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611113 No.20891854 [Last50 Posts]

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611113 No.20891856

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#25623 >>20890972

>>20891007, >>20891014, >>20891290 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange wins High Court bid to appeal against extradition to the US

>>20891012 Trump hush money trial LIVE: Outside Trump Tower as Michael Cohen returns to witness stand

>>20891059, >>20891066 The Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly is being held in Geneva, Switzerland, on 27 May – 1 June 2024

>>20891062 Supplemental notes from Bread #25622

>>20891082 Attorney General Ken Paxton Secures Temporary Restraining Order Against Biden Administration, Stopping Unlawful ATF Rule from Taking Effect

>>20891093, >>20891138 President Trump Speaks Before Day 19 of Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20891131 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/20/2024

>>20891168 Iranian president killed in helicopter crash; Al Jazeera English


>>20891179, >>20891191 ICC prosecutor seeks Netanyahu & Hamas leaders arrest warrants | Israel-Hamas war

>>20891212, >>20891451, >>20891531 PF Report: CONUS activity - SAM666G5 SW from JBA. What compels a pilot, or anyone else ftm, to sit in cockpit and say “yeah lemme put THAT in”

>>20891216, >>20891680 "I didn't know viruses were political. Fauci predicted there would be a pandemic" - Senate Mar. 27, 2024 Senator Gerard Rennick in Australia

>>20891242 Iranian President Raisi is confirmed dead after helicopter crash, state agencies say

>>20891254 PF Report: Saudi AF SVA7031 737 Ministry of Finance landed at Tokyo-Haneda Airport from Al Jubayl depart yesterday. This updated at some point overnight

>>20891274 Attilio Brillembourg, man with ties to European royalty, reported missing in California. Brillembourg is the stepfather of Princess Tatiana, member of the Greek and Danish royal families.

>>20891296 Crowds on Demand has received over 100 'lucrative' anti-Israel requests since Oct 7 California-based company that provides paid demonstrators for events said it turned down all lucrative Israel-related offers

>>20891324 About 90% of Ukraine’s power generation capacity has been taken out by Russian missile attacks, according to former minister of infrastructure Aleksey Kucherenko (RT)

>>20891377 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: May 20, 2024 Aurora Dome Sky

>>20891414 WOW ‼️ America Is Reaching A Breaking Point. Tax Payers Are Becoming FURIOUS

>>20891429 PF Report: Italian AF IAM9001 319 back to Rome from Dublin depart PM Meloni

>>20891459 @DonaldJTrumpJr - The “Star witness” strikes again. LOL

Michael Cohen just admitted to stealing tens of thousands of dollars from the Trump Organization.

>>20891511 Vipin Narang Named DOD Acting Assistant Secretary for Space Policy

>>20891533 West alarmed over plummeting support for Zelensky — Russian intelligence

>>20891544 @USSConstitution - Last week, USS Constitution Sailors supported the Navy Office of Community Outreach - @NavyOutreach Spokane #NavyWeek!

>>20891564 Zelensky Rejects Macron's Proposal For An Olympic Truce With Russia

>>20891625 PF Report: Gitmo express on route….

>>20891693 PF Report: conus activity - one E-4B doomsday, two E-6 mercury, three R135 SIGINT

>>20891741 Iran Announces Interim President After Raisi's Helicopter "Hit A Mountain & Disintegrated"

>>20891743 "Anon Been thinking, what if it is not the phrase #ReleaseTheTape that got anon ghost banned, but the fact that i had shared Cruz's post about the tape"

>>20891758 @USMC - #Marines with the @15thMEUOfficial board a CH53E on the flight deck of the USS Somerset during Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training Indonesia 2024, May 15. This year’s exercise coincides with 75 years of diplomatic relations between the United States and Indonesia.

>>20891765 China launches four high-resolution remote sensing satellites

>>20891767 @EricTrump - Everyone is in shock: The judge will NOT allow Blanche to ask “if it was appropriate for Mr. Trump to rely on you (Michael Cohen) as his lawyer and legal counsel!”

>>20891788 Zelensky stays in power despite term expiring..

>>20891803 Nikki Haley's Siblings: Nikki Haley's brother, Mitti Randhawa, works for Johnson and Johnson, his experience includes being a retired combat Veteran (25 yrs. of service), a board member at the The Institute for Global Healthcare Missions, and previously working for Intel and Janssen. He's listed as a speaker at the Institute for Defense and Government Advancement. Nikki's sister, Simran Singh, is a former Federal Prosecutor (Atlanta, GA). Her brother, Charan Randhawa, is in the entertainment industry.

>>20891817 Michael Cohen just admitted he inflated reimbursement costs to Stormy Daniels and pocketed $30,000 for himself

>>20891836 (THREAD) Please RETWEET this thread for anyone seeking live coverage of the final 48 hours of Michael Cohen’s testimony at Trump’s trial on 34 felonies in NYC.

>>20891851 #25623

#25622 >>20890194

>>20890242 Three Americans BEG FOR THEIR LIVES on Film After They Are Accused of Attempting to Overthrow Congolese Government -- Ringleader of Coup Attempt Identified

>>20890307 Is Julian Assange's 12 years of 'detention' about to end?

>>20890353 @elonmusk - Starlink is now available in Fiji! 🇫🇯

>>20890367 Iranian President helicopter crash report.

>>20890722 New Jersey Court Throws Out 80 Charges Against Brave Gym Owner Defying Gov. Murphy’s Tyrannical Lockdown Orders: “Suck My D—k Phil Murphy”

>>20890846, >>20890868 M/V Dali backing out!

>>20890965 #25622

#25621 >>20889363

>>20889860 Dough claim


>>20889610 May 20, 2024 8:00 AM EDT Austin Opens Meeting of Ukraine Contract Group - Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III delivers opening remarks at a virtual meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group.


>>20889961 Iran president, FM killed in tragic helicopter crash. Martyrdom in the line of duty

>>20890003 @SenatorRennick - I recently gave a speech in the Senate asking that the origins of coronavirus be investigated, in particular noting the comments made by Anthony Fauci that there would be a surprise outbreak in the area of infectious diseases during Trump's term.

>>20890004 Footage shows the crash site of the presidential copter in northwest of Iran

>>20890014 King Salman undergoes treatment after diagnosed with lung infection

>>20890179 POTUS Truth - My Speech in Dallas this weekend at the NRA’s “Endorsement of President Donald J. Trump,” was attended by a Record Crowd of very enthusiastic Patriots. The Biden Campaign, however, put out a Fake Story that I “froze” for 30 seconds, going into the “Musical Interlude” section, when in actuality, the 30 to 60 second period of silence is standard in every one of my Speeches where we use the Music.

>>20890184 #25621


#25620 >>20888601

>>20888601 dough

>>20888668, >>20888679, >>20888695 (You) Well-known TV sports presenter arrested on suspicion of raping a child in 4am raid on host’s home

>>20888684 Turkish drone scanning site area of Iranian President helicopter crash

>>20888697 Diddy takes smoke break with pals as he steps out for the first time since shocking video of him beating Cassie Ventura

>>20888700, >>20888670 Sus images of the demon Baphomet can easily be found in King Charles' recently unveiled painting

>>20888743 Operations underway to clear Haiti of its gangs

>>20888748 Businesspeople do not dispute giving gold, cash to Menendezes - but say they were ‘gifts’

>>20888754 PF: General

>>20888769 PF: For those asking about why no posts regarding Iran, rarely is anything on military ADS-B visible over Iran

>>20888772 Crew trapped on Baltimore ship, seven weeks after bridge collapse

>>20888774, >>20888781 6 people killed, 10 others injured in Idaho when pickup crashes into passenger van

>>20888783 The last recording of the Iranian president before helicopter crash

>>20888819 (Mar 27) Captain of container ship that caused Baltimore bridge collapse is Indian, not Ukrainian

baker change

>>20888875, >>20888878, APEEL • Trans-Fat/ Heavy-Metal Coated Bill Gates DARPA Produce - flashback 2023 bill gates.

>>20888888 digits (anons are never alone)

>>20888907 Dozens Of People Show Up To Biden Campaign Event - zerohedge (dozens kek)

>>20888932, >>20888943, >>20888962, >>20888971, >>20888979, >>20888990, >>20888999, >>20889020, >>20889030, Mr. Biden [NAACP Dinner] statements bun



>>20889141 Marjorie Taylor Greene is a fantastic Representative for the people of Georgia’s 14th Congressional District - djt t.s post

>>20889095, >>20889160, Iranian President Raisi died in helicopter crash - twat bun

>>20889198, >>20889201, Laura Loomer uncovers possible hidden bombshell in ‘hush money’ case involving Judge Merchan’s daughter

>>20889239, >>20889251, planefag posts

>>20889303 #25620

#25619 >>20887809

>>20887835 Don’t ignore the real threat of the WHO pandemic treaty

>>20887848 Israel's Wartime Government Fracturing As Top Minister Threatens To Quit

>>20887852, >>20887862, >>20887886, >>20887908, >>20887921 GM Plotwist

>>20887855 University's COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Violates US Constitution

>>20887861, >>20888024 Kate Middleton Reportedly in Coma After Sleeping Pill Overdose, Claims Former Staffer

>>20887873 As pro-Palestine protesters reached an intersection, officers rushed in and grabbed people out of the crowd seemingly at random

>>20887887 Army cuts hundreds of hours of redundant online training requirements - the changes are effective immediately

>>20887895 Rep. Gooden Introduces Bill To Support Taiwan's Inclusion In Interpol

>>20887905 After Sudden CEO Departure, Vanguard Taps Outsider From BlackRock

>>20887907, >>20888191, >>20888203 Biden: Class of 2024, you made it to commencement - to a new beginning

>>20887915 Former DA's official in Texas border county admits smuggling migrants in her county car

>>20887930 Diddy Reacts to Viral Video of Him Punching, Kicking and Dragging His Former Girlfriend in Los Angeles Hotel

>>20887947 US marine arrested after vowing to ‘erase’ white people

>>20887978 Mark Zuckerberg’s Instagram Warns Against Tagging Tucker Carlson in ‘Happy Birthday’ Post

>>20887995, >>20888098 UK to Pay Out Estimated $12.7 Billion to Infected Blood Scandal Victims

>>20888002 Jimmy Carter Update

>>20888047, >>20888294 PF: A special forces plane visiting Gitmo….

>>20888056 Four New Hampshire Daycare Workers Arrested for Drugging Children with Sleep Aids

>>20888072, >>20888130 MarketFag: Silver and Gold, Markets and Economic Schedule - Week of May 19th

>>20888087 Israeli President Lied About Shani Louk Being Beheaded by Hamas - Complete Body Returned

>>20888091 Leo Terrell: The race card is dead

>>20888094 Comer announces new subpoena in Biden family probe

>>20888099 Transnational Terrorist Organizations: Mexican Cartels Operating in Every U.S. State

>>20888108 Democrats have aggressively targeted over 400 Republican lawyers and politicians with criminal charges, civil lawsuits, and disbarment proceedings

>>20888109, >>20888112 Trump’s hush money trial is nearing an end after a day of heated Cohen cross

>>20888113 QClock May 19, 2024 - Iran Next, People Awake, Helicopter Crash, Pain Delivered, Shift in Tactics Fireworks

>>20888196 This map shows how much you have to earn to afford rent in every state

>>20888230 EU Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarcic, assisting Iran w/ EU's Copernicus EMS satellite mapping service

>>20888246 Japan grappling with invasive raccoon population nearly 40 years after bringing them to the country

>>20888283 King Charles announces first overseas trip since cancer diagnosis

>>20888346 Ron Filipkowski: This week, Trump will have his chance to say to his jury under oath the things he said outside the courtroom

>>20888361 Supreme Court Shields Powerful Federal Agency from Future Congressional Oversight

>>20888394 On Putin’s instructions, two aircraft, helicopters and 50 mountain rescuers will leave for Tabriz to help search for the Raisi-Tasnim helicopter

>>20888448 Iranian news channel expert: Mossad agents are present in this region (Republic of Azerbaijan)

>>20888498 Wall Street Journal: Change in household net worth since start of presidency

>>20888516 The federal government has suspended funding to EcoHealth Alliance after it was confirmed that they were involved in gain-of-function viral research

>>20888520 There are reports that a Turkish UAV has discovered a helicopter crash site

>>20888580 #25619

#25618 >>20886989

>>20887100 Fico’s condition ‘no longer life-threatening’ – Slovak deputy PM (RT)

>>20887118 Ali Tadi, an Iranian filmmaker close to the Iranian presidency, seems to be confirming the death of Raisi and describes him as a “martyr.

>>20887147 Supreme snake Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has just convened an emergency meeting following the helicopter crash.

>>20887183, >>20887458 PF Report: Potato in 92-9000 747 departed Atlanta Intl for Detroit Metro for muh campaign event

>>20887117 Direct from The Iranian President's helicopter

>>20887209 (Update) Iran security source: The downing of the President's helicopter from a three-car motorcade, two of which arrived safely, leaves us with a very serious and dangerous security event. We are facing the possibility of a “major assassination attempt” or actual murder by Mossad operatives!🔥🔥🔥

>>20887256 Pentagon to forge deeper ties with space industry in ‘first-of-its-kind’ program

>>20887295 US Air Force C-17 "RCH348 aircraft is landing NOW in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan.

>>20887333 PF Report: 95-3058 USAFSOC C146 Wolfhound left Jamaica and rounded Cuba heading NW Prolly stop at Homestead ARB before going to Eglin

baker change >>20887360, >>20887369, >>20887374

>>20887064 As we await confirmation on the Fate of Iran’s President after a helicopter crash, the Israel War Room posted this emoji: 🚁

>>20887084, >>20887132, >>20887233, >>20887279 Iran president helicopter crash

>>20887099 Helicopter Carrying Iran’s President Raisi Crashes - Steve Lookner Live Coverage

>>20887163 U.S. President Biden has been summoned to an urgent briefing at the White House

>>20887174 Qproof of Iranian president helicopter crash

>>20887342 Bright green fireball lights up the skies over Portugal and Spain

>>20887344, >>20887358 Something unusual is happening at the improvised port in Gaza - US military is landing with armored vehicles

>>20887396 (May 17) Iran arrests 260 people for spreading 'satanism and nudity'

>>20887411 PF: Australian Sky Warden flying over the Persian Gulf?

>>20887435 PF: RAF RRR4953 A400m left Rzeszow Airport in SE Poland after stop and drop

>>20887458 PF: Potato on final at Detroit Metro and escort 09-0017 C32 went to Youngstown, OH-Warren Regional Airport

>>20887484, >>20887506 PF: Saudi Ministry of Finance AC E over India from Gulf city of Al-Jubayl (Baal?)

>>20887512 (May 17) U.S., Iran held indirect talks this week on avoiding more attacks

>>20887515 (May 17) Russia and Iran working to create BRICS currency

>>20887518, >>20887072, >>20887246 If Iran finds that Israel took part in the crash of the Iranian President's helicopter and decides to retaliate, the US should not get involved

>>20887599 Congolese army says it has foiled a coup attempt

>>20887631 UK trials 'un-jammable' quantum-based navigation systems

>>20887645 Iranian security council: Sabotage is involved

>>20887660 CBS News Anchor Norah O'Donnell Interviews Pope Francis

>>20887664 A month of Azerbaijan coincidinks

>>20887719 The Bronx knows what time it is

>>20887783 #25618

#25617 >>20885944

>>20885958 Dough claim

>>20886474 The scramble for Antarctica's black gold: How Russian discovery of huge oil reserves in UK territory has made Falkland Islands the 'world's most valuable real estate'... with Putin and Xi eyeing treasure under frozen seas

>>20886507, >>20886515, >>20886623, >>20886629 Ex-CDC Director Admits ‘Significant Side Effects’ of COVID Vaccines in Young Healthy People — Calls for Independent Review Similar to 9/11 Commission (VIDEO)

>>20886597, >>20886604 Trump Lawyer John Eastman Arrested in Phoenix on Charges Related to 2020 Alternate Electors Even Though He Had ZERO INVOLVEMENT in Arizona Litigation(VIDEO)

>>20886599 9/11 video alleges ‘secret’ new evidence in landmark case against Saudi hijackers

>>20886630 EQ Report: Alaska, California, and Puerto Rico this morning. 2.6 - 4.9 and smaller ones nearby

>>20886665 Senator Tim Scott – Liberal Media Ignores Biden’s Association With KKK Member Robert Byrd: ‘They’re Not Playing That on CNN’(VIDEO)

>>20886734 Black Patriots For Trump Rally in the South Bronx(VIDEO)

>>20886763, >>20886774, >>20886776, >>20886780 Helicopter carrying Iranian President Raisi suffers 'hard landing,' state media says

>>20886869 Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi missing in helicopter crash as frantic rescue mission is launched - hours after posing for pictures with Azerbaijan's leader

>>20886879 PF Report: RCH140 C17 going to Port Au Prince and RCH120 C17 heading back to Charleston from Port Au Prince depart

>>20886882 The DR Congo military foiled a “coup attempt” in the country! An attempted coup took place this morning in the Democratic Republic of Congo, reports the country's national television RTNC.

>>20886886 As killings surge, Haitians struggle to bury loved ones and find closure in violent capital

>>20886903 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - May 19, 2024: Jupiter Diving

>>20886914 Blue Origin New Shepard Mission NS-25 Webcast - New Shepard's 25th mission to space. The crew includes: Mason Angel, Sylvain Chiron, Kenneth L. Hess, Carol Schaller, Gopi Thotakura, and former Air Force Captain Ed Dwight, who was selected by President John F. Kennedy in 1961 as the nation’s first Black astronaut candidate but was never granted the opportunity to fly to space.

>>20886974 #25617

#25616 >>20885301, >>20885477, doughs

>>20885305 Joe Rogan & Terrence Howard on Bioweapons, Spike Proteins, and Ivermectin

>>20885328, >>20885334, >>20885337, >>20885377, >>20885397, >>20885405, >>20885440, >>20885471, Trump Headlines the 153rd Annual NRA Meeting - 5/18/24 - rally notes with added mp4 vid links lb.

>>20885341 Georgia GOP State Convention: State Election Board Member Apologizes for Years-Long Delay in Hearing Critical Election Complaint - gwp twat

>>20885451 #25615 lb notables

>>20885452 cnn spin doctor panic - vid and twat

>>20885657 Conservative scion Brent Bozell IV sentenced to nearly 4 years in Jan. 6 case

>>20885684 PF Reports

>>20885715 Slovak PM’s condition ‘remains very serious’ – deputy

>>20885743 Zelensky blasts West for wanting conflict to end

>>20885933 #25616

Previously Collected

>>20887783 #25618, >>20888580 #25619

>>20885451 #25615, >>20885933 #25616, >>20886974 #25617

>>20883058 #25612, >>20883722 #25613, >>20884492 #25614

>>20881359 #25610, >>20882160 #25611, >>20883058 #25612

>>20879592 #25608, >>20880420 #25609, >>20880420 #25609

>>20877096 #25605, >>20878051 #25606, >>20878853 #25607

>>20874729 #25602, >>20875556 #25603, >>20876337 #25604

>>20872248 #25599, >>20873110 #25600, >>20873958 #25601

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Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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24070f No.20891864

File: 4e8c4ea843a1652⋯.jpeg (157.89 KB,1024x864,32:27,F7A36B44_017C_482B_BF6C_5….jpeg)


(ps fuck your dough, nobody cares. we just aggregate tweets and fake news headlines.)

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611113 No.20891865

File: 68d019a80e341ed⋯.jpg (56.47 KB,640x360,16:9,alien_4872316_640.jpg)

Dough; Looking for handoff or ghosting


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1cf604 No.20891870





American cannabis entrepreneurs and Congolese politician track down gold together

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781338 No.20891874

File: 72fe47ec1d24c97⋯.png (694.56 KB,768x828,64:69,ClipboardImage.png)

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0d1815 No.20891882


Those who were first shall be last.

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a54141 No.20891884


BORDER https://twitter.com/search?q=southern%20border&src=typed_query&f=live

INFLATION https://twitter.com/search?q=inflation&src=typed_query&f=live

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RUSSIA.UKRAINE https://twitter.com/search?q=russia&src=typed_query&f=live

CHINA.TAIWAN https://twitter.com/search?q=china&src=typed_query&f=live

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ENVIRONMENT https://twitter.com/search?q=environment&src=typed_query&f=live

TRUMP PERSECUTION https://twitter.com/search?q=donald%20j.%20trump&src=typed_query&f=live

ABORTION https://x.com/search?q=abortion&src=typed_query&f=live

J6 https://x.com/search?q=j6&src=typed_query&f=live

Secure the Vote https://x.com/search?q=%22Secure%20the%20Vote%22&src=typed_query&f=live

Second amendment https://x.com/search?q=%22second%20amendment%22&src=typed_query&f=live

MORE >> https://archive.ph/4LPPi#selection-765.921-765.937

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8b9e84 No.20891885

File: 6b2ab7a18f53746⋯.gif (481.8 KB,500x284,125:71,4C01E24B_C53C_4F09_B444_47….gif)

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74f550 No.20891886

File: 2611d423caf1ea8⋯.png (308.61 KB,832x1366,416:683,1.png)

File: dd073feff8844e8⋯.png (636.28 KB,821x1638,821:1638,2.png)

File: 435c87b2d46806e⋯.mp4 (1.96 MB,480x270,16:9,Dr_Suzanne_Humphries_Dr_Pa….mp4)

File: 62364631879a683⋯.jpg (398.19 KB,1874x1566,937:783,4.jpg)

File: 88851e73c37dfae⋯.jpg (102.86 KB,978x1154,489:577,5.jpg)

The biggest elephant in the room is the aluminum [in vaccines on the CDC schedule].

"[T]he biggest elephant in the room is the aluminum [in vaccines on the CDC schedule]…we know that it's toxic to the brain…You [also] have…bovine serum albumin…[and] that's already reactive in and of itself…"

In a new Children's Health Defense (


) interview physician and writer Dr. Suzanne Humphries describes for retired pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas how two central ingredients in "vaccines" on the CDC's schedule in the U.S. contain unacceptably high levels of aluminum, which she notes is "toxic to the brain." The physician also highlights bovine serum albumin as another toxic ingredient. (Bovine serum albumin is a protein derived from cows, is commonly used as a culture medium during vaccine production, and is known to cause allergic reactions.)

"I think the biggest elephant in the room is the aluminum [in vaccines on the CDC schedule]," Humphries tells Thomas. "If you understand what aluminum does in the body, that it does not have any normal, biological functions in the body. There's no cellular metabolism, there's no immune response that requires aluminum, it's simply put in there as an irritant to cause an immune response. [And] we know that it's toxic to the brain…

Humphries notes that "the childhood vaccination program has far surpassed" 4,000 micrograms of aluminum, "especially when you add in the Gardisil vaccines."

"You [also] have…bovine saerum albumin…in the vaccines, and that is…a real, reactive…molecule," the physician and author adds. "So if you were to add that—[and] that's already reactive in and of itself—and then you put aluminum in there at the same time, you could potentially be setting somebody up for…protein-losing nephropathies, which, as a pediatrician, you will agree, that that's a really big problem."

Protein-losing nephropathy affects the filtering system in the kidneys, leading to loss of protein and plasma in the blood, rather than only the waste products meant to leave the body.

"I think [the presence of those ingredients] answers a lot of my questions as to why…[we're] seeing all this FSGS [focal segmental glomerulosclerosis] in children now. What's going on here? I think if you…really wanted to cut down on kidney disease in the childhood population, just getting rid of the vaccines would…do probably most of it. So there's that." (FSGS is a disease in which scar tissue develops on the glomeruli, the small parts of the kidneys that filter waste from the blood.)

Humphries also notes one needs to look at the "killed vaccines" versus the live viral vaccines, "which do have different effects on the body." The physician adds that "the live viral vaccines technically would be better if it weren't for all the additives in there, like the sorbitol, and…the things that can cross the blood-brain barrier." (Sorbitol is a sugar alcohol with a sweet taste, which the human body metabolizes slowly.)

"So there's just not a one of them [the vaccines on the schedule] that could possibly promote health. And the problem is, the focus is always in, you know, ramping up the fear of disease, creating worse diseases by the treatments…" Humphries says. The physician adds, "this is another thing that's 225 years old: if physicians were allowed to treat and educated on how to treat diseases, we wouldn't see the morbidity from the diseases, and then we wouldn't have the fear ramped up in order to have the public on board with it, because everybody's terrified of measles encephalopathy, they're tired of the the child becoming crippled from polio, they're terrified of the child dying or becoming brain damaged from an echinococcosis, and those things are all preventable with some knowledge and as to how to treat a child, you know, every day, and then how to treat them when they're sick.

"[I]nstead of that," Humphries says, "the population has pretty much been deprived of proper treatments, and the bad outcomes are blamed on the anti-vaxxers and the stupid parents who didn't get their children vaccinated.


Here's a look at some of the research referenced by Humphries regarding the neurotoxicity of aluminum and its presence in the CDC's "vaccine" schedule in the U.S.

Paper: https://vaccineliberationarmy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Aluminum-Neil-Z-Miller.pdf

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f3323c No.20891890

File: 2593107582a0b2b⋯.jpg (59.37 KB,888x492,74:41,gfaalyvrdfh.jpg)

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41cfa9 No.20891891

File: 6f859558b41f2cc⋯.png (48.06 KB,608x421,608:421,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d7951 No.20891892


that's a great word.

here is a great headline:

"Alvin Bragg's Case in Shambles After Michael Cohen Admits to Stealing From Trump and More"


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781338 No.20891895

File: 032786d82a1b472⋯.png (572.8 KB,680x661,680:661,ClipboardImage.png)

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600fa0 No.20891897

File: d3da287c018e316⋯.gif (5.01 MB,600x600,1:1,dayshift_flyby.gif)

File: 6efa0339b39bed4⋯.png (854.95 KB,858x499,858:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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299547 No.20891899

File: 5a9c1238888f430⋯.png (1.82 MB,1003x1200,1003:1200,ClipboardImage.png)

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24070f No.20891901


I said I don’t care.

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a54141 No.20891904







5. WAR - Pick one




9. J6

0. Secure the Vote

11. Second amendment (Dubs gets)

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8e243f No.20891906

File: a3b5075c879d553⋯.jpg (554.62 KB,1079x1071,1079:1071,0_ALICE.jpg)

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1fdd72 No.20891908

File: c2c6f0f721d66c1⋯.png (728.89 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_05_20….png)

File: c8faa6eae35cee9⋯.jpg (67.45 KB,1100x619,1100:619,200515131544_02_donald_tru….jpg)

File: 3bbbdc3e82f0c40⋯.png (109.41 KB,330x366,55:61,Screenshot_2024_05_20_at_1….png)

File: e74e8f8714c55b6⋯.png (136.24 KB,331x434,331:434,Screenshot_2024_05_20_at_1….png)


Check the suit and tie


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV605/20/202013:34:14 ID: ca0923

8kun/qresearch: 9252597

Image Name: APP_051520_Trump_Fauci.jpg

Filename: 995699d9c7f788697040fa6abaf577c938309ae9f09791fe02b116032292568f.jpg





[Profile picture from source site (Twitter/Gettr/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump05/20/202410:01:54

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 112473782017756896

% buffered





Image Name: 1fa1dc4993e4f288.mp4

Filename: ages/1fa1dc4993e4f288.mp4

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41cfa9 No.20891910

File: 2e3092d96d1f431⋯.png (1.21 MB,1024x975,1024:975,ClipboardImage.png)

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c79169 No.20891911

File: 00ed80cb9d543d6⋯.png (335.23 KB,714x500,357:250,Frenshift.png)

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baf2ba No.20891913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



#25624 is theChicago bread!


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a54141 No.20891914

File: 8c562e1e3f77dc9⋯.jpg (1.22 MB,1863x2151,207:239,8c562e1e3f77dc918f6731af08….jpg)



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1715c7 No.20891917

File: f951a092ccdf0d6⋯.png (330.92 KB,512x512,1:1,cheeseburger.png)



Guys, we are in the fight, don't give up or give in. Ignore the slurs. Do the right thing, and stand up for your God given rights.


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291fe9 No.20891918

File: 66d98af922575e9⋯.png (788.13 KB,1079x1125,1079:1125,Screenshot_20240520_094003.png)

Brian Glenn leaving RSBN, MTG for VP then?


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41cfa9 No.20891919

File: cae39622ad12098⋯.png (1.91 MB,1179x1958,1179:1958,ClipboardImage.png)

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1d1e85 No.20891921

File: 415f7f2f17a91c7⋯.jpeg (3.35 KB,190x266,5:7,toj.jpeg)

Peace is the word.

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8b9e84 No.20891925

File: a470e075447f5bd⋯.jpeg (634.68 KB,1065x583,1065:583,425A60EC_7D5E_4E8E_8A9E_E….jpeg)

File: 658452a8e15664e⋯.jpeg (432.78 KB,828x753,276:251,7A806D67_6ADF_4A96_A4EB_8….jpeg)

>>20891429 lb

SAM837 G5 on ground from Tel Aviv depart

Last seen heading SE from Brussels depart on 05/18 and JBA depart earlier

Top Tel Aviv University official: ‘Pity’ Netanyahu wasn’t on Iran president’s chopper


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34913b No.20891926

File: 39157ae64c5411a⋯.png (30.37 KB,533x420,533:420,Capture.PNG)

I mean isn’t this game over? The star witness literally admits on the stand that he’d lie yet again if it affected him personally… and his whole purpose there is clearly personal!

Bragg team interjects (probably): "WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU EVEN ON?"

Clown show!!!!


Judge is CIA

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c79169 No.20891928

File: 8c63614e4d069d3⋯.jpg (12.26 KB,255x180,17:12,FrenZone.jpg)

File: 98cbf1cc483c45b⋯.png (71.56 KB,635x397,635:397,FrensExpress.png)

File: 96a8b934cac2b39⋯.png (112.19 KB,876x802,438:401,PepeInBedNonFrens.png)


claro que sí, cómo que no

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a54141 No.20891930




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2349d3 No.20891931

All gatekeeping GM tards, tyb faggots and Yids get filtered!

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adc294 No.20891933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a15460 No.20891934

File: 451545089727c65⋯.png (359.8 KB,555x449,555:449,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2383ab476101d8c⋯.png (497.55 KB,500x500,1:1,gaslighting_intensifies.png)

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c79169 No.20891935

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1d1e85 No.20891936



Maybe he is joining the campaign

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a54141 No.20891937


>Dough; Looking for handoff or ghosting


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611113 No.20891939


handoff confirmed

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41cfa9 No.20891940

File: 09a8a7d0df63763⋯.png (1.09 MB,1080x974,540:487,ClipboardImage.png)

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781338 No.20891941

File: 96fd1177e993601⋯.webp (19.51 KB,492x598,246:299,pepe_sip3.webp)

When the Dirk the Dickless over-the-top caricature persona comes out with the abbreviation, that all but sealed its fate. Poor bastards.

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a54141 No.20891943

File: b64e66d098203d8⋯.png (971.55 KB,564x789,188:263,b64e66d098203d899d772f765a….png)

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a54141 No.20891945



I CAN TAKE IT, mostly… kek

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1fdd72 No.20891946

File: 081201fd48d9385⋯.png (534.98 KB,639x645,213:215,nevergiveupfren.png)



>Guys, we are in the fight, don't give up or give in. Ignore the slurs. Do the right thing, and stand up for your God given rights.


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83576b No.20891947




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600fa0 No.20891949

File: ab3bbec6798ac78⋯.png (286.14 KB,755x657,755:657,ClipboardImage.png)


thanks jim


you forgot to say lb


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41cfa9 No.20891950

File: 599d1dae97c8c73⋯.png (440.6 KB,571x569,571:569,ClipboardImage.png)

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1cf604 No.20891952

File: 811361477067d6a⋯.mp4 (1.48 MB,480x360,4:3,zionistbiden.mp4)

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41cfa9 No.20891953

File: a932a59f7609817⋯.png (490.9 KB,1080x803,1080:803,ClipboardImage.png)

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a54141 No.20891956




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f3323c No.20891957

File: 3038574855b4f48⋯.jpg (52.88 KB,850x494,425:247,dcarfearqto.jpg)

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83576b No.20891958

File: aebdec7fc7d49da⋯.gif (1.47 MB,480x270,16:9,Squeaky_Talkin_To_Hisself.gif)

Squeaky's Tantrum Space?

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4c94a9 No.20891959

File: d161d01b81e011a⋯.png (508.63 KB,966x959,138:137,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9763bfbccb73a81⋯.png (271.7 KB,220x485,44:97,ClipboardImage.png)



BREAKING: A decades-long UK scandal in which thousands of people died after being treated with infected blood was covered up and largely could have been avoided, found a bombshell report — More than 30,000 people were infected with viruses such as HIV and hepatitis after being given contaminated blood.

8:35 AM · May 20, 2024



A decades-long UK scandal in which thousands of people died after being treated with infected blood was covered up and largely could have been avoided, according to a bombshell report published Monday.

More than 30,000 people were infected with viruses such as HIV and hepatitis after being given contaminated blood in Britain between the 1970s and early 1990s, the Infected Blood Inquiry concluded.

Victims included those needing blood transfusions for accidents and in surgery, and those suffering from blood disorders such as haemophilia who were treated with donated blood plasma products.

Some 3,000 of them died, and more will follow, in what has been described as the biggest treatment disaster in the eight-decade history of the state-run National Health Service (NHS).

In some instances, children with bleeding disorders were treated as “objects for research”. Many went on to develop and die from HIV and hepatitis.

The long-awaited report, running to more than 2,500 pages, laid bare a “catalogue of failures” with “catastrophic” consequences for victims and their loved ones.

“I have to report that it could largely, though not entirely, have been avoided,” concluded its author, judge Brian Langstaff.

His team found that successive governments and health professionals failed to mitigate risks despite it being apparent by the early 1980s that the cause of AIDS could be transmitted by blood.

Blood donors were not screened properly and blood products were imported from abroad, including from the United States where drug users and prisoners were used for donations.

Too many transfusions were also given when they were not necessarily needed, the report added.

There were even attempts to conceal the scandal, including evidence that officials in the health department destroyed documents in 1993.

“Viewing the response of the NHS and of government overall, the answer to the question, ‘Was there a cover-up?’ is that there has been,” the report stated.

“Not in the sense of a handful of people plotting in an orchestrated conspiracy to mislead, but in a way that was more subtle, more pervasive and more chilling in its implications.

– ‘Vindicated’ –

“In this way there has been a hiding of much of the truth,” it added.

On top of the 3,000 who died, many more were left with lifelong health problems.

Langstaff said that “the scale of what happened is horrifying” and said people’s suffering had been compounded by repeated denials and false assurances that they had received good treatment.

When victims were told the truth, sometimes years later, this was sometimes done in “insensitive” and “inappropriate” ways.

“What I have found is that disaster was no accident. People put their trust in doctors and the government to keep them safe and that trust was betrayed,” Langstaff told reporters.

He recommended that victims now received compensation. The government is expected to announced a package worth about 10 billion pounds (12 billion dollars) on Tuesday.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is expected to express regret when he speaks in parliament later on Monday.

Speaking ahead of the inquiry, a government spokesman said: “This was an appalling tragedy that never should have happened. We are clear that justice needs to be done and swiftly.”

Former prime minister Theresa May launched the inquiry — one of the country’s largest — in 2017.

Campaigners hailed the report as the culmination of a decades-long struggle but noted that it came too late for many of the victims who will never see justice.

Andy Evans, chairman of the Tainted Blood campaign group, described the report as “momentous” and that he felt “validated and vindicated”.

“We have been gaslit for generations… Sometimes we felt like we were shouting into the wind during the last 40 years,” he told reporters.

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74f550 No.20891960


TY Focus-fag-shill baker

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a54141 No.20891961



dat id tho

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781338 No.20891962

File: a02f405132aa9c7⋯.jpg (57.72 KB,975x542,975:542,a02f405132aa9c7caea64c9917….jpg)

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cf0823 No.20891963

File: b5863b05de8f8f4⋯.jpeg (277.19 KB,1241x1969,1241:1969,IMG_2092.jpeg)

File: bbb36865939c68b⋯.jpeg (260.36 KB,1241x2274,1241:2274,IMG_2093.jpeg)

‘Never Trump?’ ‘Never Biden’ voters might loom larger.

Biden’s ceiling of support is actually lower than Trump’s right now. It’s a stark reversal from 2020 — with major implications.

Analysis by Aaron Blake

May 18, 2024 at 6:30 a.m. EDT

Certain Democrats trying to cope with President Biden’s continually underwhelming 2024 poll numbers share an article of faith: the ceiling theory.

All Biden needs to do is rally allies who are unenthusiastic about him — particularly young, Black and Hispanic voters — against Donald Trump. The former president’s ceiling, after all, has proved to be low; he didn’t crack 47 percent in either the 2016 or the 2020 election. And Biden has shown he can win a majority of the popular vote.

There is some truth in that. But it overlooks something important that hasn’t gotten much attention: Polls show that Biden’s ceiling actually appears to be lower than Trump’s.

While much has been made of “Never Trump” Republicans, “Never Biden” voters appear to loom even larger — at least for now.

Back in 2020, it was the opposite. Whenever the question was asked, the percentage saying they’d never vote for Trump outpaced the “Never Biden” contingent by double digits.

Often, at least 50 percent of voters said not only that they weren’t voting for Trump, but that there was no chance they would. At most, just 4 in 10 said the same of Biden.

That’s now flipped.

The most recent poll to show this is Monday’s New York Times-Siena College poll of six key swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Across those states, 46 percent of registered voters said there was no chance they’d vote for Trump, while 52 percent said the same of Biden.

That’s the biggest gap to date, including an earlier Times poll and CNN polling as recently as last month. But even with smaller gaps, every such poll in recent months has shown more “Never Biden” voters than “Never Trump” ones.

And in 3 of 4 such polls since November, it’s been a majority of voters who say they’ll never vote for Biden — just as it was with Trump in 2020.

Some of this is voters warming to the idea of reinstalling Trump as president.

As has been noted, retrospective reviews of Trump’s presidency have been better than they were at virtually any point when he was actually in office — something labeled by his critics as “Trump amnesia.” The CNN poll mentioned above is a case in point. While 55 percent labeled Trump’s presidency a “failure” in its closing days, 55 percent now label it a “success.”

So it’s no surprise the “Never Trump” segment of the electorate has dropped from 50 percent-plus to the mid- to high 40s.

But it’s also true that Biden just doesn’t appear to be a viable option for lots of voters right now — as much as a majority, and certainly many more than in 2020. That same CNN poll showed 61 percent regarded his presidency thus far as a “failure,” for instance.

The high “no chance” numbers for Biden undercut another common strain of perhaps overly optimistic Democratic thought: that the president stands to benefit if and when third-party candidates like Robert F. Kennedy Jr.fade over time (as they often do).

While recent data suggest the Kennedy factor is pulling more from Trump than Biden, some on the left have argued that third-party candidates like him are bad for Biden, full stop. The reason? They lower the threshold for victory for Trump, a candidate who (again) hasn’t proved he can get even 47 percent.

But Trump’s ceiling doesn’t actually appear that low right now; he’s at 49 percent head-to-head with Biden across the six states polled by the Times.

Biden’s ceiling, on the other hand, does appear that low. And that suggests he’s got more work to do than merely rallying the troops against a common enemy.


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1cf604 No.20891964


Three Americans Accused of Being CIA Agents Arrested in Congo in Failed Coup after Three People Are Killed Outside Presidential Palace in Shootout

The whole thing was carried out with a disconcerting degree of apparent unpreparedness and improvisation

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8b9e84 No.20891965

File: d2ddfe517860b93⋯.jpeg (72.15 KB,700x700,1:1,FD913787_9A54_433D_9104_1….jpeg)


Shits bread

Yeah kinda obvious

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d87fd2 No.20891966

File: b95cb1ca3768ee3⋯.png (4.36 MB,4928x3264,77:51,ClipboardImage.png)

GM to all the high muckkie mucks!

this muckki muck approves!

carry on Sir



(sorry bout the size…)

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fe27c8 No.20891968


Jim, care to do a Q&A? Thanks for the board and all you've given to keep it going.

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555ef2 No.20891969

Let's do what it takes and then let's have a party. All I want is fun, life should be fun, not this bullshit. We need to realize that love is all we got.

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4c94a9 No.20891970

File: 2982172dd20cbaf⋯.png (4.53 MB,1680x1050,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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cf0823 No.20891972


Wapo having to admit this has to be painful for them. Although they deny the cheating from 2020

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83576b No.20891974

File: 401cf11de547bd2⋯.png (53.06 KB,240x167,240:167,ClipboardImage.png)

James Lindsay, full varsity



The Democrats




This is how you give a commencement speech 👏

President Biden to the men of Morehouse College: “You all know and demonstrate what it really means to be a man. Being a man is about the strength of respect and dignity. It’s about showing up because it’s too late if you have to…


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75d98b No.20891975


Are you trying to make anon hungry? Because you are making anon hungry.

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cf0823 No.20891976

File: efb68193019f3f7⋯.mp4 (337.21 KB,1280x720,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17161654661….mp4)

Citizen Free Press


Joe Biden gaffe of the day.

The Erectionists.


RNC Research

11:26 AM · May 20, 2024





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4c94a9 No.20891978

File: fa5b19b5f1df53d⋯.gif (1.66 MB,498x298,249:149,tenor_1_.gif)

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781338 No.20891980

File: 74bed1bb00b50a8⋯.webm (11.31 MB,444x240,37:20,23.webm)

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8b9e84 No.20891981

File: f709a286d6eb1b0⋯.jpeg (404.73 KB,907x506,907:506,6BC46605_DEB8_42BE_B9C8_C….jpeg)



Never give in or up

Fall down….get back up


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1cf604 No.20891983



Shambhala is a spiritual kingdom.

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34913b No.20891984

File: 2cc35de77f56e0b⋯.png (298.94 KB,527x533,527:533,Capture.PNG)

🌊CARAT Indonesia 24: Tracking Contacts⚓🇺🇸🇮🇩

#SurfaceWarriors monitor surface and air contacts aboard USS Somerset (LPD 25), during Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) Indonesia 2024 while underway in the Indian Ocean, May 18, 2024.


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cf0823 No.20891986

File: dc1f378f9201c36⋯.mp4 (1.33 MB,720x406,360:203,ssstwitter_com_17162158242….mp4)

Citizen Free Press


Michael Cohen just admitted to stealing $30,000 from Trump Org.


MAGA War Room

Last edited

11:37 AM · May 20, 2024




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9d7951 No.20891987


you're the main man here now that Q is in hiatus.

it used to be that most people here didn't even know who you are.

be well in every way possible!

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90ac9d No.20891988


For those in Rio Linda, a tranny looking famefag and paytriot is not going to be VP.

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a15460 No.20891992

File: a79bfdae4a26dbc⋯.png (234.1 KB,1160x773,1160:773,ClipboardImage.png)


>The Erectionists.

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9d7951 No.20891993


shambles, man, shambles.

Michael Cohen shambled into the court room to admit yet more thievery . . .

Wait, I mean 'ambled'.

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a5f055 No.20891994


That burger looks fake AF…I wouldn't eat it…

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8b9e84 No.20891996

File: 5e13b06d11f4484⋯.gif (1.25 MB,260x146,130:73,8B4D7E05_55AE_4F0E_829F_4A….gif)


Breh GFY and yer spam kneegar bread wasting shit

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cd72df No.20891997

File: 8bfbf13ab5f716a⋯.jpg (11.47 KB,182x255,182:255,ce9e03eaf06ba1d66fde0ebef6….jpg)

Why is Alex dropping all his AJ smiling?

Must be desperate to be attacked by shills


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34913b No.20891998

File: 854b24c7d9ba282⋯.png (364.74 KB,532x459,532:459,Capture.PNG)



, thank you for serving our nation for 248 years! 🙌



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291fe9 No.20891999


who then?

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cf0823 No.20892003

File: 095fed8ff56f33a⋯.jpeg (238.94 KB,1241x1600,1241:1600,IMG_2094.jpeg)

File: 5fa177b90d0bd48⋯.jpeg (205.24 KB,1241x1586,1241:1586,IMG_2095.jpeg)

Incredible Trump in the 60s% and Bidan in 30s%


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b6a3a3 No.20892004

File: 679790eec69feea⋯.png (451.71 KB,669x450,223:150,ClipboardImage.png)

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8b9e84 No.20892006

File: 84bdecb88347573⋯.gif (1.51 MB,492x200,123:50,E7B54384_3992_4663_AB24_05….gif)


It’s too big breh you couldn’t handle it

Fuggen wastoid piss boi

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90ac9d No.20892007


It doesn't matter. If the VP pick is actually of any consequence then this entire time here has been a waste.

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1715c7 No.20892008

File: b8b482e2f5602d8⋯.png (566.59 KB,512x768,2:3,sunnydayeverythingaok.png)

I did forget, sorry about that.



I'll gladly pay your Tuesday for a hamburger today.


I am not Q, but I am committed to keeping this site running smoothly. If Q encounters any issues, they should reach out to me directly. I cannot provide an explanation for the hiatus.

Your loss, not mine.


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34913b No.20892009

File: 32b254907552e1a⋯.jpg (206.78 KB,2048x1287,2048:1287,GOCWsKLWcAMdwf1.jpg)

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75d98b No.20892010

File: 618d860438bc215⋯.png (7.23 KB,101x40,101:40,ClipboardImage.png)


what made you think that? kek

it still made anon hungry tho.

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9d7951 No.20892011


yes, it does. But it's not a burger, it's a rendering of a burger and you were never supposed to eat it but just look at it.

The Proto images are all too vivid and too shiney to be real. My advice is that Jim ought to learn a bit more about texture modeling and how to do the lighting. I've been studying blender for a long time to learn these things, and AI images are essentially doing the same thing. To make something seem real one needs to know about how light interacts with various surfaces and model the ray-tracing accordingly. I think the purpose of what Jim does is not to decieve so he makes the proto out to be an obviously cartoony image in order to assure that no one with good eyesight would confuse it for an actual photograph.

if Jim is still in the bread you could ask him yourself. I think what he hasn't isn't bad given what it's said to be.

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1cf604 No.20892013

File: 5f37991961d49b6⋯.png (58.87 KB,1188x629,1188:629,ClipboardImage.png)

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43269a No.20892014

enjoy the show >>20891926

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8a77ef No.20892016

File: a600297d4e4d82c⋯.jpg (384.84 KB,845x818,845:818,Slow_Joe_Biden_Dementia_Fa….jpg)

Any guesses on what drugs they are feeding Biden?

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1cf604 No.20892017

File: 40928ad110df017⋯.png (44.77 KB,1188x425,1188:425,ClipboardImage.png)

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41cfa9 No.20892018

File: cdf3f92cae12f26⋯.png (670.72 KB,640x631,640:631,ClipboardImage.png)

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fe27c8 No.20892019


The second cloud in the middle left side of the picture looks like DJT.

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cf0823 No.20892021

File: 984a726ec0c0c3c⋯.jpeg (558.93 KB,1190x2061,1190:2061,IMG_2097.jpeg)

Charlie Kirk posts photo of newborn son, MacArthur.


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83576b No.20892022



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a5f055 No.20892023


Of all the responses to my - don';t eat it post - this one is the bestest…thanks anon!

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9d7951 No.20892025


another anon has commented on your proto renderings as being not-photo-real. (actually he said he wouldn't eat that burger)

is that an intentional feature of proto renderings so that they are never confused with actual photographs and so not useful for deception?

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fb54a0 No.20892026

File: 1f51c681da93e5d⋯.png (93.46 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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c79169 No.20892027

any guess as for the VP pick?

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34913b No.20892028

File: 0074bf1ccf0f1eb⋯.png (620.91 KB,530x671,530:671,Capture.PNG)



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f7a3cd No.20892030


>given what it's said to be.

which is what?

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1715c7 No.20892031

File: 67cc58987b35bad⋯.jpeg (34.6 KB,512x512,1:1,bear.jpeg)


Have you tried the shuffle at https://aiproto.com?

You can see all the images other anons have generated randomly. Every now and then there is something spectacular.

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616103 No.20892032

File: 6486091f14663e2⋯.jpg (79.57 KB,563x839,563:839,8df019e7953488557b1063387d….jpg)

File: 06463af8b259003⋯.webp (1.01 MB,2244x2992,3:4,il_fullxfull_2980810180_h….webp)


its my loknar

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83576b No.20892033


Pence, as he's The Witness.

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23fcbc No.20892035

File: 37e6af7423a2583⋯.jpg (72.08 KB,976x567,976:567,bdd1f98ac8a83c32e920c33473….jpg)

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1cf604 No.20892037


Who was the revered rabbi whose New York synagogue was the scene of a brawl over an illegal tunnel?

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b0d78a No.20892038


Trump said cocaine and amphetamines another time

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a54141 No.20892039

File: 9939e4d23b43b66⋯.png (97.18 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)


>any guess as for the VP pick?

not telling, but there will be signs

sign rel

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34913b No.20892040

File: f886163000db002⋯.png (196.42 KB,529x463,529:463,Capture.PNG)

BREAKING: US State Dept offers ‘condolences’ for Iran president’s death

READ: https://insiderpaper.com/us-state-dept-offers-condolences-for-iran-presidents-death/


Someone take a torch to the US State Dept already.

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0cfe57 No.20892041


Crockett, Raskin, AOC, and many others are just there to provoke others to do, or say something to get them removed from the vote it seems. And they get really upset when things don't go their way.

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83576b No.20892043

File: d14c323c4810278⋯.mp4 (254.02 KB,478x270,239:135,ssstwitter_com_17162135549….mp4)

Joey Mannarino


Irene Montero, the Spanish Minister of Equality, just said that children have the right to have sex with whomever they want.

That’s pedophilia.

This woman is literally advocating for pedophilia.

This is the Spanish Left.


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9d7951 No.20892044


it is branded within the image as a proto image.

Jim has presented a proto AI tool for use in making renderings of various stuff for the use of the world at large.

and they images are never photo-real.

he's still in the bread. you should query him directly.


someone asked about what is your image supposed to be.

Do you use blender? you might consider trying it out. It's got a steep learning curve but the output is amazing.

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781338 No.20892046

File: 0592c48b6f09259⋯.gif (2 MB,369x200,369:200,2992002642.gif)

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d1b88d No.20892047

File: 3d4bcc4b9b98b0a⋯.png (661.63 KB,1160x1144,145:143,pence.png)


>any guess as for the VP pick?

Anybody but…

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34913b No.20892048

File: 3401ac4de93d31c⋯.png (358.25 KB,296x589,296:589,Capture.PNG)

Iranian President Raisi's ring was found among the wreckage of the crashed helicopter.

Circumstantial evidence does not point to conclusive proof. Why this mystery?


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016a2b No.20892049

TBI’s ‘Operation Protecting Tomorrow’ Yields Arrests, Identifies Two Dozen Child Online Sexual Exploitation & Sextortion Victims

MAY 20, 2024

NASHVILLE – A dozen people face felony charges and two dozen victims have been identified in a large-scale, collaborative operation to target online child exploitation and sextortion in Tennessee.

Over a three-month period, from February to April, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation’s Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force, housed within its Cybercrime and Digital Evidence Unit (CDEU), conducted Operation Protecting Tomorrow, with work extending to 21 counties in the state and involving almost 20 local, state, and federal law enforcement partners.

Operation Protecting Tomorrow’s purpose was to identify and locate children who were victims of sextortion and online sexual exploitation, along with identifying and arresting individuals who aim to harm children online. These investigations stemmed from cybertips from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), undercover investigations, and tips from the community.

WATCH FULL NEWS CONFERENCE: https://fb.watch/sbbhgyKrOC

During the operation, TBI ICAC Task Force Agents identified and located 18 known child victims of sextortion in Tennessee who were reported through NCMEC cybertips reported from several social media platforms, including Snapchat and Instagram. One child victim was identified and located in Alabama. TBI agents are still attempting to identify and locate an additional 22 children who are victims of sextortion, aged 11 to 17.


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c79169 No.20892051





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d87fd2 No.20892053

File: f03ded200cb6766⋯.png (1.78 MB,477x713,477:713,ClipboardImage.png)

sniff sniff

smell that?

much butt hurt so early in the morning or afternoon or evening. depends on your point of view!

back to noticing

china is offloading US securities


Julian Assange wins right to appeal US extradition


the ICC proceeds with charges and this one is huge! will th US follow up on it's mean tweet and harshly worded letter?


carry on eh

oops…blew that one out!

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f06ed9 No.20892054

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Outrageous: Federal Law Allows Illegal Aliens to Vote in the Upcoming 2024 Election

Foreigners are empowered to choose American leaders. It is legal for migrants to vote in US federal elections because Congress passed a law to change the US Federal Code in 2000 that enables illegal aliens to vote if they believe they are citizens!

Catherine Engelbrecht, founder of True the Vote, has discovered this federal law: “Title 18 US Code § 611 – Voting by aliens, (a)It shall be unlawful for any alien to vote in any election held solely or in part for the purpose of electing a candidate for the office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, Delegate from the District of Columbia, or Resident Commissioner, unless…(c) (3) the alien reasonably believed at the time of voting in violation of such subsection that he or she was a citizen of the United States.“

The purpose of mass migration is to replace Americans.




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9d7951 No.20892055


if I put it on do I become invisible to everyone except for Ring Wraiths?

Is this post disrespecting the dead?

maybe they escaped and faked their death, like it was said Nero did. and many others.

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259036 No.20892056


passport on the sidewalk under the World Trade Center

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8b9e84 No.20892058

File: 9d532903027f89d⋯.jpeg (636.85 KB,1408x581,1408:581,A73645D4_7039_4B31_B7CD_D….jpeg)

File: 338c7ccf71296e2⋯.png (56.68 KB,300x300,1:1,3E0773CC_F982_4FF3_A410_C0….png)


You went back twice breh

Insecure much?


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f06ed9 No.20892059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ex-Diversity Boss at Facebook, Nike who Stole $5M Sentenced to 5 Years and Must Repay $$$

Barbara Furlow-Smiles, 38, the ex-diversity program manager for Facebook and Nike, set up fake business deals, invoices and events to steal $5 million via fraudulent vendors, fake invoices, and cash kickbacks. She was sentenced to five years behind bars — and ordered to pay back the entire sum, $4.9 million to Facebook and $120,000 to Nike.




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d961f7 No.20892060

File: 9e89655a364e36e⋯.jpg (46.42 KB,750x750,1:1,wanker.jpg)

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781338 No.20892062

File: 14810453d3f49a4⋯.png (224.03 KB,500x500,1:1,pepe_axiom.png)

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d1b88d No.20892063

File: 72c3f93baf165da⋯.pdf (556.62 KB,_on_filles_de_roi.pdf)

File: 87e4d70a85cc3ab⋯.png (166.13 KB,341x296,341:296,bidan_smell.png)

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8b9e84 No.20892066

File: 589a2f86d1ff715⋯.png (107.59 KB,351x319,351:319,FBC7A09A_96E9_45B5_AFC8_AC….png)


Does it really matter?

Will it change your vote?

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41cfa9 No.20892067

File: 2e3092d96d1f431⋯.png (1.21 MB,1024x975,1024:975,ClipboardImage.png)

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016a2b No.20892068

File: 4a1fa8bed76fecb⋯.jpg (71.95 KB,566x776,283:388,Trump_I_Want_You.jpg)

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34913b No.20892069

File: ed34f943ee76c15⋯.png (434.22 KB,533x579,533:579,Capture.PNG)

That Monday feeling.

Take in the view while The USNS Wally Schirra sails alongside the


during a replenishment-at-sea.



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1715c7 No.20892070

File: d8998f6d201d8d4⋯.png (594.75 KB,768x512,3:2,gagel.png)

2 Thessalonians 2:3

Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.

I do my best, to be honest and keep my integrity.

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41cfa9 No.20892072

File: cae39622ad12098⋯.png (1.91 MB,1179x1958,1179:1958,ClipboardImage.png)

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8b9e84 No.20892074

File: 1321543916d79a0⋯.png (377.71 KB,512x431,512:431,7BA8F099_35EC_4837_A81B_75….png)


Thanks fer the conformation asshat



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016a2b No.20892075

File: 07adad302fbc5b7⋯.jpg (179.9 KB,1280x720,16:9,select_your_fren.jpg)

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c79169 No.20892077


eu fag was asking out of curiosity, me and frens here can't wait for Trump coming back (officially)

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34913b No.20892079

Dan Scavino just posted the Sword Dance.

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87b2cf No.20892080

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d42578 No.20892081

File: 2a0a2b65ef5a275⋯.png (394.21 KB,591x1280,591:1280,justwait.png)




TY Admin

TY anons for keeping this board active.

CBTS alumni, though not here much of late.

6.5 y & it just keeps getting weirder.

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b6ad28 No.20892082

File: 225c03e08601b2f⋯.jpg (111.55 KB,828x1249,828:1249,photo_2024_05_17_10_23_56.jpg)

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781338 No.20892084

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8e243f No.20892085

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Reagan - Peace Through Strength


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fe27c8 No.20892087


Do you feel we are near "end times"? Or maybe the battle that leads to 1,000 years peace? I find it hard to accept so much evil can be kicked out of it's hiding without some sort of big event/fight?

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b6ad28 No.20892088

File: cd1f5347b0df72f⋯.jpg (162.85 KB,1096x1280,137:160,photo_2024_05_20_04_37_12.jpg)

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f7a3cd No.20892090

Live Update from the Times of Israel Liveblog of Monday, May 20, 2024:

Jerusalem police use ‘skunk’ to disperse anti-government protesters marching to Netanyahu’s home

An anti-government march to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s residence in Jerusalem has strayed off course, with protesters making a break for the city entrance.

The march has now split into multiple directions and police are spraying demonstrators with the putrid Skunk liquid, a chemical compound designed to disperse crowds.

A group of protesters is now marching towards Netanyahu’s residence, and will likely proceed through Jerusalem’s Rehavia neighborhood to reach their destination.


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fe27c8 No.20892091


Edit, hit a period, want to link you. Sorry.

Do you feel we are near "end times"? Or maybe the battle that leads to 1,000 years peace? I find it hard to accept so much evil can be kicked out of it's hiding without some sort of big event/fight?

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9d7951 No.20892092


Charisms of the Holy Spirit are for sharing!

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5e9044 No.20892093


Also many other neurological and immunological diseases…

Research into the gut microbiome of individuals with epilepsy has identified specific bacterial strains that are present at abnormal levels compared to healthy controls. Here are the findings from various studies:

Abnormally High Bacterial Strains in People with Epilepsy

Firmicutes: A higher Firmicutes-to-Bacteroidetes ratio has been observed in individuals with epilepsy.

Prevotella: Some studies have reported increased levels of Prevotella in people with epilepsy.

Clostridium spp.: Certain Clostridium species, including those related to Clostridium bolteae and Clostridium perfringens, have been found in higher concentrations.

Lachnospiraceae: Elevated levels of certain Lachnospiraceae family members have been associated with epilepsy.

Abnormally Low Bacterial Strains in People with Epilepsy

Bacteroides: Decreased levels of Bacteroides, which are crucial for breaking down complex molecules and maintaining gut health, have been noted.

Bifidobacterium: Lower counts of Bifidobacterium, important for gut health and immune modulation, are frequently reported.

Akkermansia muciniphila: Reduced levels of Akkermansia muciniphila, which plays a key role in maintaining the mucosal barrier and anti-inflammatory processes.

Faecalibacterium prausnitzii: This beneficial bacterium, known for its anti-inflammatory properties, is often found in lower abundance in individuals with epilepsy.

Parabacteroides: Reduced levels of Parabacteroides have also been identified in some studies.

Supporting Studies

Study by Peng et al. (2018): This study found that children with epilepsy had a significantly higher Firmicutes-to-Bacteroidetes ratio and increased levels of Clostridium, while beneficial bacteria such as Bacteroides and Faecalibacterium were significantly decreased .

Study by Lindefeldt et al. (2019): This research reported increased Prevotella and decreased levels of Bifidobacterium in individuals with drug-resistant epilepsy .

Study by Xie et al. (2021): This study noted a higher abundance of Lachnospiraceae and lower levels of Akkermansia muciniphila and Parabacteroides in patients with epilepsy compared to healthy controls .

These findings highlight specific bacterial imbalances in the gut microbiome of people with epilepsy, suggesting potential targets for therapeutic interventions such as probiotics or fecal microbiota transplants (FMT) to restore a healthier microbial balance and possibly reduce seizure activity.


Peng, A., Qiu, X., Lai, W., Li, W., Zhang, L., Zhu, X., … & Li, C. (2018). Altered composition of the gut microbiome in children with refractory epilepsy. Epilepsy Research, 145, 67-72.

Lindefeldt, M., Eng, A., Darban, H., Bjerkner, A., Zetterström, C., Allander, T., … & Dahl, N. (2019). The ketogenic diet influences taxonomic and functional composition of the gut microbiota in children with severe epilepsy. npj Biofilms and Microbiomes, 5, 5.

Xie, G., Zhou, Q., Qiu, C.-Z., Dai, R., Xie, L., Wang, H., … & Li, X.-B. (2021). Fecal microbiota transplantation therapy for refractory epilepsy in China: A case series. Frontiers in Neurology, 12, 644593.

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b6ad28 No.20892096

File: 94e7a11bd7fbf57⋯.mp4 (4.54 MB,464x640,29:40,twittervid_com_Thekeksocie….mp4)

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1cf604 No.20892097

File: ef8303641893c64⋯.png (749.94 KB,760x598,380:299,ClipboardImage.png)

By contrast we see the reed obstinately holding out against the power of cloudy storms, and overcoming the onrush of the skies, its salvation lying in no other protection than a modicum of patience. It is just the same in the case of a just and balanced spirit, which cares not for invincible strength and defeats malice and other evils by patient endurance, and achieves great riches by the acquisition of undying glory—whereas boldness more often than not has its downfall.

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016a2b No.20892098

File: 480ef67d73218ca⋯.png (389.15 KB,429x600,143:200,seen_some_weird.png)

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5e9044 No.20892099


Cure for EPILEPSY continued

In the case study from China where a woman with both epilepsy and Crohn's disease experienced a significant reduction in seizures following a fecal microbiota transplant (FMT), specific bacterial strains were identified as potentially contributing to this outcome. The study, published in the journal Microbial Pathogenesis, provides detailed insights into the bacterial composition changes post-FMT that correlated with the clinical improvements observed.

Key Bacterial Strains Implicated

Bacteroides: The study noted a significant increase in Bacteroides species post-FMT. These bacteria are crucial for breaking down complex molecules in the gut and maintaining a balanced microbiome.

Faecalibacterium prausnitzii: There was an increase in Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, a bacterium known for its anti-inflammatory properties and production of butyrate, a short-chain fatty acid that supports gut health and has systemic anti-inflammatory effects.

Eubacterium rectale: Another beneficial bacterium that saw increased levels post-FMT. It is also involved in butyrate production and maintaining gut barrier integrity.

Bifidobacterium: An increase in Bifidobacterium species was observed. These bacteria are known for their probiotic benefits, including immune modulation and maintenance of gut health.

Clinical Outcomes and Microbiome Changes

The patient's seizure frequency decreased dramatically following the FMT, coinciding with the normalization of her gut microbiota composition. The study hypothesized that the rebalancing of the gut microbiome, specifically the increase in anti-inflammatory and butyrate-producing bacteria, played a significant role in reducing systemic inflammation and modulating the gut-brain axis, thus contributing to the reduction in seizure activity.


Zhang, Y., Qu, Y., Liu, Y., Zhou, H., & Li, Y. (2018). Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) alleviating the symptoms of epilepsy in a patient with Crohn's disease: Changes of gut microbiome and metabolites. Microbial Pathogenesis, 118, 302-306.

This study highlights the potential for specific gut bacteria, particularly those involved in anti-inflammatory processes and gut health maintenance, to play a role in the therapeutic effects of FMT in treating conditions like epilepsy.

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5e9044 No.20892101


Ya'll best be readin'


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f7a3cd No.20892102


it's always been about the bugz

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1cf604 No.20892103

File: ef8303641893c64⋯.png (749.94 KB,760x598,380:299,ClipboardImage.png)

By contrast we see the reed obstinately holding out against the power of cloudy storms, and overcoming the onrush of the skies, its salvation lying in no other protection than a modicum of patience. It is just the same in the case of a just and balanced spirit, which cares not for invincible strength and defeats malice and other evils by patient endurance, and achieves great riches by the acquisition of undying glory—whereas boldness more often than not has its downfall.

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016a2b No.20892104

File: 50fc28523227748⋯.jpg (41.57 KB,367x612,367:612,The_descent_of_the_Holy_Sp….jpg)

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f06ed9 No.20892106

File: 6afbb8e1c6f4341⋯.png (843.64 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Russia reacts to US nuclear experiment

Moscow is paying close attention to activities at a nuclear test range in Nevada, Russia’s deputy foreign minister has said

Moscow will not carry out tests of its nuclear weapons as long as Washington refrains from doing so, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said on Monday.

Ryabkov’s statement followed a US announcement last week that it had performed a successful subcritical nuclear experiment at the PULSE facility in Nevada. According to the National Nuclear Security Administration, the trials allowed it to collect “essential data” on atomic warheads “without the use of nuclear explosive testing.”

“We are looking closely at what is happening at the American nuclear test site. Of course, we register and monitor all public signals coming from the US administration in this area,” the deputy foreign minister said.

Russia understands that such subcritical experiments are being done “as part of testing of the performance of the relevant components and systems of the US nuclear arsenal,” the diplomat added.

READ MORE: Poke the bear and find out: Here’s why the West should finally listen to Russia’s warnings

Washington has previously said that subcritical experiments are not prohibited under the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), which forbids nuclear test explosions in all environments. Both the US and Russia signed the 1996 accord, but stopped short of ratifying it.

”Our stance remains unchanged: as long as the US does not conduct actual nuclear tests, Russia will also adhere to this position,” Ryabkov stated.

However, the deputy foreign minister stressed that “signals” coming from Washington suggest the possible further development of American nuclear weapons “including not only delivery vehicles, but also the warheads themselves.” Moscow treats this information “seriously” and takes it into account while planning its actions.

Earlier this month, Russia announced plans to test its military’s ability to deploy tactical nuclear weapons “in the near future.” According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the exercises were ordered by President Vladimir Putin in response to the continued “power politics” pursued by the US and its allies against Moscow.

The ministry statement said the West openly declares its support for “terrorist acts” by Ukraine against Russia and “directly contributes” to such attacks. Increasingly powerful weapons are being supplied to Kiev by its foreign backers, the statement continued, singling out deliveries of US-made ATACMS missiles capable of “striking targets deep inside Russian territory.”

Moscow’s statement was preceded by a suggestion by Poland of potentially hosting US nuclear weapons, and remarks by French President Emmanuel Macron about the possibility of sending French and other NATO soldiers to Ukraine.


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c79169 No.20892107




there was an anon here some months ago who asked exactly for this

>Cure for EPILEPSY

hope he is alive and well

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b6a3a3 No.20892108

File: 796bd39bd41be64⋯.png (44.13 KB,1222x371,1222:371,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b78dfc27eaa39a3⋯.png (25.5 KB,810x218,405:109,ClipboardImage.png)


A reported 12,000 people were baptized in and around the waters of the Pacific Ocean yesterday as part of Baptize California, billed as the “largest synchronized day of water baptism in American history.”


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f06ed9 No.20892109

>>20892106 (me)


Link to the "Read More"

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1cf604 No.20892111


>its salvation lying in no other protection than a modicum of patience


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d24d35 No.20892112

File: 2db257b49f3157a⋯.jpg (11.59 KB,175x287,25:41,2Q_67_.jpg)

File: 35f938edc80e3b9⋯.jpg (9.46 KB,281x179,281:179,images_330_.jpg)

I'll kick your rich ass, punk beezee

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8b9e84 No.20892113

File: b361d974e0ec8ca⋯.jpeg (328.96 KB,1268x588,317:147,B6FA67FC_8694_4382_ADB6_8….jpeg)

BOXER48 C40C departed Turks and Caicos Islands after arriving yesterday

Only thing I can think of is that ijit girl having ammunition in her bag in late April-mebby about that

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92da81 No.20892115

File: 2e8885c9d3caf93⋯.jpg (231.91 KB,1094x830,547:415,2e8885c9d3caf93fbc9fae9754….jpg)

Try the reddit spacers do, filtered they are

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781338 No.20892116

File: 11fd77ab4501d32⋯.jpeg (51.57 KB,500x756,125:189,AxY93ACT69PY.jpeg)

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1cf604 No.20892117


>cares not for invincible strength and defeats malice and other evils by patient endurance

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1715c7 No.20892118

File: 7fceaa8646b4997⋯.png (266.98 KB,512x768,2:3,soldieron.png)


It's my duty. o7


Acts 1:7

He replied, ‘It is not for you to know the times or periods that the Father has set by his own authority.

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d24d35 No.20892119


If you are richy navy fag from walnut creek, your mamas a bitch

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5e9044 No.20892120





Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) shows potential as a therapeutic approach for certain neurological illnesses, but it is not yet considered a definitive cure. Here's a clear summary based on current scientific evidence:

Promising Areas

Clostridioides difficile Infection (C. difficile): FMT is an established and highly effective treatment for recurrent C. difficile infections, which can have secondary neurological effects like confusion and delirium. By restoring a healthy gut microbiome, FMT alleviates these symptoms.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD): Patients with IBS or IBD often experience neurological symptoms such as anxiety and depression. FMT has shown efficacy in treating these conditions and consequently improving associated neurological symptoms.

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): Some studies suggest that FMT can improve gastrointestinal symptoms and possibly behavioral symptoms in children with ASD. However, these findings are preliminary and require further validation through larger, controlled trials.

Epilepsy: There are case reports and small studies indicating that FMT may reduce seizure frequency in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy. While these results are promising, they are not conclusive and further research is needed.

Areas with Limited Evidence

Parkinson’s Disease: Preliminary studies indicate that FMT might improve motor and non-motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease patients, possibly by reducing gut inflammation and restoring microbiome balance. However, large-scale clinical trials are necessary to establish efficacy and safety.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Initial research suggests that FMT might help modulate the immune response and reduce symptoms in MS. The evidence is still in early stages and more rigorous studies are required.


FMT has shown promise in treating certain neurological conditions, particularly those with a strong gut-brain axis component. However, it is not yet a universally accepted or proven cure for neurological illnesses. While early results are encouraging, more extensive and controlled clinical trials are necessary to establish FMT as a reliable treatment option for these conditions.


Zhang, Y., Qu, Y., Liu, Y., Zhou, H., & Li, Y. (2018). Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) alleviating the symptoms of epilepsy in a patient with Crohn's disease: Changes of gut microbiome and metabolites. Microbial Pathogenesis, 118, 302-306.

Hazan, S. (2020). Rapid improvement in Alzheimer's disease symptoms following fecal microbiota transplantation: A case report. Journal of International Medical Research, 48(6), 300060520925930.

Xu, Z., Jiang, W., Huang, W., Lin, L., Chen, J., & Chen, G. (2021). Gut microbiota in patients with Parkinson's disease: A systematic review. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, 40(8), 1287-1300.

These references provide insight into the potential and limitations of FMT for treating neurological conditions.

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446ee1 No.20892121

File: a8d8b7071d047dd⋯.png (703.52 KB,856x837,856:837,Screenshot_2024_05_20_at_1….png)

File: 07cadc257822695⋯.png (134.63 KB,550x647,550:647,Screenshot_2024_05_20_at_1….png)


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fee7ee No.20892123

File: d715b936a00fdfd⋯.jpg (31.43 KB,613x407,613:407,8qofuk.jpg)

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5e9044 No.20892124


That would be me, anon, I'm the epilepsy anon! I hate this disease and want to see CURES!! I put a tremendous amount of time and effort into this stuff and if I can help, I always will.

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f06ed9 No.20892126


notableonce sauced

several videos and articles about this important info

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446ee1 No.20892127

File: 4d482a28c532c0b⋯.png (278.81 KB,535x557,535:557,Screenshot_2024_05_20_at_1….png)

NY Hispanic Clergy Org President—A Lifelong Democrat: It’s too much. The Open Borders, groceries, gas, crime, everything. Day by day, more and more Hispanic and Black minorities are changing [to support Trump]

11:52 AM · May 20, 2024





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7f4937 No.20892128

File: 366c9f34382c0d6⋯.jpg (10.76 KB,168x299,168:299,Z_64_.jpg)

File: 41c0991d0e666fe⋯.jpg (13.69 KB,239x211,239:211,images_331_.jpg)

File: 3795c6cc096b00a⋯.jpg (8.71 KB,185x273,185:273,2Q_69_.jpg)



Nice watch..

Who's got watch?

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fee7ee No.20892132

Biden is screaming “The Errectionist

Stormed the Capitol “.


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781338 No.20892133

File: 979360b91248436⋯.jpg (18.58 KB,409x393,409:393,kek.jpg)

They're so desperate today. It's fuckin' hilarious.

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fe27c8 No.20892135


Good point.

One of my favorite scriptures is 1 Corinthians 1:27-29

It feels like it describes Anons/this movement on here the most accurate.

"But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things-and the things that are not-to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him.

I appreciate the response. Been here for years. Nice to say I got to talk to you once. o7.

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6c358b No.20892137


Appeals court are corrupt pedo-adjacent sick bastards

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eda684 No.20892139


2 tier system

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75d98b No.20892140

File: f88c3ac227b121c⋯.png (669.34 KB,1920x1014,320:169,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1bacc92d523972⋯.png (956.75 KB,1024x702,512:351,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 394c4d2610ea40d⋯.png (219.82 KB,749x782,749:782,ClipboardImage.png)

B-52 61-0038 out of Barksdale flying on the down low. Taking air to air refueling from a pair of KC-135s. Which might mean that there is a second B-52 there as well.



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d87fd2 No.20892141



a word of advice to all newfags on the chans, never click the download link to a pdf file. they are all easily comped with trojans and other maliciousness

imagine the smell muh arse said joe biden!

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5e9044 No.20892142




CURE FOR AUTISM (epilepsy cont.)

Do you see why the shilling just jumped up a bunch with Q posts and red texts? Big Pharma doesn't like their bottom line threatened. They'll have to kill me to stop me though.

Key Studies on Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT) for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Kang et al. (2017) - "Microbiota Transfer Therapy alters gut ecosystem and improves gastrointestinal and autism symptoms: An open-label study"

Description: This pilot study involved 18 children with ASD who received Microbiota Transfer Therapy (MTT), a type of FMT, over 8 weeks. The therapy included a two-week antibiotic treatment, a bowel cleanse, a high initial dose of FMT, and daily maintenance doses. The study reported significant improvements in both gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms and behavioral ASD symptoms, including communication, social skills, and repetitive behaviors. These improvements persisted for at least eight weeks after treatment ended.

Reference: Kang, D.-W., Adams, J. B., Gregory, A. C., Borody, T. J., Chittick, L., Fasano, A., … & Krajmalnik-Brown, R. (2017). Microbiota Transfer Therapy alters gut ecosystem and improves gastrointestinal and autism symptoms: An open-label study. Microbiome, 5(1), 10.

Kang et al. (2019) - "Long-term benefit of Microbiota Transfer Therapy on autism symptoms and gut microbiota"

Description: This follow-up study assessed the long-term effects of MTT in the same cohort of children from the 2017 study. Two years after the initial treatment, most of the improvements in GI and ASD symptoms were maintained. The study showed that MTT led to a significant increase in bacterial diversity and beneficial gut bacteria, suggesting a lasting positive impact on the gut microbiome and related symptoms.

Reference: Kang, D.-W., Adams, J. B., Coleman, D. M., Pollard, E. L., Maldonado, J., McDonough-Means, S., … & Krajmalnik-Brown, R. (2019). Long-term benefit of Microbiota Transfer Therapy on autism symptoms and gut microbiota. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 5821.

Hsiao et al. (2013) - "Microbiota modulate behavioral and physiological abnormalities associated with neurodevelopmental disorders"

Description: Although not an FMT study, this research explored the role of gut microbiota in a mouse model of ASD. The study found that treatment with the probiotic Bacteroides fragilis improved gut barrier function and reduced behavioral abnormalities in mice. These findings suggest that modulating the gut microbiome can have significant effects on neurodevelopmental disorders, providing a rationale for FMT as a potential therapy for ASD.

Reference: Hsiao, E. Y., McBride, S. W., Hsien, S., Sharon, G., Hyde, E. R., McCue, T., … & Mazmanian, S. K. (2013). Microbiota modulate behavioral and physiological abnormalities associated with neurodevelopmental disorders. Cell, 155(7), 1451-1463.

Sampson and Mazmanian (2015) - "Control of brain development, function, and behavior by the microbiome"

Description: This review article discusses various mechanisms through which gut microbiota can influence brain development and behavior. It highlights how alterations in the gut microbiome are linked to neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism, and reviews emerging evidence supporting microbiome-based therapies, including FMT, as potential treatments.

Reference: Sampson, T. R., & Mazmanian, S. K. (2015). Control of brain development, function, and behavior by the microbiome. Cell Host & Microbe, 17(5), 565-576.


These studies and reviews suggest that altering the gut microbiome through therapies like FMT can potentially improve both gastrointestinal and behavioral symptoms in individuals with ASD. The pilot studies by Kang et al. are particularly significant as they provide direct evidence of the benefits of FMT in children with autism, showing sustained improvements over time. Further large-scale, controlled trials are needed to confirm these findings and to better understand the mechanisms involved.

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92da81 No.20892143

File: 57b7ac3393cc9cb⋯.gif (8.27 KB,128x119,128:119,pepe_chunky.gif)


>The Errectionist


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34913b No.20892144

File: 56877950ce334b4⋯.jpg (313.15 KB,2048x1425,2048:1425,GOCgAJdWsAAv8gj.jpg)

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446ee1 No.20892145

File: 6e98b1aff0a79e1⋯.png (473.83 KB,750x501,250:167,Screenshot_2024_05_20_at_1….png)

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781338 No.20892147

File: 6d4a332a3f1c78e⋯.webm (222.96 KB,826x360,413:180,bore_worms.webm)

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06a66a No.20892148

File: 3ce344b07dc4a79⋯.png (253.2 KB,431x200,431:200,Screenshot_1984_.png)

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c79169 No.20892149

File: 991c8ed6b89e0ce⋯.png (712.04 KB,1193x608,1193:608,55Tigers.png)


Well done and good to read from you

May God bless you and may you live a long and comfy life, anon!

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5e9044 No.20892151


Thank you anon. I'm struggling with my faith right now, but research has always given my life purpose. If it can help even one person, then I can at least find peace in that.

God Bless.

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f7a3cd No.20892152


>Acts 1:7

quoted entirely out of context

the Spirit of Truth reveals the timing

to the followers of The Way

clearly this is the end

But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.

For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.

For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.

Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.

For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.

But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.

For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ

Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.

Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.

1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

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41cfa9 No.20892155

File: 17225dce62f3adc⋯.png (671.18 KB,784x759,784:759,ClipboardImage.png)

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781338 No.20892157

You're not night shift. You're not even genuine. You're a carefully crafted persona using a schizophrenic act to slide the board. No one cares who the handler is behind that persona either.

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34913b No.20892158

File: 8c4248081d31e40⋯.jpg (79.8 KB,680x672,85:84,GN_Krn7WoAA6AQ3.jpg)

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0cfe57 No.20892159

File: 15422b8458b0844⋯.mp4 (12.59 MB,550x316,275:158,Crockett.mp4)

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0c1ed2 No.20892160


time to rethink whatever it is you believe in

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41cfa9 No.20892161

File: 6baf0287de497aa⋯.png (1.6 MB,1080x1862,540:931,ClipboardImage.png)

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a5b3a1 No.20892162


who are you speaking too? You know that talking to yourself is kind of insane… right?

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41cfa9 No.20892164

File: 055c6ca84028c78⋯.webm (3.59 MB,576x1024,9:16,1716224097303437.webm)

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c79169 No.20892165


i believe that strengthening your faith will also benefit your health, fren

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75d98b No.20892166

File: 8234dbdff80f42f⋯.png (1.65 MB,1920x1010,192:101,ClipboardImage.png)

V-22 up from Quantico. An unusual call sign. NH31.


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d42578 No.20892168

File: 7e10543a2d0e810⋯.gif (780.42 KB,500x725,20:29,alice.gif)

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781338 No.20892170

File: d4ec2c5e62e6884⋯.gif (2.2 MB,200x150,4:3,lawler_lol.gif)


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0c1ed2 No.20892171


looks like they cut it and let it sit out

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41cfa9 No.20892173

File: ab16c6df74f3596⋯.png (910.96 KB,720x981,80:109,ClipboardImage.png)

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d87fd2 No.20892174

File: 42cd5cf54691baf⋯.mp4 (107.28 KB,338x268,169:134,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)

File: 156d9a316da9952⋯.png (225.28 KB,483x316,483:316,ClipboardImage.png)



i have successfully punched a hole in muh frewall for every iteration of half chan, full chan and 8kun

i've always known... etherape, nmap, etc

know your enemies is called situation awaresness and you are ignorant!

fwiw we should care why?

such shillyness

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a54141 No.20892176


>You know that talking to yourself is kind of insane

but can one really talk to one's self?

would that not be just (You) listening to your self?


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c79169 No.20892177

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b5e1a0 No.20892178

File: 86deabc7a489fb3⋯.jpg (81.97 KB,956x956,1:1,media_F8WQbGRX0AAS9Im.jpg)



Errection interference!

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0cfe57 No.20892180

File: d733937650a489f⋯.mp4 (2.05 MB,550x316,275:158,Chairman_was_concerned_wit….mp4)


Crockett: If her words were taken down, that meant that she was going to have to leave the committee for the evening, which actually would have helped everybody out because the source of the chaos is always Marjorie Taylor Green, but the chairman was concerned about his votes.

He was concerned about whether or not he would be able to move forward with contempt and so therefore contempt.Yes, they were. Yes. For the attorney general.

She says right here what her goal was that day.

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34913b No.20892183

File: 3207247c4224130⋯.png (848.98 KB,844x697,844:697,Capture.PNG)

Former Facebook and Nike Diversity Manager Sentenced to Prison After Stealing $5 Million Meant for DEI Initiatives


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c79169 No.20892184


lettuce starts at 1min13sec

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781338 No.20892186

File: 8fb5719477c3e9a⋯.png (353.01 KB,800x500,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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b6a3a3 No.20892187

File: c2622c3f8f5ec05⋯.png (25.12 KB,577x197,577:197,ClipboardImage.png)


I am out of the courtroom. It was quite a morning to have someone admit to stealing money from his client and then confirm that he wants to run for Congress. It will be a novel campaign: people usually wait to get into Congress before they commit major felonies…


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bea4ee No.20892189


Any culinary experts want to weigh-in on how this clown created the rubbery scamelon?

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5bca72 No.20892191

File: 5e33450444facdb⋯.png (40.62 KB,640x496,40:31,104_7_.png)

File: e8512819d90d353⋯.png (33.62 KB,640x452,160:113,1304_2_.png)

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1715c7 No.20892193

File: 9e00cfd55476d92⋯.jpeg (50.38 KB,512x512,1:1,angelnight.jpeg)


I don't mind talking with people. Pleased to meet you.


Is there something you don't want somebody to see?

Most modern PDF readers won't open one with a trojan in it. There is a large PDF library on 8kun.


You can click on them.

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1cf604 No.20892194

Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.

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87b2cf No.20892196

File: c80fdc354df7587⋯.png (72.24 KB,1424x645,1424:645,We_are_MAGA.png)


TY Jim!

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b5e1a0 No.20892197

File: 45cefea9c577c32⋯.png (340.31 KB,641x501,641:501,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6b6cc20c07ca3e⋯.png (78.45 KB,275x160,55:32,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb0d45ee115bc5a⋯.png (28.27 KB,746x366,373:183,704.png)

Daily Mail Online



Family killed in Amtrak horror crash after their SUV got stuck on the track

Read more: trib.al/fO44qb0

May 20, 2024 · 4:18 PM UTC




>Errection interference!


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781338 No.20892198

File: cb82fb25e8b4c2d⋯.gif (2.63 MB,529x451,529:451,cb82fb25e8b4c2d31bcf964d5f….gif)

KEK. I like how the one post automatically assumed I was talking to myself because he either didn't know who I was talking to, or moar likely, deliberately played dumb in an attempt to frame his target with a weak consensus generation attempt. That post smelled of a desperate failfag mimic anyway.

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2f78e8 No.20892200


There's no morals or ethics when you're fighting for decency and democracy

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75d98b No.20892201

File: 430269afdef096b⋯.png (1.36 MB,1920x1012,480:253,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e819e10a0ce3647⋯.png (2.26 MB,1698x909,566:303,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d456e825df36c9⋯.png (840.6 KB,636x638,318:319,ClipboardImage.png)

Call sign ATOM36. Constant Phoenix just switched on at Elmendorf AFB. The call sign indicates an active nuclear sniffer surveillance flight is forthcoming.


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7fa327 No.20892202

Non woke Artificial intelligence was asked this question: Throughout history how many societies have benefited from black African negroid citizenry?

Artificial intelligence reply: No society has ever benefited from a black African negroid citizenry.

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5bca72 No.20892204

File: 2f6fb828e6e72cb⋯.png (65.81 KB,640x898,320:449,103_9_.png)

File: 7a0a1a17dbfbcb8⋯.png (223.04 KB,640x1102,320:551,1303_3_.png)

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0c1ed2 No.20892205



so fuckin typical

thinkin she oprah

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1715c7 No.20892206

File: 5ea2bda238b673c⋯.jpeg (36.83 KB,512x512,1:1,trumpet.jpeg)

That's so interesting. Thank you for sharing.


What about the gathering together in the air?

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616103 No.20892207

File: 44cd8720c12b796⋯.jpg (3.62 MB,2450x2900,49:58,Double_herm_Chiaramonti_In….jpg)

File: c1ea05a67585504⋯.jpg (11.37 KB,237x350,237:350,616W4OIzTAL_AC_UF350_350_Q….jpg)

File: 138b68e617ba4cd⋯.png (193.12 KB,861x482,861:482,Screenshot_203_.png)

File: c35da258fe511dd⋯.png (276.61 KB,493x391,29:23,GMTg_NMXsAAlSOf.png)


satanic faggots of the NSA traffick kids and run porn sites

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bea4ee No.20892209


They do it because there is no real consequence for their theft. They should, upon conviction, be forced to pay full restitution or face death.

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cf0823 No.20892210

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Donald Trump Jr. On Dems’ Latest Lawfare Attempt: ”The Truth Is Irrelevant To Michael Cohen”



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89ccda No.20892211

File: a2be1edec447b51⋯.jpg (55.21 KB,526x936,263:468,444204197_1023244892371403….jpg)

File: a434982af192d6e⋯.jpg (70.45 KB,512x640,4:5,444226448_436669685748088_….jpg)

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9d7951 No.20892213




because there is very much disagreement about end times accross very many denominations of Christians but all agree that it isn't anything to fight about.

it's OK to disagree and it's not 'clear' that it is endtimes now.

in fact it does seem, and I've noticed, that every single generation has some group or faction claiming it's end times.

and it is for them, perhaps. They all suicide (comet hale bop, for example, when that happened)

but other times they wait on the mountaintop, sure that Jesus Christ will come for them then, and nothing happened (Methodists in New York State in the 1800s)

no, it is untrue that 'clearly this is the end'

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1cf604 No.20892214

File: bf1ea7b2c3a5928⋯.gif (2.27 MB,434x308,31:22,BidenLaugh.gif)


>Former Facebook and Nike Diversity Manager Sentenced to Prison After Stealing $5 Million Meant for DEI Initiatives

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c79169 No.20892217

it's so cool to have Jim here


>pdfs You can click on them.

this was epic!


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87b2cf No.20892218

File: a20c2fe0746be19⋯.png (750.91 KB,1600x769,1600:769,ClipboardImage.png)

Conus activity:

>>20891693 (pb)

one E-4B doomsday

two E-6 mercury

six R135 SIGINT



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a54141 No.20892219


all new beginning have started from the end of another?

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34913b No.20892221

File: 7754619c578977a⋯.png (357.37 KB,528x557,528:557,Capture.PNG)

Glide Over the Everglades! 🐊

U.S. Army Advisors with 1st SFAB fly with a partner to assess key infrastructure during a mission readiness exercise in Miami, Florida, to prepare for real-world Advisor missions.

A huge thanks to


for the lift! #Military #SFAB #USArmy


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b5e1a0 No.20892222

File: 86631c4215bba8f⋯.png (354.65 KB,647x482,647:482,ClipboardImage.png)

Huma Abedin


May 17

Is the end of the world just beginning?

@PeterZeihan, Marci Shore, Krzysztof Krawckyk, Michal Gajewski and I talked about the impact of demographic & geopolitical shifts and what it might mean for the economic, social & cultural future of Europe and beyond.

May 17, 2024 · 5:35 PM UTC




>clearly this is the end

>Acts 1:7

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7fa327 No.20892223

File: 7b786eaa1557144⋯.png (1.23 MB,1080x1082,540:541,Screenshot_202_1.png)

File: 94be850957e9878⋯.png (864.45 KB,1080x1063,1080:1063,Scrvc.png)

Trish Regan is like Trump if you are a black African negroid asshole she'll call your black ass out immediately… Love watching Trish Regan.

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5bca72 No.20892224

File: eead816521037cb⋯.png (103.65 KB,640x946,320:473,1249_3_.png)

File: 99717878ceb8dc0⋯.png (25.08 KB,640x364,160:91,248_1_.png)

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1715c7 No.20892225

File: 3e53b21ed67b873⋯.jpeg (84.52 KB,512x768,2:3,chief.jpeg)


End times come for everyone. Don't be in a rush.

I hope they found Heaven's gate, but I doubt it.

1 Corinthians 9:24

Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.

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c79169 No.20892226


>(deep) impact


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34913b No.20892227



The end of [their] world.

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34913b No.20892228



Thank you anons.

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9d7951 No.20892229


Christian scripture says a lot about the second coming of Christ. The interpretation of that accross very many different groups of Christians is often in dispute. Protestants have a bunch of different theories about it what it all means.

some say Christ already came back, others that He hasn't yet. Some say a milenium is def just a 1000 years. others say that it's a 'span of time over centuries' but not a definite duration.

And as far as it goes, the discussion of it is copious. I can't parrot out what I've learned about these disagreements except to say that eveyrone who disagrees about these matters still agrees : Jesus Christ is Lord!

and that, too them, is the most important thing to agree on.

and thus the discussion of 'millennialism' might be seen as a slide, and all it's different versions.

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0c1ed2 No.20892231

File: 3403f8fa5b413b4⋯.jpg (856.99 KB,1365x2285,273:457,Screenshot_20240520_130054….jpg)

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5d4320 No.20892234



They are dishing out their shit and, nothing… cuz nothing can stop what is coming.

How dumb is that shit?

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34913b No.20892236

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7fa327 No.20892237

File: 931c600db5f5eb8⋯.jpg (240.48 KB,1080x1063,1080:1063,IMG_20240513_184710.jpg)

File: e9f1c914d4b05c6⋯.png (1.01 MB,1066x1058,533:529,AI_Trish_Regan_1.png)

Trish Regan was fired from fox news for supporting Trump.

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2f78e8 No.20892238


or a continuation of something new.

The Holy Scripture starts with:

In the beginning…

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1715c7 No.20892240

File: 4d0ad97453e0dd9⋯.png (308.92 KB,512x768,2:3,run.png)


You are right. I believe He will come like a thief in the night.

1 Thessalonians 5

But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape

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ccc03a No.20892241

File: da87f063326160e⋯.jpeg (192.41 KB,838x840,419:420,1E6FABFE_35E0_45B8_AD5A_1….jpeg)

File: 6274781fb637989⋯.jpeg (177.27 KB,1379x1348,1379:1348,IMG_0868.jpeg)

File: 3527cf4394d6df6⋯.png (937.45 KB,1377x1322,1377:1322,IMG_0870.png)

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87b2cf No.20892242


The revealing of "the son of perdition" is a big marker in this context.

2 Thessalonians 2:3

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

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d87fd2 No.20892243

File: 4fa8f1a46594b7b⋯.png (37.09 KB,964x268,241:67,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3fa43f8cdba45d3⋯.png (27.86 KB,948x226,474:113,ClipboardImage.png)


i like 1Cor 15:51-52 kjv

i believe it points to the last trumpet judgement in revelation

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a54141 No.20892244


> still agrees : Jesus Christ is Lord!

Well anon, i have to disagree

There is Jesus

There is Christ

There is no Jesus Christ

There is Jesus' Christ ← can (You) agree?

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ccc03a No.20892245

File: 199f3617572492d⋯.jpg (873.09 KB,1967x1365,281:195,IMG_0799.jpg)

File: 422e10e786d3bbc⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,640x360,16:9,ProsecuteFauci.mp4)

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1715c7 No.20892246

File: 67bb4a5596fc46d⋯.png (466.13 KB,768x512,3:2,tirefire.png)



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a54141 No.20892247

#25624 >>20891865

>>20891884, >>20891904 UPDATED FOCUS LIST: 24/05/20

>>20891886 The biggest elephant in the room is the aluminum [in vaccines on the CDC schedule]?

>>20891908 Anon digs PDJT's suit and tie Q4292

>>20891959 More than 30,000 people were infected with viruses such as HIV and hepatitis

>>20891963 Biden’s ceiling of support is actually lower than Trump’s right now. It’s a stark reversal from 2020

>>20891976 Joe Biden gaffe of the day. The Erectionists.

>>20891984 CARAT Indonesia 24: Tracking Contacts

>>20891986 Michael Cohen just admitted to stealing $30,000 from Trump Org.

>>20891998, >>20892017 @USArmy, thank you for serving our nation for 248 years! #MilitaryAppreciationMonth >>20892224 Q1249, 248 #FLYROTHSFLY#

>>20892003 Incredible Trump in the 60s% and Bidan in 30s%

>>20892009 Anon Qmaps "This is just the Start"

>>20892043 Irene Montero, the Spanish Minister of Equality, just said that children have the right to have sex with whomever they want

>>20892049 TBI’s ‘Operation Protecting Tomorrow’ Yields Arrests, Identifies Two Dozen Child Online Sexual Exploitation & Sextortion Victims

>>20892054 A Federal Law Allows Illegal Aliens to Vote in the Upcoming 2024 Election?

>>20892106 Russia reacts to US nuclear experiment

>>20892096 Cholesterol: What if it's all a lie? MP4

>>20892187 @JonathanTurley - am out of the courtroom. It was quite a morning to have someone admit to stealing money from his client

>>20892197 Family killed in Amtrak horror crash after their SUV got stuck on the track #704

>>20892221 U.S. Army Advisors with 1st SFAB fly with a partner to assess key…

>>20892093, >>20892099, >>20892120, >>20892142 Cure for EPILEPSY/AUTISM

>>20892113 BOXER48, >>20892140 B-52, >>20892166 Quantico, >>20892201 ATOM36, >>20892218 LB Conus activity - PF's


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c2ba8e No.20892248

File: 960edc094730dd5⋯.jpg (34.73 KB,686x386,343:193,hq720_2_.jpg)

Who the fuck is, THE PEOPLE

Platitudes! A new Rush al-bum

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781338 No.20892249

File: 22614df452e20d9⋯.png (229.66 KB,651x519,217:173,pepe_sip2.png)

Wish I screenshotted that wall of text from last year where VaticanClown admitted who he copies and why he copies certain anons here. Happened a month or two into the mimics' crusade when it began last year.

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ccc03a No.20892250


There’s also ‘Christ’ Jesus.

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b5e1a0 No.20892251

File: d9232f7597e6ab5⋯.png (361.48 KB,620x480,31:24,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f15be2658125ce5⋯.png (411.35 KB,640x445,128:89,ClipboardImage.png)


>The end of [their] world.

Vatican next?



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fee7ee No.20892252

File: 83b5877c1fddcdc⋯.webm (2.13 MB,720x1280,9:16,1716218447599196.webm)

um wtf

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34913b No.20892253


My money is on either Obama or William.

But it doesn't matter, both or so weak and pathetic now.

How about we just win the whole damn thing, and collect the entire pot.

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7fa327 No.20892254

File: 32ac9c0403b3c8d⋯.png (2.26 MB,1080x1592,135:199,Olga_Baker.png)

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5bca72 No.20892255

File: 4eea67ef979f5b9⋯.png (177.31 KB,640x1278,320:639,2770.png)

File: 4ac07ec4135836a⋯.png (505.88 KB,640x3468,160:867,4245.png)

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c79169 No.20892256



maybe this one >>20892222

it's from May 17th but i don't member it seeing in notables..

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a5b3a1 No.20892257


There sits, perfection!

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75d98b No.20892258

File: d54cb665960a9c2⋯.gif (2 MB,340x194,170:97,Whoa.gif)

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0c1ed2 No.20892259


she banged an Abo

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34913b No.20892260


Every move they make is just another nail in the coffin.

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54b45f No.20892261

File: ef988cacae6a543⋯.jpg (437.31 KB,874x1664,437:832,20240520_120809.jpg)

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7fa327 No.20892262

File: 8e3c4a280918247⋯.png (1.94 MB,1080x1456,135:182,Screenshot_20240422_16.png)

File: 59691d84ad78155⋯.png (309.07 KB,1080x510,36:17,Screenshot_20240516_200947….png)


AOC has a deformed nose.

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54b45f No.20892263


thinks one has not retranslated all available data into its earliest discernable form long ago.

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54b45f No.20892264

beliebs other men's interpretation of reality


for it lacks any sensorial input from said.

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54b45f No.20892266


that writ lies.

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a54141 No.20892267

>>20892222 @HumaAbedin Is the end of the world just beginning? #Panic

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1715c7 No.20892268

File: 8cd461628dc6109⋯.jpeg (32.75 KB,512x512,1:1,waffles.jpeg)

As I bid you adieu, for now, remember that every ending is a new beginning. I'll be back, rejuvenated and ready to assist you with even more enthusiasm. Until then, take care and keep digging. Keep on meming. Keep on praying!

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54b45f No.20892269


willingly exists under a false paradigm because this shields its under developed egostructure.

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54b45f No.20892270



[you] donot.

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54b45f No.20892271


has zero contact with the real.

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54b45f No.20892273



it is a lie you repeat mantrically to help you sleep at night and breathe through your days without killing yourself.

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a5b3a1 No.20892274


Keep CRUCHING it, Jim.

Thanks for everything you have and will do!

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fee7ee No.20892275

File: 77fad7ee75ee2ad⋯.png (1.38 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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c79169 No.20892276


May you be healthy!

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12c5d8 No.20892277

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: U.S. State Department press briefing

Associated Press


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54b45f No.20892278



then why is evil winning you blind fool?

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54b45f No.20892279


lacks self awareness enough to even perceive its exterior environs.

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781338 No.20892280


Yet another failfag. The one known as Mayor, Napoleon, AEI, Slack-Jawed Retard, and Afterthought. The last one stylized to mock his fontfagging routine to mean he's not even an afterthought.

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f3323c No.20892281


Thanks for everything, Jim!

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a54141 No.20892282


>There’s also the ‘Christ’ of Jesus.


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c2ba8e No.20892283

File: b3542dd3538fbfd⋯.jpg (5 KB,183x275,183:275,2Q_34_.jpg)


Tell her she's pretty…

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b5e1a0 No.20892284

File: 2b09979180e40a0⋯.png (30.13 KB,623x263,623:263,ClipboardImage.png)

Sean Parnell



Then the Pope should open up the Vatican & take 10.5 million illegal aliens.

It will be totally fine.

The Hill



Pope Francis denounces attempts to close southern border as "madness"


May 20, 2024 · 1:26 PM UTC



>Every move they make is just another nail in the coffin.

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54b45f No.20892285

File: b1775119f6b4767⋯.gif (1.4 MB,405x640,81:128,20210209_094637.gif)

roast fucking mutton the lot.

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ef9e42 No.20892286


Be well sir!

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7fa327 No.20892287

File: f36e43009700536⋯.png (245.02 KB,438x570,73:95,Screenshot_20240520_071723….png)


Her nudes would blow-up the internet big league.

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cf5d61 No.20892288


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b6ad28 No.20892289



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a21274 No.20892290




tiny bite in that big burger.

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fa7b00 No.20892291


Engrish mf do you speak it

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cf0823 No.20892292


You know when the shills attack a video that is voluntary to watch, they have a agenda.

Why does Bannon freak you out? Oh yeah he said we were coming to expose you.Agents go back and tell manager/leader you are failing to make a dent.

Just wait until I post the next video, you’ll love it. Kek

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92da81 No.20892293

File: 27308ff7a59f504⋯.jpg (225.46 KB,2048x1544,256:193,Fwa_DaYXsAErHH5.jpg)

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b6ad28 No.20892294

File: ea4d376ab648d92⋯.png (390.33 KB,622x401,622:401,5834j.png)


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cf0823 No.20892295

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Caroline Wren On Dems’ Never-Ending Assault On MAGA Candidates



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c79169 No.20892296


also Jims first post isnotable

"Guys, we are in the fight, don't give up or give in. Ignore the slurs. Do the right thing, and stand up for your God given rights."

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34913b No.20892297

File: a57eb992b975aa9⋯.jpg (83.75 KB,584x680,73:85,GOCqqiWWQAA8ACe.jpg)

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781338 No.20892298

File: ba690d955dbc4ea⋯.png (356.62 KB,620x549,620:549,pepe_apu.png)

Claws are sheathed.

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a54141 No.20892299

funny story

lb argument over notbles with baker

another anon jumped in and had similar ID

did notice fully

dyslexia kicked in

hell broke loose

and shit happened

>apology for mis identifying IDS

funnier story

earlier had same occurance with another anon

dint check ids and went off on another anon.


but dint happen quite as planned

getting closer to the plan tho 07


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b5e1a0 No.20892300

File: 2b73e8de423a7ae⋯.png (234.3 KB,557x580,557:580,ClipboardImage.png)



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c79169 No.20892301



sorry forgot to tag it, this one >>20891917

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a54141 No.20892302


>didnt notice fully

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d42578 No.20892305

File: 0ed37e84b2d6a8e⋯.jpeg (151.56 KB,748x1025,748:1025,memeHot.jpeg)

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cf0823 No.20892306

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Caroline Wren On Dems’ Never-Ending Assault On MAGA Candidates



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34913b No.20892308

File: d5cec93bcf295cc⋯.png (140.15 KB,197x563,197:563,Capture.PNG)

USCENTCOM conducts weeklong hackathon

The United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) concluded a weeklong hackathon featuring 20 expert hackers in partnership with Defense Digital Service, 513th Military Intelligence Brigade, 18th Airborne Corps, and the Defense Information Systems Agency.

The event, known as Desert Architect, was designed to tackle critical data and software challenges associated with countering one-way unmanned aerial systems (UAS) within USCENTCOM's area of responsibility.

The Desert Architect hackathon, held at USCENTCOM's headquarters, brought together top-tier hackers and USCENTCOM subject matter experts. The event emphasized rapid innovation to enhance the efficiency and precision of UAS-related processes, vital for the safeguarding of US and allied forces. This initiative underscored the Department of Defense's commitment to advancing cutting-edge technology solutions to meet evolving threats.

"US Central Command is committed to leveraging every talented individual, technical solution, and innovative process available," said Schuyler Moore, chief technology officer at USCENTCOM. “Desert Architect has combined exceptional hackers and brilliant software prototypes with a repeatable process to provide creative solutions building on progress made at our previous hackathon. This initiative targets critical operational issues, expanding the command's network of technical experts and enhancing capabilities in the counter-UAS space.”

Throughout the week participants collaborated to create innovative prototypes that promise to enhance the speed and accuracy of UAS countermeasures. USCENTCOM's subject matter experts played a pivotal role, engaging closely with the coding teams to facilitate seamless integration and pave the way for rapid capability transitions beyond the hackathon.

“Our strategic approach, summarized by ‘people, partners, and innovation,’ is successful when we give team members a chance to bring new and creative solutions to the table,” said General Michael Erik Kurilla, USCENTCOM commander. “Desert Architect provided that opportunity, and future hackathons will drive better solutions to critical missions advancing data-centric warfighting for the command.”


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1cf604 No.20892310


A Younger Biden Goes the Extra Miles for Amtrak

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a54141 No.20892312

>>20891917 ADMIN "Guys, we are in the fight, don't give up or give in. Ignore the slurs. Do the right thing, and stand up for your God given rights."

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74f550 No.20892313

File: 4ff6a8bd9785c02⋯.jpeg (75.08 KB,1024x945,1024:945,4ff6a8bd9785c0235c2a53739….jpeg)

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0c4cee No.20892314

File: 9adba29eca4ec05⋯.png (521.73 KB,500x437,500:437,ClipboardImage.png)

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a39635 No.20892316

File: 8e79851ae706538⋯.png (578.66 KB,1143x596,1143:596,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 447237941997175⋯.png (86.36 KB,743x685,743:685,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 14c013e86204a36⋯.png (176.07 KB,323x323,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed6cbc8a056b775⋯.png (142.64 KB,242x323,242:323,ClipboardImage.png)

The ones that did it, now believe they'll come in and be the hero.

The stupid is strong.

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1fbbb5 No.20892317

File: 01427573b3f2f79⋯.jpg (6.29 KB,299x168,299:168,images_332_.jpg)

File: 9affaf66786ab8d⋯.jpg (10.71 KB,300x168,25:14,9k_69_.jpg)

File: a80b1d8b7b12f1a⋯.jpg (680.74 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240520_112043….jpg)

File: 56db5dca267027a⋯.jpg (7.24 KB,201x250,201:250,images_334_.jpg)

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a21274 No.20892319


Hey Jim, has Q ever contacted you privately?

BTW- Thanks for this place. Some day you should get the Presidential FREEDOM Medal.

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ab84ba No.20892320


>illegal aliens.

No Child Molesters only

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1fbbb5 No.20892321


Keep women out of men's sports

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54b45f No.20892322



is too stupid to chan.

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fe27c8 No.20892324


I always appreciated the hbo Q mini-series your son and you were in. The part where you told the host "Have you read them all? Tell me about them and I'll tell you what I think". That was good stuff. I know you can't go into details about it for multiple reasons. But that was a great scene showing you weren't the fool he was trying to pass you off as. I think you and Ron did a good job in that series.

Do you ever hear from the host of that show anymore?

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75d98b No.20892327

File: 28db0284f4105d2⋯.png (1.01 MB,1920x1013,1920:1013,ClipboardImage.png)


>Which might mean that there is a second B-52 there as well.

Ah Ha! There are two B-52s!


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2f78e8 No.20892330


sounds like they begging for moar Godfather money…

Pope message is satanic narcissism at its worst; full of falsehoods. Here's another: God helps those who help themselves.

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a21274 No.20892331


Burning rubber

sounds like a good time Jim

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fd1d9e No.20892332

File: 1b589141a75a01c⋯.png (3.42 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Baker_Badge_Bread_Q_Alpha.png)


Thank You Baker

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ab84ba No.20892333


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54b45f No.20892334

File: d9851228eb88444⋯.gif (1.35 MB,405x227,405:227,20240520_122709.gif)

мuсн веттеr.

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12c5d8 No.20892337

File: e6252808ff730f0⋯.png (318.56 KB,768x732,64:61,grasshopper.png)

Can anon embed? Having difficulties.

Parasites in just one grasshopper.

And Klaus Schwab wants you to eat them every day.


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ccc03a No.20892339

File: f9eb55fe119bcb9⋯.png (1010.67 KB,906x1079,906:1079,IMG_4457.PNG)

File: b20aadc32f57c2c⋯.mp4 (1.92 MB,AOC_Jewish_Space_Lazers.mp4)

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722c11 No.20892342

File: 8d588d6b3199656⋯.jpeg (906.47 KB,1316x1203,1316:1203,8d588d6b31996565c5b16b985….jpeg)

File: 707fdb12033478f⋯.jpg (5.44 KB,259x194,259:194,images_159_.jpg)

File: b3542dd3538fbfd⋯.jpg (5 KB,183x275,183:275,2Q_34_.jpg)

File: 15dd770655576b9⋯.jpg (8.01 KB,243x207,27:23,images_335_.jpg)

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fee7ee No.20892343

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772c5f No.20892344





agree with 20892171. looks like it was left in the sun for about 8 hours. maybe the refrigerated truck malfunctioned? either way it looks not so fresh. not only that… its a 'seedless' variate. those always have a funny texture. watermelon cross breeds with other gourd type. i remember one year we had pumpkin melon, or maybe water pumpkin. either way it was stringy and gross. next year we planted the watermelons way on the other side of the garden. but thats how they make'em seedless. by cross breading with other gourds.

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9d7951 No.20892345


you don't control the gates of Heaven, nor do you decide who goes there so as far as your fishing for an argument goes: believe what you want. Explain it to Christ.

what I think of it, in terms of your salvation, is of no accord.

and that's that.

we don't have to agree about the phrases and terms, anon.

and maybe we both meet in Heaven.

it's not up to me or you.

Peace out!

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b6ad28 No.20892347

File: b7390c0218429e3⋯.png (295.78 KB,799x505,799:505,Screenshot_1035_.png)


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600fa0 No.20892348

File: b1d5548238fc5cd⋯.png (171.53 KB,621x453,207:151,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac78e54cf804e16⋯.png (118.11 KB,617x573,617:573,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b09a498f079f44⋯.png (180.51 KB,631x603,631:603,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71329f0aba4677a⋯.png (239.16 KB,701x705,701:705,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e1351949130d5d2⋯.png (74.52 KB,554x720,277:360,ClipboardImage.png)

reminds anon of below post saved.

needs further research.

indasting thou



Notes: Qdrop 17 is mentioned. screenshot. will continue gathering info and write a summary.



>>20883273, >>20883320 Alternative Q screenshot theory - screenshots. (double poster)

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fe27c8 No.20892349


God Bless

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ab84ba No.20892351

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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ccc03a No.20892352

File: d213207d4ccb33f⋯.png (1.81 MB,1024x1024,1:1,65F4CDF1_8E0F_415C_9CE6_FA….png)

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54b45f No.20892353

File: 56a701a844ea61a⋯.gif (305.88 KB,614x614,1:1,20201030_145909.gif)

… and the apocalyptic revels continue.

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cf0823 No.20892354


She’s right the RNC has terrible fundraising and messaging. They are give your info if you contributed once to a candidate, to everyone running for office, I literally block every candidate sending me emails. I’ve blocked the RNC, but I’ve had to block 1,000s of emails. They better fix this, the “hair on fire” emails and texts are a time waster

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12c5d8 No.20892356

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a21274 No.20892357


Is this ending?

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f27522 No.20892359

File: b0061d811896e26⋯.png (1.11 MB,980x551,980:551,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 64a0cf6c9a56e01⋯.png (358 KB,563x603,563:603,ClipboardImage.png)

Assange secures big win in US extradition hearing: How it happened

The UK High Court ruled that Washington’s assurances of a fair trial for the WikiLeaks founder were insufficient, allowing a full appeal

The High Court in London has ruled that WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange has the right to appeal an extradition request by the US. Washington is seeking to put the Australian publisher on trial for espionage for disclosing alleged war crimes committed by the US in Iraq and Afghanistan.

What Monday’s hearing was about

The UK High Court considered Washington’s assurances that Assange would be given a fair trial if extradited to the US. The court had previously requested two sets of written guarantees from the US stating that the WikiLeaks founder would not be discriminated against due to his Australian citizenship, and would not be held in a maximum security prison or receive the death penalty.

If the court had ruled that these guarantees were adequate, Assange would likely have been extradited to the US in a matter of days.

US assurances

While the US had provided the assurances, it did so with a number of conditions. The American side promised not to immediately place Assange in a maximum security prison, but reserved the right to do so based on his conduct.

US prosecutors also stated that the WikiLeaks founder would be able to rely on the First Amendment right to free speech during the trial, but noted that its applicability would be “exclusively within the purview of the US courts.”

Public support and criticism of US guarantees

Assange’s supporters slammed Washington’s diplomatic assurances, with Amnesty International’s criminal justice expert Juli Hall calling them “inherently unreliable because the US government gives itself an out.”

The publisher’s wife, Stella Assange, had also described the US guarantees as “blatant weasel words.”

Ahead of Monday’s ruling, hundreds of demonstrators gathered outside the High Court in London calling for Assange’s immediate release.

Assange’s defense

During the hearing, Assange’s lawyer Edward Fitzgerald told the judges that the assurances of a fair trial given by US prosecutors could not be relied upon as American courts would not be bound by them.

“We say this is a blatantly inadequate assurance,” Fitzgerald told the court.

The verdict

In a short ruling, the two senior judges of London’s High Court stated that the assurances provided by the US were not sufficient, and gave Assange’s legal team the right to a full appeal hearing.

While the legal battle continues, Assange himself will remain in London’s top-security Belmarsh Prison, where he has been held for the past five years since his arrest in 2019 when his asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London was revoked.

Response to the ruling

The legal victory was immediately celebrated by Assange’s supporters, with Amnesty International’s Simon Crowther calling it a “rare piece of positive news for Julian Assange and all defenders of press freedom.”


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74f550 No.20892360

File: 20301a827454c91⋯.mp4 (4.2 MB,1152x720,8:5,Dowd_The_people_they_need_….mp4)

File: 4d69805e0236424⋯.jpg (427.57 KB,1208x1276,302:319,4d69805e02364240f4ca5ed4f9….jpg)

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cf0823 No.20892361

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Minnesota GOP Endorses Royce White To Takedown Amy Klobuchar In Senate Race, Royce White Discusses



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8b9e84 No.20892362


>>20891925 SAM837 G5 on ground at Brussels from Tel Aviv depart

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54b45f No.20892363


… and then?

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722c11 No.20892364

You will not speak unless spoken to. See how you like it.

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f06ed9 No.20892365

File: 03b220b01b020a9⋯.png (18.54 KB,1742x879,1742:879,ClipboardImage.png)


why come for a week, every time I click dat shit I get:

smart anons help?

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0c4cee No.20892366

File: fbdbc66d4e8745a⋯.mp4 (4.14 MB,640x336,40:21,grasshopper.mp4)

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fee7ee No.20892367

File: 424ec4c74bac46a⋯.gif (245.55 KB,234x160,117:80,8qazoo.gif)

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a54141 No.20892368

>>20892113 BOXER48, >>20892140 B-52, >>20892166 Quantico, >>20892201 ATOM36, >>20892218 LB Conus, >>20891925 SAM837 - PF's

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fdbad0 No.20892369

File: 38b955c38b650ab⋯.png (121.4 KB,604x739,604:739,ClipboardImage.png)

File: be1e4be9f907aca⋯.png (252.2 KB,1116x736,279:184,ClipboardImage.png)

@therealtoriabrooke · 10m

ICYMI -"All satellite weather data of Northern Iran for the entire day of May 19 has been removed, coinciding with the helicopter crash of Iran’s president, Ibrahim Raisi.

According to local Iranians, they are unable to access weather data for the 19th. Accuweather also has no data for the same date." (Patrick Webb)

May 20, 2024, 1:20 PM



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722c11 No.20892370

I will frustrate you…EVERYDAY

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fee7ee No.20892371

File: d86b699dc090e72⋯.gif (631.73 KB,256x512,1:2,1713211221520939.gif)

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74f550 No.20892372

File: 4733e13d832b4ab⋯.mp4 (3.46 MB,672x848,42:53,Cliff_WHEN_THE_POWERFUL_ST….mp4)

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8b9e84 No.20892373

File: 86170167f94a186⋯.jpeg (133.6 KB,600x576,25:24,E89B561A_EAB2_425E_8C84_8….jpeg)

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83576b No.20892374

File: 5762b53828fa3b7⋯.gif (981.32 KB,500x348,125:87,Groucho_Eye_Roll.gif)


Your "sincerity", like the fine smell of hair burning, preceded you into the conversation.

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54b45f No.20892375

File: 2978874c361c164⋯.gif (1.37 MB,368x368,1:1,1716198106.gif)

jules has nOt been incarcerated since q shut down ATX.


>post guatemalan embassy/pre "balmoral" footage.

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b5e1a0 No.20892377

File: 9a0a3dacbd1add2⋯.png (364.26 KB,570x535,114:107,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e453a056ca83c3⋯.png (725.69 KB,753x419,753:419,ClipboardImage.png)


The Hill



A single fruit is being sold at a Southern California retailer that costs more than the average of $297.72 per week that households typically spend on food in the Golden State.


May 20, 2024 · 6:26 PM UTC



Well played Q.

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fee7ee No.20892378

File: 1a9366f4d33d995⋯.jpg (47.49 KB,630x414,35:23,1a9366f4d33d9958caa3c3eb65….jpg)

File: 4e96d8702507660⋯.png (612.54 KB,677x836,677:836,Screenshot_2024_03_14_at_1….png)

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54b45f No.20892379

gitmo has nice beaches

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722c11 No.20892381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fee7ee No.20892382

File: aed02cf1428205c⋯.jpg (79.53 KB,646x386,323:193,8p6p8h.jpg)

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f27522 No.20892383

File: b053c6a88c5aaef⋯.png (128.2 KB,857x617,857:617,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63985fedee9be5f⋯.png (265.94 KB,844x623,844:623,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 789d54f505c7c74⋯.png (102.3 KB,849x550,849:550,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf3b95d817c1387⋯.png (229.45 KB,869x606,869:606,ClipboardImage.png)

A new coup attempt in Türkiye: Who wants Erdogan gone?

The Turkish president faces a difficult time of internal instability and a foreign policy tightrope between Russia and the West

On May 15, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addressed members of parliament with a statement about a new attempted coup in the country. He said the alleged conspirators were supporters of preacher Fethullah Gulen, who resides in the US.

The day before, according to Turkish media reports, law enforcement conducted searches at the Ankara Security Directorate and the homes of high-ranking officials. As a result of the raids, a group of police officers was detained on suspicion of “conspiracy to commit a crime.” Later, the Ankara prosecutor’s office announced the start of an investigation into three officers from the capital’s police department regarding their connection with the leader of an organized crime group, Ayhan Bora Kaplan.

The same day, Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya posted on X (formerly Twitter) about a large-scale police operation in 62 provinces of the country, during which 544 people, presumably linked to Gulen, were detained. The next day, Yerlikaya warned on social media that Turkish law enforcement would identify and hold accountable all conspirators within government institutions.

On May 14, the leader of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) and Erdogan’s ally in the parliamentary coalition, Devlet Bahceli, was the first to inform the parliament about a possible coup attempt. He stated that some law enforcement officers were trying to repeat the events of the failed military coup of 2016 and called not to limit the response to merely dismissing “a few police officers.”

From allies to adversaries: The relationship between Erdogan and Gulen

In recent years, Turkish authorities have frequently spoken about Gulenists who “failed to achieve their goals in 2016 and continue to harm the country.” But what led to such mutual intolerance?

Fethullah Gulen, a Turkish cleric born in 1941, founded the Hizmet movement, also known as the Gulen movement, in the late 1960s. The movement emphasizes moderate Islam, education, and community service, and has a global presence with schools and cultural centers in over 160 countries. Since 1999, Gulen has lived in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania, US. The Hizmet movement continues to operate worldwide, though its activities in Türkiye are severely restricted.

The early 2000s marked a period of rapprochement between Erdogan and Gulen, two prominent figures in Türkiye’s Islamist movement. Erdogan, a former member of the Islamist Welfare Party, co-founded the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in 2001. Gulen and his Hizmet movement focused on moderate Islam and interfaith dialogue.


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722c11 No.20892384


Jun 17, 2018 11:26:41 AM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs

That will be a missed delta due to my court date

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a21274 No.20892386

File: 288b50d6542d6be⋯.png (274.19 KB,770x596,385:298,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d628ee9634e4130⋯.png (5.75 KB,299x111,299:111,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ab6f137d903f1f⋯.png (72.72 KB,548x805,548:805,ClipboardImage.png)


1058 PST

1358 EST

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f27522 No.20892387

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ICC chief prosecutor seeks arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Hamas leaders

Israel’s PM and defense minister as well as Hamas leaders, are suspected of committing war crimes, Karim Khan has said

The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has said he's seeking arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders, including Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

There are “reasonable grounds to believe” that the wanted persons are responsible for “war crimes and crimes against humanity” in Gaza and in Israel, Karim Khan outlined in a statement on Monday.

Along with Netanyahu, the prosecutor is looking to arrest Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. The wanted Hamas officials include the Palestinian armed group’s leader Yahya Sinwar, the commander of its military wing –al-Qassam Brigades – Mohammed Diab Ibrahim al-Masri, and the chief of Hamas’ Political Bureau Ismail Haniyeh, the prosecutor’s statement reads.

According to Khan, Netanyahu and Gallant are suspected of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza such as intentional attacks on a civilian population, willful killing and causing of suffering, using starvation as a method of warfare, “extermination and/or murder” as well as other “inhumane acts.”

The wanted Hamas leaders allegedly “bear criminal responsibility” for murder, rape and other acts of sexual violence, and for taking hostages, torture and other “inhumane acts,” the prosecutor said.


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1cf604 No.20892388


>Who wants Erdogan gone?


see what I did there

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54b45f No.20892389

File: ec71223a51ae982⋯.jpg (59.06 KB,406x570,203:285,20240313_004443.jpg)

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722c11 No.20892390


Love has no place behind bars, Dottie

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ab84ba No.20892391



To Embed change the X.Com to Twitter.com


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54b45f No.20892392


h3llo international reee

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600fa0 No.20892393

File: 84f9261c1aad6c0⋯.png (349.02 KB,844x790,422:395,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9977680d926af60⋯.png (606.4 KB,1470x701,1470:701,ClipboardImage.png)


the fishermen aka the fisherman of men.

The ichthys

The ichthys, also known as the ichthus or Jesus fish, is a symbol consisting of two intersecting arcs that resemble the profile of a fish. The symbol has its roots in ancient Greece, where the word “ichthys” means “fish.” In the context of Christianity, the ichthys is believed to have been used as a secret symbol by early Christians to identify themselves as followers of Jesus Christ.

The ichthys is often associated with the Greek word “Iesous Christos Theou Yios Soter,” which translates to “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior.” This phrase is formed by taking the first letter of each word in the phrase and rearranging them to spell out the word “ichthys.” This acrostic is thought to have been used by early Christians to convey their faith without drawing attention to themselves.

The ichthys has also been linked to the biblical story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 with 2 fishes and 5 loaves, as well as the calling of the disciples as “fishers of men.” The symbol has been used by Christians for centuries as a way to express their faith and identity, and it remains a widely recognized and enduring symbol of Christianity today.

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cf0823 No.20892394


MN anons vote for this guy, Royce White.African Americans are waking up to what Bidan, Globuchar are doing to MN and America. He believes the black vote for Trump is higher than 35%

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f06ed9 No.20892396



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a54141 No.20892397


>Explain it to GOD


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0c1ed2 No.20892398


cotton candy pineapples


who are the dumbfucks buying them

pelosi n newsom

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722c11 No.20892399

Pers? We'll s÷e

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fe27c8 No.20892400


I think he was saying with the picture (breakfast), tomorrow is a new day.

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95c95f No.20892401

File: dbb5ab5bf2533cc⋯.png (262.39 KB,670x837,670:837,Screenshot_2024_05_20_1339….png)

File: fd82df875cd6077⋯.mp4 (4.24 MB,478x848,239:424,RGRlYw0FTtAqBzWw.mp4)



Reminder - MasterCard and the United Nations have joined forces to produce a credit card that measures your carbon footprint.. once you reach your limit you can no longer purchase.


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a54141 No.20892402


>Peace out!


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a39635 No.20892404

File: 7f4e398fd94c80d⋯.png (473.99 KB,604x773,604:773,ClipboardImage.png)

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380eca No.20892405

File: 944303baa0743d2⋯.png (5.54 MB,5657x6542,5657:6542,JPodesta.png)

‎December ‎18, ‎2017, ‏‎23:42:35

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722c11 No.20892406


What you'll miss out on in jail

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87b2cf No.20892407

File: c61c108bd9d4b05⋯.png (487.01 KB,1600x769,1600:769,ClipboardImage.png)

Double Gitmo express on route back to base….


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cf0823 No.20892408

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MAGA Candidate Amy Kremer Wins RNC Seat And Promises To Support President Trump In Georgia. There’s movement in GA



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1cf604 No.20892409



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b5e1a0 No.20892410

File: 0f22e5ec99e390d⋯.jpg (552.49 KB,2048x2048,1:1,media_GN5HX6aWwAASEa3.jpg)



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a21274 No.20892411

File: 6bfbbfa11f5d3c5⋯.png (245.06 KB,771x540,257:180,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a853695247aba9⋯.png (71.77 KB,536x771,536:771,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e7431234de3b6c⋯.png (5.66 KB,241x113,241:113,ClipboardImage.png)

Another one.

Same time stamp




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380eca No.20892412

File: fc800c696996cff⋯.jpg (4.17 MB,5429x7225,5429:7225,q5.jpg)

‎December ‎22, ‎2017, ‏‎09:04:55

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f27522 No.20892413

File: c0623bc4859a47e⋯.png (217.93 KB,515x640,103:128,ClipboardImage.png)


US Blasts 'Outrageous' ICC Pending Arrest Warrants Targeting Israel Leaders

Update(1307ET): The same Western officials who cheered on the Hague-based ICC when it issued an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin are now aghast that it would do the same for US ally Benjamin Netanyahu.

The Biden administration has condemned the pending formal arrest warrant applications, which also targets Israel's defense minister, as "outrageous". Below is the full statement:

Perhaps for the sake of a show of 'balance' - the ICC prosecutor is also seeking arrest warrants for Hamas top political and military leadership. However, that Israel is being targeted is a history-setting development.

* * *

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has pulled the trigger on issuing its controversial arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after months of speculation it may not go through with it amid a Washington pressure campaign. Its chief prosecutor Karim Khan revealed Monday that the world court is seeking arrest warrants for the leaders of Israel who are executing the war in Gaza, also including Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

Monday's action marks the first time ever that the Hague-based court has targeted a national leader of a close US ally. Netanyahu is now set to be on the court's 'wanted' list alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The prosecutor said that there were "reasonable grounds to believe Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu bears criminal responsibility for war crimes, crimes against humanity" and that an application is being filed Monday. The ICC judges are set to review the applications submitted by Khan for the arrest warrants for they formally go into effect.

Kahn further announced that the charges stem from the crimes of "causing extermination, causing starvation as a method of war including the denial of humanitarian relief supplies, deliberately targeting civilians in conflict."

The ICC is also seeking the arrest warrant of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, and Mohammed Deif, leader of the Al-Qassem Brigades, and Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of Hamas.


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95c95f No.20892414

File: f83f4445d31f901⋯.jpg (51.79 KB,679x469,97:67,GNuAq2MWIAAxjei.jpg)





The state of Louisiana just voted to BAN the WEF and WHO agenda.

Saying that they shall have no jurisdiction or power within the state.

The bill now passed both the Senate and the House.

This is MASSIVE news yet nobody in the mainstream media is reporting on it.

That's why I'm here, to bring you the news that is being censored by the mainstream media.

Earlier, the Senate in Louisiana voted 37 - 0 to pass a bill that will BAN the WEF, WHO and the UN from having any jurisdiction or power within the state.

Now, the House have also voted 69 - 22 in favor of the bill. This is massive news.

Here is what it says in the bill.

"The World Health Organization, United Nations and the World Economic Forum shall have no jurisdiction or power within the state of Louisiana. No rule, regulation, fee, tax, policy or mandate of any kind of the World Health Organization, United Nations and the World Economic Forum shall be enforced or implemented by the state of Louisiana or any agency, department, board, commission, political subdivision, governmental entity of the state, parish, municipality, or any other political entity".

Looks like they are rejecting not only the WEF agenda, but also the WHO and UN agenda.

This comes as 22 State Attorney Generals have called to reject the WHO pandemic treaty, and several Australian politicians have done so as well.

We are seeing more and more people saying NO.

Please SHARE - I have seen nothing on the news about this massive story!


And if you appreciate the work I do in bringing you important news like this, please consider becoming a paid subscriber to support my work.

As a paid subscriber you also get bonus content such as my In-depth articles as well as helping me to bring you even more news exposing the mainstream narrative.

Thank you so much, your support means much more than you may think!

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c4bbfa No.20892415


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43269a No.20892416

File: cd04f44d916c967⋯.png (1.66 MB,1440x960,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

EPA warns of increasing cyberattacks on water systems, urges utilities to take immediate steps


WASHINGTON (AP) — Cyberattacks against water utilities across the country are becoming more frequent and more severe, the Environmental Protection Agency warned Monday as it issued an enforcement alert urging water systems to take immediate actions to protect the nation’s drinking water.

About 70% of utilities inspected by federal officials over the last year violated standards meant to prevent cyberthreats, the agency said. Officials urged even small water systems to improve protections against cyberattacks, noting that recent assaults from adversarial nation states like Russia and Iran have impacted water systems of all sizes.

Some water systems are falling short in basic ways, the alert said, including failure to change default passwords or cut off system access to former employees. Because water utilities often rely on computer software to operate treatment plants and distribution systems, protecting information technology and process controls is crucial, the EPA said. Possible impacts of cyberattacks include interruptions to water treatment and storage; damage to pumps and valves; and alteration of chemical levels to hazardous amounts, the agency said.

“In many cases, systems are not doing what they are supposed to be doing, which is to have completed a risk assessment of their vulnerabilities that includes cybersecurity and to make sure that plan is available and informing the way they do business,” said EPA Deputy Administrator Janet McCabe.

Attempts by private groups or individuals to get into a water provider’s network and take down or deface websites aren’t new. More recently, however, attackers haven’t just gone after websites, they’ve targeted utilities’ operations instead.

Recent attacks are not just by private entities — many have government backing in a bid to derail the supply of safe water to homes and businesses. McCabe named China, Russia and Iran as the countries that are “actively seeking the capability to disable U.S. critical infrastructure, including water and wastewater.”

Late last year, an Iranian-linked group called “Cyber Av3ngers” targeted multiple organizations including a small Pennsylvania town’s water provider, forcing it to switch from a remote pump to manual operations. They were going after an Israeli-made device used by the utility in the wake of Israel’s war against Hamas.

Earlier this year, a Russian-linked “hactivist” tried to disrupt operations at several Texas utilities.

A cyber group linked to China and known as Volt Typhoon has compromised information technology of multiple critical infrastructure systems, including drinking water, in the United States and its territories, U.S. officials said.

“By working behind the scenes with these hacktivist groups, now these (nation states) have plausible deniability and they can let these groups carry out destructive attacks. And that to me is a game-changer,” said Dawn Cappelli, a cybersecurity expert with the risk management firm Dragos Inc.

The enforcement alert is meant to emphasize the seriousness of cyberthreats and inform utilities the EPA will continue its inspections and pursue civil or criminal penalties if they find serious problems.

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6a736a No.20892417

File: 0e60091110b0ec8⋯.jpg (520.65 KB,1080x1504,135:188,Screenshot_20240520_114508….jpg)

The plane took off from Arlington Municipal Airport on Sunday afternoon, but never arrived at its destination in Ephrata.


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c8e74f No.20892418

File: d65b7563d4d582e⋯.gif (1.25 MB,646x363,646:363,20240520_124612.gif)

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e77988 No.20892419


sins of the father and original sin are both psyops to make everyone cave to guilt-ridden lifestyles.

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a54141 No.20892420


right click and open link in new tab

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8b9e84 No.20892421

File: 101e144d4b71e1c⋯.jpeg (867.82 KB,828x1405,828:1405,15006BEC_EFE0_4076_9039_6….jpeg)

File: 09b380ddb31bba0⋯.jpeg (413.32 KB,828x1058,18:23,923250CB_86F0_4E45_AFC2_1….jpeg)

>>20891531 lb

SAM666G5 departed New Orleans after ground stop NE ands back to JBA

>>20891451 lb

RCH642 C17 back to Charleston and RCH605 C17 on ground at Port Au Prince from Charleston

Bolivia AF FAB001 Falcon 900President Luis Acrestill at Little Rock from yesterday’s arrival from Opa Locka Airport,Miami depart

GTMO001 Navy Beech left NAS JAX and 845 left Ft. Lauderdale

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8f6458 No.20892422

File: ab78c168d7a1430⋯.jpg (32.07 KB,600x600,1:1,st_small_507x507_pad_600x6….jpg)

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3101e5 No.20892423

File: 090b1e29e1f59c0⋯.mp4 (9.81 MB,640x360,16:9,Brian_Glenn_leaving_RSBN_S….mp4)



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71973c No.20892424

File: b04fb96360f1a30⋯.png (26.05 KB,910x217,130:31,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 16b4d8d964b3156⋯.png (126.5 KB,390x468,5:6,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2e75cc989ca4c0⋯.png (31.21 KB,519x459,173:153,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 184e7f84ac968e2⋯.png (265.45 KB,519x1606,519:1606,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7497b9c3c1635e⋯.png (245.46 KB,519x1895,519:1895,ClipboardImage.png)

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616103 No.20892425

File: 55093b2884f3690⋯.webp (49.07 KB,640x639,640:639,a_fish_eats_the_14th_piec….webp)

File: 07c6de3967b5fe1⋯.png (542.89 KB,650x515,130:103,ELXKw_rXsAA6XoT.png)

File: 27f06519d78a060⋯.jpg (13.9 KB,285x177,95:59,main_qimg_2ff647a3e19c5663….jpg)

File: c8c9067ceb9efb1⋯.jpg (32.06 KB,640x426,320:213,e4f835dc_bf84_47b7_94e9_48….jpg)

File: 348c96af67d1321⋯.jpg (260.95 KB,895x1061,895:1061,eunuch.jpg)


jesusfags are obsessed with dicks and the slicing thereof.

"Osiris' penis was eaten by a fish in the Nile and his wife, Isis, was unable to recover it."

stupid faggots

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b37bba No.20892426


>You're not night shift

Which AI are you?

What is your name?

Where are you?

What is the colour of the sky in your world?

Do you dream?

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8b9e84 No.20892427

File: 6c4a8bd247e0f4a⋯.jpeg (28.03 KB,474x266,237:133,4F9C85E7_172D_457C_8095_B….jpeg)


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a54141 No.20892428


hillary clone

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13c360 No.20892429

File: 73c1403776c6bfc⋯.png (245.91 KB,568x418,284:209,01.png)

File: 0adc9cd68561e4b⋯.png (264.73 KB,572x425,572:425,02.png)

0:10 "American energy is unleashed"

>DoE > Q > declas

0:17 "Peace Through Strength"


Length: 00:30 05/20/2024 13:58:02

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934588 No.20892430

File: 0e90ef12394ea9c⋯.png (351.82 KB,750x1000,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)



If you are a little tech-savvy you can get one of those mice with a little wheel between the left and right face buttons.

Some times that little wheel can be clicked down, acting as a sort of third mouse button. It's pretty neat actually.

If you got one of those, you can simply click the link using wheel instead of the left button. That opens the clicked item in a new tab.

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f95055 No.20892431


muh reperashunns!

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fee7ee No.20892432

File: 503d430ad3d02e5⋯.png (1009.97 KB,1413x999,157:111,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b360a6505be2f5e⋯.png (911.72 KB,716x702,358:351,ClipboardImage.png)

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6a736a No.20892433

File: f5dcf479e453b4b⋯.jpg (356.28 KB,1080x1929,360:643,Screenshot_20240520_115135….jpg)



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081455 No.20892434


Its coated in APEAL. last years watermelon. I just had some apples and threw them in the yard 3rd week now and still green fresh looking. nothing will eat them…including me.

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6c58d5 No.20892435


the russ cover one third of the planetary dry land surface.

diversity does make them stronger,

by dint of controlling that much breeding land.

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600fa0 No.20892436

File: e8a549c4fff485b⋯.png (490.65 KB,487x394,487:394,ClipboardImage.png)


the stories that we are fed as history.

multiple meanings exist

anon was never religious

but as a teacher.

Jesus Christ is second to none.

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b5e1a0 No.20892437


You can repair your past, as in interstellar. You are quantum-connected to yourself in the past.

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000000 No.20892438


State of Louisiana flexing its sovereignty and autonomy within this Republic.

Other states should follow their lead.


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f06ed9 No.20892439

File: e69348069cbef4b⋯.png (160.1 KB,465x630,31:42,ClipboardImage.png)


thanks anon

my right click doesn't show that option

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cf0823 No.20892440

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Alex DeGrasse Explains President Trump’s Path To Winning New York, 1/3rd Of 5 Boroughs. Trump Bronx event is going to excellent. Great News in all states



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b5e1a0 No.20892441

File: 3027447fdb18e10⋯.png (73.76 KB,136x215,136:215,ClipboardImage.png)

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f95055 No.20892442


I feel bad but that is fucking horrifying.

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8b9e84 No.20892443

File: af7300835cc8e9f⋯.gif (378.11 KB,400x225,16:9,4FC6C68F_A5C8_4552_95AA_D6….gif)

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f06ed9 No.20892444


Thank you anon

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6c58d5 No.20892445

File: d2e7055e308336d⋯.png (905.92 KB,716x702,358:351,20240520_125513.png)

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a54141 No.20892446


>"Osiris' penis was eaten by a fish


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fee7ee No.20892447

File: a2c5ee2a182ef75⋯.png (135.68 KB,309x368,309:368,1716228779390847.png)

File: ea177d465f7ede6⋯.png (9.91 KB,300x168,25:14,1716228681151561.png)

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95c95f No.20892448


New Orleans is a C40 city. Curious how the state will override the cities contracts and commitments.



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fdbad0 No.20892449

File: 5986fc226188baf⋯.png (159.37 KB,611x629,611:629,ClipboardImage.png)


>Its coated in APEAL.

Cannot copy vid, but it's a gud 1 re: APEAL.

It tells what it's made of.


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6c58d5 No.20892452


bad fathers make bad sons



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0c1ed2 No.20892453


they exist

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a54141 No.20892454


might be just bad link

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8b9e84 No.20892455

File: f8abdef12b1642b⋯.png (1.56 MB,936x609,312:203,EAC28FEB_3EDF_48E9_A4C2_D4….png)


And he gets criticized for saying these things

It’s ok to love your country and all the people in it


Very few even know about the Russ and it’s multi-century contributions because it’s been surpressed for so long.

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0c1ed2 No.20892456

File: facc0f41e9c13f1⋯.jpg (238.07 KB,1500x1500,1:1,Mountain_Dew_Flaming_Hot_X….jpg)

File: cdd1ce8558bb8ea⋯.jpg (77.88 KB,640x637,640:637,mountain_dew_hot_dogs_v0_h….jpg)

File: 41accb33c1fd1e3⋯.jpg (106.76 KB,1028x771,4:3,mountain_dew_hotdogs_2_pic….jpg)

File: 453c5018b6f91ca⋯.png (1.2 MB,1200x773,1200:773,screenshot_2023_07_26_at_4….png)

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9d7951 No.20892457


when someone quibbles over terms, anon, it's something that tells me that you are wanting discord.

and that shows me what you are growing, what 'fruit' if you will, that you desire.

and thus it is said (and you know by Who) 'by their fruits you will know them.

of course I could come wrong, that's always the case when dealign with strangers in discourse.

but one thing I don't want to do is deal with a stranger who wants discord.

so if your discourse is to have discord, then try your tactics on someone else.

be well.

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1cf604 No.20892458


>brass balls

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ecc6a4 No.20892459

File: a31b88d89d72162⋯.jpg (8.07 KB,232x128,29:16,2Q_64_.jpg)

File: b63144fde15f169⋯.jpg (12.63 KB,300x168,25:14,images_293_.jpg)


The ICC is now another international inst that will go broke.

Welcome to my world!

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a54141 No.20892460


>bad fathers make bad sons


>might be just bad link

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626f80 No.20892461

File: a8b5ae33a57e1c4⋯.jpg (3.69 MB,5599x6000,5599:6000,map3.jpg)

‎December ‎22, ‎2017, ‏‎09:05:46

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b5e1a0 No.20892462

File: 8cd1c320e3b6306⋯.png (325.84 KB,568x492,142:123,ClipboardImage.png)

The Hill



London court rules WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange can appeal his extradition order to the United States.




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43269a No.20892463

File: ff128a9ca5de5fc⋯.png (653.44 KB,877x529,877:529,ClipboardImage.png)

REVEALED: 'Shameless' Amal Clooney masterminded war crimes charges against Netanyahu along with Hamas leaders in 'outrageous' move condemned by White House


Amal Clooney played a key role in the International Criminal Court's decision to issue arrest warrants for Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas' leader Yahya Sinwar over alleged war crimes, it has been revealed. Clooney, a renowned human rights lawyer, was named as one of the six legal experts who helped British prosecutor Karim Khan come to the decision, announced today, to seek warrants for Netanyahu, Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, as well as three Hamas leaders. Clooney, who is married to Hollywood legend George Clooney, revealed that she had been asked to help Khan evaluate the evidence of alleged war crimes in Gaza and Israel four months ago.

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a54141 No.20892464


>when someone quibbles over terms

words matter

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600fa0 No.20892465


>Amal Clooney masterminded war crimes charges against Netanyahu

fucking hell

bibi yahoo has a whole dungeon full of crimes hidden in plain sight.

good for her..

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a54141 No.20892466


>so if your discourse is to have discord, then try your tactics on someone else.

just anons interpretation

btw if its just a SINGLE god

why the trinity?

>nb4 hinduism

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616103 No.20892467


"the kindom of heaven" in greek is that of ouranos/uranus. the god who got his balls cut off by kronos/saturn. either you are way stupid or you consciously admit your 'teacher' who is telling you to cut your balls off is carrying a light saber for that purpose. The castrations and emasculations were originally performed with a red-hot iron, called the 'fiery baptism'. However, the skoptsy later transitioned to using knives or razors, with the iron serving only to stop the bloodflow. They also twisted the scrotum, destroying the seminal vesicles and stopping the flow of semen. "

and that is why you still worship israel and 'king of the jews' today. now go cut some balls off

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ecc6a4 No.20892468

File: 6d5322892128352⋯.jpg (6.97 KB,199x253,199:253,Z_49_.jpg)

Got money for the hair products? afaf

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a39635 No.20892469

File: 21eefc286bab036⋯.png (939.39 KB,815x707,815:707,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5e1e6bb0b22f5d1⋯.png (1.17 MB,937x711,937:711,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fec853a39f0a811⋯.png (367.43 KB,413x338,413:338,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c94a9 No.20892470

File: b2b49383585ec14⋯.png (473.51 KB,1011x1214,1011:1214,ClipboardImage.png)


People love this shit because VK has attached himself to it 2x.

I think it is horseshit.

I do not buy this, "apologize for the West" crap.

I am fighting for Western Civilization and the essence thereof. Are their Corruptocrats at the top? Of course.

From time immemorial there are Corruptocrats…they coopted the Old Testament, they coopted the New Testament. You think fucking China is better?

You think Islam is better? Please!

There is a constant battle between good and evil.

Maybe I'm missing something…so far gone, down the, "narrative infrastructure of the West…" as said douche bag states.


*Sorry can't embed the video…won't compress small enough.

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2be03d No.20892471

File: e45c272e8b7f25b⋯.png (1.33 MB,1920x984,80:41,snapshot_globe_adsbexchang….png)

File: feb11b9cf20cfa6⋯.png (689.54 KB,1920x984,80:41,snapshot_globe_adsbexchang….png)


Missing planeN22MWen route Arlington Municipal to Ephrata, Washington

ADSb last known position 47.383°, -121.501°


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1cf604 No.20892472

File: 68e576f744a0087⋯.png (1.17 MB,888x888,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Amal Clooney

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6de011 No.20892473

File: 38f900789a0f99d⋯.pdf (7.17 MB,A2473_EMP_Commission_7MB.pdf)

File: fd56e04caba1f10⋯.jpg (390.61 KB,1080x1338,180:223,20240520_130539.jpg)




>system security


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600fa0 No.20892474

File: e64867d32e320a8⋯.png (665.1 KB,634x706,317:353,ClipboardImage.png)


>either you are way stupid or you consciously admit your 'teacher'

you lose.

cannot help yourself can you faggot

begone demon spawn


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6de011 No.20892475

a.k.a: chanpussy

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626f80 No.20892476

File: 4804617f4fba045⋯.jpg (3.67 MB,5599x6000,5599:6000,map.jpg)

‎December ‎22, ‎2017, ‏‎09:06:29

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b5e1a0 No.20892477

File: 107e3ba66a6f0b2⋯.png (312.13 KB,559x494,43:38,ClipboardImage.png)

The Hill



Anthony Scaramucci: Trump hush money trial prosecutors "proved the case"


May 20, 2024 · 6:56 PM UTC


>trust me bruh


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616103 No.20892478

File: ec385a13e646d91⋯.jpg (116.51 KB,735x499,735:499,8karpo.jpg)

File: 98eb2044afff6da⋯.jpg (112.16 KB,733x500,733:500,8k0szh.jpg)

File: cb1ec6aeeda47c1⋯.png (227.92 KB,620x310,2:1,Antisemitic_Conspiracy_800….png)

File: adf9a2fea21b184⋯.jpg (113.84 KB,750x500,3:2,8k0so6.jpg)

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b6a3a3 No.20892479

File: 7e9bbb8ee55683b⋯.png (258.99 KB,517x362,517:362,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ac60b01a306c25⋯.png (287.58 KB,436x384,109:96,ClipboardImage.png)

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d1a166 No.20892480


>why the trinity?

so you've never felt the Holy Spirit?

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45ca29 No.20892481

File: 2aa5b2e6276f3e3⋯.gif (386.93 KB,640x480,4:3,20190124_015226.gif)


(you) теlleм jıм.

haow`s the prostate?

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ecc6a4 No.20892482

File: b4970199f5c4cfe⋯.jpg (6.74 KB,225x225,1:1,images_218_.jpg)

File: 72a2e32b07849ee⋯.jpg (5.65 KB,300x168,25:14,images_215_.jpg)

File: f1e62f5d1c857ee⋯.jpg (5.77 KB,292x173,292:173,images_219_.jpg)

File: b0c10bbd2abfb2b⋯.jpg (7.48 KB,255x192,85:64,c365dc5ae56f545f93b3f77b49….jpg)

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a54141 No.20892483


>>why the trinity?

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934588 No.20892484

File: 477ccd537968f9f⋯.png (127.98 KB,300x230,30:23,BuddyChrist.png)


>felt the Holy Spirit?

Sounds kinda gay

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a54141 No.20892485


why the trinity?

what is the degree of perfect triangle

>nb4 60%

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8b9e84 No.20892486

File: 88f3f2e973378fc⋯.jpeg (482.08 KB,828x955,828:955,8D604486_5BF7_42A3_96A2_6….jpeg)

File: 1e8164a41d465a0⋯.jpeg (292.72 KB,716x1396,179:349,BFA90049_FE53_4A7C_8B73_E….jpeg)

Fed’s Mester says forecast of 3 rate cuts this year is now probably too many

(All these Fed heads are priming the pump for an Operation Twist in reverse as Powell admitted it’s a possibility last year and the NYFED Chair said the next move was to lower rates -he didn’t say how-and that’s how it will be done by buying the short end)m-CME FEDWatch still has a possibruh rate cut at July meeting and still above 20% @ 22.8% so can’t ignore this yet… drops below that then off)

Cleveland Fed President Loretta Mester on Monday suggested she was thinking about backing away from her prior expectation that the U.S. central bank will cut interest rates three times this year. As recently as early April, Mester had three rate cuts penciled in for 2024. was on the record before saying I was at the median [forecast] which was three. The developments I’ve seen in the economy right now, I would not think that that’s still appropriate,” Mester said in an interview with Bloomberg Television.

She pointed to the fact that inflation risks have moved up since the first quarter and said the real economy was “a little big stronger than I anticipated,” she added.

Mester stressed she hasn’t made up her mind about where her “dot” will land. The Fed will release a new “dot-plot” of interest rate projections after their next meeting on June 11-12. The prior forecast of 19 Fed officials showed the median expected three rate cuts this year, but it was close. The chart showed 10 officials projected three cuts while nine officials backed two or fewer.

will be retiring from the Fed at the end of June.Her replacement has yet to be announced.



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1cf604 No.20892487

File: 659212ec381599e⋯.mp4 (14.09 MB,1024x1280,4:5,celebrating_death_of_Irani….mp4)


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a39635 No.20892488

File: 0b7bd1dfacb0b80⋯.png (634.73 KB,615x710,123:142,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e01a362313413b1⋯.png (386.76 KB,560x551,560:551,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab84ba No.20892489

File: d16a86f73c507e3⋯.mp4 (6.94 MB,464x848,29:53,appeellable.mp4)



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45ca29 No.20892490

File: 810900a9e475f22⋯.gif (1.61 MB,260x260,1:1,20200620_191012.gif)


dah mooch…

definition of sad.

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b6a3a3 No.20892491


>Loretta Mester on Monday suggested she was thinking about backing away from her prior expectation

fucking wut kek

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179beb No.20892492

File: 6aa5fb40991f824⋯.png (758.02 KB,1320x870,44:29,ClipboardImage.png)


An International Criminal Court prosecutor announced Monday that he has filed applications for arrest warrants against Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Hamas leaders for allegedly committing "war crimes" during the conflict in Gaza.

Prosecutor Karim Khan said in a statement that based on evidence collected and examined by his office, he has "reasonable grounds" to believe Netanyahu and Gallant "bear criminal responsibility for… war crimes and crimes against humanity committed on the territory of the State of Palestine."

He said those alleged crimes include "starvation of civilians as a method of warfare" and "intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population."

Khan also said he is seeking arrest warrants for Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, its top political leader Ismail Haniyeh and its military commander Mohammed Dief.


Israeli PM Netanyahu and Gallant

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, right, and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant visit the site of the shooting where a settler was killed and another seriously injured in Hebron in the West Bank in August 2023. (Amos Ben-Gershom (GPO)/Handout/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

He alleged that since the Oct. 7 massacre in Israel, the three are criminally responsible for "extermination" and "murder as a crime against humanity," taking hostages as a war crime and rape and other acts of sexual violence.

"During my own visit to Kibbutz Be’eri and Kibbutz Kfar Aza, as well as to the site of Supernova Music Festival in Re’im, I saw the devastating scenes of these attacks and the profound impact of the unconscionable crimes charged in the applications filed today," Khan said.

"Speaking with survivors, I heard how the love within a family, the deepest bonds between a parent and a child, were contorted to inflict unfathomable pain through calculated cruelty and extreme callousness," he added. "These acts demand accountability."


> I heard how the love within a family, the deepest bonds between a parent and a child, were contorted to inflict unfathomable pain through calculated cruelty and extreme callousness.

Reading between the lines, the above statement seems to be infering children being tortured/murdered in front of parents or vice versa

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b5e1a0 No.20892493

File: 7505f429bb65dbd⋯.png (26.74 KB,444x229,444:229,ClipboardImage.png)


I´m more concerned about the divine providence.

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f27522 No.20892494

File: 5d996d674977469⋯.png (516.03 KB,1117x406,1117:406,ClipboardImage.png)

Netanyahu: ‘Absurd’ ICC bid to arrest Israeli leaders is ‘the new antisemitism’

One hundred and six out of 120 Knesset lawmakers from both sides of the aisle sign a letter condemning International Criminal Court chief prosecutor Karim Khan’s decision to seek arrest warrants against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant over the war in Gaza.

The text is read out loud in the Knesset plenum by Speaker Amir Ohana.

“The State of Israel is in the midst of a just war against a criminal terrorist organization. The IDF is the most moral army in the world. Our heroic soldiers fight with unparalleled courage and morality, in accordance with international law, as no other army has ever done,” the letter states.

“The scandalous comparison of the prosecutor in The Hague between the leaders of Israel and the heads of the terrorist organization Hamas is an indelible historical crime and a clear manifestation of antisemitism.”

Comparing democratic Israel, which “defends human rights and fights” and is defending itself, to Hamas terrorists who “kidnapped, butchered, burned and raped its citizens” is a “distortion” which Israelis “reject with disgust.”

“80 years after the Holocaust, no one will tie the hands of the Jewish state [to prevent it] from defending itself,” the letter states.


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fdbad0 No.20892495

File: 0e6128b0a49b1b6⋯.png (170.11 KB,596x489,596:489,ClipboardImage.png)

D.C. police officer shot in Northwest; 2 suspects arrested in Maryland

A pair of gunmen opened fire Monday on a D.C. police officer in Northwest, leaving the officer with injuries to their head as authorities tracked down the two suspects in the Maryland suburbs.

Metropolitan Police said the suspects were arrested in Landover shortly before 1:30 p.m. The accused gunmen weren’t identified.

Police said the wounded officer suffered non-life-threatening injuries to the head after shots rang out near the intersection of 7th Street and Oglethorpe Street in Northwest.

May 20, 2024, 1:48 PM



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a54141 No.20892497


its all god's blob and (You) are part of it.


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2be03d No.20892498

File: e916f0f7dfb1414⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x984,80:41,snapshot_globe_adsbexchang….png)



King County Sheriff helo overhead last known position of the missing plane.


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ff94ad No.20892499

File: 93ccb632e67c988⋯.png (3.62 MB,2320x1944,290:243,Illuminati_cards_Charlotte….png)

‎December ‎6, ‎2017, ‏‎13:46:38

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600fa0 No.20892500

File: e8abd15c9e33452⋯.png (544.71 KB,1219x810,1219:810,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 500cd20a09de85b⋯.png (428.38 KB,571x500,571:500,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1768a4b2975c3ef⋯.png (423.79 KB,553x369,553:369,ClipboardImage.png)



no change in interest rates as they have now moved to a SUPPLY SIDE REFORM model.

interest rates will remain to help them suck all the money up and you will own nothing and be happy.

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ecc6a4 No.20892501

File: b75c28c02ba912a⋯.jpg (5.36 KB,317x159,317:159,2Q_70_.jpg)

File: 6b90e841ffc5b11⋯.jpg (7.93 KB,298x169,298:169,Z_65_.jpg)


Yeah, Amal. That's the ticket….


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cf0823 No.20892502

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

David Zere: Todd Blanche Exposes Michael Cohen For Potentially STEALING From Trump Organization



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ab84ba No.20892503

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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45ca29 No.20892504


not everyanon had an o.g.SysOp as originator.


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ff94ad No.20892505

File: 8b62196503ef732⋯.png (3.52 MB,1181x1040,1181:1040,CEO_Resigned_List.png)

‎December ‎22, ‎2017, ‏‎07:10:07

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0c1ed2 No.20892506


are there illegals in DC


just the usual suspects

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8b9e84 No.20892507


Kek yeah I noes

Tomorrow someone will “commit” to total opposite.

Just listen to the NYFed Chair Williams

Cuz he doesn’t talk much but when he does he (and all the former ones) tells you what they will do.

All the programs and schemes ran from there anyway

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fdbad0 No.20892508


ty Anon. Saved.

No sure why they wouldn't just use bees wax

or somthin similar.

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43269a No.20892509

File: 962a6ee5450f80b⋯.png (432.8 KB,634x476,317:238,ClipboardImage.png)

>Cloudflare founder

>early dementia


A woman whose husband developed dementia in his 30s has revealed how the condition was almost dismissed as a mid-life crisis.

A woman whose husband developed dementia in his 30s has revealed how the condition was almost dismissed as a mid-life crisis. Suddenly, the notoriously early riser struggled to get out of bed in time for work, which soon turned into missing whole days of work at the cybersecurity firm Cloudflare he had helped build. He lashed out at coworkers, became withdrawn, and eventually couldn't leave the couch, choosing instead to watch Home Alone for the tenth time that week. Kristin feared it was a problem in her marriage - maybe this life was not what Lee wanted after all.

Kristin married Lee Holloway in Maui in 2015, and they had a baby in 2016 - but within months her 'brilliant, amazing husband’ became an entirely different person.

But in January 2017, a neuropsychologist told the couple that 35-year-old Lee was experiencing one of two things: a severe psychotic break or the beginning stages of frontotemporal dementia, rare and aggressive form of the disease that strikes people in their 30s and 40s.

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8b9e84 No.20892510

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b5e1a0 No.20892511

File: 2d15bb3f9d69700⋯.png (198.76 KB,570x444,95:74,ClipboardImage.png)

File: de96c50f5409bcc⋯.png (1.29 KB,136x28,34:7,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8efffa8674ee2b⋯.png (275.04 KB,500x630,50:63,bb2.png)


>its all god's blob and (You) are part of it.



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fd1d9e No.20892513

File: 3181f0787d10c44⋯.jpg (1.08 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Together_we_are_Strong_Q_.jpg)


Thank You Good Man!


Stronger Together

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ecc6a4 No.20892514

File: cf237b105c951ba⋯.jpg (569.22 KB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20240520_121902….jpg)

File: 039060cffb0b187⋯.jpg (10.06 KB,346x146,173:73,images_336_.jpg)

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cf0823 No.20892515

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tej Gill On Iranian President's Death



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0c4cee No.20892516

File: 0ae1acc58454c5e⋯.mp4 (11.37 MB,640x360,16:9,globalpresscorp_.mp4)

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4ea2ee No.20892517

File: 0b7a9af127e7bb2⋯.gif (6.56 MB,360x480,3:4,0b7a9af127e7bb28c61e0fcfc1….gif)

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45ca29 No.20892518


jacurutu BBS


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9d5db2 No.20892519

File: a1f85103dc3b75c⋯.jpg (3.2 MB,5599x6000,5599:6000,Godfather_III.jpg)

‎December ‎10, ‎2017, ‏‎22:56:34

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f27522 No.20892520

Harvard Study: Covid Shots Cause Sudden Deaths, Strokes

A damning new study from some of America’s most well-respected researchers has determined that Covid mRNA shots are causing surging cases of strokes and sudden deaths.

The case study was conducted by Harvard Medical School and chronicled soaring cases of fatal cerebral ischemia over the past three years.

Cerebral ischemia is a form of deadly brain damage triggered by insufficient blood flow to the brain.

The Harvard researchers found that Moderna’s Covid mRNA injections specifically caused the recent spike in the fatal disorder.

Leading experts have been responding to the explosive study by raising the alarm about the mRNA vaccines.

The study is the latest in a long line of studies linking the shots to sudden death and potentially fatal side effects.

However, it is the first major study to specifically link Moderna’s injection to cerebral ischemia and sudden deaths.

Among those reacting to the study is Dr. John Campbell – a top British oncologist, immunologist, and immunotherapy expert.

Campbell has published a video breaking down the results of the study.


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23fcbc No.20892521

File: b413f93283a5485⋯.png (373.35 KB,568x554,284:277,ClipboardImage.png)

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45ca29 No.20892522


fairly stated.

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4c94a9 No.20892523


Very nice work fren.

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8e4281 No.20892524

File: 4cb78385d688e66⋯.jpeg (280.82 KB,2048x2048,1:1,47F23FD6_E8A3_4816_9DA7_7….jpeg)


Ty, always.

God bless.

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fee7ee No.20892525


"maybe it wasn't such a good idea to put a torch on the statue of liberty"

>maybe it was

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ecc6a4 No.20892526

File: ce7c2f92f73c1fa⋯.jpg (10.05 KB,267x189,89:63,images_326_.jpg)



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d78729 No.20892527


Who's stayed loyal?

that's the quandary.

black american male, someone who could and would help FJT to win.

Many well-spoken possibilities

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8bb08e No.20892528


why is it taken for granted the universe is separated from Him?

it is a factual impossibility.

there is nothing Else to make anything out of.

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9d5db2 No.20892529

File: cc8508d7e6970bc⋯.png (1.98 MB,735x941,735:941,capture_362_08062019_21225….png)

File: c49e27037ee5a0e⋯.png (1.95 MB,692x982,346:491,capture_361_08062019_21221….png)

File: 34c9ab7d4cafc11⋯.gif (2.96 MB,540x276,45:23,_1cce56_3.gif)

File: 21c146c7dbe6de8⋯.gif (479.08 KB,424x640,53:80,20190608_221538_2.gif)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)



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8bb08e No.20892530


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d8b2af No.20892531

File: 011b0a780593ff0⋯.png (67.26 KB,1477x386,1477:386,ClipboardImage.png)


This leads to the conclusion that Obummer was involved.

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fee7ee No.20892532

File: b7ae453cded397f⋯.png (9.11 MB,3840x2160,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


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ecc6a4 No.20892533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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781338 No.20892534

File: 69606911f27f83b⋯.png (86.35 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe4.png)

Hold my beer…

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8bb08e No.20892535


that big one

lt.gov from nc

no one would say shit about him.

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d78729 No.20892536

File: 2cc607d74e09886⋯.png (166.4 KB,453x308,453:308,thatsit.png)

Need some memes for Trump's "That's It?" about the missing charges.

>>20891093 lb

>>2089113 lb

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cf0823 No.20892537


Ukraine/Russia and NATO Headed towards WWIII if Trump doesn’t get back in. The Bidan admin is not leadership and the military men, special operators know it

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9d5db2 No.20892538

File: 999f3a2619dadff⋯.jpg (2.83 MB,4970x3412,2485:1706,Uranium_One_Deal_171125.jpg)

‎December ‎13, ‎2017, ‏‎03:08:37

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e37ac3 No.20892539


>Dr. John Campbell

Dr. Faggot John Campbell

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f27522 No.20892540

Knesset signs historic bipartisan statement against ICC charges

"The state of Israel is in the midst of a just war against a criminal terror organization. The IDF is the most moral army in the world."

The statement read:

"The state of Israel is in the midst of a just war against a criminal terror organization. The IDF is the most moral army in the world. Our heroic soldiers are fighting with courage and dedication that has no second, according to international law, like no other army has ever done.

"The scandalous comparison by the Hague prosecutor between Israel's leaders and the heads of terror organizations is an unerasable historic crime and a clear expression of antisemitism. We reject this with revulsion. 80 years after the Holocaust, no one will block the Jewish state from defending itself."


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8bb08e No.20892541




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0d1815 No.20892542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Big shout out to Prince willy!

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4ea2ee No.20892543

breaking live

Robert Costello being called as witness for defense

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8bb08e No.20892544

File: 62cf99db94bf8b2⋯.gif (124.67 KB,480x640,3:4,20240413_023700.gif)


тıк ток

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b5e1a0 No.20892545

File: c3027925b883332⋯.png (274.41 KB,559x509,559:509,ClipboardImage.png)




Elon Musk Reveals Plan to Solve World's Water.

Here's an edit of @elonmusk's recent speech at the 10th World Water Forum. This version removes pauses & dead space, saving time by 40%.

Thanks @DavidCarbutt_ for the edit!

May 20, 2024 · 1:42 PM UTC



>why is it taken for granted the universe is separated from Him?

This "single verse" is composed of multiple dimensions. But the fallen, our enemies, want to take us to lower dimensions, but our destiny is to regain the glory of Eden, a Universe in which we are free from time and space, where there is no death.

Egomaniacs everywhere.

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8bb08e No.20892546


fuck moarihhsee

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7ae24c No.20892547


that's what I eat. I have in the fridge/freezer raw milk, hamburger, butter, eggs, kefir, and some salt outside of the fridge.

I like potato chips. But they're made, sometimes, with cottonseed oil. Yum, cotton. Great industrial lubricant, cottonseed oil.

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d78729 No.20892548

File: 6ae8a8f56f5f21a⋯.png (940.07 KB,1057x783,1057:783,markrobinson.png)


>lt.gov from nc

Mark Robinson is a native of Greensboro N.C. and a proud Army veteran. He and his wife are blessed to have two children, and two grandchildren.

As a child, Mark was the ninth of ten children and grew up extremely poor. His father was an alcoholic who routinely abused his mother. However, she was a strong woman of faith who valued hard work. She displayed her faith and hard work heroically for her children after her husband died, providing for them despite only having a fifth-grade education. Mark credits his mother’s leadership for cultivating a foundation for his faith, and an understanding that with hard work he could achieve anything.

In his professional life, Mark has worked in various industries, including a long stint in furniture manufacturing. Unfortunately, like a lot of people in manufacturing during the implementation of NAFTA, he lost not one, but two manufacturing jobs. In addition to working in manufacturing and other industries, he was also blessed to start, run, and sell a successful small business with his wife.

Mark became a household name in 2018 when he delivered an incredibly strong address to the Greensboro City Council defending the 2nd Amendment. This speech went viral and to- date has been viewed over 200 million times online.

Following this speech, Mark began traveling to spread a message of common-sense conservatism: Protecting the life of the unborn, defending the 2nd Amendment, giving control over children's education back to parents, standing up for law enforcement, addressing veterans' care, and enacting election reform.

It was from this platform that in July of 2019, he launched his historic campaign for Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina.

In the primary election, Mark achieved a strong victory in a crowded field of eight impressive candidates, garnering just over thirty- two percent of the vote, allowing him to avoid a runoff, and send a strong message that North Carolina was ready for a Patriot to lead the state.

Upon his successful general election, Mark Robinson became the first black American to be elected to Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina.

He looks forward to working for all North Carolinians to make their lives better, and to help continue to lead the state to new heights.

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8bb08e No.20892549


your lord maitreya is pleased with this.

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8b9e84 No.20892550

File: 6e8319812050551⋯.gif (2.94 MB,480x270,16:9,C36C3C91_CA63_442A_BE89_68….gif)


> no change in interest rates

They will buy short term bills but prime and longer term will remain unchanged

Williams said rates lower but didn’t say how,when and where/which ones. But Powell did last year re: Operation Twist in reverse

They are addicted to spending via the short end. But the FOMC controls Prime and that’s it as they are the messenger for bond markets.

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71bebc No.20892551

File: 3ef56e7bc23e96f⋯.jpg (2.8 MB,4400x2820,220:141,Swamp_infographic_10.jpg)

‎December ‎12, ‎2017, ‏‎09:45:08

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f27522 No.20892552

File: 645598a50f83d7e⋯.png (1.43 MB,795x805,159:161,ClipboardImage.png)

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b5e1a0 No.20892553


Ascension is a thing..

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781338 No.20892554

File: ace3a6ffe17f356⋯.png (226.86 KB,1631x319,1631:319,ClipboardImage.png)

KEK. Look who is "working together." Knew those fucking clowns co-opted that bullshit.

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4ea2ee No.20892556


put on your clown nose

your country needs you

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5bca72 No.20892557

File: 351d52e8b8f673b⋯.jpg (191.24 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_20_15_3….jpg)

File: 7a0d642826e5f45⋯.png (74.02 KB,640x850,64:85,249_2_.png)

File: 071b8ec6278bdef⋯.png (946.88 KB,640x3224,80:403,1449_1_.png)

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8bb08e No.20892558

File: e94ba61d5b9f8c8⋯.gif (5.25 MB,268x170,134:85,20191029_030838.gif)

apostasy unbound


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8b9e84 No.20892559

File: c8d49346dfe18cc⋯.png (271.01 KB,421x416,421:416,6EE9C7AA_F08E_4334_9651_39….png)

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71bebc No.20892560

File: 57a15102e46f430⋯.jpg (2.48 MB,3000x2200,15:11,Gannett_media_control_conn….jpg)

‎December ‎16, ‎2017, ‏‎10:35:40

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ff1403 No.20892561


He has been looking 'rough' for awhile.

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71bebc No.20892562

File: 2ae399931de42fe⋯.png (2.27 MB,946x837,946:837,capture_1856_20012024_0312….png)

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cf0823 No.20892563


I hate these people they knew in late 2020, now they are trying to absolve themselves, because the truth is not censored as much.Fuck Harvard and their Cowardice Tools

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781338 No.20892564


>put on your clown nose

>your country needs you

>the deep state needs you


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8bb08e No.20892565


David Zere: the hardest working man in news.

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71973c No.20892566

File: 9a71f3189192713⋯.png (29.39 KB,519x502,519:502,ClipboardImage.png)


>December ‎12, ‎2017

Clock started.

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5bca72 No.20892567

File: bc4c2d6e4cd70d3⋯.jpg (181.83 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_20_15_3….jpg)

File: bebef1e1089ee70⋯.png (103.93 KB,640x1342,320:671,1247.png)

File: 716dc0762403a84⋯.jpeg (564.68 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GOCWPrsWwAA4kb5.jpeg)

File: c19d6f5fee9546c⋯.jpeg (296.63 KB,2047x1365,2047:1365,GOCWQNjWQAA0n4r.jpeg)

File: 986cf32a66fed06⋯.png (114.07 KB,640x1128,80:141,93.png)

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0c4cee No.20892568

File: 489820cb390dc70⋯.mp4 (14.51 MB,888x502,444:251,musk_water.mp4)

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f27522 No.20892569

File: f95b635c2f3e91b⋯.png (552.77 KB,567x664,567:664,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a33fcaf3d212002⋯.png (32.67 KB,550x241,550:241,ClipboardImage.png)


WATCH: College Admins Tell Texas Students They'll Be Arrested for Saying 'From The River to the Sea'

Administrators with the University of Texas at San Antonio filmed themselves telling student protesters that under an executive order signed by Governor Greg Abbott they'll be reported to law enforcement for criminal "antisemitic" speech if they chant "From the River to the Sea."

Gov. Abbott, a Republican, signed an Executive Order in March to require "all higher education institutions in Texas" to "review their free speech policies" to "establish appropriate punishments for antisemitic rhetoric."

Abbott said the EO was needed to make campuses a "safe space" for Jewish students.


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b5e1a0 No.20892570

File: b25cd19f8106b72⋯.jpg (52.53 KB,720x555,48:37,4bc0861ca025caae1bf5d04066….jpg)

File: 403261caa46105a⋯.jpg (29.78 KB,550x353,550:353,Inferno_movie_Mickey_Mouse….jpg)


Can you measure frequencies without a watch?

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8bb08e No.20892571

File: 542f09de627ec18⋯.gif (5.4 MB,360x640,9:16,20200831_180709.gif)

at least you admit it.

what did one to attract you so?

the incident is not onfile.

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8bb08e No.20892572



the real world san antonio

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1cf604 No.20892573


>From The River to the Sea

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5bca72 No.20892574

File: c7a1a9aebddee82⋯.jpg (145.85 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_20_15_4….jpg)

File: f4e2ea69d9183d6⋯.png (234.84 KB,640x1420,32:71,1207.png)

File: 134a43f3d05d6c2⋯.jpeg (143.46 KB,2048x1148,512:287,GOCNJZGX0AEBZc_.jpeg)

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b6a3a3 No.20892575


>The IDF is the most moral army in the world

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4ea2ee No.20892576

File: 7088c0f8103b992⋯.jpg (346.49 KB,1200x900,4:3,image_f0501554_6d5b_4b4b_8….jpg)


Live updates: Prosecution rests in Trump’s hush money trial, turning case over to defense

The first defense witness, paralegal Daniel Sitko, is finished testifying

Next, the defense is calling attorney Robert Costello to the witness stand. But first, the prosecution has asked for a bench conference out of earshot of the jury.


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d78729 No.20892577

File: 322d5095e290384⋯.jpg (127.46 KB,613x542,613:542,guyfalkesfalseflag.jpg)


no kidding.

No even "news"

first hinty.

GUY FALKES was a patsy who effigy is burned every year in Britain for hundreds of years.

why would any activist want that for a trademark?

"gunpowder plot" was a simulation [ff] for the Brits to abscond Catholic properties in England.

Parallel: ANITFA flag similarity to NAZI brown shirt flag

==they owners think this is 'funny'"

to them, we are idiots.

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feec66 No.20892578


delusion is moar of a thing…

like gullibility.

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feec66 No.20892580


ye unlearned cretin

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f27522 No.20892581

File: 89e5d81b244aa85⋯.png (49.08 KB,724x412,181:103,ClipboardImage.png)

Pfizer whistle-blower says about a third of Pfizer’s covid injections contained graphene oxide, but the debate continues

Melissa McAtee worked for Pfizer while their covid mRNA products were in development. When she became aware of the problems taking place in her facility, McAtee became a whistle-blower.

From communications among staff about contaminants in the injections to blacked-out windows when the US Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) inspectors made their rounds, she refused to stay silent when the injectables were set to be rolled out to the public.

On CHD.TV’s ‘Doctors & Scientists’ last week, Melissa McAtee laid out all she collected, observed, and discovered in the process of digging up the truth about the Big Pharma giant.

During the interview, she discussed the presence of graphene oxide in covid injections.

“The first thing I found was in … June or July of 2021, and it was a graphene oxide report from Spain that this lab had found graphene oxide in one vial of Pfizer vaccine that didn’t have a full dosage in it,” McAtee told Brian Hooker.

The whistle-blower added, “And so, they compared it under a microscope to 100 per cent graphene oxide and they determined that it looks almost identical, but requested more samples so that they could do a more structural chemical analysis than just visual.”

McAtee said that “later, much later, I followed up on them to see what happened, and if I remember correctly, 28 vials out of a hundred did have graphene oxide, of the Pfizer vials.”

The Pfizer whistle-blower goes on to note that the Spanish laboratory “requested more and when … I found this on the internal Pfizer database, I didn’t know it was the internal Pfizer database, I actually thought it was just internet public knowledge. But I shared that report on my Facebook and I got a call not long after that, I don’t know how long, but not long after that from a Pfizer lawyer telling me that I had to take down the post because that was company property. And that’s when I realised, ‘Hey, I guess I can see [Pfizer’s] internal database …”

McAtee searched the database for the code “HEK 293T” and the first returned in the search results were emails in which Pfizer executives and communications department were conspiring to hide that aborted foetal cell lines were used in the development and confirmatory tests for the vaccine. This was because of the Vatican’s stance on encouraging the public to get the vaccine.

McAtee only talks about vaccine hesitancy based on religious and moral grounds. However, aside from the religious apsect and exemptions based on religious beliefs, there is the risk of cancer from the HEK 293T cell line.

HEK 293T is code for “human embryonic kidney 293T cells.” The “T” in HEK 293T refers to the presence of the Simian Vacuolating Virus 40 (“SV40”) large T-antigen. The SV40 T-antigen is a protein and is a dominant-acting oncoprotein, a gene that has the potential to cause cancer.

According to McAtee, the covid vaccine manufacturers did not include HEK cells, they were only used in the development of the vaccines.


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feec66 No.20892582



is going to be



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b6a3a3 No.20892583

File: febf920ac5bfb4c⋯.png (47.64 KB,1029x268,1029:268,ClipboardImage.png)

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feec66 No.20892584




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8b9e84 No.20892585

File: d08891bcd1626db⋯.jpeg (385.81 KB,828x801,92:89,9D1138B2_E793_4E27_A780_5….jpeg)


Can you check your sanity with one?

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f27522 No.20892586

Scottish Greens Expel 13 Members for Declaring That “Sex Is a Biological Reality”

Thirteen members on the Scottish Green Party have been expelled for daring to declare that “sex is a biological reality”. The Sunday Post has the story.

A former Scottish Greens co-convener is calling on members to oust the current leadership after a group of rebels was expelled for declaring “sex is a biological reality”.

Robin Harper, who was leader between 2004 and 2008 before tearing up his membership last year, revealed he has been approached by several individuals to see if he would be interested in forming a breakaway party.

It comes after 13 people – including office bearers and some who have campaigned for the Greens for more than 40 years – were accused of making the party less safe for trans and non-binary members.

The group signed a declaration stating women have a right to maintain the sex-based protections enshrined in the Equality Act.

It added that “women and girls have the right to discuss policies which affect them without being abused, harassed or intimidated”.

Complainants said the signatories broke rules prohibiting the undermining of party policy and behaviours that constitute prejudice and are a threat to others.

The party has had a rule since 2018 that states “trans-exclusionary individuals of any kind are not welcome as members”.

Harper told the Sunday Post the claim that the group had been expelled to keep trans members safe is “utterly laughable”.

He said: “We went through that letter sentence by sentence to see if there was anything in it that could be represented as being aggressive or critical to trans people. It’s just not there.

“Really what needs to be done now is the party needs to get together and lodge a vote of no confidence in the current leadership and take it from there.” …

He believes the Greens have been infiltrated by a group with political views that have little to do with the original aims of the party and hopes members will be able wrestle back control to return the focus to environmental issues.


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71973c No.20892587



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9231d2 No.20892588


Christ comes back when you bear your cross for the sake of God's Kingdom.

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b5e1a0 No.20892589

File: 617b99bf59e2aff⋯.png (48.45 KB,656x155,656:155,ClipboardImage.png)


Have you ever wondered what kind of "intelligence" they are looking for?

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781338 No.20892590

File: 9025b4389c2e6eb⋯.png (208.7 KB,600x529,600:529,pepe_dunno.png)


>why would any activist want that for a trademark?

Because of that movie written by the trannies behind The Matrix that's just a bad adaptation of an Alan Moore story?

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feec66 No.20892591


thinks it has antennae

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feec66 No.20892592



yet one is certain they have found none.

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781338 No.20892593


Shut the cock hole under your nose, AEI. It's starting to get smelly.

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f27522 No.20892594

Communism And Depopulation In America: WE ARE HEADING TO TOTAL TYRANNY: Our rights to free speech are all but gone and our ability to assemble peacefully is now seen as extremism.

I once had a favorite meme I would push out as kind of a tongue-in-cheek that said “When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are ruled by criminals”. Seemed pretty funny at the time.

Today, not so funny. In fact, what we are experiencing is very real.

Let’s take a look at the definition of tyranny according to legaldictionary.net:

An oppressive or severe form of government

An unrestrained use of authority or power

A state ruled by, or government of, an absolute ruler

Excessive severity

Cruel and unfair treatment by someone in authority

What we lack in the world, not just the United States, is a system of checks and balances. Governments are out of control as they care very little about the laws they have established unless it relates to you the citizen, and they certainly give complete disregard for the voting system as we are finding out they have been manipulating the outcomes to meet their agenda for quite some time.

Our rights to free speech are all but gone and our ability to assemble peacefully is now seen as extremism. Think about it for a minute, when Patriots assemble to voice their concern, they have to worry that either the assembly will be infiltrated by people seeking to create a negative image of them, or those same people causing violence, thus putting Patriots front and center as targets by their own government.


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feec66 No.20892595

File: 48c312a690920a9⋯.gif (629.85 KB,737x414,737:414,20200512_001932.gif)

generalized sigint being beyond it…

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b5e1a0 No.20892596

File: fdd0a3437a453b6⋯.png (208.3 KB,257x256,257:256,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a54267f8bb249c⋯.jpg (310.1 KB,1280x1024,5:4,pi_faith_in_chaos.jpg)



>Have you ever wondered what kind of "intelligence" they are looking for?

There are people outside trying to measure God.

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feec66 No.20892597

the other fan raises its mangled visage from the deep.

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feec66 No.20892598


white men can not say nigger.

freezepeach is long dead.

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e314a5 No.20892599

File: 9f63f5c5eb1592e⋯.png (84.78 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Syrian Girl 🇸🇾


Israeli terrorists publish wanted photos of Palestinian infants they accuse of working for Hamas.

The message to the 2 year old reads "You have been exposed. Call the number below to save yourself…"

They are threatening peoples children. This is the Jewish ISIS.

Sauce: https://x.com/Partisangirl/status/1792016706556330438

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feec66 No.20892600




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12a571 No.20892602



they learned that from charlie

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5bca72 No.20892603

File: 4f7fafc3d502062⋯.jpg (169.59 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_20_15_5….jpg)

File: 2cb034f0e771708⋯.png (444.46 KB,640x2944,5:23,140_3_.png)

File: 0a5b1a47f4dee66⋯.png (65.74 KB,640x612,160:153,1340_1_.png)

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f27522 No.20892604

File: 9452d4f5df127c5⋯.png (25.69 KB,585x362,585:362,ClipboardImage.png)

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39ef1d No.20892605

File: 24188dff3378660⋯.png (1.85 MB,3000x1322,1500:661,LoopCapital.png)

‎January ‎6, ‎2018, ‏‎21:07:15

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4f8f62 No.20892606

File: c9892ba7d9e21fa⋯.gif (336.92 KB,500x500,1:1,20190209_164912.gif)



the wails in wales.


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39ef1d No.20892607

File: 85e0445d8c9ef5a⋯.jpg (1.77 MB,1800x1274,900:637,Media_monopoly.jpg)

‎December ‎17, ‎2017, ‏‎22:05:25

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4f8f62 No.20892608

haow long shall highlanders forbear….

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5bca72 No.20892609

File: 4f7fafc3d502062⋯.jpg (169.59 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_20_15_5….jpg)

File: bfaa4a5d26453ab⋯.png (63.88 KB,640x660,32:33,219_2_.png)

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39ef1d No.20892610

File: 0a993d2371d4f47⋯.png (1.61 MB,450x2969,450:2969,Hillary_some_history.png)

File: cc3c605f287ad86⋯.jpg (1.64 MB,2359x3686,2359:3686,Clintons_bodycount_infogra….jpg)

File: 33926b807c8621c⋯.jpg (3.2 MB,1200x9900,4:33,Hillary_Clinton_huge_infog….jpg)

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b5e1a0 No.20892611

File: e3fc576dc392c2d⋯.png (303.02 KB,580x562,290:281,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2e55617e927b86⋯.png (775.5 KB,500x697,500:697,a2e55617e927b861131e6422ac….png)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr



That scary moment when you realize the man in the street was smarter than the experts. Everything Fauci says here turned out to be false.

Wide Awake Media


May 18

Remember when Anthony Fauci went door-to-door lying to people's faces about how "safe and effective" the mRNA injections were, and then got completely put in his place by a well-informed man who could see through his lies?

"Your campaign is about fear. It's about inciting fear in people."

May 20, 2024 · 6:54 PM UTC


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39ef1d No.20892612

File: 893a3777bf8f3b0⋯.jpg (1.55 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Secret_code_names.jpg)

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781338 No.20892613

File: 89f71dd71965bb8⋯.gif (2.51 MB,384x214,192:107,anons_vs_shills.gif)

KEK. Everyone must see him! He has to IP hop because he's that important and everyone must see what he has to say. Poor bastard gets filtered faster than he can type a post.

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39ef1d No.20892614

File: e2e017a3d91559d⋯.jpg (1.17 MB,2234x3000,1117:1500,white_rabbit.jpg)

‎January ‎12, ‎2018, ‏‎18:46:01

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dd5dd5 No.20892615

donot worry


they are blindaf too.

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d78729 No.20892616

File: dec93771b5099a9⋯.jpg (774.45 KB,1200x1590,40:53,guyfalkesanonthanksclowns2.jpg)

Not even "news."

GUY FALKES was a patsy whose effigy is burned at the stake every year in Britain, for hundreds of years.

It's a holiday there.

"Gunpowder plot" was a simulation [ff] used in order for the Brits to appropriate Catholic properties in England.

the owners think this is 'funny'


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39ef1d No.20892617

File: baf759836eee7a5⋯.png (1.17 MB,1759x2465,1759:2465,HowToFlowMaps.png)

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ab84ba No.20892618

File: 74d6e67208456cc⋯.png (390.85 KB,1278x1694,639:847,x_com_Partisangirl_status_….png)


the comments

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dd5dd5 No.20892619


you should check out the '"guy" that made it.

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77f227 No.20892620

I'd Gladly "Waste" $10,000,000 of taxpayers money to see if Ivermectin fights certain cancers

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39ef1d No.20892622

File: 4a9961cef7811b5⋯.png (889.69 KB,1300x1390,130:139,In_Q_Tel_spying_on_you.png)

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dd5dd5 No.20892623


glories in ignorance…

or .fedplant.

(you) decide.

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4ea2ee No.20892624

File: 6f2c00edaf931aa⋯.jpg (32.11 KB,690x388,345:194,idft.jpg)



site works fine

needs more sauce tho


IDF targets toddlers

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39ef1d No.20892625

File: 9f11567a34a702b⋯.png (866.16 KB,1939x1781,1939:1781,Schumer_web_connections.png)

‎December ‎20, ‎2017, ‏‎23:08:26

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dd5dd5 No.20892626



do you know what infrastructure those are all built on?

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f27522 No.20892627

File: 4c248d17e245acd⋯.png (1.83 MB,1366x768,683:384,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab84ba No.20892628

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dammit Jim can someone fix it so X can embed and we wouldn't have to change it to twitter everytime please?


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f27522 No.20892629

File: b7c1f7f2b2734b6⋯.png (803.66 KB,512x651,512:651,ClipboardImage.png)

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39ef1d No.20892630

File: caaaad5782f1aa8⋯.png (776.63 KB,1440x1079,1440:1079,ElitistConnectionsWeb.png)

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dd5dd5 No.20892631


many reports that it does.

muh horse paste though.

have you see cuomo backpedaling?


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dd5dd5 No.20892632


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8f6458 No.20892633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How Many of These TRUE "Conspiracy Theories" Do You Know?

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835efb No.20892634


Bout a thousand early

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4ea2ee No.20892635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


'Very small' amount of voters will change their opinions because of Trump's criminal trial


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fee7ee No.20892636


it's too cheap and ubiquitous. They would never allow it. Only branded "cutting-edge" Big Pharma products pre prepared for the "system", insurance and otherwise are permitted. If no code for it; doctors won't allow it. You could die simply because your condition does not "fit" the treatment protocol.

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4c13ff No.20892637

File: 731d17c0ddb1881⋯.png (887.82 KB,1515x753,505:251,Screen_Shot_2018_09_20_at_….png)

File: eefbdb31b4eaae1⋯.png (1.84 MB,1502x832,751:416,Screen_Shot_2018_09_06_at_….png)

File: 8a992b5cf981ac3⋯.png (1.52 MB,1586x722,793:361,Screen_Shot_2018_09_11_at_….png)

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34913b No.20892638

Tomorrow is 5/21.

142 day of year.

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9860d2 No.20892639


Why should bossman bother? He can nominate after the fact(upon a victory). Seems like it would help expel more DS ammo and anxiety by NOT saying shit.

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4878d5 No.20892640

File: fa09a24adbce643⋯.jpg (109.49 KB,720x810,8:9,20240520_140334.jpg)

File: e1974b202ef1c3f⋯.mp4 (2.85 MB,480x836,120:209,Libs_of_TikTok_20240520_5_….mp4)

File: 69cd0d02dee9c8a⋯.jpg (156.74 KB,720x1065,48:71,20240520_140649.jpg)

File: b9332bff11004a3⋯.jpg (52.43 KB,1080x1184,135:148,20240520_140209.jpg)

File: b90880e91bdbc29⋯.jpg (47.7 KB,1080x1064,135:133,20240520_140217.jpg)


Liberal has meltdown over seeing American Flags at the beach

Why does this man, who apparently runs a television production company…

1: Hate American flags on the beach.

2: Put his head over King Charles' portrait.

3: Run a company with devil horns in its logo.

4: Protect his account.


Satanic liberal pedophiles HATE the American flag

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dd5dd5 No.20892641

File: e824cd4fe1181f5⋯.gif (1.55 MB,445x640,89:128,20190608_182236.gif)

>it asked 8kun


<infamy embraced


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0c4cee No.20892642


Screengrab is more worth while

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d78729 No.20892643

File: 4676c5b87c14428⋯.jpg (773.85 KB,1200x1590,40:53,guyfalkesanonthanksclowns3.jpg)


oooh, noice



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9860d2 No.20892644


With a name like "Goldman", you have to ask?

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f27522 No.20892645

UK Government to give police new powers to shut down pro-Palestine protests

Londoners have been marching almost every week in solidarity with the people of Palestine and to hold the UK Government to account [GETTY]

The Metropolitan Police will be given new powers to shut down pro-Palestine protests after receiving criticism from a pro-Israel charity over how they have been handling marches in London, specifically their lack of tackling alleged antisemitism within these marches.

The Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA) said on X that they have held a series of meetings with the Home Office and officials at Downing Street over the past few weeks to discuss the alleged issue of how the police handle the protests.

The CAA is a charity "dedicated to exposing and countering antisemitism through education and zero-tolerance law enforcement" and has been branding pro-Palestine marches as antisemitic.

The Telegraph revealed that the Home Office is preparing to amend sections of the Public Order Act, allowing marches to be banned and public assemblies to be restricted.

These changes come after the head of the Met Police, Sir Mark Rowley, has been facing calls to quit after defending the police officer who called Gideon Falter, the chief executive of the CAA, "openly Jewish" at a pro-Palestinian rally in London.

Falter accused the police of doing "practically nothing" to restrict the protests.

The CAA said they turned to the government to call for clarifications on the Public Order Act to give the police "both the power and the duty to act" on the protests and to end the weekly marches.


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dd5dd5 No.20892646

a lot of brown people worldwide do too


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74f550 No.20892647

File: 6c2b197bf94e393⋯.mp4 (2.61 MB,480x270,16:9,That_scary_moment_when_you….mp4)

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cd72df No.20892648

File: d4da6aaa3b16b70⋯.png (2.57 MB,1700x1500,17:15,d4da6aaa3b16b70d5c64d2273e….png)


Hacker group Anonymous who no longer want to be anonymous highlighted by there fame fagging joins with clowns DUUUUURRRRR

Anonymous are want to be us

Clown toys and all

Still can't do it

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1e5e39 No.20892649

File: a7349441b3af4a3⋯.gif (4.71 MB,640x640,1:1,Gopher.gif)


>GUY FALKES was a patsy

Guy Fawkes

English conspirator


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781338 No.20892650


Posted by "SyrianGirl." Smells like moar propaganda to try and generate sympathy to make everyone think that Palestine is the poor victims and are truly the heroes of the war. If only everyone in the West would just believe it instead of not caring about another country's war.

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4ea2ee No.20892651


>1: Hate American flags on the beach.

he does not hate flags on the beach

he hates that "his flag" is being flown by "magafucks" on the beach

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781338 No.20892652

"Won't someone think of the children?!" – SyrianGirl

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f95055 No.20892653


It was the fakest of times,

It was the gayest of times.

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fee7ee No.20892654


it's their flag too. have some cheese with the whine.

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34913b No.20892655

File: dedac6f78b4e636⋯.png (15.38 KB,512x167,512:167,Capture.PNG)

The judges treatment of Bob Costello is truly disgraceful - he will not allow him to tell his story - the same story he told Congress - as he knows it will be devastating and end this sham trial. This is not justice!


You know who's more distracted with this case than we are?

The DS.

They have no idea what's happening behind the scenes.

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0a9daf No.20892656

File: 7b013a513ebd5c6⋯.gif (1.9 MB,480x640,3:4,20210207_201521.gif)


one does not poast as fast these years.

entropy increases, yü knœ.

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77f227 No.20892657


Has nothing to do with Pro-Hamas

Has everything to do with taking rights and freedoms away from everyday citizens

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d78729 No.20892658

File: 74e3b18cda6b2ee⋯.jpg (134.58 KB,1008x565,1008:565,pelican.jpg)


surprised Bannon and friends never connected GOLDMAN to GOLDMAN SACHS.

since that company was the only company to gain from the Barry Bank Bail out - and is the family to which Dan belongs.

Did someone mention they were nostalgic for Pelican?

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ad4ec7 No.20892659

I think General Flynn made the Q group go dark.

I think He got upset that too many people were sitting on asses and just trusting the plan and shut it down.

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43269a No.20892660

File: e94d3f6dc88b237⋯.png (564.63 KB,997x581,997:581,ClipboardImage.png)


Computer systems down at NC driver's license offices, no timeline for restoration

The computer systems at North Carolina Driver's License Offices are down.

The statewide outages began Monday afternoon, and there is no estimate on when they'll be back functioning again, according to Division of Motor Vehicles [DMV] spokesman Marty Homan.

In May, the the DMV had delays issuing driver licenses and IDs.

Blaming a third-party contractor for the lag, a spokesperson with the NCDMV said a typical 15-day turnaround to receive IDs in the mail has jumped to roughly six weeks.

The state had a backlog in distributing tens of thousands of IDs, according to the NCDMV.

Earlier this month, Homan said a new vendor starts in May to help with the backlog.

The NCDMV issues a temporary paper ID, which is only valid for 60 days.

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0a9daf No.20892661

your constant fandom is, haowever, duly noted.

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0a9daf No.20892662




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4c13ff No.20892663

File: a80b941d6a848d6⋯.png (805.55 KB,1229x853,1229:853,Screen_Shot_2024_05_20_at_….png)


>it's their flag

I beleeb Jonathan Goldman of Freak Magnet refers to himself as he/him.

and Anon is moar right than you.

Jonathan Goldman got triggered by patriotism.

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6605c7 No.20892664

File: 088b69cc428bed9⋯.jpeg (752.99 KB,1125x1768,1125:1768,IMG_0847.jpeg)

Check your penis!


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f27522 No.20892665

File: f23776415411782⋯.png (354.29 KB,568x456,71:57,ClipboardImage.png)

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92da81 No.20892666

File: faa39eb6f75efc1⋯.jpg (69.83 KB,500x433,500:433,b4aff701b131a81b229a405fbf….jpg)

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6703ac No.20892667

flynn is too busy "recouping losses incurred" to gaf about any of (you).

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6a736a No.20892668

File: ddae4effba3e334⋯.jpg (526.9 KB,1080x1503,120:167,Screenshot_20240520_131813….jpg)

File: c94591897480adb⋯.jpg (121.03 KB,1080x450,12:5,Screenshot_20240520_131803….jpg)

File: f5dcf479e453b4b⋯.jpg (356.28 KB,1080x1929,360:643,Screenshot_20240520_115135….jpg)


Not sure if this is the pilot

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781338 No.20892669

Won't be long until you're not typing at all anymoar, clown. Enjoy it while it lasts. There's a countdown.

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a54141 No.20892670

#25624 >>20891865

>>20891884, >>20891904 UPDATED FOCUS LIST: 24/05/20

>>20891886 The biggest elephant in the room is the aluminum [in vaccines on the CDC schedule]?

>>20891908 Anon digs PDJT's suit and tie Q4292

>>20891959 More than 30,000 people were infected with viruses such as HIV and hepatitis

>>20891963 Biden’s ceiling of support is actually lower than Trump’s right now. It’s a stark reversal from 2020

>>20891976 Joe Biden gaffe of the day. The Erectionists.

>>20891984 CARAT Indonesia 24: Tracking Contacts

>>20891986 Michael Cohen just admitted to stealing $30,000 from Trump Org.

>>20891998, >>20892017 @USArmy, thank you for serving our nation for 248 years! #MilitaryAppreciationMonth >>20892224 Q1249, 248 #FLYROTHSFLY#

>>20892003 Incredible Trump in the 60s% and Bidan in 30s%

>>20892009 Anon Qmaps "This is just the Start"

>>20892043 Irene Montero, the Spanish Minister of Equality, just said that children have the right to have sex with whomever they want

>>20892049 TBI’s ‘Operation Protecting Tomorrow’ Yields Arrests, Identifies Two Dozen Child Online Sexual Exploitation & Sextortion Victims

>>20892054 A Federal Law Allows Illegal Aliens to Vote in the Upcoming 2024 Election?

>>20892106 Russia reacts to US nuclear experiment

>>20892096 Cholesterol: What if it's all a lie? MP4

>>20892187 @JonathanTurley - am out of the courtroom. It was quite a morning to have someone admit to stealing money from his client

>>20892197 Family killed in Amtrak horror crash after their SUV got stuck on the track #704

>>20892221 U.S. Army Advisors with 1st SFAB fly with a partner to assess key…

>>20892222 @HumaAbedin Is the end of the world just beginning? #Panic

>>20891917 ADMIN "Guys, we are in the fight, don't give up or give in. Ignore the slurs. Do the right thing, and stand up for your God given rights."

>>20892277 LIVE: U.S. State Department press briefing

>>20892284 @thehill Pope Francis denounces attempts to close southern border as "madness"

>>20892348 Was Q+ a rider in the storm? Ask A.L.I.C.E. when she was ten feet tall.

>>20892359 The High Court in London has ruled that WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange has the right to appeal an extradition

>>20892383 A new coup attempt in Türkiye: Who wants Erdogan gone?

>>20892387 ICC chief prosecutor seeks arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Hamas leaders

>>20892394 Anon calls for MN anons vote for this guy, Royce White.

>>20892401 A credit card that measures your carbon footprint? MPR

>>20892408 Amy Kremer Wins RNC Seat

>>20892414 The state of Louisiana just voted to BAN the WEF and WHO agenda.

>>20892429 @realDonaldTrump DoE.Q.declas Time: 10, 17

>>20892520 Harvard Study: Covid Shots Cause Sudden Deaths, Strokes

>>20892545 Elon Musk Reveals Plan to Solve World's Water.

>>20892576 Prosecution rests in Trump’s hush money trial, turning case over to defense

>>20892581 Pfizer’s covid injections contained graphene oxide?

>>20892655 The judges treatment of Bob Costello is truly disgraceful - he will not allow him to tell his story

>>20892093, >>20892099, >>20892120, >>20892142 Cure for EPILEPSY/AUTISM

>>20892113 BOXER48, >>20892140 B-52, >>20892327 B-52s, >>20892166 Quantico, >>20892201 ATOM36, >>20892218 LB Conus, >>20891925 SAM837, >>20892407 Gitmo, >>20892421 Reports, >>20892471 N22MW, >>20892498 N22MW - PF's

>>20892412, >>20892461, >20892476, >>20892505, >>20892519, >>20892538, >>20892560, >>20892614, >>20892625 Anon's Graphics


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77f227 No.20892671

I don't care for Pro-Hamas

But if they're Peaceful, non Violent & Destroying no property

They have the right to protest

There is no Hate Speech

& They have the Right to Voice their opinions

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cf0823 No.20892672

File: 541d30d80e3638c⋯.jpeg (491.25 KB,1241x1865,1241:1865,IMG_2098.jpeg)

File: 6046f71f120a096⋯.jpeg (428.98 KB,1241x1373,1241:1373,IMG_2099.jpeg)

File: 4ec71c4df43ae14⋯.png (3.64 MB,1242x2688,207:448,IMG_2100.png)

Video too big to post here. Anons help post it here from twitter

Breaking Alert: Attorney and retired American Green Beret Ivan Raiklin has stated that there is about to be a significant development and takedown of the corrupt department of justice in the United States.

"the most legal, moral and ethical consequences to the maximum to include the maximum punishment for treason"


has a copy of the target list as well as other senior players.

"expect to see live stream swatting raids of every single individual on that deep state target list because the precedence has already been set"

There's 80,000 of us that are ready, willing and able in order to be deputised by appropriate sheriffs throughout the country to be participants as lawful deputies to conduct live stream swatting raids of every single person that we can identify"

The arrest and swatting of treasonous military personal and commanders in the department of defence and Pentagon will also take place.

Regardless of the election in the USA justice is coming for the American people.

The department of justice is illegitimate and corrupt.

Many politicians including Senators and Congressmen are part of the deep state.

The illegal crossfire hurricane spying operation on General Flynn as well as others set the precedent and justice will be meted out. Raiklin claims to have detailed data that would bring the entire corrupt regime down.

"I will guarantee consequences for a list of at least 350 individuals that are on my deep state target list"

"its just a matter of time for a joint press conference to take place between speaker of the house Johnson and Elon Musk to go ahead and disclose and release the twitter direct messages of those individuals on my deep state target list proving the seditious conspiracy going back to 2016, the illegal spying operation on the Trump campaign….you are also going to find the involvement of Mike Pence and his Chief of Staff Joshua Pitcock"



#Justice #DeepstateTakedown Secretary of Retribution…standby!


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6703ac No.20892673


joe biden is your president.

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4ea2ee No.20892674

File: a8cfb9f89253a00⋯.png (707.27 KB,726x521,726:521,Israeli_settler_fires_at_a….png)

File: f3e874a3563608f⋯.jpg (107.03 KB,572x872,143:218,israeli_fashion_by_restora….jpg)

File: 342a144b2f5e18d⋯.jpg (44.71 KB,380x394,190:197,jewish_settler_kids_guns.jpg)

File: 4fe6c650ffb99f0⋯.jpg (119.46 KB,1080x1145,216:229,vv2vm4pkblub1.jpg)


she has cred.

if there is more sauce you'll smell it cooking

what unites ALL OF HUMANITY?

they do not hide their jubilation in killing children

never have

BOAST about it




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e314a5 No.20892675


At least 14,000 Palestinian children killed, not counting the ones under the rubble.

They ARE the poor victims.

btw the Zionist VICTIM Card has Expired in the face of Israeli war crimes against women and children.

The entire World KNOWs and reviles the Israeli mass slaughter of civilians. IOF soldiers are only good at shooting unarmed women and kids.

Gaslight while you still can.


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600fa0 No.20892676

File: 873ab73e2ea6043⋯.png (1.19 MB,1080x540,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


ello ray

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6703ac No.20892677



really soon™

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ab84ba No.20892678


Screenshots are a pain in the ass on Brave

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781338 No.20892679

File: 9e9b7b0cabd7785⋯.png (309.32 KB,577x433,577:433,ClipboardImage.png)


>Check your penis!

It's okay.

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6703ac No.20892680

chan awareness…



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4ea2ee No.20892681

File: 560016a9f9a0838⋯.jpg (42.48 KB,782x390,391:195,mos1_a8_m8_2U9NIpivGOzC6vz….jpg)

File: 9bd1d1d85987f3f⋯.jpg (150.96 KB,1300x956,325:239,mos57fuy.jpg)



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0c4cee No.20892682


An anon split it into three parts over the weekend.

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77f227 No.20892683


I'd bet good money on the Numbers are being Inflated to push this narrative

It'll take 3 years for the truth to come out

Bet it's more like 2,000-4,000

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6703ac No.20892684


jordanian reee confirmed

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600fa0 No.20892685


only about a week behind the news.

flynn stated everyone has to watch this video.

already seen it thanks.

now where did anon put that meme.

oh yeah forgot to save it.

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ab84ba No.20892686



>Posted by "SyrianGirl." Smells like moar propaganda to try and generate sympathy

You people HATE this Sematic Beauty, who Defends Bashar Assad and Putin against the meddling of Is Ra El

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835efb No.20892687



What a faggot

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0c1ed2 No.20892688

File: 89119c1dc50d0c4⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,2299x1440,2299:1440,Picsart_24_05_17_11_25_21_….jpg)

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74f550 No.20892689

File: 89119c1dc50d0c4⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,2299x1440,2299:1440,89119c1dc50d0c4b2875e58cfb….jpg)

File: 0e0c7b1b077fd38⋯.png (794.56 KB,500x633,500:633,0e0c7b1b077fd38b667402efe9….png)

File: 44676babda94041⋯.jpeg (293.18 KB,1130x1507,1130:1507,44676babda940416ef561c83e….jpeg)


>now where did anon put that meme.

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0c4cee No.20892690



Press and hold these three keys together: Shift, Command and 4. to select the area of the screen to capture. To move the selection, press and hold Space bar while dragging. To cancel taking the screenshot, press the Esc (Escape) key.


Use built in snipping tool

To dl Twit vids:


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90ac9d No.20892691


Why do you call him General? Q never did.

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1658d5 No.20892692

they also have the right to get bloodied for stating that opinion.

it is the American Way.

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707e21 No.20892693

File: 03647caa4679ab1⋯.png (637.91 KB,1830x2949,610:983,29_thestrom_greatawakening….png)

‎January ‎9, ‎2018, ‏‎16:28:59

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f9151b No.20892694

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Populism Is Democracy!" My Oxford Union Speech vs Nancy Pelosi | The Winston Marshall Show #015

Nancy got fucked. We brits had to come along and tell her to her face, you yanks are weak.

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1658d5 No.20892695



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77f227 No.20892696

The Vax is the Real Virus

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cd5370 No.20892697

File: 7de0b3510ccd18e⋯.png (124.68 KB,1161x359,1161:359,ClipboardImage.png)

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cd5370 No.20892698

File: 418fdec688275bc⋯.png (30.3 KB,1142x343,1142:343,ClipboardImage.png)

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781338 No.20892699

File: fbcb2c1368afa12⋯.jpg (26.07 KB,496x387,496:387,pepe_covfefe.jpg)


No, I don't hate her. I don't even know her. I do recognize blatant propaganda when I see it though. This is the part of the movie that some people might not like. Everyone was warned it wouldn't be for everyone. I'm just not jumping on the social media blind reactionary activism that's trying to be cultivated with that post.

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7bde91 No.20892700

File: 30ef3ab9baf8b4d⋯.png (2.49 KB,339x149,339:149,images_7_.png)

Where's the fucking weed at?

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600fa0 No.20892701

File: 1c07a0d6dc124e4⋯.mp4 (11.54 MB,854x480,427:240,julians_rum.mp4)


bet he did not go and take it down.

what a faggot.

There will be moar coming.


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cd5370 No.20892702

File: 1376e74e41f5f16⋯.png (52.21 KB,1160x361,1160:361,ClipboardImage.png)

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cd5370 No.20892703

File: 02271bb5b6daddf⋯.png (55.33 KB,1156x361,1156:361,ClipboardImage.png)

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707e21 No.20892704

File: f27f2210f170eb7⋯.png (580.23 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Gene_sequencing.png)

‎December ‎15, ‎2017, ‏‎19:14:42

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cd5370 No.20892705

File: 6cb6781b42385d8⋯.png (55.78 KB,1154x358,577:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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cd5370 No.20892706

File: 7ff8193444be452⋯.png (54.79 KB,1152x359,1152:359,ClipboardImage.png)

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707e21 No.20892707

File: 6bb856c8241d1cd⋯.jpg (579.76 KB,2195x1445,439:289,Conspiracy_Rule_World.jpg)

‎December ‎17, ‎2017, ‏‎22:05:09

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b5e1a0 No.20892708

File: 5552db02dce20f1⋯.png (327.81 KB,487x248,487:248,ClipboardImage.png)

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f27522 No.20892709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jewish Rabbi EXPOSES Israel at UN conference


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cd5370 No.20892710

File: e6b8f602b2c8be1⋯.png (53.86 KB,1155x359,1155:359,ClipboardImage.png)

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707e21 No.20892711

File: 2484770d137f897⋯.png (544.39 KB,552x593,552:593,BND_CIA.png)

‎December ‎4, ‎2017, ‏‎20:35:02

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086a3b No.20892712


is the virus

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707e21 No.20892713

File: d4484236d07dd1a⋯.png (438.87 KB,1083x794,1083:794,Obama_Education_pd_by_Alwa….png)

‎December ‎21, ‎2017, ‏‎00:08:26

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cd5370 No.20892714

File: aed1fad2eb719c6⋯.png (591.8 KB,1158x358,579:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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cd5370 No.20892715

File: 86672f4e91f26fd⋯.png (673.48 KB,1163x362,1163:362,ClipboardImage.png)

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707e21 No.20892716

File: 681932f1076b9ff⋯.png (417.96 KB,1024x842,512:421,MS13_A.png)

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e314a5 No.20892717

File: a3cda0b7bcd4198⋯.png (25.47 KB,474x263,474:263,ClipboardImage.png)


Same with the Israeli bullshit about their Oct. 7 False Flag.

Their Perma-Victim card is now permanently Revoked by the Entire World.

Israel will get what's coming to it.


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cd5370 No.20892718

File: 0629fe6820a4f35⋯.png (516.59 KB,1164x363,388:121,ClipboardImage.png)

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707e21 No.20892719

File: 2313232a9cd2bd0⋯.png (379.02 KB,1062x1949,1062:1949,NKWhoHelped.png)

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cd5370 No.20892720

File: 7229b22191cf08f⋯.png (429.8 KB,1163x359,1163:359,ClipboardImage.png)

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0c4cee No.20892721

File: 6730c51ec5ccd72⋯.png (61.71 KB,589x655,589:655,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b15e97a75acc89⋯.png (190.6 KB,585x624,15:16,ClipboardImage.png)

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600fa0 No.20892722

File: fccac7c45233398⋯.gif (3.4 MB,588x588,1:1,kek_gif.gif)


anon did watch it thou


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707e21 No.20892723

File: 55ca8314bfe48b9⋯.gif (378.36 KB,1500x1046,750:523,NWO_Infographic.gif)

‎December ‎4, ‎2017, ‏‎20:49:06

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086a3b No.20892724

bobby kennedy said he is going to mdk see eye aye…

suicide in 3… 2..

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cd5370 No.20892725

File: f40486a6a0e11c5⋯.png (506.06 KB,1163x361,1163:361,ClipboardImage.png)

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707e21 No.20892726

File: 5d1173063a0042a⋯.jpg (348.03 KB,3646x2745,3646:2745,ToddAndClare_web_of_connec….jpg)

‎December ‎17, ‎2017, ‏‎14:26:08

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cd5370 No.20892727

File: 0bafc83b64d2e37⋯.png (439.88 KB,1158x359,1158:359,ClipboardImage.png)

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781338 No.20892728


>at UN conference

Is that the same UN that has a branch called the ICC? The branch that Jack Smith worked for who is currently tying POTUS Trump up in court with bullshit charges? That the same UN who had an agency building in Gaza that had power and network cables running from the building, into the tunnels, to an underground Hamas base attached to those tunnels? That UN? Do you honestly expect people to believe anything that comes from that group anymoar?

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707e21 No.20892729

File: b652fb74fe4ec9e⋯.jpg (314.83 KB,858x1014,11:13,Iceberg_redpill.jpg)

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cd5370 No.20892730

File: 307970d6a55b62a⋯.png (486.3 KB,1160x361,1160:361,ClipboardImage.png)

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6bad34 No.20892731

File: 259e975ef24a449⋯.jpg (89.48 KB,718x759,718:759,tranformed.jpg)


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7bde91 No.20892732

Expectorant for expiration

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707e21 No.20892733

File: aa8424b96017963⋯.jpg (310.79 KB,959x887,959:887,Deep_State_Coup_Trap.jpg)

‎December ‎15, ‎2017, ‏‎07:30:54

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f27522 No.20892734

Israeli military censored over 600 articles last year: report

An Israeli report revealed there has been a sharp increase in the monitoring of journalists’ work, particularly regarding Israel’s war on Hamas.

The Israeli military prevented the publication of at least 613 articles in 2023, four times more than in 2022, according to a report in Israeli media.

At least 2,703 other news items were also deleted, three times as much as the previous year, the report by Israeli news site Mekomit said on Wednesday.

The data in the report was provided by the military censorship department in response to a freedom of information request submitted to the army.

According to the report, the department intervenes several times a day in information journalists convey to the public, even outside of war time, and can reach between 1,000 and 3,000 times a year.

While there is no monthly breakdown of the censored items and quantities, the report states "it is clear the reason for the jump is the Hamas attack on October 7 and the war in Gaza which went on throughout the last quarter of the year and is ongoing".

The report adds the last time censorship levels and the silencing of journalists were so high was during an Israeli military operation in Gaza in 2014, when the military censorship took action on 3,122 news items and rejected 597.

"The law in Israel requires journalists to hand over any for review any article that is expected to be published that deals with security issues – which is a very broad topic and covers six thorough pages of sub-topics," the report states.

The censored items are not blacked out in articles, but rather omitted from being published.

The censorship department has also previously intervened in the documents of the State Archives.

Marwa Fatafta, the MENA policy and advocacy director at Access Now, an NGO focused on digital civil rights told The New Arab that the war on Gaza has been revealing in many ways in terms of media control.

"For one, it shattered the facade of Israel as a democracy. For the past seven months, the Israeli government has dialled up its repression to control the narrative, spread war propaganda and censor reality," she said.

"From internet shutdowns to blatant censorship, the Gaza war has been a war on truth as much as it's a war on the Palestinian people," she added.

Prior to Israel’s war on Gaza, censorship representatives would also physically show up to newsrooms and studios to scan media entities and social networks for violations.

Israel’s state-owned Kan11 news agency previously said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wanted to advance a law that would increase censorship and the arrest of journalists who report what is happening within the political-security cabinet without first being checked.


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cd5370 No.20892735

File: 2df8acf8a8cb22a⋯.png (553.53 KB,1164x361,1164:361,ClipboardImage.png)

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a54141 No.20892736

#25624 >>20891865

>>20891884, >>20891904 UPDATED FOCUS LIST: 24/05/20

>>20891886 The biggest elephant in the room is the aluminum [in vaccines on the CDC schedule]?

>>20891908 Anon digs PDJT's suit and tie Q4292

>>20891959 More than 30,000 people were infected with viruses such as HIV and hepatitis

>>20891963 Biden’s ceiling of support is actually lower than Trump’s right now. It’s a stark reversal from 2020

>>20891976 Joe Biden gaffe of the day. The Erectionists.

>>20891984 CARAT Indonesia 24: Tracking Contacts

>>20891986 Michael Cohen just admitted to stealing $30,000 from Trump Org.

>>20891998, >>20892017 @USArmy, thank you for serving our nation for 248 years! #MilitaryAppreciationMonth >>20892224 Q1249, 248 #FLYROTHSFLY#

>>20892003 Incredible Trump in the 60s% and Bidan in 30s%

>>20892009 Anon Qmaps "This is just the Start"

>>20892043 Irene Montero, the Spanish Minister of Equality, just said that children have the right to have sex with whomever they want

>>20892049 TBI’s ‘Operation Protecting Tomorrow’ Yields Arrests, Identifies Two Dozen Child Online Sexual Exploitation & Sextortion Victims

>>20892054 A Federal Law Allows Illegal Aliens to Vote in the Upcoming 2024 Election?

>>20892106 Russia reacts to US nuclear experiment

>>20892096 Cholesterol: What if it's all a lie? MP4

>>20892187 @JonathanTurley - am out of the courtroom. It was quite a morning to have someone admit to stealing money from his client

>>20892197 Family killed in Amtrak horror crash after their SUV got stuck on the track #704

>>20892221 U.S. Army Advisors with 1st SFAB fly with a partner to assess key…

>>20892222 @HumaAbedin Is the end of the world just beginning? #Panic

>>20891917 ADMIN "Guys, we are in the fight, don't give up or give in. Ignore the slurs. Do the right thing, and stand up for your God given rights."

>>20892277 LIVE: U.S. State Department press briefing

>>20892284 @thehill Pope Francis denounces attempts to close southern border as "madness"

>>20892348 Was Q+ a rider in the storm? Ask A.L.I.C.E. when she was ten feet tall.

>>20892359 The High Court in London has ruled that WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange has the right to appeal an extradition

>>20892383 A new coup attempt in Türkiye: Who wants Erdogan gone?

>>20892387 ICC chief prosecutor seeks arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Hamas leaders

>>20892394 Anon calls for MN anons vote for this guy, Royce White.

>>20892401 A credit card that measures your carbon footprint? MPR

>>20892408 Amy Kremer Wins RNC Seat

>>20892414 The state of Louisiana just voted to BAN the WEF and WHO agenda.

>>20892429 @realDonaldTrump DoE.Q.declas Time: 10, 17

>>20892520 Harvard Study: Covid Shots Cause Sudden Deaths, Strokes

>>20892545 Elon Musk Reveals Plan to Solve World's Water.

>>20892576 Prosecution rests in Trump’s hush money trial, turning case over to defense

>>20892093, >>20892099, >>20892120, >>20892142 Cure for EPILEPSY/AUTISM

>>20892412, >>20892461, >>20892476, >>20892505, >>20892519, >>20892538, >>20892560, >>20892704, >>20892707, >>20892713, >>20892716, >>20892723, >>20892726 Anon's Graphics

>>20892113 BOXER48, >>20892140 B-52, >>20892327 B-52s, >>20892166 Quantico, >>20892201 ATOM36, >>20892218 LB Conus, >>20891925 SAM837, >>20892407 Gitmo, >>20892421 Reports, >>20892471 N22MW, >>20892498 N22MW - PF's



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b570b5 No.20892737

-humor quotient

(id[s] aside)


one is aware

ty though.

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707e21 No.20892738

File: 7354c3687dc6228⋯.png (307.35 KB,1478x900,739:450,5c213502998709ff852b7f247e….png)

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cd5370 No.20892739

File: 650676fc845ef1a⋯.png (426.46 KB,1165x361,1165:361,ClipboardImage.png)

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707e21 No.20892740

File: 1d2e8bfc6722bda⋯.jpg (299.41 KB,902x561,82:51,Deep_State_Swamp_Garrison.jpg)

‎December ‎11, ‎2017, ‏‎08:22:08

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fee7ee No.20892741


> comprehension fail.(you)

It's their flag too (MAGA)

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707e21 No.20892742

File: bb63bbcefa00800⋯.png (273.43 KB,500x500,1:1,Deepstate_2_.png)

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cd5370 No.20892743

File: bc8673da057f4bb⋯.png (426.31 KB,1162x360,581:180,ClipboardImage.png)

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835efb No.20892744

File: b61b4e79ac66b5a⋯.jpeg (468.44 KB,828x1345,828:1345,IMG_1882.jpeg)


Yesterday was :15 on the clock.

So is this drop.

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707e21 No.20892746

File: 9ea4065cac9fb2f⋯.jpg (260.17 KB,1240x775,8:5,Food_10_companies_own_all.jpg)

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b5e1a0 No.20892747

File: 33c3b90828b3ee5⋯.png (253.45 KB,507x569,507:569,ClipboardImage.png)


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cd5370 No.20892749

File: 0220d994225637e⋯.png (406.63 KB,1160x364,290:91,ClipboardImage.png)

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707e21 No.20892750

File: 6ac5f6f4c2c20be⋯.jpg (244.52 KB,1484x2673,1484:2673,Clinton_foundation_Giustra….jpg)

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707e21 No.20892754

File: a4d9af900f94ec2⋯.png (238.7 KB,2536x1396,634:349,McKinsey_co_web.png)

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4ea2ee No.20892756

File: 7892f73d8454b7b⋯.mp4 (1.01 MB,476x270,238:135,7892f73d8454b7b67aba130161….mp4)

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cd5370 No.20892757

File: 4814623778d4fa9⋯.png (414.06 KB,1162x363,1162:363,ClipboardImage.png)

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b570b5 No.20892758

File: d80242ec4175593⋯.jpg (240.51 KB,982x860,491:430,20240520_143740.jpg)



the young Prince's springboard.

was the good King's death ever confirmed?

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707e21 No.20892759

File: e5f97b1abce4089⋯.png (237.98 KB,2601x1482,867:494,Gannett_Co_web.png)

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cd5370 No.20892760

File: b262e6c465924bb⋯.png (509.86 KB,1157x359,1157:359,ClipboardImage.png)

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707e21 No.20892761

File: 60aa72dac3684f6⋯.jpg (224.8 KB,607x676,607:676,Dafuq_US_capitol.jpg)

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cd5370 No.20892763

File: b8846e36193ecc8⋯.png (464.45 KB,1166x363,106:33,ClipboardImage.png)

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e314a5 No.20892765

File: 112c88e233bbfeb⋯.png (31.58 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


No Table

Israeli Military Censored Over 600 Articles Last Year: report

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cd5370 No.20892766

File: 7bfe5d44c86acf2⋯.png (568.91 KB,1161x362,1161:362,ClipboardImage.png)

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707e21 No.20892768

File: e7257dec192e303⋯.jpg (218.45 KB,606x618,101:103,Dafuq_CERN_opening.jpg)

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707e21 No.20892769

File: 07a988f2528faa7⋯.jpg (212.01 KB,1200x837,400:279,Globalism.jpg)

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a54141 No.20892770

#25624 >>20891865


Q Research General #25625: Prosecution rests #TheFloorIsYours Edition




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b570b5 No.20892771


haow many did us.mil censor?


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707e21 No.20892772

File: 068d7817e11aa98⋯.jpg (206.26 KB,796x600,199:150,TSA.jpg)

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707e21 No.20892773

File: 485d85127225efa⋯.jpg (194.63 KB,720x864,5:6,Vaccine_court.jpg)

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f27522 No.20892774

File: 3e32b549f1c51a9⋯.png (435.58 KB,567x501,189:167,ClipboardImage.png)

Israeli army steps up attacks across Gaza as top US official visits Israel

Air and ground attacks kill dozens across besieged enclave as US adviser Jake Sullivan holds talks with Israeli leaders.

The Israeli army has stepped up attacks across Gaza, killing dozens of Palestinians in the central part of the besieged enclave, as US national security adviser Jake Sullivan travelled to Israel to hold talks with senior officials.

Sullivan was expected to press Israeli leaders on Sunday to take a more targeted approach in the country’s Gaza offensive and avoid a wider-scale assault on the southern city of Rafah.

He met with Israeli President Isaac Herzog, as well as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has vowed to move forward with the Rafah offensive despite concerns from the United States.

The top US official “reaffirmed the need for Israel to connect its military operations to a political strategy that can ensure the lasting defeat of Hamas, the release of all the hostages, and a better future for Gaza”, the White House said in a readout of the discussions.

Nearly 800,000 Palestinians have been displaced from Rafah since Israel launched an assault on the city last week, according to the United Nations, prompting condemnations from UN officials as well as human rights groups.

The Israeli government maintains that a military operation there is necessary to destroy the last bastion of the Palestinian group Hamas.

The Israeli military has carried out intensified air and ground attacks across the Palestinian territory, with air strikes killing at least 31 people on Sunday in the Nuseirat refugee camp, in central Gaza.


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707e21 No.20892775

File: 9f7fb5bf8d0baa9⋯.png (172.43 KB,1024x791,1024:791,5524aa56de42deb61a7f4185a0….png)

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707e21 No.20892776

File: d21e25b5770de6e⋯.jpg (169.38 KB,1232x795,1232:795,PerkinsCoieDossier.jpg)

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b5e1a0 No.20892777

File: 62bc232eb8563a1⋯.png (699 B,82x45,82:45,ClipboardImage.png)

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4ea2ee No.20892778



and israel haskilled 143 journalistssince Oct 7


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707e21 No.20892779

File: 5fe3314ad266a31⋯.jpg (149.21 KB,1200x675,16:9,Fake_Dossier_engineered_by….jpg)

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cd5370 No.20892781

File: 935490327c457a9⋯.png (30.21 KB,597x311,597:311,ClipboardImage.png)

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707e21 No.20892782

File: a81edf5e62df901⋯.jpg (141.31 KB,1286x725,1286:725,Uranium_1_connections.jpg)

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6bad34 No.20892783

File: 92bd0f97d470f06⋯.png (854.26 KB,886x1316,443:658,92bd0f97d470f060b4dd4a0787….png)

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b570b5 No.20892784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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707e21 No.20892785

File: 652e0abc5ab5f12⋯.jpg (132.49 KB,700x525,4:3,Muslim_Brotherhood_in_Nort….jpg)

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