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File: 98f11582831045d⋯.png (65.96 KB,255x134,255:134,ClipboardImage.png)

ad5280 No.20887788 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

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703 posts and 535 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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0ff8b9 No.20888572

File: 5477f4699b644c5⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730360_4.png)

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5f42ca No.20888573

File: c400143767a9d4b⋯.gif (743.96 KB,220x195,44:39,pirate_catz.gif)



moving on..

p.s waiting for the ip hop.

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e5fa39 No.20888574


In the 70's you could go to the Silver Factory and they will make you anything–which is probably where all the CHARMS come from.

Not sure I would call it a WEDDING NECKLACE.

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731cea No.20888575


I know, right.

as if Jesus needs an airplane . . .

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290a9e No.20888576

You worship a Jealous God / Demon

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0ff8b9 No.20888577

File: ab5761bb9d75b64⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730374.png)

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98221e No.20888578

File: cd3ce4edd63ab60⋯.jpg (278.28 KB,900x604,225:151,cd3ce4edd63ab60c0f073e2ef0….jpg)


there's the correct meme

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96ec55 No.20888579

File: 2faa2f59ef26962⋯.jpeg (49.48 KB,182x255,182:255,IMG_4361.jpeg)

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9ebc1e No.20888580


#25619 >>20887809

>>20887835 Don’t ignore the real threat of the WHO pandemic treaty

>>20887848 Israel's Wartime Government Fracturing As Top Minister Threatens To Quit

>>20887852, >>20887862, >>20887886, >>20887908, >>20887921 GM Plotwist

>>20887855 University's COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Violates US Constitution

>>20887861, >>20888024 Kate Middleton Reportedly in Coma After Sleeping Pill Overdose, Claims Former Staffer

>>20887873 As pro-Palestine protesters reached an intersection, officers rushed in and grabbed people out of the crowd seemingly at random

>>20887887 Army cuts hundreds of hours of redundant online training requirements - the changes are effective immediately

>>20887895 Rep. Gooden Introduces Bill To Support Taiwan's Inclusion In Interpol

>>20887905 After Sudden CEO Departure, Vanguard Taps Outsider From BlackRock

>>20887907, >>20888191, >>20888203 Biden: Class of 2024, you made it to commencement - to a new beginning

>>20887915 Former DA's official in Texas border county admits smuggling migrants in her county car

>>20887930 Diddy Reacts to Viral Video of Him Punching, Kicking and Dragging His Former Girlfriend in Los Angeles Hotel

>>20887947 US marine arrested after vowing to ‘erase’ white people

>>20887978 Mark Zuckerberg’s Instagram Warns Against Tagging Tucker Carlson in ‘Happy Birthday’ Post

>>20887995, >>20888098 UK to Pay Out Estimated $12.7 Billion to Infected Blood Scandal Victims

>>20888002 Jimmy Carter Update

>>20888047, >>20888294 PF: A special forces plane visiting Gitmo….

>>20888056 Four New Hampshire Daycare Workers Arrested for Drugging Children with Sleep Aids

>>20888072, >>20888130 MarketFag: Silver and Gold, Markets and Economic Schedule - Week of May 19th

>>20888087 Israeli President Lied About Shani Louk Being Beheaded by Hamas - Complete Body Returned

>>20888091 Leo Terrell: The race card is dead

>>20888094 Comer announces new subpoena in Biden family probe

>>20888099 Transnational Terrorist Organizations: Mexican Cartels Operating in Every U.S. State

>>20888108 Democrats have aggressively targeted over 400 Republican lawyers and politicians with criminal charges, civil lawsuits, and disbarment proceedings

>>20888109, >>20888112 Trump’s hush money trial is nearing an end after a day of heated Cohen cross

>>20888113 QClock May 19, 2024 - Iran Next, People Awake, Helicopter Crash, Pain Delivered, Shift in Tactics Fireworks

>>20888196 This map shows how much you have to earn to afford rent in every state

>>20888230 EU Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarcic, assisting Iran w/ EU's Copernicus EMS satellite mapping service

>>20888246 Japan grappling with invasive raccoon population nearly 40 years after bringing them to the country

>>20888283 King Charles announces first overseas trip since cancer diagnosis

>>20888346 Ron Filipkowski: This week, Trump will have his chance to say to his jury under oath the things he said outside the courtroom

>>20888361 Supreme Court Shields Powerful Federal Agency from Future Congressional Oversight

>>20888394 On Putin’s instructions, two aircraft, helicopters and 50 mountain rescuers will leave for Tabriz to help search for the Raisi-Tasnim helicopter

>>20888448 Iranian news channel expert: Mossad agents are present in this region (Republic of Azerbaijan)

>>20888498 Wall Street Journal: Change in household net worth since start of presidency

>>20888516 The federal government has suspended funding to EcoHealth Alliance after it was confirmed that they were involved in gain-of-function viral research

>>20888520 There are reports that a Turkish UAV has discovered a helicopter crash site


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0ff8b9 No.20888581

File: 81209adc50714fb⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730374_1.png)

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8085c4 No.20888582

File: a2d262f549a46c4⋯.gif (271.86 KB,220x139,220:139,father_mulcahy_mulcahy_1_.gif)

File: c41244547df5138⋯.jpeg (459.99 KB,1536x2048,3:4,GN9CPdeWkAASIq4.jpeg)

File: 44d6476614dffa7⋯.jpeg (458.85 KB,1536x2048,3:4,GN9CPdZWsAEaAkM.jpeg)

File: b37089849a546e3⋯.jpeg (456.22 KB,1536x2048,3:4,GN9CPbLWkAEzlL3.jpeg)

File: f60903d2d1d7ad4⋯.jpeg (492.31 KB,1536x2048,3:4,GN9CPU_XcAAkqgV.jpeg)


dog of raw

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0ff8b9 No.20888583

File: 7f0917d68de2782⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730374_2.png)

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774175 No.20888584


Yawn, you and your zionist fixation

He must have gained too much influence so the ayatollahs took him out. "No interruption to government" so this had been planned way in advance. Replacements for all of them waiting in the wings

The ones lighting the fireworks are either ayatollah approved or IRGC. Regular people doing fireworks to celebrate an official's death and the cops aren't all over that?

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aeef2e No.20888585


You better quit it

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ffabfa No.20888586


>Q Clock in the notables (in the year 2024)


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0ff8b9 No.20888588

File: 6bb25f1a4006230⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730374_3.png)

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dff157 No.20888590



I filtered pig on sight. Just the same shitty meme templates over and over trying to act as an authority figure on the board to sway opinions. Their sad little meme department in Beijing can't come up with much better.

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0ff8b9 No.20888595

File: b65973cb589cd9f⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730374_4.png)

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be88d5 No.20888596

File: a51c866e2ceb17c⋯.png (1.4 MB,500x281,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba5d76ad13a9f02⋯.png (390.42 KB,500x385,100:77,ClipboardImage.png)


saved just for the kackling clown in the lower right corner

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70cf67 No.20888597


Last two Trump speeches (Fri and Sat), he brought up the golfer who had a6.2handicap. Kept mentioning 6.2…

-who throws int he 6.2?

-what was up with the 6.2?

-where did the .2 come from?

- no on says "6.2"…

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cc3994 No.20888600

File: ace4bbe7e05bbfc⋯.png (2.12 MB,1020x1015,204:203,ace4bbe7e05bbfc9a411f729ae….png)

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0ff8b9 No.20888602

File: 7c37265dc3ea0b6⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730388.png)

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231888 No.20888603

File: b5ede9f98ab4f1d⋯.png (467.08 KB,582x596,291:298,ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone ever watch Pulp Fiction? Pig substitutes a Pig "In God We Trust" coin for the watch that was kept in a man's ass.


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9ebc1e No.20888604

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dff157 No.20888605

Any other Anons feeling strangely comfy? I do think we might get a GM (good morning) from POTUS or Dan coming soon.

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0ff8b9 No.20888606

File: b7370abe3948cd8⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730388_1.png)

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0e9fdb No.20888607

File: aec2f33ae2c30d5⋯.jpg (142.49 KB,532x567,76:81,SAD_STATE_OF_AFFAIRS.jpg)

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0ff8b9 No.20888608

File: c172e5c50f2c28b⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730388_2.png)

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0ff8b9 No.20888609

File: 1671b8a0e2b946c⋯.png (578.53 KB,768x768,1:1,1522730388_3.png)

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70fe8f No.20888611


Who is that broad on the set who says why are we are losing blacks. Tell me FOX News is conservative.

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7d09c7 No.20888612

File: 702eab3926bb9b1⋯.jpg (151.46 KB,1024x922,512:461,n.jpg)

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be88d5 No.20888613


eSAFETY? is that you again?



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0ff8b9 No.20888614

File: 5c22e3fec99f677⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730388_4.png)

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29fed9 No.20888616

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Habbening like a mofo up in this bitch.

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dff157 No.20888617

Better to ignore and filter pig now. Proven to be a slide. Don't waste your time or energy. Focus on the digs and notables.

God bless

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0ff8b9 No.20888618

File: 0ce4fa51c579e5f⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730403.png)

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0ff8b9 No.20888619

File: 8675a39ebac6f0f⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730403_1.png)

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29fed9 No.20888620

File: ba4d95c074840de⋯.jpeg (135.09 KB,436x440,109:110,3AB2FB03_392D_4152_B67A_B….jpeg)

Someone's cranky.

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e5fa39 No.20888621


Remember Koby Bryant?

Anon predicts this is V2.0 (in the fog the pilot became confused)

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0e9fdb No.20888622

File: a70049f4af50561⋯.jpg (54.39 KB,463x432,463:432,GERMAPHOBE.jpg)

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66962e No.20888623


>I filtered pig on sight.

What shillfaggotry is this?

Pig is our beloved board mascot with awesome memes!

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8085c4 No.20888624

File: 53a18a7a0db1a57⋯.jpeg (62.74 KB,680x510,4:3,li_FmSlh.jpeg)

File: ad9425280ed5ae1⋯.png (332.15 KB,414x592,207:296,GN9TOAfW8AEEV7N.png)

File: b54f25a947e1308⋯.jpeg (280.52 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GN9dedWWIAAGko0_1_.jpeg)

File: f4bf25054db4015⋯.jpeg (115.76 KB,549x655,549:655,f4bf25054db40154f9098447e….jpeg)

File: 8e359ec7f81f4b4⋯.gif (8.29 MB,578x447,578:447,8e359ec7f81f4b4098085b561e….gif)


dye box orange muffs

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0ff8b9 No.20888625

File: a3ed12eb7d6987e⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730403_2.png)

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29fed9 No.20888626

Looks like a lost boomer in the diaper aisle.

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9ebc1e No.20888627

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290a9e No.20888628


Any one with national influence, tv, radio etc are controlled.

Controlled opposition, different personalities offer different levels of opposition

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4172ac No.20888629

File: 04a0756fc0db5bf⋯.gif (471.36 KB,498x498,1:1,D8898278_8812_4F90_9286_5C….gif)


Whatever you say phaggit

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a7614f No.20888630

File: f11ffcb2f162d08⋯.jpg (846.26 KB,1440x3040,9:19,Screenshot_20240519_173820….jpg)


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0ff8b9 No.20888631

File: d43d5c71f2941e0⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730403_3.png)

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66962e No.20888632

File: d839d8254105c18⋯.png (577.69 KB,697x861,17:21,sarchasm.png)

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