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File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,iwo_QR1.jpg)

c543b9 No.19465129 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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c543b9 No.19465130

International Q Research Threads

>>19188850 ——–——– Australia #31

>>19181822 ——–——– Canada #45

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>18551332 ——–——– Germany #105

>>19236542 ——–——– Japan #16

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>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>18778547 ——–——– South Africa #11

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50



Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker

Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>19075778, >>19075920, >>19148273 What counts as CP?

>>19088989, >>19156675, >>19322099 SPAM is not free speech, will be removed


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ

>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>19103408 No muh joos in notes, will be removed


#23905 >>19464265

>>19464317 Ex-Middlesex deputy charged with threatening to destroy Plymouth courthouse

>>19464337 On Wednesday’s episode of Saturday Night Live alums Dana Carvey and David Spade’s “Fly on the Wall” podcast, it was revealed that Hillary Clinton was upset with Julia Sweeney’s SNL impression of a teenaged Chelsea Clinton.

>>19464342 Anon read this message several times over. With the capitalization of Video and Policy, all I see is…Choose the VP that you like

>>19464440 Did Joe Biden Just Confirm The Lahaina, Maui Hawaii Fires Were Planned?

>>19464785 A new map of China's national borders has sparked protests from governments in Asia after its boundaries drew in the territories of its neighbors---including a small chunk of Russia.

>>19464798 Should Elon Musk release all the information X has on the Maui Fires?

>>19464891 "Let Staten Island Secede" - Fights & Confrontations at Migrant Protest in Staten Island

>>19464895 FBI Director Christopher Wray Announces Major Operation Targeting the Qakbot Botnet

>>19464935, >>19464968, >>19464977, >>19464984, >>19464993 FIREFIGHTER WHISTLEBLOWER: MAUI ATTACK NOT A WILDFIRE

>>19465037 Tucker Carlson on His Interview with Trump, FOX Firing & America's Future

>>19465104 #23905

#23904 >>19463435

>>19463463, >>19463469, >>19463488, >>19463564, >>19463626 PF BF nose currents

>>19463459 Corrupt Obama Judge Finds Rudy Giuliani Guilty Because He Didn’t Turn Over Devices the FBI Confiscated from His Home

>>19463473 California mom gets $100K settlement from school district who transitioned child behind her back

>>19463485 CDC Responds to Mask Mandate Claims

>>19463546, >>19463593, >>19463601, >>19463615 Trump dropped 31 vids on TS today/Q/24 in row/T-24 is Sept 1 2024

>>19463549 "I have now published the largest autopsy study ever in that circumstance where someone dies suddenly after Vaccination. And the answer is - 73.9% of the time,

>>19463578 Donald Trump interview with Glenn Beck- August 29, 2023

>>19463586 They're just going to skip that part where people were Dying to Justify Masking, Vaxxing & Lockdowns & Just go Straight to Masking, Vaxxing & Lockdowns

>>19463603 RT just posted a long vid without any dialog of a super moon over the TEMPLE OF POSEIDON at Cape Sounion, Greece. Fun fact: Russia has those long range ocean torpedos called Poseidons.

>>19463635, >>19463641 End Times News

>>19463676, >>19463537, >>19463527 this why we keep up with ebo T

>>19463678 'Don't consent""Don't comply"


>>19463831 QClock August 29, 2023 - Dear Patriot. We hear you.

>>19463917 @JamesOKeefeIII Police bodycam footage shows NJ School Board officials calling police on citizens they don’t recognize who look “TRUMPISH!” Police colluded with school officials to scan license plates of all attendees who looked 'different'.

>>19463929 General Michael Flynn | PBD Podcast | Ep. 300

>>19463939 @USNationalGuard Today, more than 1,300 National Guard members in 11 states are supporting wildfire response missions.

>>19463947 Sharp increase in coronavirus infections in Germany

>>19464248 #23904

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c543b9 No.19465132

#23903 >>19462655

>>19462656, >>19462662 Tucker: people at CNN who I know for a fact are doing that exact thing. They're reading government propaganda from the intel agencies knowingly…

>>19462667 Tucker: "In 2008 it became really clear that Barack Obama had been having sex with men and smoking crack…"

>>19462659, >>19463056, >>19462669, >>19462680 @1stMAW_Marines Shooters!

>>19462713, >>19462724 Iowa Poll: Donald Trump holds commanding lead in first test of 2024 Republican caucus field

>>19462738, >>19462733 @realDonaldTrump Trump Can Prove It

>>19462739 "Unfortunately it's a worldview children are getting when they go into public libraries" and he talks about the doctor just nominated to run the NIH

>>19462754, >>19462750 @realDonaldTrump Jason Miller to Newsmax: Debate Will 'Spotlight' DeSantis' Failures

>>19462775, >>19462765 @realDonaldTrump Georgia's Indictment of Trump is a Partisan Political Hit Job

>>19462768 Body Language: Viktor Orban, The World Right Now

>>19462782 "Thank you to Mike Lindell and his entire team for bringing together Election Integrity experts to hold the GOP accountable."


>>19462816 @3d_Marine_Div Our #Marines with 3d Battalion, 5th Marines, 4th Marine Regiment, and Republic of Korea Marines fire Daewoo K2C1 rifles and M4 carbines during Korea Marine Exercise Program

>>19462882 Fitness Influencer Larissa Borges Dies Suddenly From Double Cardiac Arrest.


>>19462935, >>19462863 Arkansas escapee captured

>>19462948 Borrell calls for intensified EU training of Ukrainian conscripts

>>19462953 Merrick Garland's DOJ is suing Elon Musk because he's only hiring citizens and permanent residents.

>>19462967 Arizona Secretary of State Says He’s Figuring Out Whether or Not to Disqualify Trump From 2024 Ballot

>>19462978 Canada Issues 2SLGBTQI+ "Travel Advisory" For The U.S., Whatever That Means

>>19463043 @GovRonDeSantis Just two months after the first graduation of @FLStateGuard soldiers in 75 years, they've been called up We thank them

>>19463059 MS-13 and Mexican Mafia Leader Sentenced to More than 17 Years for an International Drug Conspiracy

>>19463074 "Docs Offer Glimpse Inside Censorship Industrial Complex"

>>19463085 Garrett Ventry On President Trump's Poll Numbers: "Donald Trump has a stranglehold here"

>>19463096 @USPacificFleet USS Pearl Harbor (LSD 52) - arriving!

>>19463149, >>19463286 Japanese PM eats ‘Fukushima lunch’

>>19463172 U.S. DOE plans to amend school regulations to focus attention on 'ancestry discrimination'

>>19463241 @mrddmia Dear President Trump: Your wish is my command.

>>19463268 America First Legal Obtains Over 1,000 Emails Between VP Biden and Rosemont Seneca: Mockingbird Media Collusion, Favors for Friends, and More

>>19463297 Frying Pan Shoals Light Tower located approximately 39 miles southeast of Southport, North Carolina and 32 miles from Bald Head Island

>>19463338 APD reports multiple violations, 17 arrests in Sex Offender Compliance Check

>>19463356 LIVE - Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Game Night'

>>19463367, >>19463371, >>19463378 As Idalia hit Florida, all of NOAA’s hurricane-hunting planes were grounded due to a generator failure

>>19463380 so far he's posted 24 videos in a row T-minus 24?

>>19463386, >>19463388 DOJ Press Release Bears Questions: Did FBI/DOJ Search 200,000 U.S. and 700,000 Worldwide Computers Without A Warrant, What Really Happened and Why?

>>19463429 @23903

Previously Collected

>>19461843 #23901-C, >>19461838 #23901-B, >>19462631 #23902

>>19460994 #23900, >>19461767 #23901-A, >>19461838 #23901-B

>>19460092 #23899, >>19459309 #23898, >>19460988 #23900-A

>>19456908 #23895-B, >>19457734 #23896, >>19458513 #23897

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Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop >>19192963

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c543b9 No.19465134

File: f28117a9a4457e6⋯.png (609.51 KB,901x511,901:511,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f107c916ff0c708⋯.png (1.06 MB,896x717,896:717,2b2048814a88cc6bce64e51b70….png)



morn'n baker requesting handoff - Call the ball baker

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029206 No.19465137

File: 06007d07dddce37⋯.gif (339.65 KB,200x200,1:1,FD143D72_7AEF_406A_BF8D_66….gif)

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e0b03b No.19465162

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a03549 No.19465164

File: de57101dffd75de⋯.jpg (59.44 KB,637x345,637:345,unc_gunman.jpg)

OMG! confronting Walensky's Giddy-ness over "Big Data" might trip over the Schwang Wu FIlters and crank up the johnson controlls to get to the tissue sample lab made from the NAZI bioagent Refrigerator that came back from NAZI Germany. Big Data for Walensky's Open Society Monkey Monkey Monkey Lab.

Please just open the gate, let anon In..

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ea47ff No.19465167

File: 88be8dcb588898d⋯.jpg (50.79 KB,512x512,1:1,tybstorm.jpg)

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4b9d4b No.19465168

File: 090d8c76d5645e0⋯.jpeg (80.83 KB,786x634,393:317,090d8c76d5645e015971f4187….jpeg)

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b3c589 No.19465170

Late night NOTABLE

Retard shills drooled on the bread all night and 'missed' this


Pentagon Officials Worked To Finalize Climate Plan During Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal, Emails Show

Biden admin worked on document declaring climate change a top national security risk as Kabul crumbled

In the midst of the Biden administration’s disastrous military withdrawal from Afghanistan, top Pentagon officials were working to get the Secretary of Defense to sign a major climate change initiative, according to emails obtained by The Daily Wire.

In the two weeks between the fall of Kabul to the Taliban on August 15, 2021, and the final U.S. military flight out of Afghanistan on August 30, Pentagon officials were scrambling with the White House to finalize the Department of Defense Climate Adaptation Plan, a document that declares climate change a major national security risk.

The emails indicate frustration from climate change-focused Pentagon officials at the difficulty of getting the plan signed — but that ultimately their determination to focus on climate change even during the Afghanistan withdrawal paid off. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin signed the climate initiative on September 1, just six days after 13 Americans were killed by a Taliban suicide bomber. moar

Aug 30, 2023


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e0b03b No.19465172


I've been wondering if he had to practice that stare or it just came naturally. I mean, not that it matters, it's fuckin' badass, but… nevermind.

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75eb0a No.19465173

File: 355a7ae637a905d⋯.png (139.13 KB,493x335,493:335,ClipboardImage.png)

This guy would make a great Secretary of the Treasury or head up the Fed.

I wonder if there are skeletons?

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c5bf45 No.19465174

File: 661963c55e5b7ab⋯.jpg (51.34 KB,582x428,291:214,7xk2w3.jpg)



In Lord Yeshua's Name, please.

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94ee96 No.19465176

File: a87e3666557efda⋯.gif (11.15 KB,500x387,500:387,sparklin4.gif)

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a4c7c9 No.19465177

File: e24ebce99cf78b8⋯.png (127.77 KB,579x564,193:188,5BAD7BDF_8E3B_4958_A9F2_6E….png)

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3311d2 No.19465178

File: f5054729d3de10b⋯.mp4 (5.85 MB,1280x720,16:9,day_shift_2nd_tester.mp4)

File: 103f61058cfb634⋯.mp4 (2.51 MB,720x640,9:8,day_shift.mp4)

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163f75 No.19465179

Nice little IP hopping shitpost spam escapade he's got on the go this morning. Must be still reeling from last night.

Rent free.

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df7909 No.19465180

File: 0b9187c334efac1⋯.png (73.29 KB,246x327,82:109,Day_Shifting_Intensifies.png)


He's a dad. That look comes naturally when needed.

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b3c589 No.19465182


Same Lloyd Austin

Lloyd Austin to General Smith: Release My Men or Else!

United States Marines have detained a U.S. Army National Guard captain who arrived at Camp Pendleton’s gates claiming to hold an urgent message for General Eric M. Smith’s eyes only, a source in the general’s office told Real Raw News.

The Tuesday incident occurred at 4:30 p.m., when the captain, wearing his Class A uniform, approached Pendleton’s Las Pulgas gate in a black sedan and told sentries that he had “come for General Smith,” a poor choice of words. The vigilant Marine sentinels recognized the captain’s insignia as belonging to the 40th Infantry Division at Los Alamitos Joint Forces Training Base, California, a facility plagued with malefic officers loyal to the criminal Biden regime.

The Marines yanked the dapper captain from the vehicle, hurled him to the pavement, stood him up, handcuffed him behind his back, and meticulously frisked him. One marine slid a circular mirror affixed to an aluminum pole under the sedan, looking for explosives. Having diligently searched the captain and his car and found only a manilla envelope marked ‘for General Eric M. Smith’s eyes only,’ the Marines phoned in the intrusion and awaited the arrival of military police.

As the MPs interrogated the shaken and bruised captain at a security building, the envelope and letter were screened for harmful substances such as fentanyl, anthrax, and ricin—no toxins were found.

The captain said he was a messenger tasked with ensuring that Gen. Smith received the letter and that he had no ill will for “the Good Marines at Pendleton,” adding that his garrison commander, Lt. Col. Manju Vig, ordered him to hand-deliver the envelope and return to base.

However, Vig had not written the letter. It was authored by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who forwarded it to Vig, who then delegated the captain to bring it to Pendleton. He wanted to leave in peace but was told he wasn’t going anywhere until Gen. Smith read the letter and decided what to do with him. An MP inquired about the captain’s allegiances, asking who he considered to be commander-in-chief of the armed forces. He responded, “President Joseph R. Biden,” footnoting his answer with, “We may have disagreements over who’s calling the shots, but we wear similar uniforms and took the same oath.”

Our source said that General Smith received the letter approximately two hours later as he was preparing to retire for the evening. The missive was another of Austin’s endless and unenforceable ultimatums, this time commanding Gen. Smith to immediately release Cpt. David Dunbar and CSM Nema Mobarakzadeh, the 10th Mountain Division’s staff officer and senior NCO, respectively, whom U.S. Marines apprehended on July 30.

“Dunbar and Mobarrka—I can’t pronounce his damn name. They’re at Camp Blaz now,” our source said.

Interestingly, the letter did not mention the 165 soldiers in custody or the four officers arrested by Special Forces in Germany.

Austin referred to Dubar and Mobarakzadeh as “hostages” and Gen. Smith as a “terrorist betraying his constitutional oath.” He wrote, “Your alliance with former President Trump puts the men you command in greater danger daily. When you fall, they will too. It’s inevitable. But in the meantime, you can do yourself a favor by setting free Captain Dunbar and Command Sergeant Major Mobarakzadeh. Heed this command, or we’ll come for them and for you. Your fate is ordained; the outcomes of those serving you are still to be seen.”

Our source said Gen. Smith put the letter in a shredder and ordered Pendleton MPs to detain its deliverer until further notice. He said Deep State panjandrums once again failed to intimidate Gen. Smith.

Asked whether anyone at Pendleton knew why Austin chose such a circuitous delivery route—instead of sending the letter by email or post—he said, “Only Austin’s demented mind knows why. The coward sure wasn’t going to drop it off himself. And Captain [name withheld] clamped up the second we told him he wasn’t going home.”

Note: We have withheld the captain’s name at the request of Gen. Smith’s office.

real raw news

news so raw they have to tell idiots it is satire so they don't get censored. You know how prevelant censoring for satire is.

right, sure

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b3c589 No.19465183

File: fdf97edbf19d928⋯.png (816.45 KB,1024x682,512:341,ClipboardImage.png)

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169f71 No.19465186

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We found a 15 year old video of Vivek Ramaswamy… You won't believe this.

- Liberal Hivemind

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e52ee8 No.19465187

McKinsey on NYT Incoming

Brought to you by Liz Hilton Segel, chief client officer and managing partner, global industry practices, & Homayoun Hatami, managing partner, global client capabilities

Building a digital New York Times

In the news

New leadership. On Wednesday, CNN said it has hired Mark Thompson, former CEO of the New York Times Company, to serve as its new chair and CEO. Thompson, whose tenure begins on October 9, led the New York Times through a period of rapid expansion, adding millions of digital subscribers and bolstering the company’s financial performance. Prior to joining the Times, Thompson began his career as a trainee at the BBC, where he was eventually appointed director general in 2004. [NYT]

Cable news chief. Longtime news veteran Mark Thompson, the incoming CEO of CNN, will start his new role prior to the US presidential election in 2024, an event that typically attracts millions of TV viewers for cable news companies. Thompson will run the strategy, operations, and business units of CNN, according to its parent company. He will also step into the role of the news network’s editor in chief, supervising all of its editorial content. One of Thompson’s objectives will be to grow CNN’s digital offerings while minding its cable TV channels. [WSJ]

“Many become leaders because they’re great at one thing. In this digital moment, you need people who can be good at one thing and can then learn something else.”

On McKinsey.com

An outsider’s perspective. From 2012 to 2020, Mark Thompson, the New York Times Company’s former president and CEO, oversaw the institution’s dramatic transformation. Under his watch, the Times’s digital readership jumped from half a million to nearly 5.7 million subscribers. Yet in 2019, when Thompson announced his ambition to reach 10 million subscribers by 2025, many were skeptical, he said to McKinsey senior partner Yael Taqqu and McKinsey Global Publishing’s Raju Narisetti. Thompson’s outsider status had the advantage of a “cold eye,” he explained.

Building on past success. During an earlier period when the company faced economic difficulties, the Times launched daily lifestyle sections, with topics such as culture and entertainment, food, and dining. That “started making the case for a bigger proposition,” which eventually led to the debut of news products such as NYT Cooking. “It was about trying to get a conveyor belt of improvements and ideas,” Thompson said. For more on how Thompson expanded the New York Times’ digital reach, read the full interview.

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e52ee8 No.19465188


built a clock?

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163f75 No.19465190

We both know why you were awake at 330am.

Rent free.

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fb3524 No.19465191


Like female celebs calling Derrick Mulvaney the

“Bravest Female in History”

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40e641 No.19465193

File: 59ff4b32f185b13⋯.png (340.25 KB,547x525,547:525,ClipboardImage.png)

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4b9d4b No.19465194

File: 35ad1862e93c2b8⋯.png (993.6 KB,1069x1600,1069:1600,35ad1862e93c2b860a29926a8c….png)

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163f75 No.19465195


Damn, that's a guud one. Don't think I've seen that one yet.

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d83385 No.19465196

File: 4584357c731bc22⋯.png (317.26 KB,768x180,64:15,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ca5cfa4d559803⋯.jpg (14.3 KB,320x192,5:3,Maser_1_1.jpg)

USNO Master Clock Description

"Time and the hour runs through the roughest day."

– W. S.

The U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) is charged with the responsibility for precise time determination and management of time dissemination. Modern electronic systems, such as electronic navigation or communications systems, depend increasingly on precise time and time interval (PTTI). Examples would be the now decommissioned ground-based LORAN-C navigation system and the satellite-based Global Positioning System (GPS). These systems are based on the travel time of the electromagnetic signals: an accuracy of 10 nanoseconds (10 billionths of a second) corresponds to a position accuracy of 10 feet. In fast communications, time synchronization is equally important. All of these official systems are referenced to the USNO Master Clock.

The Master Clock timescale of the Observatory is based on an ensemble of cesium-beam frequency standards, hydrogen masers, and rubidium fountains. Frequency data from this ensemble are used to steer the frequency of a single maser, forming our designated Master Clock (MC), until its time equals the average of the ensemble, thereby providing the physical realization of this "paper timescale."

Specifically, the frequency of a device called an Auxiliary Output Generator is periodically adjusted so as to keep the time of this maser synchronized as closely as possible with that of the computed mean timescale USNO timescale UTC(USNO), which in turn adjusted to be close to the predicted UTC. The unsteered internal reference timescale is designated as A.1, while the reference of the actual Master Clock is called UTC(USNO).

UTC(USNO) is usually kept within 10 nanoseconds of UTC. An estimate of the slowly changing difference UTC - UTC(USNO) is computed daily.

"A man with a watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure."

– Segal's Law

These clocks are distributed in environmentally controlled clock vaults in several buildings to ensure their stability. By automatic inter-comparison of all clocks every 100 seconds, the USNO time scale can be computed which is not only reliable but also extremely stable. Its rate does not change by more than about 100 picoseconds (0.000 000 000 1 seconds) per day from day to day.

On the basis of this computed timea clock reference system can be steeredto produce clock signals which serve as the USNO Master Clock. The clock reference system is driven by a hydrogen maser atomic clock. Hydrogen masers are extremely stable clocks over short time periods (less than one week). They provide the stability, reliability and accessibility needed to maintain the accuracy of the Master Clock system.


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239322 No.19465197

File: 61828d9a87d9bc7⋯.png (350.71 KB,460x382,230:191,biden_mask_3.PNG)


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94dd2c No.19465198

File: 535b3e3b19aad72⋯.png (55.75 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a03549 No.19465199

File: 5cf6581481b6ecd⋯.jpg (42.17 KB,320x240,4:3,geronimo_.jpg)

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745555 No.19465200


is the Insular Cortex, aka the Island.

'Eden' within. First part of the physical 'brain' to form, from which Gen 2:10 occurs/describes:

"And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted (Lateral Sulcus), and became into four heads." (Four lobes of the brain parietal, occipital, frontal, and temporal aka Pison, Gihon, Hiddekel, and Euphrates)

Eden, the word, comes from Norse Idun, the goddess of spring or rejuvenation, the keeper of the magic apples of immortality.

Every physical place has a 'God' or energy over it. Eden and Idun are one in the same.


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2df423 No.19465201

All p/b




You'd be surprised who comes here to shitpoast

You'd be surprised who comes here to quietly lurk

You'd be surprised who comes here to poast digs

You'd be surprised…

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df7909 No.19465204


You guys can't start moundpoasting this early in the morning, FFS…

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588822 No.19465205

File: 2d9070bfc402f7a⋯.mp4 (15.26 MB,640x360,16:9,women_which_man_can_be.mp4)

Stollen from (lb) and reposted for the keks and alsonotable

(not a self-nom see first word of post)

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e0b03b No.19465206


At this point I don't think I would be surprised.

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d8727f No.19465208


For ladies YES = for BITCHES - go fuck yourself.

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22a0dd No.19465209

File: b9c3e4577a319ef⋯.png (923.18 KB,1000x540,50:27,b9c3e4577a319ef3dc793475b0….png)

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ea598e No.19465210

File: a3f7824ac9201e8⋯.png (373.7 KB,848x480,53:30,VR.png)

File: 610169562086d31⋯.png (352.47 KB,857x480,857:480,Pb.png)

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d83385 No.19465211

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Remy: Rich Men North of Richmond (Federal Employee Version)

Life in D.C. isn't all sunshine and Fudge Rounds.


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708feb No.19465212



fuck those sucka ass bitches

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fb3524 No.19465213

File: f5d24ac4098f325⋯.jpeg (211.61 KB,1757x553,251:79,IMG_5653.jpeg)

Salaried employees making less then 55k will get OT pay under Biden administration proposal

Mighty white of them


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588822 No.19465214


>for BITCHES - go fuck yourself.

Don't be so retarded, anon.

How else can we forcibly boot them out of the car if we don't open the door?

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3bae1f No.19465215

File: 2d87413715ec50e⋯.png (213.8 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Sometimes you don't

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d8727f No.19465216


To be fair - most people at 15 are likely to be liberal because they haven't figured out the empty virtue signaling BS liberals sell to the young. I was liberal leaning in my earlier years…

No evidence yet to suggest he would not make a great Trump Vivek 2024 VP.

Keep adding the data points.

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1cb7cd No.19465217

>>19463378 pb

Did anyone else notice that the

Hurricane impacts

We're not even close to Ian

And these radar emitting aircraft

We're not part of the equation

Weather mods disguised as info ?

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2df423 No.19465218

File: 59ae507f6f2b346⋯.png (1.08 MB,720x1280,9:16,V4kxZi2aO863aiRd.png)

>>19464342 p/b

Anon likes this guy.

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6db1f3 No.19465219

File: 19dcf9d053ce7bd⋯.jpeg (178.04 KB,768x768,1:1,IMG_3636.jpeg)


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d8727f No.19465220


Wasn't Trump also a democrat for a long time?

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cd9f55 No.19465221


yes, he was a lifelong dem

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d744f9 No.19465222

File: 39a34e48f6701eb⋯.jpg (50.28 KB,650x731,650:731,What_Do_You_See_and_Where_….jpg)

File: bd301248c96e815⋯.jpg (71.76 KB,500x500,1:1,CorFod.jpg)


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d8727f No.19465223


Bill Nye and Neil Tyson are the best examples of how useless SCIENTISTS are when they push NONSENSE BS for Globalist Terrorists.

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a03549 No.19465224

File: 770745797971d56⋯.jpg (103.25 KB,526x526,1:1,ANON_SAY_WHOS_NEXT.jpg)

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3311d2 No.19465225

File: 3da1727921b041a⋯.png (901.12 KB,734x500,367:250,ClipboardImage.png)

btw musk v zuckerberg fight is off.

zuckerberg pulled out of the fight cos he thought musk is not serious.

not that anyone cares.

just thought anons would like to know.

the whole thing was a clown publicity stunt and it failed miseribly.

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cd9f55 No.19465226

File: 6ee423ef16ae6ac⋯.webp (34.68 KB,768x768,1:1,IMG_3405.webp)


here's a ginger, without mound

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e52ee8 No.19465227


he's not principled so much as pragmatic with regard to party affiliations.

turns out, he was right - they really don't matter.

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d8727f No.19465228

File: 7a2102d3840b27e⋯.png (464.69 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea598e No.19465229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Bill Nye

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a03549 No.19465230

File: d972f3f788da565⋯.jpg (353.44 KB,1200x675,16:9,hillary_says_it_s_MY_FAULT….jpg)

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3bae1f No.19465231


VP residence

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1cb7cd No.19465232


I'm gonna go home and smack your momma

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e52ee8 No.19465233

>>19464891 n "Let Staten Island Secede" - Fights & Confrontations at Migrant Protest in Staten Island

as anon recalls, in addition to the odd mobster, there were more than a few decent, hard working folk on SI.

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bd9311 No.19465235


momma likes a good smackin'

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8e071c No.19465236

A. The Maui fire was a directed energy weapon attack

B. Patriots are in control.

If A = True and B = True, why did Patriots do this or permit it to take place? An explanation is Necessary.

If A = True and B = False, we continue taking heavy losses expecting help from Patriots that is not forthcoming. What to do?

If A = False and B = True, Patriots are bad firefighters.

If A = False and B = False, what to do?

If A event is Not Real (deception), explanation is Necessary.

Are B Not Real? No. I am a B. There is at least 1 B.

Am I in control? Not of Maui. Therefor not all B are in control. B is always false.

Therefore “What to Do?” is an appropriate question.

Think logically.

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25dee4 No.19465237

File: 11c316e4b0956c7⋯.png (66.12 KB,250x194,125:97,seriously.png)


A big, enormous coinkidink?

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163f75 No.19465238


Morning, buddy. Another morn at the office? Hope you get more sleep tonight.

… Rent free.

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ea598e No.19465240

File: 994382a9ee4a739⋯.png (67.21 KB,591x339,197:113,Trump_0754.png)

Donald J. Trump


So now it is learned that Governor Ron DeSanctimonious unnecessarily approved a 20% hike in Florida Electricity Rates, the largest in history (by far!), after taking a 9.5 Million Dollar Campaign Contribution from “money machine” Florida Power and Light, and subsidiaries. Next up to check out is the Insurance Industry, where DeSanctus gave up the store. His campaign and poll numbers have “CRASHED” to a point where it doesn’t much matter anymore, but what a shame for Florida!

Aug 31, 2023, 7:54 AM


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d83385 No.19465241


>If A = False and B = True, Patriots are bad firefighters.

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bd9311 No.19465242

File: 9d473c9c3fc79e0⋯.jpeg (91.44 KB,499x610,499:610,IMG_2600.jpeg)


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d8727f No.19465243


TRUMP has more links to Democrats then anyone… Coincidence too?

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57054c No.19465244

File: 7f6ec043d52c784⋯.jpeg (69.63 KB,540x540,1:1,2B7ED3BD_73FD_4899_A709_3….jpeg)

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d83385 No.19465245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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40cb5b No.19465246

File: 1eb8ffac4c83fd4⋯.png (448.53 KB,680x481,680:481,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8727f No.19465247


A + B = C

Solve for the unknown C.

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553279 No.19465249

Some have said in this Timeline of Revelations, Release the Kraken. Yes? And for many Truth Seekers, this has meant on one level or another, Release the Truth! Release the Illumination of Truth and simultaneously clear out the Dark Forces on your planet that have played out the biblical serpent’s agendas to enslave an entire planet, and a Human Collective, that is rich in Divine Life Force. Well . . . we wish to also say in the month of August and as time itself rolls into the Energies of September . . . Release the Lion Harbinger! Release the Lion Energy in each and all of you. Its time for the Power to Return to the People. Not just for People to Rise Up and Beyond the Tyranny of Serpentine Rulers and Snakes in positions of power. But mostly, at least for our messages to you in these times, for people to rise up and claim their gifts, their talents, and their creative life works, for the second half of your gorgeous incarnations on this planet in these times. There is so much Goodness, Wholeness, Wholesomeness, Inspiration, Brilliance, and Love to seed into this new world. God/Source is counting on the Awakening of many Light Warriors, Light Creatives, and Light Players to step up their Quantum Creations, at a whole new level this month and beyond. Are you among them? Are you among that stellar group of incredible souls who knows yourself to be here for this Now moment? That when the Trumpet sounds, and the Cosmic Bell rings, sounding the Light of Freedom Ringing worldwide, . . . through a series of events and unfoldments on your world still to come . . . can you feel your vision for your new life? Can you feel your soul expressing, untethered by the former serpentine vines of endless education, certifications, legal paperwork, student debt, mortgage debt, and a 3D assundry of never ending debt, and free to be YOU and to express what you uniquely came to bring to this world? We want you to celebrate that. We want you to pre-celebrate that now. So that that kind of celebration simply becomes your Now, and the “pre” part drops away, as celebration becomes your all time frequency.

Releasing the Kraken has been unfolding for some time on your world. Many tapped into their multidimensionality already know this. Release the Kraken is not a future proclamation. It is a multidimensional proclamation that all in the Cosmos heard deep and clear, all the way to the depths of Heart of Creation. It was a Cosmic Command, emanating from the Heart of Creation. The Kraken is a mystical being that has multiple legs or arms that can move independently of the others, to execute swift cosmic justice for the injustices allowed to play out in the Serpent’s Den for thousands and thousands of years. And that Kraken, that Multidimensional Kraken, is still rounding up and cleaning out dark forces and factions of this serpent infected planet, to make way for the Divine Clearings and Liberations that are surfacing more and more to those with greater soul sight. The Kraken is God’s Creation’s Tool, one of many, that is helping to rid the world of evil and evil doings.

A Much Bigger Dream and A Much Bigger Victory is emerging through the Heart of Creation with the steady work of the Cosmic Kraken, with the steady boldness and strength of the Cosmic Christed Lion Harbinger, and with the steady soul sight and soul steps of amazing Light Warriors, Lion Warriors, and Ascended Masters like you. As darkness gets exposed, allow the exposure to carry its own weight in the darkness of the dark Truth. Don’t take on the burden of inhabiting that darkness with your 3D wounded frequencies that resonate with 3D suffering. Take a deep divine breath of neutrality. And witness the darkness exposures. And then take a deep divine breath for Quantum Creation in that same experience and window of time.


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bc79fe No.19465250

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB,600x450,4:3,IMG_4220.gif)

Morning, frenz

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588822 No.19465251

File: dab2502d00436d8⋯.jpg (42.45 KB,500x667,500:667,spunow.jpg)

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99198d No.19465252

File: 10e1150a33fa136⋯.jpeg (36.79 KB,255x170,3:2,33E5831D_B569_4C52_89E1_7….jpeg)

File: 6db0d2222e6068e⋯.png (582.92 KB,523x800,523:800,74DF983C_DCFD_4506_B704_D1….png)

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553279 No.19465253


>Rise Up and Beyond the Tyranny of Serpentine Rulers and Snakes in positions of power.

Trumps snake poem?

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f7e9bf No.19465254

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b6fa88 No.19465255


Eat a dick.

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861b6a No.19465256


Farm Raised Youth

As in, The Farm

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99198d No.19465257

File: c1414a0034c26c3⋯.png (226.91 KB,690x1118,345:559,E98A492F_2A22_4372_8FDF_DA….png)


good morning Sam.

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df7909 No.19465258

File: 570d171e6b13d1c⋯.jpg (112.35 KB,1000x786,500:393,Fog_Of_War_Chess.jpg)


If we're theorycrafting, and there truly is a war going on, then let's think it through. Assuming A and B are both true, or "control" means there is a measure of control in place with contingencies to ensure success of a plan and goal:

1. Every precaution was taken to ensure minimal loss of innocent life.

2. A situation was created where:

2a: The DS was allowed to destroy their own evidence. Their actions to restrict water will add to their list of charges when the time comes. The truly innocent victims that survived will be made whole and then some.

2b: The DS doesn't actually have access to such technology anymore, and the situation was 100% patriot op with psychological operations to make a big news story of it.

There are ways to make any of the current realities fit into a more objective point of view, you just have to think creatively enough until you find a puzzle piece that fits both A and B as a best-case outcome.

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0e4b84 No.19465259




The fix is in

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a03549 No.19465260

File: ab00396adcd2b1f⋯.jpg (22.66 KB,640x400,8:5,bill_Nye_child_carbon_guy.jpg)

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8a2161 No.19465261

File: 89ef5d9f8452b4e⋯.mp4 (2.31 MB,640x360,16:9,89ef5d9f8452b4e8ea09e24936….mp4)

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df7909 No.19465262

File: 74b7b566aa210c1⋯.png (310.59 KB,1566x881,1566:881,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd9311 No.19465263

File: 3fe5616ce967a57⋯.jpeg (83.71 KB,816x499,816:499,IMG_3433.jpeg)


oh god not you

go away! spamsam!

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bc79fe No.19465264


I have street cred here. Who are you again?

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99198d No.19465265

File: 2da88eb84b20146⋯.png (1.58 MB,966x1207,966:1207,75044240_081B_475E_BD39_45….png)

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1cb7cd No.19465266


Same Bat time

Same Bat station

Same Batty Bullshit .kek

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c8bcae No.19465267

Pedowood has been on strike all summer, and nobody gives a shit.

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8a2161 No.19465268

File: b941b03ba11b4d8⋯.mp4 (15.02 MB,360x360,1:1,b941b03ba11b4d8e79429ce118….mp4)

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0e4b84 No.19465269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

(repost from lb)

With the re-emergence of Obama sexual life in the news, here's a not so well known (but in depth) interview with the late Larry Sinclair, the man who claimed to have had several sexual encounters with then Community Leader Barack Obama. He mentions the deaths of the church members suspected of being in the down low club, and the co host who is gay gives an insight into Larry's story that wouldn't make sense to ordinary people.

Archive offline.

Part 1: https://youtu.be/etvpI6groBQ

Part 2: https://youtu.be/zjiScpI0O30

Part 3: https://youtu.be/JdfpL4Yaynw the story gets started here.

Part 4: https://youtu.be/tuBIBC28Zmc

Part 5: https://youtu.be/jpL7aos7G94

Part 6: https://youtu.be/oyFXTg2xQTI

Part 7: https://youtu.be/qpUBM_AP9gE

Part 8: https://youtu.be/j19gXBrYcIY

Part 9: https://youtu.be/nKoquV2uRVU

Extended Larry Sinclair Interview

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2df423 No.19465270


WTF? ~30 poasts axed in the first 20 min of this bread?

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40cb5b No.19465271

File: 31a95a4372f2f00⋯.jpg (229.88 KB,1283x1658,1283:1658,F42x6SiX0AAnJiL.jpg)

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bc79fe No.19465272


I'm not the spammer. The shills have been using my image to pretend to be me for years. I just have frens to say hi to in the morning here.

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25dee4 No.19465273

File: 58a1829837a9f40⋯.png (312.35 KB,990x992,495:496,2023_08_31_08_19_16.png)


She's pretty.

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b6fa88 No.19465275


I don't accept credit.


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0e4b84 No.19465276


never gets old

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99198d No.19465277

File: a8507994a2c173d⋯.gif (2.33 MB,352x352,1:1,F9080553_CB8F_4B6B_A00B_42….gif)

File: 5f2a7eeb06df0d2⋯.jpeg (109.52 KB,400x560,5:7,A27F6AAB_3327_4F41_BAC2_5….jpeg)

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c8bcae No.19465278


>I have street cred

anon is anon, nobody above another.

Nice try besmirching 'good morning' narrative.

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b6fa88 No.19465279


Kill yourself just to be safe.

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8e071c No.19465280


still not getting on your ship

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ea598e No.19465281

File: b097b7ecc0f3f8e⋯.png (524.75 KB,707x353,707:353,ClipboardImage.png)

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6ef8cd No.19465282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a03549 No.19465283

File: 81495caa5eeb57e⋯.png (148.85 KB,562x508,281:254,Screenshot_2023_08_29_05_2….png)


you use faggy biden-ish resiliency language.

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fb3524 No.19465284

File: f81a90e2bf7350a⋯.jpeg (487.72 KB,2160x1117,2160:1117,IMG_5654.jpeg)

Billionaires cashed out 9 billion this year

Stonks are on very shaky ground

Your 401k will get wiped out, be ready


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bd9311 No.19465285


street cred?

what, like a street hooker looking for johns?

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d83385 No.19465286

File: 1d1f961c49aa9f6⋯.jpg (16.51 KB,320x180,16:9,th.jpg)

File: 8ab996193a36768⋯.jpg (11.89 KB,276x180,23:15,th.jpg)

File: 835e54c8a5a013d⋯.jpg (5.61 KB,237x180,79:60,th.jpg)


Who do you summon when the records retention policy calls for "Destruction" of Official Records after a specified period of Time, say 5 Years?

Those records can't be sent to the landfill

Shredding works, but is expensive

The ancient method is a controlled burn

By the experts

Who are already "on the clock" anyway

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99198d No.19465287


this is a 04:00 talking points on am radio canuckistan. parrots lost

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bc79fe No.19465288


Good morning. Sorry if I have more frenz than you. I'm harmless, so why all the attacks? Must be because the shills are afraid of our comraderie.

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91912f No.19465289


>Morning, frenz

Good Mornin' to all the Anons.

Even to the idiots who continue to try to divide us.

Where We Go One, We Go All.

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861b6a No.19465290


>If A event is Not Real (deception), explanation is Necessary.

The event was necessary to wake up the Libtards.

Hawaii is Libtardville.

Libtards are starting to question other Libtards.

They are finding out that the people that they trusted are Evil.

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3e3195 No.19465291

soul tax: offering plate

body tax: income tax on wages

spirit tax: tax on purchases

if you are paying taxes on it,

you don't own it.

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a9308f No.19465292

File: 1a0a95befdb60b1⋯.jpeg (64.09 KB,618x599,618:599,J_J_control_everything.jpeg)

gm all

a lot of censoring and deleting going on in day shift

free speech is critical for the truth to awaken everyone

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6db1f3 No.19465293


buggar off with your sam spam

you smell like shill taint


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df7909 No.19465294


Biden couldn't read that poast with 8000mg of adderall and a fresh pair of depends.

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d83385 No.19465295


Taxes and Insurance are "baked in" to the Mortgage Payment

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c543b9 No.19465296


sauce it

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bc79fe No.19465297


Proof? There's no censoring here.

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6db1f3 No.19465298


yeah, nice lips from the bargain botox nurse

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02c78e No.19465299

File: 8ec5537cc8ac41f⋯.png (881.78 KB,1080x1156,270:289,29026414.png)

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203423 No.19465300

File: 5796a7d026cba56⋯.png (1.77 MB,1170x1526,585:763,ClipboardImage.png)

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a03549 No.19465302

File: 1415ade43fb9a1a⋯.png (123.26 KB,325x213,325:213,ClipboardImage.png)



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ac6485 No.19465304

File: 78dae817c59fbb7⋯.jpeg (588.01 KB,1533x1290,511:430,IMG_1104.jpeg)



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02c78e No.19465305



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d8727f No.19465306

File: 88ae094daabbf7e⋯.png (560.42 KB,1296x1570,648:785,ClipboardImage.png)

Govt funded "SCIENTISTS" i.e. the ones that will LIE to your face for money have figured out EGGS are as bad as SMOKING… Good thing Bill Gates invested in synthetic egg companies grown from plants on his farmland.

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6db1f3 No.19465307

File: 03616b3e4c1c0ca⋯.png (288.44 KB,472x467,472:467,IMG_3635.png)


>There's no censoring here.


smoke moar crack whydontcha?

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fb3524 No.19465308


Well, when your Jew lawyer refuses to sue your Jew doctor for malpractice

There is a problem

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2779a5 No.19465309

Boy, thank God for John Durham.

Without him who knows where we’d be.

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a99e8b No.19465310

File: dafbbe44eacd207⋯.png (382.29 KB,525x475,21:19,ClipboardImage.png)

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861b6a No.19465311


>a lot of censoring and deleting going on in day shift

>free speech is critical for the truth to awaken everyone


We can't let the muhjoo shills win.

Throwing the baby out with the bath water is always a bad idea.

We need to see the enemy and address the enemy.

The enemy wins if we throw out the good info. with the bad info.

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40cb5b No.19465312


>there is a measure of control in place with contingencies to ensure success of a plan and goal:

not accounted for - 'chaos factor'

all the planning in the world can't account for lack of imagination

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c8bcae No.19465313


Nobody above another.

Stop attacking anon.

No anon has 'more street cred' than another anon.

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6f82f0 No.19465314

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19826a No.19465315


is this the greatest thing i have ever seen?!?


biden said this out loud, on camera

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99198d No.19465317

File: 400f1a152c4e824⋯.jpeg (23.06 KB,254x255,254:255,38F67533_DECA_4328_B06D_5….jpeg)

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bd9311 No.19465319


eggs are good for strengthening your immune system, hence big pharma shill doctors say they are bad

remember the egg shortages, the many chicken farms being destroyed?

those deep state/WEFfuckers want us dead

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a03549 No.19465320

File: cd6a2dab6ec3514⋯.png (529.15 KB,1142x787,1142:787,Screenshot_2023_08_29_05_2….png)

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02c78e No.19465321

File: caefa499558f897⋯.png (581.39 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Memeto_1629593564078.png)


>Sorry if I have more frenz than you.

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553279 No.19465322

repost lb

Be very very mindful of your thoughts.

Your thoughts make your personality.

Your personality creates your reality.

Be kind, be loving, be patient, be grateful.

This will make your reality so much better.

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c8bcae No.19465323


In a world with the fake news' narrative of 'fbi was acting by the book'.

Durham proved otherwise.

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3311d2 No.19465324

File: d4a8d6d25d62ad3⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,260x256,65:64,durham.mp4)


do not write his report off.

he proved that the department of justice, FBI and the justice system is broken and it will come into play when it needs clearing out by trump if he gets into power again.


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bd9311 No.19465325


"Trust Jim"

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d8727f No.19465326


Informing the FBI to cover it up?

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a03549 No.19465327

File: 1bbb0f5b0a9443a⋯.png (180.7 KB,1148x595,164:85,Screenshot_2023_08_29_05_2….png)


WEF indeed does. I propose sending the F-35s to do sorties on RAVENSBURG and DAVOS..

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456646 No.19465328

Gorgeous day in North Carolina! Enjoy!

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fb3524 No.19465330


Happened when I lived in NJ…lawyer said I didn’t meet the criteria for malpractice lawsuit because I was still alive

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c543b9 No.19465331


out of 56 posts, spam b0t had 20 already

took it out

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bc79fe No.19465332




You're all obviously shills. Same group attacking me and my frenz for years. You're terrified of our little bit of comraderie on the board you just can't stand it. Expect to see your posts removed shortly.

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8a2161 No.19465334

File: 363428f22dba7c9⋯.mp4 (380.87 KB,720x720,1:1,363428f22dba7c9e1fc562e505….mp4)

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c8bcae No.19465335


Wow, that is well done.

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c543b9 No.19465336


that's cause spammers are lazy and don't work past 5pm

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bd9311 No.19465337


your bait is pretty stinky

your bread slide fuckery won't work

so fuck off samspammer

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d8727f No.19465338


Absolutely - it's a super food. Just like beef puts the testosterone into men.

They are manipulating FOOD to make babies turn into soy boys with no balls. Soon every man will be speaking with that horrid Trudeau type nasal faggot voice.

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b6fa88 No.19465339

File: e417d088d11a0cf⋯.jpeg (7.5 KB,167x255,167:255,getitright.jpeg)


You are the shill, shill.

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a99e8b No.19465340

File: 24648c9bbc65856⋯.jpg (32.97 KB,500x500,1:1,wtf_u_shittin_me.jpg)


>lawyer said I didn’t meet the criteria for malpractice lawsuit because I was still alive

That's almost as bad as Binger's claim that you can't use "self defense" as an argument, if you're still alive…

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e8a2c2 No.19465341

File: d7d49f5dc8c205c⋯.png (729.23 KB,732x640,183:160,Day_shift.png)


ThanQ Day Baker!

Cakes not in yet?

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1cb7cd No.19465342


No mortgage just taxes

And they goin up

Tax man…..on a

Sunny afternoon

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02c78e No.19465343

File: c80f9a5ef609b3f⋯.jpeg (130.72 KB,1080x816,45:34,1551802971.jpeg)

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ea47ff No.19465344

tax is legalese for extortion

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3e3195 No.19465345

File: 66988e66c6644cc⋯.jpeg (13.32 KB,400x168,50:21,66988e66c6644cce815654ec6….jpeg)

if spirit is defined by the quality of one's mind…

and the mind rises from the strongest conditioned synaptic pathways…

then the above would have a profound effect on whether one's spirit is evil or good.

each thought and its quality either strengthens or weakens a pathway.

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a03549 No.19465346

File: 6fd853655eeaaec⋯.png (172.74 KB,1092x781,1092:781,Screenshot_2023_08_29_05_2….png)

File: 70b5eef83f95cd1⋯.png (144.59 KB,1179x319,1179:319,Screenshot_2023_08_29_05_2….png)

File: f83b61e4ac4eb91⋯.jpg (264.91 KB,851x579,851:579,a_ole_kipi_ali_i_2023_08_2….jpg)


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c543b9 No.19465347

File: 564846ae9322c02⋯.png (971.81 KB,564x651,188:217,5a95e357b5f34.png)



negative on the back up but can tendy for a while

all guud


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3f16bd No.19465348

File: bdb5a6cb1c5e416⋯.png (484.59 KB,1030x802,515:401,ClipboardImage.png)

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22d900 No.19465350

File: 49eea53f5baec16⋯.jpg (196.04 KB,771x612,257:204,PIG_AGENDA.jpg)

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c8bcae No.19465351

File: f981fbea32b6f49⋯.png (518.78 KB,500x550,10:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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25dee4 No.19465352

File: 91a24f6b96942fa⋯.mp4 (173.51 KB,640x368,40:23,big_mike.mp4)


Sometimes it's hard to rearrange the package once it goes wild on you.

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ad776a No.19465353



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a03549 No.19465354


that's like some shit we dreamed about playing a game in the 70's. wtf…

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df7909 No.19465356


Valid point, but you might be surprised at how much planning goes into planning.

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0e4b84 No.19465357




>that's like some shit we dreamed about playing a game in the 70's

what a time to be alive, frens

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4990f1 No.19465358

File: 97f842f26a383b6⋯.png (676.36 KB,798x770,57:55,97f842f26a383b6b5031993168….png)

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bc79fe No.19465359


I am the one with balls. I just have frenz too and you can't stand it.

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861b6a No.19465360


Jewish Dem. Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker, and the Pritzker Crime Fam. were/are up to their eyeballs in the fake PCR testing.

They are also up to their eyeballs in Planned Parenthood and Transgender Surgical Centers.

Pritzker keeps signing orders that make Illinois more & more draconian.

Can't wait to see him get his comeuppance.

Chicago is on the list of cities to become a Smart City.

I wonder, will there be another Chicago Fire, so that they can Build Back Better?

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33fca9 No.19465362

Is it just me or did timelines shift and everything now seems perfect in the world? It was a rough 3.5 years but this morning it's like a brave new world.

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1cb7cd No.19465363


Tax liens on property

Is a judical system of property theft

Look at the people who buy them all up and kick

Grandma out

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203423 No.19465364


You must live West of the tropical storm - greetings from the rainy, windy outer banks

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d83385 No.19465366


tax = takes = unlawful takings clause

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a03549 No.19465368

File: e2d24a13aad212d⋯.png (166.49 KB,430x251,430:251,ClipboardImage.png)


all the way down to Ascii Pig


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6ef8cd No.19465370

File: 9287679de94f15d⋯.gif (1.13 MB,260x173,260:173,how_are_you.gif)

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9ece81 No.19465371

Smoking pepe = 38 posts last bread. Disappears this bread, all the board war shills and CP shows up. Dasting.

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c543b9 No.19465372

cp rm'd

refresh at will

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8a2161 No.19465373

File: 9741783248e77a3⋯.mp4 (2.45 MB,576x1024,9:16,9741783248e77a34ded24e92be….mp4)

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7bde4f No.19465374

File: e2a845aa47d5704⋯.jpeg (74.51 KB,750x500,3:2,98EE7112_0645_40D5_9660_6….jpeg)

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5f9365 No.19465375

File: 3bb97d450cdd5fa⋯.png (499.99 KB,600x361,600:361,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea47ff No.19465377


I felt this starting yesterday


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a99e8b No.19465378

File: cc1aa0c0fc04cc7⋯.jpeg (75.64 KB,804x1200,67:100,wtf_barbie.jpeg)


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3e3195 No.19465379

File: 6360e72e2bdb5cd⋯.jpg (45.98 KB,600x394,300:197,50e830fddc147809b94b9d8419….jpg)

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6f82f0 No.19465380

File: e920302a92c6d38⋯.png (254.45 KB,665x482,665:482,usjb.png)

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0e4b84 No.19465381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'Unity within armed forces': Gabonese military exhibits united front, 'has effectively taken power'


Noted over the last few days, so this is just an update. This has got to be part of the plan, because African countries like Gabon have been a gravy train to France for decades. It would appear the party's over.

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d83385 No.19465382

Are words with "X" in them other words that have had some letters removed to disguise their meaning?

takes = taxxx

facsimile = fax

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3f16bd No.19465384

File: 865e82e2f0a2531⋯.png (431.39 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)



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d744f9 No.19465385

File: 6330ab7a9693dd1⋯.jpg (34.18 KB,262x480,131:240,CorpKnight_littlepeople.jpg)

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0e4b84 No.19465387


funny you mention that. Yesterday I felt really weird; a little lethargic, and today does feel much more optimistic.

I hope one day we learn more about things behind the scenes.

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99198d No.19465388

File: 9a88a6ded63554c⋯.png (180.57 KB,690x1554,115:259,9C17D217_B7A2_4FE2_BA20_3A….png)

File: 9349a43e2759c33⋯.png (580.17 KB,690x1838,345:919,14479EFD_92D6_473D_B309_7D….png)

File: 28e252ec809756f⋯.jpeg (110.44 KB,1148x1052,287:263,5E4654C3_F7E2_456D_9E30_7….jpeg)

File: 7cc614f36076390⋯.jpeg (31.23 KB,680x227,680:227,3A223D27_DDC0_4276_86E8_8….jpeg)

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cd9f55 No.19465389


very true

processed food contains heaps of soy

estrogen in the water is feminizing males

plastisizers too

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8a2161 No.19465390

File: 0525c283b860157⋯.jpeg (35.33 KB,640x360,16:9,0525c283b86015744e9fdea45….jpeg)

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c543b9 No.19465393

File: a3ffd76e230433d⋯.png (90.91 KB,300x168,25:14,a3ffd76e230433da8d702df057….png)


come to figure out that it's been over

what everyone is seeing is the last breaths of a dying cabal

we are nearing the final act

next stop is the anon after party at the victory parade

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ce23e7 No.19465394


Hmmm… some anons have an Honorable DD-214.

This anon would argue that’s “street cred”.

Deal with it.

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9d46f5 No.19465395

File: 8612ea6268234ba⋯.jpg (113.66 KB,608x707,608:707,Skeleton.jpg)

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bd9311 No.19465397


Nixon did nothing wrong

JFK stole the election from him in voter fraud

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b6fa88 No.19465398



KYS again, SpamSam.

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ce23e7 No.19465400


Prolly his BIL.

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5e5745 No.19465401

File: 4de273e8de4a3ff⋯.gif (3.62 MB,640x436,160:109,cat_funny_cat.gif)

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40cb5b No.19465402

File: 930d33be89874b3⋯.png (362.6 KB,545x625,109:125,ClipboardImage.png)

Real America's Voice (RAV)


The federal government will do anything to keep Americans from seeing Biden’s records


General Counsel


slams the federal government for refusing to respect the law and hand over thousands of President Biden’s classified communications. “We have the FOIA statute for a reason,” says Hermann.


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cf5f39 No.19465403


Full super blue moon

Energies fantastic

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33fca9 No.19465404


In 2018 I won shitposter of the month and I still have the trophy I made for myself to prove it. I was so good that month that the Qanon board never offered that award again. Can you beat those creds?

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6f82f0 No.19465406

File: 3ec7ef623e9f2df⋯.png (565.68 KB,563x407,563:407,bld.PNG)

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861b6a No.19465407



That never happens,

they are both in a win/win situation,

where you are the only loser.

It's called malpractice insurance.

The doctor charges you a shit load of money and has to pay a shitload of it out for insurance.

It always comes out of your pocket.

The money for the insurance premiums for your health insurance.

And the money for the insurance premiums for the doctor's malpractice insurance.

It's like the lottery, it's all rigged against you.

Insurance is one of the biggest scams out there.

And the doctors and the lawyers are in on it.

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d28ace No.19465408


Well, being that your opinion is just that, your opinion,

It is easily ignored.

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bd9311 No.19465409



yes comrade we are all working against you comrade

comrade, you are a pinko commie, it's written all over your commie shill posts

goddamn reds!

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94ee96 No.19465410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8bbc6f No.19465412

File: 131e30888137300⋯.webp (63.03 KB,1200x642,200:107,IMG_1346.webp)

File: 658f4cb7475eed7⋯.jpeg (119.37 KB,700x441,100:63,IMG_1345.jpeg)

Anons remember this?For some reason it seems important now. I don’t know but I’ve been thinking about it for the past few days. Does anyone have any explanation because scientists are still baffled by it? Q says related to SAT and what does he mean “There is a place for everyone? Did they unblock signals that divided or blocked people from the great awakening? Has anything occurred like this recently?

An unexplained seismic event ‘rang’ across the Earth in November


02-Dec-2018 4:26:57 PM EST



Think WAVES!


Define 'unified'


SAT knockout forced new CLAS tech [online] by who?

[Controlled] moment activated? [17]

Do you believe in coincidences?

Do you believe your efforts here persuade people to stop the pursuit of TRUTH, [CA_J]?

There is a place for everyone.


An unexplained seismic event ‘rang’ across the Earth in November

It has experts baffled.

Robby BermanNovember 29, 2018

Someone who tracks earthquakes for fun noticed it first. On November 11, 2018, a Twitter user going by @matarikipax spotted a weird signal on the U.S Geological Survey’s live seismogram page.

What’s so weird about the mystery rumble?

While Mayotte has experienced hundreds of tremors since last May, the strongest, a 5.8 quake, occurred on May 15 and since then they’ve been tapering off in recent months. And there’s been no seismic activity that corresponds to the November wave. Still, the seismology community suspects it’s somehow related to the recent activity off Mayotte.

Normally, earthquakes produce “wave trains” comprised of high-frequency P (for “Primary”) waves that travel in pulses, as well as mid-frequency S (for “Secondary”) waves that wiggle side-to-side. Slow, low-frequency waves such as the mystery rumble are generally produced at the tail end of intense earthquakes, but again, there hasn’t been one anywhere in the right time frame that we know of.

Also, and just as “odd,” is that the wave is monochromatic. Most waves contain a cluster of waves at different speeds, or frequencies, that make for a fuzzy, complicated burst of a waveshape on monitoring equipment. The November wave was comprised of just a single frequency, and appeared as an unusually simple, clean zig-zag of about 17 seconds in length. Helen Robinson at the University of Glasgow, mischievously suggests to National Geographic, “They’re too nice; they’re too perfect to be nature.” It could be surrounding rock is filtering out other waves. Supporting this possibility is that, when the lowest frequencies are filtered out of the waveform, noise appears that could be faint P and S signals are seen. Independent seismologist Anthony Lomax tweeted the following image.

Almost exactly half a year before this strange signal turned up, seismologists were surprised by another kind of abnormal seismic activity in the same vicinity: a swarm of hundreds of small and frequent earthquakes originating about 50 kilometres (31 miles) off the east coast of Mayotte.


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40cb5b No.19465413


Joe Biden's Email Aliases Are a Potentially Serious Transparency Problem

Multiple administrations have allowed senior officials to use alias email accounts. The practice undermines the Freedom of Information Act and encourages secrecy.


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25dee4 No.19465414

File: 209599174240447⋯.png (621.57 KB,1178x636,589:318,2023_08_31_08_45_44.png)

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6f82f0 No.19465415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a03549 No.19465416


For one reason I won't answer you.

You have to label people with RACE as your first fucking word.

that's UN/NATO/Dyncorp playbook.

You will lose that fucking linguistics with me.

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163f75 No.19465419

Hey buddy sorry I had to expose your little IP hopping consensus cracking charade, talking to yourself, sharing the same memes with the same file names making you easy to track, catching you in the act of spamming the highest/lowest ranking narcissist memes and projecting it on others, you really should have tried to quit while you were ahead. Think waking up at 330am was bad today? It's going to get worse, a whole lot worse.

… Rent free.

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d83385 No.19465420


Trying to connect +, ++, and +++ (the $Trillions) to "Big Insurance" which is really just Wall Streets Gambling Funds, right?

So all the Insurance is being paid to BlackRock (ultimately), who is using it to deny coverage via Ai Insurance disapprovals, and manipulate the Stock Market to herd people to certain "profitable" sectors through massive media buys.

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cd9f55 No.19465421


botox pepe looks better

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33fca9 No.19465422


I wonder what the wave pattern of a trumpet is and if it resembles this wave pattern?

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945f47 No.19465423


Dick-santis move

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40cb5b No.19465424


Jay Carney Press Conference - 2013

Q Let me ask you about the Associated Press story today that described what it called a variety of senior administration officials possessing secret email addresses. And I’d like to ask you a couple of questions about that. One, what is the standard of transparency this administration is going to use in FOIA requests about these things, or in disclosing these going forward? And is it – or has it been the policy of this administration, whenever there is a congressional inquiry about email traffic on a given subject, that both the established email address and the secondary, or secret one, is always given over to Congress?

MR. CARNEY: Let's be clear – this is a practice consistent with prior administrations of both parties, and, as the story itself made clear, any FOIA request or congressional inquiry includes a search in all of the email accounts used by any political appointee.

So the answer is, all of this information is provided. Having alternate email addresses for Cabinet secretaries and other high-profile officials makes eminent sense, much as it does for columnists, for example, of major publications who provide email addresses for their readers but have alternate work email addresses so that if they are inundated in one account with either public emails or spam or the like, that they can continue to use their other account for normal work. And that is the case with officials of this administration, officials of the previous administrations who have had email addresses.

And the fundamental question here in terms of FOIA requests and congressional inquiries is that all of these email addresses are included.


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22d900 No.19465425

File: 03faca2886e706d⋯.jpg (93.54 KB,442x512,221:256,TOAST.jpg)

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cd9f55 No.19465426


>Joe Biden's Email Aliases



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705ff2 No.19465427

>>19464876 (LB)

THAT is the looming question and I believe it will become patently obvious when the adversary lets the frequency rip thru the atmosphere or ???

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f3753c No.19465428


morning shift must pay extra

but you wouldn't know would you?

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94ee96 No.19465430

File: dcd4445f8020538⋯.jpg (71.49 KB,677x369,677:369,whitetoast4.jpg)

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a2a05f No.19465431

File: 918ef4807cfb147⋯.jpg (185.7 KB,1080x1060,54:53,918ef4807cfb147577c1b91ce3….jpg)

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1cb7cd No.19465432

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Watching the fractional reverse banking system die is great

Many will not he happy about losing zeros

Bank holiday

And lots of BRICS

Saved by zero

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ea598e No.19465433

File: 8239af9fa7ce9b1⋯.png (667.62 KB,500x582,250:291,ClipboardImage.png)

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81961f No.19465434

Good morning anonymouses. I am a fellow anonymous doing a report for a well known media organization. Recent sentiments indicate that many anonymouses are upset with the level of censorship taking place at Q Anon Research. Could we do a quick poll for the Yays and Nays? It would help share the true consensus of this board with the world on a broader platform than you can deliver. Thank you all in advance.

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40cb5b No.19465435


The real scoop would be to find the Obama alias(s).

We know they exist and we know they are surely holding Joes turnover to shield Obama.

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0fe2b8 No.19465436

File: ad14cf12f42b9c2⋯.jpg (58.76 KB,600x770,60:77,ad14cf12f42b9c2e496a98d13b….jpg)

Saw this on half a few days back. Need redpills?

A Compendium of 4chan’s

Redpills and Conspiracy Facts

in 4 Volumes


200MB of 'em in over 500pages. Cheers to anon who painstakingly amassed them. Sources include 4chan, 8chan, 8kun, 16chan, and a whole lot of others. It is impressive to say the least. Download, archive, share.

pic so you will actually read this post

>lust provoking image.

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c0d8c2 No.19465437

LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy – 08/31/2023



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a2a05f No.19465438

File: b80242efc996a9a⋯.png (141.15 KB,400x328,50:41,toast.png)

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ca5ebb No.19465439


Seems like banning people's views makes them want to express them all the more. I just scroll on down.

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861b6a No.19465440


Sounds like you know more about it than I do.

But one thing I know, Insurance companies are in business to make money. Lots of it.

They collect premiums from people and then they use that money to make investments, to make more money.

Every once in awhile they have to pay a settlement out so that they can maintain their ruse.

They also have lobbyists who make sure that laws are written for people to have mandatory insurance on their cars and on the homes, etc.

My dad worked for a big downtown Chicago insurance company who dealt with workers comp. and med. mal.

He worked with all of the Jew doctors and the Jew lawyers, aka Jewish Mafia. He knew how to play their game.

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4e8a4e No.19465442

File: fc418f42bb4489d⋯.png (446.78 KB,600x346,300:173,ClipboardImage.png)

Maui Senator Will Resign from Office After Facing Conflict of Interest Questions

August 31, 2023

Hawaii state Senator Gilbert Keith-Agaran has announced he will step down from office after facing several conflicts of interest questions.

In a senate press release, Sen. Gilbert Keith-Agaran did not give a specific reason why he was deciding to step down. But he did write, “I believe that this decision best serves the interests of the Maui people especially given what they have gone through over the last three weeks, and what they continue to experience.”

Agaran has been facing ethical questions the last several days after his picture was spotted on a flyer that advertised a discussion with members from the law firm Takitani Agaran Jorgensen & Wildman where Keith-Aagaran serves as a partner and Morgan & Morgan “America’s largest injury law firm”.

Morgan & Morgan has already filed a lawsuit against Hawaiian Electric and Maui Electric Co. over the deadly Maui fires.


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f3753c No.19465443

File: fd6d7405aafb478⋯.png (67.77 KB,291x315,97:105,morning_people_deliver_1.png)



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a03549 No.19465444

For one reason I won't answer you.

You have to label people with RACE as your first fucking word.

that's UN/NATO/Dyncorp playbook.

ref: https://www.brighteon.com/15b49b37-9126-4e39-9286-a094ed8d60ea

anon thinks this maybe helpful to some

political ponerology (it's long and probably you won't make it thru, I didn't)


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b3c589 No.19465445

File: 64635718508f4c5⋯.png (13 KB,674x120,337:60,ClipboardImage.png)


Here on QResearch, research means actually considering information, it does not mean everything posted must be proven by shills. Get it? One shill actually "proved" an R N N story as false by citing USA today fact check. Can you get more ridiculous?

Look here not there, is a technique used to deceive. Posting the web address of R R N is censored. Post Snopes and you don't get censored. We all agree Snopes is bullshit, but reading it is part of our research to see the opposite of Snopes conclusion.

You shills glow and are afraid people will find out what is happening in Gitmo, therefore work overtime to dispell any info from this sight.. since you lie as family heirloom, Obviously you know RNN to be true, and your colleagues are being tried.

Anons think for ourselves. We don't need shills censoring data.







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9a5e8f No.19465447

>>19464895 pb



They think they are funny.

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e8a2c2 No.19465449

File: 4cad25773416a3e⋯.jpg (453.51 KB,800x540,40:27,Ford_Sinclair_Obama.jpg)

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94ee96 No.19465450

File: 277f5e5a1f82632⋯.jpg (53.84 KB,500x570,50:57,quackers4d4.jpg)

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f3753c No.19465451


>Posting the web address of R R N is censored

By 8kun admins. Ask them why.

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789d07 No.19465452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Day Shift…Huntin’ necks and cashin’ checks!


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3e3195 No.19465453

File: 59a9457a14f6811⋯.jpg (284.12 KB,1900x1006,950:503,earth_constellations.jpg)

a blackened bowl

filled with water

under the stars of night

place a straight edge across the bowl

precision measurement…

for bringing the heavens to earth

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25dee4 No.19465454

File: 6a5b258ab08d7ce⋯.png (1.06 MB,800x1200,2:3,2023_08_31_09_05_07_copy.png)

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9a5e8f No.19465455

File: 493353fa9b392b6⋯.mp4 (9.31 MB,848x432,53:27,wrayrape.mp4)


Wray Rape

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1f01f7 No.19465456

MS-13 and Mexican Mafia Leader Sentenced to More than 17 Years for an International Drug Conspiracy

SAN DIEGO – Nelson Alexander Flores of Tijuana was sentenced in federal court to 210 months in prison for trafficking large quantities of methamphetamine into the United States from Mexico on behalf of MS-13 street gang and the Mexican Mafia prison gang.

According to information presented in court, between 2018 and May 2020, Flores coordinated with and supplied others with pound quantities of methamphetamine from various sources in Mexico, which was then distributed throughout the United States.

Flores is also serving a five-year sentence in federal prison for his role in an MS-13 RICO case to which he pleaded guilty in the Southern District of Ohio in United States v. Aguilar-River, et al., case no. 2:17-CR-164.

The court ruled that Flores’ term of imprisonment in the Southern District of California case will run consecutive to the term of imprisonment in the Southern District of Ohio RICO case.


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57054c No.19465457

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pink Goo No More. Now going to use Clear Goo - “Untraceable”

Stealth Spraying: After Backlash Feds Will Not Be Adding Pink Dye To The Nonconsensual Goo Spraying


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6db1f3 No.19465458

File: 60ad0ae28493cf5⋯.jpeg (46.8 KB,447x364,447:364,IMG_3463.jpeg)


>fractional reverse banking


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ea47ff No.19465459

File: e858e12ee3f5d99⋯.jpg (360.78 KB,800x490,80:49,blindJustice.jpg)



All 5 Year Deltas yesterday….



201030-Aug-2018 10:35:22 PM UTCQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch



201130-Aug-2018 10:36:22 PM UTCQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch



201230-Aug-2018 10:37:25 PM UTCQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch





201330-Aug-2018 10:44:36 PM UTCQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch




201430-Aug-2018 10:45:30 PM UTCQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch



201530-Aug-2018 10:47:21 PM UTCQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch





201630-Aug-2018 10:48:47 PM UTCQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch




201730-Aug-2018 10:52:12 PM UTCQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch




There was one I cannot find now alluding to how one made you, dopey, one made you sleepy, angry etc…

sauce… https://qposts.online/?q=8%2F30%2F2018&s=date

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b3c589 No.19465460





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2df423 No.19465461

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> I'm harmless



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57054c No.19465463

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Firefighter Whistleblower: Maui Attack NOT A Wildfire (Insurance Adjuster Specializing In Fires)


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b3c589 No.19465465



Your post contains a spam link that has been filtered. Please remove the link and try again.

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bd9311 No.19465466

File: 0460cb3fa45a418⋯.jpeg (108.67 KB,700x466,350:233,IMG_2956.jpeg)


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c543b9 No.19465467


yvw fam

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e8a2c2 No.19465468

File: 2197461f4a9236e⋯.jpg (189.67 KB,768x768,1:1,08bf5b50734c399a90af488c91….jpg)

File: 3feee1119ca0289⋯.jpg (49.35 KB,588x424,147:106,shills_paddlin.jpg)

Mornin' Swordy!

o7 Sam.

Know you are out there even if shills are hating on you.

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171aa9 No.19465469

File: 5c8552f4417230f⋯.png (201.85 KB,474x245,474:245,ClipboardImage.png)

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c5bf45 No.19465470

File: cb9c59279190eac⋯.jpg (56.37 KB,582x428,291:214,7xkenh.jpg)

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94ee96 No.19465471

File: 10d2525f22fe72b⋯.jpg (115.05 KB,900x635,180:127,celticheart.jpg)

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a03549 No.19465472


/. goatse comes to mind. without bothering sysads..

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d6a4c3 No.19465473


time is saward If you don't cut it, it cuts you

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861b6a No.19465474

Some people are so stupid, that they don't know they are stupid.

They are also usually very arrogant.

We call these people Congressional Reps.

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c543b9 No.19465475

notables bun @270

post count is accurate

baker still luukn for that backup baker

czech em

#23906 >>19465134

>>19465213 Salaried employees making less then 55k will get OT pay under Biden administration proposal

>>19465240 DJT TS w/CAP: So now it is learned that Governor Ron DeSanctimonious unnecessarily approved a 20% hike in Florida Electricity Rates…

>>19465284 Billionaires cashed out 9 billion this year

>>19465304 Michigan police memos raised concern about possible nationwide voter registration fraud scheme

>>19465381 anon posits on african countries taking back control - It would appear the party's over.

>>19465402 Real America's Voice w/CAP: The federal government will do anything to keep Americans from seeing Biden’s records

>>19465437 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy – 08/31/2023

>>19465442 Maui Senator Will Resign from Office After Facing Conflict of Interest Questions

>>19465456 MS-13 and Mexican Mafia Leader Sentenced to More than 17 Years for an International Drug Conspiracy

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40cb5b No.19465476

File: 3a4c21d7cbca54c⋯.png (734.93 KB,1170x1223,1170:1223,ClipboardImage.png)

Mike Benz


No, it’s being run by Yoel Roth’s former colleague, who still somehow works at X despite appearing to think Musk is a “f*cking dipshit”—

His name is Aaron Rodericks.


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9d46f5 No.19465477

File: 21bc10c85b7930e⋯.png (7.5 KB,502x124,251:62,ClipboardImage.png)

Board lagging.

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bd9311 No.19465478

File: 469260c25a24484⋯.jpeg (80.01 KB,794x1024,397:512,IMG_3325.jpeg)


thanks for the pic

didn't read your post

just kidding, o7 for the link, good stuff anon

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d6a4c3 No.19465479


looking for that book

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99198d No.19465480

File: 0727c80e18b1d08⋯.gif (513.14 KB,898x752,449:376,90063628_9487_45F8_92D5_0A….gif)

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1cb7cd No.19465481


Buddy told me find her ex before

You date them


And from personal experience

If a grill tells you she crazy

Don't say or believe. You are crazier than she is

You ain't

Run. Run very fast

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cfd263 No.19465482

File: 0b330375971ae0c⋯.jpg (66.66 KB,800x450,16:9,ZomboMeme_28022020233100.jpg)

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d601a0 No.19465483

File: daa63ae7a5957c2⋯.jpg (59.46 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)



tide back to normal here

oars stored

all guud

howz yo westie?

firm it fam

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e8a2c2 No.19465484


Gabon in Africa is the next country to actively buck its slavemasters.


Overnight for those in the West, the military there seized power and threw out the western backed president.


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e52ee8 No.19465485


The Thrill is Gone. Anon told you that yesterday.

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d83385 No.19465486


Fractional Reserve Banking = Pharmacy

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a03549 No.19465487

File: 6cfb33bc4921119⋯.png (381.3 KB,1302x797,1302:797,ClipboardImage.png)


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3311d2 No.19465488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


it is a very very important for the male population especially the youth, teenagers, young adults, gen x and even the boomers.

but the rage comes first,

Men need to know what the playing field is and who controls the real power, physical power will only get you so far and end in having to control with force.

Mental power will only get you so far.

Financial power will only get you used.

learn the ways of those who have before you, the great minds and those who have already left the rat race and its lures of you go girl attitude and the male chad crap.

Barbarros was a invisible giant amongst the older mgtow thinkers, Giving men a insight that was never presented before and busting open the control mechenisms of the state and the females who were used by the state to attack the men they desire would rise up and protect them.

The white knights are predators and should be scrutinized from the start.

mangina's are what are called weak men

cucks well most know that is a life of ruin

toxic males are those who do not understand what is happening to them and last out.


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a99e8b No.19465489




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df7909 No.19465491

File: 07b808a4ec36360⋯.png (331.7 KB,1920x1200,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)



Felt like soaking up a lot of energy after putting some back out in some other endeavors. Very positive.

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e52ee8 No.19465492




freudian slip

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c543b9 No.19465493

File: ae1d0de0b1afce0⋯.png (268.42 KB,519x338,519:338,5f0d878f19f5b310ebca6d5b06….png)


roger that C

bridge over the river kwai open agin

We be firm'd yo

czech in l8r


#23906 >>19465134

>>19465213 Salaried employees making less then 55k will get OT pay under Biden administration proposal

>>19465240 DJT TS w/CAP: So now it is learned that Governor Ron DeSanctimonious unnecessarily approved a 20% hike in Florida Electricity Rates…

>>19465284 Billionaires cashed out 9 billion this year

>>19465304 Michigan police memos raised concern about possible nationwide voter registration fraud scheme

>>19465381 anon posits on african countries taking back control - It would appear the party's over.

>>19465402 Real America's Voice w/CAP: The federal government will do anything to keep Americans from seeing Biden’s records

>>19465437 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy – 08/31/2023

>>19465442 Maui Senator Will Resign from Office After Facing Conflict of Interest Questions

>>19465456 MS-13 and Mexican Mafia Leader Sentenced to More than 17 Years for an International Drug Conspiracy

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3ebc01 No.19465494

File: 37c957f43c8e560⋯.png (99.27 KB,926x894,463:447,3784_2_.png)

File: 0b8a210c80d984c⋯.png (179.4 KB,926x1742,463:871,3785_2_.png)

File: 352c67afc2d6157⋯.png (1.77 MB,926x3762,463:1881,4310.png)


Could be a comm. [Freeze]

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d744f9 No.19465495

File: afcbed8e497980e⋯.jpg (56.79 KB,600x515,120:103,Quck.jpg)

File: 38c4f29d7fa68e3⋯.jpg (56.23 KB,600x515,120:103,Cuck.jpg)

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e8a2c2 No.19465496

File: c9398d4108d7cad⋯.png (9.87 MB,2000x7664,125:479,11_11_Wave_dig.png)

File: f422a9ed5ec49ab⋯.jpg (894.63 KB,3378x2074,1689:1037,11_11.jpg)

File: d5ddb6a548abd0a⋯.jpg (37.08 KB,679x298,679:298,11_11_18.jpg)


17sec wave


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51305b No.19465497

File: b33cd3339b267df⋯.jpg (25.15 KB,474x418,237:209,proxy_image_22_.jpg)


March 19, 2015 – Hillary Clinton: ‘We really need camps for adults.’

(Breitbart, 3/19/2015) (Archive) April 2013—March 2015: Hillary Clinton is paid more than $21 millio

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861b6a No.19465498


>Anons think for ourselves. We don't need shills censoring data.


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44dca4 No.19465499

Only thing worse than finding out Mom is doing OnlyFans is finding out Dad is doing OnlyFans

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d601a0 No.19465500

File: 82a254bc00e561d⋯.jpg (113.08 KB,500x627,500:627,wakencake2.jpg)


knowledged n sheitz


WWII goes on


hopes you gotz chair and table legs

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a99e8b No.19465502

File: b9a52fc6f31eea3⋯.jpg (285.77 KB,712x500,178:125,HRC_evil_topkek.jpg)


>‘We really need camps for adults.’

She wasn't referring the the recreational kind…

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bd9311 No.19465503


it would be great reverse the reserve, though

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c543b9 No.19465504

File: 213ae6d16c056fb⋯.png (133.85 KB,257x342,257:342,213ae6d16c056fbf9b22a27dc1….png)


dem diggies

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d601a0 No.19465505

File: 12f39a31d60a6b1⋯.jpg (20.24 KB,240x255,16:17,12f39a31d60a6b1e146f4bf191….jpg)


tyvm for notes and bakerin

nose you bizzy

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3311d2 No.19465506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Tucker Carlson on His Interview with Trump, FOX Firing & America's Future



254,895 views 30 Aug 2023 Adam Carolla Show Guests - Daily Podcast

Adam welcomes political commentator and friend Tucker Carlson to the show where we learn that Tucker is grateful to have been fired, as he’s immensely enjoyed the freedom to travel in the interim. Tucker shares that he regrets supporting the war in Iraq, how the CIA not having adequate oversight is a threat to Democracy, and he bets his house that we’ll go to war with Russia and the devastating consequences to follow. Tucker succinctly shares how much the media depends on the government and how that influences the news we’re all spoonfed. Adam also has Tucker go into detail about his interview with Trump, and how Trump’s immediate environments strongly influence what kind of interview he gives. Tucker shares some personal insite about Trump as a person vs the politician and businessman.

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49fec7 No.19465507

File: 36093e08fbf047c⋯.png (846.01 KB,1080x1350,4:5,Svfdy.png)

File: cc147138f211b73⋯.png (143.68 KB,485x515,97:103,7xfhgm_removebg_preview.png)

File: eb02d865eb2210b⋯.png (139.1 KB,485x515,97:103,7xfhm9_removebg_preview.png)

America is the most corrupted piece of shit country on the planet.

American people are so brainwashed and lethargic they have become zombies and drift by in a no man's land I don't give a fuck lifestyle.

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d83385 No.19465508

File: 43d2b6821b46d5b⋯.jpg (6.72 KB,180x180,1:1,th.jpg)


>takes = taxxx

>facsimile = fax

twitter.com = x.com

folks = fox

Christmas = Xmas

We should continue tracking their takeover of the language throughout History, X-ing out in classical eXamples of Cancel Culture.

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e8a2c2 No.19465509

File: e5c4ed5e52b6e7a⋯.png (37.54 KB,256x384,2:3,8_kun_delete_your_hard_dri….png)

File: 4e95f2ac1fb6254⋯.jpg (101.17 KB,500x621,500:621,Drink_bleach.jpg)


GFY, journo.

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1cb7cd No.19465510



Ment just what it says kitty

Fractional reverse

Cause its been backasswards fer a long time

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5e1be2 No.19465511

File: 6143258f2f13f3e⋯.png (2.46 MB,1195x1280,239:256,ClipboardImage.png)

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5f9365 No.19465513

File: c136c78729d6ddd⋯.png (962.51 KB,564x702,94:117,ClipboardImage.png)

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e8a2c2 No.19465514

File: 2ead01519dae318⋯.png (429.61 KB,640x785,128:157,Duck.png)

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861b6a No.19465515


It is merely a coincidence that he is Jewish.


Rule #1: Don't Name the Jew.

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44dca4 No.19465516

File: 6d39a24cdbf4df8⋯.png (9.31 KB,225x225,1:1,lmao_pepe2.png)



No fuck off.


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e8a2c2 No.19465517

File: 12469f7b9659c26⋯.jpg (327.26 KB,1461x2015,1461:2015,Q_drops_corona_Snow_white.jpg)

File: fe56543b7660066⋯.png (151.88 KB,1500x1378,750:689,Corona_snow_white_offline.png)

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163f75 No.19465518

What stopped you from posting? I mean you never shut up. Like, ever. Something on your mind? Feeling a bit tired?

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861b6a No.19465519

File: 382b916f6f23056⋯.png (61.5 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


A mere coincidence.

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44dca4 No.19465520

File: 420b5f8be1dcc40⋯.jpg (69.05 KB,715x402,715:402,sync.jpg)

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2df423 No.19465521


Yeah, but 25 poasts in a row? Sketchy AF

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4ab77e No.19465522


The reptiles have it pretty good here. Would you want change if you were them?

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ea47ff No.19465523

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861b6a No.19465524

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2df423 No.19465525


>Expect to see your posts removed shortly

Exactly what CENSORSHIP is…

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fb3524 No.19465526

A Hawaiian Jew?


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d601a0 No.19465527


tryin to trip proto on

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0f40be No.19465528

File: f18f0827018d931⋯.png (796.82 KB,1013x812,1013:812,Cfgu.png)

File: 200d795188bf4b0⋯.jpg (69.9 KB,500x676,125:169,7x92fn.jpg)

87% of white people in America are 100% self segregated from the inferior genetic low IQ black African negroid please…. Negroid violence left them no choice.

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163f75 No.19465529

File: 604b7ef04c33105⋯.jpg (144.58 KB,425x496,425:496,604b7ef04c33105cb4398da201….jpg)

I see all that "winning" is keeping you awake all night.

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3bfe66 No.19465530

File: a549c3c8d7bbf0b⋯.png (314.52 KB,960x583,960:583,ClipboardImage.png)


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44dca4 No.19465531

File: aa8fc5dfd0671ba⋯.png (48.22 KB,400x416,25:26,ClipboardImage.png)


>Exactly what CENSORSHIP is…



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d83385 No.19465532

>If "kikel" is the Yiddish word for circle, why be offended?

>When Jews came to the United States in large numbers they were told to >“sign their name or make their mark.”Most of them! not being able to write >English, would make their mark. However, being mostly Orthodox they didn't >make an “X" which they felt looked like a cross, but they made a kikelah, or >“little circle.” The immigration people would hear them say something about a >“kikelah" or see the circle and say “another kike.” At least that's what I was >taught by a rabbi at my University when I was an undergraduate.

>The term “kike" was intended as an insult and is taken as one.

So Jews probably don't go to X.com, XX.com, or XXX.com???

They'd use O, instead? like the O(xygen) Network, with Oprah?

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f3753c No.19465533

File: 10bb131d9809fad⋯.png (163.05 KB,386x286,193:143,oh_no_renaissance_version.png)


>Format C:

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ad776a No.19465534

File: 9b8a4b5dae57b4b⋯.jpg (891.65 KB,1386x1000,693:500,dukarms.jpg)

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203423 No.19465535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“Donald Duck in Mathmagic Land”

Cartoon illustrates why the pentagram is “magic”

⭐️ https://youtu.be/8BqnN72OlqA

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fb3524 No.19465537


Rich assholes have always gotten a woody about video conferencing, when really they want free sex shows on the internet

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d1e1d4 No.19465538

File: 5b8881b53d708db⋯.jpg (265.36 KB,1080x1068,90:89,5b8881b53d708dbec6e8da7e2a….jpg)

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3e3195 No.19465539

File: a4a4978cdd37e6c⋯.png (49.92 KB,1280x960,4:3,q_factor.png)

factor q

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e0a9a7 No.19465540


>hot girls all over realizing that noticing is more valuable than sandwich making under the dome.

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861b6a No.19465541


>comraderie on the board

aka JIDF

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ea47ff No.19465542

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f3753c No.19465543

File: 28cad356655ff36⋯.jpg (5.81 KB,275x184,275:184,christmas_in_july.jpg)


Everyone you don't like is JIDF

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2ac346 No.19465544


Stories like this from RRN are so incredibly unbelievable. No way in fucking hell could something like this nor all of the other articles we've seen from RRN, be happening. That's one side of this coin. The other side is that one has to ponder, even for just a moment, that all of this shit could very well be true.

Who here knows one way or the other? Rhetorical question. Answer? No one. Given the stark fact that everything we think we know may very well be the exact opposite. Everything needs to be questioned, scrutinized and corroborated to prove one way or another it's validity.

Soft disclosure? is there such a thing? I believe so as we've all been targets of this kind of psy op for as long as we all have been alive. News, movies, academia, madison ave. among other avenues of manipulation.

I don't fucking know. At this point, anything is possible. I sure would like for all to be true but like I said, only for a moment, am I able to ponder this one way or the other.

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44dca4 No.19465545

File: b2feef3981c80b2⋯.png (233.56 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)



>aka JIDF

It's a communist expression Comrade.

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861b6a No.19465546


I wouldn't doubt it.

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593578 No.19465547

File: 7916903cbc38e21⋯.jpg (64.91 KB,500x713,500:713,Cgu.jpg)

I have to go in front of my companies ethics board for calling a black guy a foul mouthed nigger toilet.

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f3753c No.19465548

File: c575018266322c4⋯.png (698.3 KB,688x740,172:185,frby_be_afraid.png)

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bb3902 No.19465549

>We're Not Gonna Take

Maybe too subtle?

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4bdb35 No.19465550

File: b8068d3d835e19c⋯.jpeg (326.27 KB,828x885,276:295,E49E4D9D_3C44_44E4_986E_2….jpeg)

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44dca4 No.19465551

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.jpg (62.91 KB,253x204,253:204,dafuqPepe.JPG)


>for calling a black guy a foul mouthed nigger toilet.

Were you wrong?

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a03549 No.19465552

File: b4eaf2a09ce5e0c⋯.jpg (290.32 KB,508x759,508:759,trumpish_.jpg)

File: 7fa07b3c01d4f47⋯.jpg (189.85 KB,508x759,508:759,trumpish_.jpg)

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a2a05f No.19465553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

IDB and World Bank to Announce Groundbreaking Partnership: Strengthening Collaboration to Maximize Development Impact

Inter-American Development Bank and World Bank Group, International Organization Affiliated With the United Nations (UN)





World Bank & Inter-American Development Bank Presidents on Economic Resiliency in the Americas

World Bank President Ajay Banga and Inter-American Development Bank President Ilan Goldfajn discuss economic development in the Caribbean and Latin America at an event hosted by the World Bank.


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5a85a9 No.19465554


Who could argue with ginger mounds

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df7909 No.19465555


LOL; think about this. This is going to put services like Zoom and OnlyFans out of business. X really is going to be the app for everything.

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163f75 No.19465556

File: 76f6599dae86589⋯.jpg (10.71 KB,255x172,255:172,16de29ba7362b2078898137626….jpg)

Rent free!

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861b6a No.19465557


Communism = Judaism


It only works on paper because when push comes to shove, Evil people are greedy. They will do whatever it takes to gain power & control over others.

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af84fc No.19465558

File: 2f1c578ca1b7ffa⋯.mp4 (4.06 MB,640x360,16:9,3_X_Files_S6E9_Nanotech_Ca….mp4)

File: baa97408c7419a8⋯.png (1.35 MB,1080x1080,1:1,1693363404488.png)

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593578 No.19465559

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d601a0 No.19465560

File: 3730ea3798e9ebe⋯.png (102.82 KB,249x214,249:214,ClipboardImage.png)


literally shaking

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44dca4 No.19465561


>Communism = Judaism

I ain't arguing

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3e3195 No.19465562

File: 8516ec91c9a117c⋯.jpg (91.93 KB,528x331,528:331,1a36d9e36b0bef55ac20fddfdf….jpg)

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af84fc No.19465564

File: 0ed045fafdcf18f⋯.jpeg (31.03 KB,720x720,1:1,1690328144412.jpeg)

File: 9f4f0469b49905d⋯.png (1.06 MB,2048x2048,1:1,CIA_logo_2021_svg.png)

File: 85583716a04f206⋯.jpg (10.82 KB,360x180,2:1,new_twitter_logo_x_2023_tw….jpg)


Matches the CIA Logo…

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c5bf45 No.19465565

File: c9b1a902912f4e4⋯.jpg (44.81 KB,582x428,291:214,7xkjmf.jpg)

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b62036 No.19465566

File: a653d7accfb81f6⋯.jpeg (14.84 KB,255x167,255:167,D15B9651_161E_462D_B55E_D….jpeg)

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eec1fa No.19465567

File: f509cf8351f7bf9⋯.png (1019.97 KB,582x777,194:259,55.png)

Insurance industry developed math just as the porno industries needs developed code.

If not for the masturbators, gamblers and insurers, we'd have no probability theory, fewer wankers and statistics would be a tiny tricky dwarf science instead of a giant tard.

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5f9365 No.19465568

File: f7e81837ccc372d⋯.png (420.37 KB,870x754,15:13,screenshot_www_zerohedge_c….png)

Victoria Nuland Appeared "Desperate" During Africa Tour As US-Backed Leaders Overthrown


The pie-hole on this broad. Yeesh

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861b6a No.19465569



security would have body slammed her and dragged her out of the OR before she had a chance to speak

They wouldn't care that security contaminated the OR

It's always compliance over science.

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3ebc01 No.19465570

File: 6706e12a6cc48c5⋯.png (547.19 KB,796x617,796:617,Teen_trolls.PNG)

Florida mom accused of trying to hire hitman to kill her 3-year-old son

Two people have been charged in an alleged murder plot after a mother tried to hire a hitman online to kill her 3-year-old son using a parody website, according to court records from Florida.

Jazmin Paez, 18, was arrested July 18 after she submitted a request on rentahitman.com to kill her son, according to an arrest warrant affidavit.

While she was trying to hire a hitman, Paez submitted an address and a picture of her son, the affidavit says. She also provided a safe word for the potential contracted killer, which was “Put me in coach,” the affidavit says.

The website's creator contacted Miami-Dade police last month, and an investigation was launched immediately, the affidavit said.

A police officer posed as the potential hitman during a text exchange and agreed to be paid $3,000 for the job, according to the affidavit.

Paez is charged with first-degree solicitation of murder and unlawful use of a communications device, the affidavit says. Her attorney could not be reached for comment Wednesday.

Gamaliel Soza, 18, was arrested Monday and is accused of conspiracy to commit first-degree murder and unlawful use of a communications device.

He was in touch with Paez by text and wrote about the potential plot to kill Paez’s toddler son, according to an arrest affidavit.

“The kid is the problem. I hope you see that all I ever wanted, was to free you. I told you about the kid. You won’t do anything,” the affidavit says.

In another text exchange between Paez and Soza, Soza allegedly wrote, “You do it, and I’ll think about coming back.”

Soza’s lawyer declined to comment Wednesday.

According to NBC South Florida, bond for Soza was set at $15,000. A judge ordered him not to have contact with the toddler or anyone younger than 18 without supervision, the station reported.

The parody website has garnered national headlines before.

In April, an Air National Guardsman was charged with applying to be a hitman. Josiah Ernesto Garcia applied on the website and submitted identification and a résumé, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Tennessee.

The website was created in 2005 to advertise a cybersecurity startup. But when it failed, it would get inquiries for hitman services. It was then converted to a parody site with false testimonials from users, according to a criminal complaint in Garcia’s case.


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203423 No.19465571

File: 9563c0b237792ec⋯.gif (806.39 KB,280x210,4:3,IMG_6487.gif)


digits seem to confirm

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40e641 No.19465572

File: 029bc41df1e6a6f⋯.png (658.84 KB,535x803,535:803,mask_bikini.png)

She will let you hit it, but you have to wear a mask.

You dooin it?

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2d4b57 No.19465573

File: b79f423c92639fc⋯.png (262.91 KB,474x330,79:55,b79f423c92639fc69558996c0f….png)



Tafari got bludgeoned by Big Mike for giving bathhouse a BJ.

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af84fc No.19465574

File: 0fd00259132d1e0⋯.jpg (58.26 KB,421x745,421:745,Cool_Your_Tits_Bro.jpg)


Not many can… Tis' a Mystery….

But here's a funny meme that.may or may not be dank enough to steal….

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6fe5ff No.19465575

File: 64169f08832ce0d⋯.png (409.87 KB,606x432,101:72,vaef.PNG)


free advertising every day

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a96513 No.19465576

File: fb9e15044ddb797⋯.png (1 MB,1024x768,4:3,TIMING1.png)

File: 6164c0d40094b9c⋯.png (629.45 KB,1024x768,4:3,TERMLIMITS2.png)

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861b6a No.19465578

File: 1ca6bf7d6728c58⋯.png (85.2 KB,662x377,662:377,ClipboardImage.png)

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2d4b57 No.19465579

File: b9e5bfd3e34df96⋯.png (820.79 KB,1080x1312,135:164,Scrvvs.png)


Anyone that stupid needs to face the guillotine.

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eec1fa No.19465581

File: 0ec32386a3a00aa⋯.png (5.1 MB,2320x1312,145:82,0ec32386a3a00aa9ceb011624a….png)

Drop the word in Gabon that he US would not be officially concerned if, as a private citizen, Mz Nuland was eaten by cannibals.

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3311d2 No.19465582

File: 5dc884ea1b7c89d⋯.png (1.21 MB,876x610,438:305,ClipboardImage.png)


Her abs are all male

anon is confused.

but anon will go with gut feeling

its a man baby..

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d83385 No.19465583

Free Speech 'absolutist' Elon Musk crosses out name of new acquisition, Twitter, with a giant X

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344c0a No.19465584

File: 58f6955f3f53ad7⋯.png (1.12 MB,1024x819,1024:819,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Aug 31, 2023

The Crew-7 Nebula

Not the James Webb Space Telescope's latest view of a distant galactic nebula, this illuminated cloud of gas and dust dazzled early morning spacecoast skygazers on August 26. The snapshot was taken about 2 minutes after the launch of of a Falcon 9 rocket on the SpaceX Crew-7 mission, the seventh commercial crew rotation mission for the International Space Station. It captures drifting plumes and exhaust from the separated first and second stage illuminated against the still dark skies. Near the center of the image, within the ragged blueish ring, are two bright points of light. The lower one is the second stage of the rocket carrying 4 humans to space in a Crew Dragon spacecraft. The bright point above is the Falcon 9 first stage booster orienting itself for the trip back to Landing Zone-1 at Cape Canaveral, planet Earth.


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a03549 No.19465585

File: e4a6d96ecbb17f6⋯.png (1.13 MB,1314x898,657:449,ClipboardImage.png)


California demands TERM LIMITS on FLORIDA MAN!!!

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789d07 No.19465586


And this doesn’t raise any alarms bells for the “Elon’s a white hat” crowd?!

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c50016 No.19465587


A lot of good eatin there.

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4b9d4b No.19465588

File: a71ef105379d2da⋯.png (652.67 KB,1024x1024,1:1,a71ef105379d2da444d81c74bf….png)

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4ab77e No.19465589

If your job for the cabal was to lead a team that controls the political parties and candidates.

Would you want term limits?

Would you want more than 2 parties?

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ea47ff No.19465590

File: 88e0913e0235785⋯.jpg (34.33 KB,250x250,1:1,K1_D_front.jpg)


like the way you think


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9312a7 No.19465591

File: 513a5f5c4f60740⋯.jpg (53.9 KB,841x347,841:347,Zero_Insurrections_Look_Bi….jpg)

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a96513 No.19465592

File: bf0f3813ccdc078⋯.png (282.14 KB,1024x768,4:3,GRIFFIN10.png)

File: 5d01ab376675117⋯.png (638.42 KB,1024x768,4:3,GRIFFIN11.png)

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861b6a No.19465593



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eec1fa No.19465594

File: 6c93969a6a1be48⋯.png (476.71 KB,568x590,284:295,6c93969a6a1be4891de940e7ee….png)

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9312a7 No.19465595

File: 7d1f0cb77907123⋯.jpg (139.52 KB,800x534,400:267,Joe_Biden_is_a_Pedo_Price_….jpg)

File: fe226ecdc6f853c⋯.jpg (92.96 KB,600x600,1:1,Joe_Biden_is_a_Pedo_Price_….jpg)

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d83385 No.19465596

File: c1ae41faf11f2eb⋯.jpg (258.39 KB,966x1400,69:100,22ed638d8b9c67ff2a97611028….jpg)


Looks like Harry

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d744f9 No.19465597

File: ee0cb04e563471c⋯.jpg (221.48 KB,699x549,233:183,ButyBone.jpg)

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ff01a2 No.19465598

File: ae401b8b716ea9b⋯.png (2.48 MB,1859x1351,1859:1351,ClipboardImage.png)

>>19464895 (PB)

could this be a way to come after "dark web" anons?

seems there is always legislation being passed with great sounding names but designs that are totally different

like a "bovine best interest bill" that bans eating meat

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861b6a No.19465599



Look at the comments

The bots came out of the woodwork to defend this guy.

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86fc52 No.19465600


If only they could fix the appeals process when you're banned for nothing.. 5 months now and still no answer.

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a96513 No.19465601

File: bf0f3813ccdc078⋯.png (282.14 KB,1024x768,4:3,GRIFFIN10.png)

File: 5d01ab376675117⋯.png (638.42 KB,1024x768,4:3,GRIFFIN11.png)

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9312a7 No.19465602

File: 756231edf240f75⋯.mp3 (53.44 KB,2023_08_31T13_57_07.mp3)


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a03549 No.19465603

File: 212c641e08a6e76⋯.jpg (112.78 KB,800x450,16:9,florida_man_vs_term_limits.jpg)

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2d4b57 No.19465604

File: 4a5575e1efab766⋯.jpg (58.61 KB,800x500,8:5,downloadfile_5_.jpg)

File: 91db4f153b8f613⋯.png (1.03 MB,1080x1400,27:35,Screbhhu.png)



This kid was mentally and physically mutilated by pedophilic doctors starting at age 13…. Thank God she returned to her birth sex but no longer has her breasts.

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6d3d09 No.19465605

File: 0eef72ba04b2d9a⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB,576x1024,9:16,Vivek_renegade.mp4)

Vivek says Eminem should remember the RENEGADE that made him great

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a2a05f No.19465606

File: f51b166d73198e3⋯.png (865.84 KB,886x1330,443:665,clinton_clown_car.png)


clowns taste funny?

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344c0a No.19465607

File: 8f91f66dd4d7f58⋯.png (549.87 KB,970x545,194:109,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c47ce2c8228a14a⋯.png (165.85 KB,970x742,485:371,ClipboardImage.png)

India's Chandrayaan-3 moon rover reveals surprising sulfur find in lunar south pole soil

Aug 30, 2023

India's Chandrayaan-3 Vikram lander became the first craft to ever touch down at the lunar south pole on Aug. 23 — and the probe has wasted very little time scientifically exploring an environment that no mission from any country has ever visited.

Now, one instrument aboard the Chandrayaan-3 mission's moon rover Pragyan has found surprising traces of sulfur within the lunar south pole's soil.

Called Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and created by the Laboratory for Electro-Optics Systems in Bangalore, that instrument probes the lunar surface by quite literally obliterating it. To observe a substance, LIBS fires laser pulses at a sample, which then vaporizes the substance into a brief plasma. The instrument picks up light emitted from that plasma and analyzes the wavelengths to discern what elements lie within.

When LIBS turned its laser onto the lunar south pole's soil, the instrument found the expected mélange of aluminum, calcium, chromium, iron, manganese, oxygen, titanium and silicon — but with an added dash of sulfur. Orbiting probes crossing over the moon's south pole had never previously detected sulfur, nor did they have the feasibility to do so, according to a statement by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO).

Chandrayaan-3 is leading the way for future missions, such as Artemis 3, to land at the lunar south pole. This region on the moon is an attractive place for humans to build a lasting presence due to the fact that water ice is located underfoot. Future moon-dwellers can potentially tap into that water for consumption, or even to create rocket propellant, instead of depending on water shipped from Earth.

Having a more complete chemical composition of the lunar south pole area means future travelers to — and possible inhabitants of — the region can also plan for what else they don’t need to bring from Earth. In particular, some scientists have suggested moon-dwellers could use sulfur in bits of infrastructure such as building materials, solar cells and batteries.

During the brief few days that Vikram and Pragyan have been on the moon, the mission has kept both the machines and their operators busy. For instance, over the weekend, the mission took the first-ever temperature measurements of the lunar south pole region's soil.

As for LIBS itself, ISRO says scientists are now using the instrument to search for another key element: Hydrogen.


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a96513 No.19465608

File: daecc87f63dc3ec⋯.jpg (590.18 KB,564x800,141:200,Franken1.jpg)

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19826a No.19465609

onlyfans is a result of the absolute decay of society

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d83385 No.19465610



OBAMA = ObamaCare

ObamaCare = Big Pharma

Big Pharma = Dr Dre

Dr Dre = Eminem

So Vivek is or isn't Big Pharma?

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b3c589 No.19465611


Sauce needed on the child meme

UNICEF HAS 54+ mandates about children.

Sexual partners are not mentioned.

But 54!!!


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7249ff No.19465612


>You dooin it?

That's a dude! You gay or blind?

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ea47ff No.19465613


appeal here, Elon lurks

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3311d2 No.19465614

File: dc87a81914633cb⋯.png (80.22 KB,543x775,543:775,ClipboardImage.png)




Feb 21, 2019 11:27:56 AM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: d358db No. 5303685


What is the process to enter a SCIF?

What security level must exist in order to gain entry?

Can non-security-level person(s) be invited to participate?

Do logs exist for each designated meeting?

Do logs record time in/time out/who in/who out?

Ability to enter (arrange) w/o paper trail?

:RT Jan 29 2018 - IDEN [not for anons]

IDEN Jan 29 2018 & run back 1-2 [not for anons]

SCIF logs can be 'very' revealing.


Define 'Renegade'.


1. a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.

synonyms: traitor, defector, deserter, turncoat, betrayer


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fb3524 No.19465615


Terrible photoshop, India needs a new art dept

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7cbfea No.19465616

File: 8829ffc6e616482⋯.jpg (67.1 KB,704x500,176:125,7x927g.jpg)



You suck a tranny dick that's all you did.

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861b6a No.19465617

File: 79c9ae1dc3fdf7a⋯.png (87.51 KB,662x377,662:377,ClipboardImage.png)


Be this guy.

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9312a7 No.19465618


Onlyfans is the Result of a Jew Creating and Promoting it. Just like Transhumanism and Trannys….

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b3c589 No.19465619


>>19465463 wrong connection, sorry


meme link

Sauce needed on the child meme

UNICEF HAS 54+ mandates about children.

Sexual partners are not mentioned.

But 54!!!


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df7909 No.19465620

File: 14f76e99fd90e33⋯.png (144.56 KB,262x367,262:367,ClipboardImage.png)


If that's what she's into, I suppose…

>Some people are just weird.

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9312a7 No.19465621

File: b7b4ee87d5aa2ba⋯.jpg (70.89 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Hurry_Jimmy_Kenosha_Riots.jpg)


Naw Dawg Dat Ain't Rite… Just Snapping Pics of (You) in Action….

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fb3524 No.19465622

File: 78ac99f0b5b8f06⋯.jpeg (328.25 KB,1344x906,224:151,IMG_5656.jpeg)

Libs getting desperate

Trying to tie Epstein to Trump

Getting hot in here


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3ebc01 No.19465623

KEK!! The SHOCK of the braindead media is funny. This article, points out, just how OUT OF TOUCH most "public SPOKES people" are. Whether a Politician, Actor, Writer, or Social Media Whore, AMERICAN'S are very different than the Pigeon Hole Puppets, they pretend that the Majority of us are in.

Sound of Freedom’s success proves America is not only a different country – it’s a different planet

Forget Barbenheimer or Tom Cruise riding motorbikes off cliffs. The true phenomenon at the American box office this summer has been Sound of Freedom, a creepy and breathtakingly dreary child trafficking thriller starring Passion of the Christ’s Jim Caviezel and bankrolled by evangelical Christian distributor, Angel Studios.

Without studio support or big-name actors, it has blitzed its way to a US box office of more than $180 million and one point was out-performing Cruise’s Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning. The film now finally crosses the Atlantic. Its arrival proves that not only is America a different country – there are times it feels like a different planet.

In the United States, Sound of Freedom has become known as the QAnon movie. It’s actually been in development since before the 2017 QAnon conspiracy, which postulates the American left is orchestrating a global child trafficking scandal. But director Alejandro Monteverde plugs neatly into the QAnon worldview where paedophiles lurk on every street corner and only good men with God on their side can keep our children safe.

In Sound of Freedom, the good man is Tim Ballard, a real-life anti-trafficking activist and devout Mormon. The story is loosely based on Ballard’s experiences in South America – though even he has admitted the movie takes liberties with the truth.

Whatever about tweaking the facts, the film displays a worrying intoxication with the nuts and bolts of kidnapping and abusing children. Over and over, the camera lingers on the abducted kids. Is Sound Of Freedom about paedophiles or for them?

It also suffers from a thumpingly limp performance by Caviezel (his wife is played by Mira Sorvino, the Oscar-winner hounded out of Hollywood by Harvey Weinstein). In the Passion of the Christ, Caviezel was nailed to a wooden cross. Here, his acting seems to be hewn from one. He wears the same vacantly glum expression whether entrapping paedophiles or journeying, Heart of Darkness-style, down a South American river to rescue a kidnapped girl (Cristal Aparicio).

Anti-trafficking campaigners in the United States have condemned Monteverde for distorting the truth about child abduction. Rather than being snatched by strangers, in real life, children are typically trafficked by people they know. They also tend to be in their early teens or older. Sound of Freedom has no time for such complexities. Instead, it gives us wide-eyed cherubs being leered at by South American gangsters and Caviezel huffing to the rescue. It’s bizarre, unsettling and yet – in the filmmaking equivalent of turning wine to water – bracingly dull to boot.


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2ac346 No.19465624


I always preferred Mary Ann. Absolutely beautiful. Killer body.

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9312a7 No.19465625

File: 32db8faddef7502⋯.jpg (180.65 KB,636x717,212:239,Hollywood_Squares_Pedophil….jpg)


This is how they slit their own throats …

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9d46f5 No.19465626

File: 559c07e246b9a7d⋯.png (909.98 KB,1080x1070,108:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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d744f9 No.19465627

File: bb77b5fc7bf8275⋯.jpg (86.53 KB,507x430,507:430,WhyNotBoth.jpg)

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0fc7fa No.19465628



Interpretation Act 1978

“Person” includes a body of persons corporate or unincorporate. [1889]

Not sure what the American equivalent to this is..

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d83385 No.19465629

File: 0653ed05ba540e6⋯.jpg (7.25 KB,240x180,4:3,th.jpg)


"You bastard"

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df864e No.19465630

File: 638a89d515383f2⋯.png (573.86 KB,984x945,328:315,Sbhhu.png)

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861b6a No.19465631

File: b6ee7c4f461ae67⋯.png (88.58 KB,662x377,662:377,ClipboardImage.png)

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739d12 No.19465632

File: be06422825b4d03⋯.jpeg (10.49 KB,255x239,255:239,730e7641601669a9a0a050221….jpeg)


Mick Jagger has prolly had some organ transplants and new blood.

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7249ff No.19465633

File: 315e841698d4800⋯.png (548.08 KB,495x486,55:54,3yvdhz.png)



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936cb1 No.19465634


August 31, 2023

Republicans are getting serious about impeaching Joe Biden amidst election interference and the lack of a fair investigation into the crimes committed by the Biden family.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., who is a member of the House Oversight Committee, has expressed her disappointment in the slow process of impeaching Biden.

According to Breitbart, Greene said, “I’m frankly very angry that we haven’t done it yet. And it better happen when we get back into session. I want it the first week.”

Greene was referring specifically to the new revelations that the National Archives possesses 5,400 emails linked to Joe Biden’s alleged pseudonym accounts. It is believed that these emails, under the name of Robert L. Peters, were used to discuss confidential information as well as conduct business with his son, Hunter Biden. Greene expresses her outrage at Biden’s actions, “I think it should be illegal. I do not think you can hide your identity.”

This is why Greene, alongside the House Oversight Committee, is pushing for an impeachment inquiry against Biden.


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df7909 No.19465635

File: c55bce7e88b0804⋯.png (132.67 KB,1849x1040,1849:1040,ClipboardImage.png)


I can't presume to know Elon's intentions, but he caused a mass migration of pervs when he took over, exposed gov't involvement in election interference, gets praise from our men/women in uniform, is advancing American dominance in space, providing low-ping satellite internet to the entire world, and being targeted by the bad guys and foreign governments in a fight for free speech, and his name isn't on a particular dead man's list.

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9312a7 No.19465636

File: f372900dddde491⋯.jpg (148.26 KB,950x584,475:292,Joe_Biden_is_a_Pedophile_.jpg)


Antifa & BLM Tried to Bring that Bullshit to our Town about an hour outside of Kansas City. We swarmed their asses with Guns and Trucks.

They left promptly without incident.

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a2a05f No.19465637

File: eb4c3ffb41a5fdb⋯.png (611.29 KB,710x766,355:383,mask_desks.png)

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eb54f5 No.19465638

>>19464996 (pb)


Hohmann: Why is the IRS Buying .40-Caliber Submachine Guns?

There is an embedded video I will check out.

Has this been notable yet?

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a96513 No.19465639

File: 1e6e5d30b4a91f9⋯.png (457.2 KB,1024x768,4:3,IMPEACHBIDEN2.png)

The GOP republicans who subpoenaed Brandon's email should show up at the National Archives, paperwork in hand, with a camera crew and personally serve the paperwork.

They should capture any weak excuse for not immediately agreeing to comply with the subpoena and use it as evidence to have the House Sergeant at Arms immediately arrest the obstructionists.

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26d26b No.19465640

File: 446d2640cdb6d82⋯.png (920.94 KB,1080x706,540:353,Svvu.png)



That black Safari guy got his balls kicked.

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3fa124 No.19465641

File: 782d5ef4c24aa9e⋯.png (98.96 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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df7909 No.19465642

File: 03752ca0ff70b1a⋯.gif (3.42 MB,540x350,54:35,Joker_Point_This.gif)

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344c0a No.19465643

File: 715787a6e7a44c5⋯.png (1.07 MB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b0a22ab407b421e⋯.png (674.17 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ef8deb0a78f51e⋯.png (2.89 MB,1920x1332,160:111,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4eaf41cb61e55a⋯.png (829.5 KB,1024x741,1024:741,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95524c2e825cdcb⋯.png (577.32 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

Last Super Blue Moon until 2037 lights up skies around the world

Aug 31, 2023

The Super Blue Moon — one of the biggest and brightest moons of the year — rose on Aug. 30; inspiring skywatchers around the world to reach for their cameras and capture some incredible photographs.

The last Super Blue Moon for 14 years rose over the eastern horizon in the Aquarius constellation just after sunset tonight at around 7:10 p.m. EDT (2310 GMT). It then set just before sunrise on Thursday, Aug. 31 at around 06:46 EDT (1046 GMT).

The latest full moon is referred to as a Blue Moon, a term that can represent one of two things: Either the third full moon in a season that has four full moons; or, more commonly, the second of two full moons that fall in a calendar month. And similar to the previous full moon on Aug. 1, this Blue Moon was a "supermoon," a popular term for a full moon that occurs when our natural satellite is closer to Earth, making it appear just slightly larger and brighter in the sky.

Here we've rounded up some of the best Super Blue Moon photos from around the world.


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eb54f5 No.19465644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



1:35 / 4:35

IRS Buys 40 Caliber Submachine Guns! Why Are Federal Agencies Militarizing?!?

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9312a7 No.19465645

File: 81341c1fd58f812⋯.png (1.26 MB,796x1464,199:366,1693364126945.png)

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3311d2 No.19465647

File: 26c8411e3d3289a⋯.png (580.24 KB,665x375,133:75,ClipboardImage.png)


>X is the effective global address book

Thank you Elon.

of course no phone number is needed cos you have peoples i.d to open an account.

ffs what a retard.

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eec1fa No.19465648

File: 1b5809bf412ef3f⋯.jpeg (101.79 KB,566x500,283:250,1b5809bf412ef3f4df01980cd….jpeg)

Today wwe advance by broken keyboard, deeper ino the NPC consciousness. Do not deliberately break ideas supporting NPC consciousness. Poison nodes should be terminated and replaced, hate with love, as if with a child. In some cases NPC dream minds are subject to sudden dissoluion. . leaving the media-borged NPC rudderless.

Now is the time for us, and NPCs in our care, to learn to function without history or it's lies. To do without the cult's porno-ified news, and the internet argument of fake politics.

To become mentally autonomous takes intention and effort, and only them are we able to recognize and to choose between the different futures available to each of us.

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26d26b No.19465649

File: 200d795188bf4b0⋯.jpg (69.9 KB,500x676,125:169,7x92fn.jpg)


Blacks have destroyed all the opportunities given to them by the white man.

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861b6a No.19465650



it's already posted

follow the thread

I was responding to the anon who asked for sauce

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5cbce3 No.19465651


Obviousness is obvious.

It's a huge tell.

The one publication not to be mentioned on a board supposedly dedicated to free speech.

The only reasonable, logical conclusion is RRN is the truth.

Believe the plan but don't believe any reporting that actually lines up with the plan?

Body doubles everywhere but the originals have not been dealt with?

It's all a staged movie but there is no reality going on in the background?

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a03549 No.19465652


sacuce i think that wuz stopworldcontrol.com / org something like that..

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4b9d4b No.19465653


put that message into a good meme and it will reach millions

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6d3d09 No.19465654


Vivek is making strange moves imo. I have researched his past etc. I know he is not what he says… I just don’t know his motive in making statements like this. He knows that (we) know… so what is he saying? Who is he talking to?

Saying things like renegade and plagiarizing obama so directly right out of the gate is weird to me

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3fa124 No.19465655

File: 9ecb6fbecfa3348⋯.png (163 KB,359x400,359:400,ClipboardImage.png)

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861b6a No.19465656


Let the Table Pounding and Strongly Worded Letters Theater begin.

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9312a7 No.19465657

File: f090625f8bd6387⋯.jpg (81.86 KB,640x427,640:427,Bill_Cooper_Pay_Attention_….jpg)



Well they killed Bill Cooper during an IRS Raid because of unpaid taxes …

Totally not related to calling bullshit on 911 and providing sauce….

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d04548 No.19465658

File: 2c02f4b75a0ecfa⋯.jpeg (68.55 KB,467x486,467:486,IMG_4089.jpeg)

File: e253b48cb80fd4f⋯.jpeg (1.5 MB,1524x1346,762:673,IMG_4131.jpeg)

File: 046778e78a77084⋯.jpeg (198.42 KB,708x661,708:661,IMG_4127.jpeg)

File: ce8ba07225a32ea⋯.jpeg (190.94 KB,800x577,800:577,IMG_4128.jpeg)

File: 01bb73c1dd01fd9⋯.jpeg (126.54 KB,1280x1248,40:39,IMG_4123.jpeg)


Pandemic time line projection

A Global Outlook

September 13.2023: The Outbreak Unfolds

A new pandemic, "Pandemic-2," starts with mutated variants (Covid-Pirola) of an existing virus emerging simultaneously in Western Europe, Asia, and North America.

Initial cases are misinterpreted as common seasonal illnesses due to their similarity, causing? critical delay in public health response.

Italy becomes the epicenter of the outbreaks in Europe, reporting over 20,000 cases by the end of the month, overwhelming local hospitals.

Spain detects the first cases of the mutated virus in its major cities, leading to concerns about its heightened transmissibility.

The virus's rapid spread sparks panic buying, shortages of medical supplies, and confusion among governments about how to handle the situation.

Reports of unusual symptoms, including respiratory distress and neurological complications, raise alarm among medical professionals.

January 22. 2024: Escalation and Global Concerns

Hospitalizations surge globally, overwhelming medical facilities and exhausting healthcare workers.

Mutated virus variants exhibit a mortality rate of 2-4%, reaching a harrowing 6-7.3% in the UK and USA. (Note: mortality actually caused by weakened immune system from C-19 vaccines)

Concerns heighten over the virus's exponential spread and its ability to evade existing immunity.

Italy's healthcare system teeters on the edge of collapse as hospitals struggle to accommodate the influx of critical patients.

Spain experiences an exponential rise in cases, prompting the government to implement partial lockdowns in major cities.

Ireland and the UK face a dire situation with their hospitals struggling to cope, leading to an urgent call for international assistance (UN, CDC, WHO).

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d83385 No.19465659

File: 6ff9553d53c5f26⋯.jpg (8.03 KB,237x180,79:60,th.jpg)

Xs and Os #ING it out

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3ebc01 No.19465660

File: 3fd82bd0ce64698⋯.png (128.27 KB,355x313,355:313,KEK.png)



(pic related)

MSG loves her mouthy script time. It's nice they can rotate, playing the sound bite hero, within the group, as much as they do.

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9d46f5 No.19465661

File: 0360668de8cb8ec⋯.png (276.87 KB,1144x800,143:100,PepeLove.png)


> To become mentally autonomous takes intention and effort

One must wish to Know before they start Knowing. We must encourage that Want in them.

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c50016 No.19465662


Next thing you know he'll be smoking crack and banging dudes.

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b62036 No.19465663

File: 246924f54dfca37⋯.png (1.12 MB,750x1334,375:667,0D8479C5_38FD_478C_BCB4_06….png)

File: b55cd7686365fd6⋯.png (1.08 MB,750x1334,375:667,854A454D_8B2A_47D0_B22F_10….png)

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40cb5b No.19465664


Well, they are returning to DC next week.

They need to get back to work.

They spent a whole month talking about Biden.

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6d3d09 No.19465665

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d04548 No.19465666

File: 769f3db13f1048b⋯.png (1.03 MB,880x878,440:439,65658D53_E642_4C94_BF4D_6C….png)

File: 8849fb139cfc4ba⋯.jpeg (101.9 KB,880x868,220:217,1736CF29_38F1_4478_B316_E….jpeg)

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d83385 No.19465667


Os = Owes = debtors

Xs = Cancelled debts?

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e1256c No.19465668

File: c79c88cc98f1a28⋯.gif (25.24 KB,255x316,255:316,c79c88cc98f1a28e41b79e7215….gif)

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9312a7 No.19465669


What? Like Freedom?

"We'll have them nigger voting Democrat for the next 200 years!"

~ Lyndon B. Johnson

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d04548 No.19465670

File: 5ad8372dff4ade4⋯.jpeg (113.81 KB,800x633,800:633,19C8E727_C883_48BF_BD27_2….jpeg)

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40e641 No.19465671





Her name is Micaela Schaefer



Micaela Schafer

Date of Birth

November 1, 1983, Leipzig, German Democratic Republic


5' 9" (1.75 m)

Mini Biography

Micaela Schafer was born on November 1, 1983 in Leipzig, German Democratic Republic. She is an actress, known for Er ist wieder da (2015), Casting of Death (2015) and Breakdown Forest - Reise in den Abgrund (2019).



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015f93 No.19465672


no matter how much you try to polish a turd it still looks like shit. >>rrn

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d601a0 No.19465673


yeah she does

yeah they

like smokin pepes changin sweaters round here


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fb3524 No.19465674


Blacks had 75 years to build a separate but equal society, by the 1950’s it’s was very clear blacks had NO intentions on building their own lives…..basically blacks didn’t nothing for 7 decades, then blamed whitey. This gave rise to “equal opportunity” laws to force large corporations to hire blacks, it was called hire a nigger day by labor unions.

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e1256c No.19465675

File: 13a62c15cc77001⋯.png (628.62 KB,800x800,1:1,d94c3bf1414ab86738aafb7050….png)


check em!

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1bb22f No.19465676

File: 921a17abf03dcab⋯.mp4 (8.07 MB,594x982,297:491,921a17abf03dcabc88a86f3d47….mp4)

File: 8e67d301e5ad680⋯.png (364.61 KB,1080x955,216:191,Scgfi.png)

Zelenskey hates the black African negroid people.

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7249ff No.19465677

File: f5fc6d5287615a0⋯.mp4 (8.98 MB,622x350,311:175,RedPillKenClipped.mp4)


>We'll have them nigger voting Democrat for the next 200 years!"

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a03549 No.19465678

File: fb5c4070e6e9c71⋯.jpg (66.05 KB,880x868,220:217,hillary_booking_indictment.jpg)

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015f93 No.19465679


so sayeth the spammer.

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b62036 No.19465680

File: e626118376fb726⋯.png (1.28 MB,750x1334,375:667,C8BCC36F_B8D2_4FFD_931B_4B….png)

File: 11e33c3b8005822⋯.png (822.94 KB,750x1334,375:667,4410B06F_A041_44ED_B67A_B7….png)

File: b4de70fe6323a58⋯.png (1.25 MB,750x1334,375:667,C9B25155_C1C7_4BB3_B657_B9….png)

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39c60f No.19465681


>Bill Nye

bad actor, no scientist

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9312a7 No.19465682

File: 63692eec46dc054⋯.gif (3.98 MB,480x320,3:2,Magic_Trick_Deepstate_Joke….gif)


Magic Tricks for Niggers ..

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9a5e8f No.19465683


fuck off. ur cursed.

devil people don't care about that though.

you may not now, but you will.

What's the story with the craZy Marine "Jason Bourne" working for the C1a


Says the C1A worlked for the USA when they fucked up foreign Countreis "for the good of the DOMINANT USA" and that "Propaganda" is necessary to "make good citizens"

Threatens anybody with death who takes down the vid.

Sounds legit /s/

Dude sounds like the total reason the Left turned to ANTIFA

What a freak.

claims to be a marine.


And then the title of the vid connects him "Jason Bourne" to "Q"

they are getting creative

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0e4b84 No.19465684


top Kek

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3311d2 No.19465685

File: e521ea8644cecbb⋯.png (355.36 KB,491x325,491:325,ClipboardImage.png)


sad whining noises coming from the fedboi's


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ff01a2 No.19465686

File: 9f2e02f51506357⋯.png (5.4 MB,2560x1957,2560:1957,ClipboardImage.png)


dollywood coulda used some help

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a7b571 No.19465687

As COVID cases increase, mask mandates are making a comeback

August 31, 20235:12 AM ET

Heard on Morning Edition

Mask Mandates Return: Full List of Places With Restrictions in Place


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3f16bd No.19465688

File: b13744845bb2f89⋯.png (1.46 MB,608x2372,152:593,ClipboardImage.png)

So hear me out anons

I have been counting trumps post and noticing a pattern

He will Retruth and interup with a post

or post and interupt with a retruth

so I started counting by the day.

yesterday we had a video storm

so i counted videos with post interruptions

and guess what?


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867df7 No.19465689

File: 9a078a76296f251⋯.jpg (65.57 KB,700x460,35:23,Grey_Poupon.jpg)



Bathhouse Barry took that African powder keg and weapon used it.

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d04548 No.19465690

File: 9ccdc19e7e0de50⋯.jpeg (232.38 KB,880x880,1:1,IMG_4114.jpeg)

These idiots were installed, like a toilet.

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