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File: 88e227307638a2f⋯.png (333.77 KB,705x516,235:172,ClipboardImage.png)

a024eb No.19462645 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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a024eb No.19462646

International Q Research Threads

>>19188850 ——–——– Australia #31

>>19181822 ——–——– Canada #45

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>>19461232 UK Parliament Declares Taiwan an ‘Independent Country’ as Top Diplomat Travels to Communist China

>>19461241 Peter Navarro Responds to Use of Executive Privilege in Contempt Case

>>19461252 Pope Francis Calls on Nations to ‘End the Era of Fossil Fuel’

>>19461275 Mike Davis Joins War Room to Discuss Dems Election Interference for Trump Campaign

>>19461308 Farmers Insurance lays off 2,400 workers as insurers pull back from California

>>19461335 U.S. Government Funds Study to Target Black Girls to Receive More Doses of the Deadly Gardasil Vaccine that Causes Infertility

>>19461339 Paganism in the Spotlight: Only Two Religions with Peter Jones

>>19461378 California Pays Nonprofit Encouraging Kids To Identify As ‘Foxgender,’ Teaching Schools To Hide It

>>19461402 Congressmen Visit Rebel-Controlled Syria, Meet with al-Qaeda Linked Group, Republican Congressmen Ben Cline, Scott Fitzgerald, and French Hill


>>19461477 I am President Barack Obama's BIG BROTHER - I believe it's time we TALKED @TuckerCarlson

>>19461498, >>19461521 Judge finds defrocked Cardinal McCarrick not competent to stand trial in sex abuse case

>>19461501 Biden's DOJ will not comply with subpoenas for 2 FBI agents in Hunter Biden case

>>19461432 Gofundme has indefinitely frozen donations to The Grayzone “due to some external concerns.”

>>19461455 Giuliani loses Georgia election workers' defamation lawsuit by default

>>19461507, >>19461526, >>19461548, >>19461556 There's an Empower Michigan outfit who are on the climate grift

>>19461523, >>19461638 Dozens Arrested in Argentina-led Operation Against Sexual Exploitation of Minors

>>19461580 Kidnappers Caught in the Act: Heroic Truck Driver Rescues “Approximately 15” Children Trapped in Padlocked Cages in Pickup Truck

>>19461588 Multiple Family Members or Couples Suffering COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries or Sudden Deaths.

>>19461599 BIDEN: "I don't think anybody can deny the impact of the climate crisis anymore. Just look around."

>>19461644 Beef Company CEO Warns of Government Attacks on Real Beef -- “This Is About The Administrative Deep State…”

>>19461674 French Soldiers In Niger Told To 'Pack Bags And Go Home'


>>19461763 Biden(Obama) Inc investigating Musk on yet another thing

>>19461754 Tucker Carlson Fears ‘We’re Speeding Toward’ Trump ‘Assassination’

>>19461801 Tesla’s Top Secret ‘Project 42’ Is Reportedly an All-Glass House Being Made for Elon Musk

>>19461816 Five Charged in Alleged Firearms Trafficking and Money Laundering Conspiracy to Smuggle Guns Illegally to Mexico

>>19461716, >>19461827 U.S. 4th Fleet orders U.S. Navy ships in the area to sortie on Aug. 29, 2023, ahead of Hurricane Idalia.

>>19461843 #23901-C

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a024eb No.19462648


>>19461361, 19461715 PDJT: To every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our Freedom, hear these words—WE WILL NOT COMPLY!

>>19461366 PDJT: Do not despair, and do not lose hope—Our vindication will come on Election Day 2024!

>>19461440, >>19461544 PDJT: This is a new low in Presidential Politics. To the Democrats, I say, “be careful what you wish for.”

>>19461450 PDJT: WE WILL WIN!

>>19461468 PDJT: This is a political persecution—The people get it. THANK YOU GEORGIA!

>>19461481 PDJT: Every young American deserves to know that they are the heirs to an incredible History!

>>19461489 PDJT: What’s happening to our Auto Workers is an absolute disgrace!

>>19461494 PDJT: This month marks the 2-year anniversary of the most embarrassing event in the History of our Country.

>>19461501 PDJT: Biden's DOJ will not comply with subpoenas for 2 FBI agents in Hunter Biden case

>>19461503 PDJT: I defeated 100% of the ISIS CALIPHATE!

>>19461517 PDJT: We were leaving Afghanistan with Dignity and Strength!

>>19461522 PDJT: Crooked Joe Biden’s only campaign strategy is Indicting me—That’s all they can do!

>>19461532 PDJT: Crooked Joe Biden is a Manchurian Candidate!

>>19461546 PDJT: I WILL APPEAL!

>>19461558 PDJT: New Polls just out—Leading by BIG numbers!

>>19461565 PDJT: Rupert Murdoch is a Globalist, I am AMERICA FIRST!

>>19461577, >>19461710 PDJT: America is no longer America, but we are going to Make our Country Great Again!


>>19461651 PDJT: WOW!

>>19461750 PDJT: The Security Tapes from Mar-a-Lago that evil and sinister prosecutor, Deranged Jack Smith, “leaked” or otherwise stated were deleted or altered were, in fact, NOT deleted or altered.

>>19461777 PDJT: America is becoming a Banana Republic!

>>19461838 #23901-B

#23901-A >>19461033

>>19461059 Food Prices Set To Increase ‘Above’ Historical Average: Govt Analysis

>>19461062 Pentagon Officials Worked To Finalize Climate Plan During Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal

>>19461065 Buckwheat continued

>>19461078 John Birch Society: Get Them OUT! Rescuing Our Kids from Public Schools

>>19461083 Gas Prices Are Up 63 Cents a Gallon So Far This Year

>>19461088 Harrison Floyd Joins WarRoom Shortly After Fani Willis' Released Him

>>19461091 New Hampshire Republican Activist Found Stabbed to Death in His Home Mr. Talcott

>>19461092 Commiefornia: LA Authorities Released Robbery Suspect Just One Day Before She Allegedly Committed Another Heist

>>19461093 House Republicans Launch Probe into Maui Fire


>>19461096 Cornel "Black Bernie" West Says the Democrat Party is Unable to Meet Needs of the Poor

>>19461098 GA House Member Mesha Mainor Calls Out Fani's Politicization Of Her Office For Personal Gain

>>19461116, >>19461161 Senate Minority Leader Glitches Hard In Shocking Second Incident

>>19461132 Democrat Megadonor Sentenced in Maui County Bribery Case

>>19461140 When a class of kids rebelled against Pride Day at school

>>19461142 The Biden Regime's Gonna Shut Down Their Own Regime. Roger Ailes wife speak about FOX and what happened to the network

>>19461144, >>19461150 Alabama Lawmaker Charged With Felony Voter Fraud After Allegedly Voting in District Where He Does Not Live

>>19461167 Arizona Firm Operated by Arizona House Speaker Ben Toma’s Brother Acquires Majority Stake in Runbeck Election Services – Company Runs Early Voting in Maricopa County

>>19461176 Millions Of Brits Told Not To Heat Homes At Night As Part Of 'Net Zero' Climate Goals

>>19461180 John Amanchukwu: The Left Conducting "Mental Rape" To Rob Children Of Their Innocence

>>19461183 Former NYT CEO Mark Thompson To Lead CNN

>>19461185 Massive gaslighting! Parental Rights bills recast as “Educational Intimidation” by #UniteAgainstBookBans partner

>>19461190 Archbishop of Berlin allows ‘blessings’ of same-sex unions, citing Pope Francis and Abp. Fernandez

>>19461200 Biden Looks to Prevent Future President From Ending Ukraine War

>>19461202 A new study reveals an estimated 3,678 teens underwent gender-transition surgeries between 2016-2020.

>>19461213 BREAKING NEWS UPDATE still stuck on pause Senator Mcconnell was quoted as saying, " For the KEKS!

>>19461227, >>19461260 resident continued

>>19461767 #23901-A

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a024eb No.19462649

#23900-B >>19460106

>>19460435 Passing the Baton 2017

>>19460438 psychological warfare no pause, no play


>>19460515 @realDonaldTrump GA polls

>>19460525, >>19460855, >>19460908 Buckwheat up

>>19460530 Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Gives Midday 12:30 PM EDT Update on Hurricane Idalia

>>19460532 US prepares drone swarm ‘hellscape’ for China

>>19460542, >>19460588 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000028

>>19460565 US embassy in Haiti urges citizens to leave the country as soon as possible

>>19460600 @SurfaceWarriors 🔥Fire Drill aboard @USSMakinIsland👨‍🚒

>>19460631 US fights new Titanic recovery expedition arguing wreck is gravesite

>>19460674 Q star, stars r/t: >>19460327 lb, >>19460346 lb, >>19460366 lb

>>19460682 A Maui Teacher Testifies at Emergency Maui County Council Meeting

>>19460715, >>19460717 Jon Voight Stand

>>19460747, >>19460797 Bill White: Brain Kemp's "Disgrace" To Georgia For Allowing The Political Persecution Of Trump

>>19460760, >>19460880 IDALIA MEGA STORM SURGE with Hurricane hammering Cedar Key, Florida

>>19460769 Judge Rules Rudy Giuliani Is Liable For Defaming Georgia Election Workers

>>19460782, >>19460799 Israeli Commander of the cyber department of the Mamram unit has been assassinated but IDF calls it an "accident".

>>19460848 GBI Strategies Flew Election Workers To Michigan From Georgia

>>19460858 LIVE Tampa traffic webcams Hurricane Idalia

>>19460859 George Webb joins Peter Duke to discuss Ramaswamy's amazing investment track record and connections to Les Wexner and George Soros.

>>19460861, >>19460874 McConnell appeared to freeze again while taking questions from reporters in Covington, Kentucky

>>19460906 Levell: Fani Willis Has Created "Dark Cloud" Over Atlanta, Forever Staining Fulton County

>>19460915 resident delivers remarks on the whole-of-government response and recovery efforts on Maui, Hawaii and the ongoing response from the federal government to Hurricane Idalia

>>19460916 Traumatized student who survived Parkland school massacre is now caught up in UNC mass shooting?????

>>19460966 Another Trump presidency will spark a constitutional and economic crisis, warns billionaire investor George Soros

>>19460994 #23900

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a024eb No.19462650

#23900-A >>19460106

>>19460122, >>19460125, >>19460127, >>19460128, >>19460131, >>19460140, >>19460145, >>19460148, >>19460149, >>19460152, >>19460155 Trump Truth Storm With Articles, post em anons

>>19460192, >>19460459, >>19460464 @realDonaldTrump 2021 Kemp letter ACKNOWLEDGING the existence of election inconsistencies in Georgia.

>>19460200 EU approves updated COVID vaccine r/t: >>19459383 (lb)

>>19460203, >>19460210 ICYMI: Trump on Jack Smith’s Superseding Indictment: ‘This Is Harassment’

>>19460213 @realDonaldTrump National Polls

>>19460218 Sick Judge delays sentencing Proud Boy until September 5th.

>>19460222, >>19460229 ICYMI: Ted Cruz: Trump Indictment Is Election Tampering for 2024

>>19460224 @realDonaldTrump House Speaker Nancy Pelosi impeached President Donald Trump in January for her own negligence.

>>19460234, >>19460243, >>19460251, >>19460316, >>19460367 @realDonaldTrump GOP post debate polls

>>19460237 Zelensky tells Lindsay Graham Ukraine will hold elections if US, Europe foot the bill

>>19460258, >>19460267 ICYMI: RASHEED WALTERS: The Case For Donald Trump

>>19460280, >>19460285 ICYMI: Ron DeSantis and His PAC Appear to Have Purchased An Iowa Endorsement, But Will Bribery Be Enough To Resurrect His Campaign?

>>19460290 @realDonaldTrump Bob had to change course?

>>19460293 Australia's first female PM can't say what a woman is

>>19460302, >>19460305, >>19460671 Nancy Pelosi Owns January 6

>>19460327, >>19460346, >>19460366 @realDonaldTrump Kirk was a real Movie “Star.” Not many left today. They are mostly woke and weak!

>>19460331 @realDonaldTrump National Polls

>>19460334 PF GTMO844 returning to Florida

>>19460341 @realDonaldTrump Moar indictments, Moar votes per focus groups

>>19460342 Kiev turns down peace advice from NATO country leader-Orban

>>19460348 @realDonaldTrump follow @JeffClarkUS and @russvought

>>19460394 Russian warplanes sink Ukrainian speedboats in Black Sea, near Snake Island, which was heavily contested early in the conflict

>>19460416 Wildfires break out near major Russian resort city, the popular Black Sea resort.

>>19460418 PF A pair of German TRIGGERS

>>19460988 #23900-A

Previously Collected

>>19460092 #23899, >>19459309 #23898

>>19456908 #23895-B, >>19457734 #23896, >>19458513 #23897

>>19455280 #23893, >>19456620 #23894, >>19456833 #23895-A

>>19453695 #23890, >>19453686 #23891, >>19454462 #23892

>>19450383 #23887, >>19451167 #23888, >>19451943 #23889

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop >>19192963

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ab7c71 No.19462652


Biden Crime Family Update with Hunter Laptop Report Author Garrett Ziegler

Currently LIVE

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a024eb No.19462655

File: f6109a124e79e89⋯.png (1.46 MB,650x1040,5:8,ClipboardImage.png)



Back up Baker Signing off

Bread is Open

Same Dough

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a7e647 No.19462656

File: 601624533e83407⋯.png (1.69 MB,1294x1455,1294:1455,ClipboardImage.png)



Tucker Carlson: "It's very, very common and I can think of a number of people at CNN who I know for a fact are doing that exact thing. They're reading government propaganda from the intel agencies knowingly…I know that is true, I'm not speculating at all."


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1a1bca No.19462657

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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1ce013 No.19462659

File: b072c86cfe3b1c1⋯.png (268.56 KB,973x188,973:188,Capture1.PNG)

File: 0b38b70295ef551⋯.png (4.96 KB,405x91,405:91,Capture2.PNG)

File: ccda95b840502c9⋯.png (71.87 KB,405x475,81:95,Capture3.PNG)

File: e7b2ce6701b78ff⋯.png (167.57 KB,666x122,333:61,Capture4.PNG)


#Marines with MAG 24 participate in an Intramural Marksmanship Competition at Kaneohe Bay Range Training Facility, Marine Corps Base Hawaii.

U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Clayton Baker


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1a1bca No.19462662

File: 2b1715fe84bc4f2⋯.mp4 (1.59 MB,480x270,16:9,tucker_assasination_of_tru….mp4)

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ab7c71 No.19462663


thanks for embedding o7

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d4f527 No.19462664

File: 575cd5ed892f96c⋯.gif (1.87 MB,400x225,16:9,we_are_not_alone.gif)

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2fa01b No.19462666

File: 4e109be92a94ddf⋯.jpg (86.79 KB,564x736,141:184,4e109be92a94ddf7e34f278d00….jpg)

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a7e647 No.19462667

File: be56a1f8565e5a9⋯.png (1.54 MB,1299x1251,433:417,ClipboardImage.png)

Tucker Carlson: "In 2008 it became really clear that Barack Obama had been having sex with men and smoking crack…"


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1ce013 No.19462668

File: 31244d1acefbd6f⋯.png (398.67 KB,529x549,529:549,Capture.PNG)

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e85845 No.19462669

File: 2b903ab528c42eb⋯.png (305.19 KB,1126x186,563:93,ClipboardImage.png)


add it up

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1ce013 No.19462670

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368e54 No.19462672

File: ba4337d32556a83⋯.jpg (186.31 KB,1200x915,80:61,0.jpg)

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605f69 No.19462674

File: baaa72591979685⋯.png (550.2 KB,780x438,130:73,ClipboardImage.png)

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dc17c3 No.19462675

File: 4a9e0e731aebfcf⋯.png (860.67 KB,880x878,440:439,Sheriff_booking_Loyd_Bride….png)


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008bdf No.19462676

>>19462249. PB

You do not understand Trump’s strategy do you? Go listen to some of videos on the books he wrote, educate yourself!

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e9a158 No.19462677

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feb904 No.19462678


kek jill biden's first husband interview coming

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e85845 No.19462680

File: 81e49b6e5c56bf2⋯.png (81.41 KB,367x129,367:129,ClipboardImage.png)


7:00 =1900 = 10



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b118c4 No.19462682


Thank you Baker, but please understand you are working for the wrong side, or are you?

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1041d2 No.19462683

File: 8b1074d2dd578fa⋯.png (218.21 KB,355x385,71:77,8b1074d2dd578fa31f1410908a….png)

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265573 No.19462684



Cloudfare seems to be blocking (?)

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90b010 No.19462686



I thought America had a duck problem.

China is F’d. And they are getting all that rain too. Ducks love wetlands.

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d526d5 No.19462689


they are burning also. you won't hear that in the news tho.

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2fa01b No.19462691

File: 5f032466def46d9⋯.jpg (141.92 KB,768x821,768:821,faef93f78e9af64dfd0b3efea5….jpg)

Greek mythology intro to polytheism.

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90b010 No.19462693



(Can be Szechwan)

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1ce013 No.19462696

File: ef8f4b7e58c4836⋯.gif (769.41 KB,500x120,25:6,matrix_mirror.gif)

Things are gonna get weird.

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a7e647 No.19462697


Works for me.

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d590fa No.19462699

File: 720f8d98db424b7⋯.png (530.03 KB,500x751,500:751,b5218600f493f8d41e36d70b08….png)


TYB chkt

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ab182e No.19462700

File: 8988189f2a094c4⋯.jpg (67.76 KB,404x605,404:605,3cf97616cc3f25f39457481dd8….jpg)


…Updated dough, with lb notes, if it helps. https://fullchan.net/?0f159e070db0d47d#5Hh2P6mT9sUFTVzAVkFq3i6StMvECsVPBctNQbWFNMvc

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f893b8 No.19462701

File: 30df5602e8aca16⋯.jpg (369.57 KB,561x1060,561:1060,Screenshot_20230830_181549.jpg)


Duck down and get you some :)

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9688a9 No.19462702

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e85845 No.19462704

File: 98aa755ed82ff3c⋯.png (67.33 KB,530x400,53:40,ClipboardImage.png)

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695f1d No.19462705

File: 4ba982a1d2cc655⋯.png (247.16 KB,386x639,386:639,ClipboardImage.png)

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1041d2 No.19462707

File: d6dce5a01b44320⋯.png (479.36 KB,600x592,75:74,Screenshot_2023_08_30_at_1….png)


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a4309a No.19462708

File: 722202c98e521b9⋯.gif (3.72 MB,360x151,360:151,hangar1.gif)

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08a1c7 No.19462710


Ziegler is The Man.

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f8a8c4 No.19462711

File: 8cf7b2eb20aba69⋯.jpg (75.86 KB,750x743,750:743,8cf7b2eb20aba69576496c55ee….jpg)

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c38f41 No.19462712

File: 17d1fe6da666fca⋯.jpg (49.27 KB,337x343,337:343,oh_whoa_pepe.jpg)


i gotta sit down

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695f1d No.19462713

File: a534d6bcfa3b4b4⋯.png (121.94 KB,745x976,745:976,ClipboardImage.png)

AUG 21, 2023

Iowa Poll: Donald Trump holds commanding lead in first test of 2024 Republican caucus field

Donald Trump's lead among likely Republican caucusgoers grew 5 points after his indictment in Georgia, according to the new Des Moines Register/NBC News/Mediacom Iowa Poll

Donald Trump holds a commanding lead over the rest of the 2024 Republican presidential field in Iowa — and a more than 2-to-1 lead over his closest rival, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis — with about five months to Caucus Day, a new Des Moines Register/NBC News/Mediacom Iowa Poll shows.

The poll of Iowa’s likely Republican caucusgoers comes as the former president grapples with the fallout of a fourth criminal indictment and a pack of other top contenders prepares to gather for a high-stakes GOP presidential debate in Milwaukee on Wednesday.

Among those likely caucusgoers, 42% say they plan to support Trump — a lead of 23 percentage points over DeSantis, who is at 19%. U.S. Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina follows in third place with 9%. …


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a7e647 No.19462714

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mass Pop Awakening

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30e68b No.19462715

File: 8600d3689273350⋯.jpg (21.72 KB,478x255,478:255,Real.jpg)


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a4309a No.19462716

File: 85c91bc0a6be3ee⋯.jpg (89.71 KB,1280x705,256:141,dippinsauce.jpg)

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c38f41 No.19462717

everyone is jewish

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2f2c1a No.19462719

File: 16f444decd3628d⋯.jpeg (137.21 KB,749x639,749:639,IMG_4189.jpeg)

👋Fern Shepard O’shit👋. You betcha!

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605f69 No.19462720


China battles forest fires as fears linger over harvest


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90b010 No.19462721

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124ee7 No.19462722


#23902 >>19461849

>>19461884 DJT - Does anybody really believe I lost Georgia? I DON’T!



>>19461922 DJT - Three years ago we had the safest Border in History—Today it is the WORST!!!

>>19461925, >>19461935 NEW: GOP senators request the US education secretary to investigate "Chinese Communist Party influence in American K-12 schools"

>>19461936 DJT - We are going to MAKE ATLANTA GREAT AGAIN!

>>19461944 DJT - Republicans, I hope you’re watching!

>>19461951 Today, @SecDef designated and @POTUS approved Ms. Wendy Noble to serve as NSA's 20th Deputy Director

>>19461957 DJT - Highly respected Georgia State Senator Colton Moore deserves the thanks & congratulations of everyone.

>>19461958 They are going to JFK Trump (?)

>>19461968, >>19461988, >>19461994 “This Is Spreading Like A Cancer!” | Anti-ULEZ Vigilante Justifies Camera Destruction


>>19461979 DJT - Our hearts go out to everyone impacted by Hurricane Idalia. I urge everyone to listen to your local officials, heed all warnings, and prioritize the safety of yourself and your loved ones.

>>19461996 DJT - The Debate on FoxNews was one of the lowest rated EVER, if not THE LOWEST. It showed that many of those participating are “second tier” and merely “pretenders to the throne.”

>>19462011 DJT - My interview with Tucker Carlson has turned out to be the single most watched Video and Interview in HISTORY—Such a great honor!

>>19462109 Former Trump Adviser Responds to Use of Executive Privilege in Contempt Case

>>19462123 Goldman Sachs used Chinese state funds to buy US, UK firms: report

>>19462133 Sam Bankman-Fried could have FTX fraud trial delayed

>>19462141 Thank you ⁦@SecRaimondo - for your consequential visit to Beijing and Shanghai. We at U.S. Mission China applaud your defense of our national security on technology issues, strong advocacy for U.S. firms in China and opening new channels of communication with the PRC.

>>19462189 Kidnappers Caught in the Act: Heroic Truck Driver Rescues “Approximately 15” Children Trapped in Padlocked Cages

>>19462226 TheGeorgeHQ - 🇺🇸🦅

>>19462312 Malik Obama - I am President Barack Obama's BIG BROTHER. I believe it's time we TALKED @TuckerCarlson

>>19462370 Biden Crime Family Update with Hunter Laptop Report Author Garrett Ziegler

>>19462549 PF observation


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dc17c3 No.19462723

File: 452f67ff9976df2⋯.png (1.34 MB,1280x720,16:9,A_Swarm.png)

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695f1d No.19462724

File: 049baba80a7bb20⋯.png (738.58 KB,685x992,685:992,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump


>Iowa Poll: Donald Trump holds commanding lead in first test of 2024 Republican caucus field

Aug 30, 2023, 5:46 PM


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b118c4 No.19462727

File: 1874827f1292c75⋯.jpeg (93.23 KB,1280x853,1280:853,B19E7F0C_77A6_453A_B376_7….jpeg)

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c38f41 No.19462728

File: 75c4d609481f8e2⋯.png (635.51 KB,1544x1226,772:613,beingtheent.png)

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d590fa No.19462729

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1ce013 No.19462730


You cannot have the largest army in the world… if you cannot feed them.

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4592a0 No.19462731


He is the phoenix. No worries.

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0b7547 No.19462732

The federal reserve says it's been printing money every year but it's a lie. You can not produce one bill any denomination that's dated newer than 2017.


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695f1d No.19462733

File: 1062d0d9f83603a⋯.png (208.9 KB,625x923,625:923,ClipboardImage.png)

August 18, 2023

Trump Can Prove It

Establishment politicians and mainstream media have fought harder than on any other issue to convince the public that voter fraud is a conspiracy theory. But unconstitutional changes to state election laws, unsupervised ballot drop boxes, voting machine errors, mathematically improbable voter turnout, and other examples of outright voter fraud that were denied a chance to be presented in court between the 2020 election and Biden's inauguration can't simply be chalked up as coincidental. All those things occurring simultaneously make the fraud seem coordinated.

In response to the most recent indictments, Trump's attorneys indicated they finally have a platform to "fully re-litigate every single issue that occurred during the 2020 election," of which there were many. The most important issue in America may finally get its due.

Trump's 2016 victory was fueled by flipping the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania from blue to red. Pennsylvania and Michigan had not voted for a Republican in a general election since 1988, while Wisconsin hadn't voted for one since 1984. Those three states delivered Trump the necessary electoral votes to become president. It also sent a signal that blue strongholds were no longer a "given" after the people of those states were fed up with delivering victories for politicians who never went on to deliver results for them.

In addition to "Hillary Clinton's blue wall," Arizona and Georgia were also viewed as potential swing states that Trump needed to retain as previous Republican nominees did to have any chance at victory. Twenty sixteen made it clear that those states would again decide the 2020 election. Suspiciously, after America was forced to anxiously await the results for days following election night, those five states all "flipped" to Biden despite Trump outpacing his record 2016 turnout by even greater margins.

Even as mathematically improbable-without-being-previously-counted percentages of ballots favoring Biden continued pouring in on November 4, Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger concluded that with voter turnout already exceeding the 2016 total by 400 thousand votes, and Trump leading by over 105 thousand votes with just 2% of the vote left to count, there simply were not enough outstanding votes for Biden to win the state. …


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b118c4 No.19462734


The largest Army feeds themselves.

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1a1bca No.19462735

File: 842ea9dbb408c63⋯.gif (229.86 KB,260x62,130:31,7xidbn.gif)

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2fa01b No.19462737


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695f1d No.19462738

File: d1056ee10f235aa⋯.png (178.02 KB,757x506,757:506,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump


>Trump Can Prove It

Aug 30, 2023, 5:44 PM


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008bdf No.19462739

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tom Jones: "Unfortunately it's a worldview children are getting when they go into public libraries" and he talks about the doctor just nominated to run the NIH

Seriously almost unbelievable the incompetent and corrupt the people they put in charge.

The “women pervert running the federal Library association== is more than radical



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5fee2d No.19462740

File: 39c36d9aaeabd48⋯.jpg (80.7 KB,570x380,3:2,c759e40858566b4f915f10fa05….jpg)

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eb555b No.19462741

File: b78cfc42a727299⋯.webp (42.24 KB,680x676,170:169,F4oFSCWWEAA7vW_.webp)

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ee5d28 No.19462742


He knows because he was employed to do the same.

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dc17c3 No.19462743

File: c66d245a467c558⋯.png (4.77 MB,2048x1536,4:3,Can_tStop.png)

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1ce013 No.19462744


Nice touch

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c38f41 No.19462745

File: eab7b50ef7c96d1⋯.png (4.72 KB,107x160,107:160,cnn_lied.png)

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f893b8 No.19462746

File: 8dacd04246258fa⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB,464x360,58:45,file_store_57.mp4)

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8ba8a8 No.19462747


he wears a kabbalah bracelet

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2d2f0b No.19462748

>>19461889 lb


The Staghound, sometimes referred to as the English Staghound, is an extinct breed of scent hound from England. A pack hound, the breed was used to hunt red deer and became extinct in the 19th century when the last pack was sold.



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a7e647 No.19462749

File: a0d6cf50ec73e49⋯.png (453.31 KB,1250x758,625:379,ClipboardImage.png)

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695f1d No.19462750

File: f8e485859003667⋯.png (260.4 KB,574x917,82:131,ClipboardImage.png)

AUG 30, 2023

Jason Miller to Newsmax: Debate Will 'Spotlight' DeSantis' Failures

Jason Miller, senior adviser to former President Donald Trump, told Newsmax on Monday that Wednesday's Republican presidential primary debate will "spotlight" the failures of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' campaign.

"I think what this is really going to put the spotlight on this week is the fact that this DeSantis reboot 4.0 is not going so well," Miller said on "Newsline." "We see the CBS national numbers, Trump leading [DeSantis] 62-16, the Iowa numbers out this morning have President Trump leading [DeSantis] 42-19. …


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d590fa No.19462752

File: 3736acbacb0fe41⋯.mp4 (3.62 MB,576x1024,9:16,2nCWaGhHonIQBmQh.mp4)

File: 17666af3926d56a⋯.mp4 (4.67 MB,720x1280,9:16,J0H_R_NWS0LauE_0.mp4)

File: 248c301195d3df1⋯.mp4 (4.53 MB,720x720,1:1,Xy7j7ujMmCgIHmii.mp4)


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caba7e No.19462753

File: 2f99ff553e26b4b⋯.jpg (25.21 KB,410x385,82:77,MARKER_9.jpg)

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695f1d No.19462754

File: 723f7fcbad640c1⋯.png (278.88 KB,743x521,743:521,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump


>Jason Miller to Newsmax: Debate Will 'Spotlight' DeSantis' Failures

Aug 30, 2023, 5:41 PM


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d4f527 No.19462757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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16771d No.19462761

File: a3c03e6d64402cf⋯.png (49.61 KB,255x248,255:248,ClipboardImage.png)



Dear autocorrect; sometimes it is duck. :)

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8ba8a8 No.19462762

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3623d5 No.19462763


Appears to be Split Asunder ,…GOD Comms???

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695f1d No.19462765

File: 4cea4f0f36ac04c⋯.png (286.68 KB,569x935,569:935,ClipboardImage.png)

Aug 21, 2023

Georgia's Indictment of Trump is a Partisan Political Hit Job

How is it a criminal enterprise to challenge the results of a razor-thin election?

How is it a criminal enterprise if the first amendment protects it?

The sweeping 98-page document charges Former President Trump and nineteen others with various felony charges for actions that occurred in the frenetic time immediately following the 2020 Presidential Election, an election Trump officially lost by the slimmest of margins: 0.23% and 11,779 votes.

For those of us who live here in Georgia, there was a palpable feeling that something was wrong. This was the first election where we had ballot drop-off boxes spread all over with nobody keeping an eye on them. There were daily reports of ballot harvesting in nursing homes. There were mysterious water leaks where the votes were being counted, poll watchers were reporting a lack of access to the count, and the counting seemed to stop and start for no apparent reason. Cynics suspected the pauses were meant to figure out how many votes Joe Bide still needed to carry Georgia.

Once Georgia was officially called for Joe Biden, President Trump, and his team immediately cried foul and began looking for ways to challenge and even overturn the election. There did not seem to be a coherent legal strategy to get into court and challenge the election. However, one lawsuit filed in Fulton County sought to challenge 147,000 absentee ballots to see if any were illegitimate. The plaintiff was not Donald Trump. This suit alleged evidence of fraudulent ballots and improper ballot counting in Fulton County. Nine Georgia voters filed it. These voters never had their day in court because the judge dismissed the case without hearing the Plaintiff’s evidence on the grounds that they “lacked standing.” …


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eaff4a No.19462766

File: 559c87c73b041ab⋯.png (1.78 MB,1200x786,200:131,ClipboardImage.png)

It's all going to be fine

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d526d5 No.19462767


chinas building caught fire in tianjin along with another one in a hotel. fires everywhere..

this interesting.

The fire struck the island of Hawaii on 8 August.

Yesterday, Japanese insurer Toko Marine announced its donation of $50,000 to the island of Maui, Hawaii.

“We would like to express our deepest sympathy to all the people who have been affected by the massive wildfire in the island of Maui, Hawaii on 8 August 2023,” the insurer said in a statement.

Through the Japanese Red Cross Society, the donated funds will aid the humanitarian effort and the recovery of the affected areas.

ALSO READ: China-unit of Tokio Marine to stay afloat with TMNF support: Moody’s

“Donations will also be provided by overseas group companies in the United States and Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.” the statement added.

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bc8efe No.19462768

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Body Language: Viktor Orban, The World Right Now


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f893b8 No.19462769

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ee5d28 No.19462770

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1c404d No.19462771

File: 5a2c241793f3722⋯.jpg (34.23 KB,541x337,541:337,9faedd912189c1580215ad93f6….jpg)

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b118c4 No.19462772

Damn Baker, how can you bake, trim posts and allow nonsense?

Are you human? Are you alive? Do you have a brain?

Who is running this show?

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a7e647 No.19462773

File: c585c2fd63fe99f⋯.png (55.88 KB,818x998,409:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 569188b6aa6a7fc⋯.png (387.77 KB,600x337,600:337,ClipboardImage.png)



Start the tracker.

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695f1d No.19462775

File: 7710d42057f7d80⋯.png (114.68 KB,757x382,757:382,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump


>Georgia's Indictment of Trump is a Partisan Political Hit Job

Aug 30, 2023, 5:34 PM


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1041d2 No.19462776

File: e14d86cc97e6704⋯.png (42.1 KB,336x231,16:11,Screenshot_2023_08_30_at_1….png)

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eaff4a No.19462777


rotten to its core.

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b118c4 No.19462780

Watching squirrels and birds makes more sense than reading posts on this site.

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1c404d No.19462781

File: d5c7422cd894b99⋯.jpeg (16.9 KB,255x246,85:82,bc23b932e48a02c5c0b1284a1….jpeg)

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e51993 No.19462782

File: e10aaffa332bd61⋯.png (851.24 KB,863x916,863:916,Screenshot_20230830_190340.png)

File: 0a19d2063f04f54⋯.png (724.07 KB,863x871,863:871,Screenshot_20230830_190320.png)

Hello from Mike Lindell,

The Republican National Committee (RNC) just passed 10 new resolutions calling for the protection of our elections, and the end of voting manipulation schemes! This resolution is the direct result of your financial and prayer support of the Lindell Legal Offense Fund (LLOF).

This "Return to Excellence in American Voting" is power-packed and we could not have asked for anymore. Here are a few highlights:

This is an empty text component.The RNC will support Paper Ballot, hand count, single day, precinct level, voter ID elections!

No more expanded time periods for early or vote-by-mail – which have turned Election Day into a never-ending election season.

The RNC supports voter ID laws and calls on states to pass laws to ensure every voter is verified to be the actual voter!

States and counties will be supported as they move away from easily manipulated electronic voting machines!

No more unwatched, pop-up ballot drop boxes! This resolution ends the Democrat-sponsored, Zuckerberg..

Paid-for, ballot harvesting System that helped steal the 2020 election in states like Georgia!

The Election Resolution:

Even my friend Charlie Kirk gave us a shout-out saying:

"Thank you to Mike Lindell and his entire team for bringing together Election Integrity experts to hold the GOP accountable."

Arizona Republican Committeeman Tyler Boyer added,

"This resolution clears the path for Republicans everywhere, in every state, county and city, to hold elected officials accountable to the clear position of the Republican Party. No election manipulation by the left can be aided by Republicans and any move in opposition to these statements is opposition to the national Republican Party's official position."

All of these 10 resolutions are directly the result of your giving and praying for a return to sanity in our country!

This key win lays the groundwork in the run-up to the 2024 national elections! Thanks to you we are turning this country around–we have hope and we now have a HUGE WIN.

God Bless,

Mike Lindell

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ab182e No.19462783

File: b432d6bf68e4808⋯.png (259.4 KB,398x480,199:240,ninjafrog.png)


…A team of ninjas.

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7adb14 No.19462784


Was it a black oak, a red oak, or a white oak?

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b118c4 No.19462785


Prove it.

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d590fa No.19462786

File: 262188aaa07c45b⋯.png (1.31 MB,1170x1258,585:629,Screen_Shot_2023_08_30_at_….png)


not sure if live or not but here's hoping



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a7e647 No.19462788

File: 5452e274c838f48⋯.png (122.82 KB,833x1311,833:1311,ClipboardImage.png)


Operation Mockingbird

Controlling stakes in NBC/MSNBC?

Controlling stakes in ABC?

Controlling stakes in CBS?

Controlling stakes in CNN?

Investor(s) in Fox News?

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d4f527 No.19462789

File: 9e2e0038ce61015⋯.gif (1 MB,270x222,45:37,say_what.gif)

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e453b3 No.19462790

File: 9b7c8f9121b6df3⋯.png (426.05 KB,804x988,201:247,Screenshot_20230829_230457….png)

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369ce0 No.19462791

File: 799f141e61c654e⋯.jpg (92.75 KB,750x487,750:487,fdasdfghjhgtfre3.jpg)

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5069b0 No.19462792

File: 85651faabe233a6⋯.png (40.26 KB,405x270,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)



BV/BOe-bake needs locking please #23903 second bread:


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0b7547 No.19462793


Remember that the dates on US paper money aren’t like dates on coins. Rather than indicating the year a bill was printed, it’s what’s called a “series date” that indicates when a particular version of the bill was created.

The rules are a bit loose, but in general a series date is changed only when (a) there’s a significant design change or (b) a new Treasury Secretary takes office. Neither of those events happened in 2019 so bills with the 2017 series date continued to be printed.

The situation with expected 2021 series bills is a bit more complicated than usual. As you can see by looking at any bill in your wallet they also carry the signature of the US Treasurer. When a new administration takes office printing of new bills can’t begin until both the Secretary’s and the Treasurer’s offices are filled. However a number of factors have slowed the pace of filling Federal appointments, including the Treasurer’s Office. Until a new Treasurer is approved the existing 2017 series will keep being made.

More than you probably want to know:

The series-date rules are the reason you won’t find bills for each year on the calendar. Since the 1970s it’s been uncommon for a president to have more than one or two Treasury Secretaries in their cabinets, so the majority of bills have dates that match the start of each administration.

If the Treasurer’s office changes during an administration it doesn’t trigger a new series date. Instead, a suffix letter is added to the existing series date. For obscure reasons the series letters lag the number of Treasurers by one: Bills issued under the first Treasurer for a particular Secretary don’t have a series letter, if a second Treasurer takes office bills get an “A” after the date, a third would get a “B” and so on. A new series of bills can’t be started until that office is filled.

Until the early 1970s the triggers for changing a series date were different. In general, a new series date started only when a new design was issued. When either of the two Treasury officers changed only the series letter would change.

That practice came to an end because the design of the $1 bill had remained effectively ossified for nearly 3 decades. The absurd result was that Series 1935 bills were still being printed during the Johnson Administration.

Yet we have had new treasury secretaries since 2017

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3143ac No.19462794

File: ec16d876dfa690f⋯.jpg (40.13 KB,1024x534,512:267,tucker_carlson_1024x534.jpg)


Truth is extremely dangerous. I hope this man has extreme security for him and his fam.

Funny story, since Tucker left Fox I haven't seen his picrel facial expression.

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2a1fa0 No.19462795


Thanks, baker. Trump won.

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ab182e No.19462796

File: b7c23073f0859ed⋯.jpg (45.16 KB,800x450,16:9,C_658VsXoAo3ovC.jpg)


…Disprove it.

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124ee7 No.19462797




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dc8335 No.19462798


anon does both and both fit into the holistic process

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1ce013 No.19462800

File: 87dfaa5cddd3b85⋯.gif (370.23 KB,400x160,5:2,stepford_open_mouth.gif)

Twitter wants users to be "commercially viable" or they'll delete you.

Good thing this is home.

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1a1bca No.19462801


Its missing Bold Red Text.

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3143ac No.19462802


Kekkity kek

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4592a0 No.19462804


We have black squirrels here.

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e0f6e1 No.19462805


crotch rot

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249d26 No.19462806


Who is 99230?

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b118c4 No.19462808


Baker is defunct.

Talking to a rock may be more effective.

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1041d2 No.19462809

File: d3d96459af58a6f⋯.jpg (78.08 KB,1000x541,1000:541,1049140823.jpg)

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2fa01b No.19462810

File: 25eae2db8ce5b48⋯.jpg (65.67 KB,354x500,177:250,252e932f31baf6a72ab274e37b….jpg)

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3143ac No.19462811

File: 9727246443a0591⋯.png (3.29 KB,449x32,449:32,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9727246443a0591⋯.png (3.29 KB,449x32,449:32,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9727246443a0591⋯.png (3.29 KB,449x32,449:32,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9727246443a0591⋯.png (3.29 KB,449x32,449:32,ClipboardImage.png)

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4356ed No.19462812

File: 5aa650c0122e66d⋯.gif (2.15 MB,360x270,4:3,v1VYLx.gif)

File: 78b6e7d8f384991⋯.png (296.59 KB,426x416,213:208,78b6e7d8f38499174fa5e3d290….png)

File: 128e219d531d0d1⋯.jpg (75.91 KB,800x532,200:133,800px_thumbnail.jpg)

File: c045d4688801b13⋯.png (453.09 KB,633x457,633:457,c045d4688801b13f702950fec7….png)

File: e8483527466a522⋯.jpeg (371.68 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,F2NnOAVWMAEQyDG.jpeg)



this might akchuallly start to get inderasding.

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30fc35 No.19462813


Or equip all of them.

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08d0e1 No.19462814

File: 88ca6f3c2e48d1d⋯.png (227.05 KB,514x512,257:256,2023_07_11_10_07_26.png)


>Watching squirrels and birds makes more sense than reading posts on this site.

Thank you for sharing that, rabbi.

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249d26 No.19462815

File: dbf70773cd34783⋯.png (118.82 KB,940x627,940:627,ClipboardImage.png)

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1ce013 No.19462816

File: fe8563fe4e89d28⋯.png (386.47 KB,534x489,178:163,Capture.PNG)

File: d766b09f735fe8e⋯.png (42.51 KB,407x592,11:16,Capture1.PNG)

Our #Marines with 3d Battalion, 5th Marines, 4th Marine Regiment, and Republic of Korea Marines fire Daewoo K2C1 rifles and M4 carbines during Korea Marine Exercise Program 23.3 in the Republic of Korea.


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a7e647 No.19462817


"He gonna tee the fuck up on ya"

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d4f527 No.19462818

File: d2e6927327117ee⋯.gif (997.53 KB,500x213,500:213,_Q_.gif)

File: 95da0dd0d26ab60⋯.jpg (18.05 KB,1069x801,1069:801,Red_and_Blue_Kachina.JPG)

File: 3d511c6273daf41⋯.jpeg (6.26 KB,196x258,98:129,Dear_Mantis.jpeg)



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3143ac No.19462819


Elton John looks good for his age.

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3143ac No.19462820


Strings cut.

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d4f527 No.19462821


china baloon

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661ff1 No.19462822

File: 4923524dce289ed⋯.gif (1.06 MB,371x371,1:1,Trippy_Trips_of_Discs.gif)

File: 2a84f1544e7947a⋯.jpg (284.65 KB,1600x1068,400:267,Price_is_Right_Bitch.jpg)

File: 7d1f0cb77907123⋯.jpg (139.52 KB,800x534,400:267,Joe_Biden_is_a_Pedo_Price_….jpg)

File: fe226ecdc6f853c⋯.jpg (92.96 KB,600x600,1:1,Joe_Biden_is_a_Pedo_Price_….jpg)





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695f1d No.19462823

File: 304d313886af056⋯.png (21.05 KB,641x250,641:250,ClipboardImage.png)


So is the "playbook" making up false charges?

These people know and now they see it being used on Trump.


[D] party con.

[D] party playbook.

Who are the real racists?


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4356ed No.19462824

File: 5292f564608a7d2⋯.mp4 (6.88 MB,960x1556,240:389,5292f564608a7d25ea23568de0….mp4)

File: af4d7689b7eddc5⋯.png (40.71 KB,300x100,3:1,1689915524714.png)

File: 7e9ceac9cf57b96⋯.png (591.02 KB,496x685,496:685,7e9ceac9cf57b9654acb9578b7….png)

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156ca6 No.19462825

File: b73cb8beb14263b⋯.jpeg (97.07 KB,1024x683,1024:683,0E45F50C_3B72_4239_BF9F_B….jpeg)

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3143ac No.19462827


If it all made sense, we wouldn't be needed.

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b118c4 No.19462830


Serious Question.

Lockdowns before 2024 Election?

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661ff1 No.19462831

File: 7259fb159cfa53c⋯.mp4 (2.06 MB,720x404,180:101,TR_3B_MilSpecOp_compressed.mp4)

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d4f527 No.19462832

File: 34ac268fcaac4b6⋯.jpg (71.4 KB,736x1073,736:1073,nights_in_blue_satin.jpg)



let's see……..

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661ff1 No.19462833

File: 51a80866630e577⋯.jpg (67.89 KB,594x800,297:400,Trump_Won_Most_Votes_Ever.jpg)

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e75cbb No.19462834

File: 9df4df1984c7655⋯.jpg (59.76 KB,410x385,82:77,2f99ff553e26b4bc0a6ce20edb….jpg)

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249d26 No.19462835


One expects so.

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3143ac No.19462836



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d526d5 No.19462837

If news unlocks map, then whos making a map of the news?

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661ff1 No.19462838

File: df21196a4a21244⋯.jpg (52.91 KB,594x800,297:400,Zero_Insurrections_Donald_….jpg)

File: 513a5f5c4f60740⋯.jpg (53.9 KB,841x347,841:347,Zero_Insurrections_Look_Bi….jpg)

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1041d2 No.19462839

File: 6f2b5f964b52a1b⋯.png (59.8 KB,332x290,166:145,Screenshot_2023_08_30_at_1….png)

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877e91 No.19462841

File: 569a53b7de20ffc⋯.jpeg (451.59 KB,571x1013,571:1013,0F9FF675_4CC0_411F_BEC2_1….jpeg)


Thank you.

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1c404d No.19462842

File: 3e97ff36f3960a5⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,640x360,16:9,3e97ff36f3960a59fd157129ed….mp4)

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661ff1 No.19462843

File: cd7558e36548809⋯.png (818.47 KB,1681x693,1681:693,1693435556671.png)

File: f4fb5531b40e597⋯.png (759.83 KB,1681x693,1681:693,1693435103380.png)


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a479f0 No.19462844


Fake and gay.

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877e91 No.19462845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b41d77 No.19462846



As dire as it feels now, It’s not like they haven’t tried to get him numerous times before since 2015. There used to be a list of all the attempts anons are aware of, Lord knows how many there are we don’t know about.

Praying for you and your family President Trump

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d590fa No.19462847

File: 13fb4b98fcfe5ec⋯.png (14.44 KB,254x255,254:255,13fb4b98fcfe5ec5689e8900db….png)


gotta love it

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67ecb5 No.19462848


Trump spent 10 trillion on Quantitative Easing of stonk markets, then they stopped reporting National Debt amount. Biden admin has spent probably close to 15 trillion already but the National Debt didn’t go up…..I think China loaned US trillions to keep their best trading partner afloat, Germany’s Weimar Republic borrowed from US until hyperinflation ended that

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661ff1 No.19462849

File: eafdd3aed915ca3⋯.jpg (124.28 KB,472x640,59:80,Pants_Shitting_Zelensky.jpg)

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3143ac No.19462850


Don't be so literal anon.

Q was saying (it was the early days btw) revelations will reveal the non larp status.

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2a1fa0 No.19462851



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661ff1 No.19462852

File: 2d05448460256c7⋯.jpg (39.17 KB,570x380,3:2,While_Erect_Tranny_Pervert.jpg)

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f893b8 No.19462853


Only if you want to be :p

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124ee7 No.19462854


He get on top

he gon put his foot up yo ass

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a7e647 No.19462855

File: 7f001e16a20e1a4⋯.png (551.45 KB,774x1283,774:1283,ClipboardImage.png)

June 4, 2022


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d4f527 No.19462856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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661ff1 No.19462857

File: a377d602954fde2⋯.mp4 (517.89 KB,368x368,1:1,Trump_Dance_compressed.mp4)

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b118c4 No.19462858


Q asked me to ask that question.

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a024eb No.19462859

File: 9899ae8f48a874d⋯.mp4 (7.47 MB,888x1094,444:547,224_Copy_Copy.mp4)

After Every Vaccine Push

There is a Wave of Hospitalizations & Deaths

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5069b0 No.19462860

File: f40e1c974b9d6e0⋯.png (286.11 KB,884x644,221:161,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3bd4f4799f04482⋯.mp4 (2.94 MB,480x270,16:9,Tucker_on_Faggot_Barack.mp4)




>Works for me.

Same here

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a3ca2b No.19462861


Newt Gingrich says House GOP should broaden Biden investigation to include Hillary Clinton and Obama

"Obama and Biden both wrote to her fake server which is totally outside the security rules," Gingrich said.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says that Republicans in the House should expand their Biden investigation to look into other Democrat politicians such as former President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

"There's, I think, a second reason for dramatically broadening the investigation," Gingrich said on the "John Solomon Reports" podcast. "I'm working now on a series of articles for the American Spectator – making the case that this is really about the weaponization of government, the collapse of the rule of law and its replacement by the rule of power. And that really involves three principles. It involves Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden."


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4356ed No.19462862

File: 1d0fa421c9fed6f⋯.png (785.33 KB,1200x2000,3:5,Screenshot_20230830_194149.png)

File: b52e2725855d407⋯.jpeg (453.01 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,F40H9R2WkAAwKaX.jpeg)

File: 15c978c372ffa0a⋯.jpeg (455.35 KB,2048x1463,2048:1463,F40H_AZWgAAQItd.jpeg)

File: 256397dbbfb9d35⋯.jpeg (339.69 KB,2047x1365,2047:1365,F40H_vuW8AEWyjr.jpeg)

File: 8a9ef087a95ce6d⋯.jpeg (326.25 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,F40H_d0WkAARcMV.jpeg)


this will require two responses. 1

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1041d2 No.19462863

File: e47562820e85152⋯.png (446.25 KB,660x689,660:689,Screenshot_2023_08_30_at_1….png)




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56a0f7 No.19462864

File: 2d7aa1a83873399⋯.png (2.39 MB,1800x1800,1:1,2d7aa1a83873399a4baab9b60c….png)

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1c404d No.19462866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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d4f527 No.19462867

File: 18e1040e94dc9fa⋯.gif (2.65 MB,1200x675,16:9,fuck_your_BS_.gif)

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3143ac No.19462868


Where's Q?

Tell him I say "Hi Q!"

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4356ed No.19462869

File: 4f827340db49a81⋯.png (931.63 KB,1200x2000,3:5,Screenshot_20230830_194234.png)

File: 6389c3b2655afd2⋯.png (103.89 KB,618x1248,103:208,312_2_.png)

File: 324e6578e1985d5⋯.png (278.74 KB,618x2350,309:1175,1522.png)

File: e5e9a8be15bc7b4⋯.jpeg (222.05 KB,2048x1152,16:9,F4zT0toW8AAi8vi.jpeg)

File: 7d863923ad96cb8⋯.jpeg (76.33 KB,1440x810,16:9,F4zT0toXAAAmkAq.jpeg)

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1ce013 No.19462870

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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3143ac No.19462871


but why does the child molester's prison have jet skis, and a lake?

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6dcabb No.19462872

what's new homo

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e75cbb No.19462873

File: fa038dffaf740a5⋯.png (304.59 KB,660x371,660:371,_schuanon_.png)

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661ff1 No.19462874

File: c0212e16ee7ee52⋯.mp4 (5.62 MB,640x360,16:9,John_the_Revelator_compres….mp4)

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d4f527 No.19462875


he got lost in time.

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8cf9b4 No.19462876

File: a1c0b14182fec21⋯.jpg (375.49 KB,1280x780,64:39,The_free_silver_highwayman….jpg)

Before Executive order 6102

There was the crime of '73

Free Silver


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a479f0 No.19462877


I'm not sure about Tucker. I need more data. Besides, they tried to do that years ago and they didn't succeed. Plus, no way is the U.S. going to war against Russia. Now NATO? That's another story.

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d590fa No.19462878

File: fd005f93a7dafc8⋯.png (13.16 KB,255x253,255:253,6f75716fd755107559b948bee3….png)

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43a511 No.19462879


Lose this meme

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1041d2 No.19462880

File: 5aef9d209a9f32c⋯.jpg (425.57 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,Inception.jpg)


You´re watching a movie.

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b118c4 No.19462881


Jim Jordan knows.

Covid is fake.

He’s got proof.

In Ohio, it’s illegal to lockdown.

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a3ca2b No.19462882

File: 19725f4a3181ebd⋯.webp (51.42 KB,1200x630,40:21,1_1086_1200x630.webp)

Fitness Influencer Larissa Borges Dies Suddenly From Double Cardiac Arrest.

A 33-year-old Brazilian fitness influencer has died from double cardiac arrest.

Larissa Borges was hospitalized in Gramado on August 20th after suffering from cardiac arrest.

Borges spent a week in a coma but died shortly after suffering cardiac arrest for a second time.

“The pain of losing someone so young, just 33 years old, and so kind, is overwhelming,” Borges’ relatives wrote in an Instagram post announcing her death. “Our hearts are broken, and the longing we will feel is indescribable.”

The family said that she “fought courageously” for her life.


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ab0749 No.19462883

File: d898ed5d2b90f1f⋯.jpg (110.58 KB,663x658,663:658,Screenshot_20230830_194724….jpg)

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4356ed No.19462884


un seal

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de445b No.19462885

File: 58a1e8f03c0164c⋯.png (978.57 KB,1188x546,198:91,victoriaannstanleybankmans….png)

>>19462605 lb

my, she has a high forehead.

is that from too much testosterone or does she have a syndrome/illness?

yes, they might all be related.

AnnStan and Victoria also have the high forehead?

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661ff1 No.19462886

File: 84fcccccb600f33⋯.gif (951.17 KB,497x269,497:269,84fcccccb600f333aa7408bb59….gif)

File: 55bff0b3d051b73⋯.gif (1.65 MB,480x270,16:9,Dirty_Rotten_Scoundrels_Au….gif)

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661ff1 No.19462887

File: df21196a4a21244⋯.jpg (52.91 KB,594x800,297:400,Zero_Insurrections_Donald_….jpg)

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661ff1 No.19462888

File: 3972b3cdfe857c0⋯.jpg (42.27 KB,545x360,109:72,Asshole_Itches_Ermy_Drill_….jpg)

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f893b8 No.19462889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3143ac No.19462890


Is there any real difference between Russia at war with NATO or with USA? USA is NATO. All the others are just vassals.

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43a511 No.19462891


Butt pirate?

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5b07ef No.19462893

File: f46d7dc296fcefc⋯.png (85.42 KB,482x1308,241:654,ClipboardImage.png)

FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws.

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d4f527 No.19462894


>Dies Suddenly From Double Cardiac Arrest

I'm not a doctor, but double?

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1ce013 No.19462895

Ghislaine still locked up?

A hurricane would be great cover for an escape.

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4592a0 No.19462896


I’ve been awake since 1993… nice the world is finally catching up.

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4356ed No.19462897

File: c28ee9354e32965⋯.jpeg (193.2 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,F4zRCNgW8AAnMpL.jpeg)

File: 818a46caf206f91⋯.jpeg (121.8 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,F4zRBmjXIAAUYAy.jpeg)

File: 37e21fc88778009⋯.png (551.83 KB,1200x2000,3:5,Screenshot_20230830_195007.png)

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b118c4 No.19462898

Baker, mind your P’s and Q’s.

You are on the radar.

Untypical radar.


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a479f0 No.19462899


The Argentina authorities are going to blame it on narcotics & alcohol. It's towards the end of the article.

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4356ed No.19462900

File: b08dce1c267b2fd⋯.png (639.16 KB,1200x2000,3:5,Screenshot_20230830_195132.png)

File: e7552d3900c2e5b⋯.jpeg (278.43 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,F4yn1m3XwAAv7Rt.jpeg)


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53d62b No.19462901

File: b26a921b2ccccfe⋯.gif (390.82 KB,498x346,249:173,0F83FE9D_F646_4693_8494_BB….gif)

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3143ac No.19462903


1 week apart.

It means it's working.

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08cfe4 No.19462904


though notes show up with a date of 2017, and that's the most current date, they are actually printed every month.

you can find the monthly figures and the lists of serial numbers at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing website.


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d4f527 No.19462905


we know that.

Jekyl island knows that.

Titanic knows that.

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f893b8 No.19462906

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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de445b No.19462907

File: 8f50717927dbdb8⋯.png (1.21 MB,2200x550,4:1,barrynormal.png)

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695f1d No.19462908

File: b3fc69e9e60d8ef⋯.mp4 (455.54 KB,320x568,40:71,Orange_Fella_Job_Back.mp4)


Another one that would fit will in that clip:

Give that Orange Fella back his job.

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a024eb No.19462909

File: 88d321c299fe223⋯.png (52.33 KB,255x128,255:128,ClipboardImage.png)


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36ff9a No.19462910

Is it just me or does anyone else notice how Karli Bonne on Telegram is turning out to be quit the shill between having her head up Steve Bannon’s ass 24/7, the my pillow promo codes and now whining every time an anon shares her content on Twatter/X. Top this off with her and Bannon sucking up to Alex Jones it’s becoming cringe level…

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d4f527 No.19462911



>1 week apart.



take the vaxx………..

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5b07ef No.19462912

KIA has been in the news lately.

searching kia on qalerts brings up qposts 1820 - 1835, all of which are in August.


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368e54 No.19462914


literally who?


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a479f0 No.19462915


Yeah. She had the first Cardiac Arrest which put her in a coma. Then a week later, while still in a coma in the hospital, she and another cardiac arrest which killed her.

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ab0749 No.19462916

File: 61e755b5d0d05b9⋯.jpg (109.69 KB,540x699,180:233,ZomboMeme_24102021183612.jpg)

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d4f527 No.19462917

File: c4375b9af1ee843⋯.mp4 (5.08 MB,640x1138,320:569,come_at_me.mp4)

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d590fa No.19462918

File: c96b4d909d8db01⋯.png (65.6 KB,694x156,347:78,Screen_Shot_2023_08_30_at_….png)

File: c304ed3f9c9f300⋯.png (749.59 KB,1460x1594,730:797,Screen_Shot_2023_08_30_at_….png)

i've posited this theory before but we are now a month closer so i will posit it again.

first Q post said HRC would be arrested on MONDAY morning october 30 2017.

obviously that didn't happen but the next time it happens to be a MONDAY on october 30 is this year, 2023.

what a fucking red pill that would be

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661ff1 No.19462919

File: 1b7d13de1b73b91⋯.jpg (58.4 KB,500x701,500:701,pc_37th_sps_gate_bruce_pri….jpg)

File: 9cbd03e36ac49fc⋯.jpg (50.05 KB,500x506,250:253,hw_dn_glen_h_myers_04_v100….jpg)

File: 3b5b24f2663848d⋯.jpg (1.65 MB,2560x1920,4:3,P1010136.JPG)

File: 9af9bbb7c2c0338⋯.jpg (294.79 KB,1024x768,4:3,IMG_0129.JPG)

File: 6ac09af7c81a2d7⋯.mp4 (7.55 MB,480x270,16:9,4_DONT_TREAD_ON_ME_compres….mp4)

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5b07ef No.19462920


Fentanyl also causes cardiac arrest. Even a pinch of it for anyone without a tolerance.

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5b07ef No.19462921


Watch the water.

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a024eb No.19462922

File: 4f8a05471a5d323⋯.png (1.05 MB,888x480,37:20,ClipboardImage.png)

Texas Ended it Before it Began

Other States and Counties take note

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b118c4 No.19462923

Can you imagine being foolish enough to take the vax, then taking additional booster vax?

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1ce013 No.19462924


We'll see

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08cfe4 No.19462925

File: 8060f3243dae538⋯.jpg (323.02 KB,1528x1192,191:149,Screenshot_from_2023_08_30….jpg)

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e85845 No.19462926

File: 28adf9199dacdc2⋯.png (217.84 KB,330x396,5:6,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa0714f9daac256⋯.png (27.21 KB,202x150,101:75,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89814f159357249⋯.png (81.52 KB,300x149,300:149,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e1f596fcbdbac9c⋯.png (42.47 KB,178x124,89:62,ClipboardImage.png)





wasnt there a hillary tweet about guns earlier?

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27ee4f No.19462927

Chicken pot pie with a cucumber and bacon salad drizzled with 1000 island dressing. I'm comfy.

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e513c9 No.19462928



or scared

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ab182e No.19462929

File: 11a0742c6226778⋯.png (248.72 KB,478x331,478:331,clownon.png)


…None of your other distractions working?

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1b9471 No.19462930

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

PBD Podcast: General Flynn

Patrick Bet David Interviews General Flynn.

PBD is pretty cool, intelligent and even somewhat dialed in.


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aaa4a4 No.19462931

File: d64db02889eec6b⋯.png (11.11 KB,285x285,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



"Maxeon Solar may be as desperate as Santa Fe Democrats. The Motley Fool website listed three reasons Maxeon Solar stocks recently dropped precipitately,” … missed badly on revenue; management forecasts continued weak sales in Q3, and probably Q4. At the same time, Maxeon is building even more production capacity in a fragile demand environment.” With NM’s 0.6-billion-dollar contribution and Albuquerque’s Industrial Revenue Bonds (guaranteed by Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act), Maxeon has almost zero investment in New Mexico."




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36ff9a No.19462932


Exactly!!! Thanks Anon I needed that…I refrained from sharing her link didn’t want to giver her anymore unnecessary exposure…

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f36a7a No.19462933

File: 01ddd0720e954bc⋯.jpg (38.31 KB,720x751,720:751,2023_08_30_16_11_47.jpg)

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3143ac No.19462934

File: d347674018303a6⋯.jpg (56.15 KB,142x500,71:250,Buttigieg_Claps.jpg)

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1041d2 No.19462935

File: e6410fc20b5f2ce⋯.png (529.5 KB,662x922,331:461,Screenshot_2023_08_30_at_1….png)

File: 3e30638ba732de0⋯.png (173.94 KB,643x466,643:466,Screenshot_2023_08_30_at_1….png)

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b118c4 No.19462936

Can you imagine wanting Biden as POTUS?

AF1 does not even fly over America any longer.

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008bdf No.19462937

File: 4e1dbe20e26e520⋯.jpeg (115.24 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_1343.jpeg)

30 Aug, 2023 19:27

Zelensky ‘bombed’ first Biden meeting – media

The Ukrainian leader has allegedly harbored “resentment” from the 2021 meeting for the “humiliation” he suffered, The Guardian reports

US President Joe Biden and his Ukrainian counterpart, Vladimir Zelensky, apparently got off on the wrong foot when they first met in the White House back in 2021, The Guardian reported on Wednesday, citing an upcoming book by journalist Franklin Foer. Washington was left bewildered by Kiev’s demands for swift NATO accession, while Zelensky felt “humiliated,” the paper said.

The two presidents seemingly failed to form a good relationship when the Ukrainian leader first visited America in September 2021, some five months before the conflict between Moscow and Kiev broke out. At the time, Ukraine’s assessment of its NATO prospects was viewed as “absurd” in Washington, The Guardian reported, citing ‘The Last Politician: Inside Joe Biden’s White House and the Struggle for America’s Future’, which is scheduled to hit shelves next week.

“Even Zelensky’s most ardent sympathizers in the [Biden] administration agreed that he had bombed,” Foer wrote. The Ukrainian leader, in turn, reportedly harbored “lingering resentments from the episode” and seemingly blamed Biden personally “for the humiliation he suffered, for the political awkwardness he endured.”

The US president “didn’t think much of his Ukrainian counterpart,” referring to Zelensky as a “slapstick comedian,” according to Foer. He noted that Biden had also been “deeply involved in Ukrainian politics longer than Zelensky” due to his role in US-Ukrainian relations under former president Barack Obama.

Biden expected “gratitude” from Ukraine for his support, but Zelensky “crammed his conversations with a long list of demands,”Foer wrote, adding that NATO had become a particularly contentious topic for the two presidents.

Zelensky supposedly initially demanded his nation be accepted into the bloc, but Biden rejected the idea, citing a lack of support among NATO members. The response reportedly prompted Zelensky to lash out and declare the US-led organization obsolete.

“After begging to join NATO, he began to lecture that the organization is, in fact, a historic relic with waning significance. He told Biden that France and Germany were going to exit NATO,” Foer wrote. “It was an absurd analysis and a blatant contradiction. And it pissed Biden off.”

Kiev’s ambition to swiftly join NATO has been weighing on Ukraine’s relations with its Western backers for quite some time. The latest flare-up broke out at the NATO summit in Vilnius in July, when Zelensky lashed out at the bloc over its “indecisiveness,” calling the lack of a roadmap towards accession “unprecedented and absurd.”

His comments reportedly infuriated Washington, with British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace also saying he would like to see some “gratitude” from Kiev for what Western nations had already done for it.

Call this the beginning of the very near term end, when WAPO publishes gossip. It’s commensurate to a girlfriend saying I never liked you, anyways


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e85845 No.19462938

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ab0749 No.19462939

File: 68dab9e865bf294⋯.jpg (46.55 KB,640x400,8:5,a8691df6033db76a218d338b64….jpg)

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d4f527 No.19462940


sorry for her.

good looking and money.

but not smart enough…….. like x clown…………to not trust your gov, and gates saving you, after his remarks re depopulation/

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2da4f4 No.19462941

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>19458953 pb

>>19458848 pb

>>19458875 pb

>>19458096 pb


I think that due to the luciferian programming from centuries of being under the spell of a death cult and being controlled thru fear, that we listen to this guy and our cognitive dissonance makes it seem like the dude is crazy and so most Anons sort of dismissed this video as bullshit. What he says is what I have known for years, tho, and even though it sounds crazy, take a moment to process what he is ackchyually saying. The US Constitution gets suspended when we go under military law. They have caked on law after law after law on top of the Constitution in order to shape the justice system against us for their "great work" to bring in the nwo. So it makes sense that 80% of the shit would get deleted if we are going to be free for the first time ever.

I don't know if a person can go on social media and say he is a Marine, if he is not one and IDK if a person can say he is a Marine AND threaten the enemy with torture. To me, we have cognitive dissonance so the guy sounds crazy, but can a guy say he's a Marine and threaten to torture, and would a Marine bow down to the enemy or talk to it the way this guy is? He says that they have to brainwash us for freedom now bc we've been held captive for so long that we are stuck in fear.

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de445b No.19462942


she's everywhere on TS? She makes good posts, but figured she was fake so avoided.

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4356ed No.19462944

File: ae0af80dfa9008c⋯.png (951.18 KB,1200x2000,3:5,Screenshot_20230830_195238.png)

File: a90ed343d3e8dab⋯.jpeg (512.8 KB,2048x1537,2048:1537,F4yRIwnWEAAXAgx.jpeg)

File: 196d7575aa652c0⋯.png (923.41 KB,1200x2000,3:5,Screenshot_20230830_195618.png)

File: f4f34c0d8d31438⋯.jpeg (947.81 KB,2048x1368,256:171,F4uOVrrWcAAI9hh.jpeg)

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5b07ef No.19462945


>Jekyl island

Sounds like a place where weird shit happens.

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3143ac No.19462946

File: 730ac1f0b0599ce⋯.jpeg (231.51 KB,1280x1280,1:1,Old_Timer.jpeg)


You tryin to datefag anon?

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08cfe4 No.19462947


why? Becuase they own the stock and it makes the company have value and then they sell it the Chinese?

or they own the companies that sell the equipment to the company that gets the subsidy.

in any case it usually is about enriching the few at the expense of the many.

standard gardan variety governmental graft.

just some spitballing, I have no way of reading their minds or their ledgers to see what the real deal is but usually it is explainable through looking at kickbacks or profits.

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008bdf No.19462948

30 Aug, 2023 21:18

Borrell calls for intensified EU training of Ukrainian conscripts

The EU needs to train an additional 10,000 Ukrainian troops by the end of the year, the bloc’s foreign-policy chief has said

EU nations should raise the target for the Ukrainian troops training mission, the bloc’s top diplomat Josep Borrell said on Wednesday, following an informal meeting of its defense ministers. Member states need to train an additional 10,000 Ukrainian conscripts by the end of the year, the official added.

The training of Ukrainian service personnel in the EU “has been implemented at an unprecedented speed,” Borrell told the media in the Spanish city of Toledo. As many as 25,000 soldiers had been prepared for battle as part of the EU Military Assistance Mission (EUMAM), he said, adding that the bloc is on course to reach the stated target of 30,000 trained Ukrainian soldiers by the end of October.

“I am always saying that ‘we need to do more and faster’,” the EU’s top diplomat said, adding that he suggested the objective for the mission be raised to 40,000 Ukrainian soldiers trained before the end of the year.

Member states should also focus on “specialized training for smaller groups and for command capacities," Borrell said. Brussels is also exploring the “possibility” of including F-16 pilot training in the project, he told journalists, adding that “our mission should be also able to contribute to the training of these pilots for these planes.”

The EU nations will also have to spend billions of euros to ensure Kiev’s security in the coming years, the official said, adding that a special “Ukraine Assistance Fund for the period 2024-2027” needed to be created, to “ensure the sustainability of our military assistance.”

The fund should amount to €5 billion ($5.46 billion) every year, according to Borrell. He called it a “core element of our long-term contribution to the security of Ukraine,” adding that the sum should be seen as a ceiling rather than a target and it would be “much better,” if the EU could spend less.

The “security” funding should also come separately from EU efforts to provide Kiev’s troops with munitions, as part of what the foreign-policy chief called “the three-track ammunition initiative.” The bloc had already spent about €1.1 billion ($1.2 billion) to supply Ukrainian forces with some 224,000 rounds of ammunition and about 2,300 missiles by the end of May.

Brussels has also signed a “framework agreement” with arms industries for member states to “pass common orders,” the official said, adding that the EU Commission needs to focus on ramping up industrial capacities to produce more arms “in Europe.”

Borrell’s words come amid a continuing Ukrainian offensive that has not brought any tangible results in the two months since its launch. Kiev’s forces have suffered heavy losses in the operation, despite its Western backers supplying it with hundreds of heavy equipment pieces, including tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and armored personnel carriers.

(So desperate, they are)


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877e91 No.19462949

File: 5308ac1fee87c39⋯.jpeg (498.28 KB,720x833,720:833,2076E151_6F14_4EB3_8301_3….jpeg)

File: 8b2d71eed18b859⋯.jpeg (1.23 MB,828x655,828:655,D1CC5317_BD7A_440C_8A7A_7….jpeg)

Stupid fuckin bitch.

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b0174c No.19462950

File: 14d76d4133dc110⋯.png (3.62 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Did King Charles Fly A UFO?

August 29, 2023

A new series of Nub TV to air on Ayozat TV, Channel 186 on Sky and on Tubi in the US from Tuesday 5th September will investigate the claim that Prince Charles flew a prototype UFO in 1975.

Film-maker Mark Christopher Lee, who recently called on King Charles to help push for disclosure regarding UFOs, said he has received testimony and evidence regarding the royal family’s interest in UFOs dating back to Earl Louis Mountbatten, Prince Phillip’s Uncle. Mountbatten allegedly had a Ufo land on his Broadlands Estate and this interest was then passed onto Prince Phillip who was regularly briefed on the latest Ufo news from his private secretary and was interested in the Rendelsham Forest case which has been dubbed as the “British Roswell.”

The series will also investigate the claim from a former colleague of King Charles that they were both working on Project Serpico in Sandy Point in Canada during 1975. The project was set up to investigate new forms of transport with particular reference to Tesla’s work on magnetism. The source alleges they had access to technology developed from the Germans after WW2 which itself was developed from a crashed UFO.

The source alleges that in 1975 whilst stationed in Sandy Point, Canada, Prince Charles flew one of these craft – a smaller UFO type vehicle encased in a heat sensitive glass dome to protect the pilots from the magnetic effects given off by the larger craft controlling their flight. Charles’ craft had 3 pilots with 3 pilot domes and gave off a blue ionic flame and was able to submerse into the water. The larger craft followed behind Charles and was controlling his craft’s flight by means of some form of electro magnetic force. The larger craft looked like a massive helicopter with long blades.

Lee has called on King Charles to put pressure both on Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and US President Joe Biden to release the truth about UFOs. He has said the craft allegedly flown by King Charles is part of the same technology that the US pilots have seen and engaged with in the recent Congress hearings.

The new series of Nub TV, hosted by Mark Christopher Lee and Guy Thompson, explores UFOs, the paranormal and music. It will air on Ayozat TV, Channel 186 on Sky and on Tubi in the US from Tuesday 5th September.


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d4f527 No.19462951

File: 204d4ddac1b4fc1⋯.gif (2 MB,354x201,118:67,I_see_in_8D.gif)



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191166 No.19462952

File: 86ae0d2b1a0264f⋯.png (603.39 KB,468x439,468:439,capture_154_30082023_17004….png)


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a7e647 No.19462953

File: bdcb78f2485400b⋯.png (136.29 KB,749x628,749:628,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2723b423a9eedb6⋯.png (2.2 MB,1135x1128,1135:1128,ClipboardImage.png)

Merrick Garland's DOJ is suing Elon Musk because he's only hiring citizens and permanent residents.

Merrick Garland's DOJ only hires citizens.


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59029f No.19462954


It's the place where all the weird stuff started.

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b118c4 No.19462955

Let me guess, leftist propaganda the next 50 posts.

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1c404d No.19462956

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Burn : it down

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661ff1 No.19462957

File: d6b45a174d9f1cf⋯.mp4 (8.71 MB,480x270,16:9,3_TREASON_INFERNO_DANTE_MI….mp4)

File: fa4ab8c40e7675f⋯.jpg (139.03 KB,681x905,681:905,MacBeth_Witches_Y_Tho_Fart….jpg)

File: 2cdae42712ec231⋯.jpg (49.52 KB,861x449,861:449,PIKEY_SMILES_TYB_NCSWIC.jpg)

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d590fa No.19462958

File: 2c5941118e4b87c⋯.jpeg (102.64 KB,720x705,48:47,2c5941118e4b87cc2ec838f68….jpeg)

File: 47123b6683afaeb⋯.jpeg (196.58 KB,1280x1280,1:1,F0xVIigakAAUPpa.jpeg)

File: 339f74be4bc46a5⋯.jpeg (145.87 KB,800x735,160:147,339f74be4bc46a5f9cccb5635….jpeg)

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36ff9a No.19462959


Yes and on Telegram also…most all her posts is news taken directly from the breads. She does make good posts but lately you really see the Paytriot in her coming out. Definitely starting to glow brightly…

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661ff1 No.19462960

File: 6b93c15ec516c7a⋯.png (1.4 MB,1469x794,1469:794,1693440094284.png)

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5069b0 No.19462961

File: 4c360b42cecd078⋯.jpg (211.92 KB,1016x1010,508:505,a96319095ef82136.jpg)


>Baker is defunct.

What part of "BO or BV don't you get anon?

Neither of those say baker.

Bakers can't lock breads.

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3143ac No.19462962


Biden admin held on to this for 2 years and drops it now.

Zelly is about to get the Saddam treatment, or perhaps Ghaddafi or how about Christopher Stevens treatment?

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53d62b No.19462963


Looks like a live oak

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a024eb No.19462964

File: ca09d539bf84a4e⋯.png (177.79 KB,360x360,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

There are 14 Anons

Maybe at most 44

Why do the[y] care so much about what a handful of people talk about?

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661ff1 No.19462965

File: 512ebb434ed3bd1⋯.png (963.2 KB,1464x796,366:199,1693362595873.png)

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fe8cca No.19462966

File: 1b1c0d7f95090a0⋯.jpg (52.3 KB,582x428,291:214,7xihhw.jpg)

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cf105d No.19462967

File: ac9a80530675d5e⋯.png (395.53 KB,557x662,557:662,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08d5fcbd1d243fd⋯.png (200.62 KB,537x719,537:719,ClipboardImage.png)

REPORT: Arizona Secretary of State Says He’s Figuring Out Whether or Not to Disqualify Trump From 2024 Ballot

Arizona Secretary of State and former cartel lawyer Adrian Fontes is reportedly questioning President Trump’s eligibility for the 2024 election in Arizona as he faces politicized indictments from the Biden Regime and upcoming trial dates.

This news comes after Katie Hobbs told a reporter that President Trump should be prosecuted by Arizona for challenging the 2020 presidential election.

The DOJ, Marxist DAs, and crooked state officials are working overtime to put Trump in prison to cover up for the Biden Crime Family and the failed Biden Administration and keep Trump out of the White House.

The accusation raised by Arizona’s Secretary of State is that President Trump “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” and is no longer eligible to hold office. This argument failed in a 2022 election lawsuit to disqualify Rep. Andy Biggs, Rep. Paul Gosar, and Trump-Endorsed Secretary of State candidate Mark Finchem from appearing on the midterm ballot.

Democrats know they can’t win on the ballot, so they cheat.

“We need to know who is eligible, and this is of incredible national interest,” Fontes said, according to an NBC report. Fontes also said last year that the certification of candidates in the 2024 Presidential Election “will ultimately end up in court.”

The Kari Lake campaign tweeted:

This is what happens when your state government is captured by radicals

They will destroy “our democracy” under the pretense of saving it


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2fa01b No.19462968

shape -> number -> letter -> metaphor of math and word

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156ca6 No.19462969

File: 21114b6e16e3720⋯.jpeg (137.7 KB,1440x760,36:19,099B37FA_4C51_4545_A961_3….jpeg)

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f36a7a No.19462970

File: 21bd13ace06849d⋯.jpg (101.78 KB,400x560,5:7,2023_08_30_03_21_26.jpg)

Lots of August 31 deltas anons

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5b07ef No.19462971



>jekyll island

>FED / 1910 / Woodrow

>Georgia guidestones


The island is owned by the State of Georgia and run by a self-sustaining,self-governing body.

At the end of November 1910, Senator Nelson W. Aldrich and Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury Department A. Piatt Andrew, and five of the country's leading financiers (Frank Vanderlip, Henry P. Davison, Benjamin Strong, and Paul Warburg) arrived at the Jekyll Island Club to conduct a secret meeting to plan the country's monetary policy and banking system, formulating during the meeting the Federal Reserve as America's next central bank.[20][21] According to the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, the 1910 Jekyll Island meeting resulted in draft legislation for the creation of a U.S. central bank. Parts of this draft (the Aldrich plan) were incorporated into the 1913 Federal Reserve Act.[citation needed]

So the FED sustains themselves from Jekyll Islands. The keystone is Georgia.

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d4f527 No.19462972

File: fc189efa9385b68⋯.gif (3.01 MB,370x376,185:188,I_want_to_flyyyyyyyyyy.gif)

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1c404d No.19462973


secure the land

watch the water

rebuild a nation

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3143ac No.19462974

File: fc058d74c17f72c⋯.png (808.17 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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b118c4 No.19462975


Blah Blah Blah.

Total nonsense.

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f893b8 No.19462976


It's time society burned the modern day library of Alexandria again ;p

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5b07ef No.19462977


I'll remember the name.

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cf105d No.19462978

Canada Issues 2SLGBTQI+ "Travel Advisory" For The U.S., Whatever That Means

The genius bureaucrats in Canada have issued either a "LGBTQ2S+" or "2SLGBTQI+" travel advisory for the United States, depending on which news source you pull your information from and which acronym is popular this week.

The country has "updated its international travel advisories to warn members of the LGBTQ+ community that they may face discrimination if they travel to some places in the United States," according to CTV News.

The advisory was put into place after at least 18 U.S. states "passed laws that limit or ban certain things relevant to the community, including gender-affirming medical care for minors and teaching about sexual orientation in schools".

We don't get it. So in other words, be careful driving on a highway in Florida, because you can't pull over and give your minor child a sex change?

The travel advisory follows the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's warning in May about "threats of violence" against the LGBTQ+ community. There's been no word on whether or not the Homeland Security warning included the "2S" and "I" portions of Canada's acronym.

"Some states have enacted laws and policies" that affect LGBTQ+ travellers, Global Affairs Canada said Tuesday. The warning "doesn't specify which states, or which of their laws or customs, are of concern," CTV added.

"Carefully consider whether you are comfortable visiting a destination where the laws and social customs affecting (LGBTQ+) people differ from those in Canada," the Canadian government warns.

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said Tuesday: "Even as we work hard on that government-to-government relationship, every Canadian government, very much including our government, needs to put at the centre of everything we do the interests and the safety of every single Canadian and every single group of Canadians."

Recall back in May the NAACP issued a travel advisory for the state of Florida, stating: "Florida is openly hostile toward African Americans, people of color and LGBTQ+ individuals. Before traveling to Florida, please understand that the state of Florida devalues and marginalizes the contributions of, and the challenges faced by African Americans and other communities of color."

In an accompanying statement, the 114-year-old organization said the travel advisory "comes in direct response to Governor Ron DeSantis' aggressive attempts to erase Black history and to restrict diversity, equity, and inclusion programs in Florida schools."



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1ce013 No.19462979


These people are incredibly stupid.

Grays are retarded as well.

When Hitler found the Aliens/UFO's in Antarctica, the grays tried taking one for a joy ride.

Crashed their dumb asses into the desert (Roswell).

Made humans work on the secret projects to figure them out.

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27ee4f No.19462980


Because that handful of people make fun of them, hold them as objects of ridicule, and shine a light on their crimes?

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ba9b27 No.19462981






>royal bastard

>on private road

>suddenly flees to japan


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3143ac No.19462982


The King is a lizard person after all. Just like his momma?

I thought that was all crazy talk…

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2da4f4 No.19462983

File: 26882b0d25e7b05⋯.gif (114.36 KB,220x164,55:41,popcorn_michael1.gif)


He says they're going to kill the police first. OK well, if we are at 80/20 with patriots at the 80 in order to avoid a civil war and patriots don't shoot police then who would shoot the police? Well, we can look at BLM riots during the summer of love. We saw them kill cops (member one got clobbered with a stone on his head n they were coming up on cops n killing them. We watched murders of civilians too. We watched them destroy everything and burn down entire police stations, member? So

Dr. Jan Halper said the concern is if the military steps in to say there was election interference, are there going to be riots? Riots by whom? Not MAGA bc why would we? So in my mind, they step in and lelection interference gets announced and blm and antifa riot via the illegal immigrants. They kill people out in the open again til it gets so bad that we all know the military has to step in. That is what I think he is talking about n meanwhile there's the covid lockdown/forced injection/fema camps as per biden to try to get us to riot too but we've been told to be smart n stay inside. We've al;ready been thu this shit before.

So, that's what I think is about to go down. Military heavy lifting vs enemy combatants in the major cities like I was told last year. SOurce said what's coming going to be gruesome, well, this would make sense now.

I think we have cognitive dissonance when we hear this guy tell us what's about to go down. Member Dr. Halper said next phase was to teach us what martial law looks like bc we think of it like a banana republic? And here this Marine guy shows up telling us he's an utist n can't be brainwashed (um.. that's talking to us, imo) then says what military law going to look like.

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d590fa No.19462984

File: 2d09afbd618348b⋯.png (12.09 KB,253x192,253:192,203412f5817f679f8d3e5708ea….png)

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a024eb No.19462985


So Control Freaks then?

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124ee7 No.19462986

File: 8f07e0846791ce9⋯.png (1.44 MB,1111x1299,1111:1299,8f07e0846791ce9f6c14752790….png)

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661ff1 No.19462987

File: 7dc5ec1fe983724⋯.png (767.89 KB,1322x882,661:441,1693334990205.png)

File: 7a463eb7ee68d4f⋯.jpg (110.85 KB,612x816,3:4,Checkmate_Q_1720_Pedo_Joe_….jpg)

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3143ac No.19462989

File: bc3aed4035e3ca4⋯.gif (563.3 KB,316x128,79:32,Pepe_Concur.gif)


kek these numbers may be true.

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d142ed No.19462990

File: 7eab97891a65de3⋯.mp4 (285.04 KB,480x360,4:3,Natural_Born_Killers_Denis….mp4)

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b118c4 No.19462991


It is time to leave.

Just an FYI.

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2da4f4 No.19462992

File: e456d8c11b87a04⋯.jpg (37.67 KB,403x324,403:324,gkpepe.jpg)



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ba9b27 No.19462993

File: 3498e560b62cf33⋯.jpg (41.25 KB,720x540,4:3,fa72377d1115d1dc98e24aceac….jpg)


>private road

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ccd03f No.19462994

File: e2211eadb909d19⋯.png (1.09 MB,972x702,18:13,bes.png)

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e113ba No.19462995

this anon is keeping mental notes of Joe's non visit to R controlled States after disasters. I can't prove it but each time it furthers my belief Joe doesn't have free permission to travel to any States outside the origin 13. He won't be going to FL even though this is "climate crisis" related. Didn't go to Ohio either .Any Blue States he visits outside the original 13 are announced as invitation.

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27ee4f No.19462996


>So Control Freaks then?

Worse. Retards.

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1041d2 No.19462997

File: 7d6607d0f061c04⋯.png (32.01 KB,616x171,616:171,Screenshot_2023_08_30_at_2….png)

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0d0661 No.19462998

File: af411ec44e8ffb1⋯.png (268.63 KB,703x429,703:429,Opera_Snapshot_2023_08_25_….png)

digits confirm

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4fc8b7 No.19462999

File: f02ebec6da54d77⋯.jpeg (508.53 KB,1083x848,1083:848,IMG_9782.jpeg)


Y’all are some of them Qanoners!?!

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1b9471 No.19463000


No Bro. We aren't finished with your mom yet.

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4356ed No.19463001

File: c549c29df105289⋯.jpeg (314.79 KB,2048x1170,1024:585,F3BpdY4XEAgiH6b.jpeg)

File: ccafd9e3647a037⋯.jpeg (318.16 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,F3BpenBXEAkyTHR.jpeg)

File: e2e0e04513f9587⋯.png (882.14 KB,1200x2000,3:5,Screenshot_20230827_095708.png)

File: 335be0471516f23⋯.jpeg (194.87 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,F4ic00GWoAAGzMn.jpeg)

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3143ac No.19463002

File: 6fb5ff4233b988a⋯.png (18.19 KB,175x255,35:51,No_Homo.png)


Take a vacation to your safe space. And stay the fuck there.

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a024eb No.19463003

File: 10280396a09d3d1⋯.mp4 (8.44 MB,854x480,427:240,4c12cf2f517a5dadd38ad828b2….mp4)


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ab182e No.19463004

File: a5b793bb06e6af4⋯.png (318.83 KB,484x397,484:397,billmime.png)


…Leave, already. And don't come back.

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661ff1 No.19463005

File: e2226344523f182⋯.png (1.3 MB,999x1168,999:1168,Hillary_Clinton_Chekt_Chec….png)

File: 9e2ca277edb2c0f⋯.png (1.34 MB,1469x794,1469:794,1693440118860.png)

I Simply Love Asset Forfeiture!

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ba9b27 No.19463006

ʻAʻole hiki i ko mākou ʻohana ʻilihune ke loaʻa nā huaʻōlelo e kapa ai i kēia mau Iudaio he fagot

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ccd03f No.19463007

File: 1034aee9702c636⋯.png (984.9 KB,980x612,245:153,whe.png)

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115b87 No.19463008



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a38317 No.19463009

File: b4300bcb3d39cc8⋯.jpeg (374.64 KB,1077x1200,359:400,b4300bcb3d39cc8634e43feee….jpeg)


claiming the bake

anyone taking notes?


your dough is perfect



has been locked

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2da4f4 No.19463010

File: fd9f025634d0308⋯.png (168.05 KB,480x338,240:169,Trump_yet_here.png)


do you enjoy eating shit too n complaining about how bad it tastes? holeeee shit, you need help, kek.

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5069b0 No.19463011

File: b6a8d0c20be1eab⋯.png (164.85 KB,409x436,409:436,b6a8d0c20be1eab56ec54b71e1….png)


16 posts oh lemme get muh spam filter

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022ea5 No.19463012


Rent free too.

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3143ac No.19463013

File: 7a71cff45faaeaa⋯.jpeg (28.18 KB,255x255,1:1,Pepe_Dukes_Of_Hazzard_Car.jpeg)


let's go!

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1ce013 No.19463014


That's a good question.

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d590fa No.19463015

File: cf273136ee142ea⋯.jpeg (44.84 KB,600x357,200:119,cf273136ee142ea51d3b38260….jpeg)

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b118c4 No.19463016


Joe Biden is not allowed in my State of Ohio.

Could not visit if he wanted to.

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ccd03f No.19463017

File: e04d8f23925c516⋯.png (629.67 KB,1030x954,515:477,qa.png)

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27ee4f No.19463018

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f36a7a No.19463019

File: 8fd00a157671ab6⋯.png (123.44 KB,497x362,497:362,8fd00a157671ab6ff1acf9a100….png)

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3143ac No.19463020

File: 780313a153a3298⋯.png (433.55 KB,1200x675,16:9,Donald_Trump_Bliss_REEEEE.png)



'I hear they're good people and they like me a lot'

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a024eb No.19463021

File: 734f15265687a77⋯.png (53.1 KB,500x370,50:37,ClipboardImage.png)


you have the Conn

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3143ac No.19463022

File: 5b2c5d904a7d916⋯.png (127.37 KB,317x358,317:358,Dancing_Woman_Crazy_Reeee.png)

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2da4f4 No.19463023

File: c57da0da2874d1e⋯.png (298.42 KB,639x457,639:457,ClipboardImage.png)


>prove it

you can't see any of us, for one

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249d26 No.19463024

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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124ee7 No.19463025


what do you know about Ray Finkle?

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1041d2 No.19463026

File: 66f396d9bc33b06⋯.jpg (311.57 KB,1574x1080,787:540,5546e1a9e700d50abb7a78d940….jpg)

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5069b0 No.19463027

File: 62d1129dbaab1ba⋯.jpg (245.49 KB,845x894,845:894,10d9a27de2216b85.jpg)


Nice claim baker!

Roll the dough.

Anybody collecting?

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eaff4a No.19463028

File: f22008f9f789899⋯.png (265.33 KB,784x574,56:41,ClipboardImage.png)

>>19460715, >>19460717 pb

>Jon Voight clone faggot gets notabled

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d590fa No.19463029

File: 942ed530bfa6f0f⋯.png (56.1 KB,255x192,85:64,fe2ac28feef89632d2239e7336….png)

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3143ac No.19463030

File: 35972aa76829549⋯.gif (627.48 KB,220x361,220:361,Donald_Trump_Dancing_Rally.gif)


Thanks baker. Thank fuck someone has their shit together round here.

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dc8335 No.19463031


kek on the actual watermark in the background of the mugshot

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a7e647 No.19463032


It's the density/concentration of information. Forget about how many of us there are.

Look at how much resources and money for the last 7 years have been expended on one man Q+. Multinational media conglomerates, DOJ, FBI, CIA, DA's, $billions and $billions all to stop just one man.


Because Q+ has it all by virtue of Q having it all.

It's the information that threatens them.

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ccd03f No.19463033

File: 592e9fb27abd088⋯.png (331.72 KB,588x424,147:106,qanonpictures.png)

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7c778c No.19463034

File: 326ad302e686604⋯.mp4 (734.4 KB,320x568,40:71,shirtwaver.mp4)

August was a fucking hot month.


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661ff1 No.19463035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Well then Here You Go Dickscab…

Bye Bye.

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d142ed No.19463036

File: 2b6add37b2f342c⋯.mp4 (230.4 KB,640x360,16:9,2b6add37b2f342c2c7787637d3….mp4)

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ccd03f No.19463037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b118c4 No.19463038

My social credit score is Terminate At All Cost.


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a024eb No.19463039


8Kun: Nexus point of Information

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661ff1 No.19463040

File: fa4077d3e139107⋯.jpg (5.17 MB,3600x2400,3:2,Falcons_vs_TCU_2011.jpg)


We are Everywhere and Nowhere.

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ba9b27 No.19463041

File: 4140f5231e7032f⋯.png (1.36 MB,533x1941,533:1941,4140f5231e7032f42a0454cdb9….png)

ʻAʻole hiki i ko mākou ʻohana ʻilihune ke loaʻa nā huaʻōlelo e kapa ai i kēia mau Iudaio he fagot






>royal bastard

>on private road

>suddenly flees to japan



>> moses butt faggot shared buttplug wiff jesus butt faggot ?



>>>oprah seks slaves missin

>plz send oprah seks slaves



>creepy frenchy germ uncle want to grope your harry butt promise land


>PEDOsta wuz suckin peter pan creamy out of jfk jr tabernacle while bannon butt watched both butt watches when tom hanks got cucked by billionaire black trany cult


>PEDOsta wuz suckin peter pan creamy out of jfk jr tabernacle while bannon butt watched both butt watches when tom hanks got cucked by billionaire black trany cult


>oprah seks slaves missin

>3,000 kids -200 showed up

>180 floaters (prol 3~5x sinkers )

>114 dead for sure

>list of 388 missing(fib trannys)

> 1,732 people who have been reported as unaccounted for at some point during the disaster

>and aluminum puddles next to weeds


>paul ryan gets banned on grindr


>write daniel on the wall in peanut butter


>butt watch putin hunters crack exposed falandering fed idollars like a frudyburger

>>19439486 >moses buttplug <butt moses plug #plugmosesbutt #mosesbuttplugisREAL >>19442097

>predicted bi Ai

alec baldwin mad, learns to faggot adults

saurkrauter passionfruits !lederhosen !#anusbleach


>>19445686 >cryptic ju twat bout anus bleachin lasers frum secret underground mccain super pac


>Hinterausgang des Flughafens „Flying Monkey“.


>frenchy germs ruined harry butt promise land


both dudes rubbin together

for bearded uncle sheets

harry butt promise land


duke harry wuz already bangin taht

>>19439486 >moses buttplug <butt moses plug #plugmosesbutt #mosesbuttplugisREAL >>19442097

>predicted bi Ai

alec baldwin mad, learns to faggot adults

saurkrauter passionfruits !

lederhosen !



>>19445686 >cryptic ju twat bout anus bleachin lasers frum secret underground mccain super pac

butt clench frenchy germ leather pants

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1041d2 No.19463043

File: 503b350023f7326⋯.png (504.57 KB,600x583,600:583,Screenshot_2023_08_30_at_2….png)


>Cummins unit



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08d0e1 No.19463044

File: 653aa3aebb6d0f3⋯.png (102.55 KB,262x262,1:1,demon.png)

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124ee7 No.19463045


96 Uids

44 top

14 bottom for the Austismos

82 tops

52 bottoms for the Shillericans

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661ff1 No.19463046

File: 48f9fd873709b7c⋯.jpg (466.85 KB,1609x2048,1609:2048,CAT_Focus.jpg)



Cool thing is they can't shoot and they're easy to sneak up on….

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f893b8 No.19463047

File: ea9c818d15bbe35⋯.jpg (660.94 KB,1079x821,1079:821,Screenshot_20230830_191907.jpg)


>nexus point

That would be Utah.

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4356ed No.19463048

File: 3468f0a9932f619⋯.png (54.2 KB,618x672,103:112,233_4_.png)

File: 5a9ba6bf993d97b⋯.jpeg (604.16 KB,2048x1426,1024:713,F4tQgiTW0AAcPyF_1_.jpeg)

File: f7fcdcf3cff5108⋯.png (962.84 KB,1200x2000,3:5,Screenshot_20230830_201658.png)

File: d573d98a3e06c57⋯.jpeg (460.42 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,F4tQh6WaoAAmI50_1_.jpeg)

File: 0ef18f703cec7c7⋯.jpeg (323.3 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,F4tQjrdaEAArCjC_1_.jpeg)

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ccd03f No.19463049

File: d61bc89197a47cb⋯.png (2.71 MB,1712x1704,214:213,meme_war_tour.png)

File: b14b7209c6c093e⋯.png (1.63 MB,978x1430,489:715,trus.png)

File: 025ee32506ddb68⋯.png (1.43 MB,980x1222,490:611,ants.png)

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3143ac No.19463050

File: f8f5d7d1aba098a⋯.jpg (52.22 KB,1126x2000,563:1000,371107921_144855078672823_….jpg)

Took this last night thru a 700mm telescope in my sons backyard. Just fucking around with cellphone, worked ok.

Sharing's caring.

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1c404d No.19463051

File: 60ff71d15ca8382⋯.jpeg (6.24 KB,255x212,255:212,6250d9c653ef57d521ff01398….jpeg)

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661ff1 No.19463052

File: db2ce034e2cb588⋯.mp4 (6.68 MB,640x360,16:9,Joe_Biden_Going_The_Distan….mp4)

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f090a4 No.19463053


Thank you

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3e5fdb No.19463054


Double double

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30fc35 No.19463055

File: e267ea221a3648b⋯.png (534.59 KB,500x606,250:303,ClipboardImage.png)

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a38317 No.19463056

File: 31244d1acefbd6f⋯.png (398.67 KB,529x549,529:549,ClipboardImage.png)


#Marines with MAG 24 participate in an Intramural Marksmanship Competition at Kaneohe Bay Range Training Facility, Marine Corps Base Hawaii.

U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Clayton Baker


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156ca6 No.19463057

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Minutes ago

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f36a7a No.19463058

File: d8d435e598031ff⋯.png (4.37 MB,2198x1460,1099:730,Screen_Shot_2023_08_30_at_….png)

File: 9a4c5d0ef5cc704⋯.png (116.86 KB,1246x894,623:447,Screen_Shot_2023_08_30_at_….png)




Could point to anon's 10/31 delta theory?

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cf105d No.19463059

File: f5c85fb72afd7ac⋯.png (286.09 KB,983x919,983:919,ClipboardImage.png)

MS-13 and Mexican Mafia Leader Sentenced to More than 17 Years for an International Drug Conspiracy


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3143ac No.19463060

File: 500492a0dd2399e⋯.png (67.7 KB,481x517,481:517,Pepe_Outline_Full_Alpha.png)

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ba9b27 No.19463061

File: 13fcc3d0cf3c6f9⋯.gif (4.86 MB,450x346,225:173,13fcc3d0cf3c6f9cdfd152979b….gif)

& sum haina

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f36a7a No.19463062

File: 7a89faab8531d4c⋯.jpg (11.49 KB,254x255,254:255,7a89faab8531d4cadd1a91eda6….jpg)

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1c404d No.19463063

File: 45d735b7b35d213⋯.jpeg (255.59 KB,1280x960,4:3,45d735b7b35d213cc1605b660….jpeg)

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124ee7 No.19463065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d142ed No.19463066

File: 00176f979789e51⋯.gif (660.39 KB,498x272,249:136,1052060832.gif)

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36ff9a No.19463067

File: b014f3a7d42618f⋯.mp4 (4.45 MB,464x848,29:53,_6128765143974053803.mp4)


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1041d2 No.19463068

File: 6a920afe5d30d91⋯.png (83.42 KB,387x352,387:352,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4bcb52dba2de591⋯.png (5.75 KB,262x180,131:90,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24c72a7c345f6ac⋯.png (22.31 KB,429x300,143:100,ClipboardImage.png)


a Death Star?

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3143ac No.19463069


That's going to affect "anime pussy from Japan" sales, significantly.

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27ee4f No.19463070

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b118c4 No.19463071

Anthony Fauci.

Where is he nowadays?


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661ff1 No.19463072

File: 10735ebab27d7c1⋯.mp4 (1 MB,640x360,16:9,Kashmir_Sweater_Time_Trave….mp4)

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a7e647 No.19463073

File: 3ac47481610f748⋯.png (2.95 MB,2480x1506,1240:753,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6da67accd69123⋯.jpg (58.71 KB,1243x847,113:77,Neeson.JPG)

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5faa40 No.19463074


"Docs Offer Glimpse Inside Censorship Industrial Complex"

"But the advisory committee members met often and worked so closely with their government handlers that the federal liaison to the committee regularly offered members his personal cell phone and even reminded them to use the committee’s Slack channel. Your average concerned citizen doesn’t have a Homeland Security bureaucrat on speed dial."

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d590fa No.19463075

File: 2551e5bdca85069⋯.png (2.21 MB,1904x1071,16:9,2551e5bdca85069d3001c86188….png)


>You tryin to datefag anon?

i never try anything i just do it

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1c404d No.19463076

File: 97d158e6d4a98a5⋯.jpg (149.52 KB,631x575,631:575,97d158e6d4a98a52cec008efca….jpg)

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5c44cb No.19463077


So OBUMMER was his real name, and the odds of BIG MIKE being a women are diminishing.

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2da4f4 No.19463079

>>19461052 pb

so pornography is legal

but prostitution is illegal?

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4356ed No.19463080

File: e36cdce072a3f7b⋯.jpg (1.51 MB,3245x2340,649:468,5be6fdf8_a437_4dbf_9898_d9….jpg)

File: 2c29f55d884c491⋯.jpg (98.64 KB,504x504,1:1,Copy_of_POW_2_1.jpg)

File: 4c0e3721aa4cf30⋯.jpg (239.8 KB,1026x592,513:296,hk_prisoners_cp.jpg)

File: 247e689da826d81⋯.gif (11.84 MB,638x432,319:216,shinzo_abe_donald_trump.gif)


damn son.

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1ce013 No.19463081


This meme gets me every time.

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d142ed No.19463082

File: df18298471c2374⋯.png (351.18 KB,748x421,748:421,ClipboardImage.png)

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dc8335 No.19463083


those lines that come from the one crater, though…

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1c404d No.19463084

File: 78a9e22194dc93e⋯.jpeg (23.98 KB,254x190,127:95,5F5987BE_AF87_4D0D_89D9_C….jpeg)

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5d694d No.19463085

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Garrett Ventry On President Trump's Poll Numbers: "Donald Trump has a stranglehold here"



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ab182e No.19463086


…Closest 'star' is our own sun, dumbass.

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de445b No.19463087

File: cd74e61463c8b53⋯.jpg (211.14 KB,717x925,717:925,comeypepe5f.jpg)


oh shit oh shit oh shit

he's trying to be kewl now


maybe switch out Comey's head for CharlieRex.

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661ff1 No.19463088

File: 7f204e15de4ff26⋯.mp4 (14.29 MB,400x300,4:3,Kenny_Rogers_Jackass_Part_….mp4)



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156ca6 No.19463089

File: a0fe531aa739c19⋯.jpeg (15.86 KB,250x182,125:91,24DB6C46_ACA7_4A0B_BBBB_7….jpeg)


Silly judges gonna get their goofy robes pulled up over their silly heads.

I’m gonna laugh

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ba9b27 No.19463090


so deep

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a4309a No.19463091

File: 3e796edbae4576a⋯.jpg (50.96 KB,720x538,360:269,calculating44.jpg)


aye, noticed.

there seems to be certain states where he is allowed to be "passported" in. always found it odd that he thanked the local leader for that. he makes that statement quite often, almost always during the introduction.

"Mr. Mayor, thanks for the passport into town." -'Tater

"Remarks by President Biden on the Importance of COVID-⁠19 Vaccine Requirements"

Elk Grove Village, Illinois


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4356ed No.19463092

File: 1a384d5136bb128⋯.jpg (35.56 KB,474x511,474:511,eziwgvloq9j01.jpg)

File: 792e4b74913956d⋯.jpg (6.77 KB,533x800,533:800,Skinny_Lady_Stock_Stamp_Mu….jpg)

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3143ac No.19463093

File: 3bf6f4fe36daed6⋯.jpg (55.03 KB,1126x2000,563:1000,371112743_328729099728911_….jpg)


here's the other I took. It was only a few years ago I realized the moon is "upside down" for Southern Hemisphere anons like me.

The moar you know.

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d590fa No.19463094

File: 0fb05469574d15c⋯.mp4 (1 MB,464x848,29:53,2GpvfGjaD4Md0w_n.mp4)

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97d86b No.19463095

File: e1e25df4c2c8871⋯.gif (529.06 KB,500x244,125:61,crying_drunk_under_desk.gif)


90min later…

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1ce013 No.19463096

File: 34b769fc5ee76b9⋯.png (236.65 KB,532x512,133:128,Capture.PNG)

USS Pearl Harbor (LSD 52) - arriving!

Yesterday the ship arrived to San Fernando City, La Union, #Philippines🇵🇭 in support of #PacificPartnership2023, mooring next to Republic of #Korea🇰🇷 Navy ship Cheon Ja Bong (LST-687), also participating in the mission.


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4a97df No.19463097



A storm on both your houses

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e113ba No.19463098

anons should analyze Trump/Tucker interview as it relates to anything Trump said about Kamala. Notice his right hand cutting then waving off when he talks of her possibility of being future President. He talks of people believing she has to remain on the ticket for some reason but disagreeing with them. That is a legal matter associated with the campaign filings/bank accounts/deadlines for primaries ect…(at this point they have no other candidate in the race so pulling Joe leaves them without a Dem Candidate in some States if they miss the deadline) Keeping Kamala keeps the ticket alive. It gets complicated because party rules allow the party to pick the ticket at certain junctures of the race if Joe drops out.

Knowing what I know now, based on Greg Kelly's announcement of recording coming, Trump knew then that Joe was going to be forced out.

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4356ed No.19463099

File: 4fcb32fa497ae78⋯.png (12 KB,174x255,58:85,0d5dea625a6ac352a4ba97c5f0….png)

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2da4f4 No.19463100


that first one, kmfao

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08d0e1 No.19463101

File: 166b5673e9be414⋯.png (395.53 KB,902x504,451:252,2023_08_30_20_30_09.png)


Anyone got any more sauce on that?

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3143ac No.19463102



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a4309a No.19463103

File: 2b6ac46a178d99a⋯.jpg (114.24 KB,782x500,391:250,berk44.jpg)

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661ff1 No.19463104

File: 71e80bdf1cce4c6⋯.jpg (59.65 KB,620x349,620:349,The_Line_to_Your_Moms_Hous….jpg)

File: 363c3c5d06629b9⋯.jpg (145.96 KB,1016x760,127:95,Stuff_Your_Mom_Like_a_Taxi….jpg)

File: 586e0f72d4c2f5c⋯.jpg (2.32 MB,4000x3000,4:3,You_Moms_House.jpg)

File: 91c3677652b952e⋯.jpg (64.55 KB,506x576,253:288,Trump_Explains_You_Moms_Ho….jpg)


Thanks Rabbi Rectumshekels!

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e0f6e1 No.19463105

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Vaxx Micro Injections …. 0:50

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1041d2 No.19463106

File: 366f95b7b34966a⋯.png (63.88 KB,465x262,465:262,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 55b16fac037106a⋯.jpg (69.6 KB,680x455,136:91,india_s_moon_rover_pragyan….jpg)

File: 406b08032fa0958⋯.png (66.2 KB,429x256,429:256,ClipboardImage.png)



India is the keystone?

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3143ac No.19463107

File: 74ac0bfdd83354e⋯.png (249.4 KB,486x360,27:20,Granny.png)

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156ca6 No.19463108

File: 24d6d8aabf4edd8⋯.gif (1.5 MB,400x400,1:1,D843C43C_E9EA_4ED1_870D_0F….gif)

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1256c1 No.19463109

File: 46ef15571675f50⋯.mp4 (3.15 MB,406x720,203:360,dumb_as_fuck4.mp4)

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ba9b27 No.19463110


>so deep

>>19463041 it gunna hurt to poo

>>suddenly flees to japan


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4356ed No.19463111

File: d7135b303ea2527⋯.png (80.06 KB,618x1028,309:514,2023_1_.png)

File: 22071174611d572⋯.png (62.92 KB,618x672,103:112,823_3_.png)

File: 79dfcfb0b3b0761⋯.png (184.94 KB,618x1420,309:710,52_3_.png)

File: ee0d30d8706521d⋯.png (162.98 KB,307x376,307:376,e20a6e0060370c70fa706bc756….png)

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d590fa No.19463112

File: 1289a613df3449f⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB,738x718,369:359,1289a613df3449f20ec80bdc71….mp4)

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661ff1 No.19463113

File: 9ce9a40854d06b7⋯.png (939.93 KB,796x1464,199:366,1693320570077.png)

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3048a8 No.19463114

last bread

Only two posts ID 8e75ba


Plan b….rfkjr


With God as my witness , I have been illegally surveilled for 25+ years. They have found nothing so instead they resorted to fraud. They think the law does not apply to them. They are in the process of learning otherwise.


One reply from Anon after the second post


'dat you, Boss?

The time between 17:09:01 PM and 17:13:36 PM is:

4 minutes 0.067 hour

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5d694d No.19463115

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Garrett Ventry On President Trump's Poll Numbers: "Donald Trump has a stranglehold here"



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1c404d No.19463116

File: 90139095bb49671⋯.jpeg (10.02 KB,255x140,51:28,1a93ad69441ea8f1cac4aa6be….jpeg)




>the moon is "upside down" for Southern Hemisphere anons like me.

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3143ac No.19463117


Send it to your career advisor and ask his thoughts.

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e113ba No.19463119

File: 03af47d447df848⋯.png (117.12 KB,1072x722,536:361,ClipboardImage.png)

>>19463091 WOW! I have thought this for a long time but had no proof. This is proof!


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ba9b27 No.19463120

File: b2542f4b08e16f8⋯.png (186.13 KB,578x767,578:767,never_ending_story_in_the_….png)

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0d0ef4 No.19463121

File: 2e679c5418412c8⋯.mp4 (12 MB,1280x720,16:9,bd7167ede0f7de2b_1_.mp4)


Oliver Anthony tells Joe Rogan that he gave his life to God once he hit rock bottom in his mental health crisis around six months ago. Once his life turned around, he began to take his music seriously. Just a few months after crying out to God, he ascended to fame after singing a song that tugged on the heartstrings of millions around the world hoping for a better way of life. What an incredibly powerful story!


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a7e647 No.19463122

File: dcd8c41a66f700f⋯.png (399.24 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Who are the real fascists?

Define projection..

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5c44cb No.19463123


The satanist COVIDism people even arranged for her do doe at 33… they love their job too much.

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f3a69e No.19463124

Berry Sotoro will try to get to Nairobi…

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5d694d No.19463125

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rep. Dan Bishop: "We cannot relent we must get after it right away"



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45c30f No.19463126

File: 34759e54469c37d⋯.png (81.86 KB,261x150,87:50,ClipboardImage.png)

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483f6a No.19463127



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eaff4a No.19463128


How many attempts on your life have they made?

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156ca6 No.19463129


Ill be laughing as i smash my devices in front of big super scary SWAT…


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2da4f4 No.19463130

File: a9540f6c414a758⋯.mp4 (6.54 MB,576x1024,9:16,Belt_victory.mp4)

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fef60d No.19463131

File: 7e1dba70b247e0a⋯.jpg (8.75 KB,256x256,1:1,tileshop.jpg)

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53d62b No.19463132

File: 67d9ff62299538e⋯.jpeg (104.32 KB,960x805,192:161,44608F73_DC0E_43CD_B67B_D….jpeg)

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dc8335 No.19463133


>fought courageously

anon did that by refusing the vax and quitting his job. we pick our battles, whether we are aware of it or not.

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124ee7 No.19463134

File: e30e8fb476082f4⋯.png (5.35 MB,1500x1500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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dbc25d No.19463135


Worst PW album made.

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5faa40 No.19463136

File: 8f020e68b2e3eb2⋯.png (26.14 KB,379x103,379:103,Screen_Shot_2023_08_30_at_….png)

File: 3fad4af4f18cbaa⋯.png (134.82 KB,687x350,687:350,Screen_Shot_2023_08_30_at_….png)

File: 6adfd07a20ac257⋯.png (13.62 KB,670x65,134:13,Screen_Shot_2023_08_30_at_….png)



Just did a search (pic related). Top result was a misspelling of his name that I guess would offer books or something from Amazon. Further down were the "related searches". Internet is getting scrubbed quite rapidly it seems. That Utah Data center is gonna be short on stuff to do soon.

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fef60d No.19463137

File: dca5c787933c787⋯.png (364.06 KB,1170x569,1170:569,Screenshot_at_Aug_30_20_38….png)

Suggested flow chart for IgG4-RD diagnostic work up. HPF: high-power field. FNA: Fine needle aspiration.

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5c44cb No.19463138


Secret service are traitors if they are protecting a CRIMINAL who stole elections and sold off the country to other countries..

What is wrong with these disgusting people?

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27ee4f No.19463139

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942540 No.19463140

File: 0b035367e42fc87⋯.png (64.97 KB,690x718,345:359,112C2DF7_2172_45C3_8CA2_D9….png)

Any Anons know what this Q post means?


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022ea5 No.19463141


Archive meme, bigtime.

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eaff4a No.19463142

File: 6632d461268611a⋯.mp4 (10.09 MB,1280x720,16:9,UFOs_at_moon_with_zoom_and….mp4)


it's great to see the depth of the craters with your own eyes. On the edge particularly

fuggin flatearthers never once looked through a telescope

Yeah that's about the size I have

What about this vid - real?

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4356ed No.19463143

File: 529613c871fb28b⋯.webp (49.81 KB,600x401,600:401,young_urban_red_fox_vulpe….webp)

File: ece2f4914df13a9⋯.jpg (470.36 KB,2000x1305,400:261,1B2A6642_copy.jpg)

File: 94e7736725b36ae⋯.png (93.94 KB,618x1072,309:536,383.png)

File: e71c64623d98ae7⋯.png (126.62 KB,618x1600,309:800,432_2_.png)

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f36a7a No.19463144

File: 4b376a3bd90d580⋯.png (81.55 KB,1108x376,277:94,Screen_Shot_2023_08_30_at_….png)


Link is ded

mebbe an anon archived offline


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5faa40 No.19463145


>refusing the vax and quitting his job

Me, too. This proved easier than things I've done previously.

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d590fa No.19463146

File: 947674b47ea3b96⋯.mp4 (1.85 MB,368x208,23:13,videoplayback.mp4)

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56a0f7 No.19463147

File: 66b731b597329bb⋯.jpg (18.29 KB,728x410,364:205,pain.jpg)

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000000 No.19463148

perhaps anon is a misomaniac?

>but anon likes miso??

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cde433 No.19463149

File: dab2960024ba1dd⋯.png (396.62 KB,1013x507,1013:507,ClipboardImage.png)

Japanese PM eats ‘Fukushima lunch’

Fumio Kishida consumed fish sashimi from the area in an effort to dispel concerns over the release of treated radioactive wastewater


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942540 No.19463150


What does it mean?

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eaff4a No.19463151


i blame the parents

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a7e647 No.19463152


Q meant alpha centauri.

While the Sun is indeed a star, colloquially the word 'star' refers to all stars other than the Sun.

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ba9b27 No.19463153

File: 2fd2d9847c88fcf⋯.png (21.16 KB,1240x744,5:3,2fd2d9847c88fcf46a5e4f204d….png)

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a0bbfa No.19463154