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File: d78104cb4c37016⋯.jpg (80.26 KB, 1748x938, 874:469, _WWG1WGA_.jpg)

c1bb19  No.16507612[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

100+ Q Proof Graphics

QProofs.com ————————————–——– Website dedicated to Q Proofs

>>15476532 ————————————–——– Thread

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>>15412505, >>15412491 Q Graphics

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Submit an Event ————————————–——– https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

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* QMap & Mirrors PDF: SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* Q Raw Text Dumps: q-clock.com/q_raw.txt

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Q's Latest Posts

Day 06.25.2022

>>16506930 ————————————–——– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath.

>>16504957 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game once more?

>>16505677 ————————————–——– It had to be done this way.

Day 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

Q Research


>>15406810, >>16085354 New here? Welcome | >>15406442 Board Info, Offsite Bunkers, Optics | >>15406807 Suggested Follow

>>15406812 Other Research Threads | >>15557963 International Research Threads

>>15406815 Resignations & Sealed Indictments | >>15406816 Archives

Tools and Services

>>15406428 Dough Resource Thread

>>15406802 Standard Infowar Procedures | >>15406811 Information Tools & Services

>>15406808 !!! LEARN DIGITAL WARFARE !!!

>>16093637 Q Encyclopedia by ArchiveAnon | >>16092925 Q Video Archive by ArchiveAnon

Join Us

>>15600441 !!! LEARN TO BAKE !!! | >>15406818 Iwo Jima YouTube Link

>>15406820 Meme Requests

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c1bb19  No.16507632


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread

>>16050716 Bakers & notetakers, plz tag the dough

>>16362680 Plz use digs, buns, reports & threads for important info on PDJT

>>16495621 CP guidelines, plz read: No Hunter near kids, use discernment with anything borderline new



>>16506930 Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath. Q

>>16507233, >>16507496 BOOM! 2 year Q post delta - serve your country 6/24/2020 The Oath

>>16507262, >>16507343, >>16507466, >>16507517 Be Advised! Tor is enabled again

>>16506884, >>16506912, >>16506918, >>16506933, >>16507036, >>16507006 Relevent Q drops revisted

>>16506945 Queen Elizabeth is ‘fading away before our very eyes’: royal expert

>>16506973 New Dan Scavino on TS

>>16506990 "This man waited 30 whole years to get Joe Biden back" Done…in…30. Kek.

>>16507035 Scavino insta story right around the time Q dropped. Check out the clock time. 911

>>16507172 Q just returned 1700 days after the first post

>>16507511 Stock market closes week on a high, DOW jumps over 800 points

>>16507595 #20884


>>16506129 Excellent decode on Q's newest post!

>>16506180, >>16506249, >>16506314 Sky Event today is called the "Cosmic Queue"

>>16506268 Incoming blackout?

>>16506320 Thousands of Leftists, Pro-Abortion Protesters Swarming Outside U.S. Supreme Court

>>16506349 Traffic being stopped by antifa and others running across the 110 freeway in Los Angeles

>>16506360, >>16506385 JA Shall we play a game? reposting Snowden Clock from lb

>>16506375 new drop timestamp matches drop 2897 which talks about abortion

>>16506437 Planned Parenthood Texas Ceases Abortions

>>16506496 Be Ye Encouraged! We Be Winning & The Scurvy Dogs They Be Afeared!

>>16506539 Schumann

>>16506543 Attention Anons Be prepared. Be vigilante. Especially my Catholic brothers and sisters. The lefties are being kited to violence

>>16506548 as requested last bread Q drop

>>16506577 The decision to strike down Roe v. Wade (legalized murder) was delivered at 10:10 AM

>>16506649, >>16506672 Time to remember Q mentioned ukraine

>>16506706 Aftershock in Afghanistan kills five people

>>16506762 #20882


>>16505677 It had to be done this way. Q

>>16505405, >>16505420, >>16505663, >>16505606 :ZERO-DELTA on the TIME-STAMP. Spread the word, Q is back!

>>16505404 At Least Two Supreme Court Justices Have Been Moved to “Safe Locations” Due to Threats of Violence From the Left: Report

>>16505562, >>16505648, >>16505653 SKY Event, Roe vs Wade overturned,Q returns, same day!

>>16505582, >>16505590 THE B POST HAS BEEN DELETED FROM /projectdcomms/

>>16505672 PEDO BUN 24 June 22 (added to notes in #20883)

>>16505751 Timestamp chekt, 22:09:39

>>16505890 The latest statement from POTUS45: Biggest WIN for LIFE in a generation...

>>16506068 #20882


>>16504957 Q shall we play a game again?

>>16504612, >>16504664, >>16504692, >>16504696, >>16504719 Is this a turning point in the silent war? Let's check

>>16504613 The Soros bricks return, Why else are there 20 pallets of bricks one block from the House Office Buildings?

>>16504623, >>16504709 LIVE: Pro-abortion extremists marching towards Supreme Court/Capitol area in DC; antifa terrorists are leading the way

>>16504819 Takeaways From The Supreme Court Protection Of Self-Defense Yesterday, in a 6-3 decision, the U.S

>>16504850 Patriots on the Ground, Track Antifa!

>>16504886 US Poseidon Reconnaissance Plane Transits #Taiwan Strait Amid Dispute Over Waterway’s Status

>>16504928 Chinese leader Xi Jinping to visit Hong Kong: Xinhua

>>16504963 Protesters carrying Antifa flag chant “If we don’t get it, burn it down.”

>>16505284 #20881

Previously Collected

>>16504545 #20880

>>16502239 #20877, >>16502958 #20878, >>16503750 #20879

>>16499919 #20874, >>16500694 #20875, >>16501472 #20876

>>16496726 #20870, >>16498345 #20872, >>16499107 #20873

>>16496726 #20870, >>16497269 #20871, >>16498345 #20872

>>16494458 #20867, >>16495258 #20868, >>16465999 #20869

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>16207042 Notables #13: Born For This!

>>16463405 Notables #14: Gonna Rise Up

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c1bb19  No.16507633

File: 0181071d40ba5d4⋯.png (564.59 KB, 1706x1260, 853:630, 0181071d40ba5d4dd96104f66d….png)





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d95e11  No.16507634



>>16507262, >>16507343, >>16507466, >>16507517 Be Advised! Tor is enabled again

this notable is false. TOR does NOT work for anons. only "Q" and apparently one other user responding to them…

we need to hear from BO/BV re: the TOR issue…

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9d873c  No.16507635


u ok bakes?

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34e236  No.16507636

File: 6a2ee30e01f3067⋯.jpg (308.34 KB, 1197x1345, 1197:1345, 00comfy.jpg)

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fe9b3e  No.16507637

File: ece4fdc28e64ee8⋯.png (544.58 KB, 433x590, 433:590, zbest.png)

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58af5c  No.16507638

File: 923d047c959b69c⋯.jpg (33.77 KB, 441x659, 441:659, mariaorsic.jpg)

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bd7530  No.16507639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I haven't been this excited since I felt my first boob.


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892b1a  No.16507640

File: f5b008208d2744b⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1239x1239, 1:1, POTUS_TheElectionFlipped.png)

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757a9b  No.16507641

File: 2ffa3ff5d6e9865⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1071x1936, 1071:1936, ClipboardImage.png)

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e2284f  No.16507642

>>16507588 lb

Amen, bruh.

Newfags aren't anywhere near up to speed on autism.

Hell, I've spent so much time on pol, I don't know if I can get back to this.

But you're right. Public, no more behind closed doors. McShame and GHWB were wrong.

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9d873c  No.16507643


Jim is best reached via telegram

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5038da  No.16507644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4efa77  No.16507645

File: 58c850e344066b3⋯.jpeg (77.22 KB, 512x385, 512:385, BA553082_1335_48BD_B0E7_6….jpeg)

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892b1a  No.16507646


Did you have it removed?

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8144fc  No.16507647

File: eea86e4221e57b2⋯.png (277.56 KB, 461x346, 461:346, 20210205_130804.png)

>>16507608 pb

>Bet this means something [else] BIG is imminent.


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0e0842  No.16507648

File: 78e2b378c4e18cd⋯.png (246.49 KB, 604x530, 302:265, LETSQ.PNG)


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d77878  No.16507649

File: 6237411778eea28⋯.jpeg (9.1 KB, 320x281, 320:281, 62DDC2A9_7401_4532_A194_B….jpeg)

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813708  No.16507650

I have broken out my stash of ze celebratory pots

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dd5cfe  No.16507651


I supposed it's time to listen to this all FUCKING NIGHT LONG.

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725edf  No.16507652

File: a12f12d7acb9280⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 5568x3712, 3:2, 1572658891251.jpg)

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bf0565  No.16507653

File: 9a81f3b0f4d4fd4⋯.png (193.64 KB, 459x451, 459:451, DURRRRR.png)


Durham ?

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bea804  No.16507654

File: 4aa2d18e013915d⋯.jpg (219.51 KB, 466x616, 233:308, Baker_para.jpg)


Dubs check'd

Good job bakes!

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95c121  No.16507655

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6a1cce  No.16507656

File: a7d1bf30fc17813⋯.jpg (49.14 KB, 1824x812, 456:203, 391d27a1738c43d2325c8b6773….jpg)

Thank you Baker

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bd2227  No.16507657

File: 43a6032b2a473e5⋯.jpg (103.37 KB, 800x597, 800:597, e56b1ca6067b048ce7f9df3353….jpg)

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8f963b  No.16507658

>>16507382 /LB

fuckery afoot is/should be expected. [they] are getting their asses handed to them, exposed and criminalized…DUH of course [they] are going to keep trying to fuck us up with their mid/disinformation psyops!

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c07c48  No.16507659

I hit Jim up at Gab to verify Tor

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fc052f  No.16507660

File: 1dd8a22d808fc89⋯.jpg (11.55 KB, 255x185, 51:37, 1dd8a22d808fc891f12a5121be….jpg)


Holy flying breads, Batman. o7

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933b8a  No.16507661


amazing job baker

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d234f4  No.16507662

File: 6b5a99e1e170f94⋯.png (100.75 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 6b5a99e1e170f9491635850ac4….png)

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58af5c  No.16507663

File: 56ab8bfed5f1796⋯.jpg (100.5 KB, 720x952, 90:119, gingerb.jpg)

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4331f1  No.16507664

Where's Kash? We needs some fat rolls!

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d95e11  No.16507665

BO/BV are you taking a nap? anything to say about the TOR issue?

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826be3  No.16507666

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6a019c  No.16507667

File: 3e9f0e27550a734⋯.gif (652.25 KB, 300x300, 1:1, CHECK_EM.gif)



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64c187  No.16507668

Why does Q seem to be Masonic?

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ccc6d0  No.16507669

File: 367f0cfcc575ce2⋯.jpeg (76.05 KB, 680x425, 8:5, A2087C6D_E5C4_4332_BF15_5….jpeg)

File: 4cad59fda477cc4⋯.jpeg (124.11 KB, 690x610, 69:61, 6530E202_7C50_4DA5_943C_0….jpeg)


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3399b0  No.16507670

File: 6718c4f54a06b90⋯.jpg (51.36 KB, 596x289, 596:289, Screenshot_2022_06_24_2126….jpg)

Ron is also implicated in a lot of J6 stuff AND running for Congress. So he has an interest in keeping these new drops pretty simplistic.

Unless someone else has the tripcode. Then I have no idea where this goes.


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1c80a1  No.16507671

File: 24191f42d4c5d1f⋯.png (358.43 KB, 409x474, 409:474, winning2.png)

Thank you, Baker!

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7c1522  No.16507672

One of these kinda moods!



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efcf22  No.16507673

File: 5eeee451bc5fd2c⋯.mp4 (10.2 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Fury.mp4)

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c1bb19  No.16507674

File: 99cceb065119ce0⋯.png (391.96 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 99cceb065119ce06826ca49bd9….png)







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4a801a  No.16507675


Thank you again for choosing the ten hour version.

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e539c2  No.16507676

File: f2893c0f5980874⋯.png (5.46 KB, 322x103, 322:103, ClipboardImage.png)

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fce004  No.16507677

File: ff570d3f8f0e43d⋯.png (54.93 KB, 375x430, 75:86, ff570d3f8f0e43def1312e633c….png)

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38dd2c  No.16507678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Multistream of the Liberal Salt Festival

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df7af2  No.16507679

hmmm, I remember my oath and being left to eat some serious dust for so long. Alot of anons are not so happy. gonna be a few days to contemplate, but we will serve again. The oath binds us, one ring(oath) to bind us….. yada yada yada I didn't forget. MAGA

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ea54c7  No.16507680

File: 58ea6e513a4b267⋯.jpeg (65.76 KB, 731x747, 731:747, 58ea6e513a4b267cab9a2cf7c….jpeg)


It had to be done this way.

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021b31  No.16507681



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35588d  No.16507682


Here I am anon.

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cbdf7f  No.16507683

Wish I could hang longer.

Exhausted, Anons.

Hold the line.

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b49102  No.16507684

File: 15c43877c533a96⋯.png (3.18 MB, 2378x1312, 29:16, Screen_Shot_2022_06_24_at_….png)

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422f38  No.16507686


>>16507517 (me)





Had it saved from 2021-04-05, not working here either.

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cb0325  No.16507687

File: 0c9887c8f26027f⋯.jpg (228.83 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, GenKillUSAGlasses.jpg)



Let's keep it rollin'

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c72201  No.16507688



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1fd6c0  No.16507689

File: a32e21e2ba9ef70⋯.png (74.72 KB, 1868x948, 467:237, June_24_New_Q.png)

File: e22af571c96ccd1⋯.png (666.6 KB, 2268x1532, 567:383, Dec_8_New_Q.png)



I've done this for every Q post since he started after he said 'archive offline' early on. I've shared them here from time to time. Just to celebrate the Second Amendment victory, the Roe Vs. Wade victory and Q's reappearance, I'm posting today's Q post and his previous one before today (Dec 8, 2020).

Welcome back, Q. You were missed but we've been here the whole time fighting the fight.

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000000  No.16507690


you see that there is a tor id, and you think to yourself, hey maybe tor posting is allowed again.

but the old link doesn't work. oh well. but wait there is an additional tor poster.

I am an anon. I research. You should too.


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078d34  No.16507691

File: 327d26a2e3abd45⋯.gif (163.42 KB, 669x472, 669:472, happeningbunker.gif)



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dd5cfe  No.16507692


Exactly. They are scared. They should be. They should all be scared.

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f17c72  No.16507693

File: 759d7195e585639⋯.jpg (69.28 KB, 720x564, 60:47, Screenshot_20220624_222823….jpg)

File: 38e24d9de68f568⋯.jpg (88.63 KB, 720x1162, 360:581, Screenshot_20220624_222804….jpg)

For those who missed Q's first 2 post (like me)


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d234f4  No.16507694

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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87355a  No.16507695

File: ca987ee3d4a4166⋯.png (828.27 KB, 1089x851, 1089:851, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16507559 lb

>>16507449 lb

>>16507477 lb

funny you should mention this

Q-Clock Jun 24, 2022 - Failed Coup = PANIC IN DC


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2a843f  No.16507696

File: 3496ace89fbd75b⋯.jpg (92.1 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 6kt3q7.jpg)

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d337ff  No.16507697

File: 0b611388680563c⋯.jpg (175.61 KB, 1180x842, 590:421, 0b611388680563c39a47c7af7f….jpg)

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ae77dd  No.16507698

File: c6dc00ff052e803⋯.jpg (13.13 KB, 299x300, 299:300, FlyingA.jpg)

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4698a0  No.16507699

File: d6a2c8bea174397⋯.png (1.79 MB, 944x1402, 472:701, PanicInDC_TheAnons.png)

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6b4825  No.16507700

File: 4e6e58d5a253423⋯.jpg (114.41 KB, 600x700, 6:7, 1529979380130.jpg)

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44ca4f  No.16507701

File: ef1b991db384144⋯.png (107.93 KB, 782x210, 391:105, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16507551 LB

AOC is Spain's litter

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078d34  No.16507702

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08a40a  No.16507703

File: 30316d4ade21f86⋯.jpg (3.4 MB, 2746x4885, 2746:4885, tybaker.jpg)



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892b1a  No.16507704

File: d7feeaef5e5b6ec⋯.png (226.05 KB, 441x508, 441:508, PepeCovffeeffee.png)

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d7fed0  No.16507705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

46 = 13


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10ee3b  No.16507706

File: 38df7adc7d1c1c3⋯.jpg (8.35 KB, 255x143, 255:143, Brrrrt.jpg)


My one good moment for the movement was suggesting people video themselves taking the Oath. Turned out rather nice I think.



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34e236  No.16507707

File: 3ee8fa94f775b90⋯.jpg (174.63 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 00_pain.jpg)


>Unless someone else has the tripcode. Then I have no idea where this goes.

Do I detect some PANIC????

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b49102  No.16507708

File: ed6e19179b2ed60⋯.png (2.23 MB, 722x1310, 361:655, Screen_Shot_2022_06_24_at_….png)

God I love this country so much.

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826be3  No.16507709

Kash has got the Goods

Everybody is Bailing

Fly Away Fly

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76eaa6  No.16507710

File: b121cffddbe8076⋯.jpg (546.76 KB, 1910x999, 1910:999, NightShift.jpg)

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6a019c  No.16507711

File: dde2ac55fb26f0b⋯.jpg (945.74 KB, 1250x1023, 1250:1023, digital_minutemen.jpg)

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61a461  No.16507712

File: ec24c7c0ee8ca32⋯.jpeg (184.93 KB, 828x1144, 207:286, 21A6A8AF_FB82_440F_8BCD_B….jpeg)

July 4 is in 10 days…

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c8fd3c  No.16507713

File: 6705096d3b2fef9⋯.jpg (70.63 KB, 1300x680, 65:34, 46234623633717452355888177….jpg)

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d95e11  No.16507714


have you heard from your friend "B"/Sgt. B? any comment on the sketchiness around Q's TOR posts tonight?

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eff280  No.16507715

File: 61ed915dcc72f4e⋯.png (373.04 KB, 439x407, 439:407, potus_flotus_dancing.PNG)


thanks baker

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1a9271  No.16507716

Any explanation why Q+ would suggest people take the jab?

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4efa77  No.16507717


We have the best shifts, tremendous shifts o7

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021b31  No.16507718

File: 51b6a3ea77ff052⋯.jpg (482.81 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 51b6a3ea77ff052025af79bd8d….jpg)

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07b415  No.16507719


Is it time for some ass kicking?

Was listening to Kash, he sounds loose and free with his words.


Smiling a lot lately.

We were told….the best is yet to come.

I believe that with all of my heart.

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d234f4  No.16507720

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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58af5c  No.16507722

i gotta do physical therapy.. later.

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934332  No.16507723

Q, will they steal the November elections? How bad will it get? What can anons do to help you?

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915948  No.16507724

Q, please post to a private board or have POTUS provide confirmation.

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6e051a  No.16507725


>fuckery afoot is/should be expected. [they] are getting their asses handed to them, exposed and criminalized…DUH of course [they] are going to keep trying to fuck us up with their mid/disinformation psyops!

And this is exactly why I'm being OCD over the whole thing. Anons can't post using TOR. Q suddenly comes back with TOR. Another poster, also on TOR (which reg. anons cannot use) comments to Q… on the previous 2 drops…but without a Tripcode. I feel like some people aren't grasping what some of us are trying to explain here, nor why we're being so insistent on better confirmation. You can't have fucky Q posts/posts without the Trip, but with the same TOR ID… outta nowhere and not ask a damn question.

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078d34  No.16507726



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ccc6d0  No.16507727

File: 6e45c2c7d083a64⋯.png (571 KB, 629x680, 37:40, 9D245732_C2ED_4C35_84AF_47….png)

File: b8071b02fd07344⋯.jpeg (37.72 KB, 571x482, 571:482, 2BAFD703_B1F2_41D0_91ED_6….jpeg)

File: 60a9078037e04c2⋯.jpeg (42.31 KB, 357x360, 119:120, 37DECD9D_BFF6_4B4E_981B_1….jpeg)

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c4a524  No.16507728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


bless you baker

bless this dough

in Jesus name


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b49102  No.16507729

File: 00cdab5ab3fad1b⋯.png (3.35 MB, 1598x1200, 799:600, Screen_Shot_2022_06_24_at_….png)

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77db42  No.16507730

When will brainwashed libs wake up?

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3d1f70  No.16507731


Shadilay, Baker.

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1923fb  No.16507732

File: fa2121b0161c17a⋯.png (605.14 KB, 1085x1085, 1:1, 1624161767371.png)

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3216a5  No.16507733

File: 61a5350ea86725c⋯.png (489.54 KB, 732x412, 183:103, media.png)

hi media

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ce0b0d  No.16507734

File: 5e2d17865e5495d⋯.jpg (58.11 KB, 750x490, 75:49, resdfghqwe5rf.jpg)

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9d873c  No.16507735

File: c38f73d6efbdecd⋯.jpg (36.83 KB, 524x476, 131:119, pepe_you_55.jpg)


Kek. Carry on.

Having a couple celebratory swigs of some neat stuff muhself.

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a77b56  No.16507736



Mike is here inpanic


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881a89  No.16507737

Is there a significance to Q's first post in a year and a half being date: 666?

6/24/2022 : 666

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42a89d  No.16507738

File: b6f4db015e3b2af⋯.jpg (11.8 KB, 720x410, 72:41, photo_2022_04_26_10_39_02.jpg)

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a055ea  No.16507739


>"Elections no longer matter at this stage."

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3399b0  No.16507740

File: 2e8c1b13543637d⋯.jpg (51.36 KB, 596x180, 149:45, Screenshot_2022_06_24_2126….jpg)

We take no pleasure in announcing that Q is back and has posted three times today


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4dab32  No.16507741

File: dcfdb70254285b0⋯.png (748.05 KB, 1052x526, 2:1, 010f906ec85b26858a8f4e565e….png)

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e2284f  No.16507742


If you haven't already seen it, watch the movie "Independence Day"

The prez in that gives a speech that matches King Henry V of England at Agincourt.

This is hopeful.

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b49102  No.16507743

File: 68fb8bb6661ed3c⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1192x932, 298:233, Screen_Shot_2022_06_24_at_….png)

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d234f4  No.16507744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2ff914  No.16507745

File: 7ecc98ee01f1fd8⋯.png (163.57 KB, 252x247, 252:247, pepe_love.PNG)

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bf367f  No.16507746

File: 77634dcb827371a⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1136x635, 1136:635, ClipboardImage.png)

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b10985  No.16507747

File: b67826e4ae0ea8f⋯.gif (871.96 KB, 375x304, 375:304, Sneed_sFeed.gif)

Q, what are we to do? The fertilizer, the fuel, the farms are unplanted, the animals are dying, what is next?

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11e583  No.16507748

Feeling a huge positive shift in the fight over evil.

God is good.

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9ed339  No.16507749


Trump would never push or market anything for big pharma, (remember when they sent his son the powder through the mail?) When Trump says to "take the vaccine", he isn't talking to you or me. It takes many years to bring a drug to market (FDA approval 12-15 years), and many millions of dollars in testing ($600 -800M). EVERYONE investigated Trump for 4 years and found nothing, because there is nothing. This man has all his t's crossed and i's dotted, all by the book. The bulk of the work had to be completed long before the applications were submitted, which is why he was able to cut through much of the red tape. In emergencies, human trials can be conducted through the military. When Trump says to "take the vaccine", he is talking to the military personnel who opt into the trial. The fact that no one knows which vaccine he is talking about makes for perfect blind testing. We have yet to see what Trump's vaccines are, but I suspect the ones directly in harms way will benefit from them the most.

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1881c9  No.16507750

File: 563df056d8524a2⋯.jpg (62.33 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 1635137958777.jpg)

File: b25fc3c4138a1f6⋯.jpg (119.91 KB, 1024x597, 1024:597, 43241234312432.jpg)

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9d873c  No.16507751


I never thought he was Q. I never thought he was B either.

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35588d  No.16507753


No I reach out no answer as of yet. Was just as surprised when heading out to dinner and I saw the Q post appear.

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021b31  No.16507754

File: bfb0e4b901fb65e⋯.jpg (63.33 KB, 750x622, 375:311, bfb0e4b901fb65e07c2c0bef9f….jpg)


Mighty decent suggestion, Patriot!

Brings the people together.

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840185  No.16507755



and gave you masks and emergency powers

look to CCP

that explains everything

4th quarter 28-0 and your qb is injured and out of the game. whew.

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61a461  No.16507756



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4698a0  No.16507757

File: 061750c9a0fc309⋯.png (112.56 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, dbag.png)

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a48150  No.16507758

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d234f4  No.16507759

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fecad3  No.16507760

Is Kash going to Declas here?

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c75625  No.16507761

File: 344d49c2fdb7ce8⋯.jpeg (385.15 KB, 1284x1158, 214:193, 1C462B6E_4C84_4780_9DA9_E….jpeg)

File: 8989bedb7c2af6d⋯.jpeg (339.83 KB, 1284x1459, 1284:1459, 72322EF6_B81A_4618_8455_5….jpeg)

File: fa28c2d1fe0c2c4⋯.jpeg (634.97 KB, 1284x2375, 1284:2375, E00F27CD_5B84_43C3_9DF2_6….jpeg)

>>16506835 (pb)

>Not sure what made me stop by about an hour ago, but so glad I did!

I had the same experience, anon. A normie texted me a gify of Gerald Butler and I replyed that guy is in my favorite Q meme video “it’s going to be biblical.” She asked me who is Q?, so I went to grab the URL for Qposts.online and BOOM! I couldn’t believe my eyes!! I saw the two new posts and came here to confirm

It’s been 563 days = Q563 or Q564 if we count today

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830ddd  No.16507762



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42a89d  No.16507763

File: 56e01c504da5e2e⋯.mp4 (3.42 MB, 576x832, 9:13, fuckoff.MP4)

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b49102  No.16507764

File: 0c5d29411da7442⋯.png (2.51 MB, 1470x1324, 735:662, Screen_Shot_2022_06_24_at_….png)

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6e051a  No.16507765


Ah, so suspicions confirmed. It IS fuckery.

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078d34  No.16507766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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44ca4f  No.16507767

File: 4653774ee383dd8⋯.mp4 (2.1 MB, 640x556, 160:139, bowling.mp4)


tanks baker

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ea54c7  No.16507768

File: 3b5bf016c97a112⋯.png (489.33 KB, 751x458, 751:458, 3b5bf016c97a1120b8a4bbea44….png)


Mike Rothschild, if you're reading this

go fuck yourself

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472150  No.16507769

File: 4e86ba85bb44e3f⋯.jpg (51.11 KB, 388x455, 388:455, 1_all_you_can_eat.jpg)

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d74c1b  No.16507770


yeah true except no one is good at imitating Q ….especially shills glowing or not

anyway, long time anons know how he writes

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aacff0  No.16507771

File: 5df8e1cc8e79b31⋯.png (61.13 KB, 664x803, 664:803, ClipboardImage.png)


Let's go baker!

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ef4d78  No.16507772


v v v v v


>>16507623 lb


great show in DC bro!!!

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333bb6  No.16507773

File: c87589fd2a229a5⋯.png (883.2 KB, 940x940, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

REMINDER: Call out notables for baker, the breads are moving fast

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bf367f  No.16507775

File: e3bb280e4fed142⋯.png (558.58 KB, 500x751, 500:751, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16507611 lb


Read as June bounce. The week of July 4 will test the bottom. Hard bottoms bounce 2x.

f you are paying, it's edu. If you are *winning* you are a rodent, or in God's hand. You know what you are.

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07b415  No.16507776


I find comfort in knowing these pricks have been sweating this whole time.

We consume their thoughts.

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35da7c  No.16507777



Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 267e20 No.1918277

Jun 26 2018 22:10:09 (EST)

Desperate agencies do stupid things.

Dead cat bounce.

You may have the site but we have the source.


Panic is good.

Panic is right.

July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH.

Conspiracy no more.

Time to FEED.


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76eaa6  No.16507778

File: 23eeefd2dc73002⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 1000x1500, 2:3, BTILC.jpg)

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a2bbec  No.16507779

File: 97da6cd756ce1be⋯.jpg (14.6 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1629177810762.jpg)


Are you as excited as I am, eBot?

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f12e69  No.16507780

File: 0706a48551974a2⋯.png (123.21 KB, 1710x744, 285:124, Screen_Shot_2022_06_24_at_….png)


> http://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/qresearch/catalog.html

Tor Browser error:

Details: 0xF6 — The provided .onion address is invalid. This error is returned due to one of the following reasons: the address checksum doesn't match, the ed25519 public key is invalid, or the encoding is invalid.

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eff280  No.16507781

File: a58191e772dbe7f⋯.png (258.02 KB, 491x330, 491:330, potus_caught_them_all.PNG)

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b49102  No.16507782

File: 82e8daa9a1f0666⋯.png (3.69 MB, 2032x1454, 1016:727, Screen_Shot_2022_06_24_at_….png)

We are done with you Nancy.

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4c17ca  No.16507783

File: 69bc71cebaa18be⋯.jpg (153.77 KB, 625x703, 625:703, 157301517110.jpg)

File: ee43e7c71ffb665⋯.jpg (208.64 KB, 948x832, 237:208, 00202177.jpg)

File: be5673b284f9718⋯.jpg (247.66 KB, 1107x901, 1107:901, Daniel_in_the_Lion_s_Den.jpg)

File: 75a565a8daf7eb4⋯.jpg (116.33 KB, 906x395, 906:395, 7010032901.jpg)

File: b9f1c5b54c1ad2b⋯.jpg (220.83 KB, 998x670, 499:335, The_Grail_Knight.jpg)



Everyone is born into this world connected to a group or compartmentalization of human global society. We have a big world with many regions. People are born into this world as an individual who will make their own choices. People are born into their respective groups and identities. We have no choices brothers and sisters. We as individuals will make choices in our journey through life that can be measured to be good or evil dependent on the effects of the choices. People can be good or bad by their choices and effects but this is fluid. Popeople can change and their is a balance and or imbalances that happen in life that can change people's alignments. There are good and bad people in every group. Like my first meme I made, I'm trying to make people understand their is vale and worth in practicing wisdom, essentially doing the right things, and the opposite for doing bad things. ….

sorry anons. Guiness again for celebration. Drunk and losing train of thought.

Congrats anons foro you work. For your lurking and for trying to be keep spirits and morale up. Good job anon bros.


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1376d6  No.16507785

File: 27a07aa43f8161a⋯.png (261.81 KB, 483x443, 483:443, 2022_06_24_23_29_37.png)

File: 320c6f312e62e19⋯.png (110.85 KB, 463x494, 463:494, ClipboardImage.png)

Reuters World


Two dead, 10 wounded in Norway nightclub shooting, police say



Garland´s busy in Europe….

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48a2f8  No.16507786

what's the plan?

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4efa77  No.16507787


Mike just be like “They’re talking about me! Notice meeeeee!”

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42a89d  No.16507788

File: 47642eda549b074⋯.jpg (142.8 KB, 491x538, 491:538, freedom.jpg)

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06df00  No.16507789


Admit it fags:

you wanted to see if she made the spare.

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44ca4f  No.16507790

File: 31545531d878dbf⋯.mp4 (7.34 MB, 640x360, 16:9, pepe_shadilay.mp4)

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d77878  No.16507791


It’s all Memes and tyb’s sir kek

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d95e11  No.16507792

>>16507676 Jim's comment on new Q posts


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827614  No.16507793

File: fa751d7ecceb34d⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 480x480, 1:1, fa751d7ecceb34de6a056ef778….gif)





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9d873c  No.16507794

File: f22ec9b629daabb⋯.jpg (63.59 KB, 719x412, 719:412, trump_putin_kim_jong_un_tu….jpg)

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d86280  No.16507795

File: fe4bbfeb0e88b96⋯.png (409.47 KB, 1269x393, 423:131, ClipboardImage.png)

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39cf7b  No.16507796

File: dfd0a1a3b7f363f⋯.png (106.98 KB, 452x1759, 452:1759, ClipboardImage.png)

The oath post was also posted on June 24th

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92e08e  No.16507797


to save the world

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bea804  No.16507798

File: cfa4012e2168b75⋯.jpg (380.73 KB, 808x800, 101:100, eye.jpg)


>long time anons know how he writes

Tru dat.

Anon's gonna need a bigger post.

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f0c18b  No.16507799

File: dfc25366130eb10⋯.png (290.78 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a811d13bb6a62f1⋯.png (89.49 KB, 1125x485, 225:97, ClipboardImage.png)


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d234f4  No.16507800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4698a0  No.16507801

File: d8d0625ec43f5d3⋯.png (301.84 KB, 1171x659, 1171:659, Paine_HTL.png)

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c147f7  No.16507802


>>16506930 ————————————–——–– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath

>>16505677 rt >>16505631 ——— It had to be done this way

>>16504957 ————————————–——–– Shall we play a game once more?

got it worked out doge

Q lines muh only OCD


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74fd99  No.16507803

File: c439fafaf0f96df⋯.png (1.24 MB, 536x809, 536:809, capture_2230_24062022_2032….png)

File: 4e60dfe286ea52e⋯.png (574.02 KB, 537x364, 537:364, capture_2202_24062022_2003….png)

File: 58cb4e21787ede0⋯.mp4 (6.58 MB, 360x360, 1:1, P_E_P_E_SHADILAY_Instrumen….mp4)




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340593  No.16507804

File: 4f059eee43c5171⋯.png (883.28 KB, 1050x591, 350:197, PanicinnDC.png)

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bd2227  No.16507805


dude Q team and Patriots have been kicking ass. And with today's SCOTUS ruling setting up the satanists for exposure. It feels unstoppable. Like it always had since 2016 and oct 2017. God is on our side and this ship is heading towards victory. NO STOPPING IT.

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38cacc  No.16507806

File: 970c5cd820509d9⋯.gif (990.78 KB, 900x614, 450:307, sensoryoverload.gif)


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bf0565  No.16507807

File: d4d729dc5261d22⋯.png (178.14 KB, 254x503, 254:503, ORRRRRRR.png)


@intheMatrixxx, [24.06.22 22:08]

[ Video ]

Is this Q? Trip code hacked or legit.


@intheMatrixxx, [24.06.22 22:16]

[Forwarded from Patri0tsareinContr0l ️️]

As if this day couldn’t get any worse for [them], we now have a possible return of Q.

I can only imagine the PANIC IN DC right now 🔥

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cb0325  No.16507808

File: 3fb3691c07ff598⋯.jpg (789.49 KB, 1257x1440, 419:480, punisher_storm.jpg)


>Mike is here inpanic

Imagine what LdR is thinking.


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ef4d78  No.16507809


hit timestamps on relevant Q posts and 1700 days since first post

larpers not that clever

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a889f4  No.16507810


No. He said he was

Going to declass onTruth and he has his own website etc. he will use something way more public than this board. That said. We should be easy to post on here what he is declassifying as fast as he does it to keep up.

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48a2f8  No.16507811


how tho

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d337ff  No.16507812

File: 7141669b5533f9c⋯.jpg (16.43 KB, 364x248, 91:62, 7141669b5533f9c565c4debe9d….jpg)

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479a7f  No.16507813

File: a2313c781e345fe⋯.jpg (203.31 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, are_we_there_yet_3.jpg)

File: c26b17ec341bb45⋯.jpg (208.75 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, are_we_there_yet_2.jpg)

File: 4bed37539e86820⋯.jpg (104.64 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, are_we_there_yet.jpg)

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5faffc  No.16507815


If you tell us the Elections are safe this time and the Deep States steals it again then you will have no Trust !!

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9e1dd0  No.16507816

File: 0f25c62c33ab413⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, Screenshot_2022_06_25_at_0….png)

File: 4f6b8e30c31486a⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, Screenshot_2022_06_25_at_0….png)

File: 762464be68e66fb⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, Screenshot_2022_06_25_at_0….png)

File: f79187524788539⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, Screenshot_2022_06_25_at_0….png)

File: 86503dc531dd863⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, Screenshot_2022_06_25_at_0….png)

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c8fd3c  No.16507817


Quad sems been chek't

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a48150  No.16507818


anon is old,

but since you've been gone,

anon has been training everyday.

Never thought anon would or could have done it!

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d95e11  No.16507819


can you ask him if TOR posting is enabled?

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12ecf0  No.16507820

>>16507780 see my other post



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dc35dc  No.16507821

File: 3ce31a76c5a10e6⋯.png (4.11 MB, 1997x2618, 1997:2618, Join_the_fight_.png)

File: da19653d4a28c82⋯.png (4.27 MB, 1476x1845, 4:5, Nothing_can_stop.png)

File: 6a607de3f8533f0⋯.jpg (78.73 KB, 675x714, 225:238, POTUS_CON.jpg)

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890610  No.16507822

File: 44476bc883f7fb2⋯.jpg (966.67 KB, 3540x2423, 3540:2423, wade.jpg)


Ive had 36 beers and am sober as shit

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34e236  No.16507823

File: 036f3e9ddc36576⋯.jpg (768.2 KB, 4341x1945, 4341:1945, 036f3e9ddc36576a845343c789….jpg)



Impressive quads, anon.

Also, that drop…

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d234f4  No.16507824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d337ff  No.16507825

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840185  No.16507826


we will see

i am not so sure we are getting out of this one

God bless

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d77878  No.16507827


Supreme Court’s Decision on Roe V Wade was issued at 10:10…

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f8b77e  No.16507828


>The oath post was also posted on June 24th


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ccc6d0  No.16507829

File: 4fef1c897fa3e6a⋯.jpeg (47.86 KB, 560x315, 16:9, 4FD39DCA_9239_43C8_ADCC_2….jpeg)

File: 33ab69ebe1eec17⋯.jpeg (47.7 KB, 765x339, 255:113, 8E9DFF80_60E9_42F6_AC2D_F….jpeg)

File: 8087075b92b0f2f⋯.jpeg (105.28 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, 96FFE6D0_FA66_40B9_8FDF_0….jpeg)

File: 3062f8893271572⋯.jpeg (93.27 KB, 966x423, 322:141, D19C012D_E31C_4678_A766_F….jpeg)

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047a20  No.16507830


Yep, here's the 000000 TOR ID poster.

I'm beginning to think we're being played, ya'll

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92e08e  No.16507831


darkness can not survive in the light

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078d34  No.16507832




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38cacc  No.16507833

File: 2eedf9254a7e71f⋯.png (604.57 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

Pray for the note takers tonight, they need all of our support

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35da7c  No.16507834



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bea804  No.16507835

File: 43427759714884d⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1190x1440, 119:144, Call_out_notables.jpg)

File: b2d4543c29e9df0⋯.jpg (1 MB, 840x1272, 35:53, Bread.jpg)

File: eb579e9d31901e0⋯.jpg (1.26 MB, 1189x1600, 1189:1600, Sam_wants_bakers.jpg)

File: 9082f2ed20852f1⋯.jpg (2.28 MB, 4087x6113, 4087:6113, support_bakers.jpg)

>Old school

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365a7f  No.16507836


Maybe 'Warpspeed' was a whitehat weapon.

Maybe Trump preempted the timing of the vaccine planned release.

Maybe this prevented having the time necessary to implement the Digital I.D.

Maybe it allowed less harmful vaccines to be released before the more harmful ones could be created and released.

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2ff914  No.16507837

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db5629  No.16507838

Q, you have no idea what a morale booster it is to hear from you sir. What a historical week. Then you drop. Man, what a fucking week!!!!


Night all.

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b7237b  No.16507839

File: 0a5711e8bd2eba3⋯.png (91.79 KB, 400x400, 1:1, f2a928917a1ba497.png)

I'm not getting the vaccine Q, you can't force me! I'm not taking it no matter how much you try to convince us!

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d5181f  No.16507840

File: dba585d07545cf0⋯.png (773.76 KB, 775x439, 775:439, QsBack.png)

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ef4d78  No.16507841

File: 8d254e168d5ad05⋯.png (40.89 KB, 1333x642, 1333:642, ClipboardImage.png)



good times

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44ca4f  No.16507842

File: 33ddbb752e43e69⋯.png (703.5 KB, 1290x1469, 1290:1469, ClipboardImage.png)


told us with the first two posts…

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58236c  No.16507843



2000 Mules shows the Power of Geo Tracking, Antifa is all mapped. I Highly doubt all these Blac Bloc Punks are gonna have a spare phone and LEFT if at home. KEK

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4c17ca  No.16507844

File: b8ab0d701b6bd7e⋯.jpg (529.5 KB, 930x1817, 930:1817, 054100434.jpg)

File: a14ef7387061e48⋯.png (1.31 MB, 939x943, 939:943, a14ef7387061e48f0887bbdcfa….png)

File: efb817ea18e1dab⋯.jpg (129.7 KB, 1350x659, 1350:659, 15017012.jpg)

File: deb70abdcedb0e9⋯.jpg (51.72 KB, 428x559, 428:559, Latenight_Lurkers.jpg)

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be71f3  No.16507845

File: d74326052462883⋯.jpeg (71.12 KB, 390x260, 3:2, 2C62DA00_D23C_4520_B560_C….jpeg)


1700 days of Q

Dark to light

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9d873c  No.16507846



and funny

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89efc5  No.16507847

why is he posting now?

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4698a0  No.16507848


July is MAGA Month.

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d234f4  No.16507849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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458ecf  No.16507850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

итак, как прошел перерыв у всех? ты немного выучил русский язык? благословляю вас всех, сохраняйте веру.

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b49102  No.16507851

File: 952d92c8a0bc41e⋯.png (2.9 MB, 1732x1054, 866:527, Screen_Shot_2022_06_24_at_….png)

Q was right about Kash

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1923fb  No.16507852

File: 1c6e2c5e9dc49e2⋯.jpg (50.58 KB, 720x225, 16:5, 20220624_213551.jpg)

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5ada4f  No.16507853

File: 47c0522c40ee66b⋯.jpeg (1.83 MB, 2935x3070, 587:614, DEDE2351_115C_4CB8_AEB2_7….jpeg)

File: 15d7431adbfe026⋯.jpeg (202.1 KB, 567x1022, 81:146, 4EE3858F_8AB5_46B2_8BE1_4….jpeg)

Season II?


Dec. 19, 2019

>“Backchannels are important…”

—>“White Squall”

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016d7e  No.16507854

File: 8e4a94d01264874⋯.png (821.71 KB, 1226x676, 613:338, Screenshot_2022_06_24_at_2….png)

>the UNsurrection

United Nations rights chief Bachelet slams Supreme Court abortion decision

By David R. Sands - The Washington Times - Friday, June 24, 2022

The top United Nations human rights official denounced the Supreme Court’s decision Friday to overturn the national right to abortion as “a huge blow to women’s human rights and gender equality.”

The statement by Michele Bachelet, the U.N. high commissioner for human rights, is the latest sign that the U.S. high court’s moves are making waves far beyond America’s shores. The leading Chinese state propaganda organ on Thursday ran a similarly critical story on the court’s striking down of state gun control laws.


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830ddd  No.16507855


Q’s “Take the Oath” post was also on June 24th


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021b31  No.16507856



That looks like shit and it has the wrong link, fuckin shill


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a055ea  No.16507857

File: ecfab7273ab82b8⋯.png (234.94 KB, 728x443, 728:443, PointerVaginaCannon.png)




>Dead cat bounce.

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c0bcce  No.16507858

File: a94d27d996f645d⋯.png (8.06 MB, 3200x4000, 4:5, jan152022HAMMERJUSTICEdjtj….png)



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7c1522  No.16507859

File: eb06e83c66592c1⋯.jpeg (272.74 KB, 1425x2041, 1425:2041, 57DD5A20_EA2A_418F_8722_3….jpeg)

File: 3212f6d6c302ab7⋯.jpeg (32.93 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1E511111_816E_4CF9_9C0B_F….jpeg)

Q, when is this POS going to see some justice?

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495b91  No.16507860

File: ccab09219daa1f1⋯.gif (283.68 KB, 245x182, 35:26, tumblr_inline_ms09d5P58K1q….gif)

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c72201  No.16507861



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fe9b3e  No.16507862



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c766ce  No.16507863

File: 279a3fab22897e7⋯.png (411.93 KB, 626x465, 626:465, ClipboardImage.png)


the meme war to end all meme wars

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e231bd  No.16507864

File: c11bb83f160b8f9⋯.jpg (53.28 KB, 715x436, 715:436, ZomboMeme_01042022071109.jpg)

File: 1cda9edd6066c7d⋯.jpg (62.65 KB, 960x720, 4:3, ZomboMeme_29032022203052.jpg)

File: 3fa007089f3b9d9⋯.jpg (41.16 KB, 640x274, 320:137, ZomboMeme_07052022084559.jpg)

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890610  No.16507865

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bf367f  No.16507866

File: 60d808486bd0754⋯.png (524.18 KB, 720x789, 240:263, ClipboardImage.png)


I think it is funny as hell that the murder cycles, sold only to chalks for decades, are now killing asians.

Every jewish son will tell you, they were forbidden to ride, on penalty of ostracism.

I am ranked AA.

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d77878  No.16507867


NOTABLEOG Anon op ed

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d95e11  No.16507868


damn they were real quick to announce this

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725edf  No.16507869

File: 35bd99cdbb31cc7⋯.jpg (74.73 KB, 844x1024, 211:256, 1572404663498.jpg)


why not?

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ce0b0d  No.16507870

Small number of LAPD holding ground against large mob. Nightsticks being used.

"Officer needs help"

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c8ea7b  No.16507871


Elections are safe if the 2020 election was actually just a movie where Biden was allowed to win in order to show normies the truth. This is not just another 4-year election.

"Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light."

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a1fabb  No.16507872


There are no brakes on this train, Mike.

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1c80a1  No.16507873

File: cdc8adacfec08cb⋯.png (498.24 KB, 800x432, 50:27, ClipboardImage.png)

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d234f4  No.16507874

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4942a8  No.16507875

My dad just said to me today, jokingly, to get over the Q stuff…

And here you are. BRB, gotta call dad and give him a hard time!

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4896b4  No.16507876

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c8fd3c  No.16507877


So you had a good day yesterday? That's tight.

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aacff0  No.16507878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Shit is popping off in LA.

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fecad3  No.16507879

File: e61aaad6cd80dde⋯.png (587.04 KB, 891x595, 891:595, RoverMONS.png)

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41bb77  No.16507880

File: d5b46fb84fc99f2⋯.png (380.39 KB, 474x631, 474:631, B3F2D094_933B_4A59_9FDE_A9….png)

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c6f72d  No.16507881

File: 75d1245d521769c⋯.mp4 (5.28 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Band_Back_together.mp4)


Mike Rothschild is just as happy as we are. He gets to play again. Daily beast gets to play again. NBC gets to run segments again. Brookings Institute can write reports on Q again. Media matters gets donations to employ shill team 6 again. Q is a party for EVERYBODY!

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c1bb19  No.16507882



Already in LB notes, o7

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12ecf0  No.16507883


use tor browser

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a2bbec  No.16507884

File: 5baba9efb901265⋯.png (84.29 KB, 259x195, 259:195, 6234566435.png)


Jim is too fat to be Q.

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c147f7  No.16507885

>>10592443 ————————————–——– (Cap: )

>>10592228 rt >>10591965 ———–––——–— (Cap: )

>>10988277 ————————————–——– Nothing is random. (Cap:)

>>>/projectdcomms/107 ————————––– Adam

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0fe272  No.16507886


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021b31  No.16507887

Q's Latest Posts

Day 06.25.2022

>>16506930 ————————————–——– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath.

>>16504957 rt>>16505361 ———–––——–—Shall we play a game once more?

>>16505677 ————————————–——– It had to be done this way.

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a50911  No.16507888

File: fd93a302a6d8520⋯.jpeg (83.63 KB, 1125x1125, 1:1, fd93a302a6d85206c9205bb14….jpeg)


Fuck off.

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07b415  No.16507889


you're right.

I meant moar ass kicking.

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479a7f  No.16507890

File: 6ea85da85a5f266⋯.jpg (178.53 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, god_woke_you_up_03_.jpg)

File: d77b63ff68c6da4⋯.jpg (156.63 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, god_woke_you_up_09_.jpg)

File: 9f3a5d48e5df3a3⋯.jpg (182.42 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, god_woke_you_up_10_.jpg)

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9e1dd0  No.16507891

File: 38add6157e750dc⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, Screenshot_2022_06_25_at_0….png)

File: a02359d123f956d⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, Screenshot_2022_06_25_at_0….png)

File: 1c8b8f01f72e6dc⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, Screenshot_2022_06_25_at_0….png)

File: 57a9bf98774ce35⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, Screenshot_2022_06_25_at_0….png)

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3399b0  No.16507892

File: 30f84f1d606aebe⋯.jpg (52.33 KB, 592x372, 148:93, Screenshot_2022_06_24_2126….jpg)


Relevant to Tor users, apparently.

Might be the kind of thing you do if you don't want people to know you're posting in, say, Arizona.


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e855b6  No.16507893

File: d54053b95077f4f⋯.png (137.06 KB, 934x419, 934:419, ClipboardImage.png)


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ce0b0d  No.16507894

Fireworks being used against LAPD.

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74fd99  No.16507895

File: 6d3a65d80291522⋯.jpg (98.09 KB, 598x602, 299:301, 6d3a65d8029152293fc2ff83fc….jpg)

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881a89  No.16507896



He had no choice. If he said dont take the jab they wouldve crucified him in the press. So instead he said look its your option to take it or not. Now all that is being exposed, how the jab had risks they tried to hide for 75 years, how they fired healthcare workers who refused it, how ineffective it was, and how they tried for force endless booster shots on everyone.

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6a019c  No.16507897

File: 4d489612a8468e3⋯.png (91.24 KB, 400x333, 400:333, 1529373783831.png)

Lets fucking gooooooooooooooo

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a77b56  No.16507898






Funny how little mikey speaks at J6 sham show then its canceled….PANIC PANIC PANIC

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7f5c83  No.16507899

File: 6187e8e402d7b45⋯.jpg (206.12 KB, 1280x1189, 1280:1189, IMG_20210918_092948.jpg)

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021b31  No.16507900

Q's Latest Posts

Day 06.25.2022

>>16506930 ————————————–——– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath.

>>16504957 rt >>16505361 ———–––——–—Shall we play a game once more?

>>16505677 ————————————–——– It had to be done this way.

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a889f4  No.16507901


I second this one. Notable AND Funny. I can here the REEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!! All the way over here. 😆

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8144fc  No.16507902

File: 68d4d8071815b75⋯.png (71.16 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepe.png)





e erybody to your posts!!!

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89efc5  No.16507903

so he was waiting for an abortion ruling?

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efcf22  No.16507904

File: 2af17d7756dc400⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB, 1276x720, 319:180, whisper_laugh.mp4)

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fe9b3e  No.16507905

File: cbcebafa608d575⋯.jpg (20.93 KB, 400x400, 1:1, capt_obv.jpg)

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10ee3b  No.16507907

File: fce44868b9c4fc0⋯.png (601.27 KB, 735x502, 735:502, Nightshift.png)



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4c17ca  No.16507908

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f17c72  No.16507909

257 posts and already 149 UIDs

Q brings em out of the woodwork

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38cacc  No.16507910

File: 2214ec2b5802936⋯.gif (362.55 KB, 498x372, 83:62, excellent.gif)



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d33f07  No.16507911

1717 -

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fc9e8f  No.16507912

File: 9e8d401ab68f9b5⋯.png (160.38 KB, 568x348, 142:87, little_rascals_playing.png)

File: 06b8da756fe3439⋯.png (304.82 KB, 456x370, 228:185, hero_bakers.png)

File: fb8029175b4811b⋯.png (362.62 KB, 493x370, 493:370, I_need_your_attention_1.png)

35 minute bread !

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c147f7  No.16507913



these are the lines to use and formatting for Q's


what a PITA

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333bb6  No.16507914

File: 5eaef54a2335308⋯.png (672.98 KB, 917x1206, 917:1206, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04b7c6c2bae69bb⋯.png (573.15 KB, 900x900, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Bo Snerdley message to Rush on ending Roe V Wade

Thank you Rush Limbaugh for 33 years of conservative messaging. This Roe V Wade decision - overturning federally sanctioned genocide in America is due to a conservative base - that you helped establish.


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b49102  No.16507915

File: d397e5ba461454a⋯.png (3.14 MB, 1642x1332, 821:666, Screen_Shot_2022_06_24_at_….png)

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38dd2c  No.16507916

Who will be the first on Truth Social to get Q'd?

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e2284f  No.16507917

If the msm picks up Q's return, that will be their casis belli. They'll use it as an excuse to surveill right-wingers.

Be careful out there, anons. They need any excuse they can find to silence us.

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c0bcce  No.16507919

File: e7a8918e8891276⋯.png (9.42 MB, 3700x5000, 37:50, D5expandusarmySOTUUkFlag.png)



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e8519f  No.16507920

Has anyone found a cure to long covid yet?

There has to be some way to heal the massive inflammation damage.

Baby/Child blood would work?

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d5dc2a  No.16507921

File: 5b83ac27120df48⋯.jpg (92.71 KB, 427x520, 427:520, 5b83ac27120df4872bec99e155….jpg)

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ccc6d0  No.16507923

File: d7b71f04f936651⋯.jpeg (22.12 KB, 180x255, 12:17, B1FED6E6_3752_4798_9E8E_C….jpeg)

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6a019c  No.16507924

File: 96861d7eb7142be⋯.png (444.61 KB, 436x436, 1:1, 1476832137645.png)


nice filepaths dipshit

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078d34  No.16507925

File: 8e5709ae1e57f8f⋯.jpg (156.2 KB, 1545x1613, 1545:1613, 8e5709ae1e57f8f9544efc097d….jpg)


where are these retards

looks tame

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8ea51c  No.16507926

File: a5ccf4a239f969b⋯.png (240.75 KB, 826x618, 413:309, pepe_im_helping.png)

What was the oath again? To stand by and watch helplessly as elections are stolen, children are groomed and sexually mutilated, and the criminals tending this insane asylum dumpster fire do so with impunity?

If that was the oath, then we're good oath keepers. We are helping.

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5a3e90  No.16507927

File: 08b579152597ec3⋯.png (848.41 KB, 1317x880, 1317:880, NightShift1.png)

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bd2227  No.16507928

File: b784be9a1f06852⋯.jpeg (83.21 KB, 600x431, 600:431, b784be9a1f068524f3d6a7e27….jpeg)


the movie is playing. please kek audibly and enjoy the ride

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12ecf0  No.16507929

File: dbd89c9a27e563f⋯.jpg (8.58 KB, 250x223, 250:223, apu_thumbs_up.jpg)

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efcf22  No.16507930

File: bf0d834facf6be1⋯.mp4 (140.9 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, anons.mp4)


>Q is a party for EVERYBODY!

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021b31  No.16507931


Q's Latest Posts

Day 06.25.2022

>>16506930 ————————————–——– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath.

>>16504957 rt >>16505361 ———–––——–—Shall we play a game once more?

>>16505677 ————————————–——– It had to be done this way.


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9d873c  No.16507932


This is the way. How many active bakers baked when Q posted in the past?

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66bcdd  No.16507933

I'll go with the 24 hour rule on news - including Q news.

Jim has to explain the Tor access.

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bea804  No.16507934

File: 75cc4d0ab10e404⋯.jpeg (236.78 KB, 680x680, 1:1, In_the_pipe.jpeg)


Dubs dubs check'd


We're in the pipe.

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c72201  No.16507935




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48a2f8  No.16507936


fasting helps with inflammation

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c5b2f2  No.16507937

File: 53bad7917c00106⋯.jpg (145.3 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Hotel_8Kun.jpg)

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b49102  No.16507938

File: d397e5ba461454a⋯.png (3.14 MB, 1642x1332, 821:666, Screen_Shot_2022_06_24_at_….png)


Bottom of the 9th, 2 outs, Trump at Plate.

Do it Q

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078d34  No.16507939


yeah, Dr Kaufman

you just admit it doesn't exist

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88149f  No.16507940


TYB 🫡🇺🇸

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27189f  No.16507941

File: df356cef7aa197c⋯.jpeg (72.39 KB, 1024x642, 512:321, AAC5567C_6F43_4393_972C_6….jpeg)

File: 44748d4bfee29c6⋯.png (49.27 KB, 570x444, 95:74, BD55E0C3_7D02_45F9_B9D0_3E….png)


Fill in the blank

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77db42  No.16507942

After George Floyd racial bs and abortion outrage - the only other thing left to distract the sheeple is tanking everything.

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4efa77  No.16507943

Anons who are the praying sort might want to say a word for our police tonight. Despite all the anti-cop sentiment coming from the Uvalde bs, there are good people in harm’s way tonight.

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38cacc  No.16507944

File: ba8811bed89e1c7⋯.gif (23.4 KB, 299x169, 23:13, bb.gif)


It will be verified by the board owner. Qs posts set off the app and I'm sure the BO has it. He's aware of Q being active again.

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10ee3b  No.16507945

File: d7c58c5a44384cf⋯.png (11.5 KB, 255x241, 255:241, pepelaughcry.png)


Kek. That is funny… what do you think Mikey?

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fb63a8  No.16507946

File: 8fefd70314fa4a8⋯.png (183.05 KB, 756x850, 378:425, richard_beebo_russell_q400….png)

>>16507622 pb

It's a direct copy of a 2-year delta post

>>16507588 pb

>No, we don’t want to play another game because life isn’t a game and humanity are not players.

>>16507521 pb

Those passwords are old.

They all predate8/10/18

I mean if you study the trips they are associated with.

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726d2b  No.16507947



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13d94e  No.16507948

File: f7c796e87f89178⋯.png (1.04 MB, 863x1534, 863:1534, comeypointer.png)

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4d06b2  No.16507949

File: 609b6afeb6e2600⋯.png (518.03 KB, 833x1280, 833:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸, [6/24/2022 11:21 PM]

[Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)]

[ Photo ]

"11.3" = "113"?

Type "410 US 113" into any web browser and see what pops up.


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021b31  No.16507950


Two are here now, that I know of…. who cares anyway

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c3b837  No.16507951

File: 9de1200fa13084e⋯.png (53.87 KB, 918x319, 918:319, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 20e93eba442e34d⋯.gif (3.44 MB, 452x308, 113:77, unnamed.gif)

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078d34  No.16507953


no he doesn't, stop being a faggot lmao

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892b1a  No.16507954

File: 6858028fe10737f⋯.png (19.56 KB, 424x419, 424:419, ClipboardImage.png)

It's been 563 days for Q to reemerge.

Q post 563:

Why are we here?

Why are we providing crumbs?

Think MEMO.


Not convinced this is spreading?

You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER.

You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY.


APART you are weak.












This is more important than you can imagine.


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1a9271  No.16507955

I think we're all going to be playing a game real soon, it's called "how not to starve to death"

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44ca4f  No.16507956

File: 9cd629e47bc57c5⋯.png (284.56 KB, 385x535, 77:107, ClipboardImage.png)


the only thing we count are boobs

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c4a524  No.16507957

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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bd2227  No.16507958

File: c99ae344f7939c7⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1099x706, 1099:706, Screenshot_2020_09_01_Q_Re….png)

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b49102  No.16507959

File: 535199f5aedfd5b⋯.png (1.19 MB, 992x962, 496:481, Screen_Shot_2022_06_24_at_….png)

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8b82a0  No.16507960

File: 7c20969c2052573⋯.png (434.99 KB, 1441x689, 1441:689, 7c20969c205257369545c6e6e6….png)

Hey Q.

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eff280  No.16507961

File: 231908d44d5560a⋯.png (294.44 KB, 467x489, 467:489, pepe_call_of_doody.PNG)

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4c17ca  No.16507962

File: 60e0e0237b26407⋯.jpg (75.18 KB, 472x504, 59:63, angels_over_earth_2.jpg)

File: 6067cc5367e75d9⋯.jpg (518.21 KB, 1280x1808, 80:113, tumblr_nvilyeeBC31uaxri9o1….jpg)

File: 3741e09b44b16aa⋯.jpg (152.99 KB, 660x578, 330:289, m.jpg)

File: 93fa7223f47845f⋯.jpg (77.43 KB, 474x474, 1:1, 00329011.jpg)

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74fd99  No.16507963

File: 03d7ad83f8f29e6⋯.jpg (54.38 KB, 296x146, 148:73, _Anonymous_You_44_minutes_….jpg)

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5bc511  No.16507964


I happened to wake up at the same time Q posted(didn't realize Q posted until 30min later)

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5038da  No.16507965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9d873c  No.16507966


BO already verified on tg, but only half ass, respectfully;

"wasn't me"

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a9b2c2  No.16507967

File: f08b05c9bc6471b⋯.png (321.82 KB, 853x554, 853:554, ClipboardImage.png)


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016d7e  No.16507968

File: 77ea71121c39932⋯.png (566.96 KB, 638x422, 319:211, Screen_Shot_2022_06_24_at_….png)

Friday night Q & A

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efcf22  No.16507969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Fireworks being used against LAPD.

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bd7530  No.16507970

File: d8f9e359ee4dd76⋯.png (12.82 KB, 255x169, 255:169, 5c7befb109314920151192df5c….png)


Independence dubs confirmed

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4604fc  No.16507971

We are not in Arizona

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ccc6d0  No.16507972

It has been a while since we've watched a good old fashioned PANIC

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8f963b  No.16507973


Thing is they should be scared of us, yes, but they should be terrified of God, the Lord and our Redeemer. They KNEW this was coming, how did they possibly think they could defeat the most high? Hilarious!

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495b91  No.16507974

When does this Global Human Livestock Plantation magically become a limitless expanse of unified free peoples in every way?

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d95e11  No.16507975

File: ced31be12eb32d2⋯.png (132.32 KB, 500x500, 1:1, facepalm.png)



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c147f7  No.16507976

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a687a7  No.16507977

File: eb070d8ebb66272⋯.png (39 KB, 577x290, 577:290, AndyNgo_tweet.png)

#Antifa in Portland, Ore. marching in the pro-abortion protest over Roe v. Wade has smashed out the windows of the @ShopAtPioneer mall in downtown. @PortlandPolice stayed away. In 2020, the mall was smashed into & looted by rioters chanting in support of BLM.


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23d30b  No.16507978

File: 26024b4b1f73583⋯.png (274.15 KB, 812x1014, 406:507, ns_tunnel.png)

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fe9b3e  No.16507979

File: 57de0a25842587c⋯.mp4 (7.6 MB, 854x480, 427:240, xyes.mp4)

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f0c18b  No.16507980


Yeah. I was in a rush. Whatever.

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c6f72d  No.16507981


Out of order

Should be:

>>16506930 ————————————–——– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath.

>>16505677 rt >>16505361 ———–––——–—It had to be done this way.

>>16504957 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game once more?

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a77b56  No.16507982

File: 64cac99fee1e9fd⋯.png (419.15 KB, 427x520, 427:520, ClipboardImage.png)

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4d06b2  No.16507983

File: d4ce19ee0826ef2⋯.png (710.19 KB, 869x958, 869:958, ClipboardImage.png)

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3399b0  No.16507984

File: d355f4b9e899b68⋯.jpg (54.27 KB, 600x301, 600:301, Screenshot_2022_06_24_2126….jpg)


It's not the case that *all* TOR users are pedophiles

(Yeah, someone's nuts are twisted into their panties.)


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479a7f  No.16507985

File: 72bbc49853ed026⋯.jpg (169.76 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, trump_said_house_cards.jpg)

File: fec4991fb077112⋯.jpg (172.29 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, jan_6_was_the_protest.jpg)

File: 7961d92e3a27f3f⋯.jpg (165.91 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, hang_in_there.jpg)

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aefb13  No.16507986

File: 956c9d986e143ca⋯.png (75.47 KB, 596x672, 149:168, ClipboardImage.png)

Barbarian Capital


Reading the House report on the $GME saga (via @MarcRuby's Substack)


this is great… the Head of Data Science (!) was in charge of collateral, using Excel, and did not know about additional undercapitalized broker requirements


So, how's that IPO fee taste now GS? Did you know the US atty of the N dist of CA seized Vlad's mobile the day the IPO deal was announced? Did someone promise Vlad something by text that they shouldn't have to do the deal? Did you know Vlad isn't licensed to sell securities, let alone manage a brokerage?


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000000  No.16507987


on your end buddy

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892b1a  No.16507989


I wish she didn't have that horrible monstrosity of a tattoo on her right leg.

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f17c72  No.16507990

It was Q. It was his cadence.

Anon dayshift talking today about he wasn't coming back. I was wrong. Glad I was wrong. Welcome back, Q, sir, old fren.

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1c80a1  No.16507991

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We can meme if we want to

We can leave their shit behind

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c0bcce  No.16507992

File: 08baa491dcd831f⋯.png (6.92 MB, 3600x4500, 4:5, DTLkillerwhaleBOOMwDSwokew….png)



Richard B Russell

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021b31  No.16507993


Q's Latest Posts

Day MM.DD.2022

>>10592443 ————————————–——– (Cap: )

>>10592228 rt >>10591965 ———–––——–— (Cap: )

>>10988277 ————————————–——– Nothing is random. (Cap:)

>>>/projectdcomms/107 ————————––– Adam


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9d873c  No.16507994

File: f932dc08935b166⋯.jpg (15.1 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepe_gump_mama_said_they_b….jpg)

File: bc0527eceae6344⋯.jpg (12.43 KB, 261x166, 261:166, chick_cat_pandemic_dem_pan….jpg)

File: e694668f6cfcaa2⋯.gif (361.32 KB, 360x240, 3:2, kermit_panic.gif)

File: 164ac34c79684d4⋯.png (48.45 KB, 400x400, 1:1, daffy_duck_panic.png)

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fb63a8  No.16507995

File: 937180ea772ac35⋯.png (477.71 KB, 2468x1996, 617:499, CIA_WOKE_PSYOP_COMMUNISM.png)


>Desperate agencies do stupid things.

you mean like a cisgender millennial who's been diagnosed with generalized anxiety?

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45f208  No.16507996

File: 9427f8ddfec6a9b⋯.png (15.53 KB, 209x255, 209:255, howqanonturnedmegay.png)

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42e0a1  No.16507997

File: 8a32467df92f836⋯.jpeg (48.41 KB, 600x600, 1:1, frogs_like_water.jpeg)


Lighting off giant firework displays over those protests would be glorious.

To finish them off, play patriotic music.

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a2bbec  No.16507998



More like schemin'

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a50911  No.16507999

File: 46a13235931e88f⋯.jpg (320.8 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, 45c76v87b78.jpg)

File: 6656b7e81fa19e1⋯.jpg (25.31 KB, 398x367, 398:367, iuFTAUM89V.jpg)

File: 1b4a489a61aeb76⋯.jpg (59.71 KB, 645x721, 645:721, ycrtuiunoiujm.JPG)


add these for your card collection.

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827614  No.16508000

File: 684104ab7de8437⋯.gif (5.19 MB, 480x740, 24:37, 684104ab7de84370e52c577dbc….gif)




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3efe65  No.16508001


Meat and vegetables only, no grains, no dairy, no seed oils. Peel your fruit and veg (the skins have anti-herbivore toxins),

Lemon juice/baking soda regimen in the morning


Vitamin K

Vitamin E


Milk Thistle

Vitamin D


And a good multi-vitamin

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c8ea7b  No.16508002

File: 17d1fe6da666fca⋯.jpg (49.27 KB, 337x343, 337:343, .jpg)

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4a801a  No.16508003

Q deleted the B post if nobody else has noticed.

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a055ea  No.16508004


It's certainly a marker event.

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ae77dd  No.16508005

File: 3c2908df5126f84⋯.jpg (41.47 KB, 612x408, 3:2, NightBaby1_NS.jpg)

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ef4d78  No.16508006

File: 72fd73311c8d31d⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1468x1333, 1468:1333, ClipboardImage.png)






something to ponder-

Q teammight need to post on tor for cover as they may not have secure DoD servers anymore

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b49102  No.16508007

File: c84f279d6340c4f⋯.png (1.28 MB, 994x980, 71:70, Screen_Shot_2022_06_24_at_….png)

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87de1b  No.16508008

File: 6046968fdbff30a⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB, 828x1710, 46:95, EDAE83D6_D703_4934_8DD0_4….jpeg)

Hey Q!

We never left!

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ae1e2c  No.16508009


You'll find out.

It's time

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34e236  No.16508010

Tor is fucking SLOWWWWWWWWW

the CAPTCHA is fucking killing me

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eff280  No.16508011


they already know about Q returning

they already surveilling us and have been for years

however, they will not silence us

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6a019c  No.16508012

File: 20abdd6f31ffb09⋯.jpg (8.51 KB, 250x243, 250:243, 1525401062163.jpg)


at any given hour of the day, 1-5 or so. More pop out of the woodwork when q posts.

some had day shift and some night shift. graveyard was generally only 1 baker sometimes ebakes. OP is a faggot and most bakers were not an exception

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892b1a  No.16508013

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d77878  No.16508014

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bf0565  No.16508015

File: 6371d830eaa4f45⋯.png (164.48 KB, 856x682, 428:341, WEEEEEEEEEE.png)


Tyrant Justin Trudeau Weeps Over US Women ‘Losing’ the Right Over Their Bodies — After Forcing Every Person in Canada to Receive Experimental Vaccine

By Jim Hoft

Published June 24, 2022 at 10:15pm

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bea804  No.16508016

File: 32a6fd941dc1c8d⋯.jpg (219.5 KB, 590x543, 590:543, Interdasting_2.jpg)

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4698a0  No.16508017


everybody noticed

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fecad3  No.16508018

10 days until July 4

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d95e11  No.16508019


summer of 2018 there were at least 7 of us, if not more (7 i knew by name)

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38dd2c  No.16508020

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4dab32  No.16508021

File: fffba42ba133775⋯.mp4 (11.75 MB, 512x320, 8:5, fffba42ba133775bd48ebd5e22….mp4)

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4c17ca  No.16508022

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Arrr! Hand over the keks and ale.

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d234f4  No.16508023

File: cce4a8306df72d5⋯.jpg (16.79 KB, 227x255, 227:255, _.jpg)

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c1bb19  No.16508024




>>16507634, >>16507686, >>16507780 CORRECTION: TOR does NOT work for anons. only "Q" and apparently one other user responding to them… we need to hear from BO/BV re: the TOR issue…

>>16507670 Mike Rothschild still obsessed with CMZ, I see.. PANIC?

>>16507676 Jim's comment on new Q posts

>>16507695 Q-Clock Jun 24, 2022 - Failed Coup = PANIC IN DC

>>16507712 July 4 is in 10 days

>>16507777 Q1595 Panic is good. Panic is right.

>>16507785 Two dead, 10 wounded in Norway nightclub shooting, police say

>>16507799, >>16507949 Roe V. Wade = 11.3?

>>16507807 @intheMatrixxx As if this day couldn’t get any worse for [them], we now have a possible return of Q.

>>16507878 Live in LA

>>16507914 Bo Snerdley message to Rush on ending Roe V Wade

>>16507954 It's been 563 days for Q to reemerge. Q post 563



Okay I got it meow, soz

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c147f7  No.16508025


muh ass


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d5181f  No.16508026

File: 35a74e38670a64e⋯.png (48.7 KB, 281x378, 281:378, ab2.png)


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70fd12  No.16508027

File: a1ad5233407f554⋯.png (182.86 KB, 638x876, 319:438, ClipboardImage.png)




holy sheeit

last bread notable and pastebin on q drop.





>>16506930, >>16506934, >>16506935, >>16506937, >>16506938, >>16506940, >>16506942, >>16506943, >>16506944, >>16506948, >>16506949, >>16506957, >>16506958, >>16506959, >>16506960, >>16506961, >>16506963, >>16506965, >>16506967, >>16506968, >>16506969, >>16506972, >>16506974, >>16506977, >>16506981, >>16506982, >>16506984, >>16506986, >>16506989, >>16506992, >>16506993, >>16506994, >>16506995, >>16506996, >>16506999, >>16507001, >>16507002, >>16507003, >>16507004, >>16507005, >>16507007, >>16507008, >>16507009, >>16507012, >>16507014, >>16507015, >>16507016, >>16507020, >>16507021, >>16507023, >>16507025, >>16507027, >>16507029, >>16507031, >>16507032, >>16507033, >>16507037, >>16507039, , >>16507040, >>16507041, >>16507044, >>16507047, >>16507048, >>16507050, >>16507051, >>16507053, >>16507056, >>16507057, >>16507058, >>16507059, >>16507060, >>16507062, >>16507065, >>16507066, >>16507069, >>16507071, >>16507073, >>16507075, >>16507080, >>16507082, >>16507083, >>16507085, >>16507086, >>16507090, >>16507091, >>16507094, >>16507095, >>16507098, >>16507103, >>16507104, >>16507107, >>16507110, >>16507111, >>16507112, >>16507113, >>16507115, >>16507117, >>16507118, >>16507119, >>16507120, >>16507121, >>16507124, >>16507125, >>16507127, >>16507128, >>16507129, >>16507130, >>16507132, >>16507133, >>16507136, >>16507137, >>16507138, >>16507139, >>16507140, >>16507142, >>16507143, >>16507145, >>16507146, >>16507147, >>16507148, >>16507149, >>16507151, >>16507153, >>16507158, >>16507159, >>16507165, >>16507168 , >>16507170, >>16507174, >>16507176, >>16507177, >>16507178, >>16507179, >>16507180, >>16507181, >>16507182, >>16507185, >>16507190, >>16507193, >>16507194, >>16507195, >>16507196, >>16507197, >>16507199, >>16507200, >>16507202, >>16507204, >>16507208, >>16507210, >>16507211, >>16507212, >>16507213, >>16507214, >>16507215, >>16507217, >>16507219, >>16507223, >>16507227, >>16507229, >>16507230, >>16507237, >>16507238, >>16507239, >>16507241, >>16507247, >>16507253, >>16507259, >>16507263, >>16507267, >>16507274, >>16507276, >>16507280, >>16507282, >>16507283, >>16507287, >>16507292, >>16507295, >>16507306, >>16507307, >>16507310, >>16507316, >>16507321, >>16507331, >>16507333, >>16507338, >>16507340, >>16507346, >>16507351, >>16507352, >>16507356, >>16507359, >>16507370, >>16507378, >>16507389, >>16507390, >>16507392, >>16507395, >>16507396, >>16507397, >>16507404, >>16507407, >>16507417, >>16507425, >>16507431, >>16507432, >>16507433, >>16507439, >>16507441, >>16507442, >>16507458, >>16507461, >>16507465, >>16507479, >>16507482, >>16507484, >>16507485, >>16507493, >>16507498, >>16507500, >>16507508, >>16507509, >>16507513, >>16507515, >>16507516, >>16507521, >>16507522, >>16507524, >>16507544, >>16507545, >>16507548, >>16507552, >>16507554, >>16507556, >>16507557, >>16507558, >>16507560, >>16507563, >>16507566, >>16507571, >>16507574, >>16507577, >>16507579, >>16507582, >>16507589, >>16507592, >>16507595, >>16507599, >>16507602, >>16507608, >>16507617, >>16507618, >>16507620, >>16507623, >>16507629, >>16507631 Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath. Q

>>16506884, >>16506912, >>16506918, >>16506933, >>16507036, >>16507006 Relevent Q drops revisted

>>16506945 Queen Elizabeth is ‘fading away before our very eyes’: royal expert

>>16506990 "This man waited 30 whole years to get Joe Biden back" Done…in…30. Kek.

>>16507035 Scavino insta story right around the time Q dropped. Check out the clock time. 911


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87be57  No.16508028

File: 1f034ae4bba1a72⋯.jpeg (400.42 KB, 2234x1498, 1117:749, 6A581F2E_7798_462D_91A0_9….jpeg)


I cheated


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021b31  No.16508029



is too

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ef4d78  No.16508030



[9] Justices

[9] marker

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9d873c  No.16508031


Sounds like you answered how many active bakers.

My question was how many of these active bakers baked when q posted.

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479a7f  No.16508032

File: ad042b490213531⋯.jpg (74.27 KB, 888x481, 24:13, 2000_mules_election_feloni….jpg)

File: 4515d0df71caa28⋯.jpg (43.77 KB, 807x481, 807:481, most_secure_ever_2000_mule….jpg)

File: 0ec08f7c3ed0329⋯.jpg (50.08 KB, 807x481, 807:481, safe_and_effective_2000_mu….jpg)

File: 61aa89106280403⋯.jpg (53.8 KB, 807x481, 807:481, congress_watching_2000_mul….jpg)

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dd4d4f  No.16508033


The ethos of those affiliated with Q appears to be "keeping the big boy toys away from the kids". It's sort of hard to agree with this, despite knowing most normalfags would hurt themselves if they knew more. People wouldn't just end up in the hospital because they would harm themselves on purpose. If some things were revealed, there's a chance they could also get someone else hurt.

With that being said, I think these opinions are outdated. Moving in to a new era, I don't think there's much reason to be afraid anymore. We should start helping the ones that are behind, especially if we know ways to augment ourselves and our realities through Will.

I know this is just a bait post, but I did want to address this since it's pertinent.

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000000  No.16508034


horry shit my Tor worked


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c0bcce  No.16508035

File: 55f485c95dcb8ab⋯.png (2.32 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, firstcircwlqpost.png)


Dec 7 anniversary is mirrored today.

:10 mirrors :40

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b49102  No.16508036

File: df9cad897161c2c⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1296x730, 648:365, Screen_Shot_2022_06_24_at_….png)

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a2bbec  No.16508037

File: 1261ad478313c3f⋯.jpg (19.9 KB, 480x369, 160:123, 1622221202087.jpg)


We've all been on standby. Like 4chan, no one ever actually "leaves" a place like this.

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a717fb  No.16508038

File: 3c5ca810fd0693d⋯.png (11.8 KB, 203x255, 203:255, 1b8a6dc3844f9e6cf468b03951….png)

Buckle up, faggots

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27189f  No.16508039

File: 4bc3678faaf8172⋯.jpeg (25.7 KB, 246x255, 82:85, 68F21B0C_D0D7_4DC2_8993_B….jpeg)

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f5f8fa  No.16508040

"Q"- just post the words…2000 mules…watch it go viral…please…

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12ecf0  No.16508041

File: f068dd41c6951ac⋯.png (120.34 KB, 1365x725, 273:145, ClipboardImage.png)

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a055ea  No.16508042


>Has anyone found a cure to long covid yet?


It is very simple. Don't take the test or the vaccine. Anything you get won't be covid.

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915948  No.16508043



Am truthing telling anons to remain wary.

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f36451  No.16508044

So…wait…the people that talk about questioning everything… don't want to question the inconsistencies and questionable nature of these TOR posts with and without Q's trip code?


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d95e11  No.16508045


one at a time, of course

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3399b0  No.16508046

File: 1c09c60ba717ab8⋯.jpg (63.09 KB, 596x506, 298:253, Screenshot_2022_06_24_2126….jpg)

Kek, book seller.

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c147f7  No.16508047

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37f3ea  No.16508049

Is The Storm upon us? Feeling moist.

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66bcdd  No.16508050

File: 1814600f7b71095⋯.png (79.3 KB, 300x225, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Picklesmoocher, we'll see in the next 24 hours.

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38dd2c  No.16508051



So does TOR work again or nay?

Seems yay?

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87fe81  No.16508052

File: 796db7d9cefa354⋯.jpg (595.63 KB, 2880x2880, 1:1, 20220624_234307.jpg)

Timothy V. Dixon (check him on yt) prophecied this at least a dozen times.

Including in the last week.

Coffins body bags corpses

The potato dead

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016d7e  No.16508053

File: 51adcf3ffd07628⋯.png (7.86 KB, 310x163, 310:163, Screenshot_2022_06_24_at_2….png)

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44ca4f  No.16508054

File: be93743336ec961⋯.png (197.63 KB, 324x509, 324:509, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5d53f4d97fa3e9⋯.png (339.69 KB, 446x673, 446:673, ClipboardImage.png)

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48a2f8  No.16508055

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2a843f  No.16508056



But no Trip.

So ….

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4a801a  No.16508057


Nifty. Now if i can only get the key to verify for my distro…….

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38cacc  No.16508058


Negative, this seems to be worse than when Q was posting regularly.

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846afd  No.16508059

a see in notalbes that there is a decode for new Q drop.

When did Q start posting again?

and where does Q post now?

and how do we know it's Q?

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d95e11  No.16508060


we're questioning, anon..

it's all spoopy.

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1c80a1  No.16508061

File: 6a249b21e0805ad⋯.gif (526.52 KB, 500x267, 500:267, grog2.gif)


Grog for me, thanks.

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3984fc  No.16508062

File: 955066c695a2911⋯.jpg (149.88 KB, 1269x393, 423:131, gaaa.jpg)

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cb58ba  No.16508063

the real Q could turn off twitter for like 5-10 minutes right

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6a019c  No.16508064


what do you mean "when q posted"?


this, lmao

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b49102  No.16508065

File: fb8f618baa63157⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1180x818, 590:409, Screen_Shot_2022_06_24_at_….png)

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92e08e  No.16508066

No one is more professional than I. I am a Noncommissioned Officer, a leader of Soldiers. As a Noncommissioned Officer, I realize that I am a member of a time honored corps, which is known as “The Backbone of the Army.” I am proud of the Corps of Noncommissioned Officers, and will at all times conduct myself so as to bring credit upon the Corps, the military service, and my country; regardless of the situation in which I find myself. I will not use my grade or position to attain pleasure, profit, or personal safety.

Competence is my watch-word. My two basic responsibilities will always be uppermost in my mind: Accomplishment of my mission and the welfare of my Soldiers. I will strive to remain technically and tactically proficient. I am aware of my role as a Noncommissioned Officer, I will fulfill my responsibilities inherent in that role. All Soldiers are entitled to outstanding leadership; I will provide that leadership. I know my Soldiers, and I will always place their needs above my own. I will communicate consistently with my Soldiers, and never leave them uninformed. I will be fair and impartial when recommending both rewards and punishment.

Officers of my unit will have maximum time to accomplish their duties; they will not have to accomplish mine. I will earn their respect and confidence as well as that of my Soldiers. I will be loyal to those with whom I serve; seniors, peers, and subordinates alike. I will exercise initiative by taking appropriate action in the absence of orders. I will not compromise my integrity, nor my moral courage. I will not forget, nor will I allow my comrades to forget that we are professionals, Noncommissioned Officers, leaders!

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34e236  No.16508067


I'm not Q, anon.

I'm J. kek

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3efe65  No.16508068


Because they are allowed to in Portland. Portland and Seattle. Gets boring. Knock yourselves out fuckers, we are filling up the prisons with a new underclass to sew our clothes

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a717fb  No.16508069


Here and now faggot. Trip code verifies Q.

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4698a0  No.16508070


but doesn't it still require the tripcode?

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3984fc  No.16508071

File: 33cf2c679c14b65⋯.jpg (153.94 KB, 1269x393, 423:131, gaab.jpg)

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a687a7  No.16508072

Anyone trying to ask Q to "confirm" is a faggot trying to waste Q's time and nothing less

It's obvious Q is Military, Q is probably busy listening to panic chatter that's going on behind the scenes.

Q is busy right now, and anons and 0 place to demand anything

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af690e  No.16508073

File: 1c1540c84ddf802⋯.png (80.16 KB, 1028x658, 514:329, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16504957 (pb)

You are still here!

We’ve missed you terribly.

Happy for the innocents!

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74fd99  No.16508074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8f963b  No.16508075

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b10985  No.16508076

File: 0676b6bb5e419a5⋯.png (2.33 MB, 1192x6138, 596:3069, Food_Supply.png)

File: eccdff83722b889⋯.jpg (110.5 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, Food.jpg)

Our nation's food supply is under attack. If something isn't done soon, we'll all starve. How are we going to turn this around, Q?

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bf0565  No.16508077

File: c8958413531728a⋯.png (925.76 KB, 774x863, 774:863, dwoNNNNN.png)

File: 8490732a4f575c9⋯.png (399.9 KB, 412x736, 103:184, T_POLLLLLLL.png)

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32dde9  No.16508078

File: 28687d44ab96676⋯.gif (981.83 KB, 500x281, 500:281, lpkil.gif)

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74fd99  No.16508079



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1376d6  No.16508080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>16506930 ————————————–——–– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath

GHOST ARMY* Summoned to Fight- Lord of the Rings

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38cacc  No.16508081


Started posting about 2 hours ago.

Q posts here like he always has.

The password to post as Q is impossible to guess. Also the Board Owner/Volunteer can verify by IPs

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12ecf0  No.16508082


yes , but newfags gonna newfag

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355689  No.16508083

File: 2b77d4cfb04a4c8⋯.jpg (28.88 KB, 679x516, 679:516, pepebinos.jpg)

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9d873c  No.16508084

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>chorus relevant

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cb3800  No.16508085


who is she?

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eba8d0  No.16508086


>#Antifa in Portland, Ore. marching in the pro-abortion protest over Roe v. Wade has smashed out the windows of the @ShopAtPioneer mall in downtown. @PortlandPolice stayed away.


Man sentenced to 10 years in prison for involvement in Portland riots

Jun 22, 2022


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c1bb19  No.16508087

File: a55c06b99f47c68⋯.png (76.09 KB, 310x201, 310:201, le_twinkie.png)


Ty anon, and an extra special thanQ for calling me a faggot a few days ago

Really motivated me to do better


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b49102  No.16508088

File: fa883df85a31841⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1034x982, 517:491, Screen_Shot_2022_06_24_at_….png)

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c72201  No.16508089


Fuck you the worlds burning

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472150  No.16508090

First a 2nd Amendment win; before Roe riots. And now Q is back!

Panic in DC is an understatement.

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89efc5  No.16508091

that capcha is not ez

hey q are u taking questions? is trump gonna run again?

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eabafc  No.16508092


aw, Rush shoulda been here to see this

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e855b6  No.16508093


Makes this anon feel so good to be living in his head rent free all these years lolol

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1c80a1  No.16508094

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Feet first into the water, anons. LET'S GO!

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44ca4f  No.16508095

File: c3f98573c98d442⋯.png (92.69 KB, 740x924, 185:231, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7aa51999e3e6c36⋯.png (1.04 MB, 3294x4272, 549:712, ClipboardImage.png)


other side and covered

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b49102  No.16508096

File: 8cad67114c21c08⋯.png (2.82 MB, 1122x1598, 33:47, Screen_Shot_2022_06_24_at_….png)

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000000  No.16508097

Anyone can post from TOR. Question is, when was TOR re-allowed on QR? FJ had turned it off due to attacks. Also, Q posted under a regular ID previously, unless the board was down. So why torpost now?

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4c17ca  No.16508098

File: 0d4cdadb6ef4c41⋯.gif (953.05 KB, 297x192, 99:64, 001560287493.gif)

File: 9100738e7f2517f⋯.mp4 (2.49 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Night_Flight_Night_Shift.mp4)

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2a843f  No.16508099


All good.

Just pointing out that more than one person can use TOR.

But still (apparently) only one has used the trip.

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a48150  No.16508100


Enemy is implying Ron is Q.

Setting him up.

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2177aa  No.16508101


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9d873c  No.16508102

File: 4db76b718ee1d0e⋯.jpg (15.57 KB, 192x255, 64:85, notable.jpg)


IET was in first but this is relevant AF


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53023b  No.16508103


stay away from people who are injected as much as possible

ivermectin , c , zinc , quercitin , b vitamin complex

gargle with iodine diluted,

Listerine , after exposure.

neti pot , saline wash.

there are groups on telegram that deal with this.

and yes, there are remedies.. many natural remedies. artemisia, lion's mane, chaga, fennel tea, linden flower..

melatonin, famatodin

if you can get ciccona bark i.e. quinine or Hcq

it works

you seemingly have to keep up the regime/ or the symptoms return.

but they will go away for most people

the frontline docs say some don't recover. and you let up on the regime it can come back

early treatment is most important.



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6a019c  No.16508104

File: eb7b09a62dc5e19⋯.png (246.79 KB, 638x359, 638:359, am_I_disabled.png)


all good kek, nice find

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47c3c1  No.16508105

File: 276f032107a7974⋯.png (642.04 KB, 1200x1920, 5:8, Screenshot_20220624_203941.png)

File: 3c132097d97c6ad⋯.png (274.8 KB, 1200x1920, 5:8, IMG_20220624_204050.png)

Intended to get lost in today's supreme court announcements, the House Financial services committee released their report on the 2021 January sneeze in the stock market and determined the DTCC waived a 9.7 billion margin call to prevent the collapse of Robinhood and potentially the rest of the financial markets confirming the markets are rigged.



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000000  No.16508106


Maybe tor is important going forward.

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881a89  No.16508107

File: bf9de1762dd2ab7⋯.png (24.51 KB, 464x242, 232:121, qpost911.png)

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10ee3b  No.16508108

File: c08feed2c2d872a⋯.png (10.92 KB, 255x178, 255:178, Memebrrt.png)


Nearly choked to death on my coffee when I saw Gen. Flynn take the Oath on video.

Felt good.

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b49102  No.16508109

File: 5e49023a1c2e6cc⋯.png (1.51 MB, 990x1110, 33:37, Screen_Shot_2022_06_24_at_….png)

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d86280  No.16508110

File: 8cac73d40b6e1bc⋯.png (523.41 KB, 880x583, 80:53, ClipboardImage.png)



What a day, what a day

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840185  No.16508111


> Also, Q posted under a regular ID previously, unless the board was down. So why torpost now?


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dd4d4f  No.16508112


It's a big bundle of confusion that's too difficult to explain with so few words, but we can give it a try.

Both sides of the debate were bombarded with propaganda. Neither was wrong, but largely for reasons they didn't understand. The vaccines targets certain genetics, so the ones shouting about it being a death wish weren't wrong, they were just wrong about how widespread it would be. On the other hand, the ones saying it wasn't that bad were also right; a lot of saline was injected and way more people than we told didn't get it.

For the most part, the vaccine probably won't do much and if it does, there's a good chance it's reversible or only would do very much to people that are on the brink anyways.

This is the best I can explain it so far.

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bd2227  No.16508113

File: 11ad2638d520a6e⋯.jpeg (30.77 KB, 219x255, 73:85, 1605579649.jpeg)

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c4a524  No.16508114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c6f72d  No.16508115

File: 462cb2b2bbafae8⋯.jpg (107.57 KB, 980x653, 980:653, 462cb2b2bbafae842be2fea359….jpg)

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458ecf  No.16508116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Faggot, its always burning. Either help or GTFO.

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bea804  No.16508117

File: 310de79779c482f⋯.jpg (214.24 KB, 444x599, 444:599, Information_terrorist.jpg)


>Q is busy right now, and anons and 0 place to demand anything

Wrong faggot.

Q been away a long time.

His board was 'comped'

Real Q needs to verify.

If he is real, he knows why.

Anons don't blindly follow.

>Observation mode initiated.

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eabafc  No.16508118



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6e051a  No.16508119


>Anyone trying to ask Q to "confirm" is a faggot trying to waste Q's time and nothing less

Did you take a retard pill? So much resistance to asking for confirmation on this whole TOR/Q debacle. Makes it even more spoopy.

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27189f  No.16508120

File: 74cde89182784e1⋯.png (790.34 KB, 670x670, 1:1, D71A67C7_8C07_47A7_813D_E4….png)

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078d34  No.16508121


this is a pretty good theory >>16508006

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8f963b  No.16508122


FU we have been taught to question everything.

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ccc6d0  No.16508123





= 4th of July?

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479a7f  No.16508124

File: defc215922e86d0⋯.jpg (119.41 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, spygate_full.jpg)

File: 1ed087ac956a8c4⋯.jpg (150.8 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, fisa_gate_resized.jpg)

File: 67b4b7d71357a7e⋯.jpg (99.8 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, panic_in_dc.jpg)


"All assets deployed."

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82e8e5  No.16508125

Worth mentioning again that [they] have had lots of time to work on breaking that trip code.

Be wary.

Trust, but verify.

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846afd  No.16508126


please anon, could you link me to the latest Q post?

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000000  No.16508127


All my (you)'s are back. I've been using Crappy Dissenter for years with no (you)'s

I've missed them.

Anyway, Tor works, anons. This is me. (Not Q).

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2ff914  No.16508128

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d5181f  No.16508129

File: 35a74e38670a64e⋯.png (48.7 KB, 281x378, 281:378, ab2.png)

File: a75bc8b81c94298⋯.png (273.8 KB, 366x503, 366:503, ab22.png)



Crowds of protesters gathered in America’s major cities to protest the Supreme Court decision on Friday to overturn Roe v. Wade.

11:34 p.m.

Protesters break through a police line in Washington, DC.

Protesters breaking through police line pic.twitter.com/RsWx5tj5xL

— Lisa Bennatan (@LisaBennatan) June 25, 2022

Protesters at #SCOTUS move in on Capitol riot police as they were about to make a formation on the street. pic.twitter.com/K0RWeXwTQ5

— Kaelan Deese (@KaelanDC) June 25, 2022

Traffic in Los Angeles forced to a standstill as pro-abortion protesters mobbed the freeway.

Traffic at a complete standstill pic.twitter.com/NPUAl3xEqS

— Samuel Braslow (@SamBraslow) June 25, 2022

TONS of helicopters up over downtown LA where protesters have marched in large crowds and a smaller group ended up here in front of the federal courthouse.

At one point protesters stopped traffic as they marched down one of the busiest freeways in LA #RoeVsWade pic.twitter.com/c91L1edjq4

— James Packard (@JamesSPackard) June 25, 2022

Protesters in Tucson filled the streets before running into police as they tried to enter the highway.

Protesters at #SCOTUS move in on Capitol riot police as they were about to make a formation on the street. pic.twitter.com/K0RWeXwTQ5

— Kaelan Deese (@KaelanDC) June 25, 2022

Riot helmets were spotted in New York City.

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a687a7  No.16508130


Fuck you and your impatience FAGGOT

In 2020 multiple cities burned in riots dumbfuck

Or did those things suddenly not happen?

Fucking retard shill faggot, this is how anons know you're here only to attempt to waste Q's time.

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23d30b  No.16508131

File: a07358ecb6b258f⋯.png (1.02 MB, 997x695, 997:695, ns_vintage2.png)

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000000  No.16508132



"Don't expect Q to verify himself."

Until President Donald J Trump verifies Q with a delta I am on watch, archive and doubt mode.

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fb63a8  No.16508133

File: 4d89a7e66d1dc8c⋯.png (591.15 KB, 740x1076, 185:269, minneapolis_my_knee_a_poli….png)


>36 beers

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44ca4f  No.16508134


these too


no idea

tineye her

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ce0b0d  No.16508135

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: New York City Protest

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bc513a  No.16508136

File: 782c50ab9dd1ed1⋯.png (51.72 KB, 245x206, 245:206, ClipboardImage.png)


Washing his flannel - lots of sweat on Friday.

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0e0842  No.16508137

File: 610ef1d7bcfaa85⋯.png (95.33 KB, 540x481, 540:481, ThunderCatsChecked.PNG)

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4c17ca  No.16508138

File: 6dfdeea80f80a1f⋯.mp4 (11.29 MB, 320x180, 16:9, Trump_NeverComeDown_ns2.mp4)

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d77878  No.16508139



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ef38c0  No.16508141

File: b607f1512e5611a⋯.png (151.62 KB, 361x360, 361:360, Screen_Shot_2022_02_08_at_….png)

Am I retard?

Q's posts don't havem 000000 ID so how are people saying its tor?

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6cbc04  No.16508142

File: b50505dc076c360⋯.png (824.28 KB, 976x473, 976:473, ClipboardImage.png)

>fake news trying to figure out to go with r v w hit pieces tomorrow or q is posting again

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bd2227  No.16508143

File: dbb664b881018d9⋯.png (174.58 KB, 1226x309, 1226:309, ese6dcufgud8sr77x.png)

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b49102  No.16508144

File: e211290b3d3d577⋯.png (1.37 MB, 990x1104, 165:184, Screen_Shot_2022_06_24_at_….png)

Q i'm not sleeping tonight kek

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e361e9  No.16508145


Jim W https://t.me/shareJim/243905

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495b91  No.16508146

File: eceed09f2a289ca⋯.jpeg (469.77 KB, 896x2887, 896:2887, Web_capture_24_6_2022_122….jpeg)

File: b1fbd5fd15e374a⋯.jpeg (535.89 KB, 896x3171, 128:453, Web_capture_24_6_2022_122….jpeg)

File: f177a153fa9698c⋯.png (127.94 KB, 536x340, 134:85, spinons_chargons_schematic….png)

File: 7d77db991f63ce5⋯.png (288.48 KB, 524x340, 131:85, spinons_wavefunction_524x3….png)

File: 6c7333ce5bbb0ea⋯.gif (3.59 MB, 1152x648, 16:9, 2021_ghost_particles_featu….gif)





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fb63a8  No.16508147

File: 7fa9643ada9cb18⋯.jpg (411.24 KB, 816x1123, 816:1123, J_Jews_HollyWood_5.jpg)


>hi media

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58af5c  No.16508148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bf367f  No.16508149

File: 17a96989ea13413⋯.png (426.92 KB, 626x585, 626:585, ClipboardImage.png)


Action speaks louder than clowns.

I did not wait for Q. I am an an X US trained scary expert in things you don't want to believe. (((Horchul))) can kiss my ass. I can take out NYC for about $150.

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4efa77  No.16508150

File: 0d33436633e2418⋯.png (90.45 KB, 1024x294, 512:147, A30F3EBC_E0A0_4E90_AD4D_D1….png)

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3399b0  No.16508152

File: 44f32020abd118b⋯.jpg (63.09 KB, 593x496, 593:496, Screenshot_2022_06_24_2126….jpg)

File: 34b629570b38a24⋯.jpg (70.29 KB, 611x498, 611:498, Screenshot_2022_06_24_2249….jpg)

BBC reporter on Q

And just like that, QAnon influencers and followers are back to baking and decoding Q's secret messages in what in reality are pretty lame one-sentence drops.

Apparently there are secret hints in the drops to today's reversal of Roe v Wade by the Supreme Court.


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