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ad5280 No.20887788 [Last50 Posts]

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ad5280 No.20887791

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ad5280 No.20887794


#25618 >>20886989

>>20887100 Fico’s condition ‘no longer life-threatening’ – Slovak deputy PM (RT)

>>20887118 Ali Tadi, an Iranian filmmaker close to the Iranian presidency, seems to be confirming the death of Raisi and describes him as a “martyr.

>>20887147 Supreme snake Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has just convened an emergency meeting following the helicopter crash.

>>20887183, >>20887458 PF Report: Potato in 92-9000 747 departed Atlanta Intl for Detroit Metro for muh campaign event

>>20887117 Direct from The Iranian President's helicopter

>>20887209 (Update) Iran security source: The downing of the President's helicopter from a three-car motorcade, two of which arrived safely, leaves us with a very serious and dangerous security event. We are facing the possibility of a “major assassination attempt” or actual murder by Mossad operatives!🔥🔥🔥

>>20887256 Pentagon to forge deeper ties with space industry in ‘first-of-its-kind’ program

>>20887295 US Air Force C-17 "RCH348 aircraft is landing NOW in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan.

>>20887333 PF Report: 95-3058 USAFSOC C146 Wolfhound left Jamaica and rounded Cuba heading NW Prolly stop at Homestead ARB before going to Eglin

baker change >>20887360, >>20887369, >>20887374

>>20887064 As we await confirmation on the Fate of Iran’s President after a helicopter crash, the Israel War Room posted this emoji: 🚁

>>20887084, >>20887132, >>20887233, >>20887279 Iran president helicopter crash

>>20887099 Helicopter Carrying Iran’s President Raisi Crashes - Steve Lookner Live Coverage

>>20887163 U.S. President Biden has been summoned to an urgent briefing at the White House

>>20887174 Qproof of Iranian president helicopter crash

>>20887342 Bright green fireball lights up the skies over Portugal and Spain

>>20887344, >>20887358 Something unusual is happening at the improvised port in Gaza - US military is landing with armored vehicles

>>20887396 (May 17) Iran arrests 260 people for spreading 'satanism and nudity'

>>20887411 PF: Australian Sky Warden flying over the Persian Gulf?

>>20887435 PF: RAF RRR4953 A400m left Rzeszow Airport in SE Poland after stop and drop

>>20887458 PF: Potato on final at Detroit Metro and escort 09-0017 C32 went to Youngstown, OH-Warren Regional Airport

>>20887484, >>20887506 PF: Saudi Ministry of Finance AC E over India from Gulf city of Al-Jubayl (Baal?)

>>20887512 (May 17) U.S., Iran held indirect talks this week on avoiding more attacks

>>20887515 (May 17) Russia and Iran working to create BRICS currency

>>20887518, >>20887072, >>20887246 If Iran finds that Israel took part in the crash of the Iranian President's helicopter and decides to retaliate, the US should not get involved

>>20887599 Congolese army says it has foiled a coup attempt

>>20887631 UK trials 'un-jammable' quantum-based navigation systems

>>20887645 Iranian security council: Sabotage is involved

>>20887660 CBS News Anchor Norah O'Donnell Interviews Pope Francis

>>20887664 A month of Azerbaijan coincidinks

>>20887719 The Bronx knows what time it is

>>20887783 #25618

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ad5280 No.20887796

#25617 >>20885944

>>20885958 Dough claim

>>20886474 The scramble for Antarctica's black gold: How Russian discovery of huge oil reserves in UK territory has made Falkland Islands the 'world's most valuable real estate'… with Putin and Xi eyeing treasure under frozen seas

>>20886507, >>20886515, >>20886623, >>20886629 Ex-CDC Director Admits ‘Significant Side Effects’ of COVID Vaccines in Young Healthy People — Calls for Independent Review Similar to 9/11 Commission (VIDEO)

>>20886597, >>20886604 Trump Lawyer John Eastman Arrested in Phoenix on Charges Related to 2020 Alternate Electors Even Though He Had ZERO INVOLVEMENT in Arizona Litigation(VIDEO)

>>20886599 9/11 video alleges ‘secret’ new evidence in landmark case against Saudi hijackers

>>20886630 EQ Report: Alaska, California, and Puerto Rico this morning. 2.6 - 4.9 and smaller ones nearby

>>20886665 Senator Tim Scott – Liberal Media Ignores Biden’s Association With KKK Member Robert Byrd: ‘They’re Not Playing That on CNN’(VIDEO)

>>20886734 Black Patriots For Trump Rally in the South Bronx(VIDEO)

>>20886763, >>20886774, >>20886776, >>20886780 Helicopter carrying Iranian President Raisi suffers 'hard landing,' state media says

>>20886869 Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi missing in helicopter crash as frantic rescue mission is launched - hours after posing for pictures with Azerbaijan's leader

>>20886879 PF Report: RCH140 C17 going to Port Au Prince and RCH120 C17 heading back to Charleston from Port Au Prince depart

>>20886882 The DR Congo military foiled a “coup attempt” in the country! An attempted coup took place this morning in the Democratic Republic of Congo, reports the country's national television RTNC.

>>20886886 As killings surge, Haitians struggle to bury loved ones and find closure in violent capital

>>20886903 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - May 19, 2024: Jupiter Diving

>>20886914 Blue Origin New Shepard Mission NS-25 Webcast - New Shepard's 25th mission to space. The crew includes: Mason Angel, Sylvain Chiron, Kenneth L. Hess, Carol Schaller, Gopi Thotakura, and former Air Force Captain Ed Dwight, who was selected by President John F. Kennedy in 1961 as the nation’s first Black astronaut candidate but was never granted the opportunity to fly to space.

>>20886974 #25617

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ad5280 No.20887798

#25616 >>20885301, >>20885477, doughs

>>20885305 Joe Rogan & Terrence Howard on Bioweapons, Spike Proteins, and Ivermectin

>>20885328, >>20885334, >>20885337, >>20885377, >>20885397, >>20885405, >>20885440, >>20885471, Trump Headlines the 153rd Annual NRA Meeting - 5/18/24 - rally notes with added mp4 vid links lb.

>>20885341 Georgia GOP State Convention: State Election Board Member Apologizes for Years-Long Delay in Hearing Critical Election Complaint - gwp twat

>>20885451 #25615 lb notables

>>20885452 cnn spin doctor panic - vid and twat

>>20885657 Conservative scion Brent Bozell IV sentenced to nearly 4 years in Jan. 6 case

>>20885684 PF Reports

>>20885715 Slovak PM’s condition ‘remains very serious’ – deputy

>>20885743 Zelensky blasts West for wanting conflict to end

>>20885933 #25616

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ad5280 No.20887800

#25615 >>20884509 dough

>>20884577 Tucker: Military Coup Simulation Reveals Potentially Dangerous 2024 Outcome - youtube

>>20884595 AI EXPERT: MACHINES WILL TAKE OVER IN 5-20 YEARS - mp4 and twat

>>20884602 helen kerwin trump endorsement in texas state house district 58 against rino dewayne burns. - djt t.s post

>>20884632 Danger behind the beauty’: more solar storms could be heading our way - science and space fearporn.bun

>>20884637, >>20884641, twats and social media noise bun

>>20885057, >>20885064, Damn straight he plays Q music - djt from rally on twat and other social media sites.bun

>>20885070 Trump Lawyer John Eastman Arrested in Phoenix on Charges Related to 2020 Alternate Electors - gwp twat

>>20884688, >>20885187, 911 during home invasion - only for dispatcher 'to tell her to phone politician instead and ask for more police funding' - msn media bun

>>20884648, >>20885138, planefags.

>>20884652 Top Secret: In a 2018 Letter, Netanyahu Asks Qatar to Fund Hamas - ynetnews.com

>>20884720, >>20884723, President Trump Headlines the 153rd Annual NRA Meeting - 5/18/24 - notes attached from speech from djt.

>>20884827, >>20884843, >>20884868 , >>20884887, >>20884912, >>20885028 , >>20885063, >>20885095, >>20885119 , >>20885141, >>20885151 mp4 djt nra rally notes bun.

>>20884726, >>20885077, We welcome President @realDonaldTrump to The Bronx! - tina forte twat bun

>>20884748 Tourist Visa (L-Visa) Application Documents to be Simplified - us.china embassy

>>20884834, >>20884842, The Western Sanctions Against Russia and U.S. CBDC 1/2 - sundance

>>20884952, >>20885016, >>20885021, >>20885106, Michigan Dems urge probe of alleged signature fraud by GOP Senate hopefuls. GOP fires back - detroitnews.com (election bun)

>>20884983 This is Aayden Gallagher. He’s a boy who thinks he’s a girl and just came in 1st place in the women’s 200m Oregon State crowd boos - twat libs of tiktok

>>20885023 Pope Francis in Verona - twat (retardation from the jesuit)

>>20885104, >>20885116, >>20885150, As with the covid pandemic, we have partners for tuberculosis tests under $2 for India and the world. - youtube bill gates vid

>>20885146 biden puts tarrifs on china - nyt

>>20885197 Trump at his speech in MN friday- rumble

>>20885222 Former NIH Director Admits Government Was Top Source Of Covid Misinformation - the federalist

>>20885236, >>20885278, Easton Whitaker remembered - firstcoastnews.com

>>20885252 CNN reporter was a case of 'died suddenly'. - twat

>>20885267 “EU Transformed in a War Party”. Hungarian PM Orban unveils Background of Fico’s Murder Attempt - vtforeignpolicy.com

>>20885291 Dad and two adult kids killed as plane broke apart in the air, Dr Lucius J. Doucet III and his daughter Giselle and son Jean-Luc were killed in the mid-air disaster in Tennessee -news.com

>>20885451 #25615

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ad5280 No.20887802

#25614 >>20883735

>>20883967, >>20884474 President Trump Headlines the 153rd Annual NRA Meeting - 5/18/24 (w/ Transcript)

>>20883740 NOTAM Sparks Confusion Over Possible Russian Hypersonic Missile Test Off California Coast

>>20883753, >>20883786, >>20883809, >>20883861, >>20883880, >>20883890 J6 related tomfoolery

>>20883762 Mass Brawl Breaks Out in Taiwan’s Parliament as Lawmakers Fight Over Legislation

>>20883775 Biden’s Brownshirts Raid Giuliani’s 80th Birthday Bash to Serve Indictment

>>20883792 Massachusetts Agency Housed Migrant Children In Hotels With Sex Offenders

>>20883808, >>20883993 Biden staffer who resigned over White House’s ‘disastrous’ support for ‘genocide’ is daughter of weapons exec helping Israel

>>20883831 CSIS suggests those who oppose gender ideology are a 'violent threat' in Canada

>>20883843 Europe is being flooded with hundreds of food products from India that are contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides, fungus and salmonella

>>20883853 How Hunter's upcoming gun and tax trials are creating a political headache for Joe as he could go to jail before the election

>>20883859, >>20883894, >>20883909 Ted Cruz: Joe Biden is claiming executive privilege to avoid releasing the audio of his interview with Robert Hur #ReleaseTheTape

>>20883902 NY Dem Congressman Dan Goldman Sent Payments To Judge Merchan’s Daughter’s Home Address While Admitting to Coaching Michael Cohen Ahead Of Trump Trial

>>20883912, >>20883987, >>20884029 Spain Denies Israel ship access to ports

>>20883920 Phillip Patrick: Biden Is Incentivizing Nations To Seek Alternatives To The Dollar

>>20883929 US Sending Nuclear-Powered Carrier For 'Higher Stakes' Red Sea Mission

>>20883932 Alina Habba trial update

>>20883945 WashPo: Wealthy Jewish Donors Pushed NYC Mayor to Launch NYPD Crackdown on Columbia Protesters

>>20883970 Fauci: “Bill Gates and I did not put chips in the Covid Vaccines"

>>20884039 The streets of the South Bronx are already flooded with Trump supporters nearly a week out from the rally

>>20884088, >>20884109 Trump International, Scotland / Trump Turnberry

>>20884141 Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell working from home after testing positive for COVID-19

>>20884154, >>20884331 Planefag

>>20884192 Scarface: Castro had emptied his jails and insane asylums when Jimmy Carter gave Cuban refugees open arms

>>20884194 As the Gain of Function Lies Are Exposed, Elon Musk Issues Call to 'Prosecute / Fauci'

>>20884204 Biden's Plan to Resettle Thousands of Gaza Refugees Into America Is Insane

>>20884229, >>20884402, >>20884463 CNN political commentator Alice Stewart, a former adviser for Republican candidates, found dead in Virginia - she was 58

>>20884237, >>20884257, >>20884233 Israel: Tens of thousands are back on the streets calling for Netanyahu's ouster

>>20884277 Noticing

>>20884294 Refresher from 2020: Chris Miller says Special Operations reports directly to him instead of bureaucratic channels

>>20884325 North Korea test-fired a tactical ballistic missile equipped with a new guidance system, the Korean Central News Agency reported

>>20884492 #25614

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ad5280 No.20887803

#25613 >>20882956, >>20883069, doughs

>>20883115 LIVE: President Trump Headlines the 153rd Annual NRA Meeting - 5/18/24 (Trump expected to speak @ 4:15 PM EST)

>>20882968, >>20882978, >>20882987, >>20883022, >>20883025, >>20883045, >>20883059, >>20883071, >>20883113, >>20883120, >>20883140, >>20883154, >>20883174, >>20883194, >>20883232, House Judiciary Votes to Advance Contempt Charges Against Garland As WH Again Blocks Biden Tape Access - twat and social media bun

>>20882970, >>20882971, >>20882975, >>20882976, updated focus list and sources

>>20882998, >>20883078, >>20883097, >>20883123, >>20883170, >>20883200, planefag posts bun

>>20883000 Soldiers of Fortune: the Rise of Private Military Companies and their Consequences on America’s Wars - pbr.student.org.berkeley.edu

>>20883029, >>20883049, >>20883087, >>20883105, >>20883167, >>20883191, >>20883199, >>20883248, >>20883287, Bidenflation Soars To 19.2%, Eroding Americans’Purchasing Power - tipinsights (b.i.s dig and central banks agenda) money topic

>>20883058 #25612 lb notables.

>>20883074 Justice Dept. makes arrests in North Korean identity theft scheme involving thousands of IT workers - apnews.com

>>20883083 Supreme Court Puts Final Nail in Coffin of Effort to Block Trump From Ballot in Arizona - epoch times.

>>20883084, >>20883091, >>20883236, >>20883237, Another Dead End for Airborne Lasers - forces and military bun

>>20883085 Obama Alumni Fill Out the Rosters of Anti-Israel Groups Driving the Protests - pjmedia.com (college campus chaos)

>>20883088 Germany Deports 7 Ukrainian Soldiers For Displaying Nazi Symbols - zerohedge (ukraine v russia) bun

>>20883100 Natalie Winters’ EXC: Soros-Backed Group Advising Election Offices On Poll Worker Selection - rumble

>>20883107, >>20883160, Dr. Lori Glaze to begin six-month Detail as Acting Deputy Associate Administrator for ESDMD - space news and tech bun

>>20883273 Alternative Q screenshot theory - screenshots. (single poster)

>>20883115, >>20883164, >>20883299, ARCHIVING - TRUMP HEADLINE SPEECH TONIGHT AT NRA MEETING 18TH MAY 2024!! - youtube rsbn.

>>20883121, >>20883150, trump rally friday 17th at GOP - rally djt statements, mp4 vids and decodes - corp aggregated bun.

>>20883127 University’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Violates US Constitution: - larry elder twat (covid bun)

>>20883154, >>20883258, >>20883173 the blaze exposes harry dunn ex-capital p,c - twat and how to convert twit to video link - https://ssstwitter.com/en

>>20883262, >>20883267, >>20883295, >>20883308, >>20883232, meme bun

baker change >>20883310, >>20883324, >>20883327

>>20883073 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: North Celestial Aurora

>>20883087 Boeing shareholders approve CEO's compensation as company faces investigations, possible prosecution

>>20883339 The (Pedo) Guardian gave Sound of Freedom a 1 out of 5 star review

>>20883496 BO: If a signed in baker posts notes in the current bread and then hands off, the next baker must keep them

>>20883412 50 Cent: They know they can't charge him (Diddler) with what we saw, but they know we can't unsee what we saw

>>20883424 Emma Stone’s Descent Into Sex Cults and Cannibalism in ‘Kinds of Kindness’ Lands 4.5-Minute Standing Ovation in Cannes

>>20883432 The person who placed pipe bombs on Capitol Hill on January 6th has yet to be caught - is it because the real culprit is our Intelligence community?

>>20883507 Black Patriots for Trump rally in the Bronx

>>20883538 Artifacts of a fallen regime

>>20883582 Raheem Kassam Predicts Globalists’ Ukraine War Is Front For “Mass Immigration” Plot

>>20883596 Grant Stinchfield: “The NRA Board Has Become Weak and Afraid”

>>20883598 The internet never forgets…

>>20883614 Fani Willis Under Fire For Allegedly Misusing Funds Meant To Protect Kids

>>20883650 Multiple Establishment Media Outlets Fact Check Biden’s Repeated False Inflation Claim

>>20883700, >>20883704 Western populations are collapsing yet we are funding the people who don't make babies

>>20883722 #25613

Previously Collected

>>20883058 #25612

>>20881359 #25610, >>20882160 #25611, >>20883058 #25612

>>20879592 #25608, >>20880420 #25609, >>20880420 #25609

>>20877096 #25605, >>20878051 #25606, >>20878853 #25607

>>20874729 #25602, >>20875556 #25603, >>20876337 #25604

>>20872248 #25599, >>20873110 #25600, >>20873958 #25601

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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ad5280 No.20887809

File: 1aa55cfa69cbf47⋯.png (7.77 KB,411x159,137:53,ClipboardImage.png)



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4b15f4 No.20887829

File: 01c31eda969e5d4⋯.jpg (812.67 KB,1735x1200,347:240,01c31eda969e5d4dcf16e8e872….jpg)

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774175 No.20887835

South Africa #12 >>20887048

Don’t ignore the real threat of the WHO pandemic treaty

David Frost 16 May 2024

The crunch is coming. Later this month, global health ministers will decide in Geneva whether to endorse the proposed new World Health Organisation (WHO) pandemic treaty.

This treaty actually stems from a British initiative by the then-prime minister Boris Johnson in March 2021. In a joint article with other leaders, he argued that the world needed a more coordinated approach to managing pandemics in future.

Sadly, since then the Government has never set out its actual negotiating objectives. This was a mistake.

The failure to do this on the pandemic treaty has unfortunately created suspicion about what the Government is really trying to do and what it is willing to defend – all the more so as the conclusion approaches. That’s why the lead minister, Andrew Stephenson MP, was reluctantly forced to the House of Commons on Tuesday.

It lies in the actual point of the treaty: the creation of a new system of pandemic management under the WHO authority and binding under international law.

The director general of the WHO, Dr Tedros, can declare the existence of a pandemic. Member states take on an obligation to cooperate with the WHO “to the fullest extent possible”, to share information and “pandemic-related health products”, to establish a supply chain network, and much more – and of course to fund it. This is all new.

And that is the problem with this treaty, too. Our sovereignty is not formally affected, but we are taking on an international law obligation to work with the WHO system. When the next pandemic comes, government lawyers, MPs, and commentators will say “you must do what the WHO says, or you are breaking international law”.

This would matter less if we could be confident of the neutrality and competence of the WHO. In fact we can be confident of no such thing: it has a track record of incompetence, poor decision-making, and politicised conduct, not surprising considering the extent of China’s influence. Giving it a blank cheque is highly risky.



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cd4c84 No.20887839

File: 9389b791fbec1c3⋯.gif (2.52 MB,480x200,12:5,on4dh8uMxm1smw5dno1.gif)

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69437b No.20887841

File: 57061b54aa6d40d⋯.jpg (139.01 KB,987x1280,987:1280,media_GKW3e_4bkAAtOTd.jpg)

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f73c8a No.20887842

Helicopter with Iranian president on board suffers ‘hard landing’: Live updates

State media reports that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and entourage traveling in by helicopter entourage encountered a “hard landing.”

President was in country’s East Azerbaijan province, located in Iran’s northwest.

It is unclear what happened to the helicopter, and semi-official Tasnim news agency is describing the occurrence as an ‘incident’. The aircraft was also reportedly carrying the country’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian. Difficult weather conditions and fog have hampered the efforts of the rescue teams, state TV has also said.

19 May 2024

18:38 GMT

The Iranian Red Crescent Society is denying reports that Raisi’s helicopter had been discovered. An earlier communication was reported by PressTV by mistake. So far, only the coordinates of the crash have been established.

18:21 GMT

Iranian state TV now reports that the crashed helicopter has been found. There is no information on Raisi’s condition yet.

18:20 GMT

According to Mohsen Mansouri, the deputy to the president for executive affairs, one of the officials on Raisi’s helicopter and a member of the flight crew was able to reach out after the incident occurred.

“This was one of the hopeful points in this. This shows that the severity of the incident was not very high because two of the people who were on the flight contacted our people in several instances,” the official, who is leading the search at the site, was reported by state television as having said.

The Red Crescent reported that 65 teams are currently operating in the area, and officials believe they are close to locating the helicopter.

18:03 GMT

Special forces from the Iranian Army and the IRGC have reached the helicopter crash site and are carrying out nighttime search operations.

17:23 GMT

European Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, announced that, following a request from Iran, the EU is activating its Copernicus EMS rapid response satellite mapping service.

17:07 GMT

West Jerusalem had nothing to do with the crash of the Iranian president’s helicopter, Israeli Channel 13 reports, citing officials.

16:08 GMT

US President Biden is rushing to the White House for an emergency meeting following Raisi’s helicopter incident, an administration official told Reuters.

15:50 GMT

IRIB News on Telegram is reporting that the search teams are approaching the accident site.

15:34 GMT

In the event of the death of Raisi, the person expected to replace him in office, at least temporarily, is First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber.


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4160a4 No.20887843

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7f0e08 No.20887844

19 MAY, 09:21

Helicopter with Iranian president crash lands near border with Azerbaijan — agency

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and several more officials were reported onboard

Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi Pavel Bednyakov/POOL/TASS

Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi

© Pavel Bednyakov/POOL/TASS

DUBAI, May 19. /TASS/. A helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has made an emergency landing near the city of Varzeqan near the Iranian-Azerbaijani border, the IRNA news agency reported.

According to IRNA, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and several more officials were reported onboard. Rescuers reach site of crash.

Top Iranian diplomat confirmed incident with presidential helicopter, rescuers still unable to reach site — IRIB.

Contact established with official onboard Iranian president’s helicopter; there is hope that no one was hurt. Two other helicopters with Iranian top-ranking officials safely reached destination — Tasnim agency.

Iranian president not hurt, is driving to Tabriz — Mehr agency.

Helicopter crash landed due to heavy fog, terrain features make it hard to reach site — interior minister.



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abd7bd No.20887845

File: 62762e093d868e8⋯.png (944.23 KB,1024x768,4:3,LIBERALS3.png)

File: 54e3e635f97b7c4⋯.png (534.79 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN510.png)

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e5fa39 No.20887846

File: 5ebea98ff8e51a7⋯.png (305.11 KB,798x804,133:134,ClipboardImage.png)

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69437b No.20887847

File: 67999c7621b8626⋯.png (235.13 KB,623x503,623:503,imagen_2024_05_19_15044202….png)

File: b485d92390fb636⋯.jpg (105.07 KB,1280x853,1280:853,media_GN9PGdDWkAARSfY.jpg)

S p r i n t e r F a c t o r y



🇮🇷 Latest photographs of the presidential helicopter after the opening of the Gyz-Galasy dam.

May 19, 2024 · 4:57 PM UTC


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f73c8a No.20887848

Israel's Wartime Government Fracturing As Top Minister Threatens To Quit

Gallant first issued his indictment days ago, but over the weekend Axios reported that a timetable has been issued. It was War Minister Benny Gantz's turn to ratchet up the pressure, backing Gallant's stance:

Minister Benny Gantz, a notable member of Israel's war cabinet, gave an ultimatum to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday and said his party will leave the government if the cabinet doesn't approve a strategy for the war in Gaza by June 8.

Gantz complained in the Saturday speech that the hardliners in Netanyahu's coalition are "taking Israel into a wall" - a reference to ministers Itamar Ben Gvir and Betzalel Smotruch. Gantz threatened to withdraw from the fragile coalition government which could collapse it.

It didn't take long over the weekend of the prime minister to issue a statement defying both his own top ministers and Washington.

The Israeli Prime Minister’s Office rejected Gantz threat in a fresh statement. "The conditions set by Benny Gantz are washed-up words whose meaning is clear: the end of the war and a defeat for Israel, the abandonment of most of the hostages, leaving Hamas intact and the establishment of a Palestinian state," it said.

Netanyahu further questioned Gantz and his political allies' resolve to see the mission through. "Prime Minister Netanyahu thinks that the emergency government is important for achieving all the goals of the war, including the return of all our hostages, and expects Gantz to clarify his positions to the public on these issues," the statement continued.

Gantz then hit back again in response to Netanyahu's office, saying the prime minister should not "drag his feet for fear of the extremists in his government."

Anti-Netanyahu protests have meanwhile only grown larger and stronger…

Critics of Netanyahu have accused the Israeli leader ultimately placing his own political survival above the true security interests of Israel. They've charged that his incentive is to prolong the conflict, and that this does further harm to the cause of bringing the hostages home.


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8085c4 No.20887849

File: 40caaaa98bf20aa⋯.jpg (204.47 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_19_15_0….jpg)

File: fc9c6b104803f29⋯.png (119.08 KB,640x898,320:449,60_4_.png)

File: b54f25a947e1308⋯.jpeg (280.52 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GN9dedWWIAAGko0_1_.jpeg)

File: 2c8ad600834b89d⋯.png (467.38 KB,640x2754,320:1377,34_6_.png)

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821be8 No.20887850

File: fdf2a40bc7b0dec⋯.jpeg (557.51 KB,1024x1280,4:5,IMG_1276.jpeg)

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7d09c7 No.20887851

File: 5b037f570a99ee2⋯.jpg (10.06 KB,191x275,191:275,5b037f570a99ee28fd73972276….jpg)

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731cea No.20887852

>>20887830 (pb)

but the GM thing is an obvious inside joke for some crew.

if people mean good morning then just say good morning. saying GM is a psyop, clearly.

and who are they?

I know that some dont' think it is and they pile on it, but for me it's so obviously taint when I see who posts that, and they are the same ones who might post other stuff that is designed just to distract and to divert people from research or other things.

and the hostility towards those who question it is also something that makes red-flags popup in my mind when I see it.

the ones who do it are too attached to it as an inside joke.

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85e9a7 No.20887853

Trump/Abbott '24

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cd4c84 No.20887854

File: 6d48eb2061a242f⋯.jpg (19.83 KB,255x170,3:2,demoralize2.jpg)


Pitiful attempt at demoralization using a meme. Go stroke your lack of self worth in the filter.

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f73c8a No.20887855

University's COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Violates US Constitution: Court

A Colorado university’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate violates the U.S. Constitution, a federal court has ruled.

The Sept. 1, 2021, mandate “clearly violates the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause as interpreted by our precedents,” a majority of a U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit said in the May 7 decision.

While the mandate was later updated, the newer version also violates the Constitution, the judges said.

The University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in 2021 required COVID-19 vaccination of all students and employees. It initially offered religious exemptions to anyone who checked a box, but later said administrators would “only recognize religious exemptions based on religious beliefs whose teachings are opposed to all immunizations.”

Officials, for instance, said that Christian Scientists would qualify for an exemption but Buddhists would not.

They also said that exemptions would only be granted to people who never received any vaccinations.

Medical exemptions, on the other hand, were available if a doctor said the prospective recipient’s health or life would be endangered.

Seventeen students and employees, all of whose applications were denied, sued over the policy, alleging it was discriminatory.

U.S. District Judge Raymond Moore, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, in 2022 ruled that the plaintiffs did not show they would suffer irreparable harm absent a stay of the initial mandate, and that they had not met the burden of showing the updated mandate was not neutral.

The case against the Sept. 1 mandate also became moot because the requirements were updated, the judge said.

That ruling was wrong, according to the appeals court, in part because the initial mandate was used to fire two employee plaintiffs and Judge Moore placed the burden regarding mootness on the plaintiffs.


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c2cfe4 No.20887856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


it started some weeks ago if i member correctly

maybe a test for compliance?

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f73c8a No.20887857

Ex-CDC Director Says It's High Time To Admit 'Significant Side Effects' Of COVID-19 Vaccines

Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said Thursday that many officials who tried to warn the public about potential problems with COVID-19 vaccines were pressured into silence and that it’s high time to admit that there were “significant” side effects that made people sick.

Dr. Redfield made the remarks in a May 16 interview with Chris Cuomo on NewsNation, during which he lamented the loss of public confidence in public health agencies because of a lack of transparency around the vaccines, which he said “saved a lot of lives” but also made some people “quite ill.”

“Those of us that tried to suggest there may be significant side effects from vaccines … we kind of got canceled because no one wanted to talk about the potential that there was a problem from the vaccines, because they were afraid that that would cause people not to want to get vaccinated,” Dr. Redfield said.

In his role as head of the CDC, Dr. Redfield was part of the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed, a project to surge COVID-19 vaccine development at a time during the pandemic when little was known about the virus and rapid vaccine rollout was widely seen as key to getting the outbreak under control and lockdowns lifted.

In September 2020, a few months before the first COVID-19 vaccines were given in the United States, Dr. Redfield testified before the Senate that COVID-19 represented the “most significant public health challenge to face our nation in more than a century,” and that the prevailing view among scientists at the time was that the overall case fatality rate of the disease was somewhere between 0.4 and 0.6 percent in the United States.

“If you were to look right now, individuals under the age of 18, it’s about 0.01 percent, 19 to say 69, it’s more like 0.3 percent. And if you’re over the age of 70, it’s about 5 percent now,” he testified at the time.


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731cea No.20887858


it seemed to start at about the same time that the nature of the shills also changed. Also the need to clear-cache the DNS ended at about the same time. And a lot of the shills disappeared who would badger and attack anyone speaking about how Jesus Christ is Lord.

the board seems to have had a regime change.

the BV seems to have a different personality.

something major happened.

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7aca2b No.20887859

File: d0cc2b7e2549903⋯.png (28.79 KB,602x600,301:300,ClipboardImage.png)

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774175 No.20887860



A few nights ago an anon pointed out that "GM" could also mean "Ginger Mound" so that's what comes to mind when I see GM. A little smile and I continue on.

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deccbc No.20887861

File: 176e868a8faf25d⋯.jpeg (358.48 KB,1595x564,1595:564,IMG_0842.jpeg)

File: e19abd3370b4b67⋯.jpeg (779.62 KB,1583x1640,1583:1640,IMG_0843.jpeg)

BREAKING: Kate Middleton Reportedly in Coma After Sleeping Pill Overdose, Claims Former Staffer


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821be8 No.20887862


>saying GM is a psyop, clearly.

>and who are they?

>I know that some dont' think it is and they pile on it

how do they know who is part of the op and who is just saying good morning?

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731cea No.20887863


so it would be tied to another stupid and odious psy op. Interesting.

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8085c4 No.20887864

File: 95960ce0d19af40⋯.jpg (206.52 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_19_15_0….jpg)

File: fd631eaa00a1596⋯.jpeg (407.46 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GN9deNhXIAAeCX5.jpeg)

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731cea No.20887865


as I said if you mean 'good morning' say 'good morning'.

saying 'GM' is an inside joke, someone taunting and mocking the board.

and it seems to be a crew of people.

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cc6e31 No.20887866

File: e4939697fc4c2be⋯.png (342.82 KB,2400x2400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Helicopter crash

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e5fa39 No.20887867

File: 095d3eb023aa5a4⋯.png (512.37 KB,800x534,400:267,ClipboardImage.png)

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69437b No.20887868

File: 0c4699c55b8da40⋯.png (370.41 KB,634x476,317:238,0c4699c55b8da404089666700c….png)


Holy Moly.

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821be8 No.20887869


8kun abbreviation fbi fag

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0487f4 No.20887870

File: af8a918fa1f3628⋯.png (9.59 KB,485x252,485:252,7_of_10.PNG)


7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills.

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c2cfe4 No.20887871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>clear-cache the DNS

never had such a problem.

I have been using OpenDNS for years now.

No facebook poisoning either.

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ab83aa No.20887872



>maybe a test for compliance?


Or a division op.

On one side you have that pepe in the sweater smoking character and his arch rival (as if that isn't an obvious is obvious tag team distraction op) that copies him non-stop Narcissist something.

They've got 2 teams going now.

Team A loves GM.

Team B hates GM.

I forget which one like which tho.

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f73c8a No.20887873

File: 9614ff7caefb9e8⋯.png (420.83 KB,570x539,570:539,ClipboardImage.png)

As pro-Palestine protesters reached an intersection, officers rushed in and grabbed people out of the crowd seemingly at random

Officers tackled multiple protesters to the ground and then proceeded to punch them


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8085c4 No.20887874

File: 36703ce8f7f5da6⋯.jpg (197.32 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_19_15_1….jpg)

File: 7b7805230d91d9e⋯.png (554.87 KB,640x3468,160:867,153_5_.png)

File: 1c77dc85082af8f⋯.jpeg (62.65 KB,680x510,4:3,38zf7_bp.jpeg)

File: 2ad2060d9a42d06⋯.png (140.57 KB,640x1136,40:71,64_7_.png)

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cd4c84 No.20887875

File: bdc2488390ab7fa⋯.jpg (38 KB,522x538,261:269,cornflakes_pepe.jpg)


>but the GM thing is an obvious inside joke for some crew.

It was pushed by the mimic when I first started noticing it. One of them, anyway. The one that gave up on mimicry and now runs an avatar persona routine solely with angel pepes and an occasional news anchor pepe. Then someone claimed a day or two ago when the subject was brought up, and I'm paraphrasing, "That's the genius of it. It's triggering just the right people." So, a greeting is supposed to be triggering to certain people? That's not the intent of a greeting. It's their last attempt at fooling people with something seemingly innocuous. Also noticed it appearing simultaneously across a few platforms including here on one Monday morning. Followed it back to Plebbit where it was in use like that for a few months prior to that Monday morning. And then they spam it all day too to try and, I would assume, trigger people with it. Noticed it for what it was as soon as one of the evil little bastard derp state clowns started posting it here.

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731cea No.20887876


so if it's the FBI, does it really mean 'genital mutilation' or 'government mushmind?'

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f73c8a No.20887877

File: 03d101c33a53c3c⋯.png (82.62 KB,583x504,583:504,ClipboardImage.png)

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51ed60 No.20887878

File: d02b08b98bf0392⋯.png (468.04 KB,743x892,743:892,Screenshot_2024_01_29_3_09….png)

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abd7bd No.20887879

File: 9583ba41e0772a6⋯.png (484.56 KB,800x600,4:3,SAUCE1.png)


This one will require several helpings of sauce from several trusted sources.

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ab83aa No.20887880


>Ginger Mound

A lot of those distraction ops at that pol place are about distracting you with T&A.

Prolly a bleed over from that.

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8085c4 No.20887881

File: 841ebd4cf6337b6⋯.jpg (218.05 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_19_15_1….jpg)

File: 77ed57b81014249⋯.png (97.38 KB,640x898,320:449,141_5_.png)


rogue operators

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e5fa39 No.20887882

File: 98c84ffd09fd5e6⋯.png (690.07 KB,957x535,957:535,ClipboardImage.png)


Imagine being their Therapist KEK

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cfdc87 No.20887883


good way to start a war


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731cea No.20887884


yours is the most through explanation I've seen so far.

thank you.

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deccbc No.20887885

File: 26969a3e0a0e45f⋯.png (4.79 MB,1890x1890,1:1,62E4A850_03B0_4271_AAF9_90….png)

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ab83aa No.20887886


It's in the memes I'm telling ya.

They got codes in them.

That's the only explanation that makes sense.

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69437b No.20887887

File: 10f1623d1da9c35⋯.png (389.95 KB,619x553,619:553,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d7df9c9334577f⋯.png (44.29 KB,746x498,373:249,104.png)

Military Times


May 15

The changes are effective immediately. Students in courses now do not have to complete them. militarytimes.com/news/your-…

Army cuts hundreds of hours of redundant online training requirements

The changes are effective immediately. Students in courses now do not have to complete them.


May 15, 2024 · 3:47 PM UTC





God bless the United States of America.


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c2cfe4 No.20887889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I can't stand inorganic shit, which this is.

starts like that, all of a sudden all sorts of (badly made) "memes" show up on top of that.


you don't know what it actually is or actually means. No one is upset if anyone goes tyb or thank you baker or good morning.

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821be8 No.20887890

why are they expending so much energy on the anti gm attack?

just a to distract?

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8085c4 No.20887893

File: cd6afed45c6f8e1⋯.jpg (204.68 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_19_15_1….jpg)

File: 81208ed7c95b960⋯.png (73.06 KB,640x754,320:377,105_5_.png)

File: 53a18a7a0db1a57⋯.jpeg (62.74 KB,680x510,4:3,li_FmSlh.jpeg)

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731cea No.20887894


most thorough. sorry for the spelling error.

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f73c8a No.20887895

Nothing they do is for America

Rep. Gooden Introduces Bill To Support Taiwan's Inclusion In Interpol

Rep. Lance Gooden (R-Texas) on May 15 unveiled the Taiwan Interpol Endorsement and Inclusion Act, which would require the U.S. administration to advocate for the democratic island’s membership in the international police organization.


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ae80bb No.20887896

File: c50b81651f0d027⋯.png (669.47 KB,1259x1294,1259:1294,ClipboardImage.png)

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e5fa39 No.20887897

File: d1a9056adbbc2fe⋯.png (107.66 KB,609x877,609:877,ClipboardImage.png)

We're sorry Netenyahu's Medical Records are "CLASSIFIED" kek

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821be8 No.20887898


possibly yes, maybe something to do with the red, blue, green array. rbg.

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d6aee8 No.20887899


it's always GM somewhere but seems most concentrated in DJT (donald justice time).

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7aca2b No.20887900

File: a9d210d3c835bae⋯.png (363.42 KB,539x481,539:481,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38c3f92bf11ff76⋯.png (305.7 KB,479x324,479:324,ClipboardImage.png)



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731cea No.20887901


how is discussing obvious mental mind games an 'attack'?

your reaction is part of the reason I know that it's some stupid psyop of a 'thumbs up means white supremacy' quality: illconconcieved and an inside joke for some crew who think they are clever.

I'm researching why it goes on and who it is that is doing it.

why would that offend you?

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fc6ed3 No.20887902

File: 5b1e0fc8cd1de46⋯.png (1.11 MB,1026x749,1026:749,h634g544352f5g2.PNG)

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4172ac No.20887903

File: 69a1821768f01b0⋯.jpeg (159.29 KB,1024x1024,1:1,906EBF4F_A9C6_4D93_BF42_5….jpeg)

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0e9fdb No.20887904

File: 0f0d0594e9956d1⋯.jpg (64.01 KB,462x500,231:250,GENERAL_MOTORS_BAD_BOIS.jpg)

File: 40e1c9a1038f55c⋯.jpg (118.75 KB,583x473,53:43,FAILING_PYSOP.jpg)

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f73c8a No.20887905

File: 3c42dd8e45821e0⋯.png (248.23 KB,493x315,493:315,ClipboardImage.png)

After Sudden CEO Departure, Vanguard Taps Outsider From BlackRock

After a jarringly sudden announcement of its CEO's retirement, investment giant Vanguard has tapped its first outsider to serve as the firm's fifth CEO. On July 8, Blackrock veteran Salim Ramji will take over, facing customer service challenges, uneasiness about whether an outsider will preserve the firm's culture, and short-lived curiosity about whether he'd chart a new course for crypto.

In March, even the closest Vanguard watchers were taken by surprise when the Malvern, PA-headquartered company announced that Tim Buckley would be retiring. Unlike previous such departures, that announcement didn't center on a transition to a named successor, suggesting to some that there may have been some disenchantment on the part of Buckley and/or Vanguard.


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d6aee8 No.20887906


the board is not for amateurs

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69437b No.20887907

File: 11b13f3e60cbcec⋯.png (302 KB,625x555,125:111,ClipboardImage.png)

President Biden



Class of 2024, you made it to commencement – to a new beginning.

And with faith and determination, you can push the sun above the horizon once more and reveal the light of hope for yourself and for the nation.

May 19, 2024 · 6:33 PM UTC




>We´re operational.

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8085c4 No.20887908

File: 247252fdd2f7243⋯.png (149.56 KB,640x1660,32:83,1715_1_.png)

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821be8 No.20887909


why can't it just be anons saying gm to make the shills whine?

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987c1c No.20887910

An Inflection Point is Nearing

Muslim Population will have to choose

are they for Pro-Hamas or Parental Rights

World Wide Sodomy Celebration month is Close

If the Muslims choose Parental rights

I wonder if Antifa will join them seeing how they've worked together on the Pro-Hamas Stuff?

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d6aee8 No.20887911


it's always a GM for GM.

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cd4c84 No.20887912


They had to destroy Sam's good morning routine to replace it with their own. I do agree that it's some kind of inside joke for them. And there's been a few times where they try and force someone to say it, like DEI retards trying to get an apology. Getting someone to say it is a victory for them. They were being taunted pretty hard about not being able to fool anyone anymoar before they started posting that too. They're only fooling the gullible and trend followers.

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821be8 No.20887913


badge of honor

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e5fa39 No.20887914


if one thumb up is saying it's all good, go ahead and fly the jet. WHY NOT TWO THUMBS?

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f73c8a No.20887915

File: eedb77d10e61302⋯.png (253.46 KB,600x395,120:79,ClipboardImage.png)

Former DA's official in Texas border county admits smuggling migrants in her county car

The former crime victims coordinator for the Starr County district attorney has pleaded guilty to conspiring to transport migrants illegally within the U.S.

In the car with Garza were Magaly Rosa and her husband, Juan Antonio Charles, both then 40 and part of the smuggling operation, according to court records.

The deputy also found four undocumented migrants in the car, records show. They were visibly trembling, were wearing new clothes and appeared to answer questions as though “rehearsed,” the complaint says.

In the car with Garza were Magaly Rosa and her husband, Juan Antonio Charles, both then 40 and part of the smuggling operation, according to court records.

The deputy also found four undocumented migrants in the car, records show. They were visibly trembling, were wearing new clothes and appeared to answer questions as though “rehearsed,” the complaint says.


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731cea No.20887916


which is why I'm here, to try and understand who is here and why they do what they do.

if you could know it I'm always probing about the trends here. Most of the time people are helpful.

when they are unhelpful and start accusing me of being a shill or 'attacking', that makes me even more curious.

remember when the 'thumbs up' stuff started happening? didn't you need to have it explained 'oh, it's them ' (and those who know know who I mean).

why is it bad to have someone trying to ascertain the purpose of current obvious psyop behavior of obvious clownish trolls?

please explain that to me if you can?

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ab83aa No.20887917

>>20887908 Anon found a possible Q angle to the whole GM thingy


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0e9fdb No.20887918

File: 1d94f07d514dbfc⋯.jpg (58.25 KB,363x363,1:1,PIG_PATCH.jpg)

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2cd7bd No.20887919

File: 55560b3fb79d3ea⋯.jpg (57.11 KB,889x499,889:499,brqqewdsyth.jpg)

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d2b6c1 No.20887920

File: b8079529c096d86⋯.png (199.58 KB,372x323,372:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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8085c4 No.20887921

File: a8a0ac38adf26e2⋯.jpg (170.24 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_19_15_2….jpg)

File: 41267b229c18f65⋯.png (199.59 KB,640x1990,64:199,655_4_.png)

File: dfe466b17056f44⋯.png (54.28 KB,640x612,160:153,653_6_.png)

File: 03bb43385c8c95b⋯.png (358.94 KB,640x1258,320:629,1054_2_.png)

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e5fa39 No.20887922

File: 2243300308f0eaa⋯.png (391.64 KB,666x555,6:5,ClipboardImage.png)

For normal pilots it's one thumb up

for the new DEI pilots it's TWO THUMBS UP kek

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731cea No.20887923


Grand Master?

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987c1c No.20887925

File: e69f121c6874238⋯.png (201.62 KB,466x342,233:171,ClipboardImage.png)


Found it Highly Suspect

& Stayed away from it

God Given Instincts were Right again

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774175 No.20887926


Ah yes, our resident troll the Mimic. The creature lives for (You)s. Ignore it as a bread starts and about two thirds of the way along it will spaz, sometimes resorting to the red text repeating line spam. Easy enough for BVs to remove.

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abd7bd No.20887927

File: c692236e9aa4b5b⋯.png (1.01 MB,1024x768,4:3,OLDNEWS1.png)

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d6aee8 No.20887928


cuz if the psyop is on you, we don't want you to figure it out. if the psyop is on us, we have to reverse it and use their budget. sorta like buffalo theory.

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ab83aa No.20887929


I have to admit good morning takes too long when you first get up and are still kinda groggy.

GM is easier and anons know what you mean.

Trying to be fair here.

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f73c8a No.20887930

Diddy Reacts to Viral Video of Him Punching, Kicking and Dragging His Former Girlfriend in Los Angeles Hotel

“It’s so difficult to reflect on the darkest times in your life. Sometimes you got to do that. I was f*cked up. I mean I hit rock bottom. But I make no excuses. My behavior on that video is inexcusable,” Combs said in a video posted to his Instagram account.

“I take full responsibility for my actions in that video. I’m disgusted. I was disgusted then when I did it. I’m disgusted now,” he added.

“I went and I sought out professional help. I had to go into therapy, and going to rehab,” Combs added.


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731cea No.20887932


Thank you, Mr. Pig

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5f42ca No.20887933

File: 2e4890b69b491ce⋯.png (1.9 MB,1136x1279,1136:1279,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6212230232cb079⋯.png (2.94 MB,1199x1366,1199:1366,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 082007bf5ad1bde⋯.png (1.96 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a20d5c37d1f274⋯.png (983.46 KB,715x811,715:811,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aceda923611921d⋯.png (344.91 KB,456x324,38:27,ClipboardImage.png)



All wars are bankster wars.

stay focused.

27th May is a Big Day for them.


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c2cfe4 No.20887934



GM Guided Missile

GM General Major (German)

GM Gunner's Mate (US Navy and US Coast Guard rating)

GM Genetic Modification

GM Genetically Modified

Gm Germanic (linguistics)

GM General Motors

GM German Military

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d6aee8 No.20887935


a possible synonym yet unconfirmed. ask occam.

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248fa3 No.20887936

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Who is waiting for pro-Palestine protesters to try it in a small town?



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8085c4 No.20887937

File: c8776bd326e93ab⋯.jpg (199.59 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_19_15_0….jpg)

File: f5956f762c8916d⋯.jpg (188.14 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_19_15_0….jpg)

File: 47f386320a10930⋯.png (100.42 KB,640x850,64:85,80_1_.png)

File: fc9c6b104803f29⋯.png (119.08 KB,640x898,320:449,60_4_.png)

File: 9e22ce16401e9ef⋯.png (613.43 KB,640x1350,64:135,125_5_.png)

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d6aee8 No.20887940


sometimes the simplest explanation …

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ab83aa No.20887941

>>20887921 Q may have already explained GM


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957fca No.20887942

2024 is the year the 17 year locusts emerge and wreak havoc.

Sent locusts to devour them.

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4b15f4 No.20887943

File: 97dc61bcaf9d0ea⋯.jpg (75.5 KB,575x468,575:468,273155.jpg)


Far fetched ADL conspiracy theory

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29fed9 No.20887944

File: 8e25a48edb435d9⋯.jpeg (517.82 KB,567x797,567:797,347C38F5_1BF1_4A6A_86A9_6….jpeg)

TheY are very upset.


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d6aee8 No.20887945


general manager?

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e5fa39 No.20887946

File: f73a5e0102f3a38⋯.png (210.26 KB,772x316,193:79,ClipboardImage.png)

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69437b No.20887947

File: dbc02b0a7b394b5⋯.png (466.23 KB,612x535,612:535,ClipboardImage.png)



May 16

US marine arrested after vowing to ‘erase’ white people

A black New Jersey man who enlisted last year has been accused of plotting to carry out mass murder


May 16, 2024 · 8:20 PM UTC



based pig is based.

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ab83aa No.20887949


Will this sure fucks a bunch of theories up if you hate GM, too.

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248fa3 No.20887950

File: 6cfb52d85e2eb4e⋯.png (532.66 KB,605x680,121:136,ClipboardImage.png)


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0e2c04 No.20887951

File: 079760c2b4d6321⋯.png (4.13 MB,2700x2200,27:22,qclock_vanillaWIW45wIRANde….png)

Today is :15

IRAN marker

JUSTICE marker

Iran leadership involved in helicopter crash

News unlocks the map

Seems notable

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cbdef7 No.20887952

File: 417c663f7f1a1ea⋯.png (583.2 KB,1100x622,550:311,chinese_nationals_at_the_s….png)

File: 2a06daf9eb41300⋯.png (186.67 KB,1200x765,80:51,illegal_aliens_count_04242….png)

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957fca No.20887953

File: 496a09420a06e92⋯.jpeg (748.24 KB,1170x1326,15:17,IMG_9450.jpeg)


The Book of Exodus, Chapter 10, Verse 4 says, If you refuse to let them go, I will bring locusts into your country tomorrow. Exodus 10:12 says, And the Lord said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand over Egypt so that locusts swarm over the land and devour everything growing in the fields, everything left by the hail.”

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29fed9 No.20887954

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Stupid fuckin commies

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5f42ca No.20887955

File: fdafeebd01a41f4⋯.png (805.86 KB,749x499,749:499,ClipboardImage.png)



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c349de No.20887957

so did Mossad take out Iran's president?

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cd4c84 No.20887958

File: c161ed830abfe6a⋯.gif (907.88 KB,640x360,16:9,4012111195.gif)


Yeah, I just tag his ID and filter him now. Maybe throw an occasional right hook at his retardation. They expended a significant amount of effort over the course of a year to fall flat and fail. Sure, the shills see less cartoon frogs in a cardigan, sitting in a chair smoking a cigar, but everyone also sees a lot less of the MuhJoo propaganda. Anons got the better end of the deal. Would do it again too. It was quite literally like in a movie where someone has a gun pointed at the original and a doppelganger with them both going, "No, I'm the real one." And then the doppelganger gets the bullet. Paid a heavy price though and was almost thrown off the line for it.

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731cea No.20887959


I found the ADL pdf on so called 'hate on display' but it didn't have this text in it.

can you give a link for sauce? ty in advance.

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e5fa39 No.20887960

File: ce0960f1d771f48⋯.png (127.31 KB,390x315,26:21,f19e33721a925ef5.png)


Q is a GRANOLA manager. kek

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ab83aa No.20887962


Are they bragging about it?

One thing I've noticed in all the ME stuff is someone always comes out and brags about it.

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957fca No.20887963



Is Alice on calendar today?

Alice Stewart, GOP never Trumper, died sedentary today

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29fed9 No.20887964

File: c171e9507d1d93c⋯.jpeg (495.48 KB,769x796,769:796,0FEEBA7F_A893_4ED4_91B1_0….jpeg)

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0163c8 No.20887967

File: 3577f7e6c9b9beb⋯.png (968.54 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)


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f73c8a No.20887968

File: 40552c0c29ea89a⋯.png (127.03 KB,700x412,175:103,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 20e14c1bd50ec78⋯.png (164.67 KB,724x491,724:491,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 99b907cacb24197⋯.png (117.22 KB,726x594,11:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 337e8fa2622a6c5⋯.png (97.61 KB,712x588,178:147,ClipboardImage.png)

Debunked Lies About "Revised" Gaza Death Toll Go Viral, Corporate Media Refuses To Retract

Several mainstream media outlets published misleading claims that the United Nations lowered the death toll of Palestinian civilians in Gaza by the thousands. Since going viral the story has been proved to be an outright lie, but the publishers have yet to issue a retraction.

Fox News published an article on May 13, which they have failed to retract and that ended up going viral on social media, falsely claiming that the United Nations had decreased its recorded Gaza death tolls by around 50%. Another claim has been that the death toll was revised down by 10,000. Both are blatant lies that have been spread across various corporate media websites.

The two key claims, manufactured by the corporate media and then pushed online by pro-Israeli social media personalities, are that both the Gaza death toll and the number of women and children killed, have been revised down by the United Nations (UN). The implication is that the Gaza Health Ministry’s (GHM) death toll statistics, which have been reviewed by independent human rights organizations, and the UN itself, are not trustworthy and that Hamas is artificially inflating the numbers in order to demonize Israel.

An Israeli-US Media Conspiracy?

The claim that the United Nations had revised its death toll dramatically went viral after Fox News published a story entitled ‘UN revises Gaza death toll, almost 50% less women and children killed than previously reported’. However, this is not where the story originated.

On May 10, at around 6pm, a piece was ran by The New York Sun, with a headline reading ‘United Nations Reports Lower ‘Identified’ Death Toll Among Palestinian Arabs, Noting Conflicting Numbers From Hamas-Run Health Ministry‘. This piece was written by none other than M. J. Koch, daughter of Julia Koch who is known as one of the richest women alive and of the notorious billionaire Koch family. While the piece falls short of the hyperbolic headlines in later articles contributing to this campaign of disinformation, it does serve as a master class in selective quoting and distortion/misreading of statistics.

The piece, written by M. J. Koch, cites two infographics released on the website of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA); one from May 6 and the other from May 8. The first infographic (May 6) lists the total death toll as 34,735, listing the female death toll as 9,500 and the child toll as 14,500.


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cbdef7 No.20887969

File: 26a44ddf110dc54⋯.png (252.79 KB,716x1086,358:543,colombian_ice_05182024.png)

File: 46fa887af40d5a0⋯.png (974.5 KB,1100x641,1100:641,ice_captures_colombian_mur….png)

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29fed9 No.20887970

File: 945b275da641c15⋯.jpeg (516.29 KB,672x518,48:37,F1669C7C_0BB8_4815_B444_2….jpeg)

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4b15f4 No.20887972

File: 278fa7ec556e7b4⋯.jpg (38.15 KB,750x531,250:177,medium_3_.jpg)



What does GN mean ADL

Gay Niggers?

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5f42ca No.20887973

File: 5e03f41840b32b0⋯.gif (15.93 MB,367x358,367:358,pepe_gm.gif)


You wrote so much tits.

gm is here to stay.

seethe moar

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987c1c No.20887975

(you) are more than you know

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f2c120 No.20887976


The DS appears to be shocked over the Iranian president helicopter crash

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d6aee8 No.20887977


hello, general manager, there's a body in my room

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f73c8a No.20887978

File: 94e9389b3412de6⋯.png (221.56 KB,472x1024,59:128,ClipboardImage.png)

Mark Zuckerberg’s Instagram Warns Against Tagging Tucker Carlson in ‘Happy Birthday’ Post

Mark Zuckerberg’s Instagram warned against tagging former Fox News primetime host Tucker Carlson in a “happy birthday” post on Thursday, saying the popular journalist has been known to violate “Community Guidelines.”

A simple post wishing Tucker Carlson a “happy birthday” on Thursday was met with a warning from Instagram, making social media users think twice about tagging the former Fox News host in a Story.

“Happy birthday, @tuckercarlson!” read a draft in an Instagram Story, which was met with a warning from Instagram.


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a7ec03 No.20887979

File: bb04d15c44ae203⋯.png (1.5 MB,2000x2000,1:1,8F39AA4D_8E7A_4EDC_8C06_9A….png)

Post your face when Donald Trump said he didn’t know much about QAnon.

I’ll go first: picrel

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0e2c04 No.20887980

File: d58e2f938ac1fd4⋯.png (7.88 MB,3600x3600,1:1,1qcloMay17.png)


May 17 connection on the clock (appears in notables)

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e5fa39 No.20887981

File: 67e2a7cd07401e8⋯.png (245.94 KB,752x698,376:349,ClipboardImage.png)


He's in Hospice I hear…

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cbdef7 No.20887982

File: 4cef622a083799b⋯.png (514.06 KB,1100x713,1100:713,love_album_diddy_kicks_051….png)

File: 42ca636dd3265b5⋯.png (441.44 KB,850x624,425:312,listening_to_not_like_us_0….png)

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457846 No.20887983

'Hey, President of Iran, that's a nice Helicopter. Be a shame if something happened to it.'- CIA (probably)

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8085c4 No.20887984

File: 56c476cadbdb144⋯.jpg (215.56 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_19_15_3….jpg)

File: b5bb21d342ea67d⋯.png (119.83 KB,640x1438,320:719,1228_6_.png)

File: 769373fcf81595e⋯.jpeg (429.66 KB,1584x2048,99:128,GN9IfBAXAAA6mxR.jpeg)

File: 7d24e303b0180f0⋯.png (727.74 KB,640x3606,320:1803,14.png)

File: fe280aa6766f7a2⋯.png (119.78 KB,640x978,320:489,1464.png)

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69437b No.20887985

File: 5f9c27cac07308c⋯.png (339.6 KB,573x549,191:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5491ba34ab3861c⋯.png (971.88 KB,885x921,295:307,5491ba34ab3861c87ff7e09fd8….png)

File: efd2684cedd8e21⋯.png (574 KB,854x575,854:575,ClipboardImage.png)


>Best timeline.


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c46f2b No.20887986

File: 05f354bbdfe52e4⋯.png (432.92 KB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 086102b5e7f08d0⋯.png (1.48 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

We're fine, I been't on this mission before. Just don't be afraid of being afraid. Bryan Cranston should play Gordan Freeman in the Half-Life movie before he gets too old.

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5f42ca No.20887987

File: 246e2531ccbd320⋯.png (878.73 KB,760x500,38:25,ClipboardImage.png)


that is 3 big stories.

1) slovak pm

2) iran pm

3) kate coma

count em.

djt court case comes to a close next tuesday and than it is up to the jury.

next weeks media are being constructed and pushed.

look here not there.

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0e2c04 No.20887988

File: 2ee36fe01b44aca⋯.png (52.39 KB,680x626,340:313,ClipboardImage.png)


Yes Alice is

Also part of the 40,000 ft view post

The Dow closed above 40K first time ever on Friday

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987c1c No.20887989

File: 64e913399686a0b⋯.png (1.08 MB,540x874,270:437,ClipboardImage.png)


QAnon Doesn't Exist

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ae7bc2 No.20887990


>(you) are more than you know

I am far more than you dimwitted Jews can imagine!

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a7ec03 No.20887991

File: 8f3c45b74fd5626⋯.gif (1.79 MB,460x318,230:159,9E35F526_5CC7_4C1B_93A8_72….gif)


>unironically posting clock faggotry in 2024

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ab83aa No.20887992


I'm gonna infiltrate the GM crew tomorrow morning.

I'll find out what this is all about.

Game on!

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987c1c No.20887994


In Communist Canada

Honk Honk means Heil Hitler

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f73c8a No.20887995

UK to Pay Out Estimated $12.7 Billion to Infected Blood Scandal Victims

The final report of the U.K.’s infected blood inquiry will be published Monday, nearly six years after it began looking into how tens of thousands of people contracted HIV or hepatitis from transfusions of tainted blood and blood products in the 1970s and 1980s.

The scandal is widely seen as the deadliest to afflict Britain’s state-run National Health Service since its inception in 1948, with around 3,000 people believed to have died as a result of being infected with the HIV virus and hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver.

The report is expected to criticize pharmaceutical firms and medical practitioners, civil servants and politicians, though many have already died given the passage of time. It’s also set to pave the way to a huge compensation bill that the British government will be under pressure to rapidly pay out.

Had it not been for the tireless campaigners, many of whom saw loved ones die decades too soon, the scale of the scandal may have remained hidden forever.

“This whole scandal has blanketed my entire life,” said Jason Evans, who was four when his father died at the age of 31 in 1993 after contracting HIV and hepatitis from an infected blood plasma product.

“My dad knew he was dying and he took many home videos, which I´ve got and replayed over and over again growing up because that´s really all I had,” he added.

Evans was instrumental in the decision by then Prime Minister Theresa May to establish the inquiry in 2017. He said he just “couldn´t let it go.” His hope is that on Monday, he and countless others, can.

Here is a look at what the scandal was about and what the report’s impact may be.

In the 1970s and 1980s, thousands of people who needed blood transfusions, for example after childbirth or surgery, became exposed to blood tainted with hepatitis, including an as yet unknown kind that was later termed Hepatitis C, and the HIV virus.


To be clear the Gov poison you then use taxpayer money to buy off victims!

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731cea No.20887996



trying to understand an obvious psyop isn't not 'seething'.

your reaction to my querying about it shows me that it IS a psyop.

just as the OK symbol is now listed in the above url search as being supposedly meaning 'white power' so too is this GM acronym being pushed. It was STUPID of people to make the OK sign into a psyop, just as it is for making gm into one.

but you have to be clever right, smarter and more centered?

to the ADL's credit they do seem to understand that, for example, not everyone who displays a confederate flag is using it as a 'white power' emblem. But clearly some do.

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c2cfe4 No.20887998

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731cea No.20887999


should read 'is not seething'

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1400b7 No.20888000


Remember this?

Pixel knot

PixelKnot is an Android application that allows users to hide short text-based messages in photographs and share them across trusted channels. It’s a fun and easy way to share hidden messages without anyone knowing. The app embeds secret messages within images, ensuring that messages remain unseen by any unintended recipient, securing your privacy while allowing you to share a seemingly ordinary picture.

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001919 No.20888001

File: ca69071cceba88c⋯.jpg (491.58 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240519_115216….jpg)

File: d250c86af537c06⋯.jpg (7.33 KB,185x272,185:272,2Q_54_.jpg)

File: 7a272e5c33e0464⋯.jpg (6.52 KB,282x179,282:179,images_257_.jpg)

File: 5cc24cfe4f669ce⋯.jpg (6.47 KB,259x195,259:195,images_307_.jpg)

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e5fa39 No.20888002

File: f9d745e20f8f0fe⋯.png (603.11 KB,772x631,772:631,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 745e95306a22dcf⋯.png (411.26 KB,760x442,380:221,ClipboardImage.png)

Jimmy Carter Update.



Jimmy Carter, 99, remains present more than a year into hospice care, his grandson Jason Carter said this week — though his time left remains uncertain.


Jason Carter


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821be8 No.20888004

File: 1b6f6d2bdb9e172⋯.png (645.07 KB,750x579,250:193,IMG_1652.png)

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f73c8a No.20888005

File: 1c5bd8283aeb279⋯.png (449.29 KB,633x644,633:644,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc6e31 No.20888006

File: 0817fb00bab964d⋯.png (9.34 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)


Even worse are the "Night Shift" meme ops when

it's 3pm on the East Coast of the US.

3pm on the East Coast and Noon on the West Coast.

It's "nighttime" in the EuroTrash zone and in Tel Aviv.

Subliminally, someone shifting QR away from the US.

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ab83aa No.20888007

File: 8869004fbb734c9⋯.png (2.67 KB,91x62,91:62,chk.png)


KEK says yep nigga that's it.

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bc3e91 No.20888008

File: 42067862732c2ab⋯.jpeg (747.47 KB,3840x2160,16:9,IMG_1432.jpeg)

File: de0c75a1673827b⋯.jpeg (83.34 KB,948x498,158:83,IMG_1435.jpeg)


I’ll figure it out one day until then

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e1ec0c No.20888009

File: a3350d8274e25b8⋯.png (120.55 KB,708x1386,118:231,1dc99701_8f8e_4c6e_ba73_6f….png)



Jul 26, 2018 2:49:21 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs

Jul 26, 2018 2:45:24 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs

Jul 26, 2018 2:44:20 PM EDT



i suspected this from the beginning.

shops dont mean the post itself isnt real.


How do you hide a message in clear sight?



You'd be amazed how much is shared on /pol/.

Data exchange.



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731cea No.20888010


it is rather shocking.

who puts all top people into a single helicopter?

Helicopters are known for being exceptionally dangerous.

you have all your top government officials ride in the same one?

seems spoofy to me.

but it was just a 'hard landing', right?

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1b452b No.20888011

File: fd30d29223da01f⋯.jpg (3.28 KB,155x200,31:40,download_2_.jpg)

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821be8 No.20888013

File: 7d387304093d633⋯.jpeg (104.94 KB,736x736,1:1,IMG_1452.jpeg)

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0e2c04 No.20888014

File: 96302f4df0cdeb5⋯.png (6.22 MB,4000x3300,40:33,zzz1qclock_vanilla_1_3x3JU….png)



Today is :15

Diddy in the news

Another rapper about to face JUSTICE?

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69437b No.20888015

File: 1041a74a502618b⋯.png (280.28 KB,621x562,621:562,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9eba2a587a7894e⋯.png (300.72 KB,388x325,388:325,ClipboardImage.png)

Mike Rothschild (no relation)



Trump's teleprompter apparently failed during his NRA speech, and he spent half a minute staring at a blank screen while the creepy QAnon song "WWG1WGA" played. Just indescribably weird.

Biden-Harris HQ



Trump starts playing QAnon music during his bizarre slur-filled NRA speech

May 19, 2024 · 5:42 PM UTC



>QAnon Doesn't Exist

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731cea No.20888016


if it's morning why is it dark out in your meme?

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5f42ca No.20888017

File: 0696f8fe08c9e2e⋯.png (791.77 KB,957x412,957:412,ClipboardImage.png)


>your reaction to my querying about it shows me that it IS a psyop.


don't care

still voting Trump

and still it is always a gm as long sees the sun rise again.

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c46f2b No.20888018


We need to protect Taiwan so China / Russia doesn't capture it. Or we lose the mass manufacturing chip industry which is important for civilians (they get shit done too).

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bc3e91 No.20888019


You see immmmmm

Just Marshall Mathers

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ab83aa No.20888020


Check the smoke for pixelknots!

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290a9e No.20888021

This all goes WAAAAAY BACK

Jesus told you 2,000 years ago.

They call themselves Jews and hide among the real Jews to get the protection the persecuted REAL jews offer them.

If you start to see the satanists hiding among them, they call you antisemitic and cancel you.

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731cea No.20888022


what does the GM psyop have to do with voting for Trump? why would you think I'm not going to do that too?

TRUMP 2024!!!

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0e9fdb No.20888023

File: 6d4b08dd2f4e0db⋯.jpg (130.95 KB,514x562,257:281,ARMS_EMBARGO.jpg)

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f73c8a No.20888024

File: 9c9026acd875534⋯.png (387.71 KB,568x646,284:323,ClipboardImage.png)

Former staffer at KP claims Kate Middleton slipped into a coma after overdosing on sleeping pills

A former staffer at Kensington Palace claims Kate Middleton slipped into a coma after overdosing on sleeping pills‼️

‘In the early evening of 28th Dec after tea, we found her unconscious in her room & she got taken away quickly to the hospital. We never saw her again.’


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e5fa39 No.20888025

File: a5ebea22de82ec2⋯.png (33.61 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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347cea No.20888026

Diddy released vid saying he sorry

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e60f4e No.20888028

File: 29e0355bfcc5251⋯.jpg (64.17 KB,405x410,81:82,1.jpg)

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4420b0 No.20888029


Cicadas aren’t locusts.

The adult stage of 17-year cicada has no mouth parts. It’s sole purpose is to breed, then die.

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001919 No.20888030

File: 1588df18c1e1e2f⋯.jpg (8 KB,192x262,96:131,9k_65_.jpg)

File: 96a5dcfdcb12716⋯.jpg (8.28 KB,189x266,27:38,images_308_.jpg)

File: 74ba8ee5e2f60c6⋯.jpg (8.26 KB,283x178,283:178,2Q_63_.jpg)

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1b452b No.20888031

File: 82b8455af4c1ebc⋯.jpg (20.93 KB,255x253,255:253,282001462_5678136865549549….jpg)

File: 2cd9a5f5174ec90⋯.jpg (81.22 KB,1280x720,16:9,281991692_5678120038884565….jpg)

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bc3e91 No.20888032


He said sorry?!?!?!?

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aa0718 No.20888034


What is wrong with society that cannot accept an apology. I for one forgive him.

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69437b No.20888035

File: 2b4ae0e9cdca602⋯.jpg (49.19 KB,600x404,150:101,close_600.jpg)

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6ace05 No.20888036

File: 947e602b53836c7⋯.png (3.79 MB,3317x2228,3317:2228,QClock_May_19_2024_Iran_Ne….png)

QClock May 19, 2024 - Iran Next, People Awake, Helicopter Crash

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5f42ca No.20888038

File: c0f5eed1132d681⋯.png (495.22 KB,805x500,161:100,ClipboardImage.png)


> 28th Dec

she is either dead or she has been silenced.

wait for the lame stream media next pathetic excuse.


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bc3e91 No.20888040


If you only you knew how bad it really was. Now apologize for the other stuff.

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f73c8a No.20888042

Covid Shots Linked to Surge in Rare Autoimmune Disease, Study Finds

A new study has linked Covid mRNA shots to a rare autoimmune disease that started to surge in 2021.

Scientists analyzed soaring cases that emerged in Yorkshire, England.

According to the peer-reviewed study, published in the renowned Lancet journal, a rare autoimmune disease surged in Yorkshire after the rollout of the Covid injections.

The number of cases peaked in 2021 and continued to surge through 2022.

Anti-MDA5 dermatomyositis is an inflammatory condition characterized by muscle weakness, skin rashes, and rapidly progressive lung disease.


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0e2c04 No.20888043

File: 55f485c95dcb8ab⋯.png (2.32 MB,3000x3000,1:1,firstcircwlqpost.png)


Have never stopped.

Thought the IRAN connection today was impressive

Made that clock on the first blank many years ago

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731cea No.20888044


durring the slim hours of one very early morning I was here (in a research bread, it may have been when it was still 8chan) and there were two people making a lunch date for right away.

I wrote a stupid fable about how they would go for a walk on a medeterrian beach and fall in love during lunch (within the hour, it was early morning east coast) and they hit the roof.

how dare I!

they were too obvious.

I kind of hope that they hit it off. I was rooting for them falling in love.

Then I I could post an ethnic dance video from a wedding!

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cc6e31 No.20888045


Sacrificed like Lady Diana was.

Long dead.

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29fed9 No.20888046

File: fea26f1d7da11d1⋯.jpeg (365.12 KB,828x475,828:475,323BF304_5C02_408C_BC87_E….jpeg)



Kids transfixed.

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4160a4 No.20888047

File: e07934beceb5970⋯.png (473.06 KB,1600x769,1600:769,ClipboardImage.png)

A special forces plane visiting Gitmo….


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857b5d No.20888048

Six killed, nine injured in Idaho Falls passenger van crash

BONNEVILLE COUNTY, Utah (ABC4) — Six people were killed and nine others injured in a head-on collision in Idaho Falls Saturday morning, according to Idaho State Police.

The fatal crash occurred at around 5:30 a.m. on US 20 at milepost 308.

A Ram pickup truck was heading eastbound on the highway near the Lindsay Boulevard exit in Idaho Falls when it veered left of center and collided head-on with a westbound Chevrolet passenger van.

The driver of the van, along with five passengers, died at the scene. Nine other passengers were injured and taken to a local hospital in ground ambulances, police said.

The driver of the pickup was also injured in the crash and taken to a local hospital.

Both lanes were blocked for nearly six hours following the incident. This crash is still under investigation by Idaho State Police.


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cd4c84 No.20888049

File: 9e35bf434df66bf⋯.webm (130.25 KB,569x240,569:240,again.webm)

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fa7af5 No.20888050



noice work ClockFag

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ab83aa No.20888052

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Morrissey predicted this.

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1b452b No.20888053

File: ffa0502c48a64dc⋯.png (22.97 KB,245x255,49:51,173aac433a951fc0482984d987….png)


She's fine she just sent me this as she flew over my house

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0e2c04 No.20888055

File: 19c5f4c7a8644f1⋯.png (1.06 MB,1692x1692,1:1,qclock_q_djtshrtwv5.png)

Another one for today

:45/:15 mirrored markers

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f73c8a No.20888056

File: 1f6fd5550fda479⋯.png (429 KB,619x351,619:351,ClipboardImage.png)

Four New Hampshire Daycare Workers Arrested for Drugging Children with Sleep Aids

The owner and three employees at an unlicensed New Hampshire daycare were arrested on Thursday for allegedly lacing children’s food with melatonin.

Sally Dreckmann, 52, the daycare owner, and her employees Traci Innie, 51; Kaitlin Filardo, 23; and Jessica Foster, 23, have all been charged with ten counts of endangering the welfare of a child.

According to the Manchester Police Department, the melatonin was being given to the children without their parents’ knowledge or consent.

KFOX 14 reports, “Dreckmann’s arrest comes after a lengthy investigation after Manchester police detectives got a tip in November 2023 about ‘unsafe practices going on’ at the daycare at 316 Amory Street.”

Melatonin is an over-the-counter drug used to induce sleep.


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e5fa39 No.20888057

File: a6903a8bbc32ab1⋯.png (99.99 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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001919 No.20888058

File: 4cbd558f314823e⋯.jpg (9.64 KB,300x168,25:14,Z_61_.jpg)

File: 1ee3f162d9a8978⋯.png (5.19 KB,211x239,211:239,images_8_.png)

File: bbf3bace95a6d37⋯.jpg (21.81 KB,247x204,247:204,9k_66_.jpg)


Not upset over the apprehension and detention of u.s. citizens in U.S. border cities…ok.

Guido cannot be erased….

Education- formerly known as underwater basketweaving

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5a6f33 No.20888059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Irans President is DEAD.

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1b452b No.20888061


Shit, my mom and grandmas and aunts would be lifers in the cell block

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a7fdc9 No.20888063


Russia can't even beat Ukraine. Kmao. Nuff said.

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cc6e31 No.20888064

File: 61cdbed68c3f025⋯.png (59.5 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>ethnic dance

like the one where they lift the chairs kek

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05678e No.20888065


Goy Menshe

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0e2c04 No.20888066

File: f0a2f3009400ead⋯.png (1.48 MB,1692x1692,1:1,clockfagsrightdisclaimersa….png)


Sauce on the post number change

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cc6e31 No.20888068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Delusional. Try harder.

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f73c8a No.20888069

File: 850ec21b890d28d⋯.png (124.51 KB,302x280,151:140,ClipboardImage.png)

Israel did it- they think they are God

'Divine justice?': Rabbis claim helicopter crash is God's punishment for Iran's Raisi

Ben Artzi warned, "Have mercy on yourselves, God said enough is enough, You have angered Him," indicating that the incident was a result of spiritual retribution for actions taken by Raisi.

ollowing the emergency "hard landing" of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi's helicopter in foggy conditions in northwestern Iran on Sunday, various Israeli rabbis have publicly reacted with remarks that suggest divine intervention, reflecting deep-seated spiritual and confrontational views.

Rabbi Meir Abutbul from Chabad in Bat Yam starkly referred to Raisi as "the hangman from Tehran" and condemned him in a post on Facebook for his antagonism towards Israel and the Jewish people.

Claiming the helicopter crash is divine punishment

"This dog wanted to hang Jews, so God scattered him to the winds in a helicopter crash, him and his entire Israel-hating crew," Abutbul wrote, suggesting that the crash was a form of divine punishment.


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1b452b No.20888070


That second one is like I told them to just use weed and whisky

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dfb898 No.20888071

File: ae22b9ef4f3b25d⋯.png (8.49 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


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4172ac No.20888072

File: 9b699d5643882ea⋯.jpeg (739.13 KB,1115x682,1115:682,24AA75C6_9511_47C5_BB9C_4….jpeg)

File: b599d840495bd3d⋯.jpeg (170.41 KB,828x1237,828:1237,5D302B1D_89B1_4E0A_9722_2….jpeg)

File: 52349bba00c9ca4⋯.jpeg (185.23 KB,828x1232,207:308,964D4217_1D24_475B_901E_9….jpeg)

File: bcdb4d3ead365ce⋯.jpeg (322.46 KB,828x1340,207:335,35A8DB98_6BA7_4E35_A7F0_7….jpeg)

File: fa6305130bdff97⋯.jpeg (351.13 KB,828x1456,207:364,64E51067_7900_410E_A49A_8….jpeg)

MktFag on Silver and Gold, markets and Economic Schedule-week of May 19th

Get the week coming comments first and then to those metals that both broke out this week.

Please feel free to add constructive comments-especially in the Ag/Au portion


Nvidia earnings on Weds (up about 200% in one year) and literally what powers the NASDAQ nao and has for many months. FED minutes light (yawn as the real notes are embargoed for 5 years so by then no one cares). Light data this week like 2 weeks ago-see below for daily activity. Likely another “record setting week” coming as the long pool still needs some occupants that are holding out on the sidelines…also triple witching OpEx end of week so some moving around first few days of week but don’t forget they still can drop this a little to reload the disappearing short bus as they use THAT plus this never ending mantra of “rally for coming rate cuts” as still the excuses you hear about on Fin TV.


Breakouts in both but silver kicking the short bus’ ass as that bust over $30 welcome and good to see. As fast as it rose it can easily be smacked down by the ubiquitous arrival of several thousand contracts dumped on it out of thin air-I’ve seen it habben many times as it’s the most manipulated commodity of all time imo. Au closed over $2400 but the action in Ag as that was up 6.8% and closed at $31.48 and as quickly as it spiked it can be smacked down the same amount QUICKLY and EASILY by paper contracts on COMEX. The chair of the CFTC Rostum Benham and his all female team of ‘regulators’ are in on it. Gary Gensler closed three different manipulation investigations during his tenure as CFTC chair.Ask ANY knowledgeable person involved in this arena for many years and they will confirm it.Buy it and forget about the price once you posses it as all it takes is ONE whale to stand for delivery and this becomes unobtanium in a matter of minutes. I can’t tell you when to buy it but here are some helpful tips for you: >>20878838, >>20878819 pb Silver pricing CME contracts etc

Encourage you to search in archives for “Silver, US Mint, COMEX, CFTC, Silver Eagles, manipulation” as these keywords should give you access to the many posts on this subject



Schedule for Week of May 19, 2024

The key reports this week are April New and Existing Home Sales.(Plus the hilarious updates from Atlanta FED’s GDPNOW on Friday.


- Monday, May 20th -

10:30 AM: Speech, Fed Vice Chair Philip Jefferson, U.S. Economic Outlook and Housing Price Dynamics, At the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) Secondary and Capital Markets Conference, New York, N.Y. (They trot these fuggers out on almost a daily basis but the NYFED is really the only one that matters most as they are the FED and that one already said the next move is lower but he never said how see this >>20828534 pb

The how is buying short end debt that govt is addicted to so those borrowing costs are lowered ; a reverse Operation Twist-spoken about this many times

- Tuesday, May 21st -

No major economic releases scheduled.

- Wednesday, May 22nd -

7:00 AM ET: The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) will release the results for the mortgage purchase applications index.

10:00 AM: Existing Home Sales for April from the National Association of Realtors (NAR). The consensus is for 4.18 million SAAR, down from 4.19 million. Housing economist Tom Lawler expects the NAR to report sales of 4.23 million SAAR.

2:00 PM: FOMC Minutes, Minutes Meeting of April 30-May 1, 2024

- Thursday, May 23rd -

8:30 AM: The initial weekly unemployment claims report will be released.  The consensus is for 220 thousand initial claims, down from 222 thousand last week.

8:30 AM ET: Chicago Fed National Activity Index for April. This is a composite index of other data.

10:00 AM: New Home Sales for April from the Census Bureau. The consensus is for 680 thousand SAAR, down from 693 thousand SAAR in March.

11:00 AM: the Kansas City Fed manufacturing survey for May. 

- Friday, May 24th -

Atlanta FED updates GDPNOW

Triple Witching Option Expiration

Triple Witching: Definition and Impact on Trading in Final Hour


8:30 AM: Durable Goods Orders for April from the Census Bureau. The consensus is for a 0.6% decrease in durable goods orders.

10:00 AM: University of Michigan's Consumer sentiment index (Final for May). The consensus is for a reading of 67.4.




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e5fa39 No.20888074

File: 83afa4bb88e8268⋯.jpg (306.01 KB,670x1522,335:761,Welcome_UPDATED_BUCKETLIST….jpg)

File: 3fda32d71c294ea⋯.png (1.01 MB,3268x2181,3268:2181,3fda32d71c294ea404643b30f6….png)

so before you get your IRAN news.

A handy list.

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c46f2b No.20888075


How much moar time you need? It's been 2 years and you can't even defeat a crackhead.

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bc3e91 No.20888076


I want my scalps

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cbdef7 No.20888077

File: 4285a2077059540⋯.png (925.09 KB,800x1051,800:1051,colleges_pro_palestinian_p….png)

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cc6e31 No.20888078

File: 2a5a1d415a37589⋯.png (18.94 KB,474x316,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


That's what the World will say when Iran turns Tel Aviv into dust.

Over 1,000,000 Israeli Jews have already fled Israel to mostly London, Berlin and Brooklyn, NY.

Can't wait til Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen wipes the SMUG off the Mossad IOF bullies.

The World will Rejoice!

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69437b No.20888079

File: 8a09bc88ab2a4ea⋯.png (183.22 KB,614x376,307:188,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2334b2e9d30c3fe⋯.png (558.68 KB,629x551,629:551,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 112b4de5e4c48ac⋯.png (34.34 KB,614x193,614:193,ClipboardImage.png)

Carol Rosenberg



The war court shuttle has reached rainy Andrews airbase outside Washington DC with weary legal teams following a five-week hearing in the 9/11 case and a two-week pre-sentencing session in the Hadi al-Iraqi case. Inflight ambiance: Smooth until turbulent.Meal: Chicken or Beef.

May 18, 2024 · 11:55 PM UTC




>A special forces plane visiting Gitmo….

>that is 3 big stories.

>1) slovak pm

>2) iran pm

>3) kate coma

Kosher food in GITMO.

comms good.

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25e487 No.20888080

File: 2d91b810e161c73⋯.jpg (168.47 KB,720x1229,720:1229,20240519_135854.jpg)


BREAKING: Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has been confirmed deceased.

Rescue teams could be seen searching through thick fog on mountain roads and hillsides.

Iranian state media is currently calling on the public to pray for Raisi.

The helicopter was also reportedly carrying Iranian foreign minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian.

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ad5280 No.20888081

notes @250

#25619 >>20887809

>>20887835 Don’t ignore the real threat of the WHO pandemic treaty

>>20887848 Israel's Wartime Government Fracturing As Top Minister Threatens To Quit

>>20887852, >>20887862, >>20887886, >>20887908, >>20887917, >>20887921 GM Plotwist

>>20887855 University's COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Violates US Constitution

>>20887861, >>20888024 Kate Middleton Reportedly in Coma After Sleeping Pill Overdose, Claims Former Staffer

>>20887873 As pro-Palestine protesters reached an intersection, officers rushed in and grabbed people out of the crowd seemingly at random

>>20887887 Army cuts hundreds of hours of redundant online training requirements - the changes are effective immediately

>>20887895 Rep. Gooden Introduces Bill To Support Taiwan's Inclusion In Interpol

>>20887905 After Sudden CEO Departure, Vanguard Taps Outsider From BlackRock

>>20887907 Biden: Class of 2024, you made it to commencement - to a new beginning

>>20887915 Former DA's official in Texas border county admits smuggling migrants in her county car

>>20887930 Diddy Reacts to Viral Video of Him Punching, Kicking and Dragging His Former Girlfriend in Los Angeles Hotel

>>20887947 US marine arrested after vowing to ‘erase’ white people

>>20887978 Mark Zuckerberg’s Instagram Warns Against Tagging Tucker Carlson in ‘Happy Birthday’ Post

>>20887995 UK to Pay Out Estimated $12.7 Billion to Infected Blood Scandal Victims

>>20888002 Jimmy Carter Update

>>20888036 QClock May 19, 2024 - Iran Next, People Awake, Helicopter Crash

>>20888047 PF: A special forces plane visiting Gitmo….

>>20888056 Four New Hampshire Daycare Workers Arrested for Drugging Children with Sleep Aids

>>20888072 MarketFag: Silver and Gold, Markets and Economic Schedule - Week of May 19th


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c70e08 No.20888082

Nothing changes until we start hanging people. >>20887915

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f73c8a No.20888083

File: 8c4a8f9105a9926⋯.png (125.41 KB,196x253,196:253,ClipboardImage.png)

Iran’s Raisi joins long list of political leaders involved in mysterious helicopter crashes

It isn't expected that presidents should go missing or be involved in crashes. However, historically, a number of important political and military leaders have met their end in crashes.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s helicopter crash in foggy weather over mountainous terrain was a shock for the region, as presidents are supposed to have access to the very best helicopters in their country’s fleet, as well as the best pilots and maintenance crew.

It isn't expected that presidents should go missing or be involved in crashes. However, historically, a number of important political and military leaders have met their end in crashes. Some of these crashes have led to conspiracy theories about why the crashes occurred.

In most cases, helicopter and plane crashes were due to malfunctions, pilot error, or bad weather.


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5f42ca No.20888084

File: 8e85d00e9a450cc⋯.png (593.79 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Oh you got one too.


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e5fa39 No.20888085


hmm.. did coby bryant have fog?

was flying low?

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e5fa39 No.20888086

File: 948bd6fbd3a91c3⋯.png (72.79 KB,805x470,161:94,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a11d0f7057e6d66⋯.png (779.97 KB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

yep FOG fucks with a pilot.

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f73c8a No.20888087

File: d871b7103cb8112⋯.png (200.79 KB,640x326,320:163,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f7b1b78dd4f618⋯.png (170.16 KB,559x639,559:639,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2aa0495497a04b3⋯.png (138.77 KB,552x638,276:319,ClipboardImage.png)

Israeli President 'Lied About Shani Louk Being Beheaded by Hamas'; 'Complete' Body Returned

Israeli President Isaac Herzog lied about Shani Louk being "beheaded" by Hamas in order to prop up Israel's "Hamas is ISIS" propaganda campaign, The Intercept's Ryan Grim reports.

"We now know Herzog lied when he said Shani Louk was beheaded to buck up the 'Hamas is ISIS' campaign – with utter disregard for the impact of that lie on her family and loved ones. Deeply cynical exploitation, done to justify what Herzog knew was coming," The Intercept's Ryan Grim said Saturday on X.

"They found her skull, which means these barbaric, sadistic animals simply chopped off her head when they were attacking and torturing and killing Israelis," Herzog claimed last year


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4420b0 No.20888088

File: 9c723b44709ed74⋯.jpeg (61.73 KB,640x360,16:9,IMG_1858.jpeg)

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8085c4 No.20888089

File: a24418b75bdefd1⋯.jpg (228.49 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_19_16_0….jpg)

File: f60903d2d1d7ad4⋯.jpeg (492.31 KB,1536x2048,3:4,GN9CPU_XcAAkqgV.jpeg)

File: b37089849a546e3⋯.jpeg (456.22 KB,1536x2048,3:4,GN9CPbLWkAEzlL3.jpeg)

File: 44d6476614dffa7⋯.jpeg (458.85 KB,1536x2048,3:4,GN9CPdZWsAEaAkM.jpeg)

File: c41244547df5138⋯.jpeg (459.99 KB,1536x2048,3:4,GN9CPdeWkAASIq4.jpeg)

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774175 No.20888090


>please explain that to me if you can?

As I'm seein it…

The shilling is from multiple entities. The "black African negroid" posts or any of the following and future mutations:

MAGA Patriots/MAGA Riots/MAGA Extractions/MAGA Civil War/MAGA Ex-Military/MAGA Mercenary/MAGA Code Red/MAGA Black Ops/MAGA Cyber/MAGA Point Blank/MAGA BlackOut Ops/MAGA Patriots 100% Cowboy/MAGA Cyber/MAGA Internet Key/MAGA Patriots Matrix Algebra/MAGA Patriots USA COMMAND CENTER/MAGA Cyber Warfare/MAGA AI Algorithms/ MAGA PATRIOTS CONSTITUTIONAL Americans/ MAGA AI Code Writers/MAGA Command Center/MAGA Cyber Technology/MAGA Patriots High Value Extraction/MAGA Super AI/MAGA Patriot Mercenary/MAGA AI mother code/MAGA WARZONE/MAGA Patriots Private Contractors/MAGA Skunkworks/MAGA First Responder Angels/MAGA Crusaders/MAGA Detonator/MAGA Warfare Landscape

Sometimes replaced by any of the "AI Warfare" stuff or used in combination with the above list

Those are from the Federal Bureau of Instigation

The "muh joo" comes from Media Matters and as they've seen so much of their trash removed they try to mix in things about freemasons or later in the night they'll try to sneak in some racial stuff like "I hate niggers" with occasional posts to try and demoralize "Q abandoned us, etc"

When the above gets wiped away by BVs then they will try for a slide like either the "jew tunnels" or the more recent "Cuban banking system failure"

To mix things up they'll try to toss in some crap from RRN and claim it's legitimate and then argue about it.

Their favorite tactic is starting arguments or having arguments among themselves. It's the right time for the "religious arguments" to start, and those happen every day

Shareblue does not really seem to come around these days. I'm not sure if funding was pulled or anons put so many of their "activists" in Therapy that shilling from there could not be sustained.

When the shills are good and challenging then IRGC is around and when they are the high quality that used to come by on weekends that signals Chyna in the house. Those two seem to have said screw it and let the others waste their time.

Now throw in Vatican Dude, VD for short. Independent schizo that really is obsessed with the Vatican. He had his own breads for awhile until he started coming to General the way he does now and just dumps the same crap repeatedly.

The Mimic, our resident troll, is attention starved. It tried to keep posting images of "board personalities" in an effort to make anons hate the actual anons such as Swordy and Sam the Dog. It still hangs around hoping for any kind of response, good or bad, as it only wants to see the (You)

Okay, now the purpose…

Their garbage gets laughed at, heckled, and most times outright deleted. Anons don't buy their bullshit and they know it

All their spew that isn't tossed fllls up the breads. Anons love breads and bakers provide. Things that have been posted that give the shill masters ulcers and insomnia go with the breads those posts are in to the Notables list at the top of each new bread (usually only the previous three breads) and eventually into the Previously Collected section, which is five lines of just post numbers of those earlier notables.

It is imperative to the shills to get things into the rarely looked over Previously Collected and then the archives as quickly as possible. Anons hunger for bread allows the shills to memory-hole things their masters want buried. Nothing else the shills tried has worked for long as anons call out the fuckery quite quickly

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cbdef7 No.20888091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Leo Terrell: The race card is dead

Fox News

11.3M subscribers


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29fed9 No.20888092

File: 09c606720f2fdc7⋯.jpeg (616.48 KB,828x1163,828:1163,B79EDF0B_5499_434D_B69C_D….jpeg)


Poopy diaper?

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8085c4 No.20888093

File: fc4dcda77ca3bb1⋯.png (141.73 KB,640x1606,320:803,1201_2_.png)

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3af128 No.20888094

File: 4ed9effba2682a2⋯.png (412.28 KB,857x620,857:620,ClipboardImage.png)

Comer announces new subpoena in Biden family probe

House Committee on Oversight Chairman Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., announced a new legislative motion that aims to unveil financial information related to the Biden family.

"This morning, I issued a subpoena for targeted financial information from a certain financial institution related to Jim Biden, Sarah Biden and Hunter Biden. This is a result of many of the documents that Devin Archer turned over," Comer said Thursday on "Mornings with Maria."

The new subpoena, which Comer claims will hopefully "answer every question [Congress has] had," comes just after another House Republican filed articles of impeachment last week.

Rep. Cory Mills, R-Fla., formally filed articles of impeachment against President Biden on Friday over his recent comments about withholding offensive weapons aid to Israel, drawing parallels to House Democrats' first impeachment of former President Donald Trump.


The Oversight Committee started investigating the Biden family’s alleged suspicious business dealings more than two years ago, and in March called for the president to testify in front of Congress as "the committee has accounted for over $24 million that has flowed from foreign sources to you, your family and their business associates."

"It is unbelievable," the chairman said about the evidence collected. "I don't think you would find very many people that have a billion-dollar net worth that have as many different bank accounts as this Biden family had. Many of these were shell companies."

"Companies [whose] sole purpose was to launder the money that the Bidens were receiving from China, from Romania, from Russia," Comer continued. "And never one time through the course of this entire investigation, even during the depositions with Hunter Biden and the transcribed interview with Jim Biden, were they able to answer exactly what the family did to receive this money."

House Republicans — led by Comer — previously held a hearing regarding allegations of influence peddling within Biden's family less than two months ago. Following its conclusion, White House spokesperson Ian Sams said, "That hearing was embarrassing for House Republicans. A total waste of time. It’s time to move on from this sad charade. There are real issues the American people want us to address."

Expanding in a post on X after the interview with FOX Business’ Maria Bartiromo on Thursday morning, Comer wrote that the latest subpoena helps to further expose alleged influence peddling schemes, intentionally complicated webs of LLCs formed by the Bidens for financial gain and the role the president has played.

"We believe we found some more accounts that will answer some more questions. And hopefully we can prepare to close this investigation and present our findings to the American people," Comer told Bartiromo, while also noting an impeachment inquiry is in its "final stages."


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a7fdc9 No.20888095


>Ben Artzi warned, "Have mercy on yourselves, God said enough is enough, You have angered Him," indicating that the incident was a result of spiritual retribution for actions taken by Raisi.

The next bad thing that happens to Israel or Jews was because of God's anger.

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0163c8 No.20888096

File: a12bc4082901317⋯.png (693.31 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86e7a4c2f89e2d6⋯.mp4 (2.61 MB,480x270,16:9,Iranian_search_and_rescue_….mp4)

One of the Iranian search and rescue teams in the fog

vidsauce: https://t.me/RVvoenkor/68537

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29fed9 No.20888097

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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7d6df1 No.20888098


Happened in Canada too, hard not to think it was 'conspiracy'…to kill off many, rig the health system…numerous objectives can be imagined by corrupted minds.




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f73c8a No.20888099

File: dcffc6a9cdaa150⋯.png (106.58 KB,643x658,643:658,ClipboardImage.png)

Transnational Terrorist Organizations: Mexican Cartels Operating in Every U.S. State

“Mexican drug cartels continue to kill Americans at a rate higher than any terrorist group in history,” said Senator Tom Cotton in response to the fact that illicit drugs smuggled by Mexican cartels into the US killed more than 107,000 Americans last year. The two largest cartels, the Sinaloa Cartel and Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG), have become multibillion-dollar Transnational Organized Crime (TOC) groups. The Sinaloa Cartel, in particular, is operating in every US state and 47 countries around the world. Mexican cartels now operate on six continents and have completely dominated the cocaine and synthetic drug markets in Europe.

Republican lawmakers are pushing to have the cartels designated as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO), but there has been significant pushback because such a designation would complicate US relations with Mexico. Once designated, any person or entity aiding the cartels would be in violation of US law and subject to sanctions and arrest. The U.S. reserves the right to arrest individuals supporting terrorism in foreign countries. The USA PATRIOT Act, enacted after 9/11, provides broad powers to U.S. law enforcement to combat terrorism, including the ability to target financial networks supporting terrorist organizations. Additionally, executive orders, such as Executive Order 13224, enable the U.S. to block the assets of individuals and entities involved in terrorism and to prohibit transactions with them.

Corruption in Mexico is significantly facilitating the drug crisis in the US and supporting rising violence on both sides of the border. Mexican authorities, institutions, and individuals who are found to be on cartel payrolls would be targets for US authorities. Transparency International ranked Mexico 126th out of 180 countries in terms of corruption. Everyone from politicians and judges to the army and police are accepting money from the cartels, making them fair game for Treasury Department sanctions and possibly arrest and extradition to the United States.

In addition to wanting to designate cartels as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO), Tom Cotton and other Republicans have introduced legislation to task the Department of Defense with countering the cartels. Mexico’s president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has vehemently opposed such action, calling it a violation of Mexican sovereignty. His response to the cartels, dubbed “Hugs not bullets,” involves offering scholarships and social programs to the poor. However, these measures have done nothing to reduce the killings and disappearances.

Congressman Morgan Luttrell (R-TX), a special forces veteran, said, “Our border is being exploited by cartels, as they run one of the most extensive human and drug trafficking operations in the world, leaving no corner of our country untouched by the danger of cartel activity.” The entire nation is being plagued by these groups, but border states like Texas are being hit hardest. And the situation is only getting worse.


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1b452b No.20888100

File: 3f329a22a7a4138⋯.jpg (28.88 KB,242x255,242:255,ed6bd5183c599b0b4f7fa54e82….jpg)


It appears that the road to retreat has been paved, I am curious to see what path they take, this just waiting part sucks but i understand the necessity and advantage to silent running

Optics and public consumption are key to successful Governing

Still fucking board and idle hands create mean memes

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e53e97 No.20888101

File: 067034fcea68387⋯.png (859.81 KB,878x986,439:493,FakeRigg.png)

File: 6d415abf80a42b0⋯.png (980.17 KB,951x986,951:986,BuyCrapBooks.png)

File: 4750b1692ffd3b4⋯.png (820.31 KB,967x985,967:985,dersh2.png)

>>20886665 Senator Tim Scott – Liberal Media Ignores Biden’s Association With KKK Member Robert Byrd: ‘They’re Not Playing That on CNN’(VIDEO) (PB)

More proof that it's not "democrats" our President is up against. It's the damned NWO/Communist-controlled pravda – enemy WITHIN.

Just like "non-liberal" pravda (faux and its water Trash Carriers; gayway reporting on brietbart reporting on what's on hanniFraud, as usual) ignore bidan's association with TREASON & CORRUPTION - not to mention, showering with and "molested, I think so" his little daughter. timscott needs to be FLUSHED along with hanniFraud, faux, and associated trash carriers. Those fuckers make CNN look legitimate, in comparison because, how much time does CNN spend "reacting" to losers on faux? faux is obsessed with joy reid & cnn because the bastards won't report any actual TREASONous crime & corruption. Loser worthless "politicians" should be hammering all the TREASON. Instead, conveniently black guy chats about lame assed, beyond stale ancient history raysisssss card byrd crap. Does the KKK even exist any longer?

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a7fdc9 No.20888102


I hope God hates both Israel and Iran tbh.

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8085c4 No.20888103

File: bc0f9506c7fd6ab⋯.jpg (259.79 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_19_16_0….jpg)

File: a8994c1ccbea17d⋯.jpeg (588.02 KB,1554x2048,777:1024,GN9CHO4XUAEclwZ.jpeg)

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bc3e91 No.20888104


Coming soon to a theatre near you

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cc6e31 No.20888105

File: cb5c34419db1b8c⋯.png (417.54 KB,1861x1421,1861:1421,ClipboardImage.png)


Zelensky not doing the fighting. It's the Ukrainian soldiers age 16-60 who are doing the dying.

Col. Douglas Macgregor: Ukraine has lost 600,000 soldiers, killed. He says in war, the number of injured/disabled is at least twice the number killed.

Ukraine is losing bigly.

Russia is gaining ground quickly now in Kharkiv and Sumy. Then it's a straight line to Kiev.

Last week, Zelensky was "discussing" moving the Capitol from Kiev to Lviv. That's a RETREAT capitulation, he knows Russia will take Kiev soon.

Russia also about to take Odessa.

Saying "2 years" is irrelevant when you look at the size of Ukraine.

The Russian Generals are methodical in their movement.

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0e2c04 No.20888106

File: 5e9f91d4f78ef72⋯.png (6.28 MB,3000x4000,3:4,DOWNTHEYGOZTitleLHF.png)


Rothschild died same :MM as QEII

Seemed fitting

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29fed9 No.20888107

File: 7723a5893437676⋯.jpeg (36.01 KB,236x310,118:155,33C80DAC_CDA6_40D5_BDB6_A….jpeg)

Nice gesture for Jimmy

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f73c8a No.20888108

LAWFARE: Will there be any Republican Lawyers Left to Ensure Election Integrity in November?

Democrats have aggressively targeted over 400 Republican lawyers and politicians with criminal charges, civil lawsuits, and disbarment proceedings ahead of the upcoming presidential election. They have successfully jailed Peter Navarro, with Steve Bannon expected to join him shortly. In multiple states, Democrats have pursued criminal charges against dozens of Republican lawyers and politicians, including:

Georgia: 19 Republicans arrested and charged

Arizona: 18 Republicans arrested and charged

Michigan: 16 Republicans arrested and charged

Nevada: 6 Republicans arrested and charged

Pennsylvania & Wisconsin: Are still conducting criminal investigations into as many as 30 Republicans who have yet to be charged

In addition to these criminal trials, Democrats are pursuing numerous efforts to have Republican lawyers disbarred. The Soros-backed 65 Project has filed disbarment proceedings against more than 100 Republican lawyers, which prevent many of these lawyers from working until the proceedings are concluded. In almost every case, the charges lack merit, but they have three primary impacts: a chilling effect that discourages other Republican lawyers and politicians from helping Trump, a financial drain on the resources of Republicans who might otherwise use their funds to help elect Trump, and a time drain that physically keeps them busy during the campaign.


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6fd7e5 No.20888109

Trump’s hush money trial is nearing an end after a day of heated Cohen cross

The judge told lawyers to be ready for closing arguments as soon as Tuesday.1/2


New YORK — By this time next week, Donald Trump could be a convicted felon — or a newly acquitted man declaring complete and total exoneration.

His Manhattan trial on charges for concealing a 2016 hush money scheme is suddenly hurtling toward a conclusion, with Justice Juan Merchan encouraging attorneys toprepare for closing arguments as soon as Tuesday. He would then instruct jurors on legal matters before sending them to deliberate.

For now, Trump’s former fixer Michael Cohen — the most important and likely final witness for the prosecution — remains on the stand after three full days of testimony. After a scheduled day off on Friday, Cohen will return on Monday morning, when Trump’s defense team expects to complete a cross-examination that has been punishing, if uneven.

Once Cohen is done testifying, prosecutors appear poised to rest their case. And on Thursday afternoon, Trump’s lead lawyer Todd Blanche predicted the defense case, if they present one at all, would likely be quick. It could wrap by the end of Monday.

There’s one crucial variable, though: Will Trump himself take the stand? Blanche told the judge he would discuss it with Trump over the weekend before a final decision.

If Trump opts to testify, it would likely prolong the trial by several more days. Most legal experts, however, doubt he will take the stand because it would open him to a cross-examination that could prove legally ruinous and politically damaging.

It all means that 14 months after a New York grand jury indicted him for falsifying business records to conceal an affair with a porn star, Trump’s odyssey through the Manhattan criminal courts appears to be nearing a close. The outcome will be an inflection point both in American history — Trump is the first former president to face criminal charges — and in Trump’s bid to return to the White House.

A conviction, of course, would raise questions about when and whether Trump might be sentenced to prison, even while he barrels toward Election Day as the certain GOP nominee for president. Many experts see prison time for the low-level, non-violent felonies as unlikely, though not out of the realm of possibility.

An acquittal, on the other hand, would buttress Trump’s effort to portray the criminal cases against him as deeply flawed and politically motivated. And it would be a rebuke of District Attorney Alvin Bragg for his decision to bring a case that many legal scholars have questioned.

The jury has other options that would result in a muddle — including convicting Trump of the misdemeanor, rather than the felony, version of the crimes, or returning a mixed verdict that convicted Trump on some of the 34 counts while acquitting him of others. And of course, the jury could hang, failing to agree on any of the charges. That would result in a mistrial, though Trump would surely claim it as an effective win.

Which outcome the jury arrives at may hinge substantially on what played out in court across three trial days this week: the testimony of Cohen, the prosecution’s brash and mercurial star witness.

Though Cohen has attempted — largely successfully — to remain subdued and measured in his tone, Blanche spent hours portraying him to jurors as compulsively dishonest, self-serving and willing to lie to achieve a desired result.

And while Blanche’s cross-examination didn’t deliver a knockout punch, coming off disjointed and at times confusing to follow, it wounded Cohen with a series of small cuts that impaired his credibility and raised questions about his motivations…


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80e9a8 No.20888110


Easy way to write her out of the movie. They do it all the time in (((Hollywood))) when an actor dies but a series continues on.

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29fed9 No.20888111


There goes the neighborhood, estate sales!!

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6fd7e5 No.20888112



On Thursday, it reached a crescendo soon before the trial’s lunch break, when Blanche grilled Cohen about apparent inconsistencies with his memory of a key phone call.

Two days earlier, under direct examination from the prosecution, Cohen had testified that he spoke on the phone with Trump on Oct. 24, 2016, and informed him that the hush money deal with porn star Stormy Daniels was finalized. Cohen said he delivered the news by calling Trump’s bodyguard, Keith Schiller, who handed the phone to Trump.

Blanche showed jurors evidence that, in the days prior to that call, Cohen had received numerous threatening phone calls from a purported 14-year-old “dope.” The defense attorney suggested Cohen called Schiller that day to speak about the threats — not to confirm the hush money payment with Trump. The substance and timing of the call is significant because it may show how much Trump knew about the hush money scheme in the final weeks of the 2016 presidential campaign.

Blanche’s evidence included a text from Cohen to Schiller that day to inform him about the threatening calls. After the text, Schiller left Cohen a voicemail, and the former fixer called him back soon after, according to the evidence.

Blanche, raising his voice from a courtroom lectern, questioned Cohen about whether his previous testimony at the trial about the call was accurate.

And, as might be expected for a witness who has pleaded guilty to multiple felonies, Cohen was subject to Blanche repeatedly drilling down on Cohen’s criminal record and his credibility.

Cohen testified earlier that while he believed the underlying facts of criminal tax charges brought against him weren’t wrong, he maintained that he had been wrongfully prosecuted.

On Thursday, however, Blanche presented Cohen with evidence from his public statements and his books showing that he called the tax charges “100% inaccurate” and that he recently said on TikTok that his case in the Southern District of New York was “the most corrupt prosecution in the last 100 years.” Blanche suggested the evidence demonstrated that Cohen’s testimony was inconsistent not only with his public comments on the matter but also with his federal guilty pleas in court.

And Blanche asked Cohen a series of questions about testimony he gave to Congress in 2019 that tied back to his guilty plea in federal court the year before. Blanche asked if Cohen omitted the fact that he lied in the plea hearing, despite telling Congress that he “accepted responsibility.“

“Do you agree with me that lying under oath is not accepting responsibility?” Blanche asked.

Rather than responding with a “yes” or “no,” Cohen simply said he accepted responsibility for the crime.

“That was a lie,” Blanche insisted multiple times, his voice growing louder and impassioned. “You can admit it.”

“No, sir, I can’t,” Cohen said, repeating that in addition to the conversation with Schiller about the calls, “I believe that I also spoke to Mr. Trump and told him everything regarding Stormy Daniels was being worked on and it’s going to be resolved.”

“We are not asking for your belief,” Blanche said angrily. “This jury doesn’t want to hear what you think happened.”

Blanche also cleverly undermined Cohen’s carefully maintained placid demeanor, puncturing it for the jury by presenting them with clips from Cohen’s podcast, “Mea Culpa.” While a demure, polite Cohen sat before them on the witness stand,jurors heard a snarling, foul-mouthed Cohen’s voice filling the courtroom.


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6ace05 No.20888113

File: 0a635a3a04d9228⋯.png (3.74 MB,3362x2211,3362:2211,QClock_May_19_2024_Iran_Ne….png)

File: e6ec1ff556d5d38⋯.png (1.05 MB,600x819,200:273,ClipboardImage.png)


>>20888050 Thank you!

>>20888081 Thank you! (couple updates…rushed the other… :-P ) & TYB!

QClock May 19, 2024 - Iran Next, People Awake, Helicopter Crash, Pain Delivered, Shift in Tactics Fireworks

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a2bfab No.20888114


This makes sense. KPalace had several emergency people & more than one ambulance arrive on the evening of the 28th Dec but no reports of why. The children haven't been seen either with the one exception of little George at a sports ball game with his father. The children will be kept out of sight because of talking and emotional faces. Prince William is cut from the same cloth as the cheating king and he's a sloth of a drinker.

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f73c8a No.20888115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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0e9fdb No.20888116

File: fee094e731ac42d⋯.jpg (122.72 KB,650x584,325:292,PIG_FU.jpg)

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80e9a8 No.20888117


Kek. "Ruben," huh? Dasting surname for a (((CIA Operative))).

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6ace05 No.20888118

File: cccf874b67bfd27⋯.png (876.52 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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e1ec0c No.20888119

File: c8a78ddc5ad75c9⋯.jpg (353.32 KB,1079x828,1079:828,Screenshot_20240519_211119….jpg)

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cc6e31 No.20888120

File: 23abb78a7888790⋯.png (14.31 KB,474x366,79:61,ClipboardImage.png)



Israeli President 'Lied About Shani Louk Being Beheaded by Hamas'; 'Complete' Body Returned

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e5fa39 No.20888121


>the shills

end smith mundt.

end shill tools.

The shill isn't a problem here no. it's a PERCEPTION problem they create here which get's picked up by Smith Mundt Amplifiers.

The good news is the Smith Mundt Amplifiers are discredited already. The bad news is Most people are fucking sheep listening to Smith Mundt news.

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3c0d34 No.20888122

A major leader in Iran will die, and more to come. The plans they had against America and Israel will be discovered and announced. Yes, they were paid with money from this fraudulent government to commit another terrorist attack on your land and Israel. Iran was not only compensated very well financially but was given things to help with their nuclear power, too. Iran, I will judge you in this hour, and everything you have will be taken from you. I will bring you to your knees with nothing left to fight back.


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8085c4 No.20888123

File: 957e7f6a35495cc⋯.jpg (97.78 KB,885x500,177:100,8qld4d.jpg)

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cbdef7 No.20888124

File: 849868dfbc3fed8⋯.png (866.42 KB,1088x1100,272:275,diddy_apology_05192024.png)

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e5fa39 No.20888125

hahah Iran news network Hellicoptor team. kek

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cbdef7 No.20888128


'Shani Louk? oh i thought you said Sharron Louk, my bad'


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731cea No.20888129

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4172ac No.20888130


Pay attention to the numbers in this but it’s still an OpEd and this point below should resonate as the top holder of US Treasury Bonds is Japan and they habs a real problem with muh yen and bond market….caps 4&5

>Currency is debt and sovereign bonds are currency

Inflation Is A Policy. Gold Does Not Reflect Monetary Destruction, Yet


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cd4c84 No.20888131

File: 63b17cac2eee8cd⋯.png (61.9 KB,293x281,293:281,ClipboardImage.png)

The fuck?

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6ace05 No.20888132




>Rothschild died same :MM as QEII

go figure.

nice work as always.



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80e9a8 No.20888133

File: 462a47a9dea67c2⋯.png (562.17 KB,890x872,445:436,ClipboardImage.png)


Verynotabru. Especially considering Zionist rags, like the gatekeeper pundit, are still saying she was "raped, had her legs broken and paraded around while Gazan civilians were cheering." We need to call these people out.

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774175 No.20888134


Woot! Marketfag has arrived!

How are you with commodities futures? Imagine what will move around when these upgrades are complete, and Ukraine prots are just bypassed

Romania gets much-needed port upgrades

Sam Chambers May 17, 2024

Yesterday, DP World opened three new sites in Romania, adding much-needed capacity to marine infrastructure that has welcomed far more vessels in recent years.

Constanta, the largest container port on the Black Sea, is now home to two new facilities following a €65m ($70.6m) investment: a 5 ha project cargo terminal and a new roro terminal that will handle up to 80,000 vehicles per year at its peak. A further €50m will be invested in a new multi-transport platform in Constanta that will open in 2025. DP World’s third new facility to open yesterday is in Aiud, in the industrial heartland of Romania, which is now home to a new 8 ha intermodal logistics hub connecting rail and road, following a €21m investment.

DP World anticipates that its latest investments will encourage and enable major businesses to relocate or expand manufacturing facilities in the region. This reshoring can be seen in automotive manufacturing, which has increased rapidly in recent years in the region and is expected to grow further. Automotive already makes up 13% of Romanian GDP, with Mercedes-Benz, Renault-owned Dacia and Ford all manufacturing in the country. Automotive firms are also increasingly investing in neighbouring Hungary and Poland and nearby Turkey.

Splash has been reporting repeatedly on how Romanian port facilities have been struggling to handle the extra traffic inbound from Ukraine since Russia’s full-scale invasion in February 2022.


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ef737a No.20888135

File: ba2cfda113072c3⋯.png (543.88 KB,634x547,634:547,ba2cfda113072c359778083331….png)






POTUS has Clockfags..big beautiful clockfags!

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290a9e No.20888136


Sad this is their best, we were promised a challenge.

Shill team 6, is still just a shill team.

What I have learned is that demons and entities that cut themselves off from God cannot create, thus are not creative.

So here we are with mediocre shills that bore us.

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8085c4 No.20888137

File: 977e1d305d0cd4c⋯.jpg (101.94 KB,500x1211,500:1211,8qldio.jpg)

File: 769373fcf81595e⋯.jpeg (429.66 KB,1584x2048,99:128,GN9IfBAXAAA6mxR.jpeg)

File: 7d24e303b0180f0⋯.png (727.74 KB,640x3606,320:1803,14.png)

File: fe280aa6766f7a2⋯.png (119.78 KB,640x978,320:489,1464.png)


just fucking around a bit.

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774175 No.20888138

>>20888134 (me)

ports, Ukraine ports

prots are "pretty radical pots" right?

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5f42ca No.20888139

File: 1687cfab55a6641⋯.png (592.86 KB,634x418,317:209,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 324baa090e6ea07⋯.png (377.12 KB,599x399,599:399,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66ac53d28a9b9ed⋯.png (272.76 KB,320x450,32:45,ClipboardImage.png)


was it the Ali Khamenei?

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a7fdc9 No.20888140

Leviticus 20

1 The Lord said to Moses, 2 “Say to the Israelites: ‘Any Israelite or any foreigner residing in Israel who sacrifices any of his children to Molek is to be put to death. The members of the community are to stone him. 3 I myself will set my face against him and will cut him off from his people; for by sacrificing his children to Molek, he has defiled my sanctuary and profaned my holy name. 4 If the members of the community close their eyes when that man sacrifices one of his children to Molek and if they fail to put him to death, 5 I myself will set my face against him and his family and will cut them off from their people together with all who follow him in prostituting themselves to Molek.

Not calling out the Jews is a Sin.

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f73c8a No.20888141

File: 3166dcfb1686c77⋯.png (42.45 KB,295x434,295:434,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6fb676cde073e97⋯.png (63.26 KB,1002x438,167:73,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0016b5e039cf604⋯.png (108.72 KB,1021x608,1021:608,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b2ac5b3c4dfe7e⋯.png (55.72 KB,1009x567,1009:567,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 424283c0c723196⋯.png (156.95 KB,1003x662,1003:662,ClipboardImage.png)

3 March 2013

“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

The Infamous "Oded Yinon Plan".

The following document pertaining to the formation of “Greater Israel” constitutes the cornerstone of powerful Zionist factions within the current Netanyahu government, the Likud party, as well as within the Israeli military and intelligence establishment.

President Donald Trump had confirmed in January 2017 his support of Israel’s illegal settlements (including his opposition to UN Security Council Resolution 2334, pertaining to the illegality of the Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank). The Trump administration expressed its recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. And now the entire West Bank is being annexed to Israel.

Under the Biden administration, despite rhetorical shifts in the political narrative, Washington remains supportive of Israel plans to annex the entire Jordan River valley as well the illegal settlements in the West Bank.

Bear in mind: The Greater Israel design is not strictly a Zionist Project for the Middle East, it is an integral part of US foreign policy, its strategic objective is to extend US hegemony as well as fracture and balkanize the Middle East.

In this regard, Washington’s strategy consists in destabilizing and weakening regional economic powers in the Middle East including Turkey and Iran. This policy –which is consistent with the Greater Israel– is accompanied by a process of political fragmentation.

Since the Gulf war (1991), the Pentagon has contemplated the creation of a “Free Kurdistan” which would include the annexation of parts of Iraq, Syria and Iran as well as Turkey

According to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, “the area of the Jewish State stretches: “From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.” According to Rabbi Fischmann, “The Promised Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon.”


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cbdef7 No.20888142

File: f958718aa80d543⋯.png (323.49 KB,941x1000,941:1000,communist_party_of_romania….png)

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cc6e31 No.20888143

File: f2db3b9e586a159⋯.png (20.65 KB,474x335,474:335,ClipboardImage.png)


test for

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cd4c84 No.20888144

File: 229218f0722773f⋯.png (735.01 KB,672x672,1:1,229218f0722773fe2dcd323d68….png)

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f73c8a No.20888145

File: 88e7a23142bdbdf⋯.png (161.5 KB,537x349,537:349,ClipboardImage.png)

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4420b0 No.20888146


“ Jerry Nadler will be in your news. Headlines all over will report on him. What for you may ask? Truth is breaking through all their lies to expose and bring great judgments to the enemies of Almighty God. More evidence and truth will be in your headlines. Your enemies are paying for the crimes they have committed. Jerry Nadler is about to lose his life for the blood that drips from his hands. That blood calls to Me for justice, and justice is being served.”

Kek - “perhaps.”

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e5fa39 No.20888147


Gateway Pundit. you noticed the problem too huh..

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3af128 No.20888148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


At 25:47

Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo 5/19/24 | BREAKING NEWS TODAY May 19, 2024


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cbdef7 No.20888149

File: 08b2a38e420662b⋯.png (555.37 KB,1076x800,269:200,biden_invokes_excutive_pri….png)

File: 641c6ad13e0ab8d⋯.png (1.44 MB,960x978,160:163,stormy_vs_Trump_kek_051520….png)

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0e9fdb No.20888150

File: abf57a6c678a172⋯.jpg (149.54 KB,859x505,859:505,WIN_STORY.jpg)

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80e9a8 No.20888151



But they wonder why they're stereotyped and why people show nothing but disdain for their self-deluded notion of "chosen" (tm) status above all others. Should be interesting to see how many "Jews" in America are going to be trying to distance themselves from muh "Greatest Ally" (tm) and claim ignorance to what Israel has been doing since it's creation.

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e1ec0c No.20888152

File: 586db2d503a7c72⋯.mp4 (1.2 MB,640x360,16:9,Clock_.mp4)

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3af128 No.20888153

File: 94fef55463a11c4⋯.png (523.29 KB,860x551,860:551,ClipboardImage.png)



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6ace05 No.20888154

File: 3372758e8f7dc6b⋯.png (1.44 MB,800x1067,800:1067,ClipboardImage.png)


>POTUS has Clockfags..big beautiful clockfags!

Tenks Fren!

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676020 No.20888155

File: c6229f1225508a6⋯.jpg (242.42 KB,1024x1024,1:1,OIG3_xiKfEiVQimR.jpg)

0101 10101 0010101 0101 101 1

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ae9113 No.20888156

the q bumper sticker has long faded on the back of the taurus sho.sheds a tear for dem kidz.it is wat it iz but it be wat it do also,sheeeeit.

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80e9a8 No.20888157


>Gateway Pundit. you noticed the problem too huh..

I outed Hoft a long time ago. I'm persona non grata over on his Disqust board. for pointing out his ties to his former "WH correspondent" whose real surname is "Einhorn." Lucian has some interesting ties in Israel. Ever read the comments of the people who still read that shit? Those people are fuckinggone.

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69437b No.20888158

File: 34708e73ca9d748⋯.webp (41.39 KB,1024x682,512:341,jeffrey_epstein_71.webp)

File: b8d0824d02b56c3⋯.png (832.9 KB,902x718,451:359,YboOp9J.png)

File: 0982da8179da0e6⋯.jpg (38.01 KB,407x612,407:612,gettyimages_169383892_612x….jpg)

All for a LARP.

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774175 No.20888159


Dang, had forgotten about you, sorry about that

Another idependent schizo right?

Either babbling about Smith Mundt, and going off about "bootlickers" and how "sheriff" is bad and should make a "possy" or "omg the background checks" and your at least nightly "commie marxist maoist leninst…" rants

Not a complicated procedure, I can do yours and vatican dude's lobotmies within minutes of each other. I even promise to re-sterilize the knitting needles before I do which ever one of you is second. 60% discount, time is short, hurry

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6fd7e5 No.20888160

File: 057d0f83b62636f⋯.jpeg (65.12 KB,1241x661,1241:661,IMG_2007.jpeg)

File: ece2ecf0016ae63⋯.jpeg (43.76 KB,1241x647,1241:647,IMG_2008.jpeg)

File: b9c020f55ff8886⋯.jpeg (173.67 KB,1241x649,1241:649,IMG_2009.jpeg)

File: 6f1e8896c5a4cc3⋯.jpeg (47.44 KB,1241x660,1241:660,IMG_2010.jpeg)

File: f489a250bbce660⋯.jpeg (137.95 KB,1241x929,1241:929,IMG_2011.jpeg)

Take a look at the 'Mighty Dragon,' China's $120 million stealth fighter meant to rival the US Air Force's fifth-gen jets. 1/2

Fri, May 17, 2024 at 11:35 AM CDT

The Chengdu J-20 is China's most advanced stealth fighter jet.

The J-20 reportedly had several encounters with the US-made Lockheed Martin F-35 jets in 2020.

The Chinese air force has a fleet of more than 200 J-20 jets — and the figure is only expected to grow.

The Chengdu J-20 is China's most advanced stealth fighter.

The jet, nicknamed the "Mighty Dragon," was introduced to China's People's Liberation Army Air Force in March 2017. Manufactured by the Sichuan-based Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group, the jet is considered one of China's most advanced military weapons.

It debuted in November 2016 at the Zhuhai Air Show in Guangdong, China.

The J-20 is only the world's third fifth-generation fighter jet in history, after the US-made Lockheed Martin F-22 and F-35 jets. According to an analysis of the aircraft's serial numbers, as of 2023, the Chinese air force has a fleet of more than 200 J-20 jets — and the figure is only expected to grow.

The Chinese jet has drawn comparisons to the F-35 since the jets were locked in military encounters in 2020.

The F-35 jet was introduced to the US military in July 2015. There are three variants of the jet: the conventional takeoff and landing F-35A, the short takeoff and vertical landing F-35B, and the carrier-based F-35C. The variants are differentiated by how the jet takes off and lands.

Lockheed Martin touts the F-35 as the "most advanced fighter jet in the world," with very low observable stealth, advanced sensors, information fusion, and network connectivity.

But there's stiff competition from the J-20.

The F-35's close encounters with the J-20 in the East China Sea in 2022 impressed a top US Air Force general, the South China Morning Post reported.

Gen. Kenneth Wilsbach, the head of US Pacific Air Forces, said in 2022 that the US had some impressions of the J-20's performance and was tepid about its capabilities.

"It's not anything to lose a lot of sleep over, but they seem to be a building a lot of them, and certainly, we're watching them closely," Wilsbach said.

The J-20 is a long, wide aircraft, measuring 23 meters in length and 5 meters in height.

The jet is believed to have a maximum speed of 2,468 kph and a travel range of 5,926 kilometers, according to the aviation website Aero Corner. By comparison, the F-35A has a maximum speed of 1,960 kph and a range of 2,200 kilometers, according to the Royal Australian Air Force.

The J-20 is an enigmaand Western estimates of its capabilities range widely.

There are several variants of the J-20.


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f73c8a No.20888161

File: 5d1a8506eac9bb9⋯.png (499.87 KB,915x483,305:161,ClipboardImage.png)

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cbdef7 No.20888162

File: eadca14daa9b7d4⋯.png (866.91 KB,1200x648,50:27,Silk_05192024_Trump_vs_sto….png)


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6fd7e5 No.20888163

File: 1e53d596cb87967⋯.jpeg (152.96 KB,1241x820,1241:820,IMG_2012.jpeg)

File: ab5323d9d7d87ed⋯.jpeg (51.24 KB,640x360,16:9,IMG_2013.jpeg)

File: fc5f29beea43be8⋯.jpeg (124.41 KB,1241x1029,1241:1029,IMG_2014.jpeg)

File: 81dff5b84d2345f⋯.jpeg (168.5 KB,1241x983,1241:983,IMG_2015.jpeg)

File: 93c51cc3bb06569⋯.jpeg (216.8 KB,1241x1022,17:14,IMG_2016.jpeg)



Some notable variants are the J-20A, the first version of the jet, the thrust-vectoring J-20B, and the J-20S, the first twin-seatstealth fighter jet.

China is working on upgrading the J-20 by increasing the number of missiles it can carry and installing thrust-vectoring engine nozzles, according to the Pentagon's China Military Power Report released last October.

The J-20 was initially fitted with Russian-built engines.

China later developed the Shenyang WS-10 engine to lessen its dependency on Russia for fighter aircraft engines.

Last summer, video footage of J-20 test flights led to speculation that the PLAAF equipped its Might Dragon fleet with a more advanced WS-15 turbofan engine. China has struggled to build an engine capable of sustaining supersonic speeds without an afterburner similar to that of the US F-22 Raptor.

"No one wants the Chinese to become capable of designing and building their own jet engines," a retired intelligence officer from a NATO country told Breaking Defense in 2023. "It would move the threat marker as to their air power capability up more than just a couple of notches. But they seem to be close to that goal whether we want them to be or not."

The jet costs between $100 million and $120 million a unit, according to The EurAsian Times.

In the early 2000s, the preliminary cost of the jet was quoted to be 450 million to 500 million Chinese yuan, or about $60 million to $70 million, The Diplomat reported. According to estimates from multiple reports, the cost of the jet has increased significantly since then.

The jet's research and development cost was estimated to cost over 30 billion yuan, the South China Morning Post reported.

Editor's note: This article was first published in June 2022 and has been updated to reflect recent developments.


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987c1c No.20888164

Within each of us is an Unpowered System

that Has been laying Dormant for a Thousand Generations

(you) are more than you have

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f73c8a No.20888165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A new report reveals a strong UK media bias on Israel’s war on Gaza


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ae9113 No.20888166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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676020 No.20888167

File: 020faecc521a381⋯.jpg (217.66 KB,1024x1024,1:1,OIG2_Ag.jpg)

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c51bde No.20888168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>20887659 lb

>>20887675 lb

Gregg Braden says who we are is written in our DNA. (In that clip from lb) He says a rabbi asked him why is he revealing secrets they want kept secret and he said that it’s because he’s not a joo. BUT the fucking Jew spammers fucked shit all up because now nobody will listen thinking is poast is joo hate spam. It’s very important tho with the current events. The whole interview is a must listen. The pb clips are important too. Jessie czebotar confirmed.

(Ignore whomever that host is and whatever his shit is about and just listen to what Gregg says. At least listen to first 25 minutes. You won’t want to stop listening bc he fukken nails it.) I think he used to work for Lockheed or did defense something til science proved God is real and I think he changed course. Can’t member his background.

Shut it down.

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80e9a8 No.20888169

File: 9f27eb72f0efc77⋯.png (342.68 KB,1200x628,300:157,ClipboardImage.png)

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5f42ca No.20888170

File: 9c19c4ec4529d83⋯.png (138.4 KB,355x498,355:498,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d7847 No.20888171

File: 49f7e518dc46756⋯.png (875.61 KB,860x860,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


kinda looks like self professed Queen of Canada, Ramona Didulo

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a7fdc9 No.20888172


The first time Jew is mentioned in the Old Testament is in Esther. The word Lord or God was not in that chapter a single time. In the chapters before, and after, it is always used.

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f73c8a No.20888173

How Queer and Trans Converts Are Saving America's Red State Synagogues

A new trend emerged in recent years: Lapsed Christians from the LGBTQ community in the U.S. heartland converting to Judaism after discovering a religion that actually welcomed them. They are quickly becoming the lifeblood of previously ailing non-Orthodox congregations

Rimon Moomey, the grandchild of a Pentecostal pastor, grew up in Norman, Oklahoma. Their parents split up when they were 15 and their nasty divorce prompted some deep soul-searching.


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ae9113 No.20888174

so how do we stop the groids from rigging another election?

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e5fa39 No.20888175

File: 6b59d8b604cef22⋯.png (288.82 KB,400x523,400:523,Screenshot_2024_04_03_09_2….png)

File: bcc222039304ca5⋯.png (241.22 KB,528x420,44:35,Screenshot_2024_04_03_09_2….png)

File: cee88672c43e278⋯.png (320.49 KB,418x554,209:277,Israel_hostages.png)

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a4e5b3 No.20888176

File: 6b397ad08d50f43⋯.jpg (90.21 KB,480x854,240:427,D0ntqDi.jpg)

Please make it make sense..

Biden Giving SSI Checks To Ukrainians!!

Bad enough they're giving it to the illegals here


sauce,I think

Representing Asylum Seekers with Disabilities: Relevant Law

Yes. Federal disability law protects any person present in the United States, regardless of immigration status, including people seeking asylum

[link to humanrightsfirst.org (secure)]

Spotlight on SSI Benefits for Noncitizens

An alien may be eligible for SSI benefits if he or she meets the requirements of the laws for noncitizens

[link to www.ssa.gov (secure)]

Overview of Immigrant Eligibility for Federal Programs

[link to www.nilc.org (secure)]

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bc3e91 No.20888177

File: b249a3938e120a4⋯.jpeg (231.48 KB,960x1200,4:5,IMG_1442.jpeg)

Ai papi

You faggots done yet

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29600f No.20888178

File: 36a039718c113d6⋯.jpg (515.8 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Angel_Q_Plane.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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8085c4 No.20888179

File: 6d3b35c93bd549e⋯.jpg (139.34 KB,1200x800,3:2,image_2_.jpg)

File: e8be383ef84d184⋯.jpeg (181.09 KB,502x336,251:168,DSC_1041_1.jpeg)


taurus sho is the butterface of fast cars

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c8184c No.20888180

File: b9c75980068ba95⋯.png (374.32 KB,432x902,216:451,ClipboardImage.png)


looks like a Jack Smith Satanic clone.

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987c1c No.20888182

File: 34c8101980a91c3⋯.png (1.7 MB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

The Ancients that ruled this realm before us

Weren't just Smarter, they were Fully Powered

(you) are More Powerful than Some would like you to be

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2cfe10 No.20888183


gm clockfag

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80e9a8 No.20888184

File: 8956b8ce1ebe357⋯.png (324.25 KB,645x363,215:121,ClipboardImage.png)


Yeah…. the morans that read the gatekeeper pundit can't be saved. They're all wholly brian-washed to worship Israel. It's insane. I mean, I know sayanim work disqust (it's owned by Zeta Global, whose CEO is one David A. Steinberg), but some of those people are so fucking deluded. Seems they've lifted some of the sanctions on speech there. You can actually put "Jew" in a poast without it being censored. Used to be, you couldn't even mention them, in any capacity. So fucking familiar. Always the same playbook. (picrel)

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e5fa39 No.20888185

File: 0bb2d94bfef4d2e⋯.png (578.7 KB,964x632,241:158,ClipboardImage.png)


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0163c8 No.20888186

File: 1c6081797514332⋯.png (1.28 MB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b079c872bc6ac8⋯.png (1.31 MB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1afb31791b91c93⋯.png (1.34 MB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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4420b0 No.20888187

File: b7dc1ba8f6dc7b1⋯.jpeg (89.1 KB,485x600,97:120,IMG_1860.jpeg)

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8085c4 No.20888188

File: 7bcf32cad5cd825⋯.jpg (137.5 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_19_16_2….jpg)

File: bae0609e077d5af⋯.jpeg (70.84 KB,1080x1078,540:539,GN9XZiUWUAAHKWZ.jpeg)

File: a3ab76290f074c7⋯.png (182.75 KB,640x1564,160:391,134_2_.png)

File: 7c5f9e4af30fad2⋯.png (55.25 KB,640x660,32:33,1334_2_.png)


muh safety net awareness program

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7b7876 No.20888189


She looks Vietnamese.

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e53e97 No.20888190

File: f419d83062391c4⋯.png (408.8 KB,876x996,73:83,ManningTscott.png)

File: 06b582ff8383dbd⋯.png (563.28 KB,951x1031,951:1031,JosWManning24.png)

File: 7d553d21c8d0f98⋯.mp4 (6.89 MB,640x360,16:9,robe1945_1.mp4)


Shit, had already addressed that loser, timscott recently. Ever hear of Manning Johnson, timmy? He testified and wrote a book about how the COMMUNISTS have been using black people since many, many decades ago. EVER mention him, ever?

Ever hear these frauds on faux call it what it IS?

Hey timmy, why don't you and your fellow fake pussy "republican politicians" call for all the PAUL ROBESON crap be taken down/removed from structures & buildings, just as the Communists did with Confederate-related everything? Listen to this lovely (SOVIET) Anthem recorded by robeson in the 1940s, he of the 1952 Stalin Peace Prize AND a U.S. STAMP.

timmy got a BOOK due out soon (if not already)?

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69437b No.20888191

File: c1d1400da6a466c⋯.png (349.43 KB,560x567,80:81,ClipboardImage.png)

President Biden



The desire to know what freedom is and what it can be is the heart and soul of this college.

Proving that a free nation is born in the hearts of men spellbound by fearlessness and freedom.

That’s the magic of Morehouse.

That’s the magic of America.

May 19, 2024 · 7:45 PM UTC




>(you) are More Powerful than Some would like you to be

This is a spiritual war.

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80e9a8 No.20888192

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


All animals are equal, Anon. But some animals aremore equalthan others. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of those "Ukrainians" are actually kosher.

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a951f3 No.20888193

File: 04145f2a256821b⋯.mp4 (6.99 MB,464x824,58:103,IMG_4341.MP4)

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f73c8a No.20888196

File: e8ca903ca598327⋯.png (471.43 KB,760x574,380:287,ClipboardImage.png)

This map shows how much you have to earn to afford rent in every state


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8085c4 No.20888197


tens of millions

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cbdef7 No.20888198

File: 795db77d00dd213⋯.png (796.65 KB,750x912,125:152,Pedo_arrests_soar_under_Tr….png)

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ac5660 No.20888199


Obvious Pshop. Pathetic.

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c8184c No.20888200


Benjamin Reuben Zalman-Polun

What kind of name is that?


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e5fa39 No.20888201


The photo's I just posted are HOW they can be saved.

The shit coming out of GAZA is worthy of contacting foreign affairs and putting hard questions to them – JUST LIKE THE ZIONIST LOBBY DOES.

They can't say shit when tney shit is right there war crimes all poking out and shit.

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cbdef7 No.20888202

File: 584467138fb4e7d⋯.png (111.82 KB,339x751,339:751,larry_nassar_child_moleste….png)

File: d8de73788f65360⋯.png (169.37 KB,671x775,671:775,nassar_stabbed_07102023.png)

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0163c8 No.20888203

File: e7d6040dd700c07⋯.png (1.84 MB,3000x2000,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)



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8389a7 No.20888204

File: 65222ebd31cc7a7⋯.jpg (50.98 KB,528x745,528:745,declass.JPG)

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a7614f No.20888205

mos def

supposed to be a cannibus entrepreneur


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cbdef7 No.20888206

File: 8a15348a4adf1f1⋯.png (447.51 KB,668x1112,167:278,judge_documents_maxwell_ep….png)

File: 180d0d276c2aef3⋯.png (194.68 KB,598x392,299:196,epstein_estate_demolished.png)

File: b830d81a3cb1a3c⋯.png (163.56 KB,800x600,4:3,epstein_and_biden_islands_….png)

File: 1e1545ff5f9d284⋯.png (987.8 KB,824x1100,206:275,clinton_blue_dress_epstein.png)

File: 4e65434316651e1⋯.png (465.73 KB,962x907,962:907,epstein_dinner_2.png)

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a951f3 No.20888207

File: 5f05303f8b87645⋯.mp4 (4.43 MB,720x1280,9:16,This_guy_has_a_frog_army_i….mp4)

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c8184c No.20888208

File: edd0d75ee457370⋯.png (134.37 KB,1294x829,1294:829,ClipboardImage.png)



Registered Republican.

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b8af26 No.20888209

File: 1afbc25d0300382⋯.png (5.85 KB,236x48,59:12,report.png)


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dff157 No.20888210


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7d09c7 No.20888211

File: b7c8ea46c6223ef⋯.jpg (1.16 MB,2048x1143,2048:1143,b7c8ea46c6223ef981925625bc….jpg)

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e5fa39 No.20888212


Loyal to Joe biden has it's price kek

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4b15f4 No.20888213

File: 0fca86e92b8d078⋯.png (744.22 KB,800x679,800:679,0fca86e92b8d07819799292e80….png)


cp fag has no power here

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a7614f No.20888214

File: 8dbb3a96c936159⋯.jpg (720.16 KB,1440x3040,9:19,Screenshot_20240519_154235….jpg)

File: 5ded8d783ec8fe3⋯.jpg (1.28 MB,1440x3040,9:19,Screenshot_20240519_154224….jpg)

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38e8a3 No.20888215



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e5fa39 No.20888216

Anon don't care if all of CIA gets arrested in CONGO kek

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8202bc No.20888217



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8085c4 No.20888218


taurus forus kek

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e5fa39 No.20888219

CIA: the congo arrested our NED/USAID guy

CONGO: what cia guy

CIA: the cia guy the cia guy

CONGO: send more NED/USAID kek

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80e9a8 No.20888220


>The shit coming out of GAZA is worthy of contacting foreign affairs and putting hard questions to them – JUST LIKE THE ZIONIST LOBBY DOES.

Therein lies the problem, Anon. You'renotallowed to question Jews or Jewish activity in any capacity. They're "above contestation" as a collective. This bullshit anti-semitisms (tm) act the house just passed only proves it. The sooner Americans realize they're under Zionist occupation, the better. They're still brian-washed, though. Can't see the Tribe playing both sides.

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38e8a3 No.20888221

File: 2804dd32a24002c⋯.png (104.57 KB,197x220,197:220,2804dd32a24002c629fd822f4a….png)


Conga or Congo?

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38e8a3 No.20888222

File: bb66f1c77e1f536⋯.jpg (33.58 KB,500x436,125:109,Both.jpg)

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0163c8 No.20888223

File: 8c500c7807cdc69⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB,368x640,23:40,BREAKING_CIA_Agents_arrest….mp4)

File: 8142da5e718006e⋯.png (492.77 KB,461x706,461:706,ClipboardImage.png)



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c8184c No.20888224

File: 692a10d1448379f⋯.png (157.39 KB,1277x916,1277:916,ClipboardImage.png)



Janet Zalman Kossow is a relative or something and invented some type of weight loss control for animals.

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8085c4 No.20888225

File: 6d3b35c93bd549e⋯.jpg (139.34 KB,1200x800,3:2,image_2_.jpg)


flush headlights 3 billion dollars robocop

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a951f3 No.20888226

File: b8204d0e06d7959⋯.png (775.15 KB,1080x1050,36:35,ClipboardImage.png)

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38e8a3 No.20888227


Does it come with a Blaupunkt? kek.

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2cfe10 No.20888228


Clockfags love POTUS!


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80e9a8 No.20888229


Zalman is a Yiddish surname. You still think this one is (((CIA)))?

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69437b No.20888230

File: 14369d533d96d69⋯.png (26.38 KB,572x232,143:58,ClipboardImage.png)

S p r i n t e r F a c t o r y



EU Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarcic:

“Following Iran's request for assistance, we are activating the European Union's Copernicus EMS satellite mapping service, given the crash of a helicopter carrying the Iranian President and his ministers.”

May 19, 2024 · 8:36 PM UTC


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987c1c No.20888231

File: 2ae175e46956d94⋯.png (382.09 KB,640x404,160:101,ClipboardImage.png)

(you) are not a Random Production of Single Cell Organisms Evolving

(you) are a Divine Creation, Crafted with a Specific Purpose to be Fulfilled

Let the Positive Energy Flow Through you

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e5fa39 No.20888232


Stop it.

I just told you how.

Telephone Phone numbers are available on each state's page or on your senator's website Senators Suite & Telephone List (PDF) A U.S. Capitol Switchboard operator can also connect you directly with the Senate office. (202) 224-3121

send me the contact for one of or both of the assistants in charge of Foreign Affairs

I don't want to fucking hear shit about Jew this or that again. there's some jews who ain't zionist lunatics. it 60% lunatic 40% not lunatic.

If you want to be more effective than GP, then start your own fucking website and contact foreign affairs and AMPLIFY your shit like an ISP does. in fact you ought to just become a fuckin ISP.

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4420b0 No.20888233

File: 12c13d4f954a965⋯.png (769.32 KB,941x623,941:623,IMG_1861.png)

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8085c4 No.20888234


this ain't no bitchin' camaro

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05678e No.20888235


Trip 8's or 2's? Why not both? KEK

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c8184c No.20888236


Double agents.

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cd4c84 No.20888237

File: 81eee7b8a5dbf27⋯.webm (195.18 KB,480x360,4:3,gbs.webm)

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38e8a3 No.20888238


Fix Or Repair Daily

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05678e No.20888239



Italian Retard Out Cruisin

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80e9a8 No.20888240


>I don't want to fucking hear shit about Jew this or that again. there's some jews who ain't zionist lunatics. it 60% lunatic 40% not lunatic.

Except the ones that aren't protect the ones whoarefor merely being Jewish. I don't give a fuck what you "want to hear." Clearly you don't want to live in a world of truth. Congress is wholly blackmailed and bribed.

>then start your own fucking website

Oh my. How kosher of you.

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6ace05 No.20888241

File: 0211dc6ec842d6a⋯.png (2.27 MB,1061x1336,1061:1336,ClipboardImage.png)

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374ec6 No.20888242

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ad5280 No.20888243

notes @380

#25619 >>20887809

>>20887835 Don’t ignore the real threat of the WHO pandemic treaty

>>20887848 Israel's Wartime Government Fracturing As Top Minister Threatens To Quit

>>20887852, >>20887862, >>20887886, >>20887908, >>20887921 GM Plotwist

>>20887855 University's COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Violates US Constitution

>>20887861, >>20888024 Kate Middleton Reportedly in Coma After Sleeping Pill Overdose, Claims Former Staffer

>>20887873 As pro-Palestine protesters reached an intersection, officers rushed in and grabbed people out of the crowd seemingly at random

>>20887887 Army cuts hundreds of hours of redundant online training requirements - the changes are effective immediately

>>20887895 Rep. Gooden Introduces Bill To Support Taiwan's Inclusion In Interpol

>>20887905 After Sudden CEO Departure, Vanguard Taps Outsider From BlackRock

>>20887907, >>20888191, >>20888203 Biden: Class of 2024, you made it to commencement - to a new beginning

>>20887915 Former DA's official in Texas border county admits smuggling migrants in her county car

>>20887930 Diddy Reacts to Viral Video of Him Punching, Kicking and Dragging His Former Girlfriend in Los Angeles Hotel

>>20887947 US marine arrested after vowing to ‘erase’ white people

>>20887978 Mark Zuckerberg’s Instagram Warns Against Tagging Tucker Carlson in ‘Happy Birthday’ Post

>>20887995, >>20888098 UK to Pay Out Estimated $12.7 Billion to Infected Blood Scandal Victims

>>20888002 Jimmy Carter Update

>>20888047 PF: A special forces plane visiting Gitmo….

>>20888056 Four New Hampshire Daycare Workers Arrested for Drugging Children with Sleep Aids

>>20888072, >>20888130 MarketFag: Silver and Gold, Markets and Economic Schedule - Week of May 19th

>>20888087 Israeli President Lied About Shani Louk Being Beheaded by Hamas - Complete Body Returned

>>20888091 Leo Terrell: The race card is dead

>>20888094 Comer announces new subpoena in Biden family probe

>>20888099 Transnational Terrorist Organizations: Mexican Cartels Operating in Every U.S. State

>>20888109, >>20888112 Trump’s hush money trial is nearing an end after a day of heated Cohen cross

>>20888108 Democrats have aggressively targeted over 400 Republican lawyers and politicians with criminal charges, civil lawsuits, and disbarment proceedings

>>20888113 QClock May 19, 2024 - Iran Next, People Awake, Helicopter Crash, Pain Delivered, Shift in Tactics Fireworks

>>20888196 This map shows how much you have to earn to afford rent in every state

>>20888230 EU Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarcic assisting Iran w/ European Union's Copernicus EMS satellite mapping service


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80e9a8 No.20888244


>Double agents.

Indeed, Fren. What better way to hide your ops, than to use "foreign" assets.

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28de3e No.20888245

File: 319a1e6762a2668⋯.png (3.93 KB,225x225,1:1,AUPSobl5ibrzAAAAAElFTkSuQm….png)

File: 2065d2957f4b68a⋯.png (5.22 KB,225x225,1:1,images_9_.png)

File: e652d633bb5c311⋯.jpg (7.35 KB,276x183,92:61,images_309_.jpg)

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69437b No.20888246

File: 808ab4eaf3a4878⋯.png (362.86 KB,572x454,286:227,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Post



Japan grappling with invasive raccoon population nearly 40 years after bringing them to the country


May 19, 2024 · 8:05 PM UTC






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bc3e91 No.20888247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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014b43 No.20888248

The Syrian rebels in the city of Mare in the province of Aleppo are handing out sweets following the reports of the crash of the helicopter of the Iranian president.

(Abu Ali)


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ffabfa No.20888249

File: 86484d7d9dac3ca⋯.png (1.53 MB,1080x1080,1:1,B0E0FDD4_C1B1_419C_85D5_68….png)

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0e2c04 No.20888250

File: 054b999067ff761⋯.png (1.75 MB,1692x1692,1:1,music12foxcond12moves.png)


The music is about to stop.

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80e9a8 No.20888251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kek. Must have something to do with Ubisoft's new AC game.

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e5fa39 No.20888252

File: 396ae6dfe0db3a4⋯.png (725.33 KB,1036x712,259:178,ClipboardImage.png)



okay your a LUNATIC just like the ZIONISTS.


* filtered

get the fuck out of my boat.

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036678 No.20888253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Parker Square is an example of a Semi-Magic Square devised by Matt Parker in 2016. This particular Magic square is special in regards to how each number is a perfect square. The square is, however, regarded as only a Semi-Magic square, because the positively sloped diagonal does not in fact add to 3051 as all other sides do. Instead its summation is equivalent to 4107. The Parker Square is significant because it is one of the closest attempts to finding a perfect Magic Square in which all of the numbers are perfect squares.

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2cfe10 No.20888254


Wouldn't that be like an infiltration, or an insurrection or an insurgency or something else that starts with an [i]?

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8085c4 No.20888255


8ain't it it a kundt

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05678e No.20888256

File: 079a3f245b2842a⋯.jpg (119.97 KB,500x909,500:909,dagowop.jpg)

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4420b0 No.20888257


Fucked On Race Day.

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014b43 No.20888258

File: e327a2ec3f4935d⋯.jpg (71.16 KB,664x522,332:261,Iranc.jpg)

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be88d5 No.20888259

File: 25fb38946ad23ea⋯.png (248.62 KB,710x631,710:631,ClipboardImage.png)

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0163c8 No.20888260

File: 5ef5f6a25a730f3⋯.png (56.31 KB,488x307,488:307,ClipboardImage.png)


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28de3e No.20888261

File: ed71c14839afa2c⋯.jpg (11.94 KB,254x199,254:199,images_311_.jpg)

File: fc68877ab259f23⋯.jpg (12.19 KB,225x225,1:1,images_310_.jpg)

File: 96b937266067fb4⋯.jpg (9.81 KB,300x168,25:14,images_306_.jpg)

Then I'll beat up the admiral's son…

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51ed60 No.20888262

File: 8fd675fa42960c5⋯.png (492.2 KB,508x896,127:224,Screenshot_2024_05_11_2_53….png)

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374ec6 No.20888263


1Jewish NGO received a $600 million check for services related to human trafficking , oops I mean border jumping darn-sorry for immigration.

Now the Catholic Charities are no better or the Episcopal Charities and on and on.

This must stop

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80e9a8 No.20888264


*you're, Dumbass. Filter me harder, Daddy. Jewish religious beliefs teach, at a very young age, they are "chosen" (tm) by muh "divine right" and the rest of us mere "animals in human form meant to serve the chosen." Those are ideal I donothold. Nor will I ever. All men (and women) are createdequal. Jews, especially in America, are going to have to make a choice soon.

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cbdef7 No.20888265

File: 7a67ce316605099⋯.png (667.49 KB,1000x928,125:116,biden_rescue_plan_05192024.png)


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a7fdc9 No.20888266


Ebrahim = MOSSAD?

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e5fa39 No.20888267

File: 5e3f569d4a7c47a⋯.png (397.65 KB,907x528,907:528,ClipboardImage.png)

Staging area near crash site

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69437b No.20888268

File: 864dd355a8d45e7⋯.png (323.41 KB,562x442,281:221,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Post



Marco Rubio won’t accept 2024 election results if they’re ‘unfair’


May 19, 2024 · 6:30 PM UTC



It´s a trap!


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80e9a8 No.20888269


>Wouldn't that be like an infiltration, or an insurrection or an insurgency or something else that starts with an [i]?

It's been in planning for a while and they've already infliltrated, Anon.. Michael Chertoff, the chief architect of the "Patriot" (tm) Act let hundreds of Israelis who were being investigated for 9-11 leave the country before they could be interrogated. Chertoff's mother was one of the people who founded Mossad.

No coincidences.

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e5fa39 No.20888270


I see a theme…

I need

I want

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014b43 No.20888271

I think this is the only crash in history where everyone is worried that someone might have survive…


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a7fdc9 No.20888272


Bring in Levantine immigrants that convert to Christianity over stinkin' Africans and Indians ffs.

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0163c8 No.20888273


Q 20 17 5:5 E [5]

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80e9a8 No.20888274


>Bring in Levantine immigrants that convert to Christianity over stinkin' Africans and Indians ffs.

How about we just close the borders and refuse immigration for a few generations, instead? If no immigration and closed borders is good enough for Israel, it's good enough for America.

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2cfe10 No.20888275


figured as much, didn't Q say something about a fifth column?

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05678e No.20888276


Paid time off for Vaccines?

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a7fdc9 No.20888277


Did you see her picture? Closing borders to males 100%, but should always be open for attractive females (they have to convert to Christianity tho).

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8085c4 No.20888278

File: fcbfdd89a788533⋯.jpg (202.35 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_19_17_0….jpg)

File: 379e18b9761ddb7⋯.jpeg (75.92 KB,928x602,464:301,GN9x6dXWsAETecV.jpeg)

File: 1eeed81684d682a⋯.png (192.34 KB,640x1374,320:687,1941_3_.png)

File: cf349b84800c7f5⋯.jpg (56.52 KB,716x521,716:521,b4a.jpg)

File: b9efd220a7abdac⋯.jpeg (215.85 KB,2048x1156,512:289,GN89JSiWAAAZBGI.jpeg)

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4ef56d No.20888279


For like, forever.

Longest hospice stay on earth

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0e2c04 No.20888280

File: d109583b4cc37ee⋯.png (1.87 MB,2770x1817,2770:1817,15markersecclockwgod.png)

File: c5b5685a1cc21c3⋯.png (659.44 KB,1199x1041,1199:1041,qclock_q_djt3x2PAINcrop23.png)



Everybody Hurts

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4b15f4 No.20888282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Astronomy and Alchemy of Ezekiel's Wheels


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69437b No.20888283

File: 3f1f771ad7458f7⋯.png (941 B,98x53,98:53,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 300f8e059b33c36⋯.png (373.91 KB,574x466,287:233,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Post



King Charles announces first overseas trip since cancer diagnosis


May 19, 2024 · 8:41 PM UTC



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5f42ca No.20888284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


note: Got caught having sex with a 10 year old, home raided and possibly charged?.

Anons who have X accounts could get some clues and the names being shouted out.

Wonder if it is Gary Lineker ?


Yet Another Television N0nce


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4420b0 No.20888285



Nobody cares.

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987c1c No.20888286

File: 0c5f7e42f47542a⋯.png (169.81 KB,255x255,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

(you) were always the Plan

1=2, 2=4, 4=8, 8=16,…

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e5fa39 No.20888287


The word hospice insinuates terminal.

Maybe it was premature

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c4c00a No.20888288


UB everyone

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014b43 No.20888289

File: 48ff501b6d5b115⋯.jpg (118.37 KB,653x624,653:624,40519_17060.jpg)

The four Iranian officials who were on board the helicopter:

Ebrahim Raisi - President of Iran

Hossein Amir Abdollahian - Minister of Foreign Affairs (bottom left)

Malek Rahmati - Governor of East Azerbaijan Province [ Azerbaijan province in Iran, not the state of Azerbaijan ] (below right)

Muhammad Ali al-Hashim - imam in the province of Tabriz (top left)

Nice ring

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02632b No.20888290

File: 080090b6de9cb81⋯.png (803.43 KB,1046x949,1046:949,Screenshot_20240519_140823….png)

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4420b0 No.20888291


Hospice care timeframe is 6 months.

Imminently terminal is not the point.

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0e2c04 No.20888292

File: c968d89009e6202⋯.png (658.84 KB,1664x1664,1:1,floodcnn.png)

File: b3636c7c4717745⋯.png (2.42 MB,3000x2200,15:11,qclock_q_djt3x2Feb15RBGGor….png)


Also for today



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e5fa39 No.20888293


>Hospice care timeframe is 6 months.

They competing with Canada in effiency? damn

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4160a4 No.20888294

File: 8f8c886fab0a174⋯.png (456.51 KB,1600x769,1600:769,ClipboardImage.png)


Special forces plane returning from Gitmo after a quick visit….

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70cf67 No.20888295


Thank Greg!

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e5fa39 No.20888296


it is the point, don't name your shit DEATH if you want to LIVE.

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7c4e9e No.20888297

I hate corned beef and I hate sauerkraut.

But I love reuben sandwiches. Go figure.

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be88d5 No.20888298


now do retribution

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987c1c No.20888299

Don't just Believe in God

Know in God

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0e2c04 No.20888300

File: d1d6bffcbc03416⋯.png (702.14 KB,877x570,877:570,zoltanintheWH.png)


Thanks fren

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4420b0 No.20888301

File: 1ab8eedfda0d553⋯.jpeg (138.56 KB,600x331,600:331,IMG_1864.jpeg)

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8085c4 No.20888302

File: b54f25a947e1308⋯.jpeg (280.52 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GN9dedWWIAAGko0_1_.jpeg)

File: 98249af49b956a5⋯.jpg (234.84 KB,1280x852,320:213,98249af49b956a5efa8660d4ff….jpg)

File: 3e7e8cc0a4044da⋯.jpeg (113.99 KB,1378x1033,1378:1033,GN4QK3BXUAAOgd0.jpeg)

File: cc95af36a4a789e⋯.jpeg (14.04 KB,173x255,173:255,cc95af36a4a789eb44a3d2f60….jpeg)

File: 3e07cc28e7abb12⋯.jpg (191.03 KB,1200x864,25:18,3e07cc28e7abb124f6ee16aa2e….jpg)



then they say GM. soon trademark™ nightshift

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be88d5 No.20888303

File: acce4861e8ae180⋯.png (90.89 KB,637x627,637:627,ClipboardImage.png)

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80e9a8 No.20888304


>(they have to convert to Christianity tho).

Not all of us are Christian, Anon. It would behoove you to understand and accept that.

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69437b No.20888305

File: 6a192cecf5fe21d⋯.png (265.41 KB,639x371,639:371,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12c39bd4c7cea6f⋯.png (547 B,51x36,17:12,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef69f44d3855a9f⋯.jpg (220.37 KB,1408x762,704:381,media_GMphjC_bcAAf9b1.jpg)



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0e9fdb No.20888306

File: 91a26f46834bb0c⋯.jpg (130.12 KB,484x594,22:27,CUDDLE_COMFY.jpg)

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cc6e31 No.20888307

File: 89597e75869cbc8⋯.png (153.39 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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957fca No.20888308

The helicopter crashed because it was loaded with gold. And/or cash. They were trying to flee. Obama and Biden just lost a bunch of money

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2cfe10 No.20888309


Who funds that woman? She's clearly someone's asset.

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a7614f No.20888310


high cheek bones are in this year

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4420b0 No.20888311

File: bdd46c14e139795⋯.jpeg (154.4 KB,923x1043,923:1043,IMG_1865.jpeg)

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326134 No.20888312

File: 29d788615d1bc52⋯.jpg (773.4 KB,1100x1719,1100:1719,photo_2024_05_19_12_47_36.jpg)

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e5fa39 No.20888313

File: 23204b565aac6d7⋯.png (293.28 KB,598x625,598:625,23204b565aac6d74b09d4249f2….png)

File: 73b11954d279ed0⋯.png (651.65 KB,917x518,131:74,73b11954d279ed06e33b2ccc04….png)

File: 932c344d62d31a8⋯.png (620.01 KB,879x525,293:175,932c344d62d31a8fd0ee47f469….png)


how long does the brain "actually" (not that Oh we measured the electrical signal crap) go on Thinking after the heart stops the blood supply.

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80e9a8 No.20888314


>figured as much, didn't Q say something about a fifth column?

Q didn't have to. Communism has had it's talons in America, since before WWII ended. People have been trying to betray America, since it's inception.

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c46f2b No.20888315


You will kneel to Christ or GTFO. You are running out of time.

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70cf67 No.20888316


He forgotBrave new world

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957fca No.20888317



High cheek bones are always I

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dff157 No.20888318

Apparently saying good morning really upsets the shills. GM isn't just an abbreviation, it's a way of life. Anons have a good morning every morning. Good Morning haters are not Anon. If saying good morning pisses you off you're probably an NPC or a fed. Also nice GM notables, bakes.

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326134 No.20888319

File: e9c758f7d8f9cd7⋯.png (497.1 KB,568x859,568:859,62f68ad15f6f3832.png)

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957fca No.20888320

White Gats took down the chopper

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4420b0 No.20888321

File: 8c8b1334ea4f341⋯.jpeg (152.03 KB,1080x1080,1:1,IMG_1866.jpeg)

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5f42ca No.20888322

File: 6d320aafebe6adb⋯.mp4 (4.39 MB,848x752,53:47,Trump_at_cpac_i_am_your_wa….mp4)

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326134 No.20888323

File: 2e8f79c6da78ce7⋯.png (336.3 KB,540x652,135:163,c44dcd1001f26406.png)

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80e9a8 No.20888324


>You will kneel to Christ or GTFO. You are running out of time.

Bring it, "Anon." I've got more than enough ammo for the likes of you. I bow tono one. You want to live your life in chains, that's your business.

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957fca No.20888325

Is Obama on the calendar? I bet he will be in a panic this week, along with Valerie Jarrett

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01ad86 No.20888326

Now I‘m unsure about Marla

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957fca No.20888327

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cc6e31 No.20888328

File: ad81e61e3d5018c⋯.png (51.57 KB,474x711,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Reubens have CHEESE melted on it.

That's why Kosher places in NYC like Katz don't make Reubens.

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51ed60 No.20888329

File: c65d145db074fd9⋯.png (385.25 KB,644x903,92:129,Screenshot_2024_05_19_5_17….png)

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b8f832 No.20888330

File: d0346858aaa7c8b⋯.png (631.29 KB,800x800,1:1,BL3PG7B.png)



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4420b0 No.20888331


Sleeper hold tells me you ain’t conscious pretty fastly.

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987c1c No.20888332

(you) are the one we've been waiting for

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02860e No.20888333

File: d649154adea6513⋯.png (59.78 KB,617x244,617:244,ClipboardImage.png)

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8085c4 No.20888334

File: 7fb79e29c8c300f⋯.png (1.31 MB,1109x1478,1109:1478,7fb79e29c8c300f82113bf99b0….png)

File: 5a0d8da764d0df5⋯.png (97.39 KB,246x332,123:166,5a0d8da764d0df5eceb4dbcadf….png)

File: 1664b54b0ef79b2⋯.png (489.15 KB,781x559,781:559,1664b54b0ef79b257907008b8d….png)

File: 493f18ebfe4b5fc⋯.gif (1.08 MB,250x333,250:333,493f18ebfe4b5fc5e7ef00c036….gif)

File: 12bfae39c384b1b⋯.png (460.29 KB,548x396,137:99,12bfae39c384b1b3f0b776bde5….png)

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29600f No.20888335

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4420b0 No.20888336


Probably so.

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731cea No.20888337


so it's not that they are 'religious denominations' it's that they are 'charities'?

but I thought charity is supposed to be anonymous?

so they are misnamed.

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be88d5 No.20888338

File: e58c5b0a42dd548⋯.png (2.99 MB,219x396,73:132,ClipboardImage.png)

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80e9a8 No.20888339

File: 351c06920b0ad28⋯.png (345.13 KB,800x600,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Kek. Yet they wonder why they're stereotyped. These people are fucking ridiculous.

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fce9a0 No.20888340

File: 023713c36535f6a⋯.jpeg (816.95 KB,1125x1553,1125:1553,IMG_0840.jpeg)


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0e9fdb No.20888341

File: abb2dcfd6a0eef6⋯.jpg (94.44 KB,461x613,461:613,SHE_FOUND_PIG.jpg)

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957fca No.20888342

Iran is the lynchpin holding Obama’s corrupt world together. Now, it’s falling

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be88d5 No.20888343


noice trips

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0e2c04 No.20888344

File: 57b84a0ee40a242⋯.png (4.23 MB,2466x4122,137:229,stockmarketcommswclockm135….png)


Stock Market

Closed over 40,000 on Friday

Seemed like a pretty good coincidence

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07a916 No.20888345

File: df97a6d31b766a1⋯.mp4 (7.3 MB,946x720,473:360,Ramble_Rants_20240517_2_ne….mp4)

File: d2ad06a93a87f27⋯.jpg (94.99 KB,882x1176,3:4,20240510_233636.jpg)

This should be RFK Jrs official campaign song KMAO

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0c22ce No.20888346

File: 4d33ea124c4f8c5⋯.jpeg (439.43 KB,1125x1156,1125:1156,IMG_0841.jpeg)


Is Trump testifying?

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be88d5 No.20888347


this deserves the death penalty

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957fca No.20888348


When Iran falls, Big Mike has no power to become Biden’s replacement

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c46f2b No.20888350


You are doomed.

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04f4ec No.20888351

File: 702d9f42bd1d8cc⋯.png (1.04 MB,1024x702,512:351,1673184576935580.png)

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80e9a8 No.20888352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>White Gats


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70cf67 No.20888353


On deck.

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e5fa39 No.20888354


There's are three souls.


sub conscious

super conscious

sleeper hold deals with body.

the same can be said of a Drunk.

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957fca No.20888355


Stupid Johns

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80e9a8 No.20888356


I'm talking about Communism, not Zionism, Anon.

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69437b No.20888357

File: a116064f57898ba⋯.jpg (111.67 KB,1200x675,16:9,media_GDVaYL2WAA0fCLA.jpg)


>Release the frogs.

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51ed60 No.20888358

File: d6c82043791c0b5⋯.png (1.05 MB,717x902,717:902,Screenshot_2024_05_19_5_23….png)

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731cea No.20888359


anyone who is this upset that people want to understand the trends of the board-shills is obviously a board shill.

you are not an anon, you are a shill.

you defend the board shill behavior.

you participate in psyops. You conflate symbology. you smeer people, you work for a dot-org or an agency.

of course I really can't prove anything except that it upsets you that peole are aware of and discuss the ticks and peculiarities of those who are so quick to say 'I'm an anon just like you'

if you don't want to be called out for participating in an obvious psyop, then don't participate in an obvious psyop Get-my Meaning?

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80e9a8 No.20888360

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Kek. I'll be fine. At least I don't believe in fairy tales.

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984f5a No.20888361

File: 8b9fc1583dd055f⋯.png (36.02 KB,698x228,349:114,Screenshot_2024_05_19_at_1….png)

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in favor of maintaining the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) unique funding structure, shielding the powerful federal agency from congressional oversight.

The Supreme Court’s decision allows the CFPB to continue receiving funds directly from its parent agency, the Federal Reserve, without yearly congressional oversight, the Daily Signal reports.

Established under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act as a response to the 2008 financial crisis, the CFPB’s funding mechanism has been a point of contention.

This method circumvents the traditional congressional budget approval process.

Justice Clarence Thomas, writing for the majority in a 7-2 decision, affirmed that this funding arrangement adheres to the constitutional appropriations clause.

This clause governs the allocation and use of federal funds.

The Court’s ruling rejected challenges that argued this funding scheme undermines Congress’s control over federal expenditures, commonly known as the “power of the purse.”

The issue reached the Supreme Court after various rulings in lower courts.

The controversy began in earnest following the CFPB’s implementation of strict regulations on small-dollar loans in 2017.

These regulations prompted two trade associations to challenge the bureau’s funding structure.

These associations contended that by not requiring annual reviews by Congress, the funding setup left the bureau too autonomous and unaccountable.

Justices Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch provided the dissenting opinions, voicing concerns over the separation of powers and historical precedents.


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987c1c No.20888363

File: 6443757d6b134f4⋯.png (1.31 MB,1199x640,1199:640,ClipboardImage.png)

With God

you are Fearless

your Rights & Freedoms are Secure

The Wicked Tremble before your Strength

& There is no Earthly Punishment that can sway your Righteous Heart

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8085c4 No.20888364

File: 0d0ec2c477c39da⋯.gif (222.7 KB,343x480,343:480,giphy_2_.gif)

File: 6ab4ab596e6bcce⋯.gif (361.12 KB,220x124,55:31,on_our_way_national_geogra….gif)


total rip+ off

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a7614f No.20888365


boy are you in for a surprise

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02860e No.20888366

File: fabdff32fa4b058⋯.png (1.01 MB,1200x998,600:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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ad5280 No.20888367

notes @500

#25619 >>20887809

>>20887835 Don’t ignore the real threat of the WHO pandemic treaty

>>20887848 Israel's Wartime Government Fracturing As Top Minister Threatens To Quit

>>20887852, >>20887862, >>20887886, >>20887908, >>20887921 GM Plotwist

>>20887855 University's COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Violates US Constitution

>>20887861, >>20888024 Kate Middleton Reportedly in Coma After Sleeping Pill Overdose, Claims Former Staffer

>>20887873 As pro-Palestine protesters reached an intersection, officers rushed in and grabbed people out of the crowd seemingly at random

>>20887887 Army cuts hundreds of hours of redundant online training requirements - the changes are effective immediately

>>20887895 Rep. Gooden Introduces Bill To Support Taiwan's Inclusion In Interpol

>>20887905 After Sudden CEO Departure, Vanguard Taps Outsider From BlackRock

>>20887907, >>20888191, >>20888203 Biden: Class of 2024, you made it to commencement - to a new beginning

>>20887915 Former DA's official in Texas border county admits smuggling migrants in her county car

>>20887930 Diddy Reacts to Viral Video of Him Punching, Kicking and Dragging His Former Girlfriend in Los Angeles Hotel

>>20887947 US marine arrested after vowing to ‘erase’ white people

>>20887978 Mark Zuckerberg’s Instagram Warns Against Tagging Tucker Carlson in ‘Happy Birthday’ Post

>>20887995, >>20888098 UK to Pay Out Estimated $12.7 Billion to Infected Blood Scandal Victims

>>20888002 Jimmy Carter Update

>>20888047, >>20888294 PF: A special forces plane visiting Gitmo….

>>20888056 Four New Hampshire Daycare Workers Arrested for Drugging Children with Sleep Aids

>>20888072, >>20888130 MarketFag: Silver and Gold, Markets and Economic Schedule - Week of May 19th

>>20888087 Israeli President Lied About Shani Louk Being Beheaded by Hamas - Complete Body Returned

>>20888091 Leo Terrell: The race card is dead

>>20888094 Comer announces new subpoena in Biden family probe

>>20888099 Transnational Terrorist Organizations: Mexican Cartels Operating in Every U.S. State

>>20888108 Democrats have aggressively targeted over 400 Republican lawyers and politicians with criminal charges, civil lawsuits, and disbarment proceedings

>>20888109, >>20888112 Trump’s hush money trial is nearing an end after a day of heated Cohen cross

>>20888113 QClock May 19, 2024 - Iran Next, People Awake, Helicopter Crash, Pain Delivered, Shift in Tactics Fireworks

>>20888196 This map shows how much you have to earn to afford rent in every state

>>20888230 EU Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarcic, assisting Iran w/ EU's Copernicus EMS satellite mapping service

>>20888246 Japan grappling with invasive raccoon population nearly 40 years after bringing them to the country

>>20888283 King Charles announces first overseas trip since cancer diagnosis

>>20888346 Ron Filipkowski: This week, Trump will have his chance to say to his jury under oath the things he said outside the courtroom

>>20888361 Supreme Court Shields Powerful Federal Agency from Future Congressional Oversight


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a7614f No.20888368


yes they do

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0e2c04 No.20888369

File: 4e055e8c9515c41⋯.png (122.93 KB,821x1118,821:1118,40kstockmarket.png)

File: a9fb4bd6e99909e⋯.png (750.96 KB,1064x1850,532:925,55puzzlewlines613ex64.png)


Stock Market 40K

May 17

With expanded 40,000 keks

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dff157 No.20888370


Saying good morning is a psyop now? Oh, nice 21 posts BTW. You really add a lot to the board. Very interesting, gatekeeping what is a psyop and what isn't.

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07a916 No.20888371


Ism's aren't good

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80e9a8 No.20888372


>It's Israel which will fall.

That's part of their plan. Israel has to be razed one more time for muh "Moshiach" (tm) to return. Jerusalem has been sacked twice, already. They need a third, 'cos muh "symbolic numbers."

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80e9a8 No.20888373


>boy are you in for a surprise

Pot kettle, Fag. Religion is a disease upon humanity.

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80e9a8 No.20888374


>Ism's aren't good

No, Fren. They are not.

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70fe8f No.20888375


Y u so upset. Take it easy.

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987c1c No.20888376

File: 1c16ffc041a5bad⋯.png (456.27 KB,666x375,222:125,ClipboardImage.png)

a World is Ending

only, it's not ours that's going anywhere

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69437b No.20888377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



D4 to D5.


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957fca No.20888378

Helicopter crashed in Azerbaijan!


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cc6e31 No.20888379

File: 35e98f228f3d525⋯.png (16.23 KB,474x351,158:117,ClipboardImage.png)


nice one

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02860e No.20888380

File: 5d8ebc258cde76d⋯.png (653.63 KB,715x896,715:896,ClipboardImage.png)

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017f14 No.20888381

File: 2aed0dd346d10e8⋯.jpeg (38.73 KB,474x197,474:197,717039F5_E263_4123_9C3B_9….jpeg)


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02632b No.20888382

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dff157 No.20888383


Kek. Look at his reaction to someone saying Anons have a good morning and say good morning. The feds are literally so salty it makes them rage if you say good morning. Look at all his projection, really pathetic. Calling people psyop dot org agents for saying good morning. For fuck sakes what an idiot.

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017f14 No.20888384


Ew. Ohio girls yuck.

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e5fa39 No.20888385

Part of psyop is get the psyop message out

part of psyop is to create noise

part of psyop is to lie

part of psyop is to get people fighting

part of psyop is to waste peoples time

part of psyop is to label everyone nuts

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41f0f8 No.20888386

File: 4e7c4276d4c765a⋯.gif (1.94 MB,300x224,75:56,4e7c4276d4c765ab7638fdda79….gif)


>At least I don't believe in fairy tales

It's beyond faith - I seen't many shits, Nigga. You are seriously running out of time tho.

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a7614f No.20888387

File: 952be845ec60831⋯.jpg (611.03 KB,1440x4306,720:2153,Screenshot_20240519_163133….jpg)

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987c1c No.20888388

Polarized Positive Source Energy will flow over and through the Population of this realm

The Many Hearts that have gone cold will be rekindled

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017f14 No.20888389


I know. Prepare for takeoff!

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29600f No.20888390


Yes, they do. Damned good ones too.

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a7614f No.20888391


you sure get upset over "fairy tales"

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ad6a3a No.20888392

File: 50b8f3e82937d0b⋯.jpg (131.29 KB,1024x1024,1:1,burger_pepe.jpg)


Keeping beef and dairy products separate is the stupidest part of the Kosher diet.

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cd4c84 No.20888393

File: 0052794f98a9ffb⋯.png (81.49 KB,930x482,465:241,ClipboardImage.png)

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69437b No.20888394

File: 7942cac2e1ad603⋯.png (455.29 KB,605x565,121:113,ClipboardImage.png)

Hold until CONF.

S p r i n t e r F a c t o r y



On Putin’s instructions, two advanced aircraft, helicopters and 50 professional mountain rescuers will leave for Tabriz in an hour to help search for the Raisi-Tasnim helicopter.

May 19, 2024 · 9:11 PM UTC


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51ed60 No.20888395

File: c9fd592b5100e71⋯.png (145.71 KB,663x791,663:791,Screenshot_2024_05_19_5_35….png)

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8085c4 No.20888396

File: c24b241e78311b8⋯.jpg (46.64 KB,290x350,29:35,how_a_paramotor_works_moto….jpg)

File: 5b86889ed6363c1⋯.jpeg (2.54 KB,225x225,1:1,images_40_.jpeg)

File: 03ae4785fec70fc⋯.jpg (47.68 KB,1440x1440,1:1,il_fullxfull_3789885162_et….jpg)

File: 8d3ad8a95ccc660⋯.jpg (43.32 KB,450x310,45:31,how_a_paramotor_works_and_….jpg)





clocks basics. wind shear plus RPM

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0e2c04 No.20888397

File: 45f1ea3823a970b⋯.jpg (942.44 KB,1969x2000,1969:2000,Clock_Challenge_Coin2.jpg)

File: 5123c2a3e9e7bff⋯.jpg (161.88 KB,628x500,157:125,clockfagmarkers.jpg)


Roger that.

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987c1c No.20888399

The[y] will Discover

That we are not so easily to Control anymore

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4172ac No.20888400

File: 2caa5c0281ab3a7⋯.png (492.28 KB,650x394,325:197,ClipboardImage.png)


Mkt Fag, Godzilla and Mecha-Godzilla present: The Gold Act of 1900 and the Market Crash of 1907-setting the stage for the creation of the Federal Reserve

For those interested in historical market events and also because everyone has been calling for a crash-which makes it less likely to occur in the way it is being presented everywhere-the short interest and ‘bot trading can keep it going up until the decision is made to drop it.

Scroll down to post 140771 in the address below to learn about the above. Many things written about 1929 and the subsequent ones after that but many don’t know the set up to create the Federal Reserve as it certainly wasn’t just the Jekyll Island meeting. There was a consolidation event starting in 1906 with another market crash. It is an easy to read and lighthearted take on it but the source material is included.

Thank you for your time


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07a916 No.20888401

File: 3a50aa1bad1d0a8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,746.75 KB,526x526,1:1,20240517_201200.jpg)

This bread is out of control

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4420b0 No.20888402

File: 81f63e3baa333df⋯.jpeg (172.82 KB,1280x720,16:9,IMG_1868.jpeg)

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cbdef7 No.20888403


Ava Chen is back to discuss the CCP'S Grasps on American Universities

Diamond and Silk



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0e9fdb No.20888404

File: abb1e86d4e4fea6⋯.jpg (123 KB,586x467,586:467,GOOD_AFTERNOON_ASSHOLE.jpg)





> For fuck sakes what an idiot.

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80e9a8 No.20888405


>you sure get upset over "fairy tales"

Only when assholes, like yourself, try and force your beliefs upon others. "Free will" and all.

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cc6e31 No.20888406



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559515 No.20888407




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02632b No.20888408

File: e4f28d647d8f660⋯.gif (622.45 KB,239x319,239:319,SDP9F5.gif)


The 1907 crash is one of the primary events that killed Wardencliff tower.

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02632b No.20888409



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559515 No.20888410


tell me moar about this thing.

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8085c4 No.20888411

File: 3e7e8cc0a4044da⋯.jpeg (113.99 KB,1378x1033,1378:1033,GN4QK3BXUAAOgd0.jpeg)

File: 31379e5a1a594e3⋯.png (1.78 MB,1080x1134,20:21,31379e5a1a594e32d9ba8f2c6b….png)

File: b9efd220a7abdac⋯.jpeg (215.85 KB,2048x1156,512:289,GN89JSiWAAAZBGI.jpeg)

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cbdef7 No.20888412



"As last month’s jobs report underscored, the virus and our economy are intertwined. We cannot rescue our economy without containing this virus.

Today, President Biden is announcing the American Rescue Plan to change the course of the pandemic, build a bridge towards economic recovery, and invest in racial justice. The American Rescue Plan will address the stark, intergenerational inequities that have worsened in the wake of COVID-19. Researchers at Columbia University estimate that these proposals will cut child poverty in half."

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017f14 No.20888413


>On Putin’s instructions

If you would, Imagine a world where people and countries worked together to foster a greater world for all humanity.

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2e1ae3 No.20888414

5:00 PM EDT

69th Annual Fight For Freedom Fund Dinner: Preserving Sweet Liberty, Defeating Bitter Tyranny

NAACP Detroit Branch



6:00 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: President Biden at NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner in Detroit

President Biden delivers remarks at the annual Freedom Fund Dinner hosted by the NAACP Detroit Branch.


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559515 No.20888415



Is that a code word?


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4420b0 No.20888416

File: 2d735d7c0f84747⋯.jpeg (45.71 KB,400x225,16:9,IMG_1870.jpeg)

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559515 No.20888417


We would say the same about many of 'our' 'leaders'

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987c1c No.20888418

File: 6f6926edc906116⋯.png (1.21 MB,600x1039,600:1039,ClipboardImage.png)

The World is Changing

Because (you) have Changed

It will Continue to Bend to your Will for as long as you Will it to Bend

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4172ac No.20888419


>how are you with comm. furs

Made my living at this (about 40% of trades were commodities) at it

No longer trade so no book to talk and remain neutral.

Reading that nao

Thanks for info.

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036678 No.20888420

File: 5250e0337a40a8f⋯.png (708.2 KB,600x794,300:397,27.png)

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559515 No.20888421


So Chosen. Look at them, Chuck!

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a7614f No.20888422


sauce on the "force" or gtfo

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cc6e31 No.20888423



Now they do, but not way back in the day when Anon was a yout still in school.

The Second Ave Deli did made Reubens but not Katz back then.

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6cf9c5 No.20888424


eat a poop

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559515 No.20888425


Ironic that Pig is telling others to shut the fuck up. Mr fill the bread with shite.

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8085c4 No.20888426

File: cce1629e9d533c8⋯.jpeg (71.24 KB,1600x1200,4:3,GN5mOjWXgAA_mr1.jpeg)

File: a3a580892746328⋯.jpg (150.14 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_19_17_4….jpg)

File: 885a07c6842ad0e⋯.jpeg (164.23 KB,1600x1198,800:599,GN5mOY9WEAEqbmU.jpeg)




the under side of the glob_

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4420b0 No.20888427

File: 7f705d012a9b7af⋯.jpeg (212 KB,1192x799,1192:799,IMG_1869.jpeg)

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96ec55 No.20888428

File: ca8ceed3c2f3488⋯.jpeg (28.43 KB,197x255,197:255,IMG_4078.jpeg)

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80e9a8 No.20888429

File: 8ac613b820a6ed7⋯.png (7.26 KB,808x112,101:14,ClipboardImage.png)


>sauce on the "force" or gtfo

IP hoping?

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cc6e31 No.20888430


Yup. When did this board get such pro-Cabal Jew and pro-Israel Bakers and BV who actively delete anything truthful but unflattering about the Organized Jewry Kabal?

Just wait it out though. Not much longer.

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4420b0 No.20888431

File: dba65ca852acfb0⋯.jpeg (78.96 KB,1080x607,1080:607,IMG_1873.jpeg)

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a7614f No.20888432

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80e9a8 No.20888433


Kek. Cue but muh "OSS" (tm) shill any second.

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559515 No.20888434


the faggot will tell you to make your own board. He's a full on Zio cuckfest feltcher.

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0e9fdb No.20888435

File: e7b5f459fbe700e⋯.jpg (149.28 KB,555x568,555:568,THE_BEST.jpg)

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42804d No.20888436

meeting, n.:

An assembly of people coming together to decide what person or

department not represented in the room must solve a problem.

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a7614f No.20888437


cover for all muhvaxxers

musta been a john

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4172ac No.20888438

File: f1c065d0aa06375⋯.gif (652.75 KB,220x120,11:6,5F5C4C57_753A_4999_AF6B_A0….gif)

File: 3a5aff7d88ad165⋯.png (175.25 KB,500x500,1:1,CC27E4B0_0B58_496A_9227_08….png)

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987c1c No.20888439

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

(you) Became what the World needed the most

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80e9a8 No.20888440

File: 37096a7ff65cd9a⋯.png (3.65 MB,360x360,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Kek. Don't like getting called out, huh?

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c46f2b No.20888441


You are free to Doom yourself.

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80e9a8 No.20888442


>the faggot will tell you to make your own board

Kek. That BV is my fave.

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559515 No.20888444


dude did you get brainwashed as a kid that if you do not comply you'll burn in a firey pit of hellfire for all eternity?

Seriously. It's a trick.

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ae9113 No.20888445


[teabag] for the wakeup schmooz

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dff157 No.20888446

Looks like the resident board shills are triggered over saying GM


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34f743 No.20888447

waited so long

Hope you get what you want, wherever it is…

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69437b No.20888448

File: f1ecf09322d1dd2⋯.png (81.93 KB,631x350,631:350,ClipboardImage.png)





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8085c4 No.20888449

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b8d5c2 No.20888450

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80e9a8 No.20888451


>You are free to Doom yourself.

And you're free to remove me from your bullshit ideology. Man, you people are fucking retards. So deluded in your ideology, you can't fathom that others just don't want to be a part of it. The Abrahamic Triumvirate is responsible for the majority of atrocities in our history.

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774175 No.20888452

File: 7e6f0730c1e5558⋯.jpg (77.86 KB,945x612,105:68,7e6f0730c1e555817509b62552….jpg)

They're Heeeeeeeeeeere

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4420b0 No.20888453

File: 11512fb9f5954b1⋯.jpeg (116.66 KB,800x950,16:19,IMG_1877.jpeg)

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4420b0 No.20888454

File: 1cf6ba9990d1eb5⋯.jpeg (187.32 KB,1000x500,2:1,IMG_1878.jpeg)

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80e9a8 No.20888455

File: 3b18ce0fa206aa2⋯.png (531.33 KB,540x360,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>Seriously. It's a trick.

Kek. I see what you did there.

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4b15f4 No.20888456

File: 6092cb84be634a8⋯.jpg (119 KB,954x910,477:455,Untitledsffsfs.jpg)


Good morning is a holy word anon

Refers both to Pi, and the holy number 26 in the biblical used septenary gematria



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cc6e31 No.20888457

File: ba5fa316d0671ce⋯.png (1.43 MB,1539x2286,171:254,ClipboardImage.png)


Remember when the Gewish Bakers made their "Midnight Rider" board 5 or 6 years ago?

They spammed the 8chan QR breads with their "Midnight Rider" dark meme telling Anons to "move over to their board. If enough Anons moved over there, then Q might start posting there", on their privately controlled Jared-Kushner-loving board.

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34f743 No.20888458

File: 6c1914335bf5e24⋯.jpg (6.38 KB,201x251,201:251,Z_48_.jpg)



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017f14 No.20888459


AG = 17

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ad5280 No.20888460

notes @595

#25619 >>20887809

>>20887835 Don’t ignore the real threat of the WHO pandemic treaty

>>20887848 Israel's Wartime Government Fracturing As Top Minister Threatens To Quit

>>20887852, >>20887862, >>20887886, >>20887908, >>20887921 GM Plotwist

>>20887855 University's COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Violates US Constitution

>>20887861, >>20888024 Kate Middleton Reportedly in Coma After Sleeping Pill Overdose, Claims Former Staffer

>>20887873 As pro-Palestine protesters reached an intersection, officers rushed in and grabbed people out of the crowd seemingly at random

>>20887887 Army cuts hundreds of hours of redundant online training requirements - the changes are effective immediately

>>20887895 Rep. Gooden Introduces Bill To Support Taiwan's Inclusion In Interpol

>>20887905 After Sudden CEO Departure, Vanguard Taps Outsider From BlackRock

>>20887907, >>20888191, >>20888203 Biden: Class of 2024, you made it to commencement - to a new beginning

>>20887915 Former DA's official in Texas border county admits smuggling migrants in her county car

>>20887930 Diddy Reacts to Viral Video of Him Punching, Kicking and Dragging His Former Girlfriend in Los Angeles Hotel

>>20887947 US marine arrested after vowing to ‘erase’ white people

>>20887978 Mark Zuckerberg’s Instagram Warns Against Tagging Tucker Carlson in ‘Happy Birthday’ Post

>>20887995, >>20888098 UK to Pay Out Estimated $12.7 Billion to Infected Blood Scandal Victims

>>20888002 Jimmy Carter Update

>>20888047, >>20888294 PF: A special forces plane visiting Gitmo….

>>20888056 Four New Hampshire Daycare Workers Arrested for Drugging Children with Sleep Aids

>>20888072, >>20888130 MarketFag: Silver and Gold, Markets and Economic Schedule - Week of May 19th

>>20888087 Israeli President Lied About Shani Louk Being Beheaded by Hamas - Complete Body Returned

>>20888091 Leo Terrell: The race card is dead

>>20888094 Comer announces new subpoena in Biden family probe

>>20888099 Transnational Terrorist Organizations: Mexican Cartels Operating in Every U.S. State

>>20888108 Democrats have aggressively targeted over 400 Republican lawyers and politicians with criminal charges, civil lawsuits, and disbarment proceedings

>>20888109, >>20888112 Trump’s hush money trial is nearing an end after a day of heated Cohen cross

>>20888113 QClock May 19, 2024 - Iran Next, People Awake, Helicopter Crash, Pain Delivered, Shift in Tactics Fireworks

>>20888196 This map shows how much you have to earn to afford rent in every state

>>20888230 EU Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarcic, assisting Iran w/ EU's Copernicus EMS satellite mapping service

>>20888246 Japan grappling with invasive raccoon population nearly 40 years after bringing them to the country

>>20888283 King Charles announces first overseas trip since cancer diagnosis

>>20888346 Ron Filipkowski: This week, Trump will have his chance to say to his jury under oath the things he said outside the courtroom

>>20888361 Supreme Court Shields Powerful Federal Agency from Future Congressional Oversight

>>20888394 On Putin’s instructions, two aircraft, helicopters and 50 mountain rescuers will leave for Tabriz to help search for the Raisi-Tasnim helicopter

>>20888448 Iranian news channel expert: Mossad agents are present in this region (Republic of Azerbaijan)


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8085c4 No.20888461

File: 43c04117a87552f⋯.gif (209.71 KB,381x420,127:140,tumblr_4ccaa9ca265b9efa398….gif)

File: 842763946ad794d⋯.gif (813.51 KB,200x200,1:1,200w_10_.gif)



a private island for whitey

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0e9fdb No.20888462

File: 0caf20416e37d85⋯.jpg (111.11 KB,462x562,231:281,DO_THE_MATH.jpg)

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02860e No.20888463

File: 7238d6fe1c16842⋯.png (490.83 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e5fa39 No.20888464



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a7fdc9 No.20888465



No, I was Doomed like you both are until I saw miracle after miracle. No excuses left. Maybe you're both destined to be Doomed anyways.

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98221e No.20888466

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ae9113 No.20888467


its a yamaha!

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02860e No.20888468

File: f78e64dc13601b0⋯.png (362.73 KB,720x440,18:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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957fca No.20888469

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be88d5 No.20888470

File: b7e825dbeb478f8⋯.png (Spoiler Image,148.39 KB,340x171,340:171,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8fce481d42580f3⋯.png (50.97 KB,193x229,193:229,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 878652fc17127dc⋯.png (Spoiler Image,193.23 KB,736x512,23:16,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b33955ebfd6cb7c⋯.png (Spoiler Image,389.79 KB,700x700,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eea556cd1704a52⋯.png (Spoiler Image,304.15 KB,680x469,680:469,ClipboardImage.png)






henlo Doge

Henlo Anime

HEnlo Piggie

HENlo glowies

HENLo normies


am i still in time for dat shtuff

giggles and shits frens and shills, giggles and shits

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5d7847 No.20888471

File: ba770a8f2922574⋯.png (312.37 KB,479x600,479:600,ClipboardImage.png)


Yvette Mimieux

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70fe8f No.20888472


I bet their Rachels (my favorite, I always ask for extra sauce in a little plastic cup) are out of this world. Oldanon's been around, and I never saw a Jewish Deli that did not serve Reubens and Rachels.

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957fca No.20888473

File: d2d17fda7597f15⋯.png (2.37 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9451.png)

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96ec55 No.20888474

File: 1d593061ef62008⋯.jpeg (149.71 KB,384x547,384:547,IMG_4950.jpeg)

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9fcd53 No.20888475

File: eb0c6614a737554⋯.png (9.47 KB,700x222,350:111,Persons_with_Hemophilia_Wh….png)


When AIDS appeared in the early 1980s and soon became an epidemic, the entire Canadian blood supply system was affected. Over the next years, HIV had a huge impact on the hemophilia and blood-transfused communities.


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80e9a8 No.20888476


>No, I was Doomed like you both are until I saw miracle after miracle. No excuses left. Maybe you're both destined to be Doomed anyways.

That'syou, Fag. I'm hardly "doomed" for not believing in your invisible deity.

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4420b0 No.20888477


I try and not imagine the abuse she suffered.

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ae9113 No.20888478

File: a34d73a99168819⋯.jpg (45.69 KB,650x650,1:1,OIP_1_.jpg)

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4172ac No.20888479

File: c8d49346dfe18cc⋯.png (271.01 KB,421x416,421:416,9071487D_F6EF_4B69_BCF8_8F….png)


Remember that time when jivemind tried to convince people here that there were akshually new q posts on their board?

Betcha do


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98221e No.20888480

File: 0de4ea7aa0a45b4⋯.png (307.2 KB,650x698,325:349,ClipboardImage.png)

People in Iran are celebrating the demise of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.

He was notorious for kiIIing thousands of his fellow Iranians for opposing the regime


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b8d5c2 No.20888481


Did nigga mad

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69437b No.20888482

File: 233642fcdd6f76c⋯.png (400.91 KB,662x499,662:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7614f No.20888483



i dont ip hop you stupid fucker

keep spinning

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dff157 No.20888484



Apparently saying good morning makes you a paid posting 3 letter shill, according to some seething choleric hall monitors. I'll continue to say GM despite their projections though.

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ae9113 No.20888485


wildcockx wif dat guido butter.

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cc6e31 No.20888486

File: cb9c90baacc2cf1⋯.png (35.04 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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e5fa39 No.20888487

File: ee518836e7b9c11⋯.png (308.48 KB,599x445,599:445,ClipboardImage.png)

No PLane Flags?

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80e9a8 No.20888488

File: 8ac613b820a6ed7⋯.png (7.26 KB,808x112,101:14,ClipboardImage.png)


Kek. But… but… muh "sauce" (tm). KYS, Faggot.

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0e9fdb No.20888489

File: fcd59ace4998b62⋯.jpg (93.1 KB,432x568,54:71,SURE_DO.jpg)

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dff157 No.20888490

Hey Q, Q+, Dan and frens, can we get a GM Good Morning post from Q+ or Dan? Tanks

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a7614f No.20888491


you are a fuckin idiot

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957fca No.20888492

Leon Panetta on CNN said they were all on helicopter together going to dedication ceremony for a dam in Azerbaijan

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b8d5c2 No.20888493


That would be drive them insane.

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80e9a8 No.20888494


>you are a fuckin idiot

Weren't you the one asking for "sauce" on "forced" religious ideology? Sure, you didn't iphop, but you're saying the same shit that faggot did. You fucking morans just can't comprehend that not everyone believes, norwantsto believe what you do.

This is precisely why I say religion is a disease upon humanity.

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54a8d3 No.20888495


You are atheist or agnostic?

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ae9113 No.20888496


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be88d5 No.20888497

File: 0768bd245914442⋯.png (194.84 KB,800x696,100:87,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf9eb39449fc958⋯.png (1.12 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fefe275efdda8f2⋯.png (371.37 KB,712x674,356:337,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cbd202357b69e40⋯.png (16.76 KB,255x241,255:241,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 234d024cd095391⋯.png (18.39 KB,182x255,182:255,ClipboardImage.png)




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98221e No.20888498

File: 988bd252d226b28⋯.png (3.12 MB,950x2048,475:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

zerohedge reposted


Today’s WSJ. This is the first time I’ve seen that bottom graph.


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98221e No.20888499

File: 64b81ae952120f8⋯.png (239.45 KB,452x472,113:118,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc3994 No.20888500

File: b06ba6a070bbd3c⋯.png (291.71 KB,560x373,560:373,b06ba6a070bbd3cd55b60211fe….png)

File: 64bf6910e6902bb⋯.png (192.8 KB,293x366,293:366,64bf6910e6902bb1d600bb5e0d….png)

at first they were like..

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42804d No.20888501

File: dbaf03f7c1ba4dc⋯.png (74.2 KB,330x275,6:5,gm_slide_310269_00.png)

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8085c4 No.20888502

File: a2d262f549a46c4⋯.gif (271.86 KB,220x139,220:139,father_mulcahy_mulcahy_1_.gif)

File: df4958f0d546690⋯.gif (122.53 KB,640x640,1:1,mash_docteurshepherd.gif)

File: f0e29755d11a8d0⋯.gif (441.42 KB,220x333,220:333,father_mulcahy_mulcahy_2_.gif)

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957fca No.20888503



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80e9a8 No.20888504


>You are atheist or agnostic?

I'm spiritual. That's all you need to know. My religious beliefs, if I have any, are irrelevant. I'm not forcing my beliefs upon others.

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69437b No.20888505

File: d550bc8b1842769⋯.png (362.07 KB,620x578,310:289,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5cb1d38f8e58b70⋯.png (290.69 KB,621x537,207:179,ClipboardImage.png)



May 17

We are monitoring with deep concern reports that a young Jewish man is scheduled to be executed by the Islamic Republic of Iran in the coming days reportedly for “an altercation involving his self-defense.”


Iran's regime set to execute Jewish man on Monday

The Iranian Jew, who faces the arbitrary use of the death penalty in the totalitarian Islamic Republic, is named Nethanel ben Ziona Ghahremani.


May 17, 2024 · 7:28 PM UTC






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07a916 No.20888506

File: 8a5bc976c547de3⋯.jpg (95.4 KB,720x749,720:749,20240519_051609.jpg)

File: a7dfc83ea4ec3f6⋯.mp4 (15.34 MB,1280x720,16:9,Saturday_Night_Live_SNL_20….mp4)

File: f3cd13355422a4c⋯.jpg (47.9 KB,720x512,45:32,20240519_051416.jpg)

File: c87bb08500079cb⋯.jpg (47.57 KB,720x503,720:503,20240519_051500.jpg)

File: d5c41a88f07ddd9⋯.jpg (48.32 KB,720x474,120:79,20240519_051517.jpg)

Scooby-Doo! and the Mystery of the Shadow Phantom.


SNL does Frazzledrip

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02860e No.20888507

File: 90bc47ba9777664⋯.png (756.85 KB,787x888,787:888,ClipboardImage.png)

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0158eb No.20888508

File: b558384b684a280⋯.png (1.28 MB,1354x645,1354:645,ClipboardImage.png)

They don't have a clue where that helo is

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4172ac No.20888509

File: 8fc2e8e273dec10⋯.png (1.53 MB,1024x1024,1:1,3496AE6C_5644_453E_A37C_21….png)


‘Sup pig

Love that you wind ‘em up so much


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d3a7d8 No.20888510

File: 5e8132ef70b9236⋯.jpeg (652.24 KB,1125x1654,1125:1654,IMG_0842.jpeg)

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02860e No.20888511

File: 26391a667a4a06b⋯.png (330.92 KB,718x891,718:891,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc6e31 No.20888512


Woudn't it be funny if it turns out that Ebrahim Raisi was outed as a Zionist paid puppet?

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b8d5c2 No.20888513


Nigger faggot socks

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8085c4 No.20888514


rescue 911 fail. response time malfunction

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51ed60 No.20888515

File: eb2cc6acdb3d2de⋯.png (1.68 MB,1064x867,1064:867,Screenshot_2024_03_06_8_26….png)

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5dcfb6 No.20888516

File: 9f22e0b1ad076eb⋯.jpeg (989.79 KB,1125x1648,1125:1648,IMG_0843.jpeg)


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be88d5 No.20888517

File: 611f6e3d89ae687⋯.png (11.91 KB,258x245,258:245,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a51c866e2ceb17c⋯.png (1.4 MB,500x281,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)


> tried to convince people here that there were akshually new q posts on

WE'VE had those SHILLIE peeps here TOO

lol such glowies and paytrimaggots one and all

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957fca No.20888518

File: 06cfc2775cb94b4⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB,1170x2376,65:132,IMG_9453.jpeg)


There is a blue grass song called

Foggy Mountain Breakdown

I think it was used in the Bonnie and Clyde movie

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02860e No.20888519

File: 5f3e5fad385bc06⋯.png (499.6 KB,679x942,679:942,ClipboardImage.png)

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69437b No.20888520

File: 840855302172113⋯.png (177.54 KB,624x530,312:265,ClipboardImage.png)

Sprinter infofactory



There are reports that a Turkish UAV has discovered a helicopter crash site

May 19, 2024 · 10:13 PM UTC




>No PLane Flags?

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a7614f No.20888521

Akinci. turkish word for raider


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02860e No.20888522

File: 7d6d27b4f1a2565⋯.png (495.99 KB,679x879,679:879,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7614f No.20888523


Akinci Drone

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957fca No.20888524

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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98221e No.20888525

File: 74168b179aeef0e⋯.png (714.47 KB,709x887,709:887,74168b179aeef0e3c6b598c38f….png)



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0e9fdb No.20888526

File: eb56120c2c614b3⋯.jpg (134.59 KB,769x573,769:573,SAD_AINT_IT.jpg)

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4b15f4 No.20888527

File: de9fd98052743ca⋯.mp4 (6.54 MB,720x720,1:1,de9fd98052743cad59083ef23e….mp4)

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731cea No.20888528


not wanting to believe is a lot different than your point of view. Your point of view seems to be hate anyone who does believe.

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3a85c7 No.20888529

File: c3eb1f52da04c5b⋯.png (202.89 KB,311x1664,311:1664,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0451c91b4e438c8⋯.png (496.83 KB,564x564,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

6.2 = Guatemala

1Post only


Guatemalan Silver Charm Necklace, 1980s Long Wedding Necklace with MILAGROS, Metal Beads, Cowgirl Southwest, First Peoples 30" plus large coin w charms pendant ( 76.2cm ) The pendant is 5" long x 2 1/2"wide ( 12.7cm x 6.35cm ) There are beads and many animal dangles hanging off the double chain strands, the charms are called MILAGROS Lion, duck, quetzal bird, Swallow bird, Deer, Fish and goddess( center bottom ) The necklace and dangles are all silver color metal and most are in excellent condition and actually, still shiny, Purchased in 1990s in Gallup New Mexico at a pawn shop where I was attending the Inter-Tribal Indian festival I was told that this was a Guatemalan Wedding necklace. ???? it was a personal piece but I have become allergic to all metals so this is now up for grabs! Maybe worn 2 times.. *>>MILAGROS are small metal religious charms found in many areas of Latin America, especially Guatemala & Mexico. The word “Milagro” means “miracle”or Offering( Exvotos). These small charms, often depicting arms, legs, praying people, farm animals and a wide range of other subjects are typically nailed or pinned to crosses or wooden statues of various saints like the Virgin Mary or Christ, sacred objects, pinned on the clothing of saint statues, or hung with little red ribbons or threads from altars and shrines. They are also carried for protection and good luck and thanks to Saints and Their animals. The 1848 repro Coin pendant is of José Rafael Carrera Turcios was the president of Guatemala from 1844 to 1848 and from 1851 until his death in 1865, after being appointed President for Life in 1854.

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ae8e10 No.20888530

File: 84cf1617657a426⋯.png (174.38 KB,289x291,289:291,84cf1617657a426e8dd8295347….png)

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9ebc1e No.20888531

notes @660

#25619 >>20887809

>>20887835 Don’t ignore the real threat of the WHO pandemic treaty

>>20887848 Israel's Wartime Government Fracturing As Top Minister Threatens To Quit

>>20887852, >>20887862, >>20887886, >>20887908, >>20887921 GM Plotwist

>>20887855 University's COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Violates US Constitution

>>20887861, >>20888024 Kate Middleton Reportedly in Coma After Sleeping Pill Overdose, Claims Former Staffer

>>20887873 As pro-Palestine protesters reached an intersection, officers rushed in and grabbed people out of the crowd seemingly at random

>>20887887 Army cuts hundreds of hours of redundant online training requirements - the changes are effective immediately

>>20887895 Rep. Gooden Introduces Bill To Support Taiwan's Inclusion In Interpol

>>20887905 After Sudden CEO Departure, Vanguard Taps Outsider From BlackRock

>>20887907, >>20888191, >>20888203 Biden: Class of 2024, you made it to commencement - to a new beginning

>>20887915 Former DA's official in Texas border county admits smuggling migrants in her county car

>>20887930 Diddy Reacts to Viral Video of Him Punching, Kicking and Dragging His Former Girlfriend in Los Angeles Hotel

>>20887947 US marine arrested after vowing to ‘erase’ white people

>>20887978 Mark Zuckerberg’s Instagram Warns Against Tagging Tucker Carlson in ‘Happy Birthday’ Post

>>20887995, >>20888098 UK to Pay Out Estimated $12.7 Billion to Infected Blood Scandal Victims

>>20888002 Jimmy Carter Update

>>20888047, >>20888294 PF: A special forces plane visiting Gitmo….

>>20888056 Four New Hampshire Daycare Workers Arrested for Drugging Children with Sleep Aids

>>20888072, >>20888130 MarketFag: Silver and Gold, Markets and Economic Schedule - Week of May 19th

>>20888087 Israeli President Lied About Shani Louk Being Beheaded by Hamas - Complete Body Returned

>>20888091 Leo Terrell: The race card is dead

>>20888094 Comer announces new subpoena in Biden family probe

>>20888099 Transnational Terrorist Organizations: Mexican Cartels Operating in Every U.S. State

>>20888108 Democrats have aggressively targeted over 400 Republican lawyers and politicians with criminal charges, civil lawsuits, and disbarment proceedings

>>20888109, >>20888112 Trump’s hush money trial is nearing an end after a day of heated Cohen cross

>>20888113 QClock May 19, 2024 - Iran Next, People Awake, Helicopter Crash, Pain Delivered, Shift in Tactics Fireworks

>>20888196 This map shows how much you have to earn to afford rent in every state

>>20888230 EU Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarcic, assisting Iran w/ EU's Copernicus EMS satellite mapping service

>>20888246 Japan grappling with invasive raccoon population nearly 40 years after bringing them to the country

>>20888283 King Charles announces first overseas trip since cancer diagnosis

>>20888346 Ron Filipkowski: This week, Trump will have his chance to say to his jury under oath the things he said outside the courtroom

>>20888361 Supreme Court Shields Powerful Federal Agency from Future Congressional Oversight

>>20888394 On Putin’s instructions, two aircraft, helicopters and 50 mountain rescuers will leave for Tabriz to help search for the Raisi-Tasnim helicopter

>>20888448 Iranian news channel expert: Mossad agents are present in this region (Republic of Azerbaijan)

>>20888498 Wall Street Journal: Change in household net worth since start of presidency

>>20888516 The federal government has suspended funding to EcoHealth Alliance after it was confirmed that they were involved in gain-of-function viral research

>>20888520 There are reports that a Turkish UAV has discovered a helicopter crash site


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5f42ca No.20888532

File: 757cfc336465176⋯.png (217.9 KB,565x648,565:648,ClipboardImage.png)


doge stop sucking pig dick.

he is easy to filter and a waste of space.

he should give up his addiction for air

for environmental reasons


a concerned anon.

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be88d5 No.20888533


72 virgins an twelve young boys if i'm not miskaten

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dff157 No.20888534


Especially Cat Turd II and mic drop. Anything that takes the attention away from them really makes them seethe. Imagine, all it took was for Anons to say good morning. Oh BTW, a couple weeks ago I asked for Dan to post a pic, meme or video of a pig to confirm if Mr pig was an actual agency shill. Didn't Dan post a pig video not long ago?

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9d6316 No.20888535

File: 43b52aee1105028⋯.png (1.34 MB,891x661,891:661,IMG_0315.png)

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96ec55 No.20888536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> Helicopter crashed in Azerbaijan!


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98221e No.20888537

File: 142f84e5e5926cf⋯.gif (1.29 MB,978x827,978:827,142f84e5e5926cfcfab7e1f7ea….gif)


Feels good, man.

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70fe8f No.20888538


KEK. Wall Street Silver. Is this a joke?

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cc6e31 No.20888539

File: c81a186469b6640⋯.png (20.05 KB,474x385,474:385,ClipboardImage.png)



Household Net Worth Since Start of Presidency

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8085c4 No.20888540

File: ea93e410b14d79d⋯.jpg (187.3 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_19_18_1….jpg)

File: b436525e7d882a3⋯.jpg (197.69 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_19_18_1….jpg)

nigger fagghot socks

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0ff8b9 No.20888541

File: 69278a09a32fec1⋯.png (2.14 MB,775x961,25:31,_ReleaseTheMemoBattlePlan3.png)

File: 1c4872d92c79d64⋯.png (2.14 MB,783x953,783:953,_ReleaseTheMemoBattlePlan4.png)

File: f45bf537e796420⋯.png (2.23 MB,761x1021,761:1021,_ReleaseTheMemoBattlePlan.png)

File: e6df4b80509ef38⋯.png (1.38 MB,574x837,574:837,_ReleaseTheMemoBattlePlan1.png)

File: f764e66ce74aa20⋯.png (2.08 MB,754x961,754:961,_ReleaseTheMemoBattlePlan2.png)

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cc3994 No.20888542

File: 97c45bc7d964a3a⋯.mp4 (10.36 MB,640x360,16:9,7568ug.mp4)

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98221e No.20888543


i dunno, it's WSS. They're usually a hell of a lot better at analytics than anyone on these boards.

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957fca No.20888544


Obama going down just like the Iranian chopper

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7c4e9e No.20888545


Pssst. This is hell.

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69437b No.20888546

File: 4a782490f139643⋯.png (295.95 KB,360x366,60:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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0ff8b9 No.20888547

File: 4ec91bfee9f9ab6⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730340.png)

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4172ac No.20888548

File: 861f51cb85e384b⋯.gif (1.41 MB,480x262,240:131,C647E33B_47B6_4F2F_BF9F_FD….gif)


Ain’t the stoopid dog dumb shit

Try harder


-not the dumbass dog

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0ff8b9 No.20888549

File: 1bd71bcc2628b1e⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730340_1.png)

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0e9fdb No.20888550

File: 85d1115d93bf23d⋯.jpg (103.21 KB,437x567,437:567,PIG_PARADOX.jpg)

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731cea No.20888551


what does it actually mean?

does it mean that you are a board shill who projects that those who KNOW it's a psyop and is GOING TO BE USED by enemies of the board to say 'see , see what they say' just like the ok hand signal?

obvious is obvious anon.

and what it LOOKS LIKE

is that anon are onto the whole morning psyop thing and NOT playing along with it.

boo hoo hoo to you and your crew.

we'll keep copiously filtering you.

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98221e No.20888552

File: 0c6661a526dfa22⋯.gif (425.94 KB,305x205,61:41,0c6661a526dfa22f5cbd4d9d73….gif)

File: 9c3ff0f4ae6509e⋯.gif (71.05 KB,96x96,1:1,9c3ff0f4ae6509e3714a1e4356….gif)

File: 371473e3a295223⋯.gif (268.51 KB,400x502,200:251,pepedance.gif)

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0ff8b9 No.20888553

File: 81816a41ede4615⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730340_2.png)

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0ff8b9 No.20888554

File: bce35b66a1f5dd1⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730340_3.png)

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0ff8b9 No.20888555

File: 55bc8823b2cc21d⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730340_4.png)

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0ff8b9 No.20888556

File: c0b46914a7f89ec⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730360.png)

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be88d5 No.20888557


i waited for this…

double trips confirm

martyr transfer payments

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0ff8b9 No.20888558

File: 7408bd64222931c⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730360_1.png)

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5f42ca No.20888559

File: 7ffe7c358c55002⋯.gif (2.56 MB,300x424,75:106,dance_gif.gif)


well it was a guess cos of the a.i meme

carry on Mr Brown admirer.

still makes you a faggot for sticking up for a obvious part of the 3 stooges here.

p.s he was a cool dude albeit a bit nuts.

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96ec55 No.20888560

File: 5561d2e2d746436⋯.jpeg (44.99 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_4881.jpeg)


> Anybody have..

Nothing ever happens.

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29fed9 No.20888561

File: 59c16c23d7b14ae⋯.jpeg (93.01 KB,731x705,731:705,7F959A47_B2BD_47D6_9AFF_B….jpeg)

File: 5fa22516bdaedc5⋯.jpeg (358.53 KB,828x737,828:737,CF47F5F0_7227_4FAF_93B2_5….jpeg)

Might turn in early, not much goin on.

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98221e No.20888562

File: 5f775f12cb5bcf9⋯.png (1.01 MB,642x641,642:641,5f775f12cb5bcf942d71d9c29d….png)


Psst. Heaven and Hell are states of the mind.

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731cea No.20888563

"‘Order Will Be Restored Whatever the Cost’ — French Forces Fight Back Against Anti-Colonial Uprising in New Caledonia"

The French and captive Islands, it never ends well for them.


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dff157 No.20888564


>we'll keep copiously filtering you.

>we'll Filter you


How bright are you glowing when you say "we" and speak for ALL anons?

Your levels of absolute projection rival that of only one shill, smoking pepe the highest ranking mic drop narcissist.

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0ff8b9 No.20888565

File: baa6d1cc93ccac4⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730360_2.png)

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731cea No.20888566


see how important it is to you you want to battle me.

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957fca No.20888567


Where’s Valeria Jarrett’s? VJ in the Q drops

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0ff8b9 No.20888568

File: 9bea7a123d646ab⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730360_3.png)

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7c4e9e No.20888569


How did you get such a twisted view of Jesus?

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4420b0 No.20888570

File: 1586b7381f9d046⋯.jpeg (125.79 KB,1200x1200,1:1,IMG_1881.jpeg)

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3a85c7 No.20888571


Al[phonse] Gabriel Capone

we normaly just say al capone


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0ff8b9 No.20888572

File: 5477f4699b644c5⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730360_4.png)

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5f42ca No.20888573

File: c400143767a9d4b⋯.gif (743.96 KB,220x195,44:39,pirate_catz.gif)



moving on..

p.s waiting for the ip hop.

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e5fa39 No.20888574


In the 70's you could go to the Silver Factory and they will make you anything–which is probably where all the CHARMS come from.

Not sure I would call it a WEDDING NECKLACE.

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731cea No.20888575


I know, right.

as if Jesus needs an airplane . . .

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290a9e No.20888576

You worship a Jealous God / Demon

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0ff8b9 No.20888577

File: ab5761bb9d75b64⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730374.png)

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98221e No.20888578

File: cd3ce4edd63ab60⋯.jpg (278.28 KB,900x604,225:151,cd3ce4edd63ab60c0f073e2ef0….jpg)


there's the correct meme

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96ec55 No.20888579

File: 2faa2f59ef26962⋯.jpeg (49.48 KB,182x255,182:255,IMG_4361.jpeg)

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9ebc1e No.20888580


#25619 >>20887809

>>20887835 Don’t ignore the real threat of the WHO pandemic treaty

>>20887848 Israel's Wartime Government Fracturing As Top Minister Threatens To Quit

>>20887852, >>20887862, >>20887886, >>20887908, >>20887921 GM Plotwist

>>20887855 University's COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Violates US Constitution

>>20887861, >>20888024 Kate Middleton Reportedly in Coma After Sleeping Pill Overdose, Claims Former Staffer

>>20887873 As pro-Palestine protesters reached an intersection, officers rushed in and grabbed people out of the crowd seemingly at random

>>20887887 Army cuts hundreds of hours of redundant online training requirements - the changes are effective immediately

>>20887895 Rep. Gooden Introduces Bill To Support Taiwan's Inclusion In Interpol

>>20887905 After Sudden CEO Departure, Vanguard Taps Outsider From BlackRock

>>20887907, >>20888191, >>20888203 Biden: Class of 2024, you made it to commencement - to a new beginning

>>20887915 Former DA's official in Texas border county admits smuggling migrants in her county car

>>20887930 Diddy Reacts to Viral Video of Him Punching, Kicking and Dragging His Former Girlfriend in Los Angeles Hotel

>>20887947 US marine arrested after vowing to ‘erase’ white people

>>20887978 Mark Zuckerberg’s Instagram Warns Against Tagging Tucker Carlson in ‘Happy Birthday’ Post

>>20887995, >>20888098 UK to Pay Out Estimated $12.7 Billion to Infected Blood Scandal Victims

>>20888002 Jimmy Carter Update

>>20888047, >>20888294 PF: A special forces plane visiting Gitmo….

>>20888056 Four New Hampshire Daycare Workers Arrested for Drugging Children with Sleep Aids

>>20888072, >>20888130 MarketFag: Silver and Gold, Markets and Economic Schedule - Week of May 19th

>>20888087 Israeli President Lied About Shani Louk Being Beheaded by Hamas - Complete Body Returned

>>20888091 Leo Terrell: The race card is dead

>>20888094 Comer announces new subpoena in Biden family probe

>>20888099 Transnational Terrorist Organizations: Mexican Cartels Operating in Every U.S. State

>>20888108 Democrats have aggressively targeted over 400 Republican lawyers and politicians with criminal charges, civil lawsuits, and disbarment proceedings

>>20888109, >>20888112 Trump’s hush money trial is nearing an end after a day of heated Cohen cross

>>20888113 QClock May 19, 2024 - Iran Next, People Awake, Helicopter Crash, Pain Delivered, Shift in Tactics Fireworks

>>20888196 This map shows how much you have to earn to afford rent in every state

>>20888230 EU Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarcic, assisting Iran w/ EU's Copernicus EMS satellite mapping service

>>20888246 Japan grappling with invasive raccoon population nearly 40 years after bringing them to the country

>>20888283 King Charles announces first overseas trip since cancer diagnosis

>>20888346 Ron Filipkowski: This week, Trump will have his chance to say to his jury under oath the things he said outside the courtroom

>>20888361 Supreme Court Shields Powerful Federal Agency from Future Congressional Oversight

>>20888394 On Putin’s instructions, two aircraft, helicopters and 50 mountain rescuers will leave for Tabriz to help search for the Raisi-Tasnim helicopter

>>20888448 Iranian news channel expert: Mossad agents are present in this region (Republic of Azerbaijan)

>>20888498 Wall Street Journal: Change in household net worth since start of presidency

>>20888516 The federal government has suspended funding to EcoHealth Alliance after it was confirmed that they were involved in gain-of-function viral research

>>20888520 There are reports that a Turkish UAV has discovered a helicopter crash site


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0ff8b9 No.20888581

File: 81209adc50714fb⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730374_1.png)

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8085c4 No.20888582

File: a2d262f549a46c4⋯.gif (271.86 KB,220x139,220:139,father_mulcahy_mulcahy_1_.gif)

File: c41244547df5138⋯.jpeg (459.99 KB,1536x2048,3:4,GN9CPdeWkAASIq4.jpeg)

File: 44d6476614dffa7⋯.jpeg (458.85 KB,1536x2048,3:4,GN9CPdZWsAEaAkM.jpeg)

File: b37089849a546e3⋯.jpeg (456.22 KB,1536x2048,3:4,GN9CPbLWkAEzlL3.jpeg)

File: f60903d2d1d7ad4⋯.jpeg (492.31 KB,1536x2048,3:4,GN9CPU_XcAAkqgV.jpeg)


dog of raw

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0ff8b9 No.20888583

File: 7f0917d68de2782⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730374_2.png)

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774175 No.20888584


Yawn, you and your zionist fixation

He must have gained too much influence so the ayatollahs took him out. "No interruption to government" so this had been planned way in advance. Replacements for all of them waiting in the wings

The ones lighting the fireworks are either ayatollah approved or IRGC. Regular people doing fireworks to celebrate an official's death and the cops aren't all over that?

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aeef2e No.20888585


You better quit it

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ffabfa No.20888586


>Q Clock in the notables (in the year 2024)


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0ff8b9 No.20888588

File: 6bb25f1a4006230⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730374_3.png)

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dff157 No.20888590



I filtered pig on sight. Just the same shitty meme templates over and over trying to act as an authority figure on the board to sway opinions. Their sad little meme department in Beijing can't come up with much better.

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0ff8b9 No.20888595

File: b65973cb589cd9f⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730374_4.png)

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be88d5 No.20888596

File: a51c866e2ceb17c⋯.png (1.4 MB,500x281,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba5d76ad13a9f02⋯.png (390.42 KB,500x385,100:77,ClipboardImage.png)


saved just for the kackling clown in the lower right corner

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70cf67 No.20888597


Last two Trump speeches (Fri and Sat), he brought up the golfer who had a6.2handicap. Kept mentioning 6.2…

-who throws int he 6.2?

-what was up with the 6.2?

-where did the .2 come from?

- no on says "6.2"…

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cc3994 No.20888600

File: ace4bbe7e05bbfc⋯.png (2.12 MB,1020x1015,204:203,ace4bbe7e05bbfc9a411f729ae….png)

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0ff8b9 No.20888602

File: 7c37265dc3ea0b6⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730388.png)

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231888 No.20888603

File: b5ede9f98ab4f1d⋯.png (467.08 KB,582x596,291:298,ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone ever watch Pulp Fiction? Pig substitutes a Pig "In God We Trust" coin for the watch that was kept in a man's ass.


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9ebc1e No.20888604

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dff157 No.20888605

Any other Anons feeling strangely comfy? I do think we might get a GM (good morning) from POTUS or Dan coming soon.

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0ff8b9 No.20888606

File: b7370abe3948cd8⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730388_1.png)

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0e9fdb No.20888607

File: aec2f33ae2c30d5⋯.jpg (142.49 KB,532x567,76:81,SAD_STATE_OF_AFFAIRS.jpg)

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0ff8b9 No.20888608

File: c172e5c50f2c28b⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730388_2.png)

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0ff8b9 No.20888609

File: 1671b8a0e2b946c⋯.png (578.53 KB,768x768,1:1,1522730388_3.png)

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70fe8f No.20888611


Who is that broad on the set who says why are we are losing blacks. Tell me FOX News is conservative.

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7d09c7 No.20888612

File: 702eab3926bb9b1⋯.jpg (151.46 KB,1024x922,512:461,n.jpg)

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be88d5 No.20888613


eSAFETY? is that you again?



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0ff8b9 No.20888614

File: 5c22e3fec99f677⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730388_4.png)

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29fed9 No.20888616

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Habbening like a mofo up in this bitch.

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dff157 No.20888617

Better to ignore and filter pig now. Proven to be a slide. Don't waste your time or energy. Focus on the digs and notables.

God bless

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0ff8b9 No.20888618

File: 0ce4fa51c579e5f⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730403.png)

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0ff8b9 No.20888619

File: 8675a39ebac6f0f⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730403_1.png)

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29fed9 No.20888620

File: ba4d95c074840de⋯.jpeg (135.09 KB,436x440,109:110,3AB2FB03_392D_4152_B67A_B….jpeg)

Someone's cranky.

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e5fa39 No.20888621


Remember Koby Bryant?

Anon predicts this is V2.0 (in the fog the pilot became confused)

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0e9fdb No.20888622

File: a70049f4af50561⋯.jpg (54.39 KB,463x432,463:432,GERMAPHOBE.jpg)

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66962e No.20888623


>I filtered pig on sight.

What shillfaggotry is this?

Pig is our beloved board mascot with awesome memes!

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8085c4 No.20888624

File: 53a18a7a0db1a57⋯.jpeg (62.74 KB,680x510,4:3,li_FmSlh.jpeg)

File: ad9425280ed5ae1⋯.png (332.15 KB,414x592,207:296,GN9TOAfW8AEEV7N.png)

File: b54f25a947e1308⋯.jpeg (280.52 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GN9dedWWIAAGko0_1_.jpeg)

File: f4bf25054db4015⋯.jpeg (115.76 KB,549x655,549:655,f4bf25054db40154f9098447e….jpeg)

File: 8e359ec7f81f4b4⋯.gif (8.29 MB,578x447,578:447,8e359ec7f81f4b4098085b561e….gif)


dye box orange muffs

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0ff8b9 No.20888625

File: a3ed12eb7d6987e⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730403_2.png)

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29fed9 No.20888626

Looks like a lost boomer in the diaper aisle.

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9ebc1e No.20888627

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290a9e No.20888628


Any one with national influence, tv, radio etc are controlled.

Controlled opposition, different personalities offer different levels of opposition

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4172ac No.20888629

File: 04a0756fc0db5bf⋯.gif (471.36 KB,498x498,1:1,D8898278_8812_4F90_9286_5C….gif)


Whatever you say phaggit

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a7614f No.20888630

File: f11ffcb2f162d08⋯.jpg (846.26 KB,1440x3040,9:19,Screenshot_20240519_173820….jpg)


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0ff8b9 No.20888631

File: d43d5c71f2941e0⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730403_3.png)

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66962e No.20888632

File: d839d8254105c18⋯.png (577.69 KB,697x861,17:21,sarchasm.png)

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