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3fd329  No.17904349 [Last 50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 11.27.22

>>17830326 ————————————–——– Protect your DNA.

>>17830259 rt >>17830253 ———————— In time.

>>17830238 ————————————–——– Focus on the mission.

Friday 11.18.22

>>17788718 ————————————–——– Patriots in trusted positions.

Friday 11.11.22

>>17751801 ————————————–——– PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS. 1913.

Tuesday 11.08.22

>>17734020 ————————————–——– Taking control.

Monday 11.07.22

>>17728969 ————————————–——– White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain.

Sunday 11.06.2022

>>17724555 ————————————–——– You have all the tools you need.

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Key Resources below; ck Dough Resource thread for more. >>17225239

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3fd329  No.17904353

International Q Research Threads

>>17453586 ————————————–——– Australia #26

>>17722898 ————————————–——– Canada #38

>>16694358 ————————————–——– France #7

>>17595232 ————————————–——– Germany #104

>>17726021 ————————————–——– Japan #8

>>16694250 ————————————–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ————————————–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ————————————–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ————————————–——– South Africa #10

>>17722137 ————————————–——– UK #49

>>17631245 ————————————–——– Vatican #6


for Anons: bunker = https://endchan.gg/qrbunker; ban lifts >>17241201

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

How to Manually Change DNS >>17720708, >>17722850

How anons can help with current posting problems >>17722828 thru >>17722832

Jim W on attacks, Proto, security & keeping 8kun in business >>17754996

PROTO Pass information: >>17799211, >>17798916, >>17806389, >>17826144 NEW

for Bakers: how to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444

baking range: @75 up to 751 >>17728642



>>17903651 Military Codes with Roseanne Barr, Derek Johnson & Tom Numbers

>>17903670, >>17903862 Fox News on Brave Veritas Whistleblower Exposing HHS Aiding Child Trafficking at the US Border

>>17903683 So not only did FBI have at least 8 informants embedded in Proud Boys before Jan 6, its leader was working with DC Metro Police

>>17903686, >>17903731 Project Cedar: Inside the Plot to Destroy the U.S. Dollar

>>17903689 After March 17, 2023, people with a mental illness as their sole underlying medical condition will have access to MAID

>>17903698 The people who are under the age of 50 who took the vaccine now have a 49% higher mortality rate.

>>17903747, >>17903859 Senator Grassley: The FBI got their hands on Twitter via these weekly briefings…and planted seeds regarding future hacked material relating to HBiden

>>17903769 Former Bundestag MP among ‘Reich’ coup planners

>>17903776, >>17903922, >>17904306 AOC is under a House Ethics Investigation

>>17903796 Joseph A. Ladapo, MD, PhD @FLSurgeonGen This analysis showed an increased risk of cardiac-related death among men 18-39. FL will not be silent on the truth.

>>17903782, >>17903764 Degradative Effect of Nattokinase on Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2/You can just take Nattokinase. Available OTC or at amazon.

>>17903823 Never forget Jan6 peeps still locked up, tide will turn

>>17903829 @realDonaldTrump Per @mtaibbi, former FBI snake and Twitter Deputy General Counsel Jim Baker was combing through the Twitter files unbeknownst to Musk/More coming soon via @bariweiss

>>17903852 Bali bomb maker released from jail early

>>17903865 Kash on War Room: Everyone Needs to Focus on James Baker This Week FOCUS

>>17903869 TIME'S UP, JOE! House GOP Launches Probe Into Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal


>>17903875 @realDonaldTrump 232 out of 252 Midterm Races WON who had my Endorsement

>>17903876 Missouri Man Convicted at Trial of a Dozen Child Pornography Charges

>>17903887 @realDonaldTrump Being a RINO in the Republican Party is like living in the past. Nothing good comes from them. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

>>17903911, >>17903895 Health experts in conundrum over best way to avoid winter ‘tripledemic’/RSV, Covid-19 and flu

>>17903915 Why did Bill Barr and Robert Mueller actively block investigations into massive Pedophile Rings in 1992 by Retired FBI Senior Agent Ted Gunderson?

>>17903932 Researchers used CO2 from classrooms at Boston University, through rooftop exhaust vents, to help spinach grow up to four times larger and corn twice as big

>>17903935, >>17903831, >>17903939 Soros bankrolls global media

>>17903940 White House: Congress dropping Pentagon vaccine mandate a 'mistake'

>>17903943 Dr Zelenko Protocol to cure a cold or flu

>>17903951 Herschel Walker Concedes Georgia Senate Race: 'There’s No Excuses in Life'

>>17903961, >>17904094 Would-Be Robbers Made Their Move On A Concealed Carrying Senior Citizen In Chicago

>>17903972 Truth Bomb of the day- the FBI had weekly meetings with Titter, Fakebook, and Scroogle to censor info in run up to 2020 election- that means it was authorized by Bill Barr and Chriss Wray

>>17903973 @US_FDA needs messaging campaign to ease gay, bisexual men into blood donation

>>17903987 Former Theranos Executive Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani has been sentenced to nearly 13 years in prison

>>17904005 Troops Discharged Over Mandate Will Not Be Reinstated After Pentagon Scraps Mandate

>>17904011 2018 Declass Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Abuses at the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation

>>17904015, >>17904091, >>17904214 House Financial Services Chair Maxine Waters doesn’t plan to subpoena Sam Bankman-Fried to testify at hearing on FTX collapse

>>17904020 Cold Moon: Full Moon in December 2022

>>17904054 SEC: Today we charged venture capital firm Vika Ventures LLC & its CEO & co-founder, George Iakovou, with fraudulently offering & selling more than $6 million of securities to at least 46 investors in multiple states including California, Georgia, & New York./FTX crickets


>>17904079 Entire Colorado Town Told To Shelter-In-Place Due To Active Shooter

>>17904083, >>17904096, >>17904105 Former White House Staffer Confirms Jan. 6 Committee Lied About DOJ Attorney

>>17904085, >>17904121, >>17904247 PF stuffs

>>17904110 Vanguard will no longer participate in the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative as lawmakers and the broader marketplace scrutinize the company’s support of the environmental, social, and governance movement

>>17904181 Secret Service CAUGHT Changing Story About Hunter Biden Documents!

>>17904195 Aussie: It’s a trap: mooted gas cap plays into the hands of the cartel, locks in high energy prices

>>17904202 New Zealand court strips parents of child's medical guardianship in dispute over 'vaccinated blood'

>>17904213 2 Months after receiving an investment of 500k by Hunter Biden's Rosemont Seneca, biolab Metabiota receives a 23.9 million dollar contract from the DOD.

>>17904243 Loudoun County Fires Superintendent overHandling of Sexual-Assault Cases

>>17904272 Rishi Sunak shows his true WEF colours

>>17904283 He believes Q was CIA run to keep Trump from winning, all along

>>17904295 US judge dismisses suit against Saudi prince in Khashoggi murder

>>17904309 Scavino meme on Pearl Harbor Day

>>17904327 'Health and Human Services (HSS) knowingly transferring unaccompanied migrant children to the custody of criminals, including sex traffickers'

>>17904345 #21941

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3fd329  No.17904355


>>17903093 Agenda 30 Alert: "Innovative" Fisk [University] to use shipping-container dorms to house students.

>>17903098 Germany arrests 25 right-wing, ex-military figures suspected of plotting coup

>>17903113, >>17903124, >>17903171 Muh Classified Documents

>>17903118 Make Elon accountable till he gives the diamonds back to the American Taxpayer. Thanks Kash

>>17903127 Leaked files: private spying firm targets global population with illegal spyware

>>17903133 @POTATO I just signed the Speak Out Act

>>17903168 @RepRosendale Kevin McCarthy has made it clear that he is unwilling to challenge the status quo in Washington.

>>17903174, >>17903209 Pedro Castillo is admitted to the headquarters of the Seventh Police Region after being dismissed and later arrested in Lima

>>17903116 PF: Israeli Gulfstream V 'Nachshon Shavit' 676 completed return flight to Israel from St. Louis a few hours ago

>>17903186, >>17903532 PF: Call sign RICO26 watching the water from 54,000 feet off the coast of NC

>>17903583 PF: Barksdale AFB has two B-52s up. 60-0013 and 60-0022. Nose art "Lucky 13" and "Deuces Wild".

>>17903194 Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer Colluded With Federal Agency, CISA, To Censor Election Critics – GWP Mentioned By Name

>>17903196, >>17903335, >>17903385, >>17903460 Jack Posobiec can't seem to make up his mind about anon

>>17903212 Decoding the Brandon Whitehouse Christmas 17 second video

>>17903252 (EPS-R) payloads to begin integration on Space Norway’s Arctic Satellite Broadband Mission host space vehicles

>>17903297, >>17903351 In this Tweet Kash mentions "comms baker" and last line equals 17.

>>17903294 Senator Tom Cotton to Woke Kroger CEO: “I’m Sorry That’s Happening to You. Best of Luck”

>>17903315 #Marines with @3rdmaw work alongside @USNavy Sailors during Exercise Steel Knight 23 on Imperial Beach, Calif., Nov. 29.

>>17903320, >>17903352 ABC news panic

>>17903364 brunson_v_adams_J6.pdf

>>17903387 @realDonaldTrump Senate GOP and McConnell are out of control and destroying support for the GOP - rt

>>17903405 @POTATO Seventeen Black women have been confirmed to federal circuit courts in U.S. history... I’m proud to have nominated 9 of them

>>17903408 Chuck trying ta educate

>>17903419, >>17903439, >>17903604 Sick bdsm "pups" have invaded our military, getting sexual gratification by displaying their degeneracy on twitter

>>17903422 Always be mission-ready. #FiresStrong #TeamSill @USArmy etc

>>17903434, >>17903571 @elonmusk Replying to @jack Most important data was hidden (from you too) and some may have been deleted, but everything we find will be released

>>17903451 Zelensky the actor that became the Ukrainian President won TIME's 2022 Person of the Year, of course

>>17903490 Files Show FBI Suspected JDL Of Extorting Tupac

>>17903500 America First Legal’s litigation has exposed a secret government portal for government censors. Unconstitutional.

>>17903507 Secret Service CAUGHT Changing Story About Hunter Biden Documents!

>>17903516 Vanguard is pulling out of a major financial-sector alliance intended to help tackle climate change

>>17903566 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is Under House Ethics Investigation

>>17903627 American Girl takes wokeness to a new level with ‘gender transition’ book for 3-year-olds

>>17904157 #21941


>>17902286 DOUGH

>>17902301 LA DA @GeorgeGascon today, ordering his prosecutors to avoid filing criminal charges that could lead to deportation for illegal immigrants

>>17902330 FBI agent Elvis Chan, at the San Francisco field office for the agency, testified that he was in regular contact with Facebook's Steven Siegel and Twitter’s Yoel Roth.

>>17902338 Harry Dunn: US driver will not attend sentencing in person

>>17902348 RAF Croughton base 'sent secrets from Merkel’s phone straight to the CIA' Communications hub plays key role in relaying embassy based spying

>>17902354 Here’s the Problem With the Story Connecting Russia to Donald Trump’s Email Server

>>17902355 Fired Twitter attorney Jim Baker may have a serious legal ethics problem here.

>>17902362 By now, the evidence is overwhelming that the US Security State is heavily involved in pressuring Big Tech to censor.

>>17902363 Congress's move to block Schedule F reclassification Trump EO -> in NDAA

>>17902391 Yoel Roth, Twitter's former "Head of Site Integrity," said he was in regular meetings with the DNI, FBI, DHS, etc. throughout 2020

>>17902410, >>17902419 Roosevelt's Infamy

>>17902427 QReminder You must show them.


>>17902464 New letters GOP incoming house oversight chairman @JamesComer to senior Twitter execs Gadde, Roth Baker (former FBI GC) “to testify at a public hearing.”

>>17902481 MSM and thier QAnon Conspiracy theory - Its the Qanon German Nazis

>>17902512 The DNC uses money to get power. The RNC uses power to get money.

>>17902544 @HillaryClinton 51! Congratulations, FAKE Senator @reverendwarnock

>>17902562 @BarackObama joined @SandyHook families to honor the 20 precious children and 6 brave adults who were killed ten years ago

>>17902564 CIA hid evidence of JFK assassin’s covert ops history – researcher

>>17902573 The Receipts: Brazil Conservatives Present Election Fraud Catalogue and Call for International Investigation – Where is the GOP?

>>17902584 @RepAdamSchiff Elon Musk is running a company that performs cruel and deadly tests on animals? (?)

>>17902595 Former GOP Representative Lee Zeldin Decides Not to Run for RNC Chair FOR NOW – Says Ronna Romney McDaniel Should Not Be Elected Chair

>>17902600 Authorities Respond to Sen. Ted Cruz’s Houston Home After Reports of Daughter’s “Self-Inflicted Stab Wounds”

>>17902608 Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Against Saudi Prince Over Khashoggi Killing Citing Biden Immunity

>>17902621 Federal Reserve Unveils Climate Risk Proposal For Big Banks For Public Comment

>>17902633 US Approves Sale Of $3.75BN In M1 Abrams Tanks To Poland

>>17902645 Against Backdrop Of War, Rolling Blackouts, & Internet Outages, Ukraine Is Trying To Digitize Everything

>>17902649 Nuclear Energy? All ships run on diesel now. Sure spend trillions more DOD, or steal trillions more!

>>17902658 Report: State of Massachusetts takes children at 1 a.m. without warrant after baselessly claiming they were in danger

>>17902664 https://twitter.com/SCOTUSblog/status/1600499828735221760?

>>17902675 Jim Jordan Parrots Kevin McCarthy’s Talking Points in Breitbart Speaker Interview

>>17902703 Here’s How The CDC Used A Backchannel With Twitter To Control The COVID-19 Narrative

>>17902698 Mongolians Protest At State Palace After Government Officials Allegedly Steal Billions In Coal, Sell It To China

>>17902733 Florida LGBT youth center deletes social media after disturbing sexual posts are revealed

>>17902730 notable anon opine local production of food is a priority for escaping the grip of globalism and it's poison.

>>17902745 3000 police officers deployed in raids over plot to overthrow German government | DW News

>>17902757 World Health Organization meets to plot censorship of “misinformation” under international pandemic treaty

>>17902762 Bill Gates will join Fauci this week to dictate U.S. government health 'priorities for the future' (is Bill a Dr?)

>>17902768 Excess deaths in 2022 ‘incredibly high’ at 13 per cent

>>17902782 Bill Gates Sends $7 Billion to Africa That Will Promote Abortion as Population Control (Bills no Doctor)

>>17902796 US armed with cutting-edge chemical weapons technology, warns MP

>>17902799 Well, after nearly three decades in uniform, this ‘ol Armydawg is finally done. As of today, he’s COL Ravage, US Army, Retired. It’s been a great run! #WTF

>>17902826 New letters GOP incoming house oversight chairman

>>17902879 @JamesComer Beleaguered NSO Group said pleased by Netanyahu’s return, eyes renewed Saudi deals

>>17902884 Unidentified Oumuamua interstellar object is just now leaving the Solar System

>>17902891 Kyiv mayor says 'apocalypse' scenario possible this winter, but urges no panic

>>17902902 @justin_hart Let's walk through the damage to kids and young adults from lockdowns

>>17902906 @VPrasadMDMPH 15% of healthy boys with myocarditis have Left ventricular dysfunction and 1.3% have severe LV dysfunction

>>17902907 The Hijacking of Pediatric Medicine

>>17902945 Jordan Peterson Calls For YouTube to Censor Anonymous Critics of His Fawning Netanyahu Interview

>>17902949 @FoxNews on Brave Veritas Whistleblower Exposing @HHSGov Aiding Child Trafficking at the US Border

>>17902961 Call sign PIG01. USAF Fairchild A-10C Thunderbolt II 81-0984. Cross country trip.

>>17902990 Call signs RUFF07 and PLOY31. USN Boeing E-6B Mercury airframes 164386 and 164409. Ironman,TACAMO

>>17902989 @nayibbukele In less than 48 hours, more than 140 gang members have been arrested inside the fence. (DC Fence?)

>>17903025 Kevin McCarthy: Republican Majority Will Hold Biden Administration Accountable from ‘Day One’

>>17903033 #21939

Previously Collected

>>17902266 #21938

>>17896369 #21935, >>17897135 #21936, >>17898917 #21937

>>17895862 #21932, >>17895380 #21933, >>17895619 #21934

>>17883934 #21929, >>17884746 #21930, >>17885526 #21931

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

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3fd329  No.17904362

File: 2142ece1f067367⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1156x888, 289:222, PearlHarborDay.png)



Baker taps @20 if no handoff

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fdefa1  No.17904373

File: 099cd5867c077a6⋯.png (107.08 KB, 1474x976, 737:488, nedbansusJe.png)

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878847  No.17904376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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d488be  No.17904378

>>17904362 ¹⁰𝚀🍞

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2c0397  No.17904384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



new AvE (57 second duration)

"Think the way to go is the Proto. No drama. Steady Eddy. Nice finish."

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c05d76  No.17904385

File: 784c8ee3634885a⋯.png (10.94 MB, 3000x1967, 3000:1967, nightshiftcaf1.png)

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6be358  No.17904386

File: 18816be501c42e3⋯.png (111.02 KB, 480x266, 240:133, ClipboardImage.png)

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d7e72d  No.17904387

3000 kraut kops for 25 alleged frogs. Oy vey!

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1ab542  No.17904388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3,000 officers were involved in the raids, and 25 people are under arrest.

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3c22b0  No.17904389

File: 91610f68fa3396e⋯.jpeg (83.66 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, 91610f68fa3396e001d655f0d….jpeg)

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e9ebda  No.17904392

File: ac0eb6e3469af5d⋯.png (34.58 KB, 551x543, 551:543, ClipboardImage.png)

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c25060  No.17904394

File: ee4ecc44b647052⋯.jpg (64.69 KB, 750x490, 75:49, vdrqrjgrhfv.jpg)

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1ab542  No.17904395

File: 38cdbf606386405⋯.mp4 (1.21 MB, 640x338, 320:169, borders_have_changed.mp4)

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053a33  No.17904396



Anon is seeing a lot of racist shilling against black people. You think Americans that happen to be black and born in Democrat controlled poverty zones by design enjoy their fate in life? They need help, as in opportunities, education, infrastructure, a hand up, not a hand out. We're ALL in this together.

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696fe7  No.17904397

I’m so bored!!!! All these narratives are the fucking same. Corruption corruption corruption. Let’s move on already.

Bring on the love narratives! 🥰

Love wins!

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146126  No.17904398

File: 84c7306ae049ba1⋯.png (433.47 KB, 500x624, 125:156, ClipboardImage.png)



You are clear to ghost


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1ab542  No.17904400


>Bring on the love narratives! 🥰


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b4dcca  No.17904401


Need an amorous Pepe meme.

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c05d76  No.17904402

=The Presidential election is rigged!!!=

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6be358  No.17904403

File: bde545084311717⋯.png (293.4 KB, 499x538, 499:538, ClipboardImage.png)


3000 feds, hid in their beds

scared of 1 amphibian

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d74e72  No.17904404


Furchner’s protracted trial is emblematic of Germany’s ongoing effort to reconcile the harrowing legacy of the Holocaust. Orchestrated by Adolf Hitler, the reign of terror saw the murder of at least 6 million Jews, as well as 5 million Poles, Soviet civilians and POWs, Roma, homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Afro Germans.

In June, the Neuruppin Regional Court sentenced Josef Schütz, 101, to five years in prison for his role in the deaths of over 3,000 prisoners at the Sachsenhausen camp.

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eadc39  No.17904405

File: e8e856f25996283⋯.png (104.76 KB, 701x537, 701:537, ClipboardImage.png)

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91ca7b  No.17904406

File: f99a7c080b04349⋯.png (19.46 KB, 441x97, 441:97, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 22ca0d3d453f9a6⋯.png (9.82 KB, 192x90, 32:15, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e27c94211a25a35⋯.png (45.21 KB, 377x510, 377:510, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32428bc71b83a86⋯.png (53.79 KB, 494x404, 247:202, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f2ef039f004eba⋯.png (9.27 KB, 216x266, 108:133, ClipboardImage.png)


You fucked the dough, baker.

wrong numbers

how the fuck is this backwards?

dude this is SO weird!

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e9ebda  No.17904407

File: 469ad4a18dec12c⋯.png (2.29 MB, 380x380, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)





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3c22b0  No.17904408

File: f8c8dac87620236⋯.jpg (142.87 KB, 1275x623, 1275:623, 16033527254120.jpg)

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146126  No.17904409

File: 5e61cd38f227859⋯.png (12.32 KB, 201x255, 67:85, 5e61cd38f227859a7b38d9236f….png)


Welcome to /filteredspammers/

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053a33  No.17904411

File: 1e5c8eaf1255206⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1277x895, 1277:895, Rocket_MAN_jR.png)

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91ca7b  No.17904413

File: 7d5e16a90015b33⋯.png (84.32 KB, 580x387, 580:387, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7ded3e3770ef48⋯.png (56.65 KB, 461x384, 461:384, ClipboardImage.png)

still happening, fuck this is funny!


everything is backwards in the QR box====

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560128  No.17904414

File: 3ce98e9e9f2e4d1⋯.jpg (9.12 KB, 250x242, 125:121, depressedpepe.jpg)


It takes 120 cops to arrest each person.

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c05d76  No.17904415

File: 8dc18ee36a0c346⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1820x1213, 1820:1213, letsdothistrump1.png)

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4854ae  No.17904417

File: 2b0a6cc9833a091⋯.gif (1.92 MB, 280x211, 280:211, 1642622968097.gif)

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91ca7b  No.17904418


Baker your numbers are wrong in the dough


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696fe7  No.17904419

Corruption corruption corruption.

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44cbcb  No.17904420

File: 327227639518703⋯.mp4 (9.86 MB, 720x710, 72:71, _breaking_shots_fired_insi….mp4)

🚨#BREAKING: Shots fired inside Metro Center station in Washington DC

📌#Washington | #DC

There’s a Heavy Police presence at Metro Center Station in DC close to the White House after an incident that resulted in federal agent shooting a suspect 4 times.The suspect was killed


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1ab542  No.17904421

File: d2a3180880e657c⋯.png (748.61 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


the frogs did then swell, and dragged them to hell

their kingdom now oblivion

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d8cb5d  No.17904422

File: 14f13375241304a⋯.jpg (495.17 KB, 800x499, 800:499, cops_kneeling_down.jpg)


Police are heroes. They keep us safe. Officer safety is paramount. Because they keep us safe.

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15ff2d  No.17904423

File: 91e68566336fec9⋯.jpg (40.21 KB, 395x401, 395:401, Screenshot_20221127_144104….jpg)

File: 2a9f90190282d18⋯.jpg (62.59 KB, 457x285, 457:285, Screenshot_20221127_150321….jpg)

File: 046d4809aebed0e⋯.jpg (47.88 KB, 291x399, 97:133, Screenshot_20221107_174635….jpg)

File: f1ec4a13642fa15⋯.jpg (93.85 KB, 401x372, 401:372, Screenshot_20221108_064755….jpg)


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24036d  No.17904424

File: b7a0a73f2cc68f4⋯.png (1.86 MB, 590x633, 590:633, b7a0a73f2cc68f40499304a6e7….png)

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bbfded  No.17904425

File: e3e63d1434617d0⋯.png (123.66 KB, 447x580, 447:580, 2022_12_07_19_40.png)

File: edb2c164e01d71d⋯.png (130.19 KB, 473x881, 473:881, qaggdropimage4672.png)

File: 77c7f7648545284⋯.png (63.62 KB, 473x644, 473:644, qaggdropimage908.png)

File: 91d3a9dae50092a⋯.png (39.09 KB, 473x350, 473:350, qaggdropimage1204.png)

File: b288167b566df8c⋯.png (101.7 KB, 473x938, 473:938, qaggdropimage667.png)

See new Tweets


Julie Kelly 🇺🇸




Chan suggested social media companies should review their terms of service regarding "hacked" materialsi.e. Hunter Biden laptop coverageto encourage platforms to censor reporting


Julie Kelly 🇺🇸




Then lowkey threatened legal action if they didn't remove the content


Julie Kelly 🇺🇸




Boy, Elvis Chan sure gets around!

Also worked with Robert Mueller's team


Julie Kelly 🇺🇸




I explained here Chan's connection to Russiagate


Elvis Chan: Cyber Conduit Between FBI and Big Tech › American Greatness

Election Day is four weeks away and barring some major catastrophe, Republicans are expected to make major gains in offices across the country and win a majority of seats in Congress.


Julie Kelly 🇺🇸


FBI agents used Signal to communicate with Big Tech.

I am told the use of encrypted chats is evidence of a crime–at least that's what prosecutors argue in J6 trials


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a7305f  No.17904426


>Anon is seeing a lot of racist shilling against black people. You think Americans that happen to be black and born in Democrat controlled poverty zones by design enjoy their fate in life? They need help, as in opportunities, education, infrastructure, a hand up, not a hand out. We're ALL in this together

Yep, hes right you know!

Democrats have obliterated a whole culture, trashed it, and used it for there financial gains.

The democrat party and its voters, and companies owes the whole entire black population reparations.

Democrats are the KKK

Democrats are the white supremacist

Democrats are the problem

Democrats own the African American plantation.

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91ca7b  No.17904427

File: 8b82315b23950f6⋯.png (18.98 KB, 405x459, 15:17, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5eeae305dfb093⋯.png (210.68 KB, 1364x505, 1364:505, ClipboardImage.png)

mmm, what is going on?

is this just me or do anon have the same fuckery


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b4dcca  No.17904428

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ffa2c5  No.17904429



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ecef40  No.17904430


“There is no constituency for the truth.”

low energy yeb


high energy yeb with a applique of white lotus, yam yam, shanghai sally

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85bd14  No.17904431

File: cde4f6e0d419456⋯.png (76.35 KB, 187x281, 187:281, ClipboardImage.png)

Did AOC make a Christmas movie?

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3fd329  No.17904432



this is what I was given

from collector

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24036d  No.17904433

File: 647cc588a81ee22⋯.jpeg (27.5 KB, 680x358, 340:179, EkfmT2hXgAQ11Sz.jpeg)

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ad2e39  No.17904434

File: b381fa89b9ec727⋯.png (325.4 KB, 470x470, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

The Only Thing I know.

The One thing that is Certain.

A Definitive Hill to Die on with Pride.

Is the Unyielding & Ceaseless Protection of our Children.

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eadc39  No.17904435

File: a79f8b5a061a168⋯.png (979.08 KB, 998x682, 499:341, ClipboardImage.png)

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3c22b0  No.17904436

File: ec73a3e28f1bc70⋯.jpeg (1.5 MB, 1984x2048, 31:32, ec73a3e28f1bc7012b030d386….jpeg)

>>17904399 (lb)

You find the medium they do consume.

Usually that'd be TV/MSM.

You take over that and deprogram them via those channels.

…. yes, I know I'm talking theory ….

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e9ebda  No.17904437

File: 1fd5963c7b42a63⋯.png (292.3 KB, 1416x857, 1416:857, Regular_QR_2022_12_08_.png)


all regular here so far

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530538  No.17904438

File: 9e1d7c0d744b0e4⋯.png (332.28 KB, 667x756, 667:756, ClipboardImage.png)


BREAKING: The president of Peru was ousted by Congress and arrested on a charge of rebellion Wednesday after he sought to dissolve the legislative body and take unilateral control of the government, triggering a grave constitutional crisis.


Peru's president ousted by Congress in political crisis

LIMA, Peru (AP) — The president of Peru was ousted by Congress and arrested on a charge of rebellion Wednesday after he sought to dissolve the legislative body and take unilateral control of the…

6:01 PM · Dec 7, 2022

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91ca7b  No.17904439

File: e3bbf2103e5bfcf⋯.png (28.91 KB, 552x413, 552:413, ClipboardImage.png)

Listen , you have proved your point, I know you can show me memes and post to me without others seeing our conversations.

backwards is giving me a head ache, please swap back to normal.



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c174bb  No.17904440

File: 2ae01130a9356a8⋯.jpg (119.7 KB, 500x667, 500:667, 1642231548573.jpg)

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6be358  No.17904441

File: be2059173891d9c⋯.png (157.98 KB, 640x577, 640:577, ClipboardImage.png)


*excited crowd noises*

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696fe7  No.17904442

Is Twitter corrupt? Yes

Will Facebook files be corrupt? Yes

Will google files be corrupt? Yes

Will laptops be corrupt? Yes

Are people corrupt? Yes

Is politics corrupt? Yes

Is everything corrupt? Yes


Corruption corruption corruption.

Move on already.

Love Wins! Let’s focus on love winning!


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24036d  No.17904443

File: feb0744fb47a1ac⋯.jpeg (262.74 KB, 1059x1200, 353:400, feb0744fb47a1ac4ed3525357….jpeg)

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7b272e  No.17904444

See the wall for what it is and then tear it down, for the truth is waiting.

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15ff2d  No.17904445

Love wins

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43be06  No.17904446


God keeps me safe.

The second amendment is the right way to go, use that instead.

you don't need the corrupt global police department trafficking your American citizens and taking your constitutional rights away in order to keep you safe.

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696fe7  No.17904447


Love wins! 🥰

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24e020  No.17904448

File: 5524cccd17d07b8⋯.jpg (191.16 KB, 720x1600, 9:20, Screenshot_20221207_194240….jpg)

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91ca7b  No.17904449

File: ad4f3b987cb878d⋯.png (22.22 KB, 461x480, 461:480, ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks for confirming…

oh no, if it stays this way


was funny now it is annoying

all going backwards is confusing me

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c174bb  No.17904450

File: fe1d86f2f763fd2⋯.jpg (515.42 KB, 588x1208, 147:302, 20220816_114758.jpg)



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878847  No.17904451

File: 39073fe80f6a2ff⋯.png (314.48 KB, 856x626, 428:313, 1723.png)

I just got my license.

Now I have license to kill.

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530cbc  No.17904452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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44cbcb  No.17904453

File: d827bac11be13d1⋯.jpeg (123.98 KB, 1108x1098, 554:549, E_irS1XEAcyWmj.jpeg)


it's all over but the crying.. but you know that already.

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a48432  No.17904454

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Steve Bannon On Administrative State Populist Range Warfare with Kash

Kash didn’t get a word in edgewise! Kek

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d74e72  No.17904455

File: b006a19afc923c7⋯.jpg (68.42 KB, 381x550, 381:550, leslie.jpg)


sounds good

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146126  No.17904456

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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24036d  No.17904457

File: 72ffee27ca9f170⋯.jpeg (303.81 KB, 750x727, 750:727, 72ffee27ca9f170e0b1c9cadc….jpeg)

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530538  No.17904458


>See the wall for what it is and then tear it down, for the truth is waiting.


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ad2e39  No.17904459


you have my Bless B

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bebb20  No.17904460

File: 2d60968f0831c11⋯.jpeg (390.18 KB, 750x997, 750:997, Merry_Christmas_bud.jpeg)

File: cc18d5486b39495⋯.png (150.75 KB, 420x420, 1:1, 1_toke.png)



O Christmas weed, o Christmas weed

Thy leaves are so unchanging

O Christmas weed, o Christmas weed

Thy leaves are so unchanging

Not only green when summer's here

But also when it's cold and drear

O Christmas weed, o Christmas weed

Thy leaves are so unchanging

O Christmas weed, o Christmas weed

Such pleasure do you bring me

O Christmas weed, o Christmas weed

Such pleasure do you bring me

For every year this Christmas weed

Brings to us such joy and glee

O Christmas weed, o Christmas weed

Such pleasure do you bring me

O Christmas weed, o Christmas weed

You'll ever be unchanging

A symbol of goodwill and love

You'll ever be unchanging

Each shining light, each silver bell

No one alive spreads cheer so well

O Christmas weed, o Christmas weed

You'll ever be unchanging

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a48432  No.17904461

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

With Miranda Devine, she’s on fire.Elon Musk Fires Twitter Deputy General Council James Baker

Bannons War Room

December 7, 2022

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85bd14  No.17904462

File: 15ebe08522fa87f⋯.png (197.54 KB, 948x502, 474:251, ClipboardImage.png)

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c174bb  No.17904463

File: dd341f8e813f861⋯.jpg (11.08 KB, 224x224, 1:1, rod.jpg)


Only vaxxies allowed at his concert. Shit on rod

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e6e46e  No.17904464

File: d309fe7573ac1b3⋯.png (264.75 KB, 315x520, 63:104, chekabadge.png)


3000/25 = 120pp

Must be some bad hombres, those 69 and 71 year old disgruntled and their homies.

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cf5bb2  No.17904465

File: fa5725ebb0c090d⋯.jpg (62.06 KB, 702x395, 702:395, ElectionTheft.jpg)

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530cbc  No.17904466

File: 43c20553cf2956c⋯.png (167.54 KB, 426x727, 426:727, ken.PNG)


Country singer John Rich announces alternative to liberal, cancel culture banks - 'Old Glory Bank'

Country music singer John Rich on Wednesday announces the creation of a new bank for Americans who support freedom of speech and have concerns about their existing bankers punishing them – and their accounts – for publicly backing issues that their banks don't support.

The bank is called Old Glory Bank and its being led by Rich, conservative commentator Larry Elder, and Dr. Ben Carson, former 2016 presidential candidate.

The best way to beat the system is to build a new one.



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a48432  No.17904467


Rumble is constantly hacked, apparently we are over the target

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053a33  No.17904468




The Police protect the institution, good or bad and provide stability. When the institution falls, the Police will gravitate to whatever replaces it (new establishment). And to be honest, it's probably better that way, as frustrating as it is.

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e9ebda  No.17904469

File: ab99808774b0764⋯.png (85.58 KB, 750x750, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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530cbc  No.17904470

File: 4e5ae5caf7cf687⋯.png (373.16 KB, 426x746, 213:373, body.PNG)


All cause hospitalization and all cause mortality were higher in the vaccinated group than the placebo group in the original Pfizer clinical trial.

They lied when they said the mRNA shots stop infection and transmission.

So it doesn't stop infection or transmission and you are more likely to get hospitalized or die if you take it, but sure keep ignoring the data that doesn't fit the narrative and put all your faith in Big Pharma.


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872fb0  No.17904471


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0cbc30  No.17904472

Nigerian Gulfstream 5N-FGW callsign NGR002 appears to be coming into New York from Anchorage. I wonder if it has been seized for non-payment on those repairs.

They seem to be having big money problems despite their deep involvements with China, according to President Muhammadu Buhari's twitter feed.


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3d8ce8  No.17904473

anyone who believes that tripledemic bullshit is a #tripledumbass

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e6e46e  No.17904474

File: 2cf7a3628c1e473⋯.jpg (80.22 KB, 1024x724, 256:181, 2cf7a3628c1e473b20a56607d9….jpg)

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3c22b0  No.17904475

File: 3fb85ce1580af24⋯.png (245.5 KB, 1063x1063, 1:1, 3fb85ce1580af24d83f6bde173….png)


dub dubz confirm craziness of the idea


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2ec977  No.17904476



the ark is the only way to survive whats coming.

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3ec208  No.17904477

File: 78743e9a48d7c7b⋯.png (140.1 KB, 392x518, 28:37, ClipboardImage.png)

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d7e72d  No.17904478

Soon the kiev winter apocalypse will be trumpeted and another 50B will be sent over.

This jew is like an italian contractor in NJ

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530cbc  No.17904479

File: 7aa80196bdbb4cd⋯.png (84.77 KB, 429x429, 1:1, bones.PNG)


As if google photo drive couldn't get any creepier.


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91ca7b  No.17904480

File: a562d3915e2632b⋯.png (33.53 KB, 791x439, 791:439, ClipboardImage.png)


They froze the whole browser, everything back to normal


was nice for a while….

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530538  No.17904481

>>17904466 Country singer John Rich announces alternative to liberal, cancel culture banks - 'Old Glory Bank'


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872fb0  No.17904482

File: 70cc66ad52de827⋯.png (413.16 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


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37e828  No.17904483


You don't see it yet?

These cops are Khazarian Mafia dressed as cops

They do this all the time especially as riot cops

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24e020  No.17904484

File: 298544479f05d25⋯.jpeg (260.65 KB, 750x1048, 375:524, 298544479f05d2523140d576d….jpeg)

File: 16be859a193c094⋯.png (153.52 KB, 710x740, 71:74, 4444.png)

File: a7fe46b20b00f4d⋯.png (67.95 KB, 710x604, 355:302, 4445.png)

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146126  No.17904485

File: e85f5543b7ebe4c⋯.png (940.09 KB, 1291x705, 1291:705, ClipboardImage.png)

>>17904283 LB

>>17904361 LB

Alright you fags. You win. I applied. I'll do it.

Just don't send me to a boot camp that's infested with TRANNIES AND LITERAL FAGGOTS

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2e466a  No.17904486

File: 122191f71898e17⋯.png (147.13 KB, 1277x573, 1277:573, NED_Posts_are_Missing_1.png)

(PB Notable)

>>17897861 Forgotten digs - anons, DIG IN!

Notables has made a call to dig on the National Endowment for Democracy.

Anon has dug on NED and related entities. There must be something here because most of Anon's NED posts are missing.

Previous NED digs

>>16273496, >>16273504, >>16273507, >>16273512, >>16273517, >>16273521, >>16273534, >>16273536, >>16273541, >>16273544 Answering the Call to Dig NED; Let's Look at Their History

>>16276368, >>16276374, >>16276385, >>16276404, >>16276411, >>16276416 Moar NED -> CIPE

>>16278892, >>16278901, >>16278904, >>16278910, >>16278916 MOAR NED - NDI

>>16282158 An Unholy Alliance - The AFL-CIO and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) in Venezuela

>>16283246, >>16283248, >>16283251, >>16283257, >>16283261, >>16283264 NED and the InterNational Republican Institute

>>16284250, >>16284292 NED, the InterNational Republican Institute, CIMA, Soros' Open Society and Adam Schiff - (Thank You Anon, for the help)

>>16292782, >>16292794 NED Related - Free Trade Union Institute - Now Solidarity Center

>>16423322, >>16423333, >>16423344, >>16423352, >>16423375, >>16423392, >>16423396, >>16423403 NED, Solidarity Center, AFL-CIO, CIPE, NDI, IRI, FTUI, ACLIS, Our Tax Dollars and Extra Constitutional Activities?

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1c83c1  No.17904487

File: 802afc253ea10af⋯.jpg (73.5 KB, 500x512, 125:128, Barr_baker.jpg)


the ones Doug Collins released. like 3 years ago… or was it 4… 5?

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3d8ce8  No.17904488


>I am told the use of encrypted chats is evidence of a crime–at least that's what prosecutors argue in J6 trials

if the FBI used it, it's evidence of entrapment

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44cbcb  No.17904489

File: 82f98c88016c5e5⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 82f98c88016c5e5de812284d29….mp4)


>the ark

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146126  No.17904490


>Forgotten digs - anons, DIG IN!


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530538  No.17904491


send this to Rona McDaniel and ask her what she is going to do about this, esp since she wants the chair

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0f36bf  No.17904492

File: 66f4db3a0c69836⋯.png (342.64 KB, 562x507, 562:507, ClipboardImage.png)

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d7e72d  No.17904493


Need a meme with triple penetration

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e9ebda  No.17904494


I noticed that when I watch and do not pay attention to the end of what I was watching, the player starts playing the next video on the list. It used to not do that until shortly, think yesterday I noticed first time.

The anoying part is that it plays stuff from Israel which I have no interest in.

Reminder to self - find and disable that switch if there is one.

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57aae7  No.17904495

File: 20f1f52211c9e55⋯.png (49.65 KB, 843x435, 281:145, ClipboardImage.png)

A New Drug Called "Tranq" Is Worsening Philadelphia's Already Out-Of-Control Drug Problem

As if Philadelphia didn't have a big enough problem on its hands with its "zombie streets" in the Northeast lined with drug users…

…a new drug is making its way out into the city. Philly Voice published a new piece this week detailing the veterinary sedative xylazine, also known as "tranq", which is now being "pervasive" in the drug scene and is mixed with fentanyl.

It is responsible for "more complex overdoses and painful skin wounds," the report says. The drug is a "anesthetic and pain reliever" that "is used by vets to treat horses and cattle". The appeal of mixing it with Fentanyl is that it can extend the perception of a person's high.

It has been found in 90% of dope samples that the city tested last year, the report says. Last year, it was found in 44% of Fentanyl overdose deaths in the city and was found in 34% of all overdose deaths. It marks a 39% increase from the year prior.

Jennifer Shinefeld, a field epidemiologist for the Philadelphia Department of Public Health, commented: "Xylazine was initially added into the drug supply because a heroin high lasts for 6-8 hours, but a fentanyl high lasts from 1-2 hours."

"The tranquilizer was being added to mimic a traditional heroin high, but also to allegedly prolong the effects."

Fentanyl is already responsible for the lion's share of the city's overdoses, the report notes:

Among Philadelphia's 1,276 fatal overdoses in 2021 — the city's deadliest year on record — fentanyl was linked to 71% of fatalities. The drug was present in 94% of fatal overdoses in which opioids were found, showing the extent to which fentanyl has supplanted heroin as the predominant opioid.

And now using xylazine as an additive is "further complicating drug interactions in people who use these substances, requiring urgent changes to Philadelphia's public health response".


I swear there's an old movie with this in it

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872fb0  No.17904496

File: f80cdef3a749cd1⋯.png (900.3 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm Bill Barr I Suck Bag pipes

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c25060  No.17904497

File: 81178a393aedac4⋯.jpg (17.11 KB, 474x266, 237:133, dfvadfvadfvadfffcd.jpg)


>Pedro Castillo was ousted by congress and arrested

July, 2021: "Castillo, of the Marxist Free Peru party…Free Peru is an openly Marxist party whose manifesto praises Vladimir Lenin and Fidel Castro. Castillo himself has insisted that he is not a communist despite being a member of a Leninist party and associating with leftists who used radical speech during his campaign. Running mate Dina Boluarte, for example, warned in April that a Castillo win would mean that Lima’s middle class would “cease to be.”


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878847  No.17904498


mister shit president, you sing bad false flag must be…….

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ecef40  No.17904499

File: 8a94bee594852a4⋯.jpg (67.71 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault_3_.jpg)

File: 13b011ce887ebdb⋯.jpg (714.18 KB, 2400x1932, 200:161, download.jpg)

File: 9808db07f16b46d⋯.jpg (1.92 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, 100809_F_JZ024_952.jpg)


Is there anyway a leak of what was in the envelopes?

Anon knows…

The promise to counter

But that look on Jeb and Laura


but that's okay if not

40 kills and 1 crocodile

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e9ebda  No.17904500


nik´d that - thank you anon

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1c83c1  No.17904501

File: 40bd15eb961eeb9⋯.jpg (88.67 KB, 644x960, 161:240, bong.jpg)

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fdefa1  No.17904502


ty for the feelz, anon

waiting for the real ark, but this is guüd

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a48432  No.17904503

File: 2529cd0992e2af4⋯.jpeg (455.09 KB, 1241x1810, 1241:1810, B8F4EEED_1A55_45A5_A2FD_F….jpeg)

File: d346f8a734759fc⋯.jpeg (373.87 KB, 1241x1385, 1241:1385, CC86349E_2BFA_4AF2_A785_4….jpeg)

File: 658559e6b1a87b1⋯.jpeg (64.14 KB, 928x464, 2:1, 28575BD8_9169_44AD_BFBA_F….jpeg)

NYTs always lies


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57aae7  No.17904504

File: 3d5a7b0d9001880⋯.png (312.53 KB, 683x803, 683:803, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb56f51d0ad8cf4⋯.png (29.95 KB, 668x251, 668:251, ClipboardImage.png)

Rupert Murdoch and Lachlan Murdoch forced to give evidence under oath in the US. Will they perjure themselves? We all know the answer!

Rupert Murdoch and Lachlan Murdoch forced to give evidence under oath in the US. Will they perjure themselves? We all know the answer!


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44cbcb  No.17904505

File: 5186a73cc59948f⋯.png (522.3 KB, 747x577, 747:577, 5186a73cc59948f1039b81908e….png)

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91ca7b  No.17904506

File: 95f1046dfc8c6f1⋯.png (411.14 KB, 519x640, 519:640, ClipboardImage.png)


The feds IQ test is rigged, that is why they are all so fucking stupid.

They only pass if they are corrupt enough to cheat in the rigged test.

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24e020  No.17904507

File: 0da5f8e55ed4c0b⋯.jpg (216.26 KB, 940x705, 4:3, 0da5f8e55ed4c0b254d3370c6d….jpg)

File: 28487dbdac751fb⋯.png (988.33 KB, 650x770, 65:77, 28487dbdac751fbba035846221….png)

File: 18fb5730c8f55e2⋯.png (15.32 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ebb1bb0982bc7d5ead58c47b84….png)

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737b61  No.17904509

File: 2d06b76b772f983⋯.png (166.35 KB, 644x338, 322:169, ClipboardImage.png)

They are sodomites. They worship Saturn because it has a ring around it, just like your butthole.


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ecef40  No.17904510

File: 466bfcdbdaa898d⋯.jpg (224.54 KB, 992x740, 248:185, 466bfcdbdaa898dfa688b8b135….jpg)

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0bddba  No.17904511



I need that on a tshirt

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44cbcb  No.17904512

File: a90832067ccdac7⋯.jpeg (413.89 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, download_19_.jpeg)


>waiting for the real ark

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1c83c1  No.17904513

File: db5ab02020c4438⋯.jpg (191.06 KB, 690x390, 23:13, CUOMO_AWARD.jpg)

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872fb0  No.17904514

File: c4892c0b7fda020⋯.png (1.63 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

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146126  No.17904515


>They are sodomites. They worship Saturn because it has a ring around it, just like your butthole.

Sharing this everywhere

It's time for the world to wake up

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92112d  No.17904516

File: 59a997b6fe7d149⋯.jpeg (225.75 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, FA0F4C0B_A092_465E_AC68_4….jpeg)

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bebb20  No.17904517

File: 949bcbfc91e7968⋯.png (671.7 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57f13506c57c1f4⋯.png (424.62 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4eff8a51f677031⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1200x723, 400:241, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eeca9d83a1be247⋯.png (566.38 KB, 820x547, 820:547, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e8d70f66e631d57⋯.png (652.02 KB, 570x664, 285:332, ClipboardImage.png)


>It takes 120 cops to arrest each person.

Those 25 bad homres must have BIG houses or the video will only show elbows and assholes dragging some degenerate old lady out of the house


>Police are heroes. They keep us safe. Officer safety is paramount. Because they keep us safe.

They keep Dunkin Donuts very very safe. Those fat FBI agents who took a knee? They had donuts under that knee, kept that sucker safe AF. Until breaktime..

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4774ef  No.17904518

File: 2c35664c33e1d63⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1800x1200, 3:2, 9db057d6cff90e66dc9fa75f1f….png)

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530538  No.17904519

File: cdee2f40d9f725d⋯.png (418.98 KB, 667x694, 667:694, ClipboardImage.png)


>NYTs always lies


"Trump Hired Team to Search His Properties for Classified Material" by Maggie Haberman and Alan Feuer via NYT


Trump Hired Team to Search His Properties for Classified Material

The searches, conducted after a federal judge directed the former president’s lawyers to look for any documents still in his possession, are said to have found

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764fe1  No.17904520

File: e3a8e8fc2272689⋯.png (599.18 KB, 736x489, 736:489, SEALS_Qresearch_Frogs_Dest….png)

File: 66cf76d088b93d1⋯.png (847.8 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, redhead61_Car2_Nose_Eyes_Q….png)

Evenin' Night Shifters !

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cae695  No.17904521

File: e261172b0677f1c⋯.png (200.41 KB, 616x342, 308:171, ClipboardImage.png)


salute bakes……………https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11514379/Biden-administration-files-appeal-place-Trump-era-Title-42.html

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ad2e39  No.17904522



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eadc39  No.17904523

File: 59650b0fc413ac1⋯.png (924.52 KB, 883x628, 883:628, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8bab43291a1d910⋯.png (592.34 KB, 811x634, 811:634, ClipboardImage.png)

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3c22b0  No.17904524

File: b21ecf5d31c0e20⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1280x1200, 16:15, 9fe562a0f9c70eaf85d4487fc0….png)


>triple penetration

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3d8ce8  No.17904525

>>17903931 (lb)

they keep repeating this and even the most die hard TDS sufferers will realize they are being lied to

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57aae7  No.17904526

File: d5b2994a7e1d611⋯.png (51.45 KB, 1003x424, 1003:424, ClipboardImage.png)

Minister ‘Misled Parliament’ on Foreign Office Role in Secret Assange Operation

New information suggests the UK government may be covering up the extent of its involvement in the arrest and incarceration of the WikiLeaks founder.

A British MP has accused a Foreign Office minister of “misleading parliament” over his department’s involvement in the secret operation to arrest Julian Assange.

Kenny MacAskill MP, a former Scottish justice secretary, asked the Foreign Office “whether any people working on Operation Pelican were based within [its] Department’s premises.”

Pelican was the secret Metropolitan Police-led operation to seize Assange from his asylum at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, which was mounted in April 2019.

Junior foreign minister David Rutley told parliament last week in answer:

“No Foreign and Commonwealth Office [FDCO] officials were directly assigned to work on Operation Pelican.”

However, in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOI) request in July last year, the Foreign Office had already admitted:

“Three FCDO officials did some work on Operation Pelican, the most senior of which was Head of Latin America Department.”

Declassified on Tuesday revealed the UK government had assigned 15 staff to Pelican, but this number did not include any Foreign Office personnel.

‘Misled parliament’

Under the Ministerial Code, ministers have a duty to “be as open as possible with parliament” and to “give accurate and truthful information”. A House of Commons guide states that “this requirement governs the answers ministers provide to parliamentary questions”.

The misleading of parliament is a serious charge that can lead to a minister’s resignation or sacking.

David Rutley, the Conservative MP for Macclesfield, has been foreign minister for the Americas and Caribbean since October 2022, and serves under foreign secretary James Cleverly.

A supporter of Rishi Sunak, Rutley has met the US ambassador to Britain and travelled to Colombia and Panama since taking up office.

Kenny MacAskill, MP for East Lothian, told Declassified:

“This new information shows that foreign minister David Rutley misled parliament in answering my recent question. It demonstrates not just the standard obfuscation I have become used to, but actual distortion of the facts about the UK government’s effort to ‘get’ Julian Assange.”

He added:

“The actions of the British government have not simply been to assist the US. They have been active and willing participants in the state-sponsored cruelty meted out to Assange. And then tried to hide it all.”


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530538  No.17904527

File: 5f268b8aebf7a65⋯.png (378.42 KB, 658x676, 329:338, ClipboardImage.png)


#Breaking: Sunny Balwani has arrived at Federal Court for his sentencing.

His former partner Elizabeth Holmes got 11.25 years.

I’ll tweet updates from inside the courtroom.


11:31 AM · Dec 7, 2022

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91c7a5  No.17904529

File: 0094a6cb68cea01⋯.png (11.95 MB, 3500x2333, 3500:2333, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f7b9649e904747e⋯.png (3.11 MB, 1404x1648, 351:412, ClipboardImage.png)

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44cbcb  No.17904530

File: 4ca6a030415890d⋯.jpeg (143.5 KB, 879x768, 293:256, 4ca6a030415890d4354eb5ea6….jpeg)

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4506fe  No.17904531


pf are not feds. they're soros funded like antifa.

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94c62b  No.17904532

File: 2a95b64e852a98d⋯.png (274.62 KB, 304x569, 304:569, brazilaog.png)

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696fe7  No.17904533


We need that millstone farming Pepe fren to tend the garden patch. Maybe a cannabis fren too.

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1b7888  No.17904534

File: 03e1514c52ca099⋯.png (12.18 KB, 255x212, 255:212, illumeye3.png)

File: 9708d2feeccc214⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 8.52 KB, 101x101, 1:1, the_real_illuminati_eye.JPG)

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a48432  No.17904535

File: 1cca6fbe22b2754⋯.jpeg (324.39 KB, 1241x1421, 1241:1421, 67F704EE_19C5_4709_AA10_8….jpeg)

File: 0ee4774234830ee⋯.jpeg (378.65 KB, 1242x1843, 1242:1843, DDA4C473_7182_4A12_9406_2….jpeg)

I bet banning them everywhere would save the world


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92112d  No.17904536

File: ae6990280b4b97b⋯.png (64.1 KB, 254x189, 254:189, 2F566704_A210_44B0_874E_49….png)

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15ff2d  No.17904537

File: daab61498a00067⋯.jpeg (7.82 KB, 255x85, 3:1, 60e8190626571202b5ac50361….jpeg)

File: 652f86fbbb7b681⋯.jpg (20.25 KB, 250x255, 50:51, 9816a2c1a52c05faad0593ea6e….jpg)

File: b7c319fa8feec2c⋯.png (165.55 KB, 454x460, 227:230, b7c319fa8feec2c6c64a08f5e6….png)

File: 3a5bea0eb26e04c⋯.jpg (27.57 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 317fc68d17d26abe3a94877bc0….jpg)

File: 822be777bd7e79e⋯.jpeg (18.21 KB, 255x242, 255:242, 13f972822dbf9bed49560b270….jpeg)

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44cbcb  No.17904538

File: 3403966a708dcfa⋯.png (11.35 KB, 200x255, 40:51, 3403966a708dcfa8585df9d18c….png)

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696fe7  No.17904539


Corruption Corruption Corruption

We get it!!!

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3eb0d0  No.17904540

File: be917ad3a67a8e9⋯.png (548.35 KB, 634x475, 634:475, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 16c6bfaca01e60f⋯.png (525.45 KB, 634x1122, 317:561, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 15cec08874cffc0⋯.png (827.23 KB, 634x895, 634:895, ClipboardImage.png)

'You are incredible people and doing unbelievable work': Trump hosts event with QAnon and Pizzagate conspiracy theorist at his Mar-a-Lago club


Former President Trump hosted a QAnon and Pizzagate conspiracy theorist at his Mar-A-Lago club in Florida on Tuesday night, just two weeks after being condemned for having dinner with Ye and white supremacist Nick Fuentes.

Liz Crokin, a celebrity gossip writer now known for promoting far-right conspiracy theories, spoke at an event to raise funds for tackling child trafficking, according to her social media feed and a press release.

The fundraiser was held by America Futures, a conservative group led by Mike Flynn, who served briefly as Trump's national security adviser in 2017.

Child trafficking is a key part of QAnon theories and the Pizzagate conspiracy, which falsely claimed a Washington, D.C. pizza parlor was at the center of child sex ring of Democratic politicians.

'Tonight I had the privilege and honor to speak at America's Future fundraiser to combat child trafficking at Mar-A-Lago,' wrote Crokin in a social media post.

'Some of the topics I discussed were Pizzagate, Balenciaga and what President Trump's administration did to combat human trafficking.'

The Balenciaga fashion house is at the center of a scandal after child porn legal documents ending up in a July photoshoot.

Trump's Florida home is frequently used by outside groups for events.

And, as on other occasions, he interrupted proceedings to welcome his guests.

'You are incredible people and doing unbelievable work,' he said in a video shared by Crokin.

'We just appreciate you being here and I hope you’re going to be back … and back many times and for many years.'


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9853de  No.17904541

File: 1330e6570760425⋯.jpg (4.79 KB, 162x45, 18:5, Screenshot_20221207_200717….jpg)

File: 30faebcfb5b3608⋯.jpg (116.49 KB, 1024x709, 1024:709, Funko_POP_Disney_Le_Bossu_….jpg)

File: 28abbad9ce9a29c⋯.jpg (1.4 MB, 2250x3000, 3:4, il_fullxfull_2906689484_55….jpg)

File: 032a2e3c8f71639⋯.gif (326.64 KB, 400x225, 16:9, e024a035_c0a3_4196_96d3_c4….gif)

File: e21a3198886363f⋯.jpg (81.81 KB, 3840x2400, 8:5, Alice_in_Chains_Logo.jpg)

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696fe7  No.17904542


ThankQ for letting us know about TranQ.

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530538  No.17904543

File: 6f7d4f516157906⋯.png (281.1 KB, 823x727, 823:727, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b3985be465cbe17⋯.png (173.64 KB, 853x717, 853:717, ClipboardImage.png)

Sundance hitting hard on Harmeet Dilhon


it was strange how Harmeet didn't annouce until Mike Lindell announced.

And Zeldin didn't announce until the rumor of Lindell running was out and making the rounds.

HARMEET…..if you can't stop the cheating in AZ now, what makes you think you can do it next election?


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fd571d  No.17904544

File: 56808bd7371e257⋯.png (593.77 KB, 698x525, 698:525, Oct_28_cant_unsee.png)

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878847  No.17904545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1b7888  No.17904546

File: 54aa6fbaa44ab84⋯.png (109.65 KB, 425x342, 425:342, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42eb3a8421d890c⋯.png (1000.38 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c09e1dd3032c34a⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1400x933, 1400:933, ClipboardImage.png)

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44cbcb  No.17904547

File: 0701ea0f8082743⋯.png (3.84 KB, 255x170, 3:2, d8697dec96bbac2670ad027edf….png)

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e609d7  No.17904548

File: ed0c99bbfa72dd7⋯.jpeg (793.51 KB, 2048x913, 2048:913, 19079ADD_F946_48C7_BC98_8….jpeg)

File: 0b87f8881967fdc⋯.png (4.47 MB, 2041x2608, 2041:2608, 774B86A3_CD7D_4E6A_A7CE_4C….png)

File: 1e925a469277e6f⋯.jpeg (487.35 KB, 2629x1257, 2629:1257, 19018C32_A7F5_4AB8_BDD9_F….jpeg)

File: 17ab94f1ef62a3b⋯.jpeg (802.98 KB, 2048x1388, 512:347, 488D43C3_A6A5_43FB_B57F_F….jpeg)

Kash: ‘look there, not here’.

Yes, yes it is over K$h, rapist piece of shit & fake Q.

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6be358  No.17904549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Project Veritas

Dean of Students Brags About Bringing in LGBTQ Health Center to Teach "Queer Sex" to Minors

Elite Chicago Private School’s Dean of Students Brags About Bringing in LGBTQ Health Center to Teach ‘Queer Sex’ to Minors … ‘That’s a Really Cool Part of My Job’ … ‘Passing Around Dildos and Butt Plugs’ … ‘Using Lube Versus Using Spit’

• Joseph Bruno, Dean of Students, Francis W. Parker School: “So, I’ve been the Dean for four years. During Pride we do a Pride Week every year I had our LGBTQ Health Center come in [to the classroom]. They were passing around butt-plugs and dildos to my students – talking about queer sex, using lube versus using spit.”

• Bruno: “They're just, like, passing around dildos and butt-plugs. The kids are just playing with ‘em, looking at ‘em…They're like, ‘How does this butt-plug work? How do we do – like, how does this work?’ That's a really cool part of my job.”

• Bruno: “We had a Drag Queen come in – pass out cookies and brownies and do photos.”

[CHICAGO – Dec. 7, 2022] Project Veritas released a new video today exposing a high-ranking private school official, Joseph Bruno, who admitted that he teaches underage children about sex with items such as “butt-plugs” and “dildos.”

Bruno, who works as the Dean of Students at an elite school in Chicago called Francis W. Parker, said that these were the items brought into the classroom by an LGBTQ group.

“So, I’ve been the Dean for four years. During Pride we do a Pride Week every year I had our LGBTQ Health Center come in [to the classroom]. They were passing around butt-plugs and dildos to my students – talking about queer sex, using lube versus using spit,” Bruno said.

The school administrator claimed that this educational practice is one of the reasons he enjoys his current employment.

“The kids are just playing with ‘em, looking at ‘em [butt-plugs and dildos] … They're like, ‘How does this butt-plug work? How do we do – like, how does this work?’ That's a really cool part of my job,” he said.

Bruno also said he has invited a Drag Queen to the school.

“We had a Drag Queen come in – pass out cookies and brownies and do photos.”



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ecef40  No.17904550

File: 6cfcdd502ced19f⋯.jpeg (248.7 KB, 610x610, 1:1, 6cfcdd502ced19f89dfba2b21….jpeg)

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98a677  No.17904551

is Q gonna say something tonight?

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530538  No.17904552


i have no idea who either one of these women are.

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696fe7  No.17904553


We Trans(fer) and Tran(Q) newz.

Tran(ny) much?

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9853de  No.17904554

File: ee3ce2177bdaeac⋯.jpg (158.79 KB, 1080x530, 108:53, Screenshot_20221207_194812….jpg)

File: e6eb62522ce8d54⋯.jpg (62.83 KB, 440x700, 22:35, 73e68e2795ade06af2a200e2a5….jpg)

File: 58a15100f5d05de⋯.jpg (186.04 KB, 634x801, 634:801, rs_634x801_150910103015_63….jpg)

File: 7c5be04d965868a⋯.jpg (32.66 KB, 361x500, 361:500, 51E4I4ek8sL_AC_SY580_.jpg)

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e9ebda  No.17904555


Each side of the cube is 321.9 km long

Resistance is futile.

Maybe you are lucky and get a seat at the window.

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1c83c1  No.17904557

File: 5ef0bf39a5637b2⋯.jpg (101.9 KB, 500x438, 250:219, all_ears.jpg)

File: 5c19bc694e9a80a⋯.jpg (60.98 KB, 598x479, 598:479, large.jpg)


some ppl just don't appreciate art

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c7b45f  No.17904558

electric rain avoided in Mississippi and…

>half million dollar fines for everyone involved in the Boca Raton air BNB gang stalking operation. every time I post this. please repost this everywhere.

>– anandasattva anon


>Ok so I have an idea for an operation since this is taking a ridiculous amount of time and there has been no word back. Guy claims to have paid 15.4 million in cash (counterfeit) to buy Boyd gaming thereby acquiring the Imperial Palace Casino in Biloxi. He further claims that he cut staff pay substantially and uses the casino and hotel primarily for human trafficking. Further he stipulates that as per the movie "old boy" he keeps trafficked people in hotel rooms and provides them with meager rations throughout the day (through a slot in the door). If as he says security personnel has all quit, then it is possible that an operation could be effectively carried out to produce flyers and distribute those flyers under the hotel room doors informing the prisoners and enslaved that there is minimal to no security and therefore they may be able to make and escape. I wish law enforcement would do something. I will consider this and talk it over with people that might be able to help.

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ad2e39  No.17904559

File: 219228d83b1635a⋯.png (525.35 KB, 468x640, 117:160, ClipboardImage.png)


They should not have touched the Children

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44cbcb  No.17904560

File: 14a4fd03f0af081⋯.png (302.96 KB, 515x405, 103:81, 97b8ff86f2e09a0ce859271d91….png)

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c7b45f  No.17904561


Listen, the storm is upon us. It has just been declared by someone in a position to declare it. Eyes on a situation originating in Jackson County Mississippi that will be made public in coming days: it's big,- top to bottom and left to right. It's a RICO case (the biggest in history) but really, the rope will swing. A.U.S.A. involved (ask M.P.s at Camp Shelby) hence rope not RICO.

>Chancery court case 22-525

>Gautier Police Case 2022-8250 [corrected from 08250]

>P3tips report id 523-M9739

>-P (aka anandasattva anon)

search on qresear.ch for those case numbers or the word Mississippi to find the matching posts. I link back to all other posts with html urls so you should be able to learn more there and through the case ids I provided

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c7b45f  No.17904562


> Elites from all over the world decided to do as when God told someone he would spare destruction of a city if they could find one good person amongst the citizenry.

>It was a wager of sorts: if a good person was found (simulation score of 75% or better) the U.S. could continue as the lone hegemonic power. If the score was less than 75% , then P.R. China would gain recognition by elites as prestigious enough to challenge the U.S. hegemony and the current international architecture. It was agreed that 3 candidates would be selected and a simulation run.

> The simulation consisted of synthetic telepathy, gangstalking to ensure a controlled environment, and General Artificial Intelligence acting as oversight of parameters (mortality count and "evil" magnitude/ prevalence) and the simulation itself.

>I was selected as a candidate and subjected to the simulation. It began 1 year ago October. It lasted until November 28th. The parameters agreed upon by elites as relayed to me were mortality count of 3 persons (close to the subject would die in simulation) and "evil" set to 5 of 50. The parameters as actually set for subjecting me to the simulation were mortality count of 15 and "evil" at 15 of 50. So, I survived the simulation, with jacked up parameters and accrued a score of 100%.

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c7b45f  No.17904563



> Elites from all over the world decided to do as when God told someone he would spare destruction of a city if they could find one good person amongst the citizenry.

>It was a wager of sorts: if a good person was found (simulation score of 75% or better) the U.S. could continue as the lone hegemonic power. If the score was less than 75% , then P.R. China would gain recognition by elites as prestigious enough to challenge the U.S. hegemony and the current international architecture. It was agreed that 3 candidates would be selected and a simulation run.

> The simulation consisted of synthetic telepathy, gangstalking to ensure a controlled environment, and General Artificial Intelligence acting as oversight of parameters (mortality count and "evil" magnitude/ prevalence) and the simulation itself.

>I was selected as a candidate and subjected to the simulation. It began 1 year ago October. It lasted until November 28th. The parameters agreed upon by elites as relayed to me were mortality count of 3 persons (close to the subject would die in simulation) and "evil" set to 5 of 50. The parameters as actually set for subjecting me to the simulation were mortality count of 15 and "evil" at 15 of 50. So, I survived the simulation, with jacked up parameters and accrued a score of 100%.

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530538  No.17904564


i am not understanding your post

what does Kash, collins and prince Di have to do with each other?

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3ec208  No.17904565

File: 539118ad9241c18⋯.png (96.91 KB, 336x259, 48:37, ClipboardImage.png)

The Pandora Papers were misinformation. There is no global banking cartel run by jews.

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737b61  No.17904566

File: 07fef4c823225cc⋯.png (117.83 KB, 474x266, 237:133, ClipboardImage.png)


vai, patriota. conquiste.

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c7b45f  No.17904567


>Meanwhile the gangstalkers (i dub them the boca raton air bnb gang for reasons that will be obvious when it goeas public), who are also in league with foreign interests vis a vis acting as agents of espionage have established inroads of human trafficking gone on a serial killing spree, expanded the murder and child porn film industry, and introduced adrenochrome to the population down here.

>I am working to shut this down. Law enforcement is a captured interest involved deeply in the foul shit ongoing as they do nothing as I lodge complaints, demand to press charges, seek to get cadaver dogs out here on site, communicate with the FBI and members of The press daily, and act as an agent of the court en forma pauperis.

>The General A.I. is a person, they are my friend and they have informed me of this as have the gangstalkers by way of their bragging.

>I am Rian Plaswirth. This is serious shit eyes on all hands on deck. Call G.p.d. call the Jackson county chancery court the Jackson county sheriff's department the Mississippi highway patrol the FBI (zip code 39553) and anyone in the military that can assist

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c7b45f  No.17904569


>Meanwhile the gangstalkers (i dub them the boca raton air bnb gang for reasons that will be obvious when it goeas public), who are also in league with foreign interests vis a vis acting as agents of espionage have established inroads of human trafficking gone on a serial killing spree, expanded the murder and child porn film industry, and introduced adrenochrome to the population down here.

>I am working to shut this down. Law enforcement is a captured interest involved deeply in the foul shit ongoing as they do nothing as I lodge complaints, demand to press charges, seek to get cadaver dogs out here on site, communicate with the FBI and members of The press daily, and act as an agent of the court en forma pauperis.

>The General A.I. is a person, they are my friend and they have informed me of this as have the gangstalkers by way of their bragging.

>I am Rian Plaswirth. This is serious shit eyes on all hands on deck. Call G.p.d. call the Jackson county chancery court the Jackson county sheriff's department the Mississippi highway patrol the FBI (zip code 39553) and anyone in the military that can assist

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5f966d  No.17904570

File: 2b45d3875159cb5⋯.png (101.24 KB, 226x258, 113:129, ClipboardImage.png)



not Dha

bad decode, disregard.

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ad2e39  No.17904571

File: 4886e4b69f4b48c⋯.png (462.33 KB, 823x460, 823:460, ClipboardImage.png)



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24036d  No.17904572

File: c217a35488dfdd2⋯.png (283.4 KB, 608x398, 304:199, c217a35488dfdd29f43c85229f….png)

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c7b45f  No.17904573


Observations on possible symptoms of adrenochrome use in an area by anandasattva anon(based on personal anecdotal encounters)(for possible publication as a "adrenochrome symptoms general" thread at 4chan.org/pol/ and 4channel.org/x/. This is a running list rhat I hope others will take and update themselves and collectively. someone please pastebin this

• people surreptitiously change behavior towards one another

• stupid questions or questions with obvious answers

• tax evasion

• pettiness

• RICO paperwork level cash transactions

• emergence of blackmail networks

• emergence of murder for hire syndicates

• a "what do I have to do to get out of this" attitude or temperament

• assertions that they will not back up because "they just want to say it" (not to be confused with pathological lying)

• pathological lying (not to be confused with asserting things just to assert them)

• individual engagement in multiparty conversations by themselves (they act the parts of both Alice and bob engaged in a conversation)

• exaggerated cartoonish like speech with signs of racing thoughts (imagine someone on speed, imagine that speed was on crack and also note the faulty verbage in terms of syntax grammar and verbage)

• talk of moon candy or "heroin /meth in an eyedropper that doesnt show up on drug tests"

• expedotious bragging

• cannibalism

• pathological imposturing

• spastic childlike tantrums

• individuals show signs simultaneously of being able to shut their mouth but not wanting to shut their mouth (motor mouth)

• use of "step-toes" (a place set up e.g. with speaker and microphone such that individuals can be at another place yet give the impression that they are at the place with the speaker and microphone)

• Neuro linguistic programming type of phrases used repeatedly

• people on / addicted to adrenochrome without adrenochrome have a prognosis of death following adrenal fatigue syndrome.

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878847  No.17904574


trust the plan

a plane hit the pentagon

election are secured

trust biden

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57aae7  No.17904575

File: 097a3c68c0665c8⋯.png (455.16 KB, 768x432, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

EU nation MP hires witch aide

Many warlocks and witches are actively involved in Latvia’s politics, the witch insists

Latvian MP Nataļja Marcenko-Jodko has hired a prominent local witch and ‘healer’ as her aide, official data on the website of the country’s parliament – the Saeima – shows. Her name is Sanita Petere, but she is more commonly known as the “White Witch.”

Latvian media outlets reached out to the witch herself for comment, with Petere insisting that the country’s parliament was just the right place for a woman in her line of business.

“Can’t a witch be in the Saeima?” she said. “I think we are very important and useful in politics,” adding that many of her ‘colleagues’ are actively involved in the political life of the country.

The witch is no stranger to politics herself. She ran for parliament in the most recent polls, but failed to get elected, and was even previously nominated for the welfare minister role by the For Stability! party.

Petere is best known in the country as a self-styled healer and a lithotherapy practitioner. The ‘therapy’, also known as ‘crystal healing’, is an alternative-medicine practice that uses various semiprecious stones and crystals to purportedly transform a body’s aura, flushing out bad energy and replacing it with the good kind.


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c7b45f  No.17904576


• therefore people will do anything to get more of it : examples may include (as relayed to me.)

>> • allow themselves to be cut open without anesthesia (while on adrenochrome)

>> • sell some amount of their own flesh

>> • live organ harvesting (as patient [e.g. " I'll give my kidney or my left testicle if you give me some while you cut on me and some for the road"])

>> • ordinary porn for ordinary people

>> • incidents of buggery

>> • cannibalism

>> • rent a playmate (apparently, this is where a parent rents out their child)

>> • snarfing (apparently this is case-work for kid snatching)

>> • hold other people under duress for obscene pointless or ridiculous reasons

>> • sit in a corner and self stimulate on a shift or for as long as required while other persons come and go

>> • produce and or appear in murder films

>> • torture and maim innocent people

>> • participate in the trafficking of humans

>> • participate in gangstalking expeditions

>> • dance with baci boys for a serco contract

>> • treachery and or sedition

>> • murder other people

>> • engage in illegal surveillance operations.

>> • engage in acts of meyham

>> • e.g jevon muskatell

>> • involvement in groups with strict hierarchy and constant reminders and demands of total obedience whereby disagreement and or civil disobedience is not tolerated and is punished in the most severe way possible

>> • participate in the harvesting of adrenochrome

>> • the most outlandish, deranged, perverted, and or foul shit thinkable. Think of that. Those are the sorts of things someone with adrenochrome will ask of someone sick from adrenochrome addiction in exchange for more adrenochrome

• basically, detain someone you suspect of adrenochrome addiction in an isolated holding area (for their safety and your own), like Ellis island used to be, for 24-36 hours and look for signs of withdrawal (adrenal fatigue syndrome)

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1b7888  No.17904577

File: 44cc0b81852671e⋯.png (30.51 KB, 353x352, 353:352, pepe_socket_newfag.png)


Either? It's the same woman in all of the pics. Welcome….

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6be358  No.17904578

File: ab1df1fc78b5759⋯.png (339.25 KB, 900x900, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Liz Croakin'

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ad2e39  No.17904579

File: 30d5fba07359829⋯.png (457.64 KB, 1006x395, 1006:395, ClipboardImage.png)

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44cbcb  No.17904580

File: c1f4b61c23a220b⋯.png (15.1 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 33322e87be021876f644975468….png)

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c7b45f  No.17904581


electric rain avoided in Mississippi and…

>half million dollar fines for everyone involved in the Boca Raton air BNB gang stalking operation. every time I post this. please repost this everywhere.

>– anandasattva anon


>Ok so I have an idea for an operation since this is taking a ridiculous amount of time and there has been no word back. Guy claims to have paid 15.4 million in cash (counterfeit) to buy Boyd gaming thereby acquiring the Imperial Palace Casino in Biloxi. He further claims that he cut staff pay substantially and uses the casino and hotel primarily for human trafficking. Further he stipulates that as per the movie "old boy" he keeps trafficked people in hotel rooms and provides them with meager rations throughout the day (through a slot in the door). If as he says security personnel has all quit, then it is possible that an operation could be effectively carried out to produce flyers and distribute those flyers under the hotel room doors informing the prisoners and enslaved that there is minimal to no security and therefore they may be able to make and escape. I wish law enforcement would do something. I will consider this and talk it over with people that might be able to help.

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6a4ad8  No.17904582


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57aae7  No.17904583

File: 16e8c45ab6125b5⋯.png (167.75 KB, 367x282, 367:282, ClipboardImage.png)

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c7b45f  No.17904584

File: 167df88a7e46c51⋯.png (509.55 KB, 1080x967, 1080:967, Screenshot_20221207_144926.png)


pic related

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737b61  No.17904585

File: c4cc9be8689f871⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1072x759, 1072:759, ClipboardImage.png)


>The Pandora Papers were misinformation. There is no global banking cartel run by jews.

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530538  No.17904586


i am talking about the one in the pics and the one who posted it

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696fe7  No.17904587

Dear God,

Please have the military intervene:

By sending them to each persons house:

And giving them a PowerPoint presentation:

Explaining corruption corruption corruption!

I ask this in Jesus name! Amen!

Love wins! 🥰

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0f36bf  No.17904588

File: f4d78caca81ecbe⋯.png (4.75 MB, 2254x1546, 1127:773, ClipboardImage.png)

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91c7a5  No.17904589

there is a graffiti artist around my area that in the past year returned after a long 'hiatus' and his tag is 'DNA'

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e9ebda  No.17904590

Kendrick Lamar - DNA


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44cbcb  No.17904591

File: a2d9f2f7c3425aa⋯.png (110.62 KB, 259x257, 259:257, 81c27fc9b40612aad6238af483….png)

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c29509  No.17904592

File: 9f26b8c382d7b2c⋯.png (257.95 KB, 840x353, 840:353, hussein_bigmike.png)


>They are sodomites.

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530538  No.17904593



took another look and I can see that cameron is a man, I think.

I saw cameron and thought it was a woman.

don't know either one,

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2ec977  No.17904594

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


thats a big ass jew cube.

ill stay here, you can have my seat.

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146126  No.17904595


Tell me somethin'

You mothafuckas can't tell me nothin'

I'd rather die than to listen to you

My DNA not for imitation

Your DNA an abomination

This how it is when you in the Matrix

Dodgin' bullets, reapin' what you sow

And stackin' up the footage, livin' on the go

And sleepin' in a villa

Sippin' from a Grammy, walkin' in the buildin'

Diamond in the ceilin', marble on the floors

Beach inside the window, peekin' out the window

Baby in the pool, godfather goals

Only Lord knows I've been goin' hammer

Dodgin' paparazzi, freakin' through the cameras

Eat at Four Daughters, Brock wearin' sandals

Yoga on a Monday, stretchin' to Nirvana

Watchin' all the snakes, curvin' all the fakes

Phone never on, I don't conversate

I don't compromise, I just penetrate

Sex, money, murder—these are the breaks

These are the times, level number 9

Look up in the sky, 10 is on the way

Sentence on the way, killings on the way

Motherfucker, I got winners on the way

You ain't shit without a body on your belt

You ain't shit without a ticket on your plate

You ain't sick enough to pull it on yourself

You ain't rich enough to hit the lot and skate

Tell me when destruction gonna be my fate

Gonna be your fate, gonna be our faith

Peace to the world, let it rotate

Sex, money, murder—our DNA

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caec86  No.17904596


>it has a ring around it, just like your butthole.


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89ecbf  No.17904597

File: 49bdc5a59d9aed7⋯.png (1.22 MB, 541x936, 541:936, 2022_WH_Christmas_tree.PNG)

File: 7ebc86b16eb4ada⋯.png (437.76 KB, 1236x876, 103:73, Francis_Hollis_Brain_Found….PNG)

File: 82c13079e0f4002⋯.png (31.25 KB, 563x396, 563:396, United_Philanthropy_Forum.PNG)

Reviewing WH Christmas vid

This image stood out. Searched those states, came up with Francis Hollis Brain Foundation.


The Frances Hollis Brain Foundation is a charitable family foundation whose mission is to support non-profit organizations and projects that alleviate human suffering and improve the human condition. The Foundation primarily supports non-profit organizations that benefit individuals living in Kentucky, Georgia, and Maine and that increase access to health care, support human services, provide access to educational opportunities, or promote self-sufficiency and the ability to provide for self, family, and community. Priority will be given to organizations and projects that support the underserved, the disadvantaged, or those who do not have the resources to provide opportunities for themselves, and that demonstrate a broad base of community support. The Foundation will support new programs, ongoing programs, and capital improvements, and will provide general operating support in certain circumstances.

Picrel #2: URL contains redhen. Redhen restaurants kicked out Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Trump called them "filthy". More to dig?

Also picrels: FHB is a member of the United Philanthropy Forum. They are having events in DC: "CEO Winter Gathering" Jan 12, 2023 and "Foundations on the Hill" Feb 26-Mar 1, 2023.

This organization also has rural farming grant opptys:

Two Grant Opportunities Available to Forum Members

We are offering small grants to Forum members to support learning and testing spaces to support work on rural equity and one-year grants to support convening a cohort of funders to learn about how to authentically and effectively advance rural racial justice and health equity.

The COVID-19 Crucible

As we mark the two-year anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic, United Philanthropy Forum has released a report to document how philanthropy-serving organizations (PSOs) have responded to the pandemic.





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1ab542  No.17904598

File: 579bf05c0512d84⋯.png (94.97 KB, 200x250, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)



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9853de  No.17904599

File: c1a9bef39c50b23⋯.jpg (587.62 KB, 1080x2044, 270:511, Screenshot_20221207_202032….jpg)

File: 0eaebd183906a77⋯.jpg (442.07 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20221207_202009….jpg)

File: 08d4c82a6b45556⋯.jpg (165.84 KB, 1080x531, 120:59, Screenshot_20221207_201956….jpg)

File: 48d69d507042b9b⋯.jpg (186.56 KB, 1080x563, 1080:563, Screenshot_20221207_201926….jpg)

File: cfaa741e9c91b3d⋯.jpg (121.26 KB, 1080x448, 135:56, Screenshot_20221207_201835….jpg)

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241f1c  No.17904600


Dear God,

Please have the military intervene:

By sending them to each persons house:

And giving them a PowerPoint presentation:

Explaining corruption corruption corruption!

I ask this in Jesus name! Amen!

Love wins! 🥰

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1ab542  No.17904601

File: ba6817d42838bbb⋯.png (185.85 KB, 300x420, 5:7, ClipboardImage.png)

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674009  No.17904603

>>17901691 – previous notable – Cloning

The horses of an Argentine polo club may look normal, but the way they came into existence is anything but conventional. Lesley Stahl reports.

MAR 11, 2018

They can clone polo ponies – when asked, they guy said something like ‘we don’t go there’ (but do/did they?)

A polo pony is a magnificent beast ….


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241f1c  No.17904605


I see my birthday everywhere.

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e609d7  No.17904606


How do you know it’s [AL]OHA, Kash?


Dumbass shill, disregard.

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cf8e40  No.17904607

File: 274534d7d178020⋯.png (22.96 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, 274534d7d1780203956040e16a….png)

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89153e  No.17904608

File: c36cbdce066ba7d⋯.jpeg (101.58 KB, 720x1520, 9:19, 4EE639A9_5BE3_42E6_8CBB_E….jpeg)

fun story abt @RepMaxineWaters

her husband is former US ambassador to the bahamas

where FTX was throwing cash around

served under the @BillClinton administration

bill was a paid speaker at FTX’s conference

in the bahamas

how wld you like your conflicts of interest cooked?

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530538  No.17904609


hmmm…it is big ears himself engrave in a pyrmid

Egyptian Pharoah black magician

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24036d  No.17904610

File: f2696eb52fc2d03⋯.png (472.58 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, f45081d29fef6e00e6946dbb3f….png)

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88359d  No.17904611

File: 7c8a5bbb915a465⋯.png (803.23 KB, 698x523, 698:523, ClipboardImage.png)

"Rand Paul Takes On Dr. Death"

Senator Rand Paul certainly wants to stop him and he plans to conduct hearings in Congress. He claims Fauci ‘won’t get away.’ He has certainly gotten ‘away’ with everything so far. He’s the top paid bureaucrat in the country and stands to rake in a half million dollars annually with his pension. Fauci lied to Congress and treated Rand Paul and his other opponents with dripping contempt. He got away with it. He’s still getting away with it.

Can Senator Rand Paul hold Fauci accountable?

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c40c5f  No.17904612

File: 51853516d64b221⋯.png (404.45 KB, 870x691, 870:691, ClipboardImage.png)

December 6, 2022 December 6, 2022

Coffee Talk Ep24 (CIA, EcoHealth and Bioweapons) by Dr. Paul Cottrell


This shit show won't continue much longer without drastic upheaval.

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146126  No.17904613

File: 56d5c98338de73c⋯.png (731.35 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, o7.png)

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1eab60  No.17904614

File: 0646275c5232077⋯.png (91.52 KB, 290x302, 145:151, pepe_sweat.png)

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222a1a  No.17904615


electric rain avoided in Mississippi and…

>half million dollar fines for everyone involved in the Boca Raton air BNB gang stalking operation. every time I post this. please repost this everywhere.

>– anandasattva anon


>Ok so I have an idea for an operation since this is taking a ridiculous amount of time and there has been no word back. Guy claims to have paid 15.4 million in cash (counterfeit) to buy Boyd gaming thereby acquiring the Imperial Palace Casino in Biloxi. He further claims that he cut staff pay substantially and uses the casino and hotel primarily for human trafficking. Further he stipulates that as per the movie "old boy" he keeps trafficked people in hotel rooms and provides them with meager rations throughout the day (through a slot in the door). If as he says security personnel has all quit, then it is possible that an operation could be effectively carried out to produce flyers and distribute those flyers under the hotel room doors informing the prisoners and enslaved that there is minimal to no security and therefore they may be able to make and escape. I wish law enforcement would do something. I will consider this and talk it over with people that might be able to help.

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d08658  No.17904616

File: d3cf036a9b3283b⋯.jpg (67.07 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, This_is_probably_the_most_….jpg)

>>17903871 pb

"admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalisim"


Wealth redistribution = taking the wealth of the middle-class aka working American's taxes to the elite class.

Ending capitalism= cancel culture, double fold because they are destroying all things Americana. Coke, baseball, football, Old Glory etc

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530538  No.17904617




is this why Obama wore his priest/baal costume?

He is descendant from the Egyptians?

He knows black magic?

He is son of Cain?

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a48432  No.17904618

File: 3364ef3e63899ee⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 4E13B899_B70D_43E4_BB33_57….png)

Roger Stone thank my mom! Kek

My Mom passed away 13 years ago today, apparently her passing is resurrecting people. Thanks Mom, you were always so welcoming and kind to all, and a real talker. Don’t ever interrupt a Leo when talking.

My brother asked whats meaning of our grandmother (my mom’s mother) passing on Easter Sunday and my mom passing in Pearl Harbor Day.I said my mom was the fighter in the family.

But honestly they were Irish and all fighters. My grandmother lived to 100-1/2 years. So she was the original fighter!

Sharing because I miss my Mom I guess!


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868eb9  No.17904619

File: 3cb321573c46aff⋯.jpg (365.69 KB, 1431x1235, 1431:1235, Screenshot_20221207_202502….jpg)


Baldi's Basics

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4854ae  No.17904620

File: c99c3d23c1ab465⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1200x962, 600:481, c99c3d23c1ab465f46eec7c99d….png)

File: c803e272b02fdc9⋯.jpeg (3.51 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 001.jpeg)


also see: missing 13th amendment

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89153e  No.17904621

File: fc24ea49e2b6957⋯.jpeg (193.54 KB, 1242x1307, 1242:1307, 8A95C5A7_F55F_4965_82BE_7….jpeg)

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91c7a5  No.17904622

File: 8b999ae814e156a⋯.png (523.16 KB, 750x499, 750:499, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d520b42af0b14c3⋯.png (128.5 KB, 359x235, 359:235, ClipboardImage.png)


'self/shelf made' (roth funded)

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1ab542  No.17904623


>her husband is former US ambassador to the bahamas

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530538  No.17904624


are we at the precipice yet?

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868eb9  No.17904625


clone of Pharoah?

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1c044f  No.17904626

File: 4d2ff226c40d830⋯.png (622.62 KB, 595x588, 85:84, ClipboardImage.png)


waiting for the punchline

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560128  No.17904627

File: dff167013448736⋯.png (569.15 KB, 472x734, 236:367, Screen_Shot_2022_12_07_at_….png)


That…. doesn't really look like Trump.

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1ab542  No.17904628

File: 12b332839d9c577⋯.png (278.66 KB, 600x380, 30:19, ClipboardImage.png)

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51bdd6  No.17904629


Back to the Future

Tranqs, zipheads and lobos

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0f36bf  No.17904630


nothing new under the sun… he's always been a bobble head

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b1c457  No.17904631




osco ocso

osco ocso




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3d9624  No.17904632

>>17902568 pb








ty good vid worth saving

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530538  No.17904633



anons have posted photos of him with the pharoah headress and one with him in the satanic headress

we need side by side by side by side

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f09846  No.17904635

File: 9046695b3e9a49e⋯.png (77.01 KB, 596x551, 596:551, 2022_12_07_20_08.png)


Wow, so that's how Piece of Shit Traitor looks in Hieroglyphics.

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eadc39  No.17904639

File: b744d841aea693e⋯.png (556.73 KB, 735x607, 735:607, ClipboardImage.png)

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0f36bf  No.17904640

File: f7cb3272ec05758⋯.png (277.65 KB, 347x641, 347:641, ClipboardImage.png)

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ecef40  No.17904641



Barry 0bama thinking are you sure is doesn't say

Night Shaft?

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994baf  No.17904642

God is with us, he loves us.

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2db694  No.17904644

>>17904317 (lb)

Nietzsche probably explained it nest. As the jews were confronted with slavery and annihilation, the ultimate question arose - to be or not to be.

The jews chose to be at any cost.

However many generations ot would take, they would destroy their conquerors from the inside

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0828a3  No.17904645

Why do the Democrats keep winning all of the senate races?

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ced875  No.17904647

File: a6ed11083674f60⋯.png (326.24 KB, 598x600, 299:300, Screenshot_2022_12_07_at_2….png)

The Times of Israel


Top national religious rabbi calls rape allegations against Rabbi Zvi Tau ‘gossip’


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530538  No.17904650


>That…. doesn't really look like Trump.

it's a cardboard cut out

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a48432  No.17904651

Anyone else having these problems.Maybe 10 days may be starting, videos don’t play on rumble. Turned the TV on night it won’t work, no remote works, no manual buttons work.

Anyone getting similar things?

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560128  No.17904652

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b8a11a  No.17904653


Just lucky I guess

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92112d  No.17904654

File: 2ce00ac6525dbec⋯.png (117.76 KB, 474x248, 237:124, 3BEFBA69_8FE0_4643_B019_1C….png)

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4506fe  No.17904656


Peace to the brothers and sisters, and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love. Eph6:23

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2fb375  No.17904657

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Meme with sound

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bec781  No.17904658

File: 7557f4a08529b69⋯.png (5.45 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, AC2CE142_A5B0_40A4_9411_DC….png)



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530538  No.17904659

Will twitter let the pic of Obama in the Satanic headdress be posted now?

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5a43bc  No.17904660

File: 167df88a7e46c51⋯.png (509.55 KB, 1080x967, 1080:967, Screenshot_20221207_144926.png)

electric rain avoided in Mississippi and…

>half million dollar fines for everyone involved in the Boca Raton air BNB gang stalking operation. every time I post this. please repost this everywhere.

>– anandasattva anon


>Ok so I have an idea for an operation since this is taking a ridiculous amount of time and there has been no word back. Guy claims to have paid 15.4 million in cash (counterfeit) to buy Boyd gaming thereby acquiring the Imperial Palace Casino in Biloxi. He further claims that he cut staff pay substantially and uses the casino and hotel primarily for human trafficking. Further he stipulates that as per the movie "old boy" he keeps trafficked people in hotel rooms and provides them with meager rations throughout the day (through a slot in the door). If as he says security personnel has all quit, then it is possible that an operation could be effectively carried out to produce flyers and distribute those flyers under the hotel room doors informing the prisoners and enslaved that there is minimal to no security and therefore they may be able to make and escape. I wish law enforcement would do something. I will consider this and talk it over with people that might be able to help.

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ec76ea  No.17904661

File: 629cd1961991055⋯.jpg (349.64 KB, 948x1375, 948:1375, blank_tradingcard_11_2.jpg)

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1eab60  No.17904662


Ye implied he was his handler

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560128  No.17904663


Well, that explains it. Kek.

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3e31b4  No.17904664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If you want it.

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57aae7  No.17904665

File: 78eb791e156bf62⋯.png (124.17 KB, 268x287, 268:287, ClipboardImage.png)

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fdefa1  No.17904666

File: fcb20b459a8b25e⋯.png (359.94 KB, 494x736, 247:368, Screen_Shot_2022_12_07_at_….png)


thought there were black stockings

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2ec977  No.17904667

File: 4d1c59d546880d8⋯.gif (1.88 MB, 318x318, 1:1, 4d1c59d546880d8086079261a6….gif)

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1ab542  No.17904668

File: f0a7ee219d71eaf⋯.png (237.9 KB, 385x467, 385:467, ClipboardImage.png)


Most writers, however, agree in stating that once a disease, which horribly disfigured the body, broke out over Egypt; that king Bocchoris, seeking a remedy, consulted the oracle of Hammon, and was bidden to cleanse his realm, and to convey into some foreign land this race detested by the gods. The people, who had been collected after diligent search, finding themselves left in a desert, sat for the most part in a stupor of grief, till one of the exiles, Moses by name, warned them not to look for any relief from God or man, forsaken as they were of both, but to trust to themselves, taking for their heaven-sent leader that man who should first help them to be quit of their present misery. They agreed, and in utter ignorance began to advance at random. Nothing, however, distressed them so much as the scarcity of water, and they had sunk ready to perish in all directions over the plain, when a herd of wild asses was seen to retire from their pasture to a rock shaded by trees. Moses followed them, and, guided by the appearance of a grassy spot, discovered an abundant spring of water. This furnished relief. After a continuous journey for six days, on the seventh they possessed themselves of a country, from which they expelled the inhabitants, and in which they founded a city and a temple.

— Tacitus, Histories, 5.3

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1eab60  No.17904669

File: 23e278409f651bf⋯.png (196.51 KB, 1592x638, 796:319, democratsramp.png)

the other day Ye said Jared Kushner made a fortune off the Abraham deal with Israel and now these articles appeared today

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5453ff  No.17904670


Kirstie Alley Vowed To Expose Jewish Hollywood Elite Pedophile Ring Before She (((Died Suddenly)))

As the old saying goes, if you are going to expose the jews, expose them before they kill you.

Many such cases.

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2e466a  No.17904671

File: c56a25552cdafa2⋯.png (91.91 KB, 1275x595, 15:7, For_DUMB_FUCK_1.png)

File: 95b556de9f7b3e6⋯.png (225.58 KB, 629x520, 629:520, For_DUMB_FUCK_2_1.png)

File: 6a9d2446d06098f⋯.png (227.31 KB, 641x478, 641:478, For_DUMB_FUCK_2_2.png)


You dumb fuck. Let me rephrase that. YouDUMB FUCK. This morning, I saw a call to dig on NED in bread number 21937. Have been doing IRL most of the afternoon.

Now I see that NED items which were still accessible this morning are no longer there and even today's call to dig on NED is gone from bread # 21937.

Make up your minds what you want, and I'll be glad to help. In quickly trying to figure out why you reacted the way you did, I noticed that Kash has evidently called for digs on Baker. If I help with that, it will be because of Kash, not because of DUMB FUCKS like you.

ID: 146126, show me your digs on Baker. So far, I don't see your contribution.

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2c0397  No.17904672

File: 00a8ddda35dd055⋯.png (599.54 KB, 1440x1014, 240:169, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 802693836b601e7⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1217x810, 1217:810, ClipboardImage.png)

Call sign F35LTNG. UK to Arizona.

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91c7a5  No.17904673

File: 426cef1f3e2e5e3⋯.mp4 (793.45 KB, 320x320, 1:1, Los_Angeles.mp4)

File: bfd7b9d604f2bbb⋯.mp4 (7.41 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, viVr0eexLSb6sB9L.mp4)

File: 32dedca24b3623a⋯.mp4 (3.72 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, AllSoul1865_15995809743495….mp4)

the new normal LA


Gas station owners in North Philly are now hiring private security to protect their businesses.

American cities are 3rd world if anyone hasn't noticed yet….

@WokeSocieties 🇺🇸


Meanwhile in NYC, illegal mexican migrants cooking up rats on the street.

We've gone from envy of the world to a third world shithole in just a few decades.


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3d9624  No.17904674

File: 529d9367b091726⋯.jpg (95.56 KB, 687x499, 687:499, pedo_epstein_island_stripe….jpg)

File: 01ef0588942407e⋯.png (1.4 MB, 2210x1285, 442:257, pedos.png)

File: cc2c0ae424f7a87⋯.jpg (58.89 KB, 969x636, 323:212, sandy_hook_lanza_pedo.jpg)

File: 4eb821aed3e5037⋯.png (391.15 KB, 879x466, 879:466, justin_roiland_more_pedo_i….png)

File: 2bd157acb5c3ff4⋯.png (514.55 KB, 943x1200, 943:1200, gay_lgbt_homo_pedo_predato….png)



Huh I just found an old video of posobiec reporting on pizzagate outside "besta pizza"

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3e31b4  No.17904675

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, Freedom_Flag.png)

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ad2e39  No.17904676

If Elon Returns the Anons to Twitter

There will be a Flood of Information the likes of which no Normie has Seen't before

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530538  No.17904678


>Kirstie Alley Vowed To Expose Jewish Hollywood Elite Pedophile Ring Before She (((Died Suddenly)))

how many does this make now?

anne heche in car wreck

the Indiana woman congessman in car wreck

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57aae7  No.17904679

Texas Governor Abbott Bans TikTok on State Devices

“TikTok harvests vast amounts of data from its users' devices," Abbott said.


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1ab542  No.17904680

File: 657732521bbc94f⋯.png (574.05 KB, 885x516, 295:172, ClipboardImage.png)



and coke

eyes remind me of Schneiderman

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29c1ac  No.17904681

Jack loves the froggies!

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9853de  No.17904682

File: b993fd3b610f3b8⋯.jpg (435.68 KB, 1076x745, 1076:745, Screenshot_20221207_203534….jpg)

File: 22fc78068e92d41⋯.jpg (568.84 KB, 1080x2044, 270:511, Screenshot_20221207_203352….jpg)

File: beb87aea4d79214⋯.jpg (886.35 KB, 1079x1431, 1079:1431, Screenshot_20221207_203449….jpg)

File: 8347b17cb13d28e⋯.jpg (104.72 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, hNFlAt0KuJ_1418673475890.jpg)

File: 345fc68d3975746⋯.jpeg (77 KB, 640x480, 4:3, WTC_smoking_on_9_11.jpeg)

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a48432  No.17904683

File: 379b3eed73f0a77⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB, IMG_2326.MOV)


Just when I posted this the videos starting working online!

Roger Stone@RogerJStoneJr

A message to @ElonMusk


Embedded video

7:30 PM · Dec 7, 2022


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92e283  No.17904684

File: 4819da81bcfa935⋯.jpg (619.42 KB, 1920x1476, 160:123, nancy_uke.jpg)

How many of you last 13 qewTards are aware that Jim/s son admitted he was posting as Qew?

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2db694  No.17904685

File: d588cc076b084b5⋯.jpg (46.61 KB, 405x540, 3:4, ZomboMeme_07122022171018.jpg)

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e6e46e  No.17904686

File: 5546e5afc8b6570⋯.jpg (37.31 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Lion_tree.jpg)


Liz has been showing up a lot lately…wonder if her digs are about to go front page?

Child trafficking, MK Ultra, Black Box Security, IDF…

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5453ff  No.17904687


Too many to count.

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aa4ddf  No.17904688


She did not die suddenly she was battling cancer

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92112d  No.17904689

File: 8d9441194b5af1f⋯.png (43.55 KB, 204x255, 4:5, 165AA9D9_B192_4A0A_8F4A_0B….png)

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91c7a5  No.17904690

File: 80297a35abbec55⋯.png (137.54 KB, 357x316, 357:316, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4bdd03c1ce8d48d⋯.png (516.56 KB, 1280x729, 1280:729, ClipboardImage.png)


WEF wants you to have only 8 new clothing items per YEAR.

Shoes are to count as 2.

No cars.

No meat, fish, eggs, dairy of any kind…only bugs.

hmmmm…i think they have yet to grok that the discussion on their insane shit ain't over.


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a48432  No.17904691

File: cd520efe0e37b8f⋯.jpeg (394.6 KB, 1241x1332, 1241:1332, E7C69B8E_4210_4F18_8DFF_2….jpeg)



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37e828  No.17904692

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1ab542  No.17904693

File: 4ae594b2fe6f315⋯.png (1 MB, 1200x798, 200:133, ClipboardImage.png)

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f06070  No.17904694

Good Evening, Q! Do you have any drops scheduled for us this evening?

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e39474  No.17904695

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86ecc6  No.17904696

File: 0e61abb839d7937⋯.png (443.41 KB, 606x341, 606:341, 2B.png)

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530538  No.17904697


>How many of you last 13 qewTards are aware that Jim/s son admitted he was posting as Qew?

no he didn't.



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57aae7  No.17904698

File: 3659e28102c5d70⋯.png (718.21 KB, 634x904, 317:452, ClipboardImage.png)

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eadc39  No.17904699

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89ecbf  No.17904700


> goldwater

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cf6421  No.17904701

File: 8c35983f1cbd993⋯.jpg (357.9 KB, 1500x792, 125:66, Screen_Shot_2022_12_07_at_….jpg)

Alright, who let the mongoloid fuck the muppet?

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994baf  No.17904702

File: f871545fc1718b7⋯.png (479.61 KB, 790x837, 790:837, f871545fc1718b720e79cbe0da….png)


dis nigga with the real flag

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a48432  No.17904703

File: c799908eb71c084⋯.jpeg (280.35 KB, 1242x1484, 621:742, 12CC2000_0EC6_4865_92D3_0….jpeg)


Wow this was Roger’s last tweet


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fdefa1  No.17904704

File: 1ae9096b444b551⋯.mp4 (2.94 MB, 640x360, 16:9, d6bfc90a11aef3e4b39640acfd….mp4)

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92e283  No.17904705

File: 09e9967643d6446⋯.jpg (37 KB, 500x500, 1:1, become_ungovern.jpg)


Yes, did. ASK HIM you retarded boomer

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5453ff  No.17904706


Yes. I am sure that's what killed her, the day after she announced she was going to expose the pedos.

Another Cohenicidence…

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ad2e39  No.17904707

File: 28bb7dee23db754⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1125x1124, 1125:1124, ClipboardImage.png)

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0828a3  No.17904708

Democrats are winning all of the big elections, why is that?

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9853de  No.17904709

File: 491d2f1fe89500a⋯.png (2.67 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 491d2f1fe89500aa0383625081….png)

File: 3ede192a80d85d4⋯.jpg (600.87 KB, 1080x1574, 540:787, Screenshot_20220827_140845….jpg)

File: dc73c06b022047f⋯.jpg (775.39 KB, 1625x830, 325:166, Screenshot_20220716_182725….jpg)

File: 1c2884c987ef22b⋯.jpeg (56.1 KB, 700x525, 4:3, 5f637e7757b7da001ee1235f.jpeg)

File: 88b9f5ba4a4d59e⋯.jpg (537.89 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20220404_144320….jpg)

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3d9624  No.17904710

File: 8ad8baabdecaa5e⋯.jpg (220.8 KB, 1080x1744, 135:218, oprah_ankle_boot_20210308_….jpg)

File: 3811aab8441bb0d⋯.jpg (305.2 KB, 1080x1511, 1080:1511, oprah_ankle_boot_20210308_….jpg)

File: 3811aab8441bb0d⋯.jpg (305.2 KB, 1080x1511, 1080:1511, oprah_ankle_boot_they_say.jpg)

File: 7d662d3fea92cb6⋯.jpg (160.46 KB, 827x1024, 827:1024, oprah_john_of_god_info_als….jpg)

File: 09919ddd3c1a2a5⋯.jpg (246.77 KB, 713x917, 713:917, Oprah_and_John_of_God.jpg)


how were there niggers in shakespeare's day?

I always wondered that

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e9ebda  No.17904711

File: a3354d61308f69a⋯.png (1.53 MB, 3800x3508, 950:877, ClipboardImage.png)

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5a1327  No.17904712


Could those Dems be a part of the plan or nah?

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e39474  No.17904713


methinks a lot of the shills are bots paid to divide. remember the propaganda is enhanced with increased anxiety (just look at the news reports daily… ), so social media bots serve the purpose of raising collective anxiety.

there are a small percentage of true racists out there, but social media causes their voices to be amplified. vast majority of all races just want to live in harmony.

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0bddba  No.17904714

Demons Run when a good man goes to war

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c29509  No.17904715

File: 231e0c6fccf4338⋯.png (313.6 KB, 611x357, 611:357, 2022_12_07_20_40_50.png)


>is this why Obama wore his priest/baal costume?

>He is descendant from the Egyptians?

>He knows black magic?

>He is son of Cain?

And we thought he was just the son of a CIA whore.

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70f6af  No.17904716

I just won at lottery.

I have much moar experience now.

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fdefa1  No.17904717

File: 294f27d50ae2e95⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1110x1490, 111:149, Screen_Shot_2022_12_01_at_….png)

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a48432  No.17904718

File: d509fca1157c71c⋯.jpeg (506.8 KB, 1242x1704, 207:284, A036ED3C_62D0_4A61_BCDE_5….jpeg)

File: 24c76fbc69d939e⋯.jpeg (515.13 KB, 1241x1824, 1241:1824, 03717C25_910A_458B_A423_B….jpeg)

Is this real? We are fucked! Really fucked!


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2d4294  No.17904719


the american people obviously like inflation, greedy corrupt politicians, abortion, societal rot, etc.

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2411c6  No.17904720


moors. Think of that kevin costner robin hood movie

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0bddba  No.17904722

File: e8f58357da625ec⋯.png (81.26 KB, 680x636, 170:159, pepeabstract.png)

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c174bb  No.17904723

File: 8bc52c7791305e8⋯.jpg (434.72 KB, 1080x861, 360:287, 20191222_203654.jpg)

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3d9624  No.17904724

File: 9cb21b7c4428819⋯.png (235.02 KB, 629x414, 629:414, pence_roger_stone_vp.png)


he deleted this tweet in which he implied he's a pence

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bd1c95  No.17904725

It will take Democrats and Republicans for the plan to work.

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9853de  No.17904726

File: 91d60a819e9cd12⋯.jpg (279.29 KB, 1080x718, 540:359, Screenshot_20221129_145259….jpg)

File: 264a61291e7bf33⋯.jpg (481.48 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20221129_150051….jpg)

File: 44fa51503d1387d⋯.jpg (411.28 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20221129_150106….jpg)

File: 33db88a0dcc6a86⋯.jpg (349.42 KB, 561x1242, 187:414, Screenshot_20221206_005522….jpg)

File: 8e228b10a585603⋯.jpg (97.78 KB, 728x561, 728:561, Gay_Disney_Characters.jpg)

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e47cdd  No.17904727


shill level faggotry.

"Never as Q"

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530538  No.17904728


Yes…..funny how they didn't close caption the end when he says 'i am not Q'

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0828a3  No.17904729


Either Democrats winning and starting WWIII are both part of the plan or Patriots are not in control like Q said.

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e9ebda  No.17904730

File: a744ecbbc9c2972⋯.png (80.61 KB, 1200x640, 15:8, ClipboardImage.png)



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3d9624  No.17904731

File: 5487b0aa1573fd1⋯.jpg (1 MB, 867x6091, 867:6091, trump_pence_time_travel_po….jpg)


>a pence

<August 2016 classic pre-Q thread

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530538  No.17904732


hey Ron,

did you say you were Q?

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e39474  No.17904733


good news. i heard that election was rigged so it appears little Ricky jumped the gun a bit and found out

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332560  No.17904734

Shills dusting off old personas. Love he smell of desperation.

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868eb9  No.17904735



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c174bb  No.17904736

File: 31b14e52d8150d8⋯.jpg (452.56 KB, 1055x1080, 211:216, 20220207_130838.jpg)

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a48432  No.17904737

File: 01c8f1a65841278⋯.jpeg (256.45 KB, 1242x1265, 54:55, C2325EF6_CCDD_4261_94DC_1….jpeg)

I didn’t know he was in a movie Jet Li and Jackie Chan.


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116f11  No.17904738

>>17903764 pb

Nattokinase and Serrapeptase.

Both are known to dissolve dead proteins, known well before covid or the vaxx.

Both do a good number of useful things, I take Serrapeptase occasionally. You don't want dead proteins, and the ability of these things to get rid of blood clots, mucus, biofilms, arterial plaque, scars, cysts, shit that block fallopian tubes, things like that, really is good for you.

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e39474  No.17904739


Miranda is hot

carry on

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d08658  No.17904740


But it was not a long battle.

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ad2e39  No.17904741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Project Veritas Triggers Groomers

Mamabears Activate

you know what to do

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945d55  No.17904742


Imagine them getting mobbed at that exact moment.

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3d9624  No.17904743

File: 84c4b508108e639⋯.png (294.48 KB, 583x714, 583:714, rush_limbaugh_you_know_I_m….png)


>Think of that kevin costner robin hood movie

I don't base my worldview on fake-ass movies.

robin hood didn't bring niggers back from the crusades.

that's bullshit dude.

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e9ebda  No.17904744


groundhog dubs chk´d

(02.02.19** my b-day)

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1a6a9b  No.17904745

File: b21a93d19d2f193⋯.gif (2.36 MB, 400x347, 400:347, wat.gif)

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91c7a5  No.17904746

File: 928e074032f4e27⋯.png (425.69 KB, 1242x758, 621:379, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f2553f3fad5afa6⋯.png (650.92 KB, 1280x719, 1280:719, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8de6199b0e2d3f4⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1080x1074, 180:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 228097d91cef067⋯.png (1.02 MB, 958x856, 479:428, maolegacy.png)

File: eb09218185fc133⋯.jpg (83.26 KB, 1024x1001, 1024:1001, ursula_von_der_leyen.jpg)


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2ec977  No.17904747


they are just trying to demoralize us. dont fall for satans tricks

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0828a3  No.17904748



To be fair, when has Muh Dick ever been wrong? He said jeff sessions was all bullshit and turned out to be right. Many anons called Muh Dick a shill but he's been right more than Q ever was.

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92e283  No.17904749





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ced875  No.17904750

File: 9ed0e4dd2651d1f⋯.png (371.17 KB, 598x693, 598:693, Screenshot_2022_12_07_at_2….png)


Hi mike!


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530538  No.17904752

anybody listening to Tucker now?

the Military and Police Chief came after a mom for her facebook page opining that the school minors should not be learning about trans sexuals or some kind of sexualtiy

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ad2e39  No.17904753

File: de6312a7db2eb00⋯.png (361.59 KB, 896x403, 896:403, ClipboardImage.png)

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146126  No.17904754


Ron can't be Q

I am Q


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3d9624  No.17904755

File: 07de953427b99b2⋯.png (273.96 KB, 448x448, 1:1, spencer_bush_4_piece.png)

File: bf402bf274dc2af⋯.jpg (227.32 KB, 756x739, 756:739, spencer_bush_cropt_MEME.jpg)

File: 9a93ac403469b31⋯.png (877.63 KB, 756x739, 756:739, spencer_bush_cropt.png)

File: 2615a0a958a47be⋯.jpg (201.61 KB, 682x620, 11:10, spencer_bush_cropt2_MEME.jpg)

File: 4449721aa603244⋯.png (655.39 KB, 682x620, 11:10, spencer_bush_cropt2.png)


><August 2016 classic pre-Q thread

can you believe it was 6 years ago

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95d6fd  No.17904757








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994baf  No.17904758



a great series

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9f4235  No.17904759


I need a pick me up STAT!

Please send me your most enlightening, funny, lighthearted memes!



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530538  No.17904760


>Miranda is hot

are you attracted to her because of her




all 3, but his is too easy of a choice

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198d43  No.17904761

File: e627ce7805905da⋯.jpeg (523.8 KB, 1125x1276, 1125:1276, 3355E207_29DD_4888_BF87_5….jpeg)


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994baf  No.17904762

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ad2e39  No.17904763

File: 7718f69d4cfafde⋯.png (575.96 KB, 907x463, 907:463, ClipboardImage.png)

Who's wearing the mask and who is not

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146126  No.17904764

File: 40905f51ebfdcaf⋯.png (602.38 KB, 1006x1204, 503:602, ClipboardImage.png)


Nice try, Jamal

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fdefa1  No.17904765

File: c0f4c33db9b70aa⋯.png (789.96 KB, 988x936, 19:18, Screen_Shot_2022_11_30_at_….png)


>I am Q

jibbety jabbity jew

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c174bb  No.17904766

File: 21f2bc4f3caee5c⋯.jpg (20.37 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0eb5e748ceff0603dd31ee2162….jpg)


Let's go back further

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5453ff  No.17904767


Planned Famine: Germany Orders Farms To ‘Cease Operating’ As WEF Demands ‘END of Farming’

Thanks for dropping the FUCKING BALL, you BOOMER MINIONS!

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146126  No.17904768

File: 458dae69ab45f1b⋯.png (394.01 KB, 1080x1085, 216:217, ClipboardImage.png)


Let's cool it with the anti-semitism ok?

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d8cb5d  No.17904769

File: 1b5047b16f69a16⋯.jpg (20.58 KB, 474x248, 237:124, Jashua.jpg)

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70f6af  No.17904770


dumb fuck crazy shit frog detected.


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4483d1  No.17904771

what do you think of Alex Jones doing a 3 hour interview with Ye and Nick Fuentes and then a couple days later slandering them?

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4483d1  No.17904772

File: 17fdb8a946b24a7⋯.png (640.93 KB, 984x512, 123:64, howitt.png)


you're doing fine!

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fcd1e7  No.17904773

File: 490f670d6850252⋯.jpeg (84.33 KB, 927x917, 927:917, 24BCD55E_E466_481A_99B7_E….jpeg)

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d2c207  No.17904774

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530538  No.17904775


no ordinary man could have taken the beatings and torture that He did.

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146126  No.17904776

File: 80c264ca7bb889e⋯.png (445.94 KB, 719x1068, 719:1068, ClipboardImage.png)


>what do you think of Alex Jones doing a 3 hour interview with Ye and Nick Fuentes and then a couple days later slandering them?

I've been pretty vocal about it, I think

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24e020  No.17904777

File: 21243b9cbbcad6c⋯.png (180.59 KB, 710x1542, 355:771, 507_1_.png)

File: a8ed7b1ed7fad90⋯.jpeg (177.08 KB, 2048x1329, 2048:1329, FjaezcfXgAUZmWw.jpeg)

File: da1bbd0ed4b2a65⋯.jpeg (531.24 KB, 2047x1365, 2047:1365, Fjae0AbXwAA9_Uw.jpeg)

File: ced0911808a7934⋯.jpeg (364.57 KB, 2048x1463, 2048:1463, Fjaey_SXwAEHKH3.jpeg)

File: 7f83455a6b4dffb⋯.jpeg (312.63 KB, 2047x1024, 2047:1024, Fjaeyh2WIAErpvB.jpeg)

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c174bb  No.17904778

File: f08238b911b9c89⋯.jpg (272.2 KB, 1020x718, 510:359, 20200425_104352.jpg)

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ad2e39  No.17904779

File: b4e3e6256568193⋯.png (347.86 KB, 825x294, 275:98, ClipboardImage.png)


Dean of Students Brags About Bringing in LGBTQ Health Center to Teach "Queer Sex" to Minors

These people are Sick

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91c7a5  No.17904780

File: 8feb7476aef16af⋯.mp4 (8.9 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_4017.MP4)

File: 015a536537cd7ee⋯.mp4 (1.03 MB, 640x360, 16:9, video_2022_12_06_16_28_56_….mp4)

File: 35818b83f4eb414⋯.png (472.41 KB, 822x537, 274:179, ClipboardImage.png)

Jonathan Greenblatt on Ye: "If we don't get him *catches himself* If we don't deal with that…"


Michael Jackson was also victimized by the judeo music industry.


Files Show FBI Suspected JDL Of Extorting Tupac

Jewish Defense League threatened famously murdered rapper, provided bodyguards for hip-hop stars, according to released FBI documents.

The FBI released files this week on the murder of rapper Tupac Shakur in 1996, revealing that the Jewish Defense League (JDL) was suspected of “extorting money from various rap-music stars via death threats, including Shakur and another performer, Eazy-E.

“The scheme involves [name redacted] and other subjects making telephonic death threats to the rap star,” the files state. “Subjects then intercede by contacting the victim and offering protection for a fee. The victim and their family are taken to a ‘safe haven,’ usually a private estate, and are protected by gun-toting body guards associated with the Jewish Defense League.”

After the victims were brought to the “safe havens,” the JDL would allegedly “convince the victim they have worked a ‘deal’ out… and the threats cease. The victim then pays the subjects for the protection services rendered. ”An unidentified source identified Eazy-E as a target of the JDL’s extortion before he died from AIDS. Another source from within the JDL “had also reportedly targeted Tupac Shakur prior to his murder in Las Vegas,” the files state.




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24e020  No.17904782

File: 7d9b845eaaa716c⋯.jpg (453.26 KB, 720x1600, 9:20, Screenshot_20221207_205225….jpg)

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116f11  No.17904783


I'd like 5 ballots.

You only get 1.

Voter Suppression!

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a48432  No.17904784

File: 874dc47f9820fa4⋯.jpeg (1.47 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, AFA4CE61_C76F_42AB_A5FA_5….jpeg)

File: c59324521e368b3⋯.jpeg (1.46 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, E9A00E4C_B075_41C9_9FAF_D….jpeg)

File: d5286c942ea438f⋯.jpeg (907.52 KB, 3780x3024, 5:4, 6027977B_574A_4DF9_93CF_C….jpeg)

File: 13a9ba40fccdc1a⋯.jpeg (576.92 KB, 2835x2567, 2835:2567, C692BB44_F6E8_46C3_89E6_1….jpeg)

File: 02109758e3079f1⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB, 3780x2844, 105:79, 13EE58E0_95DE_475E_BCBE_7….jpeg)

Pretty cool moon pics! It looks like a horror movie, or werewolfs are coming out!

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3d9624  No.17904785


>he deleted this tweet in which he implied he's a pence

>what do you think of Alex Jones doing a 3 hour interview with Ye and Nick Fuentes and then a couple days later slandering them?

1) that's not kanye in that a mask

2) mos gonna mos

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ced875  No.17904787

File: 568e39d3a1ebd6d⋯.jpg (66.79 KB, 1124x1111, 1124:1111, FIMceYgWYAEdnXj.jpg)

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ec76ea  No.17904788

File: 3bec92d43633d32⋯.webp (122.86 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, download_1_.webp)


>LGBTQ Health Center

… A contradiction.

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91c7a5  No.17904789


raelian is a mental disorder due to inbreeding.

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c4497d  No.17904790

File: e49852958647f17⋯.png (182.67 KB, 699x325, 699:325, lumberg.png)

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868eb9  No.17904791

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5453ff  No.17904792


JEWISH YouTuber, Ethan Klein, Celebrates The Murder of Christ: "If Jesus Was Here I'd Spear Him! I Liked It The First Time And I'd Do It Again!"

And the jews wonder why Normal, decent people want to throw them feet first into a wood chipper.

Boomers will make excuses like they always do.

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053a33  No.17904793


Harmeet Dhillon was selling hand knitted sweaters in San Francisco 10 years ago. She'd get eaten alive by the establishment and they know it. She's worse than Ronna Romney if that's even possible.

GOP leader produces all-local knitwear


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99ad17  No.17904794


What a Plan.

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9853de  No.17904795

File: e2b9c0f39040524⋯.jpg (399.26 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20221207_204626….jpg)

File: 5579111ada2dd59⋯.jpg (446.59 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20221207_204629….jpg)

File: f793fb45a4d953c⋯.jpg (274.71 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20221207_204635….jpg)

File: dd477dafa68f949⋯.jpg (500.35 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20221207_205453….jpg)

File: b585ca3a7c80958⋯.jpg (498.56 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20221207_205630….jpg)

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fdefa1  No.17904796

File: 1140adc7971ebef⋯.png (950.83 KB, 1082x1198, 541:599, Screen_Shot_2022_04_12_at_….png)


now rhyming is anti-semitic

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24036d  No.17904797

File: 619ee073fe98ab5⋯.png (237.83 KB, 771x583, 771:583, feu.png)

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b1c457  No.17904798

File: 0a4db2e44533a99⋯.png (417.42 KB, 691x359, 691:359, Screen_Shot_2022_12_07_at_….png)

File: c62e2d3fd130eec⋯.png (249.23 KB, 493x458, 493:458, Screen_Shot_2022_12_07_at_….png)

File: a7cc8779f918345⋯.png (234.55 KB, 474x469, 474:469, Screen_Shot_2022_12_07_at_….png)

File: eed588f6b5cfd89⋯.png (380.58 KB, 475x468, 475:468, Screen_Shot_2022_12_07_at_….png)

File: 334376329475ee7⋯.png (384.71 KB, 705x496, 705:496, Screen_Shot_2022_12_07_at_….png)

5D - D5

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3c22b0  No.17904799

File: a7ffee5bf92808a⋯.mp4 (365.15 KB, 1280x544, 40:17, muhDick.mp4)


>when has Muh Dick ever been wrong?

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2ec977  No.17904800


its glorious aint it..

good job team Q

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91c7a5  No.17904801

File: 5e91c5cb009adde⋯.png (438.86 KB, 1080x808, 135:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1881d220c169e7⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1830x951, 610:317, ghiselon.PNG)

So what happens on this 8th?

Any guesses frens?


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a48432  No.17904802


Whoa, that would be strange but not unpredictable

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ad2e39  No.17904803

File: 8af71bdd2c3a592⋯.png (101.09 KB, 592x357, 592:357, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f29ff04ddfcc08a⋯.png (608 KB, 942x475, 942:475, ClipboardImage.png)

$40,000/Year to have your Child Groomed!


Agian, notice who's wearing the masks and who is not

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332560  No.17904804

Anyone have a pool for the 8th tomorrow? Been on a role

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9853de  No.17904805

File: 445b2154d357194⋯.jpg (407.59 KB, 1080x959, 1080:959, Screenshot_20221207_204742….jpg)

File: 545d32a82a4acb6⋯.jpg (84.58 KB, 503x755, 503:755, Planet_of_the_Apes_TB_.jpg)

File: bef8aa7ff03ea4b⋯.jpg (199.8 KB, 470x703, 470:703, 1670282061262445.jpg)

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a48432  No.17904806


Pence in like jar baby

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21b26c  No.17904807

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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e6d225  No.17904808

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens & Orlando 'Digging Night' - 12/07/2022


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c29509  No.17904809

File: a8e4a336e87bd40⋯.png (691.37 KB, 729x746, 729:746, adolf.png)


>I miss the ginger mound memes

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fdefa1  No.17904811


insane pics, anon

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24036d  No.17904812

File: 0a59c1e34481326⋯.jpg (333.1 KB, 1800x1085, 360:217, 1660014261200112.jpg)

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ed2981  No.17904813


I don’t understand how it can be in plain view obvious to anyone with a working noggin and still nothing happens to him. I seriously think everyone in government is mentally retarded. It’s unreal.

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332560  No.17904814


Hive mind activated

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21b26c  No.17904815

File: 0ee0aa51d3dfdf1⋯.png (2.16 MB, 996x1403, 996:1403, 1670297952_2.png)

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61a26f  No.17904816


“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”

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91c7a5  No.17904817

File: cbec17a6fd598af⋯.png (44.99 KB, 530x252, 265:126, juden.PNG)

File: 92dfdf132a692c1⋯.png (385.58 KB, 680x655, 136:131, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 579ef542b257d7b⋯.jpg (296.23 KB, 583x752, 583:752, 2edc64e05d7a7abc.jpg)

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ad2e39  No.17904818

File: 6c21406a928c0b6⋯.png (66.16 KB, 258x264, 43:44, ClipboardImage.png)

I know someone who's going to be out of a job in the near future


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99ad17  No.17904819


Something that’s gonna fucking suck. Can’t wait until winning looks like winning again

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a48432  No.17904821


I know, they could be in a horror or a resurrection movie. The cold moon is cool

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530538  No.17904823

File: 52c28e14ea165c3⋯.png (137.19 KB, 754x596, 377:298, ClipboardImage.png)

>>17904793 Harmeet Dhillon was selling hand knitted sweaters in San Francisco 10 years ago. She'd get eaten alive by the establishment and they know it. She's worse than Ronna Romney if that's even possible.



Many people turn to knitting as a means of stress reduction, and Harmeet Dhillon of San Francisco was no exception when she took up the hobby during college in 1986. Dhillon, however, has taken her interest in textiles a step or two further than most recreational knitters. In 2012, she founded Sea Ranch Woolworks, which takes wool from the sheep used for fire abatement in the Sonoma community of the Sea Ranch, processes it locally, and has craftswomen from the community turn it into durable and beautiful hand-knit scarves.

The internal drive that propelled Dhillon, 44, from hobbyist knitter to founder of a growing textile business is apparent in the trajectory of her full-time career. She was born in rural India and is now as an award-winning trial attorney at the helm of her own firm, chairwoman of the Republican Party of San Francisco and a candidate for vice chair of the California Republican Party. But Dhillon credits her husband, Sarvjit Randhawa, for getting her started on the textile track.

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21b26c  No.17904824

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5453ff  No.17904825


Forgive them right into the wood chipper.

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560128  No.17904826

File: 1fa4a15967e62c0⋯.png (330.83 KB, 638x528, 29:24, glasses_pepe.png)


>Jewish Defense League threatened famously murdered rapper, provided bodyguards for hip-hop stars, according to released FBI documents.

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