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File: 4f5603a4f60014c⋯.png (146.33 KB,437x242,437:242,2023_01_06_3_47_03.png)

1d4f34 No.19345489 [Last50 Posts]

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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1d4f34 No.19345490

International Q Research Threads

>>19188850 ——–——– Australia #31

>>19181822 ——–——– Canada #45

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>18551332 ——–——– Germany #105

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Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker

Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>19075778, >>19075920, >>19148273 What counts as CP?

>>19088769, >>19156675, >>19322099 SPAM is not free speech, will be removed NEW

>>19259750 I have had contact with the FBI many times. Whenever I report crimes. I report them to the FBI./J6 NEW


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ

>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>19103408 No muh joos in notes, will be removed



>>19345054 Woke CEO of Hallmark Stepping Down After Several Top Stars Walk Away From Network

>>19345067 Privacy Experts Slam Tech Platform’s Plans to Use Customer Data for AI Training

>>19345069 GOP Slams Biden for ‘Endangering’ Americans with ‘Reckless’ $6B Iran Deal

>>19345075 Where is Hillary’s Indictment on the Same Charges as Trump?

>>19345078, >>19345397 PDJT on Fulton Co DA

>>19345085 Biographer says Obama hoped he’d never read letters to his ex-girlfriend

>>19345094 Scavino: @ realDonaldTrump will be visiting the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines, Iowa tomorrow at 1:00PM CDT.

>>19345098 Ex-wife of former Utah County therapist arrested in connection to ritualistic child sex abuse case

>>19345112 Best Buy Won’t Allow Christian Employees to Wear a Cross but Enforces LGBTQ WorkShops

>>19345126 Photos Surface of ‘Guardians’ Director James Gunn at Pedophilia-Themed Party

>>19345131 FDA Drops Ivermectin Bombshell

>>19345136, >>19345069 GOP Slams Biden for ‘Endangering’ Americans with ‘Reckless’ $6B Iran Deal

>>19345140 On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work

>>19345166 2018: disturbing commercial depicts men with pyramid masks physically abusing newborn babies by using them as musical instruments.

>>19345167 MUST WATCH: Roseanne Barr reveals how Whoopi Goldberg orchestrated Ted Danson’s blackface routine then threw him under the bus

>>19345172 Joe Biden's signature in 2017 nothing like his in 2021 HAHA


>>19345283 Boatfag

>>19344988, >>19345292 @laralogan Karen Kingston Poisoned - Calls Out Robert Malone & Others

>>19345394 Jeff Grey spreading the message of homeless vets, God bless them!

>>19345423 Judge Chutkan And Friends: They Hate YOU, Not Just Trump

>>19345461 X22: The plan is working!

>>19345487 #23757-B

#23757-A >>19344621

>>19344670 Scientists may be on brink of discovering fifth force of nature - wobbling subatomic particles

>>19344673 New species of sea monster with 20 arms found - Antarctica

>>19344694 Sky has pulled out of broadcasting the Oscars ceremony after 20 years

>>19344853, >>19344885, >>19345069 GOP Slams Biden for ‘Endangering’ Americans with ‘Reckless’ $6B Iran Deal

>>19344853 @DanScavino: @realDonaldTrump will be visiting the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines, Iowa tomorrow at 1:00PM CDT

>>19344874, >>19344877 Elon Musk fire sale

>>19344884, >>19344885 BREAKING Explosions reported at the Crimean Bridge

>>19344917 Biden wants new EXPENSIVE housing program for migrant families

>>19344930 California to BAN Skittles in state where children can get sex changes without parents approval

>>19344935 Police given emergency powers to lockdown London high street as shops brace for looting

>>19344956 PF

>>19344982 PDJT: "LAWFARE!"

>>19345002 Ian Watkins, Lostprophets Singer Convicted of Child Sex Offenses, Brutally Stabbed in Jail

>>19345005 Transgender Convicted Pedophile Had Been Watching Girls Undress In Locker Room Of Canadian Pool, Claimed It Was His "Human Right" To Access Women's Spaces

>>19345011 Kari Lake: @katiehobbs State of Emergency expired the same day it was issued because she doesn't know how to proofread.

>>19345025 Progressives in Ohio wasted no time moving to change the state’s constitution and take away qualified immunity from police after a failed push by Republicans to make it harder to alter the state's guiding document.

>>19345028 Welcome To Biden’s Grand Illusion Of Prosperity Issues & Insights

>>19345036, >>19345249 @TrueGenFlynn From the Director of “Out of Shadows”, comes his newest film, “Into The Light!”

>>19345043 Atty David Weiss is the same one that approved that sweetheart deal for Hunter Biden

>>19345050 US Diplomat Threatened To "Kick The Sh*t" Out Of Biden For Groping Wife

>>19345398 #23757-A

#23756 >>19343854

>>19343912, >>19343917, >>19343922, >>19343928 Governor Katie Hobbs Declares Heat State of Emergency

>>19343932 Vivek Ramaswamy - the climate disaster death rate has *declined* by 98% over the last century, even as carbon emissions have risen.

>>19343942 James O'Keefe's zoom call with whistleblower Enis Sujak, from Best Buy Geek Squad.

>>19343989, >>19344397 Dan Scavino Jr. - @realDonaldTrump will be visiting the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines, Iowa tomorrow at 1:00PM CDT

>>19344029, >>19344035 Human Remains: Rituals for Fraternal Organization [Independent Order of Odd Fellows – All-Seeing Eye] - 3/25/22

>>19344047, >>19344143 OKEEFE MEDIA GROUP - Blackrock (mp4)

>>19344112 Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Nat'l Archives & Records Admin.

>>19344122 Illinois State Supreme Court Declares ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Constitutional

>>19344123 Where does Maui County recycling go? China of course!

>>19344130 Social Media Erupts After Skittles Partners with Far-Left Group Which Supports Sex Procedures for Children

>>19344142 Colombian mercenaries in Ukraine are starting to revolt due to being treated like "dogs"

>>19344163 PROJECT VERITAS - Pfizer Director (mp4)

>>19344252 Archdiocese of San Francisco likely to file bankruptcy following hundreds of sexual abuse lawsuits

>>19344263 ‘Evil does exist’: Louisiana victim of Catholic priest abuse urges reform

>>19344267 THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI - Movie based on the 2021 RFK jr book

>>19344344, >>19344345, >>19344347, >>19344348, >>19344351, >>19344356, >>19344357, >>19344358, >>19344360, >>19344371 Church, Nuns and More - Pedophilia and Sexual Abuse Bun

>>19344365 The Unknown Secret Child Trafficking Network That Ran for 60 Years - 9/30/22

>>19344368, >>19344369 The ‘stolen babies’ trial in Spain finally shines a light on a scandal that cannot be forgotten

>>19344376 Dan Scavino - 8/11/23 | @realDonaldTrump is spotted at Trump National Golf Club, Bedminster

>>19344442, >>19344446, >>19344448, >>19344451, >>19344452 Alex Jones, J6 and Who is Caroline Wren?

>>19344513 John Solomon Previews Docs That Call Into Question Whether Joe Biden Pressuring Ukraine to Fire Burisma Prosecutor Was Actually US Policy

>>19344522 Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund reveals what really happened on January 6th

>>19344571, >>19344572 Dyncorp and child prostitution

>>19344581 Organ harvesting info-Jamaica Informant Organ Harvesting Witness & Warning - 2/9/17

>>19344615 #23756

#23755 >>19343629

>>19343195, >>19343143, >>19343178, >>19343230 STOP THE W.H.O. 666 GLOBAL AGENDA!!

>>19343206 Hawaii needs the help more than Ukraine.

>>19343191 Infant Decapitated During Delivery at Georgia Hospital, Lawsuit Alleges - GWP

>>19343299 Incase you missed it: Tim Ballard Interviews Donald J Trump 11 days ago

>>19343339 Canadian newspaper has MELTDOWN over conservatives fighting pedophilia

>>19343358 Comer says he's ready to subpoena Bidens' phone and bank records, give witnesses immunity - justthenews

>>19343366 Trudeau’s split from wife reveals some shocking truths

>>19343367 AG Garland decision to elevate Weiss to Special Counsel in Hunter Biden probe does not bring fresh perspective as outlined in 28 CFR 600.3

>>19343370 Noticed the US base in Niger is Base 201, as in... Event 201?

>>19343299 Incase you missed it: Tim Ballard Interviews Donald J Trump 11 days ago

>>19343421 Swedish government had a “hotline” to Facebook

>>19343448, >>19343450, >>19343565 Hawaii Island police investigatearsonas cause of the Kaʻū wildfire

>>19343447 Michael Weimer just became the 17th Sergeant Major of the Army.

>>19343476 Lukashenko calls for radical change in Belarus’ relations with EU

>>19343480 Bill & Hillary Clinton are Involved with Child Trafficking

>>19343493 Mike Davis: "This is a clear cover up By Merrick Garland to protect his boss Joe Biden"

>>19343521 Kathy Griffin Posts Photo of Jack Smith Holding Donald Trump’s Severed Head

>>19343617, >>19343620, >>19343732 POTUS! David Weiss was picked by the two Democrat Senators from Delaware under “Blue Slip.” He would not have been picked by me. But I have a great idea. Why don’t they use Deranged Jack Smith?

>>19343706, >>19343702 moar of James Comer from tonight

>>19343729 Oliver Schwab WEF Secret Society 'ODD FELLOWS' dig

>>19343757 @KariLake Helpful reminder as Katie Hobbs uses “heat deaths” as an excuse to call a State of Emergency & take away your freedoms.

>>19343759 It’s a Hostage Statement to Congress by Bidan regime to fund Ukraine FIRST

>>19343797 16 people have been injured after a boat explosion at Lake of the Ozarks

>>19343825 #23755

#23754 >>19342320

>>19342334 More Judge Chutkan who today said politics has no place in her courtroom and plans to treat Donald Trump as any other defendant.

>>19342357 US Diplomat Threatened To "Kick The Sh*t" Out Of Biden For Groping Wife

>>19342401 House COVID-19 committee demands records on how school relief funds were spent

>>19342484 Putting 'woke' out to pasture

>>19342495 Sophie Grégoire Trudeau's section removed from Liberal party website.

>>19342747 Musk - If Zuck my 👅 really wants a lesson in why there are weight categories in fighting so badly, I could just head over to his house next week and teach him a lesson he won’t soon forget

>>19342777 Trump campaign slams appointment of Hunter Biden special counsel

>>19342786 Illinois Supreme Court upholds state’s gun and magazine ban


>>19342872 Former Chief Financial Officer sentenced to prison for falsifying accounting entries for publicly traded Vancouver, Washington staffing firm

>>19342877 Man Pleads Guilty to Sending Bomb Threat to Arizona State Election Official

>>19342948 Zuck is likely using a PR firm to craft his posts.

>>19342952 DeSantis Suggests He Would Use Drone Strikes Against Mexican Drug Cartels

>>19342964 Merrick Garland's Special Counsel Appointment May Violate DOJ's Own Rules, Legal Experts Say

>>19342976 🚨#BREAKING: Multiple firefighters are battling a large fire at a recycling center warehouse

>>19342988 100 Marines, Sailors Ready to Ride Commercial Ships in Zone Defense Against Iran - USNI News

>>19343616 #23754

Previously Collected

>>19340571 #23751, >>19341481 #23752, >>19343612 #23753

>>19338092 #23748, >>19338939 #23749, >>19339703 #23750

>>19335725 #23745-B, >>19336503 #23746,>>19337264 #23747

>>19334043 #23743, >>19334861 #23744, >>19335664 #23745-A

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop >>19192963

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1d4f34 No.19345493

File: 12f822091c2fbd4⋯.png (466.22 KB,687x589,687:589,newsbaker_we_are_the_news.png)



baker seeking handoff @20

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9162dd No.19345494

File: 48bf590fbfc06b0⋯.jpg (4.55 MB,4004x2300,1001:575,comfypepes.jpg)

TYB o7

Feeling comfy.

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d7e840 No.19345499

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113f0f No.19345507

File: 204721a7c5792e8⋯.png (1.07 MB,699x1469,699:1469,ClipboardImage.png)



from Gen. Keith Kellogg's new book.

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0d11aa No.19345512

File: 014d59b667ab096⋯.webp (1.54 MB,498x498,1:1,365189.webp)

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41a916 No.19345518

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


it's FRESH!


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3f41c5 No.19345519


Flynn was their insurance policy.

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44af34 No.19345520

File: 032ab7d984bf6ac⋯.jpg (116.41 KB,497x357,71:51,888.jpg)

Bread needs an 8

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d4cd96 No.19345521

it is simple.


qresearch is shit now.

they protect spam and

delete the real.

you get what you deserve.

no check because you

believe shills did this.


(you) did.

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0011ad No.19345522

File: 506fe179d6826ed⋯.jpg (43 KB,500x704,125:176,7ven9r.jpg)

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868796 No.19345523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tanks bakes

Smoking cigarettes and watchin captain kangaroo

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64f8fc No.19345524

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e080f5 No.19345525

File: 906d5e58dfb9318⋯.png (339.11 KB,564x565,564:565,906d5e58dfb931840d3ae2cd8d….png)

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208310 No.19345526

File: 6b626343f19c2d9⋯.jpeg (360.95 KB,1440x1799,1440:1799,IMG_5684.jpeg)

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d7e840 No.19345527



Bread# should be #23757

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b3fe48 No.19345528

File: 1039b4eb2164c96⋯.png (619.92 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Screenshot_2023_08_09_at_2….png)

File: 1c10b2e1e355c33⋯.png (856.45 KB,1024x669,1024:669,Screenshot_2023_08_09_at_2….png)


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1d4f34 No.19345529

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4e11cb No.19345530

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAKING: Several explosions were heard near the Crimean bridge


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58da2f No.19345531

File: 4623facf8fcfea9⋯.png (446.81 KB,906x403,906:403,USSSgunstar1.png)

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beacc3 No.19345532

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,Freedom_Flag.png)

File: 8cab262d5fe1bab⋯.jpg (50.43 KB,1125x1058,1125:1058,2023_07_03_06_47_12.jpg)



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1d4f34 No.19345533

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64f8fc No.19345534


The 8 is slient… Like knight.

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d7e840 No.19345535


Sorry I meant #23758

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3bab8d No.19345536

File: 2d7198364833cb7⋯.png (377.89 KB,636x382,318:191,15_18_36.png)

Fury as young children are showered with TAMPONS thrown by 'bloodied' 'non-binary' performer at Drag Queen show during LGBT Pride family event


People are outraged about this but not the fucking retarded parents who are taking their kids to these satanic events? Trump needs to end this madness before humanity sinks further into hell…

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33143b No.19345537

File: 4e091ed2943b089⋯.png (311.66 KB,828x1464,69:122,00a20f1ddc94fad1fc62d0483a….png)

File: 36814416bcda60a⋯.png (58.12 KB,1024x512,2:1,0b418c3b929c562f76321a9f92….png)

File: 7c032b441ede13f⋯.jpg (351.51 KB,1200x1780,60:89,2b3dfcc74d553fca2a0e9ee332….jpg)

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64f8fc No.19345538


Quit whining. NEXT!

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0011ad No.19345539

File: 3edaeca29794cb4⋯.jpg (143.57 KB,654x500,327:250,7o5ho8.jpg)

Tamas = inertia

Sattva = positivity

Rajas = passion

Different races generally fall into one of the above.

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b3fe48 No.19345540

File: f2369278a1ca9b5⋯.jpg (66.5 KB,788x443,788:443,Collage_Maker_31_Jul_2023_….jpg)


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1d4f34 No.19345541


great song

perfect for 2023

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f685b2 No.19345542

File: 6985c2bdf9f2ab6⋯.mp4 (2.17 MB,bidenhuntercroked5.MOV)



They did it OPENING within their own family for the money and power;

no shame; except Naomi would want to confess…. Depth of what she says is probably unknown to herself though.

They seem to have no consciousness of their serious guilt?

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faf7b2 No.19345543

File: 142089c4250cbdb⋯.jpg (95.22 KB,828x551,828:551,NSUSMC.JPG)


TYB for not posting a faggotry banner that direspects the normative heterosexual Heroes of Iwo Jima.

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e6f360 No.19345544

File: 78cf9434de55c96⋯.png (2.27 MB,1333x1000,1333:1000,ClipboardImage.png)

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41a916 No.19345545

File: 0efdf01e6f02d4c⋯.jpg (12.95 KB,255x255,1:1,0efdf01e6f02d4cc650000a582….jpg)

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f685b2 No.19345546

File: f9982a137b01a5e⋯.png (959.96 KB,955x639,955:639,bidansatanistc.png)


both were last bread


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741bea No.19345547

File: bffe9da261a2d9f⋯.png (74.49 KB,1104x466,552:233,Screenshot_2023_08_12_at_1….png)

File: 59118e0a1bf9c9e⋯.png (905.52 KB,1312x543,1312:543,telnineOffice.png)

File: ca4161e62324041⋯.png (280.24 KB,1000x351,1000:351,telnineOfficePlaza.png)

File: 37e1bdffaf5a749⋯.png (802.51 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2023_08_12….png)

File: fbc65e18e36b153⋯.png (538.14 KB,1224x606,204:101,Screenshot_2023_08_09_at_1….png)

Did a search for logistics llc and Gary Bell

hit on this UACL newsletter

search hit goes to the june version but Gary Bell hit is in the cached version from May


Search for UACL

Corporate office listed atE Nine Mile Rd


address of the Tel Nine Office plaza mentioned in Michigan State Police report is24222 W Nine Mile Rd southfield mi

14 miles

UACL logo Nazi/Antifa colors


MAY. 2022







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2b21fb No.19345548


What the fuck isTHAT?That thing is used to fuel nightmares man.

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208310 No.19345549

File: 767aef7a25c9d5a⋯.png (1.49 MB,1157x2025,1157:2025,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c1fe035f80e2d6⋯.png (172 KB,1170x522,65:29,ClipboardImage.png)


>this is a photograph


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b3fe48 No.19345550

File: 288d248fd4873e8⋯.png (474.33 KB,600x473,600:473,indesdfsdfx.png)

ai driven cartoon clown science

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113f0f No.19345551


Anon already knew about this event. This was when Comey broke protocol and sent two FBI thugs to the WH to interrogate and frame Flynn.

"What we are seeing is a meticulously planned-out scheme to try to get a 33-year combat veteran of the United States to say something that was inaccurate so that they would have a basis to try to charge him with false statements or otherwise get him fired," McCarthy told FNC's Martha MacCallum on "The Story".

Latest 4am talking point Aug 2023: "Flynn was a secret deep state operative all along".



New 4am talking point: Flynn

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20664d No.19345552

File: b881e7e1bb5430a⋯.png (657.76 KB,692x326,346:163,skit.PNG)

File: 07d41e76714a5cc⋯.png (1.74 MB,1295x653,1295:653,live.PNG)

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f6a61d No.19345553

File: 646a6ce081d3d71⋯.jpg (56.51 KB,666x500,333:250,646a6ce081d3d7101e612b952f….jpg)

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b3fe48 No.19345554

File: baf47276ec8895c⋯.jpg (100.66 KB,1024x576,16:9,Maui_Lahaina_Wildfire_03_1….jpg)

File: 04452278cdb2c5e⋯.jpg (211.7 KB,1024x683,1024:683,230810_kf_Maui_Fire_591_1_….jpg)

using the new AI emergency climate justice authorities we're able to save MAUI completely.

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41a916 No.19345555

File: 40a3fb26a0cbba2⋯.png (416.55 KB,720x540,4:3,40a3fb26a0cbba2eec73d195fc….png)

anyone trying to derail Qresearch is auto filed under various known treasonous categories

protecting biden

protecting pedos

protecting world gov't

defending child trafficking ww

pick your side

fight tyranny or fight the board

there is no 3rd side

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0011ad No.19345556

File: a5bfc7bd6e86a50⋯.jpg (63.11 KB,600x500,6:5,7veb5g.jpg)

File: eb6f325c7666a08⋯.jpg (55.49 KB,577x433,577:433,7ved2f.jpg)

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ba0f67 No.19345557

File: d23f3d5ba73622b⋯.png (125.75 KB,1867x465,1867:465,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0141215b8e1dbf⋯.png (685.56 KB,1174x1280,587:640,ClipboardImage.png)

HONOLULU (KHON) – Astronomers say a Chinese satellite has been caught on video beaming down green lasers over the Hawaiian Islands.

A National Astronomical Observatory of Japan livestream camera atop the Subaru Telescope on Mauna Kea recorded the footage in late January.

The lasers flashed for just a couple of seconds and were initially thought to be from a NASA altimeter satellite. The NAOJ put out a correction note on Monday, Feb. 6 that said NASA scientists “did a simulation of the trajectory of satellites that have a similar instrument and found a most likely candidate as the ACDL instrument by the Chinese Daqi-1/AEMS satellite.”

“It’s a Chinese satellite that is measuring pollutants, among other things,” said University of Hawaii Institute of Astronomy’s Roy Gal. “It has many different instruments on it … Some kind of topographical mapping or they’re also used for measuring stuff in Earth’s atmosphere, and I think that’s what it is, environmental measurement satellite.”

Pentagon: China’s conducted spy balloon program for years

A former chief of staff of Marine Forces Pacific had a different perspective. “I’m not sure, and this is my opinion, why the Chinese — who are probably some of the most prolific polluters on the planet — would be collecting data on pollutants on this side of the Pacific,” say Ray L’Heureux.

Both experts said the object is not explicitly a spy satellite. It is cataloged and known by governments around the world.

“The U.S. has satellites to do the same thing, so, in this case, despite all the flurry, well deserved flurry, about Chinese spy satellites and other devices, this one is just orbiting earth and has a known orbit,” Gal said.

The footage from Mauna Kea was taken on Saturday, Jan. 28, prior to the recent incident where a Chinese balloon traversed over the mainland U.S. before being shot down off the coast of South Carolina.


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5047f3 No.19345558


Bad Science!

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7a3db0 No.19345559

File: d0d6b0e9567e8e1⋯.png (135.47 KB,791x837,791:837,ClipboardImage.png)

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1d4f34 No.19345560

File: a9c50b1ed0ff286⋯.jpg (1.62 MB,1615x3468,95:204,2023_08_12_7_25_02.jpg)


wow, just look at that spam in notables

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3f41c5 No.19345561


Even if you give Flynn the benefit of the doubt all it proves is he's retarded. He served President Trump horribly and his stupidity knee capped a presidency.

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3bab8d No.19345562


Even when Trump was POTUS, he stated that Joe Biden was a completely different guy, Real Biden is dead? Who is the illegitimate phony in the White House now, that ain't Joe!

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b3fe48 No.19345563

File: 1c0de5e4c3a0a79⋯.jpg (111.42 KB,1024x576,16:9,Maui_Lahaina_Wildfire_34_1….jpg)

What are you talking about MAUI is burned? it's SAVED. look again. the CARBON has been removed because it was in need of CHANGE.

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f6a61d No.19345564



these are comms

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78baa8 No.19345565

The world was pulled over your eyes to hide the truth.

If we don't unite against our overlords, we're fucked once again.

How many civilizations learned the hard way? History won't repeat this time.

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208310 No.19345566

File: 862f5d6843a28a9⋯.jpeg (207.07 KB,1024x768,4:3,IMG_5956.jpeg)

File: 2d63a2f5ed0e31a⋯.gif (2.88 MB,480x270,16:9,IMG_5957.gif)

File: 9de9674be98c953⋯.jpeg (68.62 KB,768x1024,3:4,IMG_5958.jpeg)

File: 7ffe7c358c55002⋯.gif (2.56 MB,300x424,75:106,IMG_5960.gif)

File: 65b7051a9369297⋯.png (222.91 KB,450x399,150:133,IMG_5959.png)

(YESTER)DAY OF NOTE: the 5th year anniversary of Terry Davis’ death

RIP August 11, 2018

(Look up his history if you’re a newfag)

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f685b2 No.19345567

File: 4b324c005af95b6⋯.mp4 (2.02 MB,640x360,16:9,bidenquidquopro.mp4)


They did it OPENLY within their own family for the money and power;


(should say "openly")

been away; anything new?

Remember when the crooks (pols and fake news) screamed about "Trump Quid pro Quo"?

Whatever happened with that?

Truly in Orwell "1984" terrortory.

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208310 No.19345568

File: f7171de7632acfa⋯.jpeg (8.84 KB,106x125,106:125,IMG_5961.jpeg)

File: cad8e6fc0ede095⋯.jpeg (644.93 KB,1148x868,41:31,IMG_5964.jpeg)

File: 1401a37a17a09d5⋯.png (862.35 KB,935x515,187:103,IMG_5965.png)

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b3fe48 No.19345569


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33143b No.19345570

File: f9aa943661a0ccc⋯.png (1.06 MB,1080x1145,216:229,571b7f43fd99ad1be01b5882c5….png)


how we got here

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e8370e No.19345571

>>19345424 pb >Most magic and voodoo work by perception

The job of the chemical knitters is to get people and children into their facilities where their DS cronies or the system itself finishes the job. Let's take psoriasis for example. Knitters spray ionized plastics, metals, and organic contaminates such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, and even combine organics such as larva and microbes. Cortisone is designed to thin the skin, see where this is going? Subcutaneous is the word. Notice "immune suppressant drug" what the F is that?

Methotrexate, an immune suppressant drug, and biologic drugs such as Enbrel (etanercept), Humira (adalimumab), and Stelara (ustekinumab) are examples of injectable psoriasis medications.


Suppressing the immune system, and some of these drugs do it for 6 months or more, is finishing the job.

Here is some fun learning for you and your families. Say some of the medication names over and over like a mantra until the real meaning becomes aparent. I'll give you one to get you started. Remember when I said the word "Goy" means cow and they call you that because they cut you up into different parts and distribute those parts to their community.

ustekinumab = You steak in new mob.

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20664d No.19345572

File: cb9e651c8c592c5⋯.png (549.13 KB,1253x848,1253:848,mr_smith.PNG)

File: 6daf2a396bdddbf⋯.png (496.87 KB,710x335,142:67,smi.PNG)


Streamed on: Aug 11, 7:30 pm EDT

Ep 3137b - Confirmed, The Plan Is Working, The Door Has Been Open, Art Of War

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b3fe48 No.19345573

File: ead8ddfd3ef65c7⋯.jpeg (147.9 KB,1080x810,4:3,lahina2.jpeg)

we don't need no stinking carbon.

Plants and animals and homes are uncivilized

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07f086 No.19345574

File: 10d4bf4326f8c88⋯.mp4 (15.85 MB,320x240,4:3,Old_Soul_1.mp4)

Rich men North of Richmond

[They] think (you) don't know

But I Know That (YOU) DO

Wish politicians would Look out for minors

Not Just some Minors on an ISLAND somewhere…


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ba0f67 No.19345575

File: d79b90d7fd48f65⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB,920x672,115:84,pepe_temple_os_party.mp4)

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33143b No.19345576

File: 10790b769440bed⋯.gif (1.82 MB,179x308,179:308,10790b769440bedd1b49e8d59d….gif)

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0c968e No.19345578

File: 4e67bb0c74985e6⋯.jpg (9.21 KB,228x221,228:221,smokingpepe2.jpg)


Board personalities are exempt from your quads. Seethe

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36ba04 No.19345579


Yup. They've had 6000 years of rule. It's our turn. I don't blame them for fighting, though. I wouldn't want the repercussions they're about to receive for everything they've done in just the last 100 years.

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f6c583 No.19345580

File: 6a2bee67c59405b⋯.png (1.16 MB,1111x883,1111:883,6a2bee67c59405b44aa3cb0f4c….png)

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dd2263 No.19345581

File: 7a3a5d85c1e02d3⋯.png (26.19 KB,1179x253,1179:253,mich_election_fraud_case_r….PNG)

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel verified that “8,000 to 10,000” suspected fraudulent registrations were delivered to Muskegon City Clerk prior to the 2020 election.

Michigan officials have forwarded an investigation from 2020 concerning a large number of voter registrations, supplied by an individual in Muskegon, to the FBI. This was recently affirmed by Attorney General Dana Nessel’s office.

Danny Wimmer, the press secretary for Nessel, stated that the individual had handed in between “8,000 to 10,000” possibly fraudulent forms to the Muskegon clerk in advance of the presidential election on Nov. 3, 2020.

Wimmer emphasized that this “attempted fraud” was detected before Election Day, underscoring that Michigan’s election procedures proved effective, and consequently, these applicants were not incorporated into the state’s voter lists.

“The city clerk in Muskegon detected the fraudulent material provided and alerted the proper authorities,” Wimmer said in a statement. “A thorough investigation was conducted by multiple agencies within the state and no successful fraud was perpetrated upon the state’s election process or qualified voter file.”

The ongoing investigation, initially disclosed in October 2020, has recently drawn increased attention from right-leaning websites, especially after the Gateway Pundit spotlighted reports about the inquiry by the police.

Yet, Michigan officials have argued that this incident demonstrates the effectiveness of election administrators in identifying and thwarting potential malfeasance.

FBI Special Agent Mara Schneider chose not to comment on the election probe when approached on Friday. Wimmer did not immediately provide an answer regarding the timeline of the referral to the federal authorities.

However, Wimmer noted that the case was handed over to the FBI due to its national oversight. He further revealed that the individual who provided the registrations to Muskegon Clerk Ann Meisch’s office was affiliated with GBI Strategies, a Tennessee-based organization that undertakes voter registration campaigns.

“Fraud was determined to have occurred at the lowest levels of the company,” Wimmer said in a statement. “The leading internal indication was that fraud was being perpetrated against GBI Strategies by its employees to fabricate work product without conducting the work expected of them and not in explicit pursuit of defrauding the election infrastructure of the state.”

During the 2019-2020 election cycle, federal disclosures show that GBI Strategies received approximately $5 million from Democratic entities and campaigns for canvassing, engaging voters, and other related activities. Among those who reported financial transactions with GBI Strategies in this timeframe were Biden’s presidential campaign and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

In October 2020, the Michigan State Police initially disclosed their investigation into “irregularities in voter registration forms” within Muskegon.

Wimmer indicated that as a part of the inquiry into possible election forgery, a search warrant was executed at GBI Strategies’ Southfield location in the same month.

“Detected in this search were pay cards, pre-pay style cell phones and voter registration forms, all determined to be normal operational devices in GBI Strategies’ line of work,” Wimmer confirmed. “Also found during the search were several firearms, which prompted a response from federal agents of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms.

Lawyer and political commentator Rogan O’Handley weighed in on the development.

Michigan AG confirms the 8,000-10,000 ballot registrations turned into the Muskegon city clerk by a Democrat operative were *all* fraudulent,” O’Handley said. “They kept this a secret for 3 years but [Gateway Pundit] exposed it. Why has nobody gone to jail for this?”

“Do people really think this was the only place this happened?” he continued. “If they would dump 10,000 ballot registrations in Muskegon, a town of 38,000 people, just imagine how many they dumped in Detroit, Lansing, and other Michigan cities. Could be hundreds of thousands! And that’s just Michigan!”

“GBI Strategies, the Leftist group who paid the mules to file fraudulent ballot registrations, operated in *20 states* during the 2020 election and took over $11M from pro-Biden PACs and paid its mules $15/hr,” he added. “$11M can buy you a lot of mules. I’m telling you, [Gateway Pundit] may have uncovered the foundational Democrat “ballot mule” organization to perpetrate systemic election fraud in 2020.”

In 2020, just 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin kept Trump from tying Biden in the Electoral College. Special Counsel Jack Smith has charged the former president for claiming there was fraud in the 2020 election, alleging that it constituted a “conspiracy to defraud the United States.”


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208310 No.19345582


Never saw this before, somehow I missed it - thanks, anon

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0011ad No.19345583

File: c0020804a0c99d2⋯.jpg (31.66 KB,584x427,584:427,7vai01.jpg)


Next week, according to 5-year-delta Q posts.

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b3fe48 No.19345584

I hear one guy on civilbeat - 200 chickens burned.

Civilbeat is gona drive Globalist narrative mixed with locals who believe the CARBON REMOVAL plan.

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1d4f34 No.19345585


at the time, what happened to flynn was unheard of

not anymore

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8e73d2 No.19345586

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f6a61d No.19345587

File: 8d2a5e94222cd09⋯.jpg (16.18 KB,255x191,255:191,8d2a5e94222cd09736eb50c57d….jpg)

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b3fe48 No.19345588

File: 4756c3150eba1a8⋯.jpeg (405.82 KB,1614x1040,807:520,lahina3.jpeg)

Fucking nightmare in Maui.

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f685b2 No.19345589

File: a0342c4a2509fb1⋯.jpg (158.56 KB,962x722,481:361,dustification34375.jpg)


I can't even remember what the "Quid Pro Quo" they fabricated against DJT

I bet the crooks hope everyone forgets.

Did you see how the WaPoo analyst look like he was going to shit his pants when "explaining" why "Trump forced them to indict him"?


yes, because he's going to win and they are all going to jail?

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20664d No.19345590

File: 5ca9eb8cf3f5eec⋯.png (481.14 KB,603x583,603:583,cost.PNG)

File: ac6d77d67790536⋯.png (550.56 KB,586x812,293:406,sm.PNG)


CNN Breaking News


FEMA estimates the cost to rebuild from the Lahaina fire will be around $5.52 billion. All three Maui wildfires are still active. Follow live updates.

Live updates: Maui wildfires death toll rises, Lahaina 80% destroyed


FEMA puts cost of rebuild from Lahaina Fire around $5.52 billion

The Pacific Disaster Center (PDC) and FEMA has put the cost of the estimated rebuild from the Lahaina Fire at $5.52 billion.

2:07 AM · Aug 12, 2023




>>19345438 smart city agenda ?

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208310 No.19345591

File: 8676e25bab2352c⋯.png (1.99 MB,1170x1697,1170:1697,ClipboardImage.png)


Donald Trump trains @elonmusk for his upcoming fight against Mark Zuckerberg - 2023.


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89bec9 No.19345592

File: 58f9b90090f1e14⋯.png (260.06 KB,830x1818,415:909,2007.png)

File: b9aae4f9dbfe215⋯.png (365.82 KB,830x2702,415:1351,2008.png)

File: 877e1be91a8cc14⋯.png (469.96 KB,830x2124,415:1062,2548.png)



Was thinking about that line "Team of 470" and re read the drops.

Now, what if "Team" is Trump team 47?"

Telling Flynn to stay healthy.

The slow roll will end up taking us to 2030. Seems that's the TRUE End Game Date.

That is the date, everything the EVIL had planned with the16 yr plan to destroy America? Everything was aiming at that. It was the Playbook that was known.

Read these drops again. Seeing the drops in a different light than face value, as written.

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36ba04 No.19345593

File: 4a1ee67bdc56e8d⋯.png (149.67 KB,340x249,340:249,Rothschild_Space_Lasers.png)

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8e73d2 No.19345594


As the image loaded, I saw her face and thought "she's cure" and then as it continued loading and saw she had bigger biceps than me, I said "pass".

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1f0fff No.19345595


lomger much much longer

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ef5abe No.19345596

File: accf0cdefa784de⋯.jpg (138.73 KB,800x674,400:337,accf0cdefa784de6bd2d79bf6e….jpg)

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b3fe48 No.19345597


But the fire isn't out yet.

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e6f360 No.19345598

File: 9d15b54e3e805a4⋯.png (697.34 KB,700x530,70:53,ClipboardImage.png)


not seeing Hawaii on this map

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4fb235 No.19345599

File: 76b92ba49e4374c⋯.png (790.79 KB,957x412,957:412,ClipboardImage.png)

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dd2263 No.19345600

File: 7d79f7a57c76605⋯.png (615.76 KB,612x492,51:41,trump_living_rent_free.PNG)

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b3fe48 No.19345601

how does FEMA rebuild dead kama 'aina?

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20664d No.19345602


Yes…There is a DRAG QUEEN on a skittles package.

Unless they are trying to get your kids to turn into LGBTQ/BLM activists…what’s the point of this?

They’re coming after your children.

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f685b2 No.19345603

File: 7be6b83431d537d⋯.jpg (111.46 KB,962x722,481:361,dustification2.jpg)

I can't even remember what the "Quid Pro Quo" was, which they fabricated against DJT.


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0c968e No.19345604

File: 191f716aebfc872⋯.png (12.9 KB,255x237,85:79,smokingleo2.png)

You poor bastards think I'm not enjoying my Sunday morning just because I'm destroying the echo chamber of board personalities who control all discourse on this board? Fuck off and die in a fire. Clearly you can't handle my positivity

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8af6f9 No.19345605

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b3fe48 No.19345606

File: f1af97209d11976⋯.png (3.09 MB,1830x1074,305:179,Josh_Green.png)


Don't JOSH me now.

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dd2263 No.19345607


wuzn't pence the one who handed flynn up on a silver platter?

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208310 No.19345608

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump Force One has some very special VIP’s today! #MAGA


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7b3a73 No.19345609

If there are any Mil fags here, I have a question, if you would. Does the JAG's office of the Military in one or all branches need authorization whether it's from the CiC or a Commanding General, to impanel a Military Grand Jury to present evidence of Treason, Sedtion and Subversion against those in our federal government who have committed crimes against this nation and those who have aided and abetted and are covering up these crimes the others have committed?

Is there anything in the LoW manual, Continuity of Government EO's signed by our POTUS or other EO's that would give the Military the authorization to step in, take control of the civil and criminal judicial system, return indictments against offenders, try them, convict them, punish them and in doing so return stability, consistancy and confidence in the rule of law? I am aware of ex parte Mulligan and that the civil judical system was functioning at the time of Military occupation but I believe it is clear that our civil judiciary has been infiltrated and commandeered by leftist, progressive, activist judges and magistrates who rule according to their ideology, not the law as written.

I ask this question because our country is under attack, we are still in a declared "state of war", the law enforcement instruments of our government have been turned onto the citizenry and political opponents of the regime in power and are being used to unlawfully and immorally deprive citizens of their rights under color of law. The rule of law itself has literally been upended and purposely subverted to facilitate this all out attack on our nation.

Am I pissing up a rope here?

Thanks in advance.


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a7b072 No.19345610

120,000 American Children ‘Died Suddenly’ after Covid Shots Rollout

August 11,2023

A bombshell new report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has revealed that a staggering 120,000 American children have “died suddenly” following the public rollout of the mRNA Covid shots.

Throughout 2021, Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration and then-chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci insisted that the shots were “safe and effective” and necessary for protecting kids from the virus, despite children only showing mild symptoms if any at all.

On December 11, 2020, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine was granted emergency use authorization (EUA) for administration in individuals 16 years of age and older by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

On May 10, 2021, the FDA expanded the EUA for the use of the shots to include adolescents 12 through 15 years of age.

On June 17, 2022, the FDA authorized emergency use of the mRNA Covid vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech to include use in children down to 6 months of age.

Just over a year on, the report, which was quietly released by CDC with little attention from the corporate media, has revealed that nearly half a million children and young adults have now died since the injections were approved for use on most children.

Over 118,000 of those deaths are suspected to be linked to the Covid vaccines’ side effects.


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807ec7 No.19345611

File: 40bde4bacce0908⋯.png (695.65 KB,500x750,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)



I hear that RACIST Fulton County (Atlanta) District Attorney “Phoney”Fani Willis, who weakly presides over one of the deadliest communities in the U.S., with thousands of murderers, violent criminals & gang members roaming the streets while going untried, free, & are treated with “kid gloves,” is using a potential Indictment of me, and other innocent people, as a campaign and fundraising CON JOB, all based on a PERFECT PHONE CALL, AS PRESIDENT, CHALLENGING ELECTION FRAUD - MY DUTY & RIGHT!



Aug 12, 2023, 8:02 AM


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20664d No.19345612

File: a1f7b9448965f9a⋯.png (1.53 MB,809x902,809:902,shot.PNG)

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1d4f34 No.19345613

File: 8a7c4ad920b5f3f⋯.jpg (440.06 KB,493x5200,493:5200,2023_08_12_7_35_30.jpg)


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About Us

August 12, 2023 onlyfactsplease

The Crimean bridge is covered in smoke and explosions are heard

August 12, 2023 onlyfactsplease

The Crimean bridge is covered in smoke and explosions are heard: the invaders stopped traffic

The bridge was completely covered in thick black smoke. Explosions are heard, they report on the work of the air defense of the Russian invaders.

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8e73d2 No.19345614

File: 982bd3274f04f71⋯.jpg (247.75 KB,1280x1920,2:3,Nate_nate_archibald_125641….jpg)

File: 1ee4f9700cf0243⋯.png (654.43 KB,600x598,300:299,sounds_homo.PNG)


A Nate?

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484df9 No.19345615


referred to wormhole agency

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dd2263 No.19345617


i saw a great magic show in lahaina in 2005

wow, how times have changed

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113f0f No.19345618

Garland appointed Weiss as special prosecutor solely to prevent him from having to testify to Congress.

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f685b2 No.19345619


no you're included in the dichotomy; on the side of the perps.

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33143b No.19345620

File: 5748a6c9b453734⋯.gif (829.64 KB,1280x960,4:3,tumblr_ppcdwkW4CO1w0n7uwo1….gif)

Vis viva

Vis viva (from the Latin for "living force") is a historical term used to describe a quantity similar to kinetic energy in an early formulation of the principle of conservation of energy.


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ef5abe No.19345621

File: 556fd60f430f74f⋯.jpg (120.12 KB,978x1050,163:175,556fd60f430f74f8bb1f25f8f3….jpg)


It's Saturday tho kek

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4fb235 No.19345622

File: d7b017aac5e79b1⋯.png (508.94 KB,632x500,158:125,ClipboardImage.png)



>referred to wormhole agency

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d4cd96 No.19345623

poor advice for mortals.



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9f61bd No.19345624

File: 960cd1f81626a0e⋯.jpeg (532.68 KB,1125x1666,1125:1666,IMG_5983.jpeg)


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ba0f67 No.19345625



>You poor bastards think I'm not enjoying my Sunday morning

How is life down under?

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20664d No.19345626

File: ca828091c6973bb⋯.png (176.91 KB,821x909,821:909,art.PNG)



Meet the artist with connections to the Royal Families of Europe, Vatican, Clintons, Abramovic, Koons, Bushes, Slims, Kennedys, Bidens, Obama, Epstein and many more.


Aug 10, 2023

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869282 No.19345627

File: 383c07de81399e9⋯.jpeg (344.05 KB,1170x933,390:311,4996F07D_9117_4AD4_B910_0….jpeg)


She’s next.


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89bec9 No.19345628


>He served President Trump horribly and his stupidity knee capped a presidency.

You're getting sucked up in the false narrative. Every single thing done "against" Trump, has Exposed [THEM]. Almost like it was "PLANNED." If you really think that Flynn is DS?

You're a special kind of sheep.

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57b621 No.19345629

File: 1576dc6d201edbf⋯.jpeg (348.01 KB,1125x1209,375:403,IMG_5984.jpeg)

File: d419e54f4bc3729⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB,1125x1788,375:596,IMG_5985.jpeg)



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beacc3 No.19345630

File: 9850e42ac66f99b⋯.jpg (11.75 KB,255x108,85:36,51ed1369c2eed3d1e6b0bead4a….jpg)

File: 54a4bb920696dc3⋯.jpg (177.94 KB,490x764,245:382,Screen_Shot_2023_08_12_at_….jpg)


>what’s the point of this?


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20664d No.19345631

File: 51b2eb387263bb9⋯.png (845.49 KB,809x741,809:741,slay.PNG)


120,000 American Children ‘Died Suddenly’ after Covid Shots Rollout

Frank BergmanAugust 11, 2023 - 12:57 pm

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f685b2 No.19345632

File: c00a0d421f8e793⋯.jpeg (220.88 KB,800x723,800:723,showergatee.jpeg)


can you elaborate a bit more.

What does Weiss know which is out of the purview of any of the others? Such as Wray?

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29c775 No.19345633

liddle kid gloves

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64f8fc No.19345634


I have new ones for you to copy and save. Make sure to use the exact same filenames too. Oh, and if you really want to give an accurate performance, use 2 spaces and drop the God shit; I only say a prayer/blessing with one image only.

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74e4e6 No.19345635

File: a1f4e44a8cdf595⋯.png (478.84 KB,609x418,609:418,Screenshot_2023_08_11_at_0….png)

File: df5e110dd742154⋯.png (407.23 KB,1366x768,683:384,garybellDC.png)


>Gary Bell

>hit on this UACL newsletter

>14 miles

>UACL logo Nazi/Antifa colors

Interdasting. Added

all pb

GBI Strategies Michigan Election Fraud Dig

>>19322395, >>19322417, >>19322466, >>19322481, >>19322575, >>19322648, >>19322681 Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

>>19324265, >>19324256, >>19324289, >>19324329, >>19324344, >>19324393 NOW WE HAVE PROOF! TGP EXCLUSIVE: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

>>19324787 Now We Have Proof! TGP Exclusive: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

>>19322466 Massive Voter Fraud op discovered in Michigan

>>19323244 GBI Strategies Open Secrets

>>19323358 This is why the FBI did nothing. Biden for President - 450,000

>>19323682 Key Principal: Gary Bell Gossett. Matching Fedboi or pedo vans in driveway.

>>19323690 Alexandria VA Connections. Grand Mother(?) obit

>>19323926 Gossett family in Memphis is really big in car dealership ownership for many years now too.

>>19324272 If you dig around a little more (like look at the name on the house) you will find it's not Gary Gossett.

>>19323860, >>19323871 GBI Strategies same phone and address as Gbi Logistics LLC

>>19323926 Gossett family in Memphis is really big in car dealership ownership for many years now too.

>>19324272 Gary Gossett. It's Gary BELL. greater D.C. area connections interesting

>>19325365 Interview: "Multi-State Operation" To Rig Elections from 2020 and the State and Nessel did nothing. No one was arrested

>>19327157 Guns, Burner Phones and Fake Registrations -- The Buried Michigan Voter Fraud Scandal: GBI Strategies Director Gary Bell Had 70 Organizations Operating in 20 States in 2020 – WITH JOE BIDEN CAMPAIGN CASH

>>19327149, >>19327150 Michigan POLICE REPORT 1 & 2

>>19327206 Everyone stop your engine and watch this excellent video. You may learn more about Michigan corruption in 8 minutes than you have in 2.5 years. and Bun

>>19327547 Tobias Estes - Organizer - SEIU Philadelphia Regional Managing Director. GBI Strategies

>>19327612 Estes Work History

>>19327281 Michigan Voter Fraud - frankspeech.com

>>19327142 In Case you missed it Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

>>19327399 @DC_Draino. I’ll be on the Warroom podcast this morning around 10AM EST to discuss this bombshell Michigan voter fraud story

>>19328199 Michigan Law Enforcement Caught Covering Up Massive Election Fraud Scandal. Rogan O’Handley, DC Draino

>>19328454 The Detroit Ballot Drop Box Footage from the 2020 Election – This Is Why Democrats Love Their Drop Boxes!

>>19328692 Reminder GBI Strategies Director Gary Bell Had 70 Organizations Operating in 20 States in 2020 -- TIED TO JOE BIDEN CAMPAIGN

>>19328436, >>19328515, >>19328577 Edwin Pierre - Regional Field Manager - GBI Strategies LLC. Edwin Baptista Pierre

>>19328285, >>19328300 GBI Strategies Caught Committing Election Fraud While Having Operations In 20 States. Gary Bell running this for dems.

>>19328976 @KanekoaTheGreat: BREAKING🚨 Democrat dark money super PAC paid the company implicated in a Michigan police report of voter registration fraud $11,254,919 to register voters for Joe Biden's 2020 presidential campaign.

>>19328730 CompMo: Gary Bell and frenz

>>19328767 Compmo Team: Joe Cooper, Joan Kato, Shaun Kelleher

>>19328880 Moar on Joan Kato

>>19330661 I just discussed this explosive Michigan election fraud scandal on Warroom with Steve Bannon and here are 2 major takeaways:

>>19329650 McMurray: Michigan Elections Cover Up - vid clip

>>19330618 FEC records reveal a Democrat dark money super PAC paid the company implicated in a Michigan police report of voter registration fraud

>>19333482, >>19333491, >>19333503 Another "xxx Logistics LLC" at the same address as GBI Strategies and GBI Logistics

>>19333543 SJH LOGISTICS LLC - Miles Hamilton

>>19334217, >>19334257, >>19334279, >>19334389 Moar details on GBI Strategies

>>19334934, >>19335241, >>19334934 DEVELOPING: Gary Bell’s Current Employer CompMo Group DELETES WEBSITE After Viral Reports of Michigan Voter Registration Scandal

>>19336596 Meanwhile, Whitmer and cronies persecute: All 16 Republican defendants named in the Michigan “false elector prosecution” pleaded not guilt

>>19336741 GBI Strategies LLC was dissolved in Tennessee in 2017. How does this happen? - GWP

>>19337109 Michigan 2020 Voter Fraud Coverup

>>19340194, >>19340287, >>19340328, >>19340381 Property Report for 8241 FLORAL SPRING DR, Cordova, TN 38016

>>19340469 No such address as 8241 Floral Springs Dr., Memphis, TN 38016. Curious

>>19341300,>>19341346, >>19341358, >>19341391 Gov doc listing Kevin Banks and GBI Logistics LLC.

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3f1ca7 No.19345636

File: 0c937c9d3294129⋯.jpeg (790.87 KB,1125x1564,1125:1564,IMG_5986.jpeg)


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3bab8d No.19345637


Anon has seen it on everything now. Sweets, soft drinks, crisps, wine, every store you go in there will be gay pride flags on anything. The Amish communities are doing just fine…

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b3fe48 No.19345638

File: a5df4d063dda3fe⋯.jpeg (84.47 KB,511x305,511:305,WayneMadsen_2013_23145691….jpeg)

File: d2c91da515ea786⋯.jpeg (175.3 KB,1440x800,9:5,6cd94923e06883b7c6747c410….jpeg)

File: 085835e1c411618⋯.jpeg (21.65 KB,276x276,1:1,wayne_madsen_0_1183453684.jpeg)


everything I said is about trump is bullshit…

BUt anon needs to vent.

I was checking in on this Executive Clown Producer and Cartoon Clown Book Author,

Trump the 5th Reicht holy jesus clown titties.

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0011ad No.19345639

File: 500e7ddfeff77b5⋯.jpg (107.9 KB,560x500,28:25,7vcoeu.jpg)

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ba0f67 No.19345640

File: c9737fed8f1effe⋯.png (296 KB,1080x1263,360:421,ClipboardImage.png)

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3f1ca7 No.19345641

File: ceac14bea402b85⋯.jpeg (685.77 KB,1125x1505,225:301,IMG_5988.jpeg)

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ba0f67 No.19345642



What's the World Economic Forum doing to accelerate action on Future of the Environment?


Explore and monitor how Future of the Environment is affecting economies, industries and global issues

A hand holding a looking glass by a lake


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Future of the Environment

It may have a reputation as an ecological paradise but Hawaii is also one of America’s most fossil fuel-dependent states. This is largely because of its isolated location in the Pacific Ocean – jet fuel accounts for more than half of all transportation fuel consumption in the state, according to the United States Energy Information Administration (EIA).

The state economy depends heavily on tourism and the military, and such is the demand from military installations and commercial airlines that jet fuel makes up a larger share of total petroleum consumption in Hawaii than in any other US state except Alaska.

To cut the state’s greenhouse gas emissions, the Hawaiian government launched the clean energy initiative in 2008, which pledges to establish new green credentials and aims to use 100% renewable electricity to power the entire state by 2045.

Having introduced ambitious renewables goals for power generation, Hawaii is now looking at cleaning up ground transportation, a major source of fossil fuel consumption.


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3f1ca7 No.19345643


English class with Q.

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8db0f4 No.19345644

File: 33b02421870e326⋯.jpg (222.78 KB,1079x1254,1079:1254,Screenshot_20230812_094313.jpg)

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89bec9 No.19345645

File: 2fa516bd4d4905b⋯.jpg (38.72 KB,568x474,284:237,skittles.JPG)


Taste The "Rainbow"

Think about that phrase…

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10890a No.19345646

File: 3598c7c19416e68⋯.jpeg (296.63 KB,1198x1597,1198:1597,f684b4b2ebc5f746.jpeg)

Good morning to you inglorious bastards. Baker thanks for keeping the bread fresh.

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ba0f67 No.19345647

File: f8600a2559dccce⋯.png (1.15 MB,975x549,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)



In a significant move, four mayors from across the state have signed an agreement to run Hawaii’s public transport system using only clean energy by 2045.

Making the announcement aboard a traditional Hawaiian voyaging canoe, Maui mayor Alan Arakawa said: “The goals we are setting today are not only desirable, but attainable, and help send a message that Maui County and Hawaii are open for innovation to help ensure the greater health of our communities and the planet as a whole.”


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869282 No.19345648

File: fd0adb9f6e2d319⋯.jpeg (406.97 KB,2436x1591,2436:1591,B58AF90D_53A1_46FD_A42C_0….jpeg)

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b3fe48 No.19345649

File: bb289826bab530b⋯.png (108.04 KB,1240x299,1240:299,ClipboardImage.png)


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113f0f No.19345650


>What does Weiss know which is out of the purview of any of the others?

Could you elaborate a bit more. What would Weiss knowing anything about anyone have to do with labelling Weiss as special prosecutor in order to protect the Bidens?

Now Weiss is 'off limits' as a witness.

Or is he?

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ce4861 No.19345651

12 Aug, 2023 10:46

Fresh missile attacks on Crimean Bridge foiled, local reports say

The head of the region Sergey Aksenov has reported that two projectiles have been downed and the key transport infrastructure remains intact

Russian air defenses have shot down two incoming missiles in the vicinity of the Crimean Bridge, the region’s head, Sergey Aksenov, reported on his Telegram channel on Saturday. Photos and videos have been circulating on social media depicting what appears to be several columns of smoke coming from the transport infrastructure.

In his post, Aksenov wrote: “Air defenses have shot down two enemy rockets in the Kerch Strait area.” He added that the “Crimean Bridge has not been damaged,” and called on local residents to remain calm.

Meanwhile, Aksenov’s aide Oleg Kryuchkov, revealed on his Telegram channel that a “smoke screen has been set off by the special services.” He also wrote that the Crimean Bridge would be reopened to vehicles “very soon.”

Later in the day Aksenov issued another message, saying that one more missile had been downed over the Kerch Strait. The official also expressed gratitude to the Russian air defenses for their “professionalism.”

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Ukraine “attempted to conduct a terrorist strike on the Crimean Bridge using a guided air-defense S-200 missile converted into a strike version” around 1pm Moscow time on August 12.

It said Russian air defenses had “detected the Ukrainian rocket in a timely manner and intercepted it in mid-air.”

The statement added that the foiled missile attack had not caused any casualties or destruction.

Commenting on the latest attempted missile strikes on the Crimean bridge as well as a separate thwarted drone attack on the peninsula early on Saturday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova strongly condemned these “terrorist attacks.”

She went on to stress that despite the bridge being a “purely civilian infrastructure,” it has been attacked repeatedly since last fall.

According to the Russian diplomat, Kiev is targeting the transport artery in retaliation for its faltering counteroffensive, which has so far failed to live up to high expectations.

Zakharova concluded that by engaging in such “barbaric actions,” Ukraine is showing its true face to the international community. The official also warned that Russia would retaliate.

On July 17, two seaborne explosive-laden drones rammed into the Crimean Bridge, causing one of its inner segments to collapse. The attack claimed the lives of two adults, leaving their teenage daughter seriously injured, and orphaned.

President Vladimir Putin described that incident as “yet another terrorist attack by the Kiev regime,” adding that the bridge was not being used for the transport of military supplies.

Late last month, the head of Ukraine’s intelligence service SBU, Vasiliy Malyuk, confirmed that it was behind the deadly truck bomb blast last October. The explosion killed several civilians and seriously damaged the bridge’s structure.

The bridge was built in 2018 to connect Crimea to the Russian mainland.


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64f8fc No.19345652


Yep. Noticed that one years back. Didn't think of it again until you posted that. Thank you.

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19df55 No.19345653

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b3fe48 No.19345654

MAUI = GLOBAL BOILING (it also means being really fucking pissed off at cartoon clown WEF conglomerate group terrorists,)

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b3fe48 No.19345655

File: 846a68259efe4ed⋯.png (272.3 KB,599x451,599:451,Screenshot_2023_08_12_05_5….png)


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ce4861 No.19345656


12 Aug, 2023 06:55

Multiple Ukrainian drone attacks intercepted over Crimea

Russia’s Defense Ministry reported that air defenses downed 20 UAVs, with no casualties on the ground

Russian air defenses brought down 20 drones in the early hours of Saturday over Crimea, the Defense Ministry has revealed, calling the incursion an attempted “terrorist attack” by Ukraine.

The ministry wrote on Telegram that 14 UAVs were shot down, while six others were incapacitated by electronic warfare.

“There were no casualties or damage as a result of the thwarted terrorist attack,” the ministry noted.

The statement added that the destroyed drones had targeted unspecified facilities on the peninsula.

Several hours earlier, Oleg Kryuchkov, an aide to Crimea’s leader Sergey Aksenov, wrote on his Telegram channel that “air defenses had been activated over various parts of Crimea.”

Last Friday, the Russian military reported that it had downed ten plane-type UAVs and three more other drones which had attempted to strike Crimea’s critical infrastructure.

In late July, Russia’s Defense Ministry said it had foiled a similar attack, involving some 25 UAVs.

Earlier that month, a raid by Ukrainian naval drones severely damaged a roadway section of the Crimean Bridge linking the peninsula to mainland Russia. The attack claimed the lives of a Russian married couple, while injuring their teenage daughter.

Crimea, which serves as the key base for the Russian Black Sea Fleet and a major logistics hub for its military, has seen numerous UAV and missile raids in recent months, with Moscow attributing them to Kiev.

Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu claimed that Kiev’s attacks on civilian infrastructure are meant to distract from its faltering offensive, which has been going on for more than two months but has failed to gain any ground.


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36ba04 No.19345657


And yet, not a single politician has "died suddenly."

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c2068b No.19345658


I like the 8! And 8 in my language is "Acht".

We have words like "Geachtet" "Verachtet" "Achtung" and so on. Important words with the focus on the eight!

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113f0f No.19345659

File: 82070c879cfa74a⋯.png (582.35 KB,858x1231,858:1231,ClipboardImage.png)


To make the silent war 'public' to lawmakers.

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539486 No.19345660

File: f0cb75860b31806⋯.jpg (28.96 KB,474x474,1:1,Unlocked.jpg)

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b3fe48 No.19345661

File: 236c84096e9d344⋯.png (97.5 KB,1164x665,1164:665,Screenshot_2023_08_12_05_5….png)

File: fd0e7766ea825fe⋯.png (407.28 KB,742x595,106:85,Screenshot_2023_08_12_05_5….png)

File: 6f9794bce682246⋯.png (130.45 KB,720x768,15:16,Screenshot_2023_08_12_05_5….png)

I wonder how many commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist or identity fraud are in blackhat 2023

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a1199c No.19345662


The short version, make this notable because it is proof.

Remember when I said the word "Goy" means cow and they call you that because they cut you up into different parts and distribute those parts to their community.

ustekinumab = You steak in new mob.

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b3fe48 No.19345663

File: af028a03322e00d⋯.png (357.1 KB,602x448,43:32,Screenshot_2023_08_12_06_0….png)



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484df9 No.19345664

File: 64e5350e3bd9618⋯.png (1.86 MB,1731x809,1731:809,ClipboardImage.png)

August 12th memories of 5 years ago. I can't imagine why the writers strike is still going on in hollyweird.

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b3fe48 No.19345665

File: 83a8e8645249a35⋯.png (14.84 KB,640x124,160:31,Screenshot_2023_08_12_05_5….png)


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20664d No.19345666

File: d1a654c1d9e6a92⋯.png (433.11 KB,603x648,67:72,omit.PNG)

File: 0675c5a731de432⋯.png (1.79 MB,899x900,899:900,kek.PNG)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸


The only thing controversial about that lyric is that it's true

Quote Tweet

Bad Fox Graphics




Fox & Friends predictably praises Oliver Anthony's song, omits controversial lyric

“Lord, we got folks in the street, ain’t got nothing to eat and the obese milking welfare/ Well God, if you’re 5-foot-3 and you’re 300 pounds/ Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds” twitter.com/RollingStone/s…

3:42 AM · Aug 12, 2023




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b3fe48 No.19345667

File: 05be2c27f9e2a3a⋯.png (66.47 KB,1389x313,1389:313,Screenshot_2023_08_12_05_3….png)

Ah there's my cartoon climate scientists again…

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3ac8f2 No.19345668

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ccbc3f No.19345669

Are 'gangs of youths' in UK just code for rampaging packs of 60-IQ violent nigger chilluns like in the US?


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f00165 No.19345670

File: 2a5a0fd4c21e9d5⋯.jpg (121.12 KB,958x567,958:567,SesameQ.JPG)

File: 3e344ff6ea6c159⋯.jpg (122.22 KB,680x404,170:101,SesameQcabal.JPG)

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dd2263 No.19345671


everything they have accused Trump of doing, they have done themselves, but with impunity and with much protection fr cabal/deep state media

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b3fe48 No.19345672

File: 11f8f0328522b60⋯.png (124.86 KB,854x696,427:348,Screenshot_2023_08_12_05_3….png)

Oh my, some people don't want to FORGIVE these motherfuckin clowns..

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73ce8c No.19345673


>And yet, not a single politician has "died suddenly."

As far as we have been told. Some have been replaced.

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92144e No.19345674

File: 06e409fa132dc92⋯.jpeg (661.57 KB,1125x1489,1125:1489,IMG_5989.jpeg)

On my phone atm….if sm1 could get vid over please. Good Morning, Dan!


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113f0f No.19345675

File: e00c9ac1a41eb5f⋯.jpg (25.96 KB,540x346,270:173,Cringe.jpg)


You're trying to be the very 'echo chamber board personality' you denounce.

Pure cringe.

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64f8fc No.19345676


ARMv8 or RISC-V is looking the way to go on my end. I don't need the fastest number crunching and a state of the art GPU attached to it. I just need to access my email, the kun, and other personal interests, basically just a web browser is all I need. And a keyboard. Fuck those onscreen touchscreen keyboards. Typing on those is like listening to someone with no undertone.

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33143b No.19345677

File: 3779a92fb0a446c⋯.png (103.72 KB,330x571,330:571,ClipboardImage.png)

Cyclopean image is a single mental image of a scene created by the brain through the process of combining two images received from both eyes. The mental process behind the Cyclopean image is crucial to stereo vision.

Autostereograms take advantage of this process in order to trick the brain to form an apparent Cyclopean image from seemingly random patterns. These random patterns appear often in daily life such as in art, children's books, and architecture.

Cyclopean image is named after the mythical being, Cyclops, a creature possessing one single eye. The single refers to the way stereo sighted viewers perceive the center of their fused visual field as lying between the two physical eyes, as if seen by a cyclopean eye. Alternative terms for cyclopean eye include third central imaginary eye and binoculus.


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b3fe48 No.19345678

File: 700bd74475e6570⋯.png (88.78 KB,611x636,611:636,Screenshot_2023_08_12_04_1….png)

How many anons can still feel the BAAL punch?

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ce4861 No.19345679

12 Aug, 2023

Russian defense minister inspects Arctic garrisons

Sergey Shoigu checked on units stationed on the Novaya Zemlya archipelago and a major testing ground in the area

Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has paid a visit to the country’s military outposts in the Arctic, inspecting Northern Fleet garrisons that guard a key shipping route in the region.

In a post on its Telegram channel on Saturday, Russia’s Defense Ministry said Shoigu had checked the combat readiness and living conditions of the forces stationed on the Novaya Zemlya archipelago in the Arctic Ocean. According to the statement, the minister flew over the central testing ground in a helicopter with the head of Rosatom nuclear energy agency, Alexey Likhachev.

The Soviet Union conducted a large number of nuclear blasts at the location during the course of the Cold War. The testing ground is currently used for trials of “promising models of weapons and military hardware,” the ministry said.

The minister got a glimpse of the housing conditions of military personnel on the northern islands, as well as the local school and kindergarten.

In a follow-up post on Telegram, the ministry explained that Russia’s Northern Fleet ensures the security of the Northern Sea Route, with several navy vessels currently at sea.

A group of MiG-31 fighter jets also cover the airspace over Russia’s territorial waters in the Arctic Ocean, while radio-technical forces are used to monitor any air traffic in the region.


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73ce8c No.19345680

File: dd66a5e777fbfe3⋯.mp4 (981.71 KB,1280x720,16:9,TLQCOwogNzdONYiV.mp4)

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846b60 No.19345681

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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352aa7 No.19345682

File: 2523faf1b251d7d⋯.png (406.85 KB,471x425,471:425,ClipboardImage.png)

Hurt Feeling Lesbian Breaks into home and "Arrests" Child for "Hate Speech"

All Charges Against the Autistic Child have been Dropped

As there was no Crime Committed

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807ec7 No.19345683

File: 451b7281aed96c8⋯.png (58.64 KB,480x560,6:7,ClipboardImage.png)



>kid gloves

Before long, kid gloves were associated with the aristocracy, a staple of foppish characters. The White Rabbit carries a pair in Alice in Wonderland:

It was the White Rabbit returning , splendidly dressed, with a pair of white kid gloves in one hand and a large fan in the other: he came trotting along in a great hurry, muttering to himself as he came, "Oh! the Duchess, the Duchess! Oh! won't she be savage if I've kept her waiting!"

—Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, 1865


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370d57 No.19345684



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b3fe48 No.19345686

File: b04564e78749694⋯.png (112.63 KB,578x703,578:703,Screenshot_2023_08_12_04_1….png)


Lol Blue Meanies are Dike International Yellow Meanies now?

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89bec9 No.19345687


> writers strike

It's all about the Break.

Wouldn't it be great, if 'Hollywood" was one big Pedo-Round up?

Where all these sick fucks, were just deleted off the board? Where they weren't continually pushed in our faces daily, with their sickness agenda? "Entertaining" us? While they Brainwash us?

What a Fricken AMAZING DAY it would be, the be FREE of that negative Energy.

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36ba04 No.19345688


Doesn't matter. You need to stop trying to look at the forest in the trees.

People are asking why. I know a lot of normies that have questions, when you bring up that not a single politician has "died suddenly." 535 members and not a single one "died suddenly."

How many coincidences until mathematically impossible? Sure, you could go with the whole "saline" narrative, but again, it just makes them equally as culpable as the people poisoning the entire world.

None of them are innocent in this.

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20664d No.19345689

File: 412ead6670f5607⋯.png (1.83 MB,1279x936,1279:936,eee.PNG)


Ben Garrison Cartoons




We knew…

“This is all pre planned by an elite group of people,” said RonJohnson (R) WI. “That’s what I’m talking about. Event 201 that occurred in late 2019, prior to the rest of us knowing about this pandemic. Again, this is very concerning in terms of what has happened, what is happening, what continues to be planned for our loss of freedom.”

“It needs to be exposed. But unfortunately, there are very few people, even in Congress that are willing to take a look at this. They all push the vaccine. They don’t want to be made aware of the fact that the vaccines might have caused injuries, might have caused death. So many people just simply don’t want to admit they were wrong, and they’re going to do everything they can to make sure that they’re not proven wrong,” Johnson added.

the event was hosted by Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, Bloomberg School Of Public Health, World Economic Forum, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

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1d4f34 No.19345690

#23738 >>19345493 EARLIES

>>19345613, >>19345530, >>19345651, >>19345656 More on Crimean bridge explosion

>>19345536 Fury as young children are showered with TAMPONS thrown by 'bloodied' 'non-binary' performer at Drag Queen show during LGBT 'family event'

>>19345547 Gary Bell dig

>>19345563, >>19345588, >>19345590 More on Maui fire

>>19345557 Astronomers say a Chinese satellite has been caught on video beaming down green lasers over the Hawaiian Islands.

>>19345581 Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel verified that “8,000 to 10,000” suspected fraudulent registrations were delivered to Muskegon City Clerk prior to the 2020 election

>>19345608 Trump Force One has some very special VIP’s today! #MAGA

>>19345610 Slay news claims that 120,000 American Children ‘Died Suddenly’ after Covid Shots Rollout - any proof? DIG CALL

>>19345624 Hillary pleased with book " The 40 year campaign to destroy Hillary Clinton" (kek)

>>19345626 Meet the artist with connections to the Royal Families of Europe & many other cabal elite

>>19345627 Why did the saudi regime…donate millions to clinton foundation?

>>19345629, >>19345629 Biden on nat'l monuments, antiquities

>>19345642, >>19345647 WE Forum: What's the World Economic Forum doing to accelerate action on Future of the Environment?

baker is OUT

Next please

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370d57 No.19345691


how do you not know this already?

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b3fe48 No.19345692

File: 9a23d75c4f58e2a⋯.mp4 (2.87 MB,720x1278,40:71,send_more_social_worker.mp4)

Breaker breaker dispatch, can ya send more yellow meanie social worker?

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989174 No.19345693

File: ae0bb67daadeeb5⋯.jpg (62.67 KB,828x991,828:991,ae0bb67daadeeb54d20eab4468….jpg)


>They’re coming after your children.

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ce4861 No.19345694

File: 148613e901c4689⋯.jpeg (97.05 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_0817.jpeg)

12 Aug, 2023

Elon Musk to hold Twitter fire sale

More than 500 items of company memorabilia will be auctioned off following the platform’s rebranding

Elon Musk is clearing house following the rebranding of Twitter last month, putting hundreds of items featuring the platform’s old logo up for sale.

Heritage Global Partners auction house is selling 678 lots of memorabilia, art, and office assets from the company’s San Francisco headquarters, including a giant sign featuring the iconic blue bird logo that adorned the side of the building.

Espresso machines, furniture, musical instruments, fridges, lockers and beer dispensers are also being sold off after the platform changed its name to X last month.

The auction will also feature two oil paintings of well-known photos that went viral on Twitter: Ellen DeGeneres’s selfie from the 2014 Oscars with Bradley Cooper, Meryl Streep and Lupita Nyong’o, and the shot of Barack Obama hugging his wife Michelle after winning the US presidential election in 2012.

Some other items include an indoor barn, plenty of hashtag-related art, a vinyl collection, and a dishwasher.

According to the listing, the starting offer for each lot is $25. The auction will commence at 2pm GMT on September 12 and will end on September 14.

It will be the second fire sale at the platform’s headquarters since Musk’s purchase of the company. In January, he held an unprecedented auction for more than 600 office items. A Twitter bird statue that was up for sale fetched an impressive $100,000, while a neon digital sign featuring the bird logo was sold for $40,000.

The previous auction was held amid financial troubles at Twitter, which were linked to an exodus of advertisers following reforms introduced by Musk on the platform. However, organizers then refuted claims that the auction’s purpose was in any way linked to Twitter’s financial status. Last month, Musk said cashflow was still negative amid a 50% decline in ad revenue and mounting debts.

The upcoming auction is another sign of Musk’s determination to reimagine Twitter. After purchasing the platform last year, he said he wanted to turn it into an “everything” app, which would allow users to communicate, shop and practically live on the platform.


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113f0f No.19345695

File: 5e641cdaada6766⋯.jpg (50.66 KB,500x556,125:139,TwoWeeks.jpg)


No no, they need moar.

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dd2263 No.19345696

File: 3e94982ed4b43b0⋯.png (245.27 KB,352x304,22:19,hillary_still_nacho_presid….PNG)

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312d54 No.19345697

File: f1cfacb2a324e39⋯.jpeg (299.3 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,F3Ra5zQWwAA7dOd.jpeg)

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58da2f No.19345698

File: 5aad4b22a2108c4⋯.jpg (64.7 KB,600x450,4:3,csv.jpg)

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370d57 No.19345699

save the world harder qanons.

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64f8fc No.19345700


Moar you say?

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89bec9 No.19345701

File: 1f5d2dc7b353cfb⋯.png (163.22 KB,830x1564,415:782,1048.png)

File: 28a87ab1411fc18⋯.png (116.14 KB,830x762,415:381,11.png)


Vid Length

Time Stamp

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20664d No.19345702

File: da7e7d38b0aa5e0⋯.png (22.2 KB,845x245,169:49,ga_ga.PNG)

File: ddfc8641202b133⋯.png (1021.34 KB,722x564,361:282,rd.PNG)


Lady Gaga's Dad Furious as Unruly Illegals Take Over His Neighborhood: 'Just Enabling 'Em'

By Warner Todd Huston, Western Journal August 11, 2023 at 7:58am

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807ec7 No.19345703

File: acc57820a6f525d⋯.gif (2.23 MB,400x346,200:173,Greta_pretty_cool_right.gif)



Now, I do ;)

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b3fe48 No.19345704


it's gota be the funniest thing I seen about Euro cops they break off the chase and get low hanging fruit lol

But That zombie move CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO


>musical instruments

you have my attention

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ace139 No.19345705

File: 4ac9b88b1f1c2d8⋯.jpg (195.98 KB,945x2048,945:2048,20230812_105209.jpg)

MTN DEW Maui Burst.

(Directed Energy Weapon)

Now Bezos and Oprah want to buy everything up.

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64f8fc No.19345706

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20664d No.19345707

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Queen - Radio Ga Ga (Official Video)

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484df9 No.19345708

File: 0b1ae8482c2149e⋯.png (112.97 KB,678x651,226:217,ClipboardImage.png)


It will be interesting to see who comes back from the 'break'.

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ba0f67 No.19345709

File: 019b101419c0df7⋯.mp4 (426.17 KB,368x368,1:1,019b101419c0df75756e1a978d….mp4)

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33143b No.19345710

File: 39a3734de6d9c95⋯.png (2.82 MB,1800x1200,3:2,0b0a97f050fe68e2d9e0fcf783….png)

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74e4e6 No.19345711

File: 493e4df4ae5a40d⋯.png (24.07 KB,584x411,584:411,Screenshot_2023_08_12_at_1….png)

File: 65a269493894dea⋯.png (824.22 KB,1156x1006,578:503,Screenshot_2023_08_12_at_1….png)



This could be a different Gary Bell.

But there's a Gary Bell trucking company in Missouri



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eb36ff No.19345712

File: 0de7d2b47219701⋯.jpg (10 KB,140x200,7:10,cd6fd009.jpg)

Jiucy strip mall jiu booty

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14daca No.19345713

File: 6728819494bd915⋯.png (244.28 KB,577x433,577:433,7vjw1m_2_removebg_preview.png)

Alex Jones said Jim Watkins SUCKS BALLS

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8e73d2 No.19345714


As anon who doesn't use phoney American spelling, this sipped by unnoticed.

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33143b No.19345715

File: 6f47ffb1c75fafe⋯.jpg (82.76 KB,500x833,500:833,1637266168606.jpg)

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113f0f No.19345716

File: 53a55319c5d6c23⋯.png (3.83 MB,1496x1115,1496:1115,FakeNewsTwoMoreWeeks2.PNG)


They need MOAR.

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58da2f No.19345717

File: 938667861ee208c⋯.jpg (75.53 KB,889x500,889:500,machkt.jpg)

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7102f8 No.19345718

File: b8419f83c0a66bc⋯.png (306.39 KB,480x480,1:1,I_m_Ready.png)

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64f8fc No.19345719

Moar and harder. Okay. I can do that.

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3bab8d No.19345720

File: dd83e0613c0fdeb⋯.jpg (150.45 KB,1245x825,83:55,Dan_45.jpg)


Any UFO's escorting Trump Force one?

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b3fe48 No.19345721

File: 80717d90207b1a7⋯.png (199.36 KB,1356x911,1356:911,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 379a22f6263cd12⋯.png (115.42 KB,1326x600,221:100,ClipboardImage.png)

The Emergency Officials we're out on plausible deniability missions.

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29c775 No.19345722

File: e516789720664cc⋯.png (348.3 KB,652x388,163:97,43C407EE_4457_4D24_A4EE_FC….png)


Looks like a lesbian relative of mine.

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113f0f No.19345723

Lawfare 2023-2024 is the same deep state pattern of trying to influence the election as 'Pandemic' 2019-2020.

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dd2263 No.19345724

File: 9daa202b322cb74⋯.png (349.09 KB,526x319,526:319,hanks_streep_speilberg.PNG)

File: 8e2acd464617938⋯.png (91.22 KB,391x518,391:518,q_post_epstein_island_famo….PNG)

File: cdb78167b55140f⋯.png (22.19 KB,151x109,151:109,epstein_tom_hanks.PNG)

File: 7d5db46f16cd0fb⋯.png (14.43 KB,146x71,146:71,epstein_meryl_streep.PNG)

File: b7867737b150404⋯.png (16.27 KB,146x75,146:75,epstein_steven_speilberg.PNG)


now understand why these 3 kept getting handed oscars year after year

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113f0f No.19345725

File: 989075537e08bdc⋯.png (5.76 MB,1794x1288,39:28,FakeNewsTwoMoreWeeks.PNG)


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5ffd80 No.19345726

Don't the Residents of Lahaina know that smoking is banned in most places and on the Beach?

They all should be fined for this mess.

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14daca No.19345727

File: 95f85edce8afb6d⋯.png (890.05 KB,1046x1026,523:513,95f85edce8afb6d276cc845300….png)

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807ec7 No.19345728

File: 60b61672e3756ca⋯.png (2.14 MB,877x1170,877:1170,ClipboardImage.png)


Mind blown ..again!

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89bec9 No.19345729


Oh, of course. As with EVERYTHING EVIL, you're aint "Shit" unless you in the Club.

Anyone Elevated in Status should be AUTO SUSPECT of being a Satanist.

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7102f8 No.19345730

File: fb93af9660d339c⋯.png (1.72 MB,1200x960,5:4,Victory.png)

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5688a3 No.19345731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Different races generally fall into one of the above.



Hilldawg 2.0 on mysogyny


start @ 9:08 if/when time permits



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9d15c6 No.19345732


Hawaii’s Jewish governor, Josh Green.

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b3fe48 No.19345733

File: 840669b56f02b64⋯.png (79.46 KB,1319x883,1319:883,ClipboardImage.png)

shit looks like a pfizer insert.

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60f103 No.19345734

File: cc33423aeaf1c86⋯.jpg (99.77 KB,576x576,1:1,x37yhjkrert11.jpg)

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faf7b2 No.19345735

File: b1d71e1fb0e6246⋯.png (1.21 MB,1245x825,83:55,D6A12B8E_99EA_4622_B96C_ED….png)

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dd2263 No.19345736

File: b9b17e2a08fb46b⋯.png (1.25 MB,1009x626,1009:626,lady_gaga_w_children_on_co….PNG)

File: 4d577c358c007c9⋯.png (576.77 KB,823x406,823:406,lady_gaga_marina_abramovic….PNG)

File: 8e2acd464617938⋯.png (91.22 KB,391x518,391:518,q_post_epstein_island_famo….PNG)

File: 1ab73d83ec142d0⋯.png (14.34 KB,142x71,2:1,epstein_lady_gaga.PNG)


stefani germanotta=lady gaga

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ff7ed6 No.19345737


wow they seem to lead everything, no one knows why. very capable? but white people used to run things fairly well LOL

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20664d No.19345738

File: c2009e6738de830⋯.png (402.81 KB,620x480,31:24,cr.PNG)

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7102f8 No.19345739

File: 890b14c7484fca6⋯.png (1.84 MB,839x1224,839:1224,Sports_Stacy.png)


We have a winner

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60f103 No.19345740

File: e516789720664cc⋯.png (348.3 KB,652x388,163:97,e516789720664cca425e6b79e8….png)

File: 70ee1cd1c0abb10⋯.mp4 (14.58 MB,480x270,16:9,3_TREASON_INFERNO_DANTE_MI….mp4)



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faf7b2 No.19345741

File: dc4514da8d50289⋯.jpg (409.23 KB,2160x1080,2:1,BidenMoar.JPG)

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989174 No.19345742

File: 5af4ab1e0bd3118⋯.jpg (292.4 KB,960x540,16:9,1_million_protest_in_Hong_….jpg)

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ff7ed6 No.19345743

is there some reason the fire went to that town, which was the capital of hawaii?

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7102f8 No.19345744


Official Space Force Escort

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807ec7 No.19345745

File: 4e0dcdaff2fda73⋯.jpg (56.63 KB,500x381,500:381,7kasjg.jpg)


winner, chicken?

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b3fe48 No.19345746

File: f2855852c90e51e⋯.png (388.45 KB,1667x945,1667:945,ClipboardImage.png)

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7102f8 No.19345747

File: 9e33bba156efe5b⋯.jpeg (117.05 KB,503x581,503:581,F67B5431_2D68_456E_BA47_1….jpeg)

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58da2f No.19345748

File: 7896aed37031443⋯.jpg (11.58 KB,255x196,255:196,eatdat44.jpg)

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ee610a No.19345749

File: b9a10a7fd9d06f3⋯.jpg (96.33 KB,1086x686,543:343,BBs.JPG)

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20664d No.19345750

File: 5a499cc567702a1⋯.png (26.82 KB,812x279,812:279,work.PNG)









Sex workers complain sales are down as inflation continues to pound the economy

By Mary Madigan, News.com.au

August 5, 2023 5:02pm

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64f8fc No.19345751

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3bab8d No.19345752



Picture provides 40,000FT. v.

40,000FT. v. is classified.

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ff7ed6 No.19345753


they want to normalize white prostitution

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b3fe48 No.19345754

File: 074aa58651f4600⋯.png (529.52 KB,1562x941,1562:941,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed4fa0d6bab1b05⋯.png (722.44 KB,1037x824,1037:824,ClipboardImage.png)

a vs b

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dd2263 No.19345755

File: fd3ee30449eb6e1⋯.png (531.5 KB,369x556,369:556,steven_spielberg_heather_o….PNG)

File: 41336b64c2d4b16⋯.png (337.77 KB,489x289,489:289,meryl_streep_polanski.PNG)

File: 18ffa74577e3223⋯.png (677.13 KB,628x558,314:279,hanks_white_rabbit.PNG)

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3ffc66 No.19345756

File: d7de120c3ac81bf⋯.png (114.05 KB,546x447,182:149,2023_07_09_21_21_36.png)


Is that… ghetto fresh pink!

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807ec7 No.19345757

File: fae5eed2e554186⋯.png (369.09 KB,546x556,273:278,Corn_Cobbin_Fat.png)


Imma save that

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5ffd80 No.19345758


There's literally only two sides playing.

Dark and Light

Who struck first?

Who struck last?

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7102f8 No.19345759

File: 7de067df4603d8f⋯.png (1.25 MB,1440x907,1440:907,I_ll_eat_that.png)

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b3fe48 No.19345760

aloha nui maui

aloha nui pu'u ki'i

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807ec7 No.19345761

File: 7de067df4603d8f⋯.png (1.25 MB,1440x907,1440:907,7de067df4603d8feb822a696c9….png)

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a54fe0 No.19345762

That pic of Trump pointing at 0bams

Eric in tow

As if you were never here

Joe's cognitive decline so bad

Will he even remember know he's President?

0bama gets bounced twofer style

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b0ca7f No.19345763

Two dozen well trained snipers could eliminate the NWO.

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7102f8 No.19345764


Auditioning for a part in Barbie

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07f086 No.19345765

File: 10d4bf4326f8c88⋯.mp4 (15.85 MB,320x240,4:3,Old_Soul_1.mp4)


But I Know That (YOU) DO

Wish politicians would Look out for minors

Not Just some Minors on an ISLAND somewhere…

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ed7610 No.19345766

File: c2cc258db2ca320⋯.png (56.8 KB,163x248,163:248,1691259546451135_2.png)

Michelle Obama realistically can be the president of NAMBLA.

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a67bb6 No.19345767

File: 82d0e422748e651⋯.jpg (3.53 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20230812_094328.jpg)

File: 34135279300bcfb⋯.jpg (2.26 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20230812_094504.jpg)

Judicial Watch scores!

180,000 inactive names removed from registration rolls.

More of this

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8e73d2 No.19345768


>they want to normalize white prostitution

Dude, it's been normalised for thousands of years.

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58da2f No.19345769

File: 6269ad1dbd87d77⋯.gif (1.31 MB,480x244,120:61,chkt.gif)

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807ec7 No.19345770

File: d18eb6946b135e9⋯.png (150.05 KB,533x594,533:594,ClipboardImage.png)


kek hive lives

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ff7ed6 No.19345771

File: de2a677e7e48f5f⋯.png (442.26 KB,680x563,680:563,inter.png)

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60f103 No.19345772

File: e374e52f690de6d⋯.png (472.92 KB,960x960,1:1,Nigger_Corn_Stacy_Abrams.png)

File: c0b72213b206f8c⋯.jpg (96.56 KB,998x998,1:1,c0b72213b206f8c4fc4b917bdf….jpg)

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807ec7 No.19345773

File: b4d71ca87e09a66⋯.png (287.95 KB,506x371,506:371,Corncobs_Moar.png)

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58da2f No.19345774

File: 700e879be1fddb6⋯.gif (4.53 MB,245x256,245:256,indeed44.gif)

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dd2263 No.19345776

File: 74b68cca5bad6c1⋯.png (412.72 KB,495x290,99:58,romney_hot_dogs.PNG)

File: 71cd357c20e20a1⋯.png (246.82 KB,355x350,71:70,obama_hot_dog.PNG)


and they love liddle boy weiners

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807ec7 No.19345777

File: 92f00051094c2b0⋯.png (425.27 KB,650x451,650:451,Corn_Cobbin_Intensifies.png)

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33143b No.19345778

File: 2725c3242779e38⋯.pdf (2.39 MB,Alexander_Hislop_The_Two_B….pdf)

File: 208748bd283ced3⋯.png (298.97 KB,1166x1548,583:774,ClipboardImage.png)

The Two Babylons

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64f8fc No.19345779

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7102f8 No.19345780

File: 9c6708fdbb0f974⋯.mp4 (737.88 KB,274x274,1:1,78212dbfecfa2a99.mp4)

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c740f7 No.19345781

Sleepy Joe has got to go

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dd2263 No.19345782

File: e7c916352128633⋯.png (603.02 KB,853x599,853:599,abc_rptr_child_rape.PNG)

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89bec9 No.19345783

File: 389f7b604b5ebfb⋯.png (14.84 KB,420x378,10:9,Hawaii_D.PNG)





Tis a D State Afterall

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c740f7 No.19345784

and Kamala toe too

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807ec7 No.19345785

File: c3321914028c026⋯.jpg (208.07 KB,1019x1007,1019:1007,9c236466e4e27575.jpg)



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312d54 No.19345786

File: 21d08d98bdb9ac8⋯.png (122.09 KB,618x1156,309:578,533.png)

File: 0af92662c927ed5⋯.png (222.06 KB,618x1126,309:563,1733.png)

File: fd9b5f083eb536d⋯.jpg (60.54 KB,938x582,469:291,fd9b5f083eb536d65bec040c5c….jpg)

File: eb06b626bedec1b⋯.jpg (545.22 KB,1200x2000,3:5,Screenshot_20230812_111135.jpg)

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ee610a No.19345787


L.A.’s Elite Cannibal Restaurant Boasts Katy Perry, Meryl Streep, Chelsea Clinton As Members


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8b142d No.19345788


it's OK if he has to go, he probably is fitted with an adult diaper

end stupid attempt at humor

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33143b No.19345789

File: 92000650f3e4d0c⋯.jpg (894.79 KB,1078x1620,539:810,92000650f3e4d0c0179011c6d6….jpg)

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58da2f No.19345790

File: 6146b83c3ed0236⋯.jpg (59.39 KB,503x496,503:496,77lvtk.jpg)

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7102f8 No.19345791

File: 3b4e1c00535b57b⋯.png (970.67 KB,1080x1102,540:551,Che_Trump.png)


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20664d No.19345792

File: 9e085c9f7c95ace⋯.png (185.97 KB,428x486,214:243,what_is.PNG)


What is REAL?

What is FAKE?

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9d15c6 No.19345793

File: 897a8e9ceca6908⋯.jpeg (128.23 KB,700x1117,700:1117,62fe33922cd59.jpeg)

File: 7188a0217e4a65c⋯.jpg (74.18 KB,575x1024,575:1024,yuval.jpg)

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807ec7 No.19345794

File: 2340bcc0556d9c9⋯.png (1.15 MB,1247x935,1247:935,2340bcc0556d9c9b37c9f55267….png)

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faf7b2 No.19345795

File: 817ea55d62006ad⋯.jpg (210.57 KB,772x754,386:377,KingClown.JPG)

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dd2263 No.19345796

File: 0281940a999679f⋯.png (1.05 MB,1060x526,530:263,ghislaine_kabala.PNG)

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78560b No.19345797

File: d4213879f324096⋯.jpg (26.13 KB,640x480,4:3,schoki.jpg)

File: fc7d51827c3d935⋯.jpg (21.43 KB,795x464,795:464,schoko_frau.jpg)

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346572 No.19345798

File: 988bba8fb2fed12⋯.png (61.3 KB,971x665,971:665,Scrvbhu_1.png)

File: 057dd421d1b31b4⋯.png (564.47 KB,1035x617,1035:617,Scghj.png)

Just say you are a socialist and you will never be indicted.

Bernie is Fredo on steroids.

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7102f8 No.19345799

File: bfdf0011cc2c5d3⋯.png (1.33 MB,1490x745,2:1,Elon_Resistance.png)

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8b142d No.19345800


uncharitable manipulation of people's need for food and companionship.

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64f8fc No.19345801

So, that "invisibility cloak" that some Japanese university scientist created a decade or so ago: how has that been adapted to armor/camouflage for soldiers? Actually, something like that is probably classified. I wonder if they're able to muffle the sound of their movement went in tall grass.

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807ec7 No.19345804

File: 82c804f6329cebd⋯.jpg (79.69 KB,604x603,604:603,Screenshot_2023_08_11_1813….jpg)



Oops Pennsylvania muh bad, still a win

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dd2263 No.19345805

File: 485181059e69bd1⋯.png (465.41 KB,850x412,425:206,katy_perry_pizza.PNG)

File: 1b921e7db615327⋯.png (422.75 KB,257x556,257:556,katy_perry_pizza_2.PNG)

File: 8e2acd464617938⋯.png (91.22 KB,391x518,391:518,q_post_epstein_island_famo….PNG)

File: 5dbac4b2c72bf5d⋯.png (19.17 KB,278x73,278:73,epstein_katy_perry.PNG)

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484df9 No.19345806

File: 2ac567df7b73fd3⋯.png (54.21 KB,887x424,887:424,ClipboardImage.png)


Award show moved to J6


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e2c913 No.19345807

File: e6b3e68a54167fa⋯.png (1.67 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Screenshot_20230812_033232.png)


Anybody here wants some shit?

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81927b No.19345808

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11b2c5 No.19345809

File: 64460371b8924d6⋯.png (282.33 KB,500x360,25:18,ClipboardImage.png)

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ff7ed6 No.19345810


not in Victorian england

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dd2263 No.19345811

File: df2dc065dd0cffe⋯.png (951.64 KB,745x648,745:648,will_smith.PNG)

File: 8e2acd464617938⋯.png (91.22 KB,391x518,391:518,q_post_epstein_island_famo….PNG)

File: d74b2cc0c2a9e22⋯.png (22.28 KB,337x75,337:75,epstein_will_smith.PNG)

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113f0f No.19345812

Trump's Trial will BE his campaign.

Imagine knowing 2015 and prior that everything known about the globalist cult that infiltrated media, doj, fbi, c_a, etc, all of that intelligence could not itself bring the cult down, it all has to be legally ENTERED into the court system for adjudication/analysis/judgment.

It shouldn't have had to be this way, but if the Presidential campaign of 2024 LOOKED like a 'public' court case, where the judge is God, thd lawyers are counsel for Q+ and Potato, and the jury is the 'public mind'…

It's not what Anon would have expected or asked for, but thankful that at least it's all coming out.

There is no possible avenue for any federal judge to insert themselves as 'final' authority and scrutinize every sentence and use 'orders' to ban or allow speech, to be dictator over what can and cannot hcibe said by candidates running for President.

Whichever judge tried to declare themselves as final authority OVER POLITICAL SPEECH SPOKEN BY CANDIDATES FOR POLITICAL OFFICE, are doomed to an embarrassing failure.

Let any of the bribed, blackmailed, 'on team' radical left anti-Constitutional judges go after Q+ and demand 'you can't talk about that it's illegal'. Let any of them try. It will fun to watch them find they have no power to stop Q+'s or Biden's speech.

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78560b No.19345813

File: 7e578548d553376⋯.jpg (37.44 KB,623x1280,623:1280,kamala1.jpg)

File: 86c79c7fcf49d1e⋯.jpg (37.77 KB,623x1280,623:1280,kamala2.jpg)

File: b505229c7f88902⋯.jpg (50.02 KB,623x1280,623:1280,kamala4.jpg)

File: f016c51a2eaba4e⋯.jpg (22.09 KB,432x505,432:505,kamalaharris_2.jpg)


Kamal A Roush


Kamala Harris

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ff7ed6 No.19345814


debunker debunked, clink

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3eeaca No.19345815

File: bf2bd310937dbe5⋯.jpg (183.78 KB,1293x1470,431:490,AOC_Jewish_Space_Lasers.jpg)

File: b20aadc32f57c2c⋯.mp4 (1.92 MB,AOC_Jewish_Space_Lazers.mp4)

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4e89a3 No.19345816

File: 12068665580eeb6⋯.jpg (9.27 MB,5008x2817,16:9,Run_Forrest.jpg)

Weekend at Otto's.

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868796 No.19345817


You got cocaine on my uranium

No you got uranium in my cocaine

Ummm yummmy

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7102f8 No.19345818

File: 72f4b8b1586e38d⋯.jpg (94.44 KB,784x816,49:51,KEK.jpg)

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89bec9 No.19345819


It's the program

LUST is the easiest one.

[THEY] will literally sell their souls to convince themselves, and others, there's nothing wrong with it.

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5fe109 No.19345820

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5ffd80 No.19345821

File: 2830cfe4c6a2bb9⋯.jpg (8.72 KB,293x220,293:220,th.jpg)

File: c70d25ef42dd7e6⋯.jpg (41.9 KB,602x449,602:449,main_qimg_f25bc303aefc6558….jpg)

When is a Telescope a Magnifying glass?

Optics very important?


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60f103 No.19345822

File: 3e2a78b7f1209d7⋯.jpeg (123.81 KB,660x984,55:82,ghows_OH_09abc49f_6df2_48….jpeg)

File: 5bba87c3968c349⋯.jpg (27.26 KB,300x300,1:1,Nirvana_Incesticide.jpg)

File: 7d2183f0cd9dd48⋯.jpg (107.04 KB,1000x1000,1:1,c8379a23bc5c0572be29cc1390….jpg)

File: 7d52032be7f2620⋯.jpg (120.83 KB,300x300,1:1,Marilyn_Manson_Smells_Like….jpg)

File: 90d5db9ee91a92b⋯.jpg (289.47 KB,900x705,60:47,default.jpg)

The Deepstate Smells Like Children

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1d14aa No.19345823

File: df23eba5dadbbbd⋯.png (129.09 KB,310x163,310:163,ClipboardImage.png)


watch it for ten dollars and support great independent filmmakers and help society ditch hollyweird.

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64f8fc No.19345824

Well, might as well finish the last chapter of Authority and then start Acceptance.

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3eeaca No.19345825

File: 763156566f86d05⋯.jpeg (179.99 KB,800x625,32:25,E9544999_133E_4ABE_8EB3_A….jpeg)

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807ec7 No.19345826

File: 20ad7c4d3804f30⋯.png (1.45 MB,1170x1737,130:193,20ad7c4d3804f3078e1c5682f2….png)


>Anybody here wants some shit?

Kek, what are you offering anon?

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c740f7 No.19345827

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dd2263 No.19345828

File: 1acefd471e7b078⋯.png (1.51 MB,1088x615,1088:615,bill_murray.PNG)

File: 8e2acd464617938⋯.png (91.22 KB,391x518,391:518,q_post_epstein_island_famo….PNG)

File: b562301706ac376⋯.png (18.73 KB,140x111,140:111,epstein_bill_murray.PNG)

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3eeaca No.19345829

File: ecafe6ca80258c2⋯.jpeg (44.06 KB,448x368,28:23,IMG_1319.jpeg)

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61cc38 No.19345830

File: 859144b52745a45⋯.png (863.71 KB,1005x944,1005:944,Ghbhu.png)

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89bec9 No.19345831


Oh… noice… Double Meanings!


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ce4861 No.19345832

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

23 hours ago

Dershowitz: "[There's] No Plausible Case For Denying Donald Trump The Ability To Run For President". Really good explanation and interview



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208310 No.19345833

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

V-Shady rapping Eminem at the Iowa State Fair the morning



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8b142d No.19345834


I read recently that it's not the lust that is the problem with that kind of stuff. It's the disrespect of those who are battling lust: the people who post that kind of stuff are unchartible to those who are seeking to lead a less compulsive lifestyle.

It's a lack of concern for the ones subjected to it, not so much the people who do it's preference, but their hope to make others stumble, or total lack of respect for the audience.

They lack charity.

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abb781 No.19345835


this thread in Michigan, along with Georgia mules, and likely other swing state operations, will destroy the FIB.

it was and is treason to aid and abet a nationwide electoral fraud scheme.

all those involved at the FIB should consider this.

wray will swing.

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3289f2 No.19345836

File: 03254e9d2c88cf0⋯.png (388.9 KB,573x584,573:584,03254e9d2c88cf0db6ea0aa1b6….png)

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352aa7 No.19345837

File: edcfef537889dfa⋯.png (1.03 MB,1080x1019,1080:1019,ClipboardImage.png)

Bet it Sucks to have taken the vax and now find out the truth

Unfortunately they will be filled with Fear and Anxiety

Which is exactly what the controllers want so they can move forward

I know it's hard, but please Turn your New found Anger on the ones that did this to you

God Bless the vaxxed

If anyone deserves Reparations, it's the Vaxxed

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8f2ce5 No.19345838

Vivek Ramaswamy is so desperate he is rapping Wiggernems Lose Yourself

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0011ad No.19345839

File: d0f73bc1ffaf77a⋯.jpg (57.98 KB,651x383,651:383,7vakln.jpg)

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29c775 No.19345840


Alabama high school basketball standout dies following medical emergency

Caleb White was a senior at Pinson Valley High School in Alabama.

ByMeredith Deliso

August 11, 2023, 4:21 PM ET


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499dad No.19345841


Be at my next rally near you.

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5ffd80 No.19345842


So you're saying Kamala is a Lesbian?

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ff7ed6 No.19345843

File: 28cfe3c6a8b5c35⋯.png (656.54 KB,976x410,488:205,pizz.png)

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3eeaca No.19345844

File: 4d5df30a3d1f030⋯.jpeg (317.34 KB,1431x1335,477:445,IMG_1468.jpeg)

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89bec9 No.19345845


So many faces, that never need to be seen again. Even their Clones need to be wiped.

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b3fe48 No.19345846


ho'i no 'ai i kou kahu

ho' no kau me 'oe

'a'ole kipi ali'i

'a'ole mana e hele pēlā

ka kākuna wahine

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c740f7 No.19345847

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55d1dc No.19345848


>Trump's Trial will BE his campaign.

OUR campaign

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f74351 No.19345849

<▶ Anonymous Just now 499dad No.19345841


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dd3680 No.19345850

File: 612c7412ca99e4f⋯.jpg (116.55 KB,1125x838,1125:838,WitchTrials.JPG)

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208310 No.19345851


Heard - my arms aren’t even that big

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f74351 No.19345853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3eeaca No.19345854

File: a6c522d43767cf8⋯.jpeg (47.97 KB,604x302,2:1,C3328B58_301B_4260_9795_7….jpeg)

File: f561ec9d02ec580⋯.png (379.33 KB,406x516,203:258,96F7694B_873C_4831_A33C_5C….png)

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807ec7 No.19345855

File: e864918141d5172⋯.jpg (22.91 KB,637x226,637:226,emoji_list.jpg)


>Be at my next rally near you.

<And you know this man!

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1d14aa No.19345856


Anon wouldn't mind her doing morning bench presses using anon's body. Strength is sexy, especially once civilization goes to shit. You want a mate that can not only take care of themselves, but help protect the family if weapons aren't immediately available.

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a283cb No.19345857

File: 72bb410e857105b⋯.png (781.38 KB,956x832,239:208,Schhhi.png)

File: 97e7ce5eb70846d⋯.png (95.35 KB,262x397,262:397,Tbhu.png)

Negroid Tim Scott is the prime suspect.

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29c775 No.19345858

File: 24db00065cfdcd8⋯.png (719.92 KB,2500x1996,625:499,ClipboardImage.png)

White’s grandfather, George Varnadoe Jr., posted on Facebook that his 17-year-old grandson collapsed while working out with the team.

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6a025e No.19345859

File: c8ba2cdcb0139ca⋯.jpg (46.11 KB,1100x619,1100:619,Lucifer_is_our_god.jpg)


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5ffd80 No.19345860

Open Rebellion

Open Rebellion against the Constitution?

Open Rebellion against those who violate the Constitution?

Words Matter

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89bec9 No.19345861


Without LUST, there is no problem.

Of course Sick minds lack empathy, but what do you expect from Narcissistic personalities over powered by Ego?

LUST was listed as one of the Sins for a reason.

Thou shalt not covet…

Literally bending over backwards, to excuse ANY personal accountability to be "Cartman".

Whatever, I do what I want.

Guardians of the Galaxy (Pedophiles) had an entire movie, dedicated to EGO, the Villain, and FATHER of who? Yeah….a man.

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55d1dc No.19345862


um, that's the same actual pic obvsly shooped.

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8b142d No.19345863


with an atttitude like that you'll have little to no chance of surviving because what you real need is a community that works together and maintains the rules of civilized society.

your attitude express an extreme lack of faith and a hangup on pride about 'taking care of yourself' and your looks.

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f86e97 No.19345864

File: eb0799ef8352d48⋯.png (583.59 KB,1024x731,1024:731,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Aug 12, 2023

Ghirigori - Star Scribbles

It's fun to scribble on the canvas of the sky. You can use a creative photographic technique to cause the light of point-like stars to dance across a digital image by tapping lightly on the telescope while making an exposure. The result will be a squiggly line traced by the star (or two squiggles traced by binary stars) that can reveal the star's color. Colorful lines, dubbed Ghirigori, made from stars found in the northern sky constellations Bootes, Corona Borealis, Ophiucus, and Coma Berenices, are captured in this artistic mosaic. The 25 stars creating the varied and colorful squiggles are identified around the border. Of course, temperature determines the color of a star. While whitish stars tend to be close to the Sun's temperature, stars with bluer hues are hotter, and yellow and red colors are cooler than the Sun.


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807ec7 No.19345865

File: d847b43ebbf5f4c⋯.png (146.97 KB,583x421,583:421,ClipboardImage.png)

Guess DJT is wheels up.

Cap is on Central Time so post is 11:07 EDT

I can't view in Instagram (gotta have account to see)


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9d15c6 No.19345866

File: 64264818b0d65cb⋯.jpg (48.37 KB,640x627,640:627,4811852c2a1859cceb391b9f2d….jpg)

File: 6cb783ea4e06576⋯.jpg (34.8 KB,310x207,310:207,schwab_e_rabbi.jpg)

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faf7b2 No.19345867

File: b097bf9d6cc7b8e⋯.jpg (558.04 KB,1524x1080,127:90,YellenNuke.JPG)

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8b142d No.19345868


the ones who post naked people aren't expressing the sin of lust, they are showing the sin of lack of charity.

they don't care what kind of sin that they promote, they just want the person trying to overcome a sinful nature to stumble and fall.

so they don't help, and that is a lack of charity.

I read this in a book by CS Lewis and it makes sense.

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20664d No.19345869

File: d1a654c1d9e6a92⋯.png (433.11 KB,603x648,67:72,omit.PNG)


From The Rolling Stone: Right-Wing Influencers

Just Found Their

Favorite New Country

Song In "Rich Men North of Richmond," a singing farmer in Virginia blasts high taxes and obese people on welfare, and even appears to allude to Jeffrey Epstein.

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60f103 No.19345870

File: 3c9fe8aadf9291b⋯.jpg (134.77 KB,740x1026,370:513,3c9fe8aadf9291b11f3e66a2e8….jpg)

File: fa6d68b9393c11d⋯.jpg (79.39 KB,1280x720,16:9,Puple_Dildo_Assassin_Nigge….jpg)

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dd3680 No.19345871

File: 9d40ade7c00e3ff⋯.jpeg (290.31 KB,947x516,947:516,437C4536_290E_4542_B832_D….jpeg)

File: 888c92e17f9bab7⋯.png (174.29 KB,1068x620,267:155,90D2F96D_3449_46B6_B290_4F….png)

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fa0edd No.19345872

File: 17be9fb22b36b9e⋯.png (1.85 MB,1932x1434,322:239,eh.png)


video sauce?

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1d14aa No.19345873

File: 19039125fccbe70⋯.png (1.37 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


kek. anon likes shitposting, not your fault that you trip up. Would rather have a rippled woman than a fatty, anyway.

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c740f7 No.19345874


>I read this in a book by CS Lewis and it makes sense.

many such cases

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55d1dc No.19345875


can women get shoulders like a man if they work out?

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74e4e6 No.19345876

File: 58ea203a1abcb33⋯.jpg (181.24 KB,1834x909,1834:909,_Wheels_up_Wheels_down_20_….jpg)


>Q Wheels up

Jul 12

<Dan Wheels up

Aug 12

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597127 No.19345877


Wasn't 6K years.

try 600~

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c4ecbe No.19345878

File: 3d1900addf07264⋯.png (35.84 KB,687x489,229:163,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 996a8dcdb371190⋯.png (11.88 KB,378x315,6:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 114141e672140b4⋯.png (13.35 KB,888x256,111:32,ClipboardImage.png)



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3eeaca No.19345880

File: d527b14b56ae98b⋯.jpeg (140.82 KB,1184x454,592:227,IMG_1473.jpeg)

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5ffd80 No.19345881


"Made in the Image of their Creator"

Re-made by Vivi Fendi Satani

Why is that concept so difficult to comprehend?

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faf7b2 No.19345882

File: 387bb0ecdef90c7⋯.jpeg (405.46 KB,1871x943,1871:943,91EFA7D7_0319_4919_B614_0….jpeg)

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8b142d No.19345883


if I needed or was moved to view pictures of the human form I wouldn't need your help.

the lack of charity is what Lewis says is the problem with those who spam nudity.

what I like or dislike is not your concern.

but I would hope that you would want to help others accomplish their goals.

to constantly post porn is you trying to make people stumble.

if they are moved to view the human form, you don't know their tastes, nor do you need to post it because it's readily available.

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dd2263 No.19345884

File: 200d9228e0b840c⋯.png (488.17 KB,415x506,415:506,courtney_love_prince_andre….PNG)

File: 5634bb91faade1a⋯.png (285.85 KB,354x478,177:239,courtney_love_marina_abram….PNG)

File: 8e2acd464617938⋯.png (91.22 KB,391x518,391:518,q_post_epstein_island_famo….PNG)

File: db661a72ee82a74⋯.png (13.32 KB,122x79,122:79,epstein_courtney_love.PNG)

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9d15c6 No.19345885

File: d593893c3f74436⋯.jpg (156.51 KB,822x537,274:179,431558.jpg)

File: aabede7de577e73⋯.jpg (119.8 KB,898x628,449:314,448715.jpg)

File: 320572302d37142⋯.jpg (108.47 KB,781x900,781:900,goldman_destruction.jpg)

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8b142d No.19345886


I don't know what you mean, anon.

articulate your point because I'm finding nothing in your post but words that seem to be you trying to scold me for not being aware.

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55d1dc No.19345887


>the ones who post naked people aren't expressing the sin of lust,

testosterone levels in the general male population are so low pics of naked women are prolly necessary for the propagation of the species. Pics of naked men on the other hand merit the poster capital punishment.

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f86e97 No.19345888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Perseid meteor shower 2023, online observation

Aug 12, 2023 9:30 ET

The Perseid meteor shower is back, ready to put a nice show up there, without any Moon interference. At Virtual Telescope, we will share its peak live, online: join us from the comfort of your home!

We will broadcast the meteor shower live, online, for free. We will share the view of our wide field cameras, to show any potential meteor they will capture. This is something you really want to join! We will use, in particular, our all-sky camera, installed under the dark skies of our facility in Manciano, Italy, in the Maremma countryside.

The online, free session to see the Perseid 2023 meteor shower is scheduled for the 13 Aug. 2023, starting at 01:30 UT, around the peak of activity.



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a69c32 No.19345889

File: 1abb77cbd467bb4⋯.jpeg (999.7 KB,1170x1464,195:244,IMG_7821.jpeg)

File: 66ec5b899d37487⋯.jpeg (300.04 KB,1170x776,585:388,IMG_7613.jpeg)

File: 552cf69ed822f54⋯.jpeg (777.12 KB,1170x1650,39:55,IMG_7422.jpeg)

File: cd79e2087428d79⋯.jpeg (532.68 KB,1170x2332,585:1166,IMG_7100.jpeg)

File: 6562135bc89500d⋯.png (328.16 KB,750x1624,375:812,IMG_5084.png)



Buy muy gold!

Where’s the List of Pedophiles, Flynn?

Flynn was always the inside Spy!

He’d disqualified himself for VP because his pro-choice stance

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8f2ce5 No.19345890

File: e3f8bbeae3ed33b⋯.png (486.73 KB,500x751,500:751,ClipboardImage.png)

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793996 No.19345891


Reminds us of the time 14 day lockdown was two weeks late

And Pence trying to restart the never ending pan-Demonic countdown -

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20664d No.19345892

File: d43689ebc0a8d51⋯.png (970.52 KB,845x638,845:638,bud.PNG)


Bud Light 2.0: Skittles Unveils Pro-LGBT, Drag Queen Campaign Aimed Toward Kids

By C. Douglas Golden August 12, 2023 at 6:46am

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1d14aa No.19345893

File: bb3fba5b2eee4a9⋯.png (639.28 KB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


bodybuilt women is porn? Anon, get outside quickly, or you will turn into a wart-covered toad. Nobody wants to be neighbors with those that are ultra critical like yourself.

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8f2ce5 No.19345894

File: 16f502d1d6c1a1f⋯.png (423.65 KB,627x398,627:398,ClipboardImage.png)

Raminem and Ray?

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f7bbff No.19345895

File: c09355a6d863efc⋯.png (1.96 MB,1320x880,3:2,The_Wachowskis_terminator_….png)

File: ec3677d7d1b4d9a⋯.png (1.04 MB,1354x904,677:452,burn_the_whole_diseased_te….png)

File: c962022655fcedb⋯.jpg (36.84 KB,414x414,1:1,melania_flowers_Q_trolls_h….jpg)

File: 283e8646dcca6d4⋯.png (61.77 KB,199x276,199:276,tay_at_tay_com_per_ChatGPT….png)

File: 468ab3e051ec5be⋯.jpg (79.69 KB,640x480,4:3,keks.jpg)

>>19344930 pb

>California to BAN Skittles

yep chemicals reducing fertility in murrican food

>in state where children can get sex changes without parents approval

OK it doesn't change the 1st part though

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3289f2 No.19345896

File: af6c94dac86f5d4⋯.png (4.54 KB,593x145,593:145,af6c94dac86f5d4a100595b030….png)



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d588cd No.19345897


Dark to light.

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8b142d No.19345898


seems rather unfair to the ladies.

you have a bigoted point of view about the fans of the human form.

if you think it's fine for men to see naked women, why can't naked men be seen by women as well?

obviously you don't really believe what you posted, you are trying to make an ironic statement that is shocking.

post your memes about millstones, anon. or does that get you deleted now?

or you're not the prig who posts that?

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5ffd80 No.19345899

The Veil Hides the Light

The Veil is made of Cloth

The Men of The Cloth bring The Veil

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f7bbff No.19345900

File: 9596cb674426cdb⋯.jpg (24.93 KB,320x240,4:3,fag_talk.jpg)


>Fury as


>LGBT Pride


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8f2ce5 No.19345901


Vivek Ramaswamy Throws Down at the Iowa State Fair, Raps 'Lose Yourself'


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c740f7 No.19345902


gotta coom fast

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3eeaca No.19345903

File: f30e9b714dfc771⋯.jpeg (166.42 KB,1024x1360,64:85,IMG_1474.jpeg)

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98e227 No.19345904

File: c9de7ca229e59f6⋯.png (355.09 KB,704x671,64:61,Lara_Trump.png)

File: 816154621a1f81c⋯.mp4 (5.4 MB,480x852,40:71,816154621a1f81ceb2d23333bf….mp4)

Lara Trump putting her fake tits in this nigga's face….. Eric Trump OUCH!!!

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dd2263 No.19345905

File: 8c646ccfa6de6d9⋯.png (322.53 KB,385x371,55:53,rachel_chandler_eminem.PNG)

File: 0245c0621215956⋯.png (385.63 KB,655x652,655:652,eminem.PNG)

File: 8e2acd464617938⋯.png (91.22 KB,391x518,391:518,q_post_epstein_island_famo….PNG)

File: 6c2dd3435cfee70⋯.png (22.6 KB,154x107,154:107,epstein_eminem.PNG)

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16ca1a No.19345906

File: 7bc92a0118a9528⋯.jpg (117.38 KB,444x587,444:587,North.jpg)

File: 427b9648966d941⋯.jpg (8.74 KB,474x263,474:263,of.jpg)

File: 78f8c498ea06afb⋯.jpg (58.15 KB,431x600,431:600,Richmond.jpg)

Who's AO is north of Richmond?

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9d15c6 No.19345907

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

John 8:44, (Jesus speaking to the Jews)

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8b142d No.19345908


> c740f7

did you misspell something?

I don't know that word.

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dd2bbd No.19345909

File: 9433267d68c48b5⋯.png (747.24 KB,865x1188,865:1188,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7bbff No.19345910

File: 201ff8bda761108⋯.png (776.09 KB,875x833,125:119,calvin_klein_1992_2022_gen….png)


>Bud Light 2.0


different market

stupid millennial parents of young kids don't give a shit don't read they won't even know this unless you put a dildo on the package

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3ffc66 No.19345911

File: 2e283dd97896182⋯.png (476.08 KB,406x603,406:603,2023_08_12_11_34_00.png)


Interesting symbolism

Her hands narrower than the usual sign?


Don't know about this hand under the folded knee, though.

She appears to be looking up at the person holding the camera, and he's looking a the person next to that person?

Bad vibes.

F*ck'n demons.

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989174 No.19345912

File: 6ef53663b6e2089⋯.jpg (61.11 KB,632x517,632:517,EwIhOJsWYAMwfjd.jpg)


>not in Victorian england


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9d15c6 No.19345913

File: c6961ee05aeda86⋯.jpg (38.32 KB,357x358,357:358,Remphan.jpg)

File: 01529542ef6daee⋯.mp4 (13.49 MB,1080x1350,4:5,p9l.mp4)

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55d1dc No.19345914


their slogan is "taste the rainbow" since way back

"The world we want tomorrow

starts with how we do business today"

owned by Wrigley-Mars.

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9d15c6 No.19345915

File: 21141b8aa30d65d⋯.mp4 (6.8 MB,640x480,4:3,p9l2.mp4)

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f7bbff No.19345916

File: 2a3f726a2cb846f⋯.png (129.71 KB,278x181,278:181,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d65250a1a935cf⋯.png (103.87 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a59b25e6859d925⋯.png (285.72 KB,750x1000,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


<30 year delta

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3eeaca No.19345917

File: e0cfdb9489482d7⋯.jpg (204.19 KB,800x604,200:151,5DB6FC78_31FA_47E5_84D7_F3….jpg)

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2b21fb No.19345918

File: 4cde7605ef7de11⋯.jpg (80.56 KB,500x532,125:133,toots.jpg)




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8b142d No.19345919


I was on line looking at the websites for various fairs and noticed that Budlight sponsors concerts at a particular fair of interest.

Why would an artist accept that sponsorship given the current situation?

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223a65 No.19345920

File: 8dfc9fc37c634d7⋯.jpg (27.69 KB,557x557,1:1,downloadfile_2.jpg)

Anons my coworker is a black African negroid.

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dd2bbd No.19345921

File: c8721e248b0530a⋯.png (1.88 MB,1170x878,585:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7bbff No.19345922


that's a lot of effort for a nobody

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0011ad No.19345923

I was once in a coffeeshop,

and there was a guy sitting next to me.

He went to the restroom (single-use),

and didn't come out for like, 20 minutes.

When he came out,

he was a different person.

wth ? I could have been mistaken, but just putting it out there.

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c1689c No.19345924

File: 61daf9cc024a324⋯.jpeg (216.2 KB,1200x630,40:21,IMG_5564.jpeg)

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ce4861 No.19345926

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

26 minutes ago

Kennedy, McGinley, And Wren Discuss Justice Department’s Theatrical Lawfare Against President Trump



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64f8fc No.19345927

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What kinda shit?

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55d1dc No.19345928


her left hand is in a weird position

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9d15c6 No.19345929

File: f8997e9dddce890⋯.jpg (111.34 KB,700x1024,175:256,JewSA.jpg)

File: 664150c811b8223⋯.jpg (106.11 KB,792x1024,99:128,JewSA_1_.jpg)

File: 15328a8e1114d54⋯.jpg (84.98 KB,850x400,17:8,quote_in_the_u_s_s_r_anti_….jpg)

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f7bbff No.19345930

File: 54257505f4e2910⋯.png (1.35 MB,1004x469,1004:469,shill_price_list.png)


don't give it (you)s

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dd3680 No.19345931

File: 98c4950859df2ba⋯.jpg (571.5 KB,2048x1180,512:295,Slide6K.JPG)

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f7bbff No.19345932


>Kennedy, McGinley, And Wren

who who and who is that again?

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3bab8d No.19345933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Eminem Speaks on Donald Trump and the MAGA Crowd

Cry more Marshall.

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223a65 No.19345934

File: 290807c2efb6dec⋯.jpg (48.97 KB,500x469,500:469,Cch.jpg)

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0011ad No.19345935


Tamas = inertia, inactivity

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73ce8c No.19345936

File: a1cecde621cbfca⋯.jpg (78.77 KB,1024x1280,4:5,_1BEF1D55_8D98_4205_911D_E….jpg)


Because the majority of people just don't care. Sad but true.

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113f0f No.19345937


The People's.

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070b56 No.19345938

File: 29aea110907910b⋯.jpg (10.24 KB,255x227,255:227,d00937a1d8c284ccc9c9f64bb1….jpg)

File: 61d468d156be557⋯.png (1.51 MB,952x1226,476:613,61d468d156be557890eff88edc….png)


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29c775 No.19345939

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8b142d No.19345940

File: 10979ee55f1fc2c⋯.jpg (306.46 KB,1279x656,1279:656,duffas_fight_001.jpg)

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33143b No.19345941

File: 101110aa3f3b91c⋯.png (407.93 KB,807x545,807:545,bd6b47d6998fa2e8762ab22e6b….png)


Reckon he's hiding something from himself.

Perhaps he traded something intangible and unreal for worldly success?

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113f0f No.19345942


Which one.

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3eeaca No.19345943

File: aac510803030647⋯.jpeg (260.81 KB,1202x1166,601:583,IMG_1476.jpeg)

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f7bbff No.19345944

File: 9d8e3f051356ef9⋯.jpg (208.71 KB,1920x1080,16:9,waffle_house_employee_figh….jpg)








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ee610a No.19345945

File: cde014d3711af56⋯.jpg (564.66 KB,2048x1081,2048:1081,Pedowood.jpg)

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223a65 No.19345946

File: ef4371e07e4b766⋯.png (444.26 KB,1080x814,540:407,Screebhu_1_.png)



Rino Tim Scott sucks balls.

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b3fe48 No.19345947

File: 18b98a7d901f9b2⋯.jpeg (143.92 KB,511x305,511:305,WayneMadsen_2013_loon.jpeg)

File: fdb6d7c7b06d0b3⋯.png (100.65 KB,192x289,192:289,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58a5a3576b24e69⋯.png (71.09 KB,209x328,209:328,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04e469985ca771e⋯.png (86.93 KB,395x294,395:294,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b44801efb00412⋯.png (36.44 KB,381x223,381:223,ClipboardImage.png)

Wayne the Cartoon doll

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719480 No.19345948

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b14137 No.19345949

File: 191f716aebfc872⋯.png (12.9 KB,255x237,85:79,smokingleo2.png)



Saved for morning roll call.

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f7bbff No.19345950

File: 6dfb5d7a6004799⋯.png (727.88 KB,906x817,906:817,ClipboardImage.png)



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8b142d No.19345951


sorry, twitter doesn't work for me.

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0011ad No.19345952

File: 0f0c807b0b65880⋯.jpg (31.71 KB,600x446,300:223,7v6ee4.jpg)

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33143b No.19345953

File: 83c5900b133dca2⋯.png (1.6 MB,1000x798,500:399,a25da498bed1f395c8d34461d6….png)

Do you know talk is a real thing? There is more power in speech than many conceive. Thoughts come from God and are born through the marriage of head and lungs. The head molds the thought into the form of words, then it is born and sounded on the air, whi