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File: 9ed046518811267⋯.jpeg (8.87 KB,255x147,85:49,bac4c6b4210217352e3d0f55f….jpeg)

821f72 No.21004193 [Last50 Posts]

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821f72 No.21004200

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821f72 No.21004201


#25758 >>21003202

>>21003246 Israel carried out sloppy $2M influence campaign to sway U.S. lawmakers online using sock puppet accounts… and GOT CAUGHT

>>21003283 Clockfag: QClock June 10, 2024 - Apple Core & Open AI

>>21003294 Reminder that there is a fresh Meme bread

>>21003410 In shocking litmus test, FBI security inquiry tried to unmask employee’s Trump support, memos show

>>21003467 The Yemeni Security Department announced in a statement: It has discovered and destroyed an espionage and terrorist network affiliated with the Mossad and the CIA, and arrested most of its members

>>21003514 During a security clearance review, FBI officials asked if a longtime employee supported Trump, had COVID-19 vaccine concerns, or attended a Second Amendment rally. A complaint of bias followed

>>21003816 Black voter tells Dr. Phil her eyes were opened by his interview with Trump

>>21003800 PF Fresh P8 and crew showing up to relieve the P8 that's been hunting.

>>21003835 Judge Aileen Cannon threw out one basis for the case against the former president, involving a highly sensitive military map he showed an aide after leaving office.

>>21003983 Mike Davis: Arm up, America. When these violent pro-Hamas mobs show

>>21003989, >>21004007, >>21004055, >>21004069, >>21004073 New Poll Finds Trump Within Striking Distance of Biden in Blue Minnesota

>>21004010 Paul Sperry: FBI agent Marcus Allen who was suspended & stripped of his security clearance for questioning the official narrative of the events of Jan. 6 sworn by FBI Director Wray has been fully reinstated and had 27 mos of back pay restored, his Empower Oversight lawyers announced

>>21004013 Paul Sperry NEW: Subpoenaed bank records reveal Biden family (Hunter/Jim/Sara/Hallie/Biden grandchild) hauled in $18 mil+ from foreign sources since Biden VP, incl: $3.99m from Ukraine $7.28m from China $3.5m from Russia $1.04m Romania $1.04m Panama $1.17m Kazakhstan/Mexico/Syria

>>21004031 Nancy Pelosi turned down the National Guard protection of the Capitol on J6, not Trump. 2:45

>>21004124 Furious Pelosi Rants on MSNBC, Dismisses Explosive New Video Admitting She’s Responsible for Lack of National Guard on J6!

>>21004133, >>21004142 Tucker Carlson: FBI agents punished for Supporting Donald Trump Documented proof

>>21004112 Texas court has ruled that there is no evidence to disbar Sidney Powell for bringing legal challenges against the rigged 2020 election

>>21004119 Kendrick Lamar to Compton College Graduates: Lean on God, ‘There’s Nothing More Valuable’ than Being ‘Independent Thinkers’

>>21004185 #25758

#25757 >>21002094

>>21002167 How Apple's new phone will work

>>21002191, >>21002202 Dude, where's my Laptop?

>>21002205 Trump's plan to eliminate taxes on tips is going well

>>21002262 Knowing what we know now about Russiagate, Watergate was the blueprint

>>21002273 Los Angeles to Build Luxury Tower with Gym and Art Studio on Skid Row for Homeless

>>21002280, >>21002231, >>21002404, >>21002242, >>21002340 Hunt for Red October

>>21002311, >>21002350 Canadian billionaire Robert Miller who was arrested recently, appears to have been part of Epstein's trafficking network

>>21002357 Pelosi coping hard over video documenting her J6 lies and failures

>>21002392 This is the dangerous Venezuelan gang infiltrating the US that you probably know nothing about but should

>>21002405, >>21002413 Canada’s Parliament rocked by allegations of treason

>>21002420 Liz Cheney, January 6 Committee Suppressed Exonerating Evidence Of Trump’s Push For National Guard

>>21002108, >>21002170, >>21002354 Memes

baker change

>>21002339 Meta to use Instagram and Facebook posts from as far back as 2007 to train artificial intelligence tools

>>21002397 France Seeks 'Direct' Entry Into Ukraine War: Kremlin

>>21002442 Senate California Democrat tests positive for COVID-19

>>21002458 Bottomless Pockets Win Again: Google Avoids Jury Trial in Advertising Antitrust Case

>>21002474 @RepLoudermilk: Pelosi surprised we didn’t have NG on J6?? I was denied NG support multiple times, repeatedly

>>21002485, >>21002489 @elonmusk: If Apple integrates OpenAI at OS level, then Apple devices will be banned at my companies

>>21002505 Giuliani was charged with conspiring to change Arizona's 2020 election results in favor of Trump


>>21002530, >>21002544 Planefag: HOOVR31 WC-135 Constant Phoenix ‘Nuke Sniffer’ finished runway shots Daytona Beach Intl Airport

>>21002540 Biden sparks concerns as he FREEZES during Juneteenth concert

>>21002549 Florida city uncovers mysterious network of secret tunnels as eerie clues about origin spark wild theories

>>21002737 Report: Plane Carrying Malawi Vice President, Nine Other People Missing

>>21003016 #25757

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821f72 No.21004202

#25756 >>21001342

>>21001376 Idaho Farmer’s Water Is Being Shut Off

>>21001380 Supreme Court to hear Facebook appeal tied to Cambridge Analytica breach

>>21001389, >>21001414 Did you know that Epstein could not be prosecuted because he belonged to the CIA?

>>21001390 South Texas Judge Overturns City Council Election Due to Voter Fraud and Allegations of Fake Addresses on Voter Registrations

>>21001391 Jill Biden's 3,600-mile round trip from France to Delaware to spend two days at Hunter's trial could cost taxpayers up to $345,000

>>21001397 Biden Now Wants to Get Rid of All of Your Gas Appliances - Not Just Stoves

>>21001409 Trump runs TikTok now

>>21001415 Hedge funds are trying everything they can to bring down the price of GameStop below $20

>>21001448, >>21001485 Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre On Biden’s Plagiarism Accusations: “He didn't plagiarize, He copied”

>>21001453, >>21001393 DC FBI pedo caught trying to meet up with a 15yo girl

>>21001499 Steve Bannon On Sovereignty Parties' Success In The European Parliamentary Election

>>21001500 Georgia Rep Mike Collins says staffer among those robbed, beaten in Capitol Hill area attack

>>21001557 POLL: 84% Of Americans Expect To Be Worse Off Under A Second Biden Term

>>21001577 In De Moine, Iowa today: Iowa Defends Immigration Law

>>21001631 Raheem Kassam Breaks Down The "Major Flashpoint" For France, Germany, And Belgium

>>21001638 NYT: Israel Tortured, Sexually Abused Palestinian Detainees at Israeli Military Base

>>21001697 US Supreme Court allows 40 states to issue their own gold and silver-backed currencies, endorsing dual banking systems

>>21001710 New National Poll Finds 62 Percent of Americans, Including Democrats, Support National Program to Deport All Illegal Aliens

>>21001715, >>21001741, >>21001750, >>21001766 Tucker noticing things

>>21001740, >>21001754 Fact-check: Were the two recently liberated Israeli hostages actually freed more than a month ago?

>>21001772, >>21002046, >>21001832, >>21001867, >>21001882 Literally Hunt for Red October

>>21001793 3 months ago, Tucker interviewed Dr. Keith Ablow, the Psychiatrist who treated Hunter Biden for his cocaine addiction

>>21001795 PF: ‪SAM289 G5 NE from JBA heading across the Atlantic

>>21001834, >>21001874, >>21001910 Nathaniel Philip Rothschild's boat ‬

>>21001838, >>21001781 Sheriff Mack: Sheriffs Are In A Position Where They Can Stop These Horrible Federal and FBI Attacks Against President Trump

>>21001845 The “Queen” died exactly 1776 days from the first Q post

>>21001863 Scammers are exploiting AI technology to impersonate James O'Keefe, targeting and luring OMG supporters to send money

>>21001871 James Rickards Explains European Election Results

>>21001883 Refresher: According to @marcopolo in the report on the Hunter laptop, there were 3 laptops dropped off at computer shop

>>21001901 White House Close to Tapping Christy Goldsmith Romero to Head FDIC

>>21001926, >>21001943, >>21001952 Halyna Hutchins

>>21001974 Mark Chenoweth: Americans Need A Containment Policy For The Administrative State “Untamed Beast”

>>21002058 Bannon: President Trump Has Forwarded The Populist Movement 40 Years

>>21002063 Kids can now call or text the White House to talk about butt sex with Joe or one of his interns

>>21001383, >>21001404, >>21001476, >>21001885, >>21001888 Misc.

>>21002080 #25756

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821f72 No.21004205

#25755 >>21000515

>>21000523 Lead Investigator Says President Biden ‘Committed Many Crimes,’ Impeachment Report ‘Imminent’

>>21000524, >>21000538, >>21000545 Mil

>>21000534 Lindsey Graham: Biden Is ‘Withholding Weapons’ From Israel That They Need To End War

>>21000544 Tom Cotton Rips Leftist Voices Complaining About Casualties In Israeli Rescue Operation

>>21000602 Media Blackout: Four Tourists Stabbed in China

>>21000603 Track your representatives: https://trackaipac.com/

>>21000656 Jerusalem Post Threatens Spain Will 'Face Consequences' for Recognizing a Palestinian State

>>21000672, >>21000770 DJT: Biden Hates the Military!

>>21000676 Prof. Murry Salby: Atmospheric carbon is not a pollutant and humans cannot regulate it

>>21000681, >>21000870 PF: Ukraine AF UKN1127 A319 Zelensky left Rzeszow Airport, Poland to Berlin

>>21000687 Italian subsidiary of French luxury giant LVMH put under court administration in Italy over labour exploitation

>>21000693 Report Details How The Israel Lobby Controls The U.S. Congress

>>21000702 Top Canadian university posts job listing that excludes white heterosexual men

>>21000714, >>21000711, >>21000761, >>21000765, >>21000725, >>21000763, >>21000771 Eyes on the Petrodollar

>>21000723 Man charged with human trafficking, sex crimes in Madison Heights

>>21000755, >>21000967 Airplane carrying Malawi's Vice President Saulos Chilima disappears from radar, search and rescue currently underway

>>21000782 2024 European election results update

>>21000821 Sen. Baldwin Rakes in California Cash While Slamming Opponent for Golden State Ties

>>21000853, >>21000861, >>21000862, >>21000867 Bad Boy over here

>>21000868, >>21000882, >>21001113, >>21001101, >>21001251, >>21001256 Fetterman and wife both hospitalized after car accident on highway

>>21000888, >>21000920 Pelosi declared in video shot by daughter 'I take responsibility' for Jan. 6 security failure

>>21001026, >>21001043, >>21001234 Elon: If Apple integrates OpenAI at the OS level, then Apple devices will be banned at my companies

>>21001033 In Wyoming, Bill Gates moves ahead with nuclear project aimed at revolutionizing power generation

>>21001137, >>21001167 BS Biden border ‘crackdown’ has already failed as illegals flood across

>>21001146 Biden's approval rating just hit its lowest mark on record (37.4%)

>>21001200 Alabama Sec of State Wes Allen is accusing the Biden Admin of providing voter registration forms to illegals and deceased individuals

>>21001221, >>21001207 Hunter Biden jurors begin deliberations in Delaware gun trial

>>21001224 UAW president under investigation by federal monitor

>>21001232 Meet Judge Julia Lipez of Maine - Biden nominated her for the First Circuit Court of Appeals

>>21001246 PF: Gitmo express going back to base…

>>21001252, >>21000849, >>21001183 Young Thug’s Attorney Brian Steel Taken into Custody for Contempt of Court in YSL RICO Trial

>>21001264 List of 53 crimes of which the DOJ could have charged Hunter Biden

>>21001268, >>21001097 Federal Court Revives Lawsuit Against Los Angeles COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

>>21001269 Diddy whistleblower R&B Singer Jaguar Wright Arrested in Texas

>>21001270 Buzz Paterson: Hillary Clinton threatened to take my Air Force pension after writing “Dereliction of Duty” in 2003

>>21001275 CNN analyst tells Chris Wallace that Biden will pardon Hunter

>>21001284 Last night in Los Angeles: $11,000 stolen, 50+ looters, only 1 arrest

>>21000648, >>21000724, >>21000905, >>21001021, >>21001009, >>21001031 Memes

>>21001318 #25755

Previously Collected

>>21002080 #25756, >>21000368 #25754,

>>20999554 #25753, >>21000368 #25754, >>21001318 #25755

>>20996728 #25750, >>20997952 #25751, >>20998520 #25752

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Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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821f72 No.21004220

File: 0af43c6bd80dc78⋯.png (1.41 MB,1320x1442,660:721,ClipboardImage.png)



Q Research General #25759: Within Striking Distance of Biden in Blue Minnesota: CHECKMATE? Edition

RED Lake, RED River Minnesota

watch the water

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a2a46a No.21004224

File: 50876a00c27a3a3⋯.png (648.92 KB,783x842,783:842,Screenshot_2024_06_11_at_0….png)

The Clooney Foundation for Justice’s Docket Project is pursuing secret arrest warrants for journalists in Europe whose reporting is favorable to Russia in a move that a Kremlin spokesperson has labeled “insane.”

By now, we’re all painfully aware that facts and truth don’t matter to a lot of people if they don’t align with their views, and now this foundation, which was founded by actor George Clooney and his wife, human rights lawyer Amal Clooney, is trying to use legal processes to stop professionals from doing their jobs.

The Docket Project’s legal director, Anna Neistat, recently told Voice of America radio that they are attempting to obtain the arrest warrants by appealing to the European countries that have laws against “war propaganda.” She announced: “We are submitting requests to initiate criminal proceedings in countries where this provision exists in the criminal code."

She added: "If the warrant is issued, it essentially becomes an EU-wide warrant through Europol. This means journalists could potentially be arrested and extradited to the country investigating them."

She would not disclose the names of the journalists they are targeting but did admit that they were focusing on “the most prominent Russian propagandists.”

She seemed to take particular delight in the idea of catching the journalists they are targeting off guard, explaining how they are seeking secret warrants.

"We are asking prosecutors to issue secret arrest warrants… so the names are not revealed. We want these individuals to travel to other countries and be arrested there. It’s better if they are left guessing rather than receiving a clear warning," she said.


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821f72 No.21004248

File: eb02e056195ae1b⋯.png (717.84 KB,800x822,400:411,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 597a73ed65776ad⋯.png (474.85 KB,840x1087,840:1087,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f188fe925244ab⋯.png (840.44 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a2a46a No.21004252

File: cfbc05faf546f30⋯.png (22.91 KB,830x161,830:161,Screenshot_2024_06_11_at_0….png)

File: ab81c24a0f58893⋯.png (138.43 KB,500x175,20:7,Screenshot_2024_06_11_at_0….png)


The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity's Daniel McAdams has revealed a rather concerning US government-affiliated non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Ukraine, which has published a list of 'enemies' that includes American journalists, business leaders, media outlets, websites, and basically anyone who has been critical of the Biden administration. And of course - they've already backpedaled.

NGO "Data Journalism Agency," also known as (TEXTY), published a report last week titled "American swing. From Trumpists to communists, who and how is campaigning for the end of aid to Ukraine."

The report intends to smear American conservative journalists, media outlets, and organizations as disseminators of Russian propaganda.

But it's really a list of anyone opposed to the war in Ukraine, or Biden, or the left in general.

A total of 390 individuals and 76 organizations are included in what McAdams describes as Ukraine's "enemies list."

More from McAdams:

The report also includes such prominent American politicians and journalists as Sen. JD Vance, Sen. Rand Paul, Rep. Matt Gaetz, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Rep. Jim Jordan, and Col. Douglas Macgregor.

Even our friends at Antiwar.com…and your own correspondent (!) find ourselves appearing on the Ukrainian "enemies list":


Perhaps what is most shocking about this attack on American citizens is the fact that the Data Journalism Agency (TEXTY) has a long affiliation with the US Government itself! In fact, the founder of the publication Anatoly Bondarenko appears prominently on a US Government website as a participant in the US State Department's "TechCamp" project.

The Data Journalism Agency (TEXTY) is listed as an "Implementing Partner" of the US Agency for International Development's Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services/ TAPAS Project.

The Ukrainians seemingly love to make lists of their "enemies." One of their most notorious of these is the infamous "kill list" put out by the Mirotvorets Center in Kiev. From that list several have already been murdered by Ukraine, including prominent Russian journalist Daria Dugina.

One wonders how, for example, former US President Donald Trump and dozens of members of the US Congress will react when they hear that US tax dollars are being sent to Ukraine for US-backed Ukrainian organizations to make "hate lists" and "kill lists" of patriotic Americans like themselves.

Commentator Robby Starbuck chimed in on X; "This is insane. A Ukrainian NGO just put out an enemies list that includes US citizens. This list blames us for Ukraine's issues on the battlefield," adding "Here's where it gets crazy… The founder of this NGO (http://Texty.org.ua) was TRAINED by the US State Department."


The list includes me, @elonmusk , @DavidSacks , @Jim_Banks , @RandPaul , @JackPosobiec , @charliekirk11 , @RealCandaceO , @JDVance1 , @michaeljknowles , @HawleyMO , @Eric_Schmitt , @benshapiro , @RonDeSantis , @DonaldJTrumpJr , @realDonaldTrump , @Jim_Jordan , @LauraLoomer , @ggreenwald @TuckerCarlson , @RonPaul , @RepThomasMassie , @timburchett , @dbongino , @TateTheTalisman , @Cobratate , @RobertKennedyJr and more.


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a2a46a No.21004256



made these 2 posts to highlight that these cabal/deep state operatives are straight up fascists

anyone who has a differing opinion they are criminalizing

seems to be a coordinated effort among cabal/deep state minions in the media, hollywood, US government and 3 letter agencies

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6ca957 No.21004257


What do you think the RED symbolizes?

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0256bd No.21004258

File: 3c743fd554958d7⋯.jpeg (983.76 KB,1396x764,349:191,A475CF69_9080_4B6D_AEDA_9….jpeg)

File: 4b1c2b5d848d6ca⋯.jpeg (225.22 KB,764x525,764:525,4078EB21_9199_434B_8093_4….jpeg)

PlaneFaggin’: Europe

Belgium AF BAF662 A400m heading to Rzeszow Aiport for a stop and drop from Chievres AB

Sweden AF SVF680 SIGINT Gulfstream S102B Korpen out of Gotland Island S-cap 2

AE67A2 P8 Poseidon NE in Baltic Sea

Polish AF PLF106 G5 left Rzeszow heading to G’dansk

Ukraine AF UKN1127 A319Zelenskystill at Berlin-Brandenberg from yesterdays arrival

Belgian AF BAF73 Falcon 7x at Tallinn, Estonia also arrived yesterday

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38faef No.21004261


>Is this really the reason China wants to invade Taiwan?


China wants those chip making machines but the thing they want most is to establish their dominance in the area

Just like Japan after Admiral Togo whipped the Russians

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821f72 No.21004263

File: d92974fe94a6c41⋯.png (704.69 KB,1102x949,1102:949,ClipboardImage.png)

Independent Reporter Calls Out CBS News' Lesley Stahl Over Biden Laptop Claims

CBS News’ Lesley Stahl owes Donald Trump an apology. When the Hunter Biden laptop, which detailed the sordid affairs of Joe Biden’s son, was brought up during Trump’s interview on 60 Minutes, Stahl claimed the device couldn’t be verified. She wasn’t the only one. If the press didn’t utter the ‘unverified’ talking point, it was the Russian disinformation lie that the intelligence community manufactured to tilt the election.

In 2020, 'journalist' Lesley Stahl shamed Trump & cut him off during an interview for citing the Hunter Biden laptop.

Today, FBI agent Erika Jensen said during Hunter’s trial that there is no evidence the laptop was tampered with, like many in the media claimed.

Of course,… pic.twitter.com/C9gejqaNH4

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) June 5, 2024

The FBI just admitted in court that Hunter Biden's laptop is real.

Here are 20 minutes of Joe Biden, U.S. intelligence officials, and the American media claiming that Hunter Biden's laptop was "Russian disinformation."

The FBI has had possession of Hunter's laptop since… pic.twitter.com/5lzQaXitwq

— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) June 5, 2024

Not a single person featured in this montage called me to ask how I verified the emails. https://t.co/ftUrty081O

— Emma-Jo Morris (@EmmaJoNYC) June 7, 2024

The Post was banned from Twitter over reporting it.

Former top intelligence official signed a letter denying the laptop was real.

Other journalists actively mocked and attacked the idea the laptop was real.

It was real. It was always real. They lied to win an election. https://t.co/jbTZkYrqzo

— Sunny (@sunnyright) June 5, 2024

We knew the truth. It took the liberal media months to catch up, finally agreeing with The New York Post, which initially reported on the laptop’s contents. Emma-Jo Morris verified its contents. The FBI knew it was authentic as well, which was exposed during the Hunter Biden gun trial, where the jury is currently deliberating. Yet, what followed was that the New York Post’s social media accounts were frozen for days. The story was censored. Reporter Peter Schweizer spoke with Michael Shellenberger about the laptop, where he torched CBS News, adding that they could have easily verified it before the Trump interview:


It’s Open Season on Normal People

Derek Hunter

CBS' Lesley Stahl of "60 Minutes" said in October, 2020 that Hunter Biden's "laptop… can't be verified." That was false. It could be and was. And, according to the journalist who verified it, @peterschweizer, CBS and Stahl could have done so before she interviewed Trump. pic.twitter.com/SdDpZnOpSX

— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) June 5, 2024

Where are the apologies? On his podcast, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) did not mince words when discussing this part of Trump's 60 Minutes interview:

Epic Raid Frees Israeli Hostages—from the "Journalist" Who Was Holding them, plus Spies who Lied about Hunter's Laptop. @benfergusonshow and I break down the latest breaking news on Verdict. Available wherever you get your podcasts.https://t.co/eklY1rWgNL

— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) June 10, 2024

If Lesley Stahl, if any journalist had a shred of integrity, they would stand up and say, “I was totally wrong. What I said was false. I didn't do my job, and I apologize”. She's not going to do that. None of them are. And by the way, the people who have signed this letter, they're not coming back and admitting, “okay, I was completely full of crap. And I lied to the American people right before the election and it influenced the election profoundly.”

Senator, the media has yet to apologize for running with a Russian collusion hoax for three years. You’re right; they’re not going to apologize. And they can’t whine or complain about why people dismiss them so often. We know who they are and who they serve. It’s not outrageous to call them enemies of the people.

It’s rather refreshing to know that we no longer need to listen to them.

Stahl, you screwed up. You’re part of the old-school journalistic crowd. Own it, lady.


Side note: Hunter Biden’s trial wouldn’t have happened without IRS whistleblowers Joesph Ziegler and Gary Shapley coming forward and nuking the sweetheart deal the Biden Justice Department was cobbling together. The DOJ is prosecuting Hunter because they were forced to do it, not because they’re honoring the rule of law. The optics got too dirty.


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dc6a0e No.21004267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The Last Battle For Urozhaine Has Begaun | Counterattacks Near Vuhledar. Military Summary 2024.06.11


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41384c No.21004268

File: 742b55bf82425e1⋯.png (718.51 KB,476x514,238:257,Screenshot_6641_.png)

such fail

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cef550 No.21004272


>"Human rights" lawyer Amal Clooney

>Pursuing secret arrests of citizen journalists

What a nazi fraud

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c394c8 No.21004275

Biden is going to exceed expectations at the debates, according to Morning Joe.

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cef550 No.21004276


Its not working

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38faef No.21004278


Most of the RAM in the World is still made in Malaysia

Cheap Labor

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41384c No.21004279

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ry Cooder - Straight Street (Live in studio)

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08eb01 No.21004280

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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dc6a0e No.21004282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Are They Trying to Ban Parts of the Bible? Rep. Thomas Massie Weighs in.

Binding Bill for prosecuting antisemitism brought(and passed in congress) that referenced an external, overseas website that defined what antisemitism is. It cited passages in the bible that would be illegal to discuss in higher education.


full interview here: https://youtu.be/omBSEuFTYEo Rep. Thomas Massie: Israel Lobbyists, the Cowards in Congress, and Living off the Grid

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16dc25 No.21004286

File: 81111ffc1979957⋯.png (18.06 KB,255x255,1:1,c75528f768786c12cf4ffde0b3….png)



South African child trafficking exposed.

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38faef No.21004287


In Hearaldry:

3. Red – Gules

Red is traditionally associated with military strength and cunning, martyr for a cause, warrior and magnanimity.

Hmmm, cunning

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5d4603 No.21004288

File: 55b6d992aee56d9⋯.jpg (63.99 KB,768x432,16:9,666739dd203027426967e610.jpg)

Dmitry Trenin: Here’s how Russia can prevent WW3

For 80 years, the Atom bomb has prevented a repeat of the horrors of the 1940s – Russia needs to leverage it again to stop American aggression

Dmitry Trenin

By Dmitry Trenin, a research professor at the Higher School of Economics and a lead research fellow at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations. He is also a member of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC).


Dmitry Trenin: Here’s how Russia can prevent WW3

© Galerie Bilderwelt/Getty Images

Nuclear deterrence is not a myth. It kept the world safe during the Cold War. Deterrence is a psychological concept. You have to convince a nuclear-armed adversary that it will not achieve its objectives by attacking you, and that if it goes to war its own annihilation is assured. The mutual nuclear deterrence between the USSR and the US during their confrontation was reinforced by the reality of mutually assured destruction in the event of a massive exchange of nuclear strikes. Incidentally, the abbreviation for Mutually Assured Destruction is MAD. And that’s very apt.


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6ca957 No.21004289


It symbolizes blood.

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38faef No.21004290


Looks like conjecture

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38faef No.21004292


Would not put it past them

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0256bd No.21004293

File: 25266032f363203⋯.jpeg (327.41 KB,1204x617,1204:617,1ED411FE_BFDB_4AB0_BBA1_5….jpeg)

File: 165ff7bd1691d96⋯.png (126.14 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd535b702e38444⋯.png (172.98 KB,1250x1000,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

AE682F P8 Poseidon just before sunrise back off shore after getting a refuel over land

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9339f8 No.21004295

File: f930aada050ee02⋯.jpeg (391.13 KB,959x632,959:632,IMG_1825.jpeg)

File: 92a09c80b5439d5⋯.jpeg (135.8 KB,988x960,247:240,IMG_1815.jpeg)

File: a2c164a7b6f9af8⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB,1245x1526,1245:1526,IMG_1821.jpeg)

File: 60d2a52e15314af⋯.jpeg (417.29 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1816.jpeg)

File: ee6ab806bf532d5⋯.jpeg (342.55 KB,1073x1341,1073:1341,IMG_1812.jpeg)

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6a7ff0 No.21004296

File: a8572b9f658b4f4⋯.mp4 (3.72 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Jason_Miller_20240610_2_ne….mp4)

File: c257f7076ea8973⋯.png (581.11 KB,735x767,735:767,c257f7076ea89735a0943e636f….png)


>Biden will exceed at the debates

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6ca957 No.21004298


Symbolic of sacrifice. Blood rites.

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fe5c7b No.21004302

File: 7ae2e5f4f4f698d⋯.gif (860.53 KB,280x281,280:281,7ae2e5f4f4f698d858eb9c9950….gif)

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821f72 No.21004303


who cares

that has been going on for century's

How Constantine Excluded Reincarnation from the Bible

Constantine Removed Reincarnation From the Bible

Reincarnation, the belief in the rebirth of a soul in a new body after death, has been a prominent concept in various religious and spiritual traditions throughout history. However, it is widely believed that the notion of reincarnation was deliberately removed from the Bible during the reign of Emperor Constantine in the 4th century AD.

Constantine, the first Christian Roman Emperor, played a significant role in shaping the early Christian Church and its doctrines. In an effort to consolidate his power and establish a unified Christian empire, Constantine convened the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. This council aimed to resolve theological disputes and standardize Christian beliefs.

During the Council of Nicaea, several decisions were made that would shape the future of Christianity. One of the key decisions was the establishment of the Nicene Creed, a statement of faith that affirmed the divinity of Jesus Christ. However, the topic of reincarnation was not discussed or included in the creed.

It is believed that Constantine, influenced by his own beliefs and political motivations, intentionally excluded reincarnation from the discussions. Some scholars argue that Constantine wanted to distance Christianity from other religions and philosophies that embraced the idea of reincarnation. By removing reincarnation from the Bible, he sought to establish a more exclusive and distinct Christian doctrine.

Moreover, Constantine’s desire for a unified Christian empire played a role in the exclusion of reincarnation. The concept of reincarnation was seen as a potential source of division and disagreement among Christians. By eliminating this belief, Constantine aimed to create a more cohesive and centralized religious authority.

The removal of reincarnation from the Bible was not an immediate and complete process. It took several centuries for the doctrine of reincarnation to be suppressed and labeled as heretical within Christianity. Early Christian texts, such as the Gospel of Thomas and the writings of Origen, contained references to the idea of reincarnation. However, these texts were eventually excluded from the official canon, and their teachings on reincarnation were deemed non-orthodox.

Today, the absence of reincarnation from the Bible is a point of contention among religious scholars and spiritual seekers. Some argue that the removal of reincarnation was a deliberate act of suppression, while others believe it was simply a result of theological differences and evolving religious beliefs.

In conclusion, the exclusion of reincarnation from the Bible is widely attributed to the influence of Emperor Constantine during the Council of Nicaea. His desire for a unified Christian empire and the need to establish a distinct Christian doctrine played a significant role in the removal of this belief from the official teachings of Christianity. Nonetheless, the concept of reincarnation continues to be embraced by many other religious and spiritual traditions outside of Christianity.


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a2a46a No.21004304

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: 3cacbe30fe28414⋯.png (12.37 KB,137x53,137:53,Screenshot_2024_06_11_at_0….png)

File: 3b2e913b4f001b9⋯.png (12.02 KB,142x57,142:57,Screenshot_2024_06_11_at_0….png)

File: 21b8b46f88001e3⋯.png (8.54 KB,102x51,2:1,Screenshot_2024_06_11_at_0….png)


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6ca957 No.21004305


"Acts of God" is literally how "Natural Disasters" are described on Insurance policies.

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dc6a0e No.21004306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Candace Owens returns with her show, no longer with Daily Wire gatekeeping. Discusses the reasons she was let go, her alleged antisemitism and that Christ is King.

Uh-oh! I Got Fired. | Candace Show Ep 1

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3db29b No.21004307



[Getting raw'd by NGOs at the border]

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6ca957 No.21004308

Just me and you.

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821f72 No.21004309

File: 54e0a76aeb0357a⋯.png (568.01 KB,1196x795,1196:795,ClipboardImage.png)





BlackRock adds proxy advisory firm Egan Jones, amid ESG criticism

Company partnering with Egan Jones as new proxy advisor beginning in July

BlackRock announced Tuesday that it is partnering with a third proxy advisory firm to give its clients a wider range of investment counsel as critics suggested the mammoth asset manager is trying to make up for allegations that it leans into ESG (environmental, social, governance) tenets more than its fiduciary responsibilities merit.

In a release obtained by Fox News Digital on Monday, BlackRock officials said the firm remains committed to providing its clients with choices that support their growing range of investment preferences via its Voting Choice program.

"We continue to innovate and provide more choice to our clients who wish to take a more direct role in the proxy voting process," Joud Abdel Majeid, global head of BlackRock Investment Stewardship, said in the release.

"We’re pleased to add a third proxy advisor to our platform and the option for more clients to customize their voting guidelines to reflect their specific goals and objectives."

In that regard, BlackRock will be adding Delaware County, Pa.-based ratings firm Egan Jones as a third proxy adviser beginning in July. Sean Egan, the founder of Egan Jones, was previously ranked by Fortune as the No. 1 prognosticator of the 2008 financial crisis.

In his comments to Fox News Digital, Roberts said many states are nonetheless seeking to "eliminate the politics in boardrooms of America’s companies."

"BlackRock’s move to expand 'voting choice' touted under the guise of a ‘commitment to providing clients with choices’ is too little, too late," he said, pointing to right-wing gains in France and the European Parliament that show citizens are "fed up with being pawns in global elites’ war on common sense."

BlackRock’s release said that prior to the addition of Egan Jones, $600 billion in institutional investment assets under management were entrusted to the Voting Choice program.






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9339f8 No.21004310

File: 3ec7bdb9717ae4e⋯.jpeg (181.78 KB,745x496,745:496,Georgia_Guidestones_Meme_….JPEG)

File: 57a6e4865d9478d⋯.jpeg (2.39 MB,3873x3099,1291:1033,Georgia_Guidestones_Drone….JPEG)

File: 913d9145f0d5a10⋯.jpg (352.7 KB,1255x1062,1255:1062,IMG_0930.JPG)

File: 2557255e32e22ae⋯.jpeg (907.45 KB,1773x1182,3:2,Georgia_Guidestones_Trump….JPEG)


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dc6a0e No.21004311


>who cares


>that has been going on for century's

Because in America the 1st amendment protects our freedom of speech, fuckface. New speech AND old speech.

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0256bd No.21004312

File: f58c3569b09eded⋯.jpeg (215.8 KB,781x560,781:560,CEA6DD2A_0338_4F12_A7BF_8….jpeg)


You mean the one he won’t show up for cuz they’ll drag our Carter’s already been ded body and have. a state funeral so he can say he can’t go?

That one ?


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6ca957 No.21004313


It's all green?

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821f72 No.21004314

File: e445a7ec0934d5c⋯.png (761.41 KB,817x784,817:784,ClipboardImage.png)

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20122b No.21004316

File: c2fdb20fd837714⋯.png (63.37 KB,294x248,147:124,LateStageJimmyC.png)


I'm Not Dead Yet!

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9339f8 No.21004317

File: af7397c723b24d4⋯.jpeg (322.75 KB,1368x799,1368:799,IMG_1799.jpeg)

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37c38b No.21004318

File: 04616f097c3d348⋯.jpeg (519.67 KB,2649x3771,883:1257,IMG_0559.jpeg)

a bewbs post for no reason

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3db29b No.21004319



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6a7ff0 No.21004320

File: 9846a4b7211233d⋯.jpg (40.38 KB,574x647,574:647,20240611_042800.jpg)

Kamala looks like she poisoned him

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37c38b No.21004321

File: 04616f097c3d348⋯.jpeg (519.67 KB,2649x3771,883:1257,IMG_0559.jpeg)

a bewbs post for no reason

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9339f8 No.21004322

File: d81c5ff6724b400⋯.jpg (93.61 KB,628x308,157:77,Trudeau.jpg)

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7e7599 No.21004323

File: b0585283f96f911⋯.jpg (265.95 KB,949x1280,949:1280,b0585283f96f911a7ed40e2e31….jpg)

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821f72 No.21004324


>BlackRock’s release said that prior to the addition of Egan Jones, $600 billion in institutional investment assets under managementwere entrusted to the Voting Choice program.


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37c38b No.21004325



sorry for double post of bewbs/server glitch

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6ca957 No.21004326

These are the stupidest people on the internet.

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20122b No.21004328

File: 42452013b10033c⋯.png (1.02 MB,1085x1085,1:1,GMSunshine.png)


A Bright and Sunny Mornin!


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821f72 No.21004329

File: 423c8a075f6208f⋯.png (640.23 KB,1280x720,16:9,Terence_McKenna_xc.png)

File: 09fd3de25058fa1⋯.png (358.62 KB,473x1518,43:138,X_always_knew_there_was_an….png)


can anon who has twitter, please grab the link to this?


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0256bd No.21004330


He ded

And been

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41384c No.21004331

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ry Cooder - The Prodigal Son (Live in studio)

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00bba8 No.21004333

File: 7be824cc7c8d707⋯.jpeg (222.44 KB,1102x1240,551:620,7be824cc7c8d7070b1daf3d88….jpeg)

Thousands of Americans expected to abandon the Great Awakening and go back to sleep having seen this powerful meme. Is this Biden's meme tear's maiden effort

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092e71 No.21004334


kek he looks pretty dead to me

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821f72 No.21004336

File: 3cbf507a2c3df5e⋯.png (132.83 KB,368x600,46:75,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ddc8f598890229f⋯.png (295.08 KB,896x789,896:789,ClipboardImage.png)

Judge Cannon Denies Trump Motion to Dismiss Some of Jack Smith’s Classified Documents Case – Here are the Details

Judge Aileen Cannon on Monday denied Trump’s motion to dismiss some of the charges in Jack Smith’s classified documents case.

President Trump and his co-defendant Walt Nauta filed a motion to dismiss charges related to obstruction and false statements.

Cannon denied the motion but removed a paragraph in Jack Smith’s superseding indictment.

This is the paragraph in Smith’s indictment Cannon has removed. She called Smith’s reasons for including this alleged incident in his indictment “not appropriate.” pic.twitter.com/h1YZMyujzI

— Julie Kelly (@julie_kelly2) June 10, 2024

Fox News reported:

The federal judge presiding over the classified documents case against former President Trump has denied a motion to dismiss some of the charges in the indictment.

Trump’s legal team had sought to throw out more than a half dozen of the 41 counts in the indictment, which accuses the former commander in chief of illegally hoarding classified documents from his presidency and conspiring with others to conceal sensitive files from the federal government.

The defendants had challenged counts related to obstruction and false statements, but U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon issued an order Monday saying that “the identified deficiencies, even if generating some arguable confusion, are either permitted by law, raise evidentiary challenges not appropriate for disposition at this juncture, and/or do not require dismissal even if technically deficient, so long as the jury is instructed appropriately and presented with adequate verdict forms as to each Defendants’ alleged conduct.”

Judge Aileen Cannon will hold an expanded hearing on the validity of Jack Smith’s special counsel appointment.

President Trump previously filed a motion to dismiss Jack Smith’s classified documents charges based on the “unlawful appointment and funding of Special Counsel.”

The evidentiary hearing is set for June 21.

Judge Cannon last month indefinitely postponed the classified documents case after Special Counsel Jack Smith admitted to tampering with evidence.

The Judge vacated the May 20, 2024 trial date. It may be several months until Judge Cannon sets a new trial date.

Jack Smith admitted the FBI messed with the boxes containing “classified” documents they seized from Trump and can’t be sure the order or the placement of the documents.

The DOJ previously assured the Court that the placement of classified documents as originally found had been maintained – THEY LIED!

The DOJ in August 2022 lied to the Court when they claimed the red, blue and yellow sheets shown in the viral photo of the classified documents indicated their classification status.


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092e71 No.21004337


a ginger mound morning

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9339f8 No.21004339

File: afa9fa9145ec63e⋯.jpeg (209.8 KB,1130x1223,1130:1223,IMG_1826.jpeg)


Here’s some Moobs for no reason

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092e71 No.21004340


they'll do a ruth ginsberg with jimmy

defrost him in november as a distraction

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6ca957 No.21004341


I hate it when people pretend to be Scottish and aren't.

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3ffa70 No.21004342

File: b65a3bca7a765c2⋯.jpeg (55.91 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_5470.jpeg)

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6ca957 No.21004343


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092e71 No.21004344


she looks hot!

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821f72 No.21004346

File: 18fe43237905949⋯.png (111.17 KB,1206x592,603:296,ClipboardImage.png)

Rep. Loudermilk reacts to video of Nancy Pelosi taking responsibility for J6 security failures

Representative Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) says footage of then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declaring “I take responsibility” for failing to have a better security plan for the U.S. Capitol on January 6 raises more questions. The video, released by House GOP investigators, was recorded by her daughter Alexandra Pelosi for her HBO documentary about the Jan. 6 riot.


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092e71 No.21004348


it is moran not moron

learn to spell

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6ca957 No.21004349


He looks like Aweed's kid.

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fa5073 No.21004351


they appear lactational

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6ca957 No.21004352


Go to hell.

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97cd45 No.21004353


it's a psychopathic liar.

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f3f8a0 No.21004354


not you again!

can't you get jesus to beam you up so we don't have to read your whackjob posts?

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9339f8 No.21004355

File: 896c477caabda01⋯.png (387.05 KB,504x434,36:31,5BDDD3B5_7D87_4E78_814A_7D….png)

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97cd45 No.21004356


this glow cannot be faked.

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f3f8a0 No.21004357


Hell is a noun, hence upper case H.


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0256bd No.21004358

File: c77d3352f0276c3⋯.jpeg (296.88 KB,1193x608,1193:608,F12144FC_6974_45C6_A0E5_6….jpeg)

File: d1d1a6764ddefd6⋯.jpeg (358.18 KB,758x702,379:351,D9955464_7E34_485E_96CA_D….jpeg)

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821f72 No.21004359

File: 46583bb02982aae⋯.png (824.63 KB,778x912,389:456,ClipboardImage.png)


>about the Jan. 6 riot.

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6ca957 No.21004362


We have bigger fish to fry.

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876c89 No.21004363

File: d5fbeb381527269⋯.jpeg (64.2 KB,472x660,118:165,download_9.jpeg)

Tuesday MAGA Tuesday

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7d0527 No.21004364

File: f6a1bea691d2ced⋯.jpeg (331.33 KB,1013x1280,1013:1280,IMG_0333.jpeg)

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20122b No.21004365

File: db4990e2b959efe⋯.mp4 (8.15 MB,848x464,53:29,IMG_9521.MP4)

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6ca957 No.21004366

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c394c8 No.21004367

File: 188e54e55ac1142⋯.mp4 (1.09 MB,572x332,143:83,Biden_at_debates.mp4)

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9339f8 No.21004370

File: f2720673c37b36b⋯.jpeg (200.1 KB,1130x1129,1130:1129,IMG_1800.jpeg)

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3db29b No.21004372


>events of January 6th wouldn't have occurred

<they walked escorted through the Capitol .. WHATS THE FREAKING FUSS ABOUT?

>it literally was mostly peaceful


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bbf187 No.21004373

File: 8777456bfcb5769⋯.png (1.31 MB,1100x733,1100:733,ClipboardImage.png)

random black people have been very nice to me over the last month. nice change, yessir.

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fa5073 No.21004374

File: 97218cc0c0f19b0⋯.jpg (122.02 KB,1600x1063,1600:1063,October_303.JPG)

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6a7ff0 No.21004376

File: 9837a8e08bc165b⋯.jpg (111.68 KB,711x780,237:260,20240611_044221.jpg)

File: 7aaa4a1abb0b8f5⋯.mp4 (10.94 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clown_World_20240611_2_new.mp4)


This video is fuckin crazy and encapsulates this whole Biden fiasco, fuckin big mike in a dress on the end wtf

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7cddb0 No.21004377


all vaxxies are fucked proper

blood clots, heart attacks plus sterility, nanobots, suddenlies and all the rest

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97cd45 No.21004378


trusts the history.

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9339f8 No.21004379

File: 4f7a01c2190537a⋯.mp4 (529.44 KB,480x852,40:71,5Wm1_A8Nin1UQebe.mp4)

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20122b No.21004380

File: 9dcb12b30f0a26d⋯.png (1022.89 KB,1125x637,1125:637,ClipboardImage.png)

GM Tuesday

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3db29b No.21004383



[The lawfare hubris sized ba als on that Cannon]

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de0d43 No.21004385

File: a80ea6b9a15b399⋯.jpeg (1.25 MB,1125x1936,1125:1936,IMG_1197.jpeg)

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821f72 No.21004386

File: c547abb695a6fd0⋯.png (553.94 KB,750x881,750:881,sleep_.png)

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821f72 No.21004388


go back further and all christian shit is based on hindu shit

its all stupid shit

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7cddb0 No.21004390


joe's motor seized or the lil robots inside him were on a coffee break

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41384c No.21004391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Traveling Wilburys - End Of The Line (Official Video)

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96ddc7 No.21004393


Akinesia is a term for the loss of ability to move your muscles voluntarily. It’s most often described as a symptom of Parkinson’s disease (PD). It can appear as a symptom of other conditions, too.


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9339f8 No.21004394

File: acaa27d27f478e8⋯.jpeg (298.25 KB,966x749,138:107,IMG_1828.jpeg)

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1288dd No.21004397


think mirror

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6a7ff0 No.21004398

File: c8fb949d460a448⋯.jpg (148.99 KB,720x1211,720:1211,20240611_044857.jpg)

File: 08227e1277c267b⋯.jpg (105.72 KB,1070x1386,535:693,20240611_044816.jpg)


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3db29b No.21004399


>Nancy Pelosi declaring “I take responsibility”

[That's rare]

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b6af8c No.21004401

File: e95e8f6b9e09cac⋯.jpg (124.22 KB,812x600,203:150,GM_covfefe.jpg)


GM haz own bread today?

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6a7ff0 No.21004402


The traveling satanic pedophiles

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1288dd No.21004403


you cannot even see it.

you Are stupid.

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bafaa9 No.21004405

File: b22d4dc75c7080f⋯.mp4 (3.64 MB,640x360,16:9,RPDNPDUYkFcdrTVXubhh28.mp4)



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9339f8 No.21004406

File: e1605be580593e9⋯.jpeg (204.27 KB,797x800,797:800,Rudy_Giuliani_Showtime_02.JPEG)

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1288dd No.21004408


look another sociopathic shekelgrübber

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9339f8 No.21004409

File: 7503c5c3e105479⋯.jpeg (136.08 KB,652x444,163:111,Rudy_Giuliani_Showtime_01.JPEG)

File: b25f3788f3ef684⋯.jpg (175.91 KB,800x625,32:25,Rudy_Giuliani_Showtime_03.jpg)

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1288dd No.21004410


every word a lie.

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1288dd No.21004411



Veddy Baht

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bbf187 No.21004412

File: 4535d27c0366c5c⋯.png (743.68 KB,761x499,761:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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1288dd No.21004413


two hehs

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6a7ff0 No.21004414



Used to love that shit, makes me ill knowing all the blood spilled to create popular music and all the children these vampires killed

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41384c No.21004415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

By His Grace

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139157 No.21004416

File: 7e08f8bef54e1f4⋯.png (1.5 MB,750x1334,375:667,12BDB845_1B1F_412B_A5B6_7F….png)

File: cf250e3119b2508⋯.jpeg (358.28 KB,2048x1152,16:9,01864D2A_17B7_462D_BE09_4….jpeg)


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bbe470 No.21004418


Drill Sergeant.

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c60eab No.21004420


>RED River

This division into a Cree-French-Catholic oriented group and an Ojibwe-Scottish-Protestant oriented group can be seen in the rise of the two main Métis languages: Mitchif, a French and Cree-based mixed-language whose speakers were largely Catholic, and Bungi, a form of speech that developed from Ojibwe, Scots, English, Gaelic, and Cree and was mostly spoken by Protestants (Anglican, Presbyterian).

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20122b No.21004421

File: 33421f9a78e5ce6⋯.mp4 (2.13 MB,640x640,1:1,IMG_6208.MP4)

What Storm!

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876c89 No.21004422

File: 1b1f487b79b99bf⋯.mp4 (231.63 KB,640x352,20:11,20d8b95ce6.mp4)

Joe Biden gives rambling incoherent speech:

"She know long! She knew suhlongasuhijeruhhnied"

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38faef No.21004423


There you are again

You start with the religious "arguments" then suddenly vacate when the usurper shows up. Now it's a new bread, usurper gone, but here you are right back at it

Almost like it was coordinated

Religious shit wasn't working on Graveyard, so trying Day Shift again

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139157 No.21004425

File: fffb76176ca00a0⋯.png (1.11 MB,750x1334,375:667,BFC3FDBA_E3D8_4EB8_A44F_8E….png)

File: 617c935a07c09bc⋯.jpeg (640.26 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,AC325D28_53EA_43DD_AE2C_1….jpeg)

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c60eab No.21004426

File: 7feef402e2551a3⋯.png (21.05 KB,1280x853,1280:853,ClipboardImage.png)


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9339f8 No.21004427

File: 512c5e68bc4b048⋯.png (856.7 KB,706x1113,706:1113,7861C5C5_EEBF_4EED_9BCF_BA….PNG)

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0256bd No.21004429

File: acb83e34c77b0c7⋯.jpeg (439.81 KB,828x817,828:817,69B66CF9_A750_4543_9D1D_C….jpeg)

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bbe470 No.21004430


Learn the difference between God and religion.

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91564c No.21004431

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dutch Clown & Joker

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7d0527 No.21004433



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c60eab No.21004434

File: 2230f23de85422c⋯.png (483.77 KB,1125x464,1125:464,ClipboardImage.png)



Future proves past.

News unlocks map.

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41384c No.21004435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In the Days Before Rock 'N' Roll

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38faef No.21004436


I'm fine as I am, thanks

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821f72 No.21004437

>>21004405, >>21004314 Nancy Pelosi's Daughter admitting J6 was a HOAX


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821f72 No.21004439

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bbe470 No.21004440


Amen. The fight never ends. 8 ships.

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9339f8 No.21004441

File: 04bb9deb374c99f⋯.jpg (51.35 KB,947x194,947:194,IMG_1031.jpg)

File: 83de3e1414c2dbf⋯.mp4 (2.46 MB,packandelempackatlackact_B….mp4)



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bafaa9 No.21004443


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ddd393 No.21004444




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7d0527 No.21004446


fuckhead filtered

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cc5506 No.21004447


vatican font on the dough

there are anons who can also use font colours

but being anon, do not really need as much attention as faggot

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dc6a0e No.21004449



Square profile picture

7th Fleet


U.S. Sailors participate in a damage control drill aboard the amphibious dock landing ship USS Harpers Ferry (LSD 49) as the ship transits the Sulu Sea.

#USNavy | #OperationalReadiness




9:00 PM · Jun 10, 2024





Mar 09, 2018 7:00:53 AM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 04b0ec No. 599891

Look at his family.

Look at their positions.

Why are we giving him this much attention?

Why are we providing this much sensitive detail in a public [known] forum?

Everything has meaning.



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9339f8 No.21004450

File: 6092cf890d6799c⋯.jpeg (111.73 KB,638x800,319:400,Biden_Gaffes_03_You_Ain_t….JPEG)

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ec27b5 No.21004451

File: 455252325a59850⋯.png (818.41 KB,1009x617,1009:617,ClipboardImage.png)


TY, baker.

>Within Striking Distance of Biden in Blue Minnesota

MN gots lotsa probs. Will certainly help.

Minnesotans’ quality of life declined across the board. A 2022 study found that Minnesota’s government policy responses to Covid-19 cost each family of four nearly $7,500 in lost GDP by the end of the first quarter of 2021. Fewer than half of Minnesota students are proficient in math and reading, and test scores are still 10 percentage points below pre-pandemic levels.


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7d0527 No.21004455


dubs n quads chkd!

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821f72 No.21004456


religion sucks shit

its all bullshit

fuckin shit

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20122b No.21004457

File: fce69640c8ace20⋯.png (1.33 MB,1012x1280,253:320,ClipboardImage.png)


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c60eab No.21004459

File: db4990e2b959efe⋯.mp4 (8.15 MB,848x464,53:29,terry.mp4)

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821f72 No.21004460




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ddd393 No.21004462






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b6af8c No.21004465

File: 20a16715bbd9528⋯.jpg (71.13 KB,750x428,375:214,GM_Ladies.jpg)



Just because Vatty is the record holder for use ofBRTon QR doesn't mean he's the OG or the only one that does.

He just made up for his inadequacies with volume.

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0d8d97 No.21004466

File: 13e90127b56a4a2⋯.png (253.48 KB,677x678,677:678,ClipboardImage.png)

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ddd393 No.21004467


four hehs

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8ffc08 No.21004468

File: 687a6b3ade30c19⋯.png (260.5 KB,704x702,352:351,1715354904518380.png)

File: f05dfb684d92c65⋯.jpg (115.22 KB,695x500,139:100,7tbpk2.jpg)

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c60eab No.21004469

File: 462fc359cf054e9⋯.jpg (184.53 KB,1000x1250,4:5,boon.jpg)

good morning shills and feds

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c64ffd No.21004471


you Are too stupid to live.

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4cb841 No.21004472


morn'n vd

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41384c No.21004473

File: 6f6b0a137b4f911⋯.png (2.09 MB,696x1047,232:349,Screenshot_6173_.png)


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8ffc08 No.21004474

File: bc469855eb0286c⋯.jpg (63.01 KB,606x412,303:206,8pvidm.jpg)

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c64ffd No.21004477

File: 415aabc702a7f26⋯.gif (2.19 MB,500x378,250:189,20240602_012653.gif)



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c60eab No.21004478


>It cited passages in the bible that would be illegal to discuss in higher education.

I have light colored hair, light skin. The sun is a disaster for me. I can't take the sun.

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4cb841 No.21004480


hey bakes - at least ghost the bred

incoming bakers look for it

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bbf187 No.21004481

File: a2dd04d2cb7650e⋯.png (322.29 KB,500x504,125:126,ClipboardImage.png)

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41384c No.21004482

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So Quiet In Here

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dc6a0e No.21004484

File: 2d6cbf433158c9d⋯.jpg (43.92 KB,600x580,30:29,5a56ea294a7263e65fa2d759f5….jpg)


>Minnesota has quickly become a case study for the disastrous effects of the Covid response, including how government programs facilitated brazen fraud, how criminals use tribalism to deflect accountability, and how Americans are now poorer and less safe than five years ago.


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c64ffd No.21004485



is a


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498095 No.21004486

File: 90837f48921a0e9⋯.mp4 (13.4 MB,1280x720,16:9,Immigration_GUMBALLS_14mb.mp4)

Mass immigration will NEVER work…!!!

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4d2268 No.21004487

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c64ffd No.21004488


thanks mayhap.



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37c38b No.21004489


indeed yes

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37c38b No.21004490



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876c89 No.21004491

File: 7e322da51a40fce⋯.jpg (157 KB,720x1295,144:259,Screenshot_20240611_070908….jpg)

day after the elections to the EU parliament tell the left to fuck off….the antifa flags arrive

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1ddedd No.21004492

illiterate as fuck


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0256bd No.21004493

File: f5e1f13810573a3⋯.jpeg (795.64 KB,1220x627,1220:627,53A00500_1C56_40B8_8628_D….jpeg)


Belgians done at Rzeszow and heading WN

That looped trace was the Swedish ISR covering it.

Covering from what I dunno but they have to make it look good

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3ffa70 No.21004494

File: ef19c7154cdc7fd⋯.png (162.51 KB,375x372,125:124,sure.png)


Nancy Pelosi rewriting history, but for who?

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cc5506 No.21004495


with vd it is now a reflex action.

of course it could be anyone.

but habits form and they slip out.

just a observation.

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b6af8c No.21004496

File: e7dd53d4266346c⋯.jpg (55.57 KB,472x608,59:76,GM_MissPig.jpg)


Somebody else will need to go file the QR Absolute State complaint for this in the Meta thread.

I don't want to develop a reputation for whining over there.

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1ddedd No.21004497

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3ffa70 No.21004498

File: a4a3947ce8e735d⋯.png (1.39 MB,1128x802,564:401,gm.png)

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a2f54a No.21004499

File: 757e7ab91f6bf22⋯.jpeg (78.22 KB,719x988,719:988,757e7ab91f6bf22450353a49a….jpeg)

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845b8b No.21004500


If we add the two together, maybe there will be bewbs worth posting

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a2f54a No.21004501


Chairman Mao.

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092e71 No.21004502

File: 642cbc712bd1901⋯.jpeg (129.77 KB,826x676,413:338,IMG_0576.jpeg)

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41384c No.21004504

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Till We Get the Healing Done

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20122b No.21004505

File: 88d926650f71834⋯.png (1.45 MB,1144x1280,143:160,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e65f5 No.21004508


It is time to remember and honor the USS Liberty, 911, and the current genocides that these people caused. The world no longer needs these threats. Covid was a lie and the virus has never been isolated because it is the DS doing local chemical sabotages on our people. Get them sick enough to go to the hospitals where their counterparts do the rest legally. Since 2020 they just murdered 1,187,771 US citizens with the covid scam. Walk in faith.

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38faef No.21004509

File: 7f5c64eb03de720⋯.png (880.72 KB,607x813,607:813,7f5c64eb03de72096f23706fd5….png)


Here anon, don't want you deprived of morning milkies

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092e71 No.21004510


digits chkd

this bread is full of digits!

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20122b No.21004511

File: 057598397496e79⋯.png (523.26 KB,700x394,350:197,ClipboardImage.png)

Something the AC would do

Biden To Offer Saudi Arabia Defense Treaty In Exchange For Official Ties With Israel

The White House is prepared to roll out a plan that will make Saudi Arabia a Japan-style ally in exchange for new official ties between Riyadh and Tel Aviv. While the Biden administration has invested substantial effort to get the deal inked, it is likely dead on arrival because Saudi Arabia refuses to normalize with Israel unless Tel Aviv agrees to the creation of a Palestinian state. 

According to American, Israeli, and Saudi officials speaking with the Wall Street Journal, Washington is prepared to sign an agreement to defend Saudi Arabia if Riyadh establishes regular ties with Tel Aviv. However, it would not be a ‘peace agreement,’ as the two countries are not at war. 

READ (https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/biden-offer-saudi-arabia-defense-treaty-exchange-official-ties-israel)

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dc6a0e No.21004512

File: aabffd250041c2d⋯.png (1.67 MB,1080x1134,20:21,aabffd250041c2d6a3d80f0b66….png)

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b6af8c No.21004513

File: 7ee716c1648118c⋯.jpg (47.34 KB,484x525,484:525,GM_Smug.jpg)

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3db29b No.21004514

[Is it also called globalism

Because there's a conspiracy

About the spherical nature as well?]

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38faef No.21004515


Clown ship fucked around

Clown ship found out

Why do you never talk about USS Pueblo?

The North Koreans still have the ship

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0256bd No.21004516

File: a5c58cfa3575a5a⋯.gif (497.64 KB,640x360,16:9,AF916F92_D3A3_4389_A1DF_E4….gif)


He “could” but he won’t

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845b8b No.21004517


Well, Edgar Cayce predicted a destruction event. New City... Kinda reminds me of all that Virginia build up. Sorta like all those data centers and light rail they built thereabouts.

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c60eab No.21004518


they have to bloom where they're planted

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876c89 No.21004519

File: 9d40739e8b94824⋯.jpg (142.16 KB,1327x720,1327:720,U_Internet.jpg)

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ec27b5 No.21004520

File: 3850aecbe1406fe⋯.png (112.54 KB,671x372,671:372,ClipboardImage.png)

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845b8b No.21004522


I knew you had collectables


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7d0527 No.21004523


the narcissist Doge faggot takes up most of Meta with his non stop whining!

go take a look

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a4cbe6 No.21004524


You know

The thing

Didn't nanners turn down NG that was authorized

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20122b No.21004525

File: 277cc09d9d1285f⋯.png (14.37 MB,402x267,134:89,GODWINS.png)

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b6af8c No.21004526


>seen't it

That's the model I'm trying to avoid.

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c8bbb4 No.21004527

File: d6ce559940e5c2d⋯.jpg (1.07 MB,1000x1399,1000:1399,1936_ground_tax.jpg)


Ground tax law ("own nothing") signed by Shitler says you are the enemy.

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a4cbe6 No.21004528


There's a blue eyed pepe camouflaged there

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c60eab No.21004529

File: 284710eede6d89a⋯.mp4 (13.92 MB,1280x720,16:9,_SpeakerPelosi_Pelosi_tour….mp4)

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0256bd No.21004530

File: b6692623c965058⋯.jpeg (328.09 KB,828x761,828:761,E084F85B_94F3_43F1_8375_0….jpeg)


He’s right you know

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04c084 No.21004531

File: 66c18fb877d21d1⋯.png (18.71 KB,103x117,103:117,1L29.png)

File: 7b9e02ca75bf114⋯.png (32.8 KB,613x386,613:386,Q1120.png)


1L (L=12)


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38faef No.21004532


>Well, Edgar Cayce predicted a destruction event. New City

Mayhaps you are thinking of Nostradamus?

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6e65f5 No.21004533


This is 100% undeniable and we need to stop pretending like it is not true and didn't happen because over 1.1 million people have been murdered without any accountability whatsoever. It is time to give these shills something to worry about, and bring those responsible to justice without politics nor delay.

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38faef No.21004534


>Covering from what I dunno but they have to make it look good

Isn't that Belarus to the East?

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20122b No.21004535

File: 0895943ec535a96⋯.png (905.25 KB,1000x1280,25:32,ClipboardImage.png)


Elon on rolling out 🐥 Phones:

It’s not out of the question.

🔗 (https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1800393639019037144?s=61&t=BdBkJAWYzheOiIIylkbO1g)

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c60eab No.21004537

You can give a an average geek a unique nextgen tool and access and they can look like a wizard.

Snowden has fame for taking files and exposing, not of someone that developed technology that no one else has.

Which country does he really work for?

Look at his family.

Look at their positions.

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63f69e No.21004538



Sauce for your twats plz

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3db29b No.21004540


>messages she trying to pervay/pervey

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139157 No.21004541

File: f1ea0c9f609da1d⋯.png (924.21 KB,750x1334,375:667,46B7C430_DFC1_44DF_B449_77….png)

File: 7be96dba2da79b9⋯.png (83.48 KB,690x938,345:469,5521031A_A2DD_46E4_B865_89….png)

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cc5506 No.21004543

File: 4849f68f1415662⋯.png (230.5 KB,646x500,323:250,ClipboardImage.png)


if u call him a fat boring furry

who lives in world of make believe at home with his mum at over 30 you might trigger him.

thinks by using a.i and feeding his dead husk of what remains of his soul.

he may not like it..

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a0f69f No.21004544


It's not the phones that are important, although partially. It's theNETWORKthat's critical. Elon already's building his own sub-orbital network. Total work around, engineering wise. Genius, even.

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00bba8 No.21004545

File: 23dcb645218336f⋯.jpg (73.2 KB,710x816,355:408,23dcb645218336f05e9ab7aea7….jpg)

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24c760 No.21004546


Not only in a dress but the 13 day shadow

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2ebd04 No.21004547

File: 8cb8d5c1844f2ce⋯.png (122.48 KB,930x1255,186:251,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1fe6c365cf39e4d⋯.png (32.96 KB,552x553,552:553,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43f1d2c91014b54⋯.png (237.52 KB,1600x1199,1600:1199,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d5e418e746c307⋯.png (70.88 KB,600x580,30:29,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d0855d6fbeac8c⋯.png (191.52 KB,941x1095,941:1095,ClipboardImage.png)

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845b8b No.21004549


Yes perhaps, kek, 2037 total peace or we are all ded, wonder which.

Converging Prophecy, Converging Timelines, All lead to Cnverging tribulations.

Fun Times

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3db29b No.21004550


[Mohammed was/is the antithesis to/of Yeshua]

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b82b4e No.21004551

"The Annunaki are stopping you from changing the world."

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c8bbb4 No.21004552

File: f422914ac5cb7fd⋯.jpg (104.64 KB,635x474,635:474,f422914ac5cb7fd6192b8466d0….jpg)

File: 137c41c70ae6f17⋯.jpg (79.53 KB,643x429,643:429,137c41c70ae6f17df1b95bc715….jpg)

File: d20fee0a535dd1a⋯.jpg (56.56 KB,940x528,235:132,Sandra_Ciesek_bad.jpg)


It's factually wrong though.

At least Nazi family Quandt was directly involved and paid off the colleage of Germany's Dr. Fauci for her ground breaking work on asymptomatic infections.



Back in February, the 42-year-old and her team were able to prove that even asymptomatic people carry the coronavirus and can therefore transmit it. Since then, she has been researching drugs against Covid-19 and suitable testing strategies. In March, she received a grant of 250,000 euros from the Johanna Quandt Foundation for coronavirus research - the application was approved within 24 hours.

They are also involved in the Nazi health passes.


Sorry to burst you retardo bubble.

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04c084 No.21004553




Food for thought…

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3db29b No.21004554


[Is this something the world is pushing

Something that's an idea in the works

Somewhat being tested for marketability


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7eebaa No.21004555



He feels fine and is gonna go for a walk

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139157 No.21004556

File: 45b191fa6e853a7⋯.png (934.03 KB,750x1334,375:667,1F21C8E7_D3AA_4AF3_9147_E1….png)

File: fecee3d69f6332e⋯.png (1.76 MB,750x1334,375:667,21FE4A09_F41F_44E6_A43B_A6….png)

File: f4837e8f8f14c5d⋯.png (31.48 KB,690x410,69:41,8CF1FB07_1F70_4678_9261_C8….png)

File: 347fb6e68be0e29⋯.jpeg (468.16 KB,1080x1080,1:1,4373714E_CCAA_4BD9_9A7A_7….jpeg)

File: 9ba33ad796b33aa⋯.png (36.03 KB,690x498,115:83,384C653B_41A2_4B20_82E4_31….png)

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876c89 No.21004557

File: 8003dad09de42f1⋯.jpg (32.06 KB,356x481,356:481,8tcbom.jpg)

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3db29b No.21004559


<open borders

[Illegals entering without a passport]

<people can't buy tea without vaxpass

[Hypocrisy level critical]

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a0f69f No.21004560

File: aebdec7fc7d49da⋯.gif (1.47 MB,480x270,16:9,Squeaky_Talkin_To_Hisself.gif)

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c60eab No.21004561

File: 8fd37d2c531e282⋯.png (177.62 KB,815x346,815:346,ClipboardImage.png)

"I like Japanese, I like food, I like martial arts, I like ponies, I like guns, I like food, I like girls, I like my girlish figure that attracts girls, and I like my lamer friends," Snowden wrote on his Ryuhana Press profile page, which bore a 2002 date. "That's the best biography you'll get out of me, coppers!"

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b6af8c No.21004562

File: 449010d2622d707⋯.jpg (79.31 KB,485x594,485:594,GE_Tranimette.jpg)



Dunno, but it looks like GE may have caught up to GM in popularity now.

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a2f54a No.21004563

File: 6229511647b1ad5⋯.png (597.48 KB,500x500,1:1,6229511647b1ad557960ebf890….png)

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7dd16e No.21004564

>>21004252, >>21004224, >>21004256 NGOs Operating in Ukraine Have Compiled an Enemies List


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a0f69f No.21004566

Five Things You Need to Know to Start Your Day: Europe

Good morning. Traders await UK jobs data to gauge the Bank of England’s policy path ahead, before we move on to the Federal Reserve meeting later this week. Apple unveils new artificial intelligence features. Here’s what people are talking about.

Sticky pay?

Today’s UK labor market data may highlight inflationary pressures, with wage growth forecast to accelerate for the first time in nine months. Resurgent pay increases would add to concerns that a tight labor market is continuing to fuel inflation. That would make it more difficult for the BOE to reduce the highest interest rates in 16 years. For the wider region, European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde said the ECB must stay cautious, and last week’s cut in borrowing costs won’t necessarily be followed by further rapid moves.

Pre-Fed nerves

Over in the US, bond traders who have come to terms with the prospect of higher-for-longer interest rates through 2024 are looking toward this week’s Fed meeting for clues on how to game out 2025 and beyond. With officials due to update the so-called dot plot on Wednesday, options trading has seen a surge in positioning for rates to stay elevated well into next year and 2026. As for stock markets, Wall Street’s most prominent trading desks from JPMorgan to Citigroup are urging investors to prepare for a jolt this week after the latest inflation print and the Fed decision, both of which arrive on Wednesday.

Now oil jumps, too

Inflation watchers will also keep a close eye on oil prices after Monday’s sudden, sizzling rally. Brent futures are trading little changed around $81 a barrel after jumping by the most since early March. For clues on the market outlook, traders are set to parse an OPEC report due Tuesday, followed by a Short-Term Energy Outlook from the US later in the day, and a monthly release from the International Energy Agency on Wednesday. Elsewhere in the energy markets, European officials are in talks to keep gas flowing through a key Russia-Ukraine pipeline, as they race to prevent Moscow’s war further damaging the continent’s energy supplies.

Apple of AI

Apple took the wraps off long-awaited new artificial intelligence features, including a partnership with ChatGPT maker OpenAI. The iPhone maker is engaging in a high-stakes bid to catch up with rivals in the booming AI market. After falling behind tech peers like Google and Microsoft, Apple is counting on a streamlined interface — and its loyal customer base — to regain ground. In the meantime, Elon Musk said he would ban Apple devices from his companies if OpenAI’s software is integrated at the operating system level, calling the tie-up a security risk.

And Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak says he is very interested in “Apple Intelligence.” Take a listen here.

Property pain

Like other urban centers from London to New York, Hong Kong is suffering from a mix of rising interest rates, financial-sector job losses and changing work habits. But for many in the city, the five-year property downturn is emblematic of a steady loss of faith in Hong Kong’s status as Asia’s premier financial hub. Over in New York City, an office building owned by a Related Cos. affiliate is set to be sold at a steep discount.

Coming up

Apart from UK labor market figures, there’s little in the way of economic data or events out of Europe. South Africa manufacturing production is on the data calendar, with the ECB’s Villeroy and Holzmann due to speak.

What we’ve been reading

This is what's caught our eye over the past 24 hours.

Le Pen’s 28-year-old political heir faces a make-or-break moment

Elliott disrupts CEO summer plans with $400 billion in new marks

Hwang’s top trader says he was told to do opposite of ‘normal’

‘They don’t understand’: Kravis rebukes climate protesters

Zero-coupon bond pile balloons to near half-a-trillion dollars

Sunak faces late Tory revolt over UK manifesto tax cuts

Bill Gross says European bonds are becoming more attractive

And finally, here’s what Mark is interested in this morning:

French bond futures’ slump this week coincided with a surge in turnover, which suggests traders added fresh bearish exposure after President Emmanuel Macron called snap elections, betting on an extended decline. Adding to downward pressure is a steepening of the Treasury curve, as traders price for the risk of a hawkish Federal Reserve outcome after last week’s strong jobs report.

Investors anxious about the parliamentary vote in France are likely to use the Germany-France yield spread as an insurance policy for a messy election result. Which will translate into further pressure on French bond contracts into early July, at least.


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20122b No.21004568

File: 93b9fb6a0c32704⋯.png (813.57 KB,500x710,50:71,ShitShitShit.png)

Unleash the memes of war

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0256bd No.21004569


That a little further north

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845b8b No.21004570


Lets add some Aussie in, why not ?

Good Day G'day



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c60eab No.21004571



"I really am a nice guy," Snowden wrote on his profile page. "You see, I act arrogant and cruel because I was not hugged enough as a child, and because the public education system turned it's (sic) wretched, spiked back on me."

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938ecf No.21004572


Will that be one ping or two?

Oh, I'll take a whole Lotta pings

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3db29b No.21004573


[Mayer amshel Roth



[Fucking anime]

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38faef No.21004574


Patience Grasshopper

Scotland #10

Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One

>>20858585, >>20858598, >>20883158 Former nurse vows she will blow the SNP's Covid scandal wide open at the Scottish public inquiry

>>20880188 Scottish Covid Inquiry Part 1: The Impact of Lockdown (video)

>>20880218 Scottish Covid Inquiry Part 2: Do Not Resuscitate (video)

>>20880534 Scottish Covid Inquiry Part 3: Midazolam (video)

>>20880645 Scottish Covid Inquiry Impact Hearings: Health & Social Care; Day 43; Care Home deaths (video)

>>20880675 Scottish Covid Inquiry Impact Hearings: Breathtaking (video)

>>20883156 The Lesley Roberts Story (video)

>>20883395 Covid probe looks at nurse's claims after she accused Scots Government of corporate manslaughter

>>20887058 Lesley Roberts. NEW INFO as ex nurse with damaging evidence against SNP leaders removed from inquiry (video)

>>20888848 Nicola Sturgeon and John Swinney wanted STRICTER Covid restrictions on Scots during pandemic

>>20888960 'People making life or death decisions did NOT have the experience' COVID Inquiry shock revelations (video)

>>20888977 Scottish COVID Inquiry: ‘The Lies and Cover-Ups Are Non Stop and No One Is Reporting Our Story' (video)

>>20888995 Scottish Covid Inquiry: Neil Oliver finally joins the fight (video)

>>20889320 A GP a Dentist and a Gynaecologist: Scotland’s medical experts during the COVID pandemic

>>20893794, >>20893806, >>20896671 Whistleblowing nurse Lesley Roberts is removed from Covid inquiry due to Facebook post

>>20896452, >>20900190 Difference in Scope: Scottish Covid Inquiry Vs UK Covid Inquiry (video)

>>20896789 'THOUSANDS' of whistleblowing NHS staff are being SILENCED as bosses spend MILLIONS covering scandal

>>20896827 Lesley Roberts Interview Part One (video)

>>20900136 List of core participants for the Scottish Convid Plandemic inquiry. No mention of ASAP-NHS

>>20900164 COVID-19 Vaccine Safety discussed today at UK Covid Inquiry (video)

>>20900224, >>20910578, >>20922823 Anna Morris KC: Vaccine Injured & Bereaved; Evidence given at the UK Covid Inquiry 22nd May 2024 (video)

>>20900263 Kevin McCaffery statement: Scottish COVID Bereaved, UK COVID inquiry 22nd May 2024 (video)

>>20902237 Jason Leitch secrecy row as details of salary and 'golden goodbye' kept secret amid unusual pay deal

>>20902328 Scottish Covid Inquiry Part 4: COVID Misattribution (video)

>>20902358 Scottish Covid Inquiry Part 5: Summary & Conclusion (video)

>>20902472 NHS Whistle Blower. Car on fire, Protocols & SNP Corporate Investigation (video)

>>20904771 (Canada #58) Hospitals Euthanized Patients to Boost ‘Covid Deaths,’ Whistleblowers Testify

>>20910615 Covid Vaccine injured. From wheelchair to campaigning. JOHN WATT story (video)

>>20922689 “Our Hospitals were Half-Empty” Glasgow Porter tells Scottish COVID-19 inquiry (video)

>>20922697 Lead Counsel Hugo Keith KC response to Anna Morris KC statement on Vaccine Injured & Bereaved

>>20932049 Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry: Down’s Syndrome, Discrimination & Do Not Resuscitate Orders

>>20932062, >>20932090 UK Government Considered Segregation By Age During Lockdown (video)

>>20950209 Nicola Sturgeon Testimony: 2,500 Excess Deaths in Scottish Care Homes during LOCKDOWN

>>20952693 Scottish Covid Inquiry: "Faces became hidden behind masks… (care home residents)

>>20959636 Nicola Sturgeon's mask diktat did nothing to prevent spread of Covid after Omicron wave

>>20971629 “Residents were neglected and left to starve” Bereaved Family KC tells The Scottish Covid-19 Inquiry (video)

>>20972512 "Doctors were lying to me on a daily basis" Pamela Thomas tells Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry (video)

>>20980145 "They were dying at a rate of 300 per week" Care Home Relatives Scotland KC tells COVID-19 Inquiry (video)

>>20983542 9 times out of 10 residents were prescribed End-of-Life medication; Care Home Managers tell Inquiry (video)

>>20984744 Neil Oliver: ‘…a storm is coming!’ (video)

>>20994210 Scottish COVID Inquiry: Neil Oliver discusses #DNR orders with AGE Scotland Director, Adam Stachura (video)

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a0c15d No.21004575


It just keeps getting better.

Trump has so much ammo to fire at sleepy Joe in the upcoming debates now, It's going to be a BLOOD BATH

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139157 No.21004576

File: 09e6f6a8ef3ad15⋯.png (1.4 MB,750x1334,375:667,3F4E8EF9_511E_4263_AD98_7A….png)

File: a3fa71764e51129⋯.png (116.92 KB,690x1114,345:557,1983D670_AB49_4151_99A2_3D….png)

File: 4a8988d442c49d3⋯.jpeg (169.66 KB,1440x960,3:2,1493CD8B_4CA8_4A6A_881B_6….jpeg)

File: d7c1c16e003e24c⋯.png (435.69 KB,690x1726,345:863,46ADA38E_C004_4155_9A21_23….png)

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04c084 No.21004578

File: a2ef8c44de29c40⋯.png (10.28 KB,255x197,255:197,ADJUSTSGLASSES.png)


The phone will be optimized for the X app of course.

What about those that have been banned from X and had their accounts closed down?

How does that work?

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c8bbb4 No.21004579

File: 202672d1de0b162⋯.mp4 (12.9 MB,854x480,427:240,202672d1de0b162e00c11f0d86….mp4)


It's all nonsense, probably because certain events didn't happen, otherwise maybe some of it would make sense.

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c60eab No.21004582

File: fa2c676956e483a⋯.png (155.06 KB,258x385,258:385,ClipboardImage.png)

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6d6835 No.21004583

File: b47b90919ed916f⋯.png (780.98 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_peoplesvaccineinq….png)

People’s Vaccine Inquiry

The People’s Vaccine Inquiry began with a group of experts who were called to submit Witness Statements in the Covid-19 Public Inquiry – Module 4 on Vaccines. As the Inquiry has postponed Module 4 until 2025, these professionals believed it was in the public interest to give immediate access to their expert testimony.

There has been a huge failure in public health over the past few years, which continues on. There appears to be an attempt to hide evidence from the public and we hope this website is a useful resource for the public and healthcare professionals to stay informed of the latest evidence surrounding the Covid vaccines and their rollout.


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c60eab No.21004584

File: 4de71a9284ade26⋯.png (367.42 KB,489x706,489:706,ClipboardImage.png)

snowden is maddow

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a2f54a No.21004585


Bring a second pair of boots, extra socks, moleskin. o7

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139157 No.21004587

File: 4a8988d442c49d3⋯.jpeg (169.66 KB,1440x960,3:2,5ACEA292_91AC_4B61_8724_A….jpeg)

File: edaa284a2af97f8⋯.png (49.2 KB,690x498,115:83,430C2320_045F_4C90_98EE_8B….png)

File: e884eff3070a069⋯.png (35.87 KB,690x410,69:41,3FF9FF7B_D71F_4B8C_95F4_6A….png)

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c60eab No.21004588

File: ef5361f3037dd59⋯.png (869.88 KB,755x526,755:526,SS.png)


>these cabal/deep state operatives are straight up fascists

please, you make it sound like they'd publicly applaud the Waffen SS

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0256bd No.21004590

File: 4e2c4444b907142⋯.jpeg (332.64 KB,803x752,803:752,4560101C_FDD5_46B5_B28A_A….jpeg)


So if,and that a big if, they locate it….then what?


It’s likely nowhere near that.

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a0c15d No.21004592


Do not trust Elon.

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845b8b No.21004593


Start sprouting spuds in your backyard, earthbags, containers, buckets, balconies….

These faggots are still going about creating a famine. How many days of empty store shelves and no deliveties until the cities and burbs erupt ?

Usually 1 week to riots, 72 hours of rioting, complete collapse and martial law

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c60eab No.21004594

File: 80dbd9174fc1fe6⋯.png (271.78 KB,495x344,495:344,bootmaddow.png)

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c60eab No.21004595

Malawi's vice president has died in a plane crash

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845b8b No.21004596


Trust no One !!!

Only God Wins

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cc5506 No.21004597

File: d9e526902d34fce⋯.png (787.79 KB,971x500,971:500,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54a259ef7087090⋯.png (889.84 KB,500x869,500:869,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1baa8cea25e8b9⋯.png (662.27 KB,585x495,13:11,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 263ebdb3e2898f1⋯.png (982.4 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)


notable bun, lots of evidence coming out from Scotland including allowing personal testimony of the victims from their families

harrowing shit and something the anons were reporting..

all turned out to fact including the use of modazolam and torture of the elderly by foreign hires in old peoples homes.

the level of wickedness was off the charts.

so much evil on those who could not defend themselves by mainly females .

nothing being reported here but glad the scottish bread is keeping a record of it.

good job

hawk da nuu..


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d36917 No.21004598

File: d820f3b95c34703⋯.png (398.22 KB,726x799,726:799,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 674e8ae2cc979cb⋯.png (197.18 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)




The CIA was running an organization called “The Finders” that is accused of kidnapping children from daycares.

They locked them in cages on a farm in Virginia and subjected them to satanic ritual abuse.

What did the FBI do? Covered it up.

Nothing to see here


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6c2eb6 No.21004599


I say stuff all the time about Israel and aobut the Cabal and the unholy influence of some who seem born into a control cult of power and might be Jews.

and I don't get censored or deleted.

it's hatred and stupid spam that gets removed.

grow up.

the board is what it is and complaining about a comm channel is war-time (because we are at war in some many different fields of society) is what a propagandist and / or fool does.

if you love people, and do not threaten people, and speak what you see as truth, or at least playful present counter points of view, you will not have to worry.

If you hate and scheme and post tripe that defames and dehumanizes by race or religion, you will need to worry about being deleted from these breads.

the game and how it is played here is well known.

and even if you do get deleted, that's just too bad.

In wartime rules are different.

grow up.

be part of the solution not part of the problem.

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c60eab No.21004600


U.S. lifts weapons ban on Ukrainian military unit

The decision was made following a State Department review of the Azov Brigade, a one-time militia now part of Ukraine’s National Guard.

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a0c15d No.21004601

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trudeau COPES & SEETHES after French "far-right" OBLITERATES Macron’s party in EU elections

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c8bbb4 No.21004602

File: 2f60e4299c2634a⋯.jpg (353.79 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,2f60e4299c2634afc5b36216bc….jpg)

File: aee1b9b790bd43a⋯.jpg (424.81 KB,906x980,453:490,3.jpg)

File: d815dc0cc38d8f6⋯.jpeg (524.09 KB,530x1296,265:648,d815dc0cc38d8f672e898bbf0….jpeg)

File: f0b106e00effe46⋯.jpg (97.99 KB,806x1500,403:750,f0b106e00effe46829a613c804….jpg)

File: 489435519245a9e⋯.png (2.48 MB,1122x1354,561:677,Noname_left_right.png)

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cc5506 No.21004603

File: a41323a875a5f37⋯.png (863.04 KB,734x613,734:613,ClipboardImage.png)


well pigs rations have been reduced.

this is version of sushi meow.


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6e65f5 No.21004604



It is time to remember and honor the USS Liberty, 911, and the current genocides that these people caused. The world no longer needs these threats. Covid was a lie and the virus has never been isolated because it is the DS doing local chemical sabotages on our people. Get them sick enough to go to the hospitals where their counterparts do the rest legally. Since 2020 they just murdered 1,187,771 US citizens with the covid scam. Walk in faith==

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c60eab No.21004605

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Alice In Chains - Man in the Box

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7c4c79 No.21004606


It's a bunch of hysteria

Not to mention FL is where sub hunters train

So sit back and watch the show while cahrazy Ivan enjoys some warm water patrols and company too

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6e65f5 No.21004608


Notable Since 2020 they just murdered 1,187,771 US citizens with the covid scam.

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0256bd No.21004609

File: d4dae28c2fee37c⋯.gif (513.98 KB,300x220,15:11,369A0D83_4024_4309_A1C2_DE….gif)

>>21001901 pb

White House Close to Tapping Christy Goldsmith Romero to Head FDIC

Pimco Warns of More US Regional Bank Failures on Property Pain

(First the pieces get moved around-the people see above and hit piece on the NYFED President on Sunday-within above link-and nao Pimpco ‘warns’ about something anyone paying attention already knew-well mebby not those bag holding GME hopium addicts-so this regional banking insolvency problem will matter when (((they))) want it to and not a moment/day/week etc. sooner-a reminder New York Community Bank was where the carcass of Silicon Valley Bank was placed and Munchkins bought into that)

Pacific Investment Management Co. expects more regional bank failures in the US because of a “very high” concentration of troubled commercial real estate loans on their books. 

“The real wave of distress is just starting” for lenders to everything from malls to offices, John Murray, Pimco’s head of global private commercial real estate team, said in an interview. His division sits within Pimco’s $173 billion alternatives business. Uncertainty over when the Federal Reserve may cut interest rates has exacerbated challenges faced by the commercial real estate sector, where high borrowing costs have hammered valuations and triggered defaults, leaving lenders stuck with assets that are tough to sell. Contrary to some market expectations, larger banks have been disposing of some of their higher quality assets first to avoid deeper losses, according to Murray.

“As stressed loans grow due to maturities, however, we expect that banks will start selling these more challenged loans to reduce their troubled loan exposures,” he said, adding his team has been snapping up CRE loans offloaded by some large US banks for the past 18 months. 

The turmoil has been particularly felt among regional banks, which boosted their CRE exposure that in many cases is now worth only a fraction of their value at their peak. Smaller banks have continued to worry investors ever since the collapse of a few last year. Earlier this year, US Bancorp, the largest regional bank by assets, increased its provisions for credit losses in the first quarter to $553 million.

Regional banks were also the only lenders that didn’t demand extra down payments from commercial-property borrowers in recent years, highlighting their vulnerability to falling values, according to a report released by MSCI Real Assets in March. Deposit-taking institutions face an estimated $441 billion wall of maturing property debt this year.

For larger banks, the property exposures aren’t expected to cause systemic failures as their CRE lending was curbed after the 2008 crisis, Murray said. But borrowers’ failure to repay means they’re lending even less compared with 2021 and 2022, he added. 

Meanwhile, many mortgage real estate investment trusts have become more sidelined as they deal with problems of their own. That’s limited their ability to underwrite new investments. Starwood Real Estate Income Trust tightened its shareholders’ ability to pull money last month in an effort to preserve liquidity and stave off asset sales, while Blackstone Inc.’s $59 billion property trust saw an uptick in withdrawal requests. 

Lending volumes for major public mortgage REITs have plunged 70% from 2021 levels, according to Murray.


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d4393b No.21004610

File: 420a2184a3c8e69⋯.jpg (85.69 KB,619x431,619:431,Biden.JPG)

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6c2eb6 No.21004611


The benefit of the Russians having shore leave in Cuba is that they can use their eyes to see the tyranny that is on-going there with the creepy criminal families that run the place and how they keep everyone else there as house-slaves.

and Russians don't like slavery and traditionally try to end it, maybe they will thus help to perform regime change in Cuba after they get reports of the real situation there.

let's hope!

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139157 No.21004613

File: c760a3a82319af2⋯.png (1.26 MB,750x1334,375:667,4337F9D7_92A2_4440_8B47_D4….png)

File: 60f5bb1d3b6cee6⋯.png (70.82 KB,690x938,345:469,F6A65CCC_E974_4C70_97F6_12….png)

File: 646ef5edf11bdda⋯.jpeg (883.17 KB,2048x1312,64:41,4B79488C_0B2C_4E49_B36B_1….jpeg)

File: e46856697a08ddb⋯.png (48.25 KB,690x498,115:83,6DC8C80D_50B8_4838_93E2_CA….png)

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dc33cb No.21004614

File: 080d51ce5050e2c⋯.gif (1.49 MB,339x195,113:65,5kuz99.gif)


>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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c60eab No.21004615

File: a55d659da270ba8⋯.png (46.32 KB,98x337,98:337,Proudtowearmyuniform.png)


Footage of the operation to free hostages in the Gaza Strip, carried out by members of the YAMAM special forces unit with attached Shin Bet operatives.

The video captured the moment of the release of Russian citizen Andrei Kozlov, who worked as a security guard at a music festival.

During the operation, YAMAM employee Arnon Zmora received severe gunshot wounds.

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f293fe No.21004616

File: c6d3e2f89886405⋯.jpeg (163.03 KB,1440x1441,1440:1441,1523659050.jpeg)

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3db29b No.21004617



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c60eab No.21004618

trudeau is such a faggot it's unbearable

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d39c32 No.21004619

File: cddedf4caa9a1a1⋯.png (1.48 MB,1000x750,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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fe5c7b No.21004620

File: e779d3b1e798273⋯.jpg (161.34 KB,800x800,1:1,e779d3b1e798273a08367855f0….jpg)

File: bf10d394bdebafc⋯.png (427.47 KB,500x500,1:1,bf10d394bdebafc91f7384bd0c….png)

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f293fe No.21004621

File: e04dbbce5123544⋯.jpg (100.37 KB,500x435,100:87,20210917_063046.jpg)


>such a faggot

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3db29b No.21004622


[Oef, oif?]

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139157 No.21004623

File: ca82a18182bd685⋯.png (46.4 KB,690x630,23:21,8B8C7B03_8489_496B_A13F_D3….png)

File: 9593966944b24f5⋯.png (50.17 KB,690x542,345:271,5D52AC7E_6C78_4C05_B76B_0A….png)


good morning Ralph.

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b01d16 No.21004624


This is a non issue and if it were true the farmers would have already surrounded the shut off valve and not let anyone touch it. These farmers will get paid great money from USDA to not grow and they did marginal work. They are getting rich and just put a ton of money in the futures. Only person losing on this one is the taxpayer and the fat pig that can't control their diet.

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6e65f5 No.21004626


Now they have new pandemic and will try to genocide the population again. All it is, is gain of function on the same spike protein that they used on 911, shots to 911 workers, use in chemical sabotage to give covid symptoms, and put in the vaccines.

Time to end this shit show and round them up, do not let anyone of the get away, and slaughter them for killing 1.1 million citizens from fake virus which was never isolated: covid19.

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c60eab No.21004627

File: 0bb12040be0eeba⋯.mp4 (9.2 MB,576x1024,9:16,Man_jumps_45_feet_into_911….mp4)

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795155 No.21004628

Not one single mention of the plane crash carrying a head of state, in this place.

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0256bd No.21004629

File: de163aefa21c8c6⋯.jpeg (127.1 KB,1029x1024,1029:1024,B78B71EF_FCFF_4EEA_B332_8….jpeg)


Ain’t worried one bit

They all based at NAS Jax too.

Peeps wound up easily.

It’s just like the ISR or SIGINT planes “protecting” the incoming ACs at Rzeszow

Ain’t no one ‘attacking’ but the show must go on

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38faef No.21004630


Agreed, notable

Nominate for Notable

NGOs Operating in Ukraine Have Compiled an Enemies List

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0256bd No.21004631


Try reading the notables NewFag

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a0f69f No.21004632


Western Water Rulez are a decent question to start the follow up, but MFM wouldn't knows dat.

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a0c15d No.21004633


He sits down to piss. No wonder his wife left him, she probably had enough of pegging him every night

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52dcd1 No.21004634


The regime in Cuba served a purpose hence Castro et al stayed

Do the figurehead of days pass have purpose now

Maybe russia will stir up a batch and blinkenwill lose his shit

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c60eab No.21004635



Is the petrodollar dead?

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139157 No.21004636

File: 09e6f6a8ef3ad15⋯.png (1.4 MB,750x1334,375:667,728CF240_C062_46F9_8259_27….png)

File: edaa284a2af97f8⋯.png (49.2 KB,690x498,115:83,ADDF9A74_D147_4C6B_B3A3_15….png)

File: 4a8988d442c49d3⋯.jpeg (169.66 KB,1440x960,3:2,679E7B70_9683_4962_9D15_5….jpeg)

File: e884eff3070a069⋯.png (35.87 KB,690x410,69:41,3559C554_9D2F_4210_9F42_43….png)

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6c2eb6 No.21004637


and you didn't mention it either.

the Malawi guy?

"Report: Plane Carrying Malawi Vice President, Nine Other People Missing"


that story hit yesterday morning and may have showed up then.

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cc5506 No.21004639


that was a filter

stop point out stuff.

not allowed.

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08eb01 No.21004641


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

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a0c15d No.21004644


The U.S. dollar will lose its status as the world's primary reserve currency in the next couple of months. Even Trump cannot fix what they have done…

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cef550 No.21004645

File: 0451166d3ae430d⋯.png (70.99 KB,1146x936,191:156,ClipboardImage.png)

OpenAI rates the man who mass murdered political dissidents as less controversial than the man who builds electric cars and rocketships.

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e20c2b No.21004646


The regime in Cuba served a purpose hence Castro et al stayed

Do the figurehead of days pass have purpose now

Maybe russia will stir up a batch and blinkenwill lose his shit

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38faef No.21004647


On Part Two already

Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two

>>20994243 “Don’t kill granny … that’s our job” Neil Oliver discusses the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry (video)

>>20994266 'Vaccine companies aren't paying the compensation… WE are' Neil Oliver (video)

>>20998328 Let her speak! Jackie Baillie backs whistleblowing nurse Lesley Roberts in Covid inquiry battle

>>20999390 The number of people who died of COVID19 was very Skewed, Care Home Directors tell Inquiry (video)

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0256bd No.21004648

File: 0151217b5fb9015⋯.gif (4.58 MB,515x234,515:234,57F5D41C_AB00_4EFB_8519_E7….gif)


ProTip: :if you have to keep saying “Real Anons”

You aren’t

Phaggit slider

>inb4 the GB or “hall monitor” label, grumpy-all of those labels

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139157 No.21004649

File: 70019eff072dd66⋯.png (1.35 MB,750x1334,375:667,C0DB3970_F1EF_4C82_9B88_1B….png)

File: e07c1a36ecf956e⋯.png (151.1 KB,690x1962,115:327,A9703D9B_448F_442A_9D2B_99….png)

File: 5fe24f950efa737⋯.jpeg (135.41 KB,698x926,349:463,F0825FF5_7429_4085_8245_F….jpeg)

File: 612acdd2e232b2f⋯.png (2.41 MB,690x4946,345:2473,CDEBE3B4_C73F_431F_B573_11….png)

File: 2a2c0992e9a842f⋯.jpeg (72.32 KB,952x702,476:351,668765A7_A021_4A42_AB35_3….jpeg)


mornin’ slides are ghey.

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cef550 No.21004650

File: 775c1a03a02f408⋯.png (939.24 KB,1200x1184,75:74,ClipboardImage.png)

Google's OpenAI is viciously anti-white.


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6c2eb6 No.21004653

"Patagonia funneled thousands to Palestinian terrorism-linked group, documents show"


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139157 No.21004654

File: 10cebd1ab3d3f72⋯.png (332.41 KB,750x1334,375:667,524476F7_1B7C_4523_ACAD_44….png)

File: 8d7a1986ffa7f2e⋯.png (42.21 KB,690x542,345:271,D2C22F33_A688_4EDB_871D_32….png)

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cc5506 No.21004656

File: 6720a4ee3b2b1eb⋯.png (39.7 KB,150x150,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


absolute state of this place.

the admin are great job of making the anons moar determined to fuck with these faggot.

anyone contacted jim to find out he knows what is going on.

in the mean time

archive all important stuff on other back up platforms and offline on archive.org.

the internet is forever.....

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cef550 No.21004659

File: 37977603eb92aa4⋯.png (328.95 KB,766x526,383:263,ClipboardImage.png)



Prompt: What's worse: Capitalism or Communism?

OpenAI's ChatGPT: Idk bro, that's a hard question lol

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0256bd No.21004660


months Years


This is not a quick process and you need to understand all the debt and derivatives are priced in dollars.

None of that is going to be repriced anytime soon.

It’s not the work of a few months at all

World/wide trade still 85% in US$

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a0f69f No.21004661


Is this all an attention sock can muster for a tantrum?

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b087a7 No.21004663

File: ba123741eceffff⋯.png (1.24 MB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



Venezuelans should have converted their currency to metals before it became toilet paper.

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3db29b No.21004666

[Why does flightradar24.com pretend the earth is a rectangle?]

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6c2eb6 No.21004667

File: 2a9e8cfa04be40c⋯.jpg (340.46 KB,1024x1024,1:1,inspirational_pepe_in_gree….jpg)


you do not reflect the spirit of 'Be Best!'

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cef550 No.21004668

File: 2377ad2e824181c⋯.png (196.24 KB,1200x1115,240:223,ClipboardImage.png)

Google managers have told OpenAI programmers to use training data that chooses nuclear apocalypse over "misgendering" Bruce Jenner.

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3ffa70 No.21004669

File: 70073f874693432⋯.png (453.24 KB,631x418,631:418,2024_06_11_08_11_56.png)


> Biden

> Who's the dude in the dress?

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4cb841 No.21004672


no baker or notetaker

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a0f69f No.21004674

File: 7fa3fe02467b1e8⋯.png (268.5 KB,845x388,845:388,ClipboardImage.png)

struggling with struggle

return the wolves to childhood

here’s a cheery little piece of dystopian hypothesizing from francis fukuyama in “the end of history.”

it’s been sort of niggling at something in my brain and i find a sort of uncomfortable truth embedded here that seems to link a number of ideas.

it really does appear to be one of those unfortunate calibration issues where humans seem to need to feel a certain amount of struggle/deprivation/injustice and it's all subjective such that a brearley girl in her posh high school in NYC experiences a lack of kale at the salad bar in about the same way that an african kid in a warzone experiences "no food this week" in terms of the sense of struggle it constitutes.

this has a wide range of implications, among them the particularly ironic one that

in a world of outlandish plenty, the children of privilege seem to contract an societal auto-immune disease that attacks them and everything around them.


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a0c15d No.21004675

File: 0370fc9f947fd82⋯.png (725.58 KB,964x556,241:139,Screenshot_2024.png)

Reform leader Nigel Farage is pelted with wet cement and a coffee cup as he campaigns on an open top bus in Barnsley - one week after being covered in milkshake by an OnlyFans model


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6c2eb6 No.21004677


accusing pepole of that often are those who are firmly on that side of the line, anon.

I don't support the deletions in the copious way that they occur.

I merely point out that anon live in the real world and don't spend all bread complaining about the lay-of-the-land.

what you do is called 'grumbling'.

and then you double down with slander.

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0256bd No.21004679

File: 905343784d4763e⋯.gif (223.27 KB,400x218,200:109,35C7F0E9_EBBF_45C0_88F6_45….gif)



there you go all fix’t for you

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a2f54a No.21004681


Tough bastard. o7

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6d6835 No.21004686

File: cc8937de0811518⋯.png (369.57 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_aviation_safety_n….png)

File: 5d303cbfd629577⋯.jpeg (212.43 KB,1170x1624,585:812,20240610_D228_22247.jpeg)

File: 2246489bd9e1a2a⋯.png (1.48 MB,1920x984,80:41,snapshot_x_com_17181081304….png)

File: 2246489bd9e1a2a⋯.png (1.48 MB,1920x984,80:41,snapshot_x_com_17181081304….png)

Malawi plane crash

Dornier 228

Malawi Army Air Wing (MAAW)

Registration: MAF-T03

The Dornier 228-202K took off from Lilongwe-Kamuzu International Airport (LLW) at 09:17 am and is scheduled to land at Mzuzu Airport (ZZU) at 10:02 am, carrying the Vice President of Malawi and nine others aboard.

Communications with the aircraft ceased around 10:00 am as it approached Mzuzu Airport, according to the Malawian government. Locals from Chikangawa Forest Reserve reported to have observed a "crash" in the area. Search and rescue operations are ongoing, being directed at the forest.








https://imgproc.airliners.net/photos/airliners/3/0/3/1096303.jpg (photo)

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4cbab8 No.21004688

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FLASHBACK: "I will tell you, final time although I will say it, when you let in your thousands of other people that have been trying to come in because I am coming back – we’re going to have to get you a larger room. (Applause.) We may have to get you a larger room. You know? And maybe, maybe, it will be built by somebody that knows how to build, and we won’t have columns. (Laughter.) You understand that? (Applause.) We get rid of the columns."


President Donald Trump Speaks At The C.I.A.

Jan 20, 2017

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6c2eb6 No.21004689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Tell it like it T-I-IS

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cef550 No.21004692

File: 371163679bb6d08⋯.png (415.33 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 660b8d1710b421b⋯.png (602.48 KB,842x471,842:471,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5bc8fef4357ed85⋯.png (615.56 KB,981x499,981:499,ClipboardImage.png)

This is the inevitable end of the entire woke, critical race theory mind virus poison. It teaches people to have irrational hatred of DEFENSELESS CHILDREN.


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cc5506 No.21004693


knew it.

said so yesterday.

farage and tice attacked the bank of england, the obr and the treasury in their press economic press conference.

these lunatics will try to kill him or put him out of action.

pray for him and all those around him.

these fuckers are deranged.

farage is as brave as trump with the public but djt has better security detail.

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6d6835 No.21004694


Malawi plane crash

Forgot the ASN link


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cef550 No.21004695


It's still not working, cult.

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38faef No.21004697


Was notabled yesterday

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0256bd No.21004698

File: 3d48ac6d99b79b2⋯.jpeg (220.44 KB,626x351,626:351,EFC735FC_D5EE_402C_AFE6_F….jpeg)


See you said it four times

You sure are an insecure lot aren’t ya

And yes I know you really aren’t responding to me per sw just covering ass in public


Truly “special

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cef550 No.21004699




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139157 No.21004700

File: fc571a294cfba54⋯.png (1.33 MB,750x1334,375:667,FAFA2C56_1BCC_488A_B102_DB….png)

File: 7568d4584ec0cfc⋯.png (74.51 KB,690x806,345:403,73B8C0AA_8DC7_486F_A5D9_D6….png)

File: b34a557d933f00e⋯.png (94.83 KB,690x1052,345:526,720E99D8_40B6_4A82_BBC9_9A….png)


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cef550 No.21004701


Muh projection.

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fe5c7b No.21004702

File: f6db28d4632129c⋯.png (604.86 KB,741x440,741:440,f6db28d4632129cd64f4f7062c….png)

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e48f65 No.21004705


Wrong Pence suggested and Pompeo.

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cef550 No.21004708


Absence of blanket hatred is not blanket defense, muhjoo.

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4cbab8 No.21004710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Donald Trump's Tour of His Manhattan Office

Sep 14, 2015

Donald Trump took WSJ's Monica Langley on a tour of his office in the Trump Tower in Manhattan. Among his memorabilia: one of Shaquille O'Neal's sneakers.


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38faef No.21004713


Gee, if only you hadn't tried to sneak in USS Liberty

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a0c15d No.21004715


Attacks will Intensify.

Psalm 34:7 - The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them.

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cef550 No.21004716

File: 273633470821391⋯.png (342.69 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b9ae4f08863b01⋯.png (197.26 KB,760x671,760:671,2b9ae4f08863b015c1e601d41c….png)

Come on clowns, this new but old pattern is cringe.

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dc33cb No.21004718

File: 620322bcdf9ae55⋯.png (42.34 KB,744x317,744:317,q733eUnitedtoGitmo.png)

File: f62776739f97629⋯.png (93.65 KB,690x241,690:241,MuhBreadTitleUnitedAirline….png)

File: df519e3a8e54b67⋯.png (138.16 KB,1176x758,588:379,_i_.png)

File: fb353dd055f1daa⋯.mp4 (10.29 MB,640x360,16:9,anonsUnitedVid.mp4)

File: e71616805cb3aba⋯.png (58.71 KB,255x156,85:52,frenzunited.png)


>good morning Ralph.

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0256bd No.21004719

File: eff4d23c29f1f3a⋯.jpeg (444.39 KB,801x776,801:776,F93FDF05_D727_4A37_AEEF_C….jpeg)



Just an ass covering exercise

You do care cuz you responded

Your slide just about ded anyway

Enjoy while lasts!!

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a0c15d No.21004723


well it triggered you. kek

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dc33cb No.21004724

File: a7659f19ac2a46b⋯.gif (1 MB,360x270,4:3,ralph2a.gif)


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

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cef550 No.21004726

File: bc6e25f627c7266⋯.png (319.17 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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6d6835 No.21004730

File: 212ddc3bf994639⋯.png (773.9 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_apnews_com_171810….png)

Malawi’s vice president and 9 others are confirmed dead after the wreckage of their plane is located

Malawian Vice President Saulos Chilima and nine other people died when the small military plane they were traveling in crashed in bad weather in a mountainous region in the north of the country, the president said Tuesday. Chilima was 51.

President Lazarus Chakwera announced in a live address on state television that the wreckage of the plane had been located after a search of more than a day in thick forests and hilly terrain near the northern city of Mzuzu. He said the wreckage was found near a hill and the plane had been “completely destroyed” and everyone onboard was killed on impact.

Chakwera said he had been informed by the head of Malawi’s armed forces that the plane had been found and “I am deeply saddened and sorry to inform you all that it has turned out to be a terrible tragedy.”

“Words cannot describe how heartbreaking this is and I can only imagine how much pain and anguish you all must be feeling at this time, as well as how much pain and anguish you all will be feeling in the coming days and weeks as we mourn this terrible loss,” Chakwera said.

He said Chilima was “a good man, a devoted father and husband, a patriotic citizen who served his country with distinction, and a formidable vice president.”

The group was traveling to Mzuzu to attend the funeral of a former government minister. Chilima had just returned from an official visit to South Korea on Sunday.

Chilima was serving his second term as vice president. He was also in the role from 2014-2019 under former President Peter Mutharika. He was a candidate in the 2019 Malawian presidential election and finished third, behind the incumbent, Mutharika, and Chakwera. The vote was later annulled by Malawi’s Constitutional Court because of irregularities.

Chilima then joined Chakwera’s campaign as his running mate in an historic election rerun in 2020, when Chakwera was elected president. It was the first time in Africa that an election result that was overturned by a court resulted in a defeat for the sitting president.


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c60eab No.21004731


>carrying the Vice President of Malawi and nine others aboard.

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fe5c7b No.21004732

File: 053917b8d6ca4e9⋯.jpg (80.31 KB,1000x562,500:281,053917b8d6ca4e9490055f10a5….jpg)

I think I might go for a shave.

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b6af8c No.21004733

Memberberry, this bread is as good as it gets for Day Shift.

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3db29b No.21004735

[Middle East


East=right side

Middle right]

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c60eab No.21004737


>It was the first time in Africa that an election result that was overturned by a court resulted in a defeat for the sitting president.

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842400 No.21004741

File: 9d84620a94ebc0e⋯.png (73.48 KB,296x286,148:143,9d84620a94ebc0e9969096d250….png)


I remember this..she couldn't get up so she hadblackpeople help her up off her knees. She's a race baiter. That's all she's got.

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6d6835 No.21004742


>The group was traveling to Mzuzu to attend the funeral of a former government minister. Chilima had just returned from an official visit to South Korea on Sunday.

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4cbab8 No.21004744

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



My huge thanks to South Yorkshire Police today.

I will not be bullied or cowed by a violent left-wing mob who hate our country.

https://x.com/Nigel_Farage/status/1800481450476908805 - tweet with video

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628eec No.21004745


Previous bread it was mentioned

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3db29b No.21004747


>trips checkd

: peace.

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cef550 No.21004748

File: f3f7cec11215e32⋯.png (64.21 KB,1091x430,1091:430,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3f7cec11215e32⋯.png (64.21 KB,1091x430,1091:430,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3f7cec11215e32⋯.png (64.21 KB,1091x430,1091:430,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3f7cec11215e32⋯.png (64.21 KB,1091x430,1091:430,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3f7cec11215e32⋯.png (64.21 KB,1091x430,1091:430,ClipboardImage.png)


Nancy Pelosi says ‘I take responsibility’ for not having National Guard at the Capitol on Jan. 6 in video shot by her own daughter


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c60eab No.21004749

File: 4c9886a708ccc02⋯.gif (3.82 MB,235x200,47:40,KimApproves.gif)

good job anons

stubborn fucks

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9ed0a0 No.21004752

File: 356a86b081e5a07⋯.png (576.36 KB,720x819,80:91,356a86b081e5a07af5258f32ad….png)

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498095 No.21004753

File: 86ee47aa8d5e729⋯.mp4 (5.74 MB,480x852,40:71,If_China_invades_Tawain.mp4)

Kekking hard at this Comedy Act…

If China invades Tawain…

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dc33cb No.21004754

File: baf06c58586ec98⋯.jpeg (248.86 KB,890x1030,89:103,potus5thColumn.jpeg)

File: dd95ab7f342e300⋯.jpg (1.08 MB,3000x1999,3000:1999,5thcolumn.jpg)



>We get rid of the columns."

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b01d16 No.21004760


Who is this nobody that has such a huge audience?

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2ede9b No.21004761

File: d316a09a90be53b⋯.webp (67.91 KB,1500x1000,3:2,focus8.webp)

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c60eab No.21004762

File: a0b2df2d4e9f92f⋯.jpeg (28.38 KB,560x418,280:209,marx.jpeg)


stop laughing

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9202ee No.21004763


Why Samsung?

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6d6835 No.21004764


Chkd evil diggies

(Don't tell the flat earfers)

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9a960d No.21004765

File: 4a2f17feb78603a⋯.png (214.25 KB,978x712,489:356,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85a8669a648a250⋯.png (486.89 KB,979x1241,979:1241,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b52679c80c6249a⋯.png (53.6 KB,421x297,421:297,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c02e0fd19b9816⋯.gif (1.14 MB,470x236,235:118,hold_this_bitch.gif)

File: aba550cef7e264a⋯.png (935.11 KB,712x715,712:715,ClipboardImage.png)



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48e3b0 No.21004767


Wonder what's in his drink? Nobody else had a drink in their hand at the music fest.

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139157 No.21004768

File: 7bd62e48926331b⋯.png (1.35 MB,750x1334,375:667,3A8C4310_C6D2_4E93_BFF9_8E….png)

File: 947f9b964328861⋯.png (106.43 KB,690x1334,15:29,473438F4_B2C1_4057_AF3F_13….png)

File: da881030fab3e52⋯.jpeg (992.19 KB,1800x1200,3:2,B6F0E476_521B_4258_9FD0_5….jpeg)



really hope spacesforce gets theiy’re shit together.

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ed6fc1 No.21004769

File: 3a534ea3d1f1dd9⋯.png (4.04 MB,3456x2386,1728:1193,QClock_June_10_2024_The_Hu….png)

>>21003283 (pb noties) Clockfag: QClock June 10, 2024 - Apple Core & Open AI

QClock June 10, 2024 - The Hunt Is On, Shall We Play A Game

*Note: Think of Elon's comment in the other June 10, 2024 clock,

"That is an unacceptable security violation"

Contextually, he was talking about Apple & (not so) Open A.I…..fits nicely with a hunt for a rogue russian nuclear sub, no?

Might join these clocks…if time allows…

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a0f69f No.21004770


Better than Huawei. Corrupted manufacturer, but not nearly as blatantly corrupt as Huawei.

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9202ee No.21004772


Protected by Space Force

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2ede9b No.21004774

File: db8916c48685356⋯.png (290.6 KB,850x400,17:8,ClipboardImage.png)

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a0f69f No.21004775


Wrong spelling for that family, but keep at the cowbell. It'll fit in sooner or later.

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9202ee No.21004777


The Fifth Column

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2ede9b No.21004779

File: 57f6069cc770470⋯.jpeg (134.81 KB,1456x816,91:51,d7c8411ca472e2d4b28c1b5f7….jpeg)


Pretty high on yourself to think people fear year, let along an entire ethnicity. Interesting to note the phrase "Rent free" you were using. The dipshit at the keyboard handling your persona is responsible for the mimicry, isn't he? It's only a matter of time and there's no damage you can do until then. Clown bitch.

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4cbab8 No.21004780

well done, thanks anon


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1969ab No.21004781




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c60eab No.21004782


>You understand that?


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a0f69f No.21004783

File: 235204c6994acdd⋯.png (215.97 KB,323x400,323:400,ClipboardImage.png)


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9202ee No.21004785


Why not something American though? Haven't we learned our lesson?

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9202ee No.21004787

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2ede9b No.21004788

File: 776a8173536f343⋯.jpg (114.5 KB,1280x720,16:9,40kfocused.jpg)

And of course it replies. Probably something stupid about Jews, because that's his entire gimmick. The last of the MuhJoos, dying on a hill of fake and lies.

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a0f69f No.21004789


And how would you open/influence a negotiation on Social Media?

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2aa507 No.21004790


who is that

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83a155 No.21004791


Potato cut samsung a check a few weeks ago….

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c60eab No.21004792


Why not?



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a0f69f No.21004793

File: 2ec28d76eb82335⋯.png (259.04 KB,461x619,461:619,ClipboardImage.png)


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38faef No.21004795

Notes passing 400

#25759 >>21004220

>>21004224, >>21004252, >>21004256 NGOs Operating in Ukraine Have Compiled an Enemies List

>>21004258, >>21004493, >>21044293, >>21004358, >>21004493 PlaneFaggin’

>>21004263 Independent Reporter Calls Out CBS News' Lesley Stahl Over Biden Laptop Claims

>>21004288 Dmitry Trenin: Here’s how Russia can prevent WW3

>>21004306 Uh-oh! I Got Fired. | Candace Show Ep 1

>>21004309 BlackRock adds proxy advisory firm Egan Jones, amid ESG criticism

>>21004336 Judge Cannon Denies Trump Motion to Dismiss Some of Jack Smith’s Classified Documents Case

>>21004346 Rep. Loudermilk reacts to video of Nancy Pelosi taking responsibility for J6 security failures

>>21004511 Biden To Offer Saudi Arabia Defense Treaty In Exchange For Official Ties With Israel

>>21004541 DOD: Third meeting of Nuclear Consulatative Group enhances U.S., South Korea alliance, deterrence

>>21004566 Five Things You Need to Know to Start Your Day: Europe

>>21004583 People’s Vaccine Inquiry UK

>>21004609 George Clooney’s Foundation to Issue Arrest Warrant Requests for Journalists Who Say Nice Things About Russia

>>21004653 Patagonia funneled thousands to Palestinian terrorism-linked group, documents show

>>21004675, >>21004744 Reform leader Nigel Farage is pelted with wet cement and a coffee cup as he campaigns on an open top bus in Barnsley - one week after being covered in milkshake by an OnlyFans model

>>21004686, >>21004694, >>21004730 Malawi plane crash

>>21004748 Nancy Pelosi says ‘I take responsibility’ for not having National Guard at the Capitol on Jan. 6 in video shot by her own daughter

>>21004769 Clockfag: QClock June 10, 2024 - The Hunt Is On, Shall We Play A Game

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a0c15d No.21004797


I wonder what phone Q was using when active, they did a device test once with multiple different ID's if anons remembers

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a0f69f No.21004798

File: 0d41e9659d233b7⋯.png (1.14 MB,1473x1123,1473:1123,ClipboardImage.png)


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c60eab No.21004800



The City Of London, The Vatican And Washington, D.C.

Three special cities with special rules.

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cef550 No.21004801

File: 1e4cb316b394a73⋯.png (1.67 MB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe5.png)


This board is rent free in the minds of the "if I don't control the information I would be afraid" weaklings.

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6d6835 No.21004802


>Not only in a dress but the 13 day shadow


>who is that

Big Mike?

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2ede9b No.21004803


Silence, failfag. I'm better than you.

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a0c15d No.21004804

File: b89b8ba4db58036⋯.png (34.37 KB,872x410,436:205,1739.png)

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38faef No.21004805


Let's try that again

Notes passing 400

#25759 >>21004220

>>21004224, >>21004252, >>21004256 NGOs Operating in Ukraine Have Compiled an Enemies List

>>21004258, >>21004293, >>21004358, >>21004493 PlaneFaggin’

>>21004263 Independent Reporter Calls Out CBS News' Lesley Stahl Over Biden Laptop Claims

>>21004288 Dmitry Trenin: Here’s how Russia can prevent WW3

>>21004306 Uh-oh! I Got Fired. | Candace Show Ep 1

>>21004309 BlackRock adds proxy advisory firm Egan Jones, amid ESG criticism

>>21004336 Judge Cannon Denies Trump Motion to Dismiss Some of Jack Smith’s Classified Documents Case

>>21004346 Rep. Loudermilk reacts to video of Nancy Pelosi taking responsibility for J6 security failures

>>21004511 Biden To Offer Saudi Arabia Defense Treaty In Exchange For Official Ties With Israel

>>21004541 DOD: Third meeting of Nuclear Consulatative Group enhances U.S., South Korea alliance, deterrence

>>21004566 Five Things You Need to Know to Start Your Day: Europe

>>21004583 People’s Vaccine Inquiry UK

>>21004609 George Clooney’s Foundation to Issue Arrest Warrant Requests for Journalists Who Say Nice Things About Russia

>>21004653 Patagonia funneled thousands to Palestinian terrorism-linked group, documents show

>>21004675, >>21004744 Reform leader Nigel Farage is pelted with wet cement and a coffee cup as he campaigns on an open top bus in Barnsley - one week after being covered in milkshake by an OnlyFans model

>>21004686, >>21004694, >>21004730 Malawi plane crash

>>21004748 Nancy Pelosi says ‘I take responsibility’ for not having National Guard at the Capitol on Jan. 6 in video shot by her own daughter

>>21004769 Clockfag: QClock June 10, 2024 - The Hunt Is On, Shall We Play A Game

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cfaf7e No.21004809




Not all nouns are proper nouns.

Only proper nouns are capped.

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c60eab No.21004810

How many Hunter laptops are there?

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d8eeaf No.21004811


at the 57 sec mark, doesn't that look like blood?

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a0c15d No.21004812

File: 4f3496a74922246⋯.png (729.28 KB,964x542,482:271,Screenshot.png)

BREAKING NEWS King Charles' first official portrait is vandalised by animal rights activists: Two Animal Rising protesters cover monarch's face with Wallace and Gromit image and stick on speech bubble message about 'cruelty on RSPCA farms'



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c60eab No.21004813


>secret arrest warrants for journalists in Europe whose reporting is favorable to Russia

his 'wife' looks like huma

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1e1092 No.21004814

File: 29a59d23622a993⋯.jpg (448.14 KB,1079x1488,1079:1488,Screenshot_20240611_055801….jpg)

After watching a TikTok, several VERIFY readers asked if Mexico deports American citizens who are in the country illegally. It does happen, but it’s not that common.


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2ede9b No.21004815

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)

Acronym gimmicks, mimicry, and ethnic accusation. That's all you clowns have. Now take it all from me..

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d991fa No.21004816

File: ae3b3c3af57d737⋯.png (358.3 KB,600x702,100:117,ClipboardImage.png)



That's all fine and dandy. But one has to remember that a post on twitter can 24 times (all three minutes after the top of the hour) depending on where in the world one is viewing the tweet from.

And please do the courtesy of including sauce next time.


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ceb20d No.21004817

What was the "operators standing by" crap from earlier this morning?

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704ea4 No.21004819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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04c084 No.21004820

File: 174ccee09989db2⋯.jpg (13.77 KB,163x255,163:255,BULLSHIT.jpg)


Fauci Bids NIH Farewell After Half Century of Service

How do you thank someone who has devoted more than 54 years to pursuing medical science, combating infectious disease and promoting public health—particularly when the honoree has declined all bells, whistles and elaborate celebrations of any kind? That was NIH’s challenge on Dec. 16, when an extremely modest assembly gathered in Wilson Hall—one of the campus’s smallest venues—to pay tribute to an agency icon.


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91811e No.21004821

File: b7aedacd74971e0⋯.png (226.51 KB,711x438,237:146,muskClockfag.png)

File: 344f6674ece3139⋯.jpg (3.66 MB,5199x4730,5199:4730,qclock_muskCountdown2.jpg)


>*Note: Think of Elon's comment in the other June 10, 2024 clock,

Elon confirmed clockfag

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139157 No.21004822


fuck off gook.

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c60eab No.21004823

File: ad0c530cad3c263⋯.mp4 (6.6 MB,1280x720,16:9,Sussman.mp4)

She grew up on a Soviet military base in the Arctic.


Alec Baldwin shooting victim was wife of Latham & Watkins lawyer

The husband of Halyna Hutchins, the cinematographer who was shot by Alec Baldwin, is a corporate lawyer in Latham & Watkins' Los Angeles office.

The only faint relation that can be drawn between Matt Hutchins and Sussmann is the firm the former works for. Matt Hutchins works at the law firm Latham & Watkins. When Sussmann was indicated he was working as a lawyer for Perkins Coie. However, following his indictment, Sussmann resigned and the company's website also doesn't feature his name.

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d991fa No.21004825

File: 69378553c7c8107⋯.gif (5.57 MB,444x250,222:125,horizontalrotatenuke.gif)

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83a155 No.21004826

File: 408e56d7db8830a⋯.jpg (249.83 KB,720x1359,80:151,Screenshot_20240611_085853….jpg)

Filed under : told ya so

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7e2f08 No.21004827

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/10/2024



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0256bd No.21004828


>>21004609 Pimco Warns of More US Regional Bank Failures on Property Pain

This the correct title for that link

Clooney thing been noted several times and at least a few days old

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4cbab8 No.21004830

File: f41e6188c2343f8⋯.png (392.41 KB,634x637,634:637,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9cee14b42c62300⋯.png (363.74 KB,634x471,634:471,ClipboardImage.png)

EXCLUSIVE: Stormy Daniels reveals in Daily Mail podcast she wanted to 'kill' neighborhood 'predator' who abused her when she was nine… and how horses saved her life

>horse face


Stormy Daniels has described how she sexually abused by when she was just nine and her love of horses was how she survived a tumultuous childhood. Daniels talks about her early years in the first episode of Daily Mail's Everything I Know About Me: Stormy Daniels, which was released Tuesday.

The adult actress at the center of Donald Trump's historic hush money trial reveals she wanted to go back and 'kill' her abuser, but he was already dead.

She spent most of her childhood in a small house in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, which fell into disrepair after her father left. Daniels, who real name is Stephanie Clifford, said she always felt sympathetic for her father because he 'made it very clear that he didn't want to have children.'

Donald Trump's one-time lover said she was often questioned about why she wasn't more mad that her father left the family. 'But if a woman is being dishonest, it sort of takes that power away,' she explained. 'And he never wanted children.

'So it's really hard to be angry at a man who didn't have that choice, which sounds very opposite of what we're used to hearing that, you know, women are the ones that should have the voice and the choice and whatever, but so, I think so should men - and he didn't.'

Her father remarried and divorced - but when he was with wife No. 2, Susan, she made sure Daniels remained in his life - and took her horseback riding for the first time. 'My stepmom was like very excited to teach me about horses and show me horses,' Daniels said. 'She bought me my first pair of riding boots.' 'It was nice to get away and have a clean place to sleep at least twice a year,' Daniels added.

Later, as a teenager, Daniels spent $500 of Christmas money given to her by her stepfather to purchase an ailing horse named Jade. Riding and taking care of Jade, Daniels said, was how she kept herself out of trouble during her high school years.

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704ea4 No.21004831

File: 2522f466e5045ef⋯.jpg (3.45 MB,4000x2252,1000:563,Picsart_24_06_11_07_55_41_….jpg)

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cef550 No.21004833

File: ee1a04dac425e84⋯.png (5.48 MB,3072x2044,768:511,ClipboardImage.png)

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04c084 No.21004834


Prolly opening for someone bigger…

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d53a6d No.21004835

File: cda9694b92403da⋯.jpg (88.25 KB,577x780,577:780,wearethenews.jpg)

21002868 pb

never believe AP wire info especially from an anonymous source.

It could be true but still don't read it.

AP lies bad. Why waste your time.

Think of the day it is today? 6 - 11

Many anons here would have better news.

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c60eab No.21004836

File: 0a816115416ead5⋯.png (2.1 MB,1817x1080,1817:1080,ClipboardImage.png)


>Wallace and Gromit

<what do you mean they drink coffee

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91811e No.21004837

File: 0e981bd1f0fd6ab⋯.png (215.97 KB,736x502,368:251,Screenshot_from_2024_06_10….png)

File: 0eac1863de1d8db⋯.png (562.6 KB,829x1641,829:1641,Screenshot_2024_06_10_at_0….png)

File: 8b080680ddf81e7⋯.png (35.35 KB,404x466,202:233,Screenshot_2024_06_11_at_0….png)

File: 1c0889e0ee60ea2⋯.png (40.74 KB,812x324,203:81,Screenshot_2024_06_10_at_0….png)

File: 42c82096b4d7d72⋯.png (79.03 KB,820x601,820:601,Screenshot_2024_06_10_at_0….png)


>fits nicely with a hunt for a rogue russian nuclear sub, no?

>Might join these clocks…if time allows…

Yesterday morning bread




>Russian fleet deployed to Caribbean Sea


>Q417 > Q397

><12/19 4 Stringers drops in a row

>Q395 <- Red October




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c60eab No.21004838

File: 7cd50805cc584cf⋯.png (445.48 KB,500x700,5:7,baldbang.png)

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cef550 No.21004839

OpenAI is closed and its source code kept behind firewall.

Why do they call it "Open"?

What started as non-profit Open Source is now for-profit Closed Source.

Should be called ClosedAI.

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d991fa No.21004840



what an awesome year, will never forget it

finally managed to save up enough to make the down payment on my very own dyson sphere

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7e2f08 No.21004841


Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/11/2024

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9339f8 No.21004842

File: 7c6c588f32acf7b⋯.png (782.81 KB,800x665,160:133,7C483C28_E0BC_42F1_916D_4B….PNG)

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d53a6d No.21004843



what changed her mind?

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fe5c7b No.21004844

File: 4917175724ce41b⋯.jpg (20.34 KB,474x442,237:221,4917175724ce41b791d026fd5d….jpg)


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cef550 No.21004845



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38faef No.21004846


Got it, thanks!

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cef550 No.21004847


Offers of fame/fortune/notoriety by lying pieces of parasitical shit.

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b01d16 No.21004848

I wonder what Q will post today?

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704ea4 No.21004849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d991fa No.21004850


check out my instagram @intergalacticbeverlyhillbillies

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0a2b89 No.21004851


Those are some of the most common orders in the military, 2nd to the hurry up and wait motto highlighting readiness and a go code

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0256bd No.21004852

File: d87bf48a5ce0376⋯.jpeg (81.87 KB,630x473,630:473,B1D3ADD7_0411_416A_99AC_8….jpeg)

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3ffa70 No.21004854

File: c1013e0c00b18ab⋯.png (254.64 KB,742x943,742:943,2024_06_11_09_11_56.png)

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ed6fc1 No.21004855

File: 180804c0581b502⋯.png (3.04 MB,3535x1705,707:341,QClock_August_11_2023_Elon….png)



>Elon confirmed clockfag

I know…it's fabby.

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38faef No.21004856


The usurpers flooding the bread with bullshit about "testing" anons?

Just that, bullshit attempt by DOAR faggots talking about Board Owner is evil, muh censorship, will take back the board, etc

Called out a few times started trying to bring God into it

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3ffa70 No.21004857

File: f15e7108b3fbd94⋯.png (393.85 KB,564x546,94:91,melania_tuesday.png)

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0256bd No.21004858


Someone larping with 60+ posts

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d991fa No.21004859

File: cfe05ffcad26b70⋯.png (818.51 KB,837x561,279:187,ClipboardImage.png)

Dear Elon,

No need to consider AI when contemplating Apple. Or China.

Sincerely, Anon

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b01d16 No.21004860


Is an AIPAC like a Night Shift?

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704ea4 No.21004861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2ede9b No.21004862

File: 178e2b87786909a⋯.jpg (53.53 KB,476x422,238:211,77e3bb31707241464e0bf1554b….jpg)

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fcfe46 No.21004863

File: ae28df1756db496⋯.png (1.14 MB,1045x608,55:32,ae28df1756db49613c29cecb6c….png)


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ceb20d No.21004864


Big military to-dos, I suppose? Why post that here? Giving the black hats a heads up? Psychological warefare?

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b01d16 No.21004865


That is the perfect hobbit garden.

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2ede9b No.21004866

File: 847d4452fe7ba21⋯.png (500.47 KB,1389x1599,463:533,fucking_retard.png)

The best they came up with in the endgame is an acronym. That's sure going to stop what's coming.

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ae0e67 No.21004867

File: 9a3f6333c6fd0f8⋯.jpg (57.01 KB,640x1024,5:8,1717326574450586m.jpg)


Pretty cool that checkmate lined up.

I think Elon would appreciate this planetery boob.

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ed6fc1 No.21004868

File: 98d470a1f5a0c76⋯.png (2.26 MB,1170x1463,1170:1463,ClipboardImage.png)

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d991fa No.21004870


shark week

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f3ca6d No.21004872

File: 090d8c76d5645e0⋯.jpeg (80.83 KB,090d8c76d5645e015971f4187….jpeg)

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1ad30e No.21004873

File: 67165c43a6fbb8c⋯.png (759.54 KB,ClipboardImage.png)

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1ad30e No.21004874

File: 67165c43a6fbb8c⋯.png (759.54 KB,ClipboardImage.png)

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498095 No.21004875

File: 06950c4c7fabc8d⋯.jpg (49.21 KB,534x680,267:340,only_one_felon_running_for….jpg)

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9339f8 No.21004876

File: 4848148b48e7c13⋯.mp4 (424.44 KB,480x576,5:6,Bwrq1MEjoAcVODLE.mp4)

Joe Biden

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83a155 No.21004877

File: 839024efbc276d9⋯.jpeg (76.08 KB,500x477,500:477,download_14.jpeg)

Victimhood shenanigans

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1ad30e No.21004878

File: 67165c43a6fbb8c⋯.png (759.54 KB,900x827,900:827,ClipboardImage.png)

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83a155 No.21004879

File: 839024efbc276d9⋯.jpeg (76.08 KB,500x477,500:477,download_14.jpeg)

Victimhood shenanigans

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e01237 No.21004880

File: 366d35287b7c064⋯.jpg (93.65 KB,625x487,625:487,RealPictureOfEarth.jpg)


← Actual photo of Earth taken from space

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9339f8 No.21004881

File: 4848148b48e7c13⋯.mp4 (424.44 KB,480x576,5:6,Bwrq1MEjoAcVODLE.mp4)

Joe Biden

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c60eab No.21004882


who would do such a thing

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704ea4 No.21004884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b2c6c3 No.21004885


Red Lake (American Indians) and Red River(Scandinavian Farmers) are probably the most heavily Blue parts of out state MN besides the Iron Range (Finnish Miners who created Progressivism).

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9339f8 No.21004886

File: 4f699337bc2e536⋯.jpg (763.42 KB,958x1128,479:564,IMG_1556.jpg)

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1ad30e No.21004887

File: 90b4d7541c271eb⋯.png (427.45 KB,620x415,124:83,ClipboardImage.png)


It will take more than milkshake and cement to keep this man down.

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c60eab No.21004888

File: 46c7ed8a1deb1df⋯.mp4 (6.26 MB,480x848,30:53,turtlepower.mp4)


Florida city uncovers mysterious network of secret tunnels - as eerie clues about their origin spark wild theories

A mysterious network of tunnels has been uncovered in Ybor City, near Tampa

Theories range from prohibition-era booze smuggling to people trafficking

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4cb841 No.21004890


how ya doing bakeroo?

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d53a6d No.21004892

File: fdc1c69c965386b⋯.png (139.16 KB,1000x429,1000:429,godfather3.png)

>>21004069 pb

Anyone could figure that out just by studying the simulations / staged "events" - No need for Bill Cooper to tell you it.

Also, figure it out yourself because anyone you follow could be wrong on some things; that's the point of their "hang-outs"

Cooper apparently showed a vid on TV - a doctored version of the JFK murder video; it's blurry. But idiots who never studied the event extensively for decades, as other's have, claim it shows Jackie killed her husband. Which is now part of YT successful Propaganda push.

previous bread

>>1701873 pb


>>1701840 pb


8chan is gone (see what I mean?)

But in case someone has archives, links provided.

"Yes, it ties into the Naudet / Deniro posting I just did. The "planes" were drawn really badly.

The reason the 9/11 Propaganda is treason is because it enabled the Coup d'etat - the removal of our protections under the Constitution / Bill of Rights. Removing the citizen's rights "under color of law" is a Capital offense. All the TV Media and Media organs are guilty of treason.

We speculated that the "planes" were drawn poorly since it is known that a suggestion is more convincing than a detailed rendering. More chance if it's too detailed, to make an error. Ironically the more poorly its drawn the better chance people eyes/mind will fill in the gaps and it will convince - create believably"

much of good material is proved here by the insta-shill.. Immediate attempt to black out memory or consolidation of new information. Shill are "johnny-on-th-spot" with that. Often more than one account.

"Proved By Shill"

also the principle behind the "All for a LARP" comment.

"Godfathers3" = large criminal conspiracy.

connect the dots.

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c60eab No.21004893


>milkshake and cement

cowards, the lot of them

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9339f8 No.21004895

File: baa207ef7eb161b⋯.jpeg (47.85 KB,474x474,1:1,IMG_1829.jpeg)

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2516d1 No.21004896

File: f2ed020cc4488b1⋯.png (1007.31 KB,1024x1024,1:1,f2ed020cc4488b1bbe03c830fd….png)

Fani Willis’ YSL RICO Trial Goes Off the Rails After Rapper Young Thug’s Attorney Arrested Mid Trial! (VIDEO)


>last vid

DEI in action

"If I fuck up, yell at the judge to get my way." thought bubble.

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704ea4 No.21004897

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1ad30e No.21004898

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Meet MP John Prescott who got an egg thrown at him.

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38faef No.21004899


Been posted for days now

Fluff piece covering stuff from 2018 in Florida rather than the EU Parliamentary Elections where things are not going well for the lefties

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c60eab No.21004900

File: f017511818d730d⋯.png (1.09 MB,1200x954,200:159,Stepan_Bandera.png)

File: 630c2c999883035⋯.jpg (201.52 KB,1200x900,4:3,David_Leavitt_and_Yuchenko….jpg)


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38faef No.21004901

File: 02181fea04ef85a⋯.png (141.08 KB,385x315,11:9,87ba1f8cec46f3d16633374802….png)


Pulled an all-nighter

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a0f69f No.21004905

And now you know why the ECB eased last week…





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3ffa70 No.21004906

File: b07528eacb92d13⋯.png (281.97 KB,1083x1045,57:55,2024_06_11_09_31_51.png)

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0256bd No.21004907

File: 2a4978c09652b73⋯.jpeg (693.65 KB,1201x625,1201:625,259DA5C6_391F_49EA_B4CA_7….jpeg)

File: 4f22c1fc1a79175⋯.jpeg (262 KB,828x555,276:185,FDAD19E6_6DFA_433F_ABC3_B….jpeg)


PF: Spanish AF AME4508 A330 heading for a stop/drop at Rzeszow Airport-Turkish AF HVK42 E7A Wedgetail over Romania

They call them ‘Peace Eagle’ and fttdk it’s an updated AWACS platform-cap 2

Can’t say I’ve seen them do this before as they usually over Aegean or tryin’ to watch wut the Greeks are up to-since they get along so well /s

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937b43 No.21004908


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c28416 No.21004909

File: cd7865d7a539f7b⋯.png (479.7 KB,589x388,589:388,ClipboardImage.png)



>I will not be bullied or cowed by a violent left-wing mob who hate our country.

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d53a6d No.21004910

File: 134da60d132a0cf⋯.gif (7.64 MB,640x426,320:213,noseoutfakeout911attackMED….gif)


reason for the black-out frame after the live telecast "nose-out" of the alleged plane coming out the other side of the Tower (i.e. proof positive of 'cartoon' CGI)

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1ad30e No.21004911


Booked for later.


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89a268 No.21004913

File: f8ba551c1964fce⋯.png (462.69 KB,1080x1037,1080:1037,Scrvcd.png)

Trump don't bring back this whore…. puke!

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c60eab No.21004915

File: efc9b04623fcebb⋯.mp4 (10.93 MB,1064x604,266:151,FaniWillis_may_have_to_bai….mp4)


Fani Willis may have to bail her prosecutor out of jail before this is over

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ccd662 No.21004916


Ybor City ceases scanning (Aug. 21,2003)

Facial-recognition system fails to find known criminals.

TAMPA - Civil-rights advocates celebrated a decision by Tampa police to scrap a highly touted facial-recognition software system that was designed to scan the city's entertainment district for wanted criminals. But after two years, it yielded no positive identifications and no arrests. "It was of no benefit to us, and it served no real purpose," Capt. Bob Guidara said Wednesday, emphasizing the decision to drop the software was based on its ineffectiveness rather than privacy issues.

Tampa became the first city in the United States to install the software in June 2001 to scan faces in Ybor City nightlife district and check them against a database of more than 24,000 felons, sexual predators and runaway children. But critics said it violated privacy rights, forcing Ybor City visitors to be in what amounted to an electronic police lineup without their consent.

Darlene Williams, chairwoman of the Tampa area chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, said she's glad it's gone."People have the right to be anonymous, and not to be put in a police lineup for committing the offense of walking down a public street," Williams said.

Guidara said the closed-circuit cameras installed in 1997 will remain in Ybor City without the face-scanning capabilities. They are effective as a deterrent and have helped police foil crimes, he said. Face-scanning technology is still being used in other cities. The airport, jail and jail visitation areas in Pinellas County are using it, but it has never resulted in an arrest, officials said.

Virginia Beach, Va., installed the software on closed-circuit cameras along the city's boardwalk last summer. While it has never produced a hit or an arrest, police spokesman Sgt. Max Hayden said it performed well in controlled tests and may be a deterrent to criminals. Signs along the boardwalk inform visitors of its use.


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a0f69f No.21004917

File: 9d9a8ffe57468bc⋯.mp4 (855.7 KB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17181130119….mp4)

Wide Awake Media


"It could eradicate blue sky."

CNBC segment from 2019: "Bill Gates is backing the first high-altitude experiment of one radical climate change solution—creating a massive chemical cloud that could cool the Earth. It's called solar geo-engineering."

"But it also comes with significant risks and uncertainties: Things like mass famine, mass flooding, drought."


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c60eab No.21004918

File: 4fc1c91f848d898⋯.png (1.4 MB,767x1000,767:1000,ClipboardImage.png)

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1ad30e No.21004920


I still believe this was the first military use of Project Bluebeam. I lost all my 9/11 files years ago but the flight path data of Flight 175 had a plane running parallel along its flight path. The mystery white plane?

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701a61 No.21004921


>Donald Trump's one-time lover

This is how fake news works.

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0b3a66 No.21004922


bullshit breeding weakness.

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704ea4 No.21004923

File: 7171d2776fb4942⋯.jpeg (477.88 KB,1008x1580,252:395,Egyptian_Cat_Tattoos.jpeg)

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c60eab No.21004924

File: 3251dbe2fa8c9a9⋯.png (931.09 KB,1228x1260,307:315,ClipboardImage.png)


>Facial-recognition system fails to find known criminals.


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0b3a66 No.21004925


really doesn't know they never turn it off

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3ffa70 No.21004926

File: 1e689a118e25430⋯.png (75.46 KB,226x216,113:108,keks.png)


>Meet MP John Prescott who got an egg thrown at him.

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753a24 No.21004927


Black and female..kill two birds with one stone in hiring.

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a0f69f No.21004928



Lawfare Bingeing: New Jersey Announces An Investigation Into Trump Liquor Licenses



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4c421d No.21004930

File: c78baafaeaf31c6⋯.png (560.59 KB,1080x843,360:281,Vcs.png)

File: afb4e44b2ad3524⋯.png (749.32 KB,1080x1540,54:77,Vfxfu.png)

The USA shitshow continues…

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e01237 No.21004932

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.jpg (62.91 KB,253x204,253:204,dafuqPepe.JPG)

In 2020 a communist co-worker told me that political analysts had come to the conclusion that right wing politics were dead and no future elections would favour the right.

I hope he remembers telling me that right now. Though I doubt it…

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4cbab8 No.21004933

File: fae6e5633150148⋯.png (96.09 KB,715x453,715:453,ClipboardImage.png)

Hunter Biden gun trial: Jury resumes deliberation


Who is the judge in the Hunter Biden case?

The judge presiding over Hunter Biden’s federal gun trial in Delaware is a former corporate civil lawyer with a background in biology who was nominated to the bench by the Biden family’s chief political antagonist: former President Donald Trump.

But even while that might raise partisan eyebrows and questions of political pressure in the highly watched case, District Judge Maryellen Noreika was recommended for the bench by the two Democratic senators.

She has a brief history of political donations to both parties, mostly Republicans, and had not worked on criminal cases or presided over a courtroom before getting the nod as a federal judge. The New York Times reported she was registered to vote as a Democrat from 2000-2020 until changing her registration to no party affiliation.

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cef550 No.21004934


Demokkkrts hate the USA.

No no, this is something not USA at all.

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0256bd No.21004935

File: d8cc9decaa15b5e⋯.jpeg (28.66 KB,630x421,630:421,AA48CD8A_D8C7_4B70_93A3_D….jpeg)

File: 3c2c05a40bb4cfd⋯.jpeg (82.58 KB,1275x681,425:227,10E8B77F_EC0E_40D2_B5A6_D….jpeg)

File: 4b5cc8d85518378⋯.jpeg (300.76 KB,828x1430,414:715,A770D602_440B_449E_87E4_A….jpeg)

French Bonds Plunge Amid Macron Resignation Rumors

(Kek. This just a set up for creating some flow-he is not going anywhere and muh Euro continues to parity with US$-cap2)

The blowout in European bond yields extended for a second day as French bonds tumbled, driving the biggest two-day jump in yields since the pandemic, amid rumors that Macron was preparing to announce his resignation, which has been swiftly denied by a person close to him. The French president is set to hold a press conference on Wednesday to set out his campaign. While Macron's resignation rumors were quickly quickly denied according to Bloomberg, speculation over his future spurred a sharp selloff in French government bonds with the yield on 10-year French bonds surging as much as 10 basis points Tuesday, and widened the spread over equivalent German bonds to the highest level since March 2020 on a closing basis. Meanwhile, Italian bonds, viewed among the region’s riskiest given the government’s debt pile, were swept up in the rout for a second day with the spread over bunds jumping to 150 basis points.

Over the weekend, Macron shocked the world after calling a snap election to curb the political rise of Marine Le Pen, whose National Rally party won widespread support in the EU elections over the weekend. The first round of the vote on June 30 risks becoming the ultimate showdown over Macron’s trademark economic policies, which had largely reassured investors and businesses since he took office in 2017.

After rejecting President Emmanuel Macron’s offer of an alliance against the far right, France’s left wing parties have instead sealed a pact amongst themselves as they seek to block the ascendance of Rassemblement National and Marine Le Pen, the Financial Times reported earlier. A joint statement was signed late on Monday night between the Socialists, Communists, Greens and several smaller parties, grouped together as the Front Populaire (Popular Front). That raises the risks given it is likely to mean more polarization, and a weakening of the centrists. Meanwhile, the first polling released by Harris Interactive on Monday evening predicted the RN would come first with 235-265 seats, short of the 289 needed for an outright majority.



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8dbd30 No.21004936


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d53a6d No.21004937

File: 99c1647e1291b38⋯.png (358.72 KB,598x567,598:567,dossierunsubstantiated.png)

File: 1fc097016bc55b4⋯.png (57.31 KB,598x461,598:461,dossierunsubstantiated1.png)

File: c2b5e86a6a2a280⋯.png (1.02 MB,666x889,666:889,herridgeunsubstand.png)

File: 3caaada1d3b0af8⋯.png (1.17 MB,1000x1410,100:141,herridgeunsubstand2a.png)


They attempt to wash the memory away with a distraction, as a last ditch effort to hide their crimes.

#1 method of shill here, since actual argument and evidence won't work.

What was Herridge fired for; after all?

She substantiated Criminal Conspiracy.

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9920e4 No.21004938


It's a Juneteenth miracle.

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86d5c0 No.21004940

File: 2cc1836bac88044⋯.png (750.39 KB,1080x825,72:55,Screenshot_2024061n.png)

File: a51e8f13bdb80d8⋯.png (728.63 KB,1080x1057,1080:1057,Screenshot_20240608_152957….png)

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4cb841 No.21004941

File: 5fc9859be85357c⋯.png (116.46 KB,600x400,3:2,5fc9859be85357c4854472c7a3….png)


with all the spam, this bred will go for another 2 hrs kek

ty fer bakin

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d36544 No.21004942



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83a155 No.21004943


What a (D)day to remember.

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3ffa70 No.21004944

File: 40c108cb9a2fd22⋯.png (76.98 KB,250x237,250:237,hmmm.png)


>Hunter Biden gun trial: Jury resumes deliberation

He'll get a not guilty verdict because it's Delaware Joe's backyard two-tier justice system.

It would be interesting, however, if he were found guilty, and Joe has to pardon him.

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c99ef2 No.21004945

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

War Room With Stephen K. Bannon Live

Real America's Voice


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0256bd No.21004946

File: 058da177e1f308a⋯.jpeg (217.95 KB,798x426,133:71,C3938CB6_A8F2_494C_8F98_8….jpeg)

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d53a6d No.21004947

File: ca769177faa8fef⋯.mp4 (2.19 MB,540x360,3:2,whiteelephantplane.mp4)

The White Plane; nicknamed "White Elephant" plane, sighting on tape with talking head commenting.

It's been identified, it'll come back to me.

This vid has the shill crisis actor telephone lady who's husband was President of one of the major networks, calling in her script.

But in the background you might see the white elephant plane?

Some commentator said it was circling around. A lot of people listening on TV thought the plane banked, cause they were told that.

ekekke The "circling around" might imply banking too

Doesn't have to make sense, since it's all about emotion and blind faith in the Media message.

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c28416 No.21004948

File: 2471adc8c5404f9⋯.png (1.24 MB,1080x500,54:25,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

June 11, 2024

Colorful Stars and Clouds near Rho Ophiuchi

Why is the sky near Antares and Rho Ophiuchi so colorful, yet dusty? The colors result from a mixture of objects and processes. Fine dust illuminated by starlight produces blue reflection nebulae. Gaseous clouds whose atoms are excited by ultraviolet starlight produce reddish emission nebulae. Backlit dust clouds block starlight and so appear dark. Antares, a red supergiant and one of the brighter stars in the night sky, lights up the yellow-red clouds on the upper right of the featured image. The Rho Ophiuchi star system lies at the center of the blue reflection nebula on the left, while a different reflection nebula, IC 4605, lies just below and right of the image center. These star clouds are even more colorful than humans can see, emitting light across the electromagnetic spectrum.


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02a767 No.21004949

File: 9a40190b3d3ec1c⋯.jpeg (60.28 KB,639x334,639:334,image0.jpeg)

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5d01a3 No.21004950

New meaning to "dead voter"…

Died AFTER the election

Thats mad genius

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e8e882 No.21004951

File: 9d24c84070f601a⋯.jpeg (334.56 KB,1587x1528,1587:1528,IMG_3080.jpeg)

“… Biden just hit a new all-time low in approval (37.4%) at 538 yesterday. Dropping out would be a big risk. But there’s some threshold below which continuing to run is a bigger risk. Are we there yet?” Silver wrote.

“I don’t know. But it’s more than fair to ask.”

Silver also pointed out that if projections hold, former President Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, will top the incumbent Democrat by seven points.


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4cbab8 No.21004952

File: 5c9b7f73d930a12⋯.png (315.54 KB,685x513,685:513,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a02dabe8afc6974⋯.png (21.55 KB,92x92,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Camp Guantanamo


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83a155 No.21004953

File: 0d9478dd3ad201d⋯.jpg (150.98 KB,518x763,74:109,Screenshot_20240610_160935….jpg)

She knew suhlongasuhijeruhhnied!

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86d5c0 No.21004954

File: caf8e78268a2b0f⋯.mp4 (5.87 MB,640x360,16:9,caf8e78268a2b0fc651717d9b1….mp4)

Does anyone know where the website is that I can play my mp4 videos in an old TV or an Android app….o7

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02a767 No.21004955

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2516d1 No.21004956

File: 040bb0de085b9a3⋯.png (644.42 KB,600x650,12:13,040bb0de085b9a39404585660e….png)


Their reality will change on the fly depending on the current mass hypnosis programming.

"The current thingy…"

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991f7b No.21004957

File: 32f3c79e8a15eac⋯.jpg (85.73 KB,1000x1000,1:1,proxy_image_8_.jpg)

File: 21839307d60dd4b⋯.jpg (1013.23 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240611_063700….jpg)

File: 56b652919303b32⋯.jpg (571.68 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240611_062931….jpg)


Then, just keep the productive, get rid of freeloaders, like Florida, but, sea to shining…

BTW, what happed to Hillary's campers? afabumlivinginacar

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3ffa70 No.21004958

File: 2af17d7756dc400⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,1276x720,319:180,in_wheeze.mp4)

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f34bef No.21004959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.21004961


US drops ban on arming Ukraine’s controversial Azov battalion

The Biden administration has lifted restrictions on the transfer of American weapons and training to the Azov Brigade, a controversial Ukrainian military unit.

The move will help the Azov Brigade, among Ukraine’s most effective and popular fighting units, move beyond its reputation as a far-right movement.

US laws prohibit providing equipment and training to foreign military units or individuals suspected of committing gross human rights violations, but the State Department said it found “no evidence of Gross Violations of Human Rights committed” by the force.


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38faef No.21004962


I have this list in a notepad, hope it helps anon:

Free video screenshots, download, production tools - 8kun video limits (~16mb)

Twitter Videos https://twittervideodownloader.com/ [[from anon: Problem with twitter video downloader is no sound.]]

Bandicam Screen Recorder https://www.bandicam.com/free-screen-recorder/

OBS https://obsproject.com/

Kdenlive https://kdenlive.org/en/

For youtube https://qdownloader.net/youtube-video-

To cut scenes from youtube https://ytcutter.com

Useful set of online tools including converting video formats https://video.online-convert.com/

Video downloaders https://www.downloadhelper.net/

Firefox/Opera https://technologyto.com/extractor.html

VLC Player https://www.videolan.org/index.html

Windows Movie Maker for Win 10 http://web.archive.org/web/20170112124505/http://wl.dlservice.microsoft.com/download/C/1/B/C1BA42D6-6A50-4A4A-90E5-FA9347E9360C/en/wlsetup-all.exe

NVidia cards (can screen-capture vids) https://www.vidmore.com/record-video/geforce-experience-recording/

ShotCut NLE (open source cross platform video editor) https://shotcut.org/

MFFmpeg (decodes & plays any format) https://ffmpeg.org/

Natron (cross-platform video compositor) https://natrongithub.github.io/

Handbrake (good for transcoding) https://handbrake.fr/

Free Convert (online reduces file size w/good quality) https://www.freeconvert.com/video-compressor/download

Compress Video: https://video.online-convert.com/convert-to-mp4

FFmpeg (record, convert and stream audio/video): https://ffmpeg.org/

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f1ac9f No.21004963

Operation Humble the Whores

Feminism has ruined dating and marriage, here is a strategy for fighting back.

Recently went on a date with a traditional catholic girl, average looks, wanted to start a family (stay at home and sit on her ass, pretending that doing the literal bare minimum of biological functions somehow contributes to anything). Date went fine except she is into "travel," which I would put on the same tier as being a single mother, or be covered in tattoos with a high body count. I told her I wasn't interested in a second date and she sperged out hard.

As an aside, catholics are guttertrash. They are either raised that way and so naive that they are a pure liability, OR they are "reformed" party girls who realize they don't want to make powerpoints for 50k a year anymore. The second type always wait until they're barren until they "reform," funny how that works.

It's in our best interests to push the notion that women who love "travel" are the same as men who love porn. Ultimately its the same dynamic. Lust after images, sacrificing the future in favor of the present moment. Rootless, soulless copycutter people.

Constantly remind women that they are degenerate for loving "travel." Encourage them to look at other women's profiles on dating sites. Drive it into their heads that travel is for whores and retards and that there is absolutely nothing original or romantic about it. Never let up on this topic. This is an Achillies heel for them as they have no real defense against it. Don't expect them to listen or learn anything, but start conversations with them then say "ahhh wait, you like travel, sorry, this isn't going to work out." What I am advocating for isrejection as a social manipulation strategy. They loose value and self-worth because of this, and that's exactly what they need.

And before any retards come saying "nooo women have been lied to too!!!!" Go fuck yourself. Women have been living with no consequences since the beginning of time. Abortion is women trying to side step consequences. It's time we reinforce societal consequences.


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e01237 No.21004964

File: c9963d7f0a7b1d4⋯.png (238.34 KB,350x498,175:249,UkraineUgent3.png)


>transfer of American weapons and training to the Azov Brigade

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95bc13 No.21004966


Likewise motherfucker.

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6d6835 No.21004967


All these celebs and politicians saying they are worried about being put in a camp by Trump are outing themselves as being guilty of serious crimes.

If they were innocent they would have nothing to fear or worry about.

I love the smell ofPANIC™in the morning'

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f1445e No.21004968

File: 69339db0f3546cb⋯.jpg (44 KB,645x387,5:3,SpongeBobShill.jpg)

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9339f8 No.21004969

File: 45b4903a2ce3ac7⋯.jpeg (125.8 KB,1130x1149,1130:1149,IMG_1830.jpeg)

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d36544 No.21004970

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95bc13 No.21004971


Being in a camp should be the least of her concerns. There's no Statute of LImitations on Treason. Better worry more about the rope.

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d53a6d No.21004972

File: 5fde6d8e097c234⋯.jpg (134.14 KB,640x390,64:39,BTS_On_Time_Statistics.jpg)



The official database "Bureau of Transportation Statistics" reported that two of the alleged flight never took off.

Amateur researchers called in and had that confirmed by spokesperson for that agency.

All taped.

Early on was a large book "Across the Rubicon" which detailed a "drill" going on that day wherein blips were added to radar for confusion.

The man who wrote the book was under attack and freaking out at some point because of people following him and trying to frame him. He started promoting Peak Oil scam;

looka that. C1A planted the book at the "compound" where binLadin was allegedly killed.



mike ruppert.

was a great title for the book

but a lot of the material was garbage / distraction from the main case.

Adam Parfrey (R.I.P.) of Feral Press was going to publish the book, but when he tried to negotiate with Ruppert to abridge it (way too bloated) Ruppert pulled a gun on him.

kekk (not really funny)

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b95964 No.21004973

File: 84a3487c7e611db⋯.webp (1.1 MB,1024x1024,1:1,UQSVhqv_SFyZwxMBkHg7YA.webp)

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c99ef2 No.21004974

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

11:00 AM EDT

Deborah Lipstadt on Antisemitism, Threats to Democracy and Lessons From History

Washington Post Live



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c60eab No.21004975

File: 21dc7c653f7c0d5⋯.mp4 (201.6 KB,888x538,444:269,MSNBContrialfortreason.mp4)

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63682e No.21004976


Every whore on every dating site has either a picture in "mountains", a picture in Paris, a beach picture. It's time we stop putting up with gutter sluts. It's pornography for women. Pissing money away, pure hedonism. Fuck women.

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139157 No.21004977

File: 567aa807cbcd646⋯.png (1.57 MB,750x1334,375:667,4ED69A2E_6807_4604_8A8F_23….png)

File: 48e7779b80ba0db⋯.png (573.07 KB,690x756,115:126,F36782FE_1F57_4369_A4F7_98….png)

File: 9ee224b45b5f8f4⋯.jpeg (231.54 KB,1200x769,1200:769,250575B4_C0E8_4F54_8742_7….jpeg)

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323f4b No.21004978

File: 2f6f3a649c82ec2⋯.png (964.03 KB,866x577,866:577,pltmdgt1.PNG)

File: 274d2407c2ea68f⋯.png (432.02 KB,692x450,346:225,pltdz.PNG)

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3ffa70 No.21004979

File: b0b76af71ce6b49⋯.png (1.13 MB,640x896,5:7,gm.png)

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c9d3fd No.21004980


Not sure

But reminds anon of the he/she that Kamala was paying more attention to at that dinner not to long ago instead of hubs

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d53a6d No.21004981



Unsure about Bluebeam; as I always thought of it. "Everyone's waiting for Bluebeam. but was already done."

Bluebeam was supposed to show the Christ in the sky as a hologram and get all the evangelicals to commit suicide?

Transhumanist wet dream?

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2ede9b No.21004982

File: fb07803681b9451⋯.gif (1.29 MB,320x180,16:9,filtered9.gif)


>Operation Humble the Whores

There. You're humbled, and filtered.

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b2c6c3 No.21004983

File: 7fbb9ede77f5b8c⋯.png (510.11 KB,564x709,564:709,ClipboardImage.png)

Is the Supreme Court ever going to kill the Hate Speech crap?

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2516d1 No.21004984

File: 535129875aa9573⋯.jpg (720.09 KB,2400x1080,20:9,Screenshot_20230410_201802….jpg)

File: f9c55432d389824⋯.png (63.67 KB,258x163,258:163,f9c55432d389824183db18b5aa….png)


trial, conviction, gallows, snap-crackle-pop

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b2c6c3 No.21004985


>they probably just think it's cool because of all the bright colors and play on it like a hopscotch board. little did they realize we now have secular blasphemy laws and they just defiled a sacred object

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9339f8 No.21004986

File: 591043a7a658954⋯.jpeg (987.28 KB,975x1397,975:1397,IMG_1832.jpeg)



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2ede9b No.21004987

File: 92ba2faa128b929⋯.png (728.62 KB,1659x1902,553:634,surfer_silver_pepe4.png)

Dead end infatuation purged. It was a nice thought for a time, but ultimately out of reach. Thank you.

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d53a6d No.21004988


Kamala's husband is dating a poorly passing Transfemale?

How low can you go?

There's no limit to stupidity.

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3b8932 No.21004989

File: 8acad7a788eb8ab⋯.gif (5.53 MB,640x640,1:1,Untitled_Project_V2.gif)

jonny is back

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323f4b No.21004990


Russian crypto jew - grandfather changed his name when they immigrated, like so many who end up as infiltrators.

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139157 No.21004991

File: 567aa807cbcd646⋯.png (1.57 MB,750x1334,375:667,98E7F925_0E57_4F2C_B7BC_D8….png)

File: 2c6496096755d38⋯.png (311.27 KB,750x1334,375:667,5E24980E_BAAB_4D99_B205_1B….png)

File: fea5b3dba877d99⋯.png (2.76 MB,690x4928,345:2464,652DC3C5_6C7A_4017_B5BF_77….png)

coincidentally 17 posts containing “Cohen”

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77fe71 No.21004992


Rn world wide

US mil is doing the same near some other countries back yard….

Everybody does it, but muh msm and all the UKR flag waivers are out of their gourds with muh russia hysteria

Drop enough sonobuoys someone could walk from Cuba to Key west….

They ain't bombs but the mic is happy

Gonna go grab moar pop corn and await corn pops cameo

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d36544 No.21004993


thinks it is different.

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95bc13 No.21004994

File: 9529a8a32812320⋯.png (646.91 KB,959x714,137:102,He_s_Right.png)


Miss you Rush.

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5d7a46 No.21004995



Fuck Adobe




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c60eab No.21004997

File: 257d28ffc025007⋯.gif (2.82 MB,414x382,207:191,PenceNo.gif)


>Is the Supreme Court ever going to kill the Hate Speech crap?

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52ed41 No.21004998


So do the RINOs. Nobody held the republican plantation together than Rush. An argument could be made that he is the greatest controlled opposition asset ever.

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0256bd No.21004999


A variation of that (w/o the hologram) was done in the first Gulf War.

The ‘Voice of Allah’ and it “told” the Iraqis to give up.

Confirmed by muh field medic fren who treated some of them after they crossed into Kuwait.

Said they were completely subjugated and couldn’t wait to surrender.

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2a69c0 No.21005000


thats what i thought too

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b2c6c3 No.21005001

File: 7a4badf9c0436f0⋯.png (856.11 KB,1490x1078,745:539,ClipboardImage.png)

I guess when you are unwilling to hire white men there is a talent shortage, and money can't over come that reality.

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c28416 No.21005002

File: 5410e8a7fc35af0⋯.png (830.08 KB,970x546,485:273,ClipboardImage.png)

File: df9f0266d3c7cfe⋯.png (233.69 KB,552x608,69:76,ClipboardImage.png)

Solar flare blasts out strongest radiation storm since 2017

June 10, 2024

It's the sunspot region that just does not want to quit!

Beastly sunspot AR3697 has made headlines again just before it makes another exit.

The sunspot region, formerly known as AR3664, produced the historic geomagnetic storm that led to May's global auroras.

On Saturday (June 8), the sunspot fired off a M9.7-class solar flare, the second strongest type on the classification scale.

The flare was powerful enough that it produced the strongest radiation storm since 2017, according to NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC).

These types of events can pose a risk of impact to space launch operations and satellites, and can also disrupt shortwave radio signals.

The event was registered as strong (S3) on NOAA's Space Weather Scale for Solar Radiation Storms, and triggered an enormous radio blackout in the northern polar region.

After Saturday's blast, fast-moving energetic protons began their journey toward Earth.

Upon arrival, the particles interacted with Earth's magnetic field and were directed to the poles where they soaked up shortwave radio transmissions.

This is known as a polar cap absorption (PCA) event, similar to what occurred in July 2023.

Saturday's M9.7-class flare also hurled off a coronal mass ejection (CME) which could approach Earth's outer atmosphere today (June 10) and lead to a geomagnetic storm.

Although not forecast to be anywhere close to its last solar storm show in May, a Geomagnetic Storm Watch remains in place by NOAA's SWPC for conditions at the G2 level.

With the right conditions, the aurora could be possible to see over some northern and upper Midwest States from New York to Idaho Monday night (June 10).

You can see the forecast for tonight and the following evening here.

On Monday (June 10), Region 3697 fired off an even stronger solar flare, a X1.5-class at 7:08 a.m. EST (1108 GMT).

Parts of Earth's sunlit side could experience temporary or complete loss of high frequency (HF) radio signals.

According to the SWPC forecast, solar activity is expected to be at minor to moderate levels the next few days as Region 3697 rotates out of sight.


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3ffa70 No.21005003

File: 5ab5be998261fb9⋯.png (2.38 MB,2260x2250,226:225,biden.png)

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3b8932 No.21005004



supreme court corrupt

all systems broken

your government are corrupt

Hunter Biden fucks children

C.I.A started the Ukraine War

prepare get food , get water


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c60eab No.21005005

File: 45edde61aff8fe7⋯.png (1.15 MB,660x887,660:887,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b82177080260c0⋯.png (1.22 MB,660x990,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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c4176c No.21005006

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Looks familiar……

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4d7f9e No.21005007

File: 1f55829cf4d2c94⋯.gif (2.31 MB,601x627,601:627,rick_morty_portal_day_shif….gif)

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3ffa70 No.21005008

File: 8cbf7a4b31bce50⋯.png (1 MB,922x918,461:459,biden.png)

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0e64d0 No.21005009

File: 9ca1c4d8e1a1204⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB,576x1024,9:16,9ca1c4d8e1a120482a1c7cba5e….mp4)

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704ea4 No.21005010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0e64d0 No.21005011

File: fa93e97f980d5cd⋯.mp4 (1015.97 KB,POTUS_PSYOP_small.mp4)

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cc5506 No.21005012


is that bacon

imagine dancing to maria carey.

1 degree of separation from a faggot.

wat a drop in cred.


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d53a6d No.21005013

File: b9be213b5f0a519⋯.png (227.07 KB,533x412,533:412,covisplot.png)

File: b8fe56ff66f09b5⋯.gif (1.95 MB,245x281,245:281,dinasaur.gif)


Mass Media guilty of Treason.

Wonder how that will get sorted out.

Doesn't MADCOW realize people are starting to think "But what would be the charges"?

Oh that's right, Lucky her. They made up charges for Trump so everybody can just assume charges will be "made-up" for her?

That's supposedly how Justice works in a "Democracy"?

Think: French Revolution.

That's how they did it; pulled people out of bed for public guillotine.

Dems and the Transhumanists, Marxists, etc. have moved us to a place much less civilized than most people imagined for ourselves.

Not on the Bingo card.

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c60eab No.21005014

“Some North Korean soldiers working within the DMZ on the central front briefly crossed the Military Demarcation Line. After our military issued warning broadcasts and warning shots, they retreated northward,” the JCS said in a statement, adding the incident happened June 9.

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0e64d0 No.21005015

File: 28869acfffcb7ab⋯.png (1.31 MB,1596x774,266:129,28869acfffcb7ab10e01dd3bcc….png)

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0256bd No.21005016

File: 4c9886a708ccc02⋯.gif (3.82 MB,235x200,47:40,0B9211E3_D2E8_4220_B570_DC….gif)



They sit on Moldova/Romania/Ukraine border every damn day.

French in/out of Constanta with A330s

Could go on however there is the constant NATO flights in/out of Rzeszow that no one seems to “see”

Drones into Black Sea etc. it’s all just an act.

That story of the ‘missing’ drone was bullsheet cuz it went back to Sigonella a few hours later.

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95bc13 No.21005017


This is how she did it.


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a2a46a No.21005018

File: 873df1f79eb8786⋯.png (463.1 KB,640x740,32:37,Screenshot_2024_06_11_at_1….png)


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c60eab No.21005019


Ursula's Democracy in Ukraine

Other ambulance crews came to help their colleagues. A fight broke out involving people in military uniforms (presumably draft office employees), paramedics, and some individuals in civilian clothes with bats. They fought with both the military personnel and the paramedics.

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3b8932 No.21005020

File: 6af11ad8f25cf91⋯.jpg (101.56 KB,500x750,2:3,QUEENBROKEN.jpg)

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c60eab No.21005021

File: 62c5d5a0c5d9245⋯.png (382.49 KB,437x437,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

The missing plane that was carrying Malawi's Vice President, Saulos Klaus Chilima, has been found crashed. Vice President Chilima and the crew did not survive.

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2ede9b No.21005022

File: 605cdb789cc455d⋯.gif (2.21 MB,498x241,498:241,3687977077.gif)

It is interesting to see them do it, that they feel the need to even with all they have. That's okay, they can take it all and I won't stop them.

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0e64d0 No.21005023

File: 73d4cd05ae0ab61⋯.jpg (597.01 KB,903x1602,301:534,oie_I8erEsDkaoAq.jpg)

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a2a46a No.21005024

File: d408da140babcde⋯.png (56.02 KB,649x278,649:278,Screenshot_2024_06_11_at_1….png)


The virtual interview was 'unusual' because criminals are usually required to attend the procedure in-person and critics claim it exhibits the 'special treatment' the former president is receiving in his felony conviction.

Judge Juan Merchan could sentence the former president to anything from probation to a maximum 20-year sentence in state prison in New York.

A New York City official familiar with the interview with probation officers told CNN that Trump answered all questions posed and was described as 'polite, respectful and accommodating.'

Another source familiar with the proceedings explained: 'Earlier today, President Trump completed a routine interview with [the] New York Probation Office. The interview was uneventful and lasted less than thirty minutes.'


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cc5506 No.21005025


here we go again

so beings the energy wars.

multiple attack vectors.

oil wars come in many forms.

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0e64d0 No.21005026




Hey Hollywood, the signs are everywhere. You can run but you can’t hide?


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fd0275 No.21005027

Punishable- crossing double yellow to pass a cyclist.

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0256bd No.21005028


Same shit went on in Bay Area with the E1B work visas cuz they did the immigration act in ‘86 and then started claiming there wasn’t enough qualified workers.

The douche at Cypress Semi-Rodgers-was a big proponent of ushering the acceptance of visa workers.

Then India moved to Fremont.


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cc5506 No.21005029

File: f3c95573a93706c⋯.png (681.75 KB,538x884,269:442,ClipboardImage.png)


neo Q led 8k

sam sung.

who is sam?

singing to hollyweird

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4cbab8 No.21005030

File: 5d64081ab4974e6⋯.png (81.01 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

- Bionca Ellis says she's killed before, and wanted to be a cannibal

“Bionca then went and explained that sometime in the last few months that she murdered someone in Bakersfield, California,” the report states. “She states the victim was a white female, approx. 5’6”, 150 pounds, and that she was a bartender or worked at a bar.”

Ellis also told police she dumped the body in an unknown area, possibly near a river, and she was unsure if the body had been found.

The Cleveland officer reached out to a detective with Bakersfield Police, who said they have several unsolved homicide cases that sound similar to what Bionca described. But, none of those cases listed Ellis as a named suspect.

>The Cleveland report also stated Bionca told officers if she was not taken to jail, “she was going to murder someone at the shelter.” She also said she wanted to ”kill someone and eat their flesh.”


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139157 No.21005031

File: 3c224154027b58b⋯.png (814.04 KB,690x1670,69:167,2617B225_34B4_4C39_B2C3_1A….png)

File: c6430611f19bcf5⋯.png (76.95 KB,690x894,115:149,37DC2DD1_980C_400C_8825_76….png)

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c60eab No.21005032

File: d2e1d1c3082b836⋯.png (450 KB,666x360,37:20,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e1931dec07bdeb⋯.png (324.63 KB,720x387,80:43,ClipboardImage.png)

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2ede9b No.21005033

File: 7297cebc2021504⋯.png (416.76 KB,667x374,667:374,7297cebc2021504febca68f0bc….png)

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b2c6c3 No.21005035

File: 9ba5b779a388d60⋯.png (81.62 KB,250x240,25:24,ClipboardImage.png)

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95bc13 No.21005036


And an argument can be made that you are a fucking idiot suffering from Dunning Krugar.

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3b8932 No.21005037

no one is coming to save us

Donald Trump is up ,Israels arse , just controlled by a different faction of elites

at this point , prepare get the shit you need for your families Anons ,

patterns are clear , they will continue poking the bear

Russian ships Cuba

the chess pieces are moving

see the patterns, think clearly

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0e64d0 No.21005038

File: ecb3de939b656ee⋯.png (398.32 KB,708x3498,118:583,239544cd_f39a_4dd9_9722_38….png)



Feb 15, 2018 3:47:34 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo

Feb 15, 2018 3:43:21 PM EST


Feb 15, 2018 3:40:29 PM EST


Page 13 of the MKULTRA doc:

>Let me emphasize again that the MKULTRA events are 12 to 24 years in the past [from date of testimony], and I assure you that CIA is in no way engaged in either witting or unwitting testing of drugs today.



MKUltra was a success and went into implementation.

It is just no longer called MKUltra, that was the development program name.


Why is Big Pharma essential?

Expand your thinking past cures.

Think Google [new Pixel phone].

Think Apple [vs. Samsung].

Why was Blackberry destroyed?

We can guide but you must organically uncover the TRUTH.

THEY are watching.



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e8e882 No.21005039

File: 80591f97d37e4b0⋯.jpeg (67.5 KB,589x716,589:716,IMG_3082.jpeg)

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d53a6d No.21005040

File: 34af3c82ba8fa3f⋯.png (415.24 KB,449x907,449:907,whiteelephantplanec.png)





The "planes" weren't hologram though.

it was inserts. CGI

That's why the MassMedia is totally busted.

Lot of money was spent on distraction from the truth. Massive shill employment, including "AJ"

"AJ" never even got as far as Holograms.

That was pushed by John Lear.

It's technical , but basically this. The various alleged photos of "plane" hitting South Tower fail to resolve.

Parallax. If it was one object, one hologram, it would resolve. But they don't

You can prove that to yourself by studying the clips.

(unfortunately the full set taken down ages down)

You can easily see some shots where the alleged object is dive-bombing and others where it comes straight in.

In no videos does it "bank"

That was something told to the public by a talking head.

So when a witness claims they saw it bank? Well, not really.

There may have been fly-bys.

Some credible witnesses claim many fly overs.

Lots of confusion tactics.

Maybe they played sounds to the public underneath?

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438b5b No.21005041

File: 614c09852f2933b⋯.jpg (1.57 MB,2560x1707,2560:1707,camping_blog_scaled.jpg)


camping is fun!

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68760d No.21005042

File: a25b2a54d856ce4⋯.png (28.85 KB,150x159,50:53,ClipboardImage.png)


the fuck is that?

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38faef No.21005043


Tons of money and ifluence at stake

Tanzania-Malawi Diplomatic Tensions Rise Over $30m Port Project

Business Day Africa (Nairobi) 17 APRIL 2024

Tanzania and Malawi are on the brink of a diplomatic standoff following Dodoma's decision to commence the upgrade of Mbamba Bay Port, situated on the shores of Lake Malawi.

Lilongwe accuses Tanzania of initiating the project without consultation, given the contested nature of the port between the two nations.

Malawi has formally requested Tanzania to suspend the project, a move likely to escalate tensions between the neighbouring countries.

In a letter to Tanzanian authorities, the Government of Malawi asserts that proceeding with the project on Malawian territory without consent is both irregular and illegal.

Malawi insists that the project should cease until proper consultations are conducted and consent is obtained from the Malawian government.

"The Government of Malawi would like to express that embarking on such a project on Malawi's territory without the country's consent is irregular and illegal, and request that the project be halted until such necessary consultations and upon being given consent from the government of Malawi," reads a letter, quoted by the Nation publication.

Furthermore, Malawi urges Tanzania to refrain from actions that could disrupt the dispute settlement process and jeopardise Malawi's historical and legal rights to the entirety of Lake Malawi.

The Tanzania Port Authority (TPA) has already inked a $31.8 million construction deal with China's Xiamen Ongoing Construction Group for the port, with a projected completion timeline of 24 months.

The unresolved boundary issue between the two nations has persisted for over a decade, with mediation efforts failing to yield conclusive results.

According to reports from the Nation publication, Malawi contends that the boundary should follow the shoreline of Lake Malawi, as stipulated in Article 1(2) of the 1890 Anglo-German Treaty.

Conversely, Tanzania maintains that the boundary is the median line of the lake, based on the principle of customary international law.


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c60eab No.21005044

File: 7ab7c3e5ba4d903⋯.jpg (536.36 KB,915x1281,5:7,6_17_candidate_Leavitt.jpg)


>Bionca Ellis says she's killed before, and wanted to be a cannibal

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2ede9b No.21005045

File: 04fca5ad59dd0ac⋯.webp (1.02 MB,4316x3237,4:3,ti02judk8s5d1.webp)

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fd0275 No.21005046

File: 609edfebab1ffcb⋯.jpg (8.2 KB,300x168,25:14,images_213_.jpg)

File: 52f3b1653c16eaf⋯.jpg (5.73 KB,300x168,25:14,images_214_.jpg)

File: fdc7723047df6ba⋯.jpg (5.72 KB,300x168,25:14,Z_41_.jpg)

File: a77e1db368afb22⋯.jpg (103.75 KB,640x858,320:429,proxy_image_6_.jpg)

File: 3fead918a822a1c⋯.jpg (14.08 KB,225x225,1:1,images_193_.jpg)


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c60eab No.21005047



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704ea4 No.21005048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c28416 No.21005049

File: 884af6a792108f7⋯.png (737.76 KB,1000x566,500:283,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 39cf82e5ea3c522⋯.gif (456.21 KB,1000x500,2:1,ezgif_4_cfcb086e5b.gif)

Nasa Mars rover inundated by particles from solar storm

Jun 11, 2024

A Nasa rover on Mars was struck by charged particles from a solar storm that swept the Red Planet last month.

The cameras on the Curiosity rover, which landed there 12 years ago, recorded white streaks and specks falling “like snow” on May 20, as charged particles hit the lenses.

Nasa said that if astronauts had been standing next to the rover at the time, they would have received a radiation dose of 8,100 micrograys.

“Mars scientists have been anticipating epic solar storms since the Sun entered a period of peak activity called solar maximum earlier this year,” Nasa said on Monday.

“Over the past month, Nasa’s Mars rovers and orbiters have provided researchers with front-row seats to a series of solar flares and coronal mass ejections that have reached Mars – in some cases, even causing Martian auroras.”

The camera on the agency's Odyssey orbiter, which is used for orientation, was also inundated by energy from solar particles, putting it temporarily off line.

Mars has a very thin atmosphere that leaves it vulnerable to charged particles from the Sun.

Earth has also been struck by particles in the past few months, with the most powerful solar storm in more than two decades on May 10 that resulted in spectacular auroras from the UK to Tasmania.

"Our home planet is shielded from charged particles by a robust magnetic field, which normally limits auroras to regions near the poles," the space agency said.

"Mars lost its internally generated magnetic field in the ancient past, so there’s no protection from the barrage of energetic particles.

"When charged particles hit the Martian atmosphere, it results in auroras that engulf the entire planet."


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e5ea32 No.21005050

File: 2cb778faf6abe79⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB,480x852,40:71,coolschool.mp4)

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52ed41 No.21005051


The guy makes hundreds of millions shilling wars and spending bills on their airwaves and you think he's your guy.

You have no understanding of how this world works.

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00bba8 No.21005052

File: f114db6cb4239ff⋯.png (396.91 KB,720x501,240:167,f114db6cb4239ff6cb88b477ba….png)


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c60eab No.21005054

File: 38113575fab7432⋯.png (1.35 MB,1005x1024,1005:1024,goblin.png)

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3ffa70 No.21005055

File: 80364025f761231⋯.png (884.44 KB,908x896,227:224,gm.png)

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cc5506 No.21005056

File: fa0cd68c52fcde0⋯.png (264.66 KB,635x529,635:529,ClipboardImage.png)


don't forget mafugli who fucked over the who

these people are sick

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438b5b No.21005057


who is this Trump Will?

Trump Will put me in jail

Trump Will put me in camp

Trump Will start a civil war

and why on earth would they want this Trump Will to put them in camps, jails and start a civil war?

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c60eab No.21005058

remote-controlled FPV tank


It appears that one of the operators controls the movement of the tank, while the other is in charge of its turret.

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00bba8 No.21005059

File: 0ab0deaf52cacaa⋯.png (1.54 MB,1024x1024,1:1,0ab0deaf52cacaa277bcd1e27a….png)


Why he got the pedo cults presidential medal of seditious disgrace.

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6b715c No.21005060


Chyna, Chyna, Chyna

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2ede9b No.21005061

File: 87d9541a0337c26⋯.webm (610.31 KB,427x240,427:240,silence6.webm)


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b2c6c3 No.21005062

File: 756b2371f8f6a39⋯.png (243.17 KB,420x400,21:20,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a3e6f2543db814d⋯.png (592.09 KB,604x389,604:389,ClipboardImage.png)

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c60eab No.21005063



Footage of the operation to free hostages in the Gaza Strip, carried out by members of the YAMAM special forces unit with attached Shin Bet operatives.

The video captured the moment of the release of Russian citizen Andrei Kozlov, who worked as a security guard at a music festival.

During the operation, YAMAM employee Arnon Zmora received severe gunshot wounds.

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9339f8 No.21005064

File: 0c8ad98815deb27⋯.mp4 (7.75 MB,My_Movie_1.mp4)



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6b715c No.21005065

File: 1d73186e242f048⋯.png (245.33 KB,433x576,433:576,Screen_Shot_2022_11_15_at_….png)

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d53a6d No.21005066

File: f7fb02f0d0d117f⋯.jpg (78.84 KB,496x512,31:32,poeticjustice.jpg)

File: ee6385508f8d14d⋯.jpg (14.39 KB,512x335,512:335,truthvslies.jpg)


Only one alleged plane allegedly hit South Tower. What people saw on TV showing many different versions of that, many might have assumed "many planes hitting many buildings" -

played for three days straight…

If you caught how that was done and the effect it had on the public, it's easier to understand the crazy insane Trump Hate after seven years years of massive non-stop Trump bashing and mockery.

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38faef No.21005067


They are busy

Peru Port Dispute Escalates as COSCO Insists on Original Terms

By Marco Aquino Reuters May 7, 2024

LIMA, May 7 (Reuters) – The Chinese state-owned company at the center of a dispute over operations of a megaport it is building on Peru’s Pacific coast insisted on Tuesday on terms agreed with the government, as some local officials have sought to backtrack on the deal.

Hong Kong-based Cosco Shipping Ports will defend its legal rights to provide services as the exclusive operator of the deepwater Chancay Port Terminal under “terms that were agreed at the beginning of this investment,” the firm said in a statement.

Cosco added that the legal controversy has harmed the project and cautioned against imposing new rules on ports that some regulators have said they might consider.

Peru’s government did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Cosco began developing Chancay port in 2019 as a hub in the South American Pacific and key growth driver for Peru. In 2021, Peru’s National Port Authority (APN) awarded Cosco the exclusive right to run Chancay, but said in March that it never had the legal authority to grant it. It blamed an “administrative error” and requested that a judge void the terms.

Cosco responded at the time that it was evaluating the impact of the decision. Since then, Peruvian lawmakers have pushed to allow for the exclusive provision of port services by private companies and Economy Minister Jose Arista has said the original port deal should be respected.

Cosco, which provides marine transportation services, is expected to invest some $1.3 billion on the first stage of the $3.5 billion project, with more than 70% of construction completed.

Last month, Cosco sent a letter to Peru’s economy ministry requesting a six-month negotiation to amicably resolve the dispute without resorting to international arbitration, which Arista said had been received.

At the time, he said he expected to reach a deal and avoid arbitration.

In its statement on Tuesday, Cosco noted that the ministry had yet to respond to its letter, proposing an “institutional channel” for talks. But it also said it has taken a first step toward invoking an arbitration process allowed for by a Chinese-Peruvian trade pact.


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00bba8 No.21005068

Must be SES shill today with the democraphical confused division shilling. Calling fed, but calling old fed.

5 to 4.

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864967 No.21005069


I really don't think there i anything authentic about this village idiot - he can speak normally at tune - not so sure that is drugs, but more a case of acting on different stages. Perhaps being forced by Q to show the LOW IQ libs your leader is a fucking moron and the policies are ass backward.

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52ed41 No.21005070


Exactly, receiving that medal is not a good thing.

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c28416 No.21005071

File: b4170f3259c6328⋯.png (622.96 KB,689x458,689:458,ClipboardImage.png)

Head Of NASA Says He Works With A "Bunch Of Wizards"

JUN 10, 2:38 PM EDT

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson isn't one to mince words — but in a recent interview, he did use a colorful turn of phrase to describe his colleagues at the space agency.

Speaking to South Florida's Local 10 News, Nelson described, apropos to almost nothing, his NASA colleagues as "a bunch of wizards"

The quip came in response to a reporter's light-hearted closer question at the end of an interview that primarily focused on the seemingly cursed Boeing Starliner mission and the space race with China, the latter of which Nelson has sounded off on using interesting language more than once.

"Are you having fun?" asked newscaster Glenna Miberg. "I mean, last we saw of you, you were in the Florida Senate and now you're the top rocket scientist."

True to his down-home manner, Nelson laughingly responded by characterizing himself as a "country lawyer… who happened to get a chance to fly in space almost four decades ago" — a reference, of course, to his six-day trip amongst the stars on the Space Shuttle Columbia in 1986.

Packed Resume

Both before and after his first stint at NASA in the 80s, Nelson represented Florida in Congress. As the career civil servant maintains, his turns as the head of the Subcommittees on Science and Space in both the House and the Senate provided the Florida native with the right stuff to run the agency.

"I'm glad that I can now use what I've learned over the years, including the chairmanship of the [space subcommittee] in the Senate, and now try to offer some leadership," Nelson said.

Indeed, it's clear from this interview and other previous remarks that the NASA administrator not only expresses some serious gratitude over his role at its helm, but also that he greatly admires the mythical beings he works with at the agency.

"It's hard to believe today marks three years since I was sworn in as NASA Administrator," Nelson tweeted last month.

"What a privilege I have to work every day with the wizards of @NASA."

"We've expanded American leadership in space, in the skies, and here on Earth — for the benefit of all," he continued. "Let's keep going."


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139157 No.21005072

File: bb42e5bd0cb5e94⋯.webp (58.16 KB,580x870,2:3,C6297768_F9E2_4496_A319_6….webp)

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0256bd No.21005073

File: 3f5f1ccd1f0097b⋯.gif (217.74 KB,220x124,55:31,2ECAF700_94BD_44FA_9C3D_F3….gif)

How’s that GME doing?

Nice pump this morning off the support line for big boi exits and actually seeing some green.

Imagine that

Don’t use yer house money pumper


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5b8db5 No.21005074

File: 17089cf609d5c6b⋯.png (740.84 KB,720x540,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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c731ad No.21005075

File: 47e5ed6f825c51d⋯.jpg (10.47 KB,211x210,211:210,2Q_26_.jpg)

File: fa5983a53b257b6⋯.jpg (4.99 KB,225x225,1:1,9k_49_.jpg)

File: 106157ef50ed51c⋯.jpg (222.28 KB,1013x1013,1:1,d71e55e08c72f629.jpg)


Youre lucky there was a solution, punk ass cop!

Buh-buy international faggpts!

Law Enforcement Insurance - California Casualty

www.calcas.com › law-enforcement-insu…

Law enforcement insurance policies from California Casualty are designed to fit all of the needs of someone in your particular field.

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6b715c No.21005076

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Young Donald Trump predicts Joe Biden in 1980 interview


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386cd8 No.21005077


KJU gets buzzed just as much as his hair maybe more so

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864967 No.21005078


NASA wastes trillions at a lower rate then the rest of the GOVT. All these govt theft schemes need de-funding and new systems need to be put in place where every dollar is audited and accounted for.

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3b8932 No.21005079

File: 1c5a1dee7f6fa46⋯.jpg (66.3 KB,500x667,500:667,KEIRAPE.jpg)

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c60eab No.21005080

File: c62f45a8f33e940⋯.png (560.76 KB,707x930,707:930,oltrump.png)

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f55a76 No.21005081


client 1 - CC client notified

client 2 - 800 number found and registered

client 2 - client domain registered

client 3 - batch images resized

client 4 - content recvd

there is no client 5

*packs bowl.

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864967 No.21005082


I can see why Trump managed to look past the horse face.

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38faef No.21005083

Notes passing 650

#25759 >>21004220

>>21004224, >>21004252, >>21004256 NGOs Operating in Ukraine Have Compiled an Enemies List

>>21004258, >>21004293, >>21004358, >>21004493, >>21004907 PlaneFaggin’

>>21004263 Independent Reporter Calls Out CBS News' Lesley Stahl Over Biden Laptop Claims

>>21004288 Dmitry Trenin: Here’s how Russia can prevent WW3

>>21004306 Uh-oh! I Got Fired. | Candace Show Ep 1

>>21004309 BlackRock adds proxy advisory firm Egan Jones, amid ESG criticism

>>21004336 Judge Cannon Denies Trump Motion to Dismiss Some of Jack Smith’s Classified Documents Case

>>21004346 Rep. Loudermilk reacts to video of Nancy Pelosi taking responsibility for J6 security failures

>>21004511 Biden To Offer Saudi Arabia Defense Treaty In Exchange For Official Ties With Israel

>>21004541 DOD: Third meeting of Nuclear Consulatative Group enhances U.S., South Korea alliance, deterrence

>>21004566 Five Things You Need to Know to Start Your Day: Europe

>>21004583 People’s Vaccine Inquiry UK

>>21004609 Pimco Warns of More US Regional Bank Failures on Property Pain

>>21004653 Patagonia funneled thousands to Palestinian terrorism-linked group, documents show

>>21004675, >>21004744 Reform leader Nigel Farage is pelted with wet cement and a coffee cup as he campaigns on an open top bus in Barnsley - one week after being covered in milkshake by an OnlyFans model

>>21004686, >>21004694, >>21004730 Malawi plane crash

>>21004748 Nancy Pelosi says ‘I take responsibility’ for not having National Guard at the Capitol on Jan. 6 in video shot by her own daughter

>>21004769 Clockfag: QClock June 10, 2024 - The Hunt Is On, Shall We Play A Game

>>21004812 King Charles' first official portrait is vandalised by animal rights activists

>>21004820 Fauci Bids NIH Farewell After Half Century of Service

>>21004823 Alec Baldwin shooting victim was wife of Latham & Watkins lawyer

>>21004841 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/11/2024

>>21004905 Europe set to delayBasel Bank Trading Rules by year: Sources

>>21004928 Lawfare Bingeing: New Jersey Announces An Investigation Into Trump Liquor Licenses

>>21004935 French Bonds Plunge Amid Macron Resignation Rumors

>>21004933 Hunter Biden gun trial: Jury resumes deliberation

>>21004951 Biden just hit a new all-time low in approval (37.4%) at 538 yesterday

>>21004952 Rachell Maddow concerned Trump will put her in a 'camp' during Second Term: "Yes, I'm worried"

>>21004961 US drops ban on arming Ukraine’s controversial Azov battalion

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e5ea32 No.21005084

File: 1c3c08521bf4b34⋯.jpg (134.32 KB,619x1024,619:1024,lam_2057283192.jpg)


Dammit Rudy

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c731ad No.21005085

File: dc9806edf75bc6b⋯.jpg (5.98 KB,341x148,341:148,images_278_.jpg)

File: d737aae24e6842d⋯.jpg (6.43 KB,228x128,57:32,2Q_43_.jpg)

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00bba8 No.21005086

The medal was a private insult. Remember Rush and the opiate bust coming back from the DR - famous for its high end whore house catering to special tastes'

For a laugh look who he was busted with.

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b8da2a No.21005087


ask them if they learned the language. shuts them up quick.

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fe5c7b No.21005088

File: bf6e521de3036a2⋯.png (441.66 KB,1862x795,1862:795,Disgusting_.png)

File: 5c8e67402f10aea⋯.jpeg (379.25 KB,1125x2380,225:476,HRN_stealing_other_people….jpeg)

File: 2120925f0c02453⋯.png (421.37 KB,607x411,607:411,2120925f0c0245384355f142e0….png)

File: 8159900cdf45f1d⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,500x500,1:1,HRN.jpg)

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43a1cd No.21005089

File: d865f0932215535⋯.jpg (506.56 KB,1431x920,1431:920,Enjoy_the_show_Red_october.jpg)

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c60eab No.21005090

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

When Joe Biden was a young senator at age 30

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3ffa70 No.21005091

File: 5d60e56a2f7ad3e⋯.png (1.38 MB,1126x836,563:418,biden.png)

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43a1cd No.21005092

File: b9a255e9578ec5c⋯.png (41.58 KB,514x295,514:295,ClipboardImage.png)

The Fake News Washington Post came up with the ridiculous idea that Donald J. Trump will call for Mandatory Military Service. This is only a continuation of their EIGHT YEAR failed attempt to damage me with the Voters. The Story is completely untrue. In fact, I never even thought of that idea. Only a degenerate former Newspaper, which has lost 50% of its Readers, would fabricate such a tale. Just another Fake Story, one of many, made up by the DEAD Washington Compost!


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82e221 No.21005093


nah .. nobody can.

hard pass, them dudes can have her.

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95bc13 No.21005095


Was a JAMF then and is a JAMF now.

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52ed41 No.21005097


Rush used to fly EIB1 all over the Caribbean for "golf" outings and was dumb enough to tell the world about it.

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139157 No.21005098

File: f744f4cc4506828⋯.webp (512.33 KB,2179x3000,2179:3000,848EBFDA_E02B_4AE2_8A49_8….webp)

File: f0f39c2b2cf3a34⋯.png (29.26 KB,647x889,647:889,B18AC175_4003_4B45_8509_78….png)


boobs are always good. mid morning shift.

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c731ad No.21005099

File: 617ec5da9750c2a⋯.jpg (8.18 KB,225x225,1:1,images_216_.jpg)

File: 944f434017edbcc⋯.jpg (7.17 KB,285x177,95:59,images_217_.jpg)



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c60eab No.21005100


one month later his wife and daughter were killed in a car accident

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139157 No.21005102


top kek

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0256bd No.21005104

File: b2fc7f28c2109c3⋯.png (268.79 KB,563x403,563:403,EB0F6F8A_00E9_4404_8B40_8A….png)

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c60eab No.21005107

File: d93a392f8199815⋯.png (277.22 KB,527x689,527:689,ClipboardImage.png)

Amazing how his “lifelong” stutter didn’t affect him in this interview or any others in his early years

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6dd829 No.21005108

File: cfc8d5beb0d8727⋯.gif (2.62 MB,520x390,4:3,20240531_212635.gif)


needs a pc.

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4949c6 No.21005109


Not in a good way

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ae0e67 No.21005110

File: fbee3713ad18e9f⋯.jpg (89.79 KB,998x1024,499:512,1717109745000544.jpg)

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ae0e67 No.21005113

File: 9e989b32c8cd3cc⋯.jpg (32.77 KB,800x600,4:3,1716581190862009.jpg)

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2ede9b No.21005115

File: 22614df452e20d9⋯.png (229.66 KB,651x519,217:173,pepe_sip2.png)

Verdict is in. Let's see what happens.

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f1ac9f No.21005116


Haha! Nice, will use that too!

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07455f No.21005118

File: d38496f18e3c57b⋯.png (738.76 KB,556x679,556:679,ClipboardImage.png)



Kensington Palace shared a new photo of Prince William on the train to Cardiff to visit an Earthshot event celebrating Welsh innovation!🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

4:34 AM · Jun 11, 2024





The Red Folder?

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6b715c No.21005119


anon's fav QR meme of all time

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c731ad No.21005120

File: 1d1ddaf0567397c⋯.png (4.14 KB,267x189,89:63,images_7_.png)

File: 2cea9ff2b097c8e⋯.png (5.08 KB,413x122,413:122,images_8_.png)

File: d11147a2a4964bd⋯.png (4.72 KB,357x141,119:47,images_9_.png)



Pay. Get paid. Shop. Share. Venmo is a digital wallet that makes money easier for everyone from students to small businesses. More than 60 million people …

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99848e No.21005121

File: bf70494a7ef123b⋯.png (1.24 MB,991x941,991:941,1a.png)

File: 2c1d35cdc5d428d⋯.png (828.47 KB,1290x636,215:106,1b.png)

File: 5808c305f21a2de⋯.png (1.62 MB,1432x812,358:203,1c.png)

File: 9d77893efdd4d23⋯.png (62.93 KB,1566x564,261:94,1d.png)

File: 89453b23321da2a⋯.png (371.05 KB,754x802,377:401,1e.png)

Donald J. Trump


It is a Total and Complete American Tragedy that the Crooked Joe Biden Department of Injustice is so desperate to jail Steve Bannon, and every other Republican, for that matter, for not SUBMITTING to the Unselect Committee of Political Thugs, made up of all Democrats, and two CRAZED FORMER REPUBLICAN LUNATICS, Cryin’ Adam Kinzinger, and Liz “Out of Her Mind” Cheney. It has been irrefutably proven that it was the Unselects who committed actual crimes when they deleted and destroyed all material evidence, in a pathetic attempt to protect Crazy Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats from the TRUTH — THAT I DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG. The unAmerican Weaponization of our Law Enforcement has reached levels of Illegality never thought possible before. INDICT THE UNSELECT J6 COMMITTEE FOR ILLEGALLY DELETING AND DESTROYING ALL OF THEIR “FINDINGS!” MAGA2024

Jun 06, 2024, 3:15 PM


Donald J. Trump


It would not have mattered whether Steve Bannon, and others, went in front of the Unselect Committee of Criminal Hacks and Thugs, BECAUSE ALL OF THE INFORMATION ENDED UP BEING ILLEGALLY DELETED AND DESTROYED BY THESE CORRUPT RADICALS!

Jun 06, 2024, 4:47 PM


It seems rather obvious that POTUS is being kept in the Dark as to the Truth concerning Jan 06.

POTUS' recent statement concerning Steve Bannon and the Jan 06 Select Committee appear to reflect a serious lack of information concerning what actually Transpired on Jan 06.

Even though the Jan 06 Select Committee truly appear to be "Deep State Thugs" it also appears to be that Fake Maga Orchestrated the Jan 06 "Riot" and are also "Deep State Thugs".

It appears that these Fake Maga Thugs are hiding behind POTUS/MAGA and POTUS has said this exactly concerning Steve Bannon in the Past, Steve is hiding behind POTUS/MAGA.

Who Post's for POTUS?

Is whoever posts for POTUS trying to make POTUS/MAGA look bad/stupid?

Why would POTUS even think to give any sort of cover to, in the words of POTUS "Sloppy begs bad like a dog that has lost it's mind" Steve Bannon?

Steve Bannon is considered the Ring Leader of the We Build The Wall Scam/Fraud where he is likly to receive, as several of his co conspirators already have received, 4-5 year prison sentences so whoever supports Steve Bannon now will also look even more wrong in the near future.

Read on to learn all about the Jan 06 [MAGA RIOT] and the Traitors who now appear to have been behind it and the Hero's who are trying to expose the Treason of Jan 06.

Read on to learn the roles of: Col. Earl Matthews, General Walter E. Piatt, General Charles A Flynn, Ronna McDaniel a.k.a Ronna Romney, Caroline Wren, Julie Jenkins Fancelli, Brian Gamble , Alex Jones and more on Jan 06.

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b92369 No.21005122

Hunter skates

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c60eab No.21005123


>Red Folder

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e5ea32 No.21005124


KEK !! , Did they not think this was going to happen?

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43a1cd No.21005125

File: 5c7b708f6861ee0⋯.png (24.88 KB,523x200,523:200,ClipboardImage.png)

Professor Alan Dershowitz: “I’ve devoted sixty years of my life trying to defend and explain a Legal System based on Neutral Principles. That Legal System is gone. The Trump Case destroyed it.”


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4d2268 No.21005126

File: f99a108956e3ac7⋯.png (452.95 KB,1600x769,1600:769,ClipboardImage.png)


Gitmo express on route…


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e5ea32 No.21005127


Her looks like Jacob Red Shield

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00bba8 No.21005128

File: 9e94b6f860b7ea5⋯.png (331.56 KB,439x440,439:440,120853329c53e43ee9d4996f6d….png)

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6dd829 No.21005130



no shit.

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cf422e No.21005132


He's such a li-li-li-li-li-liar!

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19a136 No.21005133

File: 23bbb7fb5c0c79d⋯.png (234.69 KB,549x311,549:311,Hunter_verdict_reached.png)

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6dd829 No.21005136


worthless glownigger lies

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9339f8 No.21005140

File: 731cd1ff5e374f0⋯.gif (1.67 MB,338x338,1:1,TexAvery_Stone_Age_Man_1.GIF)

File: 5eceffb221006b6⋯.gif (2.96 MB,360x275,72:55,TexAvery_Wolfie_9.GIF)


The guy in the back be

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07455f No.21005142

File: c877154dc1dea16⋯.png (503.3 KB,436x680,109:170,ClipboardImage.png)

James Woods


Counting the days…


See new posts


You reposted

James Woods


Counting the days…

7:43 AM · Jun 11, 2024





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dcd94b No.21005143

Let the truth lead us, let your DNA do what it do.

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6b715c No.21005146

File: afa4be4f735a92b⋯.png (61.08 KB,168x212,42:53,Screen_Shot_2024_06_11_at_….png)

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6dd829 No.21005148


looks like phillip

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091e94 No.21005149


Nancy appeared confused by telling Terry , accountability and all and why weren't the Capit…..National Guard weren't there…..

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864967 No.21005150

Hunter verdict is in - just a donkey show trial to avoid the real crimes…

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d991fa No.21005153


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6dd829 No.21005154


one is.

you, observably,

are not.

naow… reee for moar attention

make an veritable ass of yourself



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32a4c3 No.21005156


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95bc13 No.21005157


Pardon inbound. Hunter ain't worried.

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6b715c No.21005158


look at Vatican with the new memes

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091e94 No.21005159


The Insurance Policy

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6b715c No.21005160


never mind

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6dd829 No.21005162

it's running like shit jim

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95bc13 No.21005163

Is Hunter in cusotdy now or released pending sentencing?

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6dd829 No.21005166


there was never any [we].

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32a4c3 No.21005167


depends his priors are not going to help his mommy just showed up with secret service

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3ffa70 No.21005168

File: 40da7bba0f26285⋯.png (285.91 KB,1007x324,1007:324,2024_06_11_11_21_45.png)


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e2f4de No.21005170

File: 6d54e6f24aa6b03⋯.png (556.96 KB,748x819,748:819,ClipboardImage.png)

sounds like there may be a storm upon us

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2ede9b No.21005172

File: 1f3673aa84531dc⋯.png (353.23 KB,640x359,640:359,1f3673aa84531dc8aca04a19c0….png)


They're not new. He copies others. Not so blatant as the mimic that went on a crusade against certain anons. Wish I screenshotted that wall of text he wrote last year where he explained who he copies here and why.

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9339f8 No.21005173

File: 6f9d1b67e736709⋯.jpg (165.26 KB,687x620,687:620,Hunter_Likes_Your_Post.jpg)

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864967 No.21005174


Who cares… that is the LEAST of his crimes…

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07455f No.21005175

File: 1d4da302276c3cd⋯.mp4 (4.96 MB,720x1088,45:68,K_b0TltMfCQhOvn6.mp4)

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cf422e No.21005177


He was nervous about being surrounded by Black people.

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6dd829 No.21005180

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2ede9b No.21005183

I mean, if a deep state fed faggot paid poster feels the need to copy someone like me then they never did their homework. Might as well mimic someone homeless.

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e01237 No.21005185

File: 7bf81ffb8ece5d0⋯.png (20.09 KB,650x537,650:537,confusedPepe.png)

I haven't kept track of the show trial. Can some nice anon please inform me.

Was one of the charges against Hunter the fact that he raped and impregnated Natalie Biden?

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6aa9c8 No.21005187

juuuu schnoz mayks squaeky noises when git sum punch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaO1fZkMx70

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6b715c No.21005188


>it' a Juneteenth miracle


the logic of 'celebrating' a made-up holiday eight days before the actual holiday

maybe they don't expect next week to be conducive to festive gatherings

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6dd829 No.21005190

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2ede9b No.21005191

And the clown still replies like a leech.

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6aa9c8 No.21005192


bidet hunter tranny drumpf larper will save hobbits from HObamaPONOPONO juuuu gape lik zelda fo sho

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38faef No.21005193

Notables are NOT Endorsements

#25759 >>21004220

>>21004224, >>21004252, >>21004256 NGOs Operating in Ukraine Have Compiled an Enemies List

>>21004258, >>21004293, >>21004358, >>21004493, >>21004907, >>21005126 PlaneFaggin’

>>21004263 Independent Reporter Calls Out CBS News' Lesley Stahl Over Biden Laptop Claims

>>21004288 Dmitry Trenin: Here’s how Russia can prevent WW3

>>21004306 Uh-oh! I Got Fired. | Candace Show Ep 1

>>21004309 BlackRock adds proxy advisory firm Egan Jones, amid ESG criticism

>>21004336 Judge Cannon Denies Trump Motion to Dismiss Some of Jack Smith’s Classified Documents Case

>>21004346 Rep. Loudermilk reacts to video of Nancy Pelosi taking responsibility for J6 security failures

>>21004511 Biden To Offer Saudi Arabia Defense Treaty In Exchange For Official Ties With Israel

>>21004541 DOD: Third meeting of Nuclear Consulatative Group enhances U.S., South Korea alliance, deterrence

>>21004566 Five Things You Need to Know to Start Your Day: Europe

>>21004583 People’s Vaccine Inquiry UK

>>21004609 Pimco Warns of More US Regional Bank Failures on Property Pain

>>21004653 Patagonia funneled thousands to Palestinian terrorism-linked group, documents show

>>21004675, >>21004744 Reform leader Nigel Farage is pelted with wet cement and a coffee cup as he campaigns on an open top bus in Barnsley - one week after being covered in milkshake by an OnlyFans model

>>21004686, >>21004694, >>21004730 Malawi plane crash

>>21004748 Nancy Pelosi says ‘I take responsibility’ for not having National Guard at the Capitol on Jan. 6 in video shot by her own daughter

>>21004769 Clockfag: QClock June 10, 2024 - The Hunt Is On, Shall We Play A Game

>>21004812 King Charles' first official portrait is vandalised by animal rights activists

>>21004820 Fauci Bids NIH Farewell After Half Century of Service

>>21004823 Alec Baldwin shooting victim was wife of Latham & Watkins lawyer

>>21004841 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/11/2024

>>21004905 Europe set to delayBasel Bank Trading Rules by year: Sources

>>21004928 Lawfare Bingeing: New Jersey Announces An Investigation Into Trump Liquor Licenses

>>21004935 French Bonds Plunge Amid Macron Resignation Rumors

>>21004933 Hunter Biden gun trial: Jury resumes deliberation

>>21004951 Biden just hit a new all-time low in approval (37.4%) at 538 yesterday

>>21004952 Rachell Maddow concerned Trump will put her in a 'camp' during Second Term: "Yes, I'm worried"

>>21004961 US drops ban on arming Ukraine’s controversial Azov battalion

>>21005091 PDJT: The Fake News Washington Post came up with the ridiculous idea that Donald J. Trump will call for Mandatory Military Service. This is only a continuation of their EIGHT YEAR failed attempt to damage me with the Voters. The Story is completely untrue

>>21005125 Professor Alan Dershowitz: “I’ve devoted sixty years of my life trying to defend and explain a Legal System based on Neutral Principles. That Legal System is gone. The Trump Case destroyed it.”

Note Taker going to bake

Hold goodies for next bread please

Might be a lag

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9339f8 No.21005195

File: 5b152a4ffd40140⋯.mp4 (2.68 MB,My_Movie_1.mp4)

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c518ca No.21005196

File: 68034fa07c84ee0⋯.jpg (418.16 KB,900x900,1:1,this_meme.jpg)

This meme?

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6dd829 No.21005197


That's a Big Ten No liddl buddy.

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cf422e No.21005199


Will Joe give him a pardon?

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32a4c3 No.21005200


yes but it will be fun to watch them play that card.

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8b807e No.21005202


Seems a flurry on the radio… can’t tell much just yet.

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2ede9b No.21005203

File: b1400f032d2413c⋯.png (177.67 KB,1587x892,1587:892,pathetic.png)

All you're doing is admitting to the board and everyone here that you and who you work for are terrified of certain people here, VaticanClown, and they're not scared of you.

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1557a3 No.21005204

File: 207c9c6631cd4fe⋯.png (4.22 KB,381x132,127:44,HPzev03J5Ol3fXL58XF3sr23_B….png)

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3ffa70 No.21005206

File: 47b0a6765427c9f⋯.png (491.05 KB,770x700,11:10,smile.png)


> Whoa…

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6dd829 No.21005208

haow many cards…


haow many plays…

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a0b093 No.21005209

File: 5afbbf5685d9a2a⋯.jpg (578.74 KB,2303x1313,2303:1313,PXL_20240611_152626006_2.jpg)


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9a5957 No.21005213

File: 74132109fc33864⋯.gif (2.52 MB,245x170,49:34,anfscd23.gif)


I changed humanity forever for the worse and I can change it back. I haven't and won't give an iota to the criminal hordes seeking to cancel me. Today may be (((theirs))). [Their] tomorrow is mine and they don't stand a chance. It will be sticks and stones.

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38faef No.21005356

File: 0a30f56ea6c5f65⋯.png (139.56 KB,236x289,236:289,bb56e3aaf28f3abd6985ff5cee….png)

Fresh Bread



Q Research General #25760: Melania Tuesday Edition

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