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File: 552bcb9c8d5e313⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,250x140,25:14,04d99.jpg)

1354df No.19465966 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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1354df No.19465974

International Q Research Threads

>>19188850 ——–——– Australia #31

>>19181822 ——–——– Canada #45

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

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>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>19075778, >>19075920, >>19148273 What counts as CP?

>>19088989, >>19156675, >>19322099 SPAM is not free speech, will be removed


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ

>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>19103408 No muh joos in notes, will be removed


#23906 >>19465134

>>19465213 Salaried employees making less then 55k will get OT pay under Biden administration proposal

>>19465240 DJT TS w/CAP: So now it is learned that Governor Ron DeSanctimonious unnecessarily approved a 20% hike in Florida Electricity Rates…

>>19465284 Billionaires cashed out 9 billion this year

>>19465304 Michigan police memos raised concern about possible nationwide voter registration fraud scheme

>>19465381 anon posits on african countries taking back control - It would appear the party's over.

>>19465402 Real America's Voice w/CAP: The federal government will do anything to keep Americans from seeing Biden’s records

>>19465437 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -- 08/31/2023

>>19465442 Maui Senator Will Resign from Office After Facing Conflict of Interest Questions

>>19465456 MS-13 and Mexican Mafia Leader Sentenced to More than 17 Years for an International Drug Conspiracy

>>19465459 All 5 Year Deltas yesterday….

>>19465463 Firefighter Whistleblower: Maui Attack NOT A Wildfire

>>19465530, >>19465542 vid and audio calls coming to X, no phone number (it was the servers)

>>19465553 IDB and World Bank to Announce Groundbreaking Partnership: Strengthening Collaboration to Maximize Development Impact

>>19465584, >>19465691, >>19465799 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day The Crew-7 Nebula/galaxy M51/supernova

>>19465607 India's Chandrayaan-3 moon rover reveals surprising sulfur find in lunar south pole soil/devil in the details

>>19465622, >>19465623, >>19465731 Libs getting desperate Trying to tie Epstein to Trump/downplay trafficking/changing jo's

>>19465643 Last Super Blue Moon until 2037 lights up skies around the world

>>19465644 IRS Buys 40 Caliber Submachine Guns! Why Are Federal Agencies Militarizing?!?

>>19465658 September 13.2023: The Outbreak Unfolds WEF

>>19465688 PDJT Truth Comm Decode???

>>19465705 Space Development Agency’s Second Tranche 0 Mission

>>19465742, >>19465897, >>19465901 Plandemic Soft Coup/or not/Hague???/Dr. Nass

>>19465748 Musk vs realDonaldTrump

>>19465774 Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin, is supposedly seen in newly surfaced footage. For The Keks?

>>19465791 NASA gears up for return of OSIRIS-REx asteroid sample

>>19465813 Want congressional subpoenas to have some teeth again? Simple.

>>19465856 We the Targeted: How the Government Weaponizes Surveillance to Silence Its Critics

>>19465866 Ultimate Compilation of Biden's Insane Civil Rights Lies

>>19465899 Inclusive Capitalism WEF Vatican

>>19465900 Donald Trump pleads NOT GUILTY in Georgia election interference case

>>19465941 @CanadianArmy Allons-y!

>>19465964 #23906

#23905 >>19464265

>>19464317 Ex-Middlesex deputy charged with threatening to destroy Plymouth courthouse

>>19464337 On Wednesday’s episode of Saturday Night Live alums Dana Carvey and David Spade’s “Fly on the Wall” podcast, it was revealed that Hillary Clinton was upset with Julia Sweeney’s SNL impression of a teenaged Chelsea Clinton.

>>19464342 Anon read this message several times over. With the capitalization of Video and Policy, all I see is…Choose the VP that you like

>>19464440 Did Joe Biden Just Confirm The Lahaina, Maui Hawaii Fires Were Planned?

>>19464785 A new map of China's national borders has sparked protests from governments in Asia after its boundaries drew in the territories of its neighbors---including a small chunk of Russia.

>>19464798 Should Elon Musk release all the information X has on the Maui Fires?

>>19464891 "Let Staten Island Secede" - Fights & Confrontations at Migrant Protest in Staten Island

>>19464895 FBI Director Christopher Wray Announces Major Operation Targeting the Qakbot Botnet

>>19464935, >>19464968, >>19464977, >>19464984, >>19464993 FIREFIGHTER WHISTLEBLOWER: MAUI ATTACK NOT A WILDFIRE

>>19465037 Tucker Carlson on His Interview with Trump, FOX Firing & America's Future

>>19465104 #23905

#23904 >>19463435

>>19463463, >>19463469, >>19463488, >>19463564, >>19463626 PF BF nose currents

>>19463459 Corrupt Obama Judge Finds Rudy Giuliani Guilty Because He Didn’t Turn Over Devices the FBI Confiscated from His Home

>>19463473 California mom gets $100K settlement from school district who transitioned child behind her back

>>19463485 CDC Responds to Mask Mandate Claims

>>19463546, >>19463593, >>19463601, >>19463615 Trump dropped 31 vids on TS today/Q/24 in row/T-24 is Sept 1 2024

>>19463549 "I have now published the largest autopsy study ever in that circumstance where someone dies suddenly after Vaccination. And the answer is - 73.9% of the time,

>>19463578 Donald Trump interview with Glenn Beck- August 29, 2023

>>19463586 They're just going to skip that part where people were Dying to Justify Masking, Vaxxing & Lockdowns & Just go Straight to Masking, Vaxxing & Lockdowns

>>19463603 RT just posted a long vid without any dialog of a super moon over the TEMPLE OF POSEIDON at Cape Sounion, Greece. Fun fact: Russia has those long range ocean torpedos called Poseidons.

>>19463635, >>19463641 End Times News

>>19463676, >>19463537, >>19463527 this why we keep up with ebo T

>>19463678 'Don't consent""Don't comply"


>>19463831 QClock August 29, 2023 - Dear Patriot. We hear you.

>>19463917 @JamesOKeefeIII Police bodycam footage shows NJ School Board officials calling police on citizens they don’t recognize who look “TRUMPISH!” Police colluded with school officials to scan license plates of all attendees who looked 'different'.

>>19463929 General Michael Flynn | PBD Podcast | Ep. 300

>>19463939 @USNationalGuard Today, more than 1,300 National Guard members in 11 states are supporting wildfire response missions.

>>19463947 Sharp increase in coronavirus infections in Germany

>>19464248 #23904

Previously Collected

>>19463429 @23903

>>19461843 #23901-C, >>19461838 #23901-B, >>19462631 #23902

>>19460994 #23900, >>19461767 #23901-A, >>19461838 #23901-B

>>19460092 #23899, >>19459309 #23898, >>19460988 #23900-A

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop >>19192963

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1354df No.19465978

File: 4fc6794ff6cfd1f⋯.mp4 (3.73 MB,640x360,16:9,sciencevscompliance4.mp4)

File: b6ee7c4f461ae67⋯.jpg (88.58 KB,662x377,662:377,sciencevscompliance.jpg)

File: eb4c3ffb41a5fdb⋯.png (611.29 KB,710x766,355:383,sciencevscompliance2.png)

File: 1b5809bf412ef3f⋯.jpeg (101.79 KB,566x500,283:250,sciencevscompliance3.jpeg)

File: e7db5a2616697d4⋯.png (189.52 KB,639x560,639:560,Qstorm.png)



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30ef8d No.19465991

File: aee96d455b82a10⋯.png (702.07 KB,540x569,540:569,you_must_accept_the_scienc….PNG)


thanks bakerer

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c8182d No.19465994

File: 6ac21366d9bddf2⋯.png (77.82 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d30ca No.19465995

File: 9342b871070027c⋯.jpg (8.54 KB,255x174,85:58,9342b871070027c035654d28b9….jpg)

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ce7342 No.19465997

File: 7b5c80c40a5d41f⋯.png (553.37 KB,1080x1544,135:193,I_tree_y.png)


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bb6e8e No.19466000

File: 58dc7ddd9c1e281⋯.png (704.79 KB,984x725,984:725,ClipboardImage.png)

It appears we may being told something here…

"Republicans seceding from our democracy…"

Welcome to the Continental Republic of the United States!


Former chief strategist for the Bush-Cheney 2004 presidential campaign Matthew Dowd said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut” that Republicans had “basically decided to secede from our democracy.”

Dowd said, “If you think about this, they completely adapted an ends justify the means approach to the democracy, which means it doesn’t matter what we do as long as we get the end we want. I was thinking about this a lot. This is almost a 21st-century version of succession if you really think about it because their goal is to preserve the culture they want, the power they have and the way of life they want. They’re not doing it in the same way that was done in 1861. But they’re doing it in such a way that demolishes our democracy. And in their mind, they’re able to preserve what they want in the course of this.”

He continued, “That’s what we have gotten down to is this idea that no means are off. No means are off basis. No means are off basis. I mean, you still have two-thirds of Republicans that do not think Joe Biden was legitimately elected. 2.5 years later, they still think he was not legitimately elected. It’s an incredibly dangerous thing that one of the major political parties has basically decided to secede from our democracy.

Host Joy Reid said, “They’re not just banning books, they’re banning Republicans losing elections. It is remarkable stuff.”

Dowd said, “It is modern, it’s succession in the 21st century. It really is.”

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30ef8d No.19466003

File: 950282fdc9d93c7⋯.png (30.77 KB,1225x252,175:36,trump_new_york_ag_chgs.PNG)

A new civil action against former President Donald Trump was unsealed in New York Wednesday, revealing that Attorney General Letitia James intends to charge the 45th president with purposefully inflating his network by $2 billion in a bid to strengthen the Trump Organization’s position in the city’s real estate market.

New York Daily News reports that AG James has asked a Manhattan judge to rule against the Trump family ahead of a $250 million civil fraud suit, saying a “mountain of undisputed evidence” would help resolve some of the claims against President Trump and his family members and business associates.

“No trial is required for the Court to determine that (Trump) presented grossly and materially inflated asset values in (financial filings) and then used those (filings) repeatedly in business transactions to defraud banks and insurers,” the filing said.

Among the alleged wrongdoings, AG James claims Trump overvalued by up to 39 percent assets like his New York skyscrapers, golf courses and residential properties, and his Mar-a-Lago compound in Palm Beach, Florida. Doing so, she claims, allowed the Trump brand to deceive banks, lenders, and business partners with “hundreds of millions of dollars in ill-gotten savings and profits.”

Despite the Trump Organization laying claim to a real estate empire worth $6.7 billion in 2014, the New York attorney general claims she has hard evidence the combined value did not exceed $4.5 billion.

State Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron is now tasked with deciding on a partial summary judgment in favor of AG James before the case goes to trial.

As part of the unsealed documents, AG James includes public statements by President Trump accusing her of being a racist and saying that the world would have suffered a nuclear attack from the likes of North Korea if he had not chosen to forgo his lucrative career and serve the public as president.

In addition to seeking a $250 million judgment against the Trump Organization, AG James hopes to prevent the Trump family from doing commercial real estate deals in New York for the next five years and permanently bar family members from running or helping direct businesses.

President Trump has faced a slew of both civil and criminal cases over the past two years. In May he won a civil suit against a woman accusing him of sexual harassment and continues to face criminal probes in Manhattan, Georgia, and Washington, D.C. The Republican frontrunner has accused his prosecutors, all elected Democrats or appointees by the Biden Justice Department, of conducting politically motivated witch hunts against him because they cannot stop his ascent in the polls.


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2693cd No.19466005

File: 4748d219b76749e⋯.mp4 (2.37 MB,1280x720,16:9,Trump_does_a_Seinfeld_The_….mp4)

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6e621a No.19466006

File: f755b1145da1e7d⋯.jpg (83.66 KB,751x500,751:500,onetweetyel.jpg)


TY, baker

still callin' it a tweet, don't care.

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ce7342 No.19466009

File: 10a4392813db51e⋯.png (538.08 KB,891x862,891:862,Scrvgchi.png)

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a6aa6e No.19466010

Was Plan Z just a bluff? Hurry up and wait ain't cutting the mustard. Fudge rounds and whatnot.

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76ca37 No.19466014



So the 40,000+ sealed indictments or whatever it is, is all for Trump.

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8e5b01 No.19466017

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e97eeb No.19466018

File: 1686e4c61293f2f⋯.png (307.68 KB,559x256,559:256,ClipboardImage.png)


kek semen retention

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30ef8d No.19466019


almost sounds like a call for violence against MAGA republicans as they referenced the civil war secession as analogous, which resulted in the civil war

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1cf135 No.19466020

File: b7f25030ae29fef⋯.jpg (65.38 KB,888x494,444:247,gus5tsydsjd.jpg)

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8d30ca No.19466023

File: 1ac3d9dda156d3e⋯.jpg (176.31 KB,1885x374,1885:374,randodigis.jpg)

cave -> tepe -> ziggurat -> temple -> telescope

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bd0733 No.19466025

File: 106ad65b845892c⋯.png (183.35 KB,605x498,605:498,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 781b20d08f1bb70⋯.png (259.6 KB,680x315,136:63,ClipboardImage.png)


Republicans have made this Congress more productive, more open, and more transparent than at any time in recent history.

The People’s House is getting back to work.

8:33 AM · Aug 31, 2023


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f7321d No.19466026

File: 7a8644ce332c2c6⋯.png (263.59 KB,398x401,398:401,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 659765eb9b8b128⋯.png (379.51 KB,267x598,267:598,ClipboardImage.png)

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4e2ba8 No.19466028

File: 532997ef887876b⋯.png (669.33 KB,1080x1567,1080:1567,Screebvd.png)

File: 91f29e062bfd1fa⋯.jpg (43.12 KB,500x572,125:143,Vgii.jpg)

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c68df7 No.19466033

Joe Biden will freeze like McConnell in 3 days

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30ef8d No.19466035


they are trying to destroy Donald Trump in any and all ways possible

if they are successful, they will next try to destroy MAGA patriots, as well, as we are a threat to "their democracy"

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76ca37 No.19466036

File: 3fd82bd0ce64698⋯.png (128.27 KB,355x313,355:313,KEK.png)


>Republicans have made this Congress more productive, more open, and more transparent than at any time in recent history.

Oh em gee. muh sides. their slides!

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946978 No.19466040

Hey buddies! Are any of you secret agents?

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2503c3 No.19466041

Bluffer accusing the bluffing?

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d5aa12 No.19466042

File: b3a3df53b3c7ea8⋯.png (516.61 KB,660x799,660:799,km.PNG)

File: f49391753b3044c⋯.mp4 (5.36 MB,480x270,16:9,Kevin_McKernan_on_What_May….mp4)

Kevin McKernan on What May Be Causing a Rise in Cancers

"If you have all three of those happening – potentially increased integration risks, white blood cell reduction, and spike protein inhibiting the genes that are meant to clean up this type of problem – the combination of those things certainly could make sense and be tied to the rise in cancer that we are currently seeing."

@JanJekielek @Kevin_McKernan


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346de5 No.19466044

File: 7b1ce62bb8aed5d⋯.jpg (51.46 KB,594x800,297:400,Donald_Trump_This_All_Ends….jpg)

File: 5a20301069d4567⋯.mp4 (9.46 MB,426x240,71:40,Why_We_Do_It_We_Know_Who_Y….mp4)






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30ef8d No.19466045


"their democracy"=following cabal/deep state narrative in lockstep

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1354df No.19466047

>>19465967 lb

what time did they disappear?


I've got a board log up mod mode

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6349d1 No.19466048

File: ee235c4d32cba06⋯.jpg (84.72 KB,684x539,684:539,Science_Then_Now.jpg)




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946978 No.19466051


Who are you?

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76ca37 No.19466052


I am, of the belief, that [THEY] are already neutered. This is all show. Kayfab. Its turned into a comedy.

It's B rater acting at this point. Over the top, typically means, it's staged.

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33c879 No.19466054

File: f1dcbecdf58f76c⋯.png (857.88 KB,721x787,721:787,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f97126dd8cb3325⋯.png (490.57 KB,666x500,333:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7321d No.19466055

File: 9081e4153e30186⋯.png (436.77 KB,663x715,51:55,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7cbbe0d828b0b93⋯.png (1008.44 KB,776x825,776:825,ClipboardImage.png)

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346de5 No.19466056

File: 04efec3bc8ce40e⋯.gif (4.62 MB,470x200,47:20,Me_Zero_Fucks_Bohdi_Point_….gif)


Me Neither!

Stop Playing By Their Rules and Sling Cock Men….

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754dfd No.19466059

File: 9f6bc96a18529ba⋯.png (1.64 MB,1080x1808,135:226,Screenvbh.png)


McConnell fell on his head at TRUMP'S hotel in Washington DC…. His health has declined ever since…

TRUMP payback.

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8e5b01 No.19466060

Ah, that's why they push the Gould shit. Someone downstream said that Q posted Gould's US flag. Uh, it's the one from Wikipedia. Gould is an obvious Anti-Q psyop.

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bd0733 No.19466062

File: 0b7cb5b7ae01081⋯.png (181.17 KB,570x188,285:94,0b799489a9ec.png)

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946978 No.19466066


Who are you?

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0cfd22 No.19466067

File: b13744845bb2f89⋯.png (1.46 MB,608x2372,152:593,b13744845bb2f894dc30c4c29b….png)

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33c879 No.19466068

File: bc2a33c5409c4f7⋯.png (1.27 MB,2160x1832,270:229,ClipboardImage.png)


CNN's poster POTUS

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0cfd22 No.19466069

File: c48863dac0c7e50⋯.png (179.67 KB,500x330,50:33,filtered.png)


you know the rules name fag

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1354df No.19466070


you bet


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b96339 No.19466072

File: 194ec0996307229⋯.mp4 (3.78 MB,320x480,2:3,4XkML7tr8P68BRs7DQuu_28_d2….mp4)

We would be better off without the MSM altogether.

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59d046 No.19466073

File: 270162a44919ee1⋯.jpg (80.91 KB,600x601,600:601,Punisher.jpg)

New Study finds all Covid Variants have been made in a BioLab

In the USA, covid hospitalisations are up because of variant EG.5.1 and there’s a scary new variant dubbed BA.X from Denmark and Israel, we’re told. Because of the BA.X variant “scientists” are demanding rules from lockdown be reimposed on Britain.

Mark Steyn pointed out a recent Japanese study showing that all previous SARS-CoV-2 variants were not naturally occurring and were made in a laboratory. Based on this we can make the presumption that the new EG.5.1 and BA.X variants have been as well, irrespective of which country is claiming the variant as its own.

For their study, Atsuki Tanaka and Takayuki Miyazawa, of Osaka Medical University and Kyoto University, wanted to trace the historical evolution of the omicron variant of SARS-CoV2 by studying viral sequences found “in the wild” and deposited in public databases.

In doing this they found around 100 separate omicron subvariants that could not conceivably have arisen through natural processes. The existence of these variants seems to provide definitive proof of large-scale lab creation and release of covid viruses.

Moreover, the variants appear to form comprehensive panels of mutations typical of those used in “reverse genetics” experiments to systematically test the properties of different parts of viruses, Substacker PSMI wrote.

In this study, we aimed to clarify the evolutionary processes leading to the formation of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants, focusing on Omicron variants with many amino acid mutations in the spike protein among SARS-CoV-2 isolates. To determine the order in which the mutations leading to the formation of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants, we compared the sequences of 129 Omicron BA.1-related isolates, 141 BA.1.1-related isolates, and 122 BA.2-related isolates, and tried to dissolve the evolutionary processes of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants, including the order of mutations leading to the formation of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants and the occurrence of homologous recombination. As a result, we concluded that the formations of a part of Omicron isolates BA.1, BA.1.1, and BA.2 were not the products of genome evolution as is commonly observed in nature…


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2a29a4 No.19466074

File: 575cd5ed892f96c⋯.gif (1.87 MB,400x225,16:9,we_are_not_alone.gif)

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946978 No.19466075


Your gayness is showing.

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777528 No.19466077

File: a36fa031f57a577⋯.png (2.41 MB,1289x919,1289:919,ClipboardImage.png)

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946978 No.19466078


Oh no….

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946978 No.19466079


Who are you?

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76ca37 No.19466080

File: 5e93aac720c9239⋯.png (94.8 KB,926x762,463:381,11_1_.png)

File: cf16df6fa930bf5⋯.png (118.79 KB,926x938,463:469,9_1_.png)


11 11 World United

Marker 9

Also seems dasting.

(drops 11 & 9 just for s&g's)

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70937c No.19466081

File: b5aeef5d41020f4⋯.png (255.71 KB,651x613,651:613,56vs5vt4ts4t44t4t.png)

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429384 No.19466082

File: fb6cd3e554ffab0⋯.jpg (32.89 KB,474x284,237:142,Wakey.jpg)

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777528 No.19466083


"Nobody can help or fix anything, it's the way God made them, stop whining and complaining" - (you)

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946978 No.19466084


Who are you?

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556205 No.19466086

File: b9ae20c3d206a90⋯.png (62.02 KB,715x432,715:432,nietzsche_the_gay_science.png)

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777528 No.19466087


anon, duh

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d5aa12 No.19466088

File: b16b45da0b33c5c⋯.png (706.68 KB,737x848,737:848,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7c623ed49a0341⋯.mp4 (6.77 MB,480x270,16:9,Kevin_McKernan_on_How_DNA_….mp4)


Kevin McKernan on How DNA Contamination Could Have Ended Up in the COVID Vaccines & Whether Pfizer Knew About It

"If you look through their data with the EMA, they have Illumina sequencing and they have RNA sequencing but they didn't give that to the regulators because they probably saw what we saw, which was that there's plasmid backbones in there."

@JanJekielek @Kevin_McKernan


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33c879 No.19466089

File: a3f1828eb8a405d⋯.png (451.28 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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946978 No.19466090


I don’t know what that means!

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946978 No.19466091


But who are you?

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330d4e No.19466092

File: e1e6618c8f71891⋯.gif (5.09 MB,460x460,1:1,e1e6618c8f71891f129354d8e4….gif)



Trump paid Stormy Daniels and Avenatti stole her money…

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6ba08b No.19466093

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Holy shit! Watching Lara Logan she was talking about pumping people/children full of heroine then cutting all their limbs off and using them in sadistic sexual practices until they die of asphyxiation!


Round 26 min mark.

So glad I never discovered the dark-web.

Sauce: https://rumble.com/v3d9kju-lara-logan-what-is-the-uni-party-reawaken-america-tour-las-vegas.html?mref=zuse4&mc=30e7g

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946978 No.19466094


Who are you?

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33c879 No.19466095


Pfizer caught renaming Gain of Function to DIRECTED EVOLUTION already.

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777528 No.19466096


What do you mean?

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be653c No.19466097

Anons, are you noticing masks where you live? None yet here but am in a small, somewhat remote town. I did see one person but at a gas station where out of towers fuel on their way to and fro.

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5dc2df No.19466098

File: f0e52c03bbf31b9⋯.jpg (52.98 KB,720x715,144:143,2023_07_20_10_50_38.jpg)

File: 46f8a9c44f1dfda⋯.jpg (56.35 KB,645x548,645:548,Screen_Shot_2023_08_26_at_….jpg)

>>19466021 lb

Signatures/Cursive= Language of the DEAD/Necromancy.

: Step-Down?

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33c879 No.19466099


God's people.

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ee2f5b No.19466100

File: a2895c4d39a51bc⋯.png (223.24 KB,464x538,232:269,98152b9b277ab0571196245020….png)

File: 5bc6a2b8cd62168⋯.jpg (27.65 KB,289x360,289:360,5bc6a2b8cd62168a495a59c4e8….jpg)

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777528 No.19466101

File: 2a2d1db5235b83f⋯.jpg (104.51 KB,948x536,237:134,2a2d1db5235b83fca2f10b1c0f….jpg)


So far only really old seniors who likely still watch fake news tv because they're not tech savvy and were scared into doing what was useless all along.

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be653c No.19466102


Go away eff bee eye

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76ca37 No.19466103


>Trump paid


Cohen paid.

Michael D. Cohen, who worked as a counsel to the Trump Organization for more than a decade, said he was not reimbursed for the 2016 payment.


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2693cd No.19466104

File: 30954235840de14⋯.png (57.22 KB,744x544,93:68,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d30ca No.19466105

solomon used demons to build the temple…

stated in a different way with modern terms.

solomon used the people's who were motivated by,

detrimental patterns of thought.

djinn -> spirit -> exorcist -> psychologist -> psychiatrist -> farma-sue-ticals

now, who cognitively conditioned the people is up for question…

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5dc2df No.19466106

File: 423ce7ae34573c0⋯.jpg (207.66 KB,929x901,929:901,423ce7ae34573c02f650bd3ee4….jpg)



>Signatures/Cursive= Language of the DEAD/Necromancy.

>: Step-Down?

& Step-Up-Eleven-Points.


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8e5b01 No.19466107

Ah, VenerealDisease and GouldBullshit. Fedboi fags extraordinaire.

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556205 No.19466108

File: 1f64df6a01be1cd⋯.png (557.44 KB,792x484,18:11,ClipboardImage.png)

Ex-Time Warner CEO buys co-op from renowned microbiologist for $11M

Jeff Bewkes, who turned HBO into a showcase for serialized dramas like The Sopranos before handling the merger of Time Warner and AT&T, has snapped up a co-op on the Upper East Side.


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f179e6 No.19466109

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a2706b No.19466110

File: 0e9b1a9e6b1a146⋯.png (2.36 MB,1500x1000,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f10ba0d7e8fcfa⋯.png (222.52 KB,442x331,442:331,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f31ee54591b9708⋯.png (60.05 KB,220x278,110:139,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 166e8614d949964⋯.png (79.05 KB,270x187,270:187,ClipboardImage.png)

>>19465966 lb

>>19465978 lb

>>19465893 lb

>>19465895 lb

>>19465898 lb

>>19465905 lb

>>19465906 lb

>>19465922 lb

>>19465926 lb

>>19465936 lb

>>19465992 lb

>>19465931 lb

>>19465948 lb

>>19465956 lb

>>19465973 lb

>>19465986 lb


Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.

Matthew 24:42

A thousand years in your sight

are like a day that has just gone by,

or like a watch in the night.

Psalm 90:4

Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Matthew 26:41

The Lord will keep you from all harm—

he will watch over your life;

the Lord will watch over your coming and going

both now and forevermore.

Psalm 121:7-8

I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them.

Romans 16:17

(read it as a psalm, burn the books. Mark Whatney talk. Whaaaaat? White.)

In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice;

in the morning I lay my requests before you

and wait expectantly.

Psalm 5:3

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.

Colossians 4:2


I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;

I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.

Psalm 32:8

The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,

and his ears are attentive to their cry.

Psalm 34:15

(wanna go full Godspeed and have Uriel pic a tune?)

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High

will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,

my God, in whom I trust.”

Psalm 91:1-2


Matthew 24:42

42 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.

witches in the wood?

candle? doing Godspeed with a candle, still burning, is rather impressive.

24 42?


N&R 11.

Jesaja 11. Peace.

Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount

5 Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, 2 and he began to teach them.

11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Salt and Light

13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

is talking about concorde not being a plane anymore with certain specifics talk of such an autistic nature that is makes planes drop like snow?

what is truth? watching a movie?

often crowds are like, is he gonna say with all the sparkles (planes, autists)? sometimes I do, sometimes I do not, sometimes the movie I watch confirms blatantly obvious.

if one were to do a major move.

a move assuming the US would be with a lot of believing masons who do some biblical stuff.

imagine you interpret this part of scriture in a way that it means, eat crispy memes when you are not in the office you have been placed in, so to be comfy and clandestine (pro tip: my old salt, I changed, walk it off, break the bread).

>except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.


is that a white or black move?

knock knock?

yes, Evelyn, it´s real. Dad says hi, again.


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42dc3e No.19466111

File: a63b9d0888e576d⋯.png (1.05 MB,980x626,490:313,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17f10f26f7ac6de⋯.png (2.04 MB,1184x666,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Wasn't there some video game with a shooter who looked like the Covenant Shooter and/or used the same gun?

I seem to recall something about the Grunt gun????

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3d38d6 No.19466112


plasmid backbones… sounds serious.

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d8db55 No.19466113

File: f120699b1ab6665⋯.gif (774.84 KB,600x336,25:14,pepe_night_shift.gif)


anon lives in london

and most have stopped wearing

but there are some who just love them and are still wearing them. General old women and some teenagers but for naughty reasons.

let's see what happens this time.

right now there is a war on cash, driving with Ulez and every other thing to divide people.

anon believes that Ulez will be rolled out to c40 W.E.F agenda.

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3fbfd4 No.19466114

File: 7dc78dea6b05918⋯.png (871.27 KB,1330x886,665:443,20230831_100040.png)





9 at the end, 11 at the front

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946978 No.19466115


That’s a good answer!! ❤️

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26495a No.19466116


Democrats have clients, they do not have supporters.

no one is going to do a civil war.

They want that so that they can start locking people up without cause.

it's not going to happen.

they rule the corridors in state houses and courts, they rule the streets of cities, they rule the corridors and courts and agencies in the bankrupt central (Federal) government.

they do not have love from the people, nor do the people support them.

they vote for democrats out of fear of loosing their free-its-me grants and welfare.

Democrats are a lost cause.

they are like a rotted through tree that is ready to collapse and fall into dust in the next big wind.

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b96339 No.19466117

File: 4ac08faf310a4c0⋯.mp4 (1.77 MB,480x270,16:9,4ac08faf310a4c08eb0d9f4af2….mp4)

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a2706b No.19466118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


skills, I posses.


so you.

I work the angles.

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2a29a4 No.19466119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a2706b No.19466120

>hier is alles der Mann.

yes, I heard about that.


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a2706b No.19466121


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c3a515 No.19466122

File: f9d1202e0a09657⋯.jpg (43.88 KB,500x433,500:433,Bbxf.jpg)


Trump wouldn't pay Stormy Daniels one penny because he didn't get a BJ.

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33c879 No.19466123


She has earned my respect - just tries to get to truth.

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be653c No.19466124


Had to look it up. Hmm

https://tfl.gov.uk › ulez

Ultra Low Emission Zone - Transport for London

The ULEZ is a zone in London that charges vehicles for pollution emissions. Find out if your vehicle meets the standards, how to pay the charge, and how to get discounts or exemptions.

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bb6e8e No.19466125

File: c608849cf644724⋯.png (144.8 KB,774x885,258:295,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12d476c482b393a⋯.png (213.66 KB,775x877,775:877,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3201bdecaf6116⋯.png (221.47 KB,773x882,773:882,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86b3fb33a5fea0a⋯.png (182.13 KB,770x885,154:177,ClipboardImage.png)


Way ahead of you

Letter in 2021

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33c879 No.19466127


Who are YOU?

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8d2faa No.19466128

Is Trump a false flag?

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946978 No.19466129


Make me! 😘

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3fbfd4 No.19466130

File: 8f93c879ab21ad0⋯.jpg (94.87 KB,720x805,144:161,20230831_091708.jpg)

File: e0d2021f7fe86c7⋯.mp4 (265.74 KB,960x720,4:3,Wokely_Correct_Comics_2023….mp4)


Kekity kek

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2a29a4 No.19466131



Trump it is a cyborg.

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be653c No.19466132


Avoiding lawsuit!

Yes, the person filling up (from another state), masked, was also old.

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bb6e8e No.19466133

File: ee5770ec415a565⋯.png (202.4 KB,765x887,765:887,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9bdaae141f94602⋯.png (241.11 KB,767x887,767:887,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35d3ba2dae979f9⋯.png (258.31 KB,767x881,767:881,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 318313c2c9f0002⋯.png (244.63 KB,765x876,255:292,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ca6a51d232e7a3⋯.png (204.49 KB,770x884,385:442,ClipboardImage.png)


Letter in 2022

2023 will be out shortly

Not a peep from the Individual Rape Service since these letters have gone out.

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4c293b No.19466134

Hello you fine fu*kers.

Of course, I'd never greet you like that in real life, but it makes an impact here, after all, it's not a cuss word in Tegrenian or Basque. Speaking of, did you know that the Basque people survived the last flood? One of the original bibles ever found was written in Euskara. How about that? Basques are cool, love their food and company too.

Just wanted to stop by and say hi. You know me, you've known me your entire life I hope.

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946978 No.19466135


A child of God. 😇

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b96339 No.19466136

File: 6ac09af7c81a2d7⋯.mp4 (7.55 MB,480x270,16:9,6ac09af7c81a2d7ede59f36e18….mp4)

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d8db55 No.19466137

File: d89080c59196865⋯.png (118.83 KB,906x912,151:152,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c5488677f2cd29⋯.png (951.06 KB,960x829,960:829,ClipboardImage.png)





C40 Leadership Standards 2021–2024:

Plan. City has adopted a resilient and inclusive climate action plan aligned with the 1.5˚C ambition of the Paris Agreement, and updates it regularly;

Deliver. In 2024, city remains on track to deliver its climate action plan, contributing to increased resilience, equitable outcomes and halving C40’s overall emissions by 2030;

Mainstream. City uses the necessary financial, regulatory and other tools at their disposal to address the climate crisis and mainstreams their equitable climate targets into the most impactful city decision-making processes;

Innovate. City innovates and starts taking inclusive and resilient action to address emissions beyond the direct control of the city government, such as associated with goods and services consumed in their city;

Lead. Mayor and the city demonstrate global climate leadership and inspire others to act in support of the Paris Agreement.

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556205 No.19466138


The Abyss has no bottom. Evil knows no limits.

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756b53 No.19466139


Annon thinks UNIITY may be the only way to stop further balkanization of european countrys, and WWIII from happening.

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be653c No.19466140


And are usually O- blood!

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2a29a4 No.19466141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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be3ead No.19466142


Was one of the Half Life series

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6e47dc No.19466143


Very few far less than before.

Waiting to see if employers start requiring them.

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556205 No.19466144

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7f99aa No.19466145

File: 6af92df2b5e3512⋯.jpg (67.58 KB,500x553,500:553,download_jpeg_10.jpg)


Yeah sorry a lot of it wasn't spam. I do notice though that they tend to leave specific spam up from specific posters here though.

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01d67c No.19466146

Do any anons listen to Glenn Beck? It seems he's had some discussion of the "wildfires" on Maui. Anyway there were some details that I haven't seen elsewhere. Has anyone heard of non-native grasses being an issue? I'm not sure which of his podcasts the info might be in because I was listening second-hand.

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8e5b01 No.19466147


Morning, dipshit. Another day at office spam for you? I have no feelings for you whatsoever so I will not give any false sayings, like you do.

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76ca37 No.19466148

File: 37c957f43c8e560⋯.png (99.27 KB,926x894,463:447,3784_3_.png)

File: 0b8a210c80d984c⋯.png (179.4 KB,926x1742,463:871,3785_3_.png)

File: 352c67afc2d6157⋯.png (1.77 MB,926x3762,463:1881,4310_1_.png)


Posted LB.

Think its comms

McConnell FREEZE

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808bd7 No.19466149

File: 1fbd9e8ac0f1819⋯.mp4 (6.91 MB,720x406,360:203,1fbd9e8ac0f1819da6b6b701e1….mp4)

Anybody want to explain this faggot video to me? These guys need their ass kicked.

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a2706b No.19466150


gun post, read it as a psalm.

and what you look for would be a move I myself will develop a little more.


you recall right, it was two cases. and my shoulder was blue. thumbs up?

(this now marks me with a situation in my past, agencies do not have to do anything, autists just did, blue found me just now.) Adonay.

Titanpoint is more of symbolism misunderstood, no worries, I am God and did not know stuff I know now haf a year ago, hence the salty updates.

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2a29a4 No.19466151

File: 9287679de94f15d⋯.gif (1.13 MB,260x173,260:173,how_are_you.gif)

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556205 No.19466152


seen't a couple. why?

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be653c No.19466153


Yep. I’m curious if our county health department will try it… our local schools are sheep to them and do what they say. Expect an ourflux of kids if it’s “mandated” again.

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6349d1 No.19466154

File: 146e4c630fb5558⋯.png (1.95 MB,1019x1007,1019:1007,ClipboardImage.png)



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e31c00 No.19466155

Is the smoking glownigger here yet?

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33c879 No.19466156


That fence is both weak and climbable…

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556205 No.19466157

File: 39992244ccd1be3⋯.png (331.07 KB,581x388,581:388,newsome.png)

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f179e6 No.19466158


more baseless assertions from the shills.

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bd0733 No.19466159

Universal donors are those with an O negative blood type. Why? O negative blood can be used in transfusions for any blood type.

Type O is routinely in short supply and in high demand by hospitals – both because it is the most common blood type and because type O negative blood is the universal blood type needed for emergency transfusions and for immune deficient infants.

Approximately 45 percent of Caucasians are type O (positive or negative), but 51 percent of African-Americans and 57 percent of Hispanics are type O. Minority and diverse populations, therefore, play a critical role in meeting the constant need for blood.

Types O negative and O positive are in high demand. Only 7% of the population are O negative. However, the need for O negative blood is the highest because it is used most often during emergencies. The need for O+ is high because it is the most frequently occurring blood type (37% of the population).

The universal red cell donor has Type O negative blood. The universal plasma donor has Type AB blood. For more about plasma donation, visit the plasma donation facts.

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8e5b01 No.19466160


No, he's not.

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be653c No.19466161


Because here, I’m relatively insulated.. don’t travel. Plus, I believe anons will tell the truth over ‘news’. Thx!

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5dc2df No.19466162

File: 07b4eeebca916f8⋯.jpg (19.9 KB,295x398,295:398,Screen_Shot_2023_06_22_at_….jpg)

File: 4baf4201e88970f⋯.jpg (28.87 KB,353x362,353:362,Screen_Shot_2023_08_04_at_….jpg)


E= Evelyn?

Evelyn here to Help.


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e31c00 No.19466163

File: 2cbfd227d96bf09⋯.png (19.08 KB,255x245,51:49,59ff4b32f185b1377cbc1e0449….png)


Oops, spoke too soon.

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2f38df No.19466164

At what point does humanity fight back?

Once they are caged?

Once they are on the trains?

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777528 No.19466165


>I do notice though that they tend to leave specific spam up

What 'specific spam'?

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3a9ca2 No.19466166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Piece of SHIT Joe Rogan says at the 4:27 mark of this video, "Let me ask you this, WHY do they still keep singing the National Anthem at a boxing fight? Cuz that SHIT takes so much time."

FUCK YOU JOE ROGAN! Imagine having so little gratefulness for Old Glory that you can't handle how long the National Anthem takes before you get paid to commentate on a fight.

How does Joe Rogan not get Booed by Patriots everywhere he goes?


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8e5b01 No.19466167


Now we'll see if your previous scam continues or you continue down this road after your IP hop. Decisions, decisions.

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e31c00 No.19466168



From the highest ranking narcissist?

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6ba08b No.19466169

File: c8f54027b5c268c⋯.png (1.89 MB,1247x935,1247:935,c8f54027b5c268c2bb0c87cb6c….png)


I've seen nasty gore & death even on here but that's real fucked up. Always thought real life was worse than what they show in their horror flicks but damn man, makes me sick thinking about it.

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01d67c No.19466170


My city has lots of traffic circles now. Most Americans I know did not grow up with these and they seem to me to be strategically placed to cause problems so that people avoid the area! Not sure where I heard/saw it in print, but apparently putting in traffic circles is part of the "agenda".

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b96339 No.19466171

File: 8a135145242246e⋯.mp4 (1.21 MB,576x1024,9:16,8a135145242246ee4534b2a316….mp4)

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946978 No.19466172


Once they actually feel threatened. Just like any other animal.

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e97eeb No.19466173



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2503c3 No.19466174

File: dddf68258b6593d⋯.jpeg (77.67 KB,634x1000,317:500,IMG_1157.jpeg)

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bd0733 No.19466175

File: e46354d57353117⋯.png (36.32 KB,848x622,424:311,ClipboardImage.png)



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e31c00 No.19466176


>IP hopping

Like SP shill was caught doing this week?

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4c293b No.19466177


Bad Joke? Blonde Jelly? Basque Jelly?

What in the world could BJ mean?

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33c879 No.19466178


He is a pussy on most important matters - still shitting his pants about interviewing Trump. That alone tells you about his tiny balls.

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0cfd22 No.19466179


yes seems it went




bottom up, but if read top down




then the 43 decode lb?

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01d67c No.19466180


> 11:11:11

How'd you do that? Maybe some people need to make 11th hour decisions.

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6349d1 No.19466181

File: 95d32c976c8f0c3⋯.jpg (39.43 KB,646x319,646:319,Billy_Joel_Stilletto.jpg)


>What in the world could BJ mean

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2a29a4 No.19466182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


love the animals and they will do no harm to you, if they're not hungry……….

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8e5b01 No.19466183


Yep. The color of blood is a lot brighter with less of a glossy sheen than what they show in cinema surprised me from all the gore that's been posted here over the years. Now it just makes me curious as to what led to the picture being taken in the first place.

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33c879 No.19466184


Boiling point is not always 100% predictable, but it will come.

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8d30ca No.19466185

shape -> number -> letter -> metaphor of math and word

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0cfd22 No.19466186




POST https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110980712980664854

RT https://truthsocial.com/@LauraLoomer/posts/110928806790263865

POST https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110980739108574914

POST https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110980750971780375

POST https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110980759139553098

RT https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110980759139553098

POST https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110984093096209122

RT https://truthsocial.com/@jsolomonreports/posts/110984080917664007

RT https://truthsocial.com/@RepMTG/posts/110979427772536925

RT https://truthsocial.com/@MTG/posts/110979247585632901

RT https://truthsocial.com/@RepMTG/posts/110975067483732745

POST = 0

RT = 1


0 = 1 3 1

1 = 1 1 4

1 1 3 1 1 4

|| 3 || 4

34 = Mirror 43

George Walker Bush?

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d5aa12 No.19466187

File: 3d83671e5ead062⋯.jpg (381.34 KB,1800x1267,1800:1267,3d83671e5ead0623dd6617ade1….jpg)

File: 3fdd5674c06e392⋯.jpg (145.56 KB,1200x675,16:9,3fdd5674c06e392202fc608b93….jpg)

File: 73a80b09cc0c779⋯.png (53.03 KB,575x680,115:136,73a80b09cc0c7798d4f76ab87f….png)

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9f4d30 No.19466188

File: f7998b4579c871a⋯.png (1.03 MB,750x1334,375:667,81F29139_3755_45C0_870A_AD….png)

File: e7db5a2616697d4⋯.png (189.52 KB,639x560,639:560,59520BD3_1EFF_452E_9BEE_DA….png)

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4c293b No.19466189


Traffic Circles, they became vogue when my brother in law said "why do you have stop signs in your country". So I put in roundabouts.

Still, to this day, people don't understand how to use them correctly. Point your car into the circle, press the gas, and avoid other cars while doing so, never fukcing stop. You piss people off, go very slowly, but don't ever stop.

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946978 No.19466190


>it will come

Vagueness is my enemy

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5dc2df No.19466191

File: 96d11d7d55558ef⋯.jpg (198.7 KB,511x1018,511:1018,Screen_Shot_2023_08_29_at_….jpg)

File: d8ecc3bed40dd56⋯.jpg (84.41 KB,598x596,299:298,Screen_Shot_2023_03_28_at_….jpg)

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8e5b01 No.19466192


Ah, yes, I remember you trying this last night. Sauce? I do not IP hop. My IP hash history is proof of that. So, convince everyone that I IP hop. Go on. Surely, you have proof, Shirley.

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01d67c No.19466193


It's the Q storm! At least it is shaped like one.

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3fbfd4 No.19466194

File: 2d9070bfc402f7a⋯.mp4 (15.26 MB,640x360,16:9,Transgendersong0230830_4.mp4)



Those cowboys are gay, They are on the path to cutting their parts off

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3bea15 No.19466196

File: 99e003aad6656ca⋯.jpg (50.14 KB,439x455,439:455,99e003aad6656ca509c3c89766….jpg)

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a2706b No.19466197


spiders in the heart. best placement for newfags.

touch your heart softly to make a tiny noise for best placement.


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b7ab28 No.19466198

File: 0e87e7b3e9ba946⋯.png (211.58 KB,804x578,402:289,2023_08_31_12_10_30_copy.png)


And Joe will be there for the end of the dollar, too.

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8e5b01 No.19466199

Dagen's legs look nice today. That a girl…

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c36f61 No.19466200


My sister-inlaw watches MSDNC and she is a medicated nutcase.

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39247a No.19466201

File: 28b52f53f2e7446⋯.png (795.1 KB,3327x580,3327:580,Untitled2.png)

File: e59a8a261ca67df⋯.png (711.16 KB,2907x814,2907:814,Untitled3.png)

File: 0042022a92bb9ff⋯.png (1.62 MB,2760x812,690:203,Untitled4.png)





>"projection shill"

All shills can be followed by their patterns. The same patterns every day. The same spam. The same "projections". The same narrative driving. The same consensus cracking. The same IP hopping. Thank you for playing the game.

Rent free.

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c8182d No.19466202


>did you know that the Basque people survived the last flood?

Basque's are strong motherfuckers. Clarkson did one of his early motorshows in the Basque region. Was super interesting. Anon will try and find link.

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6349d1 No.19466203

File: 59eb62d74b37612⋯.png (2.04 MB,1008x1018,504:509,ClipboardImage.png)

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9f4d30 No.19466204

File: 201415852518d79⋯.gif (736 KB,640x358,320:179,36762002_21D5_4FF8_8AB6_83….gif)

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c8182d No.19466206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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15cc72 No.19466207


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8e5b01 No.19466208


You had to IP hop for that? afterthought, you're not bothering anyone, you're just giving everyone a window into your own breakdown.

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d20aff No.19466209


Well written. Thanks.

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a2706b No.19466211

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2f38df No.19466212


The more I learn about spirituality, the more synchronicity I have.

It is non stop at this point.

Be kind

Be loving

Be fair

Be patient

Be grateful

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4c293b No.19466213

Knock knock.

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3444cd No.19466214

File: b9c3e4577a319ef⋯.png (923.18 KB,1000x540,50:27,TYB.png)

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9f4d30 No.19466215

File: 201415852518d79⋯.gif (736 KB,640x358,320:179,451EB0E1_A01C_4BC0_8A2D_BC….gif)

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ce895e No.19466216

File: 7af2dbac97c3ff7⋯.png (150.01 KB,1136x1354,568:677,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e47dc No.19466217

File: 8ecdc9b61a28c68⋯.jpg (66.69 KB,500x396,125:99,The_letter_the_alphabet_22….jpg)

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4c293b No.19466218


Another that has taken on the ways of the wise. Wait until I tell you all how that happened.

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5dc2df No.19466219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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777528 No.19466220


If you're the IP hopping shill spamming the board with the 'highest ranking narcissist' memes, accusing all anons criticizing your posts as being the same person, then yes indeed can patterns be identified.


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b36730 No.19466221

File: 4d4ed7e369f26b8⋯.png (1.93 MB,1400x1050,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Hey, you're that guy that thinks he can tell different anons apart by their writing style aren't ya?


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3fbfd4 No.19466222

File: 0c9a2af2aeaa609⋯.png (396.72 KB,1011x739,1011:739,pepe_constable_with_baton.png)



Report this piece of shit

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a2706b No.19466223

File: 658d545a383e7a7⋯.png (481.41 KB,497x576,497:576,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4279f1677fc792c⋯.png (326.54 KB,666x500,333:250,ClipboardImage.png)


yes, not about the document, 4 times white is accurate symbolism describing pic related.

also, nice tune makes it easy fr blue to find, does the music talk to you?

asking you when to softly scratch your heart to make a tiny noise? eyes open or closed? comfy.

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c36f61 No.19466224


They feign illness when they are caught.

i see fear in his eyes when he plays possum.

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3444cd No.19466225

File: fa38feb6fff9a86⋯.jpg (116.51 KB,1290x1549,1290:1549,fa38feb6fff9a86a9ec5204f84….jpg)


RIP Bill

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b96339 No.19466226

File: 361c2447968ddde⋯.mp4 (455.47 KB,848x478,424:239,361c2447968ddde6f12aebc034….mp4)

Have to get gas today.

Can't wait till… "drill baby drill".

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26495a No.19466227


shill psyop

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63b6f0 No.19466228


Love is the answer to all worldly problems.

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33c879 No.19466229


This crazy lady did exact same maneuver outside place of business - took out 5 cars and neighbors fence. Turns out she was on meds and that was the claimed reason… almost killed a bunch of kids in the car park at the time.

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a2706b No.19466230


new bread for discussion the question of how one can be born again into your own mothers womb?

filter? me thinkz off board but documented, bread would be nice. what about clapperboard and canada?

do not mind my rather anngry old post.

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7a9c27 No.19466231

File: 0a16b7bb47c9549⋯.png (180.83 KB,823x681,823:681,ClipboardImage.png)


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a2706b No.19466232



meant for.

yes, Trump 12.

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8d2faa No.19466233


It's a stupid tradition to sing before the entertainment and excuses to numb the mind with alcohol. But I do get virtue standing proud to the flag right before I turn into a zombie.

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80adbe No.19466234

File: e1d1b22aa14c550⋯.mp4 (11.24 MB,854x480,427:240,wewillnotcomplyf.mp4)


Trump already gave the answer to "science" vs. Compliance.

And their science needs to be in quotations.

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d5aa12 No.19466235

File: 2a21c1f9929aef6⋯.png (433.29 KB,563x334,563:334,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f2668663ac039d⋯.png (120.93 KB,531x317,531:317,ClipboardImage.png)





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a4dfdc No.19466236

>>19465622 (pb)


if anything that headline if it is like it sounds just proves even more that epstein was a government asset that apparently was deployed to help them with the "RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA" hoax

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6349d1 No.19466237


>i see fear in his eyes when he plays possum.

I think it's up to the other senators. [They] knew

how bad he was and didn't turn him in.

Now forced to do something. fuckers

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1b1d01 No.19466238

File: 97e82594815ff3f⋯.png (488.77 KB,1106x1012,553:506,pepe_8.png)

Bongino is saying Trump's life is in grave danger.

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63b6f0 No.19466239


Kek. They have to know love of their own free will.

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6e47dc No.19466240

File: 56230533639027f⋯.gif (3.57 MB,498x305,498:305,Nightshift_dr_strange.gif)


To be fair it's not that hard to recognize patterns.

Especially for those who have been here for a long time.

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a2706b No.19466241


MC? RM says hi.red.


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f7761f No.19466242


you're at 88k owed

they'll probably wait until around 250k or so before they really want it

have fun

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7a9c27 No.19466243

File: f541c3c6fe7041f⋯.png (69.88 KB,832x420,208:105,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89af783a150e009⋯.png (121.46 KB,1059x769,1059:769,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1aa0fa61c9426d4⋯.png (88.54 KB,780x465,52:31,ClipboardImage.png)

Sheer fucking lunacy.

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a2706b No.19466244


corney? strings attached?

only right side? cap as help?

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5a3594 No.19466245

File: d3ea0a697f4bb58⋯.mp4 (3.56 MB,1280x720,16:9,d3ea0a697f4bb58e9f58e2c88e….mp4)


>Anybody want to explain this faggot video

Kek! Means most people are well on their way into the "future"

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39247a No.19466246

Dangle dangle.

Rent free.

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ce895e No.19466247

File: 7380bc172e67d4c⋯.png (109.26 KB,1052x615,1052:615,ClipboardImage.png)

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b36730 No.19466248


To be fair. Isn't that kind of what I did? Or wait no. It's exactly what I did.


He knows why what I wrote was funny.

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caae69 No.19466249


Dod has millions of IP addresses.

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6349d1 No.19466250


>Bongino is saying

Watch muh show …

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a2706b No.19466251


soldier turning back? fever left.

banana knight did not know shit. comfy.

not about that.

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1354df No.19466252


nik'd that baby


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3444cd No.19466253

File: a5522b8073396ab⋯.png (822.39 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_585_.png)


OMG! Time stamp is good right @ 26:00


Anon loves her too, she's been fighting for a long time too. Wish Trump would've went at it like that screw Rep & Dems [UNIPARTY] (anon was always independent too. I get that Trump is smart though and needed to win, why he will run again imo as a Republican (although I don't think he really is).

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33c879 No.19466254


Trump never mentions the punishment Bill Gates, Fauci, Pfizer, Politicians, investors etc will face for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY on a GLOBAL SCALE.

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b96339 No.19466255


His life has been in danger since the beginning.

Bongino and Tucker now saying the same thing could be foreshadowing.

The evil would be crawling out of the woodworks if Trump wasn't here.

Perhaps that is the best way to identify the last remaining demons.

Even if I don't like or agree with it.

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63b6f0 No.19466256


Everyone needs to ask this question: Is this a loving thing to do.

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a2706b No.19466257



(maker, not irl comms.)

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0cfd22 No.19466258

File: 26ce9ad55a4b654⋯.png (2.07 MB,1196x1121,1196:1121,ClipboardImage.png)

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d20aff No.19466259


Spot on, couldn't agree more, but in reality, you gave them 5 sheets of toilet paper.

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2f38df No.19466260


>Wait until I tell you all how that happened.

Go on

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be653c No.19466261

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7a9c27 No.19466263

File: 6c6ac5a8edaac19⋯.jpg (39.78 KB,1078x695,1078:695,donald_barr_hela_cells_joh….jpg)


So they conspire to infect people with a cancer causing blocker made by shitty people who want to profit off the nazi freezer full of bios from 1969

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4643c0 No.19466264

File: 1f14c689c58d6c9⋯.jpg (610.51 KB,1079x1689,1079:1689,Screenshot_20230831_172624….jpg)

High-level US delegation makes rare visit to rebel-held northwest Syria

It is the first such visit in six years since members of the US Congress went to Syria led by late Senator John McCain.

US delegation visits rebel-held Syria on August 27

Published On 27 Aug 2023

27 Aug 2023

A high-level United States delegation has made a rare visit to rebel-held territory in northwestern Syria in an effort to highlight the “ongoing humanitarian catastrophe” there.

The delegation that arrived on Sunday included three members of the US Congress – Ben Cline, Scott Fitzgerald, and French Hill – all members of the US Republican Party.

orphaned Syrian children [Bakr Alkasem/Al Jazeera]

‘Surprising and unexpected’

This marks the first such visit since 2017, when members of Congress went to Syria led by late Senator John McCain – one of the strongest advocates of US military aid for the Syrian opposition during the war.

Last week, the opposition’s “provisional government” announced a meeting in Turkey between its leader Abdurrahman Mustafa and Nicholas Granger, the US State Department envoy to north and east Syria.

Discussions focused on the political, military, and economic situation in areas freed from pro-al-Assad forces.

“The visit of the American delegation today was surprising and unexpected, following a hiatus that lasted years after the cessation of military support to opposition factions in 2017,” said Riyad al-Khatib, 32, from the city of Mare in the Aleppo governate.

The US launched measures to support opposition factions in Syria in 2013, but froze those efforts during former President Donald Trump’s tenure in 2017.

Subsequently, military support became limited to the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) located in eastern Syria, which has fought the armed group ISIL (ISIS) in addition to supporting opposition factions near a US base on the Syrian-Jordanian border.

“We need there to be frequent visits to the region, not only by the United States but also by European Union countries to assess the humanitarian situation in the area,” al-Khatib said.

“The region continues to experience ongoing bombardment by the Assad regime, Russia, and Iran, and at times by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces.”

Moar: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/8/27/high-level-us-delegation-makes-rare-visit-to-rebel-held-syria


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148f34 No.19466266

>>19465442 pb

>Maui Senator Will Resign from Office After Facing Conflict of Interest Questions

PDJT made a reference to this post >>No.19448343 when he used "eye for an eye" reference because if you search for that whole term on the boards, there is only one post that uses that Biblical term. The whole gist of the post is that we can no longer tolerate these deep state criminals to abuse our rights only to resign or be transferred to elsewhere to continue their abuses. I urge you to read it and ask PDJT what can be done to end this DS tactic that has destroyed our country.

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1b1d01 No.19466271

File: b7bf2dad38b7505⋯.png (1.6 MB,1500x1500,1:1,pepe_filter.png)


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a2706b No.19466274




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8e5b01 No.19466275

The best they've come up with, the best attack they've devised, is to accuse SmokingPepe of IP hopping. Just doesn't have the same ring to it as "It's the Jews," does it?

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756b53 No.19466276


No lock downs

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bd0733 No.19466277

File: ca9cfbffaf9edbc⋯.png (223.88 KB,320x580,16:29,ef424ac1f02edf09fa6f0b4ce4….png)

File: 4e020b043c50bbb⋯.jpg (43.8 KB,400x400,1:1,kTu50T5I_400x400.jpg)

File: a4cda19926713aa⋯.png (935.27 KB,750x1000,3:4,a4cda199291a248.png)


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b96339 No.19466279

File: 7661972de34502d⋯.mp4 (1.47 MB,480x270,16:9,7661972de34502d9caed64fe72….mp4)

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a2706b No.19466282


hey, those are supposed to be full.

7th floor is no more?

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8d30ca No.19466283

the old ways constructed stories that were easy to remember.

speaker to listener transfer of knowledge.

listener understanding not required…

to transfer the knowledge thousands of years into the future.

self adapting to language changes through time.

enduring longer than paper and stone.

always available for those that can sea.

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756b53 No.19466284


No vaxx mandates

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8603fa No.19466285


One area that directly serves the President- Diplomatic corps perchance

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a848e4 No.19466288

Hey PF’s, Whats up with the 12 P-8 Posiden’s all east bound towards N FL?

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006a81 No.19466289


Wouldn't it be cool if everyone had randomly rotated IP addresses?

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3444cd No.19466291

File: 0795c3751b1030e⋯.png (1.2 MB,1083x1076,1083:1076,0795c3751b1030e51cb9e16589….png)


>Dod has millions of IP addresses.

So what your saying is it's just a coinkidink?

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a2706b No.19466292


I kind of see a shark, and do remember fuch/xur.

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b5e004 No.19466294

File: c9b1a902912f4e4⋯.jpg (44.81 KB,582x428,291:214,7xkjmf.jpg)

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63b6f0 No.19466295


That’s a really great idea. 👏🏿

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42dc3e No.19466297


false flag incoming

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5dc2df No.19466298

File: 4d301a7aba0cd61⋯.jpg (45.16 KB,497x231,71:33,Screen_Shot_2023_08_31_at_….jpg)





For the in-between.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9b601a No.7352829📁

Nov 11 2019 17:55:38 (EST)

"I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery."

-Thomas Jefferson

"What we seek is the reign of law, based upon the consent of the governed and sustained by the organized opinion of mankind."

-Woodrow Wilson

"Educate and inform the whole mass of people. They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."

-Thomas Jefferson



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42dc3e No.19466300


got pic of flights?

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3fbfd4 No.19466301

File: 5246b72ba13c738⋯.jpg (93.39 KB,720x748,180:187,20230831_103549.jpg)

File: 232c4a83919dd4b⋯.mp4 (1.46 MB,888x482,444:241,Insider_Paper_20230831_3.mp4)

WATCH 🚨 Nebraska police pull over man with a bull riding in the passenger’s seat


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8e5b01 No.19466304


I'd still be me and still able to defend myself. It wouldn't bother me if that occurred.

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a2706b No.19466305




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8603fa No.19466306



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bd0733 No.19466307

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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121ada No.19466308

File: b15893a6f676b68⋯.jpeg (316.61 KB,800x693,800:693,Tiny_Zelenskyy_01_Shotgun.JPEG)

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9f4d30 No.19466309

File: 138ee37432ae055⋯.png (1.51 MB,750x1334,375:667,4A142C8A_B9D5_4509_A9E6_F1….png)

File: 67f6f0ce8f9cad6⋯.png (136.2 KB,690x1428,115:238,096704F4_BA98_4C30_923A_8D….png)

File: 06c2cdae3fe5138⋯.png (81.69 KB,690x806,345:403,AAF8B6FB_2E4D_4756_A32F_6E….png)

File: 06c2cdae3fe5138⋯.png (81.69 KB,690x806,345:403,F514AC4D_9888_47EA_B482_33….png)



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3444cd No.19466310

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a2706b No.19466312




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366888 No.19466313


Yes. "more than 671 million"

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63b6f0 No.19466314


They should mid their business

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121ada No.19466315

File: 92d0e50020d3b63⋯.png (809.81 KB,880x878,440:439,D6954DC5_A1BF_4A2E_94DE_22….png)

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01a33a No.19466316

Grass fires have been known to melt steel beam constructed buildings causing collapse.

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a848e4 No.19466318

File: 61d6153977e9580⋯.png (3.75 MB,2732x2048,683:512,IMG_0665.png)

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3fbfd4 No.19466319


So it's like winning the lottery, a million to one one shot

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d8db55 No.19466320

File: e223818ac8ecb48⋯.png (428.34 KB,571x500,571:500,ClipboardImage.png)

File: da754c3a6a914d4⋯.png (2.61 MB,1329x861,443:287,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd4fabe1b30d8d1⋯.png (419.29 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3ed748d5566859⋯.png (543.95 KB,831x467,831:467,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69aed74ab0321eb⋯.png (800.04 KB,750x499,750:499,ClipboardImage.png)



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a2706b No.19466321


true, operator just changed.

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5dc2df No.19466323

File: 296945ba21abe1f⋯.jpg (81.57 KB,1019x672,1019:672,2023_07_03_15_11_11.jpg)

File: a445bde5279e44e⋯.jpg (39.95 KB,640x426,320:213,2023_08_27_19_11_40.jpg)


>"Educate and inform the whole mass of people. They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."

>-Thomas Jefferson


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8d2faa No.19466324

Q+. Any way you can tell us how time travel works?

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f179e6 No.19466325


I want some of what you are smoking.

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7a9c27 No.19466326

File: 470555e70ce82ad⋯.jpeg (25.39 KB,170x255,2:3,fgirl.jpeg)

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556205 No.19466327

File: 8d2f3fa58fee778⋯.png (1.64 MB,2000x1125,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


will never google "weird deep sea creatures" again.

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121ada No.19466328

File: ec78aface43ace5⋯.jpeg (596.32 KB,1281x1921,1281:1921,7C4A563B_8795_492F_8CCF_E….jpeg)

File: 5c17a3c1551e204⋯.jpeg (472.89 KB,1484x820,371:205,IMG_4082.jpeg)

File: d85d292eb73f40b⋯.mp4 (500.51 KB,256x464,16:29,nt1FStqpNCKZ0J74.mp4)

File: 6cf0d0ad172b007⋯.jpeg (255.14 KB,1366x1366,1:1,Gay_Barry_07_Montage.JPEG)

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f179e6 No.19466329

File: 6d53e667f56cad0⋯.jpg (12.65 KB,225x225,1:1,scamalert.jpg)

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b5e004 No.19466330

File: fafd0130c3d1232⋯.jpg (49.11 KB,582x428,291:214,7xlat5.jpg)

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63b6f0 No.19466331

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9f4d30 No.19466332

File: 1d0f5a93d8bd411⋯.png (40.09 KB,690x542,345:271,B7ECE145_2397_450F_8C53_FB….png)

device wonky. august 31 831

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6e2c47 No.19466333

File: f199bdb263ec809⋯.png (899.32 KB,1080x1034,540:517,Screenvvd.png)



Anon called Muh Dick back in 2018 had so many IP addresses 8Chan gave up on banning him.

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1354df No.19466334

@259give or take

#23907 >>19465978

>>19466000 Welcome to the Continental Republic of the United States!

>>19466003 A new civil action against former President Donald Trump was unsealed in New York Wednesday

>>19466025 The People’s House is getting back to work.

>>19466042, >>19466088 Kevin McKernan on What May Be Causing a Rise in Cancers

>>19466044, >>19466055, >>19466125, >>19466133 THIS ALL ENDS WHEN WE STOP PAYING [THEM]

>>19466093 Lara Logan What is the Uni-Party

>>19466114, >>19466179, >>19466067, >>19466186 Numbers

>>19466148, >>19466130 McConnell FREEZE

Refresh prolly guud

VD is raging

dick in cray not guud

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a2706b No.19466335



space food does taste bad.

comfy. comfy.

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5dc2df No.19466336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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18f2c3 No.19466337

File: d4823e608fd6233⋯.jpg (17.61 KB,474x298,237:149,I_Eat_Babies.jpg)

I wish this Basic Bitch would return to the headlines.

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121ada No.19466338

File: 83b26f083056580⋯.jpeg (82.23 KB,801x401,801:401,Tiffany_and_Trump_Ding_Sm….JPEG)

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b5e004 No.19466339

File: 459e0a8f8f54475⋯.jpg (57.05 KB,582x428,291:214,7xlaz3.jpg)

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63b6f0 No.19466340



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7a9c27 No.19466341

File: 244da41aab704bc⋯.jpeg (26.61 KB,170x255,2:3,ffgirl.jpeg)

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d20aff No.19466342


It's one thing to ramble thoughtless embarrassing things to a drunken Kiwanis club audience but, really. "Leader of the "free" world"? They're rubbing our noses in shit not of our own making.

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077148 No.19466343


Basque (Euskara) is one of the oldest languages in Western Europe, preceding the Indo-European tongues.

Various scholars claim that there exist nexus between Basque and Iberian, Berber or some of the languages found around the Caucasus, but the origins of Euskara remain a mystery.


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4fcd20 No.19466344

File: 2986adfd275adb9⋯.mp4 (13.55 MB,400x224,25:14,2986adfd275adb98696fa9bcd9….mp4)

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c8182d No.19466345

File: e893aee0e4e231b⋯.jpg (311.84 KB,1440x2160,2:3,amit_freidman_skin_tight_c….jpg)

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5dc2df No.19466346

File: dbfbf29c9c44562⋯.jpg (154.13 KB,1646x549,1646:549,Screen_Shot_2023_08_30_at_….jpg)

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a848e4 No.19466347

File: 7caa91a6a185286⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB,2732x2048,683:512,IMG_0665.jpeg)

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61ce5f No.19466348

File: 2d3718aaf4dfa61⋯.png (738.79 KB,1348x809,1348:809,P8_wtf.png)





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42dc3e No.19466349


is 500 knots fast?

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556205 No.19466350


don't know about grass fires, but flaming jet fuel can superheat steel joint supporting megatons of concrete and when combined with megatons of mechanical impact weakens enough of them to the point of failure to cause total structural collaps.

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8e5b01 No.19466351


>space food does taste bad.

Dehydrated ice cream nuggets.

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a2706b No.19466352


zwergfell, only when smoking I ask for blue bow bc of smoke echoing away.

small fella lifted up on a fig tree [marker].

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63b6f0 No.19466353



Sounds girled to me!

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b96339 No.19466354

File: 282227fb98d2920⋯.mp4 (362.68 KB,256x320,4:5,1237761918116470785_ES1p49….mp4)

Smart cities

15 minute cities be like…

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7a9c27 No.19466355

File: 69224a786355bf4⋯.png (175.76 KB,967x686,967:686,ClipboardImage.png)

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a2706b No.19466356


direct and blunt.

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63b6f0 No.19466358


Freeze dried fruit FTW

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121ada No.19466359

File: 6e88cdd3b876827⋯.jpeg (561.16 KB,1383x1936,1383:1936,Barbara_Bush_was_a_Dude_0….JPEG)

File: 7c60e79c33f759b⋯.png (932.24 KB,800x800,1:1,Barbara_Bush_Was_a_Dude_03.PNG)

File: 036ce72e3542f9d⋯.mp4 (7.92 MB,720x848,45:53,Barbara_Bush_was_a_Dude_02.MP4)

File: 3002c10fce0c8fd⋯.jpg (1.86 MB,4482x1998,83:37,IMG_8760.JPG)

File: e3a24d6e485e5c8⋯.png (1.12 MB,609x840,29:40,IMG_3353.PNG)

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86858a No.19466360


Knot really.

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077148 No.19466361

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1:00 PM EDT

AI Opportunities and Challenges for Small Businesses

Bipartisan Policy Center




Small Business Administration Official Discusses Impact of AI

Bailey DeVries, associate administrator for the Small Business Administration’s Office of Investment and Innovation, joins the Bipartisan Policy Center for a discussion on the challenges and opportunities with artificial intelligence (AI).


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1b1d01 No.19466362


For a jet powered aircraft, no.

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80adbe No.19466363

File: 8b603d8e2dbe602⋯.png (78.55 KB,571x329,571:329,rampratflintdart.png)

File: c486129b5dcd960⋯.png (1.82 MB,1509x987,503:329,jacksmithhy2.png)

File: 8c620f16e56e87a⋯.jpg (69.45 KB,1024x673,1024:673,jacksmith.jpg)



Don't believe it's DART, that's one;s always been good.

And it looks like only my posts were deleted.

So it 's RampRat or Flint.


>>19465742 lb,

>>19465897 lb

>>19465901 lb

What NWO plan and how that relates to "Jack Smith"

Erasure of all laws.

Jack Smith comes from "The Hague" where the highest value of Law decision making is "Equity" just as what the commies now in charge of the USA talk about.

What does it mean?

It's up to the Judge themselves to decide what is fair and they don't have to follow written law nor tradition. They are free to decide what is "fair" and "for the common good"

What do you think Communists and Totalitarians believe is the "Common Good"?

Obviously "Jack Smith" believes that getting rid of DJT is "common good" - and "obvious" to all Trump -haters.

So that's where Jack gets his "authority" to break our laws, because by the people he works for (International World Court of the Hague) , he doesn't have to obey local national laws.

This is their scheme.

No coincidence my writing about it at length, last night, was erased. Each of my posts. No other posts in the bread erased?

The Lady "Nass" explained it all. They plan to erase all local laws; that's how they'll do their "soft coup"

In her own words.

VidRel next post

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2f38df No.19466364

Q did we incarnate for this mission?

Did we all agree prior?

Infiltration not invasion?

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9f88b4 No.19466365

File: 8d9fb8a8348d5d7⋯.png (362.15 KB,500x706,250:353,33dcbbb.png)


Love to meet her in person and hear her story that will not talk about publicly.

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8e5b01 No.19466366


Fuck off, namefag. Filtered.

Anyone have the regex line handy for the options that filters everything but shiny names?

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077148 No.19466367

File: 0e6cb32b0cb3743⋯.jpg (43.48 KB,612x445,612:445,George_H_W_Bush_And_Barbar….jpg)

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7a9c27 No.19466368

File: 9d1d2e50eefa7e5⋯.jpg (25.78 KB,640x400,8:5,bill_Nye_the_girl_guy.jpg)

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63b6f0 No.19466369


When “child you” knew more than “adult you”.

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a2706b No.19466370


compliments above.

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be653c No.19466371


I’ve wondered this too. We were born for this time.

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121ada No.19466372

File: 77e18cdf2f33a67⋯.png (369.09 KB,521x818,521:818,CAAE1269_5754_42FB_BAE3_17….PNG)

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7a9c27 No.19466373

File: bd885f3a597353b⋯.png (128.39 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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a2706b No.19466374

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c8182d No.19466375

File: 20970ce66fc624f⋯.png (1.72 KB,225x18,25:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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7a9c27 No.19466376

File: 4e6baf9dfa48793⋯.png (67.38 KB,280x198,140:99,ClipboardImage.png)

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366888 No.19466377

File: cd93c114bf7f9f8⋯.png (605.82 KB,1200x1816,150:227,Capture_2023_08_31_12_36_1….png)

File: e4dc0c664932256⋯.png (391.94 KB,1200x1816,150:227,Capture_2023_08_31_12_36_4….png)

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1b1d01 No.19466378

File: 70ad192d707abe4⋯.jpg (124.57 KB,670x372,335:186,suicide_.jpg)

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077148 No.19466379

File: 4de52741857565d⋯.jpg (90.64 KB,600x480,5:4,Unsee.jpg)

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1b1d01 No.19466380

File: 99648c16b147a92⋯.jpg (77.74 KB,354x461,354:461,ewww.jpg)

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121ada No.19466381

File: 435663bceef77ca⋯.jpeg (135.13 KB,800x534,400:267,D37F4C5C_9FDB_47C6_AB22_C….JPEG)

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3444cd No.19466382

File: 8116b8ab4bbca99⋯.png (346.94 KB,384x498,64:83,8116b8ab4bbca99cc8c6fd9c11….png)


>Yes. "more than 671 million"

The DoD has 671 million IP addresses?

Like to see you try & sauce that, kek

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a2706b No.19466383


burning books if for advanced after I developed more clear.

for now: father is, needs to be comfy, time is a thing, irl/symbilism, love as base.

want a sparkling kiss?

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01a33a No.19466384

Together with scrub grass, the red volcanic rock surrounding Lahaina acted much like the briquettes in a grill raising temperatures to well over 2,000 degrees. Enough to melt lone cars in the middle of a large intersection.

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b7ab28 No.19466385

File: ef19c7154cdc7fd⋯.png (162.51 KB,375x372,125:124,sure.png)


>Love to meet her in person and hear her story that will not talk about publicly.

hear her story…

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8e5b01 No.19466386

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a2706b No.19466387


left and right? yeah, no shit, so smelly.

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a2706b No.19466388

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893872 No.19466389

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ATF - FBI - CIA | The Strong Arm of Tyrants

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bb6e8e No.19466390


Waaay beyond that. Owe 2017, 2020, 2021, 2022. Only in late 2022 and 2023 did anon cease being able to earn substantive income. Prolly well under the income threshold now.

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bc6278 No.19466391

File: 96fe59221c08b55⋯.jpg (19.41 KB,474x298,237:149,Foreskin.jpg)

Chelsea Clinton has a masculine clitoris.

The chair is against the wall.

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80adbe No.19466392

File: 8b603d8e2dbe602⋯.png (78.55 KB,571x329,571:329,rampratflintdart.png)

File: c486129b5dcd960⋯.png (1.82 MB,1509x987,503:329,jacksmithhy2.png)

File: 8c620f16e56e87a⋯.jpg (69.45 KB,1024x673,1024:673,jacksmith.jpg)

File: e9e753edcd24bc1⋯.jpeg (59.95 KB,630x420,3:2,inquisition6.jpeg)

File: 65255dec0628785⋯.jpg (1.16 MB,1380x2216,345:554,psychologyandtheworldorder.JPG)



Don't believe it's DART, that's one;s always been good.

And it looks like only my posts were deleted.

So it 's RampRat or Flint.


>>19465742 lb,

>>19465897 lb

>>19465901 lb

What NWO plan and how that relates to "Jack Smith"

Erasure of all laws.

Jack Smith comes from "The Hague" where the highest value of Law decision making is "Equity" just as what the commies now in charge of the USA talk about.

What does it mean?

It's up to the Judge themselves to decide what is fair and they don't have to follow written law nor tradition. They are free to decide what is "fair" and "for the common good"

What do you think Communists and Totalitarians believe is the "Common Good"?

Obviously "Jack Smith" believes that getting rid of DJT is "common good" - and "obvious" to all Trump -haters.

So that's where Jack gets his "authority" to break our laws, because by the people he works for (International World Court of the Hague) , he doesn't have to obey local national laws.

This is their scheme.

No coincidence my writing about it at length, last night, was erased. Each of my posts. No other posts in the bread erased?

The Lady "Nass" explained it all. They plan to erase all local laws; that's how they'll do their "soft coup"

In her own words.

VidRel next post

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5dc2df No.19466393

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4643c0 No.19466394

File: 78b0584d819c94f⋯.jpg (309.46 KB,1079x700,1079:700,Screenshot_20230831_174402….jpg)

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a2706b No.19466395


excuse mr, mr officer sir, got a gas can?

o7 o7 o7 o7 the fuuuuck is happening?

ok, carry on?

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a2706b No.19466396


spread throughout time. 34. all time.

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1354df No.19466397


so those were in a locked thread?

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b96339 No.19466399

File: b5f6aef1aa09e7e⋯.mp4 (12.08 MB,1280x720,16:9,b5f6aef1aa09e7e4b667761e9a….mp4)

The magic that we have created is very real and very powerful.

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bb6e8e No.19466400


Wrong. Letters sent certified mail - lawsuit warning. Received read receipts for all but Carper. Also taking on the state with the same concept. Do they really want to fuck with this anon? Discovery would be a bitch!

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8e5b01 No.19466401

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01a33a No.19466402

Just one downed wire could act like the fuse on a large string of firecrackers making homes burst into flames almost simultaneously.

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3faa27 No.19466403

File: a9e2926ecdeefd1⋯.jpg (196 KB,1020x1024,255:256,1693499648259366m.jpg)

This video is already off Jewtube. Did anyone save it?

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3444cd No.19466404

File: c2498572e76197c⋯.jpg (149.79 KB,792x475,792:475,c2498572e76197cbee7fa6289b….jpg)

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d8db55 No.19466405

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: This is big news, the slow motion train wreck that has been coming ever since they injected with the experiential vaccines poisons, those who died straight away was the immediate effect, the longer term plan was always for those to die earlier if this what it looks like, democide as the Deagal Data showed. Ten year plan !!!



First published at 13:44 UTC on August 31st, 2023.


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a2706b No.19466406


SC on team?

SC off team?

Time. Will. Tell.

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121ada No.19466407

File: 0bc52e903928319⋯.jpeg (352.47 KB,862x1136,431:568,IMG_4155.jpeg)

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80adbe No.19466408

File: 8b603d8e2dbe602⋯.png (78.55 KB,571x329,571:329,rampratflintdart.png)

File: e9e753edcd24bc1⋯.jpeg (59.95 KB,630x420,3:2,inquisition6.jpeg)

File: c486129b5dcd960⋯.png (1.82 MB,1509x987,503:329,jacksmithhy2.png)

File: 65255dec0628785⋯.jpg (1.16 MB,1380x2216,345:554,psychologyandtheworldorder.JPG)



Don't believe it's DART, that's one;s always been good.

And it looks like only my posts were deleted.

So it 's RampRat or Flint.


>>19465742 lb,

>>19465897 lb

>>19465901 lb

What NWO plan and how that relates to "Jack Smith"

Erasure of all laws.

Jack Smith comes from "The Hague" where the highest value of Law decision making is "Equity" just as what the commies now in charge of the USA talk about.

What does it mean?

It's up to the Judge themselves to decide what is fair and they don't have to follow written law nor tradition. They are free to decide what is "fair" and "for the common good"

What do you think Communists and Totalitarians believe is the "Common Good"?

Obviously "Jack Smith" believes that getting rid of DJT is "common good" - and "obvious" to all Trump -haters.

So that's where Jack gets his "authority" to break our laws, because by the people he works for (International World Court of the Hague) , he doesn't have to obey local national laws.

This is their scheme.

No coincidence my writing about it at length, last night, was erased. Each of my posts. No other posts in the bread erased?

The Lady "Nass" explained it all. They plan to erase all local laws; that's how they'll do their "soft coup"

In her own words.

VidRel next post

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61ce5f No.19466409

File: ee69687ee5b6f20⋯.png (1.57 MB,1407x805,201:115,fprte111.png)



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3444cd No.19466410

File: 2ce2a418cb5e434⋯.png (247.56 KB,245x467,245:467,2ce2a418cb5e4341b46ad8ac7f….png)

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2503c3 No.19466411

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8e5b01 No.19466412


Spamming the same accusation over and over and over and over is not a very convincing argument.

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366888 No.19466413

File: 41f09f5bfbe947a⋯.png (94.85 KB,1170x428,585:214,Capture_2023_08_31_12_45_4….png)


My bad, over 200 million. https://www.pingdom.com/blog/where-did-all-the-ip-numbers-go-the-us-department-of-defense-has-them/

See also >>19466377

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b96339 No.19466414

File: 7a57aae41aeca14⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB,640x640,1:1,fuckingretarded.mp4)


Spoiler that, or it's rape.

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22d181 No.19466415

>>19466001 lb

Top kek! That be some fan fiction right there! They flipped the IRS?! Muh sides…

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a2706b No.19466416



and then another one.

PP, y ear.

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a2706b No.19466417

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1b1d01 No.19466418

File: 8d92408af8c48f2⋯.png (285.28 KB,426x466,213:233,ClipboardImage.png)


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2503c3 No.19466419

File: 27b1a3cba702ef4⋯.mp4 (13.62 MB,640x360,16:9,27b1a3cba702ef49c986f0ba2d….mp4)

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b92de2 No.19466420

File: 4bf2a862d695aac⋯.jpg (227.56 KB,600x400,3:2,sauce.jpg)

>>19465658 (lb)

Where's the fucking sauce for tis notable?

I thought anons demanded sauce?

Why are you notabling unsauced fearporn?

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8603fa No.19466421


Toxicity levels can only mean anti-sementism

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a2706b No.19466423


could you repeat the second question please?

al bag daddy? that was major education. take it with a grain of salt though, if you read it as a psalm I might appear super awesome and tools can be developed.

red light on? ok, got it. move on, is it time already? does that even fit?

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8b3e81 No.19466424

File: 712ac2e47533362⋯.png (129.25 KB,753x500,753:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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a2706b No.19466426


ICD 11.

8 already?

circle? one out? not intended.

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69595e No.19466427

File: 958bc5676065ccd⋯.jpeg (319.17 KB,828x826,414:413,8020FCC8_401C_4330_9688_0….jpeg)

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121ada No.19466428

File: 628458abe694974⋯.png (1.03 MB,1123x1440,1123:1440,8ADE9DDE_8047_4112_9C8F_FC….png)

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01a33a No.19466429


My chaver, Howard Stern, called Barbara Bush,

"George Washington with jugs"

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be653c No.19466430




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1b1d01 No.19466432

File: 40189c67e011ba3⋯.png (350.71 KB,577x433,577:433,keks_2.png)


Barry doesn't swing that way though…

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a2706b No.19466433


be of Secret Service to Thomas, you knigths with all your windows and orpeus.

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79ba2c No.19466434

File: 2e61eefa8b79c17⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB,640x360,16:9,2e61eefa8b79c17cc1e2f5dd31….mp4)

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3444cd No.19466435

File: 81c115d07e37434⋯.jpg (109.69 KB,588x1000,147:250,81c115d07e374340e67c639484….jpg)

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dcbd7a No.19466436

File: 0ed71bcadef16b6⋯.png (8.08 MB,4096x4096,1:1,QClock_August_30_2023_Wild….png)

QClock August 30, 2023 - Wildfires vs Arson

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80adbe No.19466437


server keeps choking

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7a9c27 No.19466438


point people to the book.


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a2706b No.19466440


on the move?

P.AN.IC, a spidery move leading to comfyness, few bottles of water in basement.

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8ffd6c No.19466442


so he is a weapon system/platform. human?

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b96339 No.19466443

File: 04ba92374a6e43d⋯.jpg (18.82 KB,255x168,85:56,raccoonsteal.JPG)

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39247a No.19466444

File: 46f85e34a102c1e⋯.jpg (50.68 KB,518x482,259:241,7xbyd3.jpg)

This meme makes sense now? Hope the poor bastard manages to get some sleep tonight, he must be tired with me running around his mind constantly. I mean, why else would he devote so many posts to seething over the evidence of his IP hops if he weren't fuming seething mad? He would simply ignore it but he can't. He needs to desperately portray his "winning" to fool himself and protect his ego.

Rent free.

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a2706b No.19466445




why even do it up there? focus on the other stuff, flowers and shit.

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0029d1 No.19466447

File: b46602d7801b2e7⋯.png (392.69 KB,712x536,89:67,ClipboardImage.png)

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9f4d30 No.19466448

File: 6475e590ec0191a⋯.jpeg (18.99 KB,192x255,64:85,7FA96AB7_410B_4233_A4F6_8….jpeg)

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b96339 No.19466450


Nice clockwork

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8e5b01 No.19466451

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7a9c27 No.19466452

File: b4eaf2a09ce5e0c⋯.jpg (290.32 KB,508x759,508:759,trumpish_.jpg)

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79ba2c No.19466453

File: 6b7aa0885027138⋯.gif (3.34 MB,480x240,2:1,downloadfile_4.gif)

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a2706b No.19466454


yes, getrocknete aprikosen oder datteln wirken faserig, blue.

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a2706b No.19466455


actually, red, w/o annoying blue.

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8e5b01 No.19466456


You're a real woman.

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522017 No.19466457

File: 1e9d8861f166a8e⋯.jpg (41.24 KB,474x266,237:133,Shenis.jpg)

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a2706b No.19466459


more complicated, spawning, time.

I call it sweet.

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7a9c27 No.19466460

File: 7fa07b3c01d4f47⋯.jpg (189.85 KB,508x759,508:759,trumpish_.jpg)


Don't grab it or you will become TRUMPISH!

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01d67c No.19466461

This been posted yet?


Bank to Stop Giving Loans to Fossil Fuel Cars

The story is out of Australia. Does anyone else see an upside to this? I've not had an auto loan in a long time. After a while I wondered if "they" (automakers and those financing purchases) make more money off the actual sale of the vehicle or off the loan. I think they have learned to 'sell' us debt. Could this result in lower prices on gas cars? Could it inspire innovation to produce a "volkswagen" type car for regular people that wouldn't need financing? Idk. Just wondering.

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a2706b No.19466462


only two word english?

yes, tach chef.

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077148 No.19466463

File: 7575babc0acd085⋯.png (12.54 KB,255x206,255:206,pepe_time_machine_small.png)

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76ca37 No.19466464


Snarkanon, what comes after a FREEZE?


Tnks for playin'


POTUS > Barr

Barr > Durham

[[F] classified intel provided [FVEY - Non FVEY] as needed]

Does Durham want to hold [FREEZE] 'public' declas due to criminal nature of the probe(s)?

Think GJ material.

When did the investigation begin?

When did the investigation really begin?

Nothing can stop what is coming.


Slow drip > Flood


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01a33a No.19466466

File: e60de998cf69e7d⋯.png (868.9 KB,535x599,535:599,dmbgy.PNG)

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d8db55 No.19466467


They already stopped giving loans to coal, oil and gas companies to old or new companies due to green agenda.

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31e3ec No.19466468


They’re going to replace us with AI so what are they really worried about?

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000000 No.19466469

BO and BV's must be executed by waterboarding immediately

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b96339 No.19466470

File: dcf560ba3e1d058⋯.mp4 (11.99 MB,1280x720,16:9,dcf560ba3e1d05891e3e22e124….mp4)


Trump just needed a little bit of street cred to win over the black pop.

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dcbd7a No.19466471

File: 4852f7ed7153002⋯.png (1016.39 KB,1290x722,645:361,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d648836fdff38ad⋯.png (110.62 KB,874x666,437:333,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ace042b06bef2f⋯.png (93.94 KB,385x300,77:60,ClipboardImage.png)


>Nice clockwork

Thanks fren.


>QClock August 30, 2023 - Wildfires vs Arson

Should also point out there is a big #1 being pasted on to that tail wing, but didn't want anyone to get to jacked up on hopium.

*Incidentally drop #1 can be referenced b/c it mentioned Oct 30….which falls on my purple line (180 degree mirror).

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483126 No.19466472

File: 363c7a1df6c907a⋯.jpg (113.44 KB,500x684,125:171,Bough_Breaks.jpg)

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1cf135 No.19466473

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Hispantifa harassing people and businesses in Burbank over illegal alien street vendors

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8e5b01 No.19466474


Executed via information extraction torture, huh? And what are their crimes?

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5dc2df No.19466476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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36f7ff No.19466477

File: 202d9e7bf665325⋯.png (10.09 KB,318x430,159:215,lilbuddyshock.png)

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9f4d30 No.19466478

File: 99dd3eab715dad0⋯.jpeg (25.96 KB,255x170,3:2,9808229C_2B04_4169_ACF9_B….jpeg)

File: 61af9c531b417e6⋯.jpeg (18.22 KB,255x167,255:167,DF22C618_444A_4CA4_9BC6_3….jpeg)

dunno much. just here for the q posts. neber know today might be the day

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c8182d No.19466480

File: 6ee1eb0b0d595c2⋯.jpg (108.64 KB,750x956,375:478,TrumpHangingWithHisBroz.jpg)


>Trump just needed a little bit of street cred to win over the black pop.

He already has the cred.

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4643c0 No.19466481

File: d4573de3560dbee⋯.jpg (647.8 KB,2107x1013,2107:1013,Screenshot_20230831_180515….jpg)

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1b1d01 No.19466482

File: 43ef99d9d1dc0a2⋯.png (456.29 KB,596x1236,149:309,ClipboardImage.png)

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a2706b No.19466483


Ein sogenannter ABräumer, Schaafe H-Erden?

Purity? Mit siich selbst im Reinen sein.

Auf horchen?

Darüber lachen? If you let yourself down, like almost ridicule, but obviously not ridicule, like God did with the Statue of Freedom hat shining like the sun, if you do that, and stand strong, you lift up others.

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b96339 No.19466485


That'd be nice.

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3fbfd4 No.19466486

File: 82b456d8b967241⋯.mp4 (2.79 MB,852x480,71:40,DdI5qP4FisBZZ1OI.mp4)


>Time travel

Trump knew about pizza gate years before it was a thing

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80adbe No.19466487

File: 4fc6794ff6cfd1f⋯.mp4 (3.73 MB,640x360,16:9,softcoupadmissione.mp4)



got it.

Vid rel

announcement of their "Soft Coup"

lady's NESS" is smiling.

Wonder where that took place?

They really think they got this sewed up; And they would've, except for Trump

His announcment yesterday

"Do not Consent / Comply"

vid rel next

Bears repeating.

Historic announcment yesterday by DJTrump

to paraphrase "NWO"? "It's not happening"

And it won't, Since all his followers will be denying compliance.

That's why the FakeNews poison Propaganda is saying today,

"Republicans withdrew from 'democracy'

For them, the ruling elite who "soft couped" our Country, "Democracy" = Communistm Totalitarianism, and rule by those Administrators, unelected i.e DeepState.

Once they are "in like flint" they are impossible to remove.

This is why Trump declares this next election the most important in history.

Listen where Ness Lady vidrel says "complete censorship"

Yes! Totalitarians can only survive with total censorship and conformity. Even that is not enough for their slave societies to thrive.

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954eee No.19466488


psychological wounds can heal as well. and some physical wounds can't heal

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2f38df No.19466489

If our thoughts create our personalities, how much influence does the TV have to do with our thought process.

Take watching a 2 hour movie for example.

What is our thought process throughout that move?

Can they make movies so that they control / steer our thought process to an extent?

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4c0852 No.19466490

File: fa326a1ccccfb71⋯.png (829.43 KB,1009x1284,1009:1284,Screfds.png)

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000000 No.19466491


>And what are their crimes?


>Executed via information extraction torture, huh?

Waterboarded until they drown, slowly does it

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76ca37 No.19466492


Ok, so M. Nass is exposing [their] plan.

WHY make a video, pretending she's part of the EU?

Someone edited the words in back of her to the .eu thing.

WHY? It discredits the truth.

Anyone looking at it, can search and find it's BS, then dismiss it all on it's face,.

But, surely there are those that KNOW this.

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26495a No.19466494


totalitarianism can only survive in hallways and corridors, and gated places with guards who are eventually going to over throw it in a military coup . . .

like Gabon.

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a2706b No.19466495


yup, I did, bc it was joy to others, not like taking piture joy, but to those I know, my bubble.

"Iknow nice."

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39247a No.19466496

File: bb7c5ea05f867f9⋯.gif (1.78 MB,480x366,80:61,bb7c5ea05f867f955655de58ae….gif)

Look at those seething replies. Not even trying to defend himself. He knows he's caught. Now all he can do is stir up drama and try to find a weakness. Sorry for destroying your fragile ego to the point all you do is think about me. It had to be this way.

He cannot possibly help himself but reply because the ego is so inflamed. Yes, I am indeed rent free in his mind.

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8e5b01 No.19466497


You must be posting shit that's getting removed and thus whining about it. Enjoy your stay.

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26495a No.19466498


filtered for using the operational word

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a2706b No.19466499


>Purity? Mit sich selbst im Reinen sein.

time. comfy.

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a2706b No.19466500

613 = 19.


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80adbe No.19466502

File: 4fc6794ff6cfd1f⋯.mp4 (3.73 MB,640x360,16:9,softcoupadmissione.mp4)



got it.

Vid rel

announcement of their "Soft Coup"

lady's NESS" is smiling.

Wonder where that took place?

They really think they got this sewed up; And they would've, except for Trump

His announcment yesterday

"Do not Consent / Comply"

vid rel next

Bears repeating.

Historic announcment yesterday by DJTrump

to paraphrase "NWO"? "It's not happening"

And it won't, Since all his followers will be denying compliance.

That's why the FakeNews poison Propaganda is saying today,

"Republicans withdrew from 'democracy'

For them, the ruling elite who "soft couped" our Country, "Democracy" = Communistm Totalitarianism, and rule by those Administrators, unelected i.e DeepState.

Once they are "in like flint" they are impossible to remove.

This is why Trump declares this next election the most important in history.

Listen where Ness Lady vidrel says "complete censorship"

Yes! Totalitarians can only survive with total censorship and conformity. Even that is not enough for their slave societies to thrive.


Is that Gina C`A

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da934e No.19466504

File: 0db9c5a818f3aeb⋯.png (380.78 KB,501x561,167:187,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4fced28b12f64de⋯.png (241.67 KB,334x557,334:557,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 812cb7af97c7fec⋯.png (18.89 KB,439x271,439:271,ClipboardImage.png)

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01a33a No.19466505

File: 29205457f15a790⋯.png (338.89 KB,614x374,307:187,adjq24a.png)

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556205 No.19466506

File: 3a956e03aad4488⋯.png (424.2 KB,568x775,568:775,Screen_Shot_2023_08_31_at_….png)

"A person wishing to stay anonymous has sent me this email by FEMA sent to their nonprofit who is headed to Maui to help with disaster relief.

They say they are being asked to STOP posting any images or videos while on the ground effective immediately."


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b96339 No.19466507

File: df0013a996ca9c9⋯.mp4 (3.01 MB,848x464,53:29,df0013a996ca9c9caeae0dedf2….mp4)

It was Ukraine and DC who started the war.

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a2706b No.19466508


yes, you do point at me.


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f4bf95 No.19466509


Plot Twist

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d5aa12 No.19466510

File: 804836a3eaee3a3⋯.gif (1.38 MB,498x498,1:1,804836a3eaee3a3945956fd1fd….gif)


ty Anon!

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a2706b No.19466512

ja er lebt noch, er lebt noch, er lebt noch.

→ OPA.

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8e5b01 No.19466513


Their most corrupt that are used as frontmen by the Satantists/Occultists want you to think that. And the fact that you're doing their work for them tells me that you are in that club and thus the ideological opponent of this board. That and you're a fucking idiot.

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898a71 No.19466515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Now they can picture him rollin'.

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9dda0d No.19466516

File: f813faa0f536ecf⋯.png (991.99 KB,1080x1189,1080:1189,Sccxsy.png)

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1b1d01 No.19466518

File: 7ae09a5cd2265ff⋯.jpeg (88.59 KB,680x670,68:67,Nuremberg_Code.jpeg)


Yet there's a brand new push for people to take vaccines just getting underway.

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80adbe No.19466519

File: 4fc6794ff6cfd1f⋯.mp4 (3.73 MB,640x360,16:9,softcoupadmissione.mp4)



got it.

Vid rel

announcement of their "Soft Coup"

lady's NESS" is smiling.

Wonder where that took place?

They really think they got this sewed up; And they would've, except for Trump

His announcment yesterday

"Do not Consent / Comply"

vid rel next

Bears repeating.

Historic announcment yesterday by DJTrump

to paraphrase "NWO"? "It's not happening"

And it won't, Since all his followers will be denying compliance.

That's why the FakeNews poison Propaganda is saying today,

"Republicans withdrew from 'democracy'

For them, the ruling elite who "soft couped" our Country, "Democracy" = Communistm Totalitarianism, and rule by those Administrators, unelected i.e DeepState.

Once they are "in like flint" they are impossible to remove.

This is why Trump declares this next election the most important in history.

Listen where Ness Lady vidrel says "complete censorship"

Yes! Totalitarians can only survive with total censorship and conformity. Even that is not enough for their slave societies to thrive.


Is that Gina C`A?


was not locked . I finished it out about midnight EDT

at 751

came back this morning. Wanted to cite it; Was gone.

Spent a lot of time writing up the summary, on each page.

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000000 No.19466521


Can't hear you with the BV's tiny clipped dicks in your faggot mouth….shout louder

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22d181 No.19466522


How would I know if I was one if it’s a secret?

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a2706b No.19466523


… ..


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72faf5 No.19466524

>>19465791 pb

NASA gears up for return of OSIRIS-REx asteroid sample

August 31, 2023

Ohhhhhh, I’ve seen this movie! Alien virus pandemic, mask up and stay indoors!!! Kek

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8e5b01 No.19466525


Accusing SmokingPepe of IP hopping not working out the way you wanted so you switched back to something moar comfy for you?

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80adbe No.19466526

File: 4fc6794ff6cfd1f⋯.mp4 (3.73 MB,640x360,16:9,softcoupadmissione.mp4)



got it.

Vid rel

announcement of their "Soft Coup"

lady's NESS" is smiling.

Wonder where that took place?

They really think they got this sewed up; And they would've, except for Trump

His announcment yesterday

"Do not Consent / Comply"

vid rel next

Bears repeating.

Historic announcment yesterday by DJTrump

to paraphrase "NWO"? "It's not happening"

And it won't, Since all his followers will be denying compliance.

That's why the FakeNews poison Propaganda is saying today,

"Republicans withdrew from 'democracy'

For them, the ruling elite who "soft couped" our Country, "Democracy" = Communistm Totalitarianism, and rule by those Administrators, unelected i.e DeepState.

Once they are "in like flint" they are impossible to remove.

This is why Trump declares this next election the most important in history.

Listen where Ness Lady vidrel says "complete censorship"

Yes! Totalitarians can only survive with total censorship and conformity. Even that is not enough for their slave societies to thrive.


Is that Gina C`A?


was not locked . I finished it out about midnight EDT

at 751

came back this morning. Wanted to cite it; Was gone.

Spent a lot of time writing up the summary, on each page.


cause you're a moojoo jew hater. and shilling for Soros.

That's the exact opposite of me.

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9f4d30 No.19466527

File: ac64c6221408e15⋯.png (454.74 KB,750x1334,375:667,8CF93B08_FB9A_4A3A_9774_3F….png)

File: 9f7d44c3d321f07⋯.png (2.26 MB,750x1334,375:667,AA506FD7_E07A_4D71_8C9C_4B….png)

File: ff5f551d6824bd7⋯.png (365.46 KB,750x1334,375:667,97C89989_7679_408A_981D_8C….png)

File: 2958a3667f49b30⋯.png (105.33 KB,690x1434,115:239,CFD78C82_5B59_4317_8EC7_3E….png)


neat. meme got hidden keys & comms.

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a2706b No.19466528


yup, he hears the der.

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c8182d No.19466531

File: 3cefd2a31ffbc30⋯.png (843.46 KB,719x982,719:982,BigMikeSideBySide.png)




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1b1d01 No.19466532

File: a30869bdecd49ed⋯.png (347.01 KB,567x440,567:440,redtext_fail.png)


>00Whoever puts such a lid on his head is an enemy of humanity!==

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26495a No.19466533


what does Hawaii law say?

isn't that what needs to be followed.

FEMA is over reaching.

what are they covering up?

more than two million dollars is spent to hide the town with a fence and a black veil, one wonders why they don't want photos.

they must be trying to cover stuff up.

I think FEMA should not have anything to say about who can and can not take pictures.

they are not in charge of free speech.

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b5e004 No.19466534

File: eba3127ec612660⋯.jpg (55.33 KB,582x428,291:214,7xlfif.jpg)

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76ca37 No.19466537

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



She's from the U.S.

SLIDING BS once again, to discredit anons.

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a2706b No.19466539


you are deer to me, PS, kiss the the kids.

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077148 No.19466540

File: 765989c136b0a22⋯.jpg (44.74 KB,680x509,680:509,Trump_Face_Racist.jpg)

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8e5b01 No.19466541

I don't trust him, at all. Worked with Soros' brother's foundation too, and made a fortune off the pandemic reportedly.

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f179e6 No.19466542

File: 592a25b649fd684⋯.png (15.28 KB,259x194,259:194,fake_news.png)

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556205 No.19466544

File: 20075f2eaaaa420⋯.png (49.88 KB,560x581,80:83,eminem_mcluhan.png)

influencers gonny influence

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b10f83 No.19466545

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a2706b No.19466547



architecute, yes.

irl, no.

with a song inbetween, might work.

the sing is, basically when someone is sad, and being lifted up, that is worthy of turning into StreuSalz.

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556205 No.19466548


you can't rise above Dog Catcher without their sponsorship.

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f179e6 No.19466550

File: eb77eae6a132d53⋯.jpg (86.98 KB,559x447,559:447,7t75uv.jpg)

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8e5b01 No.19466552


Why are you IP hopping and not pushing the "SmokingPepe is a narcissist and IP hopper" angle?

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01a33a No.19466553

File: 95ad2e2151ba25c⋯.png (194.23 KB,491x450,491:450,cure41.png)

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556205 No.19466554


jealousy be's that way.

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26495a No.19466555


> b5e004

what's your deal?

agency trying to figure out who the real people are here?

what you are doing is spamming.

tell me what you want to know about 'non agency'.

why does it have to be a government agency?

can I be from some other type of agency?

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a2706b No.19466556



higly trained operators watching funny vids and smiling?

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31e3ec No.19466558


Joy Reid is a hypocrite and stealing white culture with that fake blonde hair of hers.

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31e3ec No.19466560


He’s already done worse

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148f34 No.19466561

File: cba422ff806047e⋯.jpg (13.27 KB,217x255,217:255,yesif.jpg)


If there was a way that you could use cats to look at real time maps of the ground they would detect DEW lasers before the Military could. Are you listening Space Force? How about you new Maui recruits working on DEW? What a project right? You would save thousands of lives and wildlife.

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80adbe No.19466563

File: e1d1b22aa14c550⋯.mp4 (11.24 MB,854x480,427:240,wewillnotcomplyf.mp4)

Sorry for the double postings

Server keeps choking. And I keep posting hoping it will get through.

funny how the camel toe soft porn stuff gets through fine.

Is that an op? If my stuff wasn't blocked it wouldn't bother me.


Will just screen shot my posts from now on. As I had to do when Dirty Onion was in charge.

Here's Trump on how they are defeated. passive resistance.

Nothing aggressive.


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26495a No.19466564

File: 051972cd6d858a4⋯.jpg (135.59 KB,1201x1231,1201:1231,Screenshot_from_2023_08_30….jpg)

Best President Ever!

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27dfd4 No.19466568

TheY are stupid, ugly little people.

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9f4d30 No.19466569

File: 9ad6269f5bd09c0⋯.jpeg (32.63 KB,201x255,67:85,DF04D085_C910_49F6_93FE_B….jpeg)

File: 7df72c846874005⋯.jpeg (31.39 KB,255x174,85:58,49225DBF_6B29_4808_AB7E_E….jpeg)

File: df643a925003355⋯.jpeg (160.01 KB,706x499,706:499,623D5FA1_0B96_4835_9E7D_D….jpeg)

File: cd93cfb36e28eae⋯.jpeg (37.93 KB,255x191,255:191,1EFC5A64_1E01_43B9_8F27_3….jpeg)

File: a765778a51cdfc8⋯.jpeg (42.87 KB,255x203,255:203,401B2D02_98B1_4237_A13B_E….jpeg)

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556205 No.19466570

File: 6b5026710550d73⋯.png (519.63 KB,591x447,197:149,joy_reid_float.png)

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f179e6 No.19466573

File: 6c845ef2ccec2f1⋯.png (7.53 KB,500x333,500:333,ClipboardImage.png)


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f4bf95 No.19466574


Don't eat so many cookies it's not food

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000000 No.19466575


No real anon would ever call for another anon to be censored. KYS mossad faggot. I hope they torture you real good before they kill you.

Nothing can stop what is coming, even faggots like you

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8d30ca No.19466576

File: 87c025143c75f80⋯.png (243.91 KB,600x450,4:3,87c025143c75f807f9d35c88e0….png)

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c8182d No.19466578

File: b378ff51c363043⋯.png (356.74 KB,680x463,680:463,TwoLies.png)

Changing state to Shillcon2.

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b7ab28 No.19466583

File: c66f87e75c5a9a9⋯.png (4.15 MB,2320x2386,1160:1193,2023_08_31_13_10_11.png)


> QClock

Is tomorrow significant, 3000 days since the Trump ride on the escalator?

Asking for a fren.

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1354df No.19466584

File: 2281f71e5f0dfbc⋯.png (97.31 KB,940x780,47:39,ClipboardImage.png)


this is what I have for 13 hours ago

I baked that bread

I saw the posts

they weren't spammed

no reason to take out imo

I didn't take them out

after that idk


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27dfd4 No.19466586

Shitty shill shit.

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d5aa12 No.19466589

File: dd5ec5ec9ddb7bf⋯.gif (111.76 KB,479x681,479:681,2.gif)

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71a490 No.19466590



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dcbd7a No.19466591

File: 609df8d6bea7954⋯.gif (2.51 MB,498x493,498:493,tenor_1_.gif)