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File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,qrbannerflag.png)

331b4e No.20859804 [View All]

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701 posts and 429 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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ac0f98 No.20860761

File: 2571a7cde997797⋯.jpg (18.28 KB,767x453,767:453,night_shift.jpg)

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a43466 No.20860762

File: febb23fd844915b⋯.png (211.07 KB,465x537,155:179,Scre_removebg_preview.png)



She jumped on a whiter dick as fast as she could.

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ac0f98 No.20860763

File: 425184d3caa8e84⋯.jpg (156.59 KB,766x1158,383:579,iur_1_.jpg)

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ac0f98 No.20860764

File: 30ce188929d6f03⋯.jpg (122.64 KB,762x473,762:473,nighshift_mix2.jpg)

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e4c372 No.20860765

File: bab74911f710d0e⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB,2521x1752,2521:1752,6D58D680_1711_41FB_B2D3_2….jpeg)

Does the Federal Reserve own or hold gold?

The Federal Reserve does not own gold.

The Gold Reserve Act of 1934 required the Federal Reserve System to transfer ownership of all of its gold to the Department of the Treasury. In exchange, the Secretary of the Treasury issued gold certificates to the Federal Reserve for the amount of gold transferred at the then-applicable statutory price for gold held by the Treasury.

Gold certificates are denominated in U.S. dollars. Their value is based on the statutory price for gold at the time the certificates are issued. Gold certificates do not give the Federal Reserve any right to redeem the certificates for gold.

The statutory price of gold is set by law. It does not fluctuate with the market price of gold and has been constant at $42 2/9, or $42.2222, per fine troy ounce since 1973. The book value of the gold held by the Treasury is determined using the statutory price.

Although the Federal Reserve does not own any gold, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York acts as the custodian of gold owned by account holders such as the U.S. government, foreign governments, other central banks, and official international organizations. No individuals or private sector entities are permitted to store gold in the vault of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York or at any Federal Reserve Bank.

A small portion of the gold held by the U.S. Treasury (roughly $600 million in book value)about five percentis held in custody for the Treasury by the Federal Reserve Banks, as fiscal agents of the United States. The vast majority of this gold is located in the vault at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and a very small portion is on display in several Federal Reserve Banks. The remaining 95 percent of U.S. Treasury gold ($10.4 billion in book value) is held in custody for the Treasury by the U.S. Mint.


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236345 No.20860766

File: 553ac78db522f6d⋯.png (30.87 KB,690x454,345:227,E98DB5A8_3385_4A89_A921_AC….png)

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ac0f98 No.20860767

File: 00cd2664ffcb1fb⋯.png (61.22 KB,758x644,379:322,patriotshaveitall.png)

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ac0f98 No.20860768

File: 4997b3d850868e3⋯.jpg (63.21 KB,754x503,754:503,NightShiftUSA.jpg)

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ac0f98 No.20860769

File: e89acf18d0cbf87⋯.jpeg (83.27 KB,752x499,752:499,night_shift_machine_gun.jpeg)

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d9211e No.20860770

File: 03953b93250fe16⋯.jpg (99.16 KB,600x400,3:2,Day_For_Night_Tutorial.jpg)


Day-for-Night shift

im cool with that

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ac0f98 No.20860771

File: 3945eec9ecf8e98⋯.png (762.8 KB,750x1334,375:667,08b665cc71b7289e97841904fb….png)

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2ddba9 No.20860772

File: ecf1df77d780a6a⋯.png (789.21 KB,1056x572,24:13,YouRbDef.png)



No (You) for (YOU).

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ac0f98 No.20860773

File: 594e6742456ec6f⋯.jpg (114.6 KB,750x750,1:1,pepe_wahoo_lives_matter.jpg)

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ac0f98 No.20860774

File: b4ab41f79a23445⋯.png (488.56 KB,750x500,3:2,letters_trackback.png)

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a11a44 No.20860775

File: 8ec7f2986f91ebd⋯.jpg (61.25 KB,982x278,491:139,Screenshot_20240513_152200….jpg)



Tue, 01/31/2012 - 7:54pm

Editor's Note: The critical strength of F3EAD is the fusion of operations and intelligence: a step toward more holistic thinking and flatter command and decision-making structures.

The views are the authors' and do not necessarily reflect those of the Army or Department of Defense.

Abstract: Find, Fix, Finish, Exploit, Analyze, and Disseminate (F3EAD), pronounced “F-three-e-a-d” or “feed,” is a version of the targeting methodology utilized by the special operations forces (SOF) responsible for some of the most widely-publicized missions in support of overseas contingency operations. F3EAD is a system that allows SOF to anticipate and predict enemy operations, identify, locate, and target enemy forces, and to perform intelligence exploitation and analysis of captured enemy personnel and materiel. Central to the F3EAD process is the functional fusion of operations and intelligence functions throughout the SOF organization. In F3EAD, commanders establish targeting priorities, the intelligence system provides the direction to the target, and the operations system performs the decisive operations necessary to accomplish the SOF mission. This paper explains the F3EAD process, examines how it is used by SOF and general purpose forces, and provides recommendations for its further implementation and inclusion into formal doctrine.

“Information and Intelligence” is the “Fire and Maneuver” of the 21st Century.

-Major General Michael Flynn, March 2011.


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ac0f98 No.20860776

File: 66e6547b665693a⋯.jpg (283.92 KB,743x500,743:500,2quvx2.jpg)

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9e76ab No.20860777

File: ed970cfe7e4a77a⋯.png (505.2 KB,568x586,284:293,1913.png)

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ac0f98 No.20860778

File: fdda9353828900b⋯.jpg (347.27 KB,739x848,739:848,Kek_Fighter_Wing_1.jpg)

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9110b8 No.20860779

File: d1f8c75729d6fb5⋯.jpg (259.84 KB,1920x1208,240:151,6q73id_359963094.jpg)

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ac0f98 No.20860780

File: 813bf3bb305eb54⋯.jpg (85.71 KB,721x500,721:500,Night_Shift_Yet.jpg)

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9e76ab No.20860781

File: fb51572f663698a⋯.png (619.68 KB,742x762,371:381,taxes_to_pedoes.png)

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ac0f98 No.20860782

File: 7be476e97e38150⋯.jpg (266.17 KB,720x960,3:4,ScreachingWar_ChickenofKek….jpg)

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ac0f98 No.20860783

File: ada5aea69be4571⋯.png (631.06 KB,720x554,360:277,NightShiftFerris.PNG)

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9e76ab No.20860784

File: 1ef44f666918b7d⋯.jpg (96.99 KB,544x680,4:5,taxes_gump.jpg)

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ac0f98 No.20860785

File: ac707c3e297b794⋯.png (563.23 KB,720x720,1:1,meme_a_new_reality.png)

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8dfc82 No.20860786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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61d24c No.20860787


#25585 >>20859808

>>20860614 PlaneFaggin’: Gulf/Europe/Med activity

>>20859844, >>20859888 DJT TS w/CAP: Canada doesn’t want you Whoopi, NOBODY DOES!!!

>>20860045 Actor Steve Buscemi punched in the face in random attack in New York City

>>20860136 Dan Scavino w/CAP: Thank you, Atlantic City International Airport Fire Rescue, GREAT!!!

>>20860145 DJT TS w/CAP: Gregg Jarrett—Legal Analyst, Fox News: “I think the most egregious case of all, of misconduct, is Jack Smith’s classified documents case in Florida…”

>>20860159 Special Counsel Jack Smith Admits Prosecutors Misled Judge in Trump Case

>>20860172, >>20860186, >>20860191 Trump Whodunnit: Prosecutors admit key evidence in document case has been tampered with

>>20860199 Dangerous migration route to US used by 500,000 people last year to be shut down as newly-elected Panama president pledges to help border crisis

>>20860226 Convicted Perjurer Michael Cohen to Take the Stand in Trump ‘Hush Money’ Lawfare Trial on Monday

>>20860238 Arizona Dems, Gretchen Whitmer PAC, paid Judge Merchan's daughter's firm over $500,000 in 2024

>>20860363 Bankers Use Climate Scam in Latin America to Introduce Digital Currency Globally

>>20860375, >>20860376 Need To Know

>>20860488 9:00 AM EDT Federal Debt: The Baseline and Options for Reform American Enterprise Institute, the Penn Wharton Budget Model, the Brookings Institution, and the Burch Center

>>20860499 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>20860536 Elon Musk wins court battle against Australia

>>20860549, >>20860736 Trump hush money trial LIVE: At courthouse in New York as Michael Cohen is set to take the stand

>>20860560, >>20860590 US v. Menendez

>>20860576 #OTD 1945, the 80th Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment captured Dr. Ernst Kaltenbrunner

>>20860589 WWG1WGA

>>20860595 Putin removes Shoigu as Russian defense minister


>>20860713, >>20860615, >>20860730 Bannon / War Room guest discusses state & city flag redesigns with Islamic 8 point stars across America

>>20860760 @AirMobilityCmd X marks the spot!

>>20860765 The Federal Reserve does not own gold.



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ac0f98 No.20860788

File: 092fabf9216b73a⋯.jpg (68.81 KB,715x415,143:83,DSCN0390_3_.jpg)

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9e76ab No.20860789

File: 60b8031368001c2⋯.png (152.05 KB,400x400,1:1,lindsay_bolton.png)

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ac0f98 No.20860791

File: cc7a3cc85c4aaec⋯.png (51.17 KB,710x630,71:63,cc7a3cc85c4aaec4a6a2408bf1….png)

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ac0f98 No.20860793

File: f3eecc806d9c29a⋯.jpg (162.29 KB,702x702,1:1,sunsetpost2.jpg)

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d9211e No.20860794

File: 188ff20b3bad60f⋯.jpg (614.78 KB,1000x1302,500:651,101014_harry_whittington_v….jpg)

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2ddba9 No.20860795

File: 8b3b31e2b8fa1bd⋯.jpg (30.71 KB,316x324,79:81,MimsyG2.jpg)

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9e76ab No.20860796

File: 2a30ffae7a0c370⋯.jpg (98 KB,470x684,235:342,2_parties.jpg)

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ac0f98 No.20860797

File: 315d7942550c110⋯.png (533.52 KB,701x699,701:699,Cadetfag.png)

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a43466 No.20860798

File: 88c640257b16773⋯.jpg (134.54 KB,771x499,771:499,Gfhui.jpg)

Ironically all the people trying to destroy president Trump are Jewish or they are working for the Jewish OVERLORDS.

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ac0f98 No.20860799

File: 16ce0524bee41c4⋯.png (494.79 KB,695x888,695:888,_11111111.png)

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ac0f98 No.20860800

File: a0b8ce5f01499ca⋯.png (436.18 KB,691x439,691:439,Nightshift07.PNG)

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f9b825 No.20860801

File: 5f02c4158aaf674⋯.png (66.32 KB,122x262,61:131,fu41c7eeb6e5c4ee7178129165….png)



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9e76ab No.20860802

File: 3e82afd303cc6a4⋯.jpg (110.77 KB,1000x563,1000:563,TY_Boatfags.jpg)

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cd2632 No.20860803


Bad link here -

>>20859844 >>20859888 DJT TS w/CAP: Canada doesn’t want you Whoopi, NOBODY DOES!!!

>>20859844, >>20859888 DJT TS w/CAP: Canada doesn’t want you Whoopi, NOBODY DOES!!!

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ac0f98 No.20860805

File: 55e4af57ea59d2d⋯.png (420.76 KB,673x739,673:739,MEMETICApatch.png)

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ac0f98 No.20860806

File: 01970c75a31467f⋯.png (619.63 KB,650x768,325:384,fe37153c80ba1ec16f46902c98….png)

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d9211e No.20860807

File: 3713967101bae33⋯.jpg (137.05 KB,736x1103,736:1103,5ac7931d570984bebee5acf22b….jpg)


the greatest logo in memes

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61d24c No.20860808

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ac0f98 No.20860809

File: 9c48126592c8642⋯.jpg (65.96 KB,650x433,650:433,trainlight_son.jpg)

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9e76ab No.20860810

File: d951af9588fa5d9⋯.jpg (506.26 KB,752x1081,16:23,105d505aa115cabf66c4afd7f7….jpg)

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3c0279 No.20860811

File: 6d3af0c30708542⋯.png (556.4 KB,632x401,632:401,lady_g.png)

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ac0f98 No.20860812

File: 847b4f6bf77436c⋯.png (389.93 KB,650x365,130:73,sp_6QQQ.png)

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181ce0 No.20861003

Seems they are sucking in as many degenerates from the south as possible. To just add votes in Nov seems too simple. Maybe it’s to cull even more people when it happens in the us.

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