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3c4561 No.20888587 [Last50 Posts]

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3c4561 No.20888589

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3c4561 No.20888591


#25619 >>20887809

>>20887835 Don’t ignore the real threat of the WHO pandemic treaty

>>20887848 Israel's Wartime Government Fracturing As Top Minister Threatens To Quit

>>20887852, >>20887862, >>20887886, >>20887908, >>20887921 GM Plotwist

>>20887855 University's COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Violates US Constitution

>>20887861, >>20888024 Kate Middleton Reportedly in Coma After Sleeping Pill Overdose, Claims Former Staffer

>>20887873 As pro-Palestine protesters reached an intersection, officers rushed in and grabbed people out of the crowd seemingly at random

>>20887887 Army cuts hundreds of hours of redundant online training requirements - the changes are effective immediately

>>20887895 Rep. Gooden Introduces Bill To Support Taiwan's Inclusion In Interpol

>>20887905 After Sudden CEO Departure, Vanguard Taps Outsider From BlackRock

>>20887907, >>20888191, >>20888203 Biden: Class of 2024, you made it to commencement - to a new beginning

>>20887915 Former DA's official in Texas border county admits smuggling migrants in her county car

>>20887930 Diddy Reacts to Viral Video of Him Punching, Kicking and Dragging His Former Girlfriend in Los Angeles Hotel

>>20887947 US marine arrested after vowing to ‘erase’ white people

>>20887978 Mark Zuckerberg’s Instagram Warns Against Tagging Tucker Carlson in ‘Happy Birthday’ Post

>>20887995, >>20888098 UK to Pay Out Estimated $12.7 Billion to Infected Blood Scandal Victims

>>20888002 Jimmy Carter Update

>>20888047, >>20888294 PF: A special forces plane visiting Gitmo….

>>20888056 Four New Hampshire Daycare Workers Arrested for Drugging Children with Sleep Aids

>>20888072, >>20888130 MarketFag: Silver and Gold, Markets and Economic Schedule - Week of May 19th

>>20888087 Israeli President Lied About Shani Louk Being Beheaded by Hamas - Complete Body Returned

>>20888091 Leo Terrell: The race card is dead

>>20888094 Comer announces new subpoena in Biden family probe

>>20888099 Transnational Terrorist Organizations: Mexican Cartels Operating in Every U.S. State

>>20888108 Democrats have aggressively targeted over 400 Republican lawyers and politicians with criminal charges, civil lawsuits, and disbarment proceedings

>>20888109, >>20888112 Trump’s hush money trial is nearing an end after a day of heated Cohen cross

>>20888113 QClock May 19, 2024 - Iran Next, People Awake, Helicopter Crash, Pain Delivered, Shift in Tactics Fireworks

>>20888196 This map shows how much you have to earn to afford rent in every state

>>20888230 EU Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarcic, assisting Iran w/ EU's Copernicus EMS satellite mapping service

>>20888246 Japan grappling with invasive raccoon population nearly 40 years after bringing them to the country

>>20888283 King Charles announces first overseas trip since cancer diagnosis

>>20888346 Ron Filipkowski: This week, Trump will have his chance to say to his jury under oath the things he said outside the courtroom

>>20888361 Supreme Court Shields Powerful Federal Agency from Future Congressional Oversight

>>20888394 On Putin’s instructions, two aircraft, helicopters and 50 mountain rescuers will leave for Tabriz to help search for the Raisi-Tasnim helicopter

>>20888448 Iranian news channel expert: Mossad agents are present in this region (Republic of Azerbaijan)

>>20888498 Wall Street Journal: Change in household net worth since start of presidency

>>20888516 The federal government has suspended funding to EcoHealth Alliance after it was confirmed that they were involved in gain-of-function viral research

>>20888520 There are reports that a Turkish UAV has discovered a helicopter crash site

>>20888580 #25619

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3c4561 No.20888592

#25618 >>20886989

>>20887100 Fico’s condition ‘no longer life-threatening’ – Slovak deputy PM (RT)

>>20887118 Ali Tadi, an Iranian filmmaker close to the Iranian presidency, seems to be confirming the death of Raisi and describes him as a “martyr.

>>20887147 Supreme snake Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has just convened an emergency meeting following the helicopter crash.

>>20887183, >>20887458 PF Report: Potato in 92-9000 747 departed Atlanta Intl for Detroit Metro for muh campaign event

>>20887117 Direct from The Iranian President's helicopter

>>20887209 (Update) Iran security source: The downing of the President's helicopter from a three-car motorcade, two of which arrived safely, leaves us with a very serious and dangerous security event. We are facing the possibility of a “major assassination attempt” or actual murder by Mossad operatives!🔥🔥🔥

>>20887256 Pentagon to forge deeper ties with space industry in ‘first-of-its-kind’ program

>>20887295 US Air Force C-17 "RCH348 aircraft is landing NOW in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan.

>>20887333 PF Report: 95-3058 USAFSOC C146 Wolfhound left Jamaica and rounded Cuba heading NW Prolly stop at Homestead ARB before going to Eglin

baker change >>20887360, >>20887369, >>20887374

>>20887064 As we await confirmation on the Fate of Iran’s President after a helicopter crash, the Israel War Room posted this emoji: 🚁

>>20887084, >>20887132, >>20887233, >>20887279 Iran president helicopter crash

>>20887099 Helicopter Carrying Iran’s President Raisi Crashes - Steve Lookner Live Coverage

>>20887163 U.S. President Biden has been summoned to an urgent briefing at the White House

>>20887174 Qproof of Iranian president helicopter crash

>>20887342 Bright green fireball lights up the skies over Portugal and Spain

>>20887344, >>20887358 Something unusual is happening at the improvised port in Gaza - US military is landing with armored vehicles

>>20887396 (May 17) Iran arrests 260 people for spreading 'satanism and nudity'

>>20887411 PF: Australian Sky Warden flying over the Persian Gulf?

>>20887435 PF: RAF RRR4953 A400m left Rzeszow Airport in SE Poland after stop and drop

>>20887458 PF: Potato on final at Detroit Metro and escort 09-0017 C32 went to Youngstown, OH-Warren Regional Airport

>>20887484, >>20887506 PF: Saudi Ministry of Finance AC E over India from Gulf city of Al-Jubayl (Baal?)

>>20887512 (May 17) U.S., Iran held indirect talks this week on avoiding more attacks

>>20887515 (May 17) Russia and Iran working to create BRICS currency

>>20887518, >>20887072, >>20887246 If Iran finds that Israel took part in the crash of the Iranian President's helicopter and decides to retaliate, the US should not get involved

>>20887599 Congolese army says it has foiled a coup attempt

>>20887631 UK trials 'un-jammable' quantum-based navigation systems

>>20887645 Iranian security council: Sabotage is involved

>>20887660 CBS News Anchor Norah O'Donnell Interviews Pope Francis

>>20887664 A month of Azerbaijan coincidinks

>>20887719 The Bronx knows what time it is

>>20887783 #25618

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3c4561 No.20888593

#25617 >>20885944

>>20885958 Dough claim

>>20886474 The scramble for Antarctica's black gold: How Russian discovery of huge oil reserves in UK territory has made Falkland Islands the 'world's most valuable real estate'… with Putin and Xi eyeing treasure under frozen seas

>>20886507, >>20886515, >>20886623, >>20886629 Ex-CDC Director Admits ‘Significant Side Effects’ of COVID Vaccines in Young Healthy People — Calls for Independent Review Similar to 9/11 Commission (VIDEO)

>>20886597, >>20886604 Trump Lawyer John Eastman Arrested in Phoenix on Charges Related to 2020 Alternate Electors Even Though He Had ZERO INVOLVEMENT in Arizona Litigation(VIDEO)

>>20886599 9/11 video alleges ‘secret’ new evidence in landmark case against Saudi hijackers

>>20886630 EQ Report: Alaska, California, and Puerto Rico this morning. 2.6 - 4.9 and smaller ones nearby

>>20886665 Senator Tim Scott – Liberal Media Ignores Biden’s Association With KKK Member Robert Byrd: ‘They’re Not Playing That on CNN’(VIDEO)

>>20886734 Black Patriots For Trump Rally in the South Bronx(VIDEO)

>>20886763, >>20886774, >>20886776, >>20886780 Helicopter carrying Iranian President Raisi suffers 'hard landing,' state media says

>>20886869 Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi missing in helicopter crash as frantic rescue mission is launched - hours after posing for pictures with Azerbaijan's leader

>>20886879 PF Report: RCH140 C17 going to Port Au Prince and RCH120 C17 heading back to Charleston from Port Au Prince depart

>>20886882 The DR Congo military foiled a “coup attempt” in the country! An attempted coup took place this morning in the Democratic Republic of Congo, reports the country's national television RTNC.

>>20886886 As killings surge, Haitians struggle to bury loved ones and find closure in violent capital

>>20886903 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - May 19, 2024: Jupiter Diving

>>20886914 Blue Origin New Shepard Mission NS-25 Webcast - New Shepard's 25th mission to space. The crew includes: Mason Angel, Sylvain Chiron, Kenneth L. Hess, Carol Schaller, Gopi Thotakura, and former Air Force Captain Ed Dwight, who was selected by President John F. Kennedy in 1961 as the nation’s first Black astronaut candidate but was never granted the opportunity to fly to space.

>>20886974 #25617

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3c4561 No.20888594

#25616 >>20885301, >>20885477, doughs

>>20885305 Joe Rogan & Terrence Howard on Bioweapons, Spike Proteins, and Ivermectin

>>20885328, >>20885334, >>20885337, >>20885377, >>20885397, >>20885405, >>20885440, >>20885471, Trump Headlines the 153rd Annual NRA Meeting - 5/18/24 - rally notes with added mp4 vid links lb.

>>20885341 Georgia GOP State Convention: State Election Board Member Apologizes for Years-Long Delay in Hearing Critical Election Complaint - gwp twat

>>20885451 #25615 lb notables

>>20885452 cnn spin doctor panic - vid and twat

>>20885657 Conservative scion Brent Bozell IV sentenced to nearly 4 years in Jan. 6 case

>>20885684 PF Reports

>>20885715 Slovak PM’s condition ‘remains very serious’ – deputy

>>20885743 Zelensky blasts West for wanting conflict to end

>>20885933 #25616

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3c4561 No.20888598

#25615 >>20884509 dough

>>20884577 Tucker: Military Coup Simulation Reveals Potentially Dangerous 2024 Outcome - youtube

>>20884595 AI EXPERT: MACHINES WILL TAKE OVER IN 5-20 YEARS - mp4 and twat

>>20884602 helen kerwin trump endorsement in texas state house district 58 against rino dewayne burns. - djt t.s post

>>20884632 Danger behind the beauty’: more solar storms could be heading our way - science and space fearporn.bun

>>20884637, >>20884641, twats and social media noise bun

>>20885057, >>20885064, Damn straight he plays Q music - djt from rally on twat and other social media sites.bun

>>20885070 Trump Lawyer John Eastman Arrested in Phoenix on Charges Related to 2020 Alternate Electors - gwp twat

>>20884688, >>20885187, 911 during home invasion - only for dispatcher 'to tell her to phone politician instead and ask for more police funding' - msn media bun

>>20884648, >>20885138, planefags.

>>20884652 Top Secret: In a 2018 Letter, Netanyahu Asks Qatar to Fund Hamas - ynetnews.com

>>20884720, >>20884723, President Trump Headlines the 153rd Annual NRA Meeting - 5/18/24 - notes attached from speech from djt.

>>20884827, >>20884843, >>20884868 , >>20884887, >>20884912, >>20885028 , >>20885063, >>20885095, >>20885119 , >>20885141, >>20885151 mp4 djt nra rally notes bun.

>>20884726, >>20885077, We welcome President @realDonaldTrump to The Bronx! - tina forte twat bun

>>20884748 Tourist Visa (L-Visa) Application Documents to be Simplified - us.china embassy

>>20884834, >>20884842, The Western Sanctions Against Russia and U.S. CBDC 1/2 - sundance

>>20884952, >>20885016, >>20885021, >>20885106, Michigan Dems urge probe of alleged signature fraud by GOP Senate hopefuls. GOP fires back - detroitnews.com (election bun)

>>20884983 This is Aayden Gallagher. He’s a boy who thinks he’s a girl and just came in 1st place in the women’s 200m Oregon State crowd boos - twat libs of tiktok

>>20885023 Pope Francis in Verona - twat (retardation from the jesuit)

>>20885104, >>20885116, >>20885150, As with the covid pandemic, we have partners for tuberculosis tests under $2 for India and the world. - youtube bill gates vid

>>20885146 biden puts tarrifs on china - nyt

>>20885197 Trump at his speech in MN friday- rumble

>>20885222 Former NIH Director Admits Government Was Top Source Of Covid Misinformation - the federalist

>>20885236, >>20885278, Easton Whitaker remembered - firstcoastnews.com

>>20885252 CNN reporter was a case of 'died suddenly'. - twat

>>20885267 “EU Transformed in a War Party”. Hungarian PM Orban unveils Background of Fico’s Murder Attempt - vtforeignpolicy.com

>>20885291 Dad and two adult kids killed as plane broke apart in the air, Dr Lucius J. Doucet III and his daughter Giselle and son Jean-Luc were killed in the mid-air disaster in Tennessee -news.com

>>20885451 #25615

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3c4561 No.20888599

#25614 >>20883735

>>20883967, >>20884474 President Trump Headlines the 153rd Annual NRA Meeting - 5/18/24 (w/ Transcript)

>>20883740 NOTAM Sparks Confusion Over Possible Russian Hypersonic Missile Test Off California Coast

>>20883753, >>20883786, >>20883809, >>20883861, >>20883880, >>20883890 J6 related tomfoolery

>>20883762 Mass Brawl Breaks Out in Taiwan’s Parliament as Lawmakers Fight Over Legislation

>>20883775 Biden’s Brownshirts Raid Giuliani’s 80th Birthday Bash to Serve Indictment

>>20883792 Massachusetts Agency Housed Migrant Children In Hotels With Sex Offenders

>>20883808, >>20883993 Biden staffer who resigned over White House’s ‘disastrous’ support for ‘genocide’ is daughter of weapons exec helping Israel

>>20883831 CSIS suggests those who oppose gender ideology are a 'violent threat' in Canada

>>20883843 Europe is being flooded with hundreds of food products from India that are contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides, fungus and salmonella

>>20883853 How Hunter's upcoming gun and tax trials are creating a political headache for Joe as he could go to jail before the election

>>20883859, >>20883894, >>20883909 Ted Cruz: Joe Biden is claiming executive privilege to avoid releasing the audio of his interview with Robert Hur #ReleaseTheTape

>>20883902 NY Dem Congressman Dan Goldman Sent Payments To Judge Merchan’s Daughter’s Home Address While Admitting to Coaching Michael Cohen Ahead Of Trump Trial

>>20883912, >>20883987, >>20884029 Spain Denies Israel ship access to ports

>>20883920 Phillip Patrick: Biden Is Incentivizing Nations To Seek Alternatives To The Dollar

>>20883929 US Sending Nuclear-Powered Carrier For 'Higher Stakes' Red Sea Mission

>>20883932 Alina Habba trial update

>>20883945 WashPo: Wealthy Jewish Donors Pushed NYC Mayor to Launch NYPD Crackdown on Columbia Protesters

>>20883970 Fauci: “Bill Gates and I did not put chips in the Covid Vaccines"

>>20884039 The streets of the South Bronx are already flooded with Trump supporters nearly a week out from the rally

>>20884088, >>20884109 Trump International, Scotland / Trump Turnberry

>>20884141 Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell working from home after testing positive for COVID-19

>>20884154, >>20884331 Planefag

>>20884192 Scarface: Castro had emptied his jails and insane asylums when Jimmy Carter gave Cuban refugees open arms

>>20884194 As the Gain of Function Lies Are Exposed, Elon Musk Issues Call to 'Prosecute / Fauci'

>>20884204 Biden's Plan to Resettle Thousands of Gaza Refugees Into America Is Insane

>>20884229, >>20884402, >>20884463 CNN political commentator Alice Stewart, a former adviser for Republican candidates, found dead in Virginia - she was 58

>>20884237, >>20884257, >>20884233 Israel: Tens of thousands are back on the streets calling for Netanyahu's ouster

>>20884277 Noticing

>>20884294 Refresher from 2020: Chris Miller says Special Operations reports directly to him instead of bureaucratic channels

>>20884325 North Korea test-fired a tactical ballistic missile equipped with a new guidance system, the Korean Central News Agency reported

>>20884492 #25614

Previously Collected

>>20883058 #25612, >>20883722 #25613

>>20881359 #25610, >>20882160 #25611, >>20883058 #25612

>>20879592 #25608, >>20880420 #25609, >>20880420 #25609

>>20877096 #25605, >>20878051 #25606, >>20878853 #25607

>>20874729 #25602, >>20875556 #25603, >>20876337 #25604

>>20872248 #25599, >>20873110 #25600, >>20873958 #25601

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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3c4561 No.20888601

File: d75f7ce3908af1c⋯.png (103.35 KB,182x255,182:255,ClipboardImage.png)



>can continue or defer

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4cf311 No.20888610

File: 415f7f2f17a91c7⋯.jpeg (3.35 KB,190x266,5:7,toj.jpeg)

God bless the future


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45237d No.20888615

File: ec163f3b9628fb0⋯.png (353.5 KB,553x697,553:697,ec163f3b9628fb068a3002d565….png)

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652532 No.20888633

File: 217573acb1affc5⋯.jpeg (153.28 KB,912x772,228:193,217573acb1affc56442e8eb84….jpeg)

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7ff749 No.20888634

Heyy bæb

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b9bb6b No.20888635

File: d6b4e419fbe9289⋯.jpg (676.25 KB,1916x1440,479:360,Picsart_24_05_19_10_40_31_….jpg)

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331941 No.20888636

File: 7723a5893437676⋯.jpeg (36.01 KB,236x310,118:155,09C57411_B872_44A4_9CF0_4….jpeg)

File: 945b275da641c15⋯.jpeg (516.29 KB,672x518,48:37,AC329711_6AC3_4573_9CB9_5….jpeg)


Thank you.

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dbc601 No.20888637

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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58ee9e No.20888638

>>20888526 lb

big pout

no red txt shill mentions

thanks for the plaid

btw how did you know that was me clan tartan? asking for grannie. she's into that sort of thing


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941d3b No.20888639

File: b54f25a947e1308⋯.jpeg (280.52 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GN9dedWWIAAGko0_1_.jpeg)

File: c81a8766849d2db⋯.jpeg (381.61 KB,1366x2048,683:1024,GN5i_0ZXgAAFinD.jpeg)

GM is an inflammation

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c52696 No.20888640

File: 49bc9a263980e0f⋯.mp4 (183.46 KB,500x280,25:14,neo.mp4)

File: d54daa9306fb5c5⋯.gif (3.59 MB,540x540,1:1,neo_night_shift.gif)

File: 48e25ecf01ec645⋯.png (657.23 KB,500x1138,250:569,ClipboardImage.png)





>>20888590 lb

saw a post on below link

it cannot help but post.

but anon cannot see it as already filtered its retarded chinky Confucius shit.


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331941 No.20888641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Seriously serious fuckin shit.

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941d3b No.20888642

File: df4958f0d546690⋯.gif (122.53 KB,640x640,1:1,mash_docteurshepherd.gif)

File: 977e1d305d0cd4c⋯.jpg (101.94 KB,500x1211,500:1211,8qldio.jpg)

File: 957e7f6a35495cc⋯.jpg (97.78 KB,885x500,177:100,8qld4d.jpg)

File: a8994c1ccbea17d⋯.jpeg (588.02 KB,1554x2048,777:1024,GN9CHO4XUAEclwZ.jpeg)

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d9bd46 No.20888643

File: de98297d6227173⋯.png (394.71 KB,348x528,29:44,F79F7342_28FF_4BA9_A747_2C….png)

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4cf311 No.20888644

File: 15e882acac00b32⋯.jpg (110.61 KB,720x1360,9:17,_Omw.jpg)

File: e327a2ec3f4935d⋯.jpg (71.16 KB,664x522,332:261,Iranc.jpg)

One week ago

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shared a photo of himself on social media putting on Tefillin on Sunday.

He wrote:

“Let all the peoples of the earth see that the name of the Lord is called upon you, and they shall be afraid of you.”

He wrote:

“Let all the peoples of the earth see that the name of the Lord is called upon you,

and they shall be afraid of you.”

The observance of the Mitzvah of Tefillin, especially by military personnel themselves, and more so by those that stand above them and lead them, instills the greatest fear and dread upon every enemy and adversary.”

A few moments later.. ….

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331941 No.20888646

File: 59c16c23d7b14ae⋯.jpeg (93.01 KB,731x705,731:705,7E410188_9AF1_430B_9537_6….jpeg)

File: 5fa22516bdaedc5⋯.jpeg (358.53 KB,828x737,828:737,A0014484_FA52_4521_9C4D_D….jpeg)

Who's having a day?

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b3abff No.20888647

File: 4aa48a86077af77⋯.png (151.28 KB,282x268,141:134,ClipboardImage.png)

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3f0ce9 No.20888648

File: a3f5bf15fc1683a⋯.png (880.95 KB,1536x1511,1536:1511,GM.png)

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edc26d No.20888649


Confucius say. ‘Shiite Happens

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2b22cc No.20888650

File: b4aff701b131a81⋯.jpeg (65.65 KB,500x433,500:433,IMG_1885.jpeg)

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870010 No.20888651

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331941 No.20888652

File: 8935aa9adace339⋯.gif (1.98 MB,498x280,249:140,69872FF6_3697_438C_922F_EF….gif)

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927c72 No.20888653

File: bce85b9dad54784⋯.mp4 (355.73 KB,302x226,151:113,bce85b9dad54784416d4d6aad4….mp4)

>>20888506 lb

>Scooby-Doo! and the Mystery of the Shadow Phantom.

(((Shadow Phantom)))!!!

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6072f3 No.20888654

File: e0564942bca24b8⋯.png (364.8 KB,867x1333,867:1333,e0564942bca24b8c7475bbf969….png)


It's cocktail hr baker

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7a24e6 No.20888655


GM? More like GA or GD now!

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15d667 No.20888656

File: 219f0b38b3bcfb5⋯.png (1.16 MB,896x1283,896:1283,ClipboardImage.png)


>GM Edition


kek, I guess

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45237d No.20888657

File: 9111cbeab61d2f7⋯.jpeg (961.91 KB,1100x1205,220:241,9111cbeab61d2f7b123750395….jpeg)

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941d3b No.20888658

File: 43c04117a87552f⋯.gif (209.71 KB,381x420,127:140,tumblr_4ccaa9ca265b9efa398….gif)

File: 957e7f6a35495cc⋯.jpg (97.78 KB,885x500,177:100,8qld4d.jpg)

File: 98249af49b956a5⋯.jpg (234.84 KB,1280x852,320:213,98249af49b956a5efa8660d4ff….jpg)

File: f4bf25054db4015⋯.jpeg (115.76 KB,549x655,549:655,f4bf25054db40154f9098447e….jpeg)

File: c81a8766849d2db⋯.jpeg (381.61 KB,1366x2048,683:1024,GN5i_0ZXgAAFinD.jpeg)


horse cock dipped in parasite goo.

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0410fd No.20888659


Ride to GITMO?

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331941 No.20888660

File: f5c06af9c567c73⋯.jpeg (162.2 KB,828x531,92:59,96375B32_1DFC_4899_83CF_4….jpeg)


Strong brew.

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b3abff No.20888661

File: 1d627850d3a8603⋯.png (267.47 KB,637x447,637:447,ClipboardImage.png)


Daily Mail Online



Lib Dem leader: I needed two years of therapy because of online abuse


May 19, 2024 · 9:40 PM UTC


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1bb4b9 No.20888662

File: 97740acf79019f7⋯.jpg (182.79 KB,1024x1024,1:1,F_O9zpcWYAApaSG.jpg)



TYB for the very special GM bake. This is going to be a memorable day for GM. I do believe Q is watching, and POTUS will toss out a very special GM to the Anons.

God bless (You).

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b9bb6b No.20888663


RRN will get the scoop

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331941 No.20888664

File: 3ee00ee01a85527⋯.jpeg (299.22 KB,828x455,828:455,59EEF188_8D43_42CF_A1C9_2….jpeg)

File: 81a67c5b0835f34⋯.jpeg (275.94 KB,773x444,773:444,0D21B630_11A4_4A85_820F_1….jpeg)

File: b91c53f5deda42f⋯.jpeg (129.23 KB,828x824,207:206,63F658E0_5BDF_42EC_8207_2….jpeg)

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4cf311 No.20888665


How to become meme

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1bb4b9 No.20888666

The 6s turn to 8s for a GM.

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ee7546 No.20888667

File: 0c6b9609a600d65⋯.png (556.01 KB,900x888,75:74,0c6b9609a600d65efad9e5b539….png)

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b54f2b No.20888668


TV sports presenter arrested for raping a child 'was held by police for 18 hours after 4am raid on his home'

A TV sports presenter has reportedly been arrested on suspicion of rape

The rape allegation is historical and involves a child younger than 10 years old

A TV sports presenter who was arrested for raping a child was allegedly held by the police for 18 hours after an early morning raid on his home.

The presenter, reportedly arrested on suspicion of raping a child, had his home raided at 4am earlier this week, according to The Sun.

Officers seized electronical devices and documents for examination from the man's house.

The host was reportedly held in custody for around 18 hours and was questioned by detectives before being released on bail, pending further enquiries.

The newspaper claimed that the rape allegation is historical and the child was younger than 10 years old at the time.

The alleged complainant made the allegation recently and it was reported to police before they were interviewed by specialist child abuse investigation officers.

It is alleged that the child was raped on more than one occasion and thought that his colleagues were unaware of the incidents.

The Sun claims a neighbour of the man - who cannot be named for legal reasons - said: 'The police turned up very early.

'They took him away and were there for a while ­carrying out a search. Everyone is shocked at his arrest.'

The Sun reported that the police force conducting the investigation has confirmed the individual's arrest.

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2b22cc No.20888669

File: 7835d2b91ad5888⋯.jpeg (146.52 KB,740x1135,148:227,IMG_1887.jpeg)

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9c65e2 No.20888670

File: 96fc11e0631aa94⋯.mp4 (4.4 MB,776x720,97:90,m2_res_720p.mp4)

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a9f536 No.20888671

File: 2339bb521dad3a6⋯.png (1.03 MB,1222x1222,1:1,kitteh.png)

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3f0ce9 No.20888672

File: 16d61098e9fcc0a⋯.png (60.4 KB,902x735,902:735,16d61098e9fcc0a04e22435a8a….png)

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331941 No.20888673

File: fea26f1d7da11d1⋯.jpeg (365.12 KB,828x475,828:475,E8FC190C_4C1C_4791_934B_1….jpeg)


Hope the kid makes it through this.

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9c65e2 No.20888674

File: 7a64212f0fc88fa⋯.mp4 (3.93 MB,1920x1080,16:9,m2_res_1080p.mp4)

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382c42 No.20888675

File: bc1109060386a33⋯.jpg (12.37 KB,196x255,196:255,815c6a6fd596411ce813557fdd….jpg)

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941d3b No.20888676

File: 28a5dd11dcd5cbc⋯.jpg (207.93 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_19_07_2….jpg)

File: bae0609e077d5af⋯.jpeg (70.84 KB,1080x1078,540:539,GN9XZiUWUAAHKWZ.jpeg)


8 becoming 9

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58ee9e No.20888677

File: c06890d05d54848⋯.png (37.99 KB,308x305,308:305,ClipboardImage.png)

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331941 No.20888678

File: a7c3b2033ad63ce⋯.jpeg (102.23 KB,828x601,828:601,28E7F7A2_E344_478F_9048_F….jpeg)

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b54f2b No.20888679



Well-known TV sports presenter arrested on suspicion of raping a child in 4am raid on host’s home

The rape accusation involves a child who was under ten years of age at the time

A TV sports presenter has been arrested on suspicion of raping a child, The Sun on Sunday can reveal.

Police carried out a 4am raid on the ­married telly host’s home earlier this week.

A search of the property in southern England was carried out and computer devices and documents taken away for examination.

The man was questioned by detectives and held in custody for around 18 hours before being released on bail pending further enquiries.

The rape all­egation is historical and involves a child who was under ten years of age at the time

It is alleged the child was raped on more than one occasion over a period of time.

At the time of the alleged offence, the well-known suspect, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was working in the television industry.

His bosses have been made aware of the police investigation and his arrest — but it was thought that the presenter’s TV colleagues were unaware.

The complainant made the allegation recently and it was reported to police.

She was interviewed by specialist child abuse investigation officers at a dedicated suite and an investigation was launched.

The police force conducting the investigation confirmed the arrest.

Police were expected to conduct further inquiries into his background as part of their investigation.

A neighbour of the man arrested said: “The police turned up very early.

“They took him away and were there for a while ­carrying out a search.

“Everyone is shocked at his arrest.”

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b30fde No.20888680


RRN is awesome.



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b3abff No.20888681

File: 332123479045996⋯.png (320.66 KB,556x583,556:583,ClipboardImage.png)


Everyone´s in GITMO.


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ee7546 No.20888682

File: dd9f5a79228af56⋯.jpeg (495.47 KB,2016x1512,4:3,EueIfEpUYAA_bqR.jpeg)

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15d667 No.20888684

File: a3d35cf8135f658⋯.png (2.66 MB,1919x1011,1919:1011,ClipboardImage.png)





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331941 No.20888685

File: 82d9ab06f4acfcb⋯.jpeg (105.85 KB,828x601,828:601,68E7E82B_F589_428E_9830_3….jpeg)

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0ccb4d No.20888686

File: 3bbf951eadd05a1⋯.jpg (137.95 KB,1024x969,1024:969,blackrock_the_meme_nationa….jpg)

File: fef65d8b09c2b06⋯.mp4 (814.63 KB,1280x720,16:9,blackrock_ceo_forcing_beha….mp4)

File: e1399c51d8fa825⋯.png (2.79 MB,2106x2338,1053:1169,hiring_anti_white_men_2_bl….png)

>>20887905 pb

>After Sudden CEO Departure, Vanguard Taps Outsider From BlackRock

That's a big fucking problem

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b3abff No.20888687

File: bd58869aedfc5cc⋯.png (296.47 KB,557x572,557:572,ClipboardImage.png)



May 16

Ramón Fonseca Mora had been hospitalized since early April, shortly before the start of a landmark money laundering trial stemming from the ICIJ’s 2016 investigation.

Guillermina McDonald, his lawyer, confirmed via text that Fonseca died May 8. buff.ly/3K5Ifvy

May 16, 2024 · 12:11 PM UTC



>Everyone´s in GITMO.

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b9bb6b No.20888688


Lookner reporting that a turban has been recovered.

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331941 No.20888689

File: 6afd84eb6b4f6e8⋯.jpeg (28.24 KB,180x180,1:1,D188FD05_90B6_493F_A4A8_D….jpeg)



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11eef5 No.20888690

File: 069aa50731887e0⋯.gif (10.85 MB,477x640,477:640,069aa50731887e077bccb4f314….gif)

File: 9e2a71ce67cd016⋯.jpg (458.38 KB,1824x1212,152:101,9e2a71ce67cd016d9112f7be82….jpg)

File: 5dffc64ed9e6704⋯.png (471.2 KB,490x842,245:421,58064786245ff0897cda02e929….png)

Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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0410fd No.20888691

File: 2bda364dc4c5e9e⋯.png (1.31 MB,860x1220,43:61,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d014d986a44942⋯.png (299.59 KB,352x500,88:125,ClipboardImage.png)


"Planet Earth" Movie where the men's food was poisoned to make them docile. Kind of like what they are trying to do to us!

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b54f2b No.20888692

File: c715398de1181ef⋯.jpeg (102.45 KB,949x534,949:534,JohnOfGodOprah.jpeg)

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4cf311 No.20888693

File: 48ff501b6d5b115⋯.jpg (118.37 KB,653x624,653:624,40519_17060.jpg)



A ring

The four on board

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652532 No.20888694

File: faa39eb6f75efc1⋯.jpg (69.83 KB,500x433,500:433,b4aff701b131a81b229a405fbf….jpg)

File: 3561b86cabcd0f2⋯.png (101.83 KB,425x375,17:15,3561b86cabcd0f2bf306c004f0….png)

File: 6d72a3a5ae17045⋯.png (130.32 KB,548x348,137:87,6d72a3a5ae170451920bf35507….png)

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c52696 No.20888695

File: 6323da161eb8477⋯.png (1.29 MB,860x860,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)




still not named.

anon posted about this last bread.

need anons on social media to gather some data as to who it could be?

Anon still thinks it could be gary lineker.

but that is just a guess.


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3a7916 No.20888696

File: b7f25030ae29fef⋯.jpg (65.38 KB,888x494,444:247,gus5tsydsjd.jpg)

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b54f2b No.20888697


Diddy takes smoke break with pals as he steps out for the first time since shocking video of him beating Cassie Ventura and apology

Embattled rapper, 54, pictured in Miami for first time since shocking footage of his beating of Cassie surfaced'

He wore a necklace with the image of his late father Melvin Combs, who was fatally shot at the age of 33 in New York City, posing next to a child

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4cf311 No.20888698

File: c53d05d3b82b555⋯.jpg (86.3 KB,499x614,499:614,download_jpeg_113.jpg)


Good Message

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0ccb4d No.20888699

File: e1cd8045c1c5c73⋯.png (87.9 KB,343x343,1:1,tranny_pronouns.png)

>>20884983 PB

>This is Aayden Gallagher. He’s a boy who


>thinks he’s a girl and just came in 1st place in the women’s 200m Oregon State crowd boos

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c52696 No.20888700

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


this for those interested in the charlie boys deranged portrait. indastering

p.s anons who are tech savey should use their skills and tell anons what they find?


Some of you might find this interesting about Charlie Globalist the Turd.

What lies beneath the red portrait?

This vid shows you how to DIY it and find out for yourselves.

Loaded with symbolism.


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87eee2 No.20888701


Oh no Muh Charlie Demons!!

Trolling Satanists is FUN!

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b54f2b No.20888702


>The observance of the Mitzvah of Tefillin, especially by military personnel themselves, and more so by those that stand above them and lead them, instills the greatest fear and dread upon every enemy and adversary.

fear and dread? it makes you look silly

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02decb No.20888703

File: f58e8cab269434d⋯.jpg (397.12 KB,1322x688,661:344,rrn_never_go_full_rrn.jpg)


>RRN will

invent some bullshit story.

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331941 No.20888704

File: 3aba950eb2e4063⋯.jpeg (108.01 KB,828x386,414:193,F0F8A19D_EAD5_40F4_B0A9_3….jpeg)

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739f30 No.20888705

File: 7d8e61fa8ebf818⋯.mp4 (5.44 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17160700280….mp4)

>>20887873 As pro-Palestine protesters reached an intersection, officers rushed in and grabbed people out of the crowd seemingly at random.PN

Anons do you want to do research and somewhat identify who the police took down?You know AI can identify anyone these days right? Did they identify them as middle east agitators or radicals?

As pro-Palestine protesters reached an intersection, officers rushed in and grabbed people out of the crowd seemingly at random

Officers tackled multiple protesters to the ground and then proceeded to punch them


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b3abff No.20888706

File: 63843d9c175674d⋯.png (77.26 KB,607x458,607:458,ClipboardImage.png)




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0410fd No.20888707

File: 97c229e0a4cd454⋯.png (677.68 KB,860x642,430:321,ClipboardImage.png)

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807e34 No.20888708

File: 4cf52c68a4f933b⋯.png (377.5 KB,742x434,53:31,ClipboardImage.png)

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b9bb6b No.20888709


lil curbside justice never hurt nobody

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941d3b No.20888710

File: 519704eee4c00fb⋯.gif (36.25 KB,220x275,4:5,chuck_norris_muscle.gif)

File: 27f35b57aa95d44⋯.jpg (19.73 KB,480x360,4:3,d51125409d814b67e05545330c….jpg)

File: 41bfe0099c0847a⋯.jpeg (5.62 KB,300x168,25:14,images_41_.jpeg)


chick a wood chuck chuck

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87fc18 No.20888711


you dont always get what you want…

you get what you DESERVE!

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8c5f15 No.20888712

File: 813ce199bd19144⋯.gif (3.23 MB,360x360,1:1,813ce199bd19144dd312494c69….gif)

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ee7546 No.20888713

File: 568df16a5977b8d⋯.png (3.14 MB,1440x1468,360:367,Screen_Shot_2020_10_20_at_….png)

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4e1a6c No.20888714


>Anons do you want to identify who the police took down?

No! Hope the cops beat the shit out of all of them!

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4cf311 No.20888715

File: b8ac8c9f7ad9189⋯.jpg (62.78 KB,504x479,504:479,gf.jpg)

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8c3782 No.20888716

Shut down this board.

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c52696 No.20888717

File: f5054729d3de10b⋯.mp4 (5.85 MB,1280x720,16:9,day_shift_2nd_tester.mp4)


too much winning

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79a33a No.20888718


dat ass

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41da53 No.20888719


>somewhat identify who the police took down

"An intersection" in what State, City, town, country?? (Don't hear American accents.) Hate these twat people who never give a damn location - not even country or state (aside from "Florida man") They should be ignored.

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bd9d91 No.20888720

File: 0d95003b9111991⋯.png (25.78 KB,263x406,263:406,ClipboardImage.png)

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79a33a No.20888721


It's a self fulfilling censorship policy.

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be96b0 No.20888722

This whole helicopter story with the Iranian President doesn't add up.

Something is going on.

Something BIG is coming.

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4cf311 No.20888723


Cops not even wearing vests

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652532 No.20888725

File: 35e135f9741e537⋯.png (1.18 MB,860x806,430:403,35e135f9741e537eae1239bcc8….png)


>Shut down this board.

Then the spirit of this board will transcend

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ee7546 No.20888726

File: 1289a613df3449f⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB,738x718,369:359,1289a613df3449f20ec80bdc71….mp4)



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79a33a No.20888727


Says the Zionist

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849fcc No.20888728

WOW if true

“Celebratory fireworks light up the sky in Iran following the helicopter crash involving President Raisi and Foreign Minister Abdollahian. In the video, a woman says, ‘I hope the report of his demise becomes true.’ #Iran #BreakingNews”


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b3abff No.20888729

File: 607ae4dd4c9c9cc⋯.png (394.28 KB,622x552,311:276,ClipboardImage.png)

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79a33a No.20888730


Ascension was foretold.

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2f4543 No.20888731

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: acf6db4e1c49eb6⋯.png (13.33 KB,184x57,184:57,Screenshot_2024_05_19_at_1….png)

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b54f2b No.20888732

File: 31566b2e00d3cef⋯.png (51.58 KB,164x218,82:109,captain.png)


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4cf311 No.20888733


Then meme them coming out of their therapist's office

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941d3b No.20888734

File: f314dcf836ddb14⋯.png (972.24 KB,540x900,3:5,f314dcf836ddb143059569c3d2….png)

File: dc4cda911f2db7c⋯.jpg (110.52 KB,768x806,384:403,ExpMilScoopingTheWarWeekes….jpg)

File: ce6d3313fc36f05⋯.jpg (51.87 KB,502x497,502:497,ce6d3313fc36f0598b36a8d357….jpg)

File: d406e7be1241df7⋯.png (563.25 KB,488x680,61:85,d406e7be1241df7a3bdd52e377….png)

File: 974db2294e3b468⋯.png (14.84 KB,255x143,255:143,3fcb1eab8ef8421bfdba2b6f36….png)


then she said tap muh fartbox

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79a33a No.20888735


not really a Wow when you think about it.

Imagine if it were potatus.

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b004e7 No.20888736

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79a33a No.20888737

File: 4dc72d474d01075⋯.jpg (133.19 KB,586x773,586:773,Cryin_Chuck_Anthony_Albane….jpg)

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ee7546 No.20888738

File: 63f57a5514b71a7⋯.png (1.63 MB,1694x854,121:61,63f57a5514b71a72983d6086ae….png)

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446103 No.20888739

File: 950e49502d2ec8f⋯.png (83.39 KB,782x780,391:390,ClipboardImage.png)


A helicopter crash in a fairly remote area is a great way to fake your death.

Makes me wonder about Kobe Bryant.

He knew a lot.


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331941 No.20888740

File: 24605494e0234f6⋯.jpeg (430.16 KB,828x584,207:146,F24AC96F_0E39_4F1C_9088_B….jpeg)


Kids planefagging

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b9bb6b No.20888741

File: 5b367d6a5779dce⋯.jpg (476.62 KB,1440x2165,288:433,Screenshot_20240519_181405….jpg)


possibly times square

big ass paddy wagon

next to

the big ass hotdog

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3f0ce9 No.20888742

File: afeb5ecf3da759e⋯.jpg (42.9 KB,540x540,1:1,afeb5ecf3da759e66254a26fd0….jpg)

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b3abff No.20888743

File: 6993944b9299d2f⋯.png (504.67 KB,622x556,311:278,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59a3ac95029549b⋯.png (211.39 KB,641x568,641:568,ClipboardImage.png)





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2f4543 No.20888744

File: 85ee03c8caf8634⋯.png (2.43 MB,1381x918,1381:918,Screenshot_2024_05_19_at_1….png)

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dbc601 No.20888745

File: 192f9f1a1287de2⋯.png (1.13 MB,1900x1064,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


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11eef5 No.20888747

File: a7aa522991c83e2⋯.jpg (199.34 KB,931x1024,931:1024,1713005929389943.jpg)

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739f30 No.20888748

Businesspeople do not dispute giving gold, cash to Menendezes — but say they were ‘gifts’

Prosecutors gave jurors a show-and-tell of gold bars and bags of cash seized from the Menendez home

By DANIEL HAN and RY RIVARD: 05/16/202

NEW YORK — One of New Jersey’s most prominent real estate developers will not dispute that he gave cash and gold bars to Sen. Bob Menendez and his wife, a defense attorney in the corruption trial said Thursday.

He will dispute the reasons for giving the senator the cash and gold, though.

Attorneys for the developer, Fred Daibes, and another co-defendant, Wael Hana — both accused by federal prosecutors of giving bribes in exchange for favors from Menendez — said during their separate opening statements Thursday that the government is trying to criminalize gifts among longtime friends. They said that the government was misinterpreting the gifts as bribes — and they said there is no evidence proving the gifts were more than that.

“There is nothing criminal about being generous,” said Daibes attorney César de Castro. Daibes and Bob Menendez have known eachother for around 30 years, de Castro said. That’s the same argument Menendez and his friend, donor and co-defendant Salomon Melgen, made in their 2017 corruption trial that ended in a hung jury.

De Castro did not quantify during his opening statement the value of the cash and gold from Daibes to the Menendezes.

But as federal prosecutors called their first witness in the trial, an FBI agent who led the June 2022 search of the Menendezes’ home, jurors for hours were shown cash seized from the Menendez home in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.

Among the evidence shown to jurors were photos of $7,400 inside an envelope with Daibes’ name and his businesses address; $14,500 of cash inside a pair of men’s Timberland boots and a Giorgio Armani bag with cash stuffed inside another pair of boots; and seemingly countless wads of cash stuffed into envelopes and clothes strewn about Menendez’s home.

Jurors also experienced a show-and-tell of valuables from the Menendez home. Gold bars investigators seized were passed around the jury (one juror mouthed a “wow” upon holding the gold).

At one point FBI special agent Aristotelis Kougemitros, the government’s witness for the day, held open a sack of cash to show the jury, which was found inside a duffel bag with other bags of cash in it. Also found inside the larger bag was a folder with the U.S. Senate seal.

Kougemitros’ testimony was also designed to undermine Menendez’s attempt to point the finger at his wife, Nadine Menendez. On Wednesday, Menendez’s defense attorney had said gold was found in what he described as Nadine’s closet — and that the senator had his own closet.

But Kougemitros said that one gold bar was found on the floor inside the same closet as a Navy blazer that contained handwritten notes on Senate Democratic Caucus stationery from two months earlier. Menendez’s attorney, Adam Fee, began his cross-examination by trying to cast doubt on the blazer’s location by pointing to photographs that could suggest it was hanging outside the closet rather than inside.

Other gold bars were found in a safe found in the closet — a safe that also contained an airline ticket with the senator’s name on it.

Kougemitros said that while his team initially went to the Menendez home to photograph the evidence, he eventually instructed his team to seize it because the cash and gold were “so voluminous” that he “believed it was evidence potentially of a crime.”

A Menendez attorney objected to those remarks from Kougemitros, which the judge sustained. Kougemitros said money counting machines had to be brought in to count the cash because there was “too much to count by hand.”

The cash and gold bars have been among the most attention-grabbing parts of the corruption trial of Menendez, who is accused of using his influence to benefit the New Jersey businesspeople and the governments of Egypt and Qatar. In the government’s opening statements the day prior, federal prosecutors said Menendez was a “senator on the take.”…

(What did Menendez refuse to do for the BFI? Someone always get’s away with it)


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b54f2b No.20888750

File: 4256d7138c2d338⋯.jpg (31.73 KB,408x632,51:79,shut_it_down.jpg)

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79a33a No.20888751

File: 2d0e3b7eae023c3⋯.gif (341.65 KB,480x270,16:9,SouthPark_Randy_Jacking_In….gif)

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b48476 No.20888752

Got a feeling we're in for a BIG week this week. Big news, big happenings, big FF's. We shall see.

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331941 No.20888753

File: d59205273407a86⋯.jpeg (402.77 KB,828x1004,207:251,19EFE8AE_FB67_4D24_A040_E….jpeg)

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d9bd46 No.20888754

File: 6ce82c220e7b3a1⋯.jpeg (554.07 KB,1268x576,317:144,09944223_8E39_4FB7_A428_8….jpeg)

File: 46389568fc850fc⋯.jpeg (282.05 KB,1097x592,1097:592,3F472F5F_89C3_49EC_900A_2….jpeg)

File: dab6c46f31cbc7c⋯.jpeg (600.35 KB,1125x584,1125:584,BD48947C_B4E1_4632_A7B9_E….jpeg)

File: dff0e1a96399d69⋯.jpeg (415.01 KB,833x569,833:569,F74C5BA2_B793_4DD4_805D_0….jpeg)

SAM902 C40B west from JBA-this AC connected to JCOS Office as it was ex-JCOS Chair Milley’s AC but cannot confirm it’s current JCOS Brown.

>Not like they publish a schedule for them.

Current Chair Brown was in DC when this AC went to Amsterdam and Brussels last week so until I can get an article or confirmed sighting it will remain connected to JCOS.

That trip to Brussels and Amsterdam was right after it was announced that NATO troops were officially going to Ukraine and announced by JCOS Brown

73-1677 E4B Nightwatch out from home base of Offutt (STRATCOM) and looks like he’s going to Dyess AFB so far

NUTTY91 E6B Mercury SE from same

Bolivia AF FAB001 Falcon 900President Luis ArceNW from stop at Opa Locka Airport-Miami and on descent for Little Rock, AR

Can’t find anything on this but know Bolivia President callsign is FAB001

C101 USCG G5 to Hickam AFB from Oakland Intl and here since Friday-used to be BIG Navy ship base (Alameda) but not sure what is left of it….was being closed over several years

SAM958 G5 arriving at Langley AFB, VA from Nellis AFB, NV depart

Potato still being black in Detroit and escort AC at Warren Airport N of Youngstown,OH

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382c42 No.20888755

File: ea0d443c755bffe⋯.jpg (81.15 KB,953x565,953:565,ZomboMeme_25012023192300.jpg)

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79a33a No.20888756

File: 5ed433b7b5eb273⋯.jpg (65.58 KB,268x200,67:50,He_s_Right_You_Know_No_Cap….jpg)

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5052e8 No.20888757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Something to watch while waiting on the 8's raffle

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5be16b No.20888758

File: bb335175060f714⋯.gif (140.95 KB,600x600,1:1,bb335175060f714b5a3f607acf….gif)


Nope not a zionist. I'm a fed the fuck up with foreigners & their bullshit politics taking my money and my country red blooded, gun loving.bible toting ,flag waving conservative American! Go the fuck back to where you came from and if you're one of those whiny ass little snot nosed liberal flowers on campus who was born here, you can GTFO!

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b9bb6b No.20888759

File: 9a1f95e6f8e4b87⋯.jpg (798.94 KB,1440x3040,9:19,Screenshot_20240519_181924….jpg)



it was in brooklyn

cool hotdog tho

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79a33a No.20888760

File: a400fbf5c364d60⋯.png (385.77 KB,823x797,823:797,Pepe_Assmuncher.png)

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331941 No.20888761

File: c9290c0ab605059⋯.jpeg (138.98 KB,828x579,276:193,D75FC433_196C_4E82_AFEE_C….jpeg)

File: 3cd716e69d1bff9⋯.jpeg (48.19 KB,828x441,92:49,97F67480_7CEF_477F_AA88_E….jpeg)


It is good sleeping weather, nothing like a soft cool breeze and a freshly laundered quilt.

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79a33a No.20888762


>I'm a fed

Cool story bruh.

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b54f2b No.20888763



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b48476 No.20888764


That is him. I haven't seen him in a coon's age. Brings back so many memories.

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a9f536 No.20888765

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>"Planet Earth" Movie where the men's food was poisoned to make them docile. Kind of like what they are trying to do to us!

Muh Lurch

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ee7546 No.20888766


you can never leave

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32ceb8 No.20888767

File: 66ad275c4daa213⋯.png (129.44 KB,300x450,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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b54f2b No.20888768


It’s normal for crew members to stay on damaged ships because the captain is still in command, and crew members must make sure the crashed vessel — and any potentially hazardous goods — does not pose a further danger.

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d9bd46 No.20888769


For those asking about why no posts about the Iranian President ….rarely is anything on military ADS-B visible over Iran.

Ran tail of Helo and no surprise it does not appear.

Same with that Turkish drone although I don’t habs tail # but not visible on ADS-B


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807e34 No.20888770

File: aaa21c4399fcf80⋯.png (640.19 KB,645x387,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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79a33a No.20888771

File: 81f63e930b34a76⋯.png (57.8 KB,226x254,113:127,Solemanis_hand_Alpha.png)

Have they found him yet?

At this point it's suspect as fuck that it's still missing.

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b54f2b No.20888772



Some crew members, such as the ship's captain, expressed an interest in being "somewhere contemplative, in nature"

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c52696 No.20888773

File: 4649a57a34111ed⋯.png (419.44 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


beat anon to it.


>I'm a fed

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331941 No.20888774

File: ea911dac043d834⋯.jpeg (473.5 KB,828x965,828:965,406B0CC1_9EC1_45B2_9A41_4….jpeg)



It's All so messy.

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b54f2b No.20888775

The captain is still in command.

Who is the captain of the Dali?

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ee7546 No.20888776

File: 52d4656b6b0ab6e⋯.jpeg (8.91 KB,255x183,85:61,0c8e518326366f58eb3843d73….jpeg)


7 out of 10

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00eba7 No.20888777


'fed-the-fuck-up' Is that easier for you to understand?

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a6fd4c No.20888778

Is it too late to say GM?

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331941 No.20888779

File: 369df0c087b04e8⋯.gif (988.99 KB,500x280,25:14,A287C2FD_86FF_4124_8988_DB….gif)

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79a33a No.20888780


Whatever you say, Agent.

The digits confirm.

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0d665f No.20888781


Illegal migrants

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47c440 No.20888782

File: 4cf5684484c58f2⋯.jpg (64.94 KB,1152x631,1152:631,s_l1600_1_.jpg)

Anons, I just want to thank everyone who has tirelessly kept this board alive. It has been a long road to get where we are today, and I feel comfier than ever that our best days are just ahead of us.

Through this board, and the Q team, I have found more balance in my life than I've ever thought possible. I've become less materialistic, and I've stopped chasing the 'almighty dollar'. I've been working on my anger and not sweating the small stuff.

Following the white rabbit down these numerous rabbit holes has been most positive for me, and has led to some truly mind-blowing experiences.

In the end I hope we can all find some peace and solace so that we can finally unite and Make America Great Again! The world to follow.

Thank you again for your tireless research and unrelenting attitudes. I love you all.



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4cf311 No.20888783

File: 21446380213b465⋯.mp4 (1.43 MB,640x352,20:11,9632a7dc26.mp4)

The last record of the Iranian president

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d81356 No.20888784

notables @155

#25620 >>20888601

>>20888668, >>20888679, >>20888695 Well-known TV sports presenter arrested on suspicion of raping a child in 4am raid on host’s home

>>20888684 Turkish drone scanning site of Iranian President helicopter crash

>>20888697 Diddy takes smoke break with pals as he steps out for the first time since shocking video of him beating Cassie Ventura and apology

>>20888700, >>20888670 Sus images of the demon Baphomet can easily be found in King Charles' recently unveiled painting

>>20888743 Operations underway to clear Haiti of its gangs

>>20888748 Businesspeople do not dispute giving gold, cash to Menendezes - but say they were ‘gifts’

>>20888754 PF: General

>>20888769 PF: For those asking about why no posts about re: Iran, rarely is anything on military ADS-B visible over Iran

>>20888772 Crew trapped on Baltimore ship, seven weeks after bridge collapse

>>20888774, >>20888781 6 people killed, 10 others injured in Idaho when pickup crashes into passenger van


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c52696 No.20888785

File: 59d3c48a4e01f9f⋯.png (372.88 KB,594x420,99:70,ClipboardImage.png)


dubs and trips chek'ed

why the ip hop?

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60afd0 No.20888786


kek! you're the Fed!

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331941 No.20888787

File: ca9bd094b715413⋯.jpeg (245.46 KB,828x454,414:227,16B771A9_CF2A_468B_B552_E….jpeg)



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56e622 No.20888788

File: 5e8e0d733a40f5b⋯.png (1.29 MB,1382x885,1382:885,Screenshot_2024_05_07_7_06….png)

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adf327 No.20888789


PROTO trips up muh vpn ..I'm not turning it off so get used to it.

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b3abff No.20888790

File: 8d655feb1e12420⋯.png (202.72 KB,608x466,304:233,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c81c0c51cf336ae⋯.jpg (84.47 KB,888x499,888:499,media_GDaFGLDbYAADHag.jpg)




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79a33a No.20888791

File: 4f3ffe24504e397⋯.gif (2.99 MB,252x258,42:43,Steve_Lookner_Foaming_Mout….gif)

Lookner getting triggered with his chat.

Stand by for spittle.

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d81356 No.20888792



seeking offhand

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807e34 No.20888793


well that clears it up

now we know

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c52696 No.20888795

File: 10481e7b4488e17⋯.gif (981.16 KB,500x269,500:269,eagle.gif)

File: 56fb2483d8ba926⋯.gif (4.3 MB,498x280,249:140,flag_eagle.gif)

File: c8d80a13cb1623f⋯.png (67.43 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)


never give up


Wwg1 Wga


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07cda8 No.20888796



Wasn’t that an evil levitating green glowing sphere in some old movie?

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a6fd4c No.20888797

File: 2aed0dd346d10e8⋯.jpeg (38.73 KB,474x197,474:197,8801C7AD_6FC8_448E_8F2A_1….jpeg)

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1b3fcb No.20888798

File: 3399b32b27e51de⋯.png (429.16 KB,437x681,437:681,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20887921 lbpb

This India actress is known as GM.


India human trafficking? man hand?

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941d3b No.20888799



life wood be alot kooler with a dumb chick with quad a vaxxxed card talking about movies

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60621a No.20888800

File: 3a94c83c8e9b085⋯.gif (1.89 MB,500x377,500:377,AimHighFlag.gif)

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d92eff No.20888801


Clam sammiches

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79a33a No.20888802

File: e7534505d11e455⋯.jpg (361.03 KB,1280x720,16:9,Pulp_Fiction_The_Feds_Dead….jpg)

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807e34 No.20888803


thanks for posting

was just kidding since I don't speak swahili

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42394c No.20888804

Sean Combs is going to enter a rehab on his own because he's so ashamed about the tape coming out of him beating his girlfriend up.Bahahahahahahahahahah!

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7a24e6 No.20888805

File: 8cb72f9745181f3⋯.jpeg (62.25 KB,500x500,1:1,download_2024_05_19T16301….jpeg)

File: 1994520a0f6451f⋯.jpeg (60.42 KB,500x500,1:1,download_2024_05_19T16304….jpeg)

File: e5138c06b23fb6b⋯.jpeg (59.39 KB,500x500,1:1,download_2024_05_19T16305….jpeg)

File: 3c0bf619e98541b⋯.jpeg (58.63 KB,500x500,1:1,download_2024_05_19T16311….jpeg)

File: 53a55dc7fff04ed⋯.jpeg (58.34 KB,500x500,1:1,download_2024_05_19T16314….jpeg)


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652532 No.20888807

File: 456e9b243b99d8f⋯.jpg (24.17 KB,588x318,98:53,EhLqaEIVgAEJiwP.jpg)

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4cf311 No.20888808


Puffy is a distraction

But it ain't working

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d92eff No.20888809


Looks like b barr on a herc with the ramp down

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c234e8 No.20888810

still comfy

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0f5a99 No.20888811

File: 2a596eb2d683bc1⋯.png (7.33 KB,310x163,310:163,ClipboardImage.png)

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5052e8 No.20888812

Power is Returning to the People

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331941 No.20888813

File: 0629ffdba22e202⋯.jpeg (58.56 KB,464x598,232:299,98E45711_1E5F_4986_A14A_F….jpeg)


Wait, is that a sideye with a shit eatin grin?

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3fcc28 No.20888814

File: 268f22262ba8f8c⋯.mp4 (121.93 KB,2023_05_31_04_31_01.mp4)


>Following the white rabbit down these numerous rabbit holes

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13266c No.20888815





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5052e8 No.20888816

File: fdf48001795f495⋯.png (459.01 KB,470x470,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

The People are Reclaiming their Authority

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b53439 No.20888817


Top Kek!

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d92eff No.20888818



Time for a clam bake

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b54f2b No.20888819


>Who is the captain of the Dali?


The Ukrainian man’s BalticShipping.com listing had been removed from the site as of Tuesday evening.

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f9daa7 No.20888820

File: 742aab53af16f45⋯.png (247.64 KB,500x539,500:539,ClipboardImage.png)


Cocaine never sleeps.

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1b3fcb No.20888821


I was thinking along this same line. I think Kobe faked his death and flipped. Maybe this Shah did too.

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79a33a No.20888822


AI? Not organic at all.

>I feel comfier

>our best days are just ahead

>balance in my life than I've ever thought possible

>Following the white rabbit

>most positive for me

>truly mind-blowing experiences.

>In the end I hope we can all find some peace and solace so that we can finally unite and Make America Great Again! The world to follow.

>Thank you again for your tireless research and unrelenting attitudes.

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b3abff No.20888823

File: 3327c300acf7d7e⋯.png (200.54 KB,625x580,125:116,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 47a23566654f24a⋯.png (25.92 KB,632x208,79:26,ClipboardImage.png)

The Gateway Pundit



BREAKING: Three Americans BEG FOR THEIR LIVES on Film After They Are Accused of Attempting to Overthrow Congolese Government – Ringleader of Coup Attempt Identified

(VIDEO) via @gatewaypundit

May 19, 2024 · 9:54 PM UTC


Mike Pompeo



"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"

2 Corinthians 5:17


May 19, 2024 · 6:06 PM UTC


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b9bb6b No.20888824


fog must've came up quick

looked pretty clear

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daeeb5 No.20888825

File: d638e5653c6de9d⋯.jpg (119.33 KB,593x785,593:785,Freud.jpg)

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331941 No.20888826

File: 32c56cb6af3f3b3⋯.jpeg (19.44 KB,474x284,237:142,A2A147B2_77EC_4BD3_AD27_C….jpeg)

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15d667 No.20888827

File: 272085158b37511⋯.png (911.92 KB,896x891,896:891,ClipboardImage.png)

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5052e8 No.20888828

File: e47c0e20abeacb3⋯.mp4 (3.85 MB,480x480,1:1,1620799477_Copy.mp4)

The[y] have no Power over (you)

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79a33a No.20888829

File: 6f9d1b67e736709⋯.jpg (165.26 KB,687x620,687:620,Hunter_Biden_Likes_Your_Po….jpg)

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00eba7 No.20888830


Freud the freak!

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1291bd No.20888831


you build you bridge head on the psyop.

very telling.

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daeeb5 No.20888832

File: a99ead97c006a65⋯.png (129.3 KB,923x713,923:713,a99ead97c006a659afd762c2a9….png)

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4cf311 No.20888833

Didn't someone on scene get charged for taking pics of his torn up corpse ?


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807e34 No.20888834


he was 7/10

wouldn't sign with the record companies that run things so arkanacided

was too popular and not controlled

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5052e8 No.20888835

File: 41e87d6a5d91d59⋯.png (1023 KB,828x991,828:991,ClipboardImage.png)

God is Removing the Scales from the eyes of the People

They can see the Evil that Surrounds them

They only need the Strength to Reject it

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0e4408 No.20888836

US Forest Service is up to their Wildfire fuckery again.

They are letting a wildfire burn on a Red Flag Day.


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6cb5c9 No.20888837

File: a74d3ba81902037⋯.png (419.69 KB,800x600,4:3,F_1928.png)


Very long memories in the DRC

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d9bd46 No.20888838

File: cc13d039b3c2c1c⋯.jpeg (122.18 KB,1200x900,4:3,87907A2A_C73C_4EC8_A1D0_C….jpeg)


That is Gary Linekar

>used to watch sportsball long ago

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b54f2b No.20888839

File: 3bb24aa7420824c⋯.png (600.12 KB,755x491,755:491,ClipboardImage.png)

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9c0e14 No.20888840


glowniggers got caught

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461b63 No.20888841

File: bf5cda7232dc80b⋯.webm (2.94 MB,1080x1874,540:937,1716151947791980.webm)

IDF are in the US fucking up campus protestors.

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941d3b No.20888842

File: 41bfe0099c0847a⋯.jpeg (5.62 KB,300x168,25:14,images_41_.jpeg)

File: 27f35b57aa95d44⋯.jpg (19.73 KB,480x360,4:3,d51125409d814b67e05545330c….jpg)

File: 43c04117a87552f⋯.gif (209.71 KB,381x420,127:140,tumblr_4ccaa9ca265b9efa398….gif)

File: 842763946ad794d⋯.gif (813.51 KB,200x200,1:1,200w_10_.gif)

File: d3ac47935929d17⋯.gif (724.29 KB,346x288,173:144,download.gif)


barely a knife I know

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79a33a No.20888843


C_A knows nuffin

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ee7546 No.20888844

File: 5e386f628a7a45d⋯.jpg (68.02 KB,498x498,1:1,5e386f628a7a45dda0ca94e3e1….jpg)


roger that

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6c8dac No.20888845


They on their own now

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9c0e14 No.20888846

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c52696 No.20888847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


some rumours about his dark secrets have been circulating on social media.

in fact lawerence fox said something about it recently on his fox and father podcast with calvin the based christian priest.

somewhere on this episode.


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6c8dac No.20888849

File: 8576acaa00da1aa⋯.png (281.23 KB,471x298,471:298,tvewcrwte.PNG)


they on their own now

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13266c No.20888850




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807e34 No.20888851


very well written


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994fe6 No.20888852

File: 7d40de589a3f232⋯.jpg (113.73 KB,814x415,814:415,BEYOND_3D_WINNING.jpg)

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225bd8 No.20888853

Anons, my dad is hooked on this Pascal Najadi guy. The Australian (?) in the space force outfit. Swears by him. But he seems questionable to me. He said the eclipse was fake and the space force did it. What are anons thoughts on this guy? I linked my dad to the following post:


I feel like if the guy was legit he wouldn’t be revealing so much. Reminds me of Simon Parks.

Here’s the video:


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4cf311 No.20888854

File: 61a6f380fd9d8e8⋯.jpg (127.66 KB,648x764,162:191,Bgrnet.jpg)

🚨 🚨 🚨

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331941 No.20888855

File: 396ab4c38faade7⋯.jpeg (23.96 KB,474x266,237:133,094A42F8_C33A_4663_BC29_5….jpeg)

File: fa5e1c2bb36993f⋯.jpeg (74.48 KB,760x530,76:53,A53FFEAF_9F4A_4AC1_8BEA_9….jpeg)

File: d9e53fe96840794⋯.jpeg (14.2 KB,160x204,40:51,E61453F5_9DCE_44E4_B5AA_4….jpeg)

File: 15fc8db3ee63f49⋯.jpeg (51.78 KB,474x316,3:2,61B29C57_E133_46AC_9493_A….jpeg)

File: 923b2d75fa9c8e6⋯.jpeg (1.23 MB,5220x3724,1305:931,42EBAE04_7B69_4E37_B863_B….jpeg)


It happens.

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331941 No.20888856

Kids gotta eat.

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d23f0b No.20888857

File: 0a1477cd3fc6c38⋯.png (775.81 KB,754x625,754:625,m75e7n65765467.PNG)

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d9bd46 No.20888858


Dunno bout that but recognize the face from past.

Pretty distinctive

I beleebs he commentates on it nao but don’t watch

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d81356 No.20888859


notables @230

#25620 >>20888601

>>20888668, >>20888679, >>20888695 Well-known TV sports presenter arrested on suspicion of raping a child in 4am raid on host’s home

>>20888684 Turkish drone scanning site area of Iranian President helicopter crash

>>20888697 Diddy takes smoke break with pals as he steps out for the first time since shocking video of him beating Cassie Ventura

>>20888700, >>20888670 Sus images of the demon Baphomet can easily be found in King Charles' recently unveiled painting

>>20888743 Operations underway to clear Haiti of its gangs

>>20888748 Businesspeople do not dispute giving gold, cash to Menendezes - but say they were ‘gifts’

>>20888754 PF: General

>>20888769 PF: For those asking about why no posts regarding Iran, rarely is anything on military ADS-B visible over Iran

>>20888772 Crew trapped on Baltimore ship, seven weeks after bridge collapse

>>20888774, >>20888781 6 people killed, 10 others injured in Idaho when pickup crashes into passenger van

>>20888783 The last recording of the Iranian president before helicopter crash

>>20888819 (Mar 27) Captain of container ship that caused Baltimore bridge collapse is Indian, not Ukrainian


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d92eff No.20888860



Heavy Metal

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b9bb6b No.20888861



the 4 digits also

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79a33a No.20888862

File: 9ba37ccc643c654⋯.jpg (283.88 KB,739x1263,739:1263,DiCaprio_Wait_No_Strip.jpg)

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5052e8 No.20888863

File: f1abce5557412a1⋯.png (197.67 KB,500x491,500:491,ClipboardImage.png)

Having the Correct Opinion, on the Matters that Matter, Matters

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a9f536 No.20888864

File: b0c11934cce4f60⋯.png (156.52 KB,379x358,379:358,think.png)


> Kids planefagging

Wish Monkey Werx whould weigh in on this.

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941d3b No.20888865

File: 41bfe0099c0847a⋯.jpeg (5.62 KB,300x168,25:14,images_41_.jpeg)

File: dc7a26b14c2541c⋯.jpg (105.31 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_2_.jpg)

File: 2945ad6c0ee2c72⋯.jpg (25.02 KB,600x338,300:169,missing_in_action_2_01.jpg)

File: c1dbca082dd82fe⋯.jpeg (8.15 KB,274x184,137:92,images_42_.jpeg)



does a bear shit inside of de the woods


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79a33a No.20888866

What will the digits foretell?

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331941 No.20888867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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11eef5 No.20888868

File: c83185cb25799ea⋯.png (255.22 KB,810x951,270:317,1711904233526157.png)


love u too frend

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53d4b1 No.20888869

File: 7c7202475bc5d5e⋯.png (1.54 MB,1080x1641,360:547,ClipboardImage.png)


I heard that also.

But was it really his corpse?

How easy is it to fake if you have the resources?

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79a33a No.20888870

File: b10488d09b70014⋯.png (1.17 MB,632x931,632:931,Tropic_Thunder_Life_Cover_….png)


It was Flaming Dragon

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5052e8 No.20888871

File: 7bd49519325c80e⋯.png (531.56 KB,530x596,265:298,ClipboardImage.png)


Lets see what happens

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4cf311 No.20888872


That guy is delusion.

He watches a lot of bitchute and rumble characters.

Anon would let dad be.

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79a33a No.20888873


The Goyim know?

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331941 No.20888874

File: 2e821ced98dc554⋯.jpeg (818.25 KB,828x971,828:971,59629605_1169_4110_B863_E….jpeg)



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6cb5c9 No.20888875


Canada #43 >>18966430

APEEL • Trans-Fat/ Heavy-Metal Coated Bill Gates DARPA Produce

Dylan Eleven June 6, 2023

Part One

I don’t know about you, but I’m not into eating anything coated by Bill Gates. ‘No thank you’ to trans-fat/ heavy-metal coated DARPA produce!

You may have recently purchased an avocado or an apple with a ‘new’ sticker – APEEL – which represents a new “protective coating.” What exactly is this product protecting? And is your health worth the hit just so your lemons are okay for a few more days?

Once you’ve learned the ABCs of Apeel, you can make a well-informed, health-conscious decision to say “Hell no!”

Edipeel ™ aka Apeel is a layer of processed fatty acids sprayed on the outside of fruits and vegetables post-harvest “to lock in freshness” and prevent them from oxidizing and going rancid.

According to Apeel’s website:

“Apeel keeps produce fresh for longer, thanks to the help of a little extra ‘peel.’ Our plant-based protection slows water loss and oxidation, the primary causes of spoilage… Apeel is composed entirely of purified monoglycerides and diglycerides, edible compounds that can be found in a variety of foods. They are safe to eat as verified by regulatory authorities around the world, including Health Canada, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the World Health Organization (WHO). In fact, they are so safe they can be found in products designed for the most sensitive populations, including infant formula and nutrition shakes for the elderly.”

They claim Apeel is fully edible, but maybe that’s because we’ve become accustomed to eating poisons. It’s a crock.

When I tried to suss out the details about what is used to make Apeel, the information on their website and product information sheets was scant, to say the least!

The assurance Apeel gives us is typical mumbo jumbo jargon: “Apeel products do not contain hazardous ingredients that will cause harm to people or the environment within the context of their intended use.”

The Bill Gates company, which was started in 2012, is straight-up lying.

They list monoglycerides and diglycerides. Does anyone remember how horrible TRANS fats are for your health? And that New York City BANNED them from restaurants just a few years ago? Trans fats harden the arteries and can lead to arteriosclerosis. Monoglycerides and diglycerides may contribute to inflammation in the body. Inflammation has been linked to a range of chronic diseases including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Additionally, the manufacturing of this “safe” food additive uses “processing aid residuals,” which are essentially heavy metals like lead, nickel, cadmium, mercury, toxic ash, and arsenic. So when consuming produce coated with Apeel, you are eating highly-processed overt fats, which contain toxic heavy metals. And then, along the way, they add different solvents to help with emulsification. So to me, this seems like a toxic poisoning operation.

Consider that there is no way to remove Apeel. You can’t wash it off. You can’t use other chemicals to get it off. You can’t mechanically rub it off and of course, it seeps into the fruits and vegetables.

And if you want to peel the Apeel, do keep in mind that the peel can drastically increase your nutrient intake as they frequently contain more nutrients than the rest of the fruit and veggies. For example, leaving the peel on a raw apple gives it about 332% more vitamin K, 142% vitamin A, and 115% more vitamin C than the peeled version!

And if you think you will just spring for organic, Apeel can be used on USDA Certified Organic produce. What a true travesty! Furthermore, you may not even know you’re eating Apeel-coated produce. Labeling laws and requirements vary from country to country and state to state. That means the product may or may NOT have the Apeel logo on the produce stickers. You won’t know unless you ask your produce manager. And they likely may not know either.

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5052e8 No.20888876

File: 7337d37365ef333⋯.png (1.29 MB,1009x646,1009:646,ClipboardImage.png)

The suspense is Killing me

I hope it lasts

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07cda8 No.20888877

File: b0ddceb7b21cff6⋯.jpeg (67.74 KB,750x445,150:89,IMG_0892.jpeg)

“Kubrick stare”

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6cb5c9 No.20888878


Part Two

Countries selling produce coated with Apeel include the United States, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Peru, Spain, Sweden, Norway, China, Australia, South Africa, Poland, and Japan. The EU, Switzerland, UK, and Norway are only allowing this coating to be applied to fruits and vegetables that have outer peels that are usually not eaten, while the US and other countries are allowing it on everything.

Apeel has already secured the following partnerships:

Nature’s Pride (a large importer of Europe’s avocados)

Sage Fruit Co. (Washington State organic apple producer)

Del Monte (avocados)

Eco Farms (avocados)

Del Rey (avocados)

Horton Fruit Company (avocados)

RV Aguacates (avocados)

Alpine Fresh (asparagus)

Beta (asparagus)

Farm Direct Supply (asparagus)

La Venta (asparagus)

SiCar Farms (limes)

Many other fruits and vegetables including tomatoes, leafy greens, cucumbers, raspberries, as well as citrus can use the Edipeel coating, with undoubtedly more produce being added in the future. https://www.apeel.com/find-us even offers a store locator to find where their products are carried near you.

Apeel is (or will be) available at the following grocers:


Trader Joes






Whole Foods


Harps Foods


Price Right

Fairway Market


Bristol Farms and more

Beware and be warned!


Original Article: https://vaxxter.com/beyond-the-surface-is-not-so-apeeling/

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79a33a No.20888879


I'm not worthy. Will wait it out.

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331941 No.20888880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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b1a176 No.20888881


who's got the Slim-fast pepe?

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4cf311 No.20888882

File: 647521950898b9a⋯.mp4 (3.08 MB,576x774,32:43,647521950898b9ab57d55db0a9….mp4)

"I've never seen such spirit." Trump

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a86626 No.20888883

P answers to the dragon reptiles.

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b9bb6b No.20888884

File: dfc52dc92949963⋯.mp4 (921.05 KB,480x270,16:9,1715685271.mp4)

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331941 No.20888885

Fresh cut for the Stevie.

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d9bd46 No.20888886

File: 642b58d46dd307e⋯.png (439.82 KB,775x436,775:436,2E52BE5D_F323_4C23_A444_5A….png)



There isn’t anything available and the posts in here are based on flight plans

That guy is clickbait and created drama too many times

Muh mea culpa on 45’s plane in 2020 perfect example

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c52696 No.20888887

anons never sleep.

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3f0ce9 No.20888888

File: 296e8f98180732b⋯.png (247.59 KB,378x378,1:1,92fc41371fbeb07879c84ef82f….png)

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1bb4b9 No.20888889


Never too late to say GM. It's always morning somewhere. Plus, the shills like cat Turd 2 pigshit and smoking pepe mic drop really seethe when you say good morning because they never have a good morning and absolutely hate it when you have a good morning. GM has exploded in popularity knowing that it drives shills absolutely insane. So GM I say to that.


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5052e8 No.20888890

File: 6c80eceb6d6d0f8⋯.mp4 (9.14 MB,640x360,16:9,1606317313_Copy.mp4)

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994fe6 No.20888891

File: 7d0de44161cf0b9⋯.jpg (141.64 KB,638x434,319:217,5_5_VIBE.jpg)

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60621a No.20888892

File: 53d7969d9733e5c⋯.png (557.7 KB,400x560,5:7,53d7969d9733e5cd1f85fde07c….png)

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331941 No.20888893

File: 10562aabe7e2f6f⋯.jpeg (104.68 KB,828x472,207:118,FF3932C0_8E3A_4079_89FA_A….jpeg)

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7a24e6 No.20888894

File: e1cf7712d69d7d2⋯.jpeg (115.88 KB,1400x700,2:1,IMG_0783.jpeg)


>>20888888 🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱🎱

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b9bb6b No.20888895

File: 89119c1dc50d0c4⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,2299x1440,2299:1440,Picsart_24_05_17_11_25_21_….jpg)

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c52696 No.20888896

File: 500cd20a09de85b⋯.png (428.38 KB,571x500,571:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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5052e8 No.20888897

File: 85ec8c5f174d5ea⋯.mp4 (280.98 KB,500x506,250:253,1609203609_Copy.mp4)

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b3abff No.20888898

File: 6753e3fbef7af76⋯.png (227.08 KB,639x526,639:526,6753e3fbef7af760a542a0a04f….png)

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60621a No.20888899

File: 612afcafc256ad6⋯.png (8.67 KB,369x137,369:137,ClipboardImage.png)

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79a33a No.20888900

File: 6a826c6db95529c⋯.png (317.79 KB,366x1382,183:691,ClipboardImage.png)






Those timestamps are completely fucked!

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4bdcb4 No.20888901

File: b9c08ae520464b8⋯.png (325.69 KB,519x640,519:640,ClipboardImage.png)

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331941 No.20888902

File: b75a5ad6751bc5f⋯.jpeg (326.42 KB,828x1119,276:373,B09E8734_4080_4811_B735_F….jpeg)


Aces in the 8s

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4cf311 No.20888903

File: 65f874da84e965f⋯.jpg (92.34 KB,720x596,180:149,Screenshot_20240426r.jpg)

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c52696 No.20888904

File: a43da59841b3cfb⋯.png (610.39 KB,680x382,340:191,ClipboardImage.png)



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d6585d No.20888905

File: d193491388e49f7⋯.gif (3.98 MB,311x221,311:221,d193491388e49f7897054970ec….gif)

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60621a No.20888906

File: b0d6c3bad9498a5⋯.png (158.78 KB,255x254,255:254,palindrome.png)

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bd9d91 No.20888907

File: 17161cdf32e5b53⋯.png (113 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Dozens Of People Show Up To Biden Campaign Event…

Joe Biden held a campaign event in Atlanta Saturday and literally dozens of people showed up.

The event, which entailed more pandering to black people, took place at Mary Mac’s Tea Room in downtown Atlanta, where Biden looked completely out of it.

He looked around totally confused and began saluting as people laughed at him before he was introduced:

Biden exists in a state of perpetual confusion 😬 pic.twitter.com/IQxLGtoxkc

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) May 18, 2024

Just look at the size of the crowd:

Love to see this…

President Biden working the room in Atlanta before speaking — taking the time to chat with just about everyone. The mutual respect and admiration is clear.

“When we first got elected we were told that because everything was so close, in terms of numbers, we… pic.twitter.com/5uYsNkx3pf

— Christopher Webb (@cwebbonline) May 18, 2024

Earlier, Biden’s motorcade drove through Atlanta and practically no one cared:

Biden passing through Atlanta with the motorcade. pic.twitter.com/g2k9uZsh6J

— Everything Georgia (@GAFollowers) May 18, 2024

Sauce: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/dozens-people-show-biden-campaign-event

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941d3b No.20888908

File: f0bd42d837fec94⋯.jpg (158.06 KB,927x823,927:823,f0bd42d837fec94fe29d5ba300….jpg)

File: 644667a65aeedb5⋯.jpeg (285.77 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,GN3PLrYW4AALOhG.jpeg)

File: 3d13952c7dc99cc⋯.jpeg (363.14 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,GN3PKteWAAA2ke3.jpeg)

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d9bd46 No.20888909

File: 175fc878305351c⋯.jpeg (40.16 KB,440x220,2:1,F4CF7B46_BBE1_45B0_88E1_0….jpeg)


Chek’t quints

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331941 No.20888910

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d6585d No.20888911

File: 71c0de715ab713a⋯.png (809.61 KB,1716x972,143:81,d2c8c395b8ea59965f2f623942….png)


Digits checked.

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84c0d6 No.20888912

File: 945278326f79bfd⋯.jpeg (485.29 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,FD34F37F_4E1A_49B9_9639_2….jpeg)

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4cf311 No.20888913



Machine lern so you done have to

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ca4c68 No.20888914

File: ff55b57d9fdc65d⋯.mp4 (6.55 MB,576x720,4:5,LSc5pJwCfNakzg0D.mp4)

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58ee9e No.20888915


i soooo wanna live long enough to see this become reality!


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79a33a No.20888916


>The mutual respect and admiration is clear.


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807e34 No.20888917


clearly you already knew


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f01f53 No.20888918


This post is the clear winner of the 8's post.

Timestamps prove this >>20888888 was stolen digits.

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331941 No.20888919

File: d40840a1d81d85b⋯.jpeg (57.96 KB,828x483,12:7,4E1CD2CE_A8D3_4DB2_AC84_8….jpeg)

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225bd8 No.20888920



What about that other guy? Riccardo Bosi? He had Q type messaging back during covid but I never really got into his stuff.

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472996 No.20888921


While there is a subset of the GM crew (small but loud) that keeps saying it's GM somewhere thus you can say it at any time…

There is strong suspicion that they are Fake GMs sent by the Deep State to infiltrate.

Besides, Q works on EST/EDT not that Greensandwich shit that the Bongs and militaryfags won't stfu about.

GM is only valid during Swordy Shift EST/EDT post-sunrise hours.

Baker has just been added to the McCarthy style upcoming hearings list for using GM in a Evening Shift bread.


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994fe6 No.20888922

File: f79945624f0a50a⋯.jpg (95.52 KB,583x468,583:468,NEVER_PROSPER.jpg)

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482c65 No.20888923

Wendell Anthony [speaking before Biden at NAACP Dinner]: We are concerned about any Supreme Court Justice who flies the American Flag upside down at his house in solidarity with insurrectionists and those who believe that the last election was stolen, and then blames it on his wife. Our court still needs diversity.

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bea4a9 No.20888924

File: aa403d10f8e6ef4⋯.png (83.48 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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331941 No.20888925

File: ed547619ace9682⋯.jpeg (110.57 KB,828x590,414:295,889BDE24_894D_4357_8B61_6….jpeg)



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c52696 No.20888926

File: 726a9a9ea6f3807⋯.png (1.81 MB,960x856,120:107,ClipboardImage.png)



Glad the other anon got the digits.

better meme


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d9bd46 No.20888927

File: 0d9167390d6e2bd⋯.gif (823.57 KB,260x173,260:173,76F9635A_A23C_4AF9_9016_EA….gif)

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32ceb8 No.20888928

File: 5d5a784ea1618cd⋯.png (455.84 KB,446x880,223:440,ClipboardImage.png)

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57f682 No.20888929

File: 290b0994ff0e6e9⋯.jpeg (96.25 KB,644x800,161:200,290b0994ff0e6e9e3a515d68d….jpeg)

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652532 No.20888930

File: 021f554466ae854⋯.png (1.73 MB,1080x1920,9:16,021f554466ae85424044544d64….png)



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0ccb4d No.20888931

File: aaf68dcd021ebf0⋯.png (640.28 KB,638x750,319:375,snacks.png)

>>20887947 pb

>US marine arrested after vowing to ‘erase’ white people

semper faggot!

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482c65 No.20888932

Mr. Biden [NAACP Dinner]: My name is Joe Biden, and I'm a lifetime member of the NAACP. Matter of fact, the first organization I ever joined was the NAACP…I got involved with civil rights when I was fifteen.

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79a33a No.20888933


it feels nice.

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0ccb4d No.20888934

File: 696e381e3d9c464⋯.jpg (11.45 KB,300x168,25:14,AURORA_BOREALIS_SIMPSONS_S….jpg)

File: 76cc39c1773db70⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,4000x1868,1000:467,misc_photos_of_the_aurora_….jpg)


infinite sexts

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a9f536 No.20888935

File: 8e3a45071b73e44⋯.png (846.57 KB,1134x860,567:430,2024_05_19_19_55_43.png)



>who's got the Slim-fast pepe?

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331941 No.20888937

Dumbfounded DeepState DumbCunts.

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331941 No.20888938

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ee7546 No.20888939

File: abf8e6fb3dc11f5⋯.jpeg (677.12 KB,3247x3364,3247:3364,abf8e6fb3dc11f5393907ba9a….jpeg)


couldn't find one willy wonka meme just now..

the fuck is wrong with me.

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941d3b No.20888940

File: ce6d3313fc36f05⋯.jpg (51.87 KB,502x497,502:497,ce6d3313fc36f0598b36a8d357….jpg)

File: 3cb4168a198f020⋯.jpeg (7.04 KB,190x265,38:53,images_32_.jpeg)

File: ae1cd9d58f28215⋯.jpg (40.48 KB,240x657,80:219,Centre_Block_and_Centennia….jpg)


off by a longshot sugartits

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58ee9e No.20888941

File: c725f5c83e3bd4a⋯.png (171.09 KB,1367x841,1367:841,ClipboardImage.png)


just sayin is all

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0f5a99 No.20888942

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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482c65 No.20888943

Mr. Biden: You're the reason [black community] Donald Trump is the defeated former president, and you're the reason Donald Trump is going to be a loser again.

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0ccb4d No.20888944

File: d0f1dd8c95cab06⋯.png (221 KB,528x444,44:37,jeff_sessions_looks_like_a….png)

File: bd2108adf327ebd⋯.png (1.27 MB,1588x966,794:483,jeff_sessions_looks_like_a….png)

File: b616f0fbcb4a432⋯.png (1.1 MB,1050x1050,1:1,jeff_sessions_looks_like_a….png)

File: e67391af3c42a35⋯.png (1.35 MB,768x958,384:479,flynn_being_endorsed_by_ci….png)


By the actions of AZ (arrest Trump lawyer), they don't fear losing this year's "election"

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b3abff No.20888945

File: 4ac26f0005fac05⋯.png (428.1 KB,374x499,374:499,ClipboardImage.png)



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4bdcb4 No.20888947

File: e04a739c7c15447⋯.png (184.46 KB,523x600,523:600,ClipboardImage.png)

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79a33a No.20888948

File: f7ef9fd39ceea27⋯.jpg (206.42 KB,768x432,16:9,Biden_You_Ain_t_Black.jpg)



They should have kicked his ass out.

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07cda8 No.20888949


Blaming the negro ain’t too cool.

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0ccb4d No.20888950

File: 5412043cdc3b8aa⋯.png (875.81 KB,806x548,403:274,ClipboardImage.png)

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ed6df9 No.20888951


bitchblonde and mournin hoe and guests are the only ones with no shame and full delusional lens believe the campaign is a complete success

no cares the decency faggot is in town, total nobody, has been with the full backing of "will you accept the results of the 2024 election no matter what happens" spell casting sour witches and pruned up whores

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bf7bee No.20888952



multiple SERVERs

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472996 No.20888953


You the same oldfag that used to post that fatty on the daily here with near Swordy precision.

If so, nice.

If not, nice.

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b9bb6b No.20888954



Uprising by Muse

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ee7546 No.20888955

File: 3f65ef4bd473145⋯.png (244.32 KB,444x250,222:125,3f65ef4bd4731451f8a8c1b94a….png)

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15d667 No.20888956


Hab ezplained this over and over anon. The timestamps are out of order because some had large files to upload. Text goes through almost instantly because small amount of data to post. Timestamp based on when (you) click reply.


>Maybe someone is cheating

You're an idiot.

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bebb06 No.20888957

File: 08ed9de605fc637⋯.png (1009.34 KB,1100x619,1100:619,thank_you_Anons_Flag.png)

File: 630a942774b9fd9⋯.png (526.04 KB,600x800,3:4,Thank_you_Anons.png)




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ffae33 No.20888958

>Donna​​: CNBC TV-18 said the crash site has been found not in english

Donna from Lookner's LIVE is saying that the crash site has been found.

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80bdc1 No.20888959

File: 8e6593e11cbec48⋯.png (344.48 KB,491x511,491:511,to_infinite_and_beyond_pep….png)

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58ee9e No.20888961


foot tappin merrily away

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482c65 No.20888962

Mr. Biden: My administration has taken the most significant action to provide student debt relief ever. Over four par five million Americans, includes a significant number of black borrowers, have their debts wiped out.

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ee7546 No.20888963

File: 3218ed4157a6a4e⋯.png (248.46 KB,741x737,741:737,3218ed4157a6a4e51c4b6740fb….png)

File: 3bd8168a99eb22a⋯.png (445.57 KB,682x751,682:751,3bd8168a99eb22ae56a9fbc0a3….png)

File: b6a59464115e9bc⋯.png (364.21 KB,1080x1293,360:431,b6a59464115e9bcf6d2397aa70….png)

File: 128f2806897df3e⋯.jpg (100.17 KB,640x480,4:3,128f2806897df3e04daed1a044….jpg)

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0ccb4d No.20888964


> because some had large files to upload

No. Many many cases do not fit that pattern.

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994fe6 No.20888965

File: b57fcae091e5ea6⋯.jpg (99.35 KB,583x469,583:469,REVERSE_IDIOT.jpg)

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957787 No.20888966

File: c8dd989f174a235⋯.png (17.9 KB,444x271,444:271,ClipboardImage.png)

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941d3b No.20888967

File: 03ae4785fec70fc⋯.jpg (47.68 KB,1440x1440,1:1,il_fullxfull_3789885162_et….jpg)

File: 6ab4ab596e6bcce⋯.gif (361.12 KB,220x124,55:31,on_our_way_national_geogra….gif)

File: 8d3ad8a95ccc660⋯.jpg (43.32 KB,450x310,45:31,how_a_paramotor_works_and_….jpg)

File: 8099d0fcb29d882⋯.jpg (476.7 KB,1920x1920,1:1,mega_emmanuel_macron_001_s….jpg)

File: ed07f65036b53eb⋯.png (54.27 KB,640x612,160:153,653_5_.png)


GM hotels holee fuckk

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5052e8 No.20888968

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79a33a No.20888969

File: 5b2c5d904a7d916⋯.png (127.37 KB,317x358,317:358,Dancing_Woman_Crazy_Reeee.png)


that's hot

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0ccb4d No.20888970

File: 68d91e9e7f4b255⋯.png (261.89 KB,593x580,593:580,NXIVM_NY_Roger_Stone_2007_….png)


>have their debts wiped out.

not said:

"the rest of america is paying. fuck those people"

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482c65 No.20888971

Mr. Biden: All that progress is at risk; Trump is trying to make the country forget just how dark things were, how unsettling things were, when he was president. We'll never forget him lying about how serious the pandemic was. Telling Americans, 'just inject bleach'. I think that's what he did, that's why he's so screwy.

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472996 No.20888972


I think it's a new style of trigger shitpoasting.

Most of the slow tards here have even seen't and understood the explanation by now.

It's the cheapass image storage 128ducks fags that are slow as shit doing it.

Many such others that do it right won't touch 8kun so beggars can't be choosers tho.

But, anyway, I think they're just messing with you.

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15d667 No.20888973


You're still an idiot.

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bd9d91 No.20888974

File: 24468bacee8c7ce⋯.png (1019.76 KB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)


They're pushing it on the Avocado first because it's so popular among health conscious people.

Poison all those who the vaxx hasn't killed off yet.

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edc26d No.20888975


Idaho is a big human trafficking state

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4b9976 No.20888976

File: edc9f80c2749fd1⋯.png (1.04 MB,1280x800,8:5,c61801c2_3a02_4f27_a86b_73….png)

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ee7546 No.20888978

File: 76cb0a9af5e4588⋯.jpeg (1.55 MB,2500x1667,2500:1667,76cb0a9af5e45886769cfbefe….jpeg)

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482c65 No.20888979

Mr. Biden: Trump wants to give power back to Big Pharma; charge exorbitant prices again. He wants to take seniors back, paying four hundred a month for Insulin, instead of thirty-five.

[President Trump lowered it to $35, Biden reversed, then lowered to steal credit]

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60621a No.20888980


>The timestamps are out of order because some had large files to upload. Text goes through almost instantly because small amount of data to post. Timestamp based on when (you) click reply.


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9c0e14 No.20888981

File: d148584c3871d67⋯.png (570.84 KB,530x559,530:559,ClipboardImage.png)



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941d3b No.20888982

File: 3d0a6abf17439f5⋯.gif (46.89 KB,220x165,4:3,youre_fired_trump.gif)


the apprentice


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d9bd46 No.20888983

File: e827de489e9c38b⋯.gif (801.65 KB,499x366,499:366,9D204270_B4A8_4839_9290_45….gif)

>>20887978 lb

President Javier Milei plans to meet with Zuckerberg and other tech giant leaders in Silicon Valley at the end of May

Argentine President Javier Milei will meet with Meta Platforms Inc. CEO Mark Zuckerberg and other leaders of Silicon Valley tech companies in late May, anonymous sources with knowledge of the matter told Bloomberg.

According to the report, Milei, who has already met twice with Tesla owner Elon Musk, also plans to meet with representatives of Apple Inc., OpenAI Inc., and Alphabet Inc.'s Google, among other technology companies, along with the Argentine ambassador to the United States, Gerardo Werthein.

The trip to San Francisco will come just weeks after Silicon Valley investor Peter Thiel met with Milei in Argentina's capital, Buenos Aires.

Milei and his team want to propose to these companies that they invest in the development of artificial intelligence in their country.

“The council of the president’s economic advisors, led by Demian Reidel, is coordinating the final details to push and define the agenda, which will seek investments to turn Argentina into an artificial intelligence hub,”


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f01f53 No.20888984


Happens frequently with larger gets.

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994fe6 No.20888985

File: 126b4cff0d01054⋯.jpg (98.57 KB,583x471,583:471,DOUBLE_IDIOT.jpg)

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956906 No.20888986


Probably still here meming the spirits of broken souls until I can make memes of me meming them.

Sup, 8 coons?

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4b9976 No.20888987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mon cœur, mon cœur

Accaparé par les ondes

L’Information continue…

Un, deux, trois, je te crois

Quand tu portes à bout de bras

Ta force et ta foi

Alors que tout autour de toi

S'écroule et se crashe

Ce pour quoi l'on vivait

My heart, my heart

Engrossed by the waves

The information continues…

One, two, three, I believe you

When you do everything in your power

Your strength and your faith

When everything around you

Collapses and crashes

The things we lived for


Izïa - Mon cœur (Lyrics Video)


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79a33a No.20888988


Imagine what a Q Q&A would do to the rig!

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c596b2 No.20888989

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482c65 No.20888990

Mr. Biden: Trump openly encourages voter suppression and election subversion. He and his MAGA extremists gutted affirmative action. If he's reelected, who do you think he'll put on a Supreme Court? You think he'll put anybody who has a brain?

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ed6df9 No.20888991


it's boi, prounced beau with heavy plantation accent

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58ee9e No.20888992

File: 656e259c18f7fb0⋯.png (162.9 KB,611x608,611:608,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 91ff8e95a82058d⋯.png (93.79 KB,612x368,153:92,ClipboardImage.png)

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bebb06 No.20888993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


MSNBC anchor ABRUPTLY ends interview after Sen. Rubio brings up Democrats' ELECTION DENIAL hypocrisy

Memology 101

542K subscribers

1 hour ago

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ee7546 No.20888994

File: 13fb4b98fcfe5ec⋯.png (14.44 KB,254x255,254:255,13fb4b98fcfe5ec5689e8900db….png)


dam dude. sorry you have to be here.

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79a33a No.20888996


Biden is a fascist, you realize this, don't ya?

> Trump openly encourages voter suppression and election subversion. He and his MAGA extremists…

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bfebe8 No.20888997

File: 21a160352ce3878⋯.png (615.9 KB,245x170,49:34,ClipboardImage.png)



> >>20888876

>couldn't find one willy wonka meme just now..

here ya go!

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bebb06 No.20888998

File: 42ca636dd3265b5⋯.png (441.44 KB,850x624,425:312,listening_to_not_like_us_0….png)

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482c65 No.20888999

Mr. Biden: Reelect Kamala and me, and the democratic congress, and we will help the NAACP. We will sign the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, the Freedom to Vote Act, and make Roe v Wade the law of the land again.

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feb1fa No.20889000

File: 685d9a9c0836403⋯.jpg (1.07 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Gone_Fishin_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker!

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652532 No.20889001

File: ee9f0bae9b8b2e5⋯.webm (2.85 MB,394x700,197:350,318046_1_.webm)

on the move

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49150c No.20889002


>we can finally unite and Make America Great Again!

Anon supports this post.

"we NEED too unite, and Make America Great" Again

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4493c2 No.20889003

File: d14e6ebfdaa1a58⋯.jpg (11.02 KB,238x255,14:15,d14e6ebfdaa1a588e6cc37814c….jpg)

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472996 No.20889005


You're not wrong, pre ducks the image post slips in front and 88887 text only gets the get.

2 things tho:

1. KEK has prolly already taken the image delay into account.

2> Dijjies on QR no longer mean shit not enough volume too easy to game.

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60621a No.20889006

File: 5997b4f38118553⋯.png (40.85 KB,447x637,447:637,ClipboardImage.png)


In time.

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4cf311 No.20889007

File: 850db905d05ad4f⋯.jpg (101.16 KB,1302x720,217:120,Bof35g78h.jpg)

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ed6df9 No.20889008

Who is the bigger, more chronic liar - Biden or Cohen?

very serious question, for real, no joke.

askin for orange fren

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0f5a99 No.20889009


"includes a significant number of black borrowers, have their debts wiped out"

I'm willing to bet all MY debt, that the VAST MAJORITY of student debt is every race BUT blacks

For example, in 2020, Blacks only made up 12.5% of post-secondary(college) enrollment.


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bebb06 No.20889010

File: c5ab90e82e2a310⋯.jpg (144.09 KB,800x600,4:3,Night_Bakers_Thank_You.jpg)

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331941 No.20889011

File: a38aede8c5e6efd⋯.jpeg (101.27 KB,828x601,828:601,AEF51BF6_65BA_4670_BF72_F….jpeg)


On the the screws.

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d9bd46 No.20889012

File: 37fb29d8ee9c1b7⋯.png (442.16 KB,602x602,1:1,FF7E8253_A4D5_463A_83F4_6C….png)


Chek’t dub trips

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6cb5c9 No.20889013

File: f961ee0d7b6afee⋯.png (6.32 MB,2560x1536,5:3,Hedwig_the_Angry_Inch_Ne_0….png)


Hello Mimic

aka Angry Inch

GM for Good Morning is only a specific timeframe, outside that window GM now means Ginger Mound

Enjoy the (You)

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b00dde No.20889014

File: 6fddea87ac3c509⋯.jpeg (88.82 KB,632x1013,632:1013,c9b5beb1bf31c76a75f415c66….jpeg)

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5052e8 No.20889015

File: 530c54d815cf468⋯.png (353.01 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Sorry Normies

This next bit is gonna be rough on you

We tried to soften the blow

but you wouldn't listen

If you go Crazy

Just know it didn't have to go down like this

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ee7546 No.20889016

File: 7587e70b9750b22⋯.png (3.16 MB,1494x1817,1494:1817,ec0e183261941d25edbf719087….png)


>here ya go!

thank you!

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bebb06 No.20889017

File: a389c770a50b08e⋯.png (546.13 KB,900x631,900:631,Night_Shift_Meme_drop.png)

member captcha?

member captcha every poast?


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ed6df9 No.20889018


to the forthcoming and many pots, beers and "I told ya so's".

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b00dde No.20889019

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)

That dick is driven deep in that dumbfuck's skull. KEK. Poor bastard. Smoke some moar meth, you fuckin' degenerate.

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482c65 No.20889020

Mr. Biden: The threat that Trump poses is greater in the second term than the first. It's clear that when he lost in 2020, and I mean this sincerely, something snapped in Trump. He just can't accept he lost, and he lost it. That's why on January 6th, what happened? Every legal avenue Trump tried to challenge the election failed, so he unleashed an insurrection, and now he's running again. He's not only obsessed about losing 2020, he's clearly unhinged. He calls insurrectionists who stormed Capital Hill, 'patriots'. He says if elected, he wants, "every one of them pardoned". Let me ask you, what do you think he would have done on January 6th if black Americans had stormed the Capital?

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ffae33 No.20889021

File: 60ba483b45d45ec⋯.mp4 (364.14 KB,320x568,40:71,Meteor_Portagul.mp4)

Capture the moment!

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bfebe8 No.20889022

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



> >>20888988


>In time.

we'll be dancing in the streets all night


be excellent to each other!

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4bdcb4 No.20889023

File: 8994319bf2240bb⋯.png (224.8 KB,500x539,500:539,ClipboardImage.png)

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4b9976 No.20889024

File: c499fd47222dd87⋯.jpg (519.54 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_20240519_190623.jpg)

File: 1150a2c8a268553⋯.jpg (522.92 KB,800x1280,5:8,Screenshot_20240519_190755.jpg)

File: 216910772eee529⋯.jpg (480.31 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_20240519_190633.jpg)

File: 892d3c81421d5e7⋯.jpg (607.81 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_20240519_190714.jpg)

File: 734d31ab0831674⋯.jpg (737.78 KB,800x1280,5:8,Screenshot_20240519_190653.jpg)

Pratique de main gauche continue.

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472996 No.20889025


yeah anons rioted good times

>2 moar weeks it'll be

member proto?

member no proto no posting during rallies?

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ee7546 No.20889026


yes i'd fail 5 in a row of those cocksuckers

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4cf311 No.20889027

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331941 No.20889028

File: 9c8e723bc3274d7⋯.jpeg (534.61 KB,828x615,276:205,E617A85A_B446_4D62_90B3_0….jpeg)

File: 095e4b6227f82b7⋯.jpeg (344.97 KB,667x702,667:702,1ECAFC38_2E3C_4C2F_B498_0….jpeg)

File: b00012b251c46d0⋯.jpeg (424.73 KB,828x992,207:248,5FE2948F_539C_4944_A4B2_7….jpeg)

File: 81bef8381e7442a⋯.jpeg (213.86 KB,580x290,2:1,1F5FC303_443B_4251_99C6_E….jpeg)

File: ecc86488a940ff6⋯.jpeg (295.86 KB,828x467,828:467,BCCABEEF_C3D6_49DA_82EC_3….jpeg)


Oh yeah, it's only gonna get weirderer .

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b00dde No.20889029

File: c95ade3ceaab791⋯.png (183.62 KB,401x392,401:392,c95ade3ceaab791faa5969e4c3….png)

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482c65 No.20889030

Mr. Biden: Donald Trump has said if he loses again in November, there will be, "bloodshed". What in Gods name are we talking about here? This is the United States of America! Folks, Trump isn't running to lead America, he's running for revenge, and revenge is no way to lead the country. You can't build a future on revenge. You can't build better lives through revenge.

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01a79e No.20889032


>This India actress is known as GM.

she has had more guys in her snapper than the drive throiugh at chic-fil-a

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b9bb6b No.20889033


call it a night after that

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4bdcb4 No.20889034

File: c55eb88e63f4063⋯.png (324.85 KB,526x527,526:527,ClipboardImage.png)

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331941 No.20889035


I did a gauche once, came out pissah.

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ee7546 No.20889036

File: 98f76444ec24943⋯.jpeg (18.98 KB,255x246,85:82,b74d6b11fd9ffd5f85364ae3d….jpeg)

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580cb5 No.20889037

It's getting near the end of the month and the pope seems to be motoring along just fine.

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472996 No.20889038


They were harder than the ones now across the street so don't feels bad man.

At least anons back then didn't have to wait 1 minute to make the 1st post.

I think that puts them on top now in that contest.

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957787 No.20889039

File: 2065531b09578af⋯.png (284.13 KB,488x702,244:351,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9da54bfd5a8b31⋯.mp4 (8.18 MB,1280x688,80:43,Russian_Helicopter_to_Iran.mp4)

Russian helicopter to Iran


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4cf311 No.20889040

Outrage bait gets the hard filter+ queen

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b00dde No.20889041

File: 9f1af234cbc485c⋯.png (267.05 KB,547x547,1:1,l5e5j65f82rc1.png)


Doesn't matter how much dick a woman has had. Only matters if you're the last dick she has.

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ed6df9 No.20889042


stupid rants stupid projections followed by stupid and petty censorship by anti-constitution traitors. definitely a high flying kite debate moderator

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941d3b No.20889043


it's 04:00 do you know where GM hotel rooms Izzy @t

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994fe6 No.20889044

File: c5b97152c83911c⋯.jpg (91.98 KB,679x476,97:68,IN_STEREO_WINNING.jpg)



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bebb06 No.20889045

File: 419ea9209bb348a⋯.png (473.5 KB,900x501,300:167,bloodbath_hoax_03192024_Ca….png)

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739f30 No.20889046

File: e1637e215ac9fc2⋯.jpeg (138.14 KB,1241x696,1241:696,IMG_2046.jpeg)

File: 87cd489dc847334⋯.jpeg (323.67 KB,1241x1240,1241:1240,IMG_2044.jpeg)

File: 2a318bc83399720⋯.jpeg (124.91 KB,1124x758,562:379,IMG_2047.jpeg)

File: ffc354d344d20a0⋯.jpeg (397.54 KB,1189x1362,1189:1362,IMG_2045.jpeg)

File: 22bcbccf53da185⋯.jpeg (186.52 KB,1241x777,1241:777,IMG_2048.jpeg)

(This guy is my congressman and he’s a disappointment. He never answers calls or emails, and doesn’t even bother sending a letter. He’s a RINO, and pro funding Ukraine)

EXCLUSIVEGeorgia Republican files for divorce from glamorous oncologist after seven children - as a GOP member reveals he's been 'caressing a colleague on the House floor' - and scorned wife offers cryptic text

17 May 2024 By Morgan Phillips

• McCormick's wife texted Daily Mail: 'I'm sure that he will not be forthcoming'

• Hill insiders say he has often been seen acting overly friendly toward a colleague

• One GOP member saw McCormick and and Beth Van Duyne 'holding hands'

After 12 years of marriage and less than two years into his congressional career, Georgia Republican Rep. Rich McCormick has filed for divorce from his oncologist wife Dr. Debra Miller.

The case was filed by McCormick on May 3. A mutual restraining order was also filed, DailyMail.com exclusively reports.

McCormick, 55, and Miller, his second wife, share seven children and live in Suwanee, Georgia. When approached about the reasoning for the divorce, Miller texted DailyMail.com: 'I'm sure that he will not be forthcoming.'

Capitol Hill insiders say McCormick has often been seen acting overly friendly toward a female Republican member of the House Beth Van Duyne, R-Texas.

One GOP member told DailyMail.com they had seen McCormick and and Van Duyne, 53, 'holding hands under the table' at the weekly Republican Study Committee lunch within the last three to four months and had seen him 'grab the small of her back' on the House floor during votes.

Two eyewitnesses say they have seen he and Beth holding hands, with one witnessing it as the pair were leaving votes.

And during the State of the Union on March 7, the two could be seen sitting and laughing together while watching Biden's speech.

McCormick even reached over to gently squeeze Van Duyne's arm in a tender moment between the pair captured on camera.

Asked if the divorce involved an alleged affair he may have had with a colleague, his soon-to-be ex-wife Miller replied: 'You should ask Rich and his colleague.'

A third witness told DailyMail.com they had seen Van Duyne holding on to the arm of McCormick while walking out of the Longworth Office building late at night.

Van Duyne has been divorced from her former husband of 17 years since 2012. They share two children.

Asked about the cozy behavior and the divorce, a McCormick spokesperson told DailyMail.com: 'Congressman McCormick and Dr. Miller have been separated for quite some time. He has kept that private and will continue to keep his personal life out of the media spotlight.'

A representative for Van Duyne declined to provide comment to DailyMail.com.

McCormick and his wife were pictured together as recently as over the Christmas holiday. But he notably did not include her in a recent Mother's Day tribute on X.

McCormick's Facebook account says the pair were married on August 16, 2011.

McCormick spent over 20 years as a pilot in both the Marine Corps and the Navy and was also an emergency room physician in Georgia's Gwinnett Medical Center.

He is in his first term in Congress, having joined in January 2023. He ran unsuccessfully for the Georgia's 7th District in 2020 against Democrat Carolyn Bordeaux.

In November McCormick was the lead author of a censure resolution for Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., for "promoting false narratives regarding the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack on Israel and for calling for the destruction of the state of Israel.'

Rep. Rich McCormick possibly caught touching Beth Van Duyne's arm!

Shortly after that, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., who had also introduced a Tlaib censure that was not successful, accused McCormick of getting physically aggressive with her.

Sources told CNN that in a private meeting with House Speaker Mike Johnson in December, Greene claimed her male colleague 'grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her' and asked the Speaker to address the issue.

'I understand why there would be a lot of raw emotions following the censure vote given that her censure was tabled and mine passed. My intention was to encourage Rep. Greene by making a friendly gesture,' said McCormick.

He denied getting physically aggressive with her.


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d9bd46 No.20889047

File: 1ed986328e4f759⋯.jpeg (426.74 KB,1062x611,1062:611,76A0BC77_25CB_4219_89F3_5….jpeg)

File: 6862eaeb71bcd02⋯.jpeg (654.15 KB,828x1330,414:665,08DFA00E_5362_4155_9F5D_5….jpeg)


Bolivia AF FAB001 Falcon 900President Luis Arceon ground at Little Rock, AR-Bubba and Killary Airport

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4b9976 No.20889048


>be excellent to each other!


Good times coming.

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482c65 No.20889049

File: b07b7adc399f675⋯.jpg (49.11 KB,750x482,375:241,yahdasdcadf.jpg)

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838070 No.20889050


Sauce or GTFO

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6acd22 No.20889051

File: 527e1b5affdd63f⋯.jpg (146.63 KB,720x886,360:443,20240519_182814.jpg)



Oh Shit!!!!

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331941 No.20889052

File: 420b04f688efd6e⋯.jpeg (439.23 KB,828x525,276:175,BF44789A_CA05_47D4_B3ED_7….jpeg)


"Crazy Ivan!!"

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482c65 No.20889053


He just spoke at the NAACP Dinner.

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ee7546 No.20889054

File: 3736acbacb0fe41⋯.mp4 (3.62 MB,576x1024,9:16,2nCWaGhHonIQBmQh.mp4)


i'm not complaining i remember the old days and recognize how easy we have it right now

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4bdcb4 No.20889055

File: 5f20fe01844a00a⋯.png (1.13 MB,975x650,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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b00dde No.20889056

File: 0aa05fa48b95c8f⋯.png (138.54 KB,474x315,158:105,0aa05fa48b95c8fa4bb60aa2d2….png)

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79a33a No.20889057

File: f64cccbc84c0eca⋯.jpg (7.54 KB,236x214,118:107,I_clicked_that_shit.jpg)

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6acd22 No.20889059

File: 4a79aa0f94da123⋯.jpg (158.38 KB,720x712,90:89,20240519_182415.jpg)


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331941 No.20889060

File: 12a3d19d1eb4f29⋯.jpeg (74.13 KB,828x511,828:511,FB315A1A_2356_4F04_B387_8….jpeg)


Lotta things….

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652532 No.20889061

File: 00415a4104d8c65⋯.png (604.83 KB,900x897,300:299,00415a4104d8c657e1ef762282….png)


Covid is gone, pneumonia is back

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79a33a No.20889062


crazy, if true

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01a79e No.20889063



>Doesn't matter how much dick a woman has had. Only matters if you're the last dick she has.

if you're a good enough man, then the only dick she has had is yours

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838070 No.20889064


Post the video, aka Sauce

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bebb06 No.20889065


Kash Patel




Rabbit hole dive… @epochtimes


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472996 No.20889066

File: 564257525d86737⋯.jpg (33.67 KB,540x551,540:551,Betamax_and_Chill.jpg)

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956906 No.20889067


I'm so disappointed this isn't a gif.

The absolute state of this place.

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4cf311 No.20889068

That would be the second hospital stay in the last two months

That were reported.


The crown prince or prince william

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b9bb6b No.20889069

biden speaking in detroit at naacp

loud ass echo about 15 minutes long

no crowd shots

fuckin wreck

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331941 No.20889070

File: 88c4da6bc2596af⋯.jpeg (35.49 KB,352x399,352:399,397E69DA_83A6_496C_B8BD_3….jpeg)



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4bdcb4 No.20889071

File: 9af0dff501601bf⋯.png (268.17 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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79a33a No.20889072

File: 06ced463b4e13a8⋯.jpg (366.26 KB,1043x584,1043:584,Meme_Warfare_Division_Pepe….jpg)


blunt force meme warfare

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d3b7c2 No.20889073

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b3abff No.20889074

File: ac9de1594544eee⋯.jpg (44.02 KB,543x680,543:680,media_GCOsXNZaMAABqlr.jpg)


Everything is fine.

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941d3b No.20889075


flapper steaks

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331941 No.20889076


Pnpneminonia is the new syphilis

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bebb06 No.20889077

File: 156325a32ac6d95⋯.png (569.65 KB,1100x542,550:271,high_percentage_of_childre….png)

File: 5652c4c02f4c675⋯.jpg (62.08 KB,800x459,800:459,covid_survival_rate_fox.jpg)

File: 9e9ea7783e1768c⋯.png (208.66 KB,570x736,285:368,MTG_Gab_08152023_6_fda_ive….png)

File: 282a99ebb981294⋯.png (79.42 KB,1292x975,1292:975,fda_misinformation.png)

File: 34490a41410f90f⋯.png (114.75 KB,801x1177,801:1177,fda_ivermectin.png)


is covid less dangerous than the covid vaccine?


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3ea15e No.20889078

File: c4123ad0a298d49⋯.jpeg (106.06 KB,1080x614,540:307,1552421242.jpeg)

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60621a No.20889079

File: 5d91c291e2e74e7⋯.png (379.27 KB,1208x735,1208:735,QNNnotahelicopter.png)

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652532 No.20889080


you missed the kate middleton sleeping pill overdose?

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79a33a No.20889081


comes with a woman in the kitchen, a smiling woman. member those?

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472996 No.20889082


I didn't think you were complaining.

Memberberries like that are usually funny in retrospect.

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07cda8 No.20889083

File: 223eb7df4e14251⋯.jpeg (137.61 KB,827x825,827:825,IMG_8847.jpeg)

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482c65 No.20889084

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6acd22 No.20889085

File: 769057b45ce2d62⋯.jpg (142.9 KB,720x960,3:4,20240519_183503.jpg)

File: c435ead36c331fd⋯.jpg (219.21 KB,720x1150,72:115,20240519_183435.jpg)


Uhm What the actual hell?

@NikkiHaley’s brother @MittiRandhawa just posted this pic with a caption about how “Nikki Haley for President” is heading to the RNC Convention in Milwaukee Wisconsin, which is being held from July 15-18, 2024!

Is she planning a coup against Trump at the convention?

What the hell is going on?

Major red flag! 🚩

Cc: @TeamTrump @LaCivitaC @JasonMillerinDC

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957787 No.20889086

File: 44b74ec1b748d2a⋯.mp4 (901.46 KB,640x278,320:139,The_Hunt_For_Red_October_1….mp4)


>Crazy Ivan

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d9bd46 No.20889087

File: 6b2ab7a18f53746⋯.gif (481.8 KB,500x284,125:71,5EA001EE_2524_48F0_972A_EF….gif)

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4bdcb4 No.20889088

File: 99dad3c785b938f⋯.png (697.37 KB,1080x1048,135:131,ClipboardImage.png)

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ee7546 No.20889089


satanic gibberish.. filtered

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472996 No.20889090


Bird Pneumonia if they're smart.

No paste for that.

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d69bcf No.20889091

>>20888361 (pb)

This is a big f'n deal. This is a big f'n deal.

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331941 No.20889092

File: 7f1ed2233224780⋯.jpeg (47.56 KB,828x506,18:11,DEDB5143_F950_4B41_BDA2_8….jpeg)

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bebb06 No.20889093


Donald J. Trump






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941d3b No.20889094


multiple creampies

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d3b7c2 No.20889095

File: 10f1e2e088ae8ce⋯.png (49.11 KB,727x415,727:415,Screenshot_2024_05_19_1938….png)


Israel Radar


Officials in Israel & other unspecified countries estimate:Iranian President Raisi died in helicopter crash; Jerusalem makes clear via unofficial channels that Israel had nothing to do with accident.





Israel Radar




Communication with President Raisi's satellite phone lost, as search continues for crashed helicopter carrying Iranian leaders; multiple rescue teams closing in on crash site in heavy fog. via @kann_news

1:02 PM · May 19, 2024




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1162e3 No.20889096

The gag order is working.

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331941 No.20889097

File: f11d97bcba3e198⋯.jpeg (152.42 KB,632x810,316:405,7B807DB2_26F8_4A90_B36D_5….jpeg)


Israel Radar?

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d3b7c2 No.20889098

File: 31323a656a05fa6⋯.webp (12.72 KB,218x280,109:140,66650_v9_ba.webp)


>satanic gibberish

same shill STILL here after all these years?


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472996 No.20889099



Nigga where u been?

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331941 No.20889100


That's what she thought she said.

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79a33a No.20889101

File: 590b1ef482a0333⋯.jpg (116.38 KB,684x1012,171:253,Nikki_Haley_B_W_01.jpg)


Say what?

Also note the "Nikkifag" left the same day her campaign did.

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f01f53 No.20889102


You don't eat the peel, do you? Did you read about the coating? Doesn't seem like a bad thing to me, longer shelf life, less waste, better product.

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1162e3 No.20889103

President Obama is trending.

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4cf311 No.20889104


Radar love 😍

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bebb06 No.20889105

File: cecf9933636cfdc⋯.png (616.33 KB,1200x664,150:83,bloomberg_news_polls_05022….png)

File: 7b8be317243456e⋯.png (496.41 KB,900x499,900:499,economy_poll_battleground_….png)

File: 4b0643e01c17701⋯.png (606.33 KB,900x506,450:253,poll_abortion_04092024.png)

File: 416086bd46e032a⋯.png (349.85 KB,900x505,180:101,Black_Voters_poll_03042024.png)

File: 76706f36893779e⋯.png (560.11 KB,800x455,160:91,illegal_aliens_immigration….png)

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331941 No.20889106

File: 79f974ea46608f1⋯.jpeg (259 KB,828x1021,828:1021,7F829F7D_0391_4D75_B96C_D….jpeg)


Not surprised.

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652532 No.20889107


Iran made a deal with Obama, and after that with Russia

Obama hates double crossers

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79a33a No.20889108


Biden will get 100 million votes this time round.

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ee7546 No.20889109

File: ddbd69d9059441c⋯.jpg (48.58 KB,630x421,630:421,Eiz1SwxWoAAM3YH.jpg)


scorched earth

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4bdcb4 No.20889110

File: cbed435c93272c5⋯.png (462.66 KB,826x771,826:771,ClipboardImage.png)

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a6fd4c No.20889111


>only gonna get weirderer .

Not weird enough for my liking.

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bebb06 No.20889112

File: dcaf34ea6039213⋯.png (414.91 KB,445x800,89:160,sorry_diddy_05192024.png)

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b00dde No.20889113

File: 79d2a4fe14431fc⋯.jpeg (139.14 KB,1024x1024,1:1,le1DrF6iSzdu.jpeg)


Yep. Rarely works out that way anymoar though. Same for vice versa.

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561819 No.20889114

File: 96a345e867fc441⋯.png (269.97 KB,720x591,240:197,IMG_0443.png)

Noicely rolled


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79a33a No.20889115


do the homos take it in the ass every day? Or only as much as most wimmin?

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472996 No.20889116


>Jerusalem makes clear via unofficial channels that Israel had nothing to do with accident.


No nukes.

No Scare Event.

As you were.

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941d3b No.20889117


totall legit no body's watching this time because the early & vote often

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4b9976 No.20889118

File: 2f3a127f4dc77d4⋯.jpg (266.61 KB,1920x1080,16:9,9e93d61738b0bf39bf15c4da6b….jpg)


Remember your roar.

Big events emerging.

Stay safe, patriots.

Onward & upward.


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a6fd4c No.20889119


>vaxx hasn't killed


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7fbd20 No.20889120


Quit worrying about Nikkifag. It was explained that she went back to being regular anon.

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ee7546 No.20889121

File: 5729bb86c65a70a⋯.jpeg (1012.43 KB,1536x901,1536:901,5729bb86c65a70a1ed73aff18….jpeg)

File: c1f4b61c23a220b⋯.png (15.1 KB,255x255,1:1,33322e87be021876f644975468….png)

File: 496a9fbf3892a3e⋯.jpeg (91.73 KB,500x555,100:111,496a9fbf3892a3ec607d98107….jpeg)

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4cf311 No.20889122


Kate Middleton up to her shenanigans

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a6fd4c No.20889123

I just realized something

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4bdcb4 No.20889124

File: 2e6bfc3782f1ca6⋯.png (449.44 KB,960x561,320:187,ClipboardImage.png)

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07cda8 No.20889125


Do they suck dicks? Because that stops after a few years when married to wimins…

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e6be00 No.20889126

File: dad0606ef919910⋯.jpg (36.35 KB,730x800,73:80,dad0606ef919910f26abf49d54….jpg)

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79a33a No.20889127


well there's a period of time that needs to elapse between that other guys cock and yours in her va jj.

We'll call that delta, t.

If t=20 seconds, you might be gay

If t= 5 minutes = not cool, sloppy seconds

If t= 2 years, pretty sweet, right?

Somewhere in between is the minimum acceptable t, what is that minimum?

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5052e8 No.20889128

(you) are not like the others

(you) were never meant to "Fit In"

(you) never understood Fads & Mob Mentality

God Set (you) aside for a Reason

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4d0c75 No.20889129



"Follow the white rabbit" posts were plentiful (and quite interesting) before Q even started.


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5394f6 No.20889130


A million tiny little Armageddon's.

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98c498 No.20889131

The series Happy was created in 2017…the AA/NA meetings….interesting

Strange thought : they’ve been watching me since I was a kid. Pedophiles.

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941d3b No.20889132


all the Military accounts are doing a count down to D day

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4cf311 No.20889133


Prolly comes off on your hands

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b00dde No.20889134

File: 979360b91248436⋯.jpg (18.58 KB,409x393,409:393,kek.jpg)


KEK. Is there, like, a formula or something for that TTP?

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60621a No.20889135


>5 minutes =

5 days on the clock

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bebb06 No.20889136

File: 27a6d8319999ab6⋯.png (180.55 KB,1615x1101,1615:1101,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

File: 1b0711ac6c4f4aa⋯.png (174.23 KB,1618x1096,809:548,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

File: 2046befbf0caf81⋯.png (189.27 KB,1621x1139,1621:1139,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

File: 0fcc2c736994a26⋯.png (188.64 KB,1635x1122,545:374,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

File: ccf7558769c9c21⋯.png (1.04 MB,743x1126,743:1126,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

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472996 No.20889137




Cheated - Q Team disrupted it.


Cheated - Got away with it.



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79a33a No.20889138

File: 0e793c05d7142ec⋯.gif (3.27 MB,704x528,4:3,Kramer_That_s_True.gif)

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b3abff No.20889139

File: 279d30fa1eede0d⋯.jpg (50.15 KB,600x338,300:169,2012_8_L.jpg)

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98c498 No.20889140

I need a link to archives anons help me out please

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bebb06 No.20889141


Donald J. Trump


Marjorie Taylor Greene is a fantastic Representative for the people of Georgia’s 14th Congressional District. A true Fighter for our America First Movement, Marjorie is working tirelessly to secure our Border, end Migrant Crime, stop Inflation, support our Great Military/Vets, defend our always under siege Second Amendment, ensure Election Integrity, and hold Joe Biden and the Radical Left accountable for their UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAWFARE AND ELECTION INTERFERENCE. Marjorie Taylor Greene has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

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5052e8 No.20889142



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5641ca No.20889143


I 'member anons showing up with broken arms or other problems, could barely post, begging to have capchas ended

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6cb5c9 No.20889144


Did you skip over >>2088875 and >>2088878 ???

Transfats, heavy metals, and Bill Gates approved

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5052e8 No.20889145

(you) are now the Trendsetter

(you) are the Wave Shaper

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6cb5c9 No.20889146

>>20889144 (me)

Not enough 8's

>>20888875 >>20888878

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7b9585 No.20889147


I don’t know what’s going on, but her brother seems to be having a ball on X right now!

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79a33a No.20889148

File: 54dd1a4da9a4eae⋯.png (3.52 KB,95x97,95:97,Captcha_Sexy_Q.png)


Trench warfare memories…

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941d3b No.20889149


this is not normal

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904e11 No.20889150

pathetically still a whining nigger


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3ea15e No.20889151

File: 348db4fd0e9d7b1⋯.png (343.97 KB,1080x697,1080:697,Memeto_1637200920529.png)

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904e11 No.20889152


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4bdcb4 No.20889153

File: 697d0de7548d94b⋯.png (712.35 KB,732x875,732:875,ClipboardImage.png)

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b54f2b No.20889154



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941d3b No.20889155


this is not normal

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daeeb5 No.20889156

File: 88eae177daf975b⋯.jpg (216.9 KB,800x787,800:787,0bce9a4e965afa1eb9e42bd191….jpg)

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a6fd4c No.20889157


>doing a count down

How many counts left?

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79a33a No.20889158


Keks in oldfag.

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b00dde No.20889159


Retard regularly retarding retardedly. In the filter. Shoo.

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331941 No.20889160

File: 30cfcba7f97c9e5⋯.jpeg (761.51 KB,828x1037,828:1037,FD87EE35_6B38_45D2_8C14_2….jpeg)

File: 2e54cdbd716eaf0⋯.jpeg (344.03 KB,828x1014,138:169,8C394250_231C_4A7C_B7A7_4….jpeg)

File: cb2d315cd75659f⋯.jpeg (86.04 KB,605x456,605:456,3BDCC5B6_92D7_4277_BC41_E….jpeg)


Wonder if one of those pricey project bluebookbeam rigs could get in there quick on do for the switcheroo.


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98c498 No.20889161


Luke S Kardashian

Appointment Made: 2011-04-07 22:00:00

Appointment Start: 2011-04-23 10:00:00

Appointment End: 2011-04-23 21:59:00


Meeting Room: RESIDENCE

Description: GROUP TOUR

Sabrina H Kardashian

Appointment Made: 2011-04-07 22:00:00

Appointment Start: 2011-04-23 10:00:00

Appointment End: 2011-04-23 21:59:00


Meeting Room: RESIDENCE

Description: GROUP TOUR

Seta S Kardashian

Appointment Made: 2011-04-07 22:00:00

Appointment Start: 2011-04-23 10:00:00

Appointment End: 2011-04-23 21:59:00


Meeting Room: RESIDENCE

Description: GROUP TOUR

White House visitor logs do these people even exist or is it some skank

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3fcc28 No.20889162

File: 6cb046e257038a2⋯.jpg (170.54 KB,970x1186,485:593,2023_06_01_11_24_51.jpg)

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33e39b No.20889163

What's the betting pool on a date before this place gets crazy again due to the election and related shenanigans?

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4bcc08 No.20889164

File: 9b62505b8c62091⋯.mp4 (125.88 KB,640x360,16:9,dIn_gJjDIvNNVz6x.mp4)


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ee7546 No.20889165

File: ff14d8e082ecb0e⋯.jpeg (801.74 KB,1536x1762,768:881,ff14d8e082ecb0e4989f277c3….jpeg)


i fought in the vhs vs beta wars

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6c8dac No.20889166

File: 3a7c9266616ab69⋯.mp4 (9.09 MB,1280x720,16:9,eLRIrkcYcYIhzcGM.mp4)



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a6fd4c No.20889167



Officially approved post

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331941 No.20889168

File: 6d6d6b130e35f57⋯.jpeg (178.55 KB,495x476,495:476,FD73033B_9691_4E91_9220_0….jpeg)

Who's crazy?

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79a33a No.20889169


and ended up with Laserdisc?

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807e34 No.20889170

File: 37bffa53e188911⋯.png (1.39 MB,1300x731,1300:731,ClipboardImage.png)

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b00dde No.20889171

File: 618799b3ea2f6c3⋯.gif (418.89 KB,500x400,5:4,d422a00b02a96c5e7fef7cc138….gif)


KEK. The old days. Something about the preview not showing up when hovering on lb/pb posts and the filename was jpeg rather than jpg. Something like that. Don't remember the specifics.

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994fe6 No.20889172

File: aa74e6690b5c7bf⋯.jpg (130.43 KB,557x534,557:534,MEME_WAR_55.jpg)

File: 9b339e24427ec86⋯.jpg (122.55 KB,537x560,537:560,MEME_WAR_55_PART_2.jpg)

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a6fd4c No.20889173


Ah, ah, ah

My programming is strong

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f2bd24 No.20889174


Tomorrow is +1 chicken nugget


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dbc601 No.20889175

File: db1bd0294dc0da0⋯.png (644.95 KB,1376x781,1376:781,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e26360e4cf641bc⋯.png (161.51 KB,630x780,21:26,ClipboardImage.png)

It's fucking tiring… Not in the mood to debug this fucking cunt.

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b54f2b No.20889176

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5641ca No.20889177


>jpg vs jpeg

OH NO – not the JPEG again!!!!!

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ee7546 No.20889178


you'd be amazed how much you reveal with your quick responses like that..

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b1a176 No.20889179

File: 4ec9353c1ff4a70⋯.jpg (25.89 KB,781x440,71:40,4ec9353c1ff4a70ae3749005b0….jpg)

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b9bb6b No.20889180

we have confirmation


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3fcc28 No.20889181

File: 2602e9554df996d⋯.jpg (63.28 KB,960x780,16:13,IMAGE_2024_05_19_19_01_10.jpg)

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9c0e14 No.20889182


you get jpegged regularly

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4bcc08 No.20889183

File: f41e9a9f01bdede⋯.jpeg (101.09 KB,800x552,100:69,Release_The_Scare_Event.JPEG)

File: 983a75235955abe⋯.jpg (971.7 KB,1124x889,1124:889,Scare_Event.jpg)

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c52696 No.20889184

File: 3528f70f345edc4⋯.png (625.22 KB,500x646,250:323,ClipboardImage.png)


>>20888601 dough

>>20888859 notes

#25620 >>20888601

>>20888668, >>20888679, >>20888695 (You) Well-known TV sports presenter arrested on suspicion of raping a child in 4am raid on host’s home

>>20888684 Turkish drone scanning site area of Iranian President helicopter crash

>>20888697 Diddy takes smoke break with pals as he steps out for the first time since shocking video of him beating Cassie Ventura

>>20888700, >>20888670 Sus images of the demon Baphomet can easily be found in King Charles' recently unveiled painting

>>20888743 Operations underway to clear Haiti of its gangs

>>20888748 Businesspeople do not dispute giving gold, cash to Menendezes - but say they were ‘gifts’

>>20888754 PF: General

>>20888769 PF: For those asking about why no posts regarding Iran, rarely is anything on military ADS-B visible over Iran

>>20888772 Crew trapped on Baltimore ship, seven weeks after bridge collapse

>>20888774, >>20888781 6 people killed, 10 others injured in Idaho when pickup crashes into passenger van

>>20888783 The last recording of the Iranian president before helicopter crash

>>20888819 (Mar 27) Captain of container ship that caused Baltimore bridge collapse is Indian, not Ukrainian

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807e34 No.20889186


I'm with you tho

what military accounts count down?

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33e39b No.20889187


I remember being annoyed when my mp3s didn't download overnight because some phone blip disconnected my 28.8 modem. Fuckers are spoiled now.

Beta max was better but blockbuster didn't have many.

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4d0c75 No.20889188

File: f603ae1c9942446⋯.png (701.88 KB,732x719,732:719,surprised_cat.png)



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60621a No.20889189

File: 68789ef69ca5816⋯.gif (8.39 MB,600x480,5:4,68789ef69ca5816241ba1b688b….gif)

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dbc601 No.20889190


Have Heart attack



you are a retard.

shut the fuck up

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994fe6 No.20889191

File: a29069657af4060⋯.jpg (111.68 KB,547x556,547:556,RADAR_LOCK.jpg)


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331941 No.20889192

File: 4033d72ee205050⋯.jpeg (215 KB,828x1050,138:175,11AA3564_D4E0_4253_9132_E….jpeg)


Fuck Biden, when's Mitterrand gonna take the wheel of the super no. 1 Maxi uniparty?

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c7c0c3 No.20889193


dubs checked!

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87fc18 No.20889194





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4cf311 No.20889195



It's the erectionists

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941d3b No.20889196

File: ac68b773bedc240⋯.jpeg (18.65 KB,325x394,325:394,kE4sQAi.jpeg)

File: 9926ca9685d2583⋯.gif (367.63 KB,220x165,4:3,the_beachcombers_relic.gif)

File: 9ff4e60de585fd7⋯.jpg (13.72 KB,200x300,2:3,1_1393806752.jpg)

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331941 No.20889197

File: 606266d5edce1a8⋯.jpeg (94.94 KB,828x537,276:179,06AE25EF_CC3E_456F_AE02_5….jpeg)

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739f30 No.20889198

Laura Loomer uncovers possible hidden bombshell in ‘hush money’ case involving Judge Merchan’s daughter…. 1/2

May 18, 2024 (a day ago)

Laura Loomer might have just uncovered one of the biggest stories of the year. If her findings hold up, she’s onto a game-changer in the sham “hush money” case. And it’s all thanks to Judge Merchan’s radically anti-Trump daughter and Democrat Congressman Dan Goldman, who, according to Laura, seems to be knee-deep in a financial cover-up scheme with the judge’s daughter.

That’s what Laura uncovered while diving into Congressman Dan Goldman’s finances. Remember, Judge Merchan’s daughter has been a strange and unlikely player in the politically charged “hush money” case. In fact, many argue that President Trump is currently silenced by an unconstitutional gag order, all so Judge Merchan can shield his left-wing daughter and her progressive business associates. Now, it seems this mysterious daughter is taking yet another starring role in this kangaroo court, and it could turn the whole case on its head.


New York Democrat Dan Goldman continues to expand Judge Merchan’s vast conflicts of interest. Rep.Goldman has been mailing checks from his campaign to Judge Merchan’s daughter’s personal home in Richmond, Virginia. Authentic Campaigns is based in Chicago and Washington, D.C.

Making matters worse, in an apparent attempt to cover up that he was sending checks to Merchan’s daughter’s home, Rep.Goldman wrote the checks to Authentic Campaign instead of Authentic Campaigns. This is a major FEC violation. Laura Loomer exclusively reported that Rep. Goldman is a client of Authentic Campaigns.

Goldman said on MSNBC Monday that he “deposed Michael Cohen and met with him several times to prepare him” to testify against President Trump in Trump’s New York trial. Loomer was the first to report that Judge Merchan’s daughter, Loren, is the partner and part-owner of Authentic Campaigns, a firm whose “featured client “is the Biden-Harris Campaign. Goldman’s actions prove that the rule of law has disintegrated in Joe Biden’s America.

Laura dropped two incredibly captivating posts on X. The first is a video featuring Congressman Dan Goldman admitting he coached Michael Cohen, alongside a screenshot from Judge Merchan’s daughter’s left-wing organization, “Authentic HQ,” thanking the congressman for “saving democracy.”

But it’s the next post that could really stir things up. While digging through Congressman Goldman’s FEC disclosures, Laura stumbled upon what looks like a bombshell: she claims to have found evidence that the congressman, who coached a convicted felon to testify against President Trump, has been funneling money to Judge Merchan’s daughter’s home address. This could point to a cover-up attempt involving payments to her company.If true, it suggests he might have falsified FEC documents to obscure payments to the daughter of the judgepresiding over a political witch hunt against President Trump. If true, that would be huge.

Laura Loomer:


🚨Democrat NY Congressman who helped prepare Michael Cohen for his anti -Trump testimony is a client of Judge Merchan’s daughter’s Democrat political consulting company

@Authentic_HQ! 🚨

Today, New York Democrat Congressman Dan Goldman @RepDanGoldman went on @MSNBC and said he has “deposed @MichaelCohen212. and met with him a number of times to prepare him” for the trial which is being overseen by Judge Merchan in NYC. Cohen is the prosecutors’ “star witness”. Rep. Dan Goldman is a client of Loren Merchan’s Democrat consulting firm, Authentic Campaigns.

Why is a member of Congress meeting with a felon who committed perjury?

This is a MAJOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST, and Judge Merchan needs to immediately RECUSE HIMSELF from overseeing the Trump trial!

But, wait, there’s more here from Loomer:


I was searching through Democrat Congressman Dan Goldman’s @danielsgoldman’s FEC disclosure forms for his campaign disbursements.


According to FEC records, the address that NY Democrat Congressman @RepDanGoldman sends his checks to when he pays “Authentic Campaign” is a Richmond, Virginia address thathappens to be the personal home residence of Loren Merchan, Judge Merchan’s daughter.


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c7c0c3 No.20889199


you are just too dumb to debug it

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79a33a No.20889200


Ahhh Napster and Winamp. A simpler time.

And Warez.

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739f30 No.20889201



Loren Merchan is the President of Authentic Campaigns @Authentic_HQ and her father is overseeing Trump’s trial in NYC.

Additionally, the record in the @FEC was documented by Democrat New York Congressman Dan Goldman deceptively as “Authentic Campaign” instead of “Authentic Campaigns”, deliberately leaving the S off the end as a way to cover up the fact that Congressman Dan Goldman, who admitted on @MSNBC last week to prepping @ManhattanDA Alvin Bragg’s Star witness @MichaelCohen212 before his testimony in the Trump trial, has been sending his payments to THE PERSONAL HOME ADDRESS OF JUDGE MERCHAN’S DAUGHTER.

I have blurred out the address so I don’t get accused of Doxxing, but the address on the Schedule B FEC form for Congressman Dan Goldman as it relates to independent expenditures to “Authentic Campaign” is the same address listed in the Richmond, Virginia Department of Real Estate Assessor database, which lists the address as the personal residence for Loren Merchan and her husband Taylor Murray Harper.

The home Loren Merchan lives in where the Democrat Congressman (who advised Michael Cohen before his testimony in Trump’s trial which her father is overseeing) is sending her payments is a 2 story home with a value of $639,000.

Records show NY Democrat Congressman Dan Goldman has sent Loren Merchan over. $162,091.92, with the last payment being made on March 26, 2024, right before the #TrumpTrial began on April 15th, 2024.

This should be enough evidence to force Judge Merchan to recuse himself and to acquit Donald Trump all together.

Absolute corruption and Weaponized Government.

I have the unredacted copies of the addresses for members of the media if they wish to see my receipts and if they are honest enough to report my bombshell findings, but I blurred them out so I don’t get accused of Doxxing. It’s the same Richmond, Virginia home address though. I verified it and double checked.

Worth noting that the office HQs for Authentic Campaigns is based out of Chicago and DC, which means there’s no reason why payments should be going to Loren Merchan’s personal home residence.

This is beyond improper!!!!

Judge Merchan should be DISBARRED!

In addition, a state ethics board has just discreetly warned Judge Merchan about his “modest” donations to Democratic candidates, including Joe Biden.

The New York Times:

A state ethics panel quietly dismissed a complaint last summer against the New York judge presiding over the criminal trial of Donald J. Trump, issuing a warning over small donations the judge had made to groups supporting Democrats, including the campaign of Joseph R. Biden.

The judge, Juan M. Merchan, donated a total of $35 to the groups in 2020, including a $15 donation earmarked for the Biden campaign, and $10 to a group called “Stop Republicans.”

Political contributions of any kind are prohibited under state judicial ethics rules.

“Justice Merchan said the complaint, from more than a year ago, was dismissed in July with a caution,” the spokesman for the court system, Al Baker, said in a statement.

A caution does not include any penalty, but it can be considered in any future cases reviewed by the state’s Commission on Judicial Conduct. A letter outlining the caution was not released because of the commission’s rules, and Justice Merchan did not make the letter available.

The entire case is shady from start to finish. Many are also wondering if Rep. Dan Goldman is the new Adam Schiff. Another well-groomed progressive assassin, carrying out the regime’s dirty work with impunity? After all, Cohen was caught lying on the stand not just once or twice, but three times. It’s like something straight out of ‘Law and Order.’ Did Rep. Goldman coach Cohen to lie? That’s the burning question we all want answers to.

In a serious country truly committed to law and order and the pursuit of justice, this flimsy kangaroo court case would be dismissed so fast it’d make heads spin. Unfortunately, we’re not that serious of a country anymore, and this trial is an absolute farce, from top to bottom. It’s wrapped in mystery and bizarre circumstances, yet, bafflingly, it continues to move forward as if it’s a legitimate quest for justice.


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6cb5c9 No.20889202


Same playbook:

Attack Jim W if and when possible, when that fails

Attack BO, when that fails

Attack BVs, when that fails

Attack Bakers, when that fails

Attack anons in general, when that fails

Attack specific anon, when that fails

Back to top

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d9bd46 No.20889203

File: 8811146d307588e⋯.png (90.32 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Reggie Vision

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33e39b No.20889204


Had a fren got called up to DC when shit hit the fan. I was told chicken nuggies were a staple from the local mcD's. They know our pain.

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c7c0c3 No.20889205


another nation leader murdered by the usa

long list of such cases…….

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4bdcb4 No.20889206

File: 2d298e175c38c1a⋯.png (708.44 KB,981x652,981:652,ClipboardImage.png)

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d9bd46 No.20889207

File: 654fb7aef657ed8⋯.webp (351.18 KB,472x260,118:65,5BF29FC6_2858_4DC3_A73F_D….webp)


New script needed

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4cf311 No.20889208


Jim is meme-imparted you racist bloody bastard bitch you

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dbc601 No.20889209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6cb5c9 No.20889210


The ayatollahs took the dude out

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3fcc28 No.20889211

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>a count down

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33e39b No.20889212


It really did whip the llama's ass.

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00eba7 No.20889213

File: 587da4c4251667a⋯.jpeg (6.11 KB,255x255,1:1,587da4c4251667a345c8e84ed….jpeg)

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b82b2c No.20889214

your emotional / anger responses have been recorded

thank you

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cb2efc No.20889215

File: 5c94b3ffe3a8128⋯.jpeg (155.1 KB,741x339,247:113,IMG_0327.jpeg)

You still like the works?

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4bdcb4 No.20889216

File: e5fa695d70ed3e2⋯.png (392.46 KB,954x671,954:671,ClipboardImage.png)

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dbc601 No.20889217

File: a0006c415ebd49e⋯.png (62.96 KB,241x184,241:184,ClipboardImage.png)


> blip disconnected my 28.8 modem.


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941d3b No.20889218


forever ever

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33e39b No.20889219


I had the hardware. The lousy phone lines in my suburban neighborhood were piss poor. I guess if my neighborhood sucked less I'd have gotten a song every 15m, not 30m.

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32ceb8 No.20889220

File: 8fa5a1b8a64b765⋯.png (293.48 KB,477x466,477:466,ClipboardImage.png)

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4bdcb4 No.20889221

File: 05aeb4c853cb2cf⋯.png (470.21 KB,720x823,720:823,ClipboardImage.png)

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98c498 No.20889222

My lights flickering on and off here we go

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dbc601 No.20889223


open source. (after the email and private info) kek

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4cf311 No.20889224

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ff01a5 No.20889225


Trip test.

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33e39b No.20889226


Im harder to find than election fraud on a Chinese machine's data in Germany on election night. Oh, wait…

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5641ca No.20889227

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d9bd46 No.20889228

File: d11a7e0dca06038⋯.jpeg (445.82 KB,756x734,378:367,6F3A385B_FAFE_4C41_B2AB_D….jpeg)


Pretty please with sugar on top?

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58ee9e No.20889229


this must be driving the sods down under crazy! bat shit crazy! the eSafety shill dept must be just screamin in their pansy arsed heads!

let em eat memes!

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dbc601 No.20889230


kek.. Just fucking with ya..

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8505ba No.20889231

Anything new to report?

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941d3b No.20889232

File: 53a18a7a0db1a57⋯.jpeg (62.74 KB,680x510,4:3,li_FmSlh.jpeg)

File: ad9425280ed5ae1⋯.png (332.15 KB,414x592,207:296,GN9TOAfW8AEEV7N.png)

File: b54f25a947e1308⋯.jpeg (280.52 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GN9dedWWIAAGko0_1_.jpeg)

File: f4bf25054db4015⋯.jpeg (115.76 KB,549x655,549:655,f4bf25054db40154f9098447e….jpeg)

File: b9efd220a7abdac⋯.jpeg (215.85 KB,2048x1156,512:289,GN89JSiWAAAZBGI.jpeg)


forever ever >>20889222 grab pussy

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98c498 No.20889233

This the most illegal shit of all time

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0410fd No.20889234

File: f01e75560d7b7c6⋯.png (541.02 KB,399x612,133:204,ClipboardImage.png)

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60621a No.20889235

File: 81cfa3cc093df23⋯.jpg (165.4 KB,907x605,907:605,3715ecd958bce3fbbd6957a16c….jpg)

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4bdcb4 No.20889236

File: 3e75aa3a5bf228d⋯.png (284.82 KB,480x480,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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67ba24 No.20889237


The end is not for everyone. The mentally unstable here are proof that some can’t play the game.

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dbc601 No.20889238


exactly KONTECH COnvict + TEchician

CCP but the corrupt court don't care.

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d9bd46 No.20889239

File: 86bc2f72c2b608e⋯.jpeg (662.35 KB,1265x613,1265:613,EFD40F39_2D0F_4D9B_9B5C_0….jpeg)

File: d6db0cd38571ee6⋯.jpeg (464.29 KB,1136x617,1136:617,12C8C33E_4271_442A_9AFF_2….jpeg)

File: 46d11005045cca4⋯.gif (3.63 MB,600x600,1:1,5FF26EEC_91F2_4D8D_AF54_65….gif)

>>20887458 pb

Potato in 82-8000 747 left Detroit for Philly Intl then helo’d to Wilmington,DL


09-0017 C32A left Youngstown-Warren Regional Airport as escort and will go to JBA and 82-8000 will leave Philly and do same and then Potato to Wilmington

DEED131 C17 headed to Detroit to pick up equipment and departed JBA


SAM958 G5 back at JBA after stop at Langley AFB and Nellis AFB depart earlier today

NUTTY91 E6B Mercury done in its defensive track and heading for Tinker AFB, OKC

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dbc601 No.20889240


IBM 3250?

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32ceb8 No.20889241

File: 4575b7da8b6de9a⋯.png (735.91 KB,592x1082,296:541,ClipboardImage.png)

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b00dde No.20889242

File: 10d528be99ac241⋯.webm (349.49 KB,427x240,427:240,unchained.webm)

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4bdcb4 No.20889243

File: 880d5baa5d115c3⋯.png (204.19 KB,600x1067,600:1067,ClipboardImage.png)

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941d3b No.20889244


if you call children hamas it's ok to kill them in a firebomb

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994fe6 No.20889245

File: f0b6ab160100cf3⋯.jpg (117.12 KB,810x643,810:643,NIGHT_SHIFT_WINNING.jpg)

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98c498 No.20889246


Mentally unstable? Doubt it. What these people do is illegal in every regard. You have balls. Fucking clowns.

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33e39b No.20889247


I end up a planefag, because I'm in the middle of nowhere between mil bases. When they fly off radar they often fly low over me. God bless those with the nuts to serve us all.

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b54f2b No.20889248


Tom Hanks

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dbc601 No.20889249


what are the IBM with the 6850 chips …

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d9bd46 No.20889251

File: b860d3790136814⋯.jpeg (403.32 KB,1222x584,611:292,DB1B7979_9AF4_4A5F_9F13_7….jpeg)


SAM902 C40B heading for Peterson SFB

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d56e29 No.20889252

File: ed00de44bb08a3b⋯.png (39.45 KB,388x205,388:205,ClipboardImage.png)



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b00dde No.20889254

File: c64f97f940dfdb7⋯.png (761.69 KB,536x800,67:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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98c498 No.20889255

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dbc601 No.20889256

File: 93d01e0aaf1ab1a⋯.png (242.96 KB,528x323,528:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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b233ab No.20889257


God bless the USA

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739f30 No.20889258

File: d8eccb23c952d96⋯.jpeg (230.11 KB,1241x1024,1241:1024,IMG_2057.jpeg)

File: 7dbaada0eb4eb7a⋯.jpeg (176.35 KB,1241x821,1241:821,IMG_2058.jpeg)

File: ad20284d05e49de⋯.jpeg (159.45 KB,1173x864,391:288,IMG_2060.jpeg)

Jimmy Carter is 'at home enjoying peanut butter ice cream' days after grandson said he was 'coming to the end' following more than a year in hospice care

May 16, 2024. Yikes!

Jimmy Carter is 'at home, enjoying peanut butter ice cream,' said the CEO of the 99-year-old's non-profit, days after his grandson warned that the former president's life was 'coming to the end.'

Carter Center CEO Paige Alexander said on The Atlanta Journal-Constitution's Politically Georgia podcast Wednesday that 'there really hasn't been a significant change' in the ex-president's health.

The Georgia peanut farmer and oldest living president has been in hospice care for more than a year after deciding to forego any further medical treatment.

'I mean, he will always be one bad cold away from the end,' Alexander told the podcast. 'He is in hospice care, and there are palliative measures if he's in pain, but nothing else.'

'He is just the same remarkable man. He has always been outliving and surprising us all,' Alexander added.

While Jason Carter warned that his grandfather's death could be imminent he also told a crowd at a mental health froum on Tuesday that 'he is doing OK.'

'He has been in hospice, as you know, for almost a year and a half now, and he really is, I think, coming to the end that, as I've said before, there's a part of this faith journey that is so important to him, and there's a part of that faith journey that you only can live at the very end and I think he has been there in that space,' Jason Carter said.

The ex-president entered hospice care in February 2023 after a series of hospital visits.He has already survived metastatic brain and liver cancer.

In November, he made rare public appearance for his wife Rosalynn's memorial service, in a wheelchair and covered in a blanket depicting her face.

They were married for 77 years, and lived in the same modest home in Plains, Georgia, for decades.

The longest-married couple in U.S. presidential history, they met when Jimmy was just three years old and Rosalynn was a newborn, and celebrated their 77nd wedding anniversary on July 7, 2023.

Family members say that he was determined to hang on even after entering hospice care, in part to ensure that Rosalynn was never left alone.

'He was really honored and glad that he made it to the end with my grandmother, and that was a real treasure for him,' Jason Carter told the New York Times in February.

'I think that for whatever reason, the way he approaches this is from a place of enormous faith. And so he just believes that for whatever reason, God's not done with him yet,' he added.

Rosalynn's funeral was the only time Carter has appeared publicly since entering hospice, and his frail appearance at the service alarmed friends in the church and well-wishers watching on television.

Carter spends his days in the home in Plains that he has owned for more than six decades, where caregivers attend to his needs and friends and family visit. The two-bedroom, one-story ranch house was built by Carter himself, and is worth about $240,000…


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0410fd No.20889259


Paid Crisis Actors!

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2556a5 No.20889260


using bombs made in and supplied from USA

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6cb5c9 No.20889261


First: which country is that stupid?

Second: Thanks for the free weapons and ammo, will there be anti-tank rockets and APC's too?

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994fe6 No.20889262

File: 8f1aaf62bace705⋯.jpg (124.01 KB,443x627,443:627,FEAR_NOT.jpg)

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d9bd46 No.20889263

File: 7954288e02ae1c0⋯.png (621.61 KB,697x792,697:792,8E151A08_921F_41C6_AF65_F7….png)


Ewww…spoiler that shit!


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2556a5 No.20889264


USA is the Great Satan

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4cf311 No.20889265

File: 8c26d567ef2fb52⋯.jpg (130.7 KB,674x417,674:417,Syria_.jpg)

Aleppo are handing out sweets following the reports of the crash of the helicopter of the Iranian president.

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b54f2b No.20889266

File: 15df298c544c796⋯.mp4 (940.7 KB,1080x618,180:103,Millstones.mp4)

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d9bd46 No.20889267

File: f18a9ddb68bc06f⋯.jpeg (521.89 KB,905x592,905:592,D90ECC5D_845F_45A2_9499_6….jpeg)

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32ceb8 No.20889268


Our Government is.

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941d3b No.20889269


one side call me goyim, the other side calls me infidel.rooting for the unheard Jesus lovers

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b00dde No.20889270


No, it's the beacon on the hill. You're thinking of the globalist deep state that infests almost every country. Filtered.

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3ea15e No.20889271

File: 4b5cb724896fd14⋯.gif (1.66 MB,200x204,50:51,200w.gif)

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b3abff No.20889272

File: cb7ea85ba422124⋯.png (204.08 KB,333x259,9:7,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e9a6c0e93f84f14⋯.png (103.31 KB,245x170,49:34,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b22cc No.20889273


Many in USA would celebrate if Biden crashed and died.

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98c498 No.20889274

You failed us. Fuck this place and fuck yous. Fucking disgrace. No privacy in a gym? Bathroom? Anywhere? Explain go ahead explain. Listen to me listen to me listen I I I I

Pieces of shit.

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bebb06 No.20889275

File: 460eec84287387f⋯.png (402 KB,800x556,200:139,Night_Shift_UFO.png)

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33e39b No.20889276



And filtered.

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6cb5c9 No.20889277


Potato did promise well paying union jobs

Day labor does not make ordnance

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dbc601 No.20889278





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4bdcb4 No.20889279

File: b2888bb7c3d0f14⋯.png (394.08 KB,550x1162,275:581,ClipboardImage.png)

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dde826 No.20889280


in October

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a9f536 No.20889281

File: 1a00f51f36b355e⋯.png (48.38 KB,328x248,41:31,IMG_4855.png)

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6c0a46 No.20889282

File: cb9df8816f8b25c⋯.jpg (6.25 MB,4032x2268,16:9,PXL_20240518_172852209_MP.jpg)

Anon went to the zoo on Saturday. Anon saw this in a tree near the otter exhibit.

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d9bd46 No.20889283

File: 864706eee2c7f90⋯.gif (94.77 KB,220x124,55:31,577520F9_B3A2_4006_9344_65….gif)


The Corporation and everyone who supports it known as USA Inc. is that

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bebb06 No.20889284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Episode 1 - Boldly Go -BEST SCENE

Epic Clips

910 subscribers

May 5, 2022

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dbc601 No.20889285


>you failed us


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20dcab No.20889286

Let’s be honest, you both are too old.

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4bdcb4 No.20889287

File: 09f981cb009b811⋯.png (341.03 KB,751x763,751:763,ClipboardImage.png)


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c7197d No.20889288


>Our Government is.

yet you do nothing to stop the evil american government

hence you are guilty by your inaction to stop it

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f8e214 No.20889289

File: dc5ca0d30390f78⋯.png (63.33 KB,264x271,264:271,god_wins.PNG)

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58ee9e No.20889290

File: ed0167ea897e28a⋯.png (262.77 KB,800x333,800:333,ClipboardImage.png)


you have muh permision to shoot these foreign invadersd e a don site!

carry on retribution department.

orders given, now do yout duty for God & Country.

remember… foreign and domestic enemies

that otta frost esafety shills here on the board

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ff01a5 No.20889291

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fb920b No.20889292


Well, that's one way to get out of a criminal charge.

I guess he pled, "ded".

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4bdcb4 No.20889293

File: 4a8a2d592a67d0d⋯.png (617.13 KB,817x783,817:783,ClipboardImage.png)

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b3abff No.20889294

File: be9d3f87e387dda⋯.png (2.19 KB,121x40,121:40,ClipboardImage.png)


She´s still alive!

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32ceb8 No.20889295


You are making assumptions. Dipshit.

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c7197d No.20889296

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bebb06 No.20889297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


STAR TREK : Strange New Worlds | Captain Pike Inspires a Civilization.

Brough Perkins

1.25K subscribers

May 15, 2022

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d56e29 No.20889298

File: b43c578551f6dae⋯.png (69.81 KB,184x273,184:273,ClipboardImage.png)

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c132fd No.20889299

File: 1b2128a6882f0cf⋯.png (554.57 KB,500x735,100:147,ClipboardImage.png)



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061245 No.20889300


Do you have that meme as a blank?

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c7197d No.20889301


cognitive dissonance activated

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dbc601 No.20889302


I do NOT pledge allegiance to a flag that is MIS-REPRESENTED.

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c52696 No.20889303

File: 3e256576ead6042⋯.png (2.62 MB,1080x1350,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)


>>20888601 dough

>>20888859 notes

#25620 >>20888601

>>20888668, >>20888679, >>20888695 (You) Well-known TV sports presenter arrested on suspicion of raping a child in 4am raid on host’s home

>>20888684 Turkish drone scanning site area of Iranian President helicopter crash

>>20888697 Diddy takes smoke break with pals as he steps out for the first time since shocking video of him beating Cassie Ventura

>>20888700, >>20888670 Sus images of the demon Baphomet can easily be found in King Charles' recently unveiled painting

>>20888743 Operations underway to clear Haiti of its gangs

>>20888748 Businesspeople do not dispute giving gold, cash to Menendezes - but say they were ‘gifts’

>>20888754 PF: General

>>20888769 PF: For those asking about why no posts regarding Iran, rarely is anything on military ADS-B visible over Iran

>>20888772 Crew trapped on Baltimore ship, seven weeks after bridge collapse

>>20888774, >>20888781 6 people killed, 10 others injured in Idaho when pickup crashes into passenger van

>>20888783 The last recording of the Iranian president before helicopter crash

>>20888819 (Mar 27) Captain of container ship that caused Baltimore bridge collapse is Indian, not Ukrainian

baker change

>>20888875, >>20888878, APEEL • Trans-Fat/ Heavy-Metal Coated Bill Gates DARPA Produce - flashback 2023 bill gates.

>>20888888 digits (anons are never alone)

>>20888907 Dozens Of People Show Up To Biden Campaign Event - zerohedge (dozens kek)

>>20888932, >>20888943, >>20888962, >>20888971, >>20888979, >>20888990, >>20888999, >>20889020, >>20889030, Mr. Biden [NAACP Dinner] statements bun



>>20889141 Marjorie Taylor Greene is a fantastic Representative for the people of Georgia’s 14th Congressional District - djt t.s post

>>20889095, >>20889160, Iranian President Raisi died in helicopter crash - twat bun

>>20889198, >>20889201, Laura Loomer uncovers possible hidden bombshell in ‘hush money’ case involving Judge Merchan’s daughter

>>20889239, >>20889251, planefag posts

finals at 670, setting up new bread

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02decb No.20889304

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d9bd46 No.20889305

File: 65019e9f1158c1d⋯.png (75.31 KB,255x227,255:227,7FED66EA_0FC2_4046_8B90_7C….png)


Do you get time and a half on Sundays?

>askin’ for a fren

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3f0fd7 No.20889306

File: a78e5b84ed11d35⋯.png (2.39 MB,1200x1600,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f67f99e5275e53⋯.png (13.68 KB,444x153,148:51,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a291a0e0e42f87⋯.png (35.08 KB,640x774,320:387,ClipboardImage.png)


A30>Done in 30.



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941d3b No.20889307

File: 7fb79e29c8c300f⋯.png (1.31 MB,1109x1478,1109:1478,7fb79e29c8c300f82113bf99b0….png)


fucking Morse code in a heavy metal hair bandtap tap tap

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33e39b No.20889308


Is that Lars?

Metallica is proof that 30 pieces of silver, properly invested, can be more than enough to retire on.

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652532 No.20889309

File: 6ebd5e05509d257⋯.jpg (131 KB,800x800,1:1,6ebd5e05509d257f43f69a4c1d….jpg)


GM shift is just as important as night shift

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b54f2b No.20889310

File: 17d15403dc7f034⋯.png (502.55 KB,1044x650,522:325,faithful.png)


>Nikki Haley for President

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4bcc08 No.20889311

File: 897aeb80ed3f956⋯.jpg (93.55 KB,1920x1280,3:2,White_Background_.JPG)


Blank Meme

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b54f2b No.20889313

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58ee9e No.20889318


no it isn't. it is howeverer that great whore that sits on many waters.

a trump victory in november stops that shit dead for a time. then comes the rapture, then comes the second coming of christ, and then for a short season, they finally think they win, only to lose biggly again.

there's is a life of disappointment! GOD WINS and we all get judged.

know your Word of God, use the Sword of the Lord!

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f8e214 No.20889319

File: 0db0486e266e48e⋯.png (36.83 KB,586x374,293:187,ken.PNG)


Attorney General Ken Paxton


🚨BREAKING: We Just Secured A Temporary Restraining Order Against Biden Administration, Stopping Unlawful ATF Rule from Taking Effect: I am relieved that we were able to secure a restraining order that will prevent this illegal rule from taking effect. The Biden Administration cannot unilaterally overturn Americans’ constitutional rights and nullify the Second Amendment.


Square profile picture

Texas Attorney General




Attorney General Ken Paxton Secures Temporary Restraining Order Against Biden Administration, Stopping Unlawful ATF Rule from Taking Effect: https://texasattorneygeneral.gov/news/releases/attorney-general-ken-paxton-secures-temporary-restraining-order-against-biden-administration

1:41 PM · May 19, 2024




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994fe6 No.20889321

File: 5ba6553588550db⋯.jpg (125.12 KB,507x560,507:560,BAIL_OUT_COMPANY.jpg)

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d6585d No.20889322

File: 6e4cab6202c9dfc⋯.jpg (47.98 KB,750x500,3:2,Night_shift2.jpg)

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472996 No.20889323

File: 62c87e7a649a00c⋯.jpg (81.48 KB,1920x1440,4:3,black_background.jpg)


I see a blank meme and I want to paint it black

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dbc601 No.20889324

File: fcb2600e80cf2a7⋯.jpg (278.54 KB,1920x1008,40:21,did_not_make_the_cut.jpg)

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6cb5c9 No.20889325


Where's the fun in that?

How about next month so it's warm enough so even Portland liberals can go through the streets crying?

Which basement will Cameltoe hide in hoping Putin and Xi will just go away?

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f8e214 No.20889326

File: 696240f7b1e3df7⋯.png (459.39 KB,597x480,199:160,nz.PNG)

File: ac6a91be381d35e⋯.png (1.28 MB,1012x997,1012:997,room.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


New Zealand MP’s Son and Rising Rugby Star Dies Suddenly at 22 via @gatewaypundit

From thegatewaypundit.com

2:24 PM · May 19, 2024




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d9bd46 No.20889327

File: e971f820096b456⋯.png (124.97 KB,900x600,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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3f0fd7 No.20889328

File: e49f21f2a249396⋯.png (1.15 MB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1264086c213b8a3⋯.png (1.15 MB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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33e39b No.20889329


I filter Mr pig, but you… you I like.

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652532 No.20889330

File: 9a91468570b7b83⋯.jpg (1.24 MB,1200x1200,1:1,9a91468570b7b8331d03c33d68….jpg)


Playing ignorant

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f8e214 No.20889331

File: 4c0ec59f21c0d12⋯.png (262.46 KB,596x491,596:491,ang.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


Old angry man yells at Black people to demand they feel oppressed.


Kevin Dalton

11:34 AM · May 19, 2024




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2b22cc No.20889332


He gonna be ok?

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941d3b No.20889333

File: dfd2d07022b49f4⋯.gif (807.95 KB,320x240,4:3,om5dnc.gif)

File: 9e9b7fba742057b⋯.gif (604.27 KB,320x240,4:3,YOfHCR.gif)

File: e15a85374ec3622⋯.jpeg (6.9 KB,259x194,259:194,download_24_.jpeg)

File: dc7a26b14c2541c⋯.jpg (105.31 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_2_.jpg)

File: a2d262f549a46c4⋯.gif (271.86 KB,220x139,220:139,father_mulcahy_mulcahy_1_.gif)


kill me over and over again SoS

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b54f2b No.20889334

File: f257b1670f4bbc9⋯.png (322.87 KB,404x571,404:571,fuckface.png)


I think I am about to be initiated into

a gang….or maybe it's a cult. Lol

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3f0fd7 No.20889335

File: f5d384e9981e745⋯.png (940.38 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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bebb06 No.20889336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Riker Is Weak And Swords Are Fun

Chris Edwards

137 subscribers

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15d667 No.20889337


What does pig have to do with anything?

Other than delusional idiocy?

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f8e214 No.20889339

File: d381d2eb8249bf2⋯.png (431.13 KB,598x485,598:485,pm.PNG)


Just the News


Georgia Sen. Ossoff blasts Postmaster General's refusal to comply with oversight: 'disturbing'

Ga. Sen. Jon Ossoff | NurPhoto /Getty Images

From justthenews.com

2:24 PM · May 19, 2024




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5052e8 No.20889340


So up lifting

So Inspirational

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f8e214 No.20889341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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09fd08 No.20889342

File: c30f72c6bedfb99⋯.png (202.94 KB,696x396,58:33,Bad_wolf_entity.png)


Anon loves you back.

Anon keeps getting shit from irl fam for being on the board and not doing what needs to be done.

does not separate self from anon QR. Must. be. on. QR when awake.

here since 10/28/2017

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1291bd No.20889343


It's the Government Man

talking about him self, maybe.

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62a643 No.20889344

File: 5e320e8e33693b5⋯.png (1.08 MB,1201x830,1201:830,ClipboardImage.png)

What's habbening in Taipei?

Some signings habbening, but can't tell what yet?

Oh, here it is…

Breaking News

Taiwan swears in new president as China pressure grows

Taiwan swears in new president as China pressure grows



More pain as Tigers duo face bans

More pain as Tigers duo face bans

Guardiola casts doubt over long-term Man City future

Guardiola casts doubt over long-term Man City future

Aussie cricketer suffers stroke in Hawaii

Aussie cricketer suffers stroke in Hawaii

Taiwan's Lai Ching-te was sworn in on Monday as president of the democratic island in the face of growing Chinese military pressure and a hostile parliament.

China claims Taiwan as part of its territory and has branded 64-year-old Lai a "dangerous separatist" who will bring "war and decline" to the island.

Lai succeeds President Tsai Ing-wen, whose eight years in power saw a sharp deterioration in relations with Beijing over her rejection of China's claim.

Like Tsai, Lai is a staunch defender of the island's democracy and in the past has described himself as a "pragmatic worker for Taiwan independence".

Lai has toned down his rhetoric and has repeatedly vowed to maintain the "status quo" on the Taiwan Strait, which means preserving Taiwan's sovereignty while not declaring formal independence.

The inauguration ceremony was held at the Japanese colonial-era Presidential Office Building in Taipei, where Lai and his vice president-elect Hsiao Bi-khim were sworn into office shortly after.

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cbc4e9 No.20889345

File: 00bc70732c2295a⋯.jpeg (509.7 KB,1800x1521,200:169,03E63DD2_10D9_4439_8B38_F….jpeg)

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cbc4e9 No.20889346

File: 17fdf4627e30e43⋯.jpg (104.57 KB,760x427,760:427,3a3d7eb0be68cc51d769086348….jpg)

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994fe6 No.20889347

File: 7d564eaff18f07b⋯.jpg (133.2 KB,785x441,785:441,TEMPER_TANTRUM.jpg)

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1291bd No.20889348


so like 6 years ago no one was sleeping that night?

why is this relevant now?

please explain.

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cbc4e9 No.20889349

File: 40a3fb26a0cbba2⋯.png (416.55 KB,720x540,4:3,3E2765AD_0E7A_4776_86AA_D8….png)

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f8e214 No.20889350

File: afb2ded33275849⋯.png (53.03 KB,604x597,604:597,lara.PNG)


Lara Logan


IMPORTANT: For four years under the current administration, the border has been effectively open. We have yet to see the full consequences of that, but I have been investigating this & it is worse than anyone thought. There are people inside this country now who are far more dangerous than those who carried out 9/11 and hardened by many years on the battlefield. The obvious reason they would infiltrate a country with people like this in significant numbers is that they’re planning something. These are not the type of people who would come to America for a better life. This comes from multiple sources - external & internal - whose identities need to be protected for security reasons and because this is a national security crisis that has not been addressed. Stay tuned.

Take note of those who attack me for this reporting - there’s a good chance they’re operatives or being directed by someone else and too stupid to realize they’re being used. If they say they are “patriots”, it’s probably not true or maybe they just aren’t very bright.

This is a very serious & detailed national security situation & it is ongoing so I cannot say more than this at this time.

5:14 AM · May 19, 2024




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cbc4e9 No.20889351

File: 3f16ddb929f4ac3⋯.png (192.38 KB,517x594,47:54,3f16ddb929f4ac3403c89803d7….png)

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cbc4e9 No.20889352

File: 3fb955f654df4cd⋯.png (1.2 MB,1063x696,1063:696,3fb955f654df4cda4c8e195491….png)

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dbc601 No.20889353

File: 10f008aae3d7987⋯.png (26.39 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)



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d9bd46 No.20889354

File: 4fdd92b74c50ea8⋯.gif (1.05 MB,400x213,400:213,5CBA81B6_6947_44A0_A93F_F9….gif)




Anyone who spends the time (and number of posts) you phaggits do on a simple meme are paid guests

Get over it

Fuckin’ pussies

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cbc4e9 No.20889355

File: 44d2e7eeb50f6b6⋯.jpg (27.08 KB,333x279,37:31,4bcc79c200ff1865b84be0b3e8….jpg)

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cbc4e9 No.20889356

File: 17ef19ee662d242⋯.jpeg (202.5 KB,1350x1800,3:4,5FF01223_A5E5_4C13_8074_8….jpeg)

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941d3b No.20889357


pig represents American decay breeding whores that the old generation drowned in a bathtub in cat breeding season with 7 sisters and no food or cat litter. drown em grandma's said.

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cbc4e9 No.20889358

File: 6bac5ee86a4cef4⋯.png (707.68 KB,1000x1141,1000:1141,6bac5ee86a4cef4d9000e5a711….png)

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652532 No.20889359

File: 621548f6adc54b5⋯.jpg (121.88 KB,461x600,461:600,621548f6adc54b5b6c6c8d124c….jpg)


Feel free to stop trolling real anons man

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4bcc08 No.20889360

File: 862b6e6cb29f115⋯.jpeg (453.28 KB,933x587,933:587,IMG_0851.jpeg)

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994fe6 No.20889361

File: 68738c2d62cffe0⋯.jpg (126.44 KB,514x570,257:285,VOTING_FOR_TRUMP_AINT_CHA.jpg)

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cbc4e9 No.20889362

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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32ceb8 No.20889364



Mr. Pig is shill nip. (YOU) can't resist.

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c132fd No.20889365

File: 96ece2809e42832⋯.gif (6.59 MB,260x301,260:301,Shills_befor_hop.gif)

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cbc4e9 No.20889366

File: b810344c9ce711c⋯.jpg (61.1 KB,1600x1171,1600:1171,7c313ed68b50f25d276114f840….jpg)

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bebb06 No.20889367

File: 08e9f2c092f8ab7⋯.png (144.94 KB,793x472,793:472,Frens_Forever.png)

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2f4543 No.20889368


assume they are having millions of them to vote illegally in november to carry biden over the top

if something even more sinister is planned, well not sure how to prevent or stop it at this point

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cbc4e9 No.20889369

File: 9d345426b31d46c⋯.png (535.11 KB,1194x408,199:68,7e0852d6f6e6fadd152074dad3….png)

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1291bd No.20889370


Government Man shift?

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ff01a5 No.20889371

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cbc4e9 No.20889372

File: 5973f3243afa267⋯.jpg (89.46 KB,500x627,500:627,8chanphilosphybewbs.jpg)

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652532 No.20889373

File: 0704d965f9357bb⋯.png (309.62 KB,532x391,532:391,0704d965f9357bb8b2963ea482….png)


Are you retarded?

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4ebe84 No.20889374

File: d9f4a3bac5d0f35⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,1078x608,539:304,I_5QUN7zW5z0J_I6.mp4)



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f8e214 No.20889375

File: da9b246bba59111⋯.png (474.21 KB,1060x555,212:111,folk.PNG)


Democrat MA Town That Voted Overwhelmingly

for Joe Biden Furious They Got What They

Voted For

Gateway Pundit, by Margaret Flavin

Posted By: Imright, 5/19/2024 2:55:08 PM

Norfolk, Massachusetts’ 11,500 residents voted overwhelmingly for Joe Biden in 2020. Now, residents are up in arms that they are getting exactly what they voted for. (List) The state announced it is refurbishing the Massachusetts Bay State Correctional Center in Norfolk, which formerly served as a minimum-security dorm-like facility. The move will alleviate the hundreds of illegals currently camped out at Boston’s Logan International Airport and provide housing for six to twelve months.

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c52696 No.20889376

File: 45fbcf40b7c2f0d⋯.png (134.59 KB,537x464,537:464,ClipboardImage.png)


filler up, new bread set up and ready to go

corp is out.


>>20889363 #25621

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cbc4e9 No.20889377

File: 65a4b789e6097e5⋯.png (523.26 KB,500x500,1:1,9C1B0116_C95D_4AF2_92CE_01….png)

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cbc4e9 No.20889378

File: a3ab964fbc6c6a0⋯.jpg (106.56 KB,762x394,381:197,12fa920b60f44a76bd9dee486f….jpg)

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cbc4e9 No.20889379

File: c4ee49ada2f7329⋯.jpeg (492.22 KB,1874x1594,937:797,20D75DBB_858E_46BF_AC6F_C….jpeg)

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6cb5c9 No.20889380

File: a2d40debd4806b7⋯.png (1.14 MB,1180x665,236:133,a2d40debd4806b74ce2bd49f0e….png)


Omnishift never sleeps, just sometimes slips into temporary comas

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994fe6 No.20889381

File: a1a45451608d7b9⋯.jpg (110.13 KB,511x554,511:554,SHE_WASNT_FAST_ENOUGH.jpg)

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ff01a5 No.20889382

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cbc4e9 No.20889383

File: 60747a21bb513b6⋯.png (190.33 KB,608x595,608:595,23a4aa6d50fb2074185194b0d6….png)

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cbc4e9 No.20889384

File: 28b0e3e655d5092⋯.jpg (111.9 KB,658x500,329:250,27uiua.jpg)

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cbc4e9 No.20889385

File: 33e2acc2f01fb51⋯.jpg (120.74 KB,500x500,1:1,33e2acc2f01fb51386bd9e5bfb….jpg)

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d9bd46 No.20889386

File: 0151217b5fb9015⋯.gif (4.58 MB,515x234,515:234,0F3EC74F_54DC_417B_8F70_BE….gif)


Muh favorite when you proclaim your “realness”


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941d3b No.20889387


rescue pussy

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e2b4d5 No.20889388

File: 8aa32c12dff9615⋯.jpeg (31.71 KB,380x380,1:1,C6F725A9_7404_4B69_8895_0….jpeg)


Still getting data on that. brb

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bebb06 No.20889389

File: 29cbde4d35d4200⋯.png (1.12 MB,1600x1203,1600:1203,Bridge_obama.png)

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cbc4e9 No.20889390

File: 09704f16283d214⋯.jpg (323.89 KB,937x846,937:846,67b57aa9ec626199e605ca018c….jpg)

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33e39b No.20889392


She forgot to mention she's not suicidal. These people are as dumb as the free energy people filing for patents. Just release the shit already and stop telling them your next move. Post it on every street corner for 100miles instead of saying "I have information leading to the arrest of Hillary Clinton " on the internet. Has Seth rich taught you nothing?

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1291bd No.20889393


to say 'no one will sleep tonight' like Q did was ominous.

and anon knew something real was happening.

and Military crews would post their memes.

now posting that, not being Q, is just mocking the anon.

that's what it seems to me.

real people were in harms way back then.

now shill just use those quotes to taunt the anon that Q doesn't post anymore.

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cbc4e9 No.20889395

File: 8cb10cf21a8311f⋯.jpg (577.86 KB,1181x658,1181:658,67krtyutl9rlkry7lkrkle5k5.jpg)

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cbc4e9 No.20889396

File: 88185b629f296e1⋯.jpg (115.83 KB,759x475,759:475,074d558dca2e2f95ec6f0ae677….jpg)

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f8e214 No.20889397

File: 56ad8ec4f637760⋯.png (404.93 KB,593x495,593:495,kw.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


Isn’t Jurassic World just supposed to be a children’s show about dinosaurs??


2:44 PM · May 19, 2024




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6cb5c9 No.20889398

File: 30fc77c399d4a75⋯.png (165.83 KB,606x623,606:623,6bd0528f47b6a4b7a5f03df266….png)


Using that cheap Chinese translator software again or just a little it too long on break with the hookah?

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0f5a99 No.20889399


Real Raw Garbage

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bebb06 No.20889400

File: 76cf1a6119a3e36⋯.png (98.54 KB,471x413,471:413,Rosie_Twt_Poll_deleted.png)

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cbc4e9 No.20889401

File: 95c5b7b99094115⋯.png (1.49 MB,1267x976,1267:976,95c5b7b99094115dcd485cfd94….png)

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0f3fe4 No.20889402


I miss socks and her bewbs

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652532 No.20889403

File: c58456856ed9c25⋯.jpg (59.15 KB,400x560,5:7,330401.jpg)


Sure mr 24 posts ..oh, wait

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