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File: 3a5122e62a7cde8⋯.png (79.09 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

5c4f24 No.20929723 [View All]

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701 posts and 399 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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d50fb7 No.20930479

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ca17ea No.20930480


Because the Jews hate him.

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a6d9ae No.20930482

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729c32 No.20930483

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0bb207 No.20930484


I'm not a shill though. Think about it. What is my agenda? What narrative do I repetitively post all day? I post frogs all day, memes, opinion, music, and occasionally a news article. How in all that does that make me a shill? I do not bake. I do not chase notables. I shitpost. If you don't like my ways then filter me. I do not force myself on others.

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70a1c2 No.20930486


kek yeah

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d50fb7 No.20930487


before I filter you


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e74cae No.20930488

File: 8c41493e3fcd5e0⋯.jpg (76.23 KB,582x596,291:298,U_ALWAYS_SAY_THAT.jpg)

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ebd2f3 No.20930489

File: 20e362a9cc4c771⋯.jpg (58.24 KB,533x751,533:751,CreepyBiden100_2_.jpg)

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ebd2f3 No.20930490

File: 0a2f3fa0c9b97a0⋯.jpg (9.53 KB,245x206,245:206,Crowley_satanist_JayZ.jpg)

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57fb2e No.20930491


do you only opine and post frogs?

do you ever post a dig or answer questions?

for me 'shill' means 'here to annoy'

if you aren't here to annoy then what does it matter if people call you a shill?

you're shilling for the fun of posting!

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ebd2f3 No.20930492

File: 35e4965c9b57a77⋯.jpg (230.1 KB,997x800,997:800,Curtain.jpg)

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a7b95d No.20930493

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Noor Bin Ladin Warns Of WHO Industrializing The Pandemic Industry, Our Own Leaders Allowing This

Love Noor she is such a patriot!



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ebd2f3 No.20930494

File: a8bba6317db5ca8⋯.png (595.46 KB,680x450,68:45,Cyber_civil_war.png)

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d81333 No.20930495


Oh look. Anime.


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d50fb7 No.20930496

File: 627ae8a11692e31⋯.jpeg (109.07 KB,800x728,100:91,IMG_0321.jpeg)


everyone is a shill except me

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76190d No.20930497



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70a1c2 No.20930498


>Corp = Tranime

Now that you mention it…

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e45cca No.20930499


someday, the pictures may be shared.

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ebd2f3 No.20930500

File: 59934adbec95595⋯.jpeg (164.26 KB,1242x1279,1242:1279,Dan_Johnson_suicide_repor….jpeg)

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35628d No.20930501

File: d47cf29a95998b0⋯.png (464.93 KB,774x767,774:767,ClipboardImage.png)

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d50fb7 No.20930502

File: 48af11e7e488f47⋯.jpeg (172.84 KB,644x984,161:246,IMG_0402.jpeg)

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ebd2f3 No.20930503

File: a1cca3b6b3776af⋯.jpeg (107.46 KB,362x720,181:360,DanishIceCreamPedosymbols.jpeg)

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ebd2f3 No.20930504

File: 1cb4927047c77fd⋯.png (54.48 KB,650x600,13:12,DavidHarrisonGilmourWeb.png)

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d50fb7 No.20930505

File: 5f894ec78d20049⋯.jpeg (127.46 KB,969x1024,969:1024,IMG_0303.jpeg)

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ebd2f3 No.20930506

File: 36415426daa1015⋯.png (1.94 MB,1438x1212,719:606,DC_panic.png)

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ebd2f3 No.20930507

File: 82d414aca1410af⋯.jpg (254.79 KB,1061x885,1061:885,DCPanicEnjoyShow.jpg)

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f071d3 No.20930508

the best slide is talking about slides

what is a slide?

it's a slippery slope

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d81333 No.20930510


Jeremy appears to be a compliant, moran, cunt.

Can't wait for him to die. Suddenly.

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70a1c2 No.20930511

File: ee51d19ed624b0c⋯.jpg (93.75 KB,1440x990,16:11,PB_MC.jpg)


>What narrative do I repetitively post all day?

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1ec107 No.20930512


solero citrus for me

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ebd2f3 No.20930513

File: 38fd8b66cea8bab⋯.jpeg (435.71 KB,1105x1659,1105:1659,DebbieDoesPakistan.jpeg)

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e50eb3 No.20930514

You turned off screen



18:0mytime nextbread

Lynne ls mad again Hibaby


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2f0bce No.20930515

File: e1104dae566496c⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB,432x248,54:31,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)

that was quick

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595f18 No.20930516

File: 29e4c10bb941018⋯.gif (1.41 MB,320x240,4:3,L6jjBZ.gif)


Sybil has betters ones, my pale moobs would give everybody welder's flash

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c5c7d7 No.20930517


That definitely sounds very sketchy.

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ebd2f3 No.20930518

File: b97ed59649e052d⋯.jpg (2.04 MB,2560x2560,1:1,DebbieHiredMS13KillSethRit….jpg)

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c3a540 No.20930519


Jew Power!

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42103b No.20930520

File: 86e72f80bdb49de⋯.jpg (45.83 KB,567x430,567:430,8s1rm6_1.jpg)

Willie Brown also was a cuckold.

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6d01da No.20930521

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ebd2f3 No.20930522

File: ff890aed69d4456⋯.jpg (60.74 KB,500x500,1:1,Deep_State_Logan_Act_Obama.jpg)

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1ec107 No.20930523


in 99 years perhaps

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0bb207 No.20930524

File: 7565dafa0b6a700⋯.png (841.04 KB,1635x933,545:311,dontcare.png)


>do you only opine and post frogs?

I answered that

>do you ever post a dig or answer questions?


>for me 'shill' means 'here to annoy'

Then you need to expand your thinking, because I only direct that towards the shills. Oh, and the most important part: I am not paid to post. Not one cent. In all the over 6 years now I've been here 12+ hours a day and can count on two hands how many days I haven't posted here, not counting the downtime between 8ch and 8kun.

>if you aren't here to annoy then what does it matter if people call you a shill?

That doesn't even make sense.

>you're shilling for the fun of posting!

Neither does that.

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ebd2f3 No.20930525

File: e92cf62d1fcea79⋯.jpg (645.74 KB,1281x935,1281:935,DeepStateSwamp.jpg)

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57fb2e No.20930527

"Nikki Haley Writes ‘Finish Them!’ on Israeli Bomb After Refugee Massacre"


she just doesn't get it, does she?

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ca4264 No.20930528


your terms are acceptable

In Return we want

Death Sentence for Pedos

Death Sentence for Drug Dealers

Death Sentence for Human Trafficking

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d81333 No.20930529

File: d3be5ed3f35da0d⋯.png (465.29 KB,640x520,16:13,AintBuyinIt.png)


Fuck off Loretta.

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893a2b No.20930531

File: 1b7be72f245a3a6⋯.png (2.47 MB,1300x863,1300:863,wood_alot.png)



A lot

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a6d9ae No.20930532

File: 05cb92ba37b82bd⋯.jpg (228 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_28_18_2….jpg)

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ebd2f3 No.20930533

File: fed4e6329e5c0ca⋯.png (74.86 KB,500x334,250:167,Dems_KKK_ISIS_Antifa_cover….png)

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