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File: 1ea9ee2a5bd6efc⋯.jpg (575.72 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, bannerGoldenMane.jpg)

a07261 No.2092625

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Integrity--for in Truth lies Victory.

Please Read Our Designated Disclaimer https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html





Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215

100+ Q Proof Graphics download qproofs.com

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Wednesday 07.04.18

>>2029255 --------------------------------------------------- Independence Celebration

Tuesday 07.03.18

>>2022737 rt >>2022584 --------------------------------- Who do you see?

>>2022584 --------------------------------------------------- Plane Through Blinds (subject to change)

>>2022398 rt >>2022233 --------------------------------- Trolling is Fun. Hussein/Trump interior = identical minus small changes.

>>2021248 rt >>2019981, >>2021248, >>2020544 Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

>>2018075 ---------------------------------------------------- Divide they try. Fail they will.

>>2017327 rt >>2016766 ---------------------------------- WelcomeAboard.png (Picture from inside AF1)

>>2014318 ---------------------------------------------------- Add another to the list

>>2014158 rt >>2013625 --------------------------------- Matters of National Security

>>2012087 ---------------------------------------------------- The SWAMP is being DRAINED

>>2011888 rt >>2011499 ---------------------------------- Think NATIONAL SECURITY

>>2008390 ---------------------------------------------------- What happened to Stormy?

>>2008327 ---------------------------------------------------- Crumb #1238

>>2007973 rt >>2007869, >>2007911 ---------------- /patriotsfight/77

>>2007911 rt >>2007869 --------------------------------- The intelligence was passed through unofficial means

>>2007869 ---------------------------------------------------- We have the server

Sunday 07.01.18

>>1992408 ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you, Ben

>>1991829 ---------------------------------------------------- There will be no civil war

>>1991107 ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you USSS

>>1987414 ---------------------------------------------------- https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jul/1/us-really-did-have-manchurian-candidate-white-hous/

>>1986553 rt >>1986489 --------------------------------- Think stages. What role can MIL INTEL play? What role can NSA play? BANG!

>>1986443 rt >>1986153 --------------------------------- Ask yourself & the more you know

>>1986153 rt >>1986043 --------------------------------- Ask yourself - who is filing the indictments? Who has that kind of manpower?

>>1986043 ---------------------------------------------------- Nothing being done?

>>1984605 ---------------------------------------------------- Do you feel the emotion/anger this writer has? They are scared of you ( https://archive.is/yAyDg & https://archive.is/bKS9t )

>>1983801 rt >>1983724 --------------------------------- Make no mistake- Rep Gowdy is a Patriot

>>1983724 rt >>1983663 --------------------------------- Being on the list does not equate to receiving the nomination

>>1983678 rt >>1983633 --------------------------------- You save what you do need

>>1983636 ---------------------------------------------------- What a coincidence

>>1983529 ---------------------------------------------------- #GoodbyeDemocrats

>>1983481 ---------------------------------------------------- Antifacist logos

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095

Discussion and Refinement bread for Best Q Proofs >>1739215


Q's Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1957621, How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1838738, Freedom of Speech >>2064946 Useful Filters

a07261 No.2092636


are not endorsements


>>2075736, >>2088625 Broken Catalog and finding the latest QResearch bread

>>2034376 The Declaration of Independence (dl your copy today!)

>>1964963 BO confirms: Link to QAnon.pub or QProofs.com, NOT HERE

>>1999458 A Few Things Have Become Evident'

>>2089271 New chat bread to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion >>2089312

>>2091341 How to find bread using the index


>>2092621 North Carolina private school busted for concealing illegals in sports program:

>>2092401 Planefag Updates

>>2092494 liberal journo meltdown over Kennedy is warming up nicely

>>2092472 North Koreans are trolling the MSM.

>>2092409 'Craziness becoming strategic' NATO leaders in panic mode ahead of POTUS visit

>>2092007, >>2092225 Digs on Family from NJ House Explosion on July 7

>>2092000 Learn how to read the map [PDF]

>>2092078 Strozck And McCabe to testify in Grand Jury investigations

>>2092141 Twitter Plunges 8% after massive user ban

>>2092202 Taliban nearly eradicated opium production in Afganhistan with a 99% reduction in the area of opium poppy farming in Taliban-controlled areas, roughly three quarters of the world's supply of heroin at the time

>>2091934 , >>2092526 Pompeo unannounced trip to Afghanistan.


>>2091651, >>2091664 This just in: Brits still being spied on six ways to Sunday

>>2091617 planefags represent

>>2091588 BOOM: UK #WalkAway: Boris Johnson 3rd minister to resign over May’s "Brexit"

>>2091548 Flake: ‘There Is Concern Across Europe’ About What Trump Might Promise Putin

>>2091534 Jilted Former EPA Aide With Sordid History Takes Credit For Pruitt Resigning

>>2091528, >>2091665 Somebody's doing the raping. Yup, it's Harvey Weinstein again!

>>2091485 Faceberg Hires Soros to Help Remove Conservative Content from Platform

>>2091447, >>2091462 FAKE BREXIT is dead! Long Live HARD BREXIT!!!

>>2091417 Muh Sword of Damocles: NATO leaders fear Trump crisis at key summit

>>2091397 King Phelipe: follow the bloodlines

>>2091296 meme of the day

>>2091274 /ourguy/ James Woods blisters @Jack for censoring a picture of the flag as offensive

>>2091235 UK: BBC/Black Studies Prof Claim West is "Built on Racism," Incite ‘Revolution’

>>2091233 Smooth transition for me, not for thee: 2004 Intelligence Reform Act Podesta email

>>2091208, >>2091305, >>2091430, >>2091429, >>2091465 On Hussein and Colombia's Ivan Duque meet

>>2091202 Workout Data From Fitness App Used to Identify Gov Spies and Mil Personnel

>>2091171 SK: 8 Samsung Securities workers charged with stock trading fraud

>>2091155 Fearing US sanctions, Tehran preps to transfer $300 Million from German enablers

>>2091140 How many liberal tears does it take to MAGA? 2 scoops, 2 genders, 2 SCOTUS picks

>>2091871 #2637


>>2091069 Good Morning from @realDonaldTrump!

>>2091054 NZ: Maori leader accused of running major pedo ring involving top NZ officials

>>2090999 Moneyed interests first: U.S. Opposition to Breast-Feeding Resolution Stuns World

>>2090973 Headless Robespierre's Cautionary Tale For The 'Alt Left' Unleashed On America

>>2090968 Syrian sources confirm Iranians killed in ‘Israeli attack’ on Homs air base

>>2090867 Moar digging on Ben Rhodes re: Hussein, Iran, Syria

>>2090841, >>2090862 Hussein Definitely-Not-Logan-Act visits Pres Sanchez, King Phelipe in Spain

>>2090823 Podesta-linked Advisory Council of Alliance for Securing Democracy & muh Russian bots

>>2090633, >>2090649 Oz: Billionaire Scientologist James Packer quits Co. citing mental health

>>2090524 Newest GermanAnon Web Archive Update

>>2090296, >>2090814, >>2090817 "Wiring Diagram" of the 2008 Cabal. Names/policies/positions

>>2090286 "The Circle" IRL? e-Estonia's e-solutions for for a new "information society"

>>2090097 2013 Loop Capital Dig: Connected to America-(((Israel))) Chamber of Commerce

>>2091066 #2636

>>2088303 #2633, >>2087528 #2632, >>2086736 #2631, >>2085985 #2630, >>2085110 #2629, >>2084365 #2628, >>2083557 #2627, >>2082743 #2626

>>2081478 Notables List #2606-#2620

Best Of Bread https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

a07261 No.2092638

War Room

WHO IS #QAnon TWEETSTORM ON NOW. FIRE THE CANNONS >>1960133 , >>1960135, >>1960203

#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 -- Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>143179 --- META

>>494745 --- Quest for Searchability

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1286065 -- Find The Key Dig

>>1310117 -- For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 -- Clockwork Qrange

>>1689200 -- Twitter watcher #3 (@BackChannel17, @TheRealCheshCat, @TrustfulAlice, @Hatterliveshere, @UK_Revolution17)

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>2033995

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————-—————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ———-——– >>>/comms/966

a07261 No.2092640

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

25, >>1963080, 24 >>1745576, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist -- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon --------------------- http://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How to bake Q-bread >>1989536, Baking Tips >>1989634

a07261 No.2092660

current dough


a07261 No.2092664

File: fca775dcf5ccdc3⋯.png (191.13 KB, 255x255, 1:1, bakerWantedDale.png)




9503cc No.2092670


Daybaker here.

Can step in.

Please confirm.

084fd2 No.2092676

File: 64c1f17602333e8⋯.jpg (157.84 KB, 640x1060, 32:53, jewsKilledChrist_Talmud.jpg)

Not sure why you left this out of notables baker. Had multiple anons nominate it… It's def relevant to what we do here too.

I'll repost. Here's the proof that Jews are responsible for hanging Christ.


DO NOT LET (((THEM))) TELL YOU IT WAS THE ROMANS. That's their go to line, when (((they))) all really know that their Talmud states it clearly.

67b0d2 No.2092679

File: 92b7c7c393aaf29⋯.png (130.42 KB, 1250x923, 1250:923, ClipboardImage.png)

Blip billboards campaign update.

Up to 52 billboards nationwide now.

60,000 sets of eyes so far.

7f2dc5 No.2092682

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the fawkes always outwits the hare

55f08c No.2092701

File: 40103010208f1ea⋯.jpg (534.34 KB, 2650x1269, 2650:1269, img_eggsif_255696710430210….jpg)

49e0eb No.2092703


He said he left Daybaker…

P&L here, just bake…

ae68f8 No.2092707

The state of the news:

White House senior adviser Stephen Miller reportedly threw out $80 worth of sushi after a bartender at the restaurant he ordered from flipped him off as he walked out of the restaurant.


c65396 No.2092714

File: 2605ea5703fddab⋯.png (105.01 KB, 492x419, 492:419, Mirror.png)

I guess it's obvious by now, but I finally figured out what Q meant with this post.

Now remember that when he made this post originally, it was when we thought actions were going to take place in America that ended up occurring in Saudi Arabia (look behind you).

So, think Mirror.

On July 4th, who won their independence and from which country?

The USA did, from the UK (but, look behind you).

Think Mirror.

Who is going to get the freedom this July 4 (approximate)?

Who is the drop referring to?

The UK.

Q was telling us to have eyes on the UK.

Like I said it's probably obvious by now.


9a9db2 No.2092724

File: 7884c4b1a1ec702⋯.jpg (119.32 KB, 960x619, 960:619, strzokwhois.jpg)

>>2089320 (pb)

Strzok thread.. not sliding just adding moar..

https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/954173497168875520.html <-- for those that werent here 22 weeks ago

3c7084 No.2092725



Thanks for continuing to update!

50938c No.2092726

>>2092120 (pb)

Beyond words..

>>2092570 (pb)

>Family time

Obama traveled to Madrid with his family and has a strictly private agenda for his remaining days in Spain. The trip to the country is an opportunity to spend time with his daughters, who have just begun their summer vacations. Malia, 19, has finished her first year at Harvard University in Cambridge and Sasha, 17, has graduated from Sidwell Friends School in Washington and will take a one-year sabbatical before deciding on her next move.

Obama visited Spain when he was president in 2016 and had previously traveled to the country as a 26-year-old backpacker.


818eb5 No.2092727



Two bakers in the house?

Daybaker confirmed handoff?

b13e42 No.2092728

Love how y'all waited for the last bread to be filled before posting over here.


93f0ae No.2092729

File: 9683f5e77f12d34⋯.png (67.88 KB, 807x529, 807:529, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1fe5f9911167348⋯.png (425.71 KB, 839x438, 839:438, ClipboardImage.png)

Reposting for visibility

Muellers top guy in his team arranged a meeting with MSM about Manafort a month BEFORE the special counsel was even in place…. This smells of the same Media set up like the Steele Dossier…


2a4771 No.2092730

File: 52be82b779463e8⋯.jpg (220.98 KB, 921x561, 307:187, 785ppa-wFkZAQL.jpg)

ty baker

7f2dc5 No.2092731

wow deprecation , must have been a bad habit or a bad investment

1790dc No.2092732

File: 852499f9edf96a5⋯.png (400.31 KB, 522x419, 522:419, 1.png)





saw this in notables and even though its old news now I though it should be further addressed...


>Nobody gives a shit about the tripcode. Some faggot on half-chan cracked it for fun.

actually anons do give a shit about the tripcode. if the tripcode system is just a joke for anyone with access to google this is a larger problem that should be discussed and addressed


>You know why I don't like you?

judging by the replys to BOs post everyone seems to like his edgy style, but i find it condescending and discouraging. i was in the threads last night and while i agree the anon in question was posting a lot, his posts were on topic while a ton of other garbage and chit chat was being posted. not liking an anon is one thing, but discouraging discussion is another.



BO: everyone here appreciates your work, but instead of slandering anons for asking you legitimate questions, why don't you just give them legitimate answers. turning the entire board against anons that challenge you gives the impression that you are closed to criticism or incapable of offering a legitimate response to it. thats not the case, is it?

c65396 No.2092733

File: 8c56c6b250715dd⋯.png (82.69 KB, 930x615, 62:41, ItsComingHome.png)


Energy in/around the UK.

399d65 No.2092735


suggestion…..since the catalog is all jacked, if you're going to post link to next bread please do so closer to the end of the previous one.

b13e42 No.2092736

Posted on prev bread, but too late to get to Baker in time to make notables.


>>2092622 (prev bread)

Thank you Anon


Maybe we should make this YT link a..


#Walkaway YT Fan Site (collecting testimonials)


372b2e No.2092737


McConnell pursued from Kentucky restaurant by angry crowd


Wondering what is going on in dark undergrond of Kentucky…LOTS of disruption, threats to the Congressmen that are from there…

b6b9fd No.2092738



Always the same posts at the beginning after notables

7a0a3e No.2092739


I've got plenty of psychosis already, I don't need more, thanks.

49e0eb No.2092740


I was just telling Daybaker that I do not think he was going to get a confirmation, Rusty posted that he was gone…

I am a baker, but DayBaker said he would take the bake..

93f0ae No.2092743


whomp whomp

6e28bb No.2092744


hope this worked…

c8106c No.2092745

File: 8e1b4f01426db0c⋯.png (153.46 KB, 771x794, 771:794, bsji.png)


7a0a3e No.2092746


Fuck off, BO has a difficult job wrangling retards, leave him the fuck alone.

2db0ec No.2092747

File: 4958e20a77976ff⋯.png (279.61 KB, 662x542, 331:271, Screenshot_2018-07-09 Obam….png)

File: 5b6f0f72f58ba9b⋯.png (256.81 KB, 685x461, 685:461, Screenshot_2018-07-09 Oba….png)

I posted this late in last bread…Reposting.



“We see a rise in nationalism” Obama told his audience.

The world needs to consider how to use the new technology to improve lives and ensure that it “does not accelerate division”, he added.

“Today because of the internet, and because of the multiplicity of media what we see more and more is that we don’t agree on the same reality.”


This phenomenon "has been "exploited by some forces internationally", which "feed their biases".

The solution, according to Obama, is to train young people"to think differently"..

THEY are comming for our comms

2eebbe No.2092748

>>2092706 (lb)


>I swear. Do you ever think you see Mars, Venus or whichever extra light source is out, move? I mean move?

The planets do not move the way we were taught in grade school.

The planets do not "orbit the sun"

The sun and planets are essentially a huge comet.

Before you call me a shill and tell me my opinion is shit, I have a question:

Why does the solar system, have a tail?


Anyways, This comet moves through space in a helical motion, as part of an even bigger comet called the Milky Way.

And things scale up from there.

As Above, So Below. :)

b06cdb No.2092749


Not able

2a4771 No.2092750

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New #WalkAway story - touched by a Patriot response

9503cc No.2092751

File: 00b45f98c752d47⋯.jpg (58.52 KB, 750x600, 5:4, wo.jpg)




Would prefer confirmation and vetting, but with neither of those on the table, I'll assume responsibility for the time being.

Baker on duty.

c09de1 No.2092752

>>2092634 (lb)

Time will tell. That being said, I am positive that Trump and Team will put the subversive kikes in their place.

>>2092662 (lb)

>You have to understand the difference between Zionist Jews (they self-proclaimed themselves Jewish) vs DNA Jews.

Yep. Zionism and the jewish religion are incompatible with the West, but if a racial jew is vocal against jewish subversion and jewish supremacism, then I will gladly fight by his side.

> I read a Ancestry report stating there was more Authentic Jewish blood in the Palistines than in the Jewish people who are in Isreal.

Interdasting. Thanks.

>In 1883, she founded the Society for the Improvement and Colonization of East European Jews.[8] An important forerunner of the Zionist movement.

Interdasting. Thanks.

2fcf38 No.2092753


Andrew Weismann - known as the pit bull is as corrupt as they come. His track record of misconduct speaks for itself. If it was not for hus powerful friends, he would have been disbarred by now.

5c90a3 No.2092754


Boris Johnson has resigned as foreign secretary, becoming the third minister in 24 hours to walk out of the government rather than back Theresa May’s plans for a soft Brexit.

Power, not Brexit, is behind Boris Johnson’s decision to quit

Martin Kettle

Martin Kettle

Read more

The prime minister hammered out a compromise with her deeply divided cabinet in an all-day meeting at Chequers on Friday but after consulting friends and allies Johnson decided he could not promote the deal.

Pressure on the foreign secretary had been mounting since fellow pro-Brexiter David Davis resigned as Brexit secretary on Sunday night, swiftly followed by his No 2 at the Department for Exiting the EU, Steve Baker.

A Downing Street spokesman said: “This afternoon, the prime minister accepted the resignation of Boris Johnson as foreign secretary. His replacement will be announced shortly. The prime minister thanks Boris for his work.”

Friends said Johnson had been finalising his resignation letter, but Downing Street announced his departure before he had completed it.

After the Chequers summit, it emerged that Johnson had referred to attempts to sell the prime minister’s Brexit plan as being akin to “polishing a turd”.

941c25 No.2092755

File: bc7b26b43d85922⋯.png (44.93 KB, 623x362, 623:362, jrscantbehaveonplanes.PNG)

Hollyweird acting out. Commercial flights must be hell for them.


14b0cb No.2092756

>>2092719 (l/b)

>protected by their father in youth, their husband in middle life and their grown sons in old age

Absolutely! Cannot conceive of a more effective social construct than marriage when applied as ordained by God.

7f2dc5 No.2092757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

polyester zombies yodeling their own eulogy from a bank on a chan board

a76826 No.2092758

File: a543834936b2a70⋯.png (826.07 KB, 2332x624, 583:156, 05.07.2018 23.36.41a.png)


db6eff No.2092759

>>2092688 lb

correct. i trust GOD because i can SEE his grace and good works. i trust TRUMP for the same reasons...and that he has the 'earthly' powers god assigned to magistrates to bring justice. Q, though as invisible as GOD, has yet to SHOW me good grace...lots of words, lots of 'proofs', but no 'results'. i don't follow unknowns by having blind faith. GOD, to me, is not unknown...because i can see, feel, and experience his grace. not so much yet with 'Q'.

0acbac No.2092760


I second this

6e28bb No.2092761

I am putting the quick reply box on the message I want to say is notable and clicking it then writing my text. What am I doing wrong?


cf74c7 No.2092762

File: c43c31de2b81465⋯.jpg (243.64 KB, 764x1000, 191:250, c43c31de2b81465bec7584dbd8….jpg)

6000b2 No.2092763

File: e6f68ab3c15319f⋯.jpg (169.9 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, border-wall-1280x720.jpg)

File: ff850df62fb01bc⋯.jpg (179 KB, 1280x1403, 1280:1403, c81ca18f44925090c05934f39a….jpg)


Reposting, because previous baker had already baked last bread.

The Federal Government has notified South Texas residents of impending land surveys for border wall construction.


b6b9fd No.2092764


Stupid post…and off topic

d505fd No.2092765

>>2092706 (lb)

I swear I see them move.

I swear they don't even look like stars or 'planets'.

I'm supposed to claim they are twinkling, right? its just light and atmosphere playing ?

... right?


7a0a3e No.2092766


Tag the post number

2eebbe No.2092767


That's not the answer to the question I asked.

356db2 No.2092768

Question for anons - Didn't RR miss his deadline for producing the documents?

Where are we with that?

d505fd No.2092769

File: 798ba6d171ebdbf⋯.png (37.79 KB, 645x259, 645:259, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)


click the No ##### on the post

7f2dc5 No.2092770

maybe ebot can use that border wall to get away from americans and that damn gestapi zombie virus those gop fehgels keep insinuating

49e0eb No.2092771

File: b2a2b214cfe601d⋯.jpg (8.95 KB, 255x174, 85:58, HandoffConfirmed.jpg)


Thanks Baker!!

Here is a little Handoff love for you!!

4b3c38 No.2092772

File: 36952e5cf08e745⋯.jpg (255.2 KB, 1354x967, 1354:967, 2BASG HongKong-Russia- 201….jpg)

File: 0140eff7465e0f5⋯.jpg (391.75 KB, 1351x960, 1351:960, 2JSEG Paris- 2018-07-09 16….jpg)

File: d70f63790a085a6⋯.jpg (123.61 KB, 1528x445, 1528:445, 153086 MAGMA89 FL 2018-07-….jpg)

File: c82a21b3fec20e1⋯.jpg (235.88 KB, 1677x644, 1677:644, Army Blackhawks(2) SE PA D….jpg)

File: c4598171490db7e⋯.png (265.21 KB, 516x541, 516:541, Recon7.png)

Planefag update.

Lost the Australian military callsign GABELSEN declaring no registration after it departed from St. Petersburg heading NE.

1. Guernsey-registered private jet with a "military" designation (i.e. avoids many customs/immigration inspections) 2-BASG departed Hong Kong >9 hours ago and is flying across central Russia apparently heading toward St. Petersburg.

2. 2-JSEG left Paris and is probably returning to the Isle of Guernsey where it is registered.

3. Joint Special Operations MAGMA89 flew out of Miami area heading north up the FL peninsula.

4. Noticed 2 Army Blackhawk helos in SE Pennsylvania / Delaware. Can't tell where they took off from; radar first noticed one over a highway which was probably not where the flight originated. Lost them.



c09de1 No.2092773



According to the talmud, jews are responsible for hanging Christ.

c65396 No.2092774


Huge News

Pretty sure he was controlled opposition anyways.

Resigning just like our corrupt politicians here in the USA because he has so much dirt that he has no choice but to disappear.

Might even be an indictment with his name on it.

We'll see; is my theory right, or just a fanciful story.

The important part is that the UK government is now been shaken up - Patriots are in control.


The Revolution

845fcf No.2092775

File: 06d6ad04f1163e9⋯.jpg (189.58 KB, 978x1201, 978:1201, Comey vs CORNEY FBI QanonD….jpg)

(Pic Related) Result CORNEY aka Comey dive………..he spoke in LV a few weeks ago~

Remember Q taught us how t "translate" Comey… have we seen the transcript of his LV Speech?

BAKER BAKER!! "WRAY appoints new Asst Director James Alway" (Pic Related Too)

7a0a3e No.2092776


It's all in your head. Everything. Stars, moons, etc. Takes a while to figure it out so I don't mention it much.

0acbac No.2092777

File: 0434b783c4144dc⋯.jpg (30.66 KB, 500x285, 100:57, IMG_20180320_170242_01.jpg)


>Click post number

>Type response

>Click the post button

Fucks sake Anon lurk moar

084fd2 No.2092778


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

5346f0 No.2092779

File: 5542980d62577f0⋯.png (259.79 KB, 815x596, 815:596, NP.png)

Someone is a little worried that the children won't be getting the trafficking, raping, sacrificing, and cooking they deserve anymore

ae68f8 No.2092780


Hey you stupid bitch, unless your gonna flash your ugly ass tits again, take it Bantz. Cunt.

818eb5 No.2092781



Oi faggots you know each other's personality enough? Let's keep it that way. That is two bakers confirmed. Now just be classy and identify each other while BO catches up on those Z's. A BV will log in soon enough for "vetting".

It'll be fine, stay sharp.


941c25 No.2092782

File: 61863087ca2dfe9⋯.png (76.15 KB, 642x572, 321:286, donschauff.PNG)

Noel Cintron suing Lion King


c65396 No.2092783


Logic is relative.

9a9db2 No.2092784

File: f42d92a84614eca⋯.png (59.79 KB, 1401x314, 1401:314, Screenshot-2018-7-9 Sealed….png)

File: 7c72e9c1ca640e9⋯.png (984.25 KB, 1093x851, 1093:851, Screenshot-2018-7-9 Sealed….png)


Russian News About Q

93f0ae No.2092785

File: ff3e0f9cf97cc49⋯.png (726.51 KB, 744x375, 248:125, ClipboardImage.png)


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me you little bitch? I'll have you know I have over 300 confirmed performances at birthday parties, with over 1,000 ways to make you laugh. And thats just balloons animals, little bitch. You just couldn't keep your little faggot mouth shut could you? You had to fucking go and say something, and now your fucked. Proper fucked. Get ready bitch, I'm fitting in my tiny ass car and hippty-hopping my ass right to your backyard party, you're dead kiddo

372b2e No.2092786


the HYPEROBOLE is strong with these traitors

e272ce No.2092787

>>2092032 LB

Sum of digits = 17

c09de1 No.2092788

File: 76d14cb39fa6fb8⋯.png (57.08 KB, 1310x844, 655:422, Flow_Chart_3_Q.png)


Off course they are.

Expect it and plan for when the black out comes.

b06cdb No.2092789

Does anyone here really believe the catalog is actually broken?


How difficult a program could it be?

1581b6 No.2092790

File: 4e3d4259e520301⋯.jpg (176.17 KB, 631x420, 631:420, 68747470733a2f2f692e696d67….jpg)

if Q is not a larp, how is hillary so unafraid of prosecution that she is prepping a 2020 run? mueller probe still going. why is literally nothing happening to fbi/doj criminals, election fraudsters, hobomba etc? srsly tho

70996e No.2092791

File: 0375a0dfc82cd76⋯.jpeg (302.39 KB, 799x1069, 799:1069, Screenshot_2018-07-09-12-….jpeg)

File: 81bc2c3ed2d77aa⋯.jpeg (88.56 KB, 799x330, 799:330, Screenshot_2018-07-09-12-….jpeg)

File: bcd074a64ab097f⋯.jpeg (82.05 KB, 799x336, 799:336, Screenshot_2018-07-09-12-….jpeg)

File: e42c88ccc982e30⋯.jpeg (127.9 KB, 799x412, 799:412, Screenshot_2018-07-09-12-….jpeg)

File: 881abc8b447a17c⋯.jpeg (483.46 KB, 799x1147, 799:1147, Screenshot_2018-07-09-12-….jpeg)

Boris Johnson quits, Trump bug out plan in effect due in London on Friday the 13th.

ae68f8 No.2092792


I as assuming his wife wasn't with him since those pussies probably wouldn't of said jack shit if she was. She'd fuck them up.

177767 No.2092793


Which is exactly what IADB serves to aid in. This little gem is now teaching kids and parents how to think and act.

I think we are getting into notable territory here.


6e28bb No.2092794



084fd2 No.2092795

7a0a3e No.2092796


>I'm fitting in my tiny ass car and hippty-hopping my ass right to your backyard party


7f2dc5 No.2092797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

even got a cast iron scalping cia nigga sink by the sarlacc

a76826 No.2092798

File: 0af6fe8cc43638e⋯.png (98.26 KB, 920x495, 184:99, ClipboardImage.png)



How so?

9ea3fa No.2092799


Anons are not supposed to nominate their own digs for notable.


7a0a3e No.2092800


Wtf r u doin

4b3c38 No.2092801

>>2091548 Hey concernfag Jeff Flake, there is "concern" all across the state of AZ, not to mention the USA, for your mental state. PS you are drooling and your fly is open.

d5c1e3 No.2092802

Somebody posted a few breads back about intersystems corp of Boston and the NJ explosion that killed John Paladino.

Turns out that you don't need to go to Boston to find a John Paladino, there are several in New Jersey. It is actually a pretty common name there.

Unless somebody comes up with a better reason I don't see any reason why the NJ explosion is significant at all. And I don't see any connection at all to a company in Boston.

Much more interesting things are afoot like the slide into more and more serious situations. Look at the trajectory of the Harvey Weinstein charges. Look at the trajectory of UK Brexit politics. Look at the OIG report trajectory. Why is all of this being slow walked on the same kind of trajectory.

There has to be a hidden hand in all this, and I think it is the ex-CIA and ex-military people that are behind the counter coup and working with Trump.

084fd2 No.2092803


Yes…. now instead of using "this", type in the post # that you're alluding to.

c65396 No.2092804


A person's logic depends on what they believe to be true.

ae68f8 No.2092805


Also true is that the shills ALWAYS do whatever they can to have their post within the top few posts. Concern Article fag made sure of that for this thread.

7f2dc5 No.2092806

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

666782 No.2092807

File: 0ea48b5ba2b7708⋯.png (46.28 KB, 704x182, 352:91, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)

File: 7ef91051b8d942b⋯.jpg (15.45 KB, 255x195, 17:13, emo patriotic pep.jpg)

Dear anons, can't tell you how important >>2092000 might be.

Been watching a long time. Haven't seen this before.

Between the message phrasing and the unique digits displayed - not to mention my frustration a couple of breads earlier - this is something to consider.

818eb5 No.2092808


Yes, it is broken.

Attacks will intensify.

Look at the date.

We are getting closer to event horizon.

c65396 No.2092809

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Did any of you guys notice that this song was played at the White House 4th of July party?

fc01f8 No.2092810

File: 47656a6554c9f1c⋯.png (667.58 KB, 706x840, 353:420, Screen Shot 2018-04-28 at ….png)

9a9db2 No.2092811

File: c253247a8987e18⋯.png (927.36 KB, 1610x738, 805:369, Screenshot-2018-7-9 Sealed….png)



also in russin Q article : With the “lying near death” US Senator John McCain being one of the main perpetrators in the plot to bring down President Trump—and whom Trump continues to slam on an almost daily basis—this report continues—it was no surprise to the SVR when, on 9 January 2018, Michael B. Stuart was sworn in as the new United States Attorney for West Virginia—with it to be particularly noticed that now US Attorney Stuart, also, in 2016, was Trump’s campaign chairman for the entire State of West Virginia.

Even more important to note about US Attorney Stuart, this report details, is that in the weeks just prior to his being appointed by Trump, he was summoned to Washington D.C. to meet with United States Attorney John Huber—who himself, on 17 November 2017, was appointed by US Attorney General Jeff Sessions to investigate the FBI's surveillance of Carter Page and connections between the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One—thus explaining why US Attorney Stuart traveled to Arkansas after meeting with US Attorney Huber, and prior to his being sworn in—as in the days just prior to US Attorney Stuart being sworn in, in early January 2018, the FBI in Little Rock, Arkansas, opened a new investigation into the Clinton Foundation—immediately after which, QAnon began to document thousands of “sealed indictments” being filed—22 of which US Attorney Stuart used against Supreme Court Justice Allen Loughry to, undoubtedly, squeeze out of him everything he knows.

937bea No.2092813

Are we finally digging InterSystems?

John Paladino is the cousin of Susan Ragon, married to Terry Ragon, billionaire owner.

Soros tier donor to Clinton and Pelosi.

Just got 400 million dollar contract to do all the integration and data platform systems for the VA.

UK head has links to St James Palace.

They run a system that manages vulnerable children in the NHS in the UK too.

637115 No.2092814

Red State Democrat Senators who are up for re-election this November are in a tough spot right now regarding the Supreme Court nomination

c09de1 No.2092815

File: c0b6698dcc1c7d4⋯.png (173.4 KB, 777x338, 777:338, 1st_Trans_Operation_Jewish….PNG)

File: e5286e661796281⋯.png (515.39 KB, 812x452, 203:113, 1528289553364.png)

File: 2ae7b45749190cd⋯.jpg (36.05 KB, 469x344, 469:344, 1528289731749.jpg)

File: 283da5cadf05a50⋯.png (361.03 KB, 562x462, 281:231, LGBT_Child_Abuse.PNG)

File: 1cd48822ad256af⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1082x1828, 541:914, Scott_Wiener_CA_Senator_Je….png)


>Civilization as we know it

Translation: Weimar civilization

It's a good thing that it is now near the end.

ae68f8 No.2092816


how is that dude still alive? His liver must be so fucked

084fd2 No.2092817


Logic is the tool you use to test your beliefs.

1790dc No.2092818

File: f292ac5860c31f5⋯.png (410.3 KB, 522x419, 522:419, 1.png)




This is what's wrong with this board

e93cb8 No.2092819

File: 09e18faf2cab022⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1800x1200, 3:2, memestrike.png)

it's a word now.

425243 No.2092820

File: b423b26e5c6a368⋯.png (112.91 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1000 gen 6 11n12.png)


11) ….. Survivors were then thrown into toil to survive, but some fortunately maintained the antediluvian knowledge to benefit a future generation, when a general awakening will once more occur

12) via A Thousand Points of Light.

a76826 No.2092821

File: 4a8c571f291145e⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1599x1257, 533:419, 05.12.2018 23.59.49.png)


No leaks.

Also, stop believing MSM & HRC KEK

7f9871 No.2092822

>>2092492 (prev)

WTH is the trouble?

I log in every morning to https://8ch.net/qresearch/

and scroll down to /qresearch/ thread without a problem or needing Q to babysit Anons! smdh

fc01f8 No.2092823

File: b77bbf1171bcc23⋯.png (731.07 KB, 574x752, 287:376, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)


It's about to get real.

9ea3fa No.2092824

File: f80c38fd1b376ff⋯.jpg (84.53 KB, 736x489, 736:489, FB.jpg)

a2e08b No.2092825


It is the 1812 Overture. It is always played on the 4th, anon.

5e85aa No.2092826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



af3789 No.2092827

File: 642234d4990189f⋯.png (471.1 KB, 775x579, 775:579, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b87a5d57d0519d2⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1897x928, 1897:928, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49aef9ab84cd5b1⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1915x938, 1915:938, London Hyde Park Pic - Q P….png)

File: 8eea0cf2456ddf6⋯.png (3.26 MB, 1858x896, 929:448, ClipboardImage.png)

I am going to try posting this again - 100% verifable research of Q pic.

Q's London pics, will focus on this one (pic1) from Picadilly circus.

I am going to say that this pic is actually from early 2014 - not 2015/2016. 2 critical markers - the billboard which is in the top left of the original - and the kiosk/shop which isn't in the pic.

Just so we know we are in the right location - pic 2.

pic 3 - Espionage spot the difference. NOTE THE BILLBOARD - TOP LEFT.

The LG G2 smarthpone was launched in September 2013.

Also not NO SHOP in front of the tube entrance. Note the date MAY 2014.

Google map link .


Last pic .. pic4 shows the kiosk/shop installed in July 2014 and as far as I can tell this is permanent up to the present day.

Google map link -


db6eff No.2092828


'y'='i' re:'lying'

ffbd49 No.2092829


it'll be bonfire night soon

c09de1 No.2092830

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Reminder that jews were responsible for the involvement of the US in the first world war.

“Zionist Jew converts to Catholicism and exposes Jewish Conspiracy”

Description: In this speech given in Washington D.C. at the Willard Hotel in 1961, Benjamin Freedman who was born a Jew but converted to the Catholic Faith, exposes the Zionist Jew

c65396 No.2092831


Every time?

I guess it's not notable then.

I thought maybe it was picked this year for a reason.

Ok carry on then.

2eebbe No.2092832

File: ffc98bfd0fa8245⋯.jpg (170.3 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ffc98bfd0fa8245af8dc706cec….jpg)


So you find that uncomfortable? Too bad.

b0d358 No.2092833


I'm sort of surprised his wife is still with him

543654 No.2092834

File: 1fd4a0f851efc2b⋯.jpeg (853.97 KB, 1536x1160, 192:145, BE208508-CBC0-484B-BD0F-2….jpeg)


c65396 No.2092835


Perhaps I should brush up on logic then.

49e0eb No.2092836


I have been monitoring off an on (woke up ,in the middle of the night) since last afternoon…

BO had been awake for 48 hours, and had finally somewhat made peace with ALFB… Clam had been trying to get a vetted handoff for a long time. Finally Rusty said he would bake, and then I popped in with confirmations that Clam knew only I could say, so they finally handed off…

My point is, we are pretty much self monitoring right now - but I am on Tippy Top of everything that has been happening and I know your style enough to know you are who you say you are…


Another Anon agrees!!

Thanks for Baking, I will be lurking for a couple of hours, but you are SuperBaker who can leave for 30 minutes, work, & catch up with out any assistance. I admire your work, I wanna belike you when I grow up :)

62375b No.2092837


BO wasn't talking to all anos you idiot. Was one specific anon that has been spamming and shitposting on this board for 3 solid days. BO was actually being very nice considering all the crap that twat saying. Take your concernfagging out of here

2a4771 No.2092838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New #WalkAway meme + song compilation

50938c No.2092839

File: db403b7415615ce⋯.jpg (248.66 KB, 964x771, 964:771, SimpleFarmer.jpg)


I like it

Who ordered a Memestrike?

ffbd49 No.2092841


that's the way to start a Monday morning

a76826 No.2092842


Logic is what's left after "beLIEfs" have been run through the filter of reasoning. Same way that theories are put to the test with experience & experiment. If it's still a theory or belief, it's not yet a logical conclusion.

db6eff No.2092843

File: 956d1d27613cd6c⋯.png (9.18 KB, 250x255, 50:51, 5ff55276a6607bf8ff996d3198….png)

File: e451b82a8fdc4a8⋯.png (82.55 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


in so many ways.

turn the other cheek.

d5c1e3 No.2092845


Let's not forget BAD

The Banque Africaine de Development that was headed by a former Rwandan prime minister and had several ties between directors and the Clinton Global Initiative. BAD had a reputation in West African countries as being a corrupt organization.

BAD came up in the same drop #977 that pointed us to the crash of Colgan Air Flight 3407

HRC 2.12.09

Very BAD!


I detect a theme here and it continues into Asia with TAF The Asia Foundation that Stanley Ann Dunham worked for and which took her to Peshawar Pakistan near the Afghan border in 1981 when Hussein took his little trip.

6207f9 No.2092846

File: 1ad4b249533b9a5⋯.png (20.5 KB, 643x140, 643:140, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)


here's something


6e28bb No.2092847

Catalog AND notables not working. Is Q coming back? This site is all weird now.

941c25 No.2092848


Could be nothing..I'm digging on Noel Cintron the man who's suing POTUS.


Working on an archive if ya'll think this might be worthy of busting out the shovel?

818eb5 No.2092849


Don't worry about that bullshit for now, anon.

Let's keep the board functioning.


17a4fe No.2092850




The "Boys Soccer Team" were actually child sex slaves to cabal elites. As Trump and co are closing the noose, cabal is panicking and tying up any loose ends and sending messages not to talk. The kids were forced into the cave/tricked so they could be killed in a tragic accident before they spilled the beans. Musk is a greyhat who over the last few months is quickly becoming a whitehat (he chose sides.) He is going out of his way to save the kids to publicly stick it to the cabal.

b0d358 No.2092851


The longest he has been away was 10 days. I guess he is just busy at work :)

637115 No.2092852

Newly available records do not fully comply with congressional House subpoenas, and barring new developments Friday, recent documents from the FBI and Justice Department do not meet deadlines set by a House resolution, according to a source close to the discussions.

Three House Republican committee chairmen, Trey Gowdy on Oversight, Devin Nunes on Intelligence and Bob Goodlatte on Judiciary, requested the records, with one subpoena issued as long ago as August of last year.

The source said House staffers – who reviewed records Thursday at the Justice Department (DOJ) because lawmakers were out of town for the holiday recess – concluded that Justice and the FBI have still not provided information and records about FBI activities before the investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 elections officially opened on July 31 of that year.

"The House Judiciary Committee has been in contact daily with the Justice Department to ensure they produce all the documents subpoenaed by the committee earlier this year," a Republican House Judiciary Committee aide said. "The Justice Department has produced more documents over the past weeks and has requested more time to produce additional documents. This request seems to be reasonable, and we expect the department to comply with the terms of the subpoena.”

An Intelligence Committee spokesperson told Fox News, “The DOJ gave the committee some, but not all, of the outstanding documents, so they are not in compliance.”

(plus more….)

http:// www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/07/06/doj-fbi-still-not-in-full-compliance-with-document-request-sources.html

a3a03c No.2092853

File: 6d809b25f031e7d⋯.png (83.09 KB, 1163x425, 1163:425, lurkmoar.png)

9503cc No.2092854


Good deal.

Technically back to how it was a few weeks ago.

Minus the catalog, anyway.

Nothing we can't handle, regardless.

d56fd7 No.2092855


>Agrees to do Job A for X dollars per year

>Does Job A for X dollars per year

>Years later allows bloodsucking kikes undertake a publicity stunt, supposedly on his behalf, for imaginary wages

7a0a3e No.2092856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Weird is good

49e0eb No.2092857



It was very personal for BO, if you knew all that had been going on, you would understand.

7f2dc5 No.2092858

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

what if a civilian was gifted an artificial planet but the cia murder cult looted and pilfered the opportunity @deathstar

65ac10 No.2092859


sauce or GTFO

a36fa8 No.2092860

File: 88273c457b3b724⋯.jpg (106.49 KB, 586x767, 586:767, howdare2.jpg)


got this goody last night

morning anons


c65396 No.2092862


Alright, I concede.

Then I guess my counterpoint would be:

It's impossible to use logic properly in situations where you don't have all the information.

Like now, in relation to happenings.

What's that called? "Leaps in logic"? That's a big no-no right?

But if I relied on logic for everything I wouldn't even be here.

Leaps in logic led me to here. Filling in blanks, etc.

Anyways this discussion is getting long, I understand your point.

1cba86 No.2092864









DNC, Obama, Chicago schools, etc. not on the list but linked through news articles on Perkins Coie

Only 19 offices and 1000 lawyers. Secrets held would provide unimaginable leverage.

db6eff No.2092865


funny how logical conclusions are basically either good or evil and that your gut feeling about the beLIEf matches the logical conclusion you make about it.

b13e42 No.2092867


<< The solution, according to Obama, is to train young people"to think differently"..

Translation: The solution is to brainwash the children while we still have the ability to hold them captive in public schools.

bf93a6 No.2092868


lol Spain is one of the most fiercely nationalist countries.

a0e8c7 No.2092869

File: 2daad5ddccdd978⋯.png (73.46 KB, 586x471, 586:471, ClipboardImage.png)

Moar CDAN (Libya/Bronfman/NXIVM)

4bfa82 No.2092870



daybaker, confirmed.

thanks for stepping up, anon.


ae68f8 No.2092871


Hey dumbass…That website is PURE shit. Stop being such a faggot cunt & pay attention idiot

941c25 No.2092872

File: 35c84f8f1d0330d⋯.png (12.46 KB, 381x101, 381:101, thatdamnlogo.PNG)


And now Anon will dig.

This place runs out of Brooklyn, NY not to say it's to do with this sue happy guy, but the logo caught the eye.

26740d No.2092873

With regards to the catologue problem it sounds like the sql service is screwed maybe needs restarting / looking into?

845fcf No.2092874

File: d956bbc246a0431⋯.jpg (654.26 KB, 5609x2726, 5609:2726, AvengeTheSilence.jpg)


Correction: "OUR"

So imagine the power of self-controlled Positive Thinking (Prayer?) = Miracles~


"…(I) Might hafta move Heaven and Earth to prove it to you. You'll.feel the Power I feel

The Power

…If only (You) believed like I believe…"

–Marty Balin

bf93a6 No.2092875


Does Paul trust the plan?

818eb5 No.2092876


Trust yourselves.

Together you are invincible.


Blessed are the bakers.

014e9d No.2092878


how is evil ever logical?

4b3c38 No.2092879

File: 4a3ad79a0b73f9f⋯.jpg (68.84 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ShillMoronDetector.jpg)


I have a feeling you'd be more comfortable somewhere else. The user interface is SOOOO difficult. You'd be happier applying your brain cell on a different site.

Good luck.

666782 No.2092880

File: a10fceb3c497692⋯.jpg (9.58 KB, 255x255, 1:1, sad pepe.jpg)

Not much to do right now but wait and watch. Or watch and wait.

Brexit - or not.

TWTR takedown - or not.

SCOTUS candidate to confirmation - or not.

(Perosonal not - A/C repair guy shows up - or not.)

Can't say this anon is getting much done.

Digging a little on congressional district races. 2018 gonna be on point, or is it setting up for 2020 with the presidential landslide for Trump to flip some of them?

7f2dc5 No.2092881

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


what if, after they assassinated tracer that overwatch became a st way of trapping pedoraptors @cianiggasscalps

d5c1e3 No.2092882


>“Zionist Jew converts to Catholicism and exposes Jewish Conspiracy”

Do you mean this?


Are you sure about that? It sounds to me like an expose that ZIONISTS were responsible for WWI, not Jews. You need to use logic and not jump to broad conclusions.

The zionists had a plan to slaughter 6 million Jews.

62375b No.2092883



Yes, deadline missed. DOJ claimed they submitted all requested docs. JJ refutes that. In a holding pattern now to see what next step is.

b0d358 No.2092884


Very wrong country to have such speech in :P I guess Obongo didn't know…

a3a03c No.2092885



Where's CM through all this fuckery?

He's the site admin, NOT the BO.

a36fa8 No.2092886

File: 2b36048b05df228⋯.png (27.13 KB, 639x169, 639:169, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm beginning to think this is deep state/cabal fuckery

It started in the fall of 2016.

Diplomats reported hearing loss and mild brain damage after hearing unusual and puzzling sounds at the U.S. Embassy in Cuba.

But now it’s spreading to embassies in other countries, with nearly 200 people affected.

The State Department is virtually mum, other than to characterize their suspicion as unknown “sonic attacks” targeted U.S. diplomats.

Some of the strange sounds have been recorded and released to the public. The victims’ symptoms include “hearing loss, dizziness, tinnitus, balance problems, visual difficulties, headaches, fatigue, cognitive issues and sleeping problems.

ND Poll!

Recently, the Associated Press reported 26 Americans have been “medically confirmed” to have been injured in the wave of attacks. Diplomats who have served in at least seven cities in four countries have sought testing.

The latest incident occurred in conjunction with President Trump’s recent visit with Kim Jong-Un. As Trump was heading to Singapore for the historic summit with North Korea’s leader, a State Department diplomatic security agent who was part of the advance team reported hearing an unusual sound he believed was similar to what was experienced by U.S. diplomats in Cuba and China who later became ill.

The agent immediately underwent medical screening – part of a new U.S. government protocol established to respond to such potential health incidents anywhere in the world. And while the president was flying to the Southeast Asian city state, the U.S. delegation preparing for his arrival was exchanging urgent messages with the State Department headquarters back in Washington, including the agency’s Diplomatic Security and the U.S. Secret Service.

The AP reported four U.S. officials confirmed it was a false alarm, but there is a heightened awareness among security officials as the White House prepares to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Suspicions of Russian involvement in the attacks were raised last September when an unnamed USAID officer and his wife were flown out of Tashkent, Uzbekistan, for evaluation after they reported events that echoed what happened in Havana. The State Department later said it isn’t “going to discuss ‎every case individually.”

“We can confirm that there was no incident in Uzbekistan,” a State Department official added.

The U.S. has issued an alert warning Americans traveling to China to seek medical attention if they experience “auditory or sensory phenomena” similar to what was reported in Havana, and the State Department recommended anyone traveling to Cuba should “reconsider” their plans.

Since reporters first blindsided spokesperson Heather Nauert with questions about the incidents last August, the State Department has been reluctant to give on-the-record details about its investigation. It still refers to these cases as “specific attacks” without saying what is specifically happening.


7f2dc5 No.2092887


division larping

937bea No.2092888


He's still an MP.

May neutralized.

May is controlled and fears dirt on her and her husband coming out.

May puts in a plan that will eventually cause no confidence vote.

May can say not her fault.

Mogg becomes PM or Brexit minister.

Mogg is UK Trump.

Mogg likes Trump.

Mogg is honest, self made.

Mogg delivers hard Brexit and economic BOOM.

9a9db2 No.2092889

File: 2e24dc9220485ce⋯.jpg (417.16 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, shills.jpg)


Hey Seaman,.. you're glowing..

a36fa8 No.2092890


see: >>2075736, >>2088625 Broken Catalog and finding the latest QResearch bread

(first post)

cebc97 No.2092891


triggering Intensifies

4ffe5d No.2092892

File: 7b62ce579fc83d2⋯.gif (716.73 KB, 1226x815, 1226:815, boomboomgif.gif)


BOOM, any borderfags have any pics of actual wall aywhere?

pics would be awesome of wall or construction prep.

356db2 No.2092894


Thanks for the update Anon. This has been building for so long and I just want SOMETHING BIG to happen.

084fd2 No.2092895


That's a pretty sexy CDAN.

b80566 No.2092896


Careful what you wish for.

208514 No.2092897

File: 2601a5b3abbb606⋯.png (376.43 KB, 1292x820, 323:205, 92479091-0979525691111.png)

File: 40288ec0f7498be⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1798x892, 899:446, 98311836483601586563808.png)

File: 2827e719e6fc4ee⋯.png (895.45 KB, 640x813, 640:813, 0898765773611.png)

File: a0b08d9276e307f⋯.gif (1.53 MB, 600x338, 300:169, banigif-1_thumb.gif)

File: 9d3c143ddc1397b⋯.png (2.75 MB, 1586x889, 1586:889, 836836836856384485489.png)

the silence is deafening!

click da gif

2eebbe No.2092898

File: 1cce3c4e01a968c⋯.jpg (3.68 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1f31b8602068769e1a26f71c3b….jpg)

File: d6d924f5dc43429⋯.jpg (62.68 KB, 600x471, 200:157, d6d924f5dc4342969af97b01e6….jpg)


>1) Nobody gives a shit

You've taken it out of context. Nobody gives a shit about the tripcode CM uses because he owns the fucking board. His trip could literally be ##Fuggy0u and we still won't give a fuck

Q's tripcode is another topic altogether.

>2) you know why I don't like you?

So it's lost on you that Articlefag is an obvious shill?

Because that's what it looks like your post is really saying.

>3) muh slander.

Mocking people for asking patently stupid questions like a fucking broken record is fine.

Now stop being a concern fag and have a Good Day.

bf93a6 No.2092899


The family is everything, that's why demoncrats love abortion, gays, and all that bullshit. The demoncrats are evil.

a36fa8 No.2092900


…the sauce is "revisionisthistory".org


6207f9 No.2092901

File: 2d05505abe9b620⋯.png (245.87 KB, 894x1067, 894:1067, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)

File: 00c3c0a53b4e3b6⋯.png (206.23 KB, 891x1127, 891:1127, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)


7a0a3e No.2092902


The most difficult part of realizing the mind is a "wish-fullfilling jewel" is that it's too good for modern people to believe it's real. They think I'm bullshitting them. I don't talk about it much anymore.

e272ce No.2092903

File: a1618a1e8c2bbd6⋯.png (73.87 KB, 434x480, 217:240, william-mary.png)

File: 96cc5805722761a⋯.jpg (12.95 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Helicopter_crash_in_Willia….jpg)

File: 0b1eb8c8a88a3b2⋯.jpg (83.17 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Deadly_helicopter_crash_in….jpg)

File: fc80214846bf7b5⋯.jpg (77.24 KB, 640x360, 16:9, RIP-Jean.jpg)


Hear about that helicopter crash near Corney's alma mater last night?


The Federal Aviation Administration said in a tweet the pilot was onboard the R44 helicopter when it crashed. Officials with the National Transportation Safety Board returned to the scene Monday morning as the investigation continued.

State troopers are working with officials to locate and identify the pilot of the aircraft.


The Red Cross said it was meeting with residents who were impacted by the crash.

Richard Bridge, who witnessed the aftermath, tells 10 On Your Side,

"It was like watching a movie…yes. It's one of those things you sit there looking at, but don't believe it's going on."

7f2dc5 No.2092904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6de017 No.2092905


The solar system is FLAT!!!

bf93a6 No.2092906


I actually saw that, it was hysterical.

99ff81 No.2092907


The q believer's argument is that (((they))) are setting themselves up to run in order to accuse Trump of going after the whole Democratic Party leadership in some authoritarian maneuver when the time comes for actual arrests. Holder, Biden, and Comey are the others that come to mind.

db6eff No.2092908


agree. i'm starting to think cabal is directly or tangentially responsible for all human suffering.

818eb5 No.2092909

File: ce4263fa93bb6e5⋯.png (499.98 KB, 772x514, 386:257, ce4263fa93bb6e5e75755a9543….png)


Remember they had the issue fixed the other day and the problem returned?

Stay sharp.

Stay together.


We are with you.

a3a03c No.2092910

File: 9147ccd163f28d0⋯.png (526.43 KB, 625x770, 125:154, good.png)

93f0ae No.2092911


a nice CDAN but i can never put too much hope/trust into them. seems plausible along side our other nxvim digs

2eebbe No.2092912


You're flat.

084fd2 No.2092913


Logo says it all… heart inside heart, swirly shit… it's got all the tell tale signs.

Why the fuck is that the only logo genre we find for so many of these places? These people are stupid. Symbolism will be their downfall.

cebc97 No.2092914


Nigel about to blow it out of the water, when we got the server it exposed the Soros people world wide, they know step down or go down, its all over but the crying at this point

6de017 No.2092915


You're FAT!

a0e8c7 No.2092917

File: 7238381810c81dc⋯.jpg (29.16 KB, 640x519, 640:519, pepepondering.jpg)


I wonder if Qaddafi knew anything about this…

b6a5db No.2092918

File: 1726fdff7f1788a⋯.png (564.68 KB, 640x772, 160:193, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1726fdff7f1788a⋯.png (564.68 KB, 640x772, 160:193, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1726fdff7f1788a⋯.png (564.68 KB, 640x772, 160:193, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1726fdff7f1788a⋯.png (564.68 KB, 640x772, 160:193, ClipboardImage.png)

93f0ae No.2092919

File: db877d394811e4d⋯.jpg (11.91 KB, 258x245, 258:245, db877d394811e4d380b5d47a96….jpg)


>yall got any more of that faggot concern trolling


bf93a6 No.2092920


Thanks for killing some of the nasimfags. Glyphfag and Leaffag need to be taken out next. Cheers.

565dbb No.2092921


Egypt has it's problems. It's always been a pay for play country. They sold off what wasn't tied down from their archaeological digs years ago to a black market's highest bidder's and as a side note, watched them actually use a bulldozer dig underneath a corner of one of their most famous temples to see if they could find a secret passage. Zahi Hawass was a pathetic man and unfortunately in charge of all this crime while he lined his own pockets.

2eebbe No.2092922

File: 2d2205f79a0fdc7⋯.jpg (239.82 KB, 1600x1059, 1600:1059, bce521b4d9d1b95cf65468b433….jpg)


Blame the popcorn…

98c290 No.2092923


have you seen this article? it's about us:

https:// bigleaguepolitics.com/who-is-q-we-interviewed-the-anons-themselves-to-get-to-the-heart-of-the-mystery/

ae68f8 No.2092924

File: f8d5fb563591ab5⋯.jpg (30.49 KB, 600x315, 40:21, 1503091655007.jpg)


So you think there is a problem with the board because people call you out on, once again, trying to slide threads with you crying that you didn't get your way?

No, the problem with this board is things like you. I WILL call you out every time I see you pulling this shit you dumb bitch. FYI…You will die alone because if you are this annoying on the internet, I can not fucking imagine what you are like in real life. You are just as bad as a green haired SJW. You are amusing to catch & laugh at too

f1dda9 No.2092925

I have concluded that Q is a larp but its donald himself larping while he murders the deep state. Trolling anons and saying its next week is part of the fun

027fb4 No.2092926


33 minutes ago

Given recent events, I will discuss my next political move on LBC at 7pm.


084fd2 No.2092927


That's Michael Hoffman's page… hes a recognized journalist… just cus you've never heard of it, doesn't mean it's not legit.

Most anons know of Michael Hoffman.

Lurq moar.

18b8e5 No.2092928

File: eabd580f37d9676⋯.jpg (234.74 KB, 645x845, 129:169, NewFags.JPG)


BO = Board OWNER. This means he OWNS the board. Therefore he can do what he wants. If I invited you to my house & you started moaning about my behavior, you'd be bounced out the door so quick your feet wouldn't touch the ground. Luckily for you, BO has way more patience than I do.

Re-read this.

If you don't like it, go back to Fuckbook & continue with your research into puppy pics while Zuckerberg protects you from the nasty mens.

d5c1e3 No.2092929


Sorry, but I do not trust ANYTHING that comes out of the Talmud.

Besides, Christians say that Christ never died, he rose into Heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father.

The only people I know who believe the Talmud are satanists. You sound like you must be a satanist.

1790dc No.2092930


>BO wasn't talking to all anos you idiot

we are all anon, so ya, he was talking to me. and you.

>all the crap that twat saying

i didnt see any mention of "all the crap" all i saw was BO slandering an anon. it seemed like legitimate posting.

>Take your concernfagging out of here

im not cncernfagging anon, im trying to have a conversation


>if you knew all that had been going on, you would understand

so explain. otherwise it seems petty

9503cc No.2092931

File: 5286e375a7e8786⋯.png (75.72 KB, 581x313, 581:313, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)


55cc1b No.2092932

845fcf No.2092933


The Left eats its own. Disgusting.

c09de1 No.2092935

File: f85a7bd4af56f8a⋯.jpg (291.1 KB, 1222x887, 1222:887, 6_million_number_WHY.jpg)

File: 400adfbd64d89d2⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1372x986, 686:493, Judea_Declares_War_On_Germ….png)

File: 04075052815f138⋯.png (126.41 KB, 1147x637, 1147:637, Haavara_Agreement.PNG)


You are not incorrect (although the jewish religion has issues that will need to be addressed too, and ALL jewish interest groups need to be legally destroyed).

The interesting thing is that zionists took advantage of the jewish religious prophecy of the 6 million to sell the zionist ideal to jews, and jews HAD to be zionists once WW2 hit and jews declared war and boycott on Germany.

b80566 No.2092936

b06cdb No.2092937

File: b50b296cb23f7be⋯.jpg (99.92 KB, 598x1200, 299:600, Qlube.jpg)


Trying to create a thread now. Definitely appears that this simple program is not functioning.

Something is broke. Not sure it is the catalog.

<Here is the sauce you requested.

c53f24 No.2092938

File: 07b3ede79410b3c⋯.jpg (69.27 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Dimond and Silk-Someone Ju….jpg)



go practice over there and quit shitting up the board, K

49e0eb No.2092939

File: 47e96445f97549b⋯.jpg (73.25 KB, 528x960, 11:20, 27867754_2081019711924860_….jpg)


I hope this is the blanked out one… A friend of mine in AZ said this was new, about 4 months ago

b0d358 No.2092940



4093b4 No.2092941

>>2092170 (PB)

He's the LARP who said Julian Assange was going to descend down from the heavens on 6/11. He pretended to take a bullet protecting JA. And a whole bunch of other insane shit. Then after changing user names a bunch of times over the course of 2 weeks, he claimed he was hacked. IGNORE.

6207f9 No.2092942

File: ad219b92114b1c1⋯.jpg (4.82 KB, 300x168, 25:14, download.jpg)

File: e39fe8f6166ab11⋯.png (415.72 KB, 914x805, 914:805, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)

File: c7b5cdc6e63247f⋯.jpg (14.49 KB, 255x248, 255:248, fca3deb0bf4d1d3d16cce55590….jpg)

White House aide Stephen Miller recounted a story to colleagues when he was so upset at being confronted by a hostile bartender that he threw away $80 of takeout sushi, according to a Monday Washington Post report.

He reportedly had gathered his maritime feast and left the restaurant only to hear his name called from behind him. He turned around to face a bartender who had followed him out. Miller said that the bartender stuck up his middle fingers and hollered curses.

Distraught, Miller dumped the sushi in the trash.

Many Trump administration officials and other Republicans have faced public protests in recent weeks, largely focused on their roles in family separations at the border.

a0e8c7 No.2092943



fuggg…responded to myself.

I take everything with many grains of salt, but considering the facts surrounding NXIVM, yeah, this one seems pretty big.

a3a03c No.2092944

File: 81cc235237d4648⋯.png (44.33 KB, 620x620, 1:1, titties1.png)

d5c1e3 No.2092945


BAKER, NOT notable

The teachings of the Talmud are for (((them)))

Nothing about an ancient pack of lies written by psychotic madmen can be considered notable for us.

941c25 No.2092946

File: f6a1550a7857bfe⋯.png (3 KB, 1069x30, 1069:30, noeldisburse.PNG)

What's the Noel Cintron dude suing for? Here's a list of disbursements


Noel is on it.

9ea3fa No.2092947

File: b62b6ec999bd92a⋯.jpg (480.46 KB, 1639x981, 1639:981, abstract.jpg)


Agree. Some sort of ultrasonic device.

Abstract of article that JAMA cited in Neurological Manifestations Among US Government Personnel Reporting Directional Audible and Sensory Phenomena in Havana, Cuba article



d56fd7 No.2092948


Looks like hispanic family (likely Puerto Rican) in a hispanic neighborhood in Ozone Park.

32c02d No.2092949




And not every woman produces milk or enough of it.

ae68f8 No.2092951


Right?! That's what that faggot 0hour kept saying & using it to claim Q is a LARP. He ran with the Hillary thing for hours yesterday.


I can not wait to see what he says after everything comes out in the open. What could the naysayers excuses POSSIBLY be?


b80566 No.2092952

File: 4c45a423f62a8b8⋯.jpg (352.75 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, President_Barack_Obama_tou….jpg)

c09de1 No.2092953

File: 08ded54c1674506⋯.jpg (262.83 KB, 640x1162, 320:581, confirm.jpg)


You should go verify the claim on the talmud itself mate.

Here, have a pic with an archive link to the talmud chapter in question.

005b9f No.2092954


Basit Igtet


845fcf No.2092956

File: 925c0981ba1f33e⋯.jpg (215.23 KB, 7200x3600, 2:1, VoteDemocratsNOT.jpg)

File: 3f8a31d41b12dd6⋯.jpg (218.85 KB, 3000x1500, 2:1, Vote Against Crruption.jpg)

File: 57d71b0a389fcbe⋯.jpg (612.77 KB, 7200x3600, 2:1, VOTEagainstSilence.jpg)

Vote AGAINST the DUMBDEMleft >>2092933

62375b No.2092957


kek to the other reply to you. It will happen anon. I was just re reading mid June Q crumbs. It's going to start in the next 2 months.

If you doubt they will see justice, re read those crumbs. Q's resolve to see it thru is unwavering.

db6eff No.2092958

File: 891ba7a6a13c1c2⋯.png (77.45 KB, 350x401, 350:401, download (2).png)


of course not! just a coincidence…

a36fa8 No.2092959



I, at first, was trying to figure out which country it could be: Cuba, NK, Shina, etc.

but with all these new cases and in new countries, I'm leaning towards it being fuckery by rogue clowns/deep state actors

65ac10 No.2092960


>Some sort of ultrasonic device.

More likely an EM device the stimulates the auditory nerves as a side-effect, IMO. Think heart-attack gun.

c65396 No.2092961

File: 2142edc31e0222d⋯.png (581.52 KB, 838x420, 419:210, Mog.png)


Nice digits.

Looking forward to it.

d56fd7 No.2092962



Agreed – and notable.

8b40c0 No.2092963

HHS letter to Grassley and Goodlatte bitching about how the Dems are wasting worker's time by coming to facilities to view the children they're so worried about. Asking for their help.


ffbd49 No.2092964


Anyone heard how far they get in a day?

96da00 No.2092965


>This is what's wrong with this board

normies and newfags…

"muh feelz"

after decades of hugs n suckers n participation trophies

some "love upside the head" is just what the doctor has ordered

937bea No.2092966


Brilliant stable genius.

107899 No.2092967

File: 1e05e0cd9393a60⋯.png (41 KB, 640x361, 640:361, ClipboardImage.png)


4093b4 No.2092968

File: 271c109f933ea95⋯.jpg (15.83 KB, 666x138, 111:23, sec_test.jpg)


←————- Might be about time for one of these.

b80566 No.2092969

Before Q there was A

a0e8c7 No.2092970

File: 24779116485211e⋯.png (72.5 KB, 278x382, 139:191, ClipboardImage.png)



>Basit Igtet

First time I've heard that name.

637115 No.2092971

Who is Eric Paddock really?

93f0ae No.2092972

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

kek /ourguy/ tom fitton going after mama maxine

b0d358 No.2092974


How about ray-gun?

ae68f8 No.2092975


Agreed. I don't understand it at all. It takes me the EXACT same time to find the new thread now as it did weeks ago. Seconds. WTF is the problem besides the fact that shills are fucking dumb & look for ANYTHING to cause drama

db6eff No.2092976


he is not murdering anything.

20f723 No.2092977

File: 2797b7ecc091a7e⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1500x4800, 5:16, Edgar_Bronfman_Sr.png)


Edgar Bronfman, Sr

wife #3 and wife #5

Wife #3

Rita Eileen Webb, later Georgiana "George" Bronfman

The had two children:

Clare Bronfman (born 1979)

Sara Bronfman (born 1976) 

Sara is married to Libyan businessman Basit Igtet; they have one daughter

084fd2 No.2092978

File: e6b2070ef6e55ff⋯.jpg (109.07 KB, 1242x690, 9:5, Pharaohs and Jews.jpg)


Every fucking rabbi believes in the Talmud. You're not that stupid so u must be a divisionshill.

eeca76 No.2092979

File: e0b06f41bfb6465⋯.png (573.5 KB, 642x913, 642:913, optic nerve.png)

>Brits still being spied on six ways to Sunday

Reminder that in 2008 GCHQ took still images from the webcams 1.8 million yahoo users. "Optic Nerve" not only invaded the privacy of millions (and allowed the collect of mass amounts of blackmail material) it also helped enhance their facial recognition programs.


9ea3fa No.2092980

File: 35bfb4b245ed3d2⋯.png (39.07 KB, 647x889, 647:889, pepe satellite.png)


I had same path to conclusion.

9a9db2 No.2092981


ofc ive seen it but we're not supposed to mention the forbidden article shhhhh)

666782 No.2092982


I'm beginning to wonder if LdR is in the NXIVM mess.

4ebf8b No.2092983


people are people, get over it.

7a0a3e No.2092984


Jesus keeps coming back but everytime He does someone accuses Him of being a sorcerer and they kill Him again.

a3a03c No.2092985

File: 3dce27ab3a56d0b⋯.png (242.46 KB, 1096x680, 137:85, lurkmoar2.png)


It IS notable.

This entire movement is based on exposing their lies at every turn.

a1e406 No.2092986


may you wanna add


to the "Other Tools" list? on this page you can search through all 8chan qresearch posts

d3f714 No.2092987


She's building the same cover she used for the Server nonprosecution: "How dare you interfere with a candidate running for election."

7f9e60 No.2092988


Punishment forthcoming

62375b No.2092989


I have a feeling that LARP and articlefag are one and the same.

c65396 No.2092990

File: aea7ee1dfa13f41⋯.png (71.17 KB, 697x323, 41:19, Nige.png)



Nice find anon.

If he moves into politics in a big way again, it's proof that the bad guys are losing control/leverage.

a36fa8 No.2092991


and who killed jesus has to do with Q how?

Jesus had 3 trials with the jews, and 3 trials with the romans

irrelevant here really (not disputing it, just saying its irrelevant)

c09de1 No.2092992


What happened to Sun Tsu and knowing your enemy?

Are you afraid of people somehow knowing what kinds of sick shit the talmud has written on it?

You glow.

65ac10 No.2092993


No point explaining physics to a cartoon fan.

f1dda9 No.2092994


Tell that to zbignew barbara dav8d and jacob

bf93a6 No.2092995


Qresearch is not really a problem, it's voluntary to all.

What we want is action against the deep state traitors, not more Q posts.

We are dealing with the Great Asleepening. I had an intelligent, well-meaning friend who watches way too much tv tell me that he thinks that the deep state and the international bankster control is all a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory. The people are thoroughly dumbed down and ignorant. That's why Trump cant be concerned about normies. They will believe in anything they see on muh tv and nothing else. Public arrests and effective trials of a few crooktards will "prove" it all to the sheeple in short order. Nothing but that. Sure, a few here and there will awaken, but there are many hardcore sheeple. I guess you could look at the viewership numbers for primetime msm channels when the lame sitcoms and violent crime shows are on to figure out how many.

044184 No.2092996

File: 5286e375a7e8786⋯.png (75.72 KB, 581x313, 581:313, 5286e375a7e8786ff273d560e1….png)

File: 018b708a4ea51df⋯.jpg (11.9 KB, 255x144, 85:48, 1e05e0cd9393a60f77ea6848b6….jpg)

666782 No.2092997


Now watch the drug stocks tank.

ae2432 No.2092998


Putting EpiPen Pfizer in the crosshairs.

Lends some credence to the idea there is something going on behind the scenes on the EpiPen front.

c93edf No.2092999

File: 657666f3d518cb5⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1707x437, 1707:437, Hivites.png)


Not Jews Hivites pretending to be Jews killed Christ….it's those same Hivites & Phonicians sitting in Israel today ruining the world!


4093b4 No.2093000


Wouldn't surprise me.

a36fa8 No.2093001




not sure about EM

EM is radiation

this seems like vibrations, so moar sonic (sound)

they really STILL aren't sure what it is

62375b No.2093002


(((They))) are looking to divide us and discredit BO. The attacks are starting to intensify.

8ed08a No.2093003


Just lol

The absolute state of public education these days

bf93a6 No.2093004


I saw a post yesterday that somebody is trying to figure out what happened to fix it.

5c90a3 No.2093005

File: 53537f2621c272c⋯.jpg (78.62 KB, 1024x666, 512:333, DhTyDVQW4AAFjnX.jpg)

File: 8ac97e86ea80d98⋯.jpg (96.79 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, DhTyDVSXcAE2SXD.jpg)


When in doubt… you can presume the Clintons are involved! Look at he neighborhood the Kindergarten is in. Good God!



845fcf No.2093006


Ditto, Anon – & yet its all part of the Great Awakening subconscius now ←-the good news~

7f9871 No.2093007

File: fa5a50df2356a14⋯.png (315.21 KB, 503x491, 503:491, ClipboardImage.png)


>BOOM, any borderfags have any pics of actual wall aywhere?


7f2dc5 No.2093008

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

are spurious homoerotic polyester zombies thrashing around your politics in an attempt to express masculinity cause a huge cia subversion got derailed into a rico? would there be a probability these murdered children have a correlation to this cia murder cult? are they still eating baby brains and selling frump memes to each other, celebrating criminals is dangerous

cf74c7 No.2093009

File: 930d6cfc1026545⋯.gif (791.79 KB, 400x225, 16:9, Googly Eyes.gif)

014e9d No.2093010


beg to differ

98c290 No.2093011


get it.

ae68f8 No.2093012


Look at it's reply to you. IT IS THAT SAME BITCH. She's starting her shit again. She just can't let it go that she was busted, called out & laughed at.

1babad No.2093013

c09de1 No.2093014

File: 083cf3e6e3cfe6d⋯.jpg (39.82 KB, 720x558, 40:31, Judeo_Christian.jpg)

File: 664006e720d861a⋯.png (141.83 KB, 2048x1171, 2048:1171, Judeo_Christian2.PNG)

File: f102d79bca7f742⋯.png (26.95 KB, 658x431, 658:431, Scofield_Bible_Zionist_Psy….PNG)


It's relevant because the subversive kikes use Jesus to gather support for zionism (Socfield Bilble and the "judeo-Christian" bullshit) and their fuckery, so destroying those lies is VERY relevant to ending ALL subversion happening in the West.

30fff8 No.2093015

Trump picks a woman for SCOTUS.

c65396 No.2093016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Found the LBC live video

Going live in under an hour


8e5fd8 No.2093017


This is what the left is fighting against. Logical thinking.

fd1648 No.2093018


What an asshat.

941c25 No.2093019

File: 3b594e219e8f2a6⋯.png (86.95 KB, 915x573, 305:191, ospreysruiningpicnic.PNG)

Ospreys would make my picnic EPIC.


65ac10 No.2093020


This is why I said "IMO." If you scour declassified documents, you can see that EM weapons existed as early as 1972 which could do all sorts of nasty things to you body from a distance, including stop your heart (change heart rate, cause forced orgasm, etc.) And yes, make you hear voices in your head, too. Since we know that exists, it stands to reason that the same EM technology can cause brain damage and may be stimulating the auditory nerves as a side-effect.

a76826 No.2093021


Belief is powerful, no doubt about that. Leaps of faith change lives every day. I'm certain to make the distinction though between faith (some would say it's right brained)and logic/reasoning (some would say it's left brained). However, faith is not necessarily logical, and not every belief held can or will align with facts.


Facts deduced by logic are inherently neutral. We can do what we want with them. We project good, evil, good, bad, right, wrong, according to our own perceptions.

ae2432 No.2093022




Actually, she's doing 2 things.

1. Setting up a nonprosecution cover.

2. Sucking up all the donations she can, so that she can personally anoint the next candidate (and thus, maintain power and repay all the promises owed).

73fc48 No.2093023

File: c7b709961140f6d⋯.jpg (178.75 KB, 988x1042, 494:521, bjrl1.jpg)

File: 31943a146614880⋯.jpg (190.65 KB, 977x1188, 977:1188, bjrl2.jpg)

Boris Johnson resignation letter.

e272ce No.2093024

File: 4601220214c6a4b⋯.png (6.94 KB, 450x99, 50:11, Q1277-[R]enegade.png)



>R44 helo


50938c No.2093025

File: c3bdffbe395eaee⋯.png (74.68 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1364451040830.png)


>access to formula


bf93a6 No.2093026


When him and McStain are gone, add 2 consistent R votes.

107899 No.2093027


Not sure how much of this is legit, but possible connection…


084fd2 No.2093028


Saving Israel for last. It's def relevant. Q is a biblefag…. Read the bible and lurq moar and stfu… then kys if you still can't realize why this is important.

444b8b No.2093029


Well..for many of us who wojld otherwise die without it… ( i personally carry 2 everywhere I go)…. greed comes to mind but you are probably right to think there is a more nefarious reason. Population control?

14b0cb No.2093030


>Mogg is honest, self made.

Actually, he's got a lot of inherited wealth as well as the millions he made on his hedge fund. Let's keep it honest, anon. In many ways, he's very Establishment - Eton, Oxford, City of London, Hedge Fund Management. But he has integrity and is a natural conservative - wanting to conserve that which is good from previous generations while prepared to embrace change so long as it doesn't mean chucking the baby out with the bathwater.

1babad No.2093031


sorry, meant to say:

I agree, it's easier to show than to tell.

7f9871 No.2093032

File: c90da3ebc07b0d4⋯.png (44.23 KB, 505x255, 101:51, ClipboardImage.png)

Holy shit, POTUS twatting about "breast feeding" now! lmfao I've seen it all! tits or gtfo

a36fa8 No.2093033


she needs a name, was shilling all last night too


got it, understood

027fb4 No.2093034


2 hours ago

Q Believers - are you capable of calmly & ACCURATEY stating Q critics concerns?


b80566 No.2093035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Time for some fresh air and nature, Need to have a conversation with my boss. ⚭

2eebbe No.2093036



>Does anyone here really believe the catalog is actually broken?




>How difficult a program could it be?

How hard would it be to comb your hair if someone was punching you in the face and pushing you away frm the mirror?

7f2dc5 No.2093037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

i thought fagOTUS had an accident so it is just a bunch of death sacks in intell swapping muhsatan memes for people eaters ,

26740d No.2093039


Nice 1


6207f9 No.2093040

File: 9d59df93dfd01ce⋯.png (145.13 KB, 1172x709, 1172:709, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)


good article here:


3e78b6 No.2093041

File: 6d857584486a1c1⋯.jpeg (35.6 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 5B070627-560B-4DC5-B602-B….jpeg)

File: fbb82069c5a50c0⋯.jpeg (27.97 KB, 218x231, 218:231, D5F94320-92EA-4790-91B9-0….jpeg)



5c90a3 No.2093042


100% agree. I have seen the green light come on my phone and my computer before. They stay taped unless I am using them.

1241e2 No.2093043


Very interesting. I have also always wondered what was the huge deal in the monarchy.. but I guess it is just another form of entertainment for the masses is my best guess. Thanks for sharing.

8b40c0 No.2093044

The Democratic Party left me behind — and I'm not alone

USA Today NetworkSaritha Prabhu, The Tennessean Opinion

I’m no Trump supporter, but I’ve been repulsed by the political and cultural left’s hatred, demonization and mistreatment of the president.

I am a Democrat who has spent the last two years often criticizing my own party and fellow Democrats.

Yeah, I’m a bad Democrat, I know.

I have friends and readers asking me, “Are you still a liberal?” and “Have you changed parties?” and “Why are you seemingly defending Trump?”

I’ve been a loyal Democrat for about 15 years. As someone who became a citizen in 2006, I became a Democrat during the George W. Bush years, because I liked the party’s anti-war, pro-minority, pro-environment, pro-little guy positions.

But the 2016 election was an eye-opener for me. To use the current political jargon, I became “woke,” in some very different ways, and I got “red-pilled.”

It was the year I recognized that our two political parties have become dinosaurs, ossified beyond recognition. Yes, there’s grassroots energy in the Democratic Party, but party leadership is essentially bereft of ideas.

It was the year I joined millions of Americans in losing faith in the ruling class of both parties and in many of our political institutions.

It was also the year this voter became increasingly frustrated that our national media outlets — cable, network and legacy news media — have self-bifurcated into stark pro- and anti-Trump factions.

Full Story:


a36fa8 No.2093046


>Saving Israel for last

what does that mean to you?

I think we have VERY different meanings to that

4ebf8b No.2093047


epi-pen is adrenaline.

what would they need adrenaline for?

db6eff No.2093048


good for stephen. bartender steals a piece of his dignity, miller offers a piece of his hunger. his dignity will survive and his hunger can be quenched elsewhere.

ae68f8 No.2093049


Source? Or else shut the fuck up with your guesses

3e78b6 No.2093050

File: 6c88d9f64e8fe75⋯.jpeg (31.59 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 3CBD171B-ECA1-4337-8E0D-3….jpeg)

File: 8066242f5d08b0b⋯.jpeg (26.01 KB, 255x255, 1:1, D024DE63-3EED-4F5E-9AEF-D….jpeg)


Trolling is Fun

a07261 No.2093051

File: 91675a560b7ab84⋯.jpg (1.37 MB, 2560x1536, 5:3, 20180709_123411.jpg)


you are


sorry about that folks

they've been upgrading my power here

I was at post ~700 when I get a knock on my door

It is the lineman telling me they need to shut my power down

Well, it's back up now

8e5fd8 No.2093052

File: 09f71f1d438177a⋯.png (56.47 KB, 1272x456, 53:19, fencing.png)

fd1648 No.2093053


I thought McInsane was supposed to resign on the 4th?

818eb5 No.2093054


Anons own this board. Relax anon, stay focused.



Anon, calm down you are going full tilt.

31f1e6 No.2093055



Got this link in case anyone wants to watch in diff tab.


ae2432 No.2093056


I'm just talking about price manipulation.

They got schools to standardize on having them in inventory.

Then all of a sudden a massive price increase?

And that they maintain a defacto monopoly on something that should be in public domain by now?

c09de1 No.2093057

File: c8b363fc1f18ed0⋯.png (86.5 KB, 1328x692, 332:173, 2_The_Causes_of_Hostility_….PNG)

File: 6ba690f311bd452⋯.png (151.21 KB, 1307x692, 1307:692, 3_Jews_And_Christianity_Wh….PNG)

File: 20ff49ea5f30812⋯.png (106.02 KB, 1182x622, 591:311, 4_Usury_When_Victims_Rule_….PNG)


Well, even if that is true, jews have to be vocal against ALL jewish subversion and supremacism, and just so you know, it is well documented and a historical fact that jews JEWS (as in, real jews) were one of the most bigoted, intolerant and untrustwhorthy people's of all times (source in pics related, go read it).

That being said, if you are against jewish supremacism and subversion and you don't deny the historical facts, I have no problem with you being a jew.

32c02d No.2093058


Full story is in notables.

b80566 No.2093059

Much love Anons!

60f0d0 No.2093060

File: 5bd6d48170c4e6f⋯.jpg (286.42 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_0547.JPG)

Can someone with a better camera get some moon pics today? Why is it covered by shadow with the sun right next to it in the sky?

80e1f7 No.2093061

File: 3705010cb2709ee⋯.jpg (960.72 KB, 1400x1220, 70:61, 1490022513296.jpg)


"All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near."

Trust. Steady in the skip.

027fb4 No.2093062


Q existence debate on Monday, July 9th


Vs @stranahan


tentative time for debate - 7pm ish. Will upload unedited copy in full immediately after.

c09de1 No.2093063


BO will always be /ourBrO/

6207f9 No.2093064


>his dignity will survive and his hunger can be quenched elsewhere.

May all his sushi be comped.

a36fa8 No.2093065


>Q Believers

again with the muh cult shit

no one "believes" in Q, Q isn't jesus or some prphet, but an intel sauce we are grateful to have

7a0a3e No.2093066


It's not like I control it. I don't even exist except as the illusion of a perception. At that point, who is there to tell, and who is there to do the telling? They'll learn when they are ready, not that they exist in the first place…

444b8b No.2093067


Well.. it is ill advised to use it for no reason. Too much can cause adrenal failure or what tthey call an adrenal storm. Deadly.

Otherwise it is used in cases of trauma…

bf93a6 No.2093068


I think you mean this. 8ch.net/qresearch/index.html

ffbd49 No.2093069


who is A?

9a9db2 No.2093070

File: 21e93570af27c72⋯.png (36.23 KB, 1537x245, 1537:245, Screenshot-2018-7-9 Couple….png)

File: 97af73cb85611b8⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1633x671, 1633:671, Screenshot-2018-7-9 Purdue….png)

File: e00488954b0377d⋯.png (103.33 KB, 1604x521, 1604:521, Screenshot-2018-7-9 US Fed….png)





a3a03c No.2093071

File: 2d1b48711868615⋯.png (27.16 KB, 552x561, 184:187, grokoff.png)



At least warn us when we're about to go off-bread!

How fucking hard is it to type " (lb) " after your rt?!


>>2092637 (lb)

7f9e60 No.2093072


I find myself whispering if I'm taking politics in the vicinity of my computer.

4d80d9 No.2093073


>Christians say that Christ never died

Kek! You should read the Bible. Christ absolutely did die. Then he was resurrected. Literally part of the core belief of salvation. "Christ died on the cross" is about as small of a soundbite as you could possibly reduce the New Testament to and still be accurate. Jeez.

bf93a6 No.2093074

File: a558fa41288c9ee⋯.jpg (44 KB, 500x340, 25:17, gorillagun meme.jpg)

4093b4 No.2093075


The vaccine adjuvants caused the huge up-tick in potentially deadly food allergies. Now they have a huge market for epi-pens. They've been allowed to charge exorbitant prices for the pens due to political corruption. That's the conspiracy.

941c25 No.2093076


Definitely want to see this. I think if one can persuade Lee, you're golden.

7f2dc5 No.2093077

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.









the real deepstate reports, there are changing hair colors on that oring tester, must be a pedoraptor distraction

cc94ce No.2093078

File: dafbfb218553384⋯.jpg (736.12 KB, 1712x1704, 214:213, PEPE front line fighter.jpg)


>I'm beginning to think this is deep state/cabal fuckery

Ya think?

Q dropped on this ages ago IMO


e585fe No.2093079

File: 575acc18b7fad9d⋯.png (3.16 KB, 239x118, 239:118, 512c3354-6c7c-4483-94e9-39….png)


Great theory. Supported by today's resignations.

Consider for


b6b9fd No.2093080


You sound like you're on a bad acid trip

396523 No.2093082




cebc97 No.2093083


yes you can tell he is fresh out of give a fucks, its actually fucking hilarious to watch the PC crowd implied with hatred, its so perfect

a76826 No.2093084


They play into people's doubt & uncertainty, more so into people's tendency to take things on face value, easier than taking the time to dig deeper. Folks like 0 hour will disappear form the scene when it's time for them to. Best to ignore them & let those who want to follow them, follow away. Until they can't any more.

3e78b6 No.2093085

File: 61ce4127b1cea51⋯.jpeg (34.17 KB, 255x232, 255:232, ECB9D1C9-2F29-4492-A312-A….jpeg)

File: 7162a5acc81b861⋯.jpeg (31.8 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 5CAB89B4-CD7B-4B67-8EC1-2….jpeg)


The moon sets during different times of the day, depending on its cycle

New moon is this week 7/12, so that looks about right.


c65396 No.2093086


Kek, I'm not talking about belief or faith.

I'm simply talking about how does one get from point A to point C without point B?

How do you do it?

How can you route a logical path from beginning to conclusion without the relevant intermediate data points?

Can it be done?

Or do you have to make guesses and 'leaps'?

That was my main point/question/observation.

So when someone says "use logic" but doesn't give a scaffolding on which to use it, people will end up having to construct their own scaffolding.

Especially nowadays when everything is a lie.

And even some of the drops we get here are lies (necessary disinfo).

Whoever has the most information has the power.

But i still get your point, and agree with it.

30fff8 No.2093087

File: 1e8f8cca9f880d9⋯.jpg (58.36 KB, 480x542, 240:271, 2dks81.jpg)

File: 7fe87cbee54c799⋯.jpg (22.94 KB, 294x172, 147:86, 2dobtl.jpg)

I believe what Trump says before Q, Trump get him out !!

ae2432 No.2093088


There is no legit source for that story.

But interestingly, Caroline Paladino IS involved in EpiPen training and protocols for the state of NJ.

So, at least that part is not bullshit.

Coincidence that Trump is now on Pfizer's ass?

014e9d No.2093089


switch to just mouthing it and using knowing visual Qs

084fd2 No.2093091


It means Q has to be super mega extra careful not to get the classic anti-semitic tag.

Also means Israel is the root of it all… ie jews are the root of it all. ie the guys who study the Talmud… ie the guys who say they didn't kill Christ but the romans did… There would be a lot of pissed off Christians if they really knew that every Rabbi actually knew their people killed Christ, but yet they still deny it to us.

941c25 No.2093092


It's better than the other names I've seen.

Like, QTard….I hate that one.

e272ce No.2093094


Until DJT came along, Comey a Republican, no?

487898 No.2093095

File: d1dcf7a15bd993a⋯.png (531.27 KB, 500x500, 1:1, burninhell.png)


Did some digging, Boris Johnson resigning is bigger than we think…

Let me explain… I looked it up so we all know of the SIS, GCHQ…

We all know they play a part in the FVEY spying network.

Chief off the Secret Intelligence Service or MI6 as its more commonly known… this position is appointed by guess what… the Foreign Secretary…

Guess who held this position until today… BORIS JOHNSON.

Boris Johnson was therefore the actual head of MI6..





93f0ae No.2093096

File: 3ac0ba87bc33979⋯.jpg (16.07 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 3ac0ba87bc3397902be09a5561….jpg)


bib benis tramissions :D:D:D

818eb5 No.2093097


Anon, we are very real. Consciousness was tired of being alone and created the eternal dream.

Let's play the game.

444b8b No.2093098


I would not advise the drug be available in the public domain as it could be used incorrectly…

However. From previous research that I've done, its reasonably cheap to manufacture

26740d No.2093099



4093b4 No.2093100


Good point.

845fcf No.2093101

File: 6a2579933669e5a⋯.jpg (161.09 KB, 2400x1200, 2:1, NteToSalf_Sperging.jpg)

914179 No.2093102

"What does that mean? I know one thing: Make America Great Again we understand. Putting America first we understand. Thousand points of light, I never quite got that one. What the hell is that? Has anyone ever figured that one out? It was put out by a Republican wasn't it."


Is there progress on that?

"The phrase "a thousand points of light" was popularized by US president George H. W. Bush, and later formed the name of a private, non-profit organization launched by Bush to support volunteerism.[1]"

Non-profit=slush fund

volunteerism=who WANTS to work for poppy?

fb722b No.2093103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bf93a6 No.2093104


So impeach Himmler.

65ac10 No.2093105


>Johnson was therefore the actual head of MI6..

need to see who fills those shoes.

5c90a3 No.2093106


The sick ones steal Adrenaline from terrified children and babies. They live on it. Most likely, they have to since their adrenal glands no longer work. I'm not sure epi-pin is what they can use to survive. Adrenocortisone.

7a0a3e No.2093107


Waking up isn't pleasant for most people. Terribly destructive process.

3c7084 No.2093108

File: 2bf623519e2fc65⋯.png (9.58 KB, 1101x152, 1101:152, CallingItNow.PNG)

Just a reminder.

Pic related

Can't wait 'tll 9pm!!!

f6a00c No.2093109

File: 2ed01a41d17a42a⋯.png (616.69 KB, 772x867, 772:867, thinq.PNG)

is AT&T offering Q phones now?

Should I call and ask if it notifies me when Q posts?

cebc97 No.2093110


implode, spell check is a deep state tool to dumb us down, and make us look dumb too fuckers

c7c438 No.2093111


0a1748 No.2093112

File: dd95381d5dc01ac⋯.png (52.09 KB, 625x712, 625:712, ClipboardImage.png)

i have interpreted trump's last tweet thusly:

c65396 No.2093113


Huge if true anon.

Q said FVEY would be very important soon.

Mentioned the UK as well.

e77c57 No.2093114

File: 917138f4d9522be⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1376x1693, 1376:1693, ClipboardImage.png)

18edfb No.2093115

File: 0392dab5f19030c⋯.jpg (270.54 KB, 639x636, 213:212, Clinton-airport1.jpg)

File: 1d601d315f4d17b⋯.jpg (412.36 KB, 800x839, 800:839, Clinton-airport.jpg)

This is the ultimate irony.

The Clintons passing through gate Q on way to take first commercial flight since Bill first became president.

Assets seized and no money for private jet?

62375b No.2093116



Then you have a serious reading comprehension problem. Not sure what part of a specific anon you don't understand. You didn't see mention of it because most of it was pic related and on previous breads for last 72 hrs. You are not trying to have a conversation. You are accusing BO of something he didn't do and intelligent anons know this.

It's not up to any one to explain to you what you can go back and read for yourself.

Continuing to push this will prove that you are indeed articlefag and are doing nothing more than trying to slander BO. You are in the wrong place for that.


You are free to leave anytime.

351f90 No.2093117

File: d5331b09b588770⋯.png (13.64 KB, 216x255, 72:85, noshilliflarp.png)


How could notables not be working. It's just a cut and paste

Here's from "RightWingWatch"

This one shows the anger. Get ready for tonight.

a36fa8 No.2093118




Qtard is probably from FEtards that are triggered


got it

fd1648 No.2093120


Evil witch….

55cc1b No.2093121


Song indicates singing.

6207f9 No.2093122

File: fd79d8085d9ffdd⋯.png (116.11 KB, 913x513, 913:513, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)

twatterer quoting Gohmert (cst)

RE: $$$ for attacking Trump also used to attack JJ, you can tell because Perkins Coie is involved…

444b8b No.2093123


Agreed… i have no choice. I HAVE to carry it…. its life or death for me.

Basic greed….

7bfd0a No.2093124

File: 36419b0c2c9e69c⋯.png (337.93 KB, 623x642, 623:642, Wakey Wakey.png)

084fd2 No.2093125


You gotta do something about the weeds in your lawn anon… show some pride in yourself.

5c90a3 No.2093126



7a0a3e No.2093127


The only real thing is the void, and possibly love.

4ebf8b No.2093128


Adrenochrome is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C9H9NO3 produced by the oxidation of adrenaline (epinephrine).

this is what I mean. (((they))) don't care if it's deadly or not, bc the child will be dead anyway - they need the adrenaline and other drugs to sedate the child & get their adrenaline (adrenachrome) too


32c02d No.2093129


Last few breads did have link to next bread. Not to 2 breads later.

4ffe5d No.2093130

File: 565d4543f213b46⋯.jpg (51.22 KB, 416x376, 52:47, sara bronfman.jpg)

027fb4 No.2093131


I agree, a lot of strawman arguments against Q drop researching.

"You dig for crowdsourced intel and enjoy understanding the connections hidden by proven fake news, so you must be a cult member!"

c93edf No.2093132

File: 6e371819bcec462⋯.jpg (46.66 KB, 500x641, 500:641, (you).jpg)


Get a life!

351f90 No.2093133

File: b6cdeb866530469⋯.jpg (2.82 MB, 2816x4472, 352:559, antifa.jpg)



9503cc No.2093134


Good deal.

Glad to have you back.

If you want to take the reins after I bake this one, you're more than welcome to do so.

Or are you expecting more power interference?

ae2432 No.2093135


I just mean that its a cheap drug to manufacture, and other companies could produce a similar device for injection.

How have they been able to lock out other vendors?

c07915 No.2093136

File: 77782cd258614e9⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 800x1067, 800:1067, DrWho.jpg)


Q uses iPhone X, actually two of them…

62375b No.2093137



Yep, and she sure knows how to push buttons to carry on wasting bread. One reply to you says we need to name her. I think article fag has already stuck to her.

941c25 No.2093138


I tried…oddly IMO jet's trails and clouds are covering it. It's clear blue northward though.

The moon out in the day always intrigues me and makes me wish even MOAR that I had a telescope. Binoculars work a little bit, hha

b6b9fd No.2093139


Put down the meth pipe and seek help

bf93a6 No.2093140


Ann Coulter was keeping track that it WASNT being built. Is she keeping track of it BEING built? She should be.

818eb5 No.2093141


What is real is what consciousness decides to be real. You are real whether you accept it or not.

Your here forever, get used to it.

937bea No.2093142

Anons, what you're not being told about the latest poisoning in UK.

The surviving person of the latest poisoning is the most likely to have poisoned the Russians in the first place.

He is MI6.

65ac10 No.2093143

File: 1bde565ef1081b9⋯.jpg (59.5 KB, 800x546, 400:273, 1bde565ef1081b9205eda26b92….jpg)

30fff8 No.2093144

8a011a No.2093146

File: 47c688def25c4f7⋯.jpeg (22.7 KB, 474x315, 158:105, D6A584ED-7E19-4FB0-97AD-7….jpeg)

File: 44f9d6db7d1c17a⋯.jpeg (28.77 KB, 474x314, 237:157, 63F67BB0-102D-4AA6-A2CE-D….jpeg)

File: e9d10f3eca9011c⋯.jpeg (31.13 KB, 474x403, 474:403, 0FEEB504-09CE-4A72-BBDC-E….jpeg)

reading boards and all I see pic

c09de1 No.2093147



4093b4 No.2093148


POTUS is on the case, anon. I hope for your sake the prices come down as soon as possible.

5c90a3 No.2093149


I hope they all burn in Hell! God forgive me, but these people are not HUMAN!

bf93a6 No.2093150


Lesbians are flat. And fat.

71820c No.2093151

File: 867521f41e9150d⋯.png (211.84 KB, 709x1569, 709:1569, ClipboardImage.png)

Mocking Bird Monday: Trump rips children from thier mothers breastss!

c5cd61 No.2093152

Why hasn't the catalog been fixed yet?

a36fa8 No.2093153


most of the famefags are just whining because no one cares about their bullshit famefagging


if you go back and REALLY read the crumbs, they'd understand why we're here

941c25 No.2093154


I've not learned. If I've realized something I holler it out.

I'll go get the duct tape for my trap!!

e93cb8 No.2093155

File: 44ad03b75d4a92d⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1800x1200, 3:2, what-is-beef.png)

d5c1e3 No.2093156


Well the fucking Rabbis are the satanists

The normal Rabbis who do not fuck children are the Jews and they did not kill Jesus because they are alive now and Jesus died 2000 years ago. I mean, give your head a shake and do the arithmetic.

Besides, the real Jews are Orthodox Christians who are the only ones that continue the traditions of the Jewish priesthood. They recognized the Messiah in Jesus Christ which is why an Orthodox church is laid out like the Temple in Jerusalem 2000 years ago with a holy of holies for the priest. And they wear the same kind of priestly robes as the ancient Jewish priests did. They even use the ancient Jewish scriptures, the Torah as the Old Testament in their worship along with the Messiah's New Testament.

You people are all incredibly confused getting real Jews mixed up with Pharisees and satanists Zionists mixed up with both.

Note that the Catholics are not real Jews, they are satanists. But the Orthodox Christian churches are real Jews. It is written

65ac10 No.2093157


>I hope they all burn in Hell!

They are already in Hell and it'll only get worse.

c09de1 No.2093158


Lol, I find it interesting how you get triggered by fully sourced verifiable FACTS.

You are part of the problem until you stop denying TRUTH, no matter how much you dislike said TRUTH.

Cry more kike.

32c02d No.2093159


Not its not. Boris resigned. The intelligence agencies are not gonna stop! OMFG!

0a1748 No.2093160

File: 38294f724b497ac⋯.jpg (949.04 KB, 1440x2160, 2:3, Cafritz-to-Podesta.jpg)


reminder that pamela cafritz's adopted brother is friendly with podesta and a shit-ton of dc society.

and he's a son of a member of the order of royal jesters. nbd.

7a0a3e No.2093161


Every day I dream of a world. In that dream world the people all insist they are real. It's very comical.

55cc1b No.2093162


The angel of Q visited Paul in the darkness of solitary confinement. The message was We are with you, WWG1WGA, Hey Goy, Trust the plan.

30fff8 No.2093163

File: 6532ef5978102ed⋯.png (47.06 KB, 476x476, 1:1, Screenshot_2018-07-06-11-3….png)

Sir Branson loves to party.

9a9db2 No.2093164

File: e00488954b0377d⋯.png (103.33 KB, 1604x521, 1604:521, Screenshot-2018-7-9 US Fed….png)

a3a03c No.2093165

File: b1a1ac722ba4256⋯.png (276.19 KB, 490x307, 490:307, glowfag5.png)


Why don't you go do it for him?

Better yet, why don't you STFU, take your concernfagging back to reddit and then KYS?!

6dec0f No.2093166

File: e872c9220d36078⋯.jpg (223.83 KB, 800x581, 800:581, Pepe-Pepe-Pepe.jpg)

4ffe5d No.2093167




this is all awesome, cant wait til building goes into full swing.

05dabe No.2093169

Britfag here.

We need some help from you patriots across the pond in red pilling all the whiny Normies who are going to be stomping their feet protesting against GEOTUS visiting the UK.

May I suggest bombarding the below FB pages with memes and Q Save The World video.

Protest Trumps Visit


This is a perfect opportunity to scatter red pills and hope some get digested.


b13e42 No.2093170

File: 77d78f475ec138b⋯.png (551.25 KB, 799x712, 799:712, ClipboardImage.png)


WAY TO REDPILL the normies anon!!!


4ebf8b No.2093171

File: 4eaacc4ee18f87a⋯.png (261.77 KB, 600x355, 120:71, dying.png)



From the looks of it all we have to do is wait.

818eb5 No.2093172


Then why are you posting to me, if I am not real?

Is the fact that your consciousness and will is drawn to me proof enough? What is real? Is this real enough for you, anon? Welcome to the eternal dream, you can never truly awake. Kek wills it.

444b8b No.2093173


Me too… now back to work for me. Happy day Anons!!

As always, it's an honor!


c93edf No.2093174



014e9d No.2093175


HRC in Q kill box

32c02d No.2093176

File: 55d1621486a9f00⋯.jpg (21.91 KB, 249x255, 83:85, b4ba7cfb452158ea26823d2ad1….jpg)

0a1748 No.2093177

File: 372ffe5b0a86789⋯.jpg (1.91 MB, 2880x2880, 1:1, cafritz-children-charity.jpg)

File: d3778da9326bda4⋯.jpg (508.18 KB, 1215x744, 405:248, cafritz-family.jpg)

File: 43166921a7c4277⋯.jpg (1005.61 KB, 1440x2160, 2:3, Cafritz-to-Podesta-w-conne….jpg)


more clearly defined here

396523 No.2093178

File: 1d00f928e468fe6⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1600x1000, 8:5, IMG_1886.PNG)


You need to up your meme game if you want to post cat pics on the chans.

7a0a3e No.2093179



7f2dc5 No.2093180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





name a political quandry so dark and dearthly that ASTROONAUTS ARE KILLED ON LIVE TV for a cocaine addicts pleasure

how snuff film depraved faggotry can it get


bf93a6 No.2093181


Dont forget "facts." They are weak on facts.

c709b3 No.2093182


Farage should join the DUP, I would vote for them they are one the few principled parties around.

742c33 No.2093183

I don't believe it's notable. We don't have any other religious writings as notable.

This movement is about the truth

It's not about any particular religion, skin color, group, country and so on. There are good and bad people in every institution.


084fd2 No.2093184


If the earth is always spinning and the moon is always spinning, and the moon is always rotating around the earth….. than why do we always see the same side of the moon? That's one thing that always confused me with the present lunar theory we use today. No teacher ever had an answer on that for me.

941c25 No.2093185


Last week my news posted a male breastfeeding with an artificial nipple. REST ASSURED! He ONLY did so because the mom had problems during birth and was in the ICU unable to breastfeed. He stepped right up.

I was horrified by the leading pic of it, but cried when I read the story, that's sweet. How many men would?

30fff8 No.2093187

File: 17524a7a57bfb1e⋯.gif (767.16 KB, 218x254, 109:127, 17524a7a57bfb1e65d9e28c6ca….gif)

4a8b36 No.2093188


Funny thing….we really have no idea where Manafort is being guarded/protected/incarcerated.

Only MSM stories.

93f0ae No.2093189

File: 9be70fcb26cb970⋯.jpg (21.79 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 9be70fcb26cb9705bfa776d6ff….jpg)

a36fa8 No.2093191

File: c36715cc84b6c71⋯.png (864.05 KB, 1150x1069, 1150:1069, pepegalaxy2.png)

File: 5ef008b23bfe403⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1500x1041, 500:347, pepegalaxy.png)


FEtards can't conceive of galaxies, its too scary

7eb7b6 No.2093192


if you have allergies try taking baking soda. ph problems cause immune systems to tank. The 6,4,2,1 teaspoons a day will elimiate colds and virusis also. 15 years of success treating colds, flu, pet allegies, roaring stomach aches, tooth infections…

4d47de No.2093193


Catalog? We don’t need no stinkin’ catalog. It only proves that this board scares the shisen out of (((them))).

a0e8c7 No.2093194

>>2093040 The inside story on Sara Bronfman/Basit Igtet (NXIVM related)

baker notable

70996e No.2093195

File: 60da7fac5f9026f⋯.jpeg (265.67 KB, 799x848, 799:848, Screenshot_2018-07-09-13-….jpeg)

File: ee2954339e2bea9⋯.jpeg (281.01 KB, 799x1017, 799:1017, Screenshot_2018-07-09-13-….jpeg)

File: 47ce5e466050aa3⋯.jpeg (75.42 KB, 799x239, 799:239, Screenshot_2018-07-09-13-….jpeg)

File: fb48d8538748913⋯.jpeg (111.06 KB, 799x394, 799:394, Screenshot_2018-07-09-13-….jpeg)

Was KJU taken to Japan for safety?

941c25 No.2093196


Our minds truly connect because I think of the same thing. I asked daughteranon "what's on the other side of the moon though?"

Course she replies "the dark side" Hmmm made me laugh then, cause Pink Floyd. But..maybe it's where the dark sided people dwell.

a1f07d No.2093197


Bingo. Follow the money.

ae68f8 No.2093198



What a stupid bitch.

You are a dumb cunt as well. LURK MOAR faggot. That POS has been discussed for DAYS because you & your friends feel the need to fill EVERY FUCKING thread with it. Seriously, DIAF & bring your family too.

bf93a6 No.2093199


He should have demanded his money back.

be8d30 No.2093200

File: 33efffbab87cfea⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 91.15 KB, 640x490, 64:49, 91DE49B1-056A-408A-96D5-E….jpeg)

File: 7fdff7eb7ef0ce5⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 324.29 KB, 640x556, 160:139, D146749D-45C4-443C-8403-E….jpeg)

17ed81 No.2093201

File: a125b88575f1b98⋯.jpeg (148.41 KB, 850x545, 170:109, 9D46435D-7535-4A8A-A873-A….jpeg)

7f2dc5 No.2093202

i sure hope feynman is enjoying south america like 2pac and notorious

396523 No.2093203

File: 68f869006021084⋯.jpg (19.23 KB, 800x600, 4:3, IMG_1998.JPG)

6f5598 No.2093204


This is not the place to have "conversations" this a messy factory floor. I know a place for you to discuss Q and have polite interactions with your fellow anons, check it out.


818eb5 No.2093205


You post because you are searching for something. He who claims to have all the answers has left himself blind to the adventure. Reality is cruel and unforgiving, once the horror of humanity is revealed only then will be have the opportunity for true peace.

c09de1 No.2093206


>real Jews

You really think the gen pop will buy that when they get redpilled on the jewish supremacism issue.

They will interpret what you said as "NOT ALL JEWS GOY! NOT THE REAL JEWS! REAL JEWS DINDU NUFFIN".

That being said, I leave it to your imagination and cognitive capabilities to speculate on HOW the gen pop is going to perceive you once they are redpilled on the jewish supremacism issue.

You all sucked on the tit of jewish nepotism and immorality, and now the only thing you have is that deflection?

You're in for a bad time mate.

Remember this:

-Jewish money and lobbies can’t buy off a redpilled general population's ire.

-Redpilling the gen pop is the best deterrent to jewish-supremacism, just like a 2A is the best deterrent to an armed invasion.

That being said, remember this:

"There are plenty of people of Jewish descent who do not support Israel, who are not wealthy slumlords, who are not racist, and who exhibit in all spheres the solidest of moral character. But where are they when the Collective Jewish Body speaks, acts, and oppresses in their name? If the Jewish community dictates a “community of fate” by bloodline, surely all those of even partial Jewish heritage have a stake in raising critical voices against the steamroller that claims them."

Non-subversive jews need to refuse to stay silent about jewish supremacism and subversion, because in their particular case, silence is consent.

Basically, non-subversive jews have to REFUSE to continue to be the human shields of the jewish interest groups that subvert the Western nations in their name (which is ALL of them), and the way they need to do it is to ACT against them, legally of course, by speaking out against them using every channel of communication available to them and presenting the verifiable proof that jewish interest groups have engaged and continue to engage in subversive activities, as well as start to organize groups that pro-actively speak out against the subversive jewish groups, and making the names of the members of said anti-jewish interest groups groups public. Off course that would mean that said jewish interest groups would target them, but the truth of the matter is, and say this as a statement of fact and NOT a threat, if non-subversive jews don’t speak out and organize against the jewish interest groups, they will be targeted (legally and perhaps otherwise, I fear) by the patriots who are sick and tired of the subversive interest groups.

4ebf8b No.2093207

File: f8640662d9ccca9⋯.png (897.02 KB, 1378x1004, 689:502, rapist.png)

bf93a6 No.2093208


"Anti-trust issues."

b0d358 No.2093209


Voila: http://www.pointsoflight.org/about-us/our-history

62375b No.2093210


BS! Do more research anon. Adrenchrome is easily manufactured and adrenchrome has 0 to with supporting a failing pineal gland.


Adrenochrome is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C₉H₉NO₃ produced by the oxidation of adrenaline. The derivative carbazochrome is a hemostatic medication. Despite a similarity in chemical names, it is unrelated to chrome or chromium.

Adrenochrome is real. It is synthesized by oxidation of adrenaline (epinephrine) in the adrenal glands. Medically, adrenochrome is used to reduce capillary bleeding. It may create mild euphoria, but there really are no psychoactive effects documented from this drug.

This chemical is available for purchase in powdered form, something to remember before you cut the adrenal glands out of your neighbor.

Labs can produce it fairly easily, and many do, with it featuring in many chemical supplier catalogues under the CAS number CAS:56-06-8.

Acts as a systemic hemostatic preventing capillary bleeding during injury. Adrenochrome causes chemically induced schizophrenia.

High levels of stress release large amounts of adrenalin which in turn is oxidized to adrenochrome. Adrenochrome is known to cause fibrillation and other cardiac dysfunctions. Dr. Hoffer believes that one of the main causes of atrial fibrillation is excessive stress. High levels of stress release large amounts of adrenalin which in turn is oxidized to adrenochrome. Adrenochrome is a natural free radical and is primarily produced in the heart tissue, but circulates in the blood throughout the body. It can cross the blood-brain barrier and excessive amounts of it are believed to be a main cause of schizophrenia. Antioxidants protect against the formation of excessive amounts of adrenochrome and schizophrenics have been successfully treated with large amounts of niacin and ascorbic acid.

(((If cultists tortured victims as a "feeder" to raise adrenochrome levels, the victim would likely die of heart problems rapidly. Societies are not living off adrenochrome or we would have large amounts of schizophrenics running around.)))

This whole theory of cultist torturing to raise adrenochrome levels right before killing to consume either the blood/csf or pineal gland is just total horse hocky. Some even want to claim they would not live without adrenochrome. Biggest lie yet.





c09de1 No.2093211


Still important.

The head of the chain of command just walked. No matter the reason, something big is brewing.

7f9871 No.2093212


>I think you mean this. 8ch.net/qresearch/index.html


1241e2 No.2093213


I can confirm this. Food allergies are directly associated with vaccination. Sick bastards.

c65396 No.2093214


Interesting digs anon.

There's also the issue of abductees to consider.

845fcf No.2093215

File: f57da9a306fb744⋯.jpg (43.3 KB, 964x493, 964:493, POTUS DRAINS_the RinoMuell….jpg)


Think NEW REPUBLICANS (((US))) vs the Global Elitists (incl. the Corrupt Obama Marxist BLM/BM regime PLUS/VS the Never Trump RINOS within it /aka the Fascist HRC secret insufferables - AT WAR eating their own+/while joined in TREASON )

These People are Stupid

6229f6 No.2093216


Are you trying to be a funny?

Go back

65ac10 No.2093217


>-Redpilling the gen pop is the best deterrent to supremacism, just like a 2A is the best deterrent to an armed invasion.

FIFY. Quit the divisionfaggin.

ae68f8 No.2093218

File: 4c5680c440c28f3⋯.jpg (47.77 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 4c5680c440c28f383644fc2921….jpg)


Don't you have something better to do then IP hop all fucking day shill?

DAYS & DAYS of this crap. Your family must be so proud. kys

7a0a3e No.2093219


The greatest saint, even if he has sacrificed a thousand times all that he held most dear, even his life itself, for love of others, for that of a God, or for a noble ideal, remains a prisoner of death and rebirth if he has not understood that all is a childish game, empty of reality, a useless illusion of shadows which his own mind projects on the infinite screen of the Void.

I am required to love and befriend you, Mara. I am not required to play any other games with you. I do love you, though.

f7a899 No.2093220

File: 97757664e26c8d9⋯.png (72.06 KB, 587x435, 587:435, hrcdead.png)


4ffe5d No.2093221

File: f926ba1f7adef6c⋯.jpg (83.13 KB, 621x478, 621:478, realclouds.jpg)

day 5, no trails! real clouds today

ae2432 No.2093222


Wouldn't there be aids, press, and perhaps even secure cars with Pompeo that would also need to get to Japan?

444b8b No.2093223


Well…id try anything that would counter a venemous wasp/ bee / ant misquoto etc. If u have suggestions..im all ears. Oh..and cedar. Cant even go to the fuq'in lumber yard without issues. Smh

30fff8 No.2093224

File: a697afdf3fb487f⋯.jpg (54.92 KB, 400x502, 200:251, 2do6vo~4.jpg)

7f2dc5 No.2093225



if i told you that they hope the pleadians will give us all makeovers after all this depravity, it would be a generalized overstatement

4f45bf No.2093226

File: 2681d9bfd77e358⋯.jpg (11.79 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 194e6fedd9d4d447bbbf4a75c5….jpg)

4b3c38 No.2093227

File: 954b0a01e700f26⋯.png (266.95 KB, 500x323, 500:323, Fam.png)

File: e837107a5c875c5⋯.jpg (167.43 KB, 1000x720, 25:18, DinePopcorn.jpg)

941c25 No.2093228


I used to drink some when I felt a UTI coming on.

I'm going to increase it to daily, see how that goes. I have allergies something AWFUL this year. Tummy troubles all of my life. Thanks!

db6eff No.2093229


i'll be more specific. i think the (((cabal))) created every 'communist' 'state' in the world specifically to balance the power of good with equally powerful evil so as to maintain constant resistance against good making it more difficult for good to stay in the lead.

every 'communist' 'state' in the world = u.s.s.r, cuba, china, iran, israel, the crown, the vatican, the U.S.of A, Inc., the Federal Reserve….you get the picture.

20f723 No.2093230

File: 8526c72f7ab1d14⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, Blue_Sky_7_9_18.JPG)

Sat 7-7-18 Beautiful Blue skies

Sun 7-8-18 some spraying

Mon 7-9-18 Beautiful Blue skies

4ee782 No.2093231



They are also still planning on POTUS being removed, and I'm not talking impeachment.

bf93a6 No.2093232


Reform of the schools is how MAGA takes hold further in 15+ years.

7a0a3e No.2093233


I found it already. I'm just watching the dream play with itself.

e24bc1 No.2093234


as much as i want it to be true i dont trust that source at all

65ac10 No.2093235


very observant.

d5c1e3 No.2093236


This was about not shitting up the notables.

But yes, I do not want readers of this board to know anything about their enemy. I know that if I keep the Talmud out of notables, none of the Anons are smart enough to dig and research it for themselves. My mission is to pull the wool over the eyes of anons, by preventing the baker from presenting them with true knowledge.

Besides, I know that the Talmud has no sick shit in it. It's just the ravings of lunatics.

If you want sick shit google for "body modification" or "penis mutilation" or "blood and gore"

Let me know when you find the photo of the guy who cut open his scrotum to expose the testicle inside. And so not dare puking at the photo of a head with the skin flayed off sitting on the pair of cut off arms.

You children have no idea…

c09de1 No.2093237

File: 686a5e44e12b5fc⋯.png (20.2 KB, 814x118, 407:59, Jewish_Narcissistic_Mindse….png)


Kek, if I was telling you the FACTS about muslims or buddhists would you still call it divisionfagging?

We both know you wouldn't, because you just outed yourself has having more loyalty to your rotten tribe than to the TRUTH and the West.

Cry more kike :)

845fcf No.2093238



MB / MuslimBrotherhood - DyslexicAutistTypo~

6229f6 No.2093239


Dude, half of those aren't communist FFS

ae68f8 No.2093240



55cc1b No.2093241

6de017 No.2093242

Rendlesham Forest Incident

Staff Sgt Jim Penniston and Airman John Burroughs claim to have witnessed a small triangular craft which landed in Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk — in what has been dubbed the UK’s Roswell incident.

Sgt Penniston apparently got so close, he even managed to touch the craft, describing it as “smooth to the touch” and covered with strange symbols similar to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs — before it took off.

Now in secret video footage obtained exclusively by Sun Online, the deputy commander of the base at the time, Charles Halt, can be heard stating that Burroughs “may have been abducted” and that the men were “unaccounted for” for hours.

It is believed it is the first time Halt has ever made the bombshell claims — and they did not appear on his official memo of the incident which was sent to the Ministry of Defense.

The mysterious Rendlesham incident took place in December 1980 — at the height of the Cold War — in woods just outside the twin NATO air bases of RAF Woodbridge and RAF Bentwaters.

Penniston and Burroughs headed into the woods to investigate some strange flashing lights, which is where they saw the UFO.

Two nights later, the UFO returned, and Halt led a team of military experts into the woods in a bid to “debunk” the claims.

James Penniston says he got so close he even managed to touch the craft, describing it as “smooth to the touch” and covered with strange symbols

However, the military team were shocked when a beam of light from the UFO hit the ground just a few feet away.

Halt, who made an 18-minute audio recording of the incident, went on to write a memo detailing what happened which he sent to the MoD but defence chiefs said the incident was of “no defence significance.”

For years it has been rumoured Penniston and Burroughs, who were security policemen, may have been snatched by the UFO as they were out of radio communication with their Central Security Control (CSC) for several hours — but no one officially involved in the incident has ever publicly stated it.

Now former British police detective Gary Heseltine has released a video clip from 2010 — when he toured the forest with Halt for a documentary that was never made.

The video clip was recorded by Heseltine’s wife during a break in filming and shows Heseltine walking with Halt in the forest in an effort to retrace his steps during the third night of UFO activity during the 1980 incident.

In the video, Halt says: “He [Burroughs] may have been abducted who knows … You know there is LOST TIME, we know that? They were not on the radio … You’ve got men out in the forest that you can’t …. unnaccounted for hours.”

Heseltine, 57, of Scholes, West Yorkshire, told Sun Online: “My wife Lynn took quite a few video clips as we walking around the forest.

“It was only recently while watching them again that I picked up on the admission by Halt that Penniston and Burroughs had been missing off air ‘for several hours’.

“I did some research and realised that this admission had never been made public by Halt and so for the benefit of taking the case forward I have decided to release the clip.”

Heseltine, who edits the UFO Truth website, added: “As someone who is just trying to piece together the events in Rendlesham Forest, I think it is in the public interest that they have a right to know such information and hence why I have released the clip.”

The incident happened in Rendlesham Forest in December 1980. Picture: Supplied

The incident happened in Rendlesham Forest in December 1980. Picture: SuppliedSource:Supplied

Former UFO investigator at the MoD Nick Pope said the revelation was “hugely significant”.

“This is a bombshell statement, coming from someone who was Deputy Base Commander of one of the most sensitive military bases in the NATO alliance, at the height of the Cold War.

“It’s one thing to see a UFO, as Halt and many of the men under his command did, but it’s quite another to suggest one of your men might have been abducted by aliens.

“A few weeks ago it would have sounded crazy for a senior American military officer to believe such things, but following the revelations about the Pentagon’s secret UFO project, maybe it’s not so strange after all.


4d47de No.2093243


It only makes sense, anon, if you picture the moon as one of a pair of “loaded” dice. Or that the moon’s side we always see if a dipole of a huge round magnet. The side we see is always “pulled” towards the Earth. There’s no other rational explanation why we NEVER see the other side. And holographs and projections aren’t rational.

bf93a6 No.2093244


The fact we know she is a woman is the kernel of the problem. She's supposed to be an Anon. Duh.

aae4fc No.2093245

File: 9e947cdc4b4d96b⋯.jpg (271.21 KB, 1000x541, 1000:541, memestrike.jpg)

db6eff No.2093246


why did the romans try him?

65ac10 No.2093247


>Kek, if I was telling you the FACTS about muslims or buddhists would you still call it divisionfagging?

Yes, because the only dimension we should focus on is criminal vs. non-criminal. Stop dividing into sub-groups.

bf93a6 No.2093248


Stormy Daniels.

ea5db3 No.2093249

File: 3479bd69c910061⋯.jpg (165.56 KB, 935x556, 935:556, InterSystems-IG.jpg)



It does indeed. Some intriguing medical connections from the husband's side as well. Think data.

>>2092007 LB

>John Paladino, VP Client Services, InterSystems Corp.




d5c1e3 No.2093250


Now you have outed yourself as one of the satanists.

Trump himself said that this movement is about restoring the Republic. That is what we are working towards and you guys have already lost. Your pilpul does not work anymore

db6eff No.2093251


both the dictionary and the bible are your friend re: 'murder'.

41413f No.2093252


my guess is that the sushi had something in it that one should not eat

9ea3fa No.2093253


I guess Florinef just doesn't cut it.

4ffe5d No.2093254


agree, schools need fixed now.

get back to the basics, bring back spelling, cursive, real math, music is a must.

4ebf8b No.2093255

File: c3d86d772ec4bef⋯.png (354.96 KB, 474x674, 237:337, imstilldying4.png)

c2432f No.2093256

File: 29ffb2baa820773⋯.gif (781.86 KB, 831x1100, 831:1100, Toasted Cars3.gif)

File: 2601a5b3abbb606⋯.png (376.43 KB, 1292x820, 323:205, 92479091-0979525691111.png)

File: 8a35a55253e3948⋯.png (23.97 KB, 846x453, 282:151, 816326813684840014306415.png)

File: 092944e37f34e63⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1824x915, 608:305, 02316864852430654683.png)

File: c5310b6324f65e1⋯.png (830.85 KB, 1696x1040, 106:65, 425425412435653553.png)

the silence is deafening!


click da gif

c09de1 No.2093257

File: 18e452f3f4befc6⋯.png (1.72 MB, 4088x2976, 511:372, Cabal_20_LU_06_07_18.png)


>Implying jewish supremacism is not the biggest threat to the West at this moment in time until destroyed

You're a subversive kike, and you know it :)

656f70 No.2093258

File: e86c67805a4afbb⋯.jpg (31.58 KB, 645x729, 215:243, 1531063337182.jpg)


>newfags trying too hard

285ea3 No.2093259

File: 874ee6f06993b53⋯.png (351.16 KB, 440x435, 88:87, ClipboardImage.png)

0a1748 No.2093260

File: 6fc716b135babc2⋯.jpg (255.15 KB, 1111x898, 1111:898, branson-acappella-mack-bro….jpg)


yeah he does.

65ac10 No.2093261


Somehow I am confident this will not be the case. Kek, though…

69fa96 No.2093262

File: da7ca2292beec52⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 22.93 KB, 324x324, 1:1, FF7EF944-EC24-4679-B0D4-7….jpeg)

20f723 No.2093263

5c90a3 No.2093264


They have brought Hell here and God brought us Trump to clean the shite up!

4f45bf No.2093265

File: 17a43d7a91be716⋯.jpg (22.78 KB, 540x316, 135:79, 1389528.jpg)

49e0eb No.2093266


Ok, I will. It all has to do with the BV that was relieved of duty a few days ago.

Ever since that happened AFLB, aka Leafy was causing utter chaos on the board… Signing up under multiple user ID's posting porn, Questioning BO, demanding their job back, (Could possibly even be responsible for the catalog not working somehow)…

So this BV has been around for a long time and had the support of those from way back - which is how they got to be a BV, but they kept banning people and it was causing tension on the board for months. BO repeatedly asked the BV to stop the bans, but they refused so they were relieved of duty.

BO has been above and beyond understanding and trying to give the BV a chance to just be an Anon & blend in, I promise, repeatedly…

A couple of nights (maybe 3) Leafy asked id he could bake, he promised he would do good. The BV's and I decided to let them bake and I handed off to them. It turned in to a fiasco, Leafy would not just bake and kept namefagging the whole time baking. Anons were getting furious the whole time, demanding BO step in and fire the baker… Leafy is a great Baker, and the bread was great, but the namefagging would not stop. So Leafy went to bake their 3rd bake failed to post a bread, an ebake ensued. BO then banned Leafy from the kitchen.

As it turns out, Leafy was lagged out and could not bake… They really did try…

For the next 2 days Leafy completely raised hell on the board… I think yesterday they must have kind of talked it out and Leafy finally calmed down some. BO let him bake again last night on the down low (I handed off to them again). This time they baked as an Anon and did a good job.

So then BO has been up for 2 days warding off the attacks by Leafy and Leafy had baked - everyone was supposed to make peace and go to sleep… Then BO created that chat thread last night and that got Leafy all wound up again. Leafy did not like the concept of a chat thread, Leafy would not let it go and just let BO get some rest… Began incessantly demanding that BO end the chat thread - went there and made over 100 posts of Copypasta trying to fill up the bread.

I am sure BO was afraid that Leafy was going to go berserk again, but finally went to sleep anyway…

Leafy finally went to sleep too

818eb5 No.2093267


We have spoken before in Q Spiritual Meta at /cbts/. Cheer up and stop thinking the others as Mara. We are of consciousness the same as you. It is through Mara that we dance in this way. And in that we play this game it is real for consciousness declares it to have purpose.

19f778 No.2093268


What does this shit have to do with Q? Also I have followed this story since the beginning. One of the worst fish stories I have ever heard. Every year the fish gets bigger and bigger…..

a07261 No.2093269


not weeds anon, it's seedling cherry trees

I get shitloads of volunteers from that cherry tree. This year I decided not to mow that little patch so I can use it as a cherry tree nursery. This fall I'll dig 'em up and transplant to an area where they can grow or not for the next 2~4 years. At that time if any are fit I'll transplant those into my orchard. I cannot afford to pay pro nursery prices especially when I can propagate a known good variety myself.

but thanks for the concern, corn, which is my only neighbor doesn't really comment much on my yard. In fact corn makes a damn fine neighbor now that I think about it.

5ecd18 No.2093270

File: d187557168de7f4⋯.jpg (144.92 KB, 715x1073, 715:1073, marina2.jpg)





you decide... what would this end up being? rather frightening to me, makes me want to check out... like in Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, the woman who accidentally escapes check out...>>2092687





>you decide... what would this end up being? rather frightening to me, makes me want to check out... like in Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, the woman who accidentally escapes check out...

cede52 No.2093271


"(((If cultists tortured victims as a "feeder" to raise adrenochrome levels, the victim would likely die of heart problems rapidly. Societies are not living off adrenochrome or we would have large amounts of schizophrenics running around.)))"

Try walking around the streets of Honolulu and say that with a straight face.

65ac10 No.2093272


Only one of us is trying to instill hatred for a religious group. You're an idiot and you glow.

d5c1e3 No.2093273


Now you are being revisionist

The apostles creed was agreed on long ago

And you want to throw away most of it.

bf93a6 No.2093274


That traitor will die in office, crooked to the end. Not a shred of decency.

He will be dishonorably discharged from this world.

e585fe No.2093275

File: e9b80b367b9ffcc⋯.png (85.98 KB, 225x310, 45:62, cover-teu-sh-225x310[1].png)


"The electric force, they contend, influences matter at all levels, from subatomic particles to galactic clusters"


d86795 No.2093276


I would tend to say things characterized as anti-Semitic shouldn’t be posted here, but those Jews are so damned corrupt and disportionately represented in all aspects of government and law! How is it possible they are .10% of population, yet in the mentioned fields of work, they are a large majority! If saying that’s “antisemitic” then I’m guilty as charged! Somebody has got to speak up without fear of reprisals!

It does seem ok for the elites to generalize and trick Catholics into the feeling of being guilty of all priests’ sins.

351f90 No.2093277

File: d36a7c0976a2732⋯.jpg (116.45 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, dopplegangerlasvegad.jpg)

File: b07ded655a85f5c⋯.jpg (57.32 KB, 744x932, 186:233, paddock1.jpg)

File: 579650e0c4c8461⋯.jpg (53.54 KB, 747x808, 747:808, paddock2.jpg)

File: cf303870a7ed3b4⋯.jpg (33.74 KB, 612x800, 153:200, paddock3.jpg)

File: f1dcec89174b4d9⋯.jpg (176.35 KB, 960x679, 960:679, watchthatman.jpg)


He looked like the twin to the other "Paddock" I believe it's a fake name

c93edf No.2093278

62375b No.2093279


BS! Stop believing rumor.

a3a03c No.2093280




They create a boogeyman and perform FF ops to keep us distracted and trick us into giving up moar of our liberties.

bf93a6 No.2093282


OMG that's a tree that Trump once saw while playing golf! OMG OMG

95ba7d No.2093283

can someone fix the link on the catalog?? it’s several breads behind..

we have to keep that thing updated while the catalog is still frozen


637115 No.2093284

The border wall is going to be 2 walls correct? With a road in between the two sides, similar to Berlin Wall?

5346f0 No.2093285


Okay so don't trust the source then, dig the facts and connections they pointed out to see if they are indeed factual. I mean I don't really get "not trusting" an article clipping that literally only contains facts. Just because they seem to believe that those things prove the existence of Q doesn't mean you have to. You can believe it's all just coincidence if you want.

46a4c2 No.2093286

File: 7c27988ea327239⋯.png (78.27 KB, 152x180, 38:45, catswag.PNG)


Like a boss

7f2dc5 No.2093287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a experimental physicist lived down one of the biggest noble lies of the drug war in human history

8e5fd8 No.2093288

It's Monday, time to blast my resume out and find out if the government fixed the economy yet.

32c02d No.2093289

File: b43eedaf9cda02c⋯.jpg (15.92 KB, 255x233, 255:233, 86ed17712ccc5e3eeeb46dc219….jpg)

62375b No.2093290


More like TDS than anything else.

637115 No.2093291


You think the dead person in the room was in fact a third brother to Eric and Bruce?

014e9d No.2093292


The FDA-approved label warns that if the liquid in the pen is discolored, it should be discarded:

"Epinephrine solution deteriorates rapidly on exposure to air or light, turning pink from oxidation to adrenochrome

and brown from the formation of melanin."


[–]catsaresoft23 1 point 1 year ago

Adrenocheome has been implicated as a possible cause of schizophrenia. Higher levels of it were found in the brains of schizophrenic individuals.


[–]mcfc5ever 1 point 1 year ago

Ehhh. Yea Wikipedia says there could maybe, kinda be a link. But adrenochrome is really just what's in an EpiPen.


[–]kawaiipotahto 1 point 1 year ago

Wasn't there a are you afraid of he dark episode with this premise? The soup one where the secret ingredient was human fear?


Reddit alert - https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/5rv75f/i_just_learned_the_horrible_impossible_truth/

c09de1 No.2093293

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>I know that if I keep the Talmud out of notables, none of the Anons are smart enough to dig and research it for themselves.

Nice pilpul you dumb kike, you know as well as me that in the information age, attention to a subject is a precious commodity because there is so much noise and info to get someone's attention to shift.

>My mission is to pull the wool over the eyes of anons, by preventing the baker from presenting them with true knowledge.

Glad to see you kikes telling the truth for once.

>Besides, I know that the Talmud has no sick shit in it.

So you just confessed that either:


You don't know wtf you are talking about; or


You don't consider pedophilia to be sick shit.

Thanks for playing, try harder kike :)

Video related:

Friendly reminder that the jewish Talmud supports pedophilia.

9ea3fa No.2093294

File: 3cb171cba3bbc92⋯.jpeg (102.33 KB, 700x1000, 7:10, cats.jpeg)

941c25 No.2093295


They look like the same person to me, weird. I know brothers look similar but jeez.

62375b No.2093296


When BV checks in, it will get updated. Chill.

1241e2 No.2093297


But they are schizophrenic..

5346f0 No.2093298


So many new people here saving the thumbs jesus

30fff8 No.2093299

File: cca7e82b2a64ad1⋯.jpg (21.31 KB, 313x313, 1:1, 2dmcxn~2.jpg)

File: 9c96ba5b9464db6⋯.jpg (44.32 KB, 480x521, 480:521, 2dol2o~2.jpg)

bf93a6 No.2093300


If the Queen was provably involved in an assassination plot, Trump may be able to force her out .

c73460 No.2093301

Anons have had it rough with the shilling this morning I see..


BO has to sleep sometime, if you're bothered, go hang in the chat thread.

7f2dc5 No.2093302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


bush econ

14b0cb No.2093305


Seconded. We've got a whole generation (or two) of snowflakes here who love Commie Jeremy Corbyn because he promises to give them other people's money. He's a great fan of Hugo Chavez (stupid idiot) and thinks he did really wrll in Venezuela. (Yeah, I know, don't even go there - so hungry they're killing and eating zoo animals.) They are urgently in need of red-pilling. Any help greatly appreciated.

a07261 No.2093306


>If you want to take the reins after I bake this one

ThanQ for the offer, but I'm gonna decline.

NO I don't want to bake, that last little episode damn near gave me a heart attack.

My nerves won't take it right now, unless it's urgent, and it doesn't seem to be urgent.

I hope the bake and notifications were adequate, it's been a few weeks since I baked.

But when I see a baker in need of a break I will step up. I'm almost always around lurking, occasional shitposting and keeping /comms/ updated

7eb7b6 No.2093307


first day 6 doses 2 hours apart 1 teaspoon (maybe more maybe less depends on your weight and system) 2cd day 4, 3 day 2, then 1 a day. (super alkilze, then step down).

014e9d No.2093308


because brothers don't usually both get their noses broken in the same places and have them both heal kinda funny and crooked the exact same way. like this guy's.

d27650 No.2093309


lol took me few min to find the bread. im not that anon tho lol

a3a03c No.2093310


Whatever you say, faggot.

You really need to re-read crumbs.

This is NOT about restoring just the US Republic.

This is global in scope and the lies need to be exposed.

Good vs EVIL.



55cc1b No.2093311


Curriculum can be changed but not those who teach it.

c07915 No.2093312

File: 57859ca96fea724⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1067x800, 1067:800, FallingDown.jpg)



bf93a6 No.2093313


Fleischer, Rove and Perino can suck it. Can stand the Bushies.

49e242 No.2093315

File: 262b51407e7df9a⋯.png (193.47 KB, 500x496, 125:124, Untitled.png)

c09de1 No.2093316

File: 86466bb80b212e3⋯.jpg (3.53 MB, 5000x3200, 25:16, Jews_Attack.jpg)

File: eb713a96c909b1d⋯.png (262.16 KB, 507x446, 507:446, Jew_Muslim_Alliance_Source….png)

File: 42aefc6aa8205a8⋯.jpg (86.31 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Jews_Islamization_Of_Europ….jpg)

File: cc2621cb464eff9⋯.jpg (189.35 KB, 900x1046, 450:523, jews_Migrants.jpg)


You're dumb, because those groups use muslim and jewish interest groups to perpetuate said criminal activities.

Your deflection and feeble pilpul have no power here yid.

Try harder kike :)

a76826 No.2093317


Ah, I see what you mean. Building the map. Imperator Rex's thread comes to mind, re: informed speculation (deductive reasoning). With the data points that we are given (point A, point C), point B would be that informed speculation, using A & C as context to deduce a logical conclusion. The chances of being correct are higher when using deductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning, is what tends to happen on the board though, and slide after slide is the result. Occam's razor is the solution for that, keeping assumptions to a minimum.

Disinfo does throw off the process a LOT, can't be discounted. I keep in mind though that anons aren't the only ones trying to figure this out. "Others monitoring (friends and enemies)" are the reason why disinfo is necessary. I'm satisfied with that, & do my best not to overthink things (that's where Occam's razor comes in), knowing that it's meant to cause confusion for enemies (not for anons, although many take it that way). At the end of the day, trusting yourself is what matters more than trusting Q. Anyone ever notice that Q has never said "Trust Q"? It's because Q depends on us to trust ourselves as we did before Q came along, Imo.

Tl;Dr version:

Deductive reasoning > Inductive reasoning

This will help us to be less reactionary.

Disclaimer: I could be wrong, still waiting on covfefe to be delivered

941c25 No.2093318


Right…it's the noses and ears that are matches.

b0d358 No.2093319


Google it!

7f2dc5 No.2093320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


did that challenger explosion cause a bunch of cia murder cult shit all over the country for a few decades?

845fcf No.2093321


Actually WE who have been content to look the other way and sleep to Cabal Propaganda lullabys and VOTE in SATANISTS are the prior responsible for ignoring The Truth and seeking Comfy Narratives instead –

No Moar. NORMAL PEOPLE are awake~

We have the Truth – “they” will in time Fall to the Truth WE tell. Dig the truth, spread it, watch the movie  QAnon’s WORK

ae68f8 No.2093322


Agreed. AND it also shows that the website, BLP is on the side of the ones doing the attacks. That website & it's employees are trying to cause such issues here & have been trying for 3 days SOLID. It really goes to show you just how desperate these people are. They sold their souls for what? Soon it will be more obvious & I CAN NOT wait to laugh at them publicly. That website has always been crap, but now its actually on the side that is against the people

4ebf8b No.2093323

File: e8fec74612ea542⋯.png (1.65 MB, 2000x1000, 2:1, imstilldying.png)

File: 388a32395ce00cb⋯.png (4.14 MB, 3491x2327, 3491:2327, imstilldying3.png)

32c02d No.2093324


Lol, im on here all day so maybe its time for a break :))) if i see it posted one more time…..

c09de1 No.2093325

File: f883367bdd69ad1⋯.jpg (167.21 KB, 682x911, 682:911, 1525822152084.jpg)

File: 09c3387d9c7dbb9⋯.png (411.45 KB, 1158x1621, 1158:1621, Honest.png)


Kek ,nice projection kike, you are the kike shill using pilpul that says the talmud has no sick shit in it despite it promoting pedophilia.

You are the satanism kike.

Try harder :)

01f95e No.2093326

seth rich 7/10 o7

65ac10 No.2093327


>You're dumb, because those groups use muslim and jewish interest groups to perpetuate said criminal activities.

Yes, the cabal does do this. Very good. You've just proven that it is not the majority involved in those groups who are the problem. It is the criminal element that embraces and coopts those groups.

You've just defeated your argument. Now stop the divisionfagging, idiot.

914179 No.2093328


'prequel' to 1000 points of light organization..


CORTEZ land.




6207f9 No.2093329

File: cd759d800948fe6⋯.png (439.31 KB, 1109x880, 1109:880, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)

File: 5747c15fa373ff2⋯.jpg (6.42 KB, 276x182, 138:91, download-1.jpg)

Pelosi can't remember McConnell's name


"Has anyone asked whatshisname? The one who's the head of the Senate?

2db0ec No.2093330

File: 87cb08996a60f6c⋯.png (20.68 KB, 590x103, 590:103, Screenshot_2018-07-09 bori….png)

It's True

…So is the FUCKERY…He's 'on the run'.

Bonzo Johnson!

30fff8 No.2093331

File: eb43601a862a803⋯.png (47.96 KB, 480x400, 6:5, Screenshot_2018-07-06-11-0….png)

818eb5 No.2093332


>go hang in the chat thread.

Like fucking clockwork.

Anons be careful of this new shill tactic since the arrival of bantz thread

d5c1e3 No.2093333


>the Collective Jewish Body speaks, acts, and oppresses

Now you are starting to get close to the truth.

Ask yourself, what is this Collective Jewish Body?

It certainly is not the people who worship in the synagogue

And it is not the Rabbis because they are not al centrally controlled like Catholic priests are.

But there are a whole range of orgnaizations

Like Bnai Brith, JDL and so on.

That is the real key.

Who are these groups?

Who is behind them?

We all know there are pagan satanists hiding among the Jews.

But have we dug into all those orgs, identified which ones support the satanist agenda, and who controls the orgs?

It's just like investigating the interlocking boards of directors of companies, to find out who is really in charge.

If we would really dig into this, and ignore all the Muh Jew talk and pilpul, then we could name names, find the key families, and the hidden hands that control it all.

7bfd0a No.2093334

File: da257b691d6dbee⋯.jpg (112.95 KB, 930x1200, 31:40, Ezra Vox June 2015.jpg)

File: 4c2fe738b785ab4⋯.jpg (132.31 KB, 881x1200, 881:1200, Ezra Vox July 2018.jpg)

What a difference 3 years can make

c93edf No.2093335


Honolulu is the worst GEOTUS needs to send ICE stat!!! Too many Illegal Philipino's it's not even funny! So much human trafficking going on in Hawaii so much!!!

c16234 No.2093336


Branson is beyond deep in this. What pedo rapist killer is he NOT associated with.

6de017 No.2093337


>What does this shit have to do with Q?


5c90a3 No.2093338



7f2dc5 No.2093339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





expand your kilos

cc6a8d No.2093340

i'm glad there is a note up all in the last bread regarding the Talla ban eradicating opium before 911 its always been abug deal to me. it was muh george bush heroin muh 911 conspiracy

65ac10 No.2093341

I see the MUH JOOZ club is back. They'll never learn…

bf93a6 No.2093342


Until the Children come out.

351f90 No.2093343

File: 35d80f827e3d1a2⋯.png (376.9 KB, 825x594, 25:18, lasvegasfakeb.png)


That body didn't have the correct tat. It wasn't "Paddock" They just placed the body there. You could see in the image the bullets were placed on top of the blood. It was staged. No proof:

!. Paddock was the shooter

2. Paddock died

3. that "Paddock" has an identical twin brother.

We're really "up in the air " on this.

If you study these for a while, there starts to be patterns .Such as: The fucks who stage it do a very bad job.

7eb7b6 No.2093344


The baking soda cure.

c09de1 No.2093345

File: 801f54b842d0a41⋯.jpg (50.88 KB, 720x621, 80:69, 1528165839741.jpg)

File: 1ce1c396d8b500c⋯.jpg (92.2 KB, 500x566, 250:283, Bibi.jpg)

File: 8888bbd026e0a45⋯.png (377.45 KB, 815x606, 815:606, Jewish_Insolence.png)

File: 8a8730f06d81831⋯.png (85.87 KB, 850x400, 17:8, Jews_play_both_sides.png)


If you equate stating fully sourced verifiable FACTS with inciting hate then either:


You are telling us that we do have reasons to hate the jews; OR


You hate the truth and are trying to silence those who speak it by equating truth with hate.

Try harder kike :)

cc6a8d No.2093346


phonefag anon phonefaggin in

62375b No.2093347


Name me one high profile schizophrenic with proof.

55cc1b No.2093348


Red Cross offers assistance to shocked witnesses to determine if any of them need to be taken out.

30fff8 No.2093349

File: bea2be916365d5a⋯.png (313.14 KB, 684x697, 684:697, 42f3dd07bb17d71b8df78f1ce7….png)

File: 9106d1c8935410e⋯.jpg (25.6 KB, 451x392, 451:392, happy-black-guy_o_478207.jpg)

James Woods is a bad ass.

d5c1e3 No.2093350


You are so proud of tricking a poor old dumb Jew that you didn't notice the Anons all piling out the door.

Nobody is listening to you right now.

Anons have realized they can actually dig for themselves and they don't have to listen to deranged kike pilpul

My mission is complete.

a0e8c7 No.2093351

File: cdffc126bd4b980⋯.jpeg (30.56 KB, 487x323, 487:323, HILLROPE.jpeg)

4b5426 No.2093352

>>2093115 errr no


565dbb No.2093353


He said all the right words. So why didn't he stay and fight for them?

e99082 No.2093354


I can smell the matzah on this guy's breath from here.

a0e8c7 No.2093355

File: b58c2f11efd19db⋯.png (178.73 KB, 397x332, 397:332, JAMESWOODSBITCH.png)

d04f2e No.2093356


Q & BO:

Can you look into this?

Looks very fishy and sad if there was any foul play.

ab5204 No.2093357

File: 6eca17b07677081⋯.jpg (71.29 KB, 621x768, 207:256, pepe naked don't care 2.jpg)

62375b No.2093358


You're the one who needs to wake up. I researched it and proved it in this bread. Care to counter it?

b3ba04 No.2093359

File: 1f29b300dc490bb⋯.jpg (51.01 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, a-man-pour-aquarius-cartoo….jpg)

Nearly impossibru to get to the active thread

>600 cap

>167 UIDs

Reinforces my theory of the nature of the bots

c09de1 No.2093360

File: 15592f001ab2b5a⋯.jpg (82.62 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Anti_semitic_Trick_1.jpg)

File: 71d56326094e7aa⋯.jpg (37.3 KB, 600x453, 200:151, Anti_semitic_Trick_2.jpg)

File: 2c195b5b69aaf25⋯.jpg (14.52 KB, 225x225, 1:1, Anti_semitic_Trick_3.jpg)

File: 99766dffe206c54⋯.jpg (158.29 KB, 734x681, 734:681, Jews_Anti_Semitism_Death_P….jpg)

File: b71cd42e701dbfc⋯.png (54.7 KB, 1198x539, 1198:539, TREASON.png)


>I would tend to say things characterized as anti-Semitic shouldn’t be posted here

Kek, if the jews weren't such a shit people for the last 3000 years, then we would have no reason to post "anti-semitic" info.

a07261 No.2093361


please tell baker in next bread

41413f No.2093362


Jews by birth who become Christians

are called Messianic Jews in some circles

But the title of the race before the word Christian is not necessary

Judeo Christians usually participate in the keep some of the traditions or celebrations that God gave them to do

5ecd18 No.2093363


shill that you are,

gotta say as far as "false flags" go, the bushes and Clintons had the most spectacular, and most deadly… 911, challenger explosions, fucking sick.

9ea3fa No.2093364

File: bb07e6df451982a⋯.jpg (135.56 KB, 600x892, 150:223, DIG ON FOR VICTORY.jpg)

File: e1f01e5dd97e97f⋯.jpg (146.3 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, PP.jpg)

a2e08b No.2093365

File: 6b696a08d1956a8⋯.jpg (17.86 KB, 204x255, 4:5, 1 lurk moar.jpg)

7f2dc5 No.2093366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c16234 No.2093367


Unfortunately a lot of the people who appear to be illegals are actually legal Micronesians. We nuked them so we owe them which is why they are allowed in legally. There are some Filipinos that are legal and an increasing number of Hispanics. Also way to many arabs starting to show up. Hopefully DJT will send them back to ME.

818eb5 No.2093368


Whether or not they need to torture victims or children, it is still part of the ritual sacrifice element. In this both of your statements are true. They torture the one they are extracting, but does it improve the "yield"? No.

65ac10 No.2093369


Methinks thou protests too much. Plus, your argument is simply one of sowing division. Criminals are the problem and there are criminal elements in nearly all large organizations.

What you're doing is a shill tactic. I suggest you learn from the last 8 months that it doesn't work.

Guess what those ciminal elements that corrupt the Jewish group do to defend themselves? They do … exactly … what … you … are … doing.


ab5204 No.2093370

File: 4f8f9fa59355f0d⋯.png (426.5 KB, 708x738, 118:123, pepe sweden.png)

14b0cb No.2093371


>I was horrified by the leading pic of it, but cried when I read the story, that's sweet. How many men would?

It's not at all "sweet" - it is unnatural and disgusting.It's a pretence and a lie.

ae68f8 No.2093372


It's actually the SAME person that has been doing ALL the shilling about the article. AKA ArticleFag. BO called her out on it already a few times. with over 200 posts pushing the article but she's still at it. lol

6207f9 No.2093373

File: da8977169a18409⋯.png (43.89 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 262b51407e7df9aa9f0ff8271e….png)

0a1748 No.2093374

File: 336ce5189cce1d8⋯.png (486.66 KB, 693x676, 693:676, ClipboardImage.png)

Fitness app Polar exposed locations of spies and military personnel

Location data revealed the home addresses of intelligence officers – even when their profiles were set to private.


8ad5fa No.2093375


Need the name of the sushi bar/resyturant.

Like Red Hen and Black Swan Books, this is another CLUE…

c73460 No.2093376


>shill tactic

>BO created a thread for this crap specifically

The fuck are you on about dude? This isn't a place to chat/slide and eat bread incessantly. Go be stupid elsewhere.

a07261 No.2093378


that's one reason I keep a scattergun

that and coyotes (four legged kind)

d27650 No.2093379

File: a3a991a7099163b⋯.jpg (63.42 KB, 709x765, 709:765, 60880b7bfa313f0237e8b15b20….jpg)

014802 No.2093380

File: 1c4646a63f52043⋯.png (105.08 KB, 904x544, 113:68, heart attacks.png)


Recently I learnt they also tap spinal fluid

Heart attacks incoming

7bfd0a No.2093381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The helical model - our solar system is a vortex

66ec42 No.2093382

File: 50b074b7396f889⋯.jpeg (20.95 KB, 194x300, 97:150, D5363642-8A32-4F75-A1A6-8….jpeg)

File: c059a64835317ac⋯.jpeg (132.23 KB, 750x1125, 2:3, 80447D25-FA2D-4544-8072-F….jpeg)


I think you solved it anon…

From the Gateway Pundit story:

Joel Getz

1241e2 No.2093383



Its funny you say this because I once stayed at the four seasons on the Big Island.. and at the time I thought it was so lovely there were so many children running around.. and now I wonder. They had a program that is included in your stay that they entertain your kids for the day.. no extra charge. so the kids were busy all day long but come dinner time there was 50 kids running around the grounds. At the time I knew nothing of pizzagate etc so I didnt think much about it but now I do.

b06cdb No.2093384


Same reason you cast a shadow with the sun at your back.

The sun is very far away.


319ab8 No.2093385

Baby Milk Action


a7c64f No.2093386


i am speechless…

0a1748 No.2093387


are you suggesting it wasn't an arbitrarily faulty 'O' ring?

818eb5 No.2093388


And what are you doing right now? Please self reflect anon, this is no time for arguments.

Certainly you can see how this is a divisive statement.

18b8e5 No.2093389





Apologies to all. Frustration got to me. All better now.

7f9871 No.2093390

File: b777eac3ede2ac0⋯.png (46.55 KB, 501x283, 501:283, ClipboardImage.png)

POTUS putting Big Pharma on notice!

"We will respond!"

50938c No.2093391

File: e3a6935cf72e7fc⋯.mp4 (8.6 MB, 854x480, 427:240, humanoid - negative electr….mp4)

9503cc No.2093392

Notables Bun


>>2092714 On Q, independence, and the UK (speculation)

>>2092724 More on Strzok thread

>>2092736 #WalkAway YT fan site (collecting testimonials)

>>2092763 Federal Gov’t notifying South Texas residents of land surveys for border wall construction

>>2092772 Planefag Update

>>2092926 Nigel Farage to discuss his next political move

>>2093040 On Sara Bronfman/Basit Igitte (NXIVM related)

>>2093095 Implications of Boris Johnson resignation re: MI6

b13e42 No.2093393

File: abeab9ba6a76384⋯.png (6.12 KB, 471x181, 471:181, ClipboardImage.png)



941c25 No.2093394


Ya know when he goes out shoppin, he worries that he might run into James. That's what Chrissy(topher) is for. Wife/Bodyguard hah

55cc1b No.2093395


Except that these leftists are not shitting their teeth and MAGA supporters keep taking the abuse. This is likely because we keep trusting things will go our way and we don't want to risk prison and leave behind our families. Leftists don't have to worry about prison. God bless our militarized men and women in blue.

6207f9 No.2093396

File: 641823c3e26226a⋯.png (45.06 KB, 665x256, 665:256, Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at ….png)


so far no luck on MSM naming restaurant

but did find this - pic related

c09de1 No.2093397

File: 51633762cc01206⋯.png (219.93 KB, 1611x789, 537:263, Cabal_Wiki.png)


>You've just defeated your argument. Now stop the divisionfagging, idiot.



"There are plenty of people of Jewish descent who do not support Israel, who are not wealthy slumlords, who are not racist, and who exhibit in all spheres the solidest of moral character. But where are they when the Collective Jewish Body speaks, acts, and oppresses in their name? If the Jewish community dictates a “community of fate” by bloodline, surely all those of even partial Jewish heritage have a stake in raising critical voices against the steamroller that claims them."

Non-subversive jews need to refuse to stay silent about jewish supremacism and subversion, because in their particular case, silence is consent.

Basically, non-subversive jews have to REFUSE to continue to be the human shields of the jewish interest groups that subvert the Western nations in their name (which is ALL of them), and the way they need to do it is to ACT against them, legally of course, by speaking out against them using every channel of communication available to them and presenting the verifiable proof that jewish interest groups have engaged and continue to engage in subversive activities, as well as start to organize groups that pro-actively speak out against the subversive jewish groups, and making the names of the members of said anti-jewish interest groups groups public. Off course that would mean that said jewish interest groups would target them, but the truth of the matter is, and say this as a statement of fact and NOT a threat, if non-subversive jews don’t speak out and organize against the jewish interest groups, they will be targeted (legally and perhaps otherwise, I fear) by the patriots who are sick and tired of the subversive interest groups.

The more you accuse people who make the connecitons between jewish culture, history and religion to the current state of affairs of being divisionfags, the more you out yourself as a treasonous Israel first kike, because those connections are factual, verifiable and are a factor in all of this mess we are fighting against.

Thanks for helping redpill the newfags on how you subversive kikes argue, you dumb yid :)


You want to know where the word "cabal" even comes from?

Pic related :)

014e9d No.2093398

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


golden song, mentions nancy's particular problem.and mad max's. and hrc's.

fcd3ce No.2093399


e0acdc No.2093400

File: 1765811fccc273c⋯.gif (1.1 MB, 339x500, 339:500, 1510492462851.gif)

File: d37fae92075e9ce⋯.gif (1021.48 KB, 1024x662, 512:331, 1510358827736.gif)

File: 21920f96051791f⋯.jpg (17.32 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 21920f96051791f792771f3a3f….jpg)

File: 304581b01fd078f⋯.gif (2.08 MB, 430x306, 215:153, 1510526353004.gif)

30fff8 No.2093401

File: 968d847e45b70d9⋯.png (92.14 KB, 480x733, 480:733, Screenshot_2018-07-09-09-1….png)

Cohen tried to pull a fast one on Trump.

084fd2 No.2093402

File: 17864873f149654⋯.jpg (17.77 KB, 255x191, 255:191, boombang.jpg)

818eb5 No.2093403


We are free to agree and disagree anon. It is shills that will attempt to make these arguments and back and forths into a bigger deal than they actually are. When anons are discussing or debating you will notice shills chiming in their "two cents" to stir controversy, they are like flies.

1241e2 No.2093404


triggered? You obviously know a lot to know the connection to schizophrenia so I will give you that. But if you are that smart you also know that none of that would be public.

db6eff No.2093405


>Facts deduced by logic….

if logic is pure then facts should equal truth. if deductions through logic are neutral, the logic must have flaws. projections are no more true than are beliefs.

this is me talking-through personal revelations to find personal understanding. may not be an exact fit for anyone else.

7bfd0a No.2093406

File: dd464be903f2133⋯.jpg (142.77 KB, 1200x758, 600:379, Pfizer stock ticker.jpg)


Pfizer stock after Trump's tweet

941c25 No.2093407


The mother will breastfeed when she's able. It's extremely temporary. If they give the baby a bottle, it might never take to a breast no matter who's it is.

Expand. Mind.

62375b No.2093408


This has nothing to do with torture or pedophilia or satanic sacrifices. They do not torture to increase the adrenchrome so they can lap it up. That's pure BS. It's does not do what many claim. They don't rely on it to survive. It is not a product but a by-product. The very best they could hope for is a LSD type "high". PERIOD.

bf93a6 No.2093409


The libtards who dont wake up will die out in the New America.

ae68f8 No.2093410

File: 6f766332e3fea5b⋯.jpg (39.21 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 6f766332e3fea5bca1ac6c1d0a….jpg)


I'm good. Just calling out the shills. Truth hurt faggot?

c73460 No.2093411


Just taking a moment to tell you anon, I'm not the one with a (16) next to my ID. I've got nothing to reflect on. Did what I intended, so cry moar or leave.

7f2dc5 No.2093412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



wait till you learn about the serial killer pedoraptor cocaine dealer the cia foisted into the oval for their gestapi moneychangers @goldmansachsofdeath

jeex fagOTUS prol killed a few thousand ms13 like a butcher

c09de1 No.2093413



Will need to be banned, along with the mosques for the same reason of cultural imcompatibility (the Moser, Mesira and the Circunsision male genital mutilation).

Once again:

Non-subversive jews need to refuse to stay silent about jewish supremacism and subversion, because in their particular case, silence is consent.

Basically, non-subversive jews have to REFUSE to continue to be the human shields of the jewish interest groups that subvert the Western nations in their name (which is ALL of them), and the way they need to do it is to ACT against them, legally of course, by speaking out against them using every channel of communication available to them and presenting the verifiable proof that jewish interest groups have engaged and continue to engage in subversive activities, as well as start to organize groups that pro-actively speak out against the subversive jewish groups, and making the names of the members of said anti-jewish interest groups groups public. Off course that would mean that said jewish interest groups would target them, but the truth of the matter is, and say this as a statement of fact and NOT a threat, if non-subversive jews don’t speak out and organize against the jewish interest groups, they will be targeted (legally and perhaps otherwise, I fear) by the patriots who are sick and tired of the subversive interest groups.

4d80d9 No.2093414


HAHAHAHAHA holy shit

>being this dumb

Apostles creed:

I believe in God, the Father almighty,

creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord,

who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,

born of the Virgin Mary,

suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, (((((((((((((((died)))))))))))))), and was buried;

he descended to the dead.

On the third day he rose again;

he ascended into heaven,

he is seated at the right hand of the Father,

and he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the holy catholic Church,

the communion of saints,

the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection of the body,

and the life everlasting. Amen.

41413f No.2093415


Jew hating faggots are hot today

How about giving them their own thread

Keep the contamination count down

a3a03c No.2093416


Fire Sale.

818eb5 No.2093417


So you are stating that the torture practice does not increase adrenchrome, that it is strictly a psychotic act of pure evil. Agreed.

a07261 No.2093418


this is a nearly complete from last bread, I didn't have time to put it into the notables


b13e42 No.2093419

File: e0005c37521efd0⋯.png (55.73 KB, 500x239, 500:239, ClipboardImage.png)


NP.. the same happened to me yesterday.

027fb4 No.2093420

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



Just wait until POTUS tweets this out next to show support for a yuge natural ciswomen's breastfeeding movement

0b6158 No.2093421


The link to the current bread on the index page is not being updated to the current bread.

c09de1 No.2093422


Stating fully sourced verifiable facts is not shilling.

The truth only sounds like hate to those who hate the truth, like you.

Cry more kike :)

c93edf No.2093424


Let ICE determine whether they are legal or illegal….

637115 No.2093425


His wife is more scary than he is

30fff8 No.2093426

File: caf457b922a9eee⋯.jpg (9.11 KB, 182x268, 91:134, MV5BMTEwNzAzNDMxNTJeQTJeQW….jpg)

Dana Perino thinks she is Stormy Daniels.

7f2dc5 No.2093427


how many overpressurized tests must multi colored hair testers use on a frigid morning below operating temperature

818eb5 No.2093428


I have updated, and yes the previous bakers were not using the Meta thread to post the new Links. I will be online to post the links.

62375b No.2093429


typical libtard argument. You can not dispute the facts so obfuscate. You need to stop tuning in to fake news and do your own research.

89d0ba No.2093430


TY, I didn't understand this Q post, before you explained this. And I think, you are right.

55cc1b No.2093431


A leftist teacher who was just hired has 20-30 years of indoctrinating ahead of him or her.

d5c1e3 No.2093432


You people are stupid

You prefer to get mad

Instead of getting even

Stop the Muh Jew shit

Start digging into the organizations they use

To control the narrative

Find the individuals in control

Find their crimes

Then, like Harvey Weinstein, we can arrest them, charge them and take them out of action.

Right now, you mad people are just giving them more ammunition to attack you with.

The stupid goyim are just like sheep

They bleat a lot, but they stay in their pens.

1cba86 No.2093433


Comprehensive screenshot. Possibly copy that into the Pass The Board bread?

65ac10 No.2093435


This is remarkable. Just … bizarre.

Strange times - front row seat. MOAR POPCORN!

cede52 No.2093436


That place is more corrupt and filthy than places i've been in indonesia. only place ive ever seen where hate crimes are commited against white people daily and it is just "accepted". Violent mental patients allowed to run wild assaulting random tourists that the locals didn't get to yet… Innocents, bar-hoppers, even soldiers off the base, got stabbed to death, shot by tweakers, Hawaiians, schizo's, "chronics"… MAGA hats? get your jaw broken for just walking while being white. the "cops" are worse than any of them. legal whore houses everywhere going under the guise of "hostess bars" or "buy-me-drinky-bars".

I honestly consider it a personal insult everyday that that disgrace of a sh*thole calls itself a state of this great Nation.


e99082 No.2093437



Fuckin' dope!

c16234 No.2093438


It barely went down. Cmon lets not be stupid. It closed at 37.04. It wend down less than a dollar.

3f2a1f No.2093439

Please baker don’t forget post link to next bread or many will be lost :(

7f2dc5 No.2093440


the number is significantly higher

e93cb8 No.2093441

File: 225c4fdd8d0a964⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1800x1200, 3:2, two-gats.png)

File: 99afd12df63377f⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1800x1200, 3:2, jeep.png)

File: dc63671953cea76⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1800x1200, 3:2, i-see-you.png)

d56fd7 No.2093442


Feeling… hungry now

c09de1 No.2093444

File: df94e3cc1c415b9⋯.jpg (67.76 KB, 480x640, 3:4, Jews_Traditions_Blood5.jpg)

File: d669aeb58067ea0⋯.jpg (225.69 KB, 720x1080, 2:3, Jews_Traditions_Blood_Pass….jpg)

File: f4be4a8d93ab0fa⋯.png (809.79 KB, 1664x5472, 52:171, Jews_Traditions_3.png)

File: d2d51790293f37f⋯.png (449.19 KB, 1180x1180, 1:1, Jews_Traditions_2.png)

File: 7fe1312022fb136⋯.png (3.28 MB, 1191x7635, 397:2545, Jews_Traditions.png)


Nothing but ad-hominems and feeble dissuasion attempts.

Your salty tears taste like heaven, you dumb subversive kike.

Thanks for admitting defeat :)

bf93a6 No.2093445


Sweden is retarded, believe me. VERY brainwashed.

014e9d No.2093447


bizarre… because it's so dern accurate.

5346f0 No.2093448


I fucking love the internet. I love how, after this is all over, everyone will be able to see how out in the open everything was. When you step back and look at the bigger picture with all of this stuff, it just makes sense. Before, I would've thought she was just whining and trying to motivate people to vote, now I knew what she really meant as soon as I read the headline. Once the D's are gone after the election and Trump's judicial appointments go through, it's over for them. The corrupt judges are their last bastion.

a07261 No.2093450


sorry about that, I was rushed

c09de1 No.2093451


The term "judeo-Christian" is a psy-op, nothing more, nothing less.

89d0ba No.2093453


You mean, Flat Sun?

818eb5 No.2093454

Link to New Breads will be posted in the Meta Thread in addition to the current bread

5c881f No.2093455

The term ciswoman makes no sense

You are either a woman or not


7f2dc5 No.2093456


count all the distracting reports from that oring, compare and contrast , all the investigating agencies.

14b0cb No.2093457


> If they give the baby a bottle, it might never take to a breast no matter who's it is.

Codswallop! It's done all the time - temp bottle then breast. Just takes a bit of effort and perseverance and don't even dare to contradict because I'll bet a few mill my experience is greater than yours in this area.

89049d No.2093458

File: 956289f9cd26831⋯.jpg (155.42 KB, 1200x814, 600:407, MV5BYmM2OTRiZGYtYWIxOC00Nz….jpg)

ad2e3e No.2093459

AHA! HERE yall are! Yall tried to lose me but I was raised in the woods and know how to trail, anon.

Good grief, what a circuitous route I had to take to get here.

65ac10 No.2093460


>How about giving them their own thread

They wouldn't go to it. It is their intent to shit up the board and discredit this board.

50938c No.2093461

a3a03c No.2093462


Religion and Political labels = it's ALL a psyop.

89049d No.2093463

File: f84c9b88932592e⋯.png (67.09 KB, 1251x511, 1251:511, Screenshot-2018-03-01-03.1….png)


true, true.

9ea3fa No.2093464

File: af8325e1fa3bd59⋯.jpg (42.48 KB, 250x335, 50:67, DontCrowDig.jpg)

62375b No.2093465


Not what I stated at all. I said people to do not rely on adrenochrome to survive. Those people who say that their families "sipped" it from other family members are full of shit.

Torture does indeed increase adrenochrome. But that is a by product of adrenaline. It does not do anything for another human with the exception of possibly giving a short "high". Even that is in dispute.

941c25 No.2093467


Thx…idk why I can't index to get to breads, grew too spoiled by the catalog I think.

c16234 No.2093468


Not in disagreement about Filipinos who have used the lax system to come in legally. Some are illegal. But Micronesians are allowed in period. They are the worst. Criminal drug addicts and used by criminals for dirty work. But as part of US nuking Marshall Islands etc..Micronesians are allowed in.

637115 No.2093469

Red Hen still closed?

361617 No.2093470


This is normal behavior for him, he's done it many times

4bfa82 No.2093471


fresh bread?

thanks bro.

3dc56e No.2093472


That kid looks too old to still be breastfeeding.

65ac10 No.2093473


The history books (if you will be able to call them that - databases?) will be fascinating.

941c25 No.2093474


If only we had toilet paper to mark spots huh? lol

014e9d No.2093475

i wish i could go running in a field of Qs

wind blowing in my hair

i wish i had a mountain of Qs

i could roll around in

roll around in

7bfd0a No.2093476


.19 cents to be exact.

9ea3fa No.2093477

File: 7dd177126c95b66⋯.jpg (164.27 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, nice dress.jpg)

802f9d No.2093478

Has anyone dug the Points of Light Foundation? Looks like there could be something there:


89049d No.2093479

Q's lack of posting is doing the opposite of awakening people.

3f2a1f No.2093480


If it’s got teeth it’s too old!

e03ba5 No.2093481

Does everyone think they are gonna just sit around like children waiting for Q to hold their hand and guide them step by step with this shit and everything will be okay? Because it won't. It has to be done by the people for the people.

There are only 2 possibilities of what Q is:

1. Psyop designed to demoralize anons with fake news as revenge for pizzagate and Trump winning the election. Then when it's revealed by the msm it will make the right look absolutely idiotic for believing something that cannot be verified or,

2. Psyop designed to unite Americans and expose the corruption within our govt that we the people created and allowed to flourish. To motivate Americans to rise the fuck up and do something before it's too late.

Personally i really hope it's the latter but my gut says it's the first.

Is up to you to decide just like it's up to us to do something.

4ebf8b No.2093482

File: 7ec36ea29f42eaa⋯.jpg (154.21 KB, 1621x983, 1621:983, 1531147354.jpg)





these are your sources?

you are obviously a shill

a36fa8 No.2093483


one way is to right click on "reply" and open in new tab

works for me

396523 No.2093484


Reopened reservation only.

d5c1e3 No.2093485


Now you're talking

And when they say you are anti-simite

You need to stand up to them

And say that some Jews are criminals

And calling out criminals

Does not equate to hate against an antire ethnic group

And then accuse the Jewish supremacists of being the REAL ANTI SEMITES

Because they are preying on the Jewish people

While they protect themselves from being attacked

By holding up the shield of anti-semitism

If enough people talk about these things publicly

Then the magic in the words "anti-semitism" will go away.

55cc1b No.2093486


You're right. I had to get angry with nurses in the hospital. Especially when you're on your 4th kid and these dumbass, liberal nurses won't leave you the fuck alone.

bf93a6 No.2093487


Not really. He could be paid to take petitions to Trump for any client. Nothing illegal.

5346f0 No.2093488


I swear to fuck anon if it turns out that Hitler was based…

818eb5 No.2093489

File: 0cc0a450907c8d3⋯.jpg (99.51 KB, 759x847, 69:77, 0cc0a450907c8d3a5f884339ac….jpg)


Try harder.

a36fa8 No.2093490


get a grip anon

its been 3 days

Q is a bit moar busy than most of us

9503cc No.2093491






ad2e3e No.2093492

941c25 No.2093493


Hope no 2 tier justice for him this time around, sick of celebs doing shit.

027fb4 No.2093494


The media's male breastfeeding push is anti-cis hate speech!

637115 No.2093495


Im going to call and make a reservation. Its about a 20 hour drive from where i live :)

c09de1 No.2093498

File: 7f2b16db0e175be⋯.jpg (25.48 KB, 425x240, 85:48, Ariel_Sharon_Isreal_Contro….jpg)

File: 3ea34a7391856df⋯.jpg (404.79 KB, 1036x1132, 259:283, Israeli_Double_Citizenship.jpg)

File: 2e0f7a24fc7b3da⋯.jpg (218.7 KB, 752x890, 376:445, Israeli_Lobby_Influential.jpg)

File: 4b3f3d2073b7882⋯.jpg (102.13 KB, 1014x394, 507:197, Jewish_Over_Representation….jpg)

File: 407ec046aa1eb51⋯.png (77.88 KB, 659x1026, 659:1026, US_Middle_East_Policy_Pro_….png)


>sowing division

Stating fully sourced verifiable facts is not shilling nor sowing division.

You hate the truth because it triggers your higher loyalties to your rotten tribe.

Cry more.

>Criminals are the problem

Their crimes use jewish interest groups that nobody is allowed to criticize in mainstream channels of communication, and you want to censor that criticism here the same.

Also, many of those criminals have religious and racial motivations, and jewish hatred for goyim is well documented and factual.

>What you're doing is a shill tactic.

Nice projection kike. Try harder. Thanks for helping me redpill the newfags on how your jewish pilpul works :)

351f90 No.2093499

File: 53c61b44a3c08e2⋯.jpg (72.85 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 13onneck.jpg)

File: 15c8e0dd73dfe9c⋯.jpg (137.7 KB, 600x800, 3:4, patsy.jpg)

File: 54c6ddfc22eabfe⋯.jpeg (41.89 KB, 534x712, 3:4, 636425520313607615-Benjam….jpeg)

File: a63fbe4505cee91⋯.jpg (145.67 KB, 866x690, 433:345, benjaminpaddock.jpg)

File: db673f421fd2fc7⋯.jpg (143.79 KB, 784x745, 784:745, paddocklikelyrelative.jpg)


You can't ID "Paddock" from the alleged death photo. "He" the guy they tell you did it resembles a "Paddock" in the spy industry. But TRULY, couldn't that be a cut-out too?

If I spent my time going through every single FUCKING staged Media event that comes down the highway, I wouldn't have time to do anything- couldn't tie my shoes

This is a SLIDE for this board?

Most of you probably have all this anyway. One more photo. The Prince being led out of another hotel in the area?

2a082c No.2093500

File: b0cfeccf55c0acd⋯.png (42.3 KB, 720x300, 12:5, 20180709_105712.png)


Response forthcoming!

89049d No.2093502


nigga learn how to count. JFC you're dumb.

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