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File: 65ce46ba978e636⋯.jpg (550.95 KB, 1858x1244, 929:622, qr.jpg)

40385b  No.15650378[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

Q Research


>>15406810 New here? Welcome | >>15406794 Board Info | >>15406795 Offsite Bunkers | >>15406798 Optics | >>15406807 Suggested Follow

>>15406812 Other Research Threads | >>15557963 International Research Threads 2-5-2022

>>15406815 Resignations & Sealed Indictments | >>15406816 Archives

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>>15406428 Dough Resource Thread

>>15406802 Standard Infowar Procedures | >>15406811 Information Tools & Services

>>15406808 !!!! LEARN DIGITAL WARFARE !!!!

Join Us

>>15600441 =!!! LEARN TO BAKE !!!=

>>15406820 Meme Requests

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40385b  No.15650383


>>15487476 Reporting CP & other illegal content

>>15487554 How get get bans lifted & do bug reports on /tech/

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread

>>15568669 Bakers - how to format notable buns (including two-post buns)

>>15620842 New guidelines for General banners



>>15649750 MUST SEE: President Trump Releases New Video – “Justice Is Coming for Hillary” [COMM CHQ #ISEENUMBERS]

>>15649613 HRC Blackberry Meme Template

>>15649618 Freedom Convoy 2022

>>15649641 Waiting for Blinken

>>15649645 Midland, Texas Police arrest coaches, administrators for failure to report sexual assault.(video)

>>15649646 Antonov An-26 troop mover and (BLUE) "airborne operating room" airborne over Kyiv, Ukraine.

>>15649651 FBI serving search warrant at Houston Health Department

>>15649658 Qlocking PB

>>15649664 Bakery facing threats and harassment over leaked convoy donation

>>15649654 Watch the water is the live streams. (YT)

>>15649698 USGO I’m in Ohio today to discuss how the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will deliver for the American people.

>>15649706 Devin Nunes Talks #TruthSocial and #Durham

>>15649709 ALL PF - ALL LB

>>15649712 Viva live in Ottawa

>>15649732 #ToxicWater Nearly one million veterans + civilians potentially exposed to dangerous chemicals in the water

>>15649752 DonaldJTrumpJr Twitter Shutting Down @DefiantLs account that highlights leftist hypocrisy

>>15649712 Viva Frei

>>15649796 WAR CAMPAIGN

>>15649831 Anon aint saying it’s the jab, but anon knows (Insurance Death Claims Q4)

>>15649894 NEW DJT! - Voter Integrity in WI

>>15649919 Twitter Down?

>>15649955, >>15650029 Live from the shed 360 panoramic top of a semi livestream Ottawa

>>15649929 Anon Decode of Truth Social Logo

>>15650019 HAPPY Q DAY Feb 17

>>15650034 Qlocking in with the "Plumbers" Decode

>>15650041 Austria to Repeal Almost All ‘Corona Apartheid’ Rules Targeting Unvaxxed?

>>15650051 7 Points Of Convoy's Demands

>>15650080 Biden Delivers Remarks on Great Lakes Restoration


>>15650154 FBI to form national cryptocurrency unit, focusing on the seizure of virtual assets like #Bitcoin

>>15650202 @DeptofDefense Actor Mr. [T] once served as a @USArmy MP [COMMCHQ]

>>15650261, >>15650273, >>15650301, >>15650341 Pigpen Cipher Tool [Masonic alphabet] P or a Q?

>>15649711, >>15650294 Ilhan - Calling out the Media!??? (Something bout to Break?)

>>15650346 Trudeau condemned around the world for moving to crush protests

>>15650371 #19788

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40385b  No.15650384


>>15648807, >>15649364 GiveSendGo Hacker Identified (Lives in Durham)


>>15648887, >>15649023 Happy Q Day y'all

>>15648922, >>15648935 Ukraine Claiming Russia is Shelling

>>15648931 Bob Saget: What happened in room 962?

>>15648953 Moar lb notables

>>15648979 Liberia: Adoption Or Child Trafficking

>>15649066, >>15649223 Houston Health Department Raided By Feds

>>15649086 Chase cancels Canadian customers' credit card debts

>>15649088 Alec Baldwin is 'blaming others' for Halyna Hutchins' death


>>15649137 White House "Scheduled" Events for Today,

>>15649144 Russia has expelled Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy Mark Gorman.

>>15649192 The Great Lou Dobbs – Firebrand with Matt Gaetz

>>15649189 Fauci looking weird

>>15649232 Not sure this was already posted. Anon Maps out - "Plumbers"

>>15649256 ClockFag clocks in on the 16th and 17th

>>15649268 Coaches at Midland Christian School arrested for failure to report sexual assault

>>15649270 Biden just stated he now believes Russia will invade Ukraine in a matter of days (#MustKeepFearAlive)

>>15649307 Anon Suggest to start handing out Red Pill Covid fliers

>>15649361 Catturd made it to [TruthSocial] Beta testing!!

>>15649373 Secretary Blinken to Deliver Remarks at the UN Security Council

>>15649480 Kamala Harris, U.S. Troops Head to Europe to Face Down Putin on Russia-Ukraine

>>15649545 PF - Antonov An-26 troop mover and (BLUE)

>>15649521 Anon calls for - Shine some light on this Blackwater/Azov Battalion

>>15649575 #19787


>>15648755 Google-backed AI taught to control nuclear fusion reactor

>>15648744 Game Over 2 Year Delta

>>15648718 Marginal Sauce: Russian media: Ukraine has “fired mortar shells and grenades at 4 localities in Luhansk People's Republic”

>>15648631, >>15648712 Catturd predicts Canadian Bank run - Royal Bank, BMO Bank of Montreal, CIBC Bank all offline

>>15648636 Sputnik News: Three new viruses discovered in Laos genetically similar to Corona

>>15648423, >>15648483 From 2011 posted on Australia Board - Clapper mtg with Australian Delegation

>>15648452 Iran says nuclear deal ‘closer than ever’

>>15648421, >>15648425, >>15648418, >>15648135, >>15648138, >>15648150 PF Reports

>>15648393, >>15648715, >>15648773 US Embassy raises Black Lives Matter flag on its compound in T&T [Trinidad&Tobago]


>>15648285 US Trending Toward China's Social Credit System, Enabled By Big Tech

>>15648211 South Korea Presidential candidate halts campaign after staffers die inside election bus

>>15648210 Diamond and Silk call out Mike Pence.

>>15648024, >>15648110 Mask Meltdown: School Board Member Goes BERZERK, Screams At Parent During Open Mic

>>15648785 #19786

Previously Collected

>>15647219 #19784, >>15648001 #19785

>>15644926 #19781, >>15645653 #19782, >>15646416 #19783

>>15642423 #19778, >>15643270 #19779, >>15644372 #19780

>>15640129 #19775, >>15640906 #19776, >>15641648 #19777

>>15637363 #19772, >>15638203 #19773, >>15639162 #19774

>>15635058 #19769, >>15635828 #19770, >>15636474 #19771

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15406645 Notables #11: Never Back Down!

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40385b  No.15650390

File: 6cc0c43c86ca0a8⋯.jpg (100.55 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 6cc0c43c86ca0a87e95cc6b5b6….jpg)


#19789 https://controlc.com/efed478c

Kitchen open for Next Baker

Will try to ebake if no one picks up.

Note Takers U Here?

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e906ed  No.15650402

File: 35647922b318062⋯.jpeg (218.54 KB, 828x584, 207:146, B9F02808_8738_4BAC_9AA0_8….jpeg)

Clinton campaign lawyer Sussmann files motion to dismiss Durham prosecution


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b063a0  No.15650406

File: b987e9e3a75238e⋯.png (254.96 KB, 600x600, 1:1, pepe_braces.png)

>>15650291 pb

>>15650271 pb

These F&G twats are an IQ test…

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f71388  No.15650410

File: b4ef6d911ef3f1b⋯.jpg (52.68 KB, 700x420, 5:3, torystands.jpg)

Jewish Tory MP Demands Apology After Trudeau Says Her Party Stands With People Waving Swastikas


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162ef1  No.15650417

File: 94809319d813ffb⋯.jpg (150.29 KB, 1333x889, 1333:889, 23231745235588817767779493….jpg)

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f71388  No.15650419

File: b4ef6d911ef3f1b⋯.jpg (52.68 KB, 700x420, 5:3, torystands.jpg)


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau caused a tumult on Feb. 16 during question period as he responded to a Conservative MP who is Jewish by saying her party stands with people waving swastikas. Trudeau was asked to apologize repeatedly but he did not.

MP Melissa Lantsman used her time in question period to contrast words said by the prime minister in 2015 and those said more recently when he disparaged people who don’t have COVID-19 vaccination.

“’A positive, optimistic, hopeful vision for public life isn’t a naive dream. It could be a powerful force for change. If Canadians are to trust their government, their government needs to trust Canadians.’ Those are the words of the prime minister in 2015,” Lantsman said.

She then cited Trudeau’s more recent characterization of those who don’t want to get COVID-19 vaccination in a French-language interview in 2021, and his more recent remarks on those protesting against COVID-19 mandates in Ottawa and other parts of the country.

“These people, ‘very often misogynistic, racist,’ ‘women haters’, ‘science deniers’, the ‘fringe’—same prime minister six years later, as he fans the flames of an unjustified national emergency. So, Mr. Speaker, when did the prime minister lose his way? When did it happen?”


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207877  No.15650422

File: 7b1a7e9d65d45c3⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1353x761, 1353:761, waterman.png)

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207877  No.15650426

America REFUSES to lift avocado ban after crunch talks with Mexico: $70m of avocados will now rot in Michoacán warehouses after drug cartel threatened to kill USDA inspector

The US ban on Mexican avocados remains in place even after USDA and US Embassy officials met with Mexican authorities on Wednesday

During the three-hour meeting, officials from Michoacán attempted to convince the US to lift the ban and save $70 million worth of avocados

Michoacán is the sole Mexican state allowed to export the fruit to the US

The state leaders have outlined a new security plan to ensure the safety of US inspectors after one of them received a death threat from a Mexican cartel

The US has maintained that the ban would resume until the safety of its more than 70 health inspectors could be guaranteed

Experts expect Mexico to lose out on $12 to $14 million a day due to the ban

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0dcb53  No.15650427

phil last bread first

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207877  No.15650429


BLM posts $100,000 bail for defund police activist, 21, honored by Obama who's now charged with attempted murder 'after walking into Jewish Democrat mayoral candidate's office and trying to assassinate him'

Quintez Brown allegedly shot at Craig Greenberg in Louisville on Monday

He was charged with attempted murder and given a $100,000 bail

Brown honored by Barack Obama's foundation in 2019 as a 'rising face'

Also employed as a columnist at local paper the Louisville Courier Journal

Even made regular appearances as a race commentator on UK's BBC

BLM activists posted the amount in full and Brown is now in home incarceration

Comes amid nationwide calls for tougher bail laws following spate of killings

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04a8a4  No.15650432

File: e169948d69c2cbd⋯.png (390.16 KB, 499x624, 499:624, ClipboardImage.png)

Don't Take the Vaxx

Don't Take the Booster

Don't Take the Pill

Don't Take the Rapid Test

Don't Take the HIV Test

Take D+C+Zn

Take off the Mask

Take care to Stay in the Sunlight

Take Time to Save the Next Generation

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9d4398  No.15650435

File: 672da1bf74f590e⋯.png (726.53 KB, 1226x864, 613:432, covidtestchallenge.png)

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18693f  No.15650439

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this is "let's go brandon"

that is on fox news right now

youtube search for "let's go brandon"

but this is NYST

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7e5545  No.15650442

File: 37e0cc309c093a8⋯.png (57.37 KB, 500x608, 125:152, assangeis_going_to_jail_ma….png)

HILLDAWG Revival manifesting in 0

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482900  No.15650443

File: 0055ed0da8af679⋯.jpg (16.54 KB, 308x432, 77:108, WARlikePOSTURE.jpg)

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8898d3  No.15650444

File: 688d383fbd57586⋯.jpg (469.01 KB, 1200x761, 1200:761, Mona_Lisa.jpg)


10x moran.

>>15650424 -next bread

b/c one day will come a day.

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c8348c  No.15650446

File: ab31ad434fa62ab⋯.jpg (63.95 KB, 888x379, 888:379, amadeus.jpg)


>Clinton campaign lawyer Sussmann files motion to dismiss Durham prosecution

Well, that's it boys. It's over. Shut 'er down


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8d99bb  No.15650449

File: b7f1c53b3ebacda⋯.mp4 (2.33 MB, 1280x704, 20:11, video_2022_02_17_12_28_25.mp4)


>Q Research General #19789: 'Justice Is Coming'

Many indictments


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19a375  No.15650450

File: bb2af8f3209a4cf⋯.png (1.86 MB, 2002x1127, 286:161, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e06987e7365960⋯.png (166.53 KB, 842x777, 842:777, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a51ebdeafb5b5b⋯.png (497.58 KB, 872x746, 436:373, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 37e2280393d86a5⋯.png (472.11 KB, 854x829, 854:829, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a816be034c9566⋯.png (483.53 KB, 903x825, 301:275, ClipboardImage.png)

1,500 Volunteers Investigate Wisconsin Election: The WEC Is a Member of the ERIC System – They Are Deliberately Not Cleaning the Voter Rolls

A group investigating Wisconsin election fraud recently presented interim findings about the 2020 election. The informal hearing was held by the Wisconsin Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections in Madison, the WI capitol. Over the past 14 months, this group has had 1,500 volunteers, and spent $60k purchasing election lists at the State and County level. They currently use a supercomputer in Texas to process the data through 8 stages. Using public document requests, they also gained insight into the WI election administration.

TGP reported previously these same lists were given free to Democrats. The WI employees who did this should be fired and charged for theft. A terminology dictionary is a the bottom.

The group is investigating 4 categories:

The City of Milwaukee

State Databases Infiltrated or Abused

CTCL, Zuckerberg, National Vote at Home

Human Mules, Drops Boxes, Voting Machines, Indefinitely Confined

Note: this is an interim report. The group, headed by Peter Bernegger, has much work left to do including final numbers. About the 2020 Wisconsin elections, Bernegger says: “Somebody is in our system, the WISVote, MyVote, DMV. They are adding names, fake voters, casting illegal ballots by the tens of thousands. We have the evidence to back it up”. Only the MacIver Institute reported on this event fairly. Others focused on Bernegger’s investor troubles almost 20 years ago.

Individuals voted twice using unique voter ID numbers for each.

Massive numbers were registered without either a first, a last name, even no address.

Apartment building with 1,600 people registered, 656 voted.

One address has not existed for 10 years, but 359 voters still registered to it.

Address with no occupants cast 113 ballots. They have the names & ID’s.

625,000 dead voters on the rolls

4,300 voters with a “99999” zip code

3,400 FIDO keys to access the database distributed throughout Wisconsin

4.7% DOT failure rate. This means 46,000 voted but not verified by DOT (DMV).

The City of Hudson grew by 10%, but registrations grew 128%

Most illegally cast ballots originated from MyVote (see Dictionary at the bottom)

26 voters registered at a two-bedroom apartment

290 voters registered at a 16-apartment building in La Crosse

19 registered at a newer single-family home in Outagamie County

Registrations have different ID’s, but only one letter is made different in the name.

WEC recently entered into an agreement with DMV to not receive signatures.

eBook creates multiple registrations (25+) for one person, all with unique voter ID’s.


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3a22dd  No.15650451

File: 8ed9e22407cfafd⋯.mp4 (2.15 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Bird_is_the_Word.mp4)

File: 9991a7d570d3f34⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB, 640x360, 16:9, For_Dayshift.mp4)

File: 9f3e1d748772580⋯.webm (3.25 MB, 426x240, 71:40, Reveille_Reveille.webm)

File: 2fc1f6cce03ca9e⋯.mp4 (1.86 MB, 426x240, 71:40, Watery_Vengeance.mp4)

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1ae922  No.15650452

File: f00fbacda1f2d7c⋯.jpeg (46.6 KB, 495x373, 495:373, 820D81DC_EA6B_4AB5_B504_F….jpeg)

Who’s the anon faggot who said truth social starts with a Q? Some stupid fucking Freemason letter or meaning… take that shit to Reddit you dumb fucks

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19a375  No.15650453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

AOC Says She Helped “Huge Amounts” of Illegal Aliens Get Taxpayer Stimulus Checks

Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY) Tuesday evening bragged about helping “huge amounts” of illegal aliens get federal stimulus checks during a virtual town hall.

AOC said she “fought tooth and nail” to help illegal aliens get taxpayer money that “many others were trying to lock them out of.”

This is the Democrat party in a nutshell.

The Democrats’ priority is to help illegal aliens and felons while Americans suffer.

Last year Republicans said the Democrats were “actively trying to give stimulus checks to murderers and illegal aliens.”

The Communist fact-checkers at the Washington Post swooped in to protect the Democrat party and said this was not happening.

When will the Washington Post retract their so-called ‘fact-check’ and admit illegal aliens got taxpayer relief money?


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7e5545  No.15650454

File: ffeac78e4d3e07f⋯.jpg (88.28 KB, 1232x887, 1232:887, zc1hf.jpg)

Let us celebrate the Hilldawg and her many 'initiatives' around the world!

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bd22cd  No.15650456

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bdc74b  No.15650458

File: d14bf5131c9177c⋯.jpeg (53.65 KB, 680x383, 680:383, 9361A3A3_9546_4510_99EE_1….jpeg)

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8d99bb  No.15650461

File: fbf466ba49a774b⋯.jpg (195.17 KB, 720x428, 180:107, Q_Hammer.jpg)

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c3c6c0  No.15650462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Freedom Convoy Live Press Conference Feb.16, 2022 - Day 12 Holding The Line | IrnieracingNews

276,502 viewsPremiered 10 hours ago


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41a8e7  No.15650463

>>15650395 PB

>Jesus is his name in English.

Joshua would be his name in English.

The Pope lied to you.

Ever wonder why?

>>15650437 PB

>>15650391 PB


This was covered rather extensively last night.

It is a version of a cypher claimed to be used by masons.

Tineye pic of cypher returns all Mason texts.

Only thing missing is Sauce of it Actually having been a Dan Truth.

As of last night, It could only be attributed to whoever dropped it here.

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7e5545  No.15650464

File: 26aefb0064cf584⋯.jpg (134.34 KB, 1024x747, 1024:747, 26aefb0064cf584d8fa1ba3314….jpg)

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04a8a4  No.15650465

File: 434ada440cb12a4⋯.png (667.68 KB, 1007x574, 1007:574, ClipboardImage.png)

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19a375  No.15650466

File: c5c45f6751c93a5⋯.png (257.51 KB, 590x522, 295:261, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c01dc27e1ab30d7⋯.png (391.06 KB, 595x733, 595:733, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bdf167d682fdd9d⋯.png (76.36 KB, 830x446, 415:223, ClipboardImage.png)

German Reporter Faints On Live Television While Lobbying For Vaccine Mandates

A German reporter fainted during a live broadcast while lobbying for vaccine mandates.

The reporter, Clara Pfeffer, was interviewing Christian Democratic Union politician Sepp Müller on N-TV when the shocking incident took place.

Pfeffer was in the middle of asking Müller if the country should really wait to implement a mandatory vaccine when she became unable to speak properly.

“So you are saying we should only activate mandatory vaccination as soon as it will be vital?” Pfeffer asked in German, adding, “Won’t it be much too late then?”

The reporter appears dazed and unable to finish her thought before beginning to slump and fall from her chair.

Responding to speculation that it could have been related to the vaccine, N-TV claimed that had nothing to do with it. The network has since deleted that tweet.


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fc1611  No.15650467

File: 86687035e0a0b10⋯.png (113.8 KB, 952x558, 476:279, ClipboardImage.png)

Gold at a 7+ month high, just barely broke $1,900.


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207877  No.15650468

File: a4178c65826a71c⋯.pdf (240.12 KB, Durham_Probe_Sussmann_moti….pdf)

File: 099f38f1d60f7f2⋯.png (107.72 KB, 690x893, 690:893, ClipboardImage.png)

For the foregoing reasons, the one-count Indictment against Mr. Sussmann must be


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7e5545  No.15650469

File: 9439b7a2d6404ad⋯.png (102.73 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1476161899051.png)

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3a22dd  No.15650470


the name Jesus is greek/latin

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8898d3  No.15650471



If I;ll sent 2 interdimensional beings to your house, you'll shit yourself.


shit retarded scum human, cock sucker from soros. idiot that things 2 plus 2 = 11.

get lost till i'll go angry, cos pretty doesn't stay for life.

And I like what you can't see. idiot.

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80f06a  No.15650472

File: 29709a62cb6f1f7⋯.jpg (43.31 KB, 500x623, 500:623, jl.jpg)

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04a8a4  No.15650473



More like a stroke or Heart attack

Bet she saw colors

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7e5545  No.15650474

File: 8c03566da0696c9⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1024x631, 1024:631, fyi74eglp1m11.png)

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1bfe1e  No.15650475


now we know why so many American businesses and people were denied and kept out of all of those covid 19 disaster relief funds

take the purse away from these anti democratic anti American anti Star Spangled Banner crooks theives thugs muderering baby killing satanic monsters

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482900  No.15650476

File: 2f37c2e43c0ed8e⋯.jpg (64.74 KB, 805x402, 805:402, Screenshot_from_2022_02_17….jpg)

Weekly Jobless Claims Unexpectedly Increase to 248,000


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207877  No.15650477


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19a375  No.15650478

File: 550533a140cbd29⋯.png (85.6 KB, 896x774, 448:387, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Says Ukraine Invasion Risk "Very High"; Russia Expels US Deputy Amb., Demands US Leave Eastern Europe


Reports overnight from both sides (Ukraine, Rebels) that shelling has begun, claiming ceasefire broken

US envoy says evidence on the ground is that Russia is moving toward an "imminent invasion," says "this is a crucial moment."

Russia expels US Deputy Ambassador Bartle Gorman

Russia says no invasion of Ukraine in plans

Russia issues statement demanding all US troops leave Central and Eastern Europe

Biden says probability of invasion is "very high", says Russia "involved in false flag moves"

Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov accused the West on Thursday of "information terrorism."

Blinken to speak at UN Security Council at 10amET

Update (0925ET): Washington is doubling down on its allegations that Russia is planning to use a false flag attack as a pretext to invade Ukraine Russia says US failed to give a "constructive response" to its proposal, which includes the rejection of NATO membership for Ukraine and Georgia.

Here's more from Reuters:

NATO was "concerned that Russia is trying to stage a pretext for an armed attack against Ukraine.

There is still no clarity, no certainty about the Russian intentions", the Western military alliance's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said.

"They have enough troops, enough capabilities to launch a full-fledged invasion of Ukraine with very little or no warning time," he told reporters at the alliance's headquarters in Brussels. "That is what makes the situation so dangerous."

Here's more about today's latest "skirmish" from Ukraine:

A senior Ukrainian government source said the shelling at the line of contact with Russian-backed separatist forces went beyond the scale of ceasefire violations routinely reported throughout the conflict.


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7e5545  No.15650479

File: 5315ae069e976ef⋯.png (95.99 KB, 500x408, 125:102, hillary_for_america_w_th_h….png)

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88c309  No.15650480

File: 6067f8447ed1b91⋯.png (257.23 KB, 402x501, 134:167, 6067f8447ed1b91aa1d1fe3a64….png)

>>15650051 Lb

Wait, what happened to Trudeau must resign/step down??

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41a8e7  No.15650481




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04a8a4  No.15650482

File: ff7d783a9298582⋯.png (296.31 KB, 500x491, 500:491, ClipboardImage.png)

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aa1c72  No.15650483

File: 152526da516d8ad⋯.png (8.93 KB, 479x74, 479:74, ClipboardImage.png)


the fact-checkers - those who check (stop) facts

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b063a0  No.15650484

File: 2dcd44a85123fea⋯.jpg (107.4 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, pepe_wiped.jpg)

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8898d3  No.15650485

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7e5545  No.15650486

File: e5e6972f51a305a⋯.jpg (113.6 KB, 624x434, 312:217, 1517211587197.jpg)

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3bc50e  No.15650487

File: 5bde215c913f4eb⋯.png (1.12 MB, 457x855, 457:855, _Q_Day_751_.png)


>phil last bread first

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07f3d4  No.15650488


Many people in this world were born to be buffoons. Irony is too complicated a subject for them to understand. Zero sympathy for such as her, who are fighting with every breath to destroy as many people and as much decency as possible.

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19a375  No.15650489

File: f73642e43f06ea8⋯.png (195.59 KB, 959x864, 959:864, ClipboardImage.png)

Board of Health Suppresses Father’s Testimony About His Son’s Death Following Pfizer Shot Because It Disclosed Heath Information of Minor “Without Authorization”

Toronto City Council’s Board of Health’s secretary suppressed the father’s testimony about the death of his son following the Pfizer shot because it allegedly “disclosed the personal health information of a minor without authorization.”

Toronto City Council’s Board of Health held a virtual hearing last January 17th to discuss the administration’s approach to Covid-19.

A grieving father, Dan Hartman, told the council that his 17-year-old son had died after receiving the experimental Pfizer shot. He was able to share his account of the death of his son.

Sean Hartman,17, received his first Pfizer shot on August 25th in order to play hockey in an arena where the vaccine was required. Four days later, he had a rash over his neck, face, and brown circles around his eyes and was rushed to the hospital. The doctor gave him a prescription for Advil and was sent home on the same day.

He passed away suddenly on Monday, September 27th, 2021.

Dan believed that his son was killed by the experimental vaccine.

“I know in my heart and soul; I believe the second pathologist that the vaccine killed my son,” he said. “It’s not rare as everyone thinks it is. It’s happening; it’s on Twitter every day; people are dying from this. I’m not an anti-vaxxer at all. I’m really not, but I think there is something wrong with this one,” he added.

Dan had created a Twitter account asking for justice for his son.

AUTOPSY COMPLETED. Cause of death: UNASCERTAINED. Only 2% of deaths have these results. What would you think if this was your child? As HEARTBREAKING as it sounds I was hoping they would find SOMETHING so I wouldn’t have these thoughts in my head.

— Answers4Sean (@Answers4Sean) December 27, 2021

After Dan shared about his son’s tragic death due to the vaccine, the board of health decided to edit out his testimony.

RAIR Foundation reported:

Toronto City Council’s Board of Health’s secretary, Julie Lavertu, claims they removed Mr. Hartman’s testimony because it “disclosed the personal health information of a minor without authorization.”

The “minor” Lavertu is speaking about is Mr. Hartman’s dead son, who reportedly died from the “vaccine.” The entire point of the father’s testimony was to discuss Sean and the effects the injection had on him.


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c22585  No.15650490

File: ab3112c74dd6ab6⋯.jpg (51.38 KB, 776x456, 97:57, kjhgfdfcgvhbgfvd.jpg)

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482900  No.15650491

File: 6274ee4f72d75d3⋯.jpg (143.2 KB, 916x587, 916:587, Screenshot_from_2022_02_17….jpg)

New Home Construction Unexpectedly Plunges as Bidenflation Pushes Costs Through The Roof


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04a8a4  No.15650492

File: 48e57c9744c9761⋯.png (383.98 KB, 769x445, 769:445, ClipboardImage.png)

He even talks like an Online Predator

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ddbe21  No.15650493

File: 43b3878368eceeb⋯.png (433.59 KB, 576x384, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f452f5456808cf⋯.png (282.45 KB, 600x312, 25:13, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 560b45ff34991cb⋯.png (225.97 KB, 357x495, 119:165, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8615635a5ae4eaa⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1242x650, 621:325, ClipboardImage.png)

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7e5545  No.15650494

File: 129570bb85b3f34⋯.jpg (63.87 KB, 800x505, 160:101, DAhmoAmW0AAobnB.jpg)

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b063a0  No.15650495

File: 0c764200f6016f9⋯.png (133.53 KB, 520x480, 13:12, pepe_knowingly.png)


DS coverups won't end well for [them].

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c8348c  No.15650496

File: 7a558843f66bc7d⋯.gif (265.79 KB, 344x304, 43:38, bravo_clap.gif)


Both vomit-inducing and awesome at the same time

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85988b  No.15650497

File: 1f1ed1fa8ad944c⋯.jpg (81.21 KB, 675x450, 3:2, 1f1ed1fa8ad944c36edbfba0f5….jpg)

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bdc74b  No.15650498

File: 4d209b9230bea82⋯.gif (3.03 MB, 360x270, 4:3, C49C2107_2845_4759_A675_CC….gif)

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19a375  No.15650499

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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207877  No.15650500

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


U.S. donors to trucker protest convoys 'ought to be worried': Lametti

Justice Minister David Lametti discusses the government's new legislation to target and freeze the accounts of donors to protest blockades.

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7e5545  No.15650501

File: c604a7145398347⋯.jpg (187.15 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, 1454943025040.jpg)

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ddbe21  No.15650502

File: 96a6b1e0d8a075a⋯.png (310.66 KB, 602x338, 301:169, ClipboardImage.png)

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4571bd  No.15650503

File: 8325136d6508207⋯.jpeg (36.91 KB, 500x333, 500:333, B938C1EB_10C9_42AE_B532_0….jpeg)

If hillary is about to go down, then what aboutRNNsaying she got the rope?

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ff545b  No.15650504


I'm no law scholar, but that doesn't seem like something that should be legal. Is she not aiding and abetting known criminals?

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dca2de  No.15650505

BREAKING! msnbc's Andrea Mitchell has two married (to each other) women on, one dressed in a man's suit and tie. This is the 100 yr. anniversary of the year of the woman or something and Putin is reveling in his masculinity. He's the worst man in the world. He's hurting women and men. They want him gone.

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945f76  No.15650506



Is that Meredith "trips"?

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7e5545  No.15650507

File: 3645f5f14dcbd03⋯.jpg (518.12 KB, 1145x825, 229:165, 1504303252434.jpg)

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c3c6c0  No.15650508

File: a837182dc4b04e8⋯.png (229.21 KB, 500x623, 500:623, ClipboardImage.png)


new version

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94b8a2  No.15650509

File: b7a283e06a702c3⋯.png (267.72 KB, 568x476, 142:119, Screen_Shot_2022_02_17_at_….png)

Breaking: Leaked images show how the police is preparing to crack down on people in Ottawa now. We need tons more people there to film. Dont be afraid, call on everyone to get their asses out there.


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bdc74b  No.15650510


Future justice porn?

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0dcb53  No.15650511



congrats on snipe


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d61af2  No.15650512

File: 6fc357f7b954e35⋯.png (542.49 KB, 818x545, 818:545, ClipboardImage.png)

Done with all the bigots racists & anti-semites here. It's not helping the cause. 80% of the memes even suck and are unusable except in this echo chamber. The Plan sucks unless you like being groomed by people that can only exist here because the rest of humanity shuns them. Enjoy your echo chamber, real anons can do more IRL than this shit I'm out! Going to Canada to do real work.

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c8aff6  No.15650513


Good job, Lackey!

slurp slurp

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a60ec7  No.15650514

File: 76fd099ec71d2c4⋯.png (38.68 KB, 598x368, 13:8, ClipboardImage.png)

The Department of Homeland Security has reported that 62,573 illegal immigrants were released into the U.S. just last month alone.

That is more than the entire population of our state capital, Carson City.


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dfafe4  No.15650515

File: e0ec488ed0225bb⋯.png (366.92 KB, 499x677, 499:677, ClipboardImage.png)

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3bc50e  No.15650516

File: 5e61eeac40ffd01⋯.png (72.83 KB, 387x64, 387:64, _o7_.png)

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8898d3  No.15650517

You must understand one thing!!!!!!!!

Listen w/o any prejudice.

Some collapse b/c it is too hard for them.

Not all b/c of the vaxx.

We must be fair.

B/c this is why I'm here.

Some are just weak, and brain shuts down.



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be9b2d  No.15650518


you are watching a movie anon

HRC is ded.

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07f3d4  No.15650519


All they have ever had are lies and pretense, in service to the dark lord. This pretense is the ol' "I am so innocent, and confident of my exoneration, that I actually think the ridiculous assertions should be dismissed now." Playing to the tards.

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b063a0  No.15650520

File: 738a3300c5017dd⋯.jpg (37.62 KB, 625x626, 625:626, B8_5.jpg)


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6a6ef7  No.15650521


See >>15650470

Should have said how it was translated into English.

The pope is evil. I never listened to him.

I mostly read Nordic translations of the Bible because that is my ancestry.

My faith comes from personal experience. Not a religion.

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94b8a2  No.15650522

File: fc71d360dbabbab⋯.png (304.64 KB, 602x475, 602:475, pepe_taco_saurus.png)


chill out, man.

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19a375  No.15650523

Doctors Group Demands Investigation Into Sudden Increase In Young Male Deaths In UK


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e47d85  No.15650524

File: f9eec20caebb2f7⋯.jpg (22.49 KB, 474x312, 79:52, George_.jpg)

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04a8a4  No.15650525

File: 3e76b80c89e6d78⋯.png (259.14 KB, 1080x790, 108:79, ClipboardImage.png)

They Have Nothing But Propaganda

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dd8845  No.15650526

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>15649761 (LB)

<For the NAVIGATION-[OUT] of (their) MATRIX.

>>15336997 (QSG)

>>15534438 (QSG)







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19a375  No.15650527

Amazon Removes BLM From Charity Platform Amid Growing Concerns Over Lack of Financial Transparency

Amazon has removed Black Lives Matter from its charity platform AmazonSmile amid growing concern over the organization’s lack of financial transparency.


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dfafe4  No.15650528

File: b198e15fb00b27e⋯.png (166.15 KB, 378x371, 54:53, b198e15fb00b27e0674ff122a2….png)

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aa1c72  No.15650529


>“disclosed the personal health information of a minor without authorization.”

And yet, forcing people (minors included) to prove they are or are not vaxxed doesn't fall under this?

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d9a841  No.15650530

File: f2a7bf8eb6e15d9⋯.png (671.61 KB, 855x664, 855:664, relax.png)

AIRLIVE @airlivenet

An Air Moldavia Airbus A321 (ER-AXR) drew a giant RELAX over Moldavia's skies



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482900  No.15650531

File: 4328b22e1a95347⋯.jpg (51.65 KB, 428x445, 428:445, pepeHULK.jpg)


>62,573 illegal immigrants were released into the U.S. just last month alone

they cannot work here

they usurp citizen's entitlements

thanks bIDEN

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ab58c3  No.15650532


"closes" in another 30 minutes-see wut they do

leave it just under imo like they tried to green the markets yesterday and fell short of that.

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a81b0e  No.15650533

File: a2fd0061ac51623⋯.jpg (108.08 KB, 500x721, 500:721, 65lggj.jpg)

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37ea0a  No.15650534


The recourse is minimal operating funds trapped in the financial system

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3c09ca  No.15650535

File: f15b36239df439a⋯.png (1003.61 KB, 1043x670, 1043:670, ingrish1.png)


I like that you only included Ingrish words in this post irrespective of their lack of cohesion with their neighbours.

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c2c892  No.15650536


RNN might be a White Hat Psyop against ""Them""

Just a big taunt and another way to make what they do float around…

just me thinking out loud..never said it (RNN) was anything but what they themselves claim..parody..

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880523  No.15650537

File: ae11e138daeec58⋯.png (79.36 KB, 544x684, 136:171, e.png)

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9e722f  No.15650538

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ottawa Police Services Board Special Meeting: Agenda 54 - 17Feb22 Chair and Vice Chair Election

Started streaming 6 minutes ago

Ottawa City Council

4.19K subscribers


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a60ec7  No.15650539

File: a4dd03067a60b43⋯.png (243.36 KB, 534x356, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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dfafe4  No.15650540

File: b6b21c5983b3f78⋯.png (424.42 KB, 645x879, 215:293, ClipboardImage.png)

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78c628  No.15650541

File: 63a2886c0c71e61⋯.png (569.83 KB, 984x1195, 984:1195, ClipboardImage.png)


Australia says it has added the U.S.-based far-right extremist group National Socialist Order and plans to add the entirety of the Palestinian group Hamas to its list of outlawed terrorist organizations

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3c09ca  No.15650542

File: 6ab98ef16502a64⋯.jpg (219.56 KB, 510x640, 51:64, pig_shit.jpg)


>RNN might be a

steaming pile of manure.

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04a8a4  No.15650543

File: d2fbf4f3904fb20⋯.png (335.08 KB, 765x567, 85:63, ClipboardImage.png)


Good-By Pincushion man

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b063a0  No.15650544

File: 55be11cc83276d9⋯.png (405.31 KB, 900x900, 1:1, pepe_7.png)



I was talking about these things with a group of friends this past week, when one girl said ""but this is simply not true, I read the New England Journal of Medicine too, so I know.''" This shit needs to stop being swept under the rug, and those who are responsible for doing so, need to be punished.

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19a375  No.15650545

File: bd35443deb0c2a8⋯.png (74.99 KB, 637x783, 637:783, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb6675a4f3b850b⋯.png (71.99 KB, 613x731, 613:731, ClipboardImage.png)

In leaked audio, CDC director tells lawmakers there will be no changes to school mask guidance

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky told lawmakers there are no plans to change the federal guidelines requiring students to wear masks in schools, according to a report.

"The CDC provides guidance," Walensky said during a briefing to the House Energy and Commerce committee. "Our guidance currently is that masking should happen in all schools right now."

Leaked audio from the closed-door meeting on Tuesday was reported by Reason. Walensky, White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services assistant secretary for preparedness and response, Dawn O'Connell, spoke to lawmakers about federal COVID-19 guidelines, gave updates on vaccines, and answered questions about the pandemic.

According to Reason, lawmakers from both parties criticized the CDC's mask guidance, and Walensky was challenged to explain why federal guidelines appear to be out of step with the latest science.

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.), the ranking Republican on the committee, observed that a major study from Arizona used by the CDC to support school mask mandates is seriously flawed and pressed Walensky to change the federal guidance to be more in line with science and with the international community.

"What we see in the U.S. is an outlier as it relates to the mask mandate for our children to go to school," McMorris Rodgers reportedly said. "[The World Health Organization and UNICEF] have both recommended against masking for kids under the age of 5 because it's going to do more harm than good. For children ages 6 to 11, they think that we should be considering other factors like learning and social development. My question today, my one question, is Dr. Walensky, will you commit to update your guidance by Friday to allow children in person without the burden of masks?"

Walensky did not commit to changing the CDC's guidance by Friday, even though she acknowledged that the Arizona study has "limitations," Reason reported.

"They all have limitations, and that's important to recognize because we are not randomizing schools," she told McMorris Rodgers. "We have to control for whether there are windows, ventilation, and other activities happening outside of these schools. So all of these studies have limitations. But they are for the most part uniformly pointing to that when there's a lot of disease out there, the masks are preventing that disease and preventing that transmission and because of that we are able to keep our schools open."

Another lawmaker, Rep. Gary Palmer (R-Ala.), demanded that Walensky explain how the school masking guidance is justified.

"Explain why we need to keep allowing school districts to impose a mask mandate on kids," he asked.

Responding, Walensky defended the agency's current guidance and noted that schools are free to disregard the CDC's recommendations, if they so choose.

"I will also say that guidance is just guidance, and all of these decisions, we've continued to say, have to be made at the local level," she reportedly said. "As cases come down dramatically, we have deferred our guidance to the local jurisdictions."


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986d1c  No.15650546

File: 43a7b9a9011ce66⋯.png (205.98 KB, 474x474, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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bf5e6c  No.15650547

File: e52ed281fd7ceeb⋯.jpg (70.89 KB, 489x316, 489:316, Screenshot_2022_02_15_1959….jpg)

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15851b  No.15650548


I feel she's been tried and convicted…I hope she's still alive so we can all watch her end.

I feel a live viewing will help people understand the consequences for treason.

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bed4cf  No.15650549



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207877  No.15650550


>Clinton campaign lawyer Sussmann files motion to dismiss Durham prosecution


>For the foregoing reasons, the one-count Indictment against Mr. Sussmann must be dismissed.

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3c09ca  No.15650551

File: 51c6e3899281a15⋯.jpg (119.39 KB, 720x405, 16:9, rrn.jpg)

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bdc74b  No.15650552


Well, speaking for just myselfanon, i get a kek out of imagining [them] reading RRN parody, and getting nice and mad unable to stop it. Kekels.

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7e5545  No.15650553

File: a87b397c7cfac51⋯.jpg (147.2 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, a87b397c7cfac51edebf1b7461….jpg)

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b133df  No.15650554

File: 1c366f1bd6f836a⋯.jpeg (10.52 KB, 400x225, 16:9, 526e945b94c126bd.jpeg)


Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz revealed in an interview on Sunday that he has proof that former Democrat President Barack Obama ordered the FBI to investigate someone after far-left billionaire George Soros asked for the investigation.

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3af163  No.15650555


Not true.

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cd9051  No.15650556

File: 2c588eb9215d088⋯.jpg (12.21 KB, 255x144, 85:48, 017ff43519ebb199e06295e927….jpg)

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4571bd  No.15650557

File: 500ac9db61b19b2⋯.jpeg (18.36 KB, 255x207, 85:69, 164F82BE_56AC_4980_BE12_E….jpeg)


Do u have special sause? I think hillary is alive n they wouldn’t do it without telling us like how they did no name, etc.

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a731c2  No.15650558

File: e8c0b105ceaa121⋯.png (169.22 KB, 600x452, 150:113, ClipboardImage.png)

File: da4b848ed76b54f⋯.jpg (45.71 KB, 512x512, 1:1, SuicideHotline.jpg)


Or- he's attempting to force the other indictments into the light, alert others? Trying to "prove" he's not flipping as a life preserver? He knows the drill

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94b8a2  No.15650559


thanks drphilanon

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296499  No.15650560

File: 34cceb863c7533a⋯.png (344.97 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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3a22dd  No.15650561

File: 2730a0294ef4feb⋯.jpg (60.23 KB, 464x627, 464:627, 1s.jpg)

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dfafe4  No.15650562

File: b316c0980c1aa99⋯.png (219.56 KB, 412x361, 412:361, b316c0980c1aa990673cd3e73e….png)

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c8348c  No.15650563

File: fe6f317325675d9⋯.jpg (58.54 KB, 463x353, 463:353, JOEFRIDAYREEFER.jpg)


>Done with all the bigots racists & anti-semites here.

No, no, no…it starts "'ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals"

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c2c892  No.15650564

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d9a841  No.15650565

File: 4662e01c525b307⋯.gif (756.87 KB, 480x480, 1:1, wink_trump.gif)

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04a8a4  No.15650567

File: 6340057a681cd3c⋯.png (125.85 KB, 426x247, 426:247, ClipboardImage.png)


New Chair

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dca2de  No.15650568


Wirklich? Danke Ihnen.

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838c02  No.15650569

File: f0fef9d8f08c85e⋯.png (804.39 KB, 784x719, 784:719, ClipboardImage.png)


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bed4cf  No.15650570


Maybe RRN is like the Q posts


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061d3f  No.15650571

File: 84279d5dc2eda77⋯.jpg (104.55 KB, 500x675, 20:27, 65lggg.jpg)

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8d99bb  No.15650572

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Canada protests: Freedom Convoy organizers call for more support

In a press conference on Wednesday, three organizers of the Freedom Convoy called for more Canadians to join their protest in Ottawa.

'We want the restoration of our fundamental right to peaceful protest. All Canadians should be surprised, no matter your political opinions, that the federal government has resorted to such extreme measures as the Emergency Act and that the government wants to use force on peaceful demonstration,' on of the organizers said.


vid timestamp 3:23


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94b8a2  No.15650573


peace is attained in o'mom's basement.

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cd9051  No.15650574

File: 408b96fe95577e3⋯.png (12.16 KB, 255x232, 255:232, 2cb10bc9ac841ec1fe7aa56f7c….png)

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34cad1  No.15650575

File: 2494225b4845126⋯.gif (8.24 MB, 480x274, 240:137, ABYSSAL_NCSWIC.gif)


WTF even is this shit?

Sussmann: "Hey, I don't like what you are doing. I want you to stop it."

Durham: "No. Go fuck yourself."

Courts:"Sussmann, go fuck yourself."


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7e5545  No.15650576

File: 0e35ce98a6513fd⋯.png (282.68 KB, 528x524, 132:131, 0e35ce98a6513fd2b0930669d5….png)

File: cf4531b228bc366⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1446x921, 482:307, 1ddb784e0338c9c8780b8d9b97….png)

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19a375  No.15650577

BLM Organizer Convicted on 20 Counts of Possessing Child Porn.

Christopher DeVries, who organized a protest in support of Black Lives Matter and defunding the police, pleaded guilty to 20 counts of possession of child pornography.

DeVries received a minimum of a three to six-year prison sentence, which started on December 27th, a $4,000 fine, and must register as a sex offender and comply with probation. DeVries could be incarcerated for as long as 15 years, with one year potentially being washed from the sentence if he completes sex offender treatment.

DeVries was originally charged with six counts of possessing child sexual abuse images, one count of possession of psilocybin mushrooms, and one count of falsifying physical evidence in July 2020. The indictment came one month after he organized a “Skate Away the Hate’” protest where he utilized a loudspeaker to rattle off demands that he claimed were conveyed to him by local chapters of Black Lives Matter:

“If we divest funds from police and prison systems we all benefit,” claimed DeVries at the rally.

Ahead of the protests, DeVries, who previously served on Conway, New Hampshire’s Municipal Budget Committee, also told local news:

Following his indictment, DeVries, a father of two, was allowed to live with his wife in Sweden, Maine, while on bail.

The falsifying physical evidence charge was in response to DeVries tossing his cellphone, which “reportedly showed underage girls either in lewd exhibition of private parts or engaging in sexual activity,” upon law enforcement arriving at his house.

The investigation began when police obtained a search warrant based on information that Snapchat, a picture messaging platform, provided to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.


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aa1c72  No.15650578

File: b57a93e960420c4⋯.jpg (520.68 KB, 768x717, 256:239, Ohio_Wake_Up_002.jpg)


made this for Ohio in 2019 as I thought the comparison to American city populations were a good way to show the absurdity of the mass immigration. Took Adam long enough to finally state the obvious.

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0dcb53  No.15650579

File: 8e0252c94bea2e3⋯.jpg (118.12 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 8e0252c94bea2e3a92e1f2e04e….jpg)

File: 53eb9f3ab75b4fe⋯.jpg (17.5 KB, 330x259, 330:259, 53eb9f3ab75b4fe3501b582a80….jpg)

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1bfe1e  No.15650580

brandie false faggin flaggin

russian seperatists shellin like isis -

taking and eating hearts (next)

and the owling form the coven rises to a fevered pitch

bring out dean and reeeeeeeee for hilllldawg

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1931e9  No.15650581

File: 8e2227f0776ec9d⋯.jpg (258.47 KB, 997x665, 997:665, Lieberman_Family_2020_35.jpg)

Aaron Lieberman digz.

Aaron Lieberman is a democrat running for governor of AZ. His wife Jessica Levin is a NY attorney and daughter of Betty Levin who runs an art gallery in NYC and is vice chair of the Jewish Museum in NYC.

Aaron and Jessica adopted two black boys from Ethiopia.



Jessica Estelle Levin, a daughter of Betty and John Levin of New York, was married last evening at her parents' house in Rye, N.Y., to Aaron Oscar Lewis Lieberman, a son of Evelyn and Lawrence H. Lieberman of Phoenix. Rabbi Joel S. Goor performed the ceremony.

The bride, 32, graduated from Harvard University. She was until recently a special assistant to Marshall S. Smith, the Acting Deputy Secretary of the Department of Education in Washington. The bridegroom, 26, is a founder and the executive director of Jumpstart, a national nonprofit organization in Boston offering literacy programs to preschoolers.

The couple met at Yale University, where the bride received a law degree and the bridegroom an undergraduate degree. They were reintroduced last year at a White House meeting for President Clinton's America Reads initiative, a literacy program for children.

The bride's father is the chairman and the chief executive of John A. Levin & Company, an investment management concern in New York. Her mother is the owner of Corporate Art Directions, an art consulting concern in New York.

The bridegroom's mother is a literacy specialist at Southwest Human Development, a nonprofit educational organization in Phoenix. His father is the vice chairman and a co-founder of Cross & Lieberman, a Phoenix law firm.

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04a8a4  No.15650582

File: 15b777846bf9323⋯.png (185.53 KB, 474x266, 237:133, ClipboardImage.png)

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bed4cf  No.15650583


Are we able to buy DWAC today?

Someone told me that its blocked from trade…

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ee1bc8  No.15650584

File: 4f64214d3e4dc2e⋯.png (111.49 KB, 540x419, 540:419, 1644957517011.png)

File: d9699d7762da174⋯.png (867.44 KB, 1080x2133, 40:79, Screenshot_20220217_101900….png)

File: 6939b7262121a1e⋯.png (243.87 KB, 1080x1390, 108:139, Screenshot_20220217_115135….png)

File: 407f6872f5e445f⋯.png (711.18 KB, 1080x1413, 120:157, Screenshot_20220217_115336….png)






The only Blitz I see is a Race to the Bottom of Panic!WAR! WAR! WAR!

Top Faggot SECDEF Austin claims there will be False Flags, Crisis Actors, and Deepfake Videos of U.S./NATO/Western Weapons causing these "Shellings"… Says that Russia will portray all this Murder/Death/Kill is actually committed by the Western Forces.

Not that the U.S. just funneled a bunch of high-tech weaponry, which needs specialized training, into UKRAINE w/o actually training anyone. So when the forensics come out of U.S. grade arms, ammunition, & explosives…

Enjoy The Show!





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6a6ef7  No.15650585

File: 65cd8bde4c979f2⋯.png (22.46 KB, 255x215, 51:43, ClipboardImage.png)

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a60ec7  No.15650586

File: 5d5a08d0fa50bd9⋯.png (372.48 KB, 516x516, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Information warfare

irregular warfare

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19a375  No.15650587

File: ab70499b21669ce⋯.png (750.07 KB, 682x1023, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Hillary Clinton campaign attorney moves to dismiss Durham investigation case

An attorney for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign is seeking the dismissal of a case against him, calling the matter “extraordinary prosecutorial overreach”

The attorney, Michael Sussman, was charged in Special Prosecutor John Durham’s investigation with making a false statement to a federal agent when he gave the FBI a tip in September 2016 about an apparent connection between the Trump Organization and Moscow’s Alfa Bank. Further review suggested the supposed digital fingerprints were likely the result of junk email.

Prosecutors allege that Sussman falsely stated “that he was not acting on behalf of any client in conveying particular allegations concerning a Presidential candidate,” when he was in fact working for then-candidate Clinton.

Sussmann has pleaded not guilty to the charge.

In a motion to dismiss filed Thursday, lawyers for Sussman said he did not make false statements to the FBI, and argued that prosecutors were pursuing him on a technicality.

Lawyers for Sussman said in a Thursday filing that he “voluntarily” met with the FBI in the fall of 2016 to “pass along information that raised national security concerns.”

“He met with the FBI, in other words, to provide a tip,” attorneys for Sussman wrote. “There is no allegation in the indictment that the tip he provided was false. And there is no allegation that he believed the tip he provided was false.”

“Rather, Mr. Sussmann has been charged with making a false statement about an entirely ancillary matter—about who his client may have been when he met with the FBI—which is a fact that even the Special Counsel’s own Indictment fails to allege had any effect on the FBI’s decision to open an investigation,” they continued.

“Allowing this case to go forward would risk criminalizing ordinary conduct, raise First Amendment concerns, dissuade honest citizens from coming forward with tips, and chill the advocacy of lawyers who interact with the government,” Sussman’s lawyers said.

“Mr. Sussmann did not make any false statement to the FBI,” they added.

Sussman faces up to five years in prison if convicted.


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be9b2d  No.15650588

File: 7575b54fe1613ea⋯.png (69.86 KB, 653x679, 653:679, RRN2.png)

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ab58c3  No.15650589

File: 06038ac0c67feda⋯.png (826.29 KB, 483x676, 483:676, ClipboardImage.png)

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3c09ca  No.15650590

File: 37801fac70b7954⋯.jpeg (124.18 KB, 600x489, 200:163, retardation_what_in.jpeg)


>Maybe RRN is like the Q posts

You think Q posts were retarded shit?

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04a8a4  No.15650591

File: 4c3fc2b43a2f478⋯.png (276.55 KB, 474x316, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e77c2  No.15650592


BLM? Tomorrow he'll be bailed out to the tune of 25K.

He'll be on the streets in time for the weekend.

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30d1ad  No.15650593

File: 04950355eb3fe22⋯.png (482.58 KB, 1491x834, 497:278, TRUMP_IQ.png)

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207877  No.15650594

File: 3dbd7538bd06119⋯.png (444.11 KB, 768x911, 768:911, ClipboardImage.png)

The proposed class-action lawsuit over Ottawa protests adds Union 613 and Happy Goat Coffee as plaintiffs, joining Zexi Li, as claim expands to include a class of businesses. Claim now up to $306 million. How about we sue those bastards ourselves? How about we pay them a visit to talk with them, what do you say? And sue their businesses for defaimation and false claims, no business was shut down because of the truckers on the contrary. How about the good business in Ottawa react to this BULLSHIT and take their asses to court?

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bd22cd  No.15650595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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986d1c  No.15650596


Maybe, but Occam's Razor argues that not only is he worried about Arkancide, but at least as worried about the justice freight train headed straight at him. Anon does not think he avoids the gibbet, so any flopping by him is maybe a sop to how it is done at the end, or who gets to keep at least some of his estate, or what story the public hears, etc.

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94b8a2  No.15650597


>'We want the restoration of our fundamental right to peaceful protest. All Canadians should be surprised, no matter your political opinions, that the federal government has resorted to such extreme measures as the Emergency Act and that the government wants to use force on peaceful demonstration,' on of the organizers said.


shillous larp or moran take yer pick

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bd22cd  No.15650598



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dfafe4  No.15650599



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4571bd  No.15650600

File: a233f0d4c87d95b⋯.jpeg (16.11 KB, 480x269, 480:269, CD66ADF6_C726_4C2A_BECF_7….jpeg)



That meme isn’t directly aimed at you. Just the only sauce related one I could find in my phone.


I think same. They’d let us in on the fun. Plus Q said fun doesn’t start for us u til FISA. No way they executed her already. I think they injected them with this graphene shit n can monitor their thoughts n vitals n gps etc. EXACTLY what they want to do to us.

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34cad1  No.15650601

File: 4f829aae3592001⋯.jpg (14.25 KB, 163x260, 163:260, Smoking.JPG)



Anon's right, though.

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162ef1  No.15650602

File: d2ad4ad1a96b2dc⋯.jpg (65.97 KB, 570x570, 1:1, 23238278387382788861745235….jpg)

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30d1ad  No.15650603

File: f34fe7a550538cb⋯.png (415.77 KB, 1364x757, 1364:757, TRUMP_IQ004.png)


Breaking out the old twit memes

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a60ec7  No.15650604

File: eababcc3e8359b4⋯.jpg (51.33 KB, 680x444, 170:111, 1vBtyCqi.jpg)

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d37507  No.15650605

File: efc573c24f8fb46⋯.png (114.68 KB, 802x628, 401:314, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3182f8f6ead71e1⋯.png (303.34 KB, 634x633, 634:633, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 712afc9caccc4f7⋯.png (558.57 KB, 634x454, 317:227, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70035bc39a527c0⋯.png (60.06 KB, 306x280, 153:140, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 787503d5e7bd8ef⋯.png (49.72 KB, 634x159, 634:159, ClipboardImage.png)


A controversial AI company has announced it aims to put an image of nearly every human face in its facial recognition database, making it possible for 'almost everyone in the world [to] be identifiable.'

In its latest report in December, facial recognition firm Clearview AI told investors that the company is currently collecting 100 billion photos of human faces for the unprecedented campaign, which will be stored in its dedicated database.

The collection of images - approximately 14 photos for each of the 7 billion people on the entire planet, scraped from social media and other sources - would extensively bolster the company's extensive surveillance system, already the most elaborate of its kind.

The American company headquartered in Manhattan further told investors that its 'index of faces' has grown from 3 billion images to more than 10 billion since the start of 2020.

The firm's technology has already been used by myriad law enforcement and government agencies around the world, helping police make thousands of arrests by aiding in various criminal investigations.

Clearview fills its database by scouring sources like Facebook, YouTube, Venmo and millions of other sites, according to the company.

The company, founded in 2016 by Australian CEO Hoan Ton-That, 34 - and currently valued at more than $100 million - is seeking to expand its facial recognition empire beyond law enforcement.

Clearview AI was founded in 2016 by Hoan Ton-That, a 31-year-old Australian tech entrepreneur and one-time model.

Ton-That co-founded the company with Richard Schwartz, an aide to Rudy Giuliani when he was mayor of New York.

It is backed financially by Peter Thiel, a venture capitalist who co-founded PayPal and was an early investor in Facebook.

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3c09ca  No.15650606



How the fuck can I filter you if you only include two Oh Shits?

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94b8a2  No.15650607

File: 3843f489c92e8ad⋯.png (410.21 KB, 851x401, 851:401, Screen_Shot_2022_02_17_at_….png)

AOC rockin' The Librarian look


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482900  No.15650608

File: 3d7faff66323631⋯.png (203.21 KB, 433x577, 433:577, DURHAMsheriff.png)


>Dershowitz says he has proof

>Giuliani says he has proof

>Durham has proven he has proof

Will Garland pull the plug on Durham?

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bf5e6c  No.15650609

File: 3ccac36196a6efc⋯.jpg (229.55 KB, 598x350, 299:175, Screenshot_2022_02_14_1857….jpg)

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296499  No.15650610

File: 96cb631164a566d⋯.png (296.05 KB, 868x489, 868:489, ClipboardImage.png)

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c2c892  No.15650611

File: ac0e5e8a71693ce⋯.jpg (39.54 KB, 600x426, 100:71, ac0e5e8a71693ce4f704493271….jpg)


Imagine being "Them" Guilty as Fuck with the Durham investigation closing in as it expands (Glorious) and now there is justice porn that has Them front and center..

You gotta admit between the B.Bee and RNN poking at them is as you say.. satisfying..

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94b8a2  No.15650612



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bed4cf  No.15650613


the guy with the nazi flag was most likely one of Trudy's plants

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af8c7f  No.15650614

File: d44e5dbc10215dd⋯.jpg (120.96 KB, 913x515, 913:515, Brains.jpg)

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dd8845  No.15650615



>For the NAVIGATION-[OUT] of (their) MATRIX.

>>15336997 (QSG)

>>15534438 (QSG)

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1bfe1e  No.15650616

how does the deep state rich and elite pay thar fair share?

witness the royal court treatment of the democratic operations

indictmnets lead to a report on how bad the elction process is and how it must be remedied for the sake of democracy

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8f38a1  No.15650617


The obvious conclusion is that BLM supporters support cp.

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4328d2  No.15650618

File: 97cbc73055ee114⋯.png (157.08 KB, 478x503, 478:503, ClipboardImage.png)



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1eded4  No.15650619

File: 17af1bb62b58460⋯.png (180.85 KB, 445x359, 445:359, ClipboardImage.png)



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30d1ad  No.15650621


yeah – that was my first crack at it

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bed4cf  No.15650622



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19a375  No.15650623

File: 30fc3d998c338dd⋯.png (533.73 KB, 673x876, 673:876, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fdec5f949ea7d5f⋯.png (302.39 KB, 655x572, 655:572, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 589debd7f4c0f26⋯.png (16.79 KB, 677x139, 677:139, ClipboardImage.png)

Canada Police to Send Names of Trucker Protesters to Financial Institutions

Canadian banks will receive the names of people involved in “Freedom Convoy” protests that have descended on the nation’s capital, a first step in a promised financial crackdown on demonstrators being instituted by the far-left government of Justin Trudeau.

Bloomberg reports the Canadian Bankers Association confirmed the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) has alerted banks to a list of names and made it available.

The institutions are reportedly still seeking clarity from law enforcement on how to handle the alleged protesters’ accounts, according to people familiar with the matter. But Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland said some accounts have already been frozen, the news outlet reported.

Under the Emergencies Act invoked by this week by Trudeau, law enforcement officials have the ability to arrest people for obstruction of roadways and disruptive behaviour within a no-go exclusion zone. They also have the power to seize vehicles and freeze the same bank accounts.

Conservatives were quick to accuse Trudeau of embracing to emergency powers and of freezing bank accounts without evidence of extremist activity.

“Throughout the last three weeks, the prime minister has failed to take meaningful action to de-escalate the protest here or use any tools that he may have available,” Conservative Leader Candice Bergen said. “Instead, he has jumped straight to the most extreme measure.”



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a731c2  No.15650624

File: 87fe6a9950ea478⋯.png (52.54 KB, 1209x456, 403:152, 2_17_2022.PNG)

File: 87a18e5f98fe005⋯.png (347.75 KB, 924x368, 231:92, 2_17_2022_1_Million_shorts….PNG)

File: d34271a1dee2d84⋯.png (348.75 KB, 931x388, 931:388, 2_17_2022_1_Million_shorts….PNG)



Over 1 Million shorts failed to cover & there's very little float. Good times!

I just placed a trade as a test, no, DWAC trading is not blocked.

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484983  No.15650625

>>15650408 (LB) reposting

Just overheard my stupid-ass liberal sister say "I'll continue using my mask and when cases shoot up, they'll see.

What if the Cabal fuckery now is countries eliminating masks and other mandates as a setup? So when the vax side effects start manifesting themselves in larger number, they'll claim we need the masks and the mandates.

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6f46ef  No.15650626

File: b59f0aac182db1b⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1449x1750, 207:250, Sussman_Michaelc.jpg)

File: 43a013496766e30⋯.jpg (59.84 KB, 435x580, 3:4, FDNdVTEWQAYHh0f.jpg)

File: a4a326c213a4189⋯.png (253.41 KB, 432x450, 24:25, Jake_Sullivan_WH.png)

Who Gets Arkancided First, Sussman or Sullivan?

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94b8a2  No.15650627

"In 2017, as fear and loathing of Donald Trump seized the nation, a U.S. mayor got a four-star resort to cancel a conservative conference by threatening to withdraw police and fire protection…"

Nice Four Star resort ya got here. Be a shame if the police and fire departments ignored you when BLM came to town.


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19a375  No.15650628

File: 1c0fdcb2f64dc6c⋯.png (96.17 KB, 654x893, 654:893, ClipboardImage.png)

Canada police ready to move in to clear trucker-led protests

Canadian police massed in the capital Thursday, readying to clear a trucker-led protest that has choked Ottawa’s streets and provoked the government to call on rarely-used emergency powers.

With barricades going up overnight and a heavy police presence forming in the area where hundreds of big rigs remain parked, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was in Parliament nearby defending his decision to invoke the Emergencies Act for only the second time in peacetime.

“Illegal blockades and occupations are not peaceful protests,” Trudeau told the House of Commons, adding: “They have to stop.”

In response to critics, he said the Act was not being used to call in the military against the protesters, and denied restricting freedom of expression.

The objective was simply to “deal with the current threat and to get the situation fully under control,” he said.

Early Thursday groups of police officers could be seen unloading from buses and filing into the parliamentary precinct in Ottawa where the trucks have been parked for weeks.

Truckers had been given an ultimatum late Wednesday by the capital city’s interim police chief to “leave the area now,” or risk arrest and truck seizures.

In a statement, Chief Steve Bell said “a methodical and well-resourced plan” would be carried out over the coming days “to take back the entirety of the downtown core and every occupied space.”

“Some of the techniques we are lawfully able and prepared to use are not what we are used to seeing in Ottawa,” he said. “But we are prepared to use them… to restore order.”

Truckers responded by blaring horns well into the night — despite an extension Wednesday of a court order against the deafening noises, obtained by an area resident fed up with the disruptions.

One of the protest leaders, Tamara Lich posted a tearful video to say she was expecting to be arrested. “I think it’s inevitable at this point… I’m okay with that,” she said.

She also called on supporters to flood the capital, saying truckers already in place “are gonna stay and fight for your freedom.”

“If you can come to Ottawa and stand with us, that would be fantastic,” she said. “I want you to keep fighting the good fight.”


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3a22dd  No.15650629

File: 2aff2f21f4c2c5e⋯.gif (1.35 MB, 520x293, 520:293, 1618536752353.gif)

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f8a8a2  No.15650630


Well, President Washington was correct.

I am in California. We had the mask mandate lifted on the 15th.

They are still wearing their frigging masks!

I thought I would be seeing a ton of freed up happy faces when I went out. This is the third day and I have seen 4 other non-masked faces.(I don't wear one anyway haven't for 2 yrs)

WTF is the matter with them? This is insane. I live in a lib area so a huge # of them are vaxxed to death. But they still think it is better to wear it? And outside as well still!

We need Gates and Fauxci arrested first and then to slap people in the face with it to get them to wake up

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a1fec2  No.15650631

File: 01f1187ac06441c⋯.jpeg (58.75 KB, 474x391, 474:391, CEA6B91D_9AD2_437F_8230_1….jpeg)


>Trudy's plants

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207877  No.15650632


>Canada Police to Send Names of Trucker Protesters to Financial Institutions

I did Nazi that coming.

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a60ec7  No.15650633

File: f733e4f6789252d⋯.png (883.55 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, ClipboardImage.png)

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30d1ad  No.15650634

File: cab7ea54705b22f⋯.png (358.47 KB, 948x530, 474:265, TRUMP4.png)


I also had this one attached

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af8c7f  No.15650635

File: c4f9757b7de511e⋯.png (390.01 KB, 903x399, 43:19, 1a225cdce7c9f7a8adcd0bb4fe….png)


<The rest of the story

Carry on.


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3b69ad  No.15650636

File: b9e7fcd00bb64e0⋯.gif (3.03 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 76E12791_BC70_4087_B9FD_12….gif)



stealin dose

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3c09ca  No.15650637


Oh fuck, I forgot that I must be JIDF if I don't swallow "Michael Baxter's' faeces.

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7e5545  No.15650638

File: 2835c543a1e0942⋯.png (741.22 KB, 1677x1020, 559:340, 419804_1_En_15_Fig1_HTML.png)


>if he completes sex offender treatment.

Big Opportunity for plesmographers

perfect for shill.

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296499  No.15650639

File: 341a971ad9b71d6⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>facial database

Character creation must be the tits with all those options

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4328d2  No.15650640

File: 64b62f2ff469563⋯.png (542.61 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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207877  No.15650641

File: 955dd4e80d30e28⋯.png (106.81 KB, 195x286, 15:22, ClipboardImage.png)


too weird looking

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94b8a2  No.15650642


all stocks have a short position.

nobody in his right mind is speculatively shorting this, at least not in any large quantities.


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d9a841  No.15650643

Federal Judge Blocks Air Force From Punishing Officer Who Refused COVID Vaccine for Religious Reasons

U.S. District Court Judge Tillman E. Self III issued a preliminary injunction for an Air Force Reserve officer who was denied a religious exemption from the military’s COVID vaccine mandate, calling the military’s process for granting religious exemption “illusory and insincere.”


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4571bd  No.15650644

File: 436d01575cc1012⋯.jpeg (104.37 KB, 960x1200, 4:5, 447ECA76_6CC6_4CD2_A13B_4….jpeg)

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81fc29  No.15650645

File: e50ff13e8d3707f⋯.jpg (18.55 KB, 255x191, 255:191, d14c9340bb5afb5722e0ed4a06….jpg)

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3a22dd  No.15650646

File: 9132fd08586499c⋯.jpg (114.64 KB, 915x516, 305:172, hw3334.jpg)


The bankers are like, "we'll take care of them Trudy".

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1931e9  No.15650648


Forgot some sauce.



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d9a841  No.15650649

File: add6c6170e2ed4b⋯.gif (190.11 KB, 264x264, 1:1, 7.gif)

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94b8a2  No.15650650

File: bff5e2c8c26c5b7⋯.png (443.53 KB, 407x565, 407:565, clowns_approve.png)

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6f46ef  No.15650651

File: 6db9e5451d1817c⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1151x1284, 1151:1284, ClipboardImage.png)

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207877  No.15650652

File: 13e57341a7cd163⋯.mp4 (14.61 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, AlfaBank_1_.mp4)

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3a22dd  No.15650653

File: 0880c40d0aede80⋯.jpg (82.84 KB, 503x681, 503:681, 1590979.jpg)

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b0b084  No.15650654


The Emergencies Act HAS NOT been invoked! It is still in debate in Parliament! They cannot do this!

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19a375  No.15650655

Ericsson CEO Reveals Company May Have Paid ISIS, Other Terrorists for Access to Transport Routes in Iraq

According to admissions made by its CEO, telecommunications giant Ericsson may have made payments to ISIS and other terror organizations in order to access certain transport routes in Iraq. CEO Borje Ekholm admitted that “unusual expenses” included “transport routes have been purchased through areas that have been controlled by terrorist organizations, including ISIS.”

Bloomberg reports that the Stockholm-based telecommunications firm Ericsson recently admitted that it may have made payments to the ISIS terror organization in order to gain access to transport routes in Iraq. The admission comes after the U.S. DOJ accused the company in October of breaching a $1 billion agreement it made with prosecutors in 2019 to end a corruption probe into the firm.

In a recent interview with the newspaper Dagens Industri, Ericsson CEO Borje Ekholm stated that the company identified “unusual expenses dating back to 2018” but has yet to determine who received the money. Ekholm added: “What we are seeing is that transport routes have been purchased through areas that have been controlled by terrorist organizations, including ISIS.”

Ekholm’s comments come after a statement by the company on Tuesday in which it said that it continues to “invest significantly” into an investigation into compliance concerns in its Iraq-based operations.

Ericsson has faced a number of issues in recent years including a long-running corruption probe resulting in a $1 billion settlement agreement in 2019. Last year, a unit of Ericsson AB admitted to a bribery campaign in Asia and the Middle East. In October last year, the U.S. DOJ accused the firm of breaching the settlement agreement by failing to provide certain documents.

Ekholm told the newspaper that the company has spent “considerable resources trying to understand this as best we can. Financing terrorism is completely unacceptable and something we do not allow at all.”

Ericsson shares were down almost 14.5 percent on Wednesday following the news, the largest drop in a day since July 2017. Shares fell almost four percent in morning trading on Thursday.


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c2c892  No.15650656

File: 4d70c7ecb4c88c2⋯.gif (677 KB, 512x250, 256:125, fggdgd.gif)


Some Plants grow to Eat you..

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482900  No.15650657

File: 440934dc37de625⋯.png (236.27 KB, 721x476, 103:68, TRUMPisSTILLbadMAN.png)

The House Oversight Committee is asking the General Services Administration to consider terminating the lease for the Trump International Hotel in Washington, DC, before Trump sells it.

>The House Oversight Committee is asking the General Services Administration to consider terminating the lease for the Trump International Hotel in Washington, DC, before

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dca2de  No.15650658


Yeah, no problem. It's trading at 87.75 at the moment, up 2.39 or 3.04%. Decided last week to buy when it got into the 60's but will have to recalculate. Maybe mid 70's

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4571bd  No.15650659

File: b146caa14a5df08⋯.jpeg (69.86 KB, 560x411, 560:411, E83913E2_5E34_4A93_B81B_5….jpeg)

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94b8a2  No.15650660


Circumspection on the 8th Day.

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913c96  No.15650661


Asymmetric and also multi dimensional. They never had a chance.

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bed4cf  No.15650662



Donbass, Ukraine

remember Obame-biden regime had all those civilians gunned down in 2014?

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c8aff6  No.15650663


She's pretty.

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838c02  No.15650664

File: 9944ad4c85c9462⋯.png (22.46 KB, 763x229, 763:229, ClipboardImage.png)


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30d1ad  No.15650665


Love the new standard deviations!

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dfafe4  No.15650666

File: a177bd82f5f821b⋯.png (271.79 KB, 1066x782, 533:391, ClipboardImage.png)

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f8a8a2  No.15650667


Hey! I voted for him. He chose a nut case for a VP . That was his undoing


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dd8845  No.15650668

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a60ec7  No.15650669


it is a matter of statistics, the Jews are the main promoters of eugenics.

Lurk moar.

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3a22dd  No.15650670

File: 0c38a6159567744⋯.gif (368.38 KB, 280x280, 1:1, 570204911.gif)

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3b69ad  No.15650671

File: cffae80205cb738⋯.gif (6.28 MB, 388x480, 97:120, 2959623D_FF85_4393_8B2D_FA….gif)


dat one too

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15851b  No.15650672


The bar should by high for elected officials…even mayors, city council, …if you've sold out the peoples trust…public trial, quick justice.

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207877  No.15650673

File: 51140433af7ddd8⋯.mp4 (5.34 MB, 320x674, 160:337, kirtaner.mp4)

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482900  No.15650674

File: b0d75d65fd483cb⋯.jpg (159.65 KB, 1208x1208, 1:1, BIRDbrain.jpg)




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94b8a2  No.15650675


who can doubt (you), what with all the sauce you provide.

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af8c7f  No.15650676

File: 96e0f3dce28e125⋯.jpg (91.78 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, OscarG1.jpg)


meme stol'n

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ddbe21  No.15650677

File: 11cdef9978512c9⋯.png (227.54 KB, 474x318, 79:53, ClipboardImage.png)


You're not a Minor if you're Deceased

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c8348c  No.15650679

File: a5f4478d9b3d84f⋯.jpg (407.68 KB, 2000x2701, 2000:2701, hillack.jpg)


Sussman seems weaker

Elias would be the bonus plan

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f8a8a2  No.15650680


Congress isn't that smart.

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838c02  No.15650681

File: b1184b23a854b2c⋯.png (479.07 KB, 750x718, 375:359, ClipboardImage.png)

Yikes Virtual Reality has hit Unreality and made a fake baby


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a731c2  No.15650682

File: d199983ac421e05⋯.png (4.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


True dat. Lawfare is all they know & I'm not mad at that. They can win and still lose it all. Attorney fees get spendy. Also, this is a good time to point out in Lien Law, attorney fees are called an "Absolute Super Priority" and they ALWAYS get paid first. I wonder who wrote that law? /sarc

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04a8a4  No.15650683

File: f9b55a6d2b08f5d⋯.png (229.2 KB, 474x315, 158:105, ClipboardImage.png)

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19a375  No.15650684

File: c02b393d3ae6a4a⋯.png (572.04 KB, 1044x590, 522:295, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 385ae108da86ddf⋯.png (245.92 KB, 843x332, 843:332, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4cf166bf9b0c130⋯.png (32.92 KB, 810x209, 810:209, ClipboardImage.png)

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88c309  No.15650685

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47086f  No.15650686

File: 65cccba4355db19⋯.png (1.62 MB, 901x1217, 901:1217, killary.png)

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7e5545  No.15650687

File: f38518581bff1d5⋯.jpg (20.14 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 345436767.jpg)


It's in the eye of the beholder. Mostly.

Some pedovores just look like pedovores


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4328d2  No.15650688



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ee1bc8  No.15650689

File: 06f5b2d9ee52fda⋯.jpg (69.62 KB, 242x937, 242:937, Hillary_Calls_MS_13.jpg)



Yeah, I was serving in the Military back then…

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a60ec7  No.15650690

File: 64fa4570e760986⋯.png (159.42 KB, 398x606, 199:303, ClipboardImage.png)


I am not going to argue with someone who puts a picture of someone with a disease as an argument in a discussion.


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0dcb53  No.15650691


need a link please

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207877  No.15650692

File: e0da9c2087eb6f2⋯.mp4 (7.05 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, You_guys_I_m_simply_beside….mp4)

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3a22dd  No.15650693

File: 3962869f76891b2⋯.png (164.36 KB, 499x499, 1:1, 1555903443710.png)


He is so cringe it hurts

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913c96  No.15650694


Yes. And this even as their traditional sources of cashish are being cut off one by one. But you know, if it was me, ducats would be the least of my worries.

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19a375  No.15650695

Facebook owner Meta promotes failed British politician Nick Clegg to be an EQUAL of founder Mark Zuckerberg - making the former UK deputy Prime Minister one of most powerful people in tech

The former leader of the Liberal Democrats Nick Clegg has been promoted to top policy executive at Facebook parent company Meta - making him one of the most powerful people in tech.

CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced Clegg's promotion in a Facebook post on Wednesday, signalling that the founder will have less of an involvement in policy going forward.

'We need a senior leader at the level of myself (for our products) and Sheryl (for our business) who can lead and represent us for all of our policy issues globally,' Zuckerberg wrote, referring to Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg.

Clegg, 55, who was a British deputy prime minister from 2010 to 2015, joined Facebook in 2018 to run its global policy organisation.

He has led on issues like Facebook's content policy and elections and spearheaded its establishment of the company's independent content oversight board.

'Nick will now lead our company on all our policy matters, including how we interact with governments as they consider adopting new policies and regulations, as well as how we make the case publicly for our products and our work,' Zuckerberg said in the post.

It comes as Meta faces mounting scandals after whistleblower documents leaked last October claimed its platforms harmed users - and said chiefs were aware of the harm caused by Instagram and WhatsApp but failed to act.

The company is steeped deep in crisis after whistleblower Frances Haugen leaked internal documents and made bombshell claims last year that Facebook 'puts profits over people' by knowingly harming teenagers with its content and stoking anger among users.

Haugen, a Facebook former product manager, left the company with tens of thousands of confidential documents that she copied in secret and released to roughly two dozen news outlets.

The CEO said the change would allow him to focus more on leading the company as it builds new products while Sandberg focused on the success of its business.

Clegg's elevation to the role of 'president, global affairs,' reporting to both Zuckerberg and Sandberg, comes ahead of US midterm elections in November.

Clegg will also be tasked with handling regulatory issues as the company focuses on building the metaverse, a futuristic idea of immersive virtual environments.

'The next few years will be a crucial time for our company and our industry as new rules for the internet are written all over the world, and as we set out on our journey to help build the metaverse,' Sandberg wrote in a post.

Appointed in October 2018 as vice-president for global affairs and communications, Sir Nick commands a reported salary of £2.7 million and has been tasked by Mr Zuckerberg to defend the tech giant's interests abroad.

Trading in his £1.5 million townhouse in Putney, South-West London, for a £7 million mansion in the sleepy Californian hamlet of Atherton, Clegg has embraced the Silicon Valley lifestyle.


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f8a8a2  No.15650696


whoever wrote this didn't catch the error in it.

What does that say of that person?

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207877  No.15650697


CSIS media asset


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3bc50e  No.15650698

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dan Rather Reports - No Thanks for Everything

>42,779 views [posted] Dec 10, 2011

With the unemployment rate over nine percent, why are lawmakers, lobbyists and pundits across the political spectrum clamoring to increase the flow of high-skilled guest workers from overseas? Business advocates say U.S. companies need the world's "best and the brightest" in order to out-innovate global competitors and to create new jobs. Critics claim the federal guest worker visa programs are rife with abusive practices and that there's no shortage of the best and brightest talent right here – especially now with more than 20 million Americans jobless or underemployed.

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dca2de  No.15650699


Not the ISIS Red Helmets. It will be the Right Sektor Red Helmats. They all at acting school right now. Not doing so good.

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c8348c  No.15650701

File: 1346f761e2a3de6⋯.jpg (158.43 KB, 750x718, 375:359, stapuftsteltie.jpg)

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2e0174  No.15650702

File: 7b4a3d252c8d7b6⋯.png (1.17 MB, 962x722, 481:361, ClipboardImage.png)

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3bc50e  No.15650703

File: 7f236507f16e2f6⋯.jpg (223.73 KB, 939x717, 313:239, capture_253_17022022_10180….jpg)


>Dan Rather Reports - No Thanks for Everything

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04a8a4  No.15650704

File: f2b676ec4fb23ef⋯.png (95.26 KB, 255x241, 255:241, ClipboardImage.png)

Contemplating a Truth Social Account

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4571bd  No.15650705

File: 301aa6600b8f864⋯.jpeg (404.2 KB, 750x1155, 50:77, 97CA6777_DD2F_46A9_95D4_4….jpeg)

File: 320e4f7e8716f03⋯.jpeg (195.72 KB, 693x557, 693:557, 3FBAC525_A671_4466_823B_5….jpeg)

File: d1d279eb08de1e6⋯.jpeg (52.55 KB, 858x830, 429:415, BBA40C1E_7ED4_4DB7_9D49_C….jpeg)


Dubs confirm he’s an loserferian pos trying to be cool.

Anyway, I took a pot and was just thinking about how AI is a program and it doesn’t have inner conflict because they’re not connected to God. It’s created in [their] image, kmfao. In other words, it’s a fail. (3nd picrel)

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484983  No.15650706


Been wanting to get started in trading.

Got fired Feb 7th, and since they paid full severance, it's my first and last chance to start online trading which I always wanted to do but never had enough cash to even open an account.

Any based tools or resources you can recommend?

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19a375  No.15650707

Canada: Finance minister Chrystia Freeland is on the World Economic Forum’s board of trustees.

Freeland announced on Monday that she was expanding Canada’s anti “terrorist funding” laws to cover crowdsourcing platforms and crypto currency, and to allow private banks to freeze or close Canadian citizens’ personal bank accounts without a court order.

Banks will be protected against any lawsuits.

Freeland also stated that the Canadian government will be sharing “relevant information” with banks and other financial service providers to help them close the bank accounts — Private Public Partnerships are a major aspect of Agenda 21.


Judging by Freeland’s activities in Ukraine, I imagine that she was originally some sort of spy LARPing as a journalist.

See Early Life and Political Career sections here:


Apparently Chrystia Freeland also attended a United World College (home of the International Baccalaureate) which is basically an elite grooming institution for people who will work for the United Nations cabal. The organization has a very wacky history, which is widely covered in this article:



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6f46ef  No.15650708

File: 5d75c470bfa2f3c⋯.png (433.11 KB, 831x363, 277:121, 703b640adc309a05258f0d06f8….png)

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c8aff6  No.15650709




Fee tines a mady

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1e64b7  No.15650710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Current Tornado Activity in the US

Here is Ryan Hall stream

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838c02  No.15650711

File: 1bd7ec5d08e4056⋯.png (778.81 KB, 738x714, 123:119, ClipboardImage.png)

Bidan Admin is trying everything to have a war with Russia, Thank God there are adults in the world


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bed4cf  No.15650712

File: 3300c4af7f3d39b⋯.png (232.37 KB, 843x332, 843:332, ChristyaFreeland.png)

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207877  No.15650713



About 15 minutes into the call, Monster cheerfully called out the presence of an unlikely participant: Aubrey "Kirtaner" Cottle, who describes himself as a founder of Anonymous. In other words – Monster's enemy.

"Kirtaner!" he said, clapping his hands. "What's up, bro?"  

Monster asked Cottle if he performed the hack.   

Cottle denied it, then added, "I would never, ever, ever, ever admit to a federal crime in a space like this."  

A day or two later, Monster donated $444 to the GoFundMe page set up by Cottle, who told CNN he lives off donations. Monster has referenced the number as having biblical connotations; Cottle took the gesture as a message.  

"He's got his eye on me," Cottle told CNN. "He had to go digging to find that GoFundMe."  

Cottle who said he lives modestly in Toronto acknowledged that he took Monster's money and used it for a trip to visit his young child in Philadelphia.  

Monster told CNN he believes Cottle is the culprit. 

"But that doesn't mean I can't have compassion for him," he said. "Love the sinner, not the sin." He added: "You'd be amazed at how many people who are lost and on a dark path are transformed into noble citizens because somebody gave them the benefit of the doubt."

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9e1282  No.15650714

File: d62e4ea57275060⋯.jpg (91.75 KB, 500x575, 20:23, C4_5.jpg)

File: 5d1968f4dafbf30⋯.jpg (71.42 KB, 500x609, 500:609, bgi.jpg)

File: c2da48f2fad6e53⋯.jpg (75.72 KB, 500x600, 5:6, vgnu.jpg)

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d9a841  No.15650716

File: f7885ad974240a5⋯.jpg (28.34 KB, 630x630, 1:1, resistance_futile_potus.jpg)

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484983  No.15650717


No longer needed–useful idiots.

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7e5545  No.15650718

File: 5163b7fee767a66⋯.png (337.4 KB, 620x398, 310:199, 2be650433136e122d75b167a14….png)


left still can't meme

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3a22dd  No.15650720

File: 49d181ea8519cfc⋯.png (670.2 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1602121538540.png)

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3c09ca  No.15650721


>it is a matter of statistics, the Jews DS, no matter what religion they profess are the main promoters of eugenics.

>Lurk moar, homo.

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9e8e00  No.15650722


Yet he billed the Clinton campaign for his time in setting up and attending the meeting with the FBI. Durham has those receipts. That Sussman was knowingly acting as an agent for his client, the Clinton campaign fully negates his defenses that:

"Allowing this case to go forward would risk criminalizing ordinary conduct, raise First Amendment concerns, dissuade honest citizens from coming forward with tips, and chill the advocacy of lawyers who interact with the government"…..

in short, he's screwed

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af8c7f  No.15650723

File: b700ede3a86c626⋯.jpg (52.57 KB, 500x277, 500:277, opposing_views_politicians….jpg)


Just smart enough to be dangerous.

Full of their own hubris.

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19a375  No.15650724

Canadian parents could face fines or jail time for bringing children to ‘unlawful’ Freedom Convoy protests under new emergency powers act

Canadian parents who bring their children to demonstrations the government considers to be "unlawful" can now face thousands of dollars in fines or jail time, CBC News reported.

The new power reportedly comes after the federal government invoked the Emergencies Act this week, granting itself exceptional measures to address the country's ongoing Freedom Convoy trucker protests. It marked the first time the act has been invoked since its passage in 1988.

For more than two weeks now, thousands of demonstrators have been camping in Ottawa, Canada's capital city, in protest of the country's COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Elsewhere, protesters have blocked border crossings between the U.S. and Canada, vowing to stay until Prime Minister Justin Trudeau lifts vaccine mandates and other coronavirus restrictions on truckers crossing the border.

Under the act, the federal government can restrict travel and prohibit people from bringing minors to any public assemblies that disrupt the movement of people, goods, and trade, or that support the "threat or use of acts of serious violence against persons or property."

Specifically, the act allows government authorities to administer fines of up to $5,000 or five years jail time for those who bring children under the age of 18 to participate in the assembly and the same penalties for anyone who participates in the blockades or brings aid — such as food or fuel — to people involved, CBC noted.

Banks and insurance companies have also been granted the authority to freeze participants' accounts and cancel their vehicle insurance.

In a notice issued Wednesday, Ottowa police told protesters, "You must leave the area now. Anyone blocking streets, or assisting others in the blocking streets, are committing a criminal offence and you may be arrested."

"You must immediately cease further unlawful activity or you will face charges," the notice added.

Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino similarly commented, "To those who may be thinking to come to Ottawa this weekend — don't. At best, the residents of the city have made it clear that this is not the time. And at worst, you may be tying yourself to dangerous criminal activity."

While announcing the invocation of the Emergencies Act on Monday, Trudeau noted that the military would not be called in to disperse the crowds but said the nation's police would be granted greater power to impose fines and imprisonment on those engaging in "illegal and dangerous activities."

"This is about keeping Canadians safe, protecting people's jobs, and restoring confidence in our institutions," he said.


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e2407f  No.15650725

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

convoy update coming up. Portland Andy stream


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94b8a2  No.15650727

File: ddb553289768bfb⋯.png (441.65 KB, 433x577, 433:577, Screen_Shot_2022_02_17_at_….png)


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207877  No.15650728

File: 6b03e98da470ed8⋯.mp4 (14.44 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, HCQ_REWIND_Looking_back_at….mp4)

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3bc50e  No.15650729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Dan Rather Reports


Dan Rather Reports - A Price to Print

>2,353 views | Nov 26, 2011

Toni Locy, a former reporter for "USA Today," sits down with us for her first television interview after being ordered by a federal judge to reveal her confidential sources for articles she wrote about the 2001 anthrax attacks that killed five Americans. The man who was the focus of the government's investigation says Locy's government sources ruined his reputation – and he wants their names. Also, U.S. Air Force Colonel Morris Davis was once the man in charge of prosecuting every detainee at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. He fully and very publically supported the mission there, so it came as out of the blue when Davis resigned from his post citing unacceptable political interference. In his first extensive television interview, Davis gives us an inside look at the debate surrounding the controversial Guantanamo military commissions. And, years after Hurricane Katrina, residents on the Mississippi Coastline are still struggling for normalcy in their way of life.

Under the "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976", allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.


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ddbe21  No.15650731


Welcome to the war.

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7e5545  No.15650732

File: be1959e1aa61269⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1000x1344, 125:168, 1a11a.png)

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207877  No.15650733

File: 4172d071b8b6b69⋯.gif (2.94 MB, 480x472, 60:59, bananarobot.gif)

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c22585  No.15650735

File: e2647168b844994⋯.jpg (97.6 KB, 840x560, 3:2, ifgjyhtgjhbajdc3efj.jpg)

"The Washington, D.C., City Council is scheduled to hold a special session Friday to vote on a measure to reinstate a recently lifted COVID-19 vaccine mandate in the nation's capital. The move follows Democrat Mayor Muriel Bowser on Tuesday lifting the vaccine mandate for businesses. Council member Brianne Nadeau, also a Democrat, quickly drafted an emergency bill to reinstate the vaccine requirement. The The measure, considered emergency legislation, will need nine votes on the xx-member council to pass. According to a recent poll, Washingtonians heavily favor the vaccine requirement that Bowser rescinded just one month after it went into effect. Nadeau argued that the mandate allowed residents to "go out to dinner, to go out for drinks, to go to the movies, to go shopping, because they haven’t had to worry about whether other people in that space are vaccinated." Nadeau said she want to "eradicate" the virus' high-contagious Omicron variant before getting rid of the vaccine mandate. "But then, we need to prepare for the next variant," she also said. "We just don’t know what’s coming down the road."


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8dda7c  No.15650736

File: 26a31131f839d22⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


turdo and the lesbian-radical feminist former premier of ontario are looking for more gay pryde parade marshals.

you'll fit right in

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a731c2  No.15650737

File: 949052e6c01eefd⋯.jpeg (36.04 KB, 474x266, 237:133, Truth_Social.jpeg)


There is always a contrarian & these might even be anti-POTUS contrarians trying to manipulate the market to make bank & failed. There's currently 15.21% float, 4.39 million short interest.

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9e8e00  No.15650739


How's Mike "Top Gun" Avenatti doin, BTW?

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a60ec7  No.15650740

File: 7b5c60cb8cf4c68⋯.png (42.54 KB, 652x420, 163:105, ClipboardImage.png)




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94f272  No.15650741

File: 6d63f93455f49dd⋯.jpg (178.84 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, jewish_myth.jpg)

File: dceb7d6ccb34d12⋯.png (151.36 KB, 628x858, 314:429, ABT_1.png)

File: d395f863e576647⋯.png (197.61 KB, 625x931, 625:931, ABT.png)

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94b8a2  No.15650742


don't know how based they are, and as in all sites there are alot of shills (ahem) but Baron runs a good site at elitetrader.com. It's been since day 2 of daytrading, early millenial.

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3bc50e  No.15650743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Dan Rather Reports


Dan Rather Reports - War Without End

>2,557 views | Jan 14, 2012

As the war in Afghanistan moved further and further into the heart of American foreign policy, Dan Rather travels to Kabul to speak with commanding general of Western forces, General David McKiernan about the challenges as he sees them and the way ahead. Following the discussion, we travel to the Afghan-Pakistan border province of Khowst to see what life is like for American soldiers on the front-lines. While there we witness a suicide bombing aimed at their small outpost and a gun fight where US and Afghan soldiers and police skirmish with Taliban fighters across the border in Pakistan. Finally, we return to Kabul for a visit to a Red Cross orthopedic hospital where war amputees come to try to rebuild their broken bodies and their broken lives.

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913c96  No.15650744


>"Allowing this case to go forward would risk criminalizing ordinary conduct, raise First Amendment concerns, dissuade honest citizens from coming forward with tips, and chill the advocacy of lawyers who interact with the government"…..

Absolutely. It risks all those very things that the dark side swine have created, and lust to cement in place forever. Fishermen love playing a fish, and then the last frantic spasm of the fish as it is netted. Suck it boys.

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1e64b7  No.15650745


Two tornado warnings going in Mississippi.

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838c02  No.15650746


so screwed, Lawfare lawyers, make up new ways to interpret laws, so too bad, so sad, ALL OF YOU FUCKERS ARE SCREWED!

Remember Page and Strzok were always sharing articles from Lawfare, that should have been a hit to the IG that they were all comped. But so is the IG, so they didn't care

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6f46ef  No.15650747

File: 0aacc10f79475ec⋯.jpg (211.91 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, 84294600_2758812980878383_….jpg)

File: 329118d4d381414⋯.jpg (59.55 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Elise_Stefanik_Net_Worth.jpg)

File: 659bcf4ce92f89d⋯.jpg (674.11 KB, 1365x2048, 1365:2048, 273899912_5642998035716766….jpg)

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34cad1  No.15650748




>Doctors and lawyers top out at just under 130

You know what? After seeing some of the crazy shit this anon's seent over the past few years, this is totally believable.

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1c9e7a  No.15650749


nicely done, my iq is low 140's based on a recent test.

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04a8a4  No.15650750

File: 358a4e77c05f386⋯.png (501.3 KB, 1003x690, 1003:690, ClipboardImage.png)


Court has Deemed the Festival LEGAL, Twice.

You can Bring your Kids to the Festival & Dance. Nothing will happen to you or your children

If your Going to Bring your Kids and Burn/Loot/Murder/Disrupt, Then yeah… you should be concerned.

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484983  No.15650751

File: 2e67dbc2d416794⋯.png (130.49 KB, 539x398, 539:398, ClipboardImage.png)

Papi Trump trolling Jack


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6a613c  No.15650752



Start with the macro show. Educate, learn the basics. If you twitter follow the team there for additional insights.

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af8c7f  No.15650753

File: a6acfc43754c756⋯.gif (4.79 MB, 330x287, 330:287, a6acfc43754c75621e93f368ce….gif)


>How's Mike "Top Gun" Avenatti doin, BTW?


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d9a841  No.15650754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Deceased Deputy Named Suspect in 1983 Murder of 11-Year-Old in Florida

Deceased deputy James Howard Harrison, a former veteran of 10 law enforcement agencies in Florida, is the "only probable suspect" in the 1983 murder of Lora Ann Huizar. DNA helped provide a breakthrough in the case, however, charges can't be filed due to Harrison’s death in 2008. WFLA Now's J.B. Biunno has the latest:


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fc1611  No.15650755

File: b5cc58caa813780⋯.png (315.35 KB, 1263x421, 3:1, ClipboardImage.png)


17th state

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94b8a2  No.15650756



anons will figure out what yer iq is soon enough, sport

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796412  No.15650757

File: 3badb2caf4ecaeb⋯.jpg (74.68 KB, 500x714, 250:357, 65ixfq_1.jpg)

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6f46ef  No.15650758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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7e5545  No.15650759

File: aaea18356daf12b⋯.png (708.88 KB, 600x794, 300:397, 1aa.png)


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e47d85  No.15650760

File: ed4d2cbfcf0d2f1⋯.jpg (44.34 KB, 600x319, 600:319, Nikola_Tesla.jpg)

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838c02  No.15650761


did anyone notice this guy is irrelevant, no one is triggered by him, his QAnon crap is drying up, he's a pathetic loser, and EVERYONE knows it.

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7278a9  No.15650762


Stale nuisance insta filter Kys

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34cad1  No.15650764

File: f2e0b0cb58b2426⋯.png (9.45 MB, 1891x2400, 1891:2400, ClipboardImage.png)


>Right Sektor

I read that too fast at first and saw this in my head.

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dfafe4  No.15650765

File: 72389170394b0c5⋯.png (577.38 KB, 755x761, 755:761, ClipboardImage.png)

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71ae29  No.15650766

File: cb3646d6e14b168⋯.png (384.01 KB, 548x448, 137:112, laugh.png)


Is this what PANIC looks like. I am equally amused and weirded out.

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484983  No.15650768


Thank you anon, much love, no homo


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94f272  No.15650769

File: 53efd3aef601c7c⋯.png (438.24 KB, 1009x548, 1009:548, 2_17.png)




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94b8a2  No.15650770


never heard of him, couldn't care less whether he lives or dies, tbh.

Not so with Rush Limbaugh.

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9e8e00  No.15650771


Ex post facto law prohibited by Canadian Charter regardless of so-called "emergency powers". These parents can not be charged.

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19a375  No.15650773

Austin Sends Warning to Putin Ahead of Trip to NATO's Eastern Flank

Austin announced that a U.S. Army Stryker company will move into NATO member Bulgaria as part of a joint training agreement struck Thursday. He plans to meet this week with leaders in Poland and Lithuania, which are also NATO members and are hosting thousands of U.S. troops deployed to counter Russian aggression.

The defense secretary flew to Europe to meet with the alliance as the world grappled with the biggest security crisis on the continent in decades.

Tensions again rose on Wednesday as Ukraine reported shelling that hit a school in the eastern Donbass region, where it has been fighting Russian-backed separatist forces for years. The shelling followed reports of cyberattacks within Ukraine.

The U.S and its allies have warned that Russia could use a false flag attack in Donbass to blame Ukraine for hostilities as a pretext for invasion.

Austin said the U.S. and allies are still evaluating the shelling and cyberattacks, as well as disinformation campaigns around the Russian buildup, but the activity is expected as first moves by Putin in any bid to take Ukraine.

"We're beginning to see more and more of that," he said. "We've said for some time that the Russians might do something like this in order to justify a military conflict. So we'll be watching this very closely."

Russian aircraft reportedly buzzed U.S. Navy patrol planes in several incidents in the Mediterranean Ocean over the weekend. The U.S. and NATO just conducted a massive naval exercise there with the USS Harry S. Truman carrier strike group.

Russia has continued its buildup in recent days as NATO members have become increasingly alarmed. President Joe Biden said Tuesday that Russia had massed more than 150,000 troops around the borders of Ukraine, which was part of the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

Putin annexed its Crimea peninsula in 2014 despite condemnation from around the world. While sponsoring the separatist conflict in Ukraine, he has spent the past year on the military buildup around its northern, eastern and southern borders, and demanded that NATO never admit Ukraine as a member.

Austin said the Russians have flown more combat and air support missions over the last few days, sharpened its readiness in the Black Sea, and stocked up on supplies of blood.

"You know, I was a soldier myself not that long ago, and I know firsthand that you don't do these sorts of things for no reason. And you certainly don't do them if you're getting ready to pack up and go home," Austin said at the NATO press conference.

The U.S. and its allies have rejected Putin's demands on Ukraine and NATO but continued to leave the door open to diplomacy with Russia, which was expected to respond this week to earlier entreaties to begin dialogue.

But any diplomatic process depends on whether Putin is serious about reaching a resolution, Austin said.

"If he's not, as his deeds thus far tend to indicate, it will be clear to the entire world and he started a war with diplomatic options left on the table," he said. "It will be Mr. Putin who will bear the responsibility for the suffering and the immense sacrifice that ensues."


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ab58c3  No.15650774

File: 4a6470413f396c2⋯.gif (2.66 MB, 640x266, 320:133, nobody_gives_a_shit.gif)

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a731c2  No.15650775

File: e6cb7ac40f89c73⋯.png (325.53 KB, 994x931, 142:133, ClipboardImage.png)


Same here, exactly the same. I would have never been in this position so I have zero empathy for any of these characters. I imagine money and status are everything to this guy. Let me be the boss for a day and they ALL get the chair. Immediately thereafter so do their minions.

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1e64b7  No.15650776


Isn't Mike the wannabe Rothschild?

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8f38a1  No.15650777


Mine's about 82

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1eded4  No.15650778


That guy is suffering from a major mental disorder

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19a375  No.15650779

Biden admin sues Missouri over law blocking federal gun control

On Wednesday, President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice sued the State of Missouri over a new law barring local police from enforcing federal gun laws.

Missouri’s Second Amendment Preservation Act, H.B. 85, which was signed into law late last year, declares many federal gun regulations “invalid,” including statutes covering weapons registration and tracking. Local law enforcement are banned from enforcing federal gun laws that lack an equivalent Missouri law, or risk being sued for $50,000 by private citizens who assert their Second Amendment rights have been violated.

Missouri police are also prohibited from giving “material aid and support” to federal agents and prosecutors in enforcing those “invalid” laws on “law-abiding citizens” — defined as those who Missouri law permits to have a gun.

In the lawsuit, Biden’s Justice Department argues that the Missouri law “uniquely discriminates against federal agencies and employees; impairs law enforcement efforts in Missouri; and contravenes the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution.”

The department further claims that there is “sound constitutional basis for federal firearm laws” that are enacted to serve “important public-safety functions.”

Additionally, the Justice Department argues that H.B. 85 “severely impairs federal criminal law enforcement operations within the State of Missouri” by preventing federal officers from working with local law enforcement.

“Critical information that state and local offices previously shared with federal law enforcement officers to facilitate public safety and law enforcement is now frequently unavailable to federal law enforcement agencies in the same manner as prior to H.B. 85,” the lawsuit states.

“A state cannot simply declare federal laws invalid,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Brian M. Boynton, head of the Justice Department’s Civil Division, in a statement. “This act makes enforcement of federal firearms laws difficult and strains the important law enforcement partnerships that help keep violent criminals off the street.”

Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement that the act “impedes” law enforcement operations in Missouri, and the U.S. “will work to ensure that our state and local law enforcement partners are not penalized for doing their jobs to keep our communities safe.”

Responding to the lawsuit, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt accused the Biden administration of putting politics ahead of public safety, Politico reported. For years, Missouri’s Safer Streets Initiative have promoted a partnership between local law enforcement and U.S. attorneys to prosecute violent crimes, but the Justice Department recently dropped out of the program.

“Time and again, the Biden Administration has put partisan politics ahead of public safety,” Schmitt said in a statement. “Make no mistake, the law is on our side in this case, and I intend to beat the Biden Administration in court once again.”


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6a613c  No.15650780


I've been an investor a long time. They are the best there is.


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94b8a2  No.15650781



Providence has blest thee in other ways, anon

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af8c7f  No.15650782

File: 6db3950575d66d7⋯.jpg (94.14 KB, 814x455, 814:455, Rembr.jpg)


Didn't do all of it, just added the Tesla part.



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a60ec7  No.15650783

File: 6c42f684cf0aae4⋯.png (454.12 KB, 652x595, 652:595, ClipboardImage.png)

Ex-President Donald Trump delivered a video address at a Unification Church event in Seoul over the weekend.





Maybe this is a MIL controlled account

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3c09ca  No.15650784


Godly trips confirm this is not a dick measuring contest.

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838c02  No.15650785


Even Antifa wasn't stupid enough to raise funds for a foundation, they just got the government and idiots to bail them out of jail.

Hate to say it, but never give money to grifter, criminal Black people that have never had it before, they'll do what Obama did in his 8 years, spend it like it's going out of style

That is not a comment on an entire race

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34cad1  No.15650786



I still think some of these folks are paid actors. Everyone's entitled to their opinion and speech, but holy fuck is this the dumbest fucking take ever? It's like he wants to be hated by as many as possible. Again, totally within his right, but why?

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88c309  No.15650787

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MPs debate motion on federal declaration of emergency – February 17, 2022


Not sure if this has been posted, but I just saw it!

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94b8a2  No.15650788


said everyone with a small One.

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b063a0  No.15650789

File: 3fb30e13e94267f⋯.png (194.1 KB, 474x355, 474:355, Gates_8.png)

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484983  No.15650790



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6f46ef  No.15650791

File: 4e020b043c50bbb⋯.jpg (43.8 KB, 400x400, 1:1, kTu50T5I_400x400.jpg)

File: 59ef5c2fb2587eb⋯.png (10.95 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 094372aae12057ccc4d38409d4….png)

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3c09ca  No.15650792

File: b6d05fc7ed59ce0⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, steinfart.png)


>Austin Sends Warning to Putin

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d9a841  No.15650793

File: d104c52b7176032⋯.jpg (130.7 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, download.jpg)

suburban Detroit golf country club just burned down

Massive fire breaks out at Oakland Hills Country Club, ripping through clubhouse


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b063a0  No.15650794

File: d99eef520649caf⋯.jpg (226.76 KB, 803x1200, 803:1200, thats_maam_stelter.jpg)

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aa1c72  No.15650795


nice, saved that

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d6c164  No.15650796


Now they should do sanctuary states / cities.

Same premise. Different response.

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838c02  No.15650797


paid agitators, they cannot make an honest living. He might even be a bot, or 1000s of them kek

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e12312  No.15650798

File: 9a50ded8fd1e2c7⋯.jpg (83.01 KB, 500x647, 500:647, fguxa.jpg)

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94b8a2  No.15650799


probably been abandonded since the italians bought Chrysler

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9aab6a  No.15650800


Girth, sway, and yaw angle matter.

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bdc74b  No.15650801

Randy Hilliar is on Portland Andy’s castything!

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94b8a2  No.15650802


zatso. never heard that complaint, anon.

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1e64b7  No.15650803


They trying to hide something?

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484983  No.15650804

File: fe83b4b0660f900⋯.png (456.04 KB, 461x544, 461:544, Grammar.PNG)



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29f87b  No.15650805


She needs a shower.

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838c02  No.15650806


Damn, I bet Putin is shaking in his boots! These people are really stupid and they are running the military

Who would be afraid of Austin?

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1bfe1e  No.15650807

cause of death for you will laugh

transmittal energy - skull fracture from front to back

can you hit your head that hard?

4 jabs or lumps to the back of your head


that's what hunter said…

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296499  No.15650808



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47086f  No.15650809

File: e509c9b26e4fc74⋯.png (513.09 KB, 991x715, 991:715, resitas.png)

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19a375  No.15650810

File: 9fd3341def28813⋯.png (390.99 KB, 640x400, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

38 billion isn't enough

Bennett presses Pelosi on Iron Dome funding, thanks her for support

At Jerusalem meeting, pair discusses challenges facing Jewish state, including Iran; Pelosi had told Herzog that Congress likely to fund missile defense system as soon as March

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett met on Thursday with visiting US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi in Jerusalem, thanking her for her longtime support of the State of Israel and urging her to push through congressional funding for Israel’s Iron Dome air defense system.

Pelosi, who is leading a group of Democratic lawmakers on a tour of Israel and the Palestinian Authority, met Bennett at the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem, together with the rest of the delegation.

“I would like to thank you personally for your continued support of Israel,” Bennett said. “Israel is a wonderful country with great people in a complex area. You supported Israel and your late father supported the Jews in our most difficult time in history, during the Holocaust, when support for Jews was not taken for granted. Thank you for everything.”

Pelosi’s father, Democratic congressman Thomas D’Alesandro Jr. of Maryland, supported the Irgun-affiliated Bergson Group, which lobbied the Roosevelt administration to allow Jewish refugees into the US during the Holocaust.

According to the Prime Minister’s Office, the pair also discussed “the central strategic challenges facing Israel, most prominently the Iranian nuclear program.”

Bennett also thanked Pelosi for supporting US funding for the Iron Dome “and stressed the importance of completing the process as soon as possible.”

Pelosi said during a meeting with President Isaac Herzog on Wednesday that Congress is expected to pass a bill for funding the Iron Dome system as soon as next month, according to the Kan public broadcaster.

The House overwhelmingly passed legislation to supplement Iron Dome funding by $1 billion to resupply the system following May’s war with Gaza, but Republican Senator Rand Paul has blocked the measure from advancing.

Israel’s Ambassador to the United States Michael Herzog and US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides attended the meeting between Bennett and Pelosi.

Herzog hosted Pelosi at the President’s Residence in Jerusalem Thursday, thanking her for the role she has played in the relationship between Israel and US.


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e68224  No.15650811


Electro shock therapy?

Yeah, um…


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8dda7c  No.15650812

File: 9b3817058e35144⋯.png (122.39 KB, 344x350, 172:175, 0b77715c0fc7899ba5abd0bf83….png)


maybe there's a good use for vaccines after all

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c03e90  No.15650814


>Canada police ready to move in to clear trucker-led protests

This has been said every day since day 1. Livestreams tell the truth

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a64c5d  No.15650815

File: 75cc4d0ab10e404⋯.jpeg (236.78 KB, 680x680, 1:1, In_the_pipe.jpeg)

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4d3d76  No.15650816


kill it wid fire

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34cad1  No.15650817


Has to be. Sad, really.

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0ba7fc  No.15650818


Think about the absurdity of the situation: Globalists and Democrats destroy the world with unfettered freedom while conservatives wait for ONE MAN (Durham) to trigger an arrest of someone important.

That's the current situation of the world. We are no longer hoping the military will save the world - it's now up to one guy.

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bf5e6c  No.15650819

File: 2256647cd9099c3⋯.jpg (399.86 KB, 1668x1492, 417:373, FLhZQeNVIAMw2b6.jpg)




Here’s the updated transcript of Trump’s latest Unification Church speech.

(Includes only his comments related, directly or indirectly, to North Korea)


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9e8e00  No.15650820


She has that cute "Yeah, I love my overly THICC body too….but they make me wear clothes…Sorry, this is the best I can do!" look about her.

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a731c2  No.15650822

File: cab4ff5a073d456⋯.jpg (13.11 KB, 255x149, 255:149, 777.jpg)


Glad anon asked, I was taught (failed effort) for decades by spouseanon to learn options. It's still a mystery. I only got DWAC because I believe. Then I play the Jr miners in tribute. I know those should be options plays but when the teaching was in progress muh brain went full potato every time thru sheer stoopid, not lack of desire to know. Maffs & anon have a checkered history. Unless it's cash money. Then my maffs are perfect. Or crap table payoffs, I know those well.

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dfafe4  No.15650824

File: f55eef6ad47b9a7⋯.png (398.4 KB, 721x481, 721:481, ClipboardImage.png)


>Dan Rather

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838c02  No.15650825


ok not a bot, a mix between a monkey and mongoloid

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78a385  No.15650826


Anon has long felt that stern justice is going to go way down the food chain. And now, watching various doctors (thinking Fuellmich, Renz, et al) say that the genocide was knowingly enabled and participated in by a huge number of tools, who thereby committed mass murder along with their bosses–anon thinks a very large boatload of fuckers are going to swing, all across the world. Q said a traitor's justice, and that includes a minion's justice.

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6a613c  No.15650827


>yaw angle

I kek'd

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8d99bb  No.15650828

File: a0c1742c12f567f⋯.jpg (143.38 KB, 720x385, 144:77, POSO_Muh_Chat_Logs.jpg)


>Virtual Reality


>Who is this?

2 tweets in the same minute


is fake & ghey as Stelter

in a diffenrent direction


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9aab6a  No.15650829

File: 457cfeaf9c2771b⋯.jpeg (91.2 KB, 481x346, 481:346, CDA3035E_B0AA_418D_B64A_1….jpeg)

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bdc74b  No.15650830


Not there and can’t know for sure… but insurance fraud would seem highly likely. Two years of decimated business and overloaded with Government imposed costs. Won’t be the least bit surprised if this goes around a bit more.

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484983  No.15650831

File: dc777a375d9d9fd⋯.png (10.11 KB, 255x208, 255:208, LaughingMonkey.png)


so so true! kek

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296499  No.15650832

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af8c7f  No.15650833

File: ab211cc31713daa⋯.png (446.58 KB, 600x509, 600:509, d48742e9e96874ae2e22c2af0c….png)

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9e8e00  No.15650834


Nah. We KNOW that the military could do the job. We're just hoping that Durham can do it the easy way by showing them.

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3c09ca  No.15650835


Dubs confirm low IQ and large clitoris.

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f732e3  No.15650836

File: ba971abe992db07⋯.jpg (62.82 KB, 833x531, 833:531, 1645109955971.jpg)

adding to current climate of warmongering of the deep state, all q topics gettind banned from halfchan now.

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3bc50e  No.15650837

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Dan Rather Reports


Dan Rather Reports - Money Man to the World

>4,266 views | Nov 27, 2011

A full hour investigation into the biggest bailout yet; one which nobody's heard about how the International Monetary Fund bailed out entire countries in Eastern Europe last year; all with the help of U.S. taxpayer money; only to benefit wealthy Western European economies. We gained exclusive access to what many call the most powerful man in the world Dominique Strauss Khan, the French socialist who runs the IMF.

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866b5e  No.15650838

File: 7f8d6b967ff7185⋯.png (497.65 KB, 1164x852, 97:71, Screen_Shot_2022_02_17_at_….png)

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311b39  No.15650839


>Who would be afraid of Austin?

our military is scary atm

idiots in charge itching to push the buttons and very unpredictable

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e85919  No.15650840

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0f0c9f  No.15650841

Pleasant surprise. Had to get a Covid test for surgery tomorrow. Quick swirl around the nostril, maybe 1/2 inch in and that was it.

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19a375  No.15650842

File: a239971e4ead723⋯.png (136.34 KB, 744x846, 124:141, ClipboardImage.png)

Israel snubs 'shameful' UN inquiry into alleged war crimes

Ambassador Meirav Eilon Shahar says the commission 'will only contribute polarization between Israelis and Palestinians, and Israel won't cooperate with the UN inquiry into alleged Israeli war crimes

Israel will not cooperate with the UN Human Rights Council's Commission of Inquiry (COI) into alleged Israeli war crimes, Ambassador to International Institutions in Geneva Meirav Eilon Shahar wrote on Thursday.

"There is simply no reason to believe that Israel will receive reasonable, equitable and non-discriminatory treatment from the Council or from this [COI] that you were appointed to lead," Eilon Shahar wrote to Navi Pillay, its commissoner.

The COI was established in the aftermath of the 11-day Gaza war and internecine rioting in May. It is unprecedented in its open-ended mandate – it can look into any alleged Israeli human rights violations in sovereign Israel, the West Bank and Gaza – and time frame, which could make it permanent. The UN General Assembly approved a budget of of $4.1 million annually for the commission.

It is led by Pillay, the former UN high commissioner for human rights who appointed four fact-finding missions targeting Israel, more than any country, including the Goldstone Report, and convened the anti-Israel Durban II conference, which platformed then-president of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Holocaust denial, among other anti-Israel moves. She has called Israel an apartheid state and advocated for the BDS movement.

"Israel engages on a frequent and regular basis with a wide range of international human rights bodies as part of its commitment to the rule of law and the advancement of human rights," Eilon Shahar stated. "At the same time, we expect such bodies to act in good faith, without bias and not in the service of a pre-determined political agenda."

"Regrettably, none of this can be expected from the COI," she stated.

The COI is clearly "designd to serve as a political tool, rather than an impartial investigative body," and "is sure to be yet another sorry chapter in the efforts to demonize the State of Israel, distorting the factual an legal record and hijacking the values, language and mechanisms of human rights in order to advance a partisan campaign," the letter reads.

Eilon Shahar noted that the COI is borne out of a pattern of discriminatory behavior by the UNHRC, which has approved nine investigations of Israel, which almost a third of all such bodies established by the council. Israel is also the only country with a permanent agenda item and special rapparteur, and is subject to more UNHRC condemnations than all other countries combined.

Though the COI was established in response to the conflict between Israel and Hamas, its mandate does not mention any terrorism by Hamas, which launched 4300 rockets into Israeli civilian populations in May.

The COI's "open-ended mandate…is effectively designed to investigate - in perpetuity - accusations against Israel since its inception," the ambassador said. "By mandating the investigation of so-called 'underlying root cause,' the Council has cynically set the stage for the COI to…manipulate reality and selectively target Israel in an effort to delegitimize and even criminalize its very existence."

Eilon Shahar pointed out that not only Pillay, but the other two members of the COI have publicly expressed hostile positions against Israel, despite the UN's rule to "ensure that the background candidates, prior public statements or political or other affiliations do not affect their independence or impartiality or create perceptions of bias."

The ambassador argues that the members of the ocmmission were "appointed because they were tainted with bias and based on their history of activism and hostile accusations against Israel, so as to guarantee a politically motivated outcome that is tailored in advance."

As such, Eilon Shahar said, over half of the UNHRC's members did not support the COI's establishment.


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1eded4  No.15650843


Where is your evidence that THAT Stelter is real?

kys hater, Poso is in the light now.

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6f8b93  No.15650845

File: 106da13bf0f5aeb⋯.jpg (83.13 KB, 500x537, 500:537, gyinff.jpg)

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4d3d76  No.15650846


so failure to deliver on the contracts for 1 million stocks means fine, penalties or other loss occurs to the non seller or entity that failed to deliver

I read about short failure but did not really understand what occurs

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c8348c  No.15650847


You don't get out much, do you?

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fc1611  No.15650849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



@12:10 - 13:53

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c238c6  No.15650850

File: 22abfa09a915372⋯.jpeg (9.65 KB, 255x186, 85:62, 22abfa09a915372fa85dc127a….jpeg)

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94b8a2  No.15650851


Small Membership Club representative found.

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29f87b  No.15650852


Desperate Harridan

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9aab6a  No.15650853

File: 2a0cd5621da9b13⋯.jpeg (68.28 KB, 640x640, 1:1, CB1F8C1D_694C_4FCC_9BEB_0….jpeg)


The ONE MAN you are waiting for is YOU.

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f21400  No.15650854

File: 3ced375ed0f7cc9⋯.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1668x1567, 1668:1567, F7083756_44CC_440E_B5F7_2….jpeg)

I was going through some old screen shots and ran across this one I had taken one night on the board. I think it is now relevant to what is going on with the released Durham info of spying on Trump. Thought I would share. Of course being a lawfag some of it is jumbo jumbo to me, but I knew you IT types would appreciate it if you have not seen this before.

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47086f  No.15650855

File: b3237baa77652c6⋯.png (174.01 KB, 295x325, 59:65, klaus.png)


>Canada: Finance minister Chrystia Freeland is on the World Economic Forum’s board of trustees.

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e437eb  No.15650856

File: 0bcf6a41491e7dc⋯.png (1.22 MB, 2350x484, 1175:242, DurhamJourney.png)


>Durham prosecution

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484983  No.15650857

File: fe83b4b0660f900⋯.png (456.04 KB, 461x544, 461:544, Grammar.PNG)




It kills me when people don't spell check a fucking meme. That's announcing t the world what an you're a moran!

Didn't it even look weird to you?

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19a375  No.15650858

File: d6b85ac831ff215⋯.png (993.73 KB, 768x650, 384:325, ClipboardImage.png)

Meet the California Dem Who Invited the CCP Into His Local Classrooms

A Democrat running for Congress in California worked to bring an educational program sponsored by the Chinese Communist Party into his community's K-12 classrooms.

As a member of the Hacienda La Puente school board in 2010, Democrat Jay Chen spearheaded an effort to bring the Confucius Classroom program to his district. The program is funded and run by China's Ministry of Education, an arm of the Chinese Communist Party that provides American K-12 schools with teachers and curriculum materials to teach their students Chinese language and culture. It's also linked to the CCP's Confucius Institute program, which provides similar resources to colleges and universities across the United States. The State Department in 2020 labeled that program a Chinese propaganda entity aimed at "advancing Beijing's global propaganda and malign influence campaign," and CCP officials have acknowledged that Confucius Institutes are "an important part of China's overseas propaganda set-up."

Roughly a decade after voting to bring a Confucius Classroom to Southern California, Chen is running to unseat freshman congresswoman Michelle Steel (R., Calif.). But the Democrat isn't distancing himself from his school board tenure—in fact, he's fundraising off of it. In a recent campaign email, Chen accused Steel of engaging in "anti-Asian racism" and contributing to the "rise in violent, anti-Asian hate crimes" after Steel highlighted Chen's support for "CCP-sponsored schools." Chen also dismissed criticism of Confucius Classrooms, which he described merely as a "Chinese language and culture program" that is not tied to the CCP.

Steel spokesman Lance Trover brushed off Chen's anti-Asian racism charge as "ridiculous," noting that Steel is one of the first Korean-American women to serve in Congress.

"There is broad bipartisan agreement that Confucius Institutes are an indoctrination effort funded by the Chinese Communist Party," Trover said. "Rather than condemn these indoctrination efforts, Jay Chen decided to double down on his support and call congresswoman Steel anti-Asian. This all raises serious questions about his ties to China, as well as his judgment for a ridiculous attack on one of the first Korean-American women elected to Congress. He owes voters an explanation."

Chen, who did not return a request for comment, was not entirely successful in his bid to launch a Confucius Classroom in his district. Following pushback from local parents, the district rejected the CCP's funding and teachers but accepted program textbooks from China, the Los Angeles Daily News reported in 2011. Chen defended that decision at the time, saying he didn't "see anything sinister about using books from China" given that "practically everything we use is made in China."

This is not Chen's first congressional run. In 2012, the Democrat unsuccessfully challenged then-Republican incumbent Ed Royce, losing by roughly 40,000 votes. Steel, meanwhile, was one of four California Republicans to flip blue seats to red in 2020, marking the most successful year for the Golden State Republican Party in recent memory. Steel defeated former Democratic congressman Harley Rouda by 2 points, even as President Joe Biden narrowly carried the district.

Chen, who now serves as president of the Mt. San Antonio College board of trustees, will have to navigate Biden's declining popularity in California if he is to successfully unseat Steel. According to a Berkeley IGS poll, just 47 percent of California voters approve of Biden's job performance, down from 62 percent in April of last year. Biden won the state by nearly 30 points in 2020.


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e46501  No.15650859

File: 815321d93a55eec⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1494x843, 498:281, tinfoil17.png)

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67bb2a  No.15650860


Fuck them! Protected 2A!

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94b8a2  No.15650861


>world what an you're a moran!

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311b39  No.15650862


maybe they don't engrish much?

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a60ec7  No.15650863

File: 2c60c38ceb53c7a⋯.png (154.07 KB, 1114x202, 557:101, Screenshot_2022_02_17_at_1….png)

File: 5c2c01dbe5a1fbf⋯.png (144.83 KB, 1083x202, 1083:202, Screenshot_2022_02_17_at_1….png)

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1bfe1e  No.15650864

wut do u bet sagat shots of the blows h=to his head were so brutal to match JFK

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78a385  No.15650865

China delenda est.

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8dda7c  No.15650866


portrait of freeland funded by SLIMFAST

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f21400  No.15650867


This was when I used to be on 4chan pre-Q era.

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af8c7f  No.15650868

File: cf24210731b7a6d⋯.jpg (444.41 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, Gat.jpg)


<may want this too.

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484983  No.15650869


much obliged anon.


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b063a0  No.15650870

File: f144eaa5a25e27f⋯.png (134.26 KB, 291x248, 291:248, ClipboardImage.png)

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6a613c  No.15650871


I'll still gamble once in a while. DWAC is a good example: bought at $15, sold at $100, rebought at $40. Your DWAC shares will convert when the new company get's to IPO'd.

That trade had nothing to do with economics. For me it is a Trump trade.

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5c60d6  No.15650872


It better. Unless they snitch on a lot of bigger fish. But even then, It BETTER ALL BE MADE PUBLIC. All they have to do is release the Truth. ALL OF IT. It will get bad for a bit, but after an adjustment, everything can be sorted out as long as it's known that the Truth going forward has to be the only way or else harsh & swift punishment

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9e8e00  No.15650873


This cuck has been smugly, 100% non-responsive the entire time as he knows that he holds JUST ENOUGH compd MPs to stay in power.

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f1bc84  No.15650874

File: 278f07e06d432f5⋯.png (66.82 KB, 770x556, 385:278, Whitmer_kidnap_trial_will_….png)

Whitmer kidnap trial will include explosives, virtual recreations of terror camp

Robert Snell

The Detroit News


The prosecution next month of four men accused of plotting to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer will be a multimedia production with testimony from four dozen witnesses, a replica bomb built by the FBI, virtual recreations of key locations, including a secret training camp, and a discrete plan to compensate for scandals engulfing the case.

Federal prosecutors sketched a broad trial outline in a court filing Thursday that provided a detailed view of a closely watched case that has shed light on violent extremism in Michigan. The case has coincided with a rise in political violence that culminated in the Jan. 6, 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol.



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9998e5  No.15650875

File: 90b622542e68a7d⋯.jpg (73.19 KB, 500x553, 500:553, 90b622542e68a7d76acd1b21f0….jpg)

File: 259dab6d8b69e6b⋯.png (518.65 KB, 1113x725, 1113:725, 259dab6d8b69e6bc4dfdcc8226….png)

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9aab6a  No.15650876

File: 1105ab16601c0b3⋯.jpeg (73.95 KB, 645x598, 645:598, 8AD7FEFC_9585_42C6_849D_2….jpeg)


Operator variability introduces error. The one you describe would promote inflated ‘false negative’ results.

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4571bd  No.15650877

File: a928b4efe2bdeec⋯.jpeg (24.06 KB, 236x233, 236:233, 5493F547_4397_4A9B_ABF6_B….jpeg)

File: 5a4655e9315e2f1⋯.jpeg (33.11 KB, 543x767, 543:767, 45BF54DB_0AF3_43B1_B72F_3….jpeg)

>>15650765 (you)


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bdc74b  No.15650878



[They] the swamp flopping bastards in DC, don’t have a big tech company in their back pocket to deal with the 2A like they used BiGTech to nearly snuff out the 1st.

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19a375  No.15650879

File: a44e1af186b4a50⋯.png (886.64 KB, 711x930, 237:310, ClipboardImage.png)

New Zealand: Threats to Seize Property If Fines For “Covid-19 Testing Non-Compliance” Are Not Paid

According to an image being shared on social media, a fine of $300 was issued in the first week of January 2022 for Covid testing non-compliance in New Zealand. It violates inalienable rights and freedoms to enforce medical procedures and when courts threaten fundamental rights because of disobedience to diktats it’s an indication the system is not working to the benefit of the people but for someone or something else.

The first fines for non-compliance with Covid-19 testing requirements were issued in July 2021 to 18 border workers. Routine Covid-19 testing had been mandatory for workers in specific roles at New Zealand’s sea and air borders and at MIQ facilities since August 2020.

The Ministry of Health’s director of public health Caroline McElnay said moving from monitoring to enforcement was a precautionary but necessary approach to keep Covid-19 out of the community, the New Zealand Herald reported at the time.

What is more sinister than the penalties for not complying with diktats to use tests – which are unable to detect live infection and are therefore meaningless in controlling the spread of an infectious disease – are the threats noted at the bottom of the penalty notice:

“If you don’t pay or arrange payment the court can:

issue a warrant for your arrest

Suspend your driver’s licence

Seize and sell your property, or take money from your income or bank account

Report your overdue fine as part of your credit reference check – meaning you may or may not be able to get a loan, credit card or hire purchase

Restrict your ability to sell property

Stop you from travelling overseas”

For not taking a test, for not being obedient to the state, a person could lose the right to drive, travel, obtain a credit card or loan and /or may be restricted in selling property. In essence, if a person does not obey, they risk having fewer rights. This has the look and feel of a Chinese-style social credit system.

Carol Sakey, from Wake Up New Zealand, believes the Chinese Communist Social Credit System is already operating in New Zealand.

“The Communist Chinese Regine are ‘anti-human rights’, atheist and opposed to Christianity. Noticeably these are similar characteristics as to Ardern’s Marxist Socialist politically ideology,” Sakey said last year.

It’s significant that Ardern was schooled at the World Economic Forum’s, or Klaus Schwab’s, Forum of Young Global Leaders.

Sakey continued: “Since Jacinda Ardern became Prime Minister of New Zealand our human rights, civil liberties, freedoms have become seriously eroded and our democratic rights targeted. It is because of this I believe that New Zealand has become fertile land to seed, grow the Communist Chinese Credit System.”


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e906ed  No.15650880

File: 4ece1fca05758f7⋯.jpeg (60.99 KB, 372x340, 93:85, 2801D64B_53D0_44AE_9122_7….jpeg)

Anybody gotta link?

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368bb9  No.15650881


Put her down, she's suffering…

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94f272  No.15650882

File: 3eba64c55022cb6⋯.jpeg (120.67 KB, 634x450, 317:225, 3eba64c55022cb6c3c22001c0….jpeg)

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ddbe21  No.15650883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Soft language will get you dead

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94b8a2  No.15650884


Human Rights Violations, anyone?

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8d99bb  No.15650885

File: 3b5a5c11619399b⋯.png (340.81 KB, 800x451, 800:451, POSO_its_all_about_muh_cha….png)

File: 9ef29974dccc91a⋯.jpg (157.01 KB, 1020x764, 255:191, _Jack_mossad_agent.jpg)


>Poso is in the light


>get out much,

Mossad GLOW nigga


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6f46ef  No.15650886

File: 95c43aee85b0b57⋯.jpg (11.46 KB, 172x255, 172:255, 14c5daff0e692d7712420a3d7d….jpg)

File: 970396c0aac59e1⋯.jpg (19.31 KB, 555x257, 555:257, 970396c0aac59e1b47e80a204b….jpg)


>portrait of freeland funded by SLIMFAST

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4571bd  No.15650887

File: 5cb9dc4ff0ed671⋯.jpeg (14.81 KB, 255x152, 255:152, 29CE2F6D_8E64_462D_A2DB_6….jpeg)

File: 363d6510768ac25⋯.jpeg (40.57 KB, 512x442, 256:221, 29A85456_2073_42B1_9155_4….jpeg)


Hope he gets all the boosters.

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6a613c  No.15650888


BTW, when you get to hedgeye, sign up for their free weekly newsletter. Then be patient, they will often offer new subs to the newsletter an almost free trial for 6 months or so on certain products.

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c8aff6  No.15650889



Pozofags: The Absolute State

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0f0c9f  No.15650890


Good. I'm fine with that.

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19a375  No.15650891

File: e2bdea9656cddf0⋯.png (513.12 KB, 768x604, 192:151, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c165bff82c5c0e⋯.png (109.85 KB, 756x548, 189:137, ClipboardImage.png)

Washington Starts Playing “Cyber Trump Card” Against Russia

While the global hysteria on the alleged Russian invasion of Ukraine is proving unsustainable and resulted in a harsh mistrust to the U.S. government and the MSM claims, Washington still keeps a trick up its sleeve, reminding that Russian hackers are on their guard, threatening the U.S. and global security.

On February 16th, the FBI, the U.S. National Security Agency and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency issued a joint cybersecurity advisory, claiming that from at least January 2020, through February 2022, Russian state-sponsored cyber actors have targeted U.S. cleared defense contractors (CDCs) on a regular basis.

Russian hackers got information that provides “significant insight” into weapons development, communications infrastructure and IT. However, no detailed information was provided and exact cases were not included in the document.

For example, “during one notable transgression in 2021”, Russians allegedly exfiltrated hundreds of documents related to the company’s products, relationships with other countries, and internal personnel and legal matters.

The bulletin only included the description of some well-known tactics of cyber-attacks.

Washington continues to discredit all its efforts in cybersecurity, claiming that “historically, Russian state-sponsored cyber actors have used common but effective tactics to gain access to target networks”. With the same old tactics the hackers manage to compromise such entities as “CDCs supporting the U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, U.S. Space Force, and DoD and Intelligence programs”.

“Historically, Russian state-sponsored cyber actors have used common but effective tactics to gain access to target networks, including spearphishing, credential harvesting, brute force/password spray techniques, and known vulnerability exploitation against accounts and networks with weak security. These actors take advantage of simple passwords, unpatched systems, and unsuspecting employees to gain initial access before moving laterally through the network to establish persistence and exfiltrate data.”

The bulletin is only one in a series of the recent accusations against Russia on the alleged cyberattacks.

On February 16th, Rob Joyce, the director of cybersecurity for the National Security Agency, claimed that Russian state-sponsored “cyber actors” have been “persistent in targeting U.S. cleared defense contractors to get at sensitive information.” And the onslaught is expected to continue.


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d9a841  No.15650892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Oakland Hills Country Club undergoes $12 million renovation

Jul 15, 2021


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2a9acb  No.15650893

Berry Sotoro

Feb 10, 2007- Feb 10, 2023

16 year plan.

Running out the clock lads

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8f38a1  No.15650894


Project ODIN

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1eded4  No.15650895


Not everyone who made mistakes will forever make mistakes.

KYS MOS inversion shill.

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6a613c  No.15650896


>Jay Chen

Looks like a member of the CCP

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9aab6a  No.15650898

File: 26f8df3dfb675c4⋯.jpeg (109.22 KB, 640x478, 320:239, A19D3953_ECCC_4A3D_9B3F_C….jpeg)

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34cad1  No.15650899

File: 183abb733c90f2e⋯.png (28.77 KB, 457x493, 457:493, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4c2ad5950cdb07e⋯.png (19.94 KB, 465x316, 465:316, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1664e7265981b25⋯.png (9.81 KB, 466x208, 233:104, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2268a005d73c77c⋯.png (827.36 KB, 816x792, 34:33, ClipboardImage.png)




Re read EO (last paragraph for summary of point):


Military has been involved since day 1. 2000 was the start, remember?

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a60ec7  No.15650900

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Newsmax TV Live on YouTube

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51c7bb  No.15650901

File: c159ec5cb587d2a⋯.png (225.73 KB, 427x429, 427:429, bye_oss.png)

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162ef1  No.15650902

File: a108ddef559e8e2⋯.jpg (81.68 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, 23534336637383174523558881….jpg)

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368bb9  No.15650904

File: 2d1085dabaaa225⋯.png (399.33 KB, 546x805, 78:115, new_notabru_diver.png)

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4571bd  No.15650905

File: 9cb202bd4c714e0⋯.jpeg (20.63 KB, 255x191, 255:191, CF119F09_2660_4E88_B3F3_7….jpeg)


Get boosted, faggot.

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a60ec7  No.15650906

File: 62995308e1d8e06⋯.png (837.41 KB, 1058x595, 1058:595, ClipboardImage.png)

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94b8a2  No.15650907

File: cdba69405587d64⋯.png (436.47 KB, 478x474, 239:237, Screen_Shot_2022_02_17_at_….png)

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484983  No.15650908


wise words!

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8dda7c  No.15650909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Acapulco Lips

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19a375  No.15650910

File: 36246a51dfda294⋯.png (454.66 KB, 710x1024, 355:512, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7087f96e675d04⋯.png (360.01 KB, 644x1020, 161:255, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Military Spent 6 Million Man-Hours On Wokeness Training, DoD Reports

"For every documented case of extremism in the military, our military spent a whopping 58,000 hours in training on extremism," GOP senators reported.

From Breitbart, "DOD: Military Spent 6 Million Man-Hours on Woke Training Under Biden":

The United States military spent nearly six million man-hours on an extremism “stand-down” and “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” (DEI) training since President Joe Biden took office, according to Department of Defense (DOD) data.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Mark Milley provided that data to Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) Republicans in response to an October 2021 request.

The data showed that service members spent a total of 5,889,082 man-hours on the “stand-down” — a day when all commanders in the military spoke to their troops about extremism, and on DEI, including critical race theory.

“We face real threats across the world, yet the Biden administration is more focused on promoting its leftist social agenda in the military instead of countering China, Russia and Iran or creating an effective counterterrorism plan,” said the Republican senators in a statement on Tuesday.

“Our military is not an extremist organization, and our service members, by and large all good people, are dedicated, faithful patriots,” they said.

The Pentagon's purge of the military was conducted in concert with the Anti-Defamation League, an anti-American extremist group that's teaching millions of schoolchildren across America that only white people can be racist.

Former Space Force Commander Matthew Lohmeier, who was fired last year for speaking out against critical race theory infiltrating the US military, revealed during an interview in May that the DoD is now teaching that "whites are inherently evil."

"There were videos being sent out to every base, service member, that we were asked to watch in preparation for our extremism down days and discussions on race in which we were taught that the country was evil, that it was founded in 1619 and not 1776, and that whites are inherently evil," Lt. Col. Lohmeier said.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin during his confirmation hearing pledged to purge the military of servicemembers he views as "racists" and "extremists," whom he described as "enemies" who "lie within our own ranks."

Since taking office, the former Raytheon board member has spent the past year focused on firing service members for refusing Big Pharma's "vaccines," working with the ADL to purge the military of "extremists" and fighting for the "right" of every soldier to get taxpayer-funded sex changes.


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0f0c9f  No.15650911

File: 282112a82ce1b36⋯.jpg (65.41 KB, 500x676, 125:169, ZomboMeme_17022022105459.jpg)

File: 88601cc435f23a5⋯.jpg (68.53 KB, 750x502, 375:251, ZomboMeme_12022022114159.jpg)

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af8c7f  No.15650912

File: a2d99b512e8b618⋯.png (232.75 KB, 768x752, 48:47, 2345e1ff4eeec0fe9cac5c53f6….png)

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34cad1  No.15650913

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e906ed  No.15650914

File: 9ce34e2f0ee7d99⋯.jpeg (586.71 KB, 828x1393, 828:1393, 86CC19CB_9C96_4EAC_B048_8….jpeg)



Than you anon

Look at that sign!!

Hooooly shit lol


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965ec0  No.15650915


Case should have been dismissed. Instead, the judge said no FBI shenanigans would be considered. Blatant stuff. The innocent are pilloried, and the guilty walk off untouched. Same as J6 so far, which MI was a dry run for. The low IQ, low morality tards who accept and go along with these things, without looking or thinking, are beyond redemption. They love them some Gropy and some Fidel and some Comrade Xi.

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368bb9  No.15650916

File: 2d1085dabaaa225⋯.png (399.33 KB, 546x805, 78:115, new_notabru_diver.png)

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fd6d6f  No.15650917

File: fc5a56b110896da⋯.png (91.39 KB, 1080x572, 270:143, Memeto_1621905679267.png)

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94b8a2  No.15650918


>Hooooly shit lol

all for a larp, anon

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8d99bb  No.15650919

File: caa4eeb559eea2e⋯.jpg (26.18 KB, 330x500, 33:50, photo_2022_02_02_17_41_21.jpg)


>MOS inversion shill.

fake MAGA

fuck off clown. HONK HONK

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112a03  No.15650920

File: 09cadba23833b37⋯.png (69.06 KB, 366x297, 122:99, jazz2.png)

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0ba7fc  No.15650921




It will take generations to undo the generations of indoctrinations of children, students and soldiers.

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