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331b4e No.20859804 [Last50 Posts]

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331b4e No.20859805

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#25584 >>20859040

>>20859058, @Kash Truths - Iran has lots of nuke material… while fake news has you looking elsewhere, theyve been loading up thanks to Biden

>>20859066, >>20859508 @DonaldJTrumpJr Truth - Hahahahahahahahahahaha but statistically almost impossible to not be true. For the record I did not/will not suicide myself!!!

>>20859096, >>20859788 BF Report: Philippines Sends Ships To Disputed Atoll Where China’s Building ‘Artificial Island’

>>20859101, >>20859199 PF report: 64-14847 Rivet Joint set up trackin’ N of Taiwan Straight out of Kadena AB; Chinese AF 783132 Wing Loong 2 Drone in S. China Sea just W of PI

>>20859541 The Russians Simply Walked in, Ukrainian Troops in Kharkiv tell BBC

>>20859597 The Great Barrier Reef is not dying. The only thing that is dying is integrity in our scientific institutions.

>>20859803 #25584

#25583 >>20858175

>>20858385 Dough claim

>>20858261, >>20858791, >>20858918 UK’s Winston Marshall Gives Nancy Pelosi a Proper Spanking at Oxford Union -- Calls Out Joe Biden’s Dementia

>>20858286 🇮🇷 Iranian lawmaker declares Tehran has obtained nuclear bombs.

>>20858299, >>20858990 US Senator Lindsey Graham suggests nuking Gaza.

>>20858335 Newly Unsealed Document Reveals Lawyer with Attorney-Client Privilege Relationship with Trump Proposed to Act as Undercover Informant in Jack Smith Classified Docs Case via @gatewaypundit

>>20858353, >>20858603 PF Report: SAM647 C40B leaving MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) after about 60m on ground

>>20858398 PF Report: SAM792 G5 back at JBA after about 2h on ground. That’s the second SAM flight at Teterboro today w/2h ground stop

>>20858542 If the eSafety Commissar has lost the case in the Federal Court she has no alternate but to resign immediately. (AU)

>>20858782, >>20858790, >>20858828 Due to weather-related operational delays, the precision cuts originally scheduled for Sunday have been moved to Monday, May 13, around 5:00pm.

>>20858808 POTUS Truth - I hope that all of the incredible MOTHERS out there had an incredible day. You are the most special people of them all!!! ❤️Love, DONALD J. TRUMP, 45th President of the United States.

>>20858822 POTUS Truth - gettrumpsneakers

>>20859030 #25583

#25582 >>20857384

>>20857406 South Carolina Passes Ban on Transgender Surgeries for Children and 'Secret Transitions’ at Schools

>>20857414 Here is how the government fakes the CPI inflation data

>>20857445 Number of Tik Tok Accounts (by Country) Officially Requested for Removal, Jan 2022-Jun 2023

>>20857459 X Hype: Starting tomorrow, Monday, you won't believe your eyes and ears with what's coming and what's going to happen

>>20857467 Shocking abuse of Gazans inside Israeli concentration camps

>>20857490 Sun Unleashes Another X-Class Flare

>>20857547 Massive caravan of migrants are headed to the US after making a pit stop in Oaxaca, Mexico

>>20857590, >>20857625 5, 10, 15

>>20857596 D'Souza: A sharp and witty defense of populism at the Oxford Union

>>20857601, >>20857665 Planefag

>>20857647, >>20857852 DJT: Happy Mother's Day

>>20857652 NASA: #MothersDay

>>20857664 Hellspawn of Satan: Public Crypto Bad, Private Crypto Good

>>20857719 Climate Change: Never, ever specific enough to be falsifiable

>>20857821 Alvin Bragg's Office Deleted Phone Call Records Of Michael Cohen And Stormy Daniels' Lawyer

>>20857827 Mayorkas was on the board of HIAS (org that funds migrant invasions throughout the West) before he took over DHS

>>20857919 Ukrainian Suicide Drone Attack At Russia's Volgograd Oil Refinery Sparks Fire

>>20857952 Russia discovers oil and gas reserve in British Antarctic territory (5, 10, 15)

>>20857961 BLM Sues Soros-Backed Foundation Tied To Anti-Israel College Encampments

>>20857991 Where the Ballot Trafficking occurs

>>20858079 Massachusetts Governor announced the state is turning a former prison into a shelter to house illegals and their families

>>20858087 How to fuel Rocketships powered by Liberal Tears

>>20858091 Ashley Biden Officially Confirms Her Diary is Real in Emotional Letter to Judge

>>20858112 Australia: Judge slams police for using 'unlawful violence' against COVID protesters

>>20858123 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not To Tell You (5/12/24)

>>20858153 #25582

#25581 >>20856618

>>20856662 Bobs on the ballot: WA AG responds to 2 new gubernatorial candidates sharing his name

>>20856713, >>20856790, >>20856811, >>20856742, >>20856932, >>20857069, >>20857123, >>20857211 Planefag

>>20856779 Netanyahu: Since because the Holocaust, makes now Jews immune all of any past, present, and future crime(s) even against non-Germans; ergo

>>20856824 QClock May 11, 2024 - The Bridge, Hunting, Twilight Zone Day

>>20856825 Duke University students holding Palestine flags walk out of graduation as Jerry Seinfeld is introduced to speak

>>20856873, >>20857093 DoJ wants 40 year sentence for man who attacked Nancy Pelosi's husband with a hammer

>>20856926 Tucker Carlson drops new interview with the half brother of Justin Trudeau (same mother)

>>20856975 Economic Schedule for week of May 12th

>>20857002 Multiple deaths after Ukrainian strike on residential area

>>20857034 Trump Rally in Wildwood, NJ May 11, 2024: Estimated 80,000 -100,000 People

>>20857039 Abu Musab al-Zarqawi: Infamous Terrorist And US Intelligence Asset

>>20857048 Final look at the University of Washington before tonight's potential clash between Antifa and Jewish / Evangelical Christian counter-protesters

>>20857062 Earth is buzzing like a Bee

>>20857076 Groups Behind Protests Seizing College Campuses Get Bad News as Senators Send Letter to IRS

>>20857083 David Cameron Says UK Won’t Stop Arming Israel After Biden Withholds Weapons

>>20857101 Egypt deals ‘diplomatic blow’ to Israel by joining ICJ genocide case

>>20857114 Germany 'considers conscripting all 18-year-olds' amid fears of all-out NATO war with Russia - as Putin's forces advance in Ukraine

>>20857120, >>20857125 The People Setting America on Fire

>>20857128 Dementia Joe Refers to Illegal Aliens as ‘Voters,’ Says Speaking Spanish is America’s ‘Future’

>>20857131, >>20857144, >>20857167, >>20857191 Erdogan says Netanyahu’s ‘genocidal methods would make Hitler jealous’

>>20857221 Allegedly Ayatollah Khamenei's granddaughter visited New York in 2019, and ironically dresses like a Western woman

>>20857196 Wells Fargo Escapes Accountability Yet Again: Former Broker Evades Consequences for Alleged Fraud

>>20857240, >>20857274 Rare footage of Melania as a new mother holding 2 month-old Barron

>>20857266 Many of the Illegal Migrants that are pouring into Western countries are in fact UN soldiers?

>>20857278 Ehud Barak, the former PM of Israel: The Rafah operation is a very big strategic mistake and we will pay a very heavy price for it

>>20857296, >>20857312 Globalists plot Worldwide genocide via WHO Pandemic Treaty

>>20857322, >>20857330 DJT: ……This case should take about five minutes for an acquittal…..Gregg Jarrett, FoxNews

>>20857339 Kari Lake Drops a Bomb on Sunday Morning Futures - Exposes How Democrats Are Already Stealing Votes in the 2024 Election

>>20857367 #25581

#25580 >>20855818, >>20855867

>>20855853 Mexico EQ 6.4

>>20855874 Supreme Court Justices Thomas and Alito Issue Warnings About State of America

>>20856019 Biden taps Obama, George Clooney, Julia Roberts and the Clintons for mega fundraisers

>>20856069 resident Biden - Happy Mother's Day, America.

>>20856106 PF Report: BROCA67 E6 up and out of Patuxent NAS

>>20856126 @NavalInstitute - #OTD in 1995, CRIMSON TIDE was released. The Navy declined to assist in the production because of problems with the script, so the director got the shots he needed by hiring boats and helicopters to chase down USS Alabama (SSBN-731) when the sub was spotted leaving Pearl Harbor.

>>20856147 POTUS Truth - TOO BIG TO RIG — MAGA2024!

>>20856158 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - May 12, 2024: Red Aurora over Poland

>>20856171 @DanScavino - 5/11/24 | Wildwood, NJ…

>>20856209, >>20856213, >>20856217 In DC, a new wave of AI lobbyists gains the upper hand. An alliance of tech giants, startups and venture capitalists are spending millions to convince Washington that fears of an AI apocalypse are overblown

>>20856293, >>20856296 PF Report: Europe Activity

>>20856327, >>20856432 PF Report: 21 military planes have already landed in Port-au-Prince; RCH123 C17 departed Charleston for Port au Prince

>>20856440, >>20856444 Multi-story building in Belgorod partly collapses after Ukrainian strike

>>20856604 #25580

#25579 >>20855042


>>20855297 @MailOnline - High alert: Hundreds of dogs are poisoned by discarded cannabis joints and edible marijuana 'gummies' (WTF?)

>>20855329 Puppy-killer South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem is banned from entering 20% of her own state after being banned by Native American tribes she claimed were tied to drug cartels

>>20855494 Longtime East Bay political leader Peggy Moore — who worked on campaigns for former President Barack Obama and was an adviser for Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf — and her wife Hope Wood both died in a car crash in Southern California, according to friends.

>>20855631 Trump blasts Biden as ‘total moron’ before crowd of 100K at NJ rally: ‘Whole world is laughing at him’

>>20855804 #25579

#25578 >>20854281

>>20854299 Dough claim


>>20854515 PF Report: US Army Beechcraft RC-12 Guardrail 91-00517 headed west from South Korea, out over The Yellow Sea.

>>20854531 PF Report: 82-8000 747 the not visible until yesterday escort for….Potato in 92-9000 747 and he’s going to Dover not JBA; DEED216 and KECK229 C17s that left Moffett Airfield (where Billy Gates landed a few hours ago from Newark depart >>20853429 lb) went to Quantico

>>20854538, >>20854595 Watch: Northern Israel Is Literally On Fire After Hezbollah Attacks

>>20854568 Solar Storm Aurora Watch - Round 2 Tonight

>>20854610 @JackPosobiec - I’ve never seen anything like it in my life

>>20854619 Japan's top 3 banks to log record profit on high overseas interest

>>20854627 🌎 LIVE NOAA Radio Broadcast | Extreme G5 Geomagnetic Storm Reaches Earth!

>>20854637, >>20854692 “Over 100,000” Turn Out to See President Trump at MEGA MAGA Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey! — VIDEO

>>20854641 @DanScavino (POTUS dance video)

>>20854667, >>20854670 SHOCKING: Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos’s Team Is Surveilling, Intimidating Legal Recall Workers

>>20854674, >>20854693, >>20855023 PF Report: N757AF 757 departed Atlantic City Intl after rally at Wildwood, NJ; Potato in 92-9000 747 on ground at 11m past the hour at Dover AFB and 82-8000 747 on ground at JBA

>>20854738 @DanScavino - @realDonaldTrump departing Atlantic City, New Jersey🛫…

>>20854794 Another of former President Trump’s female former aides has defended him during her testimony in court during his so-called “hush money” trial in New York. Madeleine Westerhout was responding to questioning from the prosecution about whether he was detail-oriented, among other points

>>20855014 BF Report

>>20855037 #25578

#25577 >>20853496

>>20853674 LIVE: Trump Holds a Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey - 5/11/24

>>20854252 Rally Transcript

>>20854008 Wildwood, New Jersey

>>20853712, >>20853713, >>20853714, >>20853717, >>20853719, >>20853724, >>20853730, >>20853802 Photo Album

>>20853528, >>20853538, >>20853535, >>20853543, >>20853579 @DanScavino: Approaching Wildwood, New Jersey #TrumpRally

>>20853665 Trump Force One Incoming to Wildwood, NJ

>>20853689, >>20853788, >>20854238, >>20853784, >>20853935, >>20853947 Qproof / Delta: He fights for you

>>20854015 Venezuela 72%

>>20854017 5,10,15

>>20854093, >>20854148, >>20854179 High exposure inc circling wildwood

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>20853633 Barron Trump Declines to Serve as Florida Delegate at GOP Convention

>>20853660 Kim Jong-un commanded another artillery exercise

>>20853669 Boatfag

>>20853691 Salvors with the Unified Command are preparing charges for upcoming precision cuts to the large #FSKBridge span resting on the bow of the M/V DALI

>>20853986 Biden: There is no safe level of lead exposure

>>20854258 #25577

Previously Collected

>>20852953 #25574, >>20852712 #25575, >>20852712 #25575

>>20849388 #25571, >>20850281 #25572, >>20851065 #25573

>>20847013 #25568, >>20847851 #25569, >>20848622 #25570

>>20844459 #25565, >>20845272 #25566, >>20846118 #25567

>>20841965 #25562, >>20842927 #25563, >>20843722 #25564

>>20839506 #25559, >>20840261 #25560, >>20841065 #25561

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Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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331b4e No.20859808

File: 51ae1b957426815⋯.png (560.9 KB,663x497,663:497,scbbydoo.png)

Dough; bread is ghosted


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17e47d No.20859816

File: 0f49e89e2ab1391⋯.png (192.11 KB,400x243,400:243,0f49e89e2ab1391f2d0ee3a626….png)


TY, ghostie.

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9add7a No.20859817

File: a57f0dd2b980516⋯.png (29.75 KB,541x281,541:281,Music.png)

When was the last Rally with the WWG1WGA song? In my mind, this was the third.

Don´t know what to make of it, just noticed.

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7d1df3 No.20859833

File: 7a0fc169bd55d97⋯.jpg (86.45 KB,720x1544,90:193,20240513_030823.jpg)

File: 54ddab4c120bdc3⋯.jpg (88.29 KB,607x659,607:659,20240513_030751.jpg)

File: 04fbae4f1116655⋯.jpg (134.53 KB,2048x1489,2048:1489,20240513_030830.jpg)

File: 8eaeda2a44a6387⋯.jpg (89.74 KB,719x1076,719:1076,20240513_030912.jpg)

File: 5cfbdec35889142⋯.jpg (203.12 KB,736x1123,736:1123,20240513_031207.jpg)



Edible Schoolyard is a farm to table non-profit. They want to teach kids to grow food in public school. Sounds great right? Except it's connected to Hollywood, James Alefantis, Rockefellers, Prince Andrew etc

Alice Waters is the founder of the non-profit Edible Schoolyard. I know, I know, there's a spiral on her bag. Let's keep going.

Apparently, the Edible Schoolyard seeks to have gardens in public schools in an attempt to feed the kids. However, due to food safety standards, the cafeteria is not allowed to serve it. Even if they did the amount of food grown wouldn't sustain the amount of kids for one day

"The project’s administrators originally imagined that the garden would supply food to the school cafeteria, but due to safety regulations and other bureaucratic problems, they must now concede that “produce grown in the garden is not used for school lunch"


The Elitism and Racism of "Local Food" and the Edible Schoolyard


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9e20fe No.20859844

File: 9ec16202b68cf3a⋯.png (580.02 KB,915x889,915:889,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7728c2d99b0bec1⋯.png (1.45 MB,1021x1005,1021:1005,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 26f936c309ff839⋯.jpeg (11.41 KB,255x215,51:43,kek_uuky.jpeg)



Donald J. Trump


Canada doesn’t want you Whoopi, NOBODY DOES!!!

Robertus Trump



Replying to @realDonaldTrump

655 ReTruths


May 13, 2024, 1:22 AM


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7d6c65 No.20859848

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06577e No.20859850

File: 5477e1c2e3b4f51⋯.png (344.74 KB,564x564,1:1,5477e1c2e3b4f51f404c7976cf….png)

GM Fam

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f6b403 No.20859851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

any anons remember this treasure?

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535ade No.20859852

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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535ade No.20859853

has a problem with reality


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36a475 No.20859854


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9e20fe No.20859855

File: 6e7f470a831182d⋯.png (332.7 KB,473x1596,473:1596,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 459b0aeab6f6508⋯.png (640.29 KB,474x813,158:271,ClipboardImage.png)



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 09/02/2020 12:55:11 ID: f84976

8kun/qresearch: 10504529

Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A. Dasen Sr., was charged with rape for allegedly paying a 15-year old girl for sex. Dasen, 62, who is married with grown children and several grandchildren, has allegedly told police that over the past decade he paid more than $1 million to have sex with a large number of young women.

Democratic donor and billionaire, Jeffrey Epstein, ran an underage child sex brothel and was convicted of soliciting underage girls for prostitution.

Democratic New York Congressman, Anthony Weiner, plead guilty to transferring obscene material to a minor as part of a plea agreement for sexted and sending Twitter DMs to underage girls as young as 15.

Democratic donor, activist, and Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein is being criminally prosecuted and civilly sued for years of sexual abuse (that was well known “secret” in Hollywood) including underage sexual activities with aspiring female actresses.

Democratic activist and #metoo proponent, Asia Argento, settled a lawsuit for sexual harassment stemming from sexual activities with an underage actor.

Democratic Mayor of Racine, Wisconsin, Gary Becker, was convicted of attempted child seduction, child pornography, and other child sex crimes.

Democratic Seattle Mayor Ed Murray resigned after multiple accusations of child sexual abuse were levied against him including by family members.

Democratic activist and aid to NYC Mayor De Blasio, Jacob Schwartz was arrested on possession of 3,000+ child pornographic images.

Democratic activist and actor, Russell Simmons, was sued based on an allegation of sexual assault where he coerced an underage model for sex.

Democratic Governor of Oregon, Neil Goldschmidt, after being caught by a newspaper, publicly admitted to having a past sexual relationship with a 13-year-old girl after the statute of limitations on the rape charges had expired.

Democratic Illinois Congressman, Mel Reynolds resigned from Congress after he was convicted of statutory rape of a 16-year-old campaign volunteer.

Democratic New York Congressman, Fred Richmond, was arrested in Washington D.C. for soliciting sex from a 16-year-old boy.

Democratic activist, donor, and director, Roman Polanski, fled the country after pleading guilty to statutory rape of a 13-year-old girl. Democrats and Hollywood actors still defend him to this day, including,Whoopi Goldberg, Martin Scorcese, Woody Allen, David Lynch, Wim Wenders, Pedro Almodovar, Tilda Swinton and Monica Bellucci.

Democratic State Senator from Alaska, George Jacko, was found guilty of sexual harassment of an underage legislative page.

Democratic State Representative candidate for Colorado, Andrew Myers, was convicted for possession of child pornography and enticing children.

Democratic Illinois Congressman, Gus Savage was investigated by the Democrat-controlled House Committee on Ethics for attempting to rape an underage female Peace Corps volunteer in Zaire. The Committee concluded that while the events did occur his apology was sufficient and took no further action.

Democratic activist, donor, and spokesperson for Subway, Jared Fogle, was convicted of distribution and receipt of child pornography and traveling to engage in illicit sexual conduct with a minor.

Democratic State Department official, Carl Carey, under Hillary Clinton’s state department, was arrested on ten counts of child porn possession.

Democratic Maine Assistant Attorney General, James Cameron, was sentenced to just over 15 years in federal prison for seven counts of child porn possession, receipt and transmission.

Democratic State Department official, Daniel Rosen, under Hillary Clinton’s state department, was arrested and charged with allegedly soliciting sex from a minor over the internet.

Democratic State Department official, James Cafferty, pleaded guilty to one count of transportation of child pornography.

Democratic radio host, Bernie Ward, plead guilty to one count of sending child pornography over the Internet.Democratic deputy attorney general from California, Raymond Liddy, was arrested for possession of child pornography.


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535ade No.20859856

turntable physics aside

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6cb28b No.20859857


Lb/oh fucking fuck

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9e20fe No.20859858

File: 55f295a8d229f91⋯.png (1.1 MB,640x813,640:813,ClipboardImage.png)

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9e20fe No.20859859

File: 6303934e658196a⋯.png (1.15 MB,720x716,180:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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3e01a9 No.20859860

File: c3166210e174092⋯.png (40.06 KB,720x591,240:197,ClipboardImage.png)


GM cuz it pisses em off!

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535ade No.20859861


she even does the owleyefinger bit

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e9b6ca No.20859862

File: 6d33c4eaa4b72f9⋯.png (1.75 MB,936x954,52:53,btrwet_wertrwer.PNG)

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7935fc No.20859863

File: b4d50f975f30225⋯.png (474.83 KB,609x586,609:586,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b11e43bd1adb51⋯.png (52.51 KB,489x376,489:376,ClipboardImage.png)


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535ade No.20859864


don's already been arrested ye daft

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17e47d No.20859865

File: 82ef93f7cc9ffce⋯.png (723.03 KB,650x797,650:797,82ef93f7cc9ffce3a52504394f….png)

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85726d No.20859866

GM you glorious bastards

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3e01a9 No.20859868


do you know Why? i mean the real reason?

she's here for the free maid program! come on in, we'll fix yu up as good as dead!

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7935fc No.20859869


Good Mourning.

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f9d173 No.20859870



cannot count.

twelve poasts in the bred at the time aside.

plumb fukn dumb = (you)

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6cb28b No.20859871

File: ec6617cf417b3db⋯.png (51.87 KB,473x357,473:357,278FF008_D50C_410F_8D23_98….png)

File: b48e8c89a086ce6⋯.png (281.87 KB,473x949,473:949,F62AF7F3_77B3_4AB9_BC7E_E5….png)

File: 503445143155973⋯.png (235.75 KB,473x757,473:757,6A5EBF35_90B6_46AE_8B04_AF….png)

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1f7ffa No.20859872

Maybe Kevin McCarthy will be the VP pick?

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17e47d No.20859874

File: a53a5b5017fd5a4⋯.jpg (43.63 KB,512x384,4:3,a53a5b5017fd5a4b7e6873e4b6….jpg)

Don't forget to tell everyone when it's afternoon.

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709c18 No.20859875

File: 5c5d14759c8abc1⋯.png (22.91 KB,423x472,423:472,ClipboardImage.png)

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b026de No.20859876

Starting to wonder if Cohen is on DJT’s side and in actuality is continuing his blind loyalty to him…

“NEW YORK (AP) — He once said he would take a bullet for Donald Trump. Now Michael Cohen is prosecutors’ biggest piece of legal ammunition in the former president’s hush money trial.”

“Cohen, who is expected to take the stand Monday, can address the jury as someone who has reckoned frankly with his own misdeeds and paid for them with his liberty. But jurors likely also will learn that the now-disbarred lawyer has not only pleaded guilty to lying to Congress and a bank, but recently asserted, under oath, that he wasn’t truthful even in admitting to some of those falsehoods.”

“Moreover, Cohen raised new questions about his credibility while testifying last fall in Trump’s civil fraud trial. During a testy cross-examination — he answered some questions with a lawyerly “objection” or “asked and answered” — Cohen insisted he was not quite guilty of tax evasion or the loan application falsehood. Ultimately, he testified that he had lied to the now-deceased federal judge who took his plea.”

“His podcast’s title – “Mea Culpa” – gestures at a reckoning with his crimes, and he acknowledged in the foreword to his 2020 memoir that some people see him as “the least reliable narrator on the planet.”

“ At his 2018 sentencing, he said his “blind loyalty” to Trump made him feel “it was my duty to cover up his dirty deeds, rather than to listen to my own inner voice and my moral compass.” Outside court, he has cast himself as an avatar of anti-Trump sentiment. In social media salvos as the trial opened, Cohen used a scatological nickname for Trump, taunted him to “keep whining, crying and violating the gag order, you petulant defendant!” and commented acerbically on his defense.”

‘“Where Cohen has the problem is: He doesn’t shut his trap,” Saland said. “He just constantly takes shots at his own credibility.”‘


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15aebc No.20859877


enjoys monday

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9e20fe No.20859878


the meme is a classic, because the dem is dead…

made me grin

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7935fc No.20859879

File: 3e9a400208db690⋯.png (325.49 KB,331x390,331:390,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6fddf32caf7ffb5⋯.png (303.84 KB,413x427,59:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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15aebc No.20859880


a lot of don's friends made money badmiuthing him after wtfever association they had.

it is a pattern.

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444e35 No.20859881

File: f259164f9eaa394⋯.png (331.32 KB,581x560,83:80,KILLERMOMS.png)

File: e7bd8e3edab7529⋯.png (22.13 KB,502x221,502:221,Q699.png)

File: e7bd8e3edab7529⋯.png (22.13 KB,502x221,502:221,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e7bd8e3edab7529⋯.png (22.13 KB,502x221,502:221,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab3e24595bbbb9d⋯.png (14.38 KB,505x142,505:142,Q274.png)

>>20859508 PB NOTABLE

>>20859066 PB NOTABLE

Q699= hahahahaha

Time between dates/timestamps:

274 weeks,

1918 days

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15aebc No.20859882



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6cb28b No.20859883

File: 4317fc66cc809eb⋯.png (705.42 KB,473x2856,473:2856,EDF0BA0A_DEE7_45A5_88CA_C7….png)

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4478f9 No.20859884


don't start.

wait til dayshift niggah

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3e01a9 No.20859886

File: 0a7c76f2a4cfbda⋯.png (Spoiler Image,66.67 KB,528x500,132:125,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ee7c44623dbd76⋯.png (1.11 MB,1284x969,428:323,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52ecca01cac7ee1⋯.png (128.66 KB,558x811,558:811,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 15a96a15bbc1712⋯.png (4.1 MB,2048x1536,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03e0fa959ad693c⋯.png (194.13 KB,1080x1064,135:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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d9b6d1 No.20859887

a pattern don creates one thinks.

he reckons no publicity bad.

it fits.

altruistic even.

might even breed a fanatic loyalty.


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9e20fe No.20859888

File: df31a7d8994b875⋯.png (32.29 KB,432x239,432:239,ClipboardImage.png)



Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 01/07/2016 16:06:00

ID: Twitter Web Client

Twitter: 685205769030078500

The @TheView @ABC, once great when headed by @BarbaraJWalters, is now in total freefall.Whoopi Goldberg is terrible. Very sad!

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c5bb19 No.20859889

File: 167c27e2306f43e⋯.png (1.36 MB,1193x791,1193:791,m6rn6u6rtuyrtuytr.PNG)

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c1eb00 No.20859890

File: 17c72341f20b826⋯.png (1.21 MB,1145x790,229:158,morning_shift_dawn.png)

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d9b6d1 No.20859891




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d9b6d1 No.20859892

ut is made the fuck up.

you can fucking goto greenwich.

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d9b6d1 No.20859893


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f6b403 No.20859894


Probably also violates Child Labor Laws.

Can make kids do School Work

Can make kids do Home Work

But can't make kid do any actual productive work

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7d1df3 No.20859895

File: d778dc675a5821a⋯.jpg (98.79 KB,750x799,750:799,20240511_150455.jpg)

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3e01a9 No.20859896

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f6b403 No.20859897


Unless they work in Hollyweird.

Then all of the Child Labor Laws go out the window.

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7d1df3 No.20859898

File: 5d21a8351f98177⋯.jpg (82.21 KB,1050x921,350:307,20240512_175214.jpg)


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f6b403 No.20859899


What a bunch of losers.

They should wear those shirts when they go to the grocery store and pay 4 times the amount for food than when Trump was POTUS.

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9e20fe No.20859900

File: c69e1be69dc4b71⋯.png (525.56 KB,731x744,731:744,pedo_kugikf.png)

File: 643465853a0a514⋯.png (2.01 MB,1247x1663,1247:1663,pedo_j_hi_.png)

File: cde014d3711af56⋯.jpg (564.66 KB,2048x1081,2048:1081,pedo_dghjk.jpg)

File: b1e3e6864b4e03d⋯.jpg (73.08 KB,1079x598,83:46,pedo_36aa38d724437e4e.jpg)

File: c903eeb090bfb0b⋯.png (118.28 KB,480x236,120:59,fbi_pedo_logos_2bf67.png)




yeah, looked at 122. but 1pm is 13 and Q 4633 has the number 13 written twice in the body of the post…and it is about [their] pedo club… which Whoopi is in.

only one Q post with Whoopi mentioned and it's all about raping children, multiple names


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d9b6d1 No.20859901

File: 605015b2d5781fb⋯.jpg (792.51 KB,1988x2643,1988:2643,20240513_035428.jpg)


it would be a great deal less labor intensive.

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6cb28b No.20859902

File: b06d84ea0db8d27⋯.png (194.03 KB,473x421,473:421,BF278EF0_2226_46ED_9D50_17….png)

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abb4f1 No.20859903


get fucked

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239e26 No.20859904

File: 1403b79ad327e79⋯.png (487.04 KB,838x873,838:873,Trump_Sneakers_Official_Pr….png)


>>>20858822 POTUS Truth - gettrumpsneakers

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099f60 No.20859905


but can (you) see the głœ…

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abb4f1 No.20859906


cult member adhering to the current trend

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f58057 No.20859907

File: 14274c6a9c85014⋯.png (442.66 KB,553x665,79:95,fdmhdnhfdhdf.PNG)

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3e01a9 No.20859908

File: 26569649dc5f19a⋯.png (139.54 KB,364x363,364:363,ClipboardImage.png)


TDS level five!

they actually had shirts made!

TDS level eight!

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099f60 No.20859909

there it glœz again.

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9e20fe No.20859910

File: 2ec28ab2061558f⋯.jpg (264.18 KB,750x730,75:73,2ec28ab2061558ff89f674f097….jpg)


A gathering of 8 people you say?…

They look like a bunch of inbred dumb fucks.

This is what real winning looks like.

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78c4ce No.20859911

File: 2f10b0a32a796e0⋯.png (942.09 KB,1294x804,647:402,2f10b0a32a796e0c4e20e836ed….png)

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abb4f1 No.20859912

File: 16202bd3f913a7a⋯.jpeg (100.69 KB,613x391,613:391,IMG_0203.jpeg)


>What a bunch of losers.

Qtard cult members yes

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099f60 No.20859913



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7d1df3 No.20859914

File: 7d7cba3e4a219b0⋯.jpg (54.58 KB,803x675,803:675,20240512_005420.jpg)

Who's dat at the Jersey rally?

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a767cb No.20859915

File: 06d6c0a4b756132⋯.jpeg (115.42 KB,600x600,1:1,06d6c0a4b75613213f46f6fe8….jpeg)

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099f60 No.20859916

dick van dyke

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9e20fe No.20859917

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abb4f1 No.20859918


Trump won't fuck them they are too old!

Trump likes them underage,like his best buddy Epstein

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b18ccc No.20859920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



BOMBSHELL! Avenatti Confirms Stormy Daniels FRAUD & the Media TOTALLY IGNORES the Story! Viva Frei

Viva Frei

606K subscribers

May 12, 2024

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444e35 No.20859921

File: 1fa2219439e0e18⋯.png (26.24 KB,255x255,1:1,annoning.png)


Had to go research and listen to it.

Not sure I ever knew about this song.

Not sure I ever heard it at a rally, esp if they played it while the commentators were talking.

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b4a06c No.20859922


>Qtard cult members yes

Bunch of Yids and their retarded asshoes!

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099f60 No.20859923


gets paid to poast…

shekels, loosh or endorphins.

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9e20fe No.20859924


dats not him, with a pot belly.

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a767cb No.20859925

File: b1c2e45afe9d707⋯.png (1.08 MB,1125x1115,225:223,b1c2e45afe9d70749c74069d70….png)

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ae28f1 No.20859926


that jap is dead,plus he was a pedo

wax on wax off lil boys

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36a475 No.20859927

2 Fox hosts have said "Buckle Up" this morning fyi

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099f60 No.20859928

File: 67b2d3a3d506f19⋯.png (912.38 KB,510x510,1:1,20181019_150951.png)


it's a liddl neo pack.

adolf wept.

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ae28f1 No.20859929



trying to blend in?

use fren and kek moar

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f6b403 No.20859930


$26.99 for a watermelon?

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330f84 No.20859931

File: 4fb0fee8711b24e⋯.png (319.49 KB,680x384,85:48,ClipboardImage.png)


>typed "Trump" twice when once would suffice

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099f60 No.20859933

listens to fox


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ae28f1 No.20859934


Yids worship Satan and foreskins in that order

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17e47d No.20859935


>$26.99 for a watermelon?

That was anon's question.

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7d1df3 No.20859936

File: e725e61e14e9300⋯.jpg (188.52 KB,720x1190,72:119,20240513_040224.jpg)

File: 10a8c63c735e293⋯.mp4 (3.84 MB,480x852,40:71,I_Meme_Therefore_I_Am_2024….mp4)



Dick Van Dyke alleges that the media turned a blind eye to Trump's evident trajectory to the White House, instead prioritizing coverage of student protests concerning the conflict in the Middle East.

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b18ccc No.20859937

File: 4e7014fe7825d08⋯.png (750.76 KB,1100x824,275:206,statement_of_michael_avena….png)

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ae28f1 No.20859938


actually it is Drumpf not Trump

probably it is really Drumpfstein and donnie is a jew, he sure likes dem shekels and gold

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709c18 No.20859939



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6733b1 No.20859940

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

drunk or under the influence of drugs.

"officials are reporting an increase in the number of intoxicated students requiring medical attention"

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dfaab9 No.20859942


Pedos are all paid up members of the Q Tard cult that worships Donnie's anus

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f6b403 No.20859943


What was so great about Barbara Walters?

Just another lying Jew Bitch.

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6733b1 No.20859944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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dfaab9 No.20859945


Trumpster…he loves the jews,his daughter married one and she converted to become a kike

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dfaab9 No.20859948


>another lying Jew Bitch.

all jews lie,their stinky talmud says it's okay

plus the jews are allowed to rape 3 yr old goyim girls without punishment

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239e26 No.20859949

File: cb515d3e55fff54⋯.png (40.94 KB,590x262,295:131,ClipboardImage.png)

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9e20fe No.20859951

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Rupes Negra/Black Rock is located in the center of the north pole


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9e20fe No.20859952


filturd for gibberish, you're going home alone, to you hand

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02c298 No.20859953


No sauce.

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1427cd No.20859955

File: 88f7a72705e3ad5⋯.jpg (47 KB,400x400,1:1,88f7a72705e3ad54cd087208dc….jpg)

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ff3241 No.20859956

File: fa50d9d3bbd3319⋯.png (1.07 MB,1439x772,1439:772,snakebros_giants.png)

Need a break from this fucking shit bad news.


12 hours of Giants, Part 1 + 2 + 3


Way too long to embed this shit.

pt 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5Gz6l_W12s

pt 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUJd8DQ88vM

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1427cd No.20859957

File: 961df730d2ab1ac⋯.png (22.6 KB,473x210,473:210,ClipboardImage.png)

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8fbe08 No.20859958


hurr durr msm pinheads said something

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d18282 No.20859960


two weeks from next week

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d18282 No.20859961


GM is Gerbil Masturbation

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d18282 No.20859962


you are clearly a pedo posting little girls in here

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6733b1 No.20859963

File: ae3ae048c5a77a1⋯.jpg (6.64 KB,202x249,202:249,9k_24_.jpg)


Met 'em. Now what?

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99136f No.20859964


>Yids worship Satan and foreskins in that order

Aye, devils spawn is a bunch of perverts!

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d18282 No.20859965


no one here is interested in your shitty rumble trash or flat earth retardedness

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36a475 No.20859966


Moving over to CNN now…

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409ed3 No.20859968



is correct.

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d18282 No.20859969


the dumb is strong with the qtards I agree

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9e20fe No.20859970

File: a01e853977389b8⋯.png (37.41 KB,428x278,214:139,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b430c7803f48f42⋯.png (1.09 MB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d34c709f6d5327⋯.png (465.65 KB,695x467,695:467,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6c6227c2d46d86⋯.png (2.48 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,ClipboardImage.png)

Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 05/09/2024 13:23:15

ID: Twitter Web App

Twitter: 1788620764087788012

NEW: Trump prosecutor Matt Colangeloonce clerked for liberal S.C. Justice Sotomayor and his wife Annie Small once clerked for liberal Justice Breyer, whose office was source of Dobbs opinion leak. Small had donations in memory of her late father made to Planned Parenthood in '20




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d18282 No.20859972


>inbred dumb fucks.

Trump supporters yes so true

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9e20fe No.20859973

File: 10efac6dabb59c8⋯.jpeg (143.06 KB,565x568,565:568,condesending_meme.jpeg)



Dont fuckin comment, dumbass

if you haven't done your due diligence

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3e01a9 No.20859974

File: 2bb95e0fdd73f74⋯.png (341.09 KB,714x750,119:125,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72b4ab79b3537f3⋯.png (264.54 KB,720x1280,9:16,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6d1caceba5625c⋯.png (452.7 KB,720x531,80:59,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0211f9f5881fb0a⋯.png (167.72 KB,930x1188,155:198,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cfca491a0481f72⋯.png (Spoiler Image,47.86 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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823ac2 No.20859976

File: b49a51e38e23c45⋯.png (1.91 MB,1384x980,346:245,ClipboardImage.png)

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89b9e2 No.20859977

File: 2ebbeeee53f00ff⋯.mp4 (4.74 MB,1280x720,16:9,day_shift_tester.mp4)

File: 01286e9f442a35b⋯.mp4 (2.93 MB,560x240,7:3,dayshift_crows.mp4)



Not Just another manic monday


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444e35 No.20859978

File: 99b939b4aab536d⋯.png (16.91 KB,455x192,455:192,FOURTHWEEK.png)




>>20857590 Trump just posted that we are in the FOURTH WEEK … (4 x 7 = 28)

Done in 30 comes to mind

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a767cb No.20859979

File: 5d0e2695947a32e⋯.png (54.41 KB,657x651,219:217,5d0e2695947a32e7f08040ce14….png)


I always hang out with people I don't like because that's totally normal.

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6733b1 No.20859980

File: 2a01d8e5891f5c0⋯.jpg (7.39 KB,199x253,199:253,Z_28_.jpg)


Met 'em. Now what?>>20859963



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409ed3 No.20859981


federally approved, soros funded neo glow.

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4e2525 No.20859982


>any anons remember this treasure?

My uncle used to play those records.

Slum Godess from the lower east side.

The Pope smokes dope. (God gave him the grass)

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444e35 No.20859983



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239e26 No.20859984


>>>20859949 (You)


>No sauce.

you can find it here

Important Donald Trump Related Web Sites, Links & Resources From The Web


guess what of them it is

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9e20fe No.20859985

File: cfa211ba1d63b22⋯.png (302.48 KB,602x561,602:561,good_for_the_goose_good_fo….png)

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9e20fe No.20859987


looks more like a rodent, as he ages

his face is telling

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409ed3 No.20859988


hheeeeyyyy… waaiiit a minute…

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1427cd No.20859990

File: 0723651cc901c44⋯.png (28.95 KB,473x294,473:294,ClipboardImage.png)


ties in with this drop as well

suicide weekend


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6733b1 No.20859991

File: 16db7859283d95a⋯.jpg (8.25 KB,188x268,47:67,2Q_31_.jpg)



Looks like a mutant neenja!

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ff3241 No.20859992

File: bbc72033d9f2e80⋯.jpg (112.2 KB,576x720,4:5,BrownsIronBittersTC.jpg)

2024 progressives who have

basket case,











on edge,


















these symptoms

can get cured for only a dollar bottle of IRON BITTERS

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8f6209 No.20859993


because you are an embedded reeeeetard,not an observer

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b000fe No.20859994

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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3e01a9 No.20859995

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8f6209 No.20859996

board mods are posting CP again?

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239e26 No.20859997


>>>20857590 Trump just posted that we are in the FOURTH WEEK … (4 x 7 = 28)


>Done in 30 comes to mind

you mean Q predicted that it would take 29 or 30 days to find evidence connecting Trump with any criminal wrongdoing?

or what?

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3e01a9 No.20859998

File: 81c2735215ab481⋯.png (291.51 KB,500x828,125:207,ClipboardImage.png)

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330f84 No.20859999

File: 2116b9056ad1071⋯.png (936.87 KB,1110x608,555:304,ClipboardImage.png)


>looks more like a rodent

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cd2632 No.20860000


'ported and preferably with a .38

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823ac2 No.20860001

File: 70b2b64598b5211⋯.png (529.64 KB,1024x680,128:85,ClipboardImage.png)

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a767cb No.20860002

File: 09b987c20c75ce4⋯.jpg (130.9 KB,1281x1395,427:465,09b.jpg)

Global reported. Fuck you.

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409ed3 No.20860003


one is certain gerbil appreciates it.

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2136c3 No.20860004

File: b2443b18fa4a9a4⋯.jpg (74.69 KB,1080x1162,540:581,cold_stone_steve_ice_cream.jpg)

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f6b403 No.20860005


Used to fall down a lot

on purpose

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9e20fe No.20860006

File: 9f8d2b969aae530⋯.png (550.9 KB,906x700,453:350,ClipboardImage.png)

Karli Bonne’ 


Cohen comedy show 


May 13, 2024, 6:18 AM


Michael Cohen calls himself 'the fixer'. Morning show hosts taunt 'And it worked so well with your first gig' all laughing at Cohen.

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ff3241 No.20860008

File: 3dfc9e1f0cd43e3⋯.png (296.76 KB,533x510,533:510,Screenshot_2024_05_13_02_5….png)

File: 0a39b14547aa750⋯.png (325.3 KB,529x428,529:428,Screenshot_2024_05_13_02_5….png)

All you need is a thesaurus, a drug, and a liar on TV, and you too can be richer than pfizer

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6733b1 No.20860009

File: 86ab588d7232143⋯.jpg (490.5 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240513_005240….jpg)

File: 9e278a5bdeeeaad⋯.jpg (2.13 KB,89x90,89:90,Z_24_.jpg)

Great news. Got an offer on a new residence in America's finest!

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2136c3 No.20860010

File: 2bc827ee0897cd6⋯.png (227.3 KB,453x550,453:550,2bc827ee0897cd6346b182a42b….png)


Well henlo

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409ed3 No.20860011

since when do nazis sound like democrats

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9e20fe No.20860012

File: 0167c370947f1cb⋯.png (68.69 KB,714x574,51:41,vomit2.png)


He's so ugly, I am squeamish dropping his profile pics.

Colangelo sucks.

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6733b1 No.20860013

H8 U


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7e3b81 No.20860014

File: fb25fa905b0f973⋯.jpeg (38.46 KB,320x400,4:5,IMG_0829.jpeg)

File: 25987309671bd7f⋯.jpeg (91.45 KB,720x720,1:1,IMG_0826.jpeg)

File: a184e8710ba1455⋯.jpeg (78.5 KB,736x732,184:183,IMG_0834.jpeg)


ThanQ, Ghost Baker!

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9e20fe No.20860015

File: efe84691603caed⋯.png (2.02 MB,1080x1350,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)


nah, he looks like a down-syndrome quokka

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b5f9de No.20860016

File: 0234a2ba5f5c77e⋯.png (163.73 KB,348x410,174:205,cdsfgs.png)

File: 0d75adc11c0d6c7⋯.png (626.97 KB,1200x722,600:361,dhbfgvd.png)


Get in the filter Shlomo!

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1427cd No.20860017

CNN talking about Trump mentioning Hannibal Lector KEK

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d1b185 No.20860019


in your boss's orifice you mean

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d15b45 No.20860020

In case you were wondering when it all begins. It doesn’t start and it never ends.

There is no justice. Exposing the truth is just you learning something. Corruption never stops. Politicians can’t be voted out if you vote them in at the same time.

Things don’t get cheaper they just get cheap.

You can’t make America great again if the people are getting worse.

It would take a massive red pill of epic proportion to stop the insanity but, all you get is golf tournaments, super bowls, Netflix, white collar raises, blue collar debt.

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b7421b No.20860021



This is a self portrait of THE Michaelangelo. The rest are reproductions….

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409ed3 No.20860022

the pre q nazis were best nazis,

all they can scrape up naow are the federal rejects.

never did find logan


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d1b185 No.20860023


how did adolf afford the huge gas bill?

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409ed3 No.20860024




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fc88b9 No.20860025

GM Vault 69

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d15b45 No.20860026


No one is going to jail. No one cares enough to stop it. The new generation is just watching a movie.

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9e20fe No.20860028

File: ac662bab59595ca⋯.png (678.02 KB,928x704,29:22,ClipboardImage.png)

Karli Bonne’ 



Kilmeade-either you pull Joe Biden out now or you’ve conceded



May 13, 2024, 6:22 AM


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239e26 No.20860029



>CNN talking about Trump mentioning Hannibal Lector KEK

it was Hannibal Lecktor in Michael Mann's movie Manhunter(1986) otherwise Hannibal Lecter

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d15b45 No.20860030


Jews and Chinese were the victims of WW2. They were both captured and prisoners.

Now they rule the world.

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d15b45 No.20860032


Who gives a shit what Karli Boone says?

For fuck sakes.

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409ed3 No.20860033

File: a1fbf31b2d685db⋯.jpg (201.71 KB,1128x1312,141:164,Screenshot_20240512_123151….jpg)



it's ackshiully sad.

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b000fe No.20860035


>>>20859994 (You)

>in your boss's orifice you mean

I got your boss right here swinging.

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fc88b9 No.20860036

File: 3745bcd7f094d1c⋯.png (989.43 KB,1125x1125,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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cd2632 No.20860037

File: 79cc7e9aff4aa55⋯.jpg (199.13 KB,1688x1269,1688:1269,zl6ebfuncp741_2941397142.jpg)


>he looks like a down-syndrome quokka


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9e20fe No.20860039

File: e3c92205bc5dc57⋯.jpg (11.26 KB,204x255,4:5,told_ya_so.jpg)


The blonde, at the end says "i told you so'


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d15b45 No.20860040



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89b9e2 No.20860041

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: The other parts are available on his youtube channel


Ronald Bernard - 4 - Approaching crossroads of history and future

1,862 views 13 May 2024



This video is about determining your position on your life path. If you are at a crossroads right now, which way do you go? Decisions are made based on information. What sources do you consult and act accordingly? Ronald Bernard talks about dissociation, political agendas, his choices, including their pros and cons. We make this world together, humanity functions as one body and yet each person is unique

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2c1c81 No.20860042

File: 44c02bb30f9e10b⋯.png (2.01 MB,1300x685,260:137,IMG_0767.png)


Double tap, anon.

Quads chk’d

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3c0279 No.20860043

File: 4906d149ce6a397⋯.jpeg (11.88 KB,240x255,16:17,IMG_4712.jpeg)

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5a2e80 No.20860044

File: 080d51ce5050e2c⋯.gif (1.49 MB,339x195,113:65,5kuz99.gif)


>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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6bfbf5 No.20860045

Actor Steve Buscemi punched in the face in random attack in New York City


NEW YORK CITY – Actor Steve Buscemi was punched in the face in a random attack in New York City.

The 66-year-old Brooklyn native and current Manhattan resident was walking in Manhattan this past Wednesday when police say someone slugged him.

"Steve Buscemi was assaulted in Mid-Town Manhattan, another victim of a random act of violence in the city," according to a statement Sunday from his publicist. "He is ok and appreciates everyone's well wishes."

Buscemi went to a hospital for treatment. He was bleeding and had bruising and swelling.

Police are still searching for a suspect in the attack.

Buscemi is an honorary member of the FDNY after helping sift through he rubble after September 11. He received his keys to the city in 2021.

SEE ALSO | Multiple women share stories of random punching attacks in NYC on TikTok

Buscemi's "Boardwalk Empire" co-star Michael Stuhlbarg was hit in the back of the neck with a rock while walking in Manhattan's Central Park on March 31. Stuhlbarg chased his attacker, who was taken into custody outside the park.

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f0242b No.20860046

File: fa7f0f477415d2c⋯.jpeg (131.47 KB,811x825,811:825,IMG_9772.jpeg)


>Get in the filter Shlomo!


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409ed3 No.20860047


nice patreon.

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ff3241 No.20860048

File: de4dfc50828f0f2⋯.png (93.55 KB,557x698,557:698,ClipboardImage.png)


> just watching a movie.

but you need some IRON BITTERS anon, according to your DSM Code you are fucking legit nuts (297.1)

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cd9626 No.20860049

File: a75e89d8744f2ce⋯.jpeg (24.22 KB,326x254,163:127,1E02D280_0A7C_4F4B_A64B_F….jpeg)



Florida man faces death penalty after allegedly sexually abusing child


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9e20fe No.20860051

File: 72eb7d9c5b5bdf4⋯.png (21.67 KB,434x209,434:209,ClipboardImage.png)



Its not about karli, even though Q posted about her, its what the host on MSM are saying about Trump.

PSA: I filter ID+, sauceless posts, old pointless posts and nuisance posts to Baker, consider this, if you want attention from Baker.

No Fucks Given.

I filter ID+



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 09/09/2020 20:06:01 ID: 00d30d

8kun/qresearch: 10582875

Hello Karli.

Thank you and God bless.

Keep charging, Midnight Rider!


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239e26 No.20860052




>Who gives a shit what Karli Boone says?


>For fuck sakes.

132k Followers … in twitter scale that would be tens of millions at least

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f6b403 No.20860053



I have a brother who is 7 yrs. older than me and he had this song on a album or something, and I recall him and me singing it but I couldn't remember the words exactly. Was trying to tell spouse anon about it yesterday and finally looked it up and found it.

For some reason I was thinking it was the Rolling Stones who had sung it.

Spouse anon thought I was nuts and was making it up, so I had to find it, and it turns out it was this Peel guy.

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409ed3 No.20860054


he should have worn his head as a hat.

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239e26 No.20860055




>Who gives a shit what Karli Boone says?

apparently Q

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d15b45 No.20860056


We will be here next year saying the same things.

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1427cd No.20860057

File: ae763dcafb3315d⋯.png (685.69 KB,700x700,1:1,ae763dcafb3315dc4343506519….png)

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f0242b No.20860058



all of them npc morans

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f0242b No.20860059

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f0242b No.20860060


>pointless posts and nuisance posts

your posts fit the description


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5a2e80 No.20860061

File: 78cf4ab006846b2⋯.png (941.81 KB,1255x3920,251:784,Screenshot_2024_05_13_at_0….png)


>Who gives a shit what Karli Boone says?




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6cb28b No.20860062

File: 9904efd2841bde5⋯.png (38.65 KB,473x350,473:350,80E6A350_EE1B_47E1_A604_99….png)


good morning Ralph.

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9e20fe No.20860064

File: 1210ba4258ca261⋯.png (566.03 KB,1052x960,263:240,ClipboardImage.png)

CNN Host Admits Something We've All Known About the Trump-Stormy Daniels Trial

I don’t think CNN’s Fareed Zakaria is being red-pilled, but he is another left-of-center who can admit the truth about the current political climate. There would be no trial in New York City if the defendant’s name weren’t Donald Trump. There wouldn’t even have been an indictment.

On Sunday, the CNN host laid out the facts, including the increasing number of Americans who see through the charade. They know the former president won’t be able to get a fair trial, which is why political circuses aren’t sought after.

CNN'S FAREED ZAKARIA: "I doubt the New York indictment would have been brought against a defendant whose name was not Donald Trump." pic.twitter.com/JgmAKpJCNO

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) May 12, 2024

Bragg is even losing CNN hosts and legal analysts. Fareed Zakaria: "I doubt the New York indictment would have been brought against a defendant whose name was not Donald Trump"

Elie Honig: If brought in a less democratic district " I would say there's no chance of a conviction."

— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) May 12, 2024

To boot, Eli Honig, a former assistant U.S. Attorney, said that there wouldn’t be a conviction if the trial venue were held in a region of the country that liberals didn’t dominate. Honig has also been an interesting legal commentator concerning this case, and the Biden classified document scandal. While he maintains that Trump’s classified document incident was worse, Honig added, when Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report was released, that Biden wasn’t truthful about not sharing classified intelligence with unauthorized persons, namely his ghostwriter, and said that if he were looking over this case, the president came to the water’s edge regarding charges.

Mr. Zakaria admitted on PBS Firing Line that Trump’s immigration policies must be revisited and reauthorized to get the southern border under control. Things have become so bad under Biden that most ardent liberals can’t sell the party line anymore.


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9e20fe No.20860065

File: 5f3b16859d9d663⋯.png (483.54 KB,1024x1024,1:1,cnn_sfdjgfh.png)

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ff3241 No.20860067

File: aa1ff014c8665af⋯.png (789.49 KB,930x558,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

In Ukraine the USA pays for your faggot wives.

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fd9019 No.20860070


Imagine sitting in front of your 'puter and typing out to all your 8 kun friends that you nothing will happen if arrests aren't made. Imagine making that post thinking this ends peacefully without arrests. That's funny.

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9e20fe No.20860072

File: 04d660d81d73867⋯.png (516.87 KB,898x697,898:697,ClipboardImage.png)

Gregg Jarrett-if they hooked Cohen up to a lie detector, it would explode



May 13, 2024, 6:11 AM


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b000fe No.20860073


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

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ff3241 No.20860074

File: 784188120ea8591⋯.jpg (145.77 KB,1440x1800,4:5,784188120ea85919e2e87a2aeb….jpg)

How it started. .

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0f12ed No.20860075

File: 8ecad3492c8edd8⋯.png (131.98 KB,500x500,1:1,8ecad3492c8edd8b0b6e21a105….png)

Global reported. Fuck you again, triggered ass agent bitch.

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5a2e80 No.20860077

File: 8ddf78b62be878f⋯.png (142.98 KB,396x327,132:109,ralph3mmsedr.png)


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

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fd9019 No.20860079


Which type of delusional disorder explains away Joe Biden, you're supposed to specify the type, illiterate faggot.

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931939 No.20860080


Probably a reason why the twitter account got suspended


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fc88b9 No.20860081

File: 676efec2a0656dd⋯.jpg (70.15 KB,673x371,673:371,WheresTheCovfefe.jpg)

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ff3241 No.20860083

File: dba025f87f31ce2⋯.png (982.64 KB,1024x768,4:3,dba025f87f31ce28b020f398f0….png)


why don't you try sucking a bigger JEW COCK?

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1427cd No.20860084

File: b1862ddcd6eb890⋯.jpg (9.9 KB,264x191,264:191,b1862ddcd6eb89098319490c64….jpg)

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2c1c81 No.20860086


Morning, Sam.


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ff3241 No.20860088

File: b007a6c24e84f94⋯.jpg (31.5 KB,209x247,11:13,16c5908.jpg)


Don't talk with JEW COCK in your mouth it's bad manners.

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7d1df3 No.20860089

File: 78f21501c6ddda4⋯.mp4 (280.99 KB,892x480,223:120,f01e8d12_628b_4cad_99ae_d2….mp4)


>Actor Steve Buscemi punched in the face in random attack in New York City

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3c0279 No.20860090

File: e1fbc57b20f41c5⋯.jpeg (34.73 KB,320x320,1:1,IMG_5007.jpeg)

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bc163c No.20860093

cp rm'd

refresh at will

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5a2e80 No.20860094

File: ff6d189c559189f⋯.png (697.38 KB,1055x542,1055:542,17yardline.png)


>good morning Ralph.

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f6b403 No.20860095


Everything that the Jews accuse White people of doing is actually true of themselves.

It isn't technically lying because Jews are actually a subcategory of White. Just like Italian and Greek are subcategories of White.

But Jews want to exclude themselves from being White while they blame all non-Jewish Whites of doing what they themselves have actually done. They use all other Whites as the scapegoat for their crimes and dirty deeds.

So every time a Jew accuses Whites of something, the word White should be replaced with Jew.

Instead of White Privilege, it should be Jew Privilege.

Instead of White Supremacy, it should be Jew Supremacy.

They want to push CRT but exclude themselves as supposed "victims."

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bc0ada No.20860096

Post 20860071 is CP

this image is posted over and over!

8kun has image filters and they are used

my question is: why doesn't jim or the board admins have this image in the auto-filter set?

why? why is it not filtered? I know it can be done

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7d1df3 No.20860097

File: 9ae21c44dddb457⋯.jpg (862.17 KB,3072x3057,1024:1019,20240511_014725.jpg)

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ff3241 No.20860098

File: 94c6fed53e7d454⋯.jpg (62.54 KB,640x360,16:9,mISSING_sOROS_v2_FOOTAGE_.JPG)


I see what JEW did there.

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20bfff No.20860099

File: 6bf4a6bc7066b45⋯.jpg (39.25 KB,487x285,487:285,SS_GM.jpg)

GM is like kudzu.

It's everywhere now.

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bc0ada No.20860101


pls see


why is the pedo image allowed to be posted at all, I know you have image filters

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fd9019 No.20860102


Aren't you homos supposed to pretend you're anon for like 5 seconds.

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90f6c9 No.20860104

File: 6436aacb9fb38f8⋯.jpg (9.23 KB,187x269,187:269,ftjuhsrf.jpg)


normal quokka's have shiny black eyes, full of joy

he has lifeless, beady black eyes… total sub-bie

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90f6c9 No.20860106


nicework! did not know

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fd9019 No.20860107

File: eaa03c2c743412d⋯.jpg (9.53 KB,197x256,197:256,images.jpg)

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7d1df3 No.20860108

File: d6c147a70f9ab2b⋯.mp4 (713.07 KB,296x640,37:80,Bidenwardance20230913_5.mp4)

War Chest

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98bb6d No.20860109

File: 8c674f5140e70ef⋯.jpeg (159.03 KB,460x547,460:547,8c674f5140e70eff7ca502b59….jpeg)


Blaming Jim for the pedo poster… yeah, that's sure to work. Shills are fucked in the head.

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239e26 No.20860110


Is Candace a muh joo nazi?

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b000fe No.20860111


>For some reason I was thinking it was the Rolling Stones who had sung it.

>Spouse anon thought I was nuts and was making it up, so I had to find it, and it turns out it was this Peel guy.

It was John Lennon who played on it. Years ago, I ripped all the old records from the family into mp3. I tried to post it but bad file extension error.

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bc163c No.20860112


open board

anyone can post as long as ip isn't banned

banning ip doesn't help if spammer is using vpn

ergo, it gets rm'd once it shows up

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7d1df3 No.20860115

File: 0d49427d2370cb0⋯.mp4 (4.11 MB,320x544,10:17,0d49427d2370cb0043f85a75bd….mp4)

Sleepy Joe is dreaming about Trump Right now…….hahahahahah KEK

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ff3241 No.20860116

File: ce2d4b81a9519c8⋯.png (574.55 KB,832x556,208:139,ce2d4b81a9519c891859f74a2d….png)


Your two free questions are up.


We reserve the right to refuse service to anon with JEW COCK in their mouth when they talk.

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3c0279 No.20860117

File: 115776e35084ae4⋯.jpeg (14.34 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_4227.jpeg)

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90f6c9 No.20860119


turn it into a gif?

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fc88b9 No.20860121

File: 42452013b10033c⋯.png (1.02 MB,1085x1085,1:1,GMSunshine.png)

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b81d48 No.20860122


kek that is pure cohencidence I nose I am right

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da2dda No.20860123

Morning anons…

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1427cd No.20860125

File: 0cb3c29bbc135a7⋯.jpg (170.06 KB,1715x1080,343:216,0cb3c29bbc135a7cc5352ffde7….jpg)

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7d1df3 No.20860127


Kek I forgot I made that , I was pretty baked

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90f6c9 No.20860128

File: 97b6078949f7fc0⋯.png (561.39 KB,822x779,822:779,ClipboardImage.png)

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fc88b9 No.20860131

File: a6dcc1ff4f98ee4⋯.jpg (140.05 KB,1280x958,640:479,GM_FRENS.jpg)

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fd9019 No.20860132


>We reserve the right to refuse service to anon

This conversation started with you calling anons delusional mental patientsDon't act like a butt hurt faggot because you forgot to specify the diagnosis code you mentally retarded CIA faggot. No one cares you're a faggot Joey but you didn't have to ruin senior trip.

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7d1df3 No.20860133

File: 38d7c09279cb34c⋯.png (1.36 MB,1447x814,1447:814,1714729607987.png)

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98bb6d No.20860134

File: 027f39572a057be⋯.png (340.37 KB,586x413,586:413,027f39572a057be32e1ad1e364….png)


From pedo shit to Jews instantly. Amazingly diverse repertoire you idiots have.

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90f6c9 No.20860136

File: 9328b637542c116⋯.png (387.93 KB,935x610,187:122,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d0e6057ace8f03⋯.png (169.71 KB,925x739,925:739,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34b274f720c3223⋯.png (475.56 KB,929x844,929:844,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino


Thank you, Atlantic City International Airport Fire Rescue, GREAT!!!

May 12, 2024, 10:44 PM




Replying to @DanScavino

There is a #2416 and a #24 on the vehicles.

May 12, 2024, 11:01 PM



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b81d48 No.20860138



you are wrong

8kun has a facility to block images from even being posted, I know this as a fact

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b81d48 No.20860139


I think the admin mods want the cp to be posted

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ff3241 No.20860140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

why's it banned in Israel?

Aaron Copland's original classical piece was written in response to America's entry into the Second World War. It was inspired by a speech given by the US vice president, Henry A. Wallace, referring to the "century of the common man."


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fd9019 No.20860142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's like entrance music for my shit posting.

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90f6c9 No.20860145

File: 0516475fafdf59d⋯.png (586.2 KB,901x726,901:726,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump


Gregg Jarrett—Legal Analyst, Fox News: “I think the most egregious case of all, of misconduct, is Jack Smith’s classified documents case in Florida…”



May 12, 2024, 4:54 PM


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98bb6d No.20860147


Looks like he fucked up. Tampering with evidence should put his ass in prison.

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90f6c9 No.20860149

File: e826ff14e8d9a95⋯.png (515.96 KB,1240x941,1240:941,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4adeea5c54cd361⋯.png (117.23 KB,946x705,946:705,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump






May 12, 2024, 10:01 PM


that shits me, ive missed out on cards, and knifes and stocks, now shoes

not fair

not happy

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60d1b5 No.20860150


he is pretty

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60d1b5 No.20860151



its a thing now ya know!

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60d1b5 No.20860152


tarded bigly

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254b97 No.20860154


Dude, spoiler that shit!

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f6b403 No.20860155



I read this on the Wikipedia page about David Peel.

But it is Peel singing the song, isn't it? Not John Lennon singing it?

Peel was rediscovered by John Lennon in 1971 as the early seventies continued its swing towards the youth revolution. Lennon befriended Peel when David was playing with his ragtag hippie band in New York's Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village. Lennon produced The Pope Smokes Dope for Peel.[3] This album was banned in many countries and since has been sought after by collectors worldwide.

Peel appeared with John Lennon at the John Sinclair Freedom Rally in Ann Arbor, Michigan on December 10, 1971, later released as a documentary film called "Ten for Two".[4] On January 23, 1975, Peel and his band performed live on the David Frost Show with Lennon, Yoko Ono and Jerry Rubin. This was Lennon's first live appearance on U.S. TV as a solo performer.[5]


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90f6c9 No.20860156

File: 3dbf5d240f6ab9c⋯.png (564.51 KB,895x692,895:692,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald Trump Jr.


May 5

The Jack Smith Corruption Scandal You Haven't Heard About



May 05, 2024, 4:25 PM


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7bea96 No.20860157


No poutine for you

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98bb6d No.20860158

File: 3873dd991819d2e⋯.png (9.23 KB,170x255,2:3,3873dd991819d2e31773eaf6ac….png)


I'm happy for others on this subject.

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90f6c9 No.20860159

File: 4e76c137ffb15ed⋯.png (311.95 KB,634x766,317:383,ClipboardImage.png)

The Epoch Times


Special Counsel Jack Smith Admits Prosecutors Misled Judge in Trump Case



May 04, 2024, 10:28 AM


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60d1b5 No.20860160


think logically

jim does allow pedo posting here due to the sites mere existence

ergo: you are a certified idiot

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90f6c9 No.20860161



jabba needs to go on a diet

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da2dda No.20860162

File: dafabce3bf16cb0⋯.png (130.85 KB,1212x780,101:65,Screenshot_2024_05_13_at_6….png)

No why would Stone be posting negative stuff about Bannon?

What color hat do you think Bannon has on?

It ain't white…

Bannon has bullied and climbed over the top of many important MAGA figures in his climb to the top of the influencer pedestal.

He willGLOWsoon, but until then be advised…


Poor Steven Bannon!

Not only does he have to do 4 months hard time for contempt of Congress, but he also goes on trial in NYC for allegedly stealing $15M from the "Build the Wall Foundation" in Oct.

The Judge in that case is Juan Merchan- the Judge in Trump's case.



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90f6c9 No.20860163




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60d1b5 No.20860164



I aint fussy

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7bea96 No.20860165



What religious affiliation do they share?

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fd9019 No.20860167


Think logically; This board deletes Q posts and conversations discussing them, it also deletes the NYT 9/11 reporter.

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1427cd No.20860168

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60d1b5 No.20860169


mere cohencidence that they control everything

nothing to notice,move along now

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20bfff No.20860171


Go back to the days before Q.

8ch had the pedo rep re: some of its boards.

I never went, but it was mentioned many such times on half at the time.

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90f6c9 No.20860172

File: 17d7b20bc653fd5⋯.png (212.46 KB,1241x906,1241:906,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Whodunnit: Prosecutors admit key evidence in document case has been tampered with

Legal experts call revelation a “serious violation” as Jack Smith’s team admits it also misled court.

By John Solomon

Published: May 3, 2024 10:29pm

In a stunning admission, Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team is admitting that key evidence in former President Donald Trump’s classified documents criminal case was altered or manipulated since it was seized by the FBI, and that prosecutors misled the court about it for a period of time.

Legal experts told Just the News the revelation could prove to be a serious problem for prosecutors and a violation of court rules to preserve evidence in the state it was seized.

In a new filing Friday, Smith’s team said that the order of documents in some of the boxes of memos that were seized by the FBI from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate was altered or jumbled, leaving two different chronologies: one that was digitally scanned and another the physical order in the boxes.

“Since the boxes were seized and stored, appropriate personnel have had access to the boxes for several reasons, including to comply with orders issued by this Court in the civil proceedings noted above, for investigative purposes, and to facilitate the defendants' review of the boxes,” Smith’s team wrote in a new court filing to U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon.

“There are some boxes where the order of items within that box is not the same as in the associated scans,” the prosecutors wrote.

Smith’s team in a footnote also conceded it had misled the court about the problem by previously declaring that the evidence had remained in the exact state it had been seized.

“The Government acknowledges that this is inconsistent with what Government counsel previously understood and represented to the Court,” the footnote said.

You can read the filing here:



The organization of the documents in storage boxes at Mar-a-Lago is likely to be an important part of Trump‘s defense. His team is expected to argue the documents were stored in the White House in chronological order on the days that Trump received them, and that staff simply boxed them up and sent them to his home without him accessing them or knowing they contained classified information.

Smith’s team tried to downplay the problem and argued it’s not a reason for a delay in Trump’s case.

But several legal experts told Just the News the court filing essentially is an admission of evidence tampering, and could be problematic.

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90f6c9 No.20860173



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bdbbb4 No.20860175


should but wont as it all has to play out. All these judges are showing is how corrupt and broken the entire system of justice is and that is is a joke. Every judge should be looked at and every case needs to be thrown out. Partiality in a supposedly impartial system is its death knell.

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90f6c9 No.20860176


“Prosecutors and investigators should never tamper with or alter evidence in their possession, including the order of documents in a box because one never knows what may become relevant or crucial to a court or jury later in a case,” Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz said.

Prominent defense attorney Tim Parlatore, who worked on Trump’s team earlier in the classified documents case but no longer is involved, said ”this admission is stunning on multiple levels.”

He said the revelation “reinforces the incompetence” of prosecutors “in conducting basic criminal investigations and prosecutions that I observed when I was on the team.

“But at a deeper level, the loss of specific document locations is a destruction of exculpatory evidence,” he added. “I went through all of the boxes at NARA and the document order was important because it was clear to us that the boxes had been untouched since leaving the White House.

“For prosecutors who are trying to prove that the defendants knowingly possessed these documents to then destroy the evidence that would undermine that claim is a very serious violation,” he added.

Smith’s team tried to downplay the problem, offering several explanations for how the documents and their order could’ve been scrambled since the government took possession of the boxes.

“There are several possible explanations, including the above-described instances in which the boxes were accessed, as well as the size and shape of certain items in the boxes possibly leading to movement of items,” the prosecutors wrote. “For example, the boxes contain items smaller than standard paper such as index cards, books, and stationary, which shift easily when the boxes are carried, especially because many of the boxes are not full.”

The alteration of evidence has been an issue in earlier political scandals and prosecutions in Washington.

Erasure of an 18 1/2 minute segment of Richard Nixon’s White House tapes became a very important aspect of the Watergate scandal.

The Iran-Contra scandal exploded during the Reagan years with the revelation that documents were shredded before they could be obtained by investigators.

The Hillary Clinton classified email scandal became more complicated in 2015 with the revelation that her team used a "Bleach Bit" program to erase emails on her secret computer server, and had email devices destroyed.

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27e99b No.20860177

File: e86c5c6fc28f9bf⋯.png (152.45 KB,1762x1243,1762:1243,Sick.png)


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7bea96 No.20860178


Gonna have to have a hoedown

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20bfff No.20860179


>Bannon has bullied and climbed over the top of many important MAGA figures in his climb to the top of the influencer pedestal.

Well, it didn't hurt that he was PDJT's top adviser early on in his term.

Kinda like how Carville was for Billy Jeff.

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f6b403 No.20860180


The Cult of Judaism

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6a39b4 No.20860181

File: 073b390e5ffacbc⋯.png (410.86 KB,585x545,117:109,ClipboardImage.png)

Watch the moment California Gov. Gavin Newsom is humiliated at his own press conference after blowing $24 BILLION on homelessness without any results


At a press conference announcing his plans, he was asked by Angela Hart of KFF Health News if he felt his administration did enough to ensure the money was well spent and if he was worried the appetite for spending was lessening based on the homelessness program.

The usually confident Democrat hemmed and hawed for two minutes, to which Hart responded: 'I'm sorry governor, I didn't hear responses to either of those questions.'

The Golden State spent $24 billion tackling homelessness in cities like San Francisco over five years but didn't track if the money was helping the state's growing number of unhoused people, a damning report says

The audit slams the state's homelessness tsars for spending billions across 30 programs from 2018-2023, but gathering no data on why the cash wasn't tackling the crisis.

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98bb6d No.20860182

File: 02d65b0a9e98aa3⋯.jpg (17.6 KB,506x336,253:168,02d65b0a9e98aa39f8674212fb….jpg)


Yeah, because logically Jim would want to tarnish his own site. It's totally not fed shills. You're right. You're so smart.

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60d1b5 No.20860183


>8ch had the pedo rep

yes it did

jim watkins tries to whitewash his past but the truth is many of his past websites allowed kiddy porn and he ran actual porno websites for the japanese sickos

*I expect this post to be deleted because it tells the truth

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05bd09 No.20860185

File: c9cdedf07409e9b⋯.png (309.43 KB,598x620,299:310,Screenshot_2024_05_13_at_0….png)

NY Judge Merchan expands gag order to prevent Trump from talking about his daughter who was paid $4 MILLION by Adam Schiff to push Russia collusion

6:39 PM · May 12, 2024





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90f6c9 No.20860186

File: 3f15148a2e2041a⋯.png (431.75 KB,750x853,750:853,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e5ab1c8ab23d53⋯.png (592.6 KB,1233x895,1233:895,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 681fe90b3cb3d1b⋯.png (761.57 KB,892x502,446:251,jack_smith_243.png)

File: 3d487d678ea07ea⋯.png (1.59 MB,1015x1011,1015:1011,jack_smith_09jhpw.png)

President Trump on Evidence Tampering: “Arrest Jack Smith”

Donald Trump Demands Jack Smith Be Arrested After Document Revelation

Donald Trump has called for Special Counsel Jack Smith to be arrested after the prosecutor's team said some evidence in the Mar-a-Lago classified documents case are no longer in their "original, intact" form.

In a post on Truth Social, the former president demanded "ARREST DERANGED JACK SMITH. HE IS A CRIMINAL!" after federal prosecutors wrote in court filings that there are some boxes where the "order of items within that box is not the same" as they appear in digital scans of materials in the wake of the FBI retrieving them from Trump's Florida resort in August 2022.

Smith's office admitted that this is "inconsistent" with what the government previously told the court when they said that the only changes were some classified documents have been removed and placeholders put in the documents.

The court filings were in response to a request from Walt Nauta, one of Trump's two co-defendants in the federal case who is accused of helping the former president hide the materials from the FBI, for Judge Aileen Cannon for a delay in the trial as his lawyers are struggling to determine precisely where certain documents were retrieved from following the FBI search at Mar-a-Lago in August 2022.

In another Truth Social post, Trump accused Smith of "blatant evidence tampering" and called for the case to be thrown out.

"It has always been clear that the 'Documents Case' is nothing but an Election Interference Scam concocted by Crooked Joe Biden, Deranged Jack Smith, and their Hacks and Thugs," Trump wrote.

"Now, Deranged Jack has admitted in a filing in front of Judge Cannon to what I have been saying happened since the Illegal RAID on my home, Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Florida—That he and his team committed blatant Evidence Tampering by mishandling the very Boxes they used as a pretext to bring this Fake Case. These deeply Illegal actions by the Politicized 'Persecutors' mandate that this whole Witch Hunt be DROPPED IMMEDIATELY. END THE 'BOXES HOAXES.' MAGA2024!"

Smith's office has been contacted for comment via email.

In their court filings, the federal prosecutors suggested "several possible examples" why some of the materials in questions may no longer be in their original sequence as when FBI agents retrieved them from Mar-a-Lago, including the "size and shape of certain items in the boxes" possibly leading to them moving around.

"For example, the boxes contain items smaller than standard paper such as index cards, books, and stationary, which shift easily when the boxes are carried, especially because many of the boxes are not full," Smith's team wrote.

The filings add that precisely where the classified materials were stored in the boxes at Mar-a-Lago does not affect the criminal case "in any way," nor give Nauta a reason to delay proceedings.

"Nauta acknowledges that he and/or his counsel have access to the boxes in three formats: the physical boxes, the scans of the documents, and the documents with classification markings," Smith's team wrote.

"Nauta's claims regarding the accuracy of the unclassified index recently provided to him as a courtesy to facilitate his March 12 review of the boxes are false.

"The index did not purport to identify the location of documents within boxes. Rather, it indicated the room in which the document was found, including box number, if applicable. That information is entirely accurate."


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60d1b5 No.20860187



what a delta,eh smartass?

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fd9019 No.20860188

File: 6a883c5960df8a1⋯.jpg (7.15 KB,318x159,2:1,download.jpg)


>Yeah, because logically Jim would want to tarnish his own site.


>This board deletes Q posts and conversations discussing them, it also deletes the NYT 9/11 reporter.

First day here?

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fbbe6a No.20860189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Can This Man PROVE That God Exists? Piers Morgan vs Stephen Meyer

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98bb6d No.20860190

File: b39def909bde55f⋯.jpg (47 KB,736x837,736:837,1730488959ec5694fc86df9283….jpg)


>Every judge should be looked at and every case needs to be thrown out.

That's a decent start.

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90f6c9 No.20860191

File: ed3f1d4c9d6e045⋯.png (253.89 KB,911x540,911:540,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f2311eb68b075c⋯.png (334.19 KB,929x795,929:795,ClipboardImage.png)

Larry Elder


Trump: Arrest Jack Smith after special counsel admits lying to court

May 05, 2024, 7:21 PM


EVIDENCE TAMPERING? Jack Smith Admits FBI Messed with Boxes Containing “Classified” Documents They Seized from Trump


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60d1b5 No.20860192


send the judges a sternly worded email that will fix it

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2bebd5 No.20860193

File: d952960164dcb96⋯.png (47.78 KB,621x402,207:134,ClipboardImage.png)


TY, baker.

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0d6aab No.20860194

File: a29aa596bf51f1e⋯.gif (992.14 KB,568x704,71:88,a29aa596bf51f1e88172ac02c0….gif)


where did Adam Schitt get 4 million to give away?

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90f6c9 No.20860195

File: 9b5e7be08e7c7e9⋯.png (603.75 KB,715x895,143:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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90f6c9 No.20860197

File: 6217098b59c9d33⋯.png (1.59 MB,776x825,776:825,ClipboardImage.png)

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5515c2 No.20860198

File: 7d7f5fbcb1a2174⋯.png (836.12 KB,1153x964,1153:964,Screenshot_2024_05_13_at_0….png)

Two men convicted for kidnapping FBI employee at gunpoint on Pine Ridge

Anna Hamelin Jan 25, 2024 Updated Jan 25, 2024

PINE RIDGE, S.D. - A federal jury has convicted two men in the kidnapping of an FBI employee that took place at gunpoint on Pine Ridge.

On May 5th of 2022, 25-year-old Juan Francisco Alvarez-Sorto of El Salvador, 29-year-old Deyvin Morales of Guatemala, and Karla Alejandra Lopez-Gutierrez traveled from Greeley, Colorado to southwestern South Dakota to distribute methamphetamine, fentanyl, and heroin. During their trip, the three encountered law enforcement officers, and a high-speed chase ensued. Alvarez, Morales, and Lopez hid in a remote area near Red Shirt on the Pine Ridge Reservation.

Alvarez, Morales, and Lopez then decided to carjack the next vehicle to come along the area at which the defendants stopped on BIA Highway 41. At approximately 2:00 a.m. on May 6, 2022, a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Victim Specialist left an unrelated crime scene investigation near Oglala, South Dakota, and began traveling back toward his duty station in Rapid City. The FBI employee was driving his assigned FBI vehicle. As the employee was heading North on BIA 41 near the Badlands overlook on Cuny Table, the suspect vehicle's lights turned on and the vehicle pulled out behind him. The employee, believing he was being pulled over by law enforcement, pulled over.

Alvarez stepped out of his car, walked to the FBI employee's vehicle, pointed a rifle at him, and ordered him to get out of the vehicle. The suspect vehicle blocked the employee from driving away. Morales joined Alvarez, ordering the victim to the ground with a rifle pointed at the back of his head. The FBI employee was robbed of his wallet, money, credit cards, car keys, watch, and personal and work mobile phones. The FBI employee was then ordered to get up, and he was placed in the middle-rear seat of his government-issued vehicle.

Alvarez sat in the front passenger seat of the FBI vehicle and continued to hold the rifle, and Morales, while armed with two handguns in his waistband, was seated in the rear driver’s side seat next to the victim. Lopez got into the driver’s seat, and the FBI employee was taken hostage.As the group traveled North on BIA 41, they told the employee to cooperate and that he would be safe, but if he did not, the group would come after his family and that they knew where he lived.

The group traveled to Hermosa, stopping at the Corner Pantry at the intersection of State Highway 40 and Highway 79. Lopez went inside to purchase gas, and Alvarez immediately locked the doors of the car. Lopez returned with a gas can and zip ties and drove to a gas pump. Alvarez, who was brandishing the firearm, had the zip ties in his possession.

As Lopez got out to pump gas, the doors to the vehicle were momentarily unlocked, and the employee opened the rear driver’s side door, fighting his way out of the vehicle. He slipped out of his jacket to escape Morales' attempts to detain him and sprinted inside the front doors of the gas station to escape. The three defendants then fled from the gas station and drove to Rapid City, where they abandoned the FBI vehicle and switched to another vehicle.

Alvarez and Morales were able to make it back to Greeley, Colorado, where they were ultimately arrested for their roles in the kidnapping and carjacking. During a search of the residence where Alvarez and Morales were arrested, law enforcement located firearms, including the rifle used during the kidnapping and carjacking, and controlled substances.

On January 23, 2024,a federal jury convicted Juan Francisco Alvarez-Sorto and Deyvin Morales of the following offenses Kidnapping, Carjacking, Brandishing a Firearm During and about a Crime of Violence, Unlawful Possession of a Firearm by a Prohibited Person, and Unlawful Reentry after Deportation. The jury returned its verdict on each count following a 6-day jury trial in a federal district court in Rapid City, South Dakota.

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6a39b4 No.20860199

File: d4e85ec63a27bd7⋯.png (519.06 KB,634x422,317:211,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ff596e87f86de7⋯.png (335.5 KB,634x422,317:211,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2c96b067bf7563⋯.png (345.88 KB,634x422,317:211,ClipboardImage.png)

Dangerous migration route to US used by 500,000 people last year to be shut down as newly-elected Panama president pledges to help border crisis


- Extremely dangerous Darien Gap between Panama and Colombia is key route

- Surged in popularity despite risk of death, rape, robbery by gangs and floods

- President-elect José Raúl Mulino pledged to shut it down during election

Panama is on the verge of a dramatic change to its immigration policy that could reverberate from the dense Darien Gap jungle to the US border.

President-elect José Raúl Mulino says he will shut down a migration route used by more than 500,000 people last year.

Until now, Panama has helped speedily bus the migrants across its territory so they can continue their journey north.'Panama and our Darien are not a transit route. It is our border,' Mulino said after his victory with 34 per cent of the vote in Sunday's election was formalized. He will take over as president on July 1.

As he had suggested during his campaign, the 64-year-old lawyer and former security minister said he would try to end 'the Darien odyssey that does not have a reason to exist'.

The migrant route through the narrow isthmus grew exponentially in popularity in recent years with the help of organized crime in Colombia, making it an affordable, if dangerous, land route for hundreds of thousands.

It grew as countries like Mexico, under pressure from the US Government, imposed visa restrictions on various nationalities including Venezuelans. Just this week it was extended to Peruvians in an attempt to stop migrants flying into the country just to continue on to the US border. But masses of people took the challenge and set out on foot through the jungle-clad Colombian-Panamanian border.

A crossing that initially could take a week or more eventually was whittled down to two or three days as the path became more established and entrepreneurial locals established a range of support services. It remains a risky route, however. Reports of sexual assaults have continued to rise, some migrants are killed by bandits in robberies and others drown trying to cross rushing rivers.

Even so, some 147,000 migrants have already entered Panama through Darien this year. Previous attempts to close routes around the world have simply shifted traffic to riskier paths.

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fd9019 No.20860200

File: 1307df8a5872be6⋯.jpg (108.82 KB,1050x549,350:183,4446116653478013670.jpg)


>It's totally not fed shills.

Which agency do you believe is posting the not quite CP?


>Good morning from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay. This is Day 1 of Week 5 of these pretrial hearings in the Sept. 11 case. We expect testimony today from a retired Navy psychiatrist who examined or treated the 9/11 defendants at Gitmo in 2007, after years of CIA detention.

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437fef No.20860201


tired and boring

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1427cd No.20860202

File: 48a997cb22e72fd⋯.png (74.7 KB,447x983,447:983,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95b50deb33588f9⋯.png (32.57 KB,447x422,447:422,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4aabcfe1ff8da8e⋯.png (401.57 KB,1846x1071,1846:1071,ClipboardImage.png)

11.11 delta today

11.11 is on the clock today

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90f6c9 No.20860203

File: 4bfad1c5c403c25⋯.png (1.05 MB,632x893,632:893,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5683d658500ff94⋯.png (706.64 KB,590x1280,59:128,ClipboardImage.png)

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1b5c6a No.20860204


covid relief funds

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05bd09 No.20860205

File: ca8b712a704036d⋯.png (27.1 KB,1040x161,1040:161,Screenshot_2024_05_13_at_0….png)

Questionable research claiming benefits to “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” in corporations has been cited by at least 51 federal government entities, according to a College Fix analysis.

A Department of Labor Employee Security Benefits Administration rule expanding the use of “environmental, social, and governance criteria,” for retirement fund managers is just one example of how a series of papers from McKinsey and Company have been used to justify DEI initiatives.

The Biden administration’s proposal cited two studies by McKinsey and Company that claim diverse leadership is associated with higher profits.

These and two other McKinsey papers are now under scrutiny.

“The DoL citing McKinsey studies to argue for regulation weakens the case for ESG,” economist Alex Edmans said in a comment to The Fix. “It suggests that the DoL has already decided that it wants to regulate and searches for any study that will support this idea, regardless of its quality.”

Business scholars Jeremiah Green and John Hand recently found flawed methodology in three of McKinsey’s studies and questioned the company’s body of research. Edman, a professor at London Business School, wrote in March that the fourth study has “the same basic errors.”

McKinsey has not addressed these findings despite inquiries from The Fix.

“McKinsey is a consultancy, not a research organisation, and the goal of its papers is marketing rather than scientific inquiry,” Edmans told The Fix. “That the DoL quotes McKinsey studies with very basic flaws, rather than scientific research, shows that it is engaging in advocacy rather than evidence-based policy.”

Such advocacy occurred throughout the government after McKinsey began publishing its work in 2015. The Fix found that at least 51 executive branch agencies and sub-agencies cited the studies to push diversity agendas. The Fix’s analysis relied on media coverage, available lists of agencies, and hundreds of filtered Google searches.

Officials across multiple presidencies sought to diversify their staff, using the research as justification.

Critics of DEI expressed concern about race-conscious policies in comments to The Fix.

“The real bottom line is that no ideology, movement, or social initiative inside the free market will ever outperform merit,” Mike Markham, program coordinator for Color Us United, said.

“Some believe that ethnic minorities can never get a fair shake in the marketplace,” Markham said. “As long as that belief – however unfounded it may be in any given situation – persists, the DEI flock will look to make excuses for favoring certain individuals.”

Markham said taxpayer-funded entities “should never be in the business of promoting false, divisive, and harmful ideologies.”

The McKinsey citations span across almost all cabinet-level departments, including four under President Joe Biden’s Defense Department.


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20bfff No.20860206


>just fishing for their own personal GM from someone

No problem, GM Anon!

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5515c2 No.20860207

File: 6a575c7a5228321⋯.png (166.04 KB,423x280,423:280,kristiNoem.png)

File: da8b6cf197de84c⋯.png (476.44 KB,761x659,761:659,Screenshot_2024_05_12_at_1….png)


>Two men convicted for kidnapping FBI employee at gunpoint on Pine Ridge

“Every day, men and women in the Department of Justice respond to incidents of violent crime in South Dakota,” said U.S. Attorney Alison Ramsdell. “This dedication to improving community safety often comes with great personal sacrifice, and as this case unfortunately demonstrates, on occasion, an extreme risk to personal safety. We are grateful to our partners at the FBI for their dogged commitment to this difficult work, and we hope these convictions send a clear message about the lengths the U.S. Attorney’s Office is willing to go to vindicate the rights of victims, no matter who they are.”

“The FBI will not tolerate violence and threats to harm its personnel,” said Special Agent in Charge Alvin M. Winston Sr. of FBI Minneapolis. “Thank you to our law enforcement partners and the USAO-SD for their hard work and unwavering dedication. This verdict stands as a testament to our commitment to ensuring the safety and security of every member of the FBI. Justice will be relentlessly pursued against those who seek to harm or intimidate any of our workforce.”

This case was investigated by the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security’s Homeland Security Investigations and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the South Dakota DCI, the South Dakota Highway Patrol, the Oglala Sioux Tribe Department of Public Safety, the Rapid City Police Department, and the Greeley, Colorado, Police Department, and the Custer and Pennington County Sheriff’s Offices. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Jeremy R. Jehangiri and Paige Petersen prosecuted the case. Alvarez, Morales, and co-defendant Karla Alejandra Lopez-Gutierrez were indicted by a federal grand jury in August of 2022 and Alvarez and Morales were indicted again in December of 2023. The charge of kidnapping carries any term of years up to life in custody and/or a $250,000 fine and 5 years of supervised release. The charge of carjacking carries 15 years of custody and/or a $250,000 fine and 3 years of supervised release. The use, carry, and brandishing of a firearm charge carries a mandatory minimum of 7 years and up to life in custody and/or a $250,000 fine and 5 years of supervised release. The unlawful possession of a firearm by a prohibited person charge carries 10 years of custody and/or a $250,000 fine and 3 years of supervised release. The unlawful reentry after deportation charge carries 2 years of custody and/or a $250,000 fine and one year of supervised release. A $100 special assessment to the Federal Crime Victims Fund applies to each count, totaling $500. A sentencing date has not yet been set. The defendants were remanded to the custody of the U.S. Marshals Service.



>>20855329 Puppy-killer South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem is banned from entering 20% of her own state after being banned by Native American tribes she claimed weretied to drug cartels

>>20855961 burying the lede. Cartels Ravaging S.D. Indian Reservations with Murder, Drugs and Gang Activity

>>20856302 a gang called theGhost Dancersare affiliated with these cartels,”

>>20857430 given proof that Central American gangsters kidnapped an FBI agent while they were trafficking drugs on the Pine Ridge Reservation in 2022.



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55b173 No.20860208


filter engaged

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fbbe6a No.20860210

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'World closer to nuclear escalation than at any point since Cuban missile crisis,' warns Rishi Sunak

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90f6c9 No.20860211

File: bd319506c0dbb44⋯.jpg (118.88 KB,1080x1350,4:5,water_d35585ad31aa2f3ee346….jpg)

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98bb6d No.20860214


>posting the not quite CP?

That's exactly why I believe it's fuckwit agents. Is it really not-cp? Where does that link go?

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685035 No.20860217




They could have converted for the jokes but doubt it

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0e3f5b No.20860218


Who dis? Tineye says ZERO hits on the Gitmo picrel.

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05bd09 No.20860220

File: d6c144c4c340387⋯.png (1.17 MB,612x919,612:919,Screenshot_2024_05_13_at_0….png)

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bc163c No.20860221

notables bun @315

refresh if this ain't yer count

pantifa skeerd today w/ all the joo spam - maga monday indeed

#25585 >>20859808

>>20859844 >>20859888 DJT TS w/CAP: Canada doesn’t want you Whoopi, NOBODY DOES!!!

>>20860045 Actor Steve Buscemi punched in the face in random attack in New York City

>>20860136 Dan Scavino w/CAP: Thank you, Atlantic City International Airport Fire Rescue, GREAT!!!

>>20860145 DJT TS w/CAP: Gregg Jarrett—Legal Analyst, Fox News: “I think the most egregious case of all, of misconduct, is Jack Smith’s classified documents case in Florida…”

>>20860159 Special Counsel Jack Smith Admits Prosecutors Misled Judge in Trump Case

>>20860172, >>20860186, >>20860191 Trump Whodunnit: Prosecutors admit key evidence in document case has been tampered with

>>20860199 Dangerous migration route to US used by 500,000 people last year to be shut down as newly-elected Panama president pledges to help border crisis

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Post last edited at

2bebd5 No.20860222

File: d83e1b85d05423f⋯.png (51.3 KB,621x402,207:134,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc163c No.20860223


bred still ghost

just collecting

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21684f No.20860224

File: de8e94e49fa9382⋯.jpeg (92.83 KB,868x649,868:649,IMG_1615.jpeg)

13 MAY, 05:51

If West wants to solve Ukraine conflict on battlefield, 'so be it' — Lavrov

Sergey Lavrov reiterated that Russia was ready to negotiate peace not only in words, but also in deeds

MOSCOW, May 13. /TASS/.If the West wants to solve the Ukraine conflict on the battlefield, "so be it,"Sergey Lavrov, candidate for the post of Russia’s foreign minister, told a Federation Council committee meeting discussing his reappointment.

"If they want [to resolve the conflict in Ukraine] on the battlefield, let it be on the battlefield," Lavrov said.

He reiterated that Russia was ready to negotiate peace not only in words, but also in deeds. "[During talks] in Istanbul, we indeed <…> were a step away from signing an initial document to end the special military operation on conditions that Ukrainian sponsors now admit were very beneficial to Ukraine," Lavrov continued. "Our political analysts also say so. And I agree with this," he added.

According to Lavrov, theIstanbul negotiations were Russia's last attempt "to extend trustand show good will, despite multiple past deceits on the part of the West." "Andwe were misled again, so they forced us to go fight," he concluded.


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98bb6d No.20860225

File: 292e6ff7a8c6a9c⋯.jpeg (7.01 KB,258x196,129:98,images.jpeg)


Helicopter repair? Sweet. Didn't know that.

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cd2632 No.20860226

File: b433979594bedfe⋯.png (744.41 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_www_thegatewaypun….png)

Convicted Perjurer Michael Cohen to Take the Stand in Trump ‘Hush Money’ Lawfare Trial on Monday

Convicted perjurer Michael Cohen will take the witness stand on Monday in Alvin Bragg’s ‘hush payment’ lawfare trial against Trump in New York City.

Trump’s former lawyer-turned-rat Michael Cohen has been on TikTok nearly every day trashing Trump and selling t-shirts of Trump in jail.

Meanwhile, President Trump is gagged and cannot defend himself against Michael Cohen’s attacks.

Judge Juan Merchan last week warned Michael Cohen to stop talking about the Trump hush money case.

A 2018 letter from Michael Cohen’s lawyers admitting Trump knew nothing about the Stormy Daniels ‘hush money’ transaction re-emerged this year as the judge set the trial date.

Last year the Daily Mail obtained a 2018 letter from Michael Cohen’s lawyer stating Cohen used his own personal money to pay Porn Star Stormy Daniels in 2016.


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7f7605 No.20860227


that post was deleted as soon as it was posted!

holy shit, truth or what?

someone is shit scared

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b92f5e No.20860228

File: 46e01eda7b6ecd3⋯.png (41.36 KB,517x434,517:434,ClipboardImage.png)

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9f254c No.20860229

File: e51a210fae7767e⋯.jpg (234.38 KB,720x1301,720:1301,Screenshot_20240513_074206….jpg)

File: 063092d40357e0f⋯.jpg (42.64 KB,624x566,312:283,Screenshot_20240411_213335….jpg)

Rose Hanbury, the Marchioness of Cholmondeley, attends the final day of the Badminton Horse Trials alongside Queen Camilla


The woman rumored to be Williams side piece and Kate's replacement.

Last month william was spotted with George and her son

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7f7605 No.20860230

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1427cd No.20860231

File: 6f53317ef306834⋯.jpg (25.57 KB,570x570,1:1,6f53317ef306834eb0f839009f….jpg)

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5515c2 No.20860232

File: 3e2462a40d162ce⋯.png (59.25 KB,710x485,142:97,Screenshot_2024_05_13_at_0….png)



Gang Violence Grows on an Indian Reservation

By Erik Eckholm

Dec. 13, 2009

PINE RIDGE, S.D. — Richard Wilson has been a pallbearer for at least five of his “homeboys” in the North Side Tre Tre Gangster Crips, a Sioux imitation of a notorious Denver gang.

One 15-year-old member was mauled by rivals. A 17-year-old shot himself; another, on a cocaine binge and firing wildly, was shot by the police. One died in a drunken car wreck, and another, a founder of the gang named Gaylord, was stabbed to death at 27.

“We all got drunk after Gaylord’s burial, and I started rapping,” said Mr. Wilson, who, at 24, is practically a gang elder. “But I teared up and couldn’t finish.”

Mr. Wilson is one of 5,000 young men from the Oglala Sioux tribe involved withat least 39 gangs on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.The gangs are being blamed for an increase in vandalism, theft, violence and fear that is altering the texture of life here and in other parts of American Indian territory.

This stunning land of crumpled prairie, horse pastures turned tawny in the autumn and sunflower farms is marred by an astonishing number of roadside crosses and gang tags sprayed on houses, stores and abandoned buildings, giving rural Indian communities an inner-city look.

Groups like Wild Boyz, TBZ, Nomads and Indian Mafia draw children from broken, alcohol-ravaged homes, like Mr. Wilson’s, offering brotherhood, an identity drawn from urban gangsta rap and self-protection.

Some groups have more than a hundred members, others just a couple of dozen. Compared with their urban models, they are more likely to fight rivals, usually over some minor slight, with fists or clubs than with semiautomatic pistols.

Mr. Wilson, an unemployed school dropout who lives with assorted siblings and partners in his mother’s ramshackle house, without running water, displayed a scar on his nose and one over his eye. “It’s just like living in a ghetto,” he said. “Someone’s getting beat up every other night.”

The Justice Department distinguishes the home-grown gangs on reservations from the organized drug gangs of urban areas, calling them part of an overall juvenile crime problem in Indian country that is abetted by eroding law enforcement, a paucity of juvenile programs and a suicide rate for Indian youth that is more than three times the national average.

If they lack the reach of the larger gangs after which they style themselves, the Indian gangs have emerged as one more destructive force in some of the country’s poorest and most neglected places.

While many crimes go unreported,the police on the Pine Ridge reservation have documented thousands of gang-related thefts, assaults — including sexual assaults — and rising property crime over the last three years, along with four murders. Residents are increasingly fearful that their homes will be burglarized or vandalized. Car windows are routinely smashed out.

“Tenants are calling in and saying ‘I’m scared,’ ” Paul Iron Cloud, executive officer of the Oglala Sioux (Lakota) Housing Authority, told the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs in July at a special hearing on the increase of gang activity.

“It seems that every day we’re getting more violence,” Mr. Iron Cloud said.

Perhaps unique to reservations, rivals sometimes pelt one other with cans of food from the federal commodity program, a practice called “commod-squadding.”

As federal grants to Pine Ridge have declined over the last decade, the tribal police force has shrunk by more than half, with only 12 to 20 officers per shift patrolling an area the size of Rhode Island, said John Mousseau, chairman of the tribe’s judiciary committee.

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. has proposed large increases in money for the police, courts and juvenile programs, and for fighting rampant domestic and sexual violence on reservations.

Christopher M. Grant, who used to head a police antigang unit in Rapid City, S.D., and is now a consultant on gangs to several tribes and federal agencies, has noted the “marked increase in gang activity, particularly on reservations in the Midwest, the Northwest and the Southwest” over the last five to seven years.

The Navajo Nation in Arizona, for example, has identified 225 gang units, up from 75 in 1997.

One group that reaches across reservations in Minnesota,called the Native Mob,is more like the street gangs seen in cities, with hierarchical leadership and involvement in drug and weapons trafficking, Mr. Grant said.

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cd2632 No.20860233

File: cb5e7f1335542bc⋯.png (426.49 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_www_thegatewaypun….png)

Ohio Community Outraged After School District Allegedly Withholds Information on Student Accused of Raping 9-Year-Old — Suspect Still in Class, Playing Sports

A storm of controversy has enveloped Hudson High School following revelations that Jeremiah Earl Stoehr, an 18-year-old senior, has been attending school and participating in sports despite facing severe allegations including rape and kidnapping of a 9-year-old child.

Stoehr was indicted on February 7, 2024, on multiple charges, including rape, kidnapping, and gross sexual imposition, with the alleged offenses occurring on or around December 2, 2023, according to Chasing Liberty. Despite these charges, it has come to light that many within the school were unaware of Stoehr’s legal troubles until recently.

A concerned parent reached out to The Gateway Pundit, claiming, “The county has now even removed his records from public viewing. Corruption at its finest. This student was still able to attend class and play sports. They clearly didn’t want this to get out locally.”

According to Akron Beacon Journal, “The case docket, which included redactions to protect the 9-year-old’s privacy, was removed from the Summit County Clerk of Courts website this week after a judge granted a defense attorney’s request to seal the documents from public view, said James Pollack, a spokesman for the Summit County Prosecutor’s Office. The Beacon Journal began collecting its information for this report before access to these documents was cut off.”


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98bb6d No.20860234


You sure it wasn't because it was a sauceless insult?

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711eeb No.20860235



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5515c2 No.20860236

File: 475e14d35f0a6e8⋯.png (115.18 KB,768x529,768:529,Screenshot_2024_05_13_at_0….png)


>Gang Violence Grows on an Indian Reservation

Many of the gangs inPine Ridge, like the Tre Tre Crips, were started by tribal members who encountered them in prison or while living off the reservation; others have taken their names and colors from movies and records.

Even as they seek to bolster policing, Pine Ridge leaders see their best long-term hope for fighting gangs in cultural revival.

“We’re trying to give an identity back to our youth,” said Melvyn Young Bear, the tribe’s appointed cultural liaison. “They’re into the subculture of African-Americans and Latinos.But they are Lakota, and they have a lot to be proud of.”

Mr. Young Bear, 42, is charged with promoting Lakota rituals, including drumming, chanting and sun dances.He noted that some Head Start programs were now conducted entirely in Lakota.

Michael Little Boy Jr., 30, of the village of Evergreen, said he had initially been tempted by gang life, but with rituals and purifying sweat lodges, “I was able to turn myself around.” He is emerging as a tribal spiritual leader,working with youth groups to promote native traditions.

Mr. Grant said a survey of young men in South Dakota reservations found that the approach might be helping.

Mr. Wilson, the 24-year-old gang member, said he regretted not learning the Sioux language when he was young and now wondered about his own future.

“I still get drunk and hang with my homeboys, but not like I used to,” he said.

His car, its windows shattered, sits outside his house, so he cannot get to the G.E.D. class he says he would like to attend. His goal is to run a recording studio where his younger half-brother, Richard Lame, 18, could make rap songs. Mr. Lame is finishing high school and says he wants to go to college.

But he admits that he still joined 30 or so homeboys in town to party any chance he got — “for the rush, the thrill.” As he spoke, he was dressed in the dark colors of his set, the Black Wall Street Boyz; his tiny bedroom was decorated with movie posters of Al Pacino as the megalomaniacal drug dealer Tony Montanain “Scarface,” and he wore a black bandanna.

He pulled out a thick sheaf of his rap lyrics and gave an impromptu performance.

Ever since birth

I been waitin’ for death …


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1c8114 No.20860237


slush funds

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05bd09 No.20860238

File: 6fdcd8cb8ff1a67⋯.png (614.31 KB,1029x729,343:243,Screenshot_2024_05_13_at_0….png)



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bdbbb4 No.20860240


and then realize how much of the sex trafficking goes through these indian reservations and their casinos. There was that place in Arizona that was dug on a few years ago during the Cemex. They can use tribal lands to skirt law enforcement and those they can they have deals with all the masonic sheriffs and other local law enforcement. Indian reservations are some of the most corrupt places in the nation.

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05bd09 No.20860241

File: 60f66bdbb84d77a⋯.png (418.18 KB,463x781,463:781,Screenshot_2024_05_13_at_0….png)

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fd9019 No.20860242


>why I believe it's fuckwit agents.

Why would they run interference on their own operation, except that day they hacked this shit hole and made everyone use Reddit space.


Carol Rosenberg NYT 9/11 reporter, I posted a link to the photo. You might not have heard of her because occasionally posts about her get deleted here.

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926c77 No.20860243

File: 15161a17b14b35d⋯.png (41.92 KB,678x525,226:175,15161a17b14b35d945f726da8e….png)


The second-class ribbon is going the wrong way.

Sorry, had to correct.

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1cd236 No.20860244


>Why would they run interference on their own operation

You've never heard of entrapment?

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fd9019 No.20860245

File: 3030466a1660e8e⋯.png (2.03 MB,1088x1376,34:43,Northernlights.png)


That's pretty fucked.

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221ebd No.20860246

Username IP hash Time Board Action

Biker hidden 9 minutes /qresearch/ Edited post #20860221

Biker hidden 16 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 26 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 37 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 41 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 43 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 45 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 49 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 55 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 59 minutes /qresearch/ Dismissed a report for post #20859918

Biker hidden 59 minutes /qresearch/ Dismissed a report for post #20859972

Biker hidden 1 hour /qresearch/ Deleted post #20860068

Biker hidden 1 hour /qresearch/ Created a new permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#215447) with reason: cp

Biker hidden 1 hour /qresearch/ Deleted post #20860071

Biker hidden 1 hour /qresearch/ Created a new permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#215446) with reason: cp

Biker hidden 1 hour /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 1 hour /qresearch/ Deleted post #20859989

Biker hidden 1 hour /qresearch/ Created a new permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#215445) with reason: cp

Biker hidden 1 hour /qresearch/ Deleted post #20859986

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130814 No.20860247


>>>20860111 (You)


>I read this on the Wikipedia page about David Peel.

>But it is Peel singing the song, isn't it? Not John Lennon singing it?

(had to reboot, apt update && apt upgrade -y)

Yes, Lennon does not appear on the records.

I don't know how many records they made, I ripped two they had, The Pope Smokes Dope and Have a Marijuana.

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bc163c No.20860249


poor pantifa can't catch a spam break?

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fd9019 No.20860250


>You've never heard of entrapment?

Oh fuck we're all going to jail over these banal WTF happened on 9/11 posts, logic is fucked, it's clearly the fucking pedos we were all invited to this website to learn about.

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21684f No.20860254

File: 6a3062a4d24d392⋯.jpeg (107.43 KB,876x649,876:649,IMG_1616.jpeg)

12 MAY, 20:34Updated at: 20:49

US ready to do utmost relieving Kiev of responsibility for atrocities — Russianambassador

"The reaction of American officials to the deadly strikes by the Ukrainian Armed Forces on residential areas, or rather the absence of even a hint of condolences, is very telling," Anatoly Antonov said

WASHINGTON, May 13. /TASS/. The lack of a response onbehalf of the United States to the Ukrainian strikes on residential neighborhoodsin Russia shows their readiness to do everything possible to relieve Kiev of the responsibility for its atrocities, Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov said on Monday.

"The reaction of American officials to thedeadly strikes by the Ukrainian Armed Forces on residential areas, or rather the absence of even a hint of condolences, is very telling," the press office of the Russian Embassy quoted Antonov as saying, when asked to comment on the US position regarding the Ukrainian attack on May 12 on the Russian southwestern city of Belgorod.

"It emphasizes Washington’s readiness to do everything to relieve the Kiev puppets of responsibility for their atrocities," he noted.

"Let me emphasize: children, women and old people are being killed with Western weapons," the press office of the Russian Embassy quoted Antonov as saying. "Somepromises by Kievnot to use weapons it received from America on targets in our country arenot worth a penny."

"Such "ostrich" policy of the collective West, led by the United States, and the reluctance to rein in Ukrainian henchmen will not lead to any good. Covering up terrorists is monstrous and inhumane," he continued.

"There can only be one conclusion. TheRussian Armed Forces need to increase combat operations. Move the military threat away from the borders of the Russian Federation. No compromise is acceptable when it comes to our national security," he added.


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528318 No.20860255

File: 75669ffe844fbe2⋯.png (95.62 KB,1080x558,60:31,20230329_195947.png)


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d29ee6 No.20860259

I am reporting this site and its Admins to the FBI for posting and allowing CP

Forensic analysis of 8kun servers will prove it

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bc163c No.20860261

File: 7fd3d618f1ef958⋯.png (799.71 KB,799x535,799:535,0d618eb35ba4811a1abf9a9730….png)


nice try pantifa

anons saw [You] long ago

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b7b56a No.20860262


They have no clue that without President Trump white people like them would have been genocided already.

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b92f5e No.20860263

File: 73001e4f8cfaa0e⋯.png (37.17 KB,517x541,517:541,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc163c No.20860265

File: 0a7d6aa5524aafb⋯.gif (934.62 KB,448x448,1:1,0a7d6aa5524aafb11b86259fba….gif)


lemme guess…

you'll do it from your tent in downtown portland on your faggy little mac

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da2dda No.20860267


Get'em anon…

No need to hide the IP…perhaps other anons can help…

Glowies gottaGLOWand all…

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4519b2 No.20860269

File: d137d9327e238fa⋯.png (444.47 KB,646x726,323:363,d137d9327e238fa54c4c5abd25….png)


Lame. I'm reporting them to the CIA, so there. What now?

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4519b2 No.20860280

File: 8dcb6b931ba24be⋯.jpg (92.64 KB,1231x1242,1231:1242,8dc.jpg)

If there is this much panic now, what the hell is October going to look like?

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bdbbb4 No.20860286


your family should be exterminated instead, every last person you love or care about just gone. That would be funnier.

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f6cca5 No.20860287

File: ad301518ca82b12⋯.webm (48.72 KB,427x240,427:240,gfy.webm)

It's not "the Jews," it's who is posting that narrative. The very deep state clowns in front of your eyes here. That's who "it" is. No one believes them here, yet they still IP hop and force their bullshit on everyone, while displaying the very behavior they accuse an entire ethnicity of.

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1427cd No.20860293

File: a7b462db628bd2c⋯.jpg (9.33 KB,178x255,178:255,shilly.jpg)

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2c1c81 No.20860299

File: 89ac7524a81c047⋯.jpeg (70 KB,720x709,720:709,Zoomies_Clifford.jpeg)


IIRC, Trump passed some legislation regarding searching for missing Native women and girls.

Wouldn’t surprise if BLM were using the rez for trafficking.

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3c0279 No.20860302

File: 33678061a3a8d40⋯.png (352.57 KB,714x582,119:97,2024_05_13_08_03_49.png)

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fbbe6a No.20860309


This video will never get old, never. Do not let it fade away

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fbbe6a No.20860312


yo wtf

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f87661 No.20860315

File: 937a8e23eb5c2a9⋯.png (1.28 MB,750x1334,375:667,0FCE761A_0F53_4F53_BAE0_AB….png)

File: f1c2fce30771e24⋯.png (40.59 KB,473x392,473:392,EB0E35DF_E9C4_49E5_ADCB_DD….png)

File: 9452714a82e0986⋯.jpeg (159.45 KB,1440x1080,4:3,CFF4E48F_CE08_49D8_BC77_0….jpeg)

File: bc0cd87fdc30de4⋯.jpeg (155.59 KB,1440x1080,4:3,A7574ED5_CE2A_4601_9078_A….jpeg)

File: cde94c4817545c0⋯.png (37.17 KB,473x273,473:273,91CF11E5_0928_46BD_8712_04….png)


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926c77 No.20860316

File: f6fd4869bd0a1ad⋯.png (60.12 KB,255x208,255:208,29a77edd7.png)

Hitler didn't want to kill Jews.

Even the Jewish movie Conspiracy admitted that - based off diaries the Jews themselves located.

Hitler knew nothing about the Holocaust - by Jewish admission.

But you know… shills gotta shill to make the board look bad.

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fae97d No.20860318


the jews delete posts as soon as they are posted here

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f6cca5 No.20860319

File: 63a6edd32574d7d⋯.png (1.16 MB,1024x1024,1:1,smokingstorm3.png)


All they have is their broken bigotry narrative. So they stick to their retarded narrative that got them this far, just continuing to use it while knowing it's not effective here. Continuing with it because that's how stupid they are, and obviously they don't know what else to do.

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4519b2 No.20860321

File: 411878c149f88a6⋯.jpg (58.84 KB,680x672,85:84,524d4d44cf1752c4c5fad99b77….jpg)


Do you think that without them it would just be a giant love fest in here and anons would become complacent?

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2c1c81 No.20860322


Called Operation Wetback.

A name Cesar Chavez would love.

The wall should be named after Chavez. Dude hated illegals!

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d1b6fe No.20860324

File: 8be045153930549⋯.png (52.01 KB,1776x207,592:69,dkkf.png)

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eb0b35 No.20860325

File: 72c388c44566a6a⋯.jpeg (537.55 KB,976x651,976:651,IMG_0521.jpeg)

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bdbbb4 No.20860326


he did it was called Savanna's act.

The entire notion of having special laws and territories for these people is part of the problem. They literally are another nation. I understand the indigenous plight, but because of lax enforcement with in their own territories it allows their exploitation even more. What better place than a casino to wash illegal money and have all the other perks like whores and drugs.

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3651b4 No.20860327

File: 0037aa4b331ac43⋯.jpg (543.9 KB,1080x1504,135:188,Screenshot_20240513_052029….jpg)

In addition to current Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson, two other men with the same name filed for the race Friday afternoon.


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fbbe6a No.20860328


So this place is not a free speech board?

Q is not going to be happy…

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e7a0b2 No.20860329

File: 6f594868019c324⋯.jpg (118.8 KB,544x566,272:283,329ea37aa93006b25803ce4d79….jpg)

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fae97d No.20860330



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82028a No.20860331

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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502e57 No.20860332



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fae97d No.20860333


no free speech here!

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d1b6fe No.20860334

File: 01cc076673b353a⋯.jpg (97.51 KB,752x500,188:125,8oirhc.jpg)

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4595da No.20860335


Forensic analysis will also prove its shills posting it, hahahahaha!

Now what Mr smarty pants?

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20bfff No.20860336


If it wasn't for the SSDD it would be ded in here.

So, consider thanking Vatican spam and all of the food fight participants for keeping this place alive.

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4519b2 No.20860337

File: 3053001d6de3102⋯.jpg (974.05 KB,2000x2000,1:1,3053001d6de31021583afe9b4e….jpg)


>Continuing with it because that's how stupid they are

It really is that, isn't it? That's the ultimate answer.

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21684f No.20860338


13 MAY, 05:54

Ukraine’s military redeploying reserves to Kharkov from DPR

It is reported that currently, several Ukrainian army brigades are stationed in Krasnoarmeisk

DONETSK, May 13. /TASS/. The Ukrainian army is redeploying reserves to the Kharkov area from Krasnoarmeisk in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), a spokesman for defense circles told TASS on Monday.

"Ukrainian formations are observed to be redeployed to the area near Kharkov from Krasnoarmeisk," the spokesman said.

Currently, several Ukrainian army brigades are stationed in Krasnoarmeisk, he said.

"The larger part of them still remains there," he specified.

Defense circles told TASS earlier that the Ukrainian military was redeploying reserves to the Kharkov direction from Konstantinovka in the DPR.

(Russia has taken over major areas of Kharkov in the last two weeks. I think Kiev is putting up a pretense of fighting, the number of soldiers remaining is small compared to Russia. Col. MacGregor said on a podcast yesterday, at least 600,000 Ukrainian soldiers are dead and another 500,000 to one million are serious casualties)


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f6cca5 No.20860340

File: e1ee57d413773f3⋯.webm (1.32 MB,427x240,427:240,canyou.webm)

They behave like menaces and then try whining about their posts being deleted? Clowns. All they have is their racial bigotry spam, and it's getting cleaned up.

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032c60 No.20860341


>It's called cheating. The Jews are good at it.

They are born to cheat the goyim!

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fae97d No.20860342


jews cheat and lie all the time.

their stinky religion encourages it.

look how they lie about the 6 million holocausted jews.

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97c0e1 No.20860344

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4519b2 No.20860345

File: 7c7578657f2f8cc⋯.png (127.42 KB,820x399,820:399,933_9335565_0_replies_0_re….png)


>consider thanking Vatican spam

Yeah, I'm not doing that.

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d1b6fe No.20860347

File: 16a1c43ce5473a5⋯.png (849 KB,852x940,213:235,1714711340743412.png)

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ed3d87 No.20860351


>two other men with the same name

Next Level election f'ckery? Combine the votes so "Bob' wins? Any "Bob" will do?

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82028a No.20860352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d1b6fe No.20860353

File: c594d79fe339317⋯.jpg (82.41 KB,666x500,333:250,8o3zn7.jpg)

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b23c70 No.20860354

Phonefagging and catching up from weekend. Didn’t see mentioned in notables… POTUS stage was a B2 bomber at rally. Incoming booms?

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2c1c81 No.20860356


Droppin Truths, fren.

Inasmuch as State is currently overrun by C_A and criminal donors, dealings with Indian nations should be under their jurisdiction.

After Trump does his Mr Clean act on our government though!

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d1b6fe No.20860359

File: 3215a5f2f3a8c0e⋯.jpg (72.53 KB,640x692,160:173,1605482881335.jpg)

File: b4c295534b6a340⋯.png (42.46 KB,713x261,713:261,1605482901606.png)


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f6cca5 No.20860361

File: cf20888e8a82cec⋯.mp4 (1.03 MB,848x464,53:29,GaytriotFront.mp4)

Why don't the shills show any video of people speaking like they do, the same racial bigotry narrative? I wonder why they've never shown video ever of people talking like they do.

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502e57 No.20860363

File: 033962336f36dd8⋯.png (465.08 KB,678x381,226:127,ClipboardImage.png)

Whitney Webb: Bankers Use Climate Scam in Latin America to Introduce Digital Currency Globally

Wall Street bankers, intelligence agencies from the US, UK and Israel, tech billionaires and other powerful interests developed a scheme, GREEN+, to entangle local governments across Latin America to take control of vast swaths of public lands for use as carbon credits. The ultimate objective is to monetize air, water and other resources as commodities.

The currency in Argentina has been devalued and people are being pushed into dollar-denominated stable coins like Tether that allows the FBI to spy on users. The goal is programmable currency, whether it is issued by central banks or private companies, that allows bankers to control the money and spending over all people.

Every capital city of latin America has eagerly signed on, unaware of the strings attached to the partnerships paving the way for a sweeping surveillance apparatus tied to American intelligence under the guise of combating climate change.



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eb0b35 No.20860365

File: f41850254904ab3⋯.jpeg (952.24 KB,932x1128,233:282,IMG_0522.jpeg)

File: 6f36f57f127f813⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB,1635x1640,327:328,IMG_0523.jpeg)

File: fb330fe1475a921⋯.mp4 (900.91 KB,640x360,16:9,i_1OmddH_D5V4QhU.mp4)


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d9211e No.20860366


been asking that same question for years.

it is a real quandary. [They] are impervious to reason and logic. Immune to Law or even rules of fair play. impervious to appeals for their own self-serving survival….

And yet 'cheating' still feels wrong for those of us who do not wish to lower ourselves to their level. What do?

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2c1c81 No.20860367


Shills forget this a DoD board since 93 Dark ended. VPNs won’t hide them.


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149d12 No.20860368


ahhh the good ole shotgun shoah!

tippy toppy keks!

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4519b2 No.20860369


This is what they show to gullible leftists.

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502e57 No.20860370

OpenAI’s New “AGI Robot” Stuns the Entire Industry


OpenAI’s Figure 01 is a built to appear, sound and behave like a real human. It demonstrated fully learned, fast dexterous manipulation while responding to requests. This model is working form an end-to-end neural network that is entirely autonomous. Words are converted to text that the robot understands. It can recognize what is going on in the environment. It demonstrated reasoning capabilities and was able to explain why it executed the action of handing the man an apple.




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f6cca5 No.20860371

File: 22614df452e20d9⋯.png (229.66 KB,651x519,217:173,pepe_sip2.png)

Wouldn't be surprised if the MuhJoo posters were FIB. They were trained by the ADL after all.

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149d12 No.20860372


fuckwit it is HOSTED IN RUSSIA


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eb0b35 No.20860373

File: b0c08f18754ac93⋯.jpg (704.17 KB,981x936,109:104,IMG_0467.jpg)

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502e57 No.20860375

Oregon ‘Anarchist’ Group Takes Credit for Burning 15 Police Cars in ‘Preemptive’ Attack

Rose City Counter-Info, a self-described “anarchist” group based in Portland, Oregon, took credit for having “torched” 15 police cars at the Portland Police Bureau’s (PPB) training facility last week. Portland was the site of prolonged Antifa riots during the Trump administration. The group says the attack was a “preemptive” one, pointing to recent police intervention at anti-Israel college campus protests nationwide.

The anarchists called for violent resistance on college campuses, saying “if the frat bros come, smash their frat house windows!” “If the Zionist settlers come, throw fireworks at them! If the cops come don’t just resist arrest, fight them! They will hate you and beat you if you’re peaceful or violent, and it is time to be violent.”




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502e57 No.20860376

Boy Scouts Officially Drop “Boy” From Their Name

The Boy Scouts of America announced that it will be changing its name to “Scouting America” to emphasize its commitment to inclusion as the organization celebrates the fifth anniversary of the decision to allow females scouts, and a decade after announcing that it would allow homosexuals to join. For many years, the organization has been under fire from left-wing activists who didn’t approve of the “God and country” values espoused by the group, and the name change represents capitulation to far-left values. The Girl Scouts organization is also infected by woke ideology and excludes those who reject being allies with LGBTQ.

The announcement to change names comes in the wake of the organization’s bankruptcy settlement, which will pay victims of sexual abuse in the group $2.46 billion. That settlement involves 82,000 men who claim they were abused by scout leaders over the years.



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f6cca5 No.20860377

File: 00f1bd1a6c75768⋯.png (368.55 KB,800x486,400:243,ClipboardImage.png)

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3c0c94 No.20860378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c71219 No.20860379

File: f34dc66770fd0f4⋯.jpg (269.31 KB,719x1484,719:1484,Screenshot_20240510_212917….jpg)

File: b9551b3e505f254⋯.jpg (1.07 MB,2592x2516,648:629,20240511_065122.jpg)

File: 63a77be84cd4a56⋯.jpg (165.78 KB,719x637,719:637,Screenshot_20240510_081338….jpg)

File: cf74c9ec2aa8853⋯.jpg (90.75 KB,1024x576,16:9,HiU2wLFZdgoi9JoE3tnGkj_120….jpg)

File: 75a912f171845c0⋯.gif (2.94 MB,500x224,125:56,You_Call_This_a_Storm_Lt_D….gif)

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fd9019 No.20860381


That is the elephant in the room, it doesn't matter if 75% of the posts are fake if 25% of them are.

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d1b6fe No.20860383

File: a11d85cf9b251de⋯.jpg (270.54 KB,1080x1312,135:164,1712208718066635.jpg)




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bc163c No.20860384

notables bun @410

refresh for count

bred is still ghost and note taker out

gotta wurkfag

#25585 >>20859808

>>20859844 >>20859888 DJT TS w/CAP: Canada doesn’t want you Whoopi, NOBODY DOES!!!

>>20860045 Actor Steve Buscemi punched in the face in random attack in New York City

>>20860136 Dan Scavino w/CAP: Thank you, Atlantic City International Airport Fire Rescue, GREAT!!!

>>20860145 DJT TS w/CAP: Gregg Jarrett—Legal Analyst, Fox News: “I think the most egregious case of all, of misconduct, is Jack Smith’s classified documents case in Florida…”

>>20860159 Special Counsel Jack Smith Admits Prosecutors Misled Judge in Trump Case

>>20860172, >>20860186, >>20860191 Trump Whodunnit: Prosecutors admit key evidence in document case has been tampered with

>>20860199 Dangerous migration route to US used by 500,000 people last year to be shut down as newly-elected Panama president pledges to help border crisis

>>20860226 Convicted Perjurer Michael Cohen to Take the Stand in Trump ‘Hush Money’ Lawfare Trial on Monday

>>20860238 Arizona Dems, Gretchen Whitmer PAC, paid Judge Merchan's daughter's firm over $500,000 in 2024

>>20860363 Bankers Use Climate Scam in Latin America to Introduce Digital Currency Globally

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4519b2 No.20860385

File: d7e8318de89d4bc⋯.jpg (71.3 KB,1200x1200,1:1,d7e.jpg)


Fukk wtf

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2fbda1 No.20860387

6 mos point from election. Note initiation of activities provoking RUS, Xhina, Israel, Americans.

BLM makes news

'NATO UKR' Residential attacks

Large massing for June border invasion

Market fuckery CPI Unemp

Gaza policy

F&G narratives left and right.

Socials and ABC acting to censor and disinform

Illegal voting schemes

Hold on!

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149d12 No.20860388


Wake up you stupid goy moran,wake up!

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d1b6fe No.20860389

File: 5f060d09d83e1aa⋯.jpg (132.24 KB,700x506,350:253,1715586681232276.jpg)

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a7866b No.20860390



kikes did this!

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bc799b No.20860391



The indigenous plight??

Anon was born and raised in South Dakota, home to nine separate Lakota, Nakota and Dakota reservations.

The only thing whites ever did wrong to this barely human species was in allowing ANY of them to live after we conquered their worthless asses.

Fuck your sympathy for the 'natives'. They are lower IQs than niggers, more violent than Latinos and the biggest burden on America.

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2c1c81 No.20860392


Search it up on 4 chan. There’s a nice 8 chan/kun history from late 2018.

Thanks for playing. May wanna look up Wikileaks how your “security agencies” can make anything look like it comes from wherever they want.

Welcome Newfag

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21684f No.20860394


13 MAY, 04:14

Russia’s onslaught on Kharkov may compel Ukraine to truce — NYT

On May 11, Russia’s Defense Ministry reportedliberating severalpopulated localities in the Kharkov Region

NEW YORK, May 13. /TASS/. The advance of Russia’s Armed Forces on Kharkov may force the Ukrainian leadership to agree to a truce with Russia, the New York Times (NYT) said.

According to the newspaper, theonslaught of Russian troops on Kharkovmaycompletely demoralize Ukrainians and their allies. In particular, they may get "the impression thatafter two yearsand hundreds of thousands of casualties and billions of dollars,little has changed." Which, in turn, will intensify pressure on the Ukrainian leadership to negotiate a truce with Russia, the news outlet said.

On May 11, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported liberating several populated localities in the Kharkov Region. Vitaly Ganchev, head of the regional military-civilian administration, told TASS thatUkrainian troopsdug in near Kharkov buthave to retreatunder the onslaught of Russian forces.


(NYTs reports come from the WH, is Bidan sending messages?)

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6a39b4 No.20860396

I'm predicting that Bob Ferguson will win >>20860327

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eb0b35 No.20860397

File: 939319c7d168762⋯.jpeg (112.54 KB,800x534,400:267,B1C278C4_B502_4B72_A1C4_0….jpeg)

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a7866b No.20860398


WIKILEAKS as a sauce?


6000000 lelz!

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502e57 No.20860399

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3c0c94 No.20860400

Comey's daughter investigated Epstein's suicide and her husband does Ghislaine Maxwell's case?

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8dfc82 No.20860401

File: b515d6836a715cd⋯.mp4 (12.22 MB,496x480,31:30,FILE_2024_05_13_06_36_22.mp4)

[42 years ago the cure for cancer was discovered.

Everyone knows that curing cancer isn't as profitable as treating it and billing you every step of the way.

However, one thing to consider is that the elite have never died of an cancer, they always die of an old age.

What does that tell you? Think about it.



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bdbbb4 No.20860402


I am not saying they are not fucked culturally but fuck you for being a god damn faggot. I live in native areas also and they are mostly alcoholics and junkies, now why is that. Same reason there was a booze store on every black corner. Crack was a government invention. Every person has been abused, how shut your god damn faggot mouth.

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f6cca5 No.20860403

File: 55585838b2bd7ec⋯.jpeg (56.69 KB,900x900,1:1,mgpS8h9zfqNO.jpeg)

"Wake up," the clown says. Wake up to what? On one hand I see college kids siding with Palestine and displaying the same hate in public that the shills try cultivating here, that is cultivated within universities. On the other I see the symbolism an evil ideology from the 20th century used, not in one but two countries currently in war with one side in each calling the other Nazis, and the side being called that displaying that 20th century symbology. Clowns.

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cd2632 No.20860404


TY notey

Missing comma on first one, shud be

>>20859844, >>20859888 DJT TS w/CAP: Canada doesn’t want you Whoopi, NOBODY DOES!!!

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07efeb No.20860405


Green haired clown would be a better POTUS

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8dfc82 No.20860407

File: 66046965956bb3c⋯.mp4 (1 MB,848x848,1:1,IMG_6525.MP4)

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07efeb No.20860408


says it all really

the jews control this board

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502e57 No.20860409



3rd try

won't embed


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ec702b No.20860411

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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eb0b35 No.20860412

File: 2bead25ed5d0824⋯.jpeg (1.23 MB,2072x2072,1:1,AI_Jeffrey_Epstein.JPEG)

File: ed0c51eccb2a74f⋯.png (2.83 MB,1382x1392,691:696,Bill_and_Jeff_Pedo_Songs.PNG)

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f6cca5 No.20860413

File: e04ddb3530d83cd⋯.jpg (323.21 KB,857x584,857:584,ben_stiller_simple_jack_48….jpg)

A Jew to them is someone that doesn't agree with them or doesn't comply with their attempts to dominate. That's the extent of their logic. A month ago they claimed it was a choice. How the fuck is it a choice if they make it for you just because you disagree with them? Clowns. Broken, desperate clowns.

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502e57 No.20860415

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ec702b No.20860417


Pelosi on cam channel 11

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4ddfb9 No.20860418

File: ce20f2d1868ba9a⋯.jpeg (40.5 KB,225x224,225:224,2F4E9B19_A1A2_45ED_B288_F….jpeg)

File: 1502278788284d9⋯.jpeg (231.82 KB,583x462,53:42,FD949D65_A147_4F3C_BACA_F….jpeg)

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3c0279 No.20860419

File: 5f05303f8b87645⋯.mp4 (4.43 MB,720x1280,9:16,frogs.mp4)

GM, Frogs

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f993c5 No.20860420


At $100 a head I'd be straight killin it.

pied piper or pepper like a MF'er.

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3c0c94 No.20860421

File: f257b1670f4bbc9⋯.png (322.87 KB,404x571,404:571,ClipboardImage.png)


>He doesn’t shut his trap. He just constantly takes shots at his own credibility.

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4519b2 No.20860423

File: 3fd14dacf3d57f5⋯.png (7.13 KB,255x172,255:172,3fd14dacf3d57f5e2b6dbbac59….png)

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bc799b No.20860425



No faggotry in this grandma anon! Spiritual and physical weakness is nothing to be nurtured and coddled.

Carrying weak and failed races has dragged white America into the sewer with the perpetual sewer dwellers.

Doesn't matter who made the bad choices available. It only matters they made the bad choices. Weak, non-spiritually aware, failed races. End their misery forever.

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ec702b No.20860426


>Broken, desperate clowns.

pure (((projection)))

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97feaa No.20860428

File: c771fcb0a02f35a⋯.png (752.98 KB,901x508,901:508,htrveetgh.png)

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3c0c94 No.20860429

File: ef215767f4ec21e⋯.jpg (91.97 KB,680x680,1:1,Loren_Merchan_2.jpg)


>paid $4 MILLION by Adam Schiff to push Russia collusion

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4ddfb9 No.20860430






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bdbbb4 No.20860431


you know the rules take out your nasty racist grandma flapjacks. COME ON YOU FUCKING GERIATRIC FUCKING CUM DUMPSTER.

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f6cca5 No.20860432

File: 980197288a318ad⋯.png (919.03 KB,564x834,94:139,980197288a318adb91d69d62dd….png)

Well that was odd. The clips, but not anything else? Thought we were past that? Am I an enemy to you, BV?

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4ddfb9 No.20860434

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3c0c94 No.20860436


can't hear you bro


you'll have to comment as an anon

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8dfc82 No.20860437

File: 051140b67be3c2d⋯.mp4 (616.36 KB,640x640,1:1,video.mp4)


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ed429c No.20860440


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94e897 No.20860441


R. Lee Ermey/your meme

that faggot shabbos goy trained young american men to die for ZOG in endless jew wars

fuck that Ermey ZOG loving faggot rotting in his grave I would piss on his grave when I find it

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bc799b No.20860442


And then we have these toxic little fuckheads who are even dumber and more unhinged than the niggers and skins.

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8dfc82 No.20860443

File: 48e6e8187d3d26c⋯.mp4 (363.86 KB,640x640,1:1,video.mp4)

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3c0c94 No.20860444


15 Portland police cars burned overnight at training facility

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cd2632 No.20860446


>Mommy, what does PICKLE mean?

Pickle - a troublesome or difficult situation

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f87661 No.20860447

File: 8c2e7fa93a999f5⋯.png (1.55 MB,750x1334,375:667,F4A7C6A0_03B6_40C3_8877_B7….png)

File: c7f04a68b2960c6⋯.png (94.9 KB,473x483,473:483,94A7C686_B26A_46B3_BB63_8F….png)

File: 608dcece3ba4f1b⋯.jpeg (297.32 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,3AE06340_3980_4E9C_A229_A….jpeg)

File: 276e439d933d0f4⋯.png (20.79 KB,473x189,473:189,02F92844_72EB_4A6F_8DC1_C0….png)

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3ccf47 No.20860448


Username IP hash Time Board Action

Biker hidden 2 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 14 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 17 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

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Biker hidden 20 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 28 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 29 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 31 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 31 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 36 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 38 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 39 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 40 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 49 minutes /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 1 hour /qresearch/ Edited post #20860221

Biker hidden 1 hour /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 1 hour /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 2 hours /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 2 hours /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 2 hours /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 2 hours /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 2 hours /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 2 hours /qresearch/ Deleted all posts by IP address in a thread: <IP hidden>

Biker hidden 2 hours /qresearch/ Dismissed a report for post #20859918

Biker hidden 2 hours /qresearch/ Dismissed a report for post #20859972

Biker hidden 2 hours /qresearch/ Deleted post #20860068

Biker hidden 2 hours /qresearch/ Created a new permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#215447) with reason: cp

Biker hidden 2 hours /qresearch/ Deleted post #20860071

Biker hidden 2 hours /qresearch/ Created a new permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#215446) with reason: cp

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Biker hidden 2 hours /qresearch/ Deleted post #20859986

Biker hidden 2 hours /qresearch/ Created a new permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#215444) with reason: cp

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bdbbb4 No.20860449


maybe you should not run your fucking cum dumpster mouth. now show your god damn milkers you fucking aged cunt. It is not like anything you have ever said has mattered. COME ON YOU FUCKING CUNT FILTER ME OR FUCKING SHOW YOUR FUCKING UGLY GOD DAMN WRINKLED TITS YOU FUCKING NIGGER FUCKING SLUT

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3c0c94 No.20860450

File: fdde4c928baa818⋯.png (891.84 KB,1000x750,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Maurene Comey is one of the lead prosecutors in the criminal case against Ghislaine Maxwell.

The daughter of former FBI director James Comey also worked on the sex crimes case against Jeffrey Epstein.

She also prosecuted ex-gynecologist Robert Hadden and Treasury Department whistleblower Natalie Edwards.

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f6cca5 No.20860452


You can embed the link, you know. Just posting the link like you're on halfchan is half-assing it. Click the "Show post options & limits" and just post the link in there. Kind of a common courtesy around here.

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4519b2 No.20860453

File: 7b53f9f90240548⋯.jpeg (195.43 KB,993x1280,993:1280,GMEx0AUXcAAE15w.jpeg)

Dey mad.

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3c0c94 No.20860454


>Maurene Comey

A team of federal prosecutors from the Southern District of New York, along with some in the public corruption unit, have been assigned to the case.

Maurene Comey, the daughter of former FBI director James Comey, is one of the prosecutors, according to a source with knowledge of the case.


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21684f No.20860456


13 MAY, 03:29

Russian robotic drone jammers shield evacuation groups in Ukraine operation

The innovation was prompted by the existence of gray zones in areas of combat operations that are dangerous for groups to evacuate wounded personnel, Denis Oslomenko noted

MOSCOW, May 13. /TASS/. Russian robotic drone suppressors based on theTriton electronic warfare systemhave begun to provide protection for evacuation groups in the gray zone of combat operations in Ukraine, CEO of Laboratory PPSh (the jammer’s developer) Denis Oslomenko told TASS on Monday.

Eventually, the lab intends to develop such jammers to shield assault groups, he specified.

The innovation was prompted by the existence ofgray zonesin areas of combat operations that aredangerous for groups to evacuate wounded personnel, he explained.

"It is hard to get there and evacuate a wounded or a killed soldier as evacuation groups will immediately begin to be hunted down by explosives and FPV drones. That is why, we cooperate with those who produce robots and conceptuallywe have two robotswith the Triton system toescort either an assault group or assault robots," Oslomenko said.

"In the future, this innovation is set to emerge on a large scale. But these robots with the electronic warfare system thatshield evacuation or mine-laying robotsare already operating in the zone of the special military operation," the chief executive said.

Laboratory PPSh is a Russian company that provides information security services and products, including telephone line protectors, wireless communications blockers and drone suppressors, in particular, LPD-801 and LPD-802 anti-drone guns and the Triton electronic warfare system.

(Warfare has certainly changed.)


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3c0c94 No.20860457


can't see what you said, sorry you're so dumb

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8dfc82 No.20860458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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ed3d87 No.20860459


Well that explains…something

Anon already though I figured the cat&box Q.

- If there WAS a cat in box, it is either dead or not. If it makes noises, not dead. If dead then would smell.

So "assuming" (dangerous to do), the box was sealed, then there could NOT be a cat in the box (sounds or smells), therefore cat was NEVER in the box.

but now I'm thinking…a sneaky trap door escapee

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f6cca5 No.20860462

File: 5c2969a11e2074e⋯.mp4 (905.27 KB,854x480,427:240,massrelay3.mp4)

Ah, got smacked by Biker. Whatever. He gets a little rambunctious some days and seems like he doesn't care about his friendly fire.

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22c3a1 No.20860463


This GM shite almost feels like the feds letting each other know they are online here.

Just sayin'.

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3ccf47 No.20860465

File: 31f440bf3c4c52f⋯.jpeg (91.5 KB,654x452,327:226,IMG_9973.jpeg)


looks comfy

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3ccf47 No.20860469


true comment I concur

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3c0c94 No.20860470

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SDNY Selective Prosecutor Of The Year

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c230e4 No.20860471


thanks for the best buns on the net!

full speed ahead!

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3c0c94 No.20860473

File: 159943bd7684b49⋯.png (3.8 MB,2223x1666,2223:1666,ClipboardImage.png)

Maurene Comey joined the office in 2015, and is listed as one of three lead prosecutors handling the case against Maxwell, along with Assistant US Attorneys Alex Rossmiller and Alison Gainfort Moe.

The three of them also handled the case against Epstein, who was indicted in July 2019 for numerous sex crimes. For the case against Maxwell, they're joined by Assistant US Attorneys Andrew Rohrbach and Lara Elizabeth Pomerantz.

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c4f6f4 No.20860474

Good Morning, Joseph!!!!!!!

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c230e4 No.20860475


10 speed anal vibrator

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f87661 No.20860476

File: 1f4d66ba84606e4⋯.png (763.02 KB,750x1334,375:667,151EC341_DFD3_401C_B20E_7B….png)

File: 6203f198415258b⋯.png (186.85 KB,473x1197,473:1197,3F055A77_FF81_49A1_99B9_60….png)

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bc799b No.20860479


KMMFAO! We don't even have to try to win. Just sit back and watch you losers lose.

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f6cca5 No.20860481


What did it for me was seeing it pop up on multiple platforms on the same day, including here, and pushed by one of the mimics. Then you'll see it pushed all day. It's like a handshake or an attempt to get something trending to see if they still can. I mean, if they could convince the anons here to follow their trend then it's a small victory for them. Nice to see others are reaching the same conclusion.

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4519b2 No.20860484

File: 40189c67e011ba3⋯.png (350.71 KB,577x433,577:433,40189c67e011ba3cdfc651ba04….png)


They can't just text each other and say they're in? They need to gm and frogpost and be generally theatrical about it? I think the gm phenomenon is organic or no one would get mad about it.

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c4f6f4 No.20860485

I 'm gonna swing from the chandelier

From the chandelier

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c4f6f4 No.20860487

I 'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist

Like it doesn't exist

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9e76ab No.20860488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9:00 AM EDT

Federal Debt: The Baseline and Options for Reform

American Enterprise Institute, the Penn Wharton Budget Model, the Brookings Institution, and the Burch Center for Tax Policy and Public Finance




Conference on Federal Debt & Fiscal Policy

The American Enterprise Institute, Penn Wharton Budget Model, Brookings Institution, and Burch Center for Tax Policy and Public Finance host a conference focusing on the federal debt and fiscal policy.


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fd9019 No.20860489





Where is the guy that posts the socks talking to each other?

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b7b56a No.20860490

It's the Wall st system which is controlled by the Zionist Jews and Saudis mainly. Second tier is the Swiss Bankers, the Vatican Mafia, and The Royals taking a cut and cooperating with the Eye. The Jews kicked out most of the Italians out of Wall st alongside with other white races for the most part and replaced them with Indians and Asians by the time 911 rolled around. Some still hold key positions but it is a small percentage. Third tier are all the large corporations and smaller bankers, industrialists, and tech companies where the only white people that are in management march to their orders of wokeness and the anti-white narratives or whatever is going to destroy America. Fourth tier goes to mid-caps that push the illegals immigrant agenda and hirings and take woke libtards in lieu of white people. Finally, the small business that are left, after all the rioters, targeting, and lock downs destroyed the last of the legitimate US small businesses were either their cronies to begin with, given to their cronies or foreigners that are sympathetic to the DS hierarchy, globaliust NWO, and their agenda. It is all about the money, and they have it all, and own just about everything. This is the main reason why the infiltration, recruiting, sign-ups, and replacements will continue indefinately until there is some type of seizure of assests and redistribution from the ill gotten gains.

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3c0c94 No.20860491

File: 61a311ba8259dbf⋯.png (812.96 KB,1160x653,1160:653,ClipboardImage.png)

"Elohim send me 7 months ago to give you peaceful message to hope you repent. You say no, Elohim now send me to smite Satan and I happy to obey"

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3c0c94 No.20860493


>Elohim send me 7 months ago to give you peaceful message to hope you repent. You say no, Elohim now send me to smite Satan and I happy to obey


Man suspected of throwing a pipe bomb at The Satanic Temple in Massachusetts is arrested

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8dfc82 No.20860495

File: 6cb046e257038a2⋯.jpg (170.54 KB,970x1186,485:593,2023_06_01_11_24_51.jpg)

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7c4aa5 No.20860496



Y'all never watched Q into the storm

Q chose Jim for a reason

1st amendment and he does not like pedophiles

Jim Watkins may or may not of ran honey pot sites, watch Q into the storm docuseries

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bdbbb4 No.20860498


I am still waiting for your fucking god damn tits.

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b162e1 No.20860499

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/13/2024



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236345 No.20860500

File: d71251ee4b1a6be⋯.png (572.56 KB,750x1334,375:667,D3B6B96F_D253_4F6D_88D8_26….png)

File: 3ff8f7736658167⋯.png (293.74 KB,690x1422,115:237,299C95DF_24C4_4599_A6B0_67….png)

File: 081dd655c9daf90⋯.png (244.89 KB,690x870,23:29,C151FA73_B29C_45BE_87B4_54….png)

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b7b56a No.20860501


But never forget, this was all allowed to happen by people in our government who kept silent for their piece of the shekel pie; generation after generation until the government became the DS in itself.

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3c0c94 No.20860502

File: e7726e0c03187f8⋯.png (172.5 KB,275x385,5:7,ClipboardImage.png)

what's with the long face

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61d24c No.20860503

File: 2e5c00d8f4cffb6⋯.jpg (216.67 KB,794x975,794:975,2e5c00d8f4cffb611b59a6f70d….jpg)





Dough Claim

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2ef86d No.20860505


Longley, Robert. "Operation Wetback: The Largest Mass Deportation in U.S. History." ThoughtCo, Feb. 17, 2021, thoughtco.com/operation-wetback-4174984.

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236345 No.20860506

File: 503445143155973⋯.png (235.75 KB,473x757,473:757,DF192FEE_3CA1_47BE_966F_1D….png)

File: b48e8c89a086ce6⋯.png (281.87 KB,473x949,473:949,078849E0_229A_466C_A541_77….png)

File: ec6617cf417b3db⋯.png (51.87 KB,473x357,473:357,D5F102D2_C8C5_443B_8E6B_89….png)

File: 4317fc66cc809eb⋯.png (705.42 KB,473x2856,473:2856,8349ECDF_F9FD_406E_9F9A_C8….png)

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a6fbee No.20860507

File: 3e5e1d96ddfc6a2⋯.jpg (5.15 KB,205x246,5:6,images_147_.jpg)

No felonious votes from fugitives, sir.

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86eb5c No.20860510

Good morning anons.

Gonna be a great day.

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c4f6f4 No.20860512

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4449ee No.20860514

File: 3ec81c98c38b107⋯.mp4 (1.42 MB,1280x720,16:9,3ec81c98c38b107d00e0225849….mp4)


>Where is the guy that posts the socks talking to each other?

They might not be wrong to a degree.

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3c0c94 No.20860515

File: acc0470791c6578⋯.png (1.1 MB,768x834,128:139,ClipboardImage.png)

Maurene Comey, married to fellow Harvard Law graduate Lucas Issacharoff. Her husband serves as the US Assistant Attorney for the SDNY's Civil Division since September 2019.

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2ddba9 No.20860516

File: c46eaab2cf5430e⋯.jpg (136.67 KB,602x623,86:89,AMARelease.jpg)

File: 306fe4b059429f1⋯.jpg (30.63 KB,479x370,479:370,rifebeam809.jpg)


The AMA - American Medication Association.

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ad4889 No.20860518

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9222ad No.20860520

File: 7e05ec4ed95356d⋯.png (712.96 KB,695x439,695:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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236345 No.20860522


weird vibe irl. like a Wednesday

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c4f6f4 No.20860523


Oh my! Do you need help?

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86eb5c No.20860524

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Opening Day 👏

U.S. Naval Forces Africa, U.S. Marine Forces Africa, and the Ghanaian Navy will tri-chair the African Maritime Forces Summit / Naval Infantry Leaders Symposium – Africa (NILSA).






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c4a0e4 No.20860527


GM nigger

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d9211e No.20860528


space juice is bending your mind

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86eb5c No.20860529


Flow with it.

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a6fbee No.20860532

Help? They need your help real bad. The fugitive is being birthed, now

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3c0c94 No.20860534

File: c2163801e279a3c⋯.mp4 (2.23 MB,1280x720,16:9,jewishstate.mp4)

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86eb5c No.20860535

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Day 3 of the Best Redleg Competition was 🔥! 13B teams rocked the M777 with pinpoint accuracy. Stay tuned for more action-packed updates! #BestRedleg2024 #KoB


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21684f No.20860536

File: fbd10af2c1460c0⋯.jpeg (44.96 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_1618.jpeg)

13 May, 2024 11:36

Elon Musk wins court battle against Australia

The tech billionaire’s X platform has insisted that Canberra’s order to remove a stabbing video was invalid

An Australian Federal Court judge has decided not to extend an order banning Elon Musk’s X (formerly Twitter) platform from displaying a video of a stabbing attack in a church in Sydney.

On Monday, Justice Geoffrey Kennett denied an application by the country’s eSafety commissioner, Julie Inman Grant, to extend restrictions on the clip, which she had deemed to be “class 1” material relating to high-impact violence. The judge hasn’t yet provided explanations for his ruling.

The initial ban on the video, which was imposed by the Federal Court in Melbourne on April 22, expired on Monday.

X had refused to comply with the order, which would have made the clip inaccessible to users worldwide. The platform only agreed to block the content in Australia. Musk insisted back then thatone country should not have the power to censor the whole internet. The eSafety commissioner argued that a blanket ban was needed as Australians could still access the video through a VPN.

The clip in questionshowed a stabbing that took place during a live-streamed sermon at an Assyrian Christian churchin the suburbs of Sydney on April 15. Four people, including Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, were injured in what the Australian authoritiesdescribed as a “terrorist incident.”The footage of the attack was widely shared online and allegedly prompted heated protests near the crime scene.

During the hearing on Friday, lawyer for the eSafety Commissioner, Tim Begbie, argued that the refusal to comply with the order by X amounted to mockery of the Federal Court. “What that says about the authority of the court is pretty striking,” he said.

X’s lawyer Bret Walker argued that the platform did not implement the ban on the stabbing video because the commissioner’s initial take-down notice was invalid and“manifestly inadequate” due to the absence of a detailed description of the reasons for the ban.

The social media company believes that “global removal is reasonable when X does it because X wants to do it,but it becomes unreasonable when it is told to do it by the laws of Australia,” Walker told the judge.

In late April, Bishop Emmanuel supported Musk during a sermon, saying that he wanted thevideo of the attack against him to remain onlinebecause it is “our God-given right to freedom of speech and freedom of religion.”


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32f7ed No.20860537


Graham has the pedo cheeks.

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fd9019 No.20860538


Are you two about to fuck and realize it's the Jews and the Vatican, together, with elements from all the other religions mixed in for shits n gigs?

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466a33 No.20860540


Wow you need help too, racist granny.

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9e76ab No.20860544

File: 5285b1f21a1d718⋯.jpg (49.69 KB,741x736,741:736,day_shift_guitar.jpg)

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2a8e48 No.20860545

File: 13d1dca84f50444⋯.png (812.83 KB,1000x750,4:3,maurenecomeymemenosejob.png)


bags under her eyes and a nose job.

She looks exultant to have achieved a husband

The Best Man , under the newlyweds raised arms looks trans-male.

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2a8e48 No.20860546


Harvard lacks the cache it once had.

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236345 No.20860547

File: 3d48ce799d4eb03⋯.jpeg (28.46 KB,248x203,248:203,D07E5597_8B78_477C_8396_E….jpeg)

File: bc50f83b55d4e3f⋯.gif (3.52 MB,298x224,149:112,340E85DF_E64A_436E_A08F_48….gif)

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9e76ab No.20860549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump hush money trial LIVE: At courthouse in New York as Michael Cohen is set to take the stand

Associated Press


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32f7ed No.20860550


Catholicism was started by a Roman Emporer and his Jewish buddy. They needed a way to control the rising Christianity which was becoming uncontrollable.

Truth requires freedom.

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86eb5c No.20860551

Idiots don't listen.

Nukes are off the table, Trump warned everyone.

There's always that one dumbass who has to FAFO.

Whomever attempts to launch, will be instantly dematerialized.

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fd9019 No.20860553

File: d885a7954cd167b⋯.mp4 (248.31 KB,854x480,427:240,c9dc859c_f39c_4ca7_a283_14….mp4)


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6a39b4 No.20860554

notable win >>20860536

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236345 No.20860556

File: 4e65a2489f2d0a9⋯.png (501.74 KB,690x1788,115:298,027D01BF_3232_4F32_A7EE_B9….png)

File: 53f0617b71db156⋯.png (77.67 KB,690x806,345:403,E514B59A_9512_4EE2_AC51_94….png)

File: b8245f9a92eaeba⋯.png (189.2 KB,690x1962,115:327,530BC8F7_4AFC_438E_8611_7A….png)

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fd9019 No.20860557


>and his Jewish buddy.

There were 2 jewish families, how'd you miss that one, the other one controls Islam.

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32f7ed No.20860558

Jesus wouldn't have been necessary if God wasn't trying to get the Jews to realize their own anti-God behavior.

The entire New Testament is about Jesus trying to show the Jews their ways are not even in alignment with the teachings of Moses, much less in alignment with the teachings of God.

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f6cca5 No.20860559

File: 56fb2483d8ba926⋯.gif (4.3 MB,498x280,249:140,56fb2483d8ba926ee7262be074….gif)

I look at it this way, Biker: If everyone just filters the shills then, yeah, the person that filters them doesn't see them, but everyone else still does. A group of individuals all on the line filtering conjures an image of ostriches sticking their heads in the sand. Sometimes you have to push back. and not in a "just delete their posts" way. If how I go about doing it, when it feels I need to do it, and that bothers you then please, by all means, let me know so I can see if I can adjust. At this late in the game we can't afford friendly fire.

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9e76ab No.20860560

File: ab24393f6ed0b64⋯.png (148.63 KB,680x326,340:163,Bob_Menendez_trial.png)

Inner City Press


While waiting for #TrumpTrial to kick off at 9:30 am, this just docketed in US v. Menendez: request by co-defendant Wael Hana's that his "residence" (area permitted by Pre-Trial Services) "be expanded to include a hotel close to the courthouse" - granted…

8:56 AM · May 13, 2024


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9222ad No.20860562

File: 4f32e6600a66dd9⋯.png (624.78 KB,1004x786,502:393,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc799b No.20860563




Racist? How's that? I'm not claiming whites are superior to weak, fucked up blacks, browns and reds.

The fucked up blacks, browns and reds PROVE every day that whites are far superior to them.

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32f7ed No.20860564


The ROMAN Catholic religion was formed around 160AD. The Muslim religion didn't show up until around 670 ad.

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bdbbb4 No.20860565


the same god that said kill everyone because reasons. Fuck you.

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b4a4e1 No.20860568


So in essence, it is a pyramid system that was setup by the Jews and the Saudis which are and have always been best of friends, regardless of rhetoric. As the Mafia hierarchy was slowly being phased out of Wall st they were given dominant control in other areas such as contracts, construction, sanitation, hotels, bars, restaurants, half the meat industry, and exclusiveness in the sales and services of many desired common products, like eye wear, furniture, the auto-industry, parts and services, and more. This is why as Wall st went into Jersey after 911, they got control of most of the newer Jersey shore as they also give part of the LI business to the Indian-Asian family members that replaced them on Wall st. Lots of new homes and mansions in Jersey, so they haven't lost a thing.

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c85a85 No.20860569

File: a6b05e5c31afcc4⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,1480x1850,4:5,ghey_nike.mp4)


‘Winning is everything:’ Inside Nike’s Olympic comeback plan

Under CEO John Donahoe, the sneaker giant is heading to the Paris Summer Olympics with something to prove: it may be showing fatigue, but it’s still an innovator.

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86e56e No.20860570

File: b7d7436ff55e4a4⋯.png (1.4 MB,1397x786,1397:786,Screenshot_2024_05_13_at_0….png)

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32f7ed No.20860571

File: bba493a3cbe112f⋯.png (52.91 KB,555x449,555:449,JesusSword.png)


It's about respect. God knew you would not respect me, even though every word I say is the truth.

If you can't respect someone you don't know, how can you respect God, who is with you everyday waiting for you to realize it?

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c85a85 No.20860572


muh sauces


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fd9019 No.20860573


How do those dates relate to the 3 controlling families that have been in charge during that entire span?

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56a282 No.20860575


We will be rid of your generation soon. Hopefully y’all didn’t poison too many others. Looking at the color of people and grouping all bases on that vs individual character will never heal this nation.

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86eb5c No.20860576

File: 2a5b96f520e5496⋯.png (248.46 KB,535x600,107:120,Capture.PNG)

#OTD 1945, the 80th Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment captured Dr. Ernst Kaltenbrunner after a frenzied search in Austria. He served as the chief of the Reich Security Main Office from January 1943 to the end of the war and was a major perpetrator of the Holocaust.


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bdbbb4 No.20860577


every word you say is a fucking lie. Why would I respect a liar like yourself. You have a good game I will tell you that, but you are missing so many pieces of the puzzle willingly it makes you a stupid fucking god damn fucking faggot. so fuck your lord your god your fucking christ and most of all fuck you.

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32f7ed No.20860580


Judaism allows for Usury.

Every other religion bans it.

Usury is what created the Rothschilds, Soros and The House of Saud (which is a Jewish family)

Eliminate Usury, and the world would be a much, much nicer place.

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3c0c94 No.20860581


>eSafety Commissioner, Tim Begbie

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32f7ed No.20860583


>Why would I respect a liar like yourself.

Got any proof about me lying, or are you just projecting?

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864eab No.20860584


The Deep state has never been so diversified as these such times. They will recruit anyone willing to betray on their behalf in order to keep the bigger game going on, knowing that these minions will become fodder for them eventually. And many people are willing to betray their own people and their children's future because that is essentially the only job in America that pays well left and they want things in this lifetime. Sad really.

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236345 No.20860587

File: b8245f9a92eaeba⋯.png (189.2 KB,690x1962,115:327,F7D6C1B5_A9F5_4FB7_8CFD_79….png)

File: 3ff8f7736658167⋯.png (293.74 KB,690x1422,115:237,5972B2D4_7C78_46E9_AA16_2D….png)

File: c7703c901637270⋯.png (51.02 KB,690x586,345:293,1E2EAD6A_662B_4BBB_B728_69….png)

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9add7a No.20860589

File: 1f24e9e08935871⋯.mp4 (372.7 KB,320x330,32:33,WWG1WGA.mp4)


It´s this song at the end of the rallies. Richard Feelgood

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9e76ab No.20860590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Democrat senator might incriminate his wife in corruption trial: Report

25 minutes ago #FoxNews

Fox News contributor Sean Duffy joined 'Fox & Friends' to discuss his take on Sen. Bob Menendez's corruption trial as the indictment alleges he was bribed with gold bars, cash and a Mercedes. #FoxNews


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86eb5c No.20860591



Thank you anon

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236345 No.20860592

File: 22319c77a2d8fe7⋯.png (210.72 KB,690x2182,345:1091,3E159153_65FD_4CFF_A58D_64….png)

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bdbbb4 No.20860594


the fact that you claim to have met jesus for starters. The secondary claim that jesus is the son of the old testament god and that he came to redeem the so called sinful jews is also your interpretation. So you are the one projecting the falsehood that history has hidden on purpose. So either unintentional or not you are a liar.

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21684f No.20860595

File: 5dd1f6affee6ffe⋯.jpeg (66.73 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_1622.jpeg)

12 May, 2024 18:26

Putin removes Shoigu as Russian defense minister

The Russian president has proposed appointing Andrey Belousov instead

President Vladimir Putin has proposed that Sergey Shoigu be replaced as Russian defense minister by acting First Deputy Prime Minister Andrey Belousov, the Federation Council said on Sunday evening.

Shoigu has been appointed secretary of the Russian Security Council.

Senators are scheduled to engage in consultations regarding the nominees put forth by the president during committee sessions on May 13 and during a Federation Council meeting on May 14, as announced by the upper house of the Russian parliament.

No further alterations have been made to the roster of candidates Putin has submitted for cabinet positions. His nominations include Vladimir Kolokoltsev for the position of interior minister, Alexander Kurenkov for minister of emergency situations, Sergey Lavrov for foreign minister, and Konstantin Chuichenko for justice minister.

Denis Manturov, who served as deputy prime minister and head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade during Putin’s last term in office, has been nominated for the position of first deputy prime minister.

(This is third replacement since the start of the Operation.)


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86eb5c No.20860596

File: 1d9e9e5624034e7⋯.mp4 (1.4 MB,480x852,40:71,Z5Ko4mQ6v3wJ09L1.mp4)

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b2974c No.20860597

File: c1b2db68f190fb2⋯.png (276.58 KB,512x514,256:257,kekkinghard_pepe.png)

According to CNN: Believing that Trump's prosecutors are politically motivated is a dangerous conspiracy theory.

The absolute audacity…

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0ea169 No.20860599




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bc799b No.20860602



Expand your vocabulary beyond screaming FUCK constantly and you may see your horizons expanding, too

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6492e7 No.20860605

File: b19cce486f9da27⋯.jpg (6.34 KB,250x250,1:1,b19cce486f9da27e5f49894d90….jpg)



I bet you got flowers and candy for Mother's Day didn't you, you nasty mouthed, trailer park didn't finish high school hillbilly Karen.

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70e9f0 No.20860606

File: 7e7bf4360ff6823⋯.mp4 (1.83 MB,720x758,360:379,7e7bf4360ff6823b58063c7336….mp4)


How many months until the election?


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32f7ed No.20860609


I took in a homeless man who said he was the only one truly connected to God. He called himself God's last messenger. There are many witnesses to the events that took place during that time he was at my house. Unexplainable things happened. My life changed drastically after that. It took a long time and a shitload of research for me to become comfortable to even consider myself as the Parakletos. I truly believe in the events, I am not lying.

As far as you not believing the new testament, meh.

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3ea1a6 No.20860610


Tells me that they know that most people know this, so hence the panic.

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86eb5c No.20860611

File: 350f13a2651d151⋯.mp4 (375.71 KB,320x584,40:73,vg50oi_YJpwxPwCI.mp4)

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58205f No.20860612

Here come da Judge!

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e4c372 No.20860614

File: b21f0e87c2cfc0e⋯.jpeg (459.15 KB,1153x586,1153:586,231A7E9F_EC21_4789_B417_1….jpeg)

File: cd426021dc4f539⋯.jpeg (567.03 KB,1182x611,1182:611,23727688_3882_4329_9D25_7….jpeg)

File: c0ffe65d3a89374⋯.jpeg (822.34 KB,1309x613,1309:613,B17AB51E_01E4_46CF_8DD4_9….jpeg)

PlaneFaggin’: Gulf/Europe/Med activity


Oman Air Force ORF1 747 departed Muscat WN to Kuwait CitySultan Haitham Bin Tariq

Sultan of Oman to Kick off Official Visit to Kuwait


Algeria AF 7TVPR G4 arriving at Manama, Bahrain from Algers depart

Bahrain's Arab Summit… New Horizon Of Cooperation, To Address Gaza Situation


Med/Black Sea Area

58-0106 KC-135 tanker over eastern Romania on the refueling track at 22k ft

French AF A330 tanker done w/tanking over Black Sea and heading back to Souda Bay, Crete


Italian AF PERSE71 G550 AEW&C (Airborne Early Warning & Control) on the track over eastern Lithuania-usually this bird is where the Air Force tanker is over Romania

Dutch AF NAF14 G650 departed Stockholm back to Amsterdam

German AF GAF879 A320Olaf Scholzto Stockholm from Berlin

German Chancellor arrives in Sweden for Nordic Security Summit


Norway AF NOW335P C130 Super Hercules heading to Rzeszow from Evenes AB, Norway and Romania AF ROF183 C130 Super Herc from Oslo continues ES

Hungarian AF HUAF569 Falcon 7x WN from Kecskemet AB and headed to Brussels

RAF THNDR01 P8 Poseidon doing roundies at mouth if Baltic in the North Sea from RAF Lossiemouth

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d5a980 No.20860615

File: 9374a5ec05d067a⋯.jpg (102.43 KB,900x1200,3:4,GNTP3EVXcAIegg_.jpg)

File: a211a496f4f3f0e⋯.png (929 B,240x160,3:2,download.png)

Here's the new Minnesota State flag. Here's the flag of Somalia. Notice any similarities?

Ilhan Omar


Today’s the day! Tim and I are excited to see the new Minnesota flag displayed across our state.

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bdbbb4 No.20860617


expand your fucking bitch ass mind if you care about word usage you fucking god damn whiny cunt

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3c0c94 No.20860618


Fact Check: Trump Indictment 'Politically Motivated'

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3ea1a6 No.20860619

File: 871b8cffadc685c⋯.png (476.21 KB,500x500,1:1,planefags_ty5.png)

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c73c5e No.20860620


We got the trash in here that also hates others based on religion. You guys must live miserable lives.

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63c011 No.20860621

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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f6cca5 No.20860622

File: 9528d5263a00ab5⋯.jpg (80.28 KB,1000x1063,1000:1063,2d0d98eff8b18873f00eab1ab5….jpg)

Combined with the context of the first clip, yeah, okay, I can see now why they were removed. A wee bit too much too early in the day, huh? Understood. o7

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61d24c No.20860623

File: e436e10a30b5529⋯.jpg (132.02 KB,1163x1200,1163:1200,bugs_bunny_hd_background_i….jpg)

File: eb6f0a0092145da⋯.jpg (130.48 KB,1002x1020,167:170,luvglasses.jpg)



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bdbbb4 No.20860624


you believe it, that does not make it true. The new testament and the old testament are all founded upon lies and forgotten memories. All to create racist division in modern times and through out the ages justified war and barbarity in the name of so called god.

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fd9019 No.20860625


I wonder if people even understand the historical significance of Somalia.

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236345 No.20860627

File: d9d8e39d66eb883⋯.png (1.35 MB,750x1334,375:667,6C0805D8_6A95_438F_8E3F_4D….png)

File: 13bdd704abc9be3⋯.png (347.59 KB,690x1308,115:218,27B9DD75_F3AF_4750_B549_0B….png)

File: 89b6f22059d7c1b⋯.jpeg (334.48 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,08AE9B97_AC55_459F_9073_4….jpeg)



fucking clowns

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bc799b No.20860628



Hahaha! Retired legal secretary, two homes, received live plants yesterday and had ribeye steak dinner with family.

There's a real good reason you losers never win. Hate is not your fren. Let it go.

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3333ee No.20860630


We are now at the point of either do a financial reset or perish as a nation and become slaves to the DS globalist system; there is no other way. The decades of hedge fund managers shorting legitimate business, unfair taxation, insider trading, and false narratives has left a behemoth of an illegitimate power structure and financial control in the hands of a select few families and their enablers. We need to build all new systems in banking, healthcare, industry, securities, government, and anywhere they had a stronghold because we will forever be censored, blacklisted, and put on page 400 of a google search.

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70e9f0 No.20860632

File: 495cd5f10c79c39⋯.png (100.99 KB,680x790,68:79,025.png)




also picrel

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236345 No.20860634

File: 31590bad966fa4b⋯.jpeg (470.17 KB,768x1024,3:4,442970C2_1B5C_45B6_A34A_0….jpeg)


God bless you Swordy and all onboard.

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32f7ed No.20860635


If there is no afterlife, no payment for being a good person, then I still haven't done nothing wrong, and I wouldn't change a thing. The whole idea of having a purpose appeals to me. Since I was a young boy, I've sought purpose.

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ce5775 No.20860636


You need a knock at your door.


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3c0279 No.20860637

File: 2009e39283ac556⋯.png (1.51 MB,955x967,955:967,swordanon.png)


Mornin' Swordanon

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236345 No.20860638


canuckistan am radio parrots doing universal basic income chatter

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bdbbb4 No.20860641


well your purpose has been a lie and you are a slave to it now if that makes you feel better fine whatever but it also makes you a liar and a racist sack of shit based upon ancient hatreds.

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86eb5c No.20860642

File: c69afc6417b264e⋯.png (224.69 KB,525x551,525:551,Capture.PNG)

BREAKING: GameStop, $GME, has been halted.

It is now up 54% since this happened yesterday:


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ad4889 No.20860643

File: 6b8e79231881c07⋯.jpg (59.8 KB,634x598,317:299,1e70444de712d9c6cb781ab6fa….jpg)

File: b329da78dde4a22⋯.jpg (109.23 KB,616x1078,4:7,Screenshot_20220508_123615….jpg)

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d5a980 No.20860644

File: ff34ff2ffca79b4⋯.jpg (63.29 KB,317x397,317:397,Mike_Freiberg.jpg)


Why is the Minnesota flag being changed?

In 2021, State Representative Mike Freiberg introduced the bill to replace the flag, which depicts a Native American man riding away on a horse as a settler plows the land. Mike Freiberg: The problems with the imagery on the seal are pretty incontrovertibly racially motivated.

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df010c No.20860646

"I don't care, S@#%! I'm not gonna stop for anyone!"

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4d4578 No.20860647

File: 3bfca19b87248ce⋯.jpg (49.94 KB,383x526,383:526,3bfca19b87248ce5e7647833dd….jpg)



So 2 trailers and she's FB and she's not anon. kek

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b2974c No.20860648

File: b05560b2a44301a⋯.png (142.51 KB,367x266,367:266,mad_.png)


Only posts getting removed are those fromSPAMMING CUNTS

Same old SPAM, day in day out.

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f6cca5 No.20860649

File: 73dcdd7ca327521⋯.png (1.5 MB,1172x660,293:165,minis.png)


May He keep your blade as sharp as the first day you brought it here, Swordy.

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82028a No.20860651

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We do not Forget

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e4c372 No.20860652

File: 63b55eb5b392947⋯.jpeg (85.08 KB,626x418,313:209,4D0EC35E_B9C5_467D_95EE_3….jpeg)


Ty for support

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32f7ed No.20860653


Nah, I'm a Grandpa. I have a reason to fight for what I believe in. It's never been about me, it's been about the promise that good deeds bring good fruit.

Lot of rotten fruit out there these days. I guess you would disagree?

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fd9019 No.20860654


Why do they want to stop me from analyzing the markets?

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df010c No.20860655

"They're gonna have to drag us out. That's how we do things."

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33f4b0 No.20860656


What most do not realize which should terrify you, is that that SCIF the other day, about US citizens being targeted as a widespread problem, is due to the fact that they have that many cronies that will target US citizens for a paid assignment. If those attacks were by main systems, then radar would have discovered it a long long time ago. Logical thinking.

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6bfbf5 No.20860657

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

300,000 Migrants Got Flights To America… Secretly

A controversial program relocating asylum seekers from 4 specific countries has come to light, but although critics say this program is a bad idea, proponents say it's decreasing congestion at the border. What do you think?


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7493ae No.20860658

File: 1c9f7656aae6592⋯.png (191.47 KB,768x432,16:9,Untitled_design_3_1_768x43….png)

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3ea1a6 No.20860659

File: a6cd700cce8946d⋯.png (544.74 KB,628x500,157:125,ClipboardImage.png)


>300,000 Migrants Got Flights To America… Secretly

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f6cca5 No.20860660

File: fa989ba08551bef⋯.png (740.02 KB,651x665,93:95,CFzH6buiq77p.png)


>What do you think?

I think it's an act of treason.

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d5a980 No.20860661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That will be next.

Protesters call for Islamic state in Germany

Muslim Interaktiv leader said a ‘righteous caliphate’ needed to remedy misrepresentation of Muslim groups in the media.

Apr 29, 2024

Thousands of protesters marched through Hamburg over the weekend calling for an Islamic state in Germany and clutching signs that declared, “Caliphate is the solution.”

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fd9019 No.20860662


It's only MONDAY

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89b9e2 No.20860663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Note: Anon choose this newsfeed due to its volume, anon believes there will be no election until after the usa elections and there will be no drop in interest rates.

If you listen to him with a critical ear, it is like a list of the tories failures and actions which have caused all these problems after being given a clear brexit mandate and a 86 seat majority to free this u.k nation from the globalist. Will not waste anons time explaining that this guy was not voted by anyone, not even tory ground members.


In full: Sunak appears to rule out the election taking place in January 2025

13th May 2024 - 50 minute runtime.


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043399 No.20860664

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236345 No.20860665

File: 91b24252627749b⋯.png (1.52 MB,750x1334,375:667,A69CF06C_44F2_45A6_845F_BE….png)

File: 40cf97df4c9a6f7⋯.png (98.5 KB,690x894,115:149,7E937130_7CD7_45AA_BF90_9C….png)

File: 1022dc1c7ba2677⋯.jpeg (419.88 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,E3D25F87_7660_4A08_8CFB_7….jpeg)

File: e175857fc2b43f7⋯.jpeg (599.59 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,01183B3B_89A0_47C2_9D2E_2….jpeg)

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ad4889 No.20860667

File: da1e372d86340f8⋯.jpg (301.79 KB,1062x1350,59:75,Screenshot_20221104_085943….jpg)

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82028a No.20860668

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We do not Forget



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32f7ed No.20860669


What if a law was made that capped all interest collected on a loan to 3%.

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8dfc82 No.20860670

File: 90a774060e516ce⋯.jpg (90.34 KB,720x1280,9:16,IMAGE_2024_01_02_13_01_46.jpg)


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bc799b No.20860671



Hold that thought in your massive big brain while I observe your failure from my log cabin chalet in the Grand Tetons.

Embrace the suck, kid. It's all you'll likely ever know.

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934593 No.20860672

File: 7dac85708adfa64⋯.png (1.15 MB,1012x1422,506:711,TROLLING_1.png)

Israel's Palestinian genocide serves the Pope Francis well in covering up the thousands of pedophile lawsuits the Vatican has to pay for worldwide.

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130814 No.20860674


God Bless the swordAnon.

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12bdb6 No.20860675


Let me tell you for a fact when I revealed this all early Saturday morning, we were hit with an attack by these very same weapons like never before. They just do not realize that they can't kill me and that there is a living God. Flash.

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8dfc82 No.20860676

File: b0f2940aeafa4e5⋯.png (1.09 MB,4880x3856,305:241,b0f2940aeafa4e534af286a0c7….png)


[same as]


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fd9019 No.20860677


Does the Federal Reserve die? If the Fed still exists I don't care.

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bc799b No.20860678

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444e35 No.20860679


Today is Minute 9 on the clock.

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4ddfb9 No.20860680

File: d09043b04ace689⋯.jpeg (128.9 KB,828x584,207:146,4017F63F_B3C5_467F_92CA_E….jpeg)

Kids killer chemo starts Wed.

Like so many others.



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82028a No.20860682

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We do not Forget




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236345 No.20860683

File: 9776ab40a588d3d⋯.png (1.69 MB,750x1334,375:667,34415062_E3AD_4D24_969B_EA….png)

File: d7ab6a77a94ea59⋯.png (257.27 KB,690x2622,5:19,6ECD04D5_F273_4DE9_AA50_F0….png)

File: 342c564323adac3⋯.png (276.97 KB,690x1422,115:237,1E63F96E_E822_4C1D_9FE8_79….png)

File: 2a968e5ecc4a2fc⋯.png (137.3 KB,690x1742,345:871,0C665044_1B9E_444B_A57B_2E….png)

File: 536aa20ae0dba88⋯.jpeg (755.14 KB,2048x1638,1024:819,33D6D21C_7C2C_4605_AC21_2….jpeg)


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f4a857 No.20860684

File: ad472b1c0835217⋯.png (119.51 KB,293x427,293:427,ad472b1c083521737f3909dae0….png)


Same game plan initiated by gays and trannies.

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61d24c No.20860685


this post @610

#25585 >>20859808

>>20860614 PlaneFaggin’: Gulf/Europe/Med activity

>>20859844 >>20859888 DJT TS w/CAP: Canada doesn’t want you Whoopi, NOBODY DOES!!!

>>20860045 Actor Steve Buscemi punched in the face in random attack in New York City

>>20860136 Dan Scavino w/CAP: Thank you, Atlantic City International Airport Fire Rescue, GREAT!!!

>>20860145 DJT TS w/CAP: Gregg Jarrett—Legal Analyst, Fox News: “I think the most egregious case of all, of misconduct, is Jack Smith’s classified documents case in Florida…”

>>20860159 Special Counsel Jack Smith Admits Prosecutors Misled Judge in Trump Case

>>20860172, >>20860186, >>20860191 Trump Whodunnit: Prosecutors admit key evidence in document case has been tampered with

>>20860199 Dangerous migration route to US used by 500,000 people last year to be shut down as newly-elected Panama president pledges to help border crisis

>>20860226 Convicted Perjurer Michael Cohen to Take the Stand in Trump ‘Hush Money’ Lawfare Trial on Monday

>>20860238 Arizona Dems, Gretchen Whitmer PAC, paid Judge Merchan's daughter's firm over $500,000 in 2024

>>20860363 Bankers Use Climate Scam in Latin America to Introduce Digital Currency Globally

>>20860375, >>20860376 Need To Know

>>20860488 9:00 AM EDT Federal Debt: The Baseline and Options for Reform American Enterprise Institute, the Penn Wharton Budget Model, the Brookings Institution, and the Burch Center

>>20860499 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>20860536 Elon Musk wins court battle against Australia

>>20860549 Trump hush money trial LIVE: At courthouse in New York as Michael Cohen is set to take the stand

>>20860560, >>20860590 US v. Menendez

>>20860576 #OTD 1945, the 80th Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment captured Dr. Ernst Kaltenbrunner

>>20860589 WWG1WGA

>>20860595 Putin removes Shoigu as Russian defense minister

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4ddfb9 No.20860686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Glorious Victory.

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86eb5c No.20860687


Good catch anon.

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6bfbf5 No.20860688

File: 50f68cd594d4716⋯.png (383.74 KB,777x715,777:715,ete.png)



>Large Scale Guerilla Actions

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82028a No.20860689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We do not Forget





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abc9d6 No.20860690

File: 70a5a78ffbd487f⋯.png (2.17 MB,1386x868,99:62,b4.png)

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bfc18a No.20860691


Remember, the SCIF only stated energy weapons being used on a mass scale on US citizens for a very long time and never mentioned the other part that I asserted which is the chemical equation. Radiation and microwaves are just catalysts to speed up the chemical process, so they still have more investigations to do.

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3c0279 No.20860692

File: ef19c7154cdc7fd⋯.png (162.51 KB,375x372,125:124,sure.png)


>300,000 Migrants Got Flights To America… Secretly

Democrats can't win, so they must import their votes.

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89b9e2 No.20860693


are you bakering?

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9d1a9d No.20860694

File: 2dcc531ee524693⋯.jpg (58.04 KB,666x375,222:125,8pw5eu.jpg)

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2a8e48 No.20860695

File: fd5ae8e356fc615⋯.png (269.28 KB,544x705,544:705,henribergson.png)

File: 7b730dac6c9a61c⋯.png (1.14 MB,1802x631,1802:631,henribergsoncollage.png)


Truth and even Life requires freedom.

Consciousness requires freedom of action according to philosopher Henri Bergson.

according to translation FWIW

"Consciousness corresponds exactly to a living beings power of choice; it is coextensive with … possible action"

Consciousness is synonymous with invention and freedom,

for as matter is fixed, time movement in becoming is free," - Henri Bergson via James Hafley

So if they shut down your mind , censorship, it leads to mental death.

Figures that censorship would be accompanied with a Eugenics program. And lack of free speech and competition leads to lack of invention and to poverty?


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022efc No.20860696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



My neighbors stink….

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9110b8 No.20860697

File: 1b6699cedc2daed⋯.png (48.21 KB,713x611,713:611,1b6699cedc2daed69cd3620625….png)


Somebody's triggered this morning.

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9fc0ae No.20860698

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934593 No.20860699

File: 6afd9f7e7e1d5ab⋯.jpeg (29.57 KB,800x420,40:21,fa6c932424953463d6303b8fc….jpeg)

File: 79387f09b8dca39⋯.jpg (92.06 KB,720x960,3:4,monica_beret.jpg)

File: e1b75211a3b7a6c⋯.png (664.72 KB,1080x1107,40:41,Screenshot_202.png)



Good time Billy is a good timing man.

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022efc No.20860700

File: 3c042358b96b68a⋯.jpg (6.41 KB,345x146,345:146,images_145_.jpg)

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61d24c No.20860701



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4ddfb9 No.20860702

File: 82d56f2e55b0969⋯.jpeg (161.2 KB,828x817,828:817,6FF8DC65_DD87_4CB5_A142_C….jpeg)

File: d6b303a79d6f54b⋯.jpeg (123.62 KB,828x634,414:317,E98154D0_B1BF_4B6B_AF9E_9….jpeg)

File: 9e548d78b56baef⋯.jpeg (191.49 KB,828x1012,9:11,6BF2244B_DEA3_4B69_B4F0_8….jpeg)

File: 743b6d0f0f87a51⋯.jpeg (96.61 KB,828x431,828:431,34AD9407_664A_4965_A492_4….jpeg)

File: b8068d3d835e19c⋯.jpeg (326.27 KB,828x885,276:295,5343AC65_B812_46BE_B765_2….jpeg)

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32f7ed No.20860703


Yes, the "Federal" "Reserve" dies.

Does the "Reserve" actually have Gold? If it's "Federal" shouldn't it be publish info how much gold is held. Is that gold enough to cover a run on the banks?

Could the US treasury issue currency without the Federal Reserve involved. Yes. Why is the Federal Reserve involved in issuing currency? To collect interest.

The Federal Reserve is unconstitutional. Laws are on the books to allow the US Treasury to issue currency. Every president that took a step in that direction was assassinated.

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31d121 No.20860704

File: a0c17d3cea11fb3⋯.png (223.47 KB,459x463,459:463,IMG_0568.png)

So tired of Vatican’s shitty posts.

It pollutes the air.

The stench.

I can’t breathe.

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2a8e48 No.20860705


The first Pope was an Italian diplomat,

but the dates for the creation of the Catholic Church and the first Pope are not what they tell you.

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fd9019 No.20860706


I sold some on Robinhood, but my Charles Schwab account was locked with some shares and they're currently busy for what appears like forever…

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693eb1 No.20860707

File: 5c4a69f1b42bac3⋯.png (584.26 KB,642x720,107:120,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc799b No.20860708



Yes, somebody is definitely triggered today. And I lament the failed mothers who should have whipped their worthless asses bloody as children.

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fd9019 No.20860709


It's only Monday, and I don't care that some rando got added back to twitter, this shit has been popping for a week now.

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c165e9 No.20860710

File: 75adb132b12fd9f⋯.jpg (4.11 KB,94x207,94:207,images_149_.jpg)

File: 544dc399550e643⋯.jpg (7.35 KB,161x312,161:312,images_148_.jpg)

American men are so chivalrous that they let the girls play thuggie, too!

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89b9e2 No.20860711

File: bae54b7bb515ba6⋯.png (1.96 MB,936x969,312:323,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20859808 dough

>>20860685 notes


>>20860701 baker on duty id: 61d24c

All yours baker.

standing down.

would include rishi speech anon posted.

big deal and a global issue not only the u.k

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fc07b4 No.20860712


I have asserted that chemical sabotage is and has been the number on cause of most diseases and deaths in the US since children's specialized hospital were created; meaning most of your family members in that past have been targeted and succumbed to this tactic unfortunately. It is up to you to put light on this topic and you have already seen this with the many of the drugs and vaccines that they have prescribed. Wake up and save some lives by doing some investigation, and making it known.

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9f69fd No.20860713

File: 1f5812b586a2927⋯.mp4 (4.83 MB,852x480,71:40,gnfVT9TMpgSlyXd3_1_.mp4)

File: c4313f294065ded⋯.png (411.66 KB,896x708,224:177,ClipboardImage.png)


Bannon / War Room guest discusses state & city flag redesigns with Islamic 8 point stars across America


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86eb5c No.20860714

File: d7741e0cffd00fb⋯.png (279.39 KB,529x531,529:531,Capture.PNG)

BREAKING: Sean “Diddy” Combs has asked a federal judge to dismiss a lawsuit alleging that he and two co-defendants raped a 17-year-old girl in a New York recording studio in 2003, saying it was a “false and hideous claim" that was filed too late under the law.


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2ddba9 No.20860715

File: 8082d7efbea4ad0⋯.png (58.97 KB,215x164,215:164,We_never_sleep1.png)


>Every president that took a step in that direction was assassinated.

All after the USSS was formed.

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bdbbb4 No.20860716


show us your grand tetons you fucking cunt.

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9f69fd No.20860717


more on the guest:


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86eb5c No.20860718

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b48f0e No.20860719

File: 65d9545fe1b4efa⋯.png (1014.63 KB,1080x719,1080:719,Screvh.png)

Monica Lewinsky: Bill dumped a load and since then I've made a load of money.

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61d24c No.20860720

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158aef No.20860721

Game Stop Anon Frens! Shit is getting GUUD!



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8dfc82 No.20860723



>42 years ago the cure for cancer was discovered.

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32f7ed No.20860724


Freedom used to be the promise of America.

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c165e9 No.20860725

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tactical takedown!?

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be23c6 No.20860726



She is a man for sure

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2a8e48 No.20860727

File: 018e6cd66f20b6d⋯.jpg (1.6 MB,1485x2199,495:733,yheadgreakfigurescreator.JPG)

File: 864e54c7428f1eb⋯.jpg (436 KB,1000x927,1000:927,yheadgreakfigurescreatorde….JPG)


Not even sure the first Pope was Christian. I think he was Pagan. (Roman . Greek?)

Looked Jewish but didn't practice Judaism.

Many "Greeks" came from Jewish backgrounds but didn't practice it, so it's said by modern scholars "Was the original Jesus a Pagan God?" Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy

They used Christianity as a cover, for power.

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c165e9 No.20860728

File: 879ce19c448b967⋯.jpg (16.49 KB,300x168,25:14,images_117_.jpg)

File: 19810d6283268eb⋯.jpg (6.17 KB,300x168,25:14,2Q_19_.jpg)

File: 94027e4c7a6ab3a⋯.jpg (11.66 KB,194x259,194:259,2Q_26_.jpg)

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9e76ab No.20860729

File: 8acd4e5d5f7aef1⋯.mp4 (8.92 MB,480x270,16:9,2024_05_13_Former_Presiden….mp4)

MAY 13, 2024

Former President Trump Remarks Before Day 16 of Hush Money Trial in New York

Former President Trump speaks to reporters ahead of the sixteenth day of his hush money trial in New York. He speaks about poll numbers and calls his trial a “political witch hunt.”


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9f69fd No.20860730

File: fbe25b002a5a2c0⋯.png (366.17 KB,852x870,142:145,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5bd0f4b0cf1849d⋯.png (77.46 KB,544x432,34:27,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e4f0f044bb17777⋯.png (1.13 MB,1115x986,1115:986,ClipboardImage.png)





Old, but some background info:

New Minnesota state flag becomes partisan issue in 2024

Republicans plan to introduce legislation to put the final Minnesota state flag design to a public vote.

By Kelly Smith and Briana Bierschbach Star Tribune JANUARY 27, 2024 — 8:00AM

Minnesota Republican leaders are ramping up their opposition to the new state flag, hoping to turn anger over the redesign into an election-year issue.

Rep. Bjorn Olson, R-Fairmont, and Sen. Steve Drazkowski, R-Mazeppa, both nonvoting members of the State Emblems Redesign Commission, plan to introduce legislation in the upcoming session to put the final design to a vote of the public in the fall.

The Secretary of State's Office has raised questions about whether such legislation is constitutional. But both legislators said they felt the process was rushed — the commission had to decide on a new flag and seal design in four months — and the public didn't get enough chances to testify in front of the commission.

Earlier this month, David Hann, the chair of the Republican Party of Minnesota, also denounced the new state flag along with Deputy Chair Donna Bergstrom, arguing that the old flag was historically significant and arguing that the DFL is on a "quest to erase our history." They're raising money by selling "don't PC our flag" and "erasing history" T-shirts on the party's website.

Unlike the old flag, blue with the old state seal at its center, the new design features an abstract shape of Minnesota, an eight-pointed white North Star and light blue representing the state's waters.

There's no appetite from Democrats in the majority to change or undo that design in the upcoming session, said Sen. Mary Kunesh, DFL-New Brighton, who sponsored the legislation to create the commission and sat on it as a nonvoting member.

"We're happy to support the decision of the committee, and while we know that it's not the choice that everyone would have made, we feel like it's a good, strong flag and will serve Minnesota for a long time," she said.

She pointed to the many articles written about the redesign, more than 2,000 flag and seal designs submitted to the commission and more than 20,000 comments on a handful of finalists as evidence that the public was engaged in the process.

"I learned so much and heard from such a diverse group of voices," she said. "You could tell that there was a large amount of Minnesota's population that was paying attention."

The state Department of Administration is in the middle of doing an inventory of every state flag and seal located on the State Capitol campus. That monthlong process, which started earlier this month, ends Feb. 10. The new flag and seal will start appearing in buildings on May 11, which is Statehood Day.

But in a show of support for the old flag, at least four Minnesota counties have adopted resolutions rejecting the new design. Crow Wing County was first, followed by Nobles, Houston and McLeod. Some local officials cited the cost of replacing the old flags. The Faribault City Council has also discussed writing a letter of opposition to the new flag.

The old Minnesota state flag features the old state seal at its center. Associated Press file

The old Minnesota state flag features the old state seal at its center. Associated Press file

The old flag is also attracting some newfound fans. In Rochester, Lee Herold's flag shop has seen a sudden interest in the old flag, as first reported by local KIMT News 3. He said this week that he's sold hundreds of old Minnesota state flags — more in the past month than he did over an entire year.

"The interest in the old flag has skyrocketed," he said. "Up until now, the flag hasn't been popular."

In fact, before the flag entered the political debate, Herold said some people visiting Herold Flags couldn't even identify what Minnesota's state flag looked like, and sales of other states' flags eclipsed this one. Now, he said, customers are flocking to his store to buy the flag either because they don't like the new design or just to get a historical artifact of the former flag.

He's sold little merchandise featuring the new flag, but he said that's because inventory of the new flag is low and isn't expected to increase until February.

Herold has long advocated for a new state flag, even presenting to the commission. He said he's not a fan of the new flag, but may grow to like it over time. He said he'll continue to sell the old flag in his store as long as there's a demand alongside versions of the new flag.

"If the people of Minnesota come to like it, then I'm really happy," he said.

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61d24c No.20860731

Last Call@670

#25585 >>20859808

>>20860614 PlaneFaggin’: Gulf/Europe/Med activity

>>20859844 >>20859888 DJT TS w/CAP: Canada doesn’t want you Whoopi, NOBODY DOES!!!

>>20860045 Actor Steve Buscemi punched in the face in random attack in New York City

>>20860136 Dan Scavino w/CAP: Thank you, Atlantic City International Airport Fire Rescue, GREAT!!!

>>20860145 DJT TS w/CAP: Gregg Jarrett—Legal Analyst, Fox News: “I think the most egregious case of all, of misconduct, is Jack Smith’s classified documents case in Florida…”

>>20860159 Special Counsel Jack Smith Admits Prosecutors Misled Judge in Trump Case

>>20860172, >>20860186, >>20860191 Trump Whodunnit: Prosecutors admit key evidence in document case has been tampered with

>>20860199 Dangerous migration route to US used by 500,000 people last year to be shut down as newly-elected Panama president pledges to help border crisis

>>20860226 Convicted Perjurer Michael Cohen to Take the Stand in Trump ‘Hush Money’ Lawfare Trial on Monday

>>20860238 Arizona Dems, Gretchen Whitmer PAC, paid Judge Merchan's daughter's firm over $500,000 in 2024

>>20860363 Bankers Use Climate Scam in Latin America to Introduce Digital Currency Globally

>>20860375, >>20860376 Need To Know

>>20860488 9:00 AM EDT Federal Debt: The Baseline and Options for Reform American Enterprise Institute, the Penn Wharton Budget Model, the Brookings Institution, and the Burch Center

>>20860499 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>20860536 Elon Musk wins court battle against Australia

>>20860549 Trump hush money trial LIVE: At courthouse in New York as Michael Cohen is set to take the stand

>>20860560, >>20860590 US v. Menendez

>>20860576 #OTD 1945, the 80th Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment captured Dr. Ernst Kaltenbrunner

>>20860589 WWG1WGA

>>20860595 Putin removes Shoigu as Russian defense minister


>>20860713, >>20860615 Bannon / War Room guest discusses state & city flag redesigns with Islamic 8 point stars across America

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ed3d87 No.20860732

File: cb5c3f1171fd20c⋯.png (1.42 MB,2248x1030,1124:515,Screen_Shot_2024_05_13_at_….png)


>Richard Feelgood


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be6faf No.20860733

File: 5c2f973220783e5⋯.png (429.96 KB,1080x1159,1080:1159,Vci.png)



Wrong, look at Weinstein and Russell Brand that argument didn't hold up for them. Weinstein still faces 16 rape charges in California.. and is still locked up.

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8dfc82 No.20860734

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Neville Goddard | Believe AND You Shall Receive | With Subtitles

The Law Of Life


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bc799b No.20860735

File: c83f0e56aa3306e⋯.png (88.99 KB,251x201,251:201,ClipboardImage.png)

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9e76ab No.20860736

Inner City Press


Prosecutor: Were you told to update him on matters?

Cohen: Yes. If you didn't immediately tell him, it would not go over well for you.

Prosecutor: Was he a micro-manager?

Cohen: Yes ma'am. I called him Boss. There were great times, for the most part I enjoyed it

10:06 AM · May 13, 2024


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c165e9 No.20860737

File: 583284cf1446bac⋯.jpg (2.99 KB,102x128,51:64,Z_26_.jpg)


$2500/ unit

Cuz I can

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4a1808 No.20860738

File: 52ee8c7691f8cf3⋯.png (1.19 MB,1496x788,374:197,2941dc266f86a3d883f7ba7a9a….png)


mornin Swordy!

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32f7ed No.20860739


Well, if Jesus told everyone to dress weird, hoard gold and texts, build giant churches, count beads, and chant latin at giant rituals, the Catholics would be Christians.

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61d24c No.20860740




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b146e7 No.20860741

File: 7a4a7da1b4800e8⋯.png (851.37 KB,1080x1099,1080:1099,7a4a7da1b4800e84f36e410cc1….png)


Is Omar still busy sucking her brother's cock everyday?

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2ddba9 No.20860742

File: 55d4234e0133da2⋯.png (356.13 KB,1053x755,1053:755,Screenshot_2024_05_13_at_0….png)



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9e76ab No.20860743

File: e38530f8fc8b3f0⋯.jpg (97.26 KB,441x537,147:179,e38530f8fc8b3f067bb59ffb03….jpg)

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4ddfb9 No.20860744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Triumphal Benovolence.

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32f7ed No.20860745


The Jew she married doesn't seem to have a problem with it.

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f6f526 No.20860746

File: 37e9bdac75cf5fa⋯.png (226.87 KB,494x514,247:257,37e9bdac75cf5fa2cd19a4817c….png)


Top kek!

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9e76ab No.20860747

File: dcd0d5865c081b0⋯.jpg (1.8 MB,4096x2166,2048:1083,GNVeQv9XUAAZK3u.jpg)

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cd2632 No.20860748


Eight point star originally from Babylon?

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dd7e54 No.20860749

File: 7dac85708adfa64⋯.png (1.15 MB,1012x1422,506:711,TROLLING_1.png)

File: b7979d2d7c65a50⋯.png (538.19 KB,1024x1156,256:289,Screenshot_20240512_112519….png)



Pope pulled the plug.

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ed3d87 No.20860750


> If it's "Federal"

"the fed" is a PRIVATE company, that is ONLY "federal" in WashDC.

WashDC is a "state" surrounded by usa.

London, London is "state" surrounded by london, and vatcan is "state" surrounded by rome.

So 'the fed" makes up $$$$, lends them to usa & charges usary. the usa "donates" $$$ to israil who use them to by usa bonds & earn usary.

Making more sense?

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ac0f98 No.20860751

File: 8ae533bcd11aa40⋯.jpeg (129.67 KB,800x600,4:3,MAGAhoeDown.jpeg)

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9e76ab No.20860752

File: 3fb3349c0fb54b9⋯.jpg (56.98 KB,525x680,105:136,don_t_pet_the_fluffy_cows.jpg)

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ac0f98 No.20860753

File: 8bca0ae3000bdb5⋯.jpg (301.62 KB,800x546,400:273,Q_gift_wwg1wgaa.jpg)

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ac0f98 No.20860754

File: e10b5c673850e1c⋯.jpg (334.5 KB,800x400,2:1,the_nightshift_keyart_xl.jpg)

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bc799b No.20860755




Yes, fine depiction of my Grand Tetons, isn't it?

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ac0f98 No.20860756

File: d6f90dac80c78e6⋯.jpg (98.67 KB,800x374,400:187,Night_shift_2.jpg)

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ed3d87 No.20860757

>>20860703 (PB)

> If it's "Federal"

"the fed" is a PRIVATE company, that is ONLY "federal" in WashDC.

WashDC is a "state" surrounded by usa.

London, London is "state" surrounded by london, and vatcan is "state" surrounded by rome.

So 'the fed" makes up $$$$, lends them to usa & charges usary. the usa "donates" $$$ to israil who use them to by usa bonds & earn usary.

Making more sense?

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9f69fd No.20860758

File: e2722096c4035f2⋯.png (1.26 MB,1527x1477,1527:1477,ClipboardImage.png)

coming next bread:

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ac0f98 No.20860759

File: 68b00c0542915bb⋯.png (825.08 KB,799x500,799:500,nsbs.png)

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86eb5c No.20860760

File: 666ea650423c407⋯.png (325.1 KB,529x604,529:604,Capture.PNG)

X marks the spot!

A C-17 Globemaster III transported Airmen from JB Charleston to Youngstown ARS for a Security Forces Defender and medical training to ensure combat ready!



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ac0f98 No.20860761

File: 2571a7cde997797⋯.jpg (18.28 KB,767x453,767:453,night_shift.jpg)

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a43466 No.20860762

File: febb23fd844915b⋯.png (211.07 KB,465x537,155:179,Scre_removebg_preview.png)



She jumped on a whiter dick as fast as she could.

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ac0f98 No.20860763

File: 425184d3caa8e84⋯.jpg (156.59 KB,766x1158,383:579,iur_1_.jpg)

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ac0f98 No.20860764

File: 30ce188929d6f03⋯.jpg (122.64 KB,762x473,762:473,nighshift_mix2.jpg)

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e4c372 No.20860765

File: bab74911f710d0e⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB,2521x1752,2521:1752,6D58D680_1711_41FB_B2D3_2….jpeg)

Does the Federal Reserve own or hold gold?

The Federal Reserve does not own gold.

The Gold Reserve Act of 1934 required the Federal Reserve System to transfer ownership of all of its gold to the Department of the Treasury. In exchange, the Secretary of the Treasury issued gold certificates to the Federal Reserve for the amount of gold transferred at the then-applicable statutory price for gold held by the Treasury.

Gold certificates are denominated in U.S. dollars. Their value is based on the statutory price for gold at the time the certificates are issued. Gold certificates do not give the Federal Reserve any right to redeem the certificates for gold.

The statutory price of gold is set by law. It does not fluctuate with the market price of gold and has been constant at $42 2/9, or $42.2222, per fine troy ounce since 1973. The book value of the gold held by the Treasury is determined using the statutory price.

Although the Federal Reserve does not own any gold, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York acts as the custodian of gold owned by account holders such as the U.S. government, foreign governments, other central banks, and official international organizations. No individuals or private sector entities are permitted to store gold in the vault of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York or at any Federal Reserve Bank.

A small portion of the gold held by the U.S. Treasury (roughly $600 million in book value)about five percentis held in custody for the Treasury by the Federal Reserve Banks, as fiscal agents of the United States. The vast majority of this gold is located in the vault at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and a very small portion is on display in several Federal Reserve Banks. The remaining 95 percent of U.S. Treasury gold ($10.4 billion in book value) is held in custody for the Treasury by the U.S. Mint.


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236345 No.20860766

File: 553ac78db522f6d⋯.png (30.87 KB,690x454,345:227,E98DB5A8_3385_4A89_A921_AC….png)

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ac0f98 No.20860767

File: 00cd2664ffcb1fb⋯.png (61.22 KB,758x644,379:322,patriotshaveitall.png)

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ac0f98 No.20860768

File: 4997b3d850868e3⋯.jpg (63.21 KB,754x503,754:503,NightShiftUSA.jpg)

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ac0f98 No.20860769

File: e89acf18d0cbf87⋯.jpeg (83.27 KB,752x499,752:499,night_shift_machine_gun.jpeg)

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d9211e No.20860770

File: 03953b93250fe16⋯.jpg (99.16 KB,600x400,3:2,Day_For_Night_Tutorial.jpg)


Day-for-Night shift

im cool with that

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ac0f98 No.20860771

File: 3945eec9ecf8e98⋯.png (762.8 KB,750x1334,375:667,08b665cc71b7289e97841904fb….png)

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2ddba9 No.20860772

File: ecf1df77d780a6a⋯.png (789.21 KB,1056x572,24:13,YouRbDef.png)



No (You) for (YOU).

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ac0f98 No.20860773

File: 594e6742456ec6f⋯.jpg (114.6 KB,750x750,1:1,pepe_wahoo_lives_matter.jpg)

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ac0f98 No.20860774

File: b4ab41f79a23445⋯.png (488.56 KB,750x500,3:2,letters_trackback.png)

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a11a44 No.20860775

File: 8ec7f2986f91ebd⋯.jpg (61.25 KB,982x278,491:139,Screenshot_20240513_152200….jpg)



Tue, 01/31/2012 - 7:54pm

Editor's Note: The critical strength of F3EAD is the fusion of operations and intelligence: a step toward more holistic thinking and flatter command and decision-making structures.

The views are the authors' and do not necessarily reflect those of the Army or Department of Defense.

Abstract: Find, Fix, Finish, Exploit, Analyze, and Disseminate (F3EAD), pronounced “F-three-e-a-d” or “feed,” is a version of the targeting methodology utilized by the special operations forces (SOF) responsible for some of the most widely-publicized missions in support of overseas contingency operations. F3EAD is a system that allows SOF to anticipate and predict enemy operations, identify, locate, and target enemy forces, and to perform intelligence exploitation and analysis of captured enemy personnel and materiel. Central to the F3EAD process is the functional fusion of operations and intelligence functions throughout the SOF organization. In F3EAD, commanders establish targeting priorities, the intelligence system provides the direction to the target, and the operations system performs the decisive operations necessary to accomplish the SOF mission. This paper explains the F3EAD process, examines how it is used by SOF and general purpose forces, and provides recommendations for its further implementation and inclusion into formal doctrine.

“Information and Intelligence” is the “Fire and Maneuver” of the 21st Century.

-Major General Michael Flynn, March 2011.


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ac0f98 No.20860776

File: 66e6547b665693a⋯.jpg (283.92 KB,743x500,743:500,2quvx2.jpg)

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9e76ab No.20860777

File: ed970cfe7e4a77a⋯.png (505.2 KB,568x586,284:293,1913.png)

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ac0f98 No.20860778

File: fdda9353828900b⋯.jpg (347.27 KB,739x848,739:848,Kek_Fighter_Wing_1.jpg)

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9110b8 No.20860779

File: d1f8c75729d6fb5⋯.jpg (259.84 KB,1920x1208,240:151,6q73id_359963094.jpg)

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ac0f98 No.20860780

File: 813bf3bb305eb54⋯.jpg (85.71 KB,721x500,721:500,Night_Shift_Yet.jpg)

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9e76ab No.20860781

File: fb51572f663698a⋯.png (619.68 KB,742x762,371:381,taxes_to_pedoes.png)

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ac0f98 No.20860782

File: 7be476e97e38150⋯.jpg (266.17 KB,720x960,3:4,ScreachingWar_ChickenofKek….jpg)

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ac0f98 No.20860783

File: ada5aea69be4571⋯.png (631.06 KB,720x554,360:277,NightShiftFerris.PNG)

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9e76ab No.20860784

File: 1ef44f666918b7d⋯.jpg (96.99 KB,544x680,4:5,taxes_gump.jpg)

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ac0f98 No.20860785

File: ac707c3e297b794⋯.png (563.23 KB,720x720,1:1,meme_a_new_reality.png)

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8dfc82 No.20860786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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61d24c No.20860787


#25585 >>20859808

>>20860614 PlaneFaggin’: Gulf/Europe/Med activity

>>20859844, >>20859888 DJT TS w/CAP: Canada doesn’t want you Whoopi, NOBODY DOES!!!

>>20860045 Actor Steve Buscemi punched in the face in random attack in New York City

>>20860136 Dan Scavino w/CAP: Thank you, Atlantic City International Airport Fire Rescue, GREAT!!!

>>20860145 DJT TS w/CAP: Gregg Jarrett—Legal Analyst, Fox News: “I think the most egregious case of all, of misconduct, is Jack Smith’s classified documents case in Florida…”

>>20860159 Special Counsel Jack Smith Admits Prosecutors Misled Judge in Trump Case

>>20860172, >>20860186, >>20860191 Trump Whodunnit: Prosecutors admit key evidence in document case has been tampered with

>>20860199 Dangerous migration route to US used by 500,000 people last year to be shut down as newly-elected Panama president pledges to help border crisis

>>20860226 Convicted Perjurer Michael Cohen to Take the Stand in Trump ‘Hush Money’ Lawfare Trial on Monday

>>20860238 Arizona Dems, Gretchen Whitmer PAC, paid Judge Merchan's daughter's firm over $500,000 in 2024

>>20860363 Bankers Use Climate Scam in Latin America to Introduce Digital Currency Globally

>>20860375, >>20860376 Need To Know

>>20860488 9:00 AM EDT Federal Debt: The Baseline and Options for Reform American Enterprise Institute, the Penn Wharton Budget Model, the Brookings Institution, and the Burch Center

>>20860499 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>20860536 Elon Musk wins court battle against Australia

>>20860549, >>20860736 Trump hush money trial LIVE: At courthouse in New York as Michael Cohen is set to take the stand

>>20860560, >>20860590 US v. Menendez

>>20860576 #OTD 1945, the 80th Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment captured Dr. Ernst Kaltenbrunner

>>20860589 WWG1WGA

>>20860595 Putin removes Shoigu as Russian defense minister


>>20860713, >>20860615, >>20860730 Bannon / War Room guest discusses state & city flag redesigns with Islamic 8 point stars across America

>>20860760 @AirMobilityCmd X marks the spot!

>>20860765 The Federal Reserve does not own gold.



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Post last edited at

ac0f98 No.20860788

File: 092fabf9216b73a⋯.jpg (68.81 KB,715x415,143:83,DSCN0390_3_.jpg)

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9e76ab No.20860789

File: 60b8031368001c2⋯.png (152.05 KB,400x400,1:1,lindsay_bolton.png)

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ac0f98 No.20860791

File: cc7a3cc85c4aaec⋯.png (51.17 KB,710x630,71:63,cc7a3cc85c4aaec4a6a2408bf1….png)

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ac0f98 No.20860793

File: f3eecc806d9c29a⋯.jpg (162.29 KB,702x702,1:1,sunsetpost2.jpg)

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d9211e No.20860794

File: 188ff20b3bad60f⋯.jpg (614.78 KB,1000x1302,500:651,101014_harry_whittington_v….jpg)

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2ddba9 No.20860795

File: 8b3b31e2b8fa1bd⋯.jpg (30.71 KB,316x324,79:81,MimsyG2.jpg)

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9e76ab No.20860796

File: 2a30ffae7a0c370⋯.jpg (98 KB,470x684,235:342,2_parties.jpg)

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ac0f98 No.20860797

File: 315d7942550c110⋯.png (533.52 KB,701x699,701:699,Cadetfag.png)

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a43466 No.20860798

File: 88c640257b16773⋯.jpg (134.54 KB,771x499,771:499,Gfhui.jpg)

Ironically all the people trying to destroy president Trump are Jewish or they are working for the Jewish OVERLORDS.

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ac0f98 No.20860799

File: 16ce0524bee41c4⋯.png (494.79 KB,695x888,695:888,_11111111.png)

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ac0f98 No.20860800

File: a0b8ce5f01499ca⋯.png (436.18 KB,691x439,691:439,Nightshift07.PNG)

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f9b825 No.20860801

File: 5f02c4158aaf674⋯.png (66.32 KB,122x262,61:131,fu41c7eeb6e5c4ee7178129165….png)



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9e76ab No.20860802

File: 3e82afd303cc6a4⋯.jpg (110.77 KB,1000x563,1000:563,TY_Boatfags.jpg)

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cd2632 No.20860803


Bad link here -

>>20859844 >>20859888 DJT TS w/CAP: Canada doesn’t want you Whoopi, NOBODY DOES!!!

>>20859844, >>20859888 DJT TS w/CAP: Canada doesn’t want you Whoopi, NOBODY DOES!!!

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ac0f98 No.20860805

File: 55e4af57ea59d2d⋯.png (420.76 KB,673x739,673:739,MEMETICApatch.png)

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ac0f98 No.20860806

File: 01970c75a31467f⋯.png (619.63 KB,650x768,325:384,fe37153c80ba1ec16f46902c98….png)

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d9211e No.20860807

File: 3713967101bae33⋯.jpg (137.05 KB,736x1103,736:1103,5ac7931d570984bebee5acf22b….jpg)


the greatest logo in memes

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61d24c No.20860808

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ac0f98 No.20860809

File: 9c48126592c8642⋯.jpg (65.96 KB,650x433,650:433,trainlight_son.jpg)

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9e76ab No.20860810

File: d951af9588fa5d9⋯.jpg (506.26 KB,752x1081,16:23,105d505aa115cabf66c4afd7f7….jpg)

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3c0279 No.20860811

File: 6d3af0c30708542⋯.png (556.4 KB,632x401,632:401,lady_g.png)

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ac0f98 No.20860812

File: 847b4f6bf77436c⋯.png (389.93 KB,650x365,130:73,sp_6QQQ.png)

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181ce0 No.20861003

Seems they are sucking in as many degenerates from the south as possible. To just add votes in Nov seems too simple. Maybe it’s to cull even more people when it happens in the us.

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