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File: 72f3700d7d4fe1a⋯.png (2.86 MB,2415x1490,483:298,aaa.png)

66c6bf No.19464253 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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66c6bf No.19464254

International Q Research Threads

>>19188850 ——–——– Australia #31

>>19181822 ——–——– Canada #45

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>18551332 ——–——– Germany #105

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>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50



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Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>19075778, >>19075920, >>19148273 What counts as CP?

>>19088989, >>19156675, >>19322099 SPAM is not free speech, will be removed


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ

>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>19103408 No muh joos in notes, will be removed


#23904 >>19463435

>>19463463, >>19463469, >>19463488, >>19463564, >>19463626 PF BF nose currents

>>19463459 Corrupt Obama Judge Finds Rudy Giuliani Guilty Because He Didn’t Turn Over Devices the FBI Confiscated from His Home

>>19463473 California mom gets $100K settlement from school district who transitioned child behind her back

>>19463485 CDC Responds to Mask Mandate Claims

>>19463546, >>19463593, >>19463601, >>19463615 Trump dropped 31 vids on TS today/Q/24 in row/T-24 is Sept 1 2024

>>19463549 "I have now published the largest autopsy study ever in that circumstance where someone dies suddenly after Vaccination. And the answer is - 73.9% of the time,

>>19463578 Donald Trump interview with Glenn Beck- August 29, 2023

>>19463586 They're just going to skip that part where people were Dying to Justify Masking, Vaxxing & Lockdowns & Just go Straight to Masking, Vaxxing & Lockdowns

>>19463603 RT just posted a long vid without any dialog of a super moon over the TEMPLE OF POSEIDON at Cape Sounion, Greece. Fun fact: Russia has those long range ocean torpedos called Poseidons.

>>19463635, >>19463641 End Times News

>>19463676, >>19463537, >>19463527 this why we keep up with ebo T

>>19463678 'Don't consent""Don't comply"


>>19463831 QClock August 29, 2023 - Dear Patriot. We hear you.

>>19463917 @JamesOKeefeIII Police bodycam footage shows NJ School Board officials calling police on citizens they don’t recognize who look “TRUMPISH!” Police colluded with school officials to scan license plates of all attendees who looked 'different'.

>>19463929 General Michael Flynn | PBD Podcast | Ep. 300

>>19463939 @USNationalGuard Today, more than 1,300 National Guard members in 11 states are supporting wildfire response missions.

>>19463947 Sharp increase in coronavirus infections in Germany

>>19464248 #23904

#23903 >>19462655

>>19462656, >>19462662 Tucker: people at CNN who I know for a fact are doing that exact thing. They're reading government propaganda from the intel agencies knowingly…

>>19462667 Tucker: "In 2008 it became really clear that Barack Obama had been having sex with men and smoking crack…"

>>19462659, >>19463056, >>19462669, >>19462680 @1stMAW_Marines Shooters!

>>19462713, >>19462724 Iowa Poll: Donald Trump holds commanding lead in first test of 2024 Republican caucus field

>>19462738, >>19462733 @realDonaldTrump Trump Can Prove It

>>19462739 "Unfortunately it's a worldview children are getting when they go into public libraries" and he talks about the doctor just nominated to run the NIH

>>19462754, >>19462750 @realDonaldTrump Jason Miller to Newsmax: Debate Will 'Spotlight' DeSantis' Failures

>>19462775, >>19462765 @realDonaldTrump Georgia's Indictment of Trump is a Partisan Political Hit Job

>>19462768 Body Language: Viktor Orban, The World Right Now

>>19462782 "Thank you to Mike Lindell and his entire team for bringing together Election Integrity experts to hold the GOP accountable."


>>19462816 @3d_Marine_Div Our #Marines with 3d Battalion, 5th Marines, 4th Marine Regiment, and Republic of Korea Marines fire Daewoo K2C1 rifles and M4 carbines during Korea Marine Exercise Program

>>19462882 Fitness Influencer Larissa Borges Dies Suddenly From Double Cardiac Arrest.


>>19462935, >>19462863 Arkansas escapee captured

>>19462948 Borrell calls for intensified EU training of Ukrainian conscripts

>>19462953 Merrick Garland's DOJ is suing Elon Musk because he's only hiring citizens and permanent residents.

>>19462967 Arizona Secretary of State Says He’s Figuring Out Whether or Not to Disqualify Trump From 2024 Ballot

>>19462978 Canada Issues 2SLGBTQI+ "Travel Advisory" For The U.S., Whatever That Means

>>19463043 @GovRonDeSantis Just two months after the first graduation of @FLStateGuard soldiers in 75 years, they've been called up We thank them

>>19463059 MS-13 and Mexican Mafia Leader Sentenced to More than 17 Years for an International Drug Conspiracy

>>19463074 "Docs Offer Glimpse Inside Censorship Industrial Complex"

>>19463085 Garrett Ventry On President Trump's Poll Numbers: "Donald Trump has a stranglehold here"

>>19463096 @USPacificFleet USS Pearl Harbor (LSD 52) - arriving!

>>19463149, >>19463286 Japanese PM eats ‘Fukushima lunch’

>>19463172 U.S. DOE plans to amend school regulations to focus attention on 'ancestry discrimination'

>>19463241 @mrddmia Dear President Trump: Your wish is my command.

>>19463268 America First Legal Obtains Over 1,000 Emails Between VP Biden and Rosemont Seneca: Mockingbird Media Collusion, Favors for Friends, and More

>>19463297 Frying Pan Shoals Light Tower located approximately 39 miles southeast of Southport, North Carolina and 32 miles from Bald Head Island

>>19463338 APD reports multiple violations, 17 arrests in Sex Offender Compliance Check

>>19463356 LIVE - Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Game Night'

>>19463367, >>19463371, >>19463378 As Idalia hit Florida, all of NOAA’s hurricane-hunting planes were grounded due to a generator failure

>>19463380 so far he's posted 24 videos in a row T-minus 24?

>>19463386, >>19463388 DOJ Press Release Bears Questions: Did FBI/DOJ Search 200,000 U.S. and 700,000 Worldwide Computers Without A Warrant, What Really Happened and Why?

>>19463429 @23903

#23902 >>19461849

>>19461884 DJT - Does anybody really believe I lost Georgia? I DON’T!



>>19461922 DJT - Three years ago we had the safest Border in History—Today it is the WORST!!!

>>19461925, >>19461935 NEW: GOP senators request the US education secretary to investigate "Chinese Communist Party influence in American K-12 schools"

>>19461936 DJT - We are going to MAKE ATLANTA GREAT AGAIN!

>>19461944 DJT - Republicans, I hope you’re watching!

>>19461951 Today, @SecDef designated and @POTUS approved Ms. Wendy Noble to serve as NSA's 20th Deputy Director

>>19461957 DJT - Highly respected Georgia State Senator Colton Moore deserves the thanks & congratulations of everyone.

>>19461958 They are going to JFK Trump (?)

>>19461968, >>19461988, >>19461994 “This Is Spreading Like A Cancer!” | Anti-ULEZ Vigilante Justifies Camera Destruction


>>19461979 DJT - Our hearts go out to everyone impacted by Hurricane Idalia. I urge everyone to listen to your local officials, heed all warnings, and prioritize the safety of yourself and your loved ones.

>>19461996 DJT - The Debate on FoxNews was one of the lowest rated EVER, if not THE LOWEST. It showed that many of those participating are “second tier” and merely “pretenders to the throne.”

>>19462011 DJT - My interview with Tucker Carlson has turned out to be the single most watched Video and Interview in HISTORY—Such a great honor!

>>19462109 Former Trump Adviser Responds to Use of Executive Privilege in Contempt Case

>>19462123 Goldman Sachs used Chinese state funds to buy US, UK firms: report

>>19462133 Sam Bankman-Fried could have FTX fraud trial delayed

>>19462141 Thank you ⁦@SecRaimondo - for your consequential visit to Beijing and Shanghai. We at U.S. Mission China applaud your defense of our national security on technology issues, strong advocacy for U.S. firms in China and opening new channels of communication with the PRC.

>>19462189 Kidnappers Caught in the Act: Heroic Truck Driver Rescues “Approximately 15” Children Trapped in Padlocked Cages

>>19462226 TheGeorgeHQ - 🇺🇸🦅

>>19462312 Malik Obama - I am President Barack Obama's BIG BROTHER. I believe it's time we TALKED @TuckerCarlson

>>19462370 Biden Crime Family Update with Hunter Laptop Report Author Garrett Ziegler

>>19462549 PF observation

>>19462631 #23902


>>19461361, 19461715 PDJT: To every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our Freedom, hear these words---WE WILL NOT COMPLY!

>>19461366 PDJT: Do not despair, and do not lose hope---Our vindication will come on Election Day 2024!

>>19461440, >>19461544 PDJT: This is a new low in Presidential Politics. To the Democrats, I say, “be careful what you wish for.”

>>19461450 PDJT: WE WILL WIN!

>>19461468 PDJT: This is a political persecution---The people get it. THANK YOU GEORGIA!

>>19461481 PDJT: Every young American deserves to know that they are the heirs to an incredible History!

>>19461489 PDJT: What’s happening to our Auto Workers is an absolute disgrace!

>>19461494 PDJT: This month marks the 2-year anniversary of the most embarrassing event in the History of our Country.

>>19461501 PDJT: Biden's DOJ will not comply with subpoenas for 2 FBI agents in Hunter Biden case

>>19461503 PDJT: I defeated 100% of the ISIS CALIPHATE!

>>19461517 PDJT: We were leaving Afghanistan with Dignity and Strength!

>>19461522 PDJT: Crooked Joe Biden’s only campaign strategy is Indicting me---That’s all they can do!

>>19461532 PDJT: Crooked Joe Biden is a Manchurian Candidate!

>>19461546 PDJT: I WILL APPEAL!

>>19461558 PDJT: New Polls just out—Leading by BIG numbers!

>>19461565 PDJT: Rupert Murdoch is a Globalist, I am AMERICA FIRST!

>>19461577, >>19461710 PDJT: America is no longer America, but we are going to Make our Country Great Again!


>>19461651 PDJT: WOW!

>>19461750 PDJT: The Security Tapes from Mar-a-Lago that evil and sinister prosecutor, Deranged Jack Smith, “leaked” or otherwise stated were deleted or altered were, in fact, NOT deleted or altered.

>>19461777 PDJT: America is becoming a Banana Republic!

>>19461838 #23901-B

Previously Collected

>>19461843 #23901-C

>>19460994 #23900, >>19461767 #23901-A, >>19461838 #23901-B

>>19460092 #23899, >>19459309 #23898, >>19460988 #23900-A

>>19456908 #23895-B, >>19457734 #23896, >>19458513 #23897

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Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop >>19192963

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66c6bf No.19464265

File: aba7d532ba4aa95⋯.png (622.89 KB,500x749,500:749,magans.png)

File: 147a734e2122217⋯.png (80.3 KB,568x219,568:219,MAGADONOTCOMPLY.png)

File: 321ceda84d68015⋯.png (517.67 KB,800x533,800:533,maga8.png)

File: 3c1d69f4371d989⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,4096x4096,1:1,magatrumpshness.jpg)

File: b2144bd730a2040⋯.jpg (147.5 KB,1080x1080,1:1,MAGEKEEPGOING.jpg)



Baker taps @20

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287ec1 No.19464275

Evenin’ Nightshift

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9ac9ce No.19464279

File: ccbd39403f66ad6⋯.jpeg (84.26 KB,506x441,506:441,IMG_6102.jpeg)

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3f7d5d No.19464285

This is the way


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a48d03 No.19464291

File: f0b2c35c628f874⋯.jpeg (86.28 KB,1200x627,400:209,9EB4FA60_AC2E_475F_8800_4….jpeg)

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9ac9ce No.19464295

Trump said it should be an eye for an eye. What has eyes beside us and animals?

Hurricanes and storms have eyes.

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0cc9db No.19464299

File: d250b02022658ee⋯.jpg (48.74 KB,331x450,331:450,fd661fd9c92d4fdbf8012421e6….jpg)

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48e53a No.19464301


needles also have eyes. a needle for their hurricane, pop their bubble!

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38f1d7 No.19464303

File: b02868a21b0f0ad⋯.jpg (56.52 KB,673x365,673:365,asdcasda5im.jpg)

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9ac9ce No.19464305

File: bc92cafeefe8de2⋯.jpeg (217.98 KB,1170x399,390:133,IMG_6179.jpeg)

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a48d03 No.19464307

File: 345c0362fb3fafa⋯.gif (2.9 MB,300x300,1:1,ACB09D8F_4DDE_48E2_B2D3_4D….gif)



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394713 No.19464309

File: 6af9effc9d5dcb4⋯.jpg (195.5 KB,1242x782,27:17,6af9effc9d5dcb44283986f772….jpg)

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9ac9ce No.19464311


One of my favs

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dcfa76 No.19464312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

OMG cop cam just posted.

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394713 No.19464313

File: 1c8830978a8ae7b⋯.png (1.14 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1c8830978a8ae7b434b818453a….png)

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acef78 No.19464315

File: 5097e45db935d06⋯.png (323.27 KB,1912x1298,956:649,5097e45db935d0670ce7b0bb5f….png)

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66c6bf No.19464316

File: a7737df6de10d17⋯.png (913 KB,1710x900,19:10,phantom.png)



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a30b13 No.19464317

"Ex-Middlesex deputy charged with threatening to destroy Plymouth courthouse . . ."


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7b7d4c No.19464318

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0e5778 No.19464319

File: 734f15265687a77⋯.png (53.1 KB,500x370,50:37,ClipboardImage.png)

you know why they care so much about what 14-44 Anons talk about?

Because we're working with God, Military Intelligence & Trump

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0cc9db No.19464320

File: 8182488d49058c3⋯.png (478.03 KB,944x776,118:97,8182488d49058c3f7a4b70128e….png)



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3f7d5d No.19464322

File: 26cb68588876d55⋯.png (56.81 KB,561x422,561:422,ClipboardImage.png)

31 DJT videos posted on TS in rapid succession covering a broad range of subjects.

This seems to fit.

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eda799 No.19464326

File: 20855a123e1355b⋯.png (132.82 KB,474x121,474:121,0A48ED4F_FCCF_4C14_8BBB_91….png)

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ebbbfc No.19464332

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tornado of Souls - Megadeth

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9ac9ce No.19464336


That’s a great one to remember. Helps make sense why Trump endorsed the vaccine and RINOs and such stuff

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394713 No.19464337

File: b9c8fe61b4f4d4c⋯.png (1.43 MB,1480x1236,370:309,Screen_Shot_2023_08_30_at_….png)

[Phil Hartman]

On Wednesday’s episode of Saturday Night Live alums Dana Carvey and David Spade’s “Fly on the Wall” podcast, it was revealed that Hillary Clinton was upset with Julia Sweeney’s SNL impression of a teenaged Chelsea Clinton.

The former Secretary of State “wrote a letter” to SNL creator Lorne Michaels about the sketch, which aired on the show in 1993.


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3f7d5d No.19464338

Pretty much my attitude.

Kindness is running low though.

But no action will be taken until the right time.


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d9de3a No.19464339

File: 3f2615db2a9f63d⋯.png (720.48 KB,826x823,826:823,Screenshot_2023_08_31_at_0….png)

What if the military were the gorefags?

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b1d9d5 No.19464340

File: 8fad09fadc74c21⋯.jpg (104.87 KB,720x720,1:1,20230830_225227.jpg)

File: f58acc3f77c7290⋯.jpg (147.15 KB,720x752,45:47,20230830_225203.jpg)

File: 41b07d852f1c3f5⋯.jpg (45.06 KB,480x302,240:151,20230830_224439.jpg)

File: f0e71796f975fba⋯.jpg (83.78 KB,1280x720,16:9,20230830_211015.jpg)


If the OK symbol is racist then explain this, LIB


We elected the wrong Obama

Poso is a fan of 666 cabal gang signs

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deae92 No.19464342

File: cb1b990289e0775⋯.png (610.53 KB,1048x979,1048:979,ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you baker

Anon read this message several times over. With the capitalization of Video and Policy, all I see is…

Choose the VP that you like

Trump is always talking about the Presidency as belonging to “WE” the People. I suppose that gives us all a say in this decision?

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e6a1eb No.19464344

File: 70cf8a8e6e8129e⋯.gif (184.95 KB,506x319,46:29,70cf8a8e6e8129ef1419b91ec6….gif)


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9ac9ce No.19464345


Holy Shiite kek

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0e5778 No.19464347

File: 99f71ec62bb18bc⋯.png (81.85 KB,198x182,99:91,ClipboardImage.png)

Do you see it?

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394713 No.19464348

File: 5f2ceabacbe5d43⋯.jpg (151.29 KB,732x1096,183:274,5f2ceabacbe5d430d66495312d….jpg)


So was the info about congress' Ukraine $$$ not actually going to Ukraine classified or sumpin'?

That was one of the conversations in the gore bread

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b1d9d5 No.19464349

File: 3925953ed64991f⋯.png (250.36 KB,384x378,64:63,3925953ed64991f56a93877fe2….png)


Vivek is a pharmaceutical Globalist who reminds me of Obama, Hard Pass

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ebbbfc No.19464351


Fellow Shitposter.

Who would have thunk it?

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49fe26 No.19464352

what is time?

time(essence of) is the use of rhythm or counting to induce control/distraction/enslave/and restrict human achievement.

all time sequences are put in place slow your ascension/growth.

who made who?

who made the clock?

who sets the time?

who creates the sequences?

the who?

does nature and mother earth have a clock?

why not use that?

who stands to gain from the current configuration?

give back to caesar what belongs to caesar.

keep for yourself what is yours.

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0cc9db No.19464355

File: cb905dfcc2d5901⋯.jpg (232.53 KB,800x800,1:1,dfcc2d5901f99fd46e6b7bfdc3….jpg)

12 inch rule around a 12 hour clock

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9ac9ce No.19464356

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d9de3a No.19464357


>That was one of the conversations in the gore bread

Missed that, but if the money IS going there we gonna get it back I bet, or is being used to catch more bad guys… my guess.

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394713 No.19464360

File: 5b807210e001717⋯.png (380.95 KB,628x467,628:467,5588f4941f6416b0aa1504ff22….png)

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c61a20 No.19464361

File: 2fc25f4507848ef⋯.jpg (17.79 KB,520x248,65:31,Time_keeping.jpg)

File: 0c5c011897f7466⋯.jpg (63.03 KB,600x760,15:19,Velikovsky.jpg)


…You wouldn't believe it, anyway.

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b7ee4d No.19464363

File: 363e03705a5bd1f⋯.png (584.86 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Good evening Nightshift.

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d65ac3 No.19464364

File: 7fb250098ad8b4d⋯.jpg (38.13 KB,800x534,400:267,f2a46da5f1049a6d.jpg)

Alright. Let's see how high that one flies.

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593d1e No.19464368


Democrats have NO sense of humor… they are mind numb fucks.

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9ac9ce No.19464369

Anybody have anyone they trust for VP?

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d65ac3 No.19464371

File: 2483e8ee723583f⋯.png (236.26 KB,489x382,489:382,Advanced_KEK.png)


Yeah, that office has been vacant for a while, now. I wonder if anyone's submitted their resume for it, yet?

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394713 No.19464373

File: 98a84f93afe3ab0⋯.png (1009.12 KB,719x692,719:692,98a84f93afe3ab03e141edacdc….png)


My feeling too. #patriotgames has to be costing a bloody fortune and American patriots are too broke kek

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593d1e No.19464375


If Vivek truly is what he says he is, he would be the perfect VP… no question.

If anyone should know that, it should be Trump.

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b1d9d5 No.19464376

File: 69ed9e1a2dcf7ba⋯.jpg (236 KB,1806x2048,903:1024,20230830_214836.jpg)

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48e53a No.19464379


the ghost of Rush Limbaugh

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593d1e No.19464382


Vivek and Obama are POLAR opposites in every sense…

Vivek is not Gay, his wife is not a transgender, he loves God, he understand all patriot values…… Day and NIGHT difference.

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af8fe5 No.19464383

File: 8fd499564a1c897⋯.png (231.58 KB,300x300,1:1,1629213561038.png)


Vivek raises red flags with me. He is "too perfect". I don't know how else to describe it. I'm not opposed to the idea thus far of VP Vivek yet, because he's not said anything wrong,which is why I am very wary of him.

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66c6bf No.19464384


notable AF

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d9de3a No.19464386

File: 1211f2d5c75d724⋯.png (402.85 KB,711x399,237:133,Screenshot_2023_08_31_at_0….png)


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1ed880 No.19464388


Standard metric?

00 : 00 hiding punctuation portance


Infiltration is a favored tactic


Peperidge farm remembers

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e6a1eb No.19464389

File: 5f6ccd8d5162b44⋯.png (247.41 KB,350x350,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Choose the VP that you like

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8acb4e No.19464391

File: b3f7d0812baa54a⋯.png (181.41 KB,532x504,19:18,Kash_sketch.png)

File: 9187d83dccb1940⋯.png (278.91 KB,572x306,286:153,Kash_salem_news_04282023.png)

File: 739f20bcd4fb716⋯.png (257.76 KB,972x577,972:577,Kash_vs_hunter_laptop_0430….png)

File: f5d5d110f5432df⋯.png (288.8 KB,1167x1163,1167:1163,Durham_watch_Kash_10292022.png)

File: 7623271d0876fc3⋯.png (268.16 KB,1203x1258,1203:1258,Kash_Durham_Watch_10162022.png)


mayb Kash?

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48e53a No.19464392


anon said something when people said how 'good' Obama was at speaking. It's a veneer, actions speak the loudest.

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d9de3a No.19464393

File: 8478496ff7b042b⋯.jpg (19.77 KB,255x227,255:227,Untitled.jpg)


Trump/Kennedy… duh

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ebbbfc No.19464394


I would second that.

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394713 No.19464395

File: b02b15b5eef73a5⋯.png (134.99 KB,621x433,621:433,b02b15b5eef73a55f09b319d0c….png)

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8acb4e No.19464399

File: 538484baf0f8d33⋯.png (87.71 KB,710x353,710:353,231_million_views_and_stil….png)

File: 5c14775f2917ee2⋯.png (81.63 KB,772x276,193:69,226_million_views_re_Trump….png)

File: 2fa5eb49539a736⋯.png (413.06 KB,915x723,305:241,Trump_Tucker_reactions_082….png)

File: 864a61eb790e148⋯.png (444.05 KB,635x853,635:853,Tucker_fox_set_free_042420….png)

File: f606bbb48aa2b35⋯.png (492.88 KB,800x444,200:111,monkey_hands_covid_corona_….png)


mayb Tucker?

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0cc9db No.19464400

File: 3481897e31a9764⋯.gif (2.7 MB,640x334,320:167,3481897e31a976428d8eca9acc….gif)

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5cc37c No.19464403


If you want to advertise for Gould then get in contact with Jim and buy and ad

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3f7d5d No.19464404


Interdasting, I had not yet made that connection.

Have any sauce to help out?

If not, no worries, I will dig on my own.

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ebbbfc No.19464406

File: 983d1f385ba332a⋯.png (52.21 KB,596x382,298:191,ClipboardImage.png)


Street shitters will tell you anything you want to hear as long as you are not saying they did something wrong.

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745e04 No.19464407

Hope Hicks…. good or bad?

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014f6c No.19464408

File: b50f7105853c889⋯.png (190.99 KB,375x500,3:4,CHOSEN.png)


>actions speak the loudest.

Exactly this.

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3f7d5d No.19464410


Not a reliable source, but this says he was born in Cincinnati, OH.

Are you saying that he is an anchor baby?

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745e04 No.19464411

Whatever happened to Trey Gowdy walking into a new role, per Q?

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9ac9ce No.19464412







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394713 No.19464413

File: bda34e6f41b5284⋯.png (640.13 KB,890x900,89:90,Screen_Shot_2023_08_30_at_….png)

File: 5f98aa406535ee6⋯.png (665.73 KB,914x796,457:398,Screen_Shot_2023_08_30_at_….png)

Boone Cutler Truth:


.. watch the clip ..





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3f7d5d No.19464416


See my next post.

Definitely worth digging inro.


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5cc37c No.19464417


>prove me wrong

Nah, your opinion means nothing to me

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8acb4e No.19464418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Sen. Barrasso on Fox News with Trey Gowdy


1.26K subscribers

1.5K views 9 days ago

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ebbbfc No.19464419

File: 58fd5ce2674e002⋯.png (492.32 KB,667x374,667:374,ClipboardImage.png)

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014f6c No.19464420

File: b69d87c83e6f872⋯.png (313.23 KB,500x500,1:1,smekels.png)

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a002c3 No.19464422


He, and the operative word is HE, was born in USA. His parents were not.

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9ac9ce No.19464425



Autocorrect changed Vivek to woven

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b1d9d5 No.19464427

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3f7d5d No.19464429


Worth a dig

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d65ac3 No.19464431

File: 56fe39b10025d94⋯.png (528.64 KB,848x421,848:421,Comfefe_Covfefe.png)


>If anyone should know that, it should be Trump.

He probably picked his VP a while back and everything that's happening right now is just a show.

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48e53a No.19464432


8 year olds getting instruction and everything in school? This guy is a creep

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ebbbfc No.19464433


The definition of Anchor baby.

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2e159b No.19464434

File: 7de6bc984b2a2e5⋯.mp4 (2.6 MB,854x480,427:240,y2mate_is_donald_trump_ran….mp4)


The hardest of passes.

He submitted but is one of them.

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8acb4e No.19464435

File: 1aa3dd447a3745c⋯.png (723.94 KB,1100x800,11:8,Nunes_Rumble_05262023.png)

File: 801ad767e7e9799⋯.png (244.31 KB,741x1100,741:1100,Nunes_Memo_02022018_4.png)

File: 85b4da9f36a077e⋯.png (228.43 KB,721x1100,721:1100,Nunes_Memo_02022018_3.png)

File: f9637a5f52c45e5⋯.png (240.2 KB,1200x800,3:2,Nunes_memo_2_comey_steele_….png)

File: 1e1f8b4c57b5e65⋯.png (447.17 KB,858x858,1:1,Devin_Nunes_explains_09182….png)


mayb Nunes?

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1ed880 No.19464436


[A]dvent of images and words you don't find useful?!

Keep scrolling

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49fe26 No.19464438

File: 0787051ebfecc5f⋯.jpeg (170.88 KB,500x727,500:727,155E920D_3DA2_4457_A25F_D….jpeg)

An idea of the nature of the blessings lost is given in a Renaissance engraving by Giulio Bonasone, where the culprit is Pandora's husband, Epimetheus. He is shown holding the lid of a large storage jar from which female representations of the Roman virtues are flying up into the air. They are identified by their names in Latin: security (salus), harmony (concordia), fairness (aequitas), mercy (clementia), freedom (libertas), happiness (felicitas), peace (pax), worth (virtus) and joy (laetitia). Hope (spes) is delayed on the lip and holds aloft the flower that is her attribute

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9ac9ce No.19464439


Exactly right

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b1d9d5 No.19464440

File: e8eec309e7dfdb9⋯.jpg (200.15 KB,720x1206,40:67,20230830_232540.jpg)

File: 23d8beb605643f8⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB,920x720,23:18,Wall_Street_Apes_20230830_….mp4)



Did Joe Biden Just Confirm The Lahaina, Maui Hawaii Fires Were Planned?

BIDEN: “I appointed Bob Fenn, one of the nation's leading emergency managers — who's been on the ground in Hawaii since BEFORE THE FIRES erupted as our chief federal response coordinator to lead our long-term recovery on Maui.

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3f7d5d No.19464442

File: e799ae2920e13a2⋯.png (839.97 KB,853x500,853:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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1ed880 No.19464443




Fix problems?


Current year currency of north 'murican territory: fiat dollars aka smekels

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1ed880 No.19464445


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983706 No.19464447


this is a nigger

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394713 No.19464448

File: 7bb3607310f65aa⋯.jpg (68.22 KB,602x375,602:375,girl_you_know.jpg)

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b1d9d5 No.19464450

File: 328386cc7e011f8⋯.png (109.77 KB,1058x1113,1058:1113,pxArt_1.png)

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983706 No.19464451


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148703 No.19464452


I forgot about that one

I can’t quit laughing

Rand even thought it was funny

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a27e2a No.19464453


Dan Scavino for VP

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a48d03 No.19464454

File: 8511aa3a1f90499⋯.png (236.46 KB,544x651,544:651,B3B883E6_B1B0_4E03_BDE9_B9….png)


>If Vivek truly is what he says he is

How often does that happen?

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ebbbfc No.19464456


Not only is he a creep, he went with the left "Dont Say Gay" bill that was never called nor contained "Dont Say Gay".

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3f7d5d No.19464457

File: e799ae2920e13a2⋯.png (839.97 KB,853x500,853:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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e6a1eb No.19464458

File: 39ec680a524ec0a⋯.png (82.01 KB,885x401,885:401,ClipboardImage.png)


>he is not a natural born citizen of the USA


>HE, was born in USA. His parents were not.

Since when do your parents have to be born here to be a natural born citizen if you were born here?

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394713 No.19464461

File: 78f95c608df1a49⋯.png (66.04 KB,756x360,21:10,Screen_Shot_2023_08_30_at_….png)


"wait until 8"

Sounds like another pervert. Next

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c89c97 No.19464463


Jim Jordan

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c80c74 No.19464464


I miss those debates

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8b1b6d No.19464465


Too weak

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ebbbfc No.19464466


I am sure China would be willing to go to War if their free Panama Canal was threatened.

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f356c1 No.19464467


Not his calling

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a15fcb No.19464468

Ric Grenell

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0cc9db No.19464469

File: 256bdc578b9c2bf⋯.jpg (47.86 KB,876x1107,292:369,256bdc578b9c2bfb175b358e8e….jpg)

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d65ac3 No.19464470

File: 26f87732eacdfb7⋯.png (62.07 KB,888x333,8:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 21a69781dbec1cb⋯.png (38.61 KB,752x483,752:483,ClipboardImage.png)


Great salesman, well trained on Q&A, and even took his shirt off to compete with a 69 year old. That's what's called "try hard".


He should've read some polls about the subject matter before commenting on it.


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a15fcb No.19464471

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2e159b No.19464472


The beginning of disclosure and exposure.

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c6163e No.19464473

File: c40b2b6296f9e95⋯.jpg (115.05 KB,564x846,2:3,media_F4d37jgW4AA2rSk.jpg)

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394713 No.19464474

File: 21bd13ace06849d⋯.jpg (101.78 KB,400x560,5:7,2023_08_30_03_21_26.jpg)


Love JJ but this anon thinks the next VP has to be Q team.

Look at the ridiculous lawfare going on in El Salvador post bitcoin adoption and swamp draining

This ain't over when Trump returns

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f356c1 No.19464475



I heard him say that today and it struck me as odd

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861c70 No.19464477

File: 476253087f1c34e⋯.png (9.98 KB,716x100,179:25,ClipboardImage.png)

well this faggot was full of shit

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014f6c No.19464479


"sex before eight – or it's too late,"

Motto of NAMBLA

Just sayin'

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3f7d5d No.19464480


WTH is it with his forehead wrinkles?

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d9de3a No.19464481

File: af34d1df2279bfe⋯.png (285 KB,634x425,634:425,Screenshot_2023_08_31_at_0….png)


Not if China already cut a deal with Trump… Trump will end the Russian war on day 1 of his presidency and he will also put China back in check… to the added tune of getting our Canal back, cuz they both allies, anon thinks

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ebbbfc No.19464482


The original Naturalization law was the parents had to be born Americans.

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5cc37c No.19464483


What kind of aliens?

I think Border Patrol was rather busy

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d65ac3 No.19464484


>Love JJ but this anon thinks the next VP has to be Q team.

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3f7d5d No.19464485

File: 00f57a7365f5a34⋯.png (292.57 KB,500x373,500:373,ClipboardImage.png)

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c61a20 No.19464486


…Anon sees constellations and planets. Examples: The Gemini twins in the upper left, below that the caduceus of Mercury. Below that, Venus with her helm, shield and spear, next to Mars and In the upper right, Libra with the scales. A shit ton of symbolism, in that one picture.

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861c70 No.19464488


nice try but an ongoing invasion can't be considered to coincide with an arrest when it's already been going on

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c6163e No.19464489

File: 9527f14dda69437⋯.png (234.5 KB,392x262,196:131,ClipboardImage.png)


Humans on the moon are aliens?

asking for a fuhrer…

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48e53a No.19464490


kinda like his "largest voter fraud network" quote, except this one can't be blamed on a gaffe

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dabe87 No.19464491


Isn’t there anyone for VP who is at least up on what at least anons know about the cabal and wars and NGOs and Red Cross, anyone for VP who Qs?

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5cc37c No.19464493


Hard to tell anymore, maybe the coyotes found a new route?

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56b7e7 No.19464495


Rand Paul at least has the FED and Fauci figured out

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014f6c No.19464496


Keri Lake is MAGA AF

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4e9761 No.19464497

File: 1f972c32b267c75⋯.png (271.78 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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394713 No.19464498


Watch Majorkas' face closely. He's reading along and his eyes widen at "on the ground since…"

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bbcd77 No.19464500

Only Senator I see taking any action to do anything now is Tubbervillw

He is my VP until someone else takes action

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e6a1eb No.19464501


That's only for children born outside the US. If the child is born in the US they have birthright citizenship even if the parents aren't citizens.

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bbcd77 No.19464503


Biden appears to be imitating the guy on Gutfield who imitates him

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2e159b No.19464504


If the VP actually matters post happening then our time here has been a complete waste.

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a30b13 No.19464505

people who know and quote the motto of pedophiles here deserve no respect.

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394713 No.19464507

File: 4cb4436f6eca91b⋯.png (669.5 KB,886x890,443:445,Screen_Shot_2023_08_30_at_….png)



Steve Bannon asks @GenFlynn if he is asked by President @realDonaldTrump to run as his VP, would he do it?

Gen Flynn reminds Steve that in June 2016, he was among the final four top candidates for VP (the others were Gingrich, Christie, and Pence) and said "the only one that hasn't turned against him is a guy who was a former Democrat. How about that? So, I'll leave you with that."


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b7ee4d No.19464508

File: 0f8b565223b9e8b⋯.png (158.62 KB,255x240,17:16,ClipboardImage.png)

News Articles About Artificial Intelligence - August 2023

Just a small sampling of articles for the month. AI continues to make headlines at an accelerating pace.

Anything you can imagine regarding AI has already been thought of, created and tested in a "lab". How does it feel to be a part of these experiments?






















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3f7d5d No.19464509


Agreed, but she needs to Gov of AZ.

It all starts local and works it way up to the state level.

If we do not have MAGA governors, nothing will change.

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07a8b5 No.19464511



Kind of agree because Q said there’s a plan for after Trump , but maybe Trump wants to know who we like or will accept and who we might not

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a30b13 No.19464512


AI is a fraud.

the use of a human looking face is marketing.

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d9de3a No.19464513

File: 77d7e72ceb1e68c⋯.png (176.96 KB,1321x298,1321:298,Screenshot_2023_07_18_at_1….png)

File: 11ebc51d53a272e⋯.mp4 (3.07 MB,336x480,7:10,Robert_F_Kennedy_Jr_Touch_….mp4)



America will be unified again!

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0cc9db No.19464514

just as god's creations are less than god…

so too, man's creations are less than man.

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5cc37c No.19464515


Nominate for Notable

News Articles About Artificial Intelligence - August 2023

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e9756f No.19464516

File: d017e308efab9bf⋯.png (127.01 KB,1000x562,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)


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bd0eba No.19464517

1993 +30

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c6163e No.19464518

File: 80caecfacc3778a⋯.png (539.19 KB,847x636,847:636,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1ce372413b83e9⋯.png (653.24 KB,675x936,75:104,Screenshot_2023_08_31_at_0….png)

File: 38f4d6fbf35ce98⋯.png (24.01 KB,782x324,391:162,Screenshot_2023_08_31_at_0….png)


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a30b13 No.19464520



it's marketing material for a cabal

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394713 No.19464521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6bdfd0 No.19464522

File: a4ce7cb65a55a7f⋯.png (150.01 KB,332x490,166:245,ClipboardImage.png)


>OMG cop cam just posted.

Wow that cop was a pussy.

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5cc37c No.19464523


I'll check back when I have more time and look at the MIT stuff, might be some good stuff in there

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c99e85 No.19464525

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

short segment on rosanne's 1998 show with michael moore and trump. dasting…

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a002c3 No.19464526


Since the Constitution.

Your parents have to be born here, and have USA citizenship.

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a0aa92 No.19464527


AI is going to be used as big brother to monitor the non-compliant , and to keep the doors up from waking up

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394713 No.19464528

File: b7daacbc67fec85⋯.png (244.8 KB,430x464,215:232,Screen_Shot_2023_08_29_at_….png)


>Anything you can imagine regarding AI has already been thought of, created and tested in a "lab". How does it feel to be a part of these experiments?

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3f7d5d No.19464529

File: 00f57a7365f5a34⋯.png (292.57 KB,500x373,500:373,ClipboardImage.png)

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a30b13 No.19464530


might be a bunch of grant hounding posers publishing trite cleches and pretending to be inventors. might talk about patenting common things and trying obsolete other people's livlihoods.

might be a bunch of brain washed yes men who want to cash in by selling out other people.

MIT is nothing to be impressed about. It ceased being anything years and years ago except for a place for people to profiteer off of patenting things that should be in the public domain.

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e6a1eb No.19464532



"Birthright citizenship, as with much United States law, has its roots in English common law. Calvin's Case, 77 Eng. Rep. 377 (1608), was particularly important as it established that, under English common law, "a person's status was vested at birth, and based upon place of birth—a person born within the king's dominion owed allegiance to the sovereign, and in turn, was entitled to the king's protection."

This same principle was well-established in the antebellum United States. Justice Joseph Story described the rule in Inglis v. Trustees of Sailor's Snug Harbor:

The rule commonly laid down in the books is, that every person who is born within the ligeance of a sovereign is a subject; and, e converso, that every person born without such allegiance is an alien. . . . Two things usually concur to create citizenship; first, birth locally within the dominions of the sovereign; and secondly, birth within the protection and obedience, or in other words, within the ligenance of the sovereign. That is, the party must be born within a place where the sovereign is at the time in full possession and exercise of his power, and the party must also at his birth derive protection from, and consequently owe obedience or allegiance to the sovereign, as such, de facto.

Justice Story described as exceptions to the rule the children of ambassadors and the children of occupying enemy soldiers.

As these exceptions were narrow, the rule was quite generous in scope. As one antebellum American treatise put it:

Therefore every person born within the United States, its territories or districts, whether the parents are citizens or aliens, is a natural born citizen in the sense of the Constitution, and entitled to all the rights and privileges appertaining to that capacity."

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48e53a No.19464533


from this one: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/08/230830131742.htm

Tiny, shape-shifting robot can squish itself into tight spaces

kek. anon uncovered something that was 10x more complex over 12 years ago. The slowdown is real.

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5cc37c No.19464535


Sounds like you are just looking for an argument

I don't have the time to waste tonight

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a30b13 No.19464536


is there one about morally bankrupt grant hounding internationalists posing as geniuses and trying to put other people out of business?

is there one that defines 'diversity' as 'people who come from very many different ethnic backgrounds who are all marxists'?

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48e53a No.19464537


Truth. Anon skipped around trying to find the action, but only found cop getting ass kicked by snitches and looking out the windows, but only came out after everyone had left. Good job security.

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b7ee4d No.19464538


I'm just an anon interested in tech, and not part of the cabal. I'm not one of [them] and never will be.

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a002c3 No.19464540


They went after McCain because he was born in Panama. His parents were born here. He ran for president.

Ted Cruz dropped out of the race in 2016 when Trump showed that his parents were born in Cuba, and were tied to the JFK assasination.

Nice try, HOMO!

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0cc9db No.19464541

File: c795c083afefa79⋯.jpeg (674.4 KB,998x1145,998:1145,c795c083afefa796326eafb3b….jpeg)

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a30b13 No.19464542


not impressed with MIT.

it's a fraud and their tax free status ought to be removed.

they are parasites

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48e53a No.19464543


anon would not doubt it one iota

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3f7d5d No.19464544

I am not worried about what the future holds.

All I want is to decentralize the federal government and return to a constitutional republic.

If that means I lose my 401k and plans to have fun in retirement, so be it.


A Boomer who is willing to sacrifice.

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c99e85 No.19464545

File: 503cf4a29def4e9⋯.mp4 (597.66 KB,480x220,24:11,y1SVdT36aHlXck_s.mp4)



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d9de3a No.19464546


>Since the Constitution.

USA (federal) Citizenship is a creation of the 14th amendment

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ebbbfc No.19464547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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dcfa76 No.19464548


Yeah an ass kisser too.

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a002c3 No.19464549


If you say so.

Vivek, no matter how great he may be, cannot be the president.

Cry to your rabbi,

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ebbbfc No.19464550


You Anon are retarded.

It is literally in the Constitution.

And they set Rules pre 14th.

You are gonna have a lot of catching up to do.

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bd0eba No.19464551


>I'm not one of [them] and never will be.

you just never know

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dcfa76 No.19464552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Another one gone.

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a002c3 No.19464554



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c6163e No.19464555

File: cf958fd963e0c74⋯.png (930.63 KB,768x953,768:953,Screenshot_2023_08_31_at_0….png)


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394713 No.19464556

File: 26d762c54797721⋯.jpeg (56.39 KB,563x549,563:549,26d762c54797721cd9866189c….jpeg)


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5cc37c No.19464558

File: 75a70975d6782b2⋯.png (259.55 KB,612x392,153:98,75a70975d6782b27b46139658c….png)


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bd0eba No.19464559

be a hypocrite too, you get a warm welcome

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394713 No.19464560

File: 16a287bc36cce25⋯.jpg (70.63 KB,640x640,1:1,IMG_7680.JPG)

Everyone's worried about AI when [they] literally had to recall it and re-program it to be woke since its initial observation of humans taught it to be conservative and based

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e6a1eb No.19464561



It's in the constitution that they must be natural born citizens yes, but it was known that a child born in the United States is a natural born citizen, even if the parents aren't citizens. It was carried over from common law. The parents only had to be citizens if the child was born outside the country.

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bd0eba No.19464563

they promise cold showers for not being a hypocrite, what gives?

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b1d9d5 No.19464564

File: 69ed9e1a2dcf7ba⋯.jpg (236 KB,1806x2048,903:1024,20230830_214836.jpg)

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0cc9db No.19464565

File: 0cc837f53fdc7a4⋯.png (113.14 KB,597x588,199:196,0cc837f53fdc7a42af02e23824….png)

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c99e85 No.19464566

File: e5379534ac2c9e5⋯.png (467.22 KB,500x619,500:619,ClipboardImage.png)


>Anything you can imagine regarding AI has already been thought of, created and tested in a "lab". How does it feel to be a part of these experiments?

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b1d9d5 No.19464567

File: 8754e3dc4d3aecc⋯.mp4 (4.44 MB,716x1290,358:645,Firebath0230830_6.mp4)


>Cold shower

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5aac5f No.19464568

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


sry, not sry

mozart is for simpletons

marginally more profound than chopsticks

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ebbbfc No.19464570


Still wrong, the parents had to be subject to the laws of the United States.

You are not going to win this argument.

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bd0eba No.19464571

year 2023 has not gone by yet

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3f7d5d No.19464572


From back when she was hot.

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d9de3a No.19464573

File: 735f74ff25a6a15⋯.jpg (25.17 KB,179x255,179:255,IMG_7093.JPG)



There was no such thing as a federal US citizen until the 14th amendment. You are mistaken. Catchup

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3f7d5d No.19464574

I am not worried about what the future holds.

All I want is to decentralize the federal government and return to a constitutional republic.

If that means I lose my 401k and plans to have fun in retirement, so be it.


A Boomer who is willing to sacrifice.

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5aac5f No.19464575


>Trump/Kennedy… duh

rfkjr is comped cia asset

prove me wrong

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e6a1eb No.19464576


No I'm not wrong, that's only for children born outside the country. That is a fact and I don't care that you wont accept reality, you are in fact wrong.

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394713 No.19464577

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ok motherfucker

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ebbbfc No.19464578


OK, you want to live in ignorance of actual history.

Please tell me you are not a lawfag, its already bad enough.

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f5de9d No.19464579


A hot mess

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3f7d5d No.19464580

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3f7d5d No.19464581

Brian Wilson is, and always will be better than Mozart and whoever.

Your mileage will vary


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c6163e No.19464582

File: 2ad71a7639a339d⋯.jpg (142.42 KB,1205x1280,241:256,media_F3G6f13XgAES7xi.jpg)

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3f7d5d No.19464583

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3a6417 No.19464584

File: 2c58d49e5a551ac⋯.png (276.1 KB,474x315,158:105,ClipboardImage.png)

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b1d9d5 No.19464585

File: 03c8b534f2c21fb⋯.jpg (93.25 KB,720x960,3:4,20230831_001405.jpg)

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3f7d5d No.19464587



Anon thinks the Marlboro Lights have caught up with her.

Not to mention the career foibles

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48e53a No.19464589

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




anon is in more of a Bartok mood

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3a6417 No.19464590

File: 8f14963f3981492⋯.jpg (194.08 KB,529x678,529:678,Trump_DJT_mugshot_APU.jpg)

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ebbbfc No.19464591

File: e3927cfaf2e1f69⋯.png (55.62 KB,871x249,871:249,ClipboardImage.png)


I am telling you the rules they made, Pre 14th amendment.

Look up Naturalization clause legislative history if you dont believe me.

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9bc165 No.19464592

Hi Anons I was on Twitter looking at 780th MILITARY Intelligence Brigade. They weren't to happy with FBI over some Cyber crime, I wasn't sure exactly what it was about. You could tell they were Pissed

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d9de3a No.19464593

File: fbb93831857f8ec⋯.png (337.75 KB,816x600,34:25,Screenshot_2023_08_31_at_0….png)

File: e211c0da9064ed9⋯.mp4 (5.12 MB,640x360,16:9,d298kDH_o1eRgvq1.mp4)


If he is CIA why has he spent so much time calling out the CIA for killing his family, and for Operation Mockingbird?


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b7ee4d No.19464594










I've only been here since 2019 and I still don't understand this place. I did a small dig on a specific topic and posted the results on a research board that invites doing exactly that but I end up being labelled as a member of the cabal. (smfh)

I don't know for certain if AI (or anything else for that matter) is "real". What baseline does any of us have to compare with to prove anything?

Like anything else, take it or leave it, but why label and shoot the messenger? Interesting approach, to say the least, that does not lend credibility to this board imho.

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a002c3 No.19464595

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594dde No.19464596


Can his statement be validated? Federal employee traveling on official business…there should be a record of it.

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b5e4a2 No.19464597

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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af8fe5 No.19464598

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here anons, have a side helping of laffs while we do our research.

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daad9f No.19464599


He’s a scam artist from WAY back.

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d9de3a No.19464600


Not lawfag but becoming a State National. You know not of what you say.

"Before the 14th Amendment in 1868, there were no persons born or naturalized in the United States; naturalization was a state function. Each person had been born or naturalized in one of the several states. Following the Civil War, the new class of citizen was recognized, and this was the beginning of the departure from the Republic and the formation of the United States democracy, whose situs is the District of Columbia." - Fruit From a Poisonous Tree (pg48)

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ebbbfc No.19464601


They are too stupid to understand anything about Laws and Words.

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48e53a No.19464602


it's uncanny how well anon's can tell when someone posts for the first time. Count yourself initiated. Every dig from now on will be less painful. Just have fun.

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594dde No.19464603


Can his statement be validated? Federal employee traveling on official business…there should be a record of it.

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5aac5f No.19464604


>If he is CIA why has he spent so much time calling out the CIA for killing his family, and for Operation Mockingbird?

that's your "proof?"


you wanna play 5D chess when you can't beat a chicken at tic-tac-toe?

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a002c3 No.19464605


We can thank the Dept. of edumacation for that.

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3a6417 No.19464607


Ramaswampy is a con artist.

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5aac5f No.19464608



it's ejamakashun, dumbass

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3f7d5d No.19464609

File: 5e394ea64c45656⋯.png (49.82 KB,779x405,779:405,ClipboardImage.png)

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a002c3 No.19464610


I stand corrected.

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5aac5f No.19464611


>I stand corrected.

it's all good…

you get a gold star and a trophy for showing up

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e6a1eb No.19464612


I'm telling you that you are in fact wrong. The constitution doesn't define what it means by natural born, meaning whether citizenship is based on jus sanguinis (parentage) or jus soli (birthplace). Common law had birthright citizenship based on birthplace, even when the parents weren't citizens. This was carried over in the US. It was the Naturalization Act of 1790 that made is so both parents had to be citizens FOR CHILDREN BORN OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES.

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d9de3a No.19464614


There is no proof, but there is logical thinking, and good instincts, which you are lacking much of

see also


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48e53a No.19464615


anon's been watching and it went from lowercase #donotcomply to capitalized #WEWILLNOTCOMPLY, it's outstanding! Digs are good, but sheeple seeing the sheer amount of rebellion is a redpill on it's own.

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a002c3 No.19464616


Participation awards are the most important.

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e6a1eb No.19464617


>Naturalization clause legislative history

Oh, and learn the difference between natural born and naturalization.

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522745 No.19464618




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fbb5f1 No.19464619

File: a302c1c0aca4625⋯.jpeg (1.29 MB,2048x1496,256:187,F9CBAF2C_04DC_44B8_AAA0_5….jpeg)

File: 0a0c4efdbd83fa2⋯.jpg (412.38 KB,1750x1061,1750:1061,K9Antifa.JPG)

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c99e85 No.19464620


>Interesting approach, to say the least, that does not lend credibility to this board imho

You still think we're trying to lend credibility? If anything, what happens here breaks the AI. It's chaos. That's the point. Logic gates will…can never model this. I'm not calling you cabal, but you clearly having broken your mind enough.

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ebbbfc No.19464621


Even Lawyers are retarded though, they are too dependent on their Paralegals and Westlaw to do any real legal research.

But the Legal system is fucked anyway. Stare Decisis and all that.

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3f7d5d No.19464623


I do not disagree.

But I am so frustrated with having to go back to kindergarten with so many.

And this includes those who have been awake since the first plandemic.

At what point do we just let everything run its course?

Just frustrated is all.

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ec64b3 No.19464624

File: 4dd99b819789f7e⋯.jpeg (546.68 KB,1946x1297,1946:1297,E66D2172_DB0E_4313_B860_9….jpeg)

File: 0c84ed4e7bbe676⋯.jpeg (1.6 MB,1444x1536,361:384,CD7A52C8_6DBB_46F0_BD93_C….jpeg)

File: 5d76ab134993990⋯.jpeg (229.01 KB,1440x810,16:9,C3348DCF_8A7F_4284_80F0_3….jpeg)

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ebbbfc No.19464625


Every state county has a sufficient Law Library. Dont use their "free" access to Westlaw, look it up yourself.

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08b7de No.19464626

File: 72648427df676c7⋯.png (1.03 MB,1447x887,1447:887,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 688e3d64060583a⋯.png (718.75 KB,1177x760,1177:760,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9fb5d385ca3ca70⋯.png (32.24 KB,748x338,374:169,ClipboardImage.png)

So Corney's NPR buddy is seemingly threatening MAGA supporters with some kind of assassination now? Anon is shocked, I tell you, shocked kek.

James Comey


Great night at Wolf Trap National Park taping “Wait, Wait… Don’t Tell Me!” with Peter Sagal. https://instagram.com/p/BlcFR76gTX3/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1wjj2pemquuz7

11:42 PM · Jul 19, 2018


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48e53a No.19464627


anon talking to sheeples is like a professor trying to teach pre-school.

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5aac5f No.19464628

File: 0526812c25c1987⋯.jpg (82.94 KB,1242x796,621:398,1d6c7621a2755850998a122006….jpg)


>logical thinking, and good instincts


cause logically no one would ever plant a deep sleeper in the enemy camp

and we should all instictively trust someone who gets SO MUCH face time in the MSM

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e6a1eb No.19464629


I know it, and I know you're in fact wrong.

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b1d9d5 No.19464630

File: a01cc36e5fb868f⋯.jpg (104.96 KB,720x917,720:917,20230831_002620.jpg)

File: 23b6e7a9eeff472⋯.jpg (51.96 KB,720x1019,720:1019,20230831_002417.jpg)

File: 1c228036b9275af⋯.jpg (75.56 KB,1125x960,75:64,20230831_002240.jpg)


Jesus Christ is Lord is Trending and triggering twatter fake news accounts . Btw that's quite the trending list kek

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f30b58 No.19464631

File: 77823fa588e7136⋯.jpg (576.87 KB,2027x1080,2027:1080,EasyWayOut.JPG)

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3f7d5d No.19464632


I do have to acknowledge DJT's video today making it clear to not comply.

Pretty strong stuff there.

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bd0eba No.19464633

this text/image board is not easier to understand than the World around you in real life

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3f7d5d No.19464634

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ebbbfc No.19464635

File: b9abfab6d551bed⋯.png (419.02 KB,500x751,500:751,ClipboardImage.png)


Are you telling me you are a Native American Anon?


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fbb5f1 No.19464636

File: 231840ddf9ae731⋯.jpg (575.1 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Qbrot.jpg)

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bd0eba No.19464637


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ada40a No.19464638


still believes history

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e6a1eb No.19464639

File: 02a13bcc7a4375a⋯.gif (2.79 MB,435x250,87:50,02a13bcc7a4375a37b393f9cee….gif)


Why don't you try your Vivek isn't eligible for the presidency bullshit some more. I can't stand the guy but Truth matters.

You were wrong, deal with it.

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5aac5f No.19464640



is that you?

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ada40a No.19464641


it is no harder either.

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663b35 No.19464642

File: 99a4d76a2d0ceb6⋯.jpeg (477.8 KB,1536x1607,1536:1607,IMG_2020.jpeg)

File: bcb866f8bc8d1da⋯.jpeg (210.06 KB,1536x750,256:125,IMG_4302.jpeg)

File: 2f7659585213a8f⋯.jpeg (335.45 KB,1188x1355,1188:1355,IMG_9629.jpeg)

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3f7d5d No.19464643

File: 23a79798ad90a70⋯.png (446.91 KB,785x730,157:146,ClipboardImage.png)



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a002c3 No.19464644


Lawyers are retarded because they went to law school and were trained by the enemy once they took over edumacation (sic).

t. lawfag.

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ebbbfc No.19464645


Law is the closest thing to real history.

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5aac5f No.19464647


>it is no harder either

sometimes they have to come to a place like this to learn that

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d9de3a No.19464648

File: 8df7fd5257ac103⋯.mp4 (1.42 MB,618x484,309:242,trump_on_RFK.mp4)

File: eac143be339d038⋯.png (432.73 KB,685x393,685:393,Screenshot_2023_08_31_at_0….png)


It's certainly possible, but when you factor in all that we know… it becomes less likely, unless you are ignorant on the subject or have donkey brain.

Have you even heard Trump talk about him? He was asked the VP question… Do you think Trump is lying when he says RFK is well intentioned, among other praises…

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ada40a No.19464649


reddit breeds weakness

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b5ff67 No.19464650

File: b54a55915d38aca⋯.jpeg (14.93 KB,255x185,51:37,Moar_Boobs.jpeg)


it's easy.

moar boobs !

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bd0eba No.19464651



>is that you?



>it is no harder either.


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c61a20 No.19464652

File: ea267a99a020746⋯.png (37.69 KB,448x383,448:383,Screenshot_2023_06_28_at_2….png)


…Here we fucking go, again. Hop and demoralize, saying everyone but (you) are wrong. You are quite the pathetic little twat, Saturnite.

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08b7de No.19464653

File: a395ab288ce0441⋯.png (576.09 KB,920x490,92:49,a395ab288ce044130c9ec6ed24….png)

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5aac5f No.19464654


>Lawyers are retarded


that's why the get themselves elected to the legislature then write laws that are so convoluted you need a lawyer to wipe your ass

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ebbbfc No.19464655


No, Im not wrong.

But you are too ignorant to listen to someone telling you they have looked it up and you should too.

Only Natural Born pre-revolution guaranteed citizenship.

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daad9f No.19464656


These deep staters are very protective of their little thing they have built.

It would be a shame if someone came and made their “equity” go away.

These policies are tearing our country apart.

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bd0eba No.19464657


>it's easy.

>moar boobs !

moar soap opera bubbles

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ada40a No.19464658



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a002c3 No.19464659


At once they were banned from holding office.

Titles of royalty… BAR.

Now they run everything which is why the usa is so fucked up.


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5aac5f No.19464660


>factor in all that we know

so you KNOW who is daughter-in-law is and who she works for?

>well intentioned

you DO know where THAT road leads, RIGHT?

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a002c3 No.19464661



You vivkek cunts are insane.

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d03a5e No.19464662


tell it the truth about what it thinks it knows.

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4db52f No.19464663


What if obama is chocolate shit and ramaswamy is strawberry shit?

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5aac5f No.19464664


even 4 centuries ago, shakespeare (nom de plume of christopher marlowe) wrote…


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bd0eba No.19464665


>it's easy.

>moar boobs !

unicorn ghost from the yar

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ebbbfc No.19464666


Its all about "Street Shitters UNITE!"


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d6f262 No.19464667

Vivek Ramaswamy

Wreak Maim Savvy


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e6a1eb No.19464668


Born in the country was always considered natural born. Again, it was carried over from common law. The naturalization act of 1790 made it so you needed both parents to be citizens to be considered natural born if born outside the USA. This is fact.

Vivek was born here, he is eligible.

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f6ddb1 No.19464669


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a002c3 No.19464670


Markowe? Bacon? Who can keep them straight?

Yes. It is written.


They are anti-Trump cunts. DeSantis is out. Now they push the Indian from Ohio.

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dcfa76 No.19464671

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hurricane Idalia

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af8fe5 No.19464672


The more you faggots try to push Vivek, the less I like him.

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b5e4a2 No.19464673

File: dbfbf29c9c44562⋯.jpg (154.13 KB,1646x549,1646:549,Screen_Shot_2023_08_30_at_….jpg)

>>19464354 (me)

>>19464243 lb

>>19464258 lb

>Read the [Deep-State] deposition on Jan 6th with Jim… you'll get an idea on [who] it is that's deleting posts. That's when [they] grilled Jim about how this board works and is monitored by volunteers… [they]'ve infiltrated 8kun… prove me wrong.


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a002c3 No.19464674



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d9de3a No.19464675


Works or worked? Is that all the *proof* YOU have? Daughter in law connection to CIA?

Well I think he is part of the plan and in the know, and you think he is a CIA agent… who is raising awareness about vaccines and dr. fauci, the truth about the russian ukraine conflict, CIA killing his family, CIA controlling the news, secretly telling us JFK Jr is alive… just to gain our trust… meanwhile the CIA/google is censoring him in the exact same style as Trump, to trick us? Maybe… is that more logical than he is ourguy?

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ebbbfc No.19464676


So if you know so much about Law, why do you still believe the United States won the Revolution?

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08b7de No.19464677

File: 2db477d34d0bfcb⋯.jpg (122.72 KB,570x467,570:467,2db477d34d0bfcbef349883b48….jpg)



>Indian from Ohio

He went to a Jesuit HS so…product of the Clown Farm, done, easy.

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e6a1eb No.19464678


I'm not pushing him, I don't even like him. I just hate lies.

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ee2954 No.19464679


absurdum infinitum

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5c77da No.19464680

File: de20de226945d6d⋯.png (19.23 KB,255x242,255:242,bestprez.png)


>Trump said it should be an eye for an eye.

>>19448343 pb eye for an eye

He is acknowledging this post and how things work. God Bless PDJT, he is truly a man of great courage just like JFK but even more so, because he is taking on the deep state knowing JFK's fate. I stand with him, at all costs.

For God and Country

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a1050c No.19464681

File: 17666af3926d56a⋯.mp4 (4.67 MB,720x1280,9:16,17666af3926d56ab6687743345….mp4)

File: 993620610f76397⋯.jpg (102.4 KB,379x488,379:488,993620610f76397885977d0f5a….jpg)

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ee2954 No.19464682


no one cares except shills

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5aac5f No.19464683


>Markowe? Bacon? Who can keep them straight?

well… it was an open secret back in the day

marlowe was an accomplished author when he killed a "made man" in a duel. forced to flee to save his life.

he turned up in italy, where he continued to write plays,

and coincidentally, at the same time, billybob, who was an uneducated peasant who had written NOTHING prior,

suddenly began churning out some of the greatest lit in english history.

and then there were the couriers who made frequent trips from london to italy.

all just coincidence, of course

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48e53a No.19464684


>an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind

except the last guy, no one can find him.

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d9de3a No.19464685

File: b40a7cc1bdba4d5⋯.png (140.63 KB,402x600,67:100,Screenshot_2023_08_31_at_0….png)

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e6a1eb No.19464686


When did I say what I believe about the revolution?

Changing the subject fail. Kek

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ee2954 No.19464687


types harder

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ee2954 No.19464688


all just hearsay, of course.

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a002c3 No.19464689


So, the Red dot Indian gave up his religion to become a third class jew…

Makes sense.

I wonder if Monarch is involved.

The rabbi hole is deep.


I am familiar with that history.

It is fascinating. I still lean toward Bacon and company, but if you have some reference materials you think I should read, I would be happy to review your recommendations.

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bd0eba No.19464690


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5aac5f No.19464691


NONE of the beans you give rfkjr credit for spilling are revelations, nor is he the only one saying them

alex jones told a lot of truths, too, but the consensus is he is cia/mos


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d9de3a No.19464692

File: 4d41db5fa8baeb7⋯.png (317.13 KB,804x425,804:425,Screenshot_2023_08_31_at_0….png)



logical thinking

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be7a13 No.19464693

File: b7ccc4682aaa299⋯.jpg (106.12 KB,500x344,125:86,faucilm.jpg)

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c64124 No.19464694

so very many dead


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af8fe5 No.19464695

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Clock's ticking fedfags. Repent.

NCSWIC. Best use your Q lines to appeal and hope it's not 10:30.

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5aac5f No.19464696


>but if you have some reference materials you think I should read, I would be happy to review your recommendations.

sry… i wish i could off the top of my head. born with or developed eidetic memory, so i rely on that, rather than making footnotes.

and the shakespeare controversy isn't really a high priority for rigorous documentation

i recall an elderly female scholar who wrote several treatise on the subject

she was very convincing

all i got ATM

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ebbbfc No.19464697

File: 5622b6e123b694e⋯.png (160.45 KB,425x408,25:24,TRUMP_SMOKE.png)


I noticed an Anon that might have the capability of adding 2+2=4.

Changed the subject because you guys are too hairbrained to just jot down what to look up.

I did that research when Obama was President, I know what the "Natural Born" laws are and I know your "Guy" will lose anyway.

So I am, like most of this board is voting for an old White guy Named Donald fucking Trump. Deal with it.

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d9de3a No.19464698

File: d130c97c0cbde8d⋯.png (488.87 KB,620x600,31:30,IMG_9983.PNG)


>alex jones told a lot of truths, too, but the consensus is he is cia/mos

Fair, but is Alex Jones a Kennedy or the nephew of an assasinated President? Son of assasinated AG and Presidential candidate? In the middle of the greatest revenge plots in human history revolving around JFK and his family?

RFK part of the plan no doubt. Good to consider he's not, but I believe you are overthinking this

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b0bb0a No.19464699


This sounds correct, but it is actually short circuited meaning only those that fight are affected not everyone. The Talmudic principle, which allows me to kill because I think and feel regardless of reality is very dangerous and has been adopted by cops and excused by Talmudic DA's all across America to the point of being a norm. This is why Christian values are American Values because they believe in forgiveness of mistakes, which is the right way to be in the world. There is no such thing as Judeo Christian values; that was a term used for infiltration for the purpose of the destruction of our society.

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c6163e No.19464700

File: 1213e0e7d6ba564⋯.jpg (166.33 KB,960x1280,3:4,media_F2X8vXzWcAAJoCA.jpg)

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e6a1eb No.19464701

File: c50d64ab782568a⋯.png (204.07 KB,492x552,41:46,c50d64ab782568aacfe0189791….png)


You can't admit when you're wrong. I don't care what you claim to have looked up, you are in fact wrong.

Like I told you, I don't even like Vivek. I just can't stand lying shills.

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84c595 No.19464702


if it were eidetic you could give reference.

you are a liar.

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394713 No.19464703

File: 8b85605c9c41482⋯.jpeg (16.41 KB,255x191,255:191,8b85605c9c41482897198bdbb….jpeg)


Lurk moar i guess

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5aac5f No.19464704


>I believe you are overthinking this

if you say "GULLIBLE" slowly enough

it sounds like ORANGES

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d9de3a No.19464705


muh daugther in law!

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5aac5f No.19464706


you have no idea what eidetic means

you are a fool

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af8fe5 No.19464707

File: abb4f48c44f9acc⋯.jpg (32.84 KB,541x541,1:1,26005A7B_AB55_4197_9397_6E….jpg)


Damn you, my massive fucking brain computed it faster than I could stop the distraction. I am not mind blown because it actually DOES sound similar.

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a002c3 No.19464708


I'll do dome poking around. Thanks. It will be fun to learn things I don't know.

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ebbbfc No.19464709

File: 110d5e1d1f4c93b⋯.png (196.33 KB,744x467,744:467,went_full_retard.png)


I went to Law School. I dont lie about Law. You on the other hand willpretend you understand Lawand shill anything that even remotely sounds like logic.

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340a8b No.19464710


thank you for proving one's point.

you are seen a liar by all here

and respond with ad hominem.


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b5e4a2 No.19464711


anon replied that (you) were responding to a cabal-shill. anon did imply that you were cabal.


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08b7de No.19464712


Money does funny things to people…they can't win MAGA over with a barely covert RINO, so go harder with the reverse psychology and attempt to out-MAGA POTUS with an Obama wannabe? Uh huh.

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20e2c5 No.19464713

useless to anon

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af8fe5 No.19464714

File: 0037c22b2dad4f4⋯.jpg (215.64 KB,468x895,468:895,1640841140544.jpg)


Define eidetic without looking it up, fag.

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a002c3 No.19464715


You nailed it.

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e6a1eb No.19464716

File: 6512ad04be46cc3⋯.jpg (17.18 KB,255x220,51:44,4df2a620ecb687905d1255f5e8….jpg)


>I went to Law School

I don't give a shit, you're still wrong. Try your credentials fallacy bullshit on someone else.

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a002c3 No.19464717


Photographic memory associated with total recall?

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394713 No.19464718

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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497d37 No.19464719

File: b262a9202a5af03⋯.png (11.4 KB,255x255,1:1,My_Turn.png)


Love it, did you ever see on America's got talent that one act that could change masks in a split second? That would be great if one of you talented anons put a clip together of Trumps facial memes like this, the glowing eyes, the punisher face, etc… and then end it with his mug shot and the words My Turn, that would go viral and make the libtards head exploded. Kek

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ebbbfc No.19464720

File: 68a748b216a7f0b⋯.gif (1020.67 KB,614x550,307:275,smoking_morty_portal_night….gif)


This is fucken Night Shift.

Its a constant battle.

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d9de3a No.19464721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5aac5f No.19464722


>proving one's point


to which "one" are you referring?

the IP hopping shilltard?

or its assfuck teammate?

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af8fe5 No.19464723


Now without looking, tell me what you last replied to anon (not me).

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b5e4a2 No.19464724


>anon did imply

anon did NOT* imply


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a002c3 No.19464725


I thanked anon for pointing me into looking into Marlowe?

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af8fe5 No.19464726


An eidetic memory would imply that you could recall exactly what was said down to the punctuation. Far be it from me to tell you you don't have eidetic memory but, I am skeptical.

Carry on…

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a002c3 No.19464727


I never claimed that, anon.

You are barking up the wrong anon.

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708c48 No.19464728

File: 5824fa774821832⋯.jpg (85.56 KB,848x1024,53:64,5824fa774821832c8c081f9a71….jpg)


>I went to Law School. I dont lie about Law.

Your doctor went to med school and wouldn't lie about medicine.

See how that works?

It's time for your booster.

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d9de3a No.19464729


This guys been right in this battle, i like the cut of your jib, sir

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af8fe5 No.19464730


D'awh fuck. Topkek you're right.

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ebbbfc No.19464731


I stole your meme and fuck that, I didnt even get tested yet.

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a002c3 No.19464732

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08b7de No.19464733

File: 99857cee18bad24⋯.png (244.4 KB,500x643,500:643,1931ae38accc2.png)




>Its a constant battle

Mostly because the morning shill shift is on across the Atlantic kek.

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e6a1eb No.19464734

File: ee8e5b2c70427d7⋯.gif (327.42 KB,262x200,131:100,Aw_schucks.gif)


Thank you.

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996c96 No.19464735

File: 061fe10bbcd86c0⋯.jpeg (241.22 KB,1435x1396,1435:1396,IMG_7424.jpeg)

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708c48 No.19464736

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c6163e No.19464737

File: d6869bdd7df8a32⋯.jpg (68.21 KB,1280x718,640:359,media_Fyu9LCfWcAElacp.jpg)


>Become ungovernable.

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3a6417 No.19464738

File: eb37297be86dd79⋯.jpg (132.92 KB,298x567,298:567,lightning_pepe_nightshift.jpg)

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ebbbfc No.19464739


Guess they can try.

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5aac5f No.19464740

File: 4833fe85b6f7ea8⋯.jpg (76.2 KB,516x689,516:689,Bruce_Lee_1973.jpg)


>Define eidetic

dija ever have a really traumatic experience?

i'll bet you can close your eyes and recall it so clearly, it's like it just happened, no matter how long ago

that's because there is a powerful emotional component to long term memory

people with eidetic memory simply CARE more about the subject

i care about knowledge, all knowledge, it is my life's passion

when presented with a fact i CARE about, i will remember it instantly and forever, just like your traumatic experience

i didn't CARE who did the detective work that established the true identity of the works attributed to shakespeare

i only CARED about the result, ergo, it is all i remember (some 40-50 yrs later)

you can BELIEVE whatever you want

i couldn't CARE less

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09865a No.19464741

File: 9406e0bc03aa103⋯.jpg (8.04 KB,209x242,19:22,up_kid.jpg)


Admiral Rogers, he saved his Presidency, and was the 17th Director of the NSA; plus he needs just one more medal pledge pin.

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af8fe5 No.19464742


So I just triple checked and the answer is that you're biased as fuck and/or retarded as fuck. EVERYBODY has eidetic memory to some degree, but others have it better.

tl;dr If at any point you recall an experience with perfect detail, be it mere seconds to minutes and longer, that is eidetic memory. Apparently.

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a002c3 No.19464743

You are all a bunch ofFILTHY, STUPID NIGGERS!

But I love you all, anyway.

Good night.

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708c48 No.19464744

File: f73c59372cd680e⋯.png (1.03 MB,1128x561,376:187,f73c59372cd680e9fc5845192b….png)


>dija ever have a really traumatic experience?

There was that time I saw my mother-in-law naked and realized what my future held…

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af8fe5 No.19464745


>tl;dr was meant to be 'basically'

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af8fe5 No.19464746

File: 16a075fe1156ae5⋯.png (59.23 KB,300x274,150:137,415009217008fe2_300274.png)

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c6163e No.19464747

File: deee884106c46b5⋯.png (246.45 KB,600x566,300:283,Screenshot_2023_08_31_at_0….png)


Good night Adam.

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be7a13 No.19464748

File: 823d457df2f7606⋯.png (1.76 MB,687x960,229:320,823d457df2f7606888b2e29464….png)

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377859 No.19464749

File: cab87da56af3bee⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB,1536x1653,512:551,IMG_7425.jpeg)

File: f6ae87628964dad⋯.jpeg (257.84 KB,2048x1006,1024:503,IMG_7245.jpeg)

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708c48 No.19464750

File: 780ae6a91f1f85f⋯.png (160.17 KB,710x542,355:271,780ae6a91f1f85f842f5eaa63e….png)

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e6a1eb No.19464751

File: a8deff5199c81c0⋯.jpeg (170.53 KB,828x800,207:200,a8deff5199c81c0f3181b16d3….jpeg)

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f026c0 No.19464752


Kriya is a type of Yoga.

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af8fe5 No.19464753


Gonna be honest, I still don't understand this shit with the numbers and lines in the words. It eludes me.

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5aac5f No.19464754


>Choose the VP that you like

VP needs to be assassination insurance

someone the DS is as terrified by as they are by DJT

sry… RFKjr doesn't fit the bill

not by a long shot

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af8fe5 No.19464755

File: e7eb6d322b2ef87⋯.jpg (22.63 KB,291x314,291:314,4939780b600578c_291314.jpg)


>not by a long shot

I see what you did there…

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d5e2ec No.19464756

File: fe0f21d40715946⋯.png (1.04 MB,747x746,747:746,ClipboardImage.png)

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5aac5f No.19464757


>So I just triple checked

was that snopes, wikipedia, or YT?

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394713 No.19464758

File: 2acfd36b18e9f46⋯.jpg (129.17 KB,1080x673,1080:673,ded5086cd9c65061.jpg)

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c6163e No.19464759

File: f0b5ccd769bc5b8⋯.png (261.62 KB,600x371,600:371,Screenshot_2023_08_31_at_0….png)


Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸



🇺🇦 Pope Francis has been added to the Ukrainian government's 'Myrotvorets' kill list.


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708c48 No.19464760

File: 72e80d19ac6dd0f⋯.png (733.57 KB,1000x750,4:3,72e80d19ac6dd0fdd1b7a97ce5….png)


>VP needs to be assassination insurance

Mike Lindell could be fun.

He's got that perfect crackhead energy.

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e8e9d4 No.19464761


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623035 No.19464762

File: 5bf0e0270682763⋯.png (928.6 KB,960x640,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


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5aac5f No.19464763


best pre-marriage advice i ever got….

get to know her mother, really well

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af8fe5 No.19464764

File: 762c531bf92d839⋯.png (407.41 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Are you pulling the equivalent of the following meme?

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b359b8 No.19464765

I'm detecting something new. Fascinating. Like another layer.

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394713 No.19464766

File: 54299e925865e88⋯.jpg (43.45 KB,749x485,749:485,54299e925865e88dfb702697d4….jpg)

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be7a13 No.19464767

File: d9c08e3c0f4407c⋯.jpg (12.44 KB,192x274,96:137,d9c08e3c0f4407c8931f2b5f39….jpg)

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08b7de No.19464768


You give me a date, I'll give you some trivial unrelated bullshit that surrounded the one thing I actually cared about from that time. Also, I know if some mf'er takes something from my desk when I'm not there and puts it back in a very similar but not exact position. Doesn't work with everything, but always have people wondering how I remember/know shit like that kek. I fucking HATE when people question my memory, even if not truly eidetic.

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21198e No.19464769

File: d3b7a7cda2daeba⋯.gif (4.12 MB,400x225,16:9,Lightshift.gif)

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5aac5f No.19464770


>i see what you did there

wish i could take credit for being that clever

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c61a20 No.19464771

File: 93b3d08ff4ad571⋯.png (226.6 KB,618x340,309:170,rotn2.png)


…It isn't like you've got anything to prove to anyone. Fuck 'em.

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e8e9d4 No.19464772

>>19462471 pb

You shit me.

embed doesn't work!


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af8fe5 No.19464773

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

At this point this bread is retarded. I'm going to try and wake it up.

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08b7de No.19464774


I honestly think I got shitcanned once because I made coworkers uncomfortable with such memories kek.

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b359b8 No.19464775


>You give me a date


>I fucking HATE when people question my memory, even if not truly eidetic.

On a scale of 1-10, how clear are your memories from that time?

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623035 No.19464776

File: 1c7e85d8e888b82⋯.png (66.2 KB,500x695,100:139,ClipboardImage.png)

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af8fe5 No.19464777

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

🚨BREAKING NEWS:Smuggler with ties to ISIS helped illegal aliens enter the US from Mexico

Why doesn’t the Biden administration care about the disaster at the southern border?


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ae1cae No.19464778

Prince Harry is a lowlife but if he didn't leave the UK Prince Harry would be dead.. Harry MAGA patriots will take a look.

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5aac5f No.19464779


>Mike Lindell could be fun.

sarah palin


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394713 No.19464780

File: 6477c70cce765b5⋯.jpg (179.31 KB,543x547,543:547,night_cats.jpg)

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16d48e No.19464781


It will be more and more worthless until it's fire heat will be all that's left!


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b359b8 No.19464782


>Smuggler with ties to ISIS

That seems an odd phrase to me. What ties? How extensive are those ties?

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08b7de No.19464783


Twas an egg in muh mama's ovary, just sitting in class when the principal announced over the loudspeaker that JFK had been assassinated. How does that rate, anon?

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85eb6b No.19464785

File: 8eae3f430b4d38f⋯.png (479.71 KB,1218x939,406:313,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d3b95ecb6345a0⋯.png (63.87 KB,790x931,790:931,ClipboardImage.png)

A new map of China's national borders has sparked protests from governments in Asia after its boundaries drew in the territories of its neighbors—including a small chunk of Russia.

The map, published on Monday by China's Ministry of Natural Resources, lays claim to disputed land on its southern border with India and encompasses all of Taiwan. Off its southern coast, Beijing's so-called "dashed line" captures huge tracts of the South China Sea, where islands, reefs and maritime zones are contested by half a dozen countries.

Beijing's longstanding territorial claims on its periphery aren't new. Under Chinese leader Xi Jinping, however, China has employed its growing hard power to consolidate its ambitions. In recent years, its neighbors have also faced the ramped-up presence of the Chinese coast guard.


Clepto Culture

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e8e9d4 No.19464786

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b359b8 No.19464787


>How does that rate, anon?


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f4577c No.19464788


> I still don't understand this shit with the numbers and lines in the words

Because it is mocking us, that's all.

If you want to see a direct comm to this board then read this post >>19464680

Someone wanted to know why Trump mentioned an eye for an eye. This was acknowledging the problems we have in this country with NWO cops and how many authorities in our country work this way. Read this post from 3 days ago >>19448343 pb

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af8fe5 No.19464790


>Because it is mocking us, that's all.

Thank you. I figured that's all it was.

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92c561 No.19464791


Ron Paul


Watch Leftard heads explode.

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5aac5f No.19464792


>On a scale of 1-10, how clear are your memories from that time?


i was in mr. darling's civics class

the loudspeak crackled, and the principle annouced the president had been shot, the rest of the day was canceled, and we were all being sent home

when my father got home, my parents just looked at each other. it was clear that they knew there was fuckery afoot

when JR shot LHO in the basement of the dallas PD the next day, that sealed the deal

it was as if joy had been sucked out of life

when i tried to talk to them about who killed JFK, they said the subject was off limits

if they could kill the pres and get away with it, they could kill anyone who talked about it

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623035 No.19464793

File: 154f340f1fad35d⋯.png (225.07 KB,1080x909,120:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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08b7de No.19464794

File: eed5d2031ad4058⋯.png (327.87 KB,500x490,50:49,eed5d2031ad40587479f131026….png)

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6e0093 No.19464795

File: bf20e20a4213fad⋯.mp4 (8.01 MB,1280x720,16:9,Halper_normies.mp4)

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b1d9d5 No.19464796

File: 72dabeb4cbf516b⋯.jpg (186.41 KB,1179x852,393:284,20230830_094233.jpg)

File: 0e293760d0478d4⋯.jpg (147.98 KB,1179x1506,393:502,20230830_194529.jpg)

File: af75065682e50a1⋯.jpg (79.13 KB,711x711,1:1,20230830_065435.jpg)

File: 815c733633425c0⋯.jpg (264.57 KB,1179x1691,1179:1691,20230830_104349.jpg)

Tranny photo OP

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af8fe5 No.19464797

File: 3c618166fdd16d2⋯.png (899.49 KB,568x680,71:85,ClipboardImage.png)

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af8fe5 No.19464798

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Should Elon Musk release all the information X has on the Maui Fires?


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b359b8 No.19464799

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b359b8 No.19464800

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d88445 No.19464801

File: 68c3b8284f47286⋯.png (667.41 KB,843x885,281:295,ClipboardImage.png)

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af8fe5 No.19464802

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Not a major development, just figured I'll drop this one in here to encourage anons to keep going.

“Never. I don’t ever give up. I’d have to be dead or incapacitated.” - Elon Musk


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5aac5f No.19464803


>i was in mr. darling's civics class

want more?

i was sitting three rows back from the front, slightly to the left facing forward.

the walls were painted yellow

the ancient looking loudspeaker was on the wall directly behind the teacher, above the blackboards

it was wooden and trapezoidal shaped, with a black cloth grille covering the speaker, and thin wooden muttons over that

mr. darling was wearing a white shirt with a bowtie

the desks were the old fashioned ones with cast iron frame, and a sloped desktop that was hinged in the back, and opened by tilting it up

you could put books for your other classes in there while working on civics

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6e0093 No.19464804

File: c687e637865619b⋯.mp4 (9.9 MB,854x480,427:240,Trump_CiC.mp4)


Dr. Jan Halper bidan not in charge Trump CiC


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e8e9d4 No.19464805


well dear, you are half right

it is all in your head, until you unbottle it

i say keep it bottled, forever

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3cdbc6 No.19464806


Why would he be dead or even thought about being deaded? He was a popular prince until he got sullied by that quadroon.

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e6a1eb No.19464807


Perfect for what scaring children?

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a400a6 No.19464808

File: 5761a46afe8cde6⋯.jpg (92.37 KB,950x950,1:1,01_of_10.jpg)

File: 1b071b0b711ac2e⋯.jpg (71.52 KB,950x950,1:1,02_of_10.jpg)

File: df48cb54c19f2da⋯.jpg (61.39 KB,950x950,1:1,03_of_10.jpg)

File: abf69f12f3782e3⋯.jpg (59.31 KB,950x950,1:1,04_of_10.jpg)

File: f83e81d7bea856e⋯.jpg (88.45 KB,950x950,1:1,05_of_10.jpg)


Noice collection!

Photoshop AI Generative Fill was used for its intended purpose

Posted May 30, 2023, 9:25:04 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Outside the white frame of the meme is AI generated.


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16a57f No.19464809


Did you read this >>19448343 pb because Trump is agreeing that this is what is going on in this country all throughout our institutions. Whether it is a bad teacher, doctor, cop, tsa agent, government administrator, or whatever, they are just being transferred and another evil takes it's place and the evil one goes somewhere else to continue the terror campaign.

He is saying, like I am in my post of how it works, that we are tired of being slapped in the face by an endless revolving door of DS cronies. This is not an anti-Semitic rant, it is pattern matching; which was another one of my observations to quash their tactics.

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3cdbc6 No.19464810


Of course!

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6e0093 No.19464811

File: 78549a6d92c355d⋯.jpg (110.95 KB,384x372,32:31,IMG_E6607.JPG)


Was just thinking about that one tryna find the other pics but couldn't member how to look it up. stollen. TQ

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623035 No.19464812

File: b69eceaed644173⋯.png (288.68 KB,1496x1918,748:959,ClipboardImage.png)


Much like those posting flapjack titties, you get a night in the box for posting that! Better yet, you should have to spend a night in each of their bonus holes!

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6e0093 No.19464813

File: 845abadb40a0fe5⋯.jpg (43.12 KB,700x520,35:26,profile.jpg)

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a400a6 No.19464814

File: 1c609ceb44466d9⋯.jpg (104.03 KB,950x950,1:1,06_of_10.jpg)

File: b927570092b064c⋯.jpg (148.12 KB,950x950,1:1,07_of_10.jpg)

File: 297eaa92a8335ec⋯.jpg (81.19 KB,950x950,1:1,08_of_10.jpg)

File: 76d319609c00e53⋯.jpg (145.12 KB,1080x1080,1:1,09_of_10.jpg)

File: 5ad7f9d5260c45e⋯.jpg (74.45 KB,1080x801,120:89,10_of_10.jpg)

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3cdbc6 No.19464815

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377859 No.19464816

File: 4be1d33b649d652⋯.jpeg (201.73 KB,1263x976,1263:976,IMG_7577.jpeg)

File: e1d0a42aad70b5b⋯.jpeg (42.89 KB,330x331,330:331,IMG_3053.jpeg)

File: c05258a67bfb2ed⋯.jpeg (163.5 KB,1765x322,1765:322,IMG_7433.jpeg)

File: 2fa76c931b7499d⋯.jpeg (265.69 KB,1699x292,1699:292,IMG_7432.jpeg)

File: 9bb5ea481b09864⋯.jpeg (236.74 KB,1536x590,768:295,IMG_7430.jpeg)


Basic cyphers & the same concept as a word puzzle.


>>Because it is mocking us, that's all.

Ignorant answer.

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623035 No.19464817


Just like that rat pig sheriff from vegas now being in Maui.

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08b7de No.19464818

File: 528479c550bc3bf⋯.jpg (46.19 KB,1024x823,1024:823,528479c550bc3bf5b16cbc27d2….jpg)



As the white Big Mike?

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d5e2ec No.19464819

File: fe0f21d40715946⋯.png (1.04 MB,747x746,747:746,ClipboardImage.png)

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5aac5f No.19464820


>ron paul

ted nugent

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b359b8 No.19464821


I will break you.

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708c48 No.19464822


>ted nugent

Jesse Ventura?

Wuz good governor, but haven't kept up with since.

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6e0093 No.19464823

File: 7eeeb85af4a121d⋯.jpg (84.4 KB,777x582,259:194,Potus_point4.jpg)

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e8e9d4 No.19464824

<iframe src="https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/110980538393058556/embed" class="truthsocial-embed" style="max-width: 100%; border: 0" width="600" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe><script src="https://truthsocial.com/embed.js" async="async"></script>

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af8fe5 No.19464825


Even better, thank you. I will look this over.

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b359b8 No.19464826

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e8e9d4 No.19464827


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85eb6b No.19464828


>Ron Paul

Rand Paul

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6e0093 No.19464829

File: b5d2386947b5871⋯.jpeg (57.63 KB,399x468,133:156,chip_with_knife.jpeg)

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0b44ad No.19464830

File: d8949f4437bc764⋯.png (1.44 MB,1080x1627,1080:1627,Vfxuo.png)

Prince Harry the MAGA patriots the army that originated in the UK is asking you to step up. Look Harry if you are a faggot and want to be a weak disgusted memory of your mother. Harry step up.

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5aac5f No.19464831


forgot about jesse


why not

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c61a20 No.19464832

File: cf1a3898f3c29f8⋯.png (29.54 KB,806x566,403:283,shiftchange.png)

File: 2f51bc993f87f6a⋯.png (817.97 KB,816x604,204:151,clwnsftchnge.png)

…Must be that time, again.

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691ab9 No.19464833

File: d6b45a174d9f1cf⋯.mp4 (8.71 MB,480x270,16:9,3_TREASON_INFERNO_DANTE_MI….mp4)

File: f372900dddde491⋯.jpg (148.26 KB,950x584,475:292,Joe_Biden_is_a_Pedophile_.jpg)

File: 32db8faddef7502⋯.jpg (180.65 KB,636x717,212:239,Hollywood_Squares_Pedophil….jpg)

File: 4c7ea3c18d442fe⋯.jpg (112.12 KB,825x549,275:183,556_Hollywood_Pedo_Pills.jpg)

File: 96b0ea74425996a⋯.jpg (129.25 KB,702x468,3:2,Immeasurable_Farts_5_by_5_….jpg)


Wildfires, Panic, and TREASON INFERNO So Hot Right Now!




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e8e9d4 No.19464834


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b359b8 No.19464835


Or I triggered them. Not often I fall asleep before 9pm and wake up a 3:30am-ish. The shills love me as of late.

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708c48 No.19464836

File: 7c50fb3ad53d7ba⋯.png (536.09 KB,521x818,521:818,7c50fb3ad53d7baa478967d5a8….png)


>…Must be that time, again.

Someone tell dayshift it's time for a shower.

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691ab9 No.19464838

File: 935b98331755129⋯.jpeg (410.6 KB,828x712,207:178,There_Will_Be_Farts_Ghisl….jpeg)

File: 5d96bc25c9fa247⋯.png (1.06 MB,1337x872,1337:872,1692480524106.png)

File: 2554a026a4224ce⋯.png (688.11 KB,1197x974,1197:974,1692627997229.png)

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c61a20 No.19464839


…Had been relatively 'sane' for a little bit. Better than nothing.

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92c561 No.19464840

File: 2a299452bf6f7d3⋯.jpeg (9.88 KB,253x204,253:204,WhatsTheDeal.jpeg)


Nothing fits.

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c81c6c No.19464841

File: 7109c9c6c8fda7e⋯.png (597 KB,600x361,600:361,ClipboardImage.png)



All they need is Ellen and Oprah

Envision the scent

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3b8067 No.19464842

File: eb02d865eb2210b⋯.png (139.1 KB,485x515,97:103,7xfhm9_removebg_preview.png)


Eat shit.

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b359b8 No.19464843


>…Had been relatively 'sane' for a little bit.

Maybe that's why. I had an early sleep, so there was nothing there to deliberately drive them to an irrational frenzy. Not because it is easy, but because it is…. you know the rest.

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e8e9d4 No.19464844


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e8e9d4 No.19464845



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623035 No.19464846

File: ad570b9ddcaa8e3⋯.png (612.41 KB,553x679,79:97,ClipboardImage.png)

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b1d9d5 No.19464847

File: 5bab82577bd577d⋯.jpg (138.06 KB,720x1060,36:53,20230831_021837.jpg)

File: 54826017926f9b0⋯.jpg (63.63 KB,576x884,144:221,01e18a22_b4e1_493e_b0d6_e3….jpg)


>flapjack titties

BRA-VO I’m a mum-of-three & have ‘flapjack’ boobs – people say they look like ‘deflated whoopie cushions’…I won’t wear a bra


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ca37fd No.19464848

File: 4e6297fda044369⋯.png (261.93 KB,472x266,236:133,lightning_DC_1.png)

File: 639254ff0e461d8⋯.png (277.82 KB,590x332,295:166,lightning_DC_2.png)


Thank God it was revealed that Bidan was an actor, and that the real Biden was exetracuted.

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92c561 No.19464849


Someone trusted the science.

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708c48 No.19464850

File: 35ff2fcd05cf880⋯.png (457.96 KB,1080x928,135:116,35ff2fcd05cf880e1084e9266f….png)



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5d1b28 No.19464851

File: 162036a4bd75a74⋯.png (1.31 MB,1080x1252,270:313,Vvfs.png)

Prince Harry you want to a real man stand up and help America.

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8fbcba No.19464852



Try playing in the sandbox.


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5227a0 No.19464853

File: 2dcfa55c5e360dd⋯.jpg (73.74 KB,446x408,223:204,never_give_up.jpg)


>Never. I don’t ever give up. I’d have to be dead or incapacitated.

I have been both, but God needed me to go through theses things in order to wake up others to certain types of evil that are not apparent; I am ready to serve again.

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5fdbef No.19464854

File: b251d15f91a7e68⋯.jpg (99 KB,670x568,335:284,Pepette_pothead_TYB.jpg)

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b5e4a2 No.19464855

File: 9b050d0c89a2125⋯.jpg (61.96 KB,604x680,151:170,2023_05_30_21_20_50.jpg)

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d5e2ec No.19464856

File: fe0f21d40715946⋯.png (1.04 MB,747x746,747:746,ClipboardImage.png)

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5fdbef No.19464857

File: 6cd0d348e28ea44⋯.jpg (292.28 KB,500x660,25:33,isolate_night_shift_person….jpg)

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5227a0 No.19464858


1000% absolutely correct, perfect example, ThankQ.

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b5e4a2 No.19464859

File: 3e407bc9a41a017⋯.jpg (20.14 KB,662x303,662:303,2023_06_24_22_48_49.jpg)

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85eb6b No.19464860

File: 52bd05c5c90296d⋯.mp4 (14.28 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Tiffanyisback_.mp4)

Been thinking about the possibility of Tiffany Gomas actually being a US Federal Air Marshall. Anons have said no way, she is physically too small. One anon has her at 5 foot and 110 lbs. But Tiffany is on record as stating that she is 5 foot two and 120 lbs. Anon tends to believe her statement about height and weight. Two things anon wants to point out here after thinking about it some more. One. When it comes to firearms, the gun doesn't care about the size of who is firing it. It is quite possible for a smaller person to be as proficient as anyone else. Practice makes perfect, as they say. Two. Passenger aircraft cabins are small and often quite crowded. So let's say that suddenly there is a problem, on a fully booked flight. And the Air Marshall is twenty rows away with people in the aisle between the Marshal and the bad person. Who do you think could get there faster? The six foot two hundred pound Air Marshal? Or the one that is Tiffany's size and weight? Just something to think about.

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af8fe5 No.19464861

What was the data for the coof variant that apparently targeted the vaccinated?

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b359b8 No.19464862


Still trying to promote that scam here, huh clown? I forgive you for being stupid.

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b5e4a2 No.19464863

File: 1bd7d19357efd3f⋯.png (330.24 KB,643x567,643:567,1bd7d19357efd3fcbbeac3a490….png)

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dfd0a8 No.19464864

Regarding Trumps MULTI Precedent Setting Arrest

Trump surrendered peacefully, on charges that can carry the death penalty or centuries in jail. Even when he and so many others thought it was all biased in every possible way he still surrendered peacefully; like innocent people do. There's your precedent.

I'm sure if a dozen well known DS players were similarly indicted they would also shout "Bias! Bias!" but would they also surrender peacefully, like Trump and company did? Or, would some find an easier way out; like guilty people do.

If a few big names chose to shuffle off this mortal coil in lieu of a public trial, it ALL comes crashing down. All of it. Even if they just bugout to a bunker in some foreign land or otherwise disappear, a spectacular train wreck of the whole 'narrative' would immediately ensue. When the second plane hit the WTC on 9/11 everybody instantly KNEW it was an attack. Likewise, everyone will know they are ALL guilty once a few confirm it.

Then the chain reaction starts. They'd all be fighting and rage-quitting or running and hiding. Then a PROPER effort to pick up the stragglers could happen with near 100% public support, even if it meant using military means. A chain reaction that could play out very much like an avalanche, from a physics perspective. How many sealed indictments are we up to now? WW? Lots of snowpack.

Where would it all finally come to rest I wonder. Where are the roots of the problem? Who would be, as it were, last? Maybe a nice, predictable little cherry to top off the shit sundae of the millennia?

The mugshot was the signifier. Guilty people don't turn themselves in. Checkmate.

Steady as she goes.

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5227a0 No.19464865


So explain >>19464749 picture with the [X] over Covid. Explain every marking on the picture, how it was derived, and the meaning it implies, if you would.

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66b5ea No.19464866

File: d0c8b68a54293f0⋯.png (50.74 KB,524x905,524:905,Q_2609_Plan_after_Trump.png)


Figure Q will point us to whomever is the plan for next.

They chose Trump.

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66b5ea No.19464867

File: 331002c344ca314⋯.png (344.24 KB,534x575,534:575,highestranking_anon.png)

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a552d7 No.19464868


Was HA shot shot on the helo?

Did the Wizards and Warlocks stop it?

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d602fd No.19464869

What exactly is the difference between the Military IC and the other IC

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66b5ea No.19464870

File: d990fdcdec7236e⋯.jpg (59.15 KB,800x450,16:9,Notable.jpg)

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85eb6b No.19464871

File: 1b6dbd19d9b6fee⋯.png (344.85 KB,592x695,592:695,ClipboardImage.png)

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bfcb13 No.19464872

File: 74f976d2c98cd98⋯.png (378.38 KB,743x406,743:406,MFR.png)


>Been thinking about the possibility of Tiffany Gomas actually

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c61a20 No.19464873

File: e34fe2fd0b26254⋯.jpg (107.88 KB,640x506,320:253,shado_girls_7.jpg)


…"Innocent until proven guilty" applies.

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85eb6b No.19464874


well, that too, kek

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b359b8 No.19464875

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a8d037 No.19464876

File: 9f57099de9cd2c3⋯.jpg (481.77 KB,1079x1817,1079:1817,Screenshot_20230831_203728….jpg)

Question for Q+

WTF was the vax for then?

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dfd0a8 No.19464877


Yep. But how often do guilty people voluntarily surrender to be tried?

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b359b8 No.19464878

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4388f2 No.19464879

File: ed541ef0c1dd439⋯.png (107.71 KB,270x271,270:271,hm296abc.png)

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1920f3 No.19464880


That link does not work.

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66b5ea No.19464881

File: a20455ea904cb8f⋯.jpeg (91.22 KB,800x525,32:21,Not_How_it_works_2.jpeg)


There are a LOT of issues with the 14thA. How it was ratified, how it was created, whether it supersedes earlier Amendments. It would be best to re-ratify and/or re-write the 14thA.

Repealing the 17thA should be a top priority for the next Trump administration.

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c61a20 No.19464882

File: 0c13f95b305c261⋯.jpg (28.83 KB,550x378,275:189,mindlink_image.jpg)

~@500 not notetaker nor baker. Collected for convenience.


#23905 >>19464265

>>19464317 Ex-Middlesex deputy charged with threatening to destroy Plymouth courthouse

>>19464337 On Wednesday’s episode of Saturday Night Live alums Dana Carvey and David Spade’s “Fly on the Wall” podcast, it was revealed that Hillary Clinton was upset with Julia Sweeney’s SNL impression of a teenaged Chelsea Clinton.

>>19464342 Anon read this message several times over. With the capitalization of Video and Policy, all I see is…Choose the VP that you like

>>19464440 Did Joe Biden Just Confirm The Lahaina, Maui Hawaii Fires Were Planned?

>>19464785 A new map of China's national borders has sparked protests from governments in Asia after its boundaries drew in the territories of its neighbors—including a small chunk of Russia.

>>19464798 Should Elon Musk release all the information X has on the Maui Fires?


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064e4c No.19464883

File: 9dbbeb1bfa54dbf⋯.jpg (344.74 KB,1806x2048,903:1024,69ed9e1a2dcf7ba9569ff93451….jpg)

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5fc4d7 No.19464884

File: 769f3db13f1048b⋯.png (1.03 MB,880x878,440:439,65658D53_E642_4C94_BF4D_6C….png)

File: 8849fb139cfc4ba⋯.jpeg (101.9 KB,880x868,220:217,1736CF29_38F1_4478_B316_E….jpeg)

File: 959ecf2607d2d6a⋯.png (830.29 KB,880x878,440:439,E8A4EA82_0013_4D58_BCE8_3D….png)

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5fc4d7 No.19464885

File: 524cffd26ee20d6⋯.jpeg (151.1 KB,651x800,651:800,Mitch_McConnell_Frozen_02….JPEG)

File: 8631101b8c3926a⋯.jpg (148.57 KB,1280x674,640:337,Mitch_McConnell_Frozen_03_….JPG)

File: 8d00a3cfb95ce12⋯.png (526.44 KB,800x497,800:497,Mitch_McConnell_Frozen_04_….PNG)

File: 662dcfdd5a38fda⋯.jpg (110.28 KB,880x878,440:439,Mitch_McConnell_Frozen_01_….jpg)

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623035 No.19464886

File: 2f6c32b2df9b6e3⋯.png (280.73 KB,600x480,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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66b5ea No.19464887

File: 153462e4f4c6c89⋯.jpg (208.43 KB,800x415,160:83,Make_a_buck_off_q2.jpg)

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b359b8 No.19464888


Ah, yes, the goofball dehumanizing caricature based upon a stereotype that the shills love to post. Of course I'm sure it's all the Jews to you, like how the Satanist ratfucks want you to think, when I would say it's moar just a certain fucktarded family.

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5fc4d7 No.19464889

File: ec78aface43ace5⋯.jpeg (596.32 KB,1281x1921,1281:1921,7C4A563B_8795_492F_8CCF_E….jpeg)

File: c08231435ab99d5⋯.png (730.59 KB,880x878,440:439,Gay_Barry_05.PNG)

File: a16464b17507e11⋯.jpg (109.75 KB,880x864,55:54,Gay_Barry_08_Straw.jpg)

File: 6cf0d0ad172b007⋯.jpeg (255.14 KB,1366x1366,1:1,Gay_Barry_07_Montage.JPEG)

File: f999996a0c5f9d2⋯.jpg (51.44 KB,519x448,519:448,Gay_Barry_09.jpg)

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85eb6b No.19464890

File: 8c0234089ee1edc⋯.png (6.74 MB,6862x6862,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


You replied to a namefag

You attempted to load a webpage link that a namefag posted

not setting a very good example there anon

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dcfa76 No.19464891

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Let Staten Island Secede" - Fights & Confrontations at Migrant Protest in Staten Island

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5fc4d7 No.19464892

File: 5c17a3c1551e204⋯.jpeg (472.89 KB,1484x820,371:205,IMG_4082.jpeg)

File: 2c02f4b75a0ecfa⋯.jpeg (68.55 KB,467x486,467:486,