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File: 2bcc9e7d83b802a⋯.png (811.78 KB, 1588x1072, 397:268, ClipboardImage.png)

4779e9  No.16719892[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 06.29.2022

>>16552853 ————————————–——– What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.

Saturday 06.25.2022

>>16521604 rt >>16520866, >>16521137 —— Established. (Who was "Jane Roe"? 50 years of conditioning.)

Friday 06.24.2022

>>16506930 ————————————–——– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath.

>>16505677 rt >>16505361 ———–––——–— It had to be done this way.

>>16504957 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game once more?

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4779e9  No.16719896


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread; >>16050716 bakers & notetakers, plz tag the dough

>>16495621 CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernment with anything borderline

>>16538203 Baker's Lite JS code, can insert in Options menu, shows when Q posts (use discernment)

>>16514077, >>16552582, >>16511354 JW & BO on Q posting, Q's board, TOR, SALT, Tripcodes

>>16559261 OP formatting now that Q is posting

>>16666573 Posting on TOR http://8kun.top.4o5xwl3fsmzwys7edqxtohvva6ikxc6h7wt7el4ar3d5om6k2zz7yaqd.onion/qresearch/catalog.html

OR http://8kun.top.4o5xwl3fsmzwys7edqxtohvva6ikxc6h7wt7el4ar3d5om6k2zz7yaqd.onion/qresearch/index.html




>>16719734 dough

>>16719593 #21088 note taker notes

>>16719135 US Army Fort Sill - You can make it through this!

>>16719142 Joe Biden - 17 words and Make No Mistake.

>>16719168, >>16719262, >>16719296 Hunter's FBI contact Vorndran - FBI Cyber Division Assistant Director pushing North Korea cyber attack fud

>>16719169 U.S. Naval Institute - USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: July 11, 2022

>>16719198 Brave man calls out Joe Biden about Hunter's prostitutes and Crack. Wew Lad.

>>16719202 Mindy Robinson Blows the Lid Off Of Election Fraud in Nevada [VIDEO]

>>16719213 Dissent In WI Ballot Drop Box Victory Highlights Much Bigger Issue

>>16719239, >>16719260, >>16719282, >>16719323 256 - Liberty Bell Dig

>>16719241 Arkansas Sheriff’s Home Firebombed After Department Employee Found Dead In Her Driveway

>>16719244 Save America Rally in Prescott Valley, Arizona - Sat, July 16, 2022

>>16719269 YATES And WHITON: Assassinated Trump-Ally Abe’s Legacy Must Prevail

>>16719285 Farmers 'Desperately' Fighting Back Against Elite's Plan to Take Their Land

>>16719290, >>16719320 FOIAs Reveal Progressive Money Fueling Feds / Biden’s Bid to Take Over Our Elections

>>16719349 A massive corruption scandal in France involving Emmanuel Macron and Uber has sparked demands that he resigned.

>>16719487 Australian Covid Data Biases and Manipulation

>>16719539 Secret Service says it's 'aware' of alleged Hunter Biden iCloud hack

>>16719543 Wisconsin Supreme Court details how use of drop boxes and ballot harvesting in 2020 presidential elections was illegal.

>>16719570 Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling on drop boxes undercuts Democrats' clean election claim

>>16719595, >>16719614, >>16719618, Trump Thunders Into Alaska For Record-Breaking Rally - gellerreport.com (djt in alaska topic)

>>16719599, >>16719634, Hunter-Biden-spent-30k-prostitutes-FIVE-MONTHS-documents-reveal - daily mail (hunter topic and digs)

>>16719600 forces twats

>>16719628 California has enlisted the gangs as a way to push gun control -apnews.com

>>16719641 Brazilian influencer ends up in wheelchair from holding in her farts -nyp (not this baker notable, but hey gotta keep the youngun's amused)

>>16719674, >>16719746, >>16719838, note taker notes combined

>>16719694 anime notes

>>16719698 Trump Rips Elon Musk: "Another Bullsh*t Artist" - elon topic

>>16719702 planefag posts

>>16719850 #21088

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4779e9  No.16719897


>>16718735, >>16718747, UPDATED DOUGH

>>16718364, >>16718417, >>16718497, >>16718514, >>16718762, >>16718771, >>16718889, >>16718909, forces twats

>>16718785 For those who want to authoritatively understand HOW peace in the Middle East actually happened, this book is a MUST READ - ezra cohen twat

>>16718379 mom busted for selling newborn baby to pay for $3600 nose job - nyp

>>16718410, >>16718440, >>16718599, >>16718605, >>16718634, So many whose lives have been shattered by gun violence have felt the price of inaction. - biden and his admin twats, articles and nation destroying moves

>>16718411, >>16718649, >>16718792, Bannon Trial CONFIRMED; FBI J6 Source DEFENDS Protestors; Lofgren Admits NO CORROBORATION - youtube robert gouveia lawyer and mindmap bannon topic j6

>>16718459 French President Emmanuel Macron came under pressure on Monday from opposition politicians over his reported links with ride-hailing company Uber Technologies during his years as economy minister. - jpost.com twat

>>16718560, >>16718597, >>16718635, >>16718701, >>16718717, >>16718719, >>16718759, uber whistleblower and Travis kalanick ceo and wef member uber, anon dig

>>16718523, >>16718530, >>16718541, >>16718657, >>16718690, >>16719059, >>16719087, >>16719094, hunter biden - bun collection hunter topic and mp4 vid (baker thinks this is clown distraction, nothing gonna be done)

>>16718960 hunters screenshot timeline of degeneracy - notable called

>>16718525 Kerry Chant's big move on BA.5 wave: NSW top doctor slashes official 'reinfection' period down to 28 days - dailymail (covid topic)

>>16718615, >>16719111, Hardest working man in Congress - chuck grassley twat

>>16718694, >>16718843, >>16718911, Ukraine's attack on city in Kherson region 'reminiscent of Hiroshima' - all sides newsfeeds. russia v ukraine topic and putin twat

>>16718857 Antony Blinken Listens to Chinese Diplomat’s ‘Updated List of U.S. Wrongdoings’ at 5-Hour Meeting - breitbart

>>16718723 #21086 notes

>>16719026 #21082 notes

>>16718783 Girl, 17, who transitioned back from a boy - daily mail (pedo, groomer and commie topic)

>>16719038 newsmax-ceos-links-to-podesta-and-the-vatican-christopher-ruddy-comped - anon times screenshots

>>16719052 all /pbBlue Water Wellness LLC - therapist keith albow


>>16719562 #21087

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4779e9  No.16719899


>>16717582 President Biden and Vice President Harris Receive a Briefing on James Webb Space Telescope

>>16717589 Protestor confronts Biden about Hunter's icloud leaks during press briefing, asks him about the crack cocaine videos, is removed by security

>>16717642 California cities ban new gas stations in battle to combat climate change

>>16717681, >>16717736, >>16717986 Musk twat

>>16717673, >>16717693 You'll Never Believe the Contacts on Hunter's iPhone

>>16717706, >>16717760 George Soros, Hollywood megadonors bankroll Stacey Abrams' leadership PAC

>>16717710 Olympic gold medallist Sir Mo Farah reveals he was trafficked to UK as child, given new name and forced to work as domestic servant

>>16717718 The Uber whistleblower: I’m exposing a system that sold people a lie

>>16717721, >>16717762 Biden team secures 3.2M doses of Novavax

>>16717734 Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's Funeral Set For Tuesday

>>16717753 Senator Graham ordered to testify in front of grand jury in Trump election probe

>>16717756 Biden WILL meet w/ MBS on trip to SA, Jake Sullivan says - refusing to clarify if they will shake hands/president will bring up murder of Jamal Khashoggi

>>16717764, >>16717775, >>16718109, >>16718122, >>16718170, >>16718205, >>16718302, >>16718313, >>16718325 Planefag Reports USA 256 Liberty Bell

>>16717785 Vanderbilt Health Is Gender-Bending Tennessee Minors Without Parental Consent

>>16717877, >>16717881 Planned Parenthood and Ghouls in Congress desperate to kill babies

>>16717952 TOR posting temporarily down, 8kun admin on it. New Tor server may be why. Cannot stay, will ck in after return.

>>16717970 Biden Threatens to Strip Medicare Status From Hospitals That Fail to Perform Abortions in Emergency Situations Even if Their State Has Ban on Procedure

>>16718174 Oath Keepers lawyer says Stewart Rhodes wanted her Trump contacts before Jan. 6 Capitol attack

>>16718201 Previous Bread Notables #21085

>>16718220 NASA’s Webb Delivers Deepest Infrared Image of Universe Yet

>>16718254 Silver is at $19.06

>>16718723 #21086 Posted in #21087

Previously Collected

>>16716656 #21084, >>16718201 #21085, >>16718723 #21086

>>16714342 #21081, >>16715245 #21082, >>16715852 #21083

>>16712086 #21078, >>16712772 #21079, >>16713577 #21080

>>16711334 #21075, >>16711342 #21076, >>16711747 #21077

>>16706214 #21072, >>16706614 #21073, >>16709208 #21074

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

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d08121  No.16719900

File: 2547d579e085d12⋯.png (624.01 KB, 494x769, 494:769, i_ll_shit_right_in_your_go….png)

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b5466f  No.16719901

what sort of miracle scenario would disable key peoples' storyline

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18d9db  No.16719902

File: e39b966aefaff90⋯.jpg (203.17 KB, 660x406, 330:203, ns6.jpg)

anons waiting for dough to post…

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d97446  No.16719903


helos are not fast movers

your are an idiot

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4779e9  No.16719904

File: 3013f10a61a7369⋯.mp4 (8.81 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, blow_it_up_pepe.mp4)

Updated dough: Q Research General #210889: SRI LANKA, DENMARK, ITALY, EUROPE PITCHFORKS EDITION

Easy filters for all bread shitters, patience anons, we know the rules,

Step aside faggots, shills, spammers and clowns, automatic filtered deployed



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d97446  No.16719905


don had his chance

there will be no hail mary

america is destroyed

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d38a00  No.16719906

File: f1d1b7eb22bc095⋯.png (786.94 KB, 960x590, 96:59, I_shit_the_bread_father_et….png)



BV edit OP plz? #21089







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88b95c  No.16719907


loss of electricity shuts everything down and makes everything equal

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4370ea  No.16719908

Imagine if Biden was speaking and MAGA was there just chanting Pedo Pete!

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e8c2df  No.16719909

File: fd1bcae49718165⋯.png (543.36 KB, 1080x587, 1080:587, ClipboardImage.png)



confirm handoff

>pepe not anime, rite?

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6f4e57  No.16719910

File: 1b0333235776d7b⋯.jpg (98.86 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 2a4d88b63469b0da24d6b38ee7….jpg)

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3a8932  No.16719911

File: 1e89382f325770f⋯.png (585.6 KB, 958x889, 958:889, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden’s Bid to Take Over Our Elections

Federal power grabs can and should be deterred by the states

Since when is it the prerogative of the president to get out the vote? Yet this is exactly what President Joe Biden has been fighting for. In March 2021, he signed an executive order spurring 600 federal agencies to come up with plans on how to fuel voter registration and voter turnout.

These plans were to be submitted nine month ago to Susan Rice, head of the White House’s Domestic Policy Council. Rice was President Barack Obama’s national security advisor and had her hand in every scandal of that administration including Benghazi, spying on Donald Trump, and the disgraceful swap of jihadis for deserter Bowe Bergdahl. Needless to say, she is heavily partisan in her political views and is not above lying for political ends. The public, despite concerted efforts and invoking the Freedom of Information Act, has been blocked or unanswered in their requests to see the proposed plans.

Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist accurately states: “It’s unethical to tie federal benefits to election activity. It’s unconstitutional to have the federal government take authority that belongs to the states and which Congress has not granted. And, given that all 50 states have different laws and processes governing election administration, it’s a recipe for chaos, confusion, and fraud at a time when election security concerns are particularly fraught.”

Good government watchdog organizations — ones like the Center for Renewing America and the Foundation for Government Accountability — are calling on state governments to fight this federal overreach.

Two representatives from these organizations said, “Order [state officials] not to implement that guidance [from the federal agencies] because it is illegal at worst and unethical and partisan at best.”

Another aspect of this secret get-out-the-vote operation that can’t be hushed is the Department of Justice and Biden’s immediate pouncing on states that seek to improve their voter integrity laws. Take Georgia — the pushback from the Democrats was so extreme that they called its new voter integrity law “Job Crow 2.0” and got Major League Baseball’s All-Star Game moved from Atlanta in protest. Biden also lumped Texas and its voter integrity law in with the canard of “Jim Crow 2.0.” It felt like some kind of divine justice that the World Series was played by the Atlanta Braves (who won) and Houston Astros. Now Arizona is currently fighting the DOJ because it has a voter law that demands voters actually be U.S. citizens.

It follows the overall pattern that we have been subject to. When leftists can, they grab as much federal power as humanly possible. That’s also why they were deeply angry when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and returned the power back to the states. Ultimately, any loss of federal power is egregious to them.

President Biden and his administration are playing a devious and underhanded game involving the upcoming elections. With a country already suspicious that there were unscrupulous dealings and cheating involved in the 2020 election, this continued ominous silence from the feds is not an encouraging sign.


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5b2c1a  No.16719912

>>16717970 Biden Threatens to Strip Medicare Status From Hospitals That Fail to Perform Abortions in Emergency Situations Even if Their State Has Ban on Procedure

This is fucking hilarious. The hospitals were fast to demand the vaxx to keep their Medicare $$'s. Now the hospitals have to battle the States…can't wait tobsee some Healthcare doctors and CEOs go to jail for their greed.

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b6cca3  No.16719913

File: 10515bbfbe39ac5⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1200x1196, 300:299, ClipboardImage.png)

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ce9b47  No.16719914

File: 57a0ceaaed27d8e⋯.png (410.26 KB, 635x414, 635:414, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a5ba7642e96d24⋯.png (224.58 KB, 572x474, 286:237, ClipboardImage.png)

US Claims Iran Plans to Supply Russian Forces With ‘Weapons-Capable’ Drones

US officials claim Iran’s reported delivery of “several hundred” unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to Russia is indicative of Moscow’s difficulty in sustaining a robust weapons stockpile as the conflict in Ukraine approaches six months.

National security adviser Jake Sullivan told White House reporters on Monday that US intelligence suggests Iran will be providing Russia with a rushed delivery of “weapons-capable” UAVs and other unmanned aircraft.

“Our information indicates that the Iranian government is preparing to provide Russia with up to several hundred UAVs, including weapons-capable UAVs on an expedited timeline,” Sullivan said on Monday.

Furthermore, Tehran was slated to begin offering related training sessions as early as July, the national security official pointed out.

“It’s unclear whether Iran has delivered any of these UAVs to Russia already,” Sullivan noted.

Sullivan’s revelation comes ahead of US President Joe Biden’s first trip to the Middle East since taking office.

The trip runs from Wednesday, July 13, through Saturday, July 16, and serves as an opportunity for the US administration to improve relations with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Riyadh, which Biden initially vowed to make a “pariah state.”

While Biden took a hard line with Saudi Arabia in November 2019, vowing to make Riyadh and MBS “pay the price” for approving the 2018 killing of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the global fuel crisis may lead the US president to adopt a more diplomatic approach in dealing with the oil-rich kingdom’s leadership.


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49e351  No.16719915

File: af7038777d28136⋯.jpg (108.65 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, q9arid2jy1b91.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

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12e7e1  No.16719916

Evenin’ Nightshift

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cd8472  No.16719917

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a73e76  No.16719918

File: e1dd3dcba52761f⋯.jpg (24.7 KB, 474x266, 237:133, dancing_i.jpg)

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3a8932  No.16719919

File: 8369c4eccbf8329⋯.png (811.43 KB, 962x896, 481:448, ClipboardImage.png)

Is This the End of Musk’s Twitter Bid?

In a blow to free speech, Elon Musk announced that he’s had enough of Twitter, its fake accounts, and its unwillingness to fully disclose them.

It’s hard to know whether this is the end or, as Churchill said, “the end of the beginning.” But it doesn’t look good for those of us who’d been looking forward to a free and fair marketplace of ideas on Twitter. As the Associated Press reports:

Elon Musk announced Friday that he will abandon his tumultuous $44 billion offer to buy Twitter after the company failed to provide enough information about the number of fake accounts. Twitter immediately fired back, saying it would sue the Tesla CEO to uphold the deal. The likely unraveling of the acquisition was just the latest twist in a saga between the world’s richest man and one of the most influential social media platforms, and it may portend a titanic legal battle ahead.

A letter sent by Musk’s legal team says Twitter is in “material breach of multiple provisions of that Agreement [and] appears to have made false and misleading representations upon which Mr. Musk relied when entering into the Merger Agreement.”

The letter notes further: “For nearly two months, Mr. Musk has sought the data and information necessary to ‘make an independent assessment of the prevalence of fake or spam accounts on Twitter’s platform.’ … This information is fundamental to Twitter’s business and financial performance and is necessary … to ensure Twitter’s satisfaction of the conditions to closing, to facilitate Mr. Musk’s financing and financial planning for the transaction, and to engage in transition planning for the business.”

What’s interesting is that Twitter, which had originally rebuffed Musk’s purchase bid, isn’t pushing for Musk to cough up an agreed-upon breakup fee of $1 billion. Instead, the underachieving social media platform looks like it’s getting ready to fight the world’s richest man to complete the deal, which the company’s board has approved and which its CEO, Parag Agrawal, has said he wants to complete.

Musk, in typical Musk fashion, mocked Twitter with a tweet that included four separate photos of Musk laughing along with a caption for each: “They said I couldn’t buy Twitter; Then they wouldn’t disclose bot info; Now they want to force me to buy Twitter in court; Now they have to disclose bot info in court.”

Since then, he’s followed up with a picture of Chuck Norris playing chess with a single white pawn against the entire black field. “Chuckmate,” said Musk.

None of this drama was lost on Donald Trump, whose Truth Social platform has launched as a free-speech alternative to Twitter. “THE TWITTER DEAL IS DEAD,” he gloated. “LONG LIVE THE ‘TRUTH.’”

Again, we’re not sure the Twitter deal is dead, or whether this is simply more brinkmanship from a master. But if the mercurial Musk does indeed back out permanently, Twitter will be the worse for it. And so will those who favor free expression and view censorship as the coward’s last resort. As the Wall Street Journal editorial board writes:

Elon Musk’s decision Friday to call off his purchase of Twitter is a loss for the social-media site as well as for political free speech. The only winners will be progressives who support the site’s censorship of views that don’t conform to theirs on politics, climate and many other subjects. … Twitter can help itself by ending its one-sided political censorship, but its woke staff and corporate culture might make that impossible. The company might find it needed Mr. Musk more than he needed Twitter.

The issue of Twitter’s fake accounts — its spam bots — is nothing new to either party. Musk mentioned it months ago. “I also want to make Twitter better than ever,” he said in late April, “by enhancing the product with new features, making the algorithms open source to increase trust, defeating the spam bots, and authenticating all humans.”

Time will tell whether Musk is indeed willing to blow up the deal over those bots and whether the asking price of Twitter was too much for his oft-stated appreciation of free speech.


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5952f1  No.16719920

File: 0412cb13455230e⋯.png (464.09 KB, 576x798, 96:133, Screenshots_2022_07_11_19_….png)

File: 678c8bffe495fbf⋯.png (509.35 KB, 576x561, 192:187, Screenshots_2022_07_11_19_….png)

File: 762b24c375176c3⋯.png (483.21 KB, 576x605, 576:605, Screenshots_2022_07_11_19_….png)

Hunter committed check fraud and transported hookers across state lines (trafficking)

He wrote the check out to a rehab center but gave it to a Ukrainian madam. Then he transported the hookers across state lines

>Documents, texts and videos obtained by DailyMail.com show Hunter Biden spent a staggering $30,000 on escorts in a five-month period

>Hunter wrote checks to a Ukrainian woman named Ekaterina Moreva who was named in red flag reports by banks for suspicious activity, documents reveal

>A Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) filed by JPMorgan Chase flagged transactions involving Moreva after she received tens of thousands of dollars from Hunter's company

>Photos from Hunter's iPhone show he wrote checks disguised as medical services to prostitutes supplied by Moreva, whose website offers a 'girlfriend experience'

>Videos and pictures show Hunter helping transport these women from Boston to New York for a debauched night with him – a potential federal offense


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e2ee99  No.16719921

This Is The Most DISTURBING Hunter Biden Leaked Video To Date-Bongino


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2da7cb  No.16719922

File: 1b6a11acb0aed04⋯.png (1.28 MB, 461x966, 461:966, capture_510_11072022_19312….png)

File: 6f164a39c6aac38⋯.mp4 (11.04 MB, 1440x1080, 4:3, Wild_Night_complete_versio….mp4)

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ff4882  No.16719923

>>16719874 LB

No again that's your claim. I trust what I hear from Him.

The RCC simply put together a collection of scripture (that's not complete BTW), they did not create the Truth in the scripture. Look past the words and see the Word. The Way, the Truth, and the Life. Nothing was created that was not created through Him. Even the Creator of the Universe had Life in Him.

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2cc1dc  No.16719924

File: 7876fed8ef0ff1b⋯.jpg (3.51 KB, 250x180, 25:18, 1497575158688s.jpg)

Okay, I came here to shitpost.

Humor you in other words.

I can do that on rare occasions.

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49e351  No.16719925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1264ed  No.16719926

ID+'ed a bread shitter.

Just fucking wait.


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639f7a  No.16719927



Night Shift in the house!

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3a8932  No.16719928

File: 1f589fa99fa22ad⋯.png (184.88 KB, 411x599, 411:599, ClipboardImage.png)

Liz Harrington/ @realLizUSA

07/11/2022 19:50:40

Truth Social: 108631388355298612

Dan Cox / @realdancox

07/09/2022 21:31:58

Truth Social: 108620462063144010

Liz Harrington reTruthed…

Wednesday 13th July 7.30pm, Tele-rally Dan Cox


Maryland Gubernatorial Candidate Daniel Cox: It’s Time For ‘Freedom’ To Return To Maryland




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4779e9  No.16719929

File: 777c201f21de4f0⋯.mp4 (469.49 KB, 360x202, 180:101, spaceforce.mp4)


hand off confirmed, what the hell happened to the start of the bread, that is not how baker posted the building of the bread.

will lurk for a while, call out any notables plus help if needed.


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8ef1b0  No.16719930



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b1031c  No.16719931

File: 8324fd328ff659b⋯.jpg (117.95 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, FXW8_a6UIAE38El.jpg)


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8ef167  No.16719932

File: 92b94737e5ea377⋯.jpg (24.39 KB, 457x358, 457:358, 2562.JPG)


PB Liberty bell Dig and Plane Fag intell 256

?? Dates 26 is absent

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ebf2b3  No.16719933

File: ef6f78933b2f482⋯.jpg (52.09 KB, 408x612, 2:3, Jenelle17.jpg)

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8ef1b0  No.16719934

File: 459e219b12261b5⋯.png (559.69 KB, 1366x682, 683:341, Firefox_Screenshot_2022_07….png)


They knew EXACTLY what they were doing lol

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8102fd  No.16719935

File: 9ba5d7a1a93fce4⋯.jpg (46.28 KB, 638x391, 638:391, bbrdspoklihj.jpg)

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b5466f  No.16719936

need more input

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c9c8f7  No.16719937

42 567


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ec3459  No.16719938

File: 5932c13b72c785d⋯.png (51.47 KB, 461x621, 461:621, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b67684ba85a6445⋯.png (324.62 KB, 700x474, 350:237, ClipboardImage.png)

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f078f5  No.16719939

File: 02ddb3555dc63af⋯.jpeg (60.58 KB, 640x585, 128:117, 02ddb3555dc63af5cd668a7de….jpeg)

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3a8932  No.16719940

File: b046d0f57b9442e⋯.png (153.88 KB, 423x820, 423:820, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd66fce602840d0⋯.png (340.58 KB, 785x1307, 785:1307, ClipboardImage.png)

Save America Rally in Prescott Valley, Arizona

https://qagg.news/?read=TT754Event Details

Sat, July 16, 2022

04:00 pm (MST)

Doors Open: 11:00 am

Findlay Toyota Center

3201 Main St

Prescott Valley az, 86314



>>16719306 lb HOLY SHIT HAHAHAHA

>>16719339 lb July 16th Auspicious

>>16719486 lb Anniversary of JFKjr death

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b2dcf0  No.16719941

File: 22a1bdb06535f62⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1225x864, 1225:864, F35_NS_Q_Kick.png)

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8c5f10  No.16719942

♾ ♾ >>16719904 ♾ ♾

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d38a00  No.16719943


This screams optics.

Jeff Musk?

Elon Sessions?

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7c7ffb  No.16719944

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4d307b  No.16719945

File: cd7719afd5e260c⋯.png (691.34 KB, 798x995, 798:995, ClipboardImage.png)

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62e9f4  No.16719946

File: 896f9b66588c51b⋯.png (13.2 MB, 2799x2856, 933:952, infinitespace2.png)

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5b2c1a  No.16719947


Well, some of the "scripture" they ley ouy said that Jesus killed his olaymates for pissing him off. Kinda goes against thr theme of love and foregiveness and blesses murder. So which is it?

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a73e76  No.16719948

File: b38b0781eecd6da⋯.png (920.53 KB, 1284x723, 428:241, ClipboardImage.png)



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501cd5  No.16719949

File: c16cd5e8ee5c0bd⋯.jpg (8.84 KB, 225x225, 1:1, earth.jpg)

The True Reason Behind Abe Dead Is The Author Of Yu-Gi-Oh Manga Kazuki Takahashi Dead

Source, More Info: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com

The top leaders of both big group are dead suddenly just like my warnings 2 weeks before !

That is “power of friendship”, “better together” philosophy are wrong in the modern day.

They are fail because they blind over-follow ancient prophecies but do not accept the fact the Savior is already here and there.

Kazuki Takahashi dead is bigger than the Abe Shinzo dead in my opinion.

Because Kazuki Takahashi is the one important leader in that secret ancient clan/families group.

Who else next?

Could be Biden, Trump, Obama, Modi, Merkel, etc.

Believe me, all beings/entities whoever either behind or support the toxic COVID Vaccine will gone.

Sound fiction, sound fantasy, sound unreal?

Well, that is the result when you go against the Savior !

Still about 8 days left for the stupid beings wake up and safe their life !

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Source, More Info: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com

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8ef167  No.16719950

File: 1cc2015764853f8⋯.jpg (130.31 KB, 1505x654, 1505:654, zulu2.JPG)

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1264ed  No.16719951


Good. Medicare isn't worth shit.

I worked for a year or so in a center with divided halls for medicare and insurance payment residents.

Fuck Medicare.

Most worthless shit system sold to the idiots in this country.

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19b798  No.16719952


Get your butt in here





The best is yet to come.



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15467a  No.16719953

File: 466a75c08e383a5⋯.jpg (48.01 KB, 389x239, 389:239, BAKER_AMERICA_GOOD.jpg)

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6867cc  No.16719954

File: 34b436091f4fce5⋯.jpeg (56.2 KB, 360x358, 180:179, DF5B1D91_8678_45B1_B13B_4….jpeg)

File: 33f068fac3de677⋯.jpeg (59.95 KB, 680x510, 4:3, 90E3C5CA_17E4_41CD_84FA_E….jpeg)

File: 847e9423dd9f456⋯.jpeg (42.96 KB, 336x360, 14:15, A55B8E5C_4E64_4F20_9923_3….jpeg)

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0ede0a  No.16719955

File: 9ca28b09cb6387d⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1504x755, 1504:755, n_657b46646547654.png)

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57a563  No.16719956

So has anyone posted any pics of Hunter Biden in a furry suit yet? I think that's the only thing we're missing.

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49e351  No.16719957

File: c2f92c38f573f9f⋯.png (3.34 MB, 2550x1436, 1275:718, ClipboardImage.png)

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95473c  No.16719958

File: ad3ac8775f266fc⋯.jpeg (27.84 KB, 255x178, 255:178, 45E0A5B0_C18D_46B0_B038_C….jpeg)

File: 1f43097263b5c8c⋯.jpeg (32.94 KB, 255x221, 15:13, A90AAEE0_79F3_481E_AFCA_8….jpeg)

>>16719868 (lb)

>>16719893 (lb)

Oh, Dear God!!! Quite Frankly is going to shit himself!!

That is no chicken McNugget!

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15467a  No.16719959

File: 3f28793452970f3⋯.jpg (255.98 KB, 475x667, 475:667, LOCOWINNING.jpg)

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c6b132  No.16719960


You’ll need a group of spiritual believers who are open to contacting a spirit. Set up your séance in a quiet room, then sit with your participants in a circle. When you’re ready, begin the séance and ask your questions. After the spirit stops answering or you’re finished, close the séance by thanking the spirits.

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b1031c  No.16719961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Trump Train Anthem Inspired by The Hunger Games

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501cd5  No.16719962

File: c16cd5e8ee5c0bd⋯.jpg (8.84 KB, 225x225, 1:1, earth.jpg)

Following, Watching, Copying Me The Savior Won’t Help You Evolve, Do Not Waste Time !

Source, More Info: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com

I’ve know that certain group/beings (close to the top secret controllers at mortal humans realm) are watching and following (here I mean the guys who are controlling/have access to the database directly in many websites).

They will never able to understand fully what I am saying.

They will never able to obtain the Nirvana status and escape the circle of death rebirth by just watching me !


Because that is the eternal law of karma of life.

When you try to watch/monitor others which mean you are hoping to receive something, but since you do not contact or pay the fair price, thus the unseen eternal spirit will always block the flow in your body and prevent you to know the secret of life.

Without talking/speaking/communicating with me, you will never able to evolve !

Because I am not the same level as you or any beings you’ve known in real life (my level are eternal unlimited already).

Just like people in the lake will never able to understand how the ocean work !

Since the ancient times ten of thousand years ago, I see many traces that a lot of “low” level beings was tried to copy other super gods/beings, which is not the way to go, thus they are collapsed !

If you really want to learn and grow, then the only way is respect higher level beings like me.

You cannot keep the mindset of “stealing” but must switch is for everything in life is a trading !

This advice very useful for not only the white race people but also the black, yellow race group too.

I will offline soon, speak up direct to me via online internet before too late !

So I highly recommend you guys tell/forward this post to your boss so you job/duty will off.

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Source, More Info: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com

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f47eff  No.16719963


Come on, Man.

The MM one from 2020 haunts my nightmares.

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d08121  No.16719964

File: 0de981f0fa20e74⋯.png (82.86 KB, 759x560, 759:560, ClipboardImage.png)


>>16719198 Brave man calls out Joe Biden about Hunter's prostitutes and Crack. Wew Lad.


I called this out last bread and it was roundly ignored. That video is, by the admission of the dude who made it, fake, though not gay.

Pic related, lost the link.

It might behoove some of you to scroll down a few inches on twatter before you swallow shit hook line and sinker.

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4779e9  No.16719965

File: 4acdeb085185851⋯.png (50.38 KB, 198x255, 66:85, ClipboardImage.png)


or you could just 8kun

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8ef1b0  No.16719966

File: 6cb802e7c2a652f⋯.jpg (389.64 KB, 2048x1345, 2048:1345, DOITQJ8UIAAowsQ.jpg)

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ff4882  No.16719967


So you believe that scripture but not other scripture about Jesus?

What do you think Jesus meant that He was first born of the dead? What do you think He meant that we are One in Him?

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b5466f  No.16719968

but can i edit what i've already imagined?

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15467a  No.16719970

File: ffe49e03e728d4b⋯.jpg (103.93 KB, 673x675, 673:675, WIN_LINE.jpg)

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2da7cb  No.16719971


>Evenin’ Nightshift

try howdy…

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18d9db  No.16719972


Rules are you set up a bread before the old bread gets to 751. It took newfag baker 4 minutes to put down the dough. You're the one that left US hanging. What if Q was waiting to post while you were taking a coffee break? Yeah i'm the one filtered for making you look like a dumbass.

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b7ebca  No.16719973

File: 351f7f86c0ed797⋯.png (1.04 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fce3df42117dba8⋯.png (677.21 KB, 900x900, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16719439 PB

White people are not offended to have Sports teams named after them. It is meant to be an honor, but of course woke people take it as an insult.

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3a8932  No.16719974

File: 5332d18bc82cdbd⋯.png (270.08 KB, 715x415, 143:83, ClipboardImage.png)


Boarded., April 2018


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4362c0  No.16719975

File: a50dba3a7f01642⋯.png (133.11 KB, 662x829, 662:829, ClipboardImage.png)

This narrative is being floated to see if the public will ignore THE CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN and accept that he goes to jail for a few years because he bought a hooker a train ticket.

"If Hunter transported prostitutes across state lines for sex he may be open to accusations of violating federal prostitution laws.

Title 18, Section 2421 of the US Code, also known as the Mann Act, says: 'Whoever knowingly transports any individual in interstate or foreign commerce, or in any Territory or Possession of the United States, with intent that such individual engage in prostitution, or in any sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.'

ANON OPINES: (They) plan to "Ghislaine" him. He will have to make a small sacrifice but will be getting away with the much larger crimes (but most importantly) while protecting those connected.

The reaction to this narrative is being carefully studied, as it informs (them) of their options. The MSM is actively used as an asset in polling/probing the public.


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4d307b  No.16719976


He learned to write clickbait headlines from buzzfeed

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5f6f49  No.16719977


I don't get why it's a big deal legally to travel with hookers, across state lines, across the planet, across the galaxy, bfd, as long as they are being paid fairly and are willing participants.

Moral outrage in 3, 2, 1

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cd8472  No.16719978



thanks anon for posting this. the analogies clicked in place.

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5b2c1a  No.16719979


True, but the business office of hospitals had mastered milking Medicare for every dime they can to support the multi-million dollar CEO salaries and bonuses. They don't want to risk losing a chance at a singke dime, so they're now in a bind.

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a73e76  No.16719980

File: 5de1cfcfffde46c⋯.png (311.06 KB, 605x645, 121:129, Screenshot_2022_07_11_at_2….png)



"We Are Not Tacos": Hispanic Association Slams Jill Biden For Comparing Latinos To 'Breakfast Tacos'



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cd8472  No.16719981

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e2ee99  No.16719982

File: 8c1ad33cb4c978c⋯.jpg (200.41 KB, 437x153, 437:153, Screenshot_2022_07_11_1708….jpg)

File: 2455d5364501f65⋯.jpg (83.85 KB, 762x481, 762:481, Screenshot_2022_07_11_2143….jpg)

File: b0ce562964238bb⋯.jpg (59.87 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, 292888574_792976988782737_….jpg)

File: 021541f3fe563e8⋯.jpg (190.72 KB, 1043x655, 1043:655, Screenshot_2022_07_11_2142….jpg)

Hunter Biden leak provides a Q Proof.



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1264ed  No.16719983


He's not that big of a faggot.

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a5c3d6  No.16719984

File: fc768cf7ba5738b⋯.gif (2.34 MB, 500x282, 250:141, fc768cf7ba5738bf6fb9be5420….gif)

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f15eb6  No.16719985

File: fc90afefb887c19⋯.png (10.43 KB, 450x275, 18:11, ClipboardImage.png)

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15467a  No.16719986

File: 379571545352f34⋯.jpg (161.97 KB, 793x597, 793:597, SOUL_FOOD.jpg)

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8ef1b0  No.16719987


Aaaaand I just noticed that 2 papers he has in front of him.

One with Japan & the other with MBS/SA

Huh. lol

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ff4882  No.16719988


>>16719967 (Me)

Forgot to also add, what do you think Jesus meant when He said the son does what he see's the Father do?

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49e351  No.16719989

File: e835a560636ed4f⋯.jpg (59.89 KB, 1242x909, 138:101, pepe_phone.jpg)


I'm sorry, but Q is unavailable at the moment as he's currently dealing with Deep State fuckery outside public awareness. If you could just leave your name, email, and a brief message with the Highest Ranking Anon then I'm sure he will get back to you at his earliest convenience.

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50b30f  No.16719990

File: 6e44cd3f30487e5⋯.png (658.06 KB, 925x579, 925:579, ClipboardImage.png)

Sri Lankan President confirms resignation

Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has confirmed he will resign tomorrow as protesters continue to storm his official residence.


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f15eb6  No.16719991

File: 9c6ce8e06f32cb6⋯.png (11.22 KB, 450x275, 18:11, ClipboardImage.png)

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d38a00  No.16719992


fuck off

What if Q doesn't want your wambulance mucking up the bread?

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4779e9  No.16719994


filtered for bitching like a faggot

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c9c8f7  No.16719995


Reminds me of the “Magic Eye” books, autostereograms.

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21fdb9  No.16719996

File: da423c01486f542⋯.jpg (1.76 MB, 1528x1868, 382:467, craiyon_204215_Great_BIG_t….jpg)

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4d307b  No.16719997


Anon would be offended if Anaheim named a spatsball teem after him. The 'Anaheim Anons' has a ring to it, but seeing everyone drop needless rage and depression by having less distractions sounds better.

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88b95c  No.16719998


Good One Pig!

you deserve a kek today

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2cc1dc  No.16719999

File: a4965f10ca27fe7⋯.jpeg (64.64 KB, 960x640, 3:2, nsc.jpeg)

Tubes lit?


You lit?


Moonshine in reach?


All these lights working okay?



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d38a00  No.16720000

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8ef167  No.16720001

File: ff7fee862dadd97⋯.jpg (85.81 KB, 1554x729, 518:243, pI.JPG)

>>16719239 LB

nline flight tracking data shows that the operators of the extreme-endurance, high-flying Airbus' Zephyr S unmanned aircraft that is currently conducting a very-long-duration sortie flew routes over the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge in Arizona today that traced out the number 26, the letters USA, and what appears to be the outline of the contiguous United States. Another part of its flight path took the drone over the Yuma Test Range and the resulting design may be intended to depict the Liberty Bell or the symbol for the mathematical constant pi. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/airbuss-zephyr-drone-looks-to-have-just-broken-a-huge-aviation-record>>16719950

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1264ed  No.16720002


None here.

Fucking is legal.

Selling is legal.

Why isn't selling fucking legal?

Once you are of age to enter into a legal contract.

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b5466f  No.16720003

File: 6c35ba04b04a0cc⋯.jpg (96.82 KB, 652x400, 163:100, 36maroon_fluid.jpg)

File: fc48f94d9f6b667⋯.jpg (330.74 KB, 670x639, 670:639, 3death_holiday2.jpg)

File: 5829498d4eff938⋯.jpg (203.03 KB, 659x409, 659:409, 4boils1.jpg)

File: 762b872b9ee25a2⋯.jpg (69.68 KB, 533x400, 533:400, 48lst_supper.jpg)

File: daca7ed0a4380d3⋯.jpg (80.25 KB, 585x400, 117:80, 43del_market.jpg)



so offputting

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050c2a  No.16720004

File: 9b7bd1600b5ddbb⋯.jpg (130.54 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, nshc.jpg)

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d38a00  No.16720005


Why isn't crack legal?

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f958fb  No.16720006

So faggit Q is silent again? Is he gonna pop up out of Trumps ass in 2024 and say it all had to be this way again? Fk Q.

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3fd37d  No.16720007

File: 36be6c1ac9ad257⋯.png (2.09 KB, 326x41, 326:41, ClipboardImage.png)

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e64330  No.16720008

File: 6e4cab6202c9dfc⋯.jpg (47.98 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Night_shift2.jpg)

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7c7ffb  No.16720009

Appreciate your service, Baker!

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e8c2df  No.16720010

File: 2c040f396f0713c⋯.png (562.3 KB, 1080x589, 1080:589, ClipboardImage.png)



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545479  No.16720011

File: a5ad01c7a8d43d0⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1026x1597, 1026:1597, ClipboardImage.png)

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a3d682  No.16720012

File: f7a5a08480074c7⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1080x994, 540:497, ClipboardImage.png)

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2cc1dc  No.16720013


It is called marriage

Cost is what you are worth

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6f4e57  No.16720014

File: 6dd5aa1ed83545d⋯.jpg (145.66 KB, 1920x640, 3:1, 25fff930cca5430aaa6ad8690f….jpg)

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b1031c  No.16720015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The 'Fragile Millennial' Epidemic | Dr. Jordan Peterson

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4779e9  No.16720016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Dutch farmers protest: 'They're stealing Dutch farmers' land' | Eva Vaardingerbroek

6,170 views11 Jul 2022


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2da7cb  No.16720017

File: 5714b76701bc02f⋯.png (988.41 KB, 5000x1920, 125:48, Epstein_list.png)

File: f432c98e3770434⋯.png (2.29 MB, 900x889, 900:889, _Anonymous_You_44_minutes_….png)

File: f785c4e91ac7d39⋯.png (995.4 KB, 670x506, 335:253, capture_436_11072022_05300….png)

File: 2eb5a6e72704b56⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1074x512, 537:256, capture_434_11072022_05294….png)

Your move losers.

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6a2259  No.16720018

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650667  No.16720019

File: 70ccf721a388782⋯.jpg (543.49 KB, 1882x1920, 941:960, 72736463637474541745235517….jpg)


Very dope.

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d0f503  No.16720020

File: 12e9ecfecc41758⋯.png (25.69 KB, 620x330, 62:33, 12e9ecfecc41758169b3f84df7….png)

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3dc44b  No.16720021

File: d52cfb93d950290⋯.jpg (54.93 KB, 408x612, 2:3, gettyimages_888572084_megh….jpg)

File: 00f68c4f7fb8188⋯.jpg (21.65 KB, 408x612, 2:3, gettyimages_883186292_megh….jpg)

File: 4ecaf27889e648f⋯.jpg (18.1 KB, 408x612, 2:3, gettyimages_883186282_megh….jpg)

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15467a  No.16720022

File: 562c1828cd34ee5⋯.jpg (139.56 KB, 849x557, 849:557, NIGHT_KEYSTONE.jpg)

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4d307b  No.16720023

File: 659ee8b820ca18f⋯.png (385.56 KB, 718x452, 359:226, ClipboardImage.png)

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a3d682  No.16720024

File: 7d4b65071ed79f8⋯.jpg (128.72 KB, 422x379, 422:379, NS.jpg)

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b5466f  No.16720025






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f47eff  No.16720026


Can anons explain this fucking plane?

I saw the first design last week - the hand and some other shit. I've been here for 3 years and this seems new to me.

This is not normal, right?

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5b2c1a  No.16720027


I don't believe the twisted interpretatiom of any of it.

I believe "God" is a lie

I believe the church is a lie

I believe we are all created equal

I believe the laws are lies

I believe "God", The Church, and the legal system are one in the same, all lies, and all capable of killing any human it wants to , to protect the lie, and that was the point Jesus was making.

He was guilty of working on the Sabbath, but he practiced jury nullification (the woman accused of Adultery). He was killed, in accordance with "The Law", but "The Law" is evil and serves Satan.

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8ef1b0  No.16720028


Stop it.

You now just got me thinking that this is like that Rick & Morty episode where Rick made Morty a "re-do" device & after using it for awhile he found out that it didn't reverse time, it just happened to a morty from an alternate reality. So every stupid thing he did, still actually happened.

I would feel terrible for my alts. I have imagined some fuckingCRAZYscenarios.

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7c7ffb  No.16720029


Shush it, mf'er.

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2fff8b  No.16720030


best 1 yet

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ccd5e2  No.16720031

Trump rally in North Carolina canceled as former president summoned to court


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a5c3d6  No.16720032

File: a35ef140e204f74⋯.png (326.09 KB, 514x444, 257:222, 7887579e0628e637265c1280e2….png)

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b5466f  No.16720033

File: 1301a55f51295b4⋯.png (319.35 KB, 1446x622, 723:311, ClipboardImage.png)

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5f6f49  No.16720034


Yes, very.

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747c98  No.16720035

File: dc5f3ffa3b17c0f⋯.png (11.52 MB, 4096x2304, 16:9, 11BF1529_AB65_409C_B91C_33….png)



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4779e9  No.16720036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




note : lurkers should be deploying memes, asking the channels they are following why are they not mentioning the start of agenda 2030.

Baker knows you are here cos if Q drops the breads fly with attention fags getting in a q post incase he replies to them.


Sri Lanka riots & worldwide protests: It'll get to a point where it cannot be ignored' | Neil Oliver

4,835 views11 Jul 2022


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6867cc  No.16720037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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49e351  No.16720038


Ew, I had no idea that whore was a DoND girl. I prefer Madi, though. Hence why I posted her as a baker girl in my first post and her as #15 in the 3rd.

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b5466f  No.16720039



if only it was real right?

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5b2c1a  No.16720040


Because of religious bigotry. I don't want to fuck a whore, but don't care if you do, because I'm a libertarian.

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76af33  No.16720041

File: c29d9ff8fc98e56⋯.png (266.51 KB, 567x564, 189:188, 40094478a8c4f70b.png)


I'm more shocked that a hooker took a check.

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e60b1f  No.16720042

File: b835eb1a3584681⋯.webm (1.9 MB, 192x340, 48:85, 1656314146954.webm)

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8ef1b0  No.16720043



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ea46b0  No.16720044

File: a90fdbef329604b⋯.png (241.69 KB, 941x520, 941:520, ClipboardImage.png)



Feel free to replace the #21086 note list w/this one. Those were notes I collected. Sorry frens. Reposting here without that fake Biden protestor note, will post you a control bin w/the new link to this list below…



>>16717582 President Biden and Vice President Harris Receive a Briefing on James Webb Space Telescope

>>16717642 California cities ban new gas stations in battle to combat climate change

>>16717681, >>16717736, >>16717986 Musk twat

>>16717673, >>16717693 You'll Never Believe the Contacts on Hunter's iPhone

>>16717706, >>16717760 George Soros, Hollywood megadonors bankroll Stacey Abrams' leadership PAC

>>16717710 Olympic gold medallist Sir Mo Farah reveals he was trafficked to UK as child, given new name and forced to work as domestic servant

>>16717718 The Uber whistleblower: I’m exposing a system that sold people a lie

>>16717721, >>16717762 Biden team secures 3.2M doses of Novavax

>>16717734 Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's Funeral Set For Tuesday

>>16717753 Senator Graham ordered to testify in front of grand jury in Trump election probe

>>16717756 Biden WILL meet w/ MBS on trip to SA, Jake Sullivan says - refusing to clarify if they will shake hands/president will bring up murder of Jamal Khashoggi

>>16717764, >>16717775, >>16718109, >>16718122, >>16718170, >>16718205, >>16718302, >>16718313, >>16718325 Planefag Reports USA 256 Liberty Bell

>>16717785 Vanderbilt Health Is Gender-Bending Tennessee Minors Without Parental Consent

>>16717877, >>16717881 Planned Parenthood and Ghouls in Congress desperate to kill babies

>>16717952 TOR posting temporarily down, 8kun admin on it. New Tor server may be why. Cannot stay, will ck in after return.

>>16717970 Biden Threatens to Strip Medicare Status From Hospitals That Fail to Perform Abortions in Emergency Situations Even if Their State Has Ban on Procedure

>>16718174 Oath Keepers lawyer says Stewart Rhodes wanted her Trump contacts before Jan. 6 Capitol attack

>>16718201 Previous Bread Notables #21085

>>16718220 NASA’s Webb Delivers Deepest Infrared Image of Universe Yet

>>16718254 Silver is at $19.06

#21086 Reposted in #21089

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88b95c  No.16720045

File: 4e44c3315ad1c20⋯.png (674.06 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2fce746b1a2d07a⋯.png (422.48 KB, 457x463, 457:463, ClipboardImage.png)

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8ef167  No.16720046

File: 08cf672fe184e20⋯.jpg (76.09 KB, 1190x436, 595:218, 26.JPG)

>>16719239 LB

they want US Aware


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d38a00  No.16720047


it's guaranteed by your tax dollars. Why wouldn't she?

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166619  No.16720048

File: 2606fa856107b7b⋯.jpeg (162.72 KB, 1041x1062, 347:354, 11542518_E680_43DE_B39E_4….jpeg)

Can’t wait to see the full res photos tomorrow.

Truly astounding


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e64330  No.16720049

File: 0b5b70e3c261b67⋯.png (190.91 KB, 329x970, 329:970, bd41f799034e508f9553a38d52….png)

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650667  No.16720050


Good eye. Also Synders? That pretzels? Lemme get a pretzel.

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8ef1b0  No.16720051



Which means, when you get to the nitty gritty of it all…It's the Accountants that know where all the Bodies are buried. Or at the very least, which ones.

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c9c8f7  No.16720052

5Right 1Left


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4d307b  No.16720053


Where'd the artist leave his mark?

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166619  No.16720054


Been waiting a year to see these

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1264ed  No.16720055



What next in this movie?

Once medicare isn't worth dealing with. (soon)

How about a hospital that runs on cash on the visit?

$90.00 per.

We don't deal with medicare nor any insurance we save you those costs.

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ff4882  No.16720056


It doesn't matter what you believe, it matters what is Truth.

Jesus came to fulfill that law. He died on the cross to fulfill that law. Nobody took His Life from Him, He had the authority to hand it over and the authority to take it up again.

The Sabbath was made for Man, not Man for the sabbath. They thought He was guilty, but who if their sheep falls in a pit will not lift it out on the sabbath? Jesus came for the lost sheep of Israel.

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639f7a  No.16720057

File: 4269db20f34476a⋯.jpeg (465.7 KB, 1230x970, 123:97, 236A332C_8917_40A9_ABFA_E….jpeg)

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d38a00  No.16720058


You know she's not a liberal, yeah?

You know this wasn't about abortion, yeah?

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166619  No.16720059


No no no don’t ruin this anon this thing is supposed to be way better than the Hubble

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be3684  No.16720060

File: 655c1c02ad04031⋯.jpg (188.59 KB, 1156x520, 289:130, DJT.jpg)

File: b05277820eda0bb⋯.png (782.58 KB, 2199x2635, 2199:2635, GitHub_Results_Screenshot.png)

The high-contrast B&W images that Dan posts have exactly 256 colors in them.

(LB Notable) >>16719239, >>16719260, >>16719282, >>16719323 256 - Liberty Bell Dig

Random example for attached image dated July 1st, 2022 00:13 EDT:


Decode using open source GitHub online program, results attached:


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cd8472  No.16720061


reminds of hubble images when released.

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15467a  No.16720062

File: 44294fb1c390398⋯.jpg (120.57 KB, 522x540, 29:30, JUSSIE_AND_HUNTER.jpg)

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b6cca3  No.16720063

File: 327a594cd1710c8⋯.png (137.72 KB, 292x291, 292:291, ClipboardImage.png)

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4779e9  No.16720064

File: 77fcba80238a5b3⋯.png (586.25 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)


>A Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) filed by JPMorgan Chase flagged transactions involving Moreva after she received tens of thousands of dollars from Hunter's company

so the banksters are throwing hunter under the bus to distract from themselves, jp morgan (the ones who own the credit ref agencies and give themselves triple AAA rating so they can get loans as credit worthy

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9d0848  No.16720065

God dammit I hate niggers.

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ea46b0  No.16720066

File: af3b7f934d1f50a⋯.png (89.66 KB, 222x255, 74:85, 8kun_meme_Note_Taker_Pepe.png)


>>16719964 anon request to remove fake note re Biden protester

>>16720044 #21086


Updated Notes Bin #21086


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e64330  No.16720067

File: fa751d7ecceb34d⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 480x480, 1:1, fa751d7ecceb34de6a056ef778….gif)

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1264ed  No.16720068


Tru Dat!

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dd0c23  No.16720069


Inverse to US Dollar price.

Gives EU temporary export edge.

Maybe 1 more hike to suck in the last retail investor on false hopes that inflation will be contained and asset prices/earnings will move higher?

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a4978f  No.16720070

File: f5f859c4b3cb9f0⋯.png (219.03 KB, 530x642, 265:321, STOND.png)



Maybe a stretch but Georgia guidestones ?

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d3c6ae  No.16720071



baked as is

way too late to change

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34d41d  No.16720072


Airwolf !!!

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a5c3d6  No.16720073

File: afe0ddb5a2ceff7⋯.png (49.34 KB, 292x219, 4:3, ae35d74b6206bb4d6ee00777e8….png)


Indeed. kek

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171713  No.16720074

File: d28d81fcd62a7b1⋯.jpg (601.46 KB, 1076x1592, 269:398, Screenshot_20211203_215139….jpg)

File: b3a03c679681345⋯.jpg (532.16 KB, 1076x1038, 538:519, Screenshot_20211213_115349….jpg)

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d38a00  No.16720075


but it's the baker of that bread asking for a favor

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351d44  No.16720076

File: dbcf152396376eb⋯.png (247.73 KB, 656x677, 656:677, mar_29_2022_Vorndran_where….png)

File: 1c8625754d179a5⋯.mp4 (7.51 MB, 538x360, 269:180, mar_29_2022_Vorndran_where….mp4)

File: ac47555a0130bf7⋯.png (235.12 KB, 598x691, 598:691, mar_30_2022_Vorndran_FBI_l….png)

File: 205ccda0799b7e1⋯.mp4 (5.09 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, mar_30_2022_Vorndran_FBI_l….mp4)

File: 0e56d74a8f72859⋯.png (202.47 KB, 751x567, 751:567, 16719587.png)

>>16719587 PB Vorndran bun

Where Hunter Biden's laptop? The FBI has no clue!


(shorter clip)

Rep. Matt Gaetz: "So where is it? The laptop."

Mr. Vorndran: "Sir, I'm not here to talk about the laptop. I'm here to talk about the FBI cyber program."

Rep. Matt Gaetz: "You are the assistant director of FBI cyber. I want to know where Hunter Biden's laptop is. Where is it?"


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166619  No.16720077

File: af2971cde7b7ff9⋯.jpeg (668.43 KB, 750x1171, 750:1171, D77A9505_9C18_48C4_9068_8….jpeg)

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1264ed  No.16720078


Ever met a crackhead?

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d0f503  No.16720079

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b5466f  No.16720080

File: 9853b42daf73958⋯.jpg (134.24 KB, 763x1023, 763:1023, 4350634947_b698af45cb_b_28….jpg)

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2cc1dc  No.16720081


that took some work

nice, anon

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8ef1b0  No.16720082


Shooot…She is just subliminally laying the foundation to make it ok to eat all the illegals, they will probably sell it as a way to:

Feed the Country since the food shortage is planned out to cause mass starvation*

Reduce the numbers of those pesky immigrants

*Organs harvested for transplant are extra

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e8c2df  No.16720083

File: 545260a6eec9a56⋯.png (68.56 KB, 237x254, 237:254, 73408ceaebc2394565bfb70722….png)


Does it really matter?


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ff4882  No.16720084


My body my choice!!!!!


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d38a00  No.16720085

File: 65a97105f8b10ae⋯.jpg (10.04 KB, 255x185, 51:37, pepe_shrug_2.jpg)


just about every time I met a prostitute

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5cdfee  No.16720086

File: 4b8669d769b2d28⋯.png (167.66 KB, 392x300, 98:75, 4b8669d769b2d2894404bf4d8e….png)


this related to the planefag Liberty Bell dig?

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5b2c1a  No.16720087


We have a local place now selling monthly subscriptions for unlimited vists and cheap procedures and labs. I think that's they way.

$50/mo for 18-26yo

$80/mo for 26 & up

$150/mo for couples


No COVID mandates or prescription restrictions based on hospital or insurance "policies".

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34d41d  No.16720088


I remember when WOLVERINES was a thing around here

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d38a00  No.16720089


yes our notables are aggregated for consumption

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3fd37d  No.16720090



>breakfast taco


this reads odd, no?

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166619  No.16720091

File: 991ef86ed14f453⋯.jpeg (549.84 KB, 750x1022, 375:511, 665194AC_28FE_41A5_B96E_B….jpeg)

Mr Pig,

He. Crossed. State. Lines.

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4d307b  No.16720092


>please don't ruin it

Just like Thanksgiving dinners, anon doesn't ruin it because it was destined for ruination from the beginning. Anon is just a messenger.

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be3684  No.16720093


> this related to the planefag Liberty Bell dig?

I don't know, but the 256 stands out to this anon.

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15467a  No.16720094

File: f1f4237901cb912⋯.jpg (117.46 KB, 523x535, 523:535, MUTUAL.jpg)

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e8c2df  No.16720095

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f60ca2  No.16720096

File: 52e6af9c00782a6⋯.png (9.79 KB, 255x156, 85:52, e46b693617de001de506f581ac….png)

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50b30f  No.16720097

File: a016c44f19d60f1⋯.png (65.61 KB, 863x286, 863:286, ClipboardImage.png)

Contractor for IG & FB.


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b26a89  No.16720098


hey isn't that what Maxwell's doin 20 for right meow?

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b5466f  No.16720099

File: e4b9dadd8fa7bbc⋯.png (319.64 KB, 900x1036, 225:259, 302_3027215_woodbridge_wol….png)



these guys?

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b6cca3  No.16720100

File: 62d6b699f70b9b5⋯.png (3.27 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)



We have the gate

The Castle is ours

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3dc44b  No.16720101

File: 242a0c804c5e2b3⋯.png (791.36 KB, 758x710, 379:355, ruin_indoctrination.png)

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e64330  No.16720102

File: ea7638136c67174⋯.jpg (113.97 KB, 997x786, 997:786, ea7638136c67174ad9f4fe3234….jpg)


Hunter is that you?


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a14ed3  No.16720103

File: bcc901846822cb6⋯.png (636.66 KB, 978x638, 489:319, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cba26f2318a316d⋯.png (857.88 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f9740a74d3a1e3⋯.png (328.8 KB, 612x648, 17:18, ClipboardImage.png)

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d38a00  No.16720104

File: 4e2ed84c9e995d3⋯.jpg (21.51 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 6b3507e3ef6a6c639ccf31ef7d….jpg)


First Class, baker.

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3a8932  No.16720105

File: f9acbc555cf08b8⋯.png (276.21 KB, 628x722, 314:361, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a6821f998710cb⋯.png (749.7 KB, 1284x699, 428:233, ClipboardImage.png)

Gregg Phillips

Remember the TCF Center in Detroit?

Still in the early stages of the analysis, but first run shows eight unique devices of interest.

Patterns of life and other locations coming soon.

@truethevote @gatewaypundit @opsec #PatriotGames


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8ef167  No.16720106

File: 7ec11433e4cae7d⋯.jpg (28.31 KB, 478x339, 478:339, 26_bell.JPG)

File: df494d92f7a7f7a⋯.jpg (68 KB, 902x558, 451:279, planefags.JPG)



ok this is getting creepy the search only showed 250 results searching for 26 I added Bell and 1 result came up

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9d0848  No.16720107


we WILL overcome the jew

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e8c2df  No.16720108

File: 3316eb3c4da2e42⋯.gif (307.61 KB, 303x188, 303:188, Darkness.gif)


I read this is Dave Chapelle's voice and it made my night

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ce9b47  No.16720109

File: a2b8f7636579ac1⋯.png (785.53 KB, 866x486, 433:243, ClipboardImage.png)

CIB busts human trafficking ring

Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB) officials yesterday said they have arrested nine people on suspicion of human trafficking, and rescued nine Taiwanese.

The suspects are being accused of luring Taiwanese to Cambodia with lucrative job offers, before forcing them to work in their fraud operations.

The criminal ring was allegedly led by Lee Chen-hao (李振豪), who is suspected of being a boss of a Taipei chapter of the Bamboo Union triad, the officials said.

Lee and two men working for him have been placed under judicial detention pending further investigation, they said.

The CIB, with support from the National Police Agency, on Tuesday raided a business run by alleged members of the gang on Linsen N Road in Taipei and detained six suspected members of the ring.

Police also found modified handguns, bullets, computers, money ledgers, employment contracts and other documents linking the suspects to the trafficking operation.

Lee and other members of the ring are facing charges of fraud, illegal confinement and organized crime, CIB officials said.

The CIB’s investigation of the criminal ring began in May, when it received a call from a person being held hostage by the criminals. Police raided a hotel in Taipei and found three people confined to a room waiting to be transported to Cambodia.

Police at the time arrested three suspects, led by a man surnamed Lin (林), who allegedly worked with Lee in the human trafficking operation.

A follow-up investigation led to this week’s arrests, while police are cooperating with Cambodian authorities to track down other Taiwanese who might be linked to the case.

“Lee in November last year linked up with ‘snakeheads’ in Cambodia to set up conduits for human trafficking. He and members of his gang then put advertisements on social media platforms, offering up to NT$50,000 to NT$60,000 a month to work in Cambodia,” the CIB said.

The jobs offered included working in casinos, lending money and acting in adult films, it said.

However, the job applicants were confined to hotel rooms and had their identification cards confiscated before being forced to sign employment contracts. They were then taken to Cambodia, where local criminals and colluding Taiwanese took them to a place where they were forced to work in a telecom scam headed by Taiwanese, it said.

Victims who refused to cooperate were beaten and even tortured with electricity, the CIB said.

The profits generated by the criminal operation were split evenly between the Taiwanese and Cambodian groups, it said.

Eighty-two Taiwanese have been taken to Cambodia this way and nine have been rescued so far, the CIB said, adding that efforts are ongoing to find and repatriate the remaining victims.


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d38a00  No.16720110


kmao no I always thought crack was a waste of perfectly good cocaine

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747c98  No.16720111

File: fb368060c02469f⋯.jpeg (43.96 KB, 598x379, 598:379, 3061C895_DD56_413F_8619_3….jpeg)

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19b798  No.16720112



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351d44  No.16720113

File: 339725a5d3bcd6e⋯.png (261.9 KB, 659x696, 659:696, mar_29_2022_Gaetz_Laptop_C….png)

File: c2cdb44efaa8f26⋯.mp4 (1.26 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, mar_29_2022_Gaetz_Laptop_C….mp4)

File: 8208b968d97b7be⋯.png (415.48 KB, 538x796, 269:398, mar_30_2022_Gaetz_LAPTOP_N….png)

File: ec8dc421ba40851⋯.jpg (552.72 KB, 1512x2016, 3:4, mar_30_2022_Gaetz_LAPTOP_N….jpg)


Mar 29, 2022 Gaetz

Moments ago, I successfully entered the hard drive of Hunter Biden’s laptop into the Congressional Record.


Naddler letter Mar 30, 2022


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95473c  No.16720114

File: 41ef428ea464386⋯.jpeg (105.51 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 698C0BB3_7F62_48D8_A5D8_7….jpeg)

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d08121  No.16720115

File: d350c6bf03a9c4e⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 2048x1345, 2048:1345, thumbs_up.jpg)

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b7ebca  No.16720116


Everyone hates niggers.

Even Black people hate niggers.

Niggers act like obnoxious fools.

Ain't nothin' to like about a nigger.

Same as White trash.

Everybody hates White trash.

Even White people hate White trash.

White trash act like obnoxious fools.

Ain't nothin' to like about White trash.

It isn't about the person's skin color, it's about how they act.

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eb3bec  No.16720117


They don’t call it “the oldest profession” for nothing.

“All women are whores, except your mother (just don’t ask your father too much about that).”

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fd5810  No.16720118

File: f8bdf46d6940620⋯.png (54.38 KB, 391x330, 391:330, ClipboardImage.png)

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5b2c1a  No.16720119


The sun will rise in the morning. Truth

The RCC wrote that swill you are regurgitating. Truth

He gave himself over to be executed, and executed he was, by order of the Pharisees, at the hands of the Romans, for violating the Jewish law against working on the Sabbath. He said that his Father works every day of the week, why shouldn't he.

He made a mockery of the Jewish laws, and for that he was killed, to make a point. The law is a lie.

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bef3f1  No.16720120


Did he cross a red state line? Is that a red line? Not for this family.

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ebf2b3  No.16720121

File: 31fe86801be0fa4⋯.jpg (102.56 KB, 447x596, 3:4, CatTaco.JPG)

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f60ca2  No.16720122

File: 54f552f72497bd7⋯.gif (192.35 KB, 220x166, 110:83, darkness4.gif)

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8ef1b0  No.16720123



I am no 50/50 in my head on what I see

It's either

USAWith an outline of America & next to it is a nuke cloud or Pi symbol

or I guess I can see the Liberty Bell? Also looks like the Guildstones

Darn it sorry its me not you

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2cc1dc  No.16720124


true dat

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34d41d  No.16720125


Can’t even read the scale he’s so quantitatively ignorant but eminently qualified to sit on boards of multinational energy conglomerates

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62e9f4  No.16720126

File: 809d387b9c87145⋯.png (1.13 MB, 864x864, 1:1, hispanictaco1.png)

File: 679a1ad4607fcbd⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1032x1066, 516:533, trumpwoo1.png)

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b94b1e  No.16720127


What day was Q Last post before these new ones?


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015f7e  No.16720128

File: 8fb117cb144f948⋯.gif (1.9 MB, 540x250, 54:25, 8fb117cb144f948ae7eab3fe97….gif)


Good evening Anon!

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49e351  No.16720129

File: e1c38d8ccfedef2⋯.png (256.12 KB, 586x426, 293:213, ClipboardImage.png)



Airwolf had a conventional max speed of 350mp/h and up to Mach 2 with thrusters, as well as a flight ceiling of 100,000 feet when pressurized. The actual Bell 222 that was used in filming has a max speed of 149mp/h and a flight ceiling of 12,800 feet.

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f60ca2  No.16720130

File: 7a9e98f608e126d⋯.jpg (17.6 KB, 255x178, 255:178, 53231d0afdeb3e9f58ddba8009….jpg)

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88b95c  No.16720131

File: 0bd87d5362ccf73⋯.png (11.34 KB, 1040x313, 1040:313, ClipboardImage.png)


> have exactly 256 colors in them.

because ALL grey scale pics are made of 256 possible shades of black


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b7ebca  No.16720132


Because Human Trafficking.

Lots of hookers are actually sex slaves.

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9d0848  No.16720133


>It isn't about the person's skin color, it's about how they act.

fuck i hate that line. OF COURSE it's not about skin color? Why would you hate someone because of skin color? That's retarded. It's about character. And 90% of niggers behave like monkeys.

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b1031c  No.16720134

File: 64424004292cbb4⋯.jpg (452.31 KB, 1448x2168, 181:271, ubhulublblu.jpg)

DS coding exposed

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d38a00  No.16720135


The staff at the offices I've been covering recently are all black. When I show them video clips of crazy shit black people do they always say the same thing.


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4779e9  No.16720136

File: 3a4506bbea3fc34⋯.png (692.97 KB, 935x499, 935:499, ClipboardImage.png)


just a heads up

revert to topics.

1) J6 committee and bannon next case

2) D.J.T posts, statements (can use separate links for the boss

3) russia v ukraine

4) Farmers protests globally agenda 2030

5) biden and admin bonehead moves

6) Q drops and decodes

7) banksters and market moves

8) W..E.F assets i.e boris, blair, trudeau, macron, ceo of global corp etc

8) covid and virus fear porn


you get the picture, will stop the wall of text.

of course you bake as you please, just a heads up from a experienced note taker


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dd0c23  No.16720137


The bullion price is set inverse to the Dollar price which is fixed by short term interest rate hikes.

US Government Bonds

Gold and Silver

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15467a  No.16720138

File: f23708a24179319⋯.jpg (121.47 KB, 536x546, 268:273, TACOCAT.jpg)

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1264ed  No.16720139


No and yes.

Big solar powered drone. Multiple bored shifts flying it. They got a game going on between them.

Probably here watching for updates on their shenanigans.

I'm waiting for a "Q" just to fuck with planefags.

It now holds a record for some unmanned endurance drone shit.

Quick!!! put that in the GBoR

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650667  No.16720140

File: ee66a37fa38a793⋯.jpg (110.63 KB, 833x555, 833:555, 23758481745235588817767779….jpg)

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2cc1dc  No.16720141


just 50 shades of grey had all of my daughters friend wanting me to …. well….this is a family show

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9d0848  No.16720142


if you show them a mirror, are they aware they're looking at their own reflection? Or do you have to teach them using a system of bananas and rap mixtapes?

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b1031c  No.16720143



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1264ed  No.16720144


missed a W.

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6a2259  No.16720145


you missed

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34d41d  No.16720146


Demons love when you do this

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eff376  No.16720147


Nobody expect deflation but if you want the worst thing in the world to happen (and some do) you deflate the dollar leaving everyone with debt they can never hope to repay.

Maybe you only have $5 in debt. But what if the best job you can find only pays $3.35 an hour. Good luck paying that off. But wait, sign here, take the pledge and the chip and we'll write it off!

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eb3bec  No.16720148


The name on the check is “Aleksandra”.

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d3c6ae  No.16720149


the other notables have already been aggregated

can't change that

can list with a B bake next bread but don't change previous list

addition is guud, too late to "change" them out

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b5466f  No.16720150


if you're bad at what you do yeah

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8ef167  No.16720151

File: d721d7e0d709439⋯.jpg (55.89 KB, 809x544, 809:544, zulu2200.JPG)


What else the Zephyr S has done and is still set to do in the course of this likely record-setting flight is not entirely clear. "This experiment is intended to test the UAV's energy storage capacity, battery longevity, solar panel efficiency, and station-keeping abilities," a spokesperson for the Army's Assured Positioning, Navigation and Timing/Space (APNT/Space) Cross-Functional Team (CFT) office, part of Army Futures Command, previously told The War Zone, adding that the main focus has been on using the unmanned aircraft as a sensor platform. As we noted in our initial story on this drone's flight activity, the involvement of the PNT/Space CFT could also point to its potential ability to support future alternative navigation networks, as well as to act as an airborne communications and data-sharing relay node.

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e8c2df  No.16720152

File: 35cb6da84490512⋯.png (631.22 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Okay retard

MH-6 Little Bird

Maximum speed: 152 kn (175 mph, 282 km/h) Cruise speed: 135 kn (155 mph, 250 km/h) Range: 232 nmi (267 mi, 430 km) at 5,000 ft

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5b2c1a  No.16720153


Maybe if we didn't have so many laws that protect the captors these women wouldn't be victims, and instead would simply murder there captors and set themselves free…then maybe unionize.

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3a8932  No.16720154

File: c9db51415a4ea12⋯.png (174.88 KB, 607x498, 607:498, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 792c692d056502c⋯.png (369.62 KB, 635x666, 635:666, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9e21a7d6dcc312⋯.png (822.38 KB, 1112x821, 1112:821, ClipboardImage.png)

Tom Fitton


RICO: At least four Biden family members, including Joe Biden, implicated in racketeering operation. twitter.com/TomFitton/status/1

Tom Fitton on Twitter

“BIG: Impeachment? Prosecutions? More Clinton dossier crimes exposed. And Biden directly implicated in Hunter Biden criminality tied to China/Russia/Ukraine. Important interview with @VinceCoglianese.…

Jul 12, 2022, 02:06


Tom Fitton


BIG: Impeachment? Prosecutions? More Clinton dossier crimes exposed. And Biden directly implicated in Hunter Biden criminality tied to China/Russia/Ukraine. Important interview with @VinceCoglianese


NO YOUTUBE link? Bad gateway pfft

cant find it

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49e351  No.16720155

File: 911d7c064a84671⋯.png (222.04 KB, 474x474, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Don't forget analog clocks as well. A lot, and I mean a lot of millennials cannot read a standard clock, they need their phones or a digital readout of time.

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f60ca2  No.16720156

File: 472f4343243035a⋯.jpg (4.73 KB, 300x168, 25:14, 44c.jpg)

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a73e76  No.16720157

File: 883083794c745f5⋯.png (271.76 KB, 379x330, 379:330, 61a45c88582818040656f84fb1….png)

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2cc1dc  No.16720158


you are note quite here <=


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f34282  No.16720159

File: a72973bf1e948b4⋯.jpeg (190.98 KB, 1081x1007, 1081:1007, 9B7DDF1C_3452_4BFA_9C96_D….jpeg)


Ring the bell for 2A in the gift box.


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ce9b47  No.16720160

PEDO BUN 11 July 22

Federal Jury Finds Truck Driver Guilty of Sex Trafficking a Minor and Production of Child Sex Abuse Materials


After police lay in wait at a motel in Independence Township, three men were charged Saturday with multiple felonies when each tried to arrange to have sex with an underage girl, according to Oakland County law enforcement.


Two men arrested, accused of molesting multiple children, Flagler County deputies say


Nine men accused of soliciting minors online for sex in Central Texas


Spencerport Man Who Attempted To Have Sex With A Minor Going To Prison For 10 Years


El Paso Man Pleads Guilty to Production of Child Pornography


Osceola County Sex Offender Sentenced To 25 Years In Federal Prison For Production And Possession Of Child Sex Abuse Materials


Previously convicted sex offender sentenced again after accessing dark web


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f60ca2  No.16720161

File: 0818ec3f2b32453⋯.jpg (75.66 KB, 819x1024, 819:1024, 0818ec3f2b32453444a91df616….jpg)

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e64330  No.16720162

File: bc25b10ffc54e6e⋯.gif (1.16 MB, 220x220, 1:1, bc25b10ffc54e6e15ff87506e4….gif)

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d38a00  No.16720163

Strangely quiet

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2da7cb  No.16720164

File: b75513dc314963b⋯.png (590.55 KB, 894x225, 298:75, capture_466_11072022_16022….png)


You pal around with dick…

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2c8b9c  No.16720165

File: 515a78f02202409⋯.png (122.43 KB, 422x708, 211:354, ClipboardImage.png)


Tech is covering for him. Google Hunter Biden pedo and this comes up.

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d38a00  No.16720166

File: bb83275435e5caa⋯.png (735.37 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, pepe_salute.png)

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19b798  No.16720167

Marker 11.7

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8ef1b0  No.16720168


Listen…I would never ACTUALLY blow up a Universe. It was just a made up dream from watching too many fantasy shows.

So hopefully you aren't here from an alt Universe doing some kind of 5D Minority Report type shit

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a73e76  No.16720169

File: d1551710f32cf70⋯.png (84.96 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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ce9b47  No.16720170

File: 29d2df686c35347⋯.png (105.66 KB, 685x885, 137:177, ClipboardImage.png)

Cottonwood County Farmer Charged with $46 Million Organic Grain Fraud Scheme


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2cc1dc  No.16720171


you usually come in at 1500 damn near shaking the place

get some altitude

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8ef167  No.16720172

File: d721d7e0d709439⋯.jpg (55.89 KB, 809x544, 809:544, zulu2200.JPG)

>>16720151 It says July

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2c8b9c  No.16720173


they don't have a good narrative for Hunter's illegalities yet

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9dc4a1  No.16720174

File: 870578865ebb1b0⋯.png (119.77 KB, 435x244, 435:244, mannact.png)

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2fff8b  No.16720175

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b6cca3  No.16720176

File: cb82fb25e8b4c2d⋯.gif (2.63 MB, 529x451, 529:451, 1640836860_Copy.gif)

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650667  No.16720177

File: ace1e28c29e9fec⋯.jpg (412.57 KB, 1395x930, 3:2, 3bca00975f1039bbdafe3fJ309….jpg)

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b5466f  No.16720178



wouldn't that be something?

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2c8b9c  No.16720179

>>16720170 Cottonwood County Farmer Charged with $46 Million Organic Grain Fraud Scheme


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d38a00  No.16720180

File: 36394bd904cd288⋯.png (102.12 KB, 845x904, 845:904, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm getting decent responses. Sure, their disclaimer is up there, but a youtube video in the top spot???

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ebf2b3  No.16720181



So is KEK

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ff4882  No.16720182


>The RCC wrote that swill you are regurgitating. Truth

False. They assembled some of it into a book. It was not written by the RCC.

Jesus died to fulfill the Jewish law. The one who handed Him over committed the greater sin. No one took His life from Him, He had authority to lay it down and to take it up again.

He gave Himself over to fulfill the law that demands death. Then He rose again, being greater than both the law and death. We are One in Him.

So why do people believe they're unworthy?

You keep confusing Jesus with those He warned about deceiving many in His name.

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19b798  No.16720183

Marker 9.11

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5b2c1a  No.16720184

If prostitution was legal, you wouldn't have to keep slaves in dungeons to practice it. They'd be 1099 employees with insurance.

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2da7cb  No.16720185

File: 3deb42f4e47e3a8⋯.png (3.45 MB, 1150x1046, 575:523, capture_184_10072022_18474….png)

This is a fun tactic.

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e8c2df  No.16720186

File: 783cdafbdaeb0ed⋯.png (54.04 KB, 255x166, 255:166, 0ced7bdb9b6f652ea868040c30….png)


Okay, so it wont matter?


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5a3bc7  No.16720187


looks kind of like a cow

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eb2928  No.16720188

File: ba363546e79525f⋯.png (187.24 KB, 618x347, 618:347, fc99ccca628e1d0f8ef3d20ce8….png)

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2c8b9c  No.16720189

what was the breaking news from the gateway pundit this morning that they were telling us about last night?

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a73e76  No.16720190

File: ff8e9c9e0c85268⋯.jpg (31.49 KB, 255x205, 51:41, bf8f687eec1c1ffcd43fd1ced1….jpg)



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d38a00  No.16720191


is top left a keystone?

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8ef1b0  No.16720192


I thought it say Snyder's too! Which is REALLY weird because I have been thinking about Zack Snyder for the past 24 hours & wow.

But then I think it says the one company that starts with an H hansomething?

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19b798  No.16720193

Marker 11.11

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2cc1dc  No.16720194


I am naming my next cat Taco

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015f7e  No.16720195

File: 16ce0524bee41c4⋯.png (494.79 KB, 695x888, 695:888, NightShiftPepe.png)


Sexy!! This will be a print/puzzle some day.


Checked and checked and checked again.


It's gettin weird.









I love the Spirit and enery Anons. Lets keep it going.


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a3d682  No.16720196


Tax those whores!

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d31ad0  No.16720197

File: cc962f47bf0e3f0⋯.png (1.1 MB, 973x845, 973:845, ClipboardImage.png)

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cd8472  No.16720198

File: 8578a65959b17d9⋯.jpg (19.2 KB, 712x139, 712:139, linear_clock_face.jpg)

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50b30f  No.16720199

File: c0616ffdb669097⋯.png (256.95 KB, 843x857, 843:857, ClipboardImage.png)

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f60ca2  No.16720200



way to high!


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8ef1b0  No.16720201


6 sided pins lined up in a triangle

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49e351  No.16720202

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 409x393, 409:393, kek.jpg)


Effective too, by the looks of things. KEK!

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d38a00  No.16720203


Please take one of mine. You can name it rumplefuckingstilskin if you want.

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4d307b  No.16720204



Ñ 2A. As in, Nunya business about my 2nd Amendment rightz

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a4978f  No.16720205

File: 61d9a4af5db8dc0⋯.jpg (72.79 KB, 809x544, 809:544, d721d7e0pedo542291b3a0a77e….jpg)

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b6cca3  No.16720206

File: 2b8f46d7d8bba89⋯.png (112.96 KB, 298x303, 298:303, ClipboardImage.png)

It's Over

Burn the mask

Defend Freedom

Save the Children

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95473c  No.16720207


>Listen…I would never ACTUALLY blow up a Universe. It was just a made up dream from watching too many fantasy shows.

So hopefully you aren't here from an alt Universe doing some kind of 5D Minority Report type shit

Said the CERN Collider.


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3fd37d  No.16720208

File: a4f4a0756a902a6⋯.png (23.22 KB, 804x147, 268:49, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a3e49e282a7ae5⋯.png (37.02 KB, 782x255, 46:15, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cbc0e94dda34593⋯.png (63.24 KB, 553x316, 7:4, ClipboardImage.png)


yeahhhh its starting to become clearer

"medical services"

abortions, politicians

the relationship between pete buttigieg and ulrich klopfer/whole womans health comes to mind

part of a SCOTUS case as a matter of fact


and remember Paul Petersen?

Michael Faust and Paul Petersen both tie to the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS)

>Arizona Health Care

>Arizona Health Care

>Arizona Health Care

btw, Michael Faust is (was?) the head of the Arizona Dept of Child Safety

His background:

>Before joining the state, Mike spent over 15 years in the aerospace manufacturing industry in various capacities including general management, value stream management, manufacturing engineering and continuous improvement.


He was appointed by Gov. Doug Ducey

Governor didn't even interview anyone else for the job


Relevant credentials??? Aerospace to Childrens Services?

Do I even need to tell you the connections between Crowley and NASA?

Here's an article about Faust completely overhauling the training for DCS, causing confusion and kids to be left in unsafe conditions (less monitoring)


The new training was the idea of Theresa Costello, who is the Executive Director of Action 4 Child Protection, or Action4CP for short


>can't make this shit up

This nonprofit is directly connected to a hell of a lot of state DHS/DCFS/DSS programs

yeahhh bruhs

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8ef1b0  No.16720209


I LOVED that show when I was little. The theme music rocks

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e8c2df  No.16720210


>>16719904, >>16719909, >>16719929


>>16719975 Will the normies ignore THE CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN and accept a few years in jail because he bought a hooker a train ticket?

>>16719920, >>16719982, >>16720076, >>16720113, >>16720154, >>16720165 Hunter laptop, racketeering, check fraud and hooker trafficking bun complete with Q Proof

>>16719934 Planefag Report: PETE18

>>16719990 Sri Lankan President confirms resignation

>>16720001, >>16720046 Dronefag Report: 'Extreme-endurance, high-flying Airbus' Zephyr S unmanned aircraft over the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge in Arizona today

>>16720109 CIB busts human trafficking ring

>>16720160 PEDO BUN 11 July 22

>>16720170 Cottonwood County Farmer Charged with $46 Million Organic Grain Fraud Scheme


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2cc1dc  No.16720211


>way to high!

I suspected that all along

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2da7cb  No.16720212

File: dd0b56d74b0da63⋯.png (574.17 KB, 527x371, 527:371, capture_083_10072022_16300….png)


>I love the Spirit and enery Anons.

Muh verve!

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a73e76  No.16720213

File: 8f448cc4b59f473⋯.png (285.47 KB, 1106x389, 1106:389, Screenshot_2022_07_11_at_2….png)

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3f6ccb  No.16720214


sounds more like a grain broker than a farmer. Although he may have had a few acres himself.

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8ef167  No.16720215

File: 7ec11433e4cae7d⋯.jpg (28.31 KB, 478x339, 478:339, 26_bell.JPG)

>>16720175 Yes I often Jump the gun and go off Half Cocked I see it now

Q post 26 Relevent ?

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5b2c1a  No.16720216


Who the fuck do you think the Bishops of the Council of Nicea worked for? Those who didn't please the Roman Curia (the Board of the Vatican) were excommunicated or killed. The authors of the Gospels were RCC scribes. Matthew, Mark, Luke & John are fiftitious names for RCC scribal documents. The RCC later named them to lend them authenticity.

Do Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John really sound like Jewish names of the Jewish followers of a Rabbi named Yeheshua?

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ce9b47  No.16720217

File: 66446fb97a3f9e5⋯.png (36.41 KB, 434x244, 217:122, ClipboardImage.png)

Ohio AG Says His Office Has No Evidence Of Raped, Impregnated 10-Year-Old Girl Biden Cited: Report

On Monday, after suspicion had mounted that the story President Biden referenced of a 10-year-old Ohio girl who was raped and impregnated was fictional, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost reportedly went farther than his previous statements, asserting that his office had no evidence of such a case and no evidence of any request for lab results.

The story Biden told claimed the girl had traveled to Indiana for an abortion because Ohio forbid such a procedure; Yost reportedly pointed out that Ohio law would have permitted an abortion in a case like that.

In his July 8 remarks, Biden stated, “What we’re witnessing is a giant step backwards in much of our country.” After citing 13 states implementing abortion bans and twelve more states likely to follow, he continued, “… in a number of these states, the laws are so extreme they have raised the threat of criminal penalties for doctors and healthcare providers. They’re so extreme that many don’t allow for exceptions, even for rape or incest.”

Then he segued to the July 1 story from the Indianapolis Star which claimed Indianapolis obstetrician-gynecologist Caitlan Bernard had been alerted by an Ohio “child abuse doctor” about the supposed 10-year-old girl. Biden proclaimed:

This isn’t some imagined horror. It’s already happening. Just last week, it was reported that a 10-year-old girl was a rape victim in Ohio — 10 years old — and she was forced to have to travel out of the state, to Indiana, to seek to terminate the presnency [pregnancy] and maybe save her life. That’s — the last part is my judgment. Ten years old. Ten years old. Raped, six weeks pregnant. Already traumatized. Was forced to travel to another state. Imagine being that little girl. Just — I’m serious — just imagine being that little girl. Ten years old.

The Washington Post noted that Bernard was the only source for the story, which went viral and was repeated around the world. The Post also reported that Ohio law would require a doctor to report any case of physical, sexual or emotional abuse or neglect of a child, whether proven or suspected, to the local child welfare or law enforcement agency.

Ashe Schow of The Daily Wire reported on Saturday:

The Daily Wire reached out to the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, and a spokesperson noted that allegations of child abuse are not public record, “including acknowledging whether an allegation has been made.” The spokesperson also said that Ohio has a decentralized system, meaning each county administers their child services. There are 88 counties in Ohio.

Next, The Daily Wire reached out to Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost’s office, who said the AG’s Bureau of Criminal Investigation “must be requested by a law enforcement agency or county prosecutor to investigate a potential crime,” and that it had “not been requested to assist in any investigation related to these allegations.”


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d3c6ae  No.16720218


for whole notables list just need to add

reason why notables are not changed after the fact, especially 2-3-4 breads after


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d38a00  No.16720219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>you're a slave to money then you die

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9d0848  No.16720220


Will the media help Biden accountable for his lies?

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c3399f  No.16720221


I wonder if he does business naked with a crack pipe hanging out of his mouth too

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93458e  No.16720222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Premiered Jul 3, 2022


>>16718787 (QSG)

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2c8b9c  No.16720223

that is so funny,

Matt Gaetz entered the contents from Hunter Biden's laptop which everyone has seen except the FBI which has had the files for 3 years.

you can't make this stuff up

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b7ebca  No.16720224


Unions are evil and are run by the mafia.

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e8c2df  No.16720225



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f078f5  No.16720226

File: 2d48f9db885adba⋯.png (57.13 KB, 575x381, 575:381, 2d48f9db885adbab3eaa217953….png)


Noice. Cheers anon

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9e5d1d  No.16720227

File: 8b4ac65f1cba3b4⋯.jpg (157.32 KB, 600x335, 120:67, ALLofus.jpg)



Thank you, Bakers!

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5b2c1a  No.16720228


So is the black-market, and our government, and the churches, and basically everything…run by the mafia.

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d38a00  No.16720229


I was going to ask if the mafia ever unionized and then I remembered our federal government.

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b6cca3  No.16720230


Propaganda Busted

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a73e76  No.16720231

File: 32a03ba6c584e62⋯.png (306.5 KB, 606x755, 606:755, Screenshot_2022_07_11_at_2….png)

File: cfcd5796a951e7a⋯.jpg (53.16 KB, 900x596, 225:149, FXbm6svXEAEif2h.jpg)

U.S. Naval Institute


#OTD in 1976, USS Constitution fired a 21-gun salute in honor of Elizabeth II as as she arrived in Boston on board the Royal Yacht Britannia. The Queen then toured "Old Ironsides" and was presented with a miniature sea chest made from oak recovered during the ship's restoration.


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6a6204  No.16720232

File: 37ba8836a257a17⋯.jpg (100.47 KB, 640x366, 320:183, NATO_We_are_the_terrorists.jpg)

Lithuania widens curbs on Kaliningrad trade despite Russian warning

<Mon, 11 Jul 2022 11:49 UTC






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8ef167  No.16720233

File: df494d92f7a7f7a⋯.jpg (68 KB, 902x558, 451:279, planefags.JPG)


ttps://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/airbuss-zephyr-drone-looks-to-have-just-broken-a-huge-aviation-record follow this link Good Recent article

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fa5c92  No.16720234

File: 3af070781a1fbe7⋯.png (43.49 KB, 514x486, 257:243, Screen_Shot_2022_06_27_at_….png)

File: 414920fd15d7023⋯.jpeg (19.58 KB, 279x298, 279:298, pepeParty.jpeg)

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3fd37d  No.16720235

File: bd41d70d18aa6da⋯.png (691.88 KB, 630x508, 315:254, ClipboardImage.png)

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4d307b  No.16720236


Digits checked, but just because (you) use different syntax than english still means that it's customary to link an old thread with PB!

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aa094e  No.16720237


I am pretty selective regarding pussies.

Now is really not the best time or I would.

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7c7ffb  No.16720240

File: 16a1299b746da80⋯.png (12.74 KB, 461x156, 461:156, Screen_Shot_07_11_22_at_11….PNG)


il Donaldo Trumpo


Buenas Noches, my Beautiful Patriotos!!! Remind Your Beautiful Familia That You Love Them!!! I❤️U!!!

10:57 PM · Jul 11, 2022·Twitter Web App


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a3d682  No.16720241

File: afd94c8af0b070d⋯.jpg (320.66 KB, 944x636, 236:159, OUT_THERE.jpg)

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2da7cb  No.16720243

File: 97bf8742a7e5d34⋯.png (242.68 KB, 401x206, 401:206, capture_465_10072022_06494….png)

File: efca4ad9ef2bb81⋯.png (1.03 MB, 600x601, 600:601, capture_464_10072022_06493….png)

File: 45d6b2188694074⋯.png (196.11 KB, 407x164, 407:164, capture_463_10072022_06493….png)


>This is a fun tactic.


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f60ca2  No.16720245

File: 4571e07e3a632b4⋯.mp4 (12.51 MB, 640x360, 16:9, gaetzLaptopFBI.mp4)

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d38a00  No.16720246

File: 6abef78fcf03aba⋯.png (14.87 KB, 255x255, 1:1, you_sir_have_fucking_naile….png)

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ea46b0  No.16720247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm more than slightly familiar w/how to take notes baker.

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95473c  No.16720248



>looks kind of like a cow



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b26a89  No.16720249


>that is so funny,

>Matt Gaetz entered the contents from Hunter Biden's laptop which everyone has seen except the FBI which has had the files for 3 years.

if they haven't seen it, then technically they are not "aware" of any wrongdoing.

mebbe dats why so many rape kits sat around collecting dust rather than getting tested.

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fa5c92  No.16720250

File: 2df69831758390c⋯.png (933.76 KB, 1790x1230, 179:123, Screen_Shot_2022_06_02_at_….png)

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e8c2df  No.16720251

File: f4c6e71deb1ac5a⋯.jpg (59.02 KB, 780x792, 65:66, f4c6e71deb1ac5a4f2a6f984c4….jpg)

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1264ed  No.16720252



Jim or Joe?

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d38a00  No.16720253


okay what am I looking at?

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b5b77a  No.16720254

File: 8ea061fe33fa9c1⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1924x1766, 962:883, July_12_Holidays_and_Obser….png)

2022 Daily Holidays that fall on July 12, include:

Chick-fil-A's Cow Appreciation Day - July 12, 2022 (Second Tuesday in July)

Cow Appreciation Day - July 12, 2022 (Second Tuesday in July)

Different Colored Eyes Day

Etch a Sketch Day

National Eat Your Jello Day

National Pecan Pie Day

New Conversations Day

Night of Nights

Orangemen's Day- (Also known as Glorious Twelfth and The Twelfth)

Paper Bag Day

Simplicity Day

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166619  No.16720255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mr Pig

Been looking at UVXY in case market takes a shit. During covid stonk crash it went over $900.

People are saying that Wednesday the inflation numbers will be very bad.

*not financial advice

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f537b3  No.16720256

File: 8c508e42e110f7f⋯.jpg (1.99 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, 20220531_101053.jpg)

File: cf09924502d2977⋯.jpeg (6.18 KB, 284x177, 284:177, images_1_.jpeg)

Q =

"Why don't you get a belt buckle with a Q on it so everyone knows who you are?"

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9e5d1d  No.16720257

File: 6035c4f217f9833⋯.jpg (51.01 KB, 600x335, 120:67, FlyingEye.jpg)



July 4…Independence Day…hopefully not like the movie…

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fcdd8b  No.16720258


Can't wait to go out to my cute Mexican neighbor lady and flirt with her by calling her "my little chili pepper Taco", how's your brother the Cheesy Taco? but you kid is a few jalapeños short of a real Taco, whose his daddy? . Fun times coming in South Texas.

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93458e  No.16720259



: = For the for the Filter-

For the VOID of my COMPREHENSION IS with your LACK of the KNOWLEDGE.

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d3c6ae  No.16720260


once things are baked, they are out

no stopping it, unless caught right away

before the next bake

since it's way later than that no changing anything

can add another list, can't change

once baked kinda in stone

all those peeps who scream about changing notables, they don't know how it works

it's an eihical issue, pragmatic is done, baked

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38cf68  No.16720261


Why doesn't someone just point out

that of course PedoPete wants them

to have an abortion after he rapes them!

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fa5c92  No.16720262

File: 07623ffda612c8c⋯.png (247.88 KB, 1502x1104, 751:552, Screen_Shot_2022_04_19_at_….png)

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ce9b47  No.16720263

File: 8c49f1a23cf3366⋯.png (610.55 KB, 587x761, 587:761, ClipboardImage.png)

Huge protest in Albania demanding government resign because of soaring inflation

Although life carries on as normal for citizens of the United States and Canada, unrest in the world of emerging markets is starting to boil as smaller economies have been hit harder by the high price of crude oil and a strengthening U.S. dollar.

Videos emerged on the English Twittersphere of massive protests in Albania, a NATO member country, calling for the ruling government to resign that appear to show multiple tens of thousands of people in the streets.

English-language website Albanian News reported on July 7 that the demonstrations were peaceful, conducted in front of Prime Minister Edi Rama’s office, and organized by former Democratic Party leader Sali Berisha.

Unrest stems from “huge price hikes,” high costs of fuel, and a slowing job market.

The outlet also stated that protestors on the scene said they came out to challenge “poverty, corruption, and crime,” as well as “depopulation.”

Albania is a small country of only 2.8 million people nestled northwest of Greece.

Website Balkan Insight stated on July 7 that Albania posted a 6.7 percent inflation rate, which Central Bank Governor Gent Sejko was paraphrased as saying “might not have peaked.”

The outlet also paraphrased the Governor as saying, “While the country is expected to avoid a recession, growth will likely fall.”

Sejko was directly quoted as defining inflation as “the biggest danger that threatens the long-term sustainable growth of the country.”

In response to high inflation, the Central Bank shocked its economy, hiking the key interest rate 100 basis points from 0.25 to 1.25 percent.



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9d0848  No.16720264

Do you ever just close your eyes and imagine the world without niggers? What if the entire African continent was white?

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3f6ccb  No.16720265

This does not help my pride of being an American. Sure doesn't look like we won any revolutionary war.


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166619  No.16720266

File: 4de6ff36d478000⋯.jpeg (182.03 KB, 750x468, 125:78, 34B88CFE_04E3_44F0_B57F_9….jpeg)

File: 0da7bb69e7f4a95⋯.jpeg (188.66 KB, 750x633, 250:211, 41B1CD29_E478_46B5_9F24_5….jpeg)


> Been looking at UVXY in case market takes a shit. During covid stonk crash it went over $900.

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e8c2df  No.16720267

File: 76fa83ac135265f⋯.png (112.17 KB, 306x306, 1:1, 1626549220875.png)


It's all so tiresome


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5f6f49  No.16720268

File: 966fc39ff8f365f⋯.png (177.15 KB, 513x376, 513:376, ThatsAllPolyp.png)

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0ae588  No.16720269


Such a long-winded article that has the wrong end of the stick.

No matter what happens, the TWITTER PSYOP ENDS.

That is a VICTORY for free speech.

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2c8b9c  No.16720270

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4d307b  No.16720271


>eat your jello day

Gonna grind up some bones, add sugar and flavoring, boil it, mix it, chill it, then eat it.

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49e351  No.16720272

File: 4edb38f46a0d2dc⋯.jpg (10.86 KB, 229x220, 229:220, smokingpepe2.jpg)


No, because I focus on content of character. Only the unintelligent focus on skin color.

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35a134  No.16720273

File: 61dc366bf14a110⋯.png (134.53 KB, 474x266, 237:133, ClipboardImage.png)

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bd39c5  No.16720274


everyone should be pushing for joe biden to draw a clock

he could put those rumors down in 30 seconds

or not

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8ef1b0  No.16720275


Thank you! Never saw that before

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ce9b47  No.16720276

Inflation Protests Span Sri Lanka, Albania, Argentina, Panama, Kenya, Ghana - How Long Before They Hit The United States?

Sri Lanka is not the only country where household budgets are stretched to the breaking point. In many countries, high inflation has increased the cost of living, and protests are erupting at a rapid pace.

In Sri Lanka, inflation reached 54.6% in June while the central bank raised interest rates to 15.5%. This means that workers in Sri Lanka are losing savings by the second, while debt repayments have increased, putting strain on household budgets. The government has failed to honor foreign debt, and the IMF has demanded that it raise taxes and combat corruption as a condition for receiving a bailout loan.

Thousands of Albanians marched in Tirana last week, demanding that the government resign due to alleged corruption and a massive increase in consumer prices. The Albanian central bank announced a 1.25% interest rate increase, while official June inflation was 6.7%.

Thousands of Argentinians marched in Buenos Aires last week to protest rising costs of living. With key interest rates at 52% and inflation at 60.7% in May, demonstrators urged the government to resign while rejecting IMF loans that come with ever-tougher conditions for citizens.

Protests against the government in Panama began on first July, demanding that the government address the country's high cost of living. Demonstrators are demanding higher wages, lower commodity prices and the removal of supply chain bottlenecks. While inflation remains low in the highly monetized country, global supply chain issues have impacted Panama Canal revenues, reducing the government's revenues and projections.

The cost of basic foodstuffs has skyrocketed in Kenya and hundreds of protesters marched through Nairobi on Saturday, urging the government to lower food prices. Protesters claimed that the high cost of living was caused by the state's excessive borrowing and rampant corruption. Kenya's official inflation rate is 7.91%, while interest rates are 7.50%.

Ghanaians took to the streets in June to protest the high cost of living. The government was able to negotiate an IMF bailout after inflation reached 27.6% and raising interest rates to 19% did not appear to work. Ghana's economy has been flirting with a debt crisis due to excessive borrowing.

There are other demonstrations in the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and China that seem to span people being unable to comfortably handle household budgets, their cost of living being threatened by environmental, social and governance (ESG) policies and inability to access cash at bank.

While the US remains strong and employment data indicates a thriving economy, higher inflation could easily pressure household budgets and lead to protests. The FED is walking a tight rope and any mistake or black swan event could easily trigger demonstrations.

As a citizen, you can protect yourself from excessive currency printing by investing in bitcoin BTC -2.4% or other hard assets that cannot be printed for free. When held in self-custody, bitcoin has a hard cap and cannot be inflated. People who live in high-inflation areas could use bitcoin as a technology to store value and protect themselves from inflation. Furthermore, individuals who were unable to access their funds at Chinese commercial banks may benefit from a solid umbrella under bitcoin.


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a4978f  No.16720277

File: 6e1474818f7e282⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 1770x2193, 590:731, J_S_Copley_Paul_Revere_cro….jpg)


Yep nailed it

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93458e  No.16720278

File: 3a37048fe15252c⋯.jpg (10.69 KB, 255x210, 17:14, 3a37048fe15252c8373b924fc9….jpg)

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bd38d4  No.16720279

File: ff65fe2ee53ab12⋯.png (66.01 KB, 598x597, 598:597, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 36058aa9f152821⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1233x693, 137:77, ClipboardImage.png)

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8ef167  No.16720280

File: ff7fee862dadd97⋯.jpg (85.81 KB, 1554x729, 518:243, pI.JPG)

File: d721d7e0d709439⋯.jpg (55.89 KB, 809x544, 809:544, zulu2200.JPG)

File: 08cf672fe184e20⋯.jpg (76.09 KB, 1190x436, 595:218, 26.JPG)

File: 7ec11433e4cae7d⋯.jpg (28.31 KB, 478x339, 478:339, 26_bell.JPG)

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b6cca3  No.16720281

File: 577ff1bbe3a6bd5⋯.png (548.13 KB, 724x480, 181:120, ClipboardImage.png)

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d3c6ae  No.16720282



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19b798  No.16720283

The only way is the military.




Marker 11.3 verified


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15467a  No.16720284

File: 877c7e35b98a8d9⋯.jpg (60.99 KB, 612x480, 51:40, PLAY_DOH_FAKE.jpg)

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d38a00  No.16720285

File: 64fe5069f1ed70c⋯.png (266.64 KB, 720x416, 45:26, these_frens_are_they_in_th….png)


that's not what I do when I'm baking. If a baker requests a change or anons request a change and the baker of that bread is present and agrees to it, I'll change it, so long as it hasn't yet made previously collected notables, but whatever. You do you.


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639f7a  No.16720286


Great song

Night Shift in the house!

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f60ca2  No.16720287

File: b51f470d988d4ce⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1079x713, 1079:713, 6a495cd435d76ff79db411bcf3….png)


sup, silversmith

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aa094e  No.16720288


You have never said one thing worth a damn.

Waste of Space

Gonna filter yur sorry ass here to infinity

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a73e76  No.16720289

File: 55f05c6e996eeaa⋯.png (311.33 KB, 460x762, 230:381, ClipboardImage.png)

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9d0848  No.16720290


who said ANYTHING about skin color? I too am talking about character. Niggers are the worst behaved race on the planet.

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12e7e1  No.16720291


Had the same digg this morning. Baker didn’t pick up. Hopefully this gets a NOTE.

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2da7cb  No.16720292

File: 49fba3e39774197⋯.png (730.35 KB, 1077x231, 359:77, capture_518_11072022_20212….png)



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fad0b3  No.16720293

File: c5df5db62296e8b⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1376x836, 344:209, ClipboardImage.png)

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f33bd1  No.16720294


Niggers come in every color, ya braindead faggit.

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1264ed  No.16720295

File: e7c281d56cab45b⋯.png (20.82 KB, 791x198, 791:198, ClipboardImage.png)

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7b3038  No.16720296

File: 014b25e7d63fde6⋯.png (45.97 KB, 117x187, 117:187, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16719218 (lb)

He's talking about pedo Peter.

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650667  No.16720297


>Q =

>"Why don't you get a belt buckle with a Q on it so everyone knows who you are?"

Why don't you get a penis tattooed on your forehead so everyone knows who you are.

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4779e9  No.16720298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


thats good, wrong example thou.

marvel, tut, anon used to collect the comics before they hijacked stan lee and kirby stories for brainwashing the kids.

maybe team America

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f60ca2  No.16720299

File: 0f9ad2cb8b73a0f⋯.png (19.4 KB, 241x255, 241:255, c0bcfb93f5f766be7d94e5d1af….png)


pushing Ole Surfside now, Elon?

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fa5c92  No.16720300

File: 56ea931540d52b8⋯.png (2.24 MB, 1712x1402, 856:701, Screen_Shot_2022_01_04_at_….png)

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e64330  No.16720301

File: f80c8c379f69435⋯.png (454.14 KB, 1501x1115, 1501:1115, f80c8c379f694350641ae67ffb….png)


Looks good.


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ff4882  No.16720302

File: 6aa1c03145058ab⋯.png (34.56 KB, 776x266, 388:133, ClipboardImage.png)

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0ede0a  No.16720303

File: f5300ac042a1007⋯.png (601.1 KB, 1221x915, 407:305, m876n54756b475b.png)

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8ef167  No.16720304

File: ff7fee862dadd97⋯.jpg (85.81 KB, 1554x729, 518:243, pI.JPG)



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93458e  No.16720305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7c7ffb  No.16720306


I'm with you, anon.

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eff376  No.16720307


Looks like he already did it, so not so much a rule then huh?

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b5b77a  No.16720308

File: ceb1d4548ccc804⋯.gif (48.41 KB, 220x165, 4:3, bill_cosby_bill.gif)


looks kind of like a cow made on an etch a sketch even.




>Gonna grind up some bones, add sugar and flavoring, boil it, mix it, chill it, then eat it.

Cause Be tasty that way.

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3fd37d  No.16720309


like racecar


A Santa dog lived as a devil god at NASA


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49e351  No.16720310

File: 0a0cca0cc908aeb⋯.gif (463.79 KB, 350x260, 35:26, aar2.gif)




Angry angry retards. KEK!

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d3c6ae  No.16720311


one line can be changed

it doesn't change the outcome unless caught right away

that's the point

once out you can't change, you might think you are but you aren't, it's already archived and it doesn't change

it will add, to do it properly is the way I've told doge to bake another set and add a B so both will be in, best that can be done after the fact

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1e22c2  No.16720312


Waiting for the View to chime in…………..

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ef819a  No.16720313

Trump never was going to drain the swamp…… too weak.

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88b95c  No.16720314


also worked on puters

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38cf68  No.16720315


I was gonna say Liberty Bell

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fa5c92  No.16720316

File: 37da2183acbfe28⋯.png (2.91 MB, 1510x1262, 755:631, Screen_Shot_2021_04_17_at_….png)

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fad0b3  No.16720317

File: 58bdd150d06771b⋯.png (374.19 KB, 578x386, 289:193, ClipboardImage.png)

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15467a  No.16720318

File: 168f398a9b47042⋯.jpg (92.54 KB, 681x365, 681:365, SHORT_CHANGE.jpg)

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66aa24  No.16720319

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3f6ccb  No.16720320


I'm seeing a Wall-E

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1e22c2  No.16720321


Sesame seed won

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aa094e  No.16720322



they are in control

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88b95c  No.16720323


> Hopefully this gets a NOTE.

what is so important about having a notable?

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15467a  No.16720324

File: af39bc95539fb6e⋯.jpg (64.59 KB, 503x371, 503:371, AMERICAN_ICON.jpg)

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50b30f  No.16720325

File: 9efec34f0dde8c7⋯.png (9.7 KB, 229x255, 229:255, Pepe_Fatty.png)

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a73e76  No.16720326

File: ad0c1f7b3879977⋯.png (269.57 KB, 598x703, 598:703, Screenshot_2022_07_11_at_2….png)

Tyler Rogoway


First Laser Weapon For A Fighter Delivered To The Air Force


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8ef167  No.16720327

File: 92b94737e5ea377⋯.jpg (24.39 KB, 457x358, 457:358, 2562.JPG)

File: 7ec11433e4cae7d⋯.jpg (28.31 KB, 478x339, 478:339, 26_bell.JPG)

File: 1cc2015764853f8⋯.jpg (130.31 KB, 1505x654, 1505:654, zulu2.JPG)


Dates 26 is absent>>>>

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b1031c  No.16720328

File: b3e935955935846⋯.jpg (446.24 KB, 1442x1136, 721:568, Untitledknk.jpg)

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5b2c1a  No.16720329


He's a puppet. He played a role on a high rating TV show, and then got hired to play POTUS. He never had any power, just signed the bullshit the Council sent to him to sign.

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d38a00  No.16720330


Changes here when edited into the bread or posted next bread. The change is good on here until the notable slides down to previously collected. Appreciate the info, but it doesn't change my stance, for the same reason you (if that was you) wouldn't; it's ethical to me.

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8ef1b0  No.16720331


Yes, it would be something, however, in my defense, I did not KNOWINGLY know it might actually happen. Is that why I haven't had any really cool dreams since? It has really bummed me out, not gonna lie.

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38cf68  No.16720332


Testing it on Satanic structures ??

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5734c3  No.16720333

File: e02eba09148efdc⋯.jpeg (698.51 KB, 2300x2032, 575:508, BDD211FC_74BB_4181_BE41_C….jpeg)

File: b28d07ea28eed87⋯.jpeg (1.58 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 6A1C02CD_A6D8_4F1B_8BFA_9….jpeg)

File: 130dd81183b29c3⋯.jpeg (1.15 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 0C92F99A_5D84_44AF_8540_1….jpeg)

File: 4f60432327803d7⋯.jpeg (1.58 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 34F9C8C2_91A9_4DAE_849D_F….jpeg)

File: ccd437bde62b20e⋯.jpeg (1.61 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, C5C013B8_92A4_416A_B37E_7….jpeg)

Just more moon shots tonight, do what you will meme makers

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93458e  No.16720334

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


:VACATING of the DEBT. >>16687882 (QSG)

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19b798  No.16720335

Marker 11.3

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a5c3d6  No.16720336

File: 466e79ceee2a468⋯.png (1.32 MB, 884x832, 17:16, 04892574098257405894705.PNG)

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1264ed  No.16720337



My fireworks were on Julio de Ninjo…

Too much still air to fire ona fourth of Julio.

Mariachi bands couldn't keep time.

Had to stop the Trumpet player physically.

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15467a  No.16720338

File: 6db5686049194c9⋯.jpg (164.22 KB, 741x521, 741:521, THE_STUPID_SHELF.jpg)

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bd38d4  No.16720339

File: 548a9bc1f5a5460⋯.png (962.58 KB, 1600x939, 1600:939, ClipboardImage.png)

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aa094e  No.16720340


What beautiful black sky.

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2da7cb  No.16720341

File: 3e54a7f3be2917e⋯.jpg (178.28 KB, 601x599, 601:599, _Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….jpg)



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d3c6ae  No.16720342


it's not a rule

once it's been scraped it's put out there

it's done

just how it works

I didn't set it up that way, just is

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e64330  No.16720343

File: b9aab1fa05d1b22⋯.png (93.56 KB, 1263x421, 3:1, 1cfc97c3f5b9285b68dff45ba3….png)


Been a while since I've been to Wall Drug they have the best freedom ice water ever.


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3fd37d  No.16720344


which, incidentally, is what Leona Marsh threatened Charles Marsh with

remember Marsh?

Mondale connects to the Trilateral Commission as well as the Finders (through World Future Society)

and the Finders connect to LBJ (through Charles Marsh) and Oswald (through Fair Play for Cuba)

>Kennedy assassination


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7c7ffb  No.16720345


Every single one of those replies are timestamps that equal 17. They are letting us know it's kayfabe.

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ce9b47  No.16720346

U.S. weighs resumption of offensive arms sales to Saudis, sources say

The US is considering lifting a ban on offensive weapon sales to Saudi Arabia that was introduced by US President Joe Biden in February last year, according to a Monday report by Reuters.

Saudi officials have been pressuring the Biden administration to scrap the policy ahead of Biden’s trip to the region this week and are eyeing a supply of precision-guided munitions that Biden had suspended.

Citing four people familiar with the talks between Washington and Riyadh, the report said such a change in US policy would likely require Saudi Arabia to make significant concessions of its own.

Primarily, it would require the Gulf state to begin the process of ending the war it has been waging against Iran-backed Houthis in neighboring Yemen. While former US presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump supported Saudi Arabia in its operation in Yemen, Biden scaled backed US support for the Saudi-led campaign and removed the Houthi group off the US terror list.

Biden’s overall approach to Saudi Arabia has been starkly more critical than that adopted by his predecessors, especially after the assassination of dissident Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi agents in Istanbul in 2018.

While then-US president Trump defended the American embrace of Riyadh, Biden vowed to put human rights and “American values” first, a promise he began fulfilling shortly after entering office in January 2021.

After releasing an intelligence report that pointed to the direct involvement of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (known as MBS) in Khashoggi’s killing, the Biden administration called its Middle East partner a “pariah” and announced “significant changes” in US-Saudi relations.

“We are going to hold them accountable for human rights abuses and make sure that, in fact, if they want to deal with us, they have to do it in a way where human rights abuses are dealt with,” Biden said at the time.


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d38a00  No.16720347



that said, I haven't baked a bread in over 3 months now, so I should probably just stfu about it.

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b5466f  No.16720348


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b97d46  No.16720349



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8ef167  No.16720350

File: 92b94737e5ea377⋯.jpg (24.39 KB, 457x358, 457:358, 2562.JPG)

File: 7ec11433e4cae7d⋯.jpg (28.31 KB, 478x339, 478:339, 26_bell.JPG)



Dates 26 is missing ????

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15467a  No.16720351

File: 8f52bea2df28bdf⋯.jpg (78.21 KB, 701x330, 701:330, WALL_PIG.jpg)

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8ef1b0  No.16720352


yer a collider

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b5b77a  No.16720354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


A man, a plan, a canal, Panama.

You can see if from space if you don't first get nuked by the Van Halen belts.

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2c8b9c  No.16720355



I think Elon and Trump are putting on a show for us….just hope it leads to somthing big

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a4978f  No.16720356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

@ 2:10

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b6cca3  No.16720357

File: cacbc214d331ece⋯.png (1.99 MB, 3337x1153, 3337:1153, ClipboardImage.png)

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7c7ffb  No.16720358


10:16 pm

9:53 pm

9:35 pm

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f33bd1  No.16720359

File: 5abfbf30f1e38e7⋯.jpg (13.33 KB, 474x223, 474:223, braindeadreiner.jpg)


Yr the Reiner retard faggit that enjoys smokin' pp image every fucking day.

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19b798  No.16720360

Forth Wall?


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fa5c92  No.16720361

File: 74baa919f05e5f5⋯.jpg (102.23 KB, 805x595, 23:17, Qdoit.jpg)

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bd39c5  No.16720362


it's a parody account

she says a lot of wacky leftwing things

just to stir things up

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7c7ffb  No.16720363


Numberfagging is where it's at!

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a4978f  No.16720364

File: f5f859c4b3cb9f0⋯.png (219.03 KB, 530x642, 265:321, STOND.png)

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fad0b3  No.16720365

File: ef7f4961a2bcf12⋯.png (265.2 KB, 580x378, 290:189, ClipboardImage.png)


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a73e76  No.16720366

File: 62c38a89245f2a4⋯.jpg (112.25 KB, 1080x1036, 270:259, FR1OZjDVcAA9Y7n.jpg)


On the move.

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b7acad  No.16720367

>>16720217 Ohio AG Says His Office Has No Evidence Of Raped, Impregnated 10-Year-Old Girl Biden Cited: BUSTED


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d3c6ae  No.16720368


it's ok chiro

I got your number

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34d41d  No.16720369

File: 1639fee48c6cf0c⋯.jpeg (217.86 KB, 981x1281, 327:427, 892DC798_22AC_4206_9B8B_9….jpeg)

Just Say No

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19b798  No.16720370




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2c8b9c  No.16720371

>>16720346 U.S. weighs resumption of offensive arms sales to Saudis, sources say


remember when Prince MBS would not return Biden's phone call?

Saudis absolutely have Bidens laptops

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e8c2df  No.16720372


>>16719904, >>16719909, >>16719929


>>16720234 Attention, It has been 1717 days since the very first Q post

>>16719975 Will the normies ignore THE CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN and accept a few years in jail because he bought a hooker a train ticket?

>>16719920, >>16719982, >>16720076, >>16720113, >>16720154, >>16720165 Hunter laptop, racketeering, check fraud and hooker trafficking bun complete with Q Proof

>>16719928 Maryland Gubernatorial Candidate Daniel Cox: "It’s Time For ‘Freedom’ To Return To Maryland"

>>16719934 Planefag Report: PETE18

>>16719990 Sri Lankan President confirms resignation

>>16720001, >>16720046, >>16720159, >>16720172 Dronefag Report: 4july, cows

>>16720109 CIB busts human trafficking ring

>>16720160 PEDO BUN 11 July 22

>>16720170 Cottonwood County Farmer Charged with $46 Million Organic Grain Fraud Scheme

>>16720208 "medical services" abortions, politicians the relationship between pete buttigieg and ulrich klopfer/whole womans health comes to mind

>>16720217 Ohio AG Says His Office Has No Evidence Of Raped, Impregnated 10-Year-Old Girl Biden Cited: Report

>>16720234 It has been 1717 days since the very first Q post

>>16720231, >>16720326 U.S.A. MIL Posts: #OTD 1976 The Queen toured "Old Ironsides", Now Have Laser weapons!

>>16720232 Lithuania widens curbs on Kaliningrad trade despite Russian warning

>>16720255 Inflation numbers expected to increase this wednesday

>>16720263 Huge protest in Albania demanding government resign because of soaring inflation

>>16720276 Inflation Protests Span Sri Lanka, Albania, Argentina, Panama, Kenya, Ghana - How Long Before They Hit The United States?

>>16720346 U.S. weighs resumption of offensive arms sales to Saudis, sources say

seeking handoff next bread

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d3c6ae  No.16720373



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20b541  No.16720374

File: b6078f51d229188⋯.jpg (91.18 KB, 1050x510, 35:17, 20220711_233241.jpg)


God lived, devil dog.


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aa094e  No.16720375


how many 10 year olds can get pregnant?

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d31ad0  No.16720376

File: e60877e697dff5a⋯.png (439.49 KB, 700x530, 70:53, ClipboardImage.png)

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95473c  No.16720377


Q: “Hey, what was the name of the curley-haired chick that ruined Van Halen?”

A: “Sammy Hagar.”

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fa5c92  No.16720378

File: c8a115c88546371⋯.mp4 (365.01 KB, 480x270, 16:9, QjetS.mp4)

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7c7ffb  No.16720379

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49e351  No.16720380

File: 05b18ef82c8ceec⋯.png (209.46 KB, 720x517, 720:517, ClipboardImage.png)



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fad0b3  No.16720381

File: 8725dbf75c2c02e⋯.gif (1.48 MB, 356x200, 89:50, stormtroopermissing.gif)



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2da7cb  No.16720382

File: 8d2d52562098873⋯.png (1.93 MB, 637x1058, 637:1058, capture_401_11072022_03023….png)



last night

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2018c7  No.16720383


Noice and Creatively true.

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f078f5  No.16720384

File: b79eb7a0c907a9b⋯.jpg (114.96 KB, 1000x514, 500:257, delet.jpg)


Vorndran prolly deleted this off QR


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4d307b  No.16720385

File: 94fa6664c942237⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1210x1344, 605:672, ClipboardImage.png)


Trips checked and kekked.

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3f6ccb  No.16720386


As a genitally mutilated male I did not ejaculate until 14.

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15467a  No.16720387

File: d6e850745a1660a⋯.jpg (122.69 KB, 783x444, 261:148, OURS_BETTER.jpg)

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bd39c5  No.16720388



this was so fake even snopes would not touch it

"the dr has not got back to us"


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38cf68  No.16720389


Iv'e been at this for 1715 days??? Uuuugggghhh.

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fad0b3  No.16720390

File: fe5c5675ed28f58⋯.gif (1.59 MB, 268x198, 134:99, YeomanRand.gif)

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d38a00  No.16720391

File: 7b042d30afbece0⋯.png (63.05 KB, 263x191, 263:191, ClipboardImage.png)



and I got your back!

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ce9b47  No.16720392

File: 21e170137797161⋯.png (320.2 KB, 722x772, 361:386, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e97f5151a59ecbe⋯.png (64.1 KB, 744x370, 372:185, ClipboardImage.png)

Andrews Government urges Victorians to wear masks and consider working from home under new COVID pandemic orders

The Andrews Government has stopped short of reintroducing mandates as it issued recommendations to Victorians ahead of another imminent wave of COVID-19 infections.

Victorians are being urged to mask-up and consider working from home amid skyrocketing COVID-19 cases - as the Andrews Government warns the winter wave of infections is about to get even worse.

Businesses have been encouraged to facilitate at-home working for their employees as the federal and state Health Ministers warn of increased transmission due to COVID-19 subvariants BA.4 and BA.5.

The reinfection period will also be reduced from 12 weeks to four under the new measures set to be introduced at 11:59pm on Tuesday.

While the Andrews Government has stopped short of mandating the wearing of masks, it has strongly recommended that Victorians wear the face coverings in crowded and indoor areas.

New Victorian Health Minister Mary-Anne Thomas said she was “very confident” the pandemic orders would “empower” residents to make their own decisions ahead of a winter wave.

“The most effective way of minimising the spread is following the advice that is in place through the pandemic orders, listening to public health messages and putting into place the recommendations that we are making,” she said on Tuesday.

Federal Health Minister Mark Butler weighed into the worsening COVID-19 situation in Victoria and warned that cases and hospitalisations have “more to go” in the next six weeks.


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e60b1f  No.16720393


Those are to take the edge off when he's taking rips off the crack pipe.

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f60ca2  No.16720394

File: 1c79b1258e3612b⋯.png (15.94 KB, 217x255, 217:255, 4a76196d1b22cd41e5bdc66316….png)

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ff4882  No.16720395


My sister in law started getting her period at 9.

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f33bd1  No.16720396

File: 7f23ec93c025fd4⋯.jpg (15.71 KB, 474x237, 2:1, faggit.jpg)

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eb3bec  No.16720397

File: 26074e878ce1fce⋯.png (313.52 KB, 1080x1194, 180:199, ClipboardImage.png)

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e8c2df  No.16720398

File: 79a23f02a145c82⋯.jpg (66.92 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 259528917_1001794730379230….jpg)


Nothing is ever truly deleted

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aa094e  No.16720399



mutated but hopefully fine now

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b7acad  No.16720400


sadly starting menarche younger and younger these days

used to be very uncommon, not so much anymore

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f60ca2  No.16720401

File: 35a172202682d3c⋯.jpg (5.72 KB, 255x187, 15:11, 566b69fb23c7a54d40f9b1415e….jpg)

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e64330  No.16720402

File: 740fded70879ca6⋯.png (175.66 KB, 416x390, 16:15, dfa90dfe5dca0ac344d9f23593….png)


Its mine now.

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b0d502  No.16720403

why does biden always look so cgi'sh

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49e351  No.16720404


Begone, sinister imbecile. Your predictable, one-track mind bores me. Leave me alone or I will skullfuck you. This is your only warning.

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d38a00  No.16720405

File: e694668f6cfcaa2⋯.gif (361.32 KB, 360x240, 3:2, kermit_panic.gif)


My daughter got hers just before she turned 9. She had bewbs and hair at 10. She'll be 12 this month and she's a d cup.

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2da7cb  No.16720406

File: ebd44f159261503⋯.mp4 (9 MB, 626x480, 313:240, _I_m_a_Girl_Watcher_1960_.mp4)

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1e22c2  No.16720407

> >16720404


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9e5d1d  No.16720408


Is there any genetic benefit to harvesting stem cells from a fetus/infant/cord/placenta that are genetically part yours? Is there any difference in the stem cells that would benefit you individually? Or is that contrary to the whole point of stem cells?!? Just wondering if there would actually be some incentive for these psychopaths to impregnate someone themselves for the special harvest. OMG, please clean the world of such things, I can barely stand to think and write about it.

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d0f503  No.16720409


chkt dubs

Red Dawn

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d3c6ae  No.16720410


go to qresear.ch and plug in keyword typed in, see if it comes up

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94ced8  No.16720411

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fad0b3  No.16720412

File: c64a3ec5dbd6cc3⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1600x754, 800:377, ClipboardImage.png)



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b6cca3  No.16720413

File: dfc18668e57e630⋯.png (63.66 KB, 795x332, 795:332, ClipboardImage.png)

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95473c  No.16720414


It is sobering to learn that thisanon is taking the same meds as HB…and not also getting to fuck and smoke crack with tattooed hookers or underaged family members… :.(

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ff4882  No.16720415



You're in trouble.

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fad0b3  No.16720416



red text fail

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f33bd1  No.16720417

File: 96be8cb31ee9df7⋯.jpg (20.07 KB, 474x332, 237:166, polesmoker.jpg)

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5734c3  No.16720418

File: d0e1f71e03678a9⋯.jpeg (321.5 KB, 1239x1551, 413:517, E7A1F7A1_64FA_4EE7_8C9A_F….jpeg)


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b5b77a  No.16720419

File: a8cc6e899c614ac⋯.png (210.13 KB, 607x418, 607:418, ClipboardImage.png)


It def says USA


It's a stretch, but this can make all 4 letters in AK and HI for the non-CONUS portions.

HI & AK almost make Haiku.

But GA Guidestones might be a safer bet.

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1264ed  No.16720420


Fucking Chicken McNuggets..

Hormone infused shit!!!

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e64330  No.16720421

File: 6397e74de5aad46⋯.jpg (170.89 KB, 1013x1014, 1013:1014, 6c2fd965c3040c4d.jpg)

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f078f5  No.16720422

File: 5940f6c3464f32f⋯.jpg (49.22 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 5940f6c3464f32f1c64eeebe3c….jpg)

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d38a00  No.16720423


Could your kid's stem cells help you?

Good question.

I know that they can reverse autism in kids, proving IT'S NOT FUCKING HEREDITARY!

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9e5d1d  No.16720424


I believe that there has always been a pretty wide variety in when development kicks in, but it seems that many more girls are hitting puberty earlier, probably due to estrogen influencers in foods/plastics.

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1e22c2  No.16720425

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66aa24  No.16720426

File: 52d863335dea43c⋯.jpg (579.96 KB, 3337x1153, 3337:1153, hgjv.jpg)


Lol parachuting mickey mouse..

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a73e76  No.16720427

File: 94fa5ee1611f047⋯.png (141.65 KB, 500x416, 125:104, ClipboardImage.png)

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fad0b3  No.16720428

File: 40257b9705b3765⋯.png (775.68 KB, 1395x959, 1395:959, ClipboardImage.png)

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8ef167  No.16720429

File: 0ce55b4fd9a0cc3⋯.jpg (81.17 KB, 970x661, 970:661, q.JPG)

File: ff7fee862dadd97⋯.jpg (85.81 KB, 1554x729, 518:243, pI.JPG)

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15467a  No.16720430

File: 446af635071d16f⋯.jpg (104.15 KB, 709x489, 709:489, NORTH_TO_WINNING.jpg)


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f078f5  No.16720431

File: 70d0d23e252f6fd⋯.jpeg (60.8 KB, 650x471, 650:471, 70d0d23e252f6fdd08d98beea….jpeg)

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e8c2df  No.16720432


>>16719904, >>16719909, >>16719929


>>16720234 Attenshun, It has nao been 1717 days since the very first Q post

>>16719975 Will the normies ignore THE CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN and accept a few years in jail because he bought a hooker a train ticket?

>>16719920, >>16719982, >>16720076, >>16720113, >>16720154, >>16720165 Hunter laptop, racketeering, check fraud and hooker trafficking bun complete with Q Proof

>>16719928 Maryland Gubernatorial Candidate Daniel Cox: "It’s Time For ‘Freedom’ To Return To Maryland"

>>16719934 Planefag Report: PETE18

>>16719990 Sri Lankan President confirms resignation

>>16720001, >>16720046, >>16720159, >>16720172 Dronefag Report: 4july, cows, liberty bell

>>16720076, >>16720384 Vorndran prolly deleted this off QR

>>16720109 CIB busts human trafficking ring

>>16720160 PEDO BUN 11 July 22

>>16720170 Cottonwood County Farmer Charged with $46 Million Organic Grain Fraud Scheme

>>16720208 "medical services" abortions, politicians the relationship between pete buttigieg and ulrich klopfer/whole womans health comes to mind

>>16720217 Ohio AG Says His Office Has No Evidence Of Raped, Impregnated 10-Year-Old Girl Biden Cited: Report

>>16720234 It has been 1717 days since the very first Q post

>>16720231, >>16720326 U.S.A. MIL Posts: #OTD 1976 The Queen toured "Old Ironsides", Now Have Laser weapons!

>>16720232 Lithuania widens curbs on Kaliningrad trade despite Russian warning

>>16720255 Inflation numbers expected to increase this wednesday

>>16720263 Huge protest in Albania demanding government resign because of soaring inflation

>>16720276 Inflation Protests Span Sri Lanka, Albania, Argentina, Panama, Kenya, Ghana - How Long Before They Hit The United States?

>>16720346 U.S. weighs resumption of offensive arms sales to Saudis, sources say

>>16720392 Andrews Government urges Victorians to wear masks and consider working from home under new COVID pandemic orders


pls nom miss'd or goof'd

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5734c3  No.16720433

File: f2dc9d5c0db68d8⋯.jpeg (271.78 KB, 1241x1679, 17:23, 40FEF0FC_C8D4_41F0_9C25_6….jpeg)


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b241aa  No.16720434


As a pediatric ex nurse I ll say many

Since they introduced hormones in our meat and specifically chicken and other food disturbances, girls are having their period earlier and dirtier with each passing decade. There is tons of studies about it

But many especially those that come from lower socioeconomic will start menses around 9-12 years old . It hits the poor more

Also medication affect that too

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94ced8  No.16720435


Those are Blackout Pills, mixed with Alcohol will throw inhibitions out the window.

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2c8b9c  No.16720436

File: f9b7956a94bd514⋯.png (543 KB, 885x516, 295:172, ClipboardImage.png)

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34d41d  No.16720437


Got to maintain an even strain


Got to have goals, anon

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e28ffe  No.16720438


Does P=PedoPete

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aa094e  No.16720439

File: 46f55715d059916⋯.jpg (14.21 KB, 255x173, 255:173, 489f3957dfbed53132ba2821fe….jpg)


>foods, plastics, get the fuck out

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dadd22  No.16720440

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1776 Restoration Moment - Xray in safe location away from DC. The Beast is still unaccounted for, since being towed this morning while 1776RM was assembling in front of the White House. "They" of course, monitor all the live streamers, so they knew EXACTLY where Xray was…away from his truck… so they stole it, with Former Marine Bobby's casket flag inside!! He lays out the details in the video. Get to the National Mall if you can, and stand with the BRAVE Patriots. They want them out, and they want them BAD. They are being TOO EFFECTIVE in waking people up.


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bd460c  No.16720441

File: eddbae4b1c21d9f⋯.jpeg (180.73 KB, 750x498, 125:83, 3D624AE2_7AE6_4678_AA95_B….jpeg)

File: fcd9019e9ecc746⋯.png (469.87 KB, 529x552, 23:24, 5A8E5199_8384_462F_BC86_9E….png)

>>16719135 lb

Prolly should have added


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d38a00  No.16720442


It's just a benzo, bro…

but blackouts are common when taken with alcohol.

No different than xanax.

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b241aa  No.16720443


Forgot mentioning

Demonically possessed

Sold his soul to the devil

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15467a  No.16720444

File: 93270aee43783f2⋯.jpg (143.16 KB, 835x351, 835:351, WHEEL_OF_WIN.jpg)

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d8aef9  No.16720445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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747c98  No.16720446

File: a9fe1ea8bd7a28a⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1080x629, 1080:629, D127C1B0_0938_4511_BEC1_00….png)

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d0f503  No.16720447


In progress

Under budget

Ahead of schedule

Carpet bombs


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d8aef9  No.16720448

File: 9a5f68e837277b5⋯.jpg (141.16 KB, 692x407, 692:407, Tuneinforaweek.jpg)

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dadd22  No.16720449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Polish Agnes Brauniatko - 1776RM Santa's Truck Removal after Arrest, Injury, Big D, Oreo's Phone Games, LEOs - Protest Area, Washington, DC 7/6/22

Aftermath of the arrest of David "Santa" Ridell of The 1776 Restoration Movement Protest in DC.

Santa's truck removal. Shelly's fall as she was trying to get off the fire truck. Games by LEO with Oreo's personal phone. Big D, Brian and others leaving the stand to avoid issues with DC Police.

Full live stream of morning of 7/6/22 from which this clip was taken - https://youtu.be/FERhtE1ZS_w

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aa094e  No.16720450


a baby at that is unimaginable

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1e22c2  No.16720451

File: bb9e8740da71a57⋯.jpg (115.88 KB, 1019x720, 1019:720, Screenshot_20220710_233702….jpg)


I don't think so

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e60b1f  No.16720452


I take the same too. I've often wondered if I'd even still be alive had I had a bottomless pit of money.

My younger days involved full throttle partying. Have always had an additive nature but pretty clean now minus the sometimes too much alcohol.

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95473c  No.16720453


>As a genitally mutilated male I did not ejaculate until 14.

Yew were rubbing’ it rong, fren.

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6a15bf  No.16720454


Body of an ostrich.


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8ef1b0  No.16720455



July 26th is 2 weeks from now. Made me laugh.

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95473c  No.16720456

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0c1acb  No.16720457

we should build an idolatry image board for them to molest wiff tehy bots

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8102fd  No.16720458


Biden actually claimed the other day to have spoken with her on the phone.

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7c7ffb  No.16720459



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0c1acb  No.16720460


did daddy touch hunter biden in the Q yet ?

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e64330  No.16720461

File: a69d74b6460d620⋯.gif (278.36 KB, 1000x700, 10:7, a69d74b6460d620a5d32743578….gif)

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8ef167  No.16720462

File: 08cf672fe184e20⋯.jpg (76.09 KB, 1190x436, 595:218, 26.JPG)

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f078f5  No.16720463

File: 16aa6a846231d31⋯.png (232.29 KB, 750x1211, 750:1211, 16aa6a846231d31dd9fd326cee….png)

File: 012e4738b14f4e8⋯.png (268.97 KB, 750x1276, 375:638, 4790e00bd1e395e98ca6bd04e2….png)


FBI assistant director for cyber Vrondran who covered for Hunter in congress - found in Hunter's iPhone contacts

This is not anywhere in the news. Yet.

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d38a00  No.16720464

File: b079b1865ed93b4⋯.pdf (5.32 MB, _2010_Anatomy_of_an_Epidem….pdf)


additives will fuck up your engine.

Joking aside, anyone taking benzos should read this fucking book.

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0c1acb  No.16720465



<JORDAN petryerson wants to make teh bed

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5734c3  No.16720466

File: 4f341c917e5337b⋯.jpeg (414.08 KB, 1241x1676, 1241:1676, D0CB13A8_6C65_479B_AB4D_F….jpeg)


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94e2d8  No.16720467

File: 12c6075a75949d3⋯.jpeg (12.06 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 83081a4a9eed1551209e2ad5c….jpeg)

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d3c6ae  No.16720468


nik'd that baby



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3dc44b  No.16720469

File: 2311221680787b8⋯.mp4 (8.08 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Busted_Al_Franken_Cracks_J….mp4)

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d38a00  No.16720470



>This is not anywhere in the news. Yet.

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747c98  No.16720471

File: faa4ec13cba3d5e⋯.jpeg (287.04 KB, 2048x1328, 128:83, BE6888E4_AC8D_4786_A395_C….jpeg)


chkd. winning.

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2c5266  No.16720472

File: 6ff9837dbe0827f⋯.jpg (44.98 KB, 337x404, 337:404, Trump_flag_pepe.jpg)



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15467a  No.16720473

File: 4aba1a8719f6a9d⋯.jpg (120.42 KB, 630x680, 63:68, MAGA.jpg)

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a4f32a  No.16720474



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0c1acb  No.16720475


BORIS stands for yer sex island envy

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8ef1b0  No.16720476


They Doctor was more concerned with draining & keeping all the blood from the Umbilical cord before saying anything to me. Obviously, I was overwhelmed by everything to ask wtf she was doing but it always stays in the back of my head as weird. It was far more than what they usually do. My fault probably. I picked the Hospital for the dumbest reason

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fa5c92  No.16720477

File: c325759d2e565b7⋯.jpeg (286.28 KB, 2048x1618, 1024:809, pepeArtNW.jpeg)



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7c7ffb  No.16720478

File: 6aedcacd85b5b3c⋯.png (13.93 KB, 475x180, 95:36, Screen_Shot_07_11_22_at_11….PNG)

Ops mode. Check those caps at the front.

Kash Patel / @Kash 07/11/2022 23:50:12

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108632330224618029

WHERES HUNTER WATCH by #FWK officially enters operations mode. Its on like donkey kong

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8ef167  No.16720479

File: 25ed63a643a54e6⋯.jpg (70.24 KB, 1064x442, 532:221, You.JPG)

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c6af84  No.16720480

File: 62a8e1ffe94e8d1⋯.png (28.08 KB, 803x803, 1:1, victoria.PNG)


Imagine listening to any of the muppets in DictatorDans Govt.

Had the Chinky-Flu 3 months ago: it's the fucking sniffles. Drank and Rammsteined my way through it. So hard.

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e60b1f  No.16720481


Extremely difficult the benzo detox. Have had an Rx of clonazepam for years and been trying to ditch them for years. Wicked shit!

I saved the file you posted…thank you anon.

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0c1acb  No.16720483

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d38a00  No.16720484

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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38cf68  No.16720485


Told ya, kek

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ce9b47  No.16720486

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Puppeteer Jeff Dunham Mocks Joe Biden In Hilarious Send-Up

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95473c  No.16720487


I’m with you.

Honest-to-God, Klonipin doesn’t do a fucking thing for me…relieve anxiety or otherwise. My new PCP told me it would be “safer” and longer-lasting for me than the min dosing of Xanax I had with my prev PCP, but I may as well be eating dirt, it is so ineffective for me.

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1e22c2  No.16720488

File: 7a7c834d9ef4736⋯.jpg (94.91 KB, 748x473, 68:43, 6mhymt.jpg)

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d0f503  No.16720489


Let's get our oak back.

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d38a00  No.16720490

File: adb014657e27d2f⋯.jpg (7.09 KB, 255x157, 255:157, pepe_hug_clear_background.jpg)

File: 2b779e03a7f4e53⋯.jpeg (11.92 KB, 255x248, 255:248, pepe_pray_bed.jpeg)

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2da7cb  No.16720491

File: fc30ad7afaffcec⋯.png (790.17 KB, 801x336, 267:112, capture_4505_29062022_1628….png)


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b6cca3  No.16720492

File: d2e70c6f05d5998⋯.png (583.54 KB, 1094x684, 547:342, ClipboardImage.png)

Don't fuck with a Famer

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dadd22  No.16720493

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Update on jailed 1776RM Patriot, Big D, the one who drives the yellow fire truck with We The People on the side. He is still in jail awaiting extradition to Maryland with similar charges as they placed on Santa. Big D can receive letters of encouragement. They can hold him for 30 days if they so choose. It's the state of Maryland's call. Letters in legal size envelopes, can be sent to Dennis Yarbery c/o Eastern Regional Jail, 94 Grapevine Rd., Martinsville, West Virginia, 25405

A Give Sen Go has been set up for his attorney fees. Free Big D - https://www.givesendgo.com/freebigd

So within days,3 of the top members of 1776RM have been arrested and messed with.

1776 Restoration Movement - https://1776restoration1.wixsite.com/1776restoration

Get to the mall. #holdthelawn

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ea46b0  No.16720494

File: 939576b0a67d08d⋯.png (216.53 KB, 500x437, 500:437, I_don_t_care_zzzzzzzzzzz.png)


Bro, you keep correcting me. kek

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d31ad0  No.16720495

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

US Olympian ‘almost blinded’ after savage assault (VIDEO)


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747c98  No.16720496

File: 1dfe935f6b54854⋯.png (109.17 KB, 255x198, 85:66, 231F2645_0BEE_4BD1_A578_63….png)

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9d0848  No.16720497


"first laser"

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0a1e9f  No.16720498

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f60ca2  No.16720499

File: b0a8466b4abefc9⋯.jpg (5.01 KB, 225x225, 1:1, tisU44.jpg)



anomaly detected



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0c1acb  No.16720500



touch hunter's crack

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35a134  No.16720501


if it draws a Q, i'd say you have something




gayest thing posted tonight

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d38a00  No.16720502

File: 89b25e860fceec6⋯.png (15.52 KB, 255x255, 1:1, notable_2.png)

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2da7cb  No.16720503

File: c11c11e092c8132⋯.png (268.76 KB, 715x128, 715:128, capture_520_11072022_20593….png)

File: 7123f02046483cb⋯.png (1.04 MB, 722x503, 722:503, Tactics_Techniques_and_Pro….png)


Try updating this…

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0c1acb  No.16720504


pagans ASSert rump

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8102fd  No.16720505

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Police chase by LAPD of robbery suspect

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b6cca3  No.16720506


God Bless the Farmers

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b241aa  No.16720507


Stem cell are the cure for many things, but the DNA has to match for it to work, it has to match you 80-90% at least

Your child will at least match you 50% but since they are all interrelated and there tons of insist them it’s possible that the child will be 90 % dna to you

That’s a sickening thought though

Screw all the pedos and screw every human that is involved in any type of human trafficking

Let’s Go Q

I’m so tired from all this shit

We need to get America back

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0c1acb  No.16720508


were you touched in the hunter's crack ?

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d38a00  No.16720509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sorry Doge…

Rackets and sleep for me.

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fad0b3  No.16720510

File: 4ad0762f39aac92⋯.png (251.68 KB, 1194x877, 1194:877, ClipboardImage.png)

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d31ad0  No.16720511

File: 963e25047005f0b⋯.png (263.64 KB, 1068x697, 1068:697, Black_Eye_Club.png)

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e64330  No.16720512

File: 55b449a415c3709⋯.jpg (82.53 KB, 500x889, 500:889, Big_deal_arond_here.jpg)

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0c1acb  No.16720513



<JORDANpetyerson wants to make bed

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2da7cb  No.16720514

File: f274d301ffa6001⋯.png (990.45 KB, 1061x318, 1061:318, capture_523_11072022_21020….png)


Aww, that's sweet…

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15467a  No.16720515

File: e3d262a04a1af99⋯.jpg (219.64 KB, 838x576, 419:288, GOT_EM_RUNNING.jpg)

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0c1acb  No.16720516


huner's crack wants daddy revenge homo

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e8c2df  No.16720517


>>16719904, >>16719909, >>16719929


>>16720234 Attenshun, It has nao been 1717 days since the very first Q post

>>16719975 Will the normies ignore THE CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN and accept a few years in jail because he bought a hooker a train ticket?

>>16719920, >>16719982, >>16720076, >>16720113, >>16720154, >>16720165 Hunter laptop, racketeering, check fraud and hooker trafficking bun complete with Q Proof

>>16719928 Maryland Gubernatorial Candidate Daniel Cox: "It’s Time For ‘Freedom’ To Return To Maryland"

>>16719934 Planefag Report: PETE18

>>16719990 Sri Lankan President confirms resignation

>>16720001, >>16720046, >>16720159, >>16720172 Dronefag Report: 4july, cows, liberty bell

>>16720076, >>16720384, >>16720463 Vorndran prolly deleted this off QR

>>16720109 CIB busts human trafficking ring

>>16720160 PEDO BUN 11 July 22

>>16720170 Cottonwood County Farmer Charged with $46 Million Organic Grain Fraud Scheme

>>16720208 "medical services" abortions, politicians the relationship between pete buttigieg and ulrich klopfer/whole womans health comes to mind

>>16720217 Ohio AG Says His Office Has No Evidence Of Raped, Impregnated 10-Year-Old Girl Biden Cited: Report

>>16720234 It has been 1717 days since the very first Q post

>>16720231, >>16720326 U.S.A. MIL Posts: #OTD 1976 The Queen toured "Old Ironsides", Now Have Laser weapons!

>>16720232 Lithuania widens curbs on Kaliningrad trade despite Russian warning

>>16720255 Inflation numbers expected to increase this wednesday

>>16720263 Huge protest in Albania demanding government resign because of soaring inflation

>>16720276 Inflation Protests Span Sri Lanka, Albania, Argentina, Panama, Kenya, Ghana - How Long Before They Hit The United States?

>>16720346 U.S. weighs resumption of offensive arms sales to Saudis, sources say

>>16720392 Andrews Government urges Victorians to wear masks and consider working from home under new COVID pandemic orders

>>16720449 Aftermath of the arrest of David "Santa" Ridell of The 1776 Restoration Movement Protest in DC. 7/6/22

>>16720478 @Kash WHERES HUNTER WATCH by #FWK officially enters operations mode. Its on like donkey kong

>>16720505 Police chase by LAPD of robbery suspect

>>16720493 Update on jailed 1776RM Patriot, Big D, the one who drives the yellow fire truck with We The People on the side. He is still in jail awaiting extradition to Maryland

pls nom miss'd or goof'd

seeking handoff next bread


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2c8b9c  No.16720518

File: a4afcf111c8e859⋯.png (658.57 KB, 1004x778, 502:389, ClipboardImage.png)

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0c1acb  No.16720519


but jfkLESBIANpedo got infection from douche storm

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d0f503  No.16720520


I thought that was out when it was used to protect AF1 with President Trump aboard?

Cat out the bag so had to release publicly.

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0ede0a  No.16720522

File: 424ca53aa0cdae5⋯.png (1013.96 KB, 1054x864, 527:432, 424ca53aa0cdae5b7a96a08d66….png)


Prayers sent anon.

You'll get there!

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dadd22  No.16720523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Polish Agnes Brauniatko - 1776RM Santa Arrest, Washington, DC 7/6/22

Full live stream of morning of 7/6/22 from which this clip was taken - https://youtu.be/FERhtE1ZS_w

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2da7cb  No.16720524

File: a8708ffb2a17a21⋯.png (1.58 MB, 746x739, 746:739, capture_524_11072022_21041….png)

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ce9b47  No.16720525

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Russia slams Australia over Aussie Cossack’s jail sentence!

10 months for naming a pedo

The Aus courts are protecting pedos and going after anyone who exposes that

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d9d8bd  No.16720526

File: d1d4db7a3c733bb⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1475x869, 1475:869, RealWar.png)

File: a7cfb0f52b514e8⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1569x905, 1569:905, Videos_2.png)

File: cf5d558871945be⋯.png (755.67 KB, 883x932, 883:932, RobHerCreepJ5319.png)

File: e5c8d5a2646aa05⋯.mp4 (9.99 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, OAN_creepyjo.mp4)


Will the dirty, corrupt pravda finally "react to" YEARS-OLD stuff to cover up the TREASON & Blackmail?

Hunter's Greatest Admirer, for example, will probably even trickle some "tabloid-level" stuff out 'NOW for some "reaction", now that the desensitized masses are beyond numb and immune to depravity in general. Hell, they'll count the days till the netflix and/or HBO doc!

Anyone “asking” WHO IS FILMING the Greatest-ly Admired and Respected Hunter's every scandalous move?? Why is it like he’s in that jim carrey movie? (Is CHINA really that possessive of their “property”?)

If there were blackmail VIDS of, say, Lady G Graham (just one small example), wonder how they'd measure up, sans maybe the drugs??

Wonder what was filmed on Epstein's Island… "his" Zorro Ranch, and how it compares???

Vid (1:16) If Pedo Peter-whatever was doing this on live tv, imagine his poor daughter and other children when the cameras aren't rolling…

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d38a00  No.16720527

File: acfeb6d310e46bb⋯.jpeg (12.78 KB, 255x183, 85:61, pepe_sleep_do_not_fear.jpeg)

Gnight frens.

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2c8b9c  No.16720528

File: b47238687d00cc5⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1600x1403, 1600:1403, ClipboardImage.png)

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b6cca3  No.16720529

File: f9e10192b152320⋯.png (934.38 KB, 698x1134, 349:567, ClipboardImage.png)

God Stands with the Farmers

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f078f5  No.16720530


>>16720076, >>16720432, >>16720463 FBI assistant director for cyber Vrondran, covered for Hunter in congress, found in Hunter's iPhone contacts

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2c8b9c  No.16720531

File: 5f41d5d3c4872fa⋯.png (242.66 KB, 685x364, 685:364, ClipboardImage.png)

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e8c2df  No.16720532

File: d78323fc572c6a9⋯.png (168.01 KB, 400x225, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Fuck people.

I'm gonna eat so many tacos tomorrow

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0c1acb  No.16720533


more proof danielfaggot wants to faggylon like a fELon in yo idolatry image board

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e23dd2  No.16720534

File: 79be5c9bdcc3d69⋯.png (17.73 KB, 126x189, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4189062aa5e238e⋯.png (69.79 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f3aa4f9f5364db⋯.png (123.17 KB, 300x225, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16719135 PB US Army Fort Sill - You can make it through this!

Fort Dill - Milley-Tary

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6ad022  No.16720535


I expect a whole lot of other three letter orgs in there as well.

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d9d8bd  No.16720536

File: 5f705a60da3955e⋯.png (989.41 KB, 1354x950, 677:475, clownash.png)



Meant to add – OLD news which the Communist pravda SUPPRESSED because it was prior to the rigged 'election".

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2c8b9c  No.16720537

File: ebb3998a6f087ac⋯.png (834.63 KB, 724x909, 724:909, ClipboardImage.png)

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e8c2df  No.16720538

File: dff43fe60265621⋯.png (84.73 KB, 282x244, 141:122, dff43fe602656217dd2ad26763….png)


Dafug, coulda sworn I updated it to just that

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1f4d5b  No.16720539

Blocking the moon with clouds now….


You fuckers are nervous.

That's awesome.

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425334  No.16720540

File: 9714575a0c9da4a⋯.jpg (52.62 KB, 500x583, 500:583, 68o4qo.jpg)

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0c1acb  No.16720541


yo juws look sick

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5909d7  No.16720542

for Elon Musk and Elon Musk only

Anon wants you to understand one thing

that election was stolen

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49e351  No.16720543

File: f2bb6b22c0638db⋯.png (680.92 KB, 1400x700, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Sleep well.

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1e22c2  No.16720544

Elon kick the hornet's nest move is desperation

Tunnels Tunnels Tunnels

As Trump says twitter is BORING

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f078f5  No.16720545


will try that again

>>16720076, >>16720113, >>16720463 FBI assistant director for cyber Vrondran, covered for Hunter in congress, found in Hunter's iPhone contacts

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5f6f49  No.16720546


>start menses around 9-12 years old

This is the same as 70+ years ago, the same my whole life and for family that remembers.

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e8c2df  No.16720547

File: 50dbb7afe7d669c⋯.jpg (78.12 KB, 750x709, 750:709, itshappening.jpg)



Oh, nvm

I just had the next bread title prepped

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0c1acb  No.16720548


did fElon touch yo potato ?

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8ef1b0  No.16720549

File: 4cc2bf1e4f8a069⋯.png (254.44 KB, 640x544, 20:17, Predator.png)

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34d41d  No.16720550


They did the same to my kid. Vampires

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2da7cb  No.16720551

File: 5ba98b06bc59bc1⋯.png (1.27 MB, 465x952, 465:952, capture_423_11072022_04223….png)

File: fd7755da3af29e5⋯.png (1.13 MB, 469x840, 67:120, capture_317_10072022_23185….png)

File: 0179cc243e446a4⋯.png (1.1 MB, 464x826, 232:413, capture_213_10072022_20390….png)

File: 683637501fd5959⋯.png (1.03 MB, 502x713, 502:713, capture_478_10072022_07231….png)


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f078f5  No.16720552


You da man. A better one.


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0c1acb  No.16720553


did tehy touch yo hunter's crack like daddy?

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0c1acb  No.16720554


hunter's crack ready fo boris to invaded

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e8c2df  No.16720555


>>16719904, >>16719909, >>16719929


>>16720234 Attenshun, It has nao been 1717 days since the very first Q post

>>16719975 Will the normies ignore THE CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN and accept a few years in jail because he bought a hooker a train ticket?

>>16719920, >>16719982, >>16720076, >>16720113, >>16720154, >>16720165 Hunter laptop, racketeering, check fraud and hooker trafficking bun complete with Q Proof

>>16719928 Maryland Gubernatorial Candidate Daniel Cox: "It’s Time For ‘Freedom’ To Return To Maryland"

>>16719934 Planefag Report: PETE18

>>16719990 Sri Lankan President confirms resignation

>>16720001, >>16720046, >>16720159, >>16720172 Dronefag Report: 4july, cows, liberty bell

>>16720076, >>16720113, >>16720463 FBI assistant director for cyber Vrondran, covered for Hunter in congress, found in Hunter's iPhone contacts

>>16720384 Vorndran prolly deleted this off QR

>>16720109 CIB busts human trafficking ring

>>16720160 PEDO BUN 11 July 22

>>16720170 Cottonwood County Farmer Charged with $46 Million Organic Grain Fraud Scheme

>>16720208 "medical services" abortions, politicians the relationship between pete buttigieg and ulrich klopfer/whole womans health comes to mind

>>16720217 Ohio AG Says His Office Has No Evidence Of Raped, Impregnated 10-Year-Old Girl Biden Cited: Report

>>16720234 It has been 1717 days since the very first Q post

>>16720231, >>16720326 U.S.A. MIL Posts: #OTD 1976 The Queen toured "Old Ironsides", Now Have Laser weapons!

>>16720232 Lithuania widens curbs on Kaliningrad trade despite Russian warning

>>16720255 Inflation numbers expected to increase this wednesday

>>16720263 Huge protest in Albania demanding government resign because of soaring inflation

>>16720276 Inflation Protests Span Sri Lanka, Albania, Argentina, Panama, Kenya, Ghana - How Long Before They Hit The United States?

>>16720346 U.S. weighs resumption of offensive arms sales to Saudis, sources say

>>16720392 Andrews Government urges Victorians to wear masks and consider working from home under new COVID pandemic orders

>>16720449 Aftermath of the arrest of David "Santa" Ridell of The 1776 Restoration Movement Protest in DC. 7/6/22

>>16720478 @Kash WHERES HUNTER WATCH by #FWK officially enters operations mode. Its on like donkey kong

>>16720505 Police chase by LAPD of robbery suspect

>>16720493 Update on jailed 1776RM Patriot, Big D, the one who drives the yellow fire truck with We The People on the side. He is still in jail awaiting extradition to Maryland

pls nom miss'd or goof'd

seeking handoff next bread


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66aa24  No.16720556



The [[United States Marine Band]] has played "The Liberty Bell" march at five of the last seven

United States presidential inauguration

? Is he coming back?

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2c8b9c  No.16720557

File: 5358fc84fa4ccc6⋯.png (1.15 MB, 955x1098, 955:1098, ClipboardImage.png)

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0c1acb  No.16720558


show us in the book where they touched yo danielfaggot

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e60b1f  No.16720559


Coming off Xanax is difficult from what I've read. It's a benzo that doesn't crossover too well to other benzos. It may take a while but eventually they will work. Have you talked to you doc? Maybe a higher dose or possibly go to a different pharmacy where they may have a different drug manufacturer. I've noticed some brands work better for me.

Best yet tho as you know is to try to eliminate them from your life.

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8ef1b0  No.16720560


It's so annoying, I know the moon is there, I can see the glow but the actual moon wasn't there because of clouds that I can't see. Street light I extra bright tonight I guess

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1264ed  No.16720561


Checked and Fuck off. Clear sky's..



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1f4d5b  No.16720562



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0c1acb  No.16720563


peanut butter and jealous ?

or jus canOHduh pedo creepypasta ?

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f078f5  No.16720564

File: be2022f0164de1a⋯.png (905.23 KB, 680x518, 340:259, be2022f0164de1aa876fbd1054….png)


Thanks bakes

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8ef167  No.16720565

File: e8ae4afa3a2488f⋯.jpg (46.35 KB, 714x453, 238:151, lol.JPG)

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88b95c  No.16720566


>for Elon Musk and Elon Musk only

when you say elon musk you really mean me, right?

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2da7cb  No.16720567

File: 5a047e8e6295dc4⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1064x435, 1064:435, capture_525_11072022_21102….png)

File: b3fe0dedfb88bc5⋯.jpg (592.94 KB, 1064x950, 28:25, The_mewling_of_but_chuggin….jpg)




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a2a905  No.16720568


new pedo tweaker casino president sends feels fill

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93458e  No.16720569



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a2a905  No.16720570


does yoinnertard need two fElons in it ?

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b6cca3  No.16720571

File: f8b285d3ce1d89c⋯.png (672.69 KB, 600x750, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

Farmers. Don't. Give. Up.

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bf9336  No.16720572

>>16719940 oh look, another rally fake q won't attend.

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3dc44b  No.16720573

File: 7a7f38f4166a037⋯.png (598.63 KB, 1202x796, 601:398, news_unlocks_the_map_pepe.png)

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149580  No.16720574


Sullivan is like a dumb version of Square Pants Sponge Bob.

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1b3fe8  No.16720575

File: e7dddce209c71a6⋯.jpg (86.96 KB, 500x756, 125:189, 8dcd27511f014226c69bdd4de3….jpg)

Four-year delta… coming up…

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b7a072  No.16720576

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1e376f  No.16720577

File: 9aa0bcd50dc16cd⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1916x972, 479:243, Screenshot_2022_07_11_11_3….png)


Hey goys, keep a lookout and be careful.

Looks like there could be another serial killer loose on 4chan:



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79f88c  No.16720578


My what a long neck you have

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2da7cb  No.16720579


>Your move losers.

Thought so.

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35a134  No.16720580


Kek… not notable.

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77751c  No.16720581

File: 8006cff9bd5939b⋯.png (969.7 KB, 1440x2939, 1440:2939, Screenshot_20220711_231303.png)

Define plant

>>pic related

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62e9f4  No.16720582

File: 9e2105f77328a20⋯.png (11.19 MB, 3356x3415, 3356:3415, qlionmoon1.png)

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1e22c2  No.16720583


Michael j. fox and his foundation fought and shamed to use abortioned stem lines.

GWB permitted it (33 days later America was attacked on 911,…but I digress)

10 years later, studies showed those lines ONLY PRODUCED TUMORS.

Whereas adult lines were actually beneficial.

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2da7cb  No.16720584

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ce9b47  No.16720585

File: 8d48622d014d376⋯.png (45.32 KB, 422x150, 211:75, ClipboardImage.png)

A former Liberal Party and Gladys Berejiklian staffer has been spared jail after he admitted to sexually abusing two children when he was a teenager.

The political adviser, who cannot be named as he was a teenager at the time, on Tuesday faced the NSW District Court, where Judge John Pickering sentenced him to a community corrections order for two years.

The court was told the man was arrested in 2020 after police spent four years investigating allegations made by a man and woman who said they had been abused as children in the mid-1990s.

Judge Pickering told the court the six offences of aggravating indecent assault occurred between 1993-1996.

The staffer was just 14 to 16 years old at the time but is now over 40 years of age and held a job as a staffer for Ms Berejiklian.


Australia's pedo protection

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88b95c  No.16720586

File: 80fa163abce87d0⋯.png (970 B, 236x107, 236:107, ClipboardImage.png)

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79f88c  No.16720587

File: 18ab3cd4104318f⋯.jpeg (50.22 KB, 678x381, 226:127, 8CA31877_899E_42AC_A5CF_F….jpeg)


I am Ra lol

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be3684  No.16720588

File: d839334505c2084⋯.jpg (106.61 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Witness_The_Bread.jpg)


>>16720234 Attenshun, It has nao been 1717 days since the very first Q post

>>16720234 It has been 1717 days since the very first Q post

TYB: Above are duplicates.

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8ef167  No.16720589

File: d4a524700f59d89⋯.jpg (32.51 KB, 689x317, 689:317, records.JPG)


records ??

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f33bd1  No.16720590

File: 710a6e82590d0db⋯.jpg (10.84 KB, 474x229, 474:229, homo.jpg)

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66aa24  No.16720591


It's off of Seattle wa. If you turn it upside down it looks like a ship I thought at first. You could have maybe a new liberty ship?.. ok I think I'm done.

If this MOVIE is being played out and Terry Gillam is the director then I'm just done.

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f5a9cb  No.16720592

File: 7fddbfb0da0e815⋯.png (16.28 KB, 263x398, 263:398, 00000ns3.png)

File: 4824e924842553c⋯.png (15.09 KB, 263x398, 263:398, 00000ns4.png)

File: cb05ff42d98d6c1⋯.png (32.29 KB, 263x462, 263:462, 00000ns5.png)

File: ab672d8333b6804⋯.png (15.87 KB, 173x319, 173:319, 00000ns6.png)

File: aabc02c84c04c63⋯.png (20.89 KB, 263x398, 263:398, 00000ns8.png)

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1e22c2  No.16720593


Ra Ra o LA LA

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2da7cb  No.16720594

File: 54a9de945b20d78⋯.png (112.27 KB, 1533x1767, 511:589, _Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….png)

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149580  No.16720595



the excuse is the Occupier in Chief has dementia.

What the hell is Jill's excuse?

Just dumb ass?

And her writers?

Maybe she wrote this herself.

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a2a905  No.16720596

File: e4d7bb1ebb949fd⋯.jpg (216.87 KB, 843x843, 1:1, 287515995_5268870319848340….jpg)

File: 41003187b787e8d⋯.jpg (117.15 KB, 843x1124, 3:4, 291589036_618139859679339_….jpg)

File: f772949416ccab2⋯.jpg (66.92 KB, 570x760, 3:4, 291764380_5496282403770014….jpg)

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2da7cb  No.16720597

File: 58cb4e21787ede0⋯.mp4 (6.58 MB, 360x360, 1:1, P_E_P_E_SHADILAY_Instrumen….mp4)

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cd3268  No.16720598

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Year of the Cat…

All Love to Q+/Q/AnonsFightingForever

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b6cca3  No.16720599

File: 1071dd992a0bea8⋯.png (5.09 MB, 3128x930, 1564:465, ClipboardImage.png)

Start Heading to the Farmers themselves and Buy your Food

Lean to Ride the Waves

God Bless the Farmers

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e8c2df  No.16720600

File: 826dbb66870db01⋯.png (101.58 KB, 1388x547, 1388:547, ClipboardImage.png)

bakers shitpad froze

pls standby

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b9f827  No.16720601


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88b95c  No.16720602

File: 6ece7fdc3057fd1⋯.png (396.35 KB, 395x553, 5:7, ClipboardImage.png)

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f078f5  No.16720603


Ra-Ra Ra-Ra

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79f88c  No.16720604

File: 3120e43db09b113⋯.jpeg (92.47 KB, 1200x810, 40:27, 4BF90A75_21F2_47AD_B5A9_3….jpeg)

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a2a905  No.16720605

File: cb42c051fca2fdd⋯.jpg (388.59 KB, 570x570, 1:1, cb42c051fca2fdd5b634f7514a….jpg)


>God Bless the Farmers

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1e22c2  No.16720606


Didn't hunter nickname her the cunt

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e8c2df  No.16720607


>>16719904, >>16719909, >>16719929


>>16720234 Attenshun, It has nao been 1717 days since the very first Q post

>>16719975 Will the normies ignore THE CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN and accept a few years in jail because he bought a hooker a train ticket?

>>16719920, >>16719982, >>16720076, >>16720113, >>16720154, >>16720165 Hunter laptop, racketeering, check fraud and hooker trafficking bun complete with Q Proof

>>16720076, >>16720113, >>16720463 FBI assistant director for cyber Vrondran, covered for Hunter in congress, found in Hunter's iPhone contacts

>>16720384 Vorndran prolly deleted this off QR

>>16719928 Maryland Gubernatorial Candidate Daniel Cox: "It’s Time For ‘Freedom’ To Return To Maryland"

>>16719934 Planefag Report: PETE18

>>16719990 Sri Lankan President confirms resignation

>>16720001, >>16720046, >>16720159, >>16720172 Dronefag Report: 4july, cows, liberty bell

>>16720109 CIB busts human trafficking ring

>>16720160 PEDO BUN 11 July 22

>>16720170 Cottonwood County Farmer Charged with $46 Million Organic Grain Fraud Scheme

>>16720208 "medical services" abortions, politicians the relationship between pete buttigieg and ulrich klopfer/whole womans health comes to mind

>>16720217 Ohio AG Says His Office Has No Evidence Of Raped, Impregnated 10-Year-Old Girl Biden Cited: Report

>>16720231, >>16720326 U.S.A. MIL Posts: #OTD 1976 The Queen toured "Old Ironsides", Now Have Laser weapons!

>>16720232 Lithuania widens curbs on Kaliningrad trade despite Russian warning

>>16720255 Inflation numbers expected to increase this wednesday

>>16720263 Huge protest in Albania demanding government resign because of soaring inflation

>>16720276 Inflation Protests Span Sri Lanka, Albania, Argentina, Panama, Kenya, Ghana - How Long Before They Hit The United States?

>>16720346 U.S. weighs resumption of offensive arms sales to Saudis, sources say

>>16720392 Andrews Government urges Victorians to wear masks and consider working from home under new COVID pandemic orders

>>16720449 Aftermath of the arrest of David "Santa" Ridell of The 1776 Restoration Movement Protest in DC. 7/6/22

>>16720478 @Kash WHERES HUNTER WATCH by #FWK officially enters operations mode. Its on like donkey kong

>>16720493 Update on jailed 1776RM Patriot, Big D, the one who drives the yellow fire truck with We The People on the side. He is still in jail awaiting extradition to Maryland

>>16720585 Former Liberal Party and Gladys Berejiklian staffer has been spared jail after he admitted to sexually abusing two children when he was a teenager [Australia's pedo protection]


seeking handoff next bread

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a2a905  No.16720608


touch him again fElon

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2da7cb  No.16720609

File: 78db96581344d32⋯.png (1.77 MB, 869x710, 869:710, _Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….png)

File: 2baaf42c57b9c32⋯.png (2.34 MB, 829x986, 829:986, _Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….png)

File: 63eca64932d6122⋯.png (2.33 MB, 821x990, 821:990, _Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….png)

File: a8272eb488b417b⋯.png (2.05 MB, 819x872, 819:872, _Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….png)

File: d29dd724b3701e1⋯.gif (71.55 KB, 473x588, 473:588, 1D984019.gif)

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5868fb  No.16720610


Why 69 specifically.

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e60b1f  No.16720611

File: 736d1583abe2d92⋯.png (513.09 KB, 486x446, 243:223, treepepe.png)


>Just dumb ass?

Best odds this one

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a2a905  No.16720612


stap callin yoself names

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2da7cb  No.16720614

File: d3f08de49ae2df5⋯.jpg (993.95 KB, 1626x1672, 813:836, IMG_20220607_122641_503.jpg)

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94e2d8  No.16720615


oh yeah…evil influencers as well.

That man's smug face makes my skin crawl.

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a2a905  No.16720616

File: 7301e4b67859005⋯.jpg (19.23 KB, 227x255, 227:255, harrygasketttest.jpg)

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e64330  No.16720617

File: 017ff43519ebb19⋯.jpg (226.6 KB, 1811x1026, 1811:1026, 017ff43519ebb199e06295e927….jpg)

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79f88c  No.16720618

File: 175fcb9d0e8a46f⋯.gif (1.43 MB, 480x348, 40:29, 6F859180_264E_4664_899D_43….gif)

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35a134  No.16720619


She seems legitimately dumb… looks like she went thru her own meth/crack phase.. maybe she was afforded a bunch of coke for awhile? looks and acts like a sad burnout..

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a2a905  No.16720620

File: d6dd208e06de98a⋯.png (12.68 KB, 197x256, 197:256, d6dd208e06de98a18ea81c8c2d….png)


dogboy has fetishisms issues

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f5a9cb  No.16720621

File: beba68b6c49abb2⋯.png (362.95 KB, 523x513, 523:513, 000NSQ4I.png)


czech's out

This time!

Watchin (you)

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2da7cb  No.16720623

File: 0d40a92673b6b12⋯.jpg (120.58 KB, 409x879, 409:879, F_cked_around_with_a_digge….jpg)

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79f88c  No.16720625

File: d64040acbbbc66b⋯.jpeg (71.17 KB, 800x525, 32:21, 82CC9590_2970_474C_A95D_8….jpeg)

File: 42a4e7b77423987⋯.png (461.71 KB, 680x677, 680:677, 53992447_FCB0_4FA9_8176_A7….png)

Gag a goat

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1bb7cf  No.16720627

File: b4479bea6feb0cb⋯.jpg (26.21 KB, 210x255, 14:17, growingstronger2.jpg)

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a2a905  No.16720628

File: 77dab3baf7e9f38⋯.jpeg (370.81 KB, 1140x1280, 57:64, 77dab3baf7e9f38fba6e9469e….jpeg)

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b6cca3  No.16720629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hold the Line Farmers

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f5a9cb  No.16720631

File: 7689191b5a543c5⋯.png (623.44 KB, 922x482, 461:241, 00a.png)

phil bread or shills win

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1e22c2  No.16720632


Pelosi does Bieber before Bieber does Bieber

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2da7cb  No.16720633

File: 1bd71bcc2628b1e⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730340_1.png)

File: 4ec91bfee9f9ab6⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730340.png)


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149580  No.16720635





Her father's name was originally "Giacoppo".


Changed to "Jacobs".

Maybe she should be consider to a pizza!

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2da7cb  No.16720636

File: 81816a41ede4615⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730340_2.png)

File: bce35b66a1f5dd1⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730340_3.png)

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f078f5  No.16720637

File: 1f9566626f295b0⋯.jpeg (566.16 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 1f9566626f295b05fb449cacc….jpeg)

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49e351  No.16720638

File: 64f38c70d50b5af⋯.png (399.84 KB, 474x619, 474:619, ClipboardImage.png)

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8ef1b0  No.16720639


because 420 is too old

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d9d8bd  No.16720640


Kek, agree. These chases are a weekly, if not daily, occurrence there.

That whacko who ended up on a bridge or crane structure (at the Port of LA? IIRC) & stripped before finally jumping was rare exception several years ago.

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2da7cb  No.16720641

File: c0b46914a7f89ec⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730360.png)

File: 55bc8823b2cc21d⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730340_4.png)

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f078f5  No.16720642

File: 3d56ef7a7043a92⋯.png (247.51 KB, 742x651, 106:93, 3d56ef7a7043a92c0e6d32f50d….png)

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2da7cb  No.16720643

File: 7408bd64222931c⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730360_1.png)

File: baa6d1cc93ccac4⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730360_2.png)

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149580  No.16720644



not "consider"

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6a6204  No.16720645

████████╗██╗░░██╗███████╗  ██╗░░░░░██╗██████╗░███████╗██████╗░░█████╗░██╗░░░░░

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3fd37d  No.16720646

File: 386c000fa991484⋯.png (111.36 KB, 214x304, 107:152, ClipboardImage.png)

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2da7cb  No.16720647

File: 9bea7a123d646ab⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730360_3.png)

File: 5477f4699b644c5⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730360_4.png)

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f5a9cb  No.16720648

File: 1b22e6da6f9d09f⋯.png (458.38 KB, 1908x1072, 477:268, 000NSQ4za.png)



one day anon will appropriate your format

you have been warned

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1bb7cf  No.16720649

File: 038563758dbc674⋯.png (680.68 KB, 676x444, 169:111, nightshift_on_deck_ospreys.png)

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2da7cb  No.16720651

File: ab5761bb9d75b64⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730374.png)

File: 81209adc50714fb⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730374_1.png)

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e8c2df  No.16720652

File: eb19784ae081968⋯.png (12.77 KB, 255x245, 51:49, c4dafeb7a0d98648f9ac242b17….png)


Q Research General #21090: Hunter/Vorndran Under Fire as Farmers Fight For Freedom Edition



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2da7cb  No.16720653

File: 7f0917d68de2782⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730374_2.png)

File: 6bb25f1a4006230⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730374_3.png)

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f078f5  No.16720654

File: 7dad87b13569dd7⋯.gif (556.22 KB, 638x638, 1:1, 7dad87b13569dd7f8c28557c6b….gif)

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2da7cb  No.16720655

File: b65973cb589cd9f⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730374_4.png)

File: 7c37265dc3ea0b6⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730388.png)

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0c1acb  No.16720656

File: b51d11d5f12b732⋯.png (341.1 KB, 600x407, 600:407, b51d11d5f12b732498bf5877d5….png)



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2da7cb  No.16720657

File: b7370abe3948cd8⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730388_1.png)

File: c172e5c50f2c28b⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730388_2.png)

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2da7cb  No.16720658

File: 1671b8a0e2b946c⋯.png (578.53 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730388_3.png)

File: 5c22e3fec99f677⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730388_4.png)

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ecc446  No.16720659

Happy to help

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2da7cb  No.16720660

File: 0ce4fa51c579e5f⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730403.png)

File: 8675a39ebac6f0f⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730403_1.png)

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e8c2df  No.16720661

File: 3707588db5419d9⋯.png (726.96 KB, 1080x1978, 540:989, ClipboardImage.png)


Q Research General #21090: Hunter/Vorndran Under Fire as Farmers Fight For Freedom Edition




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3dc44b  No.16720662

File: d2ea4739dc048fb⋯.jpg (51.71 KB, 900x800, 9:8, pepperballs.jpg)

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2da7cb  No.16720663

File: a3ed12eb7d6987e⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730403_2.png)

File: d43d5c71f2941e0⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 1522730403_3.png)

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