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1be92f  No.18065460 [Last 50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 11.27.22

>>17830326 ————————————–——– Protect your DNA.

>>17830259 rt >>17830253 ——————-—— In time.

>>17830238 ————————————–——– Focus on the mission.

Friday 11.18.22

>>17788718 ————————————–——– Patriots in trusted positions.

Friday 11.11.22

>>17751801 ————————————–——– PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS. 1913.

Tuesday 11.08.22

>>17734020 ————————————–——– Taking control.

Monday 11.07.22

>>17728969 ————————————–——– White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain.

Sunday 11.06.2022

>>17724555 ————————————–——– You have all the tools you need.

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for Anons: bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker; ban lifts >>17241201

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

PROTO Pass information: >>17799211, >>17798916, >>17806389, >>17826144

for Bakers: how to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444 baking range: @75 up to 751

AFTER 2 breads, or ONE bread lasting more than FOUR HOURS - pls offer bread to other bakers >>18061508 new

No RRN in notables w/o additional sauce >>17980519

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1be92f  No.18065462



>>18064718 Gates Foundation partners with DFID to work on livestock through vaccines

>>18064721 The only recorded death during an NFL game was 50 years ago

>>18064756, >>18064764, >>18064765 Veklury and Remdesivir are the same thing

>>18064795 WHO Calls Out China's Lack of Transparency Over COVID Infections

>>18064805 Pilgrim society

>>18064830, >>18064832, >>18065091, >>18065154 What if this was first arrest?

>>18064852 Multiple agencies are responding to a fire at Associated Milk Producers Inc (AMPI) in Portage Monday night

>>18064860 An Astonishing Percentage of Americans Credit COVID-19 Vaccines for Unexplained Deaths

>>18064885 DOJ hiding hundreds of Hunter Biden, James Biden records, lawyer claims

>>18064888 Dr. Stella Immanuel | Don't Be Scared, But Be Prepared

>>18064889, >>18064894 Elite Human Trafficking [Vol.2] ART IN EMBASSIES

>>18064923, >>18064926, >>18065318 Twitter CEO Elon Musk is calling for an investigation into billionaire George Soros for controlling information

>>18064928 The War On Truckers, Refrigerators, And Your Well-Being

>>18064963 US Inflation: How Much Have Prices Increased In 2022?

>>18064996 Treasonous Mark Milley Hid Nuke Codes from Trump, Held Secret Calls with Chinese Officials, Surrendered to Taliban and Armed Them with $80Bil

>>18065008 UK Saw Record 45,000 Clandestine Boat Migrants in 2022 as People Traffickers Ply Deadly Trade

>>18065031 Hypocrisy looms as Beijing threatens response to ‘unacceptable’ virus measures despite having their own unacceptable virus measures

>>18065254 NFL Buffalo Bills Vax Hard bun

>>18065110 The 118th Congress is set to convene Today to elect a new House speaker and vote on legislation

>>18065222 US Virgin Islands Attorney General FIRED After Suing JPMorgan Chase, Accusing Bank Of 'Facilitating' Jeffrey Epstein Abuse

>>18065238 Scientists Discover First Ever Organism That Only Eats Viruses

>>18065321 Commotio Codis 4am talking points deployed

>>18065140 Elite Human Trafficking [Vol. 1-5]

>>18065355 Pfizer and Moderna Have Admitted in Federal Filings That Their mRNA Injections are Gene Therapy

>>18065445 #22141

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1be92f  No.18065464


>>18064472, >>18064570, >>18064612 NFL player Damar Hamlin suffers cardiac arrest during match

>>18064613, >>18064618, >>18064669 Did the US govt has set up outposts near the US Med Center where Damar Hamlin is in critical condition?

>>18063969, >>18064012, >>18064195, >>18064197, >>18064207, >>18064267, >>18064035, >>18064469, >>18064499, >>18064534 Damar Hamlin, con't: MDs attributing sudden athletic collapses to Commotio cordis?

>>18064205, >>18064211 Dr. Peter McCullough just wrote me - Steve Kirsch (on Commotio cordis)


>>18063988 Poll: Nearly Half Say It Is ‘Likely’ Coronavirus Vaccines Have Caused ‘Significant Number of Unexplained Deaths’

>>18064028, >>18064033, >>18064042, >>18064052 Trump twats on child vax

>>18064066, >>18064377, >>18064389 Twitter Files reveal social media platform rigged the COVID debate, was complicit in deaths that could have been easily prevented

>>18064075, >>18064086, >>18064209 Quake Prediction Says "Signal Just Hit," Warns Of Potential Big Earthquake From San Francisco To LA

>>18064087 Ivan Raiklin - The Battle For The Speaker Of The House: Will There Be A Trump Card?


>>18064152 Israeli media comment extensively on the video clip published by the Military Media of the Resistance in Lebanon

>>18064192 Virgin Islands files suit against JPMorgan Chase alleging bank illicitly profited from Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking of minors

>>18064235 Dr Sutterer discussing sports injuries - his take on Hamlin. VIDEO

>>18064236 Ms George had been removed from her role amid reports he had been blindsided by the lawsuit

>>18064285 A look at the cardinals by the numbers

>>18064323 Letter to Senators in Opposition to the Congressional Review Act to overturn OSHA’s COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard

>>18064353, >>18064359, >>18064386 >>18064364, >>18064527 Fauci files to be released the same week a man collapes from a possible jab induced health problem. Nothing to see here.

>>18064456 Kinzinger triggered.

>>18064496, >>18064601 Death by Covid Injection Is Premeditated and Co-ordinated

>>18064553 Schwab and WEF, DAVOS & their minions - VIDEO

>>18064575 Congress rejects funding increase for DHS biometric system

>>18064581 Kari Lake on her first day agenda vs Hobbs

>>18064584 At least 69 athletes collpase in one month, many dead

>>18064555, >>18064594, >>18064597, >>18064610 The JABBED are about to get a rude awakening

>>18064603 FUELLMICH interview with UN high ranking whistleblower Clin Gerogescu

>>18064608, >>18064236, >>18064651 Jeffrey Epstein's private US Virgin Islands locations up for sale; Ms George removed from her role

>>18064653 Chinese New Year 2023: Jan. 22, Animal Sign Rabbit

>>18064666 The week will be GLORIOUS!

>>18064684 #22140

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1be92f  No.18065466


>>18063220, >>18063259, >>18063266, >>18063279, >>18063236, >>18063304, >>18063413, >>18063432, >>18063243, >>18063328, >>18063421, >>18063248, >>18063315 Whelp. The Sportsball crowd is doing what they do. Damar Hamlin

>>18063249, >>18063273, >>18063315, >>18063432 According to Dr. Peter McCullough, the injury that Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin sustained is known as commotio cordis, Hamlin’s injury was not caused by the vaccine, but if he was vaccinated, it may have contributed to the severity of his injury

>>18063258 Predictions Robbert van den Broeke 2023

>>18063270 Hamlin in critical condition after collapsing on field, game suspended for rest of night

>>18063280 Not a single one of us regrets not taking the jab

>>18063281, >>18063290, >>18063311, >>18063346, >>18063362, >>18063395, >>18063409, >>18063456, >>18063495 Everyone is suddenly a 'Christian' or suddenly religious now. Yesterday they were spitting at God and your faith,taunting you with Drag queens in your churches

>>18063351 the @NFL did not make the decision to suspend the Bengals-Bills game. Rather, players/captains and coaches from both teams,

>>18063364 Damar update: Vital signs back to normal, they have put him to sleep to put a breathing tube down his throat, they are running tests.

>>18063406 Are we the baddies? viral on Chinese soc media

>>18063407, >>18063898 former NFL guard Jaguars' Uche Nwaneri dead at 38 Acute Heart Failure

>>18063492 Hamlin at University of Cincinnati Medical Center

>>18063688 Rasmussen Poll Shows that 1-in-4 Americans Believe They Know Someone Who Died from COVID Vaccine

>>18063739 Dr. Maria @MariaRyanNHPlease join me on Wake Up America on @NEWSMAX 7:50 am. I will be speaking about Damar Hamlin, commotio cordis, sudden cardiac death and the need for immediate defibrillation for successful resuscitation

>>18063749, >>18063800 Meanwhile in what is normally a very quiet time for Au/Ag both up …..and thoughts on January 6th "buy Ag/Au as a protest" currently making rounds on social media

>>18063789, >>18063792, >>18063824 Trump twats on child vax

>>18063867 Bills star Cole Beasley: ‘I may die of covid, but I’d rather die actually living’

>>18063930 RIP Jeremiah Green. ???? The #ModestMouse drummer died on New Year's Eve, just days after his cancer battle was revealed.

>>18065359 #22139


>>18062423, >>18062454, >>18062455, >>18062506, >>18062518, >>18062527 NFL player Damar Hamlin heart stops on live TV during the bills/bengals MNF game 1/2

>>18062540, >>18062523, >>18062555, >>18062636, >>18062492, >>18062644 NFL bun 2/2 Presumed dead?

>>18062737, >>18062754, >>18062801 Amazing how God shows NFL when kneeling is appropriate

>>18062457 Tainted Jury Pool In The ‘Trial Of The Century’: One Juror In Proud Boys Trial Is A Black Lives Matter Organizer – The Other Was Convicted of a DUI

>>18062496 @RepAndyBiggsAZ Even after the McCarthy Machine’s attempts to whip votes and smear my name for several weeks, McCarthy is still well short of the 218 threshold.

>>18062445, >>18062488 DEFCONWarningSystem @DEFCONWSALERTS United States says there is no discussion about joint nuclear exercises with South Korea right now.

>>18062600 Former Jaguars offensive lineman Uche Nwaneri dead suddenly at 38

>>18062656 @ Flynn "The UN representative to Russia laid out all these biological labs…all sponsored by the United States of America…

>>18062805 Vladimir Solovyov, Russian TV presenter and Putin apologist: “Allahu Akbar!” - God is Greatest!

>>18062822 Elected Officials Forced To Resign As Florida Anti-Lobbying Law Takes Effect - @mgshowchannel

>>18062819, >>18062819, >>18062834, >>18062854, >>18062913 Ken Block, rally car driving champion, action sports star, and DC Shoes co-founder is dead at 55 following a snowmobile accident in Utah

>>18062849, >>18062882 A transcript of their first interview of Epps (over a year ago) have still never been made available outside of the committee.

>>18062960 [Masonic] ANTI is a unique hybrid of an integrated marketing & communication agency & venture studio that builds the future. - inclusivecapitalism.com

>>18063012 Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on supporting J6 defendants

>>18063133 #22138

Previously Collected

>>18061559 #22136, >>18062343 #22137

>>18059275 #22133, >>18060065 #22134, >>18060846 #22135

>>18057153 #22130, >>18057731 #22131, >>18059080 #22132

>>18054879 #22127, >>18055627 #22128, >>18056399 #22129

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Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

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1be92f  No.18065470

File: 5c71cefa1358115⋯.png (479.85 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 5c71cefa135811587eab870742….png)

File: ec8dbc4e13666bc⋯.jpg (22.21 KB, 444x362, 222:181, ec8dbc4e13666bc9d1f3050535….jpg)



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92a00e  No.18065485

File: 9f503871b24a543⋯.mp4 (296.11 KB, 500x281, 500:281, ca0b8651434073eab8ed07885f….MP4)

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92d37d  No.18065487

File: 0351e541a0b07de⋯.jpeg (28.52 KB, 474x315, 158:105, E52387CB_8D3E_41BC_A110_E….jpeg)

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9eed92  No.18065490

File: 286537e085680e1⋯.png (801.08 KB, 720x1356, 60:113, Capture_2022_12_14_11_46_2….png)

Thanks for what you all do here

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8c0646  No.18065493

File: c2f66c9a10751c3⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1867x1640, 1867:1640, A87DB286_6862_4E72_B04E_9….jpeg)

File: afac7be4e7d211e⋯.jpeg (769.58 KB, 1310x1132, 655:566, 8C5D6D77_A608_46BB_A72E_4….jpeg)

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Anger as EU project sees Police Scotland rebrand paedophiles as 'Minor-Attracted People'

The term – described as 'deeply disturbing' and 'baloney' – was included in the Chief Constable's year-end report as part of an EU project to tackle child abuse and exploitation


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6edd3f  No.18065505

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, bless.png)

File: 44f27d75d554ba4⋯.png (305.05 KB, 672x492, 56:41, 44f27d75d554ba477bf149dd17….png)

God bless you and keep you from being a famefaggot farm nigger, this day and forever.

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a2fc1a  No.18065508

File: 1df4b6cc02ce471⋯.png (230.62 KB, 500x500, 1:1, mars44.png)

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4b1582  No.18065509

File: 98ed646010b17ba⋯.png (377.83 KB, 823x680, 823:680, wellhesdeadso.png)

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1be92f  No.18065510

offering defer or continue

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6585f5  No.18065511

File: 51eb5eec1c9d8b2⋯.gif (21.52 KB, 318x400, 159:200, esoclass02_01.gif)

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d54ef4  No.18065512

File: 6ace5dfd7bfda1c⋯.jpg (70.99 KB, 564x752, 3:4, 6ace5dfd7bfda1cfdb62ea8d6b….jpg)



expert kitchen chef-ery on display

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cdb017  No.18065513

File: b5ff4be5caf4e2c⋯.jpg (75.45 KB, 1080x931, 1080:931, b5ff4be5caf4e2c8fcabb15de8….jpg)

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86cdca  No.18065514

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Be prepared.


Ahoy! It's a Ship Show.

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92a00e  No.18065515

File: c7d50b54af2161d⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1366x1216, 683:608, img_.png)

Putin's Game Plan Predicted by John McCain in Resurfaced 2014 Clip

Awarning issued by the late U.S. Senator John McCain—nearly a decade ago—about Vladimir Putin's intentions in Ukraine has gone viral.

The clip shows the former GOP lawmaker for Arizona and one-time Republican presidential nominee taking a swipe at American reluctance to help Ukraine for fear of provoking the Russian leader.

"There's nothing that provokes Vladimir Putin more than weakness," he told the BBC program on September 10, 2014, over six months after Russia had illegally annexed Crimea from Ukraine.

McCain told the BBC that Putin's strategy was to "separate eastern Ukraine" and "perhaps" create a land bridge between Russia and Crimea as he criticized the lack of weapons given to Kyiv.

"We would not send weapons to the Ukrainians when they were begging for them. We wouldn't even give them intelligence because we didn't want to 'provoke Vladimir Putin,'" he said.

McCain, who died in 2018, had been critical of the U.S. handling of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, following Moscow's claim that a referendum in 2014 had sealed Crimea's Russian status, which is disputed internationally.

In 2015, McCain told CBS, "I'm ashamed of my country," as he pushed then-President Barack Obama for more weapons to help Kyiv.

While not committing U.S. troops on the ground, the administration of President Joe Biden is the biggest international donor of military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine against Russian aggression, including around $50 billion in support, including weapons systems that have made a big difference to Kyiv's forces.

"By showing weakness, we provoke Vladimir Putin. We have to understand Vladimir Putin's ambitions are the restoration of the old Russian Empire," McCain said in the 2014 interview.

When challenged that Putin had never stated he wanted the east of Ukraine to be incorporated into Russian territory, McCain responded that Putin sought a "Novorossiya" or "New Russia" in reference to some regions of Ukraine.

This showed that "he wants Eastern Ukraine—he wants to make sure he keeps Crimea, and he would like to see—if he can get away with it—Moldova and the Baltics as well—that's what he wants to see restored."

The BBC clip, which, as of Tuesday morning, had more than 1.1 million views, was praised by social media users for its prescience.

"Back in 2014, John McCain fully predicted Putin's next moves," tweeted user Maksym Borodin. "John McCain got it," tweeted Paul Massaro, senior policy advisor at U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe.

"John McCain predicted Putin's 2022 playbook back in 2014," tweeted another user, while the journalist and author John Sweeney wrote, "John McCain nails Putin."

The journalist Euan MacDonald tweeted: "John McCain had Putin sussed (that's why the Kremlin hated him so). If only more U.S. republicans were of the late senator's caliber."

Newsweek has contacted for comment the McCain Institute, the Arizona State University think tank founded in 2012 which is named after the late senator.


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6585f5  No.18065516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Legacy Media shills

MSM media shills are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

MSM media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and dozens of similar previous scandals.

MSM media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

MSM media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic in and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for MSM media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.

We the People are awake.

Justice is coming


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98a13a  No.18065517

File: 08311548bc668dc⋯.mp4 (8.93 MB, 360x360, 1:1, Above_The_Clouds.mp4)

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f92c76  No.18065518

File: 184171b1b458a56⋯.png (10.89 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 7e46bf7e2d9f1be2ee2545ed96….png)

The only thing we know with absolute certainty is that there is no evidence that sportsball guy collapsed due the vaccine, it's definitely not related to the vaccine.

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40d773  No.18065519

File: 79a039492bdca20⋯.png (517.67 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 8A20CCB0_0FD2_468D_A388_14….png)

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting system .

Only a small fraction of actual adverse events are reported .

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4b1582  No.18065520

File: 08311548bc668dc⋯.mp4 (8.93 MB, 360x360, 1:1, snakes_will_retreat_eventu….mp4)

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6585f5  No.18065521

File: d1f46bbfa823e07⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 2265x3016, 2265:3016, d1f46bbfa823e073879a4194c8….jpg)

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3cd1d9  No.18065522

File: ea9d41a65bc15c0⋯.png (113.55 KB, 700x381, 700:381, satanism.png)

File: 77c0b950fe55be7⋯.png (276.17 KB, 583x467, 583:467, bild3.PNG)

File: dc382625d16204d⋯.png (66.98 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, ukraine_and_russia_lgbt_st….png)

File: a1d7e118432b602⋯.png (1.04 MB, 809x1280, 809:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce770492194b5db⋯.mp4 (2.89 MB, 640x848, 40:53, IMG_7726.MP4)


>usa = former 'new israel'

globo-israel = global legalized genital mutilation of infants and child rape via enforced 'lgbtq'

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6edd3f  No.18065523


No namefaggot famefaggot dogs allowed in the kitchen. Why is there sometimes 5-6 people posting as the doge persona and they happen to always be online, either baking or ready to bake? Why do niggers like this seem to always be in control of the dough except on rare occasions?


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3cd1d9  No.18065524

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1d04c8  No.18065525

File: c685995a62da3fb⋯.mp4 (5.76 MB, 640x640, 1:1, dayshift.mp4)



you must be shattered, doing round the clock baker and taking notes.

it is much appreciated.

hopefully there is a team who are taking turns, too much for one person.

anon knows from bakering experience.


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92d37d  No.18065526

Thy Anon, I am Will a CIA nigR

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38c69c  No.18065527

File: 19962b3f3b42e33⋯.jpeg (366.66 KB, 1241x1513, 73:89, ECA0DA6D_8892_46F7_93F1_E….jpeg)

File: e3bff964f88c1b8⋯.jpeg (147.87 KB, 1080x1712, 135:214, BF5CB515_799D_4774_86C2_2….jpeg)

File: 0af93de44124133⋯.jpeg (206.37 KB, 1080x1743, 360:581, 4D90E005_0E21_496C_9D3B_3….jpeg)

File: 1c58fedf7927548⋯.jpeg (450.35 KB, 1241x1571, 1241:1571, 7DE73C2B_0D37_4AFF_B26B_3….jpeg)

File: 92910f51039fd06⋯.jpeg (247.91 KB, 1080x1957, 1080:1957, 32911637_85AA_41C9_8365_9….jpeg)

Fuck Global Citizenship


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98a13a  No.18065528

File: aff09869cac95a4⋯.png (1.47 MB, 999x726, 333:242, sport_nig.PNG)

>>18065494 lb

>Arnold SportNigger will bone anything with a heartbeat.

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315004  No.18065529



'the only thing we know'?

don't you mean to have a preposition attached?

Or is that implied.

I suppose so however,

you don't really know do you either?

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1d70c6  No.18065530

File: d13840617342292⋯.png (827.56 KB, 465x606, 155:202, capture_1145_03012023_0606….png)

File: b355c68642d68da⋯.png (1.05 MB, 468x782, 234:391, capture_1121_03012023_0459….png)

File: def419fc7eeb04e⋯.png (969.58 KB, 465x710, 93:142, capture_982_03012023_01023….png)

File: cb4ad470fbaa77d⋯.png (1.06 MB, 470x790, 47:79, capture_867_02012023_21135….png)

File: 5b027d8fb818b6c⋯.png (1.06 MB, 469x788, 469:788, capture_837_02012023_19334….png)


good times…

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7922aa  No.18065531


Thank God he was vaxxed. Can you imagine how awful it would've been if he missed a game due to the flu?

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8c0646  No.18065532

File: ea292d6bbdcbda1⋯.jpeg (370.09 KB, 1329x1144, 1329:1144, F3206DBB_B469_4E19_9714_E….jpeg)

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a55329  No.18065533

File: 8f390777e2fea2f⋯.jpeg (37.21 KB, 599x471, 599:471, 8f390777e2fea2f1dfd338ead….jpeg)


mornin W

you gonna pick it up?

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4b1582  No.18065534

File: bc52c642c8324ac⋯.png (999.66 KB, 960x640, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


>it's definitely not related to the vaccine

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e7b5de  No.18065535

It's the vaxx

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6585f5  No.18065536

File: 8ac87ec33bef870⋯.jpeg (252.2 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, 8ac87ec33bef870fe22b7e2fb….jpeg)


We love you, but -

Do NOT reply to shills

Do NOT demolish their intentionally flawed arguments

Do NOT debate their idiotic "concerns"

Do NOT engage shills.

Do NOT participate in chat room shill KAYFABE

In professional wrestling, kayfabe is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true", specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not of a staged or predetermined nature of any kind.


Do NOT perpetuate shill SLIDES.

Do NOT reply to shills vapid gambits.

Do NOT pick up spit

If you are NOT sure, LEARN to ID shills

shills = hate

shills = labels

shills = repetition

shills = envy, greed, theology etc.

Do NOT correct intentional shill mistakes

Do NOT be triggered by shill taunts

do NOT eat bats off the street

Do NOT bark back at dogs

Spot a clown

Dealing with ye Clowns & Shills & board lice

>>2322789 Spot a shill

>>2323031 Spot A Clown

shills have no agency, no will independent of their masters. Shills are passed gas of history. The slave of the slaves, their words are writ upon water.


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f77bd1  No.18065537


so an absence of evidence argument pretty lazy shill. But then you state a certainty that it is not something.

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5ed406  No.18065538

File: 141a65bb7c0695e⋯.jpg (57.18 KB, 500x387, 500:387, 141a65bb7c0695ea5d1610de23….jpg)

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05f21d  No.18065539

Ret Tet Tet

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3cd1d9  No.18065540

File: a5a2a6e9eb2d44a⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1280x1280, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



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315004  No.18065541


I shouldn't be responding to you as per your own rules, which you post in your post.

why not?

why not do all those things?

because it jams up your discord teams.

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a38868  No.18065542

The left waits with bated breath for Hamlin to wake up and say how grateful he is to be vaccinated…

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8a0a6a  No.18065543

File: 0db6d2ce14e9ae9⋯.png (95.97 KB, 1303x1061, 1303:1061, ClipboardImage.png)

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f77bd1  No.18065544


It could have been way worse.

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7922aa  No.18065545


Vaxxie, Vaxxie, Heart Attacksie!

Takes his tests and wears his maskies.

Still got Covid, every strain.

Got spike proteins in his brain!

Got the VAIDS at 24,

“Dr. Fauchi, gimmie more!”

Had a stroke at 25,

“Thank Moderna I’m alive!”

Swollen heart at 26,

Prayed to Pfizer for a fix.

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0c1729  No.18065546

File: 236adbdbf4e121b⋯.png (762.65 KB, 1419x2958, 473:986, ClipboardImage.png)

>>18065467 (PB) re: Cardiac issues w/vaccinated athletes


"Main outcomes and measures: The prevalence of abnormal RTP test results potentially representing COVID-19-associated cardiac injury, and results and outcomes of additional testing generated by the initial screening process. "


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a2fc1a  No.18065547

File: 09c6d5b9b5c7718⋯.png (13.66 KB, 255x191, 255:191, schiffarnold.png)

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38c69c  No.18065548

File: 54d8b8fb6267c11⋯.jpeg (392.41 KB, 1095x1752, 5:8, BB9FFE4A_529D_43F2_85EF_9….jpeg)

File: 57572139e4c8726⋯.jpeg (580.89 KB, 1092x2133, 364:711, F737507D_7379_47D9_ADF8_1….jpeg)

File: c85016092140710⋯.jpeg (313.91 KB, 1073x1631, 1073:1631, 0F2F3C38_C879_4AE5_8838_5….jpeg)

File: b71d55d76c76718⋯.jpeg (561.24 KB, 1059x2120, 1059:2120, F8004CB6_4DFA_44DB_8F6F_7….jpeg)

File: 56a64b1409f2853⋯.jpeg (434.49 KB, 1242x1790, 621:895, 52D490A6_2ECA_4135_883C_E….jpeg)


NWO push for homogenization won’t work


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6585f5  No.18065549

File: cc185d93345a633⋯.jpg (52.28 KB, 441x641, 441:641, hanks.JPG)

You must shill harder

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e7b5de  No.18065550

File: 853421caa476698⋯.jpg (45.12 KB, 516x482, 258:241, r5gu7.jpg)

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cdb017  No.18065551

File: f572b672f66c8b2⋯.jpg (52.33 KB, 554x715, 554:715, f572b672f66c8b2cb28bbf5b93….jpg)


>winter vagina

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4b1582  No.18065552

File: 409f7299af8a02c⋯.mp4 (12.93 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, goblin.mp4)

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6585f5  No.18065553

File: f2903f469d4bce7⋯.png (360.84 KB, 720x712, 90:89, joan.png)

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4b1582  No.18065554

File: 7ae0a2c47bd9691⋯.mp4 (873.57 KB, 720x1106, 360:553, CIA.mp4)

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bf8e9a  No.18065555

Sword Anon, Sam, Ralph, Doge, Gary, Tranime, all the same team. Morning shift clowns are best famefaggot shift. Chan niggas you rock my world. Ask for a raise, maybe a bonus for every (You) you faggots get. God bless.

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4b1582  No.18065556


#17 that guy

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92d37d  No.18065557





SONS of Man?

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e7b5de  No.18065558

File: 77f08ecdd7869b1⋯.jpg (59.22 KB, 680x680, 1:1, Fgfg1lFXkAERt2l_jpeg.jpg)

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ee6d61  No.18065559

File: 420138681aaf89b⋯.jpg (128.79 KB, 538x1280, 269:640, 1672750767666694.jpg)

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ea6dab  No.18065560

File: 580e129458e06c0⋯.jpg (95.68 KB, 1000x1089, 1000:1089, Sino_rusko.jpg)

Currency War is on the menu for 2023 Lads!

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8f8f73  No.18065561

File: 558d08f3b6b7271⋯.jpg (26.39 KB, 500x182, 250:91, Vhji.jpg)

File: 4ffc9667e03140e⋯.mp4 (14.39 MB, 848x464, 53:29, 4ffc9667e03140eb77879e39ac….mp4)

Homo erectus went extinct only 50,000 years ago (100,000 tops)

Complete, 100% complete, chromosomes (Y chromosome) of Homo Erectus is assumed to be found in over 9 living Negro human specimens in Cameroon



A00a-L1149 (or A00a1) Y DNA is 350,000 years old in many Negroes. Negroes DO NOT have common ancestor human Y DNA nicknamed "Y-chromosomal Adam" but they keep changing the definition every 5 years, to not let Negroes feel bad :



US Gov scientists agree that some Negroes discovered to be non-human, and Negroes interbred with ape-like creatures long long ago :


SUBHUMAN! interbreeding between Sub-Saharan Africans and an as-yet-unknown hominin, such as H. Erectus, H. naledi, and H. heidelbergensis…


Ghost archaic introgression in African populations:


"Homo Sapiens sapiens" [note the extra sapiens] evolved outside Africa, and 350,000 years ago entered africa. DNA of Cromagnon in Southern Italy 28,000 years ago has intact modern real human DNA, thus real humans have Cro Magnon and Neanderthal (or Denisovian) DNA.

Homo erectus went extinct only 50,000 years ago (100,000 tops) and was provably low IQ and PROVEN LAZY, similar to current Blacks, but unknown how much DNA admixture of Homo erectus or H. naledi, is in the modern negro, if any, due to heat damage of artifact DNA, Negroes diverged from all real humans 350,000 years ago, as proven and mentioned frequently already (current Negro Y-DNA A00a-L1149 is 350,000 years old!).

Laziness in Homo erectus proof YES LAZY BLACKS! :


Even though Blacks are now proven from over 350,000 years ago, vs real Humans nowadays, There were MANY types of Hominids that looked like humans, right up until each were killed off and replaced by Modern Humans.

TL/DR: Niggers are not real humans. Not only do they share too much DNA with chimps, Y chromosome A00a-L1149 from 350,000 years ago is in a few living negros, and though Homo erectus DNA has not been sequenced yet, it is the leading hominid contender for much of the African DNA, and Y chromosome A00a-L1149 origin

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05f21d  No.18065562

Rotkind bloost niet maar blaast zich blauw.

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e7b5de  No.18065563

File: a777c7f11eb2bf7⋯.jpg (100.67 KB, 1350x720, 15:8, Hiu799.jpg)

Nov 2022 headline

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6585f5  No.18065564

File: 5eb3cf1cf552f80⋯.png (283.87 KB, 500x773, 500:773, f0005ad4d12ddb1dc306b6912b….png)

Pedovore cult networking, news and entertainment companies are a threat to children and to the civilization to which they pretend to contribute

Ann Sarnoff is married to the nephew of General David Sarnoff, the spook from Minsk who founded RCA and NBC. Ann Sarnoff, the new CEO of Warner Brothers, is the former CEO of BBC worldwide productions in the US and is described New York Times as a "Hollywood Outsider."


Sarnoff is not a Hollywood outsider. Her history of involvement with cultist programming targeting children is extensive, suggesting that new CEO John Stankey at AT&T has not grasped how serious We the People are about stopping the ongoing subversive social sabotage - the non-stop psyops, IO being run by mockingbird media on a naïve civilian population – ‘’’ especially with sex and death media content directly targeting children.'''

>Sarnoff got her start at Viacom, where she worked from 1993 to 2003. Sarnoff was the head of Nickelodeon consumer products and business development during Geraldine Laybourne's leadership of the company. In 1999, while working at Nickelodeon, Sarnoff was part of a team that created the TV channel Noggin, a joint venture between Nickelodeon and Sesame Workshop. Two shows she promoted were Rugrats and Blue's Clues.


Ann Sarnoff is the protege of Geraldine Laybourne, a satanist bloodline witch and an alleged priestess in the dark mother hierarchy. Laybourne tutored Sarnoff in the tactics of corruption and degradation of young minds; skills both women sharpened, working together in Viacom’s notoriously perverse and degenerate "Nickelodeon" network, run by senior cult pedovore, Geraldine Laybourne previously mentioned.

Ann Sarnoff, having polished her mind poisoning skills creating destructive subversive media content at Viacom (Nickelodeon) and BBC (Jimmy Savile) is now the CEO of Warner Brothers, the largest entertainment company in the world.


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ee6d61  No.18065565

File: 747a259c27ffe4b⋯.jpg (162.78 KB, 750x806, 375:403, 1672738505209553.jpg)

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38c69c  No.18065566

File: 2a24462b001f9a2⋯.jpeg (554.32 KB, 1241x1980, 1241:1980, 7DDC36AC_782F_4A2B_B04C_1….jpeg)

File: d769e9ca5c584a2⋯.jpeg (200.48 KB, 1080x1177, 1080:1177, C9F57078_66FA_4842_94B8_0….jpeg)

SEL is a cult


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e7b5de  No.18065567

File: bbda6cd5162cb06⋯.jpg (71.69 KB, 720x588, 60:49, Jo88t3.jpg)

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4b1582  No.18065568

File: 06a6e9c74a1c44c⋯.png (246.73 KB, 740x292, 185:73, ClipboardImage.png)


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b384bf  No.18065569

We were cheated out of much of what was Trumps agenda for four years, during which time “they” tried to prevent him from being elected, then inaugurated, and spent the rest of his term trying to remove him from office, and even impeached him AFTER his term, ALL on “Trumped-up” charges.

We were cheated out of effective people being appointed to key positions, due to approval processes, by people who HATE this country.

We were cheated out of several years of the “normalcy” that we had become accustomed to, due to “Covid”, and all of the idiocy that came with it, some of which we are still experiencing.

We were cheated out of the 2020 and 2022 elections, with no help from the courts, the legislatures, or the executive branch, at the federal or state levels.

The military and law enforcement have failed to step up. It is arguable that they would stand against their own sworn oaths of office, if so ordered. They have become a sham.

And the exposure from the Twitter files shows direct involvement of the IC (Intelligence Community - ALL OF THEM) AGAINST We the People and the Constitution.

And now, “they” are trying to prevent him from running again; the best we can expect is more of the same.

We will NOT be able to vote our way out of this mess; nor will we be able to pray our way out; though I caution against giving up either.

IMO, there is NO effective “Constitutional remedy”; nor is there a means for a “redress of grievances”.

We are at the point of the “long train of abuses”, cited in the Declaration of Independence.

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e7b5de  No.18065570

File: f211d85e79fcd3f⋯.jpg (54.33 KB, 720x391, 720:391, Jki766et.jpg)

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38c69c  No.18065571

File: d769e9ca5c584a2⋯.jpeg (200.48 KB, 1080x1177, 1080:1177, DF0A9B56_00FE_4150_BBB2_7….jpeg)

File: 487e1ac15ea61db⋯.jpeg (140.94 KB, 607x1177, 607:1177, 647DC225_824F_4B9B_91ED_4….jpeg)

File: ec8589f08ff3a82⋯.jpeg (193.97 KB, 532x1177, 532:1177, D702812D_0353_45E4_95B2_8….jpeg)


The chart of sickness

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6585f5  No.18065572

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We will engage in most games for a modest financial incentive, for the glory of victory, the traditional reward at the amateur Greek Olympics.

Then horses, tripods and gold were added to the prizes, and, inevitably gambling 'made it all more interesting' and stripped athletic competition of any lingering appearence of integrity.

Sportsball and other realistic athletic competition is no longer about personal excellence, about grace, but about winning the prize, the money.

We compete for baubles of all kinds, for social status, to be told we're better, or somehow different, unique, among the millions of others just like us all doing the same thing. We are fighting to be part of the story. We become someone else in seeking to be ourselves.

What happens to the young athlete who discovers his astonishing victory by knockout over the reigning champion was arranged by his management? When he learns that adverse powers behind the mob bookmakers control not just every aspect of his favorite Sport and every other Sport, the government, the sham churches, Cocaine and – all of it?

Is this the kind of revelation that might make a proud man reject his country, its established laws and religion(s) , refuse to be drafted, convert to Islam or become a clown in a house of mirrors?

Of course it is, it did; and every athlete of any merit knows that the greatest glory is not only fake, it can come with a helicopter crash and a single inoppprtune remark about dark mother Hilldawg and the cultist is swinging by a scarf from the big hall doorknob.

Not every mobster is a criminal. Joining an criminal organization, or 'crackpot' religion for protection against the government, against the FBI, another pedovore cult, or predatory MK operators is a matter of survival.

Many people join gangs for protection in prison for similar reasons, so many enlist in organizations offering or purporting to offer real or imagined protection.

To survive on a prison planet we must avoid being mistaken for prey or predator. Don't act like either, but learn to recognize both and to identify those others, who recognize and choose to ignore the RULES OF THE GAME.

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92d37d  No.18065573



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d54ef4  No.18065574

File: 058ad945640375d⋯.jpg (41.88 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 058ad945640375d479eee50a1b….jpg)


can't mtg in 15min fer the next 1.5 hrs

sorry fam. will get some bakes in dis week.

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c33fe3  No.18065575




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d54ef4  No.18065576


#4 no mayo preez

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9eed92  No.18065577

File: b419875ccdd75f6⋯.png (561.51 KB, 720x1356, 60:113, Capture_2023_01_03_09_14_2….png)


And just so that We do not think that this

NEW and IMPROVED virus is

Something new


70 years worth of surveillance

Maybe just maybe

They got. It right

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8a0a6a  No.18065578

File: 39edc430cdaed8c⋯.png (86.79 KB, 970x545, 194:109, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5eec89c0360aa30⋯.png (687.05 KB, 1003x888, 1003:888, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 064371bdea466c2⋯.png (312 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


"Bug," or "undocumented feature?"

Quote Tweet

Breitbart News




According to a recent report, a bug in Google Home smart speakers allowed for the installation of a backdoor account that could be used to control the device and access its microphone feed. https://trib.al/D7iYdnE

5:17 AM · Jan 3, 2023

Report: Google Home Speakers Allowed Hackers to Spy on Users

LUCAS NOLAN 2 Jan 2023


According to a recent report, a bug in Google Home smart speakers allowed for the installation of a backdoor account that could be used to control the device and access its microphone feed. In short, hackers could take over Google’s devices to spy on users by listening in on their conversations.

Bleeping Computer reports that a vulnerability in Google Home smart speakers allowed the creation of a backdoor account that could be used to remotely control the device and access its microphone feed, potentially turning it into a spying tool.

The flaw was discovered by researcher Matt Kunze, who received a $107,500 reward for responsibly reporting it to Google in the previous year. Kunze published technical details and an attack scenario illustrating the exploit late last week.

During his experimentation with a Google Home Mini speaker, Kunze discovered that new accounts created using the Google Home app could remotely send commands to the device through the cloud API. In order to capture the encrypted HTTPS traffic and potentially obtain the user authorization token, the researcher used a Nmap scan to locate the port for the local HTTP API of Google Home and set up a proxy.

Kunze found that adding a new user to the target device involves two steps: obtaining the device name, certificate, and “cloud ID” from its local API. This information makes it possible to send a link request to the Google server. To add an unauthorized user to a target Google Home device, Kunze implemented the linking process in a Python script that automated the extraction of local device data and reproduced the linking request.

The researcher released three proof-of-concept scripts on GitHub that demonstrate the actions involved in the hack. However, these scripts should not be effective on Google Home devices running the latest firmware version. The proofs-of-concept go beyond simply adding an unauthorized user and also enable spying through the microphone, making arbitrary HTTP requests on the victim’s network, and reading/writing arbitrary files on the device.


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4b1582  No.18065579

File: fb289d339788b0d⋯.png (184.69 KB, 436x348, 109:87, ClipboardImage.png)

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4bca30  No.18065580

File: a5a7c67bdcf2c7b⋯.jpg (183.34 KB, 1357x1920, 1357:1920, 22_44.jpg)

Mornin Frens

Hope everybody had a great holiday!


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8c0646  No.18065581

File: 586c65c3c698c18⋯.jpeg (374.65 KB, 1512x1565, 1512:1565, EC725FCA_67F5_45FC_B0F9_F….jpeg)

'Minor-Attracted People’ MAP

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a55329  No.18065582

File: 9f02ced3ee5a41c⋯.gif (1.09 MB, 486x391, 486:391, NS6.gif)


habs a smoooov one then

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6e8be7  No.18065583

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Join us as former UN Executive Director Călin Georgescu describes the process of infiltration and global takeover of the United Nations by oligarchs, particularly Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF), in this revealing interview.

He outlines the power structures of the UN, its covert manipulation, exploitation and enslavement of people around the world, and reveals the sobering reality of a once benevolent organization.

Călin Georgescu tells the story of his own turnaround, of turning away from the destructive agenda of the oligarchs, and emphasizes the importance of (re)connecting with ourselves, our fellow human beings, our beautiful world, and nature. His wise words of encouragement and compassion are meant to be an inspiration to all of us and a bridge on the path of realizing our true nature and sovereignty in the perfection of creation of which we are all a part.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


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a2fc1a  No.18065584

File: c8166428029b87c⋯.jpg (27.4 KB, 1130x480, 113:48, smilesinStarfighter.jpg)

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6057cf  No.18065585

File: 06caede3ba35692⋯.jpg (81.15 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 761ph8.jpg)

Trump's election was stolen and what did the American people do?

They did absolutely nothing because they are weak stupid assholes so now America is a piece of shit garbage disposal for third world shitHead illegals that need a new place to take a shit…..

American people you assholes got exactly what you fuckin' deserve~

Further more when a faggot like Zelenskiy can blackmail the fake American president for billions and billions it is proof that the American ZOMBIES are lifeless weak dumbass bastards…

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3ed9ac  No.18065586

Have you idiots finally realized that literally every single person Q said to trust or that they were a patriot turned out to be the exact opposite and that they are all deep state trying to fuck Trump?

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56bfb9  No.18065587

File: 4dfb5da7f54217b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1717x908, 1717:908, 1.png)

File: b0e37479b07b95b⋯.png (641.54 KB, 1599x598, 123:46, 2.png)

File: c08f8122dbf0922⋯.png (702.57 KB, 1611x685, 1611:685, 3.png)

File: 2339127c8481818⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1393x1390, 1393:1390, tide_is_turning.png)

File: 7813aff3ad117fe⋯.png (195.64 KB, 860x772, 215:193, Screenshot_from_2023_01_02….png)

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6585f5  No.18065588

File: 2c35664c33e1d63⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1800x1200, 3:2, 9db057d6cff90e66dc9fa75f1f….png)


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ee6d61  No.18065589

File: 35533303687ef69⋯.jpg (46.23 KB, 768x419, 768:419, 35533303687ef690fa77f746d6….jpg)

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3ed9ac  No.18065590


That ebonics talk is how the old Dr strange baker nigger used to speak.

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92d37d  No.18065591

File: 78e7bf7c069628c⋯.jpeg (34.99 KB, 474x474, 1:1, B1D5B24B_E9AA_4376_86FD_7….jpeg)

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6585f5  No.18065592

File: 4f9c86b9228eb70⋯.png (6.01 MB, 3200x2000, 8:5, 9dee756fcfb268fe8594178f1c….png)

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fe21c8  No.18065593

File: a16b942c071a548⋯.png (361.35 KB, 502x600, 251:300, a16b942c071a548030a94ea608….png)

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56bfb9  No.18065594

File: 590dc20561bddea⋯.png (46.29 KB, 259x253, 259:253, doubt_vs_certainty_Voltair….png)

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38c69c  No.18065595

Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️@realchrisrufo·21h

The federal government is now funding an initiative to train AI to censor social media content. The NSF-backed program promises to "detect and intervene" in cases of "gendered microaggressions," "dehumanizing metaphors," and "disguised toxicity."

Get ready: woke AI is coming.



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ee6d61  No.18065596

File: 185ed5aa0259117⋯.png (70.69 KB, 249x170, 249:170, 185ed5aa0259117bc59a72c21c….png)

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9e380e  No.18065597

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thieves in the Temple.

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05f21d  No.18065598

Eene zoon kan je breken,

maar eene steen kan je in tweeën breken.

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bc0671  No.18065599

>>18065501 (lb)

I hear ya, anon. See point #2 in previous post.

The biggest problem I have with this as a longtime assistant coach is I've seen lesser impacts cause severe concussions. As a matter of fact, if you look at the collision more closely, the WR's helmet landed squarely between the neck/chinstrap area and he could've suffered more than one injury if that impact had happened on another day at another angle. I could go on a rant (especially in the south where sports = religion) about how they don't teach these young men proper heads up tackling. Then they get used to hits like these as being "routine" or "normal", but suffice it to say the issue is way more complicated than that:

-These athletes are at peak physical condition; many of which are pushing themselves way beyond their physical limits.

-All the warning signs for a possible "event" are typically ignored to the point of it happening (and usually on the practice field instead of a game).

-Safety always, always, always comes last. Always.

And even if you manage to find a league where they take all these things into consideration, you're likely going to have at least one head injury, a few knee injuries, and a possible cardiac event by the season's end; with the last almost always being linemen, and almost always during the extreme heat of summer during endurance runs. Again, I'm not ruling out the vaxx, but to ignore a few decades of overweight (and conversely, overly strained to athletic peak) and "pushed too hard" kids and young adults getting laid out from over exhaustion and dehydration on the practice field is a disservice to the overall complexity of competitive sports. All of these players know the risks and proceed anyway because of a passion to play/compete. Players and coaches often take that passion to extremes.

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38c69c  No.18065600

File: afb22328cc00f0a⋯.jpeg (453.19 KB, 1241x2061, 1241:2061, 81A7FA8E_6207_4E86_B8D3_0….jpeg)

File: bb12cfffe675e00⋯.jpeg (320.28 KB, 1241x1358, 1241:1358, 09B0CC4F_8E3A_4B4C_AC9E_B….jpeg)

File: eac9b992b9cfac9⋯.png (458.01 KB, 1120x1396, 280:349, E012D26C_2893_404F_B535_42….png)

File: 692224433ffb1b3⋯.jpeg (135.08 KB, 1206x1158, 201:193, 1CAEE461_021E_4205_89AD_C….jpeg)


Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️@realchrisrufo·21h

The federal government is now funding an initiative to train AI to censor social media content. The NSF-backed program promises to "detect and intervene" in cases of "gendered microaggressions," "dehumanizing metaphors," and "disguised toxicity."

Get ready: woke AI is coming.



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3cd1d9  No.18065601

File: ee457b88fb68731⋯.png (80.96 KB, 1573x367, 1573:367, ClipboardImage.png)

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ee6d61  No.18065602

File: 0ca5049a895142e⋯.png (720.37 KB, 1000x818, 500:409, 1671311677721255.png)

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6585f5  No.18065603

File: 56dc0a2ef225a5e⋯.jpg (59.97 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 56dc0a2ef225a5e3c47d5c7054….jpg)

"Psychological Operations" "Non linear war" "Information War" "Unrestricted War"

Psychological operations are by far the most potent weapons in warfare, and psycho-social effects of these weapon may develop slowly, certainly over decades or longer. Often a change is so gradual as to be almost imperceptible, and when we do notice we take it to be natural. The change is always negative, always portrayed as beneficial, a social step forward. One example.

Porno was and is a high priority mob/CIA social subversion project.

In the 1950s the US Post office employed hundreds of agents to police the mails. Pornography was seized regularly.

Freedom of speech arguments prevailed in our courts and allowed the cult/mob to take us from no-sexual- material-goes-through -the-US mail in the 1950s to Deep Throat opens in regular theaters and drive-ins in 1972.

Masturbation was declared by 'experts' to be harmless and pornography was said to be wholesome and natural sexual expression of delight in the beauty of the opposite sex and to offer a safe outlet to perverts who might otherwise rape children.

Porn was marketed and promoted professionally. When Meyer said "We're bigger than US Steel," in the 1950s he was being modest. That the former mob business "went legit" is another way of saying our entire culture adopted a ruthless efficient and extractive economy that has no concern for destructive effects on the host population.

US porn was a NY based, Gambino family business, run by Robert DiBernadino partnered with the Cleveland porno distributor and dildo manufacturer Reuben Sturman. The two men controlled almost all the print and film/video porno produced and distributed in the US and worldwide � with exception of honeypots like Playboy magazine which was C_A controlled from Langley. The idea that the 50s were staid and uptight is myth. This was a planned psychological attack, it created a hyper sexualized culture where media is perfused with overt and subliminal imagery and people count orgasms and leave the driving to the Uber.


Pop culture is an entirely artificial medium. It was and is engineered to control purchasing habits, regulate our mental capacity, our morality and guide our choices for the future by controlling the range of possibilities we are aware of.

Information Operations or "psyops" use our powerful innate drives or instincts against us.

Our reproductive drive is among our most powerful. When we are sexually aroused we do not think clearly and are more vulnerable to hypnotic induction techniques which alter our belief systems, slowly, over time, in ways we are not consciously aware of. The population is kept in a perpetual state of low key sexual arousal. Promiscuity is promoted etc.

Pornography, promoted as naturally healthy, harmless and a safe outlet for sexuality, is not. It is part of the comprehensive social subversion and social control operation intended to weaken and distract our attention from the looting of the US treasury, the infiltration of financial, judicial, legislative, and regulatory systems.

The pedovore cult controls all media content and distribution infrastructure, including porno.

Our civilization rests on the integrity of an information distribution system controlled by entirely corrupt individuals, uniformly devoted to the enslavement and/or destruction of human beings.

Some may recall that Gambino wiseguy Robert (DiB) DiBernardo the Gambino family's czar of pornography, including, disturbingly, child pornography who was made to disappear on Gambino boss John Gotti’s orders, played a role in the 1984 presidential election.

Porn is good for you












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7922aa  No.18065604


The sheep just can't help but to bleat out the herd narrative.

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6585f5  No.18065605

File: 5b1d60cec2359f6⋯.jpg (427.59 KB, 1024x1534, 512:767, asshills.jpg)

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554a5a  No.18065606

File: cda87ea2680ccf9⋯.png (61.71 KB, 535x480, 107:96, ty_bakerSVVEDE_ferk.png)

File: 0ce66a02efb5ae7⋯.png (105.45 KB, 750x1115, 150:223, BakeHER_code_REDriggsBIGLY….png)

File: 3303a41b799357a⋯.jpg (10.89 KB, 241x255, 241:255, PEPEs_fam_COMFefe_Blessing….jpg)

File: 2e281a19d8d67f3⋯.gif (3.37 MB, 498x280, 249:140, booba_booba.gif)

File: 2d05228153202d8⋯.png (365.79 KB, 512x512, 1:1, pepe_ParTeh_BEWBS_2022_10_….png)



>>18065593 BBerry NOICE !

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1e3946  No.18065607

Hier heb je een zandzak voor je gezondheid.

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9948c3  No.18065608


That faggot was part of every civil war around the globe.

Russia expected agreements made by the USA to be honored. When the USSR dissolved into the Russian Federation, it did not supersede USA agreements. On the other hand NATO used it as an opportunity for a land and influence grab.

To understand Russia’s claims of betrayal, it is necessary to review the reassurances then US secretary of state James A. Baker made to former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev during a meeting on February 9, 1990. In a discussion on the status of a reunited Germany, the two men agreed that NATO would not extend past the territory of East Germany, a promise repeated by NATO’s secretary general in a speech on May 17 that same year in Brussels.

Russia and the West finally struck an agreement in September that would allow NATO to station its troops beyond the Iron Curtain. However, the deal only concerned a reunified Germany, with further eastward expansion being inconceivable at the time.


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4e57f0  No.18065609

File: c0306fe130ca666⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1680x1050, 8:5, Baker_army.png)

File: 6dbb03c8d3d827b⋯.jpg (38.33 KB, 500x366, 250:183, earths_magnetic_field.jpg)


ThanQ Baker!


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ee6d61  No.18065610

File: 83bc0f1d68fec4a⋯.gif (271.75 KB, 479x640, 479:640, 83bc0f1d68fec4a0066922fc80….gif)

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98a13a  No.18065611

File: 868b17e08d27b44⋯.png (891.07 KB, 664x782, 332:391, ratkin.PNG)

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3ed9ac  No.18065612


Thunk mirror the whole time. Mattis, Flynn, Barr, Sessions, Wray, Milley, Durham, You don't even need to explain further. All traitors who did NOTHING but back stabbed POTUS every chance they got. Q said to trust them because they were signaling to their DS handlers that they flipped, trying to cause confusion in the swamp.

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92d37d  No.18065613







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fe21c8  No.18065614

File: c9aee5e4462fc8c⋯.jpeg (55.55 KB, 862x575, 862:575, 455a65828e3b9172e8678f2bb….jpeg)

File: 7e3d34f88b8b4dc⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1080x1437, 360:479, 7e3d34f88b8b4dcc8c741234c0….png)



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9e380e  No.18065615

File: c0ca5ef08f43362⋯.png (191 KB, 486x507, 162:169, gfdsgsg.PNG)

File: ab9a4b47b22589c⋯.mp4 (7.76 MB, 1280x590, 128:59, QnhBCt7412kRjgfo.mp4)


Mick Wyatt


Olivia Teseniar was part of Moderna’s trial. After 2 yrs of serious adverse reactions she now has T-cell lymphoma & leukaemia. Her issues were omitted from Moderna’s submission to the FDA. She recorded her last meeting with the Principal Investigator of the trial.


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9eed92  No.18065616



And everybody around him

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38c69c  No.18065617

File: dcca434a644b00a⋯.jpeg (471.92 KB, 1242x1731, 414:577, D40A47E1_1653_4AD1_9C09_D….jpeg)

It’s hard for me to understand how Americans believe the bullshit of equity


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1e3946  No.18065618

Mocht de dikke Dijk afvallen dan staat het water je tot de lippen.

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9e380e  No.18065619

File: 6028e83b85063a0⋯.png (227.16 KB, 485x570, 97:114, gdsfgfd.PNG)


The Times and The Sunday Times


🔺 NEW: Thousands of middle-aged people are dying of heart conditions because they did not get statins or blood pressure medicines during the pandemic, Sir Chris Whitty has warned ministers

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3ed9ac  No.18065620


Voltaire kept niggers as slaves. Be careful who you follow.

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9e380e  No.18065622

File: 62104be3ca86dfa⋯.png (398.91 KB, 584x335, 584:335, bgfdb.PNG)

File: 31788919f5085d9⋯.png (288.27 KB, 762x190, 381:95, hfghgf.PNG)

File: 819edab1a383c78⋯.png (830.65 KB, 999x574, 999:574, hfdhd.PNG)



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ee6d61  No.18065623

File: 21115c74c69b220⋯.jpg (64.34 KB, 659x570, 659:570, 21115c74c69b2206b50bd60889….jpg)

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6e8be7  No.18065624

File: 90b317a4d1355d7⋯.png (88.72 KB, 339x254, 339:254, 90b317a4d1355d739568da2a0a….png)



but for realz… o7 Baker

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9e380e  No.18065625

File: 8dccad15b7fea74⋯.png (246.43 KB, 501x586, 501:586, gdfhfdh.PNG)

File: 3d45a9e98793cb7⋯.jpg (164.16 KB, 960x720, 4:3, FlUMtDkakAM90tv.jpg)

File: 6153b2e0e713191⋯.jpg (114.59 KB, 960x720, 4:3, FlUMyAFaUAEZjxk.jpg)


Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH™


Be sure to read these two papers by Menachery and Baric describing how UNC/NIH engineered the Spike protein to invade a humanized respiratory tract. Published in excellent journals all in the open. Have independent doctors ask the questions, not law-makers. #courageousdiscourse

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7c7b05  No.18065626

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

January 2, 2023

Former CIA Chief of Disguise explains the use of Human Masks (VIDEO). We have of course heard numerous claims that the Biden that we see is actually fake. Some conspiracy theorists have additionally stated that our United States government and CIA have the technology to be able to use clones to fool the American people. Who knows. Both of these theories could possibly be true.

But the one that is more than likely closer to be accurate is the mask theory. In this video a former CIA Chief of Disguise does a speech discussing the controversial CIA and how that they use masks. Is a lot of what we are currently seeing on the news all just actually a movie with actors wearing masks? Thanks also to DrLuisa for sharing this video.



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38c69c  No.18065627

File: a37b18d972bd81d⋯.jpeg (416.57 KB, 1242x1885, 1242:1885, D02D14C3_694E_44C7_8E08_0….jpeg)

File: 984735195447258⋯.jpeg (347.76 KB, 1242x1685, 1242:1685, B629B7DD_A193_4CDC_AE0E_C….jpeg)

File: 72f9d1ad8119d7a⋯.jpeg (249.18 KB, 1242x1419, 414:473, B59D2A16_25BF_46BB_AB04_B….jpeg)

The jab is the only way so they implemented it because humans are stubborn creatures

The evil on this earth, time is up for them, all of them!


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6c4bac  No.18065628


Eik U, ben jij een fietsendief?

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4e57f0  No.18065629

File: 1fce86f0b4343a1⋯.png (142.59 KB, 500x627, 500:627, Slide_Bingo.png)

File: ee5996e74f3587e⋯.jpeg (444.27 KB, 1125x595, 225:119, Full_Retard.jpeg)

File: 19cf02f74754eb6⋯.jpg (213.47 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Shilling.jpg)


Good morning, Famefag Shill!

Guess we need to add you to the Bingo Card.

Day after day, bread after bread.

Now you get a name.

Please welcome our new moran, anons!

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b89a49  No.18065630

File: 83f1f4fdd819fb2⋯.jpg (129.94 KB, 857x1200, 857:1200, Sails_bright_white.jpg)

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61c1e1  No.18065631

File: 13b24eb02fe8441⋯.jpg (66.54 KB, 766x520, 383:260, ZomboMeme_03012023043738.jpg)

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8c0646  No.18065632

File: 71cd2209f42bada⋯.jpeg (144.39 KB, 586x583, 586:583, My_Pillow_Travel_Boobs.JPEG)



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a55329  No.18065633


Hi baker edit the #22139 notes into your dough and bake them next bread please. I have edited them into bread above


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fe21c8  No.18065634


payroll. fon line has been on busy signal since 2017. gotta be a way of getting the physical gold bars shipped. (you) got a contact in payroll? was told there would be a parade and beer at the end of contact.

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9e380e  No.18065635

File: f5882d3857cde2d⋯.png (57.13 KB, 505x586, 505:586, hdfgd.PNG)

File: ee5f79917386543⋯.png (282.5 KB, 519x614, 519:614, bfgdgbd.PNG)

ben wale


The use of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (SPIONs) to deliver genes Used in the Covid Vaccine http://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24715289/ And the use of the SAME Nanoparticles For Brain to Computer Interface far Surpassing Neurolink..https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2021/ma/d1ma00712b Neurolink is NeuroLATE💉💉💉


ben wale



Dec 22, 2022

Replying to



knows enough about Brain to Computer Interface using Fe3O4@GO/P(NIPAM–MAA) hydrogel

To fully understand the significance of this statement.. Twitter files are a distraction from the this fact.. Bill gates tricked everyone.. The jabbed are patented trackable property

ben wale



Dec 22, 2022

So forget about microchips.. The human brain becomes a Macrochip of graphene oxide..

ben wale



Dec 22, 2022

And if you are wondering about the White Blood Clots.. You can look into this study

Exploring the Patent Landscape and Innovation of Hydrogel-based Bioinks Used for 3D Bioprinting - PubMed

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a2fc1a  No.18065636

File: 12de167f152370f⋯.png (13.86 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 7a8ab49b6424e34f790f66cf60….png)

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cec38f  No.18065637

Kevin McCarthy is out of the news. What a coincidence.

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043dba  No.18065638


But he's got a point you know. Plenty of famefaggots sign in in the AM. Q warned against it years ago. Post went something like "ANONS are nameless faceless fameless and FEARLESS"… something something. If a faggot needs an identity here they are doing something wrong. And not very "Anon".

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6c0fbb  No.18065639

#Germany now reporting #ExcessDeaths and news site reporting 30% caused by #vaccines according to autopsies?

An investigation is being called for by someone stating that claims about #vaccines and #Covid were #fakenews

Point out Dr Campbell taking this pish out of YouTube and social media and the left woke were hiding deaths in one thing, vaccines, while promoting war in Ukraine

Fauci told the government to not do autopsies

Take a few days just to ponder those points


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3cd1d9  No.18065640

File: 14968f165d1d8b8⋯.mp4 (3.81 MB, 240x416, 15:26, video_watermark16727539096….mp4)

Germany, New Year's Eve.

Migrants throw stones at paramedics.

More video -> LiveLeak (http://t.me/leaklive)


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92a00e  No.18065641

File: a757462e02ce495⋯.jpeg (40.68 KB, 662x241, 662:241, 6ABB2074_06BA_4C70_B359_B….jpeg)

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659fcf  No.18065643

Twitter is lit up right now about the football deal. Just scrolled a bit while i was taking my morning constitutional.

Vax supporters are out in force denying it. Anti vax are stating the facts about athletes dropping like flies everywhere. Hilarious.

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b0ef4c  No.18065644

I thought her name is stacy not tracy

What's her story?

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9948c3  No.18065645


I guess the thing that fixes stoopid is death ?

They won't be able to walk the streets seems to have a mirror, those that can't walk the streets ded or heart fuked.

very sad time across the world

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a38868  No.18065646


As you can see The Club of Rome gets ZERO traction here…never has, never will. Why? IDK…it has all the right players, it has all the right narratives (- the pedo thing). But you'll never see a dig on Club of Rome or the World Three model. I gave up two years ago, they just can see it.

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8c0646  No.18065647

File: ee041f66768cdbd⋯.jpeg (1.47 MB, 2360x951, 2360:951, 98218E3A_4F31_44D9_9187_6….jpeg)

File: 1deeea4df375e9c⋯.jpeg (913.83 KB, 2300x1430, 230:143, 739BBD19_7E50_4597_B867_9….jpeg)

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043dba  No.18065648


Are you the old Dr strange baker nigger ebonics talker now turned bored volunteer?

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1be92f  No.18065649

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75ae4e  No.18065650

Just spitballing here.

Damar Hamblin - Buffalo Bills

Pied Piper - Kill the Bills?

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b0ef4c  No.18065651

File: b28216b995a7aa8⋯.png (806.5 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Screenshot_20230103_164519….png)

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92d37d  No.18065652

So English was created to be a language of Spells and Spelling?

Should I stop talking?

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61c1e1  No.18065653

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9e380e  No.18065654

File: e7f9738093ac3ad⋯.png (103.16 KB, 320x598, 160:299, _mnbm.PNG)

File: 6b27d1462b3bab5⋯.png (45.34 KB, 772x495, 772:495, khb.PNG)

File: 2d83ef75bf72c04⋯.jpg (67.74 KB, 579x388, 579:388, Elon_Musk_on_mRNA_You_coul….jpg)

File: cd108fc1e64f360⋯.jpg (75.35 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_with_artificial_inte….jpg)


>@elonmusk knows enough about Brain to Computer Interface using Fe3O4@GO/P(NIPAM–MAA) hydrogel


>To fully understand the significance of this statement..

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ddedba  No.18065655

It's funny that when Trump was in office the left was totally against the vax. Since Bidan got installed, they are all in.

They follow the dem line like little puppies.

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ae71a9  No.18065656


no cohencidences…

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a38868  No.18065657


Return fire

Buffalo Bills…B2…

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92d37d  No.18065658


Buffalo Bills


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ddedba  No.18065659

File: e7e517a68678a7b⋯.jpeg (110.44 KB, 757x500, 757:500, 3uspiz.jpeg)

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defcdd  No.18065660

File: 1db6c1253e78c22⋯.png (675.75 KB, 600x1030, 60:103, ClipboardImage.png)

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9f52c4  No.18065661


the elites convincing all their loyal useful idiots to kill themselves is a pretty bold strategy

wonder how that'll work out for them

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d7fe38  No.18065662


maaaaaybe so. hmmm

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92d37d  No.18065663


Silence is Golden

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9e380e  No.18065664

File: c344ccca2040c85⋯.png (59.57 KB, 499x515, 499:515, yrtre.PNG)


Stormy Sunset ⛈☀️⛈☀️


Several days ago this woman was the AG of US Virgin Islands. She filed a suit against JPMorgan Chase relating to Epstein’s sex trafficking case.

Biden just went to St. Croix for “vacation”.

Then this.

Attorney General Denise George Has Been Terminated

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61c1e1  No.18065665

File: 6919064f093a9e0⋯.jpg (44.77 KB, 540x446, 270:223, ZomboMeme_22102020123618.jpg)

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4e57f0  No.18065666

File: e5a64750987cc0b⋯.jpg (134.45 KB, 650x400, 13:8, war_forever.jpg)


That gave this anon keks!

McCain Institute is super dirty, been dug for years. LdR on the Board. Soros funding. Likely kid running.

These people are SICK!


Burn in hell, no-name

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0f3641  No.18065667

File: 7fdad035ec66415⋯.png (541.95 KB, 707x878, 707:878, ClipboardImage.png)

Or, a woman pretending to be a man, was artificially inseminated from the sperm of a man pretending to be a woman, and gave birth to a baby who is born either male or female but these parents are likely going to project their own ideology onto the poor helpless baby and groom it to become a victim of gender dysphoria.


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043dba  No.18065668


SICKtrips muh nigga

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a2fc1a  No.18065669

File: 3ed1fd549649db5⋯.png (16.91 KB, 255x244, 255:244, 10a2b9aab0f10e371ea45b688a….png)

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0f3641  No.18065670


Quid pro quo?

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9948c3  No.18065671


The Rome connection has literally slithered across history for almost 4,000 years

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75ae4e  No.18065672

File: 68ef1ef65b0d235⋯.png (322.43 KB, 500x378, 250:189, ClipboardImage.png)


Buffalo Bill?

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ae71a9  No.18065673


Operation Smile

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38c69c  No.18065674


Seriously, it seems like everyone who called for harm on purebloods are dying from the curse they tried to project, its like biblical!

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b0ef4c  No.18065675


Is he Epstein's friend?

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92d37d  No.18065676

File: e35aecd23c5c4b8⋯.png (11.1 KB, 621x530, 621:530, 27474C92_6ADB_404B_B665_BF….png)

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04347c  No.18065677

File: 3db297a0714c123⋯.jpg (71.31 KB, 413x612, 413:612, pig_agent.jpg)

File: d67eb7e511b6f10⋯.png (194.59 KB, 500x388, 125:97, pig_unmasked.png)


Quads confirm, but some names seem to be missing, such as this one.

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860308  No.18065678

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/GEAF0HV2k9w" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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a54b59  No.18065679

File: 6a972c79df5f219⋯.jpg (72.67 KB, 554x451, 554:451, keke.jpg)

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860308  No.18065680


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db7703  No.18065681



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bfe8d3  No.18065682

File: 60c778eb3809a18⋯.png (31.94 KB, 570x235, 114:47, ClipboardImage.png)

This is a big deal, and will have ripple effects.

Canadian owned Suncor recently shut down it's refinery in Commerce City CO.

The reason for the shutdown is unclear. What is clear is the effect it's having in CO.

Suncor supplied about 45% of Colorado's gas and oil from a fracking basin on the Eastern Slope. This shut down caused immediate spikes in fuel prices.

My question is, why are they shutting down now, right during peak demand. And 2nd, how the fuck does CO get so dependant on a foreign company for it's energy?

Anyways, useless Gov Polis has declared and emergency..


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3cd1d9  No.18065683

File: 0890b2ab56a49d2⋯.png (47.88 KB, 255x164, 255:164, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 579ef542b257d7b⋯.jpg (296.23 KB, 583x752, 583:752, 2edc64e05d7a7abc.jpg)

File: 92dfdf132a692c1⋯.png (385.58 KB, 680x655, 136:131, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cbec17a6fd598af⋯.png (44.99 KB, 530x252, 265:126, juden.PNG)

File: 2d1ddce317d6ee4⋯.mp4 (7.91 MB, 1280x642, 640:321, Dark_Field_Microscopy_by_D….mp4)


'humans must merge with anti-Christ for inbreeding to become irrelevant'

protect your DNA

Here's video of what's growing in those covid shots.

Dark Field Microscopy by Dr David Nixon ~ Team Enigma Nov 3, 2022


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7922aa  No.18065684

File: 61de26bcfaa4d46⋯.png (596.61 KB, 680x680, 1:1, FljcqMCXoAEnhzE.png)



Shit peacefully, anon.

We're winning.

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860308  No.18065685

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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92d37d  No.18065686

File: e35aecd23c5c4b8⋯.png (11.1 KB, 621x530, 621:530, 32FFF172_63C6_4AF1_A266_4A….png)

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85e9e9  No.18065687

File: 1d8a31e772ca7c5⋯.png (13.44 KB, 304x336, 19:21, ClipboardImage.png)




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fe21c8  No.18065688

File: 3c15cce627a4b0f⋯.jpg (53.31 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 4696.jpg)

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860308  No.18065689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Saw this commercial watching a NFL game this weekend. Thoughts?

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f49079  No.18065690

>>18065470 tyb


Nik'd that as muh baker babe as well.

Find that mighty fine.

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38c69c  No.18065691

File: 8b34c15b6276778⋯.jpeg (123.2 KB, 768x432, 16:9, 90284907_595C_4662_AAB2_A….jpeg)

3 Jan, 2023 12:15

US-made HIMARS destroyed in new strikes – Moscow

More than 200 Ukrainian troops and foreign ‘mercenaries’ were killed, Russia’s Defense Ministry says

Russian forces have destroyed several US-supplied HIMARS rocket launchers and eliminated scores of Ukrainian troops along with dozens of foreign fighters in the latest series of strikes, Moscow’s Defense Ministry said on Tuesday.

According to the military, two launchers were destroyed at the Druzhkovka railway station in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR). The second pair of launchers was located near the Ukrainian-held city of Kramatorsk, and was firing at other DPR cities, the ministry added.

In addition, nine HIMARS rockets were intercepted near the frontline in the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR), also in Donbass, as well as in Kherson Region to the north of Crimea, the statement said.

The Russian Air Force’s “precision strikes” on positions of the “foreign legion” fighting for Ukraine near Kramatorsk and Maslyakovka destroyed over 130 “foreign mercenaries,” it added.

Up to 120 Ukrainian soldiers were eliminated at Druzhkovka railway station, the military claimed.

This comes after Russia confirmed on Monday that over 60 of its soldiers were killed in the DPR city of Makeyevka, when Kiev forces targeted the building they were housed in with missiles fired from HIMARS launchers.

The strike had earlier been reported by the republic’s Information Minister Daniil Bezsonov, who said it happened precisely at 0:01 am on New Year’s night.

Ukraine continues to request more weapons from the US and other Western countries, while Moscow insists that deliveries of foreign arms to Kiev will not change the course of the conflict and can only lead to more casualties.


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043dba  No.18065692



Maybe it was Pig who got quads and was jelly cuz he wants to be the only agency famefaggot persona being posted by a bunch of different people. All the pig memes are horrendous, I remember when they started. One day pig didn't exist, the next day multiple posters posting those GOD AWFUL green text cat memes. Never been organic. Never will be.

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860308  No.18065693


Yeah, thanks, figured it out. Video below.

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c036f9  No.18065694



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bfe8d3  No.18065695


Suncor’s refinery in Commerce City is expected to stay closed for months, possibly through March. The Canadian petroleum company announced the closure after a Dec. 24 fire at the refinery hurt two workers.

While Suncor did not mention the incident in its closure announcement,it said the refinery began to shut down the same day after extreme weather led to damaged equipment.

The truth is, the fire had nothing to do with the shutdown, as it was already occuring. They started it the day before Christmas (Satanic mfs)

Update 12-27-2022 - 16:07 - Refinery Incident

Earlier this afternoon, Suncor responded to a fire in Plant 2 at the Commerce City refinery. This incident occurred during our shut down of Plant 2, which began Saturday, Dec. 24 and is in the process of being completed


Is this part of Biden Kike's plan of collapsing energy grid?

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a2fc1a  No.18065697

File: 153a5bd0108fcf6⋯.jpg (4.54 KB, 300x168, 25:14, H.jpg)

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ee6d61  No.18065698

File: 2bb713af769de02⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1254x1254, 1:1, 2bb713af769de02170ea94354….jpeg)

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17f26d  No.18065699

File: 848250eae79f353⋯.png (2.41 KB, 161x76, 161:76, Screen_Shot_01_03_23_at_09….PNG)

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38c69c  No.18065700

File: 456c6aef1a0e617⋯.jpeg (132.61 KB, 768x432, 16:9, B7007559_F1B3_4102_B33F_F….jpeg)

3 Jan, 2023 13:48

African nation kicks out French ambassador

Burkina Faso made the decision amid public disillusionment with Paris’ counterterrorist assistance

Burkina Faso has ordered the French ambassador to leave the country, local authorities confirmed on Monday. The move comes after November unrest during which protesters attempted to storm France’s embassy while blaming Paris for its security problems.

Speaking to the AP News agency, government spokesman Jean-Emmanuel Ouedraogo said that French Ambassador Luc Hallade had been expelled, but did not provide any further details.

According to the sources of the French daily Le Monde, the foreign ministry of Burkina Faso, which has gone through two coups since January 2022, made the request to replace the French ambassador in a letter sent to Paris in late December.

Le Monde’s sources claimed that the reasons for pushing the ambassador out are partly linked to a leaked letter allegedly sent by Hallade to French nationals in the Burkinabe city of Koudougou in early December. At the time, the ambassador reportedly insisted that his compatriots relocate to the capital city of Ouagadougou or Bobo-Dioulasso, another Burkinabe city, amid surging jihadist threat in the region.

Anti-French sentiment has been on the rise in Burkina Faso for several months. In November, protesters besieged the French embassy in Ouagadougou, demanding the expulsion of the ambassador.

Some activists blamed Paris, which has a military footprint in the country, for failing to resolve its problem with terrorism__, claimingthey want to break off the security relationship with France in favor of closer ties with Russia.

France deployed troops to West Africa’s Sahel region to fight off jihadist extremists in 2013, and a year later started the protracted anti-insurgent Operation Barkhane. The campaign, which has been largely viewed as a failure, was officially ended by French President Emmanuel Macron in November. Macron also ordered a six-month review of the nation’s military strategy for the region.

As France pulled out some troops from the Sahel, its total number was reduced from 5,500 to 3,000. As of late November, Ouagadougou still hosted 400 members of the French special forces. At the time, Hallade noted that they would remain there “as long as the Burkinabe authorities wish, but in an adapted, more restricted format.”


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043dba  No.18065701

Hey JIM WATKINS if you're listening can you super impose a picture of pigs face on the book cover at the bottom of the page when you feedSTRAYS AND GAYSand just leave it up for a little while

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043dba  No.18065702


Maybe Trump was being honest and telling us he was a Reptilian and all the disinfo clowns like William Tompkins were lying about Obama and the rest being Reptilians?

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bb578d  No.18065703

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17f26d  No.18065704

File: 3e4bb7ccd9a5829⋯.png (18.75 KB, 496x268, 124:67, Screen_Shot_01_03_23_at_09….PNG)

Rep Andy Biggs


Is this not the pivotal point of our generation?

What will two more years under the Biden Regime look like if we do not have a leader who will stand up to its objectives?

It's time to change the status quo today.

9:47 AM · Jan 3, 2023


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75ae4e  No.18065705


Ditto with "Toots, the Lil' Fighter." They seem to have an obsession with cats.

The left can't meme.

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38c69c  No.18065706

File: 26ac1d3035f1fdd⋯.jpeg (77.22 KB, 768x432, 16:9, 14447E6B_E525_4B8D_91BF_F….jpeg)

3 Jan, 2023 14:19

South Korea fines Tesla

The EV manufacturer will have to pay around $2.2 million for what has been labeled incorrect advertising

The antitrust regulator of South Korea is fining Tesla $2.2 million (2.8 billion won) for overstating the driving range of its electric vehicles (EVs), which have turned out to be shorter in cold weather.

According to a statement released by South Korea’s Fair Trade Commission on Tuesday, the automaker falsely promoted and exaggerated the driving range and charging speed of its EVs, and also its estimates of fuel-cost savings.

According to the watchdog, the driving range of the American EV maker's cars can plunge in low temperatures, by up to about half of what they’re advertised as online.

On its website, the Elon Musk-led company provides winter driving tips, including pre-conditioning vehicles with external power sources and using its app to monitor energy consumption, but the loss of driving range in sub-zero temperatures is not mentioned.

The automaker changed the advertisement on its Korean-language website in February when the regulator launched its probe.

As of end-September, Tesla has sold 45,812 cars in South Korea, having opened an office there in 2015, according to the country’s transport ministry. The sales figures make Tesla the country's third-biggest green vehicle brand, with a local market share of 13%, behind domestic carmakers Hyundai and Kia.


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1be92f  No.18065707

notes 200


>>18065581, >>18065564 Follow the MAPs - also the Penn, the Wives, and the Money

>>18065578 Report: Google Home Speakers Allowed Hackers to Spy on Users

>>18065639 Germany now also reporting Excess Deaths via vaccines

>>18065664 AG of USVI files suit against JPMorgan relating to Epstein's trafficking, Biden just went to St. Croix, AG then terminated

>>18065682, >>18065695 Suncor recently shut down its refinery in Commerce City CO, supplied about 45% of Colorado's gas and oil from a fracking basin on the Eastern Slope

DOUGH >>18065470

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cdb017  No.18065708

File: bdbe31e09ca1c3a⋯.jpeg (20 KB, 255x200, 51:40, bdbe31e09ca1c3a4650b067ac….jpeg)

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ec0e73  No.18065709

I guess the anti-vax retards are gonna be cumming non-stop for the next few days. Confirmation bias, much?

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3cd1d9  No.18065710

File: 225f2560969247a⋯.mp4 (8.73 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, video_2023_01_03_15_52_09.mp4)

File: e8ccd0e4af373a5⋯.png (1.67 MB, 862x882, 431:441, ClipboardImage.png)

(((chris cuomo)


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8a0a6a  No.18065711

File: b26244f02d364b3⋯.png (681.96 KB, 1200x777, 400:259, ClipboardImage.png)


Cuz it is sold as rainbow farts.

The problem with the graphic here is that the underlying assumption is that the boxes come at no cost, when in fact they do.

The other stupid part is "Justice" part - removing the barrier.

These people are standing at a fence, essentially outside of the stadium or field - ergo they have not paid for the ticket. So, spending money to rip down the fence so they can all "better see" the game they are not paying for is stealing from the players who ostensibly get paid for playing. Why pay for a ticket when I can just stand outside the chain link fence and see everything for free?

But look it's a cute picture…of course i want the poor helpless child to see the game….awwww…

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6ff9b7  No.18065712


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9eed92  No.18065713


Would this not be espionage ?

Using knowingly programmed machines

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6585f5  No.18065714

File: 730e8673964e937⋯.png (736.07 KB, 600x794, 300:397, wankshill.png)


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7922aa  No.18065715

File: 4833ce622d1989e⋯.jpg (181.5 KB, 1284x1265, 1284:1265, FlhW8UyaUAIg2eT.jpg)

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b15209  No.18065716

File: 02c4cc2329fcf51⋯.png (678.98 KB, 1056x673, 1056:673, aalsl.PNG)

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ee6d61  No.18065717

File: da8177e90d762f2⋯.png (933.86 KB, 980x1096, 245:274, da8177e90d762f20b6323eee0d….png)

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d14e9e  No.18065718

File: d209c1ae1f50a78⋯.jpeg (96.37 KB, 752x1019, 752:1019, 46A188D1_A679_484F_B903_8….jpeg)

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17f26d  No.18065719

File: e816dbd5d8ebfc6⋯.png (30.62 KB, 493x280, 493:280, Screen_Shot_01_03_23_at_09….PNG)

Olivia Beavers




MCCARTHY to conference: “I earned this job. We earned this majority, and God dammit we are going to win it today.”

Olivia Beavers




Source in room says McCarthy loudly telling the conferencr: I’ve earned this job

Olivia Beavers




MCCARTHY now taking aim at Freedom Caucus, claiming they don’t care if Jeffries is elected over him


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9948c3  No.18065720


Stop watching NFL

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043dba  No.18065721


Toots turned into pig. Remember the time frame very well. One day the gay faggot toots memes stopped, within a week or so the faggot pig memes started. Death to green text pussy memes

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bfe8d3  No.18065722

File: ccf4b318ae4e8a0⋯.png (53.98 KB, 554x450, 277:225, PigSchitt.png)

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3cd1d9  No.18065723

File: 504124e018af281⋯.png (975.44 KB, 1027x1280, 1027:1280, ClipboardImage.png)


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4e57f0  No.18065724

File: 2ddc40842adbe8e⋯.png (540.89 KB, 495x681, 165:227, Shills.png)

File: 8b2e279429bd054⋯.jpg (568.53 KB, 816x1145, 816:1145, Shills.jpg)


Not new, but you are correct, of course.

Tough to lay off them sometimes.

Need to show more rigor.

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bfe8d3  No.18065725

File: 974e349fe211797⋯.png (58.33 KB, 675x370, 135:74, ChapelleTruth.png)

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a38868  No.18065726


Limits to Growth vs Exponential Growth. Overlay those two models and then pinpoint the year 2023…

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043dba  No.18065727



Shills constantly push the "pure blood" psyop on here. They automatically out themselves as never strangers or Q followers. If Patriots are in control they wouldn't knowingly force 100% of the military defending the country to their death sentences

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8a0a6a  No.18065728

File: c15e39c9359253a⋯.png (131.13 KB, 600x480, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)


It's a violation of the 1st amendment and probably 9th and 10th, as this anon sees it.

Fuck the FBI agents in their hot FBI ginger mounds. No homo here.

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9948c3  No.18065729


You cannot earn trust, you must be proven worthy of it.

Did McCarthy prove to be trustworthy ?NO

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38c69c  No.18065730

File: 939dfb41c8d62db⋯.jpeg (59.28 KB, 768x432, 16:9, 9E20DA89_94E5_4488_BFD5_6….jpeg)

3 Jan, 2023 12:00

US schools are ‘cesspool of Marxist indoctrination’ – senator

Republican lawmaker Marc Rubio has urged colleagues not to use federal funding for the promotion of radical ideas

The Republican Party must support governors and school-board members who are fighting to prevent US educational institutions from becoming a “cesspool of Marxist indoctrination,” Senator Marco Rubio has said.

“Dangerous academic constructs like critical race theory and radical gender theory are being forced on elementary school children,”Rubio wrote in an article published in the American Conservative magazine on Tuesday.

The party needs to provide “reinforcements” to Republican governors and school-board members who are fighting against such ideas being taught to students, he said.

“We need to ensure no federal funding is ever used to promote these radical ideas in schools,” the Florida senator insisted.

Any complaint by a parent or student about school curricula or counseling pushing “divisive concepts” also has to be thoroughly investigated, he added.

Critical race theory, which has existed in academia since the 1980s, is currently taught in many American schools, universities and workplaces. It suggests that people’s relative“privilege” is defined by their skin color, gender, sexuality and other fixed characteristics. Proponents of the theory claim that males sit at the top of the hierarchy and perpetuate “white supremacy” knowingly or unknowingly. Meanwhile, those who oppose the theory argue that it pits people of color against white people and leads to anti-white discrimination.

Some 17 states have so far passed legislation restricting the teaching of critical race theory, according to Education Week, while Florida Governor Ron DeSantis banned it from schools altogether last year.

Rubio’s article was titled “My Plan for American Renewal” and outlined three key tasks, which he believes Republicans should focus on in the near future. They are “putting Wall Street in its place,” bringing critical industries back to the US, and rebuilding America’s workforce. According to the senator, these steps require Washington to tackle Beijing and reorient the deep-rooted economic relationship between the two nations.

(The only good thing about Covid is parents found out the sheer rot in education.which means our government never really did their job to monitor it)


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b15209  No.18065731

File: 6a53594217fd1f9⋯.png (758.42 KB, 773x538, 773:538, aaaaaaaaahbl2.PNG)

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17f26d  No.18065732

File: eb5958f621f5476⋯.png (16.5 KB, 493x213, 493:213, Screen_Shot_01_03_23_at_10….PNG)

File: a5aafab2027b67d⋯.png (14.4 KB, 493x193, 493:193, Screen_Shot_01_03_23_at_10….PNG)

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fe21c8  No.18065733

File: 2b292ebfd6d5a39⋯.jpeg (7.08 KB, 299x168, 299:168, images_65_.jpeg)

File: 995a3ef3d58040b⋯.jpeg (854.54 KB, 3000x2000, 3:2, Dm6lqWyWwAEwMx_.jpeg)

File: 45a3c144ada83e6⋯.jpg (26.47 KB, 852x480, 71:40, Q41636_2500kbps_852x480_87….jpg)

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6ff9b7  No.18065734

Honden, Katten en geschaarde wezens nooit in mijn buurt welkom.

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6bf090  No.18065735

File: 50cd45716010f48⋯.png (7.65 KB, 216x255, 72:85, f2e1b4833184b07779145b6baf….png)

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17f26d  No.18065736


A Leader saying GD…just what we need :(

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88aeba  No.18065737

File: bcc62b7effdf4ca⋯.png (30.68 KB, 475x456, 25:24, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3534f433a313aeb⋯.png (285.21 KB, 1097x1465, 1097:1465, Screenshot_2023_01_03_at_0….png)

File: 961323cb6e3a470⋯.png (386.13 KB, 1090x2340, 109:234, Screenshot_2023_01_03_at_0….png)


>Get ready: woke AI

already been here { non-public }

1 of 3

4951 (19) (10) { local qagg, archgift offline }

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 11/12/2020, 10:20:17 PM ID: b3a95d

8kun/qresearch: 11618946

Q Clock [ Min: 51 | :25/:55 Mir: 59 | 180 Mir: 21 | :35/:05 Mir: 19 ]

Shall we play a game?

[N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming



Who stepped down today [forced]?


{ https://archive.ph/rBfms }

More coming?

Why is this relevant?

How do you 'show' the public the truth?

How do you 'safeguard' US elections post-POTUS?

How do you 'remove' foreign interference and corruption and install US-owned voter ID law(s) and other safeguards?

It had to be this way.

Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.


Ware is an entrepreneur, 'founding an artificial intelligence company in 1998 which he led as CEO through multiple rounds of Venture Capital investment until it was acquired in 2013 by Haystax. 

After serving as CTO of Haystax for several years during which he helped the company acquire leading cloud technology and cybersecurity companies, 

Ware took over as CEO of Haystax in 2016 until its acquisition in 2018.

Ware started his professional career at leading Defense contractors working on advanced technology programs like the Star Wars program, early UAV payloads, and counterterrorism technologies.

Ware has been issued multiple patents in artificial intelligence and mobile technology. He holds a degree in Applied Optics from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.


Bryan S. Ware


Bryan is a pioneer in the development of analytics software for risk management, security and intelligence applications.

Most recently he served as the CEO of Haystax Technology where he led a diverse team of software engineers and data scientists developing the industry leading Constellation Analytics Platform.

Haystax Technology’s products are core to the largest critical infrastructure risk management program and the largest insider threat prevention programs in the US.

Under his leadership, Haystax was recognized by Gartner as a leader in Behavioral Analytics, by Markets to Markets as a leader in Public Safety and Security,

and won the top awards from SINET and Red Herring as anAI platformcompany.

Bryan was previously the co-founder and CEO of Digital Sandbox, Inc., a venture-backed provider of security risk analytics and intelligence fusion products that was acquired by Haystax in 2013.

Bryan holds multiple patents for advanced analytics and has advised senior government officials on critical risk matters for many years.

He has been part of several ground breaking programs in the US including the evaluation of Market Intelligence or MARKINT to use public market data for intelligence predictions;

developing the terrorism risk management approach for Homeland Security after 9/11;

and the development of financial models for allocating over $18B in security investments.

His work has been featured in several books, including Extreme Risk, Bayesian Networks, and The Unfinished Game.

Bryan began his early career developing automated target recognition algorithms for UAVs and designing survivability options for the “Star Wars” program.




Bluewater facilitates enterprise growth and value strategies in government and commercial markets, with special focus on cyber risk and national security.

8000 Towers Crescent Dr., Suite 1525

Vienna, VA 22182


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6585f5  No.18065738

File: da3e0abc64b4dea⋯.jpg (139.24 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 422adfffff4.jpg)

There is no "law of war" .

which is what Goering tried to point out, but was cut off, at Nuremberg the show trials.


There is no "law of war" the only "laws" ever enforced regarding war are not laws but the victor's prejudices, and it is very hard for revenge seeking victors to understand the danger of this.

Genocide is not unusual in human conflict.

It is not an exception but an objective in most modern conflicts.

The extermination of non-combatant civilian populations by fire from the air was unusual in 1941; and it was engaged in enthusiastically by all sides, after which no one saw anything unusual about burning civilian non combatants to death.

The slaughter of civilians is intended as a burnt offering, a technical holocaust, or sacrificial immolation dedicated to the pedovore cult deity Moloch.

Victors who permit themselves to indulge self-righteous fervor of show trials after a war merely insure that the loser's resentment will continue to smolder until they can again seek retribution, continuing the millennia old cycle of revenge

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38c69c  No.18065740


Why didn’t Betsy DeVoss expose this and all the horrid things in school? Coward!

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043dba  No.18065741


Never trumpers even. Fuck you autocorrect

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6e8be7  No.18065742

File: 94afd4722b755e3⋯.jpg (67.88 KB, 431x553, 431:553, Screen_Shot_2023_01_03_at_….jpg)

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860308  No.18065743


Haven't watch NFL is almost 7 years. We were attending a family gathering and the game was on the tube. The commercial floored me, found it on ytube and posted for comment. Guess I'm the only one seeing the evil in it. Carry on.

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bfe8d3  No.18065744

File: 9a7e7a620fe9928⋯.png (113.5 KB, 669x471, 223:157, MarxJew.PNG)


The father of Karl Marx was a Rabbi.


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ab6dcb  No.18065745

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6e8be7  No.18065746

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ee6d61  No.18065747


Suncor shut down operations last week after the deep freeze in December damaged equipment. That damage could take months to repair.


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79b24b  No.18065748


you could just say he refused to talk to you. we understand.>>18065732

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85e9e9  No.18065749


Hateful, divisive and racist.

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38c69c  No.18065750

File: 1a5630cb27b1698⋯.jpeg (89.99 KB, 768x432, 16:9, 3AF19E8B_9790_4C23_AE0A_3….jpeg)

3 Jan, 2023 11:01

Lula halts privatization of Brazilian state companies – media

The national oil giant Petrobras will remain under government control

Brazil’s newly returned President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has scrapped plans to sell off eight state-run corporate giants, including the oil company Petroleo Brasileiro, known as Petrobras, Brazilian news website G1 reported on Monday.

Lula, who was at the helm from 2003 through 2010, was sworn in as Brazil’s president on January 1. Imprisoned for graft in 2018, Lula's convictions were overturned in 2019, allowing him to defeat Jair Bolsonaro in October's election.

The decision to remove state corporations from the list of state asset sales was one of the first official acts by the left-wing politician.

Aside from Petrobras, the order includes Pre-Sal Petroleo, the state firm responsible for the supervision and sale of the government’s share of oil and gas from production-sharing contracts, along with the postal service Correios, and the Empresa Brasil de Comunicacaooperator, which manages the federal government's broadcast network.

The Brazilian social welfare system’s IT services enterprise Dataprev, state-owned nuclear company Nuclep, IT services corporation Serpro, and the Agriculture Ministry’s National Supply Company are also off the privatization list.

The returning president has called for ”ensuring a rigorous analysis of the impacts of privatization on the public service or on the market,” adding that state banks and major oil companies such as Petrobras would play a ”key role” in the new economic cycle.

On Monday, the Sao Paulo stock index shed 3.24%, while Petrobras shares dropped around 6% as Lula's inauguration speech sparked investor fears of interventionist government policies. The national currency – the real – saw its value slide by 1.5%.

Lula’s predecessor, the populist far-right leader Jair Bolsonaro, led an administration mired in controversies ranging from corruption to environmental devastation.Lula’s own government was brought down by massive corruption in Petrobras, which led to the impeachment of his hand-picked successor in 2016.


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a38868  No.18065751


Another beautiful launch!

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3cd1d9  No.18065752

File: fa7ee489f811945⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB, 640x352, 20:11, IMG_9007.MP4)

Zaporozhye direction. Express shipment to bandera


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8a0a6a  No.18065754

File: c7cb5601e544848⋯.png (294.03 KB, 569x612, 569:612, ClipboardImage.png)


This is just two ugly people not being able to cope with the fact that they are ugly, so they went through this entire attention seeking victimhood shit to gain some social sympathy …. then fell in love with another ugly person and fucked.

I'm gonna bet there is a high correlation of gender dysphoria with just simple ugly. Maybe ugly is too harsh, but how about "not attractive" or not Vogue model like?

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ae71a9  No.18065755


What is your opinion on William Tompkins, anon?

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ab6dcb  No.18065756


Cats and Dogs.

Swords and Clocks.

63's and 17's

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285a03  No.18065757

Bla, bla, bla,

Bubbel de Bub Bel.

Babbel maar Baal niet als een stekker.

Bijbel snap er maar geen Bal van.

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bfe8d3  No.18065758


Nowhere on Suncor's website does it mention that.

And let's be clear. We live in Colorado. We are used to "deep freezes" What the fuck kind of excuse is that to close a major refining plant for months?

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8a0a6a  No.18065759

>>18065728 (me)

Gary, let's be clear, this is not a threat, this is an expression of frustration.

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a47213  No.18065760

File: a1613459afaa2e4⋯.mp4 (1.89 MB, 326x426, 163:213, ApzzvCSO9x4z7pvzJQwm_03_07….mp4)

They always show us.

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fe21c8  No.18065761

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eb387e  No.18065762

File: 35204c8874c038e⋯.png (686 KB, 1200x769, 1200:769, ClipboardImage.png)


Quad confirmation digits - dat shit right there

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85e9e9  No.18065763

File: fdca0beac88698c⋯.gif (715.63 KB, 552x470, 276:235, kek_frog.gif)

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043dba  No.18065764


The simple fact he hung out with Corey Goode and Jordan Sather making money at speaking events should tell you everything. He claimed Obama was a Reptilian but Trump was not. Yet Trump went out of his way to repeat the "You knew I was a snake when you let me in" Bible verse countless times. Not really sure about that. But Tompkins was definitely spewing disinfo based on the company he kept.

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ae71a9  No.18065765


Hate has nothing to do with liking your own tribe.

I don’t hate anyone.

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285a03  No.18065766

Je weet niet half,

ga naar de maan.

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b0ef4c  No.18065767


She blocked me on Twitter


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75ae4e  No.18065768

File: e87c1a578115e4d⋯.jpg (121.73 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Toots.jpg)


Yeah, I remember that too.

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ec0e73  No.18065769

Is the website acting fucky for anyone else right now?

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6585f5  No.18065770

File: 4fbe2c5632a98dc⋯.png (709.75 KB, 600x794, 300:397, 1aa.png)


Superb Owl is a satanic ritual which has entranced millions of NPCs.

Football gambling is also the single biggest OC revenue source.

What would be the purpose of interfering with cult revenue streams?

What would happen to highly leveraged cult investments if there is no Sportsball gambling $ revenue to service debts?

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75ae4e  No.18065771


5 by 5 by 5 by 5

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6bf090  No.18065772

File: 966c4ba52b31002⋯.png (1 MB, 1170x1404, 5:6, Screen_Shot_2023_01_03_at_….png)


I have just released the full trading report on politicians in 2022.

Despite 2022 being the worst market since 2008, both Democrats & Republicans beat the market.

Many politicians individually beat the market.

And many made unusual trades resulting in huge gains.


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ae71a9  No.18065773


maybe, but there was a lot of truth, too.

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ee6d61  No.18065774

File: 60b6adc57e4d73c⋯.jpeg (141.66 KB, 1044x1530, 58:85, 60b6adc57e4d73c9242754a31….jpeg)

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8a0a6a  No.18065775

File: 2febebda60e261d⋯.png (663.44 KB, 986x1270, 493:635, ClipboardImage.png)


Look at that, Marco can copy Pompeo


The most important thing we can do to for America is to protect our kids from Marxist propaganda in schools.

Read this story from a brave Mom who stood up for her kids and refused to back down.

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38c69c  No.18065776

File: 9e7adbb38ce15a6⋯.jpeg (146.07 KB, 768x432, 16:9, DF5BB4AB_8DB3_4B6E_B762_C….jpeg)

3 Jan, 2023 06:26

US Capitol Police hype up threat of ‘unthinkable’

The law enforcement agency said more than 100 security improvements at the US Capitol may not be enough to prevent future unrest

US Capitol Police has warned of future “attacks,” similar to the riot that erupted in the halls of Congress following the 2020 presidential election, adding that despite all precautionary measures new unrest is possible given the “polarized state of our nation.”

In a statement issued on Monday to mark the second anniversary of the January 6 riot, Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger said his department had been “working around the clock” to implement scores of security improvements to the complex.

“Make no mistake, there is still work to be done. The current threat climate, particularly against elected officials, will require continued and heightened vigilance,” he said, adding: “With the polarized state of our nation, an attack like the one our Department endured onJanuary 6, 2021, could be attempted again. Should the unthinkable happen, we will be ready.”(Bullshit!)

In addition to hiring additional staff, creating better planning for “demonstrations and significant events” around the Capitol, and coordinating with “dozens” of policing agencies in the region, Manger said the department had brought on a new intelligence director and “dramatically improved the manner in which we collect, analyze, and share intelligence with our partner law enforcement agencies.”

The Capitol Police have also introduced “specialized training” for officers – presumably to deal with protests and civil unrest – and“made significant equipment upgrades,” the chief said, though did not specify the new gear acquired by the department.

The January 6 riot kicked off in the days after the 2020 presidential race, spearheaded by supporters of then-President Donald Trump, who repeatedly claimed the election was marred by widespread fraud in favor of Democratic nominee Joe Biden. While the demonstrators successfully pushed their way into the Capitol – in some cases allegedly with the help of local police – they accomplished little beyond vandalism to the building. A number of rioters lost their lives amid the chaos, including one woman fatally shot by police and multiple others who suffered medical episodes, while nearly 1,000individuals later faced a harsh crackdown from local and federal law enforcement agencies.

Though many of the protesters were able to leave the Capitol following the riot, the FBI repeatedly called on the public to help identify those who participated in the months afterward, ultimately filing hundreds of charges, many of them felonies. Some corporate media outlets even joined in the hunt, with USA Today working to identify rioters to the public.

The incident triggered a second Democrat-led impeachment proceeding against Trump, with critics insisting he “incited” his supporters to storm the Capitol and stop lawmakers from certifying the election results. While the impeachment effort failed, Democrats and a handful of dissident Republicans have continued to press for charges against Trump, with a committee established to investigate the Capitol riot recommending a criminal case in its final report last month. Short of an indictment, however, some lawmakers have also called to bar Trump from returning to the White House, after he announced a 2024 presidential bid in November.

(How to get more money from the Federal Government for the capitol, intentionally fail with Nanshee’s help)


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a38868  No.18065777


If this ends badly I want you to know it's because I mentioned the CoR &World3…

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17f26d  No.18065778

File: d125bd35c0f97ed⋯.png (11.99 KB, 493x175, 493:175, Screen_Shot_01_03_23_at_10….PNG)

Those interested in the Speaker's movie…watch this lady's account. I've got to get outside and get some work done. Catch up later!

Olivia Beavers


BOEBERT in response to McCarthy’s speech stated loudly “this is bullshit”

10:06 AM · Jan 3, 2023


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d296bd  No.18065779

File: 3557fffbdcd778d⋯.png (143.09 KB, 642x360, 107:60, sportsball.png)


>Stop watching NFL

But, but, but, muh sportsball!!!

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65e50b  No.18065780

Dommer dan dom, verder dan weg.

Dag meissie.

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6585f5  No.18065781

File: d0efa09583a6382⋯.jpg (98.56 KB, 611x720, 611:720, RogerPenroseTileTAMU2010.jpg)

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658578  No.18065782


The kids born to these mentally ill things, won't have a chance at a decent life.

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b15209  No.18065783

File: 48f2c51937ad35b⋯.png (439.93 KB, 614x691, 614:691, aallm.PNG)

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71e2cb  No.18065784


Hello world, I just read an article and want to hype myself up as to the only person who comprehends it, and that everybody should see me as a genius and sole authority on said topic, even though I've been briefly informed on subject for a good 30 mins

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043dba  No.18065785


I think he knew about a number of things but didn't necessarily have the proof. Not a deepest level insider but enough to get in trouble. Imho

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2407d8  No.18065786

File: 3e4258b8587494e⋯.jpg (114.6 KB, 500x773, 500:773, irony.jpg)

Capitol Breach Cases (aka Political Prisoners)

Below is a list of defendants charged in federal court in the District of Columbia related to crimes committed at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C, on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021. 

Every case is being prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia. Following arrests, or surrender, defendants must appear before district court magistrate/judge where the arrest takes place, in accordance with the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.


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043dba  No.18065787



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d296bd  No.18065788

File: e0b0da9da1ad9b6⋯.mp4 (756.12 KB, 260x262, 130:131, jan_6.mp4)


>January 6, 2021, could be attempted again. Should the unthinkable happen, we will be ready.”

I'm sure they will be, with open arms, again.

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75ae4e  No.18065789


>The extermination of non-combatant civilian populations by fire from the air was unusual in 1941; and it was engaged in enthusiastically by all sides, after which no one saw anything unusual about burning civilian non combatants to death.

The slaughter of civilians on the ground by fire in ovens located in concentration camps, however, was perfectly acceptable to the Germans.

Dresden, Auschwitz, tomayto tomato.

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f084fa  No.18065790

File: b8f7859e9c4d57e⋯.gif (242.21 KB, 560x672, 5:6, catworld8kun.gif)

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3cd1d9  No.18065791

File: 116f6bc71402770⋯.png (834.78 KB, 1195x1280, 239:256, ClipboardImage.png)


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a2fc1a  No.18065792

File: 23db1f976b7a243⋯.jpeg (11.69 KB, 255x255, 1:1, da682434e89105bfd44ac7e17….jpeg)

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38c69c  No.18065794

File: fbeb952c40c90df⋯.jpeg (57.43 KB, 768x432, 16:9, EBE068E9_824B_46B0_8AD9_0….jpeg)

3 Jan, 2023 07:58

Ex-NATO chief lands in Taiwan

Anders Fogh Rasmussen is set to meet with the island’s president, Tsai Ing-wen

Former NATO secretary general Anders Fogh Rasmussen arrived in Taiwan on Tuesday, where he will meet with the island’s president, Tsai Ing-wen. The trip takes place amid a row between Beijing and Washington, which accuse each other of stoking tensions in the region.

Rasmussen, a former Danish prime minister who led NATO between 2009 and 2014, was greeted on arrival by Vincent Yao, Taipei’s top official responsible for European affairs.

He is also scheduled to meet with Vice President Lai Ching-te and Foreign Minister Joseph Wu, according to the island’s Foreign Ministry.

Rasmussen founded the Alliance of Democracies (AoD) think tank in 2017. “The visit will focus on support from the democratic world for Taiwan and closer EU-Taiwan relations,” the group said in a statement on its website.

Beijing considers Taiwan, which has had a separate government since the late 1940s, part of its territory and strongly opposes any forms of diplomatic recognition of Taipei.

In August, China protested over the visit of US House of Representatives leader Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan and responded by launching combined military exercises around the island. The US and the Taiwanese government, in turn, have accused Beijing of coercive behavior.

Last Friday, the US and China accused each other of reckless maneuvers in the South China Sea. The US Indo-Pacific Command reported that a Chinese J-11 jet fighter flew dangerously close to its RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft. Beijing, meanwhile, claimed that the US plane was responsible for the incident.

Denmark follows the ‘One-China policy’, refraining from formally recognizing Taiwan as an independent state. Foreign Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said on December 30 that the government does not interfere in the travel plans of former politicians. “Such visits do not change the fact that it is the government that leads the country’s foreign policy,” the minister said. “Denmark has good trade relations with Taiwan, but, at the same time, our One-China policy is firm.”

In an interview with Newsweek magazine in October, the former NATO chief suggested that “Russia’s attack against Ukraine has postponed the timing of a possible Chinese attack on Taiwan.” China has repeatedly stated that it would prefer “peaceful reunification” with Taiwan, but has warned that it still reserves “other options.”

(NATO needs more war, very hungry, even war with China, we don’t care)


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ee6d61  No.18065795

File: 99645018daca918⋯.png (121.1 KB, 1066x518, 533:259, sun_fuk.png)




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2407d8  No.18065796


A Global Initiative to Liberate Political Prisoners

Freedom House expands its efforts to aid political prisoners and combat the use of imprisonment as a tool of authoritarianism.

"Authoritarian governments have grown increasingly sophisticated in their attempts to silence dissent and even mere criticism,” said Michael J. Abramowitz, president of Freedom House. “Increasingly, autocratic regimes are dispensing with the façade of democracy—from sham elections to kangaroo courts—and are pursuing more repressive policies, including openly imprisoning human rights defenders, prodemocracy activists, and journalists.”


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65e50b  No.18065797


Vrachtwagenchauffeur, Toet, Toet.

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4e57f0  No.18065798

File: e0461736d80b171⋯.png (430.67 KB, 692x500, 173:125, QR_handbook.png)


Digs go back five years, but please continue bitching without lifting a finger to research.


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75ae4e  No.18065799


Seems perfectly reasonable for a refinery that has ageing plant and has seen extremes of cold. I'd want to check all pipework runs for cracks ald leaks too.

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a47213  No.18065800

Damar Hamlin" = 203 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Vaccine Sacrifice" = 302 (Reverse)

Him being alive still is big win.

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75ae4e  No.18065802


cracks and leaks. (typo)

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6bf090  No.18065803

File: 86daf2a07fdefa1⋯.png (10.66 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 86daf2a07fdefa10b5fcbcba94….png)


>they just can see it

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4434f9  No.18065804


23! 23!



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38c69c  No.18065805

File: b185025da1d11f0⋯.jpeg (92.73 KB, 768x432, 16:9, 27922648_76F0_4397_B764_B….jpeg)

2 Jan, 2023 19:55

Kim Jong-un fires powerful military leader – state media

Pak Jong-chon was second only to the North Korean leader himself

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has sacked the second-in-command of the country’s military, Pak Jong-chon, state media reported.

Pak, who served as vice chairman of the Central Military Commission of the ruling Workers’ Party and a secretary of the party’s Central Committee, was replaced by Ri Yong-gil.

The decision was made at the committee’s annual meeting last week, state news agency KCNA said on Sunday. Pak was shown sitting in the front row at the meeting with his head bowed. His seat was shown again later unoccupied.

The Central Military Commission, headed by Kim, is considered even more powerful than the country’s Defense Ministry when it comes to military decision-making.

No reason was offered for the shake-up, but North Korea’s government regularly reshuffles those in leadership positions.

Oh Gyeong-sup, a fellow at the Korea Institute for National Unification in Seoul, told Reutersthat Pak may have taken responsibility for a“failure of security operations” following an incident in which North Korean drones intruded into the South’s airspace.

When Seoul sent three drones back across the border, there was apparently no response from Pyongyang, indicating its defenses may have failed to detect UAVs.

Pak had been briefly demoted in 2021 when Kim chastised some officials for their handling of the Covid-19 pandemic response, but he was later promoted again.

On Monday, Kim called for Pyongyang to develop a new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and boost its nuclear arsenal amid rising tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

He said Pyongyang needs “overwhelming military power” to defend itself, as Washington and “our undoubted enemy” in Seoul try to “isolate and stifle” it. He said a new missile capable of “quick nuclear counter-strike” must be developed.

Kim said the country is focused on mass-producing tactical nuclear weapons with an“exponential increase of the country’s nuclear arsenal” being the focus of its defense strategy for 2022, KCNA reported.

Pyongyang conducted a record number of missile tests last year, according to Western media calculations. It fired a short-range ballistic missile off its east coast in the early hours of January 1. Meanwhile, Washington and Seoul have claimed that the North is gearing up for its nuclear test since 2017.


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204745  No.18065806


I think everyone with a Brian recognizes it as operation sit on ass thinking your a hero. Nothing will happen other than information spreading here.

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a2fc1a  No.18065807

File: a4dc2715e563bf5⋯.jpg (59.24 KB, 500x564, 125:141, seeit44.jpg)

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a38868  No.18065808


I stopped when I understood the implications of nothing can stop what is coming…

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7922aa  No.18065809

File: 18a5aee8db2e09c⋯.png (48.4 KB, 540x362, 270:181, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a097556b2e7148a⋯.png (23.95 KB, 535x212, 535:212, ClipboardImage.png)

When it was #3, you could just smell the setup. Here it is. The Feds have a perimeter. Bet the have plans to run a FF if/when dude dies, and (((they))) blame the anti-vaxxers.

Mario Nawfal


🚨JUST IN - Live from the hostpital:

- As previously reported by


, who's still at the hospital covering the story, the US Government has set up outposts near the UC Medical Center where Damar Hamlin is currently in critical condition.

Recent updates re this:

9:11 AM · Jan 3, 2023

Mario Nawfal




Replying to


- The Fed got startled & brought in additional resources because Joe Biden is coming on Wednesday & they didn’t want “trouble” if Hamlin were to die under mysterious circumstances

-"I personally followed several of these vehicles to one of the locations before being forced away"


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24b886  No.18065810


Good morning 44 :)

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1332d9  No.18065811

Got bad feels today anons… don't know exactly why, just can't shake the feels.

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d54ef4  No.18065812

File: b6e327b3046b64d⋯.png (315.67 KB, 559x574, 559:574, ClipboardImage.png)

these ppl are just evil. beyond mentally defective.

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bfe8d3  No.18065813


Seems perfectly bullshit when you consider the product that comes out of that refinery alone is in the tune of $billions.

So fuck off with your apologetics, and get back to kikeing.

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a47213  No.18065814

File: ef0cae0b825b2f8⋯.png (357.84 KB, 396x725, 396:725, Capture.PNG)

Below is an #OralHistory from Seaman Second Class Basil D. Izzi, USNR, a crew member on the Dutch merchant ship SS Zaandam which was torpedoed by German submarine U-174 off the coast of Brazil.

He was rescued after 83 days adrift on a raft.


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c58bd7  No.18065815


Well that’s not suspicious….

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eb387e  No.18065816

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


repost - according to this whistleblower, the club of rome has been dissolved into the u.n and the w.e.f and is just not nessassary anymoar - well worth watching, highly recommended.


Note: Anon has translated the text from German to English below, the video is in English.

but the text below was all in German. The last video anon posted had a short clip of this interview, this is the full version which is 1 hour and 4 minutes long.!!!

Watching this interview.

fantastic insight into the U.N, this guy was also a director to the club of rome.

he brings up malcolm X and his statement of house niggers and field niggers. stating everyone one who works at the u.n and the w.e.f and other ngo;s are all the same now and those chosen are just house niggers.

He also states that the average people of the Marshall islands life span was between 180 - 200 year old until the usa started test nuclear weapons there, this killed of the Tuna species there and reduced the peoples life span to 40 to 50 years old. shocking.



First published at 17:24 UTC on January 1st, 2023.




Join us as former UN Executive Director Călin Georgescu describes the process of infiltration and global takeover of the United Nations by oligarchs, particularly Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF), in this revealing interview.

He outlines the power structures of the UN, its covert manipulation, exploitation and enslavement of people around the world, and reveals the sobering reality of a once benevolent organization.

Călin Georgescu tells the story of his own turnaround, of turning away from the destructive agenda of the oligarchs, and emphasizes the importance of (re)connecting with ourselves, our fellow human beings, our beautiful world, and nature. His wise words of encouragement and compassion are meant to be an inspiration to all of us and a bridge on the path of realizing our true nature and sovereignty in the perfection of creation of which we are all a part.

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bfe8d3  No.18065817

File: 8acfc3f93893054⋯.jpg (59.03 KB, 576x433, 576:433, KvetchingSB.jpg)


Could their noses get any more Jewish?

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ae71a9  No.18065818

File: ed748e468273dee⋯.png (35.56 KB, 624x414, 104:69, ClipboardImage.png)


Before World War II, Dresden was called “Florence on the Elbe” and was considered one of the world’s most beautiful cities because of its architecture and art treasures. Having never previously been attacked in the war, the city offered increased value for terror bombing against an inexperienced population. On the night of February 13, the British Bomber Command hit Dresden with an 800-bomber air raid, dropping some 2,700 tons of bombs, including large numbers of incendiaries. Aided by weather conditions, a firestorm developed, incinerating tens of thousands of people. The U.S. Eighth Air Force followed the next day with another 400 tons of bombs and carried out yet another raid by 210 bombers on February 15. It is thought that some 25,000–35,000 civilians died in Dresden in the air attacks, though some estimates are as high as 250,000, given the influx of undocumented refugees that had fled to Dresden from the Eastern Front. Most of the victims were women, children, and the elderly.

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24b886  No.18065819


Lemme read that after more coffee…

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8fa463  No.18065820

File: 4b253d01f3bbb4d⋯.png (753.78 KB, 887x550, 887:550, Pepe_FLOTUS_Umbrella.png)

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24b886  No.18065821


You mean the blues, or the knowledge that something bad is coming?

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38c69c  No.18065822


Dumbasses dumbass

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8fa463  No.18065823

File: 489db3ea547ae42⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1498x966, 107:69, AthletesDied.png)


>athletes that have dropped dead


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ae71a9  No.18065824


i hear you.

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bb578d  No.18065825

Ik lees het liever hier, dan ergens waar ze het volle verstand hebben.

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8fa463  No.18065826


sorry, should be last bread

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a2fc1a  No.18065827

File: a13decf7ecc241e⋯.webp (75.04 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, badfeeling.webp)

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624f9a  No.18065828

File: ca5222b85ca5245⋯.png (625.18 KB, 1080x1459, 1080:1459, Screenshot_20230103_102210….png)


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bb578d  No.18065829


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75ae4e  No.18065830

File: 63e313fc38da250⋯.jpg (29.19 KB, 800x450, 16:9, SeentIt.jpg)

File: 5fad9ae92d714ab⋯.jpg (65.61 KB, 800x500, 8:5, Seent.jpg)

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065318  No.18065831



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8a0a6a  No.18065832

File: c35fc9bb0890f9a⋯.png (102.9 KB, 288x308, 72:77, ClipboardImage.png)


>If Patriots are in control they wouldn't knowingly force 100% of the military defending the country to their death sentences

Commanding officers don't always have easy and binary choices


Easy, binary:

Kill 5 enemy people there, suffer no causalties. Yay, we won.

Complex & Shitty:

Give up 1M innocent people here and now, so we can save 500M people down the line by fully eradicating the enemy by having deceived him in the short term (think hostage situation in a bank…I can stand up to defend the hostage being killled as negotiating threat, but we both get killed in the end and potentially all the other hostages; or I can wait till I know all assets are in place and lose 5 hostages but save 100).

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eeb703  No.18065833

File: 69b3fa6bb54da26⋯.mp4 (4.41 MB, 480x568, 60:71, drmalone.mp4)

Yesterday emergency announcement by Dr Robert Malone the inventor of the mRNA technology plus over 17,000 physicians and scientists


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a38868  No.18065834



Can I blame the glitch?

No? Can I blame the pots?

No? OK, that is definitely a fuck up on my part…

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ee6d61  No.18065835





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1332d9  No.18065836


Hard to distinguish tbh. The "blues" isn't something unusual for this anon, but this is DEEP. It's like impending doom hanging over anon's head today. It's heavier than the standard "bad day". It's eerie too. I'm thinking my soul may be telling me something today.

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92d37d  No.18065837

Thy Anon Thy Kingdom Thy Will

On Earth and Heaven

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0f480f  No.18065838

File: d0a5f8fee2862d2⋯.png (204.19 KB, 1856x976, 116:61, ClipboardImage.png)


"Career: language technologies agAInst the language of social discrimination -this award is funded in whole or in part under the American Rescue Plan act of 2021 (public law 117-2).

The exponential growth of online social platforms provides an unprecedented source of equal opportunities for accessing expert- and crowd-wisdom, for finding education, employment, and friendships. One key root cause that can deeply impede these experiences is the exposure to implicit social bias. The risk is high, since biases are pernicious and pervasive, and it has been well established that language is a primary means through which stereotypes and prejudice are communicated and perpetuated.

This project develops language technologies to detect and intervene in the language of social discrimination? SEXIST, racist, homophobic microaggressions, condescension, objectification, dehumanizing metaphors, and the like which Can be unconscious and unintentional, but cause prolonged personal and professional harms.

The program opens up new research opportunities with implications to natural language processing, machine learning, data science, and computational social science. It develops new web-scale algorithms to automatically detect implicit and disguised toxicity, as well as hate speech and abusive language online. Technologically, it develops new methods to surface and demote spurious patterns in deep-learning models, and new techniques to interpret deep-learning models, thereby opening new avenues to reliable and interpretable machine learning.

Successful completion of the program will pave the ground for a paradigm shift in existing ways for monitoring civility in cyberspace, shielding vulnerable populations from discrimination and aggression, and reducing the mental load of platform moderators. Therefore, this project can benefit and empower a dramatic number of individuals. Representatives of disadvantaged groups discriminated by gender, race, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity who use social media or AI technologies built upon user generated content.

Finally, the educational curriculum developed by this program will equip future technologists with theoretical and practical tools for building ethical AI, and will substantially promote diversity, equity and inclusion in stem education, helping to foster a new, more diverse generation of researchers entering AI.

The overarching goal of this career project is to develop lightly supervised, interpretable machine learning approaches GROUNDED In social psychology and causal reasoning TO Detect implicit social bias in written discourse and narrative text. More specifically, the first phase of the project develops algorithms and models for identifying and explaining gendered microaggressions in short comments on social media, first unsupervisedly, then with active learning, given limited supervision by trained annotators'''. It provides transformative solutions to making existing overparameterized black-box neural networks more robust and more interpretable.

Since microaggressions are often implicit, it also develops approaches to generate explanations to the microaggression detector's Decisions.

In the second phase, the project addresses the challenging task of detecting biased framing about members of the lgbtq community in narrative domains of digital media and develops data analytic tools by operationalizing, across languages, well-established social psychology theories. The expected outcomes of this five-year program include new datasets, algorithms, and models that provide people-centered text analytics, and pinpoint and explAIn potentially biased framings, across languages, data domAIns, and social contexts. This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria."


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24b886  No.18065839


>I'm thinking my soul may be telling me something today.

I completely understand this.

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f51ecf  No.18065841

File: 2219a2e35b4b7c3⋯.jpg (100.5 KB, 500x667, 500:667, 767ywh.jpg)



The zombie apocalypse is already underway in a big way in America and it's happening in plain sight.

After looking at unprovoked assaults murder and robbery crime statistics it appears the black African negroid people are attacking innocent people mainly white people for no reason and violent attacks by black African negroid attackers are escalating at alarming rates and it is trending upwards big-time and in most cases it looks like full-scale WARFARE.

Today in New York city and Chicago hundreds of brutal unprovoked assaults by the African negroid will take place and innocent people will be killed.

There is nothing racist about this post it's the reality in America.

White people since Obama and BLM have been consistently self segregating far away as possible from the black African negroid people in huge numbers.

Find the statistics anons and become a wiser person.


"The diversity ideology is no friend of peace and tolerance. it is absolutely and completely the enemy of competence and justice."

- Jordan Peterson.

This post isn't a joke so do your own research and find out for yourself and be very careful when around unknown black African people.

Black African negroid people cant think in the future, the goal of preparation. They still haven't developed the wheel in uncontacted tribes because they are literally stuck in the Stone age.

Black African negroid people do not have social skills. They are just propped up by Jewish media and too stupid to know how retarded every facet of their existence is.

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bfe8d3  No.18065842

File: 05386b1c5b289b3⋯.png (221.88 KB, 723x623, 723:623, CDCWalensky.png)

File: 7c69bcbff25b58b⋯.png (371.3 KB, 555x483, 185:161, KatzKike.png)

File: b89908e22aa5ba5⋯.jpg (115.41 KB, 436x578, 218:289, GumbyJews.jpg)

File: 0b91c17d8e753bb⋯.png (75.94 KB, 500x692, 125:173, KochFrankenJew.png)

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3e0090  No.18065843

Bolsonaro had to let his Congress be seated before he could make his move

Trump needs to do the same for optics

They just met on New Years and our “Congress” is seated today

Going hot soon?

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38c69c  No.18065844


Or treason violation of the constitution. I bet we don’t even know half of what all agencies are doing

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204745  No.18065845

File: c24b086dda69e11⋯.jpeg (23.67 KB, 183x275, 183:275, C971EF1B_1673_4B7C_9FC5_0….jpeg)

File: 2ee44f73df55ff0⋯.jpeg (216.03 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, 327A3933_D86F_4D7C_9EF6_9….jpeg)

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69c298  No.18065846


equity would appear to mean "he who has the most invested and the greatest potential loss"

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85e9e9  No.18065847

File: 927d71c108c63ee⋯.png (405.05 KB, 805x352, 805:352, ClipboardImage.png)

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38c69c  No.18065848


Nothing looks cute today, everything seems to be evil incarnate

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ae71a9  No.18065849

File: a3e4ebfbbbe0248⋯.png (6.56 KB, 160x203, 160:203, ClipboardImage.png)


Gene Therapy!

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204745  No.18065850


The level of smug I. These head of their asses state whores is disgusting. They need to dealt with.

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7f420c  No.18065851


Gene Simon's is a demonic right out of Satan's asshole.

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d296bd  No.18065852

File: d8732ee5214c7b4⋯.png (2.02 MB, 1911x960, 637:320, milley.png)

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a47213  No.18065853

File: a46bf71d15a7ba3⋯.png (22.13 KB, 508x180, 127:45, Capture.PNG)

Congrats to Sen.


, who becomes president pro tempore of the Senate today—the first woman to serve in the role. 🇺🇸 🎉


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ab6dcb  No.18065854

all roads lead to rome.

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f0d9ea  No.18065855

File: ec09745fe8d900b⋯.png (597.29 KB, 956x782, 478:391, ClipboardImage.png)

Rep Scott Perry ~ "McCarty had an opportunity to be #Speakerofthehouse. He rejected it."


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b07476  No.18065856


feeling it too. in the air

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a38868  No.18065857


It's a race between man made solutions and AI solutions in this anons opinion…

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57188f  No.18065858

"200 years after Britain abolished slavery, human bondage is now within 10 miles of the average citizen as Britain fights to free modern-day slaves."


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3318ef  No.18065859

File: e7bf5c932feaeb0⋯.png (78.29 KB, 1027x838, 1027:838, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d38490ce6392f88⋯.png (725.77 KB, 1099x2001, 1099:2001, Screenshot_2023_01_03_at_0….png)

File: 5f965ec15732674⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1427x2933, 1427:2933, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d7ca363bd478b1⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1099x4774, 157:682, Screenshot_2023_01_03_at_1….png)

File: 5bd6f6a2b48a2ae⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1096x4616, 137:577, Screenshot_2023_01_03_at_1….png)



>>Get ready: woke AI

>already been here { non-public }

2 of 3

THINK: sniffers & spiderwebs & moar https://qresear.ch

3585 (21) (3)

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11/11/2019, 7:49:10 PM ID: 9b601a

8kun/qresearch: 7352963


Project Looking Glass?

Going Forward in Order to Look Back.


9 (9) (9)

Anonymous 10/29/2017, 10:30:26 PM ID: Eka5Om1K

4chan/pol: 147170576


D’s can’t lose control over the black population.

At some point the great awakening will occur whereby these false local / national black leaders are corrupt and paid off to help keep the black pop poor and in need.

D’s formed the confederate states against freeing slaves.

D’s formed the KKK.

HRC’s mentor is who?

What happens if the truth about Haiti is released? Do D’s lose majority of the vote?

Through the looking glass.

They rely on the MSM to keep the narrative going but tech is entrenching on their controls.

They missed this in 2016 and desperately attempting to censor now due to CIA cash infusions.

This will fail.

Bryan S. Ware

AsChief Executive Officer at LookingGlass,

Bryan provides guidance, direction, and vision to help the company meet its mission, support its customers, and exceed growth goals.

Bryan is highly regarded as a technology leader and innovator, having started companies, patented technologies, raised venture capital and private equity,

and recently served as the Nation’s lead cybersecurity executive at CISA.

Prior to joining LookingGlass, Bryan was the Founder and CEO of Next5, a technology-focused business intelligence company,

ensuring US leadership in critical and emerging technologiesincluding AI, quantum, space, bio, and more.

Bryan served as the first presidentially appointed Assistant Director of Cybersecurity at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS),

leading the 1,000-person, $1.25 billion organization through a period of intense volatility and aggressive interference from nation-state adversaries.

At CISA, he developed the agency’s first five-year strategy to modernize its sensor and computing infrastructure,

transform the way the agency delivers services, and scale to protect U.S. critical infrastructure.

Prior to his operational role at CISA, Bryan was an Assistant Secretary at DHS, serving as the Secretary’s advisor on cybersecurity and emerging technology matters,

and leading strategic initiatives across the U.S. government and its allies.

Bryan co-founded an artificial intelligence company in 1998, which he led as CEO through multiple rounds of venture capital investment until it was acquired in 2013 by Haystax.

After serving as CTO of Haystax for several years, during which he helped the company acquire leading cloud technology and cybersecurity companies,

Bryan took over as CEO of Haystax in 2016 until its acquisition in 2018.

Bryan started his professional career at leading defense contractors working on advanced technology programs like the Star Wars program, early UAV payloads, and immersive simulations.

He holds a degree in Applied Optics from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.

He alsocurrently serves on the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Cybersecurity and as an advisor to technology companies and investors.



LookingGlass Capabilities

LookingGlass delivers actionable threat intelligence to help customers in the financial sector operationalize insights and avoid the next big cyber incident. Our capabilities include:

Attack surface management: We continuously monitor assets and networks for vulnerabilities and exposures from the outside in, and inside out. Learn more.

Actionable threat intelligence: We provide normalized, contextualized, and correlated threat intel that allows you to operationalize insight and respond to threats faster.

Optimized threat hunting:

Our solutions layer threat intelligence on attack surfaces to help optimize threat hunting efforts.

With unique “needles” (tips) and our deep historical threat repository, we also=leverage AI / ML to identify and anticipate an adversary’s next move.

Cyber workforce, analyst, and incident response support:

Our platform enables teams to collaborate more effectively, share intel, and develop coordinated defense / response plans.





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b15209  No.18065860

File: bbf2468ef4c016e⋯.png (128.81 KB, 566x702, 283:351, ftj4ab.png)

File: 45550381b869974⋯.png (78.15 KB, 349x315, 349:315, hm22.PNG)

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38c69c  No.18065861


I’m glad Trump wasn’t in office to over see this nightmare. Was that the plan

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d4e185  No.18065862

File: 3d2313519154446⋯.jpg (95.81 KB, 500x643, 500:643, Vgnj.jpg)

File: 928eaca3f390d1a⋯.jpg (101.92 KB, 500x582, 250:291, Demolition.jpg)

File: a4ecc839e64c24c⋯.jpg (51.43 KB, 629x465, 629:465, Fgi.jpg)

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f77bd1  No.18065863

File: 892d821a4f19497⋯.png (738.95 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 9b75a41f82fe2ad4c7ad90ace8….png)

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ab6dcb  No.18065864

fear is a helluva drug

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2fbec9  No.18065865

File: 3841c348a55b7ad⋯.png (2.45 MB, 960x1262, 480:631, ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Jan 3 2023

Kemble’s Cascade of Stars

This line of stars is real. A little too faint to see with the unaided eye, Kemble’s Cascade of stars inspires awe when seen with binoculars. Like the Big Dipper though, Kemble’s Cascade is an asterism, not a constellation. The asterism is visible in the northern sky toward the long-necked constellation of the Giraffe (Camelopardalis). This string of about 20 unrelated stars, each of similar brightness, spans over five times the angular width of the full moon. Stretching diagonally from the upper left to the lower right, Kemble's Cascade was popularized last century by astronomy enthusiast Lucian Kemble. The bright object near the top left of the image is the relatively compact Jolly Roger open cluster of stars, officially designated as NGC 1502.


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9eed92  No.18065866


Shit how old is that now

It looked like that 40 yrs ago

Puppet ?

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2407d8  No.18065867

File: 91a849636e09d42⋯.png (69.36 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ibeforee_newthumb.png)

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ae71a9  No.18065868


Fear is food… for naughties.

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ec0e73  No.18065869

Who IS the deepstate? I mean, who are they actually, and what are their goals? Obviously the jews are involved and probably at the top of the pyramind, but why are satanists involved? why are born-and-raised americans involved? Why are the leaders of practically every country involved. This thing is so vast it doesn't make sense. Makes me wonder if the ultimate powers are not human.

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f0d9ea  No.18065870

File: f907942024b1c1f⋯.mp4 (15.33 MB, 720x720, 1:1, evil_eye_on_Patriots_again….mp4)

Uni-party blah blah blah


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5db998  No.18065871

File: 6f42bab4778213a⋯.jpg (20.95 KB, 600x322, 300:161, 75labh_1.jpg)



MAGA Patriots Ex Military Internet KEY would blow right through anything they have the internet KEY technology is worth Trillions of dollars.

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1be92f  No.18065872

notes 365


>>18065581, >>18065564 Follow the MAPs - also the Penn, the Wives, and the Money

>>18065578 Report: Google Home Speakers Allowed Hackers to Spy on Users

>>18065639 Germany now also reporting Excess Deaths via vaccines

>>18065664 AG of USVI files suit against JPMorgan relating to Epstein's trafficking, Biden just went to St. Croix, AG then terminated

>>18065682, >>18065695, >>18065747, >>18065758, >>18065795 Suncor recently shut down its refinery in Commerce City CO

>>18065704 What will two more years under the Biden Regime look like if we do not have a leader who will stand up to its objectives?

>>18065719, >>18065732, >>18065778 Source in room says McCarthy loudly telling the conferencr: I’ve earned this job

>>18065730 US schools are ‘cesspool of Marxist indoctrination’ – senator

>>18065750 Lula halts privatization of Brazilian state companies

>>18065772 Full trading report on politicians in 2022 - many made unusual trades resulting in huge gains

>>18065805 Kim Jong-un fires powerful military leader

>>18065809 Update on UC Medical Center where Damar Hamlin is currently in critical condition

>>18065833 Yesterday's announcement by Dr Robert Malone and 'Covid Summit Team' of over 17,000 physicians and scientists

>>18065865 Jan 3 2023, NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day | Kemble’s Cascade of Stars

DOUGH >>18065470

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b99a8e  No.18065873

File: 83be8305d50e220⋯.jpg (100 KB, 515x500, 103:100, duh.jpg)

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61c1e1  No.18065874

File: e1c2813c43e6bcc⋯.jpg (102.54 KB, 696x674, 348:337, ZomboMeme_10112020210613.jpg)

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3e0090  No.18065875

MuhGuh Gheytriots Glow

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eb387e  No.18065876

File: 44ddfb79561697e⋯.png (595.38 KB, 754x963, 754:963, ClipboardImage.png)


money and power

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02d02f  No.18065877


Add her to the list to give to the vaccinated when they wake up.

Want to bet she got a bonus after the trial went through?

Feds surround big pharmaceutical headquarters when?

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f77bd1  No.18065878


heard he lost his eye when he was on his knees and no name tripped and poked it out. slurp slurp

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d7b278  No.18065879




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a47213  No.18065880

File: b66aad6f2d7c1ed⋯.png (364.54 KB, 532x558, 266:279, Capture.PNG)

“Ready for takeoff, sir!”

An F-35B taxing on the amphibious assault ship USS Makin Island (LHD 8).


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e3bc0d  No.18065881

File: edc3d0c3c984334⋯.png (639.06 KB, 2355x1352, 2355:1352, ClipboardImage.png)

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f779b2  No.18065882


Trailers and white vans.

Lots and lots of trailers and white vans.

Trailers everywhere in the US.

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d296bd  No.18065883

File: 61fae557795c1e5⋯.png (269.7 KB, 552x473, 552:473, gen_woke_milley.png)

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ee6d61  No.18065884

File: 96b7f56dfe3a027⋯.jpg (41.99 KB, 400x372, 100:93, 1671216896529816.jpg)

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a20da9  No.18065885

File: 93ddbcd9e8627ae⋯.jpg (96.78 KB, 680x398, 340:199, 93ddbcd9e8627aec30e3c5469f….jpg)

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204745  No.18065886


Totally controlled by criminal bankers. There is nothing more to it.

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38c69c  No.18065887


Me too, something feels like its shaking

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f779b2  No.18065888


I'm sure I've mentioned something similar, but I'm not a rich media dude, so my skills are not needed.

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e3bc0d  No.18065889

File: 97691806bf82361⋯.png (698.6 KB, 2355x1352, 2355:1352, ClipboardImage.png)

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69c298  No.18065890



perhaps you should put down the blackpill script and get your coat and bail out.

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1a0d20  No.18065891



Highly vulnerable computer systems in the F-35B.

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a47213  No.18065892

File: 6a0bf861c9358d5⋯.png (540.86 KB, 673x571, 673:571, Capture.PNG)

Bombshell Huckabee Announcement - SCOTUS Case Could Flip 2020, Boot Biden, Harris


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a2fc1a  No.18065893


how many vaxxes did ya push, doc?

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3cd1d9  No.18065894

File: 98bc1519bfd70c7⋯.png (800.71 KB, 896x1239, 128:177, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea9d41a65bc15c0⋯.png (113.55 KB, 700x381, 700:381, satanism.png)

File: 77c0b950fe55be7⋯.png (276.17 KB, 583x467, 583:467, bild3.PNG)

File: 103f41f83744719⋯.png (733.61 KB, 989x1229, 989:1229, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a43533b07a25e7f⋯.png (505.16 KB, 1695x814, 1695:814, globopedo.png)


given 'free reign' the actions of those that are always as evil as possible due to child rape and/or inbreeding coalesce to 'global-israel' = globally legalized genital mutilation of infants and child rape

In case you're confused….

Albert Pike 3rd World War

Morals and Dogma written 1871

political zionists vs. leaders of the Islamic world….

YOU ARE HERE….. Old Long Planned…


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204745  No.18065895


Makes me doubt god gives a crap about us.

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f49079  No.18065896


>perhaps you should put down the blackpill script and get your coat and bail out.

Didn't want to reply to the shills, seem "Muh Sense of Dread" is today's 4am 3-Letter Talking Point.


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f779b2  No.18065897

So when is Timmy going to Romania to rescue his butt buddy?

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c8c52a  No.18065898

Do we really care that athletes are dying?

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1332d9  No.18065899


I have actually been telling myself to "think positive, be positive" for the past half hour or so in the hopes that I can lift myself out of this funk. I sincerely hope it passes and is nothing more than my own consciousness needing a tweak.

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a2fc1a  No.18065900

File: 660505a9ffb39e5⋯.png (12.95 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 39df5c5ea9e34538687bc6ebc7….png)

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e3bc0d  No.18065901

File: f1303a8001e2126⋯.png (697.4 KB, 2355x1352, 2355:1352, ClipboardImage.png)

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4bca30  No.18065902

File: 9b682f2a308c53f⋯.jpg (27.48 KB, 150x150, 1:1, 22_Ranger.jpg)


Lil ThunderFren?

How were your holidays?



Mornin Fren, not 44 tho. kek


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ae71a9  No.18065903

File: 68f4884de99fce0⋯.png (183.39 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


This guy is a faker.. i’ve seen guys with one eye missing and this guy..

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38c69c  No.18065904

File: 7e53a1d386dd354⋯.jpeg (112.71 KB, 768x432, 16:9, 43DBEA4B_F256_4B16_8328_A….jpeg)

3 Jan, 2023 15:13

Germany ‘open’ to seizing frozen Russian assets – Bloomberg

Berlin would reportedly support the confiscation if its allies follow suit

Germany is open to using the assets of the Russian central bank that were frozen last year as a result of sanctions to finance the reconstruction of Ukraine, Bloomberg reported on Tuesday.

The German government is in favor of using the funds in Ukraine. However, no official position on the matter has yet been taken, as members of cabinet are divided on the issue, Bloomberg writes, citing people familiar with the discussions.

The EU and its G7 allies froze some €300 billion ($311 billion) in reserves belonging to the Russian central bank, along with billions in assets owned by sanctioned Russian businessmen.

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock insists that at least some of the frozen assets have to be seized, while Finance Minister Christian Lindner is concerned that the movecould create a dangerous precedent and lead European nations and their allies into a legal quagmire, sources told Bloomberg.

Berlin would support the confiscation on condition that legal issues were resolved and its allies follow suit, the outlet adds.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen earlier said the EU would “find legal ways” to seize Russian assets to use in Ukraine.

The US has so far been more cautious out of concern that a confiscation would damage its reputation as a safe haven for foreign assets.

The Bank of Russia stated last week that it considered the chances of Western countries returning Russian assets frozen by sanctions as “extremely low,”despite the fact that they haven’t been legally confiscated.

(They are going broke so they will steal Russia’s assets)


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b246c7  No.18065905


2 minute cold shower everyday will help! Think outside the mind!

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ec0e73  No.18065906

File: 68234f7267c932c⋯.png (176.28 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)



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f0d9ea  No.18065907



Huckabee calls attention to Brunson v. Adams case at SCOTUS on J6

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3e00a5  No.18065908


So he Un-Fired him?

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eb387e  No.18065909

File: 1c0a3ebb48d5acf⋯.mp4 (15.68 MB, 480x480, 1:1, liar_fauci.mp4)


what you need is video uplighting.

love to lyrics to this tune, anon put this together almost two years ago - enjoy

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ee6d61  No.18065910

File: 68477d579136ca7⋯.png (321.06 KB, 873x911, 873:911, f_35_hack.png)



Maintenance cost is one of the many factors that could spell trouble for these 34,830-pound behemoths. The other is the flying cost. It costs about $36,000 every hour the F-35 is in the air, which is about 50 percent more than what an F-16 costs to fly. Currently, the F-35 Lightning II is widely considered the world’s most advanced fighter jet.


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02d02f  No.18065911


They know other lines of communication are monitored.

Face 2 face threat to lose federal dollars.

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ae71a9  No.18065912

File: af1e9e1ba78f939⋯.jpeg (67.15 KB, 976x549, 16:9, FFB091F1_0E02_4713_B579_3….jpeg)


felt crappy yesterday. les crappy today.

hopefully these words will help.

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a2fc1a  No.18065913

File: 40680eb3d6aebff⋯.jpg (390.06 KB, 1349x1637, 1349:1637, ScoutsOut44.jpg)


not bad, still alive. kek

hope ya had a good one, Frater.


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ee6d61  No.18065914

File: 702422d9d5e7dc8⋯.png (968.84 KB, 680x680, 1:1, yes.png)

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e3bc0d  No.18065915

File: 85ec8c5f174d5ea⋯.mp4 (280.98 KB, 500x506, 250:253, 1609203609_Copy.mp4)

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eef299  No.18065916



So the Brunsons are targeting the process itself that took place during the certifying of the election on Jan. 6, 2021, not trying to prove the election was rigged or stolen.


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69c298  No.18065917


new crop

they are still training their spellchecks

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a47213  No.18065918

File: 3ec4289fcb985cf⋯.png (316.51 KB, 395x698, 395:698, Capture.PNG)

This week in 1942, 33 members of a Nazi spy ring headed by Frederick Duquesne (below) were sentenced to a total of more than 300 years in prison. William Sebold, who had been recruited as a spy for Germany, was a key factor in


's probe by working as a double agent for the US.


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f0d9ea  No.18065919

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Last Failsafe to Fix 2020 Election at Supreme Court – Brunson v. Adams

44-minute interview by Greg Hunter of Loy Brunson

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a2fc1a  No.18065920

File: ea177c198b6d33a⋯.jpg (41.92 KB, 573x436, 573:436, dontsee44.jpg)

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8fa463  No.18065921

Warroom and Dr Maria Ryan doing good job of breaking down Damar Hamlin situation. Second half of the first hour.

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02d02f  No.18065922


Now do bitchute and rumble

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7210b4  No.18065923


who's our double agent

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3318ef  No.18065924

File: 9b1911dcefe7a52⋯.png (155.54 KB, 488x1637, 488:1637, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4dbce6622e875bf⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1080x3204, 30:89, Screenshot_2023_01_03_at_1….png)

File: 64260127e551912⋯.png (855.38 KB, 1098x3891, 366:1297, Screenshot_2023_01_03_at_1….png)

File: 1ac05c9c72fab4f⋯.png (144.79 KB, 1222x571, 1222:571, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8a0440ed516f07⋯.jpg (185.76 KB, 1000x765, 200:153, Blue_WATER_Accelerator_Dia….jpg)




>>>Get ready: woke AI

>>already been here { non-public }

3 of 3

>THINK: sniffers & spiderwebs & moar https://qresear.ch


11 post(s) found containing "sniffer".

Nell Watson | Pacha.org


Eleanor ‘Nell’ Watson is an interdisciplinary researcher in emerging technologies such as machine vision and AI ethics.

Her work primarily focuses on protecting human rights and putting ethics, safety, and the values of the human spirit into technologies such as A.I.

Nell serves as Chair & Vice-Chair respectively of the IEEE’s ECPAIS Transparency Experts Focus Group,

and P7001 Transparency of Autonomous Systems committee on AI Ethics & Safety, engineering credit score-like mechanisms to safeguard algorithmic trust.

She also chairs EthicsNet.org, a community teaching prosocial behaviors to machines,

CulturalPeace.org, crafting Geneva Conventions-style rules for cultural conflict,

EDCsymbol.org, informing consumers of endocrine disruptors, and

Pacha.org, connecting a network of service providers to help enable the automated accounting of externalities (shifted costs) such as pollution.

Nell serves as Senior Scientific Advisor to The Future Society, Senior Fellow to The Atlantic Council, and holds Fellowships from the British Computing Society,

and Royal Statistical Society, among others.

Her public speaking has inspired audiences to work towards a brighter future at venues such as The World Bank, The United Nations General Assembly,

and The Royal Society.



EthicsNet { Baint n Switch, DATA Harvesting }

A community teaching preferred behavior to machines

Help Teach A.I. Your Preferred Behaviors

Start selecting your examples here!

The EthicsNet team is working to empower people to infuse their personal sense of values into Artificial Intelligence, teaching it through examples, like a very young child.

We want to make it easy to collect examples of behaviour, to create datasets of behavioral norms which best describe the creeds of specific demographics,

as well as discovering those universal values that we all share.

EthicsNet Quick Explainer

Nell Watson


We have created a browser extension (Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge only, for the moment) to make it convenient to annotate examples on-the-fly,

whilst one is doing normal activities.

See a good example? Right-click and tag it in seconds! Tag text, pictures, and video too.

Please install it, and give us your feedback!


EthicsNet Guardians Challenge

We ran a hot competition with a $10,000 prize pot for the best ideas on how to generate a dataset of prosocial norms.

“Bring prosocial requires learning the preferences of others. We need a mechanism to teach those basic preferences (social norms) to machines.”



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9f52c4  No.18065925


i really don't

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2fbec9  No.18065926

File: 796109f33ef92a0⋯.png (428.56 KB, 720x404, 180:101, ClipboardImage.png)

One of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. video game developers killed in action near Bakhmut

Volodymyr Yezhov, one of the developers of the renowned Ukrainian video game S.T.A.L.K.E.R., has been killed near Bakhmut.

"Today, my brother, a father of two, a faithful friend with a sincere heart, died defending Ukraine. He used to say that a happy future for our children is being forged through the fight that the Ukrainian people are currently waging. I hope you have arrived at a better world, brother," Viacheslav Yezhov posted.

Volodymyr used to work for GSC GameWorld studio; he was known for being one of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. video game developers. One of the characters in this game, Loki, was based on Volodymyr’s appearance.

Ukrainian studio GSC Game World, the developer of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. computer game series, previously reported to have raised US$800,000 to support Ukraine.

The GAMEINSIDE outlet reported that Volodymyr Yezhov had joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine after February 24.


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5d1498  No.18065927


blah blah blah

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4b1582  No.18065928


>Volodymyr Yezhov, one of the developers of the renowned Ukrainian video game S.T.A.L.K.E.R., has been killed near Bakhmut.

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a47213  No.18065929

File: 8a094c9d99827d7⋯.jpg (71.66 KB, 960x574, 480:287, 7bfa57f3aeda6db5.jpg)

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f49079  No.18065930

File: fc5f4542b1a4fef⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB, 640x624, 40:39, theCULLhasbegun_DrAseemMal….mp4)

File: 2b497fdf1a451aa⋯.png (168.53 KB, 662x373, 662:373, powerlifters.png)

I have NEVER seen anything like this before. How can the entire medical community not be curious as to what is causing this?

Quote Tweet



Dec 26, 2022

Replying to @DrAseemMalhotra

Meanwhile at the gym.

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5b5aa5  No.18065931

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



> One of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. video game developers killed in action near Bakhmut

Fuck around and find out. Game Over.

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f0d9ea  No.18065932

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Brunson cases asks SCOTUS if We the People can hold our elected officials accountable when they fail to up-hold their oath of office.

Here's a full reading of the case:

Supreme Court Case BRUNSON v. ADAMS

Docket No. 22-380

Case Review

Robert Gouveia

Published November 29, 2022


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7210b4  No.18065934


football player, son, daughter, mother, father ……i care because we are all gonna have family members going through this shit while we knew what the fuck was happening, we get to watch this and pray

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3cd1d9  No.18065935


that game is memorable

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1332d9  No.18065936


I do. Not because athletes are dying per se, but because so many good people are dying and it seems very likely due to a "vaccine" that our own government not only helped produce, but shamelessly promoted and even coerced people to take, all the while knowing what is taking place today would happen as a result. I'm sad for the dying (and their loved ones), incredulous at the deniers and the oblivious, and pissed at TPTB who took advantage of both crowds knowing full well their psychological tactics would work against them.

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38c69c  No.18065937

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Vought: McCarthy Is The D.C. Cartel's Candidate For Speaker, The American Government Needs A Paradigm Shift

McCarthy rejected of the members requests last night

Bannons War Room

Vought: McCarthy Is The D.C. Cartel's Candidate For Speaker, The American Government Needs A Paradigm Shift

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b99a8e  No.18065938

File: 819ab960831cb0a⋯.png (388.85 KB, 1287x779, 1287:779, ClipboardImage.png)

According to reports, Japanese researchers have been instructed to investgate the mechanisms by which experimental mRNA jabs could be causing deaths and severe adverse reactions.Hiroshima University School of Medicine Prof. Masataka Nagao highlighted how the bodies of vaccinated persons he performed autopsies on were abnormally warm, with upwards of 100 degree F body temperatures.“The first concern was that the body temperatures of the corpses were very high when the police performed the autopsy,” Nagao declared.“The body temperatures were unusually high, such as 33 or 34 degrees celsius (91-93ºF).

Infowars.com reports: In other bodies, Nagao says “temperatures were very high at the time of death. Their body temperatures were above the normal temperature, more like over 40 degrees celsius (104ºF).”Graphing the data, Nagao’s research team found there were significant changes to the genetic makeup of vaccinated autopsied patients’ immune systems.The research has led Nagao to conclude the vaccine causes immune system abnormalities that prompt inflammation throughout the body, which is likely the cause of the high body temperatures at the time of autopsy.“Based on the data and the circumstances alone, it is not possible to conclude that the vaccine was the cause of the deaths,” Prof. Nagao said, adding, “However, it is impossible to say that the vaccine was not the cause. We can only say that it is doubtful, but we believe that vaccination was sufficiently related to the immune abnormalities.”In another report, dermatology expert Prof. Shigetoshi Sano of the Kochi University School of Medicine discussed discovering spike proteins at the site of skin lesions and other skin problems on patients who were vaccinated.“The spike protein derived from the vaccine was found in the skin,” Sano explained, highlighting a slide showing a bright green region on a lesion made visible by a special dye.“Spike proteins are locally suppressing the immune system,” Sano told reporters. “As a result, the spike proteins facilitate in reactivation of the herpesvirus.”The process of the spike proteins degrading in the immune system prompts inflammation throughout the body that also leads to blood clots, Sano concluded.“The function of the spike proteins to produce adverse reactions is formation of blood clots,” Sano explained. “And even worse, spike proteins can also locally induce inflammation.”Agreeing that a suppressed immune system makes someone more vulnerable to infection, Sano went on to say, “I don’t know if I should say this, but it has been found that vaccinated people are more likely to get coronavirus than unvaccinated people.”“Sometimes, things that are not good are introduced into the human body. Vaccination may cause our overall immune system to fail to fight against such bad things,” he warned.The doctors’ investigations come as Kyoto Univerisity Prof. Emeritus Dr. Masanori Fukushima slammed Japan’s Ministry of Health for refusing to halt its Covid vaccination program, citing data showing a number of adverse reactions and deaths stemming from the jab.


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204745  No.18065939


We are divided by vaccination status. The people who took the vax are so stupid it’s dangerous. There is no other way to look at them, I view them like a view retarded people I’m overly kind but they are still retarded.

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3e00a5  No.18065940


no dates on these videos. I get light headed all the time doing a heavy lift. Do I think the vaxx is doing stuff like this yes. But to only highlight lifters is not the way. This shit happens a lot in power lifting

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98a13a  No.18065941

File: f199a62c866c2d8⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1313x1612, 101:124, sessions_trust.PNG)

File: e3e41329e04b684⋯.png (2.38 MB, 1186x1465, 1186:1465, prelogar_trust.PNG)

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ee6d61  No.18065942

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Warroom and Dr Maria Ryan doing good job of breaking down Damar Hamlin situation. Second half of the first hour.

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322fb2  No.18065943

File: c3f6a077f427158⋯.png (76.21 KB, 855x548, 855:548, USVI.png)

Coincidence indeed

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f49079  No.18065944


>i care because we are all gonna have family members going through this shit while we knew what the fuck was happening,

Same, pushed so hard some family shut off listening. It's the kids that bother me, the kids. Parents who blinded themselves due to cognitive dissonance - life's journey is a bitch sometimes.

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ae71a9  No.18065945


not stupid… asleep/hypnotized. imo

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38c69c  No.18065946


Excellent video!

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eb387e  No.18065947

File: fbc30304fcf1fa4⋯.png (329.81 KB, 769x497, 769:497, ClipboardImage.png)


every time anon has seen this picture of this woman all anon sees is the crazies

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defcdd  No.18065948

File: 4bec5c210f84e43⋯.png (1.56 MB, 673x1687, 673:1687, stay_elevated.png)

File: e73e8a322c37bb8⋯.png (132.35 KB, 255x255, 1:1, positive_vibes.png)


hmmm…. even though the situation immedietely in front of me is 'bleak', kek, a huge parrt of me is ultra excited and weirdly happy. bc if looked at 'realistically' (lmao) there is no good reason to be happy. this planet is fucked, fucked, fckd. and we deserve it. luls. so? idk anon, the part of me that is feeling good and comfy is in control. lighten up, ride it out, have your reconciled? ;)

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ee6d61  No.18065949

File: a4b133aea7f7ec1⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 1616x3423, 1616:3423, 1672731870909113.jpg)

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0b7bcd  No.18065950

File: 17201179d4b3218⋯.jpeg (50.46 KB, 602x615, 602:615, Flhijz_aYAMG5EJ.jpeg)

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a55329  No.18065951


should we lose our humanity while fighting for right?

free country, free speech, use it to inform, not judge or chastise

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1cc40e  No.18065952

File: cf05ebac5a2b1d8⋯.jpg (130.81 KB, 1080x454, 540:227, Screenshot_20230103_105653….jpg)

File: ccb0ca4b062b387⋯.jpg (94.21 KB, 1080x402, 180:67, Screenshot_20230103_105726….jpg)

File: cdd399a90906913⋯.jpg (281.81 KB, 1080x1307, 1080:1307, Screenshot_20230103_105857….jpg)

File: 2c72a993a28d729⋯.jpg (444.88 KB, 1066x1368, 533:684, Screenshot_20230103_110759….jpg)

File: 3b2c510ef356850⋯.jpg (101.55 KB, 913x334, 913:334, Screenshot_20230103_104605….jpg)






Heart attack.



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f0d9ea  No.18065953

File: 7c1324343509f83⋯.png (693.55 KB, 1177x778, 1177:778, ClipboardImage.png)

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ae71a9  No.18065954


we’ll all be dead in a hundred years or less.. so it really is just a show.

Have a great day!

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a2fc1a  No.18065955

File: 1a68fb1b30d6187⋯.jpg (390.87 KB, 1536x1068, 128:89, 3Magi.jpg)

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8a0a6a  No.18065956

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Not sure when this is from, but it is a good little reminder as we are starting to see the manifestation through "turbo cancer" etc.

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defcdd  No.18065957

File: ed0a4508acaf8c7⋯.png (130.9 KB, 504x360, 7:5, trust_the_plan.png)



im in

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7922aa  No.18065958

File: 65efb2f5550cc17⋯.jpg (48.33 KB, 542x736, 271:368, 65efb2f5550cc173a64c09db77….jpg)


Stoled and reposted for the world.

Best, anon.

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1332d9  No.18065959


These words/this perspective is refreshing anon. TY.

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02d02f  No.18065960

File: 0fa0e5cbdbd339e⋯.jpg (192.01 KB, 2400x1080, 20:9, anyone_a_zionist.jpg)

File: a3a15505a0a792c⋯.jpg (372.21 KB, 2400x1080, 20:9, zionist_evil.jpg)

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9f52c4  No.18065961



they wanted us dead

they wanted us locked in fucking prison for not taking it

they forced us to close our businesses

they forced people to lose everything

those who willingly went along to keep a paycheck to save themselves a little discomfort from either a) having to find new employment or b) had to actually go without modern luxuries of life for a short, temporary time while continuing to mock and belittle those of us who had the common sense to tell them it wasn't in their best interest all to cater to whims of a ruling elite who have clearly stated they want to depopulate the fucking planet

many of us already live on very little

we don't have several 10's of thousands of dollars in the bank account to eat steak dinners every single night so they couldn't be bothered to go without and tell the ruling elite to fuck off while standing next to their fellow countrymen?

excuse the fuck out of me for not having any sympathy for them

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325165  No.18065962


You might wake the chattel in this honeypot anon, can't have that, I don't think there's a well-funded CIA honeypot after this. If Q says the plan requires sportsball guy to drop dead with your entire fucking family then you need to shut the fuck up and trust the fucking plan. Fucking pussy.

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6a8e5b  No.18065963


Winners win….Hang in there.

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bfe8d3  No.18065964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wow, Ken Block dead.

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a54b59  No.18065965

File: b69bc094c722db7⋯.png (425.01 KB, 591x933, 197:311, Screenshot_2023_01_03_at_1….png)

File: 313d1b104ca4d83⋯.png (477.62 KB, 535x2397, 535:2397, Screenshot_2023_01_03_at_1….png)

File: 6b399b2ab37d464⋯.png (843.04 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot_from_2023_01_03….png)

They all using the same Commotio Cordis graphic.

Warroom showing fake news CNN fake Doctor Sanjay Gupta using it.

All over twitter


>>18065321 Commotio Cordis 4am talking points deployed

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f49079  No.18065966

File: cd388ff4f7d5d85⋯.png (418.58 KB, 615x759, 205:253, addc.png)

File: 2b497fdf1a451aa⋯.png (168.53 KB, 662x373, 662:373, powerlifters.png)


>no dates on these videos.

True, a recent date search shows more, including in Fight Club category as well.

Uploaded December 09, 2022

"Footage shows the moment a 28-year-old woman suddenly dropped dead while working out inside a gym in Ecuador. ⠀

The woman, identified as Betsy Dayana Jaramillo Ramírez, is believed to have suffered a heart attack at the Zona Muscular gym in Santa Rosa, El Oro province. ⠀

It happened on November 29. ⠀

In the footage, Ramírez could be seen doing squats and weightlifting when she suddenly stops and falls face first on the floor. ⠀

Ramírez was rushed to an area hospital but was pronounced dead upon arrival." - IG News

Posted by Thrillz


vid in link, couldn't embed and not bothering w/ viewing page source to grab url.

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bfe8d3  No.18065967


Link: https://youtu.be/TWAlZB_h3XQ

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f49079  No.18065968

File: 0162f40fe4dd000⋯.png (130.67 KB, 677x507, 677:507, workout.png)


Wrong pic, damn.

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554a5a  No.18065969

File: cc79a96ba25768c⋯.png (2.72 MB, 1224x8456, 153:1057, Screenshot_2022_11_13_at_0….png)

File: 91edb8c8fc444ef⋯.png (284.74 KB, 843x2198, 843:2198, Stochastic_strategies_in_t….png)

File: c8a0440ed516f07⋯.jpg (185.76 KB, 1000x765, 200:153, Blue_WATER_Accelerator_Dia….jpg)

File: 80fcb2f24bc803f⋯.png (215.16 KB, 819x2009, 117:287, Screenshot_2022_11_13_at_0….png)

File: 28f1d1b8a70f0d7⋯.png (103.08 KB, 1094x1097, 1094:1097, Screenshot_2022_11_13_at_0….png)


>But, but, but, muh sportsball!!!

SPORTS, STOCKS, BETTING, Behavioral Analysis"





moar GAMERS / Internet Users DATA HARVESTED >>18065600, >>18065737, >>18065859, >>18065924

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98a13a  No.18065970

File: 4143cf7900cc726⋯.png (621.31 KB, 600x600, 1:1, god_wins.png)

File: 8a907005287197c⋯.jpg (59.02 KB, 1021x1280, 1021:1280, god_woke_you.jpg)

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7c7b05  No.18065971

File: 30b7dc63625e622⋯.png (1.5 MB, 978x704, 489:352, Screenshot_2023_01_03_at_1….png)

File: 1767d2075762b8b⋯.png (730.8 KB, 978x708, 163:118, Screenshot_2023_01_03_at_1….png)

File: c7ab7e6760ffa5f⋯.png (665.48 KB, 978x725, 978:725, Screenshot_2023_01_03_at_1….png)

File: c8c9aa258bc8e38⋯.png (407.28 KB, 978x716, 489:358, Screenshot_2023_01_03_at_1….png)

Nostradamus predictions for 2023: An antichrist arrives, World War III and the monarchy dies

By Reda Wigle

December 27, 2022

Nostradamus, Nos if you’re nasty, was a 16th-century astrologer, plague doctor, accused heretic and bearded seer that has been credited with foretelling the Great Fire of London, Hitler’s rise to power, the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and the COVID-19 pandemic, to name a few.

Referred to as the “prophet of doom,” Nostradamus’ bleak world view is believed to have been shaped by heavy doses of the Old Testament and the trauma of losing his wife and young children to illness, presumably the plague. Unable to cure the ones he loved most, it seems he set out to forewarn the rest of us through his revelations of ruin.

Nostradamus’ predictions for last year included the rise of AI, the conquering power of cryptocurrency and a surge in cannibalism as a response to inflation. How’d he do? While bitcoin has gone bust, inflation remains at an all-time high and not for nothing, “Dahmer — Monster,” Netflix’s controversial ode to the famous flesh-eater, became the second-most watched show in the network’s history.


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defcdd  No.18065972

File: 7bc3687fc126840⋯.jpg (74.45 KB, 800x800, 1:1, so_black_pilled_im_death.jpg)


ah yes, the great equalizer

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4bca30  No.18065973

File: 968bb058b716b6d⋯.jpg (459.16 KB, 1000x901, 1000:901, 22_ChaplainPain.jpg)


Indeed, alive is good, kek.

For the most part, except for being sick for like 3-4 days.

Y'know…. I'll be honest, Frater…

The thought has crossed my mind -many- times over the last year… With the "proliferation" of so called 'variants'… and how rapidly they spread….

It makes me wonder whether or not these 'variants' are being released in SCHOOLS… Deliberately… because children are basically biological weapons of germ spreading without any assistance.

After all… what better way to instill fear into the masses than to target Elementary School children who undoubtedly will spread just about anything like wildfire.

I suspect Investigation if not already in this direction, should start heading there… After all, how may schools are polling places across the country?

Almost seems like a devilishly unholy relationship that's too obvious to ignore.



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1cc40e  No.18065974

File: bc0942ef052e881⋯.jpg (528.92 KB, 1080x1769, 1080:1769, Screenshot_20230103_111326….jpg)

File: 9c2c676056d843d⋯.jpg (218.42 KB, 1080x593, 1080:593, Screenshot_20230103_102752….jpg)



First Arrest

Cardiac Arrest



GoFundMe next?



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8fa463  No.18065975

Bannon: "when you are watching Fox you are not watching Fox. You are watching the Murdochs. The Murdochs are working with Paul Ryan and are Uniparty…"

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f77bd1  No.18065976


suddenly. This might be the word of 2023 close runner up unexpectedly

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57188f  No.18065977

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ccaa6d  No.18065978

118th Congress….CSpan live!!!


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92a00e  No.18065979

File: b62a733f38670f4⋯.png (98.46 KB, 1372x502, 686:251, img_.png)

Google releases free software for smaller websites to moderate terrorist content

Google has released new free software meant to give smaller companies tools to take down terrorist content as the search engine fends off pressure from European regulators.

Jigsaw, an entity within the Big Tech giant dedicated to cybersecurity and geopolitical issues, released the software in partnership with the UN-based Tech Against Terrorism initiative. The free software will help websites identify terrorist content, as identified by a Big Tech partnership, that is spread through comments and third-party links and alert human moderators so they can remove content expediently. This new software arrives as lawmakers from the European Union and the United Kingdom increase legal pressure on Big Tech to actively remove the content.

"There are a lot of websites that just don't have any people to do the enforcement. It is a really labor-intensive thing to even build the algorithms [and] then you need all those human reviewers," Jigsaw CEO Yasmin Green told the Financial Times.

Green also said that the software is becoming increasingly necessary as companies such as Facebook and YouTube tighten their content moderation standards. "I have noticed a big shift in the [leading] platforms becoming much more effective at moderating, and that pushes terrorist content and Covid hoax claims to [other sites]."

The content will be identified via a database provided by the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism, a partnership founded by Meta, Microsoft, Twitter, and YouTube in 2017.

Google's move comes after the EU passed the Digital Services Act in May, which was aimed at holding platforms accountable for spreading hate speech and extremist content. Companies such as Google and Facebook argued that the bill would be detrimental to smaller tech companies since they lack the resources required to moderate appropriately.

Google is not the only one releasing software to help combat terrorism-oriented content. Meta released an open-source program on Dec. 13 that will help platforms identify if a post contains known terrorist content.


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defcdd  No.18065980

File: 6db5ff81d0d5012⋯.png (484.21 KB, 959x537, 959:537, align_with_God.png)

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2fbec9  No.18065981

File: 9bf014c83a22d53⋯.png (128.9 KB, 660x372, 55:31, ClipboardImage.png)

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af057a  No.18065982


>What would happen to highly leveraged cult investments if there is no Sportsball gambling $ revenue to service debts?

[They] would have to start a war, stage a humanitarian crisis, or set California on fire to generate emergency funding. In short, [they] would take it from us again.

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0923eb  No.18065983

File: 7fbf3a4aaf1352d⋯.png (519.61 KB, 809x447, 809:447, ClipboardImage.png)

Spike proteins in the bio weapon and the bioweapon vax - aggressive in croronary artery tissue show in this pathology slide.

The blue dots are the spike.

This Doctor Ryan Cole who is a pathologist has tissue samples he's been monitoring. He states that those who have had COVID seem to clear faster the spike protein - but the 'shot' makes it more aggressive.

His evidence is tissue samples.

This is science.

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eb387e  No.18065984

File: 1a2802a4d309504⋯.png (143.79 KB, 500x522, 250:261, ClipboardImage.png)


>many of us already live on very little

this is what was important,

when times are hard and those in charge tell you, you must do it, they can get fucked.

no way was anon going to take the knee or buckle cos of hardship.

Anon has all sorts of shit thrown at him, from no one gives a fuck if you do not go along, what can you do about it.

anons answer was always the same, bollocks, fuck the others if they keep complying, i am not going to go along to get along.

Some are just built different - sheep and lions

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ee6d61  No.18065985

File: b87cc97d3069766⋯.jpg (76.11 KB, 975x788, 975:788, 1672750403974034.jpg)

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38c69c  No.18065986

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gen. Flynn Exclusive: Don't Fear, Embrace What's Coming in 2023 and Beyond

Michael Flynn December 31, 2022

Looking forward to 2023, I see considerable realignments amplifying throughout multiple aspects of our lives.

The persistent exposure of truth and lies will continue to shake many Americans. While we may see breaks in foundations that have been built over decades, an untouched and promising vision of America is also emerging.

Often, confusion precedes clarity, and together we can shape the America that our children and grandchildren inherit. A nation and a people with an increased understanding of our founding documents and a newly ignited respect for freedom and our country’s guiding principles is a force to be reckoned with.

It may be difficult to see at times, but Americans have begun to reach out to one another, and we must continue to push forward with that trend. As truths are exposed, more people wake up to question the current narrative. They may question why their doctor won’t prescribe ivermectin or why certain businesses no longer accept cash and coinsas payment.

Crowds of citizens now fill what were once empty school board and city council meetings. Mothers and fathers have found their voices and find themselves earnestly involved in their children’s education. Concerned community members are building bonds at public meetings and creating a new vision for the future, together.

(Flynn on Bannon, video attached)


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7922aa  No.18065987

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Benny Johnson





@LaurenBoebert speaks out against Kevin McCarthy for Speaker ahead of the vote.


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f49079  No.18065988


>no dates on these videos.

btw, respect this much and the mantra to sauce it, with dates, as critical for cred. We are the news, handling with care is important.

Bad example pushed/tweeted discredits 50 actuals. Important.

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a47213  No.18065989



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1332d9  No.18065990


I don't believe that Nostradamus was divinely inspired, but he has had some eerie accuracy in some predictions. Perhaps his source is on the darker side of the spiritual realm.

Either way, the predictions for 2023 seem to be in line, and don't dismiss the cryptocurrency "conquering power". While there has been a crypto fallout, much to do with intentional manipulation by central banks/governments, theglobal digital currency is comingand will be the lifeline of anyone depending on the world system.

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204745  No.18065991


Trump was part of operation trust. So you faggots believe there are people behind the scenes who have the ability And will to move society in a direction away from zionism, without a genuine revolution. It’s a slave state and open air prison being more completed everyday.

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8a0a6a  No.18065992

File: 4241b237d32c375⋯.png (41.94 KB, 323x225, 323:225, ClipboardImage.png)


>63's and 17's

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204745  No.18065993



The twitter files are the same thing. Key dangling economized hope the absolute minimum to keep you thinking you never have to do anything in the real world and everything will sort itself out.

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6f9bc1  No.18065994


if you watch this 'doctor's' video, you shows a replay of the 'hit' by Damar.

It CLEARLY shows that he was not in in the chest.

Question is why are they not showing a football player, i.e., a guy with shoulder pads on getting hit?

why not be accurate?

yeah, we know.

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f0d9ea  No.18065995

File: 535b3916814d04b⋯.png (749.76 KB, 1495x2130, 299:426, ClipboardImage.png)









…January 6 is the solemnity of the Epiphany of Our Lord, a very important feast for the universal Church… ~ Vigano

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fe21c8  No.18065996


local news ran the story with his charity making 3 million overnight

also ran the death of some rally car driver ded age 55

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f77bd1  No.18065998


then anons have a different mission becomes a prison break. But not just in this reality but in all realities.

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1332d9  No.18065999



My family just 2 weeks ago today lost a dear loved one to the COVID weapon. He was in his early 70's, unvaxxed, not very mobile in recent years and very careful to avoid exposures when he went out. The spike protein wreaked havoc on him and he died an excruciating death.

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131ed2  No.18066000

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

posted already?

Surprise Damar Hamlin Triple Jabbed A Week Before "Collapsing Suddenly"


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69c298  No.18066001


Commotio Cordis can be loosely translated to Day Of The Rope, Crowd With A Rope so am kinda surprised they are going with it.

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57188f  No.18066002


Social media has lost ALL humanity. Forget about them saving anything but their paychecks.

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9f52c4  No.18066003



when the founding fathers forged out the republic and gave the crown the middle finger, they were hunted like dogs, some of their families were killed, many lost their entire fortunes, sacrifices they made for the future of the country that most people couldn't fathom making a fraction of their sacrifices

people want to maintain their social statuses

their fancy 3/4 million dollar cookie cutter homes in subdivisions

their 4-5 luxury vehicles, each with $800 payments

buying their gucci shoes, belts, etc

eating out at red lobster and chipotle every single day and drinking their $40 cocktails

you wouldn't catch those type of people going to a labor pool and doing hard manual labor for $10 an hour, 12 hours a day, just to merely put food on the table

and not even the good kind of food but the unhealthy shit because it's cheaper

they can kiss my ass and lie in the beds they made

enjoy those silk sheets

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6f9bc1  No.18066004


shouldn't we be knowing right now EXACTLY what type, brand, etc, of pads that Damar was wearing?

Shouldn't we be hearing from the NFL about how they are going to look at pads and improve their design?

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a54b59  No.18066005

File: 91740cb172ff3fa⋯.png (917.67 KB, 785x1241, 785:1241, Screenshot_2023_01_03_at_1….png)

File: 5ce6cca9da5ed39⋯.png (103.37 KB, 588x429, 196:143, Screenshot_2023_01_03_at_1….png)


Soccer player last week.


Tjay De Barr: Wycombe forward discharged from hospital after collapsing on pitch

Last updated on

30 December 202230 December 2022.From the section Wycombe

Wycombe's players formed a barrier around their fallen team-mate Tjay De Barr at Home Park

The Wycombe players formed a barrier around Tjay De Barr

Wycombe forward Tjay De Barr has been discharged from hospital after collapsing at the end of Thursday's game with Plymouth Argyle at Home Park.

Wycombe confirmed in the early hours of Friday morning to that 22-year-old De Barr had been released.

The club posted on Twitter: "Following a series of tests in hospital, Tjay De Barr has been discharged.

"He is on his way home, accompanied by manager Gareth Ainsworth and head of medical Cian O'Doherty."

The Gibraltar international, who had come on as a substitute in the 71st minute, was taken to hospital for tests following initial treatment on the pitch, surrounded by his concerned team-mates.

Plymouth boss Steven Schumacher told BBC Radio Devon that he understood De Barr had complained to match referee Carl Brook about not feeling well towards the end of the game.

He had taken a blow in the ribs and then struggled to catch his breath.

"You never want to see that on a football pitch," said Schumacher, whose side won the game at Home Park 1-0. "When something like that happens it puts the result into perspective.

"It was a bit sombre coming off the pitch. As long as the kid is all right, that's the main thing."

De Barr was making only his fifth Wycombe appearance after spending last season out on loan at non-league Eastleigh.

"I'm really pleased to be able to say that early signs point towards Tjay being clear of any immediate danger and he is on the mend," Chairboys boss Ainsworth said in a message to supporters on the club website.

"I'd like to say a massive thank you to the medical staff, from both my own team and the Plymouth Argyle team, for displaying real expertise and professionalism throughout. They responded extremely quickly and made sure Tjay received the best possible care at all times.

"Finally to both sets of supporters, a huge thank you for the respect and decorum that was shown through those concerning moments straight after the final whistle. Some things will always be bigger than football and I felt both the Wycombe and the Plymouth fans were superb in what was a very tense situation."

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6bf090  No.18066006

File: 0461ac77e6f7784⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1194x1414, 597:707, Screen_Shot_2023_01_03_at_….png)

dan bishop is a NO vote on mccarthy

My statement on today's Speaker vote -


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ccaa6d  No.18066007

We haven't even started on 118th Congress and we already started fucking it up…

GOP…get your SHIT TOGETHER!!!!

2023 Will be the YEAR of the FF's

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02d02f  No.18066008



Don't care what race, religion, sex, creed, ect..

If you're a criminal, you're going down.

If you're involved in crimes against humanity or a traitor to this country, or your respective country and are convicted, prepare to meet your maker for final judgment.

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21da22  No.18066009


>Spike proteins in the bio weapon and the bioweapon vax - aggressive in croronary artery tissue show in this pathology slide.

>The blue dots are the spike.

>This Doctor Ryan Cole who is a pathologist has tissue samples he's been monitoring. He states that those who have had COVID seem to clear faster the spike protein - but the 'shot' makes it more aggressive.

>His evidence is tissue samples.

>This is science.


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38c69c  No.18066010

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gen. Michael Flynn: The United States Needs To Detach From The Ukrainian Government ASAP

He says,“Russia has achieved all of their objectives, they call them limited objectives, and they are now exposing the US biolabs. We’ve got to admit this is not going to end well. A waste of time and money, we’ve got to get out of there quickly, as fast as we can”

Bannons War Room

January 2, 2023


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2be68e  No.18066011

File: f77718621cf9670⋯.jpg (252.76 KB, 1063x1024, 1063:1024, larbsfsfbbsfge.jpg)

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99e56c  No.18066012

File: 8d50ca7ac8cf259⋯.jpg (429.23 KB, 949x1531, 949:1531, house_speaker_1.jpg)


Just sayin….

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7922aa  No.18066013

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gaetz delivers House Freedom Caucus demands to Uniparty Swamp in battle over Speakership.

The Post Millennial




opposes Kevin McCarthy for House Speaker: “If you want to drain the swamp, you cannot put the biggest alligator in charge of the exercise.”


ALX 🇺🇸

10:10 AM · Jan 3, 2023


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1682f1  No.18066014

MTG voice is almost as annoying as her love for McCarthy and Loomer. Controlled op just like Poso

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3cd1d9  No.18066015

File: 0e568a629b352e9⋯.mp4 (4.46 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1024x576_MP4_5493047620217….mp4)

File: cdc3dff6702763f⋯.mp4 (6.67 MB, 480x208, 30:13, IMG_7192_1_1_.mp4)

File: bc01ea7a2ba215e⋯.png (592.08 KB, 960x540, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf0bebcd72a824b⋯.png (107.43 KB, 277x258, 277:258, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3714c621602766b⋯.jpg (201.1 KB, 898x1200, 449:600, D550ZhuWsAArvDP.jpg)

big baldo = big angry pedo

Dana White said 'you don't bounce back from hitting a woman'… can he stay as UFC chief?

Read: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/mma/article-11593775/White-said-dont-bounce-hitting-woman-stay-UFC-chief-wife-slap.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490

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7210b4  No.18066016



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ee912f  No.18066017



Anon is not vaxxed

Anon's mom is vaxxed

Anon is not scared

Anon's mom was scared

Anon is retarded

Anon's mom is not retarded

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ee7c15  No.18066018


We desperately want the normies to wake up but so many here are still asleep and following the stars.

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658578  No.18066019

FUCK mtg!

What she wants etc. but NOTHING ABOUT TRUMP and the 2020 election!

She wants to move on.


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a47213  No.18066020


Only if the Brunson case falls through.

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defcdd  No.18066021


you are absolutely right

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6f9bc1  No.18066022


i am not sure what you mean by making it more aggressive?

what is the it?


not sure what you are saying either,

was he vaxed or unvaxxed,

did he just get the shot?

did he just get covid after getting the shot?

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7d4fea  No.18066023


People were asking these questions in 2018 and were told to Trust the Plan. I still do not know what the plan is. Does anybody know?

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7922aa  No.18066024

File: 61de26bcfaa4d46⋯.png (596.61 KB, 680x680, 1:1, FljcqMCXoAEnhzE.png)


To whom does vengeance belong, anon?

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ccaa6d  No.18066025

File: 134c46b0f10add8⋯.jpg (68.22 KB, 1080x992, 135:124, Biden_the_feeler_Kamala_th….jpg)

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0923eb  No.18066026



This is about 26 minutes into this video.

The video starts off talking about the clots.however the meat of what he discusses is these pathology slides.

There are more in the video.

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ef47b5  No.18066027

File: 3e415833391d16a⋯.png (307.17 KB, 690x362, 345:181, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b148b534c72e41a⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1200x826, 600:413, ClipboardImage.png)

Yesterday, the Buffalo Bills kneeled to pray for their teammate.

The NFL kneeling for the right reason now.

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658578  No.18066028


and she wants to forget all about the stolen elections

I can't think of anyone truly MAGA that wants that.

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57188f  No.18066029

File: bf244d4ec59466f⋯.gif (3.72 MB, 364x206, 182:103, meh.gif)

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6f9bc1  No.18066030


>The people who took the vax are so stupid it’s dangerous.

more than half the people I know who took the first shot of vax, DID NOT TAKE the boosters.

They are scared but hope than one shot will not damage them in a fatal way

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92a00e  No.18066031

File: ef165318fac80fc⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1372x1418, 686:709, img_.png)

Mexican Human Smuggler Busted with Five Migrants in Arizona near Border

Tucson Sector Border Patrol agents arrested a Mexican national after finding him with five smuggled migrants on December 27. The incident began as Nogales police officers initiated a traffic stop on the suspected human smuggler’s SUV and called Border Patrol for assistance.

The agent conducted an immigration interview and identified the driver as a Mexican citizen. The Mexican man allegedly attempted to smuggle five migrants into the U.S. interior. Agents arrested the alleged human smuggler and transported the migrants to the station for processing.

Over the Christmas weekend, Ajo Station agents apprehended two large migrant groups near Lukeville, Arizona. The 166 migrants came to Arizona from six different countries, Chief Modlin tweeted.

During the month of December, Tucson Sector agents apprehended more than 22,000 migrants, according to an unofficial Border Patrol report reviewed by Breitbart Texas. Agents in the Yuma Sector to the west and the El Paso Sector to the east apprehended 31,000 and 56,000 respectively.

Between the three contiguous sectors, agents apprehended more than 109,000 migrants in December.


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88aeba  No.18066032

File: fed6b14bf077e44⋯.png (401.13 KB, 1482x639, 494:213, _WEF_Screenshot_2023_01_02….png)

File: 4be0c4b272031f1⋯.png (537.46 KB, 1530x1720, 153:172, _WEF_Screenshot_2023_01_02….png)

File: 8d1e3f3b2fde542⋯.png (90.21 KB, 766x734, 383:367, Newfag_not_a_game.png)

File: 37fda08745bddc8⋯.jpg (188.59 KB, 1080x1079, 1080:1079, Game_over.jpg)

File: bd3a739a4d67b8c⋯.jpg (142.28 KB, 948x694, 474:347, 0_Dan_Game_On_2_2_.jpg)


>SPORTS, STOCKS, BETTING, Behavioral Analysis"


stochastic (redirected from Stochastics)

Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Encyclopedia.

sto·chas·tic (stō-kăs′tĭk)


1. Of, relating to, or characterized by conjecture; conjectural.

2. Statistics Involving or containing a random variable or process: stochastic calculus; a stochastic simulation.

stochastic (stɒˈkæstɪk)


1. (Statistics) statistics

a. (of a random variable) having a probability distribution, usually with finite variance

b. (of a process) involving a random variable the successive values of which are not independent

c. (of a matrix) square with non-negative elements that add to unity in each row

2. rare involving conjecture

adj. Statistics.

of or pertaining to a process involving a randomly determined sequence of observations

each of which is considered as a sample of one element from a probability distribution.


1. stochastic - being or having a random variable; "a stochastic variable"; "stochastic processes"


- a branch of applied mathematics concerned with the collection and interpretation of quantitative data and

the use ofprobability theory to estimate population parameters

random - lacking any definite plan or order or purpose; governed by or depending on chance; "a random choice"; "bombs fell at random"; "random movements"

GAME THEORY w/ A.I. /_\ M.L.


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99e56c  No.18066033

File: 59ad868902bfb65⋯.png (383.78 KB, 660x440, 3:2, 59ad868902bfb65c50b26e7c9c….png)

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cdb017  No.18066034

File: 7933ec8f79481ee⋯.jpg (79.13 KB, 680x492, 170:123, 7933ec8f79481eeb273b7fbaad….jpg)

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2407d8  No.18066035

This is a very good series on Netflix. I think it is very relevant to the things that get discussed on this board, and definitely more entertaining. Maybe some of you know how to find it for free, but to me it is worth one month of Netflix.

Netflix’s ‘Messiah‘ explores the need of people to believe in something, at a time when they cannot trust anything. The show, then, not only makes us question these beliefs but more importantly, why one chooses to believe, by weaving together multi-layered narratives from across borders and faith. This is precisely what makes the series both refreshing and reflective of our troubled times, as it builds a compelling narrative filled with several distinct voices. It is also how ‘Messiah’ manages to become an unusually gripping suspense thriller, one that neither requires a solid villain, nor violence, but instead makes use of the power of an idea, and how destructive that can be.

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658578  No.18066036


the Lord's. Got to send the evil types up to meet God.

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f550b1  No.18066037


The Brunson case is another shiny object for desperate people.

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513f37  No.18066038

File: 11c2f687fd93531⋯.jpg (1017.5 KB, 1772x1692, 443:423, uche.jpg)

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6bf090  No.18066039

File: 2d0bcce514aadbc⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1176x1316, 42:47, Screen_Shot_2023_01_03_at_….png)

For thousands of years, China have fought the nomadic horsemen of the Northern Steppes

We've built the Great Wall of China just to keep them out

But many may not know, during the 60s, China built a modern version of the Great Wall to defend against a possible Soviet invasion


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0923eb  No.18066040


You probably want to hear it from the Dr himself.

Watch the video - skip forward to about 22 minutes it and stay with it -for a bit.


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1682f1  No.18066041


This "see you next Tuesday" is panicked

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02d02f  No.18066042


The Vax set the stage.

The impact set it off.

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defcdd  No.18066043


the plan is see to the continuation of the human species. fully intact. there were/are a few still, forces who were hellbent on global domination. i thought we knew this. this isnt a game.

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a55329  No.18066045


soc med is a platform, can't have humanity

people who post there?

they have lost their humanity

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ccaa6d  No.18066046

File: 98348773a8e5617⋯.jpg (79.66 KB, 828x766, 414:383, Sen_Kennedy_on_Saudi_Oil.jpg)

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1cf8ae  No.18066047

File: 51a6da90ff31523⋯.png (389.08 KB, 1105x665, 221:133, Screen_Shot_2023_01_03_at_….png)

I just read the notable about the vaccinated "losing their sh*t" and it occurred to me that my personal experiences might be relevant here. I became red-pilled on vaccines after years in post high school education on medicine, biology and nutrition. I was so angry I started basically making up my own imprecations against the folks (doctors and politicians) responsible. If anyone had been listening to this relatively patient Christian at those moments they would have been shocked. I know it is wrong to sin because we are angry, so I don't claim God caused my "poor word choices". However, I distinctly felt God's Spirit tell me that anger was part of this story. This is Biblical: "Be angry but sin not."

Now comes the tough part. For me I had to repent of trusting "authorities" and any action that I took that exposed my children to risk when I was obedient to the narrative. It is absolutely heart-breaking as a parent to realize that your trust in medical authorities and officials of many stripes caused tremendous damage to your own children.

It would be really good if anyone complicit in the conspiracy within the US government and its agencies to launch this psychological and biological warfare against the innocent citizenry would stand down now and come forward with the truth.

If the wrath hits the boiling point your existence won't be worth a plugged nickel. You betrayed your own innocent people while selling us out to entities such as the CCP/PLA who will have zero use for you if they do manage to take over here.

God is patient and forgiving, but parents with sterilized, mutilated or even dead children cannot be expected to stay patient forever, if only for the reason that the deliberate premeditated murder of their families must be stopped.

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282dbd  No.18066048

Kanker dom zijn jullie, prima!

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6f9bc1  No.18066049


the NFL didn't do anything yesterday.

Americans, who happen to be NFL players, kneeled for the right reason, in PUBLIC, no matter the rules of the NFL.

If they had asked the NFL for permission to kneel, I think the NFL would have said NO.

It was the players, Americans, who are the fodder in the Fauci Fraud, who knelt and PRAYED IN PUBLIC.

The NFL never called the game off.

It was the players, Americans, who called it off .

The players did not care 2 cents what the NFL had to say.

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a47213  No.18066050


Maybe, maybe not.

Anons don't chase bait.

Just wait and watch what unfolds.

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57188f  No.18066051


Real anons were used and abused for their desire to save the country from human slavery.

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78631d  No.18066052


Hundreds of thousands of innocent fellow Americans including our most vulnerable children were forced the vaxx by our public schools, colleges and universities. All of these Americans gave been conditioned and brainwashed by the greatest psyop in World history for DECADES.

Anons have been entrusted to care for our fellow Americans when their perceived realities collapse upon them. So, be kind. BE BEST.

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3cd1d9  No.18066053

File: 6187fc0815e43fe⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1025x1280, 205:256, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 23c492ba42d3868⋯.mp4 (255.72 KB, 240x426, 40:71, manyshekels.mp4)

File: 09d9f48c91939db⋯.png (457.98 KB, 1024x434, 512:217, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ba01dff041e85a⋯.jpg (247.51 KB, 2472x1641, 824:547, 36655.jpg)

File: 313289e53a42754⋯.png (116.53 KB, 612x429, 204:143, owls.png)


Number #33 only player that didn’t “kneel”


33 ~ MM

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1332d9  No.18066054


Not vaccinated

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282dbd  No.18066055

Zoveel pijn onnodig en voor niets.

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6f9bc1  No.18066056


>Him being alive still is big win.

The players prayed….on their knees… IN PUBLIC to GOD!

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472596  No.18066057

File: 9f74d4db6bc10c7⋯.png (189.57 KB, 398x442, 199:221, pepe_5.png)

Why rename Remdesivir to Veklury, unless you are trying to hide something!

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7210b4  No.18066058

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this popped up on my YOUTUBE….

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6f9bc1  No.18066059

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282dbd  No.18066060

Ik ben er zomaar eene, laat de zeven dwergen maar knielen.

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9512d6  No.18066061

File: 5cc020ec797ea88⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 3464x3464, 1:1, Picsart_23_01_03_10_32_30_….jpg)

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afa1b1  No.18066062

File: c8dd56b39f07a5f⋯.jpg (54.91 KB, 387x639, 43:71, AGENT_WIN.jpg)

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57188f  No.18066063


Humanity was fine before social media, with very few exceptions. Social media turned humanity against itself and enslaved us all.

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6bf090  No.18066064

File: 2750fbb480e01b1⋯.png (187.43 KB, 1170x332, 585:166, Screen_Shot_2023_01_03_at_….png)

NEW: Donald Trump Jr. signs 7-figure podcast deal with YouTube-alternative platform Rumble


let the reeee begin

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cdb017  No.18066065

File: d399ce9f9b6d024⋯.jpeg (285.25 KB, 750x427, 750:427, d399ce9f9b6d024cac379a437….jpeg)


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6bf090  No.18066066


nutrasweet → aspartame

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02d02f  No.18066067

File: 01f29c72502d38f⋯.jpg (104.98 KB, 1024x1004, 256:251, 1672728570779841m.jpg)


If hamlin dies, make #HamlinAutopsy trend.

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afa1b1  No.18066068

File: f6210897583e534⋯.jpg (160.57 KB, 634x570, 317:285, GLOBAL_WINNING.jpg)



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6998b0  No.18066069


No, it wasn't.

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6f9bc1  No.18066070

File: 53edb780de42eb2⋯.png (162.59 KB, 386x457, 386:457, ClipboardImage.png)

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f28374  No.18066071

==Pretty neat war we are so called winning

We are literally dying and (they) get away with it and Rome freely.==

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c3a1a9  No.18066073


They didn't rename anything.

>Remdesivir, sold under the brand name Veklury

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9512d6  No.18066074


it created pussies that can only speak their mind through anonymity within their own safe space

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bfe8d3  No.18066075

File: d21bbd676242a22⋯.png (175.16 KB, 392x560, 7:10, ClipboardImage.png)


Nwaneri was at his wife’s home in West Lafayette, Indiana, after driving up from Georgia last week when he apparently collapsed, according to the Lafayette Journal and Courier. His wife found him unresponsive in a bedroom around 1 a.m., per the report, and called police. Preliminary results from an autopsyindicate a possible heart attack.Officials have found no signs of foul play.


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ccaa6d  No.18066076

File: acdf3b328e8ea0e⋯.jpg (98.62 KB, 700x458, 350:229, Karen_Cat_the_Jab.jpg)

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6bf090  No.18066077

File: e637cfa04b26b21⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1166x1374, 583:687, Screen_Shot_2023_01_03_at_….png)

Switzerland boosts gold imports from Russia despite sanctions – media

Data from Swiss customs showed that in November alone gold worth hundreds of millions of dollars came into the country


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472596  No.18066078

File: 2d5b65a2a5d5838⋯.png (162.14 KB, 500x499, 500:499, pepe_smart.png)


Replace the word social with the word the, and it would be more correct, but still not fully correct.

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38c69c  No.18066079

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mark Mitchell with Rasmussenexplains the poll of vaccine injury and death, excellent explanation. That 28% is about 78 million Americans think the vaccine caused death

Bannon asked why democrats were higher than republicans on the vaccine death and harm? He didn’t know!

(I think its because republicans don’t trust the gov or vaccines anc less took the vaccine.)

He said the poll has a lot more data on his site and look at a enormous amount in cross tabs. Poll link below, dig in anons


Democrats are actually changing their opinions dramaticallyAll the pollers refuse to poll these questions.

BREAKING: 28% Of Americans Personally Know Someone Who Died From COVID-19 Jab

Bannons War Room

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624f9a  No.18066080


hi beanz

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6f9bc1  No.18066081


The US Govt has set up OUTPOSTS at the hospital Damar Hamlin is?

what exactly are OUTPOSTS?

Just info centers, or work bases, or snipers?

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1be92f  No.18066082

notes 560


>>18065581, >>18065564 Follow the MAPs - also the Penn, the Wives, and the Money

>>18065578 Report: Google Home Speakers Allowed Hackers to Spy on Users

>>18065639, >>18065938 Germany, Japan now also investigating vaccine deaths

>>18065664 AG of USVI files suit against JPMorgan relating to Epstein's trafficking, Biden just went to St. Croix, AG then terminated

>>18065682, >>18065695, >>18065747, >>18065758, >>18065795 Suncor recently shut down its refinery in Commerce City CO

>>18065704 What will two more years under the Biden Regime look like if we do not have a leader who will stand up to its objectives?

>>18065719, >>18065732, >>18065778 Source in room says McCarthy loudly telling the conferencr: I’ve earned this job

>>18065730 US schools are ‘cesspool of Marxist indoctrination’ – senator

>>18065750 Lula halts privatization of Brazilian state companies

>>18065772 Full trading report on politicians in 2022 - many made unusual trades resulting in huge gains

>>18065805 Kim Jong-un fires powerful military leader

>>18065809 Update on UC Medical Center where Damar Hamlin is currently in critical condition

>>18065833 Yesterday's announcement by Dr Robert Malone and 'Covid Summit Team' of over 17,000 physicians and scientists

>>18065865 Jan 3 2023, NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day | Kemble’s Cascade of Stars

>>18065892 Bombshell Huckabee Announcement - SCOTUS Case Could Flip 2020, Boot Biden, Harris

>>18065952, >>18065974 Dasting decode

>>18065978 118th Congress on CSpan Live

>>18066006 Dan Bishop is a NO vote on McCarthy

>>18066013 Matt Gaetz opposes Kevin McCarthy for House Speaker

>>18066031 Human Smuggler Busted with Five Migrants in Arizona near Border

DOUGH >>18065470

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ef11f7  No.18066083

File: a5e890062f185c3⋯.png (351.69 KB, 389x616, 389:616, ClipboardImage.png)

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472596  No.18066084


>(((they))) blame the anti-vaxxers

There is now a huge push to get everyone vaxxed and boosted again, along with talks of a world-wide digital vaccine passport.

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9512d6  No.18066085


mini command centers for the next martyr coming near you

US mint has a commemorative coin comin out

get yours nao

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02d02f  No.18066086




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4348c5  No.18066087

File: 7c54507648fa039⋯.png (549.35 KB, 955x654, 955:654, Bji.png)

MC Hammer – Turned Minister

What he’s known for:Music career

MC Hammer danced and sang his way to super stardom while smoking FreeBase cocaine with a series of smash hits, including “U Can’t Touch This” in 1990. He rode the wave of success for a while, but he finally shot his load and hit on hard times, including nigga broke ass bankruptcy. The former music star turned to ministry in recent years to scrap a few bucks together.

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98a13a  No.18066088

File: a165e59cfa82484⋯.png (58.65 KB, 909x348, 303:116, ClipboardImage.png)



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2407d8  No.18066089


Amen and well said.

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204745  No.18066091


People placed in public positions of theatre have been blackmailed. They get convinced to commit horrible crime and then that is held over their heads also with the express knowledge that they will be murdered if they disobey.

The goal is humanity is enslaved and the rulers can do whatever they want. Satanism gets involved because they see any form of godliness as a submission to an authority and they want to be free totally from any restrictions whatsoever. So to prove that they are not under gods rule they purposely act in ways which they know if he were to exists would be explicitly against his law.

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9512d6  No.18066092


got muh real ID prior to the original last date

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ee8966  No.18066093

File: 90f03c52c6f397e⋯.png (263.5 KB, 615x611, 615:611, big_mike_believe.png)

>>18064555 pb

That clif high video where I want to belib his hallucinations but I don't. I want to belib though. He's saying how the vaxxed are in for a rude awakening and will start to pick off, one by one, the "elite". I DOUBT THAT, BUT… I want to belib the part about him saying the injected are going to wake up. Why? How? Is some major event about to take place that will without a doubt shatter the lies in order to wake the injected up? In my reality, they're almost ALL jabbed here, even the 20 year olds, and they're wearing masks. My ENTIRE family got injected and my fren's family consists of mostly doctors and he is the only one uninjected. ALL the DOCTORS in his family are telling him that he is the reason his vaxxed and triple boosted mother keeps getting sick and having to go by ambulance to the hospital. ALL the doctors tell him that their vaccines will work gooder if he gets his. What. The. Fuck. So yea, I want to belib, but is there some type of event getting ready to happen or something? This ocean of lies we swim in is pretty vast. What a fukken nightmare.

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658578  No.18066094

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472596  No.18066095


This taking place at the same time as the government doubling-down on possible new vaccine mandates, and digital vaccine passports.

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8a0a6a  No.18066096

File: 5f90a9b17f631e7⋯.png (367.3 KB, 977x933, 977:933, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 39d9886eaa5f05d⋯.png (77.21 KB, 732x508, 183:127, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f2b6a1d3782110f⋯.png (6.92 MB, 5523x3038, 789:434, QClock_January_03_2022_Fou….png)


USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Jan. 3, 2023


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eb387e  No.18066097

File: a877c5c5caa43db⋯.mp4 (2.72 MB, 720x1060, 36:53, truth.mp4)


if only that was the case,

anon was poor already, not always but before this lock down started. got targeted by human resources run by females who when given any kind of power, it goes to their heads,

they are premediated and calculcated and get off causing people misery just for the fun of it, especially the fat useless ones, older ones and the black and asian females who they put in charge.

whole other subject of how badly the females have helped to fuck up society and their own for comfort, safety, protection and ego,

There is no division now that they realize that their way of live is threatened due to the divide and conquer agenda of the transgender movement.

Anons could see it coming but we were always told, you are being a toxic male when all we were doing is pointing out that the state is using you to split families via divorce courts.

Anon had given up on society until the openly went after the children and killed of the elderly in plane sight of those paying attention.

We now need to unite again, but some wounds are permanent and leave long lasting scars.

Still lets see what habbens.

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35bd7a  No.18066098










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204745  No.18066099


Guy wears an eye patch complains about showmanship….you can’t make this shit up.

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69c298  No.18066100


elon gonna release the fauci files just in time for BLM to storm the hospitals.

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61c30e  No.18066101


Agreed. I think this will naturally happen since the NFL will try and separate itself from what occurred. Blame his personal habits and such. It's unfortunate, my heart goes out to the family.

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a47213  No.18066102



Perhaps he was supposed to die, but did not (yet).

Will [they] finish the job/jab?

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69d304  No.18066103

Ik spreek en lees geen Engels meer uit protest.

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7922aa  No.18066104

File: 90fd833d72ffc22⋯.jpg (135.2 KB, 1151x1157, 1151:1157, FlhsrpVagAAvy1l.jpg)


How utterly dare you.

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d2d01f  No.18066105

File: 7753072986652e0⋯.png (377.91 KB, 598x523, 598:523, ClipboardImage.png)

'It’s about reclaiming our country' -Kari Lake


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1fb314  No.18066106

File: 555660e32dbf649⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1080x1111, 1080:1111, ClipboardImage.png)


It's all Canadian Bacon. Moo.

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57188f  No.18066107


Prove me wrong digitdick.

Born yesterday?

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204745  No.18066108


17000 doctors two years fucking late to be ever trusted with healthcare.

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9512d6  No.18066109


like the NFL or not

they are creme de la creme as far as athletes go

fastest. quickest, strongest

when top notch thoroughbreds start droppin

the mullet haired half shirt wearin arm chair QB's will take notice

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d052a3  No.18066110

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MC Hammer – Turned Minister

What he’s known for:Music career

MC Hammer danced and sang his way to super stardom while smoking FreeBase cocaine with a series of smash hits, including “U Can’t Touch This” in 1990. He rode the wave of success for a while, but he finally shot his load and hit on hard times, including nigga broke ass bankruptcy. The former music star turned to ministry in recent years to scrap a few bucks together.

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a9c435  No.18066111

As of 11:46am est. No word on The Ball boy. Channel 19 WXIX TV Cincinnati has been all morning about it. Nothing has changed every 10 fucking minutes. Like nothing else in the fuxking world is going on. Just stay tuned for more as the story develops.

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ccdd3c  No.18066112

Het klinkt best zo'n beest.

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02d02f  No.18066113


As far as Trump was told, the vaccines are safe and effective.

Go after those who lied to him.

Out of office and as a civilian, he has no intelligence as to the safety of the vaccines.

He gave us other options and said it should be a choice.

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dfaebc  No.18066114

File: cd64d04b00d5439⋯.png (14.14 KB, 495x141, 165:47, Maps.png)

File: fc34ab52ee063db⋯.png (722.62 KB, 1524x501, 508:167, MapsPsychedelicLearning.PNG)


There is another MAPS that was around long before that stupid acronym.


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35bd7a  No.18066115



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a55329  No.18066116


no shit right and now what??

think for yourselves in this arena?

hard way to go for peoples yo

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472596  No.18066117

File: d39b4f0a65f0fe4⋯.png (302.97 KB, 800x765, 160:153, pepe_took_vaccine.png)




[They] aren't satisfied with the number of people set to expire in [their] depopulation agenda. The original goal has not been met, and [they] intend to fix that!

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57188f  No.18066118


Frogs are proven liars psyops.

So bye.

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8fa463  No.18066119

File: 86c3c5bedf87eb2⋯.jpg (33.67 KB, 732x638, 366:319, cap.JPG)

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7922aa  No.18066120


He's dead, in a medically induced coma, on life support. The are many people who have an interest in pulling his plug and assigning blame. All of those people are implementing their indemnity plans and praying the spin to blame the unvaxxed…again, works.

In serious tho, they'll pull his plug when it's best for everyone, and it's really ick and none of our business…but by showing up at the hospital, the Federal Government politicized the death of a wealthy sportsball player.

What a distraction from the Legislature…

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6f9bc1  No.18066121

File: 06d63646e509bc3⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1074x1074, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


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88aeba  No.18066122

File: 5e562eba90713e1⋯.png (816.15 KB, 1200x662, 600:331, pepe_LIGHT_to_daRkNESS_yaM….png)

File: d1cab5781f92ddd⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, 2_dARKNESStoLIGHt_2020_11_….png)

File: 152c5f7c324cc26⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, iii_dARKNESStoLIGHt_2020_1….png)

File: 693d846dc1bd05b⋯.png (698.94 KB, 1200x791, 1200:791, dARKNESStoLIGHt_2020_11_13.png)

File: 6b77853640c4707⋯.jpg (664.53 KB, 1576x2098, 788:1049, NightShift_OT_Dark_to_Ligh….jpg)


<~>"Bug," or "undocumented feature?"<~>

tyBAKES, anons+ Bun:

A.I and M.L. { Machine spyLearning } \_/ Looking Glass _ BLUEWATER Intrnl _ QDrop 4951=Bryan S. Ware

Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.


>>18065600, >>18065838

>>18065737, >>18065859, >>18065924, >>18065969, >>18066032

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78631d  No.18066123


Globohomo Timber Wolf Bush CSG in the Med (supporting Ukraine) for how long?

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af057a  No.18066124

File: a30e05c604e949d⋯.png (245.61 KB, 1055x1650, 211:330, ClipboardImage.png)


>Heart attacks



John Perry Barlow POST January 27, 2018

John Perry Barlow DEAD February 8, 2018.


This is not a game.



Heart attacks can be deadly.


(Pic related)


Feb 07, 2018

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5534a1  No.18066126


No coincidence that my wife told me about a Pasteur she follows on SM praying at the podium to see again. He went on to talk about chem trailing and warning people about their neighbors and the struggle that we are in. He said that many people have been given certain equipment that can cause "heart attacks", strokes, clots, cramps, and nerve paralysis. He stated that these tools are either light or frequency based. She also told me that two of our neighbors were using lights that didn't shut off normally but closed like flowers and were pointed at where I feed my sick dog in the "morning". She said one had it pointed from his shed towards that spot but moved it 3 times, always pointing at the feeding table. In addition, last Thursday 12-29 he didn't clean but went as close as he could to our driveway/walkway and put down some type of foaming chemical on the wood chips/dirt between us, knowing my wife would clean immediately after another neighbor pushed a years long accumulation of leaves out into the street. Next morning she was sick as a dog, violently vomiting. There is no doubt to me that they are conspiring against Trump supporters when it is their own libtard friends who are the ones chem trailing and poisoning by vax. Their friends wrote the Georgia Guidestones, God took it down for his people.

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61c30e  No.18066127


Gonna fuck up their fantasy football brackets

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9512d6  No.18066128

"is a frog's ass water tight", grand pappy used to say to dumb questions

i reckon he was right

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9512d6  No.18066129


how much money funneled thru vegas was lost last night

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d2d01f  No.18066130

File: 32a763bd2ba5f94⋯.png (410.45 KB, 598x701, 598:701, ClipboardImage.png)


25/ In effect, the left was allowed to discuss the vulnerabilities of voting machines after the 2016 election, and the right was banned from social media platforms for discussing those very same vulnerabilities after the 2020 election.


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b14969  No.18066131

File: d7114a6e89ef55d⋯.png (684.1 KB, 680x510, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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35bd7a  No.18066132




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02d02f  No.18066133


How many higher education schools teach Manchurian hypnosis?

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9512d6  No.18066134


skip baylor wasnt kidding about playoffs, parlays, junk bets n bragging rights

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131ed2  No.18066135


They will change their tune when they get clued into "BioWeapon"…. $$$$$$

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9f52c4  No.18066136


all too aware of those issues as well

2 years ago in the thick of it, went to a local store

as soon as i walked in, black female manager demanded i needed a mask to shop there

acting like she was queen shit because she had some faux sense of authority

told her i'd take my money elsewhere and haven't been back since

don't plan on ever going back there either

if only the masses had similar stances then maybe things would get done

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6bf090  No.18066137

File: c3917a1ef0128d1⋯.mp4 (1.54 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, wDLicmfjjnOpclGM.mp4)

VIDEO: Even In The #VirginIslands @JoeBiden Gets The Fantastic Chant Of "Lets Go Brandon"


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2be68e  No.18066138

File: 0d614a548b2423d⋯.jpg (282.07 KB, 1276x1284, 319:321, 0d614a548b2423d6fba32a6676….jpg)

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ef11f7  No.18066139

File: 1193a29e40a5c45⋯.png (431.41 KB, 477x445, 477:445, Howard_Lutnik_CF.PNG)


from Sept '22

Video platform Rumble to go public after successful SPAC vote

Shareholders of the special purpose acquisition company Cantor Fitzgerald Acquisition Corp. VI voted Thursday to take Rumble public.


CEO of CF and total douchebag Howard Lutnick…heavily involved in 911 fuggery (trade-wise) "I'm gonna take care of all the employee's" and then shut off salary before they were even declared ded or found much less. Then sued and pocketed a big portion of the settlement distribution $135m total of the American Airlines negligence lawsuit.

9-11 Settlement Distribution Stirs Ire Among Cantor Insiders


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64ce0e  No.18066140

File: 6cb513a79417713⋯.jpg (38.82 KB, 458x293, 458:293, downloadfile_23.jpg)


Fantasy football is a waste of time.

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35bd7a  No.18066141


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658578  No.18066142



It is being reported as a fake account. it was removed. Elon would know.

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6bf090  No.18066143

File: 1c3d3b21fc9f5cb⋯.jpg (35.42 KB, 526x508, 263:254, 1c3d3b21fc9f5cbccc3bc8b8fe….jpg)

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d2d01f  No.18066144

File: 95e234929e5edba⋯.png (33.95 KB, 534x277, 534:277, ClipboardImage.png)

Need one of you Politcalfags to start a new party, if you're not too busy.


The Uniparty stole the Arizona Election—D’s & R’s.


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9512d6  No.18066145

Bills -2.5

50.5 o/u

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35bd7a  No.18066146



Dark to Light_T_1A-23-'go'5

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4f1e49  No.18066147

Kanker voor je.

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9eed92  No.18066148


I have pretty pictures of stars too

I also have pictures that

We're taken with infrared

And there are things that may look like a star

But they change colors. Grow a " tail" of lights

And when done in infrared

Looks like a disco ball with something inside

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35bd7a  No.18066149



Dark to Light_T_1A-23-'go'5

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b3fb75  No.18066150

File: afec8f25247fb9b⋯.png (4.62 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, Trump_Surf.png)


This is great

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204745  No.18066151


In war the goal is for the enemy to be destroyed. Are t the people who took the vax so dangerously stupid that they are enemies of mankind? I think so.

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6f9bc1  No.18066152


maybe you should be fasting today

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88aeba  No.18066153

File: 7f3bfc91359ba49⋯.png (580.4 KB, 1222x804, 611:402, pepe_SHADES_a_GLARE_STORM_….png)

File: 9a30ba8d1f92d95⋯.mp4 (7.18 MB, 406x720, 203:360, the_storm_is_here.mp4)

File: 0352b07a6c60020⋯.png (124.05 KB, 539x720, 539:720, StormClouds_FORMing.png)

File: a021c9785290325⋯.jpg (357.16 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Storm_Q.jpg)





[D](e)C_ _Lass

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a33b1a  No.18066154

File: caf15682f9e3d44⋯.png (609.59 KB, 1080x766, 540:383, Screvjih.png)




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8a0a6a  No.18066155


<Nothing looks cute today, everything seems to be evil incarnate

Totally fucking agree.

This part - pure sarcasm:

<But look it's a cute picture…of course i want the poor helpless child to see the game….awwww…

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2fbec9  No.18066156

File: 9f3890f4b105821⋯.png (331.25 KB, 768x384, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Al Qaeda Plans Plane Attacks Using “New Techniques and Tactics” as Air Marshals Keep Getting Sent to Mexican Border

While the nation’s Federal Air Marshals (FAM) are busy on the Mexican border providing illegal immigrants with welfare checks, transportation, and other basic services, Al Qaeda is planning attacks in the U.S. involving planes, according to high-level Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sources. Judicial Watch obtained from government sources a copy of the new intelligence alert, which was delivered on December 31, 2022, at 12:23:52 Greenwich Mean Time. The caption of the widely circulated warning reads: “Al-Qaeda says upcoming attacks on US, possibly involving planes, will use new techniques and tactics.”

The threat could not come at a worse time, as the Biden administration leaves aircraft at risk by sending 150-200 FAM monthly to the southern border to help deal with what it calls “a surge in irregular migration.” The deployments will continue indefinitely, according to multiple FAM sources, and the specially trained aviation security specialists are outraged. The agency works under the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which was created after 9/11 to prevent another terrorist attack. FAM is charged with protecting commercial passenger flights by deterring and countering the risk of terrorist activity. Nevertheless, in late October, the Biden administration began deploying the highly trained law enforcement officers to busy Border Patrol sectors to help with hospital watch, transportation, security and welfare checks at migrant facilities.

Days later the Air Marshal National Council, which represents thousands of FAM nationwide, accused TSA Administrator David Pekoske and FAM Director Tirrell Stevenson of violating federal law and overstepping their authority by assigning air marshals to assist the U.S. Border Patrol with the illegal immigration crisis. In a formal complaint to the DHS Inspector General, the group also accused the Homeland Security leaders of fraud, waste, and abuse of authority. Sending air marshals to El Paso, Texas, San Diego, California, Laredo, Texas, McAllen, Texas, Tucson, Arizona and Yuma, Arizona to transport illegal immigrants and conduct welfare checks has no relation to TSA’s core mission of transportation security, the complaint states. “The statute does not give the Administrator any authority to deploy TSA or FAM employees to the southern border to perform non transportation security related matters,” the complaint to the DHS IG says. “Further, under section (g) the statute describes what the Administrators authority is if an emergency, as defined by the Secretary of Homeland Security, is declared.” The act makes clear that the legislative intent is to only allow TSA to exercise authority and deploy its assets for transportation security, the report to the DHS watchdog confirms.

Hours after learning about the latest Al Qaeda threat, the Air Marshal National Council fired off a letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas as well as Pekoske and Stevenson reminding them that deploying FAM to the southern border to perform humanitarian work is reckless and putting the nation at extreme risk. “We are once again requesting you immediately stop these dangerous and unnecessary deployments and let our FAMs do what the American taxpayers pay them to do, protect and defend our transportation system,” the letter reads. “We have to ask how can you justify sending FAMs to the border in huge numbers, when the border is in your words secure, and there is no emergency? Yet we have major security incidents happening right now affecting our aviation security.”

Sonya Hightower-LaBosco, a retired FAM who serves as executive director of the Air Marshal National Council, confirmed that FAM are still being pulled off flights at a rate of about 200 a month to serve illegal immigrants at stations along the Mexican border. “They are making sandwiches for them and driving them around like Uber or picking up supplies,” Hightower-LaBosco told Judicial Watch on New Year’s Day. The head of the council, David Londo, called the redeployment of air marshals to the southern border “insane” considering the latest aviation threat from Al Qaeda. “Either they don’t care about aviation security, or they really think it is secure,” Londo said.


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af057a  No.18066157

File: 1043eb759bdff05⋯.png (58.72 KB, 766x586, 383:293, ClipboardImage.png)




Lisa Page


Going on the Rachel Maddow Show tonight. It's time to talk about the release of my text messages, the two years of lies shouted across the media about me, and what it's like when the President of the United States tries to ruin your life.

10:20 AM · Dec 17, 2019


GoFundMe next?



There's more to 'Q' than word search, Anon. Context is important.

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dfaebc  No.18066158


Dumbfucks. Should just be saying Fuck Joe Biden.

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02d02f  No.18066159


cry moar and louder next time

want to hear you seethe hard

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2407d8  No.18066160


Maybe go for a walk.

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ee8966  No.18066162

File: 86d2a558bad6331⋯.png (411.02 KB, 527x689, 527:689, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 138b30cf409b778⋯.png (95.3 KB, 511x677, 511:677, ClipboardImage.png)


U think the fauci files are going to matter? (I'm kinda black pilled, yet hopeful, but not really, but I'm really asking that question for real. Is it going to do anything? Voter fraud, etc didn't matter. All the work we've done didn't matter (they call me crazy and are worried about my mental health for believing what I know and they've never even stopped to look at a patent or legal document of any type, but I'm just crazy and stupid.) Did the fukken twitter files do anything at all? (I've been away for 3 weeks of pure hell, so I'm really asking these questions for real. Everything seems to be the same regardless of the info coming out. ) The whole fb censorship n twat censorship didn't even wake them up. They like it. I even had patriot retards tell me the extreme censorship on Truth Social was good bc it keeps a family friendly environment, and things I posted they rather not see or know and said I should at least cover the images as "sensitive". I left TS. What a joke that place turned out to be. Almost All my poasts were getting sent in for review. Anyway, so slightly bitter as I may sound, are the fauci files going to make any type of difference, you think? Or will it be like everything else starting with #ReleaseTehMemo? I know I sound black pilled AF and I apologize. Kmao. I need to get my shit together.

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f77bd1  No.18066163


but muh vulgarity.Muh optics.

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9512d6  No.18066164


stop looking at the waves and refocus on the Light before you sink

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38c69c  No.18066165


He’s an idiot!

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69c298  No.18066166


this place is gonna break your chatGPT

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ee6d61  No.18066167

File: 2f5c3e379292363⋯.jpg (148.11 KB, 858x912, 143:152, 1672671186352169.jpg)


Parody , removed


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f28374  No.18066168


Wish I would have taken the under

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658578  No.18066169


BULLSHITTING SHILL getting filtered

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9eed92  No.18066170



Want someone to fix all the problems

They percive they have

Easiest fix

Then became …

Stars on thars

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472596  No.18066171

File: 68cd85fec62e168⋯.png (41.41 KB, 596x364, 149:91, ClipboardImage.png)

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ccaa6d  No.18066172

118th Congress…….LIVE!!!


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f28374  No.18066173


And no one stopped it. We are losing

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1be92f  No.18066174

notes last calls


>>18065581, >>18065564 Follow the MAPs - also the Penn, the Wives, and the Money

>>18065578 Report: Google Home Speakers Allowed Hackers to Spy on Users

>>18065639, >>18065938 Germany, Japan now also investigating vaccine deaths

>>18065664 AG of USVI files suit against JPMorgan relating to Epstein's trafficking, Biden just went to St. Croix, AG then terminated

>>18065682, >>18065695, >>18065747, >>18065758, >>18065795 Suncor recently shut down its refinery in Commerce City CO

>>18065704 What will two more years under the Biden Regime look like if we do not have a leader who will stand up to its objectives?

>>18065719, >>18065732, >>18065778 Source in room says McCarthy loudly telling the conferencr: I’ve earned this job

>>18065730 US schools are ‘cesspool of Marxist indoctrination’ – senator

>>18065750 Lula halts privatization of Brazilian state companies

>>18065772 Full trading report on politicians in 2022 - many made unusual trades resulting in huge gains

>>18065805 Kim Jong-un fires powerful military leader

>>18065809, >>18066081, >>18066088 Update on UC Medical Center Outpost where Damar Hamlin is currently in critical condition

>>18065833 Yesterday's announcement by Dr Robert Malone and 'Covid Summit Team' of over 17,000 physicians and scientists

>>18065865 Jan 3 2023, NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day | Kemble’s Cascade of Stars

>>18065892 Bombshell Huckabee Announcement - SCOTUS Case Could Flip 2020, Boot Biden, Harris

>>18065952, >>18065974 Dasting decode

>>18065978 118th Congress on CSpan Live

>>18066006 Dan Bishop is a NO vote on McCarthy

>>18066013 Matt Gaetz opposes Kevin McCarthy for House Speaker

>>18066031 Human Smuggler Busted with Five Migrants in Arizona near Border

>>18066039 Chinese state-affiliated media @zhao_dashuai: For thousands of years, China have fought the nomadic horsemen of the Northern Steppes

>>18066077 Switzerland boosts gold imports from Russia despite sanctions

>>18066096 USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Jan. 3, 2023

>>18066114 https://maps.org/

DOUGH >>18065470

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98a13a  No.18066175



is it live yet??

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86e798  No.18066176


>Anons have been entrusted to care for our fellow Americans when their perceived realities collapse

You fags really do think highly of yourselves, don't you? It's gross.

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67daf8  No.18066177

File: c950d81b88294a4⋯.png (532.01 KB, 1080x1305, 24:29, Vghh.png)

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ccaa6d  No.18066178

watching LIVE now….IN SESSION!

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98a13a  No.18066179

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7vjoYjlhww

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38c69c  No.18066180


The Rasmussen poll along with Fauci Files will be a double whammy

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72c5ba  No.18066181

This mob caused a New Year’s Eve riot in Germany

In some German cities, like here in Berlin, New Year’s Eve is escalating.

Firecrackers and rockets fly at police officers, fire extinguishers are thrown at ambulances. Violence escalated in Berlin on New Year’s Eve. Hundreds of perpetrators attack the police. At least 18 officers are injured, one seriously. According to the Berlin police, the attacks on the emergency services “cannot be compared in intensity with previous years”.

More than 100 suspects were arrested in the violent excesses in Berlin alone. The situation

also escalated in other German cities.

Who is behind these acts? The German police union has the impression that “groups of young men with a migration background are far overrepresented in these riots,” said President Rainer Wendt (66) to “Focus”. There is still no evaluation of the origin of the suspected perpetrators on New Year’s Eve. However, officials reported that the young perpetrators “apparently come largely from migrant backgrounds”.

Mostly young men

A short documentary by Ex-Bild editor-in-chief Julian Reichelt (42) also shows the excesses of violence on New Year’s Eve. It doesn’t really seem to bother the people present, mostly young men with a migration background. “I am from Syria. I’ve experienced war – this is normal for me. Almost a bit of a sense of home,” says a young man. His buddy in the background laughs out loud.

“I’m here! I fight! I’ll do everything », a young man in Frankfurt shouts into the microphone, the beer bottle always in his hand. When asked if he had no respect for the police, the man had a clear answer: “The police can lick our balls.”

Police union representative Wendt also says that very often heavily intoxicated or drunk young men play a dominant role. «Part of the work-up is the honest answer to questions like: Where do the chaotic people come from? Where do you live? Where does this anger and contempt for emergency services and the police come from?” Most of those arrested are men, only 5 of the 103 people are women.

“We are scared”: Men harass young women during interview(00:43)

Also in Reichelt’s documentation almost exclusively men can be seen. “Women have no place here. We celebrate boys among boys, the women stay at home,” says a young man. When the journalist wants to interview a young woman in Düsseldorf, a man runs up from behind, grabs the woman and calls out: “Hey baby!” Another man grabs the woman’s shoulder and says: “No one hits on you, dear girl.”

Young men set fire to a bus in Berlin’s problem district of Neukölln. When the fire brigade wanted to put it out, they were thrown with firecrackers. Police officers had to protect the fire brigade with protective shields. Garbage containers are burning everywhere. The attacks are staged on social media, the clips are viewed thousands of times.

Memories of horror night

The New Year’s Eve escalation brings back bad memories. A night of horrors broke out in Germany on the night of January 1, 2016, with the city of Cologne the main focus at the time. Around 1,000 Arab and African men, many of them aggressive and drunk, gathered on the station square. Smaller groups of women were then sexually assaulted, threatened and robbed.


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f28374  No.18066182


He has every right to sign that EO. The steal should have been stopped. Now it's too late.

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d2d01f  No.18066183

File: 72457565b69fff0⋯.png (26.46 KB, 566x177, 566:177, ClipboardImage.png)

Not saying multiple coincidences

#PureBlood - We have the blood of our Founding Fathers pulsing through us.

Follows Q 'What is coded in your DNA?' - Exceptionalism is in our DNA.

Anon - Never, ever forget that.

I Like her.

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ccaa6d  No.18066184


Thank you!

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20fbb9  No.18066185

File: c44688214a154f6⋯.png (984.76 KB, 1329x885, 443:295, ClipboardImage.png)


just starting, caught nancy walking off

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204745  No.18066186


The medical community knows exactly what happened that’s why they are silent. If they didn’t know they’d be talking about it.

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88aeba  No.18066187

File: 74140460cea22db⋯.png (226.68 KB, 474x266, 237:133, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71948e292d3ffbb⋯.png (69.7 KB, 236x313, 236:313, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9386dacb2f993a⋯.png (438.77 KB, 474x654, 79:109, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f41928f82d0bcf⋯.png (145.28 KB, 1222x571, 1222:571, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 349cd33c5a9d64d⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, SpaceForce_ThePiratesBay_e….png)

>>18066138, >>18066143

see wall-e in the extremist bunch o'yahoooZ

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3cd1d9  No.18066188

File: 14968f165d1d8b8⋯.mp4 (3.81 MB, 240x416, 15:26, video_watermark16727539096….mp4)


Germany, New Year's Eve.

Migrants throw stones at paramedics.

More video -> LiveLeak (http://t.me/leaklive)


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6bf090  No.18066189

File: 6f3d067e753b7b5⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1174x1332, 587:666, Screen_Shot_2023_01_03_at_….png)

DeSantis used the "Bible of the Revolution"during the swearing in ceremony, the last Bible commissioned by Congress in 1782 and the first English Bible printed in North America — one of the rarest books in the world on loan from Glenn Beck.


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5de2f0  No.18066190

Shit has been so crazy for so long no one has slowed down to compile one of those end of year "Year in review" videos since 2018…

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0d3628  No.18066191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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ec0e73  No.18066193


Next, a nigger will play it like a flute while twerking on stage somewhere; for the cultcha.

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c56d79  No.18066194


We shall see as the 3-5 year marker for the vaxxed picks up.

Never trust your government.

They cant even hold fraud free elections or let us choose our own candidates, let alone create the science to make a vaxxine.

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ee8966  No.18066195


Look at all those ebil digits. Been here working NS and DS for 5 years. They can break whatever they want.


Filter me, faggot. This is my work:


Now tell me you still honestly think I'm a shill.

I'm asking legit questions. I said I felt black pilled and apologized, u fkn trigger happy moran.

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ccaa6d  No.18066196

So, to VOTE in Congress, you NEED a Congressional VOTING "ID CARD"….

Why didn't they just "mail-in" their votes???….kek…

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658578  No.18066197


Do you think she has enough dirt on people to get voted back in?

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d2df75  No.18066198

File: ea38f25719367bf⋯.png (1.34 MB, 961x1226, 961:1226, 1672627924830.png)

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02d02f  No.18066199


>How can the entire medical community not be curious as to what is causing this?


Loss of money

Loss of career

No balls to stand up for what is right

Bow to their government religion

Bow to their science religion

Bow to their AMA relegion to not have loss

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f92c76  No.18066200

File: 9718b57a2135d2b⋯.png (46.5 KB, 524x668, 131:167, ClipboardImage.png)

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cc3355  No.18066201

File: 9e9cc5cc9629cac⋯.png (8.59 KB, 194x259, 194:259, HB_1_Cor_134_8.png)



God answered the players' prayers

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5d1498  No.18066202


follows fake q at least.

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7922aa  No.18066203


"Those you trust(ed) the most"?

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ee8966  No.18066204

File: 21160756656ef0b⋯.mp4 (4.67 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, sabotaged_flute.mp4)

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35bd7a  No.18066205







"Look to Twitter:"

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."🇺🇸

God bless my fellow Americans.







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61c30e  No.18066206

File: 5b722bf8529acb7⋯.png (442.48 KB, 680x680, 1:1, 5b722bf8529acb7d61ff093487….png)

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059cd8  No.18066207

These loser RINO Repubs finally have the majority in the House and they can't even agree on who the Speaker will be!!! How the hell are we supposed to win or accomplish anything?

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c56d79  No.18066208

File: b15a09023fb1d94⋯.png (305.42 KB, 560x549, 560:549, n56743b6655_4.png)

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f28374  No.18066209


This will save the Republic. Not action

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f28374  No.18066210


Apparently he didn't

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38c69c  No.18066211


Major liability and lawsuits

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c5123f  No.18066212

Just said on Cspan that the speaker doesn't have to be from the house.

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472596  No.18066213

File: 0f767fde97a5065⋯.png (426.12 KB, 577x433, 577:433, shills_demoralization.png)

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d9cc96  No.18066214

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ec0e73  No.18066215


holy fuck. It's so disturbing that you can find a video of what I said.

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5d1498  No.18066216



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1b09c4  No.18066217

File: cb96d53c8ea96f4⋯.png (709.54 KB, 1080x1430, 108:143, Svhhi.png)

File: de65233f5125cd6⋯.png (422.4 KB, 1080x1137, 360:379, Faggot.png)

Steve Scalise as speaker of the house would be like throwing shit in the American people's face.

Steve Scalise is a Liz Cheney ass kisser fraud.

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f28374  No.18066218


Because they know the White Hats will do nothing to stop them

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20fbb9  No.18066219

File: 8c83a272fe8078b⋯.png (511.16 KB, 677x706, 677:706, ClipboardImage.png)


Now that would be a shock result.

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ec0e73  No.18066220

been trusting the plan for over 5 fucking years. When's something going to actually happen?

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97ba48  No.18066221


1) The mRNA in vax causes heart cells to produce Spike proteins

2) Spike proteins attract monocytes from blood & bone marrow, which transform to macrophages upon entering heart tissue in order to "eat" the Spike proteins

3)monocyte/macrophage population causes inflammation->leads to fibrosis (microscopic scar tissue)

4)fibrosis disrupts the electrical conduction pathways of the heart, setting the stage for abnormal heart beats, triggered by: impact, electrolyte imbalances, strenuous activity, etc

5)this process was explained in detail as a warning in this research paper: https://osf.io/z64gx/

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3cd1d9  No.18066222

File: 041ed766b778a71⋯.png (243.09 KB, 500x282, 250:141, ClipboardImage.png)


samson = son of sam

i.e. big nose need YOU to die

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c56d79  No.18066223

File: 1aa5c1468d13c12⋯.png (1006.57 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, 8m65n7665m6535.png)

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9eed92  No.18066224

File: 20f03580e86ac9b⋯.png (114.89 KB, 720x1356, 60:113, Capture_2022_12_16_13_57_4….png)

File: 51570fbafa28c68⋯.png (550.23 KB, 720x1356, 60:113, Capture_2022_12_15_18_10_4….png)

File: 815e8f64ee6d93a⋯.png (503.65 KB, 720x1356, 60:113, Capture_2022_12_16_12_26_0….png)

File: 2feeebbc0c13e2c⋯.png (152.98 KB, 720x1356, 60:113, Capture_2022_12_15_15_51_2….png)


It's amazing how nobody

Gettin paid by this

Talks about it

They sold you for their profit margin

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d2d01f  No.18066225


sam's son

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204745  No.18066226


If you subpoena the banking record you would know everyone involved, can’t have that crazy nonsense getting out.

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d9cc96  No.18066227


Vaxxsonville Jaguars

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c6e55d  No.18066228

File: 8cb92700d0c7bfa⋯.png (2.61 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 2DB278C4_9DD3_4C58_B35D_BB….png)


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24b886  No.18066229

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3cd1d9  No.18066230

File: 9fc084b89ca1898⋯.png (774.34 KB, 465x700, 93:140, ClipboardImage.png)


cohencidental goat beard

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ef11f7  No.18066231

File: 5f005171bcf454e⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1518x760, 759:380, ClipboardImage.png)

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554a5a  No.18066232

File: d508f55a0ba93eb⋯.png (596.31 KB, 1000x1141, 1000:1141, pepe_BiblefagSpiritualWarr….png)

File: 1164305fd85f871⋯.png (7.13 MB, 1708x2464, 61:88, pepe_BePrepared_MEME_SWORD.png)

File: d7bc92aeb70810f⋯.gif (5.36 MB, 1005x596, 1005:596, pepe_RightlyDividingTheTRU….gif)



<~>DeSantis used the "Bible of the Revolution"<~>


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9f52c4  No.18066233




this exchange was the kek of the day


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6585f5  No.18066234

File: 4f0f1bdcd682c44⋯.jpg (9.34 KB, 286x176, 13:8, 4f0f1bdcd682c44afe4ec141e7….jpg)

Five Minute Read

Some publications on our satanic internet use a caution like FIVE MINUTE READ as a service to busy readers on a tight time budget. It is a cult practice because the consciousness of time is ultimately destructive of the deeper understanding that can only arise from unbudgeted contemplation. Better to learn to distinguish what is real, important and true from what is simply an effort to persuade us to love, hate or purchase something or someone.

We have a whole-of-civilization problem in which intelligence agencies and covert organizations claiming to represent popular aspirations slaughter each other in undeclared wars and at schools and malls, concerts and social gatherings, all reported in exhaustive visual detail by five entertainment conglomerates aka “MSM” and on social media.

Everybody knows the internet is a poisonous sewer where narcotics, weapons and human beings are bought, sold and rented every day.

Every home, every individual around the world and all our devices are part of a spy-built network which was always intended to be what the internet has become: a universal surveillance and social control system.

In itself, the internet is knowledge of good and evil. Mankind could sort of deal with the physical temptations once; the whore town, the Casbah, the dealer-in-the park – we understood good and evil more clearly once; but the internet erodes distinctions with fake news and blame. The internet does not require assured identity and without out assured identity there is deception, and eventually, given the skill and persistence of deceiver(s) we are all fooled. As we have been.

We the People could easily fix the internet; we could make it a public utility – our problem is cognitive not technological. Anonymous networks will not support civilization because they connect the highly intelligent greed driven sociopathic minority to the rest of us. This is not an opinion, or a theory; it's an axiom, and the damage we have sustained as a result of Information Poisoning has left most of us unable to understand what is happening to us.

We can't form social or economic views based on network derived information. We cannot set social or economic policy based on one set of lies or another. It is trivial for an aggrieved or ill-disposed entity to manipulate facts and context and story in virtual no man's land.

Until the integrity of information distribution systems is assured, the system remains what it as designed to be. What Orwell, Huxley, McKuen, and George . S. Trow foresaw it would be, a monstrous political mind control system, a spiritual and social tyranny, a pseudo reality where the many may dispose of the few however they see fit, simply by controlling both sides of the question and its presentation to the public.


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35bd7a  No.18066235






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7922aa  No.18066236

Came down with the coof on Sat, anons. Have hit it with my entire arsenal of anti-coof warfare. Fever is now just about gone. The last time I got the coof was 5 years ago, and it lasted for months. I'm grateful for the wisdom found here that enabled me to effectively upgrade my arsenal. Thanks.

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9eed92  No.18066237

File: 0720418e96a835e⋯.png (447.8 KB, 720x1356, 60:113, Capture_2022_11_24_11_00_2….png)


Go back to the studies from the 50s

Till they stopped again

And again ..

And ….well

Here …their stuff

Ohio dept of health …2007…will happen again

And again

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8ef7bf  No.18066238

>>18065557 https://www.sites.google.com/site/greenlandtheory/greece/chania-crete

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3493d3  No.18066239

File: 67d072cdd54a387⋯.png (431.26 KB, 749x832, 749:832, ClipboardImage.png)

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472596  No.18066240

File: d9a03627fb368f9⋯.gif (529.85 KB, 240x240, 1:1, aint_time_for_dat.gif)



kek j/k

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24b886  No.18066241


I think anon, that small things have been happening on a small scale, with the average Joe but nothing newsworthy. The mom who decides her children are worth quitting her job for. The parents who start attending church again. The woman who stops watching the news. There may be no grand event, but it’s undeniable that countless changes are happening in people’s souls as they yearn for truth and freedom.

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1be92f  No.18066242

notes final


>>18065581, >>18065564 Follow the MAPs - also the Penn, the Wives, and the Money

>>18065578 Report: Google Home Speakers Allowed Hackers to Spy on Users

>>18065639, >>18065938 Germany, Japan now also investigating vaccine deaths

>>18065664 AG of USVI files suit against JPMorgan relating to Epstein's trafficking, Biden just went to St. Croix, AG then terminated

>>18065682, >>18065695, >>18065747, >>18065758, >>18065795 Suncor recently shut down its refinery in Commerce City CO

>>18065704 What will two more years under the Biden Regime look like if we do not have a leader who will stand up to its objectives?

>>18065719, >>18065732, >>18065778 Source in room says McCarthy loudly telling the conferencr: I’ve earned this job

>>18065730 US schools are ‘cesspool of Marxist indoctrination’ – senator

>>18065750 Lula halts privatization of Brazilian state companies

>>18065772 Full trading report on politicians in 2022 - many made unusual trades resulting in huge gains

>>18065805 Kim Jong-un fires powerful military leader

>>18065809, >>18066081, >>18066088 Update on UC Medical Center Outpost where Damar Hamlin is currently in critical condition

>>18065833 Yesterday's announcement by Dr Robert Malone and 'Covid Summit Team' of over 17,000 physicians and scientists

>>18065865 Jan 3 2023, NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day | Kemble’s Cascade of Stars

>>18065892 Bombshell Huckabee Announcement - SCOTUS Case Could Flip 2020, Boot Biden, Harris

>>18065952, >>18065974 Dasting decode

>>18066179, >>18065978 118th Congress Live Youtube / CSpan links

>>18066006 Dan Bishop is a NO vote on McCarthy

>>18066013 Matt Gaetz opposes Kevin McCarthy for House Speaker

>>18066031 Human Smuggler Busted with Five Migrants in Arizona near Border

>>18066039 Chinese state-affiliated media @zhao_dashuai: For thousands of years, China have fought the nomadic horsemen of the Northern Steppes

>>18066077 Switzerland boosts gold imports from Russia despite sanctions

>>18066096 USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Jan. 3, 2023

>>18066114 https://maps.org/

DOUGH >>18065470

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256882  No.18066243

File: e59edd80c830120⋯.png (870.46 KB, 1080x1678, 540:839, Vhu.png)

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6585f5  No.18066244

File: b8119bbb5f68b3c⋯.jpeg (588.08 KB, 1679x1242, 73:54, 22ff9944c3042cbf30f5a4656….jpeg)

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ec0e73  No.18066245

File: 7bf4dd4c0273855⋯.png (277.39 KB, 576x432, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>as they yearn for truth and freedom

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f91d5f  No.18066247

File: a206edfb6953d0f⋯.jpg (166.4 KB, 1024x887, 1024:887, d87cvuj_aa3b740f_2deb_4efb….jpg)


uncle samael

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ccaa6d  No.18066248

File: 008db303a077102⋯.jpg (104.98 KB, 905x509, 905:509, Forever_yellow.jpg)

Just think….Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzingler don't get to VOTE….FOREVER!!!!

loving it!!!

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24b886  No.18066249


Good anon. I’m convinced a new strain was released. I know many who had it.. like a bad flu. The marker was a very high fever (103) and people who never get sick, getting it.

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d39840  No.18066250

File: 161f88ea4124b02⋯.png (73.3 KB, 223x197, 223:197, ClipboardImage.png)

When you thought the grass was greener on the other side of the fence.

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6585f5  No.18066251

File: af30a04aa0e6f91⋯.jpg (132.49 KB, 1029x845, 1029:845, af30a04aa0e6f912f43deaa68e….jpg)

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472596  No.18066252

File: 1bffe8a73b6edd0⋯.jpg (83.61 KB, 600x600, 1:1, spying.jpg)


>"Bug," or "undocumented feature?"

C_A requested (undocumented) feature no doubt…

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204745  No.18066253


Fuck off get the police and military to enforce the law. It won’t destroy the world at any moment the government can issue new currency if the bankers want to go full retard. Ffs this is bs.

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a47213  No.18066254

File: e9e10b6d9bcd0bb⋯.png (147.44 KB, 522x539, 522:539, image_2023_01_03_122148393.png)

Much love to our glass-ceiling-busting governor of New York!


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d296bd  No.18066255

File: 6d34abafd66d1bb⋯.png (187.53 KB, 490x272, 245:136, scalise_mccarthy.png)


>Steve Scalise as speaker of the house would be like throwing shit in the American people's face.

>Steve Scalise is a Liz Cheney ass kisser fraud.

>Kevin McCarthy

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554a5a  No.18066256


>notes last calls


tyBAKES, anons+ Bun:

>A.I and M.L. { Machine spyLearning } \_/ Looking Glass _ BLUEWATER Intrnl _ QDrop 4951=Bryan S. Ware

>Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.


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72938d  No.18066257

Trump says China owns USA (You).

I was called shill for saying it.

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ec0e73  No.18066258


I remember in the 90s when people would freak out about internet cookies.

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6585f5  No.18066259

File: 2803435e2fe3b59⋯.jpg (152.01 KB, 1120x1120, 1:1, 2803435e2fe3b590a7cf751e0a….jpg)

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9ca69f  No.18066260


i'm thinkin this whole mtg/mcarthy vs gaetz/boebert/others = kayfabe

gotta get the people involved in electing a speaker rather than it being the same ol, same ol

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523dca  No.18066261

File: 3d2313519154446⋯.jpg (95.81 KB, 500x643, 500:643, Vgnj.jpg)

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2c6beb  No.18066262

File: 040d00061813c86⋯.png (833.61 KB, 1080x1068, 90:89, 040d00061813c86d977ea08c5e….png)

"If we do know…"

Who's we, spin "doctor" on Faux?

Feeling the heat?

It's going to get hotter.

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9ca69f  No.18066263


China owns USA

pretty much known this time would come since the 90s

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69c298  No.18066264

courtesy fresh






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49e478  No.18066265

File: d701f7b1d229cfc⋯.png (5.03 MB, 2048x1335, 2048:1335, ClipboardImage.png)

Twitter is back to playing its stupid games.

Last night they removed #DiedSuddenly from Trending.

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72938d  No.18066266


They ARE enforcing the law.

Every American commits at least three felonies a day. They just decide who to prosecute.

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