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File: 0463b2b8d855b40⋯.png (65.97 KB,255x134,255:134,ClipboardImage.png)

3c4561 No.20888587 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

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702 posts and 503 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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cbc4e9 No.20889351

File: 3f16ddb929f4ac3⋯.png (192.38 KB,517x594,47:54,3f16ddb929f4ac3403c89803d7….png)

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cbc4e9 No.20889352

File: 3fb955f654df4cd⋯.png (1.2 MB,1063x696,1063:696,3fb955f654df4cda4c8e195491….png)

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dbc601 No.20889353

File: 10f008aae3d7987⋯.png (26.39 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)



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d9bd46 No.20889354

File: 4fdd92b74c50ea8⋯.gif (1.05 MB,400x213,400:213,5CBA81B6_6947_44A0_A93F_F9….gif)




Anyone who spends the time (and number of posts) you phaggits do on a simple meme are paid guests

Get over it

Fuckin’ pussies

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cbc4e9 No.20889355

File: 44d2e7eeb50f6b6⋯.jpg (27.08 KB,333x279,37:31,4bcc79c200ff1865b84be0b3e8….jpg)

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cbc4e9 No.20889356

File: 17ef19ee662d242⋯.jpeg (202.5 KB,1350x1800,3:4,5FF01223_A5E5_4C13_8074_8….jpeg)

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941d3b No.20889357


pig represents American decay breeding whores that the old generation drowned in a bathtub in cat breeding season with 7 sisters and no food or cat litter. drown em grandma's said.

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cbc4e9 No.20889358

File: 6bac5ee86a4cef4⋯.png (707.68 KB,1000x1141,1000:1141,6bac5ee86a4cef4d9000e5a711….png)

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652532 No.20889359

File: 621548f6adc54b5⋯.jpg (121.88 KB,461x600,461:600,621548f6adc54b5b6c6c8d124c….jpg)


Feel free to stop trolling real anons man

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4bcc08 No.20889360

File: 862b6e6cb29f115⋯.jpeg (453.28 KB,933x587,933:587,IMG_0851.jpeg)

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994fe6 No.20889361

File: 68738c2d62cffe0⋯.jpg (126.44 KB,514x570,257:285,VOTING_FOR_TRUMP_AINT_CHA.jpg)

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cbc4e9 No.20889362

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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32ceb8 No.20889364



Mr. Pig is shill nip. (YOU) can't resist.

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c132fd No.20889365

File: 96ece2809e42832⋯.gif (6.59 MB,260x301,260:301,Shills_befor_hop.gif)

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cbc4e9 No.20889366

File: b810344c9ce711c⋯.jpg (61.1 KB,1600x1171,1600:1171,7c313ed68b50f25d276114f840….jpg)

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bebb06 No.20889367

File: 08e9f2c092f8ab7⋯.png (144.94 KB,793x472,793:472,Frens_Forever.png)

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2f4543 No.20889368


assume they are having millions of them to vote illegally in november to carry biden over the top

if something even more sinister is planned, well not sure how to prevent or stop it at this point

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cbc4e9 No.20889369

File: 9d345426b31d46c⋯.png (535.11 KB,1194x408,199:68,7e0852d6f6e6fadd152074dad3….png)

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1291bd No.20889370


Government Man shift?

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ff01a5 No.20889371

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cbc4e9 No.20889372

File: 5973f3243afa267⋯.jpg (89.46 KB,500x627,500:627,8chanphilosphybewbs.jpg)

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652532 No.20889373

File: 0704d965f9357bb⋯.png (309.62 KB,532x391,532:391,0704d965f9357bb8b2963ea482….png)


Are you retarded?

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4ebe84 No.20889374

File: d9f4a3bac5d0f35⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,1078x608,539:304,I_5QUN7zW5z0J_I6.mp4)



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f8e214 No.20889375

File: da9b246bba59111⋯.png (474.21 KB,1060x555,212:111,folk.PNG)


Democrat MA Town That Voted Overwhelmingly

for Joe Biden Furious They Got What They

Voted For

Gateway Pundit, by Margaret Flavin

Posted By: Imright, 5/19/2024 2:55:08 PM

Norfolk, Massachusetts’ 11,500 residents voted overwhelmingly for Joe Biden in 2020. Now, residents are up in arms that they are getting exactly what they voted for. (List) The state announced it is refurbishing the Massachusetts Bay State Correctional Center in Norfolk, which formerly served as a minimum-security dorm-like facility. The move will alleviate the hundreds of illegals currently camped out at Boston’s Logan International Airport and provide housing for six to twelve months.

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c52696 No.20889376

File: 45fbcf40b7c2f0d⋯.png (134.59 KB,537x464,537:464,ClipboardImage.png)


filler up, new bread set up and ready to go

corp is out.


>>20889363 #25621

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cbc4e9 No.20889377

File: 65a4b789e6097e5⋯.png (523.26 KB,500x500,1:1,9C1B0116_C95D_4AF2_92CE_01….png)

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cbc4e9 No.20889378

File: a3ab964fbc6c6a0⋯.jpg (106.56 KB,762x394,381:197,12fa920b60f44a76bd9dee486f….jpg)

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cbc4e9 No.20889379

File: c4ee49ada2f7329⋯.jpeg (492.22 KB,1874x1594,937:797,20D75DBB_858E_46BF_AC6F_C….jpeg)

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6cb5c9 No.20889380

File: a2d40debd4806b7⋯.png (1.14 MB,1180x665,236:133,a2d40debd4806b74ce2bd49f0e….png)


Omnishift never sleeps, just sometimes slips into temporary comas

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994fe6 No.20889381

File: a1a45451608d7b9⋯.jpg (110.13 KB,511x554,511:554,SHE_WASNT_FAST_ENOUGH.jpg)

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ff01a5 No.20889382

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cbc4e9 No.20889383

File: 60747a21bb513b6⋯.png (190.33 KB,608x595,608:595,23a4aa6d50fb2074185194b0d6….png)

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cbc4e9 No.20889384

File: 28b0e3e655d5092⋯.jpg (111.9 KB,658x500,329:250,27uiua.jpg)

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cbc4e9 No.20889385

File: 33e2acc2f01fb51⋯.jpg (120.74 KB,500x500,1:1,33e2acc2f01fb51386bd9e5bfb….jpg)

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d9bd46 No.20889386

File: 0151217b5fb9015⋯.gif (4.58 MB,515x234,515:234,0F3EC74F_54DC_417B_8F70_BE….gif)


Muh favorite when you proclaim your “realness”


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941d3b No.20889387


rescue pussy

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e2b4d5 No.20889388

File: 8aa32c12dff9615⋯.jpeg (31.71 KB,380x380,1:1,C6F725A9_7404_4B69_8895_0….jpeg)


Still getting data on that. brb

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bebb06 No.20889389

File: 29cbde4d35d4200⋯.png (1.12 MB,1600x1203,1600:1203,Bridge_obama.png)

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cbc4e9 No.20889390

File: 09704f16283d214⋯.jpg (323.89 KB,937x846,937:846,67b57aa9ec626199e605ca018c….jpg)

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33e39b No.20889392


She forgot to mention she's not suicidal. These people are as dumb as the free energy people filing for patents. Just release the shit already and stop telling them your next move. Post it on every street corner for 100miles instead of saying "I have information leading to the arrest of Hillary Clinton " on the internet. Has Seth rich taught you nothing?

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1291bd No.20889393


to say 'no one will sleep tonight' like Q did was ominous.

and anon knew something real was happening.

and Military crews would post their memes.

now posting that, not being Q, is just mocking the anon.

that's what it seems to me.

real people were in harms way back then.

now shill just use those quotes to taunt the anon that Q doesn't post anymore.

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cbc4e9 No.20889395

File: 8cb10cf21a8311f⋯.jpg (577.86 KB,1181x658,1181:658,67krtyutl9rlkry7lkrkle5k5.jpg)

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cbc4e9 No.20889396

File: 88185b629f296e1⋯.jpg (115.83 KB,759x475,759:475,074d558dca2e2f95ec6f0ae677….jpg)

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f8e214 No.20889397

File: 56ad8ec4f637760⋯.png (404.93 KB,593x495,593:495,kw.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


Isn’t Jurassic World just supposed to be a children’s show about dinosaurs??


2:44 PM · May 19, 2024




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6cb5c9 No.20889398

File: 30fc77c399d4a75⋯.png (165.83 KB,606x623,606:623,6bd0528f47b6a4b7a5f03df266….png)


Using that cheap Chinese translator software again or just a little it too long on break with the hookah?

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0f5a99 No.20889399


Real Raw Garbage

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bebb06 No.20889400

File: 76cf1a6119a3e36⋯.png (98.54 KB,471x413,471:413,Rosie_Twt_Poll_deleted.png)

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cbc4e9 No.20889401

File: 95c5b7b99094115⋯.png (1.49 MB,1267x976,1267:976,95c5b7b99094115dcd485cfd94….png)

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0f3fe4 No.20889402


I miss socks and her bewbs

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652532 No.20889403

File: c58456856ed9c25⋯.jpg (59.15 KB,400x560,5:7,330401.jpg)


Sure mr 24 posts ..oh, wait

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