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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QRMainGraphic.jpg)

a55f67 No.2095810

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Integrity--for in Truth lies Victory.

Please Read Our Designated Disclaimer https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html





Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215

100+ Q Proof Graphics download qproofs.com

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Wednesday 07.04.18

>>2029255 --------------------------------------------------- Independence Celebration

Tuesday 07.03.18

>>2022737 rt >>2022584 --------------------------------- Who do you see?

>>2022584 --------------------------------------------------- Plane Through Blinds (subject to change)

>>2022398 rt >>2022233 --------------------------------- Trolling is Fun. Hussein/Trump interior = identical minus small changes.

>>2021248 rt >>2019981, >>2021248, >>2020544 Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

>>2018075 ---------------------------------------------------- Divide they try. Fail they will.

>>2017327 rt >>2016766 ---------------------------------- WelcomeAboard.png (Picture from inside AF1)

>>2014318 ---------------------------------------------------- Add another to the list

>>2014158 rt >>2013625 --------------------------------- Matters of National Security

>>2012087 ---------------------------------------------------- The SWAMP is being DRAINED

>>2011888 rt >>2011499 ---------------------------------- Think NATIONAL SECURITY

>>2008390 ---------------------------------------------------- What happened to Stormy?

>>2008327 ---------------------------------------------------- Crumb #1238

>>2007973 rt >>2007869, >>2007911 ---------------- /patriotsfight/77

>>2007911 rt >>2007869 --------------------------------- The intelligence was passed through unofficial means

>>2007869 ---------------------------------------------------- We have the server

Sunday 07.01.18

>>1992408 ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you, Ben

>>1991829 ---------------------------------------------------- There will be no civil war

>>1991107 ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you USSS

>>1987414 ---------------------------------------------------- https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jul/1/us-really-did-have-manchurian-candidate-white-hous/

>>1986553 rt >>1986489 --------------------------------- Think stages. What role can MIL INTEL play? What role can NSA play? BANG!

>>1986443 rt >>1986153 --------------------------------- Ask yourself & the more you know

>>1986153 rt >>1986043 --------------------------------- Ask yourself - who is filing the indictments? Who has that kind of manpower?

>>1986043 ---------------------------------------------------- Nothing being done?

>>1984605 ---------------------------------------------------- Do you feel the emotion/anger this writer has? They are scared of you ( https://archive.is/yAyDg & https://archive.is/bKS9t )

>>1983801 rt >>1983724 --------------------------------- Make no mistake- Rep Gowdy is a Patriot

>>1983724 rt >>1983663 --------------------------------- Being on the list does not equate to receiving the nomination

>>1983678 rt >>1983633 --------------------------------- You save what you do need

>>1983636 ---------------------------------------------------- What a coincidence

>>1983529 ---------------------------------------------------- #GoodbyeDemocrats

>>1983481 ---------------------------------------------------- Antifacist logos

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095

Discussion and Refinement bread for Best Q Proofs >>1739215


Q's Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1957621, How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1838738, Freedom of Speech >>2064946 Useful Filters

a55f67 No.2095844


are not endorsements


>>2075736, >>2088625 Broken Catalog and finding the latest QResearch bread

>>2034376 The Declaration of Independence (dl your copy today!)

>>1964963 BO confirms: Link to QAnon.pub or QProofs.com, NOT HERE

>>1999458 A Few Things Have Become Evident'

>>2089271 New chat bread to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion >>2089312

>>2091341 How to find bread using the index


>>2095121, >>2095319, >>2095368 Page to testify privately the day before Strzonk testifies publicly

>>2095122 Russia suggests investigations in Novichok rather than accusations

>>2095462 Dems won't even talk about SCOTUS nominee, but will oppose anyone POTUS names

>>2095458, >>2095564 Oldie but goodie... FBI offers reward for "stolen" weapons same night Seth Rich shot

>>2095480 Don't report on Rohingya in Myanmar; possible 14 year sentence

>>2095092, >>2095583 Turkish Lira tumbles after Erdogan appoints son-in-law as Finance Minister

>>2095358 More police saying that FOSTA/SESTA has made it more difficult to catch traffickers

>>2095396 Ex-Goldman banker weighing plea deal on corruption charges in 1MDB probe: WSJ

>>2095555 Michael Cohen's lawyer issues 'mysterious threat to POTUS

>>2095635 Yahoo turns in BSA leader for CP


>>2094310 Ethiopia & Eritrea declare end to 20-year war

>>2094348 Harvey Weinstein Pleads Not Guilty to New Sexual Assault Charges


>>2094353 HUD Housing Scam busted in DWS district

>>2094526 Giuliani Wants To See ‘All’ Mueller Team Members’ Text Messages

>>2094610 VIDEO: Mexican Cops Blow Whistle on Orders to Stop Fighting Cartels

>>2094730 House Lawmakers sent letter to Apple, Inc's Tim Cook asking how they handle smartphone user data

>>2094784 Farage threatens to reclaim UKIP Leadership if "Brexit Betrayal Isn't Reversed"

>>2094793 Big Pharma Corruption: MORE lC to Generic Drug/ntellec Prop trafficking+Pay For Play

>>2094820 Russia opens up trade possibilities for Britain, Germany & France after Trump back out of botched Iran "Deal"

>>2095202 #2641 (linked from 2642)


>>2093560 ; >>2093574 ; >>2093946 Witness prepared to ID the two killers (according to witness, two US gov’t employees) of Seth Rich

>>2093639 Hussein’s chance to cripple global heroin trade; chose not to

>>2093658 US attorney Stephen McAllister will open 2018 Human Trafficking Conference

>>2093734 Dig on T. Marcus Funk, on of two Perkins Cole lawyers behind JJ smear effort

>>2093550 Pharmaceutical and political corruption related to drug price increases

>>2093572 On Points Of Light, New York Cares, and their investors

>>2093798 Lisa Page to be privately questioned a day before Strzok’s public testimony

>>2093865 ; >>2093875 Planefag updates

>>2094059 Radioactive material stolen from vehicle in Mexico City

>>2094142 HRC FOIA drop 23/23

>>2094185 #2640


>>2092714 On Q, independence, and the UK (speculation)

>>2092724 More on Strzok thread

>>2092736 #WalkAway YT fan site (collecting testimonials)

>>2092763 Federal Gov’t notifying South Texas residents of land surveys for border wall construction

>>2092772 Planefag Update

>>2092926 Nigel Farage to discuss his next political move

>>2093040 On Sara Bronfman/Basit Igitte (NXIVM related)

>>2093095 Implications of Boris Johnson resignation re: MI6


>>2092621 North Carolina private school busted for concealing illegals in sports program:

>>2092401 Planefag Updates

>>2092494 liberal journo meltdown over Kennedy is warming up nicely

>>2092472 North Koreans are trolling the MSM.

>>2092409 'Craziness becoming strategic' NATO leaders in panic mode ahead of POTUS visit

>>2092007, >>2092225 Digs on Family from NJ House Explosion on July 7

>>2092000 Learn how to read the map [PDF]

>>2092078 Strzok And McCabe to testify in Grand Jury investigations

>>2092141 Twitter Plunges 8% after massive user ban

>>2092202 Taliban nearly eradicated opium production in Afganhistan with a 99% reduction in the area of opium poppy farming in Taliban-controlled areas, roughly three quarters of the world's supply of heroin at the time

>>2091934 , >>2092526 Pompeo unannounced trip to Afghanistan.

>>2091871 #2637

Best Of Bread https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

a55f67 No.2095849

War Room

WHO IS #QAnon TWEETSTORM ON NOW. FIRE THE CANNONS >>1960133 , >>1960135, >>1960203

#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 -- Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>143179 --- META

>>494745 --- Quest for Searchability

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1310117 -- For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 -- Clockwork Qrange

>>1689200 -- Twitter watcher #3 (@BackChannel17, @TheRealCheshCat, @TrustfulAlice, @Hatterliveshere, @UK_Revolution17)

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>2033995

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————-—————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ———-——– >>>/comms/966

a55f67 No.2095857

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

'* Resignation Posts Search Tool:’’’ https://''www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

25, >>1963080, 24 >>1745576, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist -- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon --------------------- http://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How to bake Q-bread >>1989536, Baking Tips >>1989634

a55f67 No.2095862

New Dough


16fbff No.2095874

File: d2f2a9d4378054e⋯.png (532.19 KB, 525x792, 175:264, main-qimg-7577d9dddc811200….png)

Just out that the Obama Administration granted citizenship, during the terrible Iran Deal negotiation, to 2,500 Iranians - including to government officials. How big (and bad) is that?

a55f67 No.2095876


I missed posting in previous bread. BO, can you edit a late post?

BO, Baker request

0c7ff1 No.2095880

File: 006c2f5529cdffe⋯.jpg (64.33 KB, 1209x899, 39:29, ! ! ! ! ! ! ! qresearch.jpg)

496d88 No.2095882

>>2095604 (pb)

Also, perhaps why shills use the concern/doubt method so often? And why Q keeps saying to trust the plan?

376368 No.2095883

File: 388856dabb1b4b4⋯.jpg (231.22 KB, 828x830, 414:415, WWG1WGA.jpg)


Thank you baker, bread sped up at the end because of shitposting niggers.

e522bc No.2095884


Anonymous (You) 07/09/18 (Mon) 17:22:29 cb8eb0 (9) No.2095873

File (hide): 3dc3e188e12276b⋯.png (483.63 KB, 768x512, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Trump to Name Supreme Court Nominee: What to Watch


• President Trump is set to announce his Supreme Court nominee to replace the retiring Justice Anthony M. Kennedy at 9 p.m. Monday.

• Mr. Trump is deciding among four finalists, all federal appellate judges: Amy Coney Barrett of the Seventh Circuit, Brett M. Kavanaugh of the District of Columbia Circuit, Raymond M. Kethledge of the Sixth Circuit and Thomas M. Hardiman of the Third Circuit. All four were on a list of 25 candidates the White House compiled with input from the conservative Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation.

• Mr. Trump considers the pick a key moment of his presidency, and was pushing his decision into the final hours before his self-imposed Monday night announcement deadline.

Trump expressed renewed interest in Hardiman as he continued weighing the finalists.

On Sunday, The New York Times reported that Mr. Trump had expressed renewed interest in nominating Judge Hardiman, who was the runner-up to Judge Neil M. Gorsuch as the president’s first Supreme Court nominee in January 2017.

Mr. Trump was inspired by Judge Hardiman’s biography, according to people close to the process, and has considered the recommendation of his sister, Judge Maryanne Trump Barry, who served with Judge Hardiman on the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.

https:// www.nytimes.com/2018/07/09/us/politics/trump-supreme-court-nominee.html

a55f67 No.2095885

Baker Requesting Handoff

In my Time Zone, it is quite late. I stepped in to bake to give a single-bread relief.

518eaf No.2095886

File: 0cf8f9bdd99c545⋯.jpg (52.27 KB, 1027x731, 1027:731, 0cf8f9bdd99c545231a0381be5….jpg)


hey baker try to post here too >>1667382

hard to find with catalog sometimes

d6b3a3 No.2095888

File: 3ac6da0bd636dff⋯.png (44.88 KB, 994x490, 71:35, ClipboardImage.png)

>>2095846 (pb - not just huma emails)

ALSO from JW (hitting on all cylinders today)


281 pages of hillary emails, ten emails contain classified info.

ding ding ding.

0ef39a No.2095889

Tricky baker. ISWYDT.

7f602d No.2095890

File: 064854107efc71a⋯.jpg (835.76 KB, 1829x1535, 1829:1535, BO_Lied.jpg)

>tfw a salty opinion on 8ch matters more than cold hard irrefutable facts


60f4a3 No.2095891


Pretty sure that's from back in April.

aef02c No.2095892

>>2095845 pb

Yes, but the question themselves would open up a firestorm! And IMO confirm we do have everything.

0b7341 No.2095893


Assets frozen?

Conditions of bail?

262083 No.2095894

Bread 2641 to 2643? Have I missed something here?

ab7e51 No.2095895

File: 2960675aaedf283⋯.jpg (133.72 KB, 737x489, 737:489, Dream Big America.jpg)


It is linked in the Meta thread. That's how I found the bread.

TY BAker

028788 No.2095896

File: f3fa36003a722e0⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1920x1029, 640:343, 1531161427683.png)


Commies in S.Afrika are declaring civil was against the Boer for not wanting their land expropriated







2234ab No.2095898

File: f14b22196833518⋯.png (204.64 KB, 744x539, 744:539, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)

File: 482fb1886dcef87⋯.png (817.41 KB, 723x900, 241:300, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)

File: 2e0c74efd5159c8⋯.png (187.55 KB, 680x585, 136:117, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)


How do you move on when the world won’t let you?

12:46: Claire Bingleystands alone at a bus stop

12:47: Ted Conkaffey parks his car beside her

12:52: The girl is missing . . .

Six minutes in the wrong place at the wrong time—that’s all it took to ruin Sydney detective Ted Conkaffey’s life. Accused but not convicted of a brutal abduction, Ted is now a free man—and public enemy number one. Maintaining his innocence, he flees north to keep a low profile amidst the steamy, croc-infested wetlands of Crimson Lake.

There, Ted’s lawyer introduces him to eccentric private investigator Amanda Pharrell, herself a convicted murderer. Not entirely convinced Amanda is a cold-blooded killer, Ted agrees to help with her investigation, a case full of deception and obsession, while secretly digging into her troubled past. The residents of Crimson Lake are watching the pair's every move . . . and the town offers no place to hide.

"Complex, human characters, and a dark, meaty story, and fine writing, and a great sense of place – this is one of the best crime thrillers of the year. Sign me up as a big-time Fox fan!" —Lee Child

Crimson Lake by Sydney-based, Ned Kelly award-winning author Candice Fox is a thrilling contemporary crime novel set in Queensland, Australia, perfect for readers of authors like James Patterson, Harlan Coben, Lisa Gardner, and Tana French.


13573f No.2095899

File: 7baf17350b2f662⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1440x1784, 180:223, ClipboardImage.png)

Reposted…From CTHblog

Any thoughts on why Congress seems uninterested on the FISA abuse aspects???

70bc47 No.2095900

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>2094680 (pb)

Peter File, obviously

028788 No.2095901


And you fucking suck.

5dbc04 No.2095902


Bring back AFLB this board is complete shit now

18cf7d No.2095903

File: c49cf1a2c5366b1⋯.jpg (285.95 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Abraham Lincoln free slave….jpg)


8ch.nethttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cYZ8dUgPuU …………….res/4725.html#4726

update aflb caca here

60f4a3 No.2095904


If being an Anon isn't good enough for you, then YOU have made this too personal about yourself. Take a few days off and come back as an Anon. If we're being lied to here, you can't change that.

3b218d No.2095905


Use the index anon

d6b3a3 No.2095906


judicial watch just reposted it, though.

you're right that the article says april.


17d150 No.2095907


That's been out there for over a week anon. Probably even llonger

a55f67 No.2095908

>>2094976 Says it's #2642 here.

>>2094976 #2642

518eaf No.2095909

File: 77ec686c87a7776⋯.gif (2.62 MB, 540x304, 135:76, 77ec686c87a777622db8987d59….gif)


You think the baker posted it?







18eb4f No.2095910


Why are you replying stupid fuck?

6b5cab No.2095912


It started turning shit when she showed back up, go back to pol

93e8b3 No.2095913

It's really quite simple

go to


Then CTRL-F #264

The new bread will be the 4th ~ 7th pick

4a39eb No.2095915

>>2095805 (lb)

Rule 401. Test for Relevant Evidence

Evidence is relevant if:

(a) it has any tendency to make a fact more or less probable than it would be without the evidence; and

(b) the fact is of consequence in determining the action.


(Pub. L. 93–595, §1, Jan. 2, 1975, 88 Stat. 1931; Apr. 26, 2011, eff. Dec. 1, 2011.)

So, if the defendant is claiming that one or more of his persecutors (or prosecutors) is effecting a malicious prosecution, mueller wants the previous vindictive prosecution histories of his "pit bull" and other ankle-biters excluded.

I don't think he can prevail under rule 401, but alas, I am not a lawfag.

518eaf No.2095916


Or just post a fucking link in Meta…

a84110 No.2095917


AFLB will never pass.

17d150 No.2095919


That is from 2017 anon.

c1f290 No.2095920

File: 453c8f46443fc8a⋯.png (315.72 KB, 457x426, 457:426, photoshop.png)

9ced62 No.2095921

File: 285d8d7059ccb4e⋯.png (259.57 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 285d8d7059ccb4e3b5201e5ba3….png)



>Also, perhaps why shills use the concern/doubt method so often?

Yes, this. This saps energy, if you allow it. It is the very reason why mockery is the perfect counter to it.

Laughter is the best medicine

d6b3a3 No.2095922


and my huma post from last bread - JW just reposted that too, and it's from may.

wonder if there's something "new" in the files, or they know something interesting is about to happen.

it's unlike them (in my recent recollection) to just arbitrarily post months old data.

bec25c No.2095923

File: a134488825ba120⋯.png (874.56 KB, 1016x1158, 508:579, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)

File: 9610548589e06e1⋯.png (137 KB, 918x734, 459:367, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)

So Weissmann met with reporters,

gathered their research on Manafort,

and then used it to get a warrant to search Manafort's everything.

new today, the court has said Manafort/his Legal Counsel cannot introduce anything related to Special Council Mueller's mandate,

which would indicate a timeline…

somethin' stinky goin' on here…





14e2e7 No.2095924

Britain suggests Russia is behind latest Novichok nerve agent case

10 July 2018 — 7:04am

British officials have said that a couple who were sickened this month in the Salisbury area, one of whom died Sunday, had been poisoned with the same powerful nerve agent used in March, a few kilometres away, against a former Russian spy and his daughter.

But while government officials have accused the Kremlin of responsibility for the first poisonings, until Monday they refrained from assigning blame for the second, though they acknowledged a strong possibility that the two were related.

((("The simple reality is that Russia has committed an attack on British soil which has seen the death of a British citizen,"))) the defence minister, Gavin Williamson, said in the House of Commons. "That is something that I think (((the world will unite with us in actually condemning.")))

…when asked directly if Russia was responsible for the latest poisonings, he said it was hard to see any "other plausible explanation.


60f4a3 No.2095925


Because I don't take fucking orders from you.

18eb4f No.2095927


Filter and dont reply is the best counter.

3125c2 No.2095928



You missed 2642.

21b837 No.2095929


Yeah, you missed #2642 >>2094976

c0f378 No.2095930


Bro, let it go already. Who CARES? Your one man crusade is tiresome. Even if everything you say is right, you are now wrong. I swear when this is all over and people study what happened you will go down in history as the great complainer. Jokes will be written about you. Just STFU already. Nobody cares. At all.

17d150 No.2095931


JW does that a lot with their articles. They retweet old ones. It does get annoying, but I guess they just want to make sure it stays in the public eye

18eb4f No.2095932



3b218d No.2095933


You haven't been paying attention. What do you think RR's impeachment is all about?

262083 No.2095934


Roger, thanks.

fe74b6 No.2095935

File: 79d36670f262db5⋯.jpg (275.87 KB, 2000x1123, 2000:1123, ugly.jpg)

a55f67 No.2095936

>>2095896 OK.. so now you can just fuck off. Your choice is now in the "Another ArticleShill"

fuckhead won't let things drop category. I told you to go find a fucking video because I've

fucking seen them myself. Your point is good, but your presentation is puerile. And your protests even more so.

>>2095896 Here is a brilliant way to keep your posts from showing up in the notables.

e9e512 No.2095937

>>2095080 (prev. bread)

It depends on what a sort of work you are willing to do. Plenty of work out there. I worked 2 and 3 jobs at a time to support myself and kid. Depends on what is important to you at the time.

You can always find someone to blame or man up and take responsibility yourself.

18eb4f No.2095938


Nobody cares about your stupid replies to it. Why don't you have that bullshit in your filters?

c35d1d No.2095939


exactly what she wants

to go down in history

typical fame-whore

doesn't matter how she gets it

2b8f46 No.2095940


Is he being impeached? If they were serious about it he would be, but they aren't serious about it.

518eaf No.2095941

File: e2579dc93a00cf7⋯.gif (155.47 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 9ef0342ffbe57be8ac40937123….gif)


What about sucking BO's dick, is that how you sap his energy?

d6b3a3 No.2095942


yep - sorry - link is from a JW tweet TODAY.

don't know if they're anticipating something, but apologies from me all around.

17d150 No.2095943


They do it often. I've been duped a few times. I just make sure I check the date before I get too excited.

262083 No.2095944

File: 224b1ea8424d537⋯.jpg (32.92 KB, 481x325, 37:25, xhibit2.jpg)

17cb0b No.2095945


lurking baker here TZAnon

I can take a couple breads

plz confirm handoff

496d88 No.2095946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

As early as 2007, Christians have claimed to be receiving prophecy of a future Donald Trump presidency.

The Kim Clement prophecy referenced in the last bread is embedded. "Trump is a Trumpet." More to follow.

1225cb No.2095947

File: 0c105862e40a4b1⋯.jpg (92.21 KB, 500x516, 125:129, xL7HUkF.jpg)

95a762 No.2095948


Unity doubtful after they lied about novichok Russia poisoning last time

16fbff No.2095949

what is the most efficient way to filter all these namefags?

496d88 No.2095950

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mark Taylor on the Trump presidency eradicated the Satanic cabal in 2011.

e9e512 No.2095951


actually this groups is better looking with better bodies. The question still remains, why? This is the most ridiculous and self defeating way to make a point, I have ever seen.

028788 No.2095952


>muh presentation'

'Eat shit nigger. There is nothing wrong with the vid I soured in twitter. What you require is a blue check mark which MEANS FUCK ALL

47e4df No.2095953

File: 4accc5f437b804d⋯.jpg (137.38 KB, 960x936, 40:39, 36650898_664397203898799_7….jpg)

>>2095367 (lb)

Well, if you want to get belligerent before midterms I would indeed advise you to think logistics and hurry up.

On a more sedate note, if Reps can get their way in midterms, they can roll out the rest of their plans easy peasy, no need for random violence.

If the plan can be rolled out far and wide with effective governance as a direct result a second term would be assured.

So I urge all to try and win enough souls to make these midterms the red tsunami as it is by far the easiest way and far less costly in all respects.

Violence can always be used later on if nothing else works.

Remember,'we' have all the guns.

830cd5 No.2095954


>I use my gender ambiguity to ridicule people for not trusting me for a sense of power.

BC you have actually become boring with your semantics and games. You are now a divider. It is obvious that you have skills, yet your ego gets in the way of actually using them in a manner that would be exceptional to this site, hense you have become disruptive, which is unfortunate.

a55f67 No.2095955


BO/BV Can you confirm NewBaker?

Do I know you, Baker?

535184 No.2095956

To the anon who asked when Kim Clement, the singing prophet, passed away, it was 15 days after the 2016 presidential election. - November 23.

518eaf No.2095957

File: bff392b4b2424be⋯.gif (1.4 MB, 500x281, 500:281, bff392b4b2424be538652ed1f0….gif)


Oooo, look this nigger is trying diplomacy, Leafy!

Bro, I'm like your friend, you don't want JOKES to be written do you? FUCKING JOKES BRO!


>My fucking sides.

4a39eb No.2095958


Just do it.

9ced62 No.2095959

File: 80fbd55b59f2be2⋯.jpg (48.1 KB, 425x550, 17:22, 4bcdd50ecab567be19735f59cd….jpg)


>muhhh.. tacit approval is the answer.

Nope. The clowns would love for people to ignore bad information.

One of the things observed with the Articlefag strategy was a heavy push to filter it.

Instead of telling it to fuck off.

It's worth noting that actual anons did tell it to fuck off.

3c33de No.2095960

File: 7917ef95a81abcf⋯.jpg (93.82 KB, 1094x809, 1094:809, 4msr21otoy811.jpg)


6a44e0 No.2095961

File: c8c1d4d456924a5⋯.png (334.67 KB, 2916x1830, 486:305, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)


This is huge! must read!


179c53 No.2095962


Yes I do.

A good idea why. CORRUPT AF.


I've sent you to a footnote because this site is heaven so you need to ease into it lest you become too erect too quickly and pass out.

4ccff7 No.2095964

File: ea170817c3efc7c⋯.jpg (22.73 KB, 335x448, 335:448, Head Up Ass.jpg)

The go-to safe space for Deep State bad actors.

9ab130 No.2095965

To all anons, the confusion and general chaos happening in the board right now is eerily similar to what happened on CBTS. Comped bakers, comped BO, etc. Anybody want to take a guess at which namefag was right in the middle of that shit storm too? AFLB should not be trusted. If he has something to offer to the research, fine. He doesn't need to be a baker to contribute. The way that he continues to cause problems every bread should be a red flag in itself.


a7c9b3 No.2095966


honestly baker that is not very notable either imho

>>2095786 lb

>>2095751 lb

i can agree with both of you but leaning to that it is not very notable.. worth a mention yes, notable lol dont think so

496d88 No.2095967


Sorry, dead link, here is a transcript:

The Spirit of God says, I have chosen this man, Donald Trump, for such a time as this. For as Benjamin Netanyahu is to Israel, so shall this man be to the United States of America! For I will use this man to bring honor, respect and restoration to America.

America will be respected once again as the most powerful and prosperous nation on earth, (other than Israel). The dollar will be the strongest it has ever been in the history of the United States, and will once again be the currency by which all others are judged.

The Spirit of God says, the enemy will quake and shake and fear this man I have anointed. They will even quake and shake when he announces he is running for president, it will be like the shot heard across the world.

The enemy will say what shall we do now? This man knows all our tricks and schemes. We have been robbing America for decades, what shall we do to stop this?

The Spirit says HA! No one shall stop this that l have started! For the enemy has stolen from America for decades and it stops now! For I will use this man to reap the harvest that the United States has sown for and plunder from the enemy what he has stolen and return it 7 fold back to the United States.

The enemy will say Israel, Israel, what about Israel? For Israel will be protected by America once again. The spirit says yes! America will once again stand hand and hand with Israel, and the two shall be as one. For the ties between Israel and America will be stronger than ever, and Israel will flourish like never before.

The Spirit of God says, I will protect America and Israel, for this next president will be a man of his word, when he speaks the world will listen and know that there is something greater in him than all the others before him.

This man’s word is his bond and the world and America will know this and the enemy will fear this, for this man will be fearless. The Spirit says, when the financial harvest begins so shall it parallel in the spiritual for America.

The Spirit of God says, in this next election they will spend billions to keep this president in; it will be like flushing their money down the toilet. Let them waste their money, for it comes from and it is being used by evil forces at work, but they will not succeed, for this next election will be a clean sweep for the man I have chosen.

They will say things about this man (the enemy), but it will not affect him, and they shall say it rolls off of him like the duck, for as the feathers of a duck protect it, so shall my feathers protect this next president. Even mainstream news media will be captivated by this man and the abilities that I have gifted him with, and they will even begin to agree with him says the Spirit of God.

9ced62 No.2095968

File: 1f6a876d89925f5⋯.jpg (7.48 KB, 300x301, 300:301, 1f6a876d89925f5a1d6065dcce….jpg)

3125c2 No.2095969


Funny things.

Makes more sense when you consider some of these fags are girls.

647e2b No.2095970

File: d64ec8d2aacdaba⋯.jpg (47.84 KB, 500x500, 1:1, muhcatalog.jpg)


thats timezone baker, he baked back in the #1000 breads, and has made a come back lately. good baker

18eb4f No.2095971


Replying is a waste of bread. Filtered.

376368 No.2095972


I know TZ is a legit baker. BO/BV should chime in soon.

647e2b No.2095973


oops soory for pic kek

e9baa8 No.2095974

File: 2c7ba52a28006f5⋯.jpg (33.47 KB, 597x358, 597:358, NAME FAG FILTERS.JPG)


Upper right hand corner of this bread, click options. Go down to filters and add their names. and then refresh.

4a39eb No.2095975


I know at least one anon who ignored the whole fucking thing.

Scroll on…scroll on…

a55f67 No.2095976

>>2095970 No, I'm TZBaker, and thanks for the Kudos. ;)

16fbff No.2095977

File: a71a46c39274bed⋯.png (789.16 KB, 483x720, 161:240, 64c9bc191cdbf02fc978b6c3a7….png)


do i have to filter each one individually or can i set a global namefag filter

044d5e No.2095978


Thank you, was lost for a minute. Whew

496d88 No.2095979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Mike Thompson's 2014 vision showed him Trump was anointed by God in the 2016 election.

60f4a3 No.2095980

18eb4f wants to be Miss Bossy, the board police.

Fuck off with your control issues, eh? Free-thinking Anons do as they will. You are not in control of anyone but yourself. Deal with it.

3b218d No.2095981


Just because Congress moves at a snail's pace does not mean they aren't serious.

Just because we haven't heard what their next step is does not mean they aren't doing it. RR is going out, one way or another.

78aa5a No.2095982

File: 992ad629f4c05bd⋯.jpg (10.42 KB, 255x159, 85:53, 21b8cabd9e9bda1e7b21e4a879….jpg)

>>2095823 lb


2e1ac5 No.2095983


No bakes but go for it.

028788 No.2095984


Right. But a a nation on the cusp of a race/civil war is not notable because muh blue fucking check mark. Some bakers are absolute retards. Im juast going to wait for the handoff and hope fore a more sensible baker.

6e70d3 No.2095985


perfect thanks, i'm sick of that fucking faggot shitting up the boards.

fe74b6 No.2095987


brainwashed sheep, herd mentality? low self esteem? no social life? boys not interested?

mentally ill? many reasons i guess.

518eaf No.2095988

File: 4471c0fcee77b28⋯.jpg (122.58 KB, 580x360, 29:18, 447.jpg)


Get that one from Qresearch as well?

Just like the badge right?

Do you have any dank memes?

a55f67 No.2095989

>>2095972, see >>2095976

Present Baker is TZBaker

NewBaker knew who I was, so I'm asking who he is. We probably "know" each other, and NewBaker should know how to respond if we do.

718ab9 No.2095992

can an .so be created or edited to remove the name? understood it starts a precedent but just for this divide?

4a39eb No.2095993


Anon, I hardly ever filter, so I don't know. I think there is a way, but it's too much time wasted for me when I can just scroll on by…

179c53 No.2095994

File: 5249847c4aab9c0⋯.png (630.27 KB, 853x480, 853:480, Screenshot_2018-07-06 Rare….png)

File: be52a53f537623b⋯.png (956.88 KB, 1356x1363, 1356:1363, a9f854e941157d96d02afae1c8….png)

File: 6e0f0b616a0da71⋯.jpg (157.35 KB, 1272x666, 212:111, balauras.JPG)

File: 83700a6b4fab9e5⋯.jpg (194.06 KB, 1000x450, 20:9, (32)_Facebook-20130325-120….jpg)

File: 7757418a2eafd45⋯.jpeg (61.87 KB, 720x528, 15:11, Ary-pilot-chemtrails.jpeg)

996f0a No.2095995

File: e976f1848990a7e⋯.jpg (57.39 KB, 500x500, 1:1, e976f1848990a7ef46158f6a48….jpg)


AFLB was given permission to bake then went AWOL in middle of bake. Fuck you go die somewhere shill.

1225cb No.2095996

File: 5657b87280cee2f⋯.jpg (338.84 KB, 1200x1654, 600:827, a year from now.jpg)

File: 728dec86578686b⋯.jpg (552.04 KB, 1200x1728, 25:36, Drill.jpg)

3125c2 No.2095997



Covered repeatedly.

Civil suit filed by author of book about Clintons.

17d150 No.2095998

File: 17278071c8cbf85⋯.jpg (18.57 KB, 300x391, 300:391, 17278071c8cbf85493584bdcf4….jpg)


Has been in these threads MULTIPLE TIMES

7f602d No.2095999

File: 99209e0e8a5505d⋯.jpg (818.24 KB, 3334x2219, 3334:2219, Liberty.jpg)


>Being this scared of a Patriot

clowns will be clowns. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

c9933b No.2096000

Nigel Farage: "Given recent events, I will discuss my next political move on LBC at 7pm."

https:/ /twitter.com/Nigel_Farage/status/1016358876248203264

59f749 No.2096001


Wow! We have to be serious AddictAnons for feeling our way through all the breads to get caught up to the current one!

Watched that video many times.

Also, very interested

in the California Prophecies,

Gold, Stone, Remember the name…and then I think Kim says "A smaller statue?" Hard to tell with his South African accent sometimes.

a55f67 No.2096002


I fucked up. The bread moved way too fast, and I missed my "new bread" post. I had it ready, but just fucked up. My apologies.

496d88 No.2096003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Sadhu Sundar Selveraj's 2015 vision that Donald Trump would be the next US president and would clean up the evil that had infiltrated America.

95a762 No.2096004


“The rancid smell of rotten tuna scraps permeated the air,” my blind father recalled, as he shuffled by the protesters.

f7c163 No.2096005

File: b437a6577158f43⋯.jpeg (775.22 KB, 1146x1145, 1146:1145, 169CB838-71EE-4642-9E7A-D….jpeg)

last post of lb

LOL chemtrails

1e7bb8 No.2096006

File: bc96406b83376f5⋯.pdf (48.07 KB, In-Limine.pdf)


Here's the whole pleading.

I'm not a lawfag either, but it all depends on the judge.

376368 No.2096007



1225cb No.2096008

File: 076a4555336390a⋯.jpg (60.13 KB, 550x533, 550:533, brit.jpg)

03703e No.2096009

It would behoove you, Commander Q, to weigh in on the Seth Rich press conference tomorrow. Is this what we have been waiting for? I think we need to know. Thanks.

edfbb5 No.2096010

This >>2095624

The trend is to claim you are running for office and when you are arrested, they will cry you are taking the people's choice away for a future election. The whining will be ear splitting.

post is for the previous bread.

7f602d No.2096011


Lies, Lies, Lies.

17cb0b No.2096013

File: 07de2985a56492d⋯.png (89.84 KB, 839x581, 839:581, ClipboardImage.png)


we've worked together before…pic related is my past bakes.

60f4a3 No.2096014


You are much too hysterical to take seriously. We are NOT on the cusp of a civil war. Knock it off.

d44027 No.2096015

File: ffeea5c1f7e735a⋯.png (7.86 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 7d85847526d55d5976b9bc96e0….png)

"I'm not going to be ==ignored== Dan."

c1c932 No.2096016


Look, I'm relatively new, been lurking for months, posted a few times, mainly I mind my own business and come here for the latest news.

Someone has got to get control of the board. Even I can tell its all fucked up.

I hate to butt in where my inexperience is not wanted, but I can barely navigate anymore. WHERE THE FUCK IS THE NEW BREAD? The Notice Link does not go to new bread. I can never find it, or, I have to go through 4-5 loaves to get t the end. EVERY. FUCKING. TIME.

Please guys, get it together!

9ab130 No.2096018


You made my point genius. Holy shit I'm glad all anons aren't as fucking stupid as you.

3125c2 No.2096019










Can confirm. when namefagging, AFLB has been in the middle of repeated baker shitstorms.

2b8f46 No.2096020


I don't disagree, but I'm not sure impeachment will be the means of his removal. I'm just waiting with baited breath for Congress to WRITE ANOTHER LETTER AND SIGN IT!! And then run off to one of their houses that we paid for and rape some kids. We can totally trust Congress. And the FBI. And the DOJ. And the CIA. And our allies overseas. Governments in the UK, Canada, Mexico, Germany, France - totally our allies. We're in good hands, no worries.

044d5e No.2096021


It's alright. All good now, no worries.

496d88 No.2096022

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Trump fitting into Biblical prophecy as well as fitting the archetype of past Biblical, anointed leaders.

1225cb No.2096023

File: a76dc5b2f2c6702⋯.jpg (150.73 KB, 1024x724, 256:181, magic.jpg)


Thanks Baker

2b0a28 No.2096024

Hmmm Seth rich news day of mike flynns hearing this anons spider senses are tingling

518eaf No.2096025

File: b7f30176679ceb3⋯.gif (48.71 KB, 420x290, 42:29, 1527990432772.gif)


This is a false narrative, just like your Qresearch Meme.

Have any Dank Memes, bro?

11a153 No.2096026


Trump doesn't like government regulation. Hardiman loves Chevron Doctrine. Hardiman will not be chosen.

18cf7d No.2096027

File: 86d27b8b8e0806a⋯.jpg (408.7 KB, 1420x1600, 71:80, bearshark.jpg)



reposted aflb bread

9ced62 No.2096028


I made the badge ;)

Otherwise I meme when I see fit to. I don't do demands.

6b5cab No.2096029


Was there since day 1, seen it all unfold, and now broken catalog and shutdowns, there are 3 of them fucking things up and i'm getting sick of it. Division No Moar!

e3cdf1 No.2096030


No worries. Those are missing probably 30% of the time. :)

ab465c No.2096031


Great fucking idea. Let's select a SC justice partly because we'll be able to win feminism meme wars on twitter.

518eaf No.2096032


No you didn't.

5dbc04 No.2096033


Or AFLB just pipes up when everything is going to shit.

This board needs help.

e3619f No.2096034


hopefully these are just minor hiccups and we can get back to normal soon.

cb7a2b No.2096035

someone needs to update the link in bread #2624 ( one frozen on catalog) to this bread. and maybe update link every 2 breads.

There is no link to this current bread 2643, in last bread, 2642.

I found link in meta thread to current bread 2643.

028788 No.2096036




If >>2095896 was a notable maybe you would know what the fuck Im talking about.

2234ab No.2096037

File: 5d04d10f220fc61⋯.png (392.82 KB, 547x634, 547:634, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)

e1e881 No.2096038

File: 2e2b33c5b0b21a6⋯.gif (1.04 MB, 360x203, 360:203, Mind Blowing.gif)


>and has considered the recommendation of his sister, Judge Maryanne Trump Barry

Oh God that would explode a lot of heads.

a55f67 No.2096039


Handoff Confirmed

NewBaker, please respond to this handoff. I suggest you grab your own baker graphic so

other bakers know who you are.

>>2095983 Thanks, BV. If I fucked the bread number (#2642 or #2643), can you fix it? Also, can you add a "Fresh bread" somewhere at the end of the last bread? I missed my post.

47e4df No.2096040

File: 38abdedda943022⋯.png (301.67 KB, 593x426, 593:426, 1cfe6dabc4_Screen_Shot_201….png)

File: e22bdd34147e73c⋯.jpg (14.07 KB, 400x225, 16:9, images (11).jpg)

016a09 No.2096041


There's a feed of threads at https://8ch.net/qresearch/index.html

Find the one that doesn't have ~750 replies

9ced62 No.2096042


Keep telling yourself that ;)

6a7e28 No.2096043




f214ba No.2096044

>>2089118 The Tolerant Left Shows More Love

This video seems to be removed. I clicked on it earlier and it was gone.

Anyone have another link??

3b218d No.2096045


What's the date on it anon?

Do try to keep up.

7f602d No.2096046


Ding ding ding!

4ccff7 No.2096047


Hmmm… why would it "behoove" Q?

376368 No.2096048


Use index.

Scroll a bit.


496d88 No.2096049

File: a73808f777bfe9c⋯.png (537.9 KB, 1504x816, 94:51, Trump77.png)

File: 98e279f52383243⋯.jpg (199.58 KB, 1000x745, 200:149, Trump7.jpg)






Trump won the election with 304 EC votes: 3+0+4 = 7

Hillary had 227, giving him a 77 EC vote margin.

There were 7 faithless electors.

Trump won 7 of the key battle ground states. (OH, PA, NC, FL, MI, WI, IO).

Trump's birthday is June 14th, flag day, because Congress adopted the Stars & Stripes banner on June 14th, 1777

The year Trump took office was year 5777 on the Jewish calendar.

On the day Trump took office he was 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days old.

Trump's Supreme Court nominee wrote 777 opinions.

Trump's first press conference was 77 minutes long.

Other curiosities:

The name "Donald John Trump." Donald means "Great chief, world mighty." "John" means "God has shown favor." Trump meaning "Ranks above the rest." DJT's name can be said to mean a mighty world ruler, upon whom God has shown favor, who ranks above the rest.

Trump was born on flag day

He was briefly a carpenter, at work for his father.

His father's name was Frederick Christ Trump.

His ticket was "Trump/Pence," phonetically similar to "Trumpets."

a55f67 No.2096050


Handoff confirmed

>>2096039 See this, NewBaker

d439b4 No.2096051



for all the namefags except ebot

use it in subject for ebot

6b5cab No.2096052


Let me break the catalog, then i'll come in with a way to fix it!! Not Fooled

95a762 No.2096055

File: 295cb30d09184b6⋯.jpeg (98.97 KB, 723x500, 723:500, 2BE2BDD5-39D6-41C7-A997-7….jpeg)

File: 5d262af070ce208⋯.jpeg (34.2 KB, 278x181, 278:181, 69DEB8C9-57BF-49BD-88DB-A….jpeg)

File: 4d84bf5b34899aa⋯.jpeg (96.41 KB, 500x503, 500:503, AB78E736-3D11-4BE6-93BC-F….jpeg)

fe74b6 No.2096056

File: e8bbc6542d98f51⋯.jpg (278.21 KB, 2000x1123, 2000:1123, rancid.jpg)


here u go

c9933b No.2096057


Nigel Farage: "If the great Brexit betrayal isn't reversed, I'll have no choice but to return as Ukip leader"

https:// www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2018/07/09/great-brexitbetrayal-isnt-reversed-have-no-choice-return-ukip

b57244 No.2096058

File: 42bad9d791b4b50⋯.jpeg (307.02 KB, 800x507, 800:507, 718EDADA-85DD-4A07-9AE8-D….jpeg)

Here. Plenty to go around

17cb0b No.2096059



newbaker has the dough

bc0778 No.2096060


THIS is too meta-logical

47e4df No.2096061

File: 851632d5738123d⋯.jpg (498.23 KB, 2048x1383, 2048:1383, merlin_140437647_94279616-….jpg)

File: 2dacb1a2a7a75a3⋯.png (404.25 KB, 593x453, 593:453, ac854a2685_685.png)

84fd10 No.2096062

File: a0f6554f227b38e⋯.pdf (870.68 KB, HOW TO READ THE MAP 11.11.pdf)

Learn how to read the map Version 2 [PDF] 11.11

Learn how to read the map Version 1 [PDF] RED RED


77fa8d No.2096063

File: d4576b34a78e715⋯.png (1012.35 KB, 1269x544, 1269:544, TRUMP.PNG)

Pet Goat 2 video released 6/12/12. Pause it at 1:14. 3rd character from the left. Who is it? DONALD J. TRUMP. Wake up folks. It's all been planned for awhile. Got Jesus?


95a762 No.2096064


Fuckng kekking




004f0f No.2096065

File: bb791991efdf810⋯.png (271.89 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_8091.PNG)

File: 5e0eb1422575879⋯.png (117.5 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_8092.PNG)

>>2095820 (LB)

Found this pie post on his FB page…look at the reply…I very seriously doubt that was a typing error! These people are sick!

2234ab No.2096066

File: 770b858cb3236ee⋯.png (50.73 KB, 671x255, 671:255, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)

File: 7e7187c06554941⋯.png (273.68 KB, 959x708, 959:708, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)

File: 5da6930e96fb938⋯.png (278.58 KB, 946x676, 473:338, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)

File: b56c83b5d9a9d4d⋯.png (121.03 KB, 965x363, 965:363, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)



18cf7d No.2096067

who is muhsatan gonna elect tis evening, oh teh sweet irony of treason prez cia fagOTUS trannyshillin for pedoraptors frumpotus homo and his band of depraved faggots are really wasting their money on this chan board huh. serial killer and a serial larper , prol all the howler monkeys

60f4a3 No.2096068


Mea culpa. My bad, Anon.

0c7ff1 No.2096069

File: 3c43e1f46ecd734⋯.png (120.78 KB, 1016x717, 1016:717, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 611414da57881ac⋯.png (255.09 KB, 665x497, 95:71, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a29b8292136838b⋯.png (165.66 KB, 666x452, 333:226, ClipboardImage.png)



All 4 a LARP?

518eaf No.2096070

File: 0acf821e3627d0b⋯.jpg (38.51 KB, 597x585, 199:195, 0cd176f2a91ec9c8affefb3b42….jpg)


This guy is just part of the nut cup.

Any anon at this point in time is staying silent and out of this fight so that they can properly assess the situation.

And by the looks of it, its a bunch of nut cupping shills sucking on BOs dick to get special favors.

BO is probably a lower IQ chan so he is easy to get to cave in, but so long as he is honest and not arrogant about being the owner things will be smoooth.

BO? Who were the 6 million patriots who reported leaf bread in the first place?

Seemed like plenty of digging was going on during that time.

In fact there were less niggers nut cupping as well.

9ab130 No.2096071


You could always drop the name. But then how would (((they))) know who to make the check out to?

a55f67 No.2096072


Thanks. Sorry to leave with a fuck up. It is very late/early here. Godspeed, Baker.

17d150 No.2096074

File: 65c5a424d584e79⋯.png (333.76 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 483.png)



That would be Q taking 5 steps back if he did that. SR truth isn't going to be revealed at a Holiday Inn ffs

17cb0b No.2096075


>Thanks. Sorry to leave with a fuck up.

Shit happens…rest well. kek

03703e No.2096076

0c7ff1 No.2096077

File: c14e15d0a22c840⋯.png (384.8 KB, 1518x717, 506:239, ClipboardImage.png)



e9e512 No.2096078

830cd5 No.2096079


like yours for posting this. This is why day shift is pathetic

481ac1 No.2096080


Nothing new under the sun

8cff9a No.2096081

File: 51a7f0a4f8684cc⋯.png (146.09 KB, 342x394, 171:197, ClipboardImage.png)

CNN/MSNBC/NBC/CBS/ABC suck Hussein's STD covered dick for eight years but "Ohhhh Hannity and Trump are too close!" Funny I've never heard Hannity talk about getting a "thrill up his leg" when POTUS walked into a room! lmfao

CNN’s Stelter blasts Trump-Hannity relationship: 'Let's just underscore how weird this is' thehill.com/homenews/media/396010-cnns-stelter-blasts-trump-hannity-relationship-lets-just-underscore-how-weird

496d88 No.2096082


Will you link the California prophecies? I made another 6 or 7 posts in this bread of Christian Trump prophecies. Check them out if you haven't seen them all!

c7d61b No.2096084


The truest summation of the current board state.


c1c932 No.2096085



e1e881 No.2096086

File: 6d9fb6196683724⋯.jpg (279.94 KB, 640x610, 64:61, Pepe Machete'.jpg)



For WJC, that title reads:


535184 No.2096087


Anytime I see something like HUGE! MUST READ!, especially if the word Anon is thrown in but there is nothing but a link, I skip it. Yes I am responding to mention this but I didn’t bother with the link.

016a09 No.2096088



2b0a28 No.2096089

So as always anons with the storm of distractions right now what are we missing ?

03703e No.2096090

File: 35e07cca5056690⋯.jpg (132.66 KB, 1080x687, 360:229, Screenshot_20180709-174252….jpg)



Hope this helps.

c0209f No.2096091




aef02c No.2096092

File: 6ea4470cf14687c⋯.gif (925.3 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 153CFE3C-80FF-4911-AE13-EE….gif)


But somehow they keep breeding…

11a153 No.2096093


Trigger a feminist. My mom has a friend who thinks birth control will be declared unconstitutional. She says Trump is why she needs Xanax. Now she thinks he's gonna ban women from working. We just sat there while my mom read this letter from her friend, laughing our asses off.

18cf7d No.2096094

File: 7e530b21b276a26⋯.jpg (138.83 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Abraham Lincoln laser eyes….jpg)











2b8f46 No.2096095


Ah man, look at that fish! Rich people things are fun. Remember that time when they used the Clinton dinnerware to serve the PM of France and his rapist? Hah! Rich people are clever! I'm glad they look out for us.

588076 No.2096096

File: 80a543d2d95b2f8⋯.png (818.66 KB, 951x606, 317:202, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you Baker.

Tough times. Great job.

e3619f No.2096097


they are hating having less access and getting zero respect from POTUS. so instead of getting better, they are having a temper tantrum about it. like that will suddenly force POTUS and the rest of us to respect them.

CNN, respect is earned.

ab465c No.2096098


That's what Q foretells, and while I don't disagree that is in their playbook, it hasn't occurred yet. The article is not about that. It's about being prevented from office for conviction of certain crimes against national security. By the time she's convicted of unpaid parking tickets, 2020 will be in the past, so it's irrelevant. If she is convicted, we don't need to worry about people's choice issues because she'll be incarcerated in 2020. Well, unless she gets the Awan treatment.

17d150 No.2096099



At least you learned to stop saying you've been here since November

2234ab No.2096101


Book is on Child Trafficking


8cff9a No.2096102


>CNN/MSNBC/NBC/CBS/ABC suck Hussein's STD covered dick for eight years but "Ohhhh Hannity and Trump are too close!"

Fake news MSM sucked Hussein off more than Larry Sinclair!

Sinclair: I did oral sex and coke with Obama https://fellowshipoftheminds.com/2012/04/16/sinclair-i-performed-oral-sex-and-smoked-coke-with-obama/

63d329 No.2096103

File: 5b911a6a36a0d9b⋯.jpg (111.7 KB, 720x1052, 180:263, DhpS2HEVMAUcWY5.jpg)


It's an helper or what?

fe74b6 No.2096105


beer goggles and any port in a storm?

376368 No.2096106


It's a larp.

a7c9b3 No.2096107


thinking the same thing^


the fuck are you on about… relax. take some deep breaths

6fa9cc No.2096108

File: 8cec90615de19f2⋯.png (20.94 KB, 252x255, 84:85, fa50cc67f64f8512bb499f6286….png)

59f749 No.2096109

File: 9b27c7461d83e1f⋯.png (252.49 KB, 955x695, 191:139, Screenshot_160.png)

4ccff7 No.2096110


I asked you why you wrote something, in all seriousness. Is it possible you could reply, in all seriousness?

291e5e No.2096111

File: ac9013612871d7a⋯.png (53.51 KB, 469x491, 469:491, n-screen-sys.8ch.net-2018-….png)

11a153 No.2096112


"Being in the custody of the United States Bureau of Prisons until your death sentence is carried out precludes you from holding public office."

59f749 No.2096113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

286d54 No.2096114

File: 3bf36149d7dde94⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1538x840, 769:420, ClipboardImage.png)

Just the tip…

0ccc5d No.2096115

File: 224c1dc6d819c48⋯.jpg (54.89 KB, 508x505, 508:505, russel.JPG)

looks like its him to me..


6a7e28 No.2096116



f5cdcf No.2096117

File: 9e7d5a84b9557c9⋯.png (10.29 KB, 255x171, 85:57, dabc9e89fb605f55eb6cb7faf8….png)


FUCKING KEK! adding to tweetcannons.

2b8f46 No.2096118


Fox News is better? Hannity is better? Every news channel and news host in this country is utter shit. Thanks for keeping us informed! We can totally trust the media too. They work for us!

0c7ff1 No.2096119


Pulled from which twitter account?

bf91f5 No.2096120


Dems battle Trump before he names high court pick; Pelosi vows to 'avenge President Obama'


38a474 No.2096121

File: d1fb970d9628da0⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2330f66ff2a2979⋯.png (746.74 KB, 1161x813, 387:271, ClipboardImage.png)


18cf7d No.2096122

File: 9f96ea6df5f77a2⋯.jpg (157.01 KB, 1111x719, 1111:719, trustwillis.jpg)



and the betrayer was dragged along the journey

830cd5 No.2096123

This board has become redundant due to its lack of getting any real research done. President Trump is now reaching a high enough % threshold where his tweets will be comprehended without the necessity of your 'decoding'.

16fbff No.2096124

File: 69bcfd96b032f86⋯.png (786.44 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 34534534547777744.png)

59f749 No.2096125





I posted that screen shot to show you where Kim starts speaking about California. @29:13 or so.

e522bc No.2096126


She'd prolly make an awesome choice too. But seriously doubt Trump will go there.

3b218d No.2096127


hahaha… yeah, no worries…

90% Congress is corrupt.

I think Gowdy, Nunes, Jordan, Goodlatte, etc are going to push this hard. Know what you're saying about the past. Send a ltr, wait a month, send another ltr, blah, blah . blah. Not this time. They finally have the backing of the whole House. I think they have to vote fo draw up a ltr of impeachment, but not sure. Waiting until tonight to see if one of them speak out.

022d3f No.2096128

File: ab90ff4d9dd96dc⋯.jpg (280.96 KB, 1025x549, 1025:549, pied piper be careful who ….jpg)

aef02c No.2096129


Plausible, made me happy nonetheless 🍿

03703e No.2096130


Maybe so, and wouldn't it be nice to hear that from Q? He said ETA June, here we are with something interdasting a few days into July.

And I don't make a habit of telling Q what he cannot do. If he wants the leak to come from a 60 year old Nepalese hooker I dont care as long as it grows legs.

18cf7d No.2096131


corsi pays more if you show him your dinky

4a39eb No.2096133


Looks to me like Mueller is trying to keep the histories of his tag-team of prosecutorial predators from being brought before the jury.

If I'm the defendant in the case, and the TEAM trying me have gone far outside the scope of their intended focus and also evidence a history of malicious or predatory prosecution, I'm going to raise this issue, on appeal if nothing else.

Mueller's trying to claim the truth about his team would prejudice a jury. Well, no shit.

496d88 No.2096134


Thank you!

c19104 No.2096135

Damn, anons. This shit's been crazy with the breads.

>Attacks will increase

(((They))) really are pathetic. What it is they have to gain by all this, I'll never understand. What a bunch of wastes of life.

2b8f46 No.2096137


I hope you're right. I'm having a bad 'trust the plan' day. So frustrated.

586158 No.2096138

Couch talking about new Seth Rich stuff


4ccff7 No.2096140


I know the definition, slider. How is it for his or our own good. I can't see it.

16fbff No.2096141

File: f7182f39c03279e⋯.png (531.24 KB, 614x338, 307:169, uykghjkgjkghj.PNG)


bc0778 No.2096142


Lame and fake GAYLARP

78aa5a No.2096143


bible is the script. writers were white-hat apostles and 'prophets', written in code to confuse both sides/give each 'hope', script was epic in size and scope, we are near the ending, won't be a cliffhanger, Q anon has received advanced copy of ending to reconcile with original script, movie has been shot/edited and is in the can, test teasers sent, may need to force greater interest, new trailers may be needed, when audience interest is piqued premiere will be announced, audience will gather, curtain will be raised, popcorn machines humming….

3125c2 No.2096144


Q will not post during this period of time.

The catalog isn’t even working FFS.

95a762 No.2096145


>Pelosi vows to 'avenge President Obama'

t. Delay the inevitable release of pelosis treasonous actions and those of her party

2234ab No.2096146



85f5ac No.2096147

File: aa7ca4d5133a123⋯.png (445.76 KB, 839x913, 839:913, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a7e0a4bb1defbfc⋯.png (33.03 KB, 820x407, 820:407, ClipboardImage.png)

House Judiciary Committee Subpoenas Trump-Hating FBI Lawyer Lisa Page

The House Judiciary Committee Subpoenaed Trump-hating FBI lawyer Lisa Page to appear in a closed-door interview with lawmakers Wednesday.

It is unclear if Lisa Page will appear.


6b5cab No.2096148


Exactly, confirmation they are on the board fucking things up and to be seen to GET PAID,




fake Q=name

Oh wait,never mind, it's just a coincidence

0c7ff1 No.2096149

File: f9158884b32a9ab⋯.png (13.04 KB, 776x371, 776:371, ! ! ! Trips.png)



518eaf No.2096150


You can't silence anons.

What is moar CONCERNING would be the fact that shills are not taking this opportunity to shill on both sides.


Because they like their lease on BO, the ultimate attention namefag.

Mother fucker caves under 6 million patriots? What fucking anons are seriously reporting leaf bread that much? Fucking kikes petitioning hate speech laws is what.

The shills like this soft moderation.

They love being able to nut cup and parade as anons, posting memes they literally just download from here and repost to claim legitimacy.

c14bbd No.2096151


works for me

2e1ac5 No.2096152

File: 9ba10320d88d368⋯.png (222.74 KB, 664x744, 83:93, hello_tubby.png)


Digits Confirm. Pic Related.

004f0f No.2096153

File: 8a3be9e869efa84⋯.jpg (86.33 KB, 604x592, 151:148, IMG_8081.JPG)


What I don't get is why BO allowed someone like this to be BV to a board as this important that Q posts on…especially after the numerous ban cycles & BO having to unban Anons & make things right again & again. It made me think that maybe we never got rid of the actual moderators from CBTS but just got rid of the board.

AFLB is definitely comped & since her BV privileges have been taken away…now the whole board can see it. It would be nice if Q could actually make their own board for Anon to post research on & dig & could be monitored by trustworthy people who have been vetted properly.

Hopefully Q will post soon & AFLB will finally understand that this movement isn't about herself….but I doubt that will happen since we a dealing with a mentally ill retarded FagTwat!

11a153 No.2096154


>Mueller's trying to claim the truth about his team would prejudice a jury. Well, no shit.

To paraphrase JK Rowling, hahaha haha hahahaha hahaha hahaha *long breath* haha hahahahaha hahaha

f53e74 No.2096155


Some of his page looks like he is a POTUS supporter too? Never thought that would happen.

e1e881 No.2096156

File: 41f218c80f00213⋯.jpg (32.09 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Photoshop.jpg)


Fake and gay. Pic related is real.

59f749 No.2096158


Maybe this is the BEST Time for Q to post!

I mean the only ones on the board are the determined die hards!

49de77 No.2096159


Kinda reminds me of when the principal would want talk to us…. one at a time.

588076 No.2096160

File: 7a56215e72ae79d⋯.jpg (11.2 KB, 360x240, 3:2, crybaby.jpg)


>CNN/MSNBC/NBC/CBS/ABC suck Hussein's STD covered dick for eight years but "Ohhhh Hannity and Trump are too close!" Funny I've never heard Hannity talk about getting a "thrill up his leg" when POTUS walked into a room! lmfao

>CNN’s Stelter blasts Trump-Hannity relationship

That Stelter is a fucking crybaby cunt.

Can't wait to see him in jail.

351627 No.2096161

File: 5f18a0b3e227473⋯.jpg (30.68 KB, 590x251, 590:251, DhsXRZNW0AAnsk-.jpg)

File: f5e5c5ef1fe38b2⋯.jpg (11.29 KB, 1080x173, 1080:173, DhsXRiCXcAI_s8m.jpg)

291e5e No.2096162

>>2096059 ← Trusted baker, I know him.


Edited post from other bread.

022d3f No.2096163


Expose them all!

518eaf No.2096164

File: 2b1b9c60fb6429a⋯.gif (496.38 KB, 500x455, 100:91, 2b1b9c60fb6429ac47553fe955….gif)


So we check digits only when it suits your needs?

Try harder.

18cf7d No.2096165

File: b0278d4e21984a3⋯.jpg (86.26 KB, 467x238, 467:238, allahreturns.jpg)


your mama

1225cb No.2096166

File: 3b2dc8b80d9e091⋯.jpg (11.19 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 3b2dc8b80d9e0919eaa52281a7….jpg)

File: 5a7a821ab50c847⋯.jpg (59.86 KB, 480x449, 480:449, 5a7a821ab50c84700d7e0698b8….jpg)

c0209f No.2096167


please put a link to the new bread in this bread

thank you

0f19a9 No.2096168

Was wondering if QTeam wanted the board to be messed up to keep out the riffraff.

78aa5a No.2096169

File: 44351490e5fcd3b⋯.jpg (7.21 KB, 180x180, 1:1, 44351490e5fcd3b2baf5f63319….jpg)

File: 9a7e09869645b89⋯.png (27.62 KB, 776x480, 97:60, 9a7e09869645b89b6057fc11e9….png)

59f749 No.2096170


I like Grizzly Bear surfing on a Great White and going full auto with a machine gun!

991523 No.2096171


Oh that sweet smell of jealousy.

e9d843 No.2096172


HIllary Cum

518eaf No.2096173



Maybe you wouldn't stay up for fucking 48 hours if you had a useful moderator?

Maybe you would get some fucking sleep if you didn't remove your only effective moderator?

2b0a28 No.2096174


Operations going on in,background something huge

668066 No.2096175


was thinking about writing something very similar anon..it's not the catalog that fucks with my head..it's the all over complacency that GEOTUS tells us in every rally shouldn't eat us up..we have a job to do here..we need disciplined anons to do it..i miss the full blown autism..we have a week full of wonders ahead of us and i don't see anons even dig on last week..the notables section was full of daily news..the number of real digs or even dig attempts was fuckin low..your board elitism in all honor..but this is still the great awakening..

FUCK THE SHILLS don't engage, newfags.

ANONS get your shit together. why wouldn't you.

there were several topics today in notables that were good starters

but not the 42nd post of seth rich murder whitnesses..fuck that noise..that's what i mean with discipline..

so now..hit me with your kys shit..

let's get back to work anons. it's our ship..we'll never give it up.

85f5ac No.2096176

File: 1366d0ceba0d6a5⋯.png (363.18 KB, 902x826, 451:413, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1125af4a663e7de⋯.png (296.12 KB, 920x715, 184:143, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81781304cd02cc0⋯.png (390.39 KB, 582x854, 291:427, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 727a914c25948ab⋯.png (296.04 KB, 938x819, 134:117, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2267018a2c72f0⋯.png (71.71 KB, 940x534, 470:267, ClipboardImage.png)

Soldiers And Secret Agents' Names And Home Addresses Exposed By Fitness Tracker


95a762 No.2096177


Michael Bays new movie…?

c9933b No.2096178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS Exposing Christian Genocide!


8cff9a No.2096179

e522bc No.2096180



I don't know but I like the way this guy thinks!

e3c319 No.2096182


Boris Johnson looks like how a British sketch comedy show would portray Donald Trump.

59f749 No.2096183

File: 3d9da0ae3f95384⋯.png (90.21 KB, 197x197, 1:1, Screenshot_161.png)







2e1ac5 No.2096185

File: ce029b32e64ad8f⋯.png (289.63 KB, 655x945, 131:189, what.png)


>Oy Vey they're not playing fair.

6a44e0 No.2096186

File: 892270e6d0fcc5f⋯.png (562.14 KB, 4000x2250, 16:9, 470-01.png)

File: 53b54f381c66b36⋯.png (275 KB, 2614x1090, 1307:545, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)


How is it fake news?

b57244 No.2096187


Someone gonna torch a Holiday Inn tonight

85f5ac No.2096188

File: 431d775f067e35d⋯.png (154.66 KB, 688x915, 688:915, ClipboardImage.png)

China ‘Quietly' Conducts Electronic Warfare Tests in South China Sea


2234ab No.2096189

File: 99d8cbb19a8318b⋯.png (197.06 KB, 528x334, 264:167, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)

File: 9e7ed04af7794d5⋯.png (253.09 KB, 546x514, 273:257, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)

File: 3adfc7e5eb31e01⋯.png (697.22 KB, 919x617, 919:617, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)

File: eb413db80005e76⋯.png (615.83 KB, 922x617, 922:617, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)


518eaf No.2096191


Not sure what this is proving?

But thanks for the reposts.

I am honored.

b950db No.2096192

Can you all take a moment and imagine for a second the fucking face the dems and their brainwashed idiots are going to make when the veil is lifted and they get their rough awakening ?

I cannot wait.

c1c932 No.2096193

File: 8831c300727a951⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 2592x1936, 162:121, IMG_3397.JPG)



My name is not Patrick. I have been here about a year and made the usual mistakes while learning to navigate. Truth be told, I am a 61 yo female. Aging hippie. I voted Democrat my entire life until the left went tooooo far. Now I am a raging Conservative. I support Trump and I LOVE Q. I'm in Everett, WA.

For proof, I took a photo of my hand. Do those nails look like they belong to a Patrick?

If you shill me again with this doubtfag crap, I will post a photo of a 61 yo cunt. Leave me alone.

Yes, I have been paying attention, and this is the first time I have called someone out.

405d41 No.2096194

flynn jr talking about a witness to seth rich killers on twitter

17d150 No.2096195

File: a117dc7711ab8ab⋯.jpg (46.63 KB, 494x494, 1:1, 1502682997765.jpg)


If you are the same anime anon from the past few late late nights, I will be so upset. You were always so level headed & funny. The past few threads makes me think you are just posting to imply that you are the same, but in fact are not.

Please tell me you just happen to be posting similar pics & are not the same person & that I should go eat a dick

351627 No.2096196


Someone did recently try to murder that Burkman guy.

2b8f46 No.2096197


We have to keep it behind closed doors. Secrets are fun. Let's let the rich, smart, and important people take care of this. Or law enforcement! I love when they do these things and don't put anyone under oath. Even the subpoena isn't public - knowledge like that isn't for us. The FBI has totally got this covered.

3125c2 No.2096198


The most prolific riffraff seems to have found their way…

There are fewer though, just that the ones we have are spamming.

9719f0 No.2096199

>>2095953 The pace of our victory march is just fine. No need to destroy anything; let these subhumans crawl off into their safe spaces after DJT dunks in their faces 1,000 days in a row, and just shrivel up into dust. And the 15 million hopeless losers can take their pick:

1. Kill yourself

2. Refuse to work and starve to death

3. Work in the fields under supervision of your betters.

4. Work some other menial job " "

5. Try to fight your betters, who will quickly slaughter you.

6. Pass multiple tests that prove you have seen the light

and been rehabilitated.

417783 No.2096200

File: 3d1fced56486e92⋯.webm (2.63 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, hannibal lector anime hen….webm)

267449 No.2096201

File: 7116110089d27ed⋯.jpg (66.62 KB, 1046x588, 523:294, KimClement.jpg)

b1b992 No.2096202

What's with Kimberly gobbling that cake like there is no tomorrow? Hungry much?

c4e498 No.2096204


>Operations going on in,background something huge

want to bet WHO the witness is MY GUESS..IA….which explains something MANY of you were bitching about last week….I'm just back in after last night so maybe missed that discussion.

14e2e7 No.2096205

China ‘Quietly' Conducts Electronic Warfare Tests in South China Sea

This comes after a US Navy pilot told GMA News that their EA-18G Growler had encountered Chinese jamming technology when traveling through the South China Sea in April.


'''Brain injury, sound-attack fears spread in China as more Americans evacuated

Officials are still baffled amid new cases and reports of abnormal sounds, sensations.'''

The new cases in Cuba bring the total number of Americans affected there to 26.

The most common of those symptoms included cognitive impairment, balance issues, visual and hearing problems, sleep trouble, and headaches.


18cf7d No.2096206

File: c3331528e9a0fc2⋯.jpg (63.75 KB, 680x440, 17:11, whatwilliswastalkingabout.jpg)








95a762 No.2096207


“…come out to plaaaaay!”

4ccff7 No.2096208


You know what? Strike that. You lured me into a slide and I fell for it just trying to get you to answer a question about something YOU said. Frankly, I don't care enough to continue the slide. I'm already embarrassed I caused this much sliding.


4e5641 No.2096210

File: e791c767ccb8ecd⋯.png (17.17 KB, 462x210, 11:5, ClipboardImage.png)


7/17 is 111 days after this.

Fingers crossed.

2e1ac5 No.2096211


>Bring back my leafbitch

You can cry and shill all day and the answer is still "No".

2234ab No.2096213

File: f4a54fa9f991edf⋯.png (328.58 KB, 567x697, 567:697, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)

It's all downhill from here!

59f749 No.2096214

File: f6ac8dd8f84b14c⋯.png (5.91 KB, 384x330, 64:55, Screenshot_162 - Copy.png)

351627 No.2096215

File: 9df0d0fc360c159⋯.jpg (241.2 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, DhsaQufU8AA5QjI.jpg)

9ab130 No.2096216


It is starting to look more and more like BO is comped as well. Maybe CM too. The board has been fucked up for days. I'm a programmer. It's not that fucking hard to fix. I think at this point we may be seeing the beginning of the end for this board. I warned anons about the fuckery on CBTS back then and I'm doing it again now. Nothing is getting done and the little that has been done is being ignored. Qresearch is done. Sad.

03703e No.2096217


Look, elephant in the room, confusion over Q's AF1 pics caused a lot of trouble here and it's not completely done. Q knows what happened to Seth or he's a complete liar… which I do not believe for a minute. So Q knows if tomorrow will be something or it won't. "Predicting" that today, before the event, would help a lot of people in my opinion.

022d3f No.2096218

Anybody see this? Another Disney World incident.

Disney employee killed in accident near Pop Century Resort, authorities say

Walt Disney World employee was killed in an accident, the company confirmed on Monday.

The Reedy Creek Fire Department responded to an unconscious man identified as Juan Alberto Ojeda, 33, who was unresponsive at 1153 Century Drive, near Disney’s Pop Century Resort. He was declared dead at the scene shortly after 9 a.m., according to Orange County Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Ingrid Tejada-Monforte.

“All of us at Walt Disney World Resort are deeply saddened today by the loss of one of our Cast Members,” Walt Disney World Resort president George A. Kalogridis said in a statement. “Our thoughts and concerns are with his family, friends, and fellow co-workers.”

He said the company would be providing resources for people impacted by the accident and they are working with authorities to determine the circumstances of the employee’s death.


496d88 No.2096219


As in the worst is over, you think?

ab7e51 No.2096220

File: 3a292743509d104⋯.jpg (15.51 KB, 255x211, 255:211, Pepe-Wut.jpg)

3c6bd7 No.2096221

File: 7aa339f1902d390⋯.png (352.2 KB, 419x610, 419:610, IMG_0671.PNG)

f34387 No.2096222

a4ae05 No.2096223

Anyone have a link to 2642?

3b341b No.2096224


The Nepalese hooker is 73 and an amputee.

34da3b No.2096225

File: ea2b709e0f43206⋯.png (295.99 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, podesta_cave_boys_thailand.png)

e3c319 No.2096226

File: f8f844273b063ac⋯.gif (1.22 MB, 270x203, 270:203, barf.gif)

e9e512 No.2096227


Nice nails.

780e7c No.2096228


that anon better back off.


78aa5a No.2096229


we were told 'you are watching a movie'. when i think of it in those terms, it makes sense to me. maybe not for everyone. i've also found many other analogies/allegories through my digs that show similar correlations to things entirely different than movies…but they all lead to the same ending.

god wins.

god won.

85f5ac No.2096230

File: 7d09f06ca049b8a⋯.png (52.65 KB, 751x632, 751:632, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fbec2ac89d47661⋯.png (453.1 KB, 746x902, 373:451, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d9c2319ee20703⋯.png (39.94 KB, 762x519, 254:173, ClipboardImage.png)

Pelosi vows to 'avenge President Obama' in Supreme Court fight



9ced62 No.2096231

File: 6368ac1a38f32fd⋯.png (3.25 MB, 2222x1899, 2222:1899, 6368ac1a38f32fd17ce643199a….png)


Tits or GTFO. You just destroyed whatever cred you thought you had. Pic related.

a84110 No.2096232

File: fb47cba7f1af60d⋯.png (923.77 KB, 860x1930, 86:193, possible SK destabilizatio….png)

Stumbled upon this. Is the cabal running a destabilization operation, in an attempt to derail any progress towards North-South Korea peace and unification?

b74f8b No.2096233

File: 29b4ae020721581⋯.jpg (69.99 KB, 1400x860, 70:43, UTVIULFNCPXSPP67ZSCBT7KZEI.jpg)

Scott Adams. Great explanation of the left & POTUS twat!

Speaks volumes Ladds.



bc0778 No.2096234


BUSTED: Unearthed Video from Chicago Church Shows Barack Obama Making Fun of the Bible, Mocking Jesus


3125c2 No.2096235


It’s a fucking civil suit that means jack shit.


We discussed it thoroughly 3 FUCKING weeks ago.

95a762 No.2096236


You better attend that shit nigga

2b0a28 No.2096237


Thats why I didnt bitch about that wonder if awan has been a mole tbh why did he leave his laptop where it could be found

59f749 No.2096238


Lots of stuff Kim said that still gives me the chills!

1e7bb8 No.2096239

File: 7a0b02e94dd49d1⋯.png (286.55 KB, 1120x406, 80:29, www_google_maps_place_Holi….png)

1638f8 No.2096240

File: a2e4ce42af64b0b⋯.png (567.51 KB, 901x773, 901:773, pepe25.PNG)



I like the way you think Anon.

e9e512 No.2096241


cry me a river nance.

518eaf No.2096242

File: 0f918f49d8fd8bf⋯.gif (633.85 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 39ab94f5eadeb8946588183733….gif)


The fuck do you think I am?

The fuck do you think I am?


Fucking Hell, why don't you realize what we are fighting for right now?

Why am I suddenly not so fucking funny?

Sorry anon, but sometimes we need to stand up and let our voices be heard.

Ours is the anthem on which whole worlds shall be built, we are the effigy of change and creation.

From darkness to light, let it be known, that we the people took a stand and stood together.

That justice is not blind, and that evil only exist when good men fail to act.

Stand with us, show no fear!



16fbff No.2096243

File: 4da9bf286d415f7⋯.png (167.14 KB, 418x229, 418:229, asdfsdafsdafsdfasdfweqdrqr….PNG)

bec25c No.2096244

File: 27a2a2bf3af3e56⋯.png (567.9 KB, 839x1165, 839:1165, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)

Netanyahu to visit Putin

To talk about keeping Iranian proxies/Syrian rebel groups away from its Southern border


16ee29 No.2096245


Sometimes the bear eats you and the other the bear gets eaten. Get'em PATRICIA. LOL

c14bbd No.2096246

I wonder- Has anyone used applied reverse speech technology to listen for hidden messages in Trump's speeches?

74bb5e No.2096247


OK, all done re-reading all of the Baker's previous breads. Here are my IG report findings:

Baker, QR1788 was the one where you took over past halfway for the baker that had to bow out because he had the runs. You should probably take that one out of your graphic to be completely above board with us. Otherwise, keep up the good work especially like in Q1769 when Muh Dik guy got out of hand & in QR2291-QR2294 fighting back the gay pr0n Tet Offensive.

93e8b3 No.2096248


>No bakes

that you can see in the catalog or your listings which only go back how far?

I like the way the good bakers are coming back now that there is some form of verification of baking record.

17d150 No.2096249


He is just mad he didn't get his bald head rubbed by Obama. And is also pissed that the only competition at their level is CNN & Food Network

03703e No.2096250


Let's simmer this down, I do not understand how discussion and digging into SR would EVER be a slide. If I am missing something massive here, please let me know.

2234ab No.2096251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a7c9b3 No.2096252


ohhh shit she went there


e1e881 No.2096253

File: 8c8b32d2a7922fa⋯.jpg (139.92 KB, 680x680, 1:1, Pepe Blinding.jpg)


>It is unclear if Lisa Page will appear.

Bullshit, utter and complete bullshit. Send the federal Marshall's over, cuff her ass and fucking frog march the cunt into the hearing room.

Treat her like Mueller would godammit.

351627 No.2096254


nigga I ain't leavin my secluded cabin innawoods til all this shit blows over. I got enough tendies for 4 years.

fa957f No.2096256

File: fca3d17d04e92a3⋯.jpg (134.67 KB, 693x520, 693:520, _w0fj6523yeq.jpg)


2 years ago tomorrow. Time does fly..

0843ee No.2096257


Bring out the cunt, I dare ya

fe2956 No.2096258


I agree. I read about the Great Awakening today on Wikipedia and it explicitly said that God was the uniting force during the American Revolution among the Patriots.

17cb0b No.2096259

1st call for notables


>>2095896 "Boer" land in S. Africa to be expropriated?

>>2096066 Judicial Watch sues over Mueller abuse

>>2096120 Pelosi vows to 'avenge President Obama' (re: SCOTUS)

>>2096147 House Judiciary Committee Subpoenas Trump-Hating FBI Lawyer Lisa Page

>>2096176 Soldiers And Secret Agents' Names And Home Addresses Exposed By Fitness Tracker

>>2096188 China ‘Quietly' Conducts Electronic Warfare Tests in South China Sea

>>2096244 Netanyahu to visit Putin

403dcf No.2096260


KEK worthy.

fe74b6 No.2096261

File: 64d492b49c4aadf⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.06 MB, 3160x2403, 3160:2403, TITSORGTFO.jpg)


nice hands for your age but rules r rules

471cb5 No.2096262

Found the active bread! WWG1WGA

6a7e28 No.2096263


I was hoping nobody would do this.

18cf7d No.2096264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


95a762 No.2096265

File: 4ba104bc9e214b4⋯.jpeg (755.93 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 5F7F8C38-0839-48FD-83C6-7….jpeg)

File: 7c5a6933e7c5023⋯.jpeg (791.6 KB, 1092x1795, 1092:1795, 3C35AC01-980B-4D3D-AB52-E….jpeg)

File: 5485649a71d9d22⋯.jpeg (131.36 KB, 675x900, 3:4, C4C66B96-9AD9-4BAE-B37D-5….jpeg)

File: 3c2083c45773540⋯.jpeg (279.29 KB, 900x1243, 900:1243, 4962A2D0-2611-4F58-94D4-5….jpeg)

File: 02e29269a41c69e⋯.jpeg (167.29 KB, 679x844, 679:844, 7245BD29-BC2B-4FAA-9791-D….jpeg)

3b218d No.2096266


I understand. Think we have all been there, multiple times. What helps me is re reading certain crumbs. Mid June has some very interesting ones and when Q says there will be Justice, I can feel the resolve in him.

RR is gonna try the best he can to delay giving anything to Congress as long as possible. Whether he finally gives them the docs that shows he is directly involved with the Russia collusion and SC, or he forces them to remove him, it's likely not going to happen for a few weeks at least.

A whole lot can happen in 4 weeks.

Oh yeah, U1 and Russia stuff will be coming out after the Summit with Putin. That's something to look forward to.

bc0778 No.2096267


Noice! Hit em with a French Manicure if you get any more trouble.

60f863 No.2096268

File: 2071acaff7ba7eb⋯.jpeg (34.46 KB, 224x255, 224:255, 1AEAE7F1-36F7-4373-AF2B-6….jpeg)


Trolling is fun

3a231e No.2096269


> I am a 61 yo female. Aging hippie.

shills come in all shapes and sizes.

i havent read any of your posts but that one, there is no reason to tell us your age gender ideaology, all useless, you are trying to qualify yourself with that shit, its all shit.

thats why we are all anons here nothing more. we qualify our positions with reason and logic.

not with gender age or whatever other stereotype you identify with, all useless crap.

if you cant make your point as a genderless ageless anon like the rest of us, then you have a shit point

2234ab No.2096270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8cff9a No.2096271

Exclusive – Texas Poll: Ted Cruz, Greg Abbott Smoking Democrat Opponents

Both of the Republicans’ job approval ratings are solid in the state, too.

Cruz, up for re-election this year, is 9% ahead Democratic challenger Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX).

At 51%, Cruz towers overs O’Rourke’s 42%–

with just 7% undecided.

A whopping 47% either strongly or somewhat approve of Cruz’s job performance,

while just 44% either strongly or somewhat disapprove

10% uncertain.

In the governor’s race, Abbott fares even better–leading his Democratic challenger Lupe Valdez by 10%.

Abbott’s 51% is much better than Valdez’s 41%,

with 8% undecided.

Even more–52%–either strongly or somewhat approve of Abbott’s performance,

while just 39% either strongly or somewhat disapprove

9% uncertain.


0e9365 No.2096272

File: c60a7b60efffac1⋯.png (401.25 KB, 579x429, 193:143, c60a7b60efffac11b97918fd85….png)

3125c2 No.2096273



Excellent work gram.

17d150 No.2096274


Don't forget to tell her that all Gay people will be sent to re-education camps.

0c7ff1 No.2096275

DO NOT LOSE FOCUS ON >>>/PatriotsFight/

e3619f No.2096276


shhhh….let the newfag have their moment.

9ced62 No.2096277

376368 No.2096278


The phrase "glutton for punishment" comes to mind. Please no missy.

0c7ff1 No.2096279

989fad No.2096280

>>2095564 "Listen, two men killed in South Carolina ONE DAY after Seth Rich Killed in a dbl homicide..."

Info on Clinton campaign aid (one of two):

Rafael Aguilar, age 31

Occupation: Clinton 2016 campaign aid


3b341b No.2096281


But he’s one of theirs. And until today he was Foreign Secretary. Jokes on them, no?

f9bc39 No.2096282


see >>2096231


we are all anon, no one cares about your hand

ac0212 No.2096283

File: 434e2fefdd652db⋯.png (770.51 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2018-07-09 (12).png)


77110e No.2096284

File: fbac5ef79e9b5ed⋯.gif (665.88 KB, 480x244, 120:61, Applause_Kobe.gif)

2b8f46 No.2096285


Umm no. If she doesn't want to appear then she won't. Just like if they don't want to hand over servers, they won't. You're mistaken if you think this country's justice system/law enforcement works at all (unless you're one of the slaves). It's super effective if you're down here at the bottom of the pyramid with the rest of us.

9cccf8 No.2096287


Prophecies are not predictions…see Jeremiah. They are designed to induce repentance and are conditional. God's word of future events have already been given. Prophets will come to WARN…be wary of this stuff.

518eaf No.2096288

File: f603bc57e73e137⋯.gif (1005.74 KB, 500x282, 250:141, 3yJvv8O.gif)


You faggots are seriously going to call this newfag a shill?


What's wrong? Too low energy? Can't keep up?

Fucking nut cup not working?







17d150 No.2096289

File: 6f766332e3fea5b⋯.jpg (39.21 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 6f766332e3fea5bca1ac6c1d0a….jpg)


Retarded & Gay just like anyone who calls anything someone posts in short sentences a "Helper"

18cf7d No.2096290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


bb7ca7 No.2096291

Apparently, the FBI sources and methods include lying to Congress.

No wonder [[[RR]]] won’t turn over the documents.

“The reason that the FBI and DOJ will not hand over copies of documents is because this way they can change or alter documents provided to different sources to hide their crimes.

These actions go against honest and transparent reporting.  Whenever an auditor or inspector is reviewing documentation and an error or fraud is uncovered, immediately a copy of the document is obtained for evidence.  This provides cover for any misunderstandings and cover-ups in the future.  By not providing documentation to Congress, the FBI and DOJ enable themselves to commit more crimes by falsifying documents or creating multiple versions of the same document to cover up their crimes.  It appears that Congress has caught them doing just that.

Redacting documents to cover up crimes or creating two sets of books to hide illegal acts are both criminal acts.  The criminals in the FBI and DOJ cannot be put in prison soon enough!”



18eb4f No.2096292

Can you Filter ID+ from Options > Filters? I don't see a way.

a5ca76 No.2096293



BAKER…can you put a link to the next bread at the top along with the usual link at the bottom of each bread? I have to do work and when I come back there are times I can't find the link to the next bread. Not all the time but enough times to where I am hunting all over when the breads are broken.

0343ea No.2096294


Shouldn't those hands be Makin me Muh sanmich?

fbaef6 No.2096295


have some dignity. There is enough indignity on this board.

028788 No.2096296

File: 9ca949dd73d8266⋯.jpg (81.93 KB, 537x640, 537:640, 0e8305a68b3559c0385ee010f6….jpg)


Thank you based baker for noting S.Afrika.

Have a qt boer gril.

6a7e28 No.2096297


are you concerned?

d48cbd No.2096298

File: da39cc9579e0e35⋯.jpeg (456.95 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 98594B20-2861-4324-A2E1-E….jpeg)

535184 No.2096299


That’s her shtick.

11a153 No.2096300


Ummm…he's demanding $9,202,000,000 (yes, $9.202B) in damages. May not be fake news but…billions? Heh ok

e2bd65 No.2096301


People keep showing photos of these Argentinian women in Buenos Aires protesting Argentinian government inaction. Seems to have nothing to do with Trump or the USA.


Do read the article at this link it is in English.

At the bottom there is a black and white video of the WHOLE protest and if you like closeups of screaming women, they show a much larger selection than the two viral photos we see over and over.


Look at that article closely

Is there something in there that we should pay closer attention to?

How many women dies in 2016?


What is the number of the Satanic Skull and Bones society?

How many crew died in that lost Argentine sub?


Which President was Hussein


What album did JayZ release?


He couldn't name it 44 because that album was by Rush

And had a song about the future world

Look at these football collectibles



Joe Biden went to Syracuse

Orange is the color of Netherlands

Where there is a satanist royal family

And at least some of the Dutch Reformed church are satanists

Maybe we need to be looking for satanist connections to Argentina

Not just a hideout for ex-Nazis

But a part of WorldWide Satanist globalist conspiracy


9cccf8 No.2096302


It made it in at post 751

172bf9 No.2096303

File: 5061029f671e265⋯.png (325.27 KB, 540x405, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump's Europe trip: Where he's going on his 7-day visit with NATO allies and Putin


2234ab No.2096304

File: 4625efda29ca838⋯.png (394.61 KB, 645x712, 645:712, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)


8cff9a No.2096305

THIS IS WTF THE NWO CABAL WANTED ACROSS AMERICA! Turn it into a 3rd world hellhole and Americans will gladly give up all their Rights and be nothing but fucking slaves to the "elite" pedophiles and Satan worshippers!

Nearly 30 Shot, Four Fatally, over Weekend in Gun-Controlled Chicago https://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/07/09/nearly-30-shot-four-fatally-over-weekend-in-gun-controlled-chicago/

a84110 No.2096306

File: ec657725baeb2b9⋯.jpg (45.65 KB, 640x480, 4:3, hey you arent upset are yo….jpg)

516f7c No.2096307

File: fb8186a29271ba9⋯.jpg (2.78 MB, 1400x6420, 70:321, 8goddesses.jpg)

File: 4aabe87b40615b7⋯.png (201.75 KB, 963x658, 963:658, 8goddesses1.png)

File: 2e4878dbc04b5cb⋯.png (219.42 KB, 1467x899, 1467:899, 8goddesses2.png)

a7c9b3 No.2096308


thanks for sharing that pic!

3b218d No.2096309


You have also baked, correct?

516f7c No.2096310

File: 8dfa42cf9cd7963⋯.png (334.63 KB, 1876x900, 469:225, Korea-GookAnon.png)

File: 7df72b0303843b2⋯.png (692.32 KB, 1489x1523, 1489:1523, Korea-GookAnon0.png)

File: 2603d6275fd1eb6⋯.png (224.37 KB, 963x658, 963:658, KoreanOccult.png)

3125c2 No.2096311


You will be sorry you did.

Holy shit flying.

e1e881 No.2096313

File: f625e33d1360251⋯.png (382.04 KB, 530x398, 265:199, Atomic Clown.png)






Or some variation on that theme.

3c868b No.2096314


old news

It's already in notables,was there, who knows but yeah, we got it saved nonetheless..thanks

518eaf No.2096315

File: 3ecdfb77c51fbdd⋯.jpg (39.86 KB, 736x592, 46:37, 3ecdfb77c51fbdd575bfc75386….jpg)


I could ask you the same.

4ccff7 No.2096316



Since is not obvious to you, after 9 posts I still don't know WHY this anon thought Q dropping on SR before the press conf would "help".

11a153 No.2096318


Don't worry, she also believes she and her "life partner" will be shuffled off to a concentration camp because she was in the pink pussy head err hat march

516f7c No.2096320

File: 4def34ba95c23dc⋯.png (3.29 MB, 1775x6949, 1775:6949, Megalia.png)

5e1a4a No.2096322


Just a note for Anons. According to God, a prophet must be 100% accurate, or he is not a prophet. Kim Clements admitted he got some things wrong, therefore, he wasn't a prophet. There is no wiggle room for this.

95a762 No.2096323

fbaef6 No.2096324

John Roberts




WH says 5 Democrats were invited to @realDonaldTrump SCOTUS reveal: Feinstein, Manchin, Donnelly, Heitkamp and Jones. All sent regrets

e2bd65 No.2096325


This is not huge

You are STUPID

People sue other people all the time

It means nothing

These people just want to spend their money on lawyers

Instead of buying shoes

People are weird

We know that

c14bbd No.2096326



if by god you mean good, I'm still with you. A few weeks ago Yahoo "news" posted an article about the newest psychosis- people who think they are living in a Truman Show reality. Hmm. Coincidence?

1225cb No.2096327

File: ba6c792094ab234⋯.jpg (864.57 KB, 1417x2000, 1417:2000, Cavalier_d'Arpino_-_Archan….jpg)

a7c9b3 No.2096329


yaaaa me too.. no need to respond patricia.

3c868b No.2096330


Great version

718ab9 No.2096331


Patricia is pissed off.

9ced62 No.2096332


> All declined

They knew it was a troll.

6a7e28 No.2096334


Not Pelosi or Schumer.

18cf7d No.2096335

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"The poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese…" (G.K. Chesterton)

fe74b6 No.2096336

File: 3cb9dbfa71129b0⋯.jpg (383.36 KB, 1262x1128, 631:564, skyevent.jpg)


yes they put their numbers and symbolism everywhere.

"their need for symbolism will be their down fall"

3fb79d No.2096337

Hey Shills!!!

I am telling my wife's boyfriend that you guys are shitting up the bread.


496d88 No.2096338


It appears Kim hasn't understood his own prophecy from time to time. My estimation is that he has been wrong in his personal commentary on his own prophecy, but not in his actual prophecy.

11a153 No.2096339


Little known fact. There are no shooting ranges or gun dealers in the entire city of Chicago. Well, unless you count Englewood, Austin…. Those are ranges (playgrounds) and (illegal) gun dealers live there.

1225cb No.2096340

File: f37a1d99301dd36⋯.jpg (468.59 KB, 1280x1279, 1280:1279, initial ‘Q’ – archangel Mi….jpg)

172bf9 No.2096341

File: 0c7727ed673eb6d⋯.png (58.04 KB, 350x179, 350:179, ClipboardImage.png)


What's with the NATO


Any meaning?

2234ab No.2096342

File: 420353953b62ae3⋯.png (650.64 KB, 1022x663, 1022:663, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)

File: cad6813ce1d2c03⋯.png (185.5 KB, 1004x596, 251:149, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)


4ccff7 No.2096343



I get it. Curiosity, I think. But from a research perspective, how does it help me research? Any explanation near the mark would do.

8cff9a No.2096344


>If you shill me again with this doubtfag crap, I will post a photo of a 61 yo cunt. Leave me alone.


We believe you, don't be 'getting out of hand' now! lmfao

6a7e28 No.2096346


She should write the ID of that fucker on her 60+ yr. old twat and upload it. War stories and all that…

bc0778 No.2096348

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

fe26c7 No.2096349


No self-doxxing.

c1c932 No.2096350

File: 6394b8fd321764c⋯.jpg (390.98 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, IMG_3398.JPG)



Point taken. I accept that and will fade back into an ageless, genderless anon.

Tits for your amusement.

0c7ff1 No.2096351

File: d0a57b450e44258⋯.png (377.38 KB, 1139x550, 1139:550, ClipboardImage.png)



85f5ac No.2096352


CABAL as is above as is below.


18cf7d No.2096353

File: a8836a4a255ffb9⋯.jpg (143.56 KB, 2075x1024, 2075:1024, rereadcrumbs.jpg)

c7d9e0 No.2096354

File: dd2f4052ee7cc28⋯.png (224.63 KB, 448x245, 64:35, xanax.png)


For her, because we care.

4b7ba4 No.2096355

File: ff98a733cc01228⋯.png (82.52 KB, 740x406, 370:203, shortcuts.png)


I'm pretty sure this was a software engineering reference. Object oriented programming isn't the end all be all it is made out to be.

9719f0 No.2096356

>>2094310 Now to persuade the Eritreans to 86 the Chinese out of their new naval base there.

e1e881 No.2096357

File: 1dad319bccb8ef0⋯.png (36.85 KB, 225x225, 1:1, Pepe Peeking.png)


>Soldiers And Secret Agents' Names And Home Addresses Exposed By Fitness Tracker

Isn't this like last February? Strava does have excellent satellite imagery though.

16fbff No.2096358

File: 52ae74c0e6c46a1⋯.png (412.05 KB, 313x795, 313:795, FGHGFHSGREGTDR.png)

78aa5a No.2096359

File: 8d91a1861fb0168⋯.png (640.91 KB, 963x1107, 107:123, ClipboardImage.png)

3b8ffb No.2096360


You do not have to GTFO. Thanks for being here, anon. God bless.

518eaf No.2096361

File: 86c32d095790b3e⋯.jpg (164.3 KB, 634x709, 634:709, 86c32d095790b3e5499464971a….jpg)

File: 4b770e6a0e29777⋯.jpg (256.24 KB, 850x1206, 425:603, 4b770e6a0e2977757444bff8c3….jpg)

File: 4b6e8c4c92b0bf8⋯.png (101.81 KB, 227x300, 227:300, 4b6e8c4c92b0bf8790848df5bd….png)

File: 54335f99c9ef636⋯.jpeg (97.53 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 0bf42d663eee4c1f9fae1c0cd….jpeg)

File: a4112168213cece⋯.png (87.33 KB, 1600x829, 1600:829, a4112168213cecee29edb4fc96….png)


So we don't heil 88's?

Only check digits when convenient?

>>2096288 (HEIL)





718ab9 No.2096362


in this case it would seem the right thing to do

77110e No.2096363

File: e48ad75171f2380⋯.gif (1.13 MB, 498x390, 83:65, Pepe_Tit_Stamp.gif)


No nips, tits don't count.

fbaef6 No.2096364

Missing baby survives 9 hours buried in woods

MISSOULA, Mont. — A 5-month-old infant who miraculously survived more than nine hours being buried under a pile of sticks and debris in the woods of western Montana suffered only minor injuries despite wearing wet and soiled clothes in cold weather, authorities said Monday.

The baby boy is otherwise in good condition, authorities said.

Missoula County Sheriff’s deputies were called about 8 p.m. Saturday about a man threatening people in the Lolo Hot Springs area of the Lolo National Forest. Deputies apprehended the man, who indicated that a baby was buried somewhere in the woods.

The sheriff’s office hastily put together a search crew of federal, state and local officials that combed the forest outside the hot springs for six hours before a deputy heard a baby’s cry at about 2:30 a.m. Sunday.


63d329 No.2096365


thx bro

bc0778 No.2096366


60 is the new 40

17d150 No.2096367

File: 56f6d709047b8a2⋯.jpg (9.21 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 56f6d709047b8a2dd1487a377b….jpg)

1225cb No.2096368



Yes Satanic "Think Mirror"

fe74b6 No.2096369


bet u was fun in the day..

carry on anon, WWG1WGA

3df892 No.2096371

File: bb617ae5f8ae3ca⋯.jpg (21.11 KB, 494x484, 247:242, OMG-pepe.jpg)


You're fucking stupid to have done that. Have you no self-respect?

a67fde No.2096372

File: 70f3dae7b741db1⋯.png (90.55 KB, 715x541, 715:541, Screenshot_20180709-170449….png)


Gateway says there's a witness to Seth Rich, not MS13. Whew….I'm going to need some more popcorn for this week.

e3619f No.2096373


Welcome aboard.

db7675 No.2096374


BO wouldn’t have to stay up if AFLB and associated gagillion IPs and the BLP baby would stop shitting up the breads with their tears.

6748f6 No.2096375

668066 No.2096376


french..they have everything turned around somehow..look it up..it's true..don't go with muh cabal shills..i have seen that in here so often. over the last days..it's likely sort of a new scheme

2234ab No.2096377

File: f942db2664ac3b3⋯.png (219.74 KB, 546x396, 91:66, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)


d24612 No.2096378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Catholic hermit trumps all prophecies regarding POTUS by 25 years


1c642e No.2096379

File: 7e6f79d3a2b8b3e⋯.png (143.82 KB, 210x339, 70:113, who_is_this.PNG)

File: 7f3370b0564adf6⋯.png (457.45 KB, 1213x356, 1213:356, detail_02.PNG)

File: b35a4c1fa123a90⋯.png (195.93 KB, 497x203, 71:29, detail_01.PNG)

File: 7f0a582d08d0a9a⋯.png (459.7 KB, 1189x388, 1189:388, detail_03.PNG)

File: f44df3d494d64de⋯.png (19.61 KB, 722x441, 722:441, Q-merlin.PNG)

Could be this ?

Gardens with children?

Provided with RFID ?

make Tshirts with the frogmen.




996f0a No.2096380

File: 095b6f1d6242129⋯.jpg (103.81 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1524201701547.jpg)


Organisation du Traité de l'Atlantique Nord

French always got a breadstick up their butts to include their stupid language in everything.

e9baa8 No.2096382


You just went a head and put yourself in trash

mode. Why would you do that at your age, you should be stronger than this. Holy shit man this is embarrassing… you fucking fell right in to it.

92c4d5 No.2096383

File: f33a87b8c510f4b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 125.88 KB, 640x424, 80:53, granny_pussy.jpg)


> I will post a photo of a 61 yo cunt

Do it.

9ced62 No.2096384


They didn't read the pontification in that meme I guess…

78aa5a No.2096385

File: 3717d38f3dbd033⋯.png (14.49 KB, 788x106, 394:53, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40e564d746ae916⋯.jpg (15.14 KB, 193x255, 193:255, a94ffef627f7e43198dc7777fd….jpg)


please don't….

and kek af!

d48cbd No.2096386

File: 3726c6739747ae9⋯.jpeg (189.53 KB, 631x452, 631:452, 15AC2C36-80DD-46BF-911D-C….jpeg)

d65231 No.2096387



780e7c No.2096388


but it sure feathered a bunch'o nests.

a6dba3 No.2096389


Prince Williams ?

0e9365 No.2096390


grace personified….

042385 No.2096391

File: 5ad62e08f1a5e1d⋯.png (424.56 KB, 625x490, 125:98, nonEUwheat.png)

351627 No.2096392


confirmed. just grammar, structural difference.

like AIDS is SIDA.

fbaef6 No.2096393

Lawmakers press Apple and Google to explain how they track and listen to users

Top Republican lawmakers on the House Energy and Commerce Committee sent letters Monday asking Apple and Google for more information on how extensively their smartphones track people’s locations and record snippets of their conversations.

The questions from lawmakers come amid a broader scrutiny from Capitol Hill into how the underlying, everyday practices of technology companies may infringe on Americans' privacy. Congressional hearings with Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg revealed several lawmakers were troubled by the amount of data that the social network collects on a regular basis.

In the letters to Google and Apple, lawmakers said the committee is “reviewing the business practices that may impact the privacy expectations of Americans.”


9b3b89 No.2096394

So this is a thing…

Trump Urinal Mats


84fd10 No.2096395

File: e165171cf6a0b34⋯.png (157.3 KB, 524x800, 131:200, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 760f932aa25331d⋯.png (157.6 KB, 566x761, 566:761, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a09ca0c8505d69f⋯.png (278.52 KB, 611x846, 13:18, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed7e91fd860f72b⋯.png (190.32 KB, 473x863, 473:863, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0267f54017a7c23⋯.png (252.27 KB, 618x820, 309:410, ClipboardImage.png)

32ff45 No.2096396

>>2095462 (lb) ← this is a notble from last bread. it is good to note, as a result of this notable, all autists be forewarned:

AS 187 was during POTUS 44

hussein nominated Merrick Garland

senate broke records with this nomination, party politics aside, left the supreme court either unable to proceed with buisness or proceed with a balanced number of SCOTUS

Garland never got appointed

Trump got to appoint SCOTUS

just sayin

dont let (((them))) play you, whoever they are

sauce it

search "Obama's Supreme Court Nominee Makes History"

668066 No.2096397

fe74b6 No.2096398



just fun and they r just tits

8b1159 No.2096399

>>2095618 (an earlier bread)

There is no such thing as unforgivable. God said to forgive those who trespass against us and that's all there is to it.

Matt 6:14-15

d02dda No.2096400



e522bc No.2096401


Avenge? Where in the hell does she think, she is, …in some 12th Century jousting arena. This proves it … her mind has blown off it's final one cell cylinder.

18cf7d No.2096402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a84110 No.2096403

File: ea5fc0a670073a0⋯.png (251 KB, 640x480, 4:3, nobody cares.png)

ff52aa No.2096405

File: a25db1da3c46c84⋯.png (110.94 KB, 735x463, 735:463, SR-Burkman-Doherty.png)

File: 7e175277033ed81⋯.jpg (16.03 KB, 300x374, 150:187, Kevin-Doherty.jpg)

File: bb4af9b6a7d5602⋯.png (130.62 KB, 670x433, 670:433, SR-Doherty-bio.png)

>>2093574 PB





Thanks for the links. Whole story is spoopy from beginning to end.

>Are we seeing here the fingerprint of how a certain organization operates?

How much you wanna bet that Doherty and his 2 as-yet unnamed buddies are all members of a certain Secret Socity?

Shit runs deep, yo. Generations upon generations upon...

These dickheads love to pad & obfuscate their CVs, but Doherty could def be worth a deeper dig.

668066 No.2096406


i hate to say it..but over the last days we're overrun by cunts..it get's harder to differenciate between cunts and good guys because we let it slide with all the swearing

d65231 No.2096407

File: 1d85d3d8118397f⋯.jpg (58.13 KB, 634x356, 317:178, DgTW5GxU8AAokrN[1].jpg)

74bb5e No.2096408



3df892 No.2096409

File: 2d1b48711868615⋯.jpg (27.16 KB, 552x561, 184:187, Spock.jpg)


>just fun and they r just tits

Really, now? How about showing us your dick?

77110e No.2096410

File: ee19853662b6e75⋯.jpg (24.25 KB, 387x387, 1:1, Pepe_Fanboy.jpg)


I'm also out of Snohomish County. Other side of the river.

fbaef6 No.2096411

Whata we bettin this happens?

Michael J. Morrison

Michael J. Morrison




MSM has hit pieces on all the 4 finalists ready to roll at 9PM

President Trump should pick someone not from the 4 finalists

Liberal heads explode!

8cff9a No.2096412


>Tits for your amusement.


9cccf8 No.2096413


Oh fuck there are some beautiful Avenger memes waiting to be made…memfags!

18eb4f No.2096414

File: c5f1cf57e04a478⋯.png (42.92 KB, 600x381, 200:127, ClipboardImage.png)


And… added.

If idiots like you want to shit up the bread with stupid talk, at least I don't have to hear it.

6b2c28 No.2096415


I don't know you hippieanon, but you're cool in my book. God I wish I could have partied with you, you seem like a riot and a half. Keep on keeping on Anon!


d02dda No.2096416


it's a free country, lighten up

your judgment of her says more about you than it does about her

cb7a2b No.2096417

File: 6c1e13dd0136634⋯.jpg (215.53 KB, 894x671, 894:671, 6c1e13dd013663435826f5f0bc….jpg)

File: 869b4ac11fb39a0⋯.jpg (75.83 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 869b4ac11fb39a0ecb2ad92721….jpg)

File: 5d6af61b427de7d⋯.png (374.71 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1473873783075.png)


Do not listen to negative trolls.

WWG1WGA everyone is welsome no matter what age, race, sex, religion, they are.



do not listen to divsion shills.

Focus on digging, connections and memes.

Be positive, because WE ARE WINNING BIG TIME, and the angry empty souless shills are going nuts, all of them everywhere.


They get angry easily, because they are losing their power, control, soon it will be their wealth and freedom, and reputation.



85f5ac No.2096418


That's not very nice Satan. I don't care if I offended you!


fe74b6 No.2096419


is this witness going to give a public statement tom???

i hope so!

fbaef6 No.2096421


I swear that is some horse teeth

5dbc04 No.2096422


muh snowflake

16fbff No.2096423

File: df11833c8b81d42⋯.png (154 KB, 447x524, 447:524, hbnbyuytggvf45678.PNG)

4ccff7 No.2096424


100% Agree. Respect.

3c6bd7 No.2096426

File: 16c98dbe14daad9⋯.jpg (75.18 KB, 550x550, 1:1, IMG_9459.JPG)

05aa2e No.2096427

18cf7d No.2096428

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

996f0a No.2096429

File: 09418528b551fc9⋯.jpg (187.24 KB, 960x720, 4:3, cc03844250d3dc683a8842c7f6….jpg)

Sorry i guess OTAN is not exclusive to the French faggots.

in French: Organisation du Traité de l'Atlantique Nord

in Spanish: Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte

in Portuguese: Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte

in Romanian: Organizația Tratatului Atlanticului de Nord

17d150 No.2096430

File: 7cb02b752d5beda⋯.gif (1.53 MB, 370x335, 74:67, 1501267613718.gif)


Ewwww Your nails are fucking GROSS. Put the cigarettes away and clean your fucking house PIG!

And look at you…Tsk Tsk. you crack just like that because I called you Patrick. Sorry Patricks Grandma. You were just ACHING to shout out what sex you are hahahaa….Fucking retard. I bet your kids are ashamed of you. Cats can be cruel.

you are an embarrassment who doesn't know how shit works. HAHAHAHA Glad I got you mad tho lollolol

Go concern fag somewhere else. I would say Tits or GTFO but FUCK THAT no one wants to see saggy wrinkly pasty white hairy tits.

18eb4f No.2096431



991523 No.2096432

File: 04531efc2689625⋯.jpg (53.18 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Biblical.jpg)


If this goes anywhere it could be big.

6ba96f No.2096433


You forgot the county code= 8888

Didn’t Q say something about 8’s?

042385 No.2096434


Has anyone found out where they were going or coming from?

Anything on that?

d48cbd No.2096435

File: a7610cec125071a⋯.jpeg (240.6 KB, 1125x1125, 1:1, 43358CFD-BC0C-4A7C-B3DD-8….jpeg)

518eaf No.2096436

File: 89c3f898b5ff7dd⋯.png (25.34 KB, 748x213, 748:213, FAGGOTS.png)

File: 749a27f59978192⋯.jpg (62.59 KB, 831x717, 277:239, 749a27f59978192c102b235cab….jpg)

2234ab No.2096437



4d75be No.2096438



fe74b6 No.2096439

File: 3087af19316614d⋯.jpg (599.81 KB, 1200x826, 600:413, umbrella.jpg)

File: b22bd7b7485b6e2⋯.jpg (694.05 KB, 1184x819, 1184:819, umbrella1.jpg)

2b8f46 No.2096440


This is always great advice. Vote right down party lines. I only wish I could vote for Senator McCain or Representative Ryan again!

95a762 No.2096441


DOE Q Clearance

Rick Perry

Bill Richardson


77110e No.2096442

File: dbedc4e78f1f291⋯.jpg (55.39 KB, 446x670, 223:335, GayClown.jpg)

150cf0 No.2096443


sorry but there is something spooky going on with the catalog, new qresearch threads are NOT showing up. Tried on various browsers, ISPs, terminals and VPNs.

59f749 No.2096444


Thanks, man!

Needed this


17d150 No.2096445

File: af5128228262a6f⋯.jpg (217.71 KB, 2068x572, 47:13, 947474a68d7d1ee36014b4b425….jpg)


Have you been here since November too?

ab7e51 No.2096446

File: 4c75d72746a167a⋯.png (933.39 KB, 934x621, 934:621, Hot Shit Arsehole.png)

ae808d No.2096447

File: d6dc6f9fbd1a74b⋯.png (379.25 KB, 1130x480, 113:48, why_wont_you_die_twat.png)


9e4f12 No.2096448


Latin Derivatives.

db7675 No.2096449


Been borked all day

Use index.

d77f03 No.2096450

Possible Dig…this is just too weird. About 2 weeks ago I barebacked Qresearch on my phone while I was at the gym.

That same night my business credit card was hacked and I started getting charges from two WEIRD places in Singapore…

This is the one that caused a fraud alert:


And the other one:


Both, especially the first one, seem to be tied to Children.

Not trying to be paranoid, but could this either be some kind of setup…or maybe something that Q promised about some kind of message to dig?

351627 No.2096451


So NSA has everything, but can't offer any protection? They're just going to let people like Burkman get murdered? So much awakening.

2db927 No.2096452

File: 3a7c197f0c683ff⋯.jpg (222.32 KB, 1832x1378, 916:689, phase - phase.jpg)

Just a thought

5dbc04 No.2096453


Damn there goes my day

fe74b6 No.2096454

File: 45f464cc6f83b36⋯.jpg (145.55 KB, 904x1600, 113:200, 45f464cc6f83b361757b77fa1e….jpg)


as u wish

668066 No.2096455

991523 No.2096456

File: 60c1faa776c12a8⋯.jpg (176.57 KB, 1451x960, 1451:960, Bill James similar looks.jpg)

59f749 No.2096458

File: 6cf261d3f243061⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1694x888, 847:444, Screenshot_147 - Copy.png)

File: 7418fa15903d3f6⋯.png (634.3 KB, 681x890, 681:890, Screenshot_148 - Copy.png)

File: e4920a21e035fbc⋯.png (743.06 KB, 831x450, 277:150, Screenshot_144 - Copy - Co….png)

4d75be No.2096459

File: d7f60cfd8e908ea⋯.jpg (244.8 KB, 857x679, 857:679, Screenshot_20180708-220541….jpg)

c53740 No.2096461

File: 0b11836e2781516⋯.png (50.57 KB, 1266x705, 422:235, SethRich-Q.png)

Report: Witness Prepared to Identify Two Killers of Seth Rich


16fbff No.2096462


maga dems> est repubs

f9414e No.2096463

Update on the massive Michigan and Wisconsin military convoy that I posted about a few breads back. Apparently several thousand troops are heading to some joint national guard "training" at camp grayling in lower Michigan.



fe74b6 No.2096464


love the mary poppins one, lol

2234ab No.2096465

File: 2ad51ee042481a0⋯.png (221.76 KB, 481x679, 481:679, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)



>flying Delta from DCA

78aa5a No.2096466


good point. yes. in my 'world' GOD=GOOD.

so 'good' minus the extra 'o' (eye)…the evil 'o'. thus leaving only the one 'o' (eye)…the one that TRULY sees all.

all their symbols are belong to us again

17d150 No.2096467


You are such a faggot.

The ONLY "confusion" over anything was brought on by shills & pushed by shills. Anyone with half a brain knows this. So STFU & stop talking about you mom in the room

0ccc5d No.2096468

File: 3107475f9c8e005⋯.png (1.33 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 6be8a0b97570a6a353b0b634c4….png)

File: 216465970b31084⋯.png (1.3 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, bca70b8c6244d6fe4a71638133….png)

No. 72

Where was Kim tonight?

How was this known?

You are watching a 'plan' being set in motion.

Enjoy the show.


351627 No.2096469


seems a lot more like glowniggers than ms13

996f0a No.2096470

File: dafbfb218553384⋯.jpg (736.12 KB, 1712x1704, 214:213, 8b8e98c372ef7c79cad355ecdb….jpg)


Yea well people can always wiki shit up instead of screaming satanic mirrors.

a7c9b3 No.2096471


i want the unredacted version

c7d9e0 No.2096472

File: e61b7e124c4f4ac⋯.jpg (8.1 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 1530852969502.jpg)


Nice try, fag.

668066 No.2096473

File: 4066f014f7cc1ce⋯.mp4 (15.85 MB, 934x526, 467:263, cveepyguy526p.mp4)



78aa5a No.2096474

File: 11ae8effa93b75b⋯.jpg (14.23 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 44425a7f54d4494a8059d8462d….jpg)

cb4e53 No.2096475


They do it every year.

17d150 No.2096477


WTF was the accident? It just says they found him unconscious. That's fucking strange.

9e4f12 No.2096479


Even the English is Latin Derivative

0d613a No.2096480

File: dd93d673dcbfea2⋯.jpg (453.2 KB, 1054x758, 527:379, Screen Shot 07-09-18 at 11….JPG)

File: c3a4b41edd8bb1c⋯.jpg (743.12 KB, 1054x855, 1054:855, Screen Shot 07-09-18 at 11….JPG)

File: fb058fb448f7e33⋯.jpg (706.1 KB, 1054x855, 1054:855, Screen Shot 07-09-18 at 11….JPG)

File: 585e096eea9960f⋯.jpg (162.69 KB, 342x546, 57:91, Screen Shot 07-09-18 at 11….JPG)

‘Prump/Tutin’: New York Magazine goes off deep end of conspiracy pool

Published time: 9 Jul, 2018 20:58

As President Donald Trump gears up to meet his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin next week, New York Magazine has published the craziest ‘Russiagate’ conspiracy theory yet: that Trump has been a Russian agent since 1987.

The magazine’s article, titled ‘Prump Tutin’, is the lead story in this week’s print issue, and opens by broadly discussing unproven allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia in 2016.

“A case like this presents an easy temptation for conspiracy theorists, but we can responsibly speculate as to what lies at the end of this scandal without falling prey to their fallacies,” writes author Jonathan Chait, before strapping on his tinfoil hat and presenting almost 80 paragraphs of the wildest conspiracy theories, alleging that Trump has been a Russian agent since 1987.

It all goes back to Trump’s visit to what was then still the Soviet Union. Under Mikhail Gorbachev, the USSR was beginning to open up and Western investors were eyeing up a potentially lucrative market. Trump nosed around, discussed building a hotel in Moscow with Soviet officials, and returned home to his gold-encrusted penthouse. The Moscow hotel never came to fruition.

He did, however, take an active interest in politics upon his return, when he dropped his affiliation with the Democratic party and became a Republican. ‘The Donald’ spent almost $100,000 on a series of newspaper ads blasting America’s NATO spending, a line he still repeats on Twitter to this day.

The United States is spending far more on NATO than any other Country. This is not fair, nor is it acceptable. While these countries have been increasing their contributions since I took office, they must do much more. Germany is at 1%, the U.S. is at 4%, and NATO benefits…….

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 9, 2018


2234ab No.2096481

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3b218d No.2096482


DO you think that's really Patrick aka articlefag?

945407 No.2096483

What I believe:

I believe Hillary And Bill Clinton had Vince Foster murdered.

I believe Hillary and the DNC had Seth Rich murdered.

I believe the Clintons are traitors to this country deserving of death by hanging in the public square.

I believe Antonin Scalia was murdered to make room for a liberal justice on the USSC, and (unfortunately) we owe Mitch McConnell a HUGE debt of gratitude for stopping at least the second half of that plan.

I believe Barry Sotoro was a Manchurian Candidate president.

I believe he was born in Kenya, but it doesn't matter for his eligibility to be president because his mother was a natural born US citizen, making him a citizen as well… regardless of where he was born (same argument for Ted Cruz).

I believe George Soros is an enemy of Humanity itself, and should be assassinated.

I believe the Jews are honest and persecuted people, who have suffered as scapegoats for centuries, mainly because their cultural values have propelled them to the top of any social strata that they happen to be involved in. People always blame the prosperous when times are tough, even if the prosperous did nothing to cause those tough times.

I believe that sometimes, under the right atmospheric conditions, airplanes leave behind cloud-like water vapor trails.

I believe that vaccines are a modern miracle, and are not the cause of Autism or any other pervasive illness.

I believe that pharmaceutical companies are in it for profit, but are not in a cartel to prevent cures from reaching the market. In fact, I believe that if one company were to come up with a cure for cancer, they'd try as hard as they could to bring that cure to market before their competition… they'd patent it, and make BILLIONS… because at their hearts, companies are staffed by people, and people, in general, are good.

I believe we are not alone in the universe. The math just doesn't support the notion that we would be alone. However, the math also suggests that while other ETI is out there, the math kinda sucks for the chances of us ever encountering it.

I believe faster-than-light travel is possible.

I believe time travel (in the form of Back to the Future) is impossible. However, time compression is not.

I believe we went to the moon.

I believe Q is one of a group of people you can count on two hands (10 or fewer), who are currently executing a plan to take back our government and bring evil people to justice. I believe he is a member of the military.

I believe we have had POTUS talk to us directly, and he signs his posts as Q+.

I believe all of this stuff will come out BEFORE the midterm elections… as in, the entire house of cards will be pushed down, the sealed indictments will begin to be rapidly pushed out, arrests will be made, starting from the very top (so as to not give the richest and most powerful time or opportunity to flee)…

I believe the United States of America is the greatest country ever in the history of the planet, because it was founded on principles that are rooted in fairness, justice, and truth.

I believe Islam is a scourge on humanity and must be eliminated at all costs, by whatever means necessary.

I believe those who believe in God are delusional, but at the same time, I understand their need for their beliefs, in order to get by in this confusing and troubling world.

That's enough for now… that was cathartic. :)

What do YOU believe?

3df892 No.2096484

File: f384ff302af782a⋯.jpg (51.41 KB, 942x716, 471:358, magnifypepe.jpg)


Wow! So minuscule.

0c7ff1 No.2096485

File: c39b24260828d96⋯.png (107.5 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8chanPostDetectorOS.png)

e1e881 No.2096486

File: 1b244c785dc95b3⋯.jpg (13.79 KB, 255x205, 51:41, Pepe spec ops.jpg)



>Thank you based baker for noting S.Afrika.

I really wish there was more light on the unfolding tragedy there. I would like to see POTUS say something about it. Something like "If it appears that genocide is imminent, I will send in the Marines to prevent it".

>Have a qt boer gril.

Hokey Dokey. Don't mind if I do.

2234ab No.2096487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5f2b52 No.2096488


Pelosi cannot help herself. She has a Pavlovian response to any trolling done by POTUS. Her track record over the last few months indicate a knee jerk negative reaction to anything that POTUS proposes or says.

The interesting thing is that she has committed disastrous mistakes in her contempt filled rhetoric toward POTUS. She is probably the biggest single asset that POTUS has in the Congress working in his favor.

She is turning droves of people off with her ill conceived positions (MS-13, tax cuts etc).

Common sense is not too common with NP.

95a762 No.2096489


Ms13 SR

ClOwns ms13

f5cdcf No.2096490


44. cube worship.

78aa5a No.2096491


anything big happen in istanbul the last few days that may have been related to the u.s. navy being in the area?

042385 No.2096492


It's not just older feminists - the young ones believe this shit too

Where do they get this thinking?

30fba6 No.2096494


I was sure they were all in English….decoding? wat?

fe74b6 No.2096495


that little mommas boy would shit in his pants if a real man approached with no cops around.

5db62c No.2096496


I agree Anon.

c9933b No.2096497


Nipples or it don't count.

47e4df No.2096498

File: 5bb6529e8065b1e⋯.jpg (30.92 KB, 540x400, 27:20, jack-burkman-seth-rich-mur….jpg)

File: 4386883ac845e38⋯.jpg (72.77 KB, 1165x863, 1165:863, DNC-bike-rack-2.jpg)

This might have been featured here before without me seeing it:


I just went through it and found this little bitty interdasting. I quote,

…"The DC-based attorney has also offered a $130,000 reward of his personal money for information leading to the arrest of Rich’s killer. WikiLeaks is offering $20,000, One America News Network $100,000, the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department $25,000 and Businessman and investor Martin Shkreli $100,000."

>Here the jazz music stops

Now comes the bit I want you all to see:

"The DNC has yet to offer a reward for information leading to the arrest of the murderer of its own young staffer. The DNC honored its murdered employee by dedicating a bike rack outside its headquarters to Rich’s memory."

What do you say anons, isn't this something like guilty contempt?

'Their symbolism will take them down'.

17d150 No.2096499


Ok, PHEW! You aren't the same person. I feel better now. Thank you!

95a762 No.2096500


Current senate and House members are potus assets

They will be drained

2e373c No.2096501


All good for me EXCEPT vaccines….they ruined me.

fe74b6 No.2096502


lmao, funny anon

668066 No.2096503


his liblips are already shakin..

172bf9 No.2096504


Judge Judy

9e4f12 No.2096505


if ISIS rises in Africa.

Maybe it's possible.

c1f290 No.2096506

Interesting speculation from _ImpertorRex_ on Twatter:


6523a4 No.2096507

File: a7b830339401072⋯.png (10.96 KB, 535x114, 535:114, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca13d423af79e74⋯.png (59.08 KB, 1776x725, 1776:725, ClipboardImage.png)


enemy spotted. disinfo is real. not a real Q post

>1.3 mb

the enemy is behind our lines and they do so unimpeded anons. bad things are happening

6bab69 No.2096508

File: 29b0f9285af088b⋯.jpeg (30.57 KB, 640x167, 640:167, 04FD4A97-79BA-49D1-B7A1-7….jpeg)

why tomorrow

78aa5a No.2096509


denying god is unforgivable….the only such sin.

e522bc No.2096510


Are you missing my point on purpose? Even Jesus had righteous indignation when he took a lash to all the money changers.

God only forgives when one repents, in their heart all their sins. In their heart. All the good intentions and desires mean nothing to God if it wasn't in your heart.

Forgiving benefit's the heart of the one doing it … it may or may not benefit the one you forgive. Like I said God will sort out the evil. You are forgiving when you leave it over to God and no longer dwell on it, or let it fester in your heart.

d77f03 No.2096511


Gardens by the Bay is located DIRECTLY NEXT DOOR to the Marina Bay Sands hotel. This cannot be a coincidence.

18cf7d No.2096512

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

did you know that because of the cia and the cocaine and all the cover ups, pee wee herman had to make a psa for crack but he sold that roth the tranny fetish early

b23ab3 No.2096513

File: dda215c5d94a7f8⋯.jpg (62.2 KB, 652x374, 326:187, 60.JPG)

c11c43 No.2096514


Its summer they do 2 weeks of training…I've done it myself….nothing weird about a NG convoy in summer

17cb0b No.2096515

last call for notables


>>2095896 "Boer" land in S. Africa to be expropriated?

>>2096066 Judicial Watch sues over Mueller abuse

>>2096120 Pelosi vows to 'avenge President Obama' (re: SCOTUS)

>>2096147 House Judiciary Committee Subpoenas Trump-Hating FBI Lawyer Lisa Page

>>2096176 Soldiers And Secret Agents' Names And Home Addresses Exposed By Fitness Tracker

>>2096188 China ‘Quietly' Conducts Electronic Warfare Tests in South China Sea

>>2096244 Netanyahu to visit Putin

>>2096271 Exclusive – Texas Poll: Ted Cruz, Greg Abbott Smoking Democrat Opponents

>>2096393 Lawmakers press Apple and Google to explain how they track and listen to users

>>2096506 Interesting speculation from _ImpertorRex_ on Twatter

59f749 No.2096516

File: 930d6cfc1026545⋯.gif (791.79 KB, 400x225, 16:9, Googly Eyes.gif)


This makes

my cock




Much agree!


60f4a3 No.2096518


You can't speak for God, faggot. Just stop.

21b837 No.2096519

File: b99a1cff9ccd887⋯.png (64.38 KB, 638x435, 22:15, ClipboardImage.png)


9c40ed No.2096520

So, is HRC's plan to avoid justice to be a perpetual, always-running POTUS candidate until she kicks the bucket?

I'd be surprised if she could get enough support to even get on the ballot without massive expenditure at this point.

f4ed97 No.2096522


except obabma/mother, did she really have him? if he was a true manchurian candidate, maybe he was "adopted" so would that change things?

and sometimes I believe that time travel has been happening… because if we invent it in the future could they not come back and manipulate our "Nows" hence the Mandela effect and what this time line is …

2234ab No.2096523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bec25c No.2096524

File: 39eb134d9d54a4a⋯.png (754.36 KB, 916x859, 916:859, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)

File: 3ec7986cc16532c⋯.jpg (7.49 KB, 220x229, 220:229, download-1.jpg)

Elon & the Cave Boys


518eaf No.2096526

File: 02ea480b719dd88⋯.png (348.47 KB, 800x770, 80:77, 02ea480b719dd88e6074d8837f….png)


I am that same person.

28dd73 No.2096527


I think she just wants $$$

896b47 No.2096528


Stelter and Acosta and Cuomo. The three of them in a cell would be a flawless No Exit.

2b8f46 No.2096529


They didn't have any money left after they bought Bernie a new beach house. *shrug* That money is meant for the important people.

a167a6 No.2096530


Bashing tr holy spiritual is unforgiveable. According to scripture, you can swear against the father and the son but none shall do so against the holy spiritual and be forgiven.

f4ed97 No.2096531

File: 2312dedd9f0bfe0⋯.jpg (39.36 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, pepe_inthe_sky.jpg)


was meant for this



9ced62 No.2096532


>honored its murdered employee by dedicating a bike rack

I'm actually impressed that his name didn't leave their vocabulary altogether.

This attempt at mockery just makes them look contemptuous, I concur.

e9d843 No.2096533


Lost me at vaccines.

Until big pharma is looked into and cleaned out (including top-down background checks and existing meds being re-qualified/quantified), I have no faith in the medical field, but like most, must blindly trust that they will do right by me. For now.

fe74b6 No.2096534


im sorry anon, im old enough that we only got like 6 or 7 as kids and most when we was teens.

i have not or never would get a flue shot or any other stupid shit they r trying to push. when they ask i just laugh, and they say… i know but i am required to ask.

d02dda No.2096535

File: 5badf40f91bcd46⋯.png (280.66 KB, 1860x1162, 930:581, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)

File: 10ce6db64d1ec2c⋯.png (117.59 KB, 920x504, 115:63, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)



the shills are calling anyone that raises legitimate concerns over the state of this board PATRICK - the name of the author who wrote the forbidden article

this is a tactic (((they))) are using - conflating the two issues because both are helping them

us not talking about and publicizing the article is HELPING THEM

the catalog being broken, preventing people from easily accessing the breads is HELPING THEM

if it's not easy lurkers and newcomers will give up - not everyone is as dedicated to be here.

there is nothing (((they))) are more afraid of then Q reaching the masses which is why this shit is happening

this should be TOP FUCKING PRIORITY for all anons

we need a plan. we need to refocus. reread Q's drops in the week leading up to the july 4th af1 photo shitstorm

what did Q say MUST happen??


why aren't we focusing on how to help that effort while Q isn't posting?

nothing is more important right now. all hands should be on deck. we have so many intelligent autists and meme geniuses here. we should be able to figure this out..

do any anons have experience with coding/site administration? how difficult is it to tell whether there are attacks? details? can we look into this while CM is investigating??

can we do ANYTHING productive?

042385 No.2096536

File: 5a92ce96f9f7239⋯.jpg (12.74 KB, 255x228, 85:76, winnerspepe.jpg)

a7c9b3 No.2096537


you are a fag

9719f0 No.2096538

>>2096480 DJT has said that the NYT traitors will be out of business by the time he leaves office in January, 2025. Yes indeed, likely long before that. Suggested some time back, and say again, that these lying traitors be forced to dismantle the NYT building by hand before being taken to a very special place. There is no way to exaggerate the depth of their perfidious actions.

bec25c No.2096539

File: e37490619d8a20f⋯.png (176.22 KB, 928x642, 464:321, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)


751084 No.2096541

File: 2e68b0a4f96578b⋯.jpeg (188.05 KB, 750x1004, 375:502, 5EEB4719-2DCA-4673-AA1F-8….jpeg)

File: 654ab75421ca144⋯.jpeg (399.01 KB, 750x845, 150:169, 7FF62390-2B38-4660-9FC3-2….jpeg)


sorry for the 2 part. Wouldn’t fit on mobile

78aa5a No.2096542


I believe he was born in Kenya, but it doesn't matter for his eligibility to be president because his mother was a natural born US citizen, making him a citizen as well… regardless of where he was born (same argument for Ted Cruz).


0d613a No.2096543

File: 6db5ba45bdfa9d7⋯.jpg (363.22 KB, 1055x748, 1055:748, Screen Shot 07-09-18 at 11….JPG)

File: ac31c13a959444b⋯.jpg (698.81 KB, 1055x802, 1055:802, Screen Shot 07-09-18 at 11….JPG)

File: 91cbc48fc691e8a⋯.jpg (421 KB, 1035x532, 1035:532, Screen Shot 07-09-18 at 11….JPG)

Gavin Williamson is at it again - pointing the finger at Russia without any evidence. This time the UK Defence Secretary is accusing Moscow of being culpable for the death of a British citizen before the probe has concluded.

It is the first time that Williamson, or any UK official, has linked the Kremlin to the death of the 44-year-old woman who was poisoned by what some have alleged is the same A-234 nerve agent used to attack the Skripals.

The Defence Secretary, however, did not explicitly say if he was referring to the attack on the Skripals, the Amesbury poisoning, or both. Williamson was asked in Commons about the threat posed to the British people following Dawn Sturgess’ death.

"The simple reality is that Russia has committed an attack on British soil which has seen the death of a British citizen," he replied. "That is something that I think the world will unite with us in actually condemning."

Police believe that Sturgess and her partner Charlie Rowley handled an item contaminated by the Novichok-type poison. The Amesbury couple live only a few miles from where ex-Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were attacked in March.


16fbff No.2096544

File: 3cb921132a38bd3⋯.png (104.52 KB, 814x784, 407:392, 1531167542367.png)

ae808d No.2096545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons remember Joe Rogan repilled heaps of people on SR. It was on the Jimmy Dore episode, 1.2mill youtube views,p I think Joe said something like only 10% of his total views are on youtube. So the message could have got sent out to 12mill people. Excellent.

c7d9e0 No.2096546

In the video of the Clintons on the airplane, one thing I notice was a lack of people fawning all over them, telling them how much they wished Hillary was the president. Looked more like, aside from the gawking, people were keeping their distance from them.

5dbc04 No.2096547


Bring back AntiFungal

94afe5 No.2096548

How the retard containment pen?



99c908 No.2096549


Well done Hippieanon well done! Welcome aboard the Trump Train! Gotta feel good leaving those Democrats behind! You catching hell for being a POTUS supporter in WA? I lived there for a few years in Bellevue & North Bend…very liberal people in the cities.

496d88 No.2096550


God already spoke for God. Anon is reiterating those words.

78aa5a No.2096551


I believe the Jews are honest and persecuted people, who have suffered as scapegoats for centuries, mainly because their cultural values have propelled them to the top of any social strata that they happen to be involved in. People always blame the prosperous when times are tough, even if the prosperous did nothing to cause those tough times.

strike 2

d2b0f9 No.2096552



True forgiveness benefits everyone, it breaks the cycle of negativity and can actually erase karma

evil spiritual controllers are allergic to this as it's a form of Love

bb7ca7 No.2096553

File: 7b7b6fbbc02b7c7⋯.jpeg (21.57 KB, 224x281, 224:281, 53ABFE03-0766-400C-A417-8….jpeg)

File: 50b074b7396f889⋯.jpeg (20.95 KB, 194x300, 97:150, CCC73864-232E-43E7-B58C-3….jpeg)


Joel Getz?



ff52aa No.2096554


Like the idea of digging deeper into the Red Cross crumbs, but have a question on the proof. it notes:

>looks like they're smuggling money through NATO folks…. not too far to SZ.

Note Q's lines:

>What is smuggled?

>What funds are used to pay for the goods?

>These people are sick.

Funds are used to pay for smuggled money? How's that work exactly? Isn't that defined as a currency exchange?

Are you sure the goods aren't something/ones else? Smuggling money may be criminal, but not really "sick", yes?

2b8f46 No.2096555


So glad rich people are around to take such good care of the children. True heroes.

6bab69 No.2096556

File: dddc1963d0456c5⋯.png (106.59 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 1810C8E5-E516-424E-BBF6-74….png)

File: 039ec025152a776⋯.png (106.81 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, C1C7DD43-A81F-4AF9-B1FB-30….png)

File: efc67a8ec8dc562⋯.png (93.11 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 7F782712-40D8-417C-9899-A1….png)

File: 1e72e9445c00b30⋯.jpeg (184.1 KB, 640x976, 40:61, E644B8ED-5322-49C1-B5A6-5….jpeg)

18cf7d No.2096557

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

174199 No.2096558

File: efb639b3a49440c⋯.jpeg (1 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, 5ccb449ece1ae32233c9980a3….jpeg)

File: d36a673e89535bf⋯.jpg (194.66 KB, 1025x576, 1025:576, d1a1708cc05bc44afeb3f2d5f5….jpg)

File: fa53b362a193dfa⋯.jpg (303.02 KB, 1200x925, 48:37, fa53b362a193dfa34402c85f7f….jpg)

59f749 No.2096559








f4ed97 No.2096560


checked and yes I missed that line,

vaccines mean: some are "cures" and some are experiments and some are placebos… i.e. we are merely guinea pigs and i do think they cause a myriad of issues

2e373c No.2096561



You’re right….it was those damn flu shots ….year after year after year…. :P

8f5365 No.2096562


Miss anon 2018.

03aec3 No.2096563


Yes your credit card numbers jumped out of the screen and into a gooks mind telepathically

945407 No.2096564


Oops, almost forgot…

I believe the holocaust happened.

I believe Michelle Obama is a tranny with a huge anaconda dick. (for real… no way does a woman have those shoulders)

2234ab No.2096565

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fbaef6 No.2096566


I believe you are a shill

3b2be1 No.2096567

File: 70facba86bcf83a⋯.png (417.54 KB, 575x384, 575:384, hillbag-not-sc-pick.png)

996f0a No.2096568

File: 9b328fc869f61f3⋯.jpg (55.49 KB, 614x406, 307:203, 9b328fc869f61f38464766a18f….jpg)


Excellent read. He is correct Q is a driving force behind people understanding that the elites are monsters. Sara Carter is another outlet to guide people. Some congressmen do seem to be clued in as well.

Maybe some screenshots for a notable?

78aa5a No.2096569


>I believe that vaccines are a modern miracle, and are not the cause of Autism or any other pervasive illness.

>I believe that pharmaceutical companies are in it for profit, but are not in a cartel to prevent cures from reaching the market. In fact, I believe that if one company were to come up with a cure for cancer, they'd try as hard as they could to bring that cure to market before their competition… they'd patent it, and make BILLIONS… because at their hearts, companies are staffed by people, and people, in general, are good.

stike 3 and 4 (because i'm full of grace)

but now you're out. go back.

9ced62 No.2096570


Funny meme :)

I've noticed that POTUS gets that soft fatherly look on his face around all children. It's apparent that he values and respects the young.

4ccff7 No.2096572

File: b5656ab62b6a2be⋯.jpg (12.62 KB, 225x225, 1:1, wwonder.jpg)


WoWonder Woman! The Avenger!!!

022d3f No.2096573



Especially for Disney. They usually try to avoid this type of press

2b8f46 No.2096574


They did look a bit peckish. Best to keep your distance.

d02dda No.2096575


filter and focus, anon.

945407 No.2096576


LOL, I believe you are retarded.

Only one of us can be right.

f0819a No.2096577

File: 86f825e2be9f849⋯.png (21.79 KB, 616x105, 88:15, ClipboardImage.png)


don't think so

(pic related) click there, then add fitler, then by either ID/ID+

2a518f No.2096578

File: b058038f2be1a18⋯.jpg (544.81 KB, 2500x1875, 4:3, hillary clinton-happy-luck….jpg)

File: 3575a7de28ef7a2⋯.jpg (112.34 KB, 1200x794, 600:397, hillary_clinton-lucky.jpg)

fbaef6 No.2096579

Trump signs bill to help grandparents raising kids

measure that would provide resources to grandparents raising their grandchildren has been signed into law by President Trump.

The Supporting Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Act, which cleared the Senate unanimously in June, will create a federal task force that will set up a one-stop shop of resources for roughly 2.6 million grandparents in the U.S. who are raising grandchildren. Many of these grandparents have been caring for their grandchildren as a result of the opioid crisis, taking on caregiving roles as their own children work through their addictions and treatments.

"With so many parents struggling with addiction, grandparents are increasingly coming to the rescue and assuming this role," said Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, who co-authored the bill. "It is essential that we do all that we can to help these families."


518eaf No.2096580

File: 5714ab64d4879e9⋯.jpg (96.72 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, iluvuanon.jpg)


I scream loud because I know anon is shy and will not speak as forwardly.

And I will never abandon him.

He is the hero of this story.

He is the one I believe in.

The one I trust and count on.

Nothing can change that.

Nothing will change that.

I love anon, forever.

fades back into the shadows

172bf9 No.2096581

File: f4e6086a2be245f⋯.png (189.22 KB, 519x752, 519:752, SCOTUS 3.png)

POTUS may nominate three to expand size of court…

Watch the fireworks then!

95a762 No.2096582


Williamson had them dropped. Incriminate kremlin like last time. Pawn in cabal hierarchy. Doubtful wwIII ignited by this. 187 lay he might be on it. Watch. Wait.

78aa5a No.2096583


i'm not jesus. those are his words. you just called jesus a faggot…faggot.

6c260c No.2096584


Great day at sea sir!

9719f0 No.2096585

File: b31e61bf3b75ac0⋯.jpg (151.79 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DreamersToo3.jpg)


Kek. Glad SOMEbody likes my memes.

2a518f No.2096586

File: b930854c2d49e72⋯.jpg (114.11 KB, 800x600, 4:3, hillary clinton-happy-luck….jpg)

File: 63d90a64b9c5a3e⋯.jpg (102.34 KB, 800x529, 800:529, hillary_clinton-lucky-1.jpg)

fe74b6 No.2096587


i know someone who got 2 and ended up paralyzed, in hospitals to nursing homes for over a year, then died.

also have a buddy that had one of them huge 3000 dollar dogs, vets gave him a dog flue shot, found him dead the next day. f flue shots for dogs, gtfo

6523a4 No.2096589


vaccines were a modern miracle untill the cabal got a hold of them. they may still do what they're supposed to but they also do alot of harm as well. what better way to forward a eugenics plan than to convince all the mice they need it?

1f4774 No.2096590


just for shits and giggles lets assume SR gave JA the goods as we all seem to believe. Let's assume the call went out from JP/HRC to 187 SR as the emails indicated. Staff at hospital said SR was alive when he arrived, but then they never saw him again. What if he did survive? If all of the aforementioned assumptions were true, that would mean SR is a more valuable witness for the white hats than even JA and could singlehandedly bring down the ENTIRE house of black hat cards - the Cabal, as it were - especially if everyone thought he were dead. He wouldve had the appropriate numbers in his phone about whom to call after he got shot, the white hats, as it were, who could swoop in to protect him. What if it were white hats, not black hats that did arrive to the hospital to save SR rather than complete the 187 as everyone assumes. Would explain the weird fucking behavior from the Rich family from minute one. Unlikely, but boy would that blow some fucking minds. Trump has been acting since the very beginning of his taking office that he has been holding all the cards, just two cents from a pokerfag.

0c7ff1 No.2096591

File: 1acdb570332f4eb⋯.png (67.56 KB, 378x655, 378:655, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34eb2037f3f930a⋯.png (125.97 KB, 629x623, 629:623, ClipboardImage.png)




f0819a No.2096592

File: 8f138cc64d41a05⋯.png (97.66 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, detectoroutstanding.png)


not bad

mostly right, few debatable

overall (pic related)

9c40ed No.2096593


Without some seriously solid evidence, this goes into the complete bullshit bin.

f4ed97 No.2096594


Be paranoid, very paranoid. report as fraud destory those cards and report it. seriously. this is not a game. it could very well be a set up.

94afe5 No.2096595


You scream loud because you're a homo bread gobbling asshole who jerks it to anime and needs to eat all the gas. Thanks.

2234ab No.2096596

File: 0f907bf79f67019⋯.png (36.95 KB, 483x173, 483:173, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)

8f5365 No.2096597


>I will post a photo of a 61 yo cunt.

We need a creampie-baker.

8b1159 No.2096598


Yes, but we weren't talking about God to people relationships. We were talking about relationships between people.


I'm not missing anything. I just disagree with you and the Bible supports what I'm saying. So..

78aa5a No.2096599


denying god = in thought, word, AND deed. god gives us 3 strikes. such is his grace.

60f4a3 No.2096600


I am amused, GranAnon/HippieAnon. Way to lift those puppies up! Kek! Filter the haters and keep being you. Together we are strong!

f0819a No.2096601

File: 24027104c96389c⋯.png (2.81 MB, 3237x1933, 3237:1933, SRsidebyside.png)



38a474 No.2096602



59f749 No.2096603



Just as


ab7e51 No.2096604


I do like your memes anon. TYVM

e2bd65 No.2096605


That baby balloon is abive TWIN TOWERS

They like twin towers like Boaz and Jachin

They like 11 to, because it looks like twin towers

And 2 x 11 x 2 is the same number forwards and backwards, and it calculates to 44


Or ii times 11 times ii

Twin Towers

c7d9e0 No.2096606


No kidding. I would.

I just thought it was interesting that if the bitch actually had the support that they claim she has, it would have been evident, as people would have been expressing support of some kind.

Instead, it was as if they were radio active, KEK.

c14bbd No.2096607


After every fight with Obama about why she had to be the girl when Obama is clearly the pussy hat of the two, Michael let's loose her monster trouser snake and mocks Obama with it in public.

286d54 No.2096608


Nobody? No one recognize the pic?


4b7ba4 No.2096609

File: 66a4cd109bced88⋯.jpeg (633.63 KB, 1600x1000, 8:5, white_squall.jpeg)

Is the catalog broken?

47e4df No.2096610

File: 7c5c3dc33a06a42⋯.jpg (21.61 KB, 500x363, 500:363, mrz070518-color-1-mb_1_ori….jpg)

nice pic.

sauce https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-09/when-collapse-goes-kinetic

9d67a3 No.2096612


Did his sub actually help in any way?

3df892 No.2096613



That is all you deserve, traitor.


16fbff No.2096614

File: efc7ac6fcc28e6a⋯.gif (131.11 KB, 222x533, 222:533, 1531173295264.gif)

b10163 No.2096615


A big beautiful wall

60f4a3 No.2096616


You get the God you believe in. Stop preaching here now. Seriously. Please.

893a64 No.2096617

File: efc1f7dde97bbbb⋯.jpeg (272.36 KB, 1440x1787, 1440:1787, 1529239313.jpeg)

2234ab No.2096619

File: d1907514025a0e2⋯.png (606.75 KB, 699x703, 699:703, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)



9ab130 No.2096620


October actually on half chan. Then moved to CBTS and then here. Yeah I'm concernfagging but it's starting to become a pattern. I give it less than 3 weeks before we move again. I could be wrong and if I am I'll admit it. When that time comes.

6bab69 No.2096622

File: 59ab9edfa98770a⋯.jpeg (526.09 KB, 640x1003, 640:1003, AC956436-2E2E-4589-B10B-9….jpeg)

File: 7407ed9e57db0d5⋯.jpeg (177.02 KB, 640x992, 20:31, BBF5E3F4-3653-4270-B0CD-D….jpeg)

^^^ goes with >>2096556

77110e No.2096623

Hippieanon where did you go? I was liking your rockin boobs!!

ab7e51 No.2096626

File: 88da24c8a82db7e⋯.png (98.79 KB, 1242x557, 1242:557, Patriot Trump-Blank to Mem….png)


and just like that

Mexico paid for the wall


47e4df No.2096627


No, it went over to the Dems.

2a518f No.2096628

File: f29357965ddbdcb⋯.jpg (223.31 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, gtfomo gift set.jpg)


You must be confused. here, for you. pic related

9d67a3 No.2096629


too bad Joe's brain is being eaten by libworms

d77f03 No.2096630


Already done, but the location and nature of the business seemed too convenient.

Looking at Kidzania now..what a weird fucking business concept - and started in Mexico. Indoctrinates kids on centralization, ordered communities, "money" etc. Agenda 21 kind of shit.

8b1159 No.2096631


Right.. because free speech and all that.

59f749 No.2096632


I'm not from

UK. I can't

tell you a thing!

516f7c No.2096636

File: c630fbe3155279f⋯.png (233.49 KB, 434x314, 217:157, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)

Guys, this has been bugging me for a while.

Is it him?


d48cbd No.2096637

File: 7eec3f24d6eed2d⋯.jpeg (25.52 KB, 240x160, 3:2, 297A2FBF-CFE9-41C3-879C-B….jpeg)

2b8f46 No.2096638

School starts soon-ish in the US.

Any advice on children needing vaccines before returning?

Any advice on whether or not children's schools and children in them, will continue to be used as a resource to take away the 2nd Amendment?

c4e498 No.2096639


> Even I can tell its all fucked up.

This board is not for newbs, but newbs have been welcome here.

Please stop begging to change our culture of no banning in order to suit your newfag definition of "what works". The board is working fine. Ever since the catalog went I've not had a single issue finding what I need to find. Hopefully, and I mean this sincerely, the newfags who have been shitting up our bread with FB, GLP, ATS, DEDDIT type of behavior will grow so frustrated that they will actually leave.

FINGERS CROSSED. This board is barely functioning because nefags just cannot STFU and stop complaining about pron (which us old fags knows is going to automatically get MOAR pron) some fucking twat yesterday kept running her suck about muh vagina..it was either half or some FB soccer mom who simply fails to understand our culture and demands we change it…she was so fucking disrupting that there is now a special board for you fucking newfags who insist this is FB and we "care" about what's in your pants and INSIST on using I / and ME language…ie "my husband" one of my favorities is "as a mother I…"

I hope the board stays exactly like it is and in the background I can hear all the autists who are sick and tired of your inability to catch on and work within OUR framework…instead it's a non-stop bitchfest.

Board is broken. It's NOT a big deal. We must be doing something correct. We've been under non-stop attack for almost two weeks. WE know what to do, post baker girls, and dig….and newfag inability to ignore what they just cannot manage to see (delicate…dangerous)…the inability to stop responding to fungusamongus…the inability to accept consensus, the fucking treating this place like a FB group chat.

(I feel bettah nao.)

AND yesterday…some fuckwad told me to lrn2spell MORAN….and that "it's STFU, not BTFO…." please, go back. maybe we can manage a system of "water carriers" people who transmit the finds to you outside of this place…another fucker told me "you're all too retarded autists, with this attitude you'll never red pill anyone..there is no place for that level of stupid here..and he (cause he just couldn't help outing his gender) then proceeded to huff and puff about how we have to change…and he didn't stop until I quite accurately pinned his arrogant asshattery…to ATS…visiting that board is a literal cancer.

Rant over, I think…but no doubt I'll get to C&P it to more of your ilk.

chat about your gender revealing shit…not here.

6523a4 No.2096641


who the hell copy pastas from patriots fight to share a Q post. that anon needs to lurk moar. why copy pasta any Q post, or even tweet is beyound me, provide links, caps, etc


59f749 No.2096642

3df892 No.2096643


>You must be confused.

No, I am not.

I want to see that bitch SUFFER.

619335 No.2096644

File: 647518c87ade2de⋯.jpg (76.68 KB, 590x462, 295:231, i was told Q.jpg)

f0819a No.2096645

File: 806ff6f96347cc3⋯.gif (2.51 MB, 500x500, 1:1, pepepopcorn.gif)



just got back a read that whole exchange

patrick is the faggot that pushed the shitty article, I wouldn't have called you that

but well played anon!

←—- me reading this exchange (AND TONIGHT)

2234ab No.2096646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

735dcc No.2096647


Who asked in what you believe . . .

496d88 No.2096648




72c896 No.2096649


Use the index anon:

https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/index.html

ff52aa No.2096652


Thx. 2nd reference i've read today of

>neighbors described a scene that seemed like it was out of a movie.


Richardson was 1st person that came to my mind also when reading "DOE OSO".


Ever wonder how/when info from NSA becomes actionable prior to a possible crime domestically?

896b47 No.2096653


Q told us to look into the therapists of shooters after Annapolis… and a few interesting flags came up with the Aurora shooter's, and Sandy Hook's… were there any conclusions there?… was a separate thread set up for more in-depth stuff?

Also I'm wondering if there has been any mainstream coverage of the insane number of unsealed indictments. I can't believe that no one outside of here finds that interesting.

I'm not good for much more than posting good links from here onto twatville… I have big followers. Good sauce works on them. I scour here for hours for stuff to spread around. And even with all the madness I still always manage to find something. We're going to be okay.

3cd8b0 No.2096654

File: 1c321d6d624a0f5⋯.jpg (15.18 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1517800723125.jpg)



Is it any coincidence that MBS could be an acronym for either Marina Bay Sands or Mohammad Bin Salman

18eb4f No.2096655


Yea, I wanted to eliminate the leaf bread stupidity completely. Any anon that replies deserves to catch friendly fire.

Dumbest slide ever.

ae808d No.2096656


When shit hits the fan he'll come right out of it, and Eddie Bravo will have a fuckin hayday.

c8f419 No.2096657

File: 6b9474ef0fcd7b0⋯.gif (2.69 MB, 250x444, 125:222, 658ce6853a4a78fd5f78ce232d….gif)


have some strawberries, baker

3df892 No.2096658

59f749 No.2096659


I thought Barrett was already


78aa5a No.2096660


at the start, vaccines contained mercury. at the start. what does that tell you? answer:

it's NOT that vaccine scientists were unaware that mercury could kill you.

9e4f12 No.2096661


The Wall save mexico.

0c7ff1 No.2096663

File: 0b17000b2e71e61⋯.gif (1.83 MB, 300x168, 25:14, thinking emoji.gif)


Who doesn't recognize a Q post when shared…?

0e9365 No.2096664


ears are wrong…

fe74b6 No.2096665


sounds familiar

i know where my info was stolen

i used my ebay one time… months later i got a strange charge from a motel in some other country, cant remember now. they refunded money, issued new card. careful where u use ur cards and keep them in safety pouch when in public. they can steal ur card info right out of ur pocket.

2a518f No.2096666


Who, in their right mind, wouldn't. Take the meme, and enjoy.

Seems kinda shilly to me to not get those memes….Left can't meme, ergo, diaf.

893a64 No.2096667

03703e No.2096668

Jesus, people are wound up right today. I felt that this might make for an easy Q "proof" one way or the other. Does anyone think we could not use a few more proofs?

8f5365 No.2096669


I believe you purposefully mixing truth with disinfo, clown.

d48cbd No.2096670

File: a38fd798cdfd41f⋯.png (301.04 KB, 512x512, 1:1, D80658EB-BFF7-4EC8-8821-CD….png)

File: f59fe25d3c77180⋯.jpeg (271.45 KB, 1125x1125, 1:1, 6907210A-9246-4E4D-B2DC-5….jpeg)

d77f03 No.2096671

This Kidzania place absolutely EXPLODED across the world. New locations in Dallas, Chicago, and NYC.

"A "mini-city" that allows children to play at pretend jobs like truck driver, baker or doctor is expected to open in 2019 at Oakbrook Center.

The KidZania will be among the first two opening in the United States, the other being in the Dallas area.

Each indoor KidZania location has buildings, paved streets, vehicles and an economy fueled by a currency called kidZos. A still-undetermined admission price is charged, and the children, ages 4 to 14, are guided to some of the 100 potential hands-on role-playing and dress-up activities. A typical visit lasts four to five hours."


17cb0b No.2096673

File: c41fe8327d1cc98⋯.jpg (12.66 KB, 255x160, 51:32, pepe-baking.jpg)




fresh bread

fresh bread


488ba6 No.2096674

>I believe the Jews are honest and persecuted people, who have suffered as scapegoats for centuries, mainly because their cultural values have propelled them to the top of any social strata that they happen to be involved in. People always blame the prosperous when times are tough, even if the prosperous did nothing to cause those tough times.

Slow painful death in order for (You), you POS Sayanim motherfucker

945407 No.2096675


Who asked you to police what I post?

c1f290 No.2096676

File: 7c2e3da4a5935f7⋯.jpg (40.26 KB, 540x540, 1:1, r37dc756dfece430f81899318c….jpg)

e31664 No.2096677


Send the liberals to protest they'll probably get shot calling the authorities racist in Mexico.

d02dda No.2096678



what must be compelling?? whatever Q does to "force this one"? aka a positive press piece?






drops 1643 and 1644 gave us clear directions and we are not following them

we are failing Q's tests.

9c40ed No.2096679


I think it's more protecting his brand. Whatever his personal beliefs may be, he's made his name - and more specifically, his podcast success - by being as close to true-neutral as is possible to be.

You don't keep that up by coming out, advocating for things not in the main-stream majority. You can certainly listen, offer low-level opinion and even some critique, but you cannot - I repeat, cannot - be clearly on one side or another.

Bugs the crap out of me sometimes, but it also is why I enjoy his podcast and why I can stomach some of the far-leftist guests he has (while on his show anyway).

And he's done more to introduce random normies to individuals such as Jordan Peterson than pretty much anyone or anything else.

Worth it.

9ced62 No.2096680

File: 2780781afc35287⋯.gif (2.4 MB, 460x460, 1:1, 2780781afc35287dd558bc0f04….gif)


>To all anons, the confusion and general chaos happening in the board right now is eerily similar to what happened on CBTS.

>Anybody want to take a guess at which namefag was right in the middle of that shit storm too? AFLB should not be trusted.

Can confirm. Saw it in RT. Fungus really did burn through 3 chances at this.


..Because they were given that last chance, and blew it by abandoning the kitchen.

But yeah, we're all out of our minds.. okay… pic related..

6bab69 No.2096681


351627 No.2096682

File: 025cc8c9649e5ab⋯.jpg (129.13 KB, 611x598, 47:46, jew-vaccination-stuermer.jpg)

f0819a No.2096683



thank you baker

8b1159 No.2096684

File: 71025be038239dd⋯.png (394.32 KB, 942x716, 471:358, ClipboardImage.png)


I know an 11 y/o that can Photoshop better than that.

5f2b52 No.2096685


It is almost at the level of a parody of hypocrisy. Mexico slams us for wanting a wall and then they go ahead with building a wall.

When will we see all the movie stars rushing to southern Mexico to protest?

18cf7d No.2096686


stfu faggot

286d54 No.2096688


Its a pic from Q … post 1406

619335 No.2096689

File: 0627522f2f203b2⋯.jpg (13.05 KB, 236x233, 236:233, 9aa75a64b400f241148d1f2f5a….jpg)

3cd8b0 No.2096690


I remember going to a similar such place oncce in grade school.. what's the point?

0e9365 No.2096691


0c7ff1 No.2096693

File: ae350ded11aabea⋯.png (279.39 KB, 622x515, 622:515, ClipboardImage.png)


Nat a coincidence at all…wasn't there a time there when a rumor spread about MBS being missing?

adb8b6 No.2096694


That CREEPY guy that ran Obama's 2008 campaign, Steven Hildebrand, talks about pie with Cecile Richards from Planned Parenthood on his facebook.

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