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File: 9ed046518811267⋯.jpeg (8.87 KB,255x147,85:49,bac4c6b4210217352e3d0f55f….jpeg)

821f72 No.21004193 [View All]

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690 posts and 485 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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cf422e No.21005132


He's such a li-li-li-li-li-liar!

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19a136 No.21005133

File: 23bbb7fb5c0c79d⋯.png (234.69 KB,549x311,549:311,Hunter_verdict_reached.png)

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6dd829 No.21005136


worthless glownigger lies

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9339f8 No.21005140

File: 731cd1ff5e374f0⋯.gif (1.67 MB,338x338,1:1,TexAvery_Stone_Age_Man_1.GIF)

File: 5eceffb221006b6⋯.gif (2.96 MB,360x275,72:55,TexAvery_Wolfie_9.GIF)


The guy in the back be

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07455f No.21005142

File: c877154dc1dea16⋯.png (503.3 KB,436x680,109:170,ClipboardImage.png)

James Woods


Counting the days…


See new posts


You reposted

James Woods


Counting the days…

7:43 AM · Jun 11, 2024





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dcd94b No.21005143

Let the truth lead us, let your DNA do what it do.

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6b715c No.21005146

File: afa4be4f735a92b⋯.png (61.08 KB,168x212,42:53,Screen_Shot_2024_06_11_at_….png)

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6dd829 No.21005148


looks like phillip

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091e94 No.21005149


Nancy appeared confused by telling Terry , accountability and all and why weren't the Capit…..National Guard weren't there…..

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864967 No.21005150

Hunter verdict is in - just a donkey show trial to avoid the real crimes…

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d991fa No.21005153


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6dd829 No.21005154


one is.

you, observably,

are not.

naow… reee for moar attention

make an veritable ass of yourself



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32a4c3 No.21005156


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95bc13 No.21005157


Pardon inbound. Hunter ain't worried.

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6b715c No.21005158


look at Vatican with the new memes

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091e94 No.21005159


The Insurance Policy

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6b715c No.21005160


never mind

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6dd829 No.21005162

it's running like shit jim

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95bc13 No.21005163

Is Hunter in cusotdy now or released pending sentencing?

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6dd829 No.21005166


there was never any [we].

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32a4c3 No.21005167


depends his priors are not going to help his mommy just showed up with secret service

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3ffa70 No.21005168

File: 40da7bba0f26285⋯.png (285.91 KB,1007x324,1007:324,2024_06_11_11_21_45.png)


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e2f4de No.21005170

File: 6d54e6f24aa6b03⋯.png (556.96 KB,748x819,748:819,ClipboardImage.png)

sounds like there may be a storm upon us

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2ede9b No.21005172

File: 1f3673aa84531dc⋯.png (353.23 KB,640x359,640:359,1f3673aa84531dc8aca04a19c0….png)


They're not new. He copies others. Not so blatant as the mimic that went on a crusade against certain anons. Wish I screenshotted that wall of text he wrote last year where he explained who he copies here and why.

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9339f8 No.21005173

File: 6f9d1b67e736709⋯.jpg (165.26 KB,687x620,687:620,Hunter_Likes_Your_Post.jpg)

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864967 No.21005174


Who cares… that is the LEAST of his crimes…

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07455f No.21005175

File: 1d4da302276c3cd⋯.mp4 (4.96 MB,720x1088,45:68,K_b0TltMfCQhOvn6.mp4)

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cf422e No.21005177


He was nervous about being surrounded by Black people.

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6dd829 No.21005180

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2ede9b No.21005183

I mean, if a deep state fed faggot paid poster feels the need to copy someone like me then they never did their homework. Might as well mimic someone homeless.

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e01237 No.21005185

File: 7bf81ffb8ece5d0⋯.png (20.09 KB,650x537,650:537,confusedPepe.png)

I haven't kept track of the show trial. Can some nice anon please inform me.

Was one of the charges against Hunter the fact that he raped and impregnated Natalie Biden?

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6aa9c8 No.21005187

juuuu schnoz mayks squaeky noises when git sum punch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaO1fZkMx70

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6b715c No.21005188


>it' a Juneteenth miracle


the logic of 'celebrating' a made-up holiday eight days before the actual holiday

maybe they don't expect next week to be conducive to festive gatherings

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6dd829 No.21005190

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2ede9b No.21005191

And the clown still replies like a leech.

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6aa9c8 No.21005192


bidet hunter tranny drumpf larper will save hobbits from HObamaPONOPONO juuuu gape lik zelda fo sho

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38faef No.21005193

Notables are NOT Endorsements

#25759 >>21004220

>>21004224, >>21004252, >>21004256 NGOs Operating in Ukraine Have Compiled an Enemies List

>>21004258, >>21004293, >>21004358, >>21004493, >>21004907, >>21005126 PlaneFaggin’

>>21004263 Independent Reporter Calls Out CBS News' Lesley Stahl Over Biden Laptop Claims

>>21004288 Dmitry Trenin: Here’s how Russia can prevent WW3

>>21004306 Uh-oh! I Got Fired. | Candace Show Ep 1

>>21004309 BlackRock adds proxy advisory firm Egan Jones, amid ESG criticism

>>21004336 Judge Cannon Denies Trump Motion to Dismiss Some of Jack Smith’s Classified Documents Case

>>21004346 Rep. Loudermilk reacts to video of Nancy Pelosi taking responsibility for J6 security failures

>>21004511 Biden To Offer Saudi Arabia Defense Treaty In Exchange For Official Ties With Israel

>>21004541 DOD: Third meeting of Nuclear Consulatative Group enhances U.S., South Korea alliance, deterrence

>>21004566 Five Things You Need to Know to Start Your Day: Europe

>>21004583 People’s Vaccine Inquiry UK

>>21004609 Pimco Warns of More US Regional Bank Failures on Property Pain

>>21004653 Patagonia funneled thousands to Palestinian terrorism-linked group, documents show

>>21004675, >>21004744 Reform leader Nigel Farage is pelted with wet cement and a coffee cup as he campaigns on an open top bus in Barnsley - one week after being covered in milkshake by an OnlyFans model

>>21004686, >>21004694, >>21004730 Malawi plane crash

>>21004748 Nancy Pelosi says ‘I take responsibility’ for not having National Guard at the Capitol on Jan. 6 in video shot by her own daughter

>>21004769 Clockfag: QClock June 10, 2024 - The Hunt Is On, Shall We Play A Game

>>21004812 King Charles' first official portrait is vandalised by animal rights activists

>>21004820 Fauci Bids NIH Farewell After Half Century of Service

>>21004823 Alec Baldwin shooting victim was wife of Latham & Watkins lawyer

>>21004841 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/11/2024

>>21004905 Europe set to delayBasel Bank Trading Rules by year: Sources

>>21004928 Lawfare Bingeing: New Jersey Announces An Investigation Into Trump Liquor Licenses

>>21004935 French Bonds Plunge Amid Macron Resignation Rumors

>>21004933 Hunter Biden gun trial: Jury resumes deliberation

>>21004951 Biden just hit a new all-time low in approval (37.4%) at 538 yesterday

>>21004952 Rachell Maddow concerned Trump will put her in a 'camp' during Second Term: "Yes, I'm worried"

>>21004961 US drops ban on arming Ukraine’s controversial Azov battalion

>>21005091 PDJT: The Fake News Washington Post came up with the ridiculous idea that Donald J. Trump will call for Mandatory Military Service. This is only a continuation of their EIGHT YEAR failed attempt to damage me with the Voters. The Story is completely untrue

>>21005125 Professor Alan Dershowitz: “I’ve devoted sixty years of my life trying to defend and explain a Legal System based on Neutral Principles. That Legal System is gone. The Trump Case destroyed it.”

Note Taker going to bake

Hold goodies for next bread please

Might be a lag

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9339f8 No.21005195

File: 5b152a4ffd40140⋯.mp4 (2.68 MB,My_Movie_1.mp4)

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c518ca No.21005196

File: 68034fa07c84ee0⋯.jpg (418.16 KB,900x900,1:1,this_meme.jpg)

This meme?

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6dd829 No.21005197


That's a Big Ten No liddl buddy.

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cf422e No.21005199


Will Joe give him a pardon?

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32a4c3 No.21005200


yes but it will be fun to watch them play that card.

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8b807e No.21005202


Seems a flurry on the radio… can’t tell much just yet.

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2ede9b No.21005203

File: b1400f032d2413c⋯.png (177.67 KB,1587x892,1587:892,pathetic.png)

All you're doing is admitting to the board and everyone here that you and who you work for are terrified of certain people here, VaticanClown, and they're not scared of you.

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1557a3 No.21005204

File: 207c9c6631cd4fe⋯.png (4.22 KB,381x132,127:44,HPzev03J5Ol3fXL58XF3sr23_B….png)

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3ffa70 No.21005206

File: 47b0a6765427c9f⋯.png (491.05 KB,770x700,11:10,smile.png)


> Whoa…

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6dd829 No.21005208

haow many cards…


haow many plays…

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a0b093 No.21005209

File: 5afbbf5685d9a2a⋯.jpg (578.74 KB,2303x1313,2303:1313,PXL_20240611_152626006_2.jpg)


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9a5957 No.21005213

File: 74132109fc33864⋯.gif (2.52 MB,245x170,49:34,anfscd23.gif)


I changed humanity forever for the worse and I can change it back. I haven't and won't give an iota to the criminal hordes seeking to cancel me. Today may be (((theirs))). [Their] tomorrow is mine and they don't stand a chance. It will be sticks and stones.

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38faef No.21005356

File: 0a30f56ea6c5f65⋯.png (139.56 KB,236x289,236:289,bb56e3aaf28f3abd6985ff5cee….png)

Fresh Bread



Q Research General #25760: Melania Tuesday Edition

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