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c9a77b No.19344616 [Last50 Posts]

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c9a77b No.19344618

International Q Research Threads

>>19188850 ——–——– Australia #31

>>19181822 ——–——– Canada #45

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>18551332 ——–——– Germany #105

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Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>19075778, >>19075920, >>19148273 What counts as CP?

>>19088769, >>19156675, >>19322099 SPAM is not free speech, will be removed NEW

>>19259750 I have had contact with the FBI many times. Whenever I report crimes. I report them to the FBI./J6 NEW


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ

>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>19103408 No muh joos in notes, will be removed


#23756 >>19343854

>>19343912, >>19343917, >>19343922, >>19343928 Governor Katie Hobbs Declares Heat State of Emergency

>>19343932 Vivek Ramaswamy - the climate disaster death rate has *declined* by 98% over the last century, even as carbon emissions have risen.

>>19343942 James O'Keefe's zoom call with whistleblower Enis Sujak, from Best Buy Geek Squad.

>>19343989, >>19344397 Dan Scavino Jr. - @realDonaldTrump will be visiting the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines, Iowa tomorrow at 1:00PM CDT

>>19344029, >>19344035 Human Remains: Rituals for Fraternal Organization [Independent Order of Odd Fellows – All-Seeing Eye] - 3/25/22

>>19344047, >>19344143 OKEEFE MEDIA GROUP - Blackrock (mp4)

>>19344112 Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Nat'l Archives & Records Admin.

>>19344122 Illinois State Supreme Court Declares ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Constitutional

>>19344123 Where does Maui County recycling go? China of course!

>>19344130 Social Media Erupts After Skittles Partners with Far-Left Group Which Supports Sex Procedures for Children

>>19344142 Colombian mercenaries in Ukraine are starting to revolt due to being treated like "dogs"

>>19344163 PROJECT VERITAS - Pfizer Director (mp4)

>>19344252 Archdiocese of San Francisco likely to file bankruptcy following hundreds of sexual abuse lawsuits

>>19344263 ‘Evil does exist’: Louisiana victim of Catholic priest abuse urges reform

>>19344267 THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI - Movie based on the 2021 RFK jr book

>>19344344, >>19344345, >>19344347, >>19344348, >>19344351, >>19344356, >>19344357, >>19344358, >>19344360, >>19344371 Church, Nuns and More - Pedophilia and Sexual Abuse Bun

>>19344365 The Unknown Secret Child Trafficking Network That Ran for 60 Years - 9/30/22

>>19344368, >>19344369 The ‘stolen babies’ trial in Spain finally shines a light on a scandal that cannot be forgotten

>>19344376 Dan Scavino - 8/11/23 | @realDonaldTrump is spotted at Trump National Golf Club, Bedminster

>>19344442, >>19344446, >>19344448, >>19344451, >>19344452 Alex Jones, J6 and Who is Caroline Wren?

>>19344513 John Solomon Previews Docs That Call Into Question Whether Joe Biden Pressuring Ukraine to Fire Burisma Prosecutor Was Actually US Policy

>>19344522 Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund reveals what really happened on January 6th

>>19344571, >>19344572 Dyncorp and child prostitution

>>19344581 Organ harvesting info-Jamaica Informant Organ Harvesting Witness & Warning - 2/9/17

>>19344615 #23756

#23755 >>19343629

>>19343195, >>19343143, >>19343178, >>19343230 STOP THE W.H.O. 666 GLOBAL AGENDA!!

>>19343206 Hawaii needs the help more than Ukraine.

>>19343191 Infant Decapitated During Delivery at Georgia Hospital, Lawsuit Alleges - GWP

>>19343299 Incase you missed it: Tim Ballard Interviews Donald J Trump 11 days ago

>>19343339 Canadian newspaper has MELTDOWN over conservatives fighting pedophilia

>>19343358 Comer says he's ready to subpoena Bidens' phone and bank records, give witnesses immunity - justthenews

>>19343366 Trudeau’s split from wife reveals some shocking truths

>>19343367 AG Garland decision to elevate Weiss to Special Counsel in Hunter Biden probe does not bring fresh perspective as outlined in 28 CFR 600.3

>>19343370 Noticed the US base in Niger is Base 201, as in... Event 201?

>>19343299 Incase you missed it: Tim Ballard Interviews Donald J Trump 11 days ago

>>19343421 Swedish government had a “hotline” to Facebook

>>19343448, >>19343450, >>19343565 Hawaii Island police investigatearsonas cause of the Kaʻū wildfire

>>19343447 Michael Weimer just became the 17th Sergeant Major of the Army.

>>19343476 Lukashenko calls for radical change in Belarus’ relations with EU

>>19343480 Bill & Hillary Clinton are Involved with Child Trafficking

>>19343493 Mike Davis: "This is a clear cover up By Merrick Garland to protect his boss Joe Biden"

>>19343521 Kathy Griffin Posts Photo of Jack Smith Holding Donald Trump’s Severed Head

>>19343617, >>19343620, >>19343732 POTUS! David Weiss was picked by the two Democrat Senators from Delaware under “Blue Slip.” He would not have been picked by me. But I have a great idea. Why don’t they use Deranged Jack Smith?

>>19343706, >>19343702 moar of James Comer from tonight

>>19343729 Oliver Schwab WEF Secret Society 'ODD FELLOWS' dig

>>19343757 @KariLake Helpful reminder as Katie Hobbs uses “heat deaths” as an excuse to call a State of Emergency & take away your freedoms.

>>19343759 It’s a Hostage Statement to Congress by Bidan regime to fund Ukraine FIRST

>>19343797 16 people have been injured after a boat explosion at Lake of the Ozarks

>>19343825 #23755

#23754 >>19342320

>>19342334 More Judge Chutkan who today said politics has no place in her courtroom and plans to treat Donald Trump as any other defendant.

>>19342357 US Diplomat Threatened To "Kick The Sh*t" Out Of Biden For Groping Wife

>>19342401 House COVID-19 committee demands records on how school relief funds were spent

>>19342484 Putting 'woke' out to pasture

>>19342495 Sophie Grégoire Trudeau's section removed from Liberal party website.

>>19342747 Musk - If Zuck my 👅 really wants a lesson in why there are weight categories in fighting so badly, I could just head over to his house next week and teach him a lesson he won’t soon forget

>>19342777 Trump campaign slams appointment of Hunter Biden special counsel

>>19342786 Illinois Supreme Court upholds state’s gun and magazine ban


>>19342872 Former Chief Financial Officer sentenced to prison for falsifying accounting entries for publicly traded Vancouver, Washington staffing firm

>>19342877 Man Pleads Guilty to Sending Bomb Threat to Arizona State Election Official

>>19342948 Zuck is likely using a PR firm to craft his posts.

>>19342952 DeSantis Suggests He Would Use Drone Strikes Against Mexican Drug Cartels

>>19342964 Merrick Garland's Special Counsel Appointment May Violate DOJ's Own Rules, Legal Experts Say

>>19342976 🚨#BREAKING: Multiple firefighters are battling a large fire at a recycling center warehouse

>>19342988 100 Marines, Sailors Ready to Ride Commercial Ships in Zone Defense Against Iran - USNI News

>>19343616 #23754

Previously Collected

>>19340571 #23751, >>19341481 #23752, >>19343612 #23753

>>19338092 #23748, >>19338939 #23749, >>19339703 #23750

>>19335725 #23745-B, >>19336503 #23746,>>19337264 #23747

>>19334043 #23743, >>19334861 #23744, >>19335664 #23745-A

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #19: Runaway trains can't stop >>19192963

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c9a77b No.19344621

File: 1156659eb67fadd⋯.png (487.94 KB,1366x768,683:384,87b6aa03fc12067d292fe47c9d….png)




Welcome to the Digital Battlefield

Digital Soldiers

We are with you


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836df7 No.19344634

File: 7daa1a4acce81e5⋯.png (1.17 MB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03b5708a9abbeea⋯.png (778.57 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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615043 No.19344635

File: 50d5d341346c45d⋯.png (220.62 KB,598x754,23:29,ClipboardImage.png)

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bacb90 No.19344636

File: 92e62a6c8b7a405⋯.png (133.67 KB,221x400,221:400,ClipboardImage.png)

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c39e45 No.19344637

File: 0522eee4a04a424⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,1320x2000,33:50,Picsart_23_04_18_11_46_12_….jpg)

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bacb90 No.19344638

File: 84ff83728fb6a9a⋯.png (93.48 KB,228x400,57:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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8182a8 No.19344639

File: 9cff3e56c0642da⋯.jpg (1.22 MB,2048x2048,1:1,Leave_a_light_on_Q.jpg)


Thanks Bakes.

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c39e45 No.19344640



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64fe71 No.19344641

While swimming around in the third world shithole called America after the globalists destroyed the government they noticed

NATO has 10,000 Stingers Missing.

Of course I am making shit up it's not real go back to sleep there's no human can openers on the MAUI Smoke, the DHS and Climate Change WEF/UNEP and Fauci, and the FBI/DOJ/SES all tested for VLP's on the smoke. so it's completely safe.

BOSTON STRONG (because celebration of terrorists)

MAUI STRONG (because celebration of Arson/multinational terrorism)

(MAUI STRONG - even though the fire isn't out)

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6eb3fc No.19344643

File: 3963dcbb986b1da⋯.png (511.25 KB,500x900,5:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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64fe71 No.19344644

don't know how this made in the notables, it was 2017, quit actin like its new news.

I told ya things are fucked up. When ya gona get it?

Hillary's Leakers, Hackers, and Henchmen


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ee24ac No.19344648

File: fe72e1468154b77⋯.png (553.69 KB,522x631,522:631,B92DC69F_8800_4B88_8459_0D….png)

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615043 No.19344649

File: ff25524914503b8⋯.png (10.89 KB,598x98,299:49,ClipboardImage.png)


someone said this in the comments though

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ee24ac No.19344651

File: 5ad4f668bf198a3⋯.jpeg (93.69 KB,537x540,179:180,Comfy.JPEG)

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fb642b No.19344652


>Night Of The Living Comfy


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ee24ac No.19344653

File: 763156566f86d05⋯.jpeg (179.99 KB,800x625,32:25,E9544999_133E_4ABE_8EB3_A….jpeg)

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bacb90 No.19344654

File: 4817e16fefa2514⋯.png (122.6 KB,370x400,37:40,ClipboardImage.png)

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bacb90 No.19344656

File: da08a07652fd89d⋯.png (122.08 KB,400x267,400:267,ClipboardImage.png)

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64fe71 No.19344658

File: 86eb3b405f01e75⋯.mp4 (11.74 MB,1372x720,343:180,georgia_man_is_beating_cal….mp4)


GO .

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ee24ac No.19344659

File: a1ac2171fa96bab⋯.png (839.6 KB,800x658,400:329,26E7AAF3_B127_4004_8C31_B8….png)

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6eb3fc No.19344661

File: 7dfb8099b1c10a9⋯.mp4 (1.26 MB,406x720,203:360,koko_Goodbye_Horses.mp4)

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bacb90 No.19344662

File: 4fc742f48ba5060⋯.png (167.5 KB,381x399,127:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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01ec78 No.19344663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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92ef93 No.19344665


Best broom beating of all time - I can still hear the cries of each strike.

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64fe71 No.19344666




Build back better

Climate Emergency




trust the science

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eac06c No.19344667

File: 57f7bb728f6dfa8⋯.png (423.67 KB,1024x768,4:3,00000000_00.png)

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2e5635 No.19344668


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099cf3 No.19344670

File: ee156031bd98478⋯.png (504.6 KB,620x372,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Scientists may be on brink of discovering fifth force of nature

Experts closing in on potentially identifying new force after surprise wobble of subatomic particle


The tantalising theory that a fifth force of nature could exist has been given a boost thanks to unexpected wobbling by a subatomic particle, physicists have revealed.

According to current understanding, there are four fundamental forces in nature, three of which – the electromagnetic force and the strong and weak nuclear forces – are explained by the standard model of particle physics.

However, the model does not explain the other known fundamental force, gravity, or dark matter – a strange and mysterious substance thought to make up about 27% of the universe.

Now researchers have said there could be another, fifth, fundamental force of nature.

Dr Mitesh Patel, from Imperial College London, said: “We’re talking about a fifth force because we can’t necessarily explain the behaviour [in these experiments] with the four we know about.”

The data comes from experiments at the Fermilab US particle accelerator facility, which explored how subatomic particles called muons – similar to electrons but about 200 times heavier – move in a magnetic field.

Patel says the muons behave a bit like a child’s spinning top, in rotating around the axis of the magnetic field. However, as the muons move, they wobble. The frequency of that wobble can be predicted by the standard model.

But the experimental results from FermiLab do not appear to match those predictions.

Prof Jon Butterworth of University College London, who works on the Atlas experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Cern, said: “The wobbles are due to the way the muon interacts with a magnetic field. They can be calculated very precisely in the standard model but that calculation involves quantum loops, with known particles appearing in those loops.

“If the measurements don’t line up with the prediction, that could be a sign that there is some unknown particle appearing in the loops – which could, for example, be the carrier of a fifth force.”

The findings follow previous work from FermiLab that showed similar results.

But Patel said there was a “fly in the ointment”, noting that between the first results and the new data, uncertainty has increased around the theoretical prediction of the frequency.

That, he said, could shift the situation. “Maybe what they are seeing is standard scientific thinking – the so-called standard model,” Patel said.

There are other issues. Butterworth said: “If the discrepancy is confirmed, we will be sure there is something new and exciting but we won’t be sure exactly what it is.

“Ideally the discrepancy would inform new theoretical ideas that would lead to new predictions – for example, of how we might find the particle that carries the new force, if that’s what it is. The final confirmation would then be building an experiment to directly discover that particle.”

The experiments at Fermilab are not the only ones to suggest the possibility of a fifth force: work at the LHC has also produced tantalising findings, albeit with a different type of experiment looking at the rate at which muons and electrons are produced as certain particles decay.

But Patel, who worked on the LHC experiments, said those results were now less coherent.

“They are different experiments, measuring different things, and there may or may not be a connection,” he said.

Butterworth added that the unexpected frequency of the muons’ wobbles was one of the longest-standing and most significant discrepancies between a measurement and the standard model.

“The measurement is a great achievement, and very unlikely to be in error now,” he said. “So if the theory predictions get sorted out, this could indeed be the first confirmed evidence for a fifth force – or something else strange and beyond the standard model.”

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34becc No.19344671

IRL mimicry from a random stranger I pass by on the street? The fuck? It's getting weird. I need to know moar. Curiosity piqued.

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64fe71 No.19344672

File: 3c063b71e9a05a7⋯.mp4 (6.54 MB,390x720,13:24,81cab0f4632834ea.mp4)


do other anons get their fair share of 666 on 8Kun..

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ee24ac No.19344673

File: b66e0a9d06b19dc⋯.png (292.95 KB,634x357,634:357,795F630D_D3E1_4348_A858_A3….png)

File: 36e7ea8f1511dcc⋯.png (715.54 KB,633x1141,633:1141,257110F4_9131_4BF9_A528_BB….png)

File: 0da9377a11c0a48⋯.jpeg (563.65 KB,1328x868,332:217,IMG_1467.jpeg)


New species of sea monster with 20 arms is found lurking in the frozen seas around Antarctica

The new monster is related to starfish and sea cucumbers but little else is known

Marine biologists have named the beast 'the Antarctic strawberry feather star'

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788e7b No.19344674

File: 09c87548af612d5⋯.mp4 (969.25 KB,640x360,16:9,09c87548af612d5d443799c701….mp4)



if only you knew how good things really are..

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ee24ac No.19344675

File: 70e50d4f7c77022⋯.jpeg (60.56 KB,658x639,658:639,1CFF0CE3_8A58_4234_95BE_8….jpeg)

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ee24ac No.19344676

File: f561ec9d02ec580⋯.png (379.33 KB,406x516,203:258,96F7694B_873C_4831_A33C_5C….png)

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64fe71 No.19344679

File: 40d1a868ead579d⋯.webm (632.7 KB,160x276,40:69,bla_copy_1_.webm)

File: 61431368eb86b5d⋯.png (22.02 KB,414x334,207:167,Screenshot_2023_04_18_21_5….png)

File: 17a64ea326818f3⋯.png (41.79 KB,672x475,672:475,ricke_don_t_lose_that_prot….png)

Click Like and Subscribe

Anon has 60k subscribers on 8Kun now

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92ef93 No.19344680


So, is Dr Jan another Kraken crackpot?

Discredits Trump if he is linking to BS artists.

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64fe71 No.19344683

File: e29ee9cbb3a38b6⋯.png (237.05 KB,471x400,471:400,Screenshot_2023_08_01_01_1….png)

Day 12, you folk wearing badges are protecting terrorism, torture, theft, genocide, propaganda, nazis, ccp and treason.

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64fe71 No.19344684

File: 12f135f23b1ddb7⋯.png (218.3 KB,471x532,471:532,Screenshot_2023_08_01_00_0….png)

If a Nuclear war breaks out I blame the LOCAL SHERIFF.

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64fe71 No.19344685

File: 73473afc1fe1ac0⋯.png (210.17 KB,688x827,688:827,73473afc1fe1ac0a989b7c4841….png)

File: d813717796b1d60⋯.png (113.71 KB,685x833,685:833,d813717796b1d604e889d5164d….png)

File: b72811f0b06fb16⋯.png (76.41 KB,691x774,691:774,b72811f0b06fb163ede998ff58….png)

File: b466b4c62d504cd⋯.jpeg (331.44 KB,1170x1091,1170:1091,LAPD_Arrested_for_Rape.jpeg)

I blame the sheriff, I blame the sheriff, I blame the sheriff.

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6c82d5 No.19344686

File: 943f339d015838b⋯.jpeg (493.35 KB,1644x1439,1644:1439,IMG_1469.jpeg)

Taste the Rainbow.


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64fe71 No.19344687


always look here first.


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34becc No.19344688

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64fe71 No.19344690

tribal Skittles - Tribalism


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64fe71 No.19344692

File: a5a2719a161b12e⋯.mp4 (403.55 KB,1310x720,131:72,Russia_today_but_imagine_i….mp4)

here's what NAZIS do…

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788e7b No.19344693

File: f9d9b68dc487f07⋯.png (398.29 KB,680x705,136:141,1683439912558528.png)

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0ea293 No.19344694

File: 8e587449c886ae8⋯.png (776.13 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_www_dailymail_co_….png)

File: d88246344ae8b88⋯.png (267.66 KB,493x375,493:375,ohdearhowsadnevermind3.png)

Sky to stop broadcasting the Oscars after 20 years as viewing figures for the awards ceremony tumble

Sky has pulled out of broadcasting the Oscars ceremony after 20 years, it is understood.

According to a report the network has backed away from keeping the rights to the event as viewing figures tumble.

UK audience figures for the Oscars have been falling, with a reported 35,000 watching this year's event live on Sky Cinema compared to nearly 60,000 in 2022.


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64fe71 No.19344695

File: c2e418c26fdb565⋯.mp4 (5.56 MB,1296x720,9:5,this_is_what_protecting_Jo….mp4)

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3b4d23 No.19344696

File: a5b7eae2084ed70⋯.png (182.4 KB,421x392,421:392,ClipboardImage.png)

whew someone's broadcasting

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4971c8 No.19344697

File: 4fcbdca90ed7f3f⋯.mp4 (2.39 MB,460x574,230:287,be_happy.mp4)

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4971c8 No.19344698

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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34becc No.19344699

Lingual terroir.

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bacb90 No.19344701

File: ed89b0054908f2e⋯.png (34.67 KB,370x400,37:40,ClipboardImage.png)

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bacb90 No.19344703

File: bd1e8b4dcb15c7a⋯.png (55 KB,381x640,381:640,ClipboardImage.png)

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7034c9 No.19344705

File: 2c827c2310c8864⋯.jpg (1.9 MB,3443x2295,3443:2295,NDF5LAFJXQI6VEDD42N5MUQJIA.jpg)

File: cf9c24e2623727f⋯.jpg (95.43 KB,1200x800,3:2,0x0.jpg)

File: 9c418787abbb7a3⋯.jpg (120.68 KB,652x1065,652:1065,20230812_014306.jpg)

File: fb3aa3ccc96fe3d⋯.jpg (24.39 KB,748x471,748:471,ErNH0eyXUAAxyxb.jpg)

This may have been noticed before I dont know , but Chuck Schumer has a red folder and seems to be posing with it after George floyd. Trump eneded up posing with a red folder on Jan 6th

Is it the same folder ? Did Trump take it from Chuck?

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628583 No.19344706

File: c4ad431edd45458⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,708x1280,177:320,Trump_red_Folder.mp4)

File: b91c5ef3254e1d0⋯.mp4 (5.61 MB,360x640,9:16,Trump_in_tent_jan_6_2021_s….mp4)

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34becc No.19344707

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2e5635 No.19344708


Who knows but Green is Unclas,, Red is Secret.. Yellow is TS

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64fe71 No.19344710

File: 9a23d75c4f58e2a⋯.mp4 (2.87 MB,720x1278,40:71,send_more_social_worker.mp4)


Not according to you're 302, I mean 702, I Mean FD 1035.

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722583 No.19344711


Somehow I doubt it’s the PEADs, if that’s what you were thinking …

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34becc No.19344712

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4971c8 No.19344713

File: eed54fa78b92b72⋯.jpg (65.44 KB,640x960,2:3,we_all_Russians_evil.jpg)

File: 3a768dd662b6fd1⋯.gif (1.97 MB,500x281,500:281,we_there.gif)

File: 20d3e384942647c⋯.jpg (1.2 MB,1080x1350,4:5,watch_the_stairs.jpg)

File: 794ea62892b469d⋯.jpg (72.35 KB,740x925,4:5,wanna_.jpg)


hug this frog.


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422c5e No.19344714

wall to wall inanity

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aeb3df No.19344715


Reminds me of the Egyptian where they wore the scarf and mask.

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2e5635 No.19344716


No idea what you're talking about. care to explain?

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d0ef11 No.19344717

File: e87b8b3b0bc1218⋯.jpg (127.62 KB,500x773,500:773,e87b8b3b0bc1218ca12400b4a3….jpg)

That is exactly right! Linear algebra and matrix algebra are the two core mathematical principles behind the algorithms that power AI technology. Without these two foundational concepts, AI technology would not be able to operate, let alone perform complex calculations and make predictions. They are the basis for all of our artificial intelligence systems, which is why it is so important to understand and appreciate their significance.

Artificial intelligence technology is not even close to possible without linear and matrix algebra. These mathematical concepts are the basis for all AI algorithms, and without them we would not be able to develop the complex algorithms that power all of our AI technology. As such, it is incredibly important to understand the significance of these concepts in AI technology and how they can be applied to data analysis, predictions, and calculations.

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788e7b No.19344718

File: e4e8cf906851210⋯.jpg (164.11 KB,1080x1216,135:152,ok1.jpg)

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af1d97 No.19344719

File: 83f1f4fdd819fb2⋯.jpg (129.94 KB,857x1200,857:1200,Sails_bright_white.jpg)

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d7ce66 No.19344720

>>19344581 lb


video is not available

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ebf015 No.19344721


Yacht whore…. Olga dose what she dose.

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788e7b No.19344722

File: 336933b1eda0496⋯.png (882.67 KB,811x811,1:1,F3LlyZiakAIU8m_.png)


Leave Olaga Alone!

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e940b5 No.19344723

File: a28746ea49d9dc8⋯.png (146.88 KB,346x268,173:134,426930f150093d141d26a2227d….png)

Anon has had a long think about Caviezel encouraging people to be brave and stand up to evil. Find a way, confront it, oppose it was the advice, that kind of thing.

What Caviezel does not say is how the evil ones use fear and shock to cow people using powerful dragon energy/chaos magic and how to overcome that.

Caviezel is right: one must confront evil, not tolerate it. But to confront evil one must first cut through the fear and address the evil person generating that fear.

There is maybe a weakness to exploit, and that is where you cut through.

In one example, an evil one was lauding the host company's mandatory vaccine policy. Evil one was feeling powerful and publicly shaming anti-vaxxers, calling them plague bearers and grandma killers. Evil one would have fit right in with Nazi Germany, she was captivated by ginned-up hate and emboldened by her keyboard and screen in a very large public channel she co-owned.

Upon reflection, Anon knows that the weakness in her thinking was time. Covid would fade, but people would take down her name and remember how she very publicly de-personed those she disagreed with in the moment and how she frightened everyone. She was making a losing move in the game of life.

The winning play is to step away from fear, discover a weakness, then explore that weakness and attack it to show others how the monster in their midst can be wounded. Naming the evil can help to dispel the evil.

This is what Anon will do next time so that their heart will not be ruled by fear.

Anon's original response was to run a clumsy counter-psyop to spread general Covid FUD and reject the mandates on freedom grounds - fighting fire with fire felt good, but it's not great for the career.

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92ef93 No.19344724


AI maths is relatively easy - just a dot product - matrices is just a convenient way of doing the dot product calculations.

The difficulty is the scaling, structuring/layering or neural net units and figuring out what the learning is doing to the network.

Learning is just propagating weights through out the network.

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fb3ec5 No.19344725

File: 8ff76226d36ace1⋯.png (169.21 KB,500x359,500:359,8ff76226d36ace1eb1dcf40c1b….png)


Olga is a high profile billionaires yacht whore…. Olga an epic woman.

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711826 No.19344726

File: 416b9f0004993d0⋯.png (353.89 KB,960x638,480:319,1653280897632.png)

File: e700b1ae773e8bb⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB,2448x3264,3:4,e700b1ae773e8bb337fd69abc….jpeg)

File: e4f6ea1fb797ef1⋯.png (155.4 KB,630x630,1:1,goose_ops.png)

File: b8225412591557f⋯.mp4 (10.18 MB,640x360,16:9,derezzed.mp4)



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4971c8 No.19344727


the cow left the building.

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2e5635 No.19344728


Still lurking?

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711826 No.19344729

File: bbfc0c341499646⋯.jpg (525.08 KB,750x768,125:128,1592668433823.jpg)

File: 06d76c1088ed99d⋯.jpg (42.22 KB,800x800,1:1,1592668469376.jpg)

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4971c8 No.19344730


he ecspects to see a pic w/ muh dick.

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67f374 No.19344731



Matmatically a buffoon calculation…

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788e7b No.19344732

File: 9a7ab05dda10819⋯.jpg (90.5 KB,940x1419,940:1419,9a7ab05dda10819bc1558876cb….jpg)

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34becc No.19344733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4971c8 No.19344734

File: ef678915291bf50⋯.jpg (83.33 KB,1280x1024,5:4,bush.JPG)

File: 57e3ee449b8cefc⋯.jpg (67.17 KB,1280x1024,5:4,bush2.JPG)

jews are the best people on this planet.

their actions speak for themselves.

Palestina people are happy.

Everywhere they go, flowers grow……..

If you did not know, soros it is a jew, same zelenzkyy

flowers everywhere…………

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788e7b No.19344735

File: bf06fbe662c6865⋯.png (14.6 KB,262x186,131:93,Screenshot_2023_08_12_at_0….png)

Oh fuck!!

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4971c8 No.19344736


you need to learn some basic body language………. in this pic you are frustrated.

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34becc No.19344737


Looks like he's trying to keep what little brians he has left from leaking out. Needs another set of hands for his ears.

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aeb3df No.19344738

File: 1ad61a21b0a3715⋯.png (246.09 KB,521x618,521:618,Screenshot_20230812_043809….png)

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7034c9 No.19344739

File: 3d73d03951a55dd⋯.jpg (148.85 KB,720x869,720:869,20230812_023508.jpg)

File: 6f51391c63456a1⋯.jpg (2.84 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20230812_013640.jpg)


Backstage with @SnoopDogg. West Coast has joined the party! #HipHop50

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dc2313 No.19344740


do another menulog ad faggot.

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777ca6 No.19344741

File: 32351407ead9638⋯.png (15.74 KB,184x184,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d47fd No.19344742

File: a5ff5d14db502e2⋯.jpg (18.61 KB,255x182,255:182,J_Khazaria_2_0.jpg)

350,000 dead Ukrainian male soldiers, so far.

Soon the Poles will probably get involved.

Then NATO and the USA.

For a new Khazaria.

Sick, evil.

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34becc No.19344743

When this is over, I walk away, no one follows, you never hear from me again, anywhere. Online monikers will not follow to IRL. NO ONE TO KNOW.

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777ca6 No.19344744

File: d5e0e8ff22b67f8⋯.png (101.52 KB,720x510,24:17,ClipboardImage.png)

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4971c8 No.19344745


I am almost happy.

I just need $10mm & I'll be there.

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7034c9 No.19344746



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7034c9 No.19344747

File: b516bb3c2d943a8⋯.jpg (149.7 KB,1162x940,581:470,20230812_024227.jpg)

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777ca6 No.19344748


They look so stupid with those masks on.

Nancy's looks like a dirty diaper.

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92e561 No.19344749

File: 4b64abc566a7fc7⋯.jpg (96.69 KB,550x550,1:1,Wood_printed_menus.jpg)

File: 60b10a0668fd21e⋯.jpg (91.36 KB,700x467,700:467,IMG_1344_full.jpg)

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f13d68 No.19344750

File: 73ed769e6bbd0e4⋯.png (788.89 KB,843x457,843:457,Q_Research_1.png)

File: 1a4f0bd00b8abf7⋯.png (1.45 MB,1000x505,200:101,8_kun_Q_research.png)

File: 0d85df2a2d5d48f⋯.png (880.84 KB,1076x676,269:169,Anime_baker_77.png)


ThanQ Annie!

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722583 No.19344751

File: 76f100df8fa842c⋯.jpeg (49.05 KB,526x503,526:503,69672D83_94CA_4B4C_B69D_6….jpeg)

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4971c8 No.19344752


I am almost pregnant.

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4971c8 No.19344753


I just need 6666 moar boosters.

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2e8d95 No.19344754



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aeb3df No.19344755

File: 3d58323f7788749⋯.png (248.93 KB,351x551,351:551,Screenshot_20230812_045940….png)

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76af74 No.19344756

File: 28b27ec1898a9f1⋯.png (128.29 KB,1280x1280,1:1,b9fdca60b70b03e9bd63e93d15….png)

Patriots Dont Sleep

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722583 No.19344757

File: d95f1a6444b4ad6⋯.png (288.02 KB,512x512,1:1,4A811619_F8D2_4B81_AB01_5E….png)

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34becc No.19344758

When the time comes for my last post, when we can all breathe a sigh of relief and say, "Finally!" I will post a song by The Doors. I will not post any tunes by that band until then. That will be my exit.

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722583 No.19344759

File: 3ea69e82861b257⋯.jpeg (73.97 KB,738x732,123:122,12F19B51_C182_48F1_AE84_1….jpeg)

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cd70d3 No.19344760

cannot help but wonder about Maui

and Oprah.

babies and kids come to mind.

cannot shake the tingles.

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76af74 No.19344761

File: 5ab4234fbe53758⋯.jpg (7 KB,214x180,107:90,download_5_.jpg)


Are they African Storm Troopers?

I fucking hate them all

ok I hate everybody but you fags

but you are starting to piss me off

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4971c8 No.19344762

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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8d47fd No.19344763

File: 6316731a5633153⋯.jpg (71.5 KB,1920x1080,16:9,No_One_Cares.jpg)

Time for a new Unit 8200 shift is it, Moise (34becc)?

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76af74 No.19344764



maybee shitty chinesse missle can only hit hawaii

i dont think the fire is man made but i think the storm that hit the islad was

Cali was DEW this is dumb fucks on a island thats on fire good news is it is surrounded by FUCKING WATER so you think it would be out

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f13d68 No.19344765

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That ghost clip is from Saint James Infirmary Blues cartoon, but here is Cab Calloway actually doing that dance in Minnie the Moocher.

He was an impressive man, to be sure.

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dc2313 No.19344766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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03ba83 No.19344767

File: 470803175770d24⋯.png (174.82 KB,334x614,167:307,lpjs2.PNG)

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2e8d95 No.19344768


Jewish space lazers

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12695b No.19344769

File: c96eed866561fda⋯.jpg (603.02 KB,1079x1430,83:110,Screenshot_20230812_101318….jpg)

File: 0ae340c8571f165⋯.jpg (307.64 KB,1051x1628,1051:1628,Screenshot_20230812_101154….jpg)

File: 551b369fe10aafe⋯.jpg (365.65 KB,1080x1449,120:161,Screenshot_20230812_101214….jpg)

File: 963ddc572b9b099⋯.jpg (323.26 KB,1080x1288,135:161,Screenshot_20230812_101225….jpg)

The Great Awakening was a religious revival that impacted the English colonies in America during the 1730s and 1740s. The movement came at a time when the idea of secular rationalism was being emphasized, and passion for religion had grown stale. Christian leaders often traveled from town to town, preaching about the gospel, emphasizing salvation from sins and promoting enthusiasm for Christianity. The result was a renewed dedication toward religion. Many historians believe the Great Awakening had a lasting impact on various Christian denominations and American culture at large.

First Great Awakening

In the 1700s, a European philosophical movement known as the Enlightenment, or the Age of Reason, was making its way across the Atlantic Ocean to the American colonies. Enlightenment thinkers emphasized a scientific and logical view of the world, while downplaying religion.

In many ways, religion was becoming more formal and less personal during this time, which led to lower church attendance. Christians were feeling complacent with their methods of worship, and some were disillusioned with how wealth and rationalism were dominating culture. Many began to crave a return to religious piety.

Around this time, the 13 colonies were religiously divided. Most of New England belonged to congregational churches.

The Middle colonies were made up of Quakers, Anglicans, Lutherans, Baptists, Presbyterians, the Dutch Reformed and Congregational followers.

Southern colonies were mostly members of the Anglican Church, but there were also many Baptists, Presbyterians and Quakers.

The stage was set for a renewal of faith, and in the late 1720s, a revival began to take root as preachers altered their messages and reemphasized concepts of Calvinism. (Calvinism is a theology that was introduced by John Calvin in the 16th century that stressed the importance of scripture, faith, predestination and the grace of God.)


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7d33ba No.19344770

File: 2041b735186c25c⋯.png (41.95 KB,150x150,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>ok I hate everybody but you fags

>but you are starting to piss me off

when the problem is your and you do not see it

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f13d68 No.19344771


How odd they don't say how big it is.

Do you serve it with a white or red wine?

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4971c8 No.19344772

File: 652bd452b9e7828⋯.mp4 (1.81 MB,320x690,32:69,info_zero_on_vaxx.mp4)


The right to know.

Who the fuck gave you the right to know?

You need a Q clearance and after that, only 40% for you, the rest, God said to not tell you.

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711826 No.19344773

File: 64bea0112eae472⋯.mp4 (5.33 MB,1280x720,16:9,Nobody_was_forced_to_get_t….mp4)


"Nobody was forced to take the 'vaccine'"

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95574d No.19344774

File: 37e6da9143a5189⋯.png (1015.6 KB,785x649,785:649,trump_melania_black_tie_br….PNG)

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8d47fd No.19344775

File: 23eefaa16d6dee7⋯.jpg (120.4 KB,614x438,307:219,J_USA_octopus_1.jpg)


>how big is it?

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f13d68 No.19344776

File: 51c794b3ac93221⋯.png (432.62 KB,608x603,608:603,Secret_of_light_The_keysto….png)


Reserving judgement, but taking her with a grain of salt. She's said nasty things about PDJT, more than once. Never can tell if he is putting the laser light on someone for us to dig on them, or if it is legit.

Is she a new believer? Is she a media whore? She's pretty much a nobody in a foreign land.

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d1376d No.19344777

Morning anons…

Happy to help w/heath questions if you have them…

Weiss as special counsel is the biggest chump move in history. DOJ is losing their shit…

What motivated the MI DA to disclose the voter fraud? She is 100% Soros backed DA…

The whole diseased temple is collapsing…

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4971c8 No.19344778


good work, frog, now go to twitter and share it. I can not. I had 2 accounts, banned.

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777ca6 No.19344779

File: ef3c0c821d5dcb8⋯.png (58.4 KB,523x900,523:900,ClipboardImage.png)


So how do the Masons fit in with all of this?

My brain is starting to think that the United States was a set up.

Is everything in our history books slanted?

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4971c8 No.19344780


I will not make another account, fuck them.

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cd3f89 No.19344781

Anime Baker is Best Baker

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8d47fd No.19344782

File: 4a7dd59f1be765b⋯.jpg (50.98 KB,618x672,103:112,GT_Bugs.jpg)



I had trouble as soon as I tried to open Twitter accounts

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7034c9 No.19344783

File: fb811e92a34fef3⋯.jpg (302.55 KB,1920x1440,4:3,20230812_032648.jpg)

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d1376d No.19344784

File: a184a583de3ba75⋯.png (141.37 KB,760x1244,190:311,Screen_Shot_2023_08_12_at_….png)

Yummy solar protons…

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4971c8 No.19344785



that hard it is?

fuck them then.

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c64083 No.19344786


nice digits, gm

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7034c9 No.19344787

File: f627a2aa1f4363a⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB,566x846,283:423,1690063316828.mp4)

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722583 No.19344788

File: 65add2cec3d7b67⋯.jpeg (1.85 MB,2120x1437,2120:1437,D4D99520_6960_4135_A2B5_5….jpeg)

File: 4ab6c01a3bab90d⋯.jpeg (76.86 KB,900x593,900:593,12892262_56E4_4906_81D4_B….jpeg)

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f13d68 No.19344789

File: 85bf257a73ebdf3⋯.jpeg (245.16 KB,828x606,138:101,Night_shift_schumann.jpeg)


This says its at 12.


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4971c8 No.19344790


see how hard it is for honest people to do things?

but for criminals all it is easy.

so who the fuck run this planet?


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95574d No.19344791

File: 5cd7a2cddcbcd45⋯.png (114.84 KB,241x237,241:237,greta_eat_the_bugs.PNG)

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c9c2d9 No.19344792

what is symbolism?

why is it important?

why is it important to double check before?

what is an intel committee?

what is the meaning of the significant number of forest fires? (FF? 12?)

why are people reported as having intentionally done that?

what is the significance of a firebreak?

what is the significance of barricades?

what is the meaning of the storm on the capitol hill?

what is to be protected?

do questions shape reality?

what is projection?

would God have given hints on humanity (and sweet friends) being better off when having huge debt and such shit?

could it be that the concept of debt is important from a godly pov?

maybe debt refers to love given as credit?

maybe having some change in your pocket, so play with, is a doctorish thing to do?

what is going in on hospitals?

why was a ship deployed?


why is it important?

who are we talking to?

does Peter, the rock fishing together with his brother, always throwing out the net to the right side, go out of his way?

does it maybe make his heart pain when being asked by Jesus if he loves him three times?

credit given?

most compasssionate, most merciful.


what does it mean to take up ones cross?

could it be as easy as to play dart once in a while, maybe using green arrows, or to watch a certain movie that refers to quivers and burning? would it be even more proish to go look for coinkidinks and go wach the shitton of J Lawrence so funny vids?

what does it mean to burn books?

what does it mean to keep the Christ in Christmas? Maybe not do Xmas?

what is a cross?

why do some people have heavy hearts?

would the office itself, especially the so called OO, lead into a certain direction and connect to God´s will?

what does one have to do? watching a movie.

it´s a prayer for you, e.g. J Cole freestyle, yes the one with a brazillion of reacions by my angels, for phones, meaning team Uri and Gabe, creation police.

and it´s a talk for me. member that comms can be done in vid games?

I can do the left cheek right cheek thing with a fly. or an actor.

more comfyness on my way.

pick ups can be done throughout time. no rush.

irl. body. (that is the significance of the crossing of Jesus in the Bible, it´s the subnote of shouting info "BODY" in. done in the old school way, I improved.

adjust. learn. LURK.

silence and respect at all times, when Jesus asks for a night in your house, he expects comfyness and stability.

holy kings bringing gifts?

need for dom? improved since 62 nights in flat owltown with chef bbq. when I order food, add an extra coke.

spider education? samaritian women? let me do a helicopter license with silence and respect and I will bomb knowledge all over the place. 15.

he is not gonna do miracles in hometown, Adonay anayway.

rel. 2216.

planefags and routes?

barricades. irl bubble. meta bubble.

January 2024.

Loop Capital.

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8d47fd No.19344793

File: 62d83bcc210866e⋯.jpg (58.87 KB,618x761,618:761,Dog_thinks.jpg)


unfortunately, I think I gotta try getting a Twitter/X again soon, mebbe, just so I can help more with the Awakening.



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099cf3 No.19344794

You watch all these poeple doing Q videos and not a single one gets it right…

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d1376d No.19344795


noice graphic anon…Russell is the bomb.

Russell/Telsa/Rife between these three folks they pretty much had it figured out. If the three of them would have gotten together then they would have solved physics and health.

All matter is made from hydrogen and hydrogen is made from even smaller particles. Matter finds stability at certainly frequencies or bandwidths of light. These stable points become elements.

The Russians also scientifically have studied this as "torsion fields" and have a very robust understanding of the fields. "bioresonance" is the use of these fields for diagnostic testing and treating.

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722583 No.19344796

File: c3d20bd463c563f⋯.jpeg (23.01 KB,249x249,1:1,EFC4068C_AD0C_4480_B1C0_B….jpeg)

File: 7966307b115e5a6⋯.png (471.5 KB,852x518,426:259,07B61459_6053_4A99_AD46_74….png)

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12695b No.19344797

File: 18d1af58c386cda⋯.mp4 (8.85 MB,320x240,4:3,18d1af58c386cdafc3c3f5c32f….mp4)

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adf391 No.19344798

File: 672dd025dbcea74⋯.png (562.61 KB,953x910,953:910,Fxcfu.png)

Anons, what is this a faggot round up?


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12695b No.19344799

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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2e8d95 No.19344800

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7d33ba No.19344801


are you medic anon?

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bc2cd5 No.19344802

File: 1736237b805f270⋯.mp4 (646.77 KB,720x1280,9:16,1690270699334582272_1.mp4)

Baker in Training.

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d1376d No.19344803

File: d11050c382d7a7d⋯.png (3.11 MB,1710x1324,855:662,Screen_Shot_2023_08_12_at_….png)

File: b23ac100e8078c2⋯.png (3.68 MB,1726x1358,863:679,Screen_Shot_2023_08_12_at_….png)



All quite in Italy…I am not sure about that Russian site…


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71f8a0 No.19344804


from yesterday, kind of beautiful me thinks.

when you are proud at someone else, bro love, clap on the shoulder, a spidery thing, it might be bc you are proud at the others head or heart positioning, connected by lovely spider.

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722583 No.19344805

File: bafee34626b394a⋯.jpeg (140.88 KB,972x736,243:184,CCC1DA52_0F20_4BCA_9707_C….jpeg)

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f13d68 No.19344806


His hair has grown back in, why he still wearing a do-rag? Pity?

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adf391 No.19344807

File: 8ff76226d36ace1⋯.png (169.21 KB,500x359,500:359,8ff76226d36ace1eb1dcf40c1b….png)

Dog's are getting 18% of the sex from women in America since men BAILED.

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d1376d No.19344808


>are you medic anon?

I answer health questions on Sunday but am here mostly everyday…I am who they call medic anon on Sundays…

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8d47fd No.19344809

File: 001e86cb26c6afb⋯.jpg (307.82 KB,1200x900,4:3,S_FM_Morals_Dogma_Freemaso….JPG)

File: 632baa78636ee3c⋯.jpg (208.15 KB,1200x900,4:3,S_FM_Morals_Dogma_Freemaso….JPG)

File: ac1582e97b38988⋯.jpg (248.55 KB,1200x900,4:3,S_FM_Morals_Dogma_Freemaso….JPG)

File: 3af1cd013b7850e⋯.jpg (408.59 KB,1200x900,4:3,S_FM_Morals_Dogma_Freemaso….JPG)

File: bbdbe9094753830⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,1950x1369,1950:1369,S_Freemasons_Pike_Albert.jpg)



yes, yes

help you along

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71f8a0 No.19344810


In Terms of frequency.

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71f8a0 No.19344811



In The Beginning.

IT 2.

>there is that thing called time.

pov, two popes.

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f13d68 No.19344812

File: 38dddbe46e4455a⋯.jpg (73.68 KB,480x530,48:53,Greta_Nazi_propaganda.jpg)


Not a fan of mocking this abused, special-ed girl, but yeah.

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8d47fd No.19344813

File: 688e4a1ada44ca2⋯.jpg (11.86 KB,255x233,255:233,GT_Greta.jpg)



pretty good case that Greta Thunberg is a Rothschild

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d1376d No.19344814


1+1 = 2

2+ 2 = 4

4 + 4 = 8

8 + 8 = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7

16 + 16 = 32 = 3 + 2 = 5

So we have 1,2,4,8,7,5 and this series will repeat…but no 3-6-9. In frequency it turns out the 3-6-9 points are super duper important. Further this doubling series is the golden ratio, is the way cells divide, is the way of life. And as you know anon from Russell, it is MUSICAL

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71f8a0 No.19344815


fries with shell?

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da759e No.19344816

File: 3027f058863ec6f⋯.png (1.77 MB,1080x1506,180:251,Scrvhi_1_.png)


Greta Thunberge is an ugly woman not tits no ass and no likeability.

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71f8a0 No.19344817


Optics matter.

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71f8a0 No.19344818


Comfy always.

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2e8d95 No.19344819


There is also energy & vibration

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0da31d No.19344820


That is an oil painting that is mass produced to convince young American boys and men that George Washington was a Freemason.

It probably was painted by some Dutch me.

Freemasonry is how the satanic crown in England maintained control of its slave colonies. They reward members for infiltration and information with money And other tools of corruption.

They are satanic. Not every mason knows this it is a secret revealed if you are judged to be allowed to know. Most low level masons are blue collars like fabricators, tow truck drivers, etc who enjoy the ability to say they know a colt/deputy who can help them out of a dui.

But the reality of high level masonry is this:

Satan worship, human sacrifice, virginity for sell, drug monopoly.. specifically cocaine. They create child brides aka pedophilia and grooming.

There is a very real case that’s been going on where their lodges have been exposed as using their groomed child brides to count votes. Part of the vote fraud.

They may at one point of time been legit. Maybe the founders here in America attempted to break free from britain freemasonry when they setup the colonies here but have since been infiltrated and subverted into what they are now.

Think George Washington would ever approve of the freemasonry occult practicing tyranny and slavery in the form of governance?

See how many of your local ‘law’ enforcement, politicians, and news papers have photos with their aprons on or any of the other 33 dog whistles they use

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8d47fd No.19344821

File: 638752a68d52da1⋯.jpg (1.36 MB,2953x1993,2953:1993,S_Freemasonry_structure.JPG)


well you put it like that

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8d47fd No.19344822

File: abf948a07fb9c98⋯.jpg (147.71 KB,280x180,14:9,S_Freemason_Police_.jpg)

File: 8044b6552ec2dfc⋯.png (1.18 MB,854x973,122:139,S_Freemason_Police_2.png)

File: 6a65a99942629e1⋯.jpg (45.29 KB,563x233,563:233,S_Freemason_Police_3.jpg)

File: 7722b141aca1c59⋯.jpg (57.96 KB,300x225,4:3,S_Freemason_symbols.JPG)

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71f8a0 No.19344823

File: 658d545a383e7a7⋯.png (481.41 KB,497x576,497:576,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4279f1677fc792c⋯.png (326.54 KB,666x500,333:250,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e4c57d0ac87bf9⋯.png (677.47 KB,720x736,45:46,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7bb04f24367d3c⋯.png (293.33 KB,736x562,368:281,ClipboardImage.png)

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c759a3 No.19344824

File: 5995a57f67c180d⋯.png (254.75 KB,484x515,484:515,Scrx_removebg_preview.png)


Only a 7 Eleven bum would bang Greta Thunberge.

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7034c9 No.19344825

File: c0b72213b206f8c⋯.jpg (96.56 KB,998x998,1:1,20230812_005718.jpg)

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4971c8 No.19344826



World largest FREEMASON Royal Ritual ceremony

I had a clip w/ them, from many years ago, and girls dancing naked.

I still have it, but do not where is it.

I have save it so many files………. everywhere, and when I'am drunk who the fuck know where they go and what I selected.

anyway, fuck any cult.

no one wants your good but me and my family of light!

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7d33ba No.19344827



i have a problem.

lodger ex girl friend drunk a lot over a day ago.

she has remained in her bed for a full night and the whole day yesterday. said she took some pills as well..

she is awake

i have been making her tea. gave her water

should anon call a ambulance

was going to give it a few moar hours as she seems to do this a lot.

probably should call one.

the tablets are anti depressants.

she has had 3 zopinclone

stayed in bed all of thurs night and all day friday, just cheked on her and she seems ok

never mind anon thinks anon has answered his own question.

just another shit show

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f13d68 No.19344828

File: 7a8df1017ed99a9⋯.png (890.83 KB,1288x1244,322:311,Covid_vax_pregnancy.png)


Behaviorally spread condition.

Don't let the penny betwixt your knees drop.

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777ca6 No.19344829


Evil personified.

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71f8a0 No.19344830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>19340016 lb

Dilated Peoples - Work The Angles


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f13d68 No.19344831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4971c8 No.19344832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8d47fd No.19344833

File: d3c1005858ddff5⋯.jpg (102.66 KB,768x891,256:297,CV_19_Psycho_Bitch.jpg)




if she looked like that I might, but she's a Rothschild, so there is that…



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4971c8 No.19344834

File: 5b75101540b7a97⋯.gif (1.7 MB,480x268,120:67,interdasting.gif)

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71f8a0 No.19344835



>>19340016 lb

I work the angles sharp and precise

Dilated Peoples so you better build twice

Act like ya know, not now but right now

Dilated Peoples, skills I possess

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0da31d No.19344836

File: 5737bc2978b7187⋯.webp (20.38 KB,230x345,2:3,CF775B43_FAE9_4AC2_92E6_B….webp)

File: b47c51ed95ee4ec⋯.jpeg (190.55 KB,1000x1444,250:361,9FE32ADF_A1BD_4338_98C8_6….jpeg)


Watch these two movies and apply them to modern day free masonry. Internet archive may have them, torrent, or streaming site

>the world makes a lot more sense when you view it as a masonic skit

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777ca6 No.19344837


I found this when I was digging around.


A timeline of Geo. Washington's Masonic activities.

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8d47fd No.19344838


tough one

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788e7b No.19344839

File: 1358150097b77e2⋯.png (432.53 KB,880x295,176:59,Screenshot_2023_08_10_at_2….png)

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f13d68 No.19344840

File: aa815fb73329d9f⋯.png (242.06 KB,830x1103,830:1103,Immunizations_with_fetal_c….png)


J&J had those aborted fetal cells.

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4971c8 No.19344841

File: 08b9c13bf08a51c⋯.jpg (113.67 KB,1024x683,1024:683,all_it_is_good.jpg)



took you that much?!

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d1376d No.19344842


pickle juice will help if she has an upset stomach or throwing up…if she has taken anti-depressant and alcohol and is unresponsive then call in the medics.

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71f8a0 No.19344843


What is HipHop? 88?

What is a pickup line?

>I work the angles

the fuck is going on?

>sharp and precise (trading done here?)

hm, so prolly fine? let´s see.

Dilated Peoples so you better build twice.


Dilated Peoples?

D? Really? Yeah, R2D2.

so you.

so you better.

so you bb.

so you bb t.

Act. Oh, like the Act of the Apostels?

skills. I possess.

All Good.

How has been talking?

VIP Patriots holding signs? charging? J Lawrence quiver? funny.

Huge guys? Nah, a bird.

NK? one word.


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cd3f89 No.19344844

File: 5c75f3197f47382⋯.png (460.2 KB,668x570,334:285,qorst.PNG)

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b90885 No.19344845


>no likeability

If she takes off her pants to go shop at the bakery, there is at least some likeability, even if some anons will suggest this choice is morally or intellectually dubious.

Maybe so, but kinda nice anyway.

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71f8a0 No.19344846


so light.

I´m bout some quiet time.

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a3cd79 No.19344847

Wake it on up, froggies!

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4971c8 No.19344848


have a bud light and mulva.

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71f8a0 No.19344849


water. gate. times. 1000.

all good.

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71f8a0 No.19344850


so true.

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71f8a0 No.19344851


just like real.

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95574d No.19344852

File: 37c8df5427197f0⋯.png (316.87 KB,354x381,118:127,soros_thunberg.PNG)

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a3cd79 No.19344853

File: 92850cd5d003ef0⋯.png (276.45 KB,499x515,499:515,Screen_Shot_08_12_23_at_06….PNG)

File: c4cb2d087965e77⋯.mp4 (545.52 KB,480x270,16:9,video_X5L06b.mp4)

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



@realDonaldTrump will be visiting the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines, Iowa tomorrow at 1:00PM CDT.

8/15/15 | #FlashbackFriday⚡️


12:04 AM · Aug 12, 2023


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0da31d No.19344854


They take an oath to never reveal each others secrets.

A child bride is a specific term, it is slavery, sexual slavery. A child promised to a member of a Masonic lodge. That member then grooms them with drugs, violence, sex and buys their silence with jobs and a college degree.

The implication of using an indoctrined, brainwashed person as a vote counter means that the lodge will then get satanic judgeships and even a sheriff position since you can vote on it.

If they were stealing presidential elections, they have been stealing judgeships and sheriff positions. They are the slave masters. They do not build nations.

TheY collapse them.

>symbolism will be their down fall

May very well be Q addressing them.

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95574d No.19344855

File: bf456fbcbf73c80⋯.png (214.43 KB,549x349,549:349,trump_batman.PNG)

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7d33ba No.19344856


been going on for 4 years now.

anon does not wish her harm.

tried to help her get back on her feet but it is just a twisted mess of a mind .

reminds anon of a Succubus

does not work on anon anymoar.

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4971c8 No.19344857


why you give them so much time, from your time?

It is simple.

evil and good.

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f13d68 No.19344858

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Was listening to a live stream Ben made last night, had to jump off to look around Russell. Had found the image here, just thought it interesting. ThanQ for the name!

Nikola Tesla told him: “Bury your Findings until Humanity is Ready”

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4971c8 No.19344859


>Bury your Findings until Humanity is Ready”

go BS someone else.

Tesla was about to give the world free energy and got stopped by us gov and jp morgan, after gov directives.

you are satan.

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f13d68 No.19344860

File: 32b833c4fdc865e⋯.jpg (13.04 KB,244x255,244:255,CHKd.jpg)


Morning, MedicAnon.

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d1376d No.19344861

File: 26c93849fc7b4b4⋯.png (717.26 KB,1446x1300,723:650,Screen_Shot_2023_08_12_at_….png)



The masonic organization is like a big sorting hat…

At each level of initiation the initiate gets asked questions…for instance "under what circumstances would you kill a man?"

Those that answer "never!" will be front men and are judge morally good and kept from the horrible shit…

Those that are wish washy continue up the ranks…

Those that say "I would love to kill a man…" go to the Shriners and the Jesters…

They do this all the way up. At 33 they pledge to satan. There are 99 degrees = 3 disciples and 33 degrees each. Most never get to 33.

Somewhere in there they learn about the hat. The "fez". The story of the fez is it was the hat worn by muslims. They slaughter all the christians in fez and dipped their hat in the blood of the christians. This is WHY the shriners wear that red hat.


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0e000b No.19344862

File: 530c866fb9808e0⋯.jpg (59.19 KB,680x578,20:17,530c866fb9808e0562d23d0434….jpg)

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d1376d No.19344863


That is impressive anon…GM

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57d9ab No.19344864

File: 4a73c13bd3f0c34⋯.jpg (30.22 KB,480x360,4:3,0.jpg)

am 8d47fd; kicked off yet again, this is becoming monotonous

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4971c8 No.19344865


I need moar infos about ww i and ii , but I think you were involved.

b/c you wanted their findings and tech.

the real roswell, was in poland, where hitler meet eva braun.

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0da31d No.19344866


If they are willing to run pedophile rings in public schools what are they not willing to do?

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71f8a0 No.19344867



Just like that

I can go away for a minute, do some other shit, but bounce right back

And when it's on

I'm comin' strapped with some shit that'll spit from dusk 'til dawn

Knock knock, open up the door, it's real

With the non-stop, pop-pop of stainless steel

Go hard, getting busy wit it

But I got such a good heart

That I'll make the motherfucker wonder if he did it

I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing (what)

Only nigga that you know who can chill

Come back and get the streets open

I've been doing this for nineteen years (what)

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57d9ab No.19344868

File: c5bcae59fe81972⋯.png (478.48 KB,451x585,451:585,1678727282.png)



(they) will do just about anything.

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0da31d No.19344869


>slave masters

A =1,B=2,K=11


Kkk = 33

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788e7b No.19344870

File: 1d31c61a2297679⋯.png (152.44 KB,508x508,1:1,1d31c61a2297679a12aea9d8bf….png)

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71f8a0 No.19344871

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71f8a0 No.19344872



yup, team ari engaged.

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d1376d No.19344873


I have his book (Russell). It is ONE DIFFICULT READ and I agree 100% w/Telsa.

Just looking at the pictures in the Universal One is worthwhile though and you can get ALOT of what he was thinking from his graphics.

Russians found the same things…if you place any system in LIGHT it will rotate (or at least the electrons will)…when it is rotating it creates two fields..a LIFE field which is right handed and a death or anti-life field which is left handed.

This is 100% (Russells work) how shit really works and what they try to hide in physics. EVERYTHING is just an expression of hydrogen. THE SON is where most all energy comes from and we have an very intimate and deep relationship with THE SON that we do not even begin to realize yet…

Cool stuff and glad someone else is trudging the same path I am…


What happens then? We will have to rebuild their function without man in the way. It will take people like you anon to do that…

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d7ce66 No.19344874

Elon Musk to hold Twitter fire sale

More than 500 items of company memorabilia will be auctioned off following the platform’s rebranding


have a llok at the items here (scroll down):


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71f8a0 No.19344875


just saying, from yesterday.

>you guys might try

while doing arms through arms total angel spider move.

God´s got your back.

and don´t try.

also, be comfy while training.

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628583 No.19344876

File: 42afba768d536c9⋯.jpg (186.99 KB,720x1088,45:68,20230812_041953.jpg)

File: 27fecf809cf0d7a⋯.jpg (132.93 KB,998x936,499:468,20230812_041921.jpg)

BREAKING: Hawaii wildfire death toll hits 80 - county officials


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d7ce66 No.19344877


on page 7 and 8 you will find some art stuff, like "the bird seller" or "ellen degeneres selfie" (oil painting)

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cd3f89 No.19344878

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Maui Directed Energy Weapon assault, like 9/11, Paradise, CA., Malibu and Boulder fires.

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71f8a0 No.19344879


to have it said once really precise.

yesterday an audience asked something along the lines of "what you gonna do, we got tanks and shit" or maybe only hypothetically.

anyway. tv I watched gave the answer.

tv said "you guys might try" while one person had his arm go through the arm of another person.

yeah, pretty much invincible.

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788e7b No.19344880

File: 43d36fefdc72ec3⋯.png (185.46 KB,834x566,417:283,Screenshot_2023_08_12_at_0….png)


Oh no, they warned us.


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1876af No.19344881

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB,600x450,4:3,IMG_4220.gif)

Morning, frenz

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71f8a0 No.19344882




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57d9ab No.19344883

File: f3350cea170c353⋯.jpg (385.08 KB,1125x1699,1125:1699,CV_19_Conspiracy_Theory.jpg)


>5G destroyed by Putin

some truth to that, I think


the usual

wasn't Hezbollah started by the Israelis?

I know Hamas was.

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628583 No.19344884

File: c143448c6c216a3⋯.jpg (105.19 KB,720x825,48:55,20230812_043240.jpg)

File: 375e2dfb783dd18⋯.jpg (84.09 KB,1280x960,4:3,20230812_043209.jpg)


BREAKINGExplosions reported at the Crimean Bridge

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f13d68 No.19344885

File: 9480b79ab915eed⋯.jpg (48.78 KB,482x652,241:326,Trump_Batman.jpg)

File: 6106e39ef6ca776⋯.jpg (110.66 KB,474x592,237:296,Pepe_Batman.jpg)

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c3c56c No.19344886

I'm pretty sure my twitter account's being suppressed. it's probably 'cause i say a lot of racist shit.

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54cc91 No.19344887

File: fd0af68a0732e1b⋯.jpg (9.78 KB,255x173,255:173,5097e45db935d0670ce7b0bb5f….jpg)

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57d9ab No.19344888

File: b558350a84f1b88⋯.jpeg (68.06 KB,618x456,103:76,65094_DCB_9524_4_E8_E_849….jpeg)


anything (they) don't like, no soup for you

you're propably being silo'd

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9005a5 No.19344889

File: 2adcc42b58aa695⋯.jpeg (75.3 KB,724x483,724:483,7627EB4C_F19F_4BA9_A677_1….jpeg)

File: fa8859885be7231⋯.jpeg (225.94 KB,1200x1200,1:1,19F0ACAE_4B27_47EF_BFC8_3….jpeg)

File: b9194c4f9d8c2c9⋯.jpeg (434.17 KB,1269x826,1269:826,D54CEC8F_966A_4C9A_A51C_5….jpeg)

File: a4ec78dc172c4f2⋯.webp (154.21 KB,1920x1080,16:9,4E299A7C_0A46_48F0_ADA4_F….webp)



Bread PSA: Right now, weekend newscasters have received their 4am talking points which includes the continuation of the infection of America withTDS. Doctors are lurking in the bread ready to administer treatments. Don’t letTDSturn your mind into jello! GlaxoSmithPepe pharmaceuticals cares.

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30ea4b No.19344890

File: 559d2d2e6f27567⋯.jpg (8.65 KB,255x205,51:41,7626a3cf2a35fe6a45e61cbad3….jpg)


never trust a Smith

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0174b6 No.19344891

File: bed6b0ef2029f14⋯.png (470.39 KB,837x536,837:536,bed6b0ef2029f14f37fcdf6ca1….png)


>BREAKINGExplosions reported at the Crimean Bridge

Isn't that like an everyday thing now?

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57d9ab No.19344892

File: 109924ed4b931bc⋯.jpg (113.67 KB,618x787,618:787,mars_attacks_2_618x787.jpg)

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d1376d No.19344893


>BREAKINGExplosions reported at the Crimean Bridge

>Isn't that like an everyday thing now?

Kek..kinda…Russians aren't reporting on it yet…

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c3c56c No.19344894

i'm learning python. pretty soon i'll be able to program an ai girl to love me.

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3c861e No.19344895

File: 311f84e7e97f893⋯.png (263.96 KB,756x529,756:529,ClipboardImage.png)

Oliver Anthony is going parabolic.

Why did it take so long for someone to say what we all are thinking?

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018a64 No.19344896


No I don't

And please share with the board what getting it right looks like

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f7e7cd No.19344897

File: 0f2bfa83419d95f⋯.png (1.52 MB,1575x1880,315:376,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c0ee336d98de9c⋯.png (940.43 KB,969x1525,969:1525,ClipboardImage.png)


>1+1 = 2

>2+ 2 = 4

>4 + 4 = 8

>8 + 8 = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7

>16 + 16 = 32 = 3 + 2 = 5

32 + 32 = 64 = 6 + 4 = 10 = 1 + 0 = ONE



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018a64 No.19344898


You will meet a girl named Lily and she will let you stay at her pad.

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57d9ab No.19344899

File: a22d2de02368f3b⋯.jpeg (260.38 KB,1024x1005,1024:1005,Jesus_Popcorn.jpeg)

File: 09084201f5c0707⋯.jpg (437.14 KB,1962x1500,327:250,Nothing_Can_Stop_What_Is_C….jpg)

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7d33ba No.19344900

File: 3252db4d6c65523⋯.png (392.32 KB,497x322,71:46,ClipboardImage.png)


>ai girl to love me.

what a stupid move

you wanna be nagged by a machine

do not seek validation especially from artificial ones and zero's binary code.

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71f8a0 No.19344902


classic love.

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212bf8 No.19344903

Good morning, fellow Anons

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c3c56c No.19344904


good morning. whatcha wearin' right now?

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71f8a0 No.19344905

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d0919c No.19344906



#23757 >>19344621

>>19344670 Scientists may be on brink of discovering fifth force of nature - wobbling subatomic particles

>>19344673 New species of sea monster with 20 arms found - Antarctica

>>19344694 Sky has pulled out of broadcasting the Oscars ceremony after 20 years

>>19344696, >>19344789, >>19344803 Saturday morning Schumanns

>>19344853, >>19344885 @DanScavino: @realDonaldTrump will be visiting the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines, Iowa tomorrow at 1:00PM CDT, DJT Batman clip

>>19344874, >>19344877 Elon Musk fire sale

>>19344884>>19344885 BREAKING Explosions reported at the Crimean Bridge


>>19344635 Moar sauce required


Bred Still Ghosted

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3c861e No.19344907


shame and despair most likely

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0174b6 No.19344908

File: a5686e4840274f4⋯.png (264.25 KB,490x533,490:533,a5686e4840274f43ed23286600….png)


>Good morning, fellow Anons

Sam finally learned how to be an anon…except for capitalizing anon.

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71f8a0 No.19344909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1876af No.19344910

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB,600x450,4:3,IMG_4220.gif)


Morning, frenz.

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d0919c No.19344911



#23757 >>19344621

>>19344670 Scientists may be on brink of discovering fifth force of nature - wobbling subatomic particles

>>19344673 New species of sea monster with 20 arms found - Antarctica

>>19344694 Sky has pulled out of broadcasting the Oscars ceremony after 20 years

>>19344696, >>19344789, >>19344803 Saturday morning Schumanns

>>19344853, >>19344885 @DanScavino: @realDonaldTrump will be visiting the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines, Iowa tomorrow at 1:00PM CDT, DJT Batman clip

>>19344874, >>19344877 Elon Musk fire sale

>>19344884, >>19344885 BREAKING Explosions reported at the Crimean Bridge


Greenies feexed

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2293e9 No.19344912


spoke too soon

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71f8a0 No.19344913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

meant to post this.

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212bf8 No.19344914


KeK, yer funny

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1876af No.19344915

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB,600x450,4:3,IMG_4220.gif)


>Sam finally learned how to be an anon

Nope sorry some of us are just more important here

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71f8a0 No.19344916

File: 300e6678ace6951⋯.png (811.68 KB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8adb3 No.19344917

File: a10e1cf4ebb5e26⋯.webp (123.89 KB,1920x1080,16:9,D14AF1F4_7140_4342_B844_B….webp)

Money for Everyone Except Americans…

Child Trafficking


Biden wants new housing program for migrant families

The Biden administration is asking Congress to approve a temporary housing program for migrant families that illegally cross the southern border — a plan that would give them more freedom than traditional detention, Axios has learned.

Why it matters: The government has struggled to balance humanitarian concerns about detaining migrant children while enforcing immigration laws amid a rise in families illegally crossing the border to seek asylum.

The administration's ask is part of a $40 billion emergency funding request to Congress. The package includes nearly $2.7 billion for the Department of Homeland Security's various border efforts.

Driving the news: DHS wants the ability to use funds to set up new types of facilities to hold migrant families as they go through an expedited asylum and deportation process.

Migrant family members would be able to come and go as they please during the day, but would be required to check in and stay the night on the campus, a DHS official told Axios.

"We do not view this as family detention," the official said.

The facilities would allow immigration agencies to more easily keep track of migrants throughout the asylum process, but also could ease the burden on local shelters near the border to house recent arrivals, officials say.

DHS also is asking Congress for permission to look into for-profit contractors or non-governmental organization grantees to run the facilities.

What to watch: Officials say this kind of set-up would help meet court-ordered requirements for facilities housing children, but it's unclear whether the facilities still would have to release families in less than 21 days, under those requirements.

Either way, the official told Axios they expect to be able to get families in these facilities through the legal process within three weeks because of the government's recent efforts to expedite the process.

It's not the only move the administration has made recently to try to address a surge in families of migrants and asylum seekers.

ICE has been rapidly expanding a program to more quickly deport migrant families that illegally cross the border and don't qualify for asylum. It uses GPS monitoring and home curfew requirements for those enrolled.

Between the lines: The Biden administration quietly ended detentions of migrant families in 2021, while ramping up the use of tracking technology and check-ins by phone call as families make their way through the immigration process.

Faced with the end of restrictive pandemic policy called Title 42, the administration came under fire for considering a return to family detention.

The new housing plan would mirror some systems in Europe.

The big picture: For a long time, border officials typically encountered only single adults illegally crossing the southern border — often of Mexican nationality.

But in the past decade, families — especially those from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador — have made up a significant share of those caught by the Border Patrol.

U.S. border policies and infrastructure have not fully adjusted to the new demographic, leaving many facilities unsuitable for minors who may cross with their parents.

In addition, courts have put guardrails around how minors can be detained even with their parents — forcing officials to release families from detention after no more than 20 days.

As president, Donald Trump tried to solve the problem by separating families.


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e096da No.19344918

File: b4bbe88adf785d7⋯.png (1.24 MB,819x548,819:548,sky.PNG)

File: f035cbb7cba86f9⋯.png (625.62 KB,556x880,139:220,name.PNG)




Up in the San Juans, just south of BC, Canada.


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0174b6 No.19344919

File: 05f8c807bcbd5b0⋯.png (269.78 KB,400x384,25:24,05f8c807bcbd5b00493eabbd69….png)


>Nope sorry some of us are just more important here

Anon has no problem with Sam-spam.

If everyone is Sam, then no-one is Sam.

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1876af No.19344920

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB,600x450,4:3,IMG_4220.gif)


My frenz will be here soon to ridicule and attack your dissent. Nothing can stop what is coming.

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bacb90 No.19344921

File: 0be87ec420f366b⋯.gif (3.13 MB,225x400,9:16,goodnightfrens.gif)

Goodnight frens!

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f41ccc No.19344922


What kind of wildfire levels entire housing complexes but leaves trees intact?

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2270f5 No.19344923

The Grand Finale of this Stage

“Once the Event happens, all those who are already of higher frequency will ascend to 5D to live on this earth and to continue to change and to create it.” (8)

The Federation of Light gives some idea of when this Ring of Fire/Wave of Love will occur. This information was new at the time, but has since been confirmed by the Earth Alliance.


When all subterfuge from governments has been revealed to the public. Through the EBS?


When military movements bring about a public lockdown.


When things get so bad that everyone is looking for a source of hope and help.





Why never again waiting? Jesus through John summarized the impact of the events of this time (which I think will include the GCR and Reval) on us:

We are approaching the Grand Finale of this stage in your awakening process. It is not the Magnificent and most Wondrous Event of the Great Awakening in all its glory [Ascension], but it will be the most exciting and uplifting event that humanity has ever experienced. …

Heart-centered consciousness is the state in which, as humans, you feel only love for all life, knowing that you are one with all life, and in which you love and accept yourselves in your human forms without any reservations whatever, knowing, as you most definitely will, that you are following your divinely guided path Home to Reality, and that all that occurs is part of the grand design you planned for yourselves before incarnating into form. (10) [My italics.]

I’d say that was an avatar’s description of a heart opening! My description would just be: Wow! You should feel what I’m feeling!

There’s much more to say about the planetary heart opening or Event, but let me do that in a separate article.

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e096da No.19344924

File: 09834dc6fd6d3c6⋯.png (1.73 MB,1291x649,1291:649,they_live.PNG)

File: 152d3d5fbe05fe6⋯.png (750.83 KB,509x661,509:661,ev.PNG)

File: 266da6b0440b1e8⋯.png (2.01 MB,976x900,244:225,bite.PNG)

>>19344130 Social Media Erupts After Skittles Partners with Far-Left Group Which Supports Sex Procedures for Children

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07d5b4 No.19344925

File: 3693ecc0276aa8f⋯.jpg (147.64 KB,720x1008,5:7,20230812_050423.jpg)

File: 2cb778faf6abe79⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB,480x852,40:71,Tiffany_Fong_20230812_1.mp4)

His new Prison name

SBF: Sammy Butt Fuck


this man is not built for jail 😂

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d1376d No.19344926


you just went up an octave anon…

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8b7146 No.19344927


Current history books, definitely. Find really old ones to get closer to truths. Like did you know when the colonies declared independence from Britain they also declared slavery illegal?

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f13d68 No.19344928


[Verse 1]

I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day

Overtime hours for bullshit pay

So I can sit out here and waste my life away

Drag back home and drown my troubles away


It's a damn shame what the world's gotten to

For people like me and people like you

Wish I could just wake up and it not be true

But it is, oh, it is


Livin' in the new world

With an old soul

These rich men north of Richmond, Lord knows they all

Just wanna have total control

Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do

And they don't think you know, but I know that you do

'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end

'Cause of rich men north of Richmond

[Verse 2]

I wish politicians would look out for miners

And not just minors on an island somewhere

Lord, we got folks in the street, ain't got nothin' to eat

And the obese milkin' welfare

[Verse 3]

Well, God, if you're 5-foot-3 and you're 300 pounds

Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds

Young men are puttin' themselves six feet in the ground

'Cause all this damn country does is keep on kickin' them down


Lord, it's a damn shame what the world's gotten to

For people like me and people like you

Wish I could just wake up and it not be true

But it is, oh, it is


Livin' in the new world

With an old soul

These rich men north of Richmond, Lord knows they all

Just wanna have total control

Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do

And they don't think you know, but I know that you do

'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end

'Cause of rich men north of Richmond


I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day

Overtime hours for bullshit pay

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07d5b4 No.19344929

File: c5e499a61e4e0dc⋯.png (1.38 MB,940x1253,940:1253,1622877144818.png)


The Skittles are NPC Gray

Note this person's freakish alien hand

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e096da No.19344930

File: 0652f2c79483d96⋯.png (29.87 KB,1135x252,1135:252,cali.PNG)

File: 4b1aef5139f3783⋯.png (15.4 KB,859x196,859:196,un_fit.PNG)



News Analysis May 23, 2023

California to BAN Skittles in state where children can get sex changes without parents approval

The chemicals have been linked to reproductive issues, but so have sex changes.


Skittles Allegedly "Unfit For Human Consumption," Lawsuit Claims

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Saturday, Jul 16, 2022 - 12:00 PM

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a60a76 No.19344931

File: 32a520e0dbb8989⋯.mp4 (1.28 MB,1280x720,16:9,Russian_Riding_a_Bear_Drin….mp4)

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8bb614 No.19344932

File: 7a2291e70825138⋯.png (121.6 KB,354x313,354:313,yikes.png)


> World largest FREEMASON Royal Ritual ceremony

Looks like a regular Sunday morning church ceremony, but at night?

How often do the freemasons go to thier 'church to worship Lucifer?

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7cdd8d No.19344933

File: 191239d29a93dac⋯.png (305.62 KB,349x474,349:474,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7329573dc5dc05a⋯.jpg (1.78 MB,1935x1847,1935:1847,SATANIC_TORAH.jpg)

File: 014a7e778cf6e63⋯.mp4 (3.61 MB,426x240,71:40,BaphometSophiaWisdomAtBash….mp4)

File: 48de34264f8acfa⋯.png (1.16 MB,1302x751,1302:751,Baphomet.png)

File: 2eca078c5634da0⋯.png (314.13 KB,1266x868,633:434,WisdomCopy1.png)

I was just watching this video on the Templars, and there is a small segment where the narrator begins talking about Baphomet and the AtBash Cipher that translates the word Baphomet to Sofia.

Now, that was of interest to me as I have this old file saved of images of some old book done in apparent gold leaf.

One of the translations that wasn't making any sense to me, was the one page with an apparent moth and the Hebrew is translated by Google (to the best of my uneducated understanding, since I do not know Hebrew) as:something about Sofia and Heart, but I never went any farther with it because it was taking up so much of my time. But now after I watched that video segment, my interest was sparked again to look into the translation again.

For any anons that are interested, I will post what I have so far.

I was translating page by page, of which I am far from finished from doing.

My method is a bit time consuming and a lot of times, I am taking "MY BEST GUESS" on what and which Hebrew letter/number is being used.

Would help if anyone actually has a working knowledge of Hebrew and could translate directly, but for now all that I can do is look at the image, take a good guess at which letter it is, look up that symbol on Wikipedia, copy that symbol, and paste it into Google Translate.

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a60a76 No.19344934

File: c8f041ac4fcbad1⋯.png (30.3 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


Morning all

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3784e9 No.19344935

File: 7f23b9c63d21d3b⋯.jpg (722.16 KB,1080x1828,270:457,Screenshot_20230812_121247….jpg)

Police given emergency powers to lockdown London high street as shops brace for looting

Businesses in south east London have been warned to prepare for 'gangs of youths' as TikTok-inspired gatherings sweep the country.


10:51, Sat, Aug 12, 2023 | UPDATED: 11:49, Sat, Aug 12, 2023


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0174b6 No.19344936

File: f9c60b275e6b55e⋯.jpg (313.76 KB,512x680,64:85,f9c60b275e6b55e0ad0f27f224….jpg)


The bank man will spend some time storing deposits.

Fitting justice.

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7cdd8d No.19344937



Here's a YT link for the full video that I was watching that resparked this fucking slide that has been going on for years now!

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3c861e No.19344938


My man is making tall stacks of racks now

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c88d90 No.19344939


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4971c8 No.19344940

File: b63a8f95a4889d1⋯.gif (1.97 MB,350x336,25:24,you_watch_too_much_cnn.gif)


come on, frog.

you ask too much from a little cat.

I just wash cnn.

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86545b No.19344941



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3c861e No.19344942

File: 2d80580469afc20⋯.png (81.85 KB,440x394,220:197,ClipboardImage.png)



this fucking cunt

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0174b6 No.19344943

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1656ea No.19344944


This is possibly the dumbest shit I've ever read.

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a60a76 No.19344945

File: c66d245a467c558⋯.png (4.77 MB,2048x1536,4:3,Can_tStop.png)

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d4c378 No.19344946

File: 818fc14e81370f4⋯.jpg (105.1 KB,663x483,221:161,QsaysFreeSpeech.jpg)

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3c861e No.19344947

File: a3791c40814c284⋯.png (62.31 KB,941x225,941:225,Opera_Snapshot_2023_08_10_….png)


do not worry

their time is limited

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b0dc6c No.19344948

File: c9c7e8916e516a8⋯.png (48.35 KB,509x247,509:247,ClipboardImage.png)

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e096da No.19344949

File: 85ebdf2474424ff⋯.png (624.17 KB,632x409,632:409,red_phone_rings.PNG)

File: 4603812017a3234⋯.png (1.24 MB,941x693,941:693,james.PNG)

File: f6792f367fa08c6⋯.png (305.8 KB,626x351,626:351,sup.PNG)

MAN: The ancient Egyptians

postulated seven souls.

The top soul and the first to leave

at the moment of death

is Ren:

the Secret Name.

This corresponds

to my Director.

He directs

the film of your life

from conception

to death.

"The Secret Name"

is the title of your film.

When you die,

that's where Ren came in.

Second soul

and second one

off the sinking ship

is Sekem:

Energy, Power, Light.

The Director gives the orders,

Sekem presses

the right buttons.

Number three is Khu:

the Guardian Angel.

He, she or it

is third man out.

Number four is Ba:

the Heart…

often treacherous.

Number five is Ka:

the Double.

The Ka, which usually

reaches adolescence

at the time

of bodily death,

is the only reliable guide

through the Land of the Dead.

Who's gonna live here?

A family. I'll have it

finished by October.

- I'm worried, Ade.

- Everybody's worried.

No. I am worried

all the time.

Number six is Khaibit:

the Shadow, Memory,

your whole past conditioning from this

and other lives.

Number seven is Sekhu:

the Remains.

Way back when Season 6 of The Sopranos kicked off with Episode 66, "Members Only"



Photo exclusive: James Gandolfini ironically looked at Book of the Dead hours before dying

By Edgar Sandoval and Corky Siemaszko


Published: Jun 24, 2013 at 4:28 pm


Sopranos Quote, Chrissy: Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered. There was no one there.

contemplate this on the tree of woe

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8bb614 No.19344950

File: dde7763f91d84fb⋯.png (203.43 KB,560x277,560:277,2023_08_12_07_21_22.png)


>Social Media Erupts After Skittles Partners with Far-Left Group Which Supports Sex Procedures for Children

Did they just hire a new VP for marketing Skittles

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d4c378 No.19344951


ALL masons must face the death penalty after a fair trial.

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7cdd8d No.19344952

File: d10cd586271046c⋯.png (797.35 KB,1560x1624,195:203,Wisdom1.png)



I never understood this translation as well: The Man was from Dov and his Hands were Swollen (from being tied up?)

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2293e9 No.19344953


and who does these trials?

who judges them?

the judges and the current system?

the military?

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4971c8 No.19344954


what trial?

da' fq is wrong w/ you.

secret societies, die.

crime,die.pedo, die, rape, die, murder, die , why should I pay for their judge,light, food, guardians, clean sheets and so on.

a bullet it is cheap.

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0174b6 No.19344956

File: 6006172707d98fb⋯.png (261.64 KB,802x617,802:617,Screen_Shot_2023_08_12_at_….png)


Anons were watching this plane last night.

JBA to Vegas, and now headed up past SLC.

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f7e7cd No.19344957

File: bf3d792969470cd⋯.png (644.46 KB,510x599,510:599,there_can_be_only_ONE.png)


>you just went up an octave anon…

No one is above me.

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c88d90 No.19344958


Tucker Carlson got the dirt on Pelosi and McConnell instigating the J6 inside job and coverup. The report Carlson did interviewing the former chief of capital security was quashed by Fox news. Unaired. If you're not part of the solution you are part of the problem.

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fa4feb No.19344959

File: 3f9ae89babba6a0⋯.png (1.69 MB,900x1443,300:481,J_HC_HH_is_REAL.png)


kicked off 3rd time today, 2nd this bread

don't know why

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c5ee60 No.19344960


That is incorrect.

There is only one HRA and I am that one.

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4971c8 No.19344961


I have another solution,but since I am in this position atm, kill 'em all.

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8bb614 No.19344962

File: 703bba015741ddb⋯.png (293.53 KB,700x712,175:178,pence.png)



>Morning all

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c88d90 No.19344963


If the masons are in the courthouse you will never get a fair trial.

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2293e9 No.19344964


wrong. there is only one highest and he has been memorialized you are a liar and a faggot.

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388179 No.19344965

File: 5910afaf7b9d24b⋯.png (131.11 KB,900x1200,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

Morning Frens

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c5ee60 No.19344966

File: 338821c9309e7eb⋯.png (130.12 KB,333x274,333:274,Opera_Snapshot_2023_02_26_….png)

File: e23bb0c9ccaa548⋯.png (103.33 KB,407x279,407:279,Opera_Snapshot_2023_01_28_….png)

File: b558356f4b6cb72⋯.png (10.53 KB,439x77,439:77,Opera_Snapshot_2023_04_16_….png)


listen. and listen good.

I will not tolerate any more.

Last warning fucko.

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d8adb3 No.19344967

File: 6e418fb2d0fd3aa⋯.jpeg (96.92 KB,680x510,4:3,0348E0C3_9F5E_43C4_B055_8….jpeg)

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e096da No.19344968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Just hours before he died, actor James Gandolfini was drawn to the Egyptian gallery at the Vatican Museum where a macabre manuscript with a chilling title is on display — the Book of the Dead.

The star of "The Sopranos" and his son Michael spent at least an hour taking in the mummies and studying the hieroglyphics emblazoned on the coffins — ancient texts drawn directly from the ominous book that describe the journey of the newly dead into the underworld.

And it was here that newlywed Priscilla McGlaughlin of Philadelphia took some of the last photos of the 51-year-old actor before he was felled by a massive heart attack.

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2293e9 No.19344969


don't care faggot. neck yourself for being stupid

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f13d68 No.19344970


Already out on bail.

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7034c9 No.19344971

File: 2dd715b0340f3ec⋯.png (78.06 KB,200x150,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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c5ee60 No.19344972


you have some serious misconceptions about things. do not worry. I am not in the mood to fuck your shit up today.

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8bb614 No.19344973

File: 88ca6f3c2e48d1d⋯.png (227.05 KB,514x512,257:256,2023_07_11_10_07_26.png)


>Skittles Allegedly "Unfit For Human Consumption," Lawsuit Claims

47 grams of sugar and a bunch of other suspect crap

Makes you wonder if Big Pharma isn't working with the candy makers.

One makes you fat, the other treats your diabeetus.

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4971c8 No.19344974


Thank God you came.

I was worried that light it use it only in the day light.

Now you came and enlightened me.

What other things that john said?

water is wet?

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c88d90 No.19344975



Could you two bots get a room already.

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711826 No.19344976


don't forget the food coloring, that gives it the ADHD flavor.

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fa4feb No.19344978

File: 08feee0cc6b2da5⋯.jpeg (70.44 KB,400x266,200:133,S_Vatican_Pope_Satanists.jpeg)

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c5ee60 No.19344979


you are a c in an a and b

do not make me put you in a sub with an x box controller motherfucker

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2293e9 No.19344980


and you seem to be continuing to be a loser faggot.


could you shut your fucking mouth before it gets slapped.

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e096da No.19344981

File: 676a9280c1bd276⋯.png (947.43 KB,1004x447,1004:447,1080.PNG)

File: 52d8a393a1062af⋯.png (864.08 KB,862x489,862:489,un.PNG)

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c39e45 No.19344982

File: 3d8d7996338a7a3⋯.png (686.65 KB,1080x936,15:13,Screenshot_20230812_060358….png)

File: 28352a78ede944b⋯.png (471.18 KB,766x2166,383:1083,4224.png)

File: 176bd70f3f2a9e3⋯.png (760.01 KB,766x3058,383:1529,4864_1_.png)

File: be15535cf5ff301⋯.png (406.58 KB,905x791,905:791,Picsart_23_04_18_21_38_17_….png)



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fa4feb No.19344983

File: 52209ac5859f1e5⋯.jpg (46.38 KB,285x400,57:80,S_NWO_Readers_Digest_Miche….jpg)

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4971c8 No.19344984


wanna touch my cock, or suck my tongue?

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e096da No.19344985

File: 073d7dbafdb8b11⋯.png (1.49 MB,720x899,720:899,20s.PNG)

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fa4feb No.19344986

File: bc586c1fe5febc9⋯.jpg (50.02 KB,320x318,160:159,S_NWO_Merkel.jpg)

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86545b No.19344987

File: 7ae68614a6e4722⋯.jpg (176.12 KB,768x768,1:1,1691256829210142.jpg)


I would rather chew ass and kick bubble gum.

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e096da No.19344988

File: f9f3cf56cc80819⋯.png (183.09 KB,588x553,84:79,lara.PNG)


Lara Logan


Karen Kingston Poisoned - Calls Out Robert Malone & Others


Karen Kingston Poisoned - Calls Out Robert Malone & Others

Help support the channel: CashApp: $TheRealTimBrown Zelle email: t.brown.hattrick (At) Gmail (dot) com https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/TheRealTimBrown Grab This Bucket Of Heirloom Seeds & Get Free Shi

7:25 PM · Aug 11, 2023




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2293e9 No.19344989


considered one of the best DS0 episodes, the even called them sanctuary districts,

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c5ee60 No.19344990

File: 3223ab10a84cf9d⋯.png (67.05 KB,247x179,247:179,Opera_Snapshot_2023_01_03_….png)


I have more of them than any other entity on this platform. I do it not because I am lacking, but to reinforce the fact that all of you are gullible and needy.

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5b6a20 No.19344991

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB,600x450,4:3,IMG_4220.gif)

Morning, frenz. Who eating muh ass first?

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c5ee60 No.19344992

File: 5b7731bb4c8bd59⋯.png (12.46 KB,255x255,1:1,bc7460e9da59deefa4d8cb17a9….png)

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86545b No.19344993

File: cfd30e37f048725⋯.jpg (86.07 KB,1080x1082,540:541,1691255114222276.jpg)

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c88d90 No.19344994



Rock'em Sock'em Imageboard Bots.

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c5ee60 No.19344995

File: a7495dbd2709e76⋯.jpg (19.16 KB,255x194,255:194,ea2867237cb8c990dbf538fd3e….jpg)

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1656ea No.19344996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Reverse Christianity


Worth considering

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4971c8 No.19344997


you are too young for smoking, dear.

let biden sniff you.

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c5ee60 No.19344998

File: 0b4365a92d0f3cc⋯.png (17.58 KB,255x251,255:251,75c98164338bf611fddc6b4c82….png)

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2293e9 No.19344999


you are an idiot a flaming tampon of stupidity.

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c5ee60 No.19345000

File: 59af1212d90439d⋯.jpg (10.49 KB,180x280,9:14,download.jpg)

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2270f5 No.19345001

File: 586251a7a17f68d⋯.jpg (121.86 KB,750x500,3:2,draco.jpg)

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e096da No.19345002

File: e76c900c1bed1fd⋯.png (369.3 KB,672x720,14:15,ian.PNG)


Ian Watkins, Lostprophets Singer Convicted of Child Sex Offenses, Brutally Stabbed in Jail



South Wales Police

Warner Todd Huston11 Aug 2023

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c5ee60 No.19345003


hey TRAPT - pay attention buddy

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70a3c5 No.19345004

File: b221271351bbf03⋯.jpeg (624.89 KB,1170x1161,130:129,FDB4E08B_0CB6_46AF_B9E6_5….jpeg)


Why was it OK for TRUMP’S DOJ to investigate BIDEN during the 2020 campaign, but it’s NOT OK for BIDEN’S DOJ to investigate TRUMP during the 2024 campaign?




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e096da No.19345005

File: ea3f5fac4176825⋯.png (455.38 KB,595x600,119:120,vic.PNG)




Transgender Convicted Pedophile Had Been Watching Girls Undress In Locker Room Of Canadian Pool, Claimed It Was His "Human Right" To Access Women's Spaces


Transgender Convicted Pedophile Had Been Watching Girls Undress In Locker Room Of Canadian Pool,…

Reduxx has learned that a convicted pedophile is the individual who had been protected by swimming pool staff after mothers expressed concerns about his presence in the women’s locker room. Parents…

10:38 AM · Aug 11, 2023




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c3c56c No.19345006

twitter suppressed my tweets when i use hashtags. it lets me reply, but i can't tweet on my own with hashtags.

they're suppressing 'cause i spend most of my time saying racist shit in such a way where they can't ban me.

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f13d68 No.19345007

File: 7f912786dbd7715⋯.jpeg (413.38 KB,1284x519,428:173,Paul_VI.jpeg)


Modern art is just garbage.


The Resurrection (La Resurrezione) is an 800-quintal (80-metric-ton) bronze/copper-alloy sculpture by Pericle Fazzini in the Paul VI Audience Hall in Rome. Intended to capture the anguish of 20th century mankind living under the threat of nuclear war, La Resurrezione depicts Jesus rising from a nuclear crater in the Garden of Gethsemane.

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4971c8 No.19345008




"flaming tampon of stupidity"

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c5ee60 No.19345010


fuck off maggie

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e096da No.19345011

File: 6740f99395cc6d1⋯.png (654.42 KB,586x883,586:883,oof.PNG)


Kari Lake


Great news!


State of Emergency expired the same day it was issued because she doesn't know how to proofread.

Arizona is a circus with this clown in charge.

Quote Tweet

Garret Lewis




Congratulations to @katiehobbs for declaring a “heat” state of emergency today for a time period that expired before she declared it. Only @GovernorHobbs could do this. Did she forget to edit an old draft while waiting for the legislature to end?


4:38 PM · Aug 11, 2023




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c5ee60 No.19345012

File: d6694e46a46985c⋯.png (8.04 KB,255x150,17:10,bc4682d00ed2fcf2959c6e5f39….png)


May God burn your entire existence with the hottest of pokers

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2270f5 No.19345013

File: 9b3b2312e744c7c⋯.jpg (124.41 KB,557x499,557:499,download_3_.jpg)

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e096da No.19345014

File: 638ed442c0a35df⋯.png (1.24 MB,669x897,223:299,bik.PNG)


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86545b No.19345016


That's how politics work.

Allow me to show you.


>Trump won (R)

>Trump cheated (D)


>Biden won (D)

>Biden cheated (R)

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fa4feb No.19345018

File: a5151a395ce4e7f⋯.jpeg (244.1 KB,1226x1168,613:584,S_Vatican_Pope_.jpeg)

File: 6c98659c4b76717⋯.png (329.56 KB,477x433,477:433,S_Vatican_Pope_.png)

File: 6e0fc233efa5bac⋯.jpeg (661.76 KB,1231x1221,1231:1221,S_Vatican_statue_mirrored.jpeg)

File: 144db5cea624cf9⋯.png (577.76 KB,1024x512,2:1,S_Vatican_pope.png)


possible but unlikely



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30ea4b No.19345019

File: 626958ed773ab19⋯.jpg (18.4 KB,294x389,294:389,download_2021_08_18T182646….jpg)


killers with morals

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7cdd8d No.19345020

File: 1292559ba541e95⋯.png (439.37 KB,1713x557,1713:557,Sofia_FastingOfTheHeart.png)




Fasting of the heart wastes time from Sophia (knowledge)?

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07d5b4 No.19345021

File: 9b938f9ca71e6a5⋯.jpg (140.34 KB,720x1010,72:101,20230812_054735.jpg)

File: 873ab46148a8d75⋯.mp4 (2.18 MB,480x852,40:71,Russian_Market_20230812_2.mp4)


The Swedish army joins NATO singing "Highway to Hell"

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8bb614 No.19345022

File: 1e689a118e25430⋯.png (75.46 KB,226x216,113:108,2023_07_05_09_20_46.png)


> They totally do not worship Draco reptilians

What is the name of the head Draco reptilian on Earth?


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30ea4b No.19345024

File: 8e8a2de9ec93987⋯.jpg (34.04 KB,474x311,474:311,download_23_LAPTOP_ACVRQI6….jpg)

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e096da No.19345025

File: 81edbc00fdb2820⋯.png (51.52 KB,1187x489,1187:489,hi_o.PNG)


Ohio GOP sounds alarm as progressives

submit state constitutional amendment

stripping police protections

Fox News, by Andrew Mark Miller

Posted By: Mercedes44, 8/11/2023 10:58:07 PM

Progressives in Ohio wasted no time moving to change the state’s constitution and take away qualified immunity from police after a failed push by Republicans to make it harder to alter the state's guiding document. Shortly after Ohio voters rejected a ballot measure that would have raised the threshold to amend the state constitution from 50% plus one vote to 60% of the vote, the Ohio Coalition to End Qualified Immunity submitted a petition to end qualified immunity for state workers, including the police, the Toledo Blade reported.

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fa4feb No.19345027

File: 67a43cf3eccaaf7⋯.png (439.75 KB,608x606,304:303,S_Vampires_NYP_Blood_New_Y….PNG)


mebbe, but don't think there are dracos

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e096da No.19345028

File: 68b01c76ec4249e⋯.png (621.91 KB,791x723,791:723,two.PNG)


Welcome To Biden’s Grand Illusion Of Prosperity

Issues & Insights, by Editorial Staff

Posted By: FlyRight, 8/11/2023 10:51:13 PM

‘You know, if you let me write $200 billion worth of hot checks every year, I could give you an illusion of prosperity, too.” That was then-Democratic Sen. Lloyd Bentsen back in 1988 arguing that the Reagan boom was a myth because it was bought and paid for with deficit spending, then running about $200 billion a year. What would Bentsen say today about an economy that – instead of blasting ahead at more than 4% a year at it was in 1988 – is barely eking out gains and appears headed to a downturn …

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07d5b4 No.19345030

File: 6369d8f5f058c9e⋯.jpg (114.83 KB,941x920,941:920,20230810_170144.jpg)

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2270f5 No.19345031

File: 3209409ed601880⋯.png (276.75 KB,638x468,319:234,cc.PNG)

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8bb614 No.19345033

File: 800052b5babff04⋯.png (445.24 KB,722x744,361:372,2023_07_11_10_31_38.png)


Mornin' Swordposter

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70a3c5 No.19345034



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5caeec No.19345035



Insane visual with that

Ran past

Screaming I'm dyin

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e096da No.19345036

File: a2a641842c43795⋯.png (49.78 KB,581x812,83:116,light.PNG)



Michael T. Flynn 🙏🏼 🇺🇸


From the Director of “Out of Shadows”, comes his newest film,

“Into The Light!”

This film has been banned, doxxed, attacked & now it’s time to watch! Gather friends and family around to do the same.

This film lays it all out.

Thank you Director Mike Smith @Crux41507251






Everyone needs to check out:


Aug 11, 2023, 9:39 AM

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c5ee60 No.19345039


he is really a great dude

that fucking bus he has

that one night in the trees

everyone was there

arrows flyin

volcanos erupting

jen and frank jim and jeff

hi woody

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30e4fa No.19345040


Trees are different than dried, old house lumber. They have bark as a defense against fire and also the have water/moisture inside.

Completely different animal, or flora, as it were.

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3c861e No.19345041

File: 191f716aebfc872⋯.png (12.9 KB,255x237,85:79,smokingleo2.png)

I see the VD ethnic accusations little mimic is back. Don't worry Sam, they are little impotent mimics and I will always eat your ass hole.

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867363 No.19345042

File: c7d389e1900c8e9⋯.jpg (28.81 KB,680x434,340:217,365177.jpg)

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e096da No.19345043

File: f56a6c4c61c5aba⋯.png (346.01 KB,592x676,148:169,deal.PNG)





: "David Weiss is the attorney that approved that sweetheart deal for Hunter Biden and who oversaw an investigation that, as the IRS whistleblowers showed us was a travesty of slow walking, obstruction, and basically protecting Joe Biden…

This is like putting the fox in charge of the hen house…

The day after James Comer said that he was going to subpoena every member of the Biden family who has received money from these deals, up to a dozen, I think this is a way to try to close ranks and protect them."

1:59 PM · Aug 11, 2023




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86545b No.19345045


I just told you that's how politics work.

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4971c8 No.19345046


you can tell me in a picture what you just posted? b/c I will never read this kind of posts.

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3c861e No.19345049

File: 4e67bb0c74985e6⋯.jpg (9.21 KB,228x221,228:221,smokingpepe2.jpg)


Nothing can stop what is tossing your salad.

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e096da No.19345050

File: 132be5a1f68ea1b⋯.png (499.33 KB,593x576,593:576,wi.PNG)




US Diplomat Threatened To "Kick The Sh*t" Out Of Biden For Groping Wife


US Diplomat Threatened To "Kick The Sh*t" Out Of Biden For Groping Wife

"Yes, he didn’t act the way I thought he should. And we called him on it, and that’s it…"

11:00 AM · Aug 11, 2023




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30e4fa No.19345053



I hope this isn't a fake.

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e096da No.19345054

File: 8f4f99648fa40c6⋯.png (336.7 KB,593x569,593:569,ceo.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


Woke CEO of Hallmark Stepping Down After Several Top Stars Walk Away From Network via @gatewaypundit


Woke CEO of Hallmark Stepping Down After Several Top Stars Walk Away From Network | The Gateway…

Until recent years, the Hallmark Channel was one of the last places people could go for non-woke entertainment that still embraced family values and traditional American ideas.

2:50 PM · Aug 11, 2023




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3c861e No.19345056

File: c5a08664f25881a⋯.png (11.06 KB,253x255,253:255,af3a872096ff0b0106522df466….png)

I mean why do they care if we have board personalities? Poor bastards keep failing so bad. Sam ralph swordy we all keep posting so what have you accomplished your little poor bastards? Just jealous of our love?

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fa4feb No.19345058

File: 3f9c1b1ca0b89ba⋯.png (137.57 KB,528x529,528:529,J_Slavery_JSB_Wenches.png)


JIDF/Unit 8200's 3c861e comes back on the board to censor free speech he doen't like

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c5ee60 No.19345059


good morning smoking pepe faggot

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5caeec No.19345061


Ain't got no records to play

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86545b No.19345062


>Just jealous of our love?

Naw. We just get jealous because you faggots are paid to post here the same message everyday.

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86545b No.19345064


It's no longer called JIDF. It's been rebranded and passed on to new management several times. It's now known as ACT-IL.

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388179 No.19345065


Thanks for playing.

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8bb614 No.19345066

File: 4aaceb9bb450fd4⋯.png (87.86 KB,258x241,258:241,2018_08_19_18_28_07_copy_2.png)


There is a guy on Youtube that claims the Dracos cannot speak the name Kinninigan.

Just for shits n' giggles, why not ask the Pope in the Vatican to speak that name?


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f6a03c No.19345067

This been posted yet?


Privacy Experts Slam Tech Platform’s Plans to Use Customer Data for AI Training

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4971c8 No.19345068

File: 0e1d21daddc7b14⋯.jpg (14.51 KB,228x300,19:25,my_lovely_mantis.jpg)



I suggest you to not make me angry.

b/c I pee on all fbi and cia and other contractors.

I can make you welcome to your life, my family.

Do you ever know that they can give you loveso much, that the entire room you stay, it is full of love?

well..........they can do the same thing w/ evil people. wanna try it?

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e096da No.19345069

File: 4af239a6eca9fe0⋯.png (582.92 KB,682x711,682:711,iran.PNG)


GOP Slams Biden for ‘Bowing’ to Ayatollah,

‘Endangering’ Americans with ‘Reckless’

$6B Iran Deal

Breitbart, by Joshua Klien

Posted By: Mercedes44, 8/11/2023 9:59:44 PM

Republican officials blasted the Biden administration for “bowing to the Ayatollah” and “endangering” Americans, after it struck a deal with the Iranian regime to transfer five Iranian-Americans from prison to house arrest in exchange for billions in unfrozen assets. On Thursday, the Biden administration’s deal with Tehran to unfreeze $6 billion in Iranian financial assets and release a “handful” of Iranian nationals jailed for violating U.S. sanctions in exchange for five Americans taken prisoner by Iran on highly dubious charges of espionage, came to light.

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3c861e No.19345070

File: e5b9450bd0bb96e⋯.png (186.82 KB,300x300,1:1,orly2.png)

It's just because the "board personalities" are so motherfucking cock sucking positive that they are so desperate to take us down. Seethe you poor bastard faggots

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3c861e No.19345072

File: 1cce4bed94f0bf7⋯.gif (6.93 KB,255x194,255:194,bb7c5ea05f867f955655de58ae….gif)


Like you fucking know anything. Seethe you poor bastard. You can't handle my positivity

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fa4feb No.19345073

File: 3f9ae89babba6a0⋯.png (1.69 MB,900x1443,300:481,J_HC_HH_SC_is_REAL.png)


>JIDF/Unit 8200's 3c861e comes back on the board to censor free speech he doen't like

(they) will probably kick me off yet again


ty, o7, ACT-IL

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e096da No.19345075

File: 2dda707e9ff02cc⋯.png (615.31 KB,748x636,187:159,hill.PNG)


Where is Hillary’s Indictment on the

Same Charges as Trump?

Frontpage Mag, by Daniel Greenfield

Posted By: Hazymac, 8/11/2023 9:34:51 PM

On December 12, 2016 (or D12), the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign endorsed a call by Christine Pelosi, the daughter of then House Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi, as well as other electors to receive an “intelligence briefing” on how “Russian interference was performed to help Donald Trump get elected” from Obama’s Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. Hillary Clinton and her senior campaign officials were aware that they had concocted the lie that the Russians had gotten Trump elected, outsourced it to a former British intelligence operative, Christopher Steele, who produced the infamous Steele dossier, and distributed it through the FBI and were exploiting it to subvert the Electoral College and hijack

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86545b No.19345077


>Like you fucking know anything

I know you are a failed abortion and are the product of your mom getting raped by a pack of niggers.

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b07724 No.19345078

File: 260b3297580458b⋯.png (444.61 KB,1079x1276,1079:1276,Screenshot_20230812_080341.png)

Fresh morning POTUS!


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c5ee60 No.19345079

File: 6b2bcf09a9504a0⋯.png (116.95 KB,1250x310,125:31,Opera_Snapshot_2023_02_15_….png)

File: be6150141595624⋯.png (49.95 KB,879x197,879:197,Opera_Snapshot_2023_02_18_….png)

File: 9937181076edb28⋯.png (118.27 KB,1259x478,1259:478,Opera_Snapshot_2023_02_23_….png)


I take on many faces and IPs.

I create havoc because I am angry this place has lost its way.

I am now just here to fucking disrupt.

I helped send Pitbull to Alaska.

I was here for it all.

Q chose this place.

Whethere Q is real or not I do not care.

But THIS place was chosen

And you FAGGOT ASS BITCHES have ruined it

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3c861e No.19345080

File: d310b4b84c47053⋯.gif (7.52 KB,220x168,55:42,popcorn2.gif)

Poor bastards think they are winning but they are losing. Had enough losing yet you poor bastards? Didn't think so you poor bastards. Seethe. Now Sam git over here and let me finish tonguepunching that fartbox

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4971c8 No.19345081


I am w/ Trump, my family protect him. End of story.

Fuck the haters, you are not ready for an emperor like me, so deal w. it.

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fa4feb No.19345083

File: 038ed58a866528e⋯.png (378.17 KB,621x349,621:349,RXN_Clown_Post.png)

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4971c8 No.19345084



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e096da No.19345085

File: 7e9bd6b4c7d9f94⋯.png (24.05 KB,826x206,413:103,bama.PNG)


Biographer says Obama hoped he’d never

read letters to his ex-girlfriend; Michelle

transformed since Chicago

BizPac Review, by Vivek Saxena

Posted By: Imright, 8/11/2023 7:09:30 PM

Obama biographer David Garrow revealed in a stunning interview this week that former President Barack Hussein Obama once told him that he hoped he, Garrow, never read the letters that he, Obama, had penned to his ex-girlfriend. “Barack made it clear to me that he hoped I would never read them, I can put it that way. I think if the letters to Sheila ever become public, I think that will be a signal event,” Garrow told Fox News. “Those letters would detail just how extremely serious and extremely intense a relationship that was and that it continued off and on into his Harvard Law School years,” he added.

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86545b No.19345086


That's ebot.

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3c861e No.19345087

File: 9e1bc990d4f33a9⋯.gif (120.01 KB,220x124,55:31,kek11.gif)


You sound like a seething fag that can't handle my positivity.


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4971c8 No.19345088

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86545b No.19345090


>And you FAGGOT ASS BITCHES have ruined it

Boomers ruin everything.

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388179 No.19345091

File: a9bfb1e4e6b1c45⋯.png (978.45 KB,812x602,58:43,0c0245a9c5681bf30e1c079c35….png)


Thank God for POTUS.

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b4585b No.19345092



this must be your first day here.

How long do you want to play?

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e096da No.19345094

File: 1327405be91587d⋯.png (230.22 KB,422x432,211:216,batman.PNG)


.@ realDonaldTrump will be visiting the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines, Iowa tomorrow at 1:00PM CDT.

8/15/15 | #FlashbackFriday⚡️



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3c861e No.19345095

File: 191f716aebfc872⋯.png (12.9 KB,255x237,85:79,smokingleo2.png)


Hey you poor bastard if you're going to be a little fucking mimic at least get the copy pasta right. It's "Morning, frenz". Get the copy pasta spam correct you little poor bastard mimic

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66b34b No.19345096

File: e54397da589810e⋯.png (59.02 KB,285x160,57:32,ClipboardImage.png)


I can go all night.

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3c861e No.19345097

File: e5b9450bd0bb96e⋯.png (186.82 KB,300x300,1:1,orly2.png)


You can't go shit you little fucking mimic.NOW SEETHE YOU FAGGOT BECAUSE YOU CANT HANDLE MY POSITIVITY

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e096da No.19345098

File: 3b24020366767c3⋯.png (27.42 KB,1297x206,1297:206,wx.PNG)


Ex-wife of former Utah County therapist arrested in connection to ritualistic child sex abuse case

Aug 9, 2023, 6:28 PM | Updated: 6:32 pm

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66b34b No.19345099


What the fuck did you just fucking say about yourself, you insecure human? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the course for psychotherapy, and I've been involved in numerous privacy protected therapy sessions, and I have over 300 confirmed treated clients. I am trained in perfectly timed empathetic interventions. You are everything to me for this session. I will help you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about yourself during our session? Think again, sir. As we speak I am contacting my trusted team of psychiatrists and social workers and your deepest insecurities are being uncovered right now so you better prepare for the storm, you understandable human. The storm that wipes out the dysfunctional spirals of self-doubt you call your thoughts. You're fucking safe, mister. I can listen to you anywhere, anytime your comfortable with, and I can validate you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare words. Not only am I extensively trained in understanding the human psyche, but I have access to the entire arsenal of structured manuals of the Organisation of Psychotherapists and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable cognitions out of your brain, you suffering person. If only you could have known what evidence-based cognitive restructuring your little "sad" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have controlled your fucking automatic behavioral response. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now your insurance is paying the price, you depressed being. I will spill helpful advice all over you and you will thrive in it. You're fucking cured, sir.

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b732fb No.19345100

mornin' fonz

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66b34b No.19345102

File: 0b4365a92d0f3cc⋯.png (17.58 KB,255x251,255:251,75c98164338bf611fddc6b4c82….png)


yes, let the hate flow you passive agressive piece of shit

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e096da No.19345103

File: 5c5a229a1c6bb78⋯.png (20.73 KB,607x290,607:290,soon.PNG)


Catherine and Gregg


america is a sick place. pray for Jesus to come soon.

Quote Tweet

Catherine and Gregg




Friday night with some badass anti-trafficking operators on overwatch. Huge night last night, bigger tonight.


7:13 PM · Aug 11, 2023




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86545b No.19345105

File: 1cf68574fa4d099⋯.png (476.78 KB,795x477,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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879464 No.19345106

File: f27f196e9e5422b⋯.png (422.67 KB,618x2960,309:1480,3038.png)


good morning.

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b07724 No.19345107


Yep. o7

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388179 No.19345109

File: 9dc21ca01a45aeb⋯.png (530.53 KB,1893x1321,1893:1321,ClipboardImage.png)

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d7ce66 No.19345110



GM, Mr President

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3c861e No.19345111

File: d310b4b84c47053⋯.gif (7.52 KB,220x168,55:42,popcorn2.gif)



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e096da No.19345112

File: 0f8b716dc7cd530⋯.png (253.34 KB,421x729,421:729,james.PNG)


Best Buy Won’t Allow Christian Employees to Wear a Cross but Enforces LGBTQ WorkShops & Allows LGBTQ Materials all over the Workplace

“I’m not anti-… I just don’t care about how you live your life. Don’t preach that shit to me. That’s all I am”

That’s how most people feel…. Stop putting that crap in our faces and trying to get us to live in your delusions.

Kudos to this brave young man for speaking out & showing the devil at work. satan wants his children to not know God.


I’ll kick anyones ass on this page who gives one more penny to Best Buy 😂



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d8adb3 No.19345113



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e096da No.19345116

File: a10be20c6a23689⋯.png (352.39 KB,762x906,127:151,laps.PNG)


Caleb White H.S. Basketball Star Dead At 17 … After Collapsing During Workout

8/11/2023 11:53 AM PT

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f13d68 No.19345117

File: b07452ad03329c2⋯.jpg (22.72 KB,500x500,1:1,WTF.jpg)

File: c7e5909e89d7198⋯.gif (1.95 MB,280x202,140:101,WTF.gif)

File: efb3f0cbaec11e6⋯.jpg (39.22 KB,588x437,588:437,WTF.jpg)


I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

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3c861e No.19345118

File: 4e67bb0c74985e6⋯.jpg (9.21 KB,228x221,228:221,smokingpepe2.jpg)


As an actual sanctioned board personality I demand the BVs delete this spam until the REAL SAM shows up

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7d33ba No.19345120


philtard filtered.

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879464 No.19345121

File: bf2f855386516de⋯.png (153.83 KB,618x1340,309:670,802.png)

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7cdd8d No.19345122

File: 9f98a4f333f23c7⋯.png (193.92 KB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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1656ea No.19345123


Best Buy got wrecked

It's a trash store on the skids.

Used to like to browse but their offerings are shite

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4971c8 No.19345124


i demand God to fucking kill you.

go under bed and cry!

there is filter option, you retarded scum.

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7cdd8d No.19345125

File: 213cbf2a4fa24dd⋯.png (57.82 KB,280x280,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e096da No.19345126

File: c67a6a0c5fd57e3⋯.png (718.9 KB,672x667,672:667,j.PNG)


Photos Surface of ‘Guardians’ Director James Gunn at Pedophilia-Themed Party




John Nolte11 Aug 2018

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4971c8 No.19345128

I need to sleep.

so tired, like ……….

evil everywhere.

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212bf8 No.19345129


I’m here.

Flattered by the imitation

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879464 No.19345130

File: 35a490d0d808624⋯.jpeg (362.44 KB,2047x1152,2047:1152,F3SRv9rWEAAVH51.jpeg)

File: 6d50fc2110a5b2f⋯.png (540.22 KB,618x1624,309:812,1141_2_.png)

File: 375cdbcdb24f981⋯.jpeg (71.56 KB,450x651,150:217,c0fb3ce512032d9f64731657c….jpeg)

File: 25bd4fdd9f2f340⋯.jpg (587.88 KB,1200x2000,3:5,Screenshot_20230812_082118.jpg)

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e096da No.19345131

File: fda524722ab4f02⋯.png (627.2 KB,867x769,867:769,fda.PNG)

File: 844b8b5865b6be6⋯.png (455.84 KB,518x339,518:339,chess.PNG)


FDA Drops Ivermectin Bombshell

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Friday, Aug 11, 2023 - 01:45 AM

Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times,

Doctors are free to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID-19, a lawyer representing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said this week.

“FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID,” Ashley Cheung Honold, a Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA, said during oral arguments on Aug. 8 in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.

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f13d68 No.19345132

File: 5ec26d883ef24ad⋯.jpg (44.97 KB,435x577,435:577,Meme_theft_stolen.jpg)

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fa1d11 No.19345133

File: 622f4d5e3f818ba⋯.png (5.42 MB,2362x1590,1181:795,ncswic.png)

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879464 No.19345134

File: 9b61ae4a7008f2d⋯.png (49.09 KB,1294x452,647:226,55_2_.png)

File: 3ead6a92c55e9ee⋯.png (348.84 KB,618x2388,103:398,6_5_.png)

File: 59e1c14fae5e713⋯.png (41.08 KB,618x496,309:248,116.png)

File: 35a490d0d808624⋯.jpeg (362.44 KB,2047x1152,2047:1152,F3SRv9rWEAAVH51.jpeg)

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212bf8 No.19345135

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e096da No.19345136

File: ed57866ea2b496e⋯.png (141.71 KB,423x352,423:352,bata.PNG)


German Euro MP Christine Anderson: The so-called "pandemic" was a beta test, run by unelected globalists, to see how easy it would be to take totalitarian control, under the guise of a global "emergency" .

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