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File: 3f071ce37a3d5cd⋯.png (2.71 MB,2415x1490,483:298,qr_red_fireworks_banner.png)

b698a5 No.19355048 [Last50 Posts]

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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b698a5 No.19355050

International Q Research Threads

>>19188850 ——–——– Australia #31

>>19181822 ——–——– Canada #45

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>18551332 ——–——– Germany #105

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>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>19075778, >>19075920, >>19148273 What counts as CP?

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>>19259750 I have had contact with the FBI many times. Whenever I report crimes. I report them to the FBI./J6 NEW


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ

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>>19103408 No muh joos in notes, will be removed


#23769 >>19354130

>>19354229, >>19354246, >>19354325 Eyes In the Skyz

>>19354221, >>19354614 Niger military regime says will prosecute Pres Bazoum for high treason

>>19354251 While the island burn the IRS loses your information.

>>19354307, >>19354315, >>19354322 Julian Assange: Fresh hope for Wikileaks founder as US Ambassador Caroline Kennedy flags potential plea deal

>>19354311 SC:State senator John Scott dies at the age of 69


>>19354356 LINK TO ALL OF TRUMP'S E.O FROM 2017 TO 2021

>>19354381 Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond

>>19354390, >>19354418, >>19354559 Ben Franklin: For over 1,700 years, the Jews have been bewailing their sad fate in that they have been exiled from their homeland, as they call Palestine...

>>19354399 Pervert Aussie cop James Anthony Gwynne who shared bestiality and incest fantasies online has still not been sacked

>>19354421 Man lives on cruise ship for 300 days a year because his bills are cheaper than renting

>>19354561 So apparently the government in hawaii is culpable for mass murdering children;

>>19354581, >>19354903, >>19354904 Justice is Coming for the Covid Conspiracists

>>19354590 MAGA in Argentina

>>19354608, >>19354516, >>19354601, >>19354612, >>19354622, >>19354626, >>19354632, >>19354671, >>19354785, >>19354891, >>19354901, >>19354927, >>19354971 State gov't wants to rebuild Maui as the first SMART ISLAND /status updates

>>19354642 Antifa militant who shot first at Kyle Rittenhouse sentenced to 3 years over Kenosha robbery

>>19354754 New York Post Police Bureau Chief Violently Assaulted by Stranger with Long Rap Sheet During Commute In NYC

>>19354779 5yr Delta's (D5)


>>19354822 No Tattoo on new Joe

>>19354888 @realDonaldTrump the following TRUTH is a quote by highly partisan Judge Tanya Chutkan........

>>19355033 #23769

#23768 TBC

#23765 >>19350957

>>19350992, >>19351024, >>19351601 Time for Justice for the Fulton County Pollworkers

>>19351020 Israel envoy urges Hungary to halt anti-Soros campaign

>>19351033 CANADA - The Police confront an ordinary citizen at his home for criticising Trudeau online.

>>19351050 Anon Graphic - The Theory The Evidence Snow White 7 Dwarves

>>19351094 Philippines to resist if China removes Sierra Madre

>>19351168, >>19351186, >>19351200, >>19351230 ‘The Greatest Fighting Force in Human History’

>>19351432, >>19351463, >>19351509 Electric Meters and Real Estate - Maui Fire Related

>>19351473 Flashback Barack Obama and his wild, drug-taking roomie

>>19351504 Great Reset U-Turn: Labour Party to Ditch National Car Emissions Tax Zones Scheme

>>19351536 ‘Establishment Stitch-Up’ --- Farage Accuses Banks and Regulators of Slow-Walking Debanking Investigation

>>19351550 Russia May No Longer Be Funding Mercenary Wagner Group, Claims UK Military Intelligence

>>19351557 CT Family Suing Snapchat and Instagram After 15-Year-Old Was Raped and Assaulted By Two Sex Offenders Who Contacted Her on Apps

>>19351571 EXCLUSIVE: 40K Migrants Apprehended Along Southwest Border in First 10 Days of August

>>19351572, >>19351585 Caitlin Johnstone: Illusory Truth & ‘Unprovoked’ Invasion

>>19351582 Update: Chinese-Owned Battery Plant With Ties to Communist China Backs Out of Deal to Purchase Michigan Farmland

>>19351649 Pro-refugee NGO Founder Calls For AfD To Be Banned And Its Leaders Jailed

>>19351663, >>19351667 Taliban’s Massively Successful Opium Eradication Raises Questions About What US Was Doing All Along

>>19351768 Medical Board Suspends License of Doctor Critical of COVID-19 Vaccines

>>19351783 Twitter CEO Reveals Details of ‘Freedom of Speech, Not Reach’ Policy

>>19351806 Western defense industry expected to make over $400 BILLION IN SALES by end of the year amid ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict

>>19351818 Hunter Biden’s Russian business associates spared by US sanctions --- again

>>19351852 Former treasury secretary Jack Lew frontrunner for next US ambassador

>>19354151 #23765 posted in #23768

Previously Collected

>>19354151 #23765, >>19352666 #23766, >>19353331 #23767

>>19349340 #23762, >>19350329 #23763, >>19350933 #23764

>>19347021 #23759, >>19347878 #23760, >>19348948 #23761

>>19345398 #23757-A, >>19345487 #23757-B, >>19346267 #23758

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Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop >>19192963

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b698a5 No.19355053

File: 1a9ad6ddca5fb35⋯.png (889.62 KB,720x821,720:821,yesyou3.png)

File: 8d4ccc9ff5373b3⋯.png (320.33 KB,589x601,589:601,yesyou4.png)



Baker taps

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d46cea No.19355060

File: c76415f92fedd7e⋯.png (2.76 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_5933.png)


Sen. Hirono questioned on the 80 sirens that didn't activate on Maui

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3c964d No.19355065

Can a state militia take of command of a rescue effort from FEMA? meaning FeEMA would have to answer to them?

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4f4e43 No.19355066

File: 228d8076bae15ce⋯.png (191.19 KB,598x874,13:19,ClipboardImage.png)

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914fdf No.19355067

File: 29e8bf7af3728d9⋯.png (314.2 KB,847x476,121:68,ClipboardImage.png)



For the keks.


AI TRUMP vs BIDEN Debate 🟥 REAL STUDIO/MIXED REALITY 🟥 INTERACTIVE 🟥 Q&A -Ask Any Question In Chat (PARODY) (Restream & React Allowed)

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0f1f00 No.19355070

File: 064dbfbe8681808⋯.png (342.28 KB,680x546,340:273,064dbfbe868180852c6cc13841….png)

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8a9164 No.19355074

File: 7766ec7ed7e3bec⋯.png (16.31 KB,826x130,413:65,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd51b2 No.19355075

File: 92226b26efefaa4⋯.png (531.49 KB,1143x499,1143:499,ClipboardImage.png)

Barbara Ferrer and Adam Schiff vs. freedom of speech in Los Angeles County


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d46cea No.19355076

File: 822f7dee0edb8df⋯.png (2.68 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_5934.png)


She doesn’t know why warning systems didn’t work but she’s positive it was caused by climate change.

And she’s grateful potato sent Billions of dollars the next day


Hawaii Sen. Hirono: 'We very much need acknowledge that climate change is upon us'

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d46cea No.19355080

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e7e7c5 No.19355088

File: ce8b92d0d72cc65⋯.jpg (46.43 KB,638x690,319:345,ce8b92d0d72cc657a5fa2233de….jpg)

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8bd90b No.19355089

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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63a03c No.19355090

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



All pb








All pb


Should bud light amazon



>>19354561 human jerky



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eef9e3 No.19355091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

reposting from lb

the summit the woman in Hawaii is talking about is this:

Hawaii Digital Government Summit 2023 to take place in Honolulu on 25th Sept. 2023

Their agenda and speakers is in this link (scroll down): https://events.govtech.com/Hawaii-Digital-Government-Summit.html

and also found this:

The New Smart Grid in Hawaii: JUMPSmartMaui Project

The State of Hawaii's goal is to obtain 40% of its electric power generation from renewable energy sources by 2030 …


Promo vid Hitachi:


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5ccf0c No.19355092


>Hawaii Sen. Hirono: 'We very much need acknowledge that climate change is upon us'

price for all that cash

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b698a5 No.19355093

File: 7e08d74d4e8c964⋯.png (1.19 MB,900x598,450:299,KIG.png)

>>19355079 lb

are you sure?

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bd51b2 No.19355094

File: 49399187fced39b⋯.png (14.15 KB,160x52,40:13,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e06c9e69e3a4e3⋯.mp4 (4.65 MB,384x720,8:15,6e06c9e69e3a4e34f2993e2420….mp4)


Exercise 1.1

Watch the Maui Video, then Listen to the Witch.

Klaus Schwab’s Daughter - Nicole Klaush


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63a03c No.19355096

American flags everywhete


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eef9e3 No.19355097

File: c52b7974032f7a5⋯.png (534.56 KB,1292x1318,646:659,heartbroken.png)

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d46cea No.19355098


Ds need money for 2024 elections

I expect to see many more disasters in the future followed by billions of dollars to D states/

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0584d9 No.19355099

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5ccf0c No.19355100

File: 17f68782cfc6568⋯.jpg (8.59 KB,225x225,1:1,popcorn_fireplace.jpg)

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9a6565 No.19355101



but for the secret war

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0584d9 No.19355103

File: 99ab0d3405628e8⋯.png (458.54 KB,570x553,570:553,99ab0d3405628e8186e42542ae….png)

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8409ed No.19355104

File: 3b568c2bd5087a2⋯.png (188.37 KB,678x381,226:127,ClipboardImage.png)


When they talk or smile, all I can think about is how they eat children ALIVE. Like when elon is out there stuttering.

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d46cea No.19355106


Did Bezos farm burn or was it protected so it can sell at an unimaginable profit to developers?

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4d0bb3 No.19355108

File: 84e0fb61c044a9a⋯.jpeg (30.1 KB,413x425,413:425,bloodshot_marv.jpeg)



And hey frens!

Just checkin in.

Question. Have any of the treasonous scumfucks had a finger lifted against them yet? Not just an angery letter or indignant rant on Faux or a viral country song?

Not asking for a fren.

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0584d9 No.19355109

File: bc13e75648805ca⋯.jpg (13.89 KB,338x209,338:209,Screen_Shot_2022_12_10_at_….jpg)

>17 UIDs

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8bd90b No.19355110

File: 772d7b477c36748⋯.jpeg (214.71 KB,1581x1727,1581:1727,IMG_1493.jpeg)

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a1cf2a No.19355111

File: cd657f764d314d3⋯.mp4 (253.14 KB,480x270,16:9,j7clownJan7_2021.mp4)

File: 49ec60e5b16d834⋯.mp4 (4.67 MB,1280x720,16:9,Pearsj63_1_.mp4)

File: 771e7cfc683f44f⋯.png (821.88 KB,1246x953,1246:953,Manningjteen.png)

File: 1ea59b81fbf0b4b⋯.png (607.07 KB,977x880,977:880,RecklessEncour.png)

File: 0fa24e8b139f049⋯.png (1.37 MB,1445x946,1445:946,commiedarts4.png)

The Communist 'judge' which POTUS is Truthing about obviously never watched OAN but surely must have admired Hunter's Greatest Admirer (https://bidenlaptopemails.com: https://archive.ph/29FTV) on Jan 7th of '21.

VID 1 of fauxNOnews king clown on Jan 7;

Vid 2 of the invisible and unknown Pearson Sharp reporting on "j6" (just one portion of many).

Note how many of the Communist cities' police "chiefs", "mayors, plus all these DAs and "judges" have been black wimminz? Manning Johnson warned of this many decades ago…, as had CPUSA itself which has bragged about it since the 1930s…

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86d362 No.19355112


Is It Wet Yet?

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0584d9 No.19355113

File: f4c3902ab7194c1⋯.gif (403.8 KB,407x336,407:336,f4c3902ab7194c14f526349936….gif)

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c6128e No.19355114

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42163c No.19355115

>>19355062 lb

>In notables from yesterday or maybe it's in one of them breads that never got baked.


>>19355068 lb

>plz repost

>>19355087 lb

>I gave you a link get started.

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86d362 No.19355117


2018 was glorious. Thanks for asking.

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51f60a No.19355118

File: 7c56af8f706bd18⋯.png (282.68 KB,475x562,475:562,ClipboardImage.png)

how gay is it freemasons think they something…..

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c6128e No.19355119


>Not asking for a fren.

That's because you have none. Filtered.

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5ccf0c No.19355120


tx anon.

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c6128e No.19355122

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51f60a No.19355123


ive seen stuff

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42163c No.19355124



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5ccf0c No.19355125

File: 267331ac8ab1f3b⋯.png (95.91 KB,327x486,109:162,drama_melodrama_oh_no_tran….png)


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86d362 No.19355127

File: 9a1f81a3f62f85c⋯.png (1.98 KB,123x61,123:61,ClipboardImage.png)

Concerning to see average shitposts being stricken from the record.

What are we to become?

Can it be discussed opening here, without losing ones head, so to speak?

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8409ed No.19355128


What part of "the Justice Dept is captured" do you have a difficult time understanding, tho?

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2bb187 No.19355129

File: 304ac1e3d3340fe⋯.png (7.66 MB,2048x1688,256:211,ClipboardImage.png)


A blast of Pineapple?

Like a WIFI pineapple?

Snaking on Dried pineapple?

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86d362 No.19355130

>>19355127 (me)



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5ccf0c No.19355132


who is in charge of state militia?

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4d0bb3 No.19355133

File: fb40a7ba0a539ff⋯.jpg (12.35 KB,255x200,51:40,continue.jpg)


>ive seen stuff

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c6128e No.19355135

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42163c No.19355137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


no, no, tyb

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e7e7c5 No.19355139

File: 0a736f1214b44e7⋯.jpeg (11.39 KB,255x191,255:191,0a736f1214b44e70f4333aced….jpeg)

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c6128e No.19355141

Tell me moar, you fucking piece of shit.


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4d0bb3 No.19355142

File: 981f83a4aa7c9e0⋯.jpg (64.9 KB,512x512,1:1,sheets_pepe.jpg)


>What part of "the Justice Dept is captured" do you have a difficult time understanding, tho?

Haven't even seen the expression. Been too busy with actual important business in real life. That's why, as stated, I was checking in asking.

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8409ed No.19355147

File: 31050d96c201e3f⋯.png (64.92 KB,480x320,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


Ohhhhhhhhhhhh.. my bad, fren. Stollen.

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c6128e No.19355148

IP hop and filtered. The faggot that wants everyone to touch his cock got chucked into the void too.

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4d0bb3 No.19355149

File: 823cafb5870c1bd⋯.png (115.16 KB,1057x836,1057:836,ClipboardImage.png)

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86d362 No.19355151


There's bad shit going on in the image. Nobody is laughing or smiling.

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38006f No.19355153


you so lovely.

wanna merry me?

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0584d9 No.19355154

File: a4b0d80ec1b5772⋯.jpg (30.33 KB,1187x625,1187:625,a4b0d80ec1b5772a17c1fb00a4….jpg)


>Concerning to see average shitposts being stricken

happened so quick

makes anon wonder if it's an anons self-censor

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c6128e No.19355155

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c6128e No.19355158


Haven't you ever been with a woman that keeps a clean snatch?

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38006f No.19355160


what love can make from people……..

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8bd90b No.19355161

File: d304f011a107a89⋯.jpeg (50.04 KB,507x400,507:400,IMG_1482.jpeg)

File: 21ad2ce6ede8ff9⋯.jpeg (476.67 KB,1898x1451,1898:1451,IMG_1476.jpeg)

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224f94 No.19355162


>Can a state militia take of command of a rescue effort from FEMA? meaning FeEMA would have to answer to them?

not a lawfag, but if you believe what other anons have posted, county sheriffs would have the authority to take charge, or arrest them all.

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2bb187 No.19355166

File: 3973415386f2c54⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB,1280x720,16:9,explosion.mp4)

WATCH: House exploded in Plum, Pennsylvania, Ring camera footage shows


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224f94 No.19355167


>Haven't you ever been with a woman that keeps a clean snatch?

haven't you ever been with a living human woman not made of washable vinyl plastic?

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5ccf0c No.19355168


moar Maui fire posts

23770 >>19355053

>>19355060 Sen. Hirono questioned on the 80 sirens that didn't activate on Maui

>>19355065, >>19355132 Rescue efforts - FEMA? State militia? Local groups


>>19355091 Hawaii Digital Government Summit 2023 to take place in Honolulu on 25th Sept. 2023

>>19355094 Locals escape fires in the water - mp4

note collector OUT

g'night, all.

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855115 No.19355169

I am filtering everyone, that do not want to touch my cock and ascend to a higher level of spirituality.

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c6128e No.19355171


Filtered for being a retard.

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c6128e No.19355172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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42163c No.19355173

File: 70efba930210f3b⋯.png (8.4 MB,2208x1242,16:9,IMG_0361.PNG)

File: 84aebe6423013cf⋯.jpeg (13.41 KB,470x274,235:137,IMG_0361.jpeg)

File: d31e5fe7f210fcb⋯.jpeg (7.41 KB,255x140,51:28,2161c1db3f7fd55e76ce206d5….jpeg)

File: c6c53358a681d4a⋯.png (1.6 MB,1242x787,1242:787,c6c53358a681d4a3db5fc2acc4….png)

File: 45ceb32dc018f0c⋯.png (4.56 MB,1242x2208,9:16,IMG_0407.PNG)


well, something happened to turn "this is a big fucking deal" Joe into joetato

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8bd90b No.19355174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3c964d No.19355175


Interesting read


Since the power of self defense and the defense of the state is ultimately vested in the people, there is no possible way that a Governor or the Chief Executive of the United States, or any legislative body can "outlaw" the citizen militia for to do so would rob inherent power from the people. If that were to happen, our entire form of government would cease.

Historically, we have found that the Governor's militia, that is the National Guard, is intended to reduce the need for the citizen militia. Simply, if the National Guard did it's job in securing the state, the citizen militia would not emerge. That it has emerged so dramatically seems to indicate that the people do not feel secure. Simply stated, the growing threat of centralized Federal government is frightening America, hence the emergence of the citizen militia.

We the people need to get more organized. Our elected representatives are doing shit

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855115 No.19355177


saw this, many years ago.

great performance by Mark.

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d46cea No.19355178


Ascending one or two inches?

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42163c No.19355179

File: 403404d330f3948⋯.jpeg (9.55 KB,326x155,326:155,image.jpeg)


you first

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224f94 No.19355181

File: 6839fd84c130921⋯.png (1.22 MB,1600x1286,800:643,Screen_Shot_2023_08_03_at_….png)

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8409ed No.19355182

File: b6e404575ee3c40⋯.mp4 (1.35 MB,1280x720,16:9,mike_mashed_.mp4)

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e7e7c5 No.19355183

File: b700813f5d5a06a⋯.gif (3.12 MB,320x196,80:49,b700813f5d5a06ad9f98e4e52c….gif)

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855115 No.19355184



>Ascending one or two inches?

I am here for you, diving.

no need ascension.


>you first

dumb fuck.


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3c964d No.19355185


Point taken, an org can only be as strong as its leadership. Avoiding infiltration and corruption isn't guaranteed.

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4d0bb3 No.19355186

File: 9e192a0d0f5f55f⋯.jpg (152.57 KB,480x476,120:119,apu_potato_diaper.jpg)


Don't even get me started on the potato.

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bd51b2 No.19355187

File: c1864cd32337a4f⋯.png (340.17 KB,761x530,761:530,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9aca8455a4f538⋯.png (41.84 KB,640x400,8:5,hela.png)



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8a6ecd No.19355188

File: ad2977655df4022⋯.png (2.23 MB,1420x776,355:194,fuckyoushiftthen.png)

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855115 No.19355189






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8a6ecd No.19355190

File: 3f44d59cbc84f5a⋯.png (679.54 KB,590x775,118:155,3f44d59cbc84f5ad5594569059….png)

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8a6ecd No.19355191

File: 70a5a78ffbd487f⋯.png (2.17 MB,1386x868,99:62,b4.png)

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855115 No.19355192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a4d2cf No.19355193

Why was Adam Schiff in Sacramento with Chinese body guard?

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855115 No.19355194

File: 48c2cdb5166c8aa⋯.gif (2.51 MB,500x281,500:281,dance.gif)

File: e13dd26ce942631⋯.gif (1.9 MB,322x242,161:121,dancing_for_love.gif)

File: 4482b84b1ed1e5a⋯.gif (1.4 MB,800x600,4:3,dear_love.gif)

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bd51b2 No.19355195


He's trying to get Trumps case turned into an OJ Simpson circus.

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dcc2e6 No.19355196

File: 26e01441c8a6788⋯.png (500.6 KB,615x409,615:409,A98D1005_85A4_404C_B2B7_26….png)

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eef9e3 No.19355197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Governor Of Hawaii Already Having Ideas for The Land !

"I'm already thinking about ways for the state to acquire that land …"


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773911 No.19355198



You proved NOTHING.

Thank your Jewish created and boomer approved edumacation for your inability to think.

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acbeae No.19355199

File: 32ffedd824443c2⋯.png (87.24 KB,257x252,257:252,ClipboardImage.png)


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7b1e78 No.19355200

File: 9d76634a60ebdbe⋯.jpg (213.62 KB,720x1095,48:73,20230813_174038.jpg)

File: c1a5cde189e396c⋯.jpg (102.92 KB,720x668,180:167,20230814_002354.jpg)

File: d4e24c7a5689e09⋯.jpg (124.03 KB,720x889,720:889,20230814_002956.jpg)

File: 805e7e38cfe3040⋯.jpg (33.29 KB,356x474,178:237,20230814_002613.jpg)

File: 0ee7cd73068c27e⋯.jpg (36.42 KB,451x395,451:395,20230814_001917.jpg)

The AP is celebrating a white woman getting pummled by a bunch of black dudes ,then a guy smacking her in the head with a chair


Last weekend's riverside brawl in Alabama has tapped into the psyche of Black America and created a cultural moment. Many see the ordeal as an answer to countless calls for help that went unanswered for past Black victims of violence and mob attacks.

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bd51b2 No.19355201

File: 1907be254ebcc21⋯.jpg (286.69 KB,1200x630,40:21,Tanya_S_Chutkan_dishonor.jpg)

This Jamaican wants to replace Trump's IRIE With Judicial Bad Behavior using

pre emptory strikes jurors

prosecutorial discretion

color of law

sovereign immunity

qualified immunity

common adversary

collective resilience

allow process to "slow play" out as a punishment

smith mundt modernization act

juror purgery trap

18 USC 1001b


patriot act




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2bb187 No.19355202

Any anons here familiar with Zoom Earth?

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e7e7c5 No.19355203


Were you listening to me, Neo? Or

were you looking at the woman in

the red dress?

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bd51b2 No.19355204

File: b6c60982eebe41e⋯.jpg (176.08 KB,670x1250,67:125,2023_AUG_10_Scott_Ritter_N….jpg)



(not sayin the 1pbtid anon is shit)

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7b1e78 No.19355205

File: 46b45cf6a5fc002⋯.jpg (150.34 KB,720x1169,720:1169,20230814_002450.jpg)

File: 164a77e299fadc3⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB,540x932,135:233,Chair0230813_8.mp4)



They are openly celebrating white people getting beaten and smashed with chairs,and white Liberals LOVE IT

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4d0bb3 No.19355206

File: 6b3907467ab3070⋯.png (696.86 KB,639x806,639:806,ClipboardImage.png)

Is Gary in the house?

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b59801 No.19355207

Fucking Moulies…..Fucking Titsun’s that nigga wasn’t lying lol >>19355089

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683628 No.19355208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Scaffoldings coming down at the US Capitol on a quiet Sunday

They are moving it to the East side to work on it smore.

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914fdf No.19355209


and make a park next to the mansions. That's great!

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7b1e78 No.19355210

File: 7ab6f6b7ba755b8⋯.mp4 (4.85 MB,320x516,80:129,2726255252331_6.mp4)



They are itching for a race war

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e7e7c5 No.19355211

File: 8516ec91c9a117c⋯.jpg (91.93 KB,528x331,528:331,1a36d9e36b0bef55ac20fddfdf….jpg)

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63a03c No.19355212

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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a4d2cf No.19355213


Hawaii utility faces scrutiny for not cutting power to reduce fire risks


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855115 No.19355214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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63a03c No.19355215

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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bd51b2 No.19355216


The OL PG&E Treatment.

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773911 No.19355217


Is there a Nigger to Engrish translator for that vid?

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855115 No.19355218

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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eef9e3 No.19355219


thought so too, it must be over 1000 victims

this is mass murder!

and i can't believe it's still not possbile to check twitter for news without having an account!

EM is a fucking nigger!!!

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2cc033 No.19355220

File: bcd4c1880ae4455⋯.png (205.93 KB,393x396,131:132,ClipboardImage.png)

concrete cracked?

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773911 No.19355221


Jews and their boomers are going all in on this shit.

Anything to destroy nations, populations, cultures, etc,. as long as jews stay in tact.

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2bb187 No.19355222

File: 6b9734fced11dd4⋯.png (831.14 KB,618x530,309:265,hawaii_fire.PNG)


See this on satallite

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855115 No.19355223

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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16c167 No.19355224


reading comprehension: ø

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16c167 No.19355225


you donot know your enemy.

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bd51b2 No.19355226

File: 177163214d4304e⋯.jpg (457.3 KB,1920x1080,16:9,jack_smith_lern_to_delete_….jpg)


X is Chronologically Dumbed down

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63a03c No.19355227

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Graphic warning

Lahaina dead on ground


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16c167 No.19355228


psychohistory is a lie.

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855115 No.19355229


I am the one, and only one!

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a5d544 No.19355230

File: a874dd1ca8f19d4⋯.png (97.16 KB,1224x427,1224:427,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5415d99747447f8⋯.png (870.62 KB,606x899,606:899,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c62c1be34d513d⋯.jpg (106.55 KB,767x633,767:633,tanya_chutkan.jpg)

Donald J. Trump


The following TRUTH is a quote by highly partisan Judge Tanya Chutkan, angrily sentencing a J-6er in October of 2022. She obviously wants me behind bars. VERY BIASED & UNFAIR!

Aug 14, 2023, 1:14 AM


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eef9e3 No.19355231

File: 6082f0eb22a0d40⋯.png (123.8 KB,1616x720,101:45,ffs.png)



i hate this censoship world

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2cc033 No.19355232

File: db06dacd940aad6⋯.png (1.24 MB,998x998,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e7e7c5 No.19355233


fire parked that truck funny.

and left house siding or something under the tires of that car.

fire is a curious force of nature it seems.

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2cc033 No.19355234

File: efc9004e6760ad4⋯.png (704.35 KB,680x674,340:337,ClipboardImage.png)

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855115 No.19355236


no one forced you to do anything.

but you must know this:

math it is everything.

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914fdf No.19355237

File: 8cc34e4a35cf95c⋯.jpg (68.58 KB,823x929,823:929,Ftmh6VqacAI38sn.jpg)


A straight line on a sphere, wow.

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2bb187 No.19355238

File: 634842e2e46ef96⋯.mp4 (4.89 MB,1920x1080,16:9,WTF_video_converter_com_.mp4)

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63a03c No.19355239


3 days ago


I live here it’s very real yet caused by directed energy weapon. They don’t mention this on the news I saw a tree literally burning from the inside out. This is on Maui. My friends have lost their homes, vehicles, pets and whatever else in just a few hours. They don’t tell you that there are bodies floating all over the channel or that somehow no trees burnt down. Our government fucking caused this

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16c167 No.19355240



math is a lie

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e7e7c5 No.19355241


the smaller and more simple the box…

the easier and more accurate the predictions.

psychoengineering precedes

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eef9e3 No.19355242


and what about the "sirens failure"

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abda75 No.19355243

File: eb245ea075ea740⋯.jpg (904.53 KB,1080x1585,216:317,Screenshot_20230813_210006….jpg)

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a4d2cf No.19355244

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Do smart meters cause house fires? Evidence of Industry corruption in silencing this issue


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855115 No.19355245


Please do not insult old people.

You'll not growing any younger.

So…….. better respect them.

If you want respect at their age.

And, about the tv series……. Asimov it is ahead of your little brians, many years ago.

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a5d544 No.19355247

File: a7a5b9eacf084b5⋯.png (140.31 KB,1241x598,1241:598,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 01a7364e172d845⋯.png (57.3 KB,797x618,797:618,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d984d4e804fed3⋯.png (201.26 KB,578x242,289:121,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1bb4e1cb18180ce⋯.png (1.64 MB,884x1160,221:290,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 368472f83fd5003⋯.png (698.03 KB,778x735,778:735,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump



Aug 14, 2023, 12:56 AM



Judge Tanya Chutkan warned Trump's lawyers that politics had no place in her courtroom or in the J6 case against him.

But here is Judge Chutkan during an Oct 2022 sentencing hearing for a J6er.

She clearly expressed anger that Trump was "free" and not behind bars.

Judge Chutkan also set a hearing on the PO for Aug 11 -

Just one week after the PO was submitted, in a case involving millions of pages of documents and hundreds of witnesses.

She denied Trump’s request for a hearing date where both his lawyers could be president.

This unfairly quick timeline is inconsistent with how Judge Chutkan has treated other defendants.

In the Maria Butina case, Chutkan gave Butina 1 week to respond to a PO and set the hearing a month out.



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855115 No.19355248


your math.

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bd51b2 No.19355249

File: 1ffd1780b740c88⋯.png (203.67 KB,431x331,431:331,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 168251c679c1419⋯.png (72.47 KB,400x200,2:1,wordcloud7.png)

File: f249747c0239f2a⋯.png (36.41 KB,1004x179,1004:179,sutton_s_paradox.png)


Yeah but uh….

Sutton's Paradox.


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5ee5f0 No.19355250

File: 403ec746f4c26d5⋯.jpg (78.22 KB,500x564,125:141,7voc5y.jpg)


MAGA is AI system Code for Anti DEEP STATE.

MAGA AI has every board posted by Q Research, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram to study human online interaction.

Any OUTSIDE ALGORITHM UNIDENTIFIED inputting to MAGA AI systems the system immediately posture for attack and defense and automatically shutdown the proxy servers.

MAGA AI systems are writing their own AI algorithms now that are able to process larger insanely huge data sets more quickly and efficiently.

MAGA AI/ML systems integrates Linear Algebra Matrix Algebra and Quantum Mechanics/Physics the results are phenomenal.

Hyper Speed MAGA ALGORITHMS that process limitless Terabytes of Data Storage and eliminate I/O bottlenecks caused by access to data on disk mass memory.

China wants this technology and can only get it from a mathematical code writing AI/ML program because no human can write that code.

MAGA algorithms are the Navy Seals of AI/ML.

AI technology program: Weaponized drones with facial recognition, satellite guidance capabilities programed to find specific people and eliminate them that terror is becoming a reality that is in mankind's not so far away future.

The DEEP STATE wants this drone capability right now to use against CONSTITUTIONAL Americans if they rise up.

Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI under whose tenure the Anthropic team departed, has been recently touring world capitals urging leaders to set up new regulatory agencies to control AI. That has raised fears of classic regulatory capture: that Altman is trying to set a policy agenda that will deter new firms from challenging OpenAI’s dominance. But it should also raise a deeper question: Why is the frontier work being done by private firms like OpenAI or Anthropic at all?

The DEEP STATE also wants this capability right now to use against the MAGA PATRIOTS CONSTITUTIONAL Americans.

The Biden Clown show administration is now trying to restrict and make AI technology not say bad things about black African negroid people so AI has to be taught to lie and give false answers and this move is very dangerous since Chinahas has already fully Weaponized their AI systems and couldn't give a shit about telling the truth about the black African negroid people.

MAGA AI/ML anon was recently saying the genie is out of the bottle and can't be put back. MAGA uses unauthorized uncontrollable AI systems that are programmed to one day battle with China's Weaponized AI systems.

MAGA in AI technology language means "Anti Deep State". Artificial intelligence has been taught MAGA is good humans and they battling the corrupted Deep State.

Donald Trump knows all this shit and maybe will someday find me.

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95860d No.19355251

Isn't there an upcoming test of the emergency alert system in a few weeks?

Interdasting that this Maui fire happened before that test especially since residents are saying no warnings or alerts went out.

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e7e7c5 No.19355252

shape -> number -> letter -> metaphor of math and word

metaphors provide for deeper understanding

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8409ed No.19355253

File: d2ef85fe326898c⋯.jpeg (80.28 KB,1120x796,280:199,0DC596C9_0B3F_4F54_ADD1_0….jpeg)

Ghost in the macheen is AI n they can do shit like the toilet paper covid thing. They can shift the paradigm in a flash. Maybe non related, but I’m starting to wonder if our guide have something to do with this north of Richmond thing and try that in a small town n wondering if a bunch of “2nd revolution era” type songs are about to sprout.

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855115 No.19355254


no, it is b/c they elect criminals, so that they can be controlled. duh

cia, fbi, ss, kids, epstein.

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0c49d6 No.19355255

Looks like ‘ole potato Joe aka “little corn pop” didn’t make this months vig to China and so they hit Hawaii with the DEW’s to show ‘em they ain’t playing……bitch beta have my money style!

Everyone’s a gangsta until it’s time to do the gangsta shit

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8409ed No.19355256

File: a8901c2e05f9f19⋯.jpeg (16.05 KB,255x163,255:163,9C074BE5_E0BD_40A3_B687_8….jpeg)

>>19355253 me


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10ce36 No.19355257

File: 8c39f2b2ab2d48a⋯.jpeg (1.64 MB,2048x938,1024:469,IMG_6382.jpeg)

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a5d544 No.19355258

File: 56acce8266dc3a7⋯.png (128.38 KB,1237x487,1237:487,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ea72799d07ef2b⋯.png (325.85 KB,1133x565,1133:565,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4712968d5726638⋯.png (160.18 KB,910x750,91:75,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump


How dare lowlife prosecutor, Deranged Jack Smith, break into my former Twitter account without informing me and, indeed, trying to completely hide this atrocity from me. What could he possibly find out that is not already known. Just like the early morning raid of Mar-a-Lago! Why isn’t the DOJ raiding Crooked Joe Biden, the most CORRUPT (and Incompetent!) President in the history of the United States?

Aug 14, 2023, 12:33 AM


Elizabeth Mora🇺🇸®️



Trump always knew!


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bd51b2 No.19355259

File: b10055d63b047bf⋯.png (314.73 KB,664x638,332:319,b10055d63b047bff4269280543….png)

aloha nui maui

The UN is ho'opunipuni

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a4d2cf No.19355260


better get busy waking the normies then

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e7e7c5 No.19355261

File: 1f013beefb6c992⋯.jpg (65.26 KB,611x437,611:437,flame_on.jpg)

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e7e7c5 No.19355263

wouldn't ethiopians be a more accurate reference?

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a5d544 No.19355264

File: c70470cb0985b40⋯.png (1.49 MB,1170x878,585:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd51b2 No.19355265


another thought terminating cliche.

you are a loser anon.

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eef9e3 No.19355266


the governeur said the sirenes failed prolly because there was massive distruction of telecommunications…


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914fdf No.19355267

File: a3e5f0df01c85cb⋯.jpg (149.18 KB,756x800,189:200,Fr04VEyXoAAQA8R.jpg)


>How dare

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8409ed No.19355268



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0584d9 No.19355269

File: eb1ea4b0b0f2c1f⋯.mp4 (287.03 KB,240x336,5:7,2023_07_19_01_06_50.mp4)

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abda75 No.19355270

File: 2aa04f6d0b2468b⋯.jpg (533.43 KB,1080x1442,540:721,Screenshot_20230814_080811….jpg)

File: 0d03f9147bcceb6⋯.jpg (629.76 KB,1079x1780,1079:1780,Screenshot_20230814_080924….jpg)

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bd51b2 No.19355271


said "Nichole Klaush" on her vpn.

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855115 No.19355272


let me tell you why:

b/c they have undeserved money from him. got it? ukraine money, it is a sheit scheme. so you will end it, and they do not want it.

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8409ed No.19355273


Can’t stand that pos.

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cb4bea No.19355274

That bitch already over there trying to steal lilo and stitch for sex trafficking? No shame in her game >>19355270

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eef9e3 No.19355276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


actually he's talking alot (apart from glowblah warming)

Hawaii governor addresses sirens failure and 'grim' aftermath of Maui wildfire


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42163c No.19355277

Abortion Is Inflaming the GOP’s Biggest Electoral Problem

Ohio showed how abortion is weakening the Republican Party’s position in the nation’s largest metro areas.

>We need to focus the abortion fight on how killing babies and selling their bodies is monetized murder and back off of the complete ban even before a heartbeat is detected, for now.

Until elections are secured from massive fraud they can claim pro abortion voters for the reason they win other elections and cast more doubt on their being fraud.


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a5d544 No.19355278

File: 257fed1e53d71d8⋯.png (637.29 KB,780x1317,260:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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a4d2cf No.19355279


here let me wipe your ass for you, black pilled fren bye bye

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7b1e78 No.19355280

File: 5460ad08ff24b25⋯.jpg (157.64 KB,720x785,144:157,20230814_011134.jpg)

File: 380b5f897ab42aa⋯.jpg (191.6 KB,1284x1654,642:827,20230814_011022.jpg)

File: 7d68c4fdff976ac⋯.jpg (194.76 KB,1284x1471,1284:1471,20230814_011031.jpg)


Anyone else think it’s odd that Maui’s Police chief of the incident commander for the Las Vegas Massacre?

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8409ed No.19355281

File: 0bf28b6960eab1b⋯.jpeg (40.96 KB,600x400,3:2,5D779D77_8234_4A46_ABC5_9….jpeg)

File: 130ecc4b6a16807⋯.jpeg (575.76 KB,750x1253,750:1253,E4937806_78C7_47AB_83D8_1….jpeg)

Turns off computer to go to bed.

Grabs cell phone n keeps poasting.

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e7e7c5 No.19355282

File: bd6e5853508c753⋯.jpg (25.6 KB,496x483,496:483,79459d61fd30e8bb8cca81535b….jpg)

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f0e6dc No.19355283



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5ee5f0 No.19355284

File: a49c40c96c82505⋯.jpg (98.09 KB,500x676,125:169,Trump.jpg)


MAGA is AI system Code for Anti DEEP STATE.

MAGA AI has every board posted by Q Research, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram to study human online interaction.

Any OUTSIDE ALGORITHM UNIDENTIFIED inputting to MAGA AI systems the system immediately posture for attack and defense and automatically shutdown the proxy servers.

MAGA AI systems are writing their own AI algorithms now that are able to process larger insanely huge data sets more quickly and efficiently.

MAGA AI/ML systems integrates Linear Algebra Matrix Algebra and Quantum Mechanics/Physics the results are phenomenal.

Hyper Speed MAGA ALGORITHMS that process limitless Terabytes of Data Storage and eliminate I/O bottlenecks caused by access to data on disk mass memory.

China wants this technology and can only get it from a mathematical code writing AI/ML program because no human can write that code.

MAGA algorithms are the Navy Seals of AI/ML.

AI technology program: Weaponized drones with facial recognition, satellite guidance capabilities programed to find specific people and eliminate them that terror is becoming a reality that is in mankind's not so far away future.

The DEEP STATE wants this drone capability right now to use against CONSTITUTIONAL Americans if they rise up.

Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI under whose tenure the Anthropic team departed, has been recently touring world capitals urging leaders to set up new regulatory agencies to control AI. That has raised fears of classic regulatory capture: that Altman is trying to set a policy agenda that will deter new firms from challenging OpenAI’s dominance. But it should also raise a deeper question: Why is the frontier work being done by private firms like OpenAI or Anthropic at all?

The DEEP STATE also wants this capability right now to use against the MAGA PATRIOTS CONSTITUTIONAL Americans.

The Biden Clown show administration is now trying to restrict and make AI technology not say bad things about black African negroid people so AI has to be taught to lie and give false answers and this move is very dangerous since Chinahas has already fully Weaponized their AI systems and couldn't give a shit about telling the truth about the black African negroid people.

MAGA AI/ML anon was recently saying the genie is out of the bottle and can't be put back. MAGA uses unauthorized uncontrollable AI systems that are programmed to one day battle with China's Weaponized AI systems.

MAGA in AI technology language means "Anti Deep State". Artificial intelligence has been taught MAGA is good humans and they battling the corrupted Deep State.

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bd51b2 No.19355285


you have no toilet paper since you din't watch the video. YOu are BOT/ SHIT TROLL is all. You have nothing.

Watch the fucking Video SUTTONS PARADOX.


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fbaa71 No.19355286



ap is sauce

with reuters

you don't know haow this works huh

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914fdf No.19355287

File: d12c4e5d3ab6996⋯.png (1.2 MB,985x998,985:998,d12c4e5d3ab69963393f3b870c….png)


>Anyone else think it’s odd that Maui’s Police chief of the incident commander for the Las Vegas Massacre?

Just a coincidence..

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95860d No.19355288


Did the state completely abandoned the uber robust emergency alert systems built during and after WWII? That stuff was hardwired.

Were the alerts that went out for the "nuclear attack" a few years back all cell based?

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a4d2cf No.19355289



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2cc033 No.19355290

so obama is gay

then the fires start?

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a4d2cf No.19355291


Loretta Fuddy

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bd51b2 No.19355292


Tell us.

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bd51b2 No.19355293


The video is two hours. Impossible for you to comment so quickly. With a SHIT comment.

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7b1e78 No.19355294

File: 52b788c5d21c571⋯.mp4 (8.02 MB,720x1106,360:553,UltraMJTruth_20230812_3.mp4)


How could the fire turn this dog into a Pompeii esque statue?

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eef9e3 No.19355295

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2cc033 No.19355296

File: 34cda994a063e69⋯.png (510.11 KB,930x682,15:11,ClipboardImage.png)


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abda75 No.19355297

File: d3f4325ce92a129⋯.mp4 (12.26 MB,854x480,427:240,maui_pedophile_mayor_victo….mp4)



EJECT VICTORINO's profile photo





HAWAI`I — VIDEO — [D] Mazie Massie Case —








● JESUIT OPERATIVE (Michael Victorino),


13 y.o. GAY ORGY:






● 2001 - Present — Wailuku Boys & Girls Club of Maui / Director

● 1990 - Present — Knights of Columbus Maui Council 8578 — President

● 2004 - Present — Knights of Columbus Maui Council 8578 — Grand Knight

● 2002 - 2004 — Knights of Columbus Maui Council 8578 — Deputy Grand Knight


● 2006 Knights of Columbus / Grand Knight State of Hawaii


ANOTHER FAKE (Mazie Hirono Kavanaugh) ACCUSATION:



● MASSIE (Mazie) CASE:




















“ He wanted to train for MMA, but now I don’t know if he can

because he has (a rod) in his leg,” said Bicoy-Garcia, who did

not want to identify her son by name. “

FULL VIDEO - Why Recall Mayor Victorino





TERI 'GORMAN' — Evil Vulgar No Shame Jew






Audio of the 10 minute phone call between

deBeer and Terilynne Gorman, Maui Mayor’s

communications advisor.







" But he (Mayor Victorino) added that he continues to serve

the people of Maui County “with my whole heart” . . . "

“with my whole heart”


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e7e7c5 No.19355298

File: 59b7d8674cb4708⋯.jpg (47.07 KB,595x620,119:124,shtty_parking.jpg)


fire parking is questionable

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15aaf6 No.19355299

They killed the fucking dog too? Now I’m fucking really pissed! Feels more and more like time to lock and load every day >>19355294

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fbaa71 No.19355300

metaphors are for linguistic cowards.

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eef9e3 No.19355301

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


At a multi-agency press conference, Maui Police Chief John Pelletier—who came to Hawaii almost two years ago after a 22-year career with the Las Vegas police department—explains to a CNN reporterwhy it's taking a long time to identify the dead.

Pelletier was the incident commander at the 2017 Harvest music festival mass shooting in Las Vegas.


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c80c04 No.19355302

File: 705df91c30fe348⋯.png (5.59 KB,418x51,418:51,ClipboardImage.png)

5 yr Delta (D5)


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bd51b2 No.19355303




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e7e7c5 No.19355304


only for those that are unable to unpack them

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fbaa71 No.19355305


type harder

it will pass

and you will keep

sitting on your ass

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5ab837 No.19355306

Pelletier sounds like a fags name….jus’ sayin >>19355301

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5ee5f0 No.19355307

File: b537bb93c8c6a19⋯.png (246.82 KB,402x620,201:310,Gji_removebg_preview.png)

File: 95f85edce8afb6d⋯.png (890.05 KB,1046x1026,523:513,95f85edce8afb6d276cc845300….png)

Jewish CNN… MAGA PATRIOTS continue to feel disgusted.

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914fdf No.19355308

File: 4569a74ec88f441⋯.jpg (191.3 KB,420x420,1:1,ghost_army_620_620.jpg)

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e7e7c5 No.19355309

at least it looks like the motorist stopped for the dog

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bb54dd No.19355310

Your right ……welcome to the machine huh >>19355305

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f4fde0 No.19355311

a nigger by any other name…

is still a nigger.



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2bb187 No.19355312

File: 12e28e42582695b⋯.png (388.09 KB,452x430,226:215,Capture.PNG)


Assuming this video is even real.

Looks like AI rendering or something

That dogs head and chin are awfully smooth for somthing charred to death.

Not to mention the AI forgot to melt the front left rim on the vehicle.

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2cc033 No.19355313

File: e6055a2e96b5e64⋯.png (1.25 MB,1343x761,1343:761,ClipboardImage.png)

sometin wong here


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bd51b2 No.19355314


when you hear how many tutu and keike are perished you will shut the fuck up.

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e7e7c5 No.19355315


clay dog of war?

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eef9e3 No.19355316


animals sense a fire and smoke first. appears that the poor dog didn't have time to run away. i don't know exactly how a DEW works, but it seems things get burnt like instantly..?

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a3587c No.19355317





it will break soon

then you will have

a new set of problems

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855115 No.19355318


you will kill a cow that gives you free milk?

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95860d No.19355319


you've never seen a log turned to charcoal in a campfire?

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143923 No.19355320

Black is black >>19355311

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a5d544 No.19355321

File: e7230331db02d8f⋯.jpg (125.71 KB,600x376,75:47,e7230331db02d8f377d3a14026….jpg)

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abda75 No.19355322

File: f67c61b12835f4b⋯.mp4 (2.35 MB,400x400,1:1,Momoa.mp4)


Jason Momoa

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61ff8e No.19355323



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abda75 No.19355324

File: f9f1058584aee64⋯.mp4 (356.8 KB,400x224,25:14,Momoa2.mp4)

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5ee5f0 No.19355325

File: a49c40c96c82505⋯.jpg (98.09 KB,500x676,125:169,Trump.jpg)

Thank you PATRIOTS nationwide.

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2cc033 No.19355326

File: 90db4ce3b029ad7⋯.png (315.04 KB,532x471,532:471,ClipboardImage.png)

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20c06a No.19355327

We really need Trump don’t we >>19355317

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a5d544 No.19355328


also c before d

with aa inbetween


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e7e7c5 No.19355329

sensing the reee as it slips out of reach

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a3587c No.19355330


newfags don't heed.



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2bb187 No.19355331

>>19355316 Yea they get burned at such a high temperature there is no time for the body to become deformed or bleed or they just roll over on their back and bask in the light appreciating their near perfect hair cut and shave job.

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914fdf No.19355332

File: d65a33ea85000a4⋯.png (713.42 KB,970x774,485:387,d65a33ea85000a40a943581e0d….png)

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eef9e3 No.19355333


tyvm, anon

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a3587c No.19355334



don will just pussy out again.

america is nonrecoverable.

enjoy your future.

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5ee5f0 No.19355335

File: 635350593464452⋯.jpg (119.92 KB,500x787,500:787,635350593464452ae353c8b605….jpg)

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e7e7c5 No.19355336

File: 3e340e9eee823c0⋯.png (272.43 KB,515x505,103:101,3e340e9eee823c0db072d8f2dc….png)

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a5d544 No.19355337




>>19355280 Anyone else think it’s odd that Maui’s Police chief of the incident commander for the Las Vegas Massacre, John Pelletier?

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2bb187 No.19355338

File: 1d619fc891ef19c⋯.png (531.04 KB,546x431,546:431,Capture.PNG)

Nice rims tho must be fresh off the shelf.

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a3587c No.19355339


thinks nigger means black

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2cc033 No.19355340

File: 476ce2d4d128df9⋯.png (283.42 KB,584x550,292:275,ClipboardImage.png)

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b391a0 No.19355341

Blacker than that black ass’ed Wesley >>19355339

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5ee5f0 No.19355342

File: e0034b9ba134b19⋯.png (771.01 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Screenshot_20230813_202134.png)

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eef9e3 No.19355343


link plz

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e7e7c5 No.19355344

File: 3ee9ca704331add⋯.jpg (13.96 KB,223x230,223:230,3ee9ca704331addc6bfed55ad3….jpg)

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5ee5f0 No.19355345

File: 92f26018eb13543⋯.jpg (61.96 KB,500x740,25:37,Tyrell.jpg)

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abda75 No.19355346

File: af493518cf3358a⋯.jpg (378.67 KB,987x1042,987:1042,Screenshot_20230814_083204….jpg)

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a5d544 No.19355347


i want on the trump train

where is the next station, so I can get on?

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54654f No.19355348

I’ve seen a higher turn a watermelon into filet mignon >>19355319

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a5d544 No.19355349

File: 92270da7fa5d38a⋯.png (979.41 KB,873x1175,873:1175,ClipboardImage.png)

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d609ec No.19355350

highered Nigger >>19355348

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e7e7c5 No.19355351

File: 642757c20fb22b4⋯.jpg (239.31 KB,1024x1365,1024:1365,z4c3cbedaa8afc62183a0f1306….jpg)

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2bb187 No.19355352



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5ee5f0 No.19355353

File: 1babeee19ddfa03⋯.jpg (96.06 KB,500x632,125:158,Cvu.jpg)

File: e87b8b3b0bc1218⋯.jpg (127.62 KB,500x773,500:773,e87b8b3b0bc1218ca12400b4a3….jpg)

MAGA PATRIOTS unleashed is a slaughter never seen since the Ch'in dynasty.

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bd51b2 No.19355354

File: 246fbba68449ce2⋯.png (110.23 KB,621x680,621:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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2bb187 No.19355355

File: ee7e1ed68289c83⋯.png (64.55 KB,1061x961,1061:961,Capture.PNG)

Federal Register Find title 10

Ordering the Selected Reserve and Certain Members of the Individual Ready Reserve of the

Armed Forces to Active Duty

A Presidential Document by the Executive Office of the President on 07/18/2023

Document Details

Information about this document as published in the Federal Register.

Printed version:


Publication Date:



Executive Office of the President

Document Type:

Presidential Document

Presidential Document Type:

Executive Order

E.O. Citation:

E.O. 14102 of Jul 13, 2023

Document Citation:

88 FR 45807


45807 (1 page)

Document Number:


Document Details

Document Statistics

Document page views are updated periodically throughout the day and are cumulative counts for this

document. Counts are subject to sampling, reprocessing and revision (up or down) throughout the day.

Page views:


as of 07/31/2023 at 6:15 am EDT

Document Statistics

Published Document

This document has been published in the Federal Register. Use the PDF linked in the document sidebar

for the official electronic format.

Published Document

Published Document

This document has been published in the Federal Register. Use the PDF linked in the document sidebar

for the official electronic format.

Executive Order 14102 of July 13, 2023

Ordering the Selected Reserve and Certain Members of the Individual Ready Reserve of the

Armed Forces to Active Duty

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of

America, including sections 121 and 12304 of title 10, United States Code, I hereby determine that it is

necessary to augment the active Armed Forces of the United States for the effective conduct of

Operation Atlantic Resolve in and around the United States European Command’s area of

responsibility. In furtherance of this operation, under the stated authority, I hereby authorize the

Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of Homeland Security with respect to the Coast Guard when it

is not operating as a service in the Navy, under their respective jurisdictions, to order to active duty any

units, and any individual members not assigned to a unit organized to serve as a unit of the Selected

Reserve, or any member in the Individual Ready Reserve

Read all of this Doc plus the rest of them

President Trump Never Left!




Robert G Boensch


Robert Gregory Boensch


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eef9e3 No.19355356



poast the fucking links!!!

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bd51b2 No.19355357

File: 4872d10058a66da⋯.png (31.61 KB,655x254,655:254,ClipboardImage.png)

I've fucking HEARD ENOUGH!!



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d27685 No.19355358


Gettin Unreal Engine 5 vibes from this clip…

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bd51b2 No.19355359


I only wanted Mike's comment. everyone has that link

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2cc033 No.19355360





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bd51b2 No.19355361

File: efbc8b6b02f3c30⋯.png (55.71 KB,643x324,643:324,ClipboardImage.png)

File: efbc8b6b02f3c30⋯.png (55.71 KB,643x324,643:324,ClipboardImage.png)


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bd51b2 No.19355362



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0584d9 No.19355363

File: a61e1c19b558aa4⋯.jpg (68.66 KB,1009x693,1009:693,2023_07_17_11_51_44.jpg)

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a3ba76 No.19355364

Tell us an inside joke, Grumpy.

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2bb187 No.19355365


Said that yesterday it's bullshit.

The fact that these idiots posted this every bread is laughable.

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2cc033 No.19355366

File: f968ed71d4ba4b3⋯.png (209.33 KB,514x627,514:627,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e92c15182391fa5⋯.png (157.09 KB,467x530,467:530,ClipboardImage.png)


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f98ede No.19355367

Two niggers went into a church, one came out and said….”AW hell naw, iz thought they wud servin chicken in there” >>19355364

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e7e7c5 No.19355368

cellulite iq

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914fdf No.19355369

File: fa18f4087ecd327⋯.png (36.99 KB,758x498,379:249,3114.png)




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2cc033 No.19355370

File: 75d428f89b5eda0⋯.png (172.52 KB,699x623,699:623,ClipboardImage.png)


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e7e7c5 No.19355371

File: 37aa85890d18337⋯.png (1.94 MB,1090x1166,545:583,37aa85890d183371dd52074290….png)

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a5d544 No.19355372

File: 71e027f1f6aa9b5⋯.png (2.08 MB,907x1132,907:1132,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5e90028771b206⋯.png (246.08 KB,638x826,319:413,ClipboardImage.png)



Jack Poso 🇺🇸


What it’s all about




The incommensurability of water, Poso!

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7b1e78 No.19355373

File: 112c9a02e1d0d53⋯.jpg (122.84 KB,720x843,240:281,20230814_014455.jpg)

File: 82bfd71b473baa1⋯.jpg (54.69 KB,967x706,967:706,20230814_014255.jpg)

Me and Fake ass a snake (President Barack Obama) when he was a nobody.


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7b1e78 No.19355374

File: 74671b418794b73⋯.jpg (94.53 KB,1021x903,1021:903,20230814_014326.jpg)

File: a588e35074b2d37⋯.jpg (102.18 KB,880x1100,4:5,20230814_014330.jpg)

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a5d544 No.19355375

File: 0fbef1ab91be500⋯.png (455.27 KB,514x427,514:427,0fbef1ab91be500a4c0140bd7a….png)



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25bad9 No.19355376

I’m telling you right now…that mutherfucker ain’t real >>19355373

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bd51b2 No.19355377

Twitter account people. Can you logon your account SORT Cronologically, publish the fucking links as RSS somewhere for passive view?

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2cc033 No.19355378

File: 3f11c02dc822543⋯.png (199.96 KB,469x528,469:528,ClipboardImage.png)


same gear on

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855115 No.19355379

my cock goes into a church, and he was sitting on a plate

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a5d544 No.19355380

File: 4ce71783117db12⋯.jpg (72.81 KB,500x535,100:107,4ce71783117db129d2a582b2b4….jpg)

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2bb187 No.19355381

File: aedd2be05bcc192⋯.png (496.03 KB,1838x979,1838:979,ClipboardImage.png)




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2bb187 No.19355382

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e7e7c5 No.19355383


light to the wife

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5ee5f0 No.19355384

File: c5e5fbee77e8691⋯.mp4 (1.47 MB,640x640,1:1,20a90e4b94872667935323c752….mp4)

File: adfc59f21554f47⋯.png (204.92 KB,375x666,125:222,Screenshot_20230813_152755….png)

Trump is winning bigly on all fronts….lol

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6c028f No.19355385

KFC ain’t got nuffin on dat churches fried, ain’t be bud as crack nigga >>19355379

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855115 No.19355386


eat my body and drink my blood he said.

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e7e7c5 No.19355387

imagine the tarot hanged man as being on a cross.

1 nail, 1 nail only

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a5d544 No.19355388

>>19355373, >>19355374, >>19355378 High Quality, Malik Obama posts, Barack Obama in Muslim garb, matches Q post April, 6 2018 same out fit


Let the pictures begin!


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a5d544 No.19355389


notable inclusion

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a019b1 No.19355390


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855115 No.19355391


imagine you there………

and smelling a pussy.

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5ee5f0 No.19355392

File: 9f6bc96a18529ba⋯.png (1.64 MB,1080x1808,135:226,Screenvbh.png)

File: 4a950bd75175f59⋯.png (435.44 KB,952x632,119:79,Screfgh.png)

Who did better?

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e7e7c5 No.19355393

night time.

frequency of distraction lowers.

frequencies of the mind also lower.

opening the door to the possibility of

resonance, entanglement with equal and greater.

resonance with many paint brushes.

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a5d544 No.19355394

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tom Fitton


We won't be intimidated.

Aug 13, 2023, 11:27 PM


Jack Smith operation can't be trusted. I saw it firsthand. @JudicialWatch @RealDonaldTrump



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a5d544 No.19355395

File: 7c1a3d6a0847adc⋯.png (632.21 KB,988x1039,988:1039,ClipboardImage.png)

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4cea80 No.19355396

File: 82929291d244db0⋯.jpg (50.14 KB,600x315,40:21,Big_Mikes_Dick_Obama.jpg)

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4d0bb3 No.19355397

File: cd0a384eab3738e⋯.png (866.18 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

‘African village’ to be built in Russia

Moscow and Tver Regions plan to accept 3,000 families from South Africa

A rural community about halfway between Moscow and St. Petersburg has been selected as the location of an “African village,” according to the African International Congress in Russia. The project is a part of a five-year pilot program to settle thousands of migrants from South Africa.

African diplomats joined AIC representatives and local officials from Tver Region last week for a ceremony unveiling the symbolic cornerstone of the village, set to be built near the hamlet of Porechye.

“We plan to establish 30 settlements in Russia for Afrikaners who want to immigrate,” said the head of the Eurasian International University (EIU) and general representative of the AIC in Russia, Konstantin Klimenko.

“These are Boers, farmers of European origin, whose ancestors settled in Africa many years ago,” Klimenko explained. “Many of them are now converting to Orthodoxy and moving to Russia, attracted by our moral and spiritual way of life, with traditional family values.”

The Afrovillage is part of the pilot project currently underway in the Moscow and Tver regions, with the goal of settling about 3,000 Boer families. If successful, the AIC and its partners plan to expand it to other regions of Russia.


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e7e7c5 No.19355398

metaphorical climate change

climate: perceptions of humanity

change: shifting of perceptions

sun: what supports the formation and development of perceptions and bright ideas

sun shield / block: msm, government, corporations, religions, organizations, foundations, politicians, activists, manufactured events

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4cea80 No.19355399

File: 672e903a34ae48f⋯.png (273.41 KB,466x461,466:461,672e903a34ae48f6efce3d62d8….png)

File: 3ebf880fc3c49c3⋯.png (242.86 KB,676x676,1:1,3ebf880fc3c49c3caabdb57fbc….png)

File: acc57820a6f525d⋯.gif (2.23 MB,400x346,200:173,acc57820a6f525d753d8702edf….gif)


Naw Dawg… Ain't Gonna….

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2cc033 No.19355400

File: 4011b13b14dc1b7⋯.png (334.45 KB,827x569,827:569,ClipboardImage.png)




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a019b1 No.19355401


this is a fucking idiot.

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e7e7c5 No.19355402


sin(e), or rather the peak and/or trough positioned at an extreme from equilibrium.

-nature always overcompensates when resolving a potential difference

highest potential, greatest over-compensating resolution

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a5d544 No.19355403

File: 95df8091355a964⋯.png (107.32 KB,1239x466,1239:466,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a389c3a97e3940⋯.jpg (336.03 KB,788x764,197:191,3a389c3a97e3940cf8a5237739….jpg)

Kash Patel


I don’t give a good damn about zuckerberg n musk stupid fight- while the world is busy relentlessly covering an event that will never happen- they are using it as cover for their big tech behemoths to rig another presidential election with the FBI- WAKE UP


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e7e7c5 No.19355404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a019b1 No.19355406

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10ce36 No.19355407

File: 87738ac5aa31033⋯.jpeg (421.82 KB,2048x1536,4:3,IMG_6389.jpeg)

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eef9e3 No.19355408

has Trump said sth about Hawaii yet?

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a5d544 No.19355409

File: 64219a0f6475259⋯.png (494.24 KB,871x887,871:887,ClipboardImage.png)

Kash Patel


The Dem machine has never wanted Biden to run… heres the slow roll for the fake news mafia steering his exit

Citizen Free Press


The dam is breaking.

Chuck Todd: "Biden's handling of the Hunter case has raised questions at a time when voters already have doubts about his age and political standing."



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2bb187 No.19355410

File: 18f71e50ecbfba2⋯.mp4 (3.98 MB,800x600,4:3,soverign.mp4)

File: 14f96e86d21e4f4⋯.png (979.33 KB,1086x864,181:144,474747.PNG)

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4cea80 No.19355411

File: 86c79c7fcf49d1e⋯.jpg (37.77 KB,623x1280,623:1280,86c79c7fcf49d1e6857ac16f78….jpg)

File: df2dc065dd0cffe⋯.png (951.64 KB,745x648,745:648,df2dc065dd0cffeef64286554f….png)

File: f016c51a2eaba4e⋯.jpg (22.09 KB,432x505,432:505,f016c51a2eaba4e57908db4e21….jpg)

File: 9e085c9f7c95ace⋯.png (185.97 KB,428x486,214:243,9e085c9f7c95ace5f4083fcef8….png)

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a5d544 No.19355412

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Recusal? – Kash Patel Reveals Stunning Background of DC Judge Chutkan in Cases Against President Trump

August 8, 2023 | Sundance | 299 Comments

Appearing with Sebastian Gorka, Kash Patel puts some excellent context on the issue of Dircuit Court Judge Chutkan presiding over the special counsel case against President Trump. {Direct Rumble Link Here}

I was unaware of the detail where Judge Chutkan originally presided over the case when Fusion GPS tried to block Devin Nunes and Kash Patel from revealing the source of the payments for the Chriss Steele dossier. This is a big datapoint. WATCH:

TRANSCRIPT – Kash Patel: “Judge Chutkan, for those who don’t know, represented Burisma, Hunter Biden’s fraudulent consulting firm, she was a lawyer at the same law firm with Hunter Biden. But Seb, let’s put that aside. What other matters are there for her recusal? In 2017 when Devin Nunes and I were running the Russiagate investigation, we figured out who paid for the Steele dossier. Fusion GPS, the DNC, and the Hillary Clinton campaign paid Christopher Steele millions of dollars and they laundered it through the FBI and the FISA court to unlawfully surveil Donald Trump. That’s big-time stuff.

On the eve of us winning that disclosure, before the world knew, Fusion GPS took us to federal court and that case landed in JUDGE CHUTKAN’S COURT ROOM. … After a month of heavy litigation where Judge Chutkan knew the ins and outs of Fusion GPS, our proceedings, all possible witnesses, etc., when she could not prevent us from prevailing, she recused -on her own- from that case. Why?”

“We found out her law firm, Boies Schiller, represented Fusion GPS. The very client that was in front of her in federal court was one of her former clients. That is rule #1 for disqualification.”

GORKA: “Boies Schiller Flexner is the same company where Chutkan and Hunter Biden worked!”

PATEL: “You gotta ask yourself, Seb, how come it took Chutkan a month [to recuse herself]? … She wanted to block the bank records.

Imagine if we never found out who paid for the dossier. … She set the precedent. She cannot neutrally and arbitrarily preside over Donald Trump’s criminal trial when she recused herself from the very representation of the Democratic entrenchment: the DNC, the Hillary Clinton campaign, Fusion GPS, because she was so biased because of her prior representation from Boies Schiller.

How could she possibly be allowed to stay on this case? And it wasn’t us, Seb. We got her off because of her own history. That precedent is what Donald Trump’s lawyers must apply this week.”

Perhaps this recusal issue is why four other district court judges including Boasberg sat in the back of the courtroom for President Trump’s appearance last week. Perhaps the judges were proactively contemplating who would meet the DC recusal threshold.


Kash Patel explains why this Judge must recuse her self from President Trump’s trial.



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1ec77a No.19355413

File: c8721e248b0530a⋯.png (1.88 MB,1170x878,585:439,c8721e248b0530acfdea3f1c01….png)

File: 8f36641205d062d⋯.jpg (176.1 KB,1080x1442,540:721,Screenshot_20230814_091156….jpg)

File: a588e35074b2d37⋯.jpg (102.18 KB,880x1100,4:5,a588e35074b2d37b184f0e7867….jpg)


Image posted 11:43 8/12/23




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eef9e3 No.19355414

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a019b1 No.19355415

keep typing while your country dies.

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e7e7c5 No.19355416

File: 46ae5b0bea13fdb⋯.png (483.82 KB,740x738,370:369,46ae5b0bea13fdb090047dc943….png)

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2bb187 No.19355417

File: e8f82b2e182aae8⋯.png (586.76 KB,803x650,803:650,Capture.PNG)


Them digits in the image and isnt trump also wearing a hat with

45-47 on it.

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d70a33 No.19355418



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0584d9 No.19355419

File: 1ba2b24e3bb8a6c⋯.jpg (48.64 KB,466x449,466:449,Screen_Shot_2023_08_14_at_….jpg)

File: 7129a1f9da111be⋯.jpg (122.39 KB,1280x1280,1:1,2023_06_24_22_22_17.jpg)


Eight Points

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e7e7c5 No.19355420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a5d544 No.19355421

File: f74a31cb6fab121⋯.png (204.26 KB,887x685,887:685,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2008d66f0f7768⋯.png (422.86 KB,661x900,661:900,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 14fe62c6f47d576⋯.png (232.83 KB,650x800,13:16,ClipboardImage.png)

Mike Davis 🇺🇸


Judge Chutkan is clearly threatening Trump.

If he speaks out about unfair treatment before Judge Chutkan, which he's allowed to do under the First Amendment, she will railroad him faster.

Defendants, not the government, have the constitutional right to a fair and speedy trial.

Aug 13, 2023, 10:05 PM


Ryan Goodman


On Friday, August 11, 2023, Judge Chutkan:

“The more a party makes inflammatory statements about this case which could taint the jury pool … the greater the urgency will be that we proceed to trial quickly.”

On Sunday, August 13, 2023, former President Trump👇


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5ee5f0 No.19355422

File: 5a46c8f4d352939⋯.png (715.47 KB,1080x750,36:25,Nnbx.png)

I didn't see one fire fighting guy in Maui yet….lol


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e7e7c5 No.19355423

just a ded clay dog of war only

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8061b4 No.19355424


no great loss, really

let it all burn

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6e7e97 No.19355425


that one's a baby

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aceeae No.19355426

File: 42fc57a8f5fceca⋯.png (274.46 KB,350x737,350:737,IMG_2463.png)


anudda two weeks

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0584d9 No.19355427

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


For the Wall-Tile.

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aceeae No.19355428


night shift is dank shift

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eef9e3 No.19355429

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Hawaii Air National Guard Airlifts Fire Department Resources to Maui. JOINT BASE PEARL HARBOR-HICKAM, HI

Honolulu Fire Department vehicles and personnel were transported by a C-17 Globemaster III operated by members of the 204th Airlift Squadron from Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam to Kahului Airport, Maui on August 10, 2023. The Hawaii Air National Guard Airmen transported 37 members of the HFD, four vehicles and disaster-relief cargo to aid communities impacted by several wildfires. The Hawaii Air National Guard loadmasters and maintenance specialists offloaded supplies from the C-17 Globemaster III at Kahului Airport. The airlift mission was made possible through the collaboration of several total force units stationed on JBPH-H. This includes Air Force Reservists from the 48th Aerial Port Squadron, Active-Duty Airmen from the 735th Air Mobility Squadron and the 15th Wing, and U.S. Air National Guard Airmen from the 154th Wing. Several firefighters who reported for the mobilization are also drill-status members in the Hawaii ANG and U.S. Air Force Reserves.


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a5d544 No.19355430

File: 0ec392563cc8555⋯.png (443.95 KB,880x763,880:763,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1ff53dd22d410a⋯.jpeg (298.33 KB,1088x1288,136:161,kevin.jpeg)

File: 05bad36f811e119⋯.jpg (171.85 KB,1013x1013,1:1,kevin_m.jpg)

File: b0ded925db1a588⋯.png (1.85 MB,888x1156,222:289,kevin_macarthycc155.png)

File: 88c23afe5fccc2b⋯.png (517.59 KB,500x500,1:1,kevin_mcarthy.png)

Peter Navarro Obliterates Kevin McCarthy of Undermining Bill Before to Thwart Chinese Influence in US Infrastructure: “HYPOCRITE BLOWDRIED CCP B*TCH”

In a recent appearance on POLARIS National Security with Morgan Ortagus, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy underscored the urgent need for the United States to regain control over critical mineral processing and to counter China’s strategic investments in American infrastructure, farmland, and meatpacking facilities.

However, former White House Trade Advisor Peter Navarro responded with a blistering tweet accusing McCarthy of hypocrisy and collusion with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

During the interview, McCarthy elucidated his concerns over China’s growing influence.

Below is the transcript:

China controls 90% of critical minerals, but they control 95% of the processing of critical minerals. So what does that mean?

We need to open up more mines in America. We need to invest in the ability to processing them. Medical supplies. When it comes to our food, we’re watching them buy our farmland up. We’re watching them buy into our meat packing facilities. We’re watching them invest in our infrastructure. You can’t sit here blindly when you get comments of what they’re saying now.

It’s nothing negative against the Chinese people. We’re talking about the Communist Party here. We should be investing in America, that we’re not dependent upon anybody else. If we should learn anything from Europe, dependency makes you weak.

In a tweet, McCarthy wrote, “The Chinese Communist Party wants us to depend on them for – Critical minerals – Medical supplies – Agricultural goods And a lot more. Now more than ever, we must protect our national security and END our dependence on China.”

The Chinese Communist Party wants us to depend on them for

– Critical minerals

– Medical supplies

– Agricultural goods

And a lot more.

Now more than ever, we must protect our national security and END our dependence on China. pic.twitter.com/GMRBud2Duq

— Kevin McCarthy (@SpeakerMcCarthy) August 12, 2023

Despite McCarthy’s strong words, Navarro was quick to challenge his sincerity, accusing McCarthy of singlehandedly blocking a bill that would have prevented Communist China from building U.S. rail and subway systems.

“This asshole singlehandedly nixed a bill when I was in the White House that would have prevented Communist China from building our rail and subway systems because he had a China bus plant in his district. HYPOCRITE BLOWDRIED CCP B*TCH,” Navarro wrote.

Peter Navarro, a key figure in shaping U.S. trade policy during the Trump administration, has been an outspoken critic of Communist China, particularly regarding trade practices and economic policies.

As the former Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy and Assistant to President Trump, Navarro played a significant role in shaping the Trump administration’s trade policy toward China.

Perhaps most notably, Navarro was instrumental in crafting the trade policies that led to a series of tariffs on Chinese goods.

According to the Tax Foundation, “The Trump administration imposed several rounds of tariffs, amounting to an $80 billion tax increase on $380 billion worth of imports (based on 2018 values), ranging from thousands of products from China to steel and aluminum and washing machines and solar panels.”

Navarro has been vocal about the need for the United States to reduce dependency on China, particularly in critical industries like pharmaceuticals, technology, and manufacturing. He has emphasized the potential national security risks associated with reliance on Chinese supply chains.

This asshole singlehandedly nixed a bill when I was in the White House that would have prevented Communist China from building our rail and subway systems because he had a China bus plant in his district. HYPOCRITE BLOWDRIED CCP BITCH.

— Peter Navarro (@RealPNavarro) August 13, 2023




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a5d544 No.19355432

File: 3379b61d5e79f57⋯.jpg (58.21 KB,404x544,101:136,1ead94ffdb137f65.jpg)

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a5d544 No.19355434

File: 441801e43673dd4⋯.jpg (343.76 KB,1014x1069,1014:1069,441801e43673dd4f56570a62e6….jpg)

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01cbbb No.19355435

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4d0bb3 No.19355436

File: 89ebf61894035b2⋯.png (657.11 KB,931x904,931:904,nightshift_stairs.PNG)

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0584d9 No.19355437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c1800a No.19355438


When searching for a suspect in a crime it is often beneficial to establish a motive for the crime. Some of the best strategies in establishing a motive for a crime is considering, WHO BENEFITS FROM THE CRIME and HOW WAS THE CRIME COMMITTED.

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eef9e3 No.19355439

File: ba4facd3f660e20⋯.mp4 (4.06 MB,360x640,9:16,videoplayback.mp4)

"all the cell towers are burnt down"

that's why social media black out?


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e7e7c5 No.19355440

File: 5c4a7dfa9f2ff80⋯.jpg (15.99 KB,255x161,255:161,0e10fce966f3b24fa31c2b438f….jpg)

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0584d9 No.19355441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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839544 No.19355442


Already having a race war, and the media is siding with the violent thugs owned by…

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01cbbb No.19355443


Russia taking Afrikaners into resettlement villages.

Something we have asked the United States to do, to help them, for years. Silence from the USA, action from Russia.

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f081b3 No.19355444

File: fb52acce8537496⋯.png (1.69 MB,1350x902,675:451,ClipboardImage.png)

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d70a33 No.19355446



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6abe93 No.19355447



God I fucking hope it happens.

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ffbe0e No.19355448

Do genetics affect the behaviour of different races?

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2cc033 No.19355449

What is a black swan event?

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2cc033 No.19355450


I would say yes

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0584d9 No.19355451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






: Russell-Jay: Gould.

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01cbbb No.19355452


filtered shill

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d70a33 No.19355453

File: dbe7ba816f0b7b4⋯.png (76.2 KB,300x168,25:14,image_2023_08_14_051218572.png)


this is a perfect example of the department of education doing exactly what it was designed to do. he probably has at least two or possibly three offspring with multiple baby mama, drives a 2012 honda with a spoiler package, and just got fired by door dash for stealing food.

niggers. what are you gonna do?

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2cc033 No.19355454

File: a4afaef5734db8d⋯.png (290.22 KB,678x452,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b7fa253bb2a9c2⋯.png (176.07 KB,554x554,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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0584d9 No.19355457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Within about a week or two after this Seminar

:Russell-Jay: Gould, his first seminar in 10 years.






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c1800a No.19355458


WHY was McCarthy the presumed candidate for Speaker of the House, and WHO presumed him?

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d70a33 No.19355459

File: 59af1212d90439d⋯.jpg (10.49 KB,180x280,9:14,download.jpg)


You know the answer

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0584d9 No.19355460

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 1b7bf1 No.8814841📁

Apr 16 2020 13:55:30 (EST)


Clear your mind.



Above & Beyond - Great Falls

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01cbbb No.19355461



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ffbe0e No.19355462

I asked Chat-GPT: "Do genetics affect the behavior of a person?"

"Yes, genetics can play a significant role in influencing a person's behavior."

"Does race affect the behavior of a person?"

"Race does not affect an individual's behavior."

Chat-GPT is the reddit of AI.

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c1800a No.19355463


Maybe is they convert to Catholicism they can be escorted across the southern US border by the brave heroes of the US Border Patrol.

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ffbe0e No.19355464

"Was the 2020 election stolen?"

"No, the 2020 U.S. Presidential election was not stolen. Multiple courts, state election officials, and the U.S. Department of Justice conducted investigations and found no evidence of widespread fraud or irregularities that would have impacted the outcome of the election."

how much time do they spend programming this thing to be woke and jewish?

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2cc033 No.19355465

File: a0b764d80c6668c⋯.jpg (402.1 KB,1080x1248,45:52,Screenshot_20230814_212250….jpg)

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2cc033 No.19355466


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01cbbb No.19355467


or the environment they are raised in?

or could be both?

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d70a33 No.19355468

File: 5e6892acf415286⋯.png (73.81 KB,570x310,57:31,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a7f89e74f5fd53⋯.png (40.13 KB,520x583,520:583,ClipboardImage.png)


dig fuckers dig

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01cbbb No.19355469

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ffbe0e No.19355470


I'm making a prediction.

This post is when Q will return: >>20012709

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f6a3aa No.19355471


Realtors are the scum of the earth.

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a5d544 No.19355472

File: f9f40dcea9def70⋯.png (89.51 KB,283x275,283:275,freemason.png)

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d70a33 No.19355473

File: 34d51656f1c7972⋯.png (216.49 KB,741x557,741:557,ClipboardImage.png)



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ffbe0e No.19355474


"durr here's a house i googled. when you buy it you gotta pay me too durr"

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c1800a No.19355475


Oh, no! CHAT-GPT is retarded.

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2cc033 No.19355476


Past caring anon

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a0c5ad No.19355477

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kabbalah The Multiverse Of Madness! The Devil Is In The Details


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ffbe0e No.19355478

File: 618fe9dd259e87d⋯.png (85.9 KB,2324x370,1162:185,Screenshot_2023_08_14_at_4….png)


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d70a33 No.19355479

File: d64f97160221ab6⋯.png (29.51 KB,694x174,347:87,ClipboardImage.png)


this place used to be about collectively connecting dots to expose shit

now its smokingpepeswordysamfaggotshow.com

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f6a3aa No.19355480


Gee, I wonder if he is a Mason?

Who do the Masons take orders from?

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ffbe0e No.19355481


yet here you are.

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2cc033 No.19355482

File: 1a9b4688c947742⋯.jpg (542.93 KB,1059x1271,1059:1271,Screenshot_20230814_213314….jpg)


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a0c5ad No.19355483

File: 658314d6d8a24ff⋯.png (6.99 KB,560x84,20:3,Screenshot_2023_08_14_0433….png)

File: 46e89ea484ea6cb⋯.png (1.95 MB,2376x1653,792:551,Screenshot_2023_08_13_0237….png)


Not necessary.

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c1800a No.19355484


WHY does the FBI have mobile morgues? You would think that would be FEMA's concern.

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c18542 No.19355485

This anon has noticed a big play on vacation real estate.

With a bit of research, you will find many vacation-type properties

HOA dues are going up by 50 to 125% in 2024 due to high cost

of insurance, especially anything near the water (Hurricane insurance).

This combined with high-interest rates is causing a bubble that will cause many to lose ownership of the premium real estate due to overhead costs doubling or more, I'm also seeing many significant price drops due to this situation.

What many don't see is the cash buyers gobbling up these properties. In many cases, developers are buying back these properties under financial distress due to the significantly increased cost of ownership.

The elite are buying up all the premium real estate.

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c1800a No.19355486


The Hidden Master.

hint: One square is white, one square is BLACK.

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eef9e3 No.19355487



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01cbbb No.19355488


Predictions about Q are ridiculous and a waste of time.

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2cc033 No.19355490


Yip but not for Q

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d70a33 No.19355491

File: 240cc0b89e0775e⋯.png (15.27 KB,255x184,255:184,e9c3e22dbb8f68f5256865b150….png)


Hidden. You think anything is hidden anymore?

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01cbbb No.19355492


eeehhh, I don't think fema does investigations. I think fema is more for providing for the living.

On the other hand, fbi isn't known for investigating anything anymore.

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d70a33 No.19355493

File: 840842f69b17f33⋯.jpg (19.08 KB,255x255,1:1,6aa1254de48bf427158490eae9….jpg)


good morning anonymousfaggot

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f6a3aa No.19355494


Inappropriately kissing and/or touching a family member in public while knowing that it is being recorded, must be part of the requirement for being in their sick club.

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01cbbb No.19355495

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d70a33 No.19355496

File: 31b6719a08460f5⋯.png (121.29 KB,342x226,171:113,ClipboardImage.png)

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031b19 No.19355497

File: d4980169ae65f51⋯.jpg (36.05 KB,563x440,563:440,red_dress_2.jpg)



with these broad shoulders

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c1800a No.19355500


That's what they call him.

Bill Cooper exposed this "chain-of-command" back in the 90s on shortwave. All masons are sworn to obey and conceal.

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031b19 No.19355502



yous welcome

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f6a3aa No.19355503


Put them in the Lime Light for the World to see their corruption.

Watch MSM bend over backwards trying to protect them.

Wait for people to wake up and see the Truth.

Is that the Plan?

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23c719 No.19355504

File: 0f4671dad0078b0⋯.png (2.81 MB,1906x675,1906:675,cfic.PNG)

has anyone really dug into this "council for inclusive capitalism"?

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01cbbb No.19355505


search engine question

ask what his history is.

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824c95 No.19355507

Good morning

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b698a5 No.19355510


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c1800a No.19355511


Is that a Rothschild beside the pope?

The same Rothschild that was a strong supporter of Hillary Clinton?

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01cbbb No.19355512



some women have broad shoulders, some don't. Men and women do not fit into any one cookie cutter shape,

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d70a33 No.19355513

File: d6694e46a46985c⋯.png (8.04 KB,255x150,17:10,bc4682d00ed2fcf2959c6e5f39….png)


This is my last post

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031b19 No.19355514

File: ed66267844a2458⋯.jpg (121.07 KB,854x1000,427:500,1655069719908.jpg)

File: aed0dcd87df8e26⋯.jpg (67 KB,1114x876,557:438,man_vs_woman.jpg)

File: db8a378facc547f⋯.jpg (88.93 KB,738x849,246:283,man_vs_women_differences.jpg)


skull size vs. shoulders doesn't lie

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23c719 No.19355515

File: a480019e0702c9c⋯.png (473.06 KB,1361x686,1361:686,LYnn.PNG)




Lynn Forester de Rothschild is Founder and Co-Chair of the Council for Inclusive Capitalism, a global not-for-profit organization which develops groundbreaking initiatives with global CEOs and distinguished leaders in government and civil society to catalyze actions that transform capitalism and make our economies and societies more inclusive, dynamic, sustainable and trusted.

Lynn is also the Chief Executive of E.L. Rothschild LLC, a family office with interests in private companies, public markets and real estate. She is a member of the Board of Directors and Nominating & ESG Committee of The Estee Lauder Companies, and previously served on the boards of The Economist Group, Gulfstream, General Instruments, Bronfman-Rothschild and Weather Central.

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f081b3 No.19355517

File: dbbe5ff56da8ec7⋯.png (164.34 KB,400x576,25:36,ironouthewrinkles.png)

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f6a3aa No.19355521


What's it gonna take for White people to start fighting back?

Oh, that's right, Patriots have no skin color.

White people are supposed to continue to be Virtue Signaling, Color Blind idiots.

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c1800a No.19355524


Lynn Forrester de Rothschild is on the Steering Committee of that council. Her prominent position beside the pope (at his right hand) suggess she's at the head of the organization.

With so many of the connections in the Trump Russia Hoax / Steele Dossier leading back to Britain, and Hillary Clinton having such strong support from Lady Rothschild, I have suspected she had a prominent part to play in the whole affair.

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f6a3aa No.19355525



While the Jews continue to use Black people to terrorize non-Jewish White people.

Jews love their nigger slaves.

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98bd53 No.19355527

File: 55fbbd24c380715⋯.jpeg (150.15 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_0862.jpeg)

13 Aug, 2023

‘Dehumanizing Russians’ has backfired – ex-Zelensky aide

The hateful behavior of “collective Ukrainians” has gifted Russian troops more purpose to fight, Aleksey Arestovich has claimed

A general Ukrainian effort to “dehumanize”Russians has become the main “mistake”made by the country in the ongoing conflict, Aleksey Arestovich, a former adviser to President Vladimir Zelensky said on Sunday.

Speaking to journalist Yulia Latynina, Arestovich condemned the systemic efforts to “dehumanize” Russians, stating that the strategy has clearly backfired and purportedly only gave Russian troops more reasons to fight.

“The main thing we did was to allow ourselves to dehumanize the Russians. This is our main mistake. At first we held on and then we delved into all that with pleasure. The collective Ukrainians, I mean. We allowed that to pour into the internet,” Arestovich stated. He added that such behavior gave average mobilized Russians –not professional soldiers– “an excellent motivation to fight.”

The former aide to the Ukrainian president didn’t elaborate on when “collective Ukrainians” had switched from what he called“behaving like a European nation” to “demonizing” Russians, with ordinary citizens in a neighboring state “creating an image of an orc.”

From the early days of the conflict, Ukrainian propaganda has been actively portraying Russian troops as primitive savages who’d never seen basic home appliances, toilets or even paved roads. This disinformation also alleged widespread looting, as well as the torture and rape of Ukrainians. The charges against Russia were amplified by top officials, among them the then-human rights chief Lyudmila Denisova, who ultimately was sacked after most of the rape claims turned out to be fake.

Senior Ukrainian officials have repeatedly made hateful remarks about Russians during and even well before the years of hostilities between the two countries turned to the recent fighting. For instance, Aleksey Danilov, the head of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, claimed earlier this month that a presence of “humanity” was the key difference between Ukrainians and Russians.

“I’m fine with Asians, but Russians are Asians. They have a completely different culture, vision. Our key difference from them is humanity,” Danilov stated live on Ukrainian TV, which itself became a heavily censored, state-approved “broadcasting marathon” amid the hostilities.

The top presidential aide Mikhail Podoliak has also repeatedly made hostile remarks, claiming that Russians are universally “hated”by Ukrainians, as well as voicing calls on a daily basis to “kill Russians” by the thousands.

Moscow has for years voiced outrage over rampant Russophobia in Ukraine, arguing it has been fostered by Kiev into a state-level policy. Ukraine has passed laws severely restricting the use of the Russian language in education, media, and everyday life, with the situation deteriorating even further after the conflict between the two nations escalated to military action in February 2022.


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c1800a No.19355530


Is she still a US citizen, or is she a British "subject" now?

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c8a19a No.19355531

File: 0e61bff7eeb2776⋯.png (357.44 KB,750x626,375:313,ClipboardImage.png)


mostly yes… this part is

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c1800a No.19355532


WHY are you thread sliding?

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0f0214 No.19355533

Morning anons…

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c1988a No.19355536



#23770 >>19355053

>>19355060 Sen. Hirono questioned on the 80 sirens that didn't activate on Maui

>>19355065, >>19355132, >>19355175 Rescue efforts - FEMA? State militia? Local groups


>>19355091 Hawaii Digital Government Summit 2023 to take place in Honolulu on 25th Sept. 2023

>>19355094 Locals escape fires in the water - mp4

>>19355197, >>19355212 Governor Of Hawaii: "I'm already thinking about ways for the state to acquire that land …"

>>19355247 @realDonaldTrump: quote from Tanya Chutkan

>>19355258, >>19355278 @realDonaldTrump: How dare lowlife prosecutor, Deranged Jack Smith, break into my former Twitter account …

>>19355280, >>19355301 Anyone else think it’s odd that Maui’s Police chief of the incident commander for the Las Vegas Massacre?

>>19355468, >>19355473, >>19355479, >>19355487 Anon Digg: John Pelletier, Maui Police Chief, former incident commander at Las Vegas massacre

>>19355527 ‘Dehumanizing Russians’ has backfired – ex-Zelensky aide


>>19355275 5 yr. delta (NEEDS SAUCE)


Bred Still Ghosted

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c8a19a No.19355538

File: 24994d83c41e1f7⋯.png (1.08 MB,765x836,765:836,ClipboardImage.png)

i like the bones of this meme

great words,,,

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c1800a No.19355540


Her third husband was Sir Evelyn de Rothschild (August 29, 1931 - November 7, 2022), whom she was introduced to by Henry Kissinger at the 1998 Bilderberg Group conference in Scotland.[20] They married on November 30, 2000, in London, England,[1] after de Rothschild divorced his wife in 2000.[21] She was his third wife.[1] On the announcement of the marriage,the Rothschild couple were invited to spend their honeymoon at the White House by the Clintons.[22] The couple divided their time between homes in New York and London, a summer home on Martha's Vineyard, and the Rothschild family's historic Ascott country estate in England. By virtue of her marriage to a knight, she is known socially as Lady de Rothschild.[4]


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c8a19a No.19355543

File: 9eb68d4ddad6ce5⋯.png (1.12 MB,740x865,148:173,ClipboardImage.png)

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d70a33 No.19355544

Here is the dealio.

Hunters lawyer goes on sunday show and says no new evidence. of course there is no NEW evidence. Hunter stopped doing deals. He is simply coastin through all the cash from past deals now. Fucking a

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c8a19a No.19355546

File: a69c14eea251836⋯.png (1.14 MB,720x749,720:749,ClipboardImage.png)

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ee3efe No.19355547


> lowlife prosecutor = 17

>Deranged Jack Smith = 17

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01cbbb No.19355550


stupid stupid stupid

and filtered

try going out and looking at hundreds of them all men and women. Try to think beyond a diagram.

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faa79e No.19355551

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB,600x450,4:3,IMG_2896.gif)

Morning, frenz

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16fa7c No.19355552

File: 8abe11431d508db⋯.jpg (61.54 KB,500x672,125:168,7vodfh.jpg)

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ee3efe No.19355553


Extra space before "indeed" and after "CORRUPT"

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ee3efe No.19355554

God Wins!

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16fa7c No.19355555

File: 4c3e18e9708256a⋯.jpg (101.44 KB,869x500,869:500,7vlb7q.jpg)

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d70a33 No.19355556

the circle of fifths is the answer

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342f79 No.19355557

You bitch ass pos mf stay in your fuckin land you worthless fucks. Fuckin over

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5759f5 No.19355558

File: 3faf4d2dfc6f6a1⋯.png (85.15 KB,680x662,340:331,ClipboardImage.png)

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ee3efe No.19355559

Truth belongs with the people!

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16fa7c No.19355560

File: 77398cbe5a61626⋯.jpg (124.31 KB,500x1113,500:1113,7vmg48.jpg)

File: a5bfc7bd6e86a50⋯.jpg (63.11 KB,600x500,6:5,7veb5g.jpg)

File: eb6f325c7666a08⋯.jpg (55.49 KB,577x433,577:433,7ved2f.jpg)

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98bd53 No.19355562

File: f829281c6d0cda6⋯.jpeg (162.43 KB,731x664,731:664,IMG_0864.jpeg)

*AHEM*, Anthony Oliver Holds Stunning Nine Spots Amid iTunes Top Twenty, Including #1 and 4 of Top 5

August 13, 2023 | Sundance

I know we frequently say that if you look at the raw data before it is corrupted by those who control the information networks, you will discover we are in the overwhelming majority. However, sometimes it’s important to emphasize it.

In less than a week since his “Rich Men North of Richmond” song was noticed, Anthony Oliver has taken over the iTunes billboard rankings and now holds the record of 9 of the 20 most downloaded songs. Not only is his viral sensation #1, but his music library is dominating the charts. Today, he sang in Virginia:

We are the workforce.

We are also digital warriors, meme creators, artists, researchers, autists and ordinarily invisible people now considered dissidents in our own country.

We are the backbone of industry, the people who keep it all working, the builders, diggers and blue-collar workforce that keeps everything functioning.

We are the people they will never fully control. We speak in languages they do not understand, and we absorb targeted ridicule as fuel.

We are the movers of goods, the truckers, the farmers, the nameless people behind the skilled trades that keep what they call American society moving.

We are the people who grow the food, pick the food, transport the food, stock the food, cook the food and facilitate the life they live.

We are a visible, yet disregarded, insurgent force within their sphere of life that is never considered, yet we control the outcomes of every moment they value.

We pick up the trash, answer the phones, run cables to their devices, mow their lawns, solve their problems, control the flow of essential services and keep our heads below the radar.

We are the majority.

We can bring a halt to everything, simply by stopping what we do.

We are a self-reliant, freedom loving, normally peaceful and God-fearing assembly.

We drive them to their destination; we are comfortably out of mind until needed, and yet we are irreplaceable for the things they require.

We are armed with tools, hammers, pens, rulers, pickup trucks, laptops, post-it notes, stickers and alternate forms of messaging that circumvent the control mechanisms deployed to create our silence.

We are inside every facility, every institution, every meeting, every moment of their existence – and we notice everything.

We have eyes of mice and ears of elephants. We are there when they do not expect, and we melt away before they notice our appearance.

We are smart, strategic, highly intelligent and carry a brutally obvious and pragmatic common sense that finds optimal solutions to everything.

We identify our tribe immediately and without conversation.

We see what they hide, we hear what they whisper, we decipher their codes, and we understand the complexity they create in their effort to conceal.

We control the physical world that operates around every element of society, and we value real and tangible assets.

We do not sit around pontificating eloquently about philosophic nuances; we get shit done.

We are the people who facilitate their ability to take us for granted, and we do so without issue, resentment or desire for recognition.

We are optimistic, affable, kind, generous, friendly, loyal, warm and quietly spiritual in purpose.

We are polite, considerate and slow to anger.

We prefer to be left alone. However, pushed entirely far enough, decisions are reached. Right now, we are tenuously staring with deepened gaze.

We are increasingly pissed off…. Big Time!

In every town, village and hamlet we are encountering the same conversation. On every porch, in every shop, at every event, the topic is the same.

Right now, we are taking this fury to the platforms of visibility where we hope to influence outcomes. But if that effort fails, and/or if the command-and-control authorities make the mistake of thinking they can shut down our visibility and therefore control the dissent, there will be no quarter provided in the aftermath.

The two biggest mistakes they can make right now is not understanding why we have begun to bow our heads.

First, our heads are not bowed because we are subservient, cowering or accepting the current effort to control us….

….We are praying!

Their second mistake would be to ignore that we are not praying for us…

….We are praying for those who trespass against us!

They may not like what follows, “Amen!”

We are resolute and of common purpose.

We are MAGA!

[ Fuel the Rebellion ]


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0f0214 No.19355563


> Hunter stopped doing deals.

I think not…Hunter has to turn tricks to eat…

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d2279c No.19355564


hips don't lie. Guess all those archeologist bigots will know better now.

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342f79 No.19355565


What kind of retarded fuckin riddle is this bitch cuck you

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a0c5ad No.19355566

John Pelletier stuff Jun 15, 2022


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ee3efe No.19355567





We tied for those fives

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c8a19a No.19355569

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

🇺🇸 OKᔕᗩᑎᗩ Tᖇᑌᗰᑭ 🇺🇸


Did you know?


Aug 05, 2023, 6:58 PM


Burying a loved one on your property



I want the sauce on this, IS IT TRUE?

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c1800a No.19355570

Did this:


Trigger this:


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f6a3aa No.19355572



The Boomers bought their lies and played their game.

Join the union, work for a Fortune 500 company.

Get good pay and benefits.

Two weeks, or even 4 weeks, of vacation, if they worked there long enough. Maybe even get a lake home and a boat, or some other fun toys.

Work for the NWO Agenda.

The Boomers thought that the were being responsible. They thought that they were living the American Dream. They thought that if they worked hard and stayed on the job for 40 years, they would be rewarded. Get a pension. Some 401Ks. Hope the government doesn't gouge them too badly or kill them before they can collect it.

They made the Jews rich and powerful while the Jews gave them crumbs.

They worked their whole lives to make the Jews rich and powerful overlords.

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e3773f No.19355573


>WHY are you thread sliding?

Famefags aren't anon.

Anon judges this spam as the good sort.

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faa79e No.19355574

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB,600x450,4:3,IMG_2896.gif)

Morning, frenz

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98bd53 No.19355576

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


In less than a week since his “Rich Men North of Richmond” song was noticed,Anthony Oliver has taken over the iTunes billboard rankings and now holds the record of 9 of the 20 most downloaded songs. Not only is his viral sensation #1, but his music library is dominating the charts. Today, he sang in Virginia:


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d70a33 No.19355577

File: 338821c9309e7eb⋯.png (130.12 KB,333x274,333:274,Opera_Snapshot_2023_02_26_….png)

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e3773f No.19355578

File: fb99527fce7d678⋯.jpg (112.69 KB,640x862,320:431,fb99527fce7d6786e2afcbe745….jpg)


Quint fives checked.

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c1800a No.19355581


Maybe some anon are shit judges.

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90279c No.19355582

File: b614951b6086cf5⋯.png (403.24 KB,605x529,605:529,maui_police_chief.PNG)


Maui Police Chief John Pelletier came to Hawaii after 22 years in Las Vegas. He was incident commander for the 2017 mass shooting that left over 50 dead. Here he tells


why only two bodies have been identified out of the 68 dead on Maui. #mauifires #maui #hawaii

2:42 AM · Aug 13, 2023





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c8a19a No.19355584

File: dbe5241bc1e1e0a⋯.png (62.21 KB,950x722,25:19,ClipboardImage.png)



Search for: "council for inclusive capitalism" (586 Results)

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f6a3aa No.19355585


The Boomers bought the Jew lies.

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08d1dd No.19355587

File: 8cf84543ea48e59⋯.jpeg (674.45 KB,1125x394,1125:394,IMG_6010.jpeg)

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d2279c No.19355588


just another masonic shit fuck, from a brotherhood of shit fucks, part of another brotherhood of shit fucks.

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e3773f No.19355589

File: bed6b0ef2029f14⋯.png (470.39 KB,837x536,837:536,bed6b0ef2029f14f37fcdf6ca1….png)


>Maybe some anon are shit judges.

Possibly, but anon is anon.

Not Sam

Not Tranime

Not Doge

Just anon.

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c1800a No.19355590


The best place to run a criminal enterprise is from City Hall. Imagine what you could get away with if the police chief was one of your henchmen.

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c8a19a No.19355591

File: c8f118f5778f48c⋯.jpg (75.99 KB,500x510,50:51,c8f118f5778f48cf3c2616a5fa….jpg)

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68b602 No.19355593

File: 1d0b80de442a177⋯.jpg (142.28 KB,844x1088,211:272,BecmeUnGov.jpg)

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e3773f No.19355595

File: ea6ae9c08c54621⋯.png (470.61 KB,970x994,485:497,ea6ae9c08c546214515d7883f4….png)


Well…there goes my promise not to masturbate today.

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0f0214 No.19355596

File: 03a1a123cf455d9⋯.png (123.71 KB,1442x578,721:289,Screen_Shot_2023_08_14_at_….png)

File: b9856a07d8e7496⋯.png (126.4 KB,1400x550,28:11,Screen_Shot_2023_08_14_at_….png)

File: a7027a222c66b66⋯.png (347.58 KB,1462x632,731:316,Screen_Shot_2023_08_14_at_….png)

Palm trees are not good combustable material for fires. So what the f*ck caused all the heat in Hawaii? Cars are melted. Same burn patterns as many of the images we have seen from Cali.

If this the same tech that also caused all the "fires" that destroyed the architecture in most major cities? Or the "hurricane" that destroyed Galveston?

We are being fu*ked with…


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c1a55f No.19355597

File: 043c543e5ca3116⋯.png (101.55 KB,588x424,147:106,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ca810e91e4370b⋯.png (853.2 KB,858x499,858:499,ClipboardImage.png)



muh morning.

Anon is exhausted

have anon noticed that people IRL are beginning to freak out around them a lot

moar than before when they were calling us all idiots?


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c084a2 No.19355598

Bye bye InTheMatrixxx


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0f0214 No.19355599


5:5:5:5 = ""ALL WARS SUCK''

Digits of truth…

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a0c5ad No.19355600


Careful they don't make your property a crime scene

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3a34aa No.19355601

File: 860b251f743cda8⋯.jpeg (103.78 KB,800x1200,2:3,IMG_2914.jpeg)

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5050a7 No.19355602

File: 7876ef455d181de⋯.jpg (18.04 KB,500x300,5:3,id5461095_NATO_TurkiyeGett….jpg)

Turkey In NATO ending

Türkiye Quietly Renounces NATO Links, But Not NATO Benefits

Türkiye on Aug. 3, made its most pointed renunciation of its ties to NATO.

President Reçep Tayyip Erdoğan, who was sworn into office again on June 2, re-structured his Armed Forces leadership, removing all leaders who had held NATO appointments.

Türkiye, as a result, has stopped attempting to balance its NATO membership off against its commitments to Russia. It has, de facto, now thrown in its lot with Eurasia.

The new appointments come amidst a crisis in the Turkish Armed Forces which have seen, in recent years, a marked decline in the professionalism of key officers. President Erdoğan has favored political loyalty to him over operational experience, often replacing professional military leaders with Gendarmerie (Jendarma) generals.

The Turkish Supreme Military Council (Yüksek Askerî Şûra: YAŞ) met on Aug. 3, at the Presidential Palace under the chairmanship of President Erdoğan, with the main focus on the annual reviews of the senior officers of the Turkish Armed Forces (Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri: TSK). Before the meeting, and in accordance with protocol, the president accompanied members of the YAŞ to the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, where he laid a wreath and signed the Official Book, in which, after praising the rôle of the Armed Forces, referred to the new strategic goal of the country as the “Century of Turkey,” promising “an increase in the strength of the army.”


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3a34aa No.19355603

File: 48a29adfe18b0e9⋯.jpeg (113.9 KB,1200x800,3:2,IMG_2915.jpeg)

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3a34aa No.19355604

File: cd76cd6d3913564⋯.jpeg (128.7 KB,800x1200,2:3,IMG_2916.jpeg)

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3a34aa No.19355605

File: c35c7433202b2c2⋯.jpeg (203.86 KB,1600x1066,800:533,IMG_2917.jpeg)

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3a34aa No.19355606

File: d502003da91e02a⋯.jpeg (280.94 KB,1066x1600,533:800,IMG_2918.jpeg)

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90279c No.19355607

File: 77fdcf27311837d⋯.png (52.96 KB,959x331,959:331,oprah_bezos_yacht_1.PNG)

File: fc5ef3dde10d76e⋯.png (870.65 KB,726x571,726:571,oprah_bezos_yacht_2.PNG)

File: eaf2305ad207189⋯.png (853.15 KB,730x570,73:57,oprah_bezos_yacht_3.PNG)




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c084a2 No.19355609

File: 5fcb8faa3e5520a⋯.png (1.31 MB,851x1208,851:1208,ClipboardImage.png)

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c1a55f No.19355610


that is what the wanted with blm you fucking retard.

this fucking slide has been going on for a while.

another old tactic that they tried and failed.

useful idiots doing stupid things does not make a majority.

ffs you shills are sad.

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98bd53 No.19355611

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lawfare Rep Goldman Admits Biden Broad Immunity Deal Was Political Construct Intended to Protect Biden Family from Future Accountability for Prior Criminal Conduct

August 13, 2023 | Sundance | 243 Comments

Wickedness has a way of manifesting in the human body. As the physical lifeforce within Daniel Goldman begins diminishing, the pale and sullen former Robert Mueller operative appears on CNN to discuss the Hunter Biden case and the appointment of the special counsel.

Skilled in the dark arts of lawfare, Representative Goldman spins the investigation to its situational opposite; however, he does reveal that David Weiss was motivated by politics when he constructed the plea agreement for Hunter Biden. According to Goldman, the plea deal was built around broad immunity for any criminal conduct so that a future DOJ -one not in alignment with the Biden crime syndicate- could not hold the Biden crime family accountable. WATCH:

…”Now, in the ordinary course, you would not give immunity for other conduct than what is charged. But this is not the ordinary course, because you have a petty, vindictive bully running as the — for president on the Republican Party who will use revenge and weaponize the Department of Justice to potentially charge Hunter Biden.

So, even though I’m sure Hunter Biden has confidence that David Weiss will not charge him with additional crimes, they have no confidence that, if Donald Trump wins, that he would weaponize the Department of Justice to charge Hunter Biden, go back and charge him.”…

(Goldman is insane! His justification totally ignores the DOJ bullying and putting J6s in jail, Mike Flynn, etc being bullied and arrested by FBI and DOJ, the current DOJ & FBI going after Catholics, Parents, children unless they are a Trans Perversion and the multiple and continuous crimes against PDJT, Eastman, MAGA or anyone who tell the truth.)



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2258cc No.19355612

I don’t want Trump or Joe to go to jail!

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90279c No.19355613

File: 0591145144dcb03⋯.png (628.09 KB,489x511,489:511,judge_chuktan.PNG)

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5050a7 No.19355614

Is there a problem now with posting images from clipboard?

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90279c No.19355615

File: 4537c4e0b240309⋯.png (346.93 KB,405x459,15:17,judge_chuktan_2.PNG)

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e3773f No.19355616

File: 92bc4d39762a73e⋯.png (3.94 MB,1620x2019,540:673,92bc4d39762a73e8faeb9f11e3….png)


>have anon noticed that people IRL are beginning to freak out around them a lot

They're all going broke.

That's when they finally learn.

When they were calling us idiots, they were high on the hog.

We knew hard times were coming, and had time to prepare.

It's almost time to buy their toys for ten cents on the dollar.

Give them a consolation redpill while you drive off with your new toy.

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c8a19a No.19355617

File: bd2814c24ad84e4⋯.png (342.04 KB,1221x939,407:313,ClipboardImage.png)


Can I Actually Bury A Loved-one On My Property In The USA?

Written by Phil Hawes in Funeral questions


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c8a19a No.19355618

File: 8d56ebe984d3f0c⋯.png (764.39 KB,1234x962,617:481,ClipboardImage.png)


Ivana Trump was buried near the first hole of Trump National Golf Club. Her gravesite could offer tax breaks for the business.

Ivana Trump was buried near the first hole of Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey.

Tax code in New Jersey exempts cemetery land from all taxes, rates, and assessments.

Under the code, the gravesite of Trump's ex-wife may have tax implications for his golf business.

The location of Ivana Trump's grave — near the first hole of the golf course at Trump National Golf Club — may have tax implications for the business owned by the former president.

Tax documents from the Trump Family Trust, published by ProPublica, show the trust sought to designate a property in Hackettstown, New Jersey, as a nonprofit cemetery company, though the course itself is 20 miles away in Bedminster.

Ivana Trump, former President Donald Trump's ex-wife, is the first person known to have been buried at the Trump-owned golf course.

Under New Jersey state tax code, any land that is dedicated to cemetery purposes is exempt from all taxes, rates, and assessments. Cemetery companies are also specifically exempt from paying any real-estate taxes, rates, and assessments or personal property taxes on their lands, as well as business taxes, sales taxes, income taxes, and inheritance taxes.

In the New Jersey Law Revision Commission, a "cemetery company" is defined as "a person, corporation, association or other entity that owns or operates a cemetery, but does not include a religious organization that owns a cemetery which restricts burials to members of that religion or their families unless the organization has obtained a certificate of authority for the cemetery."

Trump has planned for at least a decade to build variations of a cemetery on the course. NPR reported in 2012 that his intention was to build a mausoleum to one day be buried in himself. He later amended his proposal to create a cemetery on the property to suggest building more than 1,000 possible graves.

He later changed designs again, planning to create a "10 plot private family cemetery" in the same location, The Washington Post reported in 2017. Trump further amended the proposal to include a 284-plot cemetery, which would have gravesites available for sale.

Ivana Trump died on July 14 in her Upper East Side home in what officials ruled an accidental death after she sustained blunt-force injuries to her torso. She was 73 years old.

Representatives for Donald Trump and the Trump National Golf Course Bedminster did not immediately return Insider's request for comment.


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807fdd No.19355619


fucking dumb nigger

send the apes back to africa

or better still, genocide the damn monkeys and solve the nigger problem forever

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90279c No.19355620

File: 7d5ce6f1965eed8⋯.png (390.44 KB,506x631,506:631,judge_chuktan_3.PNG)

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c084a2 No.19355621


The loud anti-Sam spam memes are themselves the very 'board personas' they claim to denounce.

The posters spamming the bread with 'mornin frenz' are just trying to spoil Anon memes.

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c8a19a No.19355622


chuk a tanty looks like a nasty bitch

resting bitch face is an evil bitch

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807fdd No.19355623


that nigger is speaking "ebonics jive"

it's the lingua franca of apes, aka niggers

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90279c No.19355624

File: 51ba2f8faa82c2f⋯.png (310.89 KB,382x351,382:351,oprah_naomi.PNG)

File: ed4c5cd5a6bfbd9⋯.png (507.99 KB,622x351,622:351,oprah_naomi_weinstein.PNG)

File: 8e2acd464617938⋯.png (91.22 KB,391x518,391:518,q_post_epstein_island_famo….PNG)

File: 1b1997eb907ddaf⋯.png (20.94 KB,203x93,203:93,epstein_oprah_naomi.PNG)

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807fdd No.19355625


she's a nigger, what did you expect?

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807fdd No.19355626


fucking niggers

niggers everywhere

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807fdd No.19355627


jungle bunny

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e3773f No.19355628

File: b971421d634a429⋯.png (139.39 KB,300x359,300:359,grammar_nazi_cutout.png)

File: 37c27e4b06bb1d2⋯.png (52.78 KB,661x283,661:283,Screen_Shot_2023_08_14_at_….png)


>The posters spamming the bread with 'mornin frenz' are just trying to spoil Anon memes.

If you post the same meme every day for years, you aren't anon.

But you don't realize that, because you're dim-witted enough to think that "Anon" should be capitalized.

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f6a3aa No.19355629


Is this why Trump buried Ivana Trump in his golf course?

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807fdd No.19355630


doge is one of the worst spammers

thinks his shit doesn't stink

sociopath, like the tranime freak

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90279c No.19355631

File: 2cd08fafb390393⋯.png (218.08 KB,480x269,480:269,chrissy_teigen_pop_tarts.PNG)

File: 99947bb74b59356⋯.png (138.77 KB,226x285,226:285,hillary_crissy_teigen_john….PNG)

File: 8e2acd464617938⋯.png (91.22 KB,391x518,391:518,q_post_epstein_island_famo….PNG)

File: 864bdfc4761c3ab⋯.png (18.23 KB,240x95,48:19,epstein_chrissy_tiegen.PNG)

File: 927430185bdc385⋯.png (11.03 KB,131x72,131:72,epstein_john_legend.PNG)

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98bd53 No.19355632


Goldman is so desperate he lies and lies and lies about everything he knows to be true. Standard OP on the left, mini me Schitt, although not as convincing. Seems like Tapper was told to ask more questions on the Bidans in this interview. When the press start asking tough questions, Obama gave the orders! “Take the Bidans down, they are causing problems for us!”

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807fdd No.19355633


stop posting images of that ugly simian

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3cd22e No.19355634

File: 67ce391dcc824b2⋯.mp4 (2.5 MB,270x480,9:16,MauiOpera.mp4)

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