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File: 3a5122e62a7cde8⋯.png (79.09 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

5c4f24 No.20929723 [Last50 Posts]

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5c4f24 No.20929725

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5c4f24 No.20929727


#25669 >>20928938

>>20929177, >>20929110 Live: Donald Trump’s New York Trial Closing Arguments - May 28

>>20928977 California Senate Passes Bill Banning Notifying Parents of Child Gender Transitions

>>20928989 6 Fast food companies increased their prices by 77.4% in 51 months, outpacing the 21.5% inflation rate over the same period

>>20928991, >>20929017, >>20929262 White House press briefing

>>20928998 More than 100 business leaders including Wikipedia’s Jimmy Wales sign open letter backing Britain’s center-left opposition

>>20928999 Nearly 9,000 Palestinians detained in West Bank since 7 October

>>20929016 Israel said to have waged 9-year ‘war’ against ICC, tapping its communications

>>20929019 VA didn't show up to Cheyenne National Cemetery on Monday morning for an advertised Memorial Day service

>>20929025 Pete Buttigieg can't explain why only 8 EV charging stations have been built with $7.5 billion in taxpayer funding

>>20929047 UK: Vaxxed Deaths Recorded as Unvaxxed to Make Covid Shots Appear ‘Safe,’ Official Data Shows

>>20929071, >>20929036, >>20929044, >>20929113 UK: NHS and government led ‘chilling’ cover-up of infected blood scandal

>>20929074 Good Morning Britain wasn't expecting this poll response

>>20929106, >>20929123 Vivek Ramaswamy pushes for BuzzFeed board seats

>>20929164 Julie Kelly: Judge Cannon Warns Jack Smith - “I will bring sanctions if you [Smith] break the rules again”

>>20929169, >>20929281 PF: Polish Pres and Danish PM leave Prague after attending meeting that gives muh Ukraine $1.74B moar ($3.74B in 3 days so far)

>>20929173, >>20929425 Robert DeNiro gets deleted in NYC

>>20929180, >>20929258 MSM Silent As Court Holds PCR Covid Tests 97% Inaccurate - Unfit For Purpose

>>20929204 Former FTX Executive Ryan Salame Sentenced To 90 Months In Prison

>>20929209 Sinaloa Cartel Leader Nestor Isidro Perez Salas Extradited To The US On Drug Importation, Murder, Kidnapping, Firearms, And Money Laundering Charges

>>20929221 Chuck Grassley Officially Endorses Trump For President

>>20929243 Rep. Ilhan Omar and Rep. Cori Bush just deleted their Memorial Day tweets after revealing they have no clue what it is

>>20929255 Mike Davis On Democrats’ Reliance On Lawfare To Win 2024

>>20929283, >>20929315, >>20929325 Test

>>20929322, >>20929367, >>20929389, >>20929541 Karoline Leavitt raises hell outside Trump courthouse

>>20929336 Using Blood from mRNA COVID Vaccine Recipients: Japanese Researchers Call for Urgent Action to Address Mass Contamination of Blood Supply

>>20929337 PF: RAWHD75 C-2 Greyhound off a flattie

>>20929342 Defense Secretary Austin: ICC only applies to Russia

>>20929355 Former security service chief, Dick Schoof, tipped as Dutch prime minister - will represent “all the Dutch”

>>20929417 Alex Soros just met up with Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, and Bill Clinton; he's in charge of the $25B family empire

>>20929481, >>20929527 Albuquerque, NM: A military aircraft has crashed just off the airfield on the south side of the Sunport

>>20929510 Email Discussion Marked 'Confidential': Barack Obama Architect of Lawfare Cases Against Trump

>>20929609 PF: SAM040 G5 on final at New Castle Cty Airport from JBA depart

>>20929648 Elon Musk’s xAI Reaches $24 Billion In Value Following Major Round Of Fundraising

>>20929665 Globalist poster boy and former Rothschild banker, French President Emmanuel Macron, loves to play emperor ‘but his empire looks like it’s falling apart’

>>20929706, >>20929712 Chase Bank building explodes in downtown Youngstown, Ohio

>>20929716 #25669

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5c4f24 No.20929728

#25668 >>20928097

>>20928248 Live: Outside Manhattan Court House Trump Trial

>>20928145 Explosive Report Drops a Bomb on the Entire Childhood Vaccine Schedule

>>20928159, >>20928180, >>20928482 NYC judge in Trump trial says jury doesn't have to agree on what crime was committed to convict

>>20928163, >>20928182 Judge Cannon just denied Jack Smith's gag order

>>20928175 President Trump Speaks Before Day 21 of Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20928176 Secret Service reportedly met with local jail officials to prepare for the possibility that Trump is found guilty and sentenced to prison

>>20928181, >>20928185, >>20928586, >>20928589 Swamp Events

>>20928197 PF: Argentina AF ARG-01 757 President Milei on final at San Jose Intl

>>20928278 Robert De Niro headlines bizarre Biden campaign presser outside Trump trial

>>20928319 Arabs Are Ruling Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, And Hamtramck; "We Are On The Road To The White House"

>>20928427 Anyone else find it very strange that Sam Bankman Fried and Robert DeNiro show up to public events with the same bodyguard?

>>20928507 Did @NIH's “FOIA lady” teach Dr. Fauci’s team how to hide COVID information?

>>20928523 Live: Harrison Floyd and Trevian Kutti court appearance in Georgia election interference case

>>20928584, >>20928600 Trump Trial Possible Outcomes

>>20928587 PF: CONUS activity

>>20928730 Pope sorry for ‘faggotry’

>>20928743 Boatfag: Vessel takes on water after missile strike off Yemen

>>20928750 A University of Florida employee and students implicated in shipping biocemicals and drugs to China

>>20928756 Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) Accused of “Criminally Laundering” Almost $28 MILLION in Campaign Contributions

>>20928767 Marketfag: Ugly 5Y Auction Sends Yields To 2 Week High

>>20928768 James Biden’s Former Business Associate Pleads Guilty to $51 Million Healthcare Scam

>>20928782 Venezuelan sex trafficking operation discovered in Louisiana and 7 other states

>>20928794, >>20928797, >>20928854 Karoline Leavitt raises hell outside Trump courthouse

>>20928812 Joe Biden's 'Equity Agenda' Has a New Target: Kidney Transplants

>>20928875 Julie Kelly: June will be the worst month yet for Jack Smith - tough times on three fronts

>>20928878 PF: Gitmo express returning to base….

>>20928890 Male drag ‘artist’ dances for kids at Vatican’s World Children’s Day

>>20928919 #25668

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5c4f24 No.20929730

#25667 >>20927335

>>20927404, >>20927448, >>20927586, >>20927643, >>20927760, >>20927947, >>20928072 Eyez on our Skyz

>>20927339, >>20927561, >>20927591, >>20927892 LIVE: Donald Trump’s New York Trial: May 28


>>20927378, >>20927598 It is now crystal clear that Jack Smith, Jay Bratt, and David Harbach have no interest in maintaining a scintilla of integrity/decorum

>>20927396 10:00 AM EDT War Room With Steve Bannon

>>20927461, >>20927488, >>20927530, >>20927580, >>20927597 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Solar X Flare as Famous Active Region Returns/space news

>>20927492, >>20927495 Swamp Talk

>>20927538, >>20927641 In case you needed more evidence that all of these BS cases were quarterbacked by Team Biden…

>>20927585 Representative Susie Lee just bought stock in the German arms manufacturer Rheinmetal, sits on the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction.

>>20927607, >>20928025 Judge Aileen Cannon Is The Latest Object Of Democrats’ Recusal Obsession/JUDGE CANNON DENIES DOJ REQUEST FOR TRUMP GAG ORDER; ISSUES WARNING TO JACK SMITH

>>20927614, >>20927637, >>20927813, >>20927870, >>20927899, >>20927920, >>20927973, >>20927984 Biden's campaign is holding a press conference outside the NYC Courthouse

>>20927673 US condemns failed North Korean rocket launch as breach of international security

>>20927699 Far-Left Daily Beast Site Cutting Staff

>>20927728 @ArlingtonNatl Join us and our friends at ABMC as we honor the courage and sacrifice of the Allied forces on the 80th anniversary of #DDay

>>20927772 GameStop stock soars (won’t last) as meme icon raises almost $1 billion in stock sale

>>20927794 ICYMI: The FBI recently participated in 'TRADEWINDS 24'

>>20927805 “There is now an orchestrated, well organized cartel smuggling operation of Chinese into Southern California

>>20927811 Rush Limbaugh on Memorial Day 4 years ago — ‘We don’t put our former Presidents in jail.’

>>20927836 @KenPaxtonTX One year ago today, Dade Phelan and the Austin establishment thought they could overturn an election…

>>20927996 Japan lawmakers to create group for government probes into UFOs

>>20928078 #25667

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5c4f24 No.20929731

#25666 >>20926540

>>20926577 A bunch of made up communist degrees, this shit is hilarious, where are they gonna work? Kek

>>20926656 Chinese AI chipmakers catchin up

>>20926747, >>20926752 Suspicious death of Italian MEP's husband raises questions of foul play

>>20926765 Denver police say DRONES will respond to 911 calls instead of cops after city defunded the force by millions

>>20926814 X and eSafety, and Google AI advises eating both glue and 'one small rock a day'

>>20926844 The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part III: The Illuminati Roundtable

>>20926968 Biden received sensitive communications via his private email accounts created under a fictitious identity, including foreign policy discussions

>>20927010 81% of Minnesota COVID-19 Deaths Are from Nursing Homes

>>20927218, >>20927224, >>20927225, >>20927234 The Closing: Trump’s Final Argument Must Be Clarity to Chaos in Merchan’s Courtroom

>>20927257 Moscow reacts as Biden claims US won Second World War

>>20927274, >>20927276 WHO’s Pandemic Treaty is dead and the amended IHR has been all but neutralised

>>20927280 @realDonaldTrump Bob Good is BAD FOR VIRGINIA, AND BAD FOR THE USA.

>>20927288 AMERICAN STASI UPDATE: Trump MS Campaign Finance Director and Former Governor Says Wealthy Donors Hesitant to Donate to Trump because “FBI Will Show Up at My Door”

>>20927283 Dems in full-blown ‘freakout’ over Biden

>>20927300 @USAFCENT Rapid Strategic Delivery

>>20927306 Mercola: Potential deadly risks of blood transfusions from covid vaccinated donors

>>20927319 #25666

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5c4f24 No.20929732

#25665 >>20925798

>>20925996, >>20926319 Gold Eyez on Skyz

>>20925845 INTERPOL detects 200 stolen vehicles from Canada each week

>>20925874 Will Gen Z change America’s foreign policy towards Israel?

>>20925896, >>20926119, >>20926303 Look at the amount of human bones. Catacombs of Paris

>>20925920 If Trump takes New York, it’s game over

>>20925919, >>20925974, >>20926009, >>20926138, >>20926191 TRUMP WILL BE ON TIM POOL

>>20925941 Corrupt NACC Commissioner Paul Brereton exposed protecting his mates in the ADF

>>20925970 Denver Offers How-To Guide on Turning Cities into Taxpayer-Funded Immigrant Sanctuaries

>>20926013 Donald Trump says local law enforcement will carry out his planned mass deportation

>>20926073 Texas is currently constructing a real border wall in Del Rio County after the Democrat sheriff called for help

>>20926091 Trump says the real number of illegal Immigrants under Biden could be 17 million, not the 7 million that’s being reported

>>20926169 ICYMI: Ret Adm Rogers, CISO

>>20926192, >>20925898 Kash on transparency

>>20926223 Argentina’s Milei fires Cabinet chief as bill stalls in Congress

>>20926324, >>20926325 Bragg and the Jackson Pollock School of Prosecution: Why the Trump Trial Could End With a Hung Jury

>>20926412 North Korea fails in attempt to launch spy satellite

>>20926424, >>20926358, >>20926436 big donors told not to give money to donald trump or the fbi will turn up at their door

>>20926432 GITMO update

>>20926533 #25665

Previously Collected

>>20924277 #25662, >>20925043 #25663, >>20925778 #25664

>>20921666 #25659, >>20922616 #25660, >>20923435 #25661

>>20919185 #25656, >>20919951 #25657, >>20920770 #25658

>>20916446 #25653, >>20917885 #25654, >>20918327 #25655

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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5c4f24 No.20929740

File: 7cdb56d5e8482ec⋯.png (73.86 KB,255x197,255:197,ClipboardImage.png)




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76190d No.20929753

File: f257b1670f4bbc9⋯.png (322.87 KB,404x571,404:571,fuckface.png)

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35628d No.20929760

File: 6b9ec66bda76eac⋯.png (628.23 KB,682x662,341:331,ClipboardImage.png)

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bf0b96 No.20929771

File: 9341e4b474d9c9f⋯.png (483.35 KB,633x475,633:475,breadonfire.png)

…It's not baked, enough.

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d5238d No.20929772




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0bb207 No.20929773

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)

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fa34ce No.20929774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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29c4bb No.20929775

File: f63df4e2be59624⋯.jpg (383.7 KB,566x800,283:400,1590960938244.jpg)

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982262 No.20929776

File: 83c0093d2eb10c6⋯.png (123.45 KB,749x532,107:76,ClipboardImage.png)



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568d89 No.20929778

File: b572801779a20fc⋯.jpg (81.55 KB,507x499,507:499,b572801779a20fca77fbabdf77….jpg)

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52bd18 No.20929779

File: 00e4cdaf8b667da⋯.jpg (48.96 KB,501x498,167:166,00e4cdaf8b667daccb2097ad0d….jpg)

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d76cd3 No.20929780

File: 8cc4d9b247da93c⋯.jpg (76.22 KB,888x470,444:235,yauhksdjlasdf.jpg)

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fd8c01 No.20929781

File: e06aebdba99f93e⋯.jpeg (224.21 KB,1170x878,585:439,C17C93C7_28E0_40A1_A2D9_6….jpeg)

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6e0b26 No.20929782

File: 78884e93e02f50d⋯.mp4 (2.76 MB,480x852,40:71,Pss1EYcD5Rz6ut3f.mp4)

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f309ac No.20929783

File: 992799ff4d824e9⋯.png (664.96 KB,726x613,726:613,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e0b26 No.20929784

File: 5ba87c82bb543ab⋯.jpeg (471.53 KB,886x750,443:375,IMG_1270.jpeg)

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0bb207 No.20929785

File: fd0cd58bddc3455⋯.png (421.17 KB,792x629,792:629,0d6d0c9a21d8771737753b6a19….png)

It's so retarded that it's comical. Like little jesters with the hats with the bells on them dancing around.

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840f07 No.20929786

Can someone end the Ukraine war now, no one is interested any longer. We all know it's a political piggy bank for the corrupt in Washington. End it. Enough is enough.

Vlad, just declare Ukraine part of Russia based on popular consensus. We'll deal with a vote later. End the killing. Shift the focus back to the bad guys.

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fa34ce No.20929787

File: ca678de8ee6f8a5⋯.png (329.64 KB,1283x566,1283:566,ClipboardImage.png)


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982262 No.20929788

File: 46e5701178a045e⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,46e5701178a045e822f21564cf….jpg)

File: f6db28d4632129c⋯.png (604.86 KB,741x440,741:440,f6db28d4632129cd64f4f7062c….png)


I know right? I can't imagine being unemployed and posting here 16 hours a day and calling others shills.

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b22e9a No.20929789

File: 99419d1b18c02ce⋯.jpg (57.39 KB,680x383,680:383,99419d1b18c02ce40d6fbfaec6….jpg)


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9402d6 No.20929790

File: 3858c1f53d55119⋯.jpg (79.13 KB,599x417,599:417,LincolnsGM.jpg)



That's all

Yes, Mr president

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840f07 No.20929791


This isn't about Assange, it's about the truth. When the truth is known, all will finally be free. Ground beef is a cow without legs.

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6e0b26 No.20929792

File: 0803bb131b63d5a⋯.jpeg (485.19 KB,951x673,951:673,IMG_1258.jpeg)

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db7ebc No.20929793

File: 858f561fa1cd002⋯.jpg (43.75 KB,508x392,127:98,8s1fyn.jpg)

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151802 No.20929795


Lulz. He can’t pardon him you dumfuck because JOE BIDEN IS PRESIDENT

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0bb207 No.20929796


Imagine trying to imitate that? You're the dumbest of the failfags. I want you to know that.

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fa34ce No.20929797

File: 7ea73cd3b941451⋯.png (161.29 KB,543x228,181:76,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e0b26 No.20929798

File: 069198ea4a88bf2⋯.mp4 (1.51 MB,640x360,16:9,JCFHAyp2M5HwSvUk.mp4)

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abdda7 No.20929799

File: 74ea20806e820e2⋯.gif (539.26 KB,498x249,2:1,pepe_boobs.gif)

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fa34ce No.20929800


* filtered dumbfuk kek

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0bb207 No.20929801

File: 9e35bf434df66bf⋯.webm (130.25 KB,569x240,569:240,again.webm)

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2f0bce No.20929802


he mentioned the subject on timcast or whatever it's called

so yeah, it could happen! fwiw then he'd have to pardon snowden too…

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7f32c7 No.20929803

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b22e9a No.20929805

File: 09bc50892c13a02⋯.jpg (254.73 KB,1280x1280,1:1,media_GOsGMBcXsAAxWNc.jpg)


Circumcision before Dildos.

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35628d No.20929806

File: 6879f136d775dda⋯.png (44.35 KB,735x607,735:607,ClipboardImage.png)

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fa34ce No.20929807

File: fe630006cba3206⋯.mp4 (7.36 MB,720x1106,360:553,f97b6fba2633f8f6.mp4)


>Ground beef is a cow

okay but cow is pork, that's why they call it HAM BURGER

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0ea498 No.20929808

Question for anons. How do you guys reconcile the fact that Trump's daughter married Jared Kushner? Or that Trump is the most pro-israel president of all time. How do we know that this whole thing isn't another layer of jewish control?

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2f0bce No.20929809



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0a8fa6 No.20929810



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568d89 No.20929811

File: a7f26dae4ed28c0⋯.png (5.52 KB,273x185,273:185,ClipboardImage.png)

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0bb207 No.20929812

File: df259acf9b5dc0d⋯.webm (394.21 KB,427x240,427:240,another_one.webm)


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5a091a No.20929813


how do anons know that you are a fucking faggot?

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0c484e No.20929815

Does anyone know what the verdict was?

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fd3d90 No.20929816



get this guy outta here

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2f0bce No.20929817

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479b65 No.20929818


This here is why everyone laughs at you, and calls you a stupid faggot.

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29c4bb No.20929819

File: 12a50737b2c2bb0⋯.gif (146.29 KB,480x480,1:1,12a50737b2c2bb02a0da95528e….gif)

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045066 No.20929820


no verdict

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b4ffc8 No.20929821



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d5238d No.20929822

File: 2e69445bc5f52a3⋯.png (88.36 KB,255x197,255:197,ClipboardImage.png)

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840f07 No.20929823


well sew my head to a flying carpet, here I thought it was from the Earl of Hamburg. Fuck history

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db7ebc No.20929824

File: 449a670c6a6ba20⋯.jpg (53.86 KB,500x405,100:81,8s1gpf.jpg)

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2f0bce No.20929825

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0c484e No.20929826


When then? Tomorrow? Or unknown?

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045066 No.20929827



like "hamberg" Germny?

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5ee8e0 No.20929828

File: b66e0a690b6eabb⋯.png (606.07 KB,839x473,839:473,bidan_bpg_irl.png)

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fa34ce No.20929829



in your preps don't forget a 4 pack of 10-80m HAM STICKS kek

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abdda7 No.20929830

File: 7e19d0d7a5fbef8⋯.webp (30.7 KB,512x720,32:45,mcpepe_generated_pepe_enj….webp)

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5a091a No.20929831


instructions may be given tonight, if not tomorrow then deliberations start and then it is in the air. My guess is friday so people can just go home.

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35628d No.20929832


come on… say it… i know you can

>for a very special reason

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2f0bce No.20929833


almost plonkable but funny as shite


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3e9f6e No.20929834

Was just reading the Daily Mail comment section. I had to come back here for normalcy.

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9402d6 No.20929835

File: bf72f97a21f4317⋯.jpg (59 KB,905x744,905:744,Boob.jpg)

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045066 No.20929836


jury hasn't been give instructions yet - not til tomorrow or so

prosecution still making their case

supposed to take four hours +

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7a5107 No.20929837

File: 3e20dffa5d9dd0e⋯.png (693.08 KB,800x450,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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75b316 No.20929838

File: 27e8f6da569d6e6⋯.png (2.04 MB,720x1280,9:16,ClipboardImage.png)

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568d89 No.20929839

File: bf20d8876113787⋯.mp4 (890.5 KB,320x378,160:189,NeverMentionedIsrael.mp4)

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651ded No.20929840

File: 4101b6b6cd942e0⋯.jpg (163.98 KB,720x872,90:109,20240528_160822.jpg)

BREAKING: Military fighter jet crashes near New Mexico airport


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abdda7 No.20929841

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Robert De Niro Takes Over The World


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fa34ce No.20929842

File: 5aa84e261032d1b⋯.png (187.34 KB,502x398,251:199,ClipboardImage.png)

I don't know why they call it a FISH when it's HAM!?

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5a091a No.20929843


so lame the state gets the final word. 4 hours is crazy as a closing. thats like a third of the lord of the rings.

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0c484e No.20929844


ThankQ. In reality, just waiting on the go orders. There is no other way, these are not political opponents but a series pf criminals from crooks to genocidal maniacs.

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6e0b26 No.20929845

File: 6c46b3a29f2e685⋯.jpeg (545.1 KB,972x777,324:259,IMG_1212.jpeg)

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5ee8e0 No.20929846

File: 6c2ba343d4ce23b⋯.png (3.16 KB,137x64,137:64,ClipboardImage.png)

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9402d6 No.20929847

5Gen War

Never Ends

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651ded No.20929848

File: 395f4f4bd9e5dc1⋯.jpg (199.99 KB,720x891,80:99,20240528_160803.jpg)

CT lawmaker's saucy pizza proclamation causes outcry in top pie outposts: 'There's only one original'



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35628d No.20929849


it will be something to behold when the star of David is flown over the US capital

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b22e9a No.20929850

File: aa80b7d314b6dc0⋯.png (434.66 KB,622x445,622:445,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8139f9e1b019cc3⋯.png (30.09 KB,510x376,255:188,4623_1.png)

Daily Mail Online



French Navy seizes 2.65 TONS of cocaine from fishing boat off coast of Caribbean island Martinique


May 28, 2024 · 9:07 PM UTC



More shills there?

Panic is real.

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a5790a No.20929851


why are you assuming anything about it needs to be 'reconciled'?

Speak more openly.

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94268f No.20929852

File: 5a2e88053abc4d3⋯.jpg (46.54 KB,568x439,568:439,mud.jpg)

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d76e13 No.20929853

File: 1279555f3d8dae8⋯.png (960.2 KB,1080x899,1080:899,Screenshot_20240528_151107….png)

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228e28 No.20929854

Will PDJT blast the court and Bidens antics shortly or keep a lid on it?

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5a091a No.20929855


stop glowing. Go orders what the fuck are you smoking.

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6e0b26 No.20929856

File: fcb25c5f8dff040⋯.jpeg (318.54 KB,1130x968,565:484,IMG_1185.jpeg)

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9402d6 No.20929857


Taking Delivery

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0bb207 No.20929859

File: e8938a04e68d69d⋯.jpeg (59.89 KB,1040x800,13:10,b6837f364be0c327859f2058d….jpeg)

Nothing says retard like trying to disparage someone for their life's circumstances, and then try to imitate that. For a year.

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5a091a No.20929860


kek. Juvenile humor sometimes is the best.

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651ded No.20929861

File: 623fa0c43d47392⋯.jpg (79.28 KB,566x499,566:499,20240528_083400.jpg)

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0c484e No.20929862


ThankQ, I wonder if anyone did background checks on any of these people to see if they have legit degrees and jobs. For example that Capitol police cop that was with DiNero looks more like an MS-13 tattoo killer than a cop.

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29c4bb No.20929863

File: 4ec9b18ddc3906b⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB,632x360,79:45,c27MgzqWzopU9Vhv.mp4)

F-35 fighter jet crashed

BREAKING! An F-35 fighter jet just crashed during takeoff at Albuquerque International, New Mexico.


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6d5798 No.20929864


Such brave and courageous heroes deserve our blind faith, respect and obedience. Stupid dog should have done as it was told.

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a1cf36 No.20929865

File: 95d1833a551ee63⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,39.73 KB,562x562,1:1,95d1833a551ee6315cfb7d1b80….jpg)

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6db17e No.20929866

File: 604b7ef04c33105⋯.jpg (144.58 KB,425x496,425:496,604b7ef04c33105cb4398da201….jpg)



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647d43 No.20929867

File: 023c87a11aa6b4c⋯.gif (8.11 MB,600x338,300:169,night_train_2.gif)

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3421a9 No.20929868

When is it time for the smart and good people of earth to say enough is enough?

I thought that Justice Lady was blindfolded while holding the scales.

Scales set by good and bad or weight?

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647d43 No.20929869

File: fc833f58f260f1d⋯.mp4 (2.91 MB,714x1024,357:512,gif_pep_bweb.mp4)

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f309ac No.20929870

File: 956094749dd485d⋯.png (14.76 KB,435x268,435:268,ClipboardImage.png)


>Investigate those in front of the camera who scream the loudest.

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0bb207 No.20929871

File: 63a6edd32574d7d⋯.png (1.16 MB,1024x1024,1:1,smokingstorm3.png)


Remember when you used to use an AI to write poetry? Whatever happened to that? So, perhaps you could explain why your buddy is trying to mock my life's circumstances, while you and him have tried imitating me for a year. If it's something to be scorned, why are you imitating it?

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982262 No.20929872

File: 192b7017dda7331⋯.png (526.92 KB,478x479,478:479,ClipboardImage.png)


Too funny, right?

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a7b95d No.20929874

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rasmussen POLL: “Strong Majority” Of Americans Concerned With Living In Police State Under Joe Biden

New poll coming out, Trump up over Bidan 10%



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b22e9a No.20929876

File: 996ca6520615367⋯.png (266.61 KB,615x461,615:461,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Mail Online



Top secret China spaceplane releases a mystery object into Earth's orbit - and no one knows what it is


May 28, 2024 · 8:51 PM UTC


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fd3d90 No.20929877

File: 857bcb7dd799481⋯.jpg (2.01 MB,4032x2268,16:9,20240528_133719.jpg)


two plane crashes in N.M. today as a

UK drone is spotted in Las Cruces

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0c484e No.20929878


Q post 35 is a no go.

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bf0b96 No.20929879

…These sensationalized 'headlines' are shit.

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634293 No.20929880


Great way to start the work week…was this a BOOM?

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0c484e No.20929881


>When is it time for the smart and good people of earth to say enou[g]h is en[o]ugh?

We have to wait for them to do something extremely stupid looks like.

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2f0bce No.20929882

File: 4742a9d2e28c9d5⋯.png (19.46 KB,628x371,628:371,ClipboardImage.png)

prolly a parked or fcticious site

anybody run dig & whois yet ?

worth firewalling if it exists?


picrel it's real

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0ea498 No.20929883

It's the jews. Plain and simple.

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fd8c01 No.20929885

File: 24f2c16335f2689⋯.jpeg (503.11 KB,1235x617,1235:617,81E2F630_3DD0_4D10_AD22_6….jpeg)

File: 4e281f5557240df⋯.jpeg (384.63 KB,750x615,50:41,547E8493_31ED_4A1C_A20B_5….jpeg)

>>20927404 pb

Ukraine AF UNKN1120 A319Zelenskydeparted Lisbon heading EN back to Rzeszow Airport

Fuggen Macron invited Zelensky to the D-Day Anniversary event….TOTAL DICK MOVE THAT AS HE HAZ NO BUSINESS BEING THERE

That little fugger’s (Macron) AC back at Paris from Berlin -CTM001 A320 and it’s support AC left Berlin CTM006 Falcon 7x

World must not tire of Ukraine war, says Zelensky

Kyiv and Lisbon signed a security cooperation agreement during the trip, the latest in a string of bilateral deals with Western countries for providing long-term military, financial and political support to Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Zelensky will attend a ceremony next week in France to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day, French President Emmanuel Macron said on Tuesday during a state visit to Germany.


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0ea498 No.20929886


a jar full of cum

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b22e9a No.20929887

File: 0ddee33728f313e⋯.png (362.08 KB,619x435,619:435,ClipboardImage.png)


…These sensationalized 'headlines' are shit.


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6ec605 No.20929888

At this point they are just pissing in all your faces. And yet, you still think it’s raining.

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f309ac No.20929889

File: e45a380aa823785⋯.gif (2.61 MB,500x222,250:111,IdpncDay_hlloByz.gif)

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0bb207 No.20929890

File: 4559663251e759d⋯.png (368.29 KB,614x680,307:340,ClipboardImage.png)

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7a5107 No.20929891

File: 428a77864d5ae38⋯.png (1.24 MB,1024x540,256:135,ClipboardImage.png)

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0c484e No.20929892

>>20929876 Probably the remains of a fortune cookie, no one eats those.

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0ea498 No.20929893

it's incredible how x22 report can do podcasts every week saying "the normies are waking up!"

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568d89 No.20929894


Shills are retarded, they're probably enjoying the daily golden showers.

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a5790a No.20929895


that's what the satanists want us to believe, so that we are blind to them and compelled into a false choice that foists 17 million people into human shield status to protect the satanists from any and all criticisms that, just like you wrote, they will discredit anything truthful about individuals you say.

It's a game.

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ca4264 No.20929896


It's True

I seen't it

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b22e9a No.20929897

File: 7023660ac609719⋯.png (358.45 KB,616x466,308:233,ClipboardImage.png)



Digga D, 23


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249349 No.20929898

trump to pick elon musk as vp in a surprise move

sending shock waves throughout the world

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80a335 No.20929899

File: 48a35b03b774799⋯.png (238.12 KB,618x673,618:673,Robert_Deniro_gay_uncle.PNG)

Interesting post about Deniro. Haven't seen it here before.


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0bb207 No.20929900

File: 089fd8d0c4358c4⋯.png (57.07 KB,362x294,181:147,pepe_cookie.png)


> no one eats those.

I do. They're good.

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0c484e No.20929901

>>20929877 Think it has something to do with the Chinese space craft just mentioned? Maybe we should read them their fortune.

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647d43 No.20929902

File: d6f24c3dfdd632f⋯.png (3.56 MB,1388x1080,347:270,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5346946a56f8998⋯.png (1.13 MB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8940a58a968db4d⋯.png (1.14 MB,935x499,935:499,ClipboardImage.png)


bake is ghosted.

At ease

claiming bread.

Corp on Duty o7

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a6d9ae No.20929903

File: 8f2cd06e3462706⋯.jpeg (262.75 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GOroVTnakAAIRI7.jpeg)

File: cb3997367e05e05⋯.png (315.64 KB,640x2136,80:267,35_9_.png)

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fd8c01 No.20929904

File: 568e2160e1dbb73⋯.jpeg (485.87 KB,771x998,771:998,CCA6497B_42EA_42B5_A421_D….jpeg)


Trips confirm you are out of time phaggit

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0ea498 No.20929905


nah the jews. holocaust ain't real.

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045066 No.20929906


Trump supposedly just truthed



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595f18 No.20929907


War is good for business. Older production lines in Scranton, PA can't meet demand alone

Army contract actions to increase 155 mm artillery shell body capacity

By U.S. Army Public Affairs December 8, 2022

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Army is successfully executing 155 mm artillery acceleration efforts and recently awarded two contract actions that will significantly increase production capacity for additional 155 mm artillery shell bodies.

On Nov. 22, the Joint Program Executive Office Armaments and Ammunition and Army Contracting Command–New Jersey awarded a sole-source contract to IMT Defense Corporation, headquartered in Ohio, to produce M795 155 mm projectile shell bodies.

On Nov. 23, JPEO A&A and ACC-Rock Island awarded a new task order to General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems to build a new 155 mm artillery metal parts production line in Garland, Texas, that will utilize free-flow forming technology, which delivers flexible, cost-effective and precise metal forming with higher machine speeds and more accurate, uniform products.

“Robust investment in production capacity through our industrial partners gives the Army the ability to ramp and surge production capacity as needed to meet its requirements,” said Douglas Bush, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology. “Army leadership is also leveraging our allies to access additional artillery capability; contracts have been awarded and production is underway.”

These actions are a direct result of Congress supporting the Army’s efforts to secure supplemental and replenishment funding to invest in the ammunition production industrial base.

JPEO A&A, under the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology, is an innovative and empowered team committed to rapidly fielding dominating capabilities to the Soldier. The JPEO A&A is responsible for development, procurement and fielding of lethal armaments and ammunition, providing Joint warfighters and allied partners overmatch capabilities. This includes integrating budgets, acquisition strategies, research and development, and life-cycle management across all armament and ammunition program efforts.


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db7ebc No.20929908

File: 6c448a617aed82d⋯.jpg (56.26 KB,500x422,250:211,8s1iin.jpg)

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a5790a No.20929909




who you talking to?

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b22e9a No.20929911

File: 4996b69fdfb9012⋯.png (278.58 KB,648x358,324:179,ClipboardImage.png)



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0bb207 No.20929912

File: 979360b91248436⋯.jpg (18.58 KB,409x393,409:393,kek.jpg)


>And yet, you still think it’s raining.

So you're familiar with my thinking? Or any other anon's thinking? I think you have no fucking clue what I think, that's what I think.

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5a091a No.20929913


and those almond cookies also. I want fortune cookie ice cream now.

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bf0b96 No.20929914

File: 3aad968dec525c8⋯.png (661.63 KB,674x652,337:326,thisshitagaincoffee.png)


>Corp on Duty

…Well, that sucks.

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2f0bce No.20929915


actually they did the same thing last year, so that makes two UFO's they have launched. prolly satelite killers cuz i read a report about the last one that claimed what ever it was was stalking intel satelites. as in fly up and park a 100km or so away.

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a5790a No.20929916


nah the satanists.

they orchestrated ww2

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5ee8e0 No.20929917


He did.

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0ea498 No.20929918


your conception of "satan" is shaped by jewish texts. think about it. don't hurt yourself.

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a6d9ae No.20929919

File: 05cb92ba37b82bd⋯.jpg (228 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_28_18_2….jpg)

File: 5cb53eb00f05fc3⋯.jpeg (319.57 KB,1599x1062,533:354,GOsZfQ8XwAAwEOq.jpeg)

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f309ac No.20929920

File: 356a7f2489a1ff1⋯.mp4 (3.55 MB,426x240,71:40,oxanadoggirl.mp4)

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0d98ab No.20929921

File: 7bb2ab8f954bd4f⋯.jpeg (158.67 KB,800x627,800:627,IMG_5323.jpeg)


Holy meltdown, Batman

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a638ee No.20929922

Anyone else ecstatic that we've arrived at this precise point in the timeline?

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b22e9a No.20929923

File: bb1ca1bcdc30538⋯.png (97.19 KB,640x411,640:411,ClipboardImage.png)



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0ea498 No.20929924


no. it sucks. The jews are subverting white countries everyday.

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ca4264 No.20929925

Hung Jury, Guilty or Acquitted

The Salt will Flow no matter the outcome

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76190d No.20929926

File: 292840718a83509⋯.jpg (57.86 KB,406x800,203:400,MilesGuo.jpg)

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e52698 No.20929927


Which timeline?

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91c1be No.20929929

File: f09138e67289c03⋯.jpeg (101.54 KB,1024x890,512:445,B114199D_0B17_41F5_9587_A….jpeg)


Update: Trump going to jail!! CBS states that Trump will serve time at Rikers Island Jail Complex. In State Prison, Secret Service agents will be disarmed and unable to protect Trump! Biden Crime Family preparing to take out their rival in jail!?!

Reports are that Hunter Biden has Mexican Cartel connections. Can coordinate a hit in prison!!


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db7f2e No.20929930



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5ee8e0 No.20929931





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5a091a No.20929932


add that to the crying deniro

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76190d No.20929934

File: ef3194a16fa4275⋯.png (268 KB,437x527,437:527,ClipboardImage.png)


Finish them!

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80a335 No.20929935


Yes. The whole charade has become extremely boring.

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fd3d90 No.20929936


michelle got jury duty??

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2f0bce No.20929937


jeese loise jail would qualify for dat if he has his usss detail

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b22e9a No.20929938

File: 414dc629bec55f6⋯.png (62.75 KB,636x318,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social




Donald Trump Truth Social05:11 PM EST05/28/24

May 28, 2024 · 10:02 PM UTC


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a6d9ae No.20929939

File: 5cb53eb00f05fc3⋯.jpeg (319.57 KB,1599x1062,533:354,GOsZfQ8XwAAwEOq.jpeg)

File: a8bbcda92a15df3⋯.png (200.15 KB,640x1422,320:711,9_4_.png)

File: 59cd90c690e73ba⋯.png (152.65 KB,640x1136,40:71,11_10_.png)

File: a684f18d26ad40a⋯.png (73.99 KB,640x920,16:23,911_3_.png)



fuckin' sliders

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db7f2e No.20929940

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76190d No.20929941

File: d5e5fa8a1999ed6⋯.png (1.01 MB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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0bb207 No.20929942

File: c512231b02d9d0a⋯.jpeg (57.67 KB,994x857,994:857,NNazYc9ebDMT.jpeg)

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a5790a No.20929943


your conception of what you think you're reading in the conception of satanism is shaped by anti-Christian satanists who overtly worship and sacrifice children to satan.

Just because they are anti-God and use pentagram symbolism it doesn't mean anon invented it.

Try again.

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e52698 No.20929944


I have never in the history of the world seen anyone try so hard to incite a reaction.

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0c484e No.20929945

File: c4e4733dfa281a0⋯.png (19.65 KB,92x92,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20929900 Remember what happened to that guy who ate too many Fortune cookies?

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478c18 No.20929946

File: 2f3c60edd49afe3⋯.png (523.37 KB,680x383,680:383,ClipboardImage.png)

Michael Cohen is the 'Greatest Liar of All Time': The new nickname and the incendiary claim that caused chaos and prove Trump's fingerprints were all over his lawyer's closing argument https://trib.al/xQGqDqQ

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fd3d90 No.20929947

Trump'll be prison squattin' surrounded by homies


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568d89 No.20929948

File: 0dec8aebcce4c20⋯.png (46.78 KB,447x580,447:580,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ac045e6508205e⋯.png (37.53 KB,485x851,485:851,ClipboardImage.png)


For some reason if you search burger on Qagg this drop comes up which is a 180 mirror on the clock today.

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ca4264 No.20929949


There's no need to Fantasize

Were going to find out in a short while

Just sit back and lets see what happens

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0ea498 No.20929950


i guess Q was right; the end won't be for everyone. Keep living in your jewish world, goyim.

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fd8c01 No.20929951

File: 8042df8252d4761⋯.gif (2.2 MB,498x363,166:121,7412EDD4_D2E4_4B79_A6C6_03….gif)

>>20929885 PF: Zelensky left Lisbon back to Rzeszow, SE Poland and Macron invited him to D-Day Anniversary and that fugger back at Paris from Berlin

Please add like this


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b22e9a No.20929952

File: 1dddb85c8ae1510⋯.png (60.43 KB,619x319,619:319,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social




Donald Trump Truth Social05:11 PM EST05/28/24

May 28, 2024 · 10:02 PM UTC




>05:11 PM EST05/28/24


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6d01da No.20929953



What does filibuster mean in regards to a courtroom or trial?

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fd3d90 No.20929954


stupid cunt

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a5790a No.20929955


Q was indeed right, mentioning multiple times the globalists worship Satan.

Keep living in your satanic world, demon.

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e52698 No.20929956


How could he post this if he is in court?

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0c484e No.20929957


ThankQ, I saw that but maybe the F-35 crash was a sign.

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568d89 No.20929958

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


CPAC 2019: Van Jones Accuses Us Editing His "Nothing-burger" Comment. Here is The Raw.

That's why burger comes up.

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a6d9ae No.20929959

File: 0d389a7fc04f94d⋯.jpg (172.96 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_28_18_3….jpg)

File: fb94a43402cb9be⋯.png (304.4 KB,640x680,16:17,545_1_.png)

File: cb0be5292cf11ff⋯.png (443.61 KB,640x3126,320:1563,1745.png)

File: db9dda7c3264fac⋯.jpeg (115.52 KB,1289x1147,1289:1147,GOsnWk1XIAAKmZq.jpeg)

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0ea498 No.20929960


filtered for loving the jews

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d4590d No.20929961

File: ee76066c0524d4d⋯.png (485.62 KB,568x439,568:439,ClipboardImage.png)

Madness Reigns!

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76190d No.20929962


that's 9:06 and four seconds

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145ee7 No.20929963

File: 47687a1b374096b⋯.png (1.64 MB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

TOP KEK. AUS has appointed a minister for "Men's Behavior"…

Tim Richardson MP




I want to share with you some pretty big news. Premier @JacintaAllanMP has asked me to serve as the Parliamentary Secretary for Men’s Behaviour Change, a national first.


May have to prepare some memes for this dude. The mocking will be relentless.

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a5790a No.20929964


Filtered for false dichotomy of declaring absence of blanket hate, as somehow love of every individual.

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5ee8e0 No.20929965


Filibuster is filibuster..

A filibuster is a political procedure in which one or more members of a legislative body prolong debate on proposed legislation so as to delay or entirely prevent a decision.

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a638ee No.20929966


Maybe the court adjourned for a meal and a stretch :)

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e32bd4 No.20929967

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d4590d No.20929968


He is a wiley one

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db7ebc No.20929969


Harvey weinstein and robert DeNiro starred in kiddie porn scenes together as teenagers. They have never left that industry.

Stills are on the interweb.

The stills were posted on 8chan long ago.

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9b134b No.20929970

File: c96f821a2eb5698⋯.jpg (42.14 KB,552x483,8:7,8nbb.jpg)

File: c7b8f7be2640bfd⋯.jpg (183.98 KB,1080x1239,360:413,IMG_20240511_075826.jpg)

Loren Merchan is a very naughty girl.

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a6d9ae No.20929971

File: 2a7e0264811ef27⋯.png (57.55 KB,640x612,160:153,511_3_.png)

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478c18 No.20929972

File: e5621ba9d239660⋯.png (382.57 KB,605x424,605:424,ClipboardImage.png)

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6d01da No.20929973



Answer me, lawfags

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6d5798 No.20929974


As if the Judge is hung, so to speak. He can’t back up, he can’t move forward… the judge is fooked. Idk

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db7f2e No.20929975


>members of a legislative body

happens in court?

prosecution or defense?

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479b65 No.20929976

File: fbc312cddb40cbd⋯.png (31.89 KB,649x176,59:16,6sec.png)

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76190d No.20929977

File: 26a6568934701d3⋯.png (36.19 KB,153x159,51:53,ClipboardImage.png)


Re_read re: Australia.

AUS donations to CF?

Why is this relevant?

More than you know.

This is BIG.

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efbd38 No.20929978

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Oscar Blue Ramirez | Border Network News | May 24, 2024

• The consequences of an open border.

• There are massive consequences because you, Joe Biden, have opened the door to evil. This happened in Santa Teresa, New Mexico. Border Patrol Agents trying to stop smugglers and migrants from illegally entering by jumping the border wall.

• Smugglers and migrants, throwing sand in the agents’ faces, throwing rocks and other objects at the border patrol agents. . . the aggression as the border patrol is fighting to get the ladder out of the hands of cartel members and smugglers.

• Joe Biden this is your disastrous open borders, this is your Global compact of migration you have incentivized the cartel to grow and to have the audacity and the disrespect shown to your authorities.

• Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas, this administration, they must be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.

• These individuals entering illegally, they're trying to be smuggled through a part of the wall at Santa Teresa, NM using a ladder that was physically brought by these criminals. The cartels and smugglers will not be stopped. They will not give up their profiteering and they no longer fear authority anymore.

• Both political parties, the leftist progressive democrats and the rinos in Congress, are doing nothing. The NGO’s are in cahoots with the cartels. . .all these Progressive mercenary activists that are making money out of the human misery at the border. Human trafficking, labor trafficking, etc. They want you to know the United Nations is in absolute control. The border patrol agents are outnumbered.

• The Trump Administration implemented tariffs, hit the pockets of international investors, businesses, manufacturing and got the border under control. It will be very difficult to get it under control again.

Related video:


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6d01da No.20929979



I know the definition, what did he mean?

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d4590d No.20929980

File: 14fad58e6aa827f⋯.png (46.41 KB,223x226,223:226,14fad58e6aa827f9e1f74875a0….png)

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595f18 No.20929981

File: 5fca48ca82708d9⋯.jpg (46.53 KB,504x512,63:64,5fca48ca82708d930e3a860e04….jpg)


Muh Joo Muh Joo

Inside your head

Muh Joo Muh Joo

Under your bed

Muh Joo Muh Joo

Behind your chair

Muh Joo Muh Joo

Pulling your hair

Muh Joo Muh Joo


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0d98ab No.20929982

File: ceed067cbfaf89a⋯.jpeg (59.43 KB,320x320,1:1,IMG_5326.jpeg)

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2f0bce No.20929983

File: fb3cc87ef447a6e⋯.png (207.2 KB,477x497,477:497,ClipboardImage.png)


so does this anon

it ain't over yet and trump has been posting here during breaks or someone with him is (family)

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568d89 No.20929984

File: 7781d0953e0cceb⋯.png (308.16 KB,445x850,89:170,ClipboardImage.png)


Do you believe POTUS would allow a complete takeover of his DOJ if nothing was being done behind the scenes to hold people accountable?

When POTUS states “the swamp is being drained” do you believe it?

When POTUS states “it’s happening” do you believe it?

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db7ebc No.20929985


As in elon's company

Or as in

Don't worry be habby

Trump's got this.

No matter

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9d29c5 No.20929986


Shit bros…

What do we do??

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478c18 No.20929987


drill, baby, drill?

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5ee8e0 No.20929988


The whole nothing burger trial has been drawn out, it's about optics to make him look bad, prevent him campaigning etc. etc. I don't think there's a secret, deeper meaning for that one, anon.

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a5790a No.20929989


>CBS states

Who gives a shit what those lying clowns say

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bf0b96 No.20929990


…Colloquial context of a long, drawn out situation. Are you really that fuckin' dense?

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a6d9ae No.20929991

File: 86b4303bc746910⋯.jpg (188.37 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_28_18_3….jpg)

File: 275015a1d43ae06⋯.png (150.91 KB,640x1580,32:79,607_2_.png)

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478c18 No.20929992


"drill, baby ,drill"

where is elon drilling to? center of the hollow earth?

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db7f2e No.20929993

File: 15aa8c0f0141f5a⋯.png (571.42 KB,594x502,297:251,ClipboardImage.png)

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b22e9a No.20929994

File: deb579f5e8b4a7e⋯.jpg (15.93 KB,250x243,250:243,deb579f5e8b4a7e75319b0dcea….jpg)


6 seconds Dan?

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045066 No.20929995

File: 31c8ad42ce0ef49⋯.png (319.19 KB,1125x2181,375:727,blueanoncultc.png)


and shills of MassMedia

are "BluAnon"

I figured it out. Something smapped the Liberals into a cult.

It about belief and emotion, rather than higher thought.

It's primitive.

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0c484e No.20929996

File: 8c32821df7cda65⋯.png (59.79 KB,527x489,527:489,post_3787.png)



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db7ebc No.20929997


What color are you?

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6d01da No.20929998

File: a6db9a11516ab5a⋯.png (12.15 KB,225x225,1:1,spock4ab6e19f836d37870b551….png)


>Service agents will be disarmed

This is illogical.

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35628d No.20929999


nothing like pretending object of death and destruction are tools of peace. what a joke.

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6db17e No.20930000

Poetry is great and can't speak for anyone else but maybe it has to do with how you treated others and maybe you need to accept your own role and responsibility in your interactions with others. P.S. GB You buddy

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76190d No.20930001

File: 95eebc71eef0663⋯.png (229.99 KB,640x359,640:359,ClipboardImage.png)


>This is BIG.

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3768c7 No.20930002

File: 913864892698232⋯.png (42.86 KB,283x279,283:279,8nbb_1_removebg_preview.png)

File: 3ce904b13aa3ac7⋯.png (361.91 KB,437x570,23:30,Screenshot_202_removebg_pr….png)

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ca4264 No.20930003


If Muslim were a Protected Class

They would call themselves Muslims

The Jewish People are hostages to Satanists

Just like the rest of us

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76190d No.20930004

File: 17d15403dc7f034⋯.png (502.55 KB,1044x650,522:325,faithful.png)

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f309ac No.20930005

I DJT and Company are here, post the word "Gorillion" on TruthSocial.

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a6d9ae No.20930006

File: 5cb53eb00f05fc3⋯.jpeg (319.57 KB,1599x1062,533:354,GOsZfQ8XwAAwEOq.jpeg)

File: 240ba716a1d873c⋯.png (57.45 KB,640x612,160:153,906_2_.png)

File: 8a97cc59e2361e3⋯.png (73.06 KB,640x660,32:33,2106_2_.png)


correction thanks for noticing

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6d01da No.20930007


>Are you really that fuckin' dense?

I guess so. Your assumption is dumb though.

It means something.

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9d29c5 No.20930008


God I love women.

Look how fucking perfect her skin is.

Imagine draining your balls in her, what that would feel like.

Yeah she’s dumb, but that adds to the sexiness.

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f309ac No.20930009





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db7ebc No.20930010

You only filibuster when are losing

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70a1c2 No.20930011


>a new series is here


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2f0bce No.20930012


>As in elon's company

maybe a super tunnel from zelenski's cash vault to his swiss banker?


the great escape

or the great escapade

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b22e9a No.20930013

File: 842f12f985a5220⋯.jpg (162.32 KB,1179x1647,131:183,media_GOsFbL_XwAAkt9T.jpg)

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478c18 No.20930014

filibuster: talking and talking and talking to delay the verdict? DC in panic, want to make sure the rig is in

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478c18 No.20930015


"drill, baby, drill"

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a6d9ae No.20930016

File: c09ede82e950d96⋯.jpg (183.46 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_28_16_2….jpg)

File: 2daf452df3912be⋯.jpg (203.69 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_28_16_0….jpg)

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2f0bce No.20930017


trolling the libertarian candidate

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abdda7 No.20930018

File: ca2064706caf240⋯.jpg (153.37 KB,779x521,779:521,xtgxtgxgtgt.jpg)


6 second Natalie Harp

Not beating Dan yet

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70a1c2 No.20930019


kek yeah

Feels like the I Just See… dude in the matrix man.

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80a335 No.20930020


Santa Surfing posted this connection earlier. Other than the time stamp of 5:11 pointing one to Q post 511, is there any relevant meaning between those two posts?

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66c131 No.20930021


ThankQ, spaceforce needs to be on this. I do not trust the Chinese nor their fortune cookies.

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6e0b26 No.20930022

File: 218d45db96af4bf⋯.mp4 (4.09 MB,480x852,40:71,bE5jd0S8Xusv2en3.mp4)

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abdda7 No.20930023

File: f0362918d7e71f3⋯.jpg (54.68 KB,463x457,463:457,yygbohblo.jpg)



Digits, check'em

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70a1c2 No.20930024

File: 63349402a3f6f2b⋯.png (225.46 KB,486x316,243:158,BlackKnight_Freddy.png)


Pfft it's just a passing shower.

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b22e9a No.20930025

File: 0ecb4f690f84f0a⋯.png (299.61 KB,489x243,163:81,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd3d90 No.20930026

File: 137fa8afecbd5f3⋯.jpg (475.62 KB,1775x1440,355:288,Picsart_24_05_28_17_45_11_….jpg)

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70a1c2 No.20930027


Come on, Anon.

Dave counts them 1 at a time duh.

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76190d No.20930028

File: 9219922d47fc584⋯.png (94.75 KB,231x176,21:16,ClipboardImage.png)


that flower/hand pattern on her robe reminds me of something

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045066 No.20930029


they won't shut up

Hogging the floor.

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3768c7 No.20930030

File: 6bbaa638e41c578⋯.jpg (111.48 KB,500x704,125:176,8pxq3n.jpg)

File: 871a5c0c9a70b63⋯.jpg (117.72 KB,749x500,749:500,8obulx_2.jpg)

The Deep Staters and illegal aliens will not be treated kindly the MAGA private contractors will be working with no restrictions.

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b22e9a No.20930031

File: 0bf409b0ccdb366⋯.jpg (164.36 KB,1170x1754,585:877,FsNOgTwWIAA3AnC.jpg)



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80a335 No.20930032

File: 1dddb85c8ae1510⋯.png (60.43 KB,619x319,619:319,T_boring.png)

File: 346f17b19412f71⋯.png (60.59 KB,475x416,475:416,Boring.PNG)


I think this connection is more relevant.

Boring > Boring

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a6d9ae No.20930033

File: b3c3e82ef492561⋯.jpg (222.87 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_28_18_4….jpg)

File: 7510cf4600c820b⋯.jpeg (378.97 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GOsc_yVWwAA6Ru8.jpeg)

File: dffb3c226b9051b⋯.jpeg (302.81 KB,2047x1537,2047:1537,GOsc_WNXwAAx29Y.jpeg)

File: bfb9d3130038dd2⋯.jpeg (463.08 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GOsc9zdXAAEcaWV.jpeg)

File: 312a9b40e7c84a4⋯.jpeg (220.72 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GOsc8ARXcAA3e6P.jpeg)

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045066 No.20930034


photo looks fake

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fd3d90 No.20930035

File: f9f0a1f140a8487⋯.jpg (61.52 KB,580x875,116:175,bloody_halloween_hand_pies….jpg)

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045066 No.20930036



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70a1c2 No.20930037

File: d5bc01bcf9c13d0⋯.jpg (46.65 KB,500x343,500:343,creosote.jpg)



Muh Notables are about to be fed a thin mint wafer.

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6e0b26 No.20930038

File: 50232ebf21c2604⋯.jpeg (136.11 KB,1130x1211,1130:1211,IMG_1274.jpeg)

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52bd18 No.20930039

File: 3019d2e183b2e0b⋯.png (305.9 KB,370x480,37:48,d4635340a0005e9c6e1c33bf3c….png)

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66c131 No.20930040

>>20929919 Note the clock on the wall. almost time.

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729c32 No.20930041


seriously… stopped listening to him 5 years cause reasons.

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d85967 No.20930042

What’s it gonna be, anon?

Guilt or innocence

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2f0bce No.20930043


God Bless the cooks

Go Navy

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b22e9a No.20930044

File: f044f39fc2103b7⋯.png (361.59 KB,523x574,523:574,ClipboardImage.png)




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6e0b26 No.20930045

File: 9fa2d6dfd368d56⋯.jpeg (213.98 KB,1255x1070,251:214,IMG_1273.jpeg)

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478c18 No.20930046

File: e7ed9a6e2651212⋯.jpg (10.24 KB,152x152,1:1,15422a64ee81864e0ca07d83b6….jpg)

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bf0b96 No.20930048


…That is a comet. It's astro…never the fuck mind, it'll fall on the deaf & blind.

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abdda7 No.20930049

File: 392c88566e78bf0⋯.png (684.08 KB,877x475,877:475,392c88566e78bf08dfcb597ccc….png)


digits confirm. dubs dubs

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729c32 No.20930050


>5 years ago*

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d5cf92 No.20930051


Reminds me of the Shining pic.

I wonder if they are all dead.

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dcf09d No.20930052

File: 0d3c73ef1e383aa⋯.jpg (254.78 KB,1079x1431,1079:1431,london_times_1987_smallpox….jpg)

File: 1d9f197a25f417f⋯.mp4 (334 KB,436x270,218:135,younger_joe_biden_1987_aga….mp4)

>>20929071, >>20929036, >>20929044, >>20929113 all pb

>UK: NHS and government led ‘chilling’ cover-up of infected blood scandal

surprised these links don't seem to meantion that the HIV blood came from Clinton's Arkansas prisons, was sold to Canada who then sold it to Scotland

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bf9468 No.20930053


Is that sean penn?

Clones of clones???

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3768c7 No.20930054

File: 2d9c1cff034d9e9⋯.png (1 MB,1080x944,135:118,Hanks_j_1.png)

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959325 No.20930055

File: 2aa93d3b5ce6820⋯.png (37.39 KB,712x630,356:315,clipboardimage.png)

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647d43 No.20930056

File: b83049fc761993d⋯.png (819.32 KB,606x643,606:643,ClipboardImage.png)

past bread notables which shill baker refused to even add link, will be added to this bread.

Q Research General #25664: God Bless the Fallen (but not forgotten) Edition

>>20925054 dough

>>20925062, >>20925555, memorial day - social media posts bun mp4 vid

>>20925064, >>20925096, Seattle police Assistant Chief Tyrone Davis has been placed on paid administrative leave as the department sees a surge in internal issues.- john solomon

>>20925176 The Federal Aviation Administration confirmed that United Flight 2091 was supposed to take off at 2 p.m., when the engine caught fire. - john solomon

>>20925208, >>20925724, u.k tories to bring in draft for 18 years - john solomon plus germany

>>20925079 A Pakistani Government Official Was One of Biden’s Largest Donors - frontpagemag.com

>>20925080 big donors told not to give money to donald trump or the fbi will turn up at their door - mp4 vid.highly notable, get to djt

>>20925107, >>20925118, >>20925138, Cancer Surgeon Reveals the Surprising Potential of Ivermectin Against Cancer - needtoknow.news bun

>>20925135, >>20925279, libertarian voting for Trump after the party voted for a gay communist for p.m - twat

>>20925174 soros backed d.a bragg - screenshot dig without source.

>>20925189 Jack Smith FREAKING OUT; Trump Trial Jury Instructions; Biden PLOTS after Verdict - rumble r.gouveia

>>20925191, >>20925198, >>20925235, >>20925360, Channel 12 reported that Netanyahu hid in a nuclear shelter ahead of Iran's operation - twat (israel v the world bun)

>>20925238, >>20925242, >>20925297, >>20925381, >>20925497, pope francis says gay men not welcome in church - twat noise pedo and groomer bun

>>20925266, >>20925291, newsom earth day laser focused - parks.ca.gov (arson season)

>>20925273, >>20925536, What if I told you there was a cure for autism - twat (might be worth a dig)

>>20925343 Brighteon Media SUES Google, Facebook,Twitter, Dept. of Defense for Censorship - naturalnews.com

>>20925367, >>20925413, >>20925414, >>20925447, >>20925458, >>20925481, >>20925501, >>20925526, >>20925599, >>20925613, >>20925655, >>20925673, meme call, merchan, etc bun

>>20925433, >>20925463, The great Bill Walton passes away at 71. - twat and mp4 vid

>>20925489, >>20925443 uk mp loses both arms and legs applauded by mps in chamber - rumble.

>>20925522, >>20925561,>>20925734, Matteo Salvini slams Stoltenberg’s call for lifting of restrictions on Ukraine using its Western weapons to attack sites in Russia - rt.com (russia v ukraine) bun

>>20925541 Matteo Salvini slams Stoltenberg’s call for lifting of restrictions on Ukraine using its Western weapons to attack sites in Russia - gwp

>>20925511, >>20925528, >>20925535, >>20925546, >>20925632, >>20925657, 9/11 From Cheney to Mossad - twat bun mp4 vid wargames on 911 air traffic control hijacking

>>20925566, >>20925661, Oil Climbs as Geopolitical Tensions Rise Ahead of OPEC+ Meeting - economics

>>20925642 after bronx rally - scotty films and Q decodes - rumble

>>20925690, NYC Mayor Adams Working With ICE To Circumvent 'Sanctuary City' Laws - zerohedge

>>20925475, >>20925654, >>20925759, >>20925778, baker notes bun

full notables at 751 whilst baker was off grilling

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57e129 No.20930057

File: 35460ed20359c91⋯.png (955.29 KB,748x435,748:435,Screenshot_5383_.png)


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6d01da No.20930058

File: d6c3306713a309c⋯.png (205.7 KB,398x302,199:151,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f7fd10188b0c2f5⋯.png (138.13 KB,540x540,1:1,pepe3d03a76340e85374f03.png)

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76190d No.20930059

File: e20d933f719f8f6⋯.mp4 (3 MB,640x360,16:9,Australian_military_now_co….mp4)


>thanks for noticing

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0d98ab No.20930060

File: df631ecfa17834e⋯.png (242.28 KB,481x430,481:430,kek.png)

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94268f No.20930061

File: 37afa29c6b7d000⋯.jpg (42.02 KB,500x600,5:6,chucky.jpg)


>Reminds me of the Shining pic.

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a684c2 No.20930062


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7daa86 No.20930063

File: f963e34d0658cdf⋯.jpeg (18.42 KB,220x155,44:31,DC1EB0AB_6477_4AFF_B06C_6….jpeg)


President Trump is that really (you)?

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76190d No.20930064

File: df418fcaf7d4f4a⋯.png (1.89 MB,1241x839,1241:839,ClipboardImage.png)


yeah that what's it called

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fd8c01 No.20930065


He datefagged in early 2019 and got burned

Tuned it out then

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d4590d No.20930066


The federal government confirmed to news.com.au it has not renewed any of its partnerships with the scandal-plagued Clinton Foundation, effectively ending 10 years of taxpayer-funded contributions worth more than $88 million.

The Clinton Foundation has a rocky past. It was described as “a slush fund”, is still at the centre of an FBI investigation and was revealed to have spent more than $50 million on travel.

Despite that, the official website for the charity shows contributions from both AUSAID and the Commonwealth of Australia, each worth between $10 million and $25 million.

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a6d9ae No.20930067

File: cb3997367e05e05⋯.png (315.64 KB,640x2136,80:267,35_8_.png)

File: 8f2cd06e3462706⋯.jpeg (262.75 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GOroVTnakAAIRI7.jpeg)

File: 312a9b40e7c84a4⋯.jpeg (220.72 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GOsc8ARXcAA3e6P.jpeg)

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fd3d90 No.20930068

File: cd23561b21d20ee⋯.jpg (57.88 KB,768x1024,3:4,962030d0ec78661a99a5f4f7c7….jpg)

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478c18 No.20930069

File: 28038ff67367e59⋯.png (167.65 KB,1286x898,643:449,35.png)

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045066 No.20930070



That one is a Crisis Actor.

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76190d No.20930071

File: 686ccd7150a00df⋯.jpg (38.44 KB,960x539,960:539,Whidbey_Missle.jpg)

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66c131 No.20930072


Is this legit?

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c01683 No.20930073

File: 42de211e31d1f2e⋯.jpg (445.69 KB,1080x2400,9:20,Screenshot_20240528_155200….jpg)

File: 3bd39e8c2bc9d9c⋯.jpg (417.52 KB,1080x2400,9:20,Screenshot_20240528_155139….jpg)

Is this why national archives went down?


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145ee7 No.20930074

File: 91727367cc5828a⋯.png (1.38 MB,1120x815,224:163,ClipboardImage.png)


AUS had a series of PM's and other foreign ministers, who gave hundreds of millions in pay for play to the CF.

"Donations", then termed "Foreign Aid", began with Alexander Downer (of London wine bar/George Papadopoulos fame), who worked in the John Howard Government, (famous for joining the Coalition of the Willing, Iraq war), then running through multiple PM's, including Kevin Rudd, (currently AUS ambassador to the US), succeeded by Julia Gillard (close friend with Hillary Clinton) and her minister Penny Wong, then Rudd second term, followed by Tony Abbot and Malcolm Turnbull.

They all gave to the CF until Trumps 2016 victory, when the "donations" stopped, and the spying on Trump began. Simultaneously after Trumps victory, the AUS Government began removing their foreign aid donations lists from government internet sites. All those records have now been scrubbed from online presence.

PIC Julia Gillard with Hilderbeast.

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a32dfb No.20930075

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6e0b26 No.20930076

File: 3aeec1ce366be5f⋯.gif (2.19 MB,498x297,166:99,IMG_1275.gif)

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70a1c2 No.20930077


PDJT in jail would be lit.

Some dudes in NYC will proly plead guilty just to be there at the same time.

They'll give him an hour internet time each day and he'll get back on X-Twat shitpoasting and releasing declas materials.

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f309ac No.20930078

File: c7c7e4eeeaa5338⋯.png (557.69 KB,477x672,159:224,ClipboardImage.png)

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76190d No.20930079

File: c41a0fce8e03bea⋯.mp4 (650.04 KB,640x360,16:9,Holly_Madison_says_she_was….mp4)


>sean penn

>clones of clones

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7daa86 No.20930080

File: 967fbb373d0c3f9⋯.jpeg (153.66 KB,439x553,439:553,3C94A5FF_3674_4291_A125_B….jpeg)

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70a1c2 No.20930081


Was it 3 seconds late?

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b22e9a No.20930082

File: f1766fbecf33923⋯.jpg (784.76 KB,1680x795,112:53,7b4pvj8hcuey_3928359930.jpg)






Godspeed Mr. President.

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a32dfb No.20930083

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6d01da No.20930084

File: 2daf452df3912be⋯.jpg (203.69 KB,480x960,1:2,000000001aac106.jpg)

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151802 No.20930085


Guns aren’t allowed in jail/prisons retard. They are locked in an armory. Get a fucking clue

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0a8fa6 No.20930086


No you're just a moran.

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3768c7 No.20930087

File: 307f2f95b824d03⋯.jpg (98.1 KB,500x761,500:761,Crusades_1_.jpg)



MAGA PATRIOTS are going to SQUASH the insect Alex Soros like a big.

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fd8c01 No.20930088

File: 32ef01602f690d9⋯.png (263.4 KB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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a32dfb No.20930089

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a5790a No.20930090


stfu fedboi.

"qAnOnS aDvOcAtE ViOlEnCe" loser.

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151802 No.20930091



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a32dfb No.20930092


get a brian !

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fd8c01 No.20930093

File: 25209f49ece7dba⋯.jpeg (63.85 KB,542x614,271:307,75B05C0B_8E3A_4BD0_820C_F….jpeg)

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151802 No.20930094

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a32dfb No.20930095



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66c131 No.20930096



Means undecided or prolonged for a later time, I believe.

an action such as a prolonged speech that obstructs progress in a legislative assembly while not technically contravening the required procedures.

a person engaging in unauthorized warfare against a foreign country.

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bf0b96 No.20930097


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dcf09d No.20930098

File: 88ae8afaf0eeb98⋯.png (731.35 KB,1440x1440,1:1,pepe_usa_flag_salute.png)

File: c1797537924a1c9⋯.png (291.32 KB,583x714,583:714,rush_limbaugh_DON_T_DOUBT_….png)



>post the word "Gorillion" on TruthSocial

It's a trick. They'll say it's a factisemitic dogwhistle.

I'd settle for another tip top

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abdda7 No.20930099


with memes?

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24554c No.20930100



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76190d No.20930101

File: 8de1ceb1fe49c4b⋯.png (838.7 KB,1206x794,603:397,epstein_white_house.png)

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478c18 No.20930102

File: f45feb476d193c0⋯.png (24.72 KB,602x187,602:187,Screenshot_177_.png)


"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13"

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Love is patient, love is kind."

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647d43 No.20930103

File: 40cce139ee643de⋯.png (566.99 KB,603x589,603:589,ClipboardImage.png)


filtered, no gm during night shift

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24554c No.20930104



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045066 No.20930105


A group of tax lawyers have the data on the CF and testified about it to Congress.

The Clinton Foundation is private business rather than a charity?


Because they've never filled out the proper paper work.

These tax lawyers said CF owed 1.5 billion in back taxes.

But that was a few years ago, so interest.

It might be moar.

The lawyers group is waiting for their reward from IRS, since they caught her. They get some percentage of the back taxes for doing the work.

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fd3d90 No.20930106

File: 77691b14993f4a5⋯.jpg (605.33 KB,1504x1440,47:45,Picsart_24_05_27_16_20_14_….jpg)

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3421a9 No.20930107


Crap, he goin to jail

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24554c No.20930108


GM fren

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0a8fa6 No.20930109


Love can also get angry.

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9575a6 No.20930110

File: 94d16a1cad7ab61⋯.jpg (9.66 KB,175x288,175:288,2Q_38_.jpg)

Every defendant has the fundamental right ‘to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation’ against him.


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db7ebc No.20930111

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ooooooo sounds serious

Robert De Niro’s Warning For Voters On Trump | The View

315K views · 2 weeks ago

Trump’s slogan “should be ‘Fuck America, I want to fuck America,’” he added.

Pre Bronx rally


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8f01de No.20930112

File: 10645669a535e0e⋯.png (3.57 MB,2000x2195,400:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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e86f4d No.20930113


Elon can’t you dimwit.

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70a1c2 No.20930114


She's the long awaited antidote - Jigglypuff

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b22e9a No.20930115

File: 88860122d7ba7d8⋯.jpg (185.99 KB,1179x1595,1179:1595,media_GOsFbMBWQAAznT8.jpg)

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dcf09d No.20930116

File: 649d5452d636268⋯.gif (826.92 KB,280x158,140:79,omni_man_kills_nigger_man.gif)




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ec653d No.20930117

File: 229218f0722773f⋯.png (735.01 KB,672x672,1:1,tbwqtvqvrewtr.PNG)

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5ee8e0 No.20930118

File: 2a5211583687f38⋯.png (402.4 KB,870x474,145:79,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd3d90 No.20930119


righteous anger is a beautiful thing

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145ee7 No.20930120


Correct, Hilldawg is the dome, Gillard the building.

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24554c No.20930121

File: 8932db786104b24⋯.jpeg (17.42 KB,184x184,1:1,IMG_0385.jpeg)


mein kek

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d5cf92 No.20930122

File: bdcb06d73eef454⋯.png (49.27 KB,473x336,473:336,qaggdropimage64.png)




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dcf09d No.20930123

File: a8d5bd14db4a3b9⋯.png (421.33 KB,578x710,289:355,ClipboardImage.png)


I'm calling new player

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647d43 No.20930124

File: fb4bd4ea28538e9⋯.gif (216.62 KB,326x52,163:26,a_wtf_did_you_say_to_me.gif)



What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you fucking marxist? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Militarized Memetics, and I’ve been involved in numerous raids on normie channels, and I have over 300 social media suspensions.

I am trained in Meme warfare and I’m the top kek on all of boards. You are nothing to me but just another shill waiting to be BTFO. I will troll you with a precision and cutting force the likes of which has never been seen before by the Infamous Hacker 4Chan.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, nigger. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Q Researchers across the dark web and a very spiteful yelp review is being written about you right now so you better prepare for the lulz, faggot. The dankness that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your self-esteem. You’re fucking dead, glowtard. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can heckle you in ways you can't even begin to comprehend, and that’s with my unfettered, uncucked, extra-vaccinated brand of PURE, UNADULTERED, MIND-FUCKING AUTISM.

Not only am I extensively trained in verbal combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the meme vaults and I will use them to their fullest extent to wipe your miserable IP off the face of the bread, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking fingers.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn cunt. I will shit freedom all over your head and your eyes will finally be opened. You’re fucking asleep. Wake. Up.

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24554c No.20930125

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621e22 No.20930126

File: 2c4ef1a4ae0b63d⋯.jpeg (162.37 KB,750x920,75:92,jesussurfing.jpeg)

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6d01da No.20930127


yeah, that's my point.

It's dumb to think the USSS would disarm.

Just stupid.

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dcf09d No.20930128

File: 89fd94a1a96f764⋯.png (131.59 KB,597x418,597:418,pepe_cringe_face_camera.png)


>watch the news outlets

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b65bea No.20930129


Yep, pretty much.

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2f0bce No.20930130

the jury is back

now we wait

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24554c No.20930131



tippy toppy mornin'

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151802 No.20930132


They either disarm or they aren’t getting in

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cc9438 No.20930133


A littleee bit dramatic there Mr president.

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045066 No.20930134


Not Happening.

Who's "Captain Coronado"?

Sounds like a friend of Cortez (Sandy)

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24554c No.20930135


two more weeks

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d4590d No.20930136


That's an interesting turn..

And if watching a film has significance

Robert DeNiro played Al Capone in The Untouchables

and he got touched in the movie

and it appears today

he getting touched again

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dcf09d No.20930137

File: 7a17c8f459303a8⋯.png (113.52 KB,306x180,17:10,ClipboardImage.png)

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76190d No.20930138

File: afa097c056ccdab⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB,1216x720,76:45,swastika_on_the_hat.mp4)

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76190d No.20930139

File: 2ef78508ac945f9⋯.png (682.61 KB,939x604,939:604,ClipboardImage.png)



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b22e9a No.20930140

File: 29541c88437a1c8⋯.png (185.47 KB,679x540,679:540,ClipboardImage.png)

Catturd ™



“Gas leak”




🚨#BREAKING: A massive explosion has occurred at a Chase Bank due to a gas leak explosion, resulting in multiple people getting injured

📌#Youngstown | #Ohio

Currently, numerous emergency crews are on the scene after a major explosion occurred earlier this afternoon at a Chase Bank in Youngstown, Ohio. Officials say at least seven people have been injured from this gas explosion that occurred underneath the bank. Multiple witnesses reported hearing and feeling the explosion as the ground shook, with some describing it as a thunderous blast. Windows in nearby buildings shattered, and debris was scattered across the street. Emergency responders are working to secure the area and assess structural damage to the bank and surrounding properties. Police are asking everyone to avoid downtown while the investigation continues. This is still a developing situation

May 28, 2024 · 10:24 PM UTC


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0a8fa6 No.20930141


>They either disarm or they aren’t getting in

Says who?

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70a1c2 No.20930142


I'll be there for a bit tomorrow.

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3768c7 No.20930143



Jeffrey Epstein's temple was for a huge tax break just like Trump he buried his ex wife at one of his golf courses and received a huge tax break for have a cemetery on that property.

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478c18 No.20930144


tippy top mine, az?

drill, baby, drill…

boring boring

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db7ebc No.20930145

Giant ear

Flat forehead


Ran out of doubles

started using Anderson cooper's?

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045066 No.20930146


"CBS" don't make me laugh.

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5a091a No.20930147


and the mother of some of his children also faggot.

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d5cf92 No.20930148


I wonder if Diddy was banking there?

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151802 No.20930149


The jail/prison superintendent and the governor

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dcf09d No.20930150

File: dda89a027dc8644⋯.png (75.1 KB,255x151,255:151,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc98add83698dd2⋯.jpg (77.4 KB,679x368,679:368,SPIKE_PROTEIN_DOING_PRION_….jpg)


I love how persuasive she is

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d4590d No.20930151


all that wamu sittin' heavy

not digesting after all these years

JPMorgue needs an enema

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568d89 No.20930152


He posted that on Memorial Day you dumb fuck

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045066 No.20930153


isn't the nose wrong?

And the mouth?

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9160b2 No.20930154

File: c2225d96bca0026⋯.png (435.72 KB,1024x576,16:9,IMG_0362.png)


this guy?

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145ee7 No.20930155


Perhaps the minister for Men's Behavior should be pictured in a dress, or in dominatrix attire?

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76190d No.20930156


Anyone digging illegal tunnels?

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70a1c2 No.20930157


Oh yeah, it's in the script for sure.

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0a8fa6 No.20930158


So you believe THEY are at the tippy top and whatever they say goes?

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2f0bce No.20930159

File: 1e87896953422cf⋯.mp4 (2.42 MB,432x248,54:31,trump_trial_may282024.mp4)

a quick tease

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6d01da No.20930160


You're missing the point, Retard.


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151802 No.20930161


You’re fucking delusional brahhh there is no script. There is no super hero coming to save the country

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478c18 No.20930162

File: 0e879a70059579f⋯.png (98.53 KB,207x180,23:20,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc9438 No.20930163

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3768c7 No.20930164

File: 001823a18765db7⋯.png (1.06 MB,1080x820,54:41,Sgdt.png)


Nigga why did you polish the head of CornPop's cock with your tongue?

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145ee7 No.20930165


Looks like they're discussing Huma naked?

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76190d No.20930166


precedent game, set, match

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9160b2 No.20930167



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2f0bce No.20930168


thats why i plonked him

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478c18 No.20930169


i know for a fact there is,

the Best

Commander of the HEavenly Host

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a6d9ae No.20930170

File: bfb9d3130038dd2⋯.jpeg (463.08 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GOsc9zdXAAEcaWV.jpeg)

File: e9479059da84196⋯.jpg (251.13 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_28_19_0….jpg)

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151802 No.20930171


I’m telling you that if secret service wants to go to jail with trump there is absolutely zero chance they will be armed

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595f18 No.20930172

File: acfd514cbaa7d76⋯.png (308.04 KB,499x811,499:811,acfd514cbaa7d7625678c02fc8….png)


Hey fedboi, going to accomplish that Beer Run anytime soon?

Might go easy on ya during the Bureau Disbandment and Exile if you had something good to show

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6d01da No.20930173



emphasis on Dumb Fuck

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dcf09d No.20930174

File: 43a46e0b5466070⋯.png (1.26 MB,1243x768,1243:768,more_proof_of_hillary_doub….png)


kek yeah. they don't even seem to try any more

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151802 No.20930175


Yeah okay brahhh. We will see

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a5790a No.20930176

Even if the jury convicts, it will be appealed. All the way to SCOTUS.

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9575a6 No.20930177

File: 7eaa4948504baac⋯.jpg (7.56 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20240506_090853.jpg)

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647d43 No.20930178

File: 812c808074bd70b⋯.png (103.47 KB,250x243,250:243,ClipboardImage.png)

Q Research General #25670: Meet the Focker Edition

>>20929740, >>20929902, dough

>>20929760, >>20929776, >>20929887, blind and deaf dog shot by cop - nyp (dog comms)

>>20929840, >>20929863, >>20929877, Military fighter jet crashes near New Mexico airport - fox news and mp4 vid

>>20929885, >>20929951, planefag posts

>>20929841, >>20929899, >>20929908, >>20930111, de niro memes and article bun

>>20929848 CT lawmaker's saucy pizza proclamation causes outcry in top pie outposts - fox news (pizza comms)

>>20929850, >>20929876, CT lawmaker's saucy pizza proclamation causes outcry in top pie outposts - twat noise

>>20929907 Army contract actions to increase 155 mm artillery shell body capacity - forces bun

>>20929963 AUS has appointed a minister for "Men's Behavior - twat

>>20930056 pb #25664 mon 27th may

>>20930140 A massive explosion has occurred at a Chase Bank due to a gas leak explosion, resulting in multiple people getting injured - twat

notables at 400

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151802 No.20930179


Sauce it then nigger

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b22e9a No.20930180

File: 3355e8c77a4737d⋯.png (283.74 KB,579x562,579:562,ClipboardImage.png)



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fd8c01 No.20930181

File: f9ca7d2c0d6e2cf⋯.gif (228.81 KB,220x127,220:127,07A4D0DE_3A35_4AE9_9199_D1….gif)


Good try

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478c18 No.20930182


san clemenete

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dcf09d No.20930183

File: 130d766dfc26f43⋯.gif (1.55 MB,480x270,16:9,ocean_slaps_bint_with_fish….gif)

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5a091a No.20930184


why dont you put a bullet in your skull and die like the fucking faggot you are.

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92c682 No.20930185

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cc9438 No.20930186


Maybe not with guns, but teacups work.

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0a8fa6 No.20930187

File: 008c48cca51afc0⋯.png (18.87 KB,854x141,854:141,ClipboardImage.png)

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42d74c No.20930188

any chance of punchy deniro finally being ruined publicly? it seems like the cabal money and protection is pretty much keeping him afloat. one rumor is he's into underage sex slaves from impoverished countries

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70a1c2 No.20930189


Things will really start to pick up after he starts doing time.

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57fb2e No.20930190


a conviction would be a ruling against the Democrats and the Marxists.

they will the ones who will be considered guilty by most people, not DJT

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92c682 No.20930191


GM Fren

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a638ee No.20930192





The Federal Bureau of Prisons is responsible for all Federal prisons and provide for the care, custody, and control of federal prisoners.

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2f0bce No.20930193

here he comes

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478c18 No.20930194


time travel is real

if youre an archangel

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5ee8e0 No.20930195

File: 5bd9b9baf163b5b⋯.png (571.51 KB,877x489,877:489,ClipboardImage.png)

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2f0bce No.20930196

there he goes

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70a1c2 No.20930197


Hussein definitely making Kenya arrangements.

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595f18 No.20930198


MAGA Patriots/MAGA Riots/MAGA Extractions/MAGA Civil War/MAGA Ex-Military/MAGA Mercenary/MAGA Code Red/MAGA Black Ops/MAGA Cyber/MAGA Point Blank/MAGA BlackOut Ops/MAGA Patriots 100% Cowboy/MAGA Cyber/MAGA Internet Key/MAGA Patriots Matrix Algebra/MAGA Patriots USA COMMAND CENTER/MAGA Cyber Warfare/MAGA AI Algorithms/ MAGA PATRIOTS CONSTITUTIONAL Americans/ MAGA AI Code Writers/MAGA Command Center/MAGA Cyber Technology/MAGA Patriots High Value Extraction/MAGA Super AI/MAGA Patriot Mercenary/MAGA AI mother code/MAGA WARZONE/MAGA Patriots Private Contractors/MAGA Skunkworks/MAGA First Responder Angels/MAGA Crusaders/MAGA Detonator/MAGA Warfare Landscape

Maga Patriots, the Patriot Front of 8Kun

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dcf09d No.20930199

File: e0e029ba45b0dbe⋯.png (229.96 KB,770x472,385:236,silence_of_the_lambs_jesus….png)


> Trump he buried his ex wife at one of his golf courses and received a huge tax break for have a cemetery on that property

Kek I hope that's true

That's caring and also financially savvy

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0a8fa6 No.20930200


And the secret service will tell you there's no way he's going in there without armed protection.

Sounds like the makings of a good movie.

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0a8fa6 No.20930201


>nvicts, it will be appealed. All the way to SCOTUS.

That's the point.

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5ee8e0 No.20930202


Don't forget AI Warfare larp systems too….

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2f0bce No.20930203


✔️ you know it anon

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151802 No.20930204


Well looks like the secret service should start arresting bad people to keep that from happening then because he will be sentenced to jail

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568d89 No.20930205

File: ea1cf44b67a212b⋯.png (41.47 KB,639x427,639:427,ClipboardImage.png)

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d5238d No.20930206

File: b20f27f9ccd0ce4⋯.png (648.44 KB,1046x738,523:369,ClipboardImage.png)

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3793d8 No.20930207


heck, they'll bring extra guns in that case.

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abdda7 No.20930208

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Flashback 4 weeks ago

Trump Deranged actor Robert De Niro LOSES IT! Says the MOST INSANE thing about Trump in MSNBC clip


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478c18 No.20930209

File: 120e4099b91c42a⋯.png (3.08 MB,1219x1600,1219:1600,ClipboardImage.png)


"whoever believes in him will have eternal life"


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bf0b96 No.20930210

File: a9fe2cbccda6274⋯.png (2.06 MB,1628x940,407:235,clownops.png)

…*pot taking intensifies*

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8f01de No.20930211

File: 3e75aa3a5bf228d⋯.png (284.82 KB,480x480,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd8c01 No.20930212


Doesn’t need both just this one as so

>>20929885 PF: Zelensky left Lisbon back to Rzeszow, SE Poland and Macron invited him to D-Day Anniversary and that fugger back at Paris from Berlin

Take out this >>20929951 and put n above as requested for second time

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2f0bce No.20930213


and we all know how crooked MCE was, rikers is worse

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0a8fa6 No.20930214


No it looks like you need to wake up to what's happening kek.

Enjoy the show.

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cc9438 No.20930215

Gotta put on a show for ‘The Show’.

Start calling Mr. President“Prime Time”

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0bb207 No.20930216

File: 96fd1177e993601⋯.webp (19.51 KB,492x598,246:299,pepe_sip3.webp)

It's morning in China right now. Odd that a greeting for the morning would be posted at this time.

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045066 No.20930217

File: 0fdc3af05203a53⋯.jpg (623.6 KB,1627x1177,1627:1177,godfather.jpg)

File: 9f308bac750d63c⋯.jpg (400.21 KB,864x1200,18:25,alcapone.JPG)

File: 71eddd65cf88285⋯.png (256.96 KB,589x792,589:792,alcaponefbiapologetic.png)

File: 416ce4ee28d1b8c⋯.jpg (1.33 MB,1536x1828,384:457,alcaponetechnicalities.JPG)




He played Al Capone

Was just thinking about Capone

Crooked Fb1 let Capone run around for years though he was a known murderer

they are so f-ing corrupt

"We don't have jurisdiction"

Yet they have jurisdiction for MarALago (no they don't FB1 is under the executive, not above)

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568d89 No.20930218

File: f8c3a6ee887d167⋯.png (43.46 KB,447x553,447:553,ClipboardImage.png)


CNN losing it over this fist pump.

Keep up the good fight, Patriot.

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b22e9a No.20930219

File: da1273445593953⋯.jpg (139.87 KB,921x1138,921:1138,da12734455939535af967fa9d5….jpg)


>he buried his ex wife at one of his golf courses

When you're at war with the dark tomb robbers, I'd take care of my family after they're dead, too.


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6d01da No.20930220

File: 7d5fc686884f094⋯.png (19.59 KB,384x414,64:69,ClipboardImage.png)

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c9ec77 No.20930221

File: ee14a6faca3b10c⋯.png (19.13 KB,255x255,1:1,Q_Is_Prophecy.png)

File: 7320e2c7860aba0⋯.png (7.23 KB,255x134,255:134,Q_Angel.png)


Revelation 5:11

New International Version

Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders.

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145ee7 No.20930222

File: b6697d10625daab⋯.png (145.09 KB,432x248,54:31,ClipboardImage.png)


It's thumbs up from the Boss.

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3768c7 No.20930223

File: 78dae57dd9a7ce0⋯.png (802.59 KB,1080x949,1080:949,Vvfj.png)






Maggie Haberman it's so obvious it's you I mean who else let's the MAGA patriot anons live in your Jew head for years.

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0a8fa6 No.20930224

File: df68ff82ce58ab4⋯.png (1.93 KB,106x71,106:71,ClipboardImage.png)



Mary dies. In Snow White the evil queen dies.

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bf0b96 No.20930225


…Major fucking bullshit!

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151802 No.20930226


Get on the boxcar with a smile dumbshit

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a6d9ae No.20930227


if POTUS is on AF1 and the body double goes in jail. gets taken out. the real POTUS is at cruising altitude and safe. do they dare jail the actor playing Trump. seems kinda fucked. great movie BORING

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5a091a No.20930228


wow thank you for the absolute shit fuck show of projection you are laying out. How much of a fucking coward are you to have to racially accuse people like you are. Must be a product of weak fucking garbage parents.

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94268f No.20930229

oh that's it.

if trump is locked up, he can't belammed for the round up

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e86f4d No.20930230


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647d43 No.20930231

File: 6c72400c6d3a6d5⋯.png (1.27 MB,905x648,905:648,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e945aaa5cff4f0e⋯.png (1.18 MB,887x672,887:672,ClipboardImage.png)

rafah bombing of civilian, Netanyahu apologies

note: nikki haley has been signing bombs.


Israeli attack on Rafah tent camp kills 45, prompts international outcry

By Nidal Al-Mughrabi and Dan Williams

May 27, 20249:51 PM GMT+1Updated 15 hours ago



CAIRO/JERUSALEM, May 27 (Reuters) - An Israeli airstrike triggered a fire that killed 45 people in a tent camp in the Gazan city of Rafah, officials said on Monday, prompting an outcry from global leaders who urged the implementation of a World Court order to halt Israel's assault.

Palestinian families rushed to hospitals to prepare their dead for burial after a strike late on Sunday night set tents and rickety metal shelters ablaze.

Israel's military, which is trying to eliminate Hamas in Gaza, said it was investigating reports that a strike it carried out against commanders of the Islamist militant group in Rafah had caused the fire.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the strike had not been intended to cause civilian casualties.

"In Rafah, we already evacuated about 1 million non-combatant residents and despite our utmost effort not to harm non-combatants, something unfortunately went tragically wrong," he said in a speech in parliament that was interrupted by shouting from opposition lawmakers.

Survivors said families were preparing to sleep when the strike hit the Tel Al-Sultan neighbourhood where thousands were sheltering after Israeli forces began a ground offensive in the east of Rafah over two weeks ago.

"We were praying… and we were getting our children's beds ready to sleep. There was nothing unusual, then we heard a very loud noise, and fire erupted around us," said Umm Mohamed Al-Attar, a Palestinian mother in a red headscarf.

"All the children started screaming… The sound was terrifying; we felt like the metal was about to collapse on us, and shrapnel fell into the rooms."

Video footage obtained by Reuters showed a fire raging in the darkness and people screaming in panic. A group of young men tried to haul away sheets of corrugated iron and a hose from a single fire truck began to douse the flames.

More than half of the dead were women, children, and elderly people, health officials in Hamas-run Gaza said, adding that the death toll was likely to rise from people with severe burns.

Medics later said an Israeli airstrike on Monday on a house in Rafah had killed seven Palestinians, with several others wounded.

Israel's military said Sunday's strike, based on "precise intelligence", had eliminated Hamas' chief of staff for the second and larger Palestinian territory, the West Bank, plus another official behind deadly attacks on Israelis.


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151802 No.20930232


Nothing you said is reality

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b22e9a No.20930233

File: c8f4d0d182725ba⋯.jpg (623.22 KB,1039x1599,1039:1599,media_GOYLWCzXoAA8xQS.jpg)

File: 525ee1b86b4755b⋯.png (100.66 KB,320x124,80:31,ClipboardImage.png)


White Castle - 7Eleven

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0a8fa6 No.20930234


You say as you board, happily deceived.

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3e9f6e No.20930235


Jesus is coming back. Saving the Country… nope. Saving His children, yes.

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249349 No.20930236


nobody gives a shit about the constitution anyway

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d5cf92 No.20930237

File: b2aad1383349171⋯.gif (3.31 MB,480x270,16:9,9nUSds86L4Wsa9QlaiOP_10_92….gif)

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647d43 No.20930238

File: 473cd360ca0a5e8⋯.png (1.16 MB,908x657,908:657,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3227b116ca464ce⋯.png (822.38 KB,892x656,223:164,ClipboardImage.png)


That followed the interception of eight rockets fired towards Israel from the Rafah area in Gaza's southern tip.

Israel has kept up its offensive despite a ruling by the top U.N. court on Friday ordering it to stop, saying the court's ruling grants it some scope for military action there. The court also reiterated calls for the immediate and unconditional release of hostages held in Gaza by Hamas.

The U.S. urged Israel to take more care to protect civilians, but stopped short of calling for a halt to the Rafah incursion.

"Israel has a right to go after Hamas, and we understand this strike killed two senior Hamas terrorists who are responsible for attacks against Israeli civilians," a National Security Council spokesperson said. "But as we’ve been clear, Israel must take every precaution possible to protect civilians."

French President Emmanuel Macron said he was "outraged" over Israel's latest attacks. "These operations must stop. There are no safe areas in Rafah for Palestinian civilians," he said on X. Several thousand demonstrators later gathered in Paris to protest against the offensive in Gaza.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and the EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said the International Court of Justice ruling must be respected.

"International humanitarian law applies for all, also for Israel's conduct of the war," Baerbock said.

Canada's government said it was "horrified" by the deadly airstrike in Rafah, and called for an immediate ceasefire.

"Canada does not support an Israeli military operation in Rafah," Foreign Minister Melanie Joly said in a post on X. "This level of human suffering must come to an end."

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates also condemned the Israeli attack and Qatar said the Rafah strike could hinder efforts to mediate a ceasefire and hostage exchange.


More than 36,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel's offensive, Gaza's health ministry says. Israel launched the operation after Hamas-led militants attacked southern Israeli communities on Oct. 7, killing around 1,200 people and seizing more than 250 hostages, according to Israeli tallies.

By daylight, the camp in Rafah was a smoking wreckage of tents, twisted metal and charred belongings.

Women wept and men held prayers beside bodies in shrouds.

Sitting beside bodies of his relatives, Abed Mohammed Al-Attar said Israel lied when it told residents they would be safe in Rafah's western areas. His brother, sister-in-law and several other relatives were killed in the blaze.

"The army is a liar. There is no security in Gaza. There is no security, not for a child, an elderly man, or a woman. Here he (my brother) is with his wife, they were martyred," he said.

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs based in the West Bank condemned "the heinous massacre." Egypt also condemned Israel's "deliberate bombing of the tents of displaced people", state media reported, describing it as a blatant violation of international law.

On Monday, the Israeli military said it was investigating reports of an exchange of fire between Israeli and Egyptian soldiers close to the Rafah border crossing with Gaza.

Egypt's military spokesperson said that shooting near the Rafah crossing led to the killing of one person and authorities were investigating.

Israeli tanks stepped up the intensity of bombardments of eastern and central areas of Rafah on Monday, killing at least eight, local health officials said. Two medical workers were killed by a missile fired from a drone as they left the Kuwaiti hospital in Rafah, medics said.

In Al-Nuseirat camp in central Gaza Strip, an Israeli attack killed three Palestinian police officers, Gaza's Hamas-run interior ministry said.

Israel says it wants to root out Hamas fighters holed up in Rafah and rescue hostages it says are being held in the area.


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0bb207 No.20930239

File: f31872c24c1e039⋯.png (869.83 KB,736x981,736:981,sm3.png)

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151802 No.20930240


Agreed. Thats not what was said

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3768c7 No.20930241

File: 12bfaabe9b5bd27⋯.png (858.46 KB,1080x1091,1080:1091,Light_Em_Up.png)


Piss off Wanker faggot.

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94268f No.20930242

"locked up"

Safe and sound for what's to come.

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db7ebc No.20930243


Check your bingo cards

Anyone have Trump quoting scripture ?

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d5cf92 No.20930244

File: 40c811e4dfc0a83⋯.png (261.38 KB,532x439,532:439,Capture.PNG)

The Navy is preparing to “fight tonight” but it will take more to sustain combat power throughout a conflict.


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5a091a No.20930245


oh look a faggot with shitty memes. Die in a fire you fucking faggot cuck.

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f071d3 No.20930246

the world will drink itself sober one day

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0bb207 No.20930247


MuhGuhGaytriot using British slang.

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621e22 No.20930248

File: 951c35ff2e8237e⋯.png (147.96 KB,741x591,247:197,jesuspots.png)

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6d5798 No.20930249

File: 9a4cb51fef14edc⋯.jpeg (41.65 KB,640x318,320:159,34280D33_009E_444E_B1A5_6….jpeg)

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02eb75 No.20930250

File: 4885d0e7ee35642⋯.jpg (57.95 KB,533x491,533:491,Tunnel_boring_machine_elit….jpg)

File: ed752de4592f0db⋯.jpg (94.18 KB,636x518,318:259,Air_Force_tunnel_boring.jpg)


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c9ec77 No.20930251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Correct the helicopter is 35 another confirmation.

"Berger" was a genius in the movie hair, because he believed in God. Flesh Failures song.

Is it time to "Put on the Armor of God"?

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5a091a No.20930252


gaytriot is also a muhjhew. sad really.

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6db17e No.20930253


Did Mr pig post a GM? That would really make sense if so.

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ca17ea No.20930254


With no SS detail.

So when all of the other previous POTUSs are in GITMO, none of them will get an SS detail either.

He is setting the precedent.

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87f8c7 No.20930255


>TOP KEK. AUS has appointed a minister for "Men's Behavior"…

Minister for funny walks is next up.

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0bb207 No.20930256

File: a2e51a98637bccf⋯.jpg (44.77 KB,1366x768,683:384,teacup3.jpg)


>17 18 19

Nice run.

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d4590d No.20930257


And the Clinton's little foray into Utah kicked off this party ~2004-2005? Isn't that where Huber or one of those other special prosecutors went to work?

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db7ebc No.20930258

If they lock him up

At least. Jimmy Carter can finally get a burial

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af0b99 No.20930259

File: 22aee6c2423db15⋯.png (625.65 KB,748x705,748:705,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2318720db7993c⋯.png (42.23 KB,742x302,371:151,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8cbd58bc4c6fd7⋯.png (719.47 KB,720x868,180:217,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fad38c3221e4b16⋯.png (163.62 KB,502x842,251:421,ClipboardImage.png)

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151802 No.20930260


Lulz. WHO is going to put the others in jail?? Lemme guess… muh tranny faggot military right?

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5a091a No.20930261


kek poor jimmy just a sad footnote in history.

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3e9f6e No.20930262


Well played, fren.

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d5cf92 No.20930263


[They] have a larger one.

Bigger than 2 747's wingtip to wingtip.

Nuclear powered.

Melts the rock 8 ft thick, stronger then reinforced concrete.

Can cover 300 miles in 24 hrs.

The world is more connected than we know.

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3768c7 No.20930264

File: 87e0bba4369311c⋯.png (974.5 KB,1016x1479,1016:1479,SHITBALL.png)


You got owned bigly.

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647d43 No.20930265


source pls

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ca17ea No.20930266


We'll just have to wait and see.

Probably at least two moar weeks.

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651ded No.20930267

File: 13a3856780de5f6⋯.jpg (114.05 KB,720x836,180:209,20240528_172005.jpg)

File: db9dda7c3264fac⋯.jpg (115.52 KB,1289x1147,1289:1147,20240528_171608.jpg)


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94268f No.20930268

Why is the trial not televised?

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a6d9ae No.20930269

File: e97e8f8e94b0316⋯.png (76.28 KB,640x612,160:153,12_27_.png)

File: 73ae2ac3c5c3ab3⋯.png (72.13 KB,640x612,160:153,21_5_.png)

File: 9c9efe645946ce4⋯.png (158.66 KB,640x1278,320:639,1221_2_.png)

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5a091a No.20930270


no. But yet you share another sub par meme. kill yourself.

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568d89 No.20930271

File: 79ff4970a1bf4e0⋯.png (60.65 KB,447x826,447:826,ClipboardImage.png)



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893a2b No.20930272

File: c2bc05fb3f8d812⋯.png (477.08 KB,1000x1000,1:1,fubaSidufhiUSAdhdi.png)


Anon loves how the boss talks like he's certain he's going to be the president… Oh. wait…

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64df31 No.20930273


bruh that used to be my ralphs

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568d89 No.20930274

File: 78176af539469e9⋯.jpg (47.33 KB,500x500,1:1,78176af539469e966bd4e6d0b7….jpg)

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3e9f6e No.20930275


Because even brain dead liberals would see through the shit. Now they have to wait for Anderson, MadCow, et al to explain happenings, which they will believe and parrot to their liberal, fat, tranny, gay brain dead friends in masks.

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df69b2 No.20930276

File: 6cdc2f20eec0d69⋯.png (2.69 MB,1690x1449,1690:1449,ClipboardImage.png)

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6d01da No.20930277


>The Navy is preparing to“fight tonight”but it will take more to sustain combat power throughout a conflict.

17 words out of quote andFIGHT TONIGHTin quotes.

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3768c7 No.20930278

File: b30fe6a050e1ee4⋯.jpg (101.22 KB,500x552,125:138,Cvvh.jpg)



It is televised AI WARFARE SYSTEMS watching and listening to everything.

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8f01de No.20930279

File: b62ef2ab2f0084c⋯.png (33.84 KB,541x193,541:193,ClipboardImage.png)

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bf0b96 No.20930280

File: b41e17ee62ce32e⋯.png (355.81 KB,688x378,344:189,chongbong.png)



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145ee7 No.20930281


KEK, not far off.

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595f18 No.20930282

File: 994b0c5d08723db⋯.png (90.36 KB,294x180,49:30,e68c4f29798712eba33db1715f….png)

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5ee8e0 No.20930283

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.png (21.44 KB,255x246,85:82,0_LAUGH.png)


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6db17e No.20930284

File: b572801779a20fc⋯.jpg (81.55 KB,507x499,507:499,8rszns.jpg)

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ba2b6a No.20930285



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ba2b6a No.20930286

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2f0bce No.20930287


>Saving His children, yes.

and those who rejected Him are doomed!

get right with the messiah or get left behind

it really is that simple

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c5c7d7 No.20930288

File: 2048abb937a09af⋯.png (588.93 KB,749x500,749:500,IMG_0145.png)

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f071d3 No.20930289

time means nothing here

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595f18 No.20930290

File: 49648542512d5e6⋯.png (554.33 KB,500x552,125:138,938225f1b5864ac791529c28f6….png)

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aef362 No.20930291




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4b281b No.20930292


The kingdoms under the rocks will not survive.

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b22e9a No.20930293

File: 71018e53f624608⋯.jpeg (153.84 KB,1500x500,3:1,TT.jpeg)

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aef362 No.20930294


Anal Warfare Insertions

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aef362 No.20930295



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568d89 No.20930296

File: 3d53ac2eb9f0d56⋯.gif (2.51 MB,500x500,1:1,371c4134aca896eb6ea397dd6b….gif)

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2f0bce No.20930297


dang smoke one for me anon

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0bb207 No.20930298

File: 4b5ca4cb2fb9429⋯.mp4 (278.61 KB,640x358,320:179,key2.mp4)


You sure about that?

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f071d3 No.20930299


should read anally re-tentative

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3e9f6e No.20930300

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45e833 No.20930301

File: d3e00fa95d85ed2⋯.jpeg (781.23 KB,2000x1334,1000:667,d3e00fa95d85ed2bf5c86f68f….jpeg)

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d0d22d No.20930302


women are a special kind of stupid

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595f18 No.20930303


Didn't make the meme, get lots of use out of it

Fedbois can't learn

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ad23db No.20930305


Yep, U R right. However, something may happen which even the trannie Madcow can't talk about.

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af0b99 No.20930306

File: 0e5336a416f2345⋯.png (4.42 KB,622x60,311:30,ClipboardImage.png)



>unable to fetch rate limited



>>20929417 (pb) https://x.com/EndWokeness/status/1795543310905319563


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6d5798 No.20930307

File: 12c8aab2ea2690f⋯.jpeg (76.21 KB,640x329,640:329,2C2DEFA3_0018_404E_A2E7_F….jpeg)



So here’s a key

(I really have no idea what any of this stuff amounts to. At least there are a few frens around)

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aef362 No.20930308

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f071d3 No.20930309

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abdda7 No.20930310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, And Lara Trump React To Robert De Niro & Biden


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db7ebc No.20930311

Spontaneous Trump rally would be awesome

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893a2b No.20930312


Fucking top kek!

This image is going to get some serious mileage and a buttload of memes. PDJT Would be so proud!

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651ded No.20930313

File: c8ce556b5b25927⋯.jpg (121.87 KB,1537x767,1537:767,20240528_172930.jpg)

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145ee7 No.20930314

File: f87c4301c61d2cd⋯.png (134.74 KB,268x200,67:50,ClipboardImage.png)

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94268f No.20930315

File: 2b7133846e94718⋯.jpg (47.6 KB,568x439,568:439,bu.jpg)

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e86f4d No.20930316


Good point anon.

The whole thing is nuts.

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6db17e No.20930317

File: b0439359dc053b2⋯.jpg (47.16 KB,500x500,1:1,8rswmf.jpg)

What will the ADL come up with for "Good evening"? what kind of new antisemitic projection tropes will they concoct next? Kek

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d0d22d No.20930318


maybe thetre is a difference between Jews and KZM Mafia.

You do know, that the Jews were the first to be enslaved?

Made them cut their sons as fealty.

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2f0bce No.20930319

did you catch the red lasers across the door a few moments ago

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bf0b96 No.20930320


…That's for opening up a can of spam or something.

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df69b2 No.20930321


She gets a cowburger.

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b83af4 No.20930322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a32dfb No.20930323


de niro is a pedo

he used underaged hookers in paris regularly

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80a335 No.20930324

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3768c7 No.20930325

File: b8809fbb8085f33⋯.jpeg (1.29 MB,1080x998,540:499,bbbb.JPEG)






Dump people have been left behind and will never catch up to the current AI programmer's new developments are happening everyday.

AI WARFARE SYSTEMS Knows judge Merchan's heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature even the level of oxygen in his blood.

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d0d22d No.20930326


if they were saggy, it would be bbbb

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35628d No.20930327

File: c38a2fe9f645189⋯.png (1.6 MB,687x999,229:333,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7b95d No.20930328


The best poll numbers for Trump thus far. He’s beating Bidan in almost every poll, if not all.

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6d01da No.20930329

File: 044aaa786cf3c3b⋯.png (188.19 KB,320x462,160:231,ClipboardImage.png)

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491266 No.20930330

File: 8fa5a1b8a64b765⋯.png (293.48 KB,477x466,477:466,ClipboardImage.png)

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651ded No.20930331

File: 004908d77dfd988⋯.png (172.83 KB,465x537,155:179,1716936068829.png)

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a32dfb No.20930332


de niro abused his young waitresses in his swanky tribca restaurant

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abdda7 No.20930333



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1cf1f7 No.20930334



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2f0bce No.20930335

File: 3d76a96d18ed629⋯.png (183.74 KB,720x405,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

well the camera blockers have changed out

up next

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f309ac No.20930336

File: 53f0f0c99823b3a⋯.png (242.45 KB,268x465,268:465,ClipboardImage.png)


Is Mark Hamill a kiddy diddler too?

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621e22 No.20930337

File: c6522e3d48d3b7e⋯.png (46.77 KB,337x265,337:265,yrugeh.png)

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a7b95d No.20930338

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

TX Anons get out and vote, I posted the races and links to check for all districts and Judge, local elections etc.

TX D-21 Candidate David Covey: Today’s Election Will Throw Out The Corrupt Texan Powers



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57fb2e No.20930339


it's well known that he may have been a bait boy.

after all these years why is this suddenly important?

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478c18 No.20930340

Long after known in PALESTINE, and nam’d


….o much the fear

Of Thunder and the Sword of MICHAEL

Wrought still within them;…



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c3a540 No.20930341


Trump rallies are gay

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0bb207 No.20930342

File: 1fb8123add3ffba⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB,854x480,427:240,spartan_overwatch.mp4)


It's happened so often for so long it's just another post now to me when it happens. I'll make note of it sometimes in a post if the mood strikes me to, but for the most part they're just like any other post now. I can't explain it. No other anons seem interested in it. I do not try to snipe any digits, ever, they just happen.

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7a19f0 No.20930343

File: 544f31d748f7e65⋯.png (138.86 KB,703x500,703:500,Screenshot_2024_05_29_at_0….png)

Meet another Focker

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2f0bce No.20930344


yes AMEN

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a6d9ae No.20930345

File: 568271697f924ad⋯.jpg (168.18 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_28_19_3….jpg)

File: 7adc16bc9a8e482⋯.png (375.81 KB,640x1988,160:497,654.png)

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8f01de No.20930346

File: 53dd1ac4db616e8⋯.png (774.39 KB,987x1280,987:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

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7a19f0 No.20930347


They are very happy, yes.

Great catch anon.

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1ec107 No.20930348

File: b33b7d51c622153⋯.jpeg (204.47 KB,964x659,964:659,IMG_0384.jpeg)


very gay rallies are full homo

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0bdf7e No.20930349

File: 7dc6e69e4ed4c09⋯.jpg (491.39 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240528_112252….jpg)

civil servant

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d4590d No.20930350


So he owes a favor

funny that an "actor" can't recall what so many can rattle off their noggin without aid of a script. Sure that the hookers in Paris, whatever the age, are just the little bit that got him into things…

And it took the influence of Billy Bob Blythe to get him out of that…no? Yah….he owes still for that "pinch"

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145ee7 No.20930351


The Israelites were enslaved. The Jews were never in Bondage/Captivity. This is how we know that Biblically, those described as Jews, were descendants of the invading and occupying Edomites, circa 568 BC. Edomites being the descendants of Esau, but not Jacob Israel. Therefore, they're not part of the Twelve Tribes of Israel.

John 8:33

“They answered him, We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?”

John 8:33 Context

30As he spake these words, many believed on him. 31Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 32And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 33They answered him, We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free? 34Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. 35And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever. 36If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

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db7f2e No.20930352


gotta have some reason for backin bidan so hard

stupid, but not stupid enough to really think that's a good idea

he was ok with kissing Mr. Carrie Fisher

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0bb207 No.20930353

File: b2357a71fda1daf⋯.png (647.44 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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1ec107 No.20930354


he prolly diddled Yoda on set

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562855 No.20930355


Simpsons predicting his death, not incarceration.

Every day in NY he is in danger, prayers to protect him are a must.

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c5c7d7 No.20930356

File: e053928af052e33⋯.gif (5.63 MB,480x349,480:349,IMG_0075.gif)

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1ec107 No.20930357


stupid old fart bobby

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568d89 No.20930358

File: ec59e8bd5f3e7bc⋯.jpg (170.21 KB,600x600,1:1,ec59e8bd5f3e7bcc236f591422….jpg)

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f071d3 No.20930359


trips confirm

coolest of cool

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b22e9a No.20930360

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>A massive explosion has occurred at a Chase Bank due to a gas leak explosion

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02eb75 No.20930361

File: 3ecc51eaca410f9⋯.png (23.96 KB,500x250,2:1,2ndAmericanRevolution.png)

File: 03acf716783fe72⋯.jpg (5.42 MB,3338x5138,1669:2569,2ndAmericaRevolution11x17P….jpg)

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7a19f0 No.20930362

File: ff8929419b1ee52⋯.jpg (142.41 KB,1024x576,16:9,_129499736_mediaitem129499….jpg)


Uncivil servants.

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dcf09d No.20930363

File: 85f9419c4f8705d⋯.png (200.1 KB,1414x562,707:281,prey_pray_Q587.png)


>CNN losing it over this fist pump.

How do you tolerate watching that

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c3a540 No.20930364


>Anon loves how the boss talks

Send him a love letter then

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6d5798 No.20930365

File: f11b13ec3e4e8bf⋯.jpeg (157.54 KB,1280x720,16:9,F3CDA9F7_BCCE_4F52_A9A3_8….jpeg)


I know whatcha mean.

Even if unintended, ‘ya keep what ya kill’. Hehe

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df69b2 No.20930366


>>20929652 lb








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651ded No.20930367

File: c0d3e739cbae554⋯.mp4 (2.47 MB,1080x1080,1:1,KungPowmyfinger.mp4)




"My Finger points"


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d50fb7 No.20930368

File: f7fbe836afa73f1⋯.jpeg (51.24 KB,304x492,76:123,IMG_0315.jpeg)


trips checked

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7a19f0 No.20930369


Didn't he fuck Jane Fonda on the set of Easy Rider?

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a6d9ae No.20930370

File: 695fddbd0aac27f⋯.jpg (190.78 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_28_19_3….jpg)

File: 62b41334760cf78⋯.jpg (225.05 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_28_19_3….jpg)

File: 04f44f7c2196461⋯.png (155.66 KB,640x1456,40:91,736_2_.png)

File: 6c4a2ec6f6391ea⋯.png (492.27 KB,640x3746,320:1873,1936.png)

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fdb7e7 No.20930371


Yes, the corrupt Russian corps met their demise in the early innings.

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045066 No.20930372

File: c3f75f3e1ce4ac8⋯.jpg (145.89 KB,668x500,167:125,qresearchmemefagsb.jpg)


a friend asked: Are they all fags there; is that why they don't have women, Like in Algeria?

Is that why they call each other "faggot?"

Is "Q" for "Queer" like in LGBTQ ?

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db7f2e No.20930373


Dom Lucre may be sayin it's gonna be made a little more "Public"

that would make it important

and maybe shut his lying ass up a bit

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a7b95d No.20930374

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rep. Chip Roy: Texas’ Elections Today Is The Moment To Change The Status Quo

(I think Chip Roy came back to Jesus and has done a lot of good things in the house. You might want to give him another chance. He joined to kick out McCarthy and is TX first, along with MAGA, along with a number backing of good policy, like opposed to more add to oligarchs in Kiev)



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57fb2e No.20930375

"Alleged Braintree and Plymouth stabber not mentally fit for trial, doctor tells court "


the used 'He' as his pronoun

He is also perhaps connected to a murder in Connecticut

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2f0bce No.20930376

Heavenly Father please comfort Mr. Trump and his family as they wait and listen to this bs lawfare play out. fill them a fresh Lord with your Holy Spirit, in Jesus Christ's name.

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6d01da No.20930377

File: 1e3b17d477913e7⋯.png (190.92 KB,318x522,53:87,ClipboardImage.png)

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7a19f0 No.20930378

File: 4be0ffada4277f0⋯.jpg (201.44 KB,751x1024,751:1024,GimeGimmeGimmeGrants.jpg)

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568d89 No.20930379


It's part of the show and watching them meltdown is entertaining

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dcf09d No.20930380


roses are red

violets are blue

let's hang the deep state

I know you want to

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439455 No.20930381

"Busiest May For Severe Weather In A Decade"

Weather Manipulators

Crimes Against Humanity

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35628d No.20930382

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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29c4bb No.20930383

File: c860c5ea0a87633⋯.jpg (87.72 KB,900x900,1:1,1630805140412.jpg)


I'm getting popcorn vibes

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651ded No.20930384

File: 06e030a94c753af⋯.jpg (113.05 KB,1242x1424,621:712,20240503_133440.jpg)

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c3a540 No.20930385


“Threat to national security”. Same thing they used to justify fucking us over again and again. Sweet irony.

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0bb207 No.20930386

File: 215a04bdf11dfc6⋯.png (384.15 KB,1000x500,2:1,a_team_of_shills2.png)

I like how they think no one can tell when there's no regular spam, no regular spamtards, but their little abbreviation game is filling that void. No one can tell. Nope.

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6d5798 No.20930387


It’s a worthy prayer.

Whatever his real and true faults as a man, this court shit is shit

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2f0bce No.20930388


but only after the tribunals for treason, human experimentation, etc etc



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dcf09d No.20930389

File: eb93aa217418c0b⋯.png (130.73 KB,475x344,475:344,judie_foster.png)


immigrants vs gimmegrants


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6d01da No.20930390

File: 33de8cef51e1969⋯.png (279.34 KB,474x525,158:175,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0d22d No.20930391


clearing the blockades

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d50fb7 No.20930392

File: 0fcaa867d8a9ecf⋯.jpeg (62.86 KB,1024x887,1024:887,IMG_0304.jpeg)



they are the root of many problems

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c3a540 No.20930393


>I know you want to

I’d rather shoot them in the face for eternity but I’ll take what I can get.

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b83af4 No.20930394

File: 5fb7ca05e076fd6⋯.jpg (231.59 KB,1170x587,1170:587,WASHINGTONCROSSING1.jpg)

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3e1fac No.20930395


did she say something

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e45cca No.20930396


place, date and time?

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70a1c2 No.20930397

File: 5b05cd5466b57ed⋯.jpg (64.25 KB,429x585,11:15,Screenshot_2024_05_28_1843….jpg)



I was excited to see rare QR Serendipity Trips.

But, alas, you discredited the whole concept by cheating.

The dubs happen all the time.

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045066 No.20930398

File: 832de433b925fae⋯.jpg (89.51 KB,732x784,183:196,merkelhitler.jpg)


wow. The eyes are Merkel here.

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dcf09d No.20930399

File: 1e4d2818e7d3117⋯.png (661.67 KB,864x567,32:21,The_Final_Countdown_movie_….png)

File: e3ea308e1353e49⋯.jpg (21.35 KB,300x300,1:1,there_appeared_another_won….jpg)

File: bf6558010366be3⋯.png (195.06 KB,539x463,539:463,this_mcenany.png)

File: 791176d31659aa4⋯.png (77.41 KB,259x194,259:194,TNG_Conspiracy_parasite_we….png)


>but only after the tribunals

Yes yes of course.

A truly fair trial, no BS

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1ec107 No.20930400


Patriot Act etc

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29c4bb No.20930401

File: f0916e9253099ca⋯.png (502.22 KB,680x661,680:661,f0916e9253099caa63d9a8fa27….png)

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1ec107 No.20930402

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568d89 No.20930403

File: 2f1228eb4f852e8⋯.png (307.06 KB,438x850,219:425,ClipboardImage.png)



Seems FISA declas is coming soon.

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045066 No.20930404




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abdda7 No.20930405

File: 00f3af85acd3a4d⋯.jpg (76.04 KB,685x270,137:54,Untitled.jpg)


Seems like Trump thinks three-fifths of senators election win is in reach

Giving the power to change the rules

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dcf09d No.20930406

File: 2908be94501ecad⋯.png (373.08 KB,620x446,310:223,glass_remdesivir.png)


>I’d rather shoot them in the face for eternity

Tell us how you really feel brother. Don't hold back

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2f0bce No.20930407

File: 0b60cf0e0d3b806⋯.png (40.33 KB,255x198,85:66,ClipboardImage.png)



thanx anon

laughter while we wait


the intercept feds are here, i type and wait for the txt to appear in the box

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a7b95d No.20930408

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Raheem Kassam: How Democrats Donors Are Paying Robert De Niro To Read Lines



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f071d3 No.20930409

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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84900e No.20930410


blah blah

he's larping as Jesus again

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9fd4a2 No.20930411


Ready to serve. Prayers will commence shortly. God will provide.

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e45cca No.20930412


Month of May is near the end…..

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0bb207 No.20930413

File: b7a48debe0a1aec⋯.png (537.21 KB,751x551,751:551,b7a48debe0a1aec04bbdd6a417….png)


I'd rather see them face a punishment so severe it sets a standard for humanity moving forward through history. A lesson to remind future generations of the bad things that can happen when vigilance wanes.

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6d01da No.20930414

File: f336c98f120d8d1⋯.png (295.46 KB,315x818,315:818,ClipboardImage.png)


post had nothing to do with dubs or trips.

everything will be ok

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559b43 No.20930415

File: 356a86b081e5a07⋯.png (576.36 KB,720x819,80:91,356a86b081e5a07af5258f32ad….png)

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6d5798 No.20930416

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Prayers for all the brave men and women in Law Enforcement who protect the grass from tire marks.

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045066 No.20930417

File: b6fe979ff6b5f59⋯.jpg (311 KB,1200x1077,400:359,mirror.jpg)

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6d01da No.20930418


>Seems FISA declas is coming soon.

if I had a nickle…

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1ec107 No.20930419

File: e3cb07397b183f1⋯.jpeg (41.65 KB,474x266,237:133,IMG_0406.jpeg)

File: 2ed7878a6a1d027⋯.jpeg (34.95 KB,474x317,474:317,IMG_0405.jpeg)


>Merkel here.

yes, it is a long story…

all in plain sight, family spending time together

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84900e No.20930420


he knows he's going to die

that's why there's a spare

for the resurrection larp he's going to pull after

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02eb75 No.20930421

File: 9f7fb5bf8d0baa9⋯.png (172.43 KB,1024x791,1024:791,5524aa56de42deb61a7f4185a0….png)

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2f0bce No.20930422


>in regards

the jury is yakking, some for, some against! standard politics anon

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57fb2e No.20930423


but if he was a minor, and if his father shopped him around, doesn't that make him a victim?

I've known since I was a teenager and I figured it out on my own that many of these 'suddenly famous' people traded something for it.

Aren't most people already aware of this?

I find him horrible but being a trafficked child as a lad explains a lot of what is wrong with him.

as long as he never did it to anyone else it will only gain him sympathy.

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df69b2 No.20930424

File: 798284e85eaf600⋯.png (40.87 KB,652x431,652:431,ClipboardImage.png)

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0bb207 No.20930425


Mirror? Is that the same thing they're trying to accomplish? The same effect? Perhaps it is. But uh… they do realize that they're the ones with everything to lose, right?

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0bdf7e No.20930426

File: 7fdbb1a1ac7ff39⋯.jpg (5.97 KB,299x168,299:168,images_181_.jpg)

File: de5d850f4a65fd1⋯.jpg (13.47 KB,275x183,275:183,Z_24_.jpg)

File: bb3150818ac0fc1⋯.jpg (9.28 KB,300x168,25:14,images_183_.jpg)

File: b68881061976e73⋯.jpg (8.01 KB,225x225,1:1,Z_35_.jpg)

File: d7371c0eae2dd0f⋯.jpg (6.83 KB,225x225,1:1,9k_43_.jpg)

Communists in congress interfering g in the judiciary









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Political and economic philosophy. Sanders describes himself as a democratic socialist and an admirer of aspects of Nordic social democracy, while also supporting workplace democracy in the forms of union democracy and worker cooperatives.

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70a1c2 No.20930427


Board spoopiness is serious shit man.

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d4590d No.20930428


think anon is confusin taxi driver and jodi foster


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dcf09d No.20930429

File: 051c118087873ce⋯.png (522.51 KB,598x627,598:627,whitehouse_so_inclusive_it….png)


>in his head

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045066 No.20930430

File: e7c8d4bbb20a13e⋯.jpg (206.62 KB,444x686,222:343,BidenInappropriateTouching….jpg)

>>20930384 pb

Is that OG Biden with Natalie?

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d0d22d No.20930431


Make sure you put ham in ya hamburger, sweetie.

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f28852 No.20930432

File: 65ad91b10f1bd00⋯.mp4 (4.79 MB,352x624,22:39,IMG_5961.MP4)

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0c234f No.20930433

File: c24aacc5047e1b4⋯.jpg (47.91 KB,571x598,571:598,Boobs_Happy.jpg)



Sometimes that just happens, I guess.

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c3a540 No.20930434


>diddled Yoda on set

There is no diddled. There is only do or do not Yoda.

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e6de99 No.20930435

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94268f No.20930436


totally different Biden, the original disappeared

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a6d9ae No.20930437

File: 5cb53eb00f05fc3⋯.jpeg (319.57 KB,1599x1062,533:354,GOsZfQ8XwAAwEOq.jpeg)

File: 15b3136d064a54e⋯.png (453.81 KB,640x3324,160:831,964.png)

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045066 No.20930438


ya, I know. That's why I called it OG Biden

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ebd2f3 No.20930439

File: 9724c2328ecb57e⋯.jpg (502.79 KB,1406x1043,1406:1043,05312c05f42fa641f8db586caa….jpg)

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145ee7 No.20930440

File: 331267f1e23bf3d⋯.gif (581.73 KB,400x300,4:3,faggot.gif)

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e74cae No.20930441

File: f886f91b8289287⋯.jpg (101.43 KB,615x549,205:183,HOTSIE_TOTSIE_CLOSE_QUARTE….jpg)

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57fb2e No.20930442

"After string of Newton antisemitic incidents, police arrest alleged vandal and harasser

A Boston man has been ordered to stay away from synagogues"


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595f18 No.20930443

File: 60abff9318ac966⋯.png (2.44 MB,1761x1034,1761:1034,60abff9318ac966b23ce3ce8d3….png)


Your old bullshit has already outed you fedboi

The instant you post proves the inability of feds to learn

I held out hope for so many weekends that at least some of you college educated dipshits could manage a simple beer run. Twas not to be

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418ad8 No.20930444

File: 82e2afcf3c49b0a⋯.jpg (101.8 KB,649x507,649:507,We_the_Pepe.jpg)


You got a better one? Until then we riding the Trump Train where it leads. Also you assume implicitly that we are sheep. We are very bad, very resourceful, very persuasive sheep if that's the case. We talk about what helps our team today; should things change none of us is just going to sit back and watch, that's not why we're here. We're the lions…who play with knobs. The whole world knows who we are. One falls another rises.

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1ec107 No.20930445


"he's shot"

Trump said it

shot / executed for treason

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647d43 No.20930446

File: 1d83ccf2f4362ca⋯.png (811.07 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3234edb6170ac3a⋯.png (4.15 MB,1284x2048,321:512,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 01f6ff54d524e20⋯.png (663.99 KB,680x453,680:453,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 871057d98352ad7⋯.png (733.23 KB,680x518,340:259,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03f992363ac8767⋯.png (855.31 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Q Research General #25670: Meet the Focker Edition

>>20929740, >>20929902, dough

>>20929760, >>20929776, >>20929887, blind and deaf dog shot by cop - nyp (dog comms)

>>20929840, >>20929863, >>20929877, Military fighter jet crashes near New Mexico airport - fox news and mp4 vid

>>20929885, planefag posts

>>20929841, >>20929899, >>20929908, >>20930111, >>20930310, de niro memes and article bun

>>20929848 CT lawmaker's saucy pizza proclamation causes outcry in top pie outposts - fox news (pizza comms)

>>20929850, >>20929876, CT lawmaker's saucy pizza proclamation causes outcry in top pie outposts - twat noise

>>20929907, >>20930244, Army contract actions to increase 155 mm artillery shell body capacity - forces bun

>>20929963 AUS has appointed a minister for "Men's Behavior - twat

>>20930056 pb #25664 mon 27th may

>>20930140 A massive explosion has occurred at a Chase Bank due to a gas leak explosion, resulting in multiple people getting injured - twat

>>20930231, >>20930238, Israeli attack on Rafah tent camp kills 45, prompts international outcry - reuters

>>20930267 boring - dan twat

>>20930259, >>20930306 alex soros and huma meet hillary and kamala for state dinner- twats.

>>20930375 Alleged Braintree and Plymouth stabber not mentally fit for trial, doctor tells court - boston herald

>>20930408 Raheem Kassam: How Democrats Donors Are Paying Robert De Niro To Read Lines - rumble

finals at 670 - setting up next bread, shit post away

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893a2b No.20930447


Utter garbage

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045066 No.20930448


no, that's you, shill.

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ebd2f3 No.20930449

File: 055a3b61c3e42aa⋯.jpeg (200.79 KB,724x1000,181:250,6746EF56_DBCC_475A_81F0_1….jpeg)

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76190d No.20930450

File: c363a7684cec8f9⋯.png (193.89 KB,852x1002,142:167,ClipboardImage.png)


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70a1c2 No.20930451

File: c5da0a033b8873d⋯.jpg (59.51 KB,469x382,469:382,Screenshot_2024_05_28_1854….jpg)

File: c90142749902dfe⋯.jpg (50.11 KB,269x634,269:634,Screenshot_2024_05_28_1855….jpg)



She was in 2 movies both were big hits.

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62e814 No.20930452

File: fa253eb48e22329⋯.jpg (5.79 KB,201x251,201:251,images_182_.jpg)

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df69b2 No.20930453

File: 7c350da0ea86a8e⋯.png (586.49 KB,604x714,302:357,ClipboardImage.png)

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ebd2f3 No.20930454

File: 06739fb51d042e6⋯.jpeg (167.85 KB,1080x608,135:76,1515547751.jpeg)

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42103b No.20930455

File: 5cadbfbc8e23694⋯.jpg (49.7 KB,529x400,529:400,Cxsu.jpg)

File: ea2e53181d7597c⋯.mp4 (3.15 MB,1280x720,16:9,ea2e53181d7597c332872e4e9d….mp4)

Kamala proved her husband is a cuckold.

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35628d No.20930456

File: 9f649ef771ced0b⋯.png (1.4 MB,1286x1274,643:637,ClipboardImage.png)

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1ec107 No.20930457

File: 0bf06fa46ddcd6a⋯.jpeg (47.31 KB,474x355,474:355,IMG_0341.jpeg)

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ca17ea No.20930458


That will never happen because Jews are Exclusive. They will not share their flag with Goyim.

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76190d No.20930459


>9 6 4



green light

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ebd2f3 No.20930460

File: aa047cd6af1a674⋯.jpeg (165.14 KB,1080x608,135:76,1515548703.jpeg)

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ebd2f3 No.20930461

File: 3697b80b95a6cb0⋯.png (215.89 KB,489x624,163:208,1421533946672.png)

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abdda7 No.20930462

File: bafcaf82170ec5d⋯.jpg (154.24 KB,1080x1071,120:119,305077.jpg)


Anonfags love milkies

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42103b No.20930464



AI WARFARE SYSTEMS says she must be removed from the supreme Court because she is illegitimate.

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a7b95d No.20930465

Construction Crews Were Told to NOT Fly The American Flag. So A Convoy on Patriots Descend on the Site.

A “patriotic convoy” gathered at Denali National Park in Alaska this weekend after reports surfaced that construction crews in the area were instructed not to display the American flag. The convoy, consisting of dozens of cars and trucks adorned with American flags,

departed from Fairbanks on Sunday and rallied at the park’s entrance to protest the alleged flag ban.The Alaska Watchman claimed thatDenali National Park Superintendent Brooke Merrell had told crews working on a 475-foot-long bridge project to cease flying flags due to complaints.The story rapidly gained attention. “It is absurd and defies all logic that a federal contractor, working on a project

funded by American taxpayers, in a National Park — the week before Memorial Day — is prohibited from flying the American flag,” said U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan.The National Park Service (NPS) has claimed the reports of a flag ban were “false.”“At no time did an NPS official seek to ban the American flag from the project site or associated vehicles,”

NPS spokesman Peter Christian said. He also claims the NPS is not administering the bridge project and lacks “the authority to enforce terms or policies related to the contract or contractors performing the work.”


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e45cca No.20930466

File: aad2345307f6c99⋯.png (32.14 KB,915x239,915:239,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b510bdac7a833d⋯.png (32.06 KB,921x228,307:76,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 378a713d38b73ff⋯.png (6.97 KB,248x124,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05685d0e9e4d20f⋯.png (5.1 KB,299x103,299:103,ClipboardImage.png)


Boring; not interesting; tedious:

Filibuster; a person engaging in unauthorized warfare against a foreign country.

1511 PST (Foreign)

1811 EST (wonderful day)

NO Delta's

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ebd2f3 No.20930468

File: e03f842e1567e73⋯.jpg (129.38 KB,602x603,602:603,1510613491236.jpg)

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595f18 No.20930469

File: dc73ebc60941b63⋯.png (11.62 KB,422x168,211:84,8cecef8e22a789594d8f9f16ab….png)

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b44d4a No.20930470


BREAKING: Chaos Erupts! Trump Kids Go Head to Head with Robert DeNiro, Biden Cronies as Trial Closes

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76190d No.20930471

FACEBOOK data dump? Who made it public?

Who sold shares -30 days from announcement?

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1ec107 No.20930472


time to engage the filter

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2f0bce No.20930473

Good evening Q / Q+

welcome back and here they come

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e50eb3 No.20930474

File: 2eb5029d07648fb⋯.png (11.31 KB,255x197,255:197,7cdb56d5e8482ec6a226243555….png)












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b65bea No.20930475


The left is Tatum O'neil

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ebd2f3 No.20930476

File: 9f67af1a6f8c60d⋯.jpg (115.25 KB,500x649,500:649,1511040832776.jpg)

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d81333 No.20930477


OP flying the banner flag of Team Loretta and Shill Team 6. When do they get theirs …. 2 weeks?

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d50fb7 No.20930479

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ca17ea No.20930480


Because the Jews hate him.

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a6d9ae No.20930482

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729c32 No.20930483

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0bb207 No.20930484


I'm not a shill though. Think about it. What is my agenda? What narrative do I repetitively post all day? I post frogs all day, memes, opinion, music, and occasionally a news article. How in all that does that make me a shill? I do not bake. I do not chase notables. I shitpost. If you don't like my ways then filter me. I do not force myself on others.

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70a1c2 No.20930486


kek yeah

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d50fb7 No.20930487


before I filter you


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e74cae No.20930488

File: 8c41493e3fcd5e0⋯.jpg (76.23 KB,582x596,291:298,U_ALWAYS_SAY_THAT.jpg)

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ebd2f3 No.20930489

File: 20e362a9cc4c771⋯.jpg (58.24 KB,533x751,533:751,CreepyBiden100_2_.jpg)

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ebd2f3 No.20930490

File: 0a2f3fa0c9b97a0⋯.jpg (9.53 KB,245x206,245:206,Crowley_satanist_JayZ.jpg)

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57fb2e No.20930491


do you only opine and post frogs?

do you ever post a dig or answer questions?

for me 'shill' means 'here to annoy'

if you aren't here to annoy then what does it matter if people call you a shill?

you're shilling for the fun of posting!

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ebd2f3 No.20930492

File: 35e4965c9b57a77⋯.jpg (230.1 KB,997x800,997:800,Curtain.jpg)

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a7b95d No.20930493

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Noor Bin Ladin Warns Of WHO Industrializing The Pandemic Industry, Our Own Leaders Allowing This

Love Noor she is such a patriot!



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ebd2f3 No.20930494

File: a8bba6317db5ca8⋯.png (595.46 KB,680x450,68:45,Cyber_civil_war.png)

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d81333 No.20930495


Oh look. Anime.


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d50fb7 No.20930496

File: 627ae8a11692e31⋯.jpeg (109.07 KB,800x728,100:91,IMG_0321.jpeg)


everyone is a shill except me

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76190d No.20930497



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70a1c2 No.20930498


>Corp = Tranime

Now that you mention it…

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e45cca No.20930499


someday, the pictures may be shared.

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ebd2f3 No.20930500

File: 59934adbec95595⋯.jpeg (164.26 KB,1242x1279,1242:1279,Dan_Johnson_suicide_repor….jpeg)

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35628d No.20930501

File: d47cf29a95998b0⋯.png (464.93 KB,774x767,774:767,ClipboardImage.png)

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d50fb7 No.20930502

File: 48af11e7e488f47⋯.jpeg (172.84 KB,644x984,161:246,IMG_0402.jpeg)

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ebd2f3 No.20930503

File: a1cca3b6b3776af⋯.jpeg (107.46 KB,362x720,181:360,DanishIceCreamPedosymbols.jpeg)

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ebd2f3 No.20930504

File: 1cb4927047c77fd⋯.png (54.48 KB,650x600,13:12,DavidHarrisonGilmourWeb.png)

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d50fb7 No.20930505

File: 5f894ec78d20049⋯.jpeg (127.46 KB,969x1024,969:1024,IMG_0303.jpeg)

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ebd2f3 No.20930506

File: 36415426daa1015⋯.png (1.94 MB,1438x1212,719:606,DC_panic.png)

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ebd2f3 No.20930507

File: 82d414aca1410af⋯.jpg (254.79 KB,1061x885,1061:885,DCPanicEnjoyShow.jpg)

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f071d3 No.20930508

the best slide is talking about slides

what is a slide?

it's a slippery slope

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d81333 No.20930510


Jeremy appears to be a compliant, moran, cunt.

Can't wait for him to die. Suddenly.

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70a1c2 No.20930511

File: ee51d19ed624b0c⋯.jpg (93.75 KB,1440x990,16:11,PB_MC.jpg)


>What narrative do I repetitively post all day?

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1ec107 No.20930512


solero citrus for me

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ebd2f3 No.20930513

File: 38fd8b66cea8bab⋯.jpeg (435.71 KB,1105x1659,1105:1659,DebbieDoesPakistan.jpeg)

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e50eb3 No.20930514

You turned off screen



18:0mytime nextbread

Lynne ls mad again Hibaby


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2f0bce No.20930515

File: e1104dae566496c⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB,432x248,54:31,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)

that was quick

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595f18 No.20930516

File: 29e4c10bb941018⋯.gif (1.41 MB,320x240,4:3,L6jjBZ.gif)


Sybil has betters ones, my pale moobs would give everybody welder's flash

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c5c7d7 No.20930517


That definitely sounds very sketchy.

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ebd2f3 No.20930518

File: b97ed59649e052d⋯.jpg (2.04 MB,2560x2560,1:1,DebbieHiredMS13KillSethRit….jpg)

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c3a540 No.20930519


Jew Power!

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42103b No.20930520

File: 86e72f80bdb49de⋯.jpg (45.83 KB,567x430,567:430,8s1rm6_1.jpg)

Willie Brown also was a cuckold.

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6d01da No.20930521

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ebd2f3 No.20930522

File: ff890aed69d4456⋯.jpg (60.74 KB,500x500,1:1,Deep_State_Logan_Act_Obama.jpg)

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1ec107 No.20930523


in 99 years perhaps

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0bb207 No.20930524

File: 7565dafa0b6a700⋯.png (841.04 KB,1635x933,545:311,dontcare.png)


>do you only opine and post frogs?

I answered that

>do you ever post a dig or answer questions?


>for me 'shill' means 'here to annoy'

Then you need to expand your thinking, because I only direct that towards the shills. Oh, and the most important part: I am not paid to post. Not one cent. In all the over 6 years now I've been here 12+ hours a day and can count on two hands how many days I haven't posted here, not counting the downtime between 8ch and 8kun.

>if you aren't here to annoy then what does it matter if people call you a shill?

That doesn't even make sense.

>you're shilling for the fun of posting!

Neither does that.

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ebd2f3 No.20930525

File: e92cf62d1fcea79⋯.jpg (645.74 KB,1281x935,1281:935,DeepStateSwamp.jpg)

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57fb2e No.20930527

"Nikki Haley Writes ‘Finish Them!’ on Israeli Bomb After Refugee Massacre"


she just doesn't get it, does she?

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ca4264 No.20930528


your terms are acceptable

In Return we want

Death Sentence for Pedos

Death Sentence for Drug Dealers

Death Sentence for Human Trafficking

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d81333 No.20930529

File: d3be5ed3f35da0d⋯.png (465.29 KB,640x520,16:13,AintBuyinIt.png)


Fuck off Loretta.

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893a2b No.20930531

File: 1b7be72f245a3a6⋯.png (2.47 MB,1300x863,1300:863,wood_alot.png)



A lot

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a6d9ae No.20930532

File: 05cb92ba37b82bd⋯.jpg (228 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_28_18_2….jpg)

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ebd2f3 No.20930533

File: fed4e6329e5c0ca⋯.png (74.86 KB,500x334,250:167,Dems_KKK_ISIS_Antifa_cover….png)

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