and control of its personnel to execute DAF and AF/SG readiness requirements.

“We’re taking a conditions-based approach to ensure the effective transfer of personnel and responsibilities of AFMEDCOM,” said Maj. Gen. John DeGoes, U.S. Air Force deputy surgeon general.

“We’ve had extensive conversations with leadership at all levels. AFMS is a critical component of readiness and ensuring commanders have the medical support they need is essential.”


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3463a6 No.21026296


According to the PAD, in addition to serving as the principal medical advisor to the SecAF, CSAF and Chief of Space Operations, the Air Force surgeon general will serve as the AFMEDCOM commander and will lead AFMEDCOM’s functions.

These include providing medical command authority needed to optimize, organize and train for readiness; maximizing focus on Air Force Force Generation support to the U.S. Air Force and Space Force;

providing an Air Force-led intermediate management structure to preside over military treatment facilities; and deconflicting operational requirements to ensure optimized health care delivery.

AFMEDCOM’s structure includes two regional commands, Medical Readiness Command Alpha and MRC Bravo, each overseeing subordinate medical units.

Among the conditions for AFMEDCOM as a direct reporting unit, it is to achieve initial operational capability for all layers of headquarters to have staffing.

“Eventually, medical groups currently aligned to major commands or field commands will be formally reclassified as AFMEDCOM capabilities aligned under medical wings, but not for some time,” DeGoes said.

He explained that when the Air Force begins transferring the groups under AFMEDCOM, that action will be done thoughtfully, incrementally and in full coordination with major commands, field commands and installations.

A programming plan will follow with required steps to implement and execute these functions. This plan will include a detailed approach to align installation-level medical units and assigned personnel.

In the years since Congress implemented the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 and transferred health care authorities from the services to the DHA, the services have worked closely with DHA to manage priorities.

AFMS planners analyzed Air Force concerns voiced by service leaders at the CORONA Commander’s Conference in the fall of 2022 and evaluated DHA’s market structure as well as its sister service medical structures.

The planners then worked with Air Force leaders to determine the best course of action moving forward; AFMEDCOM was the solution.


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b48325 No.21026297

#25783 >>21025686

>>21025698 RFK twat & Q78

>>21025721 No wedding ring on William

>>21025722 How Public Schools Became Ideological Boot Camps

>>21025782 @DC_Draino: Remember when President Trump banned Huawei from installing their cell phone networks in America b/c they’re a spying arm of the CCP?

>>21025816, >>21025877, >>21025917 Kate Middleton attends Trooping the Colour parade in first appearance since cancer announcement; more on Colour parade

>>21025964 Adobe Sparks Backlash Over AI Terms That Let It 'Access, View Your Content'

>>21025994 Commentary on the plan for Mexico

>>21026019 PF: Potato got up ‘early’ and already at LA, Nightwatch heading to Tucson from Mildenhall depart

>>21026034 Perplexitywas already working on revenue-sharing deals with high-quality publishers.

>>21026044 Argentina's inflation rate (MoM) has now fallen 5 months in a row. Javier Milei was sworn in December 10, 2023 just 7 months ago.

>>21026050 Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes: QBiz_Shrink, Yes! You bet there is a Plan.

>>21026056 PF: RCAF CFC01Trudopejust arrived at Zurich from Taranto Airport depart

>>21026059 Lara Trump vows to prosecute anyone who cheats in an election: ‘We will track you down’

>>21026064 Fort Bend County candidate charged for allegedly faking racist social media attacks against himself

>>21026065 British Championship Hillclimb LIVE

>>21026067 PF: Argentina AF ARG-01 777 arrived at Zurich Intl about 5h ago with Trudope just gating right next to this AC

>>21026101 Trouble for Joe: Biden Ditches Ukraine Peace Summit for Fundraiser, Desperate

to Fend Off Trump Win

>>21026110 NASA-Led Mission to Map Air Pollution Over Both U.S. Coasts

>>21026132 IMF Loans Argentina $800M to Boost Economic Recovery

>>21026154 @RevolverNews - Watch: Matt Gaetz reveals why the GOP should be ashamed of the Merrick Garland ‘contempt’ vote…

>>21026172 @elonmusk - We should eliminate electronic voting machines. The risk of being hacked by humans or AI, while small, is still too high

>>21026187 Azon Brigate cmdr thanks US for weapon authorization

>>21026205 Biden's Failure: US Taxpayers to Spend Another $22M to Repair Gaza Pier – Report

>>21026270 Catholic School Expels Entire Family After Patriotic Speech

>>21026280 PF: USAFSOF 02-4452 C32B heading for home base of Eglin AFB from Travis AFB stop and Hickam AFB-Oahu depart earlier

>>21026295, >>21026296 SecAF, CSAF sign AFMEDCOM PAD, align with key readiness priorities


unless other news is posted while I set up the bake


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c99e90 No.21026298


>He says all this is in the Greek

Thank you - most succinct summary.

Hillman (obviously controversial); but that is kind of why i'm drawn to what he's saying.

It's so outlandish, I take it has having a high-probability of being true - esp. when juxtaposed against the abuse of children perpetrated by Catholic Church and memorialized (church windows and sculptures depicting children in controversial situations/positions).

Too bad I don't speak / read ancient Greek….sigh, add to the list of things to learn and do.

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c99e90 No.21026299


ack….that's a pb

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b48325 No.21026301


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b48325 No.21026304

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